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USSR VERSHIGORA, A. Ye., et al., Immunologiya. Respublikanskiy mezhvedomstven Inyy shornik (Irmunology. Republic Interdepartmental Collection), No 5, "Zdorov'va," Ktev,' 1972 Page Yagpd, S. L., Barshteyn, Yu. A. Ap licatibn of the lfeth~d of p 'Fluorescent Antibodies for Studying.Localiza:tion of Typhoid' Antigen in Experimental Infection 162 VA~ovtsy, A.~A. A Study of the~Content of:.Staphylococcal ..-Antilecithinase in the Blood.Serum of HeAth and Sick,Persons 165 Immunologicallave-stiga ns'.1h Diagno i1 of Berezka, S. 1. S Latent Forms of Chronic Pancreatitis in Patients -Af fecied With -Peptic UW--r and Chronic Cholecystitis. 167 Abstracts 173 10/10 103 WMACTION BLIWE&N "N,ARD.:AN:.ELE=Xa-IC =OCTEER I.,% PLANSINC FArtICIP by'A. G. Bryzhatyv, ~),gpscaw Mrchi a B~Atldlng Plailt Yraunyy ,,I- 1- . 11 ~11~14. 01. . ..k Tlkhomircv, (PS7rhO1097 FaC*-AllY MOIC04 StaLe . or, ty Eh-l a ty Or'Cal, ~rojy_rvjA%aj 6_1972, isp -t 'Ir well ~-.mojcrn condttiom.thcrr, 'Iv ii conat"reble increazo In M *,orfinect of Improvine control of the: netional, oconomy. h13~ ra;~O~te L. T. Proz-bnov, not- 11-1-,~ the 1-mrjort,cma 'of, tho econony, spoak~ 0: tile neod for. tho~i Inva"-- Or L-11 Work in Con- trol n4tterz,bringirl ~mv-. Int"o-accords-zime uIlh modo-n scien- tilic requIroments h 4t -JVJ.ty jn~ the itlult-1--lude, a P27d o1a.. 09 y of ~', 6 -'0 r ..'ar te'd, to :this problem. omtrol -aphere., Thi* 1. Scm. Pe,,Uliarlties~ i a ng uZonelted Control S UY -ta -- on i ntrol.nottzods in-corz- a or tho ways Rv _p-q co atruction .6~ sutomatod "00.rltrd --.a, Z tons tACS) br enterpriuco on the methoda a%nployed In the bezir, o' electrontc~,,6 Ut Enij e c o n am I o~-, 4ind vm)t~evinti S* rol, P, m are us 1;81 ly crklIed m.9--michine s yst produation Control ill addl- tjon to ,U_ '16- ,.Jonjnj; 0, ccm. man also perfornm deftnite functions rind "v- i'l -rol nroblorn. In movt caaev contr ollih~rj and cc-ritrolled subvirteitz ar,~ C11.2tin,-Ulsh~,e in ACS~, The oj6ik'.i-o1lod a ubeys tam of all ACS at j;n ent";irizi, Includes such 66"mponentv. A-- the indIVIOLIA1 Work pIrce Rathn), nroduction-zlod~or' and workshops. in thin cace tho c6ntrollIns-, subwyatem the fsotory direptors and the dl, frerent aorv. L,ces aIso, ociat6 d w.-.h the nntorpriscI3 adminiat-ratton. Despite tho.~fdot'~.thrtt tho two subayatems aro, re- r 73 ~-nonslblo for diffeven" an6 d.v6r:!e -n ,CS, tho orincInn) fkinctio= cf tho ~CS th, and of infarnation 9-.d tho cf ti-num uoluzionv Vor tile P.-'rposo of aking into accovnt thc-no ir. zh,~ !:i~-,nir.F and introduonjon ol' AUS 1. 1;l caztor;,~ry tc, sc-l't. &uroclatod wth functIonizar ~,' elcc-.ronl~, cot"Putc-z. of tho prodilctior- nroce-3o, ar~,, n nirtl Lhet;c dctcrtilne th.. cf vcpv~ ~,n-, 1;1 fovrwllon in olocti-nnic vnJ ~hc n,:thoen n-V '.tv ' T~ th-5 trCb of .;n ~!Onputav or O&I6il6ur Of- '1'.A lnitiotLon af pn:.--7 In t-~~ ttlrning okit of -hc finiched prod,.3ct z)r for:t.ulation of i prodt;ction otc, I are ra2pect to nctivic-y !.,t JI.-Ilk Li! -lim-no A'- thl.:: f=cta-. c='Zv= VIT fectlveno~e in fkinclioning of th-- nn.-.~ "a 1- r. -i~cw enco on r3portion of tile computei r c :~n;- - -7 ),a, Cnrrk,,r nr,4, ?. D. ('hc;,.n!'Ao% tviO pluce In euto-imtoc. cljn-,rol eystamm !-1 by oloctronic 'N1.3 qvnl",;y C., coaratiol". c., t'-- tire ziystem Hnd lltz productIvity tn mation ore dopendcnt specifically on tlie paronciezvo of the c -.ronic coraoutar.." -rom~tlaiB noint of viiiw M-k;,1 is o:,I-, AV an Oppendsigo to thG vncwhlne and work pro,4ut-Uvit,; a' the tom 12 detarmined, for cxmmplop by such n parvr;.~,Zor c' the r,!-- 7- ectronic computor as tho :ipsed In procotminZ, Information. As n recult, when ort., scIver tho problon. of the u-ffcc- tiven it iz ncz ra~ra to mtrur 0:2 of oper;tIon of on. ACS ha fallowin-, altua-zlon. the alactronlc con-putar fijtda oil- w1 approprLate, =.ount; of info rmc t ion- 'In auch e wa7 !.t Ir uz,~d by man in control worl(s but thiz Information i~i conp2ctzay ~uitsblo for analysla Find,man'3 adoption of o tolu- tion. i coarl,.ctlon a prcb1cr, wilict it!-vumca thi. imni rT:rrce 'a how to distriltute funet.'onz ~-,,tweun rnii vf!~* ine in on and hov: to conatruct orn. of hkinL-n oil -; rilt-ioncl bujIL; ( ;,li3 prolblem, rL:i-. be 2olvod Ln ZiT;k. of plannInr the ay!iten). -nolyais of date '-n the rna-.crialt obtolned In nn lnvo2 t1Zut'lon of ri-actioninq,; reveo-lod' that: tho divtvib4tion and of funcrion-, bc.- twoon mon ond machi-la cannot be qu --e ~Ul without 8; atud-c Of man, Sf, cI iviq in t~,. f V 'USSR uDf-,: 612.9511:632.911 NF 'VIKLYEVA GO YADOVA, -L. T . NIKITIN, 11. V. , 30KOLOV, H. S., IZUBE 0, V. V., and TEREKEOV, V. I. "Determining the jibsorDtion o f Herbicides by Plants Wi th the Use of Prtificial Irrigation" Moscow, faiimiya v Sellskom Ydiozyaystve, no 11, Nov 70, pp 48-52 Abstract: In agricultural practice, rains fjallir.3 iminn~!d;ateiy after the treatment of seeddinp-s generally necessito-te.repeated applicition of herbicides. The effectiveness of syste!u1c hu~rbieide:; Itunn,,cly on their rate of penetrcO,;ion. It alou dependr, wi th,~! compcsition, 1,01-11.1 doze of thi,.- toxic tile develoument. of: tIrle PIZ!-'Its, tilf-~ir [~(nlsitivity -eriiitics o" the cover tissue of :the DIant. to tile a,'t,ent and- Lille charact L 116 was found that tile rate of penellra,tlon,of '-Ydr,opnillilu toxii~ tqld f-hr--rain rc.,;istance of herbicides can belreadily estaz)1ished Using 1/2 7 USSR SOKOLOV, M~ Mimiya Sel skom Mozyaystve, no .1-1, Nov 70, ~p 48-52 -rtificial snrinlain~; to imitate rain with an intensity of 0.83 m:i/mi i 1 at a precipitation norm of 10 rm. Die herbicide absorptio~i is arbitrarily chnracterized by its se!ailethal dose penetration timei 'Ae rate of penetration of aqueous solutions of herbicides in ready-to-use solutions is higher than that of their chemically,pure form. The exzc-rirmental data on the penetration rate and wash-off of.2,4-D ood-itim salt ,.here confirr-ad by the microquantitative determination of the toxic aF,6nt aboorbed by the plants. Tables in the original -article cite - data on abzormtion and retaininm of the triethanolamine salt of 2 '41-D wit-h irrii7aticn and those on the sodium salt of 2,4-D with irrigation and wasb-oTf. 2/2 USSR UDC: 621.396.677(088.8) KLYUYEV, 0. L., TEI MOV, V. M., FADDEYEV, SHOPLER, L. V. V. Ye "Drive Mechanism for a Ground-Based Antenna System!' USSR kuthor's Certificate No 282452, filed 30 Oct 68, published 11 Dec 70 .(from RZh-Radiotekhnika, No 6, Jun 71, Abstract No 6B109 P) Translation: This Author's Certificate introduces a drive mechanism for a ground-based antenna system. The mechanism contains~a DC.force converter, an.even number of actuating motors., highrspeed and low-speed gear boxes, and crown gears connected to 10 the. drive gears. I improve the rigidity of thegear train and simplify the. co.~natruction~of the mechanism, the converter Is connected between the common point of the actuating,rmtor armatures and the common point of two -power diodes - which are connected in series in the same direction in the armatumcircuits of the same~, motors. An ad- ditioral DC:source is connected in-parallel with these,diodes through an auxiliary diode. 19 UDC 621.317.727.1 USSR TEREKHOV, V. o~ternaVtion of the Tolerance Characteristics of Resistors in R-2R Type ~Voltage, Dividers" Elektron. tekhnika. ilauchno-tekhn. sb. Radibkomponentv:(Electronic Engineer-, ing. Scientific and Engineering Collection. Radio Components), 1970, vyp. 3. pp 57-64 (from RM-Radiotaklinika, Ho 4, Apr 71, lhbs.tract~:No 4A279) Translation: The problems of determiningthetolerance charactcristics (insta- bility.coefficient, temperature coefficient of.resistance) of resistors in R-2R type voltage dividers are investigated~ The results of experimental testing of the derived formulaa are presented., USSR 63-P .95 SHITS, L. A., RFKHOVA and POZDNYSHEV, G. P. "Yethod of Producing Oil Concentrates oflInvert, Emulsions for Agricultural Purposes" USSR Authors' Certificate No 318381, Cl.,A 01 n17/10, filed 27 Apr 70, published 17 Dec 71 (from RZh-Khimiya, No 14, 25 Jul 72, Abstract No 14N552P by T. A. Belyay,--va) Translation: To increase the emulsifiability of the concentrate and widen the area of optimm component ratios in the,oil ~61qase, as well as reduce the cost of the concentrate, uae of a natural stabilizer forr commercial oil emul- sions is suggested. 7he stabilizer is the by-product of the crude-oil dehydration (deenalsification) process. Natural oil ermt1sifiers can be isolated from the slurr-y ("intermediate layer") that forms in petroleum collecting tankr;, or settlino, tanks after petroleum has,been treated with demulsifier reagents. The"intermediate la%.Ver," rid of petroleum re~sidues, is boiled; the precipitate is separated out; the layer is,rinsed on a filter, first with boil- ing, -then with cold water, is dried and used as an em~alGifier of invert pesticidal emulsion. From the "intermediate laver" that origitates as a result of treating crude oil from the Mukhandvo field with the deemulsifier 1/2 USSR SHITS) L. A., et al USSR Author s' Certificate No,318381, Cl. A 01 n 17/10, filed.27 Apr 70, published 17 Dee 71 Dissolvan 4411 the product that settles in the precipitate is isolated; 100 grams of it are kept in contact for 30 minutes with 0-5-1 liter of boiling water. filtered rinsed with 1-2 'liters of cold water, dnd air-dried. A con- centrate of the following composition is obtaIned, (part,~y weight): butyl ester of 2)4-D (79-95%) 30-40, spi-ndle.oil 60-70, petroll~~um solvent 10-20, emulsifier 3-7- Water is poured into the,concentrate, the concentrate is stirred, and invert emulsion is obtained. 