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USSR UDC 539.4 TAVER, Ye. I., MAKIN, A. N., KOPYLOV, A. K. , Slf)a~QV N KRICHEVSK1Y, 13 K, A. t NOVSY-AVA, E. 1. , Leningrz!d Ye. Yu. , SUI 10TI, .1. , ANTIZOPOV, N. P. WrO' "Strenath of lVelded Joints in Hi-ah-Strength Stainless StecIs at Cryo-:,enic Temperatures" Kiev, Problemy Prochnosti, No 6, 1972, pp 91-96. Abstract: Tlha influuncc of the gcometry of urelded scam made by austenitic wire on t~,e stiongth of woldoCl' j()jjltS Of jQj1YtC.-DSj1iC StdJ11USS SLOeIS Lt cryogenic tez-,q)-ratures is studicd. The influunce of. as under- arid overlicating) --,n strength of wc1dv-:1 joints of tio typ(!.s of steels at lot, te;l'illeratures is studied. It is establishc-,J that designvrs must consider both reduced strength of scam nctal unck!r normal cojiditions and impormissibility of any stress coneci)trators in the scam zone. r M MOEM USSR UDC 532.593 + 662.215.2 RODIYONOV, V. N., A. F. MOSCOW "Parameters of Elastic Waves Radiated wi:tIf a Spherical Explosion in Metals with Various Strengths" Fizika Goreniya i Vzryva, No 1, tMar 71, pp 1,12-1,16. ABSTRACT: The influence of the yield point of a metal on the parameters of the elastic compression wave radiated upon an explosion is studicd. The work was performed with three metals: Type A-00 aluminum, 'rype D-16 annealed dura- Itmiin anti Type D-16 hardened duraliunin. These metals ive-re selected (hie to the similarity of thoir mechanical properties except for Strength. The results of the work and the equations of the theory Of CI;LStieJity allow tho clitire pic- ture of motion and state of the metal in theelastic area to be roconstnicted. 43 USSR UDC 669.183.4;538.22 REZNIK, I. G.,-SUKHOTIN, B. N., and TUNKOV, V. P., "Serp i Molot" Metal- lurgical Plant "Effect of the Technology of Smelting Low-Carbort,Electric Steel on the Magnitude cf the Coercive Force" Moscow, Metallurg, No 12, Dec 70, pp 15-47 Abstract: An investigation was made of the effect of the technology of smelting type E low-carban electric steel in 50- and 70-ton open-hearth furnaces on the magnitude of the coercive force. The~effects of C and S content, oxidation ratel duration of bath boiling, anil theinactive bath condition on the coercive force were. determined by thii: correlation method. It was found that for producing steel with law coerciyity,,the C conteut of the metal at the moment bath smelting is completed must be 0.8-0.9% and that the period of active boiling should be.60-70 min with an average oxidation rate of 0.012-0.014% of C/min. The desulfurization, process and the heating of the metal up to 16300C.M'Ust be completed before the be- ginning of the Inactive bath (before abath content.of 0.12-0.10% of C) and the addition of ore during the final melting perioid. 50 Adc. Nr AP0034762d"h ~Ref. Code: UR 0241 PRIMARY SOURCE: Meditsinskaya Radiologem, 1970, Vol 15, Nr 1, pp,56 ON T I t EDIACNOSTIC VALUE.OF RADIOISOTOPE INVESTIGATION 'OF IN VIVO THYIZOXINE %ki-ETABOLISAI IN THYROTOXICOSIS Kotlyarov, E, V.; NecbayeAko, M, A,; n in in a r y The authors conducted an investiaalion of adioiodine -thyroxine metabolism in '!],cases of cuthyrosis, and 11 ca5e5 of lhyrm~oxicosis of inild incl rnoLiate seyerity with (lie aid of a Monornonitor svszeni for whole-body radionietry. There were foind no signi- ficant differences in the value of the biryiogir-al serniexcretion of ra~lioiod i ne- thyroxine from the organisin of both groups of patients. The dwanosLic valae of studying, Uie thyro- xin~ metabolism m3y be evaluated only upon condition of parallel qualitative determina- tion of the volume and concentration of sta0le thyroxine in the body and the rate of di5charge from the orginism. REEL/rRAME USSR UDC 533.6.011.72 BAZHENOVA, T. V., GVOZDEVA, L. G., KOMAROV, V. S., and.SUKHOV B. G. "Investigation of the Diffraction of Strong Shock Waves at Convex Angles" Moscow, Izvestiya Akademii Nauk SSSR, Mekhanika Zhidkosti i Gaza, No 4, 1973, pp 122-134 Abstract; Results are presented of an investigation of the diffraction of strong shock waves at two-dimensional convex angles (110 = 2-10) in gases with change of the adiabatic exponent from 1.66 to 1.05. New features of the diffraction pattern are disclosed, that are linked by interaction of the retardation wave with the free jet boundary layer. It is established that the shape of the diffracting shock ~ta%,e depends upon the Mach number 1% of the shock wave and the diffraction angle ao. Tile 'Mach number of the wall portion of the shock wave does not depend upon the adia- batic exponent of the gas v if the adiabatic exponent varies u-Ithin the range of 1.4--l.15. With an increase of: the diffraction angle and the Mach number of the incident shock wave in the wall portion of the diffracting shock wave, there consecutively originate a point of inflection, a Mach refection, and a nearly regular reflection. 112 USSR BAZHENOVA, T. V., et al., Izvestiya Akademii Nauk SSSR, Mekhanika Zhidkosti I Gaza, No 4, 1973, pp 122-134 Experimental values of the stall angles are obtained. It is shown that the stall takes place at a pressure greater than po, but less than 2 po. The pressure on the wall surface during diffraction of the shock wave changes from the value at the front of the diffracted part of the shock wave to the value at the end of the rarefication wave. An approximation formula is presented, which gives the relationship of the valme of the pressure on the front of the diffracted shock wave to the Mach number of the incident wava and to the wedge angle. Values of the pressure at the end of the expansion wave are obtained on the basis of experimentally measured values of the stall angle. 15 references, 2/2 1-5 USSR UDC 541-15 SUKEI~Y, -,F...,, F.. SLOVOKKOTOVA, It. A., KARGIN (deceased), V. A.) Institute of Chemistry imeni L. Ya. Karpov "The Mechanism of Radiation-Induced Dehydrochlorination of Polyvinylchloride" Moscow, Khimiya Vysokikh Energiy, Vol 5, N 0 4, Jul-Aug V., PP 364-365 Abstract: A very broad band in the infrared spectrum,previously observed during vacuum irradiation of PVC is caused partly by the,formation of HC1 complexes with ox1gen-bearing impurities in the starting polyrier. The fact that the 2300 cm- band does not reach maximum intensity -until very high dosages indicates that the polymer is continuing to accumulate some light- quenching particles near this band regardless of the preoence of oxygen in them. %he fact that i)art of the absorption in the 2300 011-1 band disappears when the irradiated polymer in heated to 2000K auggests that the particles die- appearing at 2000K must have a structure similar to 11C1 complexes Vith ethers and carbonyl groups, and further that this disappearance is caused by VH valence oscillations in the carbonium ion rl CH2-&-CR, Spectral studies 2 confimea the proposal that the 2300 W-1 band Is relatecl to the ion pair 1/2 ---, - - - - - --- -- - , - - -- - --l-.- ~ -P-M-"~rw 073 UNCLASS IF I ED PROCESS I NG. OATE--20NOV70 I LN I Z AT KN BEHIND A SHOCK WAVE FRONT I N ARGUN -U- ~.~"-AUTHOR-1041-K(,CH~4ANO'vA, L.V., ORE100s TS.Gov GQRYACHEVj V.t., SUKHOVI Gos. 4'O,UNTRY'GF INFO--USSR ~,,,..SGURCE-ZH. TEKH. FIZ. 19701 40%'3)o 600-4 o. ,,DATE PU8LlSf4ED----70 --,SUBJECT AREAS-PHYSICS I. jGPIC TAGS-ICNIZATION, SHOCK WAVEt:SHOCK:WAVE PHYSIC.St ARGON, MACH NUMBER# GAS PRESSUREt ELECTRIC CONDUCTIVITY.. PLASMA;'CONOUCTIVITY CCN TR OL MARKING-NO RESTRICTIONS OCCUMENT CLASS--UNCLASSIFIED PROXY REEL/FRAME-1992/1443 STEP NO--UR/0057170/0401003/060010604 RC ACCESSION NO--AP0IlZ-'il37 U NC L;i S S'l fr I E 0 7=zz~~ -777. 77 -2/2 073 UNCLASSIFIED PROCESSING DATE--20NOV70 _,,~CIRC-ACCESSIC& NG--,AP0112437 :'ABSTRACTIEXTRACT-W) GP-0- ABSTRACT. A STUDY WAS MADE OF THE IONTLATION EQUILi BEHIND A SHOCK WAVE FRONT INAR FOR PRESSURES;OF L-10 MM AND MACH .NOS. OF 8.8-11. THE SHULK. WAVE WAS SET UP iN THE DUAPHRAGM TUBE PREV!GUSLY (G.t AND S.p 1967). AN INCREASE IN~.THE MACH NO. AND TEMP, BEHIN13 THE WAVt OhING TO THE DECREASE IN TI.-JE INITIAL GAS PRESSURE IN -ThE LGW PRESSURE CHANNEL RESULTS IN AN IINCREASE IN THE ELEC. .CON0,.-0FJHE-PLASMA ONLY UP FQ A CERTAIN,- PRESSURE. 13ELOW THIS PRESSUREv THE -DECAY OF THE PLASMA SeTS IN EARL EQUiL. VALUE OF THE IER THAN THE -ELECTRUN CONCN. IS REACHED ANOTHEREFORE THE COND. DECREASES, THE -UPTIMUti STARTING PRESSURE FOR *rHE AR (FGA T HE MAX. cONE).) IS 5 MM HG. 'INCLASSIFIED 112 025 UNCLASS IF I ED PROCESSING GATE-20NOV70 T-ITLE--1)IFFb_'- ION OF INDIUM AND ANTIMJNY [14 GERMANIUM IRkADEArRED BY LOW ~ENEPGY ELECTRCNS -U- 04)-DUL)KO G. V MARUN I NA N. I SUKHCV# G.V., ChEREDNICHENKO, -~CCUNTRY LF INFC-USSR ~_'SCURCE-FIL. TVERD*- TELA 19701 LZ(4), 1,292-4 .."Poo DATE PUbL I SHE G-- 70 ~'_SU6JECT AREAS-MATERIALSt PHYSICS -T4'JPIC TAGS--MErAL DIFFUSION, ANrIMQNY A-LLOY, GERMANtUM ALLOYP ING[UM ALLOY* CRYSTAL DLSLOCATIE;Np RADIOACTIVE ISOTOPE, ELECTRON, LOW ENERGY -,-.":,NEUTRON C~iTR C LPARKING-NO RESTRICTIONS __.0GCUflE,*4T CLAS5--UNCLASSIFIED PROXY'RELL/FRAME-3001/0476 STEP ND--UR/0181/'?(1/012/004/1292/1294 7177"f" 2/2 025 UNCLAS S I F I to PROCESSING DATE-20NOV70 CIRC ACCESSICN N0--AP0121)228 ABSTRACT/EXTkACT-(U) GP-0- iABsrRACT. THE DIFFUSION OF AN ANU 58 IN GE u-RIl:,XTE1; IN ThE (111) PLANE AND TREATED CIVER THE filiTIRE SURFACE Willi LOW, ENERGY ELECTRCNS (SIMALLER THAN 30 KEV) wAS STUDIE0 AT 6.50-850DEGREES USING kAGIOACTIVE BUTUPES. THE DIFFUSION PARAMEtERS ARE o Suao EQUALS 5.8 TIVES 10 PRIME3 CM PRIMEZ-SECo Q EQUALS 57 KCAL-MULE FOR IN AND SUBC EQUALS 21 CM PP.I;,iEel_-SEC AND Q EQUALS 48 KCAL-MOLE- FOR S8. ACCELERATEG DIFFUSION IS RELATED APPARENTLY TO THE FORMATIUN OF A NETWORK CF OLSLOCATIC.NS BY IRRADhl. FACILfly: TAGANROG. HADIOTEKH. INST., TAGA,%k-l USSR., U N11 L-.-. -1 1 1A r USSR UDC 681.325.54.042 ib N., SHLYAKEITIN, V. T., KRYLOV, Yu. D., PANOV, V. P*., and PARAMMOV, K. G. "A Reversible Binary Counter" USSR Author's Certificate No 280542, Filed 12.Dec 68, Pub.lished 9 Dec 70 (from Referativay-I Zhurnal - Avtomatika,Telemekhanika, i Vychislitel'naya Tekhnika, No 8, 1971, Abstract No 8BI88 P) Translation., The purpose of this iavention is to ensure stable operation of a counter, given a significant level of noise. This ~s acliiev~ed by hav- ing each digit position of the counter consist of two "memory's cells con- nected in series -ia an AND cell, while a NOT inverter is connected to the input of the first position. The binary reversible countor includes an inverter, which. is meant to control the counter acconJing to the change in potential; delay lines consisting of logical "memory" elements; logic c4rcuits consisting of 44D cells; and memory elerients consisting of logical "memory" elements. 