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R UDC 547-721'781'821 SAIDABOTLY N. 0.1 r--nd,GIIJ2R) S. A.2 Institate of OrCzanic Synthesis, AW-d. Se. latvian SSR, Riga "Aminomethylation o.-,' 2-(Furvl-2)irrd4azo-[1,2-al-p~ridine" Riga.. laLimmiya Geterotsi1clichleskikh 5oyedineniy, wo, 6,'1JWII 71) PP 818-821 Abstract: kunmethylation, specifically' the morpholino- and pipe ridinome-'-.-hyla- tion of 2-(furyl-2)irdd-azo-(1,2-a)PyTi;iine occurs principally at POSitioll 3 of the ird system, when equiraolar. Tiantitleii of' the reasgrents a-.v. usod. With excess fo=..aldehyda and amine-the reaction occurs also at position 5 of, the furane ring,. 'Ib identify the stmeture of product it vas further rdtrated to yield 3-morpholjnoneth-,,,rI--2-(5-nitral- imidazo-(1,2-a)-pyridine (I). For positiv-~ L.~ntificatillm, (IT) vas indeDendently synthesized by :,-or,~pi-tali-noi-,.ethy2.ation of ftt-ruzture --" dentifi cation was carried out by iwzna of TLC,' ALnd T.R and UV spa3ctro- cv~opical anal~vsos. Shu reaction 'was carried. oi~t by dropv.;Lse &ddition of formlin an.:I morpholi- to 2-f%f,=,I-;2)j:t-~jda-- (" 8---]p:.T#i:ie in acetic- acid, 0 heatinS for 3 hrs a~. and neutralization vI Wa, NaOll. 1/1 7-- USRR UDO 661.668t621.9-492 BELOZERSKIY, H. A. SEGAL, L. D., 11EL'TSER, R .L. , and A4j State Planning Institute for Nickel Industry si "Iron-Nickel-molybdenum Carbonyl Powders" Kiev, Akademlya Nauk Ukr SSR, Foroshk6vaya Metelluredya, No 7, Jun 72o PP Abstracti A cartoryl uethod for obtaining iron-wnlckel-molybdenurn powders containing from 0-5 to 5-~% Mo ir. descri1xd.. In ort4-- to inorease the molybdenum content in the powder, an orgazic solvent Such as HI (CO)41 Mo(CO)6, or acetone is added to the initial CiLrboV1 Iran-nicl,-el or the tezpomtUre,of,the latter isiraided., ~'Articlea with high properties are produced'frox loarb6V1 1rvn-a1W-,el-%o1ybdenum -Powders. 38 - I-f2 026 UNCLASSIFIEb~ PROCESSING DATE-20HOV70 ,T-ITLE-DETERMINATIEN OF THE SOLUaILITY Of li-OLYBDENUWCAROGUYL INICARBON -NCXIOE~AT HIGH PRESSURE -U-.. Mij -~UtI40R- 104 J-KR ICHEVSKAYA, U.0., KREMNEV,.V.L.# ZELlkjiAANp'. L.A., BULOTOVAv i/2 006 UNCLASSIFIED` PROCESSING DATE--23OCT70 'jITLE--EFFECT OF HYDROTHERMAL TREATMENT CONDITIONSION THE PROPERTIES OF CALCIUM HYDROSILICATE FOR USE AS A FILLER OF POLYMER MATERIALS -U- AUTHOR-(03)-MCHEOLOVPETROSYANs O.P., SYTNIK, L.V.p ZELIKTNI M.B. COUNTRY OF INFO--USSR ::~50 URCE--Zi i. PRIKL. KHIM. LENINGRAD 1970 .4313)t 507r-13 SEDATE PUBLISHED ------- 70 '..':-SUBJECT AREAS--MATERIALS TAGS--FILLER, RUBBER# LEATHER,, rALriuM COMPOUND MARKING--NO RESTRICTIONS UMENT. CLASS--UNCLASSIFIED PROXY REEL/FRAME--1997/0596 STEP NC--(JR/OOBO/70/043/00310507/0513 C I RC ACCESSION NO--AP0119514 UNCLASSIFIED 2/2 006 UNCLASSIFIED PROCESSING DATE--230CT70 -~,ClRC ACCESSION NU--AP0119514 :-.ABSTRACT/EXTRACT--(U) GP-0- A8STRACT. OpTI~JUM C011,101 r IONS FOR PRODUCTION OF THE.T-tTLE C.04PD., USEF-CL AS A FILLER IN RUBBER AND SYNTHETIC LEATHERt WERE DETD. FOR THE REACTION, DIATOMITE FROM THE WHADL ORSK DEPOS[rr CONTG. 37. 5PERCENT S 10 SU82 OF AN AMORPHOUS AC T I'VE F()i~tl, 2 . OPERCENr AL SU62 0 SUB3j 1.6PERCENT M(;Ot O.BPERCENt CAO9 1. IPERCENT FE SU32 0 SU83, AND 6PERCENT VOLATILES, AND CAO HEATED OT~900DEGRELS AND SLAKED WITH H -SUB2 0 AT 90DEGREES WERE USED IN DIFFEqENT,RATIOS4. BEST RESULTS WERE AT ~-.CAO-SIO SUB2 EQUALS 0.5:1. OPTIMUM TEMP. IN THE,AUrOCLAVE WAS 100DEGREES. THE REACTION RATE iNCREAS~D WITH THE DEGREE OF DISPERSLON*~ WET.MILLING*OF THE MATERIALS IS RECOMMENDED. THE RATE WAS BEST AT THE H SUB2 0 SOLIDS RATIO OF 10-20. A HIGH REACTION RAfE ALWASY INDICATED A ..GOOD QUALITY FILLER. F,AIC11TY:' '.NAUCH,.-ISSLED, INST. OSNOV,, KHIM.t.: KHARX.OlV.r. USSR. UNCLASSIFIED so: Jlvjz~ ,D~ UPY On X [Arti !a b7 'I.!. 1!c-ccir Stnte Universitr -en; C Lomonso; Al.*;d 'I,% U1, SSF.P., Runsian. Vol 202, - 0 0~: 'r.~. I No 5, 1572. signud to Ljr;., T- We zhail anilyze rho fall*-inr. diffcvential 7-~ objects r and C mav be Moved In a circle at a rare that don= not exceed anity. At the I.Itial mon.nt or time a ran-don Un- on, the- zircle.. Uor=,diztri=ution.4z ;;Lvcn..for.1joth. obiects Ifelther knows an Y thin r, about jhr location or rho other. The PlAY*r F trL43 to "capture" player E. i . a. , the gan*, is cors- sidered ended at the moment, r if P and E are one an the thd~**Ircla at thls =mos~t. - Let us danate,the radius of the circle by Zit and the au-~ Sles of theradii7vec~.ora, of points. P.and E by_ 4f.and th a certain fixed ray.pas sing through the center Of the cyl-cwle. The equations of notion will have the form Then it is convenient for the ~rratery of P an4 C to take trajectories themselves Of this SySten. "a'. the cf(t) and 'Y(t) respectively aatio1yLnr. the LipshIta condltlo~:-, In- (2) Ve have the same condition for the function V(t). since It IA obvious that there are no decisions In the pure strart-Fict f('%' this problem,then each of the players selects a certain ure in space of the functions such &a (2) which will also 40 Ix -7 7t, USSR ZELIKINA, L. F. 'VOne Economics Problem which can be Reduced to a: Differential Game" Teoriya Igr [Games Theory Collection of Works], Yt~revan, 1973, p 172 (Translated from ReferatIvny), Zhurnal-KibeTnetik-a, No 10, 19713, Abstract No 10%,*489) Trarslation: The strategy of each side consists in distribution at each rio;-aent in time of the available resources into two parts: into increased production and into scientific res~earch, increasing.the probabil4ty of scientific discoveries which in turnincrea5e the effectiveness of investments. ~Tlie problem is stated DF selecting a resources roache. strategy so that the side having.theJeast i the level of the other side. HA ITftl~ il Ail1 USSR uzc 669-27'294-051 ZEL MAN A. N. KFEYNJ* 0. YE. and, LOBOVAY T. A. "Synthesis.and Some Properties of Sangsten an& Tantalum.:Chalcogenides" V sb. nallkogenidy (Chalcogenides--colleetion of works), Vyp 2, Kiev, "Nauko~W WMka", 1970, pp 61-76 (from RZH-41etallurggiva, No 11, Nov 70, Abstract No 11G170) Translation: Scientific research work is carried out reaarding the conditions of production Of WS2, W, and Ta diselenides and the chemical c-nd antifriction properties of these cormounds. A atudy is made of the,interaction of selenides with water and diluted acid and alkali solutions at room temperature, and its behavior during air oxidation at 300-800c). 'It is e staiali shed: that the 14S 2 friction coeffic-ent coincides with that of YA)S.2, but it's wear is half as much. 7 iU#j 3 tables, 7 bibl. entries. S. Krivonosova USSR um 669~428-05~ ZEURAVAN., A. N., 19EYN, 0. YE., TESLITSKAYk M. V.., and Ih U14, G. V Synth.esis and Some Properties of ~blybdenum.Disulflde" V sb. Khall nidy (Chalcogeniden-collection works) ~Vyp 2, Kiev, koge~ 0 "Naukca& Dwaka", 1970, pp 47-6o (from Fmi-me'tallurat, /a, No- 1, Nov 70, Abstract No 11G179) n -L e Moscow Institute Translation: A review is Dresented of work coducted by h of Steel and Alloys on the investigation of methods of synthesis of MoS from elements and on the production oflbS2 by the method of interaction of irith molybdates,in the melt and on the study of the-structure and lubricating proper- ~ties -of synthetic MoS 6 ill.) 4 tables,11 bibl. entrios. S. Krivonosova 2 mMOU54 014 U C LS S I ~'j E 0;' PlibrESS ING DATE-13NOV70 I TLE-STUDY. OF T HE C L:---:k IT I "j'N 4F FERRO T U IN G S T c-- NIN! A CHLOMDE MM U- A.~ STEFANYOK, S.1 KHAZ AN, A-. Z COWNTqY 0 F TNFG--USSa SOURCE-11VEST. V. U. TSVETNAY-~ MET. , 19,70, 1) -7 :69 oATE PUBL ISHED------70 SUBJECT V%EAS---MATE*r1 ZIALS P HY TOP ST EN B I 8L M E ',1CHEM ICAL KINETICS, C OINT R OL MARK fj*4G--NORS T k' I C T 1 .0 Pli S 00CW4Ef%;T CLASS-UNCLA 35 IF NED ~PROXY.-k=-,,=L/FkAT4c--200~~/0533 STE P NO--UR /0 1491 70MOG /00 1 /0069/00 74 CIRC ACCESSION NO-AP012422i: 0- .2/2, 014 '11INCLASSIFIED! PR ~,FSSIING OATC' N'V70 .RC ACC ESS IOIN 1`40--AP 1 24 2 8 ABST,,',A"~Tf-E-XTi~'.ACT--(Ui GP-0- S TR A C T TH E CiiLUINArl'(ON dl~- FERRO Irl 1 .'4 NACL AND NACt~ FECL 6 ~ ME I FS kv,'S 5 f IJO I E-0. Af TEMPI C 5 75 DEC K E 0 SC NAT 1 Q -ijEJ "iPLE T I ON 'i-ILTHOUT r-l.[-:TA;WATICN CJIF JHIE THE CHLO' IN IN J C, C REACTIO-N 3Y THE CHLO-~ ILJES CIF ~tj ANID FEI THESE, lf---~IJ "..N.,; TO DISSOLVE THE ;IELr AN'ALYSIS OF- T14E KJIIETICS '0 F -READILY IN iL T7-E f: A T I ON S It I Di FFORENt T, SALT MELT -cz INDI C-4 TED THA T Pi E ~~EACTIUIIJ Y I N! C R S F 0 -SHAA:RPLY fIN THE PRESENCE GF F EC L SU32. ABDVE 800 CHLORINATION TOOK PLACE aY WAY OF A DIF~--JSION MECHANISMv 'rHE V E L,;'(: I T Y0 E P t',"l 0 1 N G 0 N THC, A T E 0 F FGaD Uqf L INT T~i` ','.!CL T. Acc. Nr. Abstrac-ting: Service: Ref . Code 10"51523 CHEMiCAL ABST V196/36 r' 81750f Reduction of tungsten, hexichloride Nvith hydrogen in I r 'A' a fluidized bed. Zelikman. A--~I. ; Anikeei.A-I. USSR). Ts"t. -11fetal. 1970,-rdr rT,-Z-6l (Rus;~)~ WC11 Is recornritended as starting material' foil the - ~r6dpcti Mely ~.O~Vd. ~urc w on- of ~ because of its ease- 6 cationAu'e"to its~low' 6~1~ Th ti re'dn. is done in a flui8ized~~eYot' ff by-H at 800-000 Both gases WC are carried by a stream .0f,purified, di U - y. Ar,;., . is clarified over -Oxy~hlorides are Cu shadings at, 600* and-dried over PA, removed from WCIG by eva" pn. at 200040" in puree -kr, and AI'Cla is then distd. at 300-50*. . Tht'W ~poWdzr.objai:ned 14, this method and collected in a.