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USSR UDO 621.385.6t621-373.423 "Stability Of Frequency And Output Power Of A Transit Self-Exotted Oscillator With An Oscillatory System Of An Arbitrary Form" Elektron. tekhniks. Nauchno-takhn. ob. Elektron. SVGh (Electronic Technology. Scientific-Technical Collection. Microwave Electronics) ~1970, Issue No 10, pp 50-42 (from RZh--Elektronika i yeye primen6~iyo, No~3,,Ma'rah 1971, Abstract No 3A148) Translation: By use of exprooeians, for.the active and rea.etive constituents of electron conductivity, formulae are obtaiaed.for comjmtatiom of the param- eters of a transit oscillator with a.-multicavity oscillatory system. Expressions are deduced which determine the instability of the Onarlation frequency with re- spect to changee of the standing wave.ratio o 'f.the load,. the voltage, and the current of the oscillator. The amplitude of the voltage I~n the gap of the out- put cavity and the output power of the oncillator.are ala6,determinsd. ref. E.G. USSR~ uDc: 621-373-42 ARTEEVYEV, S. M. , ZYR-IN, ~.,AUSAKOV, V. N Qualitative Comparison of Different Multiple-Twil, Drirt Type Self-Excited Oscillator Circuits From the Standpoint of the Possibility ror Stabilization and Frequency Tiviing" Elektron. tekhnika. Nauchno-tekbn. sb. Elektron Uectronic Technology. ELM (P Ocientific and Technical Collection. SHF Ble c troni cs 1970, ~L3, No 7, pp 805-816 (from RZh-Radiotekhnika, No, 12, ~Dec 70, Abstract No 12D3711) Translation: The res u.1 t sof a steady-sta:te analysis are tWten sin the basis for giving the characteriatica of:various multiple-tank drift type self-excited oscillator circuitB from 'the standpoint of Fitabilization and Resume. frequency tuning. USSR UDC 669.35.018.52:669.018.2 ZEYRY IVANOV, V. I., NAM, B. P., and BOLGOV, 1. S. "Some Results of the Development of Hardened Vacuan-Melted Copper-Base Alloys With High Electric Conductivity" Elektron. tekhnika. Nauchno-tekhn. eb. Materialy (Electronic Engineering. Collection of Scientific and Technical Wor*ks on Materials), 1970, vyp. 2, pp 20-25 (from RZh-metallurgiya. No 12, Dec 7.0, Abstract No 12 1844 by the authors) Zranslation: The article considers the influence of microalloying additions Zr, Ti, Cr, Ni, Be, and B on the elevation of strength properties of vacuum- malted Cu at 400-600% The alloys Cu-Zr (0.1-2.0%), Cu-Zr (0.03-0.08%)-Ti- (0.005-0.010%), and Cu-Zr (0.05-0.10%)-Cu (0.05-0.10%) ppseess good mechanical properties at 400-600% preserving high electric conductfvity (95% or more of the electric conductivity of pure Cu),and technological ~ffec iveness. t 45 USSR UDC; 621.317.799;621.3S2 BIAGOVESHCIIFE-iZIM, V. S., ZYRYANOV, G. Mi., and YAMMHKIN, V. L. Measuring Semiconductor Diode Loss Resistance" Moscow, Pribory i Tekhnilka Bksperimenta, No. 3, 1971, pp 145-147 Abstract: The loss resistancelusually designated rs, is one oL the semiconductor diode parameters det..rminlng the frequency range of the diode. 1-his article describes am instrument for measuring this quantity which overcomes the defect of-ar- earlier device for the same purpose by using a peak detector instead of the low- frequency filter used in the earlier system, thus increasing, the signal obtained from the diode under test. ~A block diagrarn ef U the new system plus a schematic are~given, together with an ex- planation of its operation. The instrunent can be used for mea- suring the loss resistance in tunnel diodes and in varactors biased in the forward direction. The authors are associated with the Tomsk Polytechnical Institute. 139 - .1 11 ii I H 11i I I USSR IJDC 669-71.472(086.8) BELOV, Yu. I., VOROB'YEV, D. N., SOBOL', I. I., Al B- I, and LUSI~LN ZYRYANOV, L. P. "Method of Utilizing the Spent Carbon-Material Lining of Aluminum Electro- lyzers" USSR Author's Cert-il: -icate No 261701, filed 30/10/68, Published 28/08/70 .(Translated from Referativnyy Zhurnal-IMetallurgiya, No 2, 1971, Abstract No 2 G158 P) Translation: To reduce the cost of production of Al, the used lining made of carbon materials is ground to a grain size of. 0.2 rMi, then used to make up 2-5% of the dry charge used to make the anode mass. Ji i ikli ;jU I I 1~11 'A, 1-11111[i 2/2 - Oil UNCLASSIFiED~ 'PROCESSING DATE--040EC70 C.IRC ACCESSION NO-AP0126946 '--A-BSTRACT/EXTRACT--(U) GP-0- ABSTPACT. IN HYMOCHLORINATION, IT is NT TO GIVE THE RAW MATERIAL A PRELIM I NARY.~. TREATHENT WHICH DOES EXPEDIEt NOT'CONTAIN A POSSIBLE SOURCE OF A REDUCER 'OF F11 PRI.ME2POSITIVE TYPE. --INLY PURE QUARTi:;GRAVITAI I'ION CONCS. CONTG. LESS ....,W[THOUT SUCH TREATMENTt THAWOR EQUALS TO I.OPER-:E* -651 TREATED.1 NT SULFIDES, CAN GRAVITATIONAL CON,,.S. CONTG. SULFIDES C)YRITE, A RSErioPYRITE) IN~AMTS. GREATER THAN ....I*OPERCENT CAN BE HYDROCHLORINATED WITHOUT PRELIMINARY TREATMENT. ONE GF.THE SIMPLEST ME-THOOS OF PkELIMIINAkY. TREATMENT,JS GKI011ING ROASTIN'l WHICH.CONVERTS THE SULFIDES TO OXIDES1 WITH IIGHER VALVNGES, WHICH ARE PRACTICALLY, INERT TOGASEGUS CL MEDI`014. EXTN. OF AU FROM ,---~,THE C-11NDERS OF OXIDIZING -ROASTEII-GRAVITA-flONAL CONCS. WAS IN MOST CASES -9&m-98 - , 5PERCENT. THE HIGHERST EXTN. WAS-OBTAINED~AT RELATIVELY SHORT -~:TIMES (SIMILAR TO 2 HR) AND WITH LEAST~CONSUMPTION OF CL.. THREE VARIATIONS OF EXTN. OF AU FROM SDLN. WERE TRIED:, REI)tj. BY FE -TYLAMINE. EXTN, PRLMEZPOSITIVEt SORPTION ON PITCH, AND EXTN. BY TRIOG AND:REDN. BY FECL SU32 GAVE PRACTICALLY COMPLETEIPECOV:ERY OF AU FROM THE : S OLN.: THE RESIDUAL CONCN. OF AU WAS 0.09 MG-L. WHEN THE INITIAL CONCN. -WAS 2060 AND 50 MG-L. SORPTION ON PITCH.GAVE SOMEAHAT. BETTER RESUTLS. UNCLASSIFIED IF-,! vjl~, 1;11:3 E H USSR uzc: 669-213 7_)WXUW11 M. N., and GUBEYDULINA, A. V. "Extraction of Gold from Gravitational Concentrates by thia Hydrochlorination Method" Moscow, Tavetnyye Metally, No 3, Mar 70, PP 74-76 Abstract: Research in the gold extraction industry hao recently turned to processes involving chlorInation of the gold-bearing concentrate. Hydrochlorina- ~tion of gravitational concentrates was found toiyield 99" of high- asswf (999) gold. The gold content in gravitational con entrates ranges from ~4o to 900 6 per ton. Some of the gold is combined with sulfides (pyrite and ~arsenopyrite) and quartz, The experimental process described in this study va3 ciu-ried out on a small laboratoi-y unit incorporating a 1.5 1 plexiglass reactor with an agitator. The results of the hydrochlorination of unroasted ~gravitational concentrates and data on Au extraction into nolution in hydro- chlorination of cinder at 8 plants are num4arized In tablen in.the original article. It is suggested that gravitational concentratts containing sulfides > 1.0% be pretreated by oxidizing firing to convert the sull"ide compolinds to ~oxides of higher valence, which are almost-inert to C12 in an aqueous medium. of three extraction variants.from solutions wereitestedi reduction with FeC lV sorption ,with AH.resini- and -.extraction .,vith &tract:ion -i-and-. reductibqi~*Lth 'YeC have i~o'*n th ori; Old i I y arption. vith resin was samewhel. lower, Dia UPIC L Ass), F 16 PRIXESSIF.G f)o%'------13N0V70 Tl,-4L--0R.Y OF GALVANG..'4AGNE TIC.. PHE--l;0,4E;,44 iti mE-r;.LS AlNu- 1. EZPANSION OF THE ELECTRICAL C 0, NOLICTIVITY TENSOR IN A U T H 00 2-K ULEYEVP I.G., ZYRYANOVe oSm. TRY OF INPO--USSR C CUIN ,:.