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USSR UDc 681-325-36 GOLMMIKO, A. I., and SHIRWO A. P. -"Device for Data Transmission in Digital Computers" USSR Authors' Certificate No 363o93, c1. G o6f 13/00, filed 5 APr 71, pub- lished 20 Dee 72 (from Otkrytiya, izobreteniya, Promyshlennyye Obraztsy, Tovarnyye Maki, No 3, 1973,.p 99) Abstracti The device is for data transmission in residue-system. digitual computers and contains a local control unit and supplenental data storage unit. A block of reading amplifiers, a number registert receiving register, and logic circuits are series-connected to the outputG in each of tho data transmission channels. The unique feature of the device Is that, to increase the carrying capacity, the first inputs of two coincidence circuits are con- nected to some of the outputs of the receiving regiatea-s in each of the data transmission channels; the. outputs of the coincidence circuits are connectod respectively to the output transmission lines for 1241c and suppleirs,,ntal in- formation, while the second inputs are conrected direotly through the NOT circuit to the corxesponding output of the local control unit, whose outputs axe connected to the outputs of the high-order dI.Gits of the nunber registers. 1/1 USSR urr 66o.o46.,-, SHIRER I G. B., V. K.P VOINOVj S. G., 3'L!JTN3V, A. G., PEGOV, V. G., HOMHAROVA A. A., TSIBULINIKOV, A. I., and MOI(HIR., Ye. D. "Refining of Ball Bearing Electrical and Martin Steels by Synthetic Lime- Alumina Slag with Ifigh Silica Content" Moscow, V sb. "Oovremennyje problemy kachestva stali" (MISiS). (Collection of Worics. Modern Problems of Steel (;duality) (1,11oscoir Institute of Steel and Alloys), Izd-vo "bletallurgiya," No 61, 1970, pp 247-249 Translation of Abstract: Results are presented of the refining of Shn,15 steel melted in 100-ton electric furnaces using synthet4C slag with hiih Silica con- tent in a ladle. With resDect to sulfur content and the level of contamina- tion by sulfide impurities, the obtained steel is similar to inetal refiued with conventional synthetic slag containing not more than 3(t Of Silica, although the forLr--r is more contaminated with oxide atid globular impurities. Data are presented on production testing, of the de.-5crite~d slag at LL ?'Viltin plant, at which the qirality of the 12KhTNW and 20 K steels for pipes -was found to be similar to a steel refia,,~,d with, the Lls~zal s"mthetic Glal:7. Yhe praiuc- tion cost of the slag with high silica content is given (It is approxiir;aWly Vrables/tan cheaper than thte ordinary slag)- 3 tuble-,v. USSR UDC:669.0,16.558.7 PEGOV, V, G., ANISINX)V, NJ. Ye. , ABIMOVA. IFL KOV, A. A., KO% V. K., MOLCHANOVA, A. A., VOINOV, S. G. , SHALIN"OV, A. c. , -and FRMM11KIN, A.A. "Influence of Deoxidation of Metal With Silicocalcium and Addition of Soda to Synthetic Slag on Contamination of Type ShKhl5 Steelltlith Nonmetallic In- clusions" Proizvodstvo Cheraykh Metallov [Production.of Ferrous Metals--collection of Works), No 75, Motallurgiya Press, 1970, pp 215-226 Translation: Mien type ShKhl5 steel is made in 100-T electric furnaces with treatment by synthetic slag in the ladle, the addition of 2.5-3.0% calcinated soda allows the content of oxygen in the steel to be reduced by 25'0.and the contamination with sulfides, oxide,and globular inclusion~i to be significantly reduced. Deoxidation of ShKhIS steel with silicocalcium 2.0-2.S ka/T with simultaneous processing with syntbetic slag decreases the content of sulfides and oxides, but causes an increase in the content of globu lar inclusions in the steel. 3 tables; 5 biblio. refs. USSR UDC 518.5:681.3,06 MUNN, V- I., BELYAYKOV, N. YO., GOPDIN, V. M., LUIDA, T. I., A. 1. W-amm"m "Syste-mi ft:~ "wtv:-aa-cic PrOCCI-5i"~ff of Anunialics in Thrc!e Diniensiop.,a! Ilotcntial Fields Fkx.--d in a Plane or N-onhoriZonzal Surfac-c" Tr. Vscs. m.-i Gcoloc-or-izvej. ~',,;ft. in-t 11',orks of All-Union Scicntific Re- S C.1 1 0 -" 0~`. Jj C-- a ) P r O-S J)Q CZ I I IZ L rch i0l Ge -I,! Peu~01-uraj, NO 1013, 1971, pp 161-ISC~, (Tninslated J2-vnn 10, JC'71 Abstract 10 by ti;c A I)]-CS(,jj'IC(! ()f flit' a f TI r-0 - gra ms c v. c I,! a, I" fol. t I A (I mpi I Ic"', r, dc- J to socive L- -,-L,15rc 1011 -p cyas in ill to-II)o I a~: ~L on of f-cc-7-.1 am :~rbjtrayv 0.47-* poiias to U11-iLs ill a richt nctwor.~~, o-.~ anom",. lies 1D'1 c-xtcy.nn1 fi-Itration of -random Zrrors al"J, calc"'.1at -I of V- is transfoa~jaants of thn:~c, di7vc:-!- L~ 101 ar -; OL -j patent-iai Zic-1-7s. -17-10 claracterls"Acs of a r",-!-t-or, of- prc--Iramls anr rosu',---~ of C~11CtlIZ)t4~)-jS OC t11:1-Ce USSR uDc 616.988.6 ZHMVICHP A. V. and Institute of YAcrobiology imeti Avgust Kirkhenshteyn,'7ca'tejm "of-l"cie4nceal Iatvian ;SSR "Hutagenic Effect of Moloney Sarcoma Virus on Wistar Rat Cells" Fdga, Izvestiya Akademii Nauk Latviyakoy SSR, No T, 1971, PP 62-66 Abstract: Exposure of a culture of rat (Wistar) embryo fibroblasts to Moloney sarcoma virus produced a substantial number of cells vith chr=osC=e aberrations, including chr=atid and isochromatid breaks. The inju-ries we:v random since different chromosoms vere affected. In vivo study of t-=ors induced by Moloney sarcoma. virus In young Wistar rats revettled a a-abstantied number of numerical rather than structural aberrations in the chromos=es. In a third series of experiwntb, spleen cells from tuzor-c *arrying rats vere found to have a higher number of aneuploid cells than~the control, althougii the tumor calls vere diploid. 112 Oil UNCLASSIFIED PROCESSING DATE--30OCT70 TITLE--0E1MCNSTRATICN MODELS FOR STUDYING rHE ELECTRON STRUCTURES OF ATOPS _U_ AUTHOR--SHIRINAt L.K* '~CGUNT RY OF INFO--USSR -.SOURCE--KH1M. SHK. 1970t 25(1)t 77-80 -DATE PUBLISHED - ----- 70 .,SUBJECT AREAS--PHYSICS JOPIC TAGS--ELECTRCIN STRI)CTURE, TRAINING AID, MODEL _CCNTRGL MAAKING--N0 RESTRICTIONS ~"PGGUMENT CLASS--UNCLASSIFIED -;PROXY REEL/FRAME-2000/1218 STEP NO--Ull/0509170/025/OOL/007710080 CIRC ACCESSICN NC--AP0124872 UNCLASSIFIED 212 Oil UNCLASSIFIED PRUCESSING L)ATE--30OCT70 .:CIRC ACCESSION NC,--AP01Z48-,'Z ABSTRACTIEXTRACT-W) GP-0- ABSTRACT. A DESCRIPTION OF SIMPLE ROTATUG MODELS OF THE ATOM IS GIVEN. THE CCNSTRUCTION OF 'THC MODELS MADE PUSS16LE ThE CONTEMPORARY DEMCNSTPATION OF THE FORN OF S AND P ORB[TALS, 'D 3S ORBITALS OF ELECTP.Cj%S OF CIFFE OR ISr 25s AIN RENT ATOMS. UN( L AS I F I f: 0 112 030 UNCLASSIFIED ~PROCIESSING OATE--16OCT70 TIT.LE--OYNAfAlICS OF GAS EVOLUTION AND OF GAS CONTAPINAT40N YiITH OUST Im loo VON OXYGEN CONVERTERS -U- AUTHO-R-(05)-KRICHEYTSOV, E.A., SHIRINKIN, N.A., REKHTElko V.YA.,. KUKURUZNYAK# I.S.* KITTAYEV, :,,,COUNTRY OF INFO--USSR ~SOURCE-_STAL' 1970p 30(")t 113-1-8 PUBLISHED ------- 70 SUBJECT AREAS--MATERIALS, MECH., IND.v CIVIL AND MARINE ENGR ~_-JOPIC TAGS-METAL OXYGEN CONVERSIONt EXHAUST GAS DW.4AMICS, STEEL .,~,~_,MANUFACTURE PROCESS# METALLURGIC FURNACE ':CONTROL MARKING--NO RESTRICTIONS _z-~OCCUMENT CLASS--UNCLASS.TFIED PROXY REEL/FRAME--I995/0203 STEP NO--UR/0133/7G/03,31002/0113/0118 CIRC ACCESSION NO--AP0115907 UNCLASSIFIED 2/2 030 UNCLASSIFIED PROCESSING QATE--16OCT70 CIRC ACCESSION NO--AP0115907 ABSTRACTtEXTRACIT-W) GP-0- ABSTRACT. A SERYES OP 100 TON CONVERTER iUNIFORMITY OF GAS AND DUST EVOLUTION RATES. HEATS SHOWED A MARKED No. > THE REASONS FOR THIS ARE DISCUSSED., THE RATE OF OPERATIONS IS DEFfINED BY THE CAPACITY OF THE GAS REMOVING INSTALLAT[OiWo WHICH MUST BE DESIGNED FGR THE MAX. GAS EVOLUTION. FACILITY: KkIVOROlH. MET.~ZAVOD, m IVOI ROGt USSR. UNCLASSIFIED USSR &HIUHOLQTt,T*V and JaYA-zovo- S. ~ 1~- UDC "Concerning the Calculation of Physically Nonlinear Rotmd Platest Lying on a Continuous Hozogeneow Base and on a Continuous Inhamogeneous Base" Tashkent, Prochnost' i Seysmostoykostl Sooruzh, - Sbcirnik- (The Strength and Earthqual-aproof Hati=e of Structure3 - Collection of Works , Jan,19710 pp 140-146 ('11'ram Referativnyy Zhurnall Mekhanlical No 2, Feb:72p Abstract Ho 2VI89 by V. 1. Shalashilin) Trunalationj The article deals with the axisymmatrical deflections of a round plate with account taken of phyrAcal nonl1noarltyl the plate lias on a, borco- geneous and on an inhomogeneous elmatic ba-se of the witlaer type, ulth exponential changvA of the modulus of elasticity trith xuspect to tho depth of' the base. The oquation for the oattlIngs of the b&--o Im repvw%ent&d in the form of an integral equation. Sirultansous nolution of the aqua-tions of the deflection of the plate and the aettlinge of the base Im sought in the fo= of exponential series; recurrent ralationzhip3 are obtained to determine the coefficients of those series. Results of numerical calculations an presented for a homogeneous hass and for an inhoz-ogensous bass. 0 -100 USSR UDC 621,'.131.43+5~',9,,21-OU+-149?-.3 U~IIUNWWJI To I and VEDERMOV, A. A. "The Calculation of Fr-xme Structures Lying on an Inhottogonrious Soil Base" Tashkent, Proch.n.ost; i Seyanriostoylkostl Sooruh. -- Sbornlik (The Strength and Earthquakeproof Ita-ture of qtruct=es -- Collection. of ltforks)v Jan ?I% pp 128~130 (f ron- Raffexativnyy Zhimiali Mokhanlkab No 2, Fab 72j Abstract No ZV547 ]A. -- a r) by G. I Shef ~ Tmnslations A procedure is proposed for the calculation of a fmne struettwe, Which lien on an ieotxopic inhomogencous eLaIvItic r-~O-Ildspacef the olasticity nodulus of uhich In an expon(:nItial flux"tion (-,X tho dopth vith ail exporent nLialler U-4in unIty, Th~,t zothocl for it Metvigular ftane, which iu lx~lng, av--t-ed ury,)n trf known loads of dUtrIb-LvtodJ'orca;z, cowdrstu in cepaiating it Aji-to isev,~,irztl elenatz; r. top crot~r~'= and ,4 t-otton one, U4 two side colur,=.. Th3 unInioim bandirtF no;.,.qnts at the 4uiglo points aro detev,,,dned from the corAi-tion of cou-n1ity of the deflection zngles of thio oluumlits f-.'OrIA-nG the aangle Ifflder dc.ratinn. Tiho def1cation arxglen axe -found by tho authom Iry m-anc of the netbad of i2iltic-a r,:,.rr%zebv7,Z. For dftOxY--AniYIg ., momn=ts in t1be lvotto~t crossbaxsv the bending P-1,11 ox~dnaxy difforontla-I Eulttir- Ba=oulli enuation of a bo= is integratedl the boara ifj i.n riLrld. contact with W9 IBSR SnHINMWV, T. , and V--,:DMaYOV, A. A., The Strength and Faxthquakop.