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_USSR -UDC 639A6.07.669:65.011.56 SMOLYAK, V. A., XIZLYUK, V. N., Candidates of Technical Sciences, V. I V. M., YASHIN, YU. F., Engineers VASILENKO, "Gamma-Relay Level for Automatic Dosage' control" 'iya Pr6izvodstva, No 5, 1970, hanizatsiya i Avto Moscow, Mek matizats Pp 38-39 Translation: Volume dosage was applied to a rebuilt furnace of a metallurgical plant since, under the prevalent technical conditions, it was impossible to use a complax,of typical equipment and mechan- Isms for assembling and dosing the coke in mass. Based on a GR-7 radioisotope gamma relay, a system forlautomatic r ecrulation of coke volume dosage controlling a roller disc screen for sifting coke particles and a main skipo hoist (see drawing) was4eveloped. USSR SMOLYAK, V. A., et al., 11,11oscow, Mekhanizatsiya i Avtomatizatsiya Prbizvodstva, No 5, 1970 pp 38-39 1) coke bunker; 2) disc screen; 3) cok'e hopper; 4) gate; 5) skip; 6),radiation detector; 7) nozzle for adjustkng.,input~'coke mass; fi) sensor; 9) electronic relay block; 10) control block The radiation source is in a cast iron coil' ator conta-ner 7A1 outside the weight hopper 3. at its side wall. The.container pro- V i I. ms a;gamaia des safety from radiation and for radiation beam directed toward the detector 6, which uses a S122G counter in a protective tube 200 mm in diameter and with a walLthickness of. two mm in the upper part of the interior of the hopper 3. The placement of the d-ttector inside the object measured, where the radi&tion,by.30-40li, the activity of the source and thus reduces.the danger of radiation the loading mechanism. to personnel operatinZ To prevent false operation of the'gamma relay and to improve the coke dosage automatic control system a,radiometvic pAtir USSIR SMOLYAK, V. A., etal, Moscow, MekhanizatsiYa i AvtoMatizatsiya Proizvodstva, No 5, 1.970, pp 38-39 (source and detector) was placed so.that. the gamma. beam, perpendi- cular to the loneitudinal axis of the screen, is notinterrupted by,the flow until the moment the hopper,is filled with a specified amount of coke and its top is hit by~the~gamma bii~am. To adjust the system i.e., to change the specified mass -200 ka-~-- the pouring nozzle 7 is shifted within the limits of 100 V ~by 200-300 mm and pulls the top away from the cramma beam to the scree- nopposite the V~al I of t'"._ so that the latter is filled with alarge quantity of ',~4 bef i, itched oft. ore~the scree, s - ewl And , conversely, t1he sideward approach of the'top to the vertical lane passin-1, through the gamrna~beam leads to an e.,,n -liar interacetion of,the I atter by the top of the coke mass. Conseqkmntly, the control o-1- the coke mass within the techhical:range depends on,which of ~the following interrupta the gammaibeam:. -the top of theIpoured coke or the side slope ascendi 'Irsa-38 ng to the',top. In the latter case, t e t_ is higher than the level at which 4-he gamm'.,beam is per- h, op a mitted to pass. 4/5 USSR SMOLYAK, V. A., Et al., Moscow, Mekhanizatsiya i ikvtomatizatsiya Proizvodstva, No 5, 1970, pp 38-39 This control system also contains a sensor, an electronic relay block, and a control block,,as well as a low-current control for the electric-feed network of the disc screen.~ The control signal from the sensor is applied to the relay of the electron relay block operating in the positive (triggered) oosition.. Mien the hopper is filled with,the specified:amount of coke, the gamma beam intensity is weakened to one-third its former level, and contacts IRB of the switch are opened. The coil of IRB is deenergized, the closed contacts IRB~in the coil~of the linear contactor LKI open, and the motor 14 of,the disc screon is switched off. The screen is once more switched on after the gate 4 is opened (motor M2) and the coke is poured from the hopper inro the skip S. The radioisotope autorfatic coke do4age regulation systems Are based on.both coke-loading mechanisms*. The annual saving to the economy amounts to 42 thousand rubles.. 30 Jill 71 30 lktd rw I'll' 71, V cz~';,~rl,c m,61r,~:*. lit 17r:, Or 1965 rzn,~d to 11 "m ~zr,:~nt !~tr. effl-clont tl%ui :t- p..Z;t aral~a 'L;t 1c,; mi".;l voo: in dra.~I"-' V? fced nti-nz; aml o-.i 10~-i v-z ~r JWC!Plamd rz~'l I~at b~.Tx ~,In L'i %r-.3 r-piUlc wl-.h tlw uzO or I wla~ 1!1 Ili. n*.,I of tha t'l-%x or lt'rlcult*.~ral n.-C;L.Z- tion. Uhd A:A-11.t.11a sc!-mt1rir.' ;t.ttarc4 or Cybarrxitiej 1,,;2 *-.t a :%111 rar6a ef r.3,%1ao wwteh cc-,,11,ttaly ;tmtcrats th* j-rq:isltti-m -.tZ 3/6 RPW6 WL"U, V.. -S!,Vnt&%WA lW UWsNn., 6 V,-- 71, P 2 2.3luti,,.t or V'~b--ro r? t~:~Irp even r,*w risz fir U,31k"Zcs C':'a tA~% w oarlqcd 0%:t, V.0 or ".17'~Aca "r th.~ 1:0161VO11 !;C!~n'vifia r'cnp:~so~% rr 'h '.7Alll1 rtj 1-% -- %. u.,i er C.1r;zl InI U~ rp!ci--li-~-A 1':Ir,i '2r rl'*;J;;T~, p-d.'zr~t-J h-:ifor., or Tho m:m2.L.; of ua :.ale.W~.Uom vzm t-A-'4-ni Into lw,-ti, 1;)rk ci the And or hit; at, %Ila or of tllez of So Wimce. rartl of U&I Vork ItA3 b-ml Or to tti-5 llltro'W~Q'l 1~*twaon 11(6 cnl *,g';O, rcimt1fio InvaltUtpLioio wora mdo Oil 1::proviri~ t' I)IMM11% r.4iLrAc41tura1 pooductiolt on Um sonlo of nziyQns, ratum.1 uccaulta ==,S. X2_ UNCLASS[FIED PR(JeESS ING 0ATE-_27N0V70 iiLE-HcAf TRANSFER D0Rji',JG ARBONS SA TUR A TED HYUR OC !N A THE BOILING 0 F MOSIPH0.1cl VAPORI ZER -U- lUTH,3R-(03)-GELPERlNt N.1ol SOLOPEMKOV, K.N., UZUI.!,QV, A.KH. COUNTRY OF INFO--USSR S3URCE--LH. VSES. KHIM. OBSHCHEST,a 1970 IS (2 )i- 234 PUBLISHED ------- 70 SUBJECT AREAS--PHYSICS,, MATERIALS TOPIC TAGS--f4EAT TRANSFER, BOILING,, SATUAATEO HYDROCARBON, V A POR I Z A T I ON :.~-,CCNTROL 4A.RKING--lNO RESTRICTIONS, ')-CU,'-fEl*4T CLASS--UNCLASSIHED -.PROXY- RE EL/FRAME~-300 2/1582 STEP NO--JJR/00(>3/70/01,5/OQZ/0234/0234 iC I R CACCESS JON NO--APOL28972 jj~,j rr f-ED 0 3 2 U-N-tl LAS -S fF I ED PROCESSING DATE-27NOV70 CIRC ACCESSM"i NU--AP0128972 '~STRACTIIEXTRACT--(U) GP-0- ABSTRACT, FROM AN F:XPTL. STUDY OF HEAT TkAINSFER IN A THE9MOSYPHON V4PORIZER 'WITH 50v 701 AND qOPERCEINT DYNAMIC LIG. LEVEL IN THE VERTICAL PIPE OVER A RANGE OF ~'*,THERMAL LOADiNGS IN THE SINGLE TUBE CLOSED CIRCUIT CU PIPE CAPABLE OF VARIOUS AEGIMES OF CIRCULATORY MOTION, IT WAS SHOWN THAT THE HEAT TfZANSFER RATE WAS INDEPENDENT OP THE CIRCULATION RATE OR THE VAPOIR~ItONTEI%T LIN THE ITk-EAM. TH-' PELATION: ALPHA E~iUAL 13.9 PHI PRIMEO.~62, PHI IS THE COEFF. M: L-v~ERING OF THE HEAT TRANSFER RATE, MTRANSITION FROM BOILI-, U 2 0 TO BOILING HYDROCAR80N,. ALPOA IS THE'AV, HEAT TRANSFER COEFF. AND 0 IS THE S?, 'HEAT FLUX OF THE HEJl~TIi,MG,SURFA.CE* THE VALUE OF PHI IS ALSO EXPRESSED AS: PHI EQUALS~01 SUBW-M SUM PRImrio.56, WHERE M SUi3el AMD 14 SUBH ARE: MOL. WTS. OF H SU132 .0 AND THE.I.HYDROCARBON1.USED, RESP.; THE 0.56 EXPCNazNT APPEARS CHARACTERISTIC .,OF ALIPHATIC HYDROeMARBOINIS OF NORMAL STRUCTURE (E.G., HEPTANE, OCTANE, DECANE)~WHICH ARE LIQ. AT N R AL TE P. AND PqESSURES. FACILITY: MOSK. INS'T, TONKOT. KHIM. TEKHNOL. IM. LOMONOSOVAt MOSCOW, USSR. UNC L A S S, I F I E D, SR uDo 616.89;008i44-o92~09-07:610.151-5-07 ~-CIMRTTIGGVSKAYA, S. V., CBERKOVICH, G. M. and UZWP,.AN L. A. Institute of Expe-rimental- Pathologyand Therapy, Academy.of M-ed-ical 5c-le'n,c~ii USSF'J, Sukhumi, and Institute of Physiology imeni 1. P. Pavlov, Academy of Sciences USSR, Leningrad "9be Effect of Severe Emotiorml Stress on -Blood Coagulation System Indexes in -w- Monkeysil Moscow, ByiLUetenl Eksperimental'noy Biologii,i Meditsiny, Vol 75, No 3, 1973, Pp 29-32 Abstract: Fibrinogen, alpha and beta lipoprotein, free fatty acid, and choles- Urol concentration, as veU as recalcifica'tion and heparin time, prothronbin index,, thrombocyte adliesion, and fibrinolytic activity of blood were determined in 2 Croups of baboons -- six contols on normal diet and 7 monlteys that had been fed a high cholesterol diet for 3 years -- prior to and &-ring emotional stress Induced by violating the cutomary tribal hierarchy (Riminos'llivili method) and disrupting the daily feeding routine and the diurnal light-darkness cycle (aerkovich method). A significant and practically identical rise in fibro3en concentration from an initial 363+16 to IqOtV re,- -was observed in both groups during stress, even though the monkeys on a high cholesterol diet had a per- s~stently elevated free fatty acid concentration (1, 002 its 740 nequ/L) 112 'PROCESSING I ISEP70 UNCL ASS I FIEO n ILE--KEA.T TRA~iSFER DUD ING THE BOILING OF N3RMAL ALKANES 144 THE VERTjrAL. HEATING TUBE OF A EVAPORATOR,.WITH MATURAL CIRCULATION -U- AUTHOR-GELPERIN, N.I., SOLOPENKOV, K*~N#_j UZUNOV A. KH'. COUNTRY. OF INFO---USSR ~''SOURCE-KHIM. PROM. (MOSCOW) 1970v 46(l) 44-7 OATE PUBLISHED ------- 70 --'.-SUBJECT AREAS--CHEMISTRY ,~,~_TOPIC TA,GS--HEAT TRANSFER,) HEPTANEf OCTANEI DECANE, EVAPORATOR ONTROL MARKIN-1--NO RESTRICTIONS DOCUMENT CLASS-UNCLASSI FIE0 PROXY REEL/-FRAME--1989/0191 STEP NP,--OR/0064/70/04!5/1)01/0')44/,')047 Ac C E S s I ON '40--AP0106847 U14CLASSIF ,D 2 7 UNCLASSI FIED PROCESSINS ,)ATF--jjSFP7o CIRC ACCESSION NO-AP0106647 ABSTRACT/EXTRACT--(U) GP-0-~ A9..STRACT; ~ AN EMPIRICAL EQUATION1 FOQ THE HEAT TRANSFER COEFF-t iALPHA-t IN THE BOILING OF ETA,HEPTA'Jrl-, ETA,DECANE IN A VERTICAL,TUBE UNDER ATM. PRESSURE IS.PROPOSED: .ALPHA EOUALS 13.9(R PRIME.-R) PRIME, 0.47 Q PRIME0.62w, WHERF: R PRIME AND R ARE THE SO CALLED 4LKANEt RESP.t AND Q RECCHORS (FRIEND (19421) F3R H SUB2 0 AND FOR.THl, !S THE THERMAL LOAO AT THE TUBE,.WALL.- FOP.-fHE ABOVE ALKANES AT Q BETWEEN 14000 AND 35000 KCAL:-M'PRIf 4E2~HRt THE VALUES OFIALPHA (FOR A CU TUSE),RANGED FROM 2000 TO,SIMILAR TO 4000 KCAL-M~, P'RIME2 HR. UNCLASSIFIE6 USSR UDC 591 -1 AKOPYANI S. A., and U21JINAII.