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USSR UDC 621.3.038.6 ZABORONOK, G. F., ZE-LaTSOV, T. I., RONZHIN, A. S., SOKOLOV, B. G. "Electronic Melting of Metals" Moscow, Elektronnaya plavka metallov (cf. English above), Revised edition, Hetallurgiya, 1972, 348 pp (from Elektronnaya plavka met~?Ilov, pp 2-4) Translation: The experience of Soviet and foreign researchers with respect to the development of the equipment and the technological process for melting metals by the method of electron bombardment is generalized in this book, and the work experience of the authors Lhemselves is used. A study iv, made of the problems of the electron optical system, the electric power supply and the vacuum equipment of electron melting furnaces. Numerous data are presented on the studies of metals and alloys made by the method of electron bombardment and subjected to zonal purification. Some calculations are presented for tile equipment to melt metals by electron bombardment, and variations in the chemical composition of metals and alloys during the melting process are il- lustrated. Some new prospects in the area of the a pplication of the electron bombardment technique are investigated. The book is intended for abroad class of engineering and technical. wrlws of the research institutes, the design organi2ations and the nonferrous and ferrous metallurgical plants. It can be useful to students of tile metal- lurgical and power engineering institutions of higher learning. There are 173 illustrations, 59 tables -md a 199 entry bibliography. 1/5 USSR ZABORONOK, G. F., et al., Elektronnaya plavka metallov, Revised edition, Metal- lurgiya, 1972, 348 pp Contents Foreword ............................................. ............ 5 Chapter I Evaluating Various Vacuum Melting Techniques Chapter 11 Physical Principles of.Electronic Heating and Melting of a Metal 1. Principle of Electronic Heating and Melting of a Meta.L .......... 13 2. Basic Elements of An Electronic,Melting~.Furnace ................. 15 3. Electron Gun Parameters ............... ................ 18 4. Formation of the Electron Beam ........... ...........1........... 19 Determination of the Shape of the Gun Electrodes by the Simiila- tion Met hod . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . 3 3 6. Focusing the Electron Beata .............. ............ 39 Focusing a Beam in an Electrostatic Field ........ 40 Focusing a Beam in a Magnetic Field ......................... 41 Ion or Gas Focusing .................. I ...........0 .......... 43 7. Deflection of the Electron Beam ................................. 48 Chapter III~ Structural Designs of Electronic Melting Units 1. Classification of the Devices ................. j ......... 51. 2/5 USSR uDc 621.438 KURZON, A. G., MYUSHKIU, Yu. I., YUSLTOV, E. I., and SOKOLOV, B. G. "Investigation of Conventional Single-Row, Single-,~ow With Repeated Admission and Double-Row Supersonic Turbine Stages With Low-ilate Injection" Ka2an', Izvestiya. Ilysshikh Uchebnykh Zavedeniy, Aviatsionnaya Tekhnika, No 3, 1971, pp 69-74 Abstract: The results are presented of a detailed experitmental investiPtion of the efficiency of single-row supersonic stage with repeated admission and of its comparison with a double-row and single-row supersonic stac-es Witb low 0 rate injection, at various operating conditions, characterized by values of injection rates < , deg,,ree of expansion 11~_ ~ P,/, and velocity character- istic u/cad. Th;-basic data on all stages Inventiga ed ar" resented in a table. The comparison of experimental data obtained at 0.11 rate of injection shows that: 1) a repeated admission substantially increases the efficiency of a single-row supersonic stage with low rRte of injection at u/cad (_ 0-26, and can be approached up to efficiency of double-row suporsonic stage at other similar conditions; Z) a single-row stage witb repeated admis- sion at u/c > 0.10" and -1r_ _'> 14 is more efficient than the double-row stage ad USSR KURZON, A. G., et al, Izvestiya Vysshikh Uchebnykh Zavedeniy, Aviat~-ionnaya Teldinika, No 3, 19?1, PP 059-74 with the same rate of injection. This means that in cases when the sirmlicity of low power turbine construction, reduction in weight and production c^Ost, and high reliability of turbine engine play a decisive role, the single-row with repeatod admission can be -considered.a basic type of turbine stage for driving auxiliary mechanisms and compressors. 120 USSR UDO 615.471:(t')lk.,777+628.igjo74:543-42- o6e SnCEL'IMCOV, V. Ye., Tr-7,MOV, 0. N., 01N, Yu. S., L~QTMMCOVA S. 11. GjnELI, A. A. I GOITCHAR91 A. T. 7 fisorl, V. 1.JV PERSIYArUSEVA, V. B., and SOXOLOV B. K., Central 1?esign Bureau and Pilot Plant,.USSR AcaderV of Medical sci7Cnces, Poscov- and Institute of Biology Of Tnland WLLters, USSR Academy of Sciences, Borok, Yaroslavl ObLast "A Multipurpose Spectrofluorimeter to Study Natural and Polluted Water" Moscow, Gigiyana i Sanitariya, No 1, 1973, pp 65-68 Abstract: The akva-rx' spectrofluorimeter developed by the authors can be used. for ramid determination of individual organic and mineral compounds present in vater,-for autonatic regulation of fluorescent substances in a stream, for detection in lakes and seas of water masses differing in chemical composition and origin, and for study of the conversion and breakdown of compounds under the influence of biological and physicochemical factors. Analyses can be made in the laboratory, in the field, or on a research, vessel. The sr)Octxjm of fluorescent compounds can be obtained directly at the mmpling, site. The apparatus is a single-beam recording spectrofluorlineter designed to function in the visible and b-11 re3ions of the spectrum. With the use of interchangeable attachments, it can record spectra of fluorescence, excit4tion, and phos-bores- cence in a solution as well. as substances separated in chroxatog:ruphic zones on 134per. UIINCLASS'lFlb PRdCESSING OATE--090CT70 ilTLE--EFFECT DF THE THICKNESS UF ROLLED IRON ON SECONDARY .RECRYSTALLILATION -U- AUTHJR- (04)-GW3ERNATlJR6V, v.v. , SCHASTL I VTSEVA I . K. , TITURUV, D.B. COUNTRY OF INFO--USSR :-~SOURCE--ILV. AKAD. NhUi, SSSR, SER. FIZ. ~1970, 34(2)t 376-8 ~~,r~DATE PUIOL ISHED-----70 .~.'_~S.WjECT. AREAS-MATERIALS, MECH.r IND., CIVIL AND MARINE ENGR -TALLIZATION, COLD ROLLING, rOPIC TAGS-TRANSFOR-MER STEELP METAL RECRYS ~~SHEET METAL2 ALUMINUM ALLOY# IRON AILOY, NICKEL ALLOY NG--NG RESTRICTRANS WiTROL MAkKI, :~-:,-,DGXUMENT CLASS--UNCLASSIFIED WXY REEL/FRAMt--l995/0I83 STFP t4O--UP,/0048/70/034/t;,C)2/037610373 CIRC ACCESSION NU--AP0115887 UNCLASSIFIED mN U45 UNCLASSIFIED PROCESSING DATE--090CT70 CIFC ;tCC-EESSlJ*,\' NJ-44P01153,87 GP-0- AaSTRACTo TkANSFU;0-lC1%' STEEL SHEL-7S S-UPPLIE!" BY 2 DIFFERENT PLANTS HAVE BEEN COLD ROLLED TO A RE0,14. OF 901 92, 94, AND 96PERCENT, RECRYSTD. 2 HR AT 750DEGREES IN VACUUM, AND TIHEN CHEM. POLISHEa FROM ONE SIDE OF THE SHFET To PRODUCE SIIECIMENS OF DIFILEt~LNT THICKNf-SS: 0.05-0-10 Mim. SUBSEQUENT HIGH TEMP. ANNICAL FOR 2 HR AT 1050DEGREES PRODUCED A VARYING.DEGREE OF SECONDARY REi~kYSTN. SECCNIDARY RECkYSTN. 