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MATOVA, Te.lfe.; POSTNOV, Tu.V. (Moskva) Endocardial fibroelastosis in adults. Arkh. pe.t. 27 no. 12: - 68-72 #65. (MIRA A -.1-2) 1. Patologoamtomichookaye otdoloniye (say. - prof. A.M.T'Lkbort) Instituta terapii (clir. - deyetvitellnyy chlen AMN SSSR prof. A.L. Myasnikov [deceased]) kRN SSSR. Submitted Sept. 29,, 1964. 'A cc NR, 9W--R(x NMI -UNPOW/6671711COY/06OW006 s Choushev, V. X.; Lyashobsoko, D. 0 Novak LZ 1. ve V, none s Neutron dirfraction reat!jw .Lion or radlih=wInduced ordering im M13VD and NWFI/21i~1;2 9 SOURCE: AN SSSR. Doklady, Y. 171, no. 1, 1966, 81-83 T6pic TAGS: neutron diffraction, neutron irradiation. fast neutron, ordered allo;r, nickel allay, manganese containing alloy ABSTRACT: The tests vere node an polycrystalline samples irradiated in a tylle SM re- actor in an integral fast-neutron flux 3.5 x 1017 neut/eml at a temperature 60 -- 70*. The neutron diffraction pictures vere taken 56, 74, and 87 or more daye folloving the Irradiation. DDth samples exhibited ordering action of the reactor irradiation,vith (Oft) m& (M) lines appearing for the nickel-iron-imangeneve compumd, and also ammered.(022) and (112) lines for the nickel-mangwese alloy. The latter Wo lines Indicate that long-range atomic order Is also produced. The degrees of long-range order, deterwimed from the ratios of the intensities of %be aVerstructure lines (Doi) and (OU) to the Intensity of the saft line (111)9 differed b- -1most & flaistor or tvo., NN, AP6036756 This diffisrance Is attributed to the aminotropy of the distribution of the radiation defects. IS Is concluded from the results that ordering of a previously disordered N131ft allay Is feasible, and that this phanamenan depends an the conditions under VkLiGh the experismsts were mms6s, This *xPlains also discrepancies and the results obtained bW others. Mw authors tbmk Vo L 111makov for valuable advice. This xmp:ort vas presented JW Anadmisiciam Go V,Mn*uwv 2FJmuu7 106. OrIgo arts but 1 figure SM CMOs 20/ W= A02s CTJ=65/ QUO RM OCR/ WN Ws 005 MATOVETSKkuv G.S. Fspublic Seminar of Ybysicians of Food Hygiene. Zdrav. Bel. 9 no92 179 F163. (MIRA 16:7) (WHITE RUSSIA,--FOOD ADULTERATION AND INSPECT 10N-C0hGRESSFZ:, mAwrivany. I. -- woommPe. Actl~4itles ~f the later-41strict psycho-a4mrologle" lost allulas gw~ wvr, I palkh. 34 no.6:603-W Jo 154. ?S?) (#A3= PWINMI-PEM" (I V r-um-11AWD PMIN=) MATOVIC, Anton, inz. The wood Industry and wood research in Finland. Drevo 19 no.11: 419,419 N 164. 1. Faculty of Forestry of the Higher School of Agriculture, Brno. XATCVIC., Y.. ,~ Melationship between benefits and contributions in social security." p. 43. (Socijalna .-PbUtika, Vol* 3. no. 6. June 1953. Beograd.) 50t Mmthly List 2f East European Accessions Vol. 3, no. 6, Library of Congresis, June - 1951,- Uncl. MATIOVIC, V. "How to ImT)rove our Modelmaking" p. 2 (AXRO SM , Vol. 2. no. 7, Jan. 1952, Beograd. Yugoslavia) SO: MonthIZ list of Sast Suropean Accessions, LC, Vol. 3. no. 5. May 1954./Unel. "ATOVIC, V. IlAeronaut.ics in 10, 2: How Far it is Possible to j,-o with GomF' ica~,Cd Conz'-rI:-Ct-(~:,. L and Righ Prices o~ Planes; *.,:het~-zer t.~ie Bul-uts of Various car. Bear the Burden of Anaament in the Air" P. -- (AERO SVET, Vol. 2, no. 22-, Atzg, 19-1;2, Beolrad, YLitosla',ria) SO: Monthly List of East European Acce.~3sions, LC, Vol. 3, nc. 5, May KPMVICI V. "Road in the UniL-ersrull P. 11~ I'Fi-htinC in the Fo-ff 1). 6 "Hermetically Scaled Cabins of lbdorr, I'lanes" 1,. 7 (AER0 STIT, Vol. 2, no. 22, Aug. Bco(;rad, Yugoslrvia) SO: Monthly List of East European Accessions LC, Vole 3, noe ~), May 19-I'It/Uncl. HATOVIC., V. "Flight Through tine ',7niversell P. "Throe Victories" p. "Guided ~,ock.