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USSR ~UDC~681.325.6S:525 'H BARYKIN N A KHOPLOV, G. M, BAWSHKIN, K. S., KOZOBRODOV' V. "Logic Circuits Based on Pneumatic Relay Elements" Pnevmatich. Privody i Sistem), ixpr. [pneumatic Drives and Control Systems Collection of Works] , Moscow, Nauka PTeSS, 1971,lipp 267-272, (Translated -hanika~! VychislitelInaya -nal Avtomatika,' Telem6. from Referativnyy Zhu. Tekhnika, No 11, 1971, Abstract No Il. A74 from the Resume). Translation: The basic characteristics and namenclatures of pneumatic relay automation. elements (j'ERA) are. presented... as well as typical logic device circuits based on these elements. A modular- el ement method of planning of devices based on PERA and the- experieke-bf the application of the standard ircuits are studied. 6 Figures; ~i Ta.ble'-'IBib 119 Ref c 3 "Statistical Evaluation of the Effect of Prior Uniform Corrosion on the Service Life of Thin-Wall Sheet-Designs" Kiev, Fiziko-Khimlcheskaya 1.1,ekhanika -Materialov, Vol 91 No 6, 19731 PP 35-40 Abstracti Smooth sections of aircraft panelst made of 'D16ATV alloy, were &tudied to determine the criteria on which to base probability-stati.9tical principles with respect to the permissability or degree of corrosion damage allowable before a panel will lose its steJe and fatigue strength as a result of this corrosion, as well as the reduction of service life. Corrosion-fatigue testa were donucted on smooth panels and p=els with 4-iwn-diaijeter holes using potassium nitrate (3% soiu-bion) as the corrosive media*:From these tests, data were used to plot distribution curvea for fatigue life with respect to corrosion daeage and load after a 500 oycle/min-frequency exposure for a time exceeding 10 cycles, relationships of service life to corrosion damage, relationship of permissable corrosion to probability of failure, and relation- ship of corrosion damage to cyclic-load level. : 11o specific conclusions wexe made except that ct,,rroslon-fatigue tests should-be conducted for loads very ,close to actual opomting conditions. SixII&ms, four,bibliographlo roferences. S el Irs SSR =1669:539.43 '111~HOV, A.Vei RAWHE21KO VORQ11 KIN A. -I. and I N. F., Kiev Institute of Civil Aviation Enginee_ s "Fatigue Resistance of Corrosion-wDamaged Aircraft Cdverinf.111 Kiev, Fiziko-Inimicheskaya 14ekhanika lbterialov, Academy,of Sciences Ukrainian SSR, Vol 7, No 1, 1971, PP, 53-56, Abstract: An investi-F-tion was m0le of the,effect thnt'~,, groq) of corrosion craters, siiwalating local corrosion of aircraft caverinrgr.~ has on the fati6aie loaGievity of smooth and ot-ructur"I Specimens made, tezpeptive:!~f, of D16so (1 .85 mm thickv-) and D161YTV (2.5 = thick) sheet Thz" fatigue testo of the smooth sDeciriens of two batches were performed w-1 etri r-a-, 81 1 h. r ymr 2) it a frequency.' 0' 70 cpm. The corrcsion craters beendii ng 14 d~,-n_e s/m.- -.5- a an the surface e-;f ~he fi-s~~--batch s9ecimens we:re of consLant geometrical dimensions (depth t = 0.3 m. L, and dizimater d 1.~~ V,r-.j-jinqt only in the ni-z-ber o-? craters Der unit surface. On the 4pecirnreinss of the bate!-,, in the middle of z=all cr--alters 0.3 7-m deep and,1.3 mm in dlazv,6ter there wa,.~; one 11gimeral" crater: t- = 1.0 t= and d m. It wz~4,_J:' founnil zhat the ad- verse effect of a group of carrasion.cra'W:ila~of geor_,Ctrical Si2e covering app-roxima-tely iw', op the area involved ia pracldcaliy -th,:- oamr! 8.33 the --ffect oL f a single damage area, in the variation of fatiGae- longevity 1/2 IU8SR KARIASHOIT, A.V., et al, Kiev, Fiziko-nimicheskaya Meldianilta ~16 rialov, Academy of Sciences Ukrainian SSR, Vol 7, NO: .1,1 7 971 Pp 53-56 of duralumin Dl6K_P as a function of density of corMiioiadauiage, For the corro-sion craters included a geneval r craler in the case when the group ol D16AT duralumin specimens, it was found that the added _r sence,of the small Craters did not lead to a further reduction in fatigue longevity cf the material 'he general crater. In contrast tdamooth specimens, 'beyond that induced by -specimens with:rivetted joints were.found tob practicall~r unaffected by ...the pr sence, of groups of corrosion craters 2/2 8o - UUJWMtN# ~,-,PROXY REELIFRAME-L999/1684 CIPr- ACCESSION NO--APOt23672 STEP; Nt)--UR/0062/ 7011,0001-DO310115/0726 FIEQ OIL UNCLASSIFIED PRGICES~IPIG GATe-30OCT70 ~CIRC ACCESSION ND--AP0123672 -ABSTRALTI EXTRACT-( U) GP-0- ABSTRACT. CONTRARY TO.PUBLI.SHED CLAtt.15 (SCIAkY, R., 1961; SUVQROVv N. N.0 ET AL.v .1960) [T 14AS~ ~SHOWN FROM `~-ASS I N OF 16. ALPH,A* 17: ALPHA* ANVNMR SPECTRAL DATA THAT REACT 0 EPOXYPREGN#5#ENt3 BETAq OLiZOoGNEI'ACETATE 20cETHYLENE lkl:TAL WITH MEM"I U PROCEEDS SO THAT ALONG WITH NORMALlOXIDE RING OPENING TO FORM THE 16 BETAvMETHYLtl7 ALPHAtHYDROXY OERIV.9 THERE IS ALSO 'FORMED THE 16,DEMETHYL ANALOG 11)? PIZ08ABLY VIA.REDN. OF THE OXIDE RING BY RM.GX. THIS YIELDS ~A. DIFFICULTLY -SEPARABLE MIXT-OF THE TWO PRODUCTS WHICH HAVE THE SAME CHkCMATOGRAPHIC MOBILITY. IFTHE REACTION 'IS RUN IN THF IT 15 FURTHER COMPLICATED 13Y FORMATION OF 20,METflYLPREGr4v:5tENEv3 BETAY 17 ALPHAv20#TRlOLt WHILE IN ET SUB2 OtC, SU,86 K -SU86 YKE MAIN REACTION FORMS Z.- .,,PRUOU,CTS.(]F.WAGNERtMEERWEIN REARRANGEMENTwtYl~ELDINGi,53PERCENT lie ~--:.--,~FACILITY-' INST-0 ORG* KHIM. IM. ZELINSKOGOt KkOWt USSR's A Abstract: Nerves affect the trophism and metabolism of tissues and organs. If the innervation of white skeletal.muscles, in which glycolysis predomi- nates. and red skeletal muscles with predominant oxidative respiration is interchanged surgically in animals, the;white muscles,assume the metabolic, chemical, and physical characteristics.of red muscles,'i while the latter are changed to white muscles. In work carried out by L. P. Zayarnaya at the Chair of Pathophysiology, Kiev Medical Institute, it was shown that on the 10-12th day after birth the metabolism of the cardiac muscle of rats changes under the effsct of adrenergic innervation which develops at that time: the activity of lactate dehydrogenase decreases, while that of succinodehydro- genase increases. Cutting of the glossopharyngeal nerve results in degen- eration of the sensitive points of the taste buds of the tongue, while regeneration of this nerve brings about structural restoration of these points. The same effects can be obtained by the removal and then reim- plantation of taste neurons in animals. On cutting of:the sciatic nerve 1/3 USSR ZAYKO, N., Ifeditsinskaya Gazeta, 9 May 13, p 3 the structure of muscle glycogen becomes much simpler (L. A. Popova, Kiev Medical institute) . Denervated tissue regresses to thl. initial state of its. development (L. A. Orbeli) . V. S. Win, substantiated this in regard to the tissues of muscles, the liver, and tumors. Tumor cells lose the capacity for differentiation, because they are no longer. under nerve control. As far as the mechanism by which nerves control trophism is concerned, there are reasons to believe that the axoplasmatic current parti6ipates in it. If an amino acid labelled with radioactive carbon is introduced into the nucleus of the glossopharyngeal nerve, the'amino acid moves witil the,liquid in the nerve axon to the tongue -and becomes incorporated in the toague muscle cells, mainly their nuclei. Many scientists believe-that substanceq of the type transferred through nerve axons act as nerve mediators of tissue trophism. Dystrophies of the stomach, liver, and heart tissues are produced when a sensitive region such as that of the aorta is.strongly Irritated (S. V. Anichkov, et al) . The trophic of -fects that are produced -in such cases are transmitted to the periphery over efferent sympathetic peives. from the reticular formation and the hypothalamus. I To Anterrupt "the are of patho- logical reflexes producing dystrophies, novocain. should be- applied according to a recommendation by A. V. Vishnevskiy or barbiturates.and centrally 2/3 USSR ZAYKO, N., Meditsinskaya Gazeta, 9 May 73, p 3 acting cholinolytics according to S. V. Anichkov. Organs that have been transplanted are impaired not only because of.immunological.reactions, but also because of distorted reactions due to the absence of nerves. Cutting of adrenergic nerves produces an increased sensitivicy.of ti--ssues to adrenalin, while cutting of cholinergic,nerves results'in an increased reaction to acetylcholine. N. D. Opanasyuk found at the author's laboratory that denervation of blood vessels results in.distorted reactions to adrena- lin, serotonin, histamine, and other substances. Regeneration of nerves is a problem that is of importance in connection with organ transplantation. A substance that stimulates the growth of sympathetic n:erves has been iso- lated from the salivary glands of rats, 3/3 59 I MM USSR UDC16W.891.782.0.18.9 RYSS, M. A. ZAYKO, V. P "Calcium-Containing Alloys Produced by the Metallothermal Method" Nietalloterm.Protsessy v Khimii i Metallurgii, [Metallothermal Processes in Chemistry and Metallurgy -- Collection of Works), Noyosibirsk, Nauka Press, 1971., p 73-77. (Translated from Referativnyy Zhurnal Metallurgiya No 3, 1972, Abstract No 3G146 by the authors). Translation, The Chelyabinsk Electrometallurgical Combine was the first to use a technology for -the production of an alloy of FeIwith Si and Ca by silicothermal processing from AcO, FeSi,and CaF2. The basictechnological parameters of the process are presented., ~As the alloylis produced, it is refined by the highly basic slag, removing P, S, C,andAl. The introduction of dolomite to the composition of the charge allows a.Ca-containing modifier to be produced with a content of 2-5% Mg, while the introduction of BaSG4 produces a complex modifier containing 5,11-5.7% Ba. When the complex modi- fier is produced with high Nig content, it is 'expedient to melt the modifier -with-the Mg in the ladle. 1 tabled USSR UDC 669.893.018.9(088.81 W, G. S. V. P., RYSS, M. k., GOLEV, A. K., DELYAYL I%fethod of Smelting Barium Alloysit USSR Author's Certificate No. 277001, Filed 9/07/68, Published 20/10/70. (Translated from Referativnyy Zhurnal Metallurgiya, No. 5, 1971, Abstract No. 5 G178P by G.Svodtseva). Translation: In producing Ba alloy by the silicothermal method, the reduction process is performed with expenditure of quart-zite in a quantity of 10-501- of the weight cf the BaS04 in the charge. In order to.assure complete separa- tion of metal from slag, CaC2 is introduced to the slag'in a quantity of 20- 40% of the slag weight. The method provides for production of an alloy of the following composition .