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USSR MOSYALENKO, Yu. Ye., IVANUVA, T. I. I VA-051MYN, q,. B., ZELFKSON, B. B., KISLYAKOV, Yu. Ya.., and KAS IYAN) I. I., IrResistance of the Cerebravascular System 'to Transverse Accelerations" Moscov, Izvestiya Ahaderriii Nauk SSSR Seriya Biologicheskaya No 1, 1973, pp 37-46 Abstract-: Histological examination of brain section6 from, dogs subjectf--l to transverse accelerations of 15 g or more for 30 to, 40 seconds revealed Pro- nounced morphological cbFngres in the blood vessels, including rupture of the walls with extensive hemorrhages into the brair, tissue and ventricles. Intra- uranial cerebrof. pinal fluid pressure increased to 15 to 20 [r, and then stabilized while blood pressure continiied to grow in,proportion to the intensity of acceleration. Study of a nathematical, model of the process showed that after acceleration of up to 15 g, transmural pressure in the'cerebral vessels does not chan,-e significantly. However, acceleration of ov6r 15 6 increasc_-s trans- nairal pressure beyond the tensile strenGth of the vaccitiar waLts and miwy cause them. to rupture, Thus, the resist~tnce of the cerebrovascular system to trnms- verse accelerations is dependent = the relat-~onship between the r3trength of. the structural components of thevaacular.wdl and, the lncrewsa in tranzwural p3:essure. LO 'Irl"s 5sno, Ili- KY OF FLCrTRCX1',ACNCrIC ~~VES 0 (SYMPOSILN IN T61LISI) 1krticlo b~ USSR Acadrmy Qf Scl~,-r X. Iv _n~ ~1, vaylvlltv Moscow, Aqdczii %4-t% 55.11R0 Russian. No 3, W.We.tsco,rY pln75 ai) important ~lo in ruAloplifics r&,liotn7intitring~ pla,--;L physics, optits, holograps%y and quallt~jjft tqet- tronlc%. 111'e. probl~:ms rclated to the to =tr.,,rta3 it; have 1"Cn plACL-1 b1'0L`.C-1MlQ,4 WaV th ,or,- tly Aj)4CV XMVt~-3t-- Gth ~~-,positjm orl,-the state VY scle,icti, jo, th", Eield. hold in Tbill~l on ~-I~ Svpt~mh" 1071 at the Initi.tive' or the IILVVLV%l nntionni "=-.1Cttr of 'j;G i I eypant; Lock urArownj (inti;rnational attracted tht.- %stt'!-Ition of -Inre-zha--, 5110 5C;,,oCLz-,; fiaix I 18 C-coan t r i e presented at the symposium were 134 reports. Welvill, discuss the most notewortby of theLl. Thc~a~y--ptatjc t1heriFy,or ozatus. in dispers .Q fia,ero6eroous and noll. statVopar), zodio (for in3tAnCt in plasnal,,was..tho -h) . ..... bA Or---- L. Ftisen (U,$.), who Investipted sp&~ r~ysr-, with. t. `~ttir *spending .to ixatoin't the compres- caustiis anj focl, makinF in pxrtjtular~ SL~,c 6f pulsez. J. Dv.,,hunl 3 report "Ilvapt Optic%'! a further development of hcam concipti,: for-Anatonce the cimplex beams (of J Xel 1cr) It' was shown mat these' ctotn make it ciipti. possible to examine and h=orprrbous iod, aio :0 cyllrdar. ., Here not only thz~fin4l equations. but also. interr.0 late 44it" e ~in vicu of:.hith, he r t:-port'.can he co--%~Joitd an int~oductlon tz future the Y ~quailuptlcal o" srst;Ms to Ile Yletod An etc f asympz:,tir- nethoes Is usually. zhe derivation -"t 0 of analytical fD=.Aas with uLstinct physical rm~anlrtg. 'oherras Ua purpose of' ntzrmrical methods 13, as a rule, the solution of probLcz~ for,which dinetsioas of the ord(.r of mapitude of the wavelength or =aller are characterist.1c. R. RittrX and r. U (U.S.) proposed 46,new thad for o --Z ux _i,3.-~ D ding ' em Co sPor, .4 J b e r o th e Academy of Sciences UIS2, and BELKI-MR, M. G., Ti -.1stit"'te of Physical ProIblems ix;-.en-I S. T. Vavilov of -12~e Acadenay of Sciences USSRJ! Moscov Me -Double ieduction ?-'ethod and Infinite Syst-ems of Lftnear EECR.~_-Itions for the Coefficient's a f, a n E., P. so n o f a Revired Funation, with- G;1 ri t i e s XOSCO'W~p Doklza~j _Akadevdi lli'auR SESi-i, vol. 194, iv o4, Get 70., X, 794-797 ption is given of a double re duction mathod for 1,27c so-W-b4on of Abstra v A descri., A, n=y boun-dai-I value problems in mathematical physics, in Alich t~a'~! --olutiou can ~De reduced to the solutlon of an infinite system of.lineaxr'~eatmtions V X. Gr I r 0, 1, 211 where X are 1~h!e Cce'L~icients m the expan-f-, 1 ca of the unnlaiova !"(x USSR, VAY, 51HUn, L. i- and BEULKINIA, M. B., DoIclady A? Na-,ik SSSR.. Vol 194, No 4, 1 0 70, PP 794-97 t-em or in terms of the total Sys ZMetions ~-W- (X) Can for exam-ple, zne cLxre-t- dens,'.7; o an idea-l-ly conduc-t-'r.E ~u-f7ace, ~'-e `ield CoMponents on a certain auxi-liary surface wrhich d-ivides -,,;o- rE,~~-,!Cin'- or simple- lorm, etc. in the double rcauction =etaod the first S of the ries (2) falr S = 0, 1, ...) S-1 calctdated t2xac--~,ly aG' ir- the oix-linary reduc- e S tion m&-Uhod, but the remainilug coefficients ELre not put equal to zero but are eplaced 'by t: sy Aou.Lc expression I.e. ,L.116. first J terms 0-47 -Ole series 'vT1 'e, ancl Ue n where the PC, apji~ojj Ono thud, . ............. .......... USS S R 14, 14. G., Doklady AlIcader-JU NaWt SSSR, Vol. 194, N.0 794-797 IOct 70, (2) and Jcoe`:5, c-entsp of: fh es p- re s -,out a double reduc- to carri, ion, as It, were. Th esyst-em (1) then takes t_'he: f:or- A_ A% 4- r where the el(:_mments Of the additional matrIx S+ J ai- ~a knese serio~. are ch ey c am b e An examiple of tll-.e arkip'L.1cation of thue Tmethod usi:%pz t'he Ural OMDDUter is given. -2 c Tt ;s ncted t-at them idoa-~ In re -Ted -cc devel--pped In arc, by and. wj` ca~;.e to the attention of t,ne authors to~,ardz 0) O~ 1.W e en ark on ta' d."') sc."--nce. oaner. Ra Vol. 3, No. 121 _1969, p1158). 112 03Z UNIC L A S SF I C 0 PRiCESSING 04JE-20NOV70 TITLE-- [HERB' L OF THE ACTIVE REGION. CJ FT,'C- SULAP. CGPONA --U- AUTHUR- (02)--kLYCl-tAN, I L. VAYNSHTEMs' L A GF f NFO-US SH RI-R CULHAM LA6'~ A N- tr, C N' ENG-:, FROMPREPRING NO. 94. Z6P. DEP. CFSTJ CTO-705 -A "I o, !CCX-TRCL P. E MAPe, I NG--NO 'STR IGT IGNS SS-WICL ~SSI F f ELI -'P'ROXY :REELlf-RAME-3003101644 ~STEP NG CIRC ACCESSICi% NC-AT012L~922 UNC L A s I F.A 2/Z 032 UNCLASSIFIE6 PROCESSING qATE--20NOV70 C LRC ACCESSION' Nid--AT012~319'_'2 ABSTR,AC1/ EXTRA --(U) GP-0-~ A35.TRACT4~ T THE X RAY~ FLUXES IN THE AESONA-NCE LINES- tAHWA LESS THAiN 25 MIGSTROM OF THE '~' ij'~ I ABW~JAIJ, IONS Eli THE SOLA:~ CORONA CALCULATED FOR 'A '.,I I IL) ER ~"%,M G E OF, TEINPLRATUVES (0.2 TO 18) NIMES 1,01 PR 1 ;,,, E & C. -E G R E E S K T H E RATES OF~ EXC. ITATI&M, IONIZATION, AIND RECOf1,VINATjrN [iP'H"T6 A,',jL) --Y -NUMERICAL !',1rTh!'GS ;'&R~ USEG. TnIc- C4LCULATEU FLUXES WEAE u, s E. 0 -D r AINALYIE EXPE-RIMLNTAL DATA GN TFP' L."IISSION, OF-i THE' ACTIVE, C G I G.N' S I N THE SPECTRAL RNAGE 1_4k~UCA LE53 THAiN 25 ANGSTRWI. ' IT~WAS ASS-JIML-1) THAT THE PHOTLISPHEi-~IC A"!U1.41ANCE UF C, tv.,' AND:0"IN THE CORONA IS CORRtt'T Al,40 HE Aiit)N[J'At,~CLS MG, A~ CALCULATED I.J45 C N E lb FE ~tERE THEP14 L 'AC F I V E RE G I ON. THE THE- AsNALYS I S WAS BASED ON A A MOOEL'UF THE AVAILAbLE CATA CA~4 LiE iilvii)-Ei) 114TO TWO GROUPS. 14 IS~SHLYWJI THAT ALL 3Y A MODEL Of: THC CASES. CAN 6E 0 ACTIVE 4 E G I o.1i ii IT ~i A JEMPERAJUR~ T EQUALS 2.5 T:J 1AIN-Ut~iITS OF 10 PR1,11,E6 DEGREESK) Tiff, (MlY DIFFf:~,EMCE 3EIUG IN THE t-,"ISSM'14,146ASURE *,Y T I iN 0 ull Nf~`Al IVI :CHAR.GL- N FR1_LiiE2 SWE V-1,? T I v4~ t () PR I M f, A4 9 CM I R, t,'i ~ iN 1: G A [ I V L 3 L- Q U A L's "0 1'TUfk1;$L tWS!-_RVAT'ICJNS 0 ',_~Tli :0.07 TO 0.1o. 01,4r- HAS Tt ADOPT A SMD VAR I All 1,, f T W 10 1 Si`i! A, THF ESTIMATC r 1 GIN P QUAL 4 ~ I S 0 B T A I N E D FR a ;.I TIHE iLLA'J1VL* FLUXES H, XVII-fl; XVII I. I HE ABUNDA0 -USED BY E 'S PA 1J F VAR, I JUS 14 ti f i j A R L J) THE TOTAL- X RAY FLUXES THE u,,irERVALS LAM I,,- P L Lt` " 'I-- SPEC, HOA Asfl*46S LAilU,"% 'LTA' LAMBDA FUR t1* AN 8 1) L E S 5 -TRAL RAiNGF L THAN 25 AOJ~STROM AM` CALCULATE-i FOR FHE, 0 1 F F 1-4 Bl-,! I I-E T S 4WC AND 'f rti"WEkATIAIES A W"LrA L-~~' 0A EQUALS 0.i 'AND I ANGSTA011 FACILITY. N _UT f Z AKMoEMIYA NAUK Ssslif 'MOSCOW Mi I _IKI UNIC. LASS'! F I E 0 USSR uDc 669-18:621-746-58 ~TIJJLIXI N. A#, Candidate of Technical Sciences, VAYNSR 0. Ya, Engineer, KUZIKINA, N. N., Engineer, KHMN I KIM.Y A. A., Flnj4neer, and SNEZHKO, B. Ya., Engineer, Chelyabinsk Ma-tallurgical Plant Use of Argon in the Production of~Non-Aging Low-Carbon Steel" Moscow, Stall, No 3, Mar 73, p 226~ Abstract: Low-carbon non-aging steel at the Chelyabinsk Metallurgical Plant is melted by the scrap-ore process in 100-ton open-hearth Nxnaces with oxygen scavenging of the metal. Argon protects the metal flux agrainst oxidation. This method makes it possibleto lower the degree of contamination of 6.2-ton ingots by oxide aluminaceous.impurities:.uhich give rise to laminations in sheet. Argon flux protection decreased sheet rejection by customers and plants by factors of 2-T-4-5 and 3-4. r~spectkvely, and increased annual out- put by 12%. Two figures. 77.-7- USSR UDC 536.46;53-10.6 NIGMATULIN, R. 1. , VAYNSHTEYN.-~g.._B. "Flame Propagation in a Mixture of Gas and,Particles'.' V sb..Gorenive i vzryv (Combustion and'Explosioh -- Collection of Works), Moscow, ?Nauka", 1972, pp 182-185 (from RM-Mekhanika, No 3, Mar 73, Abstract No 3B966) Translation: 11e particular features of the formulation of the problem on the steady-state propagation of a flame front in gaseous suspensions are discussed. In particular, the character of particular points corresponding to equilibrium conditions is investigated for the case of a purely heterogeaeous combustion regime of the particles. It is shown that the asymptotic behavior of the par- ticle parameters behind the flame front is a function of the,composition of the fresh mixture. Authors' abstract. USSR UDC 523,0Z8 --I~ATJS~ITEYN S. I., ZEL ID07ICH, Ya. B., Siberian Institutte'of" Earth Magneti&m. the -65-MPW =e,' Ad Propagation of Radio Waves of tha Siberian Department of the Acaderay of ScLences USSR,.Irkutsk;jn~titute of r',,pplie4 Mathematics of- the Academy of Sciences USSR "On the Origin of Magnetic rields in Astro~hysics (Turbulent Mechanism o-f the IDynamol)1' Moscow, Uspekhi Fizicheskikh Nauk No. 3 Mar 72, pp ~31-457 Abstract: The genE_-ation of magn tic fields under astrophysical cond, -is is discussed. Particular a+te-ntion is given. to 1'dynamo" mechanisms, i.e., mechanisms in which the magnetic I;Tield enerFy is drawn. ffrcr, the kinenc energy cf the plas-ma, The major role of turbulent mecl~,anisrrs of the d-yriazio is emphatsized. The problei, of- the.dynamQ I oa:.divided -~to two parts (1) the generation of regular magnetic fields a dynatno of fields of- c'eales of.the actual cosmic objects-by tur;IlUent pulsaticns) and (2) genera- tion of chaotic fields. Existing theories c6the generation of regular fields are siz-veyed, with emphasis on the~wcrks of Steenbeck and Parker, and the. general; zation __ of available. results to large r-Egnetic Reynolds numbers characteristic of Cosmic Dlasma is discussed. -Also existing theories in the dynamics of chaotic fields,and.results are derived USSR iAYNS~hmn' S. I., Ya. B-~ Uspekhi Fizicheskil,:h V'auk, No 3, Mar 72, PP 431-457 concernin Ig a turbulent dy----ro in the presence of acoustical turbulenct'. "cg tic s in the Ann ana %-,r is made with the problem,of'.theiexcitatiop, of vcrl- e lield of acoustical turbulence. ~'The Droblem ef d3ma-ria turbulence in fn e field of "Kollmogorzar" turbuience is discussed- along with the problen of a- steady -state field due to a'nonlinear~effect~. It shc,,,7.n that gyro- ctim of which is h, appears in the presence of a ncn-weak~:F i e d, t' e ~ a opposite to the action of 0---dinary rotational gyrotropy. This gvrottr=v is called magnetic and can cause nonlinear stabilizaticz~ of ~the Tnagnettic field. _!t is noted that many stars:havr6, conve&tive nuclei cir conveclive she-Us and that the material, i T i d in the rene-Ining Tarts, of the stars: i e., 5 xe the turbulence is inl~omogeneous, ivaising the probler. of, how t1he general field of the star will behaTe, If it is effectilrely dai,liped in convective star., it vM rapidly be forced into nonfixed iii-Jonz -nd the lines of force will b~Tass the convective cores; consequently, Oe..core will behavc as a diamagnetic and can develop racroscople electrod,,mandct.17,, the electro- dynam4cs of larre-scale fic-lda, where the 'ragnetic perm. ,tbility depends on th-:! turbulent characteristics. Me authors note'that,the theory of a turbulent d-Ynamo is only beginning its develop~nent but it..carinevertheless help to clarif:~r tht~ problem of the origin of enormous cosmic magnetic fielids. 