- dust c4amber. above the ~qaction, zone an Optuhurll c0 contains 1,350a C. el A relation was found for the limiting distributed discharge currents as a func-- tion of the electrode temperatures. The experimental Values of these currents 1/2 USSR ZELIKSON, YU. M., et al., Magnitogidrodinam. metod poluchemiya elektroeaeraii, vyp,. 3, Moscow, Energiya, 1972, pp 98-110 in the electrode temperature range of 1,350-1,500* C coincide satisfactorily with the ones calculated by the Richardson formula for,A~-120 amps/(CM2,deg2) and Jeff ~ 2.7 electron volts. The depetiden'ce of the wean arosion rate of the electroaes on the temperature and cur,,:ent density was defined. It was demon- r e temperature of 1,500' C tbe erosiop does not strated that at an electrod in practice depend on the current density. There~are'10 illustrations and a 13-entry bibliography. H 2/2 87 1:N11W191 'ri MOW,' 9! Oil Ell Kiev, Niekhanizatsiya i Avtomatizatsiya Upravleniya, No 2,. Mar-Apy 7.3, pp 86-88. Abstract: The Institute of Cybernetics, Academy of Sciences, Ukrainian SSR, has developed a receiver device for frequency- keyed, audio- frequency signals, largely eliminating the necessity of long pauses between signal pulses, which were -formerly required due to the slow attenuation 9f the signal level at the.conclusion of a pulse. The input signal to the, recolver i,'; fed through two phase shifter circuits. The phase shifters are, used: to produce a rectangular pulse in the receiver, at the end.of which the phase shifters are shorted to ground, draining the energy: stored in the icircuit and liber- ating the circuit for reception of the next pulse iP a. considerably shorter -period of -ti-me.. This frequency-phase principle, of separd-tion of signals makes better utilization of the band width, of the channel..: For example, with a bandwidth of 400 Hz and a code base~m_=A, the data reception rate can A be about 600 bits/see. The device.can beused An a control 5yoten, using, unsu-Itched cable lines as communications channels. IA: USSR VINCGRADOV, A. V., ZEMLYANMIC11, N 'A. It'. A..: PAVLOVA:I V,. DRO OVA, M. P. , and LOPATINA, N. R. "Correlation of 1.1'ethods of Determining Aluminum in BerylliL6 and in its Alloys" Moscows. Zavodskaya Iaboratoriya, Vol 39, No 2, 1973, PP 114-8--1119 Abstracts For the daternination of 0.1-jO% alumirum in beryllium, and in tx!-y- lllwii-aliaralnu.m alloys methods are recommenled i4hich do not rco,itire prcliiindnary r separation of these elejaen-". The photomotrio m6thod with methilthynol bluo OTTD) is recovmonded 'or concentrat J. -ions 0.1% Al. iBe CLid not givu a colored complex with 11i'M at PH 3, but in h1gh concentz-.1C, ions Be lowers the optical density of tha solution, Complexone-111 n.:1kes:it, possible to &:tex-mine Al in the presence of many elements shielded :by the coviplnxonf~. A ve:cifica- tIon iras made of the effect of Be on -the; Complexomaetrip, deZeximination of Al. by- means of hick titration of comju.~exone,.Oxcoss by a so'lution of thorium salt with IM indicator at PH 3 in solutions irith Aa:Be from iii to 1120. The examination of the gravimetric netbod with hydroxy-julnollne sholred that, high concentrat.ions of Be hinder the preeipi.atica of jil.. A comparaiCive evaluation of the three i-ethods con two sau:ipl,~= of binary Be-Al alloys reve-aled that the gravimctr1c-hydxoxyquino1.4na v-.othod is ni;act ard the phollo~-,,1~1-xic method Is mos4L raDid. The latter is a:r-cor=ended and its practicability is discussed. Ono table, nine biblioC/raphiio xt-,fercnoes. PROCESSING DATE--IISEP70 Oil p -S, 0 TATLE'~--PRINCI PLES, OF THE OPEqAT[f)fq OF. THE METALLI.C EL,_CT ODE F A L,~JMGNETOHYDRODYNAMIC GENERATOR "U ;_.-._AUTkt')R--ZEL1KS0Nj YU.M.t KIRTILLOV, V.V.9 RES.HETOVI E%P.w FLrDv S.D. WWI C TRY OF INFO--USSR --TEPLOFIL. VYS. TEMP. .1970, 8(1) 193-202 E PUBLISHED ------- 70 UIBJECT AqEAS--Ej*,IEqGY CONVERSION (N0N-PR0PULSTV0v ECECTR~INJJCS tECTRf C.AL ENGR. _0'PM-TAGS-`-.ELECTR0DE DESIGNt ELECTRODE PROPtRTYV 1AAGNETf-_'14YDqP.DYNAN,IC 'GEN P F ATnR -CONTROL MARKING-NG RESTRICTIONS ADOCUMENT CLA S CL A S S I F I E D STEP %Jf?--URI/02914/7-1/OOR~/'('I?())'-,3/-)?)2 :''PkGXY R E FL F R AM c x- 19 8 9 / 0 6 0 3 1 CIRC ACCESSIM NC--AP0107200 QUM 011 UNCLA'SSIFrED POOCESS[N-3 DATE--IISEP70 -CARC, ACCESS10% NO-AP0107200 I .STEEL, STAPILESS UEEL, AND CU ABSTRACT/EX.TR ACT-- (U) GP-0- ABSTRACT. &_ ---ELECTRODES WeRE FIVALUATF0, IN AN APP. ~DFSCRIBEU .1-14 DETAIL, UNDER COWITIONS APPROACHING THOSE OF ELECTRODES Ift MH.0i GENIPRATI'RS. N r, N, L I N fF AR VtA CHARACTERISTICS WERE f?3SD. IN THE~EXPTS.; AT CURRENT 9F (j.1-0.15 A AND. THRESHOLD VOLTAGFS OF 70-120 V, AN. ARC DISCHA.q.GE, BASED ON -FLUCTUATIONS IN GAS FLOW, PAS ORSD. AT THE CATHOOli. OPEPATIZINS !N rHE RODE CU ARC DISCHARGE RANGE HAVE A SIGNTFICANT EFFECT ON TH E ELECT r-!q T FLUCTUATIONS; THE RANorMLY FORMED CATHOPE~ SPOTS~ FORMEn- VARY AS To -(WANT I TY, E. SIZF, AND CURRENT. VALUE BAtED ON:THE 'TOTAL. ELECTRODE CURRENT -4 RELATION"WAS DEVELOPEO' FOR'THE CURRENT: FLUX IN A Spo-f. 1.14C L~AS- S:l:F I ED OOZLO`I06v__OW NUISS303V D1813 2GC___tl/i6 10/ 1 JG/ boo I CLI #,,b ZO/ I:n--Cj N d 31S E 090/6 8bl__3WVb:J/_133V kXU'dd SNO I IDI 'dlSz_'d ON-9N DCdVW 101111NOD:.~1 I,,iV%k0-,"l)iCAJ ID I 3f,")VW 'Alld3dMid WO'dID313 'NDISEIG 3ab-dn3i3 -suvl. -3i"d lbt)N3 WODUDall G NV 1 No 1113:3 3 A I S In clOldd -NCYN NOISbEIANOO AUt!3N-3--SV9'dV E) r 9 f.'s s OL ------- oz -HSI -lund ZOZ--E61 11)8 6OL61 'dir-31 *SAA 2 i:jc-id a.L--33,dnQ ussn-GANI JO Aldimno-3 40'9 "d'3 'AO13HS38 "A*A &AOll I'd IN MMMSTMT!"' V -JO S~100*81DB_13 31 IIV13W. 3H1 JO NUllVb340 ~i H 1 ~313 S-3Idl3Nlbd- -:I'll I 1-~ :,TxO UNCL ASSI FIED OR' (:iC F S;s Pll G 0 A T iE - - 11 S E P 7 0 ,IRC ACCESS-10% NG--AP010720C C EE :A-BSTRACT/EXT!ZACT--(U) '.3P-0- ABSTRACT. STEEL, STAINLFSS STE-L, ~,ND CU ELECTRODES WERE 14VALUATFiD, IN AN APP. OFSCRIBED INI OET~]Lv UNDER CONDITIONS APPROACHING THOSE OF ELECTRODES IN 'AHD,'GENE:RATrl'qS- 0 N L I NE 11 R VtA CHARACTERISTICS WERP nRSD.: IN T-HE EXP,TS,;' AT CURRENT OF 0.1-0.15 A IGE, 3ASED ON AND THRESHOLD VOLTAGES OF 70-120 V, AN ARC 01 SCHA*1 FLUCTUATIONS lN GAS FL0Wv WAS 080. AT THE CATHODE. 0-:1EPATMNS lN TLIE -HARGE RANGE HAVE A SIGNIFICANT EFFECT ON, TH E ELECTRODE CU '-,E T AC DISC FLUCTUATIONS; THE RANDOMLY FORMED CATHODE SPOTS.FORMED VARY AS TO ~~QUANITITY, SIZE, AND CURRENT, VALUE. BASED ON,THE: OTAL ELECTRofDE CURRENT,..A RELATION WAS DEVEWPED" FOR !THE* CURR-ENT~: FLUX IN A SPOT. CUMENT CLASS--UNCLASSIFIEO PROXY.. RjEEL/FRAME-1 990/1415 5 TE PNG--URI 022 C/ 70103W0 0 1/ 00-0 5./ 00 10 --AP0109477 C I RC ACCESSION NO N SS .11,10 U *CLA NC LAS!5 I F~l ED: 10ROCESSING OAT E-73NOV70 u 'CIPC ACCESSICIN tIO-AP0109477 ABSTRAC"ll-EXTPACT-M GP-0- ABSTRACT. A MN ADDETIGIq or- SIOTIN TO A DEFINED mEDIum UINMER LABORATORY COP01TIONS IMPAIRED CHL'UROTE-TRACYCLINF YIELD IN ~STREPTGMYCES AUREI-IFACIENS CF. THE CPj)ITRIJL BUT ~101C,,tEASED BtOmASS OF THE CULTURE ANID RNA PiinSPHCRUS-CONTENT WTHE %jYCElAUt4. ~ AN ADDITION OF BIOTIN TO rlEDIA WITH NATURAL NITROGEN SOURCES (iJARCHv SOYA, CORN STEEP EIGNCRt XCLASSA) GAVE THE SAME 0 0 C RESULTS; HOWEV~R~ AN INTRO U.TION OF BENZYL RHODAINIDE IN THE MEDIUWCANCELED -NEGA:rm.~,EFFErT OF 1310TIN ON ~CHLOROTETRACYCLINE BIOSYNTMESIS. T,H~ROLE OF B10TIN IN eETABOLISM OF STREPYOMYCES --UREOFACIENS JS DISCUSSED. j UN(;LAS$IFIED 9939, Tworm-HE -1/2 029 UNCLASSIFIED --23GCT70 PROCESSING DATE :.,:TlTLE--C0MPARlS0N OF THE CHEMICAL COMPOSITION OF LUNAR SURFACE MATERIAL BY RADIOASTRONOMICAL OBSERVATIONS WITH THE RESULTS OF. AUTHOR- (03) - 8 ONOA R. p L . N Z EL I-NSK A I A,M R. S TR EZ HNEV A K*Ms -COUNTRY OF INFO--USSR, UNITED STATES ':~:.SOURCE--GORlKOVSKrI GOSUDARSTVENNYI UNIVERSI,TET,. GORKIP USSR, -:ANTERNATIONAL~UNION OF RADIO SCIENCEt SYMPOSIUM ON PLANETARY ATMOSPHERES ~'-~:DATE PUBL'ISHED--;--FE570 SUBJECT AREAS--i%ST.RONO!4YtASTPOPHYSICS, SPAU TECIJNOLOGY, EARTH SCIENCES BAND OCEANOGRAPHY, OPIC TAGS-LUNAR SURFACE, CHEMICAL COMPOSITION, RAOr.O ASTRONOMYr :-A RTIFICIAL EARTH SATELLITE MARKING--NO RESTRICTIONS 'DOCUMENT CLASS--UNCLASSIFIED :-PROXY SHP NO--f-R/0000/'70/005/1)00/0.!471025[ CIRC ACCESSION N0--APo125770 1-7*--'-- -2/c, 029 UNCLASSIFrED PROCESSENG DATE-230CTTO CJRC ACCESSION NO-AP0125770 .:_.ABSTRACT/EXTRACT--(U) GP-0- ABSTRACT. COMPARISON OF THE RESULTS OF THE CHEMICAL ANALYSIS OF THE LUNAR- SURFACE MATERIAL U&TAINED BY SURVEYOR WITH THAT BASED ON THE DATA OF RADIO ASTRONOIMICAL; INVEs-rIGATIONS OF THE ELECTROMAGNETIC PROPERTIES OF THE LUNAR MATERIAL- A NEW METH01) oF DETERMINING THE CHEMICAL COMPOSITION OF LUNAR ROCKS HY COMPARING THE- VALUE OF THE MATERIAL LOSS ANGLE AT THE CENTEMETER -WAVELENGTH WITH THAT FOUND FOR TERRESTRIAL ROCKS I& PROPOSED,.INTRODUCLNG THE SPECIFIC TANGENT OF THE LOSS ANGLE AS AN INVARIANT FOR THE~~CUMPARLSON. THE APPLICATION OF THIS METHOO' IS DESCRIBED,;AND THEAlESULTS, ARE PLOTTED GRAPHICALLY AND DISCUSSEDo. IT IS SHOWN THAT THE CiEVENDENCE OF THE SPECIFIC TANGENT OF THE LOSS ANGLE ON~SI02 IS QUrTE SUFFICIENT T9 FIND THE MEAN CHEMICAL COMPOSITION FROM THE VARIArTONAL DIAGRAM AFTE T H DETERMINATION OF THE S102 CONCENTRATI04r THAT THE.9IFFERENCE IN THE ANALYSIS USING T14E DIAGRAMS I-OR THE INTRUSIVE AND 'EFFUSIVE ROCKS IS :INS'lGfIIFICANTs AND THAT THE METHOD PROOMFG. MAKES lf POSSIBLE TO DETERMINE MORE. PRECISELY THE CONCENTRATION, OFISIOZ~ AND.Al-203, AS WELL AS j K20i NAZO, AND'FE203. UNCLASSIFIED T-r5SR UDC 621.37-1-51 IVAN 11L _ZELD, KIY, 14. M. "Classific.