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USSR VASIWYEV, YE, A. "Approximation of the Probability Distribution of the Length of a Speech Signal Excursion" Tr. Altaysk. Politekhn. In-ta 'Iforks of Altay Polytechnical Institutej, L 1973, No 18, pp.5-9 (Translated from Referativnyy Zhurnal KibeTnetika, No 10, 1973, Abstract NoJOV205) Translation: Broad introduction of digital methods of processing and transmission of continuous signals requires more complete study of clipped speech signals. Establishment of the regularities relating the proba- bility characteristics of a clipped signal to the paramete-:s of the articulation apparatus and the energy spectrum of thc~signal is a press- ing problem. These problems are closely related to the study of the length of the excursion of a random function beyond a certain letrell. The significant mathematical difficulty~arising in the solution of prob- Irms. of determination of distributions aTe the reason for the, -;I ight penetration of probabilistic methods into the area of investigation of clipped speech. A method is presented below for approximation of the distributions, based on well-developed methods of investigation of ex- cursions. Author's view a". USSR uDc: 621-3711.33 ,-.Ye. A., DENISOV, A. S., SUVOROV, V. M., SHCHMIKOVSKIY, A. I. VA~al ~YEV "A Nanosecond Coincidence Circuit" ,Tr. 7-y Konferentsii po yadern, elektron. T. 2: Ch,.2 (Works of the Seventh Con- ference on Nuclear Electronics. Vol 2, Part 2) 1405 _Ovr , Atomizdat, 1970, pp 167-170 Sfrom RZh-Radiotekhnika, No 7, Jul 70., Abstract No 7014) Translation: In this coincidence circuit, each channel consists of an input -limiter based on two semiconductor diodes, tvo amplifiers, a transistorized limiter, and a shaper based on transistor with delay line connected in tht emitter circuit, with a sampling element common to all channels and based on a tunnei. diode, and an output emitter follower. The circuit is made in the form of a standardized module with bilateral printed circuit;'this prevents ~lcreep-througbl' in a single Channel. Bibliography of two titles., N. S. USSR UDC: 621-385.6 VASILIYEV, Ye. I., KANAVBTS, V. 1. ,and LOPUIP11IN,V M . "Blectronic Conductivity and Efficiency of a nystxon Resonator" Kiev, izvestiya VUZ S3SR--Radioo1ektronika, No 9, 1-0172, pp 1146- 1153 Abstract: ComDlaining that insuffi ient attention has been devoted by the literature to the question of frequency characteristics, the authors develop in this paper a method fox- determining the elec- Uronic conductivity rind frequency, characteristics ol" can output jk-ly- stron reoonator and present some of the results of their analysis. -17' the Coulomb In their computations, they consider the effect o.~. . forces and -',,he inverse motion of the electrons. The computation of the electronic conductivity is made for,rectangular current bunchings at the resonator input, the duration of the bunchings being equal to one-fourth and one-eighth the oscillation period. Such bunchings can be obtained in optimized bunchers of multi- resonant klystrons. The method developed by the authors permits nonlinear computation of the conductivity components, and indicates that optimal modes of resonator operation are-possible i,,rhen the resonators have ordinary Q and.wave resistance values,. UDC '621.385.624.001.5 BURIiryyA, K. P., GOLMMOVA, V. NY. VASIL' YEIT, YE, I., UNAVETS, V. I., LOPUKHRI, V. "Bunching Quality Index and Electronic Efficiency of a Quadrupole-Resonator Klystron" I(qscov, Radiotekhnika i E16ktronika, Vol XVI, No 4, 1971, pp 561-564 Abstract: The processes in a quadrupole-resonator klystron with a beam of given perveanceare calculated considering the effect of coulonb forces and the return movement of electrons in the output resonator. tporoximation of the given field and the one-diraensional disc riodel of the~beam Were use,1. The correspondence between the magnitude of the bunching quality index and the electron efficiency is investigated. !,.*hen studying the relations between the bunching quality index and the electron efficiency it is necessary to considerthe optimizing effect of the space charge on the processes of formation of the.cluster and power take-. off. In the example of a four-resonator klystron it is. demonstrated that when selecting the optimal Darmieters of the buncher. and output resonator the value of the bunching quality index and.tbe-electron efficianev apnroximately coincide. For nonoptiral parameters of the buncher the electron efficiency can be larger than the bunching quality index. The two variables are plotted accordin- to 1/2 U 5 SRI BURNEYKA, K. P., et al., Radiotel-hnika i Elek-tronika, Vol,XVI, No 4, 1971, 564 ~2 PP calculated values as a function of a variety.of parameters: volta.Re on the next to the last resonator, width of the output gan for various amplitudes of the high-frequency. field in the gap with ~optimat phase, for various phases -Ath op- timal amplitude, and for optimal phase and amplitude. 2/2 99 M A-M 6 i'4 UNCLASStFIED FAOCESSING 'WAVE T-TTL E --0'l F OR. AC T 1 ON OF ATWJ [)I.MF-NSIONAL~~ELECTRO~iArNt--TIC Ulf-MER WITH, AN ARBITRARY SHAP.F.!:OF':TH~-JRAMSVEPSL- SEC.TJON c y OR_f.02)-S3LUDUKHDV,- V.V. VAS-JLYEV,::~E.N. .-A ,__C OMIT -MY ;3F INF01--USSR ZHURNAL T EK HN I CH ES K0 IFMKI, VOL. 40, JAN.: lq70, P E '...DATED PUBLISHED ------- 70 SUBJECT 4REAS--PHYSICS TAGS-ELECTROMAGNET IC WAVE DIFFRACTI:",Nt ELECTHOMAIGNET11 C. 21 T~'L K G - -4 Cz.!:ST~'ICT 17 1)0(;tjmtvv:T CLASS-U~XLASSIFIED -~TE-IISEP70 u ON DIELECT'IC -U- 47-53 .-4V;- ~PRGXY F STEP CIRC Nl-AR0047940 UNCLASI;IFIED 212, 014 UNCLASSI FfE~Q PROCESSING DPT----l~S'.P70 Cl R C At.CESSICU~% 140--AP0047940 :.:AaST,-~Af-.T/;-:X~TR--~CT--([J) ~GP-0- A9.STRACT..: SOLUTION OF THF PAOBLEM Or- D LUqpcriin cF A T;40 01~iENSIONAL FL ECTP r-1.14AGNE T I CWAVE ON A E 4F li d S DIELECTRIC CYLINDER WITH AN ARBITRARY SHAPE USIN,~, ~A ,-YSTEM 'IF INTEGRAL E;~UATIBNS, Wl---TI4 RESPECT TO THE EL.UIVALENT CURRENTS ON THE CYLINDRICAL ~SURFACE. THIS EQUATION SYSTEM JS SOLVED USING A DIGlTAL COMPUTER. EXAMPLES ARE PRESENTED FOR ILLUSTRATI:N.G:THE METHdD USED, AND A C014PARISON W ITH THE RESULTS:OBTAINED :BY OTHERMETHODS 15 PRESENTED. USSR VASIL'YEV YU. A. "Bayes Solution in a Problem of Separation of a Continuous Signal" Tr. Altaysk. Politekhn. In-ta [Works of Altay Polytechnical Institute], 1973, No 18, pp 16-21 (Translated.from Referativnyy Zhu-rnal Kibernetika, No 10, 1973, Abstract No-IOV207) Translation: It is suggested that an unstable random pi-ocess with sud- den chauges in characteristics be used as a model of a speech signal. In order to use the model in automatic speech command recognition sys- tems, the problem of separation of sich~ -ess into certain u an unstable proc objectively existing message components is studied.~ Alithor's view 2/2 016 -,UKLAS~Sl PI EDi: Pi~OICESSING DATE--30OCT70 ~,.CIRC ACCESSION NO--AP0121693 ABSTRACT/EXTRACT--(U) GP-0- ABSTRACT. TYPICAL CURVES FOR KING POTEINTIAL r' NST Oq LCV. PARTIAL H PRESSURE IN THE LIQ., JET, AGAIP LOG C.i). ON THE DISK i%T CONST. SPEED OF RorATIONt SHOW A LINEAt~ qELArjaN OVER A WIDE RAINGE. ADSORPTION kATES FOR CONST. H PRESSURE;:BUT DIFFERENT SPEEDS OF ELECTRODE ROTATION ARE PRACTICALLY 10ENTICAL, Pbl:NTING JO THE ABSENCE OF DIFFUSION BOUNDARIES. FOR A POTENTIAL OF 0.05 V ,THE ADSORPTION R/-TE IS SIMILAR JO 0.75 SEC PRIME NEGATIVE 1t C ORRESPONDING TO A.C.D. PEI" U141T PT SURFACE OF 0.16 MA-CM PRIME2, REING MUC-fi L014ER THAN THE IONIZATION RATE OF H FOR THE SAME POTENTIAL, 14EMSURED i.u,,jbER STATIONARY. CONDITIONS ON A SMOOTH PT.,ELECTRODE (2-4-MA-CM PRIMEZ). FACILiry: POLYAROGR. 1.4. GEIROVSKOGOt PRAGUEY CZECH. PR0('.r'_SSTNG DATr--13N --112- 019 U11,11CLASSI'54 OV70 TlTLE--fA(',SrjP.PTlWj Of- ANIWIS OF PHOSPHOPlit'"I., AC '11-1, CHLORIDE, AND lfj~)iDv- OM -THE SU~+ACE.GF A SPIOCTH PLATINUM- ELECTP091- `~U_ -;-(rj3)-PIRTSKH_AL_AVA .0 Z-d. I'Lx6t ;8~GOTSKIY, V.S.: Yu. JAVViCk VAS. :-CCUl,'TRY OF,INFO -USSR -SOLIRCE-ELEKTROKHIMIYA 1970, 6 (1) IJLO-14 DATE PUbL I SHED- 70 SUBJECT AREAS-CHEMISTRY '__TGPIC TAGS-ELECTROLYTEt SULFURIC :ACID ,PHOSPHORIC ACID, CHLORIDE, IODIDE, .-AD.SGPPTICN PLATINUM ELECTRODE, CCNTROL HAPKING-NO RESTRICTIONS DOCUMENT CLASS-U-NCLASSIFIED REEL/FRAME--1994/1942 STEP ND--UR/036-rt/70/006/001/0110/0114 CIRC ACCESSICN NO--AP0115750 71 IF _7 :212' 0.19 UNCLASSIFIED' PROCESSING DATE-13NOV7C ACCESSION NO-AP0115750 ABSTRAC--T/EXTRACT-(U) GP-0- ABSTRACT. ~THE STUDIES WERE CARRIED OUT IN 10 PRIME NEGATIVE7 TO 1N KCL ANO KFSOLNS. WITH 1% H SUB2 SO SUB4 AS ~AUXILIARY ELECTROLYTE. THE EXTENT OF ANION ADSORPTION ON SMOOTH PT WAS DETU. FROM ITS EFFECT UNTHE ADSORPTION OF H A14D b. AT 0.1 V THE MAX. ADSORPTION OF I PRIME NEGATIVE WAS REACHED AT A &ONCN. OF 10 PRIME ANEGATIVE4 N. UNDER THESE CONDITIONS I OCCUPIED IS SIMILIAR TO 90PERCENT OF THE SPOT ON-THE SMOOTH.' PT CAPABLE Or-:ADSORBINGtH. : THIS WOULD CORRESPOND TO 1.9 TIMES 10 PRIMEAEGAtIYE9 G-ION-CM PRIME2 OF TOTAL SURFACE- FOR CL THE MAX, WASREACHEDAT GREATERqTHAN 0*3 V AND A CL NEGATIVE CONGN. 15 GRFATERTHANtIO PRIME NEGATIVE2 N. PRI. THE HIGHEST ADS,ORPTICN WAS OBTAINED AT 0.7-V IN 0.1N KCL UNDER WHICH CONDITIONS IT WAS L.6 TIMES 10 PRIME NEGATIVE9 G-JON-CM, YRIMEZ. ~ THE ADSGRPTION ISOTHERM FOR H.SUB3 PO SUB4.WAS HARDJO OBTAIN 8Ef*,AUSE OF THE CHANGES OF PH VvITH CHANGES OF CONCN. 01', THE ACID 'AND: BRAU~E.".0F THE COMPETITION IN THE ADSORPTION OF H SUL32 PO SUB4.PRIME:NEGATIVE AND HSrJ SUB4 PRIME NEGATIVE. THE RATE OF AVSGRPTT0N OFJ PRIME NEGATIVE AT 0.4 V. WAS 4.69 THETA PER SEC.9 FOR CL.PRIK NEGATIVEAT 0.6,V. IT WAS 3.2. TIMES I() PRIME3 THETA PER SEC - AND FOR H SUL32, 00 -SU;34 PRIME NEGATIVE AT 0.7 V. ~~;.:WAS 6 7-TIMES 10 PRIME NEGATIVE3 THETA'PER SEC. FACILITY: INST,, :ELEKT;OKHI.M., MOSCOW, USSR. JNC_LASU_F__l ED I / 2, 23 UNCL PROCESSING 04-TE--30OCTT( TITLE--AUSORPTION AND ELECTRUOXIDATION Of- f~ETHAWJIL ON'I1"JIFFEREN-F FACES OF PLATINUM SINGLE CRYSTAL -U- AUTHOR-103)-.VASILYEV, YU.B., PYSHNOGRAYEVAf I.I.t BAGOTSKIYI V.S. CCUNTRY OF I;NFG-USSR 1970* 6(3)t 433-6 DATE PUBLISHED--70 AREAS-CHEMISTRY -TOPIC,TAGS-ADSORPTIONf ELECTROLYTIC OXIDATION, HETHANOLw PLATINUM, SINGLI CRYSTAL CCISTROL MARKING--NO RESTRICTIONS DOCUMENT CLASS-UNCLASSIFIEO PROXY REEL/FRAM&--200010651 STEP.NG--Ult/0364/70~006/003/043310436 CIRC ACCESSION NO--AP0124323 Wlic LA 5 S I F I EO I I i 17 Oa itiJR! -0, If i il i i ! i !i iii iiI ii I !A. ii Filli :~jiji 1~-Ij~j ~~AfUl Fill 1, PfRIU]IIia I ;-tillj; II Fr;: I i - 7-7777-7-7 -212 023 UNCL AS st nO' PROCESSING DATE---300CT7, CIRC ACCESSION NO--AP0124323 ABSTRACT/EXTRACT-(U) GP-G'-- ABSTRACT, TESTS WERIE. CONDUCTED wuni mEOH SQLI%S IN' N H SU32 SO SU84 POP, VARIOUS, CRYSTALLOGRAPHIL ORIENTAT 104NS EXPTL. DATA REVEALED THAT WI-TH :RESPECT JO mzuL4 AasopwriUN, DEHYDRATION, AND QXIDN.