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2/2 0 1 UNCLASSIFIED PRUCESSING DATE--11DEC70 ,~'-,CIRC ACCESSICN NO--AP0139446 "-.ABSTRACT/.EXTRACT--(U) GP-0- ABSTRACT. REVIEW OF PUBLISHED STUoIED C6NCLANINC THE MECHANISM OF THERMAL DECOMPOSuriox~ OF WIDIZERS CONTAINItiC SALTS OF PIRCHLORIC AND SULFURIC; ACIDS., IT 15 POIN'T'D OUT THAT THE MARKEDLY DIFI-ERENT REACTIVITILS OF AMMONIUM SAL-rs ON T'P:.E ONE ANO ILKALI ANU ALKALI EARTH SALTS;(JN THE OTHEI"'. CANNOT BE A(;(;(JUt\.,TEC) FOR BY ELLCTPCN TRANSfERS ALONE. IT IS CONTENDE0, RATHER, THAT THE STRENGTH AND STABILITY OF THE ACID, THE STRENGIH OF THE 8ASEt AND THE CONCENTRAIICN OF DISLOCATIONS AND THE PATTERN OF THEIR hIULTIPLICATION DETERMINk THE REACTIVITY OF AMMONIUM ANIL,HYURAZONE~SALTS. IT 15 ALSO INDICATED THAT TEE 81VOLECULAR REACTION:S OF ANIONS MAY PLAY A SUBSTANTItL PAPT IN THE REACTIVITY OF ALKALI AND ALKALI~EARTH SALTS. UNCLASSIFIED USSR UDC: 1~10 .1!27.6,:126 S., Moscow Ins-tit~ete of Chei JG, A. YE., and SVETLOV FOGEL ZCJ nic,-LL Teahnology imeni D. I. Mandeleyev, V-Ioccow, Ministry of Higher and Socoridar-y "'peciall-ized RJiu- c at i on F,5-F 5 1 "Relat-1-ionship Betueen the Structure of Explosives and 'DioLr Gc~mlbustion -Ratell Moscow. Doklad~i, 1,kad. Nauk SSSR. Vol 192, No 6, jur, 70, PP 1322-1325 Abstract: Ccmbustion of perchlorates and nitrates of ali-pliatic and aromiatic 4 mono- and polya:,rdx~r_C -wras studied. It was sh U-hat ch~41iviiig reactivity of the oVgeri containing group, the rest of tho molecule being kc-.o- the same, U changes the conbusiulon rate by an order of magnitude or zaore, while changes :L-1 the structure of organdc molecule portion e.&dbit a i%uch lesse-r effect. For example, comparison of secondary explosives and of baills-vic ana pyroxylim pow- ders. with NO 2 group as the wiidizing agent sho-wred that -tZw- conbustior, rate varied in the rang of e f 3-4 times, and only when a transit:~on -,jas ri-ardie to 'he perc~_-lorates, ~ihich are quite similar by their stability and energetic characteristics to second- ary explosives, an increase in the combustion rate of an order of magnitude and more was ootained. Explosives and Explosions Um UDG: 678*01:6?7,52+539 4 ZHIGACHI A. F., TSIEUaNj A. M., SHCHETILlUt YE. A.1 V L, GRMORIYEV, V. I., SW-RAWVICHt E. G., BULMINA, T. I., and YARTS'ffEV'.Yft1._.j_SLt ate Scientific- t ReseArch Institute of Chemistry and the Tecimology of Elementoorganic Compounds, MOSCOW "Mechanical Properties of Boron Fibers" Riga, Flekhanika Polimerov, No 4t Jul-Aug 73# pp 641-647 Abstract.- The authors study the strength distribution of boron fibers. The study is based on a large amount of experimental watexUL The remults show that the atrength of boron fibers can be sufficiently accurately described b7 the Weibull or by normal rules of distribution, The parameters of these distributions are deter- mined* The typical defects in boron fiber macrostructure are isolated and described. Mean strength as a function of tested Mer length is studied experimentally* ACC. Nr* Abstracting'Service: Ref. Code: AiV048484-" CH'EMICAL ABS~T.,51_10' 0 0 7 0 104779p Dislocatiott structure arising in threadlike sapphiri, crystals during deformation under cdocentmW& loadh'ug' jziPA, T. J.; Z~azarova I' v,.L . (USSPI). NIL IPYf Sv ~I IaUogmfiya 1970, 155(r);79 tzysws OQUIned M a result of the hig' h-tunp. oxidn. of Afv~owder or TLUH4 a flum of humid H ~ were investigated. The,crystalsin~ the lo-,-,m of 6p. tically transparent plates (20-30, p tW*, ld(~-200 a ividii, 3-5 xntu long) were subject to indentation und&-ix load of 20 j 6ver 5-10 sec, followedby heating in a II-0 flameat >1000. Th44ectof deformation was dad. b~.etchmg the samples, hi 11,P%it 320R. Under these conditions the prismatic'19opuief'dittlocatj i shlft~l according to thiir Urgers veoors.. The mutts obtahiel( showeil a sini-ilarity in the behav'!Qr of sapo4are ind 4rittli tidinicoti- -by t4exdtiol du0ors, which may be explain'ed I of a simfl~r mech- anism of plastic deformation at room tern J. Pabis-Wfachej J REEL/FRAME! USSR mc 669-25:669.ol-,.~; BO!M=YT1) S. Z.) LY-UTTSAU, V. G., RAZWOVSKIY, 1. M.., ~ZVZ and FISMM11 YU. M. All-Union Scientific Research Institute of Aviation "Martensitic Transformation in Cobalt Whiskers" Sverdlovsk, Fizika Metallov i Metallovedeniye, Vol 33, No 6, Jun 72, pp 1277- 1284 tract: An x-ray investigation was rade of the phase commosit-on ard dislaca- A bs, - tion structure of cobalt whiskers grown by CoBr2 re'_'Uction at 720-7' Thie structures of v-Mskers in ,.tich an Incomplete martensitic -transfomation occurred and the structures of whiskers; with nixed phasse co=ntiition are in-perfect. Dislocations with the B'.,LergL-r vector in plan,_,s parallel to the habitus plane in transformation were fmm(i in erystM_s ol' thuri-,c! whiskers. In whiskers wi4ll*h a mimcd Omae oomposition, BI-- disi.ocations are con- centrated in regions retainin--r the high-tenqeratura modification with a centered cubic structure. Obviously, martensitic transfomationss can occur in ideal crystals, but structural defects prevent the transfor-matim developMent accord- iw, to the nartensitic meahanism. Three figures, fo~.trteell bibliojraphic references. 58 02-0- UNCL ASS I F I ED PROCESSING DATE--230CT70 I CAT I ON OF ELECTRIC SOUPLED STIMULATION TO ImPROVE THE EFFICACY CERTAIN METHODS OF SYNCHRONOUS AUXILIARY CIRcuLATIOn -U- -(04)-SHUMAKOV, V.I., KUVAYEV, A.YE., TOLPEKINs. V.YE., SVETLOVv V.P. UtHOR ~..,_.:COUNTRY OF INFO-USSR .:.:'SOURCE-PATOLOGICHESKAYA FIZIOLOGEYA I EKSPERIMENTALINAYA TERAPIYA, 1970, VOL 141 NR 2, PP 83-88 :.'_-DATE PUBLISHED ------- 70 AREAS-BIOLOGICAL AND MEDICAL SCIENCES 'TOPIC TAGS--HEART RATE, BLOOD CIRCULATIONY HEART STIMULATOR, ELECTROPHYSICLOGY ~,-CONTROL MARKING--NO RESTRICTIONS _.-:60CUMENT CLASS--UNCLASSIFIED ~~PROXY REEL/FRAME--1988/0033 STFP NO--UR/0396/70i'~)11-/tlt'.),-)/,D,)33/1:)i)3~-, CIRC ACCESSION NO--APD!05132 U.N r L.~ C,_S T_Ej I- f) 2/2 020 UNCLASSIFIED Pq'_JCE~Sll;~G DATE-23"ICT70 C!RC ACCESSION N-0-00105132' ABSTRACT/EXTRACT--fU) GP-0- ABSTRACT. IT WAS SHO,411 li '-XPERI~MFNTS .21,14 -to DOGS THAT APPLICATfuYi DF- COUPLED STIMULATION IiN USING SOME METr--GDS OF SUXILIARY CIRCULATIO' (BY PASS SHUNTING OF THE LEFT rlROTAG V`-~. C0UNTf:--_Z0VLS4T!0%) IN~' CASES CIF 4ARKEO TACHYCARDIA slN.9- SI-l"z- iYP;:s OF I '-'(C A F ~-L Y ",: 'i YH_ ARRHYTH,' I C~j,"S IC __SE0 THE EFFICACY C,~* THI~1)1. E S IYA ISKUSSTVEOI',,3YE SERUTSE I KLA AN IYYE P'~OTEZY N "AUr lim a N ~_ 4 1 S 5 LE,01,V A T 71' LSK CGO 17~,,ST I TUT A wu I N I C HE SK,'-I)l 11 f. -S < PE:1, I ME IN L I NOY 'I*--," "VA 7DP.AV: 011HRANEN11YA SSSP,,, MCIS y4lp C 0W. UNCLASSIFIED USSR UDC 621.892.3:669088.8)(47+57) LIVANOV, V. A., KOSTYUK, V. K., BASOVA, 1. G., UIZ=IA. F., SVETLOV, V. T., KRASOVSKAYA, T. A., 'and TRUNDqA, :3. 1. "Lubricant-Cooling Liquid for Rot Working of Metals" USSR Author's Certificate No 226768, filed 5/06/66, published 17/01/69, (from Tteferativnyy Zhurnal lChimiya, No 3, Vol 2,,10 Feb 70, Abstract No 3 P260 P) Translation: in order to increase the effectiveness ol" a lubricat- ing cooling fluid for hot worldng of metals, based on water or aqueous emulsions of petroleum oil, polyorgaaosiloxane liquid av-4 aa emulsifier such as solvar were added. The liquid includes 0.0.1.- 0.05 polyorganosilicafte liquid, 0.0004-0,002 solVar and up to LOOS water or, aqueous emulsion of petroleum oil. L/z 02Z U,',.'C L AS S I F i ED PROCESSING OArE--13NOV70 tlTLE--IMcLlj;_:NCE GF EXTEANAL ELECTRIC FIELO 0. NwUADWOU SPIN ECHO -U- AUTHUR-(0Z)-SVETL0Vr W.G., AIN311WER9 N-El COUNTRY C-F INFO--USSR LETTERS (USA), VOL. I I , !N0. It P- L5-131 C J AN. 1970) D- AT EPU8LlSHED----JAN70 S UBJEC T AR E-AS- HY S CC S TOP I C RESU,`-.AINKEt Q0A0RJP0LE'M6+lFNTt. ELE(TPIC r- I E -_-FREQU~~liCY S110-TINGi P~PJUDIC PULSE~~. CCNT90L MARKING--HU RESTRIC'FIONS CLASS--UN ~DOCU,MENT 'CLASSIFIED XY REELIFRAME--300W L794 S TE P NO- ~US/0000-1701(~ll/()'~)LI/0015/0018 C IRC- ACCESS WIN N0--AiJ0133699 -D UNC L AS S I F I C 2/2 022 UNCL ASS IF I C-0 PkOCESSINIG 0ATE--13NGV70 CIRIC ACCESSION N~j--AP0133699 AGSTP AC T/EX TRACT- (0) GP-0- ABSTRACT. ~OBSERVATTGN$ iqERE CARRIE0 OUT USING A PULSED FIE"Lo rECHNI,,-.iUE WHICH rMAUE THE INT11-fPREl_AT1'JN OF THE 03VIATED E i:SSIrY TO 0BTAIj*1J EXACT RESULTS SfiMPLER, THIS Tic I'll F N C . ,MEASURE-MENTS fj A3 r - F i SOLUTE NQR FREQUENUES, ALSOt FP[QUt-Nf.Y SHIFTS '^0ULD -MEASUkED IN 'WEAK FiELL -Kt STATE UNIV. USSR. HE FAC1LITY: PC "F 4 010 U-NICLASSIFtED' DATE-11S~-1070 CIRC ACCESSION -NO-A.P0055.935 --(U) GP-0- ABSTRACT* THE EFFECT OF AN EXTEPNAL ELEC. ABSTRACT/EXTRACT FIELD ON THF- QUADRUPOLE SPIN ECHO* OF PR6ME35'CL J,N POLYCRYST. cCL SU;3e+, CHCL SU83~ C-SU32 CL SU66v C SUB2 H SUB4 CL SU132t PHCL~ At.") CL SUR2 AT WAS STUDIED. THE VALUES OF THE 5HfFT~S OF THE NUCL~-AR QUADRUPOLE- R-ES.ONANCE 1140R) FREQUENCY QFlP R I ?4E35 r1. CAUSED BY THE EXTERNAL ELFC. FIELD AND THE COMPONENTS OF THE ELEC. FIFILD Tz:.iSO'M' EFFECT (3RD ORDER.) AGREEG WELL '41TH'THOSE ESM. BY USING~THE STATTONARY %METHOD. THE.SPIN ECHO ME 'THOD ALLOWS THE MEASUREMENT OF TH~ FRtQUENCY SHIFTS IN THE CASE'Or W-EAK ELEC. FIEL.DS;-TtiERE,lS%N0 NEED tGKN0W-TH*_ABS' t1jo. FREQUENCY*- UNC,LASSIFITO USSR UDC 615.371:576.858.13 MATSEVICH, G. R., and SVET-MLDAV___ A Moscow Scientific Inotitute of Virus Preparations ."Smallpox Vaccine Inactivated With Gamma-Rays, and Its kitigemic and Immuno- genic. Properties" 'Moscow, Voprosy Virusclogii, No 3, May/Jun 70, pp 316-322 Abstract: To prevent infrequent but rather serious postvaccinal, complications vaccin virus was inactivated with heat, phenol, alcohol. But inactivation by these methods was of little value: it lowered the antigenic and immunogenic properties of the vaccine. Even Inactivation of vaccival virus with formalin, the commonly used method, lovers the efficiency of the vaccine. Vaccinal virus was inactivated with gamma-rays in various atrengths. Irradia- tion wit1% 1.75 Mrad was best when inactivated specimens were compared with live vaccine in animal experiments,. the antijenic and I genic properties were found to be well preserved; the virus was inactivated, and the toxic properties of the vaccine reduced, L14 033 UNCLASSIFIED PROCESSING DATE--30OCT70 TITLE-SMALLPOX VACCINE INACTIVATED WITH GAMMA RAYS, ITS ANTIGENIC AND 'IMMUNGGENiC PROPERTIES -U- ,AUTHOR-102)-MATSEVICH, G.R., SVETMOLDAVSKAYAt I*A. ::CCUNTRY CF INFO-USSR SOUACE-VOPRUSY VIRUSOLOGIlt 1970# NR 3o PP 316-322 ,DATE PU13LISHED---70 ~SUbjECT AREAS-BIGLGGILAL AND MEDICAL SCIENCES '16PIC TAGS--Sl'~'.ALLPGX, 1,1ACCINEv GAMMA RACIATIONs RADIATI.JN IFF-Ecr, C66ALT ISOTOPE cf-NTRGL MARKING-NO RESTRICTIONS WCUMEN'T CLASS-UNCLASSIFIED _P.AUXY RELLIFAAAE-2006/1846 STEP .cm ACCbSSICNNO--AP0125457 UNCLASSIFIED 70 033 UNCLASSIFIED PROCESSING DATE--30OCTI CIRC ACCESSIC14 NO-APOi25457 -A8srpACT/EXTRACT--(U) GP-0- ABSTRACT.