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USSR UDO 621.~596.676 VE -Ante Ship nnao (or. English above), Leningrad, Izd. "Budoetroyoniye," 1972. Sudovy-jo ftp~~W IfA pp- ill. 45 ref. I r k. Abstracti In the book-a methoda are considered of inveotigation, design, and measurement, and problems of operation, prospects, and~grcrvth trends of rhip aixLenna-feedor radioconr=nication devices. The results ara also Pre0ented of in- vestigations and developmout of new types of ship antemis radioco=unic at ion do- vicee conducted in recent years, a considarable part of' which was fulfilled with the.direat participation of tho author. . Theo principlec. of construction of the antennas under conaidorutionp the principal ~ technical indloovi deei&n inothods, arA experimental data are stated. The book is intended for cngineer-tochnical workers occupied with the develop=ont, of qihip antennas': and radio apparotus, workers of planning organizations and steamship unitBj.,end it can also be of aeoistence in courses of antennae for. st~denta off highe'r educational institutions. 1/8 USSR VERSHIKOV, MAT VLADDaROVICH, SudqMe :antenny, Leningrad, Izd. "Sudostroyeniye," 424 197.2. pp. ill. 45 ref. 1 r 513 k,. TABLE OF CONTER S Foreword Conventional symbols and abbreviatione Chapter I. General Information Pa kh Up Antennae 7 1. ClaBsification:and types of..-.ahip antennas 7 2. Special features of., zaritiiae 'radio coikunioution 7 5. Special featurea of ship antennae and developm3nt prospecto 10 Chapter II. YethodEl OLO StudX And Design. Of Antennas 14 4. Theory of linear dipole. and ito princip3l characteristics 14 5. ameters of trEinomitting and Principal tacMical oar receivinp antennae 27 6. Principla of-reciprooity, 41 7- Mot hod aor calculation paraaatePs of boom and whip antennas 4~ 2/8 24 - USSR VERSHKOV, MARAT VI.ADIMIROVICH, Sudovyye anLtpn ningrad, Izd. "Sudos y, Le troyeniye," .1972. 424 pp. ill. 45 ref. 1. r 53 k. d of.calculati= of static 8. Grapho-analytical~=etho . capacity, characteristie.wave, and cited length of antanna 55 9. Msthod of cal"lation of the resistance of a system of radiators 59 10. Principles off construction of directiOnal antennas 64 11. Methods of theoretical study, of the characteristics or ship antennas 76 Ohapter III. Medium-Wave Ante nnas. 90 12..Typea-or medium-wevo antennas 90 13. Aatenna masia with stays 94 14* Free- otanding antenna masto, 15. Nedium-wave antennas using separate elements of ship construction 100 16. Pr4eu=tic antenn eote for their use on ahipa as and prosp 109 ve transmittaro. 17. Antenna circuits of, madjum.,da 112 , 18. Distant antenna circuits 114 3/8 LIU! Pi;W I ==M' ME USSR VERSHKOV, MARAT VIMLMIROVICH, Sud2Me anteni~~ Leningrad, Izd. "Sudostr oyeniye," ~1972.- 424 pp. ill. 45 ref. l.'r 53 k. Chapter IV. Shortwave Antennae 122 19. -0 ab rtwuve antennao Special.features of application 01. U 20. Special features of requirements impoeed on shortwave antennano Types..Of ehortwave antennau 124 21. Antennas with'reduced-w ave-impedanw. 129 22. . Oomplax impadaneeb eonrjeoled~in interruptions Antennas with , . - Of conductor 134 23. Telescopic anten-na's ~7 2-4, Maltirasonance adennae, 139 25. Kxlt1-dij)olo'c(ntvnnav: 140 26, Uea of Individual elements of ohip conutmation an shortwave antenriao 144 27. Principal requirements iinposed on directional shortwave antennae 150 28. Directional~log~.p'6riodib',6nt6nnoo p 29, Direc-tional antahnii-4iti:~,cozxtrol-lable~pattc-.rn 169 30. Directional frame antenna 175 ~1. Antenna circuits of shortwave traramitters 178 4/8 25 USSR ITERSHKOV, MARAT VLADIIMIROVICH,. SUdoyYY6 antenny, Leningrad, Izd. "Sudostroyeniye," 1972. 424 pp.-Ul. 45 ref. I r'53 k. Chaptor V. Ultrashort Wave Antennas 18z 32. Principal requirements oft U:SI( antennae ~ 35. oleo Symmetrical and, nonnymetrical dip 183 34. Shunt and f olded-dipolia: antennas 188 35. Disk-conical.entannas 193 Slat antennau 194 37. Directional USW antennas 208 38. Method of selection of relative position or USW antennas of sim1taneously operating.:radia. ol"ations 214 39. Una of coaxial~cuffity resonatore for location of several US)( antennas on one maot 219 Chapter VI. 'Recoivinr Anteppas 221 411 0. Principal requirementszl#osed on reo4ving antennas 221 41. Increase of ~ffectiveneo.s of an-tenna-feedor channel of radio receiving 223 42. Device for operation of several receivers from one antenna 2~1 43- Receiving untennusyst6ma for struggle with fading off signal 241 5/8 1j:,11 fl USSR VERSHKOV, MARAT VIADIMIROVICH, -SddoVyye'A*ntenny, Len]ingrad, Izd. "Sudostroyeniye," 1972.: 424 pp. ill. 45 ref. 1. r ~53 k. Chapter VII. ic Antennas 247 gnetio antenna ~with oora of spheroidal form 247 45. -Calculation.0 roe ivei,ma' otic antennas rIn 46. Medium-wave and;ahortwave magnetic ajAennas 275 47. Receiving magnetic antenna, 279 Chapter VIII. High-Freauency Feeder Channel - 28) o rincipal requirements imposed on feedoro of trans- 43 mitting an& ro6eiving 'antennae 283 49. Types of feeder lineo.and calculation oj' their principal parametera.. 284 50. Calculuti.on of . paramatera .of load0d, line (cable) 289 ~1. Ylethoda -tW conatntetion of bond xxoz~tunabj.o niatc1ling quadripolea 295 Chapter IX. Planning And Exploitation Of. ShiR Antannav 320 52. Effect of metal construction on antunna parameters )21 53. Solection'.of at ructuro. of anterawa 6/8 26 USSR YERSHKOV, YMRAT VIADIMIROVICH, Sudoy~,ye antenny, Leningrad, Izd. "Sudostroyeniye," 1972. 424 pp. ill. 45 ref. I r 53 k. _54. Selection of types and,dimensione.of ante'nna ~)4 55. Determination of.efficieney of antennas. Examples of calculations 56. Installation and exploitation ef antenns~s 363 Chapter X. Methods Of Exparimeetal Study And Measurement Of The Persmeters VL Antennas 57- Principles.and poeeibilitiez of sitaalati,P8 antennas 373 58. Exporimental study of:ukitatwas with modelv 576 ~9. Measurement or. inputs imp9dances of 60. Oomparative mathod the ampli-fication factor, dirottional diagram, and radiation ravintance ~59 61. Equivalent nntennau 2 02 62. Mothod of oxporimentol study of ropivint, 'maj,,metic antennas 395 63. Experimental study of'. magnetic ante=--as found ia power high-frequency aleOtk0MagnGtiO fields 4oo 718 WE I I MP I I =11 I I I IF, USSR VERSHKOV, MARAT VLADIMIROVICH, Sudovyye antenny, Leaingrad, Izd. "Sudostroyeniye," 1972. 424 pp. ill. 45 ref. Ix _53 k. Appendix 'I. ~Iutual impedances of:two half-wave dipolas 404 Appendix 2. Electrical and construction characterietica of transmitting high-frequency cables 409 Appendix 3. Electrical and construction characteristics oft receiving high-froquency cables 410 Appendix 4. Auxiliary coefficients f 'or oalculatioa: of matching quadripolea 410 Appendix 5- Data antenna inau'latore 415 Appendix 6. Apparatus which is used for 4asurement of antenna parameters 417 Bibliography 420 8/8 27 :7777`777~i--~ USSR UDC 621.396.676:629.12 VERSHKOV M. V. LEVIN, B. M. "Effect of Masts on the Operating Efficiency of Primary Ship's Antennas" Tr. TsNII mor. flota (Works of the All-Union Scientific Research Institute of the Maritime Fleet), 1970, vyp. 131, pp 85-90 (fromTZh-Radiotekhnika, No 4, Apr 71, Abstract No 4B15) Translation: A study is made of the effect of a grdunded.mast on the radiation e base of.a conductor in,direct proximity to resistance of radiation fed to ih a mast. There are 4 illustrations and-a .3-entry bibliography. 32 USSR uD,:!: 66i. ~3 cent Cwwosition* to ~71 S-.0 "Conditions of Bindin, ly-mines V sb. Sintez, ochistka i analiz neorun. materialov (Synthesis, -A-ion- and-Analys-is ot 1C Purif ica 7M THL,-ri -a-17i-- -co ec t i o n of works), NovosIbirsk , IT auka",- 1971, pp 218-22~4 (from -qZh- -Khimiy:,., No 7, Apr 72, Abstract No 71,180) Trmnsl-,~.tion: 'Ae author studies tho conditions of 1 1orw-.~ticm of Lir:~Iie,"e,-n-it depositc. sillcat;e su!,px~n! ,lions whon the of i"--' 0.0~~,6. I;airlv s t ro n 0 e i. t i; v i t ! i ex c e 1.1. c- nt T-, I tt i Pension. IS aDproXi-na ly 4, ar3 prod:ucp-d by usin(~. cilieatez, vilh a r-,:)duj.Iv3 Of 4 Of 011spennion if, aboxii-I 20 C. '17he raV~ of palyr~'-rizationl:of s1ilecin ill the, working solutions increo;.ser,. vith the modubaz of the initial-7 6ilicate. Tne Of 13Y StMltilUr. witir;Lte is a commlex f"Mc., ioll or procw'sos of Yftis is to the cffact of twa~qppwdn~ palymri,Vation of silicon dioxide in diliite alkaline s6l:A-1-ono. of the first or secor.-I nroQess de-iendn.on te=~-,vrture.,, P v~llatirjn ic of lwrilnesceat and the derree of polymarl.--m.~.ion of silicon di6xid-- iv. tile 11101`kin!~ inul]Tlunslf.~.n 'U!f'ora addin.-, to. the cuspension. Rer-uli"va. USSR UDC: 536.212.2 .-XUTATELADZE, S. S., Corre,spondingMember of the USSR Academy of 'Sciences; RUBTSOV, 11. A.; and VERTE, k. B. Tonstationary Interaction of Thex~.mal Radiation and the SuTface of Pure Metals" Doklady AkadeMii Nauk SSSR, vol 206, No 1, 1972, PP 71-73 Abstract: Two.pieces of experimental equipment for verifying the experimentally demonstrated tempe,raturre anomaly in the surface layers of metals subjected to sudden -heating by a constant- density thermal flux are deacribed~. This anc:riaLy is ere defined as the deviation between the experinientally deterinined tempera- ture of the surface and the theoretically determined value as ob- tained through the solution of the equation of thermoconductivity with lim-itlng conditions of the second kind. ~ One -of these de- V3-c=s realizes ~he sudden heating' nnder vacuuIr. conditions 'of 6-10-5 to 5-10- am, H-,. while the*other reali:Kes the heating in air. The dengities of the absorb!4-d heat were varied from 3 w/m2 -10 to 6-110~ and from 3-10? to 5-10~ Z'or the ti-to devices 5 respectively. From their work with this equipment, the authors conclude that the anomaly is confirmed and tlui-t its dimensions are determined by the state o-lf the surface and the micro3tructure Aig -'U v v KALI G! 'TO A. i. PASEMNIK 1'. V. (TnsW-u',-- of I.-ucloa" Rc- searcia., Ula-alman Academy of Scielices) "kvel Density of Comound Nucl 'i in tl~ Region A 3,30-200 and Other lluclear C. 1e: Tropertiesu lipscow,' Yadernaya Flzilm; July, 1972- pp 38-)i1 ABSTMOT; Rccent]y at thn M-141 reactor 'of the 1'Tmtitu$e of !~.tclriar Rc:-,w~rch of the Ukrair-izm Ar,-adem, of Sciences some data on neutron.41-,Psonanca for a con-s-Lder- -able rumber of nuclei aver the rmkge of viass,:nimbars, A = .130-192 i,.mro by the time-of-fliGht nothod. Thene dat".1 wexe wed to'calcv"I'atc, 01(i lcvel 6emit- of Ocar-mound nw"I'A 010.-x.. to the mcitat-'J.on enorg-y rZIO )ITINII-ir orfxm~. Thin paper preocaiLs datta on Vie deporidence- Of b(Aveon for a,,; a f un tion ot Via mmbar. oll' ncutronz in a ri'ucl6us. a fixed excitotion enorr 40 -.1.1.