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UNCL4SS IF I ED PROCESS' ING bATE--27NOV70 ~~JITZE-USE_-OF FUTUROLOGICAL AND SO IETHODS IN 'dORKI,NG OUT LONG CJOLOGICAL:~ FORECASTS -OF SCIENTIFIC RESEARCH IN EPIoEMIOLO Y J- 40TAOR-(03)- SHAKHANINAt I.Lot:TKACHEVAt M.N. .-COUNTRY OF INFO--USSR ::'~SOURCE-,MOSCOW, SOVETSKOYE ZDRAVOOKHRANENIYEA RUSSIAN, NO 6, 1970 SUBM I TTE,O 13 JANUARY 19701 SIGNED TO PRESS :3 MAY L9701 PP 7-13 DATE PUBL.ISHED--13JAN'70 fai ECT AREAS--BIOLOGICAL AND MEDICAL SCIENCES' BEHAVIUR4L AND SOCIAL SC- I E N C E S -':`%T OP I C' TAGS--EPIDEMIOLOGY, PUBLIC HEALTH, BASIC SCIENCE 1.) L A W) I NG .CONTROL MARKING--NO RESTRICTIONS Q0CU4ENT CLASS--U,',ICLASSIFIED ~PROXY REEL/FRAME-30005/1923 STEP NO--UR/0753/70/1;rO/i)06/00-07/001'3 S S~ lil 9-ki I W IQ v I d jIAhDbdtvj Al SIq3lqMJd 3HI 01 30V-ld INVI'dOdWl NIV S3AI9. lllUjl.lVl,- ~:3111 1,!l 914I~133N]91'43 CINV 30143103 JO Sl~~-314-M31HDV 311-1 =10 W fillill, SNOTIVZJ~;VOI10 Dl-31J.N31:)S -30 YTOM 31141 -JO AX13 1.313:13 91-11 DACJ~Jdlil 01 S3~:TSV316t 03111114~J ESS11 S*e-~JSINIV; -40 113NOOD 3HI ONIT nsrj,-) X) 3111, :10 -111,8190 31-11 l.VHJ. INDOI)OV CAN S'l 11 9 N' 114 N V'l d 3 A I 11:4 d S (I ~! d '7111 1 ~,N' Ol N' I S:l I I ~)V 0 M d d V I V ~) I %) 1110 Ul 4 1. 9 N' (13 N I J 73 ~j A 10 N 1 S V 3 V ) N I ~Sfl 01 (G~JN .1ALIT11-144il NV Nillfll 111~1-il Nl JIMMI '0131-JINVAr! N;i'-J~l SVH Mill H Dd V 3 S 9 'Is JO -1--IA3-) flNISSVd S3SVD 0) '83qk,,f-lN V NI 'VI.VG SMONI~iOlOA 9HI ONIV DON'?IDS AVO INDS-I&I JCl,PN'3WdO-13-AYJ OldVll 3HI 'SlN3WDlJflM'3)j SlAVOW: 13-Dki ION S;3(10 ISMV330 oml, ISOWIV MO-A NOINI'l iDlIAUS 3141 NI: 0-=13113V'dd M'93P S:VH H-JIHM OWV AlV.-]DJVf)b) in 9NINNVId vl~Aj. I.S~~I'eoH!~ -411 N1 91MMOd IS31-MIS W101!:i IlrIS31J ItIMIM14 V -33INV"n9 01 SV 03 N011V71NIVOK H:)dV3-S3'd AO Sk,~40:i 3Pl 3A('!Ilr,'Wl e'1. lJNVJHOdIJ'l All'iff"03- 4014V H:)~jv-353)4 :30 S-'gN]l 3AISIDRY 3VII NO SK)IMOSS-zile, GINV 'd-3MOdN,,'H' 31-ATINI-IDS JO N(AiVtllN3:)NOO ~'SfISN3- 0j. O.-JiDl-cix-1 sl Ivill INVIC] 9141 Sl 11 tlN9WdOlqAnO -40 DIVd (INV S310NOON31 Sil 9NJNjJH'd:)J:3O 011V :l)N31')S JD HONV~ffl ANV 40 31-41 IONJiAJO ~J3A31 l1IJZ'iDM0d V Sl 'INfiOD:)V OiNI SNO1110NO) 'jl--41:)'IdS S3)4vl IVHI. BNO '1,]Vld :jAJlD:tdS08d 0311dKOD 31AI *1-131-1 SV SS3~390-dd -IVI:)D-S IM! 'SS3b!-,",,"dd AINO 1014 s:iiinsN3 ivili AD110d AIVIS O]IJIMI 3HI N11 SIN-DW31-1 lN"V,0iOdWJ. jSrW 9HI ILI qtq P, SV S3A~f3S HD'dV3S3~3 -30 ')NJNNVld '0-171NOOD?~J AllVHNTD Sl ]DiJO:l --'lAli')rIklClcld V SV 301'4~1:)s :30, 31COi .3141 N'311.11. IAW'll INTS3U 3HI IV "1*)T8lS9V -0-dO (n)--nv~ax~/i)vuisuv 3- 47LlUlOdV--ON NOISS J3V :)d.l:)~- OLAOW-e--~IVO S'-NlSS-J:)D'b'd 031AISSVIONn 61. z 0 UNC L ASS I F HD P'ROCESSING DATE--?-71ll0V-70 CIRC ACCESSION '10--AP0133774 .i~SSTRACWEXTRACT--IN PARTICULAA, THE IMPORTANCE 'IF 11ROSPE-ETIVE (FOR A 10-15 YEAR PERIOD OR M9RE) PROBLEM PLANNING OF RE`~EARCH IS EMPHASIZED ONCE AGAIN. COMPILATION OF SUBSTANTLATED LONG Tt',RM RE' EARCH PROGRAI S IS NCT ONLY RFSPDtqSI13LF WORK, BUT IT IS ALSO VERY GOMPLEX AND RF--,ljrlES EXHAUSTIVE INFORMATION ABOUT THE STATUS (OEGRrE OF~STUDY) OF A SPECIFIC PR06LEol IN THE PAST AND AT PRESENT NOTo ONLY 114 THE SOVIET UNION, our ALSO ABROAD. IN AODITMN, RATIONAL PLAINNING IS ONLY POSSIBLE IF THE DIRECTI-9N TAKEN BY THE PROBLEM AND THE RATES OF DEVELOPMENT ARE SCIENTIFICALLY PREDICTED. FACILITY: CENTRAL SCIENTIFIC RESEARCH INSTITUTE OF EPIDEMIOLOGY. WAL LASS !F JED -------------- ,mcc. Nr -Abstracting,'Service- ~70 Ref. Code; ~PO041771 BIOLOGI, CAL ABST. 3625 mc!V. S. Mr-TSEEV. E"Sr. Avsczt. lmv.~i -",06tcyamu r serdechno-s6sudistat St Pri Mkoni~heakdl~ ach - 0 5 Ou"O, S'S'* my '01'a' no 'L C n 0 0 'he c1r 9(8)- j L y y C -n 'th' I In r f r, Us c hart t.' wica ~ditts, dys~oteluentla, and t4 d1sorders In catecholamine trie-tabol4m. Research cionduOted On intlents mW rabbits on all of thes6 factors is reviewed. There is I, biblio~naj%y with 58 referencm--L K R. REEL/FRAME' 1,9751652 ONES UNCLASSIFtE0 DATE--11SE1070 ---aiUDIES ON CHANGES OF HYPOCALCIEMIC ACTIVIYY OF TYROCALCITONINE*. OURING THE INTERACTIONS WITH-PROTEIN,S OF VARIOUS TISSUES -U- AUTHOR--STEKDLNIKOVt L.I., TEPELINAv OsM.t SUMAROKOV, D.D., '~-COUNTRY bF INFO--USSR -SOURCE--VOPROSY MEOITSINSKOY KHIMII, 19170t VOL 16, NR 2, PP 1'98-204 .',~DATE PUBL ISHED ------- 70 ~'-SUBJECT AREAS--BIOLOGICAL AND MEDICAL SCIENCES ---'-T0PIC-TAGS--CALCIUMs PROTEINt RABBIT, LIVERi KIDNEYt.SPLEFIN, BRAINP HEART, PHYSIOLOGY TISSUE ,.-CONTROL MARKING--NO RESTRICTIONS ~-,,DIOCUMENT r-LASS--UNCLASSIFTED r~'Pp'OXY REEL-/FRAME--1986/O643 STEP %40- R 0 3 01 7 0116 0 18 2 0 4 Z TRC ACCESSION NO--AP0102629 UNCLASSIFIED 025 UNCLASSIFIED PROCESSING? DATF-11SEP70 ,CIRC ACCESSION NO--AP0102629 -ABSTRACT/EXTRACT-1131 GP-0- ABSTRACT. STUDY OF HYPOCALCIEMIC REACTION IN; RA-BBITS IN RESPONSE TO THE ADMINISTRATInN OF TYROCALCrTONINIF MIXTURES WITH LIVERv- KIDNEYp SPLEEN, BRAIN ANO.HEART HDM()5F-,NATES SHOWS TiiAT AT THE APPROPRIATE CONDITIONS OF THE EXPERIMENT THE COMPLEXES OF TYROCALCITONINE WITH TISSUE PROTEINS ARE FORMEOt LACKING THE ABILITY TO DECREASE CALCIUM LEVEL IN THF 5LOOO OFANIMALS. CO---iPLEXF:S ARISING IN' BLO13D DURING THE INTERACTION OF TYROCALCITONINE WITH PROTEINS ARE UNSTABLE AND SUFFER RELAT.IVELY RAPID DECO.4POStTION IN THE BODY WITH .,.--HYPOC-ALCIEMIC -FA*CTOR RELE&SE. THIS PHEIqOMENON..(TYPIDCALCITONINEPEXIA) NOT ONLY DEPENDS ON THE SPECIFIC FEATURES OF TISSUFS, BUT ALSO ON THE TEMPERATURE CONDITIONS AT 'WHICH THE INCUBATION~OF TYROCALCITONINE WITH JISSUE HOMOGENATES TOOK PLACE* UNCLASSIFIE0 MALIND, s. , a,.. ) VoT)r. 0 "OSCO-W, .1970 ---- PP luzh. , where Ain is the line Vector (I x M) ~jhj flo"T of docurlents at the jnpu~ conversion of th L, ch maps the "'te"itY Of the .e flow at the jn`pfutthi~' Process; X is P- matrix 17hich p,aps is the line vector (l . ) nto the floj~ at,the rutput; 11 whicb mats the Aout Mnts at the OutPut Of the -process.- f. - "lten~'itY Of the f-101,r Of docu- The time criterion is defined , as the t"TO-diMensional vector fr(t);VC)), where t(t) is th, average time for distribution Of information counted fron, the MOMent when it ap- pears ill the 1redium externa! to the systela; t(c), is the average tire Of response to demands as reckoned from the instant the systelt, rcce* I demand from tile user to the instant the user receives Ives the tile System. thC "(~VPonse from "le cost criti:-'riOll if; understcod to inean the int(!nSjjy turcs of material, Of ex-pendi- ~1 labor, equiDment L, -P-Ormaj functioning of tfle s- '- and Twrlc~ary Lle4ul,s necessary for tem. The proposed ti-luStratod by. an Ie ""cl-Vicirl,9 in electrical- e.18inr., C-4-1 r I- UDC: 681 ..3.o6:51 USSR ye., RLRffgl- 'N ICIY, S YtLTARF- MAL111111, S - NE,.U110VSWA, V. , RYABL TSEV, V..) SIJ1,M01~0V, L, for construction Of Systers of rvaluating Var~ants t Cri- "Determi istic Model espect to flre juid COS Servicing Wit11 11 of Scientific-IrIfO teria!' inf lotn.- obsTuZh- (P`~blems Of ol)tjr- - '1 4- i g systei-co]_jection of V sb. V(-Pr- E-Odel'r tion rvic n neti:?:a~ No 7, Modeling and 0-ptimizIng J-nlor" ~ (from RZh-Kiber worj:s), vjp- 2, 1,101 c.,,, 19(c, pp 39-71 Jul 71, _,kbstract No 7V716) he jrodcl, primarY aU'-~ntioll is eiven to in coiistructing t -;~ic-inforjnatjon Tralls-lation, tures of. syste M. of S c e functional struc taken into consideration: selecting un T-TO "ethods of data processing are servicing. centralized ald decentrali7ed. ste mz3 is represerltr--d in the of the SY functionin:, e form The process Of snions of:th Wdel by a 1;0, of linew_, e;q)rc! i xOut xinx, 112 USSR UDC: 519.217 RWYANTSEV, V. P. , L. N., TIMOKHIN, S. G. ION iw~ "Some Problems of Analysis of Lin6ar Stochastic Nets" V sb. Inzh.-mat. metody v fiz.-i-kibernet. (Engineering and Matheriat-ical Methods in Pkysics and Cybernetics--collection of works), Moscow, Atom- izdat, 19T1, pp 44-62 (frorr, IR%Zh-,Kib1e:rnetika, No 12, Bee 71, Abstract No 12V142) [No abs tract] 6 ------------------ USSR UDC 541.49 S=RQKOVA T. N., IBRAYEVA, T. D., NEVSKAIYA, YU. A., Institute of Chemical Sciences, Kazakh. SSR Academy of Sciences, Alma-Ata "Interaction of Metal Halogenides With Trialkylph.osDhates. III. A'nti- mony Trichloride-Tributylphosphatell Alma-Ata, Izvestiya A-kademii Neuk Kazakhskoy SSP, Seriya Khimicheskaya, No 6, 1973, pp 15-20 Abstract: Viscosimetric, densito'metric, cryometri,~, conductivity, and IR spectroscopic studies were conducted on the interaction of SbG1 with tributylphosphate (TEP). Two complexes were Tr ~SbGl -TB~ rmed; 2 7 (I) and 2SbG1 -2TBP (11). In I the c9prdinate valoice of Sb wash 3, and in 11 4. Lordination of TBP with SVIII) -~n 3 and~II waz by means cf, t'ne oxygen atom in- the phosphoryl; group. OREM USSR LOC 54.49 SUMAROKOVAv T. N.j IBRAYEVA, T. D., and NEVSKAYA, YU. A., Institute of -Me-mical Sciences, Academy of Sciences KaSSRi-Alma-Ata "reactions of Metal Halides with Trialkylphosphates.. 1. Stannic Chloride- Tributyl PhosphatO' Alma-Ata, Izvestiya Akademil. Nauk KazSSR, Seriya, Khlmlcheskaya, No 3, May-Jun 73p pp 21-28 Abstracti Complex formation in the system SnC14-trlbutyl phosphate P -7 has been studied by the methods of viscosimetryp w well as, troltutetrically, conductometrically ard cryonstrically. In a&Ution, the tranzfer of ions ill stannic chloride -solutions in TBP has been studied and their IR spectra were taken, It ha.9 been ohown, that 5nCl4 reacIt3 exclusively vilth TBP via an oxidation-reduction reaction, Ieading~to -the formation of complex con' poundst SnC14*2TBP, 2 SnCl4-2TBP, and 2,SnCl4-3TBP. In SnC1 4*2TBP complex, TBP is coordinated through the oxygen of the phosphoryl group. In the other two complexes TBP exhibits dial properties$ the oxygen of th;t. P-0-C group also - participating in the coo:rdination bond. .... . ..... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... 009 UNCLASSIFIED PROCESSING DATE--30OCT70 T-ITLE--ON HAMILTON'S PRINCIPLE FOR NON HOLONOMIC SYSTEMS,-U- ~~_AUTHOR-SUMBATOV# A.S. -,.COUNTRY OF INFO--USSR :.