~ THE POSSIBILT[Y GF PREPARING CO PRIME06 GAMMA RAYS INACTIVATED LYOPHIUIZED STEPILLE S,"IALLPOX VACCINE WITH-SUFFICIENTLY HIGHANTIGENIC AND JMMUN0GENIC.PK0P4RTIES. THE PREPARATION IRRADIATED WITH A MINIMAL INACTIVArING DOSE OF GAMM~", RAYS POSSESSES OPTIMAL PROPERTIES, FACILITY.' 1105KOVSKlY NAUCHNO-ISSLEDOVATELISKIY INSTITUT VIRUSNYKH PREPARATOV. UNCLASSIFIE0 UNCLASSIFIED ~.ppocessING DATE--IBSEP70 TITILE-A METHOD FOR DETERMINATION OF SMALLPOX VACCINE IMMUNOGENICITY IN WHITE MICE -U- -AUTHOR-(03)-CHIMISHKYANs K*L.t SVETMOLDAVSKAYA, I.A., MATSEVICH, G.R. 'NFO--USSR rCUNTRY OF SOURC PP 244-246 E--VOPROSY VIRUSOLOGII, 1970v NR 91 ~._bATE PUBLISHED ------- 70 ..'SUBJECT AREAS--BIOLOGICAL AND MEDICAL SCIENCES .,.,.-,TOPIC TAGS--SMALLPOXi VACCINE, WHITE MOUSE C~QNTROL MARKING--NO RESTRICTIONS DOCUMENT CLASS--UNCLASSIFlEi) ,,,:PROXY REELIFRAME--1990/0742 STEP NO~-UR/0402/701000/002/0244/0246 'CIRC ACCESSION NO--AO0108948 UNCLASSIFIED PROCi'E SSING DATE--18SEP70 C 016 UPICLAS.SiFIED CIRC ACCESSION NO--AP0108948 ABSTRACTig-XTRACT--(U) GP-Q- ABSTRACT.~ THE PAPEq PRESENTS THE RESULTS OF USING THE 50 CALLED "VACCINATION DISEASE." 1,14 IRRADIATED WHITE MICE FOR DETERMINATION OF IMMUNOGENICITY OF SMALLPOX VACC.INES4 BY THIS METHOD, DIFFERENCES IN IMMUNOGENICITY OF VACCIN,ES PREPAR~-D FROM D 'IFFERENT STRAINS COULD BE DETECTED. THE METHOD MAY BE USED AS AN ADDITIONAL CRITERION FOR EVALUATION OF IM14UNOGENICITY OF SMALLPOX VACCINE. Organ and Tissue Transplantation USSR UDC 612. S K &1YG Ya. 511AGIYAN, G. Sh WEIDZE, D. M., LITUCHENK0, T. A., 44etff"SKA 'YAKHOVSZiWA, 1. Yu., Institute N N KADAGIDZE, Z. G., and~CHERN of Experimental and Clinical Oncology, Academy of Medical Sciences USSR, Moscow (Presented by Academician V. V. Parin) "Inhibition of Transplantation Immunity in Mice infected With Trichinella spiralis" Moscow, Doklady Akademii Nauk SSSR, Vol 190, No 4, Feb 70, pp 999-1000 Abstract: In this study the authors attempted to get experii-re.1tal support for the theory proposed by Svet-Moldavskiy that helminths produce substances which drastically inhibit the immunity of the host. Experiments were based on skin transplants. It was determined that in mice infected with Trichinella spiralis, the allogenic skin transplant survived much longer, and the detachment of necrotic sections occurred much later than in controls. USSR uDc 632.6-054.017.4 CREMNMOVSKAYA, I. Yu., SHAGIYAN, F. Sh., and Virology Laboratory, Institute of Experiment an iptcal coo ta Oncology, SR Academy of fiedical Sciences "Correlation Between the Degree of Trichlnella spiralisInvasion of Mice and Suppression of Transplantation Immunity"., Moscow, Doklady Akademii Nauk SSSR, Vol 196, No 6, 1971-p pp 1,490-1,492 Abstract: This investigation was perfornmd in support of our previously expressed view that certain parasitic belminths produce substances vhich suppress the host's immunological reactions and thus facilitate their own survival. Skin grafts were transplanted from healthy mice onto mice invaded with Trichinella spiralis (experimental group) and onto healthy mice (control group). The survival tir)e of the grafts was determined, after completion of observation, the recipients were sacrificed and the concentration of trichina per I gram body weight was determined. In the control group, necrosis of the grafts bagan on about the 10th day, full necrosis wass reached on the 13th day, and healing occurred on the 19th day on the average. In ~he experimental 1/2 A USSR CHEMAKHOVSKAYA, I. Yu., et al., Doklady Akademii WaIA SSSR, Vol 196, hTo 6, 1971, PP 1,490-1,492 group, the corresponding periocb were 15, 18 and 24 days. The large individ- ual variations in the experimental group showed a good correlation with tri- china concentration: the greater the latter the more delayed were the reaction periods. Thus, the results indicate that the presence of Trichinella spiralis suppresses the rejection of skin grafts in direct propi~rtion to the degree of invasion but does not completely inhibit immunoreactivity of the host. The rechanism of the suppression is not yet clear. It may vell be that the imm,.I- nologica"lu effectiveneas of lymphocytas is diminished by, certain substances produced by TrichineUa spiralls. 50.'1Z C7 THE RESULTS OF A STUDY OFF DEM-L~L i-"TMR1_=:~UrICN Vj A OF C57B116J ell- V"', 1 44,04 ke, ; I [Azr-~it by A.L, zil' r.P~. J~C,T.A. r_4! 1-f =-.turd of E~:pri=pntal and MSrj OtF? ' alli iZ"A J'~z (Academy Di Sc' eztea ); '~ - t C 1, - Latic~ and liygicag, Georgian Viniucry of t_'*~`Zrh; Tz-6:1cute ot Fp,Umiolopy an-1 Micr.blol.-Ly iment N.F. (-nmaliy., V55R ~LS5, !~~r-owl V~ntnlk AkAA-~_I akL~'-' 1-1~~%, Russian, ',;a 7, 1571, pp :n 1965, In our ex-?erimenta with sarc-auti Y-217, Induced In Inbred C57BI/6j -.Let w.1ch the chellic4l car%:inogon -~a=_ ~u* discovdred the urittsual pheuo' of Ussular incompotibility. sktz rrartapl4rits fr-z m1ce uLth tur*rz to recipients of the sana line consistently undarvant-r*1cittion just "a it the ease with skin. tnanaptauts of a'kl*g4-dc. from ax4ath-tr inhred l1ria of nice CC. Ya., Sv4t-Voldavjkiy at al, . `Wa, b, c) . Furtliar invertiga- hi s momenon, which r4 rl=,~d "sk-In hetcrzopanizatiori." ofit"I tion of t, pho that its onAet iallin$led with the effect of a disti--crivo virus aanoria:ed with sarcoma K-Z37 (G.Ya. Svct~'foldzvskiy et aL.. 1966a. b). These Irivestigat' loils defire c,;o directions of reaeareh wh',ch hwve llaen dev*lopcd in rv-zant tirze by a mimbar of m3thors In many 14aboratorlos the wvrld ever- 1) '~nv-car~rnrion of appeLropmae of new mtigens in Tiormal tiF%-jcs o~ v4ror carr'~rs and, d'!$ A moro gtriaral quization, invcstir~tloa of anrip= oxchAngo barween. cell fivetems in zh~i c-;=is:ft und In vitro; 2) invel;tigazlon di stral of lre--r and tha.rale of uur:h phoriomona to 7atholo;~y, in part-tc-41ar with refervnca to i=unopatholo;lcal status. Thrs. of thlzi problem is tir-aly both for general imLnunology and for *uch directions iii. it: aj transpix-tatiou and antitamor Itirliunity. In tt" re-~or: we should 111l, to suit up sc=4 of the results of Inve,4ti&ation of skir. hezerogenizatAon ~.n the oxmplo of %:he exparimanzal model v, have deac-rilped. arld to dircuso tha present status of tha problez as a whole. Llk& any 'ztv prololem. tt's one preaelics a auzber of debatable aspects which are &Iso going to t)w ellucussed. &nd methods. The experimants -sera -.'julurrad = Wbrod C5781/6j, .tllr ZAl3j(..CBAi C31!, MA, T6T6 mict which were obtairad from the Stollbovay" Nursery of -0he USSR ANS. Hybrids from creases lzetwiten C67al/61 iind BALB/c mics ware obtained in our animal shelter. To IrAuct tumors, we gave the micc tn,,!~:tionr of strn-le oil holQt111n' , .1'. a do~,t;;L of 0.5 mg. Turziors deyelopeti at the sLzq~ "i r I rm of the v.~irclnogen withIn 3-5 rtonLho, 'n%ey were tram;f~rre_- to mire Ly n-na of oubcutana.uv tmV1=tAtLc?n of onall piecea. lh-~ merhou of p,upnring virua-contQlning acellolar tailar oxtrscta and of te~9txnA z`cm on nice wab liuacribed pre,,iouily (G.Ya. Svet-Moldav6kiy et al., i~. il~7j). skin transplants uere tronsferred following a slight MOd`.--3ticz -~f mechod of 311inghan and mvdawAr UoJy skin transplant., a" layers, 3.5x2 or V2 = in site were apille4 to recipientr by adhe- sive strip along the =rZins of che transplant and site. For r"r-,az~, ~c uvrd n spzci" preparatioa of a7-6 adhesive ("h".4va for 7h, fir3t rveluation of the skin waz zlacie on the 5t*h-6th dav A~,:er Primiry acceptance of any type of transp;ant notmally cc~r;.?4 within -01o ttzu-. At ch.s time we rejected all recipie tz , Ui. - U 'shcu g a^ Injury or infection of zne trRnsplentr. Ilhe percentize iC zuz~;'~r%4jicts r;5n=i_,4 from zezo to ten in. Ove dl-fercnt In order to ~iccrtain the tt'.me of trcnsplz=z r%",vction, thev.wert ~Kszined daily. Ille final 1--.1terion of a"47tanze or T~Jaclian Wits the pr~oence or absence of hair gr",4.n, which was in tho op?oaita direction from growth on the recipient's bAcit hal;Ause the graft w..~a t7airted at thu time of tran;plantation. Chief phenomenon and ecAologic.Al agent. The reaction of re~leztioa of skin grafted to syngenic C57DI/6J recipients fran,carriere of sarcc~ i~-237 was identical to the reaction vf rejection of talogeric transplants Cof *kin from MB/c mice to C5731/6J rariplenta). Both, as veLl as normal syngentz transplamts, eh%rod vascularization by the 6th day and were accepted. r~avel*-,- ment of rejeccion occurred between.the 8th and'11th experimental dity 'Table 11). Mstalogical examinazion'of-tho transplants also rovealed completc 41~tlartty of rejection of syngenic heteroganired and allogenic skin. In both 1=z&nces (F.4gures 1-4), on the tenth day the reaction was characterized by =ekci dilatation of vaasels and arrested circulation. Thers was mtxve collu:2r infiltration of the transplants. and this is quite typical precisely -Cr the rejection reaction in mice (Brent, V)58). in addition to moncauileArs, t a con. ~hera wes aidereole number cf polymor?honuclear, leukocytes in th-e plant. Tbere ware rlao marked siens of activition of cortaectivo zltvue in the trantplant 4.arma and adhesion layer. The a;cnt "responsible" for dc~a;~,~mt of hotero&enizatlon of the skin prescatad properties that were tyrlical fo- virtza.;. ".t could be se?arared from tumor cellso it remained U% extracti. of the tw..or, ultr&uvntrifq,,jates, and ult-taft.11tratess (for wort crC.'.1s see G.Ya. svet-~Ioldavakiy et al., 1970). -,able 2 gives the sum~Aa-y ia:a C,-.. ;iez, arogenizng affect of the tumor and of extracts thereof, ~1'4 im*.-. TLble 2. in airkst 1,003 cases of tranaplantation, the-L wt-a heteroge-attztlon of the skin by the tumor or virui-contaizing extract, whereas in the ccnt-.Ol' (provided rcc,~rate consideration of primary healing of -the graftst w" =~`,O no rejectiri~, were observed. It has been shown (D.M. MKheidzo at al., 1970; G.Ya. Svcz-eold&vakiy or al., 1970) that skin hute,.oSenizatLaa occurz Let.. after ir.