-ow" Haturie of Structures - Collection of Works# Jan ?1, pp 128-13 19 an elastic inhonogeneous se,;Aipace, the vertical movement of point.3 in it being given by wn infinite series irith respect to even Geganlbavor polY71omi.--1*. For an appro7cirzate solution of the problem? only the finA three tor= of the series axe x~atained. Results of numerical calculations of the boyding nomauts in a structure having the most charactoristic cross sections, for a distributed load and for a concentrated force acting in the conter of the bottwa croasbar, are presented in the form of a table. Analy.-da of tho nmieriezO. Infoxration shown that in tho calculatiou of fmnes, account w3t to talm"n of the influence of inho-, ogeneity of the soil p~o- Rt partiez# simm In tho opp.,)Ata case tho calculat(-d wauez of the banding moirants mij ium out to ~; too 3.011, and thin docreivos the carry-Ing capwity,of tho structures, Six references, i~ USSR UDC 539.3 jA4U-Nv_LO V "o "calculating Round Slabs on an Elastic:11alfspace the Youngis Modulus of Which is a Stez)-I~unction of Depth" Tashkent, V. sb. Voor. mekhan4ki. Vyp 6 (Problems of Mechanics. Vol6 Collectio Of fi~r_lrs "" Fan Press, 1970, pp 102-122 (from RZh-Mekhanika, No 10, Oct 70, Abstract No 10 V122), Translation: This article contains a study of axiapuvaetric bending oTa round isotropic plate of constant thicAmess free17 flying on a non-uniform elastic halfspace without considering friction and under the condition of contact between the plate and the base. The Young's modulus of the halfopace va.71ios 1fith reepect to depth according to the law E = Emzm(O 1.), The roe edure Drocedure is based on using the Uegenbauer polyncwd.,als to repro- sent the sent the reaction to resistance of the base. The aolutlona of the problems of bending of plates under~the effect of uniformly r's t"e probI distributed loads and loads unifonaly distributed inside At ;ed 1( istribut _: Ll -12 72 USSR SHIRINKULOV, T., V. sb. Vopr mekhaniki. Vyp. 6, Pan Press, 1970, pp 102-122 concentric circle are presented. The numerica' calculations are performed for a plate under the effect of a uniformly distributed load. The results are presented in the form of dia6rams of the reactive pressures and bending moments. A coiq~arisbn is made with the caae of a uniform base. The bibliograph4 lias 10 entries. 7 M,#Y 7z- SOME nVOOOLOCICAL ISSUES _1V HE-DtCU;T_ 'Art1,11t, by f4l i . _TsnTm,?ro'dt,--e.V, (Mosco.); Morco~. Vcnrni~t Akatlerdi MeditgAnskikh NaU-MR, Ru93 an, 1972. ;,p 69-76) In thL era of scientific and technolo;~Lcal revolution the, rolo of methodology.of scientific rereArch Is. increasing sbArpI3. In turn, as it is stressed in the decisions of tho 24th Congrear vf the CPSU,the ideeloafeal ntrvg3le.burween bourgeois and Marxist-Loninist varld outlooks is tsrtL)=1n& more acute. Both these proc.sses. are s~pecifically tr.,,nifiasted in %uch a branch of scientific knowledge and practical act;vlty as forcrisic tr.~~lcine .1tich, tn a bourReuis society, has tta own "representatiun" in a number of popular reactionary philonophical 4nd sociological theories. The zvtbodologieal and ideological acuity of some issues considered by forensic ceellcine ts Intmsi- fied because of its borderline position. ForensIc r~dicl-ie is in the vdng-mrd of medical sciences that interact directly with itsues dealing with man's social conJ$Liona, the theory and practice of Justice, protection of life, health, freQdom, and dignity. in this article we uh;.11 try to formula,., eom. of the 'issuer in forencte medicine and to deror.Atratc 0~c uncelenting ldeol~,I~ical struggle whose Influence al ro exte eds ovcr Lsvus in tht's science. Ve shall also make. 4 critical analyiia of Lambrcalant~-. [Lawhroso waa an Italian criminologist and physician) (the so-called anthro~olorlcjl %chool of criminal law) and its current variant. neolowbroslanism. Dut we stall consider C416 trend in bourgeois law and forensic medicino frc- r.~0iodologlcal and ideoloZical positions, and not from the standpoint of its actual in-ilidity. It one tries to forrulate the moat important isquer in forensic medicine, in one of the firct places vne ~houla mention tlie correla- tion between social and biological elements, the problom of quality, the -Worrel&tion berweer, causes. -conditions ~ and zotivation. Interaction between 7- structure and function, and others. Of course, all these issues plw,~ primarily a general methodological role in 411 branchets of medicine as a corpliax - science. But at the same time. they have specific, "sectorial" distinctions as applied to forensic medicine. 103 USSR UDC 624. SHIRINSKLY, _X,, I. _,(_1t9scow) "The Stability of a Cylindrical Shell Under the Action of a Nonuniform Radial Load" Moscav, Stroitel'naya Mekhanika i Raschet Sorruzheniy, No 1, 1971, pp 44-48 Abstract: On the basis of a refined equation of semizero-maizient theory, an investigation is made of the stability of a cylindrical sholl under the action of a load which changes in a circumferential direction. An approxi- mate method is proposed, by means of which it is possible rapiJly, and without error in the dangerous direction, to find the. cxitical parameter of the nonuniform load. Formulas are obtained, which provides sufficient precision for engineering calculations. If the precision yielded by the formulas is insufficient and it is necessary to resort to electronic ccm- puters, the information obtained from the fomulas may considerably facili- tate the machine calculation. 2 figures, 8 bibliographic entries. 1/Z 024 UINCLASSMED PROCESSING fj;JE---20NQV7C TITLE--CATHGOIC REDUCTILN OF MAINGANNESE, 11, IONS GN AN AMALGAM ELECTRODE _U_ AUTHOR-(03)-LANGE, A.A., SHIRIBSKIlKlis A.Va, BUKHMA.1ir S.'P6 CCUNTRY OF INFO--USSR SOURCE--IZ'V. AKAD. NAUK KAZ. SSR, SER. 115 1 ~14 .1970t ~,20 (2) 168-70 :~'bATE PUBLIShEC--70 _,~SUBJECT AiiEAS-MATERIALS, CHEMISTRY _b'TOPIC- TAGS-14AINGANESE ALLGY, IONs AIMALGAMo METAL COAROSIONt OXYGEN CATHODE REDUCTIGN, PETAL ELECTRCOE, SULFATE, CATHODE POLARIZATION CONTROL MARKIING-NO RESTRICTIGNS DOCUMENT CLASS--UNCLASSIFIED -!)R.OXY REEIL/FRAME--2000/1610 STEP NO--UR/0360/7OiO2O/OO2/OO68/OO7O CIRC ACCESSICh NC--AP0125232 UN Ct A$.$ 1 F i E 0 2i2 024 UNCLASSIFIED PROCESSING OATE--20NOV70 CIRC ACCESSICN NO-AP0125232 A6STRACT/EXTiiACr--(U) GP-0- ABSTPACT. FOR THE CAThODIC REDN. OF O.L AND 0.25H MNSO SU34 SOLNS. (Pli 2.65-6.5)t THE POLAR f ZAT 10,1,1 CURVES WERE AEASURED AT A STATIGINARY AMALGAM ELECTRODE AT 20DEGREES. NEAR THE EQUIL. FCTEATIALS, THE WxVES OF POTENTIAL VS. LUG C.D. EXHIBITED A PLATEAU, ITS LENGTH DECREASED 141TH INCREASING PH. T14E EFFECT IS CAUSED BY THE CGRROSION OF MN AMALGAIMS IN ACID SOLNS.i AS WAS.SHOWN BY THE MEASUREMENTS OF CURRE14T EfFICIENCIES. FACILITY"- UNST* KHIM- NAUK# ALMA ATAP LSSR. UNCLASSIFIED UNCLASSIFIED PROCESSING DATE--040EC70 TITLE--EFFECT OF ESERINE AND PROSERINE.ON CHOLTNESTERA~SF_ ACTIVITY IN VARIOUS SECTIONS OF RAT BRAIN AND HEART -U- AUTHOR- (04) -MNDZHOY AN r A.L.t AMA0YAN#,M.G.j SHIR,Lj%YAN,, FE.A., TSOVYANOVA, S.T. COUNTRY OF INFO--USSR SOURCE--BIOL. ZH. ARMs 1970, 23(1)t 3-19 :.DATE PUBLISHED ------- 70 -SUBJECT AREAS--BIOLOGICAL AND MEDICAL SCIENCES --ALKALOID, CHOLINESTERASE, JOPIC TAGS BRAIN, CEREEIRAA_ CORTEX, HEARTP ENZYME ACTIVITY C0114TROL MARKING--NO RESTRICTIONS DOCUMFINT CLASS--UNCLASSIFIED PROXY REEL/FRAME--3008/0036 STEP NO--LIR/Olt27Y7OYO23/001/0003/0009 CIRC ACCESSION NO--AP0137235 UNCLASSIFIED 111111 IN 2 018 UNCLASSI FIED PROCESSING DATE-04CEC7C CIRC. ACrESSION NO--AP0137235 ABSTRACT/EXTRACT--(U) GP-0- ABSTRACT. ESERINE AND PROSERINE (0~05 MG-KG I.P.) LOWERED THE CHOU NEST ERAS CE ACTIVITY MORE IN THE CEREBRAL CORTEX THAN IN THE OTHER PARTS OF BRAIN, ~PROSERINEi AN CONVRAST TO ESERINE, WAS MORE EFFECTIVE UN HEART CHOLINESTERASE TmAM ON 31AIN CHOLINESTERASE. FACILITY: INST. TONIK01 ORG. KHII,4.p 'EREVANv. US.SR. 7-- Ussi UDc U5.477. Z11.: 616.1? -089.2 8 SiUl-,AKOV, V. I., XOGILEVSKILY, E. B., KROL, A. D., SHIRKBIA, T., V., a nd OUGIN. A. A., Scientific Research Institute of Cljn:Lc-a.1 a, Exper Surgery, J'.40SC014 "Model of an Artificial Heart for Intrapericardia-I Implantation4 Hoscow, Yleditsinskaya Tekhnik, /Oct 70, PP 5-10 a, No 5, Sep Abstract: A modo-I is presented of an implantable artificIal heart which consists of two mirror halves (right anJ loft), 'each containing an artificial auricle and an artifical ventricle. Tho median surfaces of the ventricles *.re flat so that they may bo easily connactDd after i-mplantation. The overa-11 d:Lwinsions of tho unit and the volume of its cavities depand upon the heart rtimanr)ions of tile aninal for which the artificial heart izi intonlod. . information iu~ pro-4ided concerning the design, duvolopmont, anI tosting of the artificial heart tuat. Stand tests of imDlantable nodals developed by the authors and of control systems for them have madu it possible to deterrine thoir functional paramoters and to select the optimal operating conditions. It has been determinod that the mDdols can be usrd for oxporimants with tota). substitution or the pu--p function of tile natural heart. ExDoriments on-calves and dogs have boon alreiady initiated* e7l USSR VOUKOV) IT. I. ZATSIOPSKIY, V. M., KRYLATYKH, Yu. G., .'1JLA_'KSD-'0V, N. M RUMOVICHY S. D., SAM-ANIYA, S. K., MIEMMISINOV, V. N., and _11URKOVETS Aa4w State Order of Lenjn Central Institute of Physical "Physiological Characterictics of Repeated Exercise Done at Different Heart Ratesit Hoscov, Taoriya i Praktika Fizicheskoy Kul'tury, 110 5, 1971, pp 23-28 Abstract: Lung ventilation, oyyLen consumption, and release of "excess" C012 were measured in 3 skilled cyclists after repeated exertions on a bicycle ergoireter wita different lei,.-ths of iarl, and rest pE-riods. Each Subject. 1,,3r- forred 5 variations of the experiment at 3 heart rates - 150, !65, and 180 beats/Min. The periods of exertion were 1.5, 3, 7.5, 15, and --10 m1n. The nature of the rhysio-logical reactions to the repeated exercise vatried consid- erably with the lencth of th,; work and rest periods. Oxypn cc:yn~.unmtion _tts highest when the repcated exercice wu,, done at a heart rate of 180 heats/rin p rd as --o t affic:t nt rh , ti-e vith work periodG of u. to 3 - n. Lun,l,, functioz wa L !; _C, ~, CY - 'heart rate was over 150 bentshAn and tllwt ax,2rciso rmria~j wl,_" Itor, than 7-5 min. Rf*cnted cxcrcloe at 3.'5 I)Qatn/rdll for abojt 7-5 mlij had offeet all Usf~.Iw 1/3 030 UN( LASSI FIED PROCESSING DArE--27NOV70 -TITLE--REFLECTION COEFFICIENT AND FR.E~~UENCY CHARACTEkISTI.C.S OF THE E SUBS LAYER -U- AUTHOR-(04)-DANILINA, G.N., DERGUNOVAt A.Asi 0VEZGEL0'yYEVi O.t SHIRMAMEG COUFITPT'W~SSR SGURCE--lZVESTtYA AKADE.'