-,z Fl, 3,2-'~G I lon, ters ar, "our" i. 7 "The areatest AtorS,.-. ..-,:plodc,' to p- (AERO 37.7.~Tp Vol. 2 no. 23, September 1,1'2, Yu.,- -oslL-i'a) SO: 112n~~ List of Ec-.3t iuropean Accussions LC, Vol. 3, no. :a-- I Incl. LATOVICP V. "Flanes -r -,4bots; Curre--tu *.~sc " ", . ! i . tA-ERC :;I.-EET Vol. 2, no. Septc-m-Ser !~,"2, -~ec-m j 1 .9 1 , d, Yu?o3l, -.-ia' SO: Monthly List of East Eurcq-.-can Accessions, LC, Vol. 3, nc-. '~, flay 19~;,4/Uncl. "Small '1 4 ',uc in. "',mLil J _tLr Jc'- fian(~; '.1 e f In i a:3 ~r.-.wrient is ,n ~ur ons-! -Icrat~,.,)r, I (AEIRC S,w-:T, Vol. nr,. kq.,u-st, 19-"3, '-'ui-oslavia) SO: Monthly List of East -urorcan Accessions, LC, -#,'o]-. -11, no. i:a.: 1--~ '.I, ncl. I-J.TICVIC~ T! "World's Faszest Doi6ber, tht~ -3oeing, "S"~rz~to'-)'et" p., "A Reconnaissance and a irimillhal -eturn" P. G IVY--igoslav Air lorce Lnd y. 9 (AERC 6TLT, Vol- 3, no. 3, Dec- 19'13, Beograd, Yu,-,osl.~via) SO: Montbly List of-East ---;'uropean Accessions, LC, V~l- 3, no. r, ::a,-- 19'-L/~Jlnul. MATOVIC I V. "Experiences in the First World Parachute Championship in Bled, 1951,11 Narodna Krila, Beograd, Vol 6. No 1, Jan./Feb 1953, P. 16. SO: Eastern European Accessions List, Vol 3, No 1l.. Nov 1954, L.C. MATOVIC, V. "Flying saucers; phenomena above us," Narodna Krila, Geograd, Vol 6, 140 5, July/19W. (I.e. SePt./Oct.) 1953, P. 33. SO: Eastern European Accessions Ust, Vol 39 140 11o 14ov 1954, L.C. BMMUZVICp Riodragg student (Beograds FMys Klajica 28); NA2MC. 4-4r- tehnicki saradnik; VARKOVIC, R-dem' V bniold saradnik.. gespuf Current problemo in aviation. Tesla no.13/14:34-35 S-0 55. MATOVIC, V. Flight to the moon. p. 24. TESIA. (Jugoslovensko drustvo "Nikola Tesla" za unapredenje nauk(i i tehnike) Beograds Yugoslavia. Vol. 6., no. 3, MaY/June 1959. Monthly List of Zast European Accessions (EEAI) W, Vol. 8, no. 8, Aug. 1959. Uncl. DI 0 Allbers, prof.agtronmij; GFTInD,, Kewst; Manz. Kwitafa *ftw~dp daktw; KBDM,, Wof.; KHATAR&Uv Takeem, astremm, piof-j MGERO EvVm# Pzvfo,, "taialist v oblasti rekstavy tekbalki (Federat 8 8 . ro NEVIRp To. Prof. (Irla ; IR&MIOLWOV, A., akad :1k* (BDIWiya); LIIM p N p"f 0; Kk L.,, doktor, "tialist po komolqai (ssM)I!, WD YA,, VJ4-.,t daktar; CREMMLEN, Do; CHMAO TSZYU-CBMM [Cabo Chin-cbang],-, NAGATA, 1. World Beientists about the fligbt of A.. Niko:Laev and P, Popovich. AVA kosm. 45 no-10:31-33 062. OURA 15:20) le Direktor Frantmmskogo obahchestra kiberneUki (for Dp*er). 2. Ifitse-1wazident Obahchestva mshplmetnykb soobshchenijr, AiagLiya (for Geltend). 3. GeneralInyy mskr*t4Lrl U8U6:MO- issledowat I'skogo tomtra Ob'yedInennoy Armbskoy ReepublW (for Khm :). 4. Cblen govudaretyennogo kamiteta po ii-tamnc7 swr9ii, Gana (for Undsey). 5. Toklyskiy universitel (for Shatanaka). 6. Mraktor radioastronmicheiskoy obeeftif#orii Dzhodren-benk,, volikobritaniya (for iovell). (Contiwmd on neirt curd) DTUMM, Allberp prof astronceii-(continmd) Card 2. 7o Ptedsedatell astronawtichookogo obabehostya, Pollsba (far lmbU,). So Sekretarl yugoslavakop antranodcheakago i ri&ketnogo obahchestw4 (for Natovlch). 9* Zamatitell direktora Mitsionallnoy fMdchookay laboratorlis ImUp (for Tavdlya). 10. Pralstavitell IblyuBtom*ogo toonta po isosdanlyn komicheskogo korab3,1?9. a *Upazbm,, SSM (for Chotkberlon). n. Direktor Instituta goofisik:L litayWmya NaroduAya Respablika (for CHZUO 14.;ZYU- CHZHAN)a 12. Direktor Inatituta radiovoln,, Yaponiya (for Nagata). (space fligbt) HATOVIMUH, TO.G. (Riga) Gme of establishing the shape of a Imife blade from tnat of' the wound channel. Sud.-md. ekspert. 