2/2 -R 03'6 'UNCLASSIFI'tD PAOt~SS I NG DATE--27N-OV70 T,ITLE--EFFECT OF STRUCTURE FOPMING SUBSTANCES ON T HE CHEMICAL AND THERMOMECHAN[CAL PROPERTIES 00 A~c.ELLULO$E H Y OR A T EFIBER -U- AUTHOR-(O5)-?4IKHAYLOVt N.V., TOKAREVAt 12,.G.9 TEREKHOVAI G.M., MANOROSOVA, F.M.1, 'PANOVA, L.No OF INFO--USSR SOURCE--KHIM. VOLOKNA 1970, 211 37-9 ------- TO 'PUBL I SHED, SUBJECT AREAS--CHEMISTRYt MATERIALS. ~,_~,TOPIC.-TAGS-_CELLULOSE RESIN, SYNTHETIC FIBEqf DIAMINF, PHTHALATE, FILLER, PIGMENTr THERMOMECHANICAL PROPERTY,:.FATI,GUE STRENGTH i.~-:-CONTROL MAqKING--NO RESTRICTIONS DOCUMENT -CLASS--UNCLASSIFIED 'PROXY. REEL/FRAME--3008/0873 STFP NO--UR/0183/70/000/002/0037/0039 I R CACCESSION NO--AP0137901 ____UNC LASS USSR UDC 621.782.002 c,V uStudy Of 'Ibe Adhesion Properties Of Ilegativa Fhotoraais~f" V sb* 11opr. r.All,roa 11-Atroull-ki (i~lroblems CT C:f -Ilorko), Kiev, "INn. W:, d =- ha, "1971, pp 18~-194 (frow- RZht--~,_'LsI:tr-onP- J_ yeye primanoniyo, 11o 10p Octob-cr 1971 Abatr~ct No 10:1,144') Translation. MiVizurarcent of the adhesion ol' filrs of photordaiut PVT3 to ar, alumirtm subatratt,, wn~, conducted by a aiethcd which for-_-~ tila bacia of the prevailing COST 9,~5_54-60. Adhealon of the, fllms in th-, interval of tunn4n& temperatures oll 100-16,00 0 he"ountu to con3ider~ible increana oe adhoolon -.L-- bojun A a tcmper~,,tvru of 1800 0 v 1, vnd -curl lcull_,rly at 200_220 0 (6--15 Yhi~4 is explnin,3d by th~ rem,-j,it~l ol, th~ solvent from the polywor ,. 4nd at I I,rjIRr,)t3 xtumu doutmetion of' th3 ,iolcicuIC'n of' 11111~0. 'Iba optimun to.-wm~rijture ofI jllnln[~.. 2200 0. With ox!iomuro of 'he opecimenu with tW3 photor'ooist* to P. cold etch- ant of "he compoe it, on ;t r4-) M.'03 p1w, I M:1 MF fori~ min, tz"10 adheuioo is creased by tijo timev. Djur-Ing a *ubnaquent 9 miln of exppvul-a3 t~e ~,,dlheuion je not changed, after b of the dlgillt~D'gatio! the a a wlr~cAec, 0, PVTslit reduces to zero. Ibe alk-ali recibionce and raslEtunro to tho buffer atchaint>,750 min. 2 ref. 1.M. USSR UDC 621.z82.002 KLETCGUNIKOV, I.I., TERMV-110VA, G*V., Adhesion Properties Of Positiva Photoresist" V eb. Voor. rdl-roelektroniki (Problems 01'.144c roe lec troni cs--CcA 1e ction Of Yiov, i'N;uk.d~i 1971P pp 154-199 (fro;n RZh__Sloktro.~Ikvi L 110 10, October 1971, Abstract No 108444) Translation: An invostigation of the adhesion of fil= o--;' Photoresist based on novqlalz, as a funation of rqinas of A, tanninz, the corditi ns of' treatment in acid' alkali-, i~nd buffer etchants and in vater, wan conductad with the aid of the F.Ai~-Wct edhasiormater in, conforadity with GOST 9564-60. With an increaeo of tho temperattire af, tannin-, the xnavni- tudc iv docreauvd, prohablv Im-cause of ohrinkou oi' tho 1N.Ima and nn increaso of. "their brittleness ne a cons-equence of row-val of tho oolvcnt and serdi- condensation of the polymer. 'With a temparaturi of taaninE-of 10.0 0 a fixc-d =Lnitude of adhesion equal toetil praw_fc!rce.=- io determined for 25-~o L.'ain. In Li cold acid etc^hant, 'he adihesion of the,filain reduces. to zero viith expaouro during 16--17 min, and in all-aii during 1 min., i~dhzaaion_of the Mzau with expowre during 7-0 min to IRIO cind buffer etchant change a in.-titeri4ly. 2 ill. 95 USSR UDC 678: [539.612 539.4).001 SKORYY, I. A., and TEREKHOVA, L. P., Mos.cow Aviation.Technological Institute "Stresses in Cemented Joints of Cylindrical Shells and':Panels" Riga, Mekhanika Polimerov, No 6, Nov-Dec:72, pp 1093-1103 Abstract: The stresses in cemente4 Joints of cylindrical shells and panels are determined, and an investigation is made of the effect of the length of the joint and the parameters of cement, shells, and panels on the magnitude of stresses. It is shown that stresses'do and Toare nonuniformly distributed along the cemented joint and concentrated at the edges:of the joint. The stresses in the cement and the length of'the zone of the boundavj effect, depend essentially on the modulus of elasticity of the cement. Thus for .105 kgs/ ~2 the maximum stresses cement with-the modulus of elasticity U* := 2 cm C are- 7.5 times higher than for cement with the modulus of elasticity E*, = 2-103 vhile the zone of concentration of stress*es in them is equivalent to three-four thicknesses of shells or the entire length oi the cemented joint, respectively. Variations of the length of the cemented,joint for the same cement confirmed the fact that the zone of concentratiori of stresses does not depend on the length of the cemented layer. Muimum normial and tangen- tial stresses in the cemented layer do not.depend on the length of the ce- me ted layer. n M"T MM M EMP M In STNGLE-MECTRON TRANSFER ANDCHEMCAL TRANSFORMATIONS (Colnfu ron ce In Rostov-on-Von) Artielt, by Candidate of Chemical Sciences Todres: Z_V~ _ __ Ventnik,Akaderrdi Nauk 5S5R7_Russ14n,J!Q Pp c A Onference on tht-role of -electron transfers in cht~ml- cal reacL ions wa~ held In Rostov-on-Don. on 22-P,5 May., It war . or anized b N th th C tifli H i C t f h S 1 e or en en ern aucasus c er o e igh- g , c t y er Schaol;jabout-40 re0orts were presented. -Participating In the conrerencie were thu leading chpmical lostituL,,s of the-AS USSR ~ a ndithe republican acadeinles, and also Rostov-on-Don eazcow. , , , 1eningrad and Ge)ri.kiy -universities. chiMAC~l reactions area usually r6gar ded as the. rupture and formation of bonds~,%that-Lsi-tlie~j~4arrangement:.of the skele- ton% Of a molecule. - It,is . now considered, however i ~ that the dis- ~ placrment--of atoms 6~ atomic. arrangements Is preceded by the , - 1 transfer of electrons from one 6f the% reacting molecules to the other. The study,of that ztage, which has become possible through the u,-e of now instrumental methoda of,-_investirjat1*n, _rpecially of &Iectron para~gnetlc'dnd nuclear magnetic: reson- ance -ids conccpta of,the reaction., mechanism as a sequence of elementary stages us, A!i a remult of electron tranrfer new particles appear, not Wnown to organic chemlstry of the past. The propertim, of thore V pr-.~dv~ts were, e."mined in a number of reports. Hemoglobin, cyto- e chrome C and other ~nzyoie3 with F -UXI) after electron transfer give nonequilibrium, forms in which the Iron has alredy gone over Into the ,tate Z11) but the protein part still retains its ( previous configuration (R. M. D d . The transformation of YL 4-41-diniLro-cis-stil.bane into a -radical I:; accompanied H by complete els-trans-isomerizat ion. Vertruction of the symmetry or the molecule leads to establi,*hmenL of equilibrium* 4-nitro- ciz-stilbene In the'presence of electron transfer gives a mixturt, Ih.,. T3 143 Nil Of arilon-r-n-JI cals of cl.,;- jnd trann-1:11bertr-a M V. rmt~z';. III th'. r"'rorE5 ~f S. P. Sol"doinikov and M. nh'~wn ~~iat the fi:,AucLa of cleQTTr77-rZ-I;,Ff'~r d~-p-tid nut only art th,? di!%tribUtiOn Of cl,-clronz. ov-~e tho r,.Ij- cult, Ij-jt also on Lhe entry-uf tnoso products into tb-n~ comr">-!_ tion 01, the ionic Mn~,ocinte'r'. Triethylgermyl d~rlvatiVer, Of lithlum or potanuium, jr, Ye. ;1. Gladyshey han establinhLd, react In benzLne or hex.?ric giving al~ohnlatqs of trI-AhyLqvVmyI-:',ubFti_ Lutrd b-?nzhydrol. A ccapletely different product forms in h~zx_ eth-~,Idlgerm.ane, !,idc by side with 13enzophenone keLyl. In otricr wordn, in hvxaretapol Of the c-Alsting particle appc~irsjhL tri- cthy;(jtrrryl anion Iwhichr r"cts,furtbr according to a nchene zj -olect-ron't ansfer ttallic or q such as stu!;lc r . 131m ganic compound , bis-(triethylgermyl)-mercury or bl:;-(LrieLiiylgLrmyl)-c.;dmitm are capable of parLiciVating In electron tranvfcr also in polar nolvf~ntz.of the type of stron; acceptor_ far- is used (Ac6demj- Pa- andR. A. Abakilmay KaLppell and 0. Yu. Okhlobystin re%,.ealed the gei- eeril me'llanEsmoi 'Eh-e oxiaat ~on 0.~~Organ;_meEAMC comoounds, ac ouding to which a *Ingle electron is torn awiy from those derivatives and they simultano~uusly decompono into an organic radical and the cation of the metal. The radical.4i :if Miry do pot react chemically, give off still another electron, ' being oxidi;r4d to carbocations. The. r6aetion ends with'the-atage of stablVization of those qations,:Jorexample, throuc I1h Aheir rc- action -with nolecules of- the. aolvent,~, The eiEabli~hment: of suc% the formation of.benzyl acetate as the =aJ-n: procitict of the,axidation of benzylmercuracetate by lead tetra- acetate in acetic.acid. AliphetIc mercury, chlorl des under the same conditions giv:- others of* acetic acid I paraffins andaltfin*. The formotion'of hydrocarbons in that r,.ctic. 61.6 Indicates the eu~dztence of radicals as intermediaLer of the oxidation. The ability of'organomerrvrIC zomj'Qunds to ncL as 01cc- #-ran donLrz was shown an the example of roactions of dtacyl ver- cury with teLran4tromethane. (S. A. Shi?volev, :LP. nclot k a roYi37u5"flu6rc,bora 'Er et al). Upon reacting with RIT u~ -N-rulto " dlaryl mercury given an zsromakic. hydrocarbon and (1,.vinitromQthy11- aryl mzrcury as the main product and a certain quantity of Art* (A.11. K.3:~hin 1. P. Beletskayalsand -V.-1. Stan"). The obtain& result3 agree 416'the hypother. that in-ER-F-frHat stage of tht reaction the cation-radical. of diaryl mercury and the radical .:Z form. The latter forms through electron transfer either to the nitronium cation or to the tetranitromethane. The cation-redical of diaryl mercury decomposes, giving the highly rerictive rad1c3l Arl. That: radical reacts insignificantly with the lowly reactiNT 244 USSR UDC 669.1793'38541292'293'26'1:620.181.41 NAUMM, 0. P., TERMOVA. V. S ITSKIY, YE, M. "Scandium, Alloys and 17heir Utilization in, Engineering". Redkozeuel'n. met. i splaVy (Rare Earth.1%tals and Alloys collection of works),, -Hoscow,. Nauka Press, 1971 pp 28-34 (feom M-Mdtallur&iya, No 4, Apr 7-2 ,Abstract No 41776) Translation: Data are presented on the structure of phaise diagrams and the investigation of the properties of-Sc alloy-0 with Cu, La~, V, Nb, Cr.,and Fe. A comparison of the physical-chemica]L,.interacti.on of. the rpre earth metals and Sc with~ the clements of the pariodie, fadile per-Mit's the coilc~vsion to he drcryni that Se diffi~rs appreciably from the rare carth-metals as a msult of the difference In electron structure the electronegativity, and atomic''redii. The study of the properties of pure Sc, the construction of the phase diagranics vith the elf~- mento of the periodic tableP and the c-onotrmtion of the compDsition-property diagx-.