-117 NAUK-'TURKM&lSK0Y SSRv SERIYA FlZ!K0-TEKHNICHESKIKH, KHIMICHESKY-KH I GEOLOGICHIESK-4111H NAUK, NO 3p 1970p DATE PUBLISHED ------- 70 AREAS--ATMOSPHERIC SCIENCESI NAVIGATION ..'-TOPIC TAG'3--E LAYER, RADIO ~__.OMMUNICATEON, IONOSPHE.R11', S'rA*l*lF);'-,'7 RADIO 'W'AVc- FREQUENCY CHARACTERISTIC TROL MARKING--NO RESTRICTIONS ~,DKUMENT CLASS--UNCLASSIFIED REEL/FRAME-30031039,1t STEP .'C,IRC.. ACCESSION IN10--AP0137487 U INIC LA S S I F 1, E D .2f3 030 UNCLASSIFIED PROCESSING DATE--27NOV70 I RC ACCESSION NO--APOL37487 -:ABSTRACT/EX-r,qA(-,T--(U) GP-0- A3STRACT. WITH RESPECT -T 0 R, A 1) 10, COMMUNICATION THROUGO THE LAYER 1 T I S IMPORTAN'f TO ST,'Jl0Y THE REFLECTION COEFFICIENT P E SUBS FOR DIFFER.ENT RATIO$ OF THE WORKING FREQUENCY OF SOUNDI'.',]G F SUBWOPK ANO THE F-RE;4(JENry Cflf~RACVERISTICS OF THIS LAYER F SUBO -E (cRir[CAL REFLECT[O.N FIREQUEIN`,-Y~ 1"i'll) F SUBB F SUBS (SCPEENING FREQUEINCY). FOR THIS PURPOSE DURINk" THE ;SUMIMER OF: 196$ SYNCHRONOUS OBSEERVATIONS 'i-t'ERE AT ASHKHABAD'.USING A-'Ll IONOSPHERIC AND AN APPAIA"rus DESIGNEI) FOR INEA,51)RING Ti-IF 11 F, 30",P OF RA0113 WAVES IN THE IONOSPHERE BY THE A SUB1 METHOD. T14E OBSERVATIONS WERE MADE USING THE FOLL014ING PROGRAM: THE IONOSPHERIC Sf-ATION OPEkATED IN A FIVE MINUTE REGIME AND GAVE flit": T11-1E VARIATION OF F SUBO E SUBS AND F SUBS AND E SUBS. THE APPARATUS FOR MEASURING ABSORPrioi~i OPERATED AT A FIXED FRE~JUENCY OF 3.0 "IC-SEC. 10 MINUTE MEASUREMENTS ALTERNATED WITH 5 MINUTE BREAKSt MAKING IT POSSIBLE TO DETERMINE THE T;=MPORAL VARIATIONS P E SUBS. THE INITIAL EXPERIMENTAL DATA WERE 'PROCESSEI) BY STANDARD METHODS. SEVEN SERIES OF S!!lU1-T4rv-'E0US MEASUREMENTS WERE HAOE WITH A TOTAL DURATION OF MIORE THAN 25 HOURS~ COMPARISON OF rHE TEMPORAL 'QUf:t 'UBSP F W F VARIATIONS OF THE FRI 14CY PARA'14.~TERS F S080 E % 13B - SUas A140 THE REFLECTION COEFFICIENT P F RA.VEALS THAT i:GR *rHE .,'ADST PARr THE FOLLOWING TENDENCY IS OBSERVED,: W,,'i-cN F SUBWORK IS LESS 1HAI'll OR CLOSE To F SUBB E SUBSt P E SUBS N 1. ri T [ I ES ECASES THE E SUBS LAYER IS A MIRROR REFLECTING LAYER. THE P E SUBS VALUE OEGREA.51--!-) WHE14 F SUBWORK IS GREATER THAN F SURB E SUBS, WHICH IS DETERMINED FOR YHE AOST PART By niE FF SUBWORK-F SUBB E SUBS RATIO. UNCLAS-S-l f --tit 3/3 030 UNCLASSIFfM PROCIF-SSING OATE--27NGV-(C CIRC, ACCESSION NG--AP0137487 AASTRACT/EXTRACT--AS AN EXAMPLE, THE ART I CL. EGIVES THE RESULTS OF SIMULTANEOUS CONTINUOUS MEASURE14ENTS MADE ON 29 JUNE 1968, THE DATA IN THE ARTICLE ARE OF A PRELIMINARY., NATURE BUT THEY S144)14 THAT Iftj CONrRA5T N T TO THE REGULAR LAYERS OF THE IONOSPHEREi THE VALUES, OF THE COEFFICIE OF REFLECTION FROM 7";` E LAYER AT FREQUENCIES GREATER. THAN F SU86 E SUBS ARE DETERMINED 6Y TH('L 'PATIO F SUBWORK-F SURB E SUBS4 CASES OF REGISTRY OF P E SUBS GREATER T~-i",Nl I WERIE :-!D; THESE OC-%'-UR,~FD 1% EVERY SERIES, THESE CASES ARE 0;~S-=~,VEI) IMIDST ~-R~ ',.;-NTLY WHEN F SU31! 'IF SUBS- IS CLOSE TO i 7 ~' IDITIONS CLOSE TO 141PROR OR GREAITER THAZ". F SUBWJ'Rr~v THAT -, THE CON REFLECTION. THESE VALUES OF THEE R E FL EC T I ON CCEFFI(J'ENT ARE ANOMALOUS AND REQUIRE SPECIAL ANALYSIS* FACILITY: INSH-trUTI: O.= PHYSfCS OF T14E EARTH AND ATMOSPHERE, ACADEMY OF SCISNCES TURKI-.-t~N 5Sq.; ASHKHABAD. UNCLASSIFIE0 USSR ROZENBLYTH, G. D., SHIRMN, M. V. "Low Frequency Measuring Generators" UDC 621.373 Obmen opycom v ~cadiopron,:-sti (Exchange of Experience in the Radio Ind,'115try) vyp. 5, Zlloscow, 1970, pp 79-82 (from IZM-Radiotek'~-Anika, No 9, Sep 70, 'Ibstract No 9A169) Translation: -L.i'-'3 article contains a detailed description of r.easur-ing iow- frequency generators of the following types: GZ-47, GZ-48, CZ-49, GZ-5L and GZ-54. The basic characteristics of these generators are pre5enzed in table. Certain -enerators are distinguislued by high azcuracy with respecc to frequency, and others are distinguished by very 3ood shap,-:~ of the curve, and so on. A new low-freq"ency generator is -mentioned (the type is not, named) masrery of which is planned for the near future., U,5SR S T S-T. L;D-- Analysis C)t The ]-inc-Ur LI Or, cc-, 0' or T;!.,c--di---- uljv 1 C) ~ I I-- I ri i7 C, oni rd crct.. -j 1"' " -I - I L tbr- c4 L f 4 .1 n t t !, CI-jj rf o 49 01,;11 Wit" j-, ~atli .1 t L . - . , ,L . 1 c t j " .: Q cil ", L : !-.:. " C~' bEnd. "i C j 811V f: C Lj 8 tun b CnIll I I.' C- br - Q ' r-d- b , - A 13t unt crro V-1 f I,! c LISSR UDC 621.391.2 SHIRMAN, YA. D. "Some Problems of Detection in the Presence of Gaussian Signal and Noise Statistics" Mow-.ow, Radiotekhnika i Elektronika, Vol XVI, No 2, Vebruary 1971, pp 298-308 Abstract, Optimal detection algorithms for fluctuation distortions of the received oscillations are discussed in this article. Various time relations of the correlation of the fluctuations and signal length are investigated including the case where they are of the -some order. The result& obtained for time processing are extended to processing in the antenna aperture. From the calculations, it was concluded that 1) expanstons both with respect to orthogonal and with respect to nororthoRonal time func- tions with random independent coefficients are useiul lit analyring the optimal detection of fluctuating signals; 2) optimal titm processing splits into coherent and incoherent procesaing, and it can be,performed USSR SHIRMN. YA.-,,D., Radiotekhnika i Elektronika, Vol XV1, Ho 2, February pp 298-~08 by means of correlators and optimal filters the output voltages of which are subjected to weighted square sunnation. 3) rhamples are presented which show the variation of the processing schemes aa a function of the ratio of the signal length and fluctuation correlation tine; cases are investigated where these variables are of the same order and the pr6duct 11 T = I (where It is the fluctuit.tion band and T Is fluctuation fluctuation the signal duration). 4) The possibility of using the reaults obtained in antenna statistics for aperture proceasIng is demoostrated. 2/2 L Ass t F' I E 0 PRO,."'ESSLNIG rjATF--2olN-.;IV7l0 J.,At Yt ;-~F . AfW 'SPATIAL T,'~ir'URAL RESOLUTION FOR AN UN'KN6,dN CCUNTRY CF !NFL-US~R L5v JUNE 19M, P. 1146-11516 .SCUkLE__RArf.;TkKHN1U I E:'Li:KTRJtNIKA, VOL. PULISHLLI - - - - JUN70 SUBJECT AKU-S-ELECrROINICS AiiD ELECTRICAL JGPIC TA'_,S--SL'GNAL 0~YECrIC,"'is SPA(,C: TIME, CL,NTR CL -APY RESh CTICN_S ENGR., PHYSICS 1,1111TE NOISE, RANDOM NOISE SIGNAL .~PJROXY kiL AME-31'06/iI311 STEP Nl)--UR/0lo9/70/~' -/00Q/Ll"tfj/115(j C ERC. ACCESSI~-N MC--APOl3-'tLt5 tJ,,\.L L A SS I F I E 0 U;~4k, LAS S IF I E D f',Cl C ES S I.NG J'AT %,0 V i V. C. T E C 01-1 ;Jf T I T t4kAl- SIGNAL N A 6 'C-,'GR` WNU UF --~U fti A I E" L -00E T',j f L V f- i- u -1 ~.. N 114 T A L -F.; Sf",~AL ;jAVlN.G E ANL) A. Do V';~ I Gtj,~ A"THUDS LJF IC PARAPETER. P!~OCEUUIRt AilE E X,~ 4 114 ATTENTION I QPT I N, I Z I'-,; Gf E S I GNA L KUCr G IVEN TO THL JNFj.UENCi- ~XEKTL--D L.*q T[iF ENERGY 1HAESHU'Lit) GY THE A PRIURI OF T14E Nl,\ENL',R~;LTlC PARA.METFR A l4 D , G F r F I C- 0EGRL-V OF SIGNAL CORRELATICN. THE RES!,,L-1~) A~,E SYSTEMATICALLY-APPLI ED SiGNAL RESOLUTION, IN 1ERHiS CF TEiIPURAL POS[TION, DWkAT1-!--lkv It FREQUENCYt DIRECTION OF SIGNAL Ar"RIVALi PUAR117"AlION, AND WAV,'EFRONT CUWv'ArLjPe-- UNCLASSIFtEO PROCESSING DATE-30OCT70 -,,iMAL DiETECTION OF A RADAR TARGET IN A C-LOUD OF PASSIVE RELECTORS _u_ AUTHOR-SHIRMAN, YA.D. CGUNTRY OF INFO-USSR SOURCE-RADIOTEKHNIKA I ELEKTRONIKA, DATE PUBLISHEO--MAY70 VOL. 15* MAY 1970s P- '934-942 SUBJECT AREAS-NAVIGATION -.'~-,TOPIC TAGS-RACAR TARGET, RADAR CONFUSION RE.FLECTURt DECOY CHAFF, TARGET -ACQUISITION,-SPECTRAL SIGNATUREr ALGORITHM ::,CC.NTROL MARKING-NO RESTRICTIONS DOCUMENT CLASS-UNCLASSIFIED REELIFRA14E-2000/0355 STEP NO--UR/0109/70/DI5/00010934/0942 CIRC ACCESSIGN NO-AP0124112 UNCLASSIFIEG UNCLASSUIED PROCESSING DATE--30OCT70 i;IRC ACCESSION NQ--AP0124Ll2 ABSTRACTIEXTRACT-(U) GP-0- ABSTRACT* STUDY OF ALGORITHMS FOR THE OPTIMAL DETECTION OF A RADAR TARGET IN A CLOUD OF PASSIVE REFLECTORS WHICH IS FINITE IN EXTENT. THE ANALYSIS IS PERFORMED FOR DIFFERENY MODELS OF THE CLOUD FROM. THE VIEWPOINT OF A UNIFIED TREAT."iEiNT GF THE PROBLEM. RESULTS OF PREVIOUS STUDIES ARE OBTAMED AS SPECIAL CASES OF A SINGLE SYNTHESIS OF THE PROCESSING PROCEDURE FOR DIFFERENT CLOUD MOGELS. THE REGIONS 01F APPLICABILITY ARE DELINEATED FOR.KNOWN AND NEWLY OBTAIN-ED RESULTS, AND NEW SPE%CTRAL SYNTHESIS TEC~JNIQUES ARE DEVELOPED FOR PROCESSING WITH COHERENT AND NONCOHERENT STORAGE. THE REGULARITIES GF SPACE SURVEILLANCE BY THE RADAR ARE TAKEN INTG~ACCOUNT. 2.621-396.96 39]' cloud 'Reflector tie ts a r 97c) 0 ~Jr, Of C, netiactiv e On tl-~e 1-11 Itop tec * e. U Ole 0 6 W-N e 0 J Ov; v - , "OSCOM I I M. 11, ~- 10 e Or tec. ~-n . uc c c 0'n vav 1,17L tr e rj 1.1 t. of C11 a J'Jorint:- 7,11 -nif a I- to OTJ -raoc.. e"I -ores -a I'S 01;~ c1 ap P as -,-re 0 YA vion o , - I C'e. a tl.3.13 r C Out- G t1le r,c for e~ dd I? e r r, e,,q fo 0-ad "To is Y 17 0.1. th 'roe ar, d 01. ce %L C^ t1le fir r 0 0 +: 0 O-4cr 10 t1n 0 ce. ^51% ~ -., 01--- . r a!, t wn%l , USSR uDc 624-07:534.1 SHIR1111kNov V. S. "Experimental Study of the Work Expended by I-Peam 'Walla on Local Stability" Tr. Gorlk-o-v. inzh-stroit. in-ta (Works of the Gor'kiy Coattruction Engi- neering Institute), 1971, vYP. 58, Pp 68-73 (fron RZ-h-Mekhanika, No 10, Oct 71, Abstract No 1OV218) Translation: The paper preserts the results of local stability tests of welded boom girders of !-beam cross section. Loading was done on a 200 ton hydraulic press until loss of the caxryirig capacity of the girder under a continuously increasing load (or one which fnereases by steps). Bending was measured by dial indicators, and stresses were recorded by wire resistance gauges with a 10 mm base. A number of singularities of local loss of stability are noted. Experimenta.1 results are compaxed irith theoretical relations. B. L. Pelekh. 1/1 78 y"'k. rl c a c hers r S tr Of frcm cj ~eS tj~. CC) Z 0 Ol'-, L~ T! i, [Is S, of U,j S C 21; 0 M3 t C rs f r r -;,~a U u Z .