- REACTIONS, THE ELECTROGAYALYTIC ACTIVITY OF: A PT ATUM AT THE FACE OF THE SINGLE CRYSTAL ~iITH THE DENSEST PACKJNG IS SaOMEWKAT HIGHERR PROBABLY BEING INFLUENCED BY ITS NEIGHBORS, THAN FOk THE OTHER FACES. THE BOUNDARIES OF THE GRAINS AND THE ANGLES AND FACES OF PARTICULAR -AGE 00 NOT HAVE ANY EFFECT ON CATALYTIC CRYSTALS ON THE PULYCRYST. SURF FACILITY: INST* E,LEKTROKHIM.v. MISCOWt USSR. UNCLASSIFIED I /Z' 017 UINCLASSI F;I ED PIUCESSING DATE-20NOV70 TITLE-EFFECI CF "40LECULAK sriswcrURE ck: rl-.E ADSORPTIGiNt Ah D ELFCTRGL-XlGATlGN wIF ALIPHATIC ALCOHOLS -U- AUTHtR-(05)-VASILYEJj, YU.B.t YAjNCHUKt B.9 PIIKOLCjVt: I.# BESKUROVAINAYAI i- S. S CCUNTRY Lf- 1.%4~0-USSR SGURLE--ELEt\fl;JjKHlMlYA 1970r 6(4)1597-!1-601 DATE FU8LIShED-------70 SUBJECT AKEj~S--CHENII EST RY TOPIC TAGS-ACSORPTI ALIPHATICt ALCOHOL, -MOLECULAR STRUCTURE, CLH -M I CAL EFFECT, :0XIGATION DEHYORATIC-N, F~~ECTII% 'STR I CT I CNIS CCNTRCL VIAPi,~1ING-NO ki- ~DUCUMIENT C-';-SS--ijNCLASSA'F LEI) PROXY. kL- EL/f kA.ML--3G'j 6/ 1 Z93 STEP NG--UA/030ftf 70/0 06/G04/0597/ 0601 c I R C M, L si cC 1, C 1/t Vo I 212 017 UNC L AS S I F IED PKUCE 5S ING DAT F-- 20NOW7 0 CLkC 1,CC_ESSIuii N,!j--AP0L349b7 Gl-0- A6SfkACT. 1 14 ETO HEXYL ALIPHATIC ALCS. e,'ERE 5 T L) 0 1 ': b .TPE Ai)5[;;'%-PTI0iN (IF THESE ALCS. UN SPIDUTH PT Af LOfi TEiMP. (25DE6RFE~,) IS RELAI'LL TO A LOSS OF 2 H ATOMS L0Ci.'JE0''N;EAR THE ALPHA,C. BRANCHING cr- ritE Ck THE PRESENCE CIF CONSTUITENTS AT THE ALPHAIC LD,,, L k 5 - T I t 1, A. U Su*, P T I WN, .TH& AbSURPTICN A-T LOWER 7~-MIPS. RESULTS FROM DEHYDRUCLLATION AT THL ALPHAiCt THAT ~AT 50-80DEGXLES FROM DLfiY0kUGCf-,4TIUN OF THL kAul:CALS OF-THE~- MOL., AlICITHAT AT 90-100DEGREES bY VIRTUE oF L C BUINI) 3REAKING. THE POLARLZATION CURVES OF L -ATE CURRE"ll' INI ELE.0"'C-OXID.N. OF THE 1,LCS.' Stffli-: THAT THE MAX. UNSFEADY Sl ALL C I- S E 5 C 11A N G E 0 'A I f i iTHE ELECTRODE COVERAGE. tiLNIERALLY, AS THE CHAIN (J F OF THL ALC. LENGTf7ENEr THE' P A T E DEHYDROGENATYGN A." WELL AS THE RATE OF ',-A. -CLINED., ROKHI LLECIP411CMD U FAC1101Y: INSF. ELEKY, Lil AIGSGOWt USSR, 1112 -020 UNCLASSI FI ED ISROCE'SSING DATE--O?r)CT70 T.ITLE-EFFECT OF SOLUTION PH ON THE ADSORPTION OF METHANOL ON AN IRIDIUM ~ELECTRODE -U- AUTHOR-103)-SFOOVAr S.S., VASILYEV, YtJ4'R., BAGOTSKIY, V.S. 7jCUNTRY OF INFO--USSR SCURCE--ELEKTROKHIMIYA 19701 6(2 b A T EPUEL ISHED----__?o ''SUBJECT AREAS--CHEMISTRY TOPIC 7AGS--HYDROGEN ION CONCENTRATIONi; ADSORPTIO1144 METHANDLir IRIDIflit ELECTI~ODEr POTASSIUM COMPOUND, HY DORX l,.DE CONTR OL MARKING-NO RESTRICTIONS ..DOCUMENT CLASS--UNCLASSIFIED PROXY PEEL/FRAME--1989/0458 STEP NO--UR/0364/70/01)1,',/'~*)02/0202/0:-)O~t CIRC ACCESSION NO--AP0107064 lillic L zf2 020 UNCLASSIFIED PROCESSING DATE-020CT70 IRC ACCESSION NO--AP0107064 -""'~--,r,-,STRAC,,EXTRACT--,,) GP-0- ABSTRACT. THE ADSORPTION OF H AND "IE-OH ON ~ SMOOTH IR- ELECTRODES IMMERSED IN PHOSP MFFERENr HATE BUFFERED SOLNS~ AT PK VALUES AND IN N K9,11 WAS STUDIED AT126DEGREES. THE FREJNDLICH ADSORPTION ISGTHERM OF fi If' KOH WAS LINEAR FOR H PRESSUPE P SlJBH2 FP .1 10 PRIME NEGATIVE12 TO I ATM, THETA SUBH FOUALS KIP SUBH2 PRIME 0,.4E HALF) PRIME I-N, WHERE N EQUALS 4.3 TO 4.6. FOR MEOH 1% N KOH, THE- THETA-CONCN. PLOT WAS ALSO LINEAR AND THE VLAUE OF N EQUALS 4.65. T'-lE P.H! (COVERAGE) WAS A MAX. AT 0.2V. THE EFFECT OF PH ~,IIAS SUCH THAT THE :LOG, THETA REACHED A MIN, A7 PH SIMILAR, TO 4 IAT Plil BETWEEq 0.4-0.5V) AND, REACHED A MAX. AT PH SIMILAR TO 10. THERATf~- OF ADSORPTION IN N KOH LESS THAN THE RATE IN N fi:S.Ufi2.So.SUB4. THESE DATA SHOWED THE SIMILAR-EFFECT OF PH ON THE ADSO,RPTION.,GF.H AND MEOH.: UNCLASS IED 112 029- UNCt-A Fi.!E7: 0 OROCESSING DATE--18SEP70 IT-ITLE--EFFECT OF CRYSTALLOGPAPHIC ORLENTATION' ON THE OVER VOLTAGE OF HYDROGEN AND OXYGEN LIBERA7fON ON PLA.T;fNUM -U-, AUTHOR-t04)-PYSHNOGRAYEVA, I.t., SKUNOINi A-.M.t VASILYEV, YU.B.t BAGOTSKIYt V.So .,-COUNTRY OF INFO--USSR ~SOURCE-ELEKTROKHIMIYA 1970t b'(l)v .142-6. ,-.DATE PUBLISHED - ----- 70 ~~!SUBJECT AREA S--CHEM ISTRY TAGS--PLATINUM ELECTROCHEMISTRY PROPERTY, SINGLE CRYSTAL PROPERTY, CRYSTAL ORIENTATIONv GAS PROPERTYt,HYDROGENt OXYGENi ACID CORROSION, -SULFURIC ACID, ELECTRODE POTENTIAL ..CONTROL MARKING-NO RESTRICTIONS ,100CUMFUT CLASS--UNCLASSIFIED ,-,PROXY REEL/FRAME--1987/0765 STEP NO--UR/0364/70/006/001/0142/0146 -,CIRC ACCESSION N10--AP0104211 U1,11CLASSMID 2/2 02.9 UNCLASSIFfED PROCESSING DATE--IBSEP70 CIRC ACCESSION NO-AP01042114 ABSTRACT/EXTRACT--(Ui GP-0- A3STRACT. THE EVOLUTION OF H AND ri IN N H SUB2 SO SUB4 SOLN. ON THE VARIOUS FACES OF A PT MONOCRYSTAL AND ON POLYCRYSTALS WAS STUDIED. THE EVOLUTION OF H WAS SIMILAR ON THE VARIOUS FACES OF THE MONO AND POLYCRYSTALt HOWEVERt THE RATE OF THE PROCESS DECREASED IN THE FOLLOWING ORDER: FACE (111).IS GREATER THANPOLYCRYSTAL 15 GREATER THAN FACE (10019. EXCHANGE CURRENT COMPUTED PER I CM PRIME2 OF ACTUAL ELECTRODE SURFACE ALSO DECREASES IN THE SAME ORDER. IN GOING FROM FACE 1111) TO FACE (100) THE MAGNITUDE OF EXCHANGE CURRENT CHANGES BY.ALMOST I ORDER. THE ACTUAL ENERGY.OF.ACTIVATION REMAINED PRACTICALLY UNCHANGED BY CHANGING CRYSTALLOGRAPHIC ORItNTATION.- tHE EVOLUTION OF 0 DID NOT CHANGE BY CHANGING THE ORIENTATION OF THE CRYSTALt HOWEVER THE RATE OF EVOLUTION AND THE EXCHANGE CURRENT DECREASED IN THE SAME SEQUENCE'AS.. DID-H. BY- GO'I'NG*'FKOll.. F-ACE~--('111-) TO FAZE I100Y THE---CURRENT DROPS FOR 0 BY A FACTOR OF 5. THUS, CATHODIC EVLOUTION OF H AND ANODIC 'GOING.FROM A TIGHTLY PACKED ~EVOLUTION-OF 0 DROPS CONSIDERABLY WHEN, ~,.--CRYSTAL FACE TO A FACE PACKML.ESS, TIGHTLY. A PT- POLYCRYSTAL OCCUPIES A POSITION BETWEEN THESE 2 FACES.: I "4146Aik'! USSR UDC: 528-526.6 LAVROV, V. N., 21111-1011,1113SMY, I. B., LUKOYAWY, Yu. S."MKOVLEVA, I.T. P., T , All-Union Scientific ReAearch Instit-ute of Kining Geo- r-echanics and Surveying "A Miniaturized Svxvevor's G)rrocoppass" I!asco-.-z, Otkx-yt-iya, izobretcnilya, Pror-VslAen--yve Obraaztay, Tcivzrryye ZnaRi, To 9, I-lax 72, Aull-Illej.-Is Certificate No 3312533, D.-vision- G, filed 21 Jul 67, published T I'ar '72, -n 117 in-t-l-oduces a ininlaturized surveyo-"13 gyrocc-"=ass Vhic-h cc a th,-odolite aautocolli-,'-!tion system, a trfg~ ger E.-d a t7y-ro .rith pendull=- sensin,- clem-crt -on v. torsic.- susuen- sica st----*-o current -~7'ecd. As a feat-ire o:' +"r..e D-qter-..- , the design provielt:-.s for of t1-- t'orque of the i;orsicn susnensicn and the cvrrent lfec~'. ':h-a current feed is T-Lide in tIl-.e for,-,i of strii)s bc-i-It in the verUcal or horIzontal Plane with their ends fasten-ed to the sensin,'; eleme-ut. at r- distance r from fts axis of rotation, v1piere r is defined by the form-ula- IE 1/2 7-13-9- SR ~AVROV, V. H. et al. , USSR Author's Certificate No 331253 where D is the dis"ElIce between the fixed ends of the c:u--rent feed strips, K is the stifftess of the torsion suspension, a, b and c are riumerice-1 co- efficients which dt-.---c-rd on tho shape of the bend in the strips, and IE is the ri gidity of the =-rent feed stri-Ds. A Ahi:ii M.; j l/Z 029 UNCLASSIF'IED PROCESSING DATE--U90CT70 TITLE-METABOLIC BREAKDOWN OF BENZ01A)PYRENE 8Y CELLS OF DIFFERENT MAM14ALS IN VIIRO AND THE TOXIC EFFECT Of POLYCYCLIC HYDROCARBONS ON TH-ESE CELLS AUTHOR-(05)-13ELlTSKlY, G.A.,.VASILYEV,~YU.M., lVAN0VA,lO.YU., LAVROVA, N~A., PRIGOLHINA, YE.L. CUUNTRY OF INF(j-USSk SUUR,CE-V(JP. ONKOL. 1970t 161?-)# 53-8 'PUBLISHED----70 DATE SU13JECT AREAS-BIOLOGICAL AND MEDICAL ~CJENCES TUPLC,TAGS-HYDROCAR80N, METABOLISMs TOXICOLOGY, CAT, CELL PHYSIOLOGY, 448RY0L0GYv LEUKUCYTE , E I-'.CG%TR0L 14ARKING-140 RESTRICTIONS ~.DGCUNENT CLASS-UNCLASSIFIED ~.PROXY REEL/FRAME-1986/1689 STEP NU--UR/0506~/7010161002/0053/0058 CIRC ACCESSION NO---AP0103't55 UN~ LASSIF IED_ ;X J N 2/2 029 UNCLASSIFIED PROCESSING OATE--09OCT70 CIRC ACCESSION NO-AP0103455 ABSTRACTIEXTRACT-1U) GP-0- ABSTRACT* RAT CELLS SENSITIVE TO THE TOXIC ACTIGN OF HYDRUCARBONS ACTIVELY MEJABOLIZED 8ENZO[A)PYRENE Ill. METABOLISM WAS SLOWER IN PIG AND.CAT CELLS WHICH WERE MORE RESISTANT TO THE~ TOXIC ACTION OF I AND 7tlZ,UIMETHYLBEfiZIAIANT.H.RACE~iE. NORMAL EMBRY ONIC.FIBROBLASTS CELLS INNITRU AND LEUKOCYTES FROM THE PERIPHERAL BLOOD OF HEALTHY HUMANS WERE ALMOST INSENSITIVE 'iD THE TOXIC ACTION OF J-HESE, HYDROCARBONS AND METABOLISM OF I DEVELOPED MORE SLOWLY. THE ~--SENSITIVITY OF CELLS TO THE TOXIC ACTION Or' THE' HYDROCARBONS SEEMS TO DEFINITELY CORRELATE 'WITH THEI:R~-AaLLITY TO METARo,u7-E COt4PDS. FACILITY:- INsr. EXPO CLINm:0NCOL-.' MOSCOW USSR. UDC 539.3:534.1 USSR RAKHT-1ATULIN, I. SH. , VASIL'YEV, ~U. M. KOMIYOV, YU. _.K. "Transfer Impedances of Finite Cylindrical Shells Undev Random Vibration Perturbation" Nauchn. raboty in-tov okhranX truda VTsSPS (Scientific Works of the Institutes of Labor Conservation of the All-Union Central- Trade-Union, Council), 1969, No 59, pp 69-71 (from R'Zh-Mlekbanilka, No'5, May 70, Abstract No 5V243) Translation: The problem of the transfer-properties of a bounded closed cylindrical shell with one fastene'd and one free end, oft which a kinematic random excitation acts is considered. L. N.,Nagornov. -11MMM.i ;_ _W I I ii ;111 I' u Graphite'' USSR uDo 621,893 VASIL-YEV, YU. N., CanM_date.of Chemical Sciences, and YEMEL'YANOVA, V. H., and FUGOL', V. A., Candidates of Technical.Sciences "Antifriction Graphite Material" Koscow, Hashinostroitel', No 20 Feb 74g p 42 Abstracto A new antiffriction graphite material ATG# being produced In experimental batches, has been desIgnated for use in friction assemblies operating at temperatures up to 6500 C.