2/~ 53 Acc. Nn Ref.'Code: UR 0050' PRIMARY SOURCE: Zhurnal Ek-spe Irimentallnoy i Taoreticheskoy Fiziki t, -19701 'Vol, ~58 Nr:,~I, pi) 453-1,59 GENERATION -OF.A LARGE SCAL13 MAG NETIC FFELD BY A NT LIQUID ,A TURBUL A magnetic. field equation is,derivedfor~ the case of gyrotropic turbulari-y and 2) anisotropic turbulency. The method of umple summation of the perturbation the3ry series is employed. Exact solutions of the problems are obt.-airied for a certain turbulency model. Me most important assumption wMeh -is made is that'the correlation time of the velwities can be neglected. In ~ the fivit case. it follows. from the equation that gy- rotropic, turbulence may produce.a.largo scale inagnetic field. Conditions for generation of the field are determined. Ani-sotropic tuibuluncy does. not generate a large scale field and on the contrary it results in anomalow.anisolropic difflIM011 of the field. lso- tropic turbulency also leads to 'Anomalous field. diffusioll-, A REE 112 021 UN.- as~Tpltu PROCESSING DATE--160CT70 TITLE--SOME PROBLEMS C0,NCERNEDl:U.I.TH THE~PATHOGEN'E.SIS~OF ACUTEPANCREATITIS _u_ AUT.HOR-(03)-ARUIN L.I.i VAYNSH t ZHUKv YE.Aa C OUNT R YOF INFO--USSR _.__..~'S,OURCE__BYULLETEN EKSPERIMENTALI.NOY 8'IOLOGIlIME'.D[TSINY, 1970, VOL 69t NR 5v- PP 42-46 DATE PUBLISHED______70 AREAS -BI OLOG I CAL AND MEDICAL -SCIENCE-S TOPIC TAGS--PANCREATITISt EDEMAt HEMORRHAGE# TRYPSIN, CLINICAL MEDICINE ,,,-CONTROL MARKING--NO RESTRICTIONS .,"".00CUMENT CLASS-UNCLASSIFIED ::-.!~..PROXY;REEL/FRAME--1998/0067 STEP NO--UR/0219/70/069/005/004210046 C I RC ACCESSIDs\'.NO--AP0120767 UNCLASSIFIED 2/2 021 UNCLASSIFJED PROCESSING OATE--16OCT70 ~'----CIRC ACCESSION NO--AP0120767 ~j I i _[A 8STRACT/EXTkACT--(U) GP-0- ABSTPACT. UPON INTRODUCTIC;N INTO THE PANCREATIC DUCT OF AL31NU RATS OF I ML 0F:A.0.0Gl N SOLUTION DF HYDROCHLORIC ACID, IRRESPECTIVE OF THE ADUITION OF CRYSTALLIC TRYPSIN INTO THE SOLUTIONt A MORPHOLOGICAL PICTURE OF EDEMATOOS HEMURRHAGIC PANCREATITIS DEVELOPS. ADMINISTRATION I.NTOJHE PANCREATIC DUCT OF CRYSTALLIC TRYPSIN, DISOLVED -OIAECTLY,PRIOR TO INTRODUCTION OF A LEA0 TO THE 0.85PERCENT SOLUTION OF SODIUM CHLOkIDET~-.DOES NO DEVELOPMENT OF ACUTE P4NCREATITIS. NOTWIT~iSTANDLNG THE VERY MARKED MORPHOLOGICAL PICTURE OF EDEMATOUS HEMORRHAGIC PANCREATITIS IN THE RAT PANCREATIC HOMOGENATE THERE IS REVEALED NO MEASUR:ABLE ACT!VITY OF .1 'REDUCTION I N TRYPSIN AND TOTAL PROTEOLYTIC AtT-IVITY. THE TRYPSINOGEN CONTENT IN THE PANCREATIC HOMOGENATE WAS NOT~NGTED. THIS GIVES GROUNDS TO STATE THAT IN THE ABOVE MENTIONED MODEL TRYPSIA IS NOT THE PRIMARY FACILITY: ACUTE EDEMATOUS HEMORRHAGIC PANCREATIT:I&.* -ALL.UNION SCIENTIFIC RESEARCH INSTITUTE OF GASTROENTEROLOGY AND THE FIRST MOSCOW SECHENOV MEDICAL NSTITUTE. CLA-SSIFIED USSR UDC 681.327.67'12 BRODOLIN, L. I., 11UN DRACHEV, L. A.,, KAN, A. Z., KUZNETSOV, B. A., bhMUNIN, Yu. P., andJETRUNICHEV) V..~ N. "Long-Term Photoscopic Memory" USSR Author's Certificate No 260926, filed 7 Oct 68,,published 10 Jun 70 (from,Uh-4vtomatika, Telemekhanika i Vychislitel'naya Tekhnika,.No 6, Jun 71, Abstract No 6 B325 P) Translation: A long-term photoscopic memory designed for storing, retrieving, and.selecting a symbol image is proposed. The memory contains a light spot commutator -- for example, a cathode rayl~ tub e- a projection objective with telecentric behavior of the beams1in. the image space, a lense raster infor- mation unit, a fast collective, a transmitting cathode ray tube with storage -- for example, the superorthicon.type and digital and analog tracking systems for setting the spot on~a given addrbss. Ilie memory is distinguished by the fact that to prevent charging thetarget rwhen retriev- ing the required microframe, the device contains an electronic image modu- lator in thetransfer section of, the transmitting TV-tube. In order to insure a broad range of variation ofthe capacity of the TV frame and J the.selection rate, the target of.the transmitting TV tube is.executed in the form of a metal fiber disc with a coefficient of secondary emission 1 1/2 USSR BRODOLLN, L. I., et al., USSR Author's Certificate No 260926, filed 7 Oct 68, published 10 Jun 70 Cfrom RM-Avtomatika, Telemekhanika i~Vychislitel'naya Tekhnika No 6, Jun 71, Abstract No 61B325 P) of the side turned toward the photocathode equal to ane. In order to simplify the design and insure the possibility of.recording the service information used during operation of the tracking systems in themicroframe, the device contains a fiber, vacuum-tight coherent'light guide with a cross section equal to the size of the symbol in the fo6a!,.plane of the collective. The photocathode of the transmitting TV applied to~the output end of the light guide, and the input ends of the light guides connected with the photomultipliers of the tracking address~ ystem are arranged around the perimeter of the input end. In order to insure the required~levels of light flux from the standing,~I.the.light spot~icommutator executed in the form of a cathode ray tube contains a built-in screen which vibrates In its ain plane. There is I illustration.',. 2/2 13 tDC 621-373.826:53 GGRDGV, Ye. P. , VAUTSh"TEMT, V. D., SOKOLOV, V. V, , and TVOROGOV, S. D.- ".So=e Problems in Chaan-mm Statlistical C~ptics~~and the Propagation of Electromgnetic Lavesll Moscow, V sb. Vses. konf. po xasprostr.. rzadiovoln. ljezis~y do!-,!. (Tenth All-Union Conf erence or- the -Pro-oagation of Radio W-aves; Report, Theses-col I ection of works) 11-Tia-uka-, 11 1972, Pp 184-186 (frorl, RZh--Randiotelt-Imilra, No 10, 1972, Abstract ITTo 1OD367) -"o a -eries Translation: Results ~Lre riven of the authors ooluj*ion s of nroblems in the use of auantum statistical otticO in the area oil electromagnetic wave rzona f the eloctro- gation. Bigenfuncti(ons o.L magpetic field vet.-tornotential oT)erator cLte introdaced. A nethod", ia proposed of statistIcal COMIlut-ation. for me-surLn- the field density ma t r 17. as the f ield is propageated in the mediwri. The re- Sontation of 'he e--ectromagnetiolfield in. tho f a~ ta of the quan- tu-.. average off purely field operators is advanced. The change in photon statistics for light pro- Gated in a,mediwn of weak non- linearity and low absorpi'l-ion is.assumed connected -vdith the solution for the corresponding problem in classLca'l electrodynamico. A. 1/2 029 UNCLASSI-FIED P116USSING DA7TE--160CT70 TITLE--ELECTKONCIGIRAPHIC STUDY OF TRANSFORMATI IONS OCCURRING ON FRICTION SURFACES OF A MULYUDENUM 01SULFIOE-STEEL:SYSTEW~-U- a W-lit V.E., SEMENOV4,,. M.V,.,, S0LPVYEVv G. AUTHOR-(03)-VAXaA COUNTRY OF INFO--USSR .SOURCE--FIZIKLI KHIMICHESKAIA MEKHANIKA.MA TERIALCIV#,~, VOL. 6, NO. 1, 1970, P. -60-63 VATE 'PUBLISHED ----- - 70 -~_.S(JBJECT AREAS--MATERIALS ,~~,,TOPIC TAGS--FRICTIOM COEFFICIOMT, MULYBUIENUM OXIDEt MOLYIWE-~NU,14 OrSULFIDE, ~,-_~.-~ALLOY DESIGNATIONt ALLOY PHASE TRANSFOKIMAT,10% CHR~OM ILI MSf LEL/(U)ZKH13 -CHROMIUM STEEL- TROL, MARKING--NO RESTRICTIONS :'-Di)CUMENT~-CLASS--UNCLASSIFI-=D -~.Plluxy ~R-F_r=L/FRAME--I995/0935 STEP NO~ --UR/0369/70'/006/001/0060/0063 ---.C IRCACCESS ION ND--AP0116444 UNCLASSIFIED 112 044 UNCLASSIFIED PROCESSING DATE--LSSEP70 TITLE--ANISTROPY OF THE ANTIFRICTION.',CER,MENT MATERIALS WITH A SOLU) LUBRICANT -U- AUTHOR-(05)-ABRAMOVA, L-S.. t ALTMANs VAYNS.4fEYN', V.E.7 GLUSKINt YA I A "I Eli ELOV t V % L COUNTRY OF INFO-USSR I"L V Ek'f-- MOLYBDENUM DISULFIDE, APTIFRICTION MATERIAL INTR C C MARKING-NO RESTRICTIONS IT CLASS--UNCLASSIFIED -.6fiCUMEN ....:-.PROXY REEL/fRAME-198910589 STEP NO--Ul~~/0226/70/010/000/0085/'k)Oi39 C URC ACCE S~S I ON t-10--AP0107186 UNCLASSIFIED 212 044 UNCL A SS I El D PRO'CESSING DATE-18SEP70 '.'.'IRC ACCESSION NO--AP01071-86 -..ASSTRACTlfEXTRACT--(U) GP-0- ABSTRACT. STUDY OF THE ANTIFRICTIONAL PR~OPERTIES OF A SYSTEM AG-MM WITH A DIFFERENT CRYSTALLOGRAPHIC ORIE,N)TATION OF THE MOS2 WITH RESPECT. TO THE FRICTMI SURFACE. IT IS FOUND THAT THIS composirE mATERIAL EXHIBITS AN'ANISOTROPY OF ITS MECHANICAL AND ANTIFRICTJOINAL.PROPEPTIES. IT Iq SUGGESTED THAT IN THE FABRICATION OF ANTIFRICTION PARTS mADE OF THIS COMPOSITEv AN' ArTENTION MUST BE GIVEN TO THE SELECTION OF THE,MOST SUITABLE ORIENTATION OF THE SOL I D- LUBRICANT. UNC.1 AssiFtEn USSR UDCe 669.295:620.178.382 KUDRYAVTSEV, 1. V. and VA==;~~ ~G.~k Central Scientific Research Mac 'Institute of Heavy . hinery "Effect of Surface Strain Hardening on the Fatigue Limits of Titanium Alloys in Low-Cycle Loading" Moscow, Metallovedeniye i termicheskaya oltrabotka metallov, ~Io 12, 1971, 44-46 Abstract: This paper concerns the st 8 uy of the effect of surface hardening of VT3-1 titanium alloy on fatigue strength in low-cycle loading. The testing procedure is detailed including the.description of the test specimens, type of ;Analysis of the fractures of the tested specimens permits their classification into tw6 groups: fatigue-type fractures and *those with a crystalline structure resembling'brittle failure. The first type of fracture was observed in all specimens with stress con- centrators. The second type was characteristic for sna,otj) j3p(Icimens; the specimens displayed no necking. The testshovs that surface~hardening effectively increases the fatigue strength of,parts frob VT3-1 titanium 1/2 USSR KUDRYANTSEV, 1. V., et al, Metallovede.niyei temicheskaya cibrabotka metallvv, No 121 1971, pp 44-46 alloy in low-cycle loading, specifically~,those weakened by stress con- centrators. Peening stress- concentrations significantly increases the USSR -0-, .5 BASHR.-KO p0 1v t --w,rad za s YZ Zarva" "Analysis of C. 1, in "osco, X u, Svaroc",mav;a Proizvodstvo, No 8, u,- 7 0, pp 1-2 MbstracL: The formac-lon of c t e r In elezcron-beam. wc` density (Qv,:~r I ~-,jijiioj tj/c-.2) may:be thus, aS Cibz t'-e CZnre-C - I the tpr~jperaj:Ure 41, 0 ,C)c -,-JqeS, 1 vaporizatiOz race a--d a 0--reatu"', area of moj.zer, motal, !I,,- 0 C, inc z e ra-a r4 reased, C. to a metal Lu, -~vo 1:11(1(~r rccoll at ffrst, thct Value tiiat, Lh~. mfLov 17 4 L,,; 1;; 'OLOW ollill L"C- hydrostatic ptessu t. I re, nat, mis T." ij Z. -n the cciter, of the crater's bottd, ds~i, pzit,-~S i -It Lu: tile of zhe zataljr. che craters and its displacoluel 3r 1/2 03t UNCL A S S I F'f ED PRbCESSING DATE--040EC70 TITLE--IODINATED PERFLUOROCARBONS, 'AUTHOR-031-LIMINt A*V., VAYNSHTEYN,~~ V I BUCHNEVA, A.Po COUNTRY OF INFO--USSR SOURCE--U.S.S.R. 173,213 REFERENCE--OTYRYTIYA, IZJBRET., PROM. OBRAZTSY, TQVARNlYE ZNAKIL970, 47(9).7 DATE PUBLISHED--03MAR70 ~.'-SUBJECT AREAS--CHEMISTRY, NUCLEAW SCIENCE.AND TECHNOLOGY ',TOPIC TAGS--1ODINATED'ORGANIC COMPOUND~ I i.