---:--S.QURCE--FIZIKA AETALLOV IMETALLQVEOEN~ (E ''MAR':, 11?70t '20, (3), 464-4-95 DATE PUBLISHED----"l;AR70 SUBJECT AREAS-ELECTRONICS ANO ELECTHLICAL ENGRI Plify S I CS ~.-TOPIC TAGS--GALVANDMAGNETIC EFFECT, SEMICONDUCTOR CONDUCTIVITY, MAGNETIC F.1 ELD ..'MMOL MARKING-P-10 RFSTKICTIONS OCCUME,'14T CLASS--UNCLASS[FIED ~REEUFRAME--3003/0675 S TE P~iU~-UR/01-)b/'FO/021-9/003/0484/0495 C 10C ACCESSION NO--AP0129840 J IN C L AS IVIC- -0 PROCESSING DATE--13NOV70 UNCLASSIFIEG. :CIRC. ACCE-SStOhl NO-AP0129840 4BSTRACT/EXTRACT--(U)- GP-0- ABSTRACT. AN EXPANSION OF THE ELECTRICAL CONDUCTIVITY TENSOR IN TE4,NS OF I t-IPUkITY CONC~eJRAT LONS ( I . E. , TlfE INUMBEP OF SCATTERING CENTRES) IS DERIVED FOR METALS 'AND SEMICL),NDUCTORS SITUATED IN A 00ANTIZING MAGNETIC FIELO. THIS ~;EXPANSIGN IS , REQUIREOP AN-PARTICULAR-f wHEN ANALYSING THE QUANTUM OSCI~-LATION OF THE HALL EFFECT AND THEAM-0 G.ALVANOMAGNETIC PHE140MENA IN MATERIALS HAVING 'EQUAL ELECTRON -AND HOLE CONCENTRATIONS. A GENEF-AL THEORY FGVEXPARDENG THE KlmETIC COFFF, IN POWERS OF IMPIMI -fY CONCE'qTRATION IS D&VELOPED; THIS CALCULATION OF -TliE TENSOR COKPONENTS~TO AN ACCURACY -FACILITATES THE ~LIMITED BY QUADkATIC TEI~NS IN IMPURITY. C Oli'4C EN T R,Ar 10 N, UNCLASSIFiED, _V1 2 027 UNCLASSI FIED 0ROCESSING DATE--230CT70 T:ITLE---0UANT(:M WAVES IN A DEGENERATE ELECIKU14 FLUID OF METALS -U- .!ikUTHOR-(03)-ZYRYANOVi P.S*w OKULOV, V.l.t SILIN# V"P. 'COUNTRY OF INFO--USSR .a :~_OURCE-ZHURNAL EKSPERIMENTALINOY I TEORETICHESKUY FIZIKI, 1970, VOL 58, 41 'PP 1295-1309 ",DATE- PUBLISHED ----.-70 .~.SUBJECT AREAS--PHYSICS ~,TOPICI T-AGS--ELECTRON OSCILLATIONf ELECTRON GASt QUANTOM OSCILLATIONo MOTION, ELECTRON SPECTRUM,. SPIN WAVEv CRYSTAL LATTICE -~~VJBRATTON, 44ETAL ELECTRICAL CONDUCTUITY ';:CONTROL MARKING--NO RESTR tCT IONS OCUMENT CLASS--UNCLASSIFIED ~--.f,ROXY,REEL/ FRAME-- 198 815 70 STE P, NO--UR/0056/70105&1004/1295/1309 1RC ACCESSION NO--AP0106316 .,c UNCLASSIFIED 021 UNCL ASS] F PPOCESSING DATC--230C-170 ACCESSION NO--AP0106316 ;.C IRC .,.A8STRACTlEXTRACT--(U) GP-0- ABSTRACT. AN EOUATION SE: 1* IS OBTAINED WHICH DESCRIBES THE OSCILLATIO.NS OF AN ISOTROPIC ELECTRX4 FLUID IN A QUANTIZED _1C MAGNET FIELD. FER141 FLUID INTERACTION 15 ASSUMED TO BE OF THE CONTArT TYPE AND IS DESCRIBED BY TWO CONSTANTS, BRANCHE& riF THE PROPER FREQUENCY SPECTRUM WHOSE EXISTENCE I.S~COPPLETELY DUE Tn QUANTIZATlo,4 OF 'L ISIDE ED IN T I- CA THE ELECTRON ORBITA MOTION (QUANTUM WAVES) ARE C.04 k H C' S F CONTRACT -OF, PRORAGATECIN ALON" THE DIRECTION OF THE. MAGNETIr- FIELD. IN TO SUCH WAVES IN AN ELECTRON GAS (PRIMIE4-8), ~GUANTUMI WAYES IN A LIQUID, .,AS A RULEj ARE RELATED TO OSCILLATIONS OF THESPIN10ENSITY. UNDER w r= -CERTAIN CONDITIONS THE EXISTENCE,OF QUANTIZED SP[~ !AVES IS POS51BL IT IS SHOWN THAT THE LONGITUDINAL QUANTUM WAVES STRONGLY INTERACT WITH OSCILLATIONS OF THE ION LATTICE OF THE METAL. LIMITS OF APPLICABILITY ~OF THERESULTS APE INDICATED WHICH ARE 'DUE TO THE.IEFFEC7 OF COLLISIONS ~.AND OF TEMPERATURE SMEARING OUT OF THE FERMI OISTK~113UTION. _.FAC,lL,fTY.' ANST. FIZIKI IMETALLOVv: AN SSSRv, FIZICHE-SKIYJNST. IM. P. N. LEVEDEVAt AN SSSR6 UNCLASSIFIED AME~tlW DA14-230CT70 --j 016 UNCL ASS t F [ED RAY SPECTRA MNIO STRUCTURE OF 3D# 4SP ENEkGY BANOS OF REtA BRASS -(02)-hEMN,_lN0Vf S.A.t ZYRYAN0Vw V.G.~ THOR --USSR .."60UNTRY OF INFO -,_,-S0!URCE._r- I Z. RETAL ALLOVED- 1970, 29A 31 585-8 ..--,.DA,TE. PUBL ISHED ------- 70 S03JECT AREAS--MATERIALS TALGS--BRASST COPPER ALLOYt X RAY SPECTRUM, ENERGY aAND STRUCTURE CONTROL MARKING--NO RESTRICTIONS DOCUM ENT CLASS--UNCLASSIFIED :PROXY REEL/FRAME--1997/1764 STEP ,iO--UR/0126/TO/02~1/003/05-~~5/Oti3b C ACCIC-MV-4 N --AP0120471 Clq ,,,;r, ,SSIF.'CD 0 UNCL;ASST'FfEV~~"T*'' iM13CE 5ING DATE---230CT70 .&IA -'7Acces-s-m jN--N0--AP012()47L ,.7,ABSTRACT/ EXTR ACT--- (U) GP-0- ABSTRACT. BY MEAN'S OF X RAY SPE~_TRA STUDIES i*43 13Y COMPARING THOSE RESULTS WITH THE RESULTS OF THEORETICAL CALCNS. OF ENERGY 6ANDS, THE ELECTRONIC STRUCTURE OF ORDERED BETA BRASS (52PERCEN'T CUt 48PERCENT Z.N) ~fAS INVESTIGATED. THE X RAY X AND L SU31, I I ...EMISS10114- SPECTPA WEPE COEXAMD. ANO COMPAPEO WITH THE AVAILABLE --LITERATURE,'DATA. CERTAIN QUESTIONS ARE DISCUSSED ASSOC-D. WITH THE ECTRO41C S~TRUCrURI: AND THE NATURE OF-THE. FINE STfRUCTURE DETAILS OF THE L E X RAY SPECTRA OF TH E ALLOY. IN BETA PRIME BRASS 'j*HF,-,G ARE TWO 0 SIMILAR NOVERLAPPING BANIDS, THE ENERGY POSITION OF WHICH CA~4 BE oETl). BOTH FRI 4 :THE POSITION OF THE L SlJf3III SPECTRA 'AND FRO! THE POSITION OF THE ~DE T A IL-S OF~:THE K EMISSIO-N SPECTRA OF THE COMPONENTS OF THE ALLOY SYUDIED. FACILITY: INST. FIZ. METAL., SVERDLOVSK, USSR. UNCLASSIFIED --T, ~,7. USSR U.Dc 669.o46-5 ANSBELES, I. I., FBDOSMEV, V. V., 1 43. _-;X E OYSK. G. N., );~Q0ROV,,A. ., SOIROICIN, S. P., TYIJRINJ, Ye. I., D4,11ILI, _CELIVANOV) V. 11.) -1, V. I.., SMOV, S. S. E a,,~d RAILPAYEV, B. Ya. "Use of Electrorn--netic Stirring in Vacuum Melting of Steel in a Ladle" Moscow, V sb. "Savremennyye problemy kachestva stali" (MlSiS), (Collection of.Works. Modern Problems of Steel quality) (Moscow In6titute of Steel and Alloys), Izd-vo "Yetallurgiya, rio 61, 1970)~ pp 222-227 Translation of Abstract: Brief technical characteristics aTe given of the eleetroreognetic stirring of steelLin, a ladle. Data are presented on the effect of electromagnetic metal stirring on the uniforn. distribution of added deoxidizers and alloying elev_-nts,, and also cn the significant increase in the duration of vacuum smelting. A new production technGlogy for the S hh 115 steel is presented in which 2omplete deoxidation and alloying is con- ducted ia the ladle at the end of vacuum smelting. The suggested method is theoretically z;ubstantiated- The results of the firstiLexperin-ental melts are presented- 3 tables. 