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USSR UDC 621.382.2 GEL MONT 3. L. SHUR, M. S., Physicotechnical Institute imeni A. F. Ioffe Academy of Scie~r-_e`s(-ft-MeVhR, Leningrad "Current Stringing in Heavily Doped Gunn Diodes" Leningrad, Fizika i Tekhnika Polupro-4odnikov, Vol 4, No 9, Sep 70, vp 1650- 1655 Abstract: T-,,ie authors give the following explanation for the mechanis-i;: of current stringing in heavily doped Gunn diod "- in which zone-zone breakda,.'m takes place. A specimen is assumed to be in the modLt ol dil:OCL currenc car- responding to a segment with ne-acive differential con&uctiviLy. it is further assuried that the concentration of nonequilibrium ca_-criers Ras ir- fluctuation. The rate of electrun- creased in some region as a result o~ ale Dair generation will increase exponentially in this reg-lan. tiie seument with negative d-ifferencial conductivity, this i-acrt!.1-so will exca!ed che corresponding increase in recombination. Fluctual-lon vill begill L.-> be intensified, but at high concentrations the increase in fluctuation be limiced by diff"usion, re5ulting in the development of L stationary string (layer) of strong curreat, i.e., a stri-tig (layer) wich a hi;Sh concentration of carriers. The string will be flat in cht:t case ot a specimen in tine fol-in cf a chin plate. Equations are derived for determini-n- the conditions of -71 USSR izile--a i Tekhnika V, 1 4 No 9, GEL',MIOLNT, B, L. et: a' F Sep 70, pp 1650-1655 F 0, Cr development of instabilities leading to CU17Zdlt S trill gi ilaO1ii S' X, tiUlt an,S-shaped VolLa-e-current cnaracCeristic leads to curront id 'equations are given for decenidining the dit-aensicis of cLe currc;!a. strinl,~, of a Gun-a diode With such a characteristic. It is founa' cliat ch~e size of t:i-.e string is deLer-Mined by the " re combinat ion" lengt1h and Lhe applied field (as the field is increased, the string broadens and its amp!-Ltudc decreases). Stringing disappears when the recombination' length i!3 COITIP31:d~:,Ie with the dimensions of the specimen. it is shown that hysteresis exiszs between the threshold currents for geaeration and quenching of current strings. Experi- mental data are Aven oil current. stringing in GaAs, Me and ZnP Gun diodes. It is concluded that current .9tr`ngJng is explained by z1ie relationship between domain amplitude a-ad coni:entration... 2/2 USSR UDC 621.382.2 KASTAL'SKIY, A. A., UONOV, YE. I., jIU S Physicotechnical inst4tute imeni A. F. Ioffe, Academy of Sciences ofthe ZNR, Leningrad "Gunn Effect Devices with a Variable Energy Cap" Leningrad, Fizika i Tekhnika Poluprovodnikov, Vol 4, Nd 3, ~tjjg 70, pp 1609- 1611 Abstract: The authors discuss the possibility of developing devices b,-,;ed oil the Gunn effect wILh an energy gap which varies lengrhw~se of the -5pecir.~~n- Such de~,,ices would be Vlore 5UJ'Cable and convenient for use in integrated cir- cuits than would analogous devices which ucilize. a variable c-ross sectionai area or variable gradient of equilibrium carrier concentration. T,~Ie enel-gy gap can be varied either by chaaging the chemical co-mpo.,iition, leri,ochwise from the cathode to the anode according to a predetermined law, or by creatin- variable pressure along the specilnen by gLuing, it to a substrate i-Titn a greater coefflcie-IL of thermal expansion while heat is applied and zh~,-n ~-.Oo I- ing the asseribly. The use of Gunn effect:dcvices wit:.i variabj,o er,,~rcy would ena~)le a coasiderable Licreasr-- i,-. tile e-~:ficjc-.jcy Cu-,In I i -t!.J:l = r--~ e, nn a -zi c: z z: i! o (I e s wi `h i v a r i a Ij 1.4, Zap coulli be used to prodi. I Lh-2 111,~J3 Volta~-'u, and such devices could alto be used to measure the duratlon of inpu-L puitt!s. 1/2 338 UNCLASSIFIED PROCEtSING DATE--160CT70 TITLE--THE VIBRATIONAL SPECTRUMj T11E OPTICAL CONSI(ANTSt AND THE 1UNICITY GF THE BOND OF COGEAS SUB2 IN CRYSTAL As%() AMORPHOUS PHASES BY IR ~-UTHDR-104)-ZLATKIN, L.B.r MARKOVI YU-F-.t STEKHAN(!Vr A.],, SHUR, M.S. COWiTRY OF INF01--USSR PHYS. CHEM. SOLIDS 1970t 310), 567-Tt ~_QATE PU8L[SHE0------70 '~_~_SUDJECT AREAS--MATERIALS, PHYSICS ~TOPIC TAGS--VIBRATION SPECTRUMi OPTIC PROPERTYT IR, lillE:CTlZU4, CHEMICAL BONOINGt CRYSTAL STRUCTURE, CADMIUM COMPOUNDt CERMANIUM CJ.4 POUNDY ARSENIC COMPGUNO, CRYSTAL LATTICE STRUCTURE _~:.CONTROL MARKING--NO RESTRICTIONS ACUMENT CLASS--UNCLASSIFIED -PROXY REEL/FRAME--1989/1396 STEP NO--US/0000170/031/003/0567/0571 CIRC ACCESSION NO--A90107869 UNCLASSIFIED 2 .038 U, PROUSSING DATE-16OCT70 .: ~~ -- ASSIFIED' NC L ACCESSION NO--AP0107869 -'.ABSTRACT/EXTRACT--(U) GP-0- ABSTRACT. THE IR REFLECTIVITY IS N THE FREQUENCY REGION FROM 2 TO 75 MU FOR T EQUALS INVESTIGATEU It 295DEGREESK, CHANGES OF THE VIBKATIONAL SPECTRUM TAKE PLACE IN THE CLEAR CORRELATION EXISTS IN THE REGION Of THE LATTICE REFLECTION WHILE REGIONS OF SMALL (SMALLER THAN 25 MU) AND LARGE (GREATER T14AN 60 MU) WAVELENGTHS BETWEEN THE OPTLCAL CONSTS!. OF CDG-CAS SUBZ IN THE CRYSTAL AND AMORPHOUS PHASES. THE DISPERSION OF N AND THE DIELEC. CONST. WERE CALCO. BY KRAMERS KRONIG AND DI.SPERSION ANAL. ANO THE VIBRATIONAL FREUUENCIES DETO. THE QUAL. AND WUANT. PARAMETERS~ OF THE IONICITY OF THE BOND HAVE BEEN ESTD. THE CHEM. BOND IN COGEAS SUB2 IS IONIC COVALENT WITH LARGER DEGREE OF COVALENTPART. FACILITY: A. F. 1OFFE PHYS. TECH. INST.t LENINGRADv USSR- LAS-5-1 H th, 021 UNCLASSIFIED PROCESSING DATE--IISEPTR' ANOMALY OF THE ELECTRfCAL CONOUC T IV I TY OF FERROELECTRIC ,.,5f-,_FoslEM.fC0kDUCTORS NEAR THE CUqIE POINT -U- 4"l'A0TH(3R__GUBANOVg A.I.p SHUlly.M._4 too,"-, OUN T R Y. OF INFO--USSR ~__SOURCE-FIZ. TVERD. TELA 1970t 12t2)v, 664-6 PUSL I SHED------ 70 .A)ATE CT AREAS--PHYSICS --SEMICONDUCTOR CONDUCTIVITY# FERROELECTRIC tATER ~,-TOPTC, TAGS 14LI ELECTRIC -`CONDUCTIVITY, CURIF POINT ~_".CONTROL 4AR~(ING-NO 41-STRICTIONS UCCUMENT CLASS--UNCLASSIFIED PROXY PEEL/FPA4E--I989/0259 STEP NO--UR/0181/70/011*1/002/0664/0666 C IR.C -ACCESSION- ~411--jlwOlo 1-1 333 UN(J. A.S, ca f~_F;A;.~, 2/2 021 UNCLASSIFIED PROCESSINS DATE-11SEP70 ':CIRC ACCESSION NO--AP0105333 ABSTRACT/EXTRACT-- U) GP-0- ABSTRACT. UNDER CERTAIN CONDITIONS IN FERROELECo SEMI C=UCTIORSi THE ELEC. COND- CAN INCREASE SHAPPLY I~-l THE REGION OF-VALIDITY OF THE CURIE WEISS LAW, VARJATInN OF ELFC. COND. IS -DUE TO VARIATION IN THE CONCN.-OF P04ARONS IN THE COND. BAND AND VARIATION OF MOBILITY AND THE BOHR RADIUS OF POLikRONS IN THE REGION OF GIVEN* 7HE CURIE POINT. NUMERICAL EXAMPLES. ARE, 1/2 018 UNCLASSIFIED. PROCESSING DATE--040EC70 TITLE--CATALYTIC Fl:~ATION OF NITROGEN ~'U- AUTHOR-(03)-VOLPIN, M-YE., ILATOV-SKAYAt: M#Aot SNURj~ V.B~, -COUNTRY OF INFO--USSR SOURCE--KINET, KATAL. 1970, 11(2)9 333-41 DATE PUBLISHED ------- 70 SUBJECT AREAS-CHEMISTRY ~.`TOPIC TAGS--NITROGEN, AMMONIA, TITANIUWCHLORIDE. ALUqltUM BROMIDE, CHEMICAL SYNTHESIS, CHEMICAL REACTION.PIECHANISMP CHEMICAL REDUCTION MARKING--NO RESTRICTIONS ~DOCUMENT CLASS--UNCLASSIFIED PROXY.REEL/FRAME--3005/0091 STUP NO--UR/0195170/OLL/002/0333f'0341 r fRC ACCESSIOIN 1*40--APOI '37384 iC I A s s IS- r f_ c1 j I UNCLASSiFfED PROCESSING DATE--04DEC70 CIPC ACCESSION NO--AP0132384 ABSTRACT/EXTRACT--(U) GP-0- ABSTRACT. N IS CATALYTICALLY REDUCED TO NH SUB3 IN THE PRESENCE OF TICL SUB4, ALIP AND ALBR SUB3o BEST YIELD (10.7 MOLF NH SUB3 -L MOLE TICL SUB41 WAS OBTAINED AT 1:121,33 MOLE RATIO OF CATALYST MIXT. C SUB6 H SUB6 IS THE BEST SOLVENT FOR THIS REACTION BUT' THE REACTION CAN TAKE PLACE WITH COMPARATIVELY S1141LAR YIELD 01' NIH SUB3 IN THE ABSENCE OF A SOLVENTv IN FUSED ALBR SU83, AT 130DEGREES AND 100 ATM. N, 125 MOLES NH SUB3 WERE OBTAINED WITHIN U4-18 HR AT 1:300:1500 MOLE RATIO OF TICL SUB4 -LJALH SUB4 -~ALBR S083.:~ ! FOR CATALYTIC FIXATtOlN OF Nt ALOR SUB3 WHICH PARTICIPATES IN;THE BREAKING OF rl-N 13OND IS AS INDISPENSABLE AS TLCL SUB4 AND:A REDUC-Itih AGENT. FACILITY: INST. ELEMENTOORG. SOEDIN., MOSCOW, USSR . ___UNC ion Kine"tics USS : USSR UDC: 541x~:,4-2.28 R ~ 'PI11 M-YE_' IL VOLIPIN, M.YE., IIATOVSKAYA, M.A., and. SHUR V.B Inotitvte of Organo, Elemental VOL Compoundsj Ploscow, Academy of Sciencesv= Com ounds j P109-OW' "Ca "Catalytic Fixation of Nitrogen~' ,c Fixatio Moscow, Kinetika i Kataliz, Vol U, No 2, Mar-Apr 70, PP _133-341 Abstract: Compounds of transitional metals react with N2, formini- compounds of- the nitride type that yield NH on hydrolysis. While the transitional meta. compounds are effective in activating N2, fixation of N2 b-y them Is not a catalytic process, because regeneration of the compound bringing about the fixation of N2 does not take place by reason of the strong bond forated. betw-een 11 and metal. Regeneration doer, take place when a rt~ducirig agent and an aprotonic a,:id are prezent. Thus, catalytic fixation of N2 could 7be cE~,rried oul. by employir43 the system TiCli~ I Al 4 AlBr3 in the presence of benzene; by using -this Mixture, the yield of NHI could be increased to 200-300 moles per mole TiC14 aPon increasing continuousi~ the content. of AlBr- in the mixture at a conztrint amount of TiClL a-rid Al. 'Ibe reaction could also be carried out in the absence of bertaene in mol'cepl AlBr3' Chlorides of transitional metals other than Ti (ZrC14,, CrC1 . MoCl WC1.j etc) were ineffective as catalysts of ITp fixation in a C on 0 h FeC131 rea t~ f ~' is type. Other systems that brought about catalytic fixation Of 112 were Al, AlBr C6H6.TiCl2.2AlCl3, TiCI4:LiAIH4:AlBr3, and Ti(OBUX f iso-Bu3A1 t AlBr3 in Le presence of HP/ USSR UDC 531.768.oSg.62 KRASHENDUTIKOVA, T. P., SMMIKOV, V. S.) and SHUR, V. L. "Subsonic Vibration Installation With Yagnet-ic Suspension of the Movable System" Tr. Yietrol. In-tov SSSR (Works of Metrological Institutes USSR], 1972, No 139 (199), pp 77-80 (from Referativnyy Zhurnal, No 10, Oct 72. 32. 1,1etrologiya i Izmeritellnaya Tekhnika. Single Issue. Abstract No 10-32.52k) Translation: A brief description is given of the type 01V(J-2 vibration instal- lation which makes it possible to decrease the lower limit of the frequency range to 0.01 Hz, to broaden the range of reproducible acceleration from 10-7 to 200 ms-2,, and to increase by one order of magnitude the amplitude of disloca- tion. Two illustr., two biblio. refs. kc. 11tracting Service: -170 Ref. Code; CHEMICAL ABST. O;R 3 98924p Excitation ot sympathetic posqangtiopic tibors by / Potasium chloride and acetylifialine action an th,~. epic4Nium. J~hMtin, V.- V~~, ''p U b. _! (ta _Mo;cj1V. TjSSR_)_-F_F._iR_-Zft- SSFR im. L, Af., 5e;:)Znova 070, 56(l), 84-94 (Ru3s) * 'Expts:. on' a'nesthetized cats'showed elec. activity developing -in the lower' &.