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UDc 621.375:5530-145.6 SO-,L0GU3,--,'. S. "OPtiirdzir-.'-.-, the 7-requency Characteristics of Wide-Band Quatit,um !irmliflers" I ek'ron. tekhn4ka. 'aucbno-tekhn. sb. Elektroa. SITCh (Electro:nic Scientillic and 'Technical Collection. SHF Electronics). 7 "P 11--iZ5 19 0 Vjp. 0 (from RZh-.-,1ad-iotekhnika, No 10, Oct 70, Abstract No IOD174) -3nslation- A method is proposed -Por calcu.'a"ing the opt-im= cUstri-uticn rac~- netic field intensity in wide-band quant= amplifiers writh,Zeerraa broaden-Jr-l'- 0.,' tne PaGs band. The method can be used to produce maximally f1r;A; frequency and is based on solving systems of algebraic: equations. Tile Doppler form ol' t1le apectraj. ia =r2d as an example to demontitre1e the opttriality of the frE:~.,w--ncy responses obtained by this method. Resum6. USSR um. 629, SOLNEC191YY, E. M. , CHUPRUN, B. Ye. "Accounting for Uncontrolled Perturbations in Problems ol- Optimizing Space Vehicles" -tor Moscow, Upr. dvizhushch-imisya ob"yektami. Tr. IV Vses. saveshch. Do av nat. upr. Tbilisi , 1968--sbc.-nik (Cont-rol of Mo-,~ing' Ob3eets. Works of the Fourth ~UI-Union Conference on Automatic Control. Tbilisi , 19068--collection of papers), 1972, pp 173-187 (from RZh-Raketostroyeniye, No 10, OC!t 72, ab- stract No 10.41.43) Translation: The r)arer contains new formula'ions of opti-Azation problems which account for tne P'resence of uncontrolled perturbati?.1if'.. Accotinting for such factors is im-riortant in particular in liroblems oil' bringing, nuclear rocket reactors up to Dover, in problers of choosing an er(rine and its orer- atira conditions for a spaceship, etc. A new forrailation of t~- Optimum control prolblen is proposed vbich requirea predetemined eanstr~~ints on otion of the system under the e-ffect- of any dist bances from a given class. m E.Ur An approximate algor-fthon, Is also proposed for finding the speed-optinrxm con- ditions when final stability is required. Thie numerical results of digital 112 -;-USSR- SOLUICIMY, E. M., CHUPRWI, B. Ye., Upr. dvizhushchimisyR Co"yektami. Tr. IV Vses. soveshch. po avtomat. upr. Tbilisi, 1968--sbornik, 1972, pp -173-187 computer calculations are analyzed. Consideration is given to some problems of selecting a spaceship engine and its operating conditionsvith regard to the presence of uncontrolled perturbations (errors in t1je coiArol law and external force fields). 'No possible formulations are given for the optimur, problem of minimizing the initial ire s of a spaceship; these formulations are analytically solved and the results are compared waith.each other and with the results ot' solution of the it classical" problem. Three illustrations, bibliography of four titles, Msumg. Aeronautical LJSSR UD, C 23 3 3 VERESOV E.S., MITE, M.A. and SOLITITSEV R Lenirat rad Ed.ectro,~echlnicnl -ni V. I. Yl Institute ime yanovawl~ -nina "Synthesis of a Digital Stabilizebion Systerm in a Gy-rosta"Ibilizer" Le.ningrad, Priborostroyeni -Io 4, 1971, pp 66-69 Abstract: A LnvcstigaLi~~n -,,as =,.de of a L,~Y-ro- stabilizer systm with digital stObilization. Sleeted were dynamic error in stabilization angle with st--~D-oise and harrionic system reaction, wxiLxa.-, prec,--oion ant~le, and time, 'LLie axis gyrostabili:~er Twas trQated as t1iree uzd-t--; ~,,avi,:g crosj- coupling. InTberrelationoLips wore established for momien-L of J.nertuie to stabilizer axis,, of inertia relative to prew_-Isicn, hi.17--tic friction uxis, sta- billizat-ion axis, ce-saion anrle, and dioci-cLe I;j.we of dibritual analyoiz of t!-,c 2~- __t',~.e347ed mvdel reculted in a correc-tion vogr,,-im,o MjiaiMjZ,,L- Self-r)e -4j-,at-C,-j qjn!~l -E~ n4 1-I - f0_ _%j S~: U The progi as ~;uecessfulflly -a to -.pplicd to ;-, test wAt. Th-~~. methir~ be simple and convenicint for Lavnn~tigatbri' I~the~ subject sy:Acimi. Televlgi6n' USSR uDc 62i,.397:621-396.6i IIA~Television Device for Observation of Hif;h-Contrast Objects" USSR Author's Certificate No 285043, filed,11 Dee 68, - DI, 0 pu1blished 29 ec 7 (from. RZh--:I,D,adioteI-.hnika, No 7, Jul 71, Abstract No TG.IG-4 P) - Translation: This Author's Certificate introduces a television device for observing high~contr--~-t objects. The unit coritai-ris a te1evision transmitting tulbe , a vi, tdeo apTpli fier , a-lid Ban Wnplitude, selector wi th two, selection thresholdL-. The signal fror, one of the,selector outnutc is fed through a gama corrector to the modulator of the tr;sansmitting tube. As a distinguish-Irg feature of the patent the tantra,-t of' the elements of the object being transraitted is reduced by connecting an adder between the output, of the gan-ma, corrector and fhe vidicon modu- lator. The second inncut of the adder is connected 'through an additional gamma corrector to the Eecond output of the amplitude selector. i 10 1 USSR UDC: 621-397 NIKIFOROV, D. D., SOIRTSEV, A. A., LIFSHITS, M. A., YEEFIK)V, I. I. "A Device for Mleasuring the Time Interval Between the Midpoints of Video t Pulses' USSR Author's Certificate N'o 27~8513 filed 15 Jul 67, published 13 Oct 70 (from RZh-Radiotekhnika, No 5, May 71,'Abstract No 5G69 P) Translation: T~ie device is desiened for measuring the time interval between the midpoints of video pulses in t-vo sequences of identical frequency where the relative phase Ehift between sequences is such that the pulses of one sequence are within the li,.ndts of the pulses of the other.!~equence. The device contains tire interval meters, and registration units, and is dis- tinguished. by the fact that measuxement precision is improved by conne~cting the inputs of the device throug~i differentiating links aneJ-a comutator to the inputs of the above-mentioned. -time interval meters. The outputs of these meters are connected thorugh. flip-flops to the resistration Unit. 7rf~ 1 ~~13 I WLII; .... . --- . '- .. __ - --- USSR uDc: 6,21-3-14-5(088-8) SOUTSEV. A. A., YEEIrleYOV, T. Y., LTIF-SIRITS, M. L. "A Signal Shaper" USSR Author's Certificate Io 250214, filed 28 oct 66, published 22 jar, 70 (from RZh-Radiotekhnika, 1 0 7, Jul- 70, ;Cbstract No -G345 2) Tran-slation: A device is proposed for shaping a sibmal located on the axis in.the middle of a video pulse. 7-he c-2,dce contains a d-L't'-ferenrial 4 1.-: a_nd a 'lay unit. To irmrove e "he precision with which the shaped sigrial coil-cides with d middle of the video pulse, keys ar Id betw~~cn th,2 --4-i-fferentia-I link the m. re comette and the delay imit which serve to isolal.-e simallo to frolt and cut-of f of the video si p al, ard the leads from the delwf Undt are connected throue, coincidence circuits to memi-y e'ements which are ~!annected to the load. M_M"w USSR UDC: 533-g.o8:62i.373.530,145.6 tmr, P. S., SOLNTSEV G. S., GUtZBUHG,.V. KARIPOV, A., riur "Singularities of Diagnos-ing a guperhigh-Fri~quency Plasma by the Hol Mode in a Circular Waveguide" V ob. Voor. fiz. nizkotermeraturn. plazrzy (Problem3 of Law-Temperature Plasma Physics-collection of works), Minsk, "Nauka i tekhn.", 1970, Dn 75-78 (from RZh-RadiotekIL-iika, No 1., jar, 71, Abstract.-No lDl3l) ENo abstractJ 132 tit USSR na~-f:,:czi, V.--., and S3~~7iT3'E'Y, S.S. `Fir_-,t; Sc4r_ntif-c and Technical 'orifex`ence at t, b eBratsL I iu`num, P! an~" _Lu 1,100COTI, Tsvem,'!Ye "~tla 1Y, 170 5, ',Iv '70) PP 93-94 AL anct: in, 1969, ~nc first ocicntific-echnical (!on.*',,, c, J Monts and z;u--e::tic,,rz- I-or :,Lr-cler J_7kpr_ovcm2ut, of techmic~_l ;_~xd eccnc::1"ic ir,,Ilicat,orz of se_ries-t~Te electrolysis u-nits, ecuimmed -,Tith -with top curren nt. liepr-;7enzta"'i ve~3 fr,,-. thc- -z; fecd, ias holld ~~.t the Bratc;k llduminwa Pi~. "ic;vc_kLzn,-~tsk, 1rhuts'K, and Bratok assembly administrat.-Ton of tLic, 'Smraymontaz~l (,kL_-,._Tj~jj'0j,, 7 :t~zute L of Al=in-u= and Na,,r-nezium), the S-io-rdlov Til t4 t- -tL_. s a o-I H""i'Lelic and Occ-LI and ~'-e 1"!-,Z.LB (~c~-nt`fic tiomal Elizea--sil , L- u ;~. I - .; L - "I - institute ol' Concr~re and Reinforce-d Concrete), aiid insti-_Ute u ~' the cor--erence. T'wen- --five reports were J)res-- ;ere -orezeu- a- y nD Varicills, we--,--- ofl-:'ered on th_~ improvement of electrolv-6-ic in the fi',ald c,,' esc-arch and in z'-,,e modification of ey_` lllc Thcze included su,,7i_o5tlicla:3 au-..oaLtic of e-nolde q,n-I ~-tensf - -ove- m, ficut', ~,--.a-sdon a~ oa the of accole; L41. op. of the dcvcloyment Lind cidoption ot the means of cant- witl_- r",Q rlCOC03ary r,,.W materiEdiz -:ind USSR N:-XITICH UP. V No 5, MaY 70 PP 93-94 ve eff c' of rn.&gnetic fields throu-&h rationa-" o 'I foe neca- fe u 4 %1 ferromgnetic parts, increase of the diste-ace lbetween anodc amH -by -Li,~- of gr hitized slabs, and intensification an6 ex-pansion of researc---, or-, of magneuic and gas hyd-rodyn=-Jes ot f the melt, its tempera-ure and CGI"Centr.--'-4On j ields, a-nd geom-e-uric parameters on indicators of the electrolysis procesl. USSR UDC 621.385.63 MCdEDLIDZE, G. G., SOLNTSEV, V. A. "Wave Method of Solving the Nonlinear Equations of Traveling Pave Tubes" Moscol, Radiotekhnika i Elektronika, Vol 17, No 10, 1972, pp 2227-2230 Abstract: A method of numerical integration of the system of nonlinear equations of traveling wave tubes is proposed which is a generalization of the approxi-mate method discussed previously (V. T. Ovcharov, et al., Radiotek';inika i elektro- n~ka, Vol 7, No 11, 1931, 1962; V. A. SoIntsev, etal., fladiotekiinika i elektro- 2~ika, Vol 11, No 1, 58, 1966). The introduced method is not connected uitn representation of the beam by a set of charges but operates on its nean charac- teristics (mean velocity, grouping parameters)., Thus, the order of the syste-:1. of differential equations obtained is small independently of whiniier a harmonic or a complex signal is investigated. 'Ibe essence of the method is discussed for the case of amplification of a harmonic signal.. The presented al.gorithn. for numerical solution of the equations permiti; variation of the depree of thc approximating, polynomial. Calculation results are presselited [.graphically which were used to find the. minimuni required number of harmonies considered in the Fourier series used to represent.the addition to the undi,sturbed phase of electrons caused by the high frequency forces, insuring correct descril)tion of all the nonlinear phenomena in the beani and a coriparisoij of the mulits obtained 1/2 1111--ZT, Inorganic;, Compounds USS-R UM 542.61:546-791-3i1 BLI1,1011A, NI., KOZHIKA., I. I.., RODIONOVA, L. P.,, and SOIAM, V., V. 11. ....... . .......... "Solution of Some Uranium Oxides in Sulfuric Acid" Tenjnsrad, Radiokhimiya, "Tal 15,, No 3, 1973., Pp 391-31'rT Abstract: Changes in the composition and structure of tetragonal and cuDia uranium oxides during solution at 900 in 2.0, 10.0, and 15-0 11 H2S04 were -ion was carried out in an Ar atmosphere. Solution of Uj~ and studied. Solut 09 beta.;-U,O, proceeded with an insignificant change in the cherdcal composition. Other 8xide phases did not form in the process. The concentration of 112S04. had no effect on the lindting composition of the two o~xides, -,The lower limit of the existence of the U1,09 phase was at a, compoi3ition in Ithe vicinity of U02 231+0-005 and that of the beta-U3 07 phase at a composition in the vicinity of U Or, and tetragonal and pseudocubia oxides vitli the 02-287+0-005' For F--nrlum-U3 Compositions U02--3 e col 7 to 1]02.40) the "M`t'118 co-ToEl't'ons '4ar'ed 'r'-L" th centration of 1f2S04 and with the method by which t-he initial oxide had bcen -1/2 USSR BLDIOVA, N. I., et al., Radiokhimiya, Vol 15, NO 3., ~973, :PP 391-397 prepared. As shown by the compositiona on solution first in 2 14 I~SCI, and then in 10 N R2SO4, the changes in composition were rieversible for there oxides. The lower limit of existence of the gaimma-U 07 pb-,.-;e at 900 was at a composition in the vicinity of U02.346+-O.W5' 3*13 ~ lie case of the oxid,.