5 n0.1'.56-57 Ja-Mr 162. (MIRA 15-4) (TONGUE-VOLM AND WURIES) MMVIEDTIC, J.: JOVALXIC, U.: VDVACIC. 1. - - moommkow fetipW. Nowrqplbljatrlja 2 w-3:'121-132 1954, 1. In laterso klialke Nedletnakog faktdtota, Zog"b. (TRUW) KATIDTIADVIC. J.. KOVACIC. N. Bodoertme bons diseases. Acts, chlr*lvgosI,2 no.1:13-28 15,35. 1, Interns. klInUm Nediclaskag fWm]Ltets u Zogrebu. (WIM, also caused by endocrine glaid disord..dUg. & ther.(Ser)) (ANDDCRIO DISROM. compl, bone dis..diag. & ther:(Ber)) MAIDTIADVIC, J.; ZDTACIC. N.; HDVAK. S. PathoplWolologlead md clinical WmArom of IWMlycmd&. Yearo- polblatriJa 3 no.1:38-53L 1955. 1. Is Interns I Noupolooko-psiblJotrijoke klialke Nedicizedrog fakultets, u Zqpebu. (MWWC=IA. review (Bar)) FMM. S.. Dr.: MMTINDTIC. J.. doe.. Ar.: KDTACTC. N.. dr.: "NON Buzzi. 0 Itnporthyroldlm In the village Rude near mo., -to HICIjema, Deftr- 7 no.1-4:2"r3O6 1955. 1. Contralni. blejenski savod, Zagreb: laterm klinika lledicimikog fakultsta, Zagreb. (OD122B, epldmdol. ezdmie In YWSI., statist. (Ser)) PUBBG. Z., Dr.; SAMR, N.. dr.; MA20TIADVIC, J., Doc., dr.; MUM, N., dr. Incidence of goiter among lieboolchildren In Zagreb. Bigljena. DOW. ? no.1-4:307-321 1"5. 1. Centralni blejeaski savoe. Zagreb (for Probeg and SkIser) 2, KlIalks, sa Interne bolestl Nedicinskog fakulteta, Saffleb (for Natovlnovic and Zwaclc). ODITIM. spidentol. endemic In Yugool. In sebool child., statist. (Ser)) Zf 14 .UWV7]IDVIC. J.dr: KDrZCIC. IL. dr; OB~)F=, B. dr; ---- P&tbopiWelolaff and symptamt*LW of Omshtmgls symIrame. L-Ijer. TJOB. 77 on.1-2:1-13 Jan-Feb '55- Is laterm klialke Kedicimkog fakulteta u Zaaebu. Woman STMKWI. sympt. & p&tbopWulol.(Snr)) MDTACIC. N. Dr.; NMYINDVIC. J. dr: PADBIWAR. 14. W11WA "P - Metabollm of water In byperthyroldlen. Lljoe.vJem. 77 ne.3-4: 145-152 Nar-Apr '55. 1. Is Interne klinike MeAlcinskog faWteta u Zogrebu. (IffPSIMMMISH, metabollm In water, aboormd RobinsonAppler-Power test, pe-thogen (Ser)) NAM Metab. in b"ertbyroldins, abnormal loblumon4epler-Power test pathogen. (Bar)) = .PVACIN. N. -, PADSAWAK. M. qLSWJ,.-~ M Itiology. potbapbysiology and treatment of hyperthyroosts. Acts. chir. lugool. 3 no.2:105-126 1956. 1. Interm klinika Medlcinekog fakultets u Zagrobu. (RYPWdWRDIDISK (Ser)) I.N.1 DUU)CMIMAo V.V. HoU64 owe for aftlammte in ChelyaMwk. Zdmvloa.YW*r. 6 soolOsI346 0 f62* (NDA 164) 1. Zwmtltfdt --mbobego ChelyabMukla-prodidds otdolm afts. only& I Yatovokly)o 2o Zavwuvk"sbchaya 2y*biwkla sorodskin podroothovya labimtm (for 161odAikma). (CHKLUIkTMff--MWZDRZ9.= AND NTGIM) XLIMKIY, I.N.t RWRTv, BRISEM, A.D. Soood Scientific aW Practi*al Conforeme an the Irtuoy of the Inflummus spidedo In Chelyabinsk in 1962, Top.v". ? no.6t 757-758 N-D 162., jlwul 16t4) (CHMIABIML-IMMAU, .... -n I MOT51irs I.M. ~ Orgaulastion of pubUc lnmpwtlms In the Cbaljublwk tbarapmtle Imutguous prawlddm awl"I care ror lafimtrlid work"L, ldr*v.Roa.Yod. 7 no.4s17--Z Ap 163. 1. Zs~tltoll sawedur4dwhago ChoUablaskin gorodakis owelm ad"'Vookbraftem"s. ~-~ I (CUMRMm-jwFITAL5--MF=MN) HATOVSKII I.M,- SMMININA., L.D.; KORNYUSHMA,, O.G. Influenza incidence among medical workers duriAc., the in- fluonza epidemic in January 1962. Zdrav. Ros.Feder. 7 no.7: 15-17 J1163- (MIU 16:9) le Zamestitall zaveduyushchogo Ghelyabinskin Corodskim otdolom sdravookhranoniya (for MRtavskiy). 2. Nachallnik modike-sani- tarnoy chasti Chelyabinskogo traktornogo zavoda (for Serodi- nina). 3. Zaveduyushchaya otdoleniyam meditsinskoy statistiki modiko-sanitarnoy chasti Chelyabinskogo zavoda (for Kornyush- kL=.) (CIMrTADnGZ-DWLUENZk) (14MICAL PERSONNEL-DISFASES AND HYGIEIF.) GRIGORIYEVA, A. T.1 YEIETSKOVA, A. S.; ODINTSOVA, K.P. PATRINA, G. V. (Chelyabinsk). Results of the organization of a diseases in Chelyabinsk. Zdrav. Ag 163. (MIRA 16:10) (CHELYABINSK-MED1CINE, center for occupational Roo. Feder. 