15 LZSS DEVELOPED NITH DECREASING SPECI-ME% THICKNESS AND AT .0.10 01F, IT OUES NOT GCCUR, REGARDLESS OF HOW 'THIS THICKNESS IS OBTAINED tCOLD ROLLING OR POLISHING). SIMILAR RESULTS ARE QUCITED FOR AL USED FOR ELEC. PURPOSES AND SOME FE-NI ALLOYS. 14HILE CONSIDERING THE IM-PORTANCE OF INCLUSIONS IN PROMOTING THE EFFECT Of SECONDARY RECRYSTN., IN SUFFICIENTLY THIN SPECIMENS THE VACUUM AN-NEAL CAN LEAD TO VAPORIZATION Of INCLUSIONS WIIH THE RESULTING UNIFORM CROWTH OF- THE 1,;"4 . MATRIX GRA S ON THE OTHER HAND, IN' THIN SPECIMENS INUIVIDUAL GRAIN$ CANNOT GROW LARGE ENOUGH TO ACT AS NUCLEI OF SECONDARY ReCkYSTN. FACILITY: INST. FIL. AETAL., SVERDLOVSK# USSR* UNCLASSIFIE9 UNC L 'PROtESSING I)ATE--090CT70 ull ASSIFIED ~ --LOW TEHPEk~"',-'E DECARBURIZATION: OF TRANSFORMER STEEL -U- TITLE AUTHOR-1051 -NEKRASOVA, H.I.t TIPIKINA, L.N,o SOKoAay.,a..t. KO*RQ3kA9 S.A., ZYKOV, G.A. COUNTRY OF -4,NFU-USSR ~'-_$OURCE--ILV..AKAD. NAUK SSSRt SER. FIL. 1970P 34(2)o 317-21 DkTE., PUBL ISHED--70 -SUBJECT AREAS-MATERIALS TAGS-TRANSFORMER STEEL* METAL DECARBUkIZAT1014v SLLICON STEEL, NITROGEN# OXYGEN --NO RESTRICTIONS t0fttR OL MARKING _;_'..00CUMENT CLASS-UNCLASSIFIED :,.,--''ORQXY.REELIFRAM~-199510193 STEP NO--UR/0048170/034/OC~2/0317/0321 CIRC ACCESSION NU--AP0115897 UNC LASS I F I E 0 UNCL"ASSIFIED PROCESSING DATE-09OCT70 t,tRC ACCESiION NO--AP0115897 'A13STRACT/EXTRACT--(U) GP-0- ABSTRACT. DECARaURtZATION OF TRANSFORMER STEEL CUNTG. 3.4PERCENT SI AND~A MIXT. OF Nt 1i AND idATER VAPOR 11% VARIOUS PROPORTIONS WAS INVESTIGAiED. THE GAS'WAS 0 PURIFIED TO 0.001PERCENT, AND DRIED f0 A DEW POINT OF MINUS 40 TO MINUS 50DEGREES. DECARbURIZATION WAS STUDIED AT 650-1050DEGREESt AND AT RATIOS (H SUBZ O)-(H SUB21 EQUALS 0.2, 0.4t 0.6. THE DRY GAS CONTAINED 20PERCENT H SUB24, THE fNITIAL C CJNTENT IN THE AETAL WAS 0.020-0.025PERCENT, ANU THE:HULDING TIME IN THE ATH. WAS 5 MINs THE BEST DECAkBURIZATION RESULTS WERE OBTAINED AT 800-50DEGREES, AND AT IH SU82 U)-jH SUB2) VALUES OF 0.4 AND 0.6. THE RATE OF DECARBURIZATVON WAS DETD. AT 850DEGREES AND AT (H SUB2 O)-(H SU82) EQUALS 0.5+ THE METAL, 0.35 MM THICK* AND:WITH 0.020-0.025PF-RCENT OF ITS INITIAL C CONTENT# WAS DEC'AR-BURIZE-D~ DUkING- 5 Mlk' TO, *4 VAL'UE- LE-55t- THAN- 0-.'005P't11XCENT'i AND WITH O..045-0.055.PERCENT OF THE INITIAL C CONTENT TO THIE SAME VALUEt BUT DURING 7 WN. FACILITY: VERKH-!ISETSKII MET. LAVQDP USSR. Autonvita, USSR UDC 51-801 SOKOLOV B. 14. IfLearnable System of Speech Flcr.; Slegraentation" y vychisleniv (Comj)utational 1-1--thods Coll,,3ction of "J'Orks), vyp- V sb. Matod, 'P 5 -om ME -,atl k 7, Leninrlrad, Lenin~, ad University, 1971, PP 12 -129 (fi jh-Vaten a No 5, IhIT 72, Abstract No 5V5(,~2 by V, GUSHIMIX) Translation: The article considers the problem of speer,,Ii flow seEmentation in autorata that recognize the sounds of speech. Bits of st.,2ech flow of the sare length arrive at the input of the automation from a pass filter systern in the forin a.-C a vector of the of an envelope on a fixod oubdivi.,;ion. An ajq~roach is skt(~.(_,,usted w1hich involvao prellitdnar,,, I;hf-, automation in accordance with a training sequence. A lilitrninsr al~;,orlthw In pre- sented which is based on extrapolation of: each compopent of the output -,r-Icto,- by linearly independent functions defint~d on the set of input vectors. USSR UDC: 8.74 "A Piecewise-Linear Decision Function in the Case Where a Large. Number of classes are to be Divided" V sb..Metody vichisleniy (Methods of Computations--collection of works), Vyp. 7, Leningrad, Leningrad University, 1971, pp 121-124 (froin PZh--Ydber- netika, No 6, Jun 72, Abstract No 6V571) Translation: The author considers the method of least squares for teaching a recognition automaton which makes a decision for a large number of classes approximately but fairly rapidly. The method ;=sists in the following. The function sW is given on the union of all classes of objects -- finite- -dimensional vectors x. This function takes on identical values for ob- ects of an instructional sequence of the same class, but assumes different values for objects from different classes. This function-is replaced by one close to it which is a linear combination of known Ainctions, In this connection, the set of coefficients of all the linear function:, is disre- garded. Constructed for each object in its. own linear functlart which ap- Prortimatea the function oW in a fairly small neighborhav.4 of this function. 1/2 SOKOLOV, B. M., Metody yychisleniy, v.VP. 7, Leningrad, Leningrad University, 1971, pp l21-124 "he sphere s(Rg; of fairly small radius R,, with center at point X is x,, 9 taken as such a neighborhood. The value of the linear function at the point X9 iis then calculated and taken as the approximate value of s(x) at this point. In this regard, the radius R is taken as small as poszible, but "9jects of the instructional sequence such that a fairly large number of o is covered by sphere s(Rg, xg). It is noted, that a progrium ,.,a,,:, set up for the M-20 computer in which a radius R was selected for each otject xg such that m. instructional objects fell within this sphere, nie computer time on the-M-20 for 50 objects was about ten minutes. V. Mikheyev. 63 C z USSR UD 621.315.5 SOKOLOV, B..P., BOTIDAFENK0, E. A., YUSOV, Yu. P., VLASOV, L. G., Moscow Aviation Technology "A Resistive Material" USSR Author's Certificate No 283366, filed 22 Apr 69, ~)ublished 22 Dee 70 (from RZh-Radiotekhnika, No 6, Jun 71, Abstract No 6V46i P) Translation: This Author's Certificate Introduces a resistive material based on valence semiconductors made from salts of metals and ortho acids activated by a dopant iz-,.;-,the form of metallic comvounds. The material is distinguished by the fact that the rangr:. of ratings is extended and the stability of parweterz is improved- bY using zinc ortho- silicate as the base matorial and adding 2,); percent by~,weight of manganese chloride as the dopant. USSR um- 621.317.73 KFDTKOV, I. N., SOKOLOV, B. S. "Measures of Inductance and Mutual Inductance of I nH-1 11H" Dokl. Vses. nauchno-tekhn. konferentsii -Do radiotekhn. lzmereniy.~z_-n. T. 2. (Fe- ports of the All-Union Scientific and Technical Confererce on, Radio Engineer- Measurements. Vol. 1), Novosibirsk, 1970, pp 42-45 (from Kh-Radiotekh- nika, No 1, Jan 71, Abstract No 1A297) Translation: The authors have developed standards for smiLll Inductances and mutual inductances based on devices which are coaxial sections with end walls; an advantage of such devices is absence of the effect of edt~ currents and the effect of proximity. Structural diaffrazt;3 are jd-w-en as wt-:!11 as computational formulas for a single-turn and multiple-turn irlducte-nce standard and for a. mutual inductance standard; a design is given for a mutual inductance standard which assures a low temperatu4e coefficient and high stability. A circuit is given for connecting a mutual inductwnce standard to check a.four-terminal bridge. Four illustrations,,bibliography of two titles. E. L. 1/1 USSR UDC 615.212.7+612.2lA7.01~-.3-:547.822.3 SOYOLOV, p. B., SYDY-KOV, B. T., PRALIYEV, X. D., KURILETKO, 11. M. and MwilaMu. tin. it., Institute of Chemical Sciences Kazakh SSR Academy of .Sciences, Alma-kta and Novokyznets Scientific Research Chemical-Fharmaccutical Institute "The Synthesis of D'erivatives of Piperidine and Decahydroquinolinc, Their 11nalgeaic and Psychotropic Properties. 