-MOMMMU ~R116MIARV USSR UDC 621.317-7.029.65/66-5 VERTIN, A. A., PETRUSHIN, A. A., SUSLOV, IL It., SHESTOPALOV, V. P., S. , =- ONOV, Ya.' I.., and. LIMITEENYO, L. N. IvAutomation of Experimental Research in the Milli-mote-T and S-ab- millimeter WaveenF th Ranges" Novosibirsk, V sb. Konf. po__avtomatiz. nauch.' issled. na osnove 'primeneniya BTsVM, 1972 (Conference.on Aut-owation,of Scientific Research Using the Ellectronic Digital Computpr, 1972--collection of works) 1972, pp 100-101,(from M-RadiotelvduAka, No 10, 1972, Abstract 'INTo IOA51 5) Translation: The proposed research method is based on the visuali- zation of the field distribution in-open strt~ctures (resonators, for example) by introducing into theii- space a test body which, entering a region of greater or lesser intensity in its motion along a specified trajectory, varies to eome extent the parameters -1-ures. The trajectory of:the te-t- body is traced by a of.the struct. zj beam on the screen of a Tho~ brightness of the beam is proportional to the signal taken from the open structure. 1JSSR UDC: 669-24S:620.183 KALININA, Z. M. VERTIY I G., MISMATULLINA, N. S, LONGINOV, M. F., ARTEMOVA S. P., Chelyabinsk SERGEYEVA, L. ~L I "Influence of Mag of fleat-Resistant Nickel-Based gnesium on the Structure. Alloys" Izvestiya Akademii Nauk SSSR, Metally, No 4, Jul Aug 73, pp 193 .196. Abstract: 'MC influence Of magnesium on the structure of nickel alloys was studied. under the assumption that magnesium is concent-rated primarily along the grain boundaries and in areas of ot.her defects of the crystalline lattice. Assuming that a very slight concentration of magnesium could produce an excess of magnesium at these defect locations and thus hinder the separation of car- bides and other excessive phases in these locations,,facilitating their more even distribution through the.entire volume~of the alloy, the authors turned primary attention to the study of~the influence of magnesium on the form, dispersion and nature of distribution*of excess,phases in the solid solution. It was found that the optimal addition of maLniesium to heat resistant nickel-based alloys.decreases dendritic liquationP makes the excess phases finer and facilitates their more even distribution. This USSR Kalinina, Z. M., Vertiy, 1. G.J. Yhismatullina, N. S., Longinov, M. F. , Sergeyeva, L. V., Filatov, B. A., Artemova,' S. P., Izvestiya Akademii Nauk SSSR, Metally, No 4, Jul-Aug 73, pp 193-196. increases the technological plasticityland long-term strength of the metal. Excess alloying or enrichment of alloys with magne5ium from the slag and lining in the furnace cause an-increase in local chemical heterogeneity, in turn causing the appearance of new excess phases, decreasing the melting point of themetal in the area of these phases.. and. reducing, technological plasticity. USSR tmc: 536.~,6:533.6 VERTLIB.- AEUTYMOV, V. A. tons""- "Experimental Study and Calculation'of.a Turbulent Gas Flamet' V sb. Vopr. teorii goreniya (Problems of Combustion Theon-collection of works), Yoscov, "illaulka", 1-9'70, pp,51"70 (from BM-Mekhanika, No 4, Apr 71, Abstract !!o 4B790) An approximate Translation: method of calculating a free diffusion ame with seDarate concentric feed of fuel and oxidant i"$ constructed on the basis of the method of the "equivalent prcblt-m of heat conductivity theory" (Vulik, L. A., Kash~arov, V. P., Teori-va struy vya2IS~y zhit~-kosti [Theory of Viscous Liquid Jets], Moscoll, "Nauk~alf ,1965; RZh~-Mekh,, j.966, 5B508K). ,rrom the expc entally known drop ia~ dynWnic bead i~long-the axis of-the flame and the predetermined value of the turbulent'. F'raridti number, the distribution of all uarameters in the ~ flame mW be: dr:7 term,.Ined. An ima- lytical solution is obtained with certain:assizmtiors whirh are not later confirmed. The authors, present,the results of an exPerim--,ntal study of a diffusion flame formed by coadal Jets. The dynainic head, te---,,)eratu,-: and 1/2 VERTLIIB, I. L AEUTY-UINOV, V. A. ,Vopr.Aeorii xomiiya, Moscow, "Hauka", 1970, pp 51-70 concentration of reagents are measured ir. the flame -fielld, and oscillogran of the ioniza-bion current are analyzdd. The results of exact numerical .,calculation did not agreeas well with, the e.)merimental data as did the approximate analytical relationships,.~ The nature:of: them' effect of certain initial conditions with respect to the. data of calciulations is not always in accord with the exDerimentally dete mined effect. V. A. Frost. rM 2/2 58 USSR UDC 536.46:533.6 VERTLIB I L ARUTYUNOV, V. A. "Experimental Study and Calculation ofa Turbulent Jet Formed by Coaxial Jets of a Gas and an Oxidizer" sb. Protsessy v 2-1ameni prom. pecheZ (Processes in the Flame of Indus- trial Furnaces -- Collection of.Viorks),:Moscow Institute of, Steel and Alloys, Vol 58, Moscow, 1969,~pp 21-36 (from RZh-Mekh4nika, No 5, May 70, Abstract No SB982) tational-theo- Translation: The results:of a detailed~experimental and compul retical study of a free turbulent diffusion.jet formed by coaxial jets of a hot gas in air are presented. The method of the.1equivalent problem of the as;a computational iethod in the paper theory of heat conductivity" isused, m and reduces to a calculation W-F continuous velocity prof-ilem, temperature and reagerit concentratinns and also of t1he.coordinatops of the flame frant by integrating the linear equations. Ilia ompivical valatie-ilship ',-,f tbe -the actual x of- the-longitudinal coordinate was borrowed from reduced O:ard qxperiment by comparing theoretical and,experiveental curves,for the change 1/2 VERTLIB, 1. ARUTYUNOV, V. A., Protsessy v plamen-i 2rom.. Recbey, Moscow Institute of Steel and Alloys, Vol 58, Moscow, 11969, pp 21-36 in the characteristic values on the akis of the jet. The feature of the singularity of the solution (permitting, apparently,the authors to obtain good agreement between computation and exp~eriment) the computer solution of a transcendental equation for~the coordinates of the flame front. The experiments were conducted*on a coaxial burner"(d. = 18 om, in dext 26, 30 or 34 mm); a mixture of the.h.ot gas with its combustion pro- ducts in air was placed in the inner tube and air was placed- in the outer tilbe. The values of the dynamical pressure, concentrations, temperatur.-e and electrical conductivity were measured; the two latter measuremen-cs 'gave practically identical values for the coordinates of the flame front; photographs were also taken of the jet.with different exposures. The ini- tial conditions were varied: the methane concentraticn in the fuel flow, flow rate, etc. it was e iden from the experiments that other conditions t being equal the maximum length of the jet corresponda to equality of the values PUZ at the output for both flowol the minimum value of the length comesponded to a flow of gas In mot'Lonless air. Tbto results of the experi- ment agree wIth the calculation so that for the experimental conditions a single graph izi shown for the relationship O(x), the compirtational 'Izay" and the equivalent problem method. 11 references. L, ft. Ifulis. 833 USSR UDC. 621. ~~I. VERTLIB,. M. Y a. , GORDON ,F. G A- Device for Suppressing Signals.of One Frequency Moscov, Otkrytiya, izobreteniya, prorVshlennyye obraztsy, tovarnyye znak-i, No 12, Apr 71, Author's Certificate No.299974, Division H,.filed 5 Aug 68, published 26 IiIar 71, -D 214 Translation: This Author's Certificate introduces a device vhich suppresses signals of one frequency in a signal transmission chamnel. The device con- tains a transformer, resonance circuit 'and, balance resistor. As a dii stin- guishing feature of the patent, the wi-it is designed to give a hi&h base signal transmission ratio, reduce nonuniformity of the frequoncy response of the channel, and narrow the supprc-E:sion~ frequency band while achieving a high coefficient of suppression and weakening the relationship between the trans- mission ratios and coeiTicient, of suppression on the one hiuid and load im- pedances on the other combined with simplification of the suppression circuit. The transformer contains an additional vinding which is symmetric with the main winding and has a common point with the main winding, the outer ends of the at~:dlia-rj and =ain -windings being interconnected th--oup-1-i the above mentioned resonance circuit and balance,.resistor. The input, of tae circuit 1/2 .... o;j 1: 1 `1111~-, I . . .1 z ~ ! ~ -I - I , ~ i ; - M r t I - , i . - I I * I ; I I 112:: .':024 UNCLASSI Ft ED k(ICE SING --l -p s DATE 8SEP70 ilATLE-FORMATION OF PROOUCTS OF, IRON-DEOXIOATION BY,:ALUIJ'INUM -U- ;:,.AUTHOR-(04v'-VERTMAN# A.A.* GONGPDZFog G,A., 14EHEDLI:SHVILI, V.A., SAMARIN, 1-p-- A 14- OUNTRY. OF INFO USSR URCE--IZV. AKAD. NAUK SSSR, METAL* 1970,.(I)t 171-22 ,..Q~ATE PUBLISHED ------- 70 ~':SUBJECT AREAS--MATERIALS,, MECH.v IND69 CIVIL AND MARIINE ENGR OPICJAGS--IRONv STEEL DEOXIDATIONP-ALUMINUM CONT&INING STEEL, :.i. r-NONMETALLIC -INCLUSIONt ALUM.I:NUM OXJ0E METALLOGRAPHY CM4TROL 4ARKING--NO RESTRICTIUNS -,DOCUMENT CLASS--UNCLASSIFIED -.,.PROXY. REEL/FRAME--1984/0167 STEP NO--IUR/0370/70/000/001/0017/0022 CIRC ACCESSION NO--4POO54963 UNCLASSIFIED 212 024 UNCLASSIF'rED~ PROCESSING DATE-18SEP70 ACCESSION*NO--AP0054963 -:.ABSTRACT/EXTRACT--(U) GP-0- ABSTRACT. AR.-MCO FE, ~CONTG. C 0.008, SI 0.001, MN 0.041 AND 0 0.18PERCENT AND AL IN BARS WERE USED. THE SPECIMENS WERE MELTED IN A FURNACE WITH AR, ATM. .; AT tHE WORKING TEMP. 1600DEGREES A PIECE OF PURE AL (0.4 Gl)-WAS ADDED TO THE SURFACE OF MOLTEN IRON. THE DURATION OF HEATAND TEMP. WAS CHANGED DURING THE TESTS. THE CRUCInLE WITH METAL.WAS COOI.EG IN THE AR,, SECTIONS Or- THE INGOTS WE-RE STUDIED BY Mll-ROANAL. -RITH THE AIM TO DE,T. THE AL DISTRIBUTION ALONG THE HEIGHT OF THE.SPECIMEN9 THE REACTION DEPTH$ -BETWEEN THE DIFFUSING AL AND THE .0 INJHE HETAI-f~ AND FOR THE DETN. OF THE CONTENT OF NONMETALLIC INCLUSIONS,, 14ETALLOGRAPHIC STUDIES WERE ALSO CARRIED, OUT. SEVERAL TYPES OF !NCLUSIONS WERE STUDIED: LARGE LIQ. INCLUSIONS OF,GLOBULAR FORM', COMPOSE0~0FMGAL SUB2 0 ~SUB4, AL.SUB2 0 ~~:-.SUB3, DENDRITES AND FINE GRAINS OF ALUMINUM DXIDt. THE FORMATION OF GLOBULAR INCLUSIONS OF AL SUB2 0 SU83'WAS CAUSED .:BY THE EFFECT OF LIQ. PRODUCTS OF DEOXION. ON AL.RESULTING'jN-THE FORMATION OF HARD SURFACE --LAYER- OF AL S,082 0 SUB3. UNCLASSIFIED USSR UDC 532.74 VERTIMAN,.A. A., IZMAYLOV, V. A., and SAMARIN, A. M., AcadeM4 ~clan "Centrifugling of Siluminum in the Liquid State" Moscow, Doklady Akademli Nauk SSSR, Vol. 190, No. 2, 1970, pp 313-314 Abstract: An alloy of aluminum and silicon was centrifuged in a high-tem- perature vacuim device in order to obtain information on the s-Lructure of the. alloy. , The siluminum samples were centrifuged at temperatures of 700 and .8500C. The samples were analyzed:for silicon content- by a weighing method along the longitudinal axis.