- n4 nc, 0- C, f im -?(' C - t t i3 W - V 0 -,D G 0 10 11 - C jrje,,r~-04-- W(ej he roiL 0 PIDR~I'S OV, G 1 El t 1- 0 t 0 o)) 71., pp 50)-' C) ou"n"j- F 11* 07 ciS C'-' -vi 1, ~.C*~-- ns inzo -~=auc.-Lcm 4 ~- -u - -L . n s -t a-- r d ~a s are to Url c-!,ml in c c o re. -o o n h t-hi; s.. s hS I'C t~ lK t r o t y a zl-. mz I~x -.,i d..-.arx, 2ir~3t- c-f -""ay nazn t s 212 luji USSR UDC 547.756'757 AVRA14ENK0, V. G., SHIRNYUK T. Ya., and SUVOROV, N. It., Moscow Chemico- Technological Institute imeni D. I. Mendeleyev, Moscow "Derivatives of Indole. LXXXV, The Willgerodt-Kindler Reaction With 3-Acylindoles" Riga, Khimiya Geterotsiklicheskikh Soyedineniy, No 6, Jun 73, pp 759-761 Abstract: 3-Acylindoles Ind-C(=O)(CH2)nH (Ind = 3-1ndolyl; n = 1-4) (0.01 mole) were subjected to the.Willgerodt-Kindier reaction carried out with sulfur (0.02 g-at) and morpholine (0.2 mole) at the boiling point of morpholine. Upon boiling of the reaction products with Na011 in EtOli, 3-indolylalk.-inic acids Ind-(C11-?)n COOH were obtained,with a yield of 30, 21, 14, and 1% from the ketarie with n equal to 1, 2, 3, and 4, respectively. The 3-indolylalkanic acid with n = 1 (3-indolylacetic acid, "heteroauxin") has auxin properties. The thioTorpholides of the indolylalkanic acids with n = 1,2,3, which formed as intermediate products in the first stage of the reaction, were also isulated. On conversion of skatylacetone Ind-(CHZ)2C(=O)Me with S and morpholine, 3-;Lndolylbutyric acid Ind-(CH2)3, COOH was obtained with a yield of 40-48%. 14 _4 1 -111,110 USSR UDC 771-531-3:62-1-384-326.22 KULWHEINSKIY, Ye. -f a. LEWMA, Li. A. "Investigation of Exactness of the Intermittent Motion of a Photographic Film in the Photographic Recording System of an Aircraft Television Camerall Leningrad, Optiko-Mekhanicheskaya Promyshlennost', No 12, December 1971, PP 7-10 Abstract: The article deals with the possibility of a gate mechanism of the ale ctror-ech-, nica 1 tape, and makes a recon-mendat-ion concerning its employment, in order to provide the intermittent motion of a photographic fil-ra in the phatorecordirm v3tom of aircraft television cameras designed for geologic mapping and for the detection of fires. The exacLitude of Such a syssteri is investigated. It is found that in the frequency range of 5-25 gates/sec, the relative gate-recording error of the gate machanim doe-- not exceed 5P itith a probability of 0.9. Some distortions on the photographic film, introduced by the gate-recordimp, error, are entirely permissible for the indicated case of the employment of aircraft television cameras. The use of gate mechanism in the photorecording devices of aircraft television cameras considerably simplifies their system and design. :3 figures. 2 tables. 4 references. 1/1 112 025 UNCLASSIFIED PROCESSING DATE--2-50CTI70 ~-TITLE--CALCULATION OF A THERMODYNAMIC'ACTIVITY r~UEFFICIENT IN INFINI'TELY DILUTED'SOLUTIONS OF NONELECTROLYTES USING THI:- 'MEM.'Y OF FREE VOLUME -0- AUTHOR-(04)-STEPANOVi V.Mor DE.VYATYKH, G,,G.t PANASENKO# A~G.p SHIROBOKOV, M.YA. .COUNTRY OF INFO--USSR ,.SOURCE-ZH. FIZ. KHIM. 1970, 44(2)t 445-51 .DATE PUBLISHED ------ 70 ,SUBJECT AREAS--CHEMISTRYt PHYSICS TOPIC TAGS--CALCULATIONP lHERMODYNAMIC PROPERTYt HEAT OF VAPORIZATION, ACTIVI.TY COEFFICIENT, FLUID STATE -CONTROL M.ARKING--NO RESTRICTIONS DOCUMENT CLASS--UNCLASSIFIE0 PROXY REEL/FRAME--1995/1426 STEP N'O--UR/OC-*16170/~)4t4/002/Oft45/0"t5I CIRC ACCESSION ND--AP0116873 A- tz r 1 our 1 I r 2/2 025 UNCLASSIFIED PROCESSING DATE--230CT70 CIRC ACCESSION NO--AP0116a73 4BSTRACT/EXTkACT--(U) GP-0- ABSTkACTo FOUR EQUATIONi ARE DERIVED FROM COMPUTING THE THERMODY14AMIC ACTIVITY COEFF. ON THE OASIS OF THE FREE VOL* THEORY. THESE EQUATIONS TAKE INTO ACCOUNT WE LOOSENING OF THE STkUC7URE OF A FLUID WITH THE RISE IN TEPIP. WHICH CAUSES THE FORMATION OF HOLES IN THE FLUID. DATA COMPUTED BY MEANS OF THESE EQUATIONS WERE IN GOOD AGREEMENT WITH EXPTL. DATA. THE THERMODYNAMIC ACTIVITY COEFF, (GAMMA21) CAN BE COMPUTED FROM THE FOLLOWING: (FORMULA SHOWN ON MICROFICHE), FACILITY: NAUCH,-ISSLED. INST. KH111., GORIK, GOS. UNIVw' -IM. LOBACHEVSKOGOt GORKII USSR- 112-, ~016 UNCLA SS I F 1ED 'kOCESSING DATE--040CEC-70 :'TITLE--ON PURIFYING COPPER BY ZONE RECRYSTALLIZATI(IN -U- AUTHOR-(03)-VIGOOROVICti, V.Nvp MARYCHEVt V,V., SHIROBOKOYA, T.G.,_ -C OUNTRY OF INFO--USSR .1:SOURCE-IZVEST. AKAD. NAUK SSSR:r METALLYi MAR.-APR. 1970p (2)v 129-134. DATE PUBL ISHED------70 ~,~SUBJECT AREAS--MATERIALS ,,TOPIC TAGS--CRYSTALLIZATION, CUPPERt METAL ZONE REF I N I NG CONTROL MARKING--NO RESTRICTIONS DOCUMENT CLASS--UNCLASSIFIED PROXY REEL/FRAME--3003/1443 STEP.NO--UR/0370/'10/000/00210129/01-34 CIRC ACCESSION N0--AP0130376 0,NCLASS I F LEW --040C-C70 2/2 016 UNCLASSIFIED PlOCES5ING DATE IRC ACCESSION NO--AP0130376 ABSTRACT/eXTRACT--(U) GP-0- ABSTRACT. BY ANALYSING THE PHASE DIAGRAMS REPRESENTING THE INTERACTION OF CU WITHIVARIGUS UNVIRURITIES, A GENERAL .CLASSIFICATION OF THE IMPURITIES COMMONLY ENCOUNTERED IN CU IS DERIVED WITH A VIEW TO OPTIMIZING THE REFINEMENT OF CIJ BY THE ?ONE RECRYSTALLIZATION METHOD. IN GENERALt THE EFF[ClEiNCY (IF CU REFINEMENT BY THIS METHOD IS INCREASED BY RFOUCING THE VE1.0f,'.1,TY OF CRYSTALLHAYTON (SOLIDIFICATIONI* THE BEHAVIOUR OF A.-WIDE RANGE "F Ilm'PURINES IN CU -CORRELATES CLOSELY WITH THEIR POSITIONS IN T14E PE11,10DIC TABLE, WHICH MAY ACCORf)INGLY BE USED TO PREDICT THE BEHAVIOUR,OF It.,!PUlRI:TIES NOT YET -STUDIED. 12 REF. UN C L A S S I F I E 0: 1/2 024 UHCL ASS IF I ED PROCESSINS DAT~~_--27MOV70 TITLE--PRODUCTION GF ALLOYS WITH A UNIONECrIONA' STRUCTURE BY -,jW_TIPLE I L -U- PASS ZONE RECRYSTALLIZATION AUTHOR-103)-VOLPAN, A.YE., MARYCHEV, V v SHJRQJI,f~JWJ~a, T.G. COUNTRY OF INFO--USSR METALLOV I METALLOVEDENIFt MAR6 1970f 291 (3), 661-063 0ArE PUBLISHED ------- 70 Su BJECT AREAS--MATERIALS TOPIC TAGS--CRYSTALLIZATIUN,,ALUMINUM ALLOYI COPPFR ALLOYY MANGFSIUM ALLOYv ZINC ALLOYv EUTECTIC MIXTUREvCRYSTAL STRUCTURE CONTROL 14ARKING--PIO RESTRICTIONS DOCUMENT CLASS--UNCLASSIFIEO PROXY REEL/FRAME--3003/0204 STEP NO--UR/0126/70/029/003/0661/0663 CIRC ACCESSION NO--AP0129460 UNCLASS I F -I ~..l il I - .- --l..., ........ ....... 212 024 UNCLASSIFIED PROCESSING DATE--27NOV70 CIRC ACCESSION NO--AP0129460 ABSTRACT/EXTRACT--(U) GP-0- ABSTRACT'. THE POSSISILITY OF PROouCING ALLOYS WITH UNIDIRECTIONAL STRUCTURE (CONTROLLED EurFcrics) BY .111ULTIPLE PASS ZONE RECRYSTALLIZATION IS CONSIDERED IN THE LIGHT OF EXPERIMENTAL TESTS WITH ALvCU AND MGvZN,AL ALLOYS, BOTH PRIMARY CRYSTALS AND THE EOTECTIC TEND TO BECCME 13RIENTE0 ALONG THE OIRECTION OF MOTION OF THE ZONE, A CERTAIN AMOUNT OF DISORDER' SETS IN AT !THE ENDS OF THE BARS THUS TREATED; OCCASIONAL DENDRITIC MICRO-INHOMOGENEITIES CAN EASILY BE ELIMINATED. UNCLA" S I HEO USSR UDC 621.382.9 KHORYAK, L. V., and SHIR0130KOVk.,-Ye 'I. "study of Film Varicaps Based on Especially Pure Barium Titanyloxalate for Circuits for Control of the Intensity of Brightnessof Electroluminophors" Elektron. tekhnika. Nauch.-tekhn. sb. Materialy (Elpctronic Technology. Scientific.-Technical Collection. Materials), 1970, Issue 8, pp 45-51 (from RZh-Elektronika i yeye primeneniye, No 9, September 1971, Abstract No 9B477) Translation: The paper studies film. varicaps with an increase of nonlinearity .,r20 baned on barium titanyloxalate ftitaniloksalava barlyal in combination > with film luminophorg. Computations are made of the optimum conditions of operation of varicaps in circuits. Experimental data agree with calculated and show that with films, the varicaps can produce a voltage drop at the luminophor of 8 times, which assures a high-contrast image. Use of lumiao- phors and varicaps in film execution possible to reduce the control voltage substantially. Summary, USSR um 031.325.65 SHIROCOIT~KM A. YE. Moscov Aviation Institute "Transistor Switch" VBSR Author's Certificate NO ~308512, Cl- 11 03 k -11'/00, 3 i4ov 69, pub- lished 11 Aug 71 (from P%Zh-Avtomatika, Telemkbanikka i VyclaislitelInay-a Tekdinika, No 5, 1,bY 72, Abstract 110 5B134P) Translation-. The invention can be used in and voltalge-to- digital converters. Transistor swit-ches for svitchin~; ii-nipolar voltaLe -qrE! known -which contain a switching transistor and a control trzinsistor. Ho",rever, they are markcd by limitc-d sid,tchiri,-- speed and acem-acy. Tne proposed trz--ms- inter switch, in ord,'..,r to increase switchirv; spaed i~nd acct.iracy, con~t,,~.ins a complementa-.-Y trannistar whosu Old.-Utor is Co.,Irlected to tl:ko 1,,mrc of switchim, tlanuivdor; thv, collr;~etor is connectud t.u tho Idins vo*.L,L,,: te iwiircc; ani the base) to the control tllknSiStOr load. It alim cam-tains an a ,1xiii iary transistor and a diode) one outpit of which is conni~ctcd -to the emiLu.-r of the r switching transistor, tfie other to the bias volt-age source thrO,.k,,h I e- resis- tor. The co=,,.,on point of the diode and resistor is connected to tu-l"Ie collcetor of the auxiliary transistor, -the base of ittich is co-inectee- to the collecuor of the control transisto.-r-, and the emitter to the bm;e resistor of t"-.e ooitch- i t t ransis or. J~fr 11911M rn 11 EVE- 1,41HINI-Aft USSR UDC 621.316.722.1(088.8) SHIROCHENSKIY, A. YE. KLEYMENOVP V. S. "Reference Voltage Source USSR Authorls Certificate No 273303, Filed 6 Mar 69, Published 14 Sep 70 (from M-Radiotekhnika, No 4, Apr 71, Abstract No 4A263P) Translation: A reference voltage source is proposed. It contains a regulating 0 semiconductor triode, a DC amplifier and a silicon stabilitron in the eyitter network of the DC amplifier. It is distinguished by iTaproved stability of ref erence voltage. A I !,i USSR UDO- 62l.;'1i5.42:C'Ul.5 GCDYAK, V- IVLEV, A.V., "Analysis Of Current Djnamic3 In Drift Space 'With Inductiv,!; Load" Radio tekbnil-a i olaktronil-a, Vol XVII, No 6) 1972, pp 129"it-1256 Abotr2ct. A dynnnic relfime ie ccinaidered of current wissap in rA one-di-mensionul drift apace, produced by the accelerating grid of an olectr3n und a collector botwean which an induc1%1-_'va load is included. In this case t-he charact- or crf the load applies a li,aitation to the tine depoilderce of the criticP1 currant becaune in a dynamic rej[Jme the retarditir: pctontial V,' = -L dI/dt criginati-ng, at tho collector can lead to inotability IA' the c6rront ~n t1ric load L. The critical current equation, t~a ejulasion current at the surface liraited by- a space ch;3r,,-e, the injecticn of electrode with fixed em!rEy, and a supDlementary source of accelerating voltage are diseuBsed. 