1. On the Problem of the Relaticnship Between Structure and PharnLa-cological Activity of So." Isomeric D.-cahydro- quinoline Derivatives" Moscow, I';-y Zhurnal, Vol 7, No 12, Dec 73, PP 7-10 Abstract: In order to --tUdy the applicability of the rflci-,~ptor three stareoisonors of decohydrooiinoline were kiynthesized. A:1.1- wt.~r(- one had an axIMI phcnvJ. ~,roup and an axial nethyl. Irroup i-A C;)j th-~ -ccorld an equatorial phenyl and an axial motiql and tha third had boLh aqi~atorial. '!he structurc of -,yrithetic interziedir:tes were, astablished clismically, :~pfjctro- acopica-Uy and by proton naprietic resonance. Analgesic activity was observed in,irice and rats at dcEaEes of' 1/5 tile LD50, for clectrical and maehtLnical stimuli in two esters and for theroal stimuli in cne. The equator.,, 1/2 53 'USSR SOKOLOV, D. B., et al., KhLmiko-Farmatsavticheskiy Zhurnal, Vol 7, No 12, Dee 73, pp 7-10 equatorial- isomer had no activity. However this compound and the equatorial- axial isomer exhibited antire.serpine activity at doses of' 1/5 to lAO the LD 50' 2/2 milira.-T11H 77;~H: 171NI Marine and Shipbuilding USSR 629.123.56-181.2 SOKOLOV, D. G., RODIONOV, N. N. FRID, Ye. G. "Plan.For the First Soviet 150,000 Ton Deadweight Tanler" Moscow, Sudostroyeniye, No. 4, 1970, pp 14-17. Abstract: In order to increase the capacity of the Soviet merchant fleet for transportation of petroleum products, a 150,000 ton deadweight tanker has beef] planned. Planning-research work uras performed during 1968-1969, including computerized studies using the Minsk-22 computer. The resulz is a plan for a 150,000 ton tanker, this deadweight being considered a good compromilse betwoon the desire for maximum possible ucight to achieve greater economy and the necessity to limit size (and therefore weight) for reasons of maneuverability. The ship will be similar in design to such supertankers as tile Tokyo Maru and genhaven. It will use a 30,000 lip steam turbine power plant with intermediate Berg , superheating. This design was compared with two variations of diesel power, steam I and found to be more economically ei,factive. In order to irrprove mancuverability, two transverse pa55ages, one each in bow and stern, are provided, through which water can be pumped to help turn the ship. Ilia 8 meter diafricter screw will have the variable pitch feature. Extensive space is prov-Aided in -the crew living quarters for study, sports and recreation of the 34-36 man c:rew. The USSR SOKOLOV, D. G., et &I., Sudostroyeniye, No 4, 1970, pp 14-17 superstructure is designed to be usable vilthout major desi,,y.- alteration in tarckers *000 to 300,OL of 100 00 tons deadweight. The basic dimensions of-the tanker are to be as fo2-lows: length between perpendiculars 272 M? width )f5-0 -ii, draft 17-0 m, side height 24.4 m, fining factor 0.830, 2/2' UDC: 614.2531378.661(049.3) I1;51F=TlM4 OV rV.C14T()U)v1 AT A KEDICAL INSTI-51F. lAftitla* Ly P-fo-epor LuLit-'O~. LI-olf ri ',arvil t?IGIPn" M0 PuMia Health 0rq&nS-tI,,o (~Pcalrd by ri.F. srkclov). ClivlyjebJa~k nedicol Inotituls; lJoncow, Sovntsk-n 1:0 4, 1!~12' d-~~=Ittvd 14 Karth :a (otir upInt", dVVnr0I0e IS 2n rduc:ttlonal dSncipline and, conoquently~ It ^hnuld have Ito ow-x s~L,3-t an well &a frr--% And mthods of presentation. Tho I1ncJnvtLvr fqiivire or e-intalogy -k u nubjoet is thitt nno could hardly prone-it tt~ dtfftrent 6A our. chair along. Arid if thirt An So. we C." 11 Ider the vlew of dorcnt Ya.S. Min4lin to be valid. with rompno to the -4 crcitting at, tatet,:Wx pra;;ra~ rox det,tttalvilty. tiowevc-C, thEd is nut vrough. 1-1-ile preparIng interr:1,41r prv;:rzzs on hIntory oftoiditine, pvtlie ht4lLh ai,.j ror two 7carvi, vu convinced that this work is rucce.~srul only w1heii. concurrently with such a ayllat,un, an :nterchaircurriculum. Lot otl=.xluvvlQp*d ulitch Stettin not only thO 6ricrete 14suea to be prenented, oa~xt giwo chair, but m1no the ttrA that Is de%,oted for this purpameo as wull an forias of study (arvainern, Itctur's. etc). our twiny yvaro of "perience to teaching 4COotOlOgy and M-diC41 othIcA ctinflirma the opinion of Proreenor D.D., Petrov. that fi-istarical material congtitutes a walcvtne Opportunity to form the outlook and behavior of tbo Nt-,tce phy4ict4m. One ran arriva At A-h 4 ~OMCIIMIQII Oil trio b4014 Of the f~llw~lng data. I%Aj~s pertaining to 4eantalogy and medical ethict should L-n known, to mucie oxtent, to tr4* atuiltrit "en before he reaclcti tl,e clinic. Arid it in only the cv~ttae on history of medicine!. offered to ficat. =4 oQ,.ond ".Ar st.4enta that car, becotin the ha&lm fur ptr*anting thedO Lupt~~. We do not re-fer tht proopvcts of a distant future, but the act-1111 "rdittonu that now exist. In order to properly ,ndtrmtAnd the aubject. of milWat ttlcs and dcontult;F,?, ort: ahou1J ~pprosuh It fr~= the histartcal point of vl,2w. an In the st~i47 of cuiny other Is&utri. VJ. LenLn wrof'o Omit tho momt important. *With te!rrcnre to the article by N.C. Karlsen and I. I. Kosarev, Sov4rskove Urn No 4, 1971. 79 VDC: 614 .2 (092)Beloo tots kiy 01' !V~N ST C% EL . '0 0-1 =KLY, OUTSTANDING PUBLIC HEALTH ORrA.N-,ZER fz n-~Ls 0.- r4t, ~'-h BIRTHDAY) Chair of Social Hygiena and Public Health (h.~adod by 77Nz"ror Sol~olov) , Chelyabinsk Medicnl Institute-, P:urAian, No 11, 1971. gubmiLtod 14 June pr. actIvities of Ivan Stepanovich Belontotfikiy, one of the firat public otga.%Lzers in the Urzls, occ%ipy a prominent place wLth respect to the &n4 development ef han'th in the Urali% follcwii)jt the Craat S'~Ziallst Revolut-'=. 1.5. Mloatotakiy vz% born on 15 Jrnuary 1382 to a poor pan4ant fanilly in the of Taj-dnroVk!v Mtrug. Fir childhood-wns a needy r,-"! . tarely 14 yeart of A';a 1-.e was compelled to earn WN own living P-nd beck 4 lathe c-,eratoc'a apliventice at the Makeyev Pipe Castl~,.ir Pi nt. trzri~t ti=-- zzt~e- lot of uorking adol"cent5 wts a difficult And sad on- Even in tlioan years. '.van Step~novtch ;radually bagan to realize Owdt lizily we. rtad to a I-etter life for theworking people -- a mvalu- tic- stroggla with etutez-acy aitd eradication of the hir,ul tilavt.=Vzram' ~..A, Xoisay-nk-, head Allianco of Ruqminn WorkLra," end or -, - the Mcra;o-~ trike had so=. influpnce on thp tncranied of -S. :n li~4' W,L) 5t=;=V4i0' A~In-d t,-.c Tar.%. of IKSOV'r' tRusslan Social 'c ' re t I Parry!. F-Ince th~- rl,,~ his antii-Q IlFe wa~ ltiiitd with the -r-y. ,:p .,,1 an acrlv.