- The distribution of, silicon in the samples of both series is graphed. Analysis shatis that the efffact of cr-jstal-- lization on. the separation of the components of the allo., In the centrifuged ? field was slight under thecse exp,~;rimental :conditions. Increasing the tem- perature from '100 't -to 85011 reduced he degree of separation of' the components of the luminumi-silicoa system. It is concluded that this: -effect is possible -Only if one assunes fhe presence in the AI-Si system of:dlinarrtic subgroups, dbriension r 50. enriched by one of the components,:of 10 These resulL should be considered in studying the modification and crystallization of -WANWOURNMOMI milli 'M- ~1111frl!:_ ffl!i~ . . ........ '7 /r00332-39- Y YP 95 USSR UDC 532.74 IMAYI-OV, V. A' and 5-AMARIN, 'A. 14. ,Academician '!Centrifuging of Siluminum in the:Liquid.state" Mos cow, Doklady Akademii Nauk SSSRI, Vol:. 190,.~ No. 2!,~ 1970, pp 313-3114 Abstract- An alloy of aluminum and~silicon was cen-trifw:ed in a high-tem- perature vacuum device in order to obtain-Anformation on:the structure of the alloy. The siluminum samples wer.e-centrifuged:at te=eratures of 700 and 85,00 C. The samples were analyzed for silicon content by a weighing method along the longitudinalaxis. The dis-cribution of silicon,in the samples of'_bo-tih series is graphed. Analysis shows ::that the effect of crystal- lizattion on the seDaration of.the components of the': alloy in the centrifwzed field was. slight under these ex'Derimen-tal. conditions. increasing the tem- Perature frorn -100 to 8500 reduced of separation of the components 1970,1692 P AT0033239 of the luminums -i-licon system. It is concluded th at th-'ts effect -is ros:3ible only if one assunes the presence in, the Al-Si syst em of dynamic subgroups enriched by one of the components of',dimension r = ~10-50 ?i. These results should be considered in studying,the~modification an.d crystallization of silumins. j9,ynjLGq3 , 212: 027 UNCLASSIFIED PROCESSING DATE--230CT7O CIRC ACCESSION NO--AP0119044 -ABSTRACT/EXTRACT--(U) GP-0- ABSTRACT.. PHARMACOL.p CLIN.r AND CHEM. CHARACTERISTICS OF THE TITLE COMPD.ADI-HCL SALT OF~ 2t(4,METHYLtl,PIPERAZINYLI,10,METHYL,3t4,DIAZAPHENOXAZINE) (1), ARE GIVEN. I IS A LOW TOXIC COMPO., LU SUB50 VALUES FOR MICE BEING 64, 390, AND 700 MG-KG (I.V., S.C., AND ORALi.RESP.).t AND PHARMACCIL. EFFECTS RESEMBLING THOSE OF TRICYCLIC ANTIDEPRESSANTS. : I DID NGT SHOW CHOLINOLYTIC.ACTIVITY AND WAS LESS TOXIC THAN 1141ZINf. IN CLINICAL TESTS? INITIAL DOSES WERE 25-50 MG-Z(t HR# MEDIUM 150-200, ANo MAX. 500-600 MG*24 HR. A THER4PEUTIC EFFECT.WAS OBSO. AFTER I WEEK AND INVOLVED TIMIDO ANALEPTIC AND SEDATIVE-ACTION. I GAVE COLOR REACTIONS WITH CITRIC ACID IN AC SUB2 0 (.VIOLET COLOR WHEUHEATED), AND FORMED AN ORANGE PPT. WITH TROPAEOLIN 000-0., THE.FOLLOWING PROCEDURE WAS RECOMMENDED FOR QUANT. DETN.~OF It DISSOLVE 0.1-0.15-G SAMPLE IN 1-1.5 ML;HCO SUB2.Ht ADD 30 ML AC SUG2 Of AND TITRATE.WITH O.LN HCLO SUB4 USING CRYSTAL VIOLET AS INDICATOR;' I:ML, O*IPI HCLO SUB4 CORRESPONDS OaD1851 G 1. FAC!LITY: V S E 86 NAUCH.-ISSLED. KHIM.-FARM- INST.. IM..ORDIHON11KIDZEr MOSCOWP' USSR*; UN S IN -9 klm.~~- A:05 a F) Code: UR 0297 Acc. Nr. 1P0029570 PRIKARY SOURCE: Antibiatikio~A" I Vol 3.5,, Nr 1., p p,5'~ - .4aNTITLYINIOR ANTIBIOTIC TAVROINIKETIN, ITS EFFEC'T ON OPGAINS AND PILOCID "TAL ANIINLALS, DISTRIBUTION '4D ExCRETION OF EXPERIMED-; VertorOuz ,, P.; Kunrat, I. ~L. juraveysknv- insfitute for New Antibiotics, Academy of A-lidical Scien-Ces of the USSR, Th~ paper pre'sents datm on, the effect -of tavromvct~tin on the organs and Wood of expermienial animals. its distribution, in tissue-s and excretion. It was found ilat tavronycetir used in loxic doses affect' ed the liver and 1he kidneys of the ani-imal'i, decreas~ad the ery(b, p-2ripherat blood and induced rocyte and hemcglobin counts in the trombocyiopenia. After intravenous, administration 0.5) per cents. of the antibliotic was excreted with urine ai-id 4~5 1 er,cient with bile. After oral-adminisi ration 0,8-1 Der cent of ffie.an4iblotic was eXcreted with bile and no,lantibiolk %vas detected in urine. E-1 REELdFRAME P6-~Ct6r "Y~talldr~y USSR UDC 536.33+546-3-19 and CIMKHOVSKOY) V. YA., All-Union :L-istitute of Aviation of High Temperatures, Acadenty of Sciences TJSSR "Electrical Resistance of Powder-Metal Tungsten-Hheaiwn Alloys" Kiev Poroshkovaya Mletwllurgl .9 iya, No 10,Oct 72, pp 68-70 Abstract: The concentration and temperature relationships of electrical resistance were investigated for W-Re alloys within the limits of the tungsten solid solution. Powder metal alloys containing 5, :10, 19,1 20, 21, and 27% Re were used in the 1200-30000C teirmerature interv'al. Analysis of measurement data shows that the relationship of electrical. resistance. t for IT-Be alloys In the investigated range of compositiions basically confoms to the Nordheim law, i.e., electrical resistance has a linear function to the product. of atomic concentra- tions. Alloys with 20 and 21% Re.deviate from the ge.neraliprinciDle, starting at ar-oroximately 17000C. The formation of internediate phases is assu;Ted to De the cause of this anomaly, The authors-t :f-, V. M 9,02911 and Ye. I. PAVLOVA for useful obgervations ba during the disvussion of tha results obtained- 3 figures, -.12 bibliographic references. USSR UDC: 536-212.2 11 -ROSVIL V. Yrosem E&I V "Thermal and Electric Conductivity of Ta ntalum at Hig~i Tminira-ratures" Terlofiza-a Vysoldkh Temperatur, Vol 10, 1, 'Vo3cmv No I., Jan-Feb 1972, pp 77--81 Abstract: The aaL, k' Miur studies the th(;-rrU- and electr-c- condoc'ivity of at high temperatures. T~e lhex-~=-l conductivity of --jas me-a-sured, at- 3WOOE. with an error of le-gs than 2*5-4*'5 Pelvent. Its elecUrical resistaiice -war, rae-esured at 12-1DO-3000YOK iaith an error of less than 1 n.c"ce!A. A devi-a'-im is dc.- temined from the mozotony of the, se-cond of electrical resistance i:itb respect to temperature in the 21000r, range. Zie author uses data ffram existing literature to calcuLate the most. probable values of and -.1 -tc- U ~' ity r- r trical resistance. Original artiele: Oix formulas, "ve figqare:3, one table, and 20 bibliographic witries. 42 DATE-020CT70 4ETHOD IF -,'PROXY REEL/FRAME--1990/0296 STEP NC)--UP,/0000/70/000/000/0000/0000 .CIRC ACCESSION NO--AT0109594 U N C ~12 022 UNCLASSI:,FIED PROCESSING 0ATE-02OCT70 ej RC_ ACCESSION NFJ--AT0108594 ~A~S~T'qACJ-/EXTRACT-(U) GP-0- ABSTRACT. MEASUREMENTS H A VE BEEN PERFORMED WIRE SPECIMENS HEATED BY PASSINGIELECTRICAL CURRENT IN VACUUM. USE HAS BEEN MADE OF EXPONENTIAL TEMPERATURE DISTRIBUTION GRADUALLY DISPLACED ALONG THE SPECIMEN DUE TO THE RIDER, TEMPERATURE VARIATION. THE EXPONENT HAS BEEN DETERMINED FROM THE COMPARISON OF THE RESISTIVITY CHANGE OF TWO SPECIMEN SECTIONS-WITHOUT USING'THE TEMPEPATURE COEFFICIENT OF ELECTRICAL RESISTIVITY. RESISTANCE BRIDGE AAS ALSG f3EEN USED.. TUNGSTEN THERMAL CONDUCTIVITY HAS SE.ENDETERMINED FOR THE TEMPERATURE INTERVAL OF 1300 TO 2500DEGREESK ON THE SPEC.IMEN.S OF 99.9PERCENT PURITY W!TH 0.1PERCENT AD()IT:ION OF MO. THE CALCULATED MAXIMUM RANDOM ERROR OF A SINGLE MEASUREMENT DOES NOT EXCEED 6PERCENT. UNCLASSIFIED mom r;W~rtli KINUICS AND MORPHOLOCY OF AUTOErITAXIAL 11FRAMMUM F--14S IN THE rMOKIDE MMIOD All JAttirle Ly V. S. KravehLY)ko, A._~,~ndreyeyi V, S V~=crpz a l' A. K z- to to I -,-- r ~tura-Tlo-nckrlzo:Z ?4=at~oj Mr- 2 ' 1969, a lbo quantItative results of experimental st~udits of the att'itth of auto- CpLrarial layorn or garmanium by the chloride met!zod- 11-41 -c~noeL b" qae& 'for other aerups without foraltnolonry analysis inveatiGattaft of -is reaction cjutlibrlumz znIf ~k-4AQttca. tit Oic 11tvLa thsg' emmilyiiin in,cor'Vliczt4') by the fact that along with hatioregenGous ~o teactiont intomediate reactions take place in the gas phase t5-71, t1te Jq- Frva of the o~ccurrence or whtr+ qtAa~nttally to(tectot the grawth, "ottaotto and. Im otra, depends on M."Y pa"U"'t-ra 4-4 0troctutAl n1ementit of: tho tnattor. Th-~refor,~. the n"c3marv con dition or the optimat process otij i" Atmuiatton r~- 4 further experimental otudy of tht chemical syttaus Ce-C-I-M. Thim-atudy, In additioo, can permit an approach to the dibcoverr of~ of* tioa reactictox *to the oturfact, and the growJkh.zcc4anis=A ~vwiar different conditlAne. Y --.d, Verhztpg_Lt will offer the pomsibIlity of more vurponeiful ucill:atloa of, i: Mo,grovth procooto tif the auturpitax1al LAyarg. Ito thly,paper a study Qau Pude of the effect of the cemparatuea. the flow ve)oc:lty and the concentration of the In the vapou-jas mixture on the growth kinetics and morphology of the fl.1". A Yet- tical r4Actor 72 r= In diameter was usi-d. Tile besting %me joal1r&d. by. high It frariusincy InduttJort correnta. Tito tempcr~o4rm waw mxt~rvu'eed by~d plAtinam-, platinorloodluaJitermocouple, and it ~&* kept constantAwarlatlorrot witUln tho limft& of +2 drKreda). The aubarrates with (111) ariencatloit "to used, 3k.6t 2% any hetiiorogatocoud pro-no r"Alised inthe flow, the growth, prorems of the permanium; (Ilva It" the gas photo as a function etf the simu~ leting nogs can be divided into aeveral ragAons. For wary small flown where the equilibrium can be estaboltothied on tit surface And in thoot gas phase or under the conditions of complatt tsix(nS th: precede takes place in the so-called quayLettitaLlItorlu" rartSm (3), Ito title caaa.11ho growth rate to the linear function at the flow velocity and can be r CA 14 red to, thatormoula (9) 136 - -7 -3 XV-3. q1*UDY nF 1111' REAL MICROSIRULWIT OF C."Nrh ANIt SVWtLO,' SUKFACLS DY TI1L LIGHT CONFICURATI04 MT11(ju (Article bv Y..N.Vartortrakhov, V. r. Zinoy', Nov~lbivg,~ wo~ ne XrI_st.IIv i 0t, R.altan, 1-17 Jut- L17Z, ti 'I Tl- -thod ,f I.Litht%,con(iguration urrt: at. tnc rrrtRrnr tArz to r-lent vry~t#44~ c=*.*in.,=nlt-v_=iv richr- In format Lon. about xo,rL=c&_ 1he linam-oata b=dz an tui light configurations are -aifrraction spectrum %ya;ovis ond beat 4itforisation about the. arrivis of gr"th.'.and nDlutiol) it".%, a .1 1:-__ In the Cos ayared growth of the crvitals an the irseeto frequently vlcLnol forism,occar whlcl~ 'are deflected bv a fraction of an atup!ujar degr fr('M thf- IIA-41C facet. 11viviing &,laoer bcAns It Is.vosaLble to doeraigm the angles, of vicinal.joYan. "vpraj:secvnds., jjtA_Itj" Possiblo, t a uetcr=Lna..tI41.'*hp1t;%, of, indLvidaAl blockst rvac Ing tile sur6ce. in tile- ease .6r. ecuv6ret Atructure of Uie surrace, 'the lixYwt confi a- tIVnx ate freq ntly mul I& to difficult to determl R~' A% uc ne th, exact drigular Value or ctii facit or rinott-r bm titan. In tills ease :c F~d 1-c- sult.lis obtatrutd by tlia,-efi~gt at overvxp-.