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'MM USSR KOVALEV, V. V. GOLEGO, N. L., TRUSKOV, P. F., Kiev, Fiziko-khimicheskaya Mekhanika Materialov, Vol 8, No 3, 1972, pp 21-26. cant layer above the valuescausing its local breakdown results in an increase in wear rate, rouahness, coefficient of friction an~ in a decrease in micro- hardness. The end of the break-in period can be considered to have arrived when a condition of sufficiently complete contact apd equality of dimensions of projections and depressions on the.profiles of the microirregularities of the two friction surfaces is reached., which occuri as the normal pressure is increased from its average values to the critical,:values for cach given friction speed. When these conditions~are'met,~the load-bearing ability of ftiction surfaces increases. This means that if the,'Icritical values of normal pressure and contacting surface.tempeTature for a given pair of materials is reached during the break-in*process, changes in these parameters between the minimum values and the critical values atthe same friction speed or less cannot later cause disruption of the normal friction and wear process in the friction couple. 2/2 79 USM UDC. 621.165 7 A. S. and VESEM0Vs N. A. "Problem Associatedlrtith the FXfect of Operational riactorn on the Economy of Steam Turbine Installations" Ichn tions. -%dovvyd silovUe ustanovki. Nauch. -te, t sb., 01arine Power Installa Scieitifte-Teefiideal Co3lected viorkaj.,, L973, VYP 10;, pp, 641-69 (from RZh- 'Tarbostroyeniyq, 110 5s 1973, Abstract No 5.49 - 18; Translation: The authors study the reasons reaponoible for prescure devi- ation, in tho condenser N. , it is showa that theti accuracyzqd measurazment control quality of the i&trumant are inmfficient for disvlosing, the roa- sons responsible for the deviation of p. . The presented graphs descriptivoly show the effect of pressure deviation ~K.the condenser on the enona-,~y of GTZA Ceg)Tansion urLknawj. The obtained relationchips., delta N --f (P,.) and px-f(Gbtlk) rk-Oke it po:~sibla for the user not only to set the optt~al operating reggimen of the airenlation punips but al-so, to~ determine the techi- cal state of the cw-lensation installation, Original irticlo.- 2 illus., 1 tables 4 bibl. entries. _j IS S R UDc 621.:51-4-57 RUDAYA, K.I., SASI-7.0, N.A,, TRUSOV, G.G. OSystem For Control Of Thyristors Of Diesel Locomotive Inve.,ter Units" ~Ele'ktr. i teolovozn. tyaga (Electrical And Diesel Locomotiv6 Traction), 1970, No No 4, April 1971, Abstract 12, pp 21 24 (from RZh--glektronika i yeye primenen&e: No 4B666) Translation: The najer describes a circuit for cortrol or a thyriEtorizcd unit with a large number of series-connected elem-ents (80 pieces in the channel). phase-shiftinr device opera-Les in accordance w ith the vartiesl principle with. a sawtooth synchronizing voltaSe. The pulae shaper uEes a, Schmitt trigger. The out- ro ir put stage of the pulse generators for control, of a gro 1) of j3oiier thyrlEto, fulfilled by an auxiliary thyristor. Me circuit p3noed. benr,A teits end was chf,~ck- ad in a 9-phane dependent bridre inverter. Tat, range of~varlation o-:' the control angle is 0-2200. The precivion of oynchronization doev,not depend on the oacill- -o ' to Dlus 700 C. ations of the network, and the tompor-ature I=Jita are Ti m minus ~L 'USSR `UDC 621.155.621.74.019 P. Candidate of Technical Sciences,.DUBIZOVSKAYA, Ye. F., Candidate R%E+MSciences and. V-Y-11AROVA, L. N., Engineek..! (Cen"rnl Scientific Research Institute of Technology and 24a;cAtinexy Manufacture) '~Metal Properties of Turbine cast Components From 15F10,14117-1, Steel" Moscow, Teploenergatika, No 3, March 72, pp 64-67 Abstract: The results of an investigation on tiYe cifemical couiposition ard mechanical properties of cast components (1000 itenis),of ste_--n turbine body from perlitic 15Khl11lF-L steel are presented. It is sh o-wn that the produc- tion technology ensures basically a~sufficier_tly uniform chemical composition and the assigned level of riechanical properties of cast met;,il. Hou~ever for a further inprovement of quality of casting . ,s from 1.513fl-1111Y-1, i;teel and greater stability of cast mcatal high-LL is advi.,--able Lo amend piperature properties ft~ the requirements on steel chemical composition and on technology of cast item heat treatment. Vl 44 1/2 054* UNCLASSIFIED- PROCESSING DATS--040EC70 .JITLE--PR0SPECTS F13R DEVISING Nrzw 14EAT RES.IST.ANT MATf:.RIALS FOR STEAM POWER PLANT !EQUIPMENT -U- AUTHOR-t63)-MIRKINt I.L.t LANSKAYA2 K.A.'11: TRUSOV# LdPo a 44. ~,,C GUNTRY OF INFO--USSR 'SOURCE-METALLOVED. TERM. OBRAB. :mETAL. .;i9 fro a-iS i,DATE PUBL ISHED-----70 wSUBJECT AREAS--MECH,p IND.# CIVIL AND MARME~ENGRP MATERIALS 7, JOPIC TAGS-HEAT RESISTANT MATERIAL:, DISPERSION HARDENING# GRAIN BOUNDARYp .:.MICROALLOYINGi INTERMETALLIC COMPOUNDt STEAM-8.OILEl%s STEAM TURBINEI CARB 10-C, POWER PLANT, SOLID SOLUTION* Atkay. STEELS. .,CONTROL MARKING--NO RESTRICTIONS ~OOCUMENT CLASS--UNCLASSIFIEO .,PROXY RE-EL/FRAME--3005/0903 STEP NO-UR/OIZ9/7010001004/0008/0015 .CIRG-ACCESSION NO--AP0132992 UK CLASS Wl,, USSR uDc 621-165-621,74.019 TRUSOV) L. P.. EUBROVSKAYA, Ye F. and ZAEHAROVAY L 11. "Properties of the Mpetal of Cast Body Parts of Turbines of l5KhlM1F-L Steel" Teploenergetika, 1972, No 31' pp 64-67 (frora Referativgyy Zhurnal, iio 6, T Jun 72. Turbostroyeniye. Single Issue. Abstrac_t.ffo;6.kq.8k) Translation, It is demonstrated that, for increasing,the casting properties and for hie-;her stability of of the metal of casts, it is expedient to correct the requirementszof."Technical Regulations/Standards", according to the chemical composition ofsteel and.the technolo- of heat treat- ment. Four illustr., five tables, In 012 UNCLASSIFIEO PROCESSING DATE--30OCT70 TITLE--INTERNAL CONVERSION CUEF IFICIENTS IN M SUSI-111 SL13SHELLS OF AN ATOM ZETA EQUALS 94 BY TAKING INTO CONS I DERAT 101N ~GASPIAR SCREENING BY USING AUTHOR-(Q3)-8ARIS0GLE-8SKIY, L-A.i. TRUSOY SHULYAKOVSKLY, G.S. :-COUNTRY-OF INFO--USSR SOURCE--V'CSTSI AKAO. NAVUK BELARUS. S SR SERt FIZo. MA T.. NAVUK 1970, (1)p 1.01-6 !~`:GATE PUBLISHED,- --- 70 -'~~_SUSJECT AREAS--PHY S I C S TOPIC'.TAGS-- ELECTRON TRANSITIONi, COULOMBANTERACTION, CHARGE DENS[TYt VLECTRON STRUCTUPE, HEAVY NUCLEUSt ELECTRON INTERACTION MARKING--NO RESTRICTIONS OCUMENT.CLASS--UNCLASSIFIED PROXY-.REEL/FRAl'AE--I996/1493 STEP NO-UP/0428170/000/001/010110106 ACCESSION NO--AP0116480 UNCLASSIFIE-0 mot; 11, allult I .2/2 012 UNCLASSIFIED PROCESSING DATE--30OCT70 -,-,CIRC ACCESSION NO--AP0118480 -ABSTRACT/EXTRACT--(U) GP-0- ABSTRACT. . INTERNAL CONVERSION ON THE M SHELL OF AN ATOM IS A PROCESS IN WHICH SCREENING OF THE NUCLEUS BY E. PLAYS AN IMPORTANT ROLE. COEFFS. OF INTERNALLONVERSION 1,CIC) CALCD. BY TAKING THIS SCREENING INTO CONSIDERATION HADVALUES 50-20OPERCENT LOWER THAN THOSE CALCD. ON THE ASSUMPTION OF AN UNSCREENEDAUCLEUS AND AGREED WELL WITH ExprL. RESULTS. IN EARLIER WORK,THEIMETHOD13F CALCG. SCREENING ACCORDING TO GASPAR WITH SEMIEMPIRICAL CORRECTIONS WAS APPLIED BY T., ET ALs 1968t IN THE CALCN. OF- CIC VALUES FOR THE. lki SAIELL OF AN ATOM WITH 'i SOME ZETA EQUALS 65. IN THIS INSTANCE, THE SAME METHoo WIT, .,MODIFICATIONS WAS APPLIED IN THE CALCNO OF CIC FOR AN;ATON WITH ZETA EQUALS 94. ELEC. AND MAGNETIC-CIC FOR THE SUBSHELLS M SUBI, M SUBII, AND 4 SUBIII WERE CALCO. THE RELATIONS BETWEEN Tf~E CIC VALUES AND TRANSITION ENERGIES; THOSE 13ETWEE-N CIC.RATIOS IM SUBI-H, SUBII, M SUBII-M SUBIll AND TKANSITIONS ENERGIES; Al-40 THE-EFFECTIVE, PARAMETERS SIGMA SUBEFF EQUALS ZETA MINUS ZETA-SUREFF (CALCO..BY RELAT.ING DETO. VALUES OF CIC,10 THOSE LISTED - IN'M. E. ROSES- S TABLES) WERE 'OERI.VED. FACILITY: BELORUSS. GOS. UNIV*-IM-. LENINAr 41NSKs':USSA. UNC L A S S t F I E 0 ppmol 112 019 J)A0C 'SSING DATE-1 Z~OCT70 UNCL ASS IF I ED TlTLE--DEPEfN'DENCE OF THE I NT ENS I TY, -OF C.HARACTERISTIC XlRAY RADIATION ON 'NUCLEAR CHARGE -U- AUTHOR-- ,,-_.C(YJ)%TRY.:CF INFO--USSR $IOU RC E-- I Z V VYSSH. UCHEB ZAVED. FI Zo J9110, '1311) 148-50 ~_.-GATE PUBLISHED---70 $UBJECT- AREAS-PHYS-IC-S TOP I C TAGS--CHARGE DENSITY, X RAY EMISS N IONt RADIATIO-111 INTENSITYr WCLEAR -::PROPER.TYv CALCULATIONt ~:LECTRON., I NTERACT.1 ON, t :MATRIX ELEMENT rw r R G L H A R K I Gv- -1% 3 R E 5 T 9 1 C T 10 S DOCUMENT CLASS--UNCLASSIFIED --1994/1101 KEEL/FRAME STEP NO UR/0139/70/0131001,10146/0150 G I IR CACCESS I ON Nrl--AT.0 I 15 120 UNCLA'5SIFlzD 212 (319 VNCL AS$[ F I ED, PROC E S S 1 1411-2 D AT ri---- 160CT7 0 C IRC ACICE5SICIN NO--AT0115120 ABST.RACT/EXTqACT--(U) GP-0- ABSTRACT. X RAY LINE !NT;7,,\.'-S IT I ES w-'RE CAL.Co. AND THE OEPEENOENICE OF THE RELATIVE K ALPHA SU62, t. IINE INTENSITY UP'll NUCLEAR CHARGE (ZET4 P~UALS 16, aOt 847 kl8w AND '99') STUDIE-0. THE S co 1) %'o :DIFFEREINCES BETWEEIN THE CALCO. ANO EXRTL. IN'TENS[TY VALUE UL T EFFECT OF THE INTER IN- '!l-fE M4fRIX ELE:MENTS EXPLAINED BY rHt': NUCLEAR PART -REEINING EFFECTS. CFFECTS OF mAGNIETIC 114TE-'RA(:Tl0N NOR 8y St, ELECTRO'NS CAINI AFFECT THE CALCNSIP FACIL11Y: LATV. GOSUNIV. IM. k, STUCKI, RIGA*� USSR. VNC,LA5$ I ~J,Ef) ljp, NC LA S Sl F t F 0 P;~OUSSING D~ATE-13,N TTITL~--CE4P-1'14 F0'k',lS OF DEFLECTS IN PRESSINGS Ok'l-i' INAT ING FROM CASTI'NG -U- AUTHOR-( 012) -TPUSOOY~,. V.A. MU Kir I AINO V ,V.'D., C 0 U-N T R YOF SOURCE~-TSVEr. 3METALLY, FE3. 1970, (2)11 59-60 OATE PUi3f_ ISHEO ------- 70 SUBJECT Ar"EAS--MATEli I ALS MECH.1, IND., CIVIL AND MA I M'E ENGR '.40PIC -TAGS--iMETAL CA S.T 1 N COPPER, T I'N ALLOY, ZMC~l ALLGYt USUAL. DEFECT'r 'PUR[TY CRYSTAL I CONTROL M-ARi' 1ING--NO RaSTRICITIONS -DOCU!4E.N,,T,CLASS--UNCLASSIF[c,D PROXY kEEL/FRAME--2000/0194 STEP NO-~Ut~/0136170/0t).)?!,102/0059/0060 _CESSIUN NO-AP012_3963~ ..CIRC A C r 'A S's ~:.PROC.ESSING OATC 2/2 0?1 UiNCLASSI FiEtY, 13NOV70 CIl__C ACCESSION' NO-AP0123963 f/j-X T --(IJ) GP-0- ABSTRACT ABSTRAC - IRACT POSSIZLE CAUSES OF STRUCTURAL DEFECTS IN CU AND SN, ZN ALLUYS~PRE;SINIGS (CRAC,,~ AND. tSTAR' FGRMAT[0114) -ARE CISCUSSED IIN TNE LIGHT 1JF_ PkACTICAL EXPERI~_INCE. : MANY SUCH DEFECTS APPeARJO 3E DUE TC THE ORIGINAL CAS1:1,NG CONXTWNS,~ WHICHy 1~j W, I F A VIGUR A B L E CA S E: S I L [.A D TO T H E S kGR EGA T I ONPP U R f T I E S AN 0 PH E 0EVELOP!lEiNT OF CC].-MPLEX :.iii fi-i~!: uisE or- (;U, FOR ',!PL G ITHIS SOURCE OF DEFECT MAY BF;ELP-IINATED 13 YCHANGING THE MIOULD XAM E G E W-1 E T P, Y . UNCLASSIFIED mmmilml i i i!