39 IM 7- Acc... Nr: Abstracti-ng S~ervjce: Ref Code: - 02945~ MOUTP12 CHEMICALABST -r 114174b Thermodynamic bases f*r controlllxkj~ the deorlidiz- ing capacity of carbon dur 1160 alloying; of steel.; Feda- i"g In V V- Yu. Ahshel 1. N. O - - o -W ww~ Uss R 1XV, I Ssh. (Mosk. In; t 01 - - - R MT t. 19-70,, 43-T (Russ).' t was C zave *' VAe He Aown exott. thafelictromagnetic mixing pid, ded thorough homogenization of the added metalsi which in&eitsed th~ time of the vacuum tre tmera of the steelj utilized m6r~ compliAtly the deoxidWng capacity of C, and shortened the time the, steel was undervacuum., The thermo4ynatuic anal. of t146verail reaction for the oxidn. of C and Ci during the melting of the steel in; vacuo is given for various, alioyi (1~/~C,'I,,5%Cr.-stee].S!iKhl5,, 0.3%C, I%Cr-stcel 3OK1iGSA oLnd other Ve-C-0 and ~Ve-C-O-Cr sys- s). The equil. citpacity'qf tit 0 ill depe dence upon the t en, U, ip. and CO pa I I essu It iollows 1rom the te is given tew rtia pr ' _ :technol. of steel resultq that it i.* blettu to changewthe present Stejskal -1 11-14 -1L 'j-3:1-L PROCESSING DATE- '23(jCT70 PRi.ME POSITIVE -U- 34(1)t 101-5 TAGS--POSITRONt BETA DECAY, ELECTRON CAPTURE, AT0mlr. MASS, ELECTRoN PROXY REE-L/FRAME--1987/2001 STEP NO--UR/0048/70/034/ool/0101/0105 CIRC ACCESSION NO--AP0105075 UNCLASSIFIED --2"OCT7 0 014 UNCLASSIFIED PROUSSING DATE ~~CJRC ACCESSION NO--AP0105075 AaSTRACT/EXTRACT-W) GP-0- ABSTRACT. THE GOEFFS. K-GETA PRIME POSITIVE `-.--,-WERE CALCD* L-11THOUT CONSTOEqAT[ON OF THE OVERLAPPING A."ID Exr-HANGE ~,EFFECTS FOR W SUBO EQUALS LO-2600 KEV ANO Z EQUALS 5-100. THE D;:TO. WERE COMPkRED WITH THE ANAL,3GOUS DATA OF OTHER AUTHORS; THE -NTEO BY OTHERS. REPRESENTED DATA DIFFER BY 1.5-12PER-ENT: FROM THOSE PRESE U N C L A S t5 0 ri USSR UDC: 62 1.318 .4 Z"YANOVA, N. S ------ "Potting Inductance Coils With KTZ-1 Compound" V sb. Obmen opytom v radionrom-sti (Experience Pooling in the Radio Tndustrj ~aollection of works), vYP- 1, ~~scov, 1971, pp 45-46 (from RZh-Radiotekh- nika, No 5, MiV 71, Abstract No 5V371) Translation: KTZ-1 compound product,-which has a number of advantagev over "Sil]~en zoam:see-lant, is reco=ended for potting inductance coils. Resume. _~utkov. A. 1. B, K, Zyro4v. and V. 1. Volga. The relationship etween thermal and eleclOcai conductivities of graphlW I-Fzh, V. ZZ, no, S. 197Z, 932, jAnrotatton). An attempt to correlate thermal conductivity X wit!Lt electric resistivity 6 of graphite at high temperatures to described. Many researchers previously noted that the X x I product In conmt4nt to a certain degree, but only At room temperature. Experimental X and A data in the range 80 - Z. 500'K ranija are ziv~n and the (N x 6) values are colcutated fee sirtifIcla.1 3 specitic wAlght3. At a I= tempera- graphitox with 1. 0 - Z, 26 g/cm tore. the (h x 3) of individual graphitts varied significantly. At WCOM temps rzMirc.!N x 6) was nearl-f Vie *&me for thlo graphite a studied. At T > 1, 5000K. fA x (J. 34 0. 38 V z/dallree arA I* Independent of temperature for all graphititi &t udled with the exception of those with lowest (I. a g/cm3 and highest (Z. 26 g/cm 3 specific weights. V n V. I. , and A, ye, Ilia, k,,. Thermal buun4ary 14YOr on nonts - a thermal ptatc. IVUZ Avialsionnaya tckhnika, no. 1. 197Z, 119-123. The equation of energy of a compressible lamin&r boundary layer on a semi-finite platA with different local boundary con4'tl*ns to bnalYzcd, It to Assumed that the 0 < J:i I Area ct the leading edge, -here f - I It and 4 is the longitudinal toordinAte. to cooled to a constant temperature Two. and it* equation of energy to wolved by the known Crocco Integral, Using this Integral and a 2/2, 010 UNCLA SSI PIED PROCESSING DATE--049EC70 C ACCEI'SSION NO-AP0134-558 IR C Af3STRAcr/EXTRACT--(U) ',-,P-0- ABSTRACT. CYCLIC 14A S003(PO SUB2 NH)SUB3 .-TIMES 4H SU32 0 FROM HYDROLYSIS OF WNCL SU62)SU83. WITH COLD NAOAC WAS REPPTD* FROM AQ. SOLNWITH ETOH AND PURIFIED 014 KUZ SULFONIC ACID ION EXCHANGE RESIN IN H PRIME POSITIVE FORMv TO YIEUL"THE PURE SOLN, OF THE 7 :~.:FREE.ACID THAT IS STABLE IN STORAGE- EVEN IN LIGHT,~ EVAPN. IN VACUO GAVE -Ji SUB3 (PO SUBZ NH)SU83 TIMES H- SUB2 Or NEEDLES,; Dl,, 196DEGRE S, PPYO. B M ED H .- THE ACID CONVERTED TO THE TRI NA SA,LT A140 XHIS PASSED IN AQ. ",::-~-SOLN. OVER KU21- RESIN IN H PRIME POSITIVE.-FORM GAVE: THa PURE ACID MONOHYDRATE- IN 86PERCENT YIELO., FACILITY.: ,LENINGRAD. TEKliNo-. JNST. IM. LENSOVETA* LENINGRAD,.qSSR. USSR UDC:, 546.185 =01A)~~ A F., DREYMAN, N.A., and ZYRYANOVA, T.A., Le"rad Technological stit-iitet imeni- Lensovet, Leaingra ry d,r--~Mi7 'ofHigher and S.conda Specialized RSFSR ."Synthesis of Pure Trimetaphosphimic Acid" Leningrad, Zhurnal Obshchey Xhimii, Vol 40, No 40 Apr 70, PP 937-938 Abstract: Continuing their work on the synthesis of stable trimeta- phosphimic acid (TMPA), the authors. developed a aiethod for its synthe- sis in an aqueous solution free of admixtures oX foreign ions which affect the stability of the acid# with subsequent isolation in the -crystalline state. The initial product is the Na salt of TMPAp Na3(F02NH)3 *4H20, obtained by hydrolysis of triphosphonitri16 chlo- ..ride with sodium acetate. TJSSR uDc: .62i:.i65-l75:536.i ZYS'Vf,,.V._ A BARILOVICH, V. A. "Thermodynamics of a Flow of Evaporating Liq:uid in the Case of High Pressure Gradients Tr. Vses. na:uchno-tekhn. konferentsil Do termodinamike. Len-inr,,r. tekhnol. in-t kholodilln. Dror~sti (Wonks of the All-Union Scientific P-nd Technical Conference on Thermoky-natdics. Leningrad Technological~Institute cf the Re- frigeration Industry), Leningrad, 19T0, pP 13T-146 (from RZh-1`urbo.:troyF_,ni-,re., No 8, Aug 70, Abstract No 8.49.21) '~ie the Translation: I ermo(tyrnamic inethod is used vith regard to peculiarities of the mechanism of the actuall process to analyze and calculate the process of vaporization of a superheated liquid. Rather than taking the condition of bubble formation in the flow rucleus behind V'ie,boiling front as the de- termining factor, the authors proceed from the actual nature of hydrodynamics th of viscous flov, taking the development of vapor formation throughout t e cross section of the fiow under limiting outflow cond-ftionzi, since con- ditions which are more favorable for vapor formation P-re created in the ~boundary layer in this case. In effecting the initial thexm)dyn,,.u-uc aaalysii, the.,-complexes which account for initial, underheating ivid the work of forcQ5 M USSR V. A., Tr. Vses. nauchno-tekl-An. konferentsii 12o _ZY termdinamike. LeninEr. tekhrol. in-t kholodil'ri. proir-sti Leningrad, 1970, PP 137-146 of friction lead to quantitative changes in the evaluation of the process which coincides with reality. The way in which the c-~itical ratio between pressure. and the coefficient of velocity depends on the- degree of %Mderheating is determined, and a divergence within limits of 51'V' between theorl and ex- periment indicates that flows of wet steam may be treated as mechan'Lcally one-dimensional at suDercritical velocities. This makes it possible to study such. flovs by purely thermodynamic methods and to determine the degree of dz7ness of the flov, the enthalpy of the liquid phase'and its te=erature, snd~losses of energy due to disruption of thermodynamic equilibrium. Four illustrations, bibliography of five titles.t L. F. Kallistiova. 