~s the behavior of which ve-ried ~dth the michod of preparatlion, one Could assume a lack of uniformity in the phase composition 041 the soupples, -which were apparently inhomogeneous in that respect. The authors thank Prof. U. M. Tolmchev for his help in the investigation. USSR UDC 51s621-391 REPINA, L. K., and SOLNTSEV V N. "The Solution of Two Applied Problems by the Random Search Method" V sb. Issled. ODeratisy I stat. modelir (Operations Research and Statistical Modelinr- -collection of works), First Edition, Leningrad, Lenin,-,rad University. 1972, PP 136 - 145 (from BZh Mlatematflka, 'No 11, Nov 73,, abstract No 11 V704) Translations This article examines several modifications of xandom search algorithms as applied to the solution of two problems. Numerical data obtained in the process 0~ solvin-, these problems are given, making, it possible to com- pare the efficiency of the algorithms considered, The "non-local" search algorithm, Is recommended for further use. Abstract from the introduction. USSR UDC 536.24' KRYUKOV, V. N., and "Investi8ation of the Heat Exchange on a Rough Plate. V Sb. "Teplo i 1,hssoperenos".jn the Collection "Ileat and Ilass Transfer" Technical Information Minsk, 1972, PP 57-61 (from ReferativnI-Y Zhurnal, i4o 6, Jun 72- 34. Aviation and Rocket Engines. Abstract No 6-34-21) Translation: Results are presented of the eXperimental investigation of heat flows on rough plates. The investigation was carried out on plates vith a dense two-dimensional geome-trically similar roughness of 0.2, 2.0, and 10.0 mm depths. A control experiment cn a smooth surface was used for com-aarison. Besides) the local heat exchange on the surface with proJections and the vor- tex structure between the roughness components were measured on the plate with 10 mm deep roughness, Four ill-astr., two biblio. refs. 43 LUMANSKIY, B. Ye., SOLNT Mos cow "Experimental Study of Flow in Three-Dimensional Open Zones Before Projec- tions" Zhurnal Prikladnoy Mekhaniki i Tekhnicheskay Pi.ziki, No 1, 1972, pp 50-54. Abstract: Some results are presented from an experinental study of sub- sonic flow in the zones of separation of a three-dimensional turbulent boundary layer, formed before cylindrical projections, rectangular parallelepipeds and plates. I'he ratio -of the width of the projections to their height varied between 0.25 and 24, the ratio~of Vie thickness of the boundary layer at the point of separation to the height of the proicc- tion -- from 0.2 to 2. Flow plans are produced, the influence of the geo- metric shape of the projection, ratio of~width to height of projection, parameters of boundary layer, Euler and Reynolds on the flow picture and coordinates of characteristic points in~the separation, zone is demonstrated. Data are produced for determination of the dimensions o' the three-dimen- sional separation zones before the projections. 'A 6 USSR Lumv4sny, D. Y---., Soll"TSEV, V.P. (moscow) 11.a-perimental Invess-tigatioa of Heat Exchange in Zones of SepEration of the Turbulent Boundary Layer Before a Recess" Moscow, Zhurnal Prikladnoy Mekhaniki i Tekhnicheskoy FLxiki, 110 1, 1971, _pp 126-131 Abstract4 In this article are PreSented the results of an experimental in- vestigation of heat exchange in zones of separation of a two-dimensional turbulent boundary laye.: before a rectangular recess at- a subzonic: gas stre=- velocity. 5 figures, 1 table, 3 bibliographic entries. - 13 - USSR UDC 536.244:532-517.4 LUZHANSKIY, B. Ye. , SOLNITSEV41 Moscow "'An Experimental Study of Heat Exchange in Detached Zones Upstream From Cylindrical Projections" Moscow, Zhurnal Prikladnoy 1-fekhaniki i Tekhnicheskoy Fiziki, !1o 6, Nov/Dec, 72, pp 83-89 Ab~itract: The paper gives the results of an experimental study of heat exchange in the zones of detachment of the turbulent boundiry layer up- stream from cylindrical projections in a subsonic airfAo%,,. The research was done with a variation. in the ratio of the projection diamete-r to the height from 0.25 to 4, the ratio of the thickneas of tbA! boiatd.mry layer at the detachment poilnt to the of tbe- projt~ction of 0.0,9 to 0.7, the Reynoldn nwmber calcu_lated fron the parnrieters of tbe oncoming flow to the height of the projection from 10" to 4-105, and. at Vach numbier reaching 0.85. The tom),)nraWre factor was 0.7. It is 13hown that the dis- Iran - ach tribution of the beat L. ~sfer coefficients in the det ad zone depends on the Reynolds and Euler numbers and on the ratio of the thicl,~ness of displacement of the bou;ridary layer to the dii-ateter (or height) of the 112 USSR SOLNTSEV, Yu. P., and KUZIN, A. V., (Editors) "Optimizatsiya Metallurgicheskikh Protsessov" (Optimization of Metallurgical Processes), "Metallurgiya," Moscow, No 5, 1971, 448 pp Translation of Foreword: The symposium, 7'Optimization of Metallurg-ical Processes," No 5. was compiled on the basis of papers presented at the Scientific-Technical Conference conducted by the "Bol'shevik" Plant to- gether with the Leningrad District Administrations of the Scientific- Technical Society Mashprom and Fer).ous:Yfetallurgy, the LenLngrad House of Scientific and Technical Propaganda, the Leningrad Polytechnic Institute imeni M. 1. Kalinin, and the Northwestern Correspondence Polytechnic Insti- tute, in May 1969. The works, presented by speakers of the Conference, were carried out both in laboratories of scientific-reiiearch institutes and universities and in laboratories and departments of plants of many cities in the Soviet Union. They cover a very wide range of problems. The symposium includes reports concerrdng the production of steel and alloys, foundry production, and heat reatment and shaping of metals. intensive physico-mathematical analysis, of investigation results is characteristic for the majority of reports. The method of mathematical statistics was selected by many authors of reports as a means of simplifying 1/17 Tefhnichesl~o'f USSR Zhurnal PTikidno' T11T-EV, V- r~"' Lumoslay, Ye. SO I- - 83-89 Nov/Dec,72, PP hei F:Izilo., No 6s of the diameter tO e t charac- xchea,g ,c o3l on the ratio on Ileat el tributi as vell as neralize data -ionless dis projection,, bbe diTaens I late in ere found V"'ch ge and also J ~s on a P-- al relations tached zones, rMining hev-t fluxe ectiOns' 9r fr teristic Points Of nt~ for. dete treaM op., prO ',,tache& -aP5 transfer coefficie Of heat of the of symetrY the plane 2 USSR SOLNTSEV, Yu. P., and KUZIN, A. V., Editors, "Optimizatsiva Metallurgiclies- kikh Protsessov" (Optimization of Metallurgical Processes), "Metallurgiva," Moscoxq, No 5, 1971, 448 pp, V. A. Kudrin, M. F. Sidorenko, N. A. Smirnov, A. S. Morozov, G. A. Khasin, N. S. Chuvatin, S. K. Filatov; Methods for Obtaining 9 Lcw Phosphorus Content in Metal K. N. Ivanov, V. 1. Safonov, V. V. Bukovnev; The Effect of Different Methods of Smelting Rain Electric Arr Furnaces on the Quality and Properties of the Metal 13 M. F. Galkin; Stabilization Methods of the Steel Smelting Process 17 mination 1. B. Gutovskiy, Yu. P. Solntsev; Statistical Deter. of the Effect of Stael Smelting Parameters on the Development of Cracks in Ingots 21 E. A. Ivanov, M. P. Grishanov; The State of Metal. OxIdation -Ar-cording to the Process of Acid Open-Heiarth Smeltin& 32 1. Kh. Kutuyev, T. K. Savchenko, ff. M. - Zakharav; Use of the Regression Analysis Method for Investigation of the Steel Smelting Process 38 85 USSR SOINTSEV, Yu. P., and KUZIN, A. V., Editors, "Optimizatsiya Metallurgiches- kikh.Protsessov" (Optimization of Metallurgical Processes) , "Metallurgiya," Moscow, No 5, 1971, 448 pp 0. A. Mitenev, L. Ye. Solntseva; Investigation of-Techno- logical Processes in Metallurgy by th:i Method of Random Computation (Passive Experiment) 44 E. Yu. Kolpishon, V. K. Novitskiy, V. Sobolev, N. V. ~Tikhomirov; Selection of the Steel Smelting Method for Production.of Large-Scale,Rotor Forgings.. 49 V. I. Larionov, K. K. Khazanovich, E. Yu. Kolpishon, V. V. Sobolev, A. 1. Farutina; Admixtures'in Vacuum Treated Steel for Rotors Smelted by Different Methods 55 V. S. Pestov, Ye. N. Korovkin,.B. A~. Osminin; Improvement of the Quality of Large-Scale Steel Forgings for Propeller Shafts by Perfecting the Smelting, Casting, and.Pressure Shaping Methods 58 V. I..Ryabov, S. V. Taganovich, L. P, Kopp; Improvement of Ductility Properties of Patented Cold-Dr;awn Wire 64 V. N. Reveka, A. M. Manakin; Investigation of the Possibility of Increasing the Impact Ductility of Steekat Low Temperatures by Microalloying 66 4/17 7 USSR T~ SOLNTSEV, Yu. P., and KUZIN, A. V., Editors, "Optimi:,atsiya 24etallur giches- kikh Protsessov" (Optimization of Metallurgical. Processes), "'Metallu rgiya, Moscow, No 5, 1971, 448 pp A. I. Shvedunov, A. I. Yakimova; Pptimum Technological Conditions for the Production of Low-Alloyed Cast Steel Used in the Hardened State 68 N. F. Vladimirov, A. N. Sokolov, Ya. Ye. Chiviksin; The 41 Effect of Composition and Temperature of the Metal on Ithe Solubility of Nitrogen in Liquid SteeliAlloyed With,Chromium, Manganese, Nickel, and Vanadium 70 N. F. Vladimirov, M. If. Zakharov, A. D. Ifeladze, T. K. Savchenko, M. F. Galkin; Calculation of the Charge for Smelting Stainless Steel by the Method of Proportional Programining 79 M. M. Zakharov, V. A. Litvak, N. F. VladimirovV. D. Kiselev A. D. Kramarov; Investigatien of the D6sulfuration process by Smelting Low-Carbon Steel in an Electric Are Furnace 85 I. B. Gutovskiy, F. M. Mustrafa-Zade;. Investigati*n of Vibration Effects on the Microstructure of Ingots 89 S. S. Zatulovskiy, V. P. Abramova, 0. A. Kuts, hT. P. Mayorov, V. A. Yefimov; The Improvement of the Steel Quality by Introduction of Tron P(.nqder During Casting, 91 USSR SOLNTSEV, Yu. P., and KUZIN, A. V., Editors, "ODtimizatsiya,~fetallurgiches- kikh Protsessov" (Optimization of Metallurgical Processes), "Metal lurgiya," Moscow, No 5, 1971, 448 pp M. M. Frolov; The Effect of the Smelting Technolo y on the Content of Nonmetallic Admixtures in the Magnetic Smelt and Its Magnetic Properties 96 A. 1. Chizhikov, N. P. Bykova; Cyclic Loading of the Crystallizer 99 A. A. Abramov, Ya. A. Podval'nyy; The Effect of Smelting Technology of the AL23 and AL27 Alloys on the Content of Hydrogen in the Solid Metal 102 A. A. Abramov, L. S. Yerokhina; Statistical Inves'tigation of the Dependence of Mechanical Properties of the AL23:and AL27 Alloys on Their Chemical Compositions 105 V. Ya. Klebaner, 9. S. Volkov; Technical and Economical Calculation Principles of the Optimum Productive Capacity of Foundries 109 A. I. Batyshev, Ye. M. Bazilevskiy, V. 1. Bobrov,, Yu. A. Yevstratov, F. A. Martynov, Yu. S. Pugin, V. K. Zabal4ev; Production of Bushings of Copper Alloys by the Method of Casting Wtth Pressure Crystallization 6/17 113 11; V! Vt A I I !I "11 1; USSR SOLNTSEV, Yu. P., and KUZIN, A. V., Editors, "Optimi.zatsiya,~letallurgicties- kikh Protsessov" (Optimization of Metallurgical Processes), "LN[etallurgiya," Moscow, No 5, 1971, 448 pp F. N. Tavadze, Z. Sh. Kherodinashvill, L. F. Tavadze, S. A. Asanov, E. M. Mamedov, G. N. Ronami; The Effect of High-Tempera- ture Thermomechanical Treatment on the Chemical Microheterogeneity of Stainless Steels and Titanium Allays 154 Yu. M' Kir'yanov, L. S. Yerokhina, A. N. Sokolov, V. D. Kiselev; investigation of the Effect of a Complex of Alloyings on Special Steel Properties 157 Yu. P. Frolov, L. P. Ruzinov, R. I. Slobodchikovai G. N. DubInin, A. A. Klypin; Optimization of the Strengthening Treatment of the KhN77YuT Alloy. Using StatisLical, Planning Methods 165 H. P. Braun; On the Problem of Allo ing Steel 169 y B. B. Vinakur, M. P. Braun, L. V. Kkaustova,;A. I. Kandrashev; The Effect of Additional Complex Alloying on Properties of Steel Containing Chromium and ~Ianganese, Depending an the Temper Temperature 174 8/17 USSR SOLNTSEV, Yu. P., and KUZIN, A. V., Editors, "Optimizatsiya Metallurgiches- kikh Protsessov" (Optimization of Metallurgical Processes), "Metallurgiya," Moscow, No 5, 1971, 448 pp Yu. A. Boychenko; Investigation of theResistance to Weakening by Short-Duration Heating of Highr-Strength Steels for Rotors 210 V. T. Senchenko, B. B_ Gulyayev, V.: V. Myagkov; Rejects of Castings and Casting Properties of Steel 215 D. A. Prokoshkin, A. G. Galov; Treatment of Stainless Steels for High Strength 218 M..Ya. Shashin, E. R. Kuzko, L. A.:Meleshchenko; On the Notch Effect on the Cyclic Strength of Structural Steel and Copper Alloys of Different Hardness 223 ~A. S. Zav'yalov; The Effect,of Heat'Treatment on the Reliability of Products of Structural Steels 227 K. A. Balter; Increase of the.Structural Strength of Details of High-Strength Steels 232 V. S. Pestov, E. G. Nikolayev; Increase of Plasticitv and ~ I Ductility Properties of Large-Scale Forgings of Carbon Steel by Heat Treatment 238 10/17 USSR SOLNTSEV, Yu. P. and KUZIN, A. V., Editors, "OptiuLizatsiya i"fetallurgiches- kikh Protsessov" (Optimization of Metallurgical Processes) , "Metallurgiya, Moscow, No 5, 1971, 448 pp Ya. Ye. Gol'dshteyn, M. P. Lazareva, Yu. G. Razumov; On the Stone-Like Fracture of Steel 245 I. V. Corynin, G. N. Filimonov; Fatigue Strength~and Corrosion-Fatigue Strength of Shafts With Built-up Details 251 L. A. Glikman, V. I. Deryabina, V.