_ t ~1_ )1, PD I)U-I)b krrom R_zft-_kIt)ernetIXa. f4o ;~ep '(I, Abstract No 9V;2'fg) Translation: Assuming a large value ofthe -product cf the length times the width of the spectrum, a study is made of the prbPerties of the folloving radar signals with intrepulse frequency moditlatiIon: 1) a two-frequency signal with Gaussian envelope; the duty-cycle frequency varies in accordance with the law wi (t.) = bt + k, W2 (t) = bt - k, where b, k are constants; 2) a two-frequency signal. with Gaussian envelope, W I W = bt, W2 W = -bt; 3) a sigaal wit*h: a.square envi!lope whose instan- taneous frequency first increases linearly, redching: a maximum at the pressions are pre- center of t~e ptOlse, and Vien dE!crease;s- linearly. R7 I sented for the. VI6o&,orthIs Indeterminacy J,',imotion of:the ijigznal,,~ con- bMaxim' aro, vvaIuiitnd4 For sidered, und the level and width of Gide signals of the first type, the t7elations 'are fauxid betveen the rate of R r'C F jG --I 3NOV7 0 Z. A s I F 1) . u _55 11 DATE T I TLE:--THE: DE T ER."I I NAT I I'JN j"IF HE 1400 YNAA I C IUD I C ES W . v 1: rl-.1 THE Aft) 0 F .~supf- Ic I Er4c y -u- MIL010111 INE IN C I UL A T O.R. Y V Tj~ UTIJOI (02) V., PETROVi N.M, CUINT kY 0 F INFO-USSR 19 70 VOL 15t NR~ 6 y PP 35-41 RADIOLOGIYA,". ---DATE PlJ8L I SHED ------- 70 iEt) I CAL SCI:ENCES SUBJECT AkPAS-810LOGICAL AND t TO P IC. T A G S R AD 10 P. C T_.l_ V ETRACERt CIRCULATORY S Y S r E 14 0 1 S E AIS EI I L MO L) YN A 14 1 C S :,ALMIMI~Nj MINE 7 :c s 'bNTRGL MARKING-NO RESTRICTION AOCUM ENT CLA S S--IJNt'-L4 SS IF I ED -.PROXY kEEL/FRA, STEP NU--~-Oft/02,'tl/-0/015/006/0035/t)041 M E C.IRr-ACCESSION NU-APG123907 LAS S f1r, 1'.~; I)- MW 1 9 1 UNICL ASS I F 1: E::U Pl~~10- C E 5 S I NG DArE--L3NOV70 C I R,-- A C C E S S 1 Of j---lPG.128r,07 GP-10- -&&Tk-'C' -SrRACT. RAI;110 [Cal Nlr~i L 1% 3 L L L'Z- D ALaUllN -NAS USE'D DET-EPiP.,jt,, rH;-: V:- L Ve! E OF C I:n'C U LAT I NG BLf Oi), Pi- A A A N 3 R',~ T K~i CY T lz S 1 ez:, riz.-Ai-TFY A 1-1 '2-75 PAY11--111TS "a I I -H A T 0 S L R, 0 T I 0 -10 S '- L EiR 7-- S 1 S A P T I ENT S -~I~ IH E A I S4;;. N vi I Ti+ C, U L A T iLl KY lNSu*FFICIE-,iCY BIAS A D!,3TlllJCr f3F THE ~11ASS OF Clk'GULATIIN6 BLOOD., ~HiCri D ''JE T, MARKEGNIESS OF CA. Ar- 3~:Cl -,P7-N A 'S T f 9N. I 45 PATI~---~ir,S 'wiTij ATFE-1-1~-USCC~FJTIC CAMAOSCLEROT[S' hYNAMIK, OrETERMINATION OF THE ILGICL) V 0 L U'~-` 4-~S Ul--"PIED OUT bc-GRE, AND A Ff&~ 1 -~i E N T THE P-RCC E S5 OF R' ;COA. P L',i S,~ T I Cl,~i 4 S D S Ujl.LL.Y AT T E141) E 6-Y. "i E DUCT I ON ,--,F T H P P'R I - =VIQj5LY INCAEAS-D (3LlljD NJULUM, T I !A r C IL T ':R~ IN E D IE CIRCULATWN k 'AS L j-`LT!fY Pin~ S 67, PAT I EN TS ~~W I Tk ATHE40$4 LERU T IC I T Cil 4C- - S 1% A" r MIRDAINCIE FTH THE SEVEKITY OF, CA [AC MR` S T I &N. THF AUTHC'-S CCIV43ARED WiTf-liMINING rulL C I k C U t A r 1 i-31 V '"'M'; RA4)IiA0U[NE: AU14 'MI I N 'A NO 'xjil T R S f A I IN, 1H I CH DEAMN&Sy;~,Ali F THE U r-' f-, ~A T El; R ACCU.~ACY OF THE~ F OR M El T E. C *HN 10( 1 F U N T 0 11 A I ~ D REAC1710'.NS iiERIE- Ot3SERVEC)'. FACILITY4.~ KAFEDRI G(APITAL'.-4JY TERAP[ I J ?!EQlTSUiSX,3C;G INS T I T UTA. UNCLASSMED 7. .1/2 020 UNCLASSIFIED PROCESSING D'TE--300CT?G TITLE-THE FWICTIONAL STATE OF-THE KIDNEYS STUDIED WIT-ili THE AID OF FRADIGISOTOPE.RENOGRAPHY IN PA TI ENTS SUFf ERI NG FR4PB HEMORRHAGIC FEVER AUTti0,R-(02j-OSINTSEVA* V.S., TRUSOV, ~V*~ --USSP CGUNTRY OF INFO OURCE-KLINIC-IESKAYA fl.=DITSINA,~1970, VOL 46* Nk 34 PP~37-42 ~DATE PUeLISHEC--70 AREAS-61OLOGICAL AND MEDICAL- SCIENCES ~TC P I CTAGS-HEMORRHAGIC FEVER,. KIDNt-Y FUINCTIONt RADIOACTIVE ISOTOPE -~C;OCTPWL XAAJK-P*-7N0 RESTRICTIONS 'UCCUIKENT., CLASS UNICLASSIFIED ite~]LIFRAME-2000/1463 STEP N-41--UR/0497170/1,048/00310037/0042 t i AC ACCESSIGIN ING-AP0125092 UNC LASS I F I E 0 212 020 UNC L AS SI I ED PAOCESSING DATE-3200CT70 ACCESSICN NO--AP012509?-. !ABSTRACTIEXTRACT-1U) GP-0- ABSTRACT. DURING INVE.971GATKON OF THE ~FUNCTIONAL STATE OF THE KIDNEYS BY M E A N.S OF RADJUESOTOPE RENOG~~APHY W11TH AID OF FADIOIODINE LABELLED HYPPURAN OUT OF 42 PATvE'lqT5 SUFFERING HEMORRHAGIC FEVER S41TH THE RENAL SYNDROME AT A_H~ LATE PERIOD OF CONVALESCENCE THERE WERE REVEALED MARK'E~D CHANGES IN.24,PERSONS WHICH IN RENCGRAMS iiERE MANIFESTED BY PRCLCNGAT,ION..OF THE EIXCRE70RY PHASE AND 4 REDUCTION OF THE RENOGRAPHIC PEAK. OFTE, HAD. A RoUNLmH .-ASPECT, RC-SEPBLING THE FORH GF A BELL.' IT. IS NECE.,55ARY -ro POINT TO T~iE PREVALENT AFFECTIGN OF THE SECRETORY FUNCTION OF TUBULES REVEALED DURING RENOGRAMS Of- A PATHOLOGICAL TYPE*. CHANCES IIN THE~ FUNCT IONAL ~'CHARACTERISTICS OF THE KIONEYS~WEHE POST PERSIST-ENT IN A SEVERE COURSE :OF THE: DISEASE AND IN SGAE CASES THEY Cd.ULO BE DETERMINED ONE YEAR AFTER THECNSET OF THE DISEASE. IN. HEMORRHAGIC. FEVER VfTH THE RENAL SYNDROME :_-PR;::VALEflT AFFECTION OF ONE OF THE KIDNE:YS.lS POSSIBiE. RAOIOISOTOPE .~REN.CGRAPIJY ENABLES TO DETECT PATHOLOGICAL SHIFTS Wi PATIENTS DUR114G CONVALESCENCE IN COMPLETE ABSENCE;0VCOMOLAINTS AND1NORMAL INDICES OF `URINE 'ANALYSESt DISTINCTLY SHOWING THE DYNAMICS OF: GRADUAL RESTORATION THE FUNCTICNAL STATE OF THE KIDNEYS.: FACILITY: IZHEVSKOGO NSTITUTA. -KEDITSINSKOGG It UNCLASSIFIEO 2/2 013 UNCLASSI kEO. PROCESSING DATE--040EC70 CIRCACCESSION NO--AT0139809 ,-,--ABSTRACT/EXTRACT--(U) GP-0- ABSTRACT.. RESORPTIVE.FUNCTION OF THE SMALL INTESTINE WAS STUDIED IN 339 PAILENTS WITH PEPTIC ULCIER (INCLUDING 152 CASES OF GASTRIC AND 187 OF Duoi)ENAC ULCER). A i, 'OMPLEX SET OF SPECIAL TEST WAS SET UP TO EVALUATE THE RESOOTIVE ABILI Y, WHICH ENCOPIPASSED T 90TASSIUM IODINEt ETHER ALCOHOL.TESTS;~ALONG WfTWTHE~USE OF THE I PRIMEL31, TAGGED TRIOLEATE GLYCERIN AND OLEIC ACfD. I.NVESTIGATIONS SHOWED CERTAIN CHANGES TO TAKE,PLACEIIN'THE RESOi~RTIVZ PROPERTIES OF THE INTESTINE IN PEPTIC ULCER, THE MOST PRONOUNCED DESTUR13ANCES OF THE ABSORPTION BECOMING EVIDENT IN .THE PRESENCE OF C(J,NC0M,.ITA,14T LESIONS OF THE LIVER AND THE PANCREAS. BY CONTRAST WITH PATIENCTS SUFFERING FROM .GASTRIC ULCER THOSE WITH DUODENAL ULCER EXHIBITED PAYliGLOGICAL RESULTS "ATLON ON RESGRPTIVE OF THE TEST MORE FREQUENTLY* VERY VALUABLE INFORM 'PROPERTIES OF THE INTESTINE CAN BE OBTAINED DY USING AN ORIGINAL F MODIFICATION OF THE POTASSIUM IODINE T,EST WIT14 QUANTIFICATION OF THE ASSORBEO TRACER. INSTITUTION.OF. [.~PRIPEUI l.'AGG.E0 TRIOLATE GLYCERIN AN[) OLEIC ACID TESTS HELPS NOT ONLY TO DET~.CT~ CHANGES', IM THE FAT ASSIMILATIONt BUT ALSO TO ESTABLISH THE GFNESIS~Oi: STEATORRHEA. THE DERANGED ABSORPTION IN PEPTIC ULCER CAN BE TOTALt,:WHEN THE RESULTS OF ALL TESTS TURN OUT TO BE PATHULOGICALN~ BUT MOST.FREQUENTLY IT IS PARTIAL WITH ELECTIVELY UPSET RESORPTIONt. INNHIC0 DEVIIATIONS FROM THE NORMALCY Af FACILITY: RE RECORDED IN ItOR Z FUNCTMINAL TESTS OEP* fiOSP. THER.. IZHEVSK MED. ENST..,~ itZHEVSK'i US$9 u NCLASSMED USSR uDc i62l.362;538-43-16,537.311.3 -0 A. P. FELDUSOV, Ye. V. USrKOV, A. Ya., I .D. 1-10TORNE11K "On the Possibility of Using Microwave lonization,,to Produce a Non- equilibrium Plasma in Magnet-ohydrodynanic Generators" U-kr. fiz. zh. (Ukrainian Physics Jotirnal), 1971, 16, No 5, pp 705-710 (from RZh-Elektrotekhnfl_ka_i Enerotika, No 9, Sep~ 7i, Abstr4ct No 9A79) Translation: The authors show the possibility of obtaining extended volumes of cold plasma with.a charged particle concentration comparable to the concentration in a DC arc,by using the ionizing radiation of electromagnetic fields in the superhigh-frequency btund., A microwave plasma in argon without additives of alkali metals is -oroduced with it conductivity exceeding 100 ml~o/za and conditions are detemi ned for further increasing conductivity. CalcaU_tiona are done to. evaluate the effcctivc~ness of using such a. preionizer ~ in tUID devices. . Four illus- trations, one table, bibliography of twenty-one titles. [Institute of Padio Physics and Electronics. AcadeM of Sciences of the'UltrSSR. Kharlkov], Authors' abstract. CSO: 1860-W END USSR UDC 531.717.2 TRUTENI, V. A., YAKUSHEVSKAYA, Ye. S. "Study of the Accuracy of Recording of Noncircula rity with the ARF- IM Device" Tr. Metrol. in-tov SSSR [Works of Metrological Institutes,USSR], 1970, No 6, pp 84-88, (Translated from Referativnyy ZhurnaI, Metrologiya i lzmeritellnaya Tekhnika, 1972,,No 5, Abstract No 5.3Z.298, from the Resume), Tfanslation: A description is resented of the ARF-IM device and the de- p sign of its sensors . A schematic diagram of the electronic control device is:presented. The errors of measurement are analyzed,and the practical limiting error is determined (as well as variation of~indiciitions'. The influence of dynamics of the measurement studied Results are presented from experimental studies of the accuracy of the device, as well as results of measurement of noncircularity of large parts. Recommendations are presented for use of the device for testing of heal,y. machine building parts and the accuracy of vertical turret lathes afteri,repairs. 4 Figures; 2,Biblio. Refs. __133 -1, i H, I-! 135SR I DC: 62 + .317.7.083.5 jBUa:A_V. A.. Candidate of Technical Sciences "Compensation Methods for Increasing the Accuracy of Large-Dimension. Measurements" Moscow, Mekhanizatsiya i Avtomatizatsiya Proizvodstva, No 7, 1970, pp 30-33 Abstract: 'Work was done by the author in. conjunction with th6 Siberian Heavy Machinery Plant, the Izhora Plant, the Leningrad Metal Plant imeni XXII S"yezd KPSS, VPTI Energomasb (All-Union,Planning And Technological Institute of Power- Machinery 1-Janufacturel, the Kolomna: Heavy Machinexy Plant, and a number of other enterprises to develop modern dimension control techniques in,heavy machine-build- ing. The article gives a classificatian of-, c(.Ynpensation~.methods and examples of their use for the automatic measurement of large diametets, turbine blade pitches, deviations from roundness, as well as the measurement of~ great lengths and a aum- ber of overhead crane ele-ments. Errors are'.divided into the follozing principal groups: basing errors, temperature errors~~dyrnamic~errors, errors due to deforma- tions, instrumental errors. Each group of.:errors has ceTtain rorresponding com- pansation methods. A description is,given'of~a device for the self-adjuBtme, of the measuring head of the instruments OP-6M, AID-6, AID-7. AID-8 on an 1zhora Plant lathe. J/J~L Environn. ahtall and Ec6ldgica-1 e~nis USSR uw 614.78:061 -3 (19T)"1972" TPUTI QV A. I. "Conference on Forecasts of Changes in Man's Urban Enviro M loscow, Gigiyena i Sanitariya, PP 118-119 NO 4 1973, Translation: An All-Union Conference on*,Foreeasts of 61angen in Man's Urban Bnvironmnent was held in Moscow on 28 February-1972. The conference was sponsored by Gosgrazhdanstroy (State Con=~Ltee for Civil Constriaction)J, Gosstroy RSFSR (State Co=-ittee for Construction r6FSR),, and Union of Architects USSR. It was attended not only by engineers ) city plan~ners, -and architects, but by health workers, hygienists, geographers, economists, and other special- ists. 