1/1 34 LIZ 'G-,2 UN C L AS S I F I E G 1 PROCESSING DATE--20N[-.,V7rj TITLE--~ FFi--CT PHI r --- F -~ -~ ", r i ' T E A C ~:'D FG T H I - P R F I I F N T f ~C oii I &~T C..F IHE C-LID-10 FGa PIROLCNGED P ERI 111 10 S 1.0- I-DIF U- :AUTHUR-(U2)-') 0-.UVAl A,O W,)UROVAI S.Vo. ,~.CCUNTRY Lf INFG--LSsfll Stj RC E-- P R C b L G E-.M A T CL F E L I V K R G V 1 19 7 0 15 3 2 DATE PLbL I SHED-- -I o A)'%EAS--~-l'.-"LGGfC)-IL Ai%lj MEO[CAL SCIFNCES P-IC T~IGS--~SIUREO PHWPHATE, 13LC-6 ER V AT 1',. A 1) 1 i~ S lU -A, U PRES ATE, EIRYTHRUYTE RESTRICTIONS -,PXOXY kFE 14 qTE P NICJ--IJR/9000/70~1 0 1 C A C S I N, P .... . .... ... ....... 022- U',14CLASS I F [ED DArP---,`0'j`IOV-/C CIRC Acussic'N Nc--j,%pOi35oll AaS TRACT/ LX U) -`P-0- ABSTRACT. 1,NGIIIIG. PHUSPWJr (1) i,'AS ADGE-0 TO A Fli-,-~-L i-CNCN. OF i2 11,16 Pl'--FLG-,N-T TU BLOOD, -3LLjl7!;') AND EE AC I C). RYM OLY TES STORED I N A UI-XT, USE VHOSPHATE SULN. W E fif (,-~iTK !C -1.,NUR G'. P NO AT P W k k F 1) ~- I- Pj. UUR I N(,'~ '-- 8 JA Y SF FFK T I A L ON . 0 F I D U R I PI~ G "T ti E S I C F T ~- L b L U 1) C R E t~ Y T HR U C Y T E 5A T 4- ".1 L". t A' 1: E, S ,THL INR-)G. P u LEVEL IN THE PLASHIA t;ECki-.ASL-D AVIO THAT IN' Erv'YTHNOCYVES UiCt:E-ASI'Ll, m I A x 1~~ L-r:--YTHROCYTES i,i t,[ I-OUND IM TFILH , 9TH Ttj F C k " AE, 0 vALLjtS A T P C Lj 14 T t:!\;'f S FLIU;qU IN EFMHAGCYTL-s~ tti Tv;E is*r m~ niE Pjui,i- oll -1 ANG 5 1 STLt I T WAS L~;--4CLUL);-:b TH.-IT EVEN A T L G'd CP UNTIL THE 7TH OAY. VENILTRATES I.NTLI EkYTril--'lIJ%'-'YTES ANG TAi~Es PART, IN "r I-lE 'P HO S P 1".C, lk Y LA T I t: M FAGIUTY'. I.A6 KWISEKV. A ROV I fSENI . INS1 . ;HIATOL.. ft;~ELIV., KRUIVIt 1,111SCOi p USSR. t A Q 5 L 17, L) Ace. Nr.: 61~010412 Ref .Code: TITLE-- ANNOUNCEMENT OF THE COMMITTEE ON LENIN AND STATE PRIZESP U,SS*R, NEWSPAPER-- IZVESTIYA, MAY 29o 19709 P 4j. COLS 1-5 ABSTRACT- NINETY ONE BASIC AND APPLIED RESEARCH VORKS HAVE BIEN NOMINATED FOR THE STATE PRI2ES, TWO OF THESEf '"THE MULTI-PURPOSE INDUSTRIAL HELICOPTER KA-260 BY N I. KAMOV. V' B hL,PFROVICH, L-14--OARSHEVSKIY. A. A. DMRIYE'ViG. I-.i- F'FE-' M:--^. KUPFER~ L,-A.,-P-0TASHNIk-,-b, 'N, PR-10-RO-V A - Ovi :-G. SATAR NAZAROV AND "THE DEVELOMIENT OF TUi -..AREN AND V, A. .0 R3OFAN J:--.T ENGINE9 NK-8 AND 'NK-9-4 AND THE~DEVELOPMENT AND~RZDUCT10,14 TO SERIAL PRODUCTION A SYSTEM 6F TECHNOLOGICAL PROC-ESSES VHICH ASSURED WIDE USES FOR TITANIUM ALLOYS" BY N.0 ._-D, KUzglsov - T. V`ASILjsHrN- - .0 V, A,-JKUK~Jy, &-11,11ARM~ !12--P,3AD a ~3ky A.'A.-IUJMIN V G SHITQV ' G 1. I-JUS9,-NI(O AND L P. mUOUNK1, HAVE-ATE-N SUBMITTED BY THE MINISTRY THE AVIATION INDUSTRY. Reel/Fr ----mte Ace, Nr.: jfi~0104123 *A SERIES OF INVESTIGATIONS INTO THE DYNAMICS Of A BODY WITH FLUID- N. MOISEYEV A FILLED CAVITIES*, 165-691f BY N. i .A,, PETROV K..,_,y,,_Ry!jY-ANT5EV. AND F. L. CHERNOUS -tJLTIRA HIGH PRE~ISTON jKO AND JIG BORING MILLS WITH 19000 x 11600 N 1 400 x 2_,2,40 MN PLATEN-w., BY UTK I N A A,I,KIR YANOV V 9 Til 11. G ABRAMOVI H. I, V S.-A P-xa W-.-AAD A. S. YEGUDKIN -HAVE BEEN SUMITTED BY THE COMIPU- M TATION.CENTtA OF THE ACADEMY OF ACIENCES AND THEL MINISTRY OF THE MACHINE TOOL CONSTRUCTION'AND TOOL INDUSTRYP RESPECTIVELY,, *THE RADICALLY IMPROVED MELTING TECHNOLOGY OF CRITICAL-PURPOSE INIGH- ALLOY STEELS AND ALLOYS OF IMPROVED QUALITY ACRUVED BY THE INERT GAS TREATMENT OUTSIDE THE FURNACE04 BY 0, ti. CAKHOMOV. N. V. SID01ZOV S. K. FILATOV I' cu 'A R DI Vt BARA61IIN RE K P BAKANO N. N. Ov A* TU~IN, H~6 6 BY THE-2h SL N&T LA 6LLUB I-CA Real/Frame 19870556 OT FRI 11 USE-k UDG 621.372.822 BRUTYAN, V. G., KIRDYASHOV, V. A. Yu. 1. "A Device for Drying a Waveguide" Moscow, Otkrytiya, izobreteniya, promyshlennyye ohraztsy~ tovarnyye znakij Ho 21, Jul 71, Author's Certificate No jO8471, Division 11, filed 23 Jan 70, published 1 Jul 71, p 196 Translation: This Author's Certificate introduces a device for drying a waveguide. The installation contains hermetic sealing devices and pipe fittings. As a distinguishing feature of the patent, the weight and overall dimensions are reduced by placing a thin dielectric cylinder inside the waveguide sections with ends in the form of expanding sleeves held in connectors between the waveguide sections. The input and output fittings are in direct proximity with each other. C. Application of Theoretical Probability aind Statistical Methods USSR 5UKHOV, Yu. M. "Regularity of Limiting Matrices of Density for One-Dimensional Continuous ~Quantum Systems" Tr. Mosk. Mat. O-va [Works of Moscow Mathematics Society], 1973, No 26, pp 1SI-179 (Translated from Referativnyy Zhurnal Kibernotika, No 6, 1973, fbstract. No 6V205, from the Introduction). Translation: This article is dedicated to the study of liniting density matrices for one-dimensional continuous systems of quantum statistical mechanics, constructed in an earlier work by the author (RZhMat, 1971, SB973). The properties of regularity of limiting density matrices are established, meaning the absence of phased transitions in one-dimensional continuous quantum systems. Results of this type were.produced in arother situation by Zhinior. The results produced in the pve~;ant work (existence and regularity of Iijoitinp density matrices) are extendvd to certain classes of potontials broader than those in (EhMat, 1971, 613973). The concept of the limiting Gibbs state is introduced, extending the limiting Gibbs distri- bution or Gibbs random field to the quantum case, and the regularity of tills state is proven. 'rho basic method,of the present work I.s .1 modification of the matrix method, ............... USSR UDC 669.231.5'893:[669.294 + 669.28 ~SUKHOV, Yu. V. "Reaction of Platinum-Barium Alloy With Refractory Metals Elektron. tekhnika. Nauchno-tekhn. sb. Elektron. SVCh (Electronic Engineer- ing: Collection of Scientific and Technical Works on Electronic Superhigh Frequencies), 1970, vyp. 8. pp 139-140 (from RZh-Metallu'rglya, No 12, Dec 70, Abstract No 12 1871 by the author) Translation: The article considers the reaction of a Pt-Ba alloy with the reiractory metals Ta and Mo. Hetallograph~c analysis shows that the reaction rate of the alloy with Ta is legs than with No. It USSR UN 615.385.1 VINOGRAD-FINKEL', F. R., Prof, TERENTYEVA, E. I., Prof, VOROB'Yr-VA, a. S., TAL'SKAYA, 1. N., LIFLY.ODSKaY, b~. B.,'DOROFFYEVA, T. N., and SMiSONOVA, N. N., Central Institute of Hematology and blood Transfusion (Prof A. Ye. Kiselev, Director), Ministry of Health USSR and Institute of Cardiovascular Surgery (Prof V. I. Burakovskiy, Director), Academy of Medical Sciences USSR (Moscow) "Morphological and Biochemical Characteristics and Viability of Washed Erythrocytes Intended for Surgical-ftocedures With F-ctracorporeal Circu- lation". Moscow, Problemy Gematologii i Perelivaniyalrovi, V61 16, No 8, 1971, pp 3-7 Abstract: Erythrocytes were obtained after separation'of plasma from donor blood which had been kept in stcrage for 24 'hours, washed with physiological solution, and examined by the electron microscope mathod; unwashed Orthro- cytes from the same blood served as controln. After two washings the submicroscopic organization of cells in the washed erythrocytes did not differ essentially from that in the unwashed erythrocyties. The conclusion 1/2 39 I =-77 7_ 7:7 USSR VINOGRAD-FINKEL', F. R., et al., Problemy Gematologiti Perelivaniya Krovi, Vol 16, No 8, 1971, pp 3-7 was that washing the erythrocytes from blood prepared with a glucose- citrate preservative and stored for one day has no significant effect on the ultrastructure of almost the entire mass. Investi.oation of phosphorus fractions demonstrated the metabolic integrity of the washed erythrocytes through one or txqo washings. Thus, washing with physiological saline solution does not alter the structural completeness, metabolic activity, or biological value of erythrocytes. None of their irdexes differ from those of erythrocytes of whole blood stored for 1 day~and used for extra- corporeal circulation in cardiac surgery; they should therefore be recom- mended as the basic component in perfusates for extracurporeal circulation. 2/2 USSR UDC 615-384.014.41 �IFOIA G. and OLDUROVA, S. V., Laboratory of Blood Preservation, Central A. P 1,4nistrj of Health USSR, Yoscow Institute of Hematology and Blood T~ransfiasion, I "The Effect of Inorganic Phosphorus Added to the Preservative orn the AV. Content in Preserved Blood Stored for Long Periods" Moscow.. Problemy Gematologii i Perelivaniya Krovi, No 3, 19'10, pp 2o-24 Abstract: A study was raade to determine the effect of inoi-itanic phosphorus added to the preservative on the adenosine triphosphate (ATP) content in preserved blood stored for long periods. Blood prepared with a 1.;lucose-phoaphate preservative con- taining citric acid was studied. The test objects were plexra, -whole blood and erythrocytes obtained by blood centrifugation. Analogous 1nvestL(.-,ations of blood swVles preserved with glucose-citrate solution, but not containLnl- phoSphate, served as control. Rrnjults of the Inveatigationa are prisilqiLed In two figures Which show the dynamics of inorganic phoophorus and of Wa in plaorm;, in erythro- cyteB and in whole blood. Studies showed that during prolOnged -preservation of 4-69c, inorg blood, with addition of inortanic phosphate,.and atorage al, anic phos- -ph spho phorus penetrates the erythrocytes, and participates in the carbohyarate o rus metabolism of these cells. Inorganic phosphorus is used. in the proces-Z3 of pho3- phorylation for formation of ATP, as a.result of which the glycolysis period in e5ythrocytes is increased. A- u 3 3111 UDC 547-435 + 577-153-4 KIUNDRYUTSKOV~, L. A., A., qU4~-~V _rp BOGATKOV, S. V., and CHL-i.'U,~-.30V.,~, YE. 141., Moscow of F-ine Chemical Technology imeni "j. V& Lomonosov "Cholinesterase Inhibition by Some Amino Alcohol Esters" Moscow, Doklady kkadem*ii Nauk SSSR, Vol 196, Ito 2, 1971, PP 352- 355 Abstract- 7he authorn reported for the first tij-n the O;Lidy of the i rite wi--tior. of amdno alcohol benzoatns C6',[,, I alil a null."br-'r of tL,~- analogs with but-f- fyl cholitlesterase (1.U.B 3-1-3.-~O Mn as a result of prel'-Minar~,,- ex-ocrinents, that tiia chzxacter of v I imtc!--aLtior, Of these substances vith Cl-", d~i-oends on the qtr.xctun-2 of' tho ar~.;.no r.1cc-hol i-kia on Ar wid 11. Ohu~.) Oster,-, of "'rirnr. alcollrJ13 Ux~.R~111) tLll:~ cholinesterase and dis-rarty inhibitor proportlics only in concentration.; of 1.0- Ml/l, 101110 esterr, of socondai-y mid tertlary c2H5) are not hydrolyzed at all by ChE and manifcst inlhiliitor in concentrations of t\-/ 10 -6 ro.1/1. -Tn a number Of cases, it was found that the 1/2 USSR KIJZ.,'DRYUTSK 'OVA) L. A., et al. EbkD--dy Ak-adem,114 Naa- SSSI--!, Vol 1,-'6, ,3 2, PP 352-'355 hydrolysis rate of but.-,.-rylcholj.ra (]:,'L:U'h) in the rres~--nca of dc~s ncz depend a n the tJ.7,,.e o f thelf. -- p re- - i nvu~- at I, an wit- ii C-, E* ( 3 -'~' 'N -,-h i c ho n, ~~'i -'-ft the rev-ersib-le inhibit-ion st-urly vas then of Of the reaction ra~le on thc cu'-Jst-r:~.te (Puc.