~ ar--Icipant in 1111.i~,,d meetings and puraw,-d rciv~lii- ork -orkers. For thi!, he -a9 f1ra4 from his lab. ~-xjsa c- contlri~tcus peratcutIons lie waa corpplied to rio-jo. in 1906, lie. moved PLrersturt;. Th., speech ~f V.1. Lcnln About the ractIC8 of an active boycott C%e it4t~! Z-jma) wtt~:h he heacd in the Leqgaft coqr4e clasare.m, made At twit. ir.Lt-ruzzlem~, c~ --'nc ra:Ly Ivan 'atepAnovich often npokfi In Moscow. Marlupcl-. line Oth~r cities. tlille worktni, at the 11i,alloy Plant, he and - (' -1 - USSR UDC 546.45:5,13.27:5,13.544.25 73ERG, M. , NESTERBT0, G. N. , DRUGOV, Yu. S, MUPIAVIYEVA, G, V., GRINN .50KOLOV A,11-4,1-~ "Gas Chromatographic Method of Determination of Berylliwa in Air" Moscow, Zavodskaya Laboratoriya, No 11, 1972, pp 1305-1306. Abstract: The authors have developed a gas chromatographic miethad for detert-In- ation of microquantities of beryllium in the P-ir at industrial enterprises, based on the formation of a volatile beryllium chelate with trifluoroacotyl ketone. A linear dependence of the signal of the detector on beryllium contclit is observed in the range of cone entrat -ions of 0.4 to 2-10-5 ng/ml. lie. The sensitivity of the detennination i,% 1-10-5 mg/InI 110. tt I.,' I V11i I II 14fiti H I I i;AUVAIMPIMI. 'I! M I hmmll Nllli,~P h I I I ITJ)4 W1411V I Mt;i I I' UNCL IASSIIFIED IbcEssING DATE- :-16OCT70 014 PR ...TITLE--SUPERHIGH TEMPERATURE GAS CHROMATOGRAPHY -U-~ AUTHOR--SOKOLOVw O.N. COUNTRY OF INFO--USSR SOURCE--J. CHROMATOGR. 1970, 4743)t 320-7 -:~-DATE PUBLISHED ------- 70 ~~'SUBJECT AREAS--MATERIALS, CHE-141-&T~RY ~~TOIPIC TAGS--HIC-H TEMPERATURE EFFECTir GAS CHROMATOGRAPHY, ZINC BASE ALLOY, .-w :,CADMIUM CONTAINING ALLOY, BINARY ALLOY MARKING--NO RESTRICTIONS ".DOCUMENT CLASS--UNCLASSIFIED PROXY REkL/FRAME--1995/0829 STEP NO--NE/0000/70104F/003/032010327 CIRC ACCESSION NO--APG116358 _-U-NiCLASS I F 2/2 014 UNCLASSI FIED PROCESSING UATE--160CT70 CIRC ACCESSION' NG--AP0116358 ABSTRACT/EXTR4CT--(U) GP-0- ABSTRACT. THE DIPFICULTIES ENCDUNTERED IN GAS CHROMATOG. GREATER THAN 500DEGREES ARE. OISCUSSEL), wITH EMPHASIS O'N DETECTOR SUITABILITY AND ON COLUMN CHEM. IZEAcriONS~, P,-NJEUMATIC DETECTO'~S ARE THE MOST SUITABLE AT ULTRAHIG.H THRPS. 7-N, CO, ANO H(-;, viERE SEP0. WELL ON A GRAP141TE COLUMN AT 700-90ON"GRE'ES. TLCL, AND CGI SUt~Z WERE SEPD. WELL ON A 50PERCENT KCL-CHROMIOSORB W COLUMN AT 8OOoEGREES wITH HE, ,CARRIER GAS. HOWEVER, ZN WAS ADSOK8ED IRREVERSIBLY 014 THE COLUM,"I AT SMALLER 7HAN OR EQUAL TO 950DEGREESs ZN-CD SINARY,ALLOYS WERE ANALYZED DIRECTLY BY GAS CHROMATOGG. ON A GRAPHITE COLUMN Ar.~BOOOZGREES WITH HE CARRIER GAS. RELATIVE ERRORS WERE SMALLER THAN 4,50EGREES0 FACILITY: INST. CHEM. PHYS.t MOSCOW1 USSR, UNCLASSIFIED USSR GORYAYEV, M. I., and SOKOLOV, D. V. nAccomplishinents of the Division of the Chemistry of Natural and Syn- thetic Biologically Active Compounds" Alma-Ata, Izvestiya Akademii Nauk Kazakhakoy SSE, 3eriya Khimicheskayat No 4, Jul-Aug 70, pp 47-56 Abstract: In the last few years the Insti~;ute of Chemical Sciences has widened its studies in the fieid of natural substances, and as a result two more laboratories have come out of t-he Laboratory of Plant Chemistry, viz. the Alkaloid Laboratory and the Hydrolysis Laboratory, both located in Ch-imkent on the territory of the corresponding plants. Staff members of the Laboratory of the Chemistry of Natural Compounds have published about 400 scientific works. There haB been significant quantitative and qualitative growth in laboratoxy personnel. About 70 candidates and doctors of sciences have defended or aire preparing to defend dissertations, and 40 original development3 are protected by USSR.authorts certificates. 1/4 USSR GOR-YAYEV, M. I., and SOKOLOV, D. V.~ Izvestiya Akaaemii Nauk Kazakh- skoy SSR, Seriya KhifiirM9kXra,71i0 4v Ju."L-Aug 70, pp 47-56 Essential oils of wild flora of Kazakhstan and Central Asia, mainly species of wormwood, have been studied by T. TE. SERKEBAYEV'R and G. 1. KHOTOVA, V. S. BAZALITSKAYA, L. K. TI;KRONQVA, It. A. YURINA and A. D. DF14BITSK1Y, the Mongolian scientist SHkTTAH and F. S. SHARIP011A. The Laboratory of Plant Chemistry haB determined the chemical composition of essential oils of many modicinal plants used in niedicine. The reoults of tnis work are parWilly reflected iia a three-volume work published on the chemistry of 16sseritial oils of the U33R and monographs on the chemistry of wormwood and junipers. IrA k, s also studitW a number of indu3 e last six years the laboratory ha t trial essential oils for the Georgian Ministry of the Food Industry, the Alekseyevka and Kara-Balty Essential Oil Plants and in part for the.Priluki Experimental Station (L*,A* YBLICH14~'KOVA and F. So SHARI POVA) USSR GORYAYEV, M. I., and 30KQL0V.,_4 .,_.Y~A_,jzYestiya Akademii Nauk Kazakh- Jul-Aug '70,, skoy 33R, Seriya Khimidh~gl~a No 4, pp 47-56 In the field uf 3ynthe5es based on natural compounds, the laboratory for five years has been searching for new catalysts for the isomerization of 0(-pinen to camphene (R. A. MINA, T. YE. SEaa- BAYEVA L. A. IGNATOVit, F. S. SBARIPOVA, L. K. TIKH0110VA M. P. Ii(ISML~10V). A number of wild plants have been atudied f01r alkaloid content, the isolation and testing of new alkaloids for the purpose of obtaining growth drugs (V. ?. YURIYEV, I. R. LANGEt P. P. GLADYSHEV, K. A. SHCHUROV). The hydrolysis of vegetable raw material has been studied. by 14. G. PUGACHEV and A. 1. POPOV. Work is tinder ;-,ray on the biosynthesis of proteins based on n-paraffins of Mangyshlak petroleum. The Laboratory of Organic Synthesis has been studying the biosynthesis of enzymes (I. N. NAZAhOV, G. S. LITVINENKO, N. b. FB-Fdt11TINA, V. N. HAKCHEVA-KHOK.HLOVA, Lff. I. ISIN, B. T.,SYDYKOV, R. I. XHLUDNEIIA, D.V. SOKOLOV 0. V. AGASHKIN). There have been extensive synthetic and oth- ~er studies in the decahydroquinoline series (the!Chair of Pharmacology USSR GORYAYEV, M. I., and Izvestiya kkademii Nauk Kazakh- skoy SSR, Seriya No 4, Jul-Aug 70, pp,47-56 of Alma-Ata State Medical Institute under the direction of G. I. WMINA V. V. SOSNOVA, V. 1. ARTYUKHIN, M. N. AKDIOVAI K. D. PRALIYEV). Atz 018 UNCLASSIFIED PROCESSING DATE--15SEP7 0 TITLE--CONFfGURATION AND REACTIVITY OF SATURATED CYCLIC Atli) HETEROCYCLIC ~COMPOUNOS _U_ AUTHOR-(05)-LYUTS, A.YE., AGASHKIN, O.V.,.ARTYUKHIN, V.I., SOKOLOV, D.V., LITV11,4ENK0, G.S. GUNTRY OF INFO--USSR "w0 AKAD. NAUK KAL. SSRt SER. KHIM. 1970, 2011), T4-81 DATE PUBLISHED ------- 70 ..SUBJECT 4REAS--CHEMISTRY 19, 1 CTAGS--.AASS SPECTRUM, BENZENE DERIVATIVE, QUfNOLJNEv AMINE, AMIDE, .-CONJUGATE BM-ND SYSTEM, ISOMERr IONIZATION POTENTIAL ?4AFK1!LV.,--N0 PC-STRICTIONS DOCUMENT CLASS--UNCLASSIFIE0 PROYY REEL/FRAMIE--1984/1660 STEP t4i)--UR/036~1/70/020/tioL/0074/()O~lI CIRC ACCESSION NO--AP0100264 2/2 018 UNCLASSI FIED PP~OCESSING 0ATE-18SE-P70 .-~CIRC ACCESSION Nfl--AP0100264 .ABSTRACT/.EXTRACT--(U) GP-0- ABSTRACT. MASS SPECTRA OF t, ISOMERS OF 1 BENZOYLt 2 !AEIYHYLDECAI-IYDR(IQU[i*\IOLI~~IF AT IONIZATION, VOLTAGES OF 20 ANO 70 V WERE OBTAINED. THE OISTRIBUTION OF PGS* CHARGE ~BETWEEN N ANO FRAGMENTS CONTG. BENZQYL IS AFFECTED BY THE STRUCTI)qE AND COMFIGURATI-O"4 OF THE it-11OL, IN THE CASE OF ISOLATED BEINZOYL AND AMINO GROUPS, POS. IONS 'TG. N PREVAILED. IDESv THE POS. CHARGE WAS ON IN THE CASE OF AM C LOCALIZED IN FRAGMENTS CONTG. C SUB6 H~SU86 AND THE DEGREE OF LOCALIZATION INCREASED WITH INCREASED EFFICIENCY OF CONJUGATIONo UNCLASSIFIED -1/2 019 UNCLASSIFIED PROCESSING DATE--230CT70 TITLE-STEREOCHEMISTRY OF NITROGEN HETEROCYCLES. XXIII. ACETIC AND DIPHENYLACETIC ESTERS OF STEREWSOMERS OF AUTHOR-(04)-KHLUDNEVA, K.I.r SOSNOVAi V.V-,t SOKOLOVi D-V.p LITVINENKOv G&S* ~COUNTRY OF INFO--USSR SOURCE--IZV* AKAD. NAUK KAZ. SSR, SER.'KHTM. 1970t 20(2]f 43-7 DATE PUBLISHED ------- 70 .