~rdlac nerve, du~lng irrigation of the pericardium and epicardium with solas. ~of KC1 and acetylcholine chloride. ~ KCI 31.2-500 rnAf labd iiectyleholine soIns. at 171000,ug/ml acting on'the cardiac membr'ane induced centripetal impulses, esp. the slow 'type, in the po"ripheral sec- tions of the lower cardiac nexvc-': This impulsatioh -was formed by antidromic discharges of the sympathetic postganglithic C fibess, with a rate of conduction of 0.75 m/sec. Th 1;;edishcargts seemed to result directly from K~ and "etylvholine. ;ticitat'lon. of noninyttinated fibers, DJA -1 REF,L/-FR.kME USSR MIN1KOV, G.M., UDO 621-~82-555-576 "Redistribution Along P-N Junction Of The Radiation Of Injected Light Sources Of Gallium Arsenide In A Magnetic Field" Uch.zap.Urallsk-un-t-a (Scientific Notes, Ural Univeesity), 1971, No 118, pp 45-51 (from RZh--Elektroniks i yeye RLimeqtn~jla, No 3, 1-it-irch 1972, Abstract No 0291) Translation; The paper reporte an a study of the change of intensity of Bpon- taneous radiation alona a P-n junction in a tranoverao magnetic.field as a function of the geometry of the diode, the intensity of thil wgiletic field, and the current across the sDecimen. The re'solution amounted to ~-5 microL~oter. ln the magnetic field pronounced rediatribution wan obearved of the radiation at the edges of the spec-imen, the relative magnitude of which practically did notu depend on the width of the diode, 4 fig., 8 ref. Yu.M. USSR UDC 621-375-82 CIAZER, A. A., NIKITIMAo, To F., PAIUELE-YEV, V. I., ~~ILIKOVI A. Fog POPOV, YU. M. i FOTAPOVi A. P., SELEZIMV, V. No i TAGIROV, H. 1.4 and SfiLJR,. YA. S. "Using Ws and Nd Iasers for Optical Writing on MnBI Film" Xxatklye Soobshch. pa fiz. (Brie- communications an Physics) No Ilt 19?2, pp 9-12 (fTOM M-Fizikas, 1-10 7t 19 73 Abstract lio 7DIO68) Translationt The possibility of using a GaAs semiconductor laser for record- ing informatioq on a ferrcmagnetic film of MnBi is experiment ally investirzated, Wi film 700 X thick, which han undergone cordensation ir. a vacuum on 6:1ass substrates of 0. 1-0. 2 = in thickness , is ~ used, For recording iff ormation a GaAs laser with a threshold current of 2 RMP at 770 K and a Jp-n junction width of 400,0o& is used. It is shown that the laser's minimum pumping current at which recording is possible is 80 amp, whereas the raAlation power is 20 w. Tho energy density of the radiation on the film is then 6410-9 YAk-2. With a monopulse neodyrdum laser, an evaluation of an inforzation recording tiensity equal to 2500 lines/cm is made. it is noted that the use of a semiconductor liser with a junction width not exceecLing 20.AI permits xeducikg the powe r tola fraction of a watt. Bibliography of four. JVICS 00499 1973 PRODUCTION OP HIGHLY TEXTURIZ91) PEP-MAREENT MAGUM IrRat! KhGNETICAUY PHISOTROPIC rMIDEAS jArticle by Ya~VS~t hur. L. H. Maqat. A. S. Yemolenko, N. A. R 1 Ake . A. V. Vo J~e_, eal qjg, .. v# - -Aver. EK* V. 5 y enho. :q .1'o' r~_ ~t- M- Y-e.-V-.h Prbh n ift 6'.F.W. I'; Vffr Tax pan.10 u~ *~ known c amy of Saiencc_z =Sat Sverdlovsk, rizlko' Metallov i MetallAvy4iniv-, Rucalan, Vol 35, ift 2, 19737-ou'g-- Itted 13 December 19711--pp 422-4241 In racint; years connidar,ible s%jCeo$Os have been achieved in th,3 field or dovelopinr materials for pormanont mnqnqto ovinr, to avnthesla of crmpnmd5 or the tipa Fmot (vitere H to one or the rarn-aarili a_10-itnts--yttrivin or, Vicri%un)i whIch po4roas ex- tr,)mal,s ;it;, 4,' , h valuag or the conatant of unlaxlnA~ anisotropy (~n th-go"nr or 1o7-10 erg/em3-sbe, for, example s/1 Tho-procoal* or emruractnrinr, par-qan*nb- napmta rra~ such materials to re- oy anj connacting the resultant powder. ducod to E;rlnding an all ire, 'i value or antsotropy enirry, the role H since- due to the hin, 0 r t),o mameto-.1tatle Interaction tsz~.:: out to be Insirpificont and the ngwdsr, can be compacted,without substantial law~.-rlnr or A_t,tha coircive rorco,to a density close to thd solid matorlal. All t%,o -t,'4rtLc1q2 must he criont9a ~_rlor to compaction to accim- plish'tho MaX1VWM P05111hle values. 0. narnatle anargy (it is sug- gostod that each particle is a single crystal and. oorksoquently. I?q4r1n,)ticsl1T onlaxial) and the compaction to be done In the ax-3a or a as y maGnatization along one direction so as to cr4nto the magnetic structure. can usually be achieved by moRns or placijig ths.,powder in a magnetto field* Th* main difficulty Is in nroserving the magnetic texture during the oubsonuent earn- J~ paction of the powder /2/. ~rss3ing in.motaille dles ordinaril used leads Mothodsanof 0 LTre. rhis to a al(mirie a goring or tho powder magnetic to was caused by dofa ation of the raterial in one direction (in I (I USSR 11 7". P USSR um 669.24:538.246 Y-MMAKOV A. Ye. IVANOV, 0. A., SHU,1~6,T GRECHISHKIN, Fi. 11. IVA1,OkFA. G. V., Institute o f Physics of M-_~Ials 'UNTs Academy of Sciences of the USSR, Ural State University imeni V. 1. Lenin "Magnetic Properties of Single-Crystal Nickel Powders" Sverdlovsk, Fizika Metallov i Metallovedeniye, Vol 33, No 3, Mar 72, 558-563 Abstract: The authors investigate the magnetic Prope~rt;ies of nickeI !-:inj~le crystal sphcrical pnwticles as a function. of' diu,,et(,r from to 320 rm. It is shown that as particle size increases, the ccercin,e and inductto f ma g , n first incrowic, +hen decrearw aftcir rench ri~!,a -na.0i wti. The netic ntructure gop~; through three stager. with an in particira! rize front 22 to 320 nn: superp-aramagnetic, monodomain and rolydon&in. qrpe authors thank M. Ya. CiN for procedural guidance in maiiins r.he- Dax'icles. USiR USSR UDC 669.24,538.221 IVANOV, 0. A., YEPJJAKOV, A. YE. and S1 YA, S Institute of Metal PC 111 A Physics, Ural National Center of the ~TM'90'ie, ces USSR, and Ural State University imeni A. M. Corlkiy "Temperature Dependence of Hagnetic Propexties of Fine Singlecrystal Nickel Powders" Sverdlovsk, Mika Meta2lov I Metallov6denlyal Vol 33,. No4l Apr 7Z, pp 752- 757 Abstiact: The effect of magnetostatic Interactlin or, magnetic properties has been evaluated on the basis of a study,of the temyerature dependence of magnetic properties of fine nickel poi(clers. The hnvet~tigaidon included magnetic structures from supex-para=gnetia to neatly multidomain structures in tho 220 to 3200 X interva-1. It Ras found that f6_- the over 3000K tem- perature range the rAgnatic. properties of powders ara basically datorminea by the chain-like alignment of particlea which r2sult1i In an anisotropy 0 Of the- dozmnetizing field. At temperatures below 300 X, in addition. to the indicated anisotropy, the magnetic properties axe essontially affected by the magnetoexystalline anisotropy, A pQraslble wchanlsm of'the remagnetizar tion of such. chain-like structures is discussed. A dxop of -the residua-1 USSR IVANOVO 0. A.0 et al., Mika Metallov i Jjetallovedimiya, Vol 33# Ito 4# Apr 7Z# pp 752-757 magnetization with the temperature is observed for pseudoauperpararnagnetIC particles and particles with zaximum co-ercivity at T 3000K, this drop being affected by the appearanco of the-superpara=-Oiotia phase. Apparently, The same sources cause the anomalous shape of the te.-~perature curve of coercivity with the decreazir~g size of particles* Six illustrations, four fornulas, tweleve bibliographic references, 63 - W METALS ABST. 2/710 U R 0/ Y9 33 0!93 Ordering Processes and Coercive. Force in Powder;60 Iran- SG-50 At.% Palladlum. Alloys. i Ya. S. SuWd ~~soiidlenkD L, M Ma t G S K=daurov AWWM'Tva DOV2 kra'n. Fiz. aln, i~ I I F The relau.0 tw;; I the Co r6lVe force of FQ-~-30-50 at.% Pd'alloy, powders with a parttcl~ size of 10 jim and. tim- medidd of pie~aring ne samples (e.g., by the mechanical crush! stals or by chemical depo*itioa- of the pow'4er) w~asltudiedr=zterpr6ied in terms of the ordering phenozzleila cbaracter1ring each type of inaterial. The iamples prepared by mechanical crOihing had the greatpr coer- cive force (20 kOe); the difference was, attitbuted to &fferen4a in the ystal structures of the ordered phase.-r4. A. cr SD 19650055 Thin Films USSR UDC 669.25:539. 216-2:538.24 GT,4ZM, A. A., SEERIKC7, V. V. and Institute 0-f :Ihysicz of %letals, !,Lcaderny of Sai,ences USSa, "Study of the Process of Remagnatization of 'Supercriticall Cobalt Films bv NLlclc--r Maefrietic Resonance" Sverdlovslc, Fi:,ila Mletallo-v i ifetallovedeniye, Vol 31, No 3, Mar 71, pp _529-537 Abstract: 1-0111)s Of~ cobalt films 1400 and 9000 A thick in the "super- tli- dc:pendence of spin Ocho amplitude from the field. The -rclativo. numbers of nuclei 1')articipating in the reso- lid --,~~ctra are nance, a. (j 1--terminel in the initial. st_,tc, following annealing at 470' and zt_~zcr -pair,t~c," 0 C film froill the sulbatra-te. It is established that during Ci tNOSO filrms, processes. of rotation of Magneti"ation are _:7, In S tricture in films of va~rious thicknesses was detenndm2d' -n t- a s. s of the behavior of the XMR spectra after removal of film from substl7ate_ Thin Films. USSR UDC 669.25.-,539.2L6.2:538.24 GLAZER, A. A., SERIKOV, V. V., and SHUR, YA. S,, Institute IR of -i:encd9`1d Physics of Metals, Academy of:Sc SIS "'Study of the Process of Remagnetization of 'Supercritical' Cobalt Films by Nuclear Magnetic~Resonancell Sverdlovsk, Fizika Metallov i Metallovedeniye, Vol 31, No 3, Mar 71, pp 529-537 Abstract: Hysteresis loops of cobalt films 1400 and 9000 A thick in the "super- critical" state are compared with the dependence of spin echo amplitude from the field. The gain factors, relative numbers of nuclei participating in the reso- nance, and NMR spectra are determined in the initial state, following annealing at 470' and after separation of the film from the substrate. It is established that duri 'ng switchi'ng of these films, processes of rotation of magnetization are significant. Ilie t)Te of.domain structure in films of various thicknesses was determined on the ba-%is of the behavior of the 1WR spectra after removal of film from substrate. 033 UNcLAssmEo PkOCESSING DATE-201NOV70 TITLE--COE RLIVE FORCE ANU STRUCTURE OF'AN Lk. ALLOY -U- ON PLAT I NU,.%i AUTHOR- (05 I-MAGATP L.M.t IVANOVAP G.V., SGLINAi L.V., SHCHEGOLEVA, ~HURP YA*S. 0U, -OF INFQ--USSR C sCURCE--FIZ. PETAL METALLOVED- 1970, 29(:2)t 400-3 DATE PUBLISHED7 - - - 70 SUBJECT AREAS-MATERIALS, PHYSICS IRON ALLOY, PLATINUM CONTAINING ALLOYt METAL MICROSTRUCT" TOPIC TAGS MAGNETIC COERCIVE FORCE, MAGNErIC ANISOTROPY, CRYSTALLOGRAPHY9 PLAS 1C DEFORPATICN CGNTRCL MARKING-NO RESTRICTIONS DOCUMENT CLASS-UNCLASSIFIED PKOXY REEL/FRAME--3001/0337 CIRC ACCESSICN NG--APCL2b093 um"%~' L STEP NO--UR/0126/TO/029/002/0400/C4.-n~-~ 2& 033 UNCLASSIFIEO PROCESSING DArE-20NOV700 CIRC ACCESSION NG--AP0126093 ABSTRACT/EXTkACT--(Ul GP-0- ABSTRACT. THE STRUCTURE WAS STUDIED FOR FEIPT ALLOYS WITH A HIGH COERCIVE FORCE. THE EFFECT IWAS STUDIEO G~z PLASTIC DEFGkMATION AND TEMPERING ON THE COERCIVE FORCE. IN A 11-1. ALLOYt ThE MAX. COERCIVE FORCE OCCURRED IN THE SINGLE PHASE ORDERED SrATE. THE SIZE OF THE TETAAGONAL PHASE CRYSTALLLTES (FOR A MAGNETI'g CRYSTALLLGRAPHIC, ANISOTROPY CONST. OF THE ORDER OF 10 PRIME7 ERGS-C3 PRIME3) IS THE MAIN FACTOR DETG. THE VALUE OF THE COERCIVE FORCE. FACILITY., INST. FIZ. METAL*r SVEROLCVSK* U~SR. UNCLASSIFIED Ussi 66q.i:54,8.:0-53B SHUR, YA. S., ZAY.KOVA, V. A. ani MM, YE. B., Institute of Vetal Physics, 101, ~C~Sciences USSR "Doiriain Structure in Single Crystals of Silicon Iron in it Variable 'r~agnetic Field" Sverdlovsk, Fizika Metallov i 'Metallovedeniye, Vol 29, No 4, Apr 70, r1) 770-76 Abstract: A study was made to investigate the behavior of the a0main crtructure in a variable maGnetic field in relation to the induction azq)litude. Saz.-,n1e5 were icon iron Si) measuring 50 x 5 x 0-3 M Whose 13=f~-ces were close strips of sil to the (011) crystal plane. Silicon iron war, used because there is a nore eoz, plete chanr- in the dozain struc-utwe in quasistatic field-7s, whic~i Gignificantlf sinplified the study. The surfaces of the saraples were Pr-cimnically polished and vacuum annealed at 1100 C for two hours. Observations of the single crystals showed that do~Tzin stnicture beha:.rior in variable fields depends an -the -migaltude of irz4netic inductlon At E~,~ 50 RZ, six dozains were observed. The width of the dozmiim rer..