~I) and ir~-L. ccnce~itrat`cn. zi -U, - found thE~t the quantity V /V vd-thin -e I'mits of ex- accux r do Z; Q. I not depend or t-he substrate concent~atiG!2, . Which JLS C'II,%*--,'ICtLer-"':StJ-C Of' itiors. it is sur,,-ested tbat ef'JI-C-ctive Ir-MIL-itior re-nxi.- petitive irdiib- s a co bination of reaction cemers in one nolccuie, i.e. t',-ae inifftdtor Tw,~it te i bifunctional in order 11-o simultarToi;sly b,~, connected, witlt t!'e- mion cent-er ani suppress deacylation. 2/2 offlimfiftm! 07 '7- USSR uDe 632,9.5 GVCZDEVA, I. V., LURIK, B. B., STARKOV, A. V.r KA1,21MOV, 11. A.$ 1MMINA, L N,p and SUMIM"Al.11. N. PhL ftSearch for Synergists of Pyrethrins in the Methylene Dioxy lr~yl Series" Tr. Vh11 dezinfektsii i sterliz. (Works of the All-Union Scientific Reseaxell. "it t. 2, pp 101-10' Institute of Dininfection and Storilizatlon)l 1971, vyp. M-Khimiya, !to 18, Sep 72, Abstract 14o 16N431) (from RZ Traaslations For purposes of studying synergtic activity, a Ecries of piperonylic acid esters ard am-Adez, and piri,2ronal acetals, were zynthesiTcd, The synorgtic activity of the synthesized compounds was teated in a rLictu.-L-e. uith pyrathrins in al 10il ratio Irr the topical method. In tezts on house- flies, the greatest synerg-tic activity i;as shown by butyll nonyl and cyclo- hexyl esters and N,N,-dipropyl amide. N,11-disubstituted am-ides axo more active than N-substituted amides. Among the amides synthesized on-the basis of heterocyclic auincs, morpbolide shoRed th . The roSt j 0 EriOatest activity toxic -for z-vd cock oaches were nixtures of pyrethrins with 11-isopropyl ez_-ie..o anel piporidido. klon~g tho acotArj, the nost activo Co;qoullds for Atolic acqtals of Lutyl v-1 were ethyl carbitolic and butyl v.,-.rL beptyl acotalz. The "cetaI3 ar~o weak aynorrir~ts for xud. conkrai,.010~3. An investif-ation wan tindv of 1.ho nyncrf~-.'Ua Red.vity of the t~,;Ihly c2,istant to DDT, T. A, on r-tn,_Lv~~, f,,f USSR UDC 51r1-785;-L07 ROZZIN Yu. A. BLO1101IN V. YE. PUSFE012VA Z. V., and &MOVA. I,% YE., TIM Ural Polytechnical Institute i,-,.-,ni S. Pl. Kirov, Svei-3-11otrok "Heterylimidazoles. I. The Synthesis of 2-Ifete-Aryl-t~,5-D-L,,2:~vlinild--zoles" Riga, nimiya GeterotsiklichaskiM Soyedineniy, No 5, 1972), Pr 6ft-.682 Abstract: It is reco-nized that the biimidazoles -Doscees photochromic and thei7mchromic properties. However, as yet no data are available on the Photo- and thermochromic properties of heterosubstituted biiiniclazoles. In order to make such studies possible, fifteen ~Lhich have not been rrevioii5ly described -- were cynthesizerl I-,,r condensation of benzy! or p-tolyl col~tionr, vith. heterocyclic ald--hydes in acctfc acid in the prosence of aiiurznium acetate. 'Die reactions were carried out as Tcllcr,;13: to 20 MI of boiling glacial acetic acid containiN.; 5 g of airomoniiui aeetlate vas adfteLl '10 nl of a irarm solution of acetic acid containing 0.01 mie ol' benzill. (or P-tolyl) anti 0.01 mole of the appropriate aldehyde in a drornrise manner over a period of 2 hr. The reaction mixture was boiled for an addit 'ional 3 hr., following which it was cooled and pouavd or. 250 g of ice with an e-cess ~)f 11H1,01H. The rczii2tant precipitate was renoved by filtration, washed with ire-ter, dried, and rc--rystal- lized. These preparations were then sxibjected to IR spectroscopic analys,-~s. Stress Analysis and Stability Studies USSR TTDC 620.10 BIDEWDIN, V. L., Doctor of Technical Sciences, Profasaor, GOMAN, A. M., Aspirant, Candidate of Technical F6j~ Technical School imen-i N. E. Sciences, Docent, Moscow Bauman) "Determination of the Stresses and Dislocations in a Ring of Incompressible Material With Mixed Baundary Conditions" -ashykh Uc Moscow, lzvestlx~ VY hebnZkh Zavedeniv. MashinostroyAnLye.. No 12, 1970, pp 5-6 Abstract: The article deals with the solution of, a problem of -two- mansional deformation for a ring of incomprossible material, loaded along the external contour by,a radial compresuive load P(9): on thesector e 4 49,~ and rigidly fast4ned along the internal contour. The solution to th6problem iii sought in functions of the complex variable O(z) and 'Por, the caso of /page 5 a/ the obtained relationshipwof streiises and dis- locations were computed on a digital 6leotronia,computer, The 1/2 1/3 ulldcL kss IF UED PRUCENS INU UA(t--eJUf_lfU -.TITLE_-TE'4PER44TUfE CEPENOENCE OF DEFORMATION RESISTANCE IN NICKEL 19LYaDENUA AND NICKEL TUNGSTEN ALLUIS -.U- AUTH6P-(03)-SUKHQVAR0Vt V.F.t KARAVAYEVA, V.V*r KHARLOVA, R.P. COUNTRY OF INFO--USSR _':.SOURCE- 17V. VYSSH. UCHEB. zA-vEtr., r-iz. 1970, 1311), 89-93 DATE PUBL ISHED ------- 70 ~:`SUBJECT AREAS--MECH., IND.t CIVIL AND MARINE ENGR, MATERIALS ~'.TOPIC TAGS--NICKEL ALLOY9 TUNGSTEN ALLOYI MOLYBDENUM.,ALLOYt REFRACTORY ~HETALP METALDEFORMATIONt OF-FORMATION RESISTANCEP TE.14PERING, METAL AGING, METAL COMPRESSIBILITY -....CONTROL r4ARKING--NO RESTRICTLIONS CLASS-UNCLASSIFIE0 PROXY REEL/FRAME--1997/1367 STEP NO--UR/OL39/*7~)/013/001/0089/0093 (,IkC ACCESSION INU-AT0120162 23 027 UNCLASSIFIED PRGCESSING DATE--230CT70 CIRC ACCESSION N0--AT0120162 ABSTRACT/EXTRACT--(U) GP-0- ABSTRACT. ALLOYS DIFFERING IN THE LEVEL OF K -IAT PROCESSES ARE RESPONSIBLE FOR THE STATE EFFECT WERE STUDIED TO DET. W) CREATION OF THE ANOMALOUS DEPENDENCE 01" OEFORMATION~ kESISTANCE ON TEMP. AND RATE. ALLOYS OF N1 WITH 5 AND IOPERCENT MO AND 5PEI.,CENT W WERE HOMOGENIZED 50 HR AT 1200DEGREES AND FORGED INTO ROOS, FROM dHICH WIRE AND COMPRESSION SPECIMENS WERE PREPD. THE FOLLOWING EFFECTS WERE S T U 0 1 E 1) (A) THE DEPENDENC E OF ELEC. RESISTANCE ON THE TIME OF TEMPERING AT 400DEGREES, (R) TI-JE DEPENDENCE OF RESISTANCE To COMPRESSION ON TEMP. AND RATE AT 20-oOOOEGREES, AND iC) DEFORMA-TI&N CHAkACTERISTICS DURING TENS!QN AT 20-600DEGREES* TWO COMPRESSION DEFORMATION RATES WERE USED: 20 AND 2400PERCENT-HRY W141LE THE TENSION RATE WAS ONLY 48PERCENT BEFORE TESTItGv THE SPECIMENS WERE IfELD *1 11R IN VACUO AT 9500EGREES AND THEN H4qDENED IN WATER. DURING TEMRERIN(ly THE -NI MO 10PERCENT'ALLOY SHOWED THE HIGHEST INCREASE OF ELEC. Rr-SISTANCE OF ALL THE ALLOYS, THE ALLOY NI M3 SPERCENT SHOWED ONLY ASLIGHT INCREASFt ANO THE ALLOY NI 5PERCENT W HAD A DECREASE OF ELEC. RESISTANCE; ONLY THE NI Mg 10PERCNET UNDERWENT I STATE TRANSFORMATION TO A SIGN[r-ICANT DEGREE. FROM THE DEPENDENCE OF RESISTA14CE TO'COMPRESSION DEfOr%'4ATION JN TEMP. ALL THE ALLOYS UNDER WENT DEFORMATION AGING AT GREATER THAN 150DEGREES. THIS IS CONFIRMED BY THE OCCURRENCE OF AIN ANOMALOUSLY HIGH RESISTANCE TO COMPKESSIONDEFORM4TION FOk NI MO LOPE-kCENT AT HIGH DEFORMATION RATES ;(2400PERCENT-HR). DEFORMATION AGING WAS REDUCED CUNSIDERABLY BY DECREAS-ING THE CONC. ( BY 14EATING THE SPECIMEN 25 HR, AT 1150DEGREES IN ATM. OF-H). 3/3, 027 UNCLASSI FIED PROCESSING OATE--2313CT70 CJ R CACCESSION NJI-AT0120162 `A.BSTR;ACT/EXTRACT--TH-;: PAEFFREINTIAL FORMATION OFKSTATE IN TH ALLOY-NI PLUS MO 10PEACENT TO A LARGER EXTENT THAN IN OTHER ALLOYS WAS CONFIRMED 'BY THE LARGEP DEGREE OF STEP-WISE CHARACTERISTIC OF L- )EFORMATION TH N WITH ALLOYS CO,*ITG* 5PERCENT MO'OR W, HMO --30OCT70 S PitocEssi UNCL I FIED NG DAI E -TLE--DOUBLE FRAGMENTATION Of AN AOAMANTANE RING -I)-- ::_.,AUTHOR-(04)-STEPANOV, F.N.v SUKHOVERKHOVv V.Do, BAKLAN, V.F., YURCHENKOv -A -G. COUNTRY OF INFO-USSR ~50URCE ZH. ORG. KHIM. 1970s 6(411 884-5. .:-DATE PUBLISHED---70 _~:.SUBJECT AREAS-CHEMISTRY -TOPIC TAGS-ACAMANTANE, AROMATIC CARBOXYLIC ACID, CATALYST, ZINC, THCERMAL :~1~:OECOMPUSITIGN, BRO14INATION -_,',cqNTROL PARKING-NO RESTRICTIONS .:OCCUMENT CLASS-UNCLASSIFIED --PROXY REEL/FRAME-2000/216L STEP NO-UR/0366/701006/()04/0884/0885 C-IRC ACCESSICN NC--AP0125744 UNC L I-E 0 I MI, 111 ". No o' m. 012 UNCLASSIF'10~ PROCESSIN6, DArE--30OCT70 ,'(-I"iR'r- ACCESS ICN NG-AP0125744 -SSIRACT/EXTRACT-(U) GP-0- ABSTRACT. HEATING -.A- #3 tBIS (BROMUMETHYL) p5w 7v0l BROMCAUAMANTANE M WXTH P0140. ZN GAVE .:123,51T*TETRAMETHYLENECYCLOOCTANE (111. 'BROMINAFION OF 11 IN GCL SUB4 ~.GAVE 1. THE REACTION OF 11 WITH HBR GAVE -1'93,0&'BRGMUt5t7tDlMEThYLALJAMANTANF. THE REACTION OF I I Vil TH HCO SU62 H a 'YLIc ACID. lN IPERCENT. OLEUM GAVE It 3, Of METHYLADAMANTANE,5, 7, DI CAR (1), C.ATALYTIC-ALLENE rETRAMERIZATION GIVES .,IS-3,4v6,TETRAMETHYLENECYCLOOCTENE* NOT It', AS PEPORTED -BY I. WILLIAMS7 E FACLLITYt T AL., (1962). , KIEV..POLITEKH. INST., KIEV, USSR. UNCLASS I FIED MSR UDC 546.161 AUNCHROVA, 1. F., -NEPOREZOV, V. S. , and F. j Acade=y ol" Sciences MR, Institute of General and 1-norganic CherAst--y imeni 11. S. Kurnakov "Kinetics ofthe Interaction of Fluorine with Iron-1-fickel Moys," Moscow, Zashchita Metallov, Vol qj No 2, Isla-rt,,pr 73, pp 190-191 Abstracts The kinetics of the interaction of fluorine irith 5011 iron-nickel alloy (in '54 50 Fe, 0.3 Sip 0#5 M, 0.05 Rol 49 Na, 0.15 Al) and 79j,'!-i iron- nickel alloy (in 80 Ni, 0.5 Si, M mn, 3.9.1-10, 15 Fe) wore investil-ated, The interaction of F with 5014 alloy at 350-500 1 deserlbod by a lincar dependence in tire, results In development of loose fluorine films- easily separating into layors. The interaction of F with 791,.L; alloy proceeds linearly av 700-8500, with development of porous filra;s'.separating into 1--yerz, It proceeds parabolically at- 500-6500. The appaxent activatdon energy oi the interaction procennos is 4580 cal/mol for 550-650o (fluoripe 6-iffussion through U, the fluoride layer) ~nd 16,660 cal/mol for 700-850" (chomical Interaction of reagents). Two figures, two tables, twelve bibliogr-aphic raferences. 66 USSR SUKNENKO. V. V., CHIKIN, L. A. "One System for Automation of Programming of Classes of Problems" Matematika, Nekotor. Eye Pril. i Metodika. Prepodav, [Mathem.0tics, Some of its Applications and Methods of Teaching --,Collection of Works], Rostov-na- Donu, 1972, pp 19-25 (Translated from Ileferativnyy Zhurnal Kibcrnetika, No 4, 1973, Abstract No 4V659, by V. Mikheycv).' Translation: A description is presented of a system for automation of programming of individual classes of prograins, based on a simplified algoi- ithmic language. Each such class is defined by a certain system of standard procedures, and the solution of any specific problem is achieved by a certain sequence of procedurcs from this system. The system of procedures is re'll- izcd by the subroutines of a specific computer, allowing SUCC.CSSfUl LltiliZI- tion of the capabilities of the computer itself as well. as the accumulated experience in automation of programming, through tho library of standard suhroutines. Inforiiiation on 1010 PI-0131CIM is fixed fil th* form of a matrix, the rows of which correspond to individual procedures and cont.ain the actual input language cont.aills a small parameters of the proceduros. The suggested nurpber of structures. All pi-cparation of the problem fwi, compuir..