~.,SUBJECT AREAS--CHEMISTRY JOPIC TAGS--STEREOCHEMISTRY, HETEROCYCLIC NITROGEN COMPOUND, ACETATE, -.QUINOLINEt IR SPECTRUM ~.CJQNTROL MARKING-NO RESTRICTIONS DOCUMENT CLASS--UNCLASSIFIED PR0XY,REEL/FkAME--I9()q/1901 STEP ~14D--UR/0360/701,'*)20/002/0043/0047 CIRC ACCESSION NO--AP0123685 UNCLASSIFIED 2/2 019 UNCLASSIFIED PROCESSING DATe--230Ct7O CIRC ACCESSION NO--AP0123685 AHSTRACTIEXTRACT--(U) GP-0- ABSTRACT. TO SYNTHESIZE THF TITLE ESTERS, THE HCL SALT OF EACH OF THE 5 MOST AVAILABLE STEREOISOMERS OF THE TITLE w -H PH SUB2 CHCOCL HETEROCyrLE WAS HEATEO WITH AC SUB2 0 AND ACCL, GR '[I 41THOUT SOLVENT. THE SINGLE ISOMERS DIFFER IN THE ABSORBABILITY ON AL SUB2 0 SUR3t WHICH IS AFFECTED BY TH& MUTUAL CONFIGURATION OF THE RINGS AID THE,SP#kTIAL ORIENTATION OF ME AND AG OR DIPHENYLACETYL GROUPS. THE R SUBF VALUES IN AN ELUTION WITH ET SU82 0 ON A TilfN AL SU82 0 SU33 .LAYER RANGE FRM 0.09 TO 0.96 AND FROM 0.03 TO 0.85 wITH-ACETIC AND DIPHEMYLACETIC E-STERS? kESV.; EACH DIPHENYLACETIC E~TER IS ABSO;wED mORE STRONGLY THAN THE RESP. ACETIC ESTER. THE POSITIONS ANO SHAPES.OF SOME ABSORPTION BANOS IN THE IR SPECTRA ARE INFLUENCED BY THE. SPATIAL OR.IENTATION AND CHARACTER OF THE ACYLOXY:GROUP,, FACILfTY: INST* KHIM.. NAUK, ALMA-ATAv USSR* USSR UDC: 8.74 GO ROKHOV, Yu. P., MQ~G~_A.~ "On the Problem of Determining a Preventative Maintenance Schedule" V sb. Tsifr. %rychisl. tekhnika i prcgrammir. (Digital Com- puter Technology and PTogramming--collectioF of works), vyp. 7, Moscow, I'Sov. radio", 1972, pp 149-160 (from RZZM-Kiber- netika, No 8, Aug 72, Abstract No-8V604) Translation: The paper deals with two problem.s involved in determining a preventative maintenance schedule which deviates the least from a "uniform" schedule in the sense of an assumed criterion. Authors' abstract. USSR uDc 669.046-5 5T �SZ2WV. G. A RG:,-; T& VY A. G., 9'. KIN, L. V., FAVhVIIIN, V. D., N. Ye., and DIYAKOV, S' V. Y VASIU "The Effect of Vacuum-Slag and Two-Fold Slag Treatments on Electrical Steel Quality" Moscow, V sb. "Sovremennyye probleNW kachestva stali" (,masis), (Collection of Works. Modern Problems of Steel Quality) (Moscov Institute of Steel ana Alloys) Izd-vo, "Ylatallurgiya," iio 61, 1970, pp 2112-213 Translation of abstract: The effect of various outsido-furnace steel treat- ments on desulfurization, contmmination by nonmetallic impurities, and mechanical properties of various.steels is considered. Data are given on the improvement of mchanical proper-ties of structural alloy steelz. 1 table. Vi U, S SIR SOKOLOV. G. I,-:-.-,.-,;.D' Fy --gical II an Z Alloys; lzhevs,. Vcz:_nl'lL_ ff efini-- Scee-, R ic t"ite 5-ja-" Moscow, Metalluri.g, No 9, S,---n 70, p p I 19 stranct: r" ~,O;;L_- of iicuid duced fro-M ZhQ COSL_"',~ S-40,-.. ~-5L7-,_m;t-)rS, LOI V: C, Of 0, 41-posicion, Cori 2-72 CaiC_7 r 10 1, ! L10 1'~ p ro pr r i c L L' i3 t'. hOUtth SLC%A,.~; Wi-til, i, Y I II t.: C' 1, L" ii L vt- h e e x D e r I'M L I u 1 5 G n al u 1_,-E u i. Ic a:_ii. L, 2 J --ec J, Thc, sc. -,rtcc c a" j .Levcl of stcc_'.~ a at-- a r d S a -, w tl,,~2 ro &Ic- I a y 31-0, a" charge. At sav-n-s 01~ a r. o u n t: e d Z: Q 2r 1.4 1 6142-,! USSR UDC: 8.74 GOROKHOV, Yu. P. and QakQ6GmAvw 'A Problemin Defining the.Prophylaxis Mode" Moscow, V sb. Tsifr. vychiel. tekhnika i -oroarammir (Digital Cam- puter Technique and Programming--collection of works No 7, 1972, pp 149-160 (from RZh--Matematika, I~o 8, 1972, Abatract INo SV604) Translation: The authors consider two problems connected with de- fining a prophylaxis mode which departs-least from "uniformity" in accordance with an accepted criterion. Authors' abstract USSR UDO 621.791.927 'OLOV State Union Scientific Research Technological S OK A. ut;7for Repair and Operation.oE Machine acid Tractorc:)s and ---Agricultural Machines, Siberian Branch "Vibrating Arc Metal Deposition With Flux-Cored Waire" Kiev, Avtomaticheskaya Svarka, No 8, Aug 70, pp 62-64 Abstract: Vibrating-are metal deposition on cylindrical sur- faces of worn-out parts of small diameter (30-50 mm) is considered. Flux-cored PP-lKhl2T-1). P11-25WOMS-01 PP-IJ25KhI7T-0 wires 2.8, 2.6, and 3 mm in diameter were used. & G. P.,, MENIS, A. A.., I&VERISI M. M., and GILISR, S. A., Institute --OT-Urgan"t thesis) Academy of Sciences Latvian SM R:L~p "The Synthesis and Gurariform Properties of Quaternary Aimomium Deriratives of Cyclic Acetals of Levulinaldehyde and Levulinic Acid" Moscow Khimiko-Farmatsevticheskiy Zhurnal, NO 3, 1973, PP B-13 Abstract: Studies were conducted on the curariform properties of qaatern~-:12-j amonium derivatives synthesized from levulinalde-hyde in a mauner qma1o;Ty-,ijs to that e-rmloyed for succinaldehyda, except that 2-wethyl-2,5-ditri~~thoxytei-.rahydro- furan was used in the reaction. Quaternary ammonium derivatives of le,4-Ulinic U 1, 1 ioxo acid were obtained by reacting 3-(2'Ln.,~3th,1/1-1~l-cliloraiietliyl-I 3 -d la-ni.1-21 propionic acid with secondary amines, with the initial formation of' thQ corres- ponding salt and, on gradual heatinE; from 100 to 150 0 il thf-- Cl atom on the chlorarrnthyl .-roup ~,ras replace(I by an mnino group. 'Me rm'lt, was separatcJ from .the conconitantly foim:ed hyd-rochloride salt of the seconda*, amine by dissolving it in ethyl acetate, an! thun reacting it with chloroethylarldnes. A diiodo- miethylate deri-vative of la*rulinaldehyde shlowed the greatest cureriform activity of the deivatives that were obtained which, in cats, exccodiLii that, of D- tubocurarine 2-fold) but was 11-fold less than that of dioxonium. The duration 1/2 SOKOLOVY G. P.) et al., Khimiko-Farmatsevtichesi-dy Zhumal, Ito 3, 1973, pp 8-13 of action of these derivatives was also very short, presumably (Ne tc inaptiva- tion by pseudocholinesterase. Biological evalluation of the derivatives on cats showed that they possessed either depolarizingo antidaj,,olariziTig, or mixe(I ty-pe of curariform activities. 2/2 30 )l Ac" t _1 tj I. $is Vol 6 v o MbS Ori d C 4- aa cl. th e c ;- t -He a C11r)j" 12. tir C,~ 7' USSR UPC 5".742.4 SOX01,OV. A. S., and "Some Characteristics of the Organs of Locomotion of River ard Sea Otters as a Function of Their ' Modo of Life" Xoscow, Bvullaten' Moskovskogo Obshchostva Ispytateley Prirody Novaya Seriga, Otdel Biologichaskiy, Vol 75, No 5, SOP/Oct'70* PP 5-3.7 Abstract: As a result of both their cottmon origin and their aqUILIUC ClOde Of life, the river otter (Lutra lutra) and sea otter (Enhydra lutris) havo many similar morphological faature4. (streamlined body, s"nortness of tho extremities, webbed foot). Howavar, their organs of J_ocmotion differ somewhiat becavz-o each species ',swim,- in a differento fashion. The sea otter makes oscilLa&tory movements of the Pntiro body, with the tail and hind flippers serving as & means of propulsior', ivor otter s-wrims by making paddle-like movements of the oxiremitios, the tail The r4 functioning mainly as a rvddor and stabilizer. : The river otter is less special- izod anza can move with equal facility on land and in water, using the same groups of muscles. The sea otTer has largely lost the abillty to~wove on land. since the body musculature rather than the muzoles- of the extrevJ,,Ues is involved In its swimming. USSR UDC 591.1.15 SOKOLOV, ~"Total Spinal Cord Phospholipid Content and I-letabolism,After Radiation Lesions" Soderzhanive i obmen obshchikh fosfolipidov spinnogo moz a pri luchevom porazhenii (cf. English above), Redkolle_~iya:zh. Radiobiologiya All SSSR (Editorial Board of the Journal Radiobioloaiya, Academy of Sciences USSR), Moscow, 1971, 10 pp, bibl. 16 refs. (No 25555-71 Dep.)