-Lined fairly con- stant 'anti! a Btax Of 11,500 Htz -was induced. At, 1~-- 800 Zz the nur2ber of domains increased to eight, and at. 15,000 there were nine domaims. The new domains formed along the edge of the surfaces, parallel to t1he (103] ax.Ls. Upon approach- 1~g the saturation point the domain structure again charu;e-l, so that at B, 1/2 f, ~tg 1111 M111. ~11110 11 MIFFMI-1 USSR SHUR, Y.A. S., et al., Fizika Metallov i ivetallovedeniye, Vol. 29, 1 APX- 70, -io 4, 770-770' 17,000 Hz only three domains vere noted. According to the authors, magnetic (poLarity) reversta in a dynamic mode Crom r differs substantially 1 nagnetic reversal in the quasi-static mode and, in. relation to the magnitude of B.,,, can proceed by three r"ethods. At sxall values of one observes a fluctuation of 1800 domain boundaries noar their equili- brium position (Method I). At higher values of Bmax-9 along with the boundary fluctuations, the number of domains increases (Mathod 11).# At the saturation ing of domain bowidaries from the side sin-faces to the center point there is a shilt (Mathod III). 2/2 Oll t!I. I Oi I.; 13"It o Ji -fl-- v en.. -,:ill ra: Ji 111:'1'!; . r. ~ -:, ;,. ) '~ hu, f! .3 Id, 4V7 ik AP91 _9 05 6 i 117 USSR uDc 669-76:538-2121 YER14AKOV, A. Ye., IVANOV, 0. A., and,, institute of Physics of Metals,, Ural National Center of the ACRAMYNAIP'Scienc-68 USSR, and Ural State University imeni A. M. Gor1kiy "Rotational Hysteresis in Single Crystal Nickel Powders" Sverdlovsk, Fizika Metallov i Metallovedeniye., Vol 33, No 6, Jun 72, pp 1182 1187 Abstract: A study was made of the temperature dependence of rotational hysteresis in sir-.-le-crystal nickel powders with 220-3ROOR particle diaeters. The magnetic properties of nickel powders were found to be related to the effec- tive constant of ma6netic anisotropy produced by magnetic interaction of par- ticles. The remagnetization mechanism of nickel.powders for 300 and 450 OK remains constant, bu~ the magnetic anisotropy constant for these tem-peratumag respectively the type of remagnetiza- takes values of 5-10 erg/cm3 and zero, r. 5 tion in nickel powders with particle sizes of d -/- 1100 X can'be qualit~--tively .proxirmation of the "twisting" and the diain m els of pheres. explained by ap ad s In powders with d > 110j) F particle sizes) the character of -remagnet ization is more complex. The exchange anisotropy, dependent oa the presence of MO, vas found to have no effect on mRgneti-- properties. Five figures, fourteen bibliographic references. 24 tqh0043313- UR 0482 Soviet Inventions Illustrated, Section II Electrical, Derwent, F24 3054 TRANSE2.FtffR SUI!,VATIEN Limits artificial sho:t ciftuit' currents. In a~s.irjplified schene no circuit breiiker is employed on4he high voltag-a side and protection in case of tr,ansformer damage Ir, achieved by a shorting &,witch the operation of -.7hich causes the feeding substation to switch off. rhe magnitude of short circuit curient'is limited by using a reactor in the circuit of thp-~hortirig switch. 1~ is shown that one such arrangement is suificie(jt for a substation irrespective of thp number of traits f ormtr:s. 20.6-67 as 1167076/24-7. YU.B.StU tit 16/ 5~5.69. Class 210. 1nt-fF9M'2j, -AA0043313 USSR SHURA-BURA, M. R. "Materials of the International Discussion on "Programmting in the 1970's" -2. Tr. 2-y Vses. Konf. po Programmix., 1970, Dokl. in. Uchastnikov KP J. V IVKP-2 Works of Second All-Union Conference on Progrwiming, 1970, Reports of Foreign Participants -- Collection of Works], Novosibirsk, 1971, pp 78- 127, CTranslated from Referativnyy Z-hurnal, KibernetiRa, No 2, 1972, Ab- stract, No 2 V659 by V. Mikheyev). Translation: The materials contain the following articles: M. R. Shura- Bura (USSR), Prospects for Utilization of Hachine-Orlented Algorithmic Language for Utilization of Many.Problem-Oriented Algorithmic Languages in Programming; A. P. Yershov (USSR), Ilie Compatability of Software; F. 1,. Bauer, Programming in the 1970's; S. S. Lavrov, Unive'rsal Expandable Lan- guage as a Bases for Creation of Specialized Prograrm-ming Systens; L. Bolier, (France), Teaching of Prograrmaing in Secondary Schools; J. Koch (USA), Pos- sible Influence of Progress in Machine Technology on Programming; John Mac- Carthy (USA), Advertising the Mathematical Theory of Commnutation; 11. TIthiel (CDR), The Use of Methods of Mathematical Logic in Programming; L. Nolan (France), Is Programing a Science. Comments on the presentations and answers to questions are also included, Ileut Treetment USSR UDo 621 - 791 - 65 C- .3 620 .393 -1 L 11 YIMCM- lim" -~nu F. S C_;~ 1-1 M; -1 KO, L., AZAFGV., G. j., ~G. and S. A. Effect o f Heat Treat=enl- or, the Stx7icture -and Corrosion Resistance of the Metal In the Heat-Aff-Icte"d Zone of icints of ~T_lCE_IICT Stecj" Kiev, Avto ticheskaya Svurka, !~To 6, Jun 71, im a-11 Abstract: 4- udies were e on joints 0? 22;ChlC-l'-V" u in -1 Vith EL wall! by ari~on-arc -wel'~-*_:-.~. ter a poztion. ol- tL---, Jol'nts 700CC' f'c_- 2,110, IC-"), 100'~ the v'or -,a knife of ~~:;Js -_'.used by p alon- the g_af~i 10-100 hour- l'-f" the. appcaraF_-z,~2 Tr C~~., carbon, I_nirr- 'bonded in carbide- 0-~' 4-.; allstenite 'e 77 741 YURMOIUM, Y-LT. F.; et-al, Kiev, Avtomatichcclhaya Svarl:-%, "No Jun 71, 2-11 corrosion. This hr-- br-~-n associated %, a:change in the tj-e of ')f titanium in tii-:--, -distrib ti---)n sr-I rem-) ell 4-;Ie stresses, eli-aamation of concentr.,.%.tici, of austenite in gra-in and, in -"heir I~Dund;?ries. Tncrearsin,~ cuen----'-irll~ temDerature leadr, to '=-.~~=ni-'-~,atlon of all zones of th-:~ -it s corrosion; Feheati 0 Joint and ureve- 11 f r inl~ c-~bcve increases the ra-tc: o~- corro.-Acn. 7 figurcs, 2 bfb!'Iograr~hic~-! refe::'-'enc~~ P/ to USSR ZEMLYANSKIY, A., SHURAKOV, V. ,"Automatic Distribution of Memory in Data Processing Systems" Elektronno-Vychisl. Tekhn. i Programmir. [Electronic COBIPLIt-Cl' Equipment and Programming -- Collection of Works), No 5, II-loscow, St;'Ltistika Press, 1972, pp 36-42 (Translated from Referativnyy Zhurnal Kibernetika, No 4, 1973, Abstract No 4V643, by the authors). Translation: The version of automatic distribution of menio,i,y sugges-ted is recommended for information processing systems using the Minsk-23 computer. USSR UDC:681.3-06:51 SHUMOV, V. "Software for the ~bdern Computer" Tr. Mosk. ekon. stat. in-ta (Transactions of the Moscow Economics Statistics Institute) Part 1, 1973, pp 3-21 (from RZ!-.--Avtomatika,-telemekhanika i vychislitellnaya tekhnika, No 12, 1973, Absitract No 12B135) Translation: Given is a classification of the forms of software for the electronic computer. The characteristic for the three fundamental groups of software elements -- tested programs, programming systems and data preparation, and the operational system -- is shown. The peculiarities of machine, pro- cedural, problem, and auxiliary systems of programming -.qre considered, and a classification is made of the operational syBtem (by thlij method of using the computer, the group of languages, and the presence and possibilities of broadening a single internal language). Functions of individual components of the operational s%ystem are presented. A classification and a brief description of special software (packets for broadening the possibilities of the operational system and packets of applied Programs) are presented. Four illiistrations, bibliography of three. 28 TP.M uDc 6 ~i :~.oA. h24: 591-18+591 -881 a10U,_Zb__E., BURMISTROV;P Yu. m., rvoMIKOVA., Z. P., EL-ICUV~., G. A., rns-vitute of Hir Tervous Actf ity and Neurophysioloa of the USSR Acadenly ~,her N of Sciences, MDscow "Circulation of Nerve Impulses in the Cerebral Cortex" Ibscow, Uspekhi Fiziologicheskikh Naulk, Vol 41, No 2, 1973, PP 42-54 Abstract: 'The basic laws characteristic of multiple pulse discharges arising, as a result of the eircula",ion of excitation in the sy;-Aei:1 of so-called lateral giant axons of the"river crayfish which is a closed cha-in of a linut-ad number (4-1p) of neurons. In the effort to extend these laws to the neuron activity of the brain of a rabbit it turned out that 1) there are still no reliable cLata either for or afainst the propw3ition of the participation of reverberation processes in the f;enesis of the bacl%round activity of the cor- tical ncuronB; 2) Vie cointrilbution of these procespes to, the rjrj~:aaization of the neuroa reoponoe to direct electrical atimilation iindev LhQ eonditions of the Intact corte_- haz very low probability; I) on the contrary, the proposition is rinde of the presence of the e7citation circulation prceesaes in the ortrani- zation of the reaction to an analogous stirmi-lation in a neuronal-ly isolated strip of the cortex. The conclusion vith respect to the rossibility of circula- t~on of an excitation in an isolated strip is based entin~%ly on recording the 1/2 SHURANOVA., Zh- P., et al., U3Dekhi Fiziologicheskikh Nauk., Vol No 2, 3-973, PP 42-54 activity of individual neurons. It was shown that this rrechanism probably begins during the recovery period after the irfaibition interral. There is no absolute proof that the post-inhibition activation in the strip takes place by the reverberation mechanism] but the sioilarity of the group discharges of the neurons of the strip to the well investigated activity of the reverberation nature mak-es the proposition probable. An additional stinilation administered against the background of trace discharge,of a neuron :L'anediately sto-pped the pulsation. Three possibie interpretations of this fact are :presented. 2/2 USSR IIDIC; V T 'I GC!)_I_.l-'_,IViUM Detector" Mos caa 10 x(I 6, 1971, pp AbS t r.,; ct: T11-a c f7z:cLon~t dct=~dnizq, t h C'. r ~M~ )-'esalutioll of 'I;CTAc0I!,i detec-Lors. ~rc f-:", ZI SI, C)- S4 III C) circul; ~C~;Inonc L S n-.!p,-._tudc inad 3) OIL' the r c: o -C; 1 ~1_ c"n or of fren- ca, v -Zt! Z:.; wvre cans::(!( rc.Ll -d-I-elci-dii- thr p- 1)"11.1"Itip (:~;,j 011 5 n (A I-Alc o' L_hz r0 On Lhe from 3 r Tt'l a ~-c~r a !_Iilcl of. 2.2 11, t:lr, ene rt,,, o if c t ('I I \'j).1 to". ilik, "'I'lLh. of Chp c c, i T. c j d 0 curve 7 t I I C, I v c, of, Jts height I.;!S J~.5 r, an, -4!1 ,()T t Li.,L rcs c n of 0.93 ul:~ unergy rang(lo -SSINV ()NOV70 __112 0 16 UNCLASSI FIED PROC.1z G OATE--2 -REAF-TIGN OF SODIUM AND POTASSIUM NITRITES, NMATES:MULYBDATES, AND T-UNGSTATES IN MELTS AND IN THE SOLID STAiTIE ~U- _AluYHGR-(02)-SHURL)UPQV, G.K., KHOKONOVAI TI N'. ccu-tTRY OF INFO--USSR SOURC E- Z H. NEC-G. KH I V, .L7 0 1'57(-3') 843_5 ..'