=s permitted discovery of the areras.of.industrial rApplication of Sa amd developmant of a nwzber of Sc alloys. 9 illustrations,, I tablel and a 13-entry bibliography. USSR IUDC 669.85/86:620.181.4 V. F. saw, "Rare Earth Metals, Their Alloys and New Areas.of Application" V sb. Redkozemel'n. met.,_i s a (Rare Earth. Metals and Alloys collection of works), 24oseow, Nauka Press, 1971, pp 17-21 (from RM-Mfetallurgiya, No 4, Apr 72, Abstract No 41770) Translation: A survey is mde of the state of the art in scientific studies of single crystals of rare earth metals and the discovery of the fine structure and investig Hf gatioa of new phase diagrams of the rare earth metals with Fey y ~V) Ca, etc. An analysis of the constructed phase diagramz with the rare earth metals offers the possibility of dxawing the conclusion that simpler phase dia- grams (continuous solid solutions and eutectic') of tile rare earth metals are formed with a small number of elements, basically with elements of groups III and IVA of the periodic table* As a rule, eutectic systems are formed between the rare. earth metals of the yttrium subgroup with the el-ements of group BrA; broad areas of irwdscibility are detected with the cerium subgroup for these elements. She presence of chemijeal. compounds chara-.terites the systems of rare%earth metals with metals of groups,I guid VIII., Bibliography of 9 entries. USSR UDC 621.3S7.8:669.794(088.8) V- -F-, KULAKOV, Yu. A., SAVITSKIY, Ye. M., SHELKOVA, I. G. if "Method of Electrolytic Polishing of Rare Earth Metals and Their Alloys" j- USSR Author's Certificate No 305203, Filed 27/01/70, Published 13/07/71, Crranslated from RefeTativnyy Zhurnal, Khimiya, No 2, 1972, Abstract No -2 L248 P from the Resume). Translation: A method of electrolytic polishing of rare earth metals and their alloys in an electrolyte containing~HNO 3, and glyc0rin, differing in that in order to improve the quality of polishing of yttrium and its alloys, oxalic acid is introduced to the electrolyte in the following ratio of com- ponents, vt.%: HNIO 40-SOP .oxalic acid'20-'40, glycerin remainder,.and 2 the process is conducted at 20*C and'D 1.5-3 a/cm 27-- USSR UDC 669.891.S.71.725.018.8(088.8) STROGANOVAY V. F. TEREKHOV -y- P_~p SAVITSKIY,- Ye. M., STRELITSOV, Ye. I., V, A. I. [Institute of Metallurgy IGXATOVA, L. I.. AKONEMN11MV, A. I., ZAVIYALO imeni A. A. Baykov, Physics and Energy Institute] "Calcium-Based Alloy" USSR Author's Certificate No, 276421, Filed 17/12/68, Published 16/10/70. (Translated from Referativnyy Zhurnal Metallurgiya;No.~ 5, 1971, Abstract No. 5, 1761P). Translation: In order to increase the corrosion resistance of binary Ca-Al alloys, it is suggested that they be.additionally alloyed with Be with the following relationships of-components (in Al Be 03-0.8, remainder Ca. The new alloy, while retaining high mechanical properties, has corrosion resistance defined by the weight. gain of specimens 'of 0.003 g/cm2 per 100 hours, i. e., is practically no-c oxidized in air (in an atmosphere with normal relative humidity), The melting point of the-alloy is 580-600o;, the specific cm2. gravity < 1.7 gl It is suggested-for use in atomic power engineering. 1/1 USSR UDC 546.641 SAVITSKIY, Ye.M., TEREKHO F.,,and SHELKOVA, I. G. "study of the Fine Structure of Ytt-iu,m Single Crystals" Monokristally Tugopla,.Yk-ikh i Redkikh Metallov [Single Crystals of Refractory and Rare Metals Collection of.Works]., Nauka Press, 1971, pp 70-73 Translation: A method is developed for polishing and etching yttrium single crystals. -The fine structure on the base plane, on the plane of the second- order prism, and on the intermediate planes is.produced. Data:of structural and X-ray analysis attest to a rather high degree of perfection of the single erystals produced in the laboratory.. 4Tigures; 4 Bibliographic References. USSR UjC 052-3.7_0~33.4 ~~Z-;:=W, V. TERE~~.OU, V.V., and Tr, "Nature o 'L JI'litized Layers on Nickel." ,,Csco,;, Zp-,h6nita Vetallov, Vol 6, No 2, Mar-11-)r 70, pp 213-21' _0 Abstract: 'Ine structure of the surface layer of alitized. znicliel de-jen-s U j tne crcss sect-on Cum of on the me'hod End conditions of the procesq. Etchin; nickel alter alitizim, it at 9500C in containers filled~w'ith a powder nixture of U 98"" Fe-Al alloy (50'% Al)+25 NF4CI reveals three layers, 'L!he thickness o' -&ch yer is directly proportional to the square root of' alitizln, time. 'L-he e-- lw oerlmentnl data. inOicate the rela4-i,,re diffusion rate of nJx'-e, atnm-s t wa 4. V -f aluminum ata-=, from, the. surfaco. Calculat'l-onn ii rov surfac-. and !h&t o after n.1-4-,z4nr,,aLr-,osI- the entire aluminirr, -Iz I.n4 wctalii concentrated in ter.r layers. ?our --fDles 4n -he or4g-nal article show the characte.'i-lics 04, ~--i ~-Usive .1ayers after 4, 16, and 36 hours of alitizing at 9500C, such. aa -,h,~ relat.ivc- ~ayer thicknesS2 c.-jstal structure, crystal latt CC -'aralleter, color, .13)', and micrchtirdness of nic-'-el aand (in -oercent),,. density (g/c- 2). Table provide:3 3-pecific data on the thickness and rnean ::ompo3itl -i of loqer after ali-:,.zing. in open air at 950'Ct the surface of the intermc-.all-ide -IiAl formm) a zinc liver o' oxIde 01=A-I 0 dhich wotectf: the a!Jitized Irk-for .1urther oxidation until the lntermemll~de layar d1lviolven ;-.,I the. n.-IcRel, 0 14 UNCLASSI F I ED' P aOtESSING DATE-02OCT70 C 19RC ACCESSID14 NO--AT0108578 ~-ABSTPACT/EXTRACT--(U` GP-0- ABSTRACT. SAMPLES OF ORES AND CU AND A3 A C.Dtll C S -FROM THE KADZHAR AN, AGARAKf,DASTAKERT, AIGED10R, AND DZHINDARA ~DEPOSIT-S WERE-ANALYZE0 FOR PT METALS, CUo 110i AU, AND AC-. THE PT IAETAL 114 ORES VARIEL) WITHIN WIDE. RANGES AND WERE DISTR13UTED VEaY ~UNIFQRMLY. ANALS. OF 6 SAMPLES OF MO CONC. SHOWED 0.02h-1.1 PPM. PT. THERE WAS, NO CORRELATION BETWEEN. THE AU, AND AG CONTJINTS AND THOSE 3F Pr METALS AT A.VERY WEAK CORRELATION 9ETWEEN CONTENTS. OF PT METALS AND COM. COMPONENTS OF THE ORE 040 AND CU).~ THERE WERE DISTJNCT f)jFFcRENcES BETWEEN DISTRIBUTION OF PT MErALS.IN CU.~AND MO CONCS*, THE MO CONCS9 HAD HIGHER CONTENTS OF PT AND PD THAN CU CONCS.:, 1.,E* HOLYBDENITE IS THE CONCENTRATOR OF PT METALS WHEREAS CHALCOPYRITE IS THEIR *4 A IN MINERAL CONCENTRATOR OF PT METALS'WHEREAS CHALCUPYRITE IS THEIR MAIN MINERAL BEARER. QUITE- Ol'SI'INCT' CORKELATIO'N DEOENDENCE BETWEEN CONTENTS OF PD AND PT WAS GBSD. IN MO CONCS,. WHERE OT PREDoklINATED OVER PO (PD-PT r-QUALS.0.3-1 1-1). IN CU CONCS. AND ORESt THE PD CONTENT WAS -USUALLY 5-6.TIMES HIGHER THAN THAT OF.PT. NO INDEPF.NDENr PT MINERALS ,:WERE. DETECTED. HOWEVER, THE MINERAL FORM OF THEIR ~RESFNCE (SULFIDES OR OTHER CUMPOS.) IS SUSPECTED IN THE FORM:OF SUBMICROSCOPIC INCLUSTOJS. THE_ DISTRIBUTION lJF PT AP40 PO ~ IN- CU ANO M.0 CONCS. EV-10ENTLY WAS C,0NTROLLED BY THE TEMP. OF MINERALILATION.. THE PT M.INERkLS WITH ADMIXT4' -Of-_ 90 ASSBCD, WITH THE EARLIEST AND HIGH'.TEMP. MG MINERAL I LAT 1:),N W.LiEREAS ,-MINERALS OF. PD WIYH ADAIXT. OF, PT-.WEREw RELATED TO THE, LATER RELATIVE LOW :_-:TEMP. (CHALCOPYRITE) STAGE OF MINERAL] ZAT.ION. UNCLASSIFIED 112 033 UNCLASSI FIED PROCESSING DATE--160CT70 OF THE DESTRUCTION.UF ALUMINOSILICATE REFRACTORIES WHICH CONTAIN BGRON NITRIDE -U- AUTiiOR-(04)-GOGOYSIt G.A.t KURIATP: TEREkHovsglyt B.I., TRESVYATSKIYI OF INFO-USSR ~-.~'-~SOURCE7-~-KIEVi PROBLEMY PROCHNOSTIti.NO 3 s,~ MAR-70f PP' 47-50 -DATE -PUBLISHED-----MAR70 '_SUBJECT AR-EAS-14AT:ER I-AL-S t, MECH.t JND~- tC~ AND MAR'INE ENGR TArvS--CRACK PROPAGATIONj STRESS LOA~FtJHE MAL STRESS9 REFRACTORY R MATERIALl ALUMINUM SILICATE, BMW: .,NITRIDE, CORUNDVMt CLAY _NTROL MARKING--NO RESTRICTIONS ,~_.DOCUMENT: CLASS--UNCL.ASSIFIED _'~':P.ROXY REELIFIIAME--1995/0854 STEP NO--UR/3663/70/000/003/0047/0050 I-CIRC ACCESSION NO--A?0116366 UNCLASSIFIED '212 033 UNCLASSIFIED PROCESSING DATE--160CT70 ~._CJRC ACCESSION NO---APOL16366 GP-0- ABSTRACT. SPECIMENS OF COMPLEX INOS ILI CATES) CONTAINING BORON NITRIDE WERE STUDIED UNDER THERMAL LOADING CONDITIONS UP TO 2,50GODEGREESC TO DETER141NE THE CHARACTERISTICS -OF CRACK FORMATION ANO DESTRUCTION OF'THESE REFPACTORY,MATERIALS. TO ~-REGISTER THE TEMPERATURE OURING~ TESTINCt SPECIAL. THERMOMETRIC SPECIMENS WITH BUILT IN THERMOCOUPLES WERE MADE.*; THE T.11MIES .,OF FRACTURE WERE DETERMINED BY CURRENT CONDUCTING~Pl CKUPSIL [T,WAS~,FOUND THAT _'COMPOSITILINS CONTAINING 40-50PERCENT BORON NITRIDEIA-RE MOST RESISTANT TO ..-THERMALLOADING. WHEN THE BORON NITRIDE CONCENTRATION'WAS HIGH (60PERCENT OR MORE) THE FRACTURE OF THE'.CYLINDRICAL SPECIMENS WAS CHARACTERIZED BY BOTH. RADIAL AND ANNULAR CRACKS. ANAL~YSIS OF THE FRACTURED SURFACES REVEALED THAT THE ABILLTY OF THESE MATERIALS TO WITHSTAND THERMAL LOADING DEPENDS TO A~CONSIDERABLE EXTENT UN THE 'DISTANCE BETWEEN CORUNDUM GR41NS AND Ti4,E.UN1F0RM1TY,0F 1*HEIR DISTRIBUTION. IT WAS FOUND THAT~A~REFRACTORY.MATERIAL WHICH WITHSTANDS ~:I..lXTREME TEMPERATURE DIFFERENTIALS MAY BE PROOUCED BY PROPER SELECTION OF _THE RATIO OF CC, i MPONENTS REFRACTORY CLAY CORUNDUM AND A CERTAIN AMOUNT ~_!OF BORON NITRIDE. FACILITY: IN~TITUTE'OF PROBLEMS OF STRENGTH, ~.:...,.:ACADEMY'OF SCIENCES OF THE UKRSSR-6 INSTITUTE OF PR06LEMS IN THE SCIENCE OF MATERIALS, ACADEMY OF SCIENCES QF~THE UKRSSR, KIEV. UNCLASSIFFE)- M USSR UDC: 669.295.5:669.292/1297:620.193/.196 TEREMETSKIY, V. A., KASHCHUK, V-A. 1.tHeat Resistance of Binary Alloys Of Titanium with the Transition Metals of I and V" Groups J-1 Sb.