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USSR UDC 631.332.05 VOSTOKIN, Ye. A., YERSHOV, L. I., ZHURAVLEV, P. A., LEBEDEV, M. P., NOVIKOV, A. I.,'and TSYBDI, Yu. "Device for UnIking a Computer With a Communication Channel" USSR Authors' Certificate No 341054, Cl. G 06J 3jOO, filed 4 May 70, published 5 Jun 72 (from Otkrytiya, Izobreteniya, Promyshleanyye Obraztsy, Tovarnyye Znaki, No 18, 5 Jun 72, p 186) Abstract: The device contains an electronic telegraph zecelver and transmitter, a black- of keys, and delay circuit flip-flops. F()r simplification the outputs f the computer are connected to the inputs of the bloc keys, whose outputs 0 k of a e connected to the i electronic transmitte ;band the inputs of r nputs of the thd control circuits of the block of keys are connected to the outputs of a flip-flop, one input of which is connected,to the "triggers' output of the computer; the other, to the transmitter output;~,the outputs of the electronic receiver are connected to the inputs of the:flip-flops, whose outputs are ~connected to the inputs of the computer, and*the "trigger" output of the' electronic receiver is connected through the delay circuit~to the "clear" ~Ie flip-flops. inputs of 0 1/1 USSR UDC 539.3 BRUSILOYSMA, G. A. and YMISH V. (Mosc~_-W) "The Stress-Deformed State of a Finite Cylinder That Is Being Subjected to the Action of Dynamic Loads" Moscow, Prikladnaya Vatematika i Mekhanika, No 4, 1973, pp 724-730 Abstract: A solution is presented for a dynamic axisymmetric problem of the theory of elasticity for a cylinder of arbitrary 'Length-with given displacements on its curvilinear and plane surfaces. By means of the introduction of some auxiliary functions, the initial nonself-conjugate,equations are transformed into equivalent first-order equations for-an expanded eigenvector. By means of these eigenvectors, the arbitrary displacements given on the flat end of ~tho cylinder are expanded into series in accordance with the eigensolutions of Ue..problem. Finite formulas are, obtained.,' r the coefficients of this expansion. lo As:a particular case, the solution of the~statics of the cylinder proceeds from W 0.5 references. 1A i8 USSR UDC 539.3 )V N F. YERSHO LiMltSlof-Applicability olf the Equations for the Bending of Plates" ;'f, thd Gorl-k Institute of Tr. Gor'kov. in-ta inzh. vod- transD'. (Works 6 iy 0 Watertiansportation Engineers), 1972,~ No;. - 12 51 pp 198-204 (from RZh- Mekhanika, No 3, Mar 73, Abstract No 3V164) Translation: Approximate expressions f or the relative deformations C,., e y and:-the-angle of shif t E: of the-T,.tedian:~ surface of a plate are discussed for XY nonlinear values of the displacements of. this surf ace it, v, w along the ortho- gonal.linear axes x, y and B respectively. Exact expressions and also approximatelcanonic'il expressions ex 0- + P dy (OP Y + are given in sections 1-2 of the Kirchhoff lecture on mathematical physics 112 USSR YERSHOV, N. F., Tr. Cor'kov. in-ta i.nzh. vo,d. tran-Sp., 1972, No. 125, pp 198-204 (Kirchhoff, G., Vorlesungen uber mathematische Physik. inekbanik. Leipzig, V. G. Teubner, 1876, pp 450-457).. The article discusses other essentially more complicated relationships obtained by retaining a larger number of terms.of the series of the exact Kirchhoff formulas, and also representa- tions given earlier (Kolesnikov, L. A., V sb. Raschet DrostranstvennVkh konstruktsiy, No. 7, Moscow, Gostroyizdat, 1961, pp 205-214 RZhMekh, 1963,~P96). E. I. Grigolyuk. 2/2 UNCLA:~'SIPT' -0T; PROC 5 5 It IG ?f3CT70 f :-.TITLE -THE LImITING STATE ANO RELIABILITY or-. CONSTRUCTIONS OF RIVE~), -VESSELS -U- N.F., CVECHNIKOV, 0.1. 'bUNTP Y ~j FINFC-USSR C SOURC E-- T HE LIMITING STATE ANyli~CLIAr~ILITV; (IF CONS TRUC T I UNS jF: o~IVEK 'SI"kJCTSIY - HN VE.SSELS- (PREDELkNIUYE SOSTOYANIYE I- AUtZHNOST' KN 0 it 3'_ YKH :7,.bAT-E PUUL I SHED-----70 AREAS-.--MECH., IND.* CIVIL AND MARINE ENGik TOPM, TAGS~-RIVERt SHIPBUILDING Ej%GINEERINGP ~SHIP HULLp INLt.'40 WATEkWAY -:_~.-TRANSPJRTAT [ON C GN T R 0 L;'AqKING--NO RESTPICTIONS DOCUMENT CLASS--UNCLASSIFIED PROXY REEL/Fk4ME--199110584 STEP NO--UR/000n/701000/000/0001/0151 ICIRC ACLESSION NIJ--AMOI)0373 UNCLASSIFIE0 UNCLAStJltl'ED :PROGESSING DATE--020CT70 ,"ZIRC ACCESSION. NO--AM0110373 Z, ~ - _.-ABSTRACT/EXTRACT-W) GP-0- ABSTRACT. INTRODUCTION' 3. CiAPTER I THF DURABILITY AT THE BORDEP OF INSTABILITY " It RESILIENT PLASTIC ..OEFORMATI.ONS 41. JII CALCULATION OF VESSE'L OESI.GNS IN THE SUPERCFFTICAL REGION INCLUDING PLASTIC DEFORMATIONS~ 68. IV TECHNICAL CAUSES A~D THE CHARACTER OF BREAKS IN THE HULL OFRIVER'VESSELS 95. V 7EXPER'IMIENTAL INVESTIGATIONS OFTHE_INFLUENCE OF TECH43LOGICAL AND DESIGN FACTORS 014 T14E LIMITING DURABILITY OF HULL CONSTRUCTIONS 132. -~LJTERATURE 146. GIVEN IS THE METHOD OF CALCULATI.NG THE DURABILITY, ...FRIGIDITY AND STABILITY OF CONSTRUCTION CLEMENTS OF 'THE HULL OF A -Y-ESSEL :TAKING INTO ACCOUNT THE PLASTIC DEFORMATIONS ARISING IN THE MATERIAL; `_::THE-.0URABlLITY AT THE BORDER OF INSTABI:LITY; RESILIENT PLASTIC -ON THE BASIS OF ANALYSIS.Of::ACCIDENTS AND DAMAGES OF _DEFORMAT.IONS. _ECr -.104S.-AkE. GIVEN1 OWJHE~'EVALUATIQN; OF THE LIMITING LL-S, R, uhIMENDAT DURABILITY AND RELIABILITY OF RIVER VESSEB~,~ UNCLASSIFIED UDC 681,332.0 VOISTOKIN!, ye- A., A,, LK41, A. ai'd Itavice for rn king, VU th C;~~.Tmwl c a t TTNS 4 ,?,_ Certif:; cn U11 NO 34-1054, c1. C. 064 5: rfrrm ,otkz7t_, - J -lay P). p,,~,Iished 7v 0.0 ra-~tr, v, Tovarnyj,". p Abs t rac r The deyjce c0-. an e!. ct telegraph, rac*.j.per -I nck ';?i k:LM97 and dt~Leuy t,.j.rckjjt. of the vi the Outputs r,,q>Ur_1r are cm _he input~r_ of i,],ock of whoBe Ozj~.'. Inc ir, uz a the electvozu tvaun'id.Lt:~.J~; ar.~~ t!-- '~'1c;tOR fix a XV.? c1c'n ctal ke one :input uf .1:* tile 0* its Of a la CC~,~T%6crj. ran 9 r, Z&-(, r az, to the a 7.e. op nutputr, aro V'io and Oh~~ ~elci~fV~AJX r-acc-Ner 4,g Ile- tr 4a -fl. ip-f lap-3 13 USSR UDC 539.3 YKKHOV_, N- P. "Limits of Applicability of the Karman Equations for the Bending of Plate-s" Tr. Gor.',Ikov. in-ta inzh. tranSD. (Works of the Cor'kiy institute of Water.Transporcation M-igineers), 1972, No.,125, pp ~1~8-204 (from RZh- Hekhani-ka, No 3, Mar 73, Abstract No 3VI64) Translation: Approximate expressions for the relative deformations c c X and -the angle of shift c of the medi~an-surface of a plate are discussed for nonlinear values of the displacements of this surface., zi, -v, w along the ortho- gonal linear axes x, u and z respectively. F-xact e-xpress ions and also approximate canonical expressiOns ~Av 2 P. + JV Aw Crr GY ax f-If dy are given In sections 1-2 of the Kirchhoff lecture on inn0hematIcal physics 1/2 USSR YERSHOV, N~ F., Tr. Cor'kov. In-ta InA. vod. transp., 1972, No. 125, pp 198-204 (Kirchhoff, G., Vorlesungen uber mathematische Physik. nekhanik. Leipz---,, -457). The article discusses other essentially V. G. Teubner, 1876, pp 450 more complicated relationships obtained by retaining a larger number of terms of the series of the exact Kirchhoff formulan, and also representa- tions given earlier (Kolesnikov, L.-A., V sb. Raschet nrostranstvannyk-h konstruktsfy, No. 7, Moscow, Gostroyizdat, 1961, pp 205-214 -- RZWfekh, -1963, 9V96). E. I. Grigolyuk. 2/2 -ASS-t F I M-4 All UNCL DATE-02OCT70 ':TJ-TLE--THE LIMITING STATE AND RELIABILITY Or- CONSTRUCTILINS JF RIVER :VESSELS -U- UTHUR-102)-Y~RSHLIV, N.F., CVECW-.fK0V, Ii.t. i~IF INFO-USSR .%___~>buRCE--THE L1141TING STATE Amy1acLIAw_MLITY~!QF CONSTRUCTtGNIS DF ~TVEiz. ESSEXS_ (PREDELINOYE SUSTOYANlYt I NAIDezHNOST' KN.(.ISTIJCTSIY RMHNYKH -V ._'S:qBJECT~AKL-AS-T-MECH., IND., CIVIL AND MARINE Et: N G R TOPIC TAGS-RIVERv SHIPBUILDING ENGINEERINGt SHIP HULLt INL4,40 WATEkWAY AT 1UN :CONTROL MARKING-NO RESTRICTIONS -00CUMENT CLASS-UNCLASSIFIED ,:PROXY. REELIFRAME-1991/0584 STEP NCI--tJR/00010/70~,I)OO/00(1/0()0110151 CIRC ACLESSION NJ--AM0110373 --~Z12 Oil UNC:LASSI F I ED` P11OCESSING DATE--020C'r70 'IN --AM0110373 ~CIRC ACCESSION NO ~:,:ABSTPACT/EXTRACT-W) GP-0- ABSTRACT. INTRODUCTION' 3. C4APTER I THE :'DUXABILITY AT THE BORDER OF INSTABILITY'.. 5- 11: RESILIENT PLASTIC .:DEFORMATIONS 4L. III CALCULATION OF VESSEL OESIGNS IN THE ...~SUPERCRITTCAL REGION INCLUDING PLASTIC DEFORMATIO14S 68. IV TECHNIC4L CAUS ES AND THE CHARACTER OF.BREAKS IWtHE HULL OF RIVER VESSELS 95. V EXPERIMENTAL INVESTIGATIONS GF,.THE.INFLUENCE OF TECK13LOGICAL AND DESIGN FACTORS ON T14E LIMITING DURABILITY OF HULL:CONISTRUCTIONS 132. 146. GIVEN IS.THE METHOO'OF CALCULATING THE DURABILITY, RICIDITY AND STABILITY OF CONSTRUCTIO.N.ELEIAENTS.OF THE HULL.OF A -YESSEL TAKING IINTO ACCOUNT THE PLASTIC 0,EFORMATIONS-ARI:S.ING IN THE MATERIAL; THE-DURABILITY AT THE BORDER OF INSTABILITY;:.RESIL:IENT PLASTIC -DEFORMATIONS-* ON THE BASIS OF AN'ALYSiS OF ACCIDENTS AND DAMAGES OF .-~..HULLS~:R-ECOMME-NDA-T-,IDN-S-,~AR-E, -G-IV-E14,:0N,-THF:1;, E-VALUATLONi OF THE LIMLTJNG 'VESSELS. DURABILITY AWRELIABILITY OF RIVER WX LASS If IJSSR UDC 532.528 OMANNIKOV, B. V., and RMODINA, V. V. Y N S nvestIgation of Cavitation Development in:Axial Screw Forepumps by s df:Hi-h-Spead Photography" Kazan', Izvestiya Vysshikh Vchebnykh Zavedeniy, Aviatsionnaya Tekhnika, No 2, 1972, pp 173-175 Abstract; Results are presented of high-speed photop,-i--aphy of the eavitation zones in an axial screw f oreput.-p with change of the bqicl~wanr ar. the intakfa. The experiments were conducted with ordinary tap water and with deaerated tes. Analysis of the obtained phinus sho~,,,s Oat cavi- water at two flow ra with liberation of air differs greatly from ca-,,itation caused purely by water vapor. The experimental results make it posillible to obtain the development pattern of cavitation zcues~ that f orm in qxial forepumps. 2 -figures. 