.DATE TUBLISHEU ------- 70 UdJECT AREAS--CHEMISTRY .:TGPIC TAGS--EUTECTIC, CHEMICAL REACTION, $ODIU14 COMPOUND, NITRATE, -LYc3GATEv FU5ED SALTo POTASSIU14 COMPOUND# PHASE M G ZIAGRAM ~CGNIRQL MAR-KING-NO RESTRICTIONS ,~.DOCUMENT CLASS-UNCLASSIFIED ~'_RAOXY REEL/FR.AME--3C0I/0368 STEP NO--UR/0078/IGI/015/003/0843ifOB45 ~C IRC. ACCESSICN NC--AP01261Z3 LIN` L kS 5 1 ,2/2 016 UNCLASSIFIED PROCESSING DATE-20NOV70 -.GIRC~ACCESSIGN 110--AP0126123 ABSTRACTIEXTRACT--[U) GP-0- ABSTRACT. PHASE GIACRAIRS OF B I N -~RY ISYSTEMS I 14NO SU83 M SUI12 MOO SUb4 (M EQUALS NAP K) , MNG SIA1.2 M Sl.lb2 i0 SUB4, MNL NO SU63 M SUBZ W3 :UB4 -1Z P, SU83 M SUB2 MOO SU649 AND Mil' 1~ E -SL JEO AT 15-25 FICLE PERCENT r-lGLY6CATE [OR TOINIGSTATE) AN-9 N T OMPON NTS OF THE SIGNII-ICA, DECCMPN. ANU VULATELITY OF. THE LOW tir- c- E SY.STEM ARE OBSO. ALL OF THE SYSTEMS F'ORM EOTECTICIS AT; LOW (SMALLFR THAN :10, HOLE PL.RGENT) CLINC.N-5. OF MNO SUB2 OR MING SIJ830 FAC I L ITY: KABARDING-BALKAR. GOS. U,`41V.,.NALCHlKjl USSR. Wit LA S S I F I Z 0 -.USS11- S.HURENKOV, V. M. "Representation of Arbitrary Random Sequence By Mirkov C'hainll Teoriya Verovatnestey j Mat. Statist. Me-zhved. Nauch. Sb, ITheory of P-robal)-ili- ties and Mathematical Statistics. Indepartiiiental Scienlific Collection], 1970, No 3, pp 232-239, (Translated from Referativnir), Zhurn.0. K-iberm-Lika, No. S, 19,71, Abstract No. 5V53 by the author). Translation: Proof is presented for a theorem of the possibility of construc- tion for in a sequence of random quantities (~n, n > 1) a sequence of rando-.1 quantities (n , n > 1) , forming a Markov chain, such tbat random qualitity n 11 is melsurable relative to the a algebra generated b~,~)-andom qmintitie!; n 1 2) ... n' USSR uDc 621,039-524.034.3,621,039.526 IMAHM, A. K. TIESTERINKO, V. B. , KOLMIATI, L. I., BUB:'IIOV, V. P., IVIN, A. YA., SIIIZOVI V. P., SHURFR j "E~cperlmental Power Plant vith a Gas Cooled Fast-Ifeutroa Reactor and a Dissoci- ating Heat Transfer Agent (BRG-20)" Dissotsiirwushch. raz,,r kak tenlonositelii rab-.-t-cl a0IA9-r-E---P,2tanovok - V sb. FD17S~O-C-Iazin.-, Gases as Heat Transfer AgurtLs and the 'dor,xing of Power Plants - Collection of Works), Uinsk, Nauka i Tekhn. Press, 11070, PP 142-47 (from RZIi-Elektrotekbnika. i Energetik , No 5, May 1971, Abstract No 5U107) Translation: The possibility of creating an experimental industrial atromic pawer plant -vyith a gas-ccoled fast neutron reactor and a dissociating heat exch=nge agent is investigated. The parameters of the device and the required volume of experi-mental research are discussed. There are two illustrations and 'a four-entry bibliography.. 1/2 019 'UNCLASSIFtO :PROCESSING DATE--27NOV70 TITLE--PHASE DIAGRAMS OF LITHIUM SODIUMt POTASSIUM, RUBIDIUMv CESIU14, llNtllrBROMIDE SYSI'EMS -U- AUTHOR-102)-BELYEYEV, I.N., SHURG11NOVt YE.At COUNTRY OF INFO--USSR -5. __:SOURCE--ZH. NEORG. KHIM. 19707 1513)t 883 '~,._OA.TE PUBLISHEO ------- 70 ~SURJECT ARPAS--CHEM 13 TRY TOPIC. TAGS---PFlASF DIAG~0M, LITHIUM C0,14POUNDl RUB101k)"', COMPOUND9 CESiUM COMPOUND, S00fUl-1 CWAVOUNOr. PUTASSIUM GUMPOUNDe Tlill COMPOUND, BROMIDE, THERMOGRAPHIC ANALYSISs EUTECT-IC CCNTROL IMARKING--NO RESTRICTIONS D CC UM Ez N T. C L A S S - - UN C L A S S I F I E 1) :.'-.PROXY. Rrl-El-/FRAME--3001/0449 GIRC ACCESSION NO--APO,126201 UNCLASSIFIED STEP NO--UiZ/00713/7~0/015/003/0883/0885 -0 101 11 4 ''Illtlw 77. 2/2 019 CIRC ACCESSION NO--AP0126201 UNCLASSI F* ': IEO PROCESS&MG DATE-27-NOV70 :-ABSTRACT/EXTRACT-M GP-0- ABSTRACT.. PHASE UlArot',AAS 13t: klBRrSNBR SUB2 (M EQUALS K, R3, AND CS) ARE CONSTRUCTED USING VISW~L POLYTHERMIC Afu) N D THERMOGRAPH[C METHODS. EACH SYSTEM HAS 2 EUTECTUCS, 'aNE DYSTECTIC, All 0,NE TRANSITION POINT, COMM. OF SOLID PHASES OF THE SYSTEAS IF TABULATED. UNCLASSIFIED USSR SHLYRIN, A. K., Poroshkovaya Irfetallurgiya, N'O 1, Jan 73, pp, stable equilibrium between metal A and phase BmC. Group IV was chaiacterized bv limited mutual solibility of the components and phases of the system and by the formation of ternary compounds in most cases and, mainly, by the -absence of equilibrium between metal A and any of the phases in the B-C System. Ile conditions for choosing ternary compounds were det-2rmined for the case where the chemical interaction between the base nwtal and interstitial phase is,minimum for the solid state at high temperatures. 2 figures. 0 Cie L -I TWO --CS of ~jeta 'Jute C Terna Tlals tquilibrla In Osite~ late 1P? 5()-53 lip'nase. b IVY Ci co-mip 01, ja~ft 13s -0 "~Iiicll "1'3taaCjA - 11 JOC .7rar-t:' tile e to'P 'it, me OM lhl~.Ov all a de Of tetnav-l egative _. tLo"O.Lk 3t k aud G ~Iectvo' . P0-1 o,,teut5 ' o-re V_ 5 -'j a5 . - OE Naal, -is Val, leule"t VL Ples Y t tial. e L41. et, . r tile let - Irted in ecItic, IP Cj%'-jc1 toLl trac .11terst-l- ala , a A_ato ,kb s ar Iti-, ,ere isl tk-L~_' SP vert~'~ oap d :30 a r- S's augie, all, P051 t _,jase thLs 11:1S &1:aIrs te . h C-:)a- the tuose 17roal ud the dial a-~t wit at jze(j by te I.P P'-C au-61p- itiou dete alued caa-rac T vc).re rt(Y.) e OE the IT Were t-Caus ~je has Alp rairs ea Gro 'Were tucture- I dia?, t~,jeeil 'Laj. ..v, fir. C' coup I I C 811 be bility diagy, ob ic- "01.11 N is t S to-aps - r iwa e, - the It '.P 13,ibr -is OE L SLI1.1 basi-c 0 be . ave Orl G tvep-" X11 eq%3 the b X5 1,4o V.4 oil bot.,h Y) 111C asp . -L Ct'j t1jP Tj)rL!_A It" vv' by d b'J a re"HIP too. ('1COUP jx;lCoOt loa nd .91:11'alry ," -ep 4 'jerc C . - C"(;'* j-'Ose &Ll _r. jag i C, tj-'e. Wjs solia Or r_.~ c, but - ' .1-1 djagTO ases c OnsiE,ts metals ~' and GrOIA) L 'LLS alld 11 -1 'rvoncl ,\"b co, oulid- COT5, lity f tlie USSR UDC 669.26 -293,297-OL7.13 N SVECHNIKOV, V. N., S IN AL. K.~ and ALFINTSEVA, R. A., Institute U 0~ C;C of Metal Physcis, Aecad'~emvyo ciences Ukr SSa "Investigation of Phase Equilibria in Alloys cif the Molybdenum- p Niobium-Hafnium System" Kiev, Metallofizika, No 32, 1970, pp 25-27 Translation: The phase composition of molybdenum-niobium-hafnium alloys was studied by methods of metallographic, x-ray structural, and durometric analysis. Xsothermal sections of a triple phase diagram at; temperatures of 18000 and 15000 C vere coristructed. The.composition's effect on the hardness and parameter of the crystal lattice of a solid solutioti.with a body-centered cubic lattice was determined. A3 -1/2 028 UNCLASSIFr'Eb P'ROCESSING DATE--18SEP70 ,j~L%E--SOLUSILITY OF OXYGEN !N NIOBIUM AND ZIRCONIOM ALLOYS -U- A.K., LOKTIONOVI V. A.- .~'COUNTRY OF INFO--USSR ~'SOURCE-IZV. AKAD. NAUK 1970, (1), 231-3 SSSRt METAL. ~~:.DATE PUBLISHED ------- 70 SUBJECT AREAS--MATERIALS JOPTC TAGS--SOLUBILITYr OXYGENt NIOBIUM ALLOYP ZIRCONIUM ALLOY, HARDNESS, CRYSTAL STRUCTURE ,~..-,C~ONTROL MARKING--NO RESTRICTIONS UDOCUMENT CLASS--UNCLASSIFIEO PROXY REELIFRAME--1980/1276 STEP NO--UR/0370/70/0001001/0231/0233 I.,CIRC ACCESSION ND-AP0049~38 UNCLASSIF [E0 A lion 2/2 028 UNCLASSI FlEd PROCESSING DATE--18SEP70 CIRC ACCESSION NO--AP0049438 ABSTRACT/EXTRACT--(U) GP-0- ABSTRACT. THE ALLOYS WERE ANNEALED IN Ng CONTAINERS IN A VACUUM FURNACE AT 1600DEGREES FOR 1.00 HR AND THEN AT 10DODEGREES FOR 100 HR. THE 0 CONTENT IN THE SAMPLES VARIED FROM 0.025 TO 20 ATOM PERCENT. THE 14 CONTENT WAS LESS THAN 0+003 WT. PERCENT, THE 'H,'CONTENT WAS 10-15CM PRIME3-100 Gr AND THE ZR CONTENT VARIED FROM 0.4 TO 33 ATOM PERCENT. THE SOLY. OF 0 IN PURE NB ATTAINS 5 ATOM PERCENT AT 1000DEGREES. AFTER SMALL ZR ADDNS* THE SOLY. DROPS SHARPLY. WITH 0.4 ATOM PERCENT ZR, THE 0 SOLY. IS LESS THAN 0.025 Atb?4 PERCENT AND THIS VALUE DOES NOT CHANGE WITH INCREASE IN ZR CONTENT TO 5.7 ATOM PERCENT. 'AT 1600DEGREES9 THE SOLY. OF.0 IN NB IS:SOMEWHAT HIGHER BUT THE EFFECT -OF-THE ZR ADDN. IS THE SAME. THE ZRO SUB2 CRYSTALS, ARE GRAY BLUE AND ARE -FOUND WITHIN THE GRAINS AND AT THE GRAIN BOUNDARIES. IN ALLOYS WITH A COMPN. IN THE 2 PHASE REGION IN THE NB:RICH PORTION OF THE NB ZRO SUB2 THE CHANGE IN THE SOLY. OF 0 IN -SYSTEMt A EUTECTIC STRUCTURE.IS 0851). T4E ALLOYS STUDIED MAKES IT. POSSIBLE TO EXPLAIN THE CHANGE IN HARDNESS OF NS WHEN, IT IS DEOXIDIZEDwWITH ZR* uric L I- C 511f, 1 E D - USSR UDC: 1% 6'2-546.8 lastitute of Incrganic Chemistry, Si- M.UISKIY, D. S berian Department. of e a W of Sciences of the U-91. "A Check Valve for up to 20 kbar". '91 Mfosevr, Prib-cry i Tekhrtika Ek!;i~=imepta, No 2, Max-/Apr Abstract: The article describes a clieck vpIve for un, to 20 Ibar with contact surfaces. The valve is diagrar~med in the The vfIlve body 2 is made of hardened JqiVG stecU Euid has a shut-off orifice of 3.5 n-.i. 7ne orifice is closed by cap 7 prestressed vith low fOrce by platc- sprizig 5 and centered in sleeve )t which is, held in the vEi2ve tody by rcreia, The valve body is held in the high-pressure Oiannol by nul-, 3. ~:--.nd. sei~-Ied by berylliLun brorize end. te-flon .-ingli 3. Dents mid scratches on thc uorking eonprimd~ Test., surface- rjf the Yalve cap crin bc- u6r!~(.!d nut vith app-I ii with glycerin Emd 111,~3-5 liquid relia-ble One.figuzre, bibliography of two 'titles. W. PROCESS ING L AS S I F I E 0 7 Q*j L~ t I% tE L I C PRUCC-SSE!; lN 'INE THOR- I i-PANYA' F, PG_S PEL(JVh YE.P., Y,-,RLYMJVAj YE I -YU'-l I iliA j YE . N 5HUKKALi[,,,., r,KH., ~GURC E-- LK SP IKH I R . AiN T E Z I UL . 1970, 151 1;) 0- 4 ,:,-:DA rE -PU3L ANJ AIEDICAL SCIENCES f. OPIC TA' ':----FX T14AN -i E I L A S I MUA~COLAk t GHT ItLj()'O -1A, 61-WiLl CHEMISTRY,, PRUTE11%, t I hR' I N 0 G EN CALC 10M COMROUN0, 3LOOP, VOLUME MYOCARDIUM, LhZYME -ACT I v I Ty U4 T P. C L i f',G -NO R r S T 4'~ 1 G T I C NS iD C'. r C C L I t: I i-- "i J Y R L E L I L-- 3(l 0 4 C 4 S r- EP jNKJ - - 0 R 0 If 6 1 7 0 L 13 CJ 0 11 L) G 4 0 0 G 4 4 N C I i. L FE-1-i (127 U;,,'i-.L ASS IF I Eo PRO CE S S UIR; DA T E-- V 7 C 2 CIRC AC', -Sl,-N" NO- E AA S T kAC T kH, t- - P 6 LY 6 L UC I A( Aj,'H;M 1'1' C E 0 T I CL A I Ai'-* TF)( 1 -l'.T - -u 6 p - C - PRE F~j. (A C-LXTKAN, 'V-14if 'i,T. 01)) 6S Af 10, AND 30 SLIGHT AiNO AT 50.iv, G-K(i T HE LICNCN. tlF TOTAL 1K 0 f L f ; .1 S17WRING(JEN, MID CA PRI;',k~2 11CSITIVE 1-N PLA-S;iA; A I I' A.N S f E N T50 P,-:~ c E P4 rI N'r, R E~ A S EIN THE VUL. OF UkCULATING 3LJ(jD WAS ALSO- C'-SO. ..AT 5C A 50PFRCE~J: f"ECREASE IN THE, L X I (D) k r It V E N-IC-SPHUr"iRY L A T I C-N OF INYC;(~ AR' G I AL. T IS SU E ANO j) 15 TUR3 ANG t: S i-,F htF ELEC r~CILYTE ~6ALANCE FAC I L I TY: JNST. SLRL)E(fl.NO-SLSU,)lSTO[ KHIR. 11" EVIDENT. 1/2 017 UNCL-ASSIFIED~ PROCESS4NG DATE--230CT70 ..-TITLE--INFRARED SPECTROSCOPIC STUDY OF NITRATES OF SOME METALS IN ACETONE WATER SOLUTIONS -U- AUTHOR-(02)-SHEVCHENKO, L.L., SHURKHAL, T. M. -'~..,tOUNTIPY OF INFO--USSR :,_S0URCE--UKR. KHIM. ZH. 1970, 36(2), 199-203 DATE PUBLISHED ------- 70 AR E A S--C HE M 1 S-TRY TAGS--IR SPECTROSCOPYr NITRATEt ACETONE ,:C,ONTROL MARKING-NO RESTRICTIONS :~DOCUMENT CLASS--UNCLASSIFIED .,PROXY REEL/FRAME--1996/1921 STEP Ni)--UR/0073/70/036/002/0199/0203 ~_CIRC ACCESSION NO--AP0113,883 UNC I-ASS I F lEQ SSING DATE--230CT70 2 017 UNCLASSIFIED PROCI: -CIRC ACCESSION NO--AP0118883 AqSTRACT/EXTRACT--(U) GP-O- ABSTPACT. THE Nl SUB3 A3S(J;ZPT[t)N AT 1390 CM PRIME NEGATIVE 1 IS ATTRIBUTED TO THE SUBCAMMA3 IEPA[ME) V113RATION OF THE D SU83H SYSTEM. THIS IS CHARACTERISTIC OF A FREE STANDING NO SUB3 PRI14E NEGATIVE ION AND DECREASES IN INTENSI TY AS TH6 !A10 SOB3 PRIME ,.~NEGATIVE IS MORE FIRMLY COORDINATED TO A CATION INTO A SYSTEM OF C SU32V SYMMETRY. ALTHOUGH kt4HYD. CO (NO SUE33) SUB2 AND CD111-40 SU83) SU82 SEEM TO POSSESS-0 SUB3 PRIME NEGATIVE OF D SUB3H SYMm;ETR'(, THEIR AQ. SOLNS. SHOW P1166-RESSIVE SHIFTS TOWARD f-fC SU62V SYMMETRY AS MF SUB2 CO IS ADDED. :TH(NO SUB3) SU84.4H SIJ82 0 AS ~-,,SOLID HAS NO SUB3 PRIME NEGATIVE IONS OF C SUB2V SYM14FT", flUT IN SOLN.