~ ~It oontain~~ special compounds that. increase Its wear resistance at room temperature by &pproxiiuttely 10 times and insure a godd lubricating capability at temperatures up to 6500 C- seals made of pG, 1000-mm diameter, worked for more than 500 hours at 6000 C, 4-kgf/cm loadt and 1-m/see elip rate, and preserved their efficiency, The same was true for ATG piston ringslafter 100 hours at 600-6500 C and a m2 pressureof 3-5 kgfVc iA USSR LOC 546.26-162t541-183 VASIL' YEV,__ YU, N., antL FUGOL's V.A "Adsorption of Phosphoric Anhydride on Graphite at 3000 C" Yoscow, Noorgarticheakiye Materialy, Vol 16, No 1, Jan 74, p 162 Abstracts The magnitude of phosphoric anhydride adsorption was measured on graphite M-1500 at 3000 C in relation to phosphoric anhydride partial pressure in the gas phase. The graphite was placed in a crucible which was suspended in a quartz vessel containing phosphoric anhydride. The vessel had a one-millimeter opening through which the steel wire,supporting the crucible passed and had a ratio of vessel to opening diameter which would provide the required phosphoric anhyd-ride partial pressure which was equal to the pressure of the anhydride vapors at the coolest part of the vausel.0Wo electric heater's were used -- the top beater maintained the g=#ite at .100 C while the bottom beater created the temperature to the required magnItLyle of partial pressure. The upper end of the steel wire was fastened to the beam of azi analytical balance. Prior to measuring adsorption, the graphite was heated to 3000 0 by the top heating element to a constant weight, 5 9); then the botton heater was 1/2 USSR VASIL'M- YU. H., anji FUGOL'j, V. A., Heorganicheskiye Materialy, Vol 10, No 1, Jan 74, p 162 switched on and graphite weight measured everi 30-40 minuter. until a constant weight was achieved. It was noted thatth6re .,as a shaxp rise in the absorp- tion curve at values of lg P/PS - -1.5-which gave evidence.of the start of two dimensional condensation. One figUreq three bibliographic references. 2/2 USSR UDC 546.26-10'2t541-183,539.62 VASIL'ala JU. N and FUGOL V. A. ':~'Wfect of Phosphoric Anhydride Adeorption:on Graphite Friction and Wear" Moscow, Neorganicheskiye Materialyr Vol '10, ,No lp Jan 74, pp 159-161 Abstracti A study was made to explain the phenomenon of tg;e lubricating pro- parties of graphite. The hypothesis was made that, upon heating, phosphates decompose with the liberation of phosphoric anhydride which 0is adsorbed on the graphite and preserves its lubricating qualities at 300-6co C where the adsorption of water vapors on graphite is not possible, Another goal was to find a means of increasing the wear resistance of antif iction graphite. Antifriction graphite grade AG-1500, produced by electrode technology at 25000 C from petroleum coke, coal coke, and natural coke, mas used. Graphs from produced data showed that the coefficient of friction.-Aras low for a 1-2va LO degree of coa'ing with the corresponding rate of wear incretsing starting with about a 20,:~*' degree of coating when the graphitS stnfaca was coatod with molecules of phosphoric anhydride:and tested at JUU C. The relationship of friction coefficient and wear rate (for a,constant loart of 5 kr,/mm2) to partial preasure of phosphoric anhydride vapors rises sharply when the partial pressure exceeds 1 mm fig. Fron mathematical treatrzent of the experimenz the authors 1/2 - M M SR VASILYEV, YU. H., and-FUGOL', V. A., Heorganicheskiyo Materialy, Vol A, No 1, Jan 74, PP 159-16.L were able to determine the magnitude of~the two-dimen:Aonal. gas pressure which kias numerically equal to lowering surface energy. This vabie was on the order of 50 dyne/am. It was concluded that a-partial pressure of phosphoric anhydride of about 1-5 mm Hg rakes it possible to expard the teriperatuxe interval of using .antifriction graphite in dry.friction.fr6m loo to 6oo C. Three figures, nine bibliographic references.~ 2/2 23 USSR UDC 546.26-162 VAS IL YEV., YU. N. and STARCHENKOVA,N V. -Friction and Wear of the New Antiftiction Graphite Ag-T in Open Air at Temperatures Up to 600 'C" Moscow, Izvestiya Akademii nauk SSSR, Neorganicheski-ye materialy, -Vol 8. No 3, Mar 72, pp 451-45.3 Abstract: A study has been made on~the wear intensity and fric- tion coefficient of the new antifriction graphite Mterial Ag-T as afunction of loading and temperature. The new material was prepared by impregnating graphite Ag-1500 with phosphorus compouncb "The treatment is.said to reduce the.oxidation~rate of graphite in air to a factor of twenty as well as to improve the friction char- acteristics at high temperatures. The testingteperatures in this study were 150-600'C and the loads ~'-1-5-19 Kg/cm at rates of 9 M/sec. It is shown that the.experimentally derived~relationships between the wear intensity - of the Ag-T graphiL.e and the applied 1/2 ussfL VASIL'YEV., YU. N., et al. izvestiya~ Akademii nauk SSSR,Neorga nicheskiye materialy, Vol 8,,No-3, Mar 72, pp 451-453 load agree in form with the equation of the fatigue theory of wear. Use was made of the experimental data on friction and wear to cal- culate the fatigue constant as a function of temperature. It is suggested-that the shape ofsthis 'curve is determined. by the adsorp- tion.of both water vapors and:phosp4o,ric anhydride vapors. 2 il- lus tr. 5 biblio. ref 2/2 11.14 11 ! UNCLASSIFIED ------ - - ---- -- --~ - ~ : ---, - - -.- ",USSR UDC. 666~896 V4AA"W11r4V_ K., and YEMELIYANOVA, V. M4 sects of Phosphorus Compounds on the Oxidation Rate.and,Wear Intensity of Syntetic Graphite" Moscow, Neorganicheskiye Materialy, Vol 6, No 2, Feb 70, pp~201-206 Abstract: Self-lubricating graphite materials are used in friction joints which are suitable for service at high (> ,,1000--15000C) temperatures in a reducing or a neutral.medium. In open airgraphite materials oxidize at an appreciable rete. To,reduce the oxidation rate, it is advisable to impregnate the material with Phosphorus compounds. This study concerns the effect of various Phosphorus com- pounds on the oxidation rate as well as of the mechanism of inhibition in order -1r,00 antifriction grariltite was used ae to select more effective inhibitors. AG the experimental material. The inhibitors vere aluminum phosphate, zinc diethyl- aluminum diethylorthophosphate, polymethylphen,,rlsiloyane with a. -phosphorus-containing hardening agent, phosphoric acid phosphorus Dentoxide, and others. The graphite vas Piressure-impkegimted with, inhibitor solutions in anautoclave. The friction:testa verevonducted on a.looratory friction machine 11/2 USSR VASILIYEV) YU. N., and YFMLIYANOVAY V. M.., Neorganicheskiye Materialy, Vol 6, No 2, Feb 70, pp 201-2o6 simulating end-type seals. Tables in the original article shoir graphite oxida- tion rate as a function of the partial pressure of o)Vgon, effect of oxidation time of graphite impregmted vith aluminum phosphate on.oxidation rate,, wear intensity as a function of temperature, and rate constants for both inhibited and untzeated graphite. It was found tnat phosphorus compamds reduce the wear inten- ~sity of graphite. Various suggestlons are.maderegardiiig the mechanism of inhi- bition. 2/2 USSR UDC 621.396.6-181.43 ANDROSHOHL-11., A. F. 18,SIVYIN, YU. P. , STAVROVICII, 11. V. "Prospects for Creating Thin-Filin Rheniupi Resistor Microcircuits" Tr. W-IIII elektroiznarit. oriburov (Works ~of the All-UnIon Scientific Rcsearch Institute of Electron,,cteriniz Devices),. 1971, 'No 10, pp 1H-114 (from PZIh- AbstracL I-To 7V297) Radio tekhaika. No 7, Jul 72, Tran.,~Iatiotj- it study waj rilide of the tii-;d stability of thin-ftim rheniui.-. resis- ~tors with a specific resistance of 100 of-jr,-z /square. Tiw! optimal con-litions for depositing the rhenium on the UV,\'-2?1-1 device are- developed. The prosliccts for util-- Lizing rhenium as the material-for manufacturing thin-film highly stable ~.resistor microcircuits based on it is proved experimentally. USSR UDC 621.391,84:621.391.883.2 =qmlm SHIRNOVO V. N. "Some Characteristics of Two-Step Binary-Quantized Signa.1 Detection" Izy. Leningr. ele trotekhn. in-ta (News of the Leningrad Electrotechnical In- stitute), 1971, No 98, pp 24-26 (from RZh--Radioteldinil~a, No 1, 1972, Abstract No 1A55) Translation: According to the investigated method, the detection of binary- quantized signals is realized in tvo stapq: romparison of the Nuri of the sig- nals stored in ia soundings with the threshold-1, and, hi the case of satisfac- tion of the selected criterion, 'further s.toraga of Signals for 14 - m soundings with subsequent comparison of the, total number af ter,N-soundings with the threshold k.. The probability of correct detection is defined. It is demon- straLed that there is an optimum in the set of values of 1, m, k and the probability that the noise will exceed the quantization thresold. The biblio- graphy has I entry. 1/1 21. 7 112 -0 11 UNCLASSIFIED PWDC~:~::SSI%V' DATE-VOCT70 TITLE-1-1~-'T STAZILIZATI'3% OF PDLY(FTHYLFNE TEREPHIHALAtE) A:--a;4pA%iED- By AN IN MOLFGULA,~ ri&IGHT -U- AUTH0i?-(;!3)-VASJLYc-V* Yj.P.t KREI~Fkj YF.R., AIZENS.HTEINt F.'!. .-GUNTkY LF INFO-USSR SDURCE--!~-Hle,.. VbL(-,'KWA 1970 (2) 15-17 DATE PWL I SHEO ------- TO SUr3JECT MATERIALS '-JUPIC TAGS-THERI-IAL STA31LITY, PULYETHYL'~.NE TEREPHTHALATE, 'IDLECULAR E P H W JGkiT, CARBONATE, ~iOLf. PH(ISPHORIC ACID 'K 1, Ofil. R f- L, M Air, N G--,N,:) P, F 5 T k I CT I Q cLf-ss--Wlct,lkSsjF IED PROXY VEi-,L/FPAME--l9-92/1514 STEP 5/0017 C I R C ACCESSION Ntl--AP0112508 01N)CLASS I F IF D 212 Oil UNCLASS! IED PROCF3SING DATE -02OCT70 ABSTPACT/EXTRAC-l-W) GP-0- ABSTRACT.. THE 0 P T IJ f+ AMT. OF (PHI) SU'*32 C9 (1) USED TO INCREASE THE THERMAL STABILITY ANO MQL.. WT, OF PDLY(ETHYLENF TEREPHTHALATE) (111 IS 2PERCEINT ADOM TO THE POLYkER MELT, WHI; IS THFN c H KEPT, IN VACUO 20 MIN AT 275L)EGREES.,. PRLIPOSED R.EACTT:J% S~~_HEMES EXPL41NING THESE INCREASES INVOLVE BLOCKING END OH GRJlUPS AND JDI14ING Y P DUC T. POLY~FP. CHAINS BY CAR~ONNATE bONDS, GIVING PHENOL AS A C ;zo TH SCHE~'4LS ARE SUPPORTED 3Y USE OF H SU83 _Pfj SUB4 O!