-SOURCE-VESTNIK MOSKOVSKOGO UNIVERSITETAP MATEMATIK.Av MEKHANIKAV 1970t NR PP-9tq-lol DATE PUBL I SHED----- 70 AREAS--MATHEMATICAL SCIENCES .-JOPIC TAGS-LINEAR DIFFERENTIAL EQUATIONt DIFFERENUAL EQUATION SYSTEMI .~~,_.:~HAMILTON EQUATION CCNTROL MARKING--NO RESTRICTIONS ,,DOCUMENT CLASS--UNCLASSIFIE0 PRaxY RE-EL/FRAME--1996/0526 STEP NO--U.R/0055/70/000/001/0098/0101 ACCESSIOIN NO--AP0117760 !~:::1/2 009 UNCLASSIFIED MICESSING DATE--30OCT70 ~.-CIIRC ACCESSION NO--AP0117760 ,:ABSTRACT/EXTRACT--(U) GP-0- ABSTRACT. THE PAPER DEALS WITH SYSTEMS GOVERNED BY STATIONARY LINEAR DIFFERENTIAL EQUATIONS OF IDEAL CONSTRAINTS. THE CONDITIONS OBTAINED ARE NECESSARY ANO SUFFICIENT FOR THE EQUIVALENCE OF THE VORONETS-SUSLOV.PRINCIPLC ANO HAMMON'S -PRINCIPLE. IT IS SHOWN THAT SOME'NON HOLONOMIC SYSTEM&SATISFY THESE ,7- 'CONDIT IOUS. ~uu I I:, 11hUoid -AT lid 1 1- 1" JT)l DD ~ijp'4,; r v -~I P t4l I I !IV 11, .:z p u 01 'Llvjlv-tn~lj~, "q- t~oaj A 0 ~ U I _1 TI Z-, I 1.-,~` 31; tZ jJ.v "o" z 1 4--, ~ - -- o.: d jo Al ; !iu, 7 u 17U 1~7 7":'~% I.' 0111PU -U.= 4Z ~,~Joqv:- ob iv wit 10 C-_ 'tZ; -tul -vjnzap -LIZ ,joIj 9t.-v= su-,pui; j~ q3 '4-t, uaj,ilwj;~.d pa_.4-.;~~; -q, ]I .%" 7,'~u "ro-ZiZza ..j -t,vqnS -surVao -j;waqjv~ u-, ,c,:;Iu (-Jv 1;, ~,Zqznt v ~k~ _z-,-,d'j ;,qj UT uzVuelp ~txvd.~v jo -,:z stn-$;a Dtp al i'Lddnq r~q~c~ 1,, ;n aqZ SUP2.10 Lt;l .3 A','~_`- *d~~t 1 -0 7_*;,~I , -pjqo~,, 1 4-1 avau 4q dd ".), a!; 177: 't-P I I `6~~~!.,! z -fl S1 ---------- USSR UDC 622.82-.654.9 MALIN, V. A., POLYaKOV, V, S. and SUMENKO, A. -I. "A Radio Signalling Ilethod of Detecting Endogenic Fir es" Tr. Vost. NII po vazopasn. rabot v gorn. prom-sti (Proceedings of the Eastern Scientific Research Institute on Work Snfety in the YUningIndustry), No 16, 1972, pp 210-214 (RZh-Avtomati-ka Telemechanika i Vychislitellnaya Tekhnika, No 3, Mar 73, Abstract No 3, A347 by the authors) Translation: It is shown that the.temperature of the coal in worked-out axeas of a mine can be monitored remotely, andvarioustypes of apparatus which have beer, developed to detect endogenic fires ar~ sing 'n worked-out areas of coal mines are presented. Reliability of monitorilig is ensured by the use of son- sore of a new design and a single-wire communications channel. Two illustra- 1/1 -17 USSR UDC 669.2 SMIT0, !j- N., and TLRMREV, A. S., Leningrad Polytechnic Institute imeni M. I., Kalinin, Cbair of General Metallurgy "Oxidation Mechanism of Cobalt Alloys With Chromium" Ordzhonikidze, Izvestiya Vysshikh Uchebnykh Zavedeniy, Tsvetnaya Metallurgiya, No 5, 1972, pp 34-41 Abstract: An experimental investigation by methods described earlier (F.Izika MeLallov i 'Metallovedeniye, Trudy. Leningradskogo Politekhnicheskop Instituta, 1970, No 305, p 92) was made of the potentia-1-oxidation mechanIsm of cobalt, chromium, and cobalt-chronliUnt alloys (C=r.)OSition from 100'/.' Co to 100% Cr. The oxidation rate of cabalt was found to be determined by the two-way diffusion of cobalt and oxyg~!n. Cobalt alloys with small chromiura additions oxidize at the expense of preferred diffusion of cobalt ions. The oxidation mechanism of these alloys includes the development of cobalt oxide and the internal chromium oxidation In.the alloy. Tfie oxidation process of alloys with high chromium additions also develops by maans cf diffusion of metal (chromium) and oxygen. The simultaniaijusly originating, oxide film con- sists of a spinal phare and chromium oxide, which latcr b(,tzomc,.,i Lhe rii;i[n component of the oxide Layer. The oxidation of chromium is limited by the 1112 USSR SMIN, S. N. , and TMI-LkREV, A. S., Izvestiya Vysshikh I:chebnykh Zavedeniy, Tsvetnaya Metallurgiya, No 5, 1972, pp 341-41 diffusion of oxygen. The CoCr204 spinel oxide appears as a protective oxide on Co-Cr alloys. Three figures, one table, two formulas, fifteen bibli- ographic references. 2/2 ..... ..... Phygir-41 ilr,p,ertiee USSR UDC 669.013.5:538.21 LIVSHITS, B. LILEYEV, A.. S., and SHLYwrm, A. D., Moscow A Institute of Steif an&Alloys "The Effect of Cubic Crystalline Anisotropy on the MagneLic Properties of the YuNDK35T5 Allay" j Moscow, Izvestiya Vysshikh Uchebnykh Zavedeniy Chernaya Metallurgiya, No 11, 1970, pp 122-125 Abstract: Temperature dependences of the saturation maSnetization coercivity, the constant of uniaxial anisotropy, and the constant:cvr the cubic crystalline anisotropy were investigated on the YuNDK 35T5 alloy (3!U Co; 13-14% Ni; 7.5% Al; 5% Ti; 3.5% Cu; the rest Fe) after isothermal treatinent. A comparison of ~experimental and theoretical data led to~the conclusion that other anisotropy types in the YuNDK35T5 alloy should be investigated. Oa the basis of the Stoner-Wohlfartt formula the angular dependences of the coercivity for a siagle-domain anisotropic-form. particle with a cubic clystalline anisotropy were established. Cube crystalline anisotropy was shown to.bave a con~ider- able effect on the remagnetization mechanism-of the alloy. It alzo explains the greatly increased coorcivity in tempering. USSR TJDG 669.296 KORNILOV 1. 1., ana PDYzuLkYb-v, Sh. I. stribution Pactors of Titanium~and Iron in Zirconium" Moscow, Tsvetnyye Metally, No. 7, Jul 71, p 50 Abstracts The behavior of titanium and iron acl-nixtures in elec- tron-beam zone melting of zirconiiun was experimentally investiga- ted on the basis of the relation n 0a- where 0 K'= distribution factor of Ti and Fe in gn 1'0 concentration of -the admixture in the quasi- z tationary regionnof 'the ingot after n passages of the zone 0 = concentration oT the admixtta,o in the initial ingot ; g reauced vaporization coefficient of the admixture calculated from a given formula. Tsbulatod experimen- tal data show the distribution of.Pe and,Ti'v.2ter zone melting, of Zn..The average distribution coefficients of Fe and Ti in Zn were-found to be KVe = 0.29 and. XT 0.48 . Two tables, two fArmulas, five biblio, refs. . ......... USSR UDC 669. VOL, A. Ye., GAYDAY, P.I., GORYNIN, 1. V. , ~~E~YR IN, -UZNETSOV, Ya. Ya., PROKOPYEV, S. N., SM-11NOV N. S CIIIZIIIWV, G. I. , ~,Hff!SKIIY, K. A. frCopper-Based Alloy" USSR Author's Certificate, No. 276417, Filed 27/10/67, Published 16/10/70. (Trans- lated from Referativnyy Zhurnal Metallurgiya., No. 5, 19711, Abstract No. 5 1713P). Translation: An alloy with increased corrosion-fatigue strength in sea water is suggested. The composition of the alloy is: Al 7-9, INIn 8-12, Fe 2-4, Ni I.S - 4, Sn 0.1-OS, Si 0.1-0.5, remainder - Cu. The technological properties of the alloy can.-be improved by introducing up to 0.3 "a' INIg and up to 0.2 Be. These additions .,decrease the tendency of the alloy toward film formation, The alloy has (in kg/ruri') cFbI65, a0.2>30, IIB 180-210, a-1> l7at 10. 1 106 cycles and is a promising shipbuilding material. 1/1 USSR UDC 615-23:547 -775+5 46.171-5 PISKAIEV) A. V., WSMMEITKQ~ V. S. an&SUMM(W,...,S,,-T,, Division of Rhdit%-tion Pathophysiology and Radiation Pharmacolo~-,f, Scientific~~Resea:rch Institute of V4dical Radiology, Acaderrf of Medical Sciences USSR, M)ninsk "Effect of Pyrazolone and Hydrazine Derivatives on the Resistance of Mice to Hypoxia" Yoscov, Fa--makologiya i Toksikologiya., Vol. 36, No 1, T,,m/Feb 73, Pp 48-54 Abstract: The effects of 23 pyrazolore and hydrazine deriva:tives in increasing the resistance of mice to hypoxia were studied in exi3eriments in which the aninals were lifted to a simulated altitude of 10)000 in (rate of lifting 30 n/sec) or 10,500 m (rate of lifting 11 m/oec) by reducing the pressure In a chamber after intraperitoneal administration to the animals of tile com.-counds tested. Of the seven pyrazolone derivatives tested, anall.,in exerted the greatest effect in protecting nrgpainst hypoxia. Tile antillypoxic activity decreased in the order analgin > antipyrine.> 2-CYano-eth,'fl-5-PYMzo1r)nO amido-pyrine. Butadion, l-ben-~y'!--3-inthyl-5-1~-vmzolor-e, and I-pheny1-'-;-;1ethyl- 5-pyrazolone had no significtuit, activity. With the exroption of hexylhydrazine and hapty1hydrazine aulfatos, all the hydrazine, derivatives tl-;.~sted increased the resiatance of the mice to hYpoxia aftor being admftiaterod in appropriate 1/2 USSR PISKAMVJ, A. V., et al., Farmakologiya i Toksikologiya,, Vol 36Y I-To 1, Jan/Feb 73., pp 48-54 doses. The most pronounced antihypoxic effect was obsexved on acbiinistration of apressin, 1-hydrazinopht7nalazine-4-carboxylic acid hydrazide, phelazine, phenizine, and I.-(2-eyanoethyl)-l-p-toluenesiLlfomylhydrt~-zine. The sctivity of the pyrazolone derivatives was associated with the haNithex-riic effect produced by them. While some of the hydrazine derivatives also reduced the rectal temperature of the animals, one may assume that compoij.