~,,ctlon with tumor extract and after t~ssaplzntazi= of hetercl;ai~z*'! ski=, thc latt.r avcnzz, the pheno=,aon devaloped after each auccossiv; tran~;plantation for 15 passages, starting in 1966. Thus, -he viral oaz=a of tht saant is confirmed by the fact that it can be separated 4rom cal!A. It 110 USSR UDC:631.,547.04+634.836-73 HATAL'INA 0. B. �~UMVj I. G. I and GETAUNKO, G. G. Kuban' Agricultur 1 Institute "Aftereffect of Chlorocholine Chloride on Grape Plants" Xoscow, Xhimiyal v Sel'skom Khozyaystval Vol 10, NO 9- (119)t 1973, PP 59-61 Abstracti The growth of grape vines is Inhibited as late as two yea-re after the application of chlorocholine chloride /-dCd7. Depending on the concen- tration of the solution and the frequency of application, the Increase in vine growth dropped by 15-30%. This however did.not depress foreation and -development of grape. racemest on the second year after: applit:ation of WC .:it was 20-46% higher than on the controls and on the third year after appli- cation 18-27% higher. The actual yield of the grape-was 10-60% ughert accompanied by a lower incidence of rot, USS) MISTOY IT-IMY WD SVETOZAR., YCOLEV UDC (621-357-5-03',;.4.:(S~1-79-("271:669 "Flotation Yethod for the Removal of Residues From Elactrol,,rtjs Used in the Elect~rochemical Treatment of Metals" Ya-shinostroyene (Machine Construction), 21., No 8, 1972, v-3 351-352 (from Referativn3ry Zhurnal -- Mik-ndya, 110 7, 1973, Abstract No -7L349 by A. D. DwryXIOV) Translation: A study ,ma carried out on a process, using lie flotat on prin- ciple, for purifying electrolytes (10% soltAtIon of ITaCl) during the electra- chemical sizing treatnent. Une flotation systera is deucrLbed. The effective- neez of the purification uning different PAV femansion utiknownl- The optlmm concentration of selected FAV was detarrilludd- (Cotrvottlui of Ll-uj IIAV wto noL iV L12 036 UNCLASSIFIED :PROC'ESSING DATE--_-'0N?.)V 70 T EON' PROL-E.iSL,-5 ipi THE F C A T I U N -TITLE-ROLL OF VARIOUS SPIN LATTICE RELAXA SSBAUER LINE -U- ~.:'.~.'.UF THE hYPEAFINE STKUr-TURE OF A MUE, 7AU-THOR-SVETCLAROV, V.V. CEUNTRY OF INFC;--USSR OURCE-FIZ. TVERD. TELA 1970 1214)r 1054-63 -DATE P45L I SHE 0----70 :~SIJBJECT AREAS--PHYSICS JOPIC TAGS--SPIN LATTICE RELAXATIONt HYPERrINE STRUCIURE, PHONON -SCATTERING, CORRELAT16N FUNCTION, PERTURBAYION THEOR-ep CRYSrAL STRUCIURE, SEC15NO URDEK PHASE TRANSITIOWl- L(-,W TFMPERA*rURL-- EFFECT, IRON CONTRCL MARKING-NO RESTRICTIONS LDOCUMENT CLASS--UNCLASSIFIED STEP NO--~--UR/0181/70/,012/004/1054/1063 biY REELYFRAME,-200011304 CIRC_ -ACCESSICN NO--AP0124955 2/Z 036 UNCLASSIFIED Pg(bCE53IlqG DATE-20NOV70 .CIRC ACCESSICN NC--AP0124955 ABSTRACT/EXTRACT--(U) GP-0- ABSTRACT. WITH THE AID OF TFE DIAGRAM METHOD I AND 2 PHONCN PROCESSES OF RELAXATION WERE CONSIDERED. AFTER SEPN. OF ,THE DIAGRAMS hHfCh GIVE A CONSIDERABLECONTRIBUTIC04 INTO THE CORRELATION FUNCTION, WHICH DET. THE FORM OF THE SPECTkUMp- IT 15 POSS16LE TO SUM UP THEPERTUREATIGN THEORY SERIES. TWO PHONON PRDCES$.ES OF RELAXATLON DESCRIdEb BY THE 2ND ORDER OF THE THECRY OF PERTURBATIONS ARE ESSENIIAL ~ONLY IN SU3STANCES WITH LARGE SPLITTING OF THE LEVI-LS IN THE CRYSTAL i FIELD AND AT VERY LOW TEMP. (A FEW DEGREESK). IN OTHERCASES, I AND 2 PHONfiti PROCESSES PREVAIL AS DESCRIBE[) BY THE IST ORDER Or' THE THEORY OF PERTURBATIGNS. THIS ALLOWS 08TAINING SIMPLE RATIOS BET"WEEN BROADENING OF.VARICUS LINES OF THE HYPERFINE STRUCTURE AND ALLOWS SIMPLIFYING THE OBTAINED INFORMATION ABOUT SPIN LATTICE RELAXATICN-FROM-THE MOESSBAUER :SPECTRA. AS A CGNCRETE EXAMPLEt BRCADENING WAS CONSIDERED OF THE LINES OF HYPERFINE STRUCTURE OF PARAMAGNETIC FE [ON WITH;THE SPIN S EQUALS 5 '(TRARY ~iSYMMETRY. OVERZIN VCRYSTAL FIELD OF ARB 'FACILITY: MOSK. INZH,-FIZ. INST.t MOSCOWt USSRo UNCLASSIFIED rmivlir =i, SHM :1112 013' UNCLASSIFIED~. PROCES5ING OATE--13,%JOV70 TIT CE-CALCULAT 10 N OF T HE FLU I ar z Eo 8 EL) LEA CH 1,.*qG OF XINC SINITERS iiiTH C"'IN'SIDERAT[ON OF MIXING OF THE SOLID PkASF -U- AUTHOR-(03)-K0RSUNSKlY, V.I.t DYACtiKO, A 63- SVETOZAKOVA,~ (3.1 COUNTRY JF INFO--USSR SCU?.C&--T5VET. MET4L. 1970, 43(51 21-6 DATE PUBLISHED---70 SUBJECT AREAS--14ATERIALS ~JOPIC TAGS-- MATHEMAT I C EXP.'N'ESSI0,Nl FLUIDIZED BEDj ZINCt CHE141CAL REACTION RATE . CGNTR0L'MARKING--,lq0 RESTAICTIONS DOCUMENT CLA545-0114CLASISIF[H) PROXY RELL/FRAME--300411919 sr,rp CIRC ACCESSION P40-001.3~181 oWC L A SSI ------ - - - ------ 2/2 013 UNCLASSIFIE,D, PR.OCESSING DATE--13NOV70 --lRC 46CC E S S I GN NJ--AP0 132 181 '.Ai3STRACT/EXTRACT--(U) GP-0- ABSTRACT. A TH-E-r-I&ETECAL DISCUSSION IS CARRIED OUT ON THE RATE DF Lrl-ACHING OF SOLIDS (WIll-I BOTH NEUTRAL AND ACID,LIQS.) UEPENDING ON THE RATE OF L 'IQ. FLW;, DiAm. OF THE PAP-TICLES, CONGN. OF ACIUt ETC. THE NEUTRAL AND Atli) LEMCHING OF~ZN SINTEKS IS DISCUSSED AS AN' EXAMPLEr AND THE CONCLUSION IS VADlv: THAT CHARGIING 01: THE ~~LN- SINTER PULP FRUM THE 30TTOM INTO THE~ FLUIDIZED BED ES MORE El~-FiCIENT. AIN V-ICKEASE IN' ZN EXTN. CAN BE 03TAINE0 EITHEK BY, 1NCl*%'c';kSING TliF RESIDENCE TIME OF ZN SIINTE.K PARTICLES IN THE FLUJ0fl'ED BED (AND THUS REDUCING THE PRODUCTIVITY) OR BY INCRE4SINO TH8 VOL, OF THE BED. UNCLASSIFIED s Fito. 112 015 UNCLAS I PROLESSING DATE--(J90CT70 CURVES -U- .',T..lTLE--CUPf3LYMERS STUDIED FROM GELATION AUTHOR- (05)-PETERdURGSKAYA v L.D.9 BALAKIRSXAYA V.L., KRONMAN, A.G. _.SVETOLARSKIYv S.V., KOCHNEVAt N.N. ...c,o"m7TT r1r. INFO--U.SSR Mawr ~"SOURCE-PLAST. MASSY 1910t (31, 9-11 Awl ~':DATE. PUBLISHED-----70 --~.SUSJECT AREAS-MATERIALSt CHEHISTRY %_T0PIC.TAGS--C0POLYMER, GELATICN, PLASTICIZER, POLYVlhYL CHLORIDE, PHTHALAfEv LAfEX 0NTROL MA-kKI,'.'G--N0 RESTRILTIONS "i)OCUMENT CLASS--UNCLASSIFIED PROXY REEL/FRAMi:--1992/I8Z3 SIEP NU--UR/0191/70/DOCJ/(')0310009/001.1 r_I.RC ACLESSION PiO--AP0112807 015 UNCLA SSIFIED PROCESSING DATE--090CT'70 :.CIRC ACCESSION NO-AP0112807 a -T. GELATION `U-VES MAY BE USED i*o .-A.3'TRACT/EXTRACT--[U) GP-0- ABSTRAC ..OET. CONTENT AND HOMOGENEITY OF SIMILARLY PREPD. CUPOLYMIERS By DUG. JEMP. BEHAVIOR IN PLASTICIZERS. GLATLON CURVES FOR POLY(VINYL CHLORIDE) (1) AND ME ACRYLATE 111) VINYL CHLOPIDE fill) COPOLYMERS (IV%, PREPD. BY tNH SU84) SU62 S SU32 0 SUB8 CATALYZED 01ULSION POLYMN., IN BU BENZYL PHTHALATE PLASTILIZER DIFFERED KITfi c-ONTENT r~)F 11. T.-HE OF -SWELLING ANO OF SOLN. DECREASED LIN 'EARLY WITH INCRLCASE IN '0M)NOMER ill OR VINYL ACE-1ATE (V)) CONTENT SO THAT COMPNS* OF NEW COPOLYAERS CAN BE DETO. FROM SUCH CURVES. A MIXT. IA) OF, I WITH IV SHOWED TAE Jok. CLJ CHARACTERISTIC VISCOSITY MAX. OF IV ANO I AIND THE GELAT N RVE (F A WAS BROAUER THAN THAT OF I. GELATION CURVES OF 111-V COPOLYY',ERS PREPD. BY 3 DIFFERENT METHODS (DISPERSION, LATEXt AND SOLN, POLYMN.) DIFFERED BY SWELLING TEtMPS. AND SOLN. TEMPS, AND. IN WIDTH (DI&TANU FROM EACH OTHER). lwmamam-~Nll Do imMK5 p"10"ummR, MIN, Iffilaffiffiff-M, Mmu ~- USSR UDC 621,43.011:533+621.5.533 17 SVETS, A. I., ISAYEV, S. P. "Annular Jet in a Satellite Flow" Tr. II Resp. konf. po aerogidromekh., teploob-menu i massoobmenu. Sekts. "Aerodinamika bol'sh. skorostev" (Works of the II Republic Conference on Aerohydromechanics, Heat Exchange and Mass Exchange. 'lligh-Speed Aerody-na- mics" Section), Kiev, Kiev University, 1971, pp 160-164 (from M41ekbanika, No 6, Jun 72, Abstract No 6B376) Translation: 'Ma results of experimental studies of a flow behind a cylin- drical model when there is a supersonic annular jet flowing into a submerged space and into a satellite flow in a range beyond calcuIntion p 1p. = 0.1-15, a where Pa 's the pressure at the end of the I ann.ular nozzle and p. is pres-sure in the incident flow or in the submerged space. The Madh numbers of the outer flow are M -< 3 and M < 3.8 at the cutoff of the nozzle. 11-w pre~~(iUre_ a distribution in the bottom region, the gMnCtri.Cat charae;1.tcrNtfcs of the flow and the spectrum of noises of the annular jet were investigated. It is 1/2 Ln USSR SVETS, A. 1. , ISAYEV, S. P. , Tr. 11 Resp. konf . po aero~idromekh. , ~loob~- menu i massoobmenu. Sekts. "Aerodinamika bol'sh.-skorostey", Kiev, Kiev University, 1971, pp 160-164 shown that the relative bottom pressure p /p decreases for flow of the jet g into the submerged space in the range Palp. 0.1-0.8 and increases in flow into the satellite current (p /p 0.1-5). The geometry of the flow of the J. a jet into the submerged space and the satellite corrent is shown in graphs. Measurements showed that the maximum of the relative.value of the intensity of sonic radiation is achieved for P,,1P. = 0.4-0.6, agreeing,with similar measurements for axisymmetrie jets. It is noted that other discrete tones are present in the spectrum along with the,discrete component characteristic of axisymmetric jets. 1. N. Murzinov. 44. UDC~533.o6ai SVEq5t A._I,, "Flow in the Base Region of Flat Bodies" Poscowq Izvestlya Akademil Nauk 5SSR, Makhanika Zhidkosti I Gaza, No 6, Nov-Dec 721 pp 61-70 Abstracts Results are presented of experimental research an the flow structure in the base region of the flat bodies# and consideration is. given to the primary parameters that determine the difference In flow bohind sharp and blunt bodies. The wind-tunnel tests were conduted,within the Nach raneo of 0.3 to 3,8, The Rqnolds numbers, refaxTing to 0*10~ and c&lcualted on the basis of the mainstream parameters, varied from 2 x I to 3 x 100, An investigation was made of flow behind a wedge (with a vertex angle of 450 and a height of 0.026 m)j mounted on a plate 0.2 m wide ancl 0.4 m long. A study i-ras made of near wake flows behind wedges with half-angles e - 15P 20, and 300, a width of 0.2 m, and with the rear cutoff 0-05 m highq and behind a cylinde-r of the same width, 0.05 r in diametler, 6 fi6pres# 17.references. q, USSR UDC 621.791.043 KUSHNEREV, D. Yt., and SVETaJ;jS1JLL.Yi..G. "ANK-30 Ceramic Flux for Welding Metal Structurea irolit and Low-Alloy Steels Under Northern Conditionstl iev, Avtomaticheskaya Svarka, No 11, Nov 70, pp 68-69 Abstract: Northern conditions place great demands on the mechanical properties of welded structures, especially as regards the impact toughness of the weld metal. The Institute of I.ELactric Welding imeni Ye. 0. Paton has developed the ANK-30 cerantic flux which in combination with suitable manganese and silocamanganese filler wire, increases the cold brittleness of the weld~metal. The flux is based on a 11rrO-CaO-Al203-SiO1-CaF slag system witi-, a high con- tent of basic oxides and small Additions of iron, manganese, and calcium carbonates to produce oxidising conditions in the atmo- sphere of the arc. Metallic aluminum and ferrosilicon at a maxi- mum of 3% serve as deoxidizers. Laboratory tests showed that joints welded under the ANK-30 flux exhibited high resistance to pore and USSR KUSIINEREV, D. M., and SVMSINSKIY, V. G., Avtomaticheskaya Svarka, No 11, Nov 70, pp 68-69 crack formation. The critical amount of rust necessary to cause pores for the ANK-30 flux is about three times that for AII-348--o, fiuy. As for the resistance of welds to hot cracking, ANK-30 flux was found superior to AN-348-A. ANK-30 flux was also successfully tested under production conditions in welding bridge spans (lOXhSRD.steel) for the Khimkin Bridge in Moscow. 