1 ref. RL-ceived by cditorf'-, 12 February 1971- 17- !1,1M A r- 4~o 5 i NMI !WN111 EMIC::11i IMIRK 1 11,11' A _1 2"21 I'l,ill i F.3rla r4 Rrz*~!-f 14 It USSR uDc 621-377-622-12 MAYUSTOV, V. P. , SHIROGMMT R. S. "Matiphase TriGgor USSR Author's Certificate No 294234, Filed 9/06/68, Published 19/03/71, (Translated from Referativnyy Zhurnal Avtomatika, Telemekhanika i V),chis- litel 'naya Tekilnika, No 11, 1971, Abstract No 11 A61 P) Translation: Multiphase triggers containing cOllS (C.) With positive feed- back are known. The circuits of the counting inputs of these devices are rather complex due to the large nwiiber of elements involved. The device suggested differs from known devices in that the output light-emitting diode of each C is optically connected. to the photodlodies of its own and the subsequent C. This sirTlifies the circuit of the coutaing input of the trigger. The circuit consists of a C with positive feedback around the transistor, light-cmitting diodes, photodiodos, load resistors, base and emitter -resistors. The photodiodes are located so that the light from the light-emitting diodes in their oim and the preceding ;phases falls on their light-sensitive surfaces. When a voltage is fed to the power supply bus and the switch is briefly closed, tile transistor of tile first C opens. The load current of tile transistor of the first C, passing, through tile colm-non r.esistor, light-cmitting diode'.,and load resistors of the first C' 1/3 USSR KEIAYUSTOV., V. P.) SH1R0CfflKDf5 R. S., USSR Author's Certificate No 29~--234, Filed 9/o6/63, Publishcd 19/03/71 causes the light-emitting diode of the first C to Slow. The light MIX Of t1ds light-e.-,iitting diode, striking the surface of the photodiodes of the first and second C, sharply decreases their resistanco, as a result of which a photocurrent flows th-rough th~--, photodiode of tile first C, through an intermediate connector and switch to tile input of the transistor of the first C. This photocurrent holds the transistor in tile saturated state after the switch is opened. Photocurrent does not pass through the photodiode of the second C, since tile intermediate connector to which it is connected is not connected to th,V polve:r supply by the switch. The load current of the transistor creates a voltage drop across the common emitter resistor, reliably blocking all rumaining trabaistoro). Tho riiulti- phase trigger can remain in this firs-t stable po5ition (first C counected) as long as necessary, In order to switch the multiph-ase trit,"gor to tile. next position, tile switch is shifted to its opposite position. The photodiode of the second C is then connected through the intermediate connector and switch to the power supply. Since the photodiode is olijAnated by the light-emit- ting diode of tile fiyst C, its photocurrent, reaching the injrit of the trans- sistor of the second C, operis this transistor, Its loiad cin-r(mt, passins), through +the load resistors and the light-eirtitt-ing diode of the sc-cond C, causes tili,s diode Lo The light flux of the light.-eifluing diod-C of 2/3 - 24 USSR UDC 621.37?.6"".12 44 KHAYUSTOV, V. P., SHIROCHKIN, R. S., USSR Author's Certificate No 29,1234, Filed 9/06/68, Published 19/03/71. the second C, striking the light-sensitive surface of the photodiodes of the second and third C, maintains the photocurrent of the I)hotodiode of tho second C after the light-emitting diode of the first C stops glowing (as a result of this connection of the phatodiode of the first C fro M. the power supply by the switch and blocking of the transistor of the first Q. No photocurrent flows through the photodiode of the third C, since it, along vdtb. the photodiode of the first C and tile other odd photodiodes, is dis- connected from the power supply by the switch. A bloching potential on the common emitter resistor is now created by the load current of the trans- istor in the second C. The nultiphase trigger can j,emain in this rcar Stable position (second C connected) as long as desired (u3itil the next control pulse arrives at the switch, reversing its po~;:itjoji onco more), The transi.- tion to subsequent stable positions of the multiphaiw- triggeT, the taimber of which is equal to the number of C, is' achieved by t-he switch in the same manner. 1 Pigure. 3/3 &,0040742 uR o482 Soviet Inventions illustrated, Section I Chemical, Derifent 241876 ELECTROS1.121ICAL CO-MrOLM4 MACRLN-JVI~~ is carried out in'dhamber 1~contdidhins workFiece 2, and tool-electrodes 3. Dielectfic screen 4~in the gap between the workpiece and the electrode~~s suspended by elastic element 5, the interelectrods.- space filled with electrolyce 6. During the tuachinEng, the electrodes are vibrated with anamplitude ensur- ing a soft contact with the workpiece across the dielectric gri.d 4 with e.111ccrolyto trapped in. Its meshes. This results in~ anodic dissolution of the machined surface, followed by electrode urLthdrawal and intensive electrolyte rqeneration tn the gap. 7.2.68 as 1214.7763/25-8. A.K. SVILNOV et alLa(33M) Bul 14/18.4.69. Class 48a. Int.Cl.C 23b. inov, A. K~; Agrest, Ye. A., mordel-hay, V . 14. AUTHORS: SV Shi-Okikh V. G.; and Verpukl ,75)0412 MS.--- 13750413 AAOD4067C UR 0482 Soviet Inventions Illustrated, Section I Chemical D , erven ts d arts f C&L MAC ING roun o 241875 FINE ELEZROcRM p !!~N featured" dielectric grid1placed at the working surface of the electrode, which revolves The due to frictional contact with the component. id may be made of hard rubber or athersynthetic gri material,and pumped into the interelectrode gap. Thelc6nstant contact of electrodes with the workpiecelmay be ensvired by a counterweight spring or;other means. 5.2.68 as 1216953/25-8. V... G.SjrIR0KLKR et'alia,. (27.8.69) Bul 14/18.4.69. Class 48a. Int.Cl.C 23b. AUTHORS: Shirokikh, V. G.;.Mordekhay '0 _: V.- M.; VerDukhovskiy,A. G.; le "e A . MT. MRIPPM -17. To vt. i~ it b i i ii 1 i M i~ jiii i iiii iii 'i i i TIR v$. V C DO UEE6 100. USSR um 621.313.-1/.3+521-373 001.5+,61--.833.2 SmRom, V. V. uExper~mental Research an the Process of Interaction Between Relaxation Oscillators and LImited-Capacity Zources of Energy" Kiberneticheskiye A-spekty v lzucheni! Raboty Mozga (Cybernetic Aspects of the Study of the lk-ain's Funat-ioning), Moscow, Nauka Publishing House,J970, pp 236-244 Abstract, This article sets forth the rv,-;ulLs of experDaent.1-.1 research on the inter- action of a power source of limited capacity.with a gmup of thyratron relax-aticTi oscillators vith an !'IM-00 cold cathcde. The ,onditions ur -.e grr divr which ti up of I Oscillators gronerates stable, periodically repeated em)emble3 of o5aillatory processes are kivestigated. On the basis of a hypothesis on the effect which the m6rgy !itate of the neurons of-th~ respirats~ry center has on the way their activity within the functional respira- tory.systim is ori- tj--.,e r-alaxathon oscillatorrs are vitwi.,d. as dynamic analogies of the neurons. The- experiments show that an Inadequate supply of energ* to the set of oscIlla- tors, caused -by a chanr-- in the m4gnitude of the feed voltage, It-ads to tht ORE. W m 19 L 29 CO. 71 3:10 USSR USSR SHIROKly, V. V., Kiterraticheskiye Aspkty V Izuchew-l K,.-:tbCty Mcrra.. !'auPj. 1970, pp 236--,~44 establishmertt cf, !F-,jIle, rfpeuted pi-13e ShIftil. in the -4.-iver, ;,,e:.enirpd by thess, rsc:.Illtc-rs. All V" C-I lver5-j. ?~-~ excess jLPply .~f rrn~-.r~,I' leajB mp*4ion ct ~7hese In vav-, ;;-q ina~le:,,,v.-r- cf e~Lr~y i:; om- sidered c.--7 cf pc5Z.,.'bl6 che In OIL! 5'r-rem and cf an cl' rhe activity of th~!~e elri-ments. 2/2 ppmp, USSR UDC: 51 "Methods of Representing the Duration of a Job on a Probabilistic CPM Graph" Tr. Mosk. n.-i. i 'Provekt. in-ta sistem setevogo -Planir. i 'Lmr. v -orom-sti (Works of the Moscow Scientific Research and Desipm Institute of Critical Path Systems in Industry), 19TI, vyp. 3, ch. 2, pp 38-39 (from RM-Kiter- netika No 6, Jim 72, Abstract No 6V1174) Translation: The article is written chiefJv for purpm;es of reviev and clezsification. Bibliography of 18 titles. 36 PP ON THE ETIOLOGICAL RELATION.S, OF CHICKENPOX AND HERPES ZOSTEIZ X Rashkov and T. Shirokarad (Tyrnovo, Bulgaria) Results are presented of a five-v'ear studyof the epidemiological relationship- of chickenpox and herpes zoster in Velikotyrnuvo ReglQn. Chickenpox aifects ma,nly children wbereas herpes zoster is a disease of adult and. elderly persons. It is suggested that children which have been in contact with herpe., zoster pa- tients may later be affected by chickenpox. - The course of the disease was t is transmitted by t1te air-drip route. The diseases have a seasonal character: lci~,,enpox is an automin-winter disease, herpes zoster a summer disease. REEL/F"ME. :19820619 Optics & Spectroscopy USSR UD--- 535-Y[-15 f 548-0 BROUDE, V. L., and SHIROKOV, A. A. "Anomalous '_9Kciton Splitting In Vibrational Spectrum of Naphthalene Crystal In 3000 cm-' Region" 0 Leningrad, Optika I Spektroskoplya, Vol 34, Vyp 2, Feb 73, pp 408-410 Abstract: The article considers the vibrational spectrum of naphthalene single crystal in the region of the band doublet 3055 and 3fj69 cm-'. Absorp- tion curves are shown for two polarizations of Incident light at 900 K. The doublet is transformed into a quadruple of sharply polarized absorption bands (3050 and 3070 cm-1 at 11 b and 3056 and 3065 crt.-l at I b). Such polarization indicates the occurrence of Davydov exciton splittings in the spectrum, of the crystal. The naphthalene crystal has t-Aro translationally nonequivalent molecules in the unit cell. Therefore, there has to be a com- parison of each nondegenerate molecular term and the exciton band doublet in the spectrum of the crystal, Since both absorption tai~ds of the molecule (3055 and 3069 cm-) are related to the same symmetry and have almost the 1/2 777= USSR BROUDE, V. L., and SHIROKOV, A. A., Optika i Spektroskopiya, Vol 34, vyp 2, Feb 73, pp 4o8-41o same intensity, the character and the form of the exciton doublets correspond- ing to them should be identical in the absence of mut-uml perturtations. Actually, the polarization of the bands indicates different splitting signs In both doublets (3050/3056 and 3070/3o65 cm-l)- This apparently indicates that we are dealing with the case A jA in wbich mutual perturbation of the two adjacent exciton bands is especially oignificant. 