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USSR VITTIM, V. A., SOYFER, V. A.) YMOVICH, A. A. "Compression of Data in Experimental~Studies of 11bysical Fields" Avtomatika i Vychisl. Teklin. (Automation and Computer Technology], 1972, No 6, pp 61-66 (Translated from Refe-rativnYY Zhuynal KibeTnetika, No 4, 1973, Abstract No 4V311, by the authors). Translation: This article studies an,appToach to the problem of data compres- sion in experimental studies: of physical fields- repTesentod by exponential functions of two variables, using methods of adaptive discretization. Means are indicated for realization of adaptive discTetization algorithms, and estimates are constructed of the.expansions of these 'Eelds tinder adaptive noLse conditions, The relationship of.the problems of data compression with the physics of the processes studied is emphasized, increasing the effective- ness of compression. -it, r USSR UDc 615.4C-ii.6:615.li62]-015.2:64-281 PI=- Xh, N. S., KHOXWVA, V. A., andj;P~U~Igl*,,YA -stitute Of clinical IJ. VP In and Exper-imental Surgery, LeninGrad Instit-ate of le -R~s and Light Industry S. M. Kirov Eodified Cherdical Fibers" "Some Characteristics of the Antimicrobial Effect oLI Moscow Zhurnal IMzrobiolog ,,ii Epidemiolog# i Drmmobiologii, No 11, 1972, :'OP 96-97 Abstract: Pol-jrvi-nyl alco'hol. fibers iMrcgnated with letilan (nitroftarylacrolein) posseased an antibacterial effect toward S-Mphylocacci' which shar.ply increased after uutoclaving the filbers at 1.2 atm for 20 Inin, The 1r,--'UiI= in these fibers cuppressed the graith of all Pathogenic strains of Staphylococci V-nd of fvngi frora the Candida -enus in concentrationz of 10 rAllion microbial cells/1:a.. Letilan was also active apainst Escherichia coli in q-: co'-ricentration of 1 ndl- lion cells/nl, and apinst Proteus in concentration oC 100,OnO collsba. However., it was inactive against Bacillus. pyocyeaneus. . The ~antibactcriall properties of these fibeTs Dmregna, k, ated with letilan wi~re noL altered aiLer 24 hr eyposure to phyE~iologic -a solution,, alcohol, pis, tile, ;xIn--,. an,! (12-J heat at 1600C fo-- 11r. Meir antibacterial! activity sharp:~ r dl-:.~tn~e~lzed after con- tact ,-Ith blood. Similar effecte on microber, was obsezved. in the care of USSR PLOTIMIA, NT. S., et, al., Zhurnal Ydikrobiologii BpideAoIoE;ii i Irimiunobiolo-ii, 110 11; 1972, PP 96-97 polyvinyl alcohol fibers iliipra gnated T~,-Ith polyacn,lic acid contaijAng, neomycIn (14P or stmDtor,~,cin (12"'o). Tae fibers with newycin suppressed the growth of a larger number of strains than streptoirgein, although thei:r effect Jn liquid media was identica-I . Yhe antibacterial of fect, of these fibers (Ud not change after exposure to - siological Eolution, alco'-hol, urin-, bile blood, watoclairing, and boilinEr. The polyproj~ylcne fib-erq, Containing 0,5~6 CCI It"he J~P-O,,rth of Stan Y20COCCILS in a of 1-0-1(30 T'll Cells/Aal alla to a icsser extent of Eschericulia coli (',.-10 j.-dllions ceiis/n-1). These fibers did not lose their antibacterial. prupert-ies co:itact with blood, pus exudate, urine, bile, physiolo ical solut--or., autoclaving, and dry 9 Ij heat. However, boiling and alcohol killed their antibacterial propertics. The use of the above fibers as surgical IniateriaL is reco=.ended- 2/2 USSR VOL'F, L. A., GILLER, S. A., KOTETSKIY, V. V., I OS,-,,A PLOTKIN, L. L. , N and VI TT~VSKA~YAI. V., Leningrad Institute of Textile and LiShL Industry imeni S..M. Kirov; Institute of Organic Synthesis, Academy of Scien,es Latvian SSR; Leningrad Sever Manuf acturilig Society "Antimicrobial Fibers Produ,:!ed From Compounds of Nit.rofuran Series" Riga, Fiziologiclieski Opticheski Aktivnyye Polimernyye Veshchestva, "Zinatne," 1971, pp 150-154 Abstract. Acetylation pf polyvinyl alcohol (PVA) fibers with aldehydes of 5-nitrofuran series resulted in fibers capable of producing covalent ionic bonds, or coordination linkage between nue-dicinal substances and polymers. Ille nitrofuran compounds used in this work had the following chemical -structure: MKIF 99 M Ilu P' Hip -N USSR VOL'F; L. A., et al., Fiziologicheski i Opticheski Aktivnyy Polimernyya 'Veshches tva, "Zinatne," 1971, pp 150-154 0,N 0 0 'where R: C -CH(OCOCH3)2,. -C1 I= C-C W-CH3, -C'J'15) ell =IH11 -Sil."- - ell= M-c"W* - Among all compounds tested, 5-nitrofurfural (INF), 6-(5-lnitrafuril-2)-acrolein (NFA), and their acetates such as furazolidone and fuTagin were of greatest Interest. The icetylation of PVA fibers with aldehyde of 5-nitrofuran-series is- based an the ability of functional groups of polymer to react With carbonyl groups and to form acetylcyclobuthyleneglycol-.1,3 links according to 2/4 88 W !71 USSR VOL'F, L. A., et al., Fiziologicheski i0pticheski,Aktivny .I Polimernyye Veshchesxa, "Zinatne," 1971, pp 150-154 CF2 - CH - CUI- C~-' - In the case of acetates the reaction proceeds as N% C 0 The substitution extent of hydroxyl groups 'of P VA w as 18-25 uiole under optimal acevylatlion con6it-wns. Tha obtaired fibers t,.ere machanically strong, stable to sterilization by boiling, contained nu=--rouz,~ capillaries, and possessed high antimicrobial activity. More than 28Z of the aantibacteri;-il substances could be incorporated. into fibers. Experiments %,--LLb a natural 3/4 USSR VOL F L. A., et al., Fiziol.qgicheskii Opticheski Aktivnyy Polimernyye VeshIcLstva,"Zinatne," 1971,~pp 150-154 cellulose were not very successful. Only cellulose es ters were capable of reacti-ag with aldehyde of 5-nitrofuran compounds and forming useful fibers. Compounds of 5-nitrofuran series-were incorporated into polyamide, polyester, polyformaldehyde, and. polypropylene fibers, during their molding. The obtained -fibers possessed high antibacterial properties along with good mechanical properties. lkll of the fibers- can,be used for sutures, blood vessel sub- stitutes, contraceptive devices, And for,o0er medical. uses'. 4/4 USSR VITUL1.qKAYA,_R__V_, VOL'f, L. A., GILLER3 -S. A., YEdOROV, B. A., KOTETSKIY, V. V., PLOTKIN, L. L., and YANOVSKAYA, N. B., Leningrad Institute of Textile and Light Industry imeni S. M. Kirov;, Institute -of Organic Synthesis, Academy of Sciences Latvian SSR "New Fibers for Medical Use" Riga, Fiziologicheski i Opticheski Aktivnyye Poliniernyye Veshchestva, "Zinatne 1971, pp 145-149 Abstract: In order to increase the X-ray.contrast.effect of surgical suture materials, films and fibers were prepared from aqueou.9 solutions of polyvinyl alcohol (PVA) with addition of barium sulfate in various concentrations (0.5-20%). The beat contrast was obtained with 150 -0 PVA film containing 10 and 20 BaS04. A lower dose (1%) of BaS.04 did not ptoduce desired results. Sutures were prepared from PVA with admixture of pol'yformaldehyde, BaS04, barium chloride, and collargol. The pre ared fiberq. were thermostabilized p at 220*C for 10 min and acetylated in water.bath con'taining 20% B-(5-nitro- furyl-2)-acrolein and 20% 112S04 at 70C for 2.hrs. - The ready to use fibers were mechanically strong, stable in hot water (boilipit for I hr produced oniy 0% shrinkage), and possessed high antimicrobial proPerties., especially tcrdard 1/2 USSR VITUL'SKAYA, N. V., et al., Fiziologicheski i Opticheski Aktivayye Polimernyye Veshchestva, "Zinatne," 1971, pp~145-149 Staphylococcus aureus, Escherichia coli, Trichophytongroup, and other bac- teria. Good results were obtained with polyformaldehyde fibers W4th 5 and 10% BaS04, PVA with iodine-containing organic compotia.ds. The obtained fibers were used for the manufacttAring of suchi surgical materials,as sutures, cotton, nets, coatraceptiqe devices, etc., %inich. presently cape,. undergoing medical testing 2/2 87 112 029 UNCLASSIFIED iPROCESSING OATE--30OCT70 "TITLE--DIFFERE14CE IN CATALYTIC~AND:ELECT,R,OCHEtA~CAIL ACTIVITIE.e. OF S)400TH ANO.PLATINIZED PLATINUM ELECTRODES -U- .AUTHOFL--rVITVITSKAYAt G.Vs 'COUNTRY OF INFO--USSR Y_ '-.SOURCE--ELEKTROKHIMIYA 1970, 6(3), 432 PUBLI-SHED ------- 70 -CHEMISTRY ,_5 UBJ EC TAR EAS JOPIC TAGS--ELECT?OCHEMTSTRYv PLASTINUM ELECTRODEf CATALYSTr ACTIVATION -,ENERGYI CHEMICAL REDUCTION, CHEMICAL REACTION RATE, SURFACE PROPERTY ,CGNTROL~MARKING--NO RESTRICTIONS OCUMEnT CLASS--UNCLASSIFIED PROXY REEL/FRAME--1998/1140 STEP tiO--UR/0364/i'O/UO6/003/0432/0"t32 'lC;IAC ACCESSION NO--AP0121699 UNCLASSIFIE0 Z/Z QZ9 UNCLASSIFIED_ PROCESSING OATE--30OCT70 !;CIRC ACCESSION NO--AP0121699 ..At3STRACT/EXTP.A(;T--(U) GP-0- ABSTRACT. FOR THE CATALYTIC AND ELECTROCHEM. -:-DECOMPN. OF H SUB2 0 SUB2 (IN NEUTRAL:AND SLIGHTL~-' ALK. MEDIA)t THE VALUES OF THE APPARENT ACTIVATION ENERGY ON A SMOOTH PT ELECTRODE ARE 2.0-2.5 TIMES HIGHER THAN FOR~PLATINLZED.ELECTROPES. 