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USSR UDC 539.192/.194+535.33/.34.01 Z URBA, V. B., BOLOTIN, A. B. Quasimechanical Calculation of Para-, Meta-, and Ortho-Toluidine" Lit. fiz. sb. (Lithuanian Physics Collection), 1972, Vol. 12, No. 2, pp 245-252 (from RZh-Fizika, No 10, Oct 72, Abstract No IOD139) Translation: Single-electron functions and energy levels of para-, meta- and ortho-toluidine were found using. the simplest version of the molecular orbital-linear combination of atomic orbitals method, The methyl group was considered as one atom of fluorine giving one electron to the -ir-electron system. The molecular orbitals obtained~were used to calculate electron density in ato7iLs,binding orders, and free valence indices and-also the Coulomb interval aC and the af f inity: of toluidine molecules for the electron. Authors abstract. 63 UDC 669.15126'74-194:620.186 USSR KARTASHOVA, L, I BANNYO, 0. A., ands ZU& IN, L. F., Institute of "Epsom Metallurgy imeni A. A. Bavkov I'Structure and Properties of K'hl2GI4 Steels q th Nickel and Aluminum" D-loscow, Nietallovedeniye i termicheskaya obrabotka metallov, No. 2, 1971, pp 37-40 Abstract: This work presents a study of the influence of combined alloying with nickel and aluminum on the structure and mechanical properties of type-Khl2GI4 low-carbon Cr-\In steel. Four groups of alloys were studied, each characterized by a constant nickel content (0, 1.S, 3'0,.and 4.7%) and 0.5-3.0% aluminum, plus 0,048-0.068% C; 12-13.806 Cr; L2.6-14'4- NA'n; 0.5-0.62t, Si; 0.012-0.017'a, S; 0.01-0.018' P; 0,01% Co.; 0.005% B. rho solubility of alwninun in the austenite increases Yith. decreasing hardening tcmpera- ture from 1250 to 1100*C and depends on the nickel content. Increasing the nickel content to 4.7% increases the limiting concentration of aluminum by more than two times. The compositions studied showed high plasticity and ductility. These properties were retained after holding at 630'C for 1000 hours. Work hardening decreases with increasing nickel content and aluminum content. The yield point of the steels depends on 2 6-ferrite content, varying between 21 and 40 kg/mm I-iu IJ6 E U R Wc 678-742.3-13?.462.2a6l3.632 SXMGVA, YE. V. , SOSINs S. L.,.AlvTIPOVAt E. A.V HOVIKOVA, So P. IKARPIVSKAYAq V. M4 ::"Interaction of Modified Polypropylene with Blood!' Moscow, Plastichaskiye Hassy, Ho 4f 19721 PP 0-61 Abstracti The results of studying polymers with antithrombogenic properties are described. Data are presented on obtaining a sulfonated Inoculated co- polymer of polypropylene and polystyrene, and-a study is made of the condItions permitting the polymer to be obtained which prevents the coagula- tion of blood on contact. With an increase in the aGtivis. group content, the given copolymers cause significant hemolysis of the blood corpuscles. Iron ions must introduced into the copolymer to elWnate this phenomenon, The presence of iron ions in the suIXonated Inoculated copolymer polypropylene+ polyst-yrone+polyvinylferracene promotes a noticeable reduction in the hemolysis of-the,red blood corpuscles orA contact of the-blood irith copolymers without .,changing the antithrombogenic propertiess USSR UDC-~ 621.762:669AI8.29 NNATSAKANYANI, S. A. ZUR=IJAYAN, K. "Investigation of Technological and Physical-Machanical Properties of Fe-Cr-C- 7~rpe Powder Alloys" Tr. Arm. N.