74 p- USSR UDC 533.6.o8:621-375.826 YERSHOV, 0. A. YERSHOVA, T. I., STOLYAROVA., N. H.1 and YARINI L. P. "A Iaser Anewmeter for Measuring Airflow Velocities" Ydnsk, Inzhenerno-Fizicheskiy Zhurnal, Vol 24, No 5, MaY 1973, pp 888-890 Abstract: A description of a laser anemometer is preseated,together with some results of measurements of mean and'fluctuating velocities in a free turbulent jet. It is shown that the experimental data are in good agreement with theory and with results obtained-by,other inathods. -Thin testifies to the effectiveness of the proposed system of a.laser anemometer, and to the possi- bility of its use -for measuring the characteristics of turbulent streams. 2 figures- 5 references. Rtin--F-S, 3-C 1~7e=f Code AA00499 4 CHEMICAL "ABST.: 'Ask f-1 105527s Ultraviole Tr=rptfon spectra OIT 6ftgtqi-, 7~ dines. ErshgXa. :Li:l I.;' Er-ghov. ~~ O~, &.; 17-tisotskiij I,. L: Stonik-, V. A, (USSR)".' Opb. ~pcklro.Tk. 1979, 28(l), 47-50 (Russ). Absorption* sp. tra qf.acridine (1). 1,2-.dihvdroaeridine (11), 1,2,3,4-tetrahydroacridine~ (III), 1,2,7,8-tetrahydroacridine (Iv),~ 1,2,5,6i7,8-ti~"hkdr~oa6ridini~ (V), and ~J,,2,3,4,5,6,7,8- octahydroacridine (WYwim scanned in the range 21P-400 my in 10--10-6-M EtON;'~6i:,hexarie soIns., The effett of the, sym- me-tiy and siu of '6e'i4kctr6h S~~Uni on the spktral properties of I analogs was thui i6vestijited; ~.! The absorotion corresponds to 3r tran~itkhsi iii 1','V; 'a,w6k -n - -x* band Nvas: obsd. in the spectrum of V1 at 035 ITIJA. ~The COIICIUSiO.~ WaS smide on basis of. the cluingii bet~,eu the soctra in Solvi-las of A iffereat polarity-, Redni of thel ~conjwritc system led, 6) hypsochromic shifts ilk the series. LNL. The fliml of the cfmijugated system obviously affected th size of Aim; ' rnic longif,ave aby-mrption was the, saine inl ai& U; sigitmorit shifts ocemmed between 1, and111, orlta~d V,)~!- AWokylietween the spiOrlL of I analogs and the correspo0inj1tO'mpd%. 6f the anthnic'ene series was obsd., The. effect ofAhe hetkrocydic N atorb,bn tile. electro satn. in the %--electron systerh is discussed. Ii. Parizkoya ~j IA REEL FRAM 19801900 70 azd Insi mefi A_9qidj*nt USSR wic 6~o-179.14 YE Ye.,, and LIVSHMS, V. L., Inkititute of Phypics of the Siberian 114~Ertmmens, of the Academy of Sciences USSR -uration rllw: in Thin Device. for the Homogeneity Control of t~e Sat Cylindri cal YBgnetic Sverdlovsk, Defektoskopiya, No 20 :197-1, pp 127-1,29 Abstract: A device for the control of thin cylindrical magnetic films by only one -parameter, the saturation flux, is described by reference to its principal -diagram. The block diagram consists of the sinuzoida.1 voltage exciter, resonnrce~power amplifier, tuned power amplifier, and recording unit. 'I%e characteristics of the control device are~presented. The device can also be used for controls of production processes,of thin cylifidricaI magnetic films. One figurejone bibliographic reference.. PRI! hi MININ-1-0-H.H.RWOR.A.- I' " -, PROCESSrN'G DATE--30OCT'70 039 UNCLASSIFUD' T-ITLE-- INDUCED ANISOTROPY OF CHEM I CALLY~ PRK,I PIT AT.E0 IRON NICKEL :'.~:P.H,OSPHQRUS FILMS _U_ -~:_AUTHQR-(041-,t ~~VR~:E.t RYABIN.IN, V.P.s BATENKOVAi A..YA., LAZAREVA, L V . ~'-CGUNTRY OF INFO--USSR -SOURCE-IZV. VYSSH. UC4EB. ZAVED.r..F11. :1976, 13(3)p 136-8 l.,;j-ATE P UB L I S HE 7 0 AREAS-_PHYSICS, MATERIALS PIC TAGS--4N[Sn-TROPY, I Ro!~ .1 ALLOYP NICKEL ALLCY, PHOSPHORUS ALLOY, METAL FILMr SURFACE FILMi MAGNETIC FIELD GINTROL MARKING-NO RESTRICTIONS _-~_-':)d~UMENT CLASS--UNCLASSIFIED _~"'PROXY REEL/F-RAME-1998/1030 STEP, NO~~-UR/0139/7C)/01.~/Oi)3/013(>/013^0- 'C~TRC ACCESSION Nfj--AT0lL21626 UNCLASSIF I E 0 77 -7- ------ 039 U14C L AS UF 1 E'6. PF~CCESSING DATE-300C170 -CIRC ACCESSION NO-AT0121626 :,ABSTRACT/EXTRAC-I--(U) GP-0- ABSTRACT. :INDUCED ANlS0TPOl_'Y 1114 0,- FE 14 PLUS INI 74 PLUS P 12PERCE, I Mi THICK,y 03TAlv I' CHF 1:1 P T f,j . 0 'JED B -M. ~~BRASS DISKS, 1.2 MM IN DIAM.v WAS SiUDIEUJN MAGNETIC F[FLO-2 OF 50-500, CE ARA TO THE SUR P "LLEL - 'FACE. THE COERCIVE FORCE, H SUBC, INDUCE'D BY H 114 FILMS ON ELECTROPOLISHED BRASSp AS A FUNCTION OF T;Hl: A,'qG L E ,ALPHA, BETWEEN THE OIRECTION OF H DURING PPTN. AND THE DIRECTilON DURING MAGNETIZATION, PASSED THROUGH A MAX. AT ALPHA.EQUALS 900-cGREES. BUT ItJ FILMS PPTO. ON DISKS POLISHED SOTHE SCRATCHES WERE PARALLEL To EACH THE.H SUBC PASSED THROUGH XMINi. AT 90DEGRE~Es; I.E., DIRE(;TED .-POLISHING OF THE SUBSTRATE INDUCED 4 HJGHEK- ANISOtliOPY THAN A MAGNETIC FIELD. FACILITY: INST. FXZ.f XRASNUYARSKi~USSR. __U..%C_LASSI_F_I_ED, UDC: 51 USSR DEDIKOV, E. A., Aa�U2Y,.ajG... L. P a r duction.Plan Over Planned "On One Method of Distributing P 0 Periods'.' Pribory i sistemy avtomatiki.,Resp.-mezhved. temat. nauch.- -tekhn. sb. (instruments and Systems of Automation. RepuTITic TnterTepartmental Thematic Scientific and T6chni~c-al Collection), 1972, vyp. 21, pp 16-27 (from RZh-Kibernetika, No 8, Aug 72, Abstract No 8V582) Translation: Justification is given for distribution of an -annual-p-r-o-cluct ion plan into quarters. The problem of pro- viding discrete articles for the quarterly plans:, and optirlium utilization of the resultant reserves in production capacity is considered. ' A mathematical todel. and algorithms for solution of the formulated.problemare presented. A flow- chart is work d out. Authors' absftact. 46 USSR UDC 621.373.544(088.8) YERSROV, S. M. ItTrigger with. Emitter Coupling" USSR Author's Certificate No 250990, Filed 20 Mar 68, Published 30 Jan 70 .(from,RZh-Radiotekhnika, No 9,-Sep:70, Abstract No 9G269F) Translation: This author's certificate introduces a tr-gger with an emitter coupling executed by the Schmidt schematic in which the collector and base circuits of the output transistor comprise two series-1connected resistors. In order to decrease hysteresis and increase the speed,:a circuit of series included reference semiconductor diodes is included between the series- connected collector resistors of the output transistor and the positive ;A* terminal of the bias source. A regulated resistor is included between the semiconductor diode and the series connedto&resistors of thek base circuit of the output transistor. 61, USSR UDC 621.317-7:621.3.029.11 CHAPTSOV, R. P., "A Complex System for Statist-ical Analysis of Elect! ic Signals" Sb. nauch. tr. Chelyabinsk. po-litekhn'. in-ta (Collected Scientific I-,orks of the Grielvabinsh- Polvtechnical institute), 1970, No 6h, pp 51-57 (from RM-Radiote-kiinilrE, No 7, Jul 71, Abs-U-act, 110 M240) Translation: The authors consider the general structure of a wniversaI 'J se fo r calculating~ a set of estiiiiates of the statis- digital-analog s- e L- 'io frequency range. tical characteristics of ellectric signals. in the wid. The system contains a nrumber of devicez which can bl, divided into three groups: devices for analyzing the distributions of zt=litudes of a random signal, de-,rices IfOr cm,.-muting the estimate )i~ the rpathema-F.'-cal expectation and two-di-_-epsional initipl inoment -futiction oT second order, ;-Iqd devices for callculating tke. coefficient of the ~1~'Iitude Spectrwm. A31 devices are based ~n stendpard trwnsistors. Sew.~a illustrations, Ilibliography of 1 11. S. uuiijiA" 'Ah _AAA. d UDC:. 621. 373.531(068- 8) -ASOV, L. A., TATNOPOLtSKIY, M v . L., NR=Ma.L.~ V. M"Ir IM "A Device for Sh ani n gLv,;--Freq7iency Os c i Ilet-I oiis" Dee 1"shed 2 Jun -10 ' ' iled- -'- j USSR ;Luthor's CertifIcate No 262-180-8, f 67, pulcl J. '(from, -o 11 Nov -10, Abstract No: 11G~~9.r-, Tr ar! 5-,t i 'Th i sAut!-_or'~ Certi_"_cate introd?aces a de-d ce fcr shaping law- -freqvt.-n* L-scillations. ~Ihe i4nit cont&ins two. hi5-i-irect-1.1ency Czeil."ators, i ch are based or zr_---~sistors wlth a de14 ii 611 circuits me in the feedbm =edlaz the elemenit. 7,he devIce ajj~O C014t.~-iZiS EL Deat detector and a low-freauency filter. in order to produce.. -stable low- -f-.equency, osci.1-lations whe:i there are variations in. tenperature, the dela:.r line is connected th.rough dec~oupling capacit6rs between the collec-~ors of the transistcrs, and the beat, detectors is connected to t'41e centertap of the delay line which is loaded by a resistor. ........... USSR UDC 8.74 ARKHIPOV, I. M. , A YERSHOVA E# B. "Problem of Algorithms for Selecting Connecting Paths in Four-Cascade Commuta- tion. Sys ten-a" V sb. Sist. raspredeleniva inform. (Iniormation Distril)ution Systems collec- of works), Moscow, Nauka Press,.1972, pp..136-145 (from Mh-Kibernetika, No .9, Sep 72, Abstract No 9V571) Translation: On the basis of analyzing the macrostates of a four-cascade comra-d- tation circuit, the algorithris for setting up-the circuit diagram are formulated and described. The probability of the occurrence of laternal blockings for 7 the -formulas and algorithl-ims -is calculated, The formulation of the algorithm for multicascade commutation systems witharhitrarystructural parameters is presented. min== PW -1/2 024 UNCLAssir-tED'. PWiCESSING DATE--04bEC70 -TITLE--DEFLUORINATION OF PHOSPHATES tN A:LOW TEMPERATURE PLASMA JET -U- AllTH0R-t05)-PECHXOVSKIYl V.V.l MOSSEP. A.L,., TETEREVK0.Vs A.I., YE A.A. ;:COUNTRY OF INFO--USSR ,,.SOURCE-KHIM. VYS*. ENERG. 1970t 4(2)? 114-18, ~'OATE P US, L I S 70 ,.-:SV5JECT. AREAS--CHEMISTRY "JOPIC TAGS--PHOSPHATE, PHASE ANALY~ISP IOWITEMRERATURE PLASMAv PLASMA JETi [ON --NO RESTRICTIONS .,_~CNTROL MARKING DOCUMENT CLASS--UNCLASSIFIED -PROXY REELfFRAME--3004/0971 STEP N.0--UR/0456/70/004/002/0114/0118 URC ACCESSION NO--AP0131556 7, Acc. Nr: Absft-cti'g.s'e-tv C~e Ref. Code: a n INTERNAT,. AEROSPACE ABST,5.-pe O?O~ \7 \4" LS Hb A70-24302 M! of a trajectory Measurement r y iraektornykh izm,4i ograrn (0b opittimiz H p p _,mg&gLovr. 