~~ 14 SUL.3 P) SUB3 T_J BLOCK THE END OH GROUPS, WHICH REDUCES THE EFFEC-1 VENES OF I , A' D BY THE-INCREASING CO SUB2 H-OH.END.GROUPiPAT To lilTH INCREASIN!G WT. OF It STABILIZED BY I~ ST43ILlIATIGN 8Y.P14ENOXY RADI CA LS FROM THERMAL DECGMP~.. OF:,-[ IS SUPPO,~TED BY LESS EFFECTIVE STA31LIZAT[D.N BY (RUD) SUB2 CO...DR~ PHENlaL_ USSR UDC 531-781-087,92 AGAROMM, V. Ya., VASIMI&VA, A. A., and DAYCHIK, M. L. "Investigation of Characteristics of High-Temperature Resistance Tensors" V Sb. "Issled. Temperatur. Wd-pryazheniy" [In the Collection "Investigations of Thermal Stresses"], Moscow, "Nauka", 1972, PP 103-132 (from Referativnyy Zhuxnal, No 11, Nov 72, 32. Metrologiya i Ismeritellnaya Tekhnika. Single Issue. Abstract No ll._V.169) Translation: Methods and results are reported on inve st i,,-,ai; ions in the terr..Per- ature range of up to 6500C of teiaperature and time charact~,ristics used in hii-~h- temperature resistance tonsors, wires 30 Alin diam., of Constantan, Ilichrone, cbromium and nickel containing alloys Kh201MYu and K~2010C)YuD, nickel- molybden= allOY MeQ3KhYu, and ferro-chromium-aluminum alloys O1Qi2lYu5FM, OXb2lYug, and OKb2lYulO. The principal increment dependences of the elect_ric resistance of wires at isat"hermic aging yere established and the critical temperatures for each alloy were determined above which a stabilization of the specific resistance and of the,temperature coefficient of resistance tensors are impossible. The possibility is indicated to create self -therrnr~olrjala-nced resistance tensors in the interval of up UO 3500C of chrordim and nickel con- taining alloys IQ7,20148OYu and KhMOOYO. Temperature.and time characteristics -1/2 USSR AGARONIK,, V. Ya., et al., V Sb. "Issled. Temperatur. Napryazheniy", 1972, PP 103-132 of resistance tensors of the alloy containing chromium and nickel in the temp- erature range of -ap to 5000C are presented. Twenty two illustr,, seven tables, thirteen biblio. refs. 2/2 -1/2 007 UNCLASSIFIED ~~PRGCEssrVG DATE--O?OCT7U TITLE UETERt!IT-,s'ATIO.N OF THE NUMBER OF ELECTRONS TAKING PART IN THE ELECTRCOXIDATION OF STERICALLY HINDERED PHENOLS USING AN A143,31C AUTHOR-103)-KORSHUNOV,-I.A., V00ZINSKlYr YU*Vet VASILY 'a E~ C UUN7 k YOF INFO--USSR ,...-SOuACE--ELEKT9DKHIMIYA 1970t, 6(2) 277.66 DATE~PUBLISHED----70 SUBJECT AREAS--CHEMISTRY :_-TOPIC TAGS--ELECTROLYTIC OXIDATION# PHENOLt ELECTROPE rULARIZATION CONTROL MARKIING-NO RESTRICTIONS ,..DOCUMENT CLASS--UNCLASSIFIED -':;'PROXY REEL/FRAME--1989/0463 STEP :-CIRC ACCESSION NO--AP0107069 UNCLASSIFfE0 N(J--UR/0-364/70/006/002/0277/0280 -212 007 UNCLASSIFrED PROCESS!NG DATE--020CT70 CIRC ACCESSICN NJ--AP0107069 .,ABSTRACT/EXT.PACT--(U) GP-0- ABSTRACT. POLARIZATION CJRVES WERE OBTAINED ON A REVOLVING ELECTRODE WITH A CLEARLY EXPRESSED AREA OF CRIT. CURRENT. WITH ALL COMPOS. STUDIED ONE ELECTRGN TRANSITION TAKES PLACE IN A NEUTRAL AND ALK, MEDIUM. ON THE POLAROGRAMS UNDER THE:SE CONNTIONS THERE IS ONLY ONE WAVE. IN AN ACIDIC;MEDIUM 2t4,*6-TRl-TERT-BUTYLPtiEN0L AND Z#6~-01-TERT-BUTYL-4-METHYLPHENOL-SHOW.2 CLEARLY SPED. WAVES. THE NO. OF ELECTRONS CALCO. FROM THE,lST WAVE IS CLOSE TO ONE. ELECTROOX-IDIN. OF 4,4 PRIME -THIOBIS16~TERT-BUTYL~-~?--METHYLPiENOL), PRIME-..-THIOBI~(6-TERJ-BUTYL-3-METHYLPHFNOL)9 2vZ-pRIME -THI:DEII-S--~67~~T.E-RT-BUTYL-4-METHYLPHENOL)' DICRESYLOL PROPANE ON A -STATIONARY ELECTRODE AT Ph.2 PRODUCES,,ONE WAVE CO,'..IPESPONDING T3 A 2 ELECTRON TRANSITION. WITH Zt'2 PRIME~ :-METHYLENEBIS[6-TERT-RUTYL-4-METHYLPHENOLO',IN AN;itC[Dl,C MEDIU4t-.2 BADLY -SPED. WAVES ARE FOUND. WITH A REVOLVING ELECTRODE THE SEPN. OF THE WAVES 15 RATHER DISTINCT,~HOWEVER. I.,:ELECTROCHEMi~GENERATION JF PHENOXYL RADICALS SHOWS'THAT THE 2NO-WAVE,.APPEARS:DWING TO 'THE OXID-14. OF THE ~!PHENCYXYL RADICALS ADSORBED ON THE ELECTRODE. UNCLASSIFIC-D _11Z 009 UNCLASSIFIE-6 PROCE&SING DATE--30OCT70 _-TlTLE-EFFECT OF IJER131CIDES ON THEmYIELO~OF SUNFLOWER AND ON THE QUALITY OF THE OIL -U- N.D., POPOV, P4S., VASILYEVA, Dp~S. COUNTRY,0F INFO--USSR SEL. KHOZ. 1970.- 8 (2): 129~-30 "L I SHE 0-----7 0 P UB SUBJECT AREAS-BIOLOGICAL AND MEDICAL SCIENCES JUPIC TAGS--HERBICIDEs VEGETABLE OIL/(U)ALIPUR HERBICIOE, (U)AVA0EX -HERBICIDE, (U)IFK HERBICIVES (U)PROMETRYNE HERBICIOE CO-~TRGL MARK I NG-NO RESTRICTIONS _~DGCUMENT CLASS--UNCLASSIFIED ,-PROXY REEL/FRAME-2000/1368 STEP NO--UR/0394/70/008/002/0129/0130 .CIRC ACCESSICN NC--AP0125016 UNCLASSIFIED WN -,ma ~i' 2/2 009 UNCLAS S IF LED PROCESSINIG DATE--30OCT70 .-CIRC.ACCESSICN NO--AP0125016 -..ABSTRACT/EXTRACT-(U) GP-0- ABSTRACT. INVESTIGATIONS WERE MADE IN 1964-6 IN RE61ONS WITH VARIOUS SOIL AND CLIMATIC CONDITIONS. THE. FOLLOWING HEREICIDES WERE APPLIED: ALIPUR (.4t KG), AVADEX (Z RG)i !FK (IPG) (I?- K G) ,'-PRON&TRYNE (2 KG-HA). PROMETRYNE DIDINOT INHIBIT ll,1tCPOFLORA, COULD .-BE- DECOMPD. DURING 3-4 MONTHS, ANDAT DID NOT ACCUMULATE IN SUNFLOWER ~SEEDS. HERBICIDES WERE APPLIED BEFORE PRESOWING CULTIVATION. ANNUAL l"'EEDS WERE MAINLY ENCOUNTERED ON SOWN AREAS. AVAQEX AND~IPC DESTqOYED CHIEFLY-t-IGNOCOT WEEDS, WHILE PR0METRYENE AND ALIPURlAFFECTED MAINLY DICOTS AND kERBACEOUS PLANTS. - INCREASES IN SEEDS YIELD OF 1.5-2 AND .~oEVEN~3 GUNNTALS-HA 14EIIE OBTAINED. ~,NQ CHANGE IN THE]OIL YIELD OR ITS -QUALITY WAS FOUND. FACILITY: VSES. NAUCH.-ISSLED. INST. MASLICH. KRASNODAR, USSR~ 111"7 1 -A-ccI A kA.W USSR 2 7~,-S JYSV' V. V "S . ZEV.A~,. IL qeac,t -Ions of B-"soycloDentadianyldiphenyl'i'an-wti Wi t ].-I Li organic Com. ounds" LemnCrad, Zhu z, r.. a IObshchey Kftim Ii, Vol 40, rw 9, Sap; -0, 20!z -,-205 p eactlon of b'snyolo, 'adio 'Id~ 9 c, n t - n7~ if t h 1) iith C4-40.q 0*1 t4taniT.1 -1 -, a 1-1, 0 -ow- diony-i lithium, Yielding ~,!C; benzenu, rvD'un-Me lith:Lz,-,, cycla ~i;a pour and P- nonzyrr, ri ~, li"Li o 1 r ~tric com d,of divalont u -wil hn A. .11 ,,r) 67 1 i,, Voacill-ed will-la bo-nzylllitbltim 1:1. ra,,-io, no, cyclo-nontadioxjl) ithiuam and a ic ~=.-..mound ol' tz-' --"a mlolaz~ ~ bomz-, ti~a-i-ur. -.zave em-ene, toluene, dilbbarnzyl, metallic lithiun, c-c-lopentc-dionylli- t*.n.-:= and phanylben--y-I tit-aniiwn.. is propose t.,j t a.!! of th d ese 1u 1/2 USSR UDC: 547-258.2 RAZUVAYEV, G. A.., IATYANYWA, V. H., IMMI V=0 VYSHIITSKAYA, L. I., -Scientific Research Institute.of chenist~'Imilated With Gorlkiy State Uiaiversity imeni N. I. Lobachevskiy "The Reaction of Dicyclopentadienyldibenzyltitanium With Organolithium Com- pounds" loeningard, Zhurnal Obshchey Yhimii, Vol 42(104), No 6y jun (2, PP 1306-1310 Abstract: The authors studied the reaction of dicyclopentadionyl dibenzyl- and benzyllithium in ratios of titanium Ti(CfV6115) (I) with m2thyl (C6H5 2 2 1:1 and 1:3 in an attempt to synthesize now organotitanium compounds. Com- pound (I) reacted with I mole of methyllithium to for~n~cyclclientadienyllithiun,, toluene and methane. The excess methyllithiuri caused Pirther reduction of' TiIII to TiII. Compotmd (I) reacted with 3 g-mol of methyllithium as follows: I+3CI13Li Hydrochloric acid hydrolysis of the.asyrx%tric titanium compound gave toluene, methane and a salt of TifII: 1/2 USSR RAZUVAYEV, G. A., et al., Zhurnal Obshchey Bliimii, Vol 42(lc4), Dro 6, jun 72, PP l3o6--l3lo 1C,11,C11.,TiC11,j + 311CI C6114CI~j C11, TiCj3 fl, AttetiTpts. to synthesize dibenzylt-itaniwn by thermal dissociation oftetrabenzyl- .(II) were unsuccessful. Dibenzyltitanium and cycloly-antadienyl titanim dibenzyltitaniunj (III) were synthesized by,,reacting compound. (1),vith benzyl- Aithium in various ratios. I + CC.115CILU --- > Cj15Ti(C"2CG"3)2 + C3141A + 0-5COIsCH3 + 0.2(CG1f5Cj1 Product (III) is stable when stored at room temperature for long periods, The reaction ot cormi, ound (1) with 2: moles of Irve-thyllithium prodiiced cyclopenta- dienyllithim, toluen6 and dibe zYl. Yietal-lie'lithium was also found. n 2/2 2/3 009 UNCLASSIFIED PROCESSING DATE--230CT70 CIRC ACCESSION NO--AP0121079 A8STRACT/EXTRACT--(U) GP-0- ABSTRACT. BOC EQUALS YERT, BUO SUB2 CfZ EQUALS PHCH SUB2 0 SUB2 C THROUGHOUT* BOC,L,ALA AND N,HYDROXY, SUCCINIMIDE (HOSU) TREATED IN DIOXANE WITH DICYCLOHEXYLCARBODIIMIOE 12 HR GAVE 74PERCENT B0CtLvALAvOSUt M. I '58.3-59DEGREES; SIMILARLY WAS PREPD. 80PERCENT BOC,O,8E1NZYLjLtSER, -51 OSU I I ) M. 101i DE(JREES. NoZiL,GLN IN DMF WAS TREATED WITH PYRIDINE. AND. ET SUB2 No FOLLOWED BY PIVALOYL CHLORIDE AT +tINUS 15DEGREES, FOLLOWED IN 15 MIN 8Y S 8EN'1YLtLf CYSTEINF- RE ESTER,HCL AND ET SUG3 No AND THE MIXT., HELD 12 HR., FINALLY AT ODEGREES, TO YIELO 86PERCENT iNiZ#L*GLNiS*BENZYLtLPCY~'tG?-iE (II)v M. 199-200DEGREES. SIMILARLY WAS PREVD.:82PERCENT BENZ~LPESTER ANALOGr Mo 187-90EGREES. N,Z,,LtALAt.OSU AND. II.Hf3,.R 1WITH NrMETHYLMORPHOLINE IN DMF GAVE IN 5 HR 85PERCENT N,Z,L,AL.AvL,GLNfS,BENZYL,Lr CYS,OME (111), M. .192.5-4.50EGREES. SIMILARLY WAS PREPD. 8.5PERCENT NiBOCtLYAL-AitL#GLNiSiBENZYL,LiCYStOCH SL189 PH, Me 152-31)EGREES. TREATING III WITH 36PERCENT HBR~IN ACOH 0.5 HRv FOLLOWED BY THE PtINITROPHENYL ESTER OF NvZoXPBENZYL'"LuCYS IN DMFIN T14E PRESENCE OF NiMETHYLMORPHOLINE, GAVE IN 12.kR'-82.5PERCENT N*ZoSt*BENZYLiLiCYSiLiALAiLiGLNiSil~BENZYL~;tLtCYSt OME1, M. 218-19.5DEGREES. SIMILARLY WASPREPD. 94PERCENT,BENZYL.ESTER ANALOG, M. 205-6.50EGREES, WH1,CH WITH N SUB2 H SIJB4 IN ETOHtDIOXANE.G4VE THE HYDRAZIDEt M. 234-6DEGREES,.WHICH TREATED WITH HCLt FdL.LUWED BY NANO SUBZp THEN IN 5 MIN BY BErJLYL ESTER OF N PRIMEIM#BEN1ZYLLrfl1STIDINE AND ET SU83 11-4, GAVE IN 2DAYS 80.PERCENT NtZ,S,fIENZYL,LrCYSzLtALAiLtGLII'#SvBE.NZYLILICYSIN ,-.PRJMVMt 8ENZYLvLvHISv0CH SU82 PHq Me 168-o-965DEGREES. UNCLASSIFIED unit. 009 UNCLASS-tFI-E0 PROCESSING DATE'-23ocr70 ~'clotc ACESSION NO-AP0121079 ABSTAACT/EXTRACT--l AND L.,GLN,St 8ENZYLrLtCYSr0ME.fiBR WITH Nt,4ETHYLMORPHOLIPIE IN DMF 12 HR 80PERCENT 'ZYLrL#GYStOMEq M.131.5-3.50EGREES, NtOOCtG,BENZYLiLi.S~-::RvLrGLNPSIBEN WHOSE HCL SALT TREATED WITH THE, 141TROPHENYL ESTER OF CYSTEINE IN OMF WITH N,METHYLMORPHOLINE, GAVE 114 12 HR. 88PERCENT N,Z,SBE."iZYLtL,CYSPOPBEI~.;ZYLYLPSElipL,GL,NiSPBENLYLYLYCYS, OME, M. .192.5-4.50EGREES. THIS SUSPENDED IN' DIDXANEtETOH AND TREATED WITH N -SU32 H SUB4 I DAY GAVE THE HYDRAZIDE, M. 200-2DEGREESP IiHICH WITH PCL AND NANO SUB2 GAVE THE AZIDE, WHICH TREATED IN SITU WITH N PRIMEIM, BENLYLMSTIME BENZYL ESTER AND-ET SUB3 N IN-ETOAC 2 DAYS GAVE N,Li"~~,8EttZYLIL,CYS,O,BENZYLipLiSERiLjGLNiS9BENZYLtL~,CYSiN PRIMEIMI BENZVLtHIS,OCH SUB2 PH, 1M. 184-,6DEGREES. FACILITY: MOSK. INST. USSR UDC 616.24-003.662-092.9-07:616.24-008.939.6 GELIFON, 1. A., and VF MINSKAYA, A. G., PAVIOVA, 1. V., YA,5,111)7k~A_ Institute of iabii-rRy Occupational Diseases, Academy of Medical Sciences USSR, Moscow "Lung Tissue Proteins in Experimental Silicosis" Moscow, Gigiyena Truda i Professionallnyye Zabolevantya, No 8, Aug 70, pp 25-29 Abstract: The chemical composition,of lung tissua protein was studied in normal rats and in rats in which experimantal silicosis had been produced. The in- soluble hydroxyproline-rich