'Me progran focused on the problems connected uii~h resettlement, changes in the planning and development of residential and urban indut3trial regions, reconstruction of municipai transport systems, improvement of health conditions in cities, and preservation and development of th-2 architectui-al and aesthetic appearance of inhabited localities. G. If. Fondn, Chairman of GosgrazManstroy of Gosatroy USSR, noted in his report that -the new and subsequent five-year plans would"oe isprQrtant stages in the further planned traneformation of tile historically d~!veloped settlement 1/7 pit _7 USSR TRUTIM7 A. I., Gigiyena i Sanitariya, No 1 1973) pp 118-119 system into the new comnunist system, which rationally considers the social and economic development of our society. I The. speaker &iscussed the principles for creating urban agglorterationso Despitetheir generally positive features, these agglomerations (there are. now more: than 20 of their in the country) have some shortcomings,, namely, the disproportion in the developr;nnt of large and small cities, the qualitative lirdtations~on group methods of settlement, the weak development of transportation systems in populated areas, and the still surviving dispersed -rural network of inhabited places. Fomin comrented on such phenomena as the occasionally unsound location of~new industrial plants in large cities, deterioration of the naturalenvironment and. health conditions 0t the population, and danrer of the inhabited places gradually merging with the centers of the a-glomerations. Fonin concluded by formulating the elements of a Iona-term city '01anning policyspecifically notinft that radical improve- ment. in the urban enAronment is becoming a PLajor social and economic objective. N. V. Baranov, Vice Chairman of Go6grazhdanatroyo outlined the main prob- lems involved in altering the layout and de~velopment of.u:rban;lregions and im- provement of. health conditions therein. In order to effectively limit the growth of large cities and build smaU_ and. medium- size ones, it is necessary to 2/7 9 USSR V13,1JITIEV, A. I,, Gi--iyena i Sanitariya, 110. 1, 1973,, PP work out, siLTaltaneously with general plans, designs for the layout and develop- ment of industrial zones of influence in.the largest cities, inyprwre the qua-lity of these designs, corabine them organically with state economfc plans, and cen- tralize the control of t'ne design and development activitie8. Them problem of reorganIzing city traffic and transport has ~been raised and suggestions have been wade to solve it by using the underground space in -the centers of cities. Baranov noted some of the. achievemerits'that have:been rmde in protecting (and purifying) the air and irater from injurious industiial emissions and wastes. He Dointed out methods of improving urban health conditions that should be u6ed by.the variott:3 Government industrial ministries and depti.rtmenta and by Ministe- rial councilo of thu union rupublics. 110-mentioned theAnstallation of purifi- on of some plants to manu- cation equipment in industrial plants, spedializati facture such equipment, units, and devices,. determination of the unit cost of industrial production with account -taken not only of plant expenses but all the capital investments required to create buffer zones, treatment facilities, etc. Baranov suggested that the implementation of the plans for this purpose be evaluated, with the managers of the enterprises rewarded,in accordance with the effectiveness of the steps taken. 3/7 Sol'sP - ------ USSR TFUMV, A. I., Gigiyena i Sanitariya., No 4,1973, PP 118-119 Considerable interest 'was aroused by the paper:of P. N. airgasov, Deputy Minister of Health U,9SR, Chief Health Officer USSR, an(I corresponding member of the Academy of Medical Sciences USSR. He observed that 8ociet health legis- lation is progressive and that long strides have been taken to upgrade municipal services and improve tovn planning and developnent. He analyzed in detail the negative aspects of urbanization (lag in trwisportation facilities, noise, difficulty in finding recreation out of town, and- overcrowcUng in Iarge. cities) Environmental pollution is partly responsible for, the in structure of -the morbidity rates of the urban population compared to the rural. Unine examples, figures, and Original illustrLtive ravLe.tIal, the. speaker convincingly described the health aituati6n prevailin6 in va-4-lous cities, gave hJs opinion of buffer zonea, the thoroughly aiscusced the staDa that are to be tiLken in the near future to protect the health, of thew urban population and change the urban environment. M. V. PoVoMin, Chief Architect of Roac 14 .0w, GI)okL- about the prospecto for improving the layout, develowment, and general health c(nnditions of Moscow. He also analyzed the new general plan for the -city -which, he said, does not perndt the construction of new or enlargement of: e;.-isting~ indimtrial and other objects 4/7 l1: 62 USSR uDc 621-791-706-0 21-7-044-2:621-791-08: r;-.?9.4 -,WM Candidate of Technical Sciences, W~USHDIP A. F.) LUNP.7M, A.A., and MISIMI, N. I., Engineers, and ODIN$ V. M., Candidate.of Technical Sciences "ComDarative Evaluation of Joint Qua4ty From Explosive Welding of Aluininum Wltl~' Titanium, Steel and Nickel" mcscow, S,,ra--ochnoye Proizvodstvo No Jul 73) PP 119-21 19 Abstract: Results ol a comparative evaluation of the, weldahilit ty of Al with Ti, steel, and Ni by explosion welding.under identical Condj4 ions is presented. Plates of PwS6 alloy measuring 6x 65 7 130 nm were cla,~ 'with hot roll-ad ADI aluminum and plates of V16 titaniizi alloy, Kh181410T steel, a-ld electrol,~tic teS4,S nickel measuring 5 X 60 x 220 ilin. Froiu shear X, it, was found that Al + Ti had the best weldability. Shear strength also increased 17-h(~n the distance between the jietal bei-ng welded war; increased frOM 3 to 5 to. 8 nm i-.Ith the hir'a- est test values noted for the distance Of 5:Tlr.',- TrIa s'4JurIr e~;Lruzigth of Al + NIL joints vas better than that of Al + bli181110T stc:el. PI -was noted that th--! coefficient, of -LiLroact cn~!rfy uI;jj.jvation: J,,i one of the Important parai,.,-!tcrs in a ss rii a r6a r the explovive voldinC pracese that effects the welc -bility f di i 1 r te- ials. 3 fiGures, 2 tables, 6biblio6raphic. referance's. 36 till Cotapoi;ite Haterials WSR uDc 669-715 KOLPASHNIKOV, A. Ia, 14ANUYLOV, V, F,I DUKAYEV, A. A. and SHIRYAYE YE. V. "Reinforced Material Based on Aluminum -and Weldable Aluminum Alloys" Moscow, Tsvetnyye metally, No 2, Feb 72, pp 56-57 Abstract: This study concerns the mechanical properti6s of composites. the structure of transition zones.and the~metal flow in.rolling prefabricateC). blanks designed for service under'high work loads in assemblies and struc- 'g6 alloy reinforced with tures. Cokposite sheet metal blanks,based.on ILm D.18N9T and EP322 steel wire fibers show Ei. tensile strength of 53.6 and 0. kg/MM2 69,2 and a bend angle 0f-55'47 and~36-5* at a specific weight of 3 3.46 g/cm. . Reinforcement with EP322 steel fibers produces composites with a strength exceeding that of Yhl8N9T steel-wire reinforced composites by The amount of wire reinforcement is 15% in both:materials. Tables in the original article show the relationship betw"n the percentaj.;e of fibers and the strength of the.composite material., (3 Illustrations, 4 tables, 3 bibliographic references). USSR UDC 621.791.14:669.14.018.44 TRUrNEV,_ Candidate of Technical Sciences, KJOVSHEVA, G. P., ~'ngl`75777 wm, M., Candidate"of technicaliftiences V. "Friction Welding of EP56.S.teelVith EP262 Alloy Moscow, Svarochnoye Proizvodstvo, No 10, Oct 70, pp 17-18 Abstract: Welding of EP56 steel with EP202 nickel alloy in the solid phase -by friction was studied; the diffusion.processes in,this instance occur significantly more slowly than ir. the 491id-liquid phAise during fusion welding. It is demonstrated that. the embrittlement of the welded joint between the two metals produced in the solid state oc 6urs after heat treatment as a result of formation of a,narrow, softened zone in the joint.. Embrittlement of these,joints cah increasing the thickness of the softened zone by.introducing an~intermediaie layer Simi- lar in composition to this zone, for example, by usinglan interlayer ofl austenitic Khl2N2A'T2,5 steel. USSR UDC 621.79LO52.001.5t669.3+669.71 TRUTNEV Candidate of Technical Sciences, YAKIUSHIN, A. F., Engineer, And'YAKUSHINA, G. V., Technician "Kinetics of Intermediate Phase Growth in Copper and Aluminum Combinations" Moscow, Svarochnoye Froizvodstvo,.No 1,:Jan 71, pp 15-16 Abstract: Copper and aluminum combinations are intereating in that they are difficult to weld together, and formations of thermodynamically stable in- termetallic phases may occur. This article investigates the interaction of the two metals when welded. The investigation method Involves plotting kinetic curves of the growth of the intermetallides duting the welding process from metallographic examination of the transiti,onal rone structure for the combination subject to Isothermic processing at.varlous temperatures. were cold wel Specimens of ADI aluminum and MI copper, 16 =i in di4intater, ded. They were then subjected to isothermal processing in an-,atmoaphere of air at a temperature range of 300-450* C maintained -from I minvte td 20 hours, and microsections bearing the intermetallic the waided joint were made. A curve for the growth of intermetallic phase was~plottod for each tempera- :ture value. 77~-~ UDC 5k7.26 f 118 IWINA, N. A. , YULDASHEVA, I. N. TRUT NEVA YE . P. ."Reactions of Dialkylamidoallcylphosphbrous Acids With A ldehydes and K-etones" Leningrad, Zhurnal Obshchey Hhimii, Val 41, No 10, 1971, pp 2173-2117 Abstract: rq., title reactions were studied in ~~n effort to e:scert n the existence of two tautomeric forms: the phosphonate (1) and the hydroxyphos-ohite (II) f orms of diaI17-lamidoaj-k~l- phosphorous acids, In ~he presence of sodium alkoxide catalyst, 11,11-dia'Lkylamidoal!-c,,Tlphos-o-40rous acids (III) reacted exothernally and rapidly with aromattic aldehydes, aromatic and aliphatic ketones to riveL li',N-dial'--yl(Q(,-hydro.!.-y)all,,71(aryl)phosi~~.,iona-.,nides which wera identified by their IF, spectra. A high reaction rate indi- U cated a possible,ionic mechaniam involvinc an al'tac!