1~osmicheskie issledovanfia, vol, 8, Jm-Feb. 19713, p. 2. In Russian. Consideration of the roblern of th selection an optimal p e 0 trajectory meas~uremenx program Which. ensvrei a olvent ~=,uravy in the determination of orbit parameters. It is assiim6d that the ment errors me ra and that the measure ndom, arid.': independent processing of the measurements is.carried out by the rnelhod of least squares. it is showni tha%. given random independe6i -trajectory errors and a nondegenerate wkighting muirix o a Me3surement f system of normal e(juations, the a6 solu tominimum1oT61 humbar of measurements can always. be attsined With the aid of: an optimal program using no more then a NO numW of me&wreniem subsets. AIX, d 777 -7 T,-17 ;Z! 7i. .: 7 7 r. UNC S! FiEul ~Plt% ES LAS' DATE 18SEP70 :__'ACCESS:I0W*N0--~. :,A_8STRACT/EXTRACT--(U) GP-0- ABSTRACT. STAbILIZATIO INOF AUSTENITE 1S GOVEPNED BY ITS INITIAL STATE. IN THE: IST STAGE F MA ft T EMS I T E U)NVERSION' WHEN, OW I ING TO COH6RCMICE BETWEEN THE PHASE A-."JD MART ENS IT E PHASES, THE AUSTENITE LATTICE IS ELASTJ'G-ALLY STRETCHED, ANO ,:;-..,POSSESSES PARAMETERS ABOVE THE ANTICIPArEOw AS DETD4 BY GRAPHIC -EXTRAPOLATION, THERIM 4BIL,IZATION OF THE AL STA AUSTE.NJTE IS,GOVERNED BY THE INTRODUCTION OF C ATOMS IM AMN. POSSIBLY ~TO H AND; 14 IN THE GAMMA PHASE LATTICEP 1'.. E. A LOWERING OF THE MARTENSITE-POINT. IN'THE FINAL STAGE ~OF MARTENSITE GONVERSIGNs AHEN THE AUSTENITE I S C&4PRESSED BY THE ~'_'-SKELETON OF IMARTENSITE CRYSTALS FORMING, STABILIZATION OF THE AUSTENITE IS-GOVERNED BY MECH. HARDEN.ING,ANDELASTIC RELAXATION STRESSES. YERSHOV, V. M. "Electromagnetic Field of a Submerged Vertical Electric Dipole" Prikl. geofizika (Appliea Geophysica), vyp.,159, Moscow, Iredra Press, 1970, act No 8B10) pp (from RZh-Radiotekhnika., No.8, Aug 70, Abster. Translation- This artAcie contains a discussion of an iipproximate analysis of the electromagnetic fia-d of a vertical electrIp dipole submerged in a cenduct- iM- 11~1 fSDace. The nature of propagation of the elecLromiignetle wave is iovesti- gated...: Same advantages of this source for e,xn.loration of::deposits are noted. -e entries. -he biblicgraphy, has fi% . . ...... .... ->UUCI 10 i_:.7 tj '"CEtSING 0 T -UNWAS; LFIE ~L~ A "~-T:ITLE -PEAK STRUCTURE OF LASER PULSEIAND. PHOTON ECHO -(J: _-AUTHOR-(04) KOPVILLEM' G. t4'* NAGI BARQV.V R SAMARTSEV 4 S. V-!- ~..COUNTRY OF INFO--USSR -S LoURCE-PHYS LETTERSt NETHERLANOSt VOL._ 31A, NO. 21:P..87-81 26 JAN. 1970 A T EP UB L I S HE D------ 70 SUBJECTiAREAS--PHYSIr-S .__rOPIC TAGS--LASEk PULSE LENGTHt PHOTON EMISSION, LA$ER EFFECT -,_-CCNTROL MARKING--NO RESTRICTIONS DOCUMENT CLASS--UNCLASSIFIED PROX Y /FRAi4E-- 199 2/05 01 STEP NO--NE/OOOOITO/031)'GO2/0087/0088 ..CIRC ACCESSION NnLi--AP0111694 UNCLASSIFIED /Z 039 :PROCESSING DATE-30OCT70 UNCLASSIFIED ACCESSION NO--APG111694 -.~.40STRACT/EXTRACT-W) GP-0- ABSTRACTo PULSES. CUp.SIST OF MANY ~-ULTRASHORT PEAKS -ME13iSECI: THERE IS~A (SIMILAR TO'10~ NEGATIVE. PR 1: 'POSSIBILITY OF USING THEM FOR.THE EXCITING OF PHOTON~ECHC IN MEDIA WITH JNTENSI.VE-INNEk-MOTION (t IQUIDS1 GASES-,~-GLAS.SES AND CkYSTALS A-F A TEMPERATURE HIGHER THAN THAT OFLIQUID HELIUM), IHE CONDITIONS OF THIS EXCITEMENT ARE DISCUSSED. FACI.LITY,.. KAZAN PHYSICPL TECHNICAL JNST a ACAD. SCI.t USSR. UNCLASSIFIED I I R n I milmmullm-w-ranm.-fli T-Tim USSR UDG: 621..372-853-09 ALITSHULBR, Yu. G., YERSHOV,_V.__V., and KATS, L. I. "Electromagnetic Wave Propagation in Channelizbd 3ystems Partially Filled.With a Solid-State M6gnetoactive Plasma" Tomsk,jzvestiya VLYZ Fizika, No 9 1973, pp 7-13 Abstract: This paper solves the problem of computing the disper- sion of partially filled waveguides for the following configura- tions of channelized systems: a cylindrical waveguide with a con- centrically placed solid-state plasma a longitudinal nag- netic field, and a waveguide of rectangular cross section with a solid-state plasma plate, extending longitudinally, in a transverse magnetic field. The relationships obtained inothe theoretical por- tion of the paper were experimentally teoted by a measuring device based on a balanced bridge circuit for.determining the complex transfer factor of a measured~four-terminal. network ' the plasma- filled waveguide. The dispersion characteristics are plotted, and a curve is obtained for the experimental propn~gation conotants as functions of the 'Trequency for,a rectangular waveguide. It io -concluded that these configurations are Practical for at least 1/2, 48 - ICI 'An W-9 H.~ USSR UDC: 534.131:629.7 Yerghov.,.V. V. Seyfer, D. V. "Determination of Natural Oscillating Frequencies of Cylindrical Shells of Variable Thickness" Kazan', Izvestiya Vysshikh Uchebnykh Zavedeniy, Aviatsionnaya Teldinika, No 1, 1972.1 pp 35-42. Abstract: This article states the problem of dctermina-ion of the natural oscillating. frequencies of cylindrical shell.s, the thicknoss of which changes along the generatrix according to linear, parabolic and hyperbolic rules. The problem is solved by an energetic method. Only axisymmetrical oscillations arc studied. With these oscillations, it is sufficiently acCUratc to consider only radial displacement. Axial absent, and-longitudinal displace- slight in comparison to radial displacement, and therefore can be ignored. 96 77 . . . . . . . HE M. 1 E. Ing MENEM 1 11M41 91 k H1141111H USSR 9RAMINIKOV, Ye. B. "Strength of a Cylindrical Envelope of Variable Thicki-ess with Applied Heat" Stroit. Mckh. Gasoacrodinamika i Proiz-vo Letatelln. Apparatov. Vyp. 1. [Structural Mechanics, Gas, and Aerodynamics and Production of Flight Vehicles, No 1. -- Collection of Works) , Voronezh, 1970,, pp 7-12, (Translated from ReferativnyT Zhurnal, Meklianika, No 4,, 1972, Ab9tract No 4 V189 by the author Is) Translation: Tito strength of an envelope of~varliblothicknoss loaded,with even pressure and located in an axisymnrical temperature field of variab1c length (x axis) is estimated. 'rho rule,of 6,ange of thickness of the envelope S(X) 6 0 + ax)n . Th~? method of asymptotic integration is used to solve 0 the basic equation. Where n 2, the basic'equation is a Euler-type equation and can be solved in closed form. USSR UDC: 621.372.853-09 OV ALITSHLTPR, Yu. G., YERSH V. V. , and KATS L. 1. HEIT c Experimental Investigatio of Electromagnetic L'ave Propagation a ti c Field in a Rectangular -v,,aveguide in the Transverse 111 gne,, Partially Filled With n-In3b in the Transverse Ma,,t;netic Field" Moscow, Radiotekhnika i elektronika, No 8, 1972, PI) 1737-1739 Abstract: k description is given.of experiments conducted on a waveguide of rectangular cross section, partially filled with n-type !nSb,for the purpose of finding a practical application. The In3b specimen, in t~e form of:a rlate, was pla-'ed inside a i-mveguide section measuring IOX23 =2 in cross section, the whole kept at the temperature of liquid nitrogen. The 6hape and posi- tion of the plate and the direction of the maignetic field, the latter varyIng from 0-8 kilogauss, are shown in the diagran of the anparatus, together with cuxves of the complex transier coef- ficien~ of the waveguide a.5 a function of the magnitude and di- rection of the maamotic field. The 'results of the experiment, put in the form of curves for the~phase and aftenuation of the transmitted wave, showed that the effect of the n-InSb plate on USSR UDC: 621-372-853-09 ALITSHULER, Yu. G., et al, Radiotekhnika i elektronika, No 8, 1972, pp 1737-1739 the propagation process can be qpentitatively represented, and -so found that the mutuality effect can be.:eatiniated. It is, a L that the phase of the transmitted wave can be varied in phase up to 7500 for various'-the:magnet1c field. 2/2 87 - M-11 Mid its WHE IN1 111401 UNCVAS,Srko~~. Pkb: oil CESS ING DATE--30OCT70 _.T.;1-TtE--R.EACT10N OF A GRIGNARD REAGENTIWITH 3. 541) ITERT, BUTYLPHENY LETHYLENE BROMOHYDRIN -U- ,.-4UTHOR-(03_)-YE_'1SHOV, V.V., VOLOOKIN4 A.A*f VOLOOKINA. V 10 ZCUNTRY OF INFO-USSR ~SOURCE-IZV. AKAD. NAUK SSSR, SER. KHIM.~1970r (3)o, 724-5 _QATE PUBLISHED---70 UBJECT AREAS--CHEMISTRY TOPIC TAGS-GRIGNARD REAGENT, HYDROXYL RAO ICAL, BENZENE DERIVATIVE, :-;.'E.THYLENE, BROMINATED ORGANIC COMPOUND, OXIDAT10i'llt COMPLEX C014POUND CONTROL MARKING-NO RESTRICTIONS DOCUMENT CLASS--UNCLASSIFIED PROXY"REEL/FRAME--3001/0047 STEP NO--UR/0062/70/000/003/072410-725 CIRC ACCESSICN NO-AP0125882 U NC L A S S I F -1 E-0 - - --------- t W1 109 ff.3% 111111411111 -111 rA wa-1 17-1 -T i1 ~-~-2/2 Oil UNCLASSIFIED PROCESSING DATE--30OCT70 CIRC ACCESSION NO-AP0125882 ABSTRACT/EXTRACT-(U) GP-0- ABSTRACT. REACTION OF.RVGX WITH 4v3v5vHU(ME Z SU83 CY SU82 C SUB6 H SUB2 CH, 10H)CH SU82: OR PROCEEDS WITH MIGRATION OF 111E H& GROUP TO THE OTHER C ATOM OF THE CHAIN.~ l,.E,%IGBq GAVE 64PERCEt.r SUB3 IC) SU82 C SUB6r H SUB2 :CH' SUB2 CHAIEOHv. M. 56-60EGREES' ~:~.ALSO PREPD. FROM HYDROLYTIC TREATMENT OF "-tMET-ttYL,2,&tDigTERT,BUTYLSPlROt2.51,3,6#CCTADIENo5ii3NE IN THE PRESENCE --OF MINERAL ACIDS IN 90-5PERCENT YIELDS., OXIDN. OF THE ISOMCI.~IZED ALC. -WITH PBO SUB2 RESULTED IN A FREE RADICAL,~DETECTED BY irs, EPR SPECTRUMV _~PJROVING THE PRESENCE OF 2 H AT014S.AT'THE IST C ATOKOF 1HE SIDE CHAIN. REACTION OF THE BRUMLDE WITH RMGX PROCf~EDS PROBABLY VIA AN INTERMEDIATE ~-SPIROCYCLIC CCY.PLEXP WHOSE 3*14EP18CRED R:1NG JS OPENED BY ADDN. OF THE .,'G..R-IGNARD REAGENT BETWEEN THE HO 8EXRING1 C ATOM:AND THE r ATOM OF THE 6-04EMBEAED RING, FACILITY: INST., KHIM, FU_.~ MUSCO14, USSR. ___?cNov7c J 2 WN C; L AS S I F'f E 0 PIWC; Ss 1~46 I)i E iT TLE- S T EA' 1 A L L Y H %L')EK'- Z) I INI AM I N E Um- KH.It VOLOOK rIN A -A - RASULEVA., Aj! 0 Z~_..&CUWRY F I N _-US A AKAi,'. i.,AUK SSSk, SER.* Of I M 1970,, (41) 956--7 GATE P LLuL 1 h i: i,- 7 0 -CT dj~l E S-CHEM I ST fY u ATOP I C TAGS--- S I Lr-L-Q_'C FEr'~' S TX Y I 'A 5 p E Cl R UM U V SP EC TRUM, 6 YCLOH E XANE A L F. Y i,. ATLG oRGA.'AG COM P CU N 0 AM I N L W. I It i 'R VA V_ CATI C L Ar 1,N6--ND CLASS--UiNCLA' S I F 1:`,~ PROXY k L L /,- R A M E - - :3 0 1 J li 2 STEP NO Uk 0 C)6 2 17 0 0 0 0 0 1) 4 0 95 Q9 5 7 -LASSIFIE0. PROCESSING DATE-_23QCT?0 AtZ 030 U 14C _,T.,lT.LE-_EFFECT OFSUBSTITUENTS ON THE REACTIVITY OF AROXYL RADICALS WITH I '. of -U- tTERT,BUTYL PEROXIDE A_UTHOR-(04)-PR0KOFYEV, A.