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212 007 UNCLASSIFIED PROCESSING DATE-020CY70 C'IqC ACCESSIEIN-,Ng--AP0109363 JABSTRACT/EXTRACT-W) GP-O- ABSTRACTo A NEW FREQUENCY BATHYTHERMOSOUNDEP IS-DESSCRISEDe THE INSTRUMENT IS DESIGNED FOR MEA$URING THE VERYICAL DISTRIBUTIOU-OF THE SEA WATER TEMPERATURE AS DEEP AS I TO 5 KM-'- TEMPERATURE 0,10EGRFE OVER THE RANGE 0 TO 30BEGREESC. INFORMATION IS TRANSVJTTED BY A SINGLE CONDUCTOR SEA CABLE ONTO TPfE SHIP. THE RESULTS OF MEASUREMENTS ARE RECORDED IN THE ANALOG AND DIGITAL FOR-4S* THE SCHEMES OF THE SOUNDER AND ITS ASSOCIATED EQUIPMENT ON 6JARD THE SHIP -ARE PRESENTED ALONG WITH SOME DATA OBTAINED WITH THE INSTRUME-a. -..~:-FACILITY: 'INSTITUT OKEANOLOG[t INo P..P..SHIRSHOVA AN SSSR* !9~ ATAIAP -1/2 018 UNCLASSIFIED PROCESSING DATE--30OCT70 TITLE-TRIPLET TRIPLET ANNIHILATION IN GLASSY SOLUTIONS OF TOLUENE AT 77DEGREESK -U- _-AUTHOR-(04)-bATEKHA, I.G., ALFIMOV, M.V.t GORDEYEVi V..1.1 SHIEKK, YU.B. ~m..CCUNTRY CF INFC-USSR _.~~SGURCC-IZV. AKAD. NAUK SSSR, SER. FIZ. 1970, 34131j, 6T5-7 .,-DATE PUBLISHED----70 -SU8JECT AREAS-CHEMISTRYt PHYSICS OPIC TAGS-TULUENEv LUMINESCENCE SPECTRUM NAPHTHALENE, LIGHT EXCITATION* T t -PHOSPHURESCENCE, FLUORESCENCE, OC.TENE (CATROL MARKING-NO RESTRICTIONS UGCUMENT CLASS-UNCLASSIFIED .PROXY REEL/FRAME--2000/1624 STEP NO~--UR/00481701034/003/067510677 CIRC ACCESSION NO--A,110125246 -~2/2 018 UNCLASSIFIED PROCESSING DATE--30OCT7C CIRC ACCESSION NCj--AP0125246 ABSTkACT/EXTRACT--(U) GP-0- ABSTRACT. THE SENSITIZED LUMINESCENCE SPECTRUM OF A FROZEN SOLN. OF NAPHTHALENEfD SUBS 11) IN PHME UNDER EXCITATION G-F DIFFERENT INTENSITIES AT 254 NM WAS MEASURE0. A 100 FOLD INCREASE IN THE PHME EXCITING LIGHT INTENSITY RESULTED IN A SIGNIFICANT SPECTRUM OF 1. SUPPRESSION OF ThE PHOSPHORESCENCE COMPONENT OF THE ' THE TIME DEVELOPMENT OF THE PHOSPHURESCENCE AND FLUORJESCEENCE ON SWITCHING ON AND OFF A POTENT EXCITING LIGHT SOURCE (10 PRIME14 PHOTONS CM PRIME NEGATIVE2 SEC PRIME NEGATIVEI-) WAS SHOWN ANDt BESIDES TIHE COMMON SHORT TIME FLUGRESCENCEt AN AODNL. DELAYED LONG TIME CUMP014ENT OF THE RADIATION WAS OBSD. THE DELAYED FLUORESCENCE FADED OUT IN 3 TIMES 10 PRIME NEGATIVE4 SEC Al-10 ITS 114TENSITY WAS PROPORTIONAL ro THE EXCITING LIGHT INTENSITY MULTIPLIED BY THE CONCN, OF THE TRIPLET MULS, OF 1. THE DELAYED FLUORESCENCE WAS ASCRIBED TO AN ANNIHILATION IN'rGRACTION OF THE JRLPLET EXCITATIONS OF PHME BY THE TRIPLET MOLS. OF f. ITS TIME DEPENDENCE WAS DETD. BY THE RATE OF ACCUMULATION OF THE TRIPLET