(in percent): Ba 3-SO,,Ca 1-10, S-t 40-70~ Fe 15-30, S up to 0.080. END- 61D22 CSD: IV~2-W Ref Code, 'LACC,,Nr.' Abstracting Service*' 8167 CHEMICAL~ABSTO' V r 134782b Briquets for sWcocalciurn pnduction. X Ada, - p OM-Wev. V. P; a7 -A. S (Urat Institu: t,. ~ HE ursty, -Acs:denty ~f "J"ciences, U.S.S.R.) V.S.S.M xWozi 4- ;, IC-T, n 1970, A-FpT. y, Torarnyc Znaki 1970, 47(4), 26. Briquets: for 'silicocalchun;'producition were made from lime 60-70 and A ca6unifetous reducing agent 30-40 wt. % to reduet tht losses of Si~ and the 66,4umpti6n of charge materials. REELIFAW.., iJ2 UNCL AS SI F I ED' P9Qr_ESStNG DATE--20NDV70 T I TLE--RECLLT I CN OF ilAGNES IUM, CALCIUM, STRONTIUM AND. BARIUM WITH SILICON .:A;,0 ALUP INUA FGR THE PRCOUCTION OF COMPLEX MODIFIERS -U- .AUTHOP-W~- -GOLEV91A.K.t LAYKOt VvPaj RYS5j M., YGLOSTiCHENKO, M.V., 5 ) KOMPANICh-ENKtil V. Fl. CCUNTRY Lf- IP4FCi--LSSR SdUPC E--.V Sb. TEZ I SY DOKL. VIII KONFERENTSII:.PO TEGRIJ I PRAKT. PRO[Z-VA -.,-.REFEkEi4CE--kZH-TEKHj'4OLfiGIYA MASHINOSTROYENlYki NO. 3, )MAR TO, ABSTRACT E DATE PLaL S66JECT AREA~S-BEHAVIORAL AND SOCIAL.SCIE :NCESP MATERIALS9 MECH.i IND.r CIVIL AND MARINE ENGR ~.JCPIC TAGS--flETAL REDUCTICN, MAGNESIU.4p CALCIOlit STRONTIUM, BARIUM, ALUMLNUMi SMELTING FURNACE, NODULAR IRONs CAST.IRON# -CC IFERENCE KE.TALLURGIC N NO RESTRICTIONS F",CCNTRCL MARKING .'DOC UM E N TCLASS-UNCLASSIFIED kE;_::L/FRAME--3001/1662 STEP NO--URjOO00170YI)0010001000010000 CIRC ACAL-ESSIC.N Nu-Af-',0lZ7136 7777~ Z/2 025 UNCLASSLFIEO PROttSSING DATE--?_0NQV70 _~CIRCACCESSICN NG--AR0127136 ~ABSIRACT/EXTRACT--(U) GP-0- ABSTRACY. IT IS NOTED Tk'iAT DURING REDUCTION MG F-Ut IMIG OXIDE BY 75PERCENT FERROSILICON WITH' THE USE OF FLUX r 0 I FLLO-P I TE) ,IT IS POSSIBLE TO OBTAINE 3,-4PEJlCENT fjO KN "'il-LoY. WITH REIDUCTiC.N IN THE PkESENCE OF CA UXI.DE IT IS POSSIBLE TO .OaTA[N UP TO 5-6PE~CEIJ VG IN THE ALLOY. CA WAS REDUCED BY 75PERCENT FERROSILICON LIP TO 22-24PERCENT OF 1.4 ALLOY. USE OF CALCIU., IN INDUSTRIAL IS CONTENT 4 ELTIING IS AS P.IGH A" 25-35PERCENr IN THE ABSENCE OF GTHER OXIDES Ipt -3 CHARGE.- LLFBINEG REDUCFION OF CAt AL AND SI ALLOWSi TO BRING RECOVERY OF CA FROM OXIDES UP T0,40PEERCENT AND ITS CGNCENITRATION~ IN ALLOY UP TO 24-26PERCENT. REOUCTIONuF SR WAS MGST DIFF:[CULT Ol': 'THE ALKALINF EARrH METALS, JTS CC-NCENTRATICN DURING COMPLEX. SILICON CALGIUM ALUMINOTHER141C PRGCESS DID NOT EXCEED 15PERCENT. . BARIUM WAS PIOST,,EASILY REDUCED. DURING RELUCTION OF SA bY 75PERCENT FERKOSIL[CQN, JlS CONCENrRATION .-REAC,HED- 351PERCENT ANC ITS 5HIFT TO ALLOY 45PERCENT.: . DURING COMPLEX .'CALCIUM SILICQN ALUMINUTHERMIC PROCESS THE: ~AMOUNTS -::WERE 45 AND 80PERCENT .RESPECTIVELY. mechiinic~ Pro USSIR 621. 771. 0 ZKYWi, X. A.# and BLZOOVA, Z11. H., Krasnodar:.Volytechn9cal Institute "Caefficient of Lateral Strain in kastic-olas.tic ForminI4 Moscow, Izvestiya Vysshikh Uchebnykh Zavedeniy, Chernaya:i Ketellurgiya, No 1, .19771, pp 75-79 Abstract: Most practical problems, in thetheory of plasticity are 13olved under the ass=ption of the incompressibility of the material, basically due to the lack of knowledge of the inature of changes in the lateral deformation factor in the elastLe-plastic region as a fupctinvi of atrain and stress. This study describen an attempt to at-ternime,the lateral deformation factor in the elastic-plastic region f*r a. q;roup of carbon OteelEj and KI-copper as a function of lateral deformation and.the dimensionless parameter ala (apparent stress to shear streogtb)'in clises og ordinary 1/2 L pi~ 01, s S IGCAT[ v Tt r Qi~ r- D, kI'!-;ILC p "I R, Tc L E 5-u- A K ~JkjR p C WN T R ya F T-EQ, R I:: T. TV C ~ilz5 Y A1CR-tSK AY4 F 11 1K Nlit? Qq -C; L 3 PP 6-1 TD 70 -4ATKMATICAL S G~,N C E: -TOP I CTAG S-- FUNICT I ON LORENTZ I RANSFOWHAT LON 'CONTROL MARK 1ING-NO RESTRICTIONS U li E,%-" TF, L A 5 S - -UNC LA' S I F 10 PROXY REEL/FRAMrF--300-'VOJ27 STE V PIO--OR/O(i~6/:Ti)/001 /002/0166/0170 C rC Ilk, N-0 m Z12 009 !NCL A S S 1 F I ED ;40--AP0129559 AR-ST A, A C T 1 ZXTRAC T-- ( U GP-0- ~1:3 -c- T T iil TH '1H J 1"1F TI-fE -,3ELF;Vh G A E V T RA N 't M A r 101 N T f E E X I ~ 31 Bi f D :OF, T 11 K L OF FIEU U! V,;M-c- F THE VaO P,,l I F TH C L R D NIR, F F I E L ;L -- " L V A iD I RINC-l' [ GN CIL, 0, A ELD) 3 T -P R- 1 N C I P. A 1- S E R 1 E OF Ul.~ITAF%Y TH~:L!',,RE?,!jZY G',:WUf' ANO 'f H k' R F t ~ii r c nj RESULT TH M P 0, N E N T -%VERSELY.. J.T FULL06. F R CM11, THiS 'SITE ONE FA 01 L I T Y f- L DS: - C A 3E Z(1451fl Ex AS C0Z.4,P0l 03 Y E 0 1 N E NIN U r N IS Tl I T U T YAOERKYKH 'I S SL E 0 G VAN I Y a q ---------------------------------------- ,fmr ~1' 'it 77777777=.. PROCESSM DATE--070CT7C 026 UINCLASS IF I-ED "..Clv.C_ ACCE SS ILLIN NO-AP0102660 GP-0- ABSTRACT. AN ANALYSIS OF LATE JUTC~OMES APPLICATION GF VIFFERENT METHODS OF RLEPHAR,3PLASTY IN Lars -PATIENTS,-WHO UINDERWENT 6q0 JPERATIMS OF SrA WISE PL 5TfC REPAFR, A FURP41 SH EU - -THE NECESSARY-GROUNGS FOR.-CON.SIDERING BASIL, PP~INCIRLES, ~.GUVERNINGIITHE CHOICE OF THE PROPER METHOD. REMOTE buTcOMES 4ERt -VERIFIED QV-_ER PERIODS FROM 6 MONTHS TO 20 YEARS. REASONS F3R UNSATISFACT-ORY-OUTCOMES OF THE.OPERATIONS, .RELATED "TO -THE 4 ETHUD OF - BLEPHAROOL-ASTY CHOSEN, ARE DESCRIBED. THE AUTHORS ')ARRIVE AT A- CONCLUSION THAT IN CHOOSING THE METHOD OF BLEPHARGPLASTY.DF PRIME -FO E 1MPORTANCE IS INDIVIDUAL APPROACH,. WITH DUE ACCOUNT, R IR -.PECULIARI'TI:ES OFTHE EYELID DEFECT AND FOR THE~STATE OF THE PERIOCULtAR Ez-ALWONE OF TftE BLEPHAROPLASTY METHODS SHOULD BE ADOPTED IN OUQATIONS.: THE.AKTICLE ZITESANDICATIONS FOR QkFORP ITY 'WITH ~DEFINUC INI USE- Of ,BASIC-. METHP05 -OF nEPHARoPLASTY. 11INU-1. A 5~ I F 1 E D--___- N.- USSR ULC 66911: 46 5111-0:5J3 SHUR, YA. S. and MAI ~My -7, YE. B Institute 0' 11-~tal Phys-l cs, 'Y ca erV, of ScTe-hc=sUS6Si& A d R 'IDOZ-ai= struct in Single Crystals of Silicon Iron i n a Variable ~'~~a~qietic Field" 'lovsk Fiz--'k-- ta 1 vetall e .1 ov n NO 11 Sverd J ov de iye, Vol 29, Jlpr 70, pp 770-776 Ab s t m c t: A study was made to investigate the behavior of tne domain structure in a variari -0 ma6netic field in relati a to the irAuct-ion anplitude, ' a:imles vare trips 01, silicon iron Lw-co-artntr 50 x 5 x 0-3 Ma WbOoc surfaces weiNe close to thle (011) Orystal pLano. Sil-iXon iron Wall mic,l ln~ a Coll!- Plete chan,:;e '_n the dorain structure im quasista-Ue fieldv, whicli cigni-fic",ritly sirvlified the study. 7he surfaces of the, samples were mol=i6illy polished and Vacuum annealed at hOOC for two hours.. Croservations of the single crystals sho-wed th-at.domairrstructiure behavior in variable fields depends on the magnitude of TFL_qnetic induction (11 At B11.111< MrLx 50 Hz, sl Lor -z~ins were observed. The vidth of the domins renalned fairly con- tant, until a zh-iLx 5 of 111 CC* Hz was induced, At Bmax 12,aOO E.,; the nu;Tber of dorains increased to eight, and at IWOO there vare nine. dommins. The nev dornaino fon-zed along the edge of the surfaces, parallel to the-, [1001 axir. Upon approach- ing the saturation point the domain structure again changed, so that at B~._ l/P C. RHEER!k -USS. SBUR, YA. S.1 et, a!., Fizika Metallov i Metallovedenlye, V61 - 29,, No 4, Apr 70, PP 77o-776 .17.9000 Hz only three domains were noted. According to the authors, zagn tic (polarity) reveMal in a dinardc mode e differs siibstantially from magnetic reversal in.the quasi-static mode and, in relation to the magnitade of ~.x, can proceed by t) -ee wthods. At sm-all values n of B one observes a fluctuation of 180o domain boiwdaries near their ecpiM.- rax; 'Uion (Method 1). At h 7 er values o brium Posi- igh f B alon"', with t2ie boundary fluctuations, the number of dorrains increases ("".ethod II). At the saturation point there is a shifting of domain b=daries, from the side sur~aces*to the ceater (Mdthod III). 2/2 -~77 f3i tors; Semiconductoit'~ Tiitfi USSR UDC :621.315.592 Z&YKOVSKAYA, M. A., KLDIKOVA, 0. A. NIYAZOVA, 0. R. "Low-Temperature Alloying of Semiconductors" Leningrad, Fizika i Tekhnika Poluprovodnikov, Vol 5'1 No .5, May 1971, pp 911- 914 Abstract: The experimental results of radiatiDn-accele.rated introduction of gold and lithium into silicon are presented in this article. The experimental conditions under which low-temperature (150-350*K) diffusion of lithium and gold occurs in silicon are indicated. Under optimal conditions, the low- temperature diffusion rates can be the same aslin the case of thermal diffu- sion or.close to them. The electrical properties of the crystals vary identi- cally in the case of both low temperatureand high temperature alloying. The low-tenperature alloying method has definite advantages ojer thermal diffusion methods, ion bombardment, and so on; ~ theJormation of therm-1 donors and thermal acceptors and radiation disarrangement:of the structure are excluded, comparatively simple, experimental, 6onditibns -are requir'PA, new possibilities for local alloying arise, and so on. 1/2 .7- V-SSR UDC 66.099,2,661.635,213 KAREYSHOV, V. P., BURYAK~ K. A., (DECEASM), BAYEV, A. YA., SAVCaNKO, V. A..,,and ?EFMINOVA,.L.'YA..1 1.1Gtvanulatlon off Ammopbos by the Pressifif; Method!' ost', Vol 48p U -.436 Moscowl Kbimiches-kaya Promyshlenn v!o 6, it 1 72, pp 434 Abstracti A method for the granulation of multipurpose fertilizers 'wj the pressing me-Lhod was developed at the Scientific RuBseaxch Institute of Is -1 1 Fertilizers and Insectofur,-, cides incrit Ya N. Sainoylov. Th L ethod being applied for the production of grwiulate,d a,-ll-_,,ophos/._1:1mo1Uum- phosphate fertilizer/ at, the Dzhambulsk Suparphosphate Planh. 4nimophos Dulp with a 5Q% water content is subjected to spray drying. The d~zjj poiftier is cla.~sified and then compressed to form -olates. In the prezrAng str-ge 6;56 t/hr of poi:der (fresh + recycled material) yielded 4.08 t/hr plates ani 2.4'8 t/hr of fill_ie material "hat had the saze granuloretric composition asAbs Initial aramop6%os and was fully recycled. Crushing. of the plates resulteeL in a co=erical granulated product with a grain size of 1~-3 rm ~(2.27 t/1= from 4. 06 t/h:c plates), fine Dowder Rith a gxnain.siza -< -1 nei-, that w.~is recyal-_J, and aT oversize gmin fraction that irar. x-_,-=und. One of thc!,iirincipal problem.9 in connection with tho process Is fortnation of a largo axoullkit of"fibie vateria.1 -that has, to 1W recycled. Formation of fipe naterLal In -tile alhount of 37.4 R KAF4MYSHOVg V. F., at al. IMmi h skaya Promyshlennost', Vol 48, no 6, c e Jun 72, RP 434-436 in the pressing stage is due principally to the porous structure of the powder being conpressed, which contains only 3M, of solids, Lnd its h ig n air contemt. The air contaLned in the powder interfe:ras with feeding of the powder into the spa-ce between the rollers ~producin- a rayinc,, of the powder. P It also reduces the adhesion between powder particles. To obtain a lower ratio of fine materiall that has tobb recycled, methoels must be developed for. reducin& the amotnit of air in the 'wder PO 212 USSR JJDC 669.15 539.67 LAPTEV, D. V., BERNSHTEYN, M.L., BASINA, N. Z., and ZXMOVSKIY V. A., Moscow Institute of Steel and Alloys 'tude Dependence of,lnternal Friction of Nickel "The Change of the Ampli Steels After Thermomechanical Treatment" Sverdlovsk, Fizika 'Metallov i Metallovedeniye, Vol 34,:No 2, Aug 72, pp 408-4110 Abstract: A Btudy was made of the amplitudedependence of internal friction of 40111f25, 601420, and BON18 steels after thermomechanicihi, treatment. Iffire specimerts, 250 min long and 0.9 om in diameter) were auj)jectad to thermome- chanical treatment and hardening. The specimenq were dra,.