~,SGAE OF T14E D SU82H rvPE ARE PRESENT. JHESE DECREASE IN NO-"S ME SUB'12CO IS ADDED. AT. THE SAME ME SUB2co CONCN. THE ORDER OF DECREASING C\SU62V SYMMETRY IS TH, GO, CO, IN, ME S-UB2CO SOLNS. CONTG. CO(Np SWI-12 -SUB2 AND tD(NO SU33)' SUB-~ THE CARGONYL STRETCH OF ME SUB2 CO I S"Y~,J-S PLACED FROM IT09 TO 16741-1 C14 PRIME NEGATIVEI. FACILITY.' KIEV. GOS. UNIV* IM. SHEYCHEN110, KIEVP USSR VSY,;IIC-I'IIYSl0LWlCAL TESTTSG i,Mv TRAINING [Artlcl~ Ly V. S", rl---, I-Thc Scvcuth Chu~k-~ut: Ail cn t',~ I--- --*;I. I U---, "41 L" ;TZ-, '; 17 :)~ccmbar 19?2. p 41 "Aft,~r cwinty aecorda ar. clectri~ shock will hity~;... the sQirchlight Jr bItnding..." "Lamps of different colors will. light up tin the dtsp4y and y~~ =UbL react to each e, ;;Nt~. "Ill th-i njeWe of the tix=, lil;ht leadez La. switched on-" "The experimenter will obrc~rvc your mtmickii%& And coordiluition of morion. The instruments vill fix the rapidity of reaction And the quantity of errors. lit aluist. kt~ow about all th4s in ar.',zr tia prr-.ent any unexpected eventa. Ist drwn comfortilbly In a chair, f3aten oil my ler-~ am a ~lt- with clectzodes, n-A-ch on the motor -ind watch to r4,o what hAn:.-r-. trAiner resembles the cabin of a cortrat aircraft, (Vom V%Wi or,ly ZI!, Atr~.Aent pallels have becii removed. A 110rFle white boArd 1~ cl~ar;y abrad, through the croili-wires of the el~ctrrmLc A title ith acute and blunt ongles is instr4bed on Jr. I.Jkc r, ~1~, '&Iy 01'angLng the ~)ositiun of tho croining device In ~~aco liv rrr~:)i, ,i pedals aud control levera. it is necessary to repeat be-JS Of LIqS fat curve and, when reachinz th~ 14st poinc, ver it, Only 58 seconds are a,,signcd fct' the you rise nnd descend, turning the Maining deViC4 to the right o~ :ie'.." simultaneously switching off suddonly Mashing lamps, ;' - c ommind, an It lie experimenters inv e,' t I itat e your cmirc"Iria t j 1 j-4 emotImInI FitAbIlIty, LIIL- floxibillty of yuur fiemm" N'li.141"i -1 your rea~tlo im, and the productivity uf yotir rcnt~%I tirtIvIty, t rvi,;,, we have bvun!" :,,,I! -!i, wirro I I ~V' C ..:,, A I'l, L'-'. --i j;7'~Zrr 1:' wircs of -lie W- ;' 6.. i't,-1:U"' an. tne .1irSL 4ccondt, of i1o. device v_"'. to 1".7': th,- htjlli~~r iinrviw~ acl ivity .1:1d LE'n 1 mom)L---- of ~t, will try to UrIL(, WiCh tit, $::L-d I n :1 z , - ~ . orle "7'd tile '~lrv lettern "o" a;),! "-I" an~! !;~ .' '. i:,-. C' L trltd to whitiivr tile arrovs ~_~ 5i -1i r,i 2.,bcr dOZ,-nS f 111:01 m,,1):PtC-~`1Y 3";'.4arA z::; And .1H thin, .1r1cV -rr"t 1111:~~":-". e .JrJbt'r' K.11 1_ W l1 on it ru' JLl n,; 6L- imd on !46ii-, P-1-1- ha-:: bcor.11 '17-r Ua -;,7 - Roz-czrch !"b(trAzory of thr in"Li tete ia,cn- ?.F. Lzvg',lfr will be serious. Ilut now cvaryone dra~.rA - b-me i Flior 'ir nAut rzandatOrIly pASSeS Chrouelt a p.%y~ho'cZ;tcal ;g nvl. t1kc fz~21t_uri, but a r-v~r, tt-,-~ Let en C~nzzzr pbychological rantures 0: a p~r~~Ei are extra aiid lie can adapt to zh_- ovc-twhQlaiing )_~ profcx~~anv, rz, ';., ,:..n control n Akiporsonic artchine. It --u ;~-.PciFoly t~- blCM Of th3 iiRCtrtalrUlleTlL of Lbe pr-,c'rc criccrzZa Oo,:~Ordin~. L~ ~1__!! e6timate of the. personality and its p4y~hological faiture. miy be zz:e- pllahe4l that is bcc=irZ c.;pccially azure. But in wlt.)L, espcei,111y, lies 014 ~rtL-.iCy Of thia priblcz", -_ ,Zt Dr.hait+-.arov and we did tome calculationz. Dt;ring World War 111 ;.~Zc ~r,~ USiV-' SPLCial ttl6tli tQ deterninv tile Cdpa~~ilities an?. 4ncli~a'.-_z~-., ~~ , por.on, saved 4 billion JoLlars in tht tr:-'ni.-tZ; of pilots foc (A~r Porci-.) alone. The7 raved this rum bocalt~,~e Qu.L at liut*.4reda ol thoy oelvcted t1m dozens of the most cz-_;ble, mwaver, At tl~,~ zZ 19501a, w1mr. jet aircrart dinplooed ;r,;,l-dr1vtn aLrdrzft, u-zs,.z-.n rat-_: erm noted with surprise that in spite c." thoroogh seloction t!-, 1. Of Prt!diet!Cn Of SUCCCSG rharPlY deCC-?M~-Od. 7'-W dev,lapod had N~come vb,,ulitze at s,,ne 1j;,e. =-cansive tc.~tn Led to a unique c~etuttt:Lftlc crisis, --ii-ch '~~l to catarlLrOphv.m. and And 5oalctitnis the r~"~cred j dis_;tc-- -z z-- caune they could ilot prevent it, but bi:vw"iie V~'Xy did not ~-ttcc~tc.! so. Their qualities. as evaluated acczrdLn; to tl~c old not correspond to the requirmuctILS which tn,~ ~~Lc aircraft And here we have arrived at the rioxt i=portarn-, and It turns out that flight safety and tha psychological fvatum.% oi the bontility are closely connected. ll4hacZarov learned thL6 'Otig z~z. almo understood that the most litiportan- probla= of tile art,-, In. velmr.r.ion by m-ans of t9mto alone cannot he solved. Sever'A" y~Lr'. 112 026 UNCLASSIFIED PROCESSING DATE-27NOV70 TITLE--APPLICATION OF THE X RAY SMALL A14GLE SCATTERING IIETHOD TO ME ~w STRUCTURE STUDY OF MONOMINERAL BINDINGAMATERIALS _rj_ AUTHOR-03)-SHUROV, A.F*t SOROCHKIN, M.A.t PLAVNIKI 4;. M. COUNTRY OF INFO~-USSR .,,-.SOURCE--KOLLOIDNYY ZHURNALt 19701 VOL 321 NR 3, PP 454-457 DATE PUBLISHED-- 0 S. U 8 J EC TAREAS--MATERIALSt EARTH SCIENCES ANO OCEANOGRAPHY TOPIC TAGS--X RAY STUDYt GYPSUMs PARTICLE 5 1 Z EBONDING MATERIAL ~CONTROL MARKING--NO RESTRICTIONS 00CUMENT CLASS--UNCLASSIFIE0 PROXY RFFL/F*RAl4f.--,M)0/2Iet0 STEP ~10--Ult/0069/'fi)~032/i)o3/Cj/#54!i~/457 CIRC ACCESSION NO--AP0125723 FIE-0 -- ----- 212 026 UNCL ASS IF I ED PROCESSING DATE--27N0V7G ACCESSION NO--AP0125723 ~ABSTRACT/EXTRACT--(U) GP-0- ABSTRACT. TH EDEPENDENCE OF THE X RAY SiMIALL ANGLE SCATTERING (SAS) ON THE WATER-GYPSUM RATIO IN HARUENED GYPSUM HAS BEEN STUDIED AS WELL AS THE C14ANGE OF SAS DURING HARDENING# THE OBSERVED SAS PATTERNS ARE DETERMINED BY T14E TRUE SkALLIANGLE SCATTERN NG RATHER THAN BY DIFFRACTION REFLECTION. THE VARIATION OF SAS IINTENSITY DURING HARDENING IS ASSOCIATED WITH THE.CHANGED PAiuiCLE SIZE IN THE HARDENING PASTE. FACILITY: INZ11ENERNO-STRD [TEL NYY INSTITUT, GROtKIY. FACILITY: INSTITUT FIZICHESKOY Killimf[ AN ';SSRt MOSCOW. USSR UDC 539.3 SHUROVI~A- M. "GraphIcal Method for Calculating Radial Displacements of Cylindrical Surfaces Loaded By a Variable Pressure Along the Length" Sb. nauch. tr. Kiyev. in-t .-nzh. grazhd. avlatsii (ColltE!ctic-.1 of Scientif;'c Works. Kiev Inst4tute of Civil Aviation Engineers , 197,1, No. 3, pp 38-42 (from RZh-Mekbanika, No 8, Aug 72, Abstract No 8V14) Trans lat -4. cn: A graphical method is proposed fox, calcalating radial di-s- placements of cylindrical sirfaces loaded with a variablp pres,:ure along the 'Length. The graphical method is based on the Lame equation for dis- placementf; and previous results from which it follo,,.,s (1) the effect of a disc ont inui ty in the pressure curve extends identical distances in bot' direction,--.; (2) b 0 -the -,adial d1splacement at t e p int of the discon- tinultv ill the ljrrf~!,,illro curve Is SO of an m1culate'd I)!I ~the.Lame equaticii. Three types of pressure. change.,t: ar(~ dlscu!~svd: fol- lowing a sl_xaight-line law and following.cavvex and corcave clXr7er.. A solution is given for the inner and outer'surfaces of the cylinder. ~I. M. Rabkina. USSR uDc; 621.396.6:621-318 MASLOV, YU. N. SHM10V 14. 1. On Calculating a Nonhomogeneous Section of a Magnetic Circuit" -t (Collected Scibntif~c Works of Sb. nauchn. tr. Vladimir politekhn. in Vladimir Polytecbmical institute), 197E, vvP -10, --OP 51-59 (-;'-om RZh- -Radiotekhnika, No 1, Jan 71, Abstract No 111369) Translation: The authors consid~er a section of magnetic circuit which contains a gap in the form of a hole made,for a pin.. I", is sliown that such- nanhomogeneities lead to errors in cW,.culution, ant, a refined formula is~given for the reluctance in the case of cubic approxir-latic-n of the -'Ia.-- netization characteri8tic. One illustration, bibliop.,al1hy of riirvan titlevs. ReBUML 6& 1W W WS! 7- UDC USSR 621-372.413 PULAYEV, V. P. , SHUROVA, I. G. , PANKOV L. N. "on the Problem of Reducing Emission Losses From Circular Openings in Coaxial Resonators" -b. nauchn. tr. Vladimir. nolitekhn. in-t (Collected Scientific Works of Vladimir Folytechnical Institute), 1970, vyp- 9, pp 74-77 (from RZh-Radic- o 6, Jun 71, Abstract No 6B162Y~ Lkhnika, 11 Translation: A solution is found for the problem of minimizing the level ol, erdssion losses from circular openings in coaxial resonators. Three 4-ables, bibliography of three titles. Resume'. Plantfttholbgy a 04.001-35 USSR SHUROVEITKOV Docent, Kursk Agricultural Institute "Dangerous Pest of Hard Wheat" Moscow, Zeriledeliye, No 12, 1971, P 75 Abstracti A brief summary is given of a brochure published by the Chelyabinsk agricultural test station entitledt "Wheat blossom inite - a dangerous pest of hard wheat" by A. Badulin. The wheat blossoh, mite appears to be a pest pre- dominantly of hard wheat and the main area of its activitY is the *emi-arid and and steppes overg-ro-im with couch-grass. It is also present in teraperate zones, where its frequency varies depending on the amount of precipiLtation. Tho mite causes partial or complete sterility of the blosions, resulting In the appearance of empty ears. Infestation differs from other wheat ear dia-e-ases because their natural color is preserved. Results of the;investigations L; that hard wheat should be linited tothe geographical areas --ot affect-ed by the pest, and that more research is needed in oider to develop strains with better i=unity to the blossom mite. USSR UDC 652-75 B. Scientific Agricultural Eesearch Institute of the Northern Trans-Ural Region "Effectiveness of Insecticides in the Control of Wheat Thrips in the Trans- Ural Region" moscow, xhimiya v sellsitom Khozyaystve, Vol 9, No 7, 1971,~PP 44-45 Abstract: Studies conducted in lqCe-67 at the Kurgansk Agricultural Experinent Station showed that treatment of wheat fields,in the trans-Ural Region with an aerosol of technical hexachlarocyclaheyane, 3-r-4-5';P' conceit.-tration in diesel fuel, was the most effective method for the control of the wheat thrips (Haplothrips tritici Kurd.) that, damage the wheat crop there; it resulted in the extermination of 95-4% of the insects in~the imago ste4e. Hawever, treat- ment of wheat by this method on a large scale is undesiratl. Small-drap spraying with 20 1/ha of 65% chlorop)ios (1-5-2.0 kg 0 _,1ha) + an amine Galt of 214-D (1, 8 kg/ha) war, alloo, very effective, resiating An extormin.,Ltion of 94.`JJ~ of the thrips inngo. Furthervore, 75-8GP,4 of the weeda webm Irilled with the use of thin mixture. The degree of extermination of thripa imago on application of 65~ chlorophos alone (1-5-P-0 kg/ha) without the 214-D salVims 91,5'A. In 1/2 USSR SHURO'P-PKOV, Yu. B., Khimiya v Sellskom Xhozyaystve, Vol,q, No 7, 1971, PP 4-4-45 addition, 85-90% of tile imago and larvae of the aster-leafhopped (Cicadula sexnotota) perished under "he action of the insecticides. The ontimum tirre for treating spring wheat in the Trans-Ural Region in control thrips is in the 6tage of formation of plan'. "tubes", which coinciderwith the mass flight of the insects. The thrips can also be effectively controlled in the larva stage by applying DDT, thiophos, or chlorophos, but the equipirAint useld for spraying the insecticides crushes the crop atthe time in question, while spraying from aiTcraft cannot be carried out because of the wooded areas surxounding the fields. 