collagen that.formed in silicosis differed in com- position from the collagen of the skin or~othar tissue only in that the haxose content was higher, although the hexose content waa 15%,Iower.for silicotic as compared to normal lungs, The content of hydroxyproline,a-containing insoluble proteins did not increase over period of up Ito,6 mo duriag the development of silicosis; the increase in weight of the lungs within that tim was duo to a uniform increase in the amount of all tisau6 constituents, incluling soluble proteins. Aa the content of insoluble oollagena st~srtvdlo increase, the con- centration of hydroxyprolins-oontaining soluble proteins also Ancreased. In- soluble collagen in identical to the co.Uagen of otber tipsurys :W amino acid USSR PAVIOVA, 1. Gigiyena Truda I Professionalinyy,e:Zabolovaniya, No 8, Aug 70, pp 25-2V-~~4"~" composition (including, the content of proline, hydroxyproline, and tyrosine) ar,,i also did not differ in this respect from theAnsoluble cal-lagen of normal lungs. The content of aucopo4saccharides increased in silicotic.lungs, particularly after 6.5 mo. The changes in collagen stability,dur3jig siliccjsI3 which were detected by.morphological ard histochemioal methods are evidently due primarily to changes in the collagen fiber stioacture and =4,secon4arily to changes in the protein struc'Wre. 2 A 112 023 UNCLASSIFIED PROCESSING DATE--230CT70 T I TLE-SOME PECULIARITIES IM INSOLUBL&COLLAGEN CONTENT OF RAT LUNGS liq NORMAL 411414AL AINO AT EXPERIMENTAL SILICOSIS -U- .AUTH0R-(02)-VASILYEVAv G.N., ?,iYAGKAYA?~G*L&, ~'C DUN TRY OFJNFO--USSR SOURCE--VOPROSY MEDITSINSKOY KHIMIlt 19701 VOL 16t NR 3, PP 286-289 'DATE PUBLISHED ------- 70 SUBJECT AREAS-BIOLOGICAL AND MEDICAL SCIENCES JAGS-COLLAGEN, LUNG, PULMONARY DISEASE-# SILICAs CHE.41CAL ANALYSIS, AMNO ACIDt CARBOHYDRATE ONTROL 14ARKING-NO RESTRICTIONS' ,,-~,DDCUMENT~.CLASS--UNCLASSIFIED "";PROXY-REELIFRAME--11)98/0148 STEP NO-'-UR/C'301/701016/003/0286/0289 --,.CIRC.ACCESS[UiN-NG--AP0120848 UN C L A S 5 1 F I E 0 umcLASSIFIED PkOCESSING DATE--230CT70 CIRC ACCESSION NO--AP012084!3 ABSTRACTI-EXTRACT-1U) GP-0- 435TRACT. THE DATA ARE PkESENTED ON STUDY OF ''INSOLUBLE COLLAGEX 08T41NEO FROM LUNG TISSUE OF HEALTHY aATS AND FROM THOSE WITH EXPERIMENTAL SILICOSIS. THE CONTENT OF SOME AMINO ACID (HYDROX.YPROLINEP PROLINE, TYROSINE) AND CARBOHYDRATES (URONIC ACID AND -,HEXIISES) IN INSOLU8LE COLLAGEN WAS. DETERININED. IT 14AS ESTABLISHED THAT A -RIMENTAL 'G COLLAGEN OF HEALTHY RATS AS WELL S THOSE 'WITK EXPE LUN SILICOSIS DOES NOT DIFFER FP01"i COLLAGEN.IN OTH-;--P Tl-,'iSUESr BUT HAS THE LESS PROLINE CONTENT AS COMPAAEU TO THE COLLAGEN IN -.0THER TISSUES OF DIFFERENT ANIMALS. THE CHARACTERISTIC FFATURE OF PISOLUBLE LUNG COLLAGEN OF R4TS IS THE HIGH HEXOSES CONTENT (AT AVERAG~ 2,5PERCI-PlIT), CONTENT IN INSOLUBLE LUNG COLLAGEN AT LATER PEkl0DS OF SILICOSIS WAS QVIINISHEOe FACILITY: INSTITUTE OF LABOUR IFESSIONAL DISEASES USSR ACADE14Y OF MEDICAL SCIENCES, .-,.,.,.HYGIENE AND PRL INSTITUTE OF RHEUMATISM USSR ACADEMY OF,14EOICAL SCIENCES, MOSCOW, U,,.,r LA I S I F I E 0 USSIR UDC 610.24-003.66-092~.9-OOC-.9'~t9.629 VASIL"YEVA G. ~N', and elykaCAY'A, G. L. , Institute of indusLrilal ~iiygien~ ecupazional ; iseases, Academy of Sciences USSR I'Some -harac-eristics of insolu'ale Collagedin the Lungs of iealthy and ~Silicotic Rats', 'Os X ecr, "leprosy ~xditsLnskoy Khimii, No 3, 1970, pp 286-281) Abstract: Exper.,:.,aents on rat's showed that the dry veil-h-tu cf rho lungs :Ln tiie early stages (I month) of silicosis tvas 'higher than in healtr-y animals, and that it was three tiwes higher after 13 months. However, the residue of lunl- tissue o0tained by exhaustive extraction ~of soluble proteint; lunZ norao- genates was normal. The amount of hydro.Vprolino, tyrosine, and priAine in I n- soluble lung col'Vlgen wa3 the zama in both control and exper~maatal ani=.Iz. A -4is'UnL 'qing feature of insoluble collagen in rat lun,g i5,tho II-dgh hexose con- d _uis. Lent, but it decreazed somewhat in the later stages of silicQsis (6-1/2 months) to 2.Z:~ 'from an original 2.5p). 55 010 LINCLASSIFTED~ PROCESSING DATE--30OCT70 TITLE-14'A.PROVED METHOD FOR PREPARING AICATALYST FOR THE VAPOR PHASE SYNTHESIS OF VINYL CHLORIDE -U-. ~AUTHOR-(05)-PANFILOVt A.A., VASILYEvA,'I.B.t KAMENKO, B.L., GAVRILCHUK, N.M.v, KVARTALNOV, V.V. COUNTRY GF INFO--USSR ~S.OURCE-KHIM. PROM. (MOSCOW) 1970t 46(3), 177-9 'DATE PUBL ISHED---70 AREAS-CHEMISTRY '_-'rOPIC TAGS-CATALYTIC ORGANIC SYNTHESIS, VINYL CHLORIDE, MERCURY COMPOUND# ',~ACTIVATEV CARBONt CHLURINATIGNP ACETYLENEt CATALYST ACTIVITY 'CQ NTROL-MARKING-NO RESTRICTIONS .~.DOCUMENT CLASS-UNCLASSIFIED :_-P-ROXY REEL/FRAME-2000/1662 STEP NO-UR/0064/70JO46/003/0177/0179 ClIRC ACCESSICN NO--AP0125284 UNCLASSIFIE0 ~212 010 UNCLASSIFIED PROCESSING DATE--30OCT70 tIRC ACCESSIUN NO--AP0125284 :-.,ABSTRACT/EXTRACT--lU) GP-0- ABSTRACT. THE ADSORPTION ISOTHERM OF HGCL :-SU82 FROM AQ. SCLNS. ON ACTIVATED C ISPRACTICALLY LINEAR AND THE HGCL SUB2 CONCN. GN THE C INCREASES FROM 0 TO 17PERCENT ~-;HEN THE INITIAL HGCL SU821N THE SCLN. IS INCREASED FROM 0 TO 5PERCENT (AT 20DEGREES); THE ADSORPTION IS FAIRLY RAPIU AND A STEAOY STATE IS ESTABLISHED AFTER SIMILAR TO I HR. A CATALYST CUNTG. 10PERCENT HGCL SUB2.WAS PREPO. BY PASSING A 3PERCENY AQ. SULN. OF HGCLISUB2 THROUGH A COLUMN PACKED WITH ACTIVATED Ct AND CRYING THE PRODUCT IN CONTACT WIT4 AIR HEATED TO ~120DEGREES. IN THE HYDROCHLORINATION UF.C SUB2 H SU32 AT A C SU32 H SU82.-,HCL VOL. RATIO OF 1.11.3 AND L80DEGREES THE ACTIVITY OF THE CATALYST JNCREASED tGRADUALLY WITH TIME AND THE MAX. ACTIVITY~WAS REACHED AFTER -120 DAYS (AT A FLOW RATE OF 1100VOLS.-HR); THE MAX. ACTIVITY WAS THEN ~SUSTAINED FOR UP TO 8 MGNTHSv ANDTHE DEGREE OF CONVERSION OF C SUB2 .4 :SUB2 UNDER THOSE CONDITIONS WAS-NEARLY SOPERCENT. UNCLASSIHED Imunology USSR uDc 615.371-078 1~~, =4_1 I. G.~v SE~ZNOVO V- F-1 GRACUV, V- P-, and POPOVA, V. D., Central Institute for the Advanced Training of Physicians, Institute of Poliomyelitis and Viral Encephalitides, Academy of Medicine USSR "Potential Evaluation of Vaccines on the Basis of Autoantibody Formation" Moscow, laboratornoye Delo, No 6, 1972, PP 368-369 Abstract: Investigations were conducted with nine commercial vaccines to deter- mine whether autoantibodies are a possible complication in vaccine reactions. Experinentally, sma-11pox was introduced into Scarified skins of rabbits, while 200-300 g guinea pigs received subcutaneously I ml of Vi antigen, mcaslas vaccine, live polio virus, typhoid vaccim,'NUSI vaccine, Ferrd's (rabies) vaccine, monovalent pertussis vaccine, or AIOS,vaccine. 'When tested with auto- logous, erythrocytes, the results showed that.the smallpox vaccine caused the appearance of autoantibody in all 15 rabbits immunized. Moasles, polio, typhoid, and 111131 elicited the appearance of antierythrocyte antibody in 21%) 316., 50%, and 5% of the guinw- pigslimmunized, respectively. Only the Vi antigen vaccine did not induce the formation of autoantibodies. In the case of the polio and measles vaccines autoantibodies appeared in 2-3 -weeks and per- sisted until the 30th postimmunization day. Autoantibodies to errthrocytes dis- appeared in 1-5 months in animals immunized with Fermi's or smallpox vaccines, USSR VASILIYEVAJ, I. G., et al., Laboratornoye Delo, No 6, 1972, PP 368-369 while persisting for over 8 weeks in NIISI immized anJiials. In addition, all animals formed antiliver antibodies;. furthermore, FermVs vaccine, rrionovalent pertussis, and AKMB4 elicited atntibodies against splenic tissue. Autoantibodies against the kidney were induced by Fermi's, NIISI, and AKDS vaccines, anti- bodies against the heart were formed by animals inraimized -with Fenni's vaccine and AKDS,, antibodies against lung tissue were formed by animals irmmized with AKDS and monovalent. pertussis vaccine, and antibodies aagainst the brain were formed by guinea pigs imnunized with, Fermi-vaccine. The data indicate that the formation of autoantibodies following vaccination is a real -Dhenononenon and accine reaction. constitutes an important parameter in the evaluation of v USSR UDC 669.7.L5'721+669.71.5'3]:621.785 VASILIYEVA-_j. N., and GUDCHENKO, A. P. "Effect of Heat Treatment of Aluminum Alloys on Their Porosity" Tekhnol. legkikh splavov. Nauch.-teklin. byul. VILSa (Technology of Light Alloys. Scientific and Technical Bulletin of All-Union Institute of Light Alloys), 1971, No 4, pp 41-17 (from RZh-Met~~~ ~,,No 1, Jan 72, Abstract No 11716 by 1. Yeroshenkova) Translation of Abstract: The authors studied Al-Mg alloys with 3, 5, 8, 10% Mg and AI-5% Cu. The porosity of alloys that have undergo-Lie heat treatment :Lnereases in comparison with the as-cast state, and the size of individual pores and the degree of porosity development increase, In A].--IOZ Mg alloy the average pore size was 0.03-0.05 mm before [teat treatment and 0.12-0.2 mm aftenyards. Porosity depends on alloy composition. lit Al-IOT Mg alloy porosity increases four to sevenfold in comparison with Al-3-5% Mg alloys. The higher the initial gas content of the inelt, the more porosity increases on heat treatment; and the higher the magnesium content, the higher the gas content. Porosity increases during heat treatment with an increase in the cooling rate of the casting during crystallization. One illustration. V1 USSR UDC 669.71.042.6 GUDr-IIEIXO, A. P., NIASIL'YEVA, 1. 11. "Effect of the Mold 114oisture and Primary Gas Content of AL2,and AL9 Alloys oa the Porosity and Tightness of the Castings" Usadochn. protessy-y.solavalch i otlivkakh V sb. (Shrinkage Processes in Alloys and Castings -- collection of works)# Kiev, Ilaukova 1,uiika Press, 1970, pp 285-288 (frem RZh-Iletallurgiva, Nlo 4.