-A. A.. Chair of Human and Aninal. Physiolorr Yoxevan State Universi Y, Yerevan, mals "State of the Regulatory Mochanisms of Water FetabolismAn Irzadiated Ani. Upon.Hyperhydration. I. Evacuation of Ll uids from the Stomach Into the q Intestine and Diuresis" Yerevan, Biologicheskiy Zhurnal Arn-enii, Vol 24~ 11o 4, Apr 71, P-P 33-40 bstractUt Water metabolism upon hyperhydration was studied on dogs with stonach A f1stulas, isolated sections of the intestine in some cases, and a urinany bladder operated upon according to Pavlov. Hypotonic w,'--ter (Yerevaq drinRing water) or isotonic water containing 0.9% NAM was used. The effects of irradiation with x-rays in a dose of ~100 R on the.transfer and elimination of water were studied. The results indicated that the water-salt metabolism underient phasic changes in the.course of radiation sickness, In the'first days after irxndiation, the following processes were accele-ratedi evacuation of ifater from the stomch into the intestine, its resorption from the intestine, and~elinijiation by the kidneys as conpared with these pheromera for non-irradiated controle.. This was the phase of increased reactivity of the regalatory mechanismst which.had the aim of rapidly restoring the water metabolsia disturbed. by hyperhyd'ration. It was 28 USSR AKOPYANt S. A., and UZLTZ;YAN, A. A.r Biologicheskiy Zh=ml Axnenii, Vol 24, No 41, Apr 71, PP 33-40 accompanied by predomL-ance of excitation.processes, some. disinhibition of the central nervous system, and. reinforced respiration, blood circulation, and digestion. in the advanced stage of radiation sickness on the 15th day after irradiation, there was delayed,evacuation of water from the stomsch Lito the intestine, which was acconpanied by oligotaria. The kidney funation a; this stage was affected to a greater extent than.elimination fxom the stomach. Elimination-of the isotonic solution from the-.stomach was delayad to a greater extent than that of hypotonic water. .,As~radiation sickness advanced, differences in the regulation of water metabolism in relation to the type of water used (hypo-, hyper-, or isotonic) decrease and the effect, of the initial tat6 of tile stomach (rest or hunger contractions) at which water was Intra- duced into the stomach on the evacuation.of water from It d~miniahed. In the experiments conducted 1,550 m-1 water were introduced Intothe stomach. 7~ Public Health ftii!ne mid-'Sault4tion', USSR UDC 629.114.654 UZVALOK, M. A. "The' Automobile for the Disinfection Service" Moscow, Ifeditsinskaya Tekhnika, No 4, Jul/Aug 72, pp 52-53 Translation: The Central Industrial Design Office (CIDO) Mekhanizatsiya has Aesigneda special automobile for the disinfection servite, (see Figure below). Appliances and equipment of this automobile make it possible to perform various tasks under field conditions, such as disinfection of buildings, e),terminatior; of rats and mice, sanitary treatment,of public markets, c~_~sspools, and of other objects. Because of a high chassis, the automobile can run on all kinds of roads and in places with no roads at all. This is of inportanae for locations with bad roads, where the disinfection services can be ca-eried out during any season of the year. The automobile is divided into passenger and equipment sections by an airtight divider. The Dassenger section ha.4 one built-in seat for three persons -and two folding back~seatso Including tbe driver and his assistant, the automobile can carry seven persons.. The passenger section is equipped with light,-.heater, and ventilation system. 1/3 USSR uzv~ OK, M. A., Medit Sinskaya Tekhni-ka, o 49~ jul/A ug.72, PP'52-53 ~flj- ~j 2/3 AutOmObile fo r the~Disinfectjon Serviep USSR UZVALOK, X. A., Meditsinskaya Tekhnika, No 4, Jul/Aug 72, pp,52-53 Personal items of the servicing personnel and some of the equipment can be stored under the removable three-seat cushion. The equipment section, which occupies the.rear part of the automobile, con- t4ins the necessary devices and-equipment needed for wori:. Cupboards and small night tables are llocated alonS both sides of the section. Thev contain equipment and attachments, including containers with pesticides, and a rotor- driven sprayer Mh-2. The sprayer is fixed on the1olditig footboard during operation requiring the spraying of cesspools, public markets, and buildings. The disinfection solution is supplied to the spr.Tyer by a.rubber bose from a tank fixed to the auto=--bile floor, A wooden deck is built-in over the tank for storing the disinfected items or t1lose neading trea-Ment. The automobile for the disinfection service is recommended for serial produc- tion. It will be produced at the Saransk Plant for Medical Equipment. 3/3 2 Wl CL A S S I F I E 0~,PROtESS'1~4r, DATE-020CT70 fIftE-ANT18001ES AINID TRACE ELEIJENTS OF THE BLOOD AND IMMUNOSLOBULtNS IN CHRUNIC DISEASES OF THE LIVER -iU- AUTHOR.-(05)-B0NDARv Z.A., ZOLOTNUSKAY -Xv- 9.P.t UIYANOVA V. L. _.8ELOKRINITSKIYv D.Hol KIRILCHEN149, A6.4. COUNTRY OF tNFO--USSR ~4L 'N -TERAPEVTICHESKIY ARKHIV',.,-- 3 'v pp ScUACE R ~7' AREAS-BIOLOGICAL AND M.EOICAL SCIENCES :,-TOPIC TAGS-114TERNAL ORGAN DISEASE9 LIVERs BLOOD CHEMISTRYi TRACE ELEMENT# ill-ANTIBODY, GLOBULIN -'AkXING--N0 RESTRICTIj W-N %~:0OcuMLKT ~CLASS-UNCLASSIFJED kEEUFFAHE-11~86/0815 S TE P, NO-URfO5,04 i 70 1042 1003 13018 /002) 3 I RC ACCESSION NG-AP0102777 UNCLASSIFIED 212 032 U-14CLASS I P I E0 PROCESSING D?,TE--02OCT70 [~IkC ACCESSION NCJ--AP0102777 AI3STRpCT/LXTRACr--(U) GR-0- ABSTRACT. THE AUTH3qS CONDUCT IMMJIDL(3-711~'AL INVEST I GAT 1, IN 110 PATIEN 9 'JNS ITS WITH VARIOUS CHRONIC 01~EASES IF THF L IV ER C CIMPARI NG THEM - W I TH ~CL I NICAL AND HEMATOLOG I CAL 0A TA. IT WAS F30NO rHAT IN 4.7.2PERCENT OF THE-PATIENTS ANTIBODIES Tfl,. TR,%CF- ELE4ENITS ~;~:RE DETERP"INED, MOSTLY ERYTHROCYTIC~ANb THRa.tlf3OCYTLC THERE WAS FDUND A CERTAIN, CURRELATION BETWEEN POSITIVE REACTIONS TO A,,,4ri60-)IES AND CY-TOPENIA~ DEGREE OF SPLENJOIXEGALY ANO'CHANGES IN THE AMOUNT OF IMMUNOGLOBULINS. THL GREATEST IMMUNOLOGICAL CHA4GES WERE OBSERVED IN PATILNI'S WITH CIRRHOSIS OF THE LIVER. - THE SPLEEN PLAYED-A GREAT ROLE IN THE IMMUIE LONFLICT. A SPECIAL iMPORTANCE SHOULD ac ATTACHED TO T'HE HYPE IMMUNE MECHANISM IN THE COAPLIC4TED GENESIS 01' r .-RSPLENISM IN CHRONIC DISEASES OF THE LIVER, HOWEVER THE, ASSESS14ENT OF DATA SHOULD BE UUNE WITH CAUTION IN V I EWI OF ~NPNSPECIFIC POSITIVE REAC.TtONS. UNCLAS~IFIEO- veterina ~ dicine'~l ry Irle USSR uw 619;576.858.4:576.8og.32 PEFEVOrZCMCVA N. A., and UZYMOV. V. L All Union Scieutific Research .1 !A Inst' of Foot-and4loufg-fE-S-e-a-se itute "Interaction of Foot-and-446u-th Disease Virl4s vith Cells'af Tissue Cultures. Idterature P&view" Moscow, Veterinariya, No 1, Jan 73, PP 41-431 Abstract: Two mechanisms of adsorptionof the virus by tissue culture cells are effective. The first irech=ism is purely physical on reten- tion of the virus particles on the cell surface by forces, arising between the -NEE;) and SH groups of the virus protein and the acid phosT~hate groups of the cell wall. The second mechanism, vh1ch det'armirte-a Infection of the cells, in interaction between the virus receptors and specific lipoprotein or mucoprotein call receptors. Viruses penetrate:into sen6itive cit!lls by the following lnti~-:ractions: 1) disintegration of the virus par~bicle:on the cell surface followed by penetration into the cell of the freed nucleic acid; 2) resorption by the cell of an intact vi-rus. paiticle followed by degradation of the Darticle inside the cell in vacuoles formed during phagocytonis; 3) resorp- tion of an intact, virus -narticle, which undergoes partial,deky adation on the cell surface or in phagocytosis, vacuoles andthen entersthe cytoplasm, where 1/2 USSR PEI;EVOZCHMOVA, N. A., and VMMV, V. ~L'., Veterinariya, No 1, Jan 73, pp 4a.-43 final deproteinization takes place, Miked ways of peiietration of a virus into cells are also possible. Riverson (1968).assumes that the virus of foot-aud- mouth disease nenetrates into sensitive cells by ~viropexi 9 (a type of phagacy- tosis). An exact answer to the q"estion as to how thei"virus of foot-and- mouth disease penetrates Into cells and undergoes deprolteinization is not yet available in the literature After penetration of the virus into the cell and freeing of its genome, syn&sis of -the virus in the cell takes place during a latent period (eclipse stage) in which the virus cannot be det-ected by virolog- Ical or serological methods. Both the RHA and protein o-~r 1;he virus of foot-arld- mouth disease are synthesized in the cell cytoplasni. The process of synthesis culminates in freeing of the viras particles fron, the cell, a process which ray be gradual or explosive. The pgradual freeing is typical for viruses with an outer lipoprotein wembmne; because the foot-and-mouth virus does not contain lipids, explosive liberation of this.virus is more probable. 2/2 _w66- Veierinary Medicine USSR UDC 619:576.858.4 SIMONOVA, E. G., SKALINSKIY, Ye. I., &md MISHCHANIN, V, A., All.Union Scientific Research Foot-ail~-Mo~utdhi D1 i s Eel aa s"e Institute "Ontogenesis of Foot-and-Mouth Disease Virus (An Electron Microscope Study)" mosc(nt, Veterinariya, No 9, 1971, pp 28-31 Abstract: The development of foot-and-mouth disease (1,10) virw-, in the epi- dermal layer of guinea pigs' paws was studied. A suspension of type A22 virus adapted to these animals, in a dilution of. 1:10 and a dose of 0.2 ml, was in- jected into the plantar surface of the paws, and-material for study was ex- tracted 6, 12, 17, 20, 24, 48, and 72 hours rafter infection, Extracts were fixed in a 1% solution of buffered glutaraldehyde, and then fixed in a 1% solution of osmic acid buffered with veronai acetate. The samples were washed with the original buffer, acetone, and polyttierized at 60% in 24-48 hr. Slices obtaiued on an ultramicrotome were contrasLed with a satu- rated solution of uranyl acetate and lead the Reinolds method and examined under an electron microscope., Guinea pig epidermis was treated and in the same manner infected with the same virus. A strain.~iinactivared by heating was used as the control. The investigations established that formation 1/2 zd;. USSR SIHONOVA, E. G., et al., Veterinariya, No 9, 1971, pp 28-31 of the focus of infection begins on the afterinjection of virus in the -cisternae of the endoplasmic reticulum in the horny layer of epidermis. In,the course of its development,the virus destroys the membranes of the endoplasmatic reticulum, gradually extending the area. of the infection. Electron microscope study of the ultrathin,sections of the epidermis re- vealed the presence of full and empty particles of FDID yirus~20-24 hours after infection. .2/2 63 USSR UDC 619:576.858.4 FEREVOZCHIKOVA, N. A., and All Union Scientific Research Foot-and-Mouth Disease Instft,te es, of Hog Kidn' Cells" "Foot-and-Mouth Disease Virus in Subcultur ey Moscow, Veterinariya, No 9, 1971, pp 31-o33 Abstract: Investigations were conducted with an electron microscope to de- termine the formation of foot-and-mouth disease (FIV virus-like particles in cells of a hog kidney subculture as a.result:of interaction of :the virus with the cells. A clonal 1.14D virus type A, variant ~k22 "as prOpagated in a culture of trypsinized hog kidney tissue. The cell~v of the trypsinized tissue were then cultured in a test tube, and af ter the - f ormation of a monolayer, washed with a maintenance medium, and infected with 1W virus. 