-I, solution i:; 1/3 USSR Suknenko, V. V., Chikin, L. A., Matematika, Nekotor. Eye Pril. i Metodika Prepodav., Rostov-na-Donu, 1972, pp 19-.25. performed by the consumer and consists in writing its algorithm in the input language and fixation of the initial inform-ition. The algorithms are written in the input language of a specific computer by means of an interpre- ter program. The basic structures of tlie language are variables and opera- tors. Variables may be of two types -- matrix and supplementary. Matrix variables refer to quantities which are~elemcnts of the matrix of infoz~matioli and-are identified by row and column numbers. Stipp lementary variables refer to individual values included in the output parameters of tI)e procedures and are represented by individual letters. The initial data of the problem and constants arc considered particular cases. of matrix variables, and are included in the program as such. The values of these variables are determined in the initial inscription into the information matrix. The operators the lan- guage are designed for performapce of the following operations: access of subroutines in machine code; transmission of information from one row of a matrix to another and entry of output parameters of subroutines in the matrix; branching of computational processes; organization of-external loops; printing 2/3 USSR Suknenko, V. V., Chikin, L. A., Matematika, Nekotor. Eye Pril. i Mctodika Prepodav., Rostov-na-Donu, 1972, pp 19-25, of intermediate and final results; stopping of the machine. Theoperators are eqmpped with numerical labels. At tile beginning of each prograin is a description of the matrix, containing information on its dimensionality. Algorithms, written in input language, are produced in tvo successive stagoes using the interpreter, which consists off two main part-,; -- the analyzing program (AP) and the interpreting program (IP). A specific realization of tile inte~rprcter is presented for the Ural-11 comE)uter. The IP is constrLICtOd according to the principles of organization of the IS-2 interpreting system for the M-20 computer. It is noted tllat~ the system 1-1 Coll . csted I s b tested in calculation of curved surfaces for shipbui Iding, problems of generation of dimensions for drawings in machine building and statistical processing of data. 4 biblio. refs. 3/3 92 lmm-wTl' ft" Emu" USSR WC 549.746 PULEV, L. K. ZHDANOV, YU- YA., Y.ASHnMZVA, K. I., SMXVI Y. S., and ak-utsk Bran "N"I ftbdrl-ne,,Dt~paxtment Institute of Geology, Y 0 ~~14 A~ademav of Sciences USSR "Nagnesium and Aluminum Hydrocarbonates the Idew JUneral Inlifirite" 2apWU Vsesoyu=ogc 11ineralogicheskogo Obahchestva,, 2na Series, No 21 1971, 178-183 Abstracti A new mineral has teen found along the Indifirka river In liorth- east Yakutia (near the Artic Circle). Called 1'irAJXiriV,.,j" the mineral is a rosette-like divergent, randonly arr?xged aggregate. In the coater of t1he rosette there axe accassicnally fine "seed!' hips, In tb3,ftne =kcs, fan- ishaped deposits are cleabod by a mss of very fine fib=? needles? or lwdxa about I mm in length. Ind1firite IS nnowwhita, -:Ind has a glossy luster with a sil]ky cast. The Imtness is.;about 2. The lwtina and fibers are elastic. The specific weight is~l.6 +.o.i. Indigirite is not radioactl7e arA is optically ar-lootropic. It is insoluble in tater, alcohol, and a=onila. In acids and KOH it dissolves instantlyt with the formation of oxdorless gan bubbles. OhvniaO. analysis gave the folloving composition$ (in ut.%)t tlgOp 12.0.8%; A120 t4.58%; cao 3 _74- USSR Obc,,11chestvaq INDOIEVI L, H. j et al., Zapiski Ysesoyusnogo 'Itineralogicheskqgo 2rA Series, Vo 29 19719 PP 178"183 s03 0.45,55. o.40 Fe 2 031, 0.64r. C0,19 24.16%; H2o, k4.36,% Paectron microsCOPIC pict=es reveal d elongated tabt r forms ala with uneven edges. Fine material was noted in the c3,nr3talline spaces and dehydra- tion of the nineral urAer vacuum was observed, The paxazeters of the de- hydrated crystals were found to be for c: o 6.23 t 0,0211 lengthifisie and 3,16+ 0.02A crossidse, which was close -to thatoof artinite. De'bye poirder patter-n-5 for the untreated airaral did not natch any imoim rdneral: or synthetic co:1. pouncl. Heat treatment at 1000C also Gave an or!Czinal Debya pattern, but material heat treated at 900 00 showed a spinol-ty-pe pattern which is natural for a nagnesiizi-aluninum hycirocarbonate. float loss curves ~ showed endotharmic >00 0 0 minim at, 12 # 160 1 and 215 C, Verj little. change in -Atdght ns noted above 200 C. A verj. slirshl, endotheraic effect inz noted at 550 0 -P r two -0 of fbxee samples. The peaks suggested loss of water of crymstaIlIzationj hyd=Wl waterp anddswoiation of complex carborates, Infra-red spectra confirmed the proposed structuane of the new zineral, CoArarisons were also made with other water-containing aagnesium or,zarnesium-aluadnum, carbonates. 2/2 112 052 UNCLASSIFIED PROCESSING DATE--23OCT70 TITLE--INFRARED SPECTRA OF HIGH TEMPERATURE BORATES CONTAINING COMPLEX ANIONS -U- AUTHOR-SUKNEV, V.S. C OUNT RY OF INFO--USSR ,~SOURCE-ZH. PRIKL. SPECKTROSK. 1970, 12131, 491-6 ._0ATE PUBLISHED ------- 70 SUBJECT AREAS--CHEMisrRY, PHYSICS ,-.TOPIC TAGS--BORATE, MAGNESIUM COMPOUND, IRON COMPOUND, BORON COMPOUND, TEMPERATURE MATERIAL, IR SPECTRUM C.0N TqOL MARKING--NO RESTRICTIONS -.00CUMENT CLASS--UNCLASSIFIED ",J)ROXY REEL/FRAMF--1997/0316 STEP NU--UR/0368/70/',)12/003/0491/0496 ACCESSION NO--AP0119303 UNCLASSIFIED 2/2 052 UNCLASSIFIED PROCESSING -CIRC ACCESSION NO--AP0119303 IABSTRACT/EXTRACT--(U) GP-0- ABSTRACT. THE IR SPECTRA OF MG .BORATES WEREMEASURED AT 400-3640 CM PRIME NEGATIVE1. FOR .SUBIO.4.5-H SUB2 0, A STRUCTURAL FORMULA MG (B SUB6 10 SUH9 JL PLUS N) H SUB2 0 IS SUGGESTED. SPECTIRA OF FE BORATES :APE ISOSTPUCTURAL WITH THEIR MG ANALOGS. DArE--230CT70 AND FE MGB SUB6 0 10H) SUB2). SHOW THAT THEY UNCLASSIFI U2 026 UNCLASSIFIED PROCE~SING DATE--230CT70 TITLE--INFRARED SPECTRA OF ASCHARITES -U- AUTHOR-(02);,~UKNE~VV..S.q BROVKIN,I,AsA,, ~"GOUNTRY OF INFO--USSR PRIKL. SPEKTROSK. 1970, 12(2)t 246-54 -SEDATE PUBLISHED ------- 70 _.~~.SUBJECTI AREAS--CHEMISTRYi EARTH SCIENCES'AND OCEANOGRAPHY, PHYSICS JOPIC TAGS--lik SPECTRUM, IRON COMPOUND, MANGANE5F COMPOUND, MAGNESIU14 .,'_.._.COMP(jUNDt RORATE, MINERALs DEUTERIUM COMPOUND 'CONTROL MARKING--NO RESTRICTIONS ,~'.DOCUMENT CLASS--UNCLASSIFIEO '_iPROXY RE-CL/FRAME--1995/1243 STEP NO--UR/0368/70/,)L2/002/0248/0254 ~CIR_C ACCESSION.NO--AP0116705 UNCLASSIFIED .212 UNCLASSIFIED PROCESSING DATE--230CT70 ,~,t'IRC ACCESSION NO--AP0116705 .'.ABSTRACTlEXTPACT--(U) GP-0- ABSTRACT. THE I R SPECTRA OF NAIURAL, ~SYNTHET IC AND DEUTERATED ASCHARITES AS WELL AS HYDROXYL AND HYDROASCHARITES WERE RECORDED. THE BAND FREQUENCIES FOR ;iG SU32 (B SU82 0 SU34 (OH) I (CHI t 414G SUiIZ NEGATIVE (B SU62- 0 SUB4 C 00) t 00) , MN SUB?- ( 6 :SUB2 0 SUS4 (OH) ) C DH) , FE SUB2 18 SU82 0 SU14 ( OH) I (GH) MG SU32 (f5 SIJBZ NEGATIVEX H SU63X 0 SUB4 40H))(Off) AND MG. SU62(5 SUBZ 0 SUB4 ('k)H))(OH)NH SU82 0 ARE GIVEN AND DISCUSSED IN DETAIL. THE STRUCTUaAL FORMULA FOR ASCHARITE WAS DETD. AS MG SUB2 (B SUB2 0 SU83 (OH) SU~Q) 0. THE FE AND MN ANALOGUES OF ASCHARITES (THE LATTER ALSO CALLED SUSSEXITE) WERE ALSO INVESTIGATED AND POSITIONS OF BANDS NEAR 570 AND 927 CM PRIME NEGATIVE1 .ARE GIVEN AS FUNCITONS OF FE AND h ~N CONTENT. FORMULAS ARE DERIVED FOR :~.:--SPFCTRAL DETN. OF FE AND MN. LIZ 025 UNCLASSIFIED PiWCES~SING DATE--230CT70 TITLE--EFFECT OF PARTIAL REMOVAL OF THE.CEREBELLUM ON DELAYED VISUAL AND ..~AUDITORY REACTIONS -U- .~.4UTHOR-,-!-SUKNlDZE, TS.G. .-.CGU,NTRY:OF INFO--USSR ~SOURCE-AKADEMIIA NAIJK GRUZINSKOI SSR, SOOBSHCHENI[Av VOL. 57v FEB. 1970, P .449-451 AT E PUBL ISHED----FEB70 Ulu E C TAREAS--BIOLOGICAL AND MEDICAL SCI4ENCES TOPIC TA(;S--tiRAIN, SURGERY, VISUAL PER.CEPTroiN, AUDITEON "dONTROL MARKING--NO RESTRICTIONS ~_DOUMENT CLASS--UNCLASSIFIED ~_~?,ROXY RE-EL/FRAME--3001/0836 STEP Ntl--UR/0251/70/057/,3'30/041,9/01+51 -.,:CIRC ACCESSt ON NO--AP0126513 UNCLASSIFIED 025 UNCL AS S I F rED PROCESSIS'NIG DATE-230CT70 .%IIRC ACCESSION NO--AP0126513 ,.ABSTRACT/EXTRACT--(U) GP-0- ABSTRACT. STUDY OF THE VISUAL AND AUDITORY ~-_RXEACTIOINS TO ALIMENTARY STIMULI IN AGROUP OF' 5 DOGS PRIOR Ju AnD AFTER JHE EXTIRPATION OF L08i SIMPLEXt FOLIA, TUBER VERMIS At-it) PYAMIS FROR CEREBELLUM. THE EFFECT OF THIS OPERATION ON THE MEMORY OF THE 15 DkSCUSSEDP INDICATING COMPLETE RECOYERY OF THEIR REFLEXES WITHI14 MONTH. FACIL.ITY: AKADEMlrxN NAUK-BRUZrNSKOL~SSRr. INSTITUT ~_FfZIOLOGII. TIFLIS, GEORGIAN SSR. Illur, ASStFrEG USSR uDc: 612.827-olQ, SUKNIDZEY Ts. G., Institute of Physiology, Academy of Sciences Georgian SSR "The Effect of Partial Extirpation of the Cerebellum on DF!layed Visual and Auditory REflexes" Tbilisi, Soobshcheniya Akademii Nauk Gruzinskoy SSR, Vol~57, No 2, 1970, PP -449-451 Abstract: Experiments on dogs showed that after partial extirpz~.tion of the cerebellum (lobulus simplex, folia, tuber vermis, pyramid), previously formed vioual and aiiditoi-j conditioned reflexes remained intact., but short-telTl viijual and wirlitorj memory war, im aired. Whereas prior to cu-,t,irr,.ry tile nayii.,iwa (Ae 1 1 t ,,e ry '1, 1, C -ea-3or0 delay in visible perception was 10-20 ainutes, af ter nurl,' 5 min. The maximum delay in auditory perception w--G 7-10 ali(I 2 min, respec- tively. There was no change after the operation in laby-ri nth L tie - kine stile Li (I memory. Hovever, a month after the operation the aelayea vi3ual and auditory reflexes were completely restored and the duration of thr:., delay returned to the preoperative level. The temporary impairment of short-tLrm memory caused by 5urgery is ascribed to a decrease in the activating influence.of the cere- bellun an the cortex mediated through the reticular fomation, on the visual and auditory regions of the cekebral cortex,, and on the t3ensory and associative neurons. 1/1 USSR UDC 615.471:615.844 SUKO1r&.1.74A,,--Te-.- A., TSIKHON, V. 11., and KIRICHENKO, V. G., All Union Scientif-c -Research Institute of Medicall Instrument Building, 11-bscaw "Apparatus for Treatment With Diadynamic Currents "Tonus-111 Moscow, Lkieditsinskaya Tekhnika, NTo 5, Sep/Qct 73, pp 59--62 Abstract: A new model for treatnent vith.diadynamic enrrents has Ixen developed -- Tonus-1 - with the goal of producing a simple, utilitarian and safe unit. Tonus-1 produces 9 types of diadynamic currants. Maximilm protec- tion. of tho patient is one of the strong points of Tonu-.-I. 3-i MAI '16 didifil; Eft i UNCLASSiffEW i IPRIfLLSSING DATE--30OCT70 FAGOCYTARIC ACTIVITY OF BLOOD aucocYTES IN,CHILDREN WITH :BRONCHIAL ASTHMA AND CHRONIC PNEUMONIA -U- AUTHOR-'%02)-SUKQVATYKH, T.N., RUBINSHTEYN, YE.V. ,::.CCUNTRY OF INFC--USSR SOURCE-LDRAVOOKHRANENIYE 6-ECORUSSII, 1970,9, NR 69 PP 56-57 ,:.:-PATE PLOLISHED----70 SUBJECT AREAS-BIOLOGICAL AND MEDICAL SCIENCES 4-l'.TUPIC TAGS-RESPIRATORY SYSTEM DISEASE, PNEUMONIAr LEUKOCYTE, PHAGOCYTOSIS CC19TROL KARKING-NO RESTRICTIONS DOCUMENT CLASS-UNCLASSIFIED TEP NC--UR/Cli77/701000/006/0056/0057 ..