2/2 S filtls as Both OX ti-la Thin Flli~ uDc 669.it539.216.2 XAZAKOV, V. G., KARABANOVA, V. P.0 BIJRAVIYMNo V. A., 5 PIYAVCHUX, N. N., and IVANOV, V. A.0 Irkutsk Otate Fedatylgeft-1.11.Uktt. "Effect of Elastic Stresses on Critical Fields of Thin Ferronickel Films" Sverdlovsk, Mika Metallov i Metallovedeniye, Vol 33, No 4, APr 72# pp 864- 866 Abstracti A study was made of the behavior of the.coercive force H of thin c ragnatic ferronickel films under the action of atrossesi since H essentwly c affects the quasi-staiic and pulsed remagnetization proclosseso The value Of H in most cases is determined by the field of startihg boundaries, Thus, c dependence of Hc boundaries on the rzgnitude of elastic stresses in 75% Ni and 25% Fe films of different thicknesses (450, 800 and i.AVU 2) was experlizentally Investigated. The resultr. aro discusned I;rj reference to d;La- grazo shoving the defoxuation dependence of the starting field of domain boundaries (H,t) and the width of the domain boundary, The dependence of H St on the magnitude of applied stresses can be explained by the chzLracter of USSR XAZAKOV, V. G. et al. Fizika Metalloy I Metallovedeni3re Vol No 4 Apr 72. pp 864-866 structural changes of domain boundaries. Three illustrations, six bibliographic references. ''Mum Ad orpt on USSR UDC: 542.8 S --"SOV. V.I., WSINOV, A.I., GUSTER-0, V.P., Ivanovo Chemical Technological W_ - - --- EAitute, Ivanovo, Ministry of Higher and Secondary Specialized F4ucation BSF*3R "Decay and Absorption of Carbon Monoxide in a Glow Discharge and in a High-Frequency Dischargell Moscow, Zhurnal Fizicheskoy Khimii, voi 44, NO 3, Mar 70, Pp &4-816 Abstract; The authors stidied the decay of car-bon monoxide and ita absorption by the walls of the discharge tube in a glow discharge and in a high-frequency dia- charge under various conditions. The absorption of the gas in the discharge determined by the rate of formation of active particles in th, volume accompanying electron collisions. The difference in the shape of the absorptior. curves in high-frequency and glow discharges is due to the contribution.of cathode vapori- zation to absorption in the latter case. The observed relationship between the rate of absorption and the rate of vaporization can be attributed to a physical adsorption process. USSR UDC 547.7'26'118.07 SHUMTATSKAYA, T. N., TYRKINA, T. S., SVETSOVA-SHILOVSKAY.4,,,& D., and NEL'NIKOV, N. N. "A Method of Making O,O-Dialkyl S-1-one-2-Substituted '-Ethyl dithiophosphates" Moscow, Otkrytiya, izobreteniya, promyshleanyve obraztsy, tovarnyye znaki, ~1970, No 35, Soviet Patent No 287014, class 12, filed 25 Jun 69, published 19 Nov 70, pp 39-40 Translation: This Author's Certificate introduces: 1. A method of making 0,0-dialkyl S-1-one-2-substituted ethyl dithlopbosphates. As a distinguishing feature of the patent, 0,0-dialkyl S-1-one-2-chloioethyl dithiophosphate is treated with the corresponding heterocyclic compound in the presence of an organic base in an organic solvent with subsequent isolation of the product by conventional methods. 2. A modification 6f this method is distinguished by the fact that the process is carried out at 30-40*C. USSR UDC 62-135-253.5:534.08.629.7.03 ZABLOTSKIY, 1. Ye., KOROSTELEV, Yu. A., SVIBIDV, L. B. "Contactless Measurement of Oscillations of Power Blades of Turbines" Lopatochn. Mashiny i Struyn. Apparaty [Blade Machines and Jet Apparatus -- Collection of Works], No 6, Moscow, Mashinostroyeniye Press, 1972, pp, 106- 121, (Translated from Referativnyy Zhurnal, Turbostroyeniye, No 8, 1972, Abstract No 8.49.168). Translation: The principles of the di 'screte-phase method are presented, allowing measurement of oscillations of the working fluids in an axial com- pressor to be measurcd with contactless impulse sensors. A block diagram of a cathode ray device for recording the amplitude of working ~-luids (ELURA) is presented, and the operating principle of the device is explained. Methods of measurement of the anplitudes of oscillations and amplitudes of oscillation velocities of the ends of blades, phase shift of oscillations of neighboring blades and various methods of measurement of resonant oscilla- tions, the frequencies of which are strict multiples of the rotating fre- quency of the compressor blade wheel are ~described. A theoretical foundation is presented for these methods. Examples of measurement of YaTious types of blade oscillations are presented. The advantages of the contactless riethad of measurpm nt are noted. 1.0 figures; 10 bibliographicial. references. 1.78 - mm=ro 7 __112 048 UNCLASSIFIED PROCESS ING DATE--230CT70 -:T'k"TLE--A SUBMILLIMETER RANGE LASER -U- -Jk_U,THoR-(02)-DYUBK0, S.F., SVICH, V.,A* UNTRY OF INFO--USSR RCE-.-PRIBORY I TEKHNIKA EKSPERIMENTAI JAN* FEB. 1970, 187-t89 ~DATE PUBLISHED ------- 70 ~SUBJECT AREAS--PHYSICS 'TTOPIC, TAGS--GAS LASERt HYDROGEN CYANIDE# LASER POWER OUTPUT, SINGLE M0()E SUBMILLIMETER WAVE fRbL MARKING--NO RESTRICTIONS CLASS--UNCLASSIFIED ~RROXY REEL/FRAME--1988/1557 STEP NO--UR/0120/701000/000/0187/0189 CIRC.ACCESSION NO--AP0106303 UNCLASSIFIED INN. ill uI - I. u.15-imm.-FRON In", ITIM M., "i I I loll Im_ 2/2 048 -UN CLASSIFIED PRIkESSING DATE---230CT70 -CIRC ACCESSION NO--AP0106303 48STRACT/eXTRACT--(U) GP-0- ABSTRACT. DESCRIPTION OF THE OESI~.,N A11,1D fA.AIN CHARACTERISTICS OF A SUBMILLIMETER RANGE GAS LASER OPERATING ON HCN. THE OUTPUT POWER OF THE LASER AT THE 336 MICRO WAVELENGTH RANGES FROM LO ''TO .15,MW. THE RADIATION IS SINGLE MODE AND IS LINEA14LY POLARIZED. THE LAS'ER LENGTH IS.I.& M. FACILITY: :KHAR'KOVSKLI GO-SUDARSTVENNY1 ~-.UNIVERSITETt KHARKOV, UKRAINIAN SSR. UNCLASS IFIED- X 621. 311. 25 :621 .13- N.1.~:CTMC i'OR HKAT SUPPLY ing [Article by-S. ho ZqLtov, doctor of technical rcivnceu, A. YL. Svichur c didate n1' rnj:1nec-HnZ; rcievices, mid o. r, Zclenva!- and V, "77 "7 itf 'n 72- 4,: vn;incers: I cat I ou of Atmuc F. U, c -trla- 's-t... I z ;*,~C- 55.1,~Iy Lv ToduLriol i f., I Ck krrniva; ku-,,gian, No 3, May-June 1912, pp pow~-r plftntv provitdirZ for 'mat cup,~'y tc in~-; ". iml. 0.-,:i and Lo:*,0rit-.*,on of olectri~ potmr on a conicmit~- Solivory of it to a J,~~r~r vystur, (ATEI's) Invu ),1vrntz..,7 P4~7-.Crn~ thurmal *1~ctr~c-f.,:)wer At em t city rmy be ap-liLd rtyl tho.loaeLfaat,2~- of thc! rxmctoz.. z the maxirwin. ror.&rdlass of ths.ri=ber of houro of uvo C.* '.M, load durlr~, tho yeir. Djirramu of' atottic units of !;uch puuor 10.xr.1.3 ar-~ I I!-I tt-;~ (4) rcp-p-PrLnz!; an inftntrlal Im-atill" (c) in-lu::trizil .V1T,:. In tho atu'de b1ocl;a o,' an M1 Cardorz.,.Liun taruinu i:-. 1nvt21L1vd, witb C U, 6 tckeoffz or with a pmduction stown t"kooff al7t.;vj,. In block. (c) -,-rith on,, rorctor, t,.,o t.;Irbll 'i It Lal" presmuro Wrlzirv) an-1 a for di!ztr.~ution of Ir4ua" ial ~r: sation turh~o for th,.7 ronoration of' electric pm:~r. If. TL Z :~-1/2 009 UNCLASSIFIED PROCES&ING DATE--230CT70 TITLE--WASHING OF SUSPENSION POLYMERS IN A ROTOR PULSATION AVPARATUS -U- AUTHOR-(05)-MAYOROVr B.A.p GARBUZOVAr G.L., SVICHARr L.I., DERKO, P.P., ~NOVICHKOV, A.N. .:-.C,OUNTRY- OF INFO--USSR _:-.-SDURCE-PLAST. 14ASSY 1970, (3), 59-60 DATE PUBL ISHED ------- 70 ::.SUBJECT AREAS--MATERIALS, MECH.t IND., CIVEL AND MARINE ENGR TOPIC TAGS--POLyvrNYL ACETAL RESINt CELLULOSE RESIN, CHEMICAL SUSPENSIONt MANUFACTURING METHOD ~.C~ONT ROL MARKING--NO RESTRICTIONS CLASS--UNCLASSIFIEO .~PROXY REEL/FRAME--1997/0579 STEP NO-UR1019L/70/000/00310059/0060 'CIRC ACCESSION NO--AP0119497 UNCLASSIFIEO 2/2 009 UNCLASSIFIEO PROCESSING DATE--Z30CT70 CIRC ACCESSION NO--AP0119497 ABSTRACT/EXTRACT--(U) GP-0- ABSTRACT. THE WASHING PROCESS OF P3LY(VINYL BUTYRAL) AND ET CELLULOSE IN A ROTOR PULSATION APPo WAS STUDrED ANAL. TO DET, THE OPTIMUM NO. OF WASHING CYLCES, UNDER MANIJFGu CONDITIONS- THE WASHING WAS EFFICIFNT9 REQUIRED LESSER AMTS. OF WASHING AGENTSP AND COULD BE USED-AS A CONTINUOUS PROCESS. UNCLASSIFIED USSR wo 6m8n.3+6u.833-81 Institute of Higher Nervous Activity and Neurophysiology, CNAe`nn)cLes-4LWR "Unit Responses in the Visual Cortex During Orienting alid Conditioned Defensive Peflexes" Moscow, Zhurnal Vysshey Nervnoy Dayatellnosti, 110 5, 1971, PP 971-978 Abstxacti Unit responses in the visual cortex to conditioned stimulation in the early stages of formation of a defensive conditlo=d~reflex were studied in acute experiments on rabbits. The conditioned stimulus was a series of rhythmic light flashes of gradually increasing intensityr squa--e pulses at a frequency of 50 kHv. at intervals of 10 or 15 see served a.S leinforcement, In the early stages of forriation of the defensive conditioned reflex, the satae neuron showed signs of activation of both the orienting aad corAitioned reflexes at the UrAe. The F.Irst consisted of change In tha general levol of impulses in response to the conditioned t3timulus while, the second were manifested by lateinad responses to flashes' i-einforced by the Lv,.rr-, of combined stimili. The changes in the reactions to the conditioned stimuli were related rainly to secondary activation, probably the result of visual afferent impulse2 being mediated by various cortical and subcortical systems in the process of conditioned analysis. The form in which the conditioned responses viere manUested in the neurons of the visual cortex changed as the conditioned reflex was elaborated. i A. Materials USSR UDC 629.78.002.3 DRITS, M. Ye., SVIDERSM-YA;---Z_,A_, NIKITINA, N. 1. "New Magnesium Alloys for High Temperature Service" V sb. Splavy tsvet. met. (Alloys of Nonferrous Metals Collection of Works), Moscow, "Nauka", 1972, pp 193-197 (from RZh-41.;Raketostroyeniye, No 11, Nov 72, Abstract No 11.41.179) Translation: Tne mechanical properties of Mg-Sc-Y-41n alloys in the hot- pressed and the hot-rolled states were investigated at room