~P. Teodorovich; The Effect of Hydrogen at High Temperatures.and Pressures.on the Strength of Steels 258 Yu. V. Shakhnazarov, M. A. Kramarov, V. V. Tikhomirov, V. I. Levandovskiy, N. I. Vorobyeva, Yu. V. Pogromskiy, V V. Nyasnikov, A. F. Usov; Determination of the Break-off S~ress and the Zone of Slow Crack Propagation by Elongation 266 of.Specimens V. V. Hyasnikov; Device for Investigation of the "netics of Crack Development 269 M. Ya. Shashin, S. L. Manevi~h; Fatigue Strength, kelft- bility of Steel, and Kinetics of Fatigue Failure 273 11/17 1.411 j.-*:~jqr.1:Li.;' L;I. USSR SOLNTSEV, Yu. P., and KUZIN, A. V., Editors, "Optimizatsiya Metallurgiches- kikh Protsessov" (Optimization of Metallurgical Processes), "Netallurgiya," Moscow, No 5, 1971, 448 pp V, V. Dembovskiy; Theoretical Fundamentals of the Automatic Control of the- Degree of Ammonia Dissociation by Nitration 277 D. A~. Prokoshin, A. C. Vasil'yeva, N.~ M. Sklyarov,~ G. 1. Ashmarina, V. Ya. Kelekhsayev; Strengthening of Steel by Plastic Deformation in the Hardened State 280 Ye. C. Karmanova, R. I. Kaplun, S. P. Yafayeva; Pha.,;e Conversions in Carbon Steels by Continuous Cooling 285 B.I. Bruk; Redistribution of the Carbide Phase in Carbon and Alloyed Steels and the Effect on Mechanical Properties 289 A. S. Zav'yalov, G. N. T6plukhin, S~ P.-,Yafayevaj P. G. Dubinin; On the Mechanism and Conditions of the Development of a W:Ldmw-staetten Structure and the Effect:of Allaying Elements 293 A. 1. Petrov, V. I. Bell-eklitin; The Ef feet of the Structure Instability on the Longevity of Certain M.etals and Alloys 298 G. N. Teplukhin; The Effect of Alloying Elements and Carbon on Phase Conversions in Steel by Cooling 301 12/17 USSR SOLNTSEV, Yu. P,, and KUZIN, A. V. , Editors, "Optimizatsiya Metallurgiches- kikh Protsessov" (Optimization of Metallurgical Processes), "Metallurgiya," 'Moscow, No 5, 1971, 448 pp A. C. Rakhshtadt, A. Yu. Akimova; The Effect of Thermo- mechanical Treatment on Properties of Martensitic-Aging Stainless Steels 305 Yu. V. Shakhnazarov, V. V. Tikhomirov, V. T. Senchenko, N. 1. Vordb,'yeva, Yu. B. Sobolev; Embrittlement of Martensitic- Aging Steel by Reaging 309 M. S. Anisimova, Yu. V. Shakhnazarov, K. A. Belyakova, Ye. Yu. Krichevskiy, B. S. Morozov, The lEffect of Alloying and Heat Treatment an Mechanical Properties of Martenaltic- ~Aging Stainless Steels 314 V. V. Tikhomirov, V. D. Popov, Yu. V. Shakhnazarov; Vie Effect of the Aging Method on Properties of 0ON18K9M5T Mar- tensitic-Aging Steel 317 V. V. Tikhomirov, A. G. Pinkov; Investigation of the of Austenite by a 6 Reconversion of Martcnsitic- A ing Steel 318 USSR SOLUTSEV, Yu. P., and KUZIN, A. V., Editors, "Optimizatsiya Metallurgiches- kikh Protsessov" (Optimization of Metallurgical Processes), "Metallurgiya." Moscow, No 5, 1971, 448 pp B. A. Fedorovich, T. Ya. Shradco, A. G.,Rakhshtadt; Double Aging 320 A. D. Ozerskiy, Yu. P. Solntsev, A. N. Nabatchikov, M. F. Golovinov; Steel for Press Instrument 322 Ye. D. Orlov, L. D. Soboleva, Yu. V. Shakhnazarov, P. I. Solntsev; Wear-Resistant Die Steels for Processing Hard-to- Deform Materials 326 V. I. Taft, T. I. Konchakovskaya; Selection of them Steel and the Method of Heat Treatment of Heavy-Loaded Cutting Dies 331 Ye. D. Orlov, P. I. Solntsev, Yu. I. Afanas'yev; Dependence of the Wear Resistance of Ha=er-Forging Dies on the Shape and Weighing of the InIgot 335 ~M. M. Frolov, Z. A. Rakitina; Determination of the Temper Method for the YuNDK36T7 Alloy 340 S. A. Forisenkov, M. M. Sandomirskiy; High-Strength Steels for Press Instruments 345 14/17 j jz;z~ ~!4";fl ii., t: ijil jeIttlit ~J!Ijtjj MN illlfllw-11:;L~ 11 USSR SOLNTSEV, Yu. P., and KUZIN, A. V., Editors, "Optimizatsiya Metallurgiches- :kikh Protsessov" (Optimization of Metallurgical Processes), "Metallurgiya," Moscov, No 5, 1971, 448 pp, P. Braun, E. I. Mirovskiy, B. A. Sevruk, V. G Samchenko, T. P. El'kina; The Use of 20KhGSV'f Steel for Heavy-Loaded Gears in Tractor Manufacturing 349 G. Bruk, A, U. Pugovkin; Investigation of the Gas Motion and the Convective Heat Exchange:in Vertical Re- circulation Furnaces 351 V. F. Kasatonov, Yu. D. Davydov; Design Algorithms of the Technological Forging Process of a Smooth Shaft From the Ingot 356 Yu. D. Davydov, V. F. Kasatonov; Design Automation of 360 theTechnology of Forging Shaft Forg~ngs Yu. D. Davydwj, L. A. Shaban; Electronic Computation of the Design of a Pull Ring 364 N. A. Golikov, L. N. Petrov; Analysis of Temperati.1re- Velocity Dependences of the Resistance to Deformation of Different Materials 369 15/17 Rig ~W'0 Wull", t~: ~m :;'I'l I'l- I I'H!l:v.1:1 N.-AMP I'M lili: 1111111 il; .'J1i1il!W4' 1!:lllr i USSR SOLNTSEV, Yu. P., and KUZIN, A. V., Editors, "Optimizatsiya Metallurgiches- kikh Protsessov" (Optimization of Metallurgical Processes), "Metallurgiya," Moscow, No 5, 1971, 448 pp V. A. Korzunov; Principal Steps in.Developing tho Techno- logical Process of Volumetric Swaging on Electronic Computers 377 Ye. L. Korotkikh; The Thermal Loading-Analysis of Press Ha er Heads for Large-Scale Forging 380 N. A. Golikov, L. N. Petrov,.V. P. Konstantinov; Investi gation of the Unit Strain of EP56 Steel by Dynamic Velocities 382 S. N. Khomov, V. F. Kasatonov, V. S. Strelkov, M.~,X. Strelkova; Some Special Features of Volumetric Drop Forging of Titanium Alloys 386 A. Nazar'yan, L. N. Petrov; Investigation.of.Principal Technological Parameters of Drauring Ingots in Notched',6nd Composite Hammer Heads 389 ~:V. A. Nazar'yan; Technological Restrictions and Their Detern-dnation in Notched and Composite Hammer Heads 397 -A. V. Altykis, M. M. Koloskov- Methods of Forge Drawing Under Hydraulic Presses on Flat Heads 400 16/17 USSR SOLNTSEV, Yu. P., and KUZIN, A. V., Editors, "Optimiza-tsiva Metallurgiches- kikh Protsessov" (Optimization of Xetallurgical Procesges), "Metallurgiya," Moscow, No 5, 1971, 448 pp P. V. Kamnev, I. N. Pankratov; Investigation of ehe Strained State in the Volume of Billets by Forging in Composite-!Hammer Heads 405 M. V. Vorontsov, 1. B. Uflyand; Change Mechanization of Lower Hammer Heads of Forging Presses 409 L. N.Petrov, N. A. Go-likov, Yu. P. Faragin, Yu. A. Nikitin; High-Speed Pneumatic Impact Machine for Testing Materials 411 B. Datskiy-Monastyrskiy; Experimental Investigation of the Dynamics of a Steam-Hydraulic Forging~Press 413 S. Sh. Shamiyev; The Effect of Deformation on the Structure and Properties of Ferrous Alloys in the Hardened State 420 V. A. Korzunov, G. P. Teterin; Electronic Computation of the Diagram of Diameters of Forgings 423 17/17 7443 CSO: 1842-W END --92 A 1. HUMP ~!W I 1:11M, 1/3 013 UNC LAS SI F I Ell i'-'rl;OCF_Sa~ING DATE-13NOV70 T-ITLE-3, (4,5, DIBROMO 2, FURYL) 5 PMETHYLTSOXAZ OLE I, It's CARWKYL IC ACID AND ITS DERIVATIVES -U- G.KK.v STRUKOV* I.T.y SOL.NSTEYA# A.A-, RUDZIl't. CCUNTRY CF INFC--USSR SGURC E-KH I M.- FARM ZH. 1970v 4(2)t 21-3 J)ATE PUBLISHED 70 SUBJECT AREAS-CHEMISTRY, BIOLOGICAL AND MEDICAL SCfENCES TOPIC TAGS-FURFURAL,-.BROMIN4TIONt HEREROCYCLIC OXYGEN COMPOUND1, ISOMER, ORGANIC AZU COMPOUND# PENICILLINi BACTERICIDE, -CONTROL PAPKING-NO RESTRICTIONS DOCUMENT CLASS-UNCLASSIFIED PROXY REELIFRAME--1993/0597 STEP NO--UR104501'101004YO021002110023 CIRC ACCESSICIN NQ--AP0113484 - --------------- ?7-77- 2/3 013 UNCLASSIFIED PROCESSING DATE--13NOV70 CIRC ACCESSION NO-AP0113484 ABSTRACT/EXTRACT-(U) GP-0- ABSTRACT. K SUB2 CO SUB3 114G) IN 120 ML H SU82 C AND 51.5 G POWD. I (X EQUAL CHO), M. 36-TE)EGREES (PREPD. IN 41.5PERCENT YIELD 8Y BRO14INATION OF FURFURALI ARIF ADDED WITH STIRRING TO A COOLED SOLN. OF 14 G NH SU82 OH.HC1; :IN 120 14L H SUa,7 Or AND THE MIXT. IS STIRRED 1.5 HR AT 35-40DEGREES AND KEPT OVERNIGHT AT ROOM TEIMP. TO GIVE SO.6PERCENT ISOMER A OF I [X EQUAL CH IS TO4qOH1, M, 113-14DEGREES. THIS (20 G) IN 300 ML DRY C SU86 H SUB6 IS SATO.- WITH DRY HCL TO YIELD 96PERCENT ISOMER 8 OF HX EQUAL CH I&TU NDH)s 1M. 1230EGREES. A SUSPENSION OF 6.72 G OF T141S IN 40 ML ABS. ETOH IS CHLORINATED AT MINUS 10 TO MIN-US 130EGREES TO COMPLETE OXIME DISSULN. ~ (SIMILAR TO 1.5 HR), THE, SOLN. Of I (X EQUAL CCI '15 TO NGH) OBTAINED IS ADDED OVER 20 MIN WITH STIRRING TO A COOLED ETHANOLIC SULN. OF FRESI-11-Y PREPD, ACCHNACO SUB2 ET (FROM 50 ML ABS. ETOH, 1.53 G METALLIC NA, AND 8.9 G ACCH SUB2 CO SUBZ ET)f AND THE MIXT. BROUGHT TO PH 7.5-8, STIRRED I 14R AT MINUS 5 TO MtNUS 1.00EGREES, At.0 KC-Pl' 46 HR AT K00)4 TEMP. W YIELD 51.2PERCENI, 11 (Y EQUAL OET)t M. 123.5-240UGREES (PErADLEUM EIA-fir-A). Toil S ( I G) 1 0. 14 G K014, 14 14L. ETOfir AND 14 IML VArER IS REPLUXED 4 Hti 1*0 GIVE 86,4VERCENT 11 CY EQUAL CH), M - 229.5-30DEGREE S, I AQ. :. f-TOH) .SOCJ. SUB2 ( 5 ML) AND 2 DRGPS HCONME SU82 ARE ADDED TO THE SUSPENSION OF:'1.8 G OF THIS IN 30 ML ~C~SUB6 H SUB6, AND THE MIXT. REFLUXED 4 HR TO GIVE 76.6PERCENT 11 (Y EQUAL C13 (fill, .14. 90-IDEGREES (PETROLEUM ETHER)w;' -SSHIED UNCLA-. ail lum t I u tuml u i I""= -3'/~'~ 3 UNCLASSIFIED CES" P0,10 $ING DATE-13NOV70 .C-IRC ACCESSIGN NC--AP0113484 43STRACT/EXTRACT--THIS (I G) IN 5 ML ORY ME SUH2 CO IS ADOED STEPWISE TO A STIRRED SOLN. OF 0.64 G 6-AMINOPENICILLA141C ACID IN La ML 3PERCENT INAHCO SU63u AND THE MIXT. STIRRED 3.5 HR AT 20DEGRUES TO GIVE 0.34 G NA 41.7r SALT OF 3- (4t 5-DI BROMEI-2-FURYLI-5-METHYL I S0XAZ0L--4i-YLPE-Pl I GILL IN51 THE AM 113ACTERIAL AcrIVITY OF WfiTC14 IS EXAM0. CONCO. 40. Nki SUf33 (10 ML) IS ADDED ORVPWISE TO A 5TIRRED SOLN. 0F:0.7 G III IU 20 ML DRY DIOXANE, AND. THE MIXT. KEPT 30 M114 TO YIELD 83.3PERCENT 11 (Y EQUAL NH SUM q M. A- MIXT.- OF- 1.85 G,11I.-AND 5:1AL ASS. MEOH IS HEATED 231~20EGREES - (ETOHJ --ON A:~BOILING:WATER BATH 2 HR TO GIVEIJSZ*~..OERCENTill ; CY a' EQUAL ME), M. 117-18DEGREES (MEOH). THIS 0. -G)lp 0.5 -imL:;A8S. ETOH, AND 0.3 ML N SU82 NEGATIVE H SUB4 IS HEATED ON A BOILING WATER BATH;2 HR TO YIELD 67PERCENT. 11 (-Y EQUALS NHNH SUEI?.)r M., '205.5-.206DEGREES (ETOH). in W~ 1/2 024 UNCLASSf F I ED PROCESS ENG IDAT E-- 13NOV70 TIT L E--SP =-C IF I C -MiC-RPHU'LOG I CAL A Mi FUNCT I.ONAL FEATUPES OF THE ACOUSTIC N r:-0L,-4HIHS -LJ- 01 G A,*4f A U T H OR -0 23 E L. K 0 V I C HV.,M. SOLNTSEVA, 'G. N. NT 'FO--USSR rjUl RY OF Vu C .SoukCF_--Z00L ZH 4912) 275-282. ILLUS. 1,970 ------- 70 GATE PUGLfSHED S,W3JECT 4REAS-610LUGICAL AND MEDICAL SCIENCES TOPIC TAtSS--90LPHIN,-- EAR, ACOUSTIC SIGNAL, SENSE 0 R GJAN S 0 UN;) W1 I i A L E C04TROL MARK Ns"-NJ k~ESTH HIT I Wis 00CUM-gNT CLASS-UNCLASSIFIED ,-PROXY kf:~L/FRA,V_---3005/1339 STF P N(j---UR/Ult:~ ~?/70/0~,,J/002/0275/o2B2 212 023 UNC L ASS. I F I ED. PROCESSING DATE--13NOV70 :.CIRC ACCESSION NQ--AP0133295 :A8STP,A,-,T/E)'TRACT--(U) GP-0- ABSTRACT. A S TU OY OF T~tE ACousr[c okc;.~,N IN DELPHUNUS DELPHIS A.*40 TURSIGPS TRUNCATUS HAS SH%'.')6WThAT ITS MORPHOLOGICAL STRUCTU~'iE 15 ;)JITE SIMILAR IN BOTH SPECIES X10 THE SPIRAL ORGAN OF CORTI DGES NOT DIFFER FROM THAT IN 1AMMALS IN tils-rOLOGICAL -ATUS ACUSTICUS EXTEPNUS IN D6LPH11,4:5 HAS A CON" EICTIVE RE SP EC T T HE WHAr IS VERY 1: 1 _.TISSUz: OVERGRID4ING IMPORTANT FOR INTEr-,pt~ETATION T1 E IMECHANIS3.4 OF SOUND CONDUCTION. THE RANGE OF PERCEi~_I-ION IN 1). 