2/2 56 ag- 'n5L -~,JSSR UDC 536.717.001.24 ZYSIN )~,.A., KIRILLOV, 1. 1., OSHEROV, S. YA., ARSENIYEV, L. V., vrinOTSTITEYN, YA. M., KHODAK, YE. A. and SUKHOVA, N. V. "A' , I of H i gh- Temperature Gas-Steam Generators" ina ysis -Tr..'Vses. nauchno-tekhn. konferentsii eo termodinamike. Sekts. '~Novye teploenerg. i kholodi I In. skhemy i fslkly" Morks of the All- .,__:,-,Union Scientific-Technical Conference on Thermodynamics. Section: .."New Thermal Energy and Cooling Circuits and Cycles"), Leningrad, -Teploenergetika, No 5, May 70, Abstract 1969 DP 206-213 (from RZh ~No 5G3,:) Translation: At the Gentr. Boller-Turb.lnst and Leningrad Polytechnic Jnstitute, qas-st~3am generators arelbeing developed usihq high.temp- these designs 1he hoat r ved via erature GTU (gas turbines). In turbine blade cooling Is used In the cycle. Calculations are given for stepm generator designs which operate on exhaust heat from the turbines. Ali the steam from the steam turblne,VD (expansion unknown) ls:appiled toward cooling the gas turbine elements; thus:achieving Its PP (expansion unknown). At a power of 300,Mw and initial gas and steam conditions of respectively 9.2 atfi.; 12000C and 2140 atm.; .4500C, 159- - - iISSR -ZYSIN, V. A., et al., Tr. Vses. nauchno-tekhn. konferentsii po termodinamike. Sekta. "Novye teplocnerg. i kholodilln. skhea ii tsik].X~;, P 206-2 1 9, P 13 Tf-romFOh-Teploenergetika 1-10 5, MaY 70~ Abstract Ila 5G31) .generator efficiency is 50% at an exhauit gas temperature of 150-1600C. Addition of a preheat chamber raises fhis*figure by 1%.' 1A significant increase in economy (up to 55%) is realized by conversion to 2-sta-ae heating in the-gas turbine. A large increase4n gas turbine output be obtained by adding recirculation lines--a portion of cas by the steam generator receives sfaqe~of compression, after which injected Into the:combustJon chamber. ~~The remainder ~of the output gas (at 2 atm. pressure).is expanded in the condenser. A semi-closed cycle design of this type, at an input pressure of 12 to 14 atm. and a turbine path length of 600 mm., can produce 650 to 700 Mw.a+:52% efficiency. The design of a cooled gas turbine:remains a as c problem. Five Illustrations. Yu. V. Rzheznikov USSR UDC 621.438-001-5 -~~010 Z"712115 tor of Technical 3,oiences, and ZYSIIIA oc M. D KU-ROSH V. D.1 ~'IdHaldatc of Technical Sciences, Con-tral Boiler U, and T;Aine Instlu je "Effect of Turbulence on Transition i n the Doundazry Lajler of Gas Turbine Profiles" Moscow, TeDlo ener-,etika, No 3.21 1: -4 6 971P PP 45 ~at J on Abstract 1-?csults are -oresented of exT)erimeatal investir - of the turbulence offeci on transition in,.indary layer of 4. v nta of -orocessin- exi, urbine blades. Da orimontal re- t;j typical g- oults of turbulence Toasure-ments in ~he stator lattice of gao turbine blades under static conditiona and cond-JIU-io-rm of lattice arrailgement behi, d the rotating turbine are dis-cu;~,ocrl by reference to of characteristic Reynolds numbom ( 110 at -ooints o-f start-ingg ( Res ) and ending ( li'Loct ) triarmition. '21he f presence of the rotnatLag turbine wheel be-fore the sta'o- e-P-'ec's d turbulence of the f ow enterinc 'Iv, nomlc lattice. At izicrease 1/2 USSR USIRA-MOLOMEN, L. M., Teploenergetika, No 14, 1971, pp 45-L~6 U values oJC the I-lurbulence level E > 4.5 fit according to e.-n.)eriments on the dynamic test bed, a tendency to st-abilization of -Res sround the value of 1.2y,105 observed. The rela-ive e;,--oo,--asion of the transition zone under stuatic and dynamic test conditions of~ the characteristic narame-er o-I" 'he transition zone ce c be U 41 L U R an appro-xim-ately rated by empiric f ox-jaullas previously C Ibid. o 7, U 1969 ).suggested by orno of the authors. Pour:illustr., three formulas, ton biblio. refs. 2/2 114 PRCXY PEELIFRAAF-1986/0854 STEP ND--UP/0589/70/IC)4/003/0097/OJ99 CIRC ACCESSION NO--AP0102815 2/ __2025 UNCL A.SS.I FI E6 PROCESSINI, DATP--11SEP70 -AC-ESSION Nr)--AP0102815 ABSTRACTIEXTRACT--(P) GP-0- ABSTRACT, IN THE PAPER A COMIPARATIVE --~GVALUATInN OF SOMr MOST FREQUENTLY USED ANALGESIC$ IS GIVEN. F 0 fz 'MEASURING PAIN THRFI~HOLDS AN. APPARATUS DOLORIMETREt OrVISED 13Y THE AUT"9RS HAS BEEN EMPLOYED. MORPHINE IN'A DOSE OF 10 MG, 0*4NOPON, 20 MG ANDr PROMEonL, 0.5 mG PER KG WEIGHT EXHIBIT A SIMILAR ANALGETIC ACTION. ANALGINE IN A DOSE OF 500 MG DOES NOT SHOW ANY QiANGES IN THE PAIN THRESHOLDS. A COMBINATION OF 10 MG OF PROMEDOL WITH 500 MIG OF All,~ALGIN_ ALSO INCREASING THE PAIN THRESHOLDS AS.MORPHINE I,.N A-DOSE OF 10 MGt DOE; NOT -SHOW ANY 510,E -F-FFECTSf T-YPICAL. OF MORPHINE, THAT 1ENABLED. TO REC014MEND WIDELY THIS COMBINATION OF ANALGESICS F(jR THE 'POSTOPERATIVE ANALGESI.A. 5-11 T USSR UDC 661.143((188.8) VA B,01TSKAYA,: R. A., GORODINA, Z. P. ZYTNER C G KOROVICHE V. R., MAR- KOVSKIY YA. .,"Procedure for Obtaining a LiLminescent Compoun(l 'cate 4o 312264, filed 13 Aug 69 published 2 Dec 71 (f rom USSR -Author's Certif.1 RZh.~-".' imiya. 140 12, Jun 72, Abstrict No 121,18711) Trans' ation: In order to reduce the cost and to obtain luxuines cent compounds which are efficient with res e i to'b ghtness of their p c ri Jumiinescencea group IH nietal orthovanadate and orthophosphate are used in combination with mixoAl group 11 metal orthovanadate and ortbophosphate. Various rare-earth elemenLs or a mixture of a rare-earth eleiiient. and Bi is used as the activator. The activator and Bi are taken in the amount of 0.01-0.2 g/atom per male of final product. The luminous compound obtained b~ the Vroposed pro- 3 (p , C % - cedure corresponds, for example, to the formula: Me (3-1.5x) +Me x 1-y y 4'2 *zA where Me 2+ are Ca 2+ or Sr 2+ ions with partial replacement by Zn2"'or !~-7,2+ ions; the Ud+ are y3+ or I.a3+ or A13+ ions; K is a group V element of the 2+ 3+ 3+ periodic systera, for example, V; A are the activator~ions Sn or Eu or Sm or combined with a sensitizer, for example, Bi; 0.05 < x < 0.5; 0 < y < 0.5; cnC- are 0.01 < z < 0.2. In order to obtain the compound, the: chaTge conipc;n s 1/2 .* . - - 0.- .11 .. -.1.--l P~in. i !- ! : 17 Z.~ - - !~, i 7 1 UNM~~ I-, I 1- -, I 1 -1,1. 11,61Q, . l.a.