~PROXY REELIFRAME--3001/0914 S CIRC ACCESSICN NO--AP0126573 UNCLASSIFIED ~~w 7 212 015 UNCLASSIFIED PROCESSING DATE--30OCT70 CIRC ACCESSICN NC-AP0126573 ~AGSTRACTIEXTRACT--(U) GP-0- ABSTRACT. THE FAGQ(;YTARIC All:[TIVITY OF LEUCOCYTES HAS BEEN STUDIED IN CASES OF 43RONCHIAL ASTHMA AND CHRONIC PtIEUMUNIA. 64 CHILDREN SICK 141TH BRONCHIAL AS:rHMA AND 59 UNES, WITH CHRCNIC PNEUP.CNIA UF THE 1-11 GROUPS. HIGHER SHOidNGS OF THE FAGOCYTARIC INDEX HAVE 6EEN DETECTED IN MORE THAN 14ALF k-')F THE PATIENTS. ~IN SO,'-'.E CHILDREN WITH A SEVERE UEVELOPMENT Of BRONCHIAL ASTIVIA THE FAGCCYTARIC INDEX HAS 8FEN LOWEREGI. THE FAGOCYTARIC NUMBER AND 4 P, FAGOCYTOSIS INTENSIVENESS IN COMPARISON WITH THE FArsocyr. IC INDEX HAVE ,;~,-~'BEEN. LOWER IN A MAJORITY Of SICK CHILDREN, FACILITY: KAFEDRA PEDIATRII,BElORUSSKt3GO INSTITUTA.. FACILITY:~ -.USOVERSHENSTVOVANIYA VRACHEY I 8AKTERIOLOGr.CHESKAYA. FACILITY: LABURATCRIYA 5-Y KLINICHESKOY 8OL'NITSY:o ult Heat, Combuation., D~t6iiation USSR UDC 662-813.2+536.46 BELYAYEV, A. F., SUKOYAN KOROTKOV, A. I., SULIMOV, A. A. "Concerning the Consequences of the Penetration of Combustion Into a Single Fore" Novosibirsk, Fizika Goreniya i. Vzryv-a, No 2, June 1970, pp -166-1:(l Abstract: It has been shown in other references that the penetration of corrbus- tion into a two-dimens' lonal unit pore (crack) of powder or hiCh explosive brinFs about, under certain conditions, excess pressure in it. The initial effect exerted by the excess pressure upon the sider.,of the crack can, under certain con- ditions, bring about enlargement of the crack, which condition is manifested in a depth increase. In the article are set forth results of weasure-ment and cal- culation of the value of excess pressurei in addition, consideration is given to Special features of the growth of burning cracks. The value of the excess pres- sure in an undeformed two-dimensional pore is obtained. The pressure increase -undergoing deformation is calculated. The- growtli of burning in a burning pore Acted upon by excess pressure in examined. cracks TA USSR UDC 621,039.3 KOLOKOL'TSOV, N. A., MINENKO, V. P.t NIKOLAYEV, B. I., STJ1ABERIDZ~,,,G. A., and TRETIYAK. S. A. "Constructing Cascades for Separating Multicomponent Isotope Mixtures" Moscow, Atomnaya energiva, Vol 29, No 6, Dec 70, pp 425-429 Abstract: At present, there is a great deal of interest in separation of isotope nixtures and consequently in the theory of building separating multicomponent cascades, with the requirement that-isotopes of intermediate mass as well as those of extreme mass be separated. Nothing that the dif- ficulty in designing these cascades is that the concentration of inter- mediate-mass isotopes tends to be a maximum inside the cascade, the authors discuss systems of continuous profile cascades for separa,1-ing isotopes of intermediate mass, and the simulation of these cascades by actual flows consisting of constant-flow sections. The five steps required for this simulation process are outlined, and the modeling of a continuous profile cascade for the separation of tungsten isotopes, in the form of the gaseous compound WF6, is given as an example., J1,RS 60651 29 November 1973 ACCELE'RATION OF IOVS BY A RELATIVISTIC ELECTRON REJAM Art Icle A. Plvymo~ S. Va. V. rozop, B. A and I.- V. Zh'~r-naITnkhnirji#- R.W~Ixn. Val. 43, No. T,71Vff.*:;iSned to press 22 June 1972. pp. Abstract The effect of Ion acceleration by a relativistic electron its= was Investigated. protons wee accelerated to 6'- 7 ~dlljoil electron volts for an energy of an electron beam of approximately one million electron volts. Tire beam ctimpositiort~oad Its vfwrii~f dtatribution were studied. it wm de monst"ced thnt the- energy -of protafta accelerated by elac~rons rives store rap idly than linearly vith at Increase in the accelerating voltage In che 0.1 - I all1lon electron volts range.. lite effect of Ion accalarottlen in am electron beam, was obsarv~d initially when obt4ining nonrqlatlylatic teiect~ basmat from a pjavma emittel! t1f. Protons and Leon of carbon with astairum energlen of 4 - 5 and 10 - ZO Fev witim recorded in the following experissints for ain average of 200 - 300 ke,, eivetron tnnrgy 121. A llnear rise to the energy of Iona with ma In- ,rvast In the energy ofWlectrons was obii-erved In the ran4e of 10 - 200 ktlo- volt accelerating voltages onaer optian.1, izanditions for tea acceleration. This opened up the poesibIlLty for c"ttlox am electron jet ion accelerator at 10 - 1110 F&V Using I - 2 Her nlatirlittle electron beena. Sam Inweti- gotions In thil direction were conducted usitill high current electron resona- ter accelerators. Arrangement of Experiment 2, Ion acceleration by means of electrons was done by using a variable accrlorating voltage oxcillatiag with a. frequency of 6.3 magalls. and an Initial amplitude of 0.2 1 megavolts; applied to the accelerating gap. Ih* high USSR Ll I-IN TJSSR V-t TSKHADAYA B. A.; MUTTO., A. A. (Sukhmil Physicotechnical Institute) "Peculiarities of Intensive Electron Bean, Tormation in aBounded Plasma" Kier.. Ukrainskiy Fizicheskiy Zhurnal; June., 1971; pp 992-14 ABSTRACT: Peculiarities of the formation of strong-current, pulsed electron beams were stL died by a method of the prelin-inaxy.filliAg of an accelereing gap with plasna. A distinctive feature of the method ir;, that the plasma-filled gap has a high conductivity which allows;currents of 10 14 - 105 amps with a duration of 16-7 - 10-1 see to be attained in the gap. After a certain criti- cal value of the current has been attained in the gap:,,the olmic resistance o,f the gap rises, resulting in a sharp decrease in tho'current, and a sharp in- crease in the potential difference across-the gape Injthis ~case the plasma is broken into anodic and cathodic vith corresponding potentials. --- ---- ---- USSR SULADZE K. V. at al. UknUnskiy Fizicheskiy Zhunial p Jun 71t pp 992-994 Probe measurements show that all of the drop in voltage ev the stage at which the current sharvly decreases is concentrated in the plasma gap. It is at this stage that the electron beam is formed. The critical current value 13 --1 depends on the plasma concentration, and at a concentration of 10 cm - it 4 04 reached 5-10 mps. At the same time., the beam current reached 2e1 amps, -7 the accelerating was 45 kvip and the current pulse duration was 3,16-' sec. 2/2 USSR UDC 621-774-35-001.4 PLYATSKOVSKIY, 0. A., Doctor of Technical Science:i, POROMIUKOV, YU. Z., SMI=L V, V. M., UJ31RIYA, A. YE., Candidate.of Technical STATMO 3-cFe-H30-tand TSERMLI, P. A. Pr"Cipal Parameters of the Duformation Process by High-Temperature Thermo- mechanical Treatment of Pipes" Dne ropetrov5k Metallurgicheskaya I Gornorudnaya Pronyalilennost', No 4, (70~p Jul-Aug 71, pp 34-3? Abstracti At many active pipe rolling plants, reduction mills can be utilized for high-temperature thermomechanical treatment (h'rlfi':) of pipes. Workers of the All-Union Scientific Research Instltute of Pipes and specialists of the Rustavsk Metallurgical Plant have developed the technology of HTNT of hot-rolled compressor pump plpeG (73 X 5-5 NO of carbon steels ( brands 20 and 35) and low-alloyed steel (36G42S) by rolling on a 20-cage reduction mill with rolls 350-4,00 mm. in diameter. The HTW technoloCr is discussed by reference to diagrams showing the general arrangement and the change of the metal pressure on rolls under different rolling conditions. In hTI)rf the metal pressure on the rolls of pipes with precooling indeforming cases Is approximately twice ae high as in the standard process of hot reduction. Investigation data were used for planning an industrial experimental produc- 1/2 r"Mil 4 9: 5T 41MA11, USSR UDC 518~iS:681.1.06 KALINICHENKO, L. G., BAKLANOVA, L. V., SULAKSHIN, S. S. "Determination of Correlation Characteristtcs Using the Minsk-I Computer" Xzv. Tomsk. Politekhn. In-ta lNews of Tomsk Polytechnical institute], Val 217, 1971, pp 32-38, (Translated from Referativnyy Zhurnal, Kibernetika, No.10, 1971, Abstract No 10 V816). NO ABSTRACT. USSR um 621-327-534.2.032.927 RICHEV, M. A. "A Method of Assembling the Electrodes for Gas-Discharge Tubes of High and Superhigh Pressure" Moscow, Qtkrytiya, Izobreteniya, Proqrshlennyye Obraztsy,,Tov nyye Znaki, No 7, Mar 72, Author's Certificate No 329593, Division G, filed 22 Jul 70, published 9 Feb 72, p 208 Translation: This Author's Certificate introduces a method of assembling electrodes for high-pressure and superhigOi-pressure gas-diticharge-tubes. ~2he electrodes consist of a core wound with a helix. ks'a distinguishing feature of the patent, the assembly operation is simplifted by placing the helix loosely over the core in such a way that a gap remains between the core and the inner surface of the helix, and the helix ir, fastened to the core by welding its first turn to the end face of the coTe in'a shielding gas atmosphere. 100 Moscow, Otkrytiya Izzobreteniya, Promyshlennyye Obraztsy, Tovarnyye Znaki, No 7, Mar 72, Author's Certificate NO 329598, Division G, filed 22 Jul 70, published 9 Feb 72, p 209 Translation: This Author's Certificate introduces a gas-discharge tube with alkali metal iodide additives. The tube contains wi outer envelope, a gaz-discharge burner and a current-donducting crossbar enclosed in a tube of insulating material such as quartz. As a distinjruishi~ng featture gh the burner envelope of,the patent, migration of alkali metal ions throu,, is reduced by applying a layer of metal such as aluminum to the outer zurface of the tube. 'The metal layer is connected to an~alectric circuit ode in parallel. with the burner. consisting of a resistor and di 1/2 2/2 __:- L14 - T USSR UDC 542.91-4-661.718.1 DZIUNDUBAYEV, K. D. BEYS11EKEYEV, Zh. , ALDASIIEVA, A. , I - KTODEKOVA, T., Institute of Organic Chemistry, Acade,-.,Iy of SULAYMANOV A-, TO" 'Sciences ot the Kir.iz SSR "Synthesis of Ilized Phosphites Based on 10-(O-Hydroxypropyl-(cthyl)]phenothia- zine" Leningrad, Zhurnal Obshchey Khimii, Vol 42(103), No 2, Feb 72, pp 337-340 Abstract- The r..uthor.,; stu(!Jivd the reiction of 1.0- (~-hydro:np ropy!) pheno- thiazine and with d dichlorides, pliosphorus trichloride and (limc-.triyl~,t,-nidol-,Iiosphoi.