-. Nauch. Tr. Tomsk. Inzh. -Stroit. -In-t lCollected Scientific Works of Tomsk Institute of Construction Engineering], J973, No 21, pp 35-39 (Translated from Referativnyy Zhurnal Metallurgiya' No 9, 1973, Abstract No 81727, by L. Petrova). Translation: The influence of the addition of transition metals of group III (0.28% Pr, 0.35% Y, 0.59% La) and group.V ~(O~76% V, 0.4516 Nb, 0.41% Ta) of the ptriodic system on the oxidation properties of Ti at 8000, is studied, The content of the metals added corresponded.-to a zoncentration near the limit of solubility in a Ti. Y, La and Pr decrease-the oxidizability of Ti by 30-35%, Nb and Ta -- by 35-40%. The alloy Ti-0.76% V is oxidized significantly more intensively than Ti. 2 figures,-3 biblio. refs. 57 PRbCESSING DATE--18 .SEP70 008 UNCLAS.S I F I ED C!Rr- ACCESSION NO--AP0104497 .'-.A8STRACT/EXTRACT-(LJ) GP-0- ABSTRACT. TO 0.04 MOLE HCONME SUBZ WAS AUDED FOR~,10 MIN 0.042 MOLE POCL SU831 WITH COOLING AND5TIRRING, THE MIXf. STIRRED 45 AND WITH COOLING WAS ADDED FOR 3,0~MIN 0.01 MOLE 11ALKYLt2pMETHYl.(OR PHENYL)CYCLOPENTA OR CYCLOHEXA(B)PYRROLC IN 2.7 ML FICONME SU82. THE MIXT. WAS HEATED AT 35-40DEGREES:TG GIVE THESE I (R, R PRIME1, N, PERCENT YIELD, B SU84#~McP.j AND N PRIME20 SUBD GIVEN): ME, BU*-lv 501 160-20EGREES, -1 0.15430; PH~ ETt to 75 -,,410-110EGREESP -4Ev BU, 21 60t 168-9DEGREESs 0.15510;:PHi CTI 3g 99t -1 R PRIM-1 EQUALS 132-3DEGREESt -.. ADDING TO 0.004- MOLE 17 IR EQUALS'~PH, ET,t- N, EQUALS I OR 2) IN 25 ML H SUB-2 0, 0.04 MOLE~KMNO 3 HR; FOLL014ED BY 1.5 HR STI:RRING GAVE 96PERCENT. aZOH UNCLASSIFIED -C'ONTROL MARKING--NO RESTRICTIONS DOCUMENT, CLASS--UNCLASSIFIED -..-P.ROXY REEL/FRAME--1989/0450 STEP NO--UR/OLSI/70/012/003/0720/0728 __C IRC ACCESSION ND--AP0107056 UNCLASSIFIED 1222 UNCLIASS IF I ED okt)CESSiNr, DArE--160CT70 t-IRC 4CCESSION NO-AP0107056 GP-0- ABSTRACT, 'VIBRONIC ABSORPTION SPECTRA WERE .INVESTIGATCO OF 8 ISOTOPE IMPURITY CRYSTALS OF UEUTERIONAPHTHALENES (H H SU88 114 BETA: 0 SUB4; ALPHA 0 SUBS IN:D SUBB; ALPHA D AU81 IN 0 SUB8, SU84 IN 0 SU889 U SU88 IN H SU68; D'S1.88. tN ALPHA U SUBI; AND 0 SU08 IN -BETA D SUBI) IN THE REGION OF THE TRANSITION PRIMEf A-SU61G YIELDS ,PR-IMlEl B SU62U B SU3lG AT 4UEGREES K. A~CJMPLEX SPECTRAL STRUCTURE WAS 08SO. WHICH DEPENDS ON THE SIGN OF ISOTOPE.SHIFT OF ELSCTKONIC TERMS OF IMPURITY MOLS. RELATIVE TO THE-MULS. OF~ICRYSTAL SOLVENT. THIS STRUCTURE IN TERMS OF 'HE THEORY OF RASHBA IS RELATED.TO TH&,EXCITATION OF OISSOCO. VIZNIC STATES. INTERPRETATIOWWAS CARRIED OUT OF THE "SPECTRAL BANOS. PARAMETERS WERE DETO. 9Y THE USE OF 4HICH THE TYPES WERE FOUND OF CONFIGURATION iMIXING.WHICH DET. THE EXCITATION OF DISSOCD. iSTATES. ANAL, WAS CARRIED OUrIOF THE DISTRIBUTION, OF INTENSITIES IN THE VIBR-ONIC ABSORPTION OF AWIMPURITY tRYSTAL* FACILITY:. INST. FILO TVERD. TELAt CHERNOGOLO'VKA U'S SR. UNCLASSIFIED 112 020 UNCLASSIFIED PROCESSING DAfE--160CT70, TFTLE-D#P REACTIONS ON SOME TITANIUM AND.CHROMIUM JSUTOPES -U- V.V., POLYANSKlYt V.N., TERENTSKlYi KoCor ~~TOKAREVSKIY, V.V.t SHCHEkBl N, V.N. .-..COUNTRY OF INFO--USSR. ~`7,_SOURCE--~_IZV. AKAD. NAUK SSSR# SERaffl, 1970, 34(11.1. 194-ZOO ATE- PUBL'ISHED ------- 70 o~.-SUBJECT AREAS--PHYSICSI NUCLEAR SCIENCE AND.TECHNOLOGY TAGS-_TITANIUM ISOTOPE, CHROMIUWIS tOPEv DIFFERL-NTIAL CROS'S~ b SECTION o. EXCI TEO NUCLEUSt DEUTERON:*: BOMBARDAtfl rPROTON SCATTERING ONT RD LMARKING--NO RESTRICTIONS -D6CU ENT C LASS--UNCLASSIFIED --1988/0275 --~UR/0048170/034/01/0194/0200 Y,R.EEL/FR,AME ~STEP NO CIRC ACCESSION NO--AP0105349 UNCLASSIFIED "J12 018 UNCLASSIFIED' PROCESSING DATE--160CT70 T,ITLE__NATURE OF THE THIRD MA X I 14U MIN ANGULAR DISTRIB UTIONS OF ELASTICALLY SCATTERED DEUTERONS, -U- ,-AUIHOR-10-4) -VERESHCHAGINt A.Not T ERENET SK I Yt..K.Q.., CHERNOYr I~P.t REVSkl'(,.V4V- 76KA DUNTRY-OF INF.0--USSR ~~qURCE_ IZV. AKAD.-NAUK SSSR# SER. FIZ. iqto,.34iz)j,460-3 ------- 70 ATE PUBLISHED JECT AREAS--PHYSICSt NUCLEAR SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY TAGS--DEUTERON SCATTERINGY ELASTIC SCATTERING, ANGULAR DISTRI'S-OrIDN, SCATTERING CROSS SECTIONt CALCIUM ISUTOPE#, TITANIUM 150TOPE, MANGANESE .1-SOTOPE, SPIN OK131T COUPLINGt NUCLEAR-40DELP DIFFEkENTIAL CROSS SECTIONt .~,~--CYCLOTRONMIU120 CYCLOTRON ONTROL MARKING--NO RESTRICTIONS t ~.00CUMENT CLASS--UNCLASSIFIED STEP NO--UR/0048/70/034/002/046010463 ~CJRC..ACCESSION NO--AP0105281 UNCLASSIFIED' UNCLANStFIED.. PRO(ESSING DATE--160CT7U -C-IRC ACCESSION NO--AP0105281 ABSTRACT/EXTRACT--fU) GP-0- ABSrRACT. A:STRONGLY RELATIVISTIC OPTICAL POTENTIAL AND APOSSIBILITY OF-OBTAlNING-FURTHER EXPTL. DATA ALLOWED FOR -A.STUDY OF FORMING THE 3RD MAX. THAT REPRESENTS AN r-.NOMALY IN THE .,ANGULAR UISTRIBUTION OF CROSS SECTIONS OF THE ELASTIC SCATTERING OF 13.6 MEV D ONINUCLEI WITH A APPROXIMATELY EQUALJO 50. IN THE U-120 CYCLOTRON, THE ELASTIC SCATTERIN'G.OF THESE U 14AS STUDIED ON PRIME40 CAv -PRIME46-50 T1, AND PRIME55 MN NUCLEI. SCATTERED 0 WERE REGISTERED WITH TELESCOPES CONSISTING OF SI(LI) DETECTORS FORMED BY THIN (!)E-DX') AND JHICK (E) SPECTROMETERS OF THICKNESSES 1:50 AND 1500:MM, RESP. THE -.SELECTION OF D WAS BASED UPON THE (f)E-DXjE LAW. GEOMETRIC COND 'ITFONS OF THE EXPT.- MONITORING THE FLUX AND EXPRESSING PIE AB~S. VALUES WERE DESCRIBED BY V. V. ALEXEEV, ET AL. (191bS), ERRORS OF ABS. VALIJES' FOR DIFFERENTIAL CROSS SECTIONS DID NOT EXCEED PLUS OR..44NUS IOPERCENU. THE _CALCN. 07F DIFFERENTIAL CROSS SECTIONS WAS BASED UPONlTHE:GPTICAL MODEL 'OF THE l4UCLEUSv TAKING SPIN ORBITAL INTERACTION INTO ACCOUNT. .1,NTRODUCING.THE SPIN ORBITAL INTERACTIONS.INTO THE OPTICAL MOUEL OF THE ~~NUCLEUS YIELDS A RELIABLE ELUCIDATIONOFeEXPTL. RESULTS IN THE 3RD MAX. !'_':t~REGLON. FACILITY: INST t FI 1* pK I EV_tl USSR. -u loa Phys-les' a r USSR VERESHCHAGIN, A. N., 0., CHERNOV, 1. P. arid TOKAREVSKIY, V. V., Institute of Physics of the Academy of.Sciences~ (Jk-rSSR, Kiiav State University iMen-; T. G. Shevchenko "On the Nature of' the 'Third Maximum' in Angular Distributions of Elastically Scattered Deuterons" Moscow, izvestiya Akademii 4 au)~c SSSR, Seriya,?iz, ar 0 34, No. 2, *cbesk ~a, V 1. Feb 70, pp 460-463 Abstract. Anomalies in angular distributions observed in :~tudyin_g d1`1 rential -Cross secticnis for the elastic scatteving of~11.6 tiev deute:rons e3ver a wide range of atomic weights ave disaussed,,particularly C-ie ancmaloui; behavior of he so-called "third maximum" in the neighborhood of nucle with A 2: 50: while a v od towards sm aller the remaining naxi a of -he angular, discributions are shitt ngles as A increases, the position of,the third maximtzr ford_ I-z48 C-50,52,54 a and FeS6 shifts towards greater angles as A Lacreases. The', maximum for nuclei with A > 56 merges with the fourth and is not aatecti~ble experimentally. in this article, new experimental. data ~and-a more realist-loiaptic-al potential I us anatior, zor 't s. ad to -find an expi his anomaly. The elastic s=tterincr of 13.6 Mev deuterons by Ca, Tiland Nz-, nuclei was -measured on the U-1~10 Ciciozron USSR UDC 632.95 KOST, A. N., YUDIN, N. B., CHERNYSHEVA, N. B., TERENIN I.., Moscow University. "A Method of Making O-Indolyl Carboxylic.Acid Amides" USSRIAuthorls Certificate No 339542, filed 10 Sep 70, published 23 Jun 72 (from RZh-Khimiya, No 9, May 73, abstract No 9N558 by T. G. Chek-areva) Translation: Amides of 0-indolyl-carboxylic acicls, which may find application as growth regulators for plants and microorganisms or as intermediates for synthesizing medicines, are synthesized by saponification ofithe corresponding n1triles with concentrated H2SO4 while cooling to. 0-5'Ci Example. 3.12 g of 3-indolyl acetonitrile are added to 25 ml of concentrated H2SO4 cooled to OOC while mixing and cooling. The mixture is allowed to stand for 16 hours at about.20'C, poured over ice, alkalized with a concentrated aqueous solution Of NH40H, and the precipitate is isolated,, giving 1. 74 g of 3-indolyl aceta- mide,melting point 153'C (water),,yield 50%. The following compounds of type,T are synthesized by analogous methods (given are. the compound, melting oint, OC, and yield, %): 3-(3-indolyl)-pr:opioamide, ~ 134, 53; 3-(2-methyl-3- lndolyl)-propioamide, 125-6, 99:;3-(2-methyl-5.!-chloro-3-indolyl)-propioamide. .145-6, 91. 42 USSR UDC 546.55-547.24 KMANKOVA, M. A., MALYK111NA, G., TERFNINA,,M. B., 'and LUTSENKO, I. F., Moscow State Institute imeni M. V. Lomonsov, Tenerationlof Copper Hydride and its Complexes With tompounds of Trivalent Phosphorus" ~Leningrad,,Zhurnal Obshchey Khimii, VolA2(104), :Vyp 1-9, 1972, pp 2133-2137 Abstract: In order to improve on the purity of the copper hydride obtained from the Wurtz reaction, cuprous-bromide~was reacted with triethyltin in absolute tetrahydrofuran at -25 giving pureocopper hydride. The degree of purityof the product was determined by comparing its reaction with tri- isopropylphosphine with that,of copper hydride obtained,by the Wurtz method. The stabilizing influence of triisopropylphosphine was suggested to be due to the formation of pi bonds with'the d orbitals of the metai, and therefore hexamethyltriaminophosphine was predicted,to show an even stronger stabiliz- ing influence. Various stoichiomatric complexes of cuprous halides or copper hydride with hekamethyltriaminophosphine were prepared.; These hy- drides had higher melting points th the r' an co responding triisopropylphosphine complexes. The halide complexes were also reduced to the'!corresponding by- drides and pure copper hydride with triethyltin. It.was shown that the 1/2 USSR 1-11.) C6 2.2.3 7 3. 4 2 1. 13: 6 2 1. 37 2. 