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Ref Code: U~ 0463 yi)045616~ PRIMUSOURCE: Holekulyarnay4,Biologiya.11970,, Vol 4, Nr 11 PP THE ROLE OF PROTEIN SYNTHESIS IN ME MINDUCTION' 0F*'rOLfC1'N0AENtC TACTOR Ef INE. COU e4% ve G 0 ad 11 -i,Saygnk -A. 5.1 Tolch ev, !i - 8 C Institute tor Fic h., Afilik(ty of Health, 79FINE _USSR~ 'Moscb(d.lund lots Mou 9 0 ArqftiLrL___Q1. medical The role of protein synthesis in UV-Indu0on of colicinogenic factor Et was'Investi-- ated. Minduction was shown to depcnd op the presence af~some protein(s) synthesi-. 9 -to UV zed prior -irradiation. During a tig perlod,,after irradiation protein syntheala4was. not required for Minduction of colidnogenic factor.. In new .1tiftcted tells Mindut-tion. and zygotic Induction were shown to depend on protein ~yntb,eq,,ls JuA~, afiter The tran3fer- colkinogtnic factor. REEL/FRAMZ, 6 19780595~ TiSSR UDC- 621.373!530.145.6 FARSHTENDIHER, V. L., TOLCHINSKAYAIJ R. M.2.KLYUYEV,;,V. P.I. BARANOV, B. A.1 ANGERT, N. B. "A Method of Making Monodomain LOW 3 Cr~stals of OIL Orientation" USSR Author's Certificate No 28o450, fiied-91 Jun 68, published 10 Dec 70 ika, No 6.'J 71,'Ab*tract;No 6D'239 P) ~(from RZh-Radiotekhn un Translation: This AirthorlsI.Certificateiintroduces a method of making monodomain Lillb03 crystals of 00 orientatioii., As a distinguishing feature of the patent, the size and yield of the output product are-increased by annealing the crystal grown to the.necessary dimensions at 1160-11800C for.30-60 minute -s under a voltage of 15-25 V, then cooling the crjstal to 1025-11250C while reducing the voltaga by 25-40 percent,folfowed by cooling of the CryStal at a rate of 25-30OC/hr. 174 - I ., ~ ~,., . , - " I . .1 . I i I- . . I UNCLAssir-ito .. ~:~~ PROCESSING DATE--18SEP70 UNC L A S S I~F I ~b PpntEssiNG DATE--I-~SEP70 ,11~C AClr:SST,"!V 1',10--APf,)0479q5 ABSTRACT/EXTRACT-(U) GP-0- ABSTRACT'* STUDY OF A 0.63 MICRON HE-NE LASER r IN A THREE- MIRROR RESONATOR IN WHICHJHE END MIKRCRS FORM AN UNSTABLE CONFIGURAXION. WITH THE PHERICAL FABRY.PERLDT SCANNING AID OF A S :INTE.RFER13METER PLACED IN THE..ACT,IVE ~BRANCH OF T.Ji.E RFS.GNATOR THE SPECTRUM OF THE- LONG ITUDINAt: TEM MODES BEING GENERATED WAS 06SERVEf";. IT IS i:OUND THAT WHEN THE LFNGTH OF THE ACTIVE,BRANCH CP THE~',RESMJER IS ALTERED, THE- GENERATED-POOES UNDERGO A FAEQUENCY~ SHIFT WITHIN THE LIMITS OF THE LASING q4NGEt. BUT 14HEN THE LENGTH OF THE ~PASSIVE ~iBRANCH OF THr RESONATOR IS VV I Ef)q : I T I S NOT THE 14ODES~ BUT JH&:LASING W),,GE 11-SELF WHICH 'U, - - I - A. FPEQUENCY SHIFT, Al%DlT'45~ POSSIBLE TO SELECT AN OPTI ,A L IGE ON) THE DOPPLER 4APLIFICATION CONTOU;k POSITION nF TH[S RV, 777 !USSR UDC 6169.715:539.26 KLESHCHEV, G. V., TOLDIN V. A.', SHEYNKMN, A.J., RASPOPOV, Yu. G., SHUMLOV, D. V. ~Ch.Ayabinsk Pedagogical Institute "X-Rav and Electron-blicroscopic Investiidtion of the'*Decay of Supersaturated Solid Solution in AlZn Alloys" Sverdlovsk, Fizika Metallov i Metallovedeniye, Vol 30, No 4, Oct 70, pp 762-767 Abstract:. A study was made of the decay~of the supersiturated solid solu- tion in AlZn alloys with 40, 500 and 60~,wt. % zinc usiiig the X-ray and electron-microscopic methods, The process of decay at tempering tempera- tures above 200 (but below 275'). depends (in the rate ot quonching of the specimen from the homogenizing remperature. 1)uring slow quenching a metatittLtje (A'_j)h4a.e develops, ubile during fast quenching a atable q-phaae develops, The:po Iasible reasons for such a dependence are considered. The roleof the effect, of. foil thickaess is notedi i UNCLASSIFIED' PROCESSING OATE--27NOV70 L!RC ACCESSION 1,10--AT0126302 ARSTR ACT/ EXTRACT- I U) GP-0- ABSTRIACTO 3111E FORMAT I ON IN ALtZN ALLOYS ~DURING THE DECOMPN. OF THE SUPERSATD,'i 'SOL ID SOLN.