'FOR A SIMOOTH PT 'ELECTRODEi THE VALUES ARE 9700 AND 20Y100 CAL-MOLEP RESIJ.i AND-FOR PLATINILED PT 4000 AND 8200 CAL-MOLE,:RESP. EVIDENTLY IN THIS CASE A DECREASE OCCURS IN THE RELATIVE RATE OF THE DECORP'N. PROCESS WITH ~DECREASEt SIMULTANEOUSLY'r JN THE ACTIVATION ENERGY, WHICH, INDICATES A MARKED.DECREASE IN THE VALUE OF THE PREEXPONENTIAL COEFF. IN THE ~:-.-:REACTION.RATE EQUATION. FACILITY: LENINGRAO. tEKHN(3L. INST. IM. LENSOVETAv LENINGRAD9 USSR. USSR VITYAYEV, Ye. Ye. GAITRILKO, B. P., ZAGORUYKO, N. G., SAIMOOVALOV, K. F. "Requirements for Prediction Algorithms" Vychisl. Sistemy [Computer Systems Collection of Works], No 50, Novo- sibirsk, 1972, pp 101-105 (Translated,from Referathrnyy Zhurnal, Kiber- netika, No 3, Moscow, 1973, Abstract NO 3,~V721 by the author-5). Translation. Certain requirements f6r..algoritlims for prediction of em- pirical regularities are formalized. USSR UDC: GELLER, V. M., VITYUGOV, V. A. "On the Problem of the Operatirg Stability of Distributed Power Amplifiers" Tr. Novosib. elektrotekhn. in-ta Oforks of the Novosibirsk:Electrical Engineering Institute), 1970, vyp. 2, kn. 2, pp 137-150 (from RM-Radiotekhnika, No 6, Jun 70, Abstract No 6D255) Tr&rislation: The operating stability of amplifiers is considered on the basis of -.-he immitance stability condition. An expression is derived which gives the sta- 'orm of the limiting permissible power amplification of the bility condition in the f S tage. It is shown that the use of triodes is inadvisable..becaune of low amplifi- cation stability. A number of recommendations are given on construction of the amp--,I*- fier circuit. Two illustrations, bibliography- of ten titles. N. S. USSR mc: 621.372.852.1 VASILIYEV, V. V., VITYUGOV, V. A. "An'Asymmetric Transforming Two-Terminal Pair Network Based on Coupled Lines as a Matching Element for Opposed-Rod. Filters" Tr. Novosib. elektrotekhn. in-ts. (Works of,the Novosibirsl:,Electrical Engineering Institute), -1970, vyp. 2, kn. 2, pp i5l_1551from RM-Radibtekhnika, No 6, Jun 70, Abstract No 6B211) Translation: The authors consider. the possibility of using a transforming link formed by short-circuited and open sections:of coupled lines ta:match opposed-rod filters. A computational method is given -snd the validity:of the procedure is experimentally conf-irmed. Six illustrations, bibliograpby*!of six titles. 11. S. PROCESSING OATE ..033 SS I ON NO--APO 142 72'a _VLs o F ~_46STRACT/ EXTRACT- (U) GP-0- A83MACT' . h E 0 1 FFAACT I UN u r- ViA. S AMPL I I UDE RUNNING FRCM IINFINITY AGAINST. A S- T AT i~ QX'~ A R Y Lj L I U 'JOCK OF -WIDTH LOCATED ON THE SURFACE..OF Llf."UID! I 5 IM VEST I GAT90. THE VE'LOCITY -POTENTIALS FOR N0KVALL.:..AN0 OBLIQUELY I.AkLOMING WAVES ARE CALCULATED BY THE-METHUD,OF JONES. fRj0,14_,A DEDUC.El) SYSIEll OF INFINI TE ALGEBRAIC -EQUATIONS AND THEIR REGULARtITY -CONDITIIION, 'FUNCTIONS CHARACTERIZING TFE VE T -LL;C I I Y PO ENTIAL: AkE DEk[VED i3Y'I*HE METHOD OF SUCCESSIVE APPROXIMATIONS.- THE~ DEDUCTUON OF:FUNGTIONS FOR THE, VELOCIfY POTENTIAL GF, A PAST WAVEP, THE~.M.OTL.CNI~CF~~~THE~L'14.IJ,,[P, UNDER THE DOCKt AND -THE fKEFLECT ED' WAVE Ai~E I-NDICAT: V-_j' -FORM ULAS:AR -1~ I VE -0~ T -E AND TRANSMISSICS4. CIJEFFICTt TS~. AND THE:'PRESSUkE OF THE LIQUID THE DOCK FOR.NCRMALL,Y INCOMING:14AVE'S AND Ilk- CUNDITION THAT THE :WITH THE DEPT14 OF OF TkE DOCK IS GREAT AN - COMPAR I SON. THElLQUID. 615 TR~ 18 6"t- OF THE PRESSUkE :10& FOR ~~Gl VEN: PARAMETEqS SHOWS -AR P THAT Tf-iE DOCK-AFFECTS THE-WAVES 1LIKE A~ DAMPER. 144E NONLINE RESSURE EXPLAI.Nt~t) By'-.THE! FA&T~ THO THE ODRODYNAMIC AND'. NOT THE _.HYDROSTAT I C, PRESSURE: IS CON~4-btiOi UNCLASSTFIED USSR uw 631-8 632-954:633 'UNCLASSITIED PROCESSING DATE--IlSEP70 ----"C19C- ACCESS ICN:,NO--APO 105522 ..~'ASSTRACT/EXTRACT--I,U) GP-0- ABSTRACT. VARIOUS ND-FE-AL ALLOYS W=RE ANN-EALED FOR,,250(~HR AT 500DEGREES AND-THEN QUENCHED. THE TERNARY COKPDS.,,~PSI -PRIMEj PSI# AND!N SUB2 WERE FOUND.AND THE TERNARY PHASE PHI 12 FE SUBZ,SOLIDi:Sl3LN. OF AL IN:THE COMPD.tND. SUL :~SUB17. THE PSI PRIME PHASE CAN-'BE-.,EXPRESSED. BY THE~APPROX. r-oRMULA ND,FE SUB2 AL SURE10. THE PSI! PHASE HAS A VARIABLE COMPN.~ NDFF, SUB3.3-4 &t SUB8.7-8, AND A ::TETRAGONAL~'STRUCTURE WHICH ISJHMN SUB12.TYPE. JTS LATTICE PERIODS VARY FROM A,EQtJA,LS 8.841,--C EOUALS-:5.05i C-!.-VEQUALS 0.,,,571 TO A EQUALS 8*78, C EQUALS-,-5'4,04 *ANGSTRO-M, -,~--A -0.~J~74'.~ THE',' STRUCTURE, Of JHE N SUB2 PHASE IS NOT,KNOWN, AND ITS COMPN. VARIES (NDFE:SUBI.2-..71.65 AL SUBO.,9-0.35). THE SOL I DSOLN.: NO SUBZ , (FE s AL') SUB 17 IS;CHARACTERIZED M A ONSIDERABLE C EXTENSION*, T14E MAX. AL CONTENT IN THE SOLID SOLN, IS~45 AT. PEPCENT. THUSf- THE- SY-STEM NO-F:F--AL IS VEAY`SIMILAR'TO THEIA-FE-AL SYSTEMS (0. S- '-ZARECHNYUKit ET ALv 1968)t AND-.THE~C rFE;~-AL SYSTI'-.M~ (O~ S. ZARECHNYUK7 ET BALI 1960'. u NCLA SIFIEM- t -7~ UDC 612.823.5 USSR _S K1Y,. 11, A.. , KROKM BRYTVAW 'Ya. M., YLL%~M. A qAL' S MMOVA, Z. 0., pop MROVA, I. P., POP and SLOVODYAAY.M' Chair of Pathological NIKIF Physiology, Vinnitsa Madical Institute." "Functional Response of Different.Sections of the B,:ain to Extreme Stimuli" -653 Kiev, Fiziologicheskiy ZhurnaI, No 5, 19.71, pp 644 Abstract: Experiments on cats and rabbits showed that electrical activity of~,the cortex and subcortex respiration, and arterial pressure are dependent on-the original and present functional state'. of the uervous~ system. The effects of,prolonged compression of softitissues, increase&intracranial pressure,, alcoholic intoxicati6n,.asphyxia' blood lossi and various fom-s of hypertension were studied. Functional shifts were induced by preliminary injection of amphetamine sulfate~cvr~chl*orpromazine,.e.Lectrocoagulation of the-anterior hypothalamus, and denervation,of the.sinocaroti4 and aortic vascular zones. Along with generalized' and 'phasic re~ictions~ of electrical activity, cortical-sL,'t)cortical-dissoaatioiis,',occurred~t4i th signs of induction of.the-adjacent regions.. A stress,, rhythm'appeared. quite ofrdn,in the dien- cephalon and brainstem. The onset;and course~-of-the experime~intal pathology andaccompanying electrical activi y1 werik! deny--on7both the original and epen USSR, UDC 581-132.8 VOSKRESENSKAYA', N. P.; V1YL1__Yu__,A_. GRISUTNA,,G. S.; PYARNIK, T. F.;.Institute s b :imeni of PI A Timiryazev, U, SSR i And In t''tute ~ of, Flaperimental Biology, Academy of Sciences i ces Est oriian SSR j! tlarku -Academy of Scien 3. c s of the Photosynthesis "Distribution of Tracer Carbon Ui.Produ t in,Bean Plant Leaves in Red-.apd~_iBlue:, Light .6apending on the Content, of Oxygen in. the Nddium"i Moscow., Fizioloriya Rastdnk~ vol::.18, No 3, Kay/Jun 71,, PP 488- 93 493 C14 Abstract: The intensity of--ohotosynthesis 02 metabolism were studied in experiments on bean.plant (Phaseolus sp.) leaves in which discs from the,leaves were exT)osed to CA-02 in red or blue light in air and N2. In air on,the light Dlateau, the intensity ol" photosynthesis was. theisame in r;..Od- and blue light. J ut to a greater It was increased in either kind df-ligh' 'n 'p, b' extent in blue thar jght~activated red light-.1 In air: blue I incorporation of C14 into..glyein s_,P_nin6,.as-partic ~,serinq. 