- . Ii : ~ I .; I USSR UX, 621.514.652 ZYUBIN, V.F., 1.,-URZIN, YU.14. ol Systems CIf Rectifier Contr Microelectronics In Oontr Do nrobl. mikroalektron. Moak. in-t ale1.:tron.teVh;i. (Collection Of Scientific 'Works On Problems W Microelectronics. Hosco-x Institute Of Elect- ronica TechnnloEy), 1971, Issue 7, pp 75~-82 (from RZh':Elektroni!,u__~_jf primeneniye. No 5, 118Y 1972, Abstract No 5B539) Translation! The "-per considers problems of the conBtruction of the conurol systemr, of thyristorized converters using the discrete principles of the com- the trol sys- pating art,j with the applieption of integrated circuits, usirl. c on tem (if C. ~-phase t)rldro circuit as an a)D:lmole. The control vol'ujr,-a is converted into a code band ia recorded in a ~digital: delay unit. The Ifit'er convarts the recorde.,d number into Lt time interval betweert,the synallronizinfr rpulaeB being prod,.4ced by the zero organe and the output pulse- oftlib d(.').:,-;y unit whicn is fed to '.he register. The register carries out a distribution of thr;j vulves from the thyrintors which are previainly amplified by an amplifter. The feedback unit Conve-,te the cnltp~t p3ramster of the power,part intc code wliic' -'s introdi)-ced into the digital delay unit. The principal requi rams hL v im-poeed on the int-~g- rated circuit used in the control sYstem Pro pronented. 6 ill. ref. Wm1;6'17PZ99"n1141;R- M '117 W;1 -1.514.61 USSR UDC 64 ZYMBIN Y.F. aNull Elementn Sb. nauchn. tr. 2o probl. mikroolektron. Mosk.. in-t elaktron. tukhn.(Collection ~Cf Scientific Works On Froblems Of Microelectronics. Moscow Institute Of Elect- rical Engineering), 1969, Issue 2, pp 242--246.(from RM-41ektronika i yeye -primeneniye, No 1, January 1971, Abstract A IB452) Translationt It is proposed to fulfill a null elemftnt (vyjab-opra-Ti] on the base of an integrated circuit which includes two type n-p-n planar transiStorEJ with the collectors and emitters connected among themeelveat the transistor base is connected across limiting resiators to the terminals of the secondary winding of the transformer; the midpoint of this winding is lead up to the emitters of the transistors mentioned; stabilitrons are provided between the midpoints of the limiting resistors and the emitters. Because of the pronounced nonlinear characterietica of the integrated circuitj~ it is possible to obtain a pulse width of 1- the duration o4' the 20 of the period of the control voltage, and front is one microsecond; the power which is a.onsumod is,1\JlQO mwatt. It is itran I tore, but with 'Possible to assemble an.analagoua circuit using ordinary; 0 0 characteristics. i11.3 ref. 1,.R. some worse USSR UDC 621.~14.61 ZYUBIN, V.F., MINIIIN, L.K., KISHCHIK, A.P, nUnit For:Gontrol Of T~yristors" Sb. nauchn. tr. po probl. mikroelektron. Mosk. in-t elektron. tekhn.(Collaction Of Scientific Works On Problems Of Microelectronics. ~40scow Institute0f Elect- rical-Engineering), 1969, Issue 2, p -24,7_250 (from RZ6--Elektroniks i ye2e P Rrimeneniya, No 1, January 1971,:Ab~tvsct:~No~IB4%) 77 Translationt The paper describes a one-channal system ror control by a bridge circuit of a thyriator rectifier IB%IITPRI"%,Venbj during which asymmetry in the units for control of the thyrietors Is excluded. The cOntrol system conaista of 1) Three null elements [iiyxi,-opraq connected to line voltage; 2) Unit for summation of pulses oynchronized,with a-c voltage which are obtained through the null elements; 5) Units for phase control where shift of all pulses is accomplished simultaneously; 4) Distributor of pulses to the six channels for control of the thyristore; and 5) Amplifier-ohnper. 14 addition to elimination of asymmetry, the circuit has the advantage that it hoo a soullar number of elements and the logical possibilities of-Ahe eyotem ai*better utilized. Con- atruction of a one-channol system using integral ~Ieme,`to iM~PDDBible. ill. _3 re j:11 UNC L A SS'I F I ED PROCESSING DATE--230CT70 1/3 020 'TTITEE- _'EMICONDUCTOR GLASSES TiN THE ZNAS SUB2-COAS SUB2 SYSTEM -U- -AUTHOR-,( 0,21-ZYUB INA, T.A. AL.EYNIKOVA ,K. B., COUNTRY OF INFO--USSR AKAD. NAUK SSSRI NEORG, MATER. 1970, 612)7 266-70 .%,DATE PUBLISHED ------- 70 AREAS--MATERIALS ~.:-._TOPIC TAIGS--SE141CONDUCTOR GLASSp ZIPJCP ARSENICY CADMIUM'v GLASS COMPOSITION M.ARKING--NO RESTRICTIONS DOCUMENT CLASS--UNCLASSIFIEO 'L/F STEP NO--UR/0363/70/0 016/002/0266/02-70 ..PROXY REF -RAME--1997/0612 CIRC ACCESSION NO--AP0119525 'I"ED 2.13 020 UNCLASSIFIED PROCESSING DATE--230CT7C C IR,C ACCESSION NO--AP0119525 ..A-BSTRACT/EXTRACT--fU) GP-0- ABSTRACT. THE ZN SUBX CD SUBI-SUBX AS SU112 SOLID SOLNS. AkE MATERIALS, THE ELEC. PAkAMErERS OF WHICH CAN EASILY BE CONTROLLED BY CHANGES IN THEIR COMPN.: SINGLE CRYSTALS OF ZN SUGX CO SUBX AS SUB2 WERE GROWN2 AND THE:IRIELEC. PROPERTIES WERE DETD. WHEN THESE SOLID SOLNS. ARE RAPIDLY COOLED IN '.4ATEqt THEY CAN BE PREPD. IN THE VITREOUS STATE. WHEN ZN S,UBX CO SUBI-SUGX AS SUB2' GLASSES ARE HEATED AT 400-50DEGREES, CRYSTN. TAKES PLACE WITH A CONSIDERABLE _EVOLUTION OF HEAT. MEASUREMENTS OF RESISTIVITY AT 80-800DEGREESK SHOWED THAT-AT 50-80 MOL. PERCENT CDAS SU82 IN ZN SUBX C:D SU81-SUB X AS SUB2! NO SECTIONS WITH IMPURITY COND. ARE OSSD. ADDING, Sit GE, SE, P, TE, AND MO TO VITREOUS ZN SUBX CD SUBI-SUBX AS SUB2 MATERIALS DOES NOT CHANGE THE ACTIVATION ENERGY OR THE ELEC. COND. OF THESE GLASSES. MOST OF THE SAMPLES INVESTIGATED HAD PHOTOCONDol THE,,V`.ALUE OF. W'HICH DEPENDED NOT ONLY ON THE CONPN. AND THE IMPURITY CONTENTo BUTALSO ON THE COOLING -RATE OF THE MELT. PHOTOCOND. WAS NOT THE SAME IN ALL SECTIONS OF A Al ERENTIAL THERMAL EMF, NO THERMAL COND. FOR ALL CIVEN 3AMPLE. DIFFC 10T iCOMPNS. ARE Ni LARGE, AND VARY ONLY INSI.GNIFICANTLY WITH THE TEMP. THE FREE CARRIER CONCN. AS UETO, FROM HALL-CONST. ME4SUREMENTS IS OF THE ORDER OF 10 PRIME10-10 PKIME12-CM PRIME3. - lN GLASSES, CLOSE IN COMPN. COAS SUB2, SECTIOUS OF IMPURITY COND. WERE OBSO. wITH INCREAS':9 TEMP.,, THFRE TOOK PLACE AU [NVIERSION OF THE 0IFFERENTIAL THERMAL EM F ~'AND THE HALL CONST, AMORPHOUS'ZIN SUSX CD SU31-SUOX AS SUB2 HAS SEMICONDUCTOR PROPEPTIES, AS DO THE ZNAS.SUB2r COAS SUB2r AND ZN SUBX CO SUBJ-SUBX AS SUB2 MELTS* ~-024 UNCLASSI'FIEO ~P-ROCESSING DATE--04DEC70 .-T-ITLE--INr-REASING THE RESISTANCE OF CARBONSTEEL WtLDS TO CORROSION -CRACKINiG ON REDUCING THE RESIDUAL WELDING: STRESSES BY WORK ING -U- .,AUTHOR-105)-Z Yp Kir A.I., VAS.tLENKOr: lol..t TEREKHY;.O.I.t DIKYt I.I.t XARPENKO, oU,NTRY OF INFO- -U SSR MEKHAN. MAT.t 1970,:61 (2), 42-45 0 AT EPUBLISHED ------- 70 SUBJECT AREAS--MECH., IND.