7 no. 8:26-27 INDUSTRIAL" A~ floyllmmil,( .; ODIRTSM, I.Pol SHAPIRO, A.Sh, Proftlaxis for angina Incidence at inftstrial enterprlsom in M017M.Myloke Zdrav. BDoe Feder. 7 noo8s3D-32 Ag ,63. (MM 16 s 10) CHELUMSK - TCUSUS - DMMM) CHELYABIM - BDUSTRIAL BY 1. I HATOVS&Ut I.M. First conforence-of.the-nedical worters of Chelyabinsk, leaders bf the movamt for comundst vork. Urove Roo. Feder. 7 no.9t 45-46 S 163. (Mk 16 110) MA7%)VSKIY, I.M. Forms of publicity for advanced experience. Zdrav. Hos. Feder. 8 no.208-39 F163 (MIRA 17:3) 1. Zamestitell savedu7ushehogo Chelyabinskim gorodskim otdelom zdravookhraneniya. MT(NSKIY.. LM RABXINA.. S.A. Impaction of therapeutic prophylactic institutiorLs in coicaection with their antiepidemic work. Zhur. mikrobiol.: apid. i imun. 42 no-8:136-138 Ag 165. (KMA 18:9) 1. Chelyabinskiy gorodskoy otdel zdravookhranenlya i Chelyabinskaytt gorodskaya sanitarno-epidemiologicheskays stantsiya. *~!PP-M41KINi re.Af .2-R, 6f -and, ":rlod a -Y~ pr (MIRA HATOW, Xonstanty (tbtoff U lafsation witb trichimellosis bw perorml introduction of intestize2 TrUhIsalls onsible? Wladommal pamsyt., Vams. 3 no.2-3:20962_V 1"70 I* Z Rateft Pwarytolagil Ia. Skrjablna Wyds. Wet i Cestr. Zaklaft Helvintologil 3ul,mrsklej Akadoli Sauk W Sofil. expor, infect, tr lperoral Introduction of Intestinal Trichimella III nalftle (POI)) MAIM; Kenstantr-M.M."Ne" Probl~ concernIM - Achinencels & whisoewcoals. 1. fi~!-.hlnella ..4!r-spiralls and trichit Wladomosal parasyt., Varss. 3 no.4:397.. 410 1957. 1. L lktow: soft&, Bnlgarl&. (TRICHISOBEB (Pol)) %FATOWS -- K. Aablevownts and furtber developmut of vowrInary parasitology in bAlgaria.- Viad. paramyt. 8 no.5t565-572 162. (&~.-UWITIC DTsltA-qEs) (VLVEF-UIARY WDICIW AIBAGYA]ll, G*V.;. BLYATrAll, G*L&.;. MOYANX 1~.S.; MELMAN, B.G. Seulautamm~ltla computor of second dIfferances. PxjLb.1 Itekh.skap. noi4:132-132 ji-Ag o6o. (Xim 131-9) MAKAROV, P.O.; MATOYANp D.S. Adequatometry and discretometry of A winking reflex. Bloftzika 10 nc).2-. 297-303 165. (MIRA 18:7)~ 1. Fiziologicheakiy institut imeni l1khtommkogo Laningradetkogo gosuclarstven- nogo universiteta Imeni Zhdanova. 86758 S/120/60/000/006/034/045 2032/R314 1-50-2 0 0003,70 //1/* /01/?) AUTHORS: Gasparyan, LoGoo and Melikyan, E.G. TITIRs A Reflected-light Illuminator for Use in Scanning Thick Photographic Emulsions PBRIODICAL& Pribory i tekhnika eksperimenta, 1960, No., 6~ p. 121 TRITs In following long tracks of relativistic particles in thick photographic emulsions considerable eye strain is involved on account of the apparent low contrast of the image. In order to increase this contrast, the present authors have uu,ed a reflected-light illuminator (type C)t4-71 (01-21)). This illuminator is shown in Fig. 1. The latter has the dis- advantage that light reflected from various parts of it, as well as the light coming from the object, enters the eyepiece. The light is largely reflected front the end of the drive I and the lenses of the objective 2 (Fig. 1). These dis- advantages were removed by the following modifications, The drive 3 is replaced by the hollow tube 4 whose inner surface is coated with a black matt paint (Fig. 2). The light Card 1/4 &)758 S/12o/6o/ooo/oo6/034/045 E032/Z314 A Reflected-light Illuminator for Use in Scanning Thick Phutographic Emulsions reflected from the objective is reduced by using a ring- shaped aperture 5 in the light source. The external diameter of this ring in chosen so that its projection onto the objective in equal to the diameter of the top lens of the latter, while