0ELPHIS T:i0F ACOUSTIC VARIES i-:RUM 0.018 TO 280 KHZ. THE PERIPH6.RAL PAR ANIALYZATOR IN ~iHALES OAS 5HOeiN TJ 6E OF VALUE -FOR THE ColitECTED At"10 NDEPENDENT RECEPTION OF SIGNAL TO EACH EARt SWITCHIING OFF THE EAR AT THE MOAENT OF SIGNAL DELIVERY, CONTRIVING BY INTENSITY, PRODU' CHA KAC I E CTION OF PRIMARY SELECTION BY S13FCTRAL FACILITY, INST. 0EVELOP. 3IOL., ACAD. SCI. US SR t, 110.SCOil, USSR. i',r I Ai L _j F. USSR uDc 54t.49,546.?91.6 CUREVICH, A. X., POLOZHENSKAYA, L. F.0 OSICHEU, N. F., and, "WzM&NJL6 "Reactions of Uranyl Wonate'Complexes with Hydrogen Peroxide. II. Study of the Equilibria in the System U62+ 2 -H202:-C)H2 4 Leningrado Radiokbimiyat Vol 13, No 5P 19719 pp 688-692 Abstracts Results am reported on the study of the reaction of uranyl malonate complexes with hydrogen perroxide employing~the methods of light absorption and pH-zaetry. On the basis of the results of calculations,.the fo'llouing =eaction Is proposed as representative for the rarge of molar ratios selectedi 2 fUO, (Mal), -72- + 2 H, 74- + 4~' + 2- mal 02 f (UO2),('Lv'j),t"1'L')2 with the equilibrium constant of (3.3 :t 0.6)-10-18. The complete formation of the complex ion f(UO2)2(00)2(M~l)2 -17' with a 10"M concentraticn of urani= occurs at the pH range of 6 7. The stability constant of the diperoxodimalonatodiyranyl ion was determined to be 424,0-1-7-10?5. In the PH range 2-7.5 partial displacement of the malonate groupa:takes place wilh the formation of f(U02)2(00) (Maj)x 7 f(UO'yoo I) (Itaj)x 7C2x-l)- type 1/2 USSR GUMICHt A. M. p et al. 9 Radiokhi-miyaq Vol UP No 5t 1971, pp 688-69z oc omplexes in the first phase, followed by the formation of Z-(UO2,)2(00)2 (14al). _7'x- in the second phase. in weakly basic tedium, various types of per,oxo-malonato-hydroxyl-uranyl complexes may form; aid at pH > 10, with excess H.O. the hydroxyl and valonate groups may be displaced with fornation of peroxide complexes f (UO2)2(00)2(H20)n -72 and r U02(00)3 -74-' 2/2 17 USSR UDC 543.251:546.799.3 CUREVICH, A. If., POLOZHENSKAYA, L. P., OSICHEVA, N. P., and SOLINTSEVA, L.-F. "Electrochemical Method of Isolating Neptunium From an Alkaline Peroxide Medium" Leningrad, Ractiokhimiya, Vol XIII, No 2, 1971, pp 239-245 Abstract: In connection with the urgency of the problem of separation and purification of transuranium elements and the difficulties of analyzing salt solutions containing micro amounts of transuranium elements, the possibilit-y anitm and in pure folm of separating these elements both jointly with ur~ (without a carrier) from alkaline peroxide media was studied on the exam-ple of 237Np. Tile experimental procedure using the electrochemical method, and the data obtained are discussed. The applicability of the method to analysis of salt solutions of neptunium was dvmoastrated W a.hroad neptunium cone'an- tration range. The yield of neptuniuim, introduced in the amount of 50-100 micrograms, reaches 99-100 percent, and 1-ts total losses vary from 0.5 to 1 percent under the following optinum conditions: pH -,! 14.Oi IU02 > 5.6*10-.?M(1-2 milligrams in 75 mg.), current density B~ 1.0 milliamp/CM2, 'e-lectrolysis time > 60 minutes, 1/2 USSR GUREVICH, A. M., et al., Radiokhimiya, Vol XIII, No 2, 1971, pp 239-245 temperature 95-1000. Data indicating the effect of the amount of carrier introduced into the experiTw-nt on the neptunium. yield show t1riat with a de- crease in carrier concentration below the indicated limit, the neptunium losses begin to increase in connection with an increatze in the effect of the solubility factor of the uranium and neptunium compounds when washing the 237Np yield participates with water. The data on the effect of salts on the with uranium as the carrier show that the acetate and nitrate ions (both separately and jointly in a concentration up to 2M); the oxalate ion (up to L .0.5M), have almost no effect on the 237Np yield (97-99 percent) with total losses varying within the limits from 1 to 3 percent. 2/2 -8c ....... ... USSR NIKITIN, S. A., !2U3XW__VAw.L._LO (Moscow State University) "Effects of Pressure on the Galvanomagnetic Effect and the Critical Field in a Single Crystal of Dysprosium" Moscow, Zhurnal Eksperimental'noy i Teoreticheskoy Fiziki, August 1970, j3p 351-355 Abstract: The influence of pressure on the galvanomagnetic effect in dysprosium single crystals is measured at temperatures between 85 and 177'K. A strong de- pendence of the pressure-induced shift ofithe critical field on temperature is observed. A thermodynamic analysis of the.experimental data for dysprosium shows that the increase of the critical field with pressure at 110-140'K can be explain- ed by the growth of exchange interaction., The correlations bE!tween dHc/dpand dH /dT and also between the magnetostriction and dHk;/dT found In the preseat invcestigation indicate that the decr*ase of H. due ~O cooling below 160'K, which results in a transition to the ferromagnetic state, occxirs in dysprosium as a result of anomalous growth of the lattice conhotant:c below the paramagnetism- helicoidal antiferromagnetism transition temperature. USSR UDC 632.95 BLIZNM, N. K., KHOKHLOV, P. S., KVASHA, Z. N., XIRKOVA, I I - LEVSKAYA, G. S., PROTASOVA, L. D., SOLNTSEVA. L. H., MATYUKUWA, Ye. N., VARSHAVSKIY, S. A., BARANOV Yu. I., Lril,_Oli~ -B. --i-a-., ZHEIICHUZHIN, S. G. "Method of Production of Dichlorides or Dibromides of Thiophosphouic Acids or Their Bis Analog" USSR Author's Certificate No 332095, filed 19/08/69, published 17/04/72 (Translated from Referativnyy Zhurnal Khimiya, No 24(111), 1972, Abstract No 20591, by T. A. Belyayeva) Translation: Compounds of the formula RP(X)Xi (I) (R-alkyl, aryl, aralkyl; X=C1 or Br) and X2P(S)A(S)PX2 (11) (A-bivalent hydrocarbon radical) were pro- duced by the reaction of mono- or dihalo hydrocarbons with S, P-and PX3 with heating to 250-400* in an autoclave of stainless steel or nickel in the presence of catalytic quantities of Iq or its compounds:. Example. A mix- ture of 0.24 mole PhCl, 0.24 g-atom S, 0.16 g-atora white P, 35 ml PC13 and 0-05 9 12 is heated at 290-330 for seven hours in an autoclave of stainless steel, the PC13 is distilled, then vacuum distillation Is used to separate I (R=Ph, X=Cl), yield 6011., B. T. 109-112'/3, v.20F) 1.6241. Similarly, I were produced (Siven i1, X, yield in Z, B. P. in 'C/mm, n2f)D) 4-(;lc6114, 1/2 '14, 1,41- A III! USSR BLIZNYUK, N. K., et al., USSR Author's Certificate No -332095, filed 10/08/69, published 17/04/72 Cl, 53.5; 124-311.5-2, 1.6229; P-hf'aC 114 Cl 54.5, 125-7/1, 1.6120; 4FC6114, gl,'127-'130/2, 1.6650; 4-FC CI, 72.2, 95-7/0.5, 1.6028; Ph, Br, 6H4, Br, 55, 135-8/1, 1.6758; PhCH2, Cl, 76.4, 120-3/2, 1.6150; 3-FC6 HO Cl, 108-110/1-5, 1.5908; 4-MeC04CH2, Cl, 53.3, 126-9/2,:1.6035; 4-ClC6114CII2, Cl, 61.6, 129- 133.2, m. p. 74-6', --; 2-FC6H4CH2. Cl, 61.6, 129-133.2, m. p. 48-9% 2.471feAH3%, C1, 47.5, 140-1.6045; 2.4-C12CO3%, Cl, 43.4, 147-9/2, 100-l", --. Also produced were II. (X=Cl, A=C112CEI") , yield 61.5%, p ~m. P. 92-3% 1 and 11 are intermediate products for tbe production of ides 'an&herbicides. insecticides, acarocides, fungic. 2/2 ......... . ...... USSR UDC 546-791-4 VDOVEINKO, V. M. , ROMANOV, G. A. , and SOLDITSEVA L. Y. "Heat of Formation of U0F(OH)-0-5 H20!: Leningrad, Radiokhimiya, Vol 12, No 5v 1970, PP '?"-766 Abstract. In continuation of their work, the authors deterimined the :enthalpy of formation of UOF(OH)-0.5 H20 to be -3,14.0 5.0 Kcal/mole. The following values were found for the reaction UOF(Oh)-O-5 H20.= UOF(Wq) + 0.5 H20~ 'i 12 4~. The (A H = 5.19 Kcal/mol% A~ = 1 46 Kcal/mole, and /-k. heat of for-mation of OF JH) was found to be -340.8 -1 5.; K~al/mole. --D(" _546 7 91. 4 USSR LIANOV, G. A., 1f.ALININ, G. V., ;3n d',~QLNTSE`~~, L. V. VDMTN1KO, V. M. , RO"i "Synthesis and Investigation of Some Phy s i c o -che mi c al Properties of UOF(OH)-0.5 Leningrad, Radiokhimiya, Vol 12, No 5, 1970, pp 762-764 Ab5tract; The compound. UG F (014) - 05 ,:,0 was synthesized by adding fluorint ions at a ratio of itl to U - . J. (IV) solutions a base the color of the solution chance!-, from, acid. Upon addition ol oreenish-blue to brown and a 4'ine cryotalline bli,,],- p-recipitate "ails U UrI1,1*11UP14,r out at pli 1.8. The product containo 79-?()~,' :2g-deini~ well -'rarad with the propo-sed structure. Thex,~moCravimetric aned ir- carried out also supported the propqsild otructureJor,[:Che above pril-luct This compound is insoluble in water,aRd dissolves earily in aqueous so- lutions of mineral acids forming a fluoride coirpli!x UO."'. When heatrd to 2500 it converts to UOF(OH), 1/1 UDC: 621-385.644.2 J. SOBOLEV, G. L. editorial staff of "Rad-iotelchnika i elek- tronika% AcaderV of Scienceso?-the. USSR "Frequency Response Analysis of a Multicavity Magii;-Itron" =natorziap)-) rnaFnetrona (cf. English Analiz chastotnykh kharakteristik mmo~ .,a re above), Moscow, 1971, 16 pp, ill., bib2iography of r~ix titles (2642-71 Dep.) (from M-Elektroriika i yeye primeneniye, Ila 6, Jun 71, Abstract Ila 5A144 DEV Translation: Electronic frequency displacement and voltage retuning of the frequency are observed in a multicavity magnetron. In the voltage retuning mode, the frequency is a nearly linear function of constant potential, and in accordance with Welchs theory this is determined-by lo-w rf potentials. Experiments by 'Vilbur and Peters sho-vr that the rf potentials accompanying voltage retuning are not necessarily small. Bogolydbov's asymptotic r-ethod is used for approximate calculation of the trajectories of motion of elec- trons with regard to the, spece charge in a cylindrica.1 type 4/50 magne-tron; the riethod of Green's Danctions is used. The active-aad reactive co-Pironents 1/2 SOBOLEV, G. L., SOUTSEVA, V. B., Analiz chastotnykh kha-7ra-kteristik mnogo- rezonatornogo magnetrona, Moscow, 1971 of the power of interaction are calculated as vell as the emission frequency. The conmutational cycle was repeated after finding the r:f potential. 'The results of the analysis are as follows. At constant potentialls of 21-22.4 kV and rf potentials U, = 14.1-23.2 U, B = 0.69 I%Ib/cm'_' under conditions of unlimited emission temperature, the current and power increaze in satisfac- tory correspondence with e=erirnent. A change in constant potential from 22.4 kV to 25 kV while limiting the density of the space charge causes a slight change in direct current anc~ power, and a nearly linear increase in frequency. Frequency tuning is 30 N1.9z when U, -, 23 U, QL = 222. Thus voltage retuning takes place at high rf potentials &-qd comparatively high Bibliography of six titles. Authors' abstract. 2/2 145 MR UDO 5)9.216.2 S Irkutsk State University imeni A. A. Zhdanov ORotational Hysteresis In Permalloy Fi-bw Produced at a High Substrate Temperature" Syexdloysk, Fizika Metallov I Metallovedeniye# Vol 36o 110 3P 1973. pp 655-658 Abstracts A study was made of the rotational hysteresis In anomalous fJ-Ims of different thicknesses. A method, based on the Hall plane effect, was employed to measure the rotational hysteresis and dater a etic pa - Lain nagn ra noters of a film (coercive force H and filed anisotropy hk). The films were produced by thermal vaporization of Perelol, 79NWA onto optIcally polished glass substrates In a vacuum of 10-5-10- mm Hg, Graphs show the relation- ship of the ratio WJF (loss in rotational hysteresis to the constant of anisotropy5 t' the applied field hl - H/H uniaxial 0 k for films of different thicknesses. An unusual shape was noted for some of thD curves where one minimum and two mwimums were observed, indicating that these samples powassed a rotating susceptibility, The two maximuns were explained by magnetic reversal of regions with a high anisotropy for the first maximum iUA the second maximum occurring 'from strong fields vhen the rotational hy.steresis forms during magnetic revereal.of unordered orientated regions. 