-nds or this type, being MAO inhibitors, could increase the level in.the body of biogenic amines (serotonin, adrenaline, and histamine) that are of imlortanoe in adaptive reactions. ~roiymers atId roiyreriZatlan USSR UDC 541.64:547.39:674.03 LEBEDEV, V. T. SIODIINOV S SHIRYAYEVA, a. V., KARPOV, V. L., and NOVIKOV, V. Ya. "Effect of the Addition of Organophosphorus Compounds on the Polymerization of Methyl Methacrylate in Cellulose" Moscow, VysokomolePularnyye Soyedineniya, Vol 14, No 2, Feb 72, pp 422-426 Abstract: The effect of various classes of organophosphorus compounds on the kinetics of radiation induced polymerization of methyl methacrylate (IMA] in cellulose was studied. The influence of dialkyl-, and trialkyl phosphites and trialkyl phosphates, as well as the effoct of the size of alkyl radical within a group on the polymerization rate, of RIIA in wood was found to be increasing in the order; dialkyl phosphites < trialkyl phosphites < tr:ialkyl phosphates, and within the radical group: methyl < ethyl < butyl anal-og. It was demonstrated that the concentration of.tributyl phosphate [TBPJ in W4A has a positive. effect on the.combusltibility of the wood-plastic material [WPM): a 30% content of TBP imparts fire retarding properties on the WPM. Study of the physical-mechanical properties of 014 containing various concentrations of TBP showed that optimal resistance to static banding acrosts the fibers and to shearing along tbe fibeT length is shown in WP.14 prepared from a 9:1 inixture of MMA:TBV. USSR UDC 547.241 SUMINOVA S. BANDEROVA, L. V., SHATROVAP T. G. "New Derivatives of Cyclohexenyl-I and 2-phosphonic Acids" Leningrad, Zhurnal Obshchey Khimii, Vol XLII (CIV), No 1, 1972, pp 239-240 Abstract: A study was made of new derivatives of cyclohexenyl-l and 2-phos- phonic acids. When oxidizing 2-chlarocycloitexyldichloropliosphine (obtained by addition of PCI3 to the cyclohexene under the effect of yv-radiation) [L. L. Shchukovskaya, et al., DAN SSSR, No 179, 892, 19681 by sulfuryl chloride in an inert organic solvent at 0-10', the formation of a mixture of acid dichloridesof 2-chlorocyclolicxylpliosphonic acid and cyclohaxene-1-ylphosphonic acid (I) with predominance of the latter was observed for the first time. By analysis for the "common and "hydrolyzable" chlorine, the content of (I) in the mixture is greater when the reaction is performed in ether than in CCI or benzene. When treating the (I) isolated by redistfIlation with aliphattc alcohols-(CIC5) in the presence of pyri4ne., the corresponding esters of cyclahexene-1-ylphosphonic acid were obtained with a 65-857. yield. The infra- red spectra of all the substances reveal.a C-C absorption band at 1,630 cu,71: 1/2 USSR LEBEDEV, V. T. SHIRYAYEVA, G. V., and KARPOV, V. V. "Effect of the Addition of Organophosphorus Compounds on the Polymerization of Vinyl Monamers in Wood Cellulose" Moscow, Doklady Akademii Nauk SSSR, Vol 197, No 3, Ifar 71, pp 601-603 Abstract: Gamma initiated modification of wood cellulose was studied with mixtures of vinyl monomers and different levels of orgaaophosphorous com- pounds (OPC). Many OPC accelerated polymerization of vinyl monomers in wood cellulose, this action decreasing in the,following order: trialky! phosphates >trialk-),l phosphites > dialkyl phosphites, and within these groups methyl ethyl > butyl. Treating birch with a mixture of methylmetacrylate and tri- butyl phosphate (9.1 ratio) gave a fire resistant material of greater strength than comparable control. Styrene, which normally polymerizes with difficulty under the influence of radiation was also studied. Addition of 10% of di- methyl phosphite to styrene increased its,pol~merizatioa in aspen by 4 times. When the phosphilte fraction. was 20%, the polymerization rate was increased 6-7 fold in comparison to the control. USSR UDC: 531-715 S=QXI V. M.. GOLIDBERG, M. M., GRMENT, A. A., Moscow Institute of Avia- tion Telcn=008~ "A Device for Automatic Dimensional Analysis of Microt)copic Objects" Moscour, Gtl--rytiya, IzobreteniXa, Promyshlennyye Obraztsy, Tovarnyve Zna-'-,i, No 7. Mar TP-2 Author's Certificate No 329378, Division G, filed 15 Jun 70, published 9 Feb 72, p 252 Translation: This Author's Certificateintroduces a dQvice for automatic dimensional analysis of microscopic objects. The device cottains an op- tical system, a closed-circuit television system, and tL displey uni-t. In front of the optical system is a light source, and the closed-circuit TV system has an analyzer at the output. As, a distinguis,hing feature of tile patent, the accuracy of analysis is improved by using am input controller made in the form of a set of time-maxic elements connF-cned between the output of the TV system and the imput of the analyzer. The patent also covers a modification of this device distinguished by the fact that the light source is made in the form of a continuoua-emission laser with ~nai attachrent for reducing the degree of coherence. 86 - ............ ------- --- -- USSR um 621-385:530.145.6:62 SUMINOV, V. M., PROMYSLOV, Ye. V., SKVORCHEVSKIY, A. K., KUZIN, B. G. IlEffect Which Misalignment of the Mirrors in a Laser Cavity Has on the Accuracy of Geome-tric Parameters of Laser-Drilled Holes.11 V sb. Obmen oatom v radio-prom-sti (Experience Pooling in the Radio Industry -colle-::tion of works), vyp. 1, Moscow, 1971, pp 26-29 (from RZh-Radiotekh- nika, No 5, May 71, Abstract No 5D472) Translation: The authors describe exDerimental studies carried out on specimens of Khl8T19T steel in which they determined the effect of cavity misalignment or- the diameter and depth of laser-drilled holes and the change in weight of the metal removed during machining. It is shown that when the mirrors are misaligned, there are appreciable changes in the longitudinal and transverse shapes of finished holes.; For all,possil)le versions of mirror misalignment there is a change in the weight of the va-POrized metal with an increase in the angle of misalignment. The amount of material removed during machining differs for all cases. Maximum hole parameters are observed with a certain displacement of the mirrors relative to the end surfaces of the active medium, rather than with perfect alignment. The~most favorable case is that where the cavity mirrors are oriented in the sane direction and shifted by the same angle. A. K. UOC: 621.317-733 USSR KAZAKOV, S. M., LUSH,^ T. N., SURITELINOV, V. N., Novu.,jibirsk "Designing High-Speed Phase-Sensitive Freq~aency.,Range Detectors" Novosibirsk, Avtometrlya, No 3, 1970, PP 48-53 Abstract: The article deals with the problem of stabilizing the transfe-r constant of integrating phase-sensitive detectors for a continuous frequency range .oj proper select-Lon of the integration time. The possibili"C-y of improving t.-le metrological characteristics of the integrating detectorz thenselves is briefly discussed. . The authora dosoribe thoJr omi circuit for a phaso-:;ensitive detector with integration lay a whole number of half-perioda. A kilack diagrairi of the device is given. The detector operates satisfactorily in a froquency range from a few dozen Rz to 100 kiiz, The error in indication of a 900 ilhift varies from a fem4 tenths of a degree to a few degrees at the. end of the saale, wkLich is accoptaole even for high precision digital bridges. The authors thank candidate of technical sciences X. I.1. Sobolevskiy for his consideration and foi, his ausistance in pre- paring this article. ---------- ------ T USSR UDC: 621.382. TSVIRKO, Yu. A. and SUMAR, V. S. rrequency of a Gunn Oscilistor in a Low-Q Resonance System as a Function of the Dias Voltage" Moscow, Radictekhnika i elektroniki, No. 11, 1970, pp 2423-2427 Abstract: In the Gunn diode, attention is usuallly directed to the increase in frequency of resonance modes caused by the reduction in capacitance of the force field domain with a variation in the bias voltage. When the diode is ina resonance system, the fre- quency is also a function of the effective.Q. This brief communi- cation considers both these effects, which result in only small frequency variations. The authors.obtain an apt)roxi-Mate solution for the oscillations of the diode in a tuned circuit in the form of a rapidly converging series expanijion of the frequency in terms of Q. They describe experiments to investigate the frequency char acteristics of Gunn diodes operating in a mixed resonance aiode and in a mode with domain suppression by a low resonance sys- tems made up of asymmetrical ribbon line segments with 20-30 ohm impedance. The laboratory specimens were electron GaAs, 85-125 mm thick, connected in parallel with half-wave line segments. USSR UDC 621.382.2 TSVIRKO, Yu. A., and "Gunn oscillator in Resonant System With Low Elektron. tekhnika. Nauch.-tekhn sb. Mik-roele-ktronik-a (Electronic Technology. Scientific-Technical Collection. Microelectronics), 1971, Issue 1(27), pp 114-120 (from RZh-Elektrunika i yeye primeneniye, No 8, August 1971, Abstract No 8B135) Translation: The dependence on the bias voltage of the oscillation frequency of a Gunn oscillator operating in a resonator contains a component that is linear with respect to a small value --~ the invirse effective Q of the system. The results are presented of a measurement of the dependence of the oscilla- rion frequency on the bias voltage for-a Gunn semiconductor diode operating in resonant half-wave band systems with.low Q. During, generation at a mode with domain suppression. by a low field,~an increase of the voltage can give rise to a decrease of frequency. ill. M-11 PREMIUM 1/2 OC5 UNCL AS S I F tED PROCESSING DATE-ZONOV70 TITLE-STANDARUS OF UNIFIED SYSTEM OF DESIGNER DOCUMENTATION AND PROBLEMS OF UNIFICATION IN MECHANICAL AND PRECISION ENGINL-fi-RING -U- AUTHOR-K2)-STEPAN0Vp YU.I.m SUMSHIK, A*R. CCUNTRY OF INFO-USSR 6 -.SOURCE-STANDARTY I KALHESTV0# 19701 NR-4, PP 59- DATE PUEL I5HED-----70 SUBJECT AREAS--MECH.v IND.v CIVIL AND MARINI: ENGR -TOPIC AGS-TECHNICAL STANDARDI.ENGINEERING STANDA90 MA-kKING-NO RE"'TRICHONS DOCUMENT CLASS-UNCLASSIFLED -L/Fk-AME--1965/Z014 5 T fl; PN()---Llf(/ 04" /70 0 00/004 00 5 9/ 00 62 .-PROXY kEl: C, I fc A C c I" s S IINC UNIX ASS IF I ED PROCESSING DATE-20NOV70 ACCESSICN NC--AP0102044 ABSTRACT/EXTRACT-W) GV-Q- ABSTRACTo TNE STANDARDS INCLUDED [14 TH,-:: UNIFIEL) SYSTIE-14 OF DESIGNER 00CUIMENTATION INFLUENCE.- THE ADOPTION OF DECISICNS CN PROBLEMS OF UNIFICAHON IN SHAPING THE DESIGN DOCUMENTS, fHE PkINLIPLES OF DESIG14 CONTINUITY IN DESIGNING rHE PRODUCTS OF MECHANICAL AND PRECISION ENGINEERINGr AND ON. TYPILATION OF PRODUCTION ~PROCESSES. ON I I L L Ll USSR UDC 547.7:546.185 KAMMOV, A. V., SMSkUA.. E. B., KIRILLOVA, K. M., and SHMILKINA, Ye. P., J. Kazan' Institute of the Chemico-Photograpbic Industry "Reaction of Cyanomethylenephosphonium Salts With Nlkoxyvinyl(butadienyl) Derivatives of Heterocyclic Bases". Leningrad, Zhurnal Obshchey Khimii, Vol 41, No 11, Nov 1971, pp 2,434-2,438 Abstract: Established methods of obtainiLig trimethinelffiospbacyanin dyes by chemical synthesis are unsatisfactory, either because of lot,, yield or the presence of undesirable concomitants. The authors inve-sti8ated the alkoxy- vinyl and butadienyl salts of heterocyclic bases as pof~sible sources, of these dyes, offering at the same time greater~convenience an-d simplicity in synthesiS. Nine phosphorus-containing trimethine and pentamethinecyanin dyes were obtained through condensation of cyanomethylenephosphonium salts with ~-alkoxyvinyl and 6,-alkoxybutadienyl salts of heterocyclic bases. OI)tic!al properties of these, along with some physical data, vere obtained. Yields~and techniques of syn- thesis were found to be definitely advan'tageous in comparison witb current methods of producing these dyes. 12 M-11 j USSR UDC 547-tO6.A KAZYM'OV, A. V., and AA,~&,, Kazan Scientific, Tec.1-nolojL-IL I v ~L IL 1, c a nd Design Research Institute of Photography Ind-uptry "Reaction of Zinke Aldehyde wit i Triphenyleymorin-thylen phouphonium Chloride" e Leninpmd, Zhurmal OrCanicbeskoy Kliinli, Vol 6, 1"To 9., CeP 70., Pp 1944-1c'45 Abstract: It was detex%-..Aned that reaction of nium chloride with Zinke aldehyde violds vl~,.eL it is carried out, in acetic anhydride. 