--. on the electrophil-ic carbon-1 carbon by the nucleonhilic DhosDhorus atom J - j - I with formation of an intermediate. c,o=.ou-nd which reacts with a second (III) molecule to give :the final -oroduct:. In the absence OfLa catalyst, aromatic aldehydes and.ketlones react very 112 A.,. et al, Zhurna 1Obshchey -ini i, ILIETA, vol 41, so 10, 1971, pp 2173-2177 vigorously with (III), probably in (II) forn,,l to give an inter- mediate comnound wit-h a negatively charged oxygen atom. This oxygen atom attacks P atom and sixaultaneously an amin-anion is eliminated from P atom and attaclcs C atom to form an internediate cyclic, cation which rearranges to: crystalline, P-11, 1 amino- alkylarylphos-ohonates which e7hibit differences in IR sDectra, comnared with. t'hose of the products of catalyzed reactions. The produets of the (III) reaction with aliphatic~aldehydes were not U identif ied. The exoeriinental -orooedures are outlined and elemental analysis data and physica1iconstantA of the reaction products are tabulated. 212 2 0 U~XL Ass I frc-Dll~ ~'Pf-~-DCESSI'4G DATE-020-T70, TITLL-r-4-OTCELECTRIC MEA5UREMFNTS JF T14E !ZODIACAL ;L F; HT IN ASHKAH3AD -U- :AUTH.-DR.-TRUTTSE, YU.L. tOUNTRY f2f INFC---USSR IV, P0LYAr.,'fYYE, S IYAN IVA I S V F CHE NJ Y 1970, 10 PP 37-mw4l u AT P U b L 15 h-;- j-- 7 0 ~~SUBJECT 'AiJEAS--ATWlSPHEPJC SCIPICCS, PH*SICS r'T.OPIC,JAGS PHOTUELECTRIc nETECTTO'4w',Z0DIACAL LIGHT 0lJT PUL. APK I NG-- -NO RESTRICTIONS 0 C UM EIN TC L AS S-- UN C L A S S I F I E 0 ,7,0:k,)X V .k E E L/ F P. 4M C-- 199 4 / 01 Z 4 StEP NO UP 33 07 70 /0 0 (l/ r) 1 -3 0 0 3 70 01 ,CIRC, ACCF.SSIrN NO--AP0II45?0 UNCLASSIFIE0 10,111 IRWIN L12 030 UNCLASsr'FIED PROCESSING DATE-160CT70 TITLE-CERTAIIN CHARACTERISITIC-.UF UPPLER ATMOSPHERIC HEATING DURING STORMS AND POLAR~AURORAS -U- YU.L. ~.:COUNTRY OF INFO--USSR ~2"SOURCE-KOSMICHESKIE ISSLEDO VOL. So MAR-APR. 1970, P. 298-305 VANIIA, ,,:,DATE PUBL ISHED - ----- 70 ~-',-`S_IUBJECT AREAS-EARTH SCIENCES AND OCEANOGRAPHY, ASTRONOMY,ASTROPHYS[cs, ATMOSPHERIC SCIENCES -TORIC TAGS-GEOMAGNETIC STORMt AURORAI UPPER ATAOSPHERE't HEATINGt ATMOSPHERK DENSITY, GEOGRAPWIC LATITUDE', SOLAR ACTIVITYt GEOMAG"4ETIC ACTIVITY 'MARKING-NO RESTRICTIONS CLASS-UNCLASSIFIED STEP NO--UR/0293/70/008/000/029810305 C I-RC ACCESSION NO--AP0115593 UNCLASSMED, - - - - - - - - - - - - - -47 77 2/2 030 UNCLA SIFIED PROCESSING DATE--160CT70 ACCESSION NO--AP0115593 i,,ABSTRACT/EXTRACT--(Ul GP-0- ASSTRACTo COMPARISAN OF THE ATMOSPHERIC DENSITY VARIATION AT LOW LATITUDES AS A FUNCTION OFSOLAR AND GEOMAGNETIC ACTIVITY. 17 IS FOUND THAT THE DEPENDENCE OF VERTICAL DENSITY VARIATIONS ON SOLAR ACTIVITY,.DIFFERS FROM THE DEPENDENCE ON GEOf4A.GNETIC ACTIVITY. AN EXPLANATION-OF THIS DIFFER .ENCE IS THAT THE SOURCES RESPONSIBLE FOk THE EXPANSION OF THE UPPER ATMOSPHERE ARE tloc4LIZED AT VARIOUS HEIGHTS. THE DEPENDENCE O~. DENSITY ON THE GEOMAGNETIC AE INDICES 15 L114EAR (WITHIN EXPERIMENTAL UNCERTAINTY) OVER. THE ENTIRE RANGE OF VARIATLION OF THESE.INUICES, .~UT REMAINS CONSTANT FOR UFFERENT SOLAR ACTIVITY LEVELS. THE DEPENDENCE OF DENSITY ON THE SOLAR SIOUNCED NONLINEAR11TY. INDICATIUNS ARE ACTIVITY INDICES EXHIBITS A PRO, THAT T14E UPPER ATMOSPHERIC WAVELtNGTH:BUT ALSO ~i[TH SOME OTHER SOURCE. AN ANALYSIS OF THE INTENSITY'OF RED-HYDR015EN EMJ~SION AT 6300 A. SHOwS i, THAT THISE14ISSION IS LOCALIZED BEYONO THE LOW LATITUDE REGION. UNCLASSIFIED -------- 1-00~ USSR LIDO 665.183.218.5 _I, 915 3=PTSKOV. X. M., TAPIASOV, V. KONOVALOV, I. M. , MOKAIUSHIN, TA7rVN, SHCHIKOV, A G., and YAKUSHIN,.*,V. 1. K. D*I a .110peration,of a Dual Bath steel Melting Furnace at the Chere- etsk Metallurgical Plant" ~pov Proisvodstvo Chernykh Metallbv (Production of.Ferrous Metals Collection of Works), No 75 Metallurgiya Press', 19,70, pp 56-68 Translation: The operating indicators of a dual bath steel- making.furnace for 1968 are analyzed.'~ The productivity of the dual bath furnace was 1.024.million- tons. Theltechnology of melting of steel in the dual bath furnace has a number of specifics in the mode of carbon 6xidation, ste0_1 heating, and desulfuration and dephosphoration of the metal' Over 601 high- quality structural steelAa-produced by~the fuilnace- The quality of the metal is equal to that of doeA-hearth ateel. 8 figures; 3 tables-, 5 biblio. refs. 25 lpw, tloy 'j UVC 025,4 :65-011-56:1624 DEVELOPMENT OF A SET OF CUSSIFIrRS FOR COPSTRUCTICV CONTROL SYSTEMS (&rtLc1q by G.K uaA A~,. 7 Pr I lbe GIPRITIS [State InotitutL for Standard Cxperimental Plauntng and T..hnic4l of tl,e USSR ntmx Conutrijetion cocuutttet Tstatn. undcr.t~w U559 Counnil A,[ _2 ::.Xl C"I~tcuczlaa-j fktrl worki4'.11 ~tlw cv- Airynt=*-D~ -'I'liitior, of rcoovz~v Snfa~L14~ for akit-antic C outruc- tion C.nttol syst4w~ (A5U!;; Sinri 1967. I-Attlers -s r,,reccded by nnal7zL9114 The plannLog anJ J,,atgn ot che el the towpoottion of %,)It JnlomAti" uzcd J,~ th. etuno.ix: uyntm., d.Lorminatien of Its rloie and file chArncrcriat.ica (volumas, VtrlodLc1ty,' the "lifettwo" 'of each ficw ar%4 file, their interrulat ions .up4ating syatew5, and so on). The compoeirlon of the ria-t"Iflod hetn and t1w Inrorn,&I otructoro nf tho Individual classifiers vare establinised on. thp 6mm level. uwre *elected, the basic procedural pringiplai. for canstructins.thu.clasairi- catiAms ~Var* developed". and the. daftnitions.of the ce"nCepte Aisr'd were pres~ted. ;&a% do %4 mo~an by a set of classifiers? PL w; Of Cl-jairlors of vcnrom" inforn-iriou In c~onntructiun ran be characterized as an ordnred Act of dymteicatixod and =utuall)r correlated 'lists of ancoded sconumic information uned in c.nttolling consttucttoo productior- This' oyot~ zust torrospond to tile Eallo.Ing trequire~-uts: Inclusion of the entire set of econtantc infor=tlua referenecd in the sphere of cqnattuxtion c"trol, In,iurance Of the ponsiblIlLy of fWrarAting OtOtIZZiC 11110~tlen Of dii- ferent nAture with respect to clearly delimited tochntcal-ecLscmic ottributed and a&gregatlon of iofor~tlvn to obtain indexes for productlon control an all k19 lwvelv tin the trusts, combines, main Administratiors And Ministries); Insurance of the possibility of economic inforlastion processing by com- --% Puter nedia. 009 UNCLASSIFIED PROCESSING DATE--30OCT70 CIRC ACCESSION NO--AP0118942 GP-0- ABSTRACT. THE POSSIBILITY OF REPLACING PART OF SLAGS ADDED TO PORTLAND CEMENT AND SLAG PORTLAND CEMENT WAS STUDIED AS WELL-AS OF OBTAINING PUZZOLANI PORTLAND CEMENT ON THE BASIS OF OPOKA. COMBINED GRINDING OF CLINKERi GYPSUMv SLAGv AND10-POKA~WAS CARRIED OUT -TO A RESIDUE OF.8.5PERCENT ON SIEVE NO.,006. GYPSUM WAS ADDED IN THE AMT. OF 4PERCENT BASED,ON CEMENT WT. REPLACEMENT OF SLAG BY UP TO 1,5PERCENT OPOKA IMPROVES THE STRENGTH OF- PORTLAND C:-;:MENT AND RAISES ITS EQUALITY TO TYPE 600, IF Tflk GRINDING IS IMPROVED10. A RESrDUE OF ONLY .5PERCENT ON SIEVE NO. 008 THE ACTiviTY pF.THE CEMENT, IS IMPROVED TO 788 XG-CM PRINE2. .~ REPLACEMENT OF SLAG, BY OPOKA IN SLAIZ~~, PORTLAND CEMENT IMPROVES ITS STRENGTH. GRINDING TO~A RESIDUE OF 5PERCENT ON SIEVE NO. .-008'IMPROVES THE ACTIVITY TO 722KG-CM PPLIME2 AFTER:~~B DAYS. WITH THE ANN. OF 20-30PERCENT OPOKA PULIOLANI PORTLAND CEMENT OF HIGH qUALITY CAN BE OBTAINED IF.THE RESIDUE ON.OEVE;N0 008 IS 51,1 PERCENT. MIXTS. -WITH OPOKA ARE MORE EASILY GROUNDTHAN-THOSE WITH,BLAST FURNACE SLAGS. :FACILITY: 00SHAN. TSEMENT*-* ZAVOL)v'OLSHANKAv U$SR. UNCLASSIFIED_ USSR uDc-. 621.396.6-18i.5(rjam) GTAZKOV, 1. 14. ZAY-TSEV: V.- A., KOZIDVI, V. A., Ya. A., 'A Microphoto Assembly Device for Making Photote m-lates" 'USSR Author's Certificate Nlo 263h143 f fle d 3 Jan 68, published 9 Jun 70 'i o t e.~hn (from EM--Ead, k a, No 63 Jun V 5 Abstract No 6v4aiq Translation: -'-is Author's Certificate intmduces miercnih-oto asscm~bly device. for rskin,, tote!mlates. 111e d,~vicc contp_~ns a st,~.nd with il- lumimator ard rzmitter, a coordinante tabl(f- with linear dis -,) lacemz lit data units, a ccnposinj*7 ,rlth sliding screens -=i imterc,- wvig~-aable objc--tive in the "form o-f a leas ra~ster_ or' arid a IQ J.-t-prove accul.=y holder writh a projection lenr: -ox;nt,,~d in a hori zontp-1. ,bl~:,*(_, on the cc,,:,rdjnt,,.-Ic rustz] On 4-he umw~,.- of tha The tz.~Wc is -nnd-,rcd vith rui vc-rt-ure for th-_- lens nnd a a p.-otoe-m-phic y;.1ate. 'I"hic compos.J. dieq.- vith slld-_;In~~- screens hcn_r-;:., vnt--er thio -LOblr,~ on cclums A-dch pass t~e r;~r~:nd. to d, cj the diaphragn r--fad thc,, I e ns i t, rin g f o r t. 11, 6Oiotbtemvlate 1,1 USSR UDC 533-6.011:001.211 GORELOV, G. M. , TRYANOV, A. YE. PODDUBNOV, V. P. -ith "Calculating Pressure Losses, ii a Gas Flow Through a CVlindpical Charwel il Friction and Heating" Tr, Kgybyshev. aviats. in-t (Worl(s of Kuybyshev Aviatim Institute), 1970, -No. 45, pp 79-86 (from RM-Aviatsionnyye i raketnyye dvigateli, No 4, Apr 72, Abstract No 4.34.4) Translation: Gas flow in a rectilinear cylindrical chan'liel under the combined action of Iriction and heat exchange on thelfl6vi is disc6ssed.. A foriula is obtained for calculating the coefficient of.resistance -iri the case of a uniform supply of heat along the length of,the channelunder the assumption of a power dependence of density and viscosity on temperature in tbe~region of ideal and real gas. 4 ill., 6 ref. Resume. 7 -7 USSR um 582.288:581.2:634-956(k,-77.234) TRYBU211 P. -A.; DVOYITOS, L. M. DEMCHZ I.. I.; Carpathian Branch, a an c en 1 ic esea.rc nst, u a o -ores - -'anagemen SMCL Agricultural and Forest Melioration; Institute of Microbiology and V-1rology, Academy of, Sciences Ukrainiarl SSR llspecies.Composition~of Pm Cause Diseases of Tree P ngi That Seedlings in Nurseries of_Ivan6xro-Prankovskay-, Oblast" .,Kiev-,.Ukrpinsk~y_Botanichoskiy Zhurnal, Vo1128, No 4, Jul/Aug 71, P~ Abstract-. As a part of a study of fungus in~Vections of trees in the~forests of the Wkrainian Garna- hyto-pathological 'Uhiax%s,a 1) investigation of turee nurseriW~.ftthe State Fomst Reserve in Ivanovo-Prank-ovskaya Oblast was c-arried out''in 1968-70. It -wras established that seedlings of-pedunculate oak- (Quercus roburl were infected wit--h --o-t-rdery mildew. caused by Z"Licrosphaera alphi- toides; those of European beach (Pagus sylvatica.) were infected with Festalozzia hartigi and Fusamum javanicm;, and those of 1/2 16 oil USSR TRYBUIT, P. A., et al, Ulcrainskiy Bo4anicheskiy '-/hurna:L, Vol 28, 'qo 4, Jul/Aug 71, PP, 531-514 oriental beech (Pagus orientalit) wi-:"'h,Pes-ua1ozzia hartigi and Pasarium avenaceum. Sweet cherry (Prunus avi-am), seedlingz were infected With coccomycosis caused by Coacomyces hiemalis. Root rot of coniferous and deciduous isDeciPS, was~T~.oaused b7 eight- species and various genera of lksariura. In~laddition to being affected by fusariosis, seedlings:of Scotch ~ine.