-T. i Proyekt. In-ta Tsvet. Metallurgii [Works of Armenian Scientific Research and Planning Institute for Nonferrous Metallurgy], 1972, No 1(10), pp 189-195 (Translated from RefeTativnyy Zhurnal Metallurgiya, No 8,- 1973, Abstract No 8G416, by S. Krivonosova). Translation: In order to produce an Fe-Cr-C alloy, type AINIG-10 oil was introduced to reduced Fe-Cr powder-in a quantity of 1% of the weight of the powder and mixed for 2-2.5 hr in drum mixers. Then, powdered C type GMZ,h wa_s introduced to the mixture and mixed foy 5-6 hours With a porosity of 20%, ab of the alloy reaches 55.2 kg/mm2, H8 170 kg/mm ~. The powders produced cor- Tespond to the requirements of the state standard. A OoMpact,material with (a 87 kR kg/mm2) ~ was produced by high mechanical properties h OM112, Ila pxtruding the alloy. Plicrospectral analysis showed that,Cr and C are dis- tributed wrenly in the alloy. 3 figures, .3 tables, I biblio.,ref. TT_; LP! i L.- X ~ - U-1. VL-- -j ~ A . . I u - - - . . .. . . PROXV KCf7L/FRAME--I?,R6/0676 STEP '40-~---~UR/0357/.*1013-00/OC)Z/OOF8/0'V'72 "1.*. -:'. . , . . . ~ " . :.. . - . . f .. . . .. . .. . . . . ..- . CIRC ACCESSION Nfl--AOOICZ6oO L A-J,3-&t - -- , -- - - 7---- -----7 212 026 UNCLASSIFIED PROCESSING DATE-0?~DCT70 .~C-LRC ACCE!~SION Nl"--AP0102660 :,ABSTRACT/C-XTRACT--(U) GP-0- ABSTRACT. ANI ANALYSIS rlF LATE JUTC3MES FOLLnWING APPLICATION OF DIFFERENT METHODS OF IALEPHA._~JPLASTY 1-14 186 PATTENTS,-WHO UNDERWENT 690 OPERATHINS OF STAGE WISE PLASTIC REPAIR, FURNISHZUr.-THE NECESSARY- GROUNDS FOR-i-C01151PERING BASIC Pp'~NCIRLES- .'~GOVERNING-THE.CHOIICE OF THE PROPER METHOD. REMOTE OUTCOMES WER~ --VERIFIED OV,ER PERIUUS FROM 6 MONTHS TO 2O.YEARS. REASONS FOR -UNSA-TISFACT-ORY- OUTCOMES OF THE OPERAT IONS t, RELATED, 10 THE 4ETHOD OF BLEPHAROPLASTY CHOSENt ARE DESCRIBED* THE AUTHORS ARRIVE AT A -CONCLUSICIN THAT IN CHOOSING THE METHOD OF,BLEPHAROPLASTY.DF PRIME IMPORTANCE IS INDIVIDUAL APPROACH,,. WITH. DUE ACCOUNT FOR THE ~:_PELULIARITLES OF'THEF EYELID DEFECT ANDFOR THE STATE Of- THE PER13CULAR ...-REGION. 'EXCH ONE OF TH.E BLEPHAROPLASTY METHODS SHOULD BE ADOPTED IN -_'ICON FORM I TY WITH DEFINirE INDl'QATI.ONS. ;,flif5~.AKTICLE CITES INDICATIONS FOR -:THE USE:..OF BASI'f,. METHOOS OF BLE P14AROPL ASTyo. USSR UDC 621.892.8 -0V, P. P_- S. . GRI PANOK, K. K. , TRET Y AK GOWYEV, P. F., KULIKOV, M I. N., GLAVATI, 0. L., GORDASH, RM C11. 1. L. J&OX - "New Aviation Oils with Dipole Type Additives" Neftepererabotka i Neftekhimiya. Resp. Mczhved. sb. [Oil Refining and Petro- chend.stry, Republic Interdepartmental Collection), No 5, 1971, lip 38-41, ffran~;- lated from Referativnyy Zhurnal Aviatsiyonnye i Raketnye Dvigateli, No 12, 1971, Abstract No 12.34.9, from the Ilesume) . Translation: The results of studies of the physical, chemical and operational properties of a now aviation oil containing.a Dipole-type additive by labora- tory methods, and the results of 50 hours tests of thi.s. oi.1 in a Type W-82T one-cylinder installation indicate that this oil is significantly suprerior to Type MS-20 oil wdthout additives, presently used fotr piston aviation engines, and is equal to and in some respects superior to aeroshell oil. VI-100, a foreign type. 3 Tables; 3 Biblio. Refs. 77 USSR 66 621-7191.75i.5.037-52.