1hirty minutes after absorptiun of the virus, the medium was decanted, the culture washed w-.Lth a fresh quantity of medium, and incubated at 37*C. Samples ~or electron micro- scope study were taken 4, 5, and 6 hours after infection. Metabolic processes in the samples were inhibited by keeping the cultures at VC for 18 hours. The material was then fixed in a buffer solution of csmium trio-xide and poured into methacrylates by the plane-parallel method. Ultra-thin sections obtained on an ultramicrotome and contrasted twith uranyl. acetate mid lead 1/2 -,394:576.8 USSR uDa 619.616.988tk3 r.1VT All Union Scientific Research Institute of Foot-and-Mouth Disease "Structure and Properties of the Virus of Foot-and-Motith Disease (Reviev)" ~bscow, Veterinariya, No 9, Sep 70, PP 36-38 Abstract: Studies on the relationship between the structure and properties of foot-and-mouth disease virus are,reviewed.~, It is noteclithat the biological and physicochemical properties of the virus bare determined by the complete virus particle and its structuaral components. The virus.particle consists of RNA surrounded by a protein capsule that is composed of 32 capsomers. The virus is not precipitated by freon, is thermolabile, and~is unstable at a pH of less than 7- It has Infectious, antigenic, complement-fixing, and precipitating properties and also has immunogenic activity. Approximately 99-5% of the particles in a foot-and-mouth.virus population are incap4ble of infecting sus- ceptible cells because the I'M in them has'deteriorated., The protein capsule consists of particles (Capsomers) with a diameter of 7 millimicrons, whereas the diameter of the virion is virus particle, 20-28 mill1micronc. As distin- guished from the virus, particle containing M., theue particles are stable for 30 min at 560C and do not deteriorate at a p1l of lose tbam 7- They are 1/2 70 USSR UDC 517-948z513.88:518 VAARMANN, 0., Institute of Cybernetics, Estonian SSR Academy of Sciences "Some Iteration Met-hods of Finding Normal Solutions of Nonlineer Equations" Tallin, Izvestiya AN EstSSR: Fizika, Matematika, Vol 22, No 4, 1973, pp 343-349 Abstract; The author considers the problem of finding the stationary point Of-, a functional iplx) =HF'X)Q1j~ t 'where the'operator1F(x):acts from one Hilbert space Hl'into another H2. :This problem is intimately:related to that of solving the equation 0. Methods frequently used for solving:this problem involve pgeudo- inverse operators [F(x)]+.:vhic.h are-gener&lly fairly difficult to find. Therefore an effort is made in this~paper to find iteration methods wbich converge rapidly. A numerical example~is given. 1/1 212 -029 UINCLASSIFIED PROCESSING DATc--ISSEP70 ,-'CIRC ACCESSION NO- AT0102943 ABSTRACTIEXTRACT--(U) GP-O-, A6STRP.CT. THE EFFECT' WAS.DETD. OF Ii ON INTERNAL FRICTION IN ALPHA FE (,C: 0-07?~ S 0.622, 1)- O.Gl, Sl 0.02, CR 0.041 NI 0.02i'AND "IN 0.37 W T. PERCENT J AS WELL !f4r) TIR-E, INTERACTIOP4 oF H WITH DISLOCATIONS. THE FE WAS HYUR OrpENAT ED: ELEC,'m OL-y T I CAL LY AT ROOM TEMP., THEN SUBJECTED TO VARIOUS: H, E OPERATIONS7 AND V -AT TR EATMENT NTERNAL FRICTION WAS DETD. 13Y TORSIONAL. %(JSRATTONS~ SURSEQUENTLY, A, PURIFIED FE (BY LONG ANNEALING IN H AT 1100,DEGREES WITH ANNEALING IN VACUO FOR 3 ~HR AT 6500EGREES TO REMOVE MOST' OF! THE H) WAS SIAILARLY TESTED. THE HYDROGENATION OF~ FE-PROBABLY CHANGtD,,THE CONCN.: hND COMPN. OF COTTRELL CLOUDS. THIS IS CONFIRMED BY THE FACT THAT'JHE CRIT. RELATIVE DEFORMATION CHANGED AFTER THE HYOROGENATION. SEVERAL TNOICATIONS LEAD TO T14E CONCLUSION THAT H IN ALPHA FEAS.FAIRLY STRONGLY 8OUND TO -RNAL FRI-C'TION. DISL(ICATTONS'AND THEREBY HAS ~CIO`NSTUERA'BL.E' EFFECT!bN I'NTE CONSEQUENTLY*.THE DIFFUSIONAL.M01ULITY.OF H IN ALPHA;fE SUBJECTED TO PLASTIC DEFORMATION SHOULD~ 8 ERbkED. USSR UDG: 547.947.1 VA0HHADZE,,. V. Yu. , H.ALTSKOV, V. M., IL I YASOVA Kh. T. MUDMIRI, K. S., -YMIISOV, S. Yu. "Order of the Red.Bannor'of Labor" Institute of the Chemistry of Plant Materials, Uzbelit SSSR Academy of Sciences; Institute of Pharmaco- chemistry Lmeni 1. G. Kutateladze, Georgian SSR Academy of Sciences "Qualitative Characteristics of Al kaloid.s of Some Species of the Genus Vincall Tashkent, Khimiya Prirodnykh Soyedineniy., Ila 1, 1973, pp 72 76 -Abstract: A comparative study is made of'qualitative color reactions of 38 indole alkaloids with the reagents ceria ammonium sulfate and ferric chloride in thin layer analysis on silicagel G and silufol to determine the relation between chemical structure and the type of alknJoid coloring. The alkaloid color observed after 24 hours of contact:with the reagonts was the zriterion. The results of the study show the feasibility of predetermining the principal chromophore of the alkaloids (OC-mathylenindoline, indolino)lindole or hydro- aVIndole) according to color reactions with eerie anirnmium sulfate and ferric chloride. USSR UDC 541-57:546.11:547.11118 T hilmirnVA CHRKASOV, R. A., and St[kGOULLBI, R. R., LIPATDVA, I. P., Wim I'sical 0-_,emistrY Imeni Myp-b-LDRIOVA, F. rd. Institute of Org~~Ic A. Ye. Arbuzov, Acad. Sc. USSR,- and Kazan State,University Imeni V. I. Ullyanov-Lenin nHyd-rogen Bonding in Dithio Acid of tho Pentavalent Phosphorus" Moscow Izvesti~ya Alkademii Nauk SSSR Seriya Khimicheskaya, No 4, Apr 72, PP 847-851 Abstract: TP, spectra of a series of liquid phosphinic, phosphonic a-nd phos- h ture horic dithic acids arri their solutions in CC)4 were studied in tempera P rance 253-2930K. Li pure liquids and in. concentrated CC11~; solutions diners I , roup actvrl as the were found to form via the hyd-ogon bondij*. The SH.11 proton donor, the acccc~ptor being the thibne sulfur atDbi in the phosphktic acid, and the oxygen atom of the ether grotT in phosphonic and phosphoric acids. The hydrogen bonding between the SH group ard thiophosphoryl sulfur in the phosphinic acid is stronger than the SH hydrogl.n bond:Lrig with the o;Wgcn of the phosphonic and phoaphoric acid derivatives. or of the dioy-11ne IA~.diluto CC11, solutiom the iionwjolic dithiophosphon_'c: ard phovphoric --cirl exist in form of two rotational isomers; the cyvilic~ajid the phoiTihintc co,-,,i- pourds. oxist in a single form. The.-stabilization of. the inotaers. i!s duo evidently to intramolocular H-bonding. ~ ~ I , . I 'I -! , I -A"1 , -_ '- -. ~ i ~ .1 ~, ;,~;, ~" !;!; , i , . . :!I ~=J' 11!: ~. ~, IA, t - MI --- F ~,PROCESSING DATE--30OCT70 212 016 UNCLASSIX 'IED CIRC ACCESSION NO--AP0116648 A,BST9.ACT/EX-TRACT--(U) GP-0- ABSTRACT. THE DEPENDENCE OF LUMINL5CENCE AND ABSORPTION OF TITLE DYES, ON THEIR STRUCTURE VARIATION WAS INVESTIGATED. THE ABSORPTION MAX. AND LUMINESCENCE SPECTRA, THE INTENSITIES OF LUMINESCENCEP AND THE ABSORPTIVITIES.WERE MEASURED FOR ETOH SOLNS. OF PHENOXALINEt 3H,PHENOXAZINt 3YONE (1)i AND OF 12 OTHER DYES DERIVED FROM 14SUBSTITUENTS ON I GIVEN): 819VCH:CHCH: CHv;7v0ETv 7,NH SU82, 1v2jCH:CHCH:CHj7tNlmE SUB2j.1j2-rCH:CH'CH:CHp7,N'ET SUB2, 2t0Hj 2*NH SUBZt7tNPOSITIVE H SUB3v8p9,,CH*CHCH:6-H, 7tNH SU62j8t9jCH:CHCH:CHr lt7tME(NME SU62)ir lt7tME(NH SU132)v Iv7v OH(NH SU82). FROM THE RESULTSi CONCLUSIONS WERE DRAWN ON THE STRUCTURE OF PHENOXAZINE DYES. ALL THE STUDIED COMPOS. EXHIBITED INDICATOR PROPERTIES; DEPENOING ON THE PH OF THE MEDIUM THEY CHANGED NOT ONLY THEMCOLOR.SUVALSO THEIR FLUORESCENCE. UNCLASSIFIED Acc. Nr: Abstractipg Service: Ref. Code: ~1`00050459 INTERNAT., AEROSPACE AB ST,~- 74 It )j 17 r A7043865~ Certain problems of shielding thermal radiation (Nekotoryt voprosy,ekranir-avaniia te00140:90 iziuche"fial. carlia (Akademiiis Nauk Gruzinskoi SSR. Institut achl A-Ygg Fi~-iki, Tiflis. -Gegoian SSR).~1nztwnernoTJzcheD7,"j Nunmi, voll 18, Jan. 1970, 0. 21-30.'6 refs. 16 M~sian. investigation- of' 'the 'influence of shields on the slationary radiative heat transfier in Wcfos~--d system of two gray surla6es W. arbitrary shape. For general. - conditions iMierei , all su rieces participating in the heat ekchiinge have arbitrary geometrical and. optical characteristics and where all the, shielis ate subjected to different heat effects from the ambient energy sources. equationsare derived for (1) the r6sulting heat flux irv any of the closed systems formed by the shieldif 12) the flux lost by the 'hot' urface, (3) the flux absorbed by the lcold'surWe; and (4) the temoerature of any shield. Attention' is also given'16 cases where the shields are not subiected to the action of. constant orwoy sources, Where the ~hialds are acted.upon by., identicaUff I es:from constant sources, where ux~ only one.of the.shikids is subipmed to a constant source. Tables are given for situations wher a r icipating 5ud~~ e lithe pat. ps,have Identical blackness levels and specified &ometrkw characteristics. T.M. 14e REEL/FRAM -!1-17-W-,4M1V11t N-Ili vuyT,~,.%*L)-,,ti,,.i4irir\'~xrf 7111,11iNm.. No. i,)-o, pp. 4'~'_~jT j Lk TITRFCT W.001) TIMNSPUSTON'i Pt r3;-- CrWPW~X T111:11AVY OF UIXVIk DISFASE OF T11% ;,Nl) TIIE DUO D ENU 11 hy lloriul,d Phynl~A--, or the Uzb" ck SSH, or 4_i.S-. or Irl the Culnpi,IX L1141-11,y -or ==u au-n,wit ule-r- -1-ro"i (Grlun) blood occupy '11 p;."" Rmstran.3- r-ton nttmuintnn r,olo-le'stivt- ult loekirw procalil -I -inn vridi In the orgwit4m (S.4. Ry-. io)')". 11)041; A A D -,or. v ond M..S . No I I t, I n . 11152; A.A. K.Idyk."V. 195~; Yu. 11. VU14~"' Y... A. 1,11,1 tla.. (~I'J. m'd 00-n4irl zt"' -! rr-t of I lytc. aa,i or ti.. r 1:.t.~ y ~Ie P-P~ L%'~. ~1111at_11' 11-ro-Immorn). -i I I kn~reo - (A . A, 11.go-,NrL I , I 19%Ri A,A. flundanl~ `V 4.i. lotl*tvin, i9l,;?, oad th,~r,oo). blood tr.n .4, -11-11 ..0" hol-mr, to one 01, tjj(, mco,,t ,rr,~c;Live 7---iro~enottc owthod .3 .1 tr~."'_ ai ime j or intorwol. ,rg,ns. munt or many nt rUnical ubAPruntinwq nd ,.T-rt-zAI rqA~~Rrclx of r y,..rx lionicote tl,,t the th,,nipnu~L,~ ~fCe~_t of blood, by the direct transfw~ion method is m~rv ffacti~e thRn'.trmtIS- r,,,tr, if. pr-r-,) 1,1-4 (A N. t;~rx-vt,,Y 4oo~t .,1. 