4 12 "Spurious Angular Frequency Mlodulation of Quartz Oscillators with Vibration" Elektron. tekAhnika. Nauchno-tekhn. sb. (Electronic ri-,gi-aecrIng. Sci~!ntific And Technical Collection), 1970, ser 9, 'vyp. 2, pp 40-44 (from RZII-Radio_ ika 'o 9, Sep 70, Abstr 'o 9D274) tekhn N act N Translation: This article contains a discussion of the -,~citerials of an experimental investigation o f the effect of vibratims on,the frequency phase stability of yxb 1-/-CL'/35* cut precision resoaators. 1here are four illustrations and a three-entry bibliography, UNCLASSIFIED PROCESSING DATE--30OCT70 i-w-AP0107896 -..-,-t/EXTR4CT--(U) GP-0- ABSTRACT& CERTAIN RESULTS OF TESTS CONDUCTED FROM JUNE 1968 TO JANUARY 1969 OF THREE NEW TYPES OF TU;3ULAR DIESEL 'HAMMERS-DESIGNED FOR REINFORCED CON CRETE PILE-DAIVINGv UNDER CONDITION'S OF- EXTREME NORTH ARE PRESENTED. THE NEW DUESEL HAMMERS, WHOSE, CHARACTERISTICS ARE GIVENt DIFFER FROM THE PREVIPUS ONES BY HIGHER RESILIENCEs THERMAL TREATMENT AND,WEL GING10F THEIR COMPONENTSj ENSURING THEIR STRENGTH AT MINUS 60DEGREF-SC AIR -TEMPERATURC'. THE WEIGHT Or- HAMMERS AND THEIR IMPACT ENERGY PER BLOW.lARE RESPECTIVELY: 1800, 2500 AND:3500 KG; 3200, 4350 AND 6100 KG-114. THEY ARE PROVIDED WITH DEVICES WHICHCAN INCREASE THE COMPRESSON RATIO UP TO 20s,, RESULTING IN THE RISE OF AIR TEMPERATURE IN A CYLINDER AT THE END OF THE COMPRESS ON PROCESS. THIS TEMPERATURE INCREASE THEORETICALLY IMPROVES THE STARTING UF HAMMERS A MINUS 30DEGREESC. HOWEVER# THE TESTS CONDUCTED,'ON VARIOUS SITED 010 T NOT SHOW AN IMPROVEMENT IN STWING QUALITY'OF HAMMERS AT MINUS ~-30DEGREESC WITH A COMPRESSION qATIO OF20* It WAS ESTABLISHED THAT STAATING THE HAMMERS WITH A CPMPRESSION~ RATIO OF 15~ IS ENSURED WHEN THE PILE 0 11 RIVING IS DONE AT 12-14.CM PER BLOWt~WHILE WITH A COMPRESSION AATIO,OF 20 STARTING 15 POSSIBLE ONLY WITH I OR,Z CK PER BLOW. IT WAS '-FOUND, THAT IN ORDER TO SECURE ~4 GOOD-StARTING QUAL,ITY AND HIGH _~PROOUCTIVITY OF HAMMERSi IT IS NECESSARY~THAT THE CONCRETE PILE WEIGHT BE.GREATER THAN THE WEIGHT OF THE jMPACTI,NGMASS# BUT NOT*GREATER THAN THE-WElGHT LIMIT CHARACTERISTIC,OF I EA.CH TYPE OF DIESEL.HAMMERS. DRIVING TECHNIQUES USED IN VARIOUS SOILS WITH.VARIOUS REINFORCED CONCRETE PILES A30-TIMES-301 35 TIMES 35 CM AND HOLLOW 666, MM IN D14METERI ARE :-,-~-'~DESCRIBED. UNCLASSIFIED "07 USSR TJDC 624. 155.15 "U. TERENTSKIY, L. N. V. LYZO, B. G. DIMIT-REVICII, 1 N e wTubular File Driving Di e s el it -mune 16,11: Qi r Mosco-;'; 0snovan-Lya, Fundamenty 11ekhanika Gruntov, No 1, 970, pp 27-28 Ab s trac -U: Certain results of tests conducted f rom June 1968 to January 1969 ".-on-: three,- new.- types of tubular.diesel.hammers designed ior reinforced coacrete iqs~~ 6: Ntreme i orth are Presented. The new Pile driving, -under conditic diesel hxmars, whose characteris,-'cd 'at-a -given, d.'~.Uer ~t;:o'm the previous oneo by resilience, thermal treement and welding of their components, enguring. meir sLrengLh at -600C air tLn'aperature. Tim! weight of- hainer.'s and nergy per blow are re:ipectively: 1800,: 2500 and 1500 kg; 3200, th~_-ir impact e, 4350 and 6100 kglr,. Theyare provided with devices-. -,ihich can increase the cc/aII)ressiorL ratio up to 20, resulting. in the rl.~3e air tctnpc~rature in a cylinder at Uie end of the compression process4 . This wnperature increase theoretically improves the starting of.hammers at -30-0c. However, the tests conducted on various sites did n t show an improvem nt -r, startin3 qual4ty of harnincr5 at -1100C with a compxession~r tio. of 20. a USSR e LXZO- B. G., et A., Osnovaniya,: Funrlam nty i 11,16kha ilta Gruntov, "a 1, 1970, pp 27-28 I t was --stablished that starting the hammiers with a c3mpression ratio ol~ 15 is ensu-red when the pile driving is done at 12-14cia per blow, ~,:Hle with a compression ratio ol: 20 starting is possible only with I or 2 cn per blow. It was found, that in order to secure a good starting quality and high hzr-,;-rs it is necessary that the concrete: pile weight be productivitv of x. greater than the weight of the impactin mass, but noL greater than the -iaracteristic of, each type of diesel hrzmiers. Driving techniques wea.1-ht limit cl bused in various soils with various reinforced concre~cc pil~es (':)Ox3O, 35x35 cm and hollow 600mm in diameter). are, Orig. t. bas: I table. 2 /'-1 USSR UDC 547.825 IVICHEV, Yu. Ye., ILICCHV,. 1. Ye. ,RUKHnZE, Ye. C., and TERENTYEV, Moscow State University "Obtaining Alk-ylmercaptoethylpyri dines" Leningrad, Zhurnal Obshchey Khimii, Vol XL, No 12, Dec 70, p 2763 Abstract: A method was developed for obtaining alkvl-niercaptothylpyridines (II) by alkaline decomposition of the salts of-S-al~ylisothiuronium in the presence of vinylpyridine. This method assures high yield of the desired product, but unfortunately produces a -large number. of S-alkylisothiuronium salts.. By using 2-Vinylpyridine, thiourea, and benzyl chloride, a 47.4% yield of benzy1mercaptothylpyridine wasobtained; similar.reslults were obtained with -bratnide' instead of benzyl, .:ethylrereaptoethyl-2-pyridin~, using.ethyl chloride ,and here the yield,'was 50%..i 012 UNCL Sfk!ED:._~ DATE .-TITLE-IRON CARBONYLS AS INHIBITORS N OF CHAIN REACTIG-S OF AREAS-CHEMISTRY -30OCT70 4.'--TOPIC-TAGS-IRON CONPOUNO, CARBONYL_ COMPOUN01 ORGANIC SULFUR COMPOUND* :,~lALKENEw CHAIN REACTION ,;..;.CGNTRCL MARKING-NO RESTRICTIONS -".~DCCUMENT CLASS-UNCLASSIFIED. ~PROXY- REEL/FRAME---2000/0698* S7E PNO-"UR/0020/7 0/191i004/0835/0038 CIRC ACCESSION NO--AT0124370 UNCLA-SSfitwa P,ROCESSING DATE-30OCT70 -!-.ATOI NO -ABSTRACT/EXTRACT-(U) GP-0- ABSTRAtT. !CHEATING MIXTS. OF UNSATD. SULFIDES AND PHSH WITH FE(CO SUB5 (1) (0.5 MOLE PERCENT) IN SEALED AMPOLS AT 80DEGREES OR 150DEGREES 10 HR WAS USED AS THE TECHNIQUE FOR STUDYING THE -TH&REACTION. -1 INHIBITED THE EFFECT OF THE CARBONYL ADDITIVE ON RADICAL ADON. OF PHSH TO THE OLEFINS.- -THE FQLLOWING~PRGDUCTS WERE OBTAINED FROM THE INDICATED~OLEFINS IN.THE PRESENCE CABSLNCE) OF 1; -(100PERCENT 1PHXii SU82) SU132); PHSCH:CH SUB2 10OPERCENT MECH (SPH) SUB2 PHSCPH.,CH SUB2 I.OOOPERCENT-MEC(SPH) SU82 PH (56RERCENI PHSGHPHCH SUB2 SPH AND 27PERCENT MEC(SPH) SU82~PHI; AND MECISPHYSUB2 PH 100PERCENT ~MECHfSPHJPH; NO REACTION TOOK PLACE WiTH OR WITHOUT FE(CrJ) SUB5 WITH PHSH AND MECH(SPH) SUB2. FORMATION IIF'PHSCHPH14.E ABOVE krSULTED FROM ADDN.~OF PHSH IN ACCORD WiTtl THE:.MARKOYNIKOV RULE-t AND CONVERSION OF THE --MERCAPTAL INTG-THE FINAL PRGDUCT~OCCURRED BY LOSS:OF PHS RADICALP WITH fE(C0J SUB51INHIBITING THE RADICAL~ADON.:'OF-PHSH-bT THE ORfGINAL SULFIDE.: FACILITY: INST.- ELEMENTOORG.. SOEDIN., moscowt -us -ANCLASSIFIED- ------- :-777-.77777- 'Nr Abstracting':Servic Ref. Cdde Acc e. i */Y'0100239 -u R j 64 ;2- CHEMICAL'ABST. -C~ icai kil, ethylene by, f- I t 1836q a a, erization of Had! tiO m om N. ith U18 pj tu an It t e V et er n t at wit -tert- Bu2OI-or 7-irradn. The inme eA 'Ibe.reactio'n teriO.'increiases the yields of I + IT: fat 1.254, and 100% the Aelds ,%-e 0.' 2~) d 7.09.'r and the G-values; OJII,a- k, iesp.) and th propo ion of 11 in the mixt.. inmased. ~The' excentages of' the pr ucis listed above at 1925' wereMA, 77.&AI.2, 2A, .2, 7.0,'a nd 4 f9t," 'TR t 190-, 11.6, 4.0,'resp.;,an a and 9.7, 5.8 resp., With tert-Rii)O~ a-, initiator, ~th~ yield wA . 4.0 at 140',in 4 hr and the prMuct perceniages wetel.5.9, 20.0.. 10.8,, t%4, 9 7 t 3 2 6.9 and 4.3%. resp., c R REELIFRAMIE '19 8416Z) 71 2 015 uNcLASSIFtED"' OkOCESSING DATE-'-230CT70 .-TITLE--TELOMERILATION OF ETHYLENE~'WITH RETHYL PpopibNArE AND ETHYL :ACETOACETATE -U- -AUTHOR-(03)-T&"uLKEy_1 A.B.t CHIZHOVV YU.Paj BRAKHMEr.P, tOUkTRY OF fNr-c)--usSR _~SOURCE-IZV. AKAD. NAUK SSSRr: SETM*:','1970, (1), 176-8 PUBLISHED ------- 70 u --CHEMISTRY 8JECT AREAS "PHA TIC CARBOXYLIC CHEMICAL --AC'TATEP ETHYLENEr AL 'j-OP IC TAGS '~_"SEPARATION,' GAS CHROMATOGRANY1 CHEMICAL.:REACTION RATE IC.-ONTROL MARKING--NO RESTRICTIONS ;-DOCUMENT CLASS--UNCLASSIFIED ;PROXY REEL/FRAME--1993/0702 STEP NO--UR/0062/70/0001001/0176/0178 :CIRC ACCESSION NO--AP0113566 2/2 015 UNCLASSIFIED PROCESSING DATE--230CT7O ACCESSION NO--AP0113566 --~ABSTRACT/EXTRACT--(U) GP-0- ABSTRACT.~,THE TELOMERIZATION OF ETHYLENE 11) WITH ETCO SU82 H OR ETCO SU,B2 ME IN THE:PRESENCE,QF TERTsBU SU32 0 GAVE THE FOLLOWING~PRODUCTS (PRODUCT,, PERCE.NT IN MIXT.,;GIVEN): (FORMULA MICROFICHE), THE LAST 2 PRODUCTS ARE FORMED BY REARRANGEMENT OF' I I OR I I I - THF TELOMER I ZATI ON OF WITH 'ACCH SUB2 CO SUB2 E T I N THE PRESENCE OF DICYCLOHEXYL PERCARBDIN4TE GAVE A MIXT. CQNTG. 59PERCENT ACCHETCO,SUB2 ET, 16PERGENT ACCHBUCO'SUB2 ET, 18PERCENT ACCETBUCOS BUZ ETv AND 7PERCENT ACCET SUB2 CO SU82 ET.~~,ALL;THESE PRODUCTS WERE SEPD. -.~~.AND'IJDENTIFLED BY GAS CHROMATOG~o +ACILITY: INST. ELEMENTOORG. ~SOED IN USSR. USSR UDC 632.95 TERENVYEV, A._P., GRABLYAYU.SKAS, K. V., and KOTOV, A. L. "Method of Production of N,N'-Dimethyihydrazide of Succinic Acid" USSR Author's Certificate No 309004, filed 6/02/70, published 29/09/71; (Translated from Referativnyy Zhurnal.: Xhimiya, No 9, 1972, Abstract No 9 N590 P by T. A. Belyayeva). Translation: Four-hundred point-tbree g of succinic anhydride is added to TNH the mixture of 600 ml CC14 and 100 ml:DHPA, then a solution of 240.4 g Me2N 2 in 300 ml CC14 is added over 30-60 minutes at 20-30* (cooled with ice and salt to maintain the temperature), the mixture is stirred for 2 hours at -20*. The precipitate is stparated, washed with CC14, suspended in 1.2 1 iso-PrOH, boiled for 30 minutes, cooled to 0', filtered, the precipitate is washed with iso-PrOH and ethyl acetate, and dried, pr~oducing succinic acid N',N'-dimethylhydrazide, yield 85.8-90..8%.: IR spectra are presented. USSR UDC 541.49 n,ICWI,, 1. Ye., and MFENN-J.'YEV) A. P. (Deceased), Chair of Orgauic Chemistry "Alkylyfridine Derivatives. Reaction of Pyridylethylated Amines vith Aliphatic Epoxides" Yoscow,, Vestnik Yzskovskogo Uaiversiteta, Vol 12, No 2,: Mar-Apr '11, pp 238-239 Abstract: Ethylene oxide was passed through a methanol solution of monop Lyridyl- ethy1wthylamine heated to 50-550-~ Me reaction mixture was heated for another 3 hl--,S~ methanol was evaporated and the product -- N-Methvl-II-[2-(2 pyridyl) ethyl)-ethanolwTtinq (I) -- wan distilled under vacuum;Ats boiling point vas 130-131-50/han, nP 1.5264, ito 1-01&. (1) wan converted to an acetate, b.p. 1 20 0 117-1180/0-5 1m, ny) 1.4997, d~ 1.0480., etluuziolamine, b. -p. 108-1090/0-5m.. 20 j~510' 1f,0,1.0-96 iras similarly 20 obtained; its acetate boiled at 123-1250AMIj n7D 1.4941, d20 1 03V~- Essen- 4 -tially-the 'same reaction was. used for the pi--paration'of N-ve-thyl-N-[2-(2- pyridyl)ethyl-]-propanol-2-am:Lne.,,,b.:P., 228-130'/5=, rao 1-5103 d~o 1,0112 and 41 USSR "TIM, A. P., Vestnik- Moskovs togo- Universiteta, WICHEV, 1. Ye. and ME= Vol 12, No 2, Mrx-Apr 71, PP 238-239 20 N-Ethyl-N-[ 2- (2-pyridyl.) -ethyl] -propanol-2-andne. b.p. 1:10-112'/1-5 rim, n - D 1-50582 do 0*9996, their acetates having the foliowing properties? respectively: 4 20 20 - 327-' -0235 and b.po,11-a-1200/0-5 b.p. .129)/I=, n2- 0 1'4924 d 1.4901, D 20 and d - 1.0091. The reaction of jrjridy1ethyLmethy1aPdne.with epichlarohydrine :4 gave 2.,3-ePO)W-N-methyl,N-(2-(2-pyridyl).' ethyl], b-p- 121-1230/2-5m-, 1-5184, d~O 1.0422, and 2.,3-CPDV-N-ethyi-N-[2-(2-p~rldyl)-ethyll-propyl- aM p. i34-13610'/4m n3o 3. 