~Apr 71, Abstract No 4C,187) Translation: An analysis of the results -of studying the dependence of the tightness and mechanical Droperties, of the alloys on the gas saturation of the melt, the mold moisture,and the thickness of the casting cross section is presented. A test procedure is given. PROMSING DATE-30OCT70 V2 016 UNCLASSIFIED TITLt--CUMPUSlTIoN FOR HERNETIZATION -U- AUTHOR-t05)-ERLIKHr I.M.p GITINA I.G.9 PETROVv G.N., RAPPOPORT* L.YA.2 C RY OF INFD~--USSR 'URCE"-USSR 265*344 S G REFERENCE-OURYTIYA, IZUBRET-s PROM. O8RAZTSYvTQVARNYE ZNAKI 1970f DATE PUBLISHEC--09MAiI70 SUBJECT AREAS--CHEMISTRY, MATERIALS TOPIC TAGS-HERMETIC-SEAL, POLYGLYCOL, PLASTICIZER, ORGANIC ISOCYANATE, PATENT CGNTRCL MARKING--NO RESTRICTIONS DOCUMENT CLASS--UNCLASSIFIED PROXY REEL/FRAME-3002/1459 STEP'.110--UP./0482/70/000/000/0000/0-000 CIRC ACCESSION NO--AA0I2e858 UNCLASSIFIED. m 2/2 016 UNCLASSIFIED AOCESSING DATE--30OCT70 CiRC ACCESSION NO-AA0128858 AS-STRACT/EXTRACT-W) GP-0- A3STRACT. THE TITLE COMPN., i,'ITH ENHANCED MECH-STABILITYt ELASTICITY, AND ADHESION, 1S BASED ON UNSATD. POLYGLYCOLS OF REGULAR STRUCTURE AND,COINTAINS A PLASTICIZER, P6LYISCCYANArESy AND AN ACTIVATING SYSTEM. FACILITY: KALININ, Ml. PULYTECHNIC INSTITUTE, LENINGRAD. UNCLASSIFIED USSR UDC 576.851.71.095.38.-576.895.42(575-3) PcHELKINA, A. A. and VKA~S' Institute of Epidemiology and Micro- biology imeni N. F. Camaleya, Academy of Medical Sciences SSSR, and Institute of Medical Parasitology and Tropical Medicine imeni Ye. 1. Martsinovskiy, Ministry of Health USSR "Isolation of the Agent of Fever from the Tick Alectorobius tartakovskyi in Tadzhjikistan" Moscow, Medisinskaya Parazitologiya i Parazitarnyve Bolevni, No 5, 1971, pp 620-621 Abstract: In 1967-1969, three strains of Rickettsia burnetii vere isolated from Alectorobius tartakovskyi ticks for the first time in Tadzhjikistan. Study of the biological and antigenic properties of the strains showed them to be alike and similar to R. burnetii isolated from man and wIld aninials, in Tuemenistan. The incubation period of the~strains In gulnea piga was 10 to 12 days, while the febrile period lasted 7 or 8 days. Regardlei;s of the mode of inoculation, the an-Inals developed,the generalized form of the infection. Autopsies performed during the febrile period revealed the pathological- anatomical picture characteristic of Q fever. Smears and iTuDressions from the membranes of the ovaries, liver, and spleen contained Mslsses.of Ricket- tsia. Intraperitoneal infection of white mice resulted in mn acute fatal rickettsiosis of the peritoneal type. 1/1 27 USSR UDC 595.421-155-78 institute of 14edical'Pararitology and Tropical Medicine Imeni Ye. I. Martsinovskiy, 11inistry of:Health USSR,. Moscow ."Hosts of the Tick Alectorobius.tartakovskyi 01. (Ixoidea, Argasidae). 3. Factors That Affect the Role of Inidividual Animal Species as Tick Hosts" Moscow, Meditsinskaya Parazitologiya i Parazitarnyye Bolezni, No 5, 1971, pp 577-581 Abstract: The tick Alectorobius tartakovskyi is the most widespread vector of tickborne spirochatosis in Central Asia. A study of a natural focus of h Tadzlijikistan showed that the role of various animal this disease in Sotit species in sustaining A. tartakovskyi populations can bo atisessed from five factors: (a) food value of an animal for the tick; (b) attractiveness of an animal for the tick (warm-blooded are preferred); (c) possibility of the tick's attaching itself to ar. animal (the thicker the skin, the fewer ticks attacIt themselves to it); (d) the degre e of contact of an :tn:Lmal witb the- (the likelihood of the tick and ari!mal meeting when their ranges coin- cide); (c) abundance of an animal. Analysis of tbeser factors mal-,es it possible to determine which of the many hosts of A. tartakovskyi are acci- dental and which are potentirl. Among the accidental hosts are the legless 1/2 USSR VASIL'YEVA, 1. S., Meditsinskaya Parazitologiya i Parazitarnyye Bolezni, No 5, 1971, pp 577-581 lizard, roller, common sparrow, Turkestan agama (species of lizard), and bee-eater. Potential host.4 in the region studied include the red-tailed gerbil, house mouse, hedgehog, turtle, gekko, steppe agama, and toad. The proposed method is considered superior to the precipitation test as a means of detecting ti& hosts. 2/2 17 _70 MIT L USSR UDC 911.3.616.9.576.895.42(42+57) BABENZKO, L. V., NAM-MV, R. L., USPENSKIY, I. V., MERMOV V. 4. RLYBINA, M. A., VASIL'YEVA, 1. S., IOFFE, I. D., OBLESOVA, L. N., and RjVb71OVA, I. V. "A Biological Study of Ixodes Ticks Disease Vectors and a Scientific Study of Countermeasures inNatural. Foci" V sb. Materialy Nauchn. konferentsii, posvyashch. 50-letiyu In-ta med. para- zitol. i tropich. med., 1970 (Proceedings on the Conference Connetnorating the 50th Anniversary of the Institute of Medical Parasitology and Tropical Hedicine 1970 - collection of vorks), Moscow, 1970, pp 52-53 (from RZh- 36. Meditsinskaya. Geografiya, No 1, Jan 71,- Abstract No. 1.36.67) Translation: This study has four objectives: a) study of the ecology and population biology of the prevalent Ixodes and Dermacentor tick species; b) complex study of bio'Logical 1w.4s in natural foci of tickborne encephalitis and In one ~~ cus o- ~ ~! ~ qi t-- Ic f --- 'aborne rirlrettsiosis (in K.--asnoyarskiy Kray); c) study ind practice of countermeasures against tickborne encephalitis for developmr-,tas in the lilill rayous, residents of large, net-ily-coristructed housinp of Krasnoyarslkiy Kray; anti d) study of the effect of p,~!sticides on ticks (I. persulcatus, for L-xampli!). A proposal is advanced for researcil oil tile 1 / 2 USSR BABFIMO, L. V., et al, V sb. 111faterialy Nauchn. konferentsil, posvyashch,. 50-letiyu In-ta med. parazitol. i tropich,.med., 1970 (Proceedings on the Conference Commiemorating the 50th. Anniversary of the Institute of Medical C, Parasitology and Tropical Medicine 1970, -- collection: of works), Moscot", 1970, pp 52-53 (from RZh-36. Meditsinskaya Geograftya, No 1, Jan 71, Ab- stract.No 1.36.67) diaracteris tics of the populafton, biology, morpliology, and physiology of ticks within various geographic conditions. --------- -- -------- ........ ......... I .1/2 020 UNCLASS I FfEb JiROCESSING DATE--18SEP70 JITLE--ON FOOD PROVIDERS FOR ALECT-OROBIUS TARTAKOVSKYI OL. TICK UIX00010EAP ARGASIDAE). EXPERIAENTAL :DATA, -U- 'AUTHOR--V COUNTRY OF -INFO--USSR PARAZITOLOGIYA I PARAZITARNYYE SOLEZNI, 19701 VOL ~NW 1t. PP 34-39- ~,__DATE -PUBLISHED - ----- 70 .~_SQBJECTARFAS -BIOLOGICAL ANOMEDICAL SCIENCES. JOPIC TAGS- TICKt BIOLOGIC REPRODUCTION'. .~_~-:CQUTROL MARKING--NO RESTRICTIONS DOCUMEN T CLASS--UNCLASSIFIED ~-PROXY R.EEL/FRAME--1987/0088 STEP NO--UR/0358/70/039/001/0034/0039 .~CIRC ACCESSfnN NO--AP0103768 UNCLASSIFIED 212 020 UNCLASSIFIED PROCESSING OATE--18SEP?O CIRC ACCESSION NO--AP0103768 ABSTRACT/EXTRACT--IU) GP-0- ABSTRACT, :EXPERIMENTAL COMPARISON OF DIFFERENT -SPECIES OF WARM BLOOOE-D AND COLD BLOODED ANIMALS AS HOSTS FOR 'ALECTOROBLUS,TARTAKOVSKYI TICK REVEALED FULL VALUE OF FEEDING ON COLD BLOODED ANIMALS. IN FEEDING ON WARM BLOODED AND COLD BLOODED ANIMALS NO DIFFERENCES WEPE OBSERVED IN THE TIME:OF ATTACHMENT OF TICKS, TIME AND DEGREES OF THEIR ENGORGEMENT, TIME-OPEGG LAYING AND NUMBER OF EGGS LAYED. THE ONLY DIFFERENCE BETWEEN WARM BLOODED AND COLD BLOODED ANIMALS WAS FOUND IN THE RATIO OF TICKS PUT ON ANIMALS AND ENGORGED TICKS. HOWEVERr ON COLD BLOODED ANIMALS WITH THIN SOFT SKIN (GECKO) THE PER CENT OF ENGORGED TICKS DID NOT DIFFER FROM THAT ON WARM BLOODED. WARM BLOODED ANIMALS ARE MORE ATTRACTIVE FOR AL. TARTAKOVSKY1 THAN COLD SLOODEDi HOWEVERt THE LATTER APPEAR T.a. PLAY A CON.S,IUERA.BLE ROLE IN -SS1131LITY AND FULL VALUE AS FOOD FEEDING THE TICKS OWING TO THEIR ACCE :PROVIDERS. WITH LOW POPULATION DENSITY OF THE WARM-BLOODEDt COLD BLOODED, IN PARTICULAR, TORTOISE1 MAY~BE THE MA14 HOST OF THE TICKS. -7i q~ USSR UDC 911.3.616.831-002.576.895.42(474.2) VASIL' and CHERNYSHEVA, M. G. ."Some Results of a S tudy on the Southeast Natural Focus of Tickborne Encephalitis in Estonian SSW' Besti Pol.lumaj, Akad. tead. tBUde kogur-ik, Sb. nauchn. tr. Est. s.-kh. akad. (Collection of Scientific.Worksj Estonian Agricultural-Academy), 1970, No 70, pp 122-124 (from R7,h-36. Meditsinskaya geograftya, No 1, Jan 71, Abstract No 1.36.88 by V. Maslovskaya) Translation: In Elie 3.950-1969 period, tho Incidence of tickborne encepha- litis wa-a insignificant -- from one to ten cases a year. Tlula incidence, however, was always in the southeast ralions, and in the Inst years was registered only in Tartvskiy rayon. Five species of Ixodes ticks were found, w-irh Ixodes persulcarus the chief vector. During the 1968-1969 investigation of blood serum in five rayons of SE Estanian SSR, the hemagglutInation inhibition test, showed ar-tibemagglutins in titres from 1:10 to 1:40 in 33.3+5% of cases. The'population of Kokhtla-Yrva had a great number of positive reactions -- 61.5+14% of all tests. This indicates the possible spread of tickborne encephalitis virus in Estonia. USSR UDC ~669.3'5' -.621.78 GOREV, K. V., TOFPENETS, R.,L., and,V 'YEVA, L. A., Physico ALE Technical Institute, Academy.of.Sciences HZT5?VTs�nn SSR "Study of Recrystallization Annealing of 3.2% Titanium Alloy of Copper" Minsk, Izvestiya Akademii Nauk BSSRO Seriya Fiziko-Tekhnicheskikh Nauk, No 4, 1971, pp 33-37. Abstract: A study was made of transformations occurring in Cu + 3.2% Ti alloy during annealing-at 350, 450, and 60.6oc. By varying the specific electrical resistance and the width of the interference lines, the nature of the processes occurring during annealing of aged and deformed alloy. was determined (the aging times were I and 5 hours at 4000C with a degree of deformatio" of 0, 20, 30, and 501/10, and the annealing, prior defam, a tion of the aged alloy by 20 and 307o retards decomposition of the solid solution, and deformatiori by 5010 intensifiea :if--. it wa~i -that the variation of the indicated charaGteriiitica takes PlilCe mainly as a result of completion of aging of the alloy and riot 1/2 71 USSR GOREV, K. V., et al., Izvestiya~Akademii Nault BSSR, Seriya Eiziko-Tekhnicheskikh Nauk,: No 4,.1971,.pp 33-37 pOijj4 as a result of the deformation recovery process. It was 9--ed out that simultaneously with thelvariation of the rpecific elec- tricaL resistance, the width of the.interference lines of the alloy matrix characterizing both:~the level of. microstressev in the matrix and the degree of inhomogeneity of it with respect to content of alloying element varies. The curves for variation of the line width as a function of annealing time are analogous to the curves for variation of the specific electrical resistance. The variation of the line with is~ greater the the annealing temperature-of the alloy.. The nature ;of the curves 0 for an annealing temperature of.600 C indicates the, beginning of the recrystallization process.' 