the inner diameter in chosen so as to obtain the maximum contrast. The distance between the illuminator and the microscope lies between 25 and 30 cm and the image of the track in then obtained in the form of bright points of light (silver grains) against a dark background. This method can also be used to study the surfac** of metals and biological specimens. Sometimes, it is convenient to make the inner disc 7 adjustable so that different effects of illumination can be obtained. Card 2/4 RA S/12 c /6 O./&;?oo6 /03 4 /o4 5 E032/E314 A leflected-light Illuminator for Use in Scanning Thick '-..!T-ographic Emulsions OT ZA, - 0b I ~ C= ml:~:j I i A I r A 0 Card 3/4 86758 S/120/60/000/006/034/o45 E032/E314 A Reflected-iight Muminator for Use in Scannin~~ Thick Photographic Emulsions There are 2 figures. ASSOCIATION: Yerevanskiy gosudarstvennyy universitet Card 4/4 (Yerevan State University) SUBMITTED: October 6, 1959 Mra~3urir,a t~-e react-vit- h-man a,.,a adsouate sti-rTali. Nerv. nc,.r_:I2'--34 ,radskogo f-(si.darstvernogt-.. 1. Fafcd--a 'bjOfi7ik- ',,eninf- KISIry I'a-lisil , MA TR ~ f )ad,.) I f ijiejoadc - ..,,L- ., Newer iris tnintlona for pa:--el t.ranavorl.- ~.-, -' - -. 1. -, -.-j kc)r.l 20 Z9 N I IN . 1. MlniftLry of Trp-n3r.-TLA';l!(~- 6nd ns%al AffaLre, . KITRUMP 00 0.1 Aursical treatment of cervioal preganey with the aid of Vaginal cervAcotoW and hometanise Akuabo i gia, 3% no,5: 129-131 " 1639 (MIRA 170) 1. Is 1-y Bukharestakey akushersko-ginakologichookay 104mikl (dir. - Prof. To. Aburel) 39~45 1 S/08IJ62/000 012/053/063 B158/B101 AUTHORS:. Jedlinaki, Zbigniew, Kulkowa, Jadwigaq Matracka, Wanda TITLE: Fire-proof paints PF.RIODIQAL. Referativnyy zhurnal. Khimiya, no& 12, 1962, 60jj, abstract 12P214 (Tworzywa. Guma. Lakiery, v. 5, nos. 11-12,-1960, 35?-354, 384) TEXT: For the protection of a material against fire, a paint is applied which under the actiop of fire forms a fused vitreous layir or foamed microporous layer. Sb, Al and Bi oxides, and SbS are used as pigments as well as cheaper pigments and fillers: ZnOq Ti02'-MgS:r0,' BaS049 Zn 3(B03)2 and CaCO 3' For foaming and swelling are added (NE 4)3PO4' casein, starch, urea, dicyandiamide, polyamide resin, carbonates, K 3PO 4' salicylic acid, glycerine, methylenedisalicylic acid, and benzenesulfohydrazid.e. Asbestos powder* graphiteg mica, shale powder, Al minerals, Al (03)31 MgOp and also fatty .hydroxyacids, treated with C12 or 9 3P0 4' glycine, boranes, H,B03' Card-1/2 Fire-proof paints S10811621000101210,31063 B158/BIOI salicylic acid, triethylphosphate, chlorinated diphenyl; polysulfideB, etc. are added to form a vitreous layer. Fire-pijof additives are also introduced: chlorinated paraffins, tetra- and pentabromophenol, ( BrCH2CH 2)3 PO4, and (CH2BrCH2Br)3POC Polyamide, aminoaldehyde and cumarone-indene resins, bitumens with Cl-containing additives, polychlorinated aliphatic hydrocarbons, fluoro-resins, polyesters obtained from fluorinated multibasic acids, and chlorophthal~c acids are used as fireproof film-formers. The use of chlorinated rubber and polyvinylacetate is surveyed in detail. [Abstracter's-note: Complete translation--] Card 2/2 -1 "M.=It ZhIpildnig doe, pdr. gins, I pins. Inticorroalve protection of almobus alloys In ahipbundIng. Md akretave Waresum 7 no.203-59 162. 1. Politsobnlka Slanks Jul-LONTI Zbigniew; kA ~ STANKMKI, Henryk StIXU$8 On th6 physiCoebemical structure of organic coatings. Ptl U PolimDry tvorz wialk 8 no,4&151-154 Ap 163. 