-62-413-669-715 KOMEYEV, A. D., Candidate of Technical Sciences ZU ineer, SI~Plf V& YA. , Eng FILIPPOVI V. K., Engineer, BAGRYANSKAYA, S. X., aECT-flOMHAINOVI I. Engineer F. Engineer, Zhdanov Metallurgical',Institute~ "Automatic Nidden Arc Welding of Thick-Walled Aluminum" Moscow, Svarochnoye Proizvodstvo, No 6, Jun 73, PP 118-49 Abstract: Aluminum 40mm thick was welded with a hidden arc (under ceram ic flux) using the VDM-1601 rectifier as the power source. Two parallel connected VKSM-1000 rectifiers were used for metal thicker than 40rn. The bitt joint welding of plates made from A5 aluminum was conducted with two electrode wires, perpendicular to the weld seam axis. A plate made from low-carbon steel. with a milled groove was used in formin the reverse side of the seam. Specimens ho, 50, and 621nm thick, 9 consisting of two plates, were welded in testing the one nicle, single pass method. Analyses of the inacro- and microstructure of the seam met. h 1e. ,al s o - hi h density and the absence of pores and slag inclusions both in seam cross section and in places vhere the plates join the searn. The results 5how that single, pass, one sided welding of sheets up to 70nMI is possible without preheaLing and edEe shaping. 65 USSR wo 621.?qi.753.o45-0531-On669-71 BAGRYANSKIY, K. V.j Doctor of Technical Sciences, KORNEYEV, A. D., Candidate of Technical Sciences, and ZU30i V. YA.~j Engineer, Zhdanov Mletallurgical 'Institute "Seam Metal Refining During Welding Aluminum with a~Ojosed Are" Moscow, Svarochnoye Proizvodstvo, No 2j Feb 74t pp 32"33 Abstracti The effect of the welding method on seam metal refining was studied in-tv welding of aliLminum with a closed.axcusing different fluxes with flux ZhA-64A providing deep refining of the seam metal due'U its high activity and good weld-bath insulation from the surrounding mad-tum. Duration of pre- servation of the flux and elec-br!cde wire does not render a substantial effect, when welding with a closed arc, on the A120 content In the seam, which remains 3 lower than in the metal being welded, The presence of up to 1:1.,' sand In the coaposition of f2ux ZhA-64 does not cause azW. significeant lowering of the refining capacity of the fluxes. The high metallurglc4a activilk"y of ceramic flux ZhA-64 for closed-arc welding of aluminum U15=03: a high cryolite content in the flux composition. Two figures, six bibliographic references. 1A ul)", 79i: 669 7i;6jI.;. 0 L) K.. A., En. gineer, KO.I~'EYEV-, -Enginuer, _Iu,:)~ 4,Jlit. ,zik Lntur, (Lhdarov Listi-~ute of Metallurgy) and i(AZAKOV, .41. F. , v 4'Pf ilaciiine.-y Plant') "Ozono Concentration in the orking Area Daring AlLurdnwi Welding" pp 4-8-49 N'Gs cow, 3varochnoye Proizvodstvo, No 7, Jul 701 Abstract: A study was made of ozone contamination of the workinG ar-j-, dur-in,, automat.Le welding of aluminum. '.."he sLudy was mAde under laborator., arA p-La.