20 - 1.02 N7.(:~-(2 dyJ_)etIiyI]- Ine, bo 69 _pYri D etbanolatdne., b. p. 139-1400/2='~jas obtained by ethanolandne with 2-vinylpyridine in presence of HCI* 2/~ USSR 547-754-756-759-07 KOST A. N.A SOLOWO Z. F.) PRIOODIKO N. 14., and A. P. (deceased" Moscow State University Imeni M. Vs LOXIONOSOV) DneprQr,-2t-roYbk State University "Chemistry.of Indole. XXIV. Synthesis of 1-Acetyl-6-m6thyl-8-keto-2,3,7,8- tetrahydro-IH,9H-1,4-diazepiiie-[2,,j-f ]-indole" Riga, Khimiya Geterotsiklicheskikh Soyedi.neniy, Ito 6, ~Vn 71, -P-P 787-788 Abstract: To 1.91 g of 1-acetyl-5.,6-diaminoindoline in 50 ip-1- dry xylene, 1.52 ml of.acetoacetate in 5 ml xylene,'is added 'drop-,ri se: vi, th heating. The reaction -)e hour with continuous rena;ral, of water. After coolinf. mixture is heated for oz Cip a solid product -- 1-acetyl-6-methyl-8-kato-2.,3,7,8-tetrehydro-IH,gH-1,4-diaze-- pino-[2)3-fl-indole (1) is obtained, which at-ter repeated recrystallization. from methanol raelts at 223.5-22-4-50. Ano*ther route to (I) consists of indoline reaction with acetoacetate to form ethyl ester of lig -( (1-acetyl-6-mmdnoindo- linYI-5)-aminolerotonic acid, thich then :reacts with dodium etho;eide to yield (1)# Heating (I) in 211 sulfuric acid g*,tes:,2-retliyl-5-acetyl-6,7-dihyd.-o�r-,adazo- N,3-f]-indole.. Y-..p. 328-3290.~ mom 019 UNCLASS.1 HEb: PROCESSING OATE--18SEP70 _~ ITLE--SUBSTITUTION ON THE SP4ZENE.R[NG Of INDOLFE. Xf. SYNTHESIS OF T ,,,'_~,~,:SUBSTITUTED~5tNiTRO,6,AMINOINDOLINES.-U- 'WUTH13R-(.0ft);--TER[-NTYEVj A.P.t V1,NOGRADOVA~l;YE.V., CHETVERIKOVi V.P., :OAS HKEV I C --USSR NTRY OF INFO bbqtE--KHIM* GETEROTSIKL. SDEDIN ~1970#~ 2) 161-3 PUBLISHED ------- 70 T E) A t'.'~UBJECT AREAS--CHFMISTRY JOPIC TAGS--BENZENE DERIVATIVE, INDOLEt,ORGANIC NITR.O COMPOUNC,- INE, UV ..-SPECTkUMP C HEMICAL SYNTHEST S C.QNT ROL M4RKING--N0 RESTRICTIONS ~DCCUMENIT CLASS--UNCLASSIFIED 21016 J6 -PROXY PEEL/FRA14E--1987/1093 STEP:NO--UR/0409/70/000/002/0161/0'63 CIRC ACCESSION 1,JO--AP0104491 UNCLASSIFIED 7 7,-,7 777, 2/2 019 UNCLASSIFIED: Pkb-CESSING DATE--18SEP70 C IRC ACCESSION NQ--AP0104491 BSTRACT/EXTRACT--(U) GP-0- ABSTRACT. CF. C -A %I A 71: 22110D. I (R PRIME1 -:EQUALS Ht R PRIME2 EQUALS NO SU82~ WAS HEATED.WITH EXCESS AMINE TO GIVE I,(R PRIME1 FQUALS H) ( R PR, I ME2:1: PERCENVY I ELO, AND M. P. G I VEN) -CYCLOHEXYLAMINO, 91, 184.5-5.5DEGREES;(ALC-).;' PIPERIDI:N0, 80, 103-40EGREES (HEPTANE); HO(CH SU82)SU132 NH, 76.5,t!9S-40EGREES IMEOH OR .MENO SU321; BUNH (11) 691 144-5DEGREES (AQ. MEOH); PHGH SUB2 JNH (111)t 90, 172..5-3.5DEGREES (ETQH) I.(R PRIME1 EQUALS- AC,IR PRIME2 EQUALS NO SUB21 (.IV) (3 G) AND 10 ML ;UjN" SUBZ WAS HEATED 6 HR AT 78DEGREES TO GIVE 82PERCF-NT It. TV (3.1 WAND 15:.ML BUNH SUB? WAS REFLUXED 2 HR TO GIVE-30PERCEN-T I (R PRIMEI EQUALS ACt.R PRIME2 EQUALS BUNH), M. 1421-30EGREES (fEOHJ SIMILARLY PREPD. WAS 47.8PE'RCEN'r I (R PRIMEI EQUALS AC7 R PRIME2 EQUALS:PHCH,SUB2 NH) M, M.~221.5-22DEGREES (HCONRE SUB21. 111 (0.1 G) AND 5 ML AC'SUB2 O.WAS HEATED 2.5 HR T'O GrVE 86.5PERCENT V. N SUB2 H SUB4 H SU82 0 (3 ML) WAS ADDED TO 3 G IV IN 25 ~ML ETOR TO GIVE.48PERGENT (R PRIMEI EQUALS AGI F'PRIME2 EQUALS NHNH suaz)t M. 208-9DEGREES (ISO-PROM., ;SIMILARLYP 77PERCENT I (R PRIME1 179...~SODFGREES IETOH), WAS -,E QUALS Hy R PRIME2 EQUALS NHNH SU82)t M ~OBTAINED FROM 10 ML N SUE12 H SU,84:.WSUB2 0 AFTEO 4 HR IN THE PRESENCE OF 0.4-G K-SUB2 CO SUB~. UV"SPECTRAL.OATA WERE: GIVEN. 10 U-14CLASSIFIED '1A, Ilk' -12 UNC L 4SSII F I EIU' :PkOCES.SING DATE -16SEP70 OF HGTEROORGANIC COMPGUNDS. VII. OfFFERENTIAL SPECTROPHOTOMETRIC DETERMINATIOWOF SiLICON AS MOLY13DOSILICIC ACID -u- GRANDSKOVA',,.:N*A.,.BCNDAFEVSKAYA, YE.A. "Moro," --USSR -COUNTRY OF INFO S DURC E- Z H. ANAL. KHIM. 1970,' 25(t), 19678 ATE PUBLISHED ------- 70 ''-,"SUBJECT AREAS--CHEMISTP.Y., MATERJALS ,~--T()Pl C TAGS-- FABR IC , HETEROCYCLIC BASE.COMROUND, SILICON, SPECTROPHOTOMETR IC ANALYS I S,. bERI VAT IVE! ORGANCISILICON COMPOWND C CIN T R 0 LMARKING--NO PESTRICTIONS' .,DOCUMENT CLASS--UNCLASSIFIED '-:PROXY REEL/FRA.ME--198,4/1329 STEP,NO--UR/0075170/025/0,)1/0196/0198 _CIRC ACCESSION NO--AP0055999 UlKLAScj IFIED 'UNCLASSIFIED PROCESSING DATE-18SEP70 2/2 018 -`CIRC ACCESSION NO--AP0055999 ~_ABSTRACWEXTRACT--(U) GP-0- ABSTRACT. A VAPIANT FOR THE DIFFERENTIAL ~SPECTROPHOTGMETR IC METHOD FOR SI DETN. AS MOLYBDOSIL[CfC ACID is SUGGESTED WITH K SU82-CRO S1384 IMITATING THE COLOq OF THE ACID AS kEF. SOLN THE REF. SGLN. IS PREPD,AY DISSOLVING 3.G:K SUB2 CRO SU84 IN I 1.0.05N KOH. THE ABSORBANCE OF THIS SOLN. (I ML IN 50 PL'H SUB2 0) CORRESPONDS AT 400 MMU TO THAT OF THE,MOLYBDOSILIC-IC ACID CONTG. 365 MUG SI. THE METHOD CAN BE USED FOR !THE DUN. OF ST LN ORGANOSILECON COMPOS.., -SUCH AS PH SUB3 SIOHI;.PH. SUB,3: SIOSIPH SU.B3 AND FABRICS IMPREGPIATED.BY-VARIOUS HYDROPHOBIC ORGANOSILICON LILAS. WITH STD. OF- 0.08-~0,14. ar -UNCLASS I FJED USSR UDC: 547-75 =1ZZT2-V1Y1A-P."~V0WDR1A, M.A., MISHBA, V.G., Departme-nt of Organic Chemistry Moscow State University imeni M.V. Lamonosov,, Moscow, &*n1stry of Higher arid Secondary Specialized Education RSFSR. .-"Synthesis and Properties of Pyrrolidines ana Pyrrales" Mo~covr, Vestnik Moskovskogo Universiteta, Seriya IT, Khimiya, Vol No 1, Jan/ Feb 70, pp 93-95 Abstract: The authors investigated the reaction of formylation of 1-alkyl-2- (methyl- or phenyl)-cyclopentano-4, 5-pyrroles, and also 1-alkyl-2-(methyl- or phenyl)-cyclohexano-415-pyrroles. The position of the foxmyl group was determined on the bE3is of the products of formylation of l-ethyl-2-phenylcyclopentano- and cyclohexano-4, 5-pyrroles. Interaction of l-211!-,y1-2-(met13yl- or pheriyl)-cyclopentano- and cyclohexAno-4, 5-pyrrolea with d1metbylforwmide and pho6phorus oxychloride formed previously unknown l-v1kyl-2-(methyl--,or phenyl)-3-formyleyelopc-nttirio- and cyclohexano-4, 5-pyrroles with a yield of 50-89~. The synthesized 1-butyl-2- methyl-3-for%*Qcyclopentano- and cyclohexano-4,5-pyTroles~are oils which darken rapidly in air. The I-ethvl--2-phenyl-3-formyleyelopentano- and cyclahexano-4, 5-pyrroles are crystals. It is established,that the:forWl group occupies the third position in the pyrrole cycle rather than the benzene ring. Radar: USSR UDC 621.391.2 S . "Measuring the Parameters of a Pulse Signal in the Pr6sence.of Re-Reflections" Moscow, Radiotek-linika i Elektronika, Vol XV, No 7, 197.0, pp 1446-1456, Abstract: This article contains an investigation of the proble~n of estimat- in& the complex amplitude and delay of a signal pulse':in the presence of interfering (re-reflected) signals analogous to it with respect to shape and stationary noise. The sum,ce-reflectedisignal is considered as a nonstationary random process. The case of delayed re-reflections is. analyzed in detail. The optimal linear filter is found the form:of' tier-ermined by the measured signal pziramoter and the rutio of the intem~tlea of: the re-reflecLions and noise. In this paper the case whern the re-reflections are jklivatationary and delayed With respect to the basic signal is considered. The sphdpe and the carrier fre- quency of the signal are considered given, and the ralative~ Doppler sinif t is ejual to zero. The measuring device is in the forut of a system of linear J-1 I Od "MM., V-72 nw,: 21 i5 T ~! Z; 1ie V~Sp. z 5 1 t I f: i C 1 1 j .1 t L, E F ~1' i i I Hi i: I i i Ii 14- ii 11, Eli i -1,19 1-11!!:N !.MTI ill-IN --. I HIM USSR TERENT'YEV, A.S., Radiotekhnika i Elektronika, Vol XV,:~Nlo 7, 1970, pp 1446-1456 filters and simple nonlinear converters of their output processes. With weak noise the problem reduces to determining the optimal weight functions of these filters, their characteristic properties~and:the properties of the optimal meter. Optimization minimizes the dispersion of the measurement error caused by re-reflections, in the presence of a zeraxegular error and with a given increase in the dispersion of the.noise error by comparison with the rainimuta. The optimal filters and measurement quality-.depend on,the distribution den- sity of the mean intensity of The,integral equation defin- in& the optimal filter is solved for its least favorable form, The results of the solution are used to determine the characteristics of the optimal estimates with different values of the.minimumxer'reflection del,ay and the properties of the optimal filters with a zero value of tho delay, It is pointed out that when measuring the parameters of the pulse signal, the y the delayed rarraftectiona can be decreased as much as mo-asurexient cauaed b cite might like by increasing the noise arror.. This isi of ilitere.