2/2 -5r- - I- USSR SUMACH4 L. S., Candidate of Medical Sciences, and SAIX-10VA, V. Im., Uzbek Scient1fic Research Institute of-Sanitation, Hygiene, and Occupational Diseases "The Functional State of the Cardiovascular and Respiratory Systems in Acute and Chronic Poisoning With Organophosphorus and Organochlorine Pesticides" Tashkent, Meditsinskiy Zhurnal Uzbekistana, July 1973, pp 54-56 Abstract: In 1968-1970, clinical and physiological testi-, were performed on 172 agricultural employees treated for acute and chronic poisoning with organophosphorus and organochlorine pesticides. EKG changes observed in all patients; ginus bradychardia and arrhythmia, prolonged Q-T interval, and modified T wave. In chronic patients, the T wave was either markedly lowered or totally flattened. Adrenaline and histamine skin tests revealed Eincticnal predominance of the parasympathetic system in 67 percent of the acute patients, suggesting that the disturbances in cardiac rhythm were due to the action of the pesticides on the autonomic nervous system and its mediators, while changes in the T wave, characteristic of dystophic myo- pathy, might be associated with disturbed myocardial metabolism similar to bistoxic hypoxia. All acute and some chronic patients suffered capillary 1/2 41 - USSR SHURPACH, L. S., Meditsinskiy Zhurnal Uzbekistana, July 1973 pp 54-56 and bronchial spasms, while some acute patients also had reduced blood flow velocity and blood oxygen saturation. In 15 patients, air flow velocity was reduced to less than 3 L/sec. Thus, disturbances in the cardiovascular and respiratory systems should be considered in the treatment of these poisonings. 2/2 Co,nAposite Mait'~rjals USSR. UDC 661.666.2.661:66S DERGUNOVA., V. S., SHURSHAKOy._A...Li., POSOSIYEVA, G. D,, LUTSENKO, L. N~ "Certain Strength Propertics of Composite Graphite-Zirconiurs Carbide Materials" Kiev, Poroshkovaya Metallurgiya, No 8, Aug, 1972, pp 51-58. Abstract: Results are presented from a study of the physical and mechanical properties of graphite-zirconium carbide and graphite-zirconitull carbide- zirconium materials of various chemical compositions and structures. Strength properties were determined in the 20-2,500'C temperature! interval usin.g tensile-test specimens. Several factors influencing the strength of compo- site materials are studied. It is shown that the material with 75% graphite and 25% zirconium carbide has 30% higher tensile strength at 2,500*C thall structural graphite type VPP. It is. established that, by chanping the degree of saturation of the zirconium phase of carbon, -the physical and mechanical properties of the composition can be changed sig)-nificantly. When there is residual zirconium present, in the 20-2,000*C tepiperature interval, the tensile and bending strengths are 1.5-3 times higher than whcn the car- bide phase alone is present in the structute. 1/1 IJSSR UDC 621.3.035.2 YELYUTIN, V. P., KOSTIKOV, V. I., DERGUNOVA, V. S., SHURSHAKOV, A. N., POSOSIYEVA, G. D., LUTSENKO, L. N. "Specifics of Saturation of Porous Graphite Bases witb 'Melted Zirconium" Tsvetnye Metally, No 1, 1971, pp 46-S0. Abstract: Certain regularities involved in the process of capillary satura- tio-a of various porous graphite materials with liquid zirconium are studied. An attempt is made to determine experimentally the apparent activation energy of the process and to determine the influence of individual factors on various stages of the process. The experiments were performed in a specially designed experiments high-temperature installation under a vacuum of 2-10- tam hg. The showed that the melt flows energetically over the outersurface of specimens, thus producing elevated capillary rise values on specimens less than 60 mm I> Ln diameter due to additional penetration of the melt t1irough side surface pores. Penetration of porous graphite materials with liquid 2irconium occurs by flow of the zirconium along poor walls. The time dependence of movement of the saturation front under,isothermal conditions fora.3 a quadrativ parabola. The apparent activation of the process of saturation ivas~calculated for type PROG-2400 and PG-50 graphites. 21 USSR UDC 669.782.053.2 SHMHAKOV, A. N., DERCM101TA, V. S., MEYERSON, G. A., SIZOV, 3. A. "Study of the Effect of Boron Additives on the Carburization of Silicon" Tugortlavk. karbidv - V sb. (Refractory~.Carbides - collection of vorks), Kiev, Nauk-ova DumIca Press, 1.970, .pp 77-82 (from M-Ile~tallureiva, zto 4, Apr 71, Abstract No 4G219) 'Translation: The effect of boron additives on the carburization rate of molten Si and the growth of the carbide layer formed at the trapliite-nelt interface is investi2ated. On introducing boron additives ia the amount of 14Z, the thickness of the carbide lover at the graphite-meltInterface in- creases, and the C content in the melt increases simultaneously. There are 3 illustrations, 1 table.and a 9-eatry bibliography. USSR LU)c 669.34035.2 YELYLITIN, V. P., KOSTIKOVO V. I.$ DEIRGUNOVA, V. S., J1,4j", M POSOSIYEVA, G. D., ani KHAKIMOVA, D. K. "Effect of the Degree of Efficiency of a Graphite Grid on the Velocity of its Treatment with Liquid Zirconium!' Tsvetnye Yztally, No 4, Apr 71, PP 51-52 Abstracti Studies were continued on the Denetration of I.I.quid netals, in tMl.n case,.zi--conium, into the pores of graphite. Fxevious wolnk showed that tile penetration of zirconiun in-to the pores reachad. a mwximun,arA that carbide was fozmed. in the Present work, a stWy waz madoi of the effect oll' the ideal ntructure of the r4rous rx_ hite on tho velocity of rtlvn(~trat_ion lip by the liquid zircordum, Cylindrical san-ples oT carbon 20 mm in dianxter and 60 = in length i;ero prep-a-rud from PRCC-2400 stock. The itere, fired in an annular kiLn at 1250 CC -,for 280 hours, placed in- graphAte =,xibles, covered with coke, ard graphitized in a vacuum of, 5 x 20-2-mm, at 2000, 2400, and 28000C for one hour. X-=.y diffraction patterns were made to deter~Ane the degree of con- version and then the sampies were satt=ted WUb liquid ViL^coni=7 at 1800t 0 2100. and 2250 C. The contact time vwicd betlieert 5 to 20 dice; the velocity 7 te USSR YELYUTINI V. P., et al., ral'svetnye I Metally, Ila 4, Apr 71P pp 51-52 in the rise of the melt in the pores was determined. X-ray dIffractIon C On St271C- showed t"hat the sai-ples processed at 20009 have a turbostratic carb ture. Therinal processing at 2400 and 28000C leads to the. a-c)Dearance and breakdown of a ihrea-d_imensicr,,_I ordering. The method of Na__ur arA ".'ering 'was used to deternine the extentof graphitization. The~increase in the height of the melt in the pore n2th time Givea a parabolic cummve. - The average velocity of penetration is decreased Idth an increase in the interplanar corstant and is the largest at 2100 0C. As the realf. pene- trates along the surface of the pore, a chendcal reakctioit occurs at ihe liquid zirconium-graphite intexTace, forming xirconlun dg4creasos as a -result of the pxneipitation of zirconium carbide and a diffuslon, of c-,:.,rbon across the carbide layer. I : . The viscosity of the liquli zirconium also increases due to the pre- sence of zirconium carbide and this in turn slows the penotrattion. The extent of graphitization can change the velocity of the fixing process even without teaperature changes. 24 - USSR UDC 532.593 SHURSHAL Moscow Malaga" L ". "Calculation of Powerful Under Water Explosions" Mekhanika Zhidkosti i Gaza, No 5, 1971, pp 36-40. Abstract: Calculation is performed for powerful under watev explosions using a finite difference method involving artificial viscosity. Thle properties of the water are described using an equation of state i;hich is correct over a broad range of thermodynamic parameters. Relatively weak exT)Iosions, when the compressibility of the water can be ignored or considered in the acousti- Cal app roximation were studied in earlier-works. The approach used in these works cannot be applied for powerful urder water explonions, since a full thermodynamic description of the propertios of water oiler a broad range of pressures, temperatures and densities is*required. Several equations of state for water have been suggestea which are correct Liver broad ranges of thermodynamic parameters, although~no generally accepted equation of state for water has yet been produced. This work presents a numerical solution of the problem of an under water explosion using one of these equations of state, Calculations are performed by the finite difference method with the introduc- tion of artificial viscosity to the equatiors. ---------- USSR UDC 541-67 + 547,558-1 PEHIKOVSKIYj V. V., YEGOWV, YU P., MUROVA. I* N., ItARTqYiUK, A. P., and SHU11WRk, A. K., Institute of Organic Chemistry, Acad. Se. Uki:SSR, Kiyev "Distribwtion of Electronic j)2nsity in Anion Radicals Conlzinia~,, 'Triarylphos- phazo Groups" Kiyev, Tecreticheskaya i Eksperinentallnaya Khimiya., Vol 0., No 1, Jun-Feb '13, PP 112-U6 Abstract: Eight anion radicals of tho type generated by the clectrachemical method in ncototitLrilc Iviva bcon otudtcd by meana of EIT. 1*11 all ca-er; a oplit was noted on the p3l naclem; indicating Tf-aleetronic interaction of the P:11 rrroup with p-nitrophr.rlyl rtnsidue of the anion radical. ~,Iiis effect can be explained only on 'the basiz oi' CPI-,-p,~( action. Vine effects of various electron donor and electron acceptor R and RI on the distribution- of spin density has been compared. Qua. _ve ex-niamition litatJ 1~ of this ef'Lc!ct has been proposed based on the mobii.~~,y, of -,1--olcetrons, of the imino nitrogen and a direct polar conjWration! of -'the phosphe= Group with nitro group. Vne values of the splitting constants at the 1?~I n=leus aro not c(rrelated with the 6--constants of R and it. USSR SHURUBURA, V. P. "The Debugging of Control Programs" Vopr. Proyektir. Mat. Mashin i Ustroystv [Problems of Planning of Mathematical Machines and Devices -- Collection of Works], Kiev, 1972, pp 87-98 (Translated from Referativnyy Zhurnal Kibernetika, No 9P 1973, Abstract No 9V725). Translation: The debugging of the software of systems operating in real time is studied. The debugging of programs for real time systems is divided inta,the following phases: 1. Automatic debugging of program modules in the manoprogramming mode with possible models of certain portions of the system hardware (or the control computer itself). 2. Debugging~of operating progran,'i in the monoprogramming mode on an actual computer with a supervisor but without a multiplexer. 3. Repetition of phase 2 with multiprogramming processing (complex statistical debugging). 4. Debugging with multiplexers, but with remote terminals not connected to the computer (complex dynamic debugging) with the external medium imitated.. 5. Repetition of phase 4 in the dynamic mode with terminals connected (complex dynamic debugging in the actual medium). 6. Operation of the real time system with the addition ofinew functions or its modification during operation. A specific realization of the ideas of debugging for real time system is described at the level.of the input language of progranu, in the dialog mode for the Dnepr-2 control~computer. V. Mikheyev 69 USSR ux: 68i.3.o6:51. SHURUBURA, V. P. "Description of a Basis Modeling Language V sb. ,Nat. obesnecheniye ETsVY,. Vy-p. 4 (Mathematical Provision of DigitaL Computers-- collect ion of works, No 4), Kiev, 1970, pp 45-6l (from rizh- -w-Kibernetika, No 7, Jul 71, Abstract 110 7V708) Translation: The author describes a language for modeling syster-s of discrete events which is pre--nted in genere-l outlines I.I.i the. paper (abstract 7V709), The language is aesigned for Yrjodelinglqystems in a conditional time scale and for operation in a-real-tinte tiystem. Extended ALGOL is selected as the general algorithmic basis of the lrunguage. ~,Iie basic concepts of the language Fire object and class, objetit i~; an independent progrimi, the c1ass introducri,,s localized qumtities 017 the object and an a1r.,orithin of actiona. The classes perittit aa emb~-Jdcd block structure with localization of values in a subclans. Acc,,ss from vithout to the variables of the class is through an. external, idenidfiier which contains tin indicator of the object and a variable in t e object. A or-t th 112 SHURUBUPA, V. P. , Mat. obespecheniye M'hl. VY-P. 4, Kiev, 1970, pp 45-61 of operators of synchronization and control describes times of transition. of the object to active and pe.5sive states and takes care of syrichroni- zation of objects. The data used by the wdel are organized in the form of a file. Two classes incorporated in the standard LISP and SYSTEM set are presented. The first of these introdkices facilities for processing ring lists, and the second gives special components for deBcribing multi- panel computer systems. V. Tkach. 