-JNIZIING RADIATJON, GAMMA RADIATIOM..-X RAY, FLUORINATED ORGANIC ~COMPOUNDv CHEMICAL PATENTs ORGANIC 'SYNTHESIS CONTROL MARKING--NO RESTRICTIONS PROXY REEL./fRAME--3007/0838 STEP N UR/0482/701000/000/0000/0000 JRC ACCFSSIUN NO--AA0136272 UiNC LASS I F JEU USS, USSR uw: 621.396.6.002.72 :621-757(088-8) VAYNSHTEYN, V. M. ZHUKOVSKAYA, Ye. A. "A Method of Connecting a Current Feeder" USSR Author's Certificate No 259988, filed 30 Oct 6T, published 7 May TO ..(from RZh-Radiotekhnika, No 6, Jun, 71, Abstract No 6v329 P) Translation: A method is proposed for connecting a current feeder to a conductive layer such as a silver-~silicate 1; er applied to an inorganic IY dielectric. The current feeder is prelocated above the conductive layer and subjected to compressing forcein the.direction of this layer. To improve the reliability of contact,,a metallic interlay8r !-iith a Brinell hardness of 0.7-2.0 and a meelting point of JL40-1800C is, placed between the current feeder and the conductive layer. The compressing force should be at least 20 kgicm2. 59 2/2 027 UNCLASSIFIED PROCESSING DATE-3GOCT170 CIRC ACCESSIQN NO-APOIZ6013 ABSTRACT/EXTRACT-ful GP-0- ABSTRACT. THE AUTHORS ST~JDJEU THE FArTY -ROSCL ERG-T I C PARK I N SON I S, f I 1 0, D LIPID METABOLISM IN PATIENTS WIIH ATHE 4 N - AGE'_(60-7,~ YEARS). FCR f.-GrVARATIVE PURPOSES I HE., FOLLOWING GROUPS OF INDIVIOUALS WERE STUDIED AS WELL- YOUNG.NORMALS FROPI 210-1-30 YEARS* OLD, PRACTICALLY NGRIMAL PEOPLE FROM 60-74 YEARS, FARIE.NTS WITH PARKIINSON'ISM OF A NONAThEROSCLEROTIC NATURE OF THE SAME AGEI' PATIENI.J WITH ATHEROSCLE.:kGTIC PARKINSUNISM,C]LbER THAN 80 YEARS. YHE Bloc'HE-l"IECAL STUDIES 'WERE RELATED TO THE UETERMINAtION OF THE CEINERAL LIPIDS 114 THE BLOOD SERUM, THE GENERAL CHOLSETEPOL ANU ITS FRACTIONS., LECITHIN, TRI GLYCERI LIES', tiONESTHERIfIC-0 FATTY ACIDSP THEIR REACrLDIN To THE 0DUCTION &~ HCPARIN's THE ACTIVITY Of H E L I P C-1 PAELIPAZEI BETA INTP ROT I D LIPOPROTFIDSP CHOLESTEROL CONNECTED WITH~6ETA LIPOPROTEIDS. THE AUTHORS STUDIED THE CORRELATIONS BETWEEN DISORDERS OF JHE FATTY LIPID AND CARBf1HYf;-RATE 14ETABOLISM IN A-rHEROSCLEROTICI PARKINSCNISM AND THE DYNAM11CS GFJHESE~INDICES AFTER A SUGAR LOADING. IT WAS POSS16LE TO DICPLAY bISTURBANCES, OF THE FATTY LIPIO Pl.ETA8OL,I,SM IN PATIENTS OF OLD AGE WITH ATHEROSCLEROTIC PARKINSONISM, AS WELL AS THEIR CONNtCTION WITH THE ,--PATHOLGGY Of- THE CARBOHYORATE METABOLISM. -THE MOST.EXPRESSED CHANGES WERE.[&' THE CONTENT OF THE NONESTHERIZED FATTY AC105 ANO fRIGLYCERIDES. THERE WERE CERTAIN CORRELATIONS BET6EEN ThE,DISTR16UT10tv,GF CEREBRAL -ATHEROSCLEROSISv THE DEGREE OF ITS EXPRESSION AND ME-STATE OF THE FATTY ME'TABOL'ISM. FACILITY.* INSTITUTA GERONTULOGIII AIMN SSSRi KIYEV. lJfJC LASS I F I E 0 USCR UD C 691.327:620.17 SHKOL'NIK, I .E. IIIZROKIII, Yu. N. BEREL.NITSKIY, L. V. , Candidates-of Technical Sciences, and TSINTSKILADZE, D, M. Engineer "Sorapthing, New in the Technique of Strength Determinatlon of Concrete by 4 the Ultrasonic Pulse Method" Moscow, Beton i Zhelezobeton, No 7, Jul 72, pp 15-17 Abstract: The All-Union Scientific Research Institute of Industrial Tech- nology of Precast Reinforced.Concrete Structural Parts 'and Products covEnicted investigations as an attempt to develop a physically well-founded method of determining the strength of concrete in products, structurest and buildings, with the use of a minimum quantity of calibration sauip1J-_--,. The thiiorctical and. experimental data discussed here can be used to oimlilify the factory control of concrete strength and to confirin the accuracy of the authors' computed relation between tha strength,, the -propagation rate of ultrasonic pulBes, and structural defects of. concrete of the contr(*.)Iled uomposi By the here-described ultrasonic devicei t~h.ich! provides a~ colrzvuted 'time reading of the Propagation of oscillations, the strength of concrete can also be determiniad in cases where a calibration curve can not be plotted or, the basa of a num-ber of sL-11ples.. Test- results by the new mathod, are presented. I'Vo illustrations, three tables, three bibliog'4aphic rel- erences. 90 ----------- 92.9:661.. USSR UDC 621.81 VAYNISHMIC V. V., LEVENTO, RI. A., and BAKALM, IKOV, 'M. 3 . --y of Silica Gel in Plastic Lubricants" The Thickening Capacit. NN eAftepererabotka i aeftek'nimiya. Nuachno-telchn. 'sb., (Petroleum Frocessin- and Petrochtemistry. Scientific-Technical -Collection), NI o6, pp 20-24, 2.969, (from Referativnyy Zhurnal. I'himiya, No 3, Vol 2, 10 Feb 70, Abstract No 3 P264) Trahslation: Vie influence of moisture,cham~cally and physically bonded by silica gel on its thickening capacity and -~he stabil'ity of silica gel lubricants (SIM) were studied. 3M wci~e pr2pared using specimens of silica gel esterified with. C34H90H and heat trented. Removal of adsorbed maisture:from the surface of the silica crel led to an increase in its thickening effect, while removal of chemically bonded water decreased this. effect. From the conclusions PROCESSING DATE-_30OCT70 0 2.' 026 UNCLKtSIkt0' ITLE,--EFFECT OF SYNTHETIC FATTY ACID COMPOSITION ON THE PROPERTIES AND 'S~RUCTURLE OF LITHIUM LUBRICANTS -~U- M.S.v VAYNSHTOK, V*Vir KARAKASH, Si.I.v KARTININ, a N ~~_-~COUNTRY OF INFO--USSR ,,."SOURCE--NEFTEPERERAB. NEFTEKHIM. (MOSC W1 1,97 0(3)t 12-14 ,~~OATE PUBLISHED ------- 70 .S.'SUBJECT AkEAS--MATERIALS ~`,~:-TOPIC TAGS--FATTY ACIDt ORGANGLITHIUM,COMPOUNOt GREASE, FLUID VISCOSITY, ;~-'_.:-UREA, CHEMICAL STABILITY/(U)AU SPINDLE OIL I-,CCNTROL MARKING--N0 RESTR ICT IONS ~:DCCUMENT CLASS -UNCLASSIFIED 'PROXY REEL/FRAME--1996,(1517 STEP 140--UR/0318/70/0001003/0012/0014 CIRC ACCESSION NO--AP0118504 UNCLASSIFIED .--- 212 026 UNCLASSIFIED PROCESSING DATE--30OCT70 Cl RC ACCESSION NO--AP0118504 ABSTRACT/EXTRACT--(U) GP-0- ABSTRACT. SUBSTITUTJON OF LI SOAPS OF THE N- ANO-ISOALKANOIC ACIDS IN A C SUB1?-2-0 FATTY ACID FRACTION FOR LI SOAPS OF THE ORIGINAL FRACTION IMPROVED AND WORSENEDr RES:P., THE CONSISTENCY OF LUBRICANTS PREPO. BY DISPERSING 9PEKCIENT~OF THE.~ SOAP 1,14 AU SPINDLE OIL AS INDICATED IN THEIR PESP.'OROPPOINTSv200 ANO 130DEGREES; COLLOIDAL STABILITIES, 10.4 AND 13PERCENT; YIELD STRENGTHSt 14t 21.6t ~55 6 AND 2-1t 7.8p 32.3 AT 50't Or AND MINUS 40DEGREES; AND EFFECTIVE VI;COSITIES, 8.2, 37*6r IL01 1221 626v 1500 AND 4p 17.24 46.6v 79p 2341 P AT 1260t 501 AND 10 SEC PRIME NEGATIVE-1 AT ODEGREES AND AT THE SAME SHEAR VALUES AT MINUS 40DEGREES, RESP. WHEN THE ISOALKANDIC ACIDS :WEkE SEPO. BY EXTN. WITH SELECTIVE SOLVENTS RATH&~ THAN BY COMPLEX FORMATION WITH UREA, REMOVAL OF UNSAPONIFIABLE COMPDS.,ALSO IMPROVED :7':l.''!LUBRlCANT QUALITY.AND STABILITY.:: REMOVALOF THE DICARBOXYLIC AICOS 12*8PERCENT), IN A C SU810-16. FATTY ACID FAACrION BEFORE PREPN. OP THE LI SOAPS AFFECTED THE LUBR.I(;:ANT, 'PRUP ERiTl ES .:VERY LITTLE. L1 -F SOAPS PREPO. FROM THE -FORMER DUSP.RSeO 400, POOKLY:,'FOR LUBRICANT PREPN. FAICLITY: MIN-KHGP LM.';GUSKINAt:MOSCOWt USSR* UNCLASSIFIED , :r/2 Ols UNCL ASSI F I M PROCESSING DATE--230CT?O 'q E -T'_ITLE-"EFFECT OF THE COMPOSITION OF-THE -.DISPERSION MEDIU-M 01 TH .,.:--.PROPERTIES OF LUBRICANTS THICKENED WITH LITHIU%' SOAPS OF SYNTHETIC FATTY _AUTHQR-(03)-GusARoVA, M.S., VAVNS.HTOK,:. V.,V.., CHERjwO1HUKOV, N.T* oil COUNTRY OF 1,%'FD--USSP. SOURCE--NEFTEPERERAD. NEFTEKHIR. I'MOSCOWr t 97'0-i1 43"' AT E- PUBLISHED ------- 70 SUBJECT AREAS--MATERIALS __TOPIC TAGS--FATTY ACIDY GREASEr. CHEf4IcAL COMPOSITIONt ORGANOLITHIUM -COMPOUND CONTROL MARKING--NO RESTRICTIONS. DOCUMENT CLASS--UNCLASSIFIED .PROXY REEL/FRAME--1996/1513, STEP: NO-~--UR /0311 CIRC ACCESSION NG--AR0118500 UNCLASSIFIED 2/2 018 UNCLAS~IFIED PAOCESSING DATE--23;JCT70 CIRC ACCESSION NO--AP0118500 ABSTR,ACT/EXTPACT--(U) GV-0- ABSTRACT. THE OISPERSION MEDIA WERE NAPHTHEiNIC AROMATIC AND PARAFFINIC SPINDLE OILSt THE SAME OILS D~EAROPIATIZED VITH OLEU14i AND HIGH VISCOS.ITY NAPHTHENLIC PARAFFIlNfC OILS, -USING 9PERCENT LI SOAPS OF C SUBIO-12,.C~SU[312-149 C SU814-16t AND C. -SUB17-19 FATTY ACIDS AS THICKENING AGENT. A SATISFACTORY GREASE WAS OBTAINED WITH NAPHTIHENIC PARAFF-INIC SPINOLE OIL: ONLY WHEN THE LATTER WAS THICKENED WITH SOAP OF C SU91.4-16 FATTY ACIDS. THE SOAPS OF ALL ACID FRACT-IONS HAD LOW THICKENING EFFECTS.,IN HIGH VISCOSITY OILS. ADEQUATE :Ll,,GREASES WERE OBTAINED WHIEWAROMATIZED OILS OR,0LS_rtCLATES WERE 111i, I.CK EN ED ~ W I TH THE NARROW. FRAC.TION. OF~ FATTY AfI D~ WHICH HAD THE OPTIMUM THICKEN ING EFFECT*' M I NKHGP I.:M,. GUBKINAt MOSCOWr USSR. UNC LASS I F IED _TJ USSR UDC 632-95 and FAMs Him, F. I. "Concerning laolation of Peaticides and POrIfication 6? Extract5 In Deter- mining Traca Qut=titias of Pesticides ln;Products Derived froa Plants" Tr. 2-gO Vses. soysshch. po Issled. ostatkov pastitsidov i profila-kt, zagryaznenlya ini produktov ipitarlya, kovwv i vnesh. ;5zedy,(Works of the Second All-Union Conference on 1nvestigation, of Residues of Posticidos, and dd Id lie -Prevention of Pesticide Contamination of Foolstuffs, FL ior:ai t ExtIern., Environment), Tallinn, 1971t pp-j37-344:(txo'm M-Khin'iya, No 11, Jun 72, Abstract No 1111412) Translationi The nature of the substrate, 'the meel'Awisn of action of th!~- pesticide and the rature of the toxic residue daltorniiia the selection of the method of extracting a pesticide from plant.. matter. Stcau distillation extrAction in the Soxhlet appamtuaj homogenization and cold a-i-L;Ltion are used. The last method 1-5 recommended for orpnqchlorlno and orgarophonj~horus compounds. Sublinatlon under vaduum and, distribution, between two solvents are used for purifying extracts., 1~6 i~tl ff f 11t, I""M U55E 632.95 VAYNMAUB, F. P. and SOROKSKAYA, L. B . ~hthalophos Detarridnation in Apples by Thin Layer Chrom-toCaaphy end Photo-- colorimatry Elethods" Tr, 2-go Vsez. soveshch. po issled. outatkov pestitsidcy i proftl_akt. zaGrYazneniya imi prodiLk-tov Pttan~yat Orlaov I vnesh. sredy (Txnansacticn Of the Second All-Union Conference on the. Study.of FcstlclAe Fte3idues and Pre- vention of Their Contardnation of Food Products, Fodder cuid th(,- External Environment), Tallijul, 1971, I)Y'i j39-14Z (fl~bm RZh-Mli(PlYa, VO 13, 10 Jul 72, ~Ab3tract No 1311477 by T. A. BelMeva) Translationt Phthalophos (1) is extracted from 100-100 g of apples with "6H6 -for 30 min - aaid for 15 min. with slWdng, and tha extzacts are tri2ated C 50 0, 0 z Idue ir':~ di.,izolved in 15 ril of with 0.1 I-It E01 and boiled down,at The i-,, ethyl alcohol with heating, 75 nil 0,1 ~01 (450) is addi~d, filter_~-d, thl~~ filtrate is'uashed with 5 m! H01, the solution id oxtn, oted vilth mol (100 am 50 n!) Mcohtmtud. I i the extract Is dried over Ifa2S94 and co a d6taxTiUned by TLC on 81,11cle acid fixed with plaster of Parls In a cyclohexane-MC1, aceione 1/2 66 77777 -- ~ 1 M m T ~ I - USSR UDC 54~.R:63~-951 MMLIKOV, YU. S. (Editor- in-Chief Academician of Academy of Sciences ~bldavian SSR, VAYMMAUB. F. P., VYLEGzffMM1T.4j G. F.,JCandidates of Agricultural Sciences, SISIER, YG. D., Candidate of Cheinical Sciences (Editors) Motody Analiza Pestitsidov (Analysis Micthods of Pesticides),.' Moscow, Izdatel'stvo Nauka, 1972 Translation: Annotation: includes articles Dresented at the All- Union Conference on Analysis Methods of Pesticides in Preparations, Food Proaucts, Soil, and I-later, marcial. products are consid- Many analytical problems of:pes~iqi.Jes in em exed, including the dete-t-7rdnation. of their concentration in different objects. The latter is of particular