-It in a number of cases where averaging the results of, individual mati slur etv--rits by decreasing 2/3 52 USSR TERENT'YEV, A.S., Radiotekhnika i Elektronika, Vol XV, No 7, 1970, pp 1446-1456 the noise error leaves the error from re-reflection prilctically without change. The decrease in this error is achieved with least losseq when measuring, t1i time position of the signal,PUIBe.. The results are woi'ne when measuring tile am amplitude and phase. With the least favorable distribmtion of the me, re- reflection intensity with zero minimum delay the optimal filters entering into the meter consist of a filter and circuits for wei,ghted summation of the signal envelope and-its.first derivative. ~The optimal passband of the high-frequency filter is broadenediwith an inc-rease in.the re-reflection intensity by comparison with the-:noibe intensity.. Its,frequency characteristic is equalizedwithin the limits of-;this band!. The corresponding measuring device retains its optimalness in practice even with a small finite minimum re-,reflection delay. 3/3 wwwl w IN Rolm ilm"121-11bill , - -7 -- -- -- -.-`-~ ~-!~ m-;I~- - I 97v.. 010 2/2 UNCLASSfFlEb PROCESSING DATE-30OCT70 CIRC ACCESSION NO--AP0111?74 ABSTRACT'/EXTRACT--(U) GP-0- ABSTRACT'. THE ARTICLE INTRODUCES THE CONCEPTS OF OBJECTIVE AND SUBJECTIVE'lINDICES OF QUALITY AND THE CONCEPT OF AUALITY FUNCTION. METHODS FOR THEIR DETER,'~~liIATIC-N ARE DESCRIBED. AN EXAMPLE 15 GIVEN OF FINDING-THE OBJECTIVE INDEX iNCLUDING THE METROLOGICAL PREPERTIES OF THE MEASURENG DEVICES, THEIR RELIABILITY, AS WELL AS THE TOTAL EXPENDITURE FOR ToFIR DESIGNr~PRODUCTIGN, AND OPERATION. THE CASES AkE INO CATED;FOR ESTIMATION OF PRODUCT jUALLTY ON THE BASIS OF OBJECTIVE OR*SUBJECTIVE:INDICES. UNCLASS TFIED USSR UIDG 621.~85.0~2.11 621.r,-2 BRUK, S.U., LYWIN, YU :V., YEPIFANOV, V.N., SOLOVYEV, A.V., ~1; TWIN, G.A. "On The Use Of IDIPO 'NORD' Magnetodischarge Pumps ForlEvacuation Of MI*rowave Devices' Elektron. tekhnika. blauchno-tekhn. ob. Tekhnol. i organiz.__.p~~ojk~~va (Electronic Technology. Scientific-Technical Collection. Technolopr And-Organization Ce Production), 1970, Issue 507), Pp 57-60-(from RZh--Elektronika i yeye primenen- 1971, Abstract No 2A115) No 2, February Translation: Use of "NORD" magnetodischarge pumps with an evacuation rate of 25 and 100 I/Bec in the production of microwave ti,bee makes. it possible to In- crease the average useful life of the devices and the'rate of output of suitable devices (by 5%) in comparison with that occuring with use of oil methods of evacuation. A unique vacuum ay3tem of.evacuation stations is created with ident- ical rectifior blocks, equal dimansiono:of vacuum ducts and.arrangoment o.L the manomoter data units ~a-vg.K J. For stable operation of tho magnatodischargo A pumps of the types indicated, it in necessary at monthly intervals to degaa them at a temperature of 500--350.0 0 (the NORD-100 foil 5 hours and the NORD-25 r 3*,5 hours), and also reliably to'gtidrd against .10 entrance of oil from 0 the forevacuum pump. 2 ill. 1 talb. ref. G.B. USSR UDC 669.2juxis.u. .DOLZHJ24SKIY, YU. M., 1-110ISEYEV, V. N., SIBILEVA, L. I., and TEREIMYEV. L- N., All-Union Scientific Research Institute,of Aviation Mu.-terials nInvestigation of the Statistical Principles of the Effect of .41loying Elements on the Mechanical Properties of Alloys~in the Ti-Al4fo-V System (Type VT16)" Ordzhonikidze, Izvestiya Vysshikh Uchebnykh Zavedeniy',--Chernaya Metallurgiya, -137 No 4, 1973, pp, 132 - Abstract: Studies were made to.find the statistical principles for the relationship of the mechanical properties of type IFT16 alloys in the alinealed and thermally strengthened states to alloy cuntent of Al, Mo, V for three basic forms. of heat treatment: annealed, quenched and aged to a tensile strength (TS) greater than or equal to 105 kglmm2, and quenched and aged to a TS greater than or equal to 125 kg/Mm 2. As the experiment plan, Imatrix HE 23 was selected for the following levels of alloying element concentration changes: Al-1.0 and 3.0,-, Mo-2.0 and 6.0%, and V-2.0 and 6.0%. Malysis of models for strength and ductility led to the following conclusions., For the manufacture of fasteners, operating under shear, it is recommended to use alloys of average composition: Al^,-2.0%, Mo-;Z=-6,%j and V"'Z--44 or Al~~ZI.3.5%, Mo-;4~5.0% and V-,'t-4-b%- It was,established that theso alloys) made from. titanium 4iponge TG-100, ensure a ahear strength 64 kg/MM2 at a level ()f reduction in area. greater than or V2 USSR DOLZHANSKIY, YU. M., et al., Izvestiya.Vysshikh Uchebnykh Zevedeniy--Chernaya 10 4, 1973' -p 132-137 Metallurgiya, N equal to 60%. For fasteners,, it is recommended to employ alloys of an average composition: Al -- 2.5c/'O, MO -~~ 4. 5%v, and V ~--- 41 5%. ~n ~alloy with this composition -;.13.1. have a TS equal to or above 110 kg/ran2 with a reduction in area value of~~ 60% when heat treated as follows: annealed at 78000 for two hours + quenched from 820'0 in water for two hours + aged at 570'C for eight hours. For force parts with mechanical properties at a level of TS >, 125 kg/mm2 and reduction in area, 55-58%, it is reco n=ended to heat.treat this alloy I~y quenching from 780'C,for one hour in water -11-~~aging at 500'C for 16 hours. 3 figures, 2 tables. 2/2. USSR MURASHKO, A. G., SENCHENKO, N. I TERENVYEV M D "One Method of Formal Description of Analog Computer Structural Plans" Analogovaya i Analogo-Tsifr. Vychisl..Tdkhii. (Analog and Analog-Digital Computer Equipment -- Collection of Works],. No 5, Moscow, Sov. Radio Press, 1973, pp 80-86 (Translated fron,.Referativnyy Zhurnal: Kibernetika, No 6, 19,73, Abstract No 6V641, by the authors). Trans)atlon: One motijod of formal description of st:xtictural. plans for analog computers is studied. One version of 'the internal linpuage or an analog computer is suggested and examples of :the itpplica-tioa of this language for the description o~ structural lans are~studied. p 83 USSR' ubc: 681.~ KW-MKO, A. G., ~,M. F. GREBENNIK, L. A. "Oji--.One Principle of Constructing. Combit 6rs" iation Comput V'*sb. Analogovava i ana-logo-tsifr. vychisl, tekhn. (Anallog a-rid Anallog- Digital Computer Technology---collecti6a of works),v~p. 4, Moscow, "86v; radio", 1971, pp 60-66 (from RZh-K*ibe:rmetika, No 9, Sep 71, Ab- stract No 9V551) Tkanslation: This article considers formulation of the problem of con- structing a computer system with controllable procision and speed. The structuree of such a system is briefly described. Authors" abstract. BOCOMOT";rfy, YE. B. , amcov, A. D., ZAKIRROV, V. I., IT and TERENT-YO1, M. V., Ln:-,titute 0' Theorotical and Expo". state M_Mse of Atonia Dheray N h, Possible FX-fects of CPT-Invaxis-nce Violation and K,~~ 2/-z D3-cay" Moscov, Y~dcrrjaya 'rizika, Vol 15, No 5,Jisy 72, PP 525-9911 Abstract: An e%rlier za. ticle, by the authors noted that the e)-.pcrir..-,entaI data of A. L. CLIE-,-f T. R. C. FIELD.ct:vd. on )-.114decay can be fitted to mitaxity if it ir. assumed that there is a CIPT-no-ruLmaxian'. interaction which makes a contribution. to the KL--;.-. 21-t decay rmplitude In the form and -partly cxqnmo, ates for the contribution of the tim-photon Internediato 1/2 OUPM BOCOill (.Ly -C)L'I- Yr. B., et al. Yadernaya Fizilm, Vol 15, 210 5, 1 "?-Y 72, PP 9 5- '3 994 state to the at--,orptive UT-irmariant part of tho v..mplitt-Ae. if the ab5orptive part, uhiich results f== ot Wicx real t--wisitions, is ignored, there is no con- flict with th3 CLA RIC et al, experkiewl if 'b ~-_ 0, 5 a 10 -12 . The prezont U article givus a detajj,;:j djscu~_Sion of 'Droperbies of such an in-leracticni and ''experinentally obselnrlcd ef~ecctz in uhich it might appoar. Propartics of tkG R al-_ ccrl___idered, followed by z.,discunsirm of poosible leptonic L doea,,% olo j: mesons irilth tho particilyttion of neutral cu--rent-s, nmd charrcd car- rents, nonleptonic decays, radiative dec s) and muon~ decays, The authors thamk V. IT. GRIBOV, B. L. IOFFE,ana I. YU. IIOBZArLV for I interesting discussions. 41 C_ 43 USSR UDG ~- SI:155.001.S7:681.3.06 =A-z-aN. KUTSENKO, V. M. TEAL "One Pattern Recognition Algorithm" Probl. Bioniki. Resp. Mezhved. Nauchno-tekhn. Sb. [Problems of BioniC5, Republic Interdepartmental Scientific and TechnicaLCOllection],~No 4, 1970, pp 80-82, (Translated from Referativnyy Zhurnal, Kibernetika*,, No 6, 1971, Abstract No 6 V650 by the authors). Translation: The problem of construction of a pattern recognition algorithm on the basis of the statistical theory of recognition is~studied, Assuming normal distribution and independence of individual Tecog nition characteristics, an algorithm for two classes of objects is~,produced which can be run on a computer. 68 USSR UDC 547.539:547.241 YAKOBSON, G. G., FURIN, G. G., TERENTIFIVA.-I. V. ,Novosibirsk Institute of Organic Chemistry of the USSR Academy, of Sciences, Siberian Branch, and the Novosibirsk State University "Aromatic Fluorine Derivatives. LI. Preparation and Reactions of Polyfluoro Aromatic Difluor-ophosphines and Tetrafluoro hosphoranesit Leningrad, Russian, Zhurnal Organicheskoi Khimili, vol' 9, No 8, Aug 73,- pp 1707-1713 Abstract: A method was developed for making poly f luorod ichloronho sphine s by the reaction of polyfluom aromatic compounds with PC13 in the presence of AIC13. Pentafluorophenyltetrafluorophb.~phorane was f6rmed In the reaction of pentafluorophenylmagnesium bromide witbTC15.. Study of the action of nucleo- philic agents on pentafluo-yoDhenyltetrafluor",)phosphora'-nes showed that nucleophilic displaccment occurs at the.P,atom and the corresponding phos- nd the phinic salt is formed. Experimental data on the i)rerarations a, properties of the compounds formed Are listed. 38 1/2 009 UNCLASSIFIED PROCESSING DATE--30OCT70 TITLE--SPECTROPHUTCMETRIC DETERMINATICN OF WATER IN ORGANIC COMPOUNDS BY ,MEANS OF COBALT CHLORIDE.