-atilon of Tri7:~oiar ldepl Converters" Tr. uchebri. jrtov svy--zi. Mva svyazi:SSSR (Nork's off. Educational Institutes of Co=mnicatiioris. 21,1,inistryof Co=munictLtiqus Cf the USSR) 1970, wyi,,. 49, pp 1211-129 (from RZ-1-Pad-iote-Ichn4ka, No ~2, Feb 71, Abstxact No 2AlL2) Treanslatio-C ideal- trir-31ar -'=edance inverters and mnverters are def ned. Three classes of ideal tripolar -.Lmedance co nverters rwe defined. Gonditions existence am formulated for, these ideal. converters, ano- their properties iare considered. Resuzze. 14 W.- 7,. 77-7-7-7-7 _7 i USSING DATE--13NOV70 17 N ~j -IN SYNTHE.51S O'F ACTIVE C ,,..~-..-_TJTLE~--US i G THE IDEAL POWER CONVERTER IN THE P, FILTE;:~S -U~ --..~1AUTK-3R-M)-ZELYAKH, E-V-, ZELtlNStSIYg '4 rkwoR ~w-,CCUNTRY (IF a 'Ar ELEKTRONIKA, NO 19 70, PP 93-992 '-DATE PUBL I S HED - - - - - - - 70 -T AREAS- ELECTRWNICS AND ELECTRICAL ENGR. SU fsj EC TOPAC T-AGS-FILTER.C-ISCUIT, RC F-I LTER , E LECTR IC FIL'2F,-.,, FpEr-,UE,1qCY Of t;UNVI ER T E~- TRANSIS1 KIZED Cl WIT r MARK I NG-NO RESTR ICT IGNS CNTROL m: 1; T C -7 S - - UN C S 0 --,PROXY RELL/FRAME-3005/0595 S'FE P NO--(IR /0 109171:40 01, /!'JC,5 0,09 Bf o13 9 21 c i C A C C E S i ON !-,t G - - P 0 13 2 7 5 7 L Jl_ S S I FI E D _,2~2 00 18 NCLASS1 F [ED' k 0 C Uk: 'ESS [NG DATE-13NOV70 CIRC ACC G S S 1 ON NO- AP0132757 ABSTP ACT/cXTRA.CT--(U) GP-0- ABSTRACT THE CHARAC rER. I S' 1 C-S USUALLY CAN I L T Elk S BE DUPLICATED. AT, L 'PROVIDED BY LC F 01,4 FRE~~,wfj&,N C. T a S ,~4,1 HR E T'rit E INDUCTANCE 4OULD BE 131JLKY AN J) CfJMBE:R5OMEi GY RC C I RCUlT-Ii. THES A-ITICLE CGNSIDERS TWO MOUELS OF RC FILTER WHERE; THE. ACTIVE L E,'~ E N TI S AN I DE14L POWER CONVERTER. THE M VEkS[ON FACTO4 I is: AssumED BE REAL ANID LARGER THAN U;41TY. -TWO l4ETHODS OF C01MN,ECTI1NG IDEAL PO's-qER tC-NVLkT_ERS TO OBTAIN A-NEGATIVE IIESISTANCE COINVERTER Aq:c--: SH0iiN_:. THF PRGl_,LDUf1.E FOR REALMING A LINVILL MODEL (J. G. LINVILLP PRCC~ IKEt' 1954Y 42:~~t P. 555) TO SYNTHESIZE ACTIVE FILTERS'15 CONSIDERED UNOER THE 'ASSUIMPT101,1 THAT, THE MODEL C)t-ATAIi,!S A G' N_aRA Ll ZEE) 14 E .1w I :A I INS T EAD OF A 'E EGATIVE R SIST4,NCE CC Ili El. SINGLE THE FUNCTION OF THF. IDEAL POWER (X-NVF,~,TER M TH E YANAGISAIM MODEL ( IPE Tf-,AiNS. 1957.,; CT4, 4, 140). F U. SYIN'HE`1ZING THE VOLTAG,~ TRANSFER F(J NC T I G" I S D I SC US 5 E 0 MO UE L S US I NG S r. rK; L E N EG T I V E RESISTANCE CONVERTERS Ar','E C Gr-IPA t*'1E 0 in 1 r H. MOD E L S ~ U S I N-~;, TH E 10 & A L PO I E R CQN'~FRTER AND ARE FCUNU TO OE OF EQUAL V4LUE UNOCER tl-,(-_.KTAP4' CONDIT CNS. EXPERIMENTS WERE PERFOIRMED WITH TRANS I SUIR.1 ZED FILTERS OESIGNED To ~SIJPPLY PAPRTICULAR TRANSFER FUNICTIONS THROUGH THE U.St OF IDEAL POWER C014V PT EF S THE FESULTS THEY.GAVE ARE, I N 113000 AGM.EMENT WITH THE ALESULTS -OF THEORETICAL COMPUTATIO 6 I r) - --------- USSR UDC 62.1-372.57 ZELYAKHp E. V. Z!~~ "Using the Ideal Power Converter in the Synthesis of Active R-C Filters" Moscow, Radiotekhnika i Elektronik2L,:NO 5, 1.970,; Pp 98-992 Abstractt The characteristics usually provided. by L-C filters can be dupli ated at low frequencies, where the,indur-tance would be bulky and cumbersome, by R-C circuits. Ahis article considers two models of R-IC filter where the active element is an ideal erter. The conversion factor 's assumod to be real and power conv I larger than unity, Two methods of connecting ideal power con- verters to obtain a negative-rdsistance converter are shown* The procedure for realizing a Linvill model (jo Go Linvill, Prec,, IRE, 1954, 42, P. 555) to synthesize:active loilters is considered under the assumption that the model contains a generalized negative- resistance converter instead of. a single. converter. The function of.the ideal power converter in the Yanagisawa model :(IRE Trans. 1/2 1/2 016 UNCL ASS I FIE U PROCESSING DATE-27NO1.1-70 TITL!-:--2 t!ILPHA r PHEMYL ALPHA t P I FLUOROPHEMYLrAC Ef YL v 3 r VIDANDIONE -U- -(05)-AREN, A.K., ZELMENy. V*No.I ALITHOR OZOLINv R.R.r: SHAFROv E.A.v ~.,:,FALKENSHTEYNv B.YU* COUNTRY OF, IMFO--USSR SOURCE--U. S. S R. 263,586 ~ REFERCENCE-OTIKRYTIYA, , 110 BRET. PROM. OBRALTSY, T GVA N Y E ZNAKI 1970p .04LTE. P USL I SHED-- I OF Eil 70 ~':-,-S,UBJECT AREA S--CHEM IS TRY TOPIC TA(-,S--BENZENE OERIVATIVE, ARGMA T I C:l KETOMEr CHE 'MICAL PATENTr CHEMICAL .~SEPAPA T I ON FLUORINATED ORGANIC M-WOUND.. 14T'ROL MARKING-NO RESTRICTIONS ~:-)DOCUMP-JT CLASS--WICLASSIFIFO AOXY REEL/FRAME--3006/1587 ST P, N 01 - -/0 4 8 2 17 0 0 W 0 0 00 0 0 0 10 0 01) CIRC ACCESSION NG--AA0135228 UNCLASSICUD USSR UDC 531-01 ZELITIN A. I SHAEHAYDAROVA, P. Sh. 1~ "motion of a Yzterial Point Under the~Bffoct of Continuous Impacts of Particles Radiating From a Center of Attraction" -Nauchn. tr. Tashkent. un-t (Scientili~ -ent University), 1970, cWorks. TashR VP 397, pp 82 from-RZh-,.N1ekhan ka~,, No 10, Oct 71, Abstract No 10A128) Translation: The authors consider the problem of motion of a material point acted on by a central force of a f-;xed center, and by the impacts of particles radiated from the conter of attraction at a velocity with constant magnitude. The analyo-is Is dor~e- in polar coordinates. It is asnuined that the differentidl equ4tion for the tra- jectox-j- io a linear equation vith const~ant.coefficie Intls derived from Binet's formula, after which a general solution is foiind for this equation. Ye. N. Berezkin. USSR IJDC 543.426.541.49.546.831 YHIYI.IATOV RM. Tashkent Order of the TASMZIODZIIAYFV, A. T Red Banner of Labor ;tWatQeRiversity 1,6rd V 1. Lenin' "Study of the Luminescent Reaction of Complex Formatioa of Salicylal-4-amino- antipyrine with Zirconium" Tashkent, Uzbekskiy Khimicheskiy ZhurnaL, No!3, 1972, pp 22-24 Abstract: Resu-lts are presented of a study of the lu-mines cent reaction of complex formation of zirconium iditIa azomethyne silicylal-4-aiiiinoaiitipyriiic~ (SAAN). The azoraethyne compound of SAM I orms'a Juminetcent cornplex compound with zirconiura at a pH of 1-2. *Fne maximum rb=oscezaco of tile complex is observed for X - 554 nm. The components interact in thll* nl()Iar ratio of 1:~. The complex is clectroneur-ral. The objective criterion: of sensitivity (the product of tile molar coefficient of, tile light ahsorptiol') timen the quantun, YiPId of the fluorescence) increasrw~, by comparisort with reajenL by 3 t~::ies- ThL, Gensitivity with raspect rto 38 criteria is;. 0.04 inici'ogram-A[5 Ya,~, SAAN Iii the Movt Senaitive and selective reagent to zirconium of:, the azzomethyne ct, pounds. Therefore, the investigated reaction tan be uged as a basis for t Plethod of luminescent quantitative analysis of zirconiu. 36 2,~- -020. UNCLASSUFIED~ A OU L I f U LE--EFFECT Or' SOME TECHNOLOGII-CAL PAPAIMETERS ~UF AN LIXYGE-14 CONVERTER MIELT N lliE S.TABILITY OF TAR 00LOM,11'L MAGNESIrE, Lf.NllN'G -U,-- HUR- I051-KUZNfETS0V, A.1;., SHAM, P.1.1 PAMCH~NKO, N.K., BCLSHAKOV, iA..~, ZELTSER, I.G. NtRY TMJ`- ~-S~SR 'AC'E___OG NEU POR Y 19701 35(2)f 35-9 TE.-PUBLISHED ------- 70 64-ECT AREAS--MATERIALS 01C :.:TAGS--METAL OXYGEN CONVERSION, SLAGI P.1 GIRONt COR~ROSION rROL MARKING--NO RESTRICTIONS lCti.MENT CLASS--UNCLASSIFIED ~Y E EL FRAIKE- 1996/08 73 STEP NO--UR./0131/70/035fOO2/OO35/0039 RC ACCESSION i'40--AP0118045 UNCLASSIFIED /2* - "4020 UNCLASS.IFIED! PRO'CESSING DATE--160CT70 RC ACCESSM!j INO-AP0118045 C S;TRACT/EXTk'CT ~ --(U) GP-0- ABSTRACT. AS A LINING FOR 0 CONVERTERS IN ST 14 T- E TnE REFUNING OF PIG IRON, A IMIAXT. OF 65PERCENT DOL .LI'MITE AND 35PERCENT _MAG f4 ''MAGNESITY, TO WHICH WAS ADDED 5PERCENT TAR CONTG, 70-5PERCIENIT PITCJH, WAS 'USED. THE CORROSION OF THE LINING DURING EXPLOITATJON' IS COMIJECTED V,11T~i US ED ~_DE r DECARBONIZATION, OF THE WORKING LAYER AND DIFFUSIONI~G.F DYIDES FROM THE 'I -SLAG INTO-THE LININGr WITH FORMATION OF EASSY MELTING COMPn. IFEPR T A SL C Bit (j .:R11OWN-MILLERITE, EJC.). MOST INFLUFNCE IN THESE PROCESSI:!) HAVE FE WIDES, AS THEY EPPECT THE 0ECAR80NIlATFOtq;:CA FERRITES FfDRMED HAVE A P. AN INICREASE OF THE TEMP. OF T14F 14ELT A~CCELERATES THE CORROSION '10f, THE LIMIING. THE CORkOSION OF THE LINlNG.IS DECPEASED 6Y INCReASING ErREASE OF OTHER COiMPDS. ZAO'CONTENT OF THE SLAG# AS A CONSEQUENCE OF~ A D ~P.KESE;,jr.. THE RATE OF OISSOL.N. OF .,-AD ISINOT.CONST.' OURING 3LOwING ANn_ EPENDS 014 THE FE OXIDE CONTEiNIT OF THE SLAG. IN ORD~-R. TO PRO.MOTE 'HE P -.,RATE OF UISSOLN. OF CAG, IT IS RECOMMENDED TO A00 A 2ND 00t'N'TION OF CAG "BEFORE THE INTENISIVE DISSOM OF THE IST PORTION BEGINS, THAT IS ~-6 MIN AFTER BEGINNI.NG OF THE BLOWING. THE RATE OF OISSOLN. OF THE LINING JMINIG THE IST HALF OF THE PERIOD OF BLOWING' IS CONST., t)Ui~ING THE 2ND -,HALF OF THE PERIOD IT 111,11CREASES, DEPENDENT ON TEMP..AND FE OXIDE CONTENT ~DF -THE SLAG. OVER OXION. OF THE SLAG~DURINUG THE 2ND PERIOD IS :VIQESIRAU~. THE Ct3RROSIOIN OF THE LIN14NIG UEPENDS ON4HE ill.,VWING itCGIME -AND THE COINSTRUCTION OF THC- NOZZLE- ANO, INCREASES W111.1 PRJl.