~* of tho photoarApble rvon known by thi~naflsl.of Uls:jibia.Azailon Mist hot b0ca'dkicusal.4 is trstv5 tn an.eisavolt.of assacluctor a Illv^ rystals with a $tTu'CtUr6-%#(. the, type Of di4wood..0phalfrits at itsinket. 9d r"3 XIV-4 LUKIr.S UF C-MUTH AS Thl, FAVNK MXININX 17hL 110TIAILOC:Y OF LPIIAXIAL LAYKR~ ",'0 cltyf~"ALS WITTI Thl: STRUMURL (IF WAWND AND SP1;,1LL;4.L AArttcl~ 6y Y, 1). V. N., b i rnk.; %mar in An.1-t. ..In mAdr, of the ",rj%lw1npv i-f cll* cr~u-.Als tvit-i tnt strur- T u, rooIdinitionJand 40~a*lcri-fr) in-tcri-4 vF aaa,=tructural sorica. It in dcmoor)tfntvd Oat the drn.ity of the elr~-q,Arv- I~rs; and -ha struttural Periva 4errease In t1w series an'j 1 0- resoucLi-ly. calculation data obtained pettmit The explanaticn of the occurrence or certain Jecom from tile poilit,of View or Aettw PGr%tCl1pztLm in tht prowtil rsroccomell. or different structural me-ties fitrowth stopop'), ~v tit the latter to a. t the f4can inclined t* jile. 18yem.41 gf"th And rrcdEct. WhicIt, UL them Vill appear In the growth form, of the crvutolv and epitaxink Iar.erm' . LL Ilea been dimonstire%ed-that-t.he eiverimntal data-cwt, the study or the prouth stages In..dismand cry#t Ials Imnd epit*ktal: Imisti-6r - gerinatil u. and -gallL arsenide agr#9 satisfactortly with thc~ Jumults of We th"retical anslysis. 112, 024 UNCLASSIFIED 'PROCESSING 04TE--IISEP70 -T-ITLE--A PARAMETRIC AMPLIFIER -U-.. E.V.v VERTQPRAKHOVAt. L.S. _.:COUNTRY OF INFO--USSR -~SOURCE ~--U.S.S,R. 262982 IAKI Nk 7 4 FE~i .'-REFFRFNCE--0TKRYT1YAv rzoBqET., PROM. OBRAITSY, TQVARNYE Z.% --PATE PUBLISHED ------- 70 '-"SUBJECT AREAS--ELECTRONICS AND ELECTRICAL ENGR. .-T-OP I CTAGS--P4RAMETRIC 4MPLIFIER, PATENT, CIRCUTTI CAP CIT R, biooE o '::'~.-FLECTRIC.INDUCTANCE, THERMAL STABILITY CONTQ1.1L4R K I IN G - - NC!PS T Q I C r I r; ,,I tMO(UMENT CLASS--UNCLAFSIFIED P OF, Oil 38 9 rl!) 00 1) i) C, -)'_1 ST~ ._:C1RC ACCF.SSTO.N NO--AAnII2213 u TJISSV-I)Nn -22MUlz Z7Z7. )3311~lldl-IV gHl -40 SIN5W313 snooO-IVNV 3H.1 01 3on.Li-idw*v N1 --Ivnc)3 3.~dV ~4,%I'Vi S11-H-L., :40 9:)N'Qrll0lVdV:). ONV. 3 ONV KMO NJ 3141 -dOI.V'1-llD.SQ.DNldWAd 3HI :Aj NNVI 3HI 01 IM09V100:13:1 511 H6no-eHi (J---'133NNOO SI '3KI I 3wvs 9H1 IV GNV BHI'dO iinobi,). ~ONVNIC-S3*d 3JNVil3VdV:) 9:)NvionGNI 3H1 101NI ivNcqvio andN] Sil HSOO~Hl 031-33NNOD 51 IdOIVIMOW 3:)%lVl:l3Vd-V:)- :-, ~'I 3HI 'ONNINni A:,ll-lciWlS WIV Allllla~VlS -lVWb'=Hl 3SV3b'X'Jl Gi DS(W339 sd3:3:110 ii *a0!:):!i3O:30nlJ'ldWV M ONVI 113131-IdViV 3AL13-1319S V '.iln:)bj:) 6~lslvvi Hilm bcilvllE~Scl 'Ss%'ldwnd V ,s aoo,j u n~i:)civ kmu:i Nu a~svo boivinow OSONVIV-d i SN IVIN-00 HOIHM '631JlldWV A di'l~4,M:Vd 7 s3ono0e,-L.Nl 3 1 :J~ I I b] 3 Sb'Df I I nv CC I HI Si~v -0-d9 ilMlOVV--GN NUlSS-3:)-)V- 3bl,11 I I - - 0 ID, N I S S 3 C 31 A I S S V ll')Ffn tzo. 2/Z K. Amplif i4ra USSR UDC: 621 3T5. 8 SHEREPE, T YEV, E. V. , VERTOPRILKHOVA, L. S., Institute of Automation end Electrometr-y, Siberi 8~ Departm6nx PT tne Kcadeqr of;:Scienrzes of theIUSSH "A Parametric Amplifier" LSSR Author's Certificate No 26,~,982, rijea 4 Nov Q, publialied 2 Jun 'TO (from 2Zh_P,,jdj 2, thit, 70,~ Wit rew 1. No No I Translation: This Authar's Certificate introduces a parametric amplifier which contains a capacitive balanced modulator on four blocked diodes, a pumping oscillator with master circuit, EL selective amplif~ler and an ampli- tude detector. To increase thermal stability and simpliPj tuning, the above-mentioned capacitive modulator ha's its input di-agonal connected in a resonance capacitance-inductaricei tank in the amplifiar,,- anr! -the feed diago- nal is connected in the resonance tank~of the pumpingloscillator; the in- ductances and capacitances in the amplifier arid.oscillator tank circuite are equal in value. 7777777,:~, USSR 71,R, Par wna:: r c uency F e 11 U S V sb. zyl~--~r~--%-11:;- -kc:--Z -7" - - :.z ("rcrc' C aza Al-mcmati or lection of VI i, P. ,p 27--.j~ 1 10, Aljsl,ract p Rrtdi.otelhni ka. , o 101, Oct C~ 12 2 T r 2a. f; i o n 'I Cz,~,~ a u,- I cs T) r e s e n t asurvey 0 f V rk S On "ie o s cw- no s e an- er s lo,.r-; -ic nararetr-~c resonaxice. Low- f re n a r c 1'iu-r~ of tl- e ca,,~acltlve type (ba2 t: d on b2o~:k~!d i,, n N a:-. a` e -nductive Obu-,~--d on 'errites azid thin films v th, ortho,-onial =,-:tgnet~c control are dif-;cussed. are given for the up-in, pazsbard imd rjolz5p I't--tor of the T I-Men!. The bas c nroblems of devclopir.~ low-frequencT yara-,:1et:rIc are con-videred: Qf muctive elemcr~tv, pumping of effcct of' ttit--, second harlaunic,- change in xr-actafice, e,~C. Ii, ra tions,41bliography of thirty titles. Resumd. ELECTRONICS Amplifiers USSR UDC 621,375.'124:621.375.9 SHEREMET'YEV, E. V., VERTOPRIAXWOVA, L_S.,~Institute of.Automation and Elec- trometry, Siberian.Department o the c enc a f th, USSR ej,4y O.f" Scil elo L "A Parxaetric Amplif ier" Moscow, Otkrytiya, Izobreteni-fa, Promyshlennyye Obraztsy, Tovarnyye Znaki, Mo, 7, 4 Feb 70, p 46, Patent No 262982, File&4 Nov 68 Translation: This Author's Certificate introduces a paramietric amplifier which contains a balanced capacitance mdulator based on I*our-blocked diodes, :111ator with naster circui : a pumping osc. t a -selective amplifier and an aupli- tude detector. It differs because to increase thermal t3tability and simplify tuning, the capacitance modulator is connected throtigi-I its inpTit diagonal into the inductance-r-apacitance revonancO circuit of Ou-, ampailier, and at the same 'lime is connected through its feed-diagonal to -the tank of the Pumping oscillator. The Inductance and a acitance 0t this tank are equal. C, I 'UP, in amplitude to the analogous elements of.the amplifier tank circuit. 1/2 USSR UDC 537-533-35/536.45 ZOOOV, Cl. S., and VEIRTSNER, V. N. High-Temperature Election Microscopy" Moscow, Izvestlya, Akademii. Nauk SSSR, Seriya Fizicheskaya, Vol 36, tio 6, 1972, pp 1266-1271 Abstracti The article shows that high-temperature studies can be performed ,in an electron microscope-by using the,electron, beam of the microscope to heat objects. The specimen support Is an.apertured disk made of tungsten foil, mounted in a socket covered*with-a heat-insulating layer of alumin= oxide. The heating of the disk is accomDlished by a defocused electron beam, a slight portion of which passea through a hole in the disk and creates an image of the object. The temperature is measured by7means of an optical pyrometer, focused on a mirror replacing the intermediate screen of the rA-croscope. The principal difficulty in measuring tenDeratures above 100CP C is that the temperature is not.the same forivarious sections of the disk due to nonuniformity of than current density., At temDeratures ianging from room temperature to 20000 C the'temperature measur-ement error does not exceed sev- dozen degrees, The maximum heating temperature depends on the proper- ties of the disk material and object and~can-exceed 30000 C. 68 -w USSR UDC: 621.308.694.3-538.652 ABRAIDVI, V. M., BARSKIY, B. R., WERTUSHKIN, B. A. , GOLOVET, V. V. , ZORDI, V. M. , KRINKIN, A. A. A Pneumatic Coikputer" Moscow, Otkrytiya, izobreteniya, pronyshlennyye obraztsy, -,ovarnyye znaki, No 8, INTar 71, Author's Certificate No 296091, division G, filed 17 Oct 68, published 12 Feb 71, p 148 Translation: This Author's Certificate introduces a I~neuflvftic computer which contains v- sing.,le-diaphralgii element with two nowlcz ithich are coaxia-I with each othw- in Lhe flop., chiuMber of the element. ~Tbe di-.!ad-crvJ eliarl~uer of the clement iti connocLerl to a multiplicwrid pr.-vosure, atid t1w inner nozzle in Connected throuv~i 11 choke to a multiplier pretoure- riowr(,E~ and directIl bo the output chmnel of the dev~ c., the simular obanne.1, formed by the nozzles being open to the atmosphex-e. As a dist-,ingixishing feature of the patent, the fizictional possibilities, of the ccr--puter are exterided by connecting the flo-w chamber of the eleruent, through r-, choke to a divisor pressure source. USSR uDc 681.3.o6 UIAVA. 0. G of Sciences Georgian SSRO Institute of Control Sys- _jj~,, Academy wax= "One Possibility of Error-Frea Recognitimof a Limited Satup of Coinn=cis" TbilJzi, Soobshcheniya Akademii Hauk Gruzinskoy SSPt Vol 65# No is Jan 72, pp 41-44 Abstmcts A two-step- algorithm is proposed for the recognition of a limited setup of comrz-nds. - The,logic algorithm proposed f= the first step uzes andarft, while for the second recogni- so-called MINI- and MAXI-portraits as sta tion step there is a scalar product algorithm with a hm-riatic standard. The fixst-step algorithm permits error-free irecognition- of ab3ut 70 percent of the realization* vresented for recognition ~vhile the remaining realizations are also recognized without error by. the seeond-step. algorlthm. .IN MR. it IV I , 1, 11 M USSH UR_": 510.3:62-50 "Optimal Process J-ith Delay.for zPartial DLLC44ez.,(~ntiaj _'quat-Lons of the 'Parfab.-Ilic Type" o 4 Tr. .'X .-=~ZPOUaVsat. sostava i nauchn. rabot-n.-__nrob-l. ic-,,:ra.S ;a ~~ruz. 17 (2ransactions c il-e iifteenth Sc~enti`ic-~Iec;-Lnical "-.I- ference of ~;ha P_-of-ssorial Instr r 6taff aiid 'cience ucrlo Problems, and Laboratlory, Divisions, MeorGian Polytechnical In- -stitute, ao. 17) Tbilisi, 1970, po 5-16 (from, RZZ K -1 1a 4, e Ma. t ik ~i, No. 3, 1.1arch 71, Abstract i'~O. 3Bj~Q) Translation: The nroblem of optimal control is con:~idered r the case in which the procesF, is debcrib.ed_b7 a partial differential equation ofthe parabolic type, the optimalit&criterion being~a functional de;)enain- on zome Dreviously , becif ied -mrameter ni)dl on th solution o-'' differential equ4j-io re n. 7 USSR UDC 621. SHPIRT, V.A., VERVEL'SKIY, A.A. "Recovery Time Of A Limiting Diode And The Method Cf Ito Di5terminstion" V ab. Polu rovodn, pribory.i ikh rimenoniXe~(Semiconductor Devices And Their Applicution--Collection Of Works)j No 23, Moscow, "Sov. radio.0 1970, pd 192-197 (from RZ'h-_81ektronika I yeye primeneniye, No 11, Nova::-!ber 1~70, Abstract No 11B94) Translation* A calculation is conducted of the recovery tima of a limiiing semi- c~,ndvctor diode, on the banin of an anslysit of the chanize of the stored charge. The measurements, done by two methods (directly at microwave frequency and by determination of the recovery time through the a ored charge), show thut the theoretical value of the recovery time 10" ~sec) is close to.the experimental. Conclusions are drawn concerning the advialbality of aelauring the stored charge instead of directly datermining.tho recovery time-3 ill, I tot). 2 ref. Sum=ary. USSR UDC 621.