-In at 550 and 950%. bj,~n; irr, quantlty Martensite was produced by deer) cooling in Iiquid altr L couTrised 86-90%. The amplitude dependence of internal fric,tion (ADIF), investigated at roo-.- temperature, is characterized by the tangent of the 71 angle of slope a of a straight line in C-Q ~ - coordinates. The austeaite ADIF shous an increase of tg(-A with decreasing deforrnaCiaa temperature and increasing carbon content in the steel. The: change of tga of martensite of 60N20.steel and the cbange of the level of its internal friction, depending ca the tempering temperature, are discussed by reference to diagrams, Four figures~ one table, four bibliographic references. till USSR UDC :62-9.77.669.15-194.2 BFMSHTMI, M.1., ZAYMOVSK A. , and HATEVdSlYAN' A. P., Moscow Institute of Steels and Alloys.:. "Thermal Stability of Thermomechanical Hardening of Type 40 Steel" Moscow, Metallovedeniye i Termicheskaya,Obrabotka Me~allov, No 9, 1970, pp 26-28 Abstract: A study was made of the effect of the unustm-11y high thermal stability of the hardening produced by high-temperature heat and mechanical working performed under plant conditions on standar&r*olled products of type 40 steel (diameter 19 mm). Mechanical,:metallogriaphic, X-ray struc- tural, and electron microscope studies were performed~, It was established that a high combination of mecharLiCAl Droperties is retained after inter- mediate holding in the a and y areas (for various lengths of time) and subsequent hardening plus tempering. It is concluded that the effect re- suits from austenite phase separation (partial banite conversion) and the deformation involved in rolling. Elimination of.,the.hardening effect requires quadruple annealing at 900% for four hours. Intermodiate temper- ing at 600'C or normalization at 840*C Withholding titnes of, up to ten hours do not decrease the mechanical properties. _56- :7 17_~ 7 7 _713-1i in USSIR S Ag (Reviewer) "Frelimin=7 Thermomechanical7Treatment of D6AS Steel" Moscow, Metallovedeniye i termicheskaya obrabotka m6tallov, No 2, 1972, PP 38-42~ Abstract: Reviewed is a study of a newly developed hardening system called preliminary thermomechanical. treatment (FIMT The system specifies deforma- tion before austenization or "preaustenization" heating followed by ra-Did heating for austenization to preclude recrystal-lizati.on in the ferritlc region. The objective of the study was the effect of certain FVT Par,--meters on the properties of D66AS steel as well as the factors resmnsible for the hardening effect. TTie experimental results provide A quaIAtative description of the hardening mechanism with P'BIT. ~On rapid heating after deformation, the ferrite transformation occurs in such a manner that the strain hardening is imparted to the austenite; the elongated grains become equiaxial, Inter- Mediate heating at 260-3800C will either increase the'cold work or promote its complete transfer to the autenite. Prolonged holding in the austenitic region eliminates the cold work.. Thus the mechanism bf hardening with FTMT 1/2 USSR UDC: 669.15:62117,95 Bk,!J~:, L. YA. SAVAj 1, and SMMEDOV, 0. V., Moscow Institute of Steel ~and.,.Uloys Inheriting the Thermomechanical Strengthening of,301WGNIT Steel" Sverdlovsk, Fizika metallov i metallov'eden'iye pp Val 32, No 4, Oct 71, Abstract: Dascribed is a study of the mechanical properties of 30j~-h=,'T steel quenched and tenpered following preliminary :high-temperature strain hardening with heatiap, the defornied austdnite as supercooled. it is slio-m., that repeated quenching followinq, high-remparature mech.1nical Lreatm~--nt facIlitates the inheritance of high mechanical propertics. ThL re~3toratioa of the higher properties is the raore complete the longer the. heating, duration of the flot-defortried austenite in the bainite region. The maximuir. effect: is observed when the high-tentperatuie t lie rmome chanical treatimitt is followed by isothermal decay. The effect of "inheritance" is also observed during repeated quenching following low-temperature~ thermomechanical treatment with isothermal decay of austenite. The nature of this -pliamonenon is discussed A with regard to the metallographic.analysis of the initial austenite 7rain 1/2 --- - - - - - 29 --- - - - ---MMM. U I M10-an USSR, uDc.. 62143f6. "Calculating the Transient Thermal Resistance of a Pove.r-~Thyristor" Tr. Radiotekhn. In-ta. M? SSSR (Works of the.Hadio Engineering Institute, Acadenr f -the USSR , 1970V No 1, pp 148-i6o (from Mh-Radiotekh- j of Sciences o Rika, No 11, Nov 70, Abstract No 11D460), Translation: Thyristcrs have recently found applicatian-as pillse dischargers in pulse power modulators. The u.%e of thyristors has nade it possible to improve many of the technical characteristics of modulators, especially their xeliability. The pulse mode of mdulator operation, has :a. nunber of peculi- arities vhich apply aj- well to the t)iermal state of the:,thyristors. The transient thermal resistence of a pover ttlyrilltor.1s calculatedi V. P. USSR UDC: 632.95 SIMONOV, V. D., IVANOV, A. V. -j,--&--4Y4AGAB-UT D I N OV ,S. A., KRASHE- NINNOKOVA, 0. S., Ufa Affiliate o -E the All -UM-6Tr-Scien ti f i c Research Institute of Chemical Agents for Plant Protection "A Method of Making Tetrachlo*roglutaconic Acid and Tetrachloro- -4--Cyclopentene-1,3-Dionell USSR Author's Certificate No 3451253% filed 14.'Sep 70, published ~9 Aug 72 (from RZh-Khimiya, No 109 May 73-, abstract No 1ONS83P by~N. V. Lebedeva) Translationt Tetrachloroglutaconic acid W and tetrtchloro..4-cyclopontadione- (II) are synthesized by reacting octachlorocyclopowtene (111) or hexa.- chlorocyclopentene with C12 In HBO Cl at 100-15000. :EXAMplet C12 is bubbled through a mi-xture of I mole of III and 4 moles of HS030II at a rate of 30 1/hr with the application I of heat at 1450C for 10 hotws; after cooling the xcaction mass is poured over ice and filteredp giving 0.455 mole of It telting point 107-80C(chloroforia).: An organic layer (12-7 gLis treated with 200 g or 100%, H2SO4, the mixture is.held.for 7 hours at 105 C, poured over 1/2 USSR ;UDC: 8.71, ZAYNASHEV, N. K. ,YUZNETSOV, M. M. "Some Problems in Determining the Readiness of Periodically Monitored Technical Devices" V sb. Osnovn. vopr. teorii i praktiki nadezhnosii (Basic Problems in the Theory and Practice of Reliability-collection-of works),:Moscow, "So,- radio", 1971, pp 81-102 (from RZh-Kibernetika,:No 1, Jmi 72, Abstract no IV1026) Translation: Methods are outlined for determining the readiness of peri- odically monitored recoverable technical devices asswainrg* various proper- ties of the restored elements and causes for failures. Tt is assumed that elements vhich have failed replaced either by nev. or old elements, which have been used for a certain length of time. The authors consider the case,where failure of the device in the period between checks and during inspections is due to breakdoim of various comporent parts, and the case where the same parts of the device fail both conditions and during inspections. 45 MIMI USSR UDC 54-162-2:546-824'26'21 ALYWOVSKIY, S. I. ZAYTIULIN YU, G., SHVEYKIN, G. P., and GEL-D, P. V., MZZ- Institute of Chemistriy-WIMS, Acailft of,Sciences U5SR "Concentration Relationship of the Degree of Filling the Unit Cell in Cubic Titanium Oxycarbide" Moscow, ffeorganicheskiye Yaterialy, Vol 91 No 4, Apr 73,' PP 596-599 Abstract* Results are reported on a study of the effect of composition on the completeness of the TiC,O,, lattice for x + Y = 0-7 to x + Y = 1.2, vbich practically encoT-passes the ekire region of homogeneity for titaniur. oxy- carbide. The characteristics of 39 samples of TiCxO vtre used (13 from this y work and 26 fron, -oreviolls -works) to deteraine the ,equations for oxycarbides -1.20 using the relationship zvij = f (x) and components with x + y equal to 0 '10 defects It, is noted that tvinning A B, and C yielding, nTi = AX2 + nX + C. exist in the lattices of cocygen-containing cubic tricoin1ponent phases of trail- sition metal-base oxycarbide's and nitrocarbides. 1 f;iq~iure, 3 tables, 22 bib- liographic references. UDC 546.831il7l.1-21 W, 3 R VIE T, G. P., GEL1D, F. V. ZArIULMI, YU. G. ALYAMOVSFJY, S. I*, Sh YKI-N "Domein'of Homogeneity of Zirconium Oxynitride With NaCl Structure, at 1,5000c" Mo-cow, Zhurna 1 I-leorganicheskoy Xhimii, Vo 116, No 2, 1971, PP 315-317 Abs-Itract: r0he binary systems 7.r-1T, and Zr-O have been studied in detail; however, there is no informa,tion on the ternary systera, and especially its cubical coinponent.(of FaCl type). Only a few papers have appeared dealing with certain charaoterLatics of ZrN 0 with low oxygen content, and~those dealing with partial r02x L~" systeras. z Using 9Q.0. nercent pure r&r02 and oxynitrides of componition ZrITO and ZrN0 8700 12, and also,9M percent pure Zr .760o I? powder as*s arting materiais, the author.'s namples for X-ray analysis and determination of,Zr;.and N content. 112 26 niche -7AYITMET, 1T G. at al, Shurnal Neor-a. skoy 101 16, No 2, 1~71, P*p 315-317 It was found that at 1,5000C and 10-5rim prassLire, the domain of homogreneity of zircon1linn oxyni-tride with -1111-c-.Cl structure is limitued (Yrnax~:--::-70.3, -wlhile the lattice periods, within: these limits, vary only very slightly (from 4-57k to 40575: For ZrJ,0y, vacant -noints are a dis-t-inctive feature, both in' the sublatl.:ice of the metal and in thvt of the nonmetal, 2/2 PROCESSING DATE--230CT70 7 UNCLASSIFIC 03 [GAT ION OF THE ANTIFERROMAGNET,ISM FERROMAGNETISM TRANSITIO jN THEI- COMPOUND MN SUF,1,88 CR SUGO, 12 :S8 -U- N.P.~ BURKHANOVI A., M. BERISENE'V, YU.S., ZAYNULL INA, R.I.t MATVEYEV, G.A- :_-..CR6.%q"_0_F_1NFO--USSR _-SOURCE--ZHUR-NAL EKSPERIMENTALINOY I TEORETICHESKOYFIZTKI, 1970, VOL 58, NR - 4 PP 1118-1185 _-GATE PUBLISHED ------- 70 .,.,SUBJECT AREAS--PHYSICS, MATERIALS TOPIC TAGS--MAGNETIC TRANSFORMATION, TRAN SITION TEMPFRATUREP FERROMAGINETIC ANTIFERROIAGNETIC MATERIAL, STRUNG MAGNETIC FIELD, HIGH PRESSURE EFFECT, CRYSTAL ORIENTATIONp ~CRYSTAL DEF(MMATJON, ANTIMONIDE, -MANGANESE COMPOUND, CHROMIUM COMPOUND CONTROL MARKING-410 RESTRICTIONS DOCUMCNT CLASS--UNCLASSfFIED R0 X Y RE F L FRAM F, - - 198 8 L5 01 STFP NO--U.R Oil') 5f 7 01 004 1118 1. 