2/2 57 USSR UDC: 681.3.o6-51 NIKITINI, A. I. , SHURUBURA V. P. "On a Basis Languagr. for Modeling of Systems" V sb. Mat. obesnecheniye_~I~,-W,, 4 (Mathematical PI-ovision of Digital Computers--collection of works, Do 4), Kjev, 1970, T)p 21-4b (from. Kh- -Kibernetika, No 7, Jul 71, Abstract No TV709) Translation: The author analyzes and compares the poctsi- bilities of languages for modeling systens of discrete events.- GPS,13I!I, SIMSCRIPT, SOL, SDrULA, STEENG, sumiuLA-67., Considering the problen, of rwdeling the behavior of digital computer conmunication,~ systeim with user panels and external storage devices,~ the authors 6-:.-relo-ped. the arl-icle (abstract 7V708). modeling Innguage presented in the previous The general requirenents imposed on a language for modelirg systems Of discrete events are discussed, and an examile is presented of description of the sim, lest wdel of a computer. systern which iricludc~-;, a user panel, central processor, operationa.1 mn-nriry and magactic tapas in the language developed by the authors. V. 'Fkacb. USSR UDC 547-341 YEVTIKHOV, Zh. L., SHURUJCJr4, B~ R4ZLr1,10VA1, N., A.., and PETROV, A. A. Leningrad Lensovat "Reaction of Phenyl Ester of Ethyleneglycolphcrspharaus Alcid 7,fith 1,3-Dienesit Leningrad, Zhurnal Obshchey Khimii.. Vol 41 No 2, Feb 71, pp 480-481 Abstract: Investigation of f the condensation.of phewylethirlene phosphite with 1,3-dienes showed that the reaction, occurs without thG elirdxhation of the -blycol radical and that it goes faster,arialogous reaction with alkyl esters. This indicates that beside the plr-d,,. interactioas the p-,,r conjugation must also be i=ortant, so that the P-OPh bond is more labile than the P-0Ci-,. Physical properiies of two compounds are reportedi pholine-l-oxide, m.p. 47-480. b.p.. 1800/1.0 =, d40 1.2201, r5Q 1.5526; ard I L:(Z;.phenorjethoxy)-3-mothyl-3-phospholine-l-axide, m.p. 49-50, b.p. zo4O/ -0 -)u 1 0 mm, d4 ~ 1. 1902, % 1.5480. USSR UDC 577.1:615.7/9 rMIGIN, M. A., HARKARYAN, A. S., SHURUPOVA, V. S. "Adaptation to Different Types of Exposure to Chemical Substances (Constant, lutermittent)" V sb. Farmakol. Khimoterapevt. Sredstva. Toksikol. Probl. toksikol. (Pharmacology. Chemotherapeutic Agents. Toxicology. Problems of Toxicology--Collection of Works), Vol 5 (Advances in Sciences and Technology. All-Union Institute of Scientific and Technical Information, USSR Academy of Sciences, Moscow, 1973, pp~120-128 (from RZh-Biologicheskaya Khimiya, No 17, Sep 73, Abstract No 17 F1898 by the author) Translation: A graphic method is Dropoaad for evaluating the process of adaptation to continuous and intermittent'inhalation of, (.'4t-Hb- forming substance). USSR UDC 591.1.15 SHUR'X& I. M. I#Peroxidase Activity of the Blood and the Methemoglobin Content of X-Ray and Fast-Neutron Irradiated Rats" V sb. Biofizika i radiobiol. (Biophysics and Radiobiology -- Collection of Works), Vyp. 3, Kiev, "i4auk. dumka," 1972, pp 26-32 (froni -M-Biologicheskaya M-iimiya, No 10, 25 1-fay 1972, Abstract No 1OF1403 from summary) Translation: A study was made of peroxidase activity and methemoglobin content of rat blood in the dynamics of radiation sickneso induced by exposure to X-rays and fast neutrons. It was ascertained that theperoxidase activity of the blood of rats irradiated with X-rays and fast neutrons in LD10? and LD50 doses increases sharply, reaching maximum values ~;n the 12th to 6th day after irradiation. A significant increase in the methemoglobin content of the blood of irradiated animals is directly related to peroxidase activity. USSR UDC 391.1.15 SM'YAN _I. M., STARODUB, N. F., and REKUN, G. M. "Peroxidase Activity of Hemoglobin and Individual Fractions Thereof During X-Ray and Fast-Neutron-Irradiation of Animals" V sb. Biofizika i radiobiol. (Biophysics and Radiobiology -- Collection of Works),. Vyp. 3. Kiev, "NaW--. duraka," 1972, pp 20-26 (1"Tom Rzh--Biologicheskaya Khimiya, No 10, 25 May 1972, Abstract No 10P1407 from summary) Translation: It was shown that during the acute period of radiation sickness (8th to 12th day) there is a reliable increase in the peroxidase activity of whole Hb. The change in enzyme properties for individual Ub fractions Qb- tained by column chromatography on aluminum oxide is not uniforni. The great- eat inereaBe in peroxidase activity Is found:in the third and fourth fractions. Methemoglobin exhibits catalytic activity as peroxidase to a significantly greater degree than oxy-, carboxy- and nitroxyhemoglobin. 52 LLJ -C__4 LL9 CJ k inn -Y IMIC 617-001.17-092..9-07:1616.8~*-.41."16.4121-f,17 'MITE OF HYPOULALAMO-MTOPHYStAL SYSTEK IN EXPERD=TAL BUM S llvlele 'Artic1% by Yc. A ~~Lseyev -~SQ and V. Ye. nmlyaycv: "ne mostow, Meditainv, RUI~Iian, No 5, 1971, pp 113-1151- Twenty one to thirty-eight percent of tho,skin surface of rabbits was liurned. , Two days &Eter the burn there vas an acti- v;.Cion of nc3uroaecretory processe,,i in suprdoptic and parmventri- cular nuclei *~! the, hypoebalswus coupled with a slgnificant. ad- nission of the neurosecreta, izx;;o the main posterior region of Otte neuroh7pophynis. At, later periods, in some cases, there occurs a gr4dual ros~oration of the ncurvv:cretory calla or degenerative c'aan~eis of neurosecratory cello develops. (Bvull. Ekiper. Vol, (Zulletin of Experimental Diology). No 5, 1971, page 117). At the present time the attention of numerous researchers in attracted to hypothalamic neurosec-retion. Morphological and biitochz_i;.cal changes in the hypothalaLiohypophyacal system after >- bu-.%ig hz4ve barn studied to an insufficient degree Z-1,2,3,4,57, khv citud autfors, ba&ing Lhawselves on experimental and cli'.aical "tozials, studied changes in the hypothalamo-hypophys I _-ai:nly s~u-~ing the first few hours following infliction o rLvvre bur.,4 Injuries. Tha purpose of our vorlk was to study the dynamic state of the hy~),,)tiial~two-hypoi)7nyuciLI system following a standard ex- p,~rlzuntal bui~n. !-:1/2 035 UNCLASSIFIED PROCE5SrNS DATF--11-SEP70 TITLE--CARBOHYDRATE METABOLISM IN BURNS~-U- -,.-AUTHOR-SHURY MOISEYEV, YE.A.,,KONSTANTIN.OVA, M.., BELYAYEV, RON n 'vL,s --v' ya A. OF INFO--USSR KHIRURGII IMENt 1. 1. G~EKOVA, 1970, VoL Jo4, NR 3, PP 75 80 -DATE PUBLISHED ------- 70 AREAS--BIOLOGICAL AND MEDICAL SCIENCES ,".TOPIC TAGS-- CAR 50HYDR ATE METABOLISM, BURNIP TRAUM4TIC SHOCK, AWE. AL CORTEX$-CATECHOLAMINEw PANCREAS, BLOOD CHEMISTRY !4APKING--NO RESTRICTION'S -DOCUMENT CLASS--UNCLASSIFIED ~~.:VROXY. PEEL/FRAME-1996/0639 STEP 40--UR/05139/7131104/01,~/()075/0t,)") -~,:CIRC ACCESSION NO--AP0102625 UNICLASSIFIEO 2/2 035 UNCLASSIFiED OROC55SING DAT~--IISEP70 ZIRC ACCESSION NO--AP0102625 ABSTRACT/EXTRACT--(P) GP-0- AaSTRACT. THE AUTHORS HAVE STUQIEO CARBOHYDRATE METABOLISM IN VARIOUS PERIODS OF BURN OISEA~c. IN THE FIRST. PERIOD OF BURN DISEASE (BURN SHOCK) HYPERGLYC~4TA IS Q!-~_ISFPVFO, IT CORRESPONDS TO GRAVITY OF THE AFFECT S14 AND 60 RELATED WITH THE ENHA*,lCr'D FUNCTIONING OF THE ADRENAL CORTEX. IN THE SECOND PERIOD HURN INFECTION AND TOXICEM14) THE REDUCT13N IN BLOOD~SLIGAQ LEVEL tS NOTE0 TNAT -,COINCIDES IN TIME WITH THE RfDUCTION OF CATECHOLAMINES EXCQ'TION, DECREASED - GLUCOCORT ICOID ACTIVITY OF THE ADR~NAL CORTEX ANO OF*'COfZRELATIQN -OF VARIOUS CELLS NORMAL'IL IN THE LANGERHANS ISLETS. IN BU7N EMIACIATION! 1111 D PERIOD) FURTH'U:R REDUCTION 1,11 BLOCD SUGAR LEVEL IS OBSERVED. DURING THE PERIOD OF RECOVERY THE AMOUNT OF SUGAR IN BLOOD IS RESTORED UP TO ITS NORMAL VALUES AND I'S ASSOCIATED IN MOST PATIENTS WITH NORMALIZATION OF THE ADRENAL GLYCOCORTICOID FUNCTION. UNCLASSIFIE0 USSR Tx- 612.o17 D.,,Ya,,, Professor, Cal Ibd Serr. IUKOLA'YEVSKIY, V. V., Candidate of Medical Sciencesl Lt Cal Med Serv, DYGIN, V. P., Doctor of Medical Sciences, Lt Cal Med Serv, and MAL=MKO, R. K., Candidate,of Medical Sciences, Lt Cal Mled Serv "On the Immunological Reactivity of Military Servicemen" MOSCOW, Voyenno-Meaditsinskiy Zhurnal, 'No 2, 1973, pp 61-65 Abstract: Military servicemen were subjected to immunolq,pical tests to deter- mine effects of various aspects of serrice on immunological mkeup. Envirowc-ental aspects were studied in the first stage: While servicemen in t1he south of Western Siberia were immunologically normal, those in the north oaniNated reduced immunological reactivity. Allergic mactions are prono"Miced fn laolated col- leatived. ri3v Iyouzymeo C0,1q).lemnt, and reactivity wei--;cM-rvcI;eriGtic of individualn in their firat 2 months oe service, Lysozymn and antibody titers 'were lowest in April-May. 'The second stage involved types of combat activity-, physican trainiag, and vaccinations: While group antigen and lysozyme titers were higher in da,.,rtime than at night during routine duty, the pattern reversed itself during 24-hour duty. Lysozyme decreased an;i auto-ant-itodies appeared rare frequently after combat exercises. Phyaical training increased reactiv-ity. 1/3 ~ USSR S' U SHURYGIN, D. Ya., et al. , Voyenno-Meditsinskiy Zhurnal, 110 2, 1973, -pp 61-65 So Autosensitization arose in the 10th-45th days after preventive irununiza:tion. _A u t1 The t7 hird stage involved harmful environmental factors: IftiVe very long electromegnetic waves were not found to cause problems, ultrah-igh -frequency fields caused some complement reduction and occasional appealnnce of antibodies, f 'I, particularly after long exposure. Inmunological reactions in the presence of internal brain injuries and burns were analrzed in the -fourth stage: Acute brain injury caused quite prono-,uiced spontaneous blast transfoiT-lution of lymphocytes and made them cytopathic against homologous fibroblasts for nonths and years. The same problems arose vith burns, Auto -allergric processes played a major role in burn cases. Disease-associated charges uere studied in the final stage. Rhewmtism caused formation of tissue auto-antibodies to degrees depending on the disease form. Liver auto-antibodies were detected with Bot- kin's disease in quantities directly correlatod with phase anti severity of illness. They also appeared with chronic hepatitis and cirrhosig of the liver. Acute and chronic diffuse glomenilonephritis caused production of kidney auto- antibodies. Acute and chronic pneumonia caused pronounotii auto-allergies with production of various au-to-antUbodies, and general reduction of immmological reactivity. Dermatosis disrupted lMhocyte and neutrophil funation, as did chronic tonsilitils. Among these diseases, changes in reac:tivity are probably 2/3 26 -nj MI 11 ~gh ffm I USSR SMJRYGIN, D. Ya., et