# CIVIL AND MARINE ENGRt MATERIALS TOPIC TAGS--CORRt3SION CRACKING, CARBON STEELt SJEEL,:WELDING, RESIDUAL I C7 STRESS t ELECTROCHEMICAL PROPERTY? PLA5T D EFDRMAf I ON tONTROL MARK I NG--NfJ R ES TR I CT I ONS OOCUMENT CLASS--UNCLASSIFIED PRaXY-REEL/FRAME--3003/0216 STEP NO--~UR/0369/10/0061002/004210045 _:CIRC ACCESSION NG--AP0129472 UNCLASSIFIED 026 DATE--04DEC7G- UNCLASSIFI, -,CIRC-ACCESSION NO--AP0129472 ABSTRACT/EXTRACT--(U) GP-0- ABSTRACT. THE EFFECT OF PLASTIC DLEFORMATiON ~_~-~(WORKING) ON (I) THE RESIDUAL STRESSES ARISING 161 THE.NEEGHB(JURHOOD OF ...WELDS IN C STEEL PARTS, (11) THE ELEC-TROCHEMICAL PROPERTIES OF THE WELD IMETAL, AND (111) THE RESISTANCE OF THE WHOLE TO COR.ROSION CRACKING WAS STUDLED, THERE WAS A SHARP FALL IN RESIDUAL STRESSES10N SUBJECTING TO 1"ZPERCENT OEFORMATION; THE ELECTROCHEMICAL HEr~ROGENFITY OF THE METAL -'ALSO DIMINISHED, AND THE RESISTANCE,OF THE WELf)S,.T.0 CORROSION CRACKIP!G :IN BOILING ALKALI AND NITRATE SOLU TIONS INCREASED, SUBSrANTIALLY. U N11C L A S S I F I E D amem- - - C t i oa ure UZ ~i st'-,ute Of Ph%si" L an' VAS M. I. L Dian 5-11 Llvmr3 Eoggs vFUy Vllizainv= Plaut chanics, Acaderij of Sciences Mkrai Metallized Coatings to Protect Velds f r om Corrosion CracUn~;" Llvov, Fiziko--raiir chesza, p ya 1.,'ateriaalov, ZIO 3, ',I!,av-jmne T , p 22-21, Abstract: ')~eldQd S=.Pics 0' S~- 3 stecl mimsurin- 300 X a-D' x and 250 x 500 x. 4 := with a seaz-,- len,-.n of ;500 mm and with a residual vt~ldir,~~ -,triisa of the rearz amroachin- the yield point of tae base met~al vare sublected to corroslon c-mcking :th the ap ;It-; 0_ of' an eX4,;V raal Iciad. A portion of~ the plates were cut trans- verse to tlae veld sCan to p-rc-dixe SZUZ,'?ICS lnezamzmik~ 3)~N) it 30 x 7 -~.nd 250 x '20 x vhich ueze subjected to a bend lo"-d to the ,,-_~eid pcdnt lkona te-forc cc~_-tin_-, he 7, ot!~~er after coatin;~). Both types of srurmles -were sand7blasted -'.o clean alid rou'rhen tlieix s-.=faces, T~ie surfaces af the samples vere electzopllated jith nic'Kel, copper, Zinc, St- - 3 st-eel, or D7_,a8NqT steel using. altle_r=ating current at 21: v. Coatim~; thic:mess ran:~e- or, 0.1 to 1.2 mn to pe::-it (determination of the oMtj=,~7_ ~__ Cj=aSS ""C~j 7:)--3v-de the best coattn rztai bondint, and the =ost reliable protection of Z.,Zle surface fron carrozive r~Lljia, *zmd -~fhich Would allow the mietal sample to be strained without rupture of -the cozLt-Ln,~,. Me best results were produced vith a coating of 111,3081iqT stainless steel. C~jt of 10 m]"ples i'Date"". vith thir, steel, not one raptured. This was tnie -Wrether 42- TIO 3, May- ZYUBRIK, et a"., Fizi3co-MAmicheskaya Mekhanika Mate-rialov June 70, -.p 2;?-24 '03 or alkalli (2,TaO_H-4uYp the corrosive medium was a ri~-rate Off'41" -50',-j solution) solut-;=), -Wh=e t co=osion mte was 0.8 and 0.9 kg/n2-hr rcs:pectively. Crpti- ifas Close to 100 mm coeti thicmess vas 0.4 mm, %ehere the tirme to: arackiir hOU_-_S Lin the nitre,-- sol-etion. --'Me aetaors-ia~te thato a(JW_It'_o33_aI..piv ctionL 4Zai:aS4* cor.- sion crackimZ may 0 us re, -as and lac be achieved 2/2 USSR IJDC 020.10,4:U21-785.7 KH-TARIS!JVILT, la., DI-M, I. I., I,, VASILEENKO, I. I. ZYUBR" K A Physicomechanical Institute, Academy'of ieiences, Ukranian SSR, L'vov "An Investigation of Corrosive Cracking of High-Strength Steels in Some .:-Iediall Kiev, Fizj_ko-?'Qh_J:_dcheskaya 14ekhanika 11-faterialov, Vol 7, I'lo 4, 1971, pp 19-23 Abstract: The present article is a continuation of research dealing with the cracking of high-strem-~ hardenel U8.k carbon steel in acid. and neutral nedia. .h The development of a crack in. a. sample urAergoing testing for corrosive crack- ing brings about a gradual decrease of cross section. Thcrofore, if &Julli'y loaded sar~ples are preliminarily held in the medium for different lengths of time, and-aro then testued- for short-Viino ~strength in air, this short-U.Iu% strength must contlinwUly decrease with increale Of the t-Ime the saumle- is hojA in the =;A-i=. The, indicated nature of the cham-e 1:,jotween 'the short- t ha s a term strength of the saiTmlos ard the kinatics of cra0k, dove-lopMen specific relationship; various sectors. of t~e qu_rves coi~respond to varl-oiz, Stages of OOT-rom::7e cr=cx detelopment. 'These st-"rges of crack development are e=la-Jmad from the polzit of. view of the elactrocmemical theory of corrosive Cigux araekiiig. 5 f --s. 2 tables. B.references, --A'12 OB UNCLAwr-I'L TI TLE--FG?N.;'jPYl D~: CAI-~BON FLA(;Y, L)Vj~ING TLIL ~-.!iAL DECDMIPOSITII`i~l OF AUTHOR," (03) -T SY(.;AN,,.GV A E I ZYUE-V V, P YE VRE I MOVA A, 0. CIOUNTkY OF INFJ--USSR SOURCE-GAZOV. PR.Wi. L970v 15(2), 40-3 DATE PUBL ISHED -------- 70 AREAS CHF-"AISTRY -SUBJECT JOPIC TAGS-CAR30N BLACKt THER-MAL IT 1 ON, PYROLYS[S, A~.TI-IRACENE, -NAPTHAL'NE , X Y L E IN E ,BEN Z ENE TOLUENEt PENTANI-f cy ~CLOHEXANE CCNTI~OL 'A'ARK I P416--f4h) 1% ESTP I CT 1014S D'OCW4ENT C L A S S - - Ul,-' C L A SS 1 F I --UR 0492 /'10 0 L 5 10 0? 004 0 1011),Ft 3 P RPIXY RE L F A ME 3 0 0 110 0 5 5 STF P IN 0 IRC A C C E" S 1 0 - - A~l 0 12 r 81-3 0 7212 013 WNCLASS1 F10i 'PROCESSI'NG 0ATE-13NOV70 :~-,C lqC ACCESSIGN NO-AP9125890 ARSTRACT[EXTRACT-W) GP-0- ABST.RACT THE, PYROLYSIS rj~'. SMALLER THAN 5P7:KCENT HYDR',-~CAjiBON IN I-,, --iAS STUDI -0 AT A FE-0 RATE OF 500 '4L-.MIN IN c: lo), 2 o o 30 "M ol'Vi. OVEk A 3,60-MIM ZGME Hl--ATc-:I) TO ILOOOCEGREES. -RE 'N E 7 c -lCARt3Q,'lS STUbl,-::') ItNr A N TH RA C E NAPHTHALE-NEt TETRALIIN, T H EHYDR, DECALI-Nt XYLEINE, PWAF, C !)U-56 H SUB6, PENTAINF, C-YCL--JHE--,(,fl-.NE, AND 50"tE OF THEIR MIXTS. REDUCING THE TUBE D I A li. LCIW~RED. THE YIELO OF G AiND -INC2.FASED ITS SPECIFIC WkFACE. :YIELDS FfIGI;j' ALL, CLDMIPUS. WERE WilLAR AND KLACHEL) A MAX. GF~ 0. )-0.6 G-G HYDKOCAABGN. AT 3PERCENT CONC, EXCEPT NAPHTHALENE (0.6,5 G-6 AT 'IPERCENT), AND ANTHRACE-NE' (0.9 AT 2.5f)F'vCi-:fjT A~-lg STILL SPECIFIC SURFACE FOR ALL COMPuS. BECAME cONST. AT 20 1 , PR [ME2-6, AT S 1!11 ILA i~ rG PEP. CENT C Q N C N. UINAFY~ MIXTS. 6~HAVED LIKE THE'SUP4 OF THE COMPOS c Oil Ps P~ESENT IN LOW CON'GN. H4D NQ -EFF ECT . a m ME G hl 2q P, a mom= I USSR UDO 621.~85.4,0014.14 V A N.# SVEGIRUFOV, S.V., BYCVZH, A.R. On The Problem Of The Application Of Photopotentiometere As Function Generators" Radiotekhniks i elelctronika, Vol XVII, No 5, May 72, Pp 1067-1072 Abstract: A computation of the profile of the reaistrdr of a function photo- potentiometer is presented, based on the solution of, a t-wo-dimonsion Laplace equation with the condition of the existence of a leakage current length%-,,Jee of the entire device. A criterion is obtained for the applicability of a orle- dimensional approximation during, computation of a funation photopotentiome-ter. The oonditions imposad on the transfer-function aro doterminfid. The thaoretic~,l Positions of the paper are confirmed by: oxperimelital 11tudica conducted with models e. flanction phot-opatentiometere :a de of electrical crnductinE, paper. A cosine function was chocen as a controlAransfer function. 