MOLS. OF I AND BY THE LIFETIME OF THE PHME TRIPLET EXCITATIONS. THEORETICAL CONSIGERATICNS WERE VERIFIED EXPTL. BY USING THE SELECTIVE COMPETIT!VE 114TERACTION GF THE PHME TRIPLET EXCITATIONS WITH liOCTENE., FACILITY: INST. KHIM. FIZ., MOSCOW, USSIR6 "CLASSIFIED FKLICESSING DATE-13NOV70 N U E N K 1:) TITLE--SIMULTANEGUS fX[STE;fC'- JF SEVERAL IMYCOSES IN PATIENTS WITH ITS- KUSHINGIS SYNDROME -U- AUTri0R-(03)-SH2KLAK0Vt NI.D., LESHCHENKO, V.t4.t DADIeMOVA, V.G. COUNTRY OF: INFO--fJSSR SOURCE--VEST,.NIK DERMATOLOGII I VENEROLOGII, 1970, PP 41-45 DATE PUBLISHED ------- 70 SUBJECT AREAS--BIOLOGICAL AND MEDICAL SCIENCES TOPIC TAGS--SKIN DISEASE, FUNGUSt DISEA5E# CHEMOTHERAPYi ADRENAL 15LAND, PITUITARY GLAND CONTROL MARKING-NO RESTRICTIONS 00rUMENT iLtA%5--1JNG1_A'i5IFIFD L / f 4 _---300W1379 --IJR/1)2()61'11~)/000/1)0i~/00,1,1/00,t5 .PROXY ItEr AM c STEP NG (;1.RC_AC1'_1.SQ_1!1,'; NJ--,,%~)r"1323331 TF-_ _~ i___ T -:1 -ESSING L)ATE--13NOV70 2/2 022 UNCLASSI FIED PROG CIRC ACCESSION NO--AP013-3331 .ABSTRACT/EXTRACT--(U) GP-0- ABSTRACT. REPORTS FROM LITERATURE AND THE AUTHORS' ONN 00SERVATIONS GF 2 PATIENTS WITH SEVEkA(. MYCUSES C0111;CURRENT ~WITH ITSENKO KISHINGIS SYNDkO-ME ARE PRESENTED. 1N ONE PATIENT GENEPAL[ZED AFFECTION OF THE SKIN A,10 THE SCALP WAS CAUSEO 3Y TRICHOPHYTON VIOLACEUM, OF DEEP LAYERS OF THE DERMA fABSECCES), BY CANUIDA ALBICANS, AND OF NAILS, BUT TR I CHOP HY TON rkUBRUSA. IN THE oTHER A SIMILAR PRECESS WAS CAUSED UY TRICHOPHY.Tw4 VIGLACEUM A.AD TRICHOP~iYTGN THE SUCCESS IN THERAPY IWAS ACHIEVED BY COMBIN4TIOf4 OF RUBRU.M. c ANTIMYCOTIC DRUGS W[TH TREATMENT OF UYSFUCTION OF T14E PITUITARY AJRENAL COMPLEX. FACILITY: TSENTRALINYY INAUCH;10- IS SLED. KOZ14NO-VENEROLOGICHESKlY MZ SSSR I KLINILHESKAYA aQL'NIrSA IM V. G'. KOROLMM), MOSKVA. 1/2 -016 UNCLASSIFIED PROCESSING DATE--13NOV70 :,-._*TITLE--0N EARLY REINFECTION OF MICRCSPOROSIS DUE TO..MICRrsPORUM LANOSUM _U_ AUTHOR-(02)-STEPANOVA, ZH.V., SkEKL AKOVA A.A. CCUNTRY -_0F INFO--USSR :.SOURCE--VESTNIK DERmATOLOGIII VENEROLOGI19* 1970, NR 4, PP 68-70 -DATE PUBLISHED----70 SUBJECT AREAS-BIOLOGICAL AND MEDICAL SCIENCES TOPIC TAGS-FUNGUS DISEASEp SKIN# FUNGICEOE tCi'qTROL MARKING-NO RESTRICTIONS DOCUMENT CLASS-UNCLASSIFIED PROXY REEL/FRAME-1990/0935 STEP NO--UR/0206/70/000/004/0068/0070 r IRL_Aff_L5,~~~O 9 0 92 212 016 UNCLASSIFIED PROCESSING DATE--13NOV70 CIRC ACCESSION NO--AP0109092 -ABSTRACT"EXTRACT-M GP-0- ABSTRACT. FIVE PATIENTS WITH REINFECTION OF MICROSPOROSIS DUE TO M, LANOSUM WERE OBSERVCD 2-3 MONTHS AFTER