al., Voyenno-Meditsinskiy Zhurnal, Ito 2, 1973, pp 61-65 pathogenic only with rheumatism, nephritis, and he-patitis. This information would be helpful in the diagnosis, prevention., and treatment of imunopathy involved with military service. .4,190 'MIS' MIFUMMEM1111111H, MR111MIMMMOMM USSR UDC 669.71.053.4(088.a) BATYUK, Yu. N., H and SLOBIN, P. I. "Device for Filtrate Sampling From Pipe"Line" USSR Authors' Certificate No 298856, Cl G 01 n 1/10, filed 7 Apr 69, pub- lished 18 May 71 (fro-in RZh-Me-tallurgiya, No 1, Jan 72.1 Abstract No 1G119P by G. Svodtseva) Translation of Abstract: A device for filtrate sampling from a pipe-line can be used in the production of U20 and includes a cylindrical frame with flanges and a connecting piece with oven pares. In order to increase operating efficiency the connecting piece is installed concentrically inside the frame and supplied with a conical tip USSR uDc: 62.,374.32 INIOZEMITSE-7.9 B. I., MAL'SKII-I V. A... 110VINOV, L. G., and. SHURYGIN, I. T. "Computter Device Using Integrated Circuits" Moscow, V sb. Svoystka riaterialov pri povynh. te-ap,-rat xe i a aratura dlya pr ikh ispytaniya (Characteristics of Materials at HiCh Tcrqperatares and thQ Equipment for Testing Thei:i- -Collection of Works), 1972, ~q~ 82-8,13 (-Lro~,~I E-71i- Avtomatika' telerekhanika i vychiSlitellnaya tekhnika~ hb 2, '973, Abstract No 2A4905) Translation: The construction and operation principles of a 'binary-digital co=uter in a code with a redundancy Of 3 are described. The logic circuits of hybrid integrated elements of t%-ro t~ypes, used in the con,_truction of the com- puter, and the schematic! of the cligital readuat in lights of the L11-1 type are given. Si% illustrations. Bibliograpkv of three. 14. S. USSR KADYROV, M., SHUSHBAYEV, S. "One Algorithm for Reduction of Positiv6 Quadratic Forms" Vopr. Vychisl. i Prikl. Mat. [Problems of Computational and Applied Mathema- tics -- Collection of Works), No 14, Tashkent, 1972, pp 148-157 (Translated from Referativnyy Zhurnal KibernetiLa, No 4, 1973, Abstract No 4V678, by the authors). Translation: A standard progTan is written in ALGOL for reduction of po,;itive quadratic forms of n variables (n < 6), and the area of 11crmlith-blinkovskiy reduction NI* is calculated. n 100 USSR uDc 616.981.51-576-8-097-29 SMJSWL-t-Vt B. Kh. All-Union Scientific Research, Inntitute of Veterinary Sanitation T'The Study of the Possibility of Spread of Lnbeled Anthrax Bacteria in Soil" loscow, Doklady Vsesoyuznoy Ordena Lenina Akademii Sell skokliozyaystvenny'rdi Nauk imeni V. 1. Lenina 110 5, 1970, pp 38-39 Abstract* Bacillus anthracis was studied by IaIbeling' with P32 in Siberian soil. With a sinGle vatering of the soil, bacteria penetrated to a depth of 7 conti- 0 rraters in. three dVr,. The second vatering caused a penetratimi to tan centii;eters after another three days. Subrequent watering caused no fin,-Wier ponetration. Tne period of penetration wns pronounced during the first five da.5,s; after that no further penetration was obsexTed. Control groups showed no kind of penetration into the soil. It was concluded that oporea of Bacillus anthracis may penetrate into the soil and not be visible on the surface. 1/Z 024 UNCLASSTFIED PRZOCESSING DATE--02OCT70 OF SIOCHEMISTRY OF SURPLUS SYNTHESIS OF PYRIDINE ADENINE ~DINUCLEOTIDES -U- -AUTH3R-(03)-CHAGOVETSw R-V.t KHALMURADOVt SHEVICHt S.I. A.G., SQ .-COUNTRY OF INFO--USSR :~SoURCE--UKRAYNS$KlY BTOKIMICHNIY ZHURNAL 1970, VOL 4-2t NR 22 PP 191-200 .'~'..DATE PUbLISliED---70 ,:-SUBJECT AREAS--BIOLOGICAL AND MEDICAL SCIENCES Z.10PIC YAGS--NUCLEOTIDE# LIVEqq PYRIDINE, DEHYDROGENASE, ENZYME A'-TIVITY, .PHOSPHORUSP,METABOLISM -ZONTROL IMIARK I NG--NO RESTRICTIONS DOCUMENT CLASS--UNCLASSIFIED --PROXY REEL/FRAME--1988/1678 STEP NO--UR/0300/70/042/002/0191/0200 C LRC- ACCESSION NO-AP0106424 UNCLASSIFIED "Now" 024 UNCLASSIFIED PROCESSING DATE--020CT70 ~CIRC ACCESSION NO--AP0106424 '"ABSTRACT/EXTRACT--(U) GP-0- ABSTRACT* DYNAMICS OF MULTIPLY RISE OF CONTENT IN LIVER TISSUE OF PYRIDINE ADENINE 01NIUCLIOTrOES (PAD) 4FTER ADMINISTRAT-ION OF NICOTINIC ACID (NA)l NICOTINAMIDE (N4H; AND 3 'I, PIETHYLPYRIONEwBETA,PICOLINE 13 MP) INTO THE DIFFERENr ANIMALS DEPalll-DS ON THE NATURE OF INTRODUCED PYRIDINE DERIVATIVES 4ND THEIR DOSE, IS CHARACTERIZED BY DEFINIT SPECIFIC. PECUCIARITICS ,%N) JCrIJRS WITADUT T14E IN THE ACTIVITY CHANGE OF DEHYDROGENAS.ES DEMANDING THE PYRIDINE CONTAINING COENZYMES. WITH T14E SURPLUS SYNTHESIS OF PAD THE ADENILIC MOIET IS USED AS A STRUCTURAL MATERIAL IN AMIOUNT&EXCEEDING ITS _Y OF ATP ly ~r_ONTENT IN LIVER TISSUE. NEW FORMATION OF PAD DEMA4DS THE ADDITIVE AMOUNTS OF PHOSPHORIBOSYLPYROPHOSPHATEIAS WELL AS GLUTAMINE FOR NA AMIDATION. ALL THESE PROCESSES CONDITION THE EXHAUSTING INTENSIFICATION .-OF. THE ENERGETIC METABOLISM,. THE JNCREAS.E_OE THE~ CONTENT OF THE_ LA8.11E ':~_PHOSPHORUS IN TISSUE TESTIFIES.TO THIS~FACT* UNCLASS I FI ED USSR TjDC: 669-017-11-29S.292 SHUSHKANOV, V. M., MROZ, L. S., OBUKHOVSKIY,, V. V., KAPITOINOVA, N. P., ad Is olubility of Vanadium in a Titanium" b~ Izvestiya AK-ademii Nauk SSSR, No 42 Jul-Aug 73, pp 221-224. Abstract: Considering that vanadium is one of the most important alloying elements used in the production of titanium alloys, this work attempts to establish the true limit of solubility of vanadium in a titanium. The para- magnetic susceptibility and modulus of elasticity of four alloys in the Ti-V system containing 0.50, 0.92, 1.40 and 2.30 wt. % vanadium were studied in various initial states. Methods were selected for high sensitivity to changes in electron structure of the alloys studied and interatomic bonding forces, hoping to record the initial stage of the formation of a second phase. The studies showed characteristic break-s oil composition, versus prQp- erty ~:urves of the alloys at 0.92 wt. % V, indicating changes in the intor- atomic bond energies and electron structure at this point. X-ray structural analysis showed that the breaks on the composition versus property curves correspond to appearance of the 0 phase. Thus, the eqtiillibritim limit of 112 57 USSR Shushk-anov, V. M., Moroz, L. S., Obukhovskiy, V. V., Kapitanova, N. P., Ivanova, N. V., Izvestiya Akademii Nauk SSSR, No 4, Jul-Aug 73, pp 221-224, solubility of vanadium in a titanium is not over 0.9 wt. It, at 650-700* C. USSR UDC 543.42.08 ZHMURKIN, Yu. A., and SHUSHKANOV, V. M "Small-Scale Source of Direct-Current Are for Spectral Analysis" V Sb. "VII Ural'sk. Konf. po Spektroskopii, 1971. Vy-p. ill [In the Collection "Seventh Ural Conference on Spectroscopy, 197L. No 1") Sverdlovsk, 19711, pp 41-42 (from Referativnyy Zhurnal, N~,10, Oct 72. 32. Metrologiya i lzmeritel'naya Tekhnika. Single Issue. Abstract No 10.32.992 by V. S. K.) Translation: A new developed schema of a thyrite d-c arc source (AS) used for spectral determination of the oxygen-content in metal by the Fassel method is discus5ed. The AS consists of the power block cont:rol block, timer, safety device, and a sparking block for arc ignitton, The, arc current is controlled in the 5-50 amp range, the power used by the control block is one watt. The unit is naturally colled by air. The dimensions of the AS are 500x5OOx4OO mm. A two year service experience of the AS has demonstrated its high degree of reliability and stabilitir in operation. One illustrati:)n, two bibliographicell references. 1/2 028 UNCLASSIFIED PROCESSING DATE--230CT70 Ir -TITLE--EFFECT OF A STAT C DOMAIN ON CURRENT VOLTAGE CHARACTERISTICS -U- -AUT HOR.-(07)-SHUSHKEVICH, V.L.v LYUlEt L,L, ,"""COUNTRY OF INFO--USSR ~-,-,SOURCE--FIZ. TVERD. TELA 197~_,~5212)t 650-2 DATE-PUBLESHEO ------- 70 1'~~,SUBJECT AREAS--PHYSICS TAGS--VOLT AMPeRE CHARACTERISTIC, GERMANIUM SEMICONDUCTOR, ELECTRIC ,_~_FIELDP'.ELECTROSTATIC FIELD, PERIODIC PULSE _'CONTROL MARKING--NO RESTRICTIONS -,DOCUMENT CLASS--UNCLASSIFIED .-.PROXY.REEL/FRAME--1987/1974 STEP 40--UR/0181/70,1012/002/0650/0652 ~_CIRC ACCESSION NO--AP0105048 UNCLASSIFIED 2/2 028 UNCLASSIFIED PROCESSING DATE--23OCT70 CIRC ACCESSION NO--AP0105048 .:.ABSTRACTIEXTRACT--(U) GP-0- ABSTRACT, EZPTL. RESULTS ARE GIVEN 0,14 SOME PROPERTIES OF THE STATIC DOMAINS. N-GE SPECIMENS;WERE USED WITH THE CONCN, OF BASIC CARRIERS AT 290DEGREFSK OF 2 T114ES LO PRIME14 CM PRIME -MEASUREMENTS WERE CARRIEU OUT UNDER P(JLSFD CONDITIONS (1-50 MSEC* 50 HZI. MEASUREMENTS OF THE DISTRIBUTION OF THE FIELD ALONG THE SPECIMEN SHOW THAT THE DOMAIN IS ALWAYS FORMED AT T14E CATHODE, THE FIELD 11% THIS REGION CAN EXCEED THE FIELD ELSEWHERE IN THE SPECIMEN BY 2 ORDERS OF MAGNITUDE AND REACH A VALUE OF 10 PRIMEA V-CM FOR AN AV. OPLIE0 FIELD OF-1000 V-CM. THIS PHENOMENON IS Nar 'OF THE CONTACT TYPE, HOWEVER, AND THE REGION OF FORMATION OF THE DOMAIN~CAN BL ADJUSTED BY THE GEOMETRY OF THE SPECIMENo DIMENSIONS OF THE DOMAIN ANO MA~GNITUDE OF THE FIELD DEPEND ON THE AV, VALUE OF THE FIELD ON THE SPECIMEN. WITH INCREASANG. FUELD, THE F'IELD IN THE D'OMAIN INCRIEASES AS WELL AS ITS 91,14ENSIONS AND IT IS HSIFTEO TOWARD THE ANODE. THE PRESZNCE OF THE DOMAIN CHANGES THE CURRENT VOLTAGE CHARACTERISTICS OF THE SPECIMEN, USSR UDC 516.858. GUSHCHO, B. V., TSILINSKIY, Ya. Ya., SHU5LWOY, L'VOV, D. K., and KLIMENKO, S. M., Institute of Virology imeni D. 1. Ivanovski-Y, Acadamy of Medical Sciences USSR, Moscow "Electron Microscopic Investigations of Vero Cells Infected Ifith Genetically Homogenous and Heterogenous Venezuelan Equine Encephalitis Virus (VEE)" Moscow, Voprosy Virusologii, No 49 1973, pp 436-438 Abstract: Vero cells grown in medium 199 with 101T. normal bovine serum were infected with clones 6 and 8 of VEE either separately, or with both clones at the same time. Electron microscopy of thin sections~abowed that 17 and 23 h after infection either with clone 6 or 8 alone mononucleoid virions were formed, whereas infection with both clones simultaneously yielded mononu- cleoid virions as well as giant virions containing several nucleoids (polynucleid virions). After 29 and 41 additional.type of giant viral particle was formed which contained material equal in.density to that of the nucleoids (termed giant viral. particles in distinction to palynucleoid viriens) in cultures infected with both clones. CelLs iafected with only one type of VEE clone did not form giant viral particles. The data support the contention that formation of giant virions represents infection of the cells with genetically heterogenous VEE vitus. 'USSR uDc 621.374.32 Sww=d..IL I. GAVJS`Y'YAN, S.G.) and TSODIKOV, M.B. 'Thiltichannel Pulse Counters" "Erergfya," Mnogokaanal'Arye schetcbi.-i impul'sov (cf. English above), I-eni. 4 1971, 64 p , ill -, 25 k. (from RZI OuLatika, Telemeknuni1va i Vvchislitel'naya Tekhnika, No 1, Jan 72, Abstract No IA357K) Translation: The book considers -vays of pulse counting simultaneously over several channels by means of a single electronic counter using an internal storage. An analysis is given of the principal chamcteri.stics wn~t par,-,~Illete-rs of the MUltiCiMM103, COLutor. I's upplicl.,ttion i"'1 warious rdevicelj i-, considered; viz., multichannel frequency Little -i ntf:~ rval 11141c'.0,orl", statistical analyzers, monitoring and accounting devices. A description is given of the design and operation of various versions of multichannel counters, And.schematic diagrams and calculations are given for the priw,_ipal compor-ents.