'When the reaction is carried o'ut in pyridine and ac,-Aic vnirykiride, the product Is a s3rvm,,et--ic iir-ptwr~Ltbenc-p io- phinine. EF USSR-.- UDC 547.558.1 KAZYMOV, A.. V., an dv Kazan' Scientific Research and Develop- ment-Ittstitute oethe Chemical i7 graphic Industry "R6action.of Triphenvlcyanomethyleneptiosphonium ChlorLde With Tetraalkyl Acetates of Unsubstituted and Hesoalkylstibstituted rlaloned~aldehydes" Lbningrad,.Zhurnal Obshchey Khimii, Vol 41 (103), No 4, Apr 71, pp 931-932 Abstract:- Triphenylcyanomethvlencphosphoniijm chloride when heated in pyridine, reacts with 1,1,3,3-tetraethoxypropane. The reaction lasts 5 hrs at 125-130% yielding 2,6-his-cyaiio-1,1,1,7,7,7-hexaphenylpentametliylenepliosplionium perch- loratei m.p.- 232.5-233'. The 4-methyl and 4-ethyl derivates, melting at 229-n-230'C_and 242-244'c respectively, were similarlyprepared. WtIIM 1;N Min F~mvffqm_ USSR UDC i518.9 GAMBROV., L. A. J, X9N&M&W&", DAGYVNJI A. V. "The Problem of Distribution of Resources as a Game with Matrix Strategies" Tekhn. Kibernetika (Kharlkov. Otd.). Vyp. I(Engineering Cj,bernet.Lcs (Kar,kov Division), No. I -- Collection of Works] Kiev, 1970, pp 1Q.;-14 (Translated from Referativnyy Zhurnal Kiberneti~afl No. 4., April,.1971, Abstract No. 4 V523 by I. Fokin). TTanslation: The problem of the distribution of several t),pes of means of attack and defense between objects of fixed Values is studied as a game with matrix strategies. The case is studied in which the stategies of the attacker include the possibility of using special attackAevices fo:r suppression of defense. 7~71 T-- i-a 1 If: Ii Ill !!PH Wr Ill ill- 11`111 ~14 FA LM 1;1 MVII!, A;.1I;.M4 .11, PIZE-11 ill:. 1~2 ozz UNCLASSIFIED PROCESSING DATE-11SEPTO TITLE--RADICAL OPERATION IN CANCER OF :THE PAPILLA ClU00ENI REGION -tJ- AUTHOR-SHALIMOV, A.A., SUMTSOVt N.A. 1~ COUNTRY OF INF-9--USSR SOURCE-VESTNIK KH[RUPGII IMENT 19710, VOL 104, Nk 3, PP I I .dR.EKOVA, 32-3~i DATE PUBLISHF0 ------- 70 1~:SUBJECT AREAS--81')LOGICAL AND MEDICAL SCIENCE$ CANCER, PANCREAS, DUODFNUMv 511-E .,CONTROL MARKING-NO RESTRICTIONS c'DOCUMENT CLASS-WICLASSIFIED -~~PROXY REEL/FPA-tE--19f36/0852 STFP NO--UR/0589/70/104/003/0032/0039 ..-,-CIRC ACCESSION NO-AP0102813 UNCLASSTFIED M 022 UNCLASSI FIED PROCESSING, DATE-111SP07C IRC ACCESSI ON NO--AP0 102813 Al-ISTRACT/EXTRACT-(p) GP-0- ABSTRACT. ~CANCER OF THE PERIA~'-,PULLARY 7 0 (PANCREATIC 14S400M4JOP PAPILLA DUODENI, DISTAL PORTION OF THcc BILE DUCT AND DUODENUM IN THE PEGION OF THE DUODENAL PAPILLA) OCCURS MORE FREQUENTLY THA% IT WAS CONSIDEPED TO BE. IN THE CITY OF KH~RKOV iJTHI~4 A 9 YEAR PERIOD (FRO4 1959 TO 1967) ON THE AVERAGE AN INTENSIVE INDEX OP MORTALITY DUE TO CANCER OF THE PANCRE&S AND PERIAMPULLARY ~ONF IS EQU4L TO 6.7 FOR 100,000 POPULATION. PANCPEATODUODENALl-ESECTION JS BELIEVED TO-BE THE PRINCIPAL RADICAL SURGERY IN -CANCER CIF TFIF-RFRIAMPULLARY ZONE. IDNE.OF THE-AUTHORS- (-A.-Ai. SH4LIMOV) HAS ELASORATED TWO VARIANTS OF AND PERFORRED 86~SIJCH OPERATIVE POKEDUqES. PANCREATODUODENAL RESECTION THE POSTOPERATIVE MORTALITY WAS 31.4PERCENT* ELEVF,*,4 PERSONS (18.6,PERCENT OF DISCHAPGED PATIENTS) SURVIVED FOR~OR nVFR, 5 YE4RS AFTER ~THE OPERATTON, TWO OF THESE PATIENTS SHOWED AN OVER M~YEAf~ SURVIVAL. 015 UNCLASSIFIED PRnCESSING DATE--11SEP70 .-TITLE--WELGING OF MEDIUM CARBON STEELS IN CARBON DIOXIDE wt,rHOUT -1PREL IMI NARY HEATING -u- [KHINSOIN, YU.I., C OUNTRY OF INFO--USSR .'SOURCE-SVAP. PROIZVOD. 1970, (2),, 20-3 ~A) A T FPUBLISHED------70 :_,~SUBJECT AREAS--MECH.t IND., CIVIL AND MARIINE ENGR T n P I C. TAGS--STEEL WFLOINGv CARBON STEEL, :CARMN DIOXIDE APC 4qL9P'JG, WELDING ELECTRODEt METAL HEATING# vlETAL,CPACKING/flJ)45L STEEL C.OtITROL 00CUMENT CLASS--UNCLASSIFIED PROXY RFEL/rR.'4m_E--1989/L3713 STEP t,4Q--UR/0135/'7,, --AP0107851 0ATF-11SEEP70 015 UNCLASSIFIED PROCESSIN5 .,~tIRC ACCESSION NO--AP0107851 GP-0- ABSTRACT. CRACKFRCE WELDING OF ST~~I. 45L WITH ELECTRODES UbNI-13-55 UNDER Cl SL)B2 REQUIRES HEATING; A 1;FTHrD WITHOUT PRELIMINARY HEATING IS'DEVELOPED. 4)0,00467627 Acc. Nr.: - Ref .Code: USSR UDC'621.791.75 11Lmusa"l, YU. GOLEMBO S. B., SLOM, B. Z. GRUDO A. I.. VAYSBURD, I. SH. Velding the Frame of the Self-Propelled Chassis T-16M" Kiev, Avtmaticheskaya Svarka (Automatic Welding) , No 1, 19.30, pp 44-46 (from Avtomaticheskays Svarka, No 1# 1970, p 80) Translation: The results of selectin- the technological process for welding steel 45L with an increased carbon content are discussea. It is recotmended that the welding he performed in two layers -vithout prelimin- ary heating. There are 3 illustrations. -Reel/Frame -------- -- USSR UDC: 539-374 ILIYUSHIN, A. A., C'Orres.Danding Member of the USSR Acadamy of Sciences; MOVLYA1FKU1OV, Kh, SUNCHALIYEV, R. 14.; and FILATOV, A. N. . ..... flSome Methods for Investigating Nonlinear Problems in Viscous- Elasticity Theory" Doklady Akademii-N.auk SSSR, vol 206, No 1, 197.2, PP 59-61 Abstract: The authors find a simplified form of the general equa- tions for the nonlinear theory of viscous-elasticity by eliminating the inertial term, thus obtaining an equation which describes quasi-static problems of the theory. They consider that this simplified form i.9 reduced to a system of ordillary integrodif- fexential equaTions by the atraight-line or Dabnov-Galerlcin methods and show how these equations can be averaged for sol- ving dynamic problems in nonlinearviscous-elasticity theory. They show also how the "freezing" method can be used to investi- gate integral equations which arise in quasi-static problems of the theory. They are associated with the Cyberyletica Institute and Computer Center, Uzbek Acaderay of Sciences, at Tashkent. -~~ U S SIR U~N: 621. SUNDUCHY-U. 1C. Currant 1-hase ,11---asurements a-L -.,ow :UHP Sign-,1 Levels" ..csco*w, Radiotekhnika, Vol. 2'-, Jo. 11, `70, pp 82-86 A b s t r-) c t : 10h erit~ a -5 u r t!m e rL tu systi~:w. proposed in this i-,,a-r;er ias t-ac- s7,ignal To bu~ mea--ured and The local -oscillator pass Simul- tanecusly -,;-,rout~h the in-put circuits of the. mi~!iauring instrument rece~v..~r cha-ruiell. The Level thQ s-4gnal to bu mEaSlured i-- less than ]-J- w -a I t sand 'Ghe measurement interval is ii--ited -~o Less than 0.1 seconds with an accuracy of 1-30 in phase. A for::-ulp. is j.ound for ~.-Le pinase, measu-rument error, and the value (D-L this error is fo r frequQncies of 2.0 IkH and 1 '-2: Ihe blcic'--, diag f the measur-Lng ap~)aratus is ~),.fv(in. Excierim--n-,s .,ramo perforiaed on thia equipmen--u -to detex=ine ta.,ie am-,,di-~ude--Dhase ~:rror of t-.e uhf mixur are described. It., was found tLv.-t this error --'s pract-1cally elinin,--t~:d by stabilizing ~he d-c curr"nt o-7 the m4xer FW dkode-. USSR UDc: 621-:396.6:621.315.61(088.8) PROYMPOVA, T. V., ZOLOTAREV, L. L., ZAVARZINA, Z. Ya., 6LOBA, G. G-,, PEY- KAROVA, A. A. SUND 1 YA G. A. "A Photosensitive Electrical insulating Lacquier" USSR Author's Certificate No 270940, filed,15 Dec 67, published 18 Aug 70 (from RM-Radiotekhnika, Ho 2, Feb 71, Abstract No 2V506) Translation: This Aut horIz Certificate introduces an eiq!ctrical insulatin phzDtosensitive lacquer based on epoxidized rubber stock with the addition of therinio- and photopolymerization initiators, a plasticizer and a modifier. F~xtr-aiction andllefin.Lng; IZSR uDc 6.21-791.85 STMIMV I. A., and 114KU1121, M. S.) Mosoow "Formation of Metal Drops During Electrorx Beam Melting of Mctals" Moscow, Fizik-q i n-imiya Obrabotki Materialov, No 3, I14-_j),/Jun 73, PI) 53-57 Abstract: The radiuo of drops can be calciLlated from formula R ~: K where K is the formation coefficient of drops, which is a constant value undcr given conditions and which depends only -he physical prop~!rties of the JI metal, CIII(sec/g /6; Q is the I-ate Of mciltllng'. Tbis eqi:atioii relates thc; cifze of metal drops forrie-d on the electrode to: the physical properties of the meial and the ratf~ of meta). me.-lring. Them, denr3ity of 'Um! metaJ. has the stron;..~_Ist influence on the radius of drops,. 'Viscosity and au~rnri! ten-,_Ion, a,~ well. ass the rate of iaelting have very little effect on the size of dn:)ps. The size of drqps does not depend on the shape of the electrode iiurfaci- Theore- L ic ~l conclusions were ve-rified experimentally during raelting of molLybdenum, and IV nickel. Many pointr, in this article are debatable and the whole subject needs further study. Acc. Nr. Abstracting Ser1prte".' Ref, Code 004884 _CHEMICAL~ABST. f"9104lq Determination Of tile com,position of the reaction mixture in tile polymerization of omanocl-closilaranes by means of gel chromatography. Andrianov, j . A.: Zhdanov A Onil. 'je -I..,t 0 - A.: Zaviq B G - -Sunekants. lelf. E, I e 110or din., Ser. 7U, 1~)M, 20-5 (Russ). The contents of hisrh b.p., low mot. wt. organocyclosilox- anes (present in a mixt. wiffilpolymers), c.g.,,octaphe'nylcyclo- tKrasiloxane, hexaphenvicvc1otrisilorane. 1,3,5,7-teti-amethyl- 1,3,5.7-tetrapli--nylcyclaieirasiloxa7ne 11), 1, 1, 5, 5- t et ta met hy I - 3,3,-,.7-tetraphenAc~clotetrasitoxa~e (IM 11, 1, 3,5,7- pent amet hyl-, 3,5,, - i6phenylcyclutura W one, 1,2,3,3,5,.5 - hexamethyl- S ox 7,7 - diphenvicyclotetrasiloxane,. 1,3,5 - trinietbyl .' 