3-o Nat*dra Powlck Organinnyvh., Politechnika.9 Glivice,, i Instytut Farb i LaIderaw.. Glivice. P-DAUkrJt.t-SZANDOROWSKI I N. Qtdak mtbA of testing resistance.of paint coatings to nwous erosion. Pbllmry twors wle2k 7 no.10078-380 0 062. I*, Instytut Farb i Lolderaw, Gliwice. NATBU, Aryad, okl. bmWamrnok *"L". MaNdnation or the oorrelatIon betwon the not prodwtlm value per obIft and the expectable cost 2en2, SW lap 9,4 no.123764,-768 N 161. 1. Toruleti fomernok, lonloi Szenbanyaosatt Tmst, Zmlo, MATRAI. Gyula, mernok, iran,7ito Istvan, mernc-k, m U ~k A' f a- -r,,-9 The Gyongyosr--.s7,! Aam. 1. Civil Inpi n,~-,~ri np rti ~ n-tr rr the Mlir i F. f r Construc tion. 11-: 1 RFx-- s + " fcr li-~I -i of Water Re soil-H s lcl;mt- - HATRAI, I. *Great hydraulic construction in the Lulgarian Five-Year Flar." ~*lyepitestudamaayi Szemle, Budapest, Vol. 4, flo. 5, May 1954, p. 233. SO: &stern European -11-ccessions List, Vol. 3, No. 11, Nov. 1954v L.C. Y A ') T . Great hydraiilic cnnstmct-lons of the, vive-v-ar Plan in 911gar-'a. r. 4171. (MAGYAR. 91idapest, rhingar,-), Vol. 9, No. 8, AuC. . SC: Monthly List of EaFt European Accessions, (EEAI), LC, Vol. L, No. 5, Nav 1955- ILIZI j, Vilmon; NOVAIS., DaGaza; VATFAI, Istvan; ZIEGIER, Karoly; BWOM, Gyazoj t Efficiency of production and utilization of vater pmer. Snergia ea atom 34 no.4/5.'190-195 My 961. I* Vizugyi Terveso Iroda. 2. "Energia es Atamtechailca* aserkensto bizotteagi tagja (for Inei), HATM jetvan, okl.mornok The water dispute between India and Pakistan. Remark an laroly Zieglers papm published in wVisugyi loslpmenyekl mo4p 1962. V:Lsugyl kosl ndolo122-24 162. 1. A Visugyj Terveso Iroda vallalati fomermoke. MDAS, Andras, dr.,- STELCZER, Karely; OROSZLANY, Istvan, dr.p tawzekyesete , Iqlvan, famernok; WITUNO, j*ssef; KARA-'-'ZI, Kalmax; docans; JJAJUI ZIEGLSR, Karely; BAMA, Aladar Remarks about the lecture by Dr,Sde Kertai entitled nwater rea-urces developwnt in Ifungary.0 Hidrologiai. koalony 43 no.2:95-96 Ap 163. 1. Orazagea Tetvhivatal YAxogasdasagi F6682talyanak vezetojet (for Wdas). 2. Vir-gazdalkodasi Tudomanyes Kutate Intozet igazgatoja (for Stelczer)* 39 G*d*I.1*i Agrartudomanyi &gyatem; "Hidrologlai Kezlozr Bserkoazte blzettwLgi tagja (for Oro3zlany), 4& Vizugyi Teneze Vallalat (for Matrai). 5. Holyapitesi Tervese, Va2lalat *sstalyvezetoje (for Maz- tuano). 6* KozepdunLntuli Vizugyi Igazgatosag igaagatoja (for Karaezi). 7. "Ilidrologiai Kozl*Ly" szorkeazte, biz*ttsagi tagja (for Ziegler). -AA= *41"emmt - T*Wmioal and ooommic experiences with burnift bricks inUndMlod with fuelso ripitcamm 15 no*2/3t56-63 F-4b 963o - A .4 L MMAI. IOThe Stalin Heritage and 1,11brarians.8 P. 1 (A Konyvtaros. V01. 3, no. 5 Xzo- 1953. BU&Pe-st-) Vol. 2, no. 9 SO% Monthly List of East European Accessions. /Library of Congress, Sept 19-53, Uncl. MATRAI, L. "copermimn comwgorW." p. 385. (Termeallet es Technika, Vol. 112P nD. 7, July 1953, Ehads4ewst) Sot Mouthlir Lis IRAM Lluvmm Accesoionsp Vol 3 No 2 Library of Congress Feb 54 Uncl MATRAI, L. Irrigation and the utilization of watpr power in India. P. b75 (VIZUGYI KOZLULT,,.,',IV-LY,) Budapest, Hungary Vol. (38) No. h, 1956. SO: Monthly Indet of East European Ace8sions (AEEI) Vol. 6, No. 11 floverber 1957. MAMAT, Imaslo, dr. 2mWm of Uw Subv~ittso on Phll"q&4m' Ymbbo2w. Rw px&tdw2 osml* 3.7 no.3:269-M 960. 1. Naaar Tudoomm7os Akadm" le"Lwo tuWal Haaar Tudomanyon AkadoWL& Pssicho2oglal Disettmq$ llUsoflod-P=4chc3osjA4 AMwttmW olnokol "Uaw Poid -Igdm4 35gplo* WAj]WSSto bdLsottaLgi taWa. H&TRA,Ijp laez36p,, akademikus i Bel& Bullat 2906-29(9; obituLry. Maff tud 69 no..U:707-710 It '662. 1. Navtemd Korqvtar Umgatojap Bu&peot- now rwswv~ MATRAI.