1966; . it,ir t roY.,IoAy,,- 1967 1 Yo. V. KI.ur, 11)66; - to;-,V. N ovikav and, otherg). Tro tli,, ririt it bLoJuj:LcnI .11,121 to the m,,%L.,jm (j.t. Spalokok,ntgkly, 1,115), and It W-A5'a 7 '0.ple~ ntimukiting and Aom,j-itatic errect (V. I.. XLur, iqf'.6). therapy Lth the use of diract hemotrnnesfustonn was the most er- fet ivp L" -ota rafll.ttan_4j~-kim- (A~A_ linrUistov WtLh Col lal~jo- ratoro), 1!466, To. B. /nlcrrhov4kt~ 11~15-~). and a trnntm-nt for tlenti ith Aoma ail-t- cvyr. una r.a. V' , A I L t o), i y -kmoye -m,~ S.1 . VyAkubenh., 191;61 A. 1966; (;.1. AI Ya. Kkiol-dtlyy. 19456)), in tho ;'V.?I,.'MLe literature we 10 foot rim imlic-tions rror uqknr tltx,"ct In tho trer,tmomont' of uLctr Since 1966 w~ luive lo~on wsing Mr~~t b1nod trnnsfunion in the Complex therapy )r GDVP. Thj,~ .,orttcln given the, renultoi a tre.tment or 106 p.itlents (10~ rml- ~r%d h femnlos). Iunronr c~hem, 7 ppr5cil-N were h"tok' '!() Yerori af S-, bot-ooen 20 nrid 11, 14 hotwrevt 24 and ')Dl 1) betw"Pil 31 wl,l 40. 7 over 40. Tn the -*Jvri y of po,tisot~ t.)- fi-ioci~rt of' dt--- -, n~t I 141.xn, 'Q ;,,rn,)I c an A i d,-,Ie .'for. Lck t.r ok-t o-,v Year, )-f a-j Y_,d,,tjjomio -4, r a d 1-- 12 1wt-en si. r 01,11 1 h r, t n 0 over ten y,,.,",, th rt',ijj,-j LI- i ')'ktpt or 011'11~ Jj-~nt- Uor,i, ttx -11 potirnf tchn iymptom wai r-t-1 tu othoroi,x f rt"'dir"'topit3l Mign-11 h%Ijk) ilorvorm,tt~%, p"riduodt*Mtjn. and So ".I. duadotW)l a rem in 7R; 01 the tr. 7n "o, ol"r % The pyloric moctor or the ittaroch voo- combisiod with ulcov of' the duodonn), holb. All pst4onts observed bpd reizi,~ in rho Cl.rAt ten doyq or treatment, nnd racel-,ud Viot No,, I-o tor TUIX le) d.y,,,:Djet No. lb nna, momt-olwd, rc-r.Ljw. und thun Met Mo. I '%nd for t~i~ Pirrot 10 '15 dayi atropine 51mu Ltaneramly 11-9448 ~2 (I I. ) pq ill tllf! u.%ij., I doftit-a (3~ -7ormon-., ) or vi ),A I tit (5 1 ) voro pres - c rti,P,I. . %I I lint te tit n rocol, vat) it I ka I I rknp n(:i-tit s and pity %I other^ - pnutic pcocoduron. En thin period, artor aw4vy 4.7 daya, dit-oct. h i onri tr., w% rij to i on wan give,, to ))i Pntientn tw4t:u , to 43 thril a time-, nril to 21 four time%. At one Intnko, u%tially 150 to 250 all tit ond nf illorit I r,t I g p wt~ triii%nCuned. Only four p4Ptiontlt rq- o r.-jrri-jr, , 0:111:" 1, 1.Ioo (rtr,L (.,r,,ul,). At .-w1iinttalt or th~ of th'. th"rupy, --- ritlid to Ow ,-,wral :i .... litioll or the pliticlit" tile '.).tiva't- of the ;..tb.Ioe'cej -, y t tt I r ow ~ , t I,- - L it t e~ I t 7 V , I y % I i, - T, t j c t I j i -a r d c! r %1- ~ v t. I u t s. an u f x-r,ly fintliftj!~ -id of th,~ lvititent?i walght, 0~ nmount or tot4l protoist s-0 uf protein rr-.tion~ ill t1w and to th~ I-it-7-1a tir th-~ Ill Lho mn.jortty or pntiont4l already art,r the Nrat tranx- ru-,iwi, rh.- gw-,-l f-1 lug Impl.-I'd cw-W~rtihly. thr ach.. ind 0~ j... pti.~ ~~i Th'i , 4~ Uh, lrth~ 1)tI1 JnY of it-,! t*,wrtt, after Z-3 diruct blotKI trenm- rtj~innn. In 70 pittlentn tho pnLwt nnd dyspeptic 4ioiturbances werw storip-!fl, And hy the Z`itlt fley In 98 pati~ntv full sulijoctive comfort I-e,1 . tntl y ill 9 who h-ad li~~qcjnted peri I %~-j-j t J5. and, "tht- :h,tilgos Ln th~ liver ond biliary pathwisy,% dtd the dys. peptii! symptoms rnmnin ror 4 lorxe-!r time. Z.A. Render' and co. ntitbor~ A.T. Gtsr4kayn nn(I others "t the AII-1:nLon Gostroontero. (Min it, V.161,) r-~n~rktd ttiat ,pprttxiientcly In di!5ensew the liver, one tiiij,(i >r tji,, pntienLm with chronic lilces, I,n,J ti-ir voirtnit "re involved Ill th* pirati-S, an account r lah r!l. li~wiod-itf recovery k~ cow) Pratilly_ ;itratchod. out.. e 1. 1 kritrwn th. t i t. t Ito evit Loa t I Qn or the e fTec ti van. its ur tilt-ral-otic mt-thod or di-.m,s t,e,* snost ~Vo- jew L i .ritorlit i,.A t1w tiAo- of %w1cor boalSimr.. Actordit~g to the flndineb of' S.11. Ily-s hmlf' or tne calses chronic ulcerv or 1.1- itopnoch and dti.d-two are inclined to heal, in ZR-42 tlaya.' G. Y. Diti-rhiolitil y ( 1961) thInkm th~it :-~~parntiori or sit acute ulcer 1,4%ts rrata a re. ",ks to U row toot%klt-j. N.-Ii. Smtrnuy (191iki estah- jimhod with h gnitroncopo t),nt; initial nirn." or ulcer, hiialine are nLroody rokind after 10 dnyo or treatment, and a Proxima .tely otter :)n 1.,Y4 It 1, 1w"I-1, 1-.I. !5.1ont- th-l' rintling~ or repeatod rndioicopfk%~ or th- M tract of younr service. it,,-o ho had t3w poncro'ly approvo-1 -thut!4 or trentment and he r-slio ti-E ;ti~9ltr-lznttust or t1w ol-r titrtm on the 2htls to 25th iny ind 1-t, linkil. th~. 401h, to 1-5th doy. For alijective- tivalwynt.lon (if the timit or reparntion, we, com. pli,fi tti.- r1n,ii1jr., or ir.p-tod ro-tpem,.Itigi-l ox.misttlon,~ of t.. nf pol.lelits. Ill ,it V.Ll~nt. Lhl- rtiel,~ syieptt- am J,t-tod :it tl rtrnt rlidii,4-py. .1, the fir.t eru (91 --viviod direct blood trunefunturs, ttso- or the li~rorwd 1~72 tiwn) MAI lint have hotiotirs,tsisN,ii,ti. Tho pti-nt-0 Olt, linicat -,r ti,, tind mi-jo tho ji,wrorm,,tj other treatni"rit as -% y i0,,sltIc;,J ill t-th f-roopn. Th,- Acr~nd roontr,-notorical "itaminations .""r ... Lb" - 251.1, tiny if ti-otmont, The Obtainetti roaulti. Are 1hown It, Table 1. liptuStn tit' tho ntcori-3 roitntgrinalaelcal. Gr.up of NN-bler or qxn~tlinrtrin 0 potiont. patients he n (dertt nich- rnn- niche r~, njOle (Cull lwWeraul~ rep. te -..,I for in tit viewo I on silo Vi ript. 9 1 74 Serond 72 6 in z6 L USSR Vadim, Aleksandrovich Orlav "Small Sources of Current" (Malogabaritnyye istochniki toka) Moscow, 1970,, Izd-ro Ministerstva Oborony SSSR, 17,000 copies, P-24 pages Abstract: The book describes the conversion of various types of energy into electricity and principles of operation, structure., tecbnical and operational characteristics of contemporary current sources (chemical, semiconductor, nuclear, and others). Reference material on current sources produced by USSR industry and their methods of operation are presented to aid:the reader in.solving the problem of selecting a needed current sources The book is intended for milAtary Weialisto who deal vith autonomous current sources and for engineers and technicians-worklaig in the field of radio engineering and electronics. The book mkes use of material from'.Vle dometitic aitid foreign press and con- taina mmerous tables, illustrations, -=4 42 eitationa,~L; The chapter headings am as follovs: 1/2 "61-.11 I'VI FOR111111.0114111 PINVIVIN W1.1111FIMP RION M.-I USSR lUoksandrovich Orlov, Izd-vo Kinisterstva Oborony SSSH , 000 copies 17 , , , , Page Chapter One. Fundamental characteristic6:vfIcurrent sourceB 7 Chapter Two. Chemical current sources ' 32 'Chapter Mree. . Semiconductor.current*so'ur ces 135 Chapter Four. Nuclear power current a6urces, 176 Chapter Five. Operation of clurcenV~sourc.60 182 Appendix 216 Biblidgraphy 220 2/2 123 USSR UDC.- 539.1.08 V. I., ZALMPOZON, Yu. Ye. NIKITIN V. I., CIMKIN, 0. A. "Radiometry and identification of Alpha-Active of 'Thick' Aerosol Samples" Tr. Soyuzn-. n.-i. in-ta -uriborustr. (~Iorks of the Union Scientific Research n -215 (from PL-,h- Jn-,~Zjtute of Tnstru--nt Building), 1970, vyp. 12, pp 2o4 -Metrologiya i IzmeritelInaya Tekhnika, No 11, Nov 70, Abstract No 11.32.1460) Translation: The authors shou.the possibility of d6.terndning isotopic com- nd corrections: for the radia:,,ion yield position for "thick" specimens and i and the effectiveness with which radi4tion is regist.ered for such specimens. Five illus trat ions, one table, bibliogr~aphy of. eight titl(!G. 71 /1 Co. ting a S VADIVASOV D G., KIJBAYEVi K. YE.; CIM-KA, B.'I., and UPKO, -PT N., Sa-.atb7v-- institute of 'Meclianization Of - AgriCLI'Lture imeni M. I. Kalinin; institute of Problems~ of Material Science, Academy of Sciences Ukrainian SSR. "Effect of Conditions of Plasma' Spraying od the Cohesican Strength of Steel Coatings." Kiev, Poroshkovaya Metallurgiya, No. 9, Sep 70s pp 12-16 Abstract; This paper analyzes the possibility of usiing plasma spraying to increase the wear resistance and restore the worn surfaces of automotive and tractor parts. The bassic factor determining the practical application of sprayed coats is their cohesion ztrength with the sprayed surface. in this case the cohesion strength of plasma sprayed steel coati, was determined as a function of geometric and electric parameters of the I)rocelw. Ure waG made of tho M-314 plasma. unit and high-carban L18A atea-1. No=alizod 45 steel served as the backing material. The- cohvsion~ ;itrength of the 1/2 ~ -i :- - - ~~ - - ~ ~ - - . , z : 1 - - - , : : - , 1 , ~ ; . - ; i . : , ; ~~ L I i :1 - t. " - , - . ., - . , ., .-T gt:rIv! ~ ---- .;,- ~ P USSR UDO 537.711-~~*546.22148 ASTAKHOVA, N.A., VADOV, G.I. "Study Cf The Impsdance Of' Folycryotollino,FilLas Cf Solid Substnneco. Of CdS.SdSe In\The Strurture, 1.~-CdS.CdSe-Mll 8b.Nauch. tr. Do nrobl. wikrovlol-tron.~ Mosk. in-t ele',,-.tron. tel-1-in. (Collection .0.1L ScierTtific Works On Problems Of IlicroelectronicEi.L."'C)SCOI.1 I n S j t Litt (a U Electronico Technology), 1971, Issue 7, PPI YS-42 (from RZh*-Elektrc;ni!ri.- i vefe primeneniye, No 6, June 1972, AbatractiNo O'B52)- Translation: The exoerimantal uart of the atudy waa~conducted on a barrier model ef the conductivity of polyory5talline -films. 5 ref. Su--zwary. 47 L I sh I-, Ilodula',or Ba~iud On Clpticul.Cciituct~of plaso And,lPlaot-_',0' Veatn. Belorls. un-l-a (EE-~Illelldn Of', F-eloldsaian Univer Gy Scri-o- I '-lo 2 T, I- Tvir_ : ~ 4:1' 1-971, 'T :T~ P_ 11 9.1 S~Pt 1971i, 'lritract Trano ba lon: 'fns circia-it ara the frecuericy and au-Ii.-la ch~i_ of a pulc_-aii light inc-di-ilator eira pre -501"teq. PlFACS of a:;pc;,I-:Latu pro- cezairg as3iurc a coritact a' a 10 =- anka. wi Vi the for ol li,-- trear-urc of plates on a glusu prir--a 0.2 kg. Tc~Aa ~ohc,.-,,ed that tha rmodulato,~ aquaro pulse utith a dur-ation of 0. microeecorid wi-I a dn~-.-Ih of of 75--80 porcont and divotor'.-iona of -tlis mllsa~,Itopo o' 10-1'15 percent. 2 M. 4 ref. V.011. USSR UDC 535 YAFIADI, V. G., POPOV, Yu. V. "The Speed of Light and Its Meaning in Science and Technol ogy" S,'-:6rost'-sveta i_yeve-znacheniye v nauke i tekhnike (cf. English above), Minsk, Publishing Fouse of Belorussian State University, 1970, 136 pp, ill., 90 k. (from RZh-Fizika, No 7, Jul 71, Abstract:Ho 7D876) Translation: The first part of the monograph presents the history of the discovery of the speed of light and modern methods for meas_uxling.the speed of electromagnetic waves. The second vart is concerned.wit.h.optical radav: i.d., the description of optir-al range-finders - devices which measwe distance with a high accuracy on the basis of the time required for light to travel over the distance being measured. The book is intended for physicists.and 9'eodesists, scienti~ fic workers, graduate students, and engineers. 