4i~~ inclusion acidi and glutamic acid,,while ibiting it- as~ 1/2. IN MP1 11MMIM. IBM USSR ~Rast6niy, V VOSKRESENSKAYA, N.,P.,~etal, Yiziologi~ ol,18, 'No 3,~ may/Jun 71, pp 4~844 93 compared with red light,,, into starch. In 12 in either kind of light there was a change in the principalpath~bv, which C left the Galvin cycle; the -.rray. over phosphoglyopric acid was activated (particularly in red, light),-whi-16~ that oir!6r glycolate was inhi- bited. The activating affect of b1lue lights on 'the inclusion of 014 into the amino acids mentioned above ~,;-as re"tained in N2, being increased greatly. in the ~case, of: serine. ~ Furthen-niore, blue light had an activating effect in N2~0-n the incorporation of C14 into phenylalanine, while x-educing greatly, vs. red light, the incorDoration of C14 into alanine., Th,a~inhibiting effect of blue light on the biosynthesis of starch disappeared in N2- While O~ had only a small effect on.the activation of the~bio- synthesis of amino acids,by~blue.lidhtj it~'elnhanced greatly the inhibiting effect of this light;=-the'synthesis of starch. The reasons for the latter -ohenomenoh:are not.quiteJalear. 2/2 22 USSR VDC 576.095.14:577.391 19.;p~L~OVA -Lt., YkNOVSKAYA, Ye., and ZHESTYANIKOV, D., .Laboratory of Bac- teriophage Biophysics, Institute of Biophysics, Cz Iechoslovak Academy of Sciences, Brno, and Laboratory of Radiat .ion Cytology,, Academy,of Sciences ~USSR, Leningrad Postirradiation Recovery of Cell III Survival of Escherichia coli in the Piasence of Dark Repair Inhibitors-Under Various,GrtyArth Conditions After UV- and X-Ray Irradiation" 2* pp 113-3.20 Leningrad, Tsitologiya, Vol 14, No 1, 197 Abstract* After irradiation with X-rays and ultraviolet light, the maximum survival of E. coli containing.5-hromouracil in their:DNA is significantly decreased, The sensitization-factors it%.LD -L 53 mDgo are 2.471.6 in the, complete -the minimum U- ed um. However, when the cells medium at 44*C and 3.0-2.0 in are grown in the complete medium -at .19. and% 170Ci~- the fadiosensitization effect of . 5-bromouracil -is insignif icant: the'. sensitizatioiv f actors are 1. 0-0. 9 and 7 j: 1.0-1.2 at the respective temperatures.afterLUV irrae1ation and 1.3-1.2 and 1.7-1.5 after X-ray irradiation. When thepostirradiation growth proceeds in the complete medium containing 0.3% caffeine, the survival of the bacteria is somewhat reduced at 44'C but unchanged-at 19. and.37~C.~, Acriflavine added to the,.nutrient media decreases the. survival of UV- and Xr-wray-irradiated bacteria 1/2 75- USSR UDO 62 1. z82.2 V.I., 71-4-1,1- A A "Semiconductor Diodes For'FrequancyAlfulti li ation" 'P, ~C V eb. Polup.rovodn. pribory I ikh primeneniye, (Semiconduator Devicee And Their Appli,cation-Collection Of Yorks),!No 23ji. Mo scow )':456-v. r~d io,' 1970, pp 82-108 (from RZh- -51ektronika i yeye prime'neniye, ~No 12, December 19 0, ~.bstruct No 123148) Translation: Various m-eahunismB,for frequen omultipl1i;-,'-'Jtion:ura conaid0red and the CY most.promieing trends are shown in the developi4ent of a-imiconductor devices intended for.fre ic El n quency triltiplictition-som onductor:dio,dea based:;Ion voriable capacit ce, semiconductor diodes beteed on the effect of charge storage, and combined vericaps. Baeic-resulte are considered which were attained abroad In the: development, and use of multiolier semiconductor diodes b9sed on silicon and ~,611iuqj arsenide, us well as typical desipme of devices and the methods for their the basis of an analysis of development, the basic trends. in,'~ thi. developet6nt ofi devices inAhe next years are. shown. 16-111.1 10 Tab'~- ~6 ief,',6 -r ME= USSR no 6p-i.374.4,029.65,621.382.2 ]1JZJ1,'.._A.A_, N%A.VRGTe1_.IY, V.I., BERLIN, A.B., KEOITINNA3 L.A., VORCFxEi'-x'O' V.P. hTrequency Niltiplie re Based Cn GaAs Die Ole aFor lift.1limeter Wavelengths" Radiotelchn-i-ka i elel-tronika, Vol XVIII 'No 6, June 4972, pp 1~'7-15~9 Abatract. . The results are presented of a study of rf reqv,-.ncy triplers and clued- ruplers of millim-ster wavelengths (27:r~6 GHzY based on Gaas diode$. The subject -4 0.4 pf, of the stu dy visa diffusion diodes with junction capacitance 0 V.1~... 4%.0-6 'r-6v = (Cp-n . Re) = 0.6--0.8 nsec ~and:la breekdolin 0 v in an ordinary meialceramic casing; and also diodes ~with ~:R metal- eer~i conductor barrier with 0 0.5--l.0 pf, -in voltz);;P. of 17-24 V OV 0'5__p~8: nsee and E~~ Ibreak.dos (in a small-eize metalcer9mic 'caoing). 1he experimental study of tho diodes was pide "crona overlopo [kreat conducted in a f requency multiplier of -the wave,- ef, have a h.1 -1ciency Eind a antie- vnakhlest] type, with open circuits which A L factorily high outrmt power It.19 oho n:that. on Thai base of GaAs diodes with a mete 1-- e-3micanduetor *hai-rior avid sl6o of difilu!3ion, '~aAe diodelf] it is poseible to create effective frcquenCyLvultiplis~a'. for -miMizoter vavulen~ths. '11110 principal roaulto of tho work wer* ropprto,4 at 1971 Eurepcan 1,iicrowave Con- forotm. fig. rer. Rocoived by edit ore) ~9 SdplLezbar 1971. L 183 USSR LDC 612.374.4.029.6 KOZLOV, V. A.$' NAVROTSKIY, V. I., andNIZEL', A. A. "'Study of the Operation of a Varactor!Frequency Doubler at the Temperature of Liquid Nitrogen" Moscow, Radiotekhnika i Elektronika, Vol XVI, No 3, ~Iarch 1971, pp 441-443 Abstract: This paper contains the results of an experimental study of the operation of a germanium diffusion diode frequency doubler.with an output of 20 gigahertz at 77*K. The frequency doubler was designed as a cross.wave guide overlapping a diode operating under no-load conditions. The amplitude characteristics of an ordinarydiode fiequency doubD~r and~one made of diodes operating at low temperatures are compared,: a-Lid the ctutput power of the fre- quency doubler is presented as a function of temperature. From these data it is clear.that no improvement of thecharacteristir-s.of the ordinarv doubler is observed on lowering the temperature-to.77.'K., The.conclusion is drawn that ordinary parametric germanium diodes can be-used to d-Velop,cooled signal sources if the frequency multipliercan be~tuned at 71;'K, and their efficiency in. this case is - approximately e4uaI to, the 6f fitiency ~'pf a multiplier at room temperature. The efficiency of the f req'~enqy doub lei itith diodes designed USSR 1 374.4:'62:1.382--':) UDC: t62 TABACIRTI-KOV, I. Ya., 1 .R. KAUTSOV9 S. P. , VIZE V , A. A. "calculation of the State of a Varactor in a Parallel'Frequency Multiplication Circuit" V sb. Poluprovod-n. pribory i ikh primeneni-,ve, (Semiconiuctor Devices and Their Application-collection of works) Vyp. 23, Mloscow~ `30v. radio", 1970, -Du 172-191 (from RZh-Radiotekhnika, No 10, Oct.70, Abstract No 10025) Translation: Formulas are derived which.can be used to det' -fficiency, ermine the c input and outnut impedance, and also the'external bias .voltage across the semd- conductor diode, in a varactor with gradu~al:and sharp Junction from the breakdown voltage, inmayinun frequency and canacitance for doubling,', triplinp, and quadrupling the frequency in a parallel circuit. A theoretical comparison is rar-de of the ef fectiveness of a semiconductor diode vith sharp and griW al Junction in a frequency U doubler. , .-T3 &-i-odes with abri, er~mientai investigations of 's miconductor. pt Junction in a frequency tripier up to 10 GHz, and ~ emi conductor diode~s~ with f,,red F I Iunc+ on %. A -h th in a doubler in the decimeter wavi-length ]range, shaved a6-,reerrent uit ne proi::;o~ed -or---txt~Ltir,"al formulas. B-7bliograp fnine titles. quthorsl abstract. --32 -.4 USS R UDC 621. 74 44 3. JJAVROT~SKIY, V T, VI Z:..T, A. A. NOIRONIENIK0,; V. P. E:Yperizental, Investigation o M ti'~iiers Ba::-ed on Semiconductor Diodes f Frequency ul, in- the 16-10 GHz Frequency Range". V sb. Polurjrovodn. -nriboi- - i ikh prinvenanize (Semi con duc, ~c r Devicez; and '-f h e y Application--collection of works) Vy . 