-Laszlo. dr., akademikus~ GEGESI, K.,tssF, Pal. dr., akaderdkuB; HUMMIP Bela, dr., &a or7ostudomanyok doktora; SAIAMON, Jeno, dr., a pszishologia.! tudomanyok kandidstusa~ HORVATH, Laszlo Gabor, dr., a pszicholog-'C, tudomanyok doktora; LENARD, Ferenc, dr., a pazichologiai tudomanyok kandAldatusal SEVERINI, Erzsebet The 1963 work of the Comn~ttee on Psychology of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences. Nagy pszl-~hol azemle 21 no.3029-354 164. 1. Editor-in-Chief, "Magyar Psziahologiail SzeiLle", Budapest (for Gegesi Kiss). 2. Editor!&I Boiird Membar, "Magyar Nzichologial S.-exle" (for Matra,~, Horanyl, Salamon, Horvath and Lenard). F-T-MMIN R-IN M -5 1 ML ;D- "MOB, MATTRAI. T. WRAI, T. Cinematic interpretation of systeLi -)f lnartir~ p. 469 Vol. 4, No. 5. 1956 1'6gYar Fisikui Folyoirat SGUNCE Budapest, Hungary 6o: East European Accession, Vol. 16, No. 3, March 1957 IMArRxr" -T- i /-? "f HUNGM/Optics - Spectroscopy K-7 Abs Jour : Ref Zhur - Fizika, No 7, 1958., No 1669o Author : Kiezsi Iren, Matrai Tibor Inst Not Given Title New Bandis in the and Systems of the Spectrun of NO Molecule. Orig Pub Magyar fiz. folyoirat., 1957, 5, No 3, 201-205 Abstract New bands of the spectrum of gaseous NO were obsenred in a dc Geissler discharge. These are (3.6). (017), (3.12), (2.11), (1.10), and (2-13) of the I eystem; (2. ?) tind (2.8) of the . system; and (5.4) and C2.11) of thet, system. Card 1/1 -MATRAI,.--Ubor,~- -- Ritperimmtal proofs of the Interferenee eapwlty of oncote-ng limht rays. Flz szmle 11 no.5:142-248 My 161. 1. Kos pon ti Flzikal Kutato Inteset. M. CSASZAR, Lili; M. KOCZYM, Edit; MATRAI, Tibor Electronic hand spectrum of CsII and CsD molecules. Koz fiz kozl MTA 12 no.2:135-141 164. 1. Chair of Nuclear Physice, Budapest Technical University (for M. Koczkas). 2. Chair of Physics, Egez College of Education, Eger (for Matrai). ,MATRAIY T. ~ Swstributi:)n to the relativistic kinematics of a rigid point system. Act& phys Hung 17 no.1/2jl5--29 164. '. Physikalischer lahretuhl der Padagogiachen Hochschule, f,ger. Vorgelogt von A.Gvulai. MkTRAI-2DIPISN. J. Janos Posahazi, author of the first Hungarian Ftiloso-ohia Naturalis (Philosopay of Nature), 1667; a lecture. p. 52. F7ZIKAI SZDUX. (Eotvos Lorand Fizikai Tarsulat) Budapest, Hungary, Vol. 9, No. 2, Peb. 1959 Monthly List of East European Accessions (EW) IZ, Vol. 8, No. 7, JulY '1959 UNCL X&TRAIM ZKnXN , Jolan *PiomerB of physics* by Karoly Novobstsky. Reviewed by Wa. JoUn Hatral nee Zamplen. Fis asemle 9 no.7s223 JI 159. 1. "Fialkai Smemlew aserkensto bisott4agl tagja. r- 10-iF JAXUCS, Istvanj Mm"Is = PP,' Jolan M , - Detrecen and the begimingo of the history of physics# Pis szeale 12 no.12.-361-368 ID 162, 1. OFizikai Szemle" szorkessto bizottsagi tagja (for Matraine zempleu), POLAND CHAJKOWSKI, Mieczyslaw; and 114ATRAS Jad 1 a Experimental Center of Veteri- nary Service (Osrodek BadawcwRf~ naryjnej) "The Use of Fluorescent Antibodies in the Diagnosis of Anthrax Infection" Lublin, Medycyna Weterynaryjna, Vol 22, No 10, Oct 66; p. 581-583 Abstract [English summary modified]: Immunofluorescent diagnosis -was both more reFiable and much more rapid than Kooeloff-Beenran staining procedure in diagnosis of anthrax as found in mice inoculated with Bacillus anthracis 284. 2 tables, 2 Polish, 4 Soviet, 10 Western references. 1/1 !~ ;l r W I r-4,-> I /i- I . MATRAS, M. First odming war In the region of Susaurdea. p. 57 (VjqmjW) Vol. 25, 1956, Krakow, Poiand SO: MMMI IMMI OF RAST RETIOPM ACCESSIM (ZUI) IZ, VOU 7, NO. I., JAN. 1958 HATRAY-Janer- *Ultrasonic welding". Reviewed by Joasef Hatray. Gopgyartastechm. 