-it conditions. The procedure for determining the ozone concentration is basea on the ozonu-pota-5nium iodide interaction (2 Fj+jj2O+O2= Tnc: ~,Qno con- 41 contration ujrder plant corvilitions was determined in welding 25-waa-thick pancis ing aruiuiar joiri~s OP railroad containers mado or A5 aiwunum, and also in-weld- inside containers. Experimental procedures are brieel 4Q~;cribed, --tni ave-ra,,ed y resulls of 10 experiments are presented in a table. With 'Lhe relatIlle lnsLabil- ity of ozone taken into accountt measurements were taken in order to determaxe -its concentration at various distances from the ard, in,the vertical and hori- zontal directions. A schematic experimental setup.and the dependence of concen- tration on distance in both directions are prosented. Ozone concentration at USSR UDC: 8.74 "Running of Programs Written forthe D.768 and T-71 in OS IPM11 Teoriya Yazykov i Metody Postroyeniya Sistem Programmir. [Theory of Languages and Methods of Construction of Programming Systems--Collection of Work-s], Kiev- Alushta, 1972, pp 325-328 (Translated from Referativnyy1hurnal Kibernetika, No 11, 1972, Abstract No 11V570, by V.'Mikheyev) Translation: The different forms of data organization used in the D-68 and T-71 supervisory programs and in OS IPM and the different interpretations of dxtracodes makes these supervisors incompatible with OSJPM. It is demonstrated that this incompatibility can be defeated if the programs are emulated in 05 IPM in the mode modeling the capabilities provided by the supervisors. An emulator refers to a task in OS IPM w1iich is an intermediate between the OS task and the emulated task. The emulator processes the description of the task and acquires the necessary resources, inputs the program and initial data considering the input words and controlled symbols, interprets the operation of the extracodes and assures the reaction to errors called.for in the task. Enrulator consists of two sequentially operating parts. The first part inputs and processes the des- cription of the task being emulated. The sbcond part consists of subroutines 1/2 J~ T7 USSk Zusman, I. Kh., Teoriya Yazykov i Metody Postroyeniya-Sistem Porgrammir., Kiev- Alushta, 1972, pp 325-328 for input, processing of errors and interpretation of extracodes. From one to three files must be prepared to,start the emulator. The first file is the description of the emulated task, its program and inititil data. The second file contains information on magnetic tapes used by the,task. The third file is fixed ir. emulation of translators called by D-68 andIT-71 from a magnetic drum, and contains the name of the-translator with which the names of the sec- tions of the translator begin in storage. 2/2 w'~ 7', 7 7 UDC 534-8 ustp ROKRLIN, L. L. , Z~LSMA "Effect of Pecovery and RecrTstallization on the Attenuation of Ultrasound in Magnesium" V sb. Struktura i svoystva legk. splavov (Structure and Properties of Nonferrous Collection Alloys of liorks), Moscow, "Naukall, 1971, pp 68-71 (from RZh-F-izik--, N6.3, Mar 72, Abstract No 3Zh521) Translation: The effect of recovery and recrystallization on the damping of ultrasound in polycrystalline-magnesium which was subjected to various degrees of cold deformation (from I to 50") was studied. The r1anping of ultrasound was detemined by a pulse method for longitudinal waves, anel the jn~~a-,urc,.ment fre- quency was 10 and 20 MHz. Three stages of- the Trieas.uremerit occur in this tem- perature interval: the first is characterized by a drop in tI)c dampin of .9 ultrasound upon recovery; the second is characterized by -an increase in dnMing upon recoveryg and the third stage is the recrystalliz~*:ition of the process, during which