impoxtance:for the. erviroa::ent and food -roducts from the point of view of the sanitarj.and hygiene exif,,ineering. Different analysis rriethods of:pOsticides are suggested, includii~4,,~ Uas and thin-layer chromatogi-aphy, spectrophotomet;y, and polirogrt1phy. atories The bock i5 intended for researchers., :personnel of indurt*_,,ia1 labor, and sanitary-epidemiological stations.' Foraword: An intensive developmeat of, agriculture requires a maxi 1 decrease of losses mused by insects, disea6es,.:-and tteads.: In or-der to Vneet these requirements, chemical protection:of'plants ir-':n-eded. 1/8 57- USSR LYALIKOV, YU. S., et al., Yetody Analiza Pestitsidov., Izdatel'stvo NaWta, 1T(2 However, a wide application of pesticides and he:~bicides causes nzny unwanted aftereffects. Soriw uornpounds,:chi "y the chlorine-contain-Ing organic ef, Compounds (DDT, ECCH thexachlorocyclah.exanal, heptachlor, and others) are -ore- -served for a long tine in crop.. Mhey are.,also capable of accumula- ting in organisms of ran and animals, in qm-ntities daiigerous for bealth. Other com ounds (derivatives of carbande, thio- and dithiophosphoric acids) are P highly toxic. during their application and they are calpable of penetrating the plant and animal organisms and migrate,~in plants. Thorough studies must be conducted bef re idde application of effective 10 compounds~ Research scientists.of rdnistries of agricultuxe, health, and chemical industx-y are working on problems to find neir Dxd-toxic and selective Compounds, to estfblish acceptable residue:.doses of pesticides ib different products of animal and plant origin, and to investigate their behavior in the biological materials. Solution of the majority of these problems requires the use of hiebly sen- sitive and specific analytical nethods. v A development of these rB thods i scomplicated by the -Presence of high amounts of the coextm-ctive substances toGeVaer vith~ the mio-ro-cup-r-tities of active substances in swmles subjected to analysis. niis requires the use of the newest analytical inbtyuments. 2/6 usi~R LYALIKOV, YU. S., et al.., M~etody Ivdatel'stvo Nauka, 1972 kna.liza Festitsidov, This collection of conferen'ces:papers: on aralysis of peaticides is the vd, first attempt to put together the most dely usea inethods for the analysis of insecticides,-fungicides, and herbicides.: -d extensively the thin-layer The authors of papers in this,book,have use chromatography, colorimetry, spectrophot6ietry in visible, ultraviolet, and infrared,spectral regions, polarqgraphy,'and gas chromatortm-phy for the analy- sis.of these compounds. Gas chromatography m'akes,it possibi; to ijacrease con- -6. -the sensitivity-of-analytica" methods. s idex bly Articles published in thia book:,will:be. useful f w- rmny analytical cbera- Ists vorking,in coorespondinglaboratories The editors thank K. P.': Movikova S'. V-. Makarova,- and G. S. Supin for their help during, the collection of. erials mat Tuble of Contents, Page Introduction 3 BABUM, YU. K., and PAKTOMOVAJ, D. 1. "Study of the MathylviarcPptophos Composition bythe Partition Chrovathg-raphy" 5 BABRIA YU. rx., VERSIM-M, P. V., MCM. _ROVA, A. I., FAIRVENOV, A. I. "'Determination of the Total Piriount of Chlz)rophos and DJ77P in 1ndustrial and Natural Wai;te Waters 9 3/8 -58 J USSR LYALIKOV YU. S. et al MBtody Analiza. Festitsidov, Tzdatellstvo Nauka, RABINA, X. K., and RUCHEROVA A. I. "Determination Methods oJ Chloro- phos and D91P in Commercial Products" 'RON' "Qualitative and Quantitative VAYNXRAUB, F. P., and D. L P --Determination of Captan and, Batlialah: in Wine, Gra~e Juice, Grape 1eaves' and,Berries, Apples Soil and -A. 'Nodbrn Analysis Methods of VEKSMYN,- M. SR., and KLIMNKO.V`M~: Tr-ace-Amounts of Dithiocarba~ates'ih~ biffexent,V6dia" VERGEYCM, T. KU. "Photometric Detemdnatioa of Chlorbphenols in Comercial Hefoicidal Prep~Lmtions Trol~ 2,4-"D Group G. F., and M2,111KOVA, 'R..G~; III :Qualitative; and Quantitat-ive Analysis Methods of Phosalone. in Applas add in Apple Leaves" GIMM D. B., and KLISENK M 1% A. Determination of' Some Pesticides in 'En mental Objects b the.Gas-Liquid,Chronat virom ography" ~y DYATLOVITSKAYA, F. G.,-GLA1ZNK0) YR.. F. And IRUMIMIA, A.! A. "Detejrmination Methods of thi;! Chlorine -Containing Organic r 'Wa er Insecticides in the ReServol t v. V. "Determine -tiomofthe Chlorine-Containing Pesticides by the Gas-Liq:aid Chroratography 4/8 ~P-mm 11 ~Rlmml R 1972 14 17 21 28 32 39 43 46 w4pu USSR LYALIKOV, IU. S., et al., Metody Anrtliza,Pestitsidov, Izdatel'stvo Viauka., 1972 CZOLINYA N. YA. STRADYNI: T. -E.,, and ECTI~T V. E. -ADYSH.1 V. P I "Analytical Determination of. Rodenticides of 2-Acylindandione Series" q 51 XONEVA.1 T. N., and YUTSENOGIY, K.P. "Analysis of Aeroi3ois Containing DDT and T -Hexachloroc-,velohexane by the Polarographic Method" 58 KLISMO, 14. A., and ALEKSANDROVA L. G.' "Application of IJV: and IR Spectrophotometrv for the-Deteimination'of Resiaual Amounts of I(arbin" 61 KOSMATYY, -YE. S., and TRETIYAK, M. G. 'thromatopolarographic Deter- mination of Residual Amounts of 0,~O-Dimethyl-S-(l-car~boxy- benzyl)dithiophosphate .(Cidial) in Apples" 66 , F. 1. "Deterridna- KOSMAM, YE. S., TVERSKAYA) B. M.; and POLONSKAYA . tion of 0. 0-diethyl-S-(6-chlorobe:nzox.azc)linyl-3-ITethyl)- dithiophosphate (Phosalone) in Applas:by the Vnin-Layer Chromatography" T) 70 MA"Y.OVAJ, S. V., and SOBOLEVP, D. A. "Spectrophotamet.-Ic Dotermination of J a New Herbicide Meturin" 73 73 F. A. AMMIOV, T. F.0 GERAST140VA, A. I., SHOIF I Y.UrOVA, L. Ii., 1. 11. "AnalyziLl of the DAj,-1 Ester'.of 2,4-Dichlor- and LOMOT KO) 5/8 phenoxyacetic Acid" USSR LnLIKOV, YU. S., et al., Metody Analiza:Pestitsidov.- lzdatel'stvo Nauka, 1972 MOLOC=OV, V. V.1 and M IOCHALOV.V:~ V. 1. "Extraction of Pesticides from .'Milk and Purification of Extracts for Analysis" 81 MOCH)4=1, A. i., POPOV, L. IT., MOCHAIKTITA, K. I., MVILI-1011, SH., and LORMOV, YE. 14. "Activation Analysis of the Residual Concentrations of Arsenic in Seeds Treated,with C6cod~lic Acid"] 84 MOCHALKIN. A. I., MOVIV, YU. V:.., MOCRAMMAY K. 1.) YLUMBPMOV, V. 14., EVS1 and L -,AYA, G. S. "Distribution of Flicrogram Ih7~rities of Arsenic in PlantsY as Established by the Radioacttre Method" 88 NCYVIK., R. M.J, and KOZLOVA, 1. Vi. "Polar6graphic Study of the Insectici6e Ifemagon, (1,2-Dibro.-no-3-C)tLoropropand)'.'~I I I QO NOVIKOVA, K. F., and MMITSBR, F.. R. "Chrornatographici,l)eteririination 0d Productz of Plant of the Residual kmounts of Po origin" 95 PAVLOVA, ff. IT., CHIIMIKOV~ D. I., and I/M W, A. 14. "Deatendnation of Pherioxyacetic Acid Halides in Plants" 99 PIVOVAR9.1. G. A. "Requirements- Toward the Ga-s-Chrom-atographic Apparatus During the Analysis of Reesicbjal-.Amou&~a of M-sticides" io4 PIS-YENNAYA, M. V., end KLISEIIKO,. M. A.!'!Tnin-Layer Chromatography of Residual Amounts of New Phos-Dhoro-Organic Pesticides" ill 6/8 USSR LYALT-KOV M.S., et al., Metody Apaliza'Pestitsidov, Lzdatellstiro Nauka, 1972 FOLUBOYARINOIV., I - V "Distribetion and Guantitative Determination of "Herbicides of 2,4-D Acid and Butyl-Ester.of 2,4-Djn Water" 115 POPOV, L. N., IMIKOV, B. N., MOCIMMIN,: 4 1., YEZERMA, A.: A., LEVSKAYAJ. G. S., and KHATAMOV,* SH. "Localization of Arsenic in the Cell Organoids of Plants by the: Activation hialysis Method" 117 PATRASHWJY P. 1. and SOROKSKAYA, ~L. B. "Polarographic, Determination of tI plea and:in Soil" M e hylnitrophos in the Plant Sam, 11)0 - PATRASM(U, F. I. "Qualitative Paper Ghromatop--aphia and Ouantitative Colorimetric Determination. of Methylnitrophos inthe Plant Sam. le and in Soil" 223 SAMOSVAT, L. S. "Determination of Herbicides from the Phenylurea Group and from Anilides of Carboxyllic Acids in the Envix-onnental 14adia., Water, Soil, Biological Materials o:~Tlant and A-Dirial Origin" 127 SEDYKE!, A. S., POPOV, P. V. AEELENTSEVA G. M.. SIMPOVALOVA G. K. and IVANOVA G.B. "Sensitivity of the.Biological.'and aqin-I~ ayer ~ Chromatographic Methods Daring the. eetermination:of Trace Amounts D of Pesticides" 130 SOBOLEVA, D. A.,, and 1,MRO'VA., S. V. "Determination of S ma Phos- phoro-Organic Pesticides by Titration in Nonaquecrus Mledia" 136 7/8 USSR LYALIKOV YU. S., et al., Metody Analiza Pestitsidov, Izdatel'stvO Nauka, 1972 MMOv, A. I., ALYAWIT, TU. N., SIMIONTI V. D., MAJ.=, F. A., (211 AKRU-1101,1 T. F., and. VYAZOVKIUA,: G.:,I. "Daterminai-don of the Base Substance in Herbicidal Freparatio~s of Yalan" -n SITONOV), L.- D.J. and FOFANOV, V. N.. Determi' tion of 1-fonuron and Diuro in Water and Soil" 'YU. D. ara-phic SUPIlly G. S.1 SISTERI and KOZLOVA, 1. V. "Polaro. Analysis M--thods of Pesticides" TSITOVICH, I. K., and OVIONKO,-E. A.' "lon Exchange Concentration and Detexmination of Microgram kwounts bf-TCA and 2,4-D in- Soil and Plant Materials" 8/8 138 142 145 155 USSR RUBBINCIII-K, I 17,0311"TIT, V.A., 14EDRIMYA, !.P., 7RI~II,CV,_O.F.,, Z =-F-DIEV, A.Y., M-hit2- -fteap aratuxry and Xomn-Tunarsk Metallurgics.1 and VAYRITAUB, ,S.S. VIIII71- c4 P. Planz. "High-Strength Sheet Stueel lOG:2F-.R' lfoscowy 110 8, Atu" 71, pp 25-^6 Abstract: On t~_--_ cf inv2stigating OqG2S and 16GS low-alloy steels, melled -;n 1-00-`- inebxticr arc -ton electric furnaceZ, r"Dsim= tion of. IOC-2-11P Steel e stabli* shed. A' the Koamimarz;- 'Jmtallursica-I -Kan-I u two heats -ve-e- :7.21+-=d in -M-t0r. oren-hearth fmmaces ocnven'icnal '=c~-- y an,:- -,~`Lth ferro-7ilicon, :7,- nolog resultin- slab2 rol-Led i_nluo sheet and 'he mec;,anic~-! prcner~_-.;-_s of tLe Sheet thc! ~;i!eCA hc-aT trentcd -u, hratirlf-, to QTO-C~zrc' vater ring fat 66,00C. in all esse-5 IieuT,-trearr,,,d ey 1-1 ib i~l C-2 7- :2~f'zSses ed e hot-roll-d st~~-ix_-. It, f---t;n'd thet -,CC-2F_R were shcvwn by -h b, 4 At tl-e Volrc~-_rzad Fetlr_-.-_~~ v t,1,_-! of 1OG27M, sz-e-~! _-nd a d -~ s n .,e dto be used undnr of -55 Kz at do-,7. t-O -LOOC. USSR UDC 669.14.018.29-414 GOL'I)SKEVU, M., I., BLYIP-1, H. E., GRIIN-1, A. V. , LITVINEN-KO, D. A., LEIKIN, 1. M., RUDCRENK0, A. V., OREL, E. I., VAYNTRAUB, S. S., LOKTIONOV, P. Ya., LASHCHEV, V. Ya., MOSIOSHVILT, V.-V.-, -irnosmicmqrm, S. I., and KONDRASHOV, H. H., Ural Scient1fic Research Institute of Terrous Metals, Central Scientific Research'Institut6!of Ferrous Metallurgy imeni 1. P. Bardin, and Ko=unarsk Yletalliiriftal Plant "Adoption of" the Industrial Production'of 15G2AF Sheet Steel" Moscow, Stal', No 9, Sep 70, pp 828-830 Abstract: An investigation of the 15G2AF plate steel (10-2.5 mr.) , cominer- cially produced at the Kommunarsk.Metallurgical Plant, revaaled that alloying of the manganous struct ral st wi th nitrogen and vanadium u eel. Increases the strength and plasticity properties of the normalized rolled steel. Normalizing of the metal ef f ects a size reduction of the grain (to 10-12), which assures a low (, -120*C) cold brittleness threshold. The strength of the 150AF. steel vacs found to be at least 2 2 60 kg/mm and the yield stress at least 45-kg/mm . Use of 15G2AF steel for welded atructures decreased weighti in comparison with steel 10G2SI, by 13.6%. 52 rm-" ~~Z;11-'P ~1121 WIN M-11 91191-9-710SWUN, ENW.-Mmmmon 1/2 019 UNCL ASS I F I ED PROCESSING DATE--230CT70 TITLE--CONIPOSITION OF PRODUCTS FROM TH~:OXIDATIOIN OF THE METHYL ESTER OF CYCLOHEXANECARBOXYL IC AC I OV -U- AUTHOR-(02)-VAYNTRAUB, YU.YA., FREYDIN, B.G. COUNTRY OF INFO--USSR 10(l) 68-12 .