1/2 , MMLMMMM-11 USSR SOLNTMWA, YU. M. Fizika Metallov i Metalloveceniye TA 36, No 3, 19?3o PP 655-658 The minimum on the graphic curves is explained by the plane Hall effect where during magnetic reversal in rotating fields, some sections of the film possass conditions for unidirectional hysteresis, and other local sec- tions have already reached the switchover angle at which unlaxial hysteresis :forms. Two figuresp one table, ten bibliographic refer'encess USSR UDC. (621.313.3,013+621.3.o45.3:537.312.62.1001 BORZOV, G. G., 19 Leningrad "Calculating the Magnetic Pield of Superconducting Coils of Saddle Shape With Ferromagnetic Shield" Moscow, Izv. AN SSSR: Energetika i Transport, No 4, Jul/Aug 72, pp 77-80 Abstract: An algorithm is proposed for solving the three-dimenEional nonlinear problem based on the method of calculating magnetic eddy fields by means o a scalar magnetic potential in combinaticn wit- expansicn- of current sources into their spatial hurmonics. The paper preserts the results of calculation of the induction and magnetic flux in the riarmature of a Cryogenic machine with ferromagnetic shield; the program for cal- culating these parameters was compiled~on the basis of the proposed algo- r Ithm L The computational data are compared with exp6rimental results. USSR wcl: (621-3-013+621-3131536-483-001 -T. d DEIOJRCHYAN, K. S., T L46ningra Finite-Difference Method of Studying Magnetic.Fieldo of Cryoclectric Machines in Unbounded Regions" Moscow, Izv. AN SSSR: Energetika i Transport, No 4, JuJ/Aug 72, pp 97-100 Abstract: A procedure is proposed for refining boundaxy conditions in the case of limiting the computational region when using the finite difference method. The procedure is based on the method of reducing a magnetic eddy field to the problem of calculating the field from a system of magnetic charges. A procedure is given for calculating the magnetic field of a cryoelectric generator by the finite-difference method with correction of the scalar magnetic potential on the boundary of the computational region. The finite* difference nethod of' solving magnetic field equations in unbounded rer gions can be uiied with elimi- J. nation of the influence of limitation of the region; for this purpose, it is sufficient to successively improve*the accuracy of the constant magnetic field distribution in the iteration process, and to use the more accurate values to refine the value of the megnetic potential an the boundary of the region. Solution of the tbree-dimi~nsio=.L robleri gives a two-dimensional representation of the magnetj.-~ field in the m of a set of space harmonics. ii; i4t~ ; 4:11 USSR uDc 621.384.6-ol KUZNET-QOVY V. S., ABROYAN, M. A., �QUMOIV.~~ and FOU'SKAYA, R. P. "Measurement and Investigation of the Redistribution of the Phase Density of Charged Particles in Real Fluxes~' leningrad, Zhurnal Tekhnicheakoy Fiziki, Vol XTS, No 8, 1971, pp 1611-!617 Abstract: The density distribution of -the charged particles of a beam in a four-dimenrional phase space of transverse coordinates and velocities deter- mines all the basic characteristics of the flux. The authors' actual measur-e- Bents of this distribution for proton beam with a current of approximately 400 milliamperes and particle energies of 30 and 650 Lriloe-lectron volts shoved that the actual distribution of charged,particles differs substantially from the distribution as it is usually calculated theoretically. Most methods of computing the parameters of Intensive fluxes assume a microcanonical, distribu- tion in which the phase density of the particles does,not change from one cross section of the beam to another. In attuml fatt, the phase, density of the partie;zs doeas chazge and, consequently, so do such basic characteristics of the flux as the density distribution of the current~4nd the magnitude and configuration of tho phaso volum* -1/2 017 UNCLASSIFIED- PPOCESSIriG DATE--30OCT70 TITLE-PAKTILULAgS AS&6-LIATED WITH THE TECHNOLOGY CF ELECTRO PULSE ~4v I-MACHINli%G DIE 114PaeSSIONS UNDER CONDITIONS UF INDIVIDUAL MANUFACTURE -U- :'4UTHJ'(--SE;LCOv A.V. 1CUNTRY, OF INFO-USSR -~Ck-KlhVt TEKHNi]LQGIYA I URGANIZATSIYA PROIZVODS'TVA, NO 1, 1970, Pp i~PATE PU6LISHEI)---70 U13JECT AREAS-HECH., IND., CIVIL AND MARINE ENGR, BEiAVIORAL AND SOCIAL SCIENCES _~':TCPIC TAGS-OLE, ELECTROSPARK MACHINING, BIBLIOGRAPHY, MACHINERY PLANT, MACHINE TOOL INDUSTRY. _(.-r_VTACL MARKING-,*40 RESTRICTIONS 00CUAENT CLASS-UNCLASSIFIED -PROXY REEL/f-RAME--1999/1319 STEP t40---LJR/0,(tI8/7() 10001001/0064/0006 CJRC-- ACCESSIorl N-0--AP01232*78 21Z 017 UNCLASSIFIED PROCESSING DATE--30OCT70 ~ICIRC ACCESSICN NO-AP0123278 XBSTRACT'/EXTkACT-(U) GP-0- ABSTRACT. TECHNOLOGY IS PRESENTED FOR ONE PAS59 E-LECT80 PULSE MACHINING UF THE FORMING CAVITIES OF DIES. THE -TECHNOLUGY IS BEING USED AT THE NOVOKRMATORSK MACHINE BUILDING PLANT (NUVGKRAMATORSKIY MASHINGSTROITELINYY ZAVOD) UNDER CONDITIONS OF ,:..INDIVIDUAL MANUFACTURE. FORMULAS ARE GIVEN FOR CALCULATING ALLOWANCES FUR- ELECTRUPULSE MACHINING. THE TECHNICO. ECONOMIC EFFECTIVE-NESS OF THIS PROCESS IS GIVEN. UISSH um 621-317. 77 ~DERYABIN, Yu. F., MOROZOV, V. I., SOLOVARI, G. G. "A Digital Phase Meter" Dokl. Vses. nauchno-teklin. konferentsii Do racUotekhn, izm-,,~,reniyam. T. 2 (Re- porst of the All-Union Scientific and Technical Conference on Radio _Engimeer- ing 14easurements. Vol. 2), Novosibirsk, 1970, pp 87-%1 (from RZh-Radiotekh- R~ika, No 12, Dec 70, Abstract No 12A336) Translation: The authors describe a phase meter which conv,-~~rts the dilf- ference in phases of two OF signels to numbers in four-di(dt parallel binary code. The proposed trintrument. is distingui3hed Crom convemtional digital- phase metem by its high speed. The phmse met,~!r cotilllik;tfl of' twO parts: the 811F 5ectlon In which the mermured pbase is mrm..rLed LO a serien of fi-ve voltages, and an analog-digital convprtl~r whare these vol- tages are converted to four-digit binary-, code. Teats of a iw(lel of the phase mter showed that its error in a frequency 'band 61' 104 is no more than �101 wheri input powers are changed by �3 DB,.and speedjs at least 0.5 jisec. 89, 1-1 I-NMI USSR UDC 547.62.24 DOURNIMIN, N. S . , SQI~qqk~'_j $,,L., and STAVINCHUK, V. G., Scientific Research Institute of Organic Intermediate Products and Dyes, Moscow "Conversions of Polycyclic Ketones. The Action of Phosphorus Oxychloride on Phenalenone and 1,3(2H)-Phenalendione". Leningrad, Zhurnal Organicheskoy Khimii, Vol 9, No 2, Feb 73, pp, 375-377 Abstract: On heating with phosphorus oxychloride phanalenone and 1,3(2H)- -phenalendione form 1-chloroperopyrene, m.p. 327-329', and 1,3,7-trichlor- operopyrene, m.p. 336-337', respectively which can then be reduced to peropyrene. Oxidation of 1-chloroperopyrene wit:h dilute nitric acid gave perylene-3,4,9,10-tetracarboxylic acid, The structure of 1,3,7-trichloro- peropyrene was established by oxidizing it to 2-chloroperylene-3,4,9,10- -tetracarboxylic. acid, followed by conversion to the~known.2-hydroxy- perylene-3,4,9,10-tetracarboxylic acid. 1/1 36 Acc. Nr: Abstracting Service: Ref. Code: 4/90053445 CHMICALABST. 03 110555d Reactions of polycyclic ketones. U1. Mechanism of action of polycycUc ketones with carboxylic acid chlorides. r DAunikIiin. N. S.; ~~ "'AL-L.- Shak~~B- 1. (Nauch.- Urg. 1%.43M. Lyiu, at;:j, ~.Kuss). ine reaction or pnenaie- none (1) with AcCl gives acyloxyphenalenyl free radical, detected by EPR spectroscopy. The formation of this free radical led to the postulation of a mechanism for the formation of acyloxypyro- Pyrene. CPjR RMH (59'3L , i , , -~MTFI 'TjiEt - M gy ".117 Ig REMEMBER L14"O ~A 'Lli :M il E. USSR UDC 614.73; [54.1.15; CHISTOV, Ye. D., OSIPOV, V, Ye., SPRYGAYEV. 1. F., SOWI)MBA, L. D., and DaAGATSPANYMN, R. V. "Radioactive Contamination in a Radiocilemical Reactor" Moscow, Figivena i Sanitariya, No 6, 1970, PP 76-80 Abstract: A study of the design and mode of oporation of the R5-L.~), the first Soviet industrial radiachemical reactor wh*ch is used to su;A*,oQ-,1ori1,'ate saturated hydrocarbons and initiate C066 ~aQ radiation is pras'entod. it co~n- sists of a central axial irradiatin~7, unit, Cub'Q sources hermeticaLly sealed in spherical casseLteso nonradioactive spheres. storage place for sourc&s. (LISIri- butirg machanisns, and biological protection. Radlocontmindnation of the Lnactive spherical elements of the reaction is well below tho levilil uaradtted for radio- 6 active preparations. Additiorual sealing of radioavtive Co 0 pxegarations in cassettes would decrease the possibility of the casing ofthe zources breaking and contaminating the atmosphere, USSR UDC 547.558.1 PROKOF'YEV, A. I., SOLODNIKOV, S. MALAKHOVA, 1. G., TSVETKOV, Ye. N., and KABACHNIK, M. I., Institute of Metal Organic Compounds, Academy of Sciences USSR "EPR Spectra of Phosphorus-Containing Ethyl Benzoates" Leningrad, Zhurnal Obshchey Khimii, Vol 43 (105), No 12, Dec 73, pp 2621- 2626 Abstract: Anion radicals of ethyl benzoates have been studied containing electron acceptor and electron donor groups such as pliosphino- and phosphinyl groups in meta- and para- positions, A correlation function has been de- veloped for the constants of superfine interaction the ortho protons of ethylbenzoat'Lls all and the ceff constants (a + 0.23 2 eff = UR(M) T)- It has been shown that in all of the studied compounds the phosphine- and phosphinyl groups,sbow an electron accepting character. The aeff constant values of the phosphorus containing substituents agree with the known characteristics of their electronic effects. 1/1 USSR' UDC: 550-834 BALA-S-MMUTD, M. I., FILIPPOV, III. G. YEFIMEUKO, M. D. ;~HEIIN,,,10~.4 L, , MYOROV, V. V KRASSITOPOL-SKIY, A. D n.VDC1rj1..OV$, G. S. , Ramen- sk-0ye Department of the Al1-*L**#Wen"1 !*Research Institute of Geo- physical Methods oft Prospecting "A Device for Eriizsion of a. Seismic Signal" Moscow, Otkrytiya, Izobreteniya, ProrUshlennyye Obrp-z-t,,:y, Tovarnyye Zna3ki No 8, Mar 72, Author's Certificate No 330407, Division G, filed 20 Jan 70: published 24 Feb 72, p 142 Translation: '17hin Author's Certificate introducca: 1. A devico for emis- sion of a ceismic sift ial. Tie device contains cotprcssk:d-aiT and liquid-fuel stipply systerm, and apneuiatic chamber with movable pi$ton Nihich opons and closes the outlet -~:-ort of the chamber. As a distinguis'ling fe-atur of e thc patent, the ci=--r,~!ssud-air discharge energy j,s increased --n-d the heat -and force loa-d- on the ch==ber is reduced by fitting the rovable piston ..ith atonizers which b:--ah uri the 4ftiel in the cc,,---ressed air dn;rin- Cas czhaust and by attanchir;E; a cc for igpition of the fuel nLl~w-e to the chr-mbar housing, 2. A moLfication of this device dic-twingu-i-shed by tlhr~ fact that 112 jALASIIMTD, 1-1. 1. et all. ,USSR Author's Certificate tic 330407 the movable piston has a channel filled with fuel and co=unicating with the atomizer through a check vallve, and the cover of the chamber has a rod vhich enters the channel of the piston and feeds ftiel into it throu&h the chack valve. 3. A modification of this devi-ce distinruished by the fact that the attach=ent for igniting the fual mixture is made in the form of a wedge. 2/2 USSR U DO: 624. 074. 4. 04 SOLODILOV, YU. I., Moscow I~On Calculation of Pnew-natic Lenticular Shells with Large Deformations" Moscow. Straitellnaya Mekhanika i Raschet Soortizheniy, No 3, 1971, pp 64-66 Abstract: An analysis is made of inflated lenticular shells syrnmetrical about the vertical axis and provided with an elastic reinforcing ring along the horizontal plane of symmetry. It is assurned that there are no bending mornoraq in the shell and that the volume of the shell wall rernains constant (wall thickness decreases as the shell stretches). 1/2 - ---------- -- tit 111W ;a-- -milt U SSR S SOLODILOV, YU. I., Stroitel'naya Mekhaniku- iRaschet Sooruzheniy, 110 3, 1971, -pp 64-66 The general equations are applied to two particular cases: 1. The case of two initially plane membranes attached to a ring. It is shown that the maximum possible deformations corres- ponds to the wall thickness at the pole of 0. 