(Pinus sylves- tris) were infected with a. disease caused by~ Plelampsora pinitor- Oua. 2/2 USSR UDC 59:616-981.455(574.52) AYKIIIBAYEV,- H. A., KOM NEYEV, G. A., KUNITSA, G. M. ,-TLEUGABYLOV, 1M. K. , TRYKIN, f k !,~, ~ ~a Asiali~ SY-VORTSKOVA S - S K N, 1. P. and SUM,11IN, V. m. Cen I `~`Scientific Research Antiplague Institute,~Alma-Ata "A Tugai Focus of Tularemia in Dzhambulskaya 013 las tin the Lower Chu Flow" Mosccw, Zoologicheskiy Zhurnal, Vol 50, No.10, 1971, pp 15015-1598 milio, the tick which carries and transmits tularemia Abstract: Whipicephalus pum, bacteria, can circulate the bacteria over a long time-span due to it's ability to parasitige hares and otherrodents at all stages of. its development. The flooded fieldi in this region, on which cattle grazei create ideal conditions for the spread of the i:~odid tick. Dermacentor daghestanicus is the dominant species because of its high percentage qf infection by~ tularemia bacterin and because it preserves thv bacceria in its:. body for a long period. Bacteriolog- ical studies were made. of 11.7 mammals and 19,000 t i cl-z of various species. In infected hares chiln&s were manii4ested by enlargement of the spleen, in some cases by a change in the color zind texture of the liver, and by the characteristic mound arrangem6nt of cocci-bacteria in the spleen, -liver, lungs, lymph nodes, ind-blood. 30-strains of Papteuriv-cla tulareasis were found in ixodid ticl~s and 7 str_-Ins,1 in the hare (Unus. tolai) These strains deconpose glycerine and circulat&. in the tugai focus. 7 _7 USSR UDC: 53-07/.08+53-001.5 KIRMTEVICH, V. I- TRYKOV, L. A. TRYKOV, 0. A. "A One-Crystal Scintillation Spectrometer (kth Organic Phosphor)ff Odnokristal'nyv atsintillyatsion.-Im spektror-et-, (s orfrIlInicheshim fosforcta) (~f. English above), Moiscov~ AtomizIdat, J971, 136 PP2 ~11. k. (from RIh- -Fizika, no 4, Apr 72, Abstract no 4A612, K)~ Translation: This ic a pi-actical handbook on spectrom:,,tx7 using a single scintillation crystal with an organic phoi;phor (stiDbei'Ae, liquid scintilla- tars). The book, describes m"hods. for discriminating a background of gaj,,-.a radiation or neutrons as well as methods,:6or convertim amplitude aistribu- tions, to neutron or gar=L-ray energy spectra. Examples of using the spectra- mater are riven (investigatioa of reactor emission, speptra aTid isotope sources of neutrons; measurement of the integral and differanti~Ll cross sections of neutrort reactions). A. V. 911 ENRON 11111151 USSR 1JDC 695-887 621-039.9 (355) KmrllmcH) V.I. GORYACKEV., I.V. TRYKGV L A -VA,(Frotection Against the ZASHCHITA OT ERG-1111FAIUS;zmaz RADiATSII YADMTOGO VZF1 MOSCOW, Atcmizda-ti 197 Penetrating Radiation of a Nuclear Zqliosion) 0, 150 PF) illus. bibl-fos, 3,050 copies I-rimted Presents an engineering retlod of dpaiening krround atructures for the protection against the penetrating radiation of nuclear mTlcsion. Since the nuclear exr-losion as a sorrce of penetrating radiat~cm in irell treLted in the Uteraturej only its general chcractetistics are ditauGsed here. Iqhasis is rlaced here on nez;trcns and ravma rays produced at the atxaosphere-grcimd~ interface and on the Tenetration of radiation tk,irough the t~j~c'al j-m -tective media for the gemetry. inherent in protective str atures. Them book,is intended for scientific and teelzical rersonnel engaged in radiation Frotectim utmk. Oontekts Pages -Foreword 3-5 Chapter 1. The Nuclear Exrlosion as a ~Sowce of lerizing Radiation 6-29 0 'Ile an =a-Rays ~_ur Char-ter 2. The lield of I utrons d Ow. ing 1--mclear 1-VIosion 30-88 Clhipter 3. The Enission of Radi-active Fbilout Cc- 1c2 1/2 USSR KUlGiTEVICH, V. I., et al.$ OT PRONIKA~USHCHEY RADIATSII YADMOGO VZRYVA (Protection.A:gainst the Penetra.tIng Radiation of a Nuclear Explosion), Moscow AtomizdaL, 1970,:, 190 pp Chapter 4. The Yassafe of Neutrons Through a, S11-deld Chapter 5. The Passage 'of Beta'- and~Gavam-Rays ThroughaSIdeld Chapter 6. Designing the lrotebtion~of Gr(jund Btru6ture-,- Against the Radiationa of a. ifuclear ExTlosion AprendAx. 10 Tables on barrIer penttration of total dose of neutrons and gamma rays for varicus: waterialej ".d on yield of capture garma radiation 103-120 121-145 146-172 USSR UDC: 53 OV-08+53-001.5 KUKMVICH, V. I., TRYKOV, L. A., TRYKOV, 0. A. "A One-Crystal Scintillation Spectroneter (Witb Organic Phosphor)" Odnokristallnvy stsintillyatsionnyy sDektrometr Is o_-PanichesRim fosforom), (Cf. EV-2glish above), MDscorw, Atomizdat'-1971, 136 pp-, in. 66 fToi;i Zh- -Fizika,,No 4, Apr 72, Abstract. No hA612' Translation: This is a practical hand]boo1c on spectrorii--tvy using a single scintillation crystal with an organic phosphor (stilbene, liquid ccintilla- tors). The book describes methods for diocritrdnating- m background of gamna -udr radiation or neutrons as well as methods, for a=,ertin1r, aviplit~, -- distribu- neutron or ganna-ray energy spectra. Examples of using the 'spectro- tions to meter are given. (investigation of reactor emission, spectra and i:iotopQ source* of neutrons; measmement of the integral:and differential cross sections of neutron reactioas). A. V. 94 own USSR UDC 621.791.1:.621.642.001.2 BOGOMOLOVA, A. S., Candidate of Technical'Sciences, and.BAKSHI, 0. At, Doctor of Technical Sciences, Chelyabinsk Polytechnic Institute; S.EDYKF, V. S., Doctor of Technical Sciences, and OV_YU._~.P.Iand BELOUSOVI V. P., Candidates of Technical Sciences, Volgograd Polytechnic Inatitute; BORISOVAJ~ V. A.) KARAITI A. B., POPOV,, A-S., and SAFRYGIN, V..D., ~~ngineers, Ibs 6ow From Dissimilar Materials" "Pract ical Design of Welded Vessels and Pipe Moscow, Svarochnoye Proizvodstvo, No~%-1973p pp 3-6 Abstract:, Welding tests were conducted for welding dissim'lar materials to join dissimilar metals in the fabrication of~vessels and pipe. A steel+copperi niobium+titanium joint was made from steel,KhMNIOT, M1 co er, niobium, and PP OT4 titanium, and a magnesium alloy+titanium+aluminum+aluminum alloy joint was Made from magnesium alloy MA2-1, VT1 titanium, Adl aluminum, and aluminum alloy ARg6. -The goal of this work was to determine the proper materials which would yield a reliable diffusion barrier in the intermediate weld layers, and a joint with a strength equal to that of the base metal. Mathematical formulas are given for calculating the tnnsile and yield strengths ~ af, the'; soft sublayer and critical magnitude of relative thickness.ofthe soft~sublayer for which an equal-strength joint can be achieved. For..the titanium--;.rteel Joint the 1/2 USSR 621.791:621.7.044.2:669.295 + 669.71 YEROKHIN, A. V., Engineer, KAM, N. N. SEDYKH, V..S.,and TRYKOV Yu. P., P MUM= Candidates of Technical Sciences, and'ULITIN, A. I., Enginemer, A4ogpgra-f Polytechnic. Institute "Properties of Titanium-Aluminum Joint~s Produced by Explosive Welding" Moscow, Svarochnoye Proizvodstvo., NO 7,~ Jul 1972, PP 26-27 .Abstract: The optimal parameters are determined for explosive welding of joints of titanium with aluminum and th-ree-layer composite joints of AINIg6- ADl-OT4i having strengths of 10-12 kg/mm2 and-rupturiq thr ough the aluminum when tested. The titanium-aluminum joints produced by explosive i..relding can withstand extended heating to 500-SSOOC,~accordinp, to the temperature- time conditions of formation of, intermetallic compoun&S on thc division boundary of the layers, and can be used:for various technological processes. A pilot scale technology is developed for.explosive welding of titanium- aluminum joints, guaranteeing stab;le strength, values.. USSR UDC 669.2:621-771 BAKUMA, S. F., BELOUSOV, V. P., SEDYKH, V. S. andJTR),f.KO P. "Production of Plate Metal Compositions by ExplosiveYelding and Intermediate Rolling" Moscow, Tsvetnyye metally, No 5, May 71, pp 58-62 Abstract: Proposed are new flow charts. for producing composite materials with provisions for combining explosive welding IrrILth either cold, warm, or hot rolling. Explosive welding of bimetal joints from hard-to-weld metal combinations (Ti-Fe, Al-Mg, Ub-Fe,;and others) reiluire strict ad- herence to specific parnmters including precl~Fe seIztJTIp, of root gap open-Ings botween t1a, platvs, perfect dosage of commositizin anl anoronrinte density of the explosive powder, &ad special surface pteparation. Viola- tion of either condition inay cause drastic rcIduction 01' weld: strength Lind even lamination. The new flow charts offer,potentialsJor increasing the mechanical properties of bimetal weld Joints. The complex technology is. justified by the savings in. costly and scarce materials aad realiza.tion s of new design problems. (3 illustration', 1 table, 7~bi bliographic references" US!L3 I IUDC 621.791.76.052:621.7.044.2:620.16 WURZOVSKAYA,Ye, B., Engineer, SEDYKII, V. S., Candid6te of Technical Sciences, TARABRIN, G. T., Candidate of Technical'. Sciences, ZV.LCQ~,1XX. Candidate of Technical SCielices, Volgcgrad Polytechnic Institute. "Structural and Mechanical Wonuniformity of Explosion"I.Jelded Steel-AlurAnum Joints" Moscow, Svarochnoye proizvodstvos No,9, :1972, pp 7-9 Abstract: A study was made of ne structural and mechanical,nonuniformity and strength of an explosion-welded three-layer composition;.of the two aluminum alloys A,Jg6+AD1 and KUSNIOT steel as a function of the kinetic energy of the impact, tne scaling factor and the relative. thickness of the aluminum sublayer. During explosion welding of this three- layer -. compoqi timl, an increase in the kinetic energy of the impact above 1-1 leads, to~an increJ'pe in the proportional participation of the steel elements 2n tile formation of the fused sections, gradual increase in their hardness and a shar decrease in the strength of the P. AD1-,Khl8YlOT joint in the range Of values W>-W critical' Th e process parame- ters the welding schematic and the scaling factor have an effect on the struc- tural and mechanical nonunifornity of the s teel-aluminum, joint.. The strength characteristics of the explosion-welded A!.lg6+ADI-~RhlP~DTIOT'IcompoEiitiona1 joint 1/2 USSII SA0,1NOVSKAYA,Ye~ B., et al., Svarochnoye,proizvodstvo., No 9, 1972, pp 7-9 depend essentially on the relative thickness of the interstitial layer of ali-minum and can be calculated by Lhe formulas proposed earlierlo. A. Bakshi, 1022.1a svarochnogo proizvod-stva. Trud'i ChPI, 1-16 33, 1965; 0. A. Bakshi, et al., Vopros-~7 svarochnogo proizvodstva, Trudy ChPI, No'. 