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USS9 ZUBTSOV, A. V., PONGMAREV, V. I. "Asymptotic Solution of the Problem of Flow Around a Wavy Surface by a Flat Stream of aViscous Fluid" Uch. zap.. Tsentr. Aero-gidrodinam. In-ta. [Scientific IfTitings of Central Aerohydrodynamics Institute], 1972, Vol 3, No 2-, pp 39-50, (Translated from Referativnyy Zhurnal, Mekhanika, No 10~ 1972, Abstract No 10 B677, from the Resume). Translation: Flow around a profile with a wavy contour by a stream of a viscous, incompressible fluid with R >> I is studied. The. case is studied when b0>> X >> 6 >> h (b 0 is the length of a.profile chord, 211X is the wavelength, h is the amplitude of the wave, Sis the thickress of the boundary layer). The perturbations caused by the waviness of the surface are deter- mined by solving linearized Navier-Stokes,equations. The solution of thlese equations is found approximately by the method of external and internal asymptotic expansions with respect to small parametersi, dependent on the value of ~ = X/b0and the Reynolds number. The solution found is used to Cstimate the Influence of sui-face wavinos.,q on the stabillty of a flat boundary layer, USSR UDC 629,78.015:533.6.015.04 BARINOV, V. A,,-ZUBTSOV A. V. "Flow of a Viscous Fluid on a Wavy Surface of a Sliding Wing" Ucb. zap. Tsentr. acro-gidrodina . in-ta (Scientific Notes of the Central L M ydrodynamic InstitL-e), 1970, Vol. 1, No. 6, pp 75-81 f a RZh-Raketo- Aeroh, L rOT stroyeniye, No 9, Sep 71, Abstract.No 9.41.60) Translation: The effect of surface waviness on the flow ove-r a sliding wing is investigated. The problem is solved for.small wavelencths under the as-.;umption that the wave ampl 'itude -P. much leps thall the thicknes"I Of the boundary laycl In this case the Solution of the probleinjs broken up,into a nonviscous sclu- tion and the solution of the boundary layer equations. ; It is shown that pertur- bations caused by waviness in a nonviscous flow appear in a very thin 2.onr-- near the wall, the thickness of which is of the order of a:wavelength. The nonvis- f r perturbations in the neighborhood of each t of the surface cous solution -0 poin, coincides with the solution for a certain equivaient wavy plate in an ideal flo,-., with a'veloc-ity equal to the local velocity of the, unpek~turbed flow. An exampie of a numerical calculation of the t1wee-dimentional bout.dary layer on a sliding 1/2 2/2 .1 1 - i mum, MITIT, ITTI USSR UDC 629.78.015:532.526 ~p=,_,,t.._V,_and PONOMAREV, V. I. "Asymptotic Solution to the Problem of Viscous-Fluid Plane Flow Around a Fibrous Surface" Uch. Zap._Tsentr. Aerogidrodinam. In-ta (Scientific Writings of the Central Aerohydrodynamics; Institute), Vol 3, No 2, 1972, pp 39-50 (from Referativnyy Zh urnal--Raketostroyeniye, No 8, 1972, Abstract No 8.41.91) Abstract: In the viscous-fluid flow around a wing at a Reynolds' number greater than 1 the flow in the boundary layer is, as a rule, turbulent. One of the methods of artificial laminarization of tlie flow is sticking the air from.the boundary layer. In the technological preparation of a win- surface, a h1gh-frequency undulation can form on it and, consequently, there is practical interest in inve-qtigating, the effect. of surface undulation oil the flow of a fluid in the boundary layer, The flow around a profile, having art incompressible fluid at a undulating contour, by the flow of a viscous Reynolds' number greater than 1 can be investigated. The case where bo p X >6 ~ h (bo-- length of profile chord, 2~T X -- wave length, h -- wave amplitude, and 6 -- boundary layer thickness) is L~xawlned. Disturbing effects, caused by surface undulation, are determined from solving linearized Stokes-Naxrier equations, The solution of these equations was I hj IISSR ZUBTSOV, A. V. and PONOMAREV, V.I., Uch. Zap, Tsentr., Aerogidrodinam. IRZta, Vol 3, No 2, 1972, pp 39-50 (from ReferativnyyZhurnal--Raketo- stroyeniye, No 8, 1972, Abstract No 8.41.91), approximated by the method of external and internal asymptotic expansions for.small parameters depending on the magnitude of X X /b. and the Reynolds' number. The solution is usedtor e-valuatingthe effect which shows thesurface undulation onthe stability-of the plane boundary layer. Author's view, 5 tables, 3 bibliographical references. 2/2 21 USSR UDC 5342.526 ZU" A V "Effect of a Single Rough Spot on the Flow of a Liquid in the Boundary Layer" Uch. zap. Tsentr. aero-gidrodinam. in-ta (Scientific Notes of the Central Aero- hydrodynamic Institute), 1971, Vol 2, No,l, pp 9-16 (from Uh-Hekhanika, No 11, Nov 71, Abstract No 11B566) Translation: A study was made of the flow of a viscous -incompressible liquid around a body for Reynolds numbers of R >> l.under the condition that there is a single rough spot on its surface protruding deep into the boundary layer (h