23, Moscow, - "Save radio", 19'~O, _),i~-26o P (from RZI-i-Radiotekhnika, No 10, Oct :70, Abstract.111o IOD26) Translation; The authors giie the results ~of an experim,~Iltal Anvestigatioll --)J, some types of, germanium axnd gallium arsenide diodf,.a for the ciu;(! ot' operation in ~he frequency doubling, tripling and quadrupling mode in varlou,-;, waveguide multiplier with parallel waveguid~s and "crossea. anal overlapped." He- latiorships are given for the output power i?f the harmonics as a function~of the input pv-wrer and 'as a function of.the input signa:l. Biblio,S.raphy of twelve titles. Authors' abstract. USSR UDC,661.718.1' + 547.77 ARBUZOV, B. A., VIZEL', A.-O., IVANOVSKAYA, K. M., and GOL'DFARB, E. I., Institute.of Organic and Physical Chemistry imeni A~ Ye. Arbuzov, Academy of Sciences USSR 'IReaction of 2-Oxo-2-chloro-3,3,5-trimethyl-3.,2-oxal)hospbolene-4 With Ethylene Glycol" Leningrad, Zhurnal Obshchey Khimii, Vol 43 (105), No. ~10, Oct 73, pp 2134-2137 Abstract: The reaction of 2-ox.6-2-chloro-3,3,5-trim,a'thyl-1,2-oxaphospholene- 4 with ethylene glycol was studied under.various conditions: with or without solvent, different ratios of the reagents, with or without triethylamine. In'all cases only one acyclic product was obtained- .2-oxo-2-(1,1-dimethyl-3- oxobutyl)-1,3,2-dioxapho4holane, b.p. 140-141*/0.01 mm, n~O 1.4727, d2o 4 1.2221. Formation of a cyclic dioxaphospholane structure requires more vigorous reaction conditions. 23 USSR i UDC 547.26'11 VIZEL', A. 0., KRUPNOV, V. K.,,ARBUZ6V,- B. A., and FADEYEVA, L. M., Institute of.,Organic and Physical Chemistry imeni A. Ye. Arbuiov, Academy of Sciences USSR-- "Production of 1-Halophospholenes With aTrivalent Phosphorous Atom and Syntheses Based on These Compounds'l Leningrad, Zhurnal Obshchey Khim~ii, Vol 43~(105), No 10, Oct 73, pp 2137- 2143 Abstract: A simple, one stage'synthesis of 1-halopholvpholenes with a tri- valent phosphorus has been-describdd based-on the reaction of a conjugated diene hydrocarbon with phosphorus trihalide and white,phosDhorus, best results being obtained with the reagent.ratio of.3:1*.:!,. The products are very reactive compounds which could be used,in synthesis of,.novel phos- pholene derivatives; ethers, thioethers,'and,amides vith trivalent phosphorus; they also react easily,with-co'ajugated dienes via a 1-4 cycloaddition, yielding novel spirophospho ium salts-the cyclic phos- n phonates obtained undergo easily the &rbdzov:znd Perkoir rearrangement reactions. USSR UDC 542.91:547.1'113 ARBUZOV,, B. A., 11USLI1 AL NKIN, A. A VIZEL'._A~ 0., KOV ENIKO, V. I., VYRINA, N. N., and KAPUSTLNA, N. M., Institute of.Organic.an4 Physical Chemistry imeni A; Ye. Arbuzov, Academy of Sciences.OSSR "Phosphol ne Glycolacrylates and'Some e of Their a-Subatituted Analogs" Moscowi Izvestiya Akademii Nauk SSSR, Seriya KhimichEiskaya, No 8, Aug 73, pp, 1828-1833 _Abstract:- Experimental results'are reported on the sy-athesis of new acrylic derivatives containing organophosphoric het6roring --.~phospholeneglycolacrylates and some of their a-substituted analogs. These products were obtained by re- acting 1-chlaro-l-oxophospholp-nes with glycolmonoacrylate and a-substituted acrylates in inert organic solvents,,in presence of triethylamine as an- acceptor of HC1. Several synthetic routes.have been.proposed for the syn- thesis of phospholeneglycol-a-fluoro.acryl~tes.- I'- - USSR UDC 547.76124it542.952.i AIRBUZOV, B. A., VIZEI-#--A.-- I GINIYATULLINS R. 3.p and SHCHUXINAt L. Lt Institutelof c and Physical Cheiistry imeni As ye. A.rbuzovs Academy of Sciences USSRg Kazan' rophosphole.nes, in Presenct of Phosphorus Trichloride" '"Isomerization of 1-Oxo-chlo RiZa, Khimlya Geterotsiklicherkikh Soyedinenly# No 12,0 Dee 71, pp 161e~-1619 Abstracts. The effect of phosphorus trichloride on I-odro-1-chlorophospholenes Was studied. Heating the phospholenes tq 130-1600 in pimsence of PC1 leads to a migration of the double bonds , phospholones-3 m!,ieonverted to d3rivatives of phospholenes-2 at a high conversion yieldi~ The xev6rse process is difficult. Further experiment-s have shown.that.dzy hydrogen chlorLde istincapable of causing simila double bond migration. No migration wais observed also in case of 3-methyl- and 4-methylphospholenes, Anotberwords Lring,the synthesis of phospholene derivatives# Izomerization, my,. occur dudl~tto the presence of P01 leading to a mixture of products*~ USSR UDC .547-l'.118'112 ARBUZOV, B. A., 6' IN;SA* H., RUMM, 0. A.# and t& I ZVERWA# Mo A* p s,ti je"o ~=T=b Cal Cheldstry4meni A. Ye. Arbuzovg Academy of Sciences MR- wl-HaIoge -1-thioxophospholenes" n Mosoow, Izvestiya Akaderaii Nauk SSSRj Seriya Kh1wiches1mya', No 11 , Nov In PP. M9-2493 Alratracts For the purpose of synthesizing Isomeric l-halogen-l-thioxophos- pholenes and studying some of their. properties, the authors Isolated three pairs of isoxers containing chloxine and bromine at the pbospborus atom. The chlorides were obtained by the interaction ofthe correvoonding isomers of i-chloro-i-oxophospholene with,P2S,v the interactionof the diene adduct of phoaphorus tribromide with H28. A mixture of~.Iisomers with a prepon- Aerance of 3-phospholene was formed In thlo'case, All t1to proilucts were con- sidered pure vhen further distillations failed to ch=-ge physioebemical abarac- teristics and their IR spectra containad no! vI&w of Isonoric products, IR and Banwwapoctra were taken of the oxygen- and'laulfur-contaifilng dgrivatives of 2-phospholona and 3-phospholene ani their dipole,mozents dstermlned,, -.78- USSR UDC 54~-91i661-718.1 ARBUZOV, B. A.t RAKOV* A, P., and Z"IBI A Institute of Organic and em Physical Chemistry imeni A. Yo. Ar uzovi, emy ofjicienc6s USSR, and Chuvash State University imeni 1. N. U11ya'nov "Phospholenols and Other Phospholene Derivatives" Moscovi Izvestiya Akademil Hauk SSSR# Seriya Khimicbeakaya, No 9, Sep 71, P.P,iggg-2002 Abstracti The article describes a method for the one-stage aynthesis of .2-~phospholen-4-ol derivatives by the reaction of 3-phoopholene derivatives with peracetic acid in the presence of alkali metal salts. The hydroxy group of the phospholenes is highly raactive, uhichmakes it possible to obtain other phospholene derivatives. Acylation'with Acetic anhydride and oxidation with chromic acid gave the unsaturated heterocyclic ketime 2-phospholen-4-one, which was then converted to its 2p4-dinitrophenylbydrazone. 52 USSR UDC 542.91 + 661-718.1 ARBUZOV, B. A.. RIZPOLCZIIENSKIY, N. I., VIZEL't A-~O-, IVANOVSKAYA, 'K. M., 10KHAMETOV, F. S. and GOL*DFARr,' E. I.-, IEs"Viftute of Crganic and Physical Chemistry imeni A*,Yeot ~Arbuzov, Acad.. Sc. USSR "Synthetic Routes of 1,2-Oxaphospholene Derivatives in the Reaction of ~.-Ketoalcohols With Acid Chlorides of, Trivalen't Phosphorus Acids" Moscow, Izvestiya Akademii Nauk, SS$R,,~Seriya Khimicheskaya, No 1, Jan 71, PP 117-125 Abstract. In studying the reaction of P-ketoalcohols with acid chlorides oftrivalent phosphorus acid, a series of 1,2-oxapho.9pholene deriva.. tives,was obtained. The reaction too],, :place in. several definitely marked stages. For example, dropwise ~addition o.f phenyldichlorophoL!- . cooled diacetone alcohol resulted in in initial exothermic reaction producing a precipi-tatei the liquid portion becoming yellow, and an odor of mesitylene oxide becoming ~ noticeable. The second half of the process occurred slowly, the ptecipit~ite disappeared, the reac- tion mixture becoming again almout colorless.- WhIn the-volatile pro- USSR .ARBUZOV. Be A., et al., Izvestiya Akademii Nauk SS,, Seriya Khimi- OR cheakaya, No 1, Jan 71, pP 117~425_ ducts were removed, the re ac ti on mixture crystallized, and finally liquefied again on distillatione A.five stage ~'mechanism has been Troposed7for this reactiont the first-stage consisting of an alco- holysis of acyl chloride leading*~to the fomation of an acid which then reacts aith move starting. inaterial to -produce a new acyl chlo- ride, a very reactive compound which 1 adds rapid.