63,~ 19681. The ext)erimental data are plotted graphically, and the,mechanism, of the formatiowof the mechanical and structural properties of the joints are discussed.~: 212 USSR UDC,621.791.76:6'~)1.7..1044.2.052:621.791.011 POKATAYEV, YE. P., Engineer, TRYKOV YU. P Candida"te of'Technical Sciences, KHRAPOV, A. A.1 neer, Voljo~~~#Technic Institute Engi "Residual Stresses in Explosi .on-Weldedi Joints" Mos cow, Svarochnoye proizvodstvo, No 9, 197.2, pp 10-12 Abstract: A study was nade of the distribution law of the residual stresses vith respect to thickness of explosion-welded joints between like (steel-steel) -aed in and unlike.(steel-titanium) metals. The residual stresses were deter.7i rods cut from bimetal billets 250 X 253 mm The ithickness of the based -layer of Mt.3 steel was 31.5 = in the steel-steel joint and 3 7 . mir, In the stcel-titanium Joint. The thickness of the cladding layeriof 113t.3 s -el and OT4-1 alloy jas the same, 10 mm, in both cases. Gr4phs %Mre~plotted for the:.hardness distri- bution in an. explosion-welded joint of steel-steel, steel-titanitrill the OT4-1 titanium alloy in the initial state and IfSt-3 steel in the initial state, the variation of the relative deformation of bimetal steel-titanium rods on re- Moval of layers from the titanium and steel sides, the,distribution of the residual stresses in the steel-steel b1matal obtained b~ explosion iiiclding for 10 longitudinal. and transvcrse Bpecimps after welding and ~~;ter annealing., the residual stress.distribution in the steel-titanium bimeuil after explosion welding and the residual stress distribution In the utud-titanium bimetal 1/2 USSR POKATAYEV, YE. P., et al., Svarochnoye proizvods tva, ko 9) 1972, pp 10-12 after tempering. After anneelingthe residual stresses in the steel-steel bi- metal were eliminated in practice as a result of,inteiise relaxation of high temperatures and subsequent uniform cool,ing. In the steel-titanium bimetal, -caused by.the different after tempering a new residual stress field arose thermal expansion of the layers. The residual stresses in the explosion-~-ielded bimetals can be determined by the same methods as in uniform materials. The natute of the residual stress distribution in the initial state after welding is in O,racLice the same in the Joints between like anti unlike materials 212 45 USSR UDC 6pi.79.1:6a.7.o44.2-.669.15-19!~.56-669.715 SAMIZOVSK4YA, YE. B., Engineer, SFJ)YKH,'V.S., Candidalte of Technical Sciences, and;~~' ~YU.P., Candidate of Technical Scieni~:es,,Vqlgograd Polytechnic Institute t F Properties of Joints of Austenitic Steel With Aluminim A-lloy5, Produced by Explosive Welding' Mseow, Svarochnoye Proizvodstv o.,, No 7, 1971, P34-36. Abstract: This article 1) studies some regularities in,the cLanges in mechani- cal.-properties of explosively welded Joints between austenitic steel and binex:., aluminum alloys, based on analysis of the'. state diagrp~inr-., 2) s-,udies the .temperature time cone s litions of formatioa of intermetallic compound. during the process of heating of welded Joints and 3) suggests a.Uoys ba6ed on this composition, providing high steel-aluminum joi2it strenc-th. Lnereasing the initial strength (hardness) of the &-auminum'.alloys causeq,a reduction in the range of optim-al pressures realizingthe maxim= Joint strength. A "triangle of weldability" produced, vhich can be bused to 6.etermine the optimal parameters of e%-Plo5ive welding of these me,tals. j1lloyjn.&~ of the alumlnur.,i witt- Sij Fe, Cu, and Ni increases the ieng'th of ~6e incubation foz foiw-tiin of the diffusion interlayer. Alloying with Si., Fe, and N-A. '-Increases the strength of the steel-aluminimi joint rAf ter long heating to~ 200-5500C V-7hen F oil I M USSR UDc 621-791,621. BEWUSOV, V. P., Engineer, SWYM, V. S., Candidate of Technical Sciences, and TMM[, YQ.._?., Candidate of TechnicaliSclences. "Mechanical Properties of Explosion-Welded Titanium-Steel Joints (With Tnter- I~Vers) Moscow,.Svarochnoye Proizvodztvo, No9(443)t: Sep 71, pp,19-21 Abstracti Investigation results of the effect:of mechanical heterogeneity on strength and plasticity characteristics of'titanium-steel'joint ith Cu- Kb interlayers after explosion-welding and'heating are discussed. The change of mechanical properties of explosion-welded Joints of CT4 titanium a1loy with Kh18N10T austenite steol idth Cu-Ub intOrlayerll of various thick- no is explained by hardening of the latter '0.16 the result of explosion load- Ing and the effect of case hardening. The gradual decrea~:'se of the relative tbickness kof the copper alloy in the range.of 0-5 to 0,067 ivisults in a progressive Increase in strength and decrease of piaotiolty charactoriatim Due-to.=e haxdening of the co-pPer alloy at k-0,03 an incivazeIn joint strength up to the Strength level of.steel and also a plas4lcity Increase take place, A comparison of mechanical proptrtios Of titwilwi-steel Joints with Interlayers of copper and its high-strngth alloys dr-M~011'-Arktes their 49-- USSR UDC 621.791.76:621.7.044.2:669-419.4:621.643.4.065 LISUKHA, G. P., Engineer; KIIEYFETS, M. Ye., Engineer (Volgograd Ship g Plant), KAZAK, N. N., Engineer Engineer, Buildin SAKIINOVSKAYA, Ye. B., Engineer, and TRYKOV, Yu. P.,, Candidate of Technical Sciences (Volgograd Polytechnical Yn"RTRU ~ "Efficiency of Bimetallic Steel-Aluminum Adapters Produced by Explosive Welding Moscow, Svarochnoye Proizvodstvo, No 10, Oct 70, pp 20-22 Abstract: Tests were made of a.composite material produced by explosive welding of St.4S and Khl8NIOT steels 8 mm~thick to a,cladding layer of 014g6 aluminum alloy 6 mm thick with a sublayer of ADI;tcchnical aluminum 1.5 mm thick acting as a plasticity buffer, The testti. sho,,ir_,d that the bimetal AMg6 + St.4S has an average layer" separation.rPsistance of 9.9 kg/mmZ and a shear strength of 7.6 kg/mml, while-AMgb" --~- KhIBNIOT has strengths of 7.0 and 6.8 kg/mm2, respectively. The A'.'[V,6 + steel produced can be used for the manufacture of adapters of variousl,shalpes for tile pro- ductioa of steel-aluminum welded structures. Tile proper sequence for welding of a steel-aluminum structure to -avoid overheating of the bimetal USSR UDC 621.374.33 VIGDORC1111K, V. G., DAPUKOV, S. K., KOR FE TEVA, T. V.,j- YEIISO'.11. S.J., POPOV, V. A., SITNIKOV, 0. P., T Yu.'V. OSTRYY, YJi. T.,a. "A Magnetic Digital Element Moscow, Otkrytiya, izobreteniya, promyshlennyye obraztsy, tovarnyye znaki, No 21, Jul 71, Author's Certificate No 308518, Division 11, filed 16 Feb 70, published I Jul 71, pp 207-208 Translation; This Author's Certificate introduces a ma*netic di-ital element -Which contains -information, compensation, and, two switc1ling cores. The device has a recording circuit, a coupling loop with. flux quenching on resistors, and aready circuit for the m-:itching cores. As a distim,uishin- fcaturo of the patent, -in arder to increase spvd, improve e,-~.:Uvnd the range of ambient t(tm;pQ;-3tUrO WIriatJon and simplify the power supl.,ly system, the -xcito -1,.2ent is nowi-pped with rc--sistors in the coupl-in- 1con, dynamic r -tion and dy-namic cores, one additionallwind-tng on each~ of the sw~Ltch- -and c0, ation Cores, and also aUitional or, the informa- ins . m P C- r. s ~ I Z~ -tion core. -Che primary of the ("yaliflic excitat.16n and dynamic lr"ag- netizing cores are conn-acted in series in the circuit of one o-F the cadence currents, The series-connected, aux4lian, v4ndings of the switching cores and 77- USSR VIGDORCHIK, V. G-, et al., OtIcrytiya, izobretenive,., promyshlennyye obraztsy, tovarnyye znaki, No 21, Jul 71, Author's rartificatt, No 308518, Division H, filed 16 Feb 70, published 1 Jul 71, pp 207-208 the secondary winding of the dynamic excitation core form I loop for dynamic excitation of the switching -ores. The se-Tics circutt comprised of th'e secondary vinding of the dynamic maLnetizing core apa one of the auxiliary vftdlin&~ of tI-c -Information. core fo-,!n-- a loop for dirn.amic e-cit-tion of the information core, and the auxiliary wifiding of the information core and the third winding of the dynamic excitation: core are connected in series to the ready winding of the switching core. ?L Pr I> 9j 2/2- 16 c 131 ui NCLASSI FIED TITLE--i-~EC-I1.N CF THE FORMATION OF INTERNAL CLNVEk-S~10M UPPER ATCP--[C SHELLS -U- ~j-,t.AUGV-SKAYi,, IM B1. SLIVt L.A. T,& COUNTRY OF IINFC -LSSR .:~SOURCE-~PJSIMIA ZH. EKSP. TEOR. TIZ, 19702 M61t 306-8 E C---- 7 C ..-CATE PUBLI'l 7.1,SUBJECT AREAS--Ptiyslcs ~ELE TR N 'Hf --AOP.IC- TAGS-CCNVERSION ELECTRCWSPECTRUAI~ C o S LL S14-tUCTURE 'ELECTRIC f~IELD, NUCLEAR SPIN, PARITY P RINCIPLE C 01 Yk CL PARKING--NO RESTAICTIONS OCCUMENT, CLASS-UNCLASSI~JED 1 $1 t L-1 I 11) 4 09 9 5 STEP N D---~U R 10 3 8 6 7 0 1 11 0 0 6 0 3 0 6 0 3 0 8 ux RA ti R -Acr c- I P-C CESS10. ING--AP0115016 212 0 13 URCL AS S I F I 'ED PRUCESSING OATE--20NOV70 CIRC ACCESSIGN NG--AP0115016 J DY 11) FTHE RADUtL -ABSTRACI/EXTRACT--(U) GP-O-, ABSTRACT, F ROM A ~S I INTEGRALS FOR THE FORMAULAS USED TO C,"M:4 THE 1AArEAN111L -F-S., IT I-AS CCPiCLLJ'EfJ THIE VALUES OF THE Ctmffs. ON ilu flT. OEF C SHELLS A.-~E FGRMED 1-i'tTHIN fHf IN N E R LAYERS OF THIE!~ ATOM A N D TP(:P.Ef-LJJRE THEIR VALUL' IS NOT DEPENUENT 0 Nl ANIY'~ CHANGES IN: )','-iE FLEC. FIELD ON THE I% ` ON E PERIPHE~Y OF THE ATO;4. THE DETNO GFJHE CCEFF51% THE HIGH Ill. SHELLS AS v.ELL AS ON THE INTERNiAL SHELLSP CAN UE L)SE0j:G F1110 THE SPIN ANO PARITYICF TFE NUCLEAK LEVELS. THE CO.EFFS. ON Tfi,L Hf(~H SHELLS, SH01-111D (NOT CHANGE X~UL u i a l-H FOR CHAWES IN THE INO. 'OF:IELECIRGNS IN THE OTHER SHELLS BUT THE rorAL NO. OF ELECTRONS ON THE SHOULV Ch;,Nf~E MARKEOLY FOR A CHANGE TIN SHELL FRGM 'kiHICH THE CGNVERSIOW TAKES PLACEc r-ACILITY: FIL.-TEKH. INST. IM. IUFI~Ev LENINGRAOr:1 USSR. W LA.S.~Jf kP drY.: ie,in,e USSR we 614.9-oMA8 POLYAKOVI A. A*, UP_"&TaKU".*.MB0SHYAN, G. M. PRESNOV, I. N.. "07 V -IVANOVA3, V. I., TARAM V, Yu 11.1 IOV~,~ Ad M., KULIKOVSKIY~ A. V. SRINAYEVA, O.-:N j and DMITRIYEVA, T. A., A3.1 Union Scientific Research Institute of -Vete;inary Sanitation, Moscow "Advances in the Disinfection of Objects Associated With Livestock Raising" Yb6cov, Zhurnal Mikrobiologii, Epidemiologii i Immunobi6logii,, No 80 1971, pp 20-24 Abstracts: An outline is given of the results of recent research conducted by the.All Union Scientific Research Institute of Veterinart Sanitation. Some of the practical and theoretical accotplishnants'are: (a),synthesis of 5 d4sin- factants (caspos, demp, molaran, gudronol, hypochlor);.