18 5 L A, -IED ~212 037 k)%,- SSI r P R LN" E C I R C. ACCESSION NO-AP0106258 lBSTRACT/EXTRf-CT--,U) GP-0- S T RA C T Til E EFFECT OF rilGH -PRESSURF p OE) C I P E 0 U A L 5 110 0 0 -A TM AN 0 A S, TR Ott, G14AG~,JET IG FIFLD fuP r6 3JO. -6-VETI Si 'H T A. .,4T T;:(-lPi:Ri"lURE 0 F T H E 111 :SUB I CR SJ-80 , 12 SB I S [INVE:STIGATEff.) A-NU T 1-1 FVAlJJ'cS OF 1) f 'SUBS-DP AND OT SUPIS-09 k~ R DE T EIR-M. UN F D T HE M E A S UR E I'll;:: ',T -'~ AR EE R;~- R Mt E 0 -,W'TH "GL-' SAMPLES. THE ELASTIC PROPE"TIE~i THE COMPOUND A-~E A iNVESTIGATED iVi'D OILATGMHT~Rlr~ MEASURE14ENTS INN 1,14-~JOUS C2Y-STALI GlG5,4PHlC T DURECTIUW~g iikZ CAilR [El OUT . THE RE:SULTS OBTAINED AM: DISCUSSED 1-N LIGH KIT, TEL E X C ii AUNG EP'V ER S 1 ON THEq-RY OP ~MAGN CT I C P HA S G T AM S 1 T 1 ON OF F RST KIND. FACILITY: INST METNLLOV AN SSSR. THE I UNCLASSIFIED P-4 UDC 547-94 .95L NO ~j. NI., VU. i,. ILDi V, A Tasbikent., State U-nive-ralty =eai V. I. Lenin, Zziahkairm, of I'lighear arid Secondany -%vcialized Mucation UzSSR "New Did&,N-dm-De---ivati-ves of lllatxLne &solupazi-Mle/ admiya Pri rc~driyi hSoyedineidy, No 3, 7 del*~%rdronatrin, a imtrln,, ieritis didekydro- N7-- a t, -e~ez-- -d---a'ble bonds amccrapass thlree or four 'Z~Pticld Oe'01-ra wa~q syithesised. Dehydritdon of P110 1Q.), -klha viethixi 1--d to a r- -'lire :?o Cmp-mn-~~. tidle, defty1drallilon "Le'l to flic'. .atrina diidel-vdroderivative WL U -t a4 -ld. Thiz stutd,-r biuff-e~As that Ln seleclu 0% yi, in -kf tho AlWvTirki prodmat mtivtw4~n~,w stereo isorners of exkitkal-s Nr Wdrogmitlkin be ab ~~mEd. USER m7lunx, Yu. m. , Zmaxiar" I.. I. , SITIN113-M, L. L. OSTPAAROV, V. V. "Sr-ra-4- Study of :Iac'nardiczI17 Inhomogene&js !I-zd ies Using OptAcally Sensitive Coatln~s" Moscov, Z a-v od s Ka va Vol MMIl I z ~lq 4~' 1971:0 pp 468-471 Abstract: A study i_ smade of, the stress-scraln state of vieclianically inhomo- -ek genecus oatlngsi't' llle!101 ct"of meclwi~nic4a a tate, nd 6L tv of the meditin in the, stressi-Str in 0 lallumogene- rature of ev -lastic' f low are_'Osti6atad. The laver of coatings a elopment of the zones ol: i to sm rf ace. of a' b 6 e tal :s=i anc~ the optical ef- Is applied the re-ElectlaS 3 v fect is establ4shed in che I am of i Moray~,~paittera ord. tllc Isochrome pattern. Venetl-a.Li= of t~-.e Zone Of -p '. ;z. F, t 4 -c. flaw as'' a function of the de-.ree of rela- tiva reduction durin- the proceis of reducing, hoi;iof~oneous discs macle of soft and hard lezd trony alloys and 1Ai,-vaLal dl. ca is. plattml, and Chm l'illeLfts of dev-2cpnenz- of r1le noxmial strass-es In the,center of a dlqc aare illustrant-ed for two inlimogenni ty d i, S S I N-G DATE-VANOV70 "CL ASSI FIE o 032 P f k -S OF 101 s 14 A D E F H 0 1"! t -I.A '* I f, L P RICi P T I - VNNEi~ F-00TWEAR:COMPONL - T I T L F-- 1, --,-! - . a ?, I~ ASTICS~ -U- AUT4,Jl-'-(C12 )-L-CY N3Vi YA.N. r 7 A Y e. c HA -ov s;;,, I Y CGjN,rpy IN, F G - - u s s 4R ~'SOU-V"CE-- I ZV. VYSSIH* UCHEi~. ZAVED., TE-KHNOL. L~GK. 1970y L IM-101 OAT V- PUB)L I SHE-. D---- 70 I rAR Y SIC I ENC ES ,S--MATER It SUBJECT A -LS, TCPIC TAGS-- -MATE 1 AL-- DEFOAIMAT 19-Ni FOOJGI~: Ak:t PUY1 SOBUTYLENE., POLYETHYLENE, -f-ST M E T HO 9 K I UG- N 0 RESTR ICT MNS E ~i 7 c L Al. 'S s - - UN- c L..'A S I go- ID p R'O X Y E L F R A ~-l 3 0 G 1 0 9 S T E IN G-.- - UR 103 2 3 17 0 ~000 /0-0 1 0 0 9 8 f 0 1 Ol Cl~(C A(CESSION N;3--~J013,i7`35 ,- i L t Wll~qVj 1111 R!M HIM 77- pot- SS P 6 DATL---j3N0V7Cj WICLASSI FIED p tj 1) 3? S I ON N6 AT 0 1347 9 5 E F 0 R -1 A Ti ON E P UNI G E IC L G F .1-1-1 THE -'S T ACT . E T YL;i',l E S kf3STRAf-T/C--(TRACT ?D LY I SO-',I*J' Yl ENE, P~' L 11 A ACTG`i-`,'-i WAS -CAO VAU)t. I C N I`_ S - I- -- ; %,, M 5 5 M M t THt-: TEST nl,RS HN:) Tii-E F- UIL L J Lt'N' OF lil L ES I 1-i I C. K N E'S 3 s s !-7 T t4 E F L X I uk I L 11 T Y id lt:1-rij j-. T-1, , TH !CK Ml AL. T I i I SSIHO Al S ~,-03GARO IWAS I b F HT I C 1.5-3 if -3M P 0 Nil N T S -S CA T CJ N U I- F13 T HE: P S 15 1 L T i 0 Q -j !-;"I T 1 `1 N F~G T Y VSES . ZAoCl.l. LECK. PRI`91. USSR UN C L A S S I 1 1) -irlmf m MHWA tmkMaMNIM1111m; offlifflim M- riyd-rau'li i1b USSR UDC 6 2 9. 7 8. 0 62. 2 -lop --OA G., GO "Appllicatio-,n of Integral Criteria to Analyze the Quality of Tramsfer Processes in a SystEr, With a Hydraulic k,-plifier" -ific Wor'~s Sb. nauch. Kiev. inz- j--azhm~!. avlatsii (Ccllec.-,ion of S,2 en 4 of Ki ev lnstktute C-ivil Av ia~: Ergineers),~ 1~)70 NO. 6, pr" 16-22 (from NCI 9, Skp~ 711 A'bstract 9.41.1,H) TI, a S! a t 0-,-, al%- c 1 1, e 1 3,' s- I ai, e cl> t x~ i n. c- cl f cl, 1 et: c- r: -.ivi i the =,.~nt the. CiptIL-.11, Combilij-Horl --f val-,'Ic's Of piara:7e-crs Of, z1he samosystem corres-uanjs.+Io t1in -P.-iiii-rum L Of the inteo-al -31- ~-rrolp Or Is close to -this Value, an of tho typL, an !%erv~, Zf~ a f-b- o-f ct Tne D,4 em C7,1 b~ the hasis fo-r :-~rud- lems in the dyiixalcs lhvdr~lulic wnplifior !cyst Iems consldL--'~,i~, Resune. "U IS. SP, M) C 5.1ioG .421~ 4-556 121 . 1 and ~A- 41,ia 0 1, Of Cryst all ion on tile Smoothness of ozmes= t nces V sb, 17-yjs~ e rasbehenly-a (Cr.,--stallization and __rr v v !Ias-e n sa 'K kl-stract, ~-,O. 197i. PID 86-90 (`~rom- L-el-DIjeratila-e and matc. ci-f c-,v-5tstjj] .41 of the b~mmmo i-n tile of L, qC, 'Ubo dimenslons and f0, by tile ~-natho~l 1:17 The. :r:Lt--s of chemical .---actims J-n P. small gap ',j- i increa.,an- temperafalre, therc at firZst mally "LLId very 0!;., j- r., theze reacheW; a and then detrener~Aod. 11.110 1ATx. Of, the tnincatod bumps j.ncr,~iaoed: continuous-I Y. ith an inc;,~iz~ase in v-h, t, h th~-ir the-rate of growl e heiL:dit of tho bUmpo :Lneve~-1f; shape changed f rom pyramidall to conical. Authov s abotract tj-' 2 026 ON ASSI F I ED~ PROCESSINS DATE--230CT70 .,-TA7LrE---USE- OF A NEW LUBRICATING ADDITIVE FOR DR I LL I 11G. MmUOS DURING DIAMOND NG OF GEOLOGICAL BOREHOLES -U- -DR I LL-I .-AUTfi9K-f05)-lAY0NT5i 0,L-i KOKAR, V.YA., PUKAS, YAROV, A.N., KENDAS, M.H ."t OUNT RY OF INFO&-USSR ~.~-SGURCE--PAZVED. OKHR. NEOR 1970, 360), 37-46, -E PUBLISHED ------- 70 ~SUBJECT~ AREAS--MECH.t IND., CIVIL AND MARJNE ENG9v EARTH SCIENCES AND ---OCEMNOGRAPHY, MATER IALS G I RI '-T TAGS-LUBRICANT ADDITIVE, VEGEFTABLE~ on, LUB R I C' T If opic 0 L D LLING D-IA;40NDP GE-OLOGYP DRILLING MACHINE ,CONTROL r4ARKiNG--NO RESTRICTIONS oGr- UM P-4 TCLA SS--UNCLA S S I F I IED ,-,PRO,XY REEL/FRAME--3001/2068 STEP NO--U'.R/901~3/70/03~)/(~0310037/00-'tO C -A CCI E S 5 10 "1 IN10-Al-01.2744t 11S [E-D UNCLASSIFIED PROCESSING DATE--230CT70 2 2 026 -.C11RC ACCESS(ON 140-AP012744C -GP-0- ABS'RACT. TARS FROM SOAP'-]'GCKS OF BLACK C0TTQJNS*EED 0111. 2VID TECH. FAT-S [ACID NO. 00-200 MG Koii, '40~-. WT. 475-522t D. 0.872) WERE USED IN AMTS. OF 2PERCENT ~SAJBRICATING AD- UQ T I-V S T 11 IMU DS 0 UR I N G 0 1 AV W1 0 OR I LL I NG. THE RESULT VillS SiMILIAR rO ---,:-:5t)PERCENT DECREASE IN SURFACE TENSION OF MUDS, SIM11LIAR i0 DRILLING RArE,' AND S'EMELT~MR TO 35PERCEp4T INCREASE IN GFIWC-AR OF .DIAMOND CROWNS., FACILITY: JREST, KIEVt USSR. UNCLASS I f: IED 112 023 UNCLASSIFIED PROCESSING DATE--160CT70 .,:T --A~:AEThGO OF RELATIV;~ SEMIQUANTITATIVE SPECTRAL INVESTIGATION OF THE -ITLE -FLU 111 S E M INA L -U- AUTHOR- t 0 3) - SMOLYA.",l 11'110V V.M., PA SH I NYAN iG.A.t ZAYSE.V, -4. V. ~-SOURCE-UROLGGIYA I NEFPOLOGIYA~ 1970, NR 3., PP 36-38 i.;-._.0ATE PUBLISHED------70 ARFAS-SIOLOGICAL AND.MEDICAL SCIENCE.S TOPIC TAGS--REPRODUCTIVE SYSTEW, -SPECTRUM ANALYSIS,: :SPERMATOGENESISt tRON9 CALCIUMt COPPER, SWIM; ALUMINUM ONTROL MARKING--NO RESTRICTIONS MENT CLASS--UNCLASSIFIED --I -PROXY REEL/FRAME--191)8/0170 STEP NO--UR/0606/70/0001003/0036/0038 CIRC ACCESSION NO--AP0120870 2/2 07-3 UNCLAS S I F I ED PROCESSING DATE-160CT70 Ej 7 G 4 6 S T ck .4 C T/ z_ T 5 T-A A C T 1116 AUTWIRS lrllpo,~, I ITH F SP.ECTA "fL E~l' 3S 13'~ -"*,ALY S i S A5 1*kp'?L,!Eo TO THE STUDY Cif- M(_~~,'GAMIC '4 P'3S T 1'34 3F AND P4THOLO~:,] CALLY CHANGF IL H!j I SE l't I A L FLUIL), DE T -ER iA I UAJ b M -4 C i~ 01 A N D TR A C E E L E "i E NTS 0 F - T -,;-: E J A Q L 4 fpHaspii3iw_s, BU;' CALClU'-, COPPERt S-:)Olkj.M ANQ At-L)MINIUkl) IS EN L) N 4~ i 69-RE TM AT Viii EXAMPIJE. Ttic_ RKE5ULTS '0F NESE I,VESTIGATION'S E ED 'WAY1 SUCALLY. THE METHGO I S -,~EColjMj-:k4 0 1) FOK 01 AIGJ-NIAS 1 S ."L-1: S LA E ~--CUNDUJONS OF YHE EJACULATE IN Cl: FACILITY. -1-74 ICAL: PRACT ICE. F-Ok-A SUOEB~NOY MEDtTSINY If MOSKOCSKOGO AEDITS1,14S11,11- J INSTITUTA IM. N. Xm uR 0 Gu v UNCLASSIFIED miltm-mm UNCLAS Sl Fit 0CB5;ING:DAtE--16OCT7O PR ,lTLE-"SELF_ DIFFUSION OF MERCURY, SULFUR* ANIV SELENILU4 IN HG, E UB AND HGTE SUB'I-X S SUBX SULID SOLUTIONS' -U-: -(04)-KHARAK-HORINt F.F.t GAMBAROVA,' 0.:A.*y:lAYT0Vj,,,~Z,&&4,,, LUTSIV, RoVe :OUNTRY OF INFO--UM AKAD. NAUK SSSR# NEORGo MATER-.19,70i 6(3)t 564-5 k'ATE: PUBLISHED - ----- 70 WBJECT AREAS-C-HEM, IS TRY -TAGS--MERCURY COMPOUNDt S~LENIUM COMP0.0'Or SULFU~l COMPOUNDt SOLID LUTION, SINGLECRYSTAL, ACYlvAtioN ENERGYjr. kADI OACT I VE ISOTOPE -ONTROL AARKING--NO RESTRICTIONS OCUMENT CLASS--UNCLASSIFIED 40XY,REEL/FRA!AE--1996f0865 STEP NO--UP,/0363/70/006/003/0564/0565 ,TRC ACCi_::SSION %0--AP0116041 UNCLASSIFIED 021 UNCLASSIFIED. P-AOCESSING DATE-16OCT70 -1RC ACCESSION NO-AP0118041 ABSTPACT/lEXTRACT-W) GP-0- ABSTRACT, TEMP. 0EPENDENCES OF SELF -FUSION COEFFS. OF St SE, AND HG IN SINGLE CRYSTALS. OF HGSE SUB1-X S SU8X AND HGTE SUSI-X 5 SUBX (X EQUALS 0.1-0.4) OF THE ELECTRONIC TYPE T N T 'iC' r 0 5 TIMES 11.). PRJ:)4Elcl CM PRIME -WITH A CURRE,' CARRIER CO, N. OF. S1141LAR 1.4~:RE STUDIED, THE STUDY OF THE;SELF DIFFU5lJfN WAS DONE WITH THE AID OF RADIOACTIVE~ISDTOPES PRIMC203 HG PRIME75 ~SEP AND PRIME35 S THE METHOD OV PEM0VI,'l.'G SUCCESS LAYERS.: , OIFFUSION :ANNEALING OF THE 7SAMPLES, WAS DONE IN EVACUATED QUARTZ AMPULS AT 201), 300, 150, AND 400DEGREES FOR 30-80Hi~. THE DIFFUSION PROCEEDED FROATHE GAS PHASE4 -WITH INCREASINi~y S CONCN. IN THE HGSE SUBl-,X S SUSX SY.STEH.FROM 1 TO 36*Prli_,,CENTv THE SELF UIFFUSION CLIEFF. OF S AT: 30OUEGREES DECREASES FROM 5 10 PRIME NEGATIVE13 TO 1.1 TIMES 10 PRIME NEGATlVE13 CM ~PKIME2-SEC. THE DECREASED IN THE SELF DIFFUSI-ON CCEFF. WITH'ITS INCREASED-CONCN. IN THE SOLID SOLNS..INDICATES PREFERENTIAL DIFFUSION OF S ALONG THE H" VACAINCIES. IN THE HGT_E SUS1. NEGATIVEY, S Slj8X S ~-l YSTEM THE :_':SELF OIFFUSION 01-' S PRUCrEOS PRIMARILY ALONG THE S ANO THE TE VACANCIES. UPON ANNEALING Q~JHE LATTER SOLID SOLN5. IN SVAPG(,6 THE c-ARRIER CONCN. DECREASES FROM, 10 PKIME18 TO 2- TIMES 10 PRIME17 Cm l1kimc NEGATI VS3. WITH V-4CREASINC, CONCN. OF S IN HGSE SUSI! NEG4TIVEX S SUBX -FROM 10 TO 30?;--KCE.NTv TH-_ SELF DtPFUSION. COEFF. OF SE AND HG INCREASES AND THE IMAX. VALUES ARE AT X EJUALS 0.2. ~ TkiE ACTIVATION ENERGY OF TliE -El 'DIFFOSIUN OF HG IS 0.3 [-Vj AND THAT OF SE IS 0.67 EV. At-TER DIFFUSION -ANNEALING IN HG VAPOR THE CAi4RIEK CONCN. INCREASES FROM I TIMES 10 PRIME18 TO 6 T114ES 10 PRIME13 CM PRIME NEGATIVE3r WNEREAS THE MOBILITY DECREASES BY A FACTOR OF 2. UNCLASSIFIED OAT E-- 160Ctfo ( 10 PRIME I TIMES 10 UNCLASSIFIED an- Ref. Code; UR 0239 hP0044402 ?RIMARY SOURCF.: _ FizioioRicheskiy 1970, Vol 56, Nr 1, pp .5-5 (C 3 'FFE(.'rS OF POST- (SLOWi AND 4FAST& MOTONEURONSDIFFERENTIATED BY L TETANIC POTENTIATION AND ISCIIAE?v-IlC DEAFFEREINTATION IN MAN From the Central lbstitute A'Physlcal CuIvure. A-Insi,31v Post-tetanic. potentiation (PTP),Df tbt~Tt-roflox i's tovoallod af"C'..., 1I.-Il'Itisation ot I, ~j- 0 frecillef, bialis at Ole 400/~zvc frequcn,~y bui is lacking aL tbe. 4(~Isec. v 60 PTP Of the H-rt-spc-.n -1;e of the ,fast-., mp.