-otis acid dichlorides USSR UDC 547-341 PETROV2 K. A., KHORKHOYANU, L. V., DZHUIfDUBkYEV, K. NhA _V L.A "Synthesis and Properties of '0 Alkoxyvinyl Phosphonic Anhydrides" P-A Leningrad, Zhurnal Obshchqy 12jimii, Vol 400 No 9, Sep 70, pp 1971-1973 Abstract: A new method for the synthesis of anhydrides offi-alkoxy- vinylphosphonic acid (1) is described, consisting of the reaction of equimo3~Lr quantities of the diehloroanhydride with the complete ester of p-alkoxyvinylphosphonle acid. The product, is a monomer. To obtain )O-Propoxv-~o(-methylvinylphosphonic anhydrIde, (1) in an absolute benzene pyridine mixture la reacted with titbsoliilEe methanol., 'The reaction mixture is refluxed for 5:bro, precip.itate separated, filtrate washed with benzene, solvent evaporated, and reaidual mass kept for 1-1#5 hr3 at 80-100110-15 ram. These anhydrides react ifith to yield five membered oyalic.asters, Thig opoxides are added in Joe tollowed by heating the reaction =Lxture Xor 6-7 hwa ~to 70-1000, Ui~~R UDC 547.341 PaTROV, K. As HHORKHOYANU, L. V., DZHUITDUBAYFV, K., SULAYMANOV, A. "Synthesis and Properties of P-Alkoxyvinylphosphonic Anhydrides I." Lenin 91 40, No 91 Sep 70, 9grad, Zhurnal Obshchey Khimli, V pp 1 8-1970 Abstract: To the dichloroanhydride of ~-ethoxyvlnylphosphonic acid "in anhydrous toluene, water was added dropwise at 200 followed by heating the reaction mixture for 2 hrs at 1100 unde!r a stream of nitrogen. The solvent was evaporated and the residue IC t 2-3 hra at 2-3 mm vacuum and 100-1100 to yield the anhydr.We OfTethoxy- vinylphosphonic acid M, m-p- 75-761), a thermally stable hydro- scopic, brittle materl7al. Another way of obtaining (1) was by adding water to the starting d1chloroanhydride kopt in anhydrous benzene-p7ridine mixture; absolute methanol could be nitbatituted for water. To obtain a monoallc7l aster, (1) dissolved in anhydrous benzene or toluene wan refluxed 6-10 7ars wfth anhydrous alcohol in a dry atmonphare. After removing this solvent, tho resf.thjo was kept ~at 90'alOO/7-Boun Vor ')-) btiot yimlding tho prodwit - 41#4.-k sympy A~fR~ ','III , _ ffffljjjj~ .I USSR UDC 547.26'118 PETROV, K. A., TRESHCHALINA, L. V., and SULAYMANOV, A. "Synthesis of the Derivatives of 0-Alko)qVinyl-phosphonic Acids" Leningrad, Zhurnal Obshchey'Khimii, Vol 43 (105), No 4, Apr 73, pp 753-758 Abstract: Reaction of the anhydride of 6-ethoxyvinylphosphonic acid with hexylamine and p-toluidine yields amide. salts of B-ethoxyvinylphosphonic acids; in case of aromatic amines the phosphorylation occurs through the stage of the formation of amide salt of 6-ethoxy-vinylpyrophosphonic acid. A synthetic method has been developed for,the synthesis of acid phenyl esters of a-alkoxyvinylphosphonic acid byTeacting phenol with the anhy- drides of these acids. It has been established that during the reaction of anhydrides with substituted phenols occasionally monoesters of 0- alkoxyvinylpyrophosphonic acid are formed instead of monoarylphosphonates. Phenolysis of 8-ethoxyvinylphosphonic acid dichlorides vith the reagent ratio 1:1 leads to the formation of aryl ether chlotoanhydrides which upon reacting with ainines yield ether amides. 1/1 - 16 USSR UDC: 621.391:5-19.2 SUL'Dill, 1,1'. D. -~unct rOiristortions o. the Indeterminacy -ion n ilormal Frequezicy- Time S~hiftsll V sb. i S J, f'h. 2 1~ J, idectrol-LIC:E; It'-, tile -71;--tioaal ~-'co-nomy of -Lh~:-: ~U;33R., Paxt 2--collect-i-o--l of I'Torks) Kuybvshev, 1070, DI) -)1'5-320 from Jo. 3, ~.arcll 71, Abstract 14'o. ~AG4) Translation: I,%. p p r o x. i m, te expr,~: s~,-- ions are obtain-::-J for comrjutin~ the ---lthe-liaticai c4,-.a'u ion ant! dii-,,persion of th~~ i-ndete-minacy unction for Gaussian piLllzes and other processei: . 1,...,o illustra- tions, biblio~~raphy of seven. R. 8, USSR UDCI: 621-396.677 T SUL DIN-rL, J. ~,,-Geometrica_-, 31aado,,-.ri.n,-. of a Rougii Jut-face in Det,~rrninint- its '_-ff7_ feet on a Vibrator Dir;--cticnal Dice-ram" V sb. Radio e 1 r!Irtron. v nar. -ve S14 3H, Ch. 2 (R-~Ldioelcctronics in thf- n -io al,.,~cirjr.~jy o-. tn.,- U,31~j.(, -.-rirt. of wort:s) Kuy"byshuv, 1970, pp 209-215 (from i."*Zh-!',cidiote-'-~~-i~,,4-iL-a, i~_o. 3, Larch 71, Abstract No. 3B33) I_ Transla--Aon: 'I" I i oef--,;'-.-,ct o-f reflection from a aurface with Iar,~t~- scale coarseness on the ~`kir-_-cticnal diafTra:.-, of ', vibr,-nktor rien a ttorinx- of '-he meves do not co- the directiom of , rrival and sea U -oression is ob'-ained for computi.rig incide is considered. n ex the shiadovini'l func t ion at low ouservation angles. 2our illustra- tions, bibllok:_,raphy of ninu. N. 3. _15-7 1/2 009 UNCLASSIFIED PROCESSING DATE--230CT70 .TATLE--;-DEWATER ING OF PETROLEUIMS FROM THE SANGACHALY 014VANNY1 SEA OEPOSIT _U_ A.B.,-.MAMEDQV., KH.,M.k. MAMEDOVo G.Z.p GUMBATOV, G.G. ~'.COUNTRY OF-' VISO, I~.S OURC E-- AZER BNEFT. K110Z. 1970t (1), 32-4 ~PATIE PUBLISHED ------- 70 ...]SUBJECT AREAS--EARTH SCIENCES AND OCEANOGRAPHY, MATERIALS TOPIC TAGS--PETaOLEUM DEPOSIT, PETROLEUM DEHYDRATION, CRUDE OIL, LOGATIONY MOLECULAR WEIGMTr PCT~OLEUM 0EMWLSIFICATloNllU)NCHK DEMULSIFIER ,'~CONTROL MARKING--NO RFSTRICTIONS ~DOCUMENT CLASS--UNCLASSIFIED ,:PROXY REEL/FRAME--3001/2071 STEP NCI--UR/0487/70/()00/(')01/0032/-,)t)34- ~CIRC ACCESSION N()--A!)0127444 i it:r T A-1 T_l__ 3f)CT-10 PROCESSM DATF--~ 212 009 UNCLASSIFIED ~-'C-IRC ACCESSION NO--AP0127444 -ik3STRACT/EXTRACT--(U)-GP-0- ABSTRACT. SANGACHALY DOVANNYI SEA PETROLEUMr -ES 6T.8 CSTr CO TG. 0 PRIME20 0.3834# MOL. WT. 254r VISCOSITY AT 200EGR.~- N ~":-.6.5PERCENT SILICA GEL TARS, 20PERCENT H, ~LIBZ SO SU34 TARS, 14PERCENT ASPIiALTE-NES, 8-10PER'CENT PARAFFIN M. 5LDEGREESt 0.3ZPERCENT NAPHTIV-*NIC :,--AC I DS 46PERCENT PARAFFINIC I E 135 R E NAPHTHENIC. HYDROCARBONS: [N TH 62- DEG E S IPERCENT OF FRACTIONS B. IS SMALL;FR NNN.'fP EQUAL TO BODEGP EES t AND ALK. WATER WITH SO SU84 PRIMEZ NEIGATLVE HAIWNESS WAS OfEWATEAkED TO A, H SUB2 0 CON-TENT OF I-1-5PERCENT BY PUMPING- IT THROUGfi A -TUB-E~FURNACE, ADDING L.5PERCENT OF CA Ti NCHK ClE14ULS!f-JER AT YPE ,75-800EGREEs, AND PUMPING IT INTO A SETTLLNG TANK WHERE A BOTTOM HEATING -COIL.PROLONGED THE SETTLING PI:RIQD,AT TEMPS. IS GREATER T~tAN 510EG~IEES. '.~`--.RECYCLING OF THE SEPL). WATERCON ITG. DEMULSIFEER REDOCED THE OUTLAY OF - M .nrrare~ay-s USSR UDC 05-376-621.3822 GORBANI, 105.) -SULE)MIANCV, MAR., SHVAYDAK, YU.M., PAVLIGiENKO, V.I., RYZHIKOV, .'Infrared Electroluminescence Of Spitaxial P-N Junctions Based On Silicon CarbideO V 9b. Elektrolyuminentsentsiva -byard. tal (6lectroluminesaance Of Solid Bodies--- Collection Of Irlorks), Kiev, 011auk.dumkca," 1971, pp 19-21 (from RZh--Elektronika Me primenenize No 11, Nov 1971, Abstract No 11B356) Translations The paper reporta on the infrared alectroltmAnesoonce spectra of epitaxial p-n junctions based on (x-SiO (6H). Of particulor intmot' is the electroluminseence aDectrum OR-II-EL) which consists of three narrow lines 1.184, 1.175, and 1.151 ev (halfwidth on the order of 1/10 kT at 2930 X) which is observed at both room temperature and at the temperaturo of liquid nitrogen. Ia addition to the structure IR-II-EL, on other light diodos the infrared bands IR-I and IR-III were observed with energy maxima at 1.35 and. 1.07 ev, respeet- ively. A scheme of electron transitions reoionsible for fonning,IK-11 is pro- os -ed. 3 ref. 2 ill. Su-ry. p M 1/1 USSR UDO 621. /'15-595t_5315-576 VORMIN, V.G., GLUKHAREV, A.A., PAVLIMINKO, V.I., PRONIN, B.V., RYZHIXOV, I.V., SULSYMAN UEffect Of Adhesion Centers On Electroluminescence In a-SiC(611)" Elektron. telchnika. Nauchno-tekhn. cb. Poluproydn. plibory. (Electronic Technology. Scientific-Technical Collection. Semiconductor es), 1970, No '*7), pp 24-10 (from RZh--Z-lektronika i Xeye p Limeneniye, No 12, December lg*?O, Abstract No 123282) Tranolation: The relaxition wap inveatilzated o'f electrolurdineacenc in a. 0 ilicon oarbtdo p-n junctionn conotrUCtOd on nilicon corbidn (6H) cryiitalEl of El modifjOd veralon of different rouiotivity, Ott the bovit) of the enorgy lovein or tho trilpa o~toinad (0.06-0,08; 0-0-0.14;Q-18-O.20;0.22-O.P) *.v.) it io nso,,tmud that threo levels of nitrogon emorgo au udhaeian cantora In oilicon carbldnU- -11110(6H), and one lavol of unknown donor, which under otoble conditiono in n9terial of high resistivity is not filled by electrons.~6 ill. 26 ref. Sum=ry- 025 UNCLASSI FIED O~ PRGCESStNG DATE--(40EC70-1 .--TtTLE--OIL.ADOITIVES -U- AUTHOR-(05)-KULIYEVs A.M.v ZEYNALOVAP K*A.t SADYKHOVP Kolot SULEYRANOVAt FOG* r DRUDZHEVA, 1. M. ,-,.,-,COUNTRY OF INFO--USSR Owl ":,SOURCE--BAKINSKIY RABOCHIY, SEPTEMBER 18,' 1970, P 3, COL 3 DATE PUBLISHED--18SEP70 ~SUBJECT AREAS--MATERIALS, BEHAVIORAL AND SOCIAL SCIENCES TOPIC TAGS-LUBRICATING OIL, LUBRICANT ADDIT[VEt CHE,4fCAL SYNTHESIS, PETROLEUM REFINING, HONORARY TITLE AWAROp CHEMICAL l>ERS0NNEL/(U)BFK LUBRICATIN'G OIL ADDITIVE, (U)SB3 LUBRICATING OIL ADL)ITIVE, (U)SK3 -LUBRICATING OIL AUDITIVEt (U)AZNIIBU LUBRICATING OIL ADDITIVEt ~(U)INKHP21 LUBRICATING OIL ADDITIVE MARKING--NO RESTRICTIONS ..DOCUMENT CLASS--UNCLASSIFIED :.__PA,0XY FICHE NO----FD70/605011,'809 STEP N()--UR/900()/70ifOOO/OC)0/0003/0003 CIRC ACCESS IOIN NO--AN0140-180 m IT F, H 9r, 9cl MI'l I I Hi Tm Ell m3=, MR. -2/2 025 UNCLASSIFIED PROCESSING DATE--04DEC70 ,wCIRC ACCESSION NO--AN0140180 ABSTRACT/EXTRACT--(U) GP-0- ABSTRACT. "THE DEVELOPAENT [IF THE SYNTHESIS TECHNOLOGY FOR THE EFFICIENT ADOITIVES:T0 140TOR Oft.5 REFINED FROM THE BAKU PETROLEUMSt BFKi, SB 39 ~SK 3s AIN111, :8U, AND JNI~,HP 211 AND REDUCING -IT TO INDUSTRIAL APPLICATIONS", THE WORK DONE BY A,, M. KLJL[YEV, K. A. ZEYNALOVA, K. 1. SADYKHOVo F. G. SULEYMANOVAi 1. M., ORUDZHEVAj 1. 1. NAMAZOVt AND Vo YE. BASHAYEV HAS BEEN NOMINATED BY THE INSTITUTE OF CHEMISTRY OF ADDITIVES OF THE AZERBAYDZHAN ACADEMY OF SCIENCES FOR THE -STATE PRIZE OF THE AZERBAYDLHAN SsS.R. j',-jjlT ;3,91INTIR incitriliffli Fm; uffif USSR UDC 547-298-3 PTITCHUK, A. M., SULEYMNOVA, M. G., and FIL011MINKO, L. P., Institute of Organic Chemistry, Academy 6k'8~16~fid-eb'UkrSSR "Reaction of N-Ch.1-orohexamethyidisilazane With Trivalent Phosphorus Compounds" Leningrad, Zhurnal Obshchey 1(hinii, Vol 42 (104), No 9, Sep 72, pp 2115-2116 Abstract; if-chlorohexamethyldisilazane reacts vith triary.1- and trialkyl- phosphines, trialkyl phosphiten and chlorodialV-1phosphites at 0-100 in ether, forming trimethylchlorosilanes and phosphazotrimethylsilai2es. Following com- pounds have been synthesized: triphenylphos;)hazotrimethylsilane, m.p. 74-760; tribtitylphosphazatrimethyli;ilane, b.p. 90-920/0-04 mm n25 1.4665; triethoxyphou- phazotrimethylsilane, b.p. 86-870/15 mm, n25 1.4180; trppropoxphosphazotri- Methylsilane) b.p. 62-630/0-05 Mm, n25 1 .4~10; tributoxypTaosphanotrimethyl- 25 D silane, b.p. 77-78'/l mm, n 1-4285; diethoxychlorophosphazotrimethylailane, b. P- 83-85o/25 MM, n25 1.4LPT5. D USSR UDC 547.241 ZHURAVLEVA, L. P., 'Y ~,OVALYMI, N. 11. , aitd KIRSANOV, A. V., Sa Institute of Organic C FeM=isti~",,"&A!