149asure-MntS were =de with the aid of the E-,,-,DA-60 integrator of the Institute Cf Kathematics, AcddeiV Of Sciences, Ukrainian SSR. A comparison is shown of the dependence of the error of a function generator on the mapnitude of the scaling conl3tUnt for one- dimensional and tio-dL--;fjnsio.,ia1 approxim-ations. 'rile patertial. distribution at the resistor--photolayer bcrjrjd,-iry is f3hown for a function phortopotentior-nater operating in a of loakago currerr,',e. The elit3ination of the orror,9 of a function fcnar,.-,tQr connacted, with the presence cri' leakago ct;rrentp across the photoluyor io -t:to principal rorult, of the ptipar. Thi:~ 41110 1/2 I A USSR UDc: 615.473.9:615.832.9 1, GDOVSKIYi V. A., LURIYE, Yu. 11ru. , MASLOV, SHAL'NIKOV, A. I., F. M. , FREYDOVFICH, A. 1. tnit tte of Physical Problem imeni S. I. Vavilov "A Device for Directional Freezing of Tissu;es" Moscow, Otkrytiya, Izobreteniya, Promyshlennyye Obraztsy, Tovarnyye Znak-i, No-12, Apr 72, Author's Certificate No 333951, Division A, filed 3-1 Nov 70, published 30 Mar 72, p 19 Translation: This Author's Certificate introduces a device for directional ii freezing of tissues which contains a vdcuum-insulated vessel holcing two parallel tubes for delivery and removal of a cooling* The device alr-.o contains a heat-innulation liner, a charcoal getLer tuid a tip. As a distinguishing feature of the patent, in. order to freeze t1rsues arranged eccentrically relative to the lon&~uudinal- axis of.the device, a wire helix with h1gh heat conductivity is,.pla'ced:in fixed contact -vith the tJ.p. 43 .77~-7,!7- 7-*: NZW !*~O:S 03 C011"AICATIONS PE"WIL61a) (Fx'~~k Moscov. ynjuLj~~' Russiun, No 3, AU6"t 1972, 411side back zovrj Fz~llc.4in& are brier reirieva of books recently publi';hed by IqdfttWatvo Svyaz' vhich fire of intereut to readers a.' tho zagazine iftan~~- A. -robov, Yu.. (SigI)ILI Teoriya Pereduch 1972, 'aO P~~97-- Price 77 kopeks. 7~ir b=,k represents & textItpok. urritten in accordw-e with the prcirm.- 6r ~ czurae b~r thc is= na~m jiven in coczaunicut!Iona higher oatabligh=ents. ~~,e b,)ryk exnninez the theory of signal trang.,tinsion ar a unified. rcir=-Ific discipline Vhoze, basis consists of the signal theory,, reniptance * tc ard infor=tio n:tbeor7, Zenbrall involved.. In the trzanwhinsion a, (!at& Via COM- -3-- c annelt are described, "ttntie.1 possibilItS." of -signiii trv.zsis.~ieii &nd reception netbods are presented, ccmps.Lri~ond are 104de bet-weec-n vKrious cv--munioat-7-nns systems, and new directions in the t6chnice.1 -~f IWdern aybtois are d1solifised, principal attention in the sook is focused onLrx 4e.-,cription of., "d concept a necezzar-I for, the, -n' ding of principa.1 ideas inherent ul~ =-_h=aticra~ fpcts' far 'the. -;urpaac of makinz clctr.,the Ititerpretatio-i or the obtained results. For the swme rearon the C P LaA.".c theoretIcal positions are illustrated with concrete ex='ples from - Vie'dr of covsntinlcationz technaio&r . . . 64 :U UDC, 621-391-519.2 rSQR ZYUKO A. G. (editor) f1methods of -,wa j,;m 1~,oceptic L in. Cf)] J,f. Alon or on -M SC es aterials of Hic Z Al ju~,,ney nit'l Vhzus~, tance in Cormunicrif iorts ViAh "T", MletoL pom,-~khousto-chiv,~vn t7hN i I SI). vtcri nl:lm fr 's. sir -7 1A1" F. t ow ~:,r-v. rov .3 4A-41 K) pp ill. 62 k. from No 12, Dec 70, A t- ract 110 1" ~n comnec -)ductin rsxi s I at i ron tion with the rapid wid qui-te ext,.,n,-iv4F.- intrc. n of TI ]T! ,-jird I. recention in snace a n d tropor r i es wid Oth er tz,;~,. e s o f i o 1. n c- ~1 ,chiefly in tracking rect-,pi,lon been somewhat of a 'ai, between thenry and practice in trucizing reception, frequently leadinr to non-op .unum systems design. Like: other Looks which have come out in recent years, this collection aims at hel-ping to narrow this gkp. The bcok contains wr~rks of leading specialists ill this area dealing with the generaL theory of int~~rference resistatice and FM trick,-in,17 reception, witi-I some mettiods of theoretically investigating tracking reception system,", leit), a nev physical t1ireohold model, wrtd alva the rcsults of::UcomtIIc:v'I. ruid cx- perimentral studies of vari-ow; specific oynternii of Interferenc-(~-free I'M rvce-p- 1/2 mopm Jlill~---"-, - - -- - - - - - - -- --:-- - - - 'il ---- --- - --- - --- - - -- - - - - --- - L,ii-1- - --- -- - - - -- USSR UDC: 621-391:519.2 ZYMO, A. G. "On. Setting up a Course in the Th e o x-y of Signal Transmission" Tr. uchebn. in-tav svyazi. M-vo sy-jazi SSSR (Iforks of Educational institutes of Co=,unications. Ministry of. Comm,uni cations. I of the USSR), 1970, r~p- 50, pp 85-89 (from FZh-.Radi-otekhnika, No 2, Feb 71, Abstrai--t No 2-1,166) Trenslation: A course in the theory of signal transmissiicn is outlined as a united scientific discipline, including signal theory, the:theory of re- sistance to interference and information theoLy. ~A system is proposed for dividing the course into sections. Its relationship to other disciplines considered. The formulation of laboratory, clusesis discussed, N. S. USSR uDc: 621.891:519.2 Optimum Processing of Continuous signals" V sb. Metody pomekhoustoychivogo priyema ChM i FM (Methods of Interference- -Free F74 and PM Reception--collection of 'worksi, Moscow, "Sov radio", 1970, pp 5-11 (from RZh-Radiotekhnika, fto 12, D: Abstract Nor 12A81) Translation: It is shown on the basis of the theory of' potential resistance to interference that optimum reception o:f continuous MB- be realized t--3.ther by using a receiver which contain s a.linear optimum filter and de- nodulator, or by using a receiver which realizes correlation processing of received sipals. In the second case, optimum reception is realized by a filter with variable parameters, or a follow-up correlator.. Existing cire'lits for reducing the threshold of interference stability in of frequency modulation arre modifications of circuits-for optimum reception of continuous signals. Eeslj.--"e* uAlaq, UDC 543-:W+576.8o MAKSLI41,24KO, 0. A., ZYUKOVA, L. A., and FEDOROVICH, R. it., All Union Scientific Research Institute"6r7r-ol-e""=~Wosynthesis "Determination of Total Soluble Organic Acids' in the CmIture Fluid Durb)g Deep Cultivation of Some Micro-organisms" Moscow, Prikladnaya Biokhimiya i Mikrobiologiya, Vol No 4'r Jul/Aug 70, pp 462- 466. Abstract: A rwcLification of the faa Slyke-Palmer method was used to determine potentiometrically the concentration of carboxylic acids in the cuiture fiuid during doop cultivation of cartain,miaro-organisms. Tho pho,4,phatus w*Lth calcium hydro;ddo and the calciurq salts titrated,with.diluto hytiroohloric acid. The end point of titration was established for valeric acid and'thon'teGted on propionic, A. caprylic, a-rid adipic ao~As. The mean relative error f6r.theie acid3 ranged from 2 to 8~. Candida yeasts were used in the exporlmonts. The procedure aakes it possiUe to deternine total carboxylic acids more accurfttelir than by diruct potentiometriG titration of fatty acids.: It is particularly.usoful whun thi con- contrations of carboVlic acids oro io low- that thi) ca:b;~,iupi a;013 do tiot precipi- tate. Z;` USSR UX:.1;533-951 ZYUNM,, D. and RUKHADZE,, A. A. "'Theory of Parametric Electrostatic 1~ave lkcliati6n in 'a Ful3,)r Ionized Plasma" Gorlkiy, Izvestin VUZ--Radiofi.