-SOURCE--NEFTEKHIMIYA 1970, -DATE PUBLISHED ------- 70 SUBJECT AREAS--CHEMISTRY TOPIC TAGS--CARBnXYLIC ACIL) ESTER, CYCLCHEXANE, OXIDATION, CHROMATOGRAPHY1 HYDROPEROXIDE, FREE RADICAL CONTROL .4ARKING--NO RESTRICTIONS,' DOCUMENT CLASS--UNCLASSIFIED PROXY REEL/FRAME--1997/0575 STEP NO--UR/020,'i/701010/001/0068/0072 SSJON N0-00119493 IC-A CC E 2/2 019 U-14CLASSIFIED PROCESSING DATE--230CT7( CIRC ACCESSION NO--APOL19493 :48STRACT/EXTRACT--[Ul GP-0- ABSTRACT. ME CYCLOHEXANECARBOXYLATE (1) (60 G) WAS OXIDIZED WITHOUT CATALYST 34 HR AT 130DEGREES IN A GLASS COLUMN BY 0, INTRODUCED THROUGH A POROUS BOTTOM AT 8 L.-HR. 8Y CHkOMATOGRAPHII A NAL, THE CGMPN. OF THE REACTION MIXT. 14AS: I 50.2PERCENr; ME f 1-HYDROXYCYCLO[iEXANErARt3OXY,LATE 16.9PERCENT; 2-GXDHEPTANEOIOIC ACID, IT~ EiNOLIC FORM (2-HYDROXY-2-HEPTENEDIOIC ACID) AND THE LACTONE OF THE LATTER 6.3PERCENT; MONO-ME IP2,4i,13UTANETRICARBOXYLATE 7.8PERCENT; HEZANEDIOIC AICO 4.5PERCENT; AND OTHER COMPOS. (CONTG. SOME -E) 'THE NATURE OF THE PRODUCTS SH014S THAT THE CYCLOHEXANON 14,3PERCENT. TERTIARY C-*H BOND IS MOST VUL.NERABLE,TO:O ATTACK4 TO FORM A HYDROPERIOXIDE. SINCE T14E.TERTIARY C.OF I IS INTHE ALPHA POSITION, TH( ALPHA FREE RADICALSP WHICH FORM ON DECOMPN..DF:THE- PERIOXIDEP ARE TAB-ILIZED THROUGH--QNJUGATfON A41TH THE,PI ELECTAONS OF THE CARBOXYL S GROUP*'.: FACILITY: VSES. NA.UCH.-ILLSED..I,NST. NEFTEKH[M. PROTSESSOV, LENINGRAD. J, lCt &,5-S I F I E 0- -4/2, '025 AbCESSING DATE-0OCT70 UNCLASSUIED P! -,TITLE--PREPARATION AND SOME PROPERTIES OF,ZZNC CYANAMIDE -U- -A., SEYFER, G.B., VAYPOLIN, ;AUTHOR-.( 0-5)-GALO-C.HK INA* G.M.r. GORYUNOVAi,N YU.YA. KHARITUNOVY, ,toUNTRY OF lNFU--USSR ~,_CONTROL MARKING-NO RESTRICTIONS DOCUMENT CLASS-UNCLASSIFIED OXY REEL/FRAMiz-199411901- STEP NO- UR/0363170/CJ06/003/Ott-81)/O,'t92 CIRC ACL(SSIGN NU--AP0115720 025 Nl- L'A*S~l F I ED Pkrk E S S I f U.- 4G DATE--090CT70 .:C I R CACCESSION NU--AP0115720 .~-';l.8SrP.ACT/EXTKACT-(u) GP-0- ABSTkACT. DURING INVESTIGATION OF THE NCN ZN(OAC), SUBZ H SUB2 SUBZ H SU32 0 NH SUB4 OH SYSTEM BY PHYS. CHEM. ~za ANAL. H E3,40 DS pTHE FURMATION Of: CN SUB2 AND BA31C (ZN(CH)) SU8Z CN SU82 WAS ESTABLISHED. IN T14E ARSENCE,OF A CONSr. GAS EXCHANGE THE THERMAL DEOGMPN. OF ZNLN SUbZ PROCEEDS AT GREATER 824DEGREES WITH JHE EVEILUTI,GN OF N AND THE f-ORMATION OF- METALLIC Z:N AND FREE C. THE D. OF-NOkMAL ZNCN SUB2 WAS UETU. T0:8E 2.~825~ G-CM PRJIME3 AND THE '11110TH Of THE FORBIDDEN BAND WAS SIMILIAR TO 3.1 EV THE [k, ABSGRPTION SPECTRA OF -.NORMALl CYANAMIDES OF ZN AND (;D WERE STUDIED, ArTE~TING TO THE SYM. MIDE GROUP AN STRUCTURE OF THE CYANA, 130TH'COMPOS. FACILITY: FIZ. AJSSRL~ INST, IM;"-*IOFFE, LENINGRADI UNCLASSJFIED~: USSR UDC 53:07/,08 SFRGr,!GV, GGRYU T VA, N. A., KRADINOVA, L. V.,, VAYPOLIN A. A., PROCRUKHAN, V. D. "Solid Solutions in the Zn-Cd-As-Te Systemil Tr, nolitekhn. in-411- (Works of Kishinev Polytechnical Institute) 1969, vyp. 12, pp 16-19 (from 9QL-_Fj_z_ikn_, No. 1. Jan 701, Abstract No 1A511) Dilrect synthesis is used for~producing solid solutions in the Zn-C.d-As-Te system in the Zn3AS2-2,CdTr- and Cd3As2-2ZnTe.crosL,- sections. it is found that the ram5e of solubility in the. Zn3.4s_,)-!,Cd'TE1 cross section ac)es up to -2ZnT.-- system -- up'-to 15-LIO mol.% V,_nTe. 20-25 2CdTIe, and n the Cd3AS2,, olid solutions of %AS2-20V~a with a wider Concentration lip to 35 mol.% 2CdTe-- were synthesized by the method of-transport reaCtions -in a closed system. The given method was used for producing alDgle-crystal apecimrnis on whituh physico- chemical meezuruments were made., Authors I.Abatract. 109- r,. klatUetra-vlca.L~KodeJ.Iitlg,ot;~Thoug~t Processes USSR VAYFUXDY i, A. S. and LAVMINTIYEV, V. S. "Analysis of Three-Layer Perceptron s'for Learning with Erro r Correction" inzh. Mat. Metody v Fiz. i Kibernet. [Engincering Mathema tics Methods in Physics and Cybernetics -- Collection of Works], No 2, Moscow, Atom- izdat Press, 1973, pp 70-79 (Translated from~Referativnyy Zhurnal Kiber-7 netika, No 10, 197/3, Abstr,act.No 101:17 73), Translation: The behavior of a three-layer perceptron is studied with a simple R-element, the reaction of which to a stimulus is represented by p, while the true value of the outputis represented by -r*. The correction of errors is fixed by thefollowing relationships: Yj AV if P - r* = 2; n aAV if o r* 1; n'= -AV if p - r* = -2; n -rAAV if p - rk = -1; 0 if p r* 0, where 0 < a < 1, AV is the step of change of the weight of the perceptron, the initial values of which are equal to zero. The studies are perfonned for the case a = 112. An analytic expression is produced for the sum of the inputs U to the x R-element when the test stimulus S is presented after a fixed lea-.ninu sequence has been presented, An approximate. method Is studied for de- te-nitination of the mathematical expectation and disl3ersinn of the value of U based on approximation of the joint distribution rule of the num- T, USSR VAYRADYAN, A. S. and LAVRENTIYEV,-V. S., 'Inzh. Mat. Metody v Fiz. i Kibernet., No 2, Moscow, Atomizdat PTe~ss, 1973, pp 70-79 ber Nij, N A-elements excited by the corresponding stimuli, and em f(U kt sign Ukt' the normal rule of joint distribution of these quantities. Block diagrams are presented for the ptograms for calcu- lation of E(U ), (I 2(U ) and E(U ). A method isalsr, studied for pre- x x 54 cise determination of E(U ) and. a2(U for the case when with a fixed X. x learning sequence, correction in any perceptron of the fixed class is performed as in a full perceptron. A. Doroshenko 2/2 ELECTRONICS Amplifiers USSR UDC 621.,3' 776 621-375 Vaysband, M.D. 2'High-Resistance DC Instrumentation; Amplifier with Semiconductor Pulue Modulator" Tr. metrol. in-tov SSSR (Transactions of th o1 e 'etrology Institutes of the USSR), 1969p vYp. 107,(167), pp~117-123 (from RZh-Radio~ tekhnika, No 2, Feb 70, Abstract No,2A377) Translations The article describes a DC amplifier containing a modulator-,an AC amplifiers a demodulator. ,The: modulator:" is made in the form of a gate using two opposed silicon transistors, to the midpoint of which there current.gating pulses with a high pulse rate are applied, providing a high amplifier input resis- tance. To-reduce the input current components~resulting from the gating pulses, a cur~rent cdmpensatin-.-circ,.uitAs introduced; and to exclude the influence of the.transiisto.-reverse current, an 1/2- USSR UDC 621 .791.75:621.397.13 VOYTSEKHOVSKIY, A. B.,' Z11UR1S1ff,'IN,,A P., Central Scientific YA. S., ResearEff-Irustitute of Transportation Construction "Television Scanning System for.Automation Direction of the Electrode Along the Joint Kiev, Avtomaticheskaya Svarka, No 7, 1971, pp 49-52 Abstract: The television scanning system developed by the authors is described, It differs from the known systems [Dudenkov, 0brien opytom v radioeleLtronnov proizvodstva, No 7, Kiev, 1964; Demchenko, et al., Svqrochnove nroizvocistvo, No 2, 1970 and t-J'all, et al., Weldint, Journ ,No 9, 19691 botit with respect to the principle of separation and processing Of the information on the electrode position relative to the Jolut and their possibilitien. When using the gjven scanning-syst-em it is possible automatically to guide,both the tip of the weld- ing unit and the end of the consumable electrode along the joint, and the welding process and position of the electrede can be observed remotely. The system developed for the 1:epcun automatic welding machine can be adapted to any machine designed for gas-blanketed welding of Joints by a non cons tunab 1e elec- trode. The operation of the device, its assemblXand'technical specifications are discussed in detail. The results.of testing the system demonstrated that it provides for automatic direction of.the electrode along the joint with an _M17 - I It- --USSR UDc 621.396. Yu. A., VAYSBERG. A. I.. LEONT'Yrl,~ V.A!., PODLIPALIN,N. 1. "On Charging the Radiation Pattern in the Horizontal Plan~l fox, Overhead Antennas" Tr. Novosib. elektrotekbn. in-ta (Works of the Novosibirs1z Electrical Engineering Y_P. 2, kn. 1, n 18-22 om Mh Radiotekhnika, rio 6, Jun 70, Ipstitute), 1970, r Abstract xo 6B5) Translation: The authors consider the effects of the mirror image of an a--tenne on its radiation T)attern above the plane of the uniform e!Lrth, and the errors introduced by "his imagg in measurements of the radiatim-oattern. it is shovr. that distortions in the ~oriziclnal maximum may be slight; Ilovever, "he side lobes may be subjected to considerable interference distortions,since the a-mmlitudes of the side lobes in the c1i rectional. patterns of the forward. and reflected ber,= are approximatuely identical. Therefore antennas. should be raLs-ed to a sufficient height in -measuring the level of the.side lobes under firee-stace conditiors, and the antenna a-nd observation ro-int should be separated by a known distance when measuring this level where the ground is present. Two il-Lustratil'ons, bibliography of one title. 71. S. USER UW 541-183-24 n Scientific S- Y. and B. P., All-Unic. Resca-r-,h Ins~.-ituze of Antibiotics -`~,'Xcl--an-c Ki-ctics of Large OrGanic Ion$ on Caa,7cm-cylic Gntaordtes. 7. Fes-ilient of Cations vith Different D -e eof -1-1;fbst-j-tut4-cn cf, InorL:aniv Scdilua laiti-ions by the Streptomycin ions'" P,osc(xw, Zhurnal Fizicheskoy KhLrdi, Vol 44, IN, o9, Sa-P'70, P-P Abstract: Resilient -~,--opcrties of the grain-z of Zerr),!At--~ 221~ C-.tdon-itr., ',.-crc Studied Under conJitions Of, d�f;C2-0nt d6t;rr-,--'of Of lie ar. related to the imate's co-tcnt of orvani.c a-n-I '-dith transition of the cafboxyl cation from the sordium, form to U-1c c--Lanlic the. grain resilience deerecases but onl, .,,The! the sor-bimt hms a sp C-c-if ic degree of cros-s-li L-~, ng . Lower re sili.ence of the iord.1I.e g-ruUns is ev~ ~n ir duo 'to the f act that the triple charge Btreqitop,66i-- ions aaL in a as vil additional crosr,--Hn~ra~--,e. US.SR uDc 615-331 (PRODIGICSSANM4).015.46 YERIVOL'YEVA, Z. A. I., TARAIIENK0 L. A. YE., BW.,UDB P UJSHMA, L. A., GIVEMAL-J. N. I..$ and SHCHERBAKOVA, E. (;.,, Laboratory of Medical Patholo&y and Laboratory of New.Antibiotics. Chair of Microbio.lo- TsIIJ [Central Institute for the Advanced Ttrainir4r, of Pliysicians), Mloscov "The Effect of Prodigiozan Inhalation on the Iminunological Reactivity of the Huma-a Body" Moscov, Antibiotiki., Vol 18, ITO 1, 1973) pp 76-79 Abstract: inhalation of prodigiozan promptes inmune reactions in The h-,u,.a?i body. Thus, in a group of 78 subjects:aged 19 to 59, a single inhalation of 5 ml of a 0.01dj prodigioza-ti aerosol (obtained under 0.!5-0.8 atm ut a rate of qmLn) ii~vrortrwd the nuiribel' Of IwItivullautrOPhAll, fr6n, 53 to 74,?4 In 24 hro in all nubJecta, and the increar~,ed-plitt,;,,ocyt iLc act -IvIty waij aL least up to the 48th hr after inhalation. . At the same time, the inhaled prodigiozan increased alkaline phosphatase activity in the neutrophils of peripheral blood from 42 to 115 conventional units in 35 011t of 39 subjects, raised lysoz~wa concentration from 2.7 to -3-5 mcg/ml of blood seroin in 12- out of 27 subjects, and induced formation Of irterferon iP- 'iters of 7-13 Units/ ml serum in 10 out of 10 zWbjects. It is concluded tl);~.t a sin.-Ile in1halation of -172 WC~613. L. A., EYD1'VSH7ZYV', S. I., YERMOL'WIA, Z. V., VAYSU Laboratory o.