~Y to the unsaturat-ed ketone follned in the first stag-e to-~yield a ketochloride RP(!G)Cl-CR2Cii2CUCF1 which lsomeriz6s to .1,2-6x;R'ohosPholane. In the final step a molec2e of dCL are'not conjugated yiel#ng 1 l,,2-oxaphospholene. 2/2 63 212 014 UliCLASSIFIED PROCESSING DATE--230CT70 IR.C ACCESSION NO-AP0100206 GP-0- ABSTRACT.' 314oEPOXYPHOSPHOLANES ARE ISOMERIZED IN.BASIC MEDIA TO 21 P HOS PHOL E N 4 v 01- STHE UNSYM. MEMoERS FORM-THE ISOMER WITH PRED01411NANT TERTJARY HO GROUPING. TREAJING 3tETHOXYp3fOXO,,6t3,OXAP140SPHABICYCLO(~.I.O.IHE~A.NE kilTfi ETONA-ETOH 12 HP., THEN REFLUXING 25 HR, GAVE.ON,ACID[FICATION 141TH HCL 74PERCENT l*ETHQXYvlOXOv2tPHOSPH0LENt4r I0L:(f,);(R EQUALS'~~ETOt~'R PRIMEI EQUALS R PRIME2-EQUALS H)i 8 SUBO.03 141-3DEGREES, N PRi'~:ME20 SUBD 1.4950t 0 PRIME20 1.2294. Itt4ETHYLt3tETHOXY,3wOXOt6t3rOXAPHOSPHAP.ICYCLO(j SIMILARLY ~1.0)HEXANE GAVE 53*3PERCENT It ETO, Ht ME# B SUBOA.045 116-17DEGREES, 1.4860, ~1.1672t AND 4.4PERCENT It.ET0v ME.r.HjlB*SU80.035 139~40DEGREES, 1.4960f 101799. 1,5,DIMETHYLt3,ETHCJXY9.3#C3XQp6r3vU,'(AP,-iC7SP!iAtliCYCLOt3-1.0)HEXANE HEATED WITH-Af-OH-ACCNA- 15 HR-GAVE- 35PERCENT' I i~ ETC, MEv ME# B MO.'03 .138-9DEGREES, 1.4908, 1.1501, WHILE l15tDlMETHYL,3,PHENYLt3,OXOt6*t3,pOXAPHOSPHASICYCLO (3.1,.O)HEXANE HEATED WITH-ETOH-ET SUB3 N GAVE 50PERCENT Itt Nit MEt ME.t' 01. 198.5-9.50EGREES. ETO, ~ MEt It, OXIDIZED WITH K SUB2 C-R ~ SUB2 0 ISWIZ-H SU82 SO SUB4 TO A C-R,UD-E CARBONYL COMPD, WHOSE 21490,TNITRUPH.ENYLIiYDR;tZONE-,,, M. 184-5i)EGREESI WS TUENTIF10 AS Its. UNCLASS IF IM. USSR UDIC 629.78.0,~5:533.6.015.04 VIZELI Ye. P I'Study of Free Vortices on a Short-Span Wing with rnd Plates Near Screen" Uch. Zap. Tsentr. Acro-gidrodinam, In-ta (Scientific ',,,'ritings of Central Aerohydrodynamic Institute] , 1971', 2,' No 3j pp 12-19. (Translated from Referativnyy Zhurnal Raketostroyeniye No 1, 1972, Abstract No 1.41.119, from the resume). Translation: Results are presented from studies of the spatial distribution of velocities near a wing with elongation X=0,72 in the area of an end plate, Ilie.basic pecularities of flow around the wing resulting From the shielding effect are determined. The experimental'values of velocity are used to determinethe circulation of free.vortices'and its dependence,on the position of the wing over the shielding surface. ~5~figs, 5 bib'l,.Io refs. USSR WC 615.~837.3s6l6..12-002.Zt6l2.017 BATYUKt D. F,t and VIZEMIKO, L. V.,~Kiev Scientific Research Institute of Otolaryngology "Some Criteria of Immunological Reactivity in Patiei~its With. Chronic Tonsill- itis During Ultrasound TreatmenV1 Kiev, Zhurnal Ushnykh Nosovyk i Gorlovykh Bolezneyj ~;'o 2, llar/Apr 71, pp 38-46 Abstracti, Ult ound is used to cure chronic tonsillitis. It has been observed that low-intensity ultrasoundiwaves activate biological processes in the tonsils. The present study was made to axamtma the. eff eot of ultra- sound on the specific and nonspecific immunological activity of the palatine tonsil tissues and to determine the time when certaixt ~ changes occux-red, Forty patients 12-50 years, old who had been.afflicted,~'for 2-15 years vere iii- eluded in the studyl 31 patlents~had the subcompensated form and 9 had tho decompensated. form of the disease, The dyoamics.of tho'cellular compoeition of the contents of the tonsillar lacunae ww Studied. ~,For this purposep the patients -were divided into tifo groupist A.-group of persons nore than 19 years old whose cytograms showed a low lymphocyte and nentrophil cbnt--nt before the ultrasourid treatmentl the other group consIsted of pAlOnts ard 12-19 ithose tonsillar lacunae contained larger counts, of.. the above 4'ipecies. The changvs USSR BATYUK, D, V.9 and V1ZERWKOj L V.s Zhurral Ushnyk1v11oso*ykh i Gorlovykh Bollezneyt no 20 har/Apr 71, Pp j&46 affected by the ultrazound-treatment in both groups,of patients were tabulated In detail. In the fIrst group, the amojnt of epithelial calls in the lacunae was reduced and yo-ang lynphoid cells were observed, ~ In the second group practically no change in the amount of epithelial ce.Us was affected by the treatment. The latter caused 9, considerable decrease in necrobiotically altered noutroDhils and an increase in the number of phagocytia neutrophile. Stinulation of i=unological activity stas IrAUcated '~)r the appeaxance of hemocytoblastai blastst and plasna calls as a result of th(,- treatment. The authors propose that when small doses of. ultrasound are applied, rcstoxution of normal tonus and tropbic function of -the vegetativo~nervqusa system axo produced. It Is cons-idered possible that,the ultxasouiid iravcs have reflectory effect on the palatine tonzils and thereby affect, the pzlnary physicochemical processes which play a role in the interaction of ~ rece-ptors of the cellular shall of tonsillar lymphocytes controning.cell piolifemtion. According to contemporary theories, the lymphocytes axe cens of im-mlological memory which under the action of ultrasound can.produce the beeInning of a new clone of this cellular population. The..aluthorz suggestithat~further stud-tes are quired along these lines, 2-A kit 'USSR UDO 539-434 VIZERSKAYA, G. Ye., Kiev, Institute of the Pro blems of Strength e_Wc-d`d-emY^ cf Sciencea UkrS31 "The TemDerature Effect on the Actual.~Pi,syersion of Energy of Heat-Resistant EI893,Nickel Alloy", Kiev, Problemy Prochnost No 5 flay 739 pp 120-122 'ormation properties of he~ resistant BI893 Abstract: The det at nickel alloy were investigated 'at.uniform statlea of stress ten- sion-com-oression in the 20-7200C temperature interval. The re- sults are discusoed by reference to diagrarns showing the loga- rithmic decrement of oscillations de-pendence on the amnlitude of cyclic ieformation and on theinvesti-ation temperalure at 10-10- . `dith increasing amplitude of cyclic deforma(Aion, tkec~actual dispe.-sioa, of. energy increased continuously in in tests . of the fixst - and second cycle ~'both aiien heating the specimen from 20-72000 and wheni:coolimpit from 720-200C. The logarithmic decrement of oscillations rose on heating from 20-72010 by three times (from 0. '6- -to I~A) birt, in the 20-2000C /2 USSR UDC 539.434 Kiev. Ye Institute of Strength Problems, Academy of S c i e n te &ralipn SSR "The Damping Properties of Some Nickel-Base Heat-Re.sistant Alloys at High Temperatures" Kiev, Problemy Prochnosti, No 6, 1971, pp 23-27 IS rch on the influence of high temper Abstract: The article dea" with resea ispewsion of nickel-b--se atures upon the characteristics of the, true energy d heat-resistant steels EP539 and E1826, used for producing critical machine parts which, while in operation, are subjected to ! 'atensive cyc 'lical force and thermal influences. As an-evaluation of the true energy dispersion of the alloys under consideration was selected the logarithiftic decrement of oscillations, which was obtained with ~.tha corresponding pzoeessing of vibrograms of attenuating longitudinal,loscillations 4~)f thin-walled tubular samples of the material under investigattion.. It was,lfuund that under.con- ditions of normal and high tamperatures*~the.dampiag of th&indicated~ma- terials; increases with an,increase.of theamplitudes"of cyclical deformations over.the entire range of considered temperatuxes,.as well as with an increase A USSR VIZERSKAYA, G. Ye., Problemy Pro.chnosti,' No 6, 19-ill, pp 23-27 of the test temperature. The detected anomalies of the relationship of the.logarithmic decrement to the temperatures for tile alloys under investi- gatian in the first heating are linked to cold-hardening as a result of mechanical processing and deformation aging of thePaterial during heating. It should also be noted that th6 damping.of tile materials under investigation under-conditions corresponding to the conditions.of.their use considerably exceeds1the damping of these materials-At:normal te-mveratures. Data an the logarithmic decrement of oscillations for the two alloys are given. 