~~ Vol 14~ No 1, 1971.- PP 36-43 Abstract: This paper considers the stability of a relatively dense and fully ionized plasm in an external weak uhf field. 'The assumption io made theit the oscillation wavelength is much smaUer than the dimensions of the system and the nonuniformity in the uhf field, but is greate;r thmi the length of the, mean free -oath of the particles. The case of parametric interaction of the uhR field with the plasma when the frequency of the fteld in close to the electron Iangmuir frequency is examined, sine,.* it isIu this caee that a ~raria- tion in the plasma oscillations can occur even at relatively low uhf field intensities. The basic problem of the article is to cLiatermine the threshol(t values of the uhf field iutensity correspondIng to the excitation of the various modes of electrostatic oscillation in the plasma, andifind the increments of instability near the thresholds. The authors Bhow that aperiodic as wall aa periodic Instabilities can occur In hyditdynamic as well as~~ In kinetic oscilla- -tion regions. C. s1 0 rt -090GY70 N L i ~F_l N A U -~T,LTLE, ~PARAMETRIC Exr-ITATION OF, PO TEN T-LAL-WAVES NV A C014PLETELY IONIZED PLASMA NEAR ELECTRON CYCL0TR0N:P.ESONANC&-U- l"AVfHOW-(02)-GRADOV# 0. M. rZYURDERF'. 0. Av 't OUNT RY OF'INFO-USSR _SOURGE-~-ZHURNAL EKSPERIMENTALsNOY I TEORETICHESKOY:FIZIKlt 1970t VOL 581 N R_ 3 vPP. 9791"988 :40E: PUBLISHED-. 70 u AREAS-PHYSICS TOPIC JAGS-CYCLOTRON RESONANCEt PLASMA OSCILLAT.101NP PLASMA STABILITY1 ::-KINETIC THEORY, ULTRAHIGH FREQUENCYv AECTRIC FIELD, CONSTANT MAGNETIC lz,.CCNTROL MARKING-NO RESTRICTIONS CLASS-UNCLASSIFIED RELL/FRAME--1977/0004 STEP NO--UR/0056/70/058/003/0979/oge5 ACCESSION NO-AP0043604 UNCLASSIFIED - - - - -- - - - - - 051 UNCLkStS I F I ED wacESSING DATE--090CT70 ---:C'IRC ACCESSION NIO-AP0043604 _tRACT-_(U) GP-0- ABSTRACT. N BSTRACT/EX PARAMETRV. XCITATIU OFPOTENTIAL -OSCILLATIONS IN A COMPLETELY IONI ZE.D PLASMA LV'"'AT;E0. IN A WEAK U.H.F. ELECTRIC AND STATIONARY MAGNETIC FLELDS IS CIOASIOEREO~WITHIN THE ..FRAMEViURK -OF THE KINETIC THEORY. A I)TSPERSION EQUATIUN IS DERIVED FOR DETERMINING THE Ps3TENTIAL USCILLATION, SPECtRUi!--lJN' BASIS OF THE KINETIC EQUATION CONTAINING A LANDAU COLLISION.IDITEGRAL& 'PARAMETRIC EXCITATION UF~WAVES PRORAGATING ALMOST ALONG THE- MAGNETIC FLELD IS INVESTIGATED FOR -..THE CASE imHEN THE EXTERNAL U.H*F. FIELD -FREQUENCY; OMEGA SU130 IS CLOSE TO THE-ELECTRION CYCLOTRON FREQUENCY OMEGkSUBE.. THR,ESHOLO VALUES OF THE ~U.HiF. FIELD STRENGTH ARE FOUND ABOVE WHICH THE.PiLASPIA IS UNSTABLE WITH .-RESPECT TO~POTENTIAL USCILLATIGN BUILD UP* IT IS SHOWN THAT DEPENUiNG .014 THE PLASMA.PARAMETER-S, A STATIONARY MAGNETIC,F:IELD MAY EXERT A AS WEtt- ~QUALITATlVE COMPARISON WITH-~AVAILAOLE~-EXPERIMENTAi;DILTA IS MADE AND UREENENT W-ITIV THE THEOPETICAL.OR:EL)ICTIliNt,..LS FOUND. UNCLIASSIFIED USSR UD~ 68i~ 325.'65:621-3B3 KRUPITSKIY, E. I., KARPOV, L. P., ZYUZIN, 0 M. ,Leningrad ~!lectrical Engi- neering Institute of CoimuriicatioVs""i"me~ni"'Mr'W'Boneli~B--vyevich "An Electron-Optical Learning Systemir Moscow, Otkrytiya, itobreteniya, proryshlennyye obrazt~U, tovarrtyye znaki, 1970, No 25, Soviet Patent No 278229s class:42, filed .31 Jan 69, pu1blished 5 Aug 70, 135 Translation: This Author's Certificate introduces an 6lectroii-optical learning system for reco&-iition of aco-Lstic and radar signals. Two-dimen- siona.1 moments of the "instantaneous amplitude spectrum" are taken as the s an "instantaneous s- input signal characteristics. Me.device contain pec- trud' shaper, a specialized electronic computer,and a control. module. As a distniguishing feature of the patent, the system is simpli:ried end operat- ing effectiveness is irmroved by connecting to the output of tile "instan- taneous spectrum" shaper a device which generates IJ.ght flux- modulated by the "instantaneous spectrum" of the signal to be recopized. This liF)it generator is coupled to a rxdltiple-channel optical correlato_- with elec- trical outputs proportional to the two-dimenslional no=,(.,~:nts of the instan- amplitude spectrum. 11tese electrical cutputs dre connectQd to the electronic computer. ~uaaK FLutnor*s uerLiricatC Nimoer 3U1411 file d 6/04/70, pubJished 29/07/71, (trans- lated. from. Reforativnyy. Zhurnal A.Vtom;~tika,.'Telemelditini.ka i; VycJiislitel Inaya Tekhhika No .3, 1972 Abstract No; 3. A379 -P) ri 'ter Translation: For formation of characteristics during recogi tion of p ns a device is suggested containing a source.of coherent light, a collimator, a transparency with the pattern to be recognized, a nd an Fourier transform lens along the c-ptical axis of the device, Ir.;order. to increace ~he speed and reliability of recognition, an optical nystem to. multiply the 1i ght fLuX--;ucIj as a matrix of a small-diameter lens, and a converting lens-is placed 1),-,tween the callinkator and transparency, 'while a matrix of ma-sim and photoreceptors, based on the ntuYber of light. fluxes multiplied, is placed in the output plane ofthe devIce. 1 LIgure. USS", UDC: 621-375. KRUPITSKIY, E. I., KARPOV, L. P. BLOK, A. S., Leningrad .:El6ctrical Engineering Institute 0 Ic I fis im~ni Professor M. A. 0 -Bonch-BrjWairich "A Multichannel Optical Correlator" Moscow, Otka7tiya, Izobreteniya, Fronryshle Obraztu,, ki, nnyye Tovarny:fe Zna. No 7, Mar 72, Author's Certificate No 329612, Division~H, filed 29 MaY 70, published 9 Feb 72, D 212 Translation: This Aiithorls Certificate introduces: 1. A miLLtichannel optical correlator with two-dimensional channels. The. de,.rice contains a coherent ligirt source, a collimator, a transparency carrying Em image of the pattern to be recognized, a Fourier- transform lens, and a photocell matrix. As a distinguisbing feature of the patent, in iorder to improve the accuracy of registration of correlation functions, a reflecting diffraction grating is placed in the rear focal plane of the lens, whi ch performs Fourier trans formation of the light flu)r panqing throui;h the transparency carrying a recording of the image., to be proccosed-, and.~a refu'rence-mask matrix is placed together with the photocell matrix in the forward focO. - 89 - -- - - -