2/2 i:~A X- 14 LLOYING WE G&LLIU4 ARSENIDE IAYERS WITH TIN IN TUC CA% TvtVNSrOr1- HF711;. 4 Sidorovs L. F. Var. ya~a Article by Yu. C. Ill. ,,N- ltbirsk: V-1v-49tl fl! --v-r"t"Canim Roots 'I sln-i-cza* 01"1 ",:7 %, MIX SI=p4xIu" po jolk. rt" t., I I Auasi4n, 12-17 June 1972. p 1431 W11:nt:!jqytng xalli-50#111de layern W10 tin. the el.ctr.a tion was b , Otd from 1014co- to Tto r-vult~ are coevArvd with the equilibrium 104*1 of alloylps calculated-fro% thermodynamic data. A study- was vada, or the possibillty of using tin to Stvw multilayered atructures. /0 pc~ VII-4A. ?0'"ISLX WMCE OF UNCONT'ROLLED ALWTIHC OF PITAXIAL WERS OF GALLIUM AXSE241DE IN THE GAS TAAMSPORT KETHOU fArticla Sy To. r, SidorcT. 5 Vvor4tx1L%y- 5sail Teva Novosibirsk Vtovosibirsk.-Ill Slmpozluz pa rr Rv"ta n CVA41,11.ovy~h 9 up ~Uk!Mk, Russian. 12-17 J,sne, 1972, p Sir -im x jQRx. This paper was devoted to dmteraining causes as a result of which rvrt- 7~ caprolucthiltty of the provtttias of tha Sallim% aketnide lay. -To and th* !Lrowth -d1z;,4" of tlib go#'trsiwport mithod tak"Plac*- i I =- study wam~madt~of. ths, affact of 41ft*r*nt paramaterm (the depoettlon teopersture th* Sma.pfutss coorpostUos) on ths elmctTaphysical prop6ttles of tim layers. The postibUlty of allaying the apitaxtal layers of gallium arvenido with oxyges JA discummad. 7:" so.. 7f--Rs UDC 621.396.620:523.164 DETIERMTHhTION OF THT. POLNIRIZATION CHAPACTEMISTICS 01' TIM LAW;E RADIOTBLESCOPF Y~.,6 N S. 1~al.hvaj2y~ !.r__vasu1V(,.Va._ [Article by N.A. Solloleva, and Len-IMIF-M -Dranch of T_heSp(7c_! =astrop5~ys ~Lai M_r~eFv_atorv af the USSIt Aczjemy of Sci~Tncca: moscow Izventivi h -4. 5 3. submitted 9- -T6- 9 - 6 15 Invest Igo tionrt of rvdio-frequency radiation sources try to detorTAIne the distribution of the radlownve lntenni,~y in all Stokes, pnrometera 1, Q, 1), and V. Howe~lr, both.1he medium in WhIch th0 radio-frequency radiation In vrvpa;!a1ed and the an- 'Ienna and receiver tiffect tile' true p2rnileters of the aource I.. Q01. Ow rind Vo. Therefore, the Stokes'.. parameters nt the isceiver oquipme nt. ou tput-differ from tne-sources' tr ft V me- ters blid are lin%ed with the following.relationnhipLi I Here 8-1 U_ it; the vector parameter of Stoken' output radiation. S.. Is the Stokes, vector parame ter air the Input or U, radiation beinp studied. Und M10 M, and M2 are the matrix operators* with matrix M, des,cribinr tht, effect or the recelvrr-omplifyinr equipment und the input c1rcuit on the radiation beinr studird, NJ the effect of the anti-nnn nystemp and N 2 the effect of the medium between the atiurer and the observer. 1/2 oll~~ P~,q E.SSING DATF-13~NOV70 ,TITLE--S:';Lf0 'CHASE l'-",:~ACTj0.NS IN ticUmIUM. OXIDE FE,1_11:,~~IC OXIDE AiND P~~ASEL .11 U14 OXIDE F.!:.Rf'lC C X 10, ;:- SYSTEMS -U- VAl~_.IL.Y-_:V.A'p L.Imp rjK0M()PlJ'-KHDVA, A.i. '~CCUNTPY OF lNFG---USSR SOURCE--- LH. NE-014G. KHI~l. 1'7701 15(5)p 1394-7 :~DATE PU3L ISHED ------- 70 S UBJ E C, TAR E A S--C H E.M I S TRY J'l.T0PI C, TAGS--SOLID STATEP CHEM I CAL RE A C T 141 NFERRIC 1.3' Xj D E vMETAL 0XIDEt HUL',111UP-1 GUMPOL)INut PRASM)YMIUM COMPOUND- CVlTq0L MARK I NG--N' RESTRICTIONS '00CUMENT CLASS-W~4%-ILASSIFIED ~-PROXY REEL/FRAME--3006/1403 StE p N L);--- Uk 00 78/ 7 0 /015 /00 5139 413 9 7 I R C, ACCESS MM P40- -A P 0 13 5 0 7 7 LASS I F [EID 2/2 U NIC LA I F f E 0 PROCESSING DATE-13MOV70 013 7. CIRC ACC ESS IGN NO-AP0135077 - ,:ABSTRACT/EXTRACT--(U) GP-G- A&STRACT. PRFEO SUB3 A.NO i-116FE0 SUB3 ( I HAVING PEIROVSKITE STRUCTURE, FORP+ I-N THE TITLE SYSTE.,'~!S AT 1:1 Mol-E RATIO OF, T'HEIR COMPUNENTS A4ND AT 800-1200DEgREES. , THE H,:,' S02 0 SU33 SYSTEM FOR4S, GAWNET, HJ S0133 FE SU35~0 SUB12 M) AT TW: '3:5 COMPL -'NT RATIO. j r - Mc ~FORIMATION OF I PRECEDES THZ- FORM %CILITY: 1AT[UN OF fl. Fi GOS. Ul'41V I ~M .L E N I N AMl N S,~: ,U.S.S P. . f4'~c I-A -I W~;!Nq' -T, 7-~- ip 'Mi-O" "MU-NE-6111 1, 'Hi -142 .035 UNCLASSIF[80 ITI.E--;-EFFECT OF 140LAR RATIOS . OF'COMPONENTS ON OF ANVI'ROW OXIDES -U- .AUTHOR~-(02) KNIGAt M.V., VASILYEVA:t L.I~ .COUNTRY OF INFO--USSR --SOURCE--VESTSI AKAD. NAVUK BELARUS,;. SSRI~SER. ATE PUBLISHED ------- 70 .~SUBJECT AREAS--CHEMISTRY 01kOCESSiNG DATE--18SEP70 THEKINETICS OF THE KHIM.:NAVUK 1970, (1), 50-3 TOPIC-,TAGS--Cf4EMICAL REACTION KINETICS, PIRASEODWAIUM COMPOUNDt IRON OXIDE$ -CTR HEAT-OFFORMATION, IR SPE UM, X, RAY :ANALYSI'S, SPECTROSCOPIC ANALYSIS .,"CONTROL MARKING--NO RESTRICTIONS .DOCUMENT CLA.SS--UNCLASSIFIED ,;.,PROXY REEL/FRAME--1988/0554 STEP NO--Ull/0419/70/000/001/0050/0053 ~__CIRC ACCESSION NO--AP0105539 U~NlrL~,,SS IFIED 21-2 035 UNCLASSIFIED PROCESSING DATE--18SEP70 ~-CIRC ACCESSION NO--AP0105539- '.-ABSTR"ACT/EX -TRACT--(U) GP-0- ABSTRACT. UPON HEATING TO 800-1300DEGREESt MIXTS. OF PR SUB2 0 SUB3 AND FE SUB2!O~SUB3:1N Ri'%TIOS OF I:lv 1:3v 3:lv AND 3:5 GAVE PRFEO SUB3. THE*REACTION WAS ANALYZED By X RAY AND IR SPECTROSCOPY AND PHASE STUDIES. REGARDLESS OF THE STOICHICMETRYP PRFEU SUB3 WAS ALWAYS OBTAINED. FORALL OF THEREACTIom RATIOS, THE HEAT OF :z' FORMATIONWAS 44-7 KCAL-MOLE. HOWEVERVTHE RATIOS AF.FECTED THE ~.,~--:D.IFFERENT REACTIONS RATES INCREASING~.IN THE fOLLWING. ORDER: 3:1, 1:1, 3 V, PR SUB2 0 SUB3:FE SUa2, 0 SUEV3*.,- 031:IISSVIDNn SOE61]OdV--DN NOISS3:):)V :mn~, -t,6ZO/06ZO/ZOCIZTO/OL/89~0/*en--0(4 d~IS 9IEOIL661--9wvb4/139b AXO'dd:., 031-JISSVI:)Nf)--SSVI3 IN3wfl:)00~ SNOIIIINISgb ON--ONI)IbVW IONINCKY"I i s N i (n) ~o,t iWoic,)HdM11)3d5 NVO (N/3141011dAd 'gN3nioi 'ONMdWa:) 3141~101HO 'ONnOdWG:) Noldc'19 41COMIN '301X0 N-30OUIN 'b9j3;qOjOHdG'dID3dS 'AdOOSO'8103dS 3cjoiosi ,wnijl:)gdS NOII&IOSUV ~81--SOVI :)1d01:,.,;. ANISIWgHO 'SOISAHd--SV3dV 133rens. 0j -------- o3i4si iond 31VG-.--. (Z), ZI 'OLbT ')ISO'dIN3dS #.I'Allid 4H7--9l-d().DSI:l ~issn--OJNI =10 k'dlNno,):'.: I VX T' H inv A'I 'VAONN30IW9,0 "W-1 iISVA-(ZO)-bo -n- V~8109dS NOIld~10SBV 03EV*Sdhjl ONIsn SONnOdWO3 3WOS AD NOMSOdW03 31 dOIDS1 3HI JO SISAIVNV--31111 ONISS300VA 0 3 IJ I S S V:I, ONn sio 2/1 2/2 035 UNCLASSIFIED PROCESSING DATE--23OCT70 ICIRC ACCESSION NO-AP0119305 .,ABSTRACT/EXTRACT--(U) GP-0- ABSTRACT. INFRARED SPECTROSCOPY WAS USeO TO OET, IMPURITIES IN COMPOS, CONTG* Dy' PIRIMIE10 By PRIME15 NY AINO PRIMEIS 0- SPECTRA WERE RECORDED WITH IKS-12-r fKS-14, A40 IK$-22 SPECTROPHOTOMETERS. FOUR DIFFERENT hETHODS WERE' USED. THE IST, BASED ON THE COMPENSATION SPECTRUM OF THE INVESTIGATED AGAINsr A KEF. COMPD, WITH NATURAL CONTENT OF ISOTOPESv WAS USED TO DET. PRfME15 P! SUB2 0 ANO PRIME14 N -',-U32 0 IN PRIME15 NY MEGH IN %IEGD,v ANJ PRI,4Ejl GCL S()B3 IN PRIMEIG BCL SUB3. THE 2ND METHOD BASED (IN PR-::fl.%*. OF CALIBRATION CURVES IN THE C30POINATES OF ABSORBANCE VS. CoNcli., FOR STO. SMAPLES OF INVESTIGATED COMPOS. AND PURE REF. COMPOS. OR SAMPLES IWITH KNOWN AMT. OF IMPURITY ADDED WAS USED TO DET. RHOt NITROTOLUENE AND OlAIcRONf -NITROTOLUENE, D IN RHO, NITROTOLUE-NE,0 SUBI XNID PYR101,111c, PYRIDINE, 2, Of AND-PYRIDINEv 3Y 0 IN PYRIDINE# 4y 0. JHE THIRD METHODt BASED ON ADDN. OF INTERNAL STD.s WAS APPLIE0:T0 DETIN. OF SERINE IN SERINE,,O :SUBI. THE LAST METHOD DEALT WITH CO.,14POS. OBTAINED BY ION EXCHANGE METHODS AND WAS USED FOR DETN. OF H IN NO SUB3 AND H IN C SUB6 D SUB6. THE OETAILED DATA CONCERNING CONCNS., CUVETTES, SOLNS., SPECTRUM RANGE, ETC. ARE GIVEN lN A TABLE. UNCI.ASSIFIED 1/2 020 UNCLASS IFIED PROCESSING DATE--30OCT70 TITLE--ANTITUMOR ACTIVITY OF NEW PREPARATIONS OF THE CHLURETHYLAMINE GROUP NOT INFLUENCING HAEMOPOESIS -U- AUTHfJR-(051-V.ASILYEVAI, -~&,,t DYACHXCVSKAYA, R.F., SCHUPPE, N.O.. N.1 PARKHOMENK CCUNTRY OF INFO-USSR -_.SGURCE--IZVESITYA AKADEMII NAUK SSSRv SERIYA BIOLOGICHESKAYAt 1970t NR 3t -: PP -459-463 ~DATE PUBLISHED----70 AREAS-BIOLOGICAL AND MEDICAL SCIENCES o-TOPIC TAGS-ANTITUMCR DRUG EFFECTs hEMATOPOIESIS, AMINE CCNTROL MARKING-NG RESTRICTIONS OCCUMENT CLASS--UNCLASSIFIED PkOXV REEL/FRAME--3001/1608. STEP NO--UR/0216170/000/003/045910463 CIRC_ A-CCL-SSICt. Nt'--AP0127099 Z/2 020 UNCLASSIFIED PROCESSING DATE--30OCT70 CIRC ACCESSICN NO--APOL27099 ABSTRACTIEXTRACT--(U) GP-0- ABSTRACT* ANTITUMOR ACTION OF CHLORALHYDkATES NoNtDI(2*CHLORETHYL~)PINOCAPIFI.1-AMINE (1), N,N,,OI(LICHLO14ETHYLIPINILAMINE(II) AND 3,5jOIvTRETBUTYLv4sOXIN, NI'tDl tBETA,DHLGKEThYL BENZILAMINE) (111) WAS STUDIED BOTH IN EXPERIMENTS ON ANIMALS AND IN TISSUE CULTURE, IT WAS FOUND THAT THE COMPOUND 11 UISPLAYEG MAXIMAL ACTIVITY. -THE.INFLUENCE OF 'rHE CUMPOUND 11 ON THE PROCESS CF PROTEIN 131OSYNTHESIS IN TU14OR CELLS WAS REGISTERED. IT WAS FOUND THAT THE SUBSTANCES STUDIE0 00 NOT INFLUENCE NORMAL HAEMOPOESIS. FACILITY: INSTITUTE OF CHEMCtAL PHYSICSp,ACADEMY OF SCIENCES, USSR* USSR uDc: 6~1-3T2.824 AVERBIK, M. E.,--VAS~~! "A Coaxial Line of Elliptical. Cross Section With Twe-Layer Filling" V sb. pr. elektron. tekhniki (Problems of Electronic Technology-collec- tion of vorks), Saratov, 1971, pp 98-io4 (from RM-Ra'diotekhnika, No 6, Jun 71, Abstract No.68152) Translation: The dispersion equation of a t-wro-layer~line is found by means of difference functions in the general case of a laminar isotropic coaxia-I line of elliptical crcss section. Fivelllustrations, bibliography of nine titles. Resume'. 14 014 UNCLASSI FI ED', PROCESSING DATE--OZOCT70 j.ITLE--A STARSHAPED SOIL MICROORGANISM -U- .. .4UTHOR--VASILYLr_V.-;,, L.V. ..COUNTRY OF INFO--USSR ~SOU RC E--I-ZVESTIYA AKADF-Mll NAUK SSSk, SERIYA BIULOGICHESKAYA, 1970, Np, 2, p p308-309 "DATE _PUBL I SHED-----7 0 'SUBJECT-AREAS-BICLOGICAL AND MEDICAL SCIENCES ,JOPLC TAGS--SOIL MICROBIO CULTURE# MORPHOLOGY LOGYY AEROBIC, CONTROL MARKING--N0 RESTRICTIONS CLASS--UNCLASSIFIED .2_11RUXY REEL/FRAME--1990/1416 STEP NO--LJP.10216/7r)/000/002/0308/0309 CIRC ACCESSION NO--AP0109478 ; ~Ijl.: . Mi. . . 'I 1 11 ; I I !I I 1~111 : 1 71ZI: ~ - i 11 1 A ~ i 1 -11 . ., "': ~~ 11 : ~ , USSR L.V. V' T" ~a 'onnqzted Spn:la" "To A Theory Of "irculator Lead Oj L. 0 f~Ma ---nerr A. A V ab. lopr. elektrccn. (Froblle!zs CP :"Iectronic TechnaloZy----,QllOct.,Or. Of ;~orke)-, sar-tov, llc-7C,..- -127-1-;~l (from R'-h--Sle'.-trcnV,-.a 5- i~a;,,e -%r~'-eneniye, '.a ne .1970, Abr:tr,3c' ~io 4A I:F C' Ju tric Eloii Irsnq1tit-lon. The ~,,apper derives t',-.e disperrlan aq-4utianu of OxILIlly ey=e waves in-connected coaxial spirlals adjacent frm. the outelio :And 'na-da to lar- tudinally magnetized ferrite media.i in,,th aboonce of loeaev. -v6luu*'nz computat- inC for the disperalon ara conduaLel. Summ~ ry; ~PROGESSIING DATE--- 3fOWO 12 006 UNCCASSIFfED: TITLE -TEMPERATURE CG;\401T IONS~ oF KINER4LIZ4TION 1% ICELAN-D SPAR DEPOSITS AUTHOR-v4S!LYEVA, M. S 'TRY 6 FINFO--USSR C OU\ 13 1 Z I ,49-54 SOURCE--IZV. VYSSH. VCIIE~k. ZAIVED. 