- medicaf -citoloar, Chair of I-11crobioloM,,, and r-ROXHOROVA, I ~ 1. Central Institute of Advanced Training o'f:Physicians:,d.'w1 Aerosol Laboratory, All-Union Scientific Research Iftstitute:of JU-itibbdies "Effect of Experimental Inhalation of Prod-igiosan Aerosols on Some Indloas of '1=unobiological Reactivite Moscow, Antibiotiki, No 12p 1971t pp io76-to8i Abstracts Inhalation of the bacterial polysacch-aride.prodigiosan (a stizulant of the reticuloandothelial system) resulted1n. satisf--!ctory absorption of the substance and a pronounced syztenic reELCtiOn In =,bbits. A single inhalation (1 -41 g/ml) caused the number oJ'.* leukocyteir, in 1 mip of peiipheraa blood to double within 24 hours and that 2eyel for 6 to 8 days, Single inhalation also greatly Increased -the number ol neutrophils and stab calls for several days. Twenty-four hour3 after inNal'wtion, serum opzonin- Phagocytic activity increased alaost 3-fold and did not return to the origAnal level until day 10. Intramuscular injectibn of p-=Utriosm produced similax blood shifts. Inhalation of prodigio= (.50 to 200 ~/4g/ml) had no effect on the ciliated epithelium of isolated1ittenjand puppy ~=cheits, These results Warra&t clinical trials of prodilgiosan as a prophylactic agent. 1A M6 X11; L,5P1RZR OF 1. 1,ishl!n, Wmel, roryit. Uout.-Col. w! less- tr the 21ith Cor.;:-zosa or Lh~ MU. LiRe all S Plet, tim cvllcvilv,~ of comitnivz iako.- of t!-,o 14,d 1,nin 71111 L.r;r Ho=,,; 15 l%Ihnzia~U-Llly rrz~=rllrf, to =aer this vmt. In a wor~lkv mminir. The azltllvity ..or the !,oupllrti v mrt~v. cre.-ij, i t,i Lion Is vntlr(;-.y der-Ac4 t-u incuzing a bi1;h-qu,'x:iity Allfil-lannt by the per-junnel of We ,,oals t1hoy wrldorrook to nut, pi,!., to the oponijij; of the Cour-r-rv. Tn this, they too.( activo navantm;v af the a~q:crtazea ~Ln r.-~imli3t cw-P4'-It1-'l' C.*U-'l-'d c2% clucil-116n Of ~thA 190t!1 a-ml q birtr; ar 7, 1. Lmllh~ t.:.ttitne re-dy for the 1.nnin conmm.1--t-a or tile cirrl~d lot. A b1c ~lolltical and im,.%,the initiator emd -Inz;lirar 4f tocialilt Tht, 'u)i ro*jv3 tr of tim otAirat-i'laz . 3=5=.4 ill coamotion with tht, Lenin lubill kt %mrv tcLr:,-, mv~owqd At party mt:4itin~,i, uarLy Vwreau conferences. zominars Zor ~ooretaxriva or prilivV. party wat"# conforonex or, dap~rt%!t!nt- 4~-43. won znt, or sloe. troops or c izmunlct lator. Tho cor=ar.:l and p1:11-7-crFulleati-ma dovoto4 nuch att~ntlon to publie-l-L-ir. tho it. :.renultfl" dum=-LA%C-them, und ri-tic all the- wuriia-z, of tile hospital the boneCit or tho ~xperio;ico of their most advlaced zcojleaqu's. The ommunistr von at the oom of tho --crved an im Or-r-ple Of L~cd or(,m~iuticn, of hcnen attitud.9 tou:%rd ono'n work, ard of Profound vtntjr::tand1ng vjC thz- cf' tho tack the hirplull. Furomuct 1jro:iC. the 1;nd1YL-bml_1 In th.13 cateMne wore: Culot-clc of th-~ NmUcal Somica-F. azld A t uout.-cworivi., or the T-4 '.4 r~ i, md~ 4~_ r~.domtidn' zn 'S~ physt i mediml numez_" J. Z!3. %L-mrj z;nd e, ------ a 1.-.t -4, Idth pm~m-on-u' L-Vtq ku woril '~f c :I %4ho dol4z phzxLn orerliSo anl =UTIty of tile rvdical departreatt ra~ zlrT-.cPn or the hvDpi~al, contriWtod to th!~ nx)cctxzCul fulfuL-lent or thle, *ociallnt, ot~lieaticno vuldnt'Wom in connoctIon with Vle jublAe*. Py Ito devoted. efforts, the collectivL Or thc hispital onz-* aclain drmcn.,trated tile lofty mani:ng of the tqrn *co-limtAvo -1 cormunint labor.~ "Ihcru hill tern a njF:njfi"= rise in the laytil t~ zodicu - 41krnoutic ixrk, battle-roLdineDn of the biarmased. and Do wa3 ri-old tralning. The progran of battlo tzrz.%i~r av~ moll as of political and special traininr war, curried out =ceizZully. Mlporienco has shovel that the boat rezult,3 in sociUlat competition vftre achieved bj there dopartzonts the heads 'or wh_1c:j C.) 40 USSR :UDC 541.632+538.113.661.718.1 MASTRYUKOVA, T. A., SHIPOV, A. E. , =~9~11 PETROVSKIY, P. V., and KABACHNIKS M. I., Institute of Heterdo of Sciences rg;;nic Compounds, USSR "PMR Study of Diastereoisomerism of Substituted O-Ethyl Methyldithiophos- phonates" Mosc-n4, Izvestiya Akademii Nauk SSSR,,Seriya nimiclieskaya, No 8, Aug 71, p Abstract: In compounds of the generalformula C113(C H.500(S)SC112C(O)NHC1i (R)-COO11 [R = H (1), CH3 (II) i-C3H7 (111)), (113 and. (III) contain two asymmetric centers separated _by* five single bonds. ,"lever th eles s , the PIMR spectra of the resultant mixture of diastereomers cl6arly,shows two doublet signals for the methyl protonscorresponding to the,two diastercomers. The difference in chemical shifts varies according to compound and solvent from to 0.1 p.p.m. , with the maximum for. ;compound (IiI) in benzvne. This difference is great f or substances - in., jqhi~!h the asr4btric centers are far removed from each other. Thus, it is shvm that diastereome-ifisin can be found in the PMR spectra for molecules ivith separated asymmetric centers. -7- USSR UDC 678.743.22.01:537.311 SICHKAR', V. P., and VAYSBERG, S. E. "Influence of Acceptor-Donor Impurities During the Radiation on the Electrical Conductivity of Polyvinylchloride" Moscow, Plasticheskiye Massy, 7, 1973, pri 5-7 Abstract: A study was made of the relationship of the electrical conductivity (a) to the dose (I) of x-radiation from a C060 source for polyvinylchloride (PVC) containing acceptor impurities (duroquinone, chloranil, and tetracy- anodim-athane) and donor impurities (tritcluene amine). The impurities (0.2 to 0.9 mol 1'.) did not exert a significant influence on either a or on the exponent A in the equation a a, I . Theconductivity a x 10-15 ohn-l-cm7l varied from 3.5 for a A of 0.88 to 6.6 for,a A of 0.92 (the maximum A was 1.00). The concentration (p of the carrier current:in the conducting zone can be expressed as p = Nce 4/kT where INc = 1019cm7l is the effective density of the compound near the bottoi~~of.the tonducting zone and Ef is the depth of the Fermi quasiplane which 6'hanges:with T and.l. Some values obtained were p 109cm7l and 106cm-l.for'E 0.6 ev and 0.8 ev respectively. Using a pqp, v 10-4cm2/volt*sec and 1j)-lcm2/volt-sec for the above values of E. 7; Ln~i V- 1noti tute Y.. -Do" Kai: "A Stur]-y O-F, -lec. .):L XI- 1 C17 16 11 502 -2 C7 r-~. c C-ch(lucti-vity of r, in t-lic ion but rcturn~~ tO j."F C)-l"" reMOV,11 0-1, 'n ea ;1.11Y7, - e tud i prc!-,surc 101-1-71;!,f's"~Ures, po-I and re 1, -,t i 0 ~, 5 -,' - . L,;j n On con !U ducti 'I~y i_-;' and T war, _C,j7 f(T)' -P(,Ij!IJ tO selver, f'or I the (they, hadl raza,~ of tL-Incrat-ures wi rj t.lon Oil a, I-d~: O-L 4. ra or. o' tripss, -1. '11 P rc-,"en"C' Of, -77 'i b~ Acc. Nr: Abstracting.Service: Ref. Code: HCHICAL, ABS 4052508 C vWe 10 1 309z Diele~Ari-& properties of poly (tet tail uornetby len e) ( durina irradiation "h caphalt,60, -rays and with fast elm- 1. 1E.; K V L. (FIZ. trons. Matveev. N Va Khim. Inst. im. os %V, !,SR . Soe- o Ser. B 1970, 12( c din.. . ilO. I he ncre~re of tan (dielec. Ims angle) (tan 4). urin t e irribi. of poly(teeirafluoroethylene) (1) in air or in va.cuo:wit out' rkious degasifi~ahon is due to the formation of pe 111.1 . II ' i- -middle or at: ,'lie ends of the I roxy ra Ica s I I chain, i.e., -CF2CF( o - t I (I or -CUF 00o (lit) groups. Heating the irradiated I to s' 15 ~Ovsstr6vs IIrI;jlI decomp. only at '-)50*. The rate of tan-6 i&ren* e is, not limited bv the~diffusion rate of 0 into I when tl~e radiatibn rate'is 250, ra`ds/sk, How-' ever, at 7.3 x IV rods/see, G diffusion cont rols I lie rate of tan 6 increase. REEL/ FRAME USSR UDC 532.529.6 GOLUB, S. I., ROZEN, A. M., VAYSBLAT,: B.j and BOrlh-ISL17A, T. 1. "The Height to Which Liquid Droplets aze.Wsed in a Vertical Gas Flow" Moscow, Teoretichaskiy Csnovy Xhimicheskoy Tekhnologii., Vol 6, No May/J un 72. pp 484-490 Abstracts Equations am derivefL for computing thebeight. to which droplets formed in bubbling operations are raised in a vertical gas flow, and the effects of some parameters on this height axe analyzed. 'The droplet path can be divided into two regionrj -- one in which the droplet moves faster than the gas flow and one in which its velocity is IoNer than the gas flow velocity. The equations relate droplet mass, the vertical component of the droplet's absolute velocity, resistance of the medlump droplet diameter, specific weights of liquid and vapor# relative drop velocity, hydraulic resistance, and gas flow velocity. The dependence of j=imiui height on droplet.diameter is analyzed. Computer analysts o:~ the o"ations demonstrated that when initial droplet Velocity ia hig,heir then vapor velotAty, the final height Increases with increasing droplet:dlazeterg while in the reverse eme the final hei-Sht increases with decreasing droplet dianeter. Changes in zedium density from 0.05 to 1-3 kg/m3- hive little affect on height. The 1/2 USSR UDC 577.4 "Games of Automata With Linear Tactics With Different Memory Depths" V sb. izbr. tr. Vses. mezh-vuz. simpoz. ]22 prikl. mat. i kibernet., Gor'kiv, 1967 (_kelected Works of the All-Union Inter-VUZ. Lifigher Educational Insti- .tution7 symposium on Applied Mathematics and Cybernetics, Gor'kiy, 1967 -- Collection of Works), Moscow, : "Nauka, 11 1973, pp: 150-152 (from RM-Yatematika, No 6, Jun 73P Abstract No 6V421 from author's-abstract) Translationt The article considers a gameof two automata with lineax tac- tics of the type Bki, mi, ki (according to V. L.- TSETMN). Each of the automata can Derform several different operations. If the memory depth is the same for the two automata, it is shown that most of the time the automaton performs an operation in whichthe, penalty:probability is minimal. 2/2 017 U114C, LASS IFf ED PRO CESS I NG OATE--13NOV70 CIRC ACCESS fi.)N Nfi-AP0134042 ABSTRACT/cXTRAr-T--(U) GP -0- A,13STRACT,,: SAMIPL ES OF THE SMALL INTESTME ~WCQSA v4LER-E !--~~JA111QE3 FROti PATIENTS S U F F F R IN GC WUR-41 C ENTEROCOLITIS BY USING THE A.S~~JR'~Tfufi BIOPSY METHOD. IJRYSMATIC~CELI-S OF THE EPITHELIU-1i .1 'eERE STUOLED 6Y MEV6 OF ELECTROWNICROSCORY. ~AILA,:,IG;E: NUM3ER OF I 'Sn '; .- PRYSMATIC AB CELLS WERE DEMOIASTkATED WIT~t ACCUMULATEU AND SE-CRETED "JCIGEN THUS CHAiNiGING THEIR FUNCTION. , THE I-PITHELIAL CELLS ARE CONSIDEE~ED PROTECTrVE, T141S flv- 515 4 EACTION MAY JREPIRES~IENT A *41)KPri0L0:G1C BA OF THE !4ALAB SOAP T IG N SYND'KOME: JN. PATIENTS SOFFERJNG PROM CHRONIC (-'OCf FAC I L I TY1 TASHKENT MED. ~JNST TASHKENT, USSR. ENTE )LITIS* a F.1 ED UNC LAS USSR UDO 621.,1,96.45 SUJRG, G.M., NEMIROVSKIY, A*6. allue Of Composite Signal On Lines Cf Tropoopharic Sciattering Of USO No V Elektroevy4z -ar 1972, pp 40-47 ained by tha method of Abstraot. Parallel composite siLmala are conaidere(ip oK, complementary frecivierizy modulation by a vinusoidal t9lne of a high-frequency signal alrevdy modulated with respart to f raquency by a airn.11, as wall av, the statistical charicteriattea of the ratio off the rignsil po);eIr to the noieo power at the onitput of a device for optimum joint procesning of th6 oloments of a compooite siEnal dtAring reception Due d whole.D The aptiLaim Trequoncy modulation indices for a complementary tone are found as well as,the atatistical Iowa or distribution of the ratios of tho signal and noiee po7iiora at the output of a system of optimum procesving of.' a composite: signal. &fig. -5 ref. Focalrod ~O Apr 71- USSR UDC 621.396.621.59:621.391.812.7'088.8) 'I. GIJSYATINSKIY, I A., KOZLOV, V. V., M-MIROVSKIY, A. S. , PLEMI. M V. YU. V. "Device for Signal Reception with Equivalent Frequency Spacing" USSR Air.horls Certificate No 296221, filed. .21 Jul 1969, published 8 Apr 1971 (from RZh-RadiotekhnikaV No 1, 1972, Abstract No IMP) Translation: A device is introduced for signal reception with equidistant fre- quency spacing containing heterodynes and two frequency converters connected in series to it, the input signal to the first of which:is fed directly and the input signal to the second of which is fed via a delay line. The device also includes a phase- detector one of the inputs of which is connected to the output of the first converter via a band filter. For reception of .11 - I sign,-ilr, with equidistant frequency spacing by one device, for a decrease in distortions, a phase modulator the control input of which is connected to the output of the phase derecter is included between the output of the aentioned heterodync and the other izput of the phase detector. Jhe delay of the delay line is selec- ted equal to the inverse of the frequeng separation, and the pass band of the band filter is selected not exc eeding tvices the m*apni wde of the frequet)cy ation. UDC'621.791.75 USSR 11E!Ir"SnN, YU. SLPIYATI'4,. V. I., GOMM, S. B 510111'.B-z GRUDO, Ne Propelled Chassis T-16!V' lding the Frame of the Self, 7 Kiev, Avtcoaticheskaya Svarka (Autcrnatlc Welding), No 1, 19; 0, pp 44-46 :(from Avtomaticheskaya Svarka, No 1,. 