1/2 015 UNCLASSI FIED 'PROCESSING'DATE--040EC-80 TITLE--LONG RANGE FORECASTING OF BROWN RUST AND SMUT -U- :~-AUTHOR-02)-SHIROKOV AxL.,, BALASHONQK* T*G* .-COUNTRY OF INFO--USSR SOURCE--ZASHCHITA RASTr_NlY, L970v NR 11 PP 41-42 ~'.:DATE PUBLISHED ------- 70 SUBJECT AREAS-61OLOGICAL AND MEDICAL SCIENCES ~...T0PIC.TAGS--FUNGUS OISEASE, PLANT DISEASE, SEASONAt VARFArION [CONTROL MARKING--NO R6STRICTIONS DOCUMENT CLASS--UNCLAS'atPIED PROXY REEL/FRAME-3007/1347 STEP L/0042 .CIRC ACCESSION NO--AP01367.17 UNCLASSIFIED 7 2/2 015 UNCLASSIFIED ?'tOCESSING DATE---040EC70 _CIRC ACCESSION NO--AP0136717 ABSTRACT/ EXTRAC T-- (U) GP-0- ABSTRACT. AN EXPERIME,11TAL CHECK oF rH;z METHOD OF LONG RANGE FORECASTING ON THE BASIS OF i)ATA FOR TLiE CHELYABINSK REGION IN 1951-)961 SHOwEf) THAT THE 0!_.VELOP~IENT CF f'jR0--,',N RUST IS DETERMINED BY THE DAft-Y MEAN, 1EMPERAYUPE 01 MARt-,1A ill'40 MAY GF THE YEAR BEING PREDICTED. MATHEMATICAL TREATIMENT OF DAT4 FOR 1958-L9.58 SHOWED THAT IN THESE YEARS THE DECISIVE FACTOR Wil$ THF MEAN MOIJI'HLY TEMPERATURE IN DECEMBER OF THE PRECEDING YEAR. AND 1::Ef3PAJARY OF I-FIE YEAR UNDER CONSIDERATIUN. THE AfJR TEIMPERATURE IN JANWRY AiND PRECIPITATIO,"I IN MARCH WERE ALSO IMPORTANT. 114 THE TROITSKIY Rl:;.(jI0tJ CORRELATION WAS OBTAINED BETWEEN RUST DEVELOPMENT AND THE ME AN ,Ll0WIHLY AND MIN[MUM TEMPERATURES iN THE PRECEDI~ 'IG DECEMBER. CORRELATIONS BETWEEN WEATHER OF THE PRECEDING YEAR AND RUST DEVELOPMENT MAY BE ACCIOEeirlkL, HOWEVER. EXPERIENCE HAS SHOWN THAT THE AMOUNT OF PRECIPITAI'ION IN THE VEGETATION PERIOD (ESPECIALLY jULYI 15 MOST IMPORTANTo I M PRI)kf Em EVINT OF THE SUCCESS Cf LONG RANGE FORECASTING WILL REQUIRE FURTHER SIUDY ',I;- THE fJIOLeG'e OF RUST FUNGUS, POSSIBLE MIGRATION ROUTES, AIR CURRENTS, AND EPIPHYTOTICS IN NEIGHBORING AREAS. FORECASTING OF:SMUT IS S11I)LE AND DEPENDS ON THE .AMOUNT AND TYPE OF PRECIPITATION IN THE BLOSSOMING PERIOD OF -WHEAT In THE.PRECEDING YEAR, FACILITY::,OTDEL ZASHCHITY RASTENIY, CHELYABINSKOY SEL'SKOKHOZYAYSTVENNOY dPYTNOY STANTS111 SEKTOR SIGNALIZATSII I PROGNOLOV OULASTNOY.STAZRA, 1 NC 'F'F-D- -1, USQ.R UDC 632.9114:682.285.1/.2 enco -a SIHIROKCV, A. I., Candidate. of Biological Sc :3, H~zad 0 the ~I n L i*6&~tion Department, Chelyabinsk Agricultural. Station, and BALASHONOK, T. ry., Head of the Signaling and Fcrecastia- Section, Oblast Plant Protection Station "Long-Range Forecasting o 1E Brown Rust and Loose Smut" Moscow, Zashchita Rasteniy, No 1, 1970, pp 41-42 ting of brown rust and loose smut in Abstract: Lon-ranle -lorecas Chelyabinskaya Oblast is discussed. The late occurrence of these diseases, in late jLIly and early August, indicates that local in- fectious material does not play the mair, role in infectiag crops in this area. Examination of data for two rayons shows a high correla- tion coefficient between environmental factors in the preceelin- Period (fall and winter) and the intensity of the disease. This co- efficient can somet-im"es have a random nature, bur is regular wherl the weather fn the Preceding period affects t4e accumulation. dor- i mancy and germination of fungus spores. The forecast rmust be give n for the pha8e of plant development when the disease is at a ui,-.iximum. In the area under investigation thi8 is the niiVJI-.y rip,~ness stage. 1/2 USSR SHIROKOV, A. I., et al., Moscow, Zashchita Rasteniy, No 1, 1970, pp 41-42 It was concluded that in order to compile a long-rano'e forecast with high validity, it is necessary to study the biology of t;ie agent of brown rust, and the possible paths of its mig-ration, r";bich. de- pend on relief, direction, of air currents, i"tensity of development of the disease, and passage through vegetative phases in an adjacent natural climatic zone, and so on. Long-range forecasting of the development of loose smut is quite simple and ai~curate. Analysis of weather conditions and infection of seedlingii, shoved that the incidence of the disease is determined to a great extent by the amount and nature of precipitation during the E owerian, of wheat in L CD the preceding year. Thus,*the more rain that falls duriny the 0 ' flowering period, the more loose smut there will be in the followinf year. 2/2 USSR UDC. 62i.373XT2.6068.8) ROTSHTE EM, L. 1., SHIROKOV A. V. "A Device for Automaticallf Stabilizing. the Frequency of a Hermonic Dscil- lator With Discrete Frequency Control" U19SR Author's Certif-Icate flo 059174, filed 27 Feb 68, publ:;shed 28 A-or 70 (from RZIi-BacUotckhnika, Tlo 12, Dec 70, Abntract No J.~_-':D377 P) Translation- IlMs Author's Ci-~~rtiflcate introduct-s a elevir-~ for xritomati- cally stabiiizing Lhe fr~tqi_,ency of a har~Lrr~rdc oscillator ~iith discrete frequency control. The device contains a stabilized 1,1de-band harmonic oscillator with discrete frequency grid, a Mxer, tin TTY amplifiei-9 an automatic phai;e and frequency c~-i-ttrol oyitem, tuAd tin i4,t(,tu,,,-f;ixi. pr, elf:-ri~2nt for frequency control of th(~ widQ-band oucillator. To extend the band coverage of automatic frequency control, an additional electrotiic switch is call- nected between the diiscretr.~ switch LIY)d tile syrtenn for,pAutoirlatic 1:4111:;e ;-,rid frequency control. This additional cwitch Ar- used foi, discrete chanj?~!over of' the autcx,,,,,.t ic control syntem from the frequency to the Phase ry-,de of operatiou. V. P. 14 USSR UDG 536.46 SHIROKOV, B. F., and BAMME N. H. (Moscoft) "Buxning Pats Of a Fuel Plate In Contact With a Soltd Oxidizer layer" Kovosibirskj Fizika Corenlya I Vzryva, Vol 8, No 2, Jun 729 pp 24,7-252 Abstractg The article measures the shape of the receas in polyniethyl mothacryl- ato and polystyrene plates bun, ing in contact irith K0104. at elevated pressures ( = 5 * ^0 atm). Besides the pressure, the oxidizer layer density w--S &!so 1P varlod. Me charge wds a steel cuvette In which only the Xront wall was made of polyinet-hyl methscrylate or polystyrme, The ex-p-,rim."--tu iirero ntnf~ed Ln a constant-pTesavira bomb in a niti!oSzm. atwosphcr*4 kftor a given tfb-w :Lnterval the 7ressure 1-n the bozb vas slarpiy reduced (at the ra-te of ~ 4-103 0 10 L.L atm. see) and the Charge extinguishedo 11a char," queru-IhLng djavice was analo- gous to the one developed by V* N. MSILtKOVt oxcept that the diameter of the chwlnl.'l In the r6liof valve wu considerably incrai:wcd (to 48 mm), Tha recess prof Ilet buraing angle.- rate of burning (gwifteation) of a fuel- 1/2 USSR SHIROKOV, B. P., and BAMW, N. N., Fizika Garenlya I Yzryva, Vol 8,- No 2, Jun 72# pp 247-252 plate in the stream of a gaseous oxidizer, and the structure of the recess surface are considered. Kinetic factors play, the detoxmining role nea-- the flame "nose," while at ratheir a grezit distance from the "noi3e" the combustion apparently is purely diffusion. 2/2 64 AW52384 UR 0482 SOViet Inventions Illustrated, Sectioa.III[Mechanical and General, Derwent,,,;?-/d 1 243505 FABRIC T DE~l E gomprising ,,,HEATAMAM~T D noxz lit with-hea 'tink.element; and, perfor3tc-; tube inside It to supply theltreatment,iagent. 'the heating elements are placed.betwe 'en.the outlo.r aparture of the nozzle arrid tube. This imps nes tho.qoali~y of the fabrfd~. The. device consists of metalbody.1 with al 'it: nazzl,! 2. It Is covered in ingulation 3. With4n is distribuEor tube 4 with, ~ I ting larger ~apertures get towards the middle. in the nozzle part divLded by ribs 5, is heating el". ent, 6. The tube is connected to sit pressuie hoses 7j with,cocks 8. The body is held by two clips' brackets. Handle 11 mav be act in two posicions -with thn slit of nozzle 12'close to fabric 13 Norking posii-ion) and away from it (non-working position), The body is fixed in the working 'position by bolt's and 1:9820578 , M. A.; D.V.; Nayda V. A.; Shirokov, Gordeyev AA0052384 , - , Sechin, N. A. Leningradskiy Institut Tekqtil'n(~X i Logkoy Prom- yshiennosti im. S. M. Kirova fabric movement upwards is limited by it pressure plate. The air output temperature is measured by therma-co*ples 16 and maintained by a thermal generator. Cold air from the cmvressor enterg the distributor tube and the air chambe~r is mixed, passes through the electric heater and meets :he surface uf the fabric at identicaL parameters all along the nozzle Flit, 13,1.67. as tIZ5940/28-12. GORDEEV, V.A. et al. Kirov Leningrad Textiles and Light Industry Inst. (22.9.69.) B"L.16/5.5.69. Class~86a. 8b. Iat.Ct. D02h, D06c. 19820979 00302G6 AA . - UR 0482 Soviet Inventions illustrated, Section III Mechanical and General, Derwent, 234939 SYNrnTI2 CLOT5 HEAT TREAT;LE4, during waiing L-1 ensured-with. a Jet oi hot air directed to the beat-up end, so that warp!and weft yarns are softened and yarn tension is equalised. 27.4.66 as 1072525/28-12 V.A. GORDEEV et al. Leningrad Inst. of Textile industry (30.5.69) Bul. 4/10.1.69. Class 86a, Int. CI. D 02h.. Authors: 'S. I. Mazzherova, V. A. Gordeyev, D. V. Shirokov. F. Shteyn LeninSradskiy Institut Tekstil'noy i Lagkoy hiennosti Im. S. M. Kirova Pronm_ USSP, SHIROKOV F, V. and SlGNAYEVSXlY, V. A. "Minimal Coverings of a Finite Set. Connected roverings. 1111 Diskretn. Analiz. (Discrete Analysis Collection of Works', No 22, Novosibirsk, 1973, pp 57-78 (Translated from Referativnyy Zhurnal Kibernetika, No 10, 1973, Abstract No 1OV3S3) Translation: Minimum coverinc, a of set X is called connected if t-.,e can go over from any subset to any other by means of a chain of pairi,-ise intersecting subsets. An arbitrary covering breaks down into connected components which are connected minimum coverin s of their carriers. 9 The system of all minimum coverings is subjected to further decomposi- tion and analysis. The numbers D(nlq, r), the numbers of minimum co~,er- ings with q elements and r connectedness components, are introduced. This work produces many direct and recurrent relationships for the nun.- bers D(nlq, r). 