attenuation of ultrasound drops considerably. Depending on the degree of prelininary deformation of the samples, the individual stages of change in the daTTing coefficient have a different dCVelODM~_rIt. in samples deformed by 112 Eli USSR ROKHLIN, L. L., ZUSMAN, L. L., Struktura. i svoystva legk. splavov, Moscow, "Nauka", 1971, pp 68-71 "'ormed by 5 and 10' the 1 and 2% the three stages were noted; in sanples dej. damping is relatively little dependent on the annealing temperature; in the -most deformed se-rirples (30 and 50%) OnlY recryGtallization of the oample was clearly displayed and damping.of ultrasotuld is redliced, Authors abstract. 2/2 Ifq USSR ROXMJF, L. L., EUSIMAN, L. L., and BOCHTAR,: F. If- "Light Alloys vith Specific Acoustic Properties Ypetallovedenive Splavov Le&Xch 1,btallov-Sbandk., ~bscow, "ITauka", 1970* pp 199-2C2, re sume Translation: Data are Presented on the effect of alloying and structural factors (grain size, degree of cold hardening, and the decormosition degree of supersaturated sol-id solution) on the ultrasound daXoing factor of magtesium and lithium alloys. The effect of-these factors on both kinds-of alloys is compared. Acoustic properties of sow alloys of aptimum coniposition for use as materials in sound-conducting devices, are,presented. Six figmares,, eight bibliographic reference Vi !USSR ZUS',IAII ~j I JfAj..IESTjjrj 11. K. PARYGIN V. N. (Ghair of the Physics of Oscil- "Modulation of 10-~i Radiation by Means of Ultrasound" Mosomr, Vestnik '11-foskovskogo Universiteta: Idzika, Astrwamiyaz 11-larch-A-pril, DD 190-4 A-%'L P;JkCT : The authors Dresent results of an e:merimental study of a modulator of 10.6-,i radiation usin,~ the pilot r;ejjrtic nfga gernanium cry.91-,na. The ct in a, eff ec t 4-ve nerrentage modulation at an ultrasorde frequemy af 13 11,16 ard amial to 2%. for double refraction and 70,"'1 for diffraction, itith a pmrer consturmtion of 2.2 watts by a piezoaleotric driver., was obtained. ..The n(xiulatJLon band com- pr!-.:ed 1%. .7ures. article includec three equations and th-ree fil- (a) the equivalpnt circuit of' a pl. ez oa loot ric nonwr'U-2r Im-4 (b) the -cll(rlatin diagran of matchin.- a piezoelectric coriverter with an electuric oscil I -ator. Figure 2 shows the theoretical aml exnerLnenbal demmdenca of the effective- fed to a piezoelectric ness -of a double refraction modulator (-,-n the ,rolta~e :converter. IRL-ixe 3 shows the theorutical and exnerim._-ntal dependence of the effectiveness of a diffraction modulator on the voltage fed to a piezoelectric converber. There are two bibliograr.Mc references. DATE- -27,NOV70 1/2~ 010 UNCLASSIFIED--- ROCESSUNG J T.TTLE--MANIFESTATION OF STRUCTURA,L FEATURES. OF AQUEOUS ORGANIC MI XTURES. IN THE KINETICS OF THE REACTION BETWEEN 4R0 N 11 IONS, AND, R,Ior LEVINAj A.S. t~ MOL IN p YU* N. o~_:I_COUNTRY OF INFO--USSR AKAO. flAu;'ll SSS11 1970, 1 115) -',1060-2 9 .