~, OF~SPHEROIDAL ZONES WITH ZN WAS STUDIED 1*0 'DET IHET ZQNr-S ARE THF: RESULT OF SPINODAL. DECOMPN* TWO COMPETING, PROCESS GS WERIE DETD. DURING THE -DECOMPN. OF THE SUPERSATD.. SOLM: THE FORl .'.,ATION OF ZONES AND THE FORMATION OF A '-',ODUtATED STRUCTU'Es FORMATIOili PROCEEDED WITH THE LONE ACTIVE PARTICIPATION OF VACANCTES1 AND~ THEREFORE .11 [S.ASSUNE-D THAT DURING THE EARLY STAGE OF DECOMPM.. THEM, Z.Q~NEFOR144T.;~014 CAN SUCCESSFULLY ~COMPETE WITH THE MODULATED STRUCTURE,FORFIAT1101~1,. V,4CANCIES STIMULATED THE RAPID GROWTH OF ZONES AND SUBSEQUENT TRANSFORPATION (IF THESE ZONES ItMO CRYSTALLITES OF THE BETA' 64ASE~. . ZON& FORi-,iATI(J-,kI CANNOT 13E REGARDED -REAL-IZAT:10 .,.--AS THE 1,11 OF SPINODAL DECOMPN.~ THE STUDY WAS CARRIED OUT WITH ELECTRON MICROSCOPE OF AN ALiZN 40 IIT-. PERCENT ALLOY1. WHEREBY THE SPECIMENS 'WERE HEATED OTRECTLY IN THE ELECTRUN MICR~,)SCOVE AND Tlik:- DECOMPN. WAS OBSD. AND STUDIED.O., 'FACILITY:. CHELYABINSK, GOS. PEDAGOG's INST*# CHELYABINSK US SR. UNCLASSIFIED:, UDC: 535.33/~34 USSR TOLENACHEV, Yu., A. "Random Errors and Accurack Of measurement.of Absorption Factor by Radiation Reabsorption" V n. Leningr, Un-ta [Herald of Leningrad Univers ity) lNo 22,,1969, pp 68-76 est (translated from Referativnyy Zhurnal Fizika, No 6, 1970, Abstract No 6D305, unsigned) Translation: It is shown how the accuracy of measurement of concentration of atoms in the excited state by reabsorption of radiation in the light source itself chances as a function of the source of errors and the absorption factors. The main sources of errors with photoclectric.rccording of radiation are considered to be 1) fluctuations of current in the Light.sensor; 2) fluctua- tions of light source intensity; 3) nermal andsbot noises in the amplifying and recording devices, zero drift of the.ele tronic circuits; 4) errors in c 2 reading fron, the scale of the device. Methods are presented for calculation of the accuracy of measurement.,and the main methods are, compared from this standpoint., 0i USSR 66 612 4 4i6(049.3) TOLGSKAYA, M. S., and GORDON, & V4 "Morphological Changes Experimental Animals by Electromagnetic -Radiofrequency Waves (A monogmph revie.vad by A. P, Avtsyll) Moscow, Gigyena Truda i Professionallnyye Zabolevanlya, No 3, 1972, p 60 Abstract of Reviewo The monograph surveys.the gro~iing application of electro- magnetic waves of various frequencies and the increasing eq)osura nf i,!orlcerss, technicians, and engineer--. to this type of radiation. It pi-asents and dds- cusses original and literature. a data on patholoC;Ical changos induced by, radiofrequency waveu In various. organs# VSDecially the pariph*=_1 nervous system, the brain stem, endocrine glands, ani ne=oendoerine systems. The individual findings are rayntbeaized Into an overall concept~o;f the, nechanism of action. Maxinum permissible exposure standards ai-s. suggested on the basis of the cumulative effects dateinined by the intensity iud duration of irradia- tion. The monograph is a valuable aid to,~pfkysicians aiA investigatora specializing in occupational diaeasess, ~F,rot~eas 'recommended for further -investigation should ba given serious'co~aavlderationw USSR MC 577.3+581-13 arid KRASICHKOVA, G. G., Institute of Phy~i.qlogy, and Biophysics 4 11ants Academy of Science~ 5SRf: ~"t h ff tadzhik "Utilization of Synthetic Figmient-Frotein-~dpid Complexes In Modeling Some Properties of the Photosynthetic Apparatus",. Dushanbe. Izvestiya Akademii Nauk Tadzhikskoy SSR, No 21 19'?O,.PP 