(hal gastroc new ills illotor unittl -st, of thi, ionpl'~Ild,' arly cor I I of the lat e, uponeril, f tht, I'l-responsa of u), lis.) wIy -i. - than pri, of the fell(w, I- rdw;~ -k, slrf~ii~' ti.,Ugiisatioa and hS e sl~n'ia'lv and Inedial ga-Strocriontins mbtov 111Li~:i 'ii Hie tud;~, off the ol m~ sQiells arld [110 211d lut(I N)II111(moil' of Lh,-~ 11-re-ponso of in. gastrocni-,mbus nvdialk). !~-c-hnc-jnic, Mocking the lnv; tlive-~Ilt,~!,! ~aust,.S varliez Shnonzc-r cha-ng~s ~11 'he H. I1-,azipense eslow;~ MrAtol uzii,.5 tnau th,3se Jni the H-rez, 11)) t ponse of Oast* medial i s, These facts lead us to conclusicins that j man Cho H-respon.,;o'af the i la;,L5 medkil gastro- tcnewiu~~ ul~,tor ;,t ci, I~r Jbt, a(~LIV L at tiun* of tbn ware highor,ritreshold afferents t1han ILa rj; ~Offeu:s and medial gastrocneinim motor Imitq. R E E: Ly F NuH .020 USSR UDO 621.~75-126 VAWE, V.A.# -V A.A. KRYUKOV, SP., LOPUVHIN, V.11, (Moscow State Universityl oproblems Of Designing A Narrow-Band Tunable DO-Pumped Implif ier" I zv. VIJ ZRa d i off i zika, Vol XV, 'No 2, Feb 1P72, p 201-299.: A bBtra_qt The possibility is discussed of.desic, 'nih- a, narrow-band tunable am-plifier-filter on the basis ce a diptroa[diftronj. The skzheme of this unit contains a ferromagnetic tip, an electron, gunj. Lin inpul. distribution coupler, an ampliffication zone, an o%xtpat distribLition coupler,,nid a owplar. The die- persion characteristics of iiaves of the electron flow and delty syDtera tire pro- sented. The udviaibility is shaon of using a aingle-row t~Dmb as an inpul ccuii- ler of the amplifier. The parameter a are rwmerically calc r L~ p.-A i a shown of the hisporsion chDracteriatics oV a moro-order 1)paca harmonle ond th-) distribution of hich-frequency electrical fielf1ri or a sixg gle-rcm plano ccub. The achone is prevented of an amplifter-filter. with a pc4~bin%l dalay oyetom and Ono of the variantu of ouch a aoIJratom. Tho- phycical ~p,ccoaaoji durInE intar.. action betwean "the electron boa= with a delay ;9,,rstem &rA ithe do-pumped field are considered. Num~!rical eetin&tes tire given.~.5 fig. 5~ Rviceiv0d by odi- torat 26 Apr 1,971. MIT ITPP4 55504 30 March 1972 59). WAVES AT UP 3UKFACE OF A FLOW OF FINITE DE11-1 H EACITED BY AN W.DFRWATER SUIRM Za Moscow I'llysito fArttcle by A A' t -Foginterl"S I"Stitutet Dolgoprudnyy, Mascot :: 5vvh JA'lYlAJ-,,qdazIL K"nk SM. lum;Lao~ VOL 2W, No Obla f 197L, zubmi..d 14 My 1171, pp 1070 107 In the axticlo, t1w nqUjur. exaninom tho nt fh~ surtmew of a flo- of Ideal h-avy lf,plM of constant detth li~ mt vtlloci- -ty c In direction or Lite pogitivo x-nxis, A ol: co~rdtnmtes :In chanvain atich n. wmy ttmt Vtone MT :oincidog %zitlt flk- leval vhil4p the Oz--m%04 it 4ir-mctly vrrticnily %ilarl. TI- ue'V4,m nvi~ 61-41i'te-3 by A -P*rl'0-AieAIIY noting point-auure- lo-tva nt dl*pth h~ *(- T-ktr fr-pww'" -of th~ -lourepil ".~Allvvtlon4 w~ 0. 71pr, ~stablixlwd regi.r v~ ~o.414frr-jj d'a tha itmit of tive unitamAy rogina, at t_-; A $attarm in tlv~ u~ue of_* rj,,jj of Lrinite W'. lc"" ld-Rat-4 by L-N- Srottnmkiv [I J, V4r or.% (2 1, N-cwt, (~, asla .4a"Me'tl%t D'otimt of the Xoulre ie n"n"kartt throuRb ti~., tt- proljje~. un,Ivr -considprektion, rvduces to the unr of hisip -airs dp~elvping ~t m,rra,-t. of a rl having finitt, nolution to th)m lamt prohl~v ~n~ fmmd 1,,v 114yeluch [5) depth$ % SH U%en by L.Y. Cherke ov- 6 Aoosumc! that. owitput of nom-rt q vorios to tl'a 10~ vh0re 11(t) - the fleaviqWC runel-lun, AA.wn,- timt U-t, po- tential of litrturbed motion 94z IP(xl y, Tjo-ii 47 satimrse-4 th~ PolAtIOn -(quation Ky + LUthe boundary conditiona 2t + cl Txr il MS R El USSR UDC 621.375.126 -UKOV, S. P., LOPUKHIN, V. IL, Moscow State VAM, V. A . . . . . . KRI University .11pr oblems of Designing a Narrow Band Tunable Electrostatic Amplifier" Gor'kiy, jzvestiya vysshikh uchebnykh zavedeniy, Radiofi2ilca, Vol XV, No 2, 1972j pp 291-299 Abstract: The possibility of building a narrow band tunAle filter amplifier based on a diftron was analyzed. The expectiency of using:a single-row comb as the input and output couplers of the amplifierwas demonstrated, and numerical calculations of the parameters were perfornied- A study was made of the physi- Cal processes in the presence of combined interaction of an electron flux with a deceleratino svstem and an clectroeltatic Tile possibility of 0 1 1 pumping field.'.~ partial or complete combination of individuall, sections of the amplifler into a single system was demonstrated, and numerical.estimates ire presented. The pass band of the investigated amplifier with a single combined system for A - 8 cm, Af z 120 =egahartz with a~separate, input couplerlwas 60 megahertz. The ordinary filter amplifier with separate input and output couplers has a band of Af = 40 megalicrcz. u 3 SRI UDC: 538.4 7,AYTSEV, A. A. and MISKINCVA, N. A. Investigating I-Some -Processes in Discharges in Birlltry 'Hixtures" V sb. Vonr. fiz. nizi-otemDeraturni ria-m (Problems in the Physics -if wqrks)-V.'insk, "Nau, of Lo-wr--2emperature -,Iasmas -- collecTibn c Na 1 tekhn." 1970, D-o 490-495 Uron RZh"Tj1ekh-,,nikq No. 2, Feb 71,.Ab- stract i;o. 2B6i) -char~,-es in bi- Translation: In investij----it~o~ i s conducted into U.. nary mixtures of Ne-.-;-U atid. ~e-,'12 both wi th c-aid- wit-hout ulec tro- ld, 'he con- phoresis. I)atba ii~ conoerninC~: tho iAec-Lrie lie. centraticn and temperature of the electrorw alon;-, the length oil the axially nonuniforini, positive column. Th,.-,ue,~~*~r,:Oiwters are, com- pared with tAe -paramelv-er-s cf I.-he movable s~trata. The obtained data indicates that the ion mechanism. of se,.-aratuing, nixtu-e com- ponents is '51o be Dreferrud. The electron ener,-y losses in axially 'homogeneous Ltiixtures cf inert g?.ses 'and mercury.. v!:por are nicasured. and compu-Ved. Biblio,~:raphy of 14. Axithor Is ahsturact USSR_ 536.4+532.51 GUI ~MVUN A. A. and ZAYT3EV, A. A. -Mod Self eling Variables, IP -Moscow, Teplof izika Vysokikh T emperatur, Vol. 8, No., 4, 19,70, J)p 847- 855 Abstract: T'his article is the second part of a series b4;,:;un ir, Vol. 8, No. 1, 1970,of the journal named above with Peveral problems which can, be transformed only into partially self-modeling form. As an example, the authors consiaer the problem of heat exeaange durin,~-.,, boil- ing in a lay e 2pace, a situation 'Cor whic4 there ig ns i.!t 110 suffi- picntly developed physical model for use in.its anal 'ysis. They exainine several approaches to thj solution of this: problem iihichi thc:.,y assert, is widely being consider,~d in the Soviet Union-~ Uh. r~-jjsc) deal with the 'oroblem of viscous, Incompressible.liquid flow along:a tube off cir- .cular cross section on u 'Ae rim of a disc and show how the method of scales can' be used to.simplify the in.1tial system or, equations. USSR UDC: 541.49:546-799-3 YEILSIN, A. A., 7AYT-r3F-V---A. WMSWA, V. A., NAVAROVA, 1. 1., PETUIMOV.41 I. V. d, and "Synthesis of (Y4thyl Phenyl Phosphonyl) Kithy.1 Pbenyl Phosphonic Acl an Investigation of Complexing With Trivalent Ions of Ime.ricium,, Curium and Promethium' Leningrad, Radiokhimiya, V01 14, No 3) 1972, PP 374-377 Abstract- The authors studied complexing of trivalent Aml, Cir and Pm ions with an organophosphorrus compound containing.two P=O groups joincd by a inethyl. bridge. This compound, (r,.etliil-plieiiylphosphanyl)methylplic~nylphosphonic acid, was synthesized. The thernodynamic value of its dissocintion constant was determined (PKO = 2 - 04) - Complaxing war, studied by. the. ion-exchange method on KU-2- cation-exchange resin. '111o logarithms:of the constants of stability for comnlexes of Am3+ cn,3-1 and p.- ;3+ in solutions with consta'nt ionic !Arcl)gth of 0-2 O'H4C104) were 3-35, 3-35 and 3.40 respectively, which is appreciably higher than the corresponding values with phosphoric and.:'nYethirlphosphonic acids, and approaches the value of the constants with trimetaphosphoric acid. The additional stabilization of these complexes to the chelate effect associated with ring closure. ''USSR LJDC 541.183+541.49 YJUMIN A. A. and ZAYTSEV, A. A. "Ion-Exchange Behavior of Trivalent Ass Cml.Cf and other Elements in the Systen wlth.Kitrilotriaeetic Acid" Lenin&rad, ftadiokhimiya, Vol XIVg No 3t 1972s PP ?321-738 Abstracti Direct experiments were performed to separate americium and curium in order to evaluate the real difference in:'the stability, constwits and, in addition, to try to evaluate the relative position of the americium and curiua and raxe earth -metals for which =zathiuz was also:added:to the separated mixture. Subsequent experimtents'irere- .. performed in which thelclass of ele- ments was expanded aPA callfornium, europim. and other elenent-s were also used in t-~e exDerilments. The ion excbange,:behavior of An,34", cf3+, Pm, ri nvest1gated ard the other elements In a system with nit lotriacetic acid uas IA and.on the basis of the separation data col-wections weraIntroduced into the Nalues of the Stability constants:of.the.conplexes for ia~tching with the results of poteritionetric measurements. The sepa-ratioa factor of the curium-azericium pair is t.3, and that of thecuriurt-promethium pair, 2.2,'For the ratio af concentmations of nitrilotriacetic acid arid, ck-oxvisobutyric Aaid.*sed im: ~the ex p6 rimen t s J/2 the process is determined by the coaplexion, and the role of tbe, lz~(-oxyiso- butyrate, reduces to creating the necessary;buffering os~the solutiorz. In an o( -oxy. isobutyrate envixonment f europlum is washed out. between californium and citrium, but In the presence of nitrolotriacetic acid it follows with curium which indicates the closeness of the complex-formation donstants. In accordance with the stability constant yttrium.shou]A wa-ith out:toEether with or close to europium, but in precedes eUrODoim. This is explained by the fact:that the y-ttrium exchange constant,between the resonance sdution Is less Von that of europium. The following values of the,sta bilityLconstantS of the complexes axe used to explain the results of the.16n excl~*~ngo~separati~nsj 11.51, 1g a2;:= 20.76;. Eu -191-5 11.6 1 a, 20176; CM 2 1.5, 20.653 Am --19 2 20.42. Pm --19 11.40 J: USSR UDG 621.314.58 ZAYTSEV, A.I., KUVSHINOV, A.A. "To A Computation Of The Electromagnetic Processes In A SiX-Phaaa Compeneation converter WM Equializer Reactor Izv. Tomsk. politakh~n. in-ta (Bulletin Of Tomsk Folytechn,Lcall Lnstitute), 1970, 211,:pp 5-9 (from RZh--Slektronika I yeXe Drimeneniye, No 1, January 1971, Abstract No 1B441) Tranalation- In the circuit under consideration, a compenonting reactor is acted between the terminals of an.equalizer reactor across two anti-parallel coin controllable rectifiers LB;0111TZAb]- For analysis, the method of piseewise,linear ~approximation In used, during which the volt-ampore oharoo:terlutic of the rect- ifiers In replaced by forward eagments. In the com.putatiori theru is not taken into accounti magnetizing current and effective-roniotanco of' the magnetic elements, and reduction of voltage in the rectifiers In tba forward direction. An enalysis is conducted and the dependences ara obtained,for currents and voltage at the capacitor for the f oilowing two rogimea,: during which th-s co.,upensation con- verter can operate without dieraptiont with two eirmItaneougily tiwitchad-on powor switched-on power rectifier (whe6 loading of the com- rectifierB, and with one Mutating capacitor by d-o takes place)* Farther# for aimpi.ification of the solution, 1/2* 62.1-791: 621. -15'66:62 Exl:~imoer' RUDY sm., Cal-4 -Engineer (Zhd,3jio,7 !..C-ta ate a _e Technical, zoien Cos llfac~-ri`63 Yl'i*eidad ~Radio j, LrAtenma Xasts 0.11 rn r.0scowl Ao 'arl 70, pp !?