1,3,5 - Ariphenyl- cyclotrisiloxahe, - 'heptamethyl~h,ens-ic%,clotetrx,-ilox;ane octa- methvievdotetrasiloxane ~111), , exainethvItri-Ila'Xane, ?Irrocene, hexamefily1disiloxane and : SKT%I-l poly(dirnethyliii1oxane) ~el chroi~iatog. ne dis. rubber (mot. wt. 450,000) wm, studie4l by 9 tribution factors (Kit) were~ calcd. from elutlion vals, Wd (CJis eluent). The K. and ~V, were iniersely ~proprirtional to the mot. %t., e.g., I 'and 11 had identical V, iirO K, Blution of SKTV-1 rind Ill on 4 96:4 pt~yrene-divinvlbqn~ene copolymer gave satisfactory results and wits highly tipr(xlii~ible. , 'A -good correlation was obtained between gel chromatog. lina gravimetric anal. of 111. A ratio between gel cbromatcographii~ j)eaks~ gave a indication of monomer consumDtion durinz Wvmn. zood Ad J USSR UDC 621.7,82.3 ZMAMN. V.1., SUNsP Z-A?CLOYA, S.I., YEGOROV, ARI-1ENT1105H, YA.YA., PUMUR, F A. 'Determination Of The Effectiveness Of Collecting Charge Carriers In Se=iconduct- or,Dev_ces Elektron. luekhnika. Yauchno-tekhn. eb. 1., ikrcele1-trnn:U-.:-, (Electronic Technolcz:y. Coile-_,,~Ori. X,icrcelectronics), 1~5,"X;, inaue 2(23),pp 67-70 (from RZh-_Ele!ttronika i wye primeneni _y ~bstrect Na 4B2~15) _q, No 4, April 1971, o, Tranolation: The rrethod described for determination of the efreotiveneU3 of collection of non-equilibrium carriers in various rejiona of a silicon planor transistor involves measurement of tho churVe collact-.d ~ by a p.-n junction. CorraspQndinp- maneurements are conducted on a ikT5'1 devLre before and after tion by rrucleur radiation. For-_mlao are given which connect tihe ef irradis feet- ivencoo of collection with t~e volumne life time of non-o~quilibrium charge carriers. Author's abstract. now --230CT70 'PROCESSING DATE 1/2 019 UNCLASSIFIED TITLE--Tt4E INTERACTION OF MATTER AND RADIATION IN rH[- HOT MODEL OF THE UNIVERSE -U- AUTHOR-(02)-SUNIAEVI R.A.t IELDOVICH* L48* COUNTRY OF INFO--USSR -30 -.SOURCE--ASTROPHYSICS AND SPACE SCIENCEt,.VOL. 79 APR. 1970, P. 20 .~_-DATE PUBL ISHED----APR70 SUBJECT AREAS--ASTRONOlMY, ASTOOPHYSICS TOPIC TAGS--ffOT MODEL, SPACE MATTER, RADIATION SPEC T,-R(V-l ASTROPHYSICS 11,tONTROLMARKING--NO RESTRICTIONS CLASS--UNCLASS[FfF-D ,"-PROXY RPEL/FRAME--3001/0261 STEP NU--NE/0000/7(J/007/0()0/0020/0030 ~~:CIRC ACCESSION NO--AP0126033 UNCLASSIFIED 212 019 UNCLASSIFIED PPOCESSIING DATE-230CT70 C-IQC ACCESSION NO--AP0126033 ABSTRACT/EXTRACT-W) GP-0- ABSTRACT. THEORETICAL DEMIL;NSTRAT13N THAT THE HEATING OF THE PRIMEVAL PLASMA BEFORE THE EPOCH OF RECOM61MATION 'RESULTS IN DISTORTIONS IN THE RAYLEIGH JEANS REGION OF THE MICR04AVE RELIC RADIATION SPECTRUM. IT 15 VIMLNTED~QUT THAT PRESENT 01"SERVATIONAL DATA LLOW THE ESTIMATION OF ENERGY INJECTION LIMITS CERTAIN LIMITS FOR THE AMOUNT OF ANTIMATTER IN THE UNIVERSEr FORTHE PARAIMETERS OF PRIMEVAL TURBULENCE AND FOR THE ADIABATIC FLUCTUATION SPECTRUM OF SMALL MASSES. FACILITY: AKADEMIIA NAUK SSSRt'INSTITUT PKIKLAON01 MATEMATIKI, MOSCOWY USSR# UNC LA S S V IE 0 025 UN ASSL PROCESSING DATE--230CT70 CL E V TITLE--SMALL SCALE FLUCTUATIONS OF RELIC RAWAT 10)4 _u_ AUTHOR-(02)-SUNIAEVP R.A., ZELUOVICHt L.B. COUNTRY OF INFO--USSR :,SOURCE--ASTROPHYSICS ANU SPACE SCIENCEi VOL. 7, APR. 1970, P. 3-19 DATE PUBL ISHED----APR 70 AREAS--ASTRONONIY,ASTROPHYSICS ~~TOPIC TAGS--GALAXYi ASTROPHYSICSt ADIABATIC PROCESS~ HEATING -IARKtNG -NO RESTRICTIONS ONTROL .1 ---DOCUMENT CLASS--UNCLASSIFIED PAOXY REEL/FRAME--3001/0260 STEP NO--NE/0000/70/0071000/0003/t3Ol9 C ACCESSION NO--AP0126032 UNCLASSIFIED 2/2 025 UNCLASSIFIED PROCtSSING DATE--23OCT.7C CLIRC ACCESSION NO--AP0126032 'STRATION OF THE ABSTRACT/EXTRACT--(U) GP-0- ABSTRACT. THEORETICAL DEMION INCONSISTENCY OF THE ADIA34TIC RELATION ASSUMIED BY SILK (1967, 1968) TO EXIST BETWEEN-THE OENSITY PERTURBATIONS IN THE INITIAL PLASMA 4-ND THE RADIATION TEMPERATURE FLUCTUATIONS AT THE MOMENT~OF 4 PLASMA RECOMBINA TION WHICH LED, ACCORDING TO THE ISOTROPIC COSMOLOGICAL MODEL, TO THE FORMATION OF GALAXIES* CALCULATIONS INDICATE THAT THE EXPECTED TEMPERATURE FLUCTUATIONS SHOULD BE SMALLER THAN THE ONES IMPLIED BY THIS ADIABATIC RELATION, FLUCTUATIONS OF THE RELIC RA,I)[A)*fON DUE TO SECONDARY HEATING OF THE INTERGALACTIC GAS ARE ALSCY ESTIMATED. FACILITY: AKADEMIIA NAUK SSSRI JNSTITUT PRIKLADNO1 MATEMATIKIt MOSCOVIV USSR. 74rargw"7. --*,, T7 !j USSR SUNIK, L. M,, Chair of Pathological Anatomy, Tashkent Medical Institute, "The morphological and Histochemical Characteristics of the Healing of Surgical Wounds Under Conditions of Hypodynaala and a Kinetic Load!' Tashkent, Reditsinskiy Zhurnal Uzbekistanal No 12, Doe 71, PP 32-36 Abstracti Forty~two rats wers- subjected'to I laparotony by a Kerr incision 2-2.5 cm long on the right side, whenupon the would was sutured with a slik thread. After the operation, 18 rats (group I) wa,~re placed into small cage compartments, so that their movements were ri~-strlcted to a great extent, while 24 rats (group III were placed into a large case Aind subjected every day to exercise on a treadmill for 20 min that was equii,alent to running over a distance of r4-j-2 km. Under the effect of the klnetla load applied to rata In group lIt healing of the wowid proceeded faster than in group 1. Vascularization amd metabolism in the would region were zore Intensive in grOUD II than group, 1, The iscar that forzed on healing was softer and -nore elasiia In animals of group II than those of gtvup 1. USSR UDC t 620-193.5 and STAYMEVA, L. I., Ural KOM V. N., CHEBOTIN, V. N., I E State University ineni A. M. Gor'Xiy "Nickel Oxidation in an AtmoaDhere With 'Various Amounts of Sulfur Dioxide" Moscow, Zashchita Metallov, Vol. 6, no. 4i Jul-Aug /Cis pp 4~18-440 the Abstract: The presence of sulfur dioxide in the air s nickel oxidation rate and causes the formation ol scale,of a complex composi- tion. However, research in the subject is far from complete. The scale produced in this study at 750 and 8000C conprises three,layers, Acccrding to x-ray diffraction and microscopic examination date, the outer layer is the most dense, the middle layer is relativelly porous a.nd contains a NiO phase, while the inner layer, with a metallic glitter, closely adheres to the metal and comprises the NilSp phase. I!he crystal lattice parameter of NiO decreases with an increase in ~Op in the oxidizing, atmosphere. 11, Ibe rgrovth of scale on the nickel is, under all conditions, desctibe& by the pirabolic law. 'I',%e NiO layer grows at the scale-gas boundary. The higher rate ~if scale growth from NiO with S02 in the atmosphere may, be explained by an increase in the con- 112 USSR KONEV, V. N., et al, Zashchita Metallov, Vol 6, no. 4, Jul-ALj 70, pp 4~~-450 centration of cation vacancies in the oxide on sulfur dissolution in it. Use is made of the relationship between the constant of the parabolic law 1: and in a mixture of SO +0 at P constant obtained,in earlier research to S02 2 2 02 explain the formation of Ni 3S2 Phase which grows with .a inc-.ease in PS02. The results of this study si4ggest that sulfur is transtered toward the metal through the NiO phase by diffusion through the scale lattice rather thazi along the microcracks and pores. The disappearance of Xi3 S 2' in the scale when pass- ing from 800 to 850'C is apparently related to a decrease in sulfur solubility in NiO with an increase in temperatureo ~,The maximum 8~,solubility in NiO is at 8000C. i~_ a I :_,I _v_ LIS9R IjDc 621.79-1.85 W 'III, m. S., Z-f-IT"U'Dmov, V. 1.) TYUPOV, G. G., FILIPROV, It F a -I ITIM . - ., n SUITUMV, 1. A., 11oscov, "Elimination of Nitrogen and Oxygen Front Chm-ndlAm-Nielwl fkllcly.~, During ),!Iectlron Be= Smelting" Moscow, Fizilm i Mhimaiya Olbrabotki Raterialov, TITO 1, Janv~~,/_Peb 7-1, Pr, 39-43 Abstract: Oxygen i-.Tas removed front JU-Cr-Ti alloy to an electron beam whr-m the surfnce temperature 01., t1l"_, mctai 102003. The rusidwal C.L)I'ventr.-AiOn of wvum oas rut-ivrdle.,3s of th,:~ iritial oxy,-en concenlumt,ion. I o;f' I.,11(. refined motal C).xyI:,(-!I) rmsrnt I?, Ulij alloy ill fon~i cf Cul,1111uX Spii-XII conS-1rtIrt,~ of A1903, wid TjO-, (if III ir~ refined inctir.1 pureJ. T1w.*I,tI,-R)II.,~ In if. ""C,vo tmivk. III order to "Whe art of' nftrol~n in 1-11i.-Cr all-lay o.o47 to a 20-mirmt,_, ex-pomtre of wt~ilt(-~:n mott']. to in, r, required. For uiel-ctl z,1loy:; conl,.,.ining 8 and 2 nitrogcn amountcd to Tho addition of 1. 5" Ti Lo ii-ickel vdloy ing Cr did n ehaii,~;c ilv~ elirnin! tion kinetles ol 1 A t,ri: uowt:~vor, A purification rate of the alloy containing ~?,,Y% Cr and T-.i, fro.n. nitrolen v...-; 1/2 USSR WIWI Iff, M. S., et al, Moscow, Fizika i Mij.miya Cfbrabotld I-Aateria-lov, 110 l') Jan/Feb 73, J)P 39-43 higher compared with the same alloy without Ti. A sha--l', decrease in the concentration of oxygen and nitro,u-n duringr melting of I;Le electrode and a short exposure of molten metal to tho electron beila sho-,m-d that this vie".1-Lod of refining of metals, has many advantages. , Vie largest ,~imotult of gEses were removed from the thin Ivyer of' molten met-,I during tLe !%u-Aon of the electrod'a and frou molten metal drops. The rate of elimination of nitragen fram the m-olten metal is controlled by the ruass transf*er procesz-,-e,,3- 2/2 61. Liz 029 UNCLASSIFIED ii, ROCE~SSING DATE--27NOV70 TITLE--THE INTERACTION OF MATTER AND RADIATION IN VHE HOT MODEL OF THE UNIVER 0 11 -U- SE. AUTHOP.-(02)-SUNYAEV, R.A., ZELDOVICH, YA.B. ~.~tOUNT RY OF INFO---USSR SOURCE--ASTROPHYS. SPACE SCI. INETHERLANDS)i VOL 7v ~N 0. L-, P. 20-30 (APRIL 1970) ~'OATE PUBLISHED----APR70 SUBJECr ARr-~AS--4STP.ONOMY,ASTROP.HYSICS, PHYSICS T*AGS--C0S.",'01_0GY, SPACL 14A T'T E R iSPACE RADIAJ 10141 AST ~~OPHYS I C,i 13NTROL'MARKING--NO RESTRICTIONS .c _00CUMENT CLASS--UNCLASSIFIED ROXY REEL/FRAME--3007/0536 STEP NO- ~IE/Ol~ri)--~)/70/007/001/0020/0030 "p .