6 figures, 5 bibliographic entries. USSR UDG 547-569.2-341.26,118-07 Myov, "Order of Lenin" VOLOSHIIII,14. P., VIZGERTS RO V SKRYPI41KI YU. G., Folytechnical. 1~56 u 8 "A Method of Fmking O,O-Dialkyl Phosphonomethylene ArjI Sulfides" Yoscow,,QtIcrytIya, Izobreten-lyap Promyshlennyye Obraztsy, Tovarnyye Znaki, No 22, Aug 72, Author's Certificate No 3451,66.; Div Cj:IfIlqI 18 Sep 70j publizbed 14 Jul 72 t p 9? Translationt This Author's Certificate.introduces a mothod of making 0,0- dialkylphosphonomethylone aryl oulfidos. 'As a dIutIiiruI*hUg feature of the patontp tho promm io *impUfied b- y reacting a 010-di~alkylphosphonomethy- lene diaryl mulfonate with thiopbenol in an inert organic solvent such as acetone in the presence of potamsium'. carbonate with s0sequent isolation of the goal product by conventional methods& IA USSR UDC 547.5L-1.6+547.26'118.07 and VOLOSHIN, M. P., L'vov.Polytechnic Institute "Aromatic Sulfonate Esters. Synthesis and Propertie's of Dialkylphospnono- methyl Aranesulfonates" Leningrad, Zhurnal Obshchey Khimii, Sep 71, Vol 41, No 9, pp 1991-1994 Abstract: In furthering the study on the effect of the nature of alcohol alkyl on the reactivity of aromatic sulfonates in nucleophilic substitution, a synthesis was made of dialkylphosphonomethyl arantasulfonates of the general formula (RO)2P(O)CH'2OS02ArX from,various aroidatic sulfonyl chlorides and dialkyl a-hydroxymethyl pho phonates or their sodium derivatives. Tuo s methods of synthesis are described. The'reaction follnw thescheme !e k 4(ROh""20. A CIS02ArX i :6 112 14 USSR VTZGERT, R. V., et a!., Zhurnal Obshchey1himii, Sep 71, Vol 41, No 9, pp 1991-1994 'Ether or benzene were used as inert solvents, finely ground KOH served as the HM acceptor and the reaction mixture~temperatuxe was maintained at 0-100C. The eleven compounds,obtaine Id are transparb~nt, viscous liquids or crystalline substances soluble in alcohol, ether, acetone and benzene but insoluble in water and petroleum ether. Tablee-An the original article cite analytical data, yields, formulas, and NUR speqtral results. It is suggested that dialkylphosplionomethyl aradesulfomatap, can: phoaphonotbethylate. 2/2 42 USSR UDC: 621.31T.3-2 BRAYKO, V. V., KOTSYUBA) Ye. N., VIZMISKIY, A. D. ,C-*JLN-()V, S. G. A Precision Device for 1,111easuring Weak Signals of Prlirai-j Converters" Dokl. Vses. nauchno-tekhn. konferentsii Do radlotekhn. immereniywr,. T. 3 (Ee- ports of the P-11-Uaion Scientific and Technical Conference on Radio Drigineer- -om. RZh-Radiotekh- 7c-76 (fi ing Measurements. vol. 3) .Novosibirsk,- lqfO, PP I nika, No 1, Jan 71, Abstract No IA307) Translation: Excellent resistance to interference and hfgh precision in this mea,5urlng device are achieved by.virtue of the,i3eleative properties of the circuit, in which differential,: feedbuck- is upf~,d. A block diagr= of the device is given and it.,~ operation As described. 'Phe error of the device, -excluding the error of the output instrument Js no more than 0 05 percent in the range ofc signals-up toil ffV at 6. carrier frequency of I kHz. E. L. USSR ubc: 621.375-132.3(088.8) VIZIR, Yu. V., Odessa Electrical Engineering Institute of Communications "A Voltage Repeater" USSR Author's Certificate No 2805~:2, filed 7 May 68, published 7 Dee 70 (from RZh-Radiotekhnika, No 0, Juh 71,,Abstract No 6D122 P) Translation: This Author's Certificate introduces P, voltage repeater which contains a tracking bias holder. and three. transistorized ampl'i fi cation stages with series-parallel at the input. To increase the input impedance and bring the transfer constant close to unity, the Mitter and collector of the second transistor are connected to the )i n.capacitov wid &reoistor respec- emittew of the firot triaislator throup tivel~ and the emitter of the second ~rwisisfor is connei.,tcd to the col- lector of the third transistor tbrough~a:resistor. 2 Acc' Nr: Abstracting Service: 701 Ref. Code: ATO-10799C INTIaNAT. AEROSPAS ST. rA70-27W2 Numerical MIethwf,4 of solving tIj* bending problem of an ortixitropic recunipubr-Oau- (Pro chiMt'ni metodl -r pro - prqgin orwropnoi pri mokulool rozirlamannia- adachF p4oni). G. 17 4Aad~m!4 Nauk"Ukrains'koi RSFJ, Insowt Nauk Mrains7ol Kibofncl ie,. Ukra I.Akademia: -Scrfl~ F&Rd-rekhnfo, RSR, Dopovidi, -A n; i MarematiON Naukt, -VoL 32: Feb. 1970, P. 1,13-116. In'11.1krairiian, Diso ion of tNo iteration prpcedynk fornurn icilly solving er gWar plate the Ooundary value;prqplerri of an:orthotropk rectitr under bending loads~ It is assum'iid!t~attthe plate re all M elaitic - base and that its edgft are dam j Several theorems are 11ormulated and proved to demonstraid the corrijagence of these pr*dures; and VZ to determine Me rate of convergeric(L. %411 REEL/ F 1586T570 USSR UDC: 8.74 VIZNYUK, A. N., TOLSTLMI, A. I. "An Algorithm for Laying out Computer Wiring" Kiev, Konstruirwraniye i vnedreniye novykh sredstv vychisl. tekhr.-- :1 'lities-collection sbornik (Designing and Introducing New Computer Faci. of works) 184 (from No 7, Jul 73, t. 1, 1971, PP 177- abstract NQ 7V594) Translation: The T)aDer is devoted to the question of autonating the compilation of wiring tables. -An algorithm. is proposed for laying out high-speed,computer wiring. The.algorithm is based~on an.attempt to simulate the thinking of the designer:-in ccmpiling wiring tables. jill iJ- TIA. I i1 N Strac injx-Servlte~: 16f.~ ode: q~ 44, cumiCAL,: "ST.' 19324q Keto aldeb I~dem. VIM MO Ic ff L6 A-.-, -ShAp=01". Kovsky, B. A. Khirn.. J~ %;On=sanon 'CIV4L; Ii lig. ITH, 'C -51% RCS (OH)(C!f,),jp4(9E~~ (4 is 3 4 4, -P. in the 0: R- is H, amy). or hcxylj~',': -'';At z6* tem Cime ofidil. H:M 1 3, R ~- H-) uit&6~ epten to give i -At in I 5$-or HtS0, T .t, nyun-, pyraw (11) JW h-MjC. w(CUt"wic, or WaWic. ChwId -,Of !14 only smull Grats. th oxy Agttvq~xa~ 1,M), 6f 0, whirli are ~cry hydrolyzc& to Th -4T61 i0.1 4, It readi Mt(CHIM )(C`H04cH%', whichNvas corlaens~d with~ Ph -CHC I t.: to 4i. pi 029 ve Afe(CHI)X: ccue- (QH)(CHAM-CHCOtBi~JIV). ;Alk 1, IV' javc .,.hydrolysis o~ MefCH,).C..CCUC(OH.)(Cjqj.).CH~;CHCOSM.. CPJR yj~ ALS R 87 Urrm H F!TIT-1 I I I -m T-I . - ~ 0-i Code: Re APM464- -91 Ace urx! 6 28'. 9 r USSR .-nl Ta F7. vc;T C.SkT.- ZI, lee (---,,CS hrica andidate _Eervp-as -for 4. Light-irS Syste"ms 197c., arirZ)' -trial po-,,Ter (Iry-lus _yshlen Step u-, pp V"' voltaze inav Callsed -j ~ da c4a 1 with, tho formula ror dw TranslatiO-: sti c' .. 11 =cusssl' regull!'Or5 ts'._'S are '_15 - r th~~'_stor light:1!16- SYS - , sijnpl'~' a aa econrmlcal I - iven for A b i1i V., Of usin- -as are The Lv'htini lines is in c ns+ -1 all-O + Or . 4. n, a q'a ral-:- p ~c.~r 0, ..e roS IIZ --c4-i:)r ancl ell cli f%,e thy -to, drz er ~ha ejec~~ic.c determr G_ 11.1as *,?, rev"I" at; on 'de'2 S"esentedb of these va - I I - 6rlrr4~,atal Mr- 1.5 cf tests Of I~X7 4 at deser Tel 4 '(3 112 ~UNCLASSOiED.t: PROC h W DATE 7 0 T I TLE-A S T U: DY OF, THE AIJ1~11YJRVELAXANT EFI~ECT -F C,1HAlN0P0Ti-"-,4rlAT[-G AGENTS AUrH0R-~(04)-PRCZUROVSKlYr j K)il,0,M-)VA, O.N., V.b.1 VLADE-YEVA, DUBOVITSKAYA, S.I. -CCUNTRY uF IINFL-USSR ,~-SOURCE-BYLILETEN' EKSPERiMLNTAL.tN0Y BJG~LCGI I I i'll~JITShMY, 1970s. VUL 49, NR ~6, PP 51-~-54 -DAT& PULISHF-0--70 -r'~.SUBJECT IOLUGI CAL A;N-0 MED I CAL 5 C I E NC E S, ----,.TO P L CTAGS-MLSCLE 11 E L A A;Wli TINIHIBITION't CHOLINESTFRASEY JRAMi MUSCLE HYS P JULOGY CCj'-ITRLL Nilli~K I NG-NO RFSTP I CT IUNS DOC UM EIN TC I.A'Sl S-fiNCLAS S I[-:'D ~PROXY RE E L/ i r.Al-iE--3ClJ4/0 703 STE PNIG-UP 02 L~9?70 /134 005 1 /00 54 -A Nu-i PC 1 1 '3Z 212- 0 2 3 UNCLASSI FIED pA,'oc-r-ss1t,,G DATE-2-0.1NOV70 APO 131 -'C 2 CIRC ACCESS IrN NG --G- A. S T kA C T T H 1 A N T I W R.Ak E ANN) ANTIPARAIIIONIC ABSTRACI/EXIRACT I U I G P EFFEL-1 1-F AGENTENI (ARAINE, GA1.ANTAt,1[N1-..p DXASYL,, PRCISE(~, 1 !-.;L- PHIUS PHACO L, E ER I NE-) , WA S -STUOIEU IN ~XPERIMLWSS ON F~RUGS AND RATS.