_1 A b st ra a 9 i.,:-y 'Was '4e 04, a Px 2.1 n 511P!,Ie:~mntary carbon d' ro ~3:11 radio ant i-oxide a enra or -L-e Of rc-ct_n"'ujar or tu*.ul~z1'c u , sec!~"On r croz cozzo-nents in t I - - I, F'reS':!.'jCe. C" t~ction --I Combinal , e - mr'e core, in L-1021 Uith tbo '"K00 it DOSSib."Le to ef'~.P' t. - -1 , 'tj CIXide duce its r7a - -r-, J y dea.-d-dize a fr] I 3 c0iltowlt to uch welds 0 010," n't-0",'0n, 0.040'~ -n' 35-~; 40). Bart'Cularly on; lmvr-~' Ila:( coil j 'wire with c Mi= high at iu;nTeraturez; 0f'-6000 ar,,j , !j"tructAoll dic.. -Louttir, ca.-bon J3 r(3c~' and ICAI-alloy fo-'. Photo.,, 2,01% 4 OW - SGtL'PS aY4 ld ' - graphs aild descript we in[~ ri93 are included 04' y- .. -4 _Lzc';'Or Orig. art, has: 4 fij z:l(;us prod lund 2 ta-r,:Le:;. ~UDC 621.396.677:M.1641 ZAYTM A. P.., ZOMVI V. V.., and SEVRYUKOV,: B N - "one Extremal Problein of RaddoteleacoPe Control" Tr. Mosk. energ. in-ta (Works of the Moscow Power Engineer,ingy Institutle), 1972 vyp-116, pp 148-154 (from. RM-Radiotekhni4, No Up Nov 72p: Abstract No 11 B21 Translation: The authors study the particularities of systems for the control of radio telescopes. Problems are also studied which. are related to the developme-nt of radio telescopes in conjunction vith large ~antennas vith a single, fixed emitter where the antennas form a single-beam radiation: patteim. An algorithm is set up for optimizir article: three illustrations and Z the system of control. Original s van bibliographic entries. N. So e ImmmummAmal 7 777T _112, 017 UICLASSlif IED Pk0CMI%G OAI~ -,~T1,TLE-PiEhGE T I CS OF THE F EFROUS. METALLURGyt 1970 Yc'AR -'U- A -(02)-YEGORICHEV, A.P., UTHCR LAYTSEV9 A.Po --USSR C:OU.N T k Y OF INFO F E'~ 70, PP 5-7 _.S0URC_E-MjSCG4v PROMYSHLENNAYA ENERGETIKA,'N0 2, 'q~TE PUB ~:-~SUOJECT AREAS--MECH., IN3.9 CIVIL ANOMARINE ENGR# MATERIALS -40PIC TAGS--FERROUS, MFTALt BLAST FURNACE# AIR POLLUTIt INDUSTRIAL ON 9 A U T (114 AT I CCONTROL, OXYGEN, STEEL j N DU S r R Y ,ELECTRIC INOUSTRYt INDUSTRIAL ~4 TER_ CONTROL MARK ING -NU RESTRICTIONS .._"~~DOCUMENT tLASS--UNCLASSIFIED .,-;~#ROXY REEL/FRAME-,-1990/1654 STEP-NQ--UR10094/70/300/002/00OSiOO07 ~~Clflt ACCESSION NG--AP0109652 VNCLASS-1 FIED 11 ~Mlf 212 017 UNCLASSIFlE0 PROCESSING DATE-02OCT70 !CIRC ACCESSIOW NO-AP0109652 ABSTRACT/~XTRACT-IU) GP-0- ABSTRACT.. THIS ARTICLE PRESENTS A CONCISE HISTORICAL SUMMARY OF THE DEVELOPMENT AND ACHIEVCMENTS OF THE POWER INDUSTPY FOR FERROUS METALLURGY IN SSSR SINCE THr REVOLUTIJN. IT DATA ON THE EARLY DEVELOPMENT STAGES ANO THE CHAR4CTERISTICS JF .ELECTPIC POWER INSTALLATIONS AND SHOWS THE SUCCESSIVE STEPS TAKEN FOR _..__-THEIR DEVELOPMENT IN VIEW OF THE PLANNED GROWTH OF FERROUS METALLURGY. IT EMPHASIZES THE EFFORTS TOWAR0 THE CONTINUOUS or--VELDPMENT AND i IMPROVEMENT OF ELECTRIC POWER INSTALLATIONS AND EPUIPMENT FOR STEEL INDUST~Y. DATA ARE PRESENTED ON THE POWER CHARACTERISTICS OF VARIOUS ''~':CONTEMPORARY EQUIPMENT, SUCH AS OXYGEN: COM ERTER SO HIGH POWER AIR :COMPRESSORS FOP. BLAST FURNACES, 30ILERSj COOONG!SYSTEMS ETC. IT REPRESENTS AN_JNSIGHT ON THE CURRENT RESEARCH ON THS REDUCTIJN OF FUEL CONSUMPTION01 ON BETTER UTILIZATION OF WATER RESOURCES 1FOR COOLING SYSTEMS, ON.WATER AND ABSTRACT: AIR POLLUTION, 04AUTOMATION, ON AUTOMATIC CONTROL OF INDUSTRIAL PROCESSES'ETC. TH E SIGNIFICANCE OF GOOD ORGANIZATION OF THE OVERHAUL AND MAINTENANCE SERVICES FOR RELIABLE AND ECONOMICAL OPERATION OF INSTALLATIONS IS EMPHASIZED. STEPS ALREADY JAKENFOR SMOOTH OPERATIONS OF SERVICES APE DESCRI~ED. IN, PART ICULAR, EFFORTS ARE DESCRIBED~FOR THE TRAINING OF SCIENTIFICt TC-CHNICAL AND SKILLED PERSONNEL, AS WELL AS THE ORGANIZAT:ION'OF SPECIAL INSTITUTES FOR -THE PLIRPOSC-,-OF CONDUCTING RESEARCH IN DIFFERENT FIELDS RELATED TO FURTHER DEVELOPMENT OF THE POWER INDUSTRY MVIEW OF THE CONTINUOUS GROWTH OF THE FERROUS INDUSTRY. UNC.LASSIFIEO. 112 017 w4u. Ass I f- I Fo PROCFSSING DATF--02OCT70 -1TLE--ENEkGETICS OF THr FERRCUS T METALLURGY, 1970 ;YE A R. -U -~,~~AUTHGR-1021-YEGDRICHEV, Al.P., ZAYTSEV, CID UNTRY OF INFO--USSP ISOURCE--~-Y;-ascc4v PROMYSHLENNAYA ENERGETIKAv NO 2t F E3 70t PP 5-7 D AT E PURL I SHED ---- FE670 ~SUDJECTI AREAS--MECH.,r INJ-, CIVIL.AND MARINE: ENGRO MATERIAL S .;.,,TOPIC IAGS--FERROUS METAL# BLAST FURNACEp AIR POLLUffOlvINDUSTRIAL AUTOMATIC CONTROLt OXYGEN# STEEL JNDUSTRYw~q ELECTRI:C I.-NOUSTRY9 INDUSTRIAL 'WATER ~~-,CUN TROL MARKING--NO RESTRICTIONS -.-VOCUMEK-T -CLASS-.UNCLASSIFIED REELf-4FRAME--1990/1654 STEP-NQ--UR/0094170/3OO./O-v2/0005/0007 CIRC.I: ACCESSION NO--AP0109652 2 ~, I UNCLASSIFIED a IN ammm --020CT70 017 UNCLASSIFIED PROCESSING DATE ,_:,t-IRC ACCESSION NO--AP0109652 #8STRACT/f.XTRACT-(U) GP-0- ABSTRACT. THIS ARTICLE PRESENTS A CONCISE SUMMARY OF THE OEVELOPMENT ANU'ACHIEVE4ENTS! OF THE POWER I NDUSTRY- FOR FERROUS METALLURGY..IN SSSR,SINCE'. THE ~REVDLUTIJN. IT PRE-SENTS-DA-TA ON THE EARLY DEVELOPMENT STAGES AND'THE CHARACTERISTICS JF -ELECTRIC PO~ER INSTALLATIONS AND SHOWS THE~SUCCESSIVE STEPS TAKEN FOR -THErP,:OEVELOPMENT IN VIEW Of THE PLANNED GROWTH (IF FERROUS METALLURGY. IT EMPHASIZES THE EFFORTS TOWAR01HE CO.NTINUOUS DEVELOPMENT AND [MPROVEMENT,OF ELECTRIC POWER INSTALLATIONS AND EQUIPMENT FOR STEEL ...INDUST RY. DATA ARE PRESENTED ONTHE POWER CHARACTERISTICS OF VARIOUS CONTEMPORARY'.EQUIPMENTI, SUCH AS OXYGEkCONVERTERS,,~HIGH POWER AIR COMPRESSORS FOR BLAST FURNACESv BOILERSw tOOLING SYSTEMS ETC. IT :PRESEOTS AN-INSIGHT ON THE CURRENT RESEARCH ON THE'REDUCTION 3F FUEL CONSUMPTIONt ON BETTER UTILIZATION OF WATER RESOURCES FOR COOLING SYSTEMS, ON WATER AND ABSTRACT: AIR POLLUTION, ON:.AUTOIIATION, 0*4 AUTOMATIC CONTROL OF INDUSTRIAL PROCESSES ETC. THE SIGNIFICANCE OF GOOD ORGANIZATION OF THE rVERHAUL AND MAINTEN ANCE SERVICES FOR RELlAf3LE AND -ECONOKICAL OPERATION OF INSTALLATIONS IS EMPHASIZED. STEPS ALRF-AuY TAKEN FOR SMOOTH OPER ArIONS OF.SERVICES ARE. DE.SCRIIIED. IN PARTICULAR, EFFORTS-ARF DESCRIBED FOR THE TRAINING OF-SCIENTIF(Cs TECHNICAL AND -SKILLED PERSONNELt AS WELL AS T14E ORGAN12AtiON'OF jPECIAL INSTITUTES FOR -THE PURPOX,OF CONDUE.TING RESEARCH IN OIFFERENr FlEIDS ilELATED To VkLOPMENT OF THE POWER INDUSTRY~IN VIEW:0'F THE CONTINUOUS FURTHER DC- .GROWTH OF~TRE FERROUS INDUSTRY. UNCLASSIFIED ti it 1:1q- ~T 40 USSR 1JDC 669.1 '58. 26 -"PAU, YEGORICHEV, A. P. J, (Engineers) (Ministry of USSR) Ferrous Retallurgy IlEn rgoticsof the Perrous Metallurgy: '970 Y6ar Moscow, ~m s~hl e n n a y aBner atilca, No 2, Pob pp 5-7 article, r a -ori A b s t r a c IL -1 This p o onts, ai conoiso hisl~' cal sur,=--::~y R tFle aeveloDment and achievements~ of the Dwwor induslt;ry for ferrous metallurgy in SSSIR since.the reVolUtjo~R. It presents data on the early development stag:s and the characteristics,of ions electric power in3tallat and sho'wa.. the sue6,:,ssive ateps taken for their development in view of the planned growth ol ferrous netalltrgy, it emphasizes tl~e efforts toi-,,ard the continuous development and improvement of electric power installations and equipment for steel indus~' try. Data are presented or, the-Dower characteristics of various contemporary equipment, such as oxygen converters, high power air c ressors for blast furnaaos,' OnT boilers, cooling SyStenS It P:resants an insight on the curront research on the reduction ot-fubl eo-na=Vtlon, on better utilization of water resources forLtQoling systems, on wator and 1/2 Abstract: air pollution, on automation, on automatic control of industrial processes etc. The significance.of good organiza- h or rela-able and tion of the ovex~haul and =a-intenance services f economical operation of installations is errphasized.. Steps already t1akan for smooth operations of services are described. In-partic-L,,Iar, efforts are described for the trainina of scien- tifieltechnical and skilled personnel, well as the organi- zation of special institutes for thapurpose of conducting research in different fields related. to -further -dovelopment of the power industry in view of tha~continuous groOth of the ferrous industry. 2/2 1.5 7 USSR ZAYTSEV, A. N. "Effect of Paramagnetic Resonance on the BLectrical Conductivity of Semiconductors in Strong Electric Fields" 'Leningrad, Fi%ika Tver.dopo Tela, Vol 15, BTO 3, 1973, PP 733-739 Abstract: The present paper is the continuation of an earlier arli- cle by the author named above (2,1969, P 485) in lffiich the pheno- menon of the resonance change in conductivity of hot eleotrons in semiconductors under the effects of electron paramagnetic resonance of small impurities was investigated. ~ ~ Follwriing this theoretical investigation, the phenomenon was experimentally observed. The present paper is designed -to, explain why the experimental measure- ment turned out to be much greater than that given by the theory for the material in question, which was silicozi alloyod with phos- phorus. The uiechaniam whicb, in tbe presence (iT 8trona electric fieldo, causes thiv explained. It is a.9.3erted that the analysis of this paper is justified if phoioeloctronn or in- J,ected electrons rather than electrons producdd'~by thermal. .4oniza- tion are the carriers involved in-the p4enomenon. The author thanks A..K. Zvezdin fo:r his comments, 112 010 UNCLASSIFIED,' ~OROCFSSING DATE-2JOC170 'IF N -T-ITLE--HYGIENIC STUDY L PIREP DIETHYL PYROCARBONIC ETHPI A 0 ITS POSSIBLE __l..USE IN THE FOOD INDUSTRY -U- _:..,AUTHUR~-(03)-ZAY'SEV, A.N. , RAKHMANINA, 2N.L DYUBYtjK, N,YE. .,COUNTRY -OF. INFO--USSR _'~-S OU.RC E--VOPR 01SY PITANIYA, 1970, NR3PP 14-17- DATE PUBLISHED ------- 70 -_~_SUBJECT AREAS--BIOLOGICAL AND MEDICAL SCIENCES: ~TOPIC TAIGS--FOOD PRESERVATION, ALIPHATIC ETHER C ON T P 0 LMARKING-NO RESTRICTIONS 00CUM04T CLASS-UNCLASSIF [C-0 ~~PRIJXY REELIFRAME-199812045 STEP NO---tJiZ/OZ44-17()1000/0~)3/(JOLI+/0017 'CIRC ACCESSION NO--AP0122274 UNCLASSIFIED Ut"CLISSIFIED PROC.ESSING DATE-230CT70 010 I FR CACCCESSION NO-AP0122274 GP-(',- All'STRACT, 0 ETH YL PYqGCAKB0lNK ETHER (OPEl IS UTILIZED INIMANY COUNTRIFS AS A CONSERVI:NG AGENT POR '~,,INES ''it) JOKES. PERTINENT CALCULATIONS SHO` 14 OPE IN A OUSE OF 3.6 ~-I`-KG BODY WEIGHT PFR DAY CAPABLE OF AFFECTING THE HUIMAN ORGAN1514. E N THE PkFSENT W-ORK EXPERIMENTAL EVIDENCE 15 PRODUCED SHOWI,NG THAT THE U10SC OF 3.6 MG-KG OF _DPE PRGPOSED BY THE CHEMICAL. 