(b) electron microscope study of the effects of different classes:of~disitfectants (alkalies, acids, chlorine preparations) on bacterial eel-Is (EL . coli, Salnonella, Staphylococci) discovery that soil can be completely or partly disinfected by growing timothy and tweet clover; (d) development of metbodsifor disinfecting wool and hides by means of gases (ethylene oxide, methyl brumidg); and (e) successful testing of various gases (ethylene oxide,;mtkyl:bromi4e, war gases) and gamm rays-to combat some bee diseases (foulbrood, nosema disease, Isle of Wight dis- ease) found in hives. '1/1 USSR UDc 576.851- 51-1-1-094-71-095.18:615 -281 and KIJLIOVSKIY, A. V.., All Union Institute of Sanitation "Structural-Changes in Spores From a Virulent Strain'of Bacillus authracis After Treatment Witb, Disinfectants" Moscow,, Zhurnal Mikrobiologii, Rpidemiologii, i limin iologii, No 8, 1971, PP 15-1T Abstract: Spores from the typicel virulent B. anthracis strain No 66 vere created writh sporicidal solutions of ihree alknlies-4 Caustic soda (1.1%) at first attentuated and somatimes.disso.1yed the spore membrane and cortex. longer exposure resulted in rupttpv ofthe membrane and outflow of the sporo- plasm. Hydrochloric acid (0.8%) also:destroyed the 'surfaCe, Btructures of the spore with consequent outflow of the sporoplasm, vhich vaij found to contain :osmiophilic conglomerates. Treatment:of spores with chloramine (0-55% active chlorine) did not rupture tbjB surfaceistructuresbut produced clarification and vacuolation of the sporoplasm-:.~, 2/2 016 ~PPOCESSING DATE--04DEC70 CTRC ACCESSION No--AP0136205 ABSTRACT/EXTRACT--(U) GP-0- ABSTRACT. THE N ONE (Ki I L. KINETICS OF SORPTION IS DESCRIBED BY THE EkQUATION OF THE ~IATERIAL BALANCE IN THE GRAIN OF A SORBENT, BY THE EQUATION OF KINETICS OF SORPTION ON ME PHASE.BOUNDARY, AND BY THE CONDITION' OF SYMMETRY IN THE CENTIE. C,F THE GRAIN. THE USE Of~ THE CONTINUOUS LIE GROUPS MAKES It POSSIBLETO S;IMPLIFY THE SOLN. OF THE IMENTIGINED EQUATIONS BY USING A SYST.EM:.Wl-.Tti A SMALLER NO. OF INDEPENDENT VARIABLES* SOLVING THE SYSTEM OF DET(;.,.F-QUATIONS., IT IS POSSIBLE TO FIND THE INFINITESIMAL OPERATOR:S BY MEANS OF WAI.,ICH, FOR SOME CASES, THE EQUATIONS OF THE NONEQUIL. SORP:TION HAVE AUTOMODf:1 SOLN5. WHICH ARE FACILII;TY: :MUSK. INST. EASILY NUMERICALLY INTEGRATEABLE~-. ~. :: NEFTEKHIN. GAZOV. PROM-1M. GUBKINA,;H0k0Wf U Ssit ICU ROE 020 UNCLASSIFIED, PROCESSING DATE--230CT70 "-:TITLE--DYNAMICS OF ADSORPTION IN THE PRESENCE 0= ADSORP.TION AND E;4UILIBRIUM ~ DIFFUSION KINETICS AT PHASE: BOUNDAR IES CHARACTERIZED BY A -(03)-PANCHENKOV9 GoMov TtAHK., L.K., 9,07-EENt 'l.V.j COUNTRY OF INFO--USSR ;,,SOURCE- ZH. FIZ. KHIM, 1970t 44(1)0 2 33~-6 _.`..DATE PUBLISHED ------- 70 --.SUaJECT AREAS--CHEMISTRY bPt C TAGS--AOSDRPTION, PHASE EQUILIBRIUM I SOTHER14t' CHROMATOGRAPHYt LAPLACE TRANSFORM ~CONTROL MARKING--NO RESTRICTIONS ~00CUHENT CLASS--U.NCLASSIFIED REEL/FRAME---1995/1424 STEP NO--U.R/0076/70/044/00110233/0236 CIRC ACCESSION ND---AP0116871 UNCLAS.Sl F I ED 2/2. 020 UNCLASSIFIED 'PROCESSING DATE--230CT70 CIRC ACCESSION NO--AP0116871 ,:-ABSTRACT/,EXTRACT--(U) GP-0- ABSTRACT. THE GENERAL EQUATION DESCRIBING THE DYNAMICS OF ADSORPTION IN. A CHROMATOGRAPHIC~COLUNN (G. M. PANCHENKOVv ET AL., 1969) WAS SOLVED BY THE INTEGRAL LAPLACE TRANSFORMATION* THE SOLKI. OFJHIS EQUATION 15 BASEL) ON THE ASSUMPTION THAT THE ADSORPTION ISOTHERM ISILINEAR ATPHASE BOUNDARIESo THE NUMERICAL SOLN. OF THE EQUATION IS POSSIBLE,BY MEANS OF SUITABLE COMPUTERS. FACILITY:-: MOSK. INST. NEFTEKHIM. GAZOVi PROM, Imo GUBKINAt MOSCOW, USSR UNCLASSIFIED flei USSR UDC 669. TSABROV, N. D., VINOKUROV, 11. D., MARCHENK0, A. M.~, PECHENEV, V. S., KOPYTOV, V ~ ~11~ .1. 0L N, G. D. , UEMSHTEYNT, G. G. "Experiment in Operating a Vacuum Miker" Tekhnol. legkikh splavov. lv*auchno-tekhn',~ bvul VILSa,(Light Alloy Technology. Scientific and Technical Bulletin of, ChaVILS), 1970, No 5, pp 26-31 (from RZh-%Ietallurgiya, No 4, Apr 71, Abstrace No 4G2O6) Translation: The application of a vacuum mixer for evacuating liquid alloys basedon aluminum is expedient and has a number of advantages over t2he nethods used earlier: the gas saturation of the meta~L is reduced appreciably; the technological plasticity ofthe ingots,is increand; at increase in the casting rate by 10-151P is possible;'and:the number of.defects during ultra- 60niC COntrol. of the products is,reduced sharply. The schematic of the mixer and its operation are described. There are 4 illustrations and 1 table. 27 ME U ~W, :;~PROC:ESSING DATE--023CT70 112 044 UNCL A S'S IF I 'EO'..~ TjTLL__pF--lPERTIES AND USE -IF Al ALUMINUM POWDER DEGASSED V4 44 IVERT ATMOSPHERE -U AuTW.,R.-(05)-L-lTVlNTSEVt A.i., T SA,SROV N.'D. VINOKUROVi N.D. TITOV, V.N., BV;~ZUNOV, A*A. COUNTRY OF INFO--USSR ---TSVETt METAL. 1970, 43(2), 62-4 ATE PUbLISHED-----70 '~_-SUBJECT AaEAS-MATERIALS, MECH., IND., CWIL AND MARINE lNGR -TOP I C TAGS--ALUMINUM POWOEPt POWnER METAL PRODUCTION't POW[kk 14ETAL .'-':.,VR'_'PEkT,Yr METAL DEGASSING', IPJERT,.GASt INDUS TR.1 AL PUR'4ACEt HOT VILLIV3, COLO POLLiNG, DUCTILITY, HEAT RESISTAW-Ei CON TR OL MARKING--NO RPSTRICTIONS .60CUMENT CLASS--UNCLASSIFIED ~:okoxy- REEL/FRAME-.-198911919 STEP NO-1- UR/0136/70/0431002/0062/0064 r I-RC ACCESSION NU--AP0108248 UNCLAS. ff I E D 212 044 UNCLASSIFIED~ PROCESSING OATE--02OCT70 212 044 GIRC ACCESSI.-IN NO--AP0108248 A, CACC ESS I~IN ACT _XT _4 :..A3STRACT/EXTRACT--(U) GP-0- ABSTRACT. THE HIGH TEMP. DEGASSING DF LARGE 3 TR /L ~VCLS. OF AL POWDERS ON INDUSTRIAL SETUP WAS TESTED. uP T3- 1601) KG OF AL VoLS. or AL POWDER 19-AS PURED INTO THE USEFUL VOL.~'OF THIS SETUP, WHICH WAS THEN PLACED INTO A COLD FURNACE, WHEREUPOWAN AR ATM.:WAS INTRODUCED. THE TEMP..WAS MEASURED AT THE UPPER,,~MIDDLE, ANO LOWER p PORTION.S OF THF DEGASSING CONTAINER. A 4TH THERMOCOUPLE WAS PLACED INSIDE THE CONTAINER. 7HE TEMP. DROP BETWEEN. THE 'UPPER AND, TPE LowER ZONES WAS -SIMLLAP TC 50DEGREES. THE RESULTS,OF.THE GAS ANAL. INDICATE T4AT THE ~GAS CONTENT- OF THE. AL POWDER IS. DETD. ~BY: THE TOTAL CONTENT OF THE FRAGMENTS OF THE HYDROXY BOUNDARIES INCONGLOMERATES OF CLUmPEo PAR TI CL E.S. THE EFFECTIVENESS OFJHE DESASSING WAS;THEN STUDIED IN ORDER -TO 8E.AR-LE TO EMPLOY THE POWDER IN THE;PRODUCTION,OF SEMIFINISHED PRODUCTS. BASEO ON- THE. RESULTS OF. TH& MECH., PROPERTIES MEASUREMENTS IT -CAIN :BE SEEN.. THAT, HOT ROLLED STRIPS ACQUIRE INCREA!S!ED PLA-STICITYI: WHEREAS THEtULD ROLLED4STRIPS-ARE.STABLE; RE.L-Ati-VE: MJHE' :STRENGTHI.PLASTICITYI 1--:ANd -HEAT RES I STANCEO UNCLASSIFIED awl USSR UDO 578.63 BUDAN-FSEV, A. YU.0 TSADHINAt YE. G.t and,VABILOY, YU.,V., Department of Pienory Problems, Institute6l5f-ftut Acad amy of Sciences USSR, Pushchinona-Oke "Lyophilization of Histological Elaterial. 11. A VactAum Lyophilizer of Histological Specimens" Leningrad, Tsitologiya, 110 4r 19711 PP 532-535 Abstractui The apparatus designed by the,authors corisiits of a preliminary vacuum pump with a vacuum rublx-,r hose and 3-waY vacuum, valve connected to a diffusion pump, The valve is used to inject air into the pxellminaxy vacuum pump. The diffusion pump is connected to a drying ch=bPr thiough a nitrogen entrainment separator, which serve3 to prevent oil f rom the (Liff usion pump from entering the drying chamber. A vacuum valve between the drying chamber % r fl!O And the entrainment separator disconnects thedrying c'nlibe m the pumps. A feature of the device is the use of thermocouples to-v,easure the tempera- ture of a specimen at any time, thereby permitting objiz.~6tive detexmination of the end of lyophilization. The final vacuum In the-d is 10-5 mm. Th-e temperature of the lyophilized specimens averaV~s -46 to -50 OC. Some 10 to 15 specimens can be dried simultaneously, Lyophilization of 10 specimens of brain tissue weighing as, much' as 1 g takes, 12 to 14 hours. 1/t M M-01 PENN WOMMU. ,NM I S R UID C578.088.6 -TSADRINU., YE;.-. G., BUDANTSEV, A. Yu., and,VASILOY, YU. V., Institute of Bio- Aca emy fo d of Sciences. USSRI-:Fushchino "Iyophilization of Histological Material. 1. Investigation of the Length of Time of Drying" Leningrad, Tsitologiya, Vol 131 1 1o 30 Mar 71P PP:398-401 Abstracti Lyophilization was studied on an apparatus designed and constructed at the Laboratory of Physiological and Physicochenical."Bases of Perory, Institute of Biological Physics, Academy of.Sciences USSR, Drying by -), po ol - 1yophilization of sajaples of porolon-water (water content 83.1~,Z r on gelatin-water (porolon treated with a 14-i?,%p1solution o:f gal.atin; water coro- tent 76.7%), and of various rabbit tissu6s (hippocampiLs, 1=6.-s, intestiric- livero adrenals, heart) was carried out. , The'time that was necessary for drying was deternined from temperature-time curves. T~e quantitative rela- tions.pertaining to drying by lyophilization could bejxpressed by the Knudsen-Langauir equation in the form n = Stkpl \rTN/_?, rt-,' RT, where m is the amount of vater vaporized during time t from, the surface S I CC the coef ficie:,+_ of w%porization (the ratio of obsezved.vaporization in vacuo to the maxinmum. 1/2 22 USSR TBADMILk YE. G., et al.t Tsitologiya, vol 13, No 3, YIP 71, pp 398-401 value of vaporization), p the vapor pressure, and k - I - q, where q is the coefficient of resistance to vaporization produced by the d-ried 1~5cr at the s!!ilace. The vallue of k was In ~ the --ange, of 0.14- 0-9s 3.9 'x 10 - 8.4 x -2 pm 410 and 1.8 x 10- 1.2 x 10~ for porolon-vater, ~olor,-Gelatin-water, and hippocanpus tissue, reopectively - i.e., the resisUnce of the dried layer increased in the order proolon water, porolon-gelae:Un-water, biological tissue. USSR UDC: 62i~ 396.6-1,81. 5 KOROLIKOV, N'. V. , MARYSITEVA, G, 1. , 11-MATOV, Yu. A., TSAGARFMI, D. V. Thin Ferronapetic Films. (Some Problems of Murn-t4i zRtlion Tonkiye. ferromamnitnae plenki. (Nekotor, L- voprosy ama Ir.." _ n. Z-2ic-Uvardya) (C' English above), AN ESSSR, Vychisl~ tsentr~ -Moscow, 1970t 59 p?, ill. 20 k. .(from Pfh-Radiotekhnika, No 12,Dec 70, A-6stract No 12V.~2164 K) .-Translation: The paper is made up of five sectiors: characteristics oil actual thin magnetic film, stability conditioas and co :recording of tm)letf- Inform, tion op a thin cylindrical magnetic film with laz~C.-,itudinal axis of magnetizal. don, magnetizing a thin magnetic fil-rn, investigation of the dissipation flux of cylindrical r-ar netic fil-mg on an electric nK-Ael, uring magnetic -eversal of a thin and the process of enerU tranemisslom d r magnetic fil-m by rotation. 