temperature and at temperatures up to 400'. The effect of heat treatment on the properties of these alloys and the microstructure inthe cast and hot-pressed states was also investigated. The strength properties of alloys of the ?Ifg-5c-Y-Mn considerably exceeds the properties of MAll,and MA12 alloys at temperatures up to 400' and properties of the alloy VMD1 up to 3000. At temperatures of 350-400* the strength properties of lfg-Sc-Y-Mn alloys are close to the strength properties of the WIDI alloy, 3 ill., 3 tables, 20 ref. Resume. Xagfi6siulm USSR UDC 669.018.29:669.018.672 DRITS, M. Ye., SVIDERSKAYA, Z. A., YELKIN, F. M., and TROKHOVA, V. F. Sverkhlegkiye Konstruktsionnyye Splavy (Superlight Structural Alloys), Moscow, Izdatel'stvo "Nauka," 1972, 145 pp Translation of Annotation: This monograph summarizes experimental studies on the structure and properties of magnesium-lithium alloys carried out in the Soviet Union and elsewhere. Systemati?ed data are presented on the nature of the reaction of magnesium with lithium and other elements, as well as the dependence of properties of Mg-Li alloys on theix compo!;ition, struc- ture, and treatment. Information on the application of superlight alloys in various new branches of technology is also presented. This monograph is intended for scientists and engineers at scientific research institutes, planning organization, and industrial design institutions dealing with the development, production, alLd application of light alloys. It may also be useful to teachers and students at higher educational institutions specializing in the metallurgy of light metals. Translation of Table of Contents: Page 1/2 t _74 USSR DRITS, M, Ye., et al., Sverkhlegkiye Konstruktsionnyye Splavy, Moscow, Izdatel' stvo "Nauka," 1972, 145 pp Page Introducti on 3 Chapter 1. Physiochemical and Mechanical Properties of Magnesium and Lithium 5 Chapter 2. Interaction of Magnesium With:Lithium and Other Elements 12 Chapter 3. The Effect of Lithium on the:Properties of-Magnesium. 32 Chapter 4. Structure and Properties of Magnesium-Lithium Alloys Formed on the Basis of a-Solid Solution Rich in 'Nagnesium 51 Chapter 5. Structure and Properties of Magnesium-Lithlum Alloys Containing (a + 0) Phases 77 Chapter 6. IL-tagnesium-Lithium Allcys Containing OPhase 88 Chapter 7. Strengthening and Stability of Mechanica-1 Properties of Magnesium-Lithium Alloys Containing 0 Phase 114 Chapter 8. Corrosion and Protection of Magnesium-Lithium Alloys From Corrosion 124 Chapter 9. Application of Magnesium-Lithium Alloys 136 Referenc es 140 Subject Index 143 2/2 ebluw nC 669.721:5'884:539.43 DRITS, 11. YE., SVIDERSKAYA Z. A. TROKHOVA, V. F. Domain" "Ultralight Magnesiurr~-Lithium Alloys Based on the Two-Phase a4 V sb. Strtlktura i svpystva legk. splavov (Structure and Properties of Light A-1- loys - collection of works), Hoscow, 11auka Press, 19711, pp 118-122 (from RZh- 116tallurgiya, No 4, Apr 72, Abstract No 41655) Translation: The properties of two ultralight Mg-Li alloys with a + structure are defined: 1) 7.0-9.0% Li, 4.0-6.0% Al,~Z.0-4.0% Sn, 0.8-2.0% Zn, 0.15-0.57. Un, and the rest 11g; 2) 7.0-10.0% Li, 4.0-6.0% Al, 3.0-M% Cd, 0.8-2.OZ Zn, 0.15- O.M.' Vn, and the rest Mg. With respect to strength. characterisUcs both alloys are somwhat inferior to the Mg-Li alloys based on the ct-phasei but they are significantly superior to the riclier Li alloys based an the 0-phase. With re- spect to plasticity, the alloys with a + 0 structure also occupy an intermediate position between the two indicated groups of alloys. The properties of the indicated alloys (a 24-27 kg/wmil-, a 15-22 kg/mi. 2) are quite stable. B 0 . 2 At 100% Cf B and '0.2 were the same or even sor-jwhat higher than for the M -phase at room temperature; a 100 1 2. alloys based on the s 5-5.5 kg/mm The 100 data on the strength characteristic and the, a tress- rupture strength indicate 1/2 USSR DRITS, M. YE., et al. , Struktura i svoystva legk. splavov, Moscow, Nauka Press, 1971, pp 118-122 that the indicated alloys can be used not only at room ten?erature but also on heating to 100% Illie specific %reight of the alloys (1.57-1.6 F ,/cm3)is lower than the specific weight of the pure Mg. Three illustrations, 4 tables,and a bibliography. Te'r=wchani(jal,'Vreatwnt~ USSR UDC 669.721-5.539.377:539.4 DRITS, M. YE SVIDERSKAYA Z. A. ORESIMINA, A. A. 111figh Temperature Thermomechanical Treatme nt of Defornable Magnesiunr-'Neodymium Alloys" V sb Struktura i svoystva 1e It. (Structurc and PropertJos of Liaht Alloys collection of works), Moscow, Nauka Press, 1971 pp 127-136 (from. Rzh-lletallu~- g#a, No 4, JApr. 72, Abstract 11o 41701) Translation: A study was made of the effect of high- t Emperature thernomecbani- cal treatment on the nechanical properties and structure af deformable Mg-alloys alloyed with fib: MAll(Mg-VId-Hn-Ni) and MA12, (MgNd-Zr). With a degree of de- formation of 87%, the optimal conditions of high-temperature thermonechinical treatment for the MAII alloy is heating the ingots to 490* for two hours, partial cooling ardpressing at 350", and for the MA12 allDy, heating the to 530* for two hours, partial cooling and pressing at 3004. t!ftlization of the indicated high-tenperature thermoimchanical treatment conditions by Comparison with the T6 conditions used for these alloys at the present tirpL (quenchin~y, and aging) offers significant advantages witb respect to strength characteristics at room temperature and defined advantages (especially with respect to a ) at T 250'.- 6 of the alloys*after high- t empera tu re thermomechanical trootraent is USSR DRITS M. E., et al., Struktuya i-scoystva legk. splavov, Moscow, Nauka Press, 1971, pp 127-136 found to be higher than after low-temperature thermo-i-,iecbanical trentnent. A study of the structural variations taking place as a result of biFh-temperature thern-cme7chanical treatment by the microstructural method, measuring the specific electrical resistance.and the x-ray method demonstrated that the observed narderi- ing is connected with distortions of the crystal lattice of the solid solution rich with Mg and variation of the kinetics cf the processes of recovery, re- crystallization,and decomposition of the supersaturated solid rolution. Four illustrations, one table, and a 7-entrybibl4ography- USSR UDC 669-721.6:621.78 SVIDMKM, Z. A., and TROKHOVA, V., F. "Heat Treatment of Magnesium-Lithium Alloys with O~ + Structure" M-etallovedeniye Splayov Legkikh Mtallov-Sbornik, IvSoscowj "Nauka", l9r70, pp 189-195, resume Translation: The effect of different types of heat treatnyant (annealing, hard- ening, natural and artificial aging) on properties of thf~ three alloys t.~z-8%Li- 5%Als Mg-8%Li - 5%A1-3%Sn-.1%n-0.5%Mn, and, Mg-B%Ii-5%,Al-ll,~,Cd-l,tzn-0-5%Mn was investigated, The highest level of strength properties (o" -R7-30 kg/mm~ and 0.2 = 20-22 kg/mm2) was found as a result of hardeninc (35090 after heating for I hr and natural aging (1-3 days). Properties of hmLt-treateed alloys after aging for 5 months at room temperature dropped negligibly; after heating at 600C and 1000C for 24 hrs they dropped more aubstantially but, in both cases, they remained higher than in the hot-pressed condition. Pive figures, six tables, six bibliographic references. USSR U_DC 591.182:595.7 Invertebrate Neurophysiology Laboratory, Institute of Evolu- tionary Physiology and Biochemistry imeni 1. M. Sechenov, Academ-y of Sciences USSR Role of Proprioceptive Afferent Impulses in Controlling the Flight of Insects" Moscow, Zhurnal Obshcbey Biologii, No 1, 1972, pp 42-52 Abstract: Insects do not have such vertebrate types of proprioceptors as muscle spindles, Multiterminal neurons make up stretch receptors that only partly resemble the highly specialized sensory organs of verteb-rates. The cuticle and peculiar inode of ittachment of.the locomotor organs to different parts of it enable insects to obtain information about tho contractions of their muscles that occur in response to tensions of the (,-xoskeleton. Certain aensory organs located in the cuticle (e.g.$ the campaniform. selis:f 11.0 maintain contact with the external environment and react to external stimuli. According to the literature and the author's own eyperiments, the role of proprioceptive impulses in cointrol,ling the flight of insects varies both With the types of wing muscles that they regulate and iTith the way '!these muscles function in different stages of flight. Proprioceptive control of the most rapid rhythmic beating of the wings during steady flight is tonic in character. USSR UDC: 621.315.5(1)2 RYABO.'r` ON!. V. N. and 1-K-- --Y11 "Shift of the Radiation Line in GaAs I~ijection Diodes With Silicon Doping" Leningrad, Fizika i tekhnika polupr6vodnikov, vol 6, 'i'To 6, 1972, pp 1096-1102 Abstract: Using as a model a GaAs light emission diode with sili- cc-n doping, the authors show that the characteristics of the emis- sion spectra and the variation in. the radiation region-at various temperatures can be explained by the combined effect of two fac- tors- the inequality in the degree of compenzation of 11hc diode base; and the finite width of the iiapurity zone of the acceptor centers. It is assumed, in this analysis, th.-It the Fermi lovel throughout the diode baoe is suf f iciontly far f rom tbe lim, itS of the forbidden zone such that spiall donors and acceptors are comi- pletely ionized in the entire temperature interval. The effect of the impurity zone on the recombination kinetics i.