(JNG4TIGN OF HE BLOW. FACILITY: ZHOANOV. MET. INST-i ZHD 4NOCli USSR. UNCLASSIFIED USSR UDC: 577. h ZEL'TSER,L. B., SAPUNAR, E. 1. "Solution of Optimization I Problems by a Collective of 'Lnde-,)endent Automata" Material~y se--inara po k-lbernet. Al MoldSSR,14old. territor. gu,-pa Nats. kom. SSSR po avtomat. upr. (Materials of a Seminar on Cybernetics, Acad- emy of Sciences of the Moldavian SSR, Moldavian Territorial Group of the National Commission of the.USSR.on Automatic Can' ol4l tr yyp. 51, pp 3-17 (from RZh-Kibernetika, No T, Jul 73,:abstract No TN1423) Translation: A survey of some papers dealing with the use of a collective of independent automata for solving optimization problems. ILA, 28 1 0 loll IN Acc. Nr: APC049058. Ref Code-: PRIHARY SOURCE, Vestnik Oftal!rtol ogii, 19t70, Nr FIRST RESULTS OF TREATING'STRABISMUS AIND: AmBLYoPIA AT A 'SPECIALIZED SANATORIUM' DEPARTY10 N j$e V~ P. S; 01'~k m. oua N. S. Bonov Summary In January, 1963, the first in the Soviet Union eye sanatoriuni de:partment for the treatment of strabismuss iqri*~ arriblyopia became operative ~ttt the Childrens' Clinical Hospit~l No 1. Dysbinocuiar arriblyopia (with vismil aculity ol tip 'to 0.1 inclusive) that ot medi4in degur-,,e ~vitih acentric fkation, as ivell: as ;1o;wccorj:,:)aa-uve strabismijs demanding complex trtatment were arriong indications for, tht, referral to the sanitorWir, depariment, in addition 'to special pleapt,~)rtht)plc exdrc e 60droi und: -isas th, -rifo gen.-rai tozic treatment AiEir q~rier, 'atus ni~mit 1~e improved to pro- for, being debititmed, t, al behith st, Vide for 5ticcessfull of s(rablirou'." asid alllblyfrq",I~ In the s'pecialiZed Fleparloalf'rit. a Wg!W, quall'jiad, act;-,re. reefular arrt a n di I ril b. I yoph i d - v,:i long-term treatunent of children with strahismits 11~iS efI51.1r0d, V1 ih 'net' woutd a ppear to b~ iril'Imssible by virtue o: do- outpatient manage. it 0. !!*Me ot ihern mestic ard otter corchdons. C:2 19800 45 112- .020 UNCLASSIPIED Pq.OCES~MG DATE--23OCT70 rITLE--INFLUENCE OF THE kATE AND NATUREIOF A GAS CARRIER ON THE EFFECTIVENESS.AND PRODUCTIVITY OF GAS,'ADSORPTIOWPHEPAKATIVE COLUMNS -U- AUTHOR-(02)-ZELVEj*4SKIYi V.YU.r SAKODYNSKIYv.K.U. -C.OUNTRY OF INFO--USSR 1970t 10(l), 135 42 ~.-.-DATE PUBLISHED ------- 70 7. oi, AREAS--CHEMISTRY FLOW RATE JOPIC TAGS--GAS CHROMATOGRAPHY, GAS ADSORPTION, CONTROL MARKING--N0 RESTRICTIONS DOCUMENT CLASS-UNCLASSIFIE0 PROXY REEL/FRAME--1997/0563 STEP N.0--UR/0204170/010/001/OL35/014.?- ~CIRC ACCESSION N0--AP0119481 UNC_LAS_S-IF_IED__---_ --230CT70 212 020 UNCLASSIFIED PROCESSING DATE USSION 10-AP0119451 CIPC ACCE I N -IF THE THEORETICAL ABSTRACT/EXTRACT--(U) GP-0- ABSTRACTO THE VALIDITY L RELATIO"IS DESCRIBING LINEAR CHROMATOG. 4AS CONFIRMED ALSO FOR GAS AOSORPTIGiN PREPARATIVE COLUMNS, OPTIMAL FLOW ;tATE:S OF THE CARRIER GAS WERE ESTD. FOR COLUMNS PACKED WIT14 MODIFIEL) SILTCA 141TH REGARD TO THE METRIES. THE DECREASE IN EFFICIENCIES, PRODUCTIVITIES, A14D PEAK SY.M. EFFICIENCY AFTER INCREASE OF THE CARR-IER GAS FL04 RATE OCCURS MORE SLOWLY AT THE ADSORBENTS THAN AT THELIQ. PHASE., WHEN LOW MOL, WT. CARRIER GASES- ARE USEO THE FLOW RATE CAN BE IPJCR~ASED CGNSIDERABLY WITHOUT SUBSTANTIAL DECREASE OF EFFICIENCY. FACILITY: NAUCH.-ISSLED. F I Z. -K141 M. INST. I Mo KARPOVA.v MOSCOW, USSR. UNCLASSIFIED III S ING~ 0ATE-4-160CT70i A/2 017 UNCLASSI F IED PR~ ~E-S; rr-ITLE--ACTIVITY Of SOME SERUM ENZYMES 1WREATING PATIENTS!'WITH PULMUNARY ~.,~~-.CAUCER,,WITH MASStVE DOSES OF CYCLOPHOSPHAN'E~--li At JT,IiDRI- M. BELOUSOV91~~ A*P. 13 INCiv, 14N. RPM UNCLASSIFIED PkOCESSING DATE--16OCT70 ~IRC ACCESSION NO-AP0117284 -,,ABSTRACT/EXTRACT--[Ul GP-0- ABSTRACT. THE LEVELS OP THIE ENZYME3j ALANINE ,~~-AND ASPARTIC AMINOTPANSFERASE 4ALT AND AST) A14D C40LINESTERASE WERE ;--INVESTIGATED IN THE SERUM OF PATIENTS TREATED:WI.TH CYCLOPHOSPHANCE (26 WITH LlYNG TUMORS BEFORE SURGERY AND 10-AFTER RADICAL SURFCRY). THE DRUG .WAS GIVEN IN LARGER DOSESr 2 TO 5~G I.Vo EVERY 10-14 DAYS. ALT AND AST ~WERE OETU. BY THE UMBRIGHT METHODS (MODIPIED); Ey w S CHOLINES.TE ASE L EL A EVALUATED BY MEASUREMENT OF HOAC, I AFTER ENZYMIC DECOMPN. OF ACETYLCPOLINE DURING I MIN IN I ML SERUM, THE ENZYMES wERE MEASURED BEFORE THE BEGINNING OF TREATMENT, ON:THE:2-3RD DAY# AND ON THE 10-12TH .DAY. HEALTHY (15) PERSONS SERVED AS CONTROLS. IN CASES OF MALIGNANCY 'THE INITIAL VALUES ~iEIRE SOMEWHAT HIGHER THAN IN NORMALSt AFTER THE ~:-ADMI,41STRATICN OF CYCL,"PHOSPHANE9 A DISTINCT RISE (IF ALT, A LESSER RISE 'j _bF AST-, AND A FALL IN CHOLINESTERASE ACTIVITIES WERE OB50. AFTER ISTINCT# NO RlSE OF AST WAS OBSO. RADICAL SURGERY THE SHIFTS WERE LESS D4 NO'DEPENDANCE WAS FOUND BETWEEN111E ENZYMIC'~ACITIV-IrY ANO THE STAGE OF THE DISEASE. THE OBSO. CHANGES MAY BEI.CUNSIDEREDAS SIOS OF MEIABOLIC 01-STURBANCES IN THE LIVERC FACILITVi LAB. 810CFEM.9 P. A. :GERTSEN RES. INSTs ONCOL.9 MOSC OWj. USSR. UNCLASSIFIEO -now" LOSE UDC:,1621-372.5t.6 ZELYAKH E. V., ROYMPIN. L. M. "Methods of Calculating the Z-Parameters of a Nonautonomous Two-Terminal Voror. elektrosN-iazi (Problems of Electrical Coruiunications-collection of vonks), Kiev) "Tekhnika!', 1970, pp 9--~15 (from RZh-o-RAdiotek.,inika, No 11, ilov 70,, Abstract No lIA111) Trans'at4on, Tw -o methods of calculating the z--parameti,-s of nonauton=jus 2n-terninal networRs are presented. The first me-thod, the resistance r--atrA-x of a circuit made up of 2n-terminal networks ky~~short,-circujting thF-I terminals in each pair, while the second iiethod utilizes the:conductance matrix of a circuit made up of 2n-terminal networks vWp open terminal pairs. Three illustrations. Resumg. IFNI mmo~~~ J 12 -0L8 P0.0CESS-MG DATE--13NOVM TITLE-USI~V-, THE I L, L POWER CW-IVERTEP 1 iN THE SYN Mr:$ I S OF ACT[VE~ RC FILTERS -U- AUTHOR A*~ -(02)-ZELYAKH, r-_.V.t ZEL V1SKI Y CCUNTRY 0 F INFO--USSR SGURCE-Pla-SCOW, RAO I __'T KHN I K A I ELC-KrRON IIKA~ j. NO. 5t L970t PP 93-992 ~OATE PUBLISHED ------- 70 SU8J PC T AREAS--ELECTkONICS AND ECTRICAL VENGR EL 'TOPIC :T_`G5--FILTFR CIRCUIT, RC FILTER, ELECTRIC FILT~;R, FR'.'UUENCY '~CU I T' -CONVERTER, TRANS I Sl UK I Z ED Cli :CGNTROL AARK I NG--NO RESTRICTIONS 0 0 C U -M E N T, CLASS-UN CLASSIFIED P RO X Y R E ELI F RAME-- 3,30 5/ 011-i 9 5 S TIE P NO--UR/t3lG9/7O/i)OU)~C,5/0098109L)2 c I n, AccEsslGM N()--AP13132757 UNCLASS IFIIEZ) ~2/2 0119 UNCLASSIFfED:.::,' 1~~O C F t S INIG DATE-1-3NOV70 CC E S S I ON NO-AP0132757 ~C IRC AC -,~_,ABSTRACT/E--XTRACT--(U) GP-0- ABSTRACT., 'THE: CHARACTEa[STICS jSUALLY PROVIDED BY LC fl:ILTE~-,S CAN 8E GLIPLICATia-D AT L CN , F I E C 11 E S v W MEtR E T H E WOULD BE WULKY AND CUMBERSOME INDUCTA;NCE BY KC f_JK,'A;flTS. THIS -1 ARTICLE 'NSI ik C FILTER WHERE THE A C_ 1_1 V 1: ELIEIMENT [S AN IDEAL ~, DERS TWO ii-MOUELS OF t: C -IF LS' ASSUMEI- To 13" R, L AiND LARGER POI~iER CONVERTER. TI . GG.NVERSION FACTOR 11 r- ~~: A -1 v E It -13 T A I THAN UNITY. T~,01 METHODS OF CONNECTING IGEAL PC '. CONVERTERS 1-0 f, N A NEGATIVE RESISTANICE C0.WVER*TEP ARE SHOWNo THE P~i-OCEiDUREE FOR REALIZING A LIfiVILL. MG-DEL W, G. LPQVILL, PRCC. IKE.r 19541 4,Llt P~. 555) TO SY.NTHESIZE ACT IVE F II-TIEPS 'IS C0%SII)ERE,0 UND,ER THE 4SS,jm:,Tlou; THAT THE jERALIZED INEGA MODEL CiINTAIiNS A GF~~ i TIVE KES45TANCE C,C-NVE,*-.,TE_R uqsrEAD OF A SINGLE CONVERTER. , THE FUllICTI&N OF~ PiE! IDEAL. Pli THE YANAGfSA~efA MOL (IRE TRAP14.S. DEL 1957P CT4'1,49;~ 141)) F.O~V THE VOLTAGE TRANSFER FUNCTION IS DISCiLISSE04 A 101JELS US~nNG 5PJGLE NEGATIVE RIEZSIST4iNlCE CONVE-McEiRS ARE U~AIPAf-,Et) wITH:MODELS US6IG THE- [l)EAL POAER 'S . COINVIiRTER AN'D ARE FUUNo To BE OF- EoUAL VALUE Ul`if)FR.~CERTAIN CONDITIOIN EXPERI-MENTS ;rIERE PE:kFORME0 WITH TRANSISTORIna FtLrE.RS 'DF~iIGNEO TO SUPPLY PARTICULAR TRANSFER FUNMONS THAOUGH THE USE OF' WEAL Pt)'r!F-.R CONVERTEFS THE iz * ESULTS T~iFli ITH THE GAVE ARE I N G001) A Cl L PESULTS OF THE(METICAL COMPUTATIONS,,: ullic L A s s 1 F I E 0 USSR UDC v621-372,57 ZELYAKh, ZELINSK-IY, M. M. ~E "Using the Ideal Power Converter in the Synthesis of Active R-C Filters" Moscow, RadiotGkhnika i Elektronikaf: No: 5, 19'?0,- pp 98-992 Abstract: The characteristics usua'l'.ly provided by L.-C filte~rs can Te -duplicated at low frequencies,.where tha Lnductanve would be bulky and cumbersome, by R-C' circuits,, This article considers two models of R-C fi ter where the ;ictLve element is an ideal power converl -er. The conversion factor is assunied to be real and larger than unity, Two methods:of c 'onnecting ideal power con- verters to obtain a negative -res is tanc e converte-r Pro sho~.,,rn. The Drocedure for realizing a Linvill model,(J. G. .1-jinvill, Proc. UZ, 1954, 42, P- 555) to synthesize actIve considered under the assumption -that the model contains a generalized.niegative- resistance converter instead or a single, convertere The function of the ideal power converter in the Yanagisawa,model'(1RE Transo 1/2 USSR ZELYAKH, E. V., et al, Radiotekhnika i ElektroMka,, No. 4, 19'70, PP 984-992 1957, CT-.4, 4, 140) -for synthesizing the voltage transfer function is duscussed. Models using,single negative-resistance conver-.'%,.erv-;. are compared with models using the idea.1 power~..oonverter and are found of equal value under certain condi-11-ionst &,periments were.