1. GEOL;O' RAIVED. -1970v DATE PUBL ISHIED ------- 70 SUBJECT AREAS--lEARTH SCIENCCS ANO uICEANCIGRAPHY I NERAL Di: POS I TC ALC I UM CARBONAT E Trip] CT A G S CONTROL 14ARKING--NO RESTRICTICNS 00CUPIFNT CLASS--UNCLASSIFIEO PROXY REEL/r-!~AME--2000/0534 STEP CIRC ACCESS10-4 NC-AP01242-29 Z/Z "106 UNCLASSIFIED PROCESS[~--IG DATE CJRC. ACCESSION N01--AP0124229 .-ABSTRACT/EXTRACT-M C-P-0- ABSTRACT. CUNTG . 2 L. A R G EDEPOSITS -3 FI C E L A;'110 E GLOBUL4R, MASSIVE 6EGS OF. BASALI-FC ~,LVAS ARp- SPAR, THE LENS SHAPED, IOENTIFIED LOCALLY AS THE YOUNGEST (I.NIDY1,111) SERIES OF THE LGW~R TRIASSIC. THEIR STRUCTURE INOICATES JHAT TFICIR W-11.1GINAL L~jCATI&N "WAS ON THE BOTTOM OF A SEA BASM. THG LAVAS;FAVE 6EEN COOLING' SLOWLY.UNG-:i~ A 'KATERPROOF CRUST 141TI-I FORNATIONt 011 SHRINKAGE GF~7HE IINDIVIOUAL GLOBULAR PILLO'c-ISI OF ?`IA~"4v CAVITLES ANO PAS~AG~S. THE POS'~RAC-o-'ATIC HYDR61THERMAL SOLNS. IN THEM qEAc-TE0 W13"H CHEM. CO.M.POS. OF THIE LAVA, THE CYCLE COINSISTED NIAILY OF 2 srAGES.* (A) SULFIDE. CH,'LCEO~JNIC ANO (3) QUARF1 ICOLITC- CALCITIC. IN THE LATTER STAG:mE, THE CRYS-~N. G& THE IGELANJ SPAR MELAilD SPAR HAS WAS 17% 2 FOR145, AND SCALENOHEDRAL. T H BEEN FORMED IN THE C~:NTER OF 4 VEIN' ZONES: SAPOP41TIC , E, 'F HYDROUS SILICATE RRTtj)t ZEOLITICI ANO CAL(-.ITI:C: (F.-ROM THE VEIN 4f%LLS '4 TH-E 3FST CRYSTD. SPECIMENS ARE FOU,*10 IN T TO THE CENTE. , Rr- JL CENTRAL PARTS OF THE LARGEST CAVITIES ANO~ I-N:THE WIDENED SECTIONS OF VEINS. THE GAS INCLUSIONS IN JHE fCELAND SPAR A.,-'.E Stit3w.14 BY THE AV RAtIO FOR C-3 SIJB2-(N SUB2 AND RARE. GASES) AS 3:1.. THE CHEM. COAPN: OF -TH~, ZONE FORMING SOLNS. AS THEY- CHANGE. FKOM VEIN: HOROERS T-J THE CENTRAL *AS DETD. BY THE PRESENCE OF T,HE 14INERALS QUAkTL (SI), APOPHYLLITE ZONE W CAi SIt F)t ANALCIME (NAt ALP S1)t:,AN0 CALCirL(CA, CL). Ai. USSR. FACILITY: MOSK. GEOLCGORALVED. INST.: I. OR0ZHONEKIDLE, MOSCOW, j N C L A S, S I F 'USSR UDC 534-lLL RADE-TSKIY, K. K., W- IModel Unit for Study of'the.Correllation CharancteriStics of Echo-Signal--" Tr. (Works of the Institut-e of Acoustics) , 1971, No 16, pp 37-43 T-2:7-On 1pzh:EleIrtronika i 7eye Drimenoniye, No 1, jan 72, Abstract No 1A644) Tr an sl at io-n: A unit for measurement of the cross-correlation furic- ticn of direct and reflected sign-als under model conditions is described. A pseudo-r.-Lndon, sii-nal of -long dur--]I;ion is used a., a probing nignai in Lhe The device for gcnorntion of the pseudo-random so(iuonce-) con:Ast.s of'r dAry U or ,lnd _,ital ,Adf t rr 1~ j., wdulo two six-irfiator. The forviod d i - subjected to fillr.,LUon -ind subaoqtxont thc pvopcr frequency rogion. The unit cornpin3* 1, L'wintex. i 4- ~ 4 -2 . e m tting chpunniel, a receiviang, charziel, and a nencurikg device. I t is sho-v.-n that the auto,.,;orrclation function of the nrobing sirnal has a dam)ed oscill~~'o-y character. A block di!u--rwr, of the -.,~ieudo- random sequencen. and th-o functions.1 circuit of the unit are givon. Ill. 4 ref. USSR UDC 669.293'294:54:165 -ZAKHAROVA, M. I., and VAS1L=;,,,,A,,,A,, Moscow State University VIStudy of the Decampositio of the Solid Solution of Tantalum in Nickel" n Moscow, Izvestiya Vysshikh Uchebnykh Zalvedeniy, Cher -naya Metallurgiya, No 1, 1971, pp 135-136 Abstract: A study was made of the decomposition of a supersatured a-solid ~solution in the alloy Ni-B% (at)1a. The study made use of X-ray diffraction analysis of single crystals, electron microscopy of tbin foils for trans- illumination, and optical microscopy of both single and polycrystals, and was perfox d after austempering at 650:and 800*C. The exparimental data indicated that at these temperatures the.decomposition of tile solid solution in the Ni-8% (at) Ta alloy takes place by direct separation;of three-dimen- sional crystallites of the equilibrium phase N13Ta. Upon separation of the N13Ta phase, the decomposition of-the solid solution follows in two phases, a process investigated here on single crystals for tile Urst.time. It was found that the crystallit2 dimensions Varf from 300 x 1600 1 to 1 x 7.5 vi increase in tempering time at 650*C from 28 toi200 hours and from 200 A to 2 u with an increase in temperin$1 time at 800% from 20 minutes to 48 hours. 17 . Iii! Addiiii, 4 ~- "MO J'a h USSR UDC 669.882.4(088.8) VASILIMAj, H. F., VEL'TISHCHEV, N. A. "Potassium Purification Procedure" USSR Aut'hor's Certificate No 283580, filed 21 Dec 68, published 18 Dec 70 (from M-Metallurgiya, No 7, Jul 1971, Abstract.No 7G221P) Translation: A procedure for removing:metal and gaseous admixtures from potassium by sorption on the surface of a metal sorbent is introduced. To increase the degree of purification:of the potassium, its vapors are passed over a metallic Zrsurface with a residual pressure of < 10-7 mm Hg at a temperature of 500-600*. It is aiso possible to use 11f and Y as the sorbents. The procedure-makes it possible to obtain K with a purity of 99.9997%. uDc 6?.c), 19o' ZHADAI?t T. A., RABAKOVI A. A., SURONOVA, T. Ir. and VASILIYEVA 11. 1,., AD COntra2 Scientific Reseaxch Institute of Forrom 1. ta'-Flurgy Jmeni-j-.t-p-,- Bardin, State Scientific Resea=h Institute of -the IIii:tric IndustTy "Investigation of the Inclination of Q001Ch201120S5 W-52) Steel to Inter- crystalline Co=osioW' Moscow, Zashchita M~atallov, 'Vol 91 No I Jan-Feb 73, k1j)42-44 Abstracts OOM201205 (ZI-52) steel, in SPite Of its carbon content, sho-im a tendency to interarystalline co=osiork (ICC) in strong nit-ric acid in zones of weleled Joints or after tar-poring at ?00-3,000, but the sUel ILtairs high resistance to ICC in ies-ts by the Ali (GC6T 6032-52) na',-~iod after zmalo- -ous processing. The tendency of- 21-52 steel to embrittler,;~-Iit and to ICC Zi&r tests in 23 n- H!-,'0 on the tempal-ature -..,,d duration of tompexing am discussed by rofereQ to diagi-ams. On the basis of exrc-rizented data, 00M201120S5 (Z1-52) steel which has Wen subjected to a 23 n. MiO rcactioP 3 at 85-100' can be recommended only in the ha-xdenad statc; for Urivrelded con- at:mctiorm or with obligatoxy hardening after' velAinG. Threa figtav-v, four biblioo-mphic references, 112 020 UNCLASSIFI ED PROCESSING DATE--30OCT70 TITLE-DETECTION OF ANYIBQDY TO GNCOGENIC VIRUSES AND CERYAIN ADENCVIRUSES IN GREEN MENKEY SERA -U- AUTHOR-(05)-D60ONOVA, N.N., OMELCHENKOr T.N*o VASILYEVAs N.N.t TSETLIN, YE. M. ALTSHIEYN, A.D. .:CCUNTRY Of INFO-USSR SCURCE-VOPRCSY VIRUSCLOG111 .19701 NR 3s 308-312~ .;DATE:PU5LISHEC,----70 AREAS--BIOLOGICAL ANU MEPICAL SCIENCES ,TGPIC TAGS-AGINOVIRUSt (40NKEYs ANTIBODY# ANTIGEN., HEMAGGLUTININ -CP'lTR0L 14ARKLNG--NO RESTRICTIONS. -:,DOCUMENT CLASS--UNCLASSIFIED r-PROXY PEELIFRAML--2000/1844 STEP N07-U.O,/04021701000/003/0308/0312 CIRC ACCESSICN NO-AP0125455 U14C LA SS I F I E D 2.2/2 020 UNCLASS I F I ED PROCESSING DATE---30OCT70 t I RC ACCESSICIN NC--AP0125455 '-ABSTRACT/EXTRACT--(U) GP-0- ABSTRACT. SERA OF HEALTHY ruREEN MONKEYS FROM -lAL lilUUSES' OF THE M-DSCOW INSTITUTES WERE TESTEO FOR Al%IrIBODY TO SOME ONCCGENIC AN5 1~iCN ONCOGENIC ADENOVIRUSES OF MONKEY5 IN INEUTRALIZATISIGN TEST, Hi TEST AND CFT. NEUTRALIZING ANTIBODY TO hIGHLY UNCOGENIC ADENO'VIRUSES SV20 AND SA'I(CI3) WAS FOUND IN 16PERICENT OF FHE MONKEYSP AND FOP, AbENOVIRUSES SA7[Cb26) AND SA7(BI05) IN 2-4PEkC&JT OF THE MONKEYS. ANTIHEMAGGLUTININS ~FOR SV231M2) AND SV32043) ADENOVIRUSES WERE FOUND IN ll-,.)-28PEPCENTp AND FOR SV15IM4)t SV37 AND SA7(BI05) ADENOVIRUSES IN l0v 15 ANG 6PE.RCENT CF MCNKEYS, RESPECTIVELY. ONE MOPIK;EY CAN POSSESS ANITT8GOIES IN T~'-J;Oy THREE? LESS~FREQUENTLY FOUR ADENOVIRUSES. COMPLEMENT i:IX'LNG ANT800Y FOR ADENU GROUP SPECIFIC AiNTIGEN WAS, FOUND 114 16PERCENT OF 'THE- MONKEYS. THESE DATA INDICATE WIDESPREAD DISTRIBUTION OF ~.-.~GNCOGENIC AND NONGNCOGENIC VIRUSES IN GREEN MONKEYS. FACILITY! GOSUDARSTVENNYY KGNTROLINYY-INSTII'UT MEWTSINSKIKH BIULGGICHESKIKH ----PkEPA4ATUV IMENI L. A. TARASEVICHAvM0SKVA* UNCLASSIFIF -T~ - ------------- 62 -Us iR TJDC. -50 VASIL' P. and.X&LYUT11.t I. "Principle of Constructing Universal Uniform Structures of Fine Magnetic Film" Moscow, Avtomatika i telemekbanika, No 4, 1972, pp 149-155 Abstract: The authors expect thatt with further technical develop- ment, it will be advantageou8,to,dbs':LM. complex -automation, remote control, and,compu+-)r device's through the-use of uniform logic controlled structures. The purpose of this article is to develop the basis for constructing these uniform structures with fine mag- netic film using the motion of domains in low coercivity channels, A distinction is made between uniform structures of the nodal and the joint types; the nodal the first type carry the full logic lova while the joints have only a coiinective function; in the second type, the basic logic functions are carried out by elements placed in the joints of the structuxe w7alle the nodes perform connective and some auxiliary logic operations. Both are discussed together i-.ith one of -the possible varitttnts for construct- ing four-di-rectional unifom,structures, The teehnique, for prepz-v- ing the magnetic film is explained, and the CoMpUted paxameters for the, system are gi-ven. in a short appendix. USSR UDC 77-021-11 hDUN, V. L., All-Union N. V. KIRILLOV, N. I-, VAjjjA Y ute of the State Scientific Research T,,~ing Instit Chemico- photographic Industry "Obtaining Concentrated Photographic Bimulsions by Means of Their 3 acessive Freezing and Melting" U Moscow, Zhurnal Nauchnoy i PrikladnoZ Potografii I Kinemato No No -Dee =-afii (O,,'PP 441443 Abstract: A method patented by the authors mak6s it possible, :by freezing an emulsion at low temperatures (minus 10-200C and lower), to remove more than of the moisturei,from the emulsion 9(r (i.e.,,to concentrate it by a factor of,10 and more), and to obtain the required concentrated emulsion with a low gelatin con- tent. This method has proved very effective in Its -use for ob- taining especially fine-grain 1'transparentll~photographic emul- sions for precision photography, holography, etc,, 2 tablest 6 bibliographic entrioa. 59 :~ 74~ - ~-~ I ~I - ! I VASIL YE VAl