3-11 Abstract: A system was developed for modelIng certain physico(~hemical, optical, and photochemical properties of the photosynthetic appara '~us of green leaves. One of the most important tasks was selection of the carrier; the use of various protein and protein-lipid compounds provides a system capable of modeling quite complex properties such as pigment-carrier,bond strength and resistance to such factors as visible light and pH, as well as :achievement of-.' somet partial photo- synthetic reactions which could not be carried out kith ihorganio aid simple polymer compounds. Studies of pigaient bond strength shawi4 that the bonds re- senbli--d to soue extent those folad by Cheraomorskiy in thi),loateir of various plants. All of the partially reconstruoted -systems exhibited photochemical activity, i,e,, they brought about.the disepoxUation, rea;Otie-n 'of violaxamthin, but the light effect of the conversions~ of '=thophils wiao found to be 1/2 USSR at al, izvestiya Akademii Nauk Tadzhiksk~y SSR, No 2. 1970, PP 3-11 considerably lower in the reconstructed sto sy ms than in,ithe loavos; evidentl, anmm fmM-.n1m%z nv-gs t:+411 m4,ma4n& 4n +hmaos n"Wm+,nm*- Tit" la"Ir'&I e :,%4' +h- 2/2 023 UNCLASsi*r-lED; PRbtZESSING bATE--30OCT70 .."ClIRC Ai~CESSION NO--APOIZZ09,i .'~,ABSTRACT/EXTRACT--(U) GP-0- ABSTRACT. CURRENTS OF PHOTOCATHODE, -.,,:DIAPHRAGM, AND FIRST DYNOOE WERE IMEASURED DURING IRRADIATION OF THE ~PHOTOCATHODE BY LIGHT WITH A.wAVELENGTH;OF :NU SUBIrEQUALS 650 NM AND Nu SUB2 E;~UALS ~-50 NMv AND AS A FUNCTION OF-SUPPLY. VOLTAGE, AS WELL AS WITH JAND WITHOUT) I.R. ILLUMINATION#: THE I*'R.;JLLU?4lNATION IN THE REGIME OF SATURATION INCREASES THE PHOTOCATHODE CURRENT, wHILE THE,DIFFEREI NCE ~'-BETWEEN THE DYNODE AND CATHODE CURRENTSiLS POSITIVE~ AT THE SAME" TIMEv -THE,RATIO OF LATTER DIFFERENCE AND Of THE..DYNODE CURRENT IS A FUNCTION OF THE.WAVELENGTH. THE RATIO OF.DYNODE~CURKENTS FOR. THE TWO WAVELENGHTS EPENOS UPON THE VOLTAGE~ BEFORE 'THE SATUKATION l< EG 11ME. r[IE OBSEPVED ;EFFECTSt.~ktHICH AMOUNT.TD SEVERAL PERCENTS, BARE INTEORETED. ON THE J3ASIS bF. SB-CS -PHOTOCATHODE MODEL. UNCLASSIFIED USSR UDC: 629-M018.1 -RINKEWCHYUS, B. S., TOLKACHEV, A. V.~,: WARCHENKO, V. N. "Determination of the Velocity~ of a Hkpersonic Stream by the Doppler Effect" Uch. Zap. Tsent-r. Acro-Gidrodinam In7ta (Scic ntific Writings of Central Institute of Aerodynamics and Hydrodynamics), 19731. -Vol 4, No 1, pp 25-32 (Translated from. Referativnyy Zhurnal Raketostroyeni),e, No 6, 1973, Abstract No 6.41.133, from the Resume). Translation: The operation of an optical Doppler velocity measuring device is studied. A narrow-band Fabry-PeroVinterferometer.. filter is used to separ- ate the Doppler frequoncy shift. Experimental data are presented oil tile stream veloci ty profl le in a hypersonk, wind tunnel at: M(U =i 5 wi th prechamber temperatuTes of 120 and 250" maximum' value of':velocity measured was 1040 m/sec. Vie results are compared: ivith,d,ata produced by temperature rd pressure measurements. 4 figures refs. 8 biblio, NMI USSR ~UDC 621.43.052 IY, L. V., Candidate of Technical Sciences, and STANISLAVSK 4 A. , Senior Instructor "Exergic Analysis of Losses in the Gas Distribution System of an Internal Combustion Engine With a Turbosupercharge"' r Moscow, Izvestiya Vysshikb Uchebuykh Zavedeniy, Masbinostxoyeniye, No 5, 10,72, pp 97-101 Abstract, In detennining the lossas of the gas distribu~lon aystem of an e -i, -rgic analysis is internal con-bustion engine with a turbosup n] arger, axel~ employed to relata thu reslutence of 'the axhaupt. of, the' mystem to the re- siatence.of the intake elements. 