*-. esti-ated, and an expression is obtained for the i-rijection coofficient. The authors exDvess their gratitude to V. Kholodnov-for his as- sistance v-ith ihe work and to R. Suris for his usefull comments. USSR uDc 621-396.6-181.5 a'ID'ZIHSK1Y, K. K. #principles of Constructing Functional Microelectronic Logic Elements Based on S-Devices" Kiev, 1M Radioelektronika, Vol 14, No 11, Nov 71, pp 1282-1290 Abstract: The author considers the principles of constrxiction of func- tional microelectronic logic circuits whose active element is a. device with S-shaped current-voltage curve (S-device). In order to construct logic circuits, use is made of the functional relation between S-devices 1 cated on a common semiconductor plate which acts as the.base,for all 0 the devices.. Methods of realizing all elementary logic functions, a shift register, directional transmission line and some,functional modules are considered. A qualitative analysis is made of the requirements for the parameters of the devices with regard to the expected scatter of parameters. The proposed principles for construction of logic circuits based on S- -devices can be used to design functional devices -which pet-form any logic functions. A comparison of these devices with transistorized logic cir- 112 USSR SVIDZINSKIY, K. K., IVUZ Radioelektronika, Vol 14, No 11 Nov 71, pp 1282-1290 cuits wtich perform the same functions shows that the wiits based on S- -devices require simpler circuitry, and reduce the number of active ele- ments per elementary logic operation by a factor of 1.5-2. However, it should be noted that using the functional propertias of,S-devices involves an additional set of requirements for the ciaxacteristics of the devices vhich do not arise in the case-of nonfunctional use. Since the functional properties of the devices are based on utilizing volume effects of materi- als, these additional requirements must belmet by the initial material. Thirteen figures, bibliography of eleven titles. 2/2 - 43 1/2 026 UNCLASSI FIED PROCESSFNG DATE-27NOV70 ~_TJTLE:--MATERIALS FOR THE STUDY OF CHORDOMAANNERVATI -U- V.S., KGLD,41YTSEVr A.K'ot YATSENKO'p V.Po ~.~'COUNTRY OF INFO--USSR '.':.:SOURCE--0RTOPFDIYA, TRAVMATOLOGIYA 1. PROTEZIROVANIYE-i 1970t )R 5t PP 57-60 _;j3A E PUBLISHED ------- 70 ARFAS--BIOLOGICAL AND 114FOICAL SCIENCES' TOP I C TAGS--BoNE DISFASE, TUIMOR, SURGERYt NERVOUS SYSTF14, ANAromy ....~CGNTROL MAkKING--NO REsr[RICTIONS CLASS-UiNCLASSIFI~Q ~:PROXY REEL/FRAME--3004/0733 STEP PJO--I)l~;19115/7~')/O-')0/005/()057/0i)t~O 1. V I A Cf~ i: I I N Ct - - z2f M ~Llcl Emomq~=Ml, mm 'CSS IN, 2/2- 026 UINCL ASS IF I ED PRr'(_ G OAT E-- Z71"15V7 0 CIRC ACCESSION NQ--AP0131328 !"ABSTRACT/EXTRACT-1U) GP-0- ABSTRACT. WITH AID OF l)lVFJRSF METHINDS OF IMPREGINATION AND STAINING THE AluTHORS HAVE STUDIED. 'I*i-iE SACROCOCCYGEAL _:Cli:jR0,ll;14AS AND THE ADJACENT TISSUES OPERAUVELY 1,11 10 PATi~':NFS. IN ALL THE CASES, A CLOSE CORRELATCO,`4 WAS FOUNU GETiiFEN Ti-iF CONSTiTUTING COYPONENTS OF THE TUMOR AND THE NEWLY FORiME0 114ERVE "LEMENTS, THESE 4ERE Er,PECIALY ABUNDANT IN THE CAPSULE SURROUN'[)ING THE 0,1i) A ',~HERE-f RO 051 PARALLELLY WITH NERVE TRUNKLE.TS AND SINGLY DISPOSED AXON-IS, NUMEROUS PRIMITIVELY ARRANGED TERMIIN'AL DEVICIES OF. THE TYPE OF, LOOPSt BUTTONS OR NeTrIORKt AS WELL AS MORE INTRICATELY ARRANGED CLUSTEA OR TENDRIL TIKE ENDINGS HAVE BGEN DETECITED. THE THICKNESS OF CHORDOMA 'W'AS F-CUND TO BE PENETRATED ALONG THE CONNECTIVE TISSUE STRATA 13Y flltj:;~EROUS NERVE Flk3ERS LYING SfOL4TELY OR FORMING BUNDLES DISPOSED AMONG CEUS (31: THE: TUI~tOR. THE TUMOR NOWES CONTAIN TWO TYPES OF NERVE ENDfAIGS. 50-ME OF THEM ARE -REPRESENTED BY LOCAIlIZE0 ARBORIZATIONSr THE OTHER BY PRIMITIVE DEYICES OF THE TYPE OF LJ0PSj BUTTONS OR SMALL BLILGIINGSP IMMEDIATELY CONTACTIfit; 3MA. INSrITUTA 'WITH CELLS OF THE CHORDC FACtLf-TY:- KIEVo. A _z.-EKSPERIMENTAL !NOY I KLINICHESKOY ONKOLOGIII AND KAFEDRY GISTOLOGII I -.'EMBPIOLDGII KIEV, 14EDITSINSKOGO INSTITUTA. Ul I %I, L A 5 S I F I E D__ INNI UDC 536-242 Institute of ?I KARTSEV, V. A., and SIMIL 'aysics, Academy of Sciences Latvian SSR "Influence of Magnetic Field on Heat Exchange of art Anomalously Viscous Fluid" Riga Izvestiya Akademii Nauk Latviyskoy SSR, Seriya Fizicheskikh i eskikh Nauk, No 59 1970, pp 74-79 Tekhnich ct: The article considera heat excbange in the plane-laminar -Abstra magnetohydrodynamic flow of an anomalously viscous fluid in a channel with nonconducting walls. A solution is obtained for the energy equa- tion for fully develo ed flow when the channel operates under a short- circuit mode O~ and a no-load aode 1). iin.analysis is given of tne dependence cf the Nusselt nwnber Nu on the generalized Hartmann number M for the magnetghydrodynamic flow Of a r-on-Newtonian expon- ential fluid at various values of the rheological par~Lmeter n and the head load k on the channel with and without allowancs for, anomalouS4 viscous and joulean dissipation. FunQtions are given which - show 1/2 UrSR KARTSEV, V. A., and SVIKLIS, B. Bo, Izvestiya Akademii Hauk Latviyakoy SSR, Seriya. Fizicheskikh i T,e.khn.icheskikh Nauk, No 5, 1970o Pp that an increase in the number M significantly influences heat trans- fer, especially at lb The greater' the rheologiCal parameter n and the weaker the heat flux k on the walls, the more intensive is the change in the absolute value of Nu-~ An increase in the zon- Newtonian parameter n and a decrease in the heat lotd ou the channel walls result in a decrease in the value of M at wnidh Nu -4 with the value less at 0 0 than at =,l. The.'analysis indi- :_."..cates that in dilatant fluids, intensive teat exchange taltes -place at low values of the generalized'Hartmana number.: 2/2 MOM. =14MIF _11-r- USSR UDC 62.372.852.3(088.8) VIDENIYEKS, P. 0., SVILJVNS, M. P. "High-Frequency Attenuator" USSR Author's Cercificate No 251033, Filed 17 I-lay 68, Published .11 Feb 70 (from RZh-Radiotekhnika, No 8, Aug 70, Abstract No 8A370P) Translation: High-frequency attenuators containing a set of resiscors fonring the links of Tr-type 4-terminal circuits, a commutator with an index and a drive mechanism connected to the commutator exist. The purpose of the invention is improvement of the mutual decoupling between the links of the attL inuator, in- creasing the stability of its parameters and improvement of ihe accuracy of setting the moving element of the counutator. The design is'descrAbed. USSR UDC 51 KUTSENKO, N. T., and SVINAR', N. K. "One Method of Solving the Problem of Assignments" Pribory 1 sistemy avtomatiki. Res2. mezhved. temat. nauch.-tekhn. sb. (Automation Devices and'Systems. Republic Interdepartmental Thematic Scientific-Technical Collection), 1972, No 4.4, pp 51-54 (from RZh- Hatematika, No 11, Nov 72, Abstract No 11V399) Translation: The problem of the optimal ~distributioa of work between per- formers consists of the problem of optimization of a liiiear functional on a set of permutations. A method of consecutively raisiag~the dimensionality is proposed to solve the prablem. The optimal permutation Ak+l of dimen- sionality k+1 is obtained from the permutation Ak by the formula Ak+j = Ak~) where X is some cyclic permutation which is determined by the dynamic programming method. Authors' abstract. USSR UDC: Sl SVINAR' X. K. "Oqe Method of Solving the Problem of Assignmevkt" Pribory i Sistemy Avtomatildi. Resp. Mlezlived. Temat. Nlauch.-tekhn. 5b. (Autora- tion Systems and Devices), 1972, No 24, pp 51-54 (Translated ftom Reforativrilyy lo Zhuxnal Kibernetika, N 11, 197-1, Abstract No lIV599, by the ~,,uthors) Translation: The problem of optimal distribution of work araoiig workers is a problem of Optimi Lation of a Ii.jic-ar functional i a set o p tions. method of successive increases in dimensionality is suggested for its sol-,:tion. -The optinal permutation Ak+l of dimensionality k+1 is produced1from permutatioll Ak using the formula A kil~AkX, where X is a certain cyclical jx~rmtitatioii dotei- mined by dynamic USSR UDC 616.921.5-085.37 BAKALOV, A. N., FELIDMAN, E. B., and ST K. I., Mogilevokaya Oblast Health Department "Some Data on the Effectiveness of Anti-Influenza Vaccination Under Conditions of an Epidemic Increase in the Incidence of,Influenza and Acuta~Respiratory Diseasesh Minsk, Zdravookhranoniye Belorussii, No 9, SOP 70, PP 81-83 Abstract: Data on the incidence of influenza from 59 induatrial enterprises were analyzed in an attempt to correlate them.with the lovfjl of vaccination. It was concluded that prophylactic vaccination against influenza is ineffective and unjustifiable unless the total population is covered. Immunoprophylaxis against influenza is epidemiologically effective only whoA,86-90 aX the;population are vaccinated with dry live vaccine. USSR UX CL"-rka-.r Pz,q--.-ch of the, Instittite of Mechaanic.3 Of the o" 5ciences of the USSR "Datermitiation -3f the C-~irvatlire Of Profiles-of Axitll Rotorr; 1"it'a Ro-;,ard for the Flcr4 LaS lmf-ae" Kiev, Gidromakzhaiiika, No 13, 1971, m 96-103 Abotract : A. Oet-ilocl -n~,dysals i 3-1-1 L u mination of-' t-lic curva'ure der~,rcc o,F' ed -~Cc- tions o-t:' rotor bl~~dcc Cussed it i s 'onstr.,:-,Aod t)--1- the f-lo-:i 1 n ha-s, 'Co be 111to in c:,Ilculrl';.-J.on~~ c,--'' Of iow-nror'surc o-C;- to '11-110 -me'U'lloil O-f' G. of correct-ion coc-,'i'iic-Lcnt, -'!inoc. F- bV in cO,-z!V),-'r-J- ~30--a Z'Atull Ili ~~'-i--nrcn surc rot-o rs 0. g a -#Lj c drotar lattlicec Of Of- of 10 S0.1,10C Correction coOfficirl-It-.5 '7;1VOn in ta-ble --F'or rcl.c.tive fm 0 -for t1ric mo-~"i nd 3, ""r t ar e so.L 0. 02 .04, ronnectil-rol~ L CUT-Vp 0 ~?.13 deq. "'(3~ I' J.] t-ble-t uif~it lb~blio. rciL F1. Lasers/Masers. USSR UDc 621.373:530-14-5.6 BOGDAMCEVICH, 0. V, , ZVEREV, M. M. , I-EST-1-TRISHVILI, A. N. I'ASIE-OV m PECIM"Ov ~ A. I;. FEDOSEYEV, K. P. "A High-Pov;-er Semiconductor Maser I-,Iith Electron Beam Pummlinrif V sb. Kvant. el~--ktronik,a (Quantum El ectroni cs-- collection of -works), No 2, Moscour, p-~ .92-~,-',Ij (from E/Zh-Radiotekhnika, I~e) 7, Jul 71, Abstract i1o 'ID-113) Translation. To -increase the pwer of & somicorductor maixr it-th tron beam pimping, tht. vuthorz stu,,-.-., M111-deletient structures of' gu--dii um, arsenide und cac-Jun z-jlfide. An ienission tower of 1.5 PId is ae-~hieved when a seruconducto d r maser p-l:Lium arsenide is excited by an eled-fon beam with an energy o~ 410 keV wid a current of 300 A. T-wo illustra- tions'. biblIOGfet-hy ol, five titles. US-SR UDC 621-378-35-5 0. V., ZV-EREV, 14. 1-1. ,MU91MRTSHVIU, A, 11. Vj'-.SIE0V, A. S. PECHENIOV, A. N., EYEV, K. P. FEDOS "A High-Power Semiconductor Lazer With Electron-Bear, Pumming" Moscow, rn,-antova-~,-a Elektronika. No 2, l9tI, pp 92-93 Abstract: MILItIple-element structures of gallium arsenide and cadmium sulfide are sLuuied for the purpose of increasing the p~,wer of a semicon- ductor laser -,;,ith vlectron-be= -w.)