~ THE A1A1,'-1Y0AE1..AXPN1' ACTIVITY D: 1.1) NOT CO(kiN ELA F L lei I TH JkNTiChGL10.E'STERASF Tfi 1(jiAL CHoLINESTI-PitSE 01: FRI-6 MUSCLES AND S 0 F: AN I I P A RA N 10 N I C AENESTEPASE GF S~i~T 131"Alti- THE MARKEONL-S 'NTS UN ;RATE, LIKES NOT CORRESPOND WITH ACTIVITY C& PREPA~Aricsi,.s m L-xp1,'RimL- 0 1 A P 1- 11,, A G T I C CH C L f ."4'L -S T E R AS E : I N 114 1 B I T I UN CAUSED 3)' T HE 14 . A i I T I Y 0:1 E L A X A N T AC r I V 11 Y I "I E YPER-1 M,[ IN TS GN F RUG S, C L GS 6 LY*~ CGP RELA E E w ['FI-1 r H E A6 I L I FY OF o G: to. U 5 G U L R A U U 0 M I N I S - RIC' L.S TO VKEPARATICN~ TO H, T AND, PARTICULARLY, AGE,TYLCHCt. I NE - A:CCNt-LUS1CN:,1S: M A D E :THV~ AN'T I cuRARE IGLJNOPGTE'~ T 5 1 INLY 0,N :.-.AN"r1PARANiGN1C EFHzCTS UF Cf. 11TUATING AGE, jEPEND N'1JT J INHIbITIC04, JUT:~ 41-SOJIP0.~ THE, U-100P.40-SENSITIZING ACTION. 1~ 1 4 G Z Ate) L Ff~C I LITY! LE PI-01ATR MED ICAL MSTI WT~ C 'C' 0 jPRS 58457 13 march 1973 QW C-) Co NUCLEMI FNGINES IN SPACE [Art1clO* by C=dIdate of T0011111cal Sciences A. Vla Moscow. Na-aaca 1, Moign', Russian, - , Me- se"Ildhalf Of tho 20th Ce:-.tur7-41111 re- =nt .f r '19 - ljz4tjor. an of -, cj;-,jA or the spacc age. Voyages are penetrating deeper =4. d-c aper In- to space. ~We began with t~-n Voo-,j. Venus. mid ftrs. '.Xeroury and Jupiter are next, followed, by Uranua and Pluto, and tomorrow space w-111. travel boyona the S03.r-r. sy.t.= ~6,1. stare. But ~without. rellablo, econc~mioal- engines the conquests._. af-*Vace_,is.InconoeIvabla~ To alter the'motion of any sort of -body (where rest 3.6 a rarticular ease of mottion) we must apply a force to this body, wo must areaso a thrust. Thrust,, an we krww~' is "ner- Qtel by an, angine. in more*praciaa ter=a I:z in Selmratid by a thruat System. sihec every type.of aelt-propolle,! vthiela mmt have ~a: propelling agent'. In addition tz, an engins that~ trz-=Iorms s-o=* sort Of ener,~~r Into the .;.han%cal =ovemcnt, or Its 6~47i parts. PO_r example.tho almrart propeller -ar'Ves as the pro0elling agent or an aircraft: vlWn a rerAprocating lvenbgine. Wheals are the propelling agents for, the bir-yala, --l>-zotor vehicle, or diesel, locozotive. For the rarl:no vessel It Ir the ship's propeller. However. the propellini; agent ~an ror-, a I tr, purpose only if It is capablo- of rraspl.-.F. and .cpalling some :;art Of external medium auclt as air or water. ,,.;u. wnat does a motar.vchicla repel? Or, let us ozy. a ped- CC 0 %strian? - Paradoxical though it may seem, they repel the . Farth Itself. In this ease the mass of our planet Is so great that Ns "repulsiow, It; not felt. The planet Is "repelled-, through friction between the tires or roles and the Zarth!a surface. *Ezsed an f or;rg-npublicat ions 11 USSR Al q110 FCMr!11 P'-711%el-)le Of' M-OtIO.", Cc,-~ 1:1~ at' ac I 11.1e in oi-liple:z- te,,:;-,s nc.,~az; tl-,at Cruation Of -.h-urt I'n-;olvcr tiic ro:nasion o-' z~~..o acaz of ~wo qucntlly refor to It cx raactlvc rz..,s,~). It ntands to reason thalt If th,!: external sIty In Von low or if it IS aboent a1voF-.czhc-,, a resi--ve of roactive (also reforred to a~l fluld) -.0 U6"' In cr(--atirg, thrust would have to be otorcci aboard *t;hc vChicle. In addition to a 311pply of 1"'OTICIng, fluld *.:~ would, "nave to pos47ucs a cortain quantity of onboard LnLz*,;y. .in principle thorc -,an ba casc~ In w!%.1ah, ';u, 'c tlor.L, of the workln,:~ i'luid slid the power-prodmcln_-, rub~,=Cc are evmbinct! within t4--Y eamt: p-noduct, *Ilils is uation In the liquid propellant rocIzat en,:;Ina (LPRE). CC:,.- z;istInz; of a combustible sub~itance and an ox!dIZcz!. "s 'Drovidean flow of t!%e-.E-Y "by way of a ChTzical roact"Ork 1.. VU-q- I= -irztzy- ;Tr~. LPRE I= -I=crd in Etna: On~lr,as arid. CIMUI,;ancously Q;z!Gt4 10 tht fluid -. CoMh~slon aro ejected from tl.-c lzlaz. C1,&- ating thrust. Zr the way, unification or angine eand propel- ling, aFent IS tyPloal of any Other sort Of rocIzat Thus If we define the conao-pt llthrt~nt syzte=" :,,roziaely it would Include the engine. propallinG. agtnt., the. necdc"I power and. worhIng fluid supply arAd the structizzr;3 bsarln~; all of these romponants. T'te LPRE-and- Ita-Porribilit!9Z Our choice to begin discussion of Space thrust s:,,Stc=s with the LPRE Is not TAndom. Such engine= havo. beer- zeiving the business of' atudyin; and conquerin.- space fatthrAllv fez, a long time, And perhaps it may not be a veat ezai~~-eration to Say that the LPRZ Is thoui~ht by moot laymorl to be J~uzt abol:~t the only mcarr. for, gener-e-tin;; thrust in s;~aze. This Is for from So, however, Moreover, exa&gcratl-on of the role in Dpaee flight (unfortunaltoly over. so= Ie -6pecial-ltts take thiS extrame~ may retard the search for now mrs to ronerate thrust. It In these now, promisinG types or thrust systamn that we will discuss. At r1rst we will examine the main principles IV which thrust Is Koncrated In the rocket cn:~Ino In =ore deta-41. It. would be easiest to do this with the w1del:,r used LK2 ax an example. Irual compononta the combustiblo substr-nea and 2 AiROCESSING DATF--27NOV70 U-14CL AS 1 FfE' 1) 'HE: T-i:rILE--THIE MINIMUM 'LOW OF RIVER IN SS) -U- s T AUTHOR--_j6jDI1MIRpV, A.M. COUNTRY OF INFO--USSR -.~SOURCE-MINIMALINYY STOK REK SSSR LENLNGRAD. GIOR(I'METEOROLOG. IZO. 1970. 212 PP, ,~DATE -PUBLISHED ------- 70 SUBJECT AREAS--EARTH SCIENCES AND OCEANOGRAPHY, ATMOSPHERIC SCIE~JCES T.01P I CTAGS--RIVER WATERt HYDROMETEOROLOGY CONTROL MARKING--N0 RESTRICTIONS OOCUMEINT CLASS-0114CLASS IF Ho PROXY REEL/FRAME--3003/0074 STEP NO--U~R/OOfJO/70/()00/000/0001/021Z C IRC ACCESSION 1kjo--AM0129344: I;P! 1 - Ip I. itIFq, 11 it, 1 J~ 212 011 U.NC LASS IF I E'O~ PROCESSING DATE--27NOV70* CIRC ACCESSION NO--AM0129344 -ABSTRACT/cXTRACT--(U) GP-0- ABSTRACT., TABLE OF CONTENTS: INTRODUCTION 3. CHAPTER.1 GENERAL INFORMATION FROM THE Hf$TORY OF THE STUDY OF IMINIMUM FLOW 7. 11 PERIODS* OF SMALL WATER CONTENT IN THE. RIVERS OF THE USSR 19. 111 MINIMUM 30 DAY: (61FAN MONTHLY) FLOW OF THE RIVERS OF THE USSR 44. IV COMPUTATION 'OF THE, MINIMUM ..R,tVER FLOW BY MEANS OF -R HYDROMETRIC OBSERVATIONS 58* V DETC 14INATION OF THE M[NIMUM 30 DAY FLOW IN THE ABSENCE OF HYDRO.'4ETRIC OBSERVAT IONS; 72 VI DISTRIBUTION OFA41NIMUM 30 DAY RIVER FLOW ON THE.~TERRITORY -3- THE USSR 139. vil MINIMUM DAILY AVERAGE FLO14 158. V1 Il P E R 10 D.S OF ABSENCE OF FLOW IN THE' RI-VERS 169. , IX FORECASTING A. MINIMUM'FLOW OF DRIVERS 184. OMCLUSION 196 LITERATORE 201.: APPENDICE-6 208. THIS;BOOK HAS :AN ~ENGLJSH S,UMM~RY. p NUSSR -UDC 621.375.024(088.8) VLADIMIROV, A .N. I'DG Amplifier" USSR Author's Certificate No 259164, Filed 11 Jul 69, Published 23 Apr 70 (from RZh-Radiotekhnika, No 9, Sep 70, Abstract No 9D89P) Translation: This author's certificate introduces a IX amplifier containin." a summator and a memory. The amplifier is distinguished by the fact that in order to realize the null voltage drift correction wit,h an open input of the amplifier,.a device for separation of this voltage executed from two electron tubes with a cowumon anode and with cathodes joined in series by the coupling contacts of the relays between which a capacitor is co~-tnected, is used in it. The control grid of the input tube of the indicated separating device is connected jointly with the same grid of~o'ne.of the tubes of the sui=ator to a~commoa input terminal, and the grid of the:other tubi.- of the separating device is connected via a reoistive the output terminal of the amplifier. T-77 1011-i 611016A i Wil 11.11 W, 6 111 W&I i 11,111 WiMili -97 .-.DOCUMENT CLASS--UNCLASSIFIED -PR,',3XV REEL/FRAME--1990/0274 SUP NO-I-UR/00-?O/70/190/00.6/1440/1443 --CIRC ACCESSI-00N NO--AT0108576 U NL A S,_; 1 F4 E D---- ~POCESSING DATE--02orT70 2/3- UNCLASSIFIE Oil C-ti~C-ACCE SS ION NO--ATO10i576 ;-.