2 figure6, .2, ref erences. USSR UDC: 624.824:624.131.6 ZIbMMHI N. I., Engineer, KUPERMI. V. 4, Candidate of Technical Sciences, KMIMIN, K. K. Engineer, and Engineer "Erection of an Earthfill Dam With~an Injected Core and~a Film Type Diaphragm 'Without Drainage of the Foundation Pit", -4:oscow, Gidrotekhnicheskoye Stroitellstvoi No 51 MY 73, pp 20-23 Abstract: The authors describe a dam built:for the Atbashinskaya Hydroelectric Power Station on the Atbasha River. The dam was designed for a head of 75 m and is located in rough mountain terrain. associated with complex seismic and geologic conditions, This is an-earthfill. type dam with an,injected core and a film type diaphragm without drainage of pit, This method of construction Madb it possible to cut down on construction time by eight to ten months and save Y* thousand rubles. The use of a film type diaphragm and~the method for fastening it to the steep stone walls made it-possible,to locate an earthfill dam in a narrow canyon* These conditions ensured a significant~reductiowin the~dam volume and re-, duced the cost.of construction (900 thousand rubles)+ The use of the film diaphragm as an antifiltration device made it possible to continue construction during the winter months at temperatures as low " -2.CPCO The construction of special galle- ries for injection operations made it possible to continue'.1the dam SiU operations without delays.. USSR uDc. 621.,31-1.22.002-51.681.2 ORLOVSKIY, V. V., Engineer,,.TJQLUQWLjj_F., Engineer, Leningrad Depart- ment of the All-Union State Institute for the Design.and Planning of Elec- trical Equipment for Heat rngineering:,Installation.s,~;Statd. Regional Elec- tric Power Plant 19, Leningrad. IIA New System for Monitori-ng High-Capa IcityPover Units" 1'~Oscow, Teploenergetika, No' 8 Aug ~72, pp 31-32 Abstract: The paper describes-a centrall,cr->ntrol system comprised of a con- trol panel and four di splay boards for monitoring the operation of a 300 megawatt gas-oil electric power plant. The system ivoc--porates 260 meters graduated in the appropriate parameters. When parvjret~ers deviate beyond preset limits, the situation is indicated by a change in the color of the L co - -and- light for the corresponding instrumenI, as well as by - mbined light -sound signals. 'The meters are mnlemonically:arranged with reinforcenent b-f a,large-scale diagram of the power inBtallation. 7he system is now in use on three power plants, the first ofwhich was~put.fnto operation in 1969. The system is reliable, and-operation'is readily*learned by control personnel. 1/1 .92 USSR UDC: 574-94 MONAKHOVA, T. Ye., PROSKURNTINA, N.-F. IOLKA=~. ~01fj KOBINOV, V. S., Y PMELISON, M. Ye., All Union Scientific Research Institute of Mledicinal Plants "Alkaloids of Sophora Alopecuroides. 3-a-Hydroxysophoridinell Tashkent, Khimiya Prirodnykh Soyedineniy, No 1, 1973, pp 59-611 Abstract- In a continuation of research on the.alkaloids of &-,Fhora alopecu- roides, preparations were made fromthe aerial part of t~e- plant in the fruit- bearing stage. The sum of the alkaloids obtained by tho'conventional dichloro.- ethane miethod (2.5%) was divided into fractions of atrong iLnd u%,ak bat;es. The following allcaloids urcre diotinguithod In the fracti&ji of Weak bases by extraction with various colvents combined with alumi=n oxide chromatography: sophorldite, cytisine and three bases -- Cj311j811202(11I),:Cl5HZ/~f2O2 (IV), and C1 H N 0 M). The fraction of stron-a bases yielded sophoridine, cytisine ang b2ip?iiollre (V) . This i;s the first time that the alkaloids,cytisine and baptifoline have been isolated from this plant.