7he concept of the generalized generating function is introduced, as a function for which tho center of thc~ expansion of the corresponding Taylor series can be placed on the boundary of the analyt- ical area. It ;5 s!iown that certain generating functions arising in this problem have exactly this nature. This work a".so produces a gencral exponential formula relatkilq the gencrating flinctions, of :I cernin 'clins of systems to the generating Allinctions of the )I!! connected subsystems. Applications of thi.~s, formula to the number of topologies in a f-in.ito sot are indicatcd- Autthl,-rl--z Ii. Combinatory Analysis and Grapb~l, Theory A. General Combinatory Analysis Theory USSR SHIROKOV, F. V., SIGNAYEVSKIY, V.,A.. IlMinimal Coverage of a Finite Sct.~ 1.11 Diskre tn. Analiz (Discrete Analysis Collection of Works], No 21, Novosi- birsk, 1972,.pp 72-94 (Translated from Referativnyy. Zhurnal Kibernetika, No 6, 1973, Abstract No 6V318, by the authors). Translation: A combinatorial denumeration problem Is stated and solvod. The minimum coverage of a finite set refers to a class o47 its subsets which is a coverage, but stops being coverage if any one of the subsets included is discarded. The problem is stated of determining the number of all mini- mum coverages of a set with n points. The system A A(X) of all minimum coverages of set X breaks down into subsystems Aq 1, 2,..., n, with the number of elements of the coverage. This work pToduced direct and recurrent relationships for the corresonding numbers D(n/q). 11wo formulas are produced, expressing D(n/q) through Stirling numbers of the second Und. The computa- tions are accompanied by direct combinatorial analysis of the objects studied. USSR UDC 389.0(083.76):001.4 SHIROKOV, K. P. "New State Standard Metrology. Terms and Definitions (COST 16263-70)" Moscow, Izmeritel'nava Tekhnika, No 10, 1971, pp 3-8 Abstract: The concepts included in COST [All-Union State Standard] 16263-70, -"Metrology. Terms and Definitions," and the principles on the basis of which the standard was developed are discussed. Explanations of some of the terms and definitions and reasons for changes in individual terms are presented. The new standard contains a total of 203 terms in 11 divisions: metrology and its divisions, physical variables, units of physical variables, measurements$ forms of measurement uiedia, general structural elements of measurement media, the parameters and properties of measurement media, measurenent errors, measure- ment media errors, standards and saniple measurement media, and concepts per- taining to the metrologic service. The standard encompasses the most important general concepts of metrology and is expected to promo.te order in the terminol- ogy both with respect to general problems of metrology and with respect to individual branches of it. 11.9 112 USSR SHIROKOV, L. YE. om which then an equat ion is produced for (t) P ~31 (t i well as an equation for zhe conditional moments ',I j n and the equaition for the conditional covl---ri-tion i:!,~ u,- -1n t 71 and j(t) are fixed, Thus the equation for .1-1 (t I 0 I,, n, fix optimal estimates of random 1 and ;t (L) allow us to find an estimate for j (t). h equations ploduced is not ciused, since it includes ti-f. of higher cmier. Th.crefore ir is SL1'1g(!'-,t'A for au apprOXIMIL"C '~')l 111(~~l oll the process that Ive limit ourselves to tile first two Ok) 1 p1 'cing ill remai.ning, sr-m-' i, distribution W a r all eoual to zero. In other words, it is suggested Thai 1-ji- ':~om;:t(jer tl;,3t the distrihut-ons arch Gaussian. in this case tne approximately optimal, are found from a fini-ce sysTem equations. USSR 4 KONYUKHOV, V. K., IMATROSOV, 1. V., PROKHOROV, A. M., SHAIENOV, D. T., and SHIROKOV, N. N., Physics Institute imeni P. N. Lebedev, Academy of'ISciences T-sSir "Continuous Gasdynamic Laser With a I-lixture of Carbon Dioxide, Nitrogen, and Water" Moscow, Fisma v Zhurnal Eksperimental'noy i Teareticheskoy Fiziki, Vol 12, No 10,20 Nov 70, pp 461-464 Abstract: This article reports that in a supersonic wind tunnel to which a heated mixture of carbon dioxide and nitrogen with a small quantity of water was blown there was observed an --naplification of infzared radiation, and after installation of an optical resonator in the working portion of the tunnel a ganeration effect was obtained. Studies of, the amplificatiati co- efficient of a supersonic flaw (M = 4-5) were made iii a wind tunnel described previously by the authors, with the difference that the gas expanded in a wedge-shaped nozzle with an angle of opening of 13* and a length of the supersonic portion of 5 cm. The stagnation temperature was 1000'K, the stagnation pressure was 5 atm, and the dimensions of the critical cross section were 1.5 x 100 min. The probing ray of a single-mode, single-fre- quency C02 laser was directed parallel to the greater dimension of the 112 pill Imp- ,j-, MEMO. - I M-1 R USSR KONYUKHOV, V. K., et al, Pis'ma v Zhurnal Eksperimental'noY i Teoreticheskoy Fiziki, Vol 12, No 10, 20 Nov 70, pp 461-464 critical cross section and- intersected the gas flow at the point of emission from the nozzle. A study of the change in the absor-~tion coefficient and the amplification of the signal of the CO 2laser with tire showed that ab- sorption in the gas flow decreases to zero and then amplification appears. Introduction of water molecules causes tccelerated relw-ation of the C02 molecules from the"lower laser level as the gas flews in the supersonic portion of the nozzle. The amplification coefficient wasmeasured as a function of water content in the mixture, 'ileasurement of the anplification coefficient in this aas mixture was made at a frequency of 947.73 rm-1 and showed that irrversion in the supersonic flow exists for the pair of levels (OO'l)-(10*0) but the amplification coefficient amounts to 6,10-4 cm-1 for a water concentration of 2.1%. 2/2 54 USSR um 681-355-519.24 VASILYEV, P. V., SOLODYPSNIKOV, YU. V. hS H Kuybyshev Elec- trical Engineering Institute of Communi a "A Conputer Device" Moscow, Otkrytiya, Izobreteniya, ProqjshleDnyye Obraztrsy, Tovarnyye Znaki, No 9, Mar 72, Author's Certificate No 331407, filed 22 Jun 70, published 7 Mar 72, p 158 Translation: This Author's Certificate introduces a computer device which contains an adder module, matching devices, memory tinitg, svitches, an input device, a registration device, end a control module. As a distinguishing feature of the device the functional possibilities of the unit are extended L by connect-ng one input of each switch through the corresponding matching device to one of the outputs of the adder module and the input of the registration device. The other input and one of the outputs of each switch are connected to the corresponding memory unit, and the other output of each switch is connected to the correspondAng output of the input device. and through another corresponding matching device to ont of the inputs of the adder module. This input of' the adder modulle is alno connected to the input device. 1/1 53 USSR tax! 681-3851 F.ATYSr Go Pos ZWRj So YE9, and SHIROKOVI V# Be *Optimal Structures of Optoelectronic Retrieval and Recognition Systems" Moscow, Taifrovaya Vychislitel'naya, Tekhnika I PrograwArovaniye, No 7, 1972, pp 172-181 Abstracti The arti-.le considers the question of the optimal synthesis of op- toelectronic retrieval and recognition systems from the standpoint of the construction of rational structures optimized according to 0ortain infoTma- tion criteria* Information on radiation fieldss can be obtained by parallel and serial methods. Both methods can be combined into one, in vhich the field scanning over many parallel channels is accompanivA by the simulta-neous scanning by these channels, thus permitting a simiificant expamsion of xe- trieval system capabilities. If there is a priori infoxnation, a possible approach to optimization of radiation field scanning involves Vie compilation of some optir-al prooxam, The lack of such data. on the field being scanned makes it necessary to Introduce *elf-tuning or leaa.-ning, consisting in the use of the intermediate scan results to correct the search ox recognition proce- dure. The article discusses questions in the development of scanning programs and self-tuning algorithms in retrieval and recognition 6ystemst I USSR uDc: 621.396.69.0621.319.4 BYTO, L. L. , KOSHTAKOV, V. 1., "Investigation of Cerarnic Disc Capacitors With Platea Made Fron Base 'Metals ma T by Us in'.- a Lo7~Termerature Flas et Elektron. t-aRbnika. ffauchzio-tekhn. sb. Tekhnol. rroiz-va (Eiec- tronic Tec,noiosy. Scientiftic and Technical Collection. Technolo&r and Or- gani7ation of Prod-action), 1970, vyp. 4 (30"), pp 67-76 (fr,)rj RZh-,9ad"-ote'-'h- C 70 No 12, De Abstract No 12V365) TTanslation: The authors present the results of studies of ceramic d--;sc caDacitors made on the basis of ceramics grades T-150, T-40 Ts--j'O, ST-33, ST-417, ST-75 and UF-53 with plates zmde by plasma --intering of copper powder with the addition of titaniwa. Tbv~ fc)r plasina forn-ing Gf the pl-ate~s. It Is shown that mt~tallizinC, givet~ a tear-j'n adhosion strengQi for the plates to the cermndc of nore tha-r and a loss tangent for the capacitors of le.,is then 12- 10-4. 350 g!cn it is shawn th-at the zechwnicall strength, moisture -resistance, capacitance and other c'naracter-istics of the capacitors meet State Standards 71'--9-64 and State Standards 2519-6T. ResunlfAl_. 1/2 ols UNCLASSIFIE0 PROtESSING DATET -04DEC70 TITLE--EFFECT OF WATER AND OXYGEN IN NONPOLAR SOLVENTS ON THE LUMINESCENCE PROPERTIES OF PHTHALIMIDE DERIVATIVES:-,U- 'AUTHOR-(04)-VESELOVA, T.V.9 REZNIKOVA.v I&I.