-CIRC ACCESSION NO--AP0135999 UN~LASSIFIED, .2/2 029 UNCLASSIFIED PROCESSING DATE-'27NOV70 :~CLRC ACCESSION' NO--AP0135999 ~_ABSTRACT/EXTRACT--(U) GP-0- ABSTRACT. FOR PT. I SEE ABS rR. ~447611 OF 196q. ~ HEArl%,G OF THG PRUMAEVAL PLASMA PRIOR TO THE EP'Or'll OF 'ES' IN THE RA%Lf 1' -1 J51-NS RLGI( N' 01: RECOMBINATION R ULTS IN DISTORTIONS " 'j MICROWAVE RELIC RADIATION SPECTRUM (LAMf30A IS SIMIL,!fl~ TO 1-60 Ckt. OR -MORE EXACTLY L~MFIQA EQUALS 2.5 OMEGA PRIAE SEVCEN EIGHTH~ IJFGATIV~E Cill"'. THE PRESENT OBSEPVATI(NIIIAL DATA ALLOW LlAfTS TO BE SL-l TO SUcli E~jc_RGY -i-L - ikmouia Of: ANF(MAIJER INJECTION FROM, WHICH FOLLOW (JPPC L[MITS.T0 (A) Tm- 114 THE UNIVERSE; (B) THE PAqAMETERS OF PRI.MAF.VAL., AND (C) THE PECTRUNt FOR SMALLiMASSES 114 IS Lt:--S,.S THAN 10 ADIABATIC FLUCTUATION S, PRIME11 M TIMES THE MASS OF THE SUNi. IF T14E REArING TAKES PLACE PRIOR :TO:THE EPOCH T EQUALS 10 PRIME10 OMEGA TWELVE F,IFTjJ'4'l SEC. 4AND IN PARTICULAR AT THE ANNIHILATION GF ELECTRON POSITRON *AIRS AT T SIMILAR TO 10 PRIME8 MINUS 10 PRIME10 K, T IS LESS THAN 300~SECtt NO OBSERVABLE DISTORTIONS ARE EXPECTEO IN.THE RELIC RADIATION SPECTRUM. HERE OMEGA .,:EQUALS P-PERIT IS THE DIMENSIONLESS AVERAGE 'DENSITY;~GF MAYTER IN THE UNI-VERSE FACILITY: ACAD SI-I USSR# MOSCOW. UNCLASSIFIED ...... lmm.~~llffvffffm U2 G, 2 1 W-4CLASSIFIED Pko")LESSINC, ()ATE--20NGV7C TATLE-S,'~ALL SCIALC FL(J0UAT!'%-'l,%,,S GF RELIC 4,AOIATIO"'I -"'U- Olin 001 -AUMCIN- (C,2 -SUNYA'--Vk I [FLU v IGH, YA B -1 NO I P 3- 1) APq I L S d S L I INJETHER LAND'S VOL D4TE S.03jECr ,TCP 1 CTl4GS--CG:l!-DU-j(,Y, ACE RADIATION CtNTACL K If., G.- N 0R E S T,.-~ I C T I GiNIS u SS -U N C L 1; S Sz I F ID -MEiJ C L;i STEP ;CCES,S'~CN A D 212 -0 2 1 UNICLAS S I F I EO ,3,-lMCE3Sl'.zG DATF-20NOV7- -C I-RC ACCESSI'-.f,~ NO-AP0136C~14 -A~STRA~el T/ EAT RAl-'T-- (U L,91-0- 5 T RAC T PEkl*UR&ATICW OF THL MATTL~Z. ~)ENISTY COSM, CLOG I CAL MODEL ~VtHlCh LEAUS TO THE F-6k*~-ATICN CF AT cf; CAUSE -FQULU, LATFR ~STAGFS. OF f-VOLUTI S?---TI,,~L FLUCTUATICN-S F PELIC j~ 0 1;% T I ON SILK (Si-E A3;T,~. A36977 Ji-: -Sl I C u 1'6.8) AS -A-b THAT Ai. ADLAbA, ~CCNNECTION EXHTEGI BEFl,%EE::!i THE DENSITY AT TtiE P E R T U k 6 A T 1 S L ~'.i E F REUMBINATION OF THL' INITIAL PLASMA ixND F, L til C T La T I C, iN S C F T H ~ G;-l' 5 L R v L- o i eim, p E, R,N r u i( I- i3 F P A D 1A TA N U F- L F A T - r E Q'i ~t4 L S DELTA-khL; Sub'-1-3 RHO IT 15 SH041N IN It 2, - T'-IS ARTICLE THAT SUCH A SV.',PL-E CUOtiECTiCN ['a j I Al PL Ic-AbLE OUF TG: (1) T,~fE L(W-iG TIME '& (2) T,'-,i- Fi%Cl foi-~T MiEN PtEGIGNS Sjl~~ALLLR THA;`! 10 A I k. L 15 r-. S i 5 S '-*, F fl-;- tlL A L) %, 6 E C J M, E T A iN S P A E t J f t A A T I I J., -LPT 1~-'L UPTH TG THL i, u S RV L IS ILL 'LARGE IjUf f -1 THUMPS~ 'i ICATT~-;M'!G; 3 j k; E S 1 0 1 C I i 1~. S L G F OF-LfA PHU 5UbM-RHO Sir'.1M IN MN, :;E~GLI' TkE PXPLCT(Z -0 TE,~;PEUTIJRE- FLLj(:FUATI`,-,lS iji` '~ELH :,Ij\!)[A I EUN S',- Ul L; t. il -NALL T H ;'*4 AG I A; tJIC FUCTUAl i P THIS ICLE THE H E k N It';; L U T -t~ING UF RADIATICN HOV I NG OF iii:L I A T AkISI"6 Jk6:1 SCA~TC L E C T S I S C A L C U LA I f- 0 T ti i- V E L OC I T Y f- I E L 0 1 S G~N E 11 T E 1) Ii Y A 0 i A3, A T I L 0 R i v T G PY 0Fl.iSlY FAC I LITY: AL)AC SLI USSR., 11' scow. 0; f(; L S S F I C 4-W77 UNCL4SSiFIED PROdESSING DATE--27NOV70 N, GERMANIUM, N, SILICON HETEROJUNCTIONS '-U- -AUTHOR-041-FEDOTOV, YA.A.w GRUZOEVAi G.A.t KOVALEVY A.N., SUPALOV, V.A. %.COUNTRY OF INFO--USSR ,.~-SOURCE--FIZ. TEKH. POLUPROV. 1970t 445)P.825-9 ,.''DATE PUBLISHED ------- 70 :o,suajECT AREAS--PHYSICS -~~,T_GPIC TAGS--SILICON-SINGLE CRYSTAL, GERMANIUM SINGLE CRYSTAL, EPITAXIAL G-RO W TH HYDROGEN, PHOTOELECTRIC PRDPERTY~ ONTROL MARKING--NO RESTRICTIONS 00CU14ENT CLASS--UNCLA SSfFfEO PROXY REEL/FRAME--3007/0394 STEP ~10--UR/04ei9/7011~)04/005/0325/13829 a CIRC ACrESSIONI N0-11P0136328 UNCLASSIFELEO .-2/2 024 UNCLASSIFIED PACCESSIPIG DATE--27NOV70 -CIRC ACCESSION NO--AP0136328 ABSTRACT/EXTRACT--(U) GP-0- ABSIRACT. THE EFFECT WIAS s'r,,jc)IED OF THE TEC14NOLOGY OF THE PREPN. OF ISOTYPTC HFTEROjUNCTIMS NtUiNvU ON THE:IR ELEC. AND PHOTOELEC. CHARACTFPISTICS. THE- lS0FYPK HEFE-511.)JUNCTIONS WERE PREPD. BY THE IODIDE TRANSPORT METHOD, WITH H AS THE CARFRIE GA R S, GE ~EPITAXIAL LAYERS WERE GROWN ON FREE St SUkFACES Ok jN THE OPENINC.S IN A -St :GXIDE LAYER, 'WHICH WERE OBTAINED BY iTHE PHOTOL[Molu'lk-~~PHIC MET140D. THE ADDNL. INTRODUCTION OF LINEAR DEFECTS DURING THE GR641-14 OF c I'll THE OPEN-ING OF OXIDE LAYER SUBSTANTIALLY.cHANGES THE Cj~ OF STATES ON THE GE-SI INTERFACE. FACILITY; MOSK. INST, STALI SPLAVOVI MOSCOWr USSR. L: USSR uDc 616-12.78 aME.R. N. A.. All 1113titute Of FMAROVil L. V.J, and Union Scientific Berve-arel Surgical Apparetus and Instrur-- s Yloscow hr m T~pe" "Selecting the Stractural Design of an "Artificial Heart" of the Dial), as- 22 Moscow, ~Meditsinskaya Tekhnika, Vol 4, No 3, 1 10, PP 18- Abstract: 7his theoretical axticlo (with diagram) explains the stmetural features of artificial hearts vith djaphragm or cavity pxuups. USSR UW 6a2.822-3,o67+612,825-54 SUPINI A. Ya., Institute Of EvOlutiOnarY Animal Morphology and Ecology imeni .A. M-Severtsov, Academy of Sciences USSR, Moscoy "Evoked Potential of the Rabbit Visual Cortex Following Local Stimw-lation of the Receptive Fields" Leningrad, Fiziologicheskiy Zhurnal SS.R, No 3, 1973, pp 385-393 Abstract: The visual cortex of curarized rabbits was stimulated by the presen- tation, removal, or shiftIng of a spot of light on the~screen of a catilode tube; the light was only slightly brighter than the barzkground illumination. A complex of evoked potentials was recorded in response to stimulation: primary deep negative response, secondary deep negativity, sl%T deep positive vaye. The region where the cortical responses were recordeCL proved to be highly localized both vertical and horizontally, unliko the xesponses to diffuse atiraLlation, and they disappeared when the spot was ohifted only a few degrees from the ODtiMUM position. The primary respon.9e. and secondary deep negativity was accorq=ied by excitation of the cortical neurons in the same place, untereas the slov deep positivewave was associated with inhibition of their activity. USSR UDC 612-843.7 4tRjR,__&_YA., Institute of Evolutionary Morphology and Anizal Ecology imeni ov, Academy of Sciences =Nr Boscow "Excitability Cycles and Rhythmic Responses of Visual Cortical Houron8 to Point and Diffuse Light Stimuli" Kiev, Heyrofiziologiya, Vol 3, No 39 Xay/Jun 1971# pp 252-259 Abstracts The responses of 38 neurons, selected from ore than 100 neurons for their intense reaction to short-to= stimulation of their receptor fields by punctiform light wore compared with the responses produce(i by diffuse light Stimuli and. electrical stimulation of the optic nerye. Tbo toots were performed on unanesthetized -rabbits which had been imtobilized by DIplacin, It was found that the different forms of stimulation affected the character of the response an well as the excitability cycle of a given pair of stimuli. Diffuse light and electrical stimuli produced a brief period of initial excitation of a neuron which was followed by a deep inhibitory interval. Point visual stimu- lation# on the other hand, produced strong and relatively lonR-lasting, excita- t4on and only slight inhibition. The reaponSearto repeate!d point stimuli irere not repressed. This pattern was observed with both paired and rhythmic stimula- tion. When rhythmic stimuli were applied totha same point in the perceptive Uss~ SUPIN# A. YA., Heyrofiziologiyag Vol 3t No 3, klay/jun 1971, pp 252-259 field, sustained excitation iras observed at stimulation frequencies bAalow 13/sec. At higher frequencies, only on- arid off-responses were produced as a result of repeated stinUation. Such an observed thzeshold frequency (of 15/sec) was not observed when the rhythmic stimuli were applied to different point of the receptive field. The author cotclwles tMt visual cortical neurons can respond to continuous excitatlcn at practicaaly any frequency of afferent transmissions. This dependence of the effectivener'S of inhibitory response on the duration of the considered to be an Indication for the pronounced capability of this form of inhibition toward time accumulation. Consequently the character of the interactions of excitation and Inhibition processes at a cortical neuron depends considerably on the type of the applied stimulation so that it is necessary to include these processes in the analysis of afferent signals. USSR uDc 612.825.5 IADYGIIIA, T. F.t and SUPIN9 A.,YA., Institute of Evolutionary Animal Morpho- logy and Ecology ireh1",C"W"3;rV67rtsov* Academy of Sciences USSR, and Hoscow State University imerd H. Y. Lomonosov' Moscow "Acoustic Projection in the Dolphin Cerebral Cortex" Leningrado Fiziologicheeldy Zhurnal SSSRB Vol 56, No 11, Nov 70, PP 1554-1560 Abstracti To determine the boundaries of the acoustir zone in the cortex of the dolphin (phocaena phocaena)# the responses to clicks were recorded from different spots. b1aximum activity was detected in the parietal region 1.5 to 2-3-3 am lateral to the autura sagittalis arul 3.5 to 5-5-6 m caudal to the sutura coronalis. Two main responses were founds~ rapid negative with a latent period of about 6 nsec, and slow positive idth a latent pericd of 15 to 20 nsec. The distribution of potentialsin the cortex appeaxz to be different from that in other animals. In addition to these two main responses, a very rapid one (with a latent period of less than I r-sec) was recorded from all of the electrodes. The fact that it did not disappear or even decrease when the electrodes were shifted beyond the cortex su&ests that it is of noncortical origin. Acc. X r fiM044103 Ref. Code:. ?RLMARY SOURCE: Neyrofiziologiya, 1970, Vol 2, Nr p?6q_p ON THE MECHANISMS OF.THE cENHANCING RESPONSEs, IN THE RABBIT VISUAL CORTEX Supln,A,.J&. The A. N. Severtso:- Instifute of Evolutional Morphology and Ecolng 1 of Animals, ~cutry-n-~iy7rMc-(enus, USSR, 35sco'zv S u in in a r), Some inechanibins of ML- previously described .tilhanciog evoko?d Potelltiabi ill CIL. visull cortex of ;in unanaesthetizod rabbit were investigated. This respontc was evul%ed by repeated pairs of 5timuli at intervals from 100 to 1.50 mu-c., e. d. whell the test slimulus coinsided with the postinhibitorv rebound after lh~- re.,iotion to the first I*con- 6itioning) stimulus. The enhancint, response had :Zri,al(Ir durati,)n than fhe primary re-sponse to a single stimuius- The enhanciru response was evoked by both tile optic stimu'ation and stimulafien of tile subcortical white matter. The enhancinc, -es- nerve ronse was acccillp3nied by a hi h-amplitude EPSP and by a burst of spike discharges 9 19770573- AP0044103 in-cortical neurons. Ti,e correlation between amplitude and duration shorter duration with larger amplitude ind non-linear dependcnce :)f ampitude upon intensity of. tile subcorticil while matter stimulation were .4pecific properties. of the enhancing responbe. Consideration of possible mechanisms of errhaicement of the response during postinhi- biIorv rebo-xid suggested that this response might be generated by a recurrent excita- tory intracurtical system. This suggotion Is. in, agreement with the data on properties of the entrancing tesponse. 