348 reff Abstract. 6-1 USSR W.~ 5_4i_-"/ 5! 54 2.27 3 3 ,A- .q." JIT MIC r-owso'll A. V., F YU. M. 140ROMYA, 1. D., CITEPUt kL'3'.D' B. D.1 7 P VITINA A. !.:-:L B. V., GEL'T'Oi S.) I and ND" A. A. S11. TLJ. G., Institute of Organic, and Pkysi cal. Chemistry imani A. Ye MKIN %!~TDDIUVJ -Arbuzov, Acad. Sc. USSR, and Kazanl Chendc;al -Technologicall Institute Lmeni S. Kirov "Electraclie=ically Generated Free Radicals., 9 Commur-Avation. Rz!duct lon of Some Ifitroplienylarsine Derivatives and EPR Spectrza of Meir Anion Radicals" Moscow; Izvestiya fi2kademii Flault SSSR, Seriya TaUmicheskaya, No 10, Oct 72, pp 2174-2178 Abstract: The mechanism of polaros- p-apble reduction of and tbcir o-4i_dles and sulfid-_5 in an a~rotic rraditm imL studicd. Tbese din cylitbit two reduction vaves, the fi,r:;t ona carri~spon- to _- one-el:!ctron the protniu-', bcinr, reverp-J-10.e. 'rhe st.,corld vm'.vc iv; typlc~il of z, A dia,.-razym for the n~,ali,-irtinl chemical proc-unces of thez;e after th-'C'. ase of second electron has been proposed. P/)tlt iralros 2-2-prczent a oxidation of the u-3talAe diar,'on of the sub-stitutf.5d t-he j-1-2,1-1 ring -- arscnic system remains untouched in this 1.5wel obt.-tic.-I by electy-a-henical re~taction and &tu'* anion rpdicala have ltec, __L - - L' alea UY the EPIR rethod. Delocaliz;~:tion of th-e unpaired elect-2-mi in these anion -A 111YASW A. V., et al., lzzvestiya Akademi~. Mauk, SSSR, Seriyu KrAmiche ska~,_- Tla .10, Oct 72, pp 2174-2178 -P b radicals has been analy ing possible reason-, for v consi;-2ra lc- Z decrease of the spin density on the -arsenic I atom during tbe transiti On. --,*o,-,,: tetracoordinated ersenic atom of the anion'radicals to a.tri-coordinatea; one. USSR UDd 538.112-:541.515:547.63'118 I" IL'YASOV, A. V., LEVIN, Ya. A., MOROZOVA,~I. D IMAr.A. A GOMAN, I.-Y., and ZOROATSKAYA, Ye. I., Institute of Organic Tren stry, imeni A.-Ye. Arbuzov, USSR Academy of Sciences,:Kazan' "Delocalization of the Unpaired Electron in Phosphorus-Containing Anion- Radicals," Moscow, Doklady Akademii Nauk SSSR, Vol 201, Nd 1, Nov-Dec 1971, pp 108-111 Abstract: It is of current interest whether elements of the third period function as barriers in conjugated.sygtems., or are participate in conjugation. The distribution of spin density in the anion-radical of triphenylphosphine and its oxide were studied. The compounds were prepared by electrochemical reduction. For a more rigorous picture of delocalizatl6n of the unpaired electron, completely and partially deuterated.PW and "113P0 were synthesized and studied. Dimethy1formamide and acetonitrile solutions of the anion- rad icals were studied -at concentration of 'ca. 1,1, using epr specteo- scopy. 27--_ . ... ...... _..... ..... ..... Based on preliminary results, it is concluded that, uulike Compounds of elements of the second period, the electron structure of phosphorus anion- radicals cannot be described by.a simple,ri-electron theory; the so-called d-model must berejected. The.concepts:of-comp-tately.delocalized molecular orbitals and multi-center bonds, with allowance for all valence :-electrons.. 212 USSR V -A., and KARAKPyUACifyA"q, M. K. W.-A R. &M 11inactIvatrion of F~-xed Rabies Virus With Hydroxylant:biell Moscow, Voprosy Virusologii, No,4, Jul/Aug 71. p 4c,4 Translation: It was demonstrated that it is possible to inactivate --Pixed rabies virus with hydroViamine without destroying immunogenic properties. The best, results are obtained by inactivation in a 1-X hydroxylamine solution PH 7.8,.at a temperature of..22OC-9 for.96 hr. USSR UDC 621-762.002.5(088.8) IEVIT,, I. A.I.BATRAKOV, PO D.,NAGANGV~ B. M. -Automtic Multiple Tube Electric Are: %Irrmcell USSR Author's Certificate NO 272491, filed 18 J= 66, Published 2 Se-0 70 (from IIL;h-1-5atq--Uur5ipa, No 4, Apr 71, Abst.-act zio 4-G,-73P) Translation: Aar electric are f~armce'for obtaining p3-wde.^s by reduction con- taiim riechanisms for charging and unloaling the furr-mce and r-echanisims for charg-InG and unloading the troughs. For simataneous charging or unloading of all the fumce tubes and- to Inrure complete w-atorstiGn of its operation, the furnace is equipped vith a ho, r e amps for t troughs the nufffber of co-r-esponds to the n%--her of ce tubes and a conveyor for moving it. F-7 20 wll kili I fill; 1; 1/2 014 UNC-L'ASSIFIEO PROCESSING DATE-090MO TITtE--PROTON POLARIZATION IN ELASTIC AND INELAsTir. SCATTERING OF MAGNESIUM 25 AT E SUBP EQUALS 6;08 MkV__U_ ,AUTHOR-(05)-ChUb1NSKIY* O.V,* KULMITSK lYt I.V.s VA4ANDVt P-ji., GUSTUVA, LoV.v GUSHCHIN, V.N.. :~'CGUhTRY 0F,INF0--USSpl ...,~0URCE--YAD. F IZ. 1970, II(L) 29-32 :,DATE PUBLISHED------70 SUBJECT AREAS-PHYSICSv NUCLEAR SLIENCE~AND TECHNOLOGY TGPIC- TAGS--ELASTIC SCATTERING# INELASTIC SCATTERI'NO, PROTON POLARIZATIONt MAGNE-SIUM ISOTOPE '.CG.NTRGL J4APK I NG--NQ RESTRICTIU."is ~DOCUMENT CLASS--UNCLASSIFIE0 SFEP NO--t)R/03671'[0/0111001/00.~-"i/0032 ,:PROXY REEL/FRAME-1980/0174 tIRC ACCESSIGN NO-AP0048466 ONCLASSIFIEO ~Z/2 614 U14CLASSI FIEP~ PROCESSING DATE--09OCT70 .CIRC ACCESSION NO-AR0048466 ABSTRACT/EXTRACT-(U) GP-0- ABSTRACT. THE POLARIZATION ANGULAR DISTRIBUTION OF 6.08-HEV P ELASTILALLY. SCATTERED ON PRIME25 MG WAS MEASURED AT 30-150DEGREES IN THElAB. SYSTEM BY U!~ING rHE DOUBLE SCATTEkING METHOD. THE 1ST TARGET WAS- 2-.4G-CI4 PR144E2 SELF SUPPORTING METALLIC MG FOILt ENRICHED WITH PRIMEZ5 MG UP TO~92PEPCENTI THE 2ND ONE HAS d-MG-CM PRIMEZ GRAPHirE PLATE. THE SCArTEREL):P WEVE RE(;isrEREO WI,fH A TELESCOPE DETECTOR, CGNSISTING OF A.PROPORTIONAL COUNTER AND OF A SI-LI DETECTOR, PLACED INSIDE THE PROP.ORTIONAL COUNTEP. THE P BEAM THROUGH MG.-:TARGET WAS 5-6 MUA. JHE INSTRUMENT ASYMMETRY WERE MEASURED WITH 11 MG-CM PkIMEZ AU FOIL* THE EXPTL. RESULTS ARE COMPARED IN A GRAPH WITH~'.THE CALCNS. BY MEANS OF THE opriCAL MODEL. THE VALUES OF THE .-POLARIZATION-OF INELASTICALLY SCATTEREP.P CORRESPONDING TO THE STATES 14b-1'4.PiFV J'SEVEN HALVES PLUS') ~ AND" ('THREC- 'HAL:VES'PLUS) WERE OBTAINED AT 60, 70, 80# 90.j:100,lAND 11 ODEGREES.. FACILITY: LEN INGRAD. UNIV.,, LIENINGRADt.USSR** ASS f F I-E-J) - % TJ5SR CHUBINSKIY, 0 V. U -LITSKIY, CISTOVA, L. V., GUSHCHIIN, V. N., KUVI 1. V., SEREBROV, A. P., Leningrad State UniVersity ."Proton Polarization in Elastic and Inelas4c Scattering by Mg-25 at E 6.08 Mev'I_ p 219-32 Moscow, Yadernaya Fizika, Vol 11, No 1, 19.70, P P AT-stract: Continuing their study of proton;polarization: in elastic and in- elastic scattering by mag"z esilan, isotopes, :t1he authors desvribe results of measurements of the angular dependence of, the palariza"J"On of.6,08 IMev protons in elastic scattering on Ilg-25 in an angle range of froin 30* to 150' (labora- tar This is the first.time that resqlts have:been obtained for the y System proton energy range considered. The double scattering:mathod was us~ad for the measurement5. At certain angles ( 0 = 60', 70'1 80', 90-, 100', and 140') it Jon aE inel 'tically scattered was possible to obtain the value of the polari7at~ as protons cOrresponding to tha states 1.614, Mev (7/2 +) ard 1.960 II-fev (5/2 Since in. future tLe a=hors intend to Make::a combined analysis of tile da-ta obtained-by them on the polarization of~,6-14ev protons in elastic and inelastic scattering by the isotopes Mg-24, Mg-25, :and ~fg-26, including the results of 1/2 USSR UDO 621.)72.8-09 TSGVTCHt MVEYEV VACURC9 RGSTISIAV FEDCROVICH; )GRIjUM, trfACITERSLAY V Au ORutliwave Waveguides With Random Irregularit.1-eso Mhogovoln e Yonovody so sluchaynymi n6r ulyarnoatymmi (of. Snglish above), Moscow, Izd. "SovetsK-c~e-e -~-a-dio-, !T-i972. 232 PP, 7 tab. 58 fig. 52 ref. 77 kop. Abstract: A theoretical analysis is presented and methods are descrilbad of ex- perimental study of rultiwave waveguide channels, on the basis of which it is possible to construct ultrawide bond comwnication linas and. foeder lines with small losses. The effect of rai-Aom irregularitioa on tKa properties of multi- lines In considered in dotail. Theoretical: aoncluolonn aro Conrirm.-Dd by the ra- sults of exporimisntcl studies. The booP is in:'tonded for Ppecialinta in wavoguido technicaueo, high-Prequancy v loot rodynamic n, corounieration theory,. mevoureznzito in the millimeter bond, and statistics of random medie, and also for studenta of advanced courses and graduate students of,,corresponding upecialitioB. TABLE OF CONTFJITS 215 USSR VAGANOV, ROAL'D BORISOVICH, elt -al., Mnogovolnovrje vonovod-Y so sluchaynymi neregulyarnostyami, Moscow, Izd., "Sovetskoyelradia,".1972. 232 pp., 7 tab. " 58ifig;, 52 ref 77 kop. .Preface From The Author CHAPTER I Re&~lar 1-5altiwave Waveguides And Wave ide Elements 9u 1. Introduction 1.1 Reaoon for multiwaTevaveguidea,: 1~ 1.2 Some preliminary o6naideratiobs 15 2. Scme regular =ultiwave waveguidos. 1 P5 2.1 Waveguide-waveso Oonotant1prop6gation 18 2,2 *Field'of wavo idb ~waves. Self-fil 9u tration 21 2#3 Ifaveguides with dielectric, f ilm- 2~ Ouided end norxwl waves 28 15ystem cf equations of guided waves 28 2/9 30 USSR VACRNOV, ROAL',V BORISOVIC11, et al., Mnogovolnovyye v6novady so sluchaynymi neregulyarnostyami, Moscow, Iza.. "Sovetskoye riFio,"r .1972.. 232 pp, 7 tab. 58-fig. 77 kop. 3-2 COTTtinucue connectiOn. between two,wavee 3.3 Examples of devices with compLete transition:,or power from one wave to another 5.4 Conditiona in which transition'. of. power is difficult. Combined state [svyazs'nnozt'j and filtration.l. 42 4. Waveguida elemente of multiwave channels 44 4.1 Introductory remarks 44 and smooth'tranaitiono 4.2 Smoath convorsiova 45 4.~ Diffractioa converaionO 49 4.4 wave filters 51 4.5 Deflection (izlomj at aright angled with flat mirror 52 GHAPrER 11 Slishtly 'Irre"lar Multiwave wavoj~uidas 5. Basic concepts 3/9 216 USSR VAGANOV, ROALD BORISONFICII, et al. Mhogovolnoylye vonovody so sluch-aynymi neregulyarnostyami, Moscow, Izd. "Sovetskoye radio," 1972. 232 pp, 7 tab. 58 fig. 77 kop. 501: Actual waveguide tubao, 55 5.2 Concerning the effect of irregularities on aporating wave 59 5.3,Conversion of waves .63 6. Coupling coefficient at deformationazof viall 65 6.1 General formula 65 6#2 Joints of.waveguide.tubas 68 6.3 Deformations of wall in s-Pirial waveraide and in wavegulde with dieloztric film 69 7. Coupling coefficient at bencl 70 ..7-1 General formula 70 7.2 Deflection and shift of axle at'jointo 73 8. Solution of eyetems of equatione of guld6d waves 75 8.1 Random connection. Solution by! metbod parturbations 76 8.2 Continuous eonnectiont Periodic 7cojanection 82 8.3 Conversion of wayeo at jointe of" tubou 84 4/9 USSR VAGMOV, ROAL'D BORISOVICH, et al., Mnogovolnovyye volmody so sluchaynymi neregulyarnostyami, Moscow, Izd "S~v- etskoyeradio," 1972. 