-85.64 -EVSKIY, L.I.I. TIKTIn, S.A. ZEUOP'X~~XAI KISHIIN "Continuous-Action Pagnetron With Evaporative,Oooling For Microwave Heating, Unite" Elektron. takhnike. Nauchno-tekhn. ob..Elelctron. SVCh (Electronic Technology. __ctron Scientific-Technical Collection. Miarowava~Elo 970, No 7, pp 114-119 (from RZh--Blaktronika,i yeye prim,660niye'40'llp if9vembOr 1970, Abstract No IIA125) Translation: The results are presented of the development of a continuous-action centimater-band magnetron of average power for domestic end ity-11.Aotrial microwave heating units. A distinctive choracterietio of-the magnatron developed is the cooling of the onode unit jblak), which has n number of advantagou in evaporative comparison with other methods of cooling,, :As a boiling-iouter,hout-tranefor 9gant, it in -possible to -ude both- induotrial water., and. -water s.olutioOa of othylaneglycol with a freezing point tb-minue 70 0 USSR UDC 1537-226f 537 - 311- 331:1537+5351 VASIIX VSFAYAJ. M. M.1 _BUROV) G. Ar.., and SMIMITOV, M. V. "mi6_Frequency T~'oncontzict Study of Temlperature Dependence of Electrical Prop- erties of Ionic Crystals" Tr. In-ta elektrokhimii. Urallsk. nauch. tsentr All SSSR (Works of Electro- chemistry institute, Ural Scientific Center:of Acader4~:of Sciences USSR), 1971, vy--D - 17, PP 7-10 (from RZh-JFizikaJ, No 1,~ Jan 72 Abstract No 1YE1226 froi,,i Surmary) Translation: The authors study the electrical propertles of Na-Cl, KC1, CsC!, YBr, arid KI crystals by the noncontact,IT, method. It is established that on .the curve for the ternoerature dependence of the tangent of the anirle of diclec- tria loss In the crystals stiidled there io a, ruximw m-lar the rulting point,. In the case of CsC1 a im-ximuii ic fotin(l alsoiin the regior. of' -polymorplious (X-4-13 transformvation at 4750 C- One kese rice of a pe,' iximum on the tan -S curve is due to mutually opposed processer,:. an increasO in the concentxation of defects anl a decrease in their mobility-.~ The tan,~ temperature dependence can be regarded as characteristic of t emperature variations in the structure of ionic crystals. USSR LTDc 621.039.524.034.3 NESTERM-10, V. B., L01MASHL7, B. I., VERZHINSKAY-k A. B. KdZLOVSKIY, V. G., SAKOVICH A. T. 21 "First Experience in Realizin-- Thermal Cycles in a Dissociating Gas .110)f ITO2Z 2NO + 0 2 Dissotsiirwushch. gazy kak teplonoziteli i rab. tela energ. ustanovok -- V sb. (Dissociating Gases as Heat Transfer Agents and the I-Jorking Idedium of Power Plants - Collection of Works), Mins k,-Irlauka i Telrhn.:~Pres_ 5-1o4 s, 1970, pp 9 (from RZh-Elektrotekhnika i Ener~etika,:Bio 5, MkV 1971i Abstract No 5U183) Translation: The experimental testing units (the thermal D-50 and the power Vulkan) and the experience accunulated during operation of them in a dissociating medium N 0 2NO 2N0 + 0 are presented for operation by a closed gas- 2 4 2 2 liquid cycle scheme with the following parameters: 1~ 1) = 10-60 absolute atmos- pheres, T = 25-6000 C; 2) p = 3-15 absolute atmospheres, T st, 25-5000 C. The first operating experience in 14 confirmed the reyers4bility of the chemical 204 reaction of dissociation of the -system N 0 t 21,0 2TO + 0 Methods of 2,4 measuring all the necessary values -- temperature, pre!111sure, jr1ow rate and so On - are developed. This method of operation permits an approach to the 1/2 V -M a~ UDC 582.26 USSR 'VERZILIN,,.jt4., ANAWYEVA, T. I., and-IMINA, K. IL11. t~e,Metaboli~m and Viability of "The Effect of Protracted Darkness on Chlorella Sp. K." Leningrad, Vestnik Leningradskogo.Universiteta, No 21, Biologiya. No 4, -129 1970, pp 121 Abstract: Metabolic shifts in Chlorella sp. K. cultured on a medium de- ficient In organic nutrients and kept,in the dark.foir a period of two months were studied. Before the beginming of.the diperiment, algae in susperLgion were cultured on a mineral medium under luminescent lamps, and continuously aerated by air coutaining~ 5% C02- The biomass was then cen- trIfuged, resuspended on a culture medium deprived of n-031 poured into 3-liter conical glass vessels~and placed in the dark. The suspension was aerated at the rate of 0.8 I/min. Samples for analysis and determination of the cell content in millions per milliliters, dry watter in grams per liter, and the chemical composition of the biomass were periodically ob- taiued.. The data obtained revealed-that Chlorella sp. K. cells are highly resistant to dark conditions. Despite the deficiency bf organic nutrients 1/2 ---------- UNCLASSIF1,00 PRUESSING DATE--17JUL70 -TITLE-NUCLEASES OF ACTINCMYCETIES ~a ING TO THE UUE G:,~OUP -U- 'AUTFOR--VERZILCL, V.V.t TATARSKAYA, R.I.,-KR.ASlLNlKQVf N.A. .~CCLNTFY CFA NFC--US SR t~s IZVESTIYA AKrEt'll INAUK SSSR, SFRIYA BIGLOGICHESKAYAi 19701 NR it URCE 13 3,-~- 136 DATE PUL I Sh-EG -'---70 $UBJECT AREAS-BICLUICAL ANC MEDICAL. SUENCES io*P:1 C, TAG-S,-ACTINCt'YCES, PICPCOTOLCGYt EN ZYME C.104TRU 1-~ARKIhC~--INC RESTRICTfCNS K-.,~UM E N TCLA.SS---!UNCLASSIFIED ?RcX--y RE~LIFOMS-IS79/0728 STEP NC--UR/C216/70/OCO/COL/0133/0136 C- 1 R CACCESSICN NC--APOC47226 'IFIED UNCLAS~ Acc. Nr; Art Ref. Code: UR. 0216 VVU47226- PRIMARY SOURCE: Izvestiya Akademii Nauk SSSR Seriya Biologicheskaiya,,1970,'Nt~ 1g pp K 'I nikov, N. A. Verzilp-v-. V, V 'fai~rAayai-R. I., rasi NUCLEASES OF ACTINOMYCETES BELONGING TO THE BLUE GROUP Insiffil ,~qLeny Scien vs USSR teAllcroblology_ r -is shown that the cultura fluid Investigations of the blue group actinomteetes fi, Uf the strains pertaining to this group displays nuclease ktivity which differs in the case of different strains. Some. strains produce a thermostable llucle,15e which retains its activity after heating in an acid, rnedium., The enzinge produced by other. strains i~ destroyed l!y heatiniz and nlay be regar- 6ed as a,phosphodiestherase. Many other strains. displayed -a partial activity decrease following heating suggesting that these strains, produce severil different nucleases. All strains chequed with respect to their:DNA activity.have shown their ability to, split tbig compound. REEL/FRAW 19790728 USSR urc 621-315-592(038-8) VERM21jr T. I., PAY~U!J) I. y,., PopoV N. ~R., SUyETill, 0. N., FUMAN, B. A. "De-Vice for Compensation of Axial Play of the Priming Rod of Furnaces for Growing Single Crystals" UOSR Author's Certificate.No 275412,Tiled 1Dee 6T, Published 14 Oct 70 -7) . Apr 7i, Abst ct No'4G479P) Mh-Metallurgiya, No ra Translation: A device for compensation for axial play of the primirL3 rod of furnaces for growing single crystala contains a syst-i for regulating the speed of the drive which displaces the priming rod. ;To decrease the aYial play in the translational motion of the prindag rod occurring during its rotation, an inductive Ai.".Iaccm~nt transducer is introduced, the moving part of which is rigidly connected to the.primin.g. roa. 'fa* stationary part is connected to the carriage on which theinoculation rod is mounted, and the output of which is connected to the input of the speed regulator of the drive for displacing the priming rod. M XIIII, -Mull Ace. N--_: Ref Code: PRDIMY SOURCE: Vestn',M,Dematologii iVenerologii, 1970, Nr pp 4,,3-~4 ITITATIVE PROCEDURE FOR TREP~O'NEMA PALLIDUM IMMOBILIZATION QUAN TEST L. V. Sazariovd~ L t M:D- ~V-dwn Su-mmary ~A method of quantitative Troponaina pallidum immobilization tes~ has been deve- ined j0.05-~,1-0-15-0-2 MI) loped usin,2 increasing amounts of the serum to be exam appropriate controls. The' other co M, 0,,e w5t used ill Conventional polie"Is oi amotints of'the quilitative T. palliduni iMmobiii7ation les:, 'The exterience with the new im.,thod indlcate~ fliai, increasing the arriount (if the inat-Huzited strum tinder study does not Produce immobilization 0, T. palliduill. 'For more accurate scrodiagnosis of syphills and " r; Mfereritiation of false positive lesi.:Hs of standard serological te5ts it its nece-ssary to examine larger amounts of sera by the-quantitative method.of T. palliduni inirrobilization le.r:t. Incrimsed aniounts of inac- fivated st~,rum from subjects with questionable results produces more complete immobili- zation of T. pallidum and more definite results-of T, vallidum. immobilization test -14 MEMIM, M. "t, i~, 1 USSR uDc 62o,186.2:66q.i4.ol8.44 MALSLENKGV, S. B., IQUA" K. GEVELING, N. N., and BUROVA, N. N., Central Scientif ic Research Fe Institute o. rrouls,Netallurgy! Segregation 14icroheterogeneity in 4xhl2v8G8NYB N148',) Heat-Resistant Electroslag-Remlted Steel!' Moscow, Mztallovedeniye, No 9,, se p72,. PP 70-72 'Abstract: A comparative analysis was made of intracrystalline segregation in ingots of a i3-8-8 austenitic steel (EI481), ~produced by oren-arc melting fol- lowed by elettro-slag remelting. Th ecomposition of the renelted steel was (in %): 0.~q C, o.41 Si, 13.4 Cr, 8. L, mn, 8-ONi, 1.4 v, 1 - 3 Yo, and 0 - 45 11b - The degree of dendritic heterogeneity was eiraluated by the coefficient of segregation K., which is the ratio of maximim,concentrtv.~tion of an eleirant to the minimum concentration of them element in a dendritic~. ce" , The steel was made at the Elektrostal' Plant in-a 20-1-,MelectricalfUrnace. The resulting electroslaig rer.41ted J 'ngot weighed 3200 kg. It was fou-nd that E1481 steel, alloyed with-strong carbide-forming elements and,carbon., experiences inter- axial segregation of the basic components. :The segregation he terogeneity is determined by the nature of the macrostruetare, ane- the maximuz heterogeneity was the same fc~_- both the open-are and electroslag inelted steel. 1 figure, 1 table, 5 bibliographic references. UNCLASSI FIED, PRdCESSING DATE--18SEP70: TITLE--DETERMINATION OF INDIUM IN SEMICONDUCTING ON AN A.C. POLAROGRAPH -U- AUTHOR-- VESEL AGO it Let# '.~,.:CGUNTRY OF tNFO -USSR ---~ZH. ANAL. KHIM. 1970, 25(l) SOURCE 72-5 PUBLISHED -----70 -SUBJECT AREAS--MATERIALS .~.JOPIC TAGS--INDIUM COMPOUND, SEMICONDUCTOR MATERIAL# LEAD COMPOUND, METAL CHEMICAL ANALYSIS, DROPPING MERCURY ELECTRODE CCINTROL MAAKING---Nq_ RESTRiCTIONS .1*55--UNCLASS[FIED CL "..."PROXY- REEL/r-RAME--1989/1741 STEP 40--UR/0075/70/025/001/0072/0075 Cl RC ACCESSION NO--AP0108108 UNCLASS IF lE,D .. ......... 2/2 021 UNCt:ASStFIED ~:PROCESSING DATE-18SEP70 CIRC ACCESSION NO-AP0106108 ABSTRACT/EXTRACT--(U) GP-0- ABSTRACT. INDIUMt 041-0.001PERCENT, WAS DE.TD* IN SEMICONDUCTfNG MATERIALS AND, METALS BY:~USINIG MIXTS. OF HCL AND TARTARIC ACID AND H SUB3 Pn SU54-AND jjBq AS. SUPPORTING ELECTROLYTES AT MINUS 0.7 V. THE IINOICATOR ELECTRODE. IS A DROPPING HG ELECTRODE. A M HBR PLUS 1.5M H SUB3 PO SU64 MEDWHIS USED FOR THE DETN.'OF IN IN THE ~PRESENCE OF PBt TE# GA* SBv Vv NBT FEP 'AND SN AND 2.5M HCL AND 0,7M TARTARIC ACID IS USED TO DET. IN IN'PB TELLURIDE.