-U-. ~PRQXY REEL/FRAME--Z000/20(>9 STEP NO--UR/0075170/025/0021038Z/0384 CIRC ACCESSIGN NO--AP0125656 UNCLASSIFIED .212 CC9 UNCLASSIFIED PROCESSING DATE-301ICT70 CIRC ACCESSICN NC--AP0125656 ABSTRACT /EXTRACT--(U) GP-0- ABSTRACT, A SPECTRG-PHOTOMETRIC METHOD WAS DEVELOPED FOR THE QUANT. DETN. OF fl,SU8Z 0 IN ORG. COMPOS. BY USING COCL SU82.6H SUBZ 0. SPECTRA OF.A.2PERCENT CUCL SUS;12.6H~,SUB2 0 SOLN. IN ISO~PROH IN ITS MIXT. WITH H SU82 blWERE STUDLED. -INA PURE ALC. THE SOL.N.'TACQUIRES A DEEP BLUE COLOR, W I TH, ~AN 'ABSOR BANCE, MAX. Al 640 NM. THE ':-:INT'ENSI-TY-OF THE COLOR DECREASES WITH H SUB2 0 AVDN. AND AT LAST IT BECO114ES PINK COLORED WITH AN ABSORBANC 'E MAX., AT1520 1411. THE MIOLAR ABSORPTIVITY OF THE BLUE COMPD. IS 60.TIMES GREATER THAN Of- THE PINK ONE. THE CALIBRATION CURVE-PREPD. FROM THE A35011BANCE AND CONCN. OF COCL SUB2.614 SUB2 0 IN ISG-PROH IS ASTRAIGHT LnNE. WITH 2PERCENT ALC. COCL SUB2. 6H SUB2 0 4T A RATIO SALT, ANALYZEO SOLN. OF 24:1, 0-100PERCENT H SU82 0 CAN BE DETD., WHILE WHEN THE RATIO SALT ANfl- YIED SJLN~ IS 12:1 ONLY UP TO 60PERCENT H SUB2 0 CAN.:BE UETD. CALIBRATION CURVES FOR H SUB2 0 DETN.~ COMPLETELY MERGE FOR SOLVENTS, SUCH AS ALCS., "mE.SU82 CGt ACOH AND THEIR MIXTS. FACILITY: SCI.-RES. INST. -SYN. ALC.r NOVOKUIBYSHEVSKt USSR. UNC LA S S I F I E 11 USSR UDC,616.981-718-078-7-031:6ii-778 -A TERENT'YEV, V. F., and ZE=NOK, M. A.: Voronezh Medical Institute "Bignificance of the Intradermal Allergic Test With Soluble Antigen From Rickettsia burneti to Epidemiological Studies of~Q Fever Foci" Moscow, Zhurnal M-1krobiologii, Epidemiologii, i Irrounobiologii, Elo 2, 1973, PP 70-74 Abstract: The toxicity and specificity of soluble q fever antigen from Rickettsia burneti, when administered in the form of a.,skin allergy test, was compared with that of the CFR (complement- fixing reaction). Toxicity trials on 895 individuals proved that the skin test,produced no ~Mdesirable local or general reactions. Tests on 60 lndividuals~that had suffered Q fever 1-5 months to 5 years previously,indicated 'j;hat the test becogies more sensitive than q CFR as the period after the -1ress increased i In generml the,skin test produced positive reactions among 50~D-.-the 60 individuals while the CFE was positive in only 28 out of 56 cases. Specificity was detexTdned by co-paring results of skin tests on 150 patients with infectious illness'es other than Q fever with those on 237 residents of Voronezh, for which Q.fever ir;, not charac-!~eristic- The test was positive for only 4'.0 percent of the patients and 3.4 percent of the residents. Ch, the other hand tests on 697 individuals in areas for which Q-rick-attsiosis is endemic were positive in 44-0 percent of the casess, while USSR -MMIITIYEVJI V. F. and ZEYTLENOK, M. A., Zhurnal Mikrobiologii, Epiderniologii, i Immunobiologii, NO 2, 1973, PP 70-74 the CFR was positime among 20.0 percent of 439 individuals. Finally a comparison of the sensitivity of the two tests at a~ neat-processinE; combine, where Q- rickettsiosis is hi&ly possible, re-,realed that the skin test was 3 times more sensitive then the CFR. Thus the high Specificity and sensitivity of the skin test., simplicity of a~Vninistration and observation, ab$ence of toxic reactions, and possibilities for employment in the field recormand this test for studies of 0,-rickettsiosis foci and for diagnosis. 2/2 USSR UDC MAKHUTOV, N A., POYDA, V.G. and SHCHERBAK, A, Irl _-rn-stitwte of Metallurgy imeni A.A. Baykov, Academy of Sciences USSR "Influence of Surface Layers and Aging on Bauschinger Effect During Low-Cycle Loading".. Moscow, Sb. "Ustalost' metallov.i splavov". "Nauka" Press, 1971, pp 41-48 Translation: This study concerns the influence of removing ~a grain-size thick surface layer (following ithe first ~alf- cycle of loading) as well. as intermediate aging at 270 C for 2 hours on the Bauschinger effect in low-carbon St.3 steel. It is shown that the Baushinger ef f ect in low-carbon steel is largely due to the presence of a much stronger grain-size thick surface layer as well as surface residual stresses. Removal of the surf ace layer af ter the f irst ~ half -cycle of loading (in the stretch region) or aging after the first half cycle minimizes the Bauschinger effect. In both cases the decrease in Baushinger effect is, most likely, related to the marked decrease in surface residual stresses. (6 illus- trations, 18 bibliographic references; suminary). 539.385 -USSR UDC F-I SHCHIN, V.V. and MASLOV, L.I., Institute of Metallurgy TFieni A. A. Baykov, Arademy of Sciences USSR "Cyclic Strength of Dissimilar Weld Joints of Low-Carbon Steel L 0 With 18-8-Type Stainless Steel",~ Moscow, Sb. "Ustalost' metallov i splavov". "Nauka" Press, 1971, pp 73-80 Translation: This study concerns the cycli.c strength of specimens from weld joints of dissimilar metals involving, 20 and Khl8hTIVT steels. The tests were conducted by alternating pure bending at room tomporature.. The specifllell~) were prepared by -non-consumable electrode welding using two variants: 1) surfa(Ung sv-IOKh16N25M6 filler wire on 20 steel; n) surfacing KhlSIONT steel and filling in the basic groove with sv-08G2S welding wire. The cyclic strength of the weld joints of dis- similar steels made with austenitic filler wire under 10.3 loading cycles was 18-19 kg/mm2 which is 20% lower than the fatigue limit of the weakest component of the weld joint -- the 20 steel. The cyclic-strength of a joint made with austenitic filler wire as welded is determined by the strengt1i o~ the fusion area. (4 illustrations, 6 biblio. rtfcrences,- siLmn-11-y", 'p gr HIMMINNIN WIM I EK&B i _1 1119,41HOR USSR UDC; 539.385 AGEYEVJ. N,V., PETROVA, L.A.$ gAgK-V,YF.Ar. --y-g. , GRANKOVA, L.P. and KOZLOVS-KAYA, T.M. , Institute. of Me~talluxgy imeni A. A. Baykov, Academy of~Sciences USSR~ "Effect of Structure on the Cyclic ~Strength of 1VTl Titanium 'Beta-Alloy" Moscow, Sb. "Ustalost' metallov i splayov". "Naukal' Press, 1971, 70o73 Translation: The cyclic strength of IVTl titanium alloy (6.7% Mo, 4.99% Cr, 2.9% Fe, 3.1% Al) 6as been investigated under alternating loads following heat.treatments under various con- ditions- The structure of the alloy was examined as a function of these conditions under noth light and electron microscopes. The highest fatigue limit of 5.3,kg/mm2 waE exhibited by an alloy heat treated under th e following specifications: harden ing at 800C for I hr., water quenching, -aging for. 15 lirs. at 550C,and cooling in open air. The alloy tredated under these- conditions is characLerizedby. homogeneous (1,~.cay of thePi-solid solution. (3 1 llustra t tons, 6 bibliographic references; summary). USSR UDC: 539.385 IVANOVA, V.S., and POYDA, V.G., Institute ' F. A"BWa y "4o x, Ac*ademy of Sciences USSR of Metallurgy i=men"i 11community of Nature of Both Fatigue Limits and Physical Yield Points" Moscow, Sb. "Ustalostl metallov isplavov". "Nauka" Press, 1971, pp 15-23 Translation: Discussed is a hypothesis ex plaining the copi- munity of nature of both Physical fatigue limits and physical yield points. To analyze.the relation betueen these phenomena, use was made of the kinetics of changes inilthe yield area during the cyclic loading (repeated stretching at loading -frequency of 2800 cycles/minute of flat specimens from St.3 steel. It is shown that cyclic~ loading, after a certain incu- bation period, results in the disappearance of the yield tooth and gradual elimination of the yie,ld area on the static stretch curve. Based on the derived data, it is suggested that deter- of the physical fatigue limit (by analogy with the 17 a USSR IVANOVA, V. S., et al., OComunity of Nature.of Both Oatigue Limits and P17sical Yield Points", Sb. "Ustalostl;metallov 1~ splayov", 1971, pp 15-23 -physical yield point) is' governed by the formation (during cyclic loading) of a hardened surface shell.ol" the thickness of the grain. The fatigue limit.confornis to a stress which fails to cause microcracks of critical length i,ii the hardened surface layer. This shall as a. barrier to the escape of dislocations from the inner -layers of the metal and thus hinders the generation of irrevbrslble~ damage. (4 illustrations, 33 bibliographic references; summary USSR UDC 621.785-53 _TBMT1:YEV1 V. F. 4 STEPANOV, V. N. andAkSLOV, L. I~, Institute of Metallurgy imeni A-7- Bavykcov "Weld Joint Strength of Steals 20 and 20-500 C" Vvov, Fiziko-Khimicheskaya 01'ekhanika Materialov, No 6. Nov-Dee 71, PP 1-1-15 Abstract: Purpose of this work was to study the static and cyclic strength of weld joints of steels 20 and Khl8N1OT1 from 20 to 50&C. Samples were cut from the ends of tubes and argon-are welded according to three variants: 1) surfacing on steel 20 with weldin- wire EP-2067--first three layers; re- zaining layers -- welding wire. 5v_04KhlQMllA3; 2) surfacing, on 5teol 20 with welding wire (E1-395) --first. three layers, remaining layers sama as variant 1; 3) surfacing on steel Kh18,110T and ri-Iling tho scam with 'welding wire 3v_05323. Tensile tests showed that, with tetiporature change, the location and type of failure of dissiN'11'lar steel welded joints changes and is associated vith the phenomenon 6,f strain aging of pearlitic low-carbon steel. Fatigue tests of the welded joints between 200.and 5001 C showed that strain-hardenino- of the low-carbon. steel also tends t s' ift the failure a 1/2 USSR TEMT'YEV, V. F., et al, Fiziko-Khimicheskaya INIekhanika Materialov, Io 0', Nov-Dec 71, pp 11-15 point to the austenitic steel at the blue brittleness temperature. The re- inforcing structural heterogeneity.of;the austenitio and pearlitic at the melting interface at 5000C does not lower fatigue strength of a welded joint of steel 20 4- KhlSNIOT. 2 figures, 1-table, 6 bibliographical references. 79