-oerformed with transistorized filters dasij.T-ned to sLpply part-icular transfer functions:throu~h'the use of ideal power con- verterso, The results they gave areiin:good agreement with the results of theoretical computationso, 2/2 3? i; !5AI 110 -1, i I's II 1 -1 ; E -1/2 026 UNCLASSIFIED P kOCES:S.ING UATE-~-300CI_70 _TITL~-EFFjCjF_j-4Cy OF ANTIBIOTICS UNDER CONOITIONS 01~ PROLONG GAMMA IRRAPIATION OF LOW INTENSITY.-U- ,-AUTHOR ZELYAK,GVA, D.I. OF INFO-_U-5SR 19701 VOL 15t NR 6j PP 519-522 ~~_WE FUt5L.lSHr-_0---___70 ;.SUt3. J E. C TARIE ACLCrol CAL _`ND IMEDICAL SCIENCES S S TR_,- P T 0 M. Y C Z r~P I C f L L IN LfVLl MYC E T I N, ..TCP IC T'L G A Ill -RA PP ADIAT CN, ANTIRADEATIM-DRUG TROL, MARKING N -NO RESTRICTIGNS .06CUPIENT CLASS -UNCL."'SS V [ED ~PRUXY- REEL/F.RAME-2000/labi STEP NO-,UR/0297/,7uf0L5/ 01"6/05191r.!5`~? _C I.RC ACCESSICN NO--AP0125472 UNCLASSIFIED ~212 026 UNCLASSIFIED I ACCESSION NO-AP0125472 ASSTRAC T/ EXTRACT- (U IGP-0- ABSTRACT. EFFICIENCY OF At,.:] I C TH ER E~P Y 13 ~, ID Ek CCNI)ITICNS OF PROLONG OUTSEDE GAiMMA IRRADIAT10i"i C~F RATS Ar A Di0sr: OF 0.2/1 TO 0.28 R-MIN. (SUMMATION DOSE, UP TO 1600,~ 1660 AND 2-aOG k) ~STUCIED. 1T W A 5 F- G U N 0 T 14 A T E F F I C I E: N C Y: 4) F T H E AINI T 10 11 C S _0 E P EN D E- 0 --, iN _.lliE SUPMATICN DOSES OF GAMIMA IRRADIATION : HIGH j:-UlCI.&.icY CIF T~lic- )GSES INOUCING Di-A-14 OF to TO ANT.IBIGTIC THERAPY WAS OBSERVED wITHIN T~IEL r. I PER CENT CIF THE CONTROL AINIMALS. UNDER SUCH 1101,1,01ATION CONGIT[ONS OLETETRIN WAS MIDST EFFECTIVE (10 'TO 361PERCENT OF DEAThS), COM16INATIUN 'OF STREPTOMYC114, PENICILLIN AND LEVOMYCETIN WAS CLQiE TO IT BY ITS -EFFICIENCY. !HE THEIL'APEUTIC cf-FECT OF OLETETRIN UiliGER CONDITIONS OF IRRADIATION WITH ABSOLUTELY LCTHAL DOSES SIGNIFICANTLY DECREASED (80 PER CENT-UF DEATHS). TREATMENT 01-GUN DURING The FIRST OAYS,OF THE lRRADIATIGN WAS MOST EFFECTIVE. THE RESULTS OF rHe. sruoy INDICATE TO A NELESSITY OF IINC!~_UDMG ANTIBIOTICS IN T!O,C(jf4PLC:X T.K-AAPY Of ACUTE IRRADIATION DISEASE, INDUCE-D BYPROUNG: OUT.SIDE GAMAA 1PRADIATION. Ul"C L A 5 S I fE, 0 -MOM USSR UDC 624.07:534.1 ZELYUKOVA R. V. "Device for Vibration Testing of.Hodels of' Simple Systems" Vlab..Rasseyaniye energii pri ko.lebaniyakh mekh..sistcm (Energy Scattering Under Oscillations of Mechanical Systems -Collection of Works), Kiev, "Nauk. dumka", 1972, pp 287-292 (from RZh-MAhanika, No 3, Ifar 73, Abstract No 3V270) Translation: A device for v*ibration testing of composite element.,, for stress- ccmpression, bevding, torsion, and the jant action of,hending and torsion is described. The device is intended for studying structural deformation of bonds. The article was published in this order of discussion. A. G. Bar- chenkov. 157 212 016 UNICL ASSIFIEV. 'PROCESSING DATE--30OCT70 C-IRC ACCESSIGN N!~--AJ?0113051 GP-0- ~A-,STRACT AN AT. FLUORESC 04T 4ETf,-aD wAS L(A-~'b FGA HG DET' . BY USING:A LOW TEMP. FLAME 013TAINE0 WlTii A C SU83 H SU68-C SU64 1-1 SUBIO AND AIR, MIXT., USING THE REDN. OF HG TO METAL OURING ATGPIZATICN. THE SENSITIVITY OF~HG DETN. AS 0 o02 MUG-ML AT A COtf:lrENCE LEVEL OF 95PERCENT. THE EFFECT OF.ORG. SONENTSP ANIONSt CATICkSt AND ELEMENTS RECUCEO TO THEIR-ELEMENTAL STATE IN THE PRESENCE LF S;%CL -SUa2 ViAS STUDIED, IN-THE AaSE-NCF-.OF SNCL,SUB2 FLUORESCENCE 114TEiiSITY OF IG IN THE FLAME DECREASES SY2 ORDERS; GREATER THAN OR ELrUAL TO 5N H SU123 PO SU641 GREATER THAN OP EQUALJO 2N H SUB2 SO SU84 AND 6LL6 SU64 AFFECT THE FLUORESCENCE INTENSITY; HUAC, HNj SU63t AND HCL (IN) AN6 C.5N HBR DECREASE THE INTENSITY.- S PRIME2NEGATIVE MUST BE ADSENT DURING HG UETN. L I v NA v Ki CS v I CU, IN, BEl 14u- v CA, SR 9 BA, ZN, CD# ALt Litt P69 Vt BI# Milt Wt MN9 f Ev AND CO# 5 MG-141.r :IDU NOT AFFECT THE DETN* UF C*5 MUG HG-14L; 50 NUG AUv PTv :CR(Vl)v: ANU,0.5 MG AG ALL IN I ML INTEAFLRI: IN THE CETN. OF I MG HG-ML*, FACILJTY:~ LA6.1 INST. C-Eh. INLRG. CHEM., ODESSA, USSR* UNCLASSIFIED, 0ATE-64DEC70 UNCLASSIFIlED1. TITLE-THEORY OF EXCITATION TRANSFER IN C.OLLI ~IDN5 BETWEEiN ALKALI ATOMS. 1.1. DISSIMILAR PARTNERS .-U- AUTHOR- I 04)-OASHEVSKAYA E.I., -VOROMN, A.l.t ZEMBEKOVY "WRIFOF INFO--USSR SOURCIE--CAN. J. PHYS. 1970, 48f8ls.981-92~-~ :_::D-ATE PU8LISHED ------ 70 SUBJECT AREAS-PHYSICS .'.'T'QP-IC TAGS-EXCITATION ENERGY, PULSE EXCITATION, ALKALIr ATOMI DIPOLE 'ANTERACTION, EXCITATION CROSS SECTION ~''.CONTROL MARKING-NO RESTRICTIONS -'~DOCU,4E.4T-CLASS--UNCLASSIFIED 'PROXY:PEFELIFRAME-1996/1827 STEP NO' -CPI/OOCJC)/f()~t/048/0,18/0()81/1)992 7-1 C-IRC ACCESSION NO--AP0118791 UNC L A SS LF21 rz Q wam Kwpb wom-wom w --14 "m UNCLA:SSIFIED PROCESSING DATE-04DEC70 -GIRC ACCESSION NO--AP0118791 ,.A6STR,-ACT/EXTRACT--(Uj GP-0- ABSTRACTo POSSIBLE MECHANISMS ARE CONSIDERED FOR THE TRANSFER OF-ELECTRONIC EXCITATION,ENERGY [N CoLLISIoNS 6EF4EENI AN, EXCITED ALKALI ATOM M SUBA SEXTILEA.PRIIME2 P S1,13J) AND AN I)N`XICTED ATOM M SUBB (PRIMEZ S SUBONE HALF). A. DIPOLE DIPOLE 1ATERACTION WHICH JS RESPONSIBLE FOR THE TRANSFER OF ELECTRONIC EXCUATION ENERGY IN COLLISIONS BETWEEN IDENTICAL PARTNERSAM SUBA EQUALS M'SU38) IS NOT SUFFICIENT 'TO EXPLAIN THE OBSD. MAGNITUDES OF THE:,CROSS SECTIONS AND THEREFORE, THE EXCHANGE INTERACTION CAN, NO LONGER~~BE NEGLECTED, IF THE EXCHANGE INTERACTION 15 TAKFN INTO-ACCOUNTt THERE ',ARE LEGIONS OF IN THE ENERGY DIAGRA14r. WHICH ARLE PAOBAI`~LY RESPONSIBLE FOR THE CHANGE IN THE ELECT)IONIC.ENERGY STATES, GF4HE COLLISION PARTNERS. THE CALCO. CROSS SECTIONS ARE- C01APARED-441TH EXPTL. VALUES. FAILrTY: INST. TERR. MAGNs :1040S, 'RA010 WA..Vl=-. PRCIPAGATION, MOSCOW, USSR. UNCLASSIFIED7 USSR UDC 581 XMVCHEVA, I. S. YEFREMENX0, YE. A., and LOMATSKAYtp YE. N., North Caucasian S. ftmkwh Instituis of Phyt6~atholoa, Krasnodam "Effect of Wheat Streak Mosaic Virus on the Compositiom of Allucleia Acids In Wheat LeavaO' Moscows Fiziologlya Rastenlyg No 11 1971, pp 186-169 Abstracti Imfection of wheat (BezostayaA variety) leaves with stxvak mosaic virus resulted In destruction of the fraction:of high molecu2ar woight nucloic acidz. Tho quantity of nucleic aicids extracted from tht.iv leaveai &diseased plants Ras only 56 to 79% of that obtaine4-frro'z healthy,, planta;,. On colmmna Idth methylated albu,~,nf the nucleic acids vere seu=ate(i into soveral frac- tions - so).-able, DNA, and 2-lbosomal nualoic, acid. The. infected plants store characterized by a decre-ase in the content of rlbo,-3omal nucleic, acids arA, accumulation of soluble nucleic acids, Virus reproduction is.aoconpaxdad by the destruction of no=%! nucleic acids. Tbia.zeens to bt%~- tho irain xeason for the damage done bi the disease. Ilene 'of the fractio;3a stlidied or even a total-.extract of nucleic acidz proyed to be ihfactious. .,Competition betwoon normI and -viral RNA for the "cell recoptors'l-in the lea~jez is Exet;amed nsible, 1"Po l/Z 022 UNZLAS 31 F I ED PROCLSSING OATE--LIDEC70 J E: TlTLt---.HEAJ STREAK MOSAIC V'kU-S AilD PFOTFIN META6C LISM IN 'VifN'TEm, WHEAT -u- '~~AUTH~R-j Olt I -K A EVCHLV A, I.S., ALESHINt Yf-.P., L E~M L 1144. Av.Gol SA;~APIJLK [NIf ;,'f-CU-'*TkY QF I-'qfQ--USSR NAUIQ 197Q, Na 3 Pp 27-29 ~-DA'rE PUbLIShEO ------- 70 AREAS--AGRICULTUi - '%E, BIOLOGICAL AN 0 MEDICAL S6 I ENC 1: S TCPl--L TAGS--w~--EAT, Pj.ANT UISEASE, PROTEIN METABUL I S,1111 PLANT VIRUS a~~CONTRCL MARKING-INO RESTRICTIONS OCCUM EN T CLASS-UNCLASSIFIED 'PRUXY.:~ F ICHIE NO ---- F -3 7 03 Q 5 0 4 1) E 0 2 STEP NO-UR /9 0 91 70 1,() 00 00 3 3 0 2 7/ 0 0 2 9 ACCESSICN N-G-AP0143384 4Y Z/2 022 UNCLASSIFIED PROCESSSING DATE-11DEG70 :CIRC ACCESSIGN NO-AP01433a4 ~ABSTRACTtEXIRACT-W) Gil-0- AbSrRACT, PROTEIN MET A~50LISM IN LEAVES AND TILLEkING NUDES OF HEALTHY ~iINTER WHEAT, VARIETY 3EZ03TAYA I, A140 ')lHEAT INFECTED V41TF hHEAT ST`i'~EAK MIUSAIC, WAS STUDiEO. T`~- STS SHG,~ED THAT INFECTIGN, UNSIDERAbLY UISRUPTS N.lTRrJGEWMETAb6Lfl~M IN, PL AN T S; - THE AMOUNT OF PROTEIN NITROGEtll DECREASED ANU, THE AMOUII14T 012. NONPROTEIN INLREASEO, MICATING INHWITWWOF PROTEIN SlYNTHISIS bi THE VIRUS. J4 FkACTIONATICN OF PRUTEINS 0. AE CELLULGSE 51-1101E0~ THAT T E VIRUS CAUSES :IMPORTANT CHAN'GES IN PROTEIN METABOLIS 1M:' THE NUMIKR Or- PROTEIN FRACTIONS IN INFECTED PLANTS DROPPED FROM EIGHT IG. SIXv AN U T R 0NE 14 F&ACTIONS INLIT FOUNG IN HEALTHY, PLANTS APPFEARED. A~.PARENTLY THE V IRUS OF .'REVENTS SYNTHESIS PLANT PROTEINS IN FAVOR~Or- UTS OWN. UNCLASS IF I ED UDC 635.11+632.9 USSR KANEVCHEVA, 1. S., ALESHIN, Ye. P., ZEMINAi ~A.:~ G. ,and StWAPULKIN, 11. M. "Wheat Streak 'Mosaic Virus and Protein Metabolism in Winter Wheat" Moscowp Vestnik Sel'skokhozyaysLvennoy Nauki,,No 3, 1970, pp 27-29 Abstract: Wheat streak mosaic virus causes massive destruction of winter wheat i the epiphytotic period in the Krasnodarsk area.. In an a n ttempt to elucidate the mechanism of this infection, the authors studied the effect of the virus on protein content in the leaves of Bezosta7ya I wheat. They f6und that virus in fection effects plant nitrogen metabolism: infected plants t~how lower levels of protein nitrogen and increased values of nonprotein nitrogen, i.ndicating depressed protein synthesis. Chromatography of albumia on AE-cellulose A-50 showed that the virus causes extensive, protein metaboltsm. M ny fractions disappear, while new ones show up which were absent in healthy plants. ?l *boom USSR UDC: 535-8:535.241.1,3 MILYACIEV, Ye. Z., PARYGIN, V. N. "A Light Mlodulantor With Optical Resonator" Moscow, Radiotekhnika i Elektronika-, Vol. 15, No Jur~ ?1, pp 1010-101' Abstract: An experimental and theoretic&I study J s r, a d e oa Fabry-Perot electro-optical modulator. ilodulation ar4 frequency characteristics are fo=d ry al data with regard to light losses in the.c stal. Experimenti . obtained on a of 6328 using various cuts of OP and ADP, orystalf~ ~agroe well wavelength with the theory. I-Ion zriirrors having a coofficien'. of rieflection of 0.96 were used with a450 X-cut of AjPJ crystals, light losses welle-.80 percent. The voltage necessary for 65 percent modulation in thiz, caae~was 1.5 Vef. The modulation frequency bai-d was 175 Miz. Thu4; the iaterfe,rMLC0,ra*dulator has a considerable advantage over a polarization modUator ,rith respect to power con- sumption. A disadvantage oil the device ist the necessity for usingr a single- frequency laser v-ith frequency stability of the order of~5-10-.6, Besides this, the temperature stability of the crystal must be -jl0-Z;-jQ-)oCj deperding on the crystal used. wq 10 UNCLASSIFIED PROCESSING DATE-27NOV70 tTRANS DIOXIMES -U--- L.E.'r-ACIO BASE PROPERTIES OF COBALTi.111 T 'HGR-(03)-A8LOVt A.V.? BOVYKIN# B.A.