~AND IN FE. H SUB2 SO SUB4 DOES.NOT INTERFER. THE RELATIVE ERROR IS 2i5-1-OPERCENT FOR 0.2-0*004PE.RCENT IN-AND LESS THAN 17PERCENT FOR 0.0021PERCENT IN. UNCLASSIFIED USSR UDC 621.039.538 N.,-A. P. YEGOROV, Yu. A., MfELYANOV, I. Ya., BOLDYREV, G. N., VESEUT ZHIRNOV, A. D., ORLOV, Yu. V., K~NSTANTINOV, L. V. "Study of the Shielding Problems. on Water Cooled Water Moderated Research Reactors" V sb. V pr. fiz._7ashchity reaktorov (Problems in Reactor Safety Physics Collection of Works), No. 5, Moscow, Atomizdat, 1972, pp 235-250 (from, RZh-50. Yadernyye reaktory, No 5, May 72, Abstract No 5.50.62) Translation: Several special installations were~constructed to study shield- ing. The BSF and GTIR installations werelswimming pooLreactors employing Land 3 Mw neutrons, respectively,,placed on moving bridges in large water pools. The B-2 device on the BR-5 reactor was developed to study the laws of the attenuation of y-quenta and reactor neutrons in the geometry of a unidirectional bean; the materials to be studied or irodels ofthe shielding were placed in a niche in the reactor shielding. A zero-power reactor was intended for studying processes In the shield directly adjacent to the reactor core. The reactor was equipped witb filters in one of the directions making. it possible to obtain an optim al relationship betireen the USSR BOLDYREV, G. N., et al. Vo2r. fiz.14sh6ity reaktorov, No. 5, 'Moscoux, Atomizdati 1972, pp 235-250' y-quanta fluxes. The OR--,M experimental device is also intended for studying problems in reactor shielding. The 50-kv.-water cooled -water moderated research reactor is also equipped with devices-for conducting experiments on shielding. Various studies associated witb.the radiation problems of shielding.are carried out or..this,reactor. A description of the reactors, experimental devices, and characteristlesiof the devices and methods used in the research are given, RM 171,10 USSR, UDC-621.039.538:539.125.5 VASIL'YEV, G. A., YEIGOROV, Yu. A. ,ORLOV, Yu. V., 'YEV, Yu. V., PISKUNOV, V. 1. PA%iMT 'Space-Energy Distribution of keactor~Neutrons inMetal Hydrides" V:,sb. Vopr. fiz. zashchity reaktorov (Problems in.Reactor Safety Physics Collection of Works), No.,5, Moscow, Atomizdat, 1972, pp 91-105 (from RZh-50. Yadernyye reaktory, No 5, May.72, Abstract No 5.50.58) Translation: Current designs of.the shielding of nuclear reactors include hydrogen-containing materials,,the presence,of which in the shield makes it possible to shorten the size of.tbe shielding and reduce the contribution to the power of the dose from neutrons of intermediate~energies. Various hydrogen-containing materials are used in the shield: 'water, polyethylene, paraffin, concretes with an increased:conce-atration of,hydragen such as Serpentinite concrete, etc. Metal hydrides may also b6~1 included in such materials. Metal hydrides have 'a high nuclear density of hydrogen, in some cases exceeding the nuclear density of hydrogen. water. In studying the passage of neutrons through metal hydrides,one can show the perturbing 1/2 2/2 012 UNCLASSHIED PROCESSIN'll DATE-11SEP70 1CIRC. ACCESSION N-0-AP0106092 :ABSTRACT/EXTRACT--(U) GP-0- ABSTRACT. METATITA41C ACID (1) WAS q0ASTE0 A MANIN KILtl fO PRnoucE A SATISFACTORY TIO, SUB2 PIGMP T. THr: 00TIMUM OPERATING TEMP. AND TIME IN THE ZONE OF rHERMOCHP-11. WERF 8600EGREES AND 2 HR, PESP0. THE :1, WAS CHARGE,) TNr0 THE FURr4ACF~ IN, POWDER FGRt4 ARD THF THICKNESS-OF THE LAYER OF 1~ IN THE FoRNACCE WAS MANTAINED AT 20-30 M-m. HEAT WAS FURNISHED-BY A KEROSINE 0 MIST. CONTC. SIMILAR TO 15P.FRCENT 0. A RADIATION, PYROMETER CONTROLLED THE TEMP. :COPE CHARACTERISTICS OF THE,TI0 SUB2~PREPD,WERE 38 G-100 G. TIO SUB2 OIL CARACITY-,.79PER-CENT fig SUB2 PARTICLE STZE~,SMALLER THAV I MU, 35 G-M. PRIPIE2 COVERING POWER, AND~PH 6,9* NCLA u 55 1 FIED !Iii nip, USM UDC: 621.165 TRUSOV, A. S. and-VESMOV.0 H. A. "Problea Associated With the Effect of Operational Factors on the R.-onomy of Steam Turbine Installations" Sudovvye silovue ustanovki. Hauch.-tekhn# sb.~ (Marine ?over Installations. Scientifte-Technical Collected. workw , L973s vyP. IOJ pp 64~-O (from M- "Turbostroyeniye, No 5, 1973,, fibstract NO 5.49.1s) xyans:lation: The authors atudy the reasona rosponAble for prosaire dev-1- Ation, in the condenser p.. It is nhownAhat the accuracy aad measurement control quality of the instrtwent. are insufficient for diselosirig, the rea- sons responsible for the deviation of p*,, The px%sontad graphs doceriptively ~ahoiv the effect of pressure dwiation, !A the condenser on the economy of GTZA /e-xp mision unkitow_n7. Tho obtained relationLqhips: delta 14 =9 (px) wd P.-fk,tIl,k) rtake it possible- for the user not wly to set the optimal operating regimen of Uie circulation pump.,:bat alao to deternine the techi- cal, etate of the condenzation installation., Original article-. 2 illuup P I table., 4 bibl. entries. Vi USSR UDG 621.318.5:621.318.1 Engineers ~LE.,JLOVA V.11 KORGIVOYI, T.G. Q "magnatio Mate.rials For Sealad,. Magnotd-Controlled Contacts" Moscow, Priborf i sistamy_upravlaniya, No 13A, Nov 1971, PP 37-38 Abstract: The paper lists the requirements imposed on the contact springs of magneto-controlled contacts (MC) and diecuspee,the alloys (47M, 47a, 5511K) for VIC developed at the Institute Of PraciBion;:Alloys of the Central Scientific-Research Institute Of Ferrous MetvI1urgy,(TaNIIC!LNI), with an in- creased value of the induction in at6l+6 a/m field, which atioures high-spead oporation of such MC and increases their sensitivity. These alloys assure a vacuum-tight durable seal with glass ar4 a.coaffioient of thermal expansion close to that of glass in the intorval from 20 to 5009 0. '~hs binary alloy 52H can also be used for '411.0. The magnotie anA mochani'al properties of the now alloys developed at TsNIIGh~,I are shownla.9 Wall as those of ',~2N. ref. 2 fig. 2 tab. Acc. Nr AP6044Gi4 Ref . Code; d V/? o*9 7 PRLMARY SOURCE: KliiiicheskayA Meditsinia~, 1970, Vol 48, PP :41.33 ELECTROCARDIOGRA01-11C $IGNS OF PULMONARY HYPERTENSION W, 4elhtkov S a u M~ni a r An attempt is made to evaluate the informa ive si2nificance of electrocardiographic sighs o'l byperfunction of ihe r46,ht ventricle4n.the diagnosis and cardiogenic Pulmonary h y- pertension. In 70 ver cent of cb~-ervations these tests are (if diagnostic importance, including ctual values of W&I and the quantitative. Of the greatest value kthe ntio bebwcen the fa' ratio. olf- their maxinmi values exceedingone (a s.igfj Proposed by',theauthor). Ar .777: USSR UDC 57~,..851.48/.49.078 WSELOV. A. Ya., Leninogorsk Municipal Sanitary Epide6iological Station, Eastera Kazal=stan Oblast "Efficient Identification of Pathogehic:Intestinal Microbes" Moscow, Laboratornoye Delo, No 9, 1971, pp 542-543 Abstract: "Suspicious" colonies are cultured on Glycerin-bile agar to which dysentery, typhoid, and Salmonella bacteriophages are added. A positive identification can be made immediate-lyIn the case of Sh flexneri or sonnei cultur-s provided that all the typical'c.haracteristics' are present. Both strains make up the majority of the ShIgellas and E. Coli. All the S. flexneri strains are lysed by:.the,dysentery.bacteriophages and somewhat fewer,by the typhoid bacteriophages. Sh.~ m sonnei is.lysed by the sane phages in about 852 and 60Z of the casea. TheAdentification of Sh sonnei cultures Is facilitated by the fact :that: when. gtown on glycerin-bile agar, the R-forn, app-an. MR UD6,576.851-252.Q97.29-077-34 VESEMN A. YA. Leningrad liuniciral Sa-nitax~, Epideniological St&tion, Eastern a Pre "Study of Staphylococcus ToAgenicity by the Diffusio cipitation Lethod" Moscow, Laboratornoye Delo# Ro 3, 1971t, Abstracti Instead of the cumbersone test-tulw nothodt the author proposes the use of a special agar medium developed by the DagestDari Institute of Culture Hedia, The aGar is poured onto 20-ml dishes and alloved to congeal, after which sterile filter paper moiste ned with aJitistaphylococcus serum is applied to the surface. Then four of the StaphylocDcous-strains under study are inoculated onto each dish, alternating thez~with a standaxd,Sta hylococcus p culture. Eost of the pathogen1c:strains,,tooted foruied precipitation lines, vhereas none of the nonpathogenia strains did, Coagulase uas found in a-11 of the pathogenic strains, twAigenicity in 94, 11%, and hepolysis in 87.6-iv i.e., toxin formation was most frequently gseo~Aated With, coa&rulase activit-y. Th three min chaxact-eristics of pathogenicitjw~ - presenca;of coagulase, to7An, an4 hamolyzin -. were combined, In iof :.I,'be patho~e.nlc strains. The diffu- slon.- precipitation nothod waz:succeaeftil~~Waed. to ea.tablish the "ant1genic reak. ldentUy:of Staphylococcus straiii-S ivoUt~~: Ouring a4 outbl of Staphylococcua a restaurant, USSR UDC 621.372.826 IIESELO -IIIIA G. G. V G. T. VOROI "Calculation of an Open Dielectric Wave Guide of Rectangular Cross Section" Gorlkiy, Izvestiya vysshildt uchebnykh zavedeniy, Radiofizika, Vol XIV, No 12, 1971, pp 1891-1901 Abstract: The method of partial regions is used to solve the problem of propa- gation of electromagnetic waves along a regular rectangulax dielectric wave guide in an unlimited homogeneous medium.-. The dispersion.equations are obtained which Jetermine the propagation constants of all types of surface waves tnat can exist in the investigated system. 