[., SOLODOYNIKOVI I sopet NIKIFOROVI G.A., YERSHOVI C-OUNTRY, OF INFO--USSR 'S.OURCE--IZV. AKAD. NAUK SSSRt SER KHIM. L19TOt (31-o.558-61 'DATE PUSL I SHED----~ ---- 70 -SUBJECT AREAS--CHEMISTRY 10PIC TAGS--REACTION KINETICS, ORGANIC PEROXIDE, BENZENE DERIVATIVE, -Y, T CHENICALREACTION RATE, ELECTRON THEORY`i~ACTIVATIWENEI~u FREE RAOICAL ONTROL: MARK-1 NG-~-NO RESTRICTIONS _.CUMENT CLASS--UNCLASSfFIE0 ~'PROXV REFL/FRAME---2000/0742 STEP NO--UR/0062/70/000/,')C)3/0558/0561 -ACC E S S I ON NO--AP0124412 -If I E' USSR UDC: 621.373:530.145.6 ARKHIPOV, V. K., YERSHOV, Ye'. I., PANOV, Ye. I., RYZHAKOVA, Z. L., 6nd TARIASOV, R. "Generator of Specially Formed Light Pulses Based on the Gas Laser" Elektron. tekhnika. Ylalichno-tekhn. sb. Gazoraz "adn. pribory (Blectronic Engineerin 'ollection of g, Scientific-Teohn.4cal Gas Di.9charge.Devices) 1970P No. 3(19)t PP 33-36 (from RZh- No. 3, March 71, Abstract No. 3D250) Translation: A light-pulse generator is described JLn which light signals in the nanosecond range are formed with the deviation of the light beam of a helium-neon laserl-W-56 in,an~electrooptical deviating device under the action of a pulse controlling voltage. The-structural peculiarities and the basic output characterist- ics of the generator are given. Author's absti' et 12 -0 141 Wll~_..L ASS I F TED qK~)(:ESSING 01TE--02--lCT70 TJ T L~ LAT I DIN BETwf_-EN Tili- STRUCTURE Am) LUMINtSCEINVE :)F AZDAETHINLS, OF 4v4 P&Iftr_,0lA'!INrlSTILflENE WN 0. 4, 4PP I.Nir., DJA 4 t,43 1-1 C.N ?YL KtiVVETSIVA9 T.A. v YERSW)Vp YU,r4, _.`u-GU.NTFY f-.F li\FO--(JSSR UR C. F Z li 03SHCH. KH114. 1970, 4 Of 379-82 ATE PUBL ISHED------70 D .. ~S UBJ E C T-AREAS--CHEMISTRY .~~:TUPIC TAG 5--L UMI NESCENCE C.. )JUGATE BIVD SYSTEA SPECTRUM., AZ.0 COMPOU ND, m AMINE rjL-RIVArIVE, 13ENZENE, DERIVATIVE T;., G- L RFSTRICTIONS DOCIl,". E N ICL A S S--UNCL A S S I f: I ED 1PROXY L L/ F- 11*92 115 6 9 STEP tqO--LIR/0079/7o/l4OfOO2/0379/039c' C IRC AtCUSSIUN NO--AP0112563 LINCLASSIFIED is EH il , ~Al ilylvi la 2/2 014 UNCL AS S I F I'E'D PROCESSING J A T E - - 0 2 UT 7 0 CA R CACCt.SSION K-AP0111563 -.46STRACT/EXTRACT-W) GP-0- ABSTRACT. MIXING Of 2 0 L OF APP R.OP k I A T E -ALDEHYf)E WITH I MOLE AMIN[ IN HOT ETOH GAVE THE C0qRE5Pf--.'4rjl!4G AZOMF7HINES WHOLE LIMINESCENCE 5PECTRA WEj(E R E P.') RT F 1) TAF MAIN FACTOR "DET6. THE, LUMINESCENCE IN THIS GROUP OF CUMPDS. 15 THE FXISTENCE OF QUASICUINf, INCREASI.N, 'I J STRUCTURE. G THE DEGREE UF~ POSSI LE CHAIN CONJUGATION IN MOST CASES DECREASES THE INTENSITY OF MMINESCENCE. TH F FQLLU~"-ING P-ARCH'NIC SUB6 H SUd4-CH'.CHC SUB6 H S1)3t2v N:C~HAR-P WER~ RE~,GRICD (At", SHOWNI:P-ME SUB2 NC.SUi36:H SUB4, M. 316DEGREES; G-HJ-C SUBG H SU84, M, 252DEGREES; 512-CLtHOIC SUB6 H SU83,, M. a90-90.50EGREES, 5,2-Bk(HO)C SUB6 H SUB3, M. 350DEGREES; 3,5,2-BR~$UB2 (Hr-I)C SU86 H SUB2P M. 350DEGRE-ES; AND 2,HYDROXYjlNAPHTHYLj M. 304DEGREES; ALSO THE -:FGLLOWING (P-AR-CH:NC.SUB6 H SUB41CH SUB2) SUB2; P-ME SUB2 NC SUB6 H SUB4t M. 245DEGREES; O-HK SUB&'HiSUB4#. Ml* 221.5DEGREES; 5t2-CL(HO)C ~Sw6oh SUB31-M. 252DEGREES; 5#2,-fH0)5RC SU86 H SUB3, W 255-5DEGREES; -J3-f'5*d')-8R SL'82 (HG)C SU86 ti SUB2v_~M.~ 236DEGRE-ES; AND ~.-2*HY0R0XYjL,NAPHTHYLw M. 2T30EGREES m Ada. -Nn AP00446127 Ref Code: A6 PRLMARYSOURCE: Klinicheskaya Medits a. 1970s Vol 48, Nr PP et elf INTRAVENOUS AND tNTRA'SPLENIC RADJOPORTOGRAPHY IN PATIENTS WITH PORTAL HYPERTENSION M. D. Patsiara, T. F. Belinsikay ya. -Ytrslov S u in m a ry Intravenois radinportography (detemination of the cardioportal time) was carried out in 78 patients with portal hypertension. The investigations have shown that intrawenous radioportagraphy in combination with other techniques is perspective In the diagnosis of portal hypertension. However, it not always make it possible to ~eyllaluate the form of portal hypertension, inasmuch as chanaes of the cardinportal ~time mainly depend on Cie degree of obstruction oL the portal -,ystcm and the development of collateral circulation. Intrasplenic radjoportography was done in 16 patients with renal hypertension. Tile lat- ter technique is perspective in the diagnoos of portal hypertension, ;is well as in the evalua- tion of features specific to collateral routs of circulation. Intrasplenic rgdJoportofrraphy in combination with other techniques should also be! utilired for the recognition of the severity asion. -ol,livevalfection in patients suffer!ng orn.porl:AV63 erta Md"" Luminescence. UDC 547.639 -USSR AGRACHEVA, YE. B. ,KUASTSOVA, T. A. and A., Moscow Text i le Institute, Moscow, Ministry. of Higher and'Secondary Specialized Educatioll RSFSR methines, Derivatives "Relationship Between structure and Luminescence of,Azo~ of,4,4-Diaminostilbene and 4,:4-DiaminQbibenzy111 Leningrad, Zhurnal Obshchey IWmii, Vol 40, No 2, FPb 76, pp 379-382 Abstract: For purposes of elucidating the effect of ugation On the luminescence of azomethinqs, the.autho, rs tynthesized and studic(l two s~!ries of-azomethines, viz. derivatives of 4,4'.-diaminostilbene and bibenzyl (including 10 azomethin(~s obtainb~d for the, first time). It was found that the principal factor causing:luminescence in the stilbene series is conjugation, while in the bibenzy2. series the lur~iinescej-ice is clue to the presence of a quasiquinoid structure. 'The introduction of haloatoms into the aldehyde component makes the difference in the luminescence intensity of the corresponding representatives of the two ser1las le-;:5 sharp, since there is a decrease in the 3trength of,the quasiquipaid stxucture in these cases, and the system conjugation has a! greater eff-ect on~ luminescence. USSR YERSHOV Yu. G., ICHRENOV, V. I Rogow "The Piroblem:of the Role of Adsorbed Gas During Boiling" X YbDrosu oPoli Adsorbirovannogo Gaza pri Kipenii (English Version Above], Mask, 1971, 9 pages (Translated from Referativnyy Zhuimal, Mimiya, No 3, 1972, Abstract No 3 B1467 by the author's). Translat.-on: A study is made of the filling of glass capillaries from 4 to 180 win diameter with various liquids. The-,capillaTies are used as models of microdepressions on heat exchange surfaces.. It is found that the rate of fIlling of the capillaries depends on their longth, capillary diameter and cmUcity, as well is surface tension of the liquid. shoun.that brief boiling and later cooling of a fluid sharply increases the rate of filling of capillaries. Based on-these data, it is assumed that the adsorbed gas trapped by the liquid in depressions on a heating surface can,serve as a cen- ter of vapor formation only at the very beginning. Higher Algebra & Geometry and To gy'. USSR UDC 51~-111518-5 Corr~sponding Member of the Academy of Sciences USSR, Insti- tute of Mathematics of the Siberian Department.,of the Academy of Sciences USSR, Novosibirsk "Continuous lattices and A-Spaces" Moscow, Doklady Akademii Nauk SSSR, Vol 20'j, No 3, 1972, PP 523-526 Abstraott The article con-tains an expansion of a number of results from an earlier article by the author and a comparison of concepts introduced in the earlier article with the conceDt of a continuous; lattice, as defined by D. SCOTT. The article also indicates possibilities of expanding D. SCOW Is con- struction to construct a ~-calculus model# vizOt Is - 0 y*szlble to consti-uct an (infinite) class 5 of recursively enumerable sets stio-h that it possestses the principal computable numeration v s. H 4 S and such that there exists Tor ( 0 45 ), where 6 - (S, -v :), them numbered, seta;" (5 and 9R. or are (recursively) isomorphic and the "identification" of: and Vor' foms the A -calculus model. 1/2 ''USSR UDC 518 - 5 NIMSMY. T.. Cor_-eSponding 11'ember of the Academy of Scieinces MR, Inzti- icst Siberian Department of the Academy of Sciences USSR, Novosibirsk "On Elementary Group Theories" Mosmw, Doklady Akademii I%Tauk MR, Vol 203 P Ho 61 19?2f pp 1240-1243 Abstraett The article gives t-heorems which'show that groups or classes of groups which in a certain sense are far from Abelian have an unsolvable theo- ry. Construzetions are given showing that In a finitely generated g=UD which is not a finite extension of .-the center, a certain zliig of whDle algebraic ni-mbers is relatively elementarily.defiimbI6. It vW proved. by J. RLOBINSO, that in any ring of whole algebraic numbers j ~ a ring of whol a raf ional numbers which haz a hereditarily unsolvable theory is definable. Thus, tne elementary theory of the above Croup is,unsolvable." USSR POLYAKOVA, N. M., YERSHOV, Yu. N. "Representation of a Control Algorithm in a Form Convenient for Digital -er Realization" Comput Resheniye Nekotor. Fiz.-tekhji. Zadach. [Solution of Certain Problems of Physics and Technology -- Collection,of Works), Dnepropetrovsk, 1972, pp.175-177 (Translated from Referativnyy Zhurnal, Kibei-netilta, No 1, 1973,- Abstract No I V840). Translation: This work demonstrates the-possibility of representing a certain control algorithm in a form conv,~.nieht for digital computer -realization. 76 USSR UDC 8. 74 ARKMOV, I. M., YERSELOV, V. A., Y=4- "Bi W. t "Problem of Algorithms for Selecting Connecting Paths in Four-Cascade Commuta- tion Systems" V sb. Sist. raspredeleniya inform. (Information Distribution Systems -- ccllec- tion of works), Moscow, Nauka Press, .1972 pp 136-145 (from RZh-Kibernetika, No 9, Sep 72, Abstract No 9V571) Translation: On the basis of analyzing the macrostates of a four-cascade cowmiu- tation circuit, the algorithms for setting up the cirewit diagram are formulated and described. The probability of the occurrence of Internal. blackings for the formulan~nnd algorithms is calcuinced. 