('from RZh-Biologi- cheskaya K~j~mi~L, No 10, May 71, Abstract No 10 F1133 from the resune) Translation! In cats exposed to single whole-body irradiation (1200 r) the phospholipid content of the lumbar thickening of the s inal cord decreased on days 2 and 6 to 7. The rate of incorporation of 01:and intensity of phospholipid phosphorus metabolism increased on day 2 and decreased or, day ~6-to 7. _7_10 WS, W_ EMU 01011 i w OF r"6'.;1vw'q"c rticlo by V. 41. Ialavrluov, V. F. Turchanin .ovj __~4oscqw. A4t";aItn~yo Vcr,.ro0Y xed- pp The great durGtion or fiirht by the ~,soyuz--,i', apac,,Litup made It particularly important to provent cnan;rss of tho 31:jrj undor_tho '~Gtt -~loctj-odev. Phyaiologia information aborrd the was roglmterod uaing the.samo MedicnI monItcrim; 'appavatus 12 4 'durit%5 -01~tviquff. ri Ighte of 'he "50-UZ" Ships, dns=rjbrA car- lior (Yu -14efedov. T- 1. Ka,turin, OJ" a!., IIFNO, but,f. nu,4- bor..oC immr-cyrments wore int-roduCod into the ~3yatirl' of pjaio- logic_noneers anI the micihod for Its use duo to the conri or- ablo lengthening or flight duration. During the fliFrht %is registored tho elootroiar4logram (ECG) in tne -"!')5" lead, selamcoardlogram =151. J,nn~amogram UG) and pulsa rato of each of the membera. All -ho phya- iiologic sonsors and eloctrodos were attachc-d to tho t~o~Ues of the oonmonauts by elartic fabr-ic straps. The Mat Important of the irlprovenents ta thn nothod for using the physiologic sensors were: 1) the cosmonauts themaolve., put o.*1 Ind Wok. Off the sys- tam or physiologic sensors; 2) every day, In cuioj of ccntinuous wearing of tho EGO electrodou, they wore moved to orher part3 of the alcin in nuch a way thit on Onch or tho a,*.1.n onctor.- donlrnat ad for thia purpono tho oloctrodo, was pro:)ont for on,~ day iind tho altin wau frou of it for throo days. Tio to--monwit 'jinnolf processes the skin with a dogreasing fluid, applies the current- Piz 4, -ZY-LA L-Y EVALVATMG ME t1;1TCTTQNAL,.CAPAS1UTIE~.'1 OF THETODY UIMI'Al TFE CG,'Ar--IR~-D ZT-LUE110F OF EXTRL74M, VMMIIS ZArticle by Ye, T~%VSS littolgov, A. Ya. Tizu-1, Yu. Mdinnradza -Aktu ti and V. P, KEN o c=j -t~ I~-*r - ~ - Pro.- As And R-1- 1 4v ci&rMumilai, 1971,- Tp 326-3~:Jl 'In order to evaluate the functional end adap~tlvo 'Capabilities or the body It is now customary to use difforeiit load eXaminations and tests in approximate torn simulating various kinds of spacorlight.(hrpokinevia, isolation, hylign1a, accelerations, chongo In diurnal rb,:th*, etc.). Study or the influenc-a of these factors on-the dynamica or body adaptation is most frequently accornplish.old, with but - oxposuro to a single factor.. In order to ascorvein -.he capaDi.Lity of the body to adept, appliceblo to an evaluation of tolerance and mil- .AbllitT of body functions to prolonged space rlighta. a *tudy was made or the nervous, cardiovascular, onfloar-Inal. I=uno- biologic and other a7atema during A 1~0-da7 experinent In which a:ix~ subjocts 1-i the age group 28-36 years pirtIcIpatod. The c~Mt.)rlmcnt Involved 11 dn)fn -- collecting backgr'ound date; twr days restructuring, of th,,% rlAythm with rour-bour CYclda or work, rest niid slaep; f1va, dp,~,s -- roqtor- otion period; twolve days -- ellyinatntic hypokino-alet; e-leven days - study of the nftoroffect (dymmica or rentorntion), During the period of 12-day hypokinavia. thore was n 1L,13-hour restructuring of the diurnal rh7thm of three subjouts (first group) during the first two daysof hypoltLiooia and another three subjec~u (second group) during the last two duys of hy- pokInoula. During the experiment. we detected definite changes In '-%functionIng of the nervous aystam, manifnatod In a lability > of autonomic reflexes, frequently azoooding t a li%ita of 0 -A c~ 150 L+ Zlt-t 1- -4- % USSR U'DC 535. _138 '0 "Interference Efffects in Secondary Radiation SpectrLm. of an Impurity C:nystaal" Leningrad, Vestnik LeninE~dskogo UFniversiteta, No 16, Seriya Fizika i 11,"hirijiiya, Issue 3, Aug 71, PP 39-47 Abstracti The article discusses interference effects using the example of a. hot luminescence sDectiiim: i.e, the sDectrum for emission from a- n~ineouilibriwi vibra- tional state. The impurity is mo~.eled by, a two-level electron systei which inter-' acts with a localized vibration. Optical excitation o:V the oyctem i:3 considered, as well as relaxation of local photons as P. result of t-beir (]_-~,cay in-to pasirs Of crystalline photons, In order to detect the narrowing of line3, a supplementary class of perturbation theory diagranis has to be taken into consideration. The graphic method of perturbation theory developed by PEUKER and T11IFON 1, 'OV is used. "Nondiagonal" graphs are considered. Spectr= formulas 4re obtained which indi- cate the narrowing of lines in the hot lum;inescence spectruna, as well as the merging of hot lun-inescence and Ran-an lines under certain conditions. The author thanks Ye. D. TrIfonov for the euggested prohlem zind Uq(~ful COMUI~Jlt~, USSR UDC 621.-8-,5.635(088.8) SOKOLOV, 1-,.V. "Cathode Of BWT ;1ith Transverse Vagnatic Field" USSR Author's Certificate No 225419, Filed 5 May 56, Published 19 Mar 70 (from RZh--Elektronika I yeye Rrimenenlye, No 10, October 1970, Abstract No 1OA179P) Translationj A cathode is proposed for a BWT with a tranave,ree magnetic field. With the object of expanding the range of application of the tube's power, the lateral surface of its cathode cylinder Is divided by two slots para.11*1 to the axis of the oylindar Into two parts, insulated from one another with respect to direcil. current. 275 U C ~MASHN, 3. G., 30KOWV, 1. V., V00YAINIZ-13KILY, V. I. ,ZHERN07:.,0V, S. j. "Sup erhigh-:Rrequoncy "agnetron Osci-liator" J "oscow, OtkrytLva, lzobreteniva, F ro,.-,,,l shier, n sv, o 16, X ~~*, `e - ~Obr a 8 MaY 70, 0 38, Patent 1~o 270002, Filed 1 Avg 07 lranslation: This Author's Certificate introduces a oscil- later using magnetv'rons, introduced by Author's Certi_fi~ate No 19~468. ine ne-w oscillator is distinguished by the fact that to inprove itt; reliability, a double halfperiod rectifior is connected in series with the windin,rs of the electro- magnet. This rectifier contains two gates and the secondary windilng Of the auxiliary transformer, the prLimary w�nding of viUch on inclusion of the oscillator is coa~pletely connecto L. a to the circuit terminals; the operating mode. it is connected to its smaller seat-Jon via the primary wimding of the power trans- 1"ormer by a vitch. 