* CHER,KASOV9 A.S., SHIROKOV, COUNTRY OF INFO--USSR SOURCE- I ZV* AKAD, NAUK SSSftl___S'rC F1 io' 11970, 3413)t 649-53 DATE, PUBLISHED - ----- 70 ~!.SUBJECT AREAS--CHEMISTRY# PHYSICS JOPIC TAGS--PHTHALIC ACIDY IMIOEP FLUORESCENCE SPECTRUM, AMINEt SOLVENT ACTIONt FLUORESCENCE QUENCHING CONTROL MARKING--NO RESTRICTIONS DOCUMENT CLASS--UNCLASSIFIED PROXY, PEEL/FRAME--3006/0949 S 'VE PNO--UR/fJO48li'O/Oa4/OO3/0649/0653 CIRC ACCESSION NC--AP0134669 UNCLASSIFIED Nows, Now mmumam! wwwwwmwwmow~ 212 018 UNCLASSI FIED PROCESSING DATE--040CC70 CIRC ACCESSION NO--AP0134669 ABSTRACTIEXTRACT--(U) GP-0- ABSTRACT. SIMILARLY TO PREVIOUS EXPTS. USING DEAERATED SOLNS. (V ., R ., C. , AND S .1 1968) , ADON. 01-* THE MAX. SOL. AMTS, OF WATER TO AIR CONTG. HEXANE AND-PHME SULNS. OF 41AMINOPHTHALIMIDES RESULTED IN A SHIFT OF THE FLUORESCENCE SPECTRUM TOWARDS LONGER WAVELENGTHS AMD AN INCR64SED AMT. OF fLUOROMETRIC PHASE (CHARACTERIZING THE DURATION OF LUMINESCENCE)-ACROSS T14E SPECTRUM. THE SPECTRAL AND PHASE CHARACTERISTICS OF ANHYD., DEAERATED NEUTRAL SULNS. OF '~iAMINO,N,METHYLPHTHALIMIDE 11), 41 AMINO jNCYi,'J,[)ffAYLPHTHAL P-11I)E (11), 4 t ANIL INO, N iMETHYLPHTHAL III IDE P 3~IA,',ILNCI;tlilil::I-HYLIliTliALIMEDEt AND 3v(DIP~IENYLAMINO)tNMETHYLPHTHALIMIDE IN SEVERAL NON POLAR SOLVEJ4TS ARE TABULATED. THE REMOVAL OF WATER AND 0 tSUB2 FROM 'THE SOLN-S. RESULTED IN A REVERSE SHIFT OF THE FLUORESCENCE SPCT,RA TOWARnS SHDRTER WAVELENGTHS; THUS, IN PHME AND ME SUB2 CO SOLNS. OF I", LTHE SHIFT IIAS 700 AND 5oO Cm PRIME NEGATIVElf RESPo THE BAS. QUANTUM YlEA-D AN~) FLUORESCENCE L!FEl'IME OF COMPLETELY ANHYD.t DEAERATED SOLNS-.FO I AND 11 WERE CONST. IN A GAMMA SUBMAX. RANGE OF 21r000-24000 CM PRIME NGGi~TIVEI. THE QUENCHING EFFECT OF 0 SU82 DROPPED IN THE ORDER HEXANE GREAfER THAN DECALAN GREATER THAN TOLUENE GREATER THAN DIOXANEt AND WA$ ALMOST ABSENT IN BUD" AND ETOH. WATER IN THE CONCNS, THAT ARE USU4LLY FRESFNT IN PREYIOUSLY DRIED SOLVENTS WITH ACCESS OF AIR (E.G., 0.001-0o002 It NO 0.01-0,015 VOL PERCNET IN HEXANE AND PHMEv RESP*J CAUSED-SIGNIFKANT ALTERATION IN THE FLUORESCENCE SPEC7RA AND FLUOROMETRIC BEHAVIOR Or- THE N SUBSTITUTED AMINUPHTHALIMIDES. UNCLASSIFIED LIDC~ 62~. 1-57) BEYRO,',!, s. v. -vi,-on oi t1jo 2nrks of tile Eov( ""lnt Reservoir in Is"Iff r: jfydroz!jectrjc po, 1%LIC11. S S T) ilale~ 19tr~(Ij ~)67 -11' Y-c' y- .1 C! 0 r S 11 pp 134-135 (f 2 D45) '10 2, 71) A brifif . - - I 'p La concl L.1 on of of F f the ;..,a P-C 1* L: V ulle, shore USSR UDC 627.81(471-57) MILUSHKINA, R. YE. , SHIROKOV, V. M. "Natural and Technical-Economic Characteristics or Large Reservoirs of Siberia" Tr-.-koordinats. soveshchaniy po gidrotekhn. (Works of Coordinating Meetings on Hydroenginecring), No 59, 1970, vp 172-178 (from RZli-Elektrotekhnika i Energetika, No 2, Feb 71, Abstract No 2.D.53) Translation: Data are presented which characterize the structure of agricul- tural lands flooded by reservoirs: the distribution of expenditures with re- spect to hydroengineering complexes and reservoirs irith respect to different branches (hydroelectric power engineering, water transportation, the fishing industry, water supply, and so on); data an the water conservancy balance (comparison of planned values with actual values); data connected with hydro- logical changes caused by reservoirs with respect to six large reservoirs being operated in Siberia (Bartsk, Vil'nyus, Irkutsk, Xrasnoyarsk, MamakanskiY Novosibirsk) and 3 large reservoirs being constructed.(Sayan, Ust _Ili and Khantayskiy). A tendency toward reducing the areas of agricultural lands sub- ject to flooding at the reservoirs being newly built is noted. This tendency 1/2 MILUSHKINA, R, YE., et al., Tr. koordinats. soveshchaniv po gidrotekhn., No 5~, 1970, pp 172-178 is connected with the factor of uninhabitability of the areas of their construc- tion. The total volume of water coming into tfie reservoirs of Siberia is 484.14 km3 of which 165.95 km3 gets into the reservoirs in the construction stage. A definite change in times of establishment of the ice cover and clearing of ice in the reservoirs by comparison with natural conditions and also weak utiliza- tion of them in transportation and fishing respectsare noted. The bibliography has 4 entries. 2/2 - 58 - mvp R TROITSKII1Y, V. Ye., TRIGBITrKOV, S. V., SHI "The Connection Between Deuteron Form Fac-tors :-ndIthQ P11y.-ical S Matrix, Part, 2" Moscow, Teoreticheshava i Mate-naluicheskaya- Pizi1m, Val 10, No 2, Peb 72,Zp 209-214 Abstract: An oxDression is obtained in this theoretical -caper for the electromagnetic f orm factors of the matrL-c elenent /, ;n I j'l-C(44 pInI > through the Jost relativistic ma-trix for neut--on--rcton disper-sion and throufl-h the singlo-particle form factors of" neutron and -n.-oton. The relations-hips obtained relate.the values of the form factors for the ~L-17o-r)-,rticle ,aatri.-,: element o-Litside the zn~ass surface Tith the Jost rela-ilivistic matri---:. Tho firs-;C; oart of the '. u article, published in the sane Journal nmned above (10, 45, 1972) yielded the relativistic paranetrization of the -,Latr-IX elenent for the electromal--notic current of the neutron-nroton system and the two-particle forn. factors of the f roe cur.-ent e;mrosocd LI through c fac k, .10 Z)--eoant secLlon of t-Iic article sets u-o the ecuations for finding the interaction form 112 TROITSIUY, V. 'Ye. et al, Teoreticheskaya Vol 10, No 21, Feb 72, D-D 209 factors, in which the S matrix, in the forri of' 4LL-1he ratio of the two matrices, is principally used in a sense oinilar to the Jost mat.-ices. 111he for.-,I --r"--c 4. Llors are -found by solvinS these oquatio= and -are ex-oressed 11.;hrou,~-~h inteGrals over the -physical n-p disper- sion region as obtained in the first part of the art-icie. The results obtained by the article as a whole are also discussed. 4- The authors are cormected l..!ith the Moscoir S"'ato University and the V. A. Steklov 1.7-athematical Institute of the USSR Acadeny of Sciences. 2/2 - 130 1/2 015 UNCL ASS FLED PROCESSING DATE-- 1.3NOV70 FUNCTION FOR THE TWO L9ANNEL SCATTE~1'116 PptOBLEM -U- AUTHQR-(QZ)-KHARAKflAN, 1-I.L., Sli 1 R OKGV ,YU.14- l.C0'J,NTRY.OF INFO--USSk ..,:S0URCE--TEGRETICHESKAYA I MATENATICHESKAYA FIZIKA, L970, VOL 3, NR It PP 11G-105 DATE PUBLISHED ------- 70 SUaJECT. AREAS--PHYSECS JOPIC TAGS--S MATRIX, MATRIX ELEMENTt PARTICLE $CATTER, HAMILTONIANt INTEGRAL EQUATIUNt PARTICLE INTERACTIOW _CONTRCL-lMARKING--N0 RESTRICTIONS ,DOCUMENT CLASS--UNCLASSIFIED, PRQXY REEL/FRAME-300311029 s'rEP NO--UR/0646/10/003/001/0100/0105 CIRC ACCESSION NO--AR0130064 j It." L A S S I F I E D 212 015 NC LASS I FIE D PIOC'::SSINIG DATIE-13NOV70 C I RC A. CC E S S M"t' 0 L 30064 ABSTRACT/EXTRACT-Wi GP-0- A3STRACT, THE GENFAhLIZATION OF TtjE JOST FUNCTIO"I IS INTPOOUCEL) FOrk TOe CASE OF THE TWO CHANNEL SCATTERING OF THE NONRELATIVISTIC SPINLESS PARTICLES INTERACTING THROUGI-i THE ARBITRARY (NOT NECESSARY LOCAL) INTERACTI~JN HAMILTOoMiAN. THE PROBLEA CF DERIVING OF THE T,40 CHANNEL JOST MATxLIX IN TERMS 3F THE PHYSICAL S '4ATRIX IS REDUCED TO THE NO.,\-SINGULAR 1,14TEGRAL EQVA'rI0N FL'-)R A SINGLE FUNCTION. IT IS DEMONSTRATED THAT THE EXPLICIT FORM FOR THE JOST MATRIX IS OBTAINABLE tF rHE USUAL ASSUMPTIONS HOLO ABUUT THE ANALYTICA-,t, PROPERTIES OF THE S MATRIX ELEMENTS, FACILITY: '40SKOV$KIY GORMY M5TITUT. 112 017 WICLASSIFIED PRIoll"Es"114G DATE=- ITLE--ALUMINUM NITRATE COMPLEXES -U- UTH0R-(04)-Rf_SGLOVSKIY, V.YA., SHIROkOVAP G.Nvp KARtLINY Aa'sp KRIVTSOV9 N.V. . .... CUINTRY OF INFO--USSR. SCURCE-OOKL. AKAD. NAUK SSSR 1970, 19L(311 622-4 DATE PUBLISHED-----70 SOJECT AREAS--CHEMISTRY .TOP IC TAGS-ALUMINUM NITRATEs ALU14INUM COMPLEX, CESIUM COI~PUUND# CHEMICAL __-.~QECGMP05ITICN, HEAT CF SOLUTIONIp HEAT OF FORMATION CONNTRGL MARKING-NO RESTRICTIGNS DOCUMENT CLASS--UNCLASSIFIED -PAOXY REEL/PilAME--300510225 STEP NO--Uit/002C-/701~L91/DD3/0622/i)624 ~CIRC ACCESSICN NC--AT0132497 UNCLA~Slr[ED M." 21Z 017 UNCL ASS IF [81) PROCESSENG DATE--20NOV70 CIRC ACCESSICN NO--Arol32497 'ABSTRACT/EXIRACT--(U) GP-0- ABSTRACT. ADDING A 4-61 FOLD EXGESS OF Ill SUB2 G SLB59, (;eNTG. HNO SUB3 imnRuric-s, TO AN E,'-(1UIM0I-ji,R MTYI'. OF CSNO SU33 BAND ALBR 5U63 AT MINUS 1960EGKEES GAVEt ON WARRING UP SCOWLY AIND REMOVAL OF VOLATILES IiN VACUO, CS(ALkIND SUB31 SUB4). I-1,1XING -SUB3 WITH AN EXCESS OF DRY N SUBZ Ci SUB5 AT MOLAR RATIOS FROM T.-,20 TO 1:30t REMOVING VCLATILES IN VACUC AFTER 12 MR AT ODEGREES, ADDING A NEW PORTION OF IN SUB2 0 SUE5, AP40 STIRRING AT ODEGREES GAVE NO SUB;! IALINO -SUB3) SU84). BOTh COMPES. ARE CRYST., HYGR'OSCOPIC, SOL. IN H SUB2 0 0ECO14PG. INTO CS PRIME PosirIVE, AL PRIME3POSIT[VEv AND NO SUB3 PRI *INE NEGATIVE. CS(AL(NO SUB3) SU64) AT 100DEGREES FORIIED NO SUB2 AND 0. IT DECOMPI). COMPLETELY AT 3000ECkEES GIVING (-SNL, SUB3 AND AL :SUB2 0 SUB3. NO SUB2 (ALING SU113) SU34), 14. 85CEGREES, DECCMPD. AT 110-35DEGREES INTO AL 5U62 0 SU13v NO SUB29 AND 0; ITS HEAT OF SOLN. IN Ii 5L-'B2 0 AT 250EGREES IS M114US 69.0 ~PLUS Ck MINUS 0.1 KCAL.-MOLE AND ENTHALPY OF FORMATION H SUB298 EQUALS MINUS 238*1t PLUS OR MINUS 190 KCAL-MOLE, FACILITY: INST. NOVYKH KHIM. PRUBL., CHERNOGOLOVKA, USSR. UNCLASSIFIED L/2 038 UNCLASSIFIED PROCESSING DATE-30OCT70 TITLE-ABSORPTIGN OF RADIATION IN A HIGH PRESSURE PULSED ARGO41 DISCHARGE _u_ AUTHOR-(03)-BAKEYEV, A.A., ROVINSKZY, P,.YE.v SHIRUKOVA, I.P. COUNTRY CF INFO--USSR --OPT. SPEKTRCSK. 1970, 28(31, 594-5 SCURCC .,,.,DATE-PUBLISHED-70 ~SUBJECT AREAS-PHYSICS -.,-TOPIC TAGS-ABSCRPTIGN SPECTRUM, GAS DISCHARGE, ARGON, ELECTRIC DISC'-fARGE RADIATICN, ABSORPTION COEFFICIENT, PUL-SE-EXCITATibti MARKING-NO RESTRICTIONS ll:~~_~~_DPCUMENT CLASS-UNCLASSIFIED -PROXY REEL/FRAMcl--2000/1134 STEP NO--I,'R/005L/70102B/t~03/059,'t/0595 CIP.C ACCESSION N0--AP0I234789-;. UINCLAISSI F-It' 0. NOW . ..... 212 038 UNCLASSI FLED PROCESSING DATE---3,JCjCT70 .,.CIRC ACCESSICN NG--AP0124789 "ABSTRACTIEXTRACT-N) GP-0- AFiSTRACT. THE TEMP. AND WAVELE-INGTI-i DEPENDENCE WAS MEASURED OF THE CONTINUOUS ABSORPTEON OF R.ADIATTOII li'l PULSEE AR DISCHARGE. THEORETICAL AND:EXPT. VALUES OF E~;4 THE li,AVEl- GTH DEPENDENCE OF THE AbSORPt fQN GGEFF. AT 16w0000L-*(;llF:E-SK fGR ;E- L IE ECICN FROM 6000 A TOWARD5 LONGER I P -I AV EL ENGT 14S. UNC LA S 5F I E 0 Probability Theory and Mathematical Statistics A. Probability Theory USSR PETROV, V. v. and SHIROKOVA, I. V. "Exponential Rate of Convergence in the Law of Large Numbers" Vestn. Leningr. Un-ta [Herald of Leningrad University), 1973, No 7, pp 1557157 (Translated from Referativnyy Zhurnal KibCTnetika, No 9, 1973, AbstTact,No 9V8) Translation: The purpose of this article is to prove the following two theorems. Theorem 1. Let {X ; n = 1, 2, ...) be a sequence of n n independent, identically distributed random quantities, S = E X k" n k=l Then the following conditions are equivalent: (A) there are positive constants P