'Me formulation of the n1gorithm for vaulticascade comiutation systo-w witharbitrary structural parameters is presented USSR UDC 532.74 VIKTORINA, ff. H., DERYAGIN, B. V., Corresponding F4mber;of the USSR Academy of Sciences, YERSHOVA I. G., ZNAMENSKTY,;B6 V.i and CHMYEV~ 1q. V. "Paramagnetism of Modified Water Nater II)". Moscow, Doklady Akademii Nauk SSSR,,Vol 197, No 1, March-April. 1971, pp 114- 1.16 Abstract. This article contains a description of a microcapillary procedure F for measuring the magnetic susceptibility of volumes ofliquid on the order of 10-0 to 10-7 cm3 whjcj% is a modification of the well-knowiv Gouy method. The procedure was checked by meanuring the magnatio suinuptibLlity of a column of benzene; ordinary water (bidiBtillate) was us'W as the standard liquid. Analogous measurements were then made.for:modified water. On the basis of the preliminary experiments only a qualitative!conclusion of para- magnetism of the anomalous component.could be drawn. It was visually ap- parent that upan inclusion of the magnetic field, the calumis of sufficiently concentrated modified water and the columns of ordinary;water shifted to different sides in the capillaries. Results of one of the laut series of experiments, in which some quantitative estimates could 1~e made, are pre- sented in a table. For columns of modified 4ater with~a low content of 1/2 USSR 2/2 ---- --- =-=71= --- - - USSR MC 614-777tf615.P.?7.4154J7-53 ILIMSKIYS A. JaMINA j A. YA. j; ROMOVA I L. G. j XMMKOV g V. G. and KOROM A. A. Instituto.of Exporimental and Olinical Oneology, Academy of Hedical Sciences USSR41 Institutp of General and Communal 'Hygiene imeni A. H. Sysing Acadiamy:e- Medleal Sciences USSR, and First Eoscow Fledical Institute imeni I. M. Sechenov "Stability of Carcinogens in Water an& Effectiveness of" Decontamination Gigiyena i Sanitariya, ?to41973. pp 8-12 Moscow, Abstractt Polycyclic axonatic hydxucarbonsp esj=i.-;aly benzpyrenej ean re- min nain active inwater a long time and spread to corxidorable distances from the.source of contamination. The wide distribution of these carcinogens in water Is promoted by the presence of certain substmices that help them to dissolve, e.g., surfactants whicJi at concentrations of 10 to 50 Mg/Ll can increase the solubility of b,,,nzvjxene as much aB 10-fold, Certain purifi- cation Rethods. (ultraviolet irzadiation, chlorination# ozonivAtiong gamma i=adiation) decrease the concentration. of the oaxeinoSens In vaz-ying degrees. Ozonization is the most effective# gamma irradiation the least effective. a , : f USSR UDC 669.14.018.8:539-37 SIHM-NIKOV, M. I., and YERSHM, L. S., Zaporozh ye "Effect of Reciprocal Crystallogmphic Phase Orientation; on-, the- Plastic Deformation of Corrosion-ResiBtant Steels" Moscov, Izvestiya Akademii Nauk SSSR, MetAllYi 110 31 Idwy-i-an 73:,: pp, 126-129 Abstract: Results are presented of an :Livestigation of slip processes in ferrite-austenite steel and deter=inatiaa of the reciprocal.ferrIte and austenite lattice orientatians which may dete-ndne the:stress level necessary for excitation of dislocation m3tions in the adjacent phase. The deformation mechanism of Kh211113T steel in uhich the tvo-phase strwture is conserved up to 1100010, with approximately equal ferrite, Ed austeniti:! content, was studied on the 324ASh-55 vacuum instALIlation at 1100 C arid 4080~/bour' deformation rate Samples vith structure obtained. by hot plastic deformation and with Widrozsttat structure resulting from recrystallization were testedat the same tirm. The results shov that a fine crystal textured austenite witli a crystal lattice regularly oriented with respect ta the ferrite crystal;Lattice-. is formed as a result of ( "-K / ) transfar=tion in two-phase ferrite-austenite steels. The regular phase lattice orientation obtained as a result of ferrite-austenite steel recrystallization facilitates the plastic flaw on the Interphase boundary W-increases theplasticity of two-phase steels. -7, Public Health, ffyzii~e! im sianith'tion USSR UDC 617401.34-084-02(477) YERSHOVA,-M, A,,# Kiev Scientific Research.Institute of Labor Itrgieno and Occupa- "Incidence, Causes, and Prophylaxis of Vibration Sickness" Kiev, Vrachebnoye Delo, No 7, Jul 70, pp 46-119 Abstract: Vibration sickness was first recognized as an,independent nosological entity in the M-aaine in 11958. Records for the following decade show a steady increase in the ftncidence of the disease 4 to 1965 (owing to the introduction of machines with high vibration parameters .and to improved diagnostio techniques' and a gradual decrease thereafter. If the level of vibriation~ sickness in machine building is taken as 100 in 1905, the inaldence during the saine year for the Ukraine as a wholo would be 29.1 and thatfor the constrtxction itaterials industU, 49.6. The corresponding figures for '1968 Were' 61.8, 24.), and 18.1 respectively. For such occupations as driller, molder, Olisher, and machinist, the disease was far than pneumoconiosis. The main causes of vibratirmi -Aclaiess roLato to the typo of tools and w4uipment inn)talled and. the lzadaquate::uso of properly aouignod vibration-absorblM devices. Ta~tod r_"na~ of doalAng with the problem are dis- cussed includbig the introduction of new tochnPlogical process" and remote con- trol. Me 546-83).181.1 131 GLUSHOVA, PL A. , 011CHINNIKOVA, 11. A. ,and BUSIAYEV, YU. A., Institute of GeneRe"i6njor"P41c Chemistry imeni H.S. Xuraakoy, Academy of sciences MWR -Study af,5ow Reactions Using Phosphine Derivatives of Nioblum and Tantalum 'a"'xorides" Moscowe Zhixrnal Neorganichaskoy Khimiip Vol 179 No 1,, Jan 72, pp W-149 Abstracti Synthesis of the MCM5 type:compounds (M- Nb, Tat Rr But Ph) was carried out in eel 4" using a lil ratio of starting components, Solutions of Ph-P In CC14 or BY in benzene were added dxop~wllaelo asatWnted. solution of MCI in CW.4. orange NbC1 and yellow TaOl formed and preolpitated during the 5 1 3 ~ addition. After 12 hours# solid was separated by decantationp washed with CC14 and dried yielding Ma - powdery productfs solublain CC14 and CA 3 R3P The t=talux products xelted higher than the nioblum diorivatives, When heated a 'boys 30000 they decorpoved. MCI reacUd with otlum.*1 yielding KC1 When dry ammonia was, passed through a benlzine ealution of )gh 1A. 39 - 2-1/2- 112 028 UNCLASSIFIED PROCESSING DATE--230CT70 TITLE--NITROSYL DERIVATIVES OF NIOBIUM AND TANTALUM -U- YU.A., GLUSHKOVA, M.A., YERSHOVA, M.M., OYCHINNIKOVAl NoA* COUNTRY OF.INFO--USSR SO URCE-IZV. AKAD. NAUK SSSRt SER. KHIMv 19701 (2)v 474-5 DATE PUBLISHED ------- 70 SUBJECT AREAS--CHEMISTRY :.l,__:jOPIC TAGS--NIOBIUMv TANTALUMt IR SPECTRUMt CHLORIDEI NITROSYL CHLORIDE, -Aj*,40RPHOUS MATERIALt COMPLEX COMPOUID ~'~!~~CGNTROL.MARKING_-NO RESTRICTIONS ~DOCUMENT CLASS--UNCLASSIFIE 0 .'.~;~~_:'PROXY REE LIFRAME-'-1997/15 20 STEP NO--UR/0062/'?0/000/002/0474/0t#75 CIRC ACCESSION NO--AP0120301 'ICLASSIFIED -7( -.2/2 028 UNCLASSIFIED PRCCESSING DATE--230CI C.IRC ACCESSION NO--AP0120301 AOSTRACT/EXTRACT-W) GP-0- ABSTRACT. PASSING DRY IN 0INTO A SOLN. OF METAL CHLORIDE IN C SUB6 H, SUB6 (PREPO. OVERNIGHT BY LEACHING) GAVE BR 014 NCO-MPLEXES., 14BCL SUB5 NO AND TACL SUB5 Ntl,C SUBb H SUB6. THESE PROVED TO BE.AMORPHOUS IN X RAY ANAL. THE IR SPECTRA, HAVE BANDS [N THE ~~-1480-CIJ. PRI ME. NEGATIVE 1 ANO EI NSP CAUSED Y 1990 CM PRIME: NEGATEVE1 K r (3 B NO BOND VIBRATIONS. FACILITY.: INST..OBSHCH. NEURG. KHIM. 1-4. XURNAKOVA, MOSCOW, USSR. UNCLASS IFI-E-0 Extractkon undo Ref ining" USSR UDC 543.432 Urtair of Analytical ALDYURIN, 1. P., BOL'SHOVA, T, A, , and XI-IMI-I Chemistry 'Tallium Extraction With Tri-n-butyl Phos~phate From tLnimoniu;u Thiocyanate Solutions" 1,11'oscow, Vestnik Moskovskogo Universiteta, Seriya I! 1,himiya, Vol 11, -4 5 Sep-Oct 70, pp 568-572 to Abstract: I'he article describes results of a stud-tt oi7 t,-,ie conditions and mechanism of gallium extraction with tri-n-buttyl Phospill'a0l [ro"'I ammoaililll thiocy-anate quitatities of galliuni wure ti,~~.Lermlncd piiotometrically wit. -pyridylazorezorcinol as the reagent' and milli- gram quantities were determined complexomotrically. Tbc~i LizioevanaLe Jon chloride ion concentrations were 1-1. , and tbo~ 'Y concenLration of chlorides in the pr(,.sence~of thioc, yanatet, ions wias determine(,. by a method b-ued on the oxidation of thioc'yanate ions sriai hydrogen peroxide in an alkaline medium. The extraction of gallium was suidled as a function 1/2-: r- ---- USSR Imc 6i2xl4.425.426 SE~YUK, A. M. and MIMOVA, N. K., Kiev Institute of Genenal and Commma-1 I~rgiene "Effect of a Low-Intensity Ultrahigh-Frequency Electromignmetic Fiel-d on, Brair. Moelectrical Activity in the Rabbit" Kiev, Fiziologichniy Zhurnal, No 6, 197P-., pp 8C2-807 Abstract: The res-nonse of rabbits exposed to alm-in-Lensity .Ltrahijh.- frequency electrom-liGnetic field (m5- to, 6 v/m) for 6ej, -aayz itas M first 2 to 4 weeks -vere characterize(t by the utlmt;laltion oT cortical e I activity ir&nifeste#d by an intensification of the frequei,~ey of the alpha- vravcs on the IM-G. The second atage lasting about 2. weeks of in-hibitionp reflectiiS the appearance of delta waves.~ The iiaCnituAe of tho reaction varied directly with the intemity of irrh-diation.- 'Phere wem -wide differemes in the responces of the indivIdual anirmlS., In general,, however, the eyperi- ments showed that the cerebral cortex of, rabb`ts is hig,114~r scilsitive to a lov-intensity ultrahi&-frequency eleatront~gn6tic field's.. 83 USSR, UDC 533.6.o8;621-375.826 YEIRSHOV) 0. A., YERSHOVAI T STOLYAROVA, N. IN, and YARIN, L. P. "A Iaser Anemometer for ~!easuring Airflow Velocities" Minsk, Inzhenerno-Fiziche*Uy Zhunml, Vol 24, No 5, DIV 1973, PP 888-0,) Abstract: A description of a laser anemometer is prasented, together with some results of measur;,,nents of mean and fluctuating velocities in a free turbulent jet. It is shown that the experimental data are in.good agreement with theory and with results obtained by other methods-~ Irv-is testifies to the effectiveness of the proposed system of a laser %aemometer, and to the possi- bility of its use for measuring the:characteristies of turbuleint streamso 2 figures- referenceo. 