~Z ..DATE PU13L ISHED ------- 70 --CHEMISFRY ~t'_S.UBJECT AREAS ';S--5Ul_F0NE, 9ENME DERIVATIVE, "JOP[jr. TAt HYDRAZINE QBGAN(C COMPOU-ND, I R ON KINETICS -,.,-CONTROL MARKING--NO RESTRICTIONS '_.i:DOCUMENT CLA SS~--UMCLA 5 5 1 F I ED z.PROXY REEL/FRAME-3005/0788 STEP NO-,-UR/0020/?0./l')l j'005/ i06(-)/ L062 CTqC ACCESSION NO--AT0132886 w4u LASS I F Ifti '212 010 UNCLASSIFIED PROCESSING DATE--27NOV70 C [P.C ACCESSION NO-ATO 132886 ABSTRACT/EXTRACT--(U) GP-0- ABSTRACT. KINETIC OAfA: WERE SHOWN GRAPHICALLY FOR REACTION OF FE PR i MIE2POSI VI VE 'eILTH SULFONATED DIPHENYLPICRYLHYDRAZYL STABLE RADICAL :1 NAQ- MEOH, ET01-1, PROH, mE StJ33 AND DIGXANE' SYSTEMS IN THE.15-25DEGREES INTERVAL. GENERALLY THE RATE CONST. DECLINED IN THE REGION OF VII-GH.C01"11CM5.1 OF THE SUBSTRATEV PQSSI~AY OWING TO DFCLINING CHARGE ON THE REACTAINTS AS A RESULT QlF THFIR -4 IN. N HE ASSOCN. WITH COUINTERIONS IfN MEDIA OF LOW DIELEC. CONST. A ' i, r RATE CONSTANT 4AS OBSO. AT SIMILAR 'To o.i mot-E FRACTIO"I CM4Ctl. OF THE SYSTEM AND THE LIKELY ORG. CIOMPUNENT OF THE: RlEASOMS FOR THIS WERE bRIEFLY DISCUSSED. FACILITY: I NST,. KH I M. KINET. GORE,"41YA, NOVOS181,RSK, USSR, USSR UDC: 533. 6. 011. 8 ZUSMAN, V. B. and NAGORNYKH, YU. D. '.'Forming High-Velocity Molecular Beams by Ion Beani Recbargb),, Method" Novosibirsk, Sb. Vzaimodeystviye Gaza .1 Poverldinw-Wyu Tverd. Tela (Symposium on Interaction of Gas with Solid Body Surface), 197 1, pp 87-9Z ~Ifrorn Referativnyy Zhurnal-Mekhanika,~ 1973, Abstract No 2B263 by A.A. Pyaripun) Translation: Results are given of an investigation of high- v,~Jocity molecular beams obtained by a known etectrophysical method, based on ionization of gas followed by acceleration and recharging.of ions at the gas target. A variety of this method with an ion beam, where ions are extracted from plasma by an electro:itatic field, is investigated. It is shown that the deceleration of high- velocity nitrogen atoms on dense gas targets is independent of the kind of atoms of the tar et and that its intensity decreased by one order o1 magnitude with the 9 change of velocity by 14 Kni/sec. It is claimed that thc-~ method of ion bearn re- an be used to obtain neutral nitrogen flow 1, 1.0-20 Kml oc vo). cit charging c, a o USSR UDC 681 .327 i L2 HO, V. G. KRITSKIY, D. R., BITT,, V. V Expiximental Scientific US Z 'M-i_al~ch Institute of Metal-Cutting Machine Too'"s "A Device for Reading out Information from a Puhched Tape!' Moscow, Otkrytiya, Izobreteniya, Promyshlennyye Obraztsy, Tovarnyye Znaki, No 8, 1970 p 138, Patent No 264818,! filed 9 Mar 67 Abstract: This Author's Certificate introduces a device for read- ing out information from a punched tap*e. The unit contains feed and take-up cartridges, readout photocells, and a drive. As a distinguishing feature of the patent, the.device is.simplified and provision is made for operation.with either a ring-t3rpe or oepn punched tape. Tne take-up cartridge contains a split spring ring with a diameter equal to that of the inner ring of the feed cart- ridge. Pressed against this ring from.the inside is a roller with its axle connected to two levers. One of these levers is connected by its axis to the cartridge housing, while.the other lever is connected to a spring-return rod and is located in a cavity per- pendicular to the axis of rotation.of the cartridge. I/L The Tap.