526 of the initial. Beyond this point the shell is unstable, the deformation increases with decrease of internal pressure. 2. The case of initially spherical shell with. a ring along its equator. 2/2 31 USSR PERMINOV, V. D., SOLODKINI E E Moscow "Axisymmetric Bo-Ves of Minimum Resistance and Minimum Heat Flow to the Body Smi~f ace With Various Boundary Layer Flow.Characteristics" Moscow, Izvestiya Akademii Nauk SSSR, Mekhanika Zhidkosti i Gaza, No. 2, March-April, 1971, pp 94-102 Abstract: Approximate formulae are obtained for the deter- mination of friction shear and heat flow distribution along the surface of a body of given'shape and pressure distribu- tion. USSR FERKMOV, V.D., et al, Izvestiya Akaderaii Nauk SSSR, 1"Iekhanilm Zhidkozti i Gaza, No 2, March-April 1971j pp 94-102 With large Reynolds numbers the pressure distribution can be obtained by solving the~Euler equations with suit- able boundary conditions. Exact Solution of these equa- tions is not available. Therefore approximate methods have to be used. The formulae of friction and heat flow distribution are used to determine the shape of axisymmotric bodies of minimum resistance and minimum heat flow with a hypersonic flow of viscous gas. The method of variatiions is used for this purpose. Perminuv, V. P., Anti Ye. Y~. SolodHn A-Yinynnm~trir minirn".1 rrni%tanre at .1 qpecific h-it flnw to the surfac,T IN: Uchttilrye zapiilrd Tscutrat'no- go aero-tildrodinamicheakego Institute. v. 2. no. 6. 1971. 39-40. (RZhMekh, 5/772, no. 513345) For axiPyrnmetric bodieip with a net leading edge and a mildly stopIng lateral surface, an approximate solution in given to a. varitionat prohlern 61 the shape. of a body of minimat resistance in a hypermanic gait undet- a specific total heat flow to the surface. A mpdUlcd Na-sa,nisrj formula ;a u sad, tor. r=14a4tellurt %lictrIUAition. ~ The formulated.isop4rimetric problem of the shape of an Axisyrnmetric body of given dimensions with * flat leading edge, ant! minimum resistance at a given total heat 41ax. is solved nurnerl- cally by a modified method a( local variation@ at values of Ma = 6. 10, and 30. and R0 . to 6. It is shown that, under the speeMod conditloon, the requirements of minirriat resistance and minimal beat flow t4o the body surface are contradictory- ?opov, F. D., and 1. M. Dreytv., Calculation of supersonic flow ar6und blunt la"fea by th finite-11ifference method. 114: Trudy 11 Reepublikanokuy konfarentail pa aerogidrornakhanike. leplaubmanu I mapeocbmeou. Salkltiya "Aisrodirtarnike bot'shilth skarnatcy". Kiyev, KtyL-vskly tvivervitet. 1971, 50-55. (RZ1Jjekh, 517?., no. 513336) A flaite-difference scheme Is proposed for the calculation of static. mixed, axisymmetric flow over the nose section at & blunt body In a supersonic ideal San. The shock layer considered is tranoformed USSR U1)C 620,195 TOLSTAYA, M. A., KWOROSTUK11PI, L. As, LOGV1NE1,-K'O, V. V., SOLODKINA, V. P., IUKHINA, 11. G., Moscow Aviation Techhol.ogical and M "The Effect of Diamond Stnoathing of the Surface of Xhl.QN9T Steel on its Corrosion and Electrochemical Behavior" Moscow, Zashchita Metallov, V611 9, No 1, Jan-F~b 73, pp 16-21 Abstract: An experimental study was made of the corrosion and electrochemical behavior of relaxed specimens of IKhl8N9T steel after processing their sur- faces by the diamond smoothing method. To correlate properties of differently processed surfaces of lKhl8N9T steel, smoothed and burnished specimens were tested together. The corrosion variations of the test(--d specimens in .35% NaCl and their anodic polarization curves in solutions of NaCl (0,1 and 3%) and H2SO4 are discussed by reference to diagrams. The surface of 3,Khl8N9T steel subjccted to diamand snuothinp, wac. found to possess, La comjlariso~l with bur- nished specimens, a considerably hitdier anodic polariatAlity in(] resi~;Vance to general pitting corrosion, A inechardsin of this phemornerion is suggest(!d. 'rhe experimental data prove conclusively the increased i;tability of the I)as- sive condition of !_Yhl8149T steel iji corrosive mcillia after fin-jshing treatment of its surface with a sphPrical diamond itip. Fotrr firures, one table, eigh- teen bibliographic references. l5 -a W M, W, -9 a I ki, W M -0 0 a W9 ON USSR UDC 616.003.96+359.6 6QW&QjI w&=Ojr and BERDYSHEV, V. V. "Development of Physiological Stress in Sailors During Cruises in the Low Latitudes" Moscow, Voyenno-Meditsinskiy Zhurnal, No 7, 1972, pp 86-90 Abstract: The dynamics of the following biochemical and physiological para- meters was traced in 52 sailors during a 6-week cruise In the low latitudes on, a ship lacking air conditioning: adrenal activity, content of some meta- bolites in urine and sweat, thermoregulation, cardiovascular, central nervous system, and analysor function, and nonspecific reactivity. The results of the studies showed an inten5ificacion of adrenal activity, increased excretion of 17-k-etosteroids, total nitrogen, creative, and vitamin B1, decreased excretion of soditzi and potassiu-m, elevated body temperature and inten.,sificaticn of perspiration, accelerated heart beat, decrease in systolic ar-d pulse pressures, slowing of various reflexer;, dccrelzicc in lability of the vLstjal aiialvsor, ind marked decrea5-e in pIi;-.--VocytJc activity of white blood c(!]..Lg -ind decrease in osmotic resistance of red blood cells. It is noted that prolonged physiologi- cal stress caused by heat not only does not necessarily zresulr in -adaptation, it may even give rise to mental and physical disorders. The article concludes 1/2 USSR SOLODKOV, A. S. and BERDYSHEV, V. V., Voyenno-Meditsinskiy Zhurnal, No 7, 1972, 86-90 with recommendations for preventing or minimizing stress, e,g., installation of air conditioning, suitable work and rest routines, rational diet, systematic physical exercise, and use of certain drugs (adaptogens). 2 /2 112 008 UNCLASSI FIED 'PROCESSING DATE--04DEC7 TITLE--SYNTHESIS AN) STEREOCHEHISTRY OF C SUB10 HYDROCARBONS OF THE CIS BICYCLO,3.3,.O,OCTANE SERIES -U- O*Aor VOROBYEVA, N.S., .1 TSEDrLINAj A.L. OF INFO--USSR ..'SOUP-CE-NEFTEKH'IMIYA 1970t 10(2)t 165-73, DATE PUBLISHED ------- TO ,_:~_SUBJECT AREAS--CHEMISTRY- _",:T0PtC TAGS--STEREOCHEMISTRY, MAKUSIIII[NA, V.M.v SOLGDKOVY ORGANIC SYNTHESIS, OCTANE -CONTROL MARKING--NO RESTRICTIONS CLASS--UNCLASSIFIED HYDROCARBONS STEP NO--UR/020417~01010/002/0165/0173 :PROXY REEL/FRAME--300610937 CIRC.ACCESSION NO--AP0134663 UNC L A SS Fl I'l) i a 2/2 008 UNCLASSIFIED tPROCESSING DATE-04DEC70 ACCESSION NO--AP0134663 :-,-A3STRAC.T/EXT,aUC-T--(U) (;P-0- ABSTRACT. IfZ~DIMETIIYLGICYCLO(3.3.0)OCT,,2pEN,4,(JNE I) WAS PRE;). BY CONOENSATION OF 2,METHYLCYCLOPENTANONG WITH VfNYLACETYLENEo OF,HYDRAVION OF THE CARBINOL WITH H SUB2 SO SU84 TO 11, AND FINALLY CYCLOIiYORATION WITH H SUB3 PO SUB4. BY A SEQUENCE OF REONS.: OF I ClStlt2,DrMETHYLBICYCLO(3.3.0)OCTANE WAS OBTAINED. 1,3vDlMETHYLSICYCLG(3,3.0)OCTANE WAS PREP0. OY 01ENE CONDENSATION OF ITFORMYLtliCYCLOPENTENE WITH it3fauTADIENE AND kEDN. OF IsFORMYL,3Av6i7i7AvTETRAHYDROINDAN INTO :_::i I#METHYLt3A,6,7,7A#'rETRAHYDROINDANt WHICH WAS OXIOIZEn (KMNO SUB'f) TO IIMETHYLtl,2tCYCLOPt~:NTANEDIACETIC AICDv WHICH, AFTER HFATING WITH BAO GAVE 111. 111 WITH METHYL GRIGNARD AND THEN DEHYDRATION GAVE IV WHICH AFTER HYDROGENATION GAVE THE lr3,COM9D. THE 3,7rtllr,,,ETI-1v'LBICYCL.C;OCTANE WAS 03TAINED FROM THE CORRESPONDING DIKETONE BY NjiltiGI, DEHYDRATION ON AL SUBZ 0 SUB3t AND THEN HYDROGENATION OF THE UNSATD.~ COR11D, MIXT. OF 297#01MGTHYL AND 2,8tDIEMTHYL COMMo.WERE SIMILOLY OBTAINED AS THE lt2pDIKETHYL COMPDS. THE CONFORMATION~S'l OF. THE- DIKETIM. ClSiBICYCLO(3-3.0)OCTANES WAS DET.D. FRO14:GAS Llo.~ CHROMATOG. RETENTION TIMEs-AND CALCD. B.P. DATA. FACILITY: INS.T. GEOL. RAIRAD, -GORYUCH. ISKOP.t MOSCOW, USSR. UNIC LA SS I F LE 0 L/Z 01-7 UiNCL AS S 1 F tE;0 PROCESSING DATE--040EC70 ;"TITLE--BICYLIC NAPHTHENES, C SUB8-9, IN PETROLEU'MS OF THc DAGAI)ZHIK ANO GRYAZEVAYA SOPKA DEPOSITS -U- ~'AUTHOR-103)-SOLODKOV, V.K., MIKHNOVSKAYA, A.A., PETROV, -4.A. --USSR ,,COUNTRY OF INFO GOO AKAD. NAUK TURKM. SSRt SER. FIL-TEKH., KHIM% GEOL. NAUK 1970, (2) t 99-105 -:bATE PUBLISHED ------- 70 AREAS--EARTH SCIENCES ANO.OCEANOGRAPHYt MATERIALS -TQPICJAGS~--AROMATIC NITRO COMPOUNDI CHEMLC~L_ 6mpds~~tiONr PETROLEUM SlTi--.-GEOGRAPH -I C :LOCATI.ON'I-,:: ADSORPTION i:A.SOME PO GN: CONTIROL MARKING--NO RESTRICTIONS ~00CUMENT CLASS--UNCLASSIFIED PROXY REEL/FRAME--300,8/I708 STEP -CIRC ACCESSION NO--AP01318682 'CLASSIFIED PROCESST',IG 0ATE---u-~!0El,".7u' Z/2 OL7 LIN .CIRC ACCESSION NO--AP'0138682 ~.A.BSTRACT/EXTRACT--(U) GP-0- ABSTRACr. BICYLIC C SU138-9 NAPHTHEN't:S N 0 PERCENT OF 0AGA9ZHlK 0110 GtYAZEllilYA S--3?KA 'COMPRISING 5*2 A; 16-5r r- .PETROLEUMS WERE SEPD, FROM FRACTIONS 04 I20-b0DE(;;'!tE-ES BY SUCCESSIVE ADSORPTION ON SILICA GEL AND THERMAL DIFFUSION. , IN THL RESPI PETROLEUMS THE C SUB8 BICYCLIC NAPHTHENES WERE: ~SHC'jikl ON YlICl.-.',171FlCqEJ. IN EQUIL. MIXTS. FROM ISOMERIZING BICYCLO(4.3.01NONANE THE CONTENT OF METHYLBICYCLO(3.3.0), METHYLBICYCLa(3.- Z. 1. ) , AND METHYLBICYCLO(2*2.2)OCTANCES CHANGED FROM 18,3, 60.8, fi-,40 7.3 1'10 39.11 38.6, AND 10.9 44S THE TEMP. WAS 1,N'CRE&SED FRDA 35 TO tSODEGREEES. A r 150DEGREES THE CONTENT OF THE RESP. (SHOWN ON MI'--R()FfChfE), THUS, THE PETROLEUM BICYCLIC NAPHTHENE WERE NOT EQUIL. MIXTS., AT ANY TEMP. RYUGH I;SKOP.j t4cj5VOllr USSR. FACILITY: INST. GEOL. RA7-RAB. GO, UNCLASSIFIED - --------- ~~v - lid 111 Ill-R USSR UDC 62-50 q2LODOV,_A. ~L, and PETROV, F. S. Lineynyye avtomaticheskiye sistemy s peremennymi parametrami (Linear Automatic Systems With Variable Parameters), Moscow, "Nauka," 1971, 620 pp Translation: AnnotatiGn: This monograph is devoted to an examination of the theoretical bases of investigating linear automatic control system with time-variable parameters (linear nonstationary systems). The authors examine in considerable detail several typical classes of such systems and their characteristics (impulse~transition and parametric transfer functions) as well as methods for determining these characteristics and questions.con- cerning the travel of determinate. and random signals through the systems. Considerable attention is paid to the structural transformation and modeling of the systems by solving various problems of analysis and synthesis of the control systems. The theoretical material of the book is il.lusLrated with numerous examples and figures. To read this book it is sufficient to have mathematical preparation in an ordinary course in higher mathematics pre- sented at the Higher Technical Schools. The book is intended for special- ists working in the field of automatic control. It may useful for graduate students and students in the higher courses of the respective specialties. (215 illustrations, 27 tables, and 73 bibliographic entries) 1/2 USSR SOLODOV, A. V., and PETROV, F. S., Lineynyye avtomaticheskiye sistemy s peremennymi. parametrami (Linear Automatic Systems With Variable Parameters), Moscow, ."Nauka," 1971, 620 pp, Table of Contents Chapter 1. Linear Systems With Variable Parameters Chapter 2. Impulse Transition Function of a Linear System Chapter 3. Structural Transformations of Linear Systems With Variable Parameters Chapter 4. Approximation Algorithm for Seeking Impul-,,e Transition Functions of Systems With Slowly Varying Parameters Chapter 5. Systems With Variable Parameters Acted on by Determinate Signals Chapter 6. Systems With Variable Parameters Acted Random Signals Chapter 7. Controllability, Observability, and Stability in Systems With Variable Parameters Chapter 8. Investigation of Nonstationary Processes in Systems With Variable Parameters Using Modeling Methods,l q USSR UDC KASDIOV, G. G., ROZHDESTT,-TU.