-m-oing. An em4ssion rower of 1.5 ~7~1 is achieved vhen a Sallium arsenide s end conductor laser is stim~ulated by beam of 300 keV electrons at 300 A. Two figures, biblJ-of:rarjhy of five titles. USSR UDC 632.95 SVINSHCHUK, A. A,, VYSOTSKIY, N. N., and CHEREPENKO, T. I. $$Synthesis and Physiological Properties of Derivatives of Trimethy1hydroquinone Phosphoric Acid" Fiziol. aktivn. veshchestva. Resp. mezhved'. sb. (Physiological Effects of Compounds, Republic Interscience Symposium)i Vyp 4,.1972, pp 31-33 (from Referativnyy Zhurnal -- Khimiya, No 4(11), 1973, Abstract No 4N647 by T. A. Belyayeva) Translation: The compounds,2,3,5-NLle3-1-OR-4-R'OC6H5 (compound I, where R H, PhCo, Me, andP-containing groups; and R' = It or P-containing groups) were synthesized and a study was made of their physiological activity by a method of retarding the growth of fungus in &solid medium, To 5 g of compound Ia (I where R-R'-Ii) was added 100 ml of water, 10 g of Na2C03, and 4.6 g of PhCOCI, the latter dropwise. This precipitated caiimound lb (I where Fv-Mh and RI = H) with a melting point 146-148" (ethanol as solvent) and a yield of 62%. To a chilled solution of 4.6 g of la in 100 ml of ethyl ether was added 5 9 Of C12P(O)NCO, stirred for 3 hours. Petroleum ether was added, the solution was allowed to stand for about 16 hours, then 9.5 g of compound. Ic (I where R CONHPOC12 and R' H) which had a melting 1/2 USSR SVINSHCHUK, A. A., et al., Fizial. aktivn. ve-shchestva. Resp. Mezhved. sb. Vyp 4, 1972, pp 31-33 point of 160-161% was obtained by filtering. From Ic wits obtainad a compound (I where R = CONHPO(OPr)2 and R' = H) which had a melting point of 156-158*. To a chilled solution of 7 g of Ib in 100 ml of pyridine were added 4.2 g of POC13. The solution was filtered, concentrated, 100 nil of 1N H2SO4 were added. The solution was allowed to stand for about 16 hours and 5.2 g of a compound (I where R = COPh and R' = PONE12)) which decomposed at 2662-264' were obtained. The reaction of Ib withIC12P(O)',N'CO resulted in the formation of compound Id (I where R = COPh and R = CONIIIPOC12) bave a melting point of 108-110*C. Another compound (I where R=Me and R' - CONHPOC12) having-a metling point of 128-130*C was also obtained. For the fungicide activity, a 0.1 and 0.5% sQlution of Id did not match the standard compound, figon, in regards to Alternaria radicina, Aspergillus niger, Fusarium oxysporum, and Helmintho- sporum sativum. 2/2 25 0-T Z UDC 551.309.014+3233+324)(571.6) SMMC-STATISTIC4 METHODS OF FORCWTM TU.MWjMWT= AIR TEP0z"TUM AND AMOUNT OF MCIPITATION DURING TIM VUrM -19 THt M MST Ale.& [Arti4la by Candi"to of Physical Fr. FAstarn Powcow,--nersoro- IMILS t Oidralboyi.:.Russismi Wd 29 Jwtuary 1971t =3-171 A~studymes-aade of the relation 'eatu"a-tWotace of the cent*ra of activity of the,*=m**pb&r* to the NorOArn.9tai- sphere and weather in: the torritor,#--o-f- 04 far Zan. On the boals of those: relations, using the emp1r1cx1:i&f%uanc* fuActions, proccduroo~xr# pr*poaed for foroc"ti"A the mom wanthly a~r:xazpovatur* and the. mount of,prevApitattan for the Winter mouths with rasp* Ict to laividu&ll resions, or the C -with a Uvt month load Far not, At this,timg, the statistical notho" of forecasting using hish speed computers have, received broad development both in the Soviet Unica. (1, 2. 4, 111 And abroad 110, 121. In the Ter last vary, fav operations haft been partgrued in this fAr*&' Thaft are a total of two papers 17. 81 in which the calculation procedures, 1- ~ ZIT are propa3ad for.forecasting the mean monthly air t*4*r tuces, with V*spoct'to' individual. atations. of the Par Eset. Thuor'in. M."'Got I 1: 08reasion &quati*da havd, been coacrructud which permit forocastics, of tha'mexl~ monthly air -t ,impara-w tare for Hay, July and Aqjust with a load t1aft of 6-7 tontho-~Vith re#pact~tq 6 StAtiona of the Primorskly Kray.- In tef4reft", 16)j. V4494"10A.Squatin" ere preaenred for forecasting the z4va monthly: X*Mp*f store anomaly'for,* ,U *Z tha your with respect to a nuo~,ox of stAtids 'is~ $4 - the, Tar East'w*t* 25 Jay~'rrd zv~o leid:zica. _T40joiscasts, of~tbo tompor4tuvo, anomaly, are uesd~ ~n ;ha.*;)ersktiva practico,of the apaptic Tosearch di'visift of the iarA"'%arn- Sci~=Wlc Research Hydromstaorologic*l the Moithl th j " ' , 'r' . I ~' M* Oparativa.,~~hsckiog.of'- 4. W40asts, od by th cadurosi of 17, 81 demonstrated that ~,t&a foracesu, QU-ghw t~Ajjn& A"Voct~~ 0 a V'~"d 49 lula; t t6rUggoit 0*7 unSjtjaj4njoj~j, With rjSj4C V~ bSSR UDC 577-1s615.7/9 GRIQUIYANT3, N. N., and SVIMOVA, V. X. "Variation In Catalase Activity of the Blood Under the Effect of Strontium" 10, Zdravookhr. Tu kmenistana (Public Health in Turkmenistan), 197Zt Pp 7-9 (from RZh-Biologicheakaya nimiya, No 101 1973, Abstract. No 10,M21) Translationt For -rabbits a single subcutaneous injection of strontium nitrate in doses of 0,01-500-~( Sr/kg caused no significant changns in the catalase Ch (1) activity of the blbod I to 3 hours after administration. Anot. wr ' group of rats ate strontium nitrate daily in doses of 0.1, 10 ard 5,000 ' / L I,,' / kg 'or 30 days , and the I activity was analyzed on the tenth, 20th and 30t ays. After 10 days of eating Sr, the I activity was 106-1-1-134,1% of -the control (calculated per er k ythrocyte). After 20 days it was 154.0,% 'Inder.-ondently of the dose), and aftor 30 days it dean-azed somewhatp but It rtualned above the control indexes, It Is concluded that for the doses u-sed on prolonged administration Sr is a I activating agent in the blood. 0050587- Abstracting~'$ervice: cumicAL Am.,!-;-(~!' Ref. Code: 0 94965e EffKt of Ught on'the-soeciii hun*mesccuce .--of lithium hydride ,,ci by m4g. nesium iadium,'tiu, Add lead. 0 'V-kil& D L-; SviUakgi; ra Insc, 101'a 0 ~Zaved 'TEEL) lxr, KI, (1). 15:2-3 (Russ).~ Th4i Li Crysta4 WaW&to room temp. byusing the tamp I)Sh'-250.:* 't~u , Ot nescence,spectra of the nm-irradiateA XAH~,.,~crys ded o4 the tompn. of the activatorsi and Gi Itb~; ~te'Cli4ology..jZ. their re The crystals activated with, MIL.1n;~ and Sn 4sn -C 11 a red pn on a d 6ue luminescence with max. nm. With samples activated withSig there 1&~as sceace av 560 am. . The crystals, U14Wb),gav I' d t on v re luminescence at 680--90 rim. The and LiH(Iu) changed after irradn.,, thep-redoi~.flnatit foriaed int.oa blue one, thedegree.of diiig the exciting wavelength. After irrado. df U~lfl?Jji, thi! r~~W6 il d i tan the shalv of the band remained unchqng~d,~'th,,g,c aunp w-o' 6~)Sd. REEL/FRAME- at the integral inttzisity only. The intensity of the lurnines- cence decreased sharply vrith mereasing irradn. dose. 7he de- gree of this change depended on the activator, and itilleresse'd in the sequence: In, Mg, Sn, and Pb (the stability of t'.he crystals towards light deciviased). The intensity of the yell~ir band in LiH(Mg) chanked snalogousl . ~Tle . intensity of the blue y lumine.welice band of the majority of the'studied crystiiis changed Very little with, increasing radiation. dose, with the je.~ctption of some crystals of MH (1~) And Lill Mfg), where the intt~sity of tht ,blue band,lrose. with the irradn. close. The *eakenlng of the intensity of the'red Iand'Yellow luminescence was at Itributed: to the or;ginof strong absorntion bands in the red or yelb~lv regum, accompanied by dig simultancous'dcstiuction of the red a.nd yellow luminescence centers, a result ~ of the irritdit.1 procem. The i'ncrease in the blue luminescence was e\plained by the forina- tion of new luminescent cen ters, due to the interaction6f the sur- face of the crystals with the surrounding atni. This ;04'raction proceeds much faster during irradn. than during its abuetice. E. Svatek ell USSR SVIRICIVSKAYA, G. V. mSeminar on Radar" UI)G; none Moscow, Radiotekhnika, Vol, 26, No 5, MaY 71, PP 109-110 Abstract: The second VKrainian Scientific and Technical Seminar on Radar, organized by the Scientific and Technical Society of Radio Engineering, Electronics and Co=.unications, was held 26-29 November 197() in-3evastopol. Cooperating with the Society in organization of the seminar was the Department of Radio Engineering Systems of Odessa Polytechnical Institute. More than 100 scientific workers, teachers and engineers from various cities of the Soviet Union took art in the work of the seminar. Fifty-two papers wera read and p discussed in sections on "Optimum Filtration" and "Element!; and Devices in Radar and Measurement Technology". The authors and title5 of some of the apers are given. Topics covered included effective methods of syAthesizing filters for optimizing the mutual function of indeterminacy with respect to predeter- mined criteria, evalluating the possibility of using unmatched processing in certain instances for improving resistance to.interference, signa-1 theory, non- linear and adaptive systems of signal processing, improving the effectiveness of isolating useful signals against a background of interfering reflections, methods of realizing the selection of moving targets, and improving the quality 0, radar signal detection. UNCLASSIFIED PROCESSING DATE--230CT70 -IILL--QUANTITATIVE DISTRI13UTION OF SUSPE-40ED tlATTE~R IN THE ATLANTIC OCEAN FROM THE DATA OF THE 2ND CRUISE OF THE BELOGORSK -U- AUTHOR-7tVIRE I.P. ~'~.~].'CCUNTR )~INFO USSR ATLANTIC OCEAN SOURCE--OKEANOLCGIYAw 1970t VOL 10t NR 17 PP 474-478' OATE PUBLISHED ------- 70 SUBJECT AREAS--EARTH SCIENCES AND OCEANOGRAPHY9 MECH.v IND., CIVIL AND ..P.ARINE-ENGR -TOPIC TAGS--OCEAN# SEA WATER SAMPLER# PLANKTON# OCEANOGRAPHIC SHIP/(U)BELOGORSK OCEANOGRAPHIC SHIP ONTROL 4AFKING--N0 RESTRICTIONS C ~Q(_XUMENT CLASS-;--UNCLASSIFIED ~_'PROXY_FEELIFRAME-3002/1839 STEP NO--UR/0213/70/010/003/0474/O4T8 17, NO--AP0129204 UNCLASSIFIED ~f4 010 UNCLASSIFIED PROCESSING OATE--23Or-T70 CIRC ACCESSION NO--AP0129204' ABSTRACT/EXTR~ACT--(Ul GP-0- ABSTRACT. THE WATER CONTENT OF SUSPENDED MATTER. IN THE ATLANTIC OCEAN IS CHARACTERIZED QUANTITATIVELY BASED ON 472 SAMPLES,TAKEN ENPOUTE. THE CENTRAL WATERS OF THE OCEAN HAVE THE LOWEST QUANTITIES OF SUSPENDED MATTER RANGING BETWEEN 0.2 Ok 0.3 AND 1.0 MG,L IN THE SURFACE LAYER. THE PARTICULATE MATTER'[S SOREWHAT MORE ASUNDANT FN THE VICINITY OF ISLANDS ABOVE THE SLOPES OF UNDERWATER RISES AND IN LOCALITIES OF THE 14ASS DEVELOPMENT OF PLANKTON. UNLIKE THE OPEN OCEANIC AREASi THE COASTAL WATERS ARE CHARACTERIZED BY ESSENTIAL VARIAT-IONS IN SUSPENDED MATTER CONCENTRATIONS FROM 0.3 TO 47.0 MG,L. THE MOST IMPORTANT FACTORS RESPONSIBLE FOR THIS PHENOMENON INCLUDE C13NTINENTAL DISCHARGE AND SEA CURRENT DIRECTION. THE DISCHARGE OF SUCH LARGE RiVERS AS THE AMAZON# ORINOCOt LA PLATA AND OTHERS IS CONSIDERED FR-OM-THE POINT OF VIEW OF THEIR POSSIBLE INFLUENCE. FACILITY: ATLANTICHESKOYE OTDELENIYE INSTITUTA OKEANOLOGII IM. P. P. SHIRSHOVA AN SSSRt KALINGRAD. UNCLASSIFIED USSR UDC 771.531.3 ANDREYANOV, V. V., GRECHKO, L. V., SVIRIDENKO, If. N., and SVIRIDENKO, A. I., Shostka Branch of the State Scientific-Research Institute of C emicaf-~' Photographic Design "A New Color Reversible Film TsO-T-90L for TV" Moscow, Tekhnika Kino i Televideniya, No 6, Jun 72, pp 22-25 Abstract* The State Scientific-Research Institute of Chiemical-Photographic Design and the Shostka Chemical Combine devised the film for reporting pur- poses either in artificial lighting or, with special filter, in daylight. One positive feature of the new film is zhat when black-white development time is changed, the film shows no light-sensitivity balance among the several layers. In addition, during developing, light sensitivity can be increased and the contrast factor reduced, without any perceptible effect on light transmission. 