'INSTETUTE Or- THE ACAUMY OF SCIENCFS OF THE MOLDAY SSR WITH THE TRADE NAIME OF "PIRC-F"t SHOULD 8E RE,~ARDEU AS LIMINAL '-TOXICOLOGICALLY. PROCEEDING FROM THIS ~FACT* AND AI:S0 CONSIOERING. THE GF, THE PREPARATIONS HYDROLYSjS IN :BEVIERAGIES MAY uF-,cqEA-sE "PIREFTI, ACCORDING THE A(JTHORS, C,hNNOT L-,E RECOMMENOE0 _AS' A PRESERVATIVE FOR 14INES AND WINE.PRODUCTS., FACILITY. INSTITUT PITANIYA A14N SSSRt MOSCOW. LIN C LA S 5 IF LE D -G J .-20" V--~ UNCLAS S I F I Eu p i~ U C E S.S IN' ATt: D 'S I S T AN1. k1 N' :Sl:i-,l W4D:JK;T0KS OF FGFMAl'iCN 0 F NE GAT I V E k.i, JMPUAITY BREAK&OWN -U- 'LTHUR-103 I-LaylsEy -)v lj,~ U A N. LVELGIN, A K Osipf CUNT R Y ij FI N F 0 L S 5 R 251'-60 ~,SOLRC E P I SMA ZH, EKSP, TEOP~ F I Z 1970t 1.1(5) r DATE PUBL 'TC PIC TAI ILECTACIN DE NS 11 Y S Eilil:CONDUCTUH (Ylc--',:LECTRCN TEI BR I tJMr E.LfCTRON AECOMWINATION, ~EMIGGNDUCTOR cuxurcy IV I ry, P140"idtl LQU 11. 1 r I M P U K I T Y CCNTRCL MARKING-NO RESTMCTIGNS 0 C C U M E N TC L A S S-UN C L A S 5 1 F I E G PROXY REEL/~KAMF--1994/0996 STEP NO--~UR/ ~,'13 66 /'1 Cl 0 1. 1 f OG 5/ 025 1/ 0Z 60 ~C IRC ACUSSICiN NO-AP0115CII 212 02,8 UN C 1. A S, 5 1 FIE01 UATE-r'ONOV70 ~,.C IRC ACCESSICN NU-APOIL501? AeST-RACT/EXT.RAGT--(U) GP-0- AB ISTR AC T SIAME OF IHIL ~'Af:!:l-AN2S:MS A:E CGNS[DEREC ~-.ICI i RESULT fN THFE LACK CF A OINE VALUE!) 4DEPEINDENCE O~: THE TEMP. OF THE H01 ELE(,Tif'_AiS OR OF rfiC- IR CGNCN. Otl* T1111E.E.LIEC. Fl,,~:Ll~ Ja4'LL. THEREbYt I-N 1'hE. EXl51LNil.* Olf NE.G. ft'ILLLOWING -.A*CJlAN!S.iS iiERE CCNSIDERED: Tti_z:~ ,NLG. DIFFEREWAAL: P.L::S-f3'T Atli'. t- IS DUE TO it LA,',',v%, OF THE PHONONS, IT 15 DUE rO;THI-'- RBLAXA TTGN OF, THE ENERGY IN THE EQUIL. FOR .101NIZAT [GN A NO R E CUM 8 1 N ~' f I ON PfZ91f, ES SS, I T .15 D:Ur:: T 0JHE SCREENING OF JHE IMPURITY POTENTLAL BY THE NONEQUIL. OWNS'. ~~ELEGTR. FAC [L I 11Y: '140SK. INST. RADIOTEKII. __ELtKTR0N:AVTGKAT4 V*SCGWii USSR. UNCLASS 10 IED RPWRI q!!~- '-wit-, ltcmitik D ~zPROCESSING DATE--160CT70 010 UNCLASSifrE ,,;,-T L'E~-S ~.UBD VARIATION OF THEIMAGNETI&.FIELD IN HIGH AT ~_';~-;:ZIFFERENT INTENSITY OF THE MAGNETM DISTUR13ANCES -U- ,'~AUTHOR-.(0Z)-ZAYTSEVt A.N.v FELOSHTEYN, YA.I. RY OF. INFO-;--USSR ,,~",S,OURCE-RAZDEL IVi POLYARNYYE SIYANIYA, 1970t NR 19t PP 51-60 PUBL-ISHED ------- 70 UBJECT AREAS--EART-H SCIENCES -AND -OC-E-ANJO-GRAPHY '"s I-OPIC-TAGS--POLAR AREAf GEOMAGNETIC.FIELDi GEOMAGNETIC~DISTURBANCEY GEOGRAPHIC LATITUDE ,XON'TROL 4ARKING--NO RESTRICTIONS .,-.DOCUMENT CLASS--UNCLASSIFIED ROXY- REEL/FRAME-1997/0245 STCP NO--(JR/330'T/70/1~)OO/019/0051/0060 ~~CIRC ACCESSION NO--AP0119241 UNCLASSIFIED 3'- 010 UNCLASSIFIED PROCESSING DATE--160CT70 NO--AP0119241 -(U) GP-0- ABSTRACT. THE PAPER ELABOPATES THE CONCEPTION THAT THE S SUBD VARIATIONi WHICH DESCRIBES THE FIELD OF POLAR DISTURBANCES, CONSISTS OF THREE PARTS: S SUBD EwUALS S SUBU PRIMEW PLUS SUBD PRIMEE PLUS S SUBD PRIMEP, WHERE S SUBD PRI-ME'd A, ND S SUBD PRIMEE ARE POLAR ELECTROJETS, AND S SUBD PkfMEP IS THE CURRENT VUqTEX IN THE ..-POLAR CAP. THE ANALYSIS HAS BEEN CONDUCTED ON THE BASIS OF THE STUDY OF THE EQUIVALENT CURRENT SYSTEMS COMPILED ACCORDING TO THE IGY MATERIALS. I IT HAS BEEN FOUND THAT: L S SUDD PRIMEW ELECTROJETt dHICH CAUSES INTENSIVE NEGATIVE BAYS OP ALWAYS RUNS IN THE WESTERN DIRECTION FORMING AN-OVAL, THE DENSITY OF THE S 5UL30 PRIMEW ELECYROJEJ IS NOT REGULAR ALOKG THE OVAL AND HAS THE MAXIMAL VALUE ONJHE MORNING SIDE ON PHI IS SIMILAR-TO 67DEGREES AND THE MINIMAL VALUE 13N THE OAY SIOE ON PHI IS SIMILAR TO 75DEGREES. PART OF THE~S SUBD PRIMEW CURRENTS IS CLOSED 'THROUGH THE POLAR CAP, AND A PAqT.THROUGH THE MIDDLE!:AND L04 LATTITUDES. i4l-TH THE INCREASE OF K SUBP FP061 0-1 TO~ 5 THE INTENSITY OF THE ELECTROJET INCREASES FROM 20,000-30000 TO-2709000-2180,OOOA. 2. S SUBD PRIMEE ELECTROJET, WHICH CAUSES POSITIVE BAYS UN THE EVENING SIDE :DP,SUBPOSITIVE ON PHI IS SIMILAR TO 650EGREESt ALWAYS RUNS IN THE EASTERN DIPECTION AND 15 CLOSED MAINLY THROUGH THE MIDDLE AND LOW LArITUDE$. WITH THE INCREASE OF K-SUBP FRO.M.0-1 TO 5 THE S SUBO PRIMEE ..~__~.,JNTENSITY INCREASES FROM 10,000 TO 110000-120000 A:. 3. JTNCLAS*'*.fz- IF-11 --160CT70 -.3/3 010 UNCLASSIFIED PROCESSINGIDATE CIR.G ACCESSION NO-AP0119241 ABSTRACT/EXTRACT--S SUBD PRIMEP CURRENT VORTEXv WHICH IS RESPONS.IBLE FOR :TH&MAGNETIC FIELD DISTURBANCES IN THE 1POLAR CAP DPCP IS LOCATEL) ON THE I)AY -SIDE-ON THE AFTER MIDDAY MERIDIANS AND HAS THE C01%1CENTRATION OF THE _CURPENT LINES ON THE LATITUDE-IS SIMICAR TO 701)tGREES~ON THE 15 H MERIDIAN, AND 15 CLOSED THROUGH THE POLAR C AIP. THE DIRECTION OF THE ::-''CURRENTS IS COUNTER CLOCKWISE. wirH THE.INCREASE OF'K SUBP F-ROM 0-1 T~ ...-._51HE INTENSITY OF S SUBD PRIMEP INCREASES FROM 40,000-50p000 TO 150,000 TO150,000-170,000A. 4. THE ENTENSITY AND FORM OF S SUBD PRIMEW ANU S :~:.SU.60 PRIMEE ELECTROJETS INCONSIDERABLY CHANGE vilTH SEASON. S SUBD t-PRIMEP VORTEX OCCURS EXCLUSIVELY INiSUMMER-.- IN WINTER ITS INFLUENCE ON J,-'_-,-_-_-T,HEjORM~ OF THE EQUIVALENT S SUBD CURRENT: SYSTEM IS INFINITELY SMALL. USSR UDC 621.~96.677 ZAYTSEVj, A. S., S&RMI14A,, A. R. and HHODATAYE11, 7U. V. n&perijwntal Study of the Near Field, of Wire Antennas" -Tr. Mosk. energ. in-ta (Works of the Moscou Power 1~ineering Institute), 1972, -vyp.3.19,- pp 128-135 (from RM-Radiotekhnika, No 11, Nov'72, Abstract No 11 B5) Translation: The authors study the near field of vibration type taid gamna type, golded dipole antennas. The mothod ol" direct field meas-ur=!rrt antl the method of modulated reemission were used. Ilia wasurewtit equipraorrL 1!1 described. An ana3,vsis of the obtained results sliows that from the point a View. of breakdaffn, the Aangerous region is the ones adjoining to the NO* of tha*ibrator. OrigLnal cle:. five illustrations and t1hre-0 bibliog~a a entrie N.S.~ a rti s UWR UDC: )1-3k) -3 6L --D. --and SWEDOV, Ye. Ye. KAKOVKIN, V. V., "Nasurine Infrared Noise of MOS Transistors b the Frequene .y Transformation Kiev, Izvestin VUZ--Radioelektronika Vol 14, No 1, 1971, 1)3~ 67 -71 Abstract: An important characteristic of, MOS: transi stor ainplif ie~ is the Inher- ent noise which limits the sensitivity of the.device and, inds.t typical of the noise in the infrared spectrum, causes drift of the zero noint. Discussing the various methods. of measuring the noise spectral density, the authors conclude in the fro that the most promising quency tranoforriation nothori, -Olich invol"'Ce to. this mood, tile. volse voltages are e- the use of a tape recorder. According r corLed at low speed and are played back, at a spee(I providin&, -the _-eequired change in time scale for investigating the noise spectral density vith ordinary equip- ment. This article gives the results of e>Teerlnents performied in;t1le measurement of infrared noise in the 0-005-1 HZ ranse., using the MAG-1 end MG-2 recorders. R_. The recordings were made at speeds of 0.14, 0.07, and 0-035 irm/s, and the play- bac%s a'. 381 and 76P 1rin/s, The distortions ir, the spectra, computed theoretically exp('r!'Or"~ntally chacl~ad For thefr exTierizsmlta1 specimens, for thin PrOCCOG, v the authors used MOS transistors with induced P-Ovinnel Euid an Insulating BiG,) film 0.17 /,/t cke Curves are plotted for the noise factor as a function of the hi f quency4 USSR uDc: 621#382-3 'DMOV V. P., ZAYTSEV, B. D... PERIMIYAN A. A., and SHV60V, Ye. Ye. Y tt~Drift J~je of fv= 11'ransistors Kiev, Izvestiya VUZ--Radioe1ektronika,,VOl 13., NO 11, 1970, PP 1358-1362. 'Abstract: it is asserted that data regarding the drift time of YOS (metal oxide sendconductor) transistors is rather exiguous althouCh. such data is irport- ant since the~stability requirermnts of linear circuits iiwolving such compon- ents are much Btricter than present-day integrated digital~lcircults. Mis -paper gives the results of measurements =de:of 40 140S tr(Asistors, with induced p-chann6l, of either SiO, or Si Both these M-Ims were 0.17 37% f'3ma' ,u thick. The parameter chosen tor the da~ift time ar1terion was the increasc in voltage applied to the gate corresponding: to the ratio of the measured incre- ment in the drain current to the transconductance of the transistor under measurement for a given drain current. A block diagram of-the measuring equip- wnt is shown. It was found, in the course oC the nr-asureirentsk that the drift time of the 1-0 with SiO2 is fully reproduced even after #e gate is deprived of its voltdge. lMe results of. an'experiment performd, on: the ljat;is of that fact indicate4 that the drift of the 14M tr4ndstor is b&S:rxa3Jy (mused by the migration of ions and the charge of the surface states# 1.91 40~ UDI USSR _j Ali E IIVEE ZAYTSEV, B. D., STa N 0, 1. P., 5. WV, YE. YE IlMethods o fMeasuring Low-Frequency Noise" No 6, jun 1970, pp 43-4' Moscow, lzme-ritell-nava Takhnika, ct; This article contains a revi alc,bwds arid _beans of Abstra ew of the existing Measuring low-frequency noise in electronic instruments (the hurtz and subhortz range;5). The review is based on an analysis of Soviet and foreign literature. Low-frequency noise and null drift, raethods of measuring low-frequency noise, lov-frequency noise generators, low-froquancy band filtors, and low-franuency voltmeters are considered. it is concluded, tEat measurinr noi _,i.;; -.4n senicorsductor devices in the infrasonic frequency range is or great at,cicatific and practical ~interest. Various nethods and equipment have been d velopV . t this tire for 4 measuring the characteristics of noise at frequencies up to 5-10-_~ herLz. ~!easur- tne ing ency-spectruir, ;onve,-:;io*_ri low-frequency noise by the method af freqii (- T magnetophonic technique) 11as not at this time been surficiently te!~tad. he com- -quo,, us2_ng analog RC-filters and:an irtiicating volt- parative neasuren,.en' tecrxi !P meter are most Prospective. These methods can be.used to measuz-o noise in the frequency range from a few hertz to frequencies on the ordo~,,- of 10-5 hertz. Descriptive diagrams, graphs and mathematical deacriptions mro u;~&-" to illustrate and explain the varioua techniques and equipment. 415 fit 'USSR UDC 681.2:62.1.391.822.029.33 ZAYTSEV, B. D., SHVEDOV, YE. YE. A Device for Measuring Very Low Frequency Noises" Moscow, lzmeritel'-naya Tekhnika, No 8. Aug 70, Pp 74-76 Abstract: The authors describe an instrument ~fhich they 1MV0, d-:-,.1rC1OP(2-d for measuring the spectral density of noises in the 0.1-100 H:~ f-reqUenCy range by comparing the noises with those from a standard low frt~.quency noise source. The standard industrial U4-1 wide-band amplifier was used. w-;'th variaL,10. gai-11 from 0 to 5 X 104. An 15-11 oscillograph was used as the recording instrument. The circuitry of the master low frt,~qtjency noise generator, narrow-band tun;ible filter and compuLcr voltizieter i-sed in Che in,~qt'rum.6,nl: Is dp.11crU)zaiA'. I'lle Ln- strumant was used to mcasure the noi,~e factor rrjnjA_qtc)x-,s with induced P-channel. The effective passband of the filuer varics uvor a raiigo of 1.0- 100 percent of the resonance frequency. The saxisitivity bf the :lTistallation was deterzdued by the sensitivity of the wide-band amplifier which was used, and in these experiments w ./lIz. 