107 I st,rd- _:Cnji~'-_ _f_----_''1 %Ref' Code ng 9,jiiFi ce: XP00499627 'QiDIICAL~ AB9T. 91K~ tj v 05527s Mtraviolet ab r dia'es. Ershova. T.: 1-;~ Eqhov, 0. 4.; - N'x-SQtSk1jL)L-._L, Stonik~ V. ~A_ (USSR)~ Op;.~ Spektrosk. 1970~ 280), 47-50 (Russ). Absorption spedra of acridine (1), 1,2Aihydroal-ridine 1,2,2,4-tetr~by;i~oscrioin~.(Ul), 1,2.7,8-tetrahydroacridine 1,2,5,6.7,9-hc3iihidro2icridiii~~ (V),~ and in octahydroacridinel (VI) verd scanned in the ranke"21 0-400 in." 10-1-110-63f Eto-R,,;6i~ hex-an .e.soins'. The e5e~.t of the sym- Mitry and size of ~ih6 i4l&tron System on the sockral pr6ppities of I analogs was thiii, Investigated. 2, The absorpti6n corresponds to 7 --~ Ir+ tran.%iti6ns in I-IV,-avedkz'n ~ 7 bank,was obsd. in the Spec6unt OUVI.,if235 rr~u- Tlie con6ltision~~Avas niade on' basis of the changes be6veen the spectra in solvents of different polarity. Redn. 6i th]4~...cQnjtigate m led ~ to 1*ypsucIrainic shifts in the series I-VL~~*The', forST50tte the conj~jated !iy"tem obvioilsly,affected the2sizd -of shift, -~ (The lonp6'vt abs6rption was,the saine in I and II; significant ~hifts.oc~uir~8 between 1, and 111, or IV und V.); 'Aimlojy~ botii~een the spectra of I analogs an& the correspondifig",COMpds. `,of 'the an'thraceiije sery(s was obsd. The effect of - the. -heterocyclic ~. N atom on~ the etectron sat~._ia, the v--Jcctroi,j,, system lsdbscvs~~. H.'Parizkova REEL/MW 7 Ni USSR U DC 612.017J.014.46-615.28 PERELYGIN, V. H., Professor, SHPIRT, M. B., ARIPOV, 0. A., an,,I Kirgiz InstItute of Epidemiology, Microbiology and.F-ygiene, ru "The Effect of Some Pesticides on Immunological-Reactivityll Moscow, Gigiyena i Sanitariya, No 12, 1971, pp 29-33 Abstract: Various immunological indexes (agglutinin titers, phagocytosis, peripheral blood, cholinestera5e,activity, skin test with morphine, protein spectriun, changes in weig7nt, and a o . f orth): 'were studied dynamically in rabbits and mice poisoned with DDT, TMTD (tetrathion),:sevin, orozineb daily for 6 months. Three doses were used: (i) permissible residual amount or dose in- sufficient to elicit changes, (ii) dose- sufficient to detect physiological and biochemical changes, and (iii) toxic dose. Immunobiologital reactivity proved to be- a fairly sensitive indicator of the effect 6f pesticides. Changes occurred even after permissible residual amounts.; although they were uot persistent. After a brief and slight decrease 6-r increase in reactivity, there waz a tendency toward normalization. Doses sufficient to cause initial toxic symptow resulted in decreased phareocytosis of leukocytes and sharp reduction in antibody ~titers and immtmogenic properties of blood Acrum. Large (toxic) doses usually caused, early! decompensation and 1/2 USSR UDC: 533.652/.661.oi3 SOLONIN, S. V., YERSHOVA, V. S., MAZOYER, S. I. "Determining the Minimum Flight Time Trajec tory of an 'Airplane by the Method of Dynamic Programming.With Regard tothe.Sphericity,,of the Earth" ozre"eorol. in Tr. teningr. gidr -ta, (Works of the Lening:~ad Hydrometeoro- logical Institute), -1971, VYP. 23 pp, 43-50 (from Ra,-Mekhanika, No 5. May 72, Abstract.No 5BLOO) Translation* The -Da-per deals with the problem of determining the minimum flld ith r g- d flight time trajectory of an aircraft in 'a variable vin, w e ar to the sphericity of the earth. It is important to account for the earth's sphericity on a long flight path. The method of dynamic programming is used to determine the minirmm--time trajectory. A, program, for coikou-ting the minimum-time trajectory in algol-60 is set up in ac,~ordance with the func- tionall equations of this nethod. -An,exathple~is given, of det'rr-ination of e the minimum-time trajectory for aspe-cific synoptic situation. Authors' abstract. WSR UDC:' 533.652/.661.011- SOLONIN, S. V., YERSHOVA, V. S.3 II.A-ZOVER, S. 1. "Determining the Trajectory of Mdnimum.Flight Time of an Airplane with Re- striations on Coordinates" Tr. LeninE. gidrometeorol. in-ta (Iforks of the Leningrad Hydrometeoro- logical.Institute), 1971, vyp. pp 36,42 (from FM~Mekhesiika, No 5, MaY 72, Abstract No 5B399) Translation: The paper deals with the problem of determining the minimum flight time tra6ectory for horizontal f light o an air'oraft in a variable wind field with restrictions on the phase coordinates., The metbod of dy- J namic proeTamming is used to determine the minimun-tive trasectory. A pro- gram. is given for computing a minimum-time trajectory in algol-60 algo- rithmic language, together with an example of calculation of a minimum-time trajectory for a specific synoptic situation.. All calculations were checked on- the _BESm-4 digital computer. Biblio aphy, of 6 titles. kuthors' ab-. 9r stract. 36 MININ OWN T -6r% UDC: 553.652/.661.013 SOLONIN, S. V., YEROSHOVA, V.- %ILOV, E. M. MAZOVER, S. ~I,, GAVE "Determining the Trajectory of Minimum Flight Time of an Aircraft by the Method of Dynamic Programming gidroneteo Tr. leeningr rol. in-ta (Works of! the Leningrad~,Hydrometeoro- logical Institute), 1971, vyp. 42, pp 24-35: (from RZh-4Mekhanika, No 5, ~:MaY 72~ Abstract No 5B398) Translation. The -paper deals with the problem of an optimum accounting for the, effect of a variable wind field on airplane flight. The authors f ormulate the problem of determining the trajectory along which flight from a point of departure to a point of arrival takes place in'rainiimuli tim.e. The airplane trajectory is plotted in a rectangular coordinate system. The method of dynamic programrmitirs is used to determine the minimum-time trajectory. In conformity with the principle of optimality on -,,hich dy- namic programming is based, recurrent relations are vritten out an,,' used for step-by-stql) optimization. A proV-am is given for det.errnininj, the in r-,l[,orithmJ'C minirlum-lin.,e trajectory by the medLod of' dynamda prog n(, language algol-60. The program contains aU operations w~d-ch inwiediately 1/2, .0141 U,,SR idrometecrol. in-te, 1971, vYP- SOLONIN, S. V. et al., Tr. Leningr. gi 42, ~pp 24-35 precede optimization: computation of wind velocity components, the flight path of the airplane, etc. An. example is given of calculation of the minimum-time trajectory for a given synoptic situation. The initial da-la for determining the minimum-tine trajectory were the values of the geo- potentiall taken at points of intersection of a.rectangulrix grid from a chart of absolute baric topography correspondi ing to the:flight e1titude. All calculations were checked on the BESM-4 comptiter. Bibliography of lh titles. Author's abstract. 2/2 34 uDc 54.691661.?Mi )TASTRYUKOVA, T. A. , SHIPOV, A. E.,, GORBENKO,, E. B. KAGAN, YU 3 1- YE MVA SPABANOVA, E. F. , - and SAVCHUM, K. 11. , Institute of*Heier Pch #Om"paounds, Academy of Scieuices USSR "A New Type of Selective Organopbosphorus Insecticides and Acaricides. 2. Hethy1dithl-ophosphonic, Acid Derivatives" Moscow, Izvestiya Akademai Nauk SSSR, Seriya Khimicheskaya, No 9, Sep 71, PP 2003-2005 Abstractt In an earlier article the authors pxamined a new type of selective insecticides and acaricides, viz. derivatives of mono- and dithioDhosphoric acids containing amino --cid rarAdues, their asters and riethylanides. The present article deals iiith an analogotis series of methyl dithio-chos- phonittes, obtained by the reaction of the corresponding chloroacetyl deriva- tives of atino acids or their cstc= with a-muonim O-Gthyl ncthyldithio,~hos- phonate ' It was found thst compounds of this series axe more toxic for arLboropods and warm-bloodcd animals tban the corre:spordlng dithiophcaphates. Sub-stances containing a free carl.bonrl group axoAhe leazt toxic. A stvdy of the insecticidal and acaricidal activity of the resultant compounds shows that they are more chax-acterized by acaricidal activity and tbat.they are more 66 IMTRYUKOVA, T. A., et al., Izvestiya Akadeaii Nauk SSSR, Seriya Rhimicheskaya, No 91 SeP 71, pp 2003-2005 active insecticides and acaricides than the co=espondlng phosphates, but M USSR UDC: 632. 95 Ye. A. YE SHOVA "Toxicodynamics of Some Dimethylphospbonic Acid Deyivatives Which Contain Poptide Bonds" V sb. Gir,.~ ~.ew~ prin-1111CIVIVO." toRsAwl. pest:i,t~5idov 1 ktinika "10, otrw,,l7,.____c1des -- Sai'ety e s-:111 USInCY uxology' and,the POi5on, Clinic--collection of works), v.,~. 9: Kiev, Y 6 i-y a No. 1.971, pp 1717175 (from RZh-Kb_ -7, Apr 72, Abstract Tranvlatioii: Tiia -int. io 11 vf: t c- r,, ac, of thr, 00(3 -Co' (I) in -,,itro ir, COTrppr4%tJLvC!.y low" jt!-j inject,~td '71 - J.,.6 miz J. develops llfte2' 0121~~! 39 VA Ill.! 4'C',:3, -In~i the--o i,; El J.5 i,_, th"C LA U1 S G Ld' tIU-I'l- '637-- if3 f'), ,j G 0 1 the ardinal with for c a17-18 tinz~a P. V. POT.'Ov. ::~_-USSR UDC: 539.1.074 GRAIVATIKATI, VI S., GRINEV, M. P. YERSHOVA, Z. F., KOZLOV, L. L., LITVINOVA, T. G., MIKHAYLOV, L. N1. PANCHENKOV, G. M. "Color Indicators for Visual Evaluation of Dose During Radiation Sterilization" Dozimetriya i Radiats. Protsessy v Dozimetr. Sistemakh [Dosimetry and Radiation Processes in Dosimetric Systems - Collection ol" Works), Tashkent, Fan Press, 1972, pp 113-118 (Translated fTo-.n Referativnyy Zhui-nal Metrologiya i Izmerital1naya Teklinika, No 3, 1973, Abstract No 3.32.1403), from the resume. Translation: It is suggested that a plasticized PVC film containing an acid- sensitive dye be used as a color dose indicator for the 0.1-5.0 Miad range. The sensitivity of indicators to radiation as a function:of film composition and dye used is studied. Color dose indi6ators are calibratCd LISing, the fcr-rosulfate method and calorimetry. A methodmis suggested for instTumental testing of changes in the color of indicators:using spectrophotometry of irradiated specimens, allowing doses to be.,nicasured with orrors of !:10-121. Practical recorunendations are presented for the use of color close indicators to.check radiation sterilization. 