* ZEMLYWt- V. Y(J T t-OUNTRY OF INFO--USSR 1W., NEORG* KHIM. 1970p 15(2)t 466-9 _p .UBLISHED ------- 70 -~SUSJECT AREAS--CHEMISTRY'TAGS--CO8ALT COMPLEX, OXIME, POTENT IGHE TR IC T I TR AT [ON, DISSOCIATION CONSTANT, CONTROL R. ARK 1JNG--f -40 R E S TR I CT I ON S 'DOCUMENT CLASS--UN'CLASSfFI'fj 'k6Y REELIFRAME--3007/0819 STEP UNCLASSI FIED C PRC~ A C, C E S 5 1 ON, N 0- - AP Q 1316 2 5 3 -'-.5ST9AC-11="y,TRACT--tU) GP-0- ABSTRACT4 Ac 10 a Isso(,.N (;otisrs. i.~ sui34i 'BST -POSITTIVEt t: it -.-.tCQ(0Hl SJ-52 A SUB-32) P Z~ I ME WHERE A Q U A L -S BETA -, 3 Ar' ~! A S U D. ID D-' 'EQUALS 1.1,P-Ct :110~H)C 4 4ND -PR I ME ~~F Gil I I V-,':) PYR: 10 1 NE A PY 1 DETD. PUTENTIMmETRICO-1ALLY AtiD. SPECTROPHOTOMETRIC"'LLY.. T I 'E VALzIES CIF 'PK' !MEPY~ Bc`(k PY,~ B;'TA Cil SUBj SUBA FOR CDMPLEXEE!~ AVING A E Q, J A L SIG A M M A ::C'iPY* BETA NH SU62 PY, SETA ETPY ARE TABUL AT[-,') P,'!.' S UEIA Y.At. U E S S) F FREE A CHANGE 'HITH SUBSTITUTION F:KOM 2.84: TO 6 . G 24 H I I i .') S 1E 0 F i C 03 ~A SUBD PP,114EPOSITIVE ARE WITHIN ~A VERY N A RROVI VALUE RANGF Of: FACILITY: KISHINEV. tgS 0: UN P/. kISHINEV, USSR. UNCLASSIFIED UN LA S: FILD PR CTIS'Sl"~ ~-)ATF--020r T70 EFFICI-ENCY (`F KAPRON NUT~7 IN-SCR:EW 'COUPLES :-~U- -AuOf J R- 0 20.1 D Q, S E VIX.A. ZEMLYAK-W, A.P NITPY 1, FFNIF 0---US5R "SUUKC Ell"MOSCO4 VEST'.IK MASH I NUST P13YE #4 1 YA, N3 2, PP 5Z.: 53 I:c)*?O TE -PUbL ISHED ------- 70 ISuBjFCT AREAS-NECli.; IND., CIVIL AND MAR INE ENGR, MATERIALS PfC:TAGS--NYLL 40 IN, 3R,-jNZEv BRASS, MECHANICAL FASTENER W E A It RESI STA11C E ZDNTR-'~L PARVING-NO RESTRICTI-D'NS [.90CUPF %T CLA-,SS-,.-UNCl, ASSIFIED 0, A P ri 1 14 2' 5 4 UNCt-ASSIF lEd gf '%'G DATE-020CT70 U CLAS5,1:PIED p ~tc-ssl G-P-0- AaSTRACT. I % AN~ATTEMPT T3 fIND MlRil: '-il`,-~:LY T 'URRENTLY USED SCARCE jli~-!NZES AID .,4E'h i-~ESISTAP, MATE,~IALS THAN THE -r.BPASS~S FOR THE Pil(JOUCTION OF SLIGING INL)TSI~ RESEARCIA WA'S Do T ON 'VTIF-RIGTIO~l PROPERTIFS ANO 4EAR qESISTANCE OF COAR~E VIT; ,THE- L I I JP L E S10 R 4,44DE G F THAT WHEN L I -f USED IN SCR,01 rC 4P jN 1T wAS f OU~iD ApjD mi~dluM UPEPAT1.NG CONDIT IONS, USE MAY BE' P, F C- rL I '~ t I E:~ D:1,N L YI rii PtPESSul~ F- uPc-,.,-i rHE TH,;,FA0 SUkFACE NJT -IN" EX7GESS OF 5l)--75 K,; ( F "I '~ F- -ro THE HIGH MOISTURF ABSURPTUCIN Pflt:~IPERIFXFS OF KAP90N, A -S-CR IE WPAIR WITH A 'KAPRON NUT SHOULD. BE~PRGTECTED A-GAINST DA4-PkIESS. -Act;A -LED t V 022 UNCLASSIFIED--- PR CESSING DATE-160CT70 0 --TJTL E--ADAPT I VE VARIABLE PARAMETER CONTROL OF: VEHICLES -U- _,~~AUTHOk-(02)-RUTKOVSK[Yt V.IU,j ZEMLIAKOVI :S.Do OU RT RY OF INFO--USSRt FRANCE T,-SOURCE--INTERNATIONAL F ED E RAT I ON OF AUTLIMAT IC. CUNTROLI SYMPOSIUM, ON TIC. C-J'NTROLt 3RD, TOULOUSE,' FRAINCE, MAR, 2-6,v,1970t PAPER. 12 P. ~~AUTOMA -D AT EPUBLISHED ------- 70 ECI T. AREAS-SPACE TECHNOLOGY C. TAGS--SPACECKAFT TRAJECTORYt FLIGHT CONTROL SYSTEM, 14 0 D E I. ,,:-CONTROL MARK I NG--NO RESTRICTIONS DOCUMENT CLASS-UNCLASSIFIED P Rr.,t X YPEEL/FQ.AME--1996/OG07 STEP I R C c E S I 2_,N NO - -T 0 17 3 0 7 -IED' PROO'SSING DATE--040EC70 033: UNCLASSIr '7' -ADAPTIVE VARIABLE PAMETER CON E PA TROL,OF VEHICLESj~' U ,'xUTHOR-1103)-PETROV, R.N., RUTHKOVSKY, V.,YU., ZEMLYAKOV,4 S.0-, CCUNTRY G F INFO--USSR, FRANCE ,'SOURCE--3RD -f FAC SYMPOSIUM ON SPACE CONTRaLt TOULOUSE, ~:FRANGE, MARCH 1970 -_!BATE PUBLISHED ------- 70 SUBJECT AREAS--MATHEMATICAL SCIENCESt :SPACE TECHNOLOGY1' NAVEG'ATION TOPIC TAGS--LINEAR EQUATION, MATHEIMATIC MODEL, SPACECRAFT, SATELLITE CONTROL. 'CONTROL- MARKING--NO RESTRICTIONS DOCUMENT CLASS--UNCLASSIFIED PROXY P.EEL/FRAME--3003/1876 SIE V NO-_FR/0000/-!0/W)o /000/0000/0000 G 033 UNCLASSIFIE-Vt PROCE~S lj,!G 0ATE--0,'*l)EC7,:) ION NO--AT0138768 ~ASS-TRACT/EXTRACT--(U) GP-0- A3STRACT. uSUALLY THE METHao tit: LINEARIZATIUN, ALLOWS TO GET A MATHEMATICAL MOOFL OF A~VEHIZLE AS A 'EAR R c, T N EQUATI0111 (1, 21 SHO~-,,N OINI MICUFICHE. IT 1 S (-'!:i V I OUS F ;.',I L I L THAT THE ORDER OF THE PLANT EQ,,UATION~ 15 COI;ISTANIT~ SYNTHESIS CONTROL SYSTEM MAY-BE REPRESENT&D AS A MINIMIZATION 0 R E.".T I C r 10 P t: A' PRESENT PROBLEM OF A FUNCTIONAL, Q, (3) SHOWN ON ~f-~ETHOD wHICH IS ',110ELY APPLI,2D FOR THE CONSTRUCT[ON 'D F Jt. 13-T0 MAKE THE VARIA'ILIE MOVE SO ~XS TO PROVIDE THE' OES!,1RE-0 ij',IOITICJ,~4 GF -C0v-tTP0L VAf-'t[ABLE. 4E SHALL N"OtE THIS ~METHOD OF PLANT: C(li'l . F~tl3t- jtkS THE VARIABLE METHOD, USUALLY THERE IS A SERVI)iMECHANITS3 I N THE ST.RUCT0E ~"`F A CONTROL SYSTEM 1*0 MOVE THE FINAL CONTROL: ELEMFWT 4:1 ( SHG'A~l ON MICROFICHE). OFTEN A CONITI~01- SYSTEM FS DESIGNED AS ili' C 0 4 --,3 1 " I E 0 S Y T E ''I WHERE BOTH CLOSE LOOP CONTROL AND OPEN ~-QQP (:O'NIROL A P, I APPLIED. F it 1* A DYNAMIC PROPERTIES VARY WIOELY OVER ONE FLIGHT RF-GlM.& U -AD14 UNE REG',AE TO ANOTHER, A REGULATOR ALSO HAS TO BE ADJUSTABLI:,.- TO 21--)ROVIDE - R11,141MIZATION OR RESTRICTION OF FUNCTIONAL, (3). A S A RESULT WE OBTAIN _i-: ADAPTIVE VARIABLE CONTROL OF A~PLANT. SOMETIMES A00'rivE VARIABLE. CO~NTROL DOES NOT PROVIDE RESTRICTION: OF FUNCT10NAL (3): 1411ROUT SPECIAL THE PLANT DYNAMIC PROPERTIESC 1)j,Rpt)~E FUL CH :ANGE~OF PLANT PARAMETERS WILL BE TERMED AS THE PARAMETM CONTROL IMEUOD USSR 62C.-.7-05 Xc!.'(( E 2) Yetrov., B. ~,1.3 V. y1j. Y.I.-tova.: I. N. Zem-1yalmy, IMNITSIFY I COS TI R GIT CIFTI-P C,VP!iYA S -01 INA UPRAVIIIIIIA (Irincilies of Building and Plarning kdaxtive~Control S~,stem mo "M i.ripted scow) llIIashinostro3-,eni-.% ell 1572, 260,pp-) illus biblio,~ Me book iresents a br-,'ef ana3ysis of t1w Irinc-111cs oX building., the fwd_,-~-entalu o, lanning, Pcthoas of ;~rd. ceni uting no&-l- reference (Ilncntrack_~ngll) acal tive control s3(Aens, i-d-tich -are rwast widely used in fl-ight mr.1'rol of aircraft. 11c bock is inten,6-~d for iwsc by entinf crs and scfent-~*._^J c workers engaged in the ]:laanning of autonatic conurcil:systlems, andiican be of use -Lncf.,d courses at,the VVZ level. to,students in the a(.h,, No mrtim is rzde of any I articular MS fcr nny -jecific zArcraft or rrdss5;le systfn. The various t3Tes of, adartivis s; stens are illustrated by b1tck diacrar on! The first 9Q items Jin the 124-item:,bjblIoErarhy are R-,-r3s,.!an-lanE;uaCe sources 'he rerz-ving 2,5 iterrs are. English-language~ sourdes. 1/2 FRINITSII-y- !CSTRC,-.!--- -YA I TF-C17,11 "I -11P, 11 it ~1. 8 ','TUJ VA Y I fSH V`~ 11 H S) FIF'M! LTROIL-111-- (IrLnc--pics of Euildirg and Planning Adartivp~,Con4~,,rol Fetrov., RutIov-1-7v 12-Itc-va and Zemlyakov.,'. jlxscow, 15172,: 260 pr. Contents 'Foreword . . . . . . . I age . . . . . . . . . . Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4. 7 Chcapter 1. The Fasic Circuit and Inforraiion in i'tdc-l-I'LEfCrexicF-(Ilcntrackin~~' Adartive Control .4stems . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . 16 cy 0hI,;ractr2--.* -14 CF Chalter IJ. Systems th Inforration On Frequen, Chapter 111. Eodel-Reference Adal-tive Control Systexts lo Chajter IV. 111rmtracking leartive Control th Tivie-ChE;racti-ristic 1,.;orj.torJ-ng Char-tcr V. The Adartive Iroperties of Cer,~Uin Idaptive 225 2 BibliogmraF-hy . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . 251 2/2 USSR uDo 632.95 PAVLEINTKO# As Pop AM?J-Wtyo Ve Pot IMI)SHCHITSKIYj So Do j 11, Go "Alkoxylation of 2,3,5,6-Tetrachloro, 2-Trichloromethyl-3j5-dichloro- and 2-Trichloromethyl-3,5,6-trichloropyridyl-4-amidophosphor4.c Add Dichlorides with Higher Alcohols" Alkolcsilirovaniya dikhlo=,-,idridov 2,3p5,6-tetrakitlor-,t2--trilclormetil-3,5- -dikhlor- i 2-trikhlormetil-3,5,6,-trikhloi~piAdil-i~-amid6fosfo=oy kisloty vyzshimi spirt-ami. (Cf. English above)p Institute of Organic Chemistry, Academy of Sciences Mrainina SSR, Kiev, 1972v~,4 pp, illo, b1bliography with one title, IManuscript No 4383-72 of 5 MaY 72 deposited aI All-Union Institute of Scientific and Technical Infoxuation (from HU-Mmlyihs Ho 20, 25 Oct 72, Abstract No 2014594 Dep from Authors' aummary) Translationt For the purpo3e of finding now plant growth regQLaton, 2,3,5,6- tatrachloro-,2-trichloromethyl-3,5-.tUchloro- and 2-trichlorome~thyl-3,5,6- trichlorop--idyl-4-amidophosphoric acid dichlorides were alkoxylated with hexyl, heptyl, oct_yl, nonylt decyl and cetyl alcohols. In biological tests the strongest herbicidal properties exhibited by the d1octyl aster of 2-trichlox~6methyl-3#5-dichloropyridyl.