~ USSR UDC 616-13-002-18-085-835.3-032t6ll.l3 OL'SWWSXIY, A. A., Professor, and Candidate of 1.1edical Sciences, Faculty Surgical Clinic of the CINN &c~+,44t-y of the Dnepro- petrovsk Medical Institute of the First, Municipal ClWcal Rospital "Treatment of obliterative Diseases of the Extremities by Intraarterial Infusion of.Oxygen in Conjunation:With Baxoth.erapy" Leningrad, Vestnik KhirurgU, Vol 107, No 19, -Dec 71, pp 33-36 Abstracts Since intra-arterial administration of oxygen, followed by local barotherapy in some cases, dilates.arterioles and increases blood flow, this treatment was applied to 85 patiente with endarteritis, obliterans or athe-ro- sclerosis. No improvements were observed in 13 patien,tst and their necrotic Umbs were amputated. Good results (disappearance of ],ain at rest, increased skin temperature, and restoration,of abillty~to work) were attained In 39 out of 44 patients in the second stage of.the diaeaze, and ratisfactory results (disappeaxar.ce of pain at rest and arrest of the progress of the disease) were achieved in 22 out of 46 patients in the third and fourth stages. The remission lasted from 6 months to over one yeax, and equa-1.1y good results were gained after the second treatment. It isbelieved that in sonw, patients relapses were precipitated by wearing.tight &hoesland socks and abusing nicotine and alcohol. The zethod is recommended as an effective adjunct to conservative treatment. A ~USSR UDC 613.6-07:612.143 ZUSMANOVIC;R, V. A., Institute of Labor Hygiene and Occupational Diseases, Krivoy "Type of Work and Arterial Pressure" ~Moscov, Gigiyena Truda i Professional'nvye Zabolevaniya, No 3, 1970, pp 16-19 Abstract: The effect of physical and mental work on the incidence of arterial hypertension was studied in 6000 workers employed in the mining industry. The subjects were subdivided into groups according to their diurnal energy expendi- cures. It was determined that arterial hypertension occurred significantly more often among workers engaged in mental work than among those doing physical work. Subjects performing hard and medium-hard labor showed more arterial hypertension than~those doing light physical work. The desirability of:transierring miners with elevated blood pressure, operating within the-"d ger~zone":or those with an arterial hypertension to light physical work~is:' stioned~.' que 77 uDc: 6 21 USSR .372.1413 ZUSM11OVSKIY, S. A. MrID!, S. F. S 1 MIO IN OV K. G . "Coefficient of interaction and Electronic Conductivity of a ' F.esonator" Elektron. tekhnika. ITaucbno-tekhn. sb. Elektron. SVCh (Electronic Technalagj. Scientific and Technical Collection, SHF ElectrQnics), 19(0, vyp. 1, pp 55-57 (from RZh-Radiotekhnika, No 7, Jul 70, Abstract it 'o 7B139) f interaction -nnd the components of Translation: Expressions for the coefficient o e z1ven for a two-gap :.electlronic conductivity with regard to space charge forces ar E resonator in the case of an arbitrary phase shi. ift for the fields in the gaps. Two-gap resonators with both plane and gridlers gaps axe considered. The given relationships may be used to determine the geometric dimensions off the field of -a two 'or ~interaction of -gap resonator which give maximum interaction any phase :shift of the fields in the gaps. Bibliography of four titleo. Resumd. USSR TJDC 621-385.623.4 (088.8) NOVII EMMA MIN, S. P., SIMONOV, K.'' G. 11TI-To-Gao Resonator" USSR Authorls Certificate No L388LL, filed 11 Har 68, published 29. Jun 70 (fron R_7h-Elel Ictronilca iyeZe~ prin2a2nja, No 2, Feb 71, Abstract No 2A172-P) Translation: AI two-gap resonator for micro~iav~- devices is oatented, with two interaction regionai bounde.