`ademy. of Scit:nces Ukrainian SSR "Dibe-azylphosphinic Acid Derivatives" Leningrad, Zhurnal Obshchey Khimii, Sep,71, Vol 41, No 9, pp 1950-1953 Abstract: A discussion is presented of a method suitable for obtaining oxides of tribenzy1ohosphines which, in turn, may be used to obtain a series of dibenzylphosphin1c acids in good yields. When treated with phosphorus pentachloride or thionyl chloride, dibenzylphosphinic acids form acid chlorides which, when treated with amonia and amines, Corn amides; when these acid rAilorides are treated with alcohols and. pheiiols (phenoxides), they form appropriate esters, The reaction of dibenzy1phosphinic acid chloride with Grignard's reagents produces alky1dibenzy1phosphine oxides or aryldibenzvlphosphinas. The fusion of alkyldibenzylphosphine oxides with alkalies yields alkylbenzy1phosphinic, acids -- crystalline compounds which may be titrated with pherolphthalein for monobastc acids. Tables are provided citing radicals, yields, melting points, formulas and other indicators for dibenzylphosphinic acid chlorides (RC6H4CH,))2L1(O)Cl, dibenzylphosphinic acid amides (RC 114C112)2P(O)N11P.1 and "oxides of a1kyldibenzylphosphines and ary1digenzy1phosphinen, (C6115('112),,P(0)Ra. USSR UDC 547.241 ZHURAVLEVA, L. P. , MARCHENKO, A. P., VOLA, M. I., KOVALYULM, N. N., aNKRONAMOV. AA,"V. Institute of Organic Chemistry, Academy of Sciences Ukrainian. SSR "Hydrogenation of Organophosphorus Compounds. Part V" Leningrad, Zhurnal Obshchey Khimii, Sep 71, Vol 41, No 9, pp 1944-1950 Abstract. This paper is one. of a series of investigations on the hydro- genation of arganophosphorus compounds containing aroma-tic radicals. It is shown that mixed oxides of ter-t-iary phosphines, phosphinic and phosplionic a-cids as well as phosphoric acid amides with phenyl and benzyl radicals will be hydrogenated in the prosenceof a platinum catalyst to form corresponding compounds w-ith cyclohexyl. and- cyclohexylmethyl radicals:; the phosphoric acid amides will be hydrogenated at. a higher rate (at- room temperature) than oxides and acids. Unlike the initial compounds, all hydrogenated products featured lower melting points and higher solubilities in ordinary organic solvents. 141hen treated wit1i phosphorus pentachloride, bis (cycLohnxylme thy 1) phosphinic acids form their-acid-chlorides -- readily mobile liquids, distillable under vacuum. 'When treated wich propylmagne~sium iodide, bis(cyclohexylLqethvl)p~osr)iiinic acids form an oxide of propylbis(cyclo- hexylm-ethyl)phospbine which is- identical to the hydrogenation product of wm; wwN USSR ZHURAVLEVA, L. P., et al., Zhurnal Obshchey Khimii, Sep 71, Vol 41, No 9, pp 1944-1950 propyldibenzylphosphine oxide. The experimental section of this paper is presented in great detail and includes tables citing yields, melting points, solvents for crystallization, formulas, solubilities and other indicators for phosphoric acid trialylamides (RNII)3PO,~phosphoric~acid:tris(cyclo- hexyl)amides (RNH)3POa and other related:tompounds. 1/2 OZZ UNCLASSIFIED Pptuct-ssit STIMULATION OF PLANTS -U- AUTHOR-(GZ)-RIZAZADEi R.R.t SULEYMANOVAY N.L., Wil- 'COUNTRY OF INFO--USSR SOURCE--.RADIOBIOLOGIYA 1970v 10(L)t 98-102 '...OATE PUBLISHED ------- 70 :.:~SUBJECT AREAS--BIOLOGICAL AND ME-DICAL SCIENCES ~-TOPIC TAGS--AGRICULTURE CROP SEED, CESIUM ISOTOPEv .~_~'..PHYSIOLOGYt RADIATION PLANT EFFECT~ .-CONTROL IARKING--NO RESTRICTIONS .-:00CUMENT CLASS--UNCLASSIFIED '.-PROXYAEEL/FRAMF:--1998/0457 -10 UAT E-- 300C T RADIATION DOSAGEi PLANT STEP NO--URIO"05/'7i)?010/oOL/00'98/i)102 CIRC ACCESSION NO--AP0121131 Vi k, 212 022 UNCLASSLFIED PROCESSING DATE--30OCT7C C-IRC At.CESSION NO--AP0121131 ':.',ABSTRACT/EXTRACT--(U) GP-0- ABSTRACIT6 RADIATION SrIMULATION WAS Sl*tJDIED JN SUNFLOWER SEEDS. THE SEEDS WERE IRRADIATED WITH PRIME13-1 CS GAMMA RAYS IN DOSES OF Go25-20 KR. INDIVIDUAL PHASES OF 1,;P%O'eJlNG PLA-.14TS FROM THESE SEEDS WERE OBSERVED AND 810METRIC.MEASUREMENTS WERE MADE. FOR THE DOSE OF 2 KR A CONTINUOUS STI-MULATING EFFECT WAS 013SO., WHICH WAS MANIFESTED BY THE RATE OF THE GRUWTH RATHER THAN By THE FINAL RESULT. THE GROWTH OF PLANTS FROM IRRADIATED SEEDS WAS:PARTICULARLY ACCELERATED -AT THE, EARLY STAGES. FACILITY: :NAUCH.-ISSLED. INST. TEMLED.t BAKU*Ii USSR. "112 037 AOCESStNG DATE-30OCT70 UNCLASSIF rEV P :-TI,TLE-DEFORMATICN OF CORDS MADE FRUM POL~AMIDE FIBERS -U- H0R-SULEYMAWj"&-Z-1. 0 UNT R Y:, 0 FI N F 0- U S SR ,'~.SOURCE-KAUCH. REZINA 1970, 2913), 27-9 .~~.'_PATIE PUEILISHEG-70 -~SUBJECT AREAS-MATERIALS TAGS-CORDAGE, NYLONr POLYAMIDE RESINP MATERIAL DEFORMATION, STRESS ~~'~RELAXATICNr HIGH TEMPERATURE EFFECT,# LOW TEMPERATURE EFFECT :-CCNTROL MARKING-NO RESTRICTIONS .DOCUMENT CLASS-UNCLASSIFIED ,.PRGXY REELIFRAME--2000/0837 STEP NQ--UR/0138/70/-029/003/0027/OOZ9 .-CIRC ACCESSION NO-AP0124504 Utjr vz~l UNCLASSIFIED PROC~SSING DATE-30OCT70 CIRC ACCESSIEN NO-AP0124504 'ABSTRACT/EXTRACT-JU) GP-0- ABSTRACT. A STUDY OF THE DEFORMATION GF NYLON 6 (1) ANG NYLON 66 (11) C43RUS UNDER STAFIC AND DYNAMIC CONDIfIONS At 20-160DEGREES INDICATED THAT THE DEGREE OF DEIZORMA'YEON WAS A FUNCTION OF THE EXPTL. TEMP. THE TEMP. AT WHICH MAX. DEFGRMAT~TON OF I OCCURRED WAS INVERSELY PROPORTIONAL TO THE STRESSlAPPLIE Ll LAND LOADING TIME. MAX. DEGREE OF DEFORMATION IN I WAS OBSD. AT HIGH TEMPS. AND SMALL LOADS OR LOW TEMPS. AND hEAVY LOADS. RELAXATION DATASUGGESTE0 THAT I AND It CORDS WOULD BEST OPERATE AT HIGH''TEMPSIF , FACILiTY: NAUCH.-ISSLED. INST. SH!NNOl PROM., MOSCOWr USSRIL UNCLASSIFIED USSR UDC 669.017:5311.67 "Problem of Measuring the Energy Dissipation in Retals in the Presence of High Amplitudes of High-Frequency Mechanical Vibratiotis" Rasseyauiye. energii pri kolebanivakh mekh. sistem -- V sb. (Energy Dissipa- tion During Vibrations of IMechanical Systems - collection of works), Kiev, Naukova Dumka Press, 1970, pp 272-279)(from RM-MetalluLgiya, No 4, Apr 71, Abstract No 41933) Translation: Equipment for determining the energy dissipation coefficient by the method of damping oscillations has been developed and is described; the frequency-amplitude dependence of the energy dissipation is estimated with re- spect to the variation in resonance frequency of the sample vibrations. The equipment permits measurement of the energy dissipation factor of the mechani- cal vibration system in the frequency range of 500-20,000 hertz, The range of measureable vibration decrements is 0.1-10%, and the accuracy is +6%. 1`.,.tperI- ments were performed to study the wiiplitudc dependence of the ener.-y dissipa- tion in steel 45 and GKIM and brass at a frequency of 10 kilohertz. USSR SULIK, 1. S., Rasseyaniye ---nergii pri kolebaniyakh mekh. sistem, Kiev, Naukova Dumka Press, 1970, pp 272Z~79 Comparison of the experimental results with the data obtained by the resonance method shows that at low and medium stress levels (up to 200 megancwtons/M2 for steel and up to 120 n eganewtons/m2 for brass), comparison is observed within the limits of accuracy of the measurements. The bibliography has 3 entries. [Iaevl. USSR UDC S31.36 SULIKAS J.R. S. "Stability of Stable Motion of a Satellite with a Gyroscope in a Central Newtonian Field" Mekhanika Tverdogo Tela, No 6, 1971, pp 5-6. ABSTRACT: An earlier work has presented the study of the stability of stable motions of a satellite carrying a gyroscope on a Gimbal suspension assuming that the center of mass C of the systmmoves in a circular orbit, while the angular velocity of natural rotation of the gyroscope rotor is constant and the centers of mass of the body of the satellite, rotor and cover and exter- nal ring correspond. The case was studied when the axis of rotation of the external ring of the gyroscope is directed perpendicularly to the plane of the orbit. This article studies the stability of stationary motions of the same system when the axis of rotation of the external -ring of the gyroscope is directed along a radius vector of the -center of mass of the system rela- tive to the center of gravity and on a tangent to the orbit. - ----- ---- USSR uDc: 621.396,621-55:62.-L.374-33(088-8) TAYBEEG, N. 0., SULIM, V. A., FEBBERG, S. Ya. "A Traosistorized Time Discriminator" USSR Author's Certificate No 270796, filed 12 May 68, published 11 Aug 70 (from RZh-Badiotekhnika, No 2, Feb 71, Abstract No 27_1~,3 P) Translation: This Author's Cert-ficate introduces a triLnsisto2-ized time discriminator of a periodic pulse signal. The unit contains tiro identicn-I conversion channels with detectGr stages, diode- rege nerat ive comparators and flip-flops connected in each of them. To increase -%',he slope and improve the linearity of the discrimination cht-t-rac-teristic, P., selecting stage is included in each di3crininator charinel, and a pulse-duration converter is connected to the output of this selecting -Itage. The outputs of the channels are connected to V-n output I-LdIXer - a dr;orice which shaces pulses of normalized amplitude; the polarity of these pizises determines the sign, and their duration deTermines the magnitude ot, the time mismatch. 59-- USSR UDC: 621Z1373.42(088.8) TAYBERG, N. 0., SULIM, V. A., FEMERG,:S. Ya. "A Self-Excited Harmonic Signal Oscillator" USSR Author's Certificate No 282430, filed 12 14ay 68, -published 11 Dec 70 (from nh-Raeiotekhnika, No 6, Jun 71, Abstract No 6D3k P) Translation: This Author's Certificate introduces a self-eicited harzonic signal oscillator in a three-point circuit based on a yaccuum tube or vith elec- seniconductor device. Tlie oscillator contains a tank circuit tronic frequency tuning by connecting a varicap in the tank. The varicap is connected in turn to a soiarce of control2ing voltagt!. To redtire the nonlinearity of frequLincy responae vith tuniiig oi-er a vide rtuige, th~ .1 -orinected throupji oscillator is equipped with an additional varicap whicli is c a threshold serdcondu-tor diode to the source of contredling i,oltjtge, :aid through a resistive voltage divider to a source of DC roltage which blocks the threshold diode In the controlling vqltage circuitl Two Illustrations. V. P. 1/1 USSR UDC 539.4 SULBIA, A. M., YEVSTIGNEYEV, M. T., SEREBRENNIKOV, G. Z. , Moscow "Study of Influence of Loading Frequency on Fatigue of Heat Resistant Steels and Alloys at Usage Temperatures" Kiev, Problemy Prochnosti, No 5, May, 1971, PP 107-110. Abstract: The influence of loading frequency on the fatigue strength of the -311 oy 9 ws studied. alloys E1961, E1617, E1826, E1929, E1437B and titanium , VT a The test data iiere statistically processed, constructing correlation equations and correlation dependences between a and N and a and T. These dependences were used to determine the mean probable values of fatigue resistance and Cy- clical durability at various loading.frequencies. The -~-asults showed that as the loading frequency increases to a certain critical value, tile fatigue re- sistance and cyclical durability of the steels and alloys studied increase, then further increases in loading frequency cause the fuigue strenpth of all steels and alloys studied to drop. The critical frequency depends on the test conditions, chemical composition and physical and mechanical properties of the steel or alloy, The results of testing thus showed that~the repetition fre- quency of loading is an inportant parameter, of. cyclical Ioading, significantly influencing fatigue characteristics. 