~~amidophosph6r.'~.c: 'IA 6 I U11 I I 1 +11, P-1. 11 M MR, ~T 111 R ~u If I I I I I I ~11II I I I ~M I 111 1 v I - ME 10 USSR UDC 57.085.23:576.851.55.097.29 7 YERfAKOVA, M. P., SHANRAYEVA, S. A,, 7g and VLASOVA, ye. V. Institute of Epidemiology and ~"'Uqqrtob i Gamaleya, Academy of Medical Sciences USSR Morphological and Histochemical Changes sordelV- and-Clostridium oedematiens Toxins in Cultures'of'Fibroblasts, Kidney E 'thelium, and Macrophages". P37 moscow, Zhurnal Mikrobiologii, Epidemiologii i Immunobiologii, No 10, 1971, pp 23-28 Abstract: C. sordelli and C. oe-dematiens, toxins had a marked cytotoxic effect on cultures of chick fibroblasts, human fetal kidnev epithelim, and macrophages from a.,guinea pig peritonea,l,exudate. C. sordelli toxin caused vacuolar degeneration of th e cytoj)lasmi while C. oedematiens toxin produced karyorrhexis, karyopyknosis,st 1--aryolysis, kaLy- orrhexis, and marked fatty degeneration of the cytoplasini Histochemical analysis showed that both toxins intensified acid phosphatase activity in the cytoplasm of the fibroblasts and macrophages, decreased the KIIA content of the kidney epithelial cells, and stimulated the formation of lumps of glycogen. The cytotoxic effect was not manifested when the various cultures 1/2 USSIR UDC 576-85:L-555-097--2-083-3 SIDWAYEVA, S. A. and MATTEYEV, K. I., Institute ;ialeya,, AcadwW of Medical Sciences of --Epidemiology and Microbiology USSR "Study of Soluble Antigens of Cl. perfringens Types D and 9 in Tissue Cultures' Moscow, Zhurnal Mikrobiologii, Epidemiologii i I=unobiologii, No 1971, 58-63 p p Abstract: The effect of activated S toxin of Cl. perfringens type D on animals and in U tissue cultures (K13,'PH, MC, HeLa,~ffgp-2, and others was studied and an attempt was made to determine whetherlthe tissue cultures can be used to identify straina of Cl. perfringens type i;. Activated Cl. perfrin- gens type 0 toxin caused necrotic changes in the skin of mice and guinea pigs, but was nontoxic vith respect to the U types.o-,Ln tisitue cultures investigated. The heteroploid. cell lineo RK, KBJ1 TEE, HeLn, and Bu,.2 coUd be used to Identify Cl. perfrin6ens type 9 btrains in the reactlun of neutralization of soluble type E antigens with dry type, B. antitoxic diiwnostia serum. CI. per- ftingens.~ type 2 toxin killed the experimental mice a0d pridduced cytotoxic Oue CUturt in the KB, PH, HeLa, and ~Ls USSR UDC 576.8 1.555-083.3-07 .5 U-M-LYAUTSKAYA, YE, P. SWIRAYEEVA, S. A. , and M-TIME-11 K. 1. , Institute of Eg6kik6a an I'llicrobiology imeni Ganaleya,lAcademy 6f 11-,edical Sciences USSR d "Ident-ification of Clostridium perfringens Ty es B, C, '4nd F in Tissue Culture" P Moscow, Zhurnal. -:ikrobiologi'L, Epidemiologii i Immunobin-logili, NO 3, 1971, PP 89-93 Abstracts To test the possibility of identifying the BP C, and F types of C. perfringens in tissue cultures, experiments were performed -irith five strains of each type- and six kinds of tissue cultures - 5 heteroploid cell lines (KBO Rh, L, HeLa, HK) and primary trypsinized cultures of chick embryo cells. Study of the spectnu-., of action of soluble antigens of the tlyme typ--s of Cl. perf~ringens in tissue culture and examination of the antiGens in the noutrali- zation reaction with antitoxic sera of the Corresponding three types revealed that the cytotoxic effect of the soluble antigens was.eaused not by the activity of the main lethal and necrotic beta-toxim, alone, but by a complex of toxins. The B and C strains elaLborated solublet antigens that indliced n an cytotoxic changes in primaxy ti-y9sirLized embryo ic.cells,, d were toxic to some.of the heteroplold lines. In tisswcultures the.soluble. antigens exhibited cross neutralization VrithLthe antitoxic sera of Cl. porfringens USSR ZVELYANITSKAYA, Y---. P., Zhurnal lUkrobiologii, Eplldomlologii iImmu-nobiologii, No 3: 1971, pp 89-93 types B, C, and F. However, neutralization of, the toxinz required the less active sera of the B and C types and the more active typo F serum. The type F strains synthesized soluble antigens which had a cytotoxic effect on the ~:heteroploid cell lines and did:not induce cytotoxic chgoges iii the prinary trypsinized.chick embryo cells. The.soluble type F antigens trere neutra:Lized in the~tissuo cultures only by homolo&us~serm& 2/2 UDC 576.851,55.083-31 USSR OGRAWVA, I. N.j and IVJWVA, L. G., institute of Z=JAIIII, VI.,; Epidemiology and m.-crobiology imeni N. F. Gamaleya,'Academy of Medical Sciences USSR, Illo s c ow "The Use of Dry Media in the Diagnosis of Diseases Produced by*Cl. oedematiens, Cl. septicum, Cl. histolyticum,- and.;Cl. sordel Moscow, Laboratornoye belo, No 11, 1970, pp Ab3tract; Tile effectiveness of bac~ariological diagnosis of waaerobic infec- tions is clearly dependent on the media used for culciriog these. microroganiscis. -or , Dry media which are suitable for transport and long-term-tit. age and which are sufficiently simple to prepare appear to be mor,.t promis.ii.q; for this purpose. Dry acidic casein hydrolysate has been used for protein separation and for the preparation of anaerobic media. A nutrient broth of the'eascin. hydrolysate was prepared and sterilIzed and, vith other media, was :used for culturing various bacteria. The activity of clostudial toxins was determined; spe- cificity was monitored by neutralization with antitoxic i5pecific standard sera. Comparative results of more than 200 tests are presented in tabular form, showing the to; activity of,the different bacteri-al strains in the various dry media tested. 'A", I M.'', WMIII v -2 Mal. V9 ME E ..... ... . . bo USSR institute of Radiotechnology and Elea- MOROZOV, A. and MEL Ali SYN tronics Academy of es "Electroacoustic Interaction of CdS with Pure Surface Shqar Waves" -tters to the Jour- pisI.Ma V Zhurnal Eksperimentalinoy i Tooreticheskoy Fiziki (Le nal of Experimental and Theoretical Pbysics, Vol 12. No 20,Oot 1970, pp 396- 399 Abstract: Electron absorption and amplification of surface shear waves (ssw) as well as electroacoustic (EA) sur-face wave effects are st-4ied with CdS mono- crystals. Two sets of electrodes were attached to two sides Of a long (50 rrm), etched, photosonsitivQ CdO crystal: one on ,the [1010] pLine Tor excitation and detection of ssw and one on the [0001] plane for..vaasuri).ij; Haylaigh wavos for purposes of comparison. A parallal,beam of light fallz normal to the [1010] or [0001] planes between a pair. of pickup, electrodes.' The wemaDider of tho crystals is shieldedfrom light. The length:of the crystal prov1dad the necessary tiAe delay for the pulse. W-hen the crystal was illiuUnzated, a strong electroacoustic ~affect and electron absorption %as observed for both types of,waves. A drop of water between-the pickup electrodea~produced Rayleigh wave attenuation of 10 to 1/2 USSR MOROZOV, A. I., et al, FisIma v Zhurnal Eksperimentallnoy i Taoreticheskoy Fiziki, Vol. 12, No. 8, 20 Oct 1970, p 396~_399 15 db, and the EA emf fell by a factor of 6 to 10, depending on interelectrode conductivity. No attenuation. effects were observed for. i-hear waver. lacking 71 her materials longitudinal components. Applicatio. of indiwi, resin,::nd oQ m capable of shear deformation did have an effect. For e5w ple, liquid salol had no effect but, on hardening, damped the ssiT by, 4 db. At~ the same time, both liquid and ~solid forms damped the Raylei-gh. waves by 12 dh, The surface shear waves penetrate deeper into the surface layer.;~ The, effective constants of electro- iesj~and the dependenoe of the mechanical coupling, Rayleigh and shear wa*o velocit' ssw, on. the drift field are calculated. The authors. that*' Prof.,. S. G. Kalashnikov for his interest in the work. 2/2 USSR ZDC: 621.396.6-181.5 YBF1140V, V. G. and ZEILYANOV G. L. -i6ir cal. Dimensions of Film Resistors 'Method of Determining Geo UsingNomograms" Elektron. tekhnika, Nauchno-tekhn. sb. Mlkroeleirtranih-a (21ectronic Faigineering, Scientifte-j-10eebiiicai Collection,. Microelectronics) 1970 No. Z(23), U 42-46 (from RZ:h-!-Ra diotIe kh.Aika, K0. 3, March 71, Abst;act No.-3V-348 Translation: A nomogram is constructed which represents the width and,length of resistors as functions of the resistcance and dis- Bipated Dower. A technique of computation.using the nomogram is explainea;,the COMDutation errors are estimated. One illustra- tion,.one table, bibliography,,of one. UDG: 632.954:631-93-1 USSR N., Gorlkiy Erperimental Station "Effect of Various Doses of' Sin- azine on' i1ruit, pi) Moscow, Miimiya v Sellskaii Y~ioryaystvle,, nooll, N co vTo, Abstract: EYDeriments were Set 1.1 Dat the first nwrG ez-y plot (for graft plants) of the Gor'kiy !:~qjeri:-Iiental Stat i on. to det-nuine zi-;~a optima"r, dose of six~mziiie. '!he 1-tudy covered the yearly botanice.11 composition, quantlity and .-eiFht of -.he veed and the condIt-ion. of,the fruit'p,'antz-,, inclu im-, the growth intensity and the yield of the siumizine armlied U and, tho plant. Tne manual-Ily -jith an "'utomax sTwayer covering both the so,, -plied in doses oil 4-' hi4/ha cauzed experiments have si-,o-irn that s--Irazine ap- Q the lo3s of 7.3 to 19.4,~~ of tq2, plants (the hi7her the the -c tMLs percentage of loss-t1he P-j-2ra7e y-*L(,,I--:' of parcentage of loss). Despit 12 111,111M MHAW11, 11 Roff"FR H 'ORRIM UISSR. ~admiya v Sellskozi iawzya~,stve, no 11, Nt~,v 70, Dr, 117-148 the seea for a ueriod of two years: was higher tnarn llhat in t-he con-1,rol plot. Based an the experimc.