2 figures, I biblio. ref. 'Loll NEI t Pef Code: ACC Nr: Ab~iCi~.Ctin$' erv ce. 4f0048185 CHE~IICAL ABST4~.:j'-70 PA V/ 102491q Study of fro'n Oxi'dati6u- In dtingto~ate bythe -f- resomwce (Mot WttOIC It sebauOT) speqtolc meth..od, rshova., Z-. ---LP4*j--Da kin-A. U.; Pirfil'ev D'. _.estoroz era ,,.estoroz etrou 1460.6w, Geokkir4 0 21, 02-6 ~: miya 107 (Ruts).'.`iThe~ Fe a n. I Jiboj~ ttt w as~,Wdicd with-~ tng- ru fnplis~~ orn Krivoi s4 is d Rog by deta - of chern. and optical arac tj an -y~reso- ter '~The S of nance by the Maessbauer~ method'.' ~ The ssbauer area spectra were measured graphicill'y' The 't.. of et+ in ctun- am mingtonite, detd. fram~:the'spectral-artas. agreed:well wit6 the chern. dews. The value of ~ the' peak ~ am, corie~ponding to Fet,in the ,V4.position,z ernained,unchanged durink beati"g of cummington-te under A)rnatnk conditions U~ to the,*s6lid phaw transformation at 9W* 4&ompdtiied b~'th~, dishit~kratio;k of m1neral structure and f6rinaGoa of ~ekphase!i; rn~gn~siofetrite (UgFei0t) and hevnatite.. This substantiated thq~ S. Ghose theory (1961) on the',strdnger'W) bo '~d in' the Itton Oxidn. of Fe in cummingtonite dur I t~fiistink >60~oceufted at the expense of the and positi is, The degree of cummin'gtonite 'd , 'us temps. cail, be caled, axt n, at vario from the value of the spectral area.~ BLJR..j REEL[FRAME 4 197918W MR IMC rM.451226-162.32t542.336 YASIVYKV, V. G.j YERSHOVA. Z. V.s UTXINAjIO. N.j and CHMBOTAREY, N. T. "Debydratton of Berylliun Sulfate Tetrahydrate" Hoscowt Zhurval Heorganicheakoy Xhlnilp Vol 179 VYP 3o 1972-, pp 625-630 Abstracts The nechanics of the dehydration of BeS%-4H20 were followed at 0 temperatures of 25 - 340 C and pressures of I - 760 torr by ther-mogravinetry, x-rayp and differential thermal analysis. The hydrated nalt can lose one, two, three, or four of the water nolecules resulting in the formation of the tri-P di-I monohydrate, or anhydride, respectively. Solid solutions such as BeSOIOIL~O + BeSO were present.under certain corditions. The structure of 4 the tri- and tatrahydrate changes for the di- and monohy&mte Uipeding the overall dehydration reaction. The heats of dehydration for the reactions Be.894.3h 01 and DeS04.2fl 0 BeSO4-2H2.01 13eSO4-j" B0804.11 0 ext equal to 25,80 13#5# adl~-O kcalAolo rospoetiveiy. 10 - Nuclear Sciencea. And' Technology US51k h Z' V BOGDAPIOV, N. I. (Deceasea), FROM) G. M., BREZHTIEVA, N. YE.) KODYUKOV V. U., VORON0, A. 11.~I ICOZLOVf. LYM,,YU. A., NII=LOV, 'US=7. YU. V., St te CcL - B. ~ Ve, RAGOZ]21Sk-1Y-, A. I., FEDOROV, V, V.,~and:Ch a 'I mittee an the Use of Atomic Energy USSR, Fourth International Qonference of the United Nations on the Peaceful Use.of Atomic Energy,.Geneva, 6-16 Sep '(1 "Development of Isotopic Power Technology in the UW"R11 Moscow, Atomnaya,Energiya, Vol 31, No 4, Oct 71, PP 358-3055 Abstract: The construction in the USSR of isotopic th-ermDelectric generators forpowering oceanographic and navigation devices, hydrographLc, auuomatic -1c raj radiometearologgical, magnetic variation stations, higbelevation cosaii stations, and other scientific research stations and ground inztallations is reported on. The most suitable for fue! applications are isotopes irith a half-life period -within the limits 100 days to 100 years (approxi=-telY 50 iso- topes), of which 12-15 can be dotained in large'amounts. Most quantities of fission radioactive isotopes and also the most widely used radioactive Sr9O are obtained by processing radioactive.imste solutions. To simplify isolation of radiochemicall.y pure elements, including Sr9l), tLie group concen- tration method is used, ba.-cd on calcium oxalate precipitu.tion. The iz~.oLt promising technique is extraction separation of alkaline-carth elements wit.h the - I 'he followring extractants arf~ used: a isolation of pure ~t-ontiitn, He--e -I T USSR FRADKITi, G.M., et al, Moscow, Atomnaya Energiya, Vol 31, No 4, Oct 71, pp 358-365 solution of di-2-ethyllaexylortilophosDhoric acid in kerosene frc;m e- nitric acid rated-lum, and a solution of zial cylaldoxime in tributyl pho'~~Lhate f rom an alkaline (sodium hydroxide or Pm-,,monia) solution. Current y constaiuctica has been com- tl pleted For blocks with act vities in the teas and. hundre(i-s of kilocuriL-3 based on Celw~ (20,000 curies), Sr9o (9000-100,000 quries), azi(! 03F,137 (50,000-150,000 curies), and zf-1-so blocks baoed on pu238t p0216, CM242, C~jld COO(). The thermal capacity of these blocks lies within the range 1-1000 ~mtto. An -empirical fo= ula was derived and tested for the power yield in an isotopic (thermal) block. Also discussed is biological protection during development and construction-of iso- tope power sources containing kilocurie amounts of radi6active heat. In dealing with the conversion of radioactive decay energy, the thermoelec:tric meth--a was -ed at present:: low-temperatu;-es sc!rUcoziductor found to be mout fully mastei inaterials (uP to 30000 have been obtained witb. quite high efficiencies -s well as.medium-temperature (300-70000 end high-termperaAure (higher thanan 4, 70000 semiconduztor materials. Combiiiing different inaberials in the form o-f scade elements already permits attaituient of 12-15% conversion efficiency in prototypc-3, DemanzAs of minimum weight and size and also of lAttendant neutron arid gaivqva-radiation led to conotructiou. Of paptable e J. The unique-propertio-S 0 CrP24,' and 1,02`10 of the 141G-67 typo bas, d on Pu,:~3i specifle power yield ,aria falirly low-ganim-radiation inte~ni:: Y) mado construction of isot pic tLe~-nnoelq,,-tr1c gent-rators. u:31niZ converters ,'-Jit~h efficiencie2 of 8-M, in 1.he J00-3500K.rang,. USSR FRADKIN, G. M., BREMNEVA, N. YE., -V,, BOGBANOVi N. I. (Deceased), KUDYUKOV, V. 114., VOR0141114, A. ZLOV, A. I G. , 1,L-NLYKII, YU. A., NIKIFELOVl B, V., RACOZINSKIY, A. I.- FEDDROV -V. V. and CHUSIMIN, YU. V., state Comittee for the Use of Atomic Energy USSR "Advancement of Research in the Field of Nuclear Power E-gineering in the USSR,(Repart Presented at the Fourth United Nations International Conference on the..Peaceful Uses of Atomic Energy held.6.toJ6~September 1971 in Geneva) Moscow, Atomnaya energiya, Vol 31, no 4, Oct 71, pp 358-365 Abstract: This report cites data on the Soviet developm,,nit of the thermo- electric generators designed for feeding oceanographic and na-~igation devices, hydrographic, automatic, radiometeorological, magnetic variation stations, high-mountain cosmic ray stations.and other scientific research land stations. The report covers the scientific and technical fundamentals of such energy sources and cites the 6,haracteristict of.some generators. Disc-assed in so=e detail are various aspects ofradlio Isotopic fuels, Selection, properties, distinctive characteristics, evaluation, requirements, cost factors, availability, handling safetyfactol"s, and forms of applica- 1/2 -31 77777-- U5jSR FRADKIN, G. H. et al, Atomnaya energiya, Vol 31, no 4, Oct 71, pp 358-365 tion. The potential use of extraction separation of alkali-earth elements for obtaining pure strontium is noted. A table,lists the comparative characteristics of various isotopes having potr~ntial use in thermoelectric generators. Much consideration is given to topics dealing witli energy release in an isotopic unit, biological protection,, radioactive decay energy conver- Sion, thermal flow chart selection,and generator designs. Described and illustrated are some themoelectric generators of.variou,s designations (using 14.4 cs137 sr9g, PuZ38, cm242(pO210)) includin C e ng Beta-I;, Beta-2, Beta-C, Efir, Penguin, MIG-67 (portable-type),and generators with:c--sr-ade converters. (8 illustrations). 41~!~ 2/2 NMI' LMP', 6.12.398. DNA.CATABOUSH 1.11 ViE OR=4S OF RATS VVIDER 1HE !NFLUENCE OF DIRECUP ACCELERATIONS [Article by G. S. Komolt;W. V. F. Mnke-,eva, Te. V. Delik--, 1. D. Y-7t11 anti 1. 4. Ye~;rovj Mob' cow m! tr. a jLw ra;- I Mu,; -i I, Vol F."No 5, Si~ttztbar tobor 1972, pp 14-1t, submitt'd !or AV1,21 I AUSUut: Abutract-, E~pooure of rats to trr.-.u;-.crso accclo;ntion~ J5 g. it"partcd -or. six -minutes# r"ul;cd In it 20Z J "c r all in the DNA content in their splae~a and c-aused no clilinges In liver DNA content. The ex-,csure brought about ru vazliv- tions in Mast netivity In' tis~txe boaD-renate-9 or thvir- ou IpeIra aItan ts. total activit ,of the fr" and bound anzyme In the liver measured In the hozopaa~-e 4!EV- ~treattaent with Tritaij X-:100 was 17% lower in theexppr-- smantal onimals- than'ti the' controls. -Th ,ti, jli'Yoi cocherlical properties ef DNA ( le ular weight sod "condary struc- N at C ture) ~ from tissues of rimalo5 whit~b %~tr , antposea tz acccl- orations remained urkaltered in co-;arison v.1-th nc=ai "ev a accelcrationa cause functlo=jll, It is known thsE trah3vers icnI antl biotheracal shiftjn In the aninal, body. There 1& 4 dcf~rtze lotion between atructural imp3lr-munta ZCd bj4iCh"I MI C11R1;rC Jr. C of 41111nalts subjected to UpOt accalcratit)=% (M. 1. Razinnov and 1, An imalk oxhibtt a o'ecrease In oryrrn,ronceittration In thd Lit.~il.9 t;,Ii 1:01julto In a detrattoe in the lcvel ut rill m6spiretion lwitl~ of hypj.XLo (A. S. 34ror, ot al,. A xhortare of cause sit impaiment In functicn,.,tr, of ee~-! r.