'The dispersion curves for the even wave of the dipole type (IIE) even are.calculated on the basis of the approximate 11 equations. A comparison is made with the results obtained by other me-thods [Goell, Bell System Technical.iournal,,Vol 48, No 7,12133, 1969]. Tables of special auxiliary functions simplifying'the practical calculations on the basis of the dispersion equation of.the 'first approximation arelpresented. The pos- sibility of calculating the parameters:of a rectangular dielectric wave guide by the proposed equations is proved. USSR UDC: 621.372.829 and GAYDAR,V. 1. Jz '~Designing a Circular Waveguide with an Inner Cruciform Conductor" Moscow, Radiotekhnika, Vol. 25, No.. 117 1970, pp 102-104 Abstract: The inner conductor of this waveguide,, which is asserted to be practically useful because of its favorable ramge and direc- tional characterisl--*cs, extends the leng-th of t -L L he guide and has a cross section in the shape of a plus sign. Under the assumption that all conductors are ideally conductive and that,the thickness of the inner conductor cross arms is infinitelysmall, the authors ol' this brief communication find. the critical,H and E conditions Curves are of the system through the method of partial regions. plotted for zhe critical frequencyreduction faotor-and for the relative error in that functions of t~ae ra;tio a/b, where a is half the length of the cross arm.and b isithe inner radius of -the waveguide. USSR UDC 621-372.81.09 VESELOV, G., I., KRMTUNOV, V. M, "Characteristic Oscillations in an Infinite System of Open Dielectric Wave- guides" Moscow, Radictakhnika, Vol 25, No 81 1970,-pp 52-58 Abstract: Open dielectric waveguides have received wide attention in antenna- viaveaLd. for use as smooth delay.systenis. The purpose of this paper 'de technique I is to obtain a rigorous solution to the.p-rablem of,an infiaite. system oL equi- distant and coplanar waveguides of this type. The authors-consider Che 3ystem cross section involving Lhe following tbe wavasuide. radius, the distance between the ayes of neighboring waveguides,. the parameters oi the- waveguide. riaterial, and the parameters. of the -surrounding nmedium. Finding the components of the electromagnetic field in the waveguides, they derive e:-mressians for the field and obtain the dispersion q!quation determining the propagation constants of the characteristic oscillations., They show that, with an increase in the distance bebieen the.wavegui6eis, the dispersion equa- ious: types of iraves -in a uniform open t.on transforms to an equation for var dielectric wavegaide. The relationships and dispnrsfor. characteristics they obtain for the fundamental -asymmetrical* w-ave through an approximation equation may be useful, for detemining the electrodynamic characteris tics of a system of closely spaced waveguides. 1/1 J! USSR UDC 621-372.826 I., PLAMNOV, N. I. 41W "Deternining Critical Parameters and-Dispersion Properties of Shielded and Open c Waveguides of Round and Elli Iptical Cross Sections" Dielectri Doklady Nauchno-tekhn. konfetentsii Do intogam nauchno-i6sled. rabot za 1968- 1969 &g. (Apr. 1970 g.), Sekts. Radiotekhnicheskaya. Podsel'-ts. Liniy peredachi volnovodn. ustroystv (Reports of the Scientific and Technical Conference on Results of Scientific-Research Work, for 1968-1969 (April 1970). Radio Technical Section. Transmission and Waveguide',Channel Subsection),~, Mosecm, 1969, pp 38- 43 (from RZh-Radlotekhnika, No 1, Jan,70, Abstract No IB85, Resume) Translation: The critical and dispersion, equations of:, regular waveguide systems ons are obtained containing.dielectric inserts of round and-,elliptica pross:secti by means of'the strict boundary method of Ipartial domains. The convergence of the approximations is estimated. USSR UDC 621.372.826 YE_~ELOV, G. I., KREMMOV, V. M. "Electrodynamic Characteristics of Dielp"ctric Waveguide Systems" Dok.lady Nauchno-tehhn. konferentsii Do intoRam nauchna-i~isled. rabot za 1968- _k 1969 gg._(A-jr. 1970 g.). Sekts. Radiote-linicheskaya. Podselas. Liniv pczxedachi volnovodn. ustroystv (Reports of the Scientific and Technical Conference on Results of Scientific-Research Work for:'1968-4969 (Apr'il 19,70). Radio Technical Transmission and WaveL-uide Channel. Subs ection) , Moscow, 19,59, pp Sectiorl. 98-103 (from. Mn-Radiotellinik, -No 1, J-3nJO, Abstract No IB91, A. 1M.) Translation: A stf5tem olf a finite num-ber oE parallel i:cuiid d-l'!1ectric wave- guides with arbitrary arranGement of the-- in the- tran8,rersse plane is invesrif- gated. The ra-ii of the waveguides and, the dielectrie,; cor.,gtanr-,- of their iriaterials dire unequal in the general ca5e. . The oolucjon 1.1i _,"ourid Using 01,e =echod of" ?a_~tial domains. The transve Irse crossIsection of the investigated transmissioz line is Dresented izi the fom of internal sinale.-coupled domains corresDonding to:difz~e partial rent dl.elec-tric waveauides and an ex- ternal multiply-connected partiall domain. In each of. the partial domains the coMponents of the.electromagnetic field iare representee, in the form of series 1/2 USSR V:ESELOV, G. 1. et -Ii. Doklady Mauchno-.tekhn. konC 3~ no i" I!, inalic'hno- issled. rabot za 1968-1969 gg. (Apr. 1970 g.). Selfts. '.t;3diol;~!kiiniches",ki~,,a. PodselIcts. Liniv Peredach-i voLnovodn. us.troystv (ReT)Orl:c Of tile Scientific arid Technical Cori LLI rance on RLE!sults of SciehtitIc-Research,IJofk.* for 1-968-1969 (April. 1970). Radio Technical Section.. Transmission and 'Uava,guide Channel Subsection), 70, Abstract No Moscov, 1969, pp 98-103 (from RZIl-Radioteldinika,.- No.l,.:Jan, - IB91, A. IM.) with respect to a complete system of scalar functions sati,-fying the wavc eq-uation in ' the cylindrical coordinate system, and for the external coanected region, also the boundary conditions at infinitv, Graphs ara -pre- for tile dependence of the delay ;factor on the dist,-;~:nce between the axes sentea of the dielectric waveguides in wave longths; for lowor asyrimetrAcal rypes of waves polarized in the vertical plane, Ifick discussed, inethod is used wi-lan solv- ing the problem of characteristic oscillations of infinitely ordered systems 0- of dielectric waveguides a tw dimensional-pariodic grid. The calculational sys-em of equidistant relations aTe pre,5ented !or the wave delay factor of a gle. plana: as, a 'unction of the radius, dielectric waveguides arranged in a sip, distance between axes of -adjacent dialectric wavegui4jes and phaqv sId-fts. The case of lower asymmetrical waves: of the 'HEil. type is:,'inves.tigated. There are two illustrations. 2/2 Dokladv Na~~,:Ihno-tekhn. konferentsii Do into2am nauchno-issied, rabot za 1968- 1969 gg, (Apr. 1970 g.). Sekts.Radiotekhnicheskaya. Pijdsekts. Liniv peredachi volnovodn. ustroystv (Reports of the,Scidiitific and Technical Conference on Results-of Scient-4fic-Researchl.Work for..1968 1969 (April 1970>. Radio Tech- nical Section. Transmission and Waveguide.Channel Subsection), 'Moscow, 1969, pp 43-49 (from Uh-Radiotelennilka, No 1,jan 70, Abstract No IB86, Resume) Translation: A general expression is obtained for the dispersion equations dete=iirning the eigenvalues of the waves of an m-layer round waveguide with arbitranj dielectric constants of the layer material., The characteristic racteristias oscill.aticns of features of the dispersion cha of lotqer~ types o~ a two-layer shielded dielectric waveguide are investioated Uncluding con- sideration of losses in the dialer-tric)o -off IMM"INIVINOWN OWN MWIMIWF~~ UDC 621.37/2.823 USSR' and SEMENOV, S. G. ,Academy of Sciences o_4 t lie UbbR in Moscow "On the Theory o~ a Round 111'ave Guide with an Eccentrically Placed iMetal Conductor" Mos cow, RadioteRlinika i Elektronika, Vol. 15,, No. 4, Apri 1 1970, pp. 81-S-81S Abstract: The authors apply the method of partial regioiis to derive expres- sions for the critical conditions of a coaxial transnission line wi-ch an off center central conductor. In these calcu ations They assumc a Metal con- de a rietal screen the space*bet een them being filled by a Uni- ductor,insi form isotropic medi=. The process of. derivation is as follows- s of the: Vlnet.~: cfield are expressed 1) The longitudinal component electromag a-s series in complete systemis of electrical- and ma.anetic' functions; these involve linear combinations, of bessel and Neutiann', ILunctions, tak-ing into.account'the zero Dirichlet and Neumann boundary COAditiOnS at tile SUr- face of the central conductor, but not the scroeni Dirichlp-t and Ne an' nditio s at the surface of um n c0 n 2) Apply the zero a he screen, using the orthogonal relatiohshios for exponenti I function:~ to USSR VESELOV, G. I., et al, 11adiotekhnika i Elchtronika, Nol, No. 4, April 1970, pp. 815-818 deterrn-Lne zhe desired theoretical values in the form of infi-nite deterninants. 3.) Applying the supplemeitary boundary zonditions in.the plante of sylln- -rv of a coordinate system centered in the conductor, determine the longi- ez P tudinal components of the electromagnetic field for either an electrical wall or a magnetic wall 4) Combining Bessel functions and applying the zoro bounLiary conditions at the screen surface and in ortliogonal,relationshi-Ds for trigonometric functions, determine the critical conditions for a circular v;ave guido with a metal conductor disDIaced in the plane of the. electrical. or magnetic wall. All the expressions given are in the Form of infinite serics wh;ch Conllerge~ fairly rapidlyp~ the authors give an example.i.n. wthich they calculate the criti cal parameters of a circular with, an eccentric internal conductor for oscillations of the kE type: (displacczzrient of the conductor in 011, the plane of the magnetic wall)-and the kE ty-pe (di.splacement or- the con- ductor in the plane of 'the electrical wall.), Ti-ley found that. the displace- nent of the internal metallic conductor leads to a substantial reduction in the critical frequency for kE 01 and,kE I'I. o.scillations,4 An analysis of the convergence process indicates-that' the relativeerror,of calculation in the 141 -I--- 7~--_~- _- ---- - -- - ~7- --- --- - --- --- -- -- - :-- -- - -- - -- - --- - - -- - - A , M. !M m ~~- w1frintlZ7,11,m~ ~4117 ;;; tilil,i;u i7i It 11 M.1 ~~ 'Ili!! -1:.J. 4 UDC 771-531-37:776.1'5+778.681 USSR -h~ Ihstitute of Geodesy, c Researc, Central Scientifi, Hal Surveying and Cartography~ "Color Separation Tests on SIT-6 Aerial Film" vlLoscow, Zinurnal 'Nauchnoyi Prikladnoy Fotografiii Kinemato- grafii, No 6, Nov-Dee 70, PP 443-446. Abstract: In the interpretation of aerial photographs obtained on SN-6 spectralzone film, insiLftioiently clear color separation of standing timber on the basis of species is~observed; this has to do with the nature of the aerial filia.: In ordGr to as- certain the color-soparatioh potentialities of thia film, color- seDaration tests were undertaken. !-,1t.'was,, howeverj impossible to use the existing methods, since the procedtwe was complicated Sif-' film registers in- by the fact that one of thelayers of 0 frared radiation. Therefore a special:procedure was worked out. This procedure is described in the-Article. figures. 7 bibliographic entries. 112 009 UNCLA:S.SIFIIt 0 !PROCESSING DATE--IBSEP70 rITLE--THE EFFECT OF TEMPERATUREOF FERMENTATION ON THE.PRODUCTION OF SACCHAROMYCE-S CARLS8;ERGENS IS -U- k ALCOHOLS BY THE YEAST THOR-104)-GRACHEVAi I.M.r V Ao't GAVRILOVAr N.N.i KOVA.LEVICHt L S. mv -1 - 4' 'COUNTRY OF INFO--USSR ~,~OURC E-_ M I KR 0.8 IOLO G IY A1970, VOL 39, -NR: P PV2 2 -.3 2 6 ATE.PUBLISHED ------- 70 SUBJECT AREAS--BIOLOGICAL AND MEDICAL SCIENCES 1~'TOPIC.TAGS- FERMENTATION, ALCOHOLt YEASTP:SACCHAROMYCES, CARBOHYDRATE .-.WkQL MARKING--NO.R.--STRicriONS )a UMENT CLASS--UNCLASSIFIED .~,.,PROXY.REEL/FP,AME--1983/1408 STEP NO--UR/02201:70/039/002/0322/0326 -CrRC ACCESSION NO--AP0054271 '2/2 009 UNCLASSIFIED PROCESSING DATE--IBSEP70 ~-ClqC ACCESSION NO--AP0054271 .,ABSTRACT/EXTRACT--fU) GP-0- ABSTRACT. :TEMPERATUREWAS FOUND TO BE AN IMPORTANT FACTOR IN THE PRODUCTION OF BY PRODUCTS BY SACCH. CARLSBERGENSIS XT DURING FERMENTATION, E.G. ON 'ACCUMULATION OF HIGHER IOL BEING ALCOHOLS, THE DEGREE OF CARBOHYDRATE-FERMENTATION TO ETHAN ALMOST THE SAME. THE TOTAL CONCENTRATION OF HIGHER ALCOHOLS RISED 1.95 FOLD WHEN TEMPERATUqE OF FERMENTATI-ON WAS INCREASED FROM 2DEGREES TO .