-,--KIY, F. A., BYIDV. YE. I . P I L :IT EI G . I . SOLODOV, V. P. I%agn6tic Properties of Ti'klanivn, IvIansdi'wT,, ChronLium, and 'Iron 0rLho'---.YiL, vloscow, Neorgaiiiche5kiya Matkerialy, Vol 6, No I.,,, Jan 70, 186 Abstract: An Investigation was maie- of tho rar-,nc:tic proparties cX 71a'_); CrTa04, and FeTa04 i~.v the v:,~!thods of wagjv:~ILostatics and eiul-tI7011 resonance Jji a broad, tf~:v~~,raturc range. The st~4..Iies made --it, pos~;iblu to Obta4An now data. Tho anozmalou5 b,~havior of r-aT;O,)~ at low tor~;p orati ire z is o-Xplainv!d by tho pha~io transition at 22'20F, at- a result oC which the sp~~i.-Iatl.ico relax.-ition tivie docroases (the width of tlie vlocLron 1-.1aramaj.-notic Sharply), and the intensity of tho alactron paranignotic 5poctru", bu., comos in3~,~G,n~.ficant rd.- nitrogrin tomporature. The tvaj,rnetia ~;uocopLibj.]Aty of' the remaining orthotantalat33 varios according to the Curio -W'% - ~-, z, law. Th,) va3ue of the constant fj pernits the assumption of the prowance of' -ftcd cozpol: tism in tho investig I I -t: fIT I IrL . .... ... ...... -112 016 UNCLASSIFISD PROCESSING DATE--18SEP70 _..-TITU~"kkGNSTIC PROPERTIES OF TITANIUMP VANADIUM, CHROMIUMv AND IRON -.ORTHOTANTALATES -U- ~AUTHOR-(051-KASIMOV, G.G.9 ROZHOESTVENSKIYj F.Aos KRYLOVo YE.l.v PILIPENKOr Golor S _&QwLvt V.P. -MFO--USST-- S.OURCE--IZV. AKAO. NAUK SSRt NEORG. MATERV 19TOr 6(l), 186 DATE PUBLISHED-----TO SUBJECT AREAS--CHEMISTRY, PHYSICS TOPIC TAGS--TITANTUM COMPOUNDo VANAWUH COMPOUND9 CHROMIUM COMPOUNOt JTV TANTALATE# EPR SPECTRUMv MAGNETIC SUSCEPTIBIL CONTROL MARKING--NO RESTRICTIONS DOCUMENT CLASS--UNCLASSIFJED ::PROXY REEL/FRAME--1984/0146 STEP NO--UR/0363/TO/004S/001/0186/OIL86 CIRC ACCESSION NU--AP0054942 UNCLASSIPIED 212. 016 UNCLASSIFIED ~PROCESSING DATE--18SEP70 CIRC~'ACCESSION NO--AP0054942 ABSTRACT/EXTRACT--(U) GP-0- ABSTRACT. MAGNETIC OROPERTIES OF TITAO SUP'4, CRTAO SU84, AND FETAO SUB4 WERE INVESTIGATEO BY AAGNETOSTATIG AND EPA' METHODS WITHIN A WIDE TEMP. RANGE, WHICH MADE 11' POSSIBLE TO OET"AIN NEW SATA AS COMPARED TO THE KNOWN ONES.- THE ANOMALOUS BEHAVIOR OF FE7AO SUB4 AT LOW TEMPS. IS EXPLAINED BY THE PHASE TRANSITION AT 223DEGREES K? AS A RESULT OF WHICH THE TIME OF THE SPI*N LATTICE RELAXATION DECRE;%SEES AND THE INTENSITY OF THE EPR SPECTRUM BECOMES INSIGNIFICANT AT THE N TEMPS THE MAGNETIC SUSCEPTIBILITY OF THE REMAINING ORTHOTANTALATES VARIES ACCORDING TO THE CURIE WEISS LAW. THE NEO. VALUE OF THE CONST. THETA ALLOWS THE ASSUMPTION OF THE PRESENCE.OF ANTIFERROMAGNETISM IN THE COMPDS,.INVESTIGATED* UDC 669.71'548.53 BOCHVAR, 0. S., ORLOVA, A. I., KbNYAVSKAYA, T. II., SOLODOVA V. F. "Kinetics of Technical Aluminum Recrystallization Prociess" V sb. Struktura i svovstva leLk.. splavov (Structure an,d Properties of Light Al- loys -- collection of works) , Moscow, Nauka Press, 1971, pp 58-61 (from lurgiya, No 4, Apr 72, Abstract No 41626) Translation: A study was made of the effect of the chemical cotiTositioil and annealin- conditions on the kinetics of the- process of.recrysLallizatioli of technical aluminum sheets type 000 (99.1% Al) and ADI (99.41' Al). The sheets 2 m thick were obtained by the method of roll rolling,frora ingots with globular macrostructure homogenized at 560* for 24 hours with, a.300 X 1,200 mia cross sec- tion cast by the continuous casting wthod. Hot deforriation of the ingots was done at 400-360* with a total degree of deformation of 96.5%. Ccld deforr-3- tion was carried out with a degree of deformation of BW~.' without intenne(:iate annealing. The kinetic curves were constructed for 200-600* every 50'. The controllable properties were aBY 'O.2)'u'd 6. The isochrons a B and 6 were con- structed for holding 10 and 60 rrinutes. The characteriitic rid cros t ruct tires of the annealed specivens of shveL technical alumintmi of two cmpositiolis are prL- sented. The process of recrystallization of the cold-rolled ADOD and ADI alurainum 1/2 USSR BOCHVAR, 0. S., et al., Struktura i sMstva legk. splavovi Moscow, Nauka Press, 1971, pp 58-61 develops as recrystallization in situ. The difference in the kinetics of tile recrystallization process is caused by different type of substructure arising during the process of polygonization at-increased ter2peratures. Tile consequence of the different dislocation structure of the cold-rolled alLcanum is a different mechanism of the polygonization process at increased terperatures. 'Mis different dislocation structure is, in turn, caused by~ a different nature of tile phases and degree of heterophase nature of the initial''structure of the ingot. Three illustrations and a .7-entry bibliography. 2/2 10 MSR ITbC 533-916 VOLOSILKO, A. Yu., V. V. nHeating a Movinog Plasma With Past High-Amplitude 'Whistlers tt Kiev, Ultrainslciy Fizicheskiy Zhurnal V01 1", 1110 11, 1971, p p 18 2-f- ~12 Abstract: An investigation is made of the absorption. of hiC~,h- Trequency energy by a moving plasma at the resonant frequency of the fast, high-amplitude magnetoacoustical Waves knovm as C1:1 f1whistlers." k Doppler shift of the whistler resonance frequency is discovered; it is caused by the motion of the plag-p-a. It is found also that a plasma with a density of about 101~/Cm, or higher is heated to a temperature of about 100 ev, a temperature rise requiring a hiah expendit-ure of:the energy otuored in '.he hj~Gh-frequcncy arranCcment. With fUrthor motion of the heated plasma biuiching, along 'the fundwaental magnetic field, there i;i; a reduction in plaoma tomperature of lesa than 10;;0' at distances 1/2 Us SR. - VOLOSHKO, A. Yu. et al, Ukrainskiy Fizichoskiy Zh,-,rnal, Vol 16, No 11, 1971, pp 1822-18fo of the order of 100 cm from the heated portion. This heated bunching does not go beyond the magnetic barrier, the height* of which is three times the value of the fundamental masnetic field. The ex-uerimental method is described and the rozults of the measurements are given. The work was done in the Kb-arlkov Physico-Technical University. USSR UDC 523:611.35 SOLODUNIK. F. A 'Iffect of Simultaneous Rotation in Two Mutually Perpendicular Planes on the Human Vestibular Apparatus" Moscow, Izvestiya Akademii Nauk SSSR, Seriya Biologicheskaya, No 1, 1972, pp 103-111 Abstract; The mechanism of the effect of Coriolis acceleration on the vestibu- lar apparatus has been studied by many researchers, and'it has been established that simultaneous stimulation of the semicircular canals and the otolithic apparatus takes place. A study of the nature of stimulation of the vestibular apparatus when rotating a human simultaneously in two planes permits establish- yinph In the semicircular ment of the direction of the inertial shift of the endoll canals and the direction of the resultant rectilinear accelerations, that is, determination of the nature of the simulation of the vestibular apparatus under the given type of effect. The experimental procedure and results are described for rotating humans in the horizontal plano with a velocity of 180*/sec with simultaneous rotation in the vertical planevith a velocity of 60 and 120*/sec. An electrooculogram was recorded in all cases, and attention was given to the nature and direction of the illusory phenomena. 1/2 USSR SOLODOVNIK, F. A., Izvestiya Akademii Nauk SSSR, Seriya Biologicheskaya, No 1, J.972, pp 103-111 By comparin.- the theoretical calculations of the direction of the effec- tive forces with the practical experimental results it was established that on simultaneous rotation of a human in two planesstimulation of the horizontal and vertical semicircular canals and the otolithic apparatus by the resultant rectilinear accelerations takes place. The nature of stimulation of the vesti- bular apparatus depends on the direction and velocity of rotation of the examinee in each plane and also on the position of the head duriat" rota-tion. The magni- tude of stimulation of the semicircular canals is not constant but varies according to a sinusoidal lav. The maximum stimulation of the horizontal semi- circular canals takes place with the head inclined by 90", and the maximum stimulation of the vertical canals, with the head erect. Consequently, the maximum stimulation of the horizontal. and vertical semicircular canals does not coincide but is 90* out of phase. This depends on the mutually perpendicular arrangement of the horizontal and vertical~semicircular canals. The shift of the eadolymph in one direction relative to the arnpullas in both vertical semicircular canals on each side caused the illusion of banking, that is, inclination of the head in the frontal plane. li~ accordance with the laws of functioning of the semicircular canal's, the illurwry phenomenon is is always opposite to the movement.of the endolymph. 212 1/2 030 UNCLASSIFIED PROCESSING DATE--30OCT7' TITLE-DIRECTICNAL INERT SHIFT Of ENDOLYMPH IN SE141CIRCULAR CA14ALS 1,14 THE COURSE OF IMANIS ROTATION PROVIDING THE SUBJECTS MOVEMENT OF THE HEAD AUTHOR-(03)-SGLO0OVNIKj, F.A.s VORCBYEVt L.M.s PLATONOVj N.B. COUNTRY OF INFO-USSR SOURCE-IZVESTIYA AKADEYII NAUK SSRt SERIYA DIOLOGICHESKAYAt 1970o NR 31 PP. 337-347 DATE PUBLISHEC--70 SUBJECT AREAS-BIOLOGICAL AND MEDICAL'SCIENCES TAGS-VESTIRULAR APPARATUSp ROTATION# HUMAN PHYSIOLOGY -C-C,NTROL HARKING-NO RESTRICTIONS '0CCUMENT CLASS--UNCLASSIF!ED PROXY REEL/FRAME-300111385 STEP NG--UR/0216/70/000/003/0337/0347 CIRC ACCESSIGN NO-AP0126925 UNCLASSIFIED 01211HIM mi AM 1~11 2/2 030 UNCLASSIFIED PROCESSING DAYE--30OCT7( CIRC ACCESSIGN NO-AP0126925 ABSTRACT/EXTRACT--(U) GP-0- ABSTRACT. THE HORIZONTAL AND VERTICAL C014PONENTS OF NYSTAGMIC REACTIONS WERE REGISTERED IN THE COURSE Of MAN$< ROTATICN PRGVIOING THE MOVEMENT OF THE SUBJECTS HEAC IS IN THE FRONTAL PLANE. THE AUTHORS CARRIED OUT A THEORETICAL ANALYSIS OF THE ORIGIN OF CORIOLIS FORCES IN SEMICIRCULAR CANALS AND ESTIMATED THE DIRECTION OF. THE INERT SHIFT OF THE ENOOLYMPHt WHICH CORRESPONDS THE DIRECTION OF THE NYSTAGMIC REACTIGN. WHEN MAN ROTATES R(GHTWAR0 HIS HEADS MOVEMENT FROM THE LEFT SHOULDER TO THE RIGHT ONE INCITES AMPULOPETAL FLUW IN THE ANTERIOR SEMICIRCULAR CANALS AND AMPULOFIGAL GLO14 OF ENDOLYMPH IN THE POSfERLGR ONES. THE HEADS MOVEMENT FORM THE RIGHT SHOULUER TO THE LEFT ONE CAUSES AMPULOFUGAL FLOW IN THE ANTERIOR SEMICIRCULAR CANALS AND AMPULIGPETAL FLOW OF ENDIJLYj'-IPH IN THE POSTERIOR ONES. ROTATION IN THE LEFTWARD DIRECTIGN CAUSES AN ENDOLYMPH FLOW IN AN OPPOSITE DIRECTION. WHEN THE hEAD IS RAISED THE ENDOLYMPH OF THE HORISONFAL SE-1-11CERCULARS CANALS SHIFTS IN AN OPPUSHE DIRECTION OF THE ROTATION CF THE TESTING SET UP AND WHEN THE HEAD IS TILTED THE ENDOLYMPHISHIFTS IN THE DIRECTION OF THE ROTATION. OR -11R, UP IlEm I ME. USSR UDC: 611-85:61,. 69 q SOLODOWITIK, F.A., VOROBYEV, L.M., PLATONOV, N.B. "The Direction of Inertial Shift of Endolymph in Sernicircular Canals Durring of a ~1an with Head Movements in the Frontal PlaT - Rota ~,hy/Jun Moscow, izvestiya Akademii Nauk SSSR, Seriya Biologicheskaya, No J, 70, P.P 337-0,47 Abstract: The horizontal and vertical components of nystagmie reactions were recorded in the course of rotation when movements of the subjec-vls head we-e in the frontal plane. A theoretical analysis was ccr-duc-led of tbe origin of Coriolis forces in the aemicircular canals, and the direction of inertial shift of the endolymph w-as estimated, ~,rhicfla corresponds with the direction of the nystagmic reaction. When a man rotates his heand frcm the left shoulder ~o the rig -L- ght, the movement incites ampulopetal flow in the r--nl;erior sem-1 circular canaLs, and -D-alofugp~L flow of endolymph in the po-;J;er4-0,.- semi- circular canals, The movement of the head from the rigiyt shoulder to th-e left- causes va.