--A3STRACT/EXTRACT--(U) GP-0- ABSfRACT. THE IST LARGE XENOLITH OP L)IAMOND LiFARING ECLOGITE WAS FOUND IN 1967. JT~HAD THE FORM DF TYPICAL BDULDER 15 TIMES 10 TIMES 6 CM. FIVE 0 1 AMONS 1-3 RM LONG, WERE FOUND ON ITS SURFACE, THE 6TH DIAMOVDt 13 MM LONG, WAS FOUND IN THE WALL OF AN OPEN FRACTURE, AND THE 7TH, WEIGHING 8 MG, WAS F OUND IN THE EC1.3GITE PROTRUSION- THE ECLOGITE FROM.THE MIR PIPE CONSISTED OF FRES11 GAR-NET ANP ALTERED PYROXENIE. THE ROCK HAD PORPHYROBLASTIC TEXTURE, D. 3.20* T -SUB2 40.50, T 10 SUB2-Ov9&v AL SUB2 0 SUB3 10.47t FE AND,C(';NkAINED: SIO SUBZ~D SUB3 2.86t FEO 10-45v M-N 0.014v AGO ~.95v'TCAO 10.35t NA SUB2 0 L.321 K SUB2 0 0.89, H SUB2 0 PLUS 2 84, H SU82 0 MINUS 0 30t P SU32 0 SU35 0.27., CR SUB2 0 SUB3 Oo4l, NID ;.024, AND S~;0.32 PER-~&NT. THE DIAMONDS ON ECLOGITE XENULUTHS~WERE XENOCRYSTALS AND THEIR APPEARANCE IN KIMBERLITE'WAS CONTROLLED T'O-A LARGE DEGREE :BY- TfiF SrZE AND SHAPE OF KIMBERLITE BODY. THE SERPENTINE CARBONATE COMPN, 0F.KIMBERLITE, THE COMPLETE ABSENCE OF MAGMATIC EFFECT ON THE NEAR CONTRACT ROCKS, AND ~~XENOLITHS WITH ORG. BITUMENS PRESERVED WUTHCUT ALTERATION, INDICATE THAT THERMAL ENERGY WAS NOT A FACTOR. CONTROLLING FORMATION OF YHESE DIAMONDS. THE EFFECTS OF POWERFUL MECH~ ENERGY0. DURING FOR14ATIJN OF PIPEv WERE (IBS00 IN KIMBERLITE.-- THE CRYSTAL STRUCTURE OF.:MINERALS PROBABLY CAN E U ER EFFECT OF DISINTEGRATE'TO AMORPH9US-AND IONIZED STATE OF SUBS c '41) SUFFICIENTLY STRONG OYNAMIC PRESSURE!& THE-EXCI.T.ED AT014S AND 13NS ARE TIt BUILD NEW AND STRONGER CRYST FORMSe :*. THE:91AAA04DS WERE CAPABLE, CRY57-0. TCGETHER WITH GRAPHITE"INKIMBERLITE INTRU,SIONS WHICH ARE A CONTIKwous ZONE OF CATACLISt4* UNCLASS IFIEO:--:1 ; - - , * - '~ I ~, v~ I: j, ". F~F~ I Ea~~ `2i2 007 UNc S"I 0 ~OROCESSING- DATE--l8SEP70 C.1 R CACCESSION NO--AP0103200. ..,~ABSTRACT/EXTRACT--(U) GP-0- ABSTRACT. THE 14AIN FEATURES OF GEOLOGICAL STRUCTURE-OF THE BASEMENT, SEDIMENTARY COVER AND t4AGMATISM OF THE WEST AFRICAN CRATON AND LIBYAN NIGERIAN OROGENIC BELT.,ARE CONSIDERED. THFIR 3EL.nNGING TO THE SINGLE WEST AFRICAN COMPLICATED EPIBATKALiAN PLATFORM STRUCTUREWITH DIFFERENT AGE OF HETEROGENE BASEMENT 'IS ESTABLISHED. THE-ANALOGOUS FEATURES OF GEOLOGICAL~DEVELOPMENT riF.Tti- WEST AFRICA AND -S I BER I AN PLATFORM WITH INCLUDED BAIKAL:IDES ARE ESTABLISHED BY COMPARIATIVE'ANALYSIS. U 111C -1 A S S 1 F Ir, 1/2 13 UNCL AS S I FEd: WOCESSING DATE--30OCT70 ...-T.ITLE--EXPERIMENTAL DETERMIN'ATION OF-HEAT FLUXES FN THE WALLS OF MOLDS FOR THE, CONTINUOUS CASTING OF METALS,-U- -AUTHOR-_Vj,,~~t EoA* OF INFO--US.SR :~.:SOURCE-INZH. FIZ. ZH. 19701 17(Zli-270-7 D ATE PUBLISHED ------- 70 -SUBJECT AREAS--MATERIALSt MECH., IND*j CIVIL AND MARINE.ENGR ~TOPIC TAGS--CONTINUOUS CASTINGt FOUNDRY TECHNOLOGY HEAT FLUX PICKUP, STEEL MANUFACTURE PROCESS ."tCYTROL MARKING--NO RESTRICTIONS 0OCUMENT CLASS--UNCLASSIFIED :"'PROXY REFL/FRAME--1997/1514 STEP NO--UR/017G/7O/Ut7/002/0270/0277 CIRC ACCESSION NO--AP0120295 2/2 013 UNCLASSIFIED PROC-ESSING OATE--30OCT70 ~~CJRC ACCESSION NO-AP0120295 ABSTRACT/EXTRACT--(U) GP-0- ABSTRACT. THEORETICAL CONSIOERATION ENABLING NT I AL -10COUPLE THE EVALUATION OF EXPTL* DATA OBTAINED FROM A OfFFERE, THERf ON TEMP. TIME DEPENDENCE INA TEMP.:FIELD FORMIPiG ON A FLAT WALL OF THE 9 'THE FORMULAS WERE DEVELOP-ED FOR FIELD ON THE INS AL_ MOLD -A TEMP. W OF THE MOLD. THE WALL IS WASHED FROM. OUTSIDE CONSTANTLY BY COOLING LIQ. OF CONSTo TEMP*, THE TEMP. M THE OTHER ISIDE OF,THE TUBE VARIES ACCORDING TO AN HARMONIC LAW. : 'THE soLN. STARTS f:ROi',l THE PARTIAL DIFFERENTIAL EQUATION OF HEAT CONDUCTION, AND IS;CARRIED OUT FUR THE FOLLO'AING 2 BOUNDARY CONE DI T I ON S'; WALL. SIDE TOWARDS THE CAST: T(OITAU) EQUALS TO SUBO PLUS T -SUBA, SIN OMEGA~ TAU, COOLING MEDIUM: ALPHAMDELTAr TAU) MINUS T SUBB) EQUALS MINUS LAMBDA 3 TIX, TAU)-OX. THE RESULTING RELATIGN FOR MAX, TRUE;HEAT FLUX I$ ALSO SOLVED GRAPHICALLY, T IS THE ABS. TEMP., OMEGA IS ANGULAR FREQUENCY OF TEMP. ..~_CHANGES, TAU IS TIME, LAMBDA 15 THERMAL.CON(l. OF.CRYST4LLIZER WALL, DELTA 1S WALL.THICKNESS, ALPHA IS THE HEAT TRANSFER COEFF. THROUGH THE WALL-ON THE SIDE OF THE COOLING.MEDIUM, X IS A DISTANCE, INDICES 0, At AND B DENOTE MEAN TEMP. ON-THE CASTING SIDE, VALUE OF: TEMP. AT AMPLITUDE A,-ANO-TEMP. OF-THE COOLING~MEOIUM, RESRO FACILITY: UKR. ZAOCH. POLITEKH..INST.t.ART EMOVSK, USSR*- AA ------ Wic USSP, ;UD(533.601.155 VLADIMIROV. F. S.. Tomsk "Influence of Closeness.of the Ground on.Li-fting Z"orce Created by Vertical Continuous Streams" Zhurnal Prikladnoy Mekhaniki i Tekhnicheskoy Fiziki, No 5, 1971, pp123-131. ABSTRACT: In connection with the development of vertical. takeoff and landing aircraft, as well as air cushion vehicles, the influence of the closeness of the earth on the lifting force created by continuoLs vertical stre=,s is studied. Earlier works have performed similar studies and generalized the results produced for the case of a compressible fluid. In this work, the planar problem of flow around a 2-sid,ed opstacle by~a stream of gas leaving a nozzle with parallel walls is solved. by. a method of Chaplygin and FaIllovich. Calculations are performed clarifying. the influence',of closeness of the 7.ound and the effect of compressibility of the fluid on cliaracteristics of the flow j'. at subsonic speeds. MO. W1.11, USSR UDC~66~-12-154.046-5a669-717 WUMLOU-6 ~P and KOPITSA H. X. Konnunarsk Dlining lietallu-rgical Instit.ute "Theoretical and Experimental Determination of the Deoxidizing Ability of Aluminum by the Newest Investigation Diethods" Moscow, Izvestiya Vysshikh Uchdbnykh Zavedeniyj Chernaya Motallurgiyas No 11, 1971'9 pp 18-22 Translation of Abstracti The interaction of Al and 0 dissolved in liquid Fe 2 was investigated in the 1,550-1,650 octemDerature interval. A new single- step method was applied for the cz-1culation of.the equilibrIum by using the thermodynamic functions 14 and N which take into account the process of smelting All the dissolution of 0. in Al and liquid Fe, and the effect of concentrations of reacting media. Parallel w ith It 19K was determined experimentally by the electromotive force method with heasurement of the tem- perature and sampling of the metal for analysis. Calculated. and experimentally derived values of the deoxidizing ability of Al are =Dared idth Investiga- tion results of Soviet and non-Soviet authors. The new theoretical method and the emf method are reliable means for determining the thermodynamic principles of.the metal deoxidation process. Fo= illustrationsV,two tables, five biblio. refs. 1/1 USSR UDC 669.014.7:536.7:541.12 )JADIIEROV, L.,P. -Termodinamicheskiye Raschety.Ravnovesiya Metallurgicheskikh Reaktsii (Thermodynamic Calculations of the Equilibrium of Metallurgical Reactions) Moscow, "Metallurgiya," 1970, 527 pp Translation of Annotation: This book describes modern methods of thermo- dynamic investigations of metallurgical processes. It presents the modernized method of an accelerated calculation of the equilibrium of chemical reactions developed by the author. The new~single-step calcu- lation of equilibrium makes it.possibl,e to obtain th,e numerical end result in one step, eliminating the need for additi6ftal correction calculations. Detailed summaries of thermodynamic chairacteriatics of the processes of polymorphic and aggregate transformations.and processes of dissolution A. on are book. of impurities in Ir publisi-ed in the This book is intended for scientific workers and metallurgical and cherdcal en,~ineers, and may also be used by students in advanced courses of 1/4 !7~ -- ~ 4 . -. : - - ~- ,: 1~ -.2 -- _- : I- - . . 11 - . - I . I . . - .: . . . I , . I : ~ I.- ;. ~". -., ~ - -,TT~ 1, 1 .. . .1 , , , 1, 1 ,, " "i 61461i"6 mflili 6" 6 A 1 . ko,;--mi, 1 loillmi ~* , 1.1-1 M-1 , " ,,, 11 i - Code %cc. N Abstracti SerVice: Ref. CHEMICAL- ABSTO 70 ug 04 3;L .4 r' 135549t Steel. Ozerskii A-. D.- Sointsev,17u. P.; M M ka ven Parf vs unitsa, b. S. U.S.S.R. 260,809 (Ct. C 22e ]an 1070, pl. w-ME 1909, From Qlkr~jiya, hobreli, M. Obraztsy. rnye 4naki 1070i 47(4),~ 91., Sttel.with improvid. meeb, properties consisted. of: C 0,40ww-0.45, Si 0.5-0.7; Mn ~ 0.5-0.8, Cr 1.5-1.8, V 0.3-0.5, Mo 0.9- mpurities of S 0.03, and L2, i P