19770574 112 UNCLASSIFI'Eo~ ~PROCESSING DATE--160CT70 T.ITLE--RESTORATION CYCLES OF EVOKED POTENTIALS ANOtORTICAL INHIBITION -U- AUTHOR--SUPIN, A.YA, C OUN T RY OF INFO--USSR VYSSHEY NERVNOY DEYATELINOSTIv 1970, VOL 20, NR'2' PP 450-458 DATE-PUBLISHED ------- 70 AREAS--BIOLOGICAL AND MEDICAL SCIENCES TOPIC TAGS--RABBIT, CEREBRAL CORTEX, NEURON, INHIBITION, VISION, NERVE CONTROL MARKING--NO RESTRICTIONS :-OOCUMENT CLASS--UNCLASSIFIED PROXY.REEL/FRAME--*988/1698 SfEP N 0--UR 0 2 4 1/ 7 002' 000 Z04 5 0 /0 4 5 8 A. CIRC ACCESSION NO--AP0106442 UNCLA&S-1 Fll~U 212 028 UNCLASSIFIED PROCtSSfNG UATE--160CT70 CIRC ACCESSION NO--AP0106442 ABSTRACT/EXTRACT--(U) GP-0- ABSTRACT. A STUDY WAS MADE UF RESTORATION CYCLES OF PRIMARY RESPONSES IN THE RABBIT'S VISUAL CORTEX UNOEA -CONDITIONS OF PAIRED STIMULATIONS OF THF OPTIC NERVE OK THE LATERAL GENICULATE BODY. THE RESTORATION CYCLE OF THE~ PRIMARY EVOKEU POTENTIAL AS WELL AS OF THE CORRESPONDING'PRIMARY ACTIVITY BURST OF CORTICAL NEURONS LASTS ABOUT I SEC. A SIMILAR RESTORATION CYCLE IS RECOROE0 AFTER THE STIMULATION OF THE EXTRASTRIATE CORTEXv WHICH POINIS TO THE CORTICAL ORIGIN OF TH;--: EFFECTs PRULONGED SUPPi-l"IESSILIN OF THE TEST PRIMARY RESPONSES IS 'NUT ATTENDED WITH EVOKED PCFENTIA1.5 OR CHANGES 1%' THE UNIT BACKGikOUND ACTIVITY OF A SIAILAP DURATION ACT;:-,, -0 1 r I J% 1,%~; C 0% STIMULATION. IN OTHER WORDS# THE PROTRACIE0 lNll[blT(JRY PRoCESS ckUSING THE-SUPPRESSION OF PRIMARY RESPONSES~~DIFFEkS FROM TVIE WELL KN04N INHIBITORY PHENOMENA IN THE CORTEX, H' IS ASSUMIE-0 THAr IT IS UF A RECUFREI~a CHARACTER. FACILITY:, ~LABURATORY OF COMPARAT[VE NEUROBI,ULOGYt SEVERTSOV WSTITUTE OFiANI.MAL EV0LLJl'lOi4 ARY MORPHOLOGY AND -St ECOLOGY,.USSR ACADEMY OF SCIENCE MOSCOW. "s fA EUJL~--- a 'uDc 632.95 USSR SffMMVA, T. YE., SISTER, YU, D..t SUIN, G. S. VIAmperometria Titration of Sulfur Containing Biologically Active Substances. Analysis of Cyneb" Tr. Z-go Wes. soves'Irluno issled. ostatkay pestitsidev L pro"Llilank-t. zat~rliz- neniya imi produktov nita-aiva, kornov i vnesh. sredy (Norks of the Second All- Union Conference on the Investigation of Pesticide Residues and Preventive Contamination of Food Products, Feedsand ':nvironment),iTallin, 1971, p 249 (from RZh-Khirlya, No 12, Jun 72, Abstract:11a 1211476) Translation: Cyneb is dissolved in 5 moles Of Y,011; the solution is neutra- ,2+ lized with HC1 or M-10 to pH 6.8, and is titrated with 11, or Ae salts on 3 a platinum rotating microelectrade,with respect to a saiturated lig C1 -electrode 2 with apotential of +0.6 volts. The rela't~ve errq*r in analyzing 10 107 moles of-cyneb in 50 mZ of the solution is 0.3-0.6%. USSR UDC 632.95 MIKHAYLOV, V. S., SUPIN, G. S. "Deternd-nation of Residual Amounts of Phthalophos and Benzophosphate by the Oscillopolarographic Nethod" Tr. 2-Ro Vses. Soveshch. po isigled. ostatkov pestitsidov nrofilakt, zagrvaz- neniya irid produktov pitaniXa, korpuv i vnesh.. sredv (Works of tne Second All- Union Conference on the Investigation of,Pesticide Residues and Preventive Contamination of Food Products, Feeds and Environment), Tallin, 1971, pp 237- 240 (from RZh-Khimiya, No 12, Jun 72, Abstract No 121,1442) Translation: In analyzing residues of phthalophon (1) 4nd phosalone (II) in apples, a saimle was extracted by acetone, evuporated ani hy(I-rolyzed with lbi KOH; 2M AcOH was added to a PH Of 5; the solution was blown vith an inert gas and the oscillopolarogram was reduced on a ffg-drop electrode. The sensitivity of the metlwd is 0.2 mg/kg of I or II; the degree of detection is 65.4� 8.9 and 63-3 6.0% respectively. USSR m~, 632-9.5 B) U G. F., HAUROVA, S. V.j OV-15710-70,-it It'. R., 1U.L!XHNU- GLYY I w . I RUVAS V4 H-.j MUME-M-VA, S. YA., and ZtJ~9, C, "Mercurometric Volumetric Fethod of Determining Phtho2o:phos (With Vlaual and Amperomete-c Endpoint)" V sb. YMm. sredstva oashchity rast, (Chamical Agfints fo*c Plant Protection -- collection of woXICS)l vYP ;, Moscol(p MOP PP 81-S3 (from F,21i-khimiya, lio 11, Jun 72, AbstraL,- No 11WIL09) Translationt A s1rocimen containing P11t1'r-L1VPhQF5 (1) is lhy~Lrolyoed in all allmlUa medium, the r6fmlWit dimethyl dithiophoopl-mto ir, voliLmetrically analyzed with 0.01 11 Hg(NO)2 in tho Vrewnce of R. 1~ 4i3.cohr,,L nolution of diphanylearba5one until the pink color bacoms lilz;z~ blw!. jolipu xV~e iltzAtivii dr4no with a vibTatlmy, platin= electrode or a droppLIE, m:r-Ury electrode relative to a s~4torat-34 ffg,,01,: pluatrod:a. The van'.A.tivity 0" amperoxetric titration Is 0.06 mg of-lp-wiid that of thilt Vimp.1 moLhod 1i; 0.6 mg of 1. 4 7 - USSR UDG (5 3 2. 9 5 -.661 718. 1 61 14i;LINI BAKANOVA, rZ. M., MANDELIBAUM, Yk. A. SUPIN. -0 31 KOV, N. N. and ABBAKUMOVA 11. V.,, All-Union ScientiTCc__9_eseaFch Institute of Chemical Plant Protectants of Methylnitropho5 and Methods for It6 Analysis" Moscowp Khimiya_v 3ellskom KhozyaXstve, Vol 8, N61, Jan 70, up 32-35 Abstract: Chemically pure methylnitrophos consists of two isomers, Viz. UIU-dimethyl-O-,4-nitro-3-merhylphenyI thiophosphate (70-75 per- cent) and O~0-dimethyl-0-6-nitro-3-methylpheriyl thiophosphate (2'J-30 percent). Isomer I is the principal 6ctive ingredient of commercial methylnitrophos, isomer II the synergist for isomer 1, Studies con- ducted in 1964-1968 showed that methy1nitrophos m-atches the insecti- cidal properties of isomer I (Sumithion, Metathion)s Tjis is con firmed by data of the Ternopol' Agricultural !~Xpariment Station on the effectiveness of Metathion and methylnitrophos av~ainst the beet leaf miner and beet leaf aphid, aa well a.6 by results,,obtalned in experi- e effectiveness of of the Georgian Subtropical LaWratory,on th 1/2 5- 2/2 USSR UDC:614.35t6l5.285.7 SUPIN, G. S., and IVANCHENKO# V. V., Candidate of Cbenical Science, All-Union -* ~cen= research institute uf Chemical heans of Plant Protectiong Noscow, and the Saratov Scientific Research Institute of Agrarian Hygiene "The Use of Polarograpiky in Determining Residual Azounts of Orgarophosphorus Pesticides" Moscow, Giglyena i Sanitarlya, No 3, Mar.71, PP 76-79 Abstracti A study of the application of the classic pGlarogimphic method and its modifications to dete=ine -residual amounts of organophoi3phorufs pesticides showed the method to be very sensitive in all casts re~leved. The authors conclude that the various poLu,06,raphic methods cam be use& to work out a reliable system for determining traces of any organophosphorus pesticides. .. ........ UDC 619s615-415 KOYSHIBAYEV, G. K., Aspirant, and SUPIII Candidate of Chenical Sciences, Helminthology lalboxataW q--4t MR Acade::~r of Sciences arA the All-Union Scientific Research Institute,of Chemical Plant Protection "The Effect of Temperature on the Activity of Chlo-rophos Ointment" lloscow# Veterinariya, NO 31 Hn, 711 pp 90-91 Abstracti In 1969-1970, a 40p chlorophos ointment wari used for the treatment of ear skin filarlasis in cattle. Since the eff ectiver-ess of treatment. was 98.y,-* and the ointinent may be used again, the chelf-life of this compowid was tested. The test ointnent was prepared by zdAng five parts of chlorophos kith four parts of anhydrous lanolin and ane paxt of water. Alisuot samples were sealed in fLasks, kept for 3 montha at Umoemtux-es of 560, 35 and 18-200C, and then the concentration of the biologlcally active substance ww determined by a special polarogxapMe nothod. Sagples kept as 560 C lost all chlorophos; samples kept at 35 lost 34,(5 of initial chlorophos content; and samples kept at zoon temperature retalmd all of the inital chlorophos content.. .-112 015 UNCLASSIFIED PROCESSING DATE--090CT70 ~TITLE-PRUPERTIES AND METHODS FOR ANALYZING METHYLINITROPHUS -U- AUTHOR-105)-BAKANOVAt Z,M.t MANDELBAUM, YA.A., MELINIKOVI N-N.# SUPIN# G,~ S. ABBAKUMOVA v N. V. ,-COUNTRY OF INFO--USSR -~ISOURC E--KNI M. SEL. KHOZ* 19709 8(1)9 32-5 ipATE PUBLISHEO--70 ~~"SUBJECT,AREAS-BIOLGGICAL AND MEDICAL SCIENCES. TOPIC TAGS--ISQMERv ORGANIC PHOSPHOROUS INSECTICIDEv ORGANIC NITRO qCOMPOUND GNT R 0 LMARKING--NO RESTRICTIONS jDOCUMENT CLASS-UNCLASSIFIED -:PRUXY REE:LIFRAME--1990/1159 STEP NO--UR/0394/70100alOol/0032/0035 ..CIRC, ACCESSION Nfj--AP0109276 -1;== M-0 R I I 212 ols UNCLASSIfIED PROCESSING DATE--090CT70 ~t,IRC ACCESSION NQ---AP0109276 ~ABSTRACWEXTRACT--(U) GP-0- ABSTRACT. THE PROPERTIES WERE-GIVEN OF KETHYLNITROPHOS, A MIXT. OF O,O,UIMETHYL,Oj,4,NITRD,3, METHYLPHENYLTHIOPHOSPHATE (1) (70--95PERCENY) AND 0i0tDIMETHYLPOr 6,NITRU,3,MCTHYLPHf:14YLTHIOPtiOSPHATL tIll 125-30PEKENI)v AND ITS BIOL. ACTIVITY. JSOMER I IS THE AC-TIVE SLIBSTANCE, AND It AC .