'Thetmeasurement error determined as 0.1 kjV2 b the error of each of the modules in the device is no~~jore than 15 percent. y USSR MG 5~1.624547,8119154).422.4.6 ZAYTIS G. V., DYUHAYW, K.: M. 1, and SHIMOV, L, D. EV, B. YE!. SHEW4 -9 -loscow cienfl3le Research Institute of Organic Intermediates and;Dyes. I ~"The Structure of 2-14othov-3-hYdro.V-6-phenylaz6pyridine". Rigat Khimiya Geterotsiklicheskikh Soyedineniy, pp 224-229 No 2, Feb 73 Abstracti On the basis of IR and. electron spectroscopy it was eatablished that 2-methoxY-3-hydroxy-6-phe,.iylazopyridine exists In azo and hydrazo forins, Switching from aprotic solvents to the protonated one n a shift in a results 14 the equilibrium of tautumers toward the hydra:zono form. The relationship of the tautomeric forms in different solvents was studied. Vie stmbility of both form was established by the 140-nothod, the-azo form appearing to be more 2stabl TF USSR UDC 669.187.2.083 GOTIN9 V. N. v Zg2 K., OKOROKOV, 19. 9 SFC1MRBAXOVt At I.v 7-HITKOV,N -::G. M. BOYARASHINOV, V. A., VOYNOVSM, YE. 3.,-TOPI 1, V. V. Li 0 LE , SHA M V GSIPOVA, Ii. M M ani I-A.1 uOv ERNOV, YU, V., -ROZANOVAR. T. S.$ - C210 V. S. "Influence of Wall Thickiess of Crystallizer and Consumptibu of Cooling Water on Ating" Conditions of Formation of Ingot.Duri,ng Vacuum:Arc:Reme -fetallov [Production of Ferrous Metals-Collection of Proiz%rodstvo r-hernykii t Wo rks], No 75, Metallurgiva Press, 1970, pp 178-180 TrAnslativit: lit a vacuum arc furnace in a c. tllizer (C) 1 0 run n diam te rys a -ctirrciit of 2.0-3.7 ka, the influvnee of va.11 tlvic~no;g, of 1. and tempera- with 1A e turc of coolirg water ort cariditiuns of foniation of ingot Of complexly allov,~~d nickel.-based alloys is studied. C with wall thicknes-,es of "-;0 ai%d 18 rn -w~jrc studied, the temperature on th-1 outer surfacq of the C reaching 75"C in the first,- 105% in the secozid. '17he temperature of the intenal surface of the C was ange. in ivater identical, 140-150*C. Neither a change in C thickness nor a di, COnsU99tion from 11 to 22 M-j r influenced the depth of them liqui.d. metal bath, Le both,repeated rolling of the C-and reduced watei- coii~ -DemA s - upption were sible. .2- figures~ USSR UDC:669.187.5 GOTIN, V. N., SHCHERBAKOV, X. I., SERGYrJV,:A. 7,H K Z&Y B., IT ov N K OKOROKOV, G. N., BOYARSHINOV, V. A., TULIN, N. A., VOYNOVSKIY, Ye. V., -TOPILIN, V..V., POZDEYEV, N. P., SKINLIMOV,. Al.G.,.OSIPOVA,,!L. A., CHFRINOV, yu- V., ar4j RAZAHOV$.T. S. -ItSpecifics of Vacuum Arc Remelting of Nickel-'Base'd Alloys~6tid Stainless Steels Ivith.Reverse Arc Polarity Proizvodstvo Chernykh Metallov (Production of Ferrous Metals--Collection of Works), No 75, Metallurgiya Press, 1970, pp 181-183 Translation: Results are presented from a study of vacuun arc remelting of nickel alloys in a crystallizer 380-480 mm, in diameter witli thermocouples lked in len-th and height. The rate of meltin with reverse polarity is 201- c a F, higher with identical bath depth of liquid metal. This is, a res~uft of more in- tensive heat tran5fer from the walls of the c:Lystallizer doring molting with reverse polarity. The macrostrixture, chemical. composition N, 0, 11 and mecliani - Cal Properties of the metal produced:by melting,with forwai-if and reverse polarity are-identical. The i-jigot produced with raverse polarity h4d no , coron, 2 figures; 1 table; I biblio. ref 15 3'~ UNCLASSI PIED pR Q Q, E S S I 11G, DATE--043EC70 Tl METRIC AIN.6 Z I'L E,--P ERRHENAT ES (F ANTIPYRINE Ai%D.I,TS D.EIRIVATIVCS. GRAW1 'IN OF R TI-TRIMETRIC DETERNINATIO BY MEAINS U 'AUTHOP1~105)-AKIMOV V.K. SUSET, A..&' .ZAY`TSEVj, B..YEi YEMELYANOVA, I.A., GELFERP S.M. :'_~.~'COUNTRY -USSR _.~Of INFO- -SOURCE,-ZH* ANAL. KH[M. 1970, 25(3), 518-25 DATE.- PUBL ISHED --- --- 70 ",:;SUBJECT AREAS--CHEMISTRYi EARTH SCIENCES AND OCEANOGRAPHY TAGS--RHENIUM, MINERAL, METAL~CHEMICAL ANALYSIS --NO RESTRICTIONS -.,..CONTROL MARKING 00,014 FN' TCLASS--UlWr_LASSIFlE1) -PROXY REEL/FRAME-300510161 STEP NO,-~-Ur-,/0075/70,1'~)25/003/0513/()52~o C I R CACCESSIOIN NQ--AT0132442 Z/3 011 UNCLASSIF'180 PROCIESSLPIG DATE--04DEC70 ._~,'rIRC ACCESSION Nol--AT0132442 '-A_l3STRACT/EXTRACT--CU) GP_0- ABSTRACT. PERRHENATES OF ANTXPYRINE (1)v OlAtiriPYRYLMETHANE ill), DIANTIPYRYLMETHYLMETHANE ( 1114 1 OIANTIPYRYLPROPYL.14ETHANE IIV)t ANO DIANT,IPY.P.YLPliENYL-'AIETHitNE (VI RERE OBTAINED BY ADON. OF PERCENT 1:1 PYRYLME"THANESIACOH '10 AN ACID 10,il-0.51il H SUB2 50 SU84) SOLN. OF:KREO;SUB4. ALL:THE P~RRHENATES ARE DIFFICULTLY SOL. IN H SUB2 0 WITH THE EXCEPTION, OF 11HAT WITH I* THEIR COMPN. AND STRUCTURE WERE STUDIED- -THE PERRHENATE OF I IS A WHITE POWDER SOL. IN H SUB2 0 AND IN MOST OF THE OlaG. SOLVENTSIAND DECOMPS. ON MELTING. THE PERRHENATE OF 11 DISSOLVES IN,MINERAL ACIDS AND ORG. SOLVENTS, DECOMPS. ON MELTING AT 190DEGREES; THE PE~fRHENATE OF Ill BEHAVES ANALOGOUSLY TO THAT OF 11, M. 11.6DEGREES; T~tii PERRHENATE OF IV ~.MELTS AT 198DEGREES AND THAT CFV AT 202DEGREES. PERRHENATES BEHAVE IN 'NONAQ. MEDIA AS 140NOBASIC ACIDS AND CAN BE TITRATEO, BY ALKALIS. TH E TITRN. CURVE HAS I JUMP, REPRESEINTING THE NEUTR,ALIU,1'1Of,1 OF THE CATION. THE PERRHENATE OF I IS 1-111F MOST ACID, THOSE..0F IV Aji:11) V T14E WEAKEST ACIDS. THE SOLY. OF THE PERRHENATES DECREASES IN THE OR(WR I GREATER -THAN 11 GREATER THAN III GREATER THAN IV GR:EATER T11ijipf V.. THE BESr fill ,PRECIPITANT HOWEVER IS IV. THE SOLY. OF YH:E PERRHE NTE Or IV INCREA.ES SOMEWHAT AFTER INCREASING THE ACIDITY OF SOLNSt k1',;-KAVLMF_TRIC AND A TITRIMETRIC METHOD WAS DEVELOPED FOR,RE'DETN. BY USEPIG P4 AS NT ALKAL 1 AjND ALK. EARTIH f4ETALS:i:_ZN J, 11) AL ( I I I COM).? PREC, I P I TAL FE(111 v CU(II)t CL PRIME NEGATIVE.- AND SO S.U134 PRIME;'PjEGAY1VE NEGATIVE DO :N OT It-ITERFERE; MO(VII, W(VI), INO SU83 PRIME:NEGATIVE DO" Lj,~4r L-A-1:C IF-Iko_ 313, 011 UNCLASSI FIED PRO,CESSING DATE--04DEC70 ACCESSION NO-AT0132442 A&STRACT/EXTRACT-THE GRAVIMETRIC METHOD .PERMITS THE DETN. OF L5-60 MG RE AS (C SUB26 1H SUB30 N SUB4 0 SUP12 sH)RE0 SL1134 WITH ;A MAX. ERROR OF 0.52PERCENT RELATIVE. IN THE TITRN. METH001 THE PPT.. OF THE PERICHENATE THLID IS OISSOLVEO IN 50-60 :f41. ME SUB?. CO OF IV FROM THE GRAVIMETRK MEI AND TITRATED POTENTIOMETRICALLY ifl(TH 0.lN:lNAOH OR E'r SU114 NOH IN A 3:1 C SUS6 H SUB6 DOUBLE BOND MEOH MIXT. BY USING A GLASS;' AND A CALOMEJ, ELECTRODE*. THE METHOD ALLOWS THE DETNol OF.-24-25 MIG' kE ljlrH A PLUS OR -MINUS 3. PERCENT- ERROR*, . SM-RES., INST. ORG. f AC.ILITY: -INTERMEDO BYESs. MOSCOW.* USSR.. 1112.- 022 UNCL ASS~ FIED PROCE~SP.1:; DATE--02Urr7f-, -11 L'_ -Ftirtlflt. G E.R- ANATES ~-U- '~~"TH-r:o-(._-' 4) - A k 1 IA~JV V.K., !NLISEV, A.IW-JTSENIODE, -4 YF., ZAYTSFV, ;i YE . CUNTR Y GF I IN F 0-- U S S R LU.-C E-- Z H 0 t~ SHC H* K4IMl. 1970, 0 2) 329-35 --_~-DAT ENLIL)L' 1 70 --CHEMISTRY SUBJECT A RE AS T 3? 1 TAGS-PHENOL, OR G ANC- G ERM A N 1 U MCOMPOVUL), PYROCArECHDL, DYE, COMPLEX ~'CQMP(1(1440, IR SPECTRUM, Oi~GANIC ARSENIC COMP'QUNO, HYDROXYL RADICALi -40 NOL I NF CRYSTAL V' i~` L T ARKINGLY--%`3 RE STRICT IONIS :-.:D(-J,CU14C%T GLASS--UNICLASSIFIED PROYY i~l.tL/FkAM E-1992/1567 STEP 4%ttl--iiq/0079/7OfO4C/nO?/03291(1315 PROCESS I N G 0ATE--020CT70 UNCLASSIFtEO c A~;CESS I (wi N-0--AP0112561 ~~'A-65T`AC I/ EXTRACT--( U) GP~~-O- AB S TRACT TREATIN SOLNS, ESTERS 3F 'A Q,, 3F J ACID (WITH P'JPuLATECROLl PYROGALLOLt GALLIC AND PYRrUGALLCLCARBOXYLIC ACIOSI WITH ORG. BASES, (DIANTIPYRYLMETIHANEt DI,A".[IPYi~YLi'~IETiiYL,'4ETHANE, DIPHENYLGUANIDINIEr. PH, SU`34- ASl-__Lt 3, PHENANTHRCLINE, 8,HYDROXYQUINOLINEP BRILLIANT CREE,',Yq PIETHYLEI~E BLUE9 -?,ET:i-'YL VIGLET AND CRYSTAL VIOLET) GAVF T14E FOLLOWTUG COMPLEXES, `4FRE 4NALYLED AND CHAPACrERlZf*3 BY 19 SPECTPA (CURVC"S AND TABLES f)F UATA . C S4 jJiN4) TRICATECHYLGEk-MANATES OF: KIPHENYLGUAMIDINEr 0,PHEhANTHRDLlNEj 8,HYDRUXYOUINOLINEr~ TETRAPHE.NYLAR$ONlUM; SA4E FOR jRIPYROGALLYL GERMANATE, SAME FOR rRIS(5,CA~RBOXYPYRIIC.*,ALI-YI.) GERMAINATE 'ALONG WIT -lYL4ETHANEf H ANNLOGS. DIANTIPYRYLMETHANE, DIANTYPYRY01ET1 .-BRILL IANT -GREEN v ~ CRYSTA L VIOLET, METHYLENE; BLUE, METHYLE~.%JE V13LET; SAMF -RE FOR,: IrFl S (4, CARBOXYPYROGALLYLYz GERM'&NATE'*! ALL ~E OLORED' CRYST.: SOLIDS _'SP,KINGLY SOLV- IN H SU32 0 ANO READt IN AQ'. 'AC I Ds AND ME LY SOL., UNCLASSIFIED DATE--230CT70 11Z '030 UNCLASSIFIEO PP. 0 C E AND POTASSIUM HYDROXYYTTRATES -U- QTHOR-(04)-IVAN0VE,%lINt B.N., BORZOVAt L.O., MALYUGINAI S.G., ZAYTSEV, "-'a ."Y E --USSR u _CC NTRY OF INFO __~_OURC~E -ZH. NEOP.G. KHIM. 1970p 15(31p, 666-91 '~..OATE_ PURL ISHED ------- 70 --CHEMISTRY ,,.SUBJECT AREAS TAGS--CHEMICAL SYNTHESISt THERMAL DECUMPOSITIGN*i IR SPECTRUMN -SPECTROSCOPIC,ANALYSIS,~SODIUM COMPOUND, POTASSIUM COMPOUND, YTTRIUM -..'-COMPOUNDi HYDROXIDE ONTR13L MARKING--Nf) RESTRICTIONS --UNCLASSIFIED DOC-UMENT CLASS ~.PKOXYI REEL/FRAME--1994/188? STEP NU--t)t'%/0038/7.011)15/003/0666/0669 I CIR-C ACCES-SJON NO--AP0115,701 li%L: ts, 112 :034 UNCLASSI.FIL-D PROCESSING DATE--2.30CT70 IT-CE--COMPL EX ES OF SCANDIUM OXALATE !WITH 01 PHENANTHRGlLINE'-U- .AUTHOR-(05).-IVANlJVE,4lNj B.,N.j GRIOASOVAt R.K.t ZAYTSEV-.i B.YE.-j VALKARSELi t.:-l.,G,*-q. EZHOV9, A. I !~'OUNTRY OF INFO--USSR SO,URCE--ZH* NEORG. KHIM. 1970, 15(3), ~474-7 DATE PUBLISHED ------- 70 'SUBJECT AREAS--CHEMISTRY TOPIC- TAGS--MFTAL CO,'APLFX COMPOUNDw CRYSTAL STRUCTUA`E,:0RGAN0MET4LLIC ORGANIC COMPLEX COMPOUND, IR SPECTRUMI, DENZENE-0ERIVATIVEt -,_OXAL*ATEf._S;CANOIUM COMPOUND UNTROL MARK ING--NO RESTRIrTIONS I)OCUMENT CLASS--UNCLASSIFIED REEL/FRAME--1993/0678 STEF) NU--Ul~/007fl/-10/015/00-~/0674/0677 _CIRC, ACCESSION NO--AP0113549 UINCLA ISS I F 212.. 034 UNCL ASS IF I ED PROCESSING DATE--230CT70 _61RZ ACCCSSION NO--AP0113549 --ABSTRAC T/.EXTR ACT-- (U) GP-0- ABSTRACT. A MlMXTo OF 1:1 MMOLE -kATIO OF SU62 0- SU54) SUB2.2-H SU62 0 WITH:' PH EN F:N qO 4 ( fj PH - ANTH LVE) IN AQ* GAVE:CRYST.- SC SUB2 (C B SUB3 SO LN SUB2 0 SU 4) 2PHEN tj ) AS ~ WITH PPT. ALPHA 1.514 AND GAMMA 1.616. THE IR SPECtRUM OF I RE VEALS THAT C SUB2 0 _~SUB4, P.RIME2 NEGATIVE AS WELL AS PHEM ARE COOROINATED To SIC, A STRUCTURE I S, -PROPOSED FOR to i A iZK T r-TP-If _- ~m mmm omm 1-2, OL,b UNCLASSIPIED PROCESSING OATE--O9OC.T70 L TECHNICAL' PRO RES -U- A MIGHTY ACCELERATOR OF THE SCI,ENrIFIC G 5 44TSA, M. GAMETSKlYi A.v (_05) ANDRUNAKIYEVICliv V. r GU. ~TSEV* :G-, HE 80T ARU i ~A. -CC --UNTRY Ll F. INFO--USSR '.~;-SUURC&.-SOVETSKAYA MULDAVIYA, JULY -79 197,01 P 2 ...... --OZJUL70 PUBLISHED w.SU6JECT AREAS--ELECTRONICS AND ELECTRICAL eNGR. T.Op I C TAGS--COMPUTER R AND Di COMPUTER CENTER#: ELECTRONIC coMPUTER/WHESP. -0 G I TAL COMPUTER, (U)t-12(., COMPUTERi i U) M22 0 COM,PUT E- A,. (U)BES14 3M COM P.U T ER tcurkGL RAPKING-NO ALSTRICTIONS ,,,DOCUMENT CLASS--UNCLASSIFIED _.PRUXY REEL/1-RAMI:-1992/0812 STEP NO--UR/1)0?- I:/ 70/000/GWO/0002/0002 FS510"