1. 110 KOMM'MN, IT. T-,. antE TSAQMLr" Ir.. v;~ Magn "Imergy Transfer-Ptoces imthe~_Remtagn~zation of a;.ThiarA etic.Film by Ratatf on7 Mbsccxr, TanktyeFerTomagrii-,tnWe-Plpnki-'(Thir:Ferromagiiet-ic-Filt~s), Computer Gentp of, the Acadew- of S.cience43.US-.qR,,,' Moscaw, 19701,,!pp -52-~56 Abstract: The pro cess- oE eav_ergy! transfer from a coil ~;cxeatin& a -field along the axis of difficult magnetization, toF.a coil connected with. the. component of the fl= along the axis of' easy magnetization is studil-ld. It'is assumed that is magnetized before saturation so that a one-domain structure is formed. & field is applieLi to the fi-1m -at the initial; time :along the axis A of &Lfficult magnetization by passing.. a current IT thr"gh a coil irith a w er of windings the- axis of which, coincides with the axis. of difficult magnetization- It is, aLsoi assumed- that: there is a coil'wi th:; -a ~ number of windings the axis of- -which, is, abmg- the axis of easy magnetization, and that thfs coil !.!y laade-d wfth~ the remixtance Rj. The i equationJ or - remagne ti- zatiam of the film, by.- coherenc rnta-tion. of., the inagnetizMion, given. The good agreement found: betweer; tit P_, of tho-theo~Tatic;jL..and.experimental 1/2 USSR KOROL'=V, N V-, and. T:TACJMLT,. D., V..,. Tonkliye Ferromagnitnyye Plenki, -~r __ - _'j c Computer Center of them Mos ~me, 1970, pp 52-56 characteristics for asufficiently-large segnent of the remagnetization time leads the authors to hypothesize thatalthough this equation,describes -pro- cesses of the rotation of the magnetization yector, it,,can be applied with a satIsfactory- degree-of accuracr to~those.processes where processes of motion of. the domain walls accur Ini addl. to ~ rotation', of th6 magnetization vector. Since the coeff icienc of viscosity'; a depends. on the praperties . of the f ilm and remagnatization conditions, it was.d~t*pr 'mined for e.sch specific case of -load resistance by substituting the; maximum am'litude -of 'the ~output voltage into the equation obtained. far the. output, voltage.. A giaph of -the coefficient a as a function of thf-- maaxr. remagaetIzatIon, time shows that -with a decrease in vemaguetiz-ald4a time,- a- tentlx, tm a~ constant value, aqd:wi-tIi_-a remagnati- zation time w=espormUng ta puraly coheren't. rotation a "Will' constant value. 2/2 'USSR fj., Problem Laboratory of Physical Cybllx Ta_AgAgjIS ernertics, Tbilisi State University "The Nature of Impairment of Emotional Memory Following Lesions of Various Parts of the Hippocampus" Mscow,'Zhurnal Vysshey 1, Tervnoy Deyatell nosti, Vol 23) 110 3t %Y/Jun 73, pp 653-0655 -Abstract: Experiments were conducted v:Lth white rats to determine the effect of lesions in various parts of the hippocamus on a corditioned food-cretting response after the animal s experienced fear. caused by aevere, pain. The results showed that rats with coagulation of. the anterior dorsal and ventral hippocampus and of the neocortex above the poster ior do Tsal hippocampus e/hib- ited. behavioral disturbances similar to those 1 of the intact control ani ir-1 s - For 3 days following the pain stimLlus "electric shock), the rats were depressed and em2a-ed in no active movement. On the fourth day, their condi- tioned response was restored. Rats with 6oagulation of the posterior dorsal hippocampus displAyed a -weak reaction to the~pain. Rats with bilateral lesion of the dorsal hippocampus displayed.greater probability of conditioned response than the control group. It was concluded'that.different,parts of the hippo- cqmpus play different roles in regulating the response of fear caused by pain. .1/2 USSR UC 616.127 TSAGARM G -ademy of Sciences Ceorgian SSR, institute of Experimental Ac -ffdt~rwlogy Imeni A. 11. Natishvili "Ultrastructural and Some Histochemical Chameteristlen of the 11yocardlum D=b% Hypoxic HypoxW' Tbilisi, Soobscheniya Akademii Hauk Gruzinskoy SSE, Vol 60, Bo 31 1970s PP 733-735 Abstraett The 6tudy of structuml.and metabolic disturbances during h oxia Y-0 and explanation of pathogenic mchanisms of myocardial tUsear-- under conditionz of. general bypoxia of the organism are of great impoetance. 14-istochemical and enzymatic ebax-vcteristics of the heart muscle were sqtudied in 26 dogs, 12 of which served as controls, The test animals were killed,at different intervals after hyToxia was induced, Parts of.the hearttaken from the wall of the forechambert the ventricles and other sections we" exanined histolo- gically, histochemically by methods of enzymehistochemistay a~d electron tdcroscopy. Dystrophic and regenerative qhanps werenoted ajxeady after six hours. These chan&3s becane more -prznouric -' ard uldespioad, " It xas found that the durwtion factor is dadslveAn the pathogenesis of develop- Mont oft hypoxic disturbance in the hearL,:Loris-term (36-60 days) experiments uu 1/2 019 UNCLASSIFIED;. PRG.CESSING, L)ATE--110EG70 STUGY ;.~F TriL EFFECT GF:-CARGGCkLv-f-?4 ON THE' ISCHEIMIC i C A,,~ I UM -U- MY( AL~.T~ilik-LC4)-,';ZHAVAKilSi-,VILI N. A. KGBALAD ZIEy S.G., 613MAdZE, T.A., -.TS TRY 1;F. li-TO-USSR C ~-.~SCURCE--ARLNEIM., FLkSCH. 1970, 20t3AIT 440-1. DATE PUt3LI5f-,E0 ------- 7C- ~~U-6-J E- C TAREAS-81OLGGILAL AND MEDICAL SCIENCES DUG, AP.TERY.,--CAR,P'lCVASCULA9 :ORUGi UKUG EFFECT WITRU MARKING-NO RESTRICTIONS' DOCUMENT CLASS-UNCLASSIFIED ~-PROXY FICHE N&----F07G/605015/F02 5TEP NO--GY/0000/701020/003/0440/C441 MC ACCESSION NG--AP0140632 UINC LASS J-P ~'USSR DUGLADZE,, G. M., DARSAVELIDZE, G. Sh., and TIALARMSU-1-L-I., -G. V., Academy of Sciences Georgian SSR, Institute of Metallurgy RHigh-Temperature InternalFriction in Bororl Fibers" (Presented by Academician F V. Tavadze, Nov 23, 1972) Tbilisi, Soobshcheniya A.1cademii nauk Gruzinskoy SSR, Vol 70, No 1, 1973, pp 141-143 Abstract.* Results are presented of measurements of the intenial 4 in -he tem-oera-ture inter- friction of boron fibers (diam. -100 U val from room temperature-to~7000C. The measured fibers were -o"o- duced by precipit_~tion o-o' boron frow. t-he gase'ous phase on a hee.- Lung ire v13 ted t gsten Y., (diam. 1.2-5/t-L). Boron fibor',3 cioated with a L layer of boron ca-3:170ide ( thiOneas -,5~k ) viere also n, easured. The inV013tigation restilts are di3cussed by reference to dia-~zraljis showing the temperature dependence-of iatern,,>.1 r'ction of boron fibers Fund the ef.-Ifect 0-f axlea];Ang', Ia ls- Q5.0 and ~8508J on the height of the high-temperature pe~,At the effect Of th.,e di~aeter of the on the high-te mperature peak, the froluency dependence USSR DUGLADZE, G. M., et al., Soobshcheniya Akademii nuak Gruzinskoy SSRI Vol 70~ No-1, 1973p pp 141-143 of the temperature of the maximum of the inleznal -Friction, and temperature de-oondences of the m-odulus of rigidity of pure boron and of the inteinal friction of pure boron fibers, fibers coated %vi th aboron carbide layer,. and-fibers annealed at 6500C. The activation energy of the relaxation process, determined by the frequency shift of"' the peak of internal friction, was found to be 55.2 kcall/mol(2 .36 ev). The viscous beh--vibr of botmdaries of L small boron crystals of fibers in' the strain field is assirned to be the Drobable mechanism causing the appear.-3-xice of the 380-deg. peak of internal friction. Four figures, five.: bibliographic refe- rences, 2-3 029 UNCLASSIFIED PROCESSING DATE--ISSEP70 --AP0049427 C I-PC. ACCESSION NO 1ABSTRACTIEKTRACT--(Ul GP-0- ABSTRACT. INTERNAL FRICTION WAS INVESTIGATED CRYST. 8, AND FE-B'ALLOYS AFTER VARIOUS THERMAL TREATMENTS. INTERNAL FRICTION WAS MEASURED ON WIRE SPECIMENS (0.75-0.8 MM IN DIAM. AND 100 MM LENGTH) WITH DIRECT AND INVERSE TORSIOIJ PENDULUM IN A PERMANENT 114AGNETIC FIELD OF 300 OF AT TEMPS. MINUt 190-600DEGREES IN AN JNERT ATM., OR AT 10 PRIME NEGATIVE4 TORR. INTERNAL FRICTION OF ANNEALED FE (300 HR AT 700DEGREES IN WET H) DEPENDS LITTLE ON TEMP. AT MINUS -190-70DEGREES. ONE PEAK AT MINUS*75DEGREES,WAS OSSD. TWO WEEKS HOLDING AT ROOM TEMP* DID NOT EFFECT THE HEIGHT 01: THEPEAK. THE PEAK IS REMOVED BY HEATING TO 150DEGREES, WHEN FREQUENCY-15 INCRFASED 1-3.5 HZf THE-PEAK SHIFTS SIMILAR To 12DEGRFES*~ FROM THE PEAK SHIFT THE ACTIVATION- ENERGY WAS. DETO.. AS, 6.4KCAL---MOLE. rjUPLt4.G INVESTIGATION OF TEMP. DEPENDENCE OF INTERNAL FRICTION OF B, A PEAk AT 260DEGREES WAS REVEALEDo ACTIVATION ENERGY DETD. FROM TEMP, SHIFT WAS 20 PLUS OR MIM 2KCAL-MOLE. IN FE SPECIMENS CONtG. 0.::004-0.016PERtENVB THE PEAK Or- 14TERNAL FRICTION WAS AT 400EGREES.- DEPENDENCE or, INTr~RNAL FRICTION ON .8 CONTENT IN FE-B ALLOYS WITH-GRAIN SIZ.E 10-100 AND 10-20MU IS GIVEN. .--TEMP;-DEPENDENCE OF INTERNAL FR-ICTIOkOF A.SPECIME'N CGNTG. 0.2PERCENT 13 IS~'GIVENw UNCLASSIFIEO UNCLAS -d PROCESSING DATE -18SEP70 CT .RC ACCESSION NO-AP0049427 ~~:AMTRACT/EXTRACT-CN A SPECIMEN QUENCHED FROM 720DEGREES ? PEAKS WERE ONE AT 40DEGREES, AND THE.OTHERV 340DEGREES. AFTER ANNEALING AT.500DEGREES, THE LOW TEMP. PEAK DLSAPPEAREOv THE HEIGHT OF THE HIGH TEMP. PEAK REMAINED UNCHANGED. TEMP. DEPENDENCE OF INTERNAL FRICTION OF THE SAME SPECIMEiN HUT STRAINED TO 10-15PERCENT DEFORMATION AND ANNEALED ~AT 500DEGREES REVEALED A PEAK AT 240DEGREES, THE PEAK Al 340DEGREES WAS .-INCREASED. THE ORIGIN OF 400EGREES PEAK 15 Assoco,; WIYH MIGRATION OF IN.TERSTITIAL 8 ATOMS UNDER STRAIN. B DISSOLVES IN,ALPHA FE AND GIVES MAX. OF INTERNAL FRICTION AT 40DEGREES.,' THIS MAX. IS INCREASED WHEN B ~CONTENT IN FE IS INCREASED; BUT DECREASES-WFEN-~THE~BORIDES APPEAR IN THE ~~_,-.~STRUCTURE. IT SEEMS THAT BORIDES ENHANCEPPTN- OFiB ATDMS FROM SOLID SOLN. -THE PEAK AT 240DEGREES CAN BE EXPLAI.NED.By.]:NTERACTION OF INT,,ERNAL FR T'ON AT 340DEGREES IS _-~.-.D-T.SLOCAT IONS WITH B ATOMS; THE MAX lc .__--RELATED TO OCCURRENCE OF SORIDES': UNCLASSIFIED - - 012 UNCLASSIFIED: PROCESSING DATE--230CT7( I_ :GIRC ACCESSION '40--AA0119873 ABSTRACT/EXTRACT-W) GP-0- ABSTRACT. CATALYTIC OXtf)ATfVE DEHYDROGENATION OF N BUTANE AT 550-650DEGREES OVER MO AND-OR W OXIDE AT LEAST ONE. OF THE OXIDES OF CR, 14N, FE, NIr OR CD GAVE SIMILAR -TO 5 WT. PERCNET N BUTENES AND LO-20 WTw PERCENT HOTADIENE. THUSP ADDN. iOF NI(NO-SU83)' SUB3 IN H SUB2 0 TO INHt'SU84) SU86 M0 SUBT 0 SUB24 IN H SUB2 0 AND HEATING THE PPT. AT 400.-500DEGREES GAVE,A CATALYST WITH 1:2 MO-NI AT. RATIO. N BUTANE, Us AND H SUB2 0 VAPOP AT A 1:0.25:10 MOLAR -E OF 15':fiL CATALYST TO GIVE RATIO AND.5900EGREES REACTED IN THE PRESEN' 4*-5.WT.,PERCENT N BUTANES AND 21WT. PERCENT BUTA01'ENEal FACILITY: SCIENTIFIC RESEARCH INSTITUTE OF MONOMERS FOR SYNTHET C. RUBBER::D