6 USSR MALINOV, L. S., SOKOLPV,-K. N., KOROTICH, 1. K. and ZANNES, A. N. '11nfluence of Alloying Elements and Heat-Treatment on*Hardening of Low-Nickel Martensite-Aging Steel,", -Dnepropetrovsk, Metallurgicheskaya I GoTnoTildnaya.Promyslilennostl,, No 6, Nov-D66.7 pp 24,-26- 3 Abstract: The study-of low-nickel.marteitsite-aging steels performed showed that they are a promising structural material with a good combina- C, tion of mechanical prooerties. The best properties are those.of steels types GM2NNiffu and OOKh2J45J'-Fl)Yu. The rfatuTe of hardening in the steels studied it similar to the haidening of higgh-nickel martensite- aging steels. It results fror; dispersion,hardening of the carbon-free mar-tensite. Softening of the steels Is related to loss of the coherent bonding between intormetallides and the martenSite matrix, coagulation of intermetil.lides and the processes of polygonization and recrystalliza- tion of the matrix. 1/1 66 Ussa UDC 669-112.3 P.EREVERSEVA, YE. G., SOKO1W_V1K.__N,, KUDRYAVTSEVA, L. N., and GRISHKO, V. F., Zhda I Institute nov ]Tetallurdca "'Effect of Arsenic on the Diffusion of Carbon in Austenite and Ferrite of Low-Carbon Steel" Moscow, Izvestiya Vysshikh Uchebepykh Zavedeniy Chernaya Metallurgiyam No 2, 1970, pp L10-113 Translation: A study was made of.the effect of arsenic on the diffusion of carbon in austenite and,fervite, It was er-tablished titat arsenic increases the,rate of carbon diffusion in these structural constituents. With an increase in,the.conten,t of arsenic from 0 to 1%, the activation energy.of.St. 3 steel in austenite changes from 35,900 to 31,600, respectively, and in ferrite from 18,800 to 16,00 cal/9-atom. 64 USSR t= 669.i5:194.66.o46 Wnmov, V. N. SOKOLOV K. N., LEONTIYEVi, B. A., =4 FAMM, V. B. (deceased) ."Xrfect of Annealing System on the Structure and Praperties of 08krt Steel" Metallurgicheskaya i Gornorudnaya Promyshlennost', No 2,, 1971j, pp 29-30 Abstract: The effeat of the heating rate and ann aling temperature on the properties of 08kp steel were studied. The heating rate had little effect on the structure and mechanical prop-eftles of the steel. Optim= annealing temper- ature was 7000C; at temperatures above 725'0y~, strength characU~rlatics imprared, but perlite stractures appeared and an increase in the diffevezce in grain size was noted. A zaxim= change in strtucture and riechanical properties 119-8 obr,arved during the first three hours of exposure to 700, 0&. Increasvd cooliLig velocities after annealing increased the stability char6cterir-tics, but had no substantial effect on the size of the ferrite.67anules.and the separation character of the structurally free iron carbide* UDC: 669.189:621.746.7.001 USSR BORISOV, V. T., VINOGRMV, V. V., DU11RHIN, A. I., 'l-wma-mr." 'I. I VATMEV, YU. YE., LOV L A and SHISMKOV, V. L., bscav) "Applicability of the Quasi-Equilibrium Two-Phase Zone Theory to the Description of Ingot Custallization" Moscow. Izvestiya Akademii nauk SSSR, Metally, no 6, 'Nov-Dac 71, pp 104-109 Abstract: Increasinz the rpnuirements on metal qua-lity nnc,~SiiLaLes F.Jore intimate 1-mowled-e and in-depth analysis of tile fine points of alloy crystallization phenomena. Noteworthy, in this case, is the study ~f tile quasi-equilibrium two-nihase zone of an alloy -- a region in which t1termal, diffusion,and other processes accompanying the formation of the ingot's i -,-~ applicability structure take vlace. is an attempt to test t of the theory to computer analvsis of the crystallization of a metal invot. Described is a crystallizer designed for the study of tharnal conditions m i-.L the two-phase zone o-z' an in*ot for crystallization at both low and high cooling rates. A matho:iatical arran3ement is Proposed characterizing a crystallizing ingot in terms of tile new theory. The cor-relrttion of tile theoretical results with the experimental data indicates that tile proposed Vl~ 1/2 USSR BORISOV, V. T., et al, Izvestiya Akadendi nauk SSSR, Metally, no 6, Nov-Dec 71, pp 1014-109 mathematical model provides both qualitative and quantitative patterns of the thernal and other real conditioiis of ingot cLys tall Iza tion. (2 illustrations, 13 bibliograpbic references). 2/2. MA 11M. UNCLASSI Flm.ED "PROCESSING DATE--18SEP70 TITLE--FORMATION OF A CONTINUOUS INGOT-U_ AUTHOR-(02)-MANOKHINt A.I., SOKOLOV, L.A. CCU NTRY OF INFO--USSR ~-SOURCE-IZV. AKAD. NAUK SSSR, METAL, 19701,11), 91-4 ATE PUBLISHED ------- 70 ,.5.UBJE.CT.AREAS--MATERIALS CASTING, METAL CRYSTALLIZATIONI METAL INGOT, CAST _pPIC TAGS S T E E L ~.CONTROL MARKING--NO RESTRICTIONS REEL/FRAME--l.984/0155 STEP NO--UR/0370/70/Ci,00/001./00r)1/0094 ciRC-ACCESSION NO--AP0054951 UNCLASSIFIED u16 UNCLASSIFIED 'PROCESSING DATE-18SEP70 ~IJRC ACCESSION P40--AP0054951 -ABSTRACT/EXTRACT-M GP-0- ABSTRACT. BY CONTINUOUS CASTING OF- STEEL, IKOTS WITH PRACTICALLY UNIFORM CHEM. COMPN. BOTH IN THE CROSS SECTION AND LENGTH CAIN BE ACHIEVED. THE TYPICAL HETEROGENEITY OF CCNTI,%lJrUS!-Y CAST INGCTS CONSISTS It-, THE DENDRITIC SEGREGATION. THE CORRELATION rBETWEEN THE CRYSTN. VELOCITY, THE DISPERSITY. OF THE 01::NDl"'i rlC STRUCTURE, AND THE DEGREE OF DENDRITIC LILQUATION HAS BEEN ANALYZED. THE DENDRITIC SEGREGATION INCREASES FROM THE SURFACE OF THE CONTINUGUSLY CAST INGOTS TOWARDS THEIR AXIS WHERE IT ATTAINS THE MAX* VAL6k-s. UNCLASSIFTE0 'j aL UNCLASSIFIED PROCESSING DATE--30OCT7 TITLE--THERMAL DEGRADATION OF AROMATIC POLYAMIDES wirH HETERO GROUPS IN THE ChAINS -U- AUTHOR-t.051-VELYAKOV# V.K.s KOSOBUTSKAYA# A-A*t SAVINOV? V M 9 SOKOLOVY L*B-t GlTISv S*S. OF INF()---USSR ~SOURCE--VYSOKOMOL. SOEDIN.o SER. A 1970, 12(31# 610-19 --DATE PUBLISHED--TO BJECT AREAS-CHEMISTRYt MATERIALS. .,SUt -.,TGPIC,TAGS--ThERMAL DEGRADATIONt POLYAMIDE COMPOUNDo POLYMER, ACTIVATION MARKING-NO R ESTRICTIONS YoricUlAENT CLASS-UNCLASSIFIED -~,"PROXY"REEL/FRAME-2000/1678 STEP NO--UR/0459/70/Cf~12/003/0610/0619 NG--AP0125299 UNCLASSIFIED -2/2 031 UNCLASSIFIED PROCESSING I)A,rE--30OCT70 CIRC ACCESSION NO--AP0125299 .~AQSTRACTlEXTRACT-(U) GP-0- ABSTRACT. THE THERMAL DEGRADATION IN AIR OF .:_,::AROMATIC POLYAMIDES WAS STUDIED. THE AMTS. Of THE PGLYMERS CONVERTED JO GASES IN 30,14IN AT THE DECOMPN. TEMPS,., THE ACTIVATION ENERGIES OF "THE DEGRADATION AT 410-20DEGREES AND 440--60BEGREESP THE TEMPS. AT WHICH 20PERCENT OF THE GEL FRACTION REMAINSt AND THE TEMPS. AT WHICH THE VISCOSITY IS REDUCED TO 0.5 OF ITS ORIGINAL VALUE IN.30 MIN AAE GIVEN. HtTERC GROUPS IN THE POLYMER MOLS. LOWER THE THERMAL OXIDATIVE RESISTANCE IN THE ORDER CH SU82 LARGER THAN S LARGER THAN CO LARGER TliAN -0 LARGER--.THAN 50 SU82 LARGER-THANlOR EQUAL 1`0 CF SU82 CFlSU`82- FAC. I L I TY: VLADIMIR. NAUCH.