-,SYNERGISTICALLY. FORMULAE ARE GIVEN PERMITTING CALCN. F THE ONTE T OF o c PARTICULAR 1,~SOMERS WITH AN ACCURACY OF SIMILARJU 2t.5PERCENT. USSR uDc: 621-396 6-181.5 SUPLIVENKO, V. N. , NESTE RENKO, B. 0. OVCHINNIKOV, Yu. A. "Recording the Static Parameters of Integrated Circuitry V sb. Obmen opytom. v radio2rom-sti (Experience Pooling Ln the Radio Industry of works), vyp. 1, Moscow, 13971, PP 53-55 (from RZh-Radiotekh- nika, No 5, May 71, Abstract No 5V177) Translation: A method is outlined for recording the static paramieters of integrated rdcrocircuits by vsing the appropriate measuring device and the N-373-2 microamaeter-millivoltmeter chart recorder. An, attachment is de- veloped for reading out the measurement results from the chart. Resume. Bw Ace. Nr: Ref . Code; UR 0391 4P00372324"4 PRIMARY SOURCE: Gigiyena, Truda~i Professimial'nVye Zabolevaniya, 1970 V0 Nr 2, PP t. PROBLEMS OF INDUSTRIAL HYGIENE IN THE PRODUCTION OF HIGI-I-GRADE C014AMERCIAL GLASS NI, Ya.; Shelyfman, F. Zelentsova, S. P.; FaktoK2v, 1.__Xe Tupchiy, Ye. P.; Voloshiiia, E. I. ; Levin, M '. V.. Summary Pollution of atmospheric environment with arsenaus icid anhydride. lead, rn1Tiqan;c oxide and other substances is possible in production (if higah-grode commercial glafs. -rs engaged in the latter are, at the same time, expi " To the effect of WorkL 0 ).sed I mirared radiation, elevated air temperature, noise, vibration. Th~ey deinonstWe physiological ons implicatin(Z cardiovascular shifts of thermoregulation and and the incidence of affect! 0 system. digestive orgarts, etc is e 'levated'amofig them. Thin authors su gested a number of measures aimed at improving hygienic, conditions of: work, s.orne olf which had been implemented. REELMAME t2 a- 57 USSR UDC 621.382.5 SUPOSTAT, S. A., TIKHO~aROV, V. G. "Device for Measurement of the Thermoelectric and Thermomagnetic Efficiency of Semiconductor Substances" V sb. Nizkotemperaturn. temoelektrich.-materialy (LOW-Temperature Thermo- electric Materials--Collection of Works), Kishinev, 1970, pp 35-38 (from RZh-Elektronika i yeye, No 5, May 1971, Abstract No 5B194) Translation- The Daper describes a device based on thia Rarman method for direct measurement of thermoelectric and thermomagnetic efficiency, which makes it possible to conduct a study in the temperature range 100-400*K. 2 ill. 1 ref. Sum-nary. 112 -018 UNICLASSIHIED PkOCE~SING DATE--13NOV70 T I TLE--COA9L EX TREATMENT WITH AiNT1610TICS AND flEfiCTi~ANSFUSID,'IS OF PATIENTS WITH-TYPHOID ANO PARATYPH011) OISEASES~-U-; 4UfH[)k--S CH, M.51 C QU-N T R YOF~ INFO--USSR "SOuRCE-77VRAC-HEBN0YF_- DELD, 197 Q:- 14R 6, PP'~ 142~ 14 _01ATE PUBLISHED ------- 70 ,.SUBJECT ARE"A'S-513LOGICAL AND MEDICAL SClENCES JOPIC TAGS--OLGOD TRANSFUSIC,1N, ANTIBIOTIC, PARATYPH10ill) Fz:VcR' TYPHOID FEVER. -t-CNTR0L-qA-'AKING--N0 RESTRICTIONS .-DOCUMENT CLASS--U,*4CLASSIFTED 1!PROXY R_EEL/FRAM;_:--300Z/I766 STEP NGI--Uk/O~(t75/70~/0'3i3/OO..)/0142/-,314(t ~CIRC ACCESSION -140--AP0129314 LA S'S I i~ E i.- 2/2 018 UNCLASSIFIED MOCESSING 0ATt-12NOV70 ~,C IRC ACC-ESSION NU--4P01293L4t -ABSTRACT/EXTRACT--!U) GP-0- ABSTRACT. 'A RAPID THERAPEUf[C EFFECF 'Al A S ACHIEVED FOLLOWING A,',JTI6io,riC0TP.ERAPHY, IN COMBIHATXON WITH -.c,r,l fN 27.1PEaCEN'T G F HE,-ljTRX',lSFUSIU'N IN 58.6PERCENT, ANID A:SLOW EFFE. PATIENTS WITH TYPHUS ABDOMINALIS* !101AUTERATION OF THE CCjUilSE 'KAS OBSERVED IN 14PERCENT. HEIMUTRANSFUSIONS MAY BE EMPLOY~ED Ar AN'i PERIOD OF THE DIS-EASE AS THEY 00 NOT WORSE.N T.HE PATIENT'S CON10ITION. PATIENTS TREATED BY THIS 'IE.THOD 5,M)'WED A SHDR-TER PERIOD OF';FEVF-lt, REDUCTIDN OF INTOXICA"T10114, MCPE REPID FEWER COMPLICATIONSY RIELP~PSES. FAC I L I TY KAFEDRA INF E K f S I ONNY KH.- B UL E Z!l E YLIVOVSKOGO MED TS I NSK OGG INSTITUTA, UNCLASSIFIED Xblec-4la:,r,_IF4iys1cs USSR DAVYDOV, A. S., SUPRUN.-A- D. (Institute of Theoretical Physics of the Ukrainian Academy of Sciences, Kiev) "Configuration Changes and Optical Properties of a-Spiral Protein Molecules" Kiev, Ukrainskiy Fizicheskiy Zhurnal, January 1974, pp 44-50 Abstract: The paper deals with the excited states of a proteia molecule and with the changes in molecular configuration connected with these excitations. A possible optical manifestation of such excited states is also investigated. With excitation of exciton states in ania-spiral the energy level correspovd- ing to an excited state of an isolated peptide group is shown to split into two zones -- "Symmetric" and "antisymmetric." In the study of the changes in the a-spiral configuration, the anti- symmetric excitations are of essential importance. With optical excitation of the a-spiral two states transversely polarized (El and EI) and one state c a polarized in the longitudinal direction0g) are realized. The article includes a figure depicting schematically a portion of the a-spiral and 20 equatione. There are fiVe references. USSR UDC 539.376+532.135 WN A. N. "On Heasures of the Action and Reaction of Rheological Models" Tr. Gor'kov. inzh.-stroit. in-ta, (Works of Gorlkiy Structural Englneerin.g In.stitute), 1971, No. 58, pp (from RZh-Mekhanika, No 9, Sep 71, Abstract NO 9V531) Translation.- It is proposed that variable value3 of a special mechanical -Chomf, (chain) be used in the analysis of rheologival models.'after assigning thenni the form of measures of action and reactions of. the medium.being modeled. Ti-.0 simple formulas of the linear-fractional type were obtairied. for this purpose. The values of the measures of action and reaction of t2he rheological ii,,Ddel introduced in them are variables of thelmechanical chain and. coincide, however, in fom with the corresponding variables of the mediurm~ being modeled. The latter make it possible to achieve joint s.tudies of a rheological model as an independent mechanical system and as a phenomenological analig of a ccn-cinuous system. Three corresponding structural schemes are given. M. 1. Rozovskiy. Nr: AP0049041 Rai., Code: PRIMRY SOURCE: Vestnik Of ta iiii4losii, 1970, Nr. PP SOME PROBLEMS OF PATHOGENESIS. AND, TREATMENT OF OCULAR HYPERTENSION IN CLIMACrERWINI run, A.V.; Krym6kayaj MX41;; zmauoVSki7,,Yu..r..; Bove, M. Summary Results consecutive to dynarnic examination of 40 Wmer! with climacteric sy-ndrorne and deranged regulation of the-intraocular tension are repotted. The foliow-up time ranged from 2 to 7 years. Clinical,and e!ectry hysiologicil (EEG ond REG) inv~sfi- gations furnished evidence that in, 35 patients subcartical brain! structures were invoived in the pathological process, with altendant, chant-es in the webrat circulatlori. COM- manly of functional nature. Pathogenetic treatment (sedathil., and horrilonal therapy) sontributtd. to tho improvement, of the generAi.condition of p~t ents jind to the norrna- Atatfaiii -of intreoculaT pre5sure in them, In: .12 women sym, tomfl of the Climacteric 19800825 SM 7 syndrome vanished, intraocular tension returned back to normal with no Objective changes visible on the level of the eyes. T-.,;,en&y worneq., exhibited upset reg:,Iaziun of the intraccular pressure AVith'out any other sign!i of L11aucoma. while in 8 others initial' primary glaucoma was diarynosed. 7"ne authors conclui~le thaL alongside manife-,Ia- tions ot primary glaucame, women with p4ho logical. clirria0l.WiLim t-'lay present speqific disturbances of the intraocular pressure regulation withoiA any ott~er symptoms of glaucoma, these disturbances having a tendency towards, Involution, This condition is considered by them as ocular hypertension macteric appearing is a symptom o! cli. syndrome. I'T :19800826 MAI UDC: 6'10.193., USSR 7 MARMVICU, R. A. and SUPR Central Scientific,M-sea-ch Institute L7 "far o ne :Li:,;e i~eeC "Corrosion Resistance and Kinetics of F",41ure of Carlbori SteeL in sea Wacer" 'Moscow, Zashchita metallov, Vol 6, No 5, Sep-Oct 710, pp 557-561. kbstracr: study was made or the mochan-sm oF tho -,~fCc!c- of a st'ream on tue corrosion rate of steel in thp foi.-m~ az a -.ntat- ing eisk. The specific natul-e of dif-fusion to~ the sur-face of disk makes it POS~~IjiblC tOl PI'IDCe,13,~;Cs the flat dot t- na, occurrin- in i turbulent fLow on a disk funct-iDnin-4 un 1 mii ry conditions. A curve in thp originaL zirticle dimkiot-t,9.-m-.Ltk,s ittie e ff c. c t- o Ithe speed of ratation on: the of. zyf),~!- 20 steel in various neutral solutions. Another J. the dependence of the corrosion rate of a steel disk and dlLl currelit.. density on the square root of the speed of rotation in iiea wac:cr. TiLe C k) C ro 01 oil r~lt%! of SLO.011 in ~ilCl 00111tiOll.';' IS aj),'Ut 1.5 (:L:-i 'J)y '~.jLQ L'W USSR _zcnvjrii, R. A., and SUT N, A Zashch i. Metallov, Vol 6, No 5, Sep-Oct 70: pp 557-561 sea water is cons-wer 10 abv 10'.'rer than the.liiuit carliodo curr;_mt. some extent this is related to additioaal diffusional di--ficuitiei; caused by the corrosion films deposited during Lhe~Lests on the surfact! of the steel. A decrease in the d.Lssolution rate with an increase ~n rpzi of the disk is noted. 2/2 112 025 UNCLASSIFIqQ, 01~OCES~SING ()ATE--020CT70 I CO 10 FUNCTION OF THE ADRENAL CORTE~JN ACUTE A"m -"EXACERBATED CHRONIC INFLAMMATION OF THE GENITALS -U- ~L,YA. !.COUNTRY OF INFO--USSR :_ _.SoURCE--ZDRAVOOKHRANENIYE BELORUSSII, 19,70,.NR 21 PP 14-17 ~.DATE PUBL IS14ED-----70 UBJECT AREAS--BIOLOGICAL AND MEDICAL SCIENCES TOPIC TAGS--ADRENAL CORTEX, REPRODUCTIVE SYSTEM, BLOOD PLASMA? COP TICOSTEROID, URINE, mr-TABOLISM Ai UC J' M t T CLASS--UNCLAS,'-lf- IED -VROXY STEP- G'f b7j2 7 d clRe 'ifcr_~Sloi! 'N ~p 'JIC LASS I F I F D 025 UNCLASSIFIED PROCESSINS DATE-020CT70 C:IRC ACCFSS `101N Nii-AP0106278 GP-0- ABSTRACT. THE GLUCOCORTIC110 FUNCTI-914 JF THE ADRENAL -CORTEX IN III PAIIENTS WIT11 INFLAMMATION OF 'THE I N) T E R I cm GENITAL ORGANS WAS INVESTIGATEO, 37 FEMALES HAD AN ACUTE INFLAMMATORY PRJCESS, -NIC ~kECUIRRENr CONE. THE RATE OF EXPRESSI ENESS OF T4E .74, A CHRU v ADqENAL CORTEX HYPOFUNCTION DEPENDED UPON THE DURATIVE INFLAMMATORY PR3CESS AND ~GRAVITY (IF THE DISEASE DEVELOPMENT, THE'CONTENT OF FREE.17 OX IN THE BLOOD PLASMA AND T14E CORTICOSTERUILI iFREE.:FRACTION IN THE URINE.OF ,.:,-:PATIENTS WITH INFLAMMATION OF THE GENITALSiTURNED 1*0 BE HIGHE R THAN IN NORMAL BJECTS, THAT WAS AN EVIDENCE OF THE METAB C~iANGE OF THE S U. OLIC CORT-ICOSTEROID,-HORMONES IN INFLAMMATORY~AFFECTIIJNS.ff THE-FEMALE GENITAL RGANS. UNCLASSIFIED i/2 17 UNCLASSI F I ED Pm CESSING OAT E-- I I DEC 70 :__T.ITLZ--SW;A F,~ E EPrtuCESS FOi~ r%1-4fjVIi,4G SCALE FKOM EVAPURATURS -u- C 5) -SHCHI CALL V V.N.1 CHEt%.,iEGGVA, I.K., SUP,