186 USSR UDC 678.01:539.376 ~ I., STARZHINSKIY, V. Ye., and ZHULEGO, V. T., Institute of the SVIgDIW P . OK oOFre*c anics of Metal-Polymer System , Academy of Sciences, Belorussian SSR cs of 11 ar "Some Engineering Applications of Contact Problems in the Theory of Visco- elasticity" Musk, Izvestiya Akademii Nauk BSSR, Seriya Fiziko-Tekhnicheskikh Nauk, No 1, 1972, pp 57-65 Abstract: In this article, which deals with some engineering applications of contact problems, an effort is made to provide a solution pf a contact problem for linear viscoelastic solids of the simplest shape (a sphere, a cylinder). To describe the process of change of the contact parameters with respect to time, there has been selected a law of deformation in differential form with an exponential time function. Calculation relationships are presented for determination of the contact parameters. Satisfactory coincidence of the experimental and calculation data is obtained. 2 figures, j2 bibliographic entries. 49 induztrial USSR UDC:662.21S..2 AMELINA, L. S., GAYEK, Yu. V., Dnepropetrovsk "Energy Evaluation of the Process of Welding of a Bimetal Using Explosive Energy" Novosibirsk, Fizika GoTeniva i Vzryva Vol., 6, No. 3, S.-p 70, pp. 358-363 Abstract: Experimental data are presented to indicate the energy capacity or expl sive welding of copper with stainless steel. The,experiment4. were performed using tubular specimens. ItAs established that the boun- dary between the steel and copper may be wavy or almost straight, the geometry of the waves depending on the thickness of the coliper cladding layer and the radial velocity with which the~inner tube expands tinder the influence of the explosive charge to meet the outer tube., It is noted that the welded boundary is heterogeneous in its structure. 1/1 utiSR uDc 632-95 RASKIN, M. S., USKOVA, L. A., SVIRIDENKO, A. S., RYZHKOV, A. A., BABIN., '5,. P. "Analysis of 2-t)L-thoxv-3,6-dichlorobenzoic Acid in Plant Mass by a Combined Method" Tr. 2-go Vses. soveshch. ro issled. ostatkov pestitsidov i 2rofilakt. za:zry-~z- neniya ird R-rodllktOV pi_Liniya_, kor-'.10v i V-1es"I. sredy (Works of the Second All- Union Conference on ti-,e investigation of Pesticide Residues and Preventive Contamination of Food Products, Fodder and Environment), Tallin, 1971, PP 363-365 (from M%-Knimiya, No 32, Jun 72,' Abstract No 12N503) Translation: The herbicide is extracted from the plant mass, the da-i extruct Is dissolved in a mixture of 75% alcohol with dioxane (14-:1); it is applied to the first entire bean leaves at the time of.development of the first trefoil he plants are gathered 5 (50 microliters/plant); t. -6 days after tm-atment con- sidering the weight of the dry mass of the trefoil. USSR UDC 771.531.3 ANDREYANOV, V. V., GRECHKO. L. v., and SVIRIDENTIKO, A. I., Shostka Branch of the State Scientific-Research Institute of Chemical- Photographic Design "A New Color Reversible Film TsO-T-90L for TV" Moscow, Tekhnika Kino I Televideniya, No 6, Jun 72, pp 22-25 Abstract: The State Scientific-Research Institute of Chemica.1-Photographic Design and the Shostka Chemical Combine devised the film for reporting pur- poses either in artificial lighting or, with special filter, In daylight. One positive feature of the new film is that when black-white development time is changed, the film shows no.light-sensitivity balance among the several layers. In addition, during,developing, light sennitivity can be increased and the contrast factor reduced, without any perceptible effect on light transmission. 186 USSR Communicati.ons -LJJ)C: 621.39-1-J7 "Noise Immunity. of Synchronous Communications Systems With Pandom k, U Detuning" Kiev, Izvestiya VUZ 38,3111--n-adictelektronika, 11.11o 1972, pp 10015- liOO Abstract: Asserting that the synchronous comimunication aystem if-, the simplest variation of the adaptive 3ystem, t-be author defines it as a system in .-ihich, to receive a signal with random para- meters, an optimal receiver with completely lcnowi sir-nal, s is used in combination -;ith ystems ~Z)r Ostirratincr the sit,--,nal etero s I, and for tuning the receiver characteristics for boot corr'-s, pond ence between symbols at the input and output of the cozl_-vtnication sys- tem. He then analyzes the noise iinr.,iunity of the reception of SiC~- nals, adaptive for time, with discrete modulation by -lit? coherent receiver ior nonideal determination of the mollIent of si!.rnal arri- val. The signals may be simple or complex -- disevete '-,,,seudo- rando~m ~,ienals, for ex,~.Mole -- and theiremnining signall raramo-'Uera are assumed to be eXactly known. The results of this aralysis are 1/2 USSR UDC: 621-391-17 SVIRIDET2.0, S. 0., Ivvestiya VUZ S3SR--Radj.oP_le!rtrqnika, No 9, 1972, PP 1095-1100 comDared with similar results ui an earlier paper (V. T. Coryainov, te~; re- Trebovaniya k tochnosti taktovoy sinkhronizatsii v sis latLh e dachi dvoichnoy informatsii -- Accuracy iiequir,-,,~.;unts of Cyclic Synchronization in 33JInary Information Transmissiori 8Aotemo -- Izv. vuz sssa--Hadioelektronika, ~J, No 7, 1970, p 787) foi- the cage of noncoherent AIM and FM reception. - 2/2 vhu~ltlb INIJ UAI t--zuil4uv E R 114 G TH C S Y N C HR C N I Z A r I ON j5 C V.11 R ACY R EW I R UM E N T S ~;F: LISCRETE SIGNALS -U- -S A L 6 1 Ny tjV S v 1.0 U E N K 0SS CCUNTPY OF INFL-USSR S3UKCE--kADVjTEi(HNlKA, lj-JL- 25, APR. 19709 P. 101-103 -,,,,-Dhl.TE PUCLISHEO-APR70 -SUBJECT ARE AS-NAV IGAT ION tCPIC TAGS-SIGNAL RECEMON, COM~MUNICATION SIGNAL, RADAR SIGNAL, SIGNAL ANA LY 5 1 S CCNTRLL j)c umu, r C t, ~,NCLA S I i PROXY KLLL/fRAViE--3C)J&/C'3lC9 STEP tIRC AC(.-LSSICI\ NG--jAfl013-tll3 uNCLASSIFIE0 01 L A'S S.1 F I ED P R'V, -SSIING DATE--ZONOV70 -CE CIRC t~CCESSICI~,i NIG-AP001ill'-3 A5STKACT/EXTi-';ACT--(U) GP-G- ABSTRACT DEV~LOPIAENT OF A iflETHOD OF -41ERMC, THE STRINGENF SYNCHkGi-ijZ,,,TICr~ Rt--i"UIREMENTS fi'i THE OPTIMAL ki-CEPTiCiN CF U!,SCilElff- PSEUDCRAMOOM SHORr OURATION LARGE BASE SIGINIALS FOR -NS OR 'kiUAi-, PUr'l'PGStS, THE ~PETHGB 'LOPEU GN NE BAS IS COMMUN I CA T I ~ IS 001F OF THE RESULTS OF AiN A'iALYSIS OF AN OPTiMAL RECEIVEA OF DISCRETE SIGIIIALS OPERATING UNOEP NCNli~~Al- SYNCHIRC'~ NIZATION CUNDITIONS. UNCLA:iS i r i UNCL ASS IF.I ED Or"10CESSING UATE-30OCT70 o.10"FERINCE FkEt OPERATWIN OF AN OPTIMAL i~f.NARY RECEIVER FOR JISCREIE SIGNALS UNDER CONDITIUNS OF NONIDEAL SYi~iCHRUNHATION -U- AdTHC&-(G2)-SVIRfQENKijt S.S., SEREGINt Y.V* OF INFO-USSR a_C%JKCL-MUSL~~Ag PAUICTEKHNIKAt NO 2v ~1970f Pp 18-23 PUbLISHE0------70 ._~,SijBJECT AREAS-NAV I GAT ION '.1 OPIC TAGS-SIGNAL I~ECEPTION, PULSE SIGNAL# SIGNAL INTERFFRENCEP -,INTERf-ERENCE ImMUNITY CCNTRCL MARKING-NO RESTRICTIONS CLASS-UNCLASSIFIED .',-~przoxy REEL/fRAME-1999/1285 STEP No--k)P/0108/70/004i/002/0018/0023 IRC.'~ ACCESS ION NU--AP0123244 I E'D UNCLA5S III UNCLASSIFIED PkOCESSING DATL------~00(~T70 -n--,fkACT/--XTK,~CT--(U) GP-0- ABSTRACT.~, ThE 'AUTHOiO STUaY OPTIMAL RECEPTION OF KiECTANGULAR PULSE AND PSI EUDORA INBUM ~ SEQUENC E TYPE DISCPETE S16NALS UNDER CONDITILNS UF NONIDEAL SYN"CHRONIZATJON. , RELkTIGNSHIPS ARE ObTAINED FOR THE AVERAGE MiABILITY OF ERRUR~AND FOR THE OPTIMAL THRESHOLD. VNCLASSIFIED U%; ,CLASSIFIED PROCE.S~Mj DATE--lPSEP70 DYNAMICS OF RU88LE BOILING OF WATER ON FINE WIRES UNDER t,uNDITIONS OF FREE CONVECTION -U- -,AUTHOk-( 05) -SUB611T IN 9 V. IKAZONVSK I Y,' S. P. KOPOT.AYEVt S.K.v SVIRIDENK91 V.YF.i SELIVANOV, YU.F.- CCUT-M.OF 'T-4FO--USSP. _:.SOURCE--AT. ENEPG. (USSR) 28, 9-13 JAN 1470 DATE PUBLISHED ------- 70 ~'-S-U.BJECT- AtZEAS--Pl-iYSfCS OPIC TAGS-BOILINGv FLUID OYNAMICS, GAS DYNAMICS, CONVECTION C ON L wCu, aASS-UNCLASSTFIE-0 t MY P'Ez-L/FK'AMF--I979/15Q6 STFP ACCF-SSION! NO-AP001,7918 UNZLASSIFIZO 2 035 UNCLASSIFIED ACCESSION N"_'--Arl0047918 ,_~.ABSTRACT/ EXTRACT--( U) GP-0- ABSTRACT. A. CINEMATC!Gi~APHIC STzJLJY l)F THE P~,'?(ESS OF: BUBBLE, BOILING CNI FINE Wfl?ES. UINDER THE CW~011'101S OF FRFl:: 2., C"NVECTION 'WAS CAP-RlEt-) ;WT. DIRECTIONS OF ESCAPIJNG, OF 11OPiRLES FR,-J14 TH;: SURFACE OF A HEATER W-ERE OETERMINED. ON TIIE BASIS OF SOLVING THE EJUATIO4 OF MOTION OF A BUBBLE AND BY A~MEASUREMENT OF THE DISTA41CE PASSED BY IT IN THE DIRECTION OPPOSITE TO THAT OF THE ACTION OF THE LIFTING FORCE, FROM, THE MOMENT OF ESCAPING TILL FULL. STOP, THE VALUE OF KINETIC FINERGY NECESSARY FOR OVERCOMING THE GRAVItATIONAL FORCES IS DETERMINED. THE CONCLUSION IS MADE ABOUT A NONGRAVITATION4L NATURE OF FORCES, CAUSING ESCAPING OF A VAPOR BUBBLE FROM THE SURFACE OF A HE4TER. S.0!4E HYPOTHESES COINCERNING THE NATURE OF THESE FORCES HAVE BEEN Pq0POS ED. UNCLASSIFIED 1 USSR UE S2%-03~4`26 -C b m M CUBBOZt~~ V T 'Z:WKOV, A. V., tIRIUMO yE. yk,., and DOBROVOL'S=I, V. F A V, P. A. M "A Study of t-he Tei-merature Fields. bf Fuel Eleffeatr, in Fast Pmc-~ors .,,a::,in Nariable Ener3y Release with Respect, to Zo--e 'Height" Moscow, Atorma.,!a enerl:-iya, Vol 28. No 6, JT,,m 70, p 49o ie' Ca Abstract: The authors exp.~4-ri.:T~C.Iitally deterrdn-od ip 0 t" i e n- tral, lateral and corner elo-ments of a BOR faxPanslon um-mo,.,,n~-type caz;- soidal enerp model. sette model during cosinu y relet-ase along the 0-- vdth respect to length, i~,vol es or,. results t1lat the heant flux varyinp N of the te-,,peratu-,o, profile in the channel locca-ut;e of t1v, of Irle'a", ed at each zection of tj`e charniel. A6 ~j i'dSUIL Of thi.`,. 1~31,-;CC) in, the mmerical values of the heat-tran3fer --'ie cNinnel. A duction of' t~-Ie heat-transfer coeff'iclents in the upp.:,,r part of 1.rie actv;e Zo,:e 7, DOR as ~he res-aLt of variable energg release does not present a daill- a D -type reactor e- oceration o' 'he fuel elments since 4-he rurzerlco'-raiuez of Une ger to th . U tempera' re dlffarence .1cr wall-4'luid are viiall ir. the case of of the fuel- e1u.-a