-ISSLED. INST.. SIN. SMOL,~, VLADIMIR, USSR. LINCLASS IFIED I'M 33- LIZ 042 UNCL ASS IF I ED PROCESSING DATG-230CT~O TITLrl---RIJEOLOGICAL PROPERTIES OF POLY M, PHENYLENEISOPHTHALAMIDE -U- AUT H0R-(04)-FO.4ENKOj L.N.r GERASIMOVt V.0., KULNETSOV, G.A.t SOKOLOVi L.B. COUNTRY OF INFO--USSR SOURCE--PLAST. MASSY 19701 (3)v 27-30 :DATE PUBLISHED ------- 70 U BJ E C TAREAS--CHEMISTRYs MATERIALS --POLYMER RHEOLOGY, POLYPHENYENE RESINp AJ'4IDEf F.: TOPI,C TAGS, SHEAR STRESSt `_~'~:VI'SCOMETERI MACROMOLECULEt MOLECULAR WEIGHT, HYDR DYNA.IC m PRoPERTY' CRYSTALLIZATIUN, VISCOU S FLOW d t*TROL MARKING--NO RESTRICTIONS 6CUMENT CLASS WXY. REELIFRAME--1997/0658 STEP NO--UR/0191/70/000/003/0027/0030 tIR'C ACCESSION NO--AP0119566 UNCLASSIFIED 212 042 UNCLASSIFI'ED PROCESSING OATE--23OCT70 CIRC ACCESSION NO--AP0119566 ABSTRACT/EcXTRACT--(U) GP-0- ABSTRACT. THE RHEOL. PROPERTIES OF THE TITLE PPLYMER (1) WERE STUDIED IN A WIDE RANGE OF TEMPS. AND SHEAR RATES. AT A STRESS LARGER THAN 3 TIMES 10 PaIME7 DYNE-CM PRIME2 I BAGAN TO CRYSTALLIZE IN THE VISCOMETER AND WAS NO LONGER FLUID, PRESUMABLY DUE TO STRAIGHTENING AND ORIENTATION OF MACROMOLS. IN A HYDRODYNAMIC FIELD. UNDER ALTERNATIVE CONDITIONS (1.E., WHEN THERE WAS CRYSTN.)* THE RHEOL. PROPERTIES OF I RESEMBLED THOSE OF MOST OTHER POLYMERS. THE VISCOUS FLOW OF I WAS AN EXPOENTIAL FUNCTION~OF THE.MOL.~.WT* UNCLASSIFIED UNCL AS S I t I E PROCESSINC, 0ATlE--02P:T70 OF ThE ACT19;q OF SALTS DURING THE SYNTHESIS -,)F AP3,AATIC PCLYAMIOLS IN AMIDE SALT SYSTEMS -U- 4UTH3R-(041-FEDLT3Yq A,A.j. SUKOLLIV, L.B*9 ZLATUGO'~SKIY, M.L., G-4ECHIS!IKIN', V*S. ~,-_UUNTRY CF INFC-USSR _-q__.SCURCF--VYS0K0M0L. SG~DIA. SER. 13 1970, 12(3)v 205-8 :.DATE PUELISHE0------70 ARFAS--CHEMISTRY T NMR, OPIC TAGS-CHEMICAL SYNTHESIS,, POLYAMIDE Cf)MPOU%Dt MOLECULAR 4EIGHT, 3.t",.~:LITF,IUM COMPOUND, MAGNESIUM CHLORIDEt ALUMINUM CHL~IRIDEt ZINC CHLJRIDE, ST ONTJUN'CHLOPLIDE, CADMIUM CHLORIDE1 ELECTRONEGATIVITY, AM10F, HYDQfJGFN R -BONVING PROTON CONTR OL MAPKINC-NO RESTIICTIONS -UNCLASSIFIED ,90CUMENT CLASS ROXY RLEL/fRAME-1992/0316 STEP NO--UR/0460/70/i)12/00,-i/020510208 _"__CIRC- ACCESSION NO-AP0111510 UNCLASSIFIED C-1z 015 UNCLASSIFIED ~PROCESSING UATE-020CT70 CIRC ACC~SSICN N.)-AP0111510 .,ABSTRACT/EXTRACT--(U).GP-0- ABSTRACT. THE INTERACT104S (IF ~rl* 4ETAL SALTS LICLt LIDR9 Lilt LINO SUB-3o LISCN# MGCL SU132v ALCL SL133t SRCL SU82# ZNCL SUB29 AND COCL SUB2 AND HCL WITH BENZIANILIDE (1) IN ACNMF -IF SU~2 S(;LN!S. AND THE INFLUENCE OF THE.SALTS ON THO, MOL. 14T. POLY(P,P14~C'NYLENETEREPHTHALAMIOE) (11),SYNTHESIZED IN ACNMF SU82 SOLNS. 'WERE STUDIED BY A HIGH RESOLUTION NMR METHOD. CHEM. SHIFT IVC~ZEME41`5 OF f AMIDE PROTONS DECREASED IN THE ORDER, OF DECREASING ELFCTRI)NEGATIVITY AF -PEASING OF THE Ll SALT ANIONS TO 0 AND THEIN INCREASED IN tHE ORDER Z IN ELECTRONEGATIVITY OF THE CATIONS OF THE OTHER SALTS, DECREASES IN I SOLY. FOLLOWED THE SAME ORDER OF DECREASING L.1 SALT -ANtION' ELECTRnNEGATIVITY. APPARENTLY9 THE STRONGER THEH BONDS BETWEEN SALT ANIONS AND 4MIDE GROUP PROTONS, THE GREATER IS I SOLY. AND THE FARTHER DOW'NFI-CLL) THE- AMIDE PROTION SJGNAt~. THE' SUE OF~ THE- CHEM. SHYFT' OF THE AMIDE PROTONS CAUSED BY DIFFERENT SALTS INCREASED LINEARLY WITH INCREASING MOL. WT. OF 11 SYNTHESIZED IN ACNME SUD2 IN THE PRESENCE 3F THESE SALTS. PRESUMABLY, INCREASED INTERACTION BETWEEN SOLVENT ANG 'PO LY~IER PROMOTED HIGHER MOL. WTSW UDC: 539.434:669.29/73 -TULOV, D. 1.,and LO MAGIDOV, M. B., SHE , Dzerzbinsk Branch, All.-Union Scientific Research,and Des gn, nstitute of Chemical Machinery (NI!KhIK4ASh) "Feasibility of a Correlation Between the Slopes of Fatigue and Strengthen- ing Curves as Exemplified by Titanium# Zinc and Cadmi=" Minsk, Izvestiya. Akademii nauk BSSR,_Seriya fiziko-tekhnicheskil~.h n~~ No 1, 1912t pp 36-;42 Abstract: The feasibility of an inverse correlation betveen the coefficients of strengthening during static strain and the alone of fatigue strength manifest in metals with a body-centered cubic lattice hi~z been studied on Ti, Cd,and Zn. The Imperfect packing energies of the t~ost r.,3tals are g-,Llen as 10, 150,and 270 erg/cm2, respectivelyi, Vie tests ine-luded'rotary bending, tensile to rupture,and microstructural changes with fatigue, Use was made of the method of least souares to,plot fatigue and strengthening curves, I t is dem astrated that the.slope~ of the fatigue curves are steeper the higher the imperfect packing energies, 1.e.,'in the sequence: Ti, Cd,and Za. The slopes of the strengthening curves of~these metals are in the reverse order: Zn, Cd, Ti. The data indicate that'metals vith good 1/2 USSR MAGIDOVIt .04. B., et al,_~zvestUa Akademij nauk BSSH. Seriya fiZjkg- tekhnicheakikh nauk, No Is 1972, pp, 38-42 performance for fatigue (namely Ti) show a flat fatigue curve, a steep strengthening curve,and inhibited lateral slip. On the other hand, metals with poor fatigue properties (Cd, Zn) have a steep fptigue curve, a flat strengthening curve,and vell-developed lateral slip., The propert4ies of Cd and Zn are additionally analyzed relative "to their imperfect pFch-Ing energies. (5 illustrations, 9 bibliographic references). 2/2 70 V. A. Skudrtov,L nd A. N. Cladkilth SOURCE: IZVESTMA AWMII KAUK BlisRl SERIYA FTZIKD- TEFJMiCHESKIM I.Aux, No. i, 1969, pp. 114-116 Tr4malAted for TSTC by ACST. 0 T I C", The cont~nrs of thzs pAhcation Isave Sem tt~rts!~tvtj z& ptc~cntcj in the ori~mai tfxT. NQ AttzmPt LAS been m3dc to vtrifv the acccuracy of any scalemcni CnII(Awad hc-.4- Ihis trAn~;Att(Sn I! pUbIlIhOd With A n:nj;n~,jjj of Copy Tdj.,jr,:t qmr~ti~n In order 1 -11 1 _zrz! g~apjien pr to vxprj~tc the ciisscmioal;on of rrs".,ts C.Pids of this Ovcumtnt ft,vu!4 ~- ;W-towd to r~,Vzll-nt A, Nationa) TrclmicAl Imornwian Serxice, !~pt isrjfitld. VirS-,;-,Ia 2215LApproved lot public relr.;se; ritsm6tiou unl-kited. Steels USSR UDC 669.15-194:669.24'295:620.17 SO LENOV, V. M. and SWAOLOV, L. D., Gor'kiy Polytechnic Institute "Low-Temperature Strength of WMT.Austenitic Steel" Moscow, Izvestiya vysshikh uchebnykh zavedeniy, Chernaya metallurgiya, No 1, 1972, pp 152-155 Abstract; This study concerns the strength characteristics of Khl8N9T austenitic steel within -196 to +600*C, at strain rates from 10-3 to 10-1 sec7l. The steel's chemical composition was: 0.07% C; 1.20% Mn; 0.44Z Si; 0.30% F; 0.014% S; 0.46% Ti; 9.241 Ni; 17.30% Cr. The e#eriment used the uniaxial compression system on cylindrical~speclmens. The experimental data show an increased deformation resistance at low temperatures (-196 to 4-200*0 and at high deformation ratios. The results indicate supliort of the 11martensitic" theory of strengthening KhlBN9T austenitic~steels for tile low- 300 to 600% tile higher temperature region. For temperatures ranging fron. stresses are related to the thermally activated machanism of dislocation blocking by "atmospheres" of intrinsic chromium atoms. (3411ustrations; 10 bibliographic references). 1/1 USSR UDC 539.4 SOLEHOV, V. M., SKUDNOV, V. A., SOKO OV L. D. GLADKIK11, A. N., Gor'k:,y 0 1- . Polytechnical institute, Gor'kiy "Study of the Temperature -Rate Dependence of the Strength and Plasticity Charac- teristics of Lutecium" Kiev, Problemy prochnosti, No. 8, Aug 71, pp 61-63 Abstract: A technicue is described for studying the effect of temperature-rate factors on the strength and deformation characteristics of lutecium. The lute- cium sample in this case had the following chemical composition: Lu -- 95.72 wt. %; Er -- 0.25, Tu -- 3.5, Ib