232 pp, 7 tab. 58 fig. 77 kop. 9. Resonance phenomena 87 9.1 Nature of resonances In'nult ivieve waveguiden 87 9.2 Transverse resonance 87 Resonance at paraeitic wave 90 9.4-voltage surge 95 GHAFTER II1 -d Waveguides With Random Irregalaritias. Short,Channals 1O.Introduation 99 lloGeneral characteriatics of the.transmission coefficient of a short ~channel 102 11.1 Amplitude of operating wave at, line Output 102 11.2 Statistical parametere of eckipling coefficients IC5 11.~ Average volue 0 lonces in.convorsion 107 11.4 Dopoindonoo of rjj on dintribition of iNnobiritiiiij 1C)q 5/9 USSR VAGkNOV, ROALD BORISOVIC11, et al.., MnoZovolnovyye vonr,,vodv so sluchaynymi nersgulyarnostyami, Moscow, lzd.~~"Sovetskoye radio," 1972. 232 pp, 7 tab. 58 fig. 77 kop. 11.5 Dependence of qj on length of.wavo 11.6 Connection of average looaes'.with o-br parameterv of irregular waveguidoo, ill 11.7 Assumptions concePting spatial orientation of irregular- ities of a Wavegulde 112 12. Effect of weakly decaying Paresitio viavea, 114 12.1 Change of Qj(z) at roup of lines 114 IP-.?- -Changye of Qj(z) in1frequency:band 117 12.3 Change of Oj(z) with:change 1angth. of lino 124 12.4 Analysis or the changes of p4aee:of CPIJ, (Z 13- Effect of. strongly decaying parasitic Waves 129 13.1.Changs of Qj(- at group of., lines 129 .1~.2 Change of Qj(z) in frequency: band 1~4 15.,3 Change of Qj(z) with change of-Jength of lina Ix 13.4 Analysis of the change~of Ollj(z ) A . 619 A mi." diii USSR VAGANOV, ROALID BORISOVICH, et al., Mhogovolnovyye van Iovody so sluchaynymi ndregulkarnostyami, Moscow, Izd.;-,'.'Sovecrkoye radio,", 1972. 232 pp, 7 tab. 58 fig. 77 kop. 14. Field distortion of operatinw wave. Total effect 1~9 14. Parasitic waves in short channels, 142 CHAFrER IV 9Xtended Channele 16, Def inition. Statement ot problem 145 17. General characteristics of power loBsea of operating wave in extended channel working with one.wave. 14q 18. Characteristics of losses of operating wave in exten4ad channel with random irregularities 162 .7/9 boom USSR VAGANOVf ROAL'D BORISOVICH, et al., Mnogovolnovyye vonovody so sluchaynymi neregulyarnostyami,. MOSCOW, lzd.. "~O-Vetskqye ra-dio""'~'1972. 232 pp, 7 tab. 58 fig. 77 kop. GHAFTER V Methods Of Mbaeuring The Per- matere Of 1~41tiwava Wayeguides 1.9. Methods of measuring total:108868 168 19.1 116othod cC comparison 169 19.2 Coefficient of staiiding wave method 171 19 3 Double run method 173 19.4 Series or pulses; mithod 175 19#5 Resonanoo zathods Moasuring very small~:lossea 180 20. Meaouremant of losses at Conversion ift Wavogildo coationn 182 21. MeasuramsW. of the ralstive levels of power of, warao of rjriauz -Lypoa in maltiwave wavoi~,xidaa 19) 22. Measuromant of phase d!�farenaaa of obnatunt waves III nultiwave wavegaides 193 8/9 USSR VAGANOV, ROALD BORISOVICH, et al., Mnogovolnov-s-re vonavody so sluchaynymi neregulXamostyami, Moscow, Izd. "So~retskoye radio," 1972. 232 pp, 7 tab. 58 fig. 77 kop. 23. Evaluation of power losses ofioperating wave in-exLended oliannel by the results of a study ofz-5hort chs~nels OBAKER V1. Of Vaveruido.geotions And Lines Results Of Experimental Stu 24. Description of waveguide.soo-tione for Hol Ya%res 204 nd lines 5 25. Electrical characteristics of waveguide sectiono a 20 26. Gomparison of theoretical and experi=ntal stratiatical characteriatics of power losses of Hol waYes in waveguide. lines an& (jections 212 ang of experimental data 213 26.1 Statistical proces i Liaterature 22) Index 226 919 219 USSR UDO 5~3.9.08 ',,%RIAKRI, V.V. [In-t radiotekhn~ I elaktron. A-4.5SSR-Inatitute Of Radio Engineering And Electronics, -AS. USSR) "Device For Diaanostics Of Plasmaft~ UISR Authorle Certificate No 224 L, filed 16 Mar 65, 'ublished 22 june 70 (from _~2 RZh--Elektronika i yoye primeneniye, No 23.February 1971, Abatract No 2A,7)63P) Translation: A device is patented for diagnostics of plasma with the aid of a microw ave quauioptical beam formed by lenses, which containa an analyzer differing in the fact that (with the object of registration of the iqaveu of higher modes originating as the rasult of interaction, in order to determine the parameters of the plavma layer) the analyzer convisto of a raceiving ~!~;ivoguLde, transitional section, a matching adapter, and a n=bar:of microwave riadiation detectors. The device oil patent 1 [po P. 13 differa in the fact t1hat, with the object of a more precise identification of the radiation, the microwave radiation detectors are made in the form of directional couplers, each of which1v tuned to one wave of higher order. 34 USSR UD-.:: 621-372.823(088.8) U=aV4t~3,-B. institute of Radio Engineering and Electronics, Academy of Sciences of the USSR -"A Dielectric Spacer for Holding -the Inner Conduetor of-a Coaxial Waveguide With:H01 Wave" USSR Author's Certificate No 24441-.97 filed .13 Mar 68, published 15 MaY 70 (from RZh-Radiotekhnika, No 11, Nov 70, Abstract No 11BI~M) Translation: The proposed dielectric spacer iq made in the farra of a fan with sector-shaped blades wunted at the Brewater angle lo the waveguide axis. The ends, of the blades are broader and:the blade becomes narrower toward the center. The number of blades is selected in such a way that the width of the sector in the middle of the radius is somewhat greater than the mean length of the band. The diameter,of-the spacerAs equal (with a minus tolerance) to the inside radius [sic] of the waveguide, so that the spacer is held in the waveguide by friction. The thickmess of the washer, measured in the direction of the waveguide axis, is.made ever~nthere equal. This thianess is selected from consideration of the mechanical. ;5trength alone and may be made fairly small.. This !ensures a uniform phase shift with respect to cross section, and uniform absorption in the diL-lectric. One illustration. A. K. Aerosols USSR LM C632,982 VAg6YQX, _1~4. I., Chief Agronomist for Plant Protection, 12ialturinskiy Rayon, Kirovskaya Oblast "For an Efficient Use of Aerosol Genemtors" -Moscow, Zashchita Rastenly, No 6, Jun 73, P 29 Translations In the Ambarsh Specialized Division of the Khalturln Rayon Ansociation "Sel'khoztekhn1W', (Agriculture Eachinery) an AG-UD-2 aerosol generator is used for the destruction of arboreal and shrubby vegetation with arboricides, as well as for spraying of grain crops with mixtures of herbicides and mineral fertilizer, disinsection of atorehoudes, potato storagos# barnyards, and for the treatment of sowings with insecticides. To increase the efficiency of the apparatus, it was mounted on an uniaxial txactor trailer together with a tank for~working solution. In case of the .-use of other preparations than herbicides, on.the platform of the trailer Is mounted an additional tank, since the use of-the herbigidal tank without firzt,washing it may lead to a burn of plants. During-9ne hour of work, at a consumption of the fluid equal to 17-20 1/heectare it is possible to treat 12715 hectares of sowings with herbicides.:~ it3 TFMM~ USSR VAGA'NOV, L.I., Zashchita Rasteniy, No 6, Jun 1973, p 29 A tank with a capacity of 1000 1 is filled with 900 1 of water, the motor of thb generator is started, and the tap of a pieumatie mixer (a 3/4 inch pipe with an elbow in whose walls 5rmi diam. holes are drilled along a spiral). A mother liquor is prepared in a bucket and~poured into the tank through a filler. The bucket has been previously graduated (itarks were made for 1, 3, and 5 k9 of the preparation , At the edge of a field which must,be treated the operator starts the motor of the unit and turns on the tap of the pneumatic mixer for 10-15 min at full revolutions of the motor, and then closes the tap by half and turns on the tap of the tank. The unit is driven on the soicing amd stopped. The operator sit downs in operator's position, turns on the sprayer and watches the width of the strip being treated-, andt If ni3cessary, changes the angles oil Inclination of the angular nozzle by means of a control wheel. '213 USSR VAGANOV, L. I., Zashchita Rasteniy, No 6, Jun 73, P 29 Piagram not reproduced shows: 1: tan1k lid 12 pipe vith measuring scale; 3 pneumatic mixer; 4 - box for protective overallai 5 -- operator's seat; 6 control wheel; 7 -- branch.pipej-8._- aerosol generatorl 01 -- sprockets; 10 angular nozzle; 11 -- roller chainj 121-- stairsi 13 -- rubber hoseal 14 tap of angular nozzlel 15 -_ barxel with herbicide; 16 tap of pneumatic mixer; 17 -- tap of tank; 18 - tank for Koercing solution; 19 box for spare parts; 20 - reserve tank with-gaqoline. For the control of.the working solution consumption. There is pro- vided a measuring scale, installed in a pipe.with holes. The pipe is welded into tank's lid,. The pneumatic mixer is:also welded into tank's lid. I-larks axe made an the metallic measuring scale. With the height of the tank 300 mm, length 1250 nm, and width 1000:mm# marks,are made every 5 0141 which corresponds to 62-5 1 of solution in the tank. It Is the thixd year that-this unit works on faxms of Rhalturinskiy Rayon,, and similar units axe used on other farm* -of tbo Rayon. 3/3 61 M 11GIA, "Ill 4, USSR uDc: 681.327.66 BEREZIN, A S. , UG0_0,V V. I., KUZ1141N, V. A., YOCHAIKINA, 0. R., 01-11- SHCBMIKO, Ye. M., ORLIFdV~M_,~ A. A.-, PERSHETOV, V. S., Moscov "Order of the Red Banner of Labor" Engineering,Physies Institute "An Integrated Thyristor Memory Element" Moscow, Otkrytira, Izobreteniya, Pronyshlenrrjye Obraztsy, Tovarnyye Znaki, No 20, Jul 72, Author's Certificate NO:343299, Divisfon G, filed 7 Oct 70, published 22 Jun 72, p IJ4: Translation; This Author's Certificate introduces an integrated thyristor memory element Xhich contains a thyristor with longitudinal structure, and a recording readout transistor connected by its collector to the P-base of the thyristor, and by its base through a resistor to the.word recore-ing input. As a disting-aishing -feature of the patent, the degree,of integration is increased, and the interference immunity and recordini-,, ., and readout speed are increased by connecting,thereadout~:-transistor emitter to the thyristor emitter, and a-so through a resistor to.the.word readout input, and by con- necting the base, of the readout tranristor to the zero-potelntial line. Vi 7~~-:7 -7- 1 U LA PlZGCFSSlNG DATE-13NOV70 212 018 NC .,SSlFiE0 -SS 11' --APOi24000 CIRC. ACCE ON 143 ABSTRACT/EXTRACT-W) GP-0- A'BSTIkACr. OESCRIPTION OF A GUNN DIODE MODEL '011CH IS SUPERIOR TO THE ONE PROPOSED BY,CAKR(JL Vit) G13LIN (1967) IN THAT iT DOES NOT CONTAIN ELECTiUMAGNETIC RELAY C~PCUITS AND is FREE OF -ISTRAINTS ASSO -ATED WITH TfiE,4t SUCH AS A LOwt*'PE~,!