1970, p 80) Tranalation: The. results of selectin3 the technological process for velding steel 45L with an increased carbon content are discussed. It is recommended that the weldirip be perforned in two layers without prelimin- M heating. Thera are 3 illustrations. Reel/Frame V-'I.SR uDc 62i.3.OL'9.T5 EDOV, XO G L-11-,Z)V, V. S. YA:K V. A., B- TOV V. MR- g. VAYSUT-rl' 0 "'A Me V-10d of Priited-C-4.1-cuit MOSCOW, Cit,:~:rytiva, c1bra:!~!-.-i-, tovar.-i::-ye znaki No 2. j,~-n 71,-'uthor'z CertificL3te NTo 23-049-2, division filed 16- Dec 67 published 22 1-)--c,7~, ~,.P 169-170 laayere;l pz- "..Ihich is ba~-:edl c,.,% b b..r e,,,' the currq~nt-cond,~,-'Iing a o~* the Ufacwr!%~. is i plifled u-nd th,~: cc-.-%ar-itv of the b~t~rdz- Is by ccnneetin;- tha outcr -1-y--rz; to the inner layf-r- and the inner 2-avers, tl.~'c ccnnectior;~~ of tho bca~vtk; by 212 01.2 UkLASSI FIED PROCESSING DATE--04UEC70 CIRC ACCESSION NO--AP0136494 ABSTRACT/EXTPACT--(U) GP-0- ABSTRACT. THE SPECTRUM OF RHO WITH ENERGIES E SUBP- GREATER THAN OR EQUALS.TO 25 MEV 14AS INYESTI~GATED, THE RHO BE14NG EMITTED FROM HEAVY NUCLEI OF: AG, 6R EM.ULSION UURING'~ THE ABSORPTION OF STOPPED NEG. MUONS. IHE NOS. OF THE-FAST SECON OARY: RHO PER ONE ABSORPTION ACT WERE (3.16 PLUS'~OR N 'UNUS 0.34)JIMES.1o PRIME NEGATIVE 4 ANd (4.7 PLUS OR MINUS 1.1) TIMES 1.0, PRIME. NE(tATIVE 5 FOR THE E SUBP VALUES GREATER THAN 25 AND GKLAIER IHAN 40 MEV.:,j RESP. THE BACKGROUND FROM THE PION STARS WAS CAREFULLY ANALYZED*- THiE BACKGROUND FROM I PRONG PION STARS WITH THE ENERGIES OF RHO~GREATERTHAN OR.EQUALS TO 25 MEV AND GREATER THAN OR EQUAL TO 40 MEV DOES NOT' E XC EEb 8 AND 30PERCENT, RESP. FACILITY: INST. TEOR., tKSPO MOSCOVV UsqSR. UNCLASSIFIED UDG DIURNAL RHYTHM (IF THR rMITE,": ^0TNFS (RLSTAXINL' iiUMVi BLUM VNMH VOTIAL C;0,'!D1T10NS 'v'v ;,LTF.RZ7b (Article hylLl. L. 11.111.rf'.1'.d I Wichiva: ~!,Yrcvw, It, ; , l !~. ~' 'n-z i n, t'7rcT jQ1Y 19711 AtlftLVICC: L' b44 be~M CS'abll~h!~ Chat diurnal c-.clz :lf qy~L= in thr blood of i'ealthy _-W%Itct~ involve ;oztivity :a ronalderc"'o Jeclin,- in -he avvnina and far alarip, i. srk'ater dr!rr~4rjo (to tort) at night inlluvnec CC 1116t=-InQ AL ni;ht. Thr blood Keroto .Mn con- tent t'~nj.' to decvcjs'~. at nigiat. P~Cl= ;-~. rilie to and Changto Za th- MOO~i0r~64' J-Sr=Gtq,rS- 11W d16tUrbAnal'i bt.C,~;~Ze More d141t1j1t:t order Ilypqk~Attic conditit'". VaVatton.4 In 'at; the diuraal cycle of histrmin"diamintxi,d, e-aud sefotonto rtti,,r ar. rv.14LItcl not only,' o rhe_zitzees~.- Zp~)Ixcd' y ; but Oluo to the initial star* Q! thv 0:gonizz. Thc~ tes;ulta of thitz Study Chow the importarica,of taking the inter.1al state of the orizan1sm Into account when formulating vCru- slet? cyrles, Aotudy Pt bioSczouo Aminoti .1* of Rrea't importurice. in I%Tvcef`uc% rigulation of the itat2a of alecp and votrefulness. Tho lit,,,tctjcO contdilaa tato rviic,iting Lite p art E, aJr'n:'- line (A. V. Torikik.; G. N. Kassil' and L. Sh. Matlina" 1A. A. Ro.';In I vallat , et al. , and otha-.u) , seTotunln (Oegk-wit4, ot al. , V,,: i~~; I, L. Vayalelld, 1969, 1970). .4nd aloo Sistlazine (DclbzVrd, Honnior, o: ;,I.; or al.; 1. 1.. Vaysiel'd. 197D) In. r4aulAtIrs Lhe sleep-wakA(uLnes. cycle, Thio avtIcle giver the resulta of doterzin**.Ions of tho ttntitn~ ck,' hia t'amirte. the activity of diaminoxidase. the enzyme inScLI'Vatiri; l't, V,"' th& blood sarotonin contsint in hoalthy h=an aubjOcts. In &or.-.e a*. theta, a C*%,% 7-577 'V7 1:5-Afn- 72 IM USSR BERLOVICH, E. Ye., BLINNIKOV Y-1. S. VIDWI, V. D., YELXIN, V.) IGNATLNKO, Ye.~I~.,.RANTELEYEV, V.-N., and T SOVI V.K.' B. P. Konstantinov Nuclear Physics Institut,e Sbort-Lived OSMium Isotopes" ~MOSCOW, Izvestiya Akademii Nauk SSSR Seriva Fizicheskaya, No 112, 1972,pp 2490- 2498 Abstract: The purpose of-the -experiments described in this paper is to detect 1750s and to obtain information concerning ganna irradiation of this and lighter osmium isotopes. Theshort-lived laotop-es were obtained in spallation reactions by irradiating:mercury with I-Gev protons in the symchro- cyclotron of the*irradiaticrn conditions vary, inas-,iric11* as the proportion of the different Os isotopes in the specimens.depends an th6mode of proton bombard- ment. In the gamma irradiation, thle gamma ray specrruni was measured by a Ge(LD detector, with a resolution of 3.5 kev:for'a line of 662 kev, and the spectra were recorded by an electronic syatem,including an AI-1024 analyzer, a control block with timer, and the Minsk-22 measure half-lives. Isotopes 1/2 USSR BERLOVICH, E. Ye., jjyjgstiya Akademii Nauk SSSR S 1-ya Fizicheskaya, No 12, 1972, pp 2490-2498 with half-lives of more than 2.5 minutes:and less than 2.0 minutes were in- vestigated, and tables of their gamma-raaiation spectra are given. Results of the present paper are compared.with those of earlier papers. An attempt was also made to find a genetic connection between shor t-lived osmium and rhenium isotopes, and a table for the gamma irradiation ofP4Re.iri also given. Leningrad Institute of Nuclear Physics; 2/2 55 III ~Wvq IM 11H EK 4 USSR I= 3344Z6 vAysrzyB, YU.,_Ya.Lpningra(1 BlectrotecOn1cma Co=urAcatlons Institute Imeni n A. ftnch-BLWevich "Scattering of Sonie Wayes on a Finite Corle" Moscow, Akusticheakly zhu=Al Vol 27j, vp 1. 71, PP, 33-112 Abstracts The diffraction of sonic and electromapetic waves on finite bodies with conical and iredge-shaped boundaries continues to attrimt the attention el's evoted to this problem. of resea=hers In spite of tile larger nunber of pap ' d This exticle exudzes the. dynude problem concerning the Creen function for a finite absolutely rigict conical funnel. In the region adjawnt to the f=el:p the solution is given in the form of a series of eight - functions of the ~ respective =blem for a semi- :Cinite corej outside this region it is given in the form of a series of Ugendre pol~norAals am! Hankel, functions with.& half-integral IrAex. The coefficients, of the series satilsfy -the infinite systems of 11near algebraic, equations, obtained by.factoxIngg In conjux.iction with the integral Rontrovich-Ioebedev trana-foxm, The properties a thisse systems axe discusbed in detall and an approximate solution Is g;Lven in the care. wthen the length of the incident wave significantly e=ede the lengW of *,e forming cone ULn;- CAUSES OF PRIMARY DISABILITYOF DRIVERS [Article-b yLb~I;-Vayrran; C!ardldate or radl~,.11 sctenua. U.'s _hl , Laboratory and Occupational Psychology of Motor Vehicle Drivers (headed by A.I. Vaysman, ~:-zndidzte of Midical '~clences), Cor!kiy_~41aiwtifir. Inntitmtv of. Ind-istrial: 47r icric a=d-Occu;zt'.c:%a'l Dittase Zen .4 -atakoya' r.77o!zbr;6n7.1zy~,, ruirjaoi-;;6 -submitted S~ZUY-1~72, ppttq:z Tlie-ancial, economic, ;and dical-signif dl4a~illty 1~p ~movn to all, Of'grc at practical interist are studies dtallnU uith causes of dlsabilltv~",diff-ni -P -r=lt k-:-ut'otal group!!~ The,-;~,- aval f~-tho~rolj..of'ihduatrlal diaoz4a lvadina untion ~o . I I - - I I I 4 Ca ability' In' a' given- 'b randh. of th4m, e~=~ cr6y afid ~ work! nig ~ out ovin 6-Mi4Q'8U'r"-C%-. there ATO .Q"ly i Sol &,ted repor-to-oo-this-*.oubl"t- (La~-.Vovjsoni +rotcQk~ Ivu - and others) in- the% Sov-jor literature. - In vi~,-W or the iact ' thit.drivors of modern vehicles perfv.-=.%:o:k. Izvo,1:Vin&:sAv4eaI-.adverae feetor's"'the pritte'ral onasbein~ hij;h~nerrvous- and *motion& IIi stress, hy~,ody ail. -Initensboa neiie, vibiation. Ox po"Ve, di to ~ toxic:- duhatanceo :irh:i~dl - L jjj~io 'a 'fjj -~j6j'opt,Mum hp C mieroclittate ~ (A. 1; Y6yomafi, 1970;4. babayev aud~-Yu~' Khadz-hibay4v, 17 IZ; L. Killsht6jir., 9 V , %t L nl;'-" I yo; I...' eysmai at al~ , ~ 1971) , our objective Invasi4at~ the causes of. ~rlmar disability'ta this occupational grcup. We eiccarpted date pertaining to men.w'hose rrofession (Ctt the ti--c disability * was, determined) was that of chauffetir, from the racordtD of Medical, Expert Camnisnion for Determination of Disability (VTEK), ~;c aid e not take into consideration women drivers because of their a"ll numbtr. Our sample we a Collected on the heals of examining all turrunt, and past disability. rCCOrd. of 1963~1969 in all VLTX of Girlkly. It wee astibilishad that the index of primary disabllity per 1,000 vers per. dj year is 5.25. However, of considerable interest Is. hot no uCh the ovarall ilidex at changes therein as related to age cnd tenure (Table 1). 65 X3 I A 111 -1:656 % USSR WC 61? .766. -13-071-7 R F V A. I., LASHCHENKO, N. S.,: IKSANPV M. S.,., DO OFEYE A, Ye. D., ~ROSOMWJV 0. Ge., GOLOVA, 1. A.,' OffANDAIVII K., VOLIFER, G. I., and E. 1. fWAN "'I'llysiological Characteristics of the Work- of Bus and Truck Drivers in a Large city" Moscow, Gigiyena Truda i Professionallnyye 7-abolevani-ya, No 1, 1973, PP 13-16 Abstract: The results of various functional'-psychological and physiological tests (reflexes, reaction to arnoVing object, proof reading.test,, EKG, blood pressure, pulse, etc.) confirmed the concluslo.,us dravn,from questionnaires filled out by 8000 bus drivers that~ fatlSxic~.gradually sets ill after 4 to 5 hours on the Job and becomes pronounced after 'I to 8 hours of driving. Along with a deterioration in performance,, many: showad an "improvement" in some physiological indices at the end of the work Whift (e.g., increase in number of correct reactions to a moving objectp' decrease in time~of differential reac- tions). !his "i=rovement" is,regarded as.the result of overstraLning the compensatory mechanisms in order t-o.pres Ierve a level of activity sufficient to protect the life and health of the driver. The truck drivers, an the other ~hand, continued to function well even afterr8 -or 9 hours on the job because 112 LTDC: 1~-MIM,42 R VAYSMAN, 1. SH., Perm'Scientific Research Institute of Vaccines and Sera "Intracytoplasmatic Membrane Structures' tn Clostridiun PerfrIngens" -Moscow, Izvestlya Akademii Nauk, MR$ Beriya Mologichuskayal No 6, 11ov/ Dog 710 PP 885-891 Abstracti Electron microscope stucUes of' ClostridiUM Darfringens strain A-28 revealed morphology chmmc+.eriatic~of-g=-positi.,,re microorganisms. The cel3z have a wall 200 A 411-hick. A two-layer.