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-~_2/2 016 (JNCLA.S:SIFttP ROCESSING DATE--20NOV70 CIRC ACCESSICN r0--AP013f2_394 -ABSTRAC11EXTRACT-W) GP-0- ABST14ACT. FOP, MIXTS. JN WHICH 2 COMPONENTS ~:'-i~:PaECCMINATEV, TEMP. PkAGES CORRESPONDING TO ZONES. OF MAX. SENSITIVITY To u M4TIC CCNTRf)L IN FRACTIGNATING~,COLUANIS -W.ERE :DETD.tFROM M4X. IN PLOTS 'iOF:.CGNCN. DIFFERENCES DELTA EQUALS Y MINUS X OF THE LOW BOILING CGMPG-i%-ENf IN THE VAPUR AND LIQ*~ PHASES AGAINST TEMP . T. THESE ZONES IFOR IMIXTS. CCNTG. MAINLY CS SU82rC SUiW14 SU86, !C SUffb H SUBO',PHME, AND PMNEtME SU32 C SU66 Ii SU84) tiERE BROADER-THAN THOSE CIALCO. (T EQUALS 54.5-71.5LEGREES, 88-IJ30EGKEESt AND 116-32DEGRE.ES, XsEQUALS 0.65-0.171 0.66-0.18, AND 0.67-0.19). THE CALCO. RA14GES FOR THE MOST SENSITIVE -PLATE.WERE T EQUALS 6U-~tUEGREESv 93-7VEOREESs ANU 123-7DEGREESt AND X 0.47-0.3-Iry ANO 0.46-09134. FACILITY: -ISKJI KUKSGK~iIM. ZAVUI)t USSR. AG L r. E _2 ")17 UNCLASS r Fl ED, P~dt'ESSiNG DATE-090CT70 ,1,RC ACCE SS I O~N NO-AP 0 115 3() 7 aSTil,ACT/EXTR;'AC7--(U) GP-0- ABSTRtcr. DECA113UR12ATION if: Tili'ANSFORNtER .~STEEL CUNTG. 3,4PERCLI-J SI AND A li'.JXT. OF N, lit AND 'v:,%TLR 'VAPDr-'. IN VAR.LOUS PRUPORTICHS 'BIAS INVESTIGAfED. THE GAS WASIO PURIFIED TO A-*D DRIED TO OE'n PDINT OF 11.11-4US 40 JD l",'US 5()-EGR"ES. L. L) It L 50-1050DEGREEcav AND AT fATZOS (li SUB2 ~J)ECARbURHAT I ON A S STUD-1 ED AT 65 SU52) Eoru'AALS 0.2, 0.~, 0.6. THE DRY GAS CONTAIT~Ei) 20PERCE"'ll- H _SUbZ. T ~ i f- I f"t'l I I A LC LJP41~i%!T IN THE METAL WAS 0.020-0.025PERGE"al AND ,THE HULDIN'G TIME DIN TPE ATi-,. WAS 5 MIN.:, THE BFST DECARBURlZArikcii RESULTS I-IIERE 013TAINE'D AT 800-50DEGREESP AND. AT (H SLJBZ ti)-fli SU82) VALUES OF 0.4 AND 0.6. THE RATE OF DECARBURIZATIGN W"A'S DET0. AT 'EES X"!D AT (H SU82 0)-(1-1 .5. THE METAL? 0.35 1*1 850DEGR SU82) EQUALS:O !-.THICK, AND WITH 0~020-0.025PERCEINT OF ITS INITIAL C CO-N'TEN'Ti WIAS -.6kARBURIZED D0kJNG 5 MIN, YO A VALUE LE,SS TliA-.111 0.0651)f-RCENT, Af"'D 111 T.4 L:0.-045-0.055PERCENI OF THE IINITIAL C CUINIT.ENT TO THE SA~* VALUE, BUT ~:DURXNG 7 MIN. FACILITY: VERKH-lSETSKI I MET. ZAVQD, USSIR* UPC STATISTICAL ANALYSIS OF THE I'MMAL OSCILumoss or wrmit 'rr_,ii-,ttATuRE 14 ThE OCENTACCORDT"M Tn PROLUNCLIJ OBSERYATION DATA lArticle by 1. Undidate of recipraphic Sciences 1L. S Almezzz=m. Leningrad DUr5MvFZT_tTie State OcaanaFratihIc I.-mizitutc. The raoulto of a statistical arimilysis of tirz aeric,c of Ise- therms lasting two =ontlm it% tile Force-sher land mrici. of the North At1znLic are disicusne4_ The greatrac.,fluctu.- tions are noted in the layern of Clie seasonal and primary thermoclings. The deviations from the norral distribution low inthe primAT7 thrmpclimr. Spec- tral Analysis of the tire soric3,*F isotherr" r--vea.,-d oolti- hour and 12~hou -i cycliiity of noteoroloctcal and tidal art- In recent yearu. the expeditionary work in the- ocean at long-terr rti- tLoas and In test areas [2, 101 have acnuired sirnificrint din-risicris. The information obtained as a rentilt. of sucivrrojects Iv rc~uired to solve vrirlpu~ accanclorical problems. in particular, to stuLly Intemal waws. The information an this Y)lienorwnon is entirely Inad4ziuntc, zrid direct of thp internal waveo hove not been realized u. to now.. The fluctuatlons of the oceanological VILincints at different dent:-.%; nerve as an Indicator of tilcl~- woven. The title structure and atntistical characteristic% of Chp. internal waves can be datorrAried by olsiervatiomn of nurh fluctunl.iVIM AA oil*,, f%rcd p.:.ti of the occark where thtt duratiun &led of r"e observ.,ittm-ii -.~U't cor- roatoll d to the invcstij,,atcd rcnlea of the rlivnm-,vna- Let us considcr the Internal water teivrnt~tro flucttmtttsn~ iolti, ~vxi- ads from several huur6 to several days, ullor. stnildar,! o~~'~ml- tions every threa hourn for two months obtaineit hi, t:ic rourth Atlantic Ex- pediLicn of the lliin Adi-Anistrat4on of the hydroratcorolopic,11 Survice ill the Farce-Shttland DiAtrict of the Atlantic Ocean In the su=%er or 1~67 on tli~ Okeanecrif and Aysberg. Projects of this duration were ncrfurix~d for tn~ p4 first time in the that time 131. Let us also motel. that the nre- liminary results of analyzing the observations in the test arvar; in 1-te trapl- cal Atlantic and the Indian Ocean 11, 2, 101 prirArillv %sartatri to the sLatiu- tical structure of currents and, in nart, the short-noriod internal wavea. METHODS AND 17ORMS OF ON FACULTU:t; I`V:t .;~NNCU' 1.11STUCTORS R"-I.!,, No 4. IQ". -3 J.1.. pp 34-401 e,~,Cnt of tile r-,- v to tile buoin Without which t nrnc,it lautin; nuccri)b 1,I) Irepro-iing tbotr -d,r.-s -h. Ilid=tiCa (or cducutt~n theory) 1,~