~TIO,,,,AL FR-QUE.4CYq CL J 'HIGH ACTUATION CURRENTSt HIGH WINDING :INDUCTANCE'jl AND INCAPABILITY THE Or- Sf,-'.ULATffqG A DIJDE WITH A VAk-IABLE CkCJSS "SECTIO.N. ~ CISCILLOGRAMS ARE GIVEN TO SH04 THE OPEKATIO-~! UF THIS,MGDEL IN: THE SUBTHRESHOLD AND OSCILLATORY HO.OES OF ACTION IN S I XlULAT:I jN GAGOPiN 0 1 GDE. UNCLASSIFIE 0 USSR UDC i VAGANoV, V. I. and KLTZNF.TSOV,, Y. M- "Modeling the Gunn Diode# Kiev, Izvestiya Vuzov SSSR--Radioelektronika Vol 13,.No 3, 1970, pp. 409-412 Abstracts The function of this brief is to set up a model for the Gunn effectP important in functional logic devices, which does not suffer from the defects of.earlier models. *These defects derive from the use of electromagnetic relays (Carroll & Gablin, "A Low-Ftequency Analog for a Gunn-Effect Oscillatoi-i," IEEE Trans. on Electron Devicesi 19672D'~'114, No. lo:, 64o)11 The authors of the communication list those defeots as.low operating frequency (3 Hz), high triggering currents, high control boll inductance, and the Impossibility of modeling a,'diode of variable cross section. 1/2 - 3.77 - 7- USSR uDc: 621.372.88 GRIBOVSKIY, P. 0. lectrically Controlled Element for lil&b-Prequency Deviccs" A Capacitive El Moscow, Othurytiya, Izobreteniya, Prcmy8hle.nnyye Obraitsy, Tovarnyye Znaki, No 1:1, Apr 72, Autbar's Certificate IT0,3336390, Divzusiion H, filed 21 Jul 70, published 21 Par 72, pp 211-21,21 Translation: This Author's Certificate introduces a capacitive electrically controlled element for high-frequency- devices. The element is used ful, realizing a linear controlling f1metion and contains ca-pacitors-with non- linear dielectric. As a distinguishing featureof the patent, in order to reduce the extent to which the capascita.nce. depends on the o4q)].1tude of thu high-frequency signal, the controlled element is made in tbe f orm of two cylindrical.cup-shal3ed capacitors with 'electrodes applied to both sider, of their bases. The capacitors are,connected:in series in the iiigh-frequency alternating signal circuit, and in parallel in the DC,bias source circuit. 112 035 U!"'CL A S:S I F-.IEHY~~ PROC~5511NG DATE-09OCT-10 JJTLE-SOME PECULIARITIES OF NEURONAL ACTIVITY I NTHE CER Eaft LOt T'HALA140 t CORTICAL R,EGULAWRY SYSTEM -U- '--~,AUTHUR-102)-AYRAPETIANt A.A.* VAGANYANt L.G. :~COUNTRY (;-F INFD--USSR ~-SOURCE-FLZIGLOGICHE5KIY ZHURNAL SSSR tMEN I1.~M. ~,SECHEPQVA, 1970, VOL 56, -4 it'-~ IPP 527-534 N -70 -DAT '.SUaJECT AREAS-610LOGICAL AND MEDICAL SCIENCES .:T~GPIC TAGS-NEURGLOGY, FHYMUS GLAND, CEREBRAL CORTEX, ?-IlEa[CAL R ANO 1), ST 11MULA T E 0E M I S S 10 N ;;'CONYROL MAPKIING-NO RESTRIc-rIONS 1-00CUMENT CLASS-UNC-LASS iF IED ,~PROXY kEEL/FRAME-1983/1191 STEP NU--UR/0239/71:)IU56/ej,114/052710511+ '%,JAC ~ACCESSIGN NU--AP 05 409 f) o"of" s s ~t t. a F - -21 ?- -035 UNCLASS I FfED PROCESSING OArE--09-,ICT70 CIRC ACCESSIUN NO-AP005-1t.090 ~,:AdSYRACT/EXlPACr--(U) GP-0- ABSTRACT. THE- ALTE-Rilf IONS GF UNIT ACTIVITY I LNITHE UNSPIECIFIC THALAMUS WSTH) DURING, THE CENIML GEREBELLAR NIUCLEI ST11MULATIONt AND IN THE SENSURIMOTOR.CURTEX DURING THE USTH SrIj*-lULATI0Nr ~i*EaE sruoiEo USING THE EXTRACELLULAR RECORDING. ' BUTH THE DENVATE A,',110 INTEkPOSI-TUS NUCLEI ANJI THE USTH LOW FREQUENCY SLI'ULATION EXERTED A SYNCHRONIZING EFFECT, MORE JISTINCT DURINIG THE USFH STIOULArio.'j. 'THE ABOVE 4NUCLE-1 SYSTE-IMS SHG~-iLD AIND EMPHASIZED INH1311TORY Eff-ECr EXCEPTIING i. - --Er LY A FACILuArowi, li,&(- -cwc;:: ijAs %orFo. I ~V: THE t VA, ~fHERE PKr_i AA3 MANY CASES, CEREBELLAR STIMULAfION ELICITED lN fNi.- USTH SORE C't).'-IpLf---X NEUA01NAL RESPONSES, WITH Oi3VIUUS REGULATORY ROLE OF THE INHIBITORY PROCESS. THE NEURONAL BASIS ~OF THE CEREBELLO YliALA,40 4USYH), CORTICAL REGULATORY SYSTEM IS DISCUSSED* UNCLASSIFIF-0 UDJ 6,211. 1 .2 :6'21. ~,65 USSR VAGAPOV, A.M. , E 05 7-MT 0, G G gGeneral Approach To 'Kotellnikov, Shlf~.nzncn, Knd -r'ul b-1jr- inforyn,-Ai-O)" Measurec." Radiatel-hnika i elektronika, Vol XVII, Y' 0 7, JulY 1972, pp 1-`2-'!-'---x Jkbstr-~ct: In tash of an--l-ozin the in-forn-stion cof~ten-' of v-ario'.,~s criteria of radar objects a rrolblem Eiriee!i,fireu of P11 about r-adnr af or nij t i on mo r., s, I r e & At preGent. the iril-or.-a-a"or; mea-Eiuras of Kctsljn4k~ Sh:cImnon, and. ul are tile most By Kotel I nil,,o- ' 9 moa eu-l es ifl' ~understoa~ the a ve,r--, r-~a difference of' the a Dosteriori and a -rilori n1a,-n.m1;Zv probL~billiti~~,-, ol" ccrru(~,' recornition of a certain -gituation. up to thin in +I--- lil a -Lo rl - - ~ nE ture a gin, -Llroach to the ca. -Lic'on, of radar itu -:13 '11)-C~il 4 enfiurc-Z In rencral. anri to CT, LSIT in if) t'- !'I*C-;~"t;~:tl an attem-,A i~i m-.~,de to ccn3tr,;.ct vwh ~i ganart.'l ut inciu'-7 in!:- Measures GT E"Fil?. For definileneps and pimpl-city- o r c. c) t i n i da, d c 1- e t C chanup-12 of i rX o r:n; -t an tmm-~saiori in tho. utatistici: of 0 b e C t E of 'Et !;E: 1, Jjni nh a b t r R~, r-, ~d 61 --'i 1571. L UDC 620.17 IFAWDOV R. D. 7- tribution of Angular Stresses Along the Contours of Circular Cuts" V !3b. VII Vses. k-onf, J- sled. napryaz _po polyarizats.-optIch. metodu, .." h. , 1971. T, 3 (VIIL All-11iiion Conference on-the Palarizdt-Jon-Opt-311cal Method of Studying Stresses, 1971. Vol. 3 -- Collection of Works), Tallin', 1971, pp 205-21-1 (F-rom RZh-Mekhanika, No 3, Mar 72, Abstract No W1648)1: Tr&lslatlon: Elastic planeproblems for regions with circular cuts are considered. The possibility of determining stresses along a synn-et-ic contour is investIgatcd .-,tith the aid of the formula '7 III C, where- 0 is a polar angle for the line of the circular symmetric contour calculated -&om the axis of synimetry of the region and a is the sux-pouTiding normal stress along the contour line. The approximation for -,mall 0 wias obtained from the evDansion of known solutions of elasticity -Lhs-::Lrj Into sti-ries. Formula wan veri,4-'ied f-- an unboun6ed band with 4,~Io ly'.7metric- CIxts 01: hyipf!x,bolic pro- and under unia/ial tension or.pure bending. 'i-he o,-ntour- of a hyperbola- CIOSe to tile eXtPefllal POiDl, ir, approximatN1 by a circle to dotermino -the 1/2 USISH IIAGAPOV, R. D., VII Vses. konf. go pdly~rizat.S.-ODtkh. me-Lodu issled. napi-jazh., 1971. T, 1, Tallin, 1971, pp 205-211 cient k. The analytical relationship oF 0 ax Ov 6 that follows from (!') is in good agn-eement with the resillt.of phatoelastic rneasur-e-nents for 0 < 6 < 0.4 for both problems (strain and bending). Similar theoretical and experimental studies Were made for the tension of a- plate With a relatively large central opening g and for the strain of the hal-f-plane with a circulax, opening at the edge. Rela- are obtained showing the coefficient k as firictions of the geomotric d a is the width of parrameters, 6Rla (where I? is the radius of the opening an L the connector for 0 < 6 < 3) A. M. Lokoshcbemlm. 2/2 90 USSR OYKS, G. N., VAGIKH, M., band ABDUL SAT..*1 EL SAKANIDI, Moscow Institute of Steel and Alloys "Rapid Metfibd. -of --Determining Carbbn and Oxygen Dissolved in Liquid Metal" Moscow, IVOZ Chernaya 'Metallurgiya, No 3 1971, pp 43-47, Abstract: An attempt is-made to determine the simultaneous content of carbon -h du and oxygen in a liquid bat ring the melt on the basis of the crystallization temperature. The method is based on measuremcnt of the crystallization tempera- ture of twro specimens from the bath, one normal and one deoxi-dized by aluminum wi-re which is wrapped in a spiral around -the thermocouple placed in flie bath. Graphs are presented which can be used, based on the two temperatures, to deter- mine the content of carbon and oxygen in the liquid metal after rapid cooling and crystallization of the two samples. JOB USSR VAGIN, V. N., PUCHIN'YAN, V. K. "Study of Cooperative Solutions in the'Game 'The Prisoners Dilemma"' Problemy Bioniki [Problems of Bionics --,Collection of Worksl, Moscow, Nauka.Press, 1973, pp 361-366 (Translated from R-eferativnyy Zhurnal Kiber- netika, No 6, 1973, Abstract No,6V488, by the authors). Translation: A game of two persons with,two strategies and nonzero sum is -The possibilities of dev lopment of cooperat-i'Lle solutions in the studied. e game of two stochastic automata computer is'studied. 59 OF= JL(jq~ M~~ INDOOR.! W X1 ~T 112 033, UNcLASSI FIIED PROCESSING 0ATE-27NOV70 TITLE-LUMINESCENCE OF AIR STUDIED UNDE4 THE ACTION OF FAST ELECTRONS -U- AUTHOR-,(05J-V,4JJAA_YU*P*t KABANOV, G.L.It ME0VFDEVr,YU.A.p NESHKOVP*D.Z-t STEPANOV, B.M. ~,ICQMTRY. OF INFO--USSR ~SOURCE AT. ENERG. 1970, 28(2)t 177-8 G ATE P.U6L I SHED------ 70 .-,-,SUBJECT AR E AS7- 11 HY'S I C SBIOLOGICAL,IAN,D MEDI'CAL SC I F IN C E S TAGS-LUMINESCENCE9, AIR, o6 EILECTRONfl SIMETRY CGNTRGL MARK ING-IN't.1 RESTRICTIONS ~'UOCUMENT CLASS-UNCLASSIFfE0 .m,PJROXY. REEL/F.RAIME-12000/22515 STEP ~ir)--UR/0089/70/028/002/0177/0178 CIRC ACCESSION NO--AP0125833 2/2 033 UNCLASSIFIED PROCESSING DATE--27NOV70 CIRC ACCESSION ,40--AP0125833 ABSTRACT/EXTRAI;T--(U) GP-('- ABST-RACT. THE' L(J.MINESCENC~: INTENSITYI SUGLUM OF AIR 61MBAROED WITH 2-4 MEV E POLSES I F R 0 ~", AL INEA ACCELERATOR) IS [NDEPENIDENT OF THE E ENERGY VID INCREASES L11,114EARLY 1-3.5 ARSITRARY, UNITS WHEiN THE E CURRENT IN A PULSE IS JAICREASED 30-7.10 MAI F. , THE INTENS ITY I S PIROPORTIONAL TO: THE ABSORGrD obSE, RATE AND THE LUMINESCENCE OF AIR CAN THUS BE USED AS THE BASIS~OF .1 NEW DOS[METRIC METHOD. UNGLA$STFIED USSR UDC 6191616.981.42-073-537 MNAN L. A. Scientific Institute of Agriculture of the Fax No:rth "Diagnosis of Brucellosis in Reindeer by the Immunofluorescence Method" Hoscow, Veterinariya, No 1, 1971, pp, 38-40 Abstracti The sensitivity of the indirect fluorascent anti-cody method was compared to that of other serological tests for detecUng antibodies in sera froa 178 reindeer reaised on fariz infected with brucellosis, 10 healthy animals, and 32 animals with other diseams (4ocroba-cillosiv, echinococcosis, cyaticercosis). The scra from the last two groups of animalu were all neegeUve in the agglutinationt complement fixation, anct Huddleson'z tests, and the antibodies did not fluoresce. ~In nera of reindear from Infected farms, f luorescent antibodies were found it 56.7/16' of cases, as~ e=,Pared with 39.8, 33-7 and 24.1% in the agglutination, complement fixatiom, and Huddleson's tests, respectively. The average titer inAhe fluorescent antibc;dy reaction was somet(hat higher (It M) than in the agglutination t'. t (ItI44). The hiGh rate of antibody detection by the fluores4ent antibody mathodi is ascribed to 77 USSR UDC 619j616.981.451591.613 PETUKHO-VAO 0. S.0 PINIGINt A. F.o ZABRODIN, V. A.4 VAGIMi L. A,, and "?'Y ZABRODINA, YE. F.p Scientific Research Institute o the Far North "Isolation of Brucella, From Vild*AninaU" MOSCOW, Veterinariya, No 4# 1971j, pp 41-42 Abstraott In 1968-1990 in the Taymyr National Distriot of Krasnoyarskiy Kmy (Central Siberia~, 411 Brucella culturps were isolated from indigenous wild animalss 15 from wild reindeert 15 from wolve6,. 