2 no,12:475 D 162, ~N., chief technologist Bquipment for welding electrode sanufacturing. P*riodica polytechn electr 3 no.4:371-378 1159. (EW 10:1) (Hungary-ELectradoe) (Electric welding) MATRAY9 X. Equipment for welding electrode imanufacturing. p. 42. HUN=AN HEAVY INDUSTRIES. (Magyar- Kermakedelal Mears) Badapest, Hungary, No. 260 sammmer 1959. HouOdy List of East European Accessions (EEAI) LC, Vol. 9, no. 1. Jan. 1960. until MATUMN, A.A.; BDGnLNOV, A.G., kand. veterinmmykh nauk RIddIAg cattle of scabdom in the Duryst A.S.S.R. Toterinurtia 36 no*4:31-33 Ap 159. NIU 12-.7) I.Nachallulk vototdola Ninleterstva sel'skogo khosya"tva Buryat*kDy ASSR (for Matresin). 2.lwystskays nauchno- IssUdovatel'sk"a waterinarnaya stantelyao Owyet-mouplia-scabies) MAIMUY, V.F., podpoLkovrik mAiltsinskoy sluzhby. ~ ...- r - Scientific Gonference of Physicians of the 'White I%i,3siar, Military District. Voen.-med. zhur. no. 1t91-93 Ja lb~ (MIU 1Q t2) KATRXN--KS)rATA. Z.D. Rvaporation from the water surface In the reeds of the Amu D-ryfi. Le'-~v Trudy Lab.o2oroved. 4:171-191 '57. O=, ic,:9) (Aimu Darya Dolt a-Usporat I on) SHNAM9 T.G. 9 lash. I MiTHOMKIT,, I.T. v~ lash. of strom6a la shoot-saW bmd4 In dloo with a 1 F I mativev momn isaim, (Nimuch. tru4j omm"S 3soo.." 160. (KMA 14,: 1) tAl work) (SU%lu and stresses) SHMAGNO, V.G., inzh.; 1-2,TRENINSKIY, I.V., inzh. Stand testing of an experimental single disk neumatic frict, -on clutch with a retinax bearing. (Nauch. trudy~ ENIKMASha 1.1i" 78-92 065, (MIRA 18s6) ZDVA=j, Ssh.A.; GUDDMCE, N.F. [trwalator]; FA7R 17, T.T., referent WfUr alm in the opm sea. Bba.nwaoh*-tW&elnfomVD6 noolsW65 160. (MM 15:5) I* Mal w=bno-t*kbnlWwWwy infor=UU Toosoyusrfgo nawhw- lamUdawaUl'skop ImUtuta minerallnogo syrlya, (Nwdcop Gm2f of-4kafur aims and adn4zw) Ony, Zone; GIMImull, X.P. EtranoUtorli M404 device for maU d1meter borsholes. BW.amch.,-tekh. lawn'Tils no*2363." 160. (IMA .15s5) 1e Otdol nwwJxw-takhdchesJwy Informtoll Toosoymogo nauchno- foloW lastituta uJam"Ino4o syrlya, (Croo-sampling and eatimattoi). Ulu=, T. Comforesse on szebanging Yes practices at the Swow laterpro- visoo ARM* ?rmst. ATt.trams - 32 so-6:3 of cover Jo 154. (an 7:9) a (Tramspertatlos. Automotive) UNMED. T. ftreful ja 4tommum of mtomobl2om is & ramrantee rm toxg betwom evaimols. Awt.traw. 33 so-3sl9 W 955. (KM 8:5) I. GUwW Imbomw Llvewskogo mshoblavtotrwt&. (Autmobtles - Iblairift) *A I 'T. DwInar of automobile tramport workers In the Ivor Polytechul- cal lantItate. Avt, transp. 33 no.4:39 AV 155. (KIRA 8:7) 1. Gl&vW inshener L vowskoge mabobl&vtotrests. (1wow-Traneportation, Automotive) MATRESHMA, T. D., and KONDPATIYE7, K. YA. "The Influence of Long-41avelength Radiation of Ozone Upon the Radiative P Balance of the Terrestrial Surface and Atmosphere" Tr. Gl. Geofiz. Observatorii, No 41, 125-132, 1953 The authors compute the flow of radiation in the atmosphere in the region of the spectrum 9.4-9.9 microns (in the neiphborhood of the ahsorption 'band of ozone 9.6 microns). They show that the function of radiative Passare in the mentioned region of absorption can with sufficient accuracy be des- cribed by an exponential function. In the limits of altitudes up to 45 km., the atmosphere divides into 3 layers, in each of which the distribution of ozone concentration with altitude is approximately described by a linear function. A number of tables are Dresented illustrating the influence of long-wavelength radiation of ozone upon the flow of radiation in the upper bounds of the stratospherep at the level of the tropapause., and at the sur- face of the earth. (RZhGeol, No 3, 1954) SO: W-31187, 8 Mar 55 I-jjTRKA, M : NAVRATIL, F. Determination of the Haligoonbian SU by means of ceric sull'ate. F. 21 (Chemicky Frumysl) Vol. 7, No. 1, Jan. 1957, M,.echoolovLkia SO: MONTHLY INDZX OF EAST k"UROPELN ACCE!;!;IOTTS (ZUI) LC. - VOL. 7, NO. 1, JAN. 1958