~ Infrared Aind mass spectroscopy suggest the structure of 30~-hydroxysophoridine for base 17. UDC 547 94 USSR an, YAKHONTOVA, L.D., SHEYCHENKO, V a, *e # chc i nfti~ai its All Union Scientific Research'Institute 0 its tudy of the Glaucium Flavum Alkaloids' The Structure of Clauvi ne Tashkent, Kh-lmiya Prirodnykh Soyedineniy, No 2, 1972,~ pp 214-218 Abstract: The alkaloids e-xtracted from Glaucium flavu.1i with chloroethane raphic separation on an aluminum oxide pack,-d were subjected to chromatog. column. The separation of alkaloids was accomplishedby elution witil benzene and benzene-metbanol mixtures con 9taining successively';hi,gher fractions of methanol (cluent of gradually increasing polarity). 111 addition to the earlier found components (glaucine, isoi:~ori.dlne, protopine and isoboldine) bases were eluted: (1) :a yellmi substance Of C 11 NO composition, identified Ias 0-methylaterntine; 2) a colorless subst, 20 - 5 ance ol C It NO cam- 19 2A b positiort Identified as sinocutine;: and (3) a grean substance of NO 17 ir composition, previously literature, was kimed Zlauvine. was found that glauvine can be he- ting o-methylateroline at 1500 C a for. 18-20 hours. Acid solutions of glauvine .are oranae,An color, while 1/2 'USSR. UDC 54!?.944/945 FADEYEVA, 1. 1. FESEENKO, D. A., IL'IIISKAYA, T. U., PEREWSON. M. YEE. and Ul- Union, Scientific-Research Institute of LedicinU, Plants "Alkaloids of Stepbania Hernandifolia. VIII. H6thylhernaaine" Tashkcent,' XhImlya Prirodaykh Soyedinenlyel NO 40 1971p pp~ 45,5..456 Abs'r"Icti This a is a continuation of- research begun on alkaloids extracted from the above-ground portion of Ste-phania herna~ridifolla. Frovi the hydrochloride , -iihich Ab ~ieakzl~ solulole in jalcohol., a nei., aljl,-a- loid ms e,-,tracted uith fomula C2, If , 0 11 azzid zelti4rr Point 152-153 C .0.,2? 6 -,;rhlch was ne:,ed m*th,,Ahe=a.ndino. The inlframd and mag2letle re0oriarlee svecti-a..of this sub-.-Aance-wexe obtained, -by The alkaloid was finally Identified: Ath ~N-mie~ lamine alcohol, which obtained- in the hydrolysis of ht-1 A= 19 'USSR UDC 547.92 IWINSKAYA, T. N., FESENKO, D. A., FADEY.EVA, 1. 1., PERELSON, M. Ye., and TOLKACHEV, O.N., All-Union Scientific Research Institute ofNedicinal Sub- &tavres "Stephania Hernandifolia Alkaloids.: VIL: Harnandin". 1 0 1 4 Tashkent, Khimiya PrirodnyW Soyedineniy, ~Nq~'211 1971 8 8 PP Abstract: The chloroform motber liquors of the Stephanla hernandifolia extracts left after the removal of.hernandifolin was evaporated in vacuum. The tarry residue was treated repeatedly:withI0% IICl solution, the com- bined acid extracts were thoroughly reextracted with chloroform, washed with 10% ammonia solution and water, dried:-and eva'poratcd. The residue )20 was. crystallized from ethanol-to yield harnandin, m.p. 197-199', (a. D -33% IR, NMR, and mass spectra were an attempt to discover the structure.of this product. USSR UDC 547.92 IL'INSKAYA, T. N., D. A 1. PE115-T- G%~ M. Y4., and 4 TOIRACHEV, O.N., All-Union Scient-ific Repearch 1'~;VTVGTI"a "Stephania Fernandifolia Alkaloids. VII.-, Hernandin": 'o 2. Tashkent, Khimlya Priradnykh Soyedineniy, 1. 1971, pp 180-184 Abstract: T~.e chloro4:orz mother liquors of the Stepbanla hernvnd-ifolia extracts left after the rec-oval of hernandifolin %zas eva--orated in vacuum. p The tarrv residue ~,as treated repeatedly wit:i IWI MC! solution, the co-m- -~tracts were thoroughly reext'racted -,:ith chlorofox=, washed bined acid e~ with 10~ ammo-nia solution. and -water, dric-Aland evapora,:~!d. The residue was crystallized frz)z-. c-thamol to harma-adin, -n.p. 3.97-199", -330. 11, N'1R, and spectra Wcra studjr-,