10 from polar foxes, and 1 from a wolverine. All these strains grew ~ under ~ aerobic conditions and in most cultural and morphological properties were identical to those isolated from domestic animals, reindeer in particular. While. the former tended to be more resistant to penicillin than the latter, they were q;enerally less virulent, In Siberian foci of brucellosia, uild reindeer aze in frequent contact with domestic animals, ajid apparently become reoAtly, infected by them. 42 USSR UDC 576-85:633-367+577-15:632.954 LATYPAVA, R. M., and VAGINA, N. S. 'Me Activity of Oxidoreduct6ses In the Tubers of the Yellow Fodder Lupine After Application of Simazin" Minsk, Izvest'ya Ak&dem'i Nauk BWR, 110 4, 19T1, PP 50-54 Translation: The effects of simazin-on the formation of tubers, the activity of oxidoreducatases in the tubers, and the concentration of nitrogen in Various parts of the yellow fodder lupine vere.investigatad. It was found that these ;arameters changed unequally. after appIlica4on of different doses of simazin. In tests performed under niatural conditions, a dose of 0-5 kg of simazin per hectare had no inhibitory effects. DOSes~~of 1.0 and 1.5 kg per hectare reduced the number of tubers and~the activity of dehydrogenase and copper-containing enzyres (polyphenol oxidases and ascorbine oxidases) but did UOt inhibit the activity of iron-containing enzymes (paroxidases and cata- lases) or nitrogen fixation.. The concentration of nitrogen'.did not change in the aboveground parts and in roots and v a's even in the tubers. 2 Ref. Code: Acc. Nr: Abstracting Se6ice: 7 CAL ABST -0 .17 P 0041564- C"Eml vo 85801w Thin-layer. chromatographic study of 'the cqzditions off praseodymium (terbium) oxidation:with iubsekitijent sepaxation r of Pr3+/Pr4+(Tb1+/Th4t). (USSR). Zk. Priki. Xhim. (Leningriid) 1970, 4 uss). Pr84- and Tbst xidized to -Pz4-~~ or Tbl- hi H,'qO% solds. by addn. of excess were o KBrOa. The color of.Pr4+ soln. was changed from light-p-retn tn V4.1low after -40 iain. The absorption max. rif Pr4+ tit 444. 461), 4&1, and 579 nm disappeared and neirma x., at. 320 and 280 nm were observed.. Tile spectru~n iof Tbl" Was ~&t taken be- C~use of the -high absorbance of HNPi and kBrO, 'in the ixv re- gion, A fair turbidity of -the Pr-'+ soln. after the-oy'idn. was ex- plained by the, low-56jy. of ~r(BrO.3)4 (analog "s to Ce-). Oxidized SoIns. of Pe+ and Tb3+ ~were then thin-layer chromatog. on iilica goi by usiik a Bupol soln. in i a5 a solvent. Sepd. ions were detd.. bY sPeCtropliptotuctry by means of Arsenazo III and distriliki on on the plate yras followed by 11~Pr and 16*Tb -isotopes.. Vie highest, rnobi~ty of Pr4+_ (TbA+) was found in 101411 H110s. $in-cc a.max. of 40,'~,~ of the Tb and only 25~70 of. the Pr, with respect +to tl)e to tal: amt,, were found under flie same. conditions,.0 +high r stability of Tbl+ than Pr44- was assumed. No oxidn.' of Nd3+ -and Er" was ob- served. J. Have] FRAME USSR KULIKOV, G. P., PROKOFIYEV, A. N., VAGINA Ye. Irfesting of a New Herbicide Tordofie (ami.notrichloropicolinc acid)" Tr, Ullyanovsk. S.-kh. Opytn. St. [Wdrls of Ullyanov AgrJeWwral ~xpcri- mental Station], No 5, 1971, pp 114-J2~0 (Translated from Peferativn_r y Zhurnal, klimiya, No 3, 1972, .4bstract No 3 N666 by T. A. Belyayeva). TrafisIation: Experiments showed-thatitordone (1) has a strong toxic effect and aftereffect on winter and spring wheat. I recommended for con- trol of weeds or non-agriculturdl land -since I has high herbicidal activity and long-term residual toxicity. 1/2 013 UNCLASSIFIED ~PROCESSING DATE--30GCT70 T-ITLE-FAM14L AkC ~iELDING BY PULSATING~ ARC -u- A4'1ThCR--VAG,,,L:R, F.A. CCUN,rfzy LF vNn-ussR -SQUKCE--,vUSCu SVAROCHNlj'YE PRGIZV0DSTVG,.N0 3,, 19TO, Pll 21-22 DATE FUt: L 15 HE !;-----7 0 --MECH., IND., C I V I L: AND MARINE ENGR -SUBJECT AkLAS o p I TAGS-PULsc-ri ELDING,* BIBLIOGRAPHY VIBRATION ARC W -:.cCaTR0L.MARKING--N0 RESTRICTIONS f. DOCUMENT CLASS-UNCLASSIFIED 7-P RG XY- PEEL/FRAME-1999/1310 STEP NO--UP,/0135/7010001003/OC)2110()22 C IR'CACCESSICIN NG--AP0123269 UNLLASSIFIED 1/2 023 1xiC L A S S I F I PRGCE~~Sl-,~IG UATE--13NOV70 TITLE--INSTABILITY OF A WEAKLY INHOyr_,GcTTt_'0US PLASM, WITH TAO SP -C I E F A r- Cs o ION'S IN THE AaSENCE OF A, M1 AGN E T I C F18LO -U- .AUTH0s~-(03)-GURi1_zVICHj L.E., VAGMERr I 'Do V fGFFEt I Y. ~CGUNTRY 13F INF'0--USSP. E7-J ET PLETTERS JS4 r VOL lit %10.1 1 rP. .49-52 NA".1o 1'370) A) ATE' PUSL 1SHt:_D---JAN70 -S Ut3J ECT APEAS--PHYSICS M A GNIH T I CF i ELL) TOPIC: TAGS--1NHjM0GFNEfJ1JS PLASMA, P L it 51". AV-1 ST A 6 1 L I T Y., :EF FECT, ELECTR0,14 14661LITY. I el -NO kESTRICTIO14 GtiTROL_ MARKING s "DOCUMENT CLASS--UNCLASSIFIED :PAOXY REEL!FRA..44E--30Q5/L79'1 s,rC- P~)fJ--US/OUOO/7(~/OIL:/()OL/O,)4)/0052 C [R(;~ AUES,510N NO-AP10133697 Acc. Nr z Ref. Code: UR 0056 AP00436.91' PiDWRY SOURCE: Zhurnal Ekspetimentallnoy T aratichleskoy 0 ~V pl) liziki, 1970 N ON EXCITATION OF TRANSVE11SE NNfA'1,'-J-:,S JIN I'DIUMI A~M.AIAGNIDE L%. -tN EXTERNAL NIAGINLTIC FIELD BY A STI"11)NG CURRc'NT 1. V. loffe, A. A. Kat,i It is shown that strom current flOlving i qnti;-,-,on---e located ill ,I s4rov-- ma'rrletic- field excirr 's Cheren'-Ov'emis~ian tv a e S. '!~'w -1:3 -lit 1, des 0! tbo cm-rents and fields requir---id for excitation t-') 0 c' lI cf field ~;trongth of th(- curren Q be mu.,11 t. j.q ifonnd t al t --qu -icy f i (" 1 d. For a cvEndric -;arapI6 wiffi a Taiiiiis Mitch imalkir ih4li!, its lo h, 6c, f e; and fxitic~d cilmint am clw;a to thmse hJuild Pxperolfnit~11~v REEUFRA~E 19770095 USSR -All, Yu. M. 3SLMOV 'A. G. S,_D.; KAC "Electrical and Optical Measurements in,a Pulsed Discharge in Helium. III' Leningrad, Qptika i Spektroskolni ya; Apri ~l '1972, pp 650-2 ABSTRACT: The authors measuralthe variation... id -me of the intensity of th ti U the atome helium series of lines. Aftertermination of a -oulso of current through a tube the intensity of the I Dien does r ot drop, monoton1willy. After a rapid drop, it reachf,-n a max:Uium, ani only then dozes~~it dron. The nayirw-n lasts for soveral microvooonds for all lines after ternination of the wilse. The ratio of the irt -ensity at the nw-di, to the intendty at the instant of te=dnation of the pulse increases for Unes of one Series uith an increase in the principal quantum numbor of the radiation level. The dependence of this phonarenon on the diameter of the tube and! discharge ct~-rea was studied. USSR, 'UDC 533.9 VAGNER S D. XAGAN, YU. M., SLYS11OV, A. G. "Electrical and ODtical Measurements in a Pulsed Distharge in Helium.. III -n iy Leningrad, Ontilca i Spek"rosko _a, No 6, Doc 71, PP 67* Abstract: Plasna parameters directly before tho beginning of de- ionization v-erc measured in order to,study the procosz of the afterglow of a helium discharge- A~pulsed discharge in a cylindri- cal dischar-c tube of length 20. cni and diaraeter~~ 10 run i-.,ith cyl-in-- Ca drical cold electrodes ., -as investigated. A pulsed generator sup- plying rectangular pulses of current of 20 usec ~ duration with a- repetition frequency of 70 H.- was used as a power supply. The measurements -Tore made at current -amplitudes in the pulse of 0.8, 3.2,:and 3.6 and at helium prezsures~ofl 21 5 and 1-0 torln. Two cylindrical probes of length 5 mm. and diameter- 0.2 mm oriented along, the axis -aere inserted into the -tube. 12he longitudinal electric field strength E? and the electron temperature T -.-lere measured with -'-hc---e &-~Cloi,ji-. spec.rwu .!.Md the continu- ous-spectrum observed under these conditions were also measured 4ssi VAGNER,, S. D. et a!, Gutika i S-)ektros!,-o-)iyf~, No 6, Dee 71, 0- t in- additon to the T)robe measiarenenus. The elL-_t-ron concentraLlion, L'r U -the atovi concent ation, B, and T. -viere i-,ieasured at the lower ex- cited levels 21SO, 21-P-,, 23S, and 2_*ci -he r-dial di S4-- Ibu'i -n of. the intensities of lines 501 7 8, 3 -6 and 70 5 waz also men.srred. `-Phe absolu"Ule intensities were measurod for several- lines emitted from levels with major qu.-,untwri numbers u and 5, and the balzance equation for these levels was tested. The energy difference betveen. levels ukth the sane major quanturp, nur. ib or was no- great and nutual transitions, existed be-,-jeen then. A co.-.1- parison bet-,uteen -he nimber of excitation events and t. uri s , of decay events shows that the differenco in the majority of cases d T' ;s noted that with oes not exceed severe.). orders of nac,,nitude. L' an increase in the mmajor quantwi number, the rolo of -multist-age ionization becomes Dredominant in comparison with tholdecay of levels through radIat-lion. 2 121~ UDC 537.525:546:293 USSR VAGNER, S. D. VIROLAYNEN, V. A., KAGAN, Yu. M. IIE gy Distribution of Electrons and Optic Properties of High-frequency Argon ner Discha ge" r Leningrad, Optika i Spektroskopiya, Vol 28, No 1, Jan 7Q, pp 192-195 Abstract: Energy distribution functions.were measured for electrons in a high- frequency argon discharge at a frequency of 28 Mhz in the 0,05-0.25 torr pressure range at currents of 50-150 ma., The resultar-t distribution functions were used to estimate the role of various processes affecting the balance of the ~3p54s and 3p54p levelu of argon. Balance equations were.calculated for the system of 3p54s levels and the system of,3p"4p levels...The results indicate the possibility of calculating optical characteriatic,--i of a hish-fr'3quency dis- charge on the basis of experimentally: foi,~~dldistributlc!ri functions. The authors -hank.l. S. Niskonen for aasistin; in tha-vork. t A