-,.-Us, the 0-ptiMUM doze was ectabIJ.i;"aed at,3.5-4 kz/ha of nctive in~;rediejitS with a. nom, of l1q,.i-4d of 800-110~3 1/h--, To Ivwer the adverse effect of -the comround on fruits Ila edi.1 rii-I suggested tiiat sir--azine be applied at 2-2. kg/ha i nthe i','.-,st and Second zursery fields. 2/2 USSR SKIY, A., S1113RAKOV, V. ZEMLYAN "Automatic Distribution of Memory in Data Processing. Systems" Eleftronno-l~vcldsl. Tekhn. i Programmir. [Flectronic Computer Equipment and TrogTamming Collection of Works], No 5; Moscow, Statistila Press, 1972, pp 36-42 (Translated from Referati.vnyy ZhLirnal Kiberil,otika, No 4, 1973, Abstract No 4V643, by the autbors Translation: The vcrsi~on of automatic distribution 0.1 memory stiopested is recommondcd for information processing systems using tho Millsk-23, compliter. USSR ZDILYANSKIY, A. A. "Some Problems of Generation of Computer Software" Materialy Nlezhriz. Konf. po Mat. Obespecheniyu AvtomatiZiT. SiStO111 Upr. [Materials of Inter-University Conference on Control. System Automation Software), Moscow, 1973, pp 231~238 (Translated from Referati-v-nvy Zhur- nal KibeTnetika, No 10, 1973, Abstract No'IOV671) Translation: Problems of the generation of a compiler and operational system (OS) are studied, meaning generation of,a version of the compiler or OS from the corresponding components of the basic.compiler (BC) or basic OS. Generation can be performed in three modes: static. dynamic and mixed. The static mode of generation assumes gei-t,-ration of permis- sible version and their placement in t 'he system carrier before operation of the system, i. e. before the moment when the tasks; is to be performed using these versions. This mode places a priori limitations on the packet of assignments, since in each case, each assignment can be iden- tified with an available (generated) version of the system. The static mode of aeneration of svstem versions,like all versions, requires sin- gle time flow. It is noted that, if a sufficiently well-developed set of generated system versions is available, it is possible to run almost all jobs through the system. USSR =LYANSKIY. "Software for Linguistic Information Processing Subsystem" Materialy mezhvuz. konf. po mat, obespecheniyu avtomal:izir. sistem upr. .[Materials of Inter-University-Conference on Control System Software -- Collection of Works), Moscow, 1973, pp 182719S (Transl,ated from Referativnyy Zhurnal - Kibernetika, No 8,.1973, Abstract No 8 V741 by V.~Gushchin) Translation: Problems of development of practical realization of algorithms for construction of word lists with expanded indicator spectra are studied. In addition to the traditional indicators.(absolute and relative frequency), grammatical and syntactical-morphological word-form characteristics are in- troduced. A mathematical. model of the.problem studiediis presented. Al- gorithms are given for production of frequency and ran.)< words lists and a statification word list. pm in, US S R ZEMAINYM, B. A. "Hypersonic Flow about Segmentally Conidal Bodies under a Large Angle of Attack" Moscow, Yekha-nika Zhidkosti i Gaza, -to 3, 1970, pp, 33-39 act: The strean, in the vicinity of the wind Mb s tr want ~plane beside the lateral surface of a blunt cone in a hypersonic'flovr of gas under a large angle of attack is investigated. It is assumed that the windward generatrix of tie cone is inclined toward the flow at a small positive angle. On t,ie basis of hyper- sonic theory, the problem is reduced to: the s tudy o two-dimensional stream in the vicinity of an eqiiivalent local blunted cone -Atha passage in a ragion w'u 'ehe obtained analogy per.,,dts :ch is external Yri th reapec t to the passage. laWation of the initial three-dimensional streata by me-ans of ntwierical methods -3 C developed for two-dinon3ional probluma., IM: results are founrl to comparo. favor- abl-y with nwnerical data an the three-dimenaional floij ot' it perfecL ga3 ahout segemen tally conical bodi-as. itlao presenUd are. rasul,ts dealing, wibh the effect cil' phybicochemical ccnvernions of air (oquilibrium and nonequilibrium) on the _invest~lgated sLrearis. 'Driese results testit~y to the c(Insidurablo effect of such converaLons or, th* atroan (inalmking the pranoure) lh'.the v:tctnit~l of the -mind- ward plane of segmentally conical bodies. Ibis fact z=t bo takon Into account in determination of the hfiat exchange and tha.ballistic characteriatco of air- craft of this shape. USSR UDC 547.W118 GUPALO, A. F. and ZE'.IILYAI-TSXIY, N..I., Ll.vov State Univ: r-sity imeni Ivana Franke Amino Esters of Thiophosphoric Acids. Part V, A.11cyLt-tion of the Potassium Salts of Amino Esters of DitbiophosphoriaAcids by Alk~l Halides" Leningrad, ""hurnal Obshchy khimill voi 42(104), ~yp 8, 1972, PP 1720-1724- Abstracti The potansium salts of 0.0-di(tort-aminoally:L)ditliio-oll-losplioric acids were reacted with allqrl ch:Lorides and. bromides uxider mild conditions in order to prepare neutral esters of dithiophosphoric acids, according to the following reaction s S (f12N1C1f..C[j.0)jp tx 2Clr2O)21' + 11 -71 SK 2X- It-'.XC111,1jr, (CHOINCH'CH'Cl. The product was purified under vacuum and by chroinatagiaphy. As the neutral amino ester is unstable, it undergoes thion-thiol isomerization. It goes 1/2 -~Ahj kikwt!!A!~ Ila, -W"Ii ITWI ~1111' I 2/2 USSR UDC 547i2-611118 AM BELOUS, G. F. R1JRAV YEV,I V.., L'Vbv State Univeraity "Concerningthe Synthesis and Some Properties of Hoteroc3rclic Tetrathio- phosphates" Leningrad, "Whurnal Obehohey Khimut vol 42-(io4)j No 7, J'd 72o pp 1647-1614-S penta,3ulftdu reacted vrit~i alkanedithiO13 in tha Ab5tracti Phosphoz-uz pxeseuca of triethy1w.-Ame to give bAethylaimonium aalts~crf -allw1enetetra- Mophosphoric acids (1) in Which the hetaroring cutsistli of hothylone groupsg. culfur atm-1- tuO, phosphozuzo Roactiml of 01,koxiall-, vith coi-ipounds (11) gave the correuponding potai~Piuu: smIta. of m4powndu '(1) i4th aikyl halides or alkyl eaters of* ben24neatLLf ohib. acids producc-d neutr92 esters of cyclic tetrathiopho s phor ic v~cids#' 7-am. $P2 UDO 547.1'1181122 j 621.892.009.6 GORDASHt YU. T., KHARCENKOt L. S., RABINVICH I L 71AC'H11j5JC1T.C.,Tj,,4 j CUPALOt A. P. I f" "j-V KU1'O7IdF11:B:. P.I, arid" Rim", mV, I. V., " "10 m P ject'and, Design Inrtitute of the e All-Union ..Cie Oesear+card r0 Petroleun Conversion and Petrochemical Industry, Kiev "Investigation of Sulfur-Containing Organophosphorus Coa-1pounds- as Additives to. Lubricating Oils" Moscost, Reftekbimiya, Vol 11, No 1p Jan-Feb 71p Pp 135-140 Abstr.-iatt Ths,effectiveness of derivatives of thiophosphoric acid as addi- tives to lubricating oil va,3 studied. Fiflleem compounds of this type inaluding 0,0-dialkyl-S-alkyl di'~hiophozphatos; py! trithiophosphatal bis,"0,0-ctJ.ethyldithiojho,,ipliate)-Lciii,,.ylid-.cne, Uz(O- nethyl-O-bu;. 'MozhorDhone)disulfidc, 0-alkyl-S,S-dialkyl trithiophosphates, VY-1 and SjS,S-tetraethyl Ivetrathlophosphate were synthosizea for this DurDose. The formulas and characteriz-4--ics of these cotipounds am 1.1--ted in a. table. The effects of addition of the 15 compounds to oil DS-11 on the thel%nal oxidation stability of the oil, t~e corrosion~of Pb plates, the over-all index of uear, -the critical load of seizingg a:d the cTitical load of welding were deter-mined ard-- compared with those of additive. DF-11 (2n butyloctyl- 1/2 USsR GORDASHt YU, T. I et al. lief tokhimiya Vol It, lio 1p Ic,;,-Feb 71 pP-r 135-140 dithiophosp' hate). The results o fthe tests showed that use of trialkyl tetrathiophosphatest bis(O,O-diall-.ylthiopb6splione)disulfidest and 0-dialkyl- aminoall-tyl-S,S-dialk-11 tritbiophosphates as multif"unction-al additives to lubricatin- oils would be of advantage. The effects of the CGI gioup In -educin- wear and seizing of friction surfaces were confinaed by the results oftests on d-ithiophosphatescontaining an.-SC(=O).CC1- Z'47oup, The tests with '0 Ov-d~urfuryl-S-trichioroacetyl ditblophbsphate indimted that this com- pound-irould be-a Good all-around additive:for~lulbricatipg oils. T USSR UDC 547. 26'118 N and GORAK, R. D. L~vov State University imeni Ivan Franko .."Transesterification and Reaction With Hydrogen Chloride of 030'-Dialk-yl Diselenophosphates" Leningrad, Zhurnal Olashchey Khim-ii, Vol 41,-No 11, Nov 1971, pp 2,446-2,448 Abstract: This study is.a continuation,on the authors' earlier (1969) work on the reaction between 0,0'-dialkyl diselenophosphonic acids:and the higher alcohols,-which produces those same acids with variou-i different radicals. Pot&ssium-0,0'-dialkyl selenophosphates'with mixed radicals were obtained, thus demonstrating the possibility. of transesterification in those phosphates. The jinhydrides of several 0,0'-dialkyl 4elenadiphosphanate esters, and also some bis(0,0'-dialkyldiselaiiopiosphate~i) werra obtained instead of the ex- Pected correBp onding acidsv.: Phytical propexd.ew of dlef?v p6sphates and acid anhydrides are given, along with laboratory procedurbp, 2-1