-Lmbranes. Data Moorek end Broody t;how that during liver hypoxia thtre. is a oxidative phomphorylation and.a docrc4se In the K+ level in 6-.e It I* aloe known that an oxygne shortaJ;e In the tinsue-tt caur4,r tr. membranes of lynasome" and mitochondria Kith an InpAlmont in ability (De Wye, 1959, 1960; Freditrik, Chevrcmont-Comhaires). Accordingly, acceleration In among the factors c4pable L.1 t7.zk1'-.g labile.the membranes of subeellular ntructuxes. The l4bilizatior, off llyi.,~- game M"bramen is Usually accompaniod by the rattitl& frie of cnn,,~Cs frc- gwo-~- nz/ T! Faad, Tzchnvlogy USSA UW---612-39Z.9:612.398.3-083 SLOn-MSM, G. L., BRAUDO, Ye.. Ye..,. )MRTANOV'.,L..j., TOLSTOCUZOV, V. B., BONDAMA,, E. S., and PLASHCMA,.I..~ nro'crator - of' Physics of Polymers, Institute of ElementoargamLa Compounds, AcadkzW: Of.. Sciances.USSR "Susce tibiJity of Proteir-s in. New: Fbad Products- to: Attack by Proteolypic p Enzymes Moscow, Voprosy Pitaniya, Yo 6, 197%~ pp; 25-~-3L Abstract: The susceptibility of proteins in. diffbrent kinds of synthet4C caviar (based on casein, evaporated. milk, ett~~) wnd. syn tlictic groats to atta&. by proteolytic enzymes of the gas trointes tinal tract in vitro was compared with the susceptibility of the original,proLein, mixtures used to make the caviar and groats~ The auscepLiblllty- of: proteins to attack by pepsin in all the kinds of czviar studied was-higher th;an that of the prGteinS in the original mixture. The degree~of:trypsin and.chymotrypsin protealysis of the pepsin--digested.proteins in.the caviar was equal to or higher than the degree of proteolvais.of thepepsin-digested original- protein m:LNtures. Vie degree of pepsin- prroteolysis- of proteins in the synthetic groats was equal to or lower than thedegree of proteolysis of. 1/2 -.1w M I., USSR UDC 621.375.7 PESKOVATSKIY, S. A., Tnstitute of Radio*Physics and Electronics of'the nian. SSR Academy of Sciences "Utilization of Andalusite in 'Warm' Paramagnetic Amplifiers" Gor'hiy, Izvestiya yysshikh uchevnvkh zavedeniy, Radiofizika, Vol XV, No 1, 1972,pp 38-42 Abstract: An experimental study was made of the population inversion of the spin levels of Fe3'1' ions in andalusite (Al SO j in the three-centimeter 2 . 5 range and the temperature range of 2-60* K. In this temperature range in an- dalusite, in contrast to ruby and rutile, there is still no noticeable effect from the two-phonon relaxation processes. The possibilities of using andalus- ite in masers operating at increased temperatures are analyzed. Experimental curves are presented showing that the inversion coefficient in andalusite even at the temperature of liquid nitrogen in the Lhree-centimeter range does not drop belew 2.0-2.2 which is at least twice as high as in ruby at the same temperatures. This means that in an andalusite mai;er in the three- centlineter rango it Is posnible to count on obtaining a noise temperature of 40-50' K at the temperature of 11(juid nitragen (77.4" v,). If the operating frequency of the amplifier is reduced and we go to the 10 contimeter range, 1/2 4~6_ !J, USSR YERU, 1. 1. , et al., Izvestiva wsshikh uchevnykb zavedexiiy, 2,(!Lof i?~ika, Vol X XV, No 1, 1972, pp 38-42 at the temperature of liquid nitrogen an inversion coefficient of 6-7 can be obtained and the noise temperature can be reduced to 20-215" K. With a favor- able ratio of the Hamiltonian constants Al.and A 2 (AI/A2 >> 10 that is, in the absence of the effect of the.upper, third doublet) it Is dicoretically -Tossible to obtain an even higher inversion.co6fficient at thelnitrogen tem- ~perature than at the helium temperature. 2/2 T HER IM 3 USSR UDC: 621-3T11: 530-1115. 6 I. PES KOVATSKIY, S. A. C-i"EMMS, A. 11. !"Paramagnetic A=lification in the Millimeter Range" V sb. Kvantovaya elektronika. Y an" Ele Qu tum I ctronics-colle ct ion of rks. No 3), kCiev, "Nauk. durnkal', -275 (from WO T9.69, -pp 265 FiZh-Pi, d.,oteklinika, No 11, Nov 70, Abstract No 11D344) Translation: Ile authors investigate the possibility of three-Level Dinpli- - -.3 ~ 1~ - -ion i fication on andalusite in the 3-cm band, and four-le,~el arjL.L.L~-~,eL n the 3-mm band. The basic characteristics are presented Tor which are developed. For.-J:nstance the described four-level amplifier on a frequency of 100.4 GHz provided Paramagnetic amplificat on of 30 DB ~n the, 5.5� 0.5 i 141z band. e charact ' Istic product With a space factor of 30 percent, th e,.r* 'Was 170-200 IKEZ. The magnetic field .5trengt h i .s:equal to 2,8 kilogausses. Me Do-.7er of illumination on a frequency of !16.6 GHz was no greater than 30 mW. It is shown that the andalusite ampliftei- has pard~aeters as good as -the best of rutile amplifiers, assuring pax tic amplif cation on the amagne highest frequency.-- 100.4 fzFz. A. K. T7MM H' !I!-: ll~ ;.I Lill qqz If 11:043 !;i HT.M."H H-1, ii-Ii ~RM! H" fifi HN111-iiii! I MRIM-1-H!"R 141H_.HH.,, 1, 0 I;_;,. Ace. Nr: fiM437(;7 Ref. Code: UR 0056 PRIMARY SOURCE: Zhurnal Eksper ental'noy i Teoreticheskoy 01 Fiziki, 1970, 01 58p Nr 3s PP f- -7)J THIN SUPERCONDUCTING FWMS IN A UHF FIELD. it. NONLINEA.R PROPERTIES OF THM"SUPERGONDUCTING PXTAIS INA Unr FIELD S Yeru, Kashchey, V. ~A. ; Peskovatshjy The nonlinear properties of thin Id < ).L (0), d < ~) lead, Lin and indium super- conducting films in a U11F field (WO 11z) are investigated expopimentnIly at tempera- tures between 1.5 and 4.2* X. The results which can ba explained by excitation of Cooper pairs via the energy gap by an URF current, agree Nvell with the pair excitation mocha- nism considered in the first part of the paper fill, despite the fact that the results were obtained with.fibm possessing a noaunliform coirent distrjbutjon~ along~ tbe film length. The results also indicate a now posslbjlity~ of obsening the behavior of the principal superconductor p2rarnelrui od mea5uriag their relaxation vate. J 1) UEL 10-977 174 NP.H. ~70111 0 W6 OMMIA 110=119MAM .. B-1750 USSR UDC 621.372.824 YERUKIIIMOV, A. Kh., SAVCHUK, L. L., TROK, R. A.* USOV, A. F. "Analysis of Optimal Relations in a Coaxial System with Combined Insulation" :,Flektrofiz. apparatura i elektr. izolyatslav mectrophysIcs Equipment and -Electrical Insulation), Moscow, Energiya Press, 1970,.pp 3~7-3192 (from RZh- Radioiekhnika, No 8, Aug 70, Abstract No 8B149) Translation: This article contains an analysis of optimal relations in a coaxial system with combined insulation formed by dielectrics with different dielectric constants. Three cases are investigated: a dielectric with a Smaller dielectric constant is applied to the internal electrode:, the external Clectrode and both electrodes simulzaneously. The auxiliary conditions are tric constant constancy of the thickness of the dielectric with. lower diclec. or constancy of the cross section of the.dielectric with higher dielectric .Constants., The relations permitting selection of the pararteters of the system which insures minimum field intensit- inthe:given dielecteic aro: obtained. -There are three :illustrations. USSR UDC 681.142.331 "Conversion of Input Analog Variables in Probability-Pulse i~jialog Computers" Novocherkassk, Izvestiya Vysshikh Uchebnrl;h Eavedeniy, hlektromckhan-lka, No IY 1972, pp 88-90 Abstract: The operating characteristics of a probability analog-pulse conver- ter and the possibility of functional conversion of inpu.t analog variables were-i-ovesti,-gated. The probabili ..pulse.'coding consists in conversion of the analog. variable a to a random series Z(L)., the probabili:Ly of the occurrence of, pulses in which is equal to a, that is, P(Z a, ZE-[O, 1). The utilization of a pseudorandom noise generator based on a shift re-is- ter with linear feedback in probability converters was. investigated. The errors introduced by using pseudorandom noise and the condition of obtaining unifom distribution are analyzed. Formulas are derivcd, showing that at the output of the probability converter a series is obtained with the probability of occurrence.of pulses proportional to the quotient from dividing the inpuL analog variables. Special consideration is given to solving to control problems 1/2 -_-i_-~-,'I:,I--- . i~ :,;7- -, il; -I -'1' '-'11' ."1 - . ~ , _- - ''I - USSR YERMdrMOVICH, V. M., Izvestiya Vysshikh Uchebnykh Zavedeniy, E'lektromek-hanika, No 1, 1972, pp 88-90 where the necessity arises for functional conversion of tile in-put analog vari- ables. The described probability analog-pulse converte--s can perfor-ri this operation with the help of functional decoding converters [PoluprovodnikoK,,~,e koliruyshchive i dekoliruyusbchiye preobrazovateli, Ener6iya Pi-ess, 19767] connected te tile shift re-ister with linear. feedback. The pseudorandom process at the. output of the functional decodiu~, convertemis investipated. USSR U~,'C: 621-396.677-861 UKHE.IOVT LCH, Yu. A. YER "Analysis.of Generalized Two-Mirror Antennas C, Moscow, Radiotekhnika, I-To 11, 1972, pp'61-70 Abstract: A detailed analysis is made of two-wi:i 'ror w t h various modif icat ions. The da-11a obtained is corip-red vi"a rc?--ait~ px-o7j.i-ation of of experiment. The analysis j..,3 conducted La an ap oi! the goometry geometrical optics, and. begin,,3 with a discussio-n of amtennas- struct-ured on the bnsia:of'C-eco--ld-OI'd(-'r cu-rv---,. An- tennaa considered in tile analy~Dis are generalized antenna-Z" i.n the wave front reflected from thc- smal"Lmirror ~s toroida-I c ovr C- ~s pondi-rig to two caustic curves: a focal rimg oJo specifi-ed aild that part of the axis o-.4L' syrimetry out by the ref."ectc-d rcys. Antennas with an innginary focal. -ing and hyperbolic geyleratrix nre discussed to'--ether with antel-Inas with real f ocal ri-rl,(,,s and ciii.,-;- tical generatrices. A Photograph of the 11-.tter-tuype of device is -han L. h reproduced. The author expresses his ii ks o G. Ayzenber,3 for his advice.