100 l/Z 031 UINCLASSI FIEU, PAGCESSING DATE--090CT70 JITLE-INVOLE DERIVATIVES. LXI. SY.11THESIS.UF 4(5),(3,INDDLYL)IMIDAZOLE _u_ -..AUTHDR-(0:q)-SUKVURUVv N.N., SMUSHAfVICHt.YU.I-p MARVANOYSKAYAl NoN*i SULIMAi A.V. INFU--USSR Cs FA914. ZH. 1970t 4(219 10-12 _DATE PUBL ISHEO-----70 SUBJECT AREAS-CHEMISTRY, BIOLOGICAL AND MEDICAL SCIE34CES TUPIC TAGS-CHEMICAL SYNTHESIS, IMIDAZOLE1 INDULE DERfVATIVE, NUCLEAR MAGNETIC RESONANCE, UV SPECTRUM, JR.SPErTRUMv MASS SPECTROSCOPY, MOLECULAR STRUCTUREt MERCAPTANy i3Ej4LE~J--..:[)ER~IVAT~IVE,:.ARU.M-A-rlr- KETONEI -BACTEPLICIDE '-INTROL MARKING-NO RESTRICTIONS ". :00CUMENT CLASS-UNCLASSIFIED ,PROXY REEL /I-AAML--l 993/0530 -P Nl)-UIZ/0450/[L)/~)1)4/oO2/0010/0012 STC ~~_CIRC ACCESSION NW-AP0113421 UNCLASSIFIED MUM ftm 2/2 031 UNCLASSIFIED PROCESSING OArE-09OCT70 ~CIRC ACCESSION NO-AP0113421 'A6STRACT/EXTRACT-1U) GP-G-- AL~STRACT. A MEXT. OF 8 G, I ANO 180 ML liCalklili -ATED I HR Ar 166ULGRELIS WATH TEMP.) TO GlIfE 50PERCENT II.H SU82 IS HE ~.:SU82 0, h. 74-6UEGPEES CH SU82 0); ANHYD. 11, M. 1581-9DMEESO Is 05ATINEU BY DRYING OVER P SUB2 0 SU85 SEVERAL DAYS IN VAZU,*); 11 PICRAI'E M. 24!-ZD.EGAEES (ETC)HI; 11 ADIPATE M. 159-60DEGREES IETCH). THE If STRUCTURE IS CU14FIRMED BY ELEMENTARY XNAL., NMR, IR, AND MASS SPECTRZA, AND,ALSO bY THE FOLLOwING SY'.11THESIS. A SOLN. OF 0.5 G III IN EYO~i WITH I G SKELETAL NI I S REFLUXED I HR WITH STIRRING TO GIVE 81 PERCENT I t H S.U132 0- - IV.HCL (5 G) AND 22 G,KSCIN~ 15 HEATED AT 2100E-GRI~ES ABATH iEMP.) I HR WI Th STIRRING TO GI VE 16PERCENT~ I I IM. 24-1-30EGREES I AQ. ME SUB2 THE UV.SPECTRA OF 11 AND III ARE MEASURED-INI 95PERCENT E'-0H. THE 'BIOL. ACTIVITY OF 11 IS TfiSTE0. FACILITY: MOSK. KlilM, TEKHNOL. JNST. 1-M. MENDELEEVA-1 -MOS-C-O'WI: 6SSR .012 uDc: 615.3-l.547-75f -1:542.9 SUVOROV, H.N., S?,ffJSFfl`MVICH, YU.I., MAR'YPI11OVSKAY& N.N., SULD~,, AV., Moscov Institute of Chemical Technology imeni D.I. Mendeleyev, Mosc Mi ititry of i er o1r) gh and Secondary Specialized Education RSFSR Derivatives of Indole. LXI. Synthesis of 4(5)-(IndolY2--3)-Itaidazole' w, Xhimiko-Farmatsevticheskiy Zhurnal Mosco Vol 6, No 2, Feb 70. pp 10-12 Abstract: Continuing studies on the syntbesis of indolylazoles, tLte authors pre- pared 4(5)-(indolyl-3)-imidazole (II) and studied its biological activity. The fomemid method, consisting of the reaction of alpha-substituted ketones or alpha-diketones with formaraide, was used to prepare (11) from 3-chloroacetylindole. The structure of (11) was confirmed by elemental analysis and special methods ~rcd and mse spectra) and also by reverse Synthesis. (paramagnetic reaonance and infra In the infrared spectrum of (II) aboorption bands were obnw~rlr,~!d (it 31100 cla-1 OH of indole ring) and at 3200-3100 cm-1- (1411 of imidazole ring). 2-mercupto-14(5)-(indolY1- 3)-imidazole was also prepared by the reaction of the cliloroanhydrate of 3- aminoacetylindole with potarsium thiocyanate. The biological activity of (II) was studied at the All Union S ientific Research Chemico Phui",mceutical Institute imeni S. Ordzhonikidze. Under laboratory biocontra.1 during Investigation of antiiaflammatory action by Doctor of Biological Sciences S.S. LMEWN, it was established that (II) decreases tae weight of granuloma; however, in activity it 1/2 SUVOROV, N.N., et a!, ?Mimiko-Farmatseyticheskiy Zhurnal, Vol No 2, Feb 70, PP 10--o12 is inferior to phenylbuta-zone. Results of tests conducted. in the chemico-tberapy branch by Senior 5 ientific Worker T.N. ZYKOVA under the dit-ection of C orresloond- ing Member of the Academy of Medical Sciences USSR G.H. MSHIN showed that the product also possesses bacteriological a--tivity in relatioa~to nucobacteria of tuberculosis (strain H3-IRv). However, it inhibited the grorilth of tubercular bacillus only in a concentration. of 250 m./m-2.. 1/2 012 UNCLASSIF',IIED .~PROCESSING DATE--040EC70 TITLE--CATALYTIC PROPERTIES OF TIN ANTIMONY TELLURJUM OXIDE CATALYSTS FOR ISOBUTYLENE OXIDATION -U- AUTHOR-(02)-FEDEVICH, YEoVal SULIMA, L'". COUNTRY OF INFO--USSR SOURCE-NEFTEPERERAB. NEFTKHIM. (MOSCOW) 1970, (41p 41-4~ DATE PUBLISHED------70 -SUBJECT AREAS-CHEMISTRY TOPIC TAGS--CATALYST ACTIVITY# TIN OXIDEr.ANTIMONY COMPOUND, TELLURIUM ~~..-COMPOUNDt ISOBUTENEt CATALYTIC OXIDATION -,-,:,CONTROL MARKING--NO RESTRICTIONS s~DOCUMENT CLASS--UNCLASSIFIED ',~PROXY REEL/FRAME--3006/0979 STEP NO--UR/0318/7('J/0001004/004.t/0044 ACCESSION ND--AP0134697 UNCLASSIFIE0 11N 2j?- 012 UNCLASSIFIED J?ROCESSING DATE--040EC70 CIRC ACCESSION NO--AP0134697 -ABSTRACT/EXTRACT--(U) GP-0- ABSTRACTaoJHE TITLE~CATALYSTS HAO /4;l SB TE AT. RATION AND ADDED.SN; SP. SURFACE 1.25-1.75 A PRIME2 G. ADON. OF 5 AT, PERCENT SN TO THE ORIGINAL S8 YE OXIDE CATALYST INCREASED THE REACTION RATE. NO SN COMPONENTS WERE~ FORMED WITH S8 OR TE WHEN SN WAS ADDED. THE ACTIVITY INCREASE WAS DUE TO PROMOTION BY SNO SUBZ. THE U MAX. SP. CATALYTIC ACTIVITY WAS NOTED.WITH THE C4TALYST CONTG..80 AT. PERCENT SN AND WAS DUE TO FORMATION 0F.A SOLID SOLN. OF SB SUB2 0 SUB4 IN SNO SUB2s FACILITY; LIVOVa; POLITEKH., INST#v LVQVt USSR. UNCLAS$IFEeD 1/2 036 UNCLASSFFIEO PAOCESSING DATE--30OCTTO TITLI--IrABILITY OF 1HE S11A0Y COMIUSTIONRIGIME OF.A SOLID FUEL -U- A .UTHOR-(02)-KOMISSAROVAP G.I., SULIMA, I.M# ..-COUNTRY OF INFO--USSR ZHURNAL PRIKLADNO1 14EKHANIKI 1, TEKHNICHESKOI FIZIKIv -E8. 1970,r JAN P. 163-167 0 A T E;U13LISHED ------- 70 ~-SUBJECT AREAS--PROPULSION AND FUELS TOPIC TAGS--SOLID PROPELLANT COMBUSTIONt COMBUSTION STABILITYt COMBUSTION ANALYSIS .,--CONTROL MARKING--NG*RESTRICTIONS ,~,DOCUMENT CLASS--UNCLASSIFIED '--PROXY REELIFRAME--1996/1542 5TEP NO--UR/0207/701000/00010163/0167 ..CIRC ACCESSION NO--AP0118525 UNG LASS IF IEO z/z 036 UNCL'ASSIFIED OROCESSING DATE--30OCT70 -CIRC ACCESSION NG--AP01165Z5 -ABSTRACT/EXTRACT--(U) GP-0- ABSTRACT. STUDY OF THE EFFECT OF HEAT GENERATION IN THE REACTION ZONES AND OF AN INHOMOGENEITY IN THE TEMPERATURE AND VELOCITY FIELDS ON THE STABILITY OF THE STEADY COMBUSTION REGIME OF A SOLID FUEL. USING THE METHOD OF SMALL PERTURBATIONS, A NEW CRITERION OF STA131LITY OF THE STEADY COMBUSTION REGIME. OF A SOLID FUEL IS OBTAINED, AND THE PARAmETERS ESSENTIALLY AFFECTING THE STABILITY ARE DETERMINED. THE PROBLEM IS SOLVED IN A ONE DIMENSIONAL FORMULATION, ASSUMING THAT THE CG-ORDIhAfE SYSTEM IS INVARIABLY CONNECTED TO THE BOUNDARY SEPARATING THE DOLID FUEL FROM ITS DECOMPOSITION PRODUCTS. UNCLASS IF IED uDc: 681-333 SULIMA, L. A., BONDAREV, V. B., MIROLYUBSKIY, V. M., REDCHUTKO, V. I., XAYETIffN_,_R. A. i"A Device for Modeling a Neuron" Moscow, Otkrytiya, Izobretneiya, Promyshlennyye Obrazrtsy, Tovarnyye Znaki, No.48, Dee 73, Author's Certificate No 409245, Division G, filed 24 Apr 72, publ-Isbed 30 Nov 73, P 121 Iranslation; This Author's Certificate introduces a device for modeling a neuron, The device contains a power supply and integrators. As a dis- tinguishing feature of the patentthe device is simplified by adding a balanced differential amplifier covered by negative and positive feedback loops. Connected to the first input of the amplifier axe integrators and a scaling resistor unit- and also switching elements whose controlling inputs are connected to the power supply.. The first output of the balanced differential amplifier is connected to the output of tht first switching element, while the second output of the balanced differential,amplifier is connected to the output of the second switching element, -vhich is con- nected in turm to the first switching element, to the zexo paftevtja_I line, and to the second input of the balanced differential amplifier. 53 Acc. Nr: Pr00473(;17"' PRLMARY SOURCE: Vestnik Mhirurgi -i imeni 1. T.. Gralcova, 1970, Vol 104, Nrl THE INFUSION OF MEDICAL AGENTS VIA THE LJAABII.I(.,AL VEIN IN TREATMENT OF ACUTE~ DIFFUSE PEWTONITIS Duting Surgery in 68 pa Ilieuti v.-ith ac6te diffnic ptir kliffis of varit"ar, rjr~0` catheterization oi the umbilical v6n and postuperaliveiv trivisumbilkal infu-iion of wt!- dical substarices were p-riorrined, arltibiolirs, i,,learn',vto solutioils, pruif-li"'i. gfiucos0, corticosteroids beiijt.- iilfuswl hi the circu~alul-rv of ihe liver. Lf-iifw- this M method in a number of patitits mc-re smooth course of tl,,.-ritonitis was nozeal aiW hepatic ill5iUffiChAICY OCCUrn-d more rarely. Theralwetitic valtic id "ranstunhilical intusic-ti in acute peritoifflis is, probably. accounted fo.r the iminedutti.- ad-s-orptioll of mvdic;il' agents by hepiltic cells and nurmalizatiun of their niclabolisin Impaired by bacterial toxilies~ REEL/FRLNM 19790887 USSR ux 66,,~) 187.5 CHERNYAIFSKAYA,, S. G.J. KALINIM, N. YE., SULD,"PNKO-,,,.A,*-Y., and DOMORATSKIY, V.A. "Cold Brittleness of lml6AB steel" Dnepropetrovsk, I-41etallurgiches1mya i Gornorudnaya Proinyshlennost 1170 1(79), Jan/Feb 73, PP 38-39 Abstract: The critical brittleness temperature for IJQa16N4,B steel produced by electroslal- melting -vms -1000C wnd the lonGit-xiinal aild tr-ansverse directions, respectively (rods 150 rn in dia-meter were studied). 'file critico! brittleness tem, erature for the mlie type of steel produced by electric are cr~eltinG was -80 and -600C in the longitud.Lnal and tram~verse directions, ran-nan-t.ivelv. A dprranro of the mritinml tc-rmt-rai-nirp in +3ip nn-,r- h,.- ~)n0l` USSR uDc 669.1k.ol8.8:620.186.1 Dnepropetrovsk CMWAVSKAYA, S, G., KRASIMCOVA, S. I.) and "M&O 1jUj University "Change of Delta-Ferrite in M16114B Steel During Homogenization" Moscov, Metallovedeniye, No 9, Sep 72., pp 66-67 Abstract: The effect of isothermal homogenization at 900-13000C vas studied to determine the amount and shape of the delta-ferrite formed in 11~hl6l*B east steel (0-05% C, 0.2%, Mny 0-35% Si, 15.2% Cr, 3-6% Ni, 0.007% S, 0.0281,~ P and 0.1% 11b). The investigation ~ms conducted using blanks cut from a 78()-k,,,, com- imrcial ingot produced at the Dneprospetsstall Plant, by vacuum are remelting. It was found that between 900 and 115013C the amourit of eAelta-~errite fon(.ed decreases with time. For instance, at 9000C., V;% delta-ferrite in the steel to start with ends up with only 12.5% after 30 hours at that termerature. The same process, decrease in amount of delta-ferrite 'with time at, temperati-ire, holds true up to 1150oC where 14% delta-ferrite is reduci~d to 6,1', after 30 hours. At 12000C the decrease in amount of the delta-ferrite tegins the sam, as for the other temperatures except that after 10 bours,the q%iantity of delta- ferrite begins to increase from a low of about 7~ uP to 13-5% after 18 hours. The decrease in delta-ferrite followed by an increase after a few hours at 1/2 54