-mu-1ofugal flow in the anterior and ampullopetea flow of endolymph in the posterior semicircular canals. Rotation to the left, cauSes flow Of E!ndo- lymph in the opposite direction. When the head is raiFed the endol~mph in rection of rota- the horizontal semicircular canals oiiifts in the oppoolte di tion; and when the head Is tilted., the endolyiquh shifts in the direction Of rotation. I owl ....... I-- USSR UDC 613.693 NIKOINOV, A. V. and "Characteristics of Speech After Exposure to Cariol-is Accelerations" Moscow, Voyenno-,,feditsinskiy Zhurnal, No 7, 3972, pp 78-81 Abstract: Motion sickness was induced in a group of subjects by rotating them in a special chair at 180' see and requiring them to bend their trunks fon,7ard 90* and then returning to the original position. The subjects were asked to pronounce a short sentence and 11 syllables containing all the Russian vowel sounds before and at va-cious time3 after exposure to the Corl.olis accelerations. In the individuals with high vestibular resistance (i.e., they did not exhibit the usual symptorz; of vestibular disturbances -- perspiration, pallor, nallsea,, etc.), the intenc-ity of speech exceeded the normal. level by 0.5 to 1.5 db, whereas in those suffering from motion sickness it was I to 2 db lower. The pronunciation of the initial and final words of the sta~Aard sentence were most affected. Spectral analysis of the vowel sounds showed that the middle fre- quency of the main tone increased after 1 utinute of exposure frora 175 to 200 Hz and that of the first and second formants fron. 537 to 610 and 1400 to 1620 Itz, respectively. Ten minutes after the cessation of accelerations and onset of motion sickness, the frequency of the main tone decreased to 166 Hz while the frequency position of the first and second iormants was close to the baseline Value. 1!.u4 qr ~j~ W1,11111 1-jiflIM, rVI-11112i'lif" -1 i M V1831,11F.Mg, 1.11 Ult iw4mmwt N USSR UDC 611.85.613.693 A . "Direction of Movement of Endolymph in the Semicircular Canals of-Ilan During Rotation lVhil_e Tncilining the flead in a Sagittal Plane" Moscow,* Izvestiya Akaderiiii Nauk SSSR, Seri.ya Biologicheskaya, No 1, 1971, pp 60-68 Abstract: Head movements of human subjects in a sagittal plane during rotation in a vestibulometric chair elicited the hori- zontal component of the nystagmic reaction and the illusion of the head or head and trunk turning in a frontal plane. The move- ment of the endolymph in the anterior semicircular canals changed direction only wPen there was a change in the direction of head movement, whereas'the endolymph in the lateral semicir- cular canals changed direction with every head movemenr. The effect of Coriolis accelerations was weakest on the canals and s-trongest on the anterior canals when the subject's head was upright. The reverse took place when the head was bent forivard. 112 USSR SOLODOVNIK, F. A., Izvestiya Akademii Nauk SSSR, Seriya Biologicheskaya, No 1, 1971, pp 60-68 These differences are ascribed to the fact that the anterior and lateral canals are at right angles to other. ol APR la. CHANGES IN INCENMES STRUCTURE PROPOSED [Article by Director of the Scientific Research in F iA.*1;49Aqft_ of PI anning and management; Novosibirsk, N:.titluixte 10 Oroanizatslya Promyshlanni:~go Proizvodstvat Russian~ No 6j 1971, pp 52-66J The Vic act Ives of the 24th CPSU Congre--s on the New Five-Year Plan of Development of the USSR Hatl*nal tcopom~? outline ensuring further Improvement in the system of planning and eConWIC Incentives for producti(m and furthor growth in Ito effectiveness. In this regardt the Idea of possible changes in the system of planning and incentives must be towards interesting Industrial enter- prises to a. greater extent in using the achievements of science, in constant technical atid orqsn4zbtion*l improvement of productiont In mastering new articles, In higher output qvality. and in the precise and timely,steeting of economic contractual obligations for output-de- livery. In this connection, we believe the following problems are of interests, pl3mflinq wholesale prices; the system of directive plan Indicators and approved norms; the:*"Lex of devoloping and using economic incentive funds; stioulating the mastoring of new articles and hiqner output quality. And v* shall touch on these. Planjing Wholesale EEicas a In -t-hu-z*w- system of planning and the economic stimulation of s inau.-trial en-.4!1~prisas,prices are given a very Lmportaat role. 'Mcy zuzc facilitate the establishment In the naticnal ectnomy of tho r4ost efficient ties, solection of the most effective arcas for capital in- vontmentst z"uct:I" of individual expenditures to the level of those accl*lty necess"y arA below, and must stimulate higher article quality. - 47 - Corrosion USSR LTC 620-193-5019-39 KHIRIIYY, TU. M. and SOL007111KOV t A.- F. "Effect of Increasing the Corrosion Resistance of Retals lrxadlated with Helium Ions" Moscow, Doklady Akademii Hauk SSR, Vol 214, No 1, Jan/Feb 74, pp 82-83 Abstracts ExDeriments were conducted to test the hypothesis that a netal has Increaseecorrosion resistance after being irradiated with helium ions due to the helium atoms forming a surface barrier which prevents the sorption of other gases from the surrounding medium. Sanples of Fe, Cu, Al, end Ce Were comp.-tred before and after helium-atom irxadlation from a bearl Of helium ion:3 at 20 kev. Accelerated tests viere conduoted with Ce where the Ce san-ple Was placed In a container which was evacuated to a pressure of 0.1 torr and filled with helium to a pressuxe of 1-5 atom. The container wis heated to a apecified temperature and then filled with hydrogen, Corrosion Initlation was determined by the start of the drop in hydrogen pxessure within some time fralle. Data from this test showed that helium-irradiated Ce has incarased corrosion resis- tance and the general conclueion was that ho.Uum Irradlaltion of metals can increaze corrosian rezismanze. Two figures, one bibliograpbic reference, 1 3 PROC_=5ST4G DATF--02,','CT70 1/3 043 UNCLA-si r- I ED $ ~%SUREMENT OF TOTAL r7LF-CY-RJN CUNCENTRATION IN THE PJLAR 10NOSPIWEPF DETE,KMINFG FROM SIGNALS OF THE THIRD -ARTIFICIAL EARTH SATELLITE, 4UTliJR-(04)-SJLO00VNIK0V, G.K.v MISYIJRA* V.A.# MlGrUNI.Wt V.M., G!;-33AC-qEv, .-,CQUNTRY LF ?krNF0--USSRv ANTARCTICA .ScJ~'CE--;'-l6Sc0wq GEOMAGNETIZIM I ALaONOMIYA, VOL Xv NO 2t 1970, PP 334-336 ~,~DATE PUBLISHED ------- 70 ;_~SUBJFCT AREAS--ASTRONOMY,ASTROPHYSICS, ATMOSPHERIC SCIENCES, SPACu -TE'HN0L,OGYv, NAVIGATION "YO P ITAGS-.-IONDSPHEREs POLAR AREAv ELECTRON DENSITY1 SOLAR ACTIVITY9 ARTIFICIAL EARTH SATELLITEt ANTARCTIC STATION# SIGNAL REw-EPTJONI(U) SPUTNIK 3 SATELLITE, (1;)M,IRNYY ANTARCTIC STATION --.C- -G%. T q 0 L14ARKING--NO RESTRICTIONS CLASS--UNCLASSIFIED ~010_ky' RtEL/FRAME--1990/1662 STEP Ntl--UR/0203/70101O./002/0334/0)36 JR*.C-~~ ACCE: SSI ON NU--AP0109656 UNCLASSIFIED 213 043 UNCLASSIFIED, PROCESSING DATE--020CT70 I-RC ACCESSION ND--AP0109656 A6STAACT/LXTRACT--(Ul GP-0- ABSTRACT& THIS PAPER GIVES THE RESULTS OF 10N ')OLAR IONOSPHERE 3F DETEkMINAT S OF THE TOTAL ELECTRON CONTENT IN THE . BOTH HEMISPHERES DURING THE PERIOD OF HIGH SOLAR ACTIVITY 3N THE BASIS OF DATA aN THE FARADAY EFFECT OF SIGNALS OF THE THIRD ARTIFICIAL EARTH SATELLITE AT A FREQUENCY OF 20 MC-SEC REGISTERED AT MURMANSK A-40 MIRNYY DURING THE PERIOD MAY-JULY 1968* AES SIGNALS WERE PICKED UP WITH PLAN POLARIZED ANTENNAS. DATA FR3M 210 OBSERVATIONSAT MURRANSK AND 106 OBSERVATIONS At MIRNYY WERE PROCESSED. - THE REcor4os WERE DISTIAICTLY DIFFERENT FROM THOSE FOR THE MIDDLE LATITUDES. WHEREAS FOR THE MIDDLE LATITUDES THERE IS USUALLY A CLEARLY EXPRESSED MONOTONIC VARIATION OF THE ANGLE OF ROTATION OF THE RADIO WAVE POLARIZATION PLANE PHI SUBPHI, THE POLAR REGIONS ARE CHARACTERIZED BY A NONMONOTONIr CHANGE IN PHI SUBPHI- AT DIFFER-ENT TIMES Of DAYi REGARDLESS'OF SATELLFTE-ALTI'TUDE. THIS NONMONOTONIC VARIATION OF PHI SUBPRI INDICATES THAT THE POLAR IONOSPHERE CONTAINS EXTREMELY STRONG INHOMOGENEITtES OF ELECTRON C9NCENTRATION DURING BOTH DAYTIME AND.NIGHTTIME. ;MEASUREMENTS WERE CONVERTED TG THE TOTAL NUMBER OF ELECTRONS IN A VERTICAL COLU44 OF THE IONOSPHERE OF A UNIT CROSS SECTION (N SUBO). THEIN SUBU VALUES WERE USED IN,CONSTRUCTING DAILY CURVES OF THE-DEPENDENCE OF TOTAL NUMBER OF -ELECTRONS IN A VERTICAL COLUMN AS A FUNCTION OF TEME OF DAY. THESE CURVES,ARE FOR 64DEGREES N AND S, CURVES ItERE CONSTRUCTED ONLY FOR THOSE OR,NTAL SEGMENTS INTERSECTING 64DEGREES. TH'IS LARGELY EXCLUDED THE-LATITUDE EFFECT. IN BOTH HEMISPHERES THE N SUBO MAXIMUM WAS AT APPROXIMATELY THE SAME TIMEt ABOUT 1404) LT* UNCLASS I F LED .EuNwmm[5mux~'_ 3/3 043 UNCLASSIFIED PROCESSINiG DATE--020CTTO CIRC ACCESSION NO--AP0109656 THE COURSE (IF THF DAY N ',~U!3-) IN T-IF SOUTHERN HEMISPHERE CHANGES 6Y 4 FACTOR OF Adl)UT 4. THIS CAN\j]T hE ATTRIBUTE) TQ DIFFEFENCES IN SATELLITE ALTITUDE IN ALL CASES IT WAS A3:)VI.: THE F2 44Y. 1;,U. THE 0IFFERENCE CAN' PROBABLY HE AlTRIBLATFD Til THL OlFrrRFNCE IN SEASONS IN THE TW() HEMISPHEPES.. DURING LOW ACTIVITY Nj Subi 1..,4 THE i'JLAR LATITUDES IS APPROXIMATELY THKEE TIMES LESS THA,%',DUPlNjG HIGH ACTIVITY. IN'THE MIDDLE LATITUDES THE-SE CHANGFS ATTAIN A.F-ACTOR fiF 7' DURING BOTH FIGtj AND LOW ACTIVITYN SUBO IN THE MIDDLE LATITUD~S IS 1.5-2 TIMES GREATER THAN IN THF POLAR REGIONS. UNCLASSIFIED USSR UDC 576.1115i.315-095-18-547.0~62-c- ADAYM, A. K. and SOILOD31MIKOV N. S., All-Union "Milzrob" Plague Research Institute, Saratov-._---_-_' Effect of Hiztones and Specific Antibodies on the lria~jilitty of Cholera Vibrios" Moscow, Zhurnal 14ikrobiologii, Epidemiologii i Immmoblologii, No 9, 1972, pp, 82-87 Abstract: The vibriostatic and vibriocidal action off histones is plf-depen~,ent. The proteins are more active in an acid mediwn than in a neutral one. Non- fractionated calf thlius histone is vibriocidal at a concentration of 0.05 to JT I 0.01 mg/ml and pUr 6.5 aorainst L71 Tor and other vibrios. The histone fractions vary in activity: the f fraction is weakly vibriocida2 at 0. 01 mg Iml and rH I I 6-5; the f,,, and - b 'ractions are vibrioeidal at 0.01 rg/mi and pH 6.5 to 7.0 L2 1 while the f3 fraction is vibriocidal, at 0-005 to 0-01 1~i_V/r-,a nxd pH 6-5 to 7-0- Normal seram glebulins inhibit the antivibrio activity,of the histones, whereas cholera i=-moglobulins intensify it. 11milms 037 UNCLASSIFIED ESSING DATE-;-090CT70 TITLE--THE ANTIFaICTIGN PROPERTIES AND WEAR RESISTANCE.OF THE HEAT RESISTANT PL'STIC FENILON -U- A AUTHOR-( G4)-TRGFll-l0V I CH, A.N.t PRIKT00FLOt O.G-r F0,'l',lCFlEVr I.A.f SOLUDCIVNIKQVt N.S. VESINIK MASHINOSTROYFRIYA'? NO 2t L970p PP 50-51 PUbL ISHED-----70 ~SUBJECT AREAS--MATERIALS, MECH., TIND.v CIVIL AND MARINF ENGR TO, PIC TAGS--WEAR RESISTAfjil-E, 1-11-AT RESISTANCE, POLYAMIDE PESIN, FRICTION TEST, HIGH TEMPERATURE EFFECT, INACKINE INDUSTkY/Mf-~ENILON POLYAMIDE RESIN -'.~:C_GNTRUL MARKING--jN0 RESTRICTIONS .-DUCUMENT CLASS-UNCLASSIFIED :.PR.OXY REELIFRAME-1993/0,389 STEP NO--UR/0122/70/000/002/0()50/0051 ~~-CIRC ACCESS1014 Nd--AP0113732 UNCLASSIFIED Z12 .037 UNCLASSIFIED P~,qUCESSING DATE--090CT70 -.r-IRC AGLESSION NU--AP011-~73Z ABSTkACTI~--XTRACT-W) GP-0- A Fi, S rkA CT THE LOW ;itzik*r kESISTANct OF POLYMERS RESTRICfS THEIR 'PI'LICATIC,.l hS ANTIFRICTEON IlArER[ALS AT FRICTIFil r L N NO&ES OF MACHINES. REC-EtrrLY A NUM3ER OF HEAT PESISTANT POLYMERS HAS bEEN DEVLLOPED, WHICH RETAIN THEIR BiLSIC PROPERTICS AT 250-300DEG-',EESL ANU HIGHER. AMCING SUCH MATERIALS ARE AROMATIC PDLYAMIDES, A REPRESENTIVE OF WHICH IS FENILGINt IYS Vl*l'[-',IFIrATI,';-'.'4 TEMPER%4fUkE IS 2~iODEGRLt:SC. IT IS P90CE-SSES OY PAESSING INTO A PLASTIC 'ilTH SUFFICIENTLY HIGH PHYSICAL AND MECHANICAL PRoPERtlEs. AN jtivEsrIGATION WAS MADE Of THE ANTIFRICTION PROPERTIES ritiO HEAT RESISTANCE OF FENILUN UNDER CONDITIONS~OF NORMAL AND INCREASED TEMPERATURES FOR VARIOUS FRICTION CONDITIONS IN ORDER To DETERMINE TIIE -POSSIBILETIES OF ITS APPLICATION IN FRICTION NODES~, OF AACHINES, FE.NILON MANIFhSTED A COMPARATIVELY SAMLL A14CIONT OF.14EAR UNDER TEMPERATURE CONDITIONS IN WHICH LESS HEAT RES1STANT POLYMER PLASTICS CANNUT FUNCTION. IN SPITE OF THE INCREASED WEAR WITH A HIGHER TEMPERATURE, THE SAMPLE REMAINED HARDI WIT.Ul NO SIGNS OF VOLUMETRIC. I)EFURIAIATION, OR OTHER symproms OF HEAT 0AMAGE. Ifit CONDUCTED TESTS THAT FENILON CAN FIND APPLICATION AS A MATERIAL F-OR FRICTION NODES OF HEAVILY LUADED MACHINESS UA NCLASSIFIED