-~,'.20DE,GREES. THE FOLLOWING INCREASE OF TFMPERATURE:UP TO 30DEGREES ~RESULTED IN A DECREASE OF HIGHER.ALCOHOLS. 3.6 FOLD, MAINLY AT THE ACCOUNT OF ISOAMYL ALCOHOL...THEACCUMULATION OFASOBUTYL AND N-PROPYL ALCOHOLS. WAS',NOT MUCH AFFECTEU':8Y'!TE,M.P.lERkTURE. THEIR:MAXIMAL CONCENTRATIOMWAS REGISTERED AV23 TO' 25DEGREES. 01114 il-, L__ A S Sl Ft F A Fak.'~k J'TL~,.--USE OF COWERSION G S EIMOVAL O,F~METHANE~ HGM0L0GS FROM X, 4. T Wk A GAS 6Y HYDROGENATION -U- 4UTti0R-(0i)-BE9SHTEYN, A.YA..ip KHRULEV,r: V.L.v_,)fESHENK0 IN4T.9 N.A.* VESELOV V V COUNTFY ;5~ SGURCE-NEFT. GAZOV. PROM. 1974,~ (1), '45-6: DATE PUBLIS14ED ------- 70 SUBJECT AREAS--MATERIALS, CHEMISTRY TOPIC TArS--,4[-THANE,-- NATURAL GAS CAMN~ MONOXIDE, METAL CATALYSTP NICKEL CONTROL- MlARKING--NO RESTRICTIONS DOCUMENT CLASS--UNCLASSIFIED STEP NO--UR/0513/701000/00L/00ir5/0046 PROXY-REEL/FRAME--300511967 CIRC ACCES91ON NO--AP013,38Ll UNCLASSIF tED V. Gas VESEELPOV "Adsomtion Kinetics Moscow, Teore- Ucheski-y May-Jun 19YU,,pp 343 UDO! 660.985-061.4 -~-ut Insti. e,, Academy of Sciences UhrSSR in a Stationar Wavell a Osqoy 1(hiraichesk __Y oy Tekhnol ii, Vol No 3, Abstracu Adsorption from a flowing fluid by a layer of motionless -lated adsorbent is a non-atationary diffusion process. However, an adsorDtion wavo f oims in which the. rate of -mass transfer at every level becomes stationary once the wavo has become stabilized. One can therefore treat adsorption in the wave as a stationary masz- transfer process. A method has been developed for studying adsorp- tion in a wave by applying th*la principle. Equations were deriveil for detennining the coefficients of masstransfor in various sections of 'Who adsorption wavo. Those equations were applIed in studying cha.-mges in the resistance to mass transfer over tho lonsth of an adsorntion wave formed in the separation of,al.liquid bon-one - n-hen~ano mixturopassed through a-layer of silica gal. In the study conducted, data obtained in:the e.,merimental separa-111-ion of this mixt-urre on silica gel were useae 3 Ref. Code: Vic o7' Abstracting Ser e AC6 NIr"' D0100579- CHEIMICAL ABST,.~-70 0. 102349z Vapor conversion of a gasoline riAnate under pressure. Veselnv~ J'~; ;' Nlesheuko, IN. TI.; TsimbahMava, _X. Nr. (inst. Gaza, USSR). - Khim.. Tekhtiol. To .7ra-SW 1970, 15 13-1 i (RUSS). ing steam conversion of A: dearoinatized platformate gasoline, b, 43~136*, Introduced as a'1:5 gasoline- steam mixt. at a vol. rate. of, 1;:hr-'.bnto a 1:1 M-Cr catalyst 0 2t 320 , an increase in pressure from Yto 31 atin re duced Ii con- tent in the product froin:'62.U to 31:5C,'c, and raised CILK content CO-., co'ntent. from 15-L) to 43-1 % without stibk~ntiafly changink The limiting feed rate for complex_ gaqifi6tioji incveased linearly from 1.7 to 4.4 hr-I as the -presisure'~vvas in Icreased froin, I to 20 atin. At 20 atm. and othervvise~idotical cundition's, a change in input rate from I to 5 bz-71-did hot appreciably affect product compli. At-anin~uirattof4.4)ir7l,ateffip.i6c'masefr6m2OO to 320' raised con version from ~20 WIM1,4p. WhenH 'asthe desired product, purer H and higher efficiency were:'attainable by carryl ng out the process in stages, the first an adiabatic oiie at low temp. in a flow react6r' 6c6nd,a H prodiixtion nrocess in a tube furnace, the first sectio;a of,which was o1kra ble i~itftl the con verted feed at 7M-800". without carbonization of the catalyst. Lucile S. Davison :REEL/TRME :19842014 orpt on USSR UTC 541-183-03 VESELOV "Yaximal Dynamic Characteristics of,an:AdaorbenV' Leningrad, Zhurral Prikladnoy Khjmil, Vol-45, No 10, Oct ?2, pp 2201-2204 Absti-acti In earlier papers the author covered the concept of the maximum values of dynamic characteristica of the separation popier of an adsorbent. This concept was used in developing a qualitative hRrda, for the theory of adsorption sepazzation. The naxinum value of dun-anic separation is defined as the vs--imuta q=tity of a substarce.isolated from a mrixtui-a per 1 g of the adsorbent under ideal conditiono of dynv-,Ac adosmption, Several questions were apparently le.47t unansvered bi the earlier papers, and in the px)-,sant work the author aimz to clarify them. The.first, concept conside3:-ed by the author concerns the separation power of an adsorb!!nt which normally can be det'ormlnod experimentally or calculated ~fron experize-lital data oil static adiaorption. Thin is a vory practical conalderation- of'-ten nirj:5ed by other investigators. Further, the autlior points ~ out th* obvious difforonces tetweer -the-."ve -ion power of an adsorbent" :.03d ~"adsorpti4n!', which p - to a pCar -be- confused by mpny investigatorz-6. Firallyi-aa ~azp MoLtion~ ir, given why the separation power itith respect to;, component A is smalle-r th!txl the entire content of this component in the adsorption Volume a. ~-_l /Z 016 'PROCESSING DATE UNCLASSIFIED --230CT70 SEPARATION OF TWO PARTICLE COULOMBIS SINGULAPLITIES IN THE -~~----'-SYSTEM 0F.THREE CHARGED PARTICLES -U-: 4UTHOR--4 W91VA-1 AoMs !.~~-,COUNTRY OF INFO--USSR ~KSOURCE-TEORETICHESKAYA I MATEMATICHESKAYA FIZIKAv L970, VOL 3, NR 3, PP bATE:PUBLISHED ------- 70 --PHYSICSP MATHEMATICAL.SCIENCES i~SUBJECT AREAS 4~_TOPIC TAGS-CHAPGED PARTICLEY INTEGRAL EQUATION, COULOMB SCATTERING MARKING--NO RESTRICTIONS CLASS--UNCLASSIFIEO PROXY REEL/FRAME--2000/0994 STEP NO--UR/0646/70/0031003/0326/0331 _CIRC ACCESSION NO--AP0124653 UNCLASS IF IEO 1: al 2/2 016 UNCLASSIFIED PkOCESSING DATE--230CT70 ~IRC ACCESSION NO--AP0124653 :ABSTRACT/EXTRACT--(U) GP-0- ABSTRACT, THE SYSTEM CONSISTING OF THREE CHARGED PARTICLES IS CONSIDERED. THE REGULAR SYSTEM OF INTEGRAL EQUATIONS FOR THE BOUND STATE SCATTERING PROBLEM BELOW THE IONIZATION THRESHOLD IS OBTAINED. THE-KEP-NELS,UF:THESE INTEGRAL EQUATIONS ARE EXPRESSEDJN T.EKMS.OF THE SOLUTIONS OF:THE.CORRESPONDING TWO BODY PROBLEMS ONLY. FACILITY: LENIN%-JRAOSKIY G(3SUDARSTVENNYY UN I VER Sl TET -AINCLASS Acc. N AbstractihtService: Aef . Code: -~MO53440_ CHMICAL "ST' 110522r Structui6 and reacthity of Iydraglne derivatives. tl~. Kinetics -of reactions ~of ethyl Oloroforsinte with some G ntxcleophUlc reagents. Grekov, h Khim. Khim. V=komol. Soedin.. K.M;i u teS L (in tht., 25--55' 1770, bt2), 201-46 tRuss). ~ The.reaction ra range), activution-' efiereess, 'Arrhenius freque ry factors, and entropies were detd, for the fiacti6n of CICO:Et with jI,?N.R (R is Ph, PhNH T]ON'lle.' PhOICNH BzNlf, BzNI.Me, PliCSINTH, or PhCSINMe), which gives RNIRO-Er. Th~-high tze-activity of the. hydraiinederlys. i's due to.'their.interind R bonding and the formation of cyclic transition coruplexes! with CICO:Et. M-d by 4,a-dk6stitutt-d hydra- Theu complexes cannat be for Anes which thua have lower reactivity in respect to CPC%E, t. CPIR _1%1~61M E ini"Fiffliv, lum, nig usuri . tgm 416f. Coda-: viege--" 4P6101131 PIMMARY. SOURCE: 1970, k, 61 15 Nr3 pp-IA COMBINED EFFECT OF 5-BROAtURACIL,. MEPTOMYCIN AND CHLORTETRACYCLINE ON ACT AUREOFACIENS National listitate for Antibiotics, Moscow The effect of 5-bromuracil, chlorfetracycline_ streptomycin and their combination.9 -on variation of the antibiotic-production property in Act. aureofacit-ris- wa3 studied. 'The maximum rate of ptus variants with respect to antibiotic production was observed on Hit use of 5-bromuracil combination with the antibiotics. The, analysis of the date With,the use of criterium X2 allowed to conclude Ifiat, increased rates of plus variants and: decreased rates of minus w-riants Oil combined 1reatment. of the coltures with to, he ff 5-bromaracil and the antibloUcs. ~,ere.dUer ects 61: both 5~bronzurkil and the -antibiotics. R;-;7LL/r 19850756" MWEII-mmeniff gumiallifffim. P 11NOMM1,111F I Iffifflum, - --- - - - - - - - 2/2 018 UNCLASSIFIED. ~PROCESSING DATE--040EC70 ~CIRC ACCESSION N'O--AP013ft669 -0 U3STRACT/EXTRACT--(U) GP -- ABSTRACTO SIMILARLY ~TO PREVIOUS EXPTS. USING DEAERATED SOLNS. (V., R., C.t AND S., 1968) , ADON. OF THE MAX. SOL. APPITS. OF WATER TO All', CONTG. HEXANE ANVPHME SoLNS. OF 4,AMINOPHTHAL 1,41 DES RESULTED IN A SHLF1 OF I tit F LUORESC ENCE SPECTRUM TOWARDS LONGER WAVELENGTHS AND AN INCREASED: A14T,' OF FLUOROMETRIC PHASE (CHARACTERIIING THE DURATION OF LUMLNESCENCE)~ACROSS THE SPECTRUM. THE SPECTRAL AND PHASE CHARACTERISTICS OF, ANHY&., DI-AERATED NEUTRAL SOLNS. OF 4FAMINOrNtMETHYLPHTHALIMIDE (I)v :4,AtlltiQp~',4vC)CLOtil-l~:YL.PHTHALitilDE (11),, -;,ANIL I NO,,`4,METHYLPHTHAL1 M EDE, :3, AMINOi N, METHYLPH THAL I M I DE, AND 3,(DIPHENYLAMINO),N,METHYLPHTHALIMI'DE,:IN SEVERAL NONPOLAR SOLVENTS ARE TABULATED. THE REMOVAL OF 14ATER AND 0 SUB2 FROM THE SOLNS. RESULTED IN A REVERSE SHIFT OF THE FLUORESCENCE ;SPCTRA TOWARDS SHORTER WAVELENGTHS; THUS, IN PHME AND ME SUBZ GO SOLNS# OF 1j, LTHE FHIFT:WAS 700 AND 500 CM PRIME NEGATIVE19 RESP. THE OAS, QUANTUM-YIELD AND FLUORESCENCE LIFETIME OFCOMPLETELY ANHYD.t DEAERATED SOLNSS 00 IAN0:IpI lvf~-RE CONST. IN A GAMMA SUBMAX'o RANGE OF Zlf006-Z4f5o01 C14 PRIME NE,CATIIIEL* THE QUENCHING EFFECT OF 0 SU82 DROPPED IN THE 0RDFR!HE-XAN[- GREiATEP;THAN DECALIN GREATER THAN TOLUENE GREATER THAN 01OXANE, AND RA5 AL.1-1051 ABSENT IN BUGH AND ETOH. WATER IN THE CONCNS& THAT:ARE USUALLV~ PRESENT IN PREVIOUSLY DRIED SOLVENTS WITH ACCESS OF, AIR (E.G.,i, 0.01-0.002 AND 0.01-0.015 VOL PERCNET IN HEXANE AND PHMEr ~ RESP. ) CA.USEO, S IGNI F1CANT ALTERATION IN THE FLUORESCENCE SPECTRA AND FLUOROMETRIC:. 13EHAVIOR ~OF THE N SUBSTITUTED e- AMINOPHTHALIMIDES. UNCLASSIFIED: OCESSING L)ATE_---30OCT70 UNtLksSIFIlEa R TITLE-SYNTHESIS IN A SERIES UF PHTHALIMIDE,DERIVATIVES. 11. PREPARATION '.-.OF--3,6,0ISU8_STITUTED NoMETHYLPHTHALIMIDE.S. -U- ,AUITHOR-1021-VESELOVA, T.V., REZNIKOVA,~ 1.'0 too: I trjUNTRY OF nr-o USSR :~QURCE_ZH. ORG. KhIM. 1970t 6(41t,840-5~' bA_TE' PU13L ISHED----70 SUBJECT AREAS--CHEMISTRY TOPIC TAGS-PHTHALI(; ACID, 1141DE, ORGANIC SYNTHESISt ELECTRON SPECTRUM, -UMINIE:SCENCE i~04TRGL Mf'PXlfNG--NQ RESTPICTIONS DOCU14ENT CLASS-UNCLASSIFIED PROXY REEL/FRAME-2000/2074 STE P(4L)--UA/03,Sbil*t(--/006/00!,/081,-O/f)845 CIRC ACCISSITGN N'G--AP0L256_41 -2/2 020 UkCLASSIF,Ito PROCESSITN'G DATE-300C-T70 CIRC, ACCESSICiN vlt~---AP0125661. .ABSTRACTI EXTRACT- [U) GP-0- ABSTRArT. A SERIES 01~ f'!rL-'Z- PHTt-fALf:-l[0E-S (I) wAS PREPO. .6Y CMENTIfiNAL TECHNiCUES. THE INTRO-,".)UCTIGN OF lll.,AC GROUPS INT G THE 3 ANDIfOR) b POSITION CAUSES A STRONG W; '~--~SGCHRGMIC SHIFT IIN rl',E 1ELECTROINIC SPECTRA OF 1. THE INTRODUCTION OF 8k folk WDINE; INTO I --,,CEPRESSE.C ThE LUMINESCENICE AT. ROOM TEMP*: UNCLASSIFIED