-RembLvanet 65 A thick, with a clear space 25 A thick between the layel-st Separates the P-rotoplast from the i4all. The nucleoid contains vacuoles with filament structulw 20 A thick. In addition to densely packed &,mnular sitractures of the ribosome type, the cytoplasm contains various membraneous. structurest lam-:Uar mckages orients-d parallel to arA located near the cytoplaviatic membraxxa) glomerular balls located near the poles aid containi4, a f-*Ixely granula-Led mass of nedium density; arA reticular formatlons of anas4-,Oposing tubules located in the center of:the cytoplasm. it is.believed that these meiltbraneous structures axe organ oids responsible for the specific biological properties of Cloatzidium parfring-ens. -97 cro ology 'USSR UDC 576.851-555 jAYSMMr 1. SH., Perm' Scientific Research Institute of Vaccines and Sera "Investigation of the Fine Morpholo6y of Spore Fomiation in Clostridium septiclm" Yoscow, Doklady Akademii Nauk SSSR, Vol 201, No 4, 1971, PP 968-971 Abstracti Accolding to the existing datal.sporulation in a number of bacteria, basic stages of sporogensis, and coz-respcnding morphollogical changes appear to be of a similar character. There are, however, ~-ome~slgniflcant specific differences requiring further investigatipn~lof the dynanics of the proces-s. In the present raper results of electron-ldcroacore stiidies:of sporogensis in Clostridium septicum are described.' F eicht hour cultures of Cl, Orty- septicum type A, were studied, Conditiohz.,were selected in which sporulating cells predominated in the population and the period was suitable for the observation of successive stages of sporagmsis. It was established that Cl. septicum possessed features common to ine atructure of all ex=-posltive bacteria. Various stages of development of bacterial cells were observed and are described. Sporogenesis in Clostridiiai septicum is alcomplex, multistage process, which occurs in a strict sequence. Sporagenesis cwt.hardly bi~. cons5dered a special form of cell division. While in cell division, all systens of the bacterial cell work towaill the formation of the two bascially identical organisms, in sporc- genesis, the entire activity is directed to~.development of one cell at the expense of the other. 1/1 -USSR UPc 615-916-057:661.992]-Q6:616-5-003-217 S)WHOVA, K. A., ZHDANEYEVA G. S., and V "A Case of Respiratory Poisoning withlPhosgene Complicated by Subcutaneous EmphyseMa Moscow, Gigiyena Truda iProfessionallnyye Zabolevaniya, No 9, Sep 71, pp 46-48 Translation: Interstitial emphysema in the upper trunk, neck, and head is very rare in the absence of thoracic lesions and pneumothorax.- We therefore want to report a case of acute respiratory poisoning with phosgene, complicated by subcutaneous emphysema. Patient S, aged 21, was brought to, the clinic 4 hours after poisoning. The accident occurred on the job, when a plug fell wat of-a phosgene line and a burst of liquid phosgene hit the face of a metal worker working nearby without a face shield. The immediate riaction was ticklirag in the throat, coughing, and a feeling of suffocatio~f, n , 7nese sensatiowquickly disappeared, and the worker felt fine. He took a shOwer, completed his work, and went home. On the way, hesuddenly became very weak,:-began to.breath fast, and felt pressure in his chest. With these symptoms,.he reported to a medical station vhere he was given first aid.~. 1/V 47 USSR SKMOVA, N. A., et al., Gigiyena Tru&!L i Professionallnyye ZabolevaxLiya, Ito 9, Sep 7.1, pp 46-48 He was brought to the clinic in snious condition, complaining of acute dysprea and cough. His skin and mucows membranes Mre cyanotic and his pharynx hyperemic. His thorax.vas in the inspiratory position, and rea-pira- tion was shallow and rapid (44 breaths per minute)... Percussion sounds over the lungs were shallov; many dry uhistlAng noises and wet, medium- and MM11- bubble noises were heard. The haart coiitour was normal,, heart toaes vere imirfled, pulse of 120 per minute was rbythmic and with good filling. Arterial pressure was 110/70. The abdomen was soft without tender areas. Neither the liver nor the spleen were enlarged. Blood analysis yielded the following results: Rb 120 units (20 g$); nce .350,000; color index 0.95; WBCs 23,40D including lymphocytes 5%, juvenile neutrophils 1%, p 8%, and segmented neutrophils 86%,, sedd rate 1 mm per hour. EM shoved a marked sinus tachycardiEL amd~a dextrogram. There were signs of right atrial and ventricular overload: Eighteen hours after intoxication, chest X-rays- revealed spotty shadavs of medium intensity with diffuse.edges, resembling lumps of melting smov, present in all pul=nary areas. The outline of the lungs was diffuseand hardly discernible. The boundaries of lls.pulmonaryiroots were unclear and fusing with the spots. The pulmonary p]Aura inthe right lung was enlarged. 2/4 USSR SKEMOVA, N. A., et al., Gigiyena Truda i Professional'nyye Zabolevaniya, No 9, Sep 71, pp 46-48 Clinical diagnosis: severe acute intoxication irith phosgene; preedemtoas stage; toxic pneumonia. The patient was confined to bed. .3e was breathing oxygen with reriodic adAitions of 34 alcohol vapor as a defoaming agent. He was given di-Mledrol in the inhalation mixture,together with hydrocortisone and peaicillir. and co- deine. To prevent pulmonary edema, 200 ml:of blood,was taken. The patient then received a 40% glucose solution wi,rh ascorbic acid, a 10% calcium chloride solution intravenously' novurtt intramuscularly,,cordiamine intra- venously, and corglycon in a 40% glucoso solution. At the same time, anti- inflammatorl therapy.was performed; sod;Lum:sulfapyridazine Internally and penicillin and streptomycin intramuscularly. During the first 4 clays, the patient's conditiem remained very severe. His temperature was 37.9-380. After this Glightest.physical exertion, his breathing became very labored. The number of small, wet and crepitant noises in his lungs periodically increased. On the second day, oulcutaneous e=hysema vas diagnosed in the neck and shoulders. On the.fifth day, 'the patient's condition improved, his temperature and breathing became normal, his cough vas better,.cyanosis disappeared,~and his blood.picture~returned to normal. Because of his improved. general cordition,,ityzis possible to perform a thorough X-ray 3/4 q, USSR SKMOVAI N. A.. et al. Giglyena Trud& i Professionallnyye Zabolevaniya, 'No 9.*-BCP 71, pp 46-48 examination (frontal and lateral cheat x-ray pictures and tomograms: the median layer and layers 2 CmIn front~atd behind it). An x-ray of the thorax 3.6 bro after phosgene intoxication is shown. The frontal x-ray, picture had a shadaw running.parallel to and 2-8 mm away from the left heart contour. No other changes were found in the lungs. The heart boundary was normal. At that time, the x-ray picture taken 1B hours after the accident was reexamined: it also,contained the linear shadow running parallel to the heart. ~It was,assumed that a pneurnomediastitum had developed. The linear shadaw.was repriasent parietal pleura dis- placed by air. The picture corresponded to data demicribe(I in literature (A. Ir. Dombrovskiy; G. A. Zedgenidze antt L. P- Lindeibrat~n) On the ninth day, the patient had,no complainte, his cough subsided, dyspnea developed only during physical oxertion, tbere were no pulmonary noises., and the subcutaneous emphysema ivas no longer felt. His Dulse was unstable, fluctuating from 64 to 120 bee7its per minute. EM was normal with no signs of right heart dilation. The linerx-shadow along the left heart edge was no longer present on x-ray pictures., which confirme&the previous diagnosis of pneumomadiastinum. Q#-the 25th day., the patieht was disebArged from the,hospital in good Condition. 4/4 VWU i Farow..-m. --main Leader of the Republic $~~te-,r Yanagement Inspection Water Must Be Preserved" Vilnyus, Sovetskaya Litva, 10 Jul 70, p 2 Translation: There is a great deal of concern,over the purity of the republic's water reservoirs. This is convincingly de4~nstrated by the inspection which was carried out in all rayons of Lithuania. It.~.was particularly gratifying to see the excellently equipped and efficiently operated purification installations at the Vevis Poultry Plant and the Lithuanian. State Regional Elextric~ Power Station. Here there are special chemical laboratoiles to,clieck water purification, and the work- ing conditions for the personnel are good.- New highly efficient installationB for yr-chanical puAficatlon of ee*~Mge, sedimntation tanks, have been installed at Ahe Kaunae Pa:l*r Factory innni Yu. Yauonis. The water management of the Shilute Order of thtil- Pod Banner of Labor Administration of I-and Reclaration run In.:-_n e)6_-nTdary manner. Within the area of the Vilnyus enterprises,,vae-taxi depot,, the inotor vehicle repair planto and Motor Vehicle Transport OffLee , No 8j, no ~ petrole= waste can be seen; here the primary purification InsteMat'.Lons, the lub:rlzant traps, are cam- fully maintained. J~ ii'.; i- ~1.j SovetBkaya Litva, 10 Jul 70, p 2 Unfortunately, there are also executivea who do not suff iciently appreciate the importance of protecting water reservoij~a from pollution. For example, in May the personnel of the inspectorate.discovei-ed.serious damage to the purification Installations in Alitus. The pipe leading to one of the sedirm!ntation thinks burst, and the waste water poured on the ground and started eroding the.slopes. However, the operating personnel did not take-any meavu~s to rep4,Lr the damage. In the same town? repair of purification installaticno at the central oil mi" was delayed, They are still not functioning, and Industrial waste is pm1_rirkg directly Into the Neman. Ine city sewage purification installations are in a poor condition in Skoudas, Prenay, 1_4_,ntvariB, and Pasvalis. At the Y~aunas'Eno-.Ocrii~e~,Prepara%tions Plant and at the Fur Enterprise Association imexii K. Gedris) new purification installations have been set up, but they are being put into operation very slowly and are not used to full capacity. le-peatedly flned by up,, This is typical: the negl1gent executivea have been x, but this neamwe avvears to be clew-ly inadequate. Ifere ft'12 Public organizations _~nd instituti bad to he- ' ctffy the situation by supervising of the ente-rprises orls ~'p lie the regulation of all water manngemat, Aftes, the cwnprailty Intervened, the purl- fication installations of the Panevezhis Mtoji Vehicle Timkjaportation Office No I 2/3 USSR VAYTEK UNAS R. Sovetskaya Litva, 10 Jul TO p2 and the Shyaulyay Automobile Tire, Repair Plant, in particular, were quickly put in working order. The local Soviets must also intensify.the fight against the pollution of our waters. It is true that they have already done a great deal in several rayons. For example in the early spring the,'YazheykEkiy Ra sipoUcom s(~t up several inspec- Yi I , tion cozmAttees., whose members have, gone to: all apilinki and halre studied in detail the state of water management at the enterprises ;ind organizations. In May the.rayispolkom heard reports from the inspectors,~and c6ncrete measures were worked out to eliminate the shortcomings that had been d1scovered. All of this found expression in a special decision. Concern about the pttrity of the water reservoirs pe-nmeates the daily activity of the ispolkors~of the KeVneskiy, Utenskly, and Gauragskiy Rayon Soviets of Workers Deputies. However, this cannot be said of several other ispolkoms. The local.governmat agencies litust demand more firmly that executivto comply clasely.vith:the demands of cur. inspectorate. Only by com- bined efforts can we ensure careful'.Use off o7ach an invaliable gift of nature as water. 3/3