TERMINATION OF GRISEOFULVIN THERAPY. SINCE IN GRISEOFULVIN TREATMENT OF PATIENTS WITH DERMATOMYCOSIS WEAKENING OF IMMUNITY IS SOMETIMES OBSERVED, CASES OF EARLY REINFECTION OF 14YCOTIC DISEASES MAY OCCUR. FACILITY: OTDEL MIKOLOGII TSENTRALINOGO KOZHI40 VENEROLOGICHESKOGO INST. MINISTERSTVA LORAVOOKHRANENIYA SSSR I BOLONITSA IM. V. G. XORCLENKOt MOSCOW. -P41-07-- USSR UDC 66r,~.712 YEFINOVSKAYA, T. V., LAIIIIN, A. I.., YA. T., V V ...I-----.I--J- -, t-- I ) SHEwyll,'. 'ri. G., and -'71.~--2:01,7DIINA, G. S., IL11-Union Order of the Labor Rod Banner Scientific 1'escarch, Plarming, Design, and Techriologica-I Institute of Sources of Cm-rent (VUHT) "Utilization of a. Hi.-h-Temperature Solar Installation for the Stuly of High- Melting 1,"-teriLls in ar; 071-dizing '~,--diiri (on the Basis the D~mmple of beta-Ilumina)" 'kadcmii ',-'auk Armymriskoy SSR, SeHyr, Tckhnicheskikli Na~11:, Yerevan, Izvesti-a I. I - 1. 1 Vol 26, No 1,'-;,;73, pp Abfftract-.: resenrch rins been con~:iuctocl b.-y tha Arimpnian II',c,;-)art----~,-.-t of Mne ITUIT in Yorc.,.ran, on the thermal clim;ociaticn of Scrijl2ln zilld In a tx~'Irsr heatinn I i, ctro i Le. Rem` of i:~ rc,~;carclh 11m,-c. d(!!-,c;n of obtfaAiilu~-, a no: c consider"I'l-A u -; 1 " -, 1; j IN , o undt-4- C0,116itions of rnoli 1"'A n ~n L05.r. 1, 1 ~,j o GI -: C-1.1:01ATO Of III-- tc~ D mliwatfs z- t. 4 "fit rrr. (7~)diun J, n cr r, - cj.- t)~nn is '1/2 02-6 UNCLASSIFIED PROCESSING DATE--30OCT70 TITLE--DETERMINATION OF THE AVERAGE EFFECTIVE RADIUS OF EVAPORATION CENTERS IN THE NUCLEATE BOILING OF.LIQUIDS -U- AUTHOR-(03)-RATIANI, G.V., SHEKRILAOZE, I.G., MAGRAKVELIDZE, T.SH. COUNTRY OF INFO--USSR SOURCE-SOOBSHCH. AKAD. NAUK GRUZ. SSR 1970, 57W, 137-40 DATE PUBLISHED ------- 70 SUBJECT AREAS--PHYSICS TOPIC-TAGS--NUCLEATE-BOILiNG, PHASE EQUILIBRIUM, SURFACE TENSION, NUCLEATIONt ETHANOL, BENZENE, CONIC BODY CONTROL MARKING--NO RESTRICTIONS DOCUME14T CLASS--UNCLASSIFIEO PROXY REEL/FRAME--1996/1451 STEP NO--UR/0251/70/057/OL)1/0137/0140 CIRC ACCESSfON NO--AP0118440 UNCLASSIFIED ~2/2 -026 UNCLASSIFIED PROCESSING DATE--30OCT70 CIRC ACCESSION NO--AP0118440 ABSTRACT/EXTRACT--(U) GP-0- ABSTRACT. THE OEPENDENCE OF THE AV. EFFECTIVE RADIUSY P09 OF EVAPG. CENTERS ON THE PROPERTIES OF THE SOLID LIQ. INTERFACE WAS STUDIED. FOR A CONEP ANGLE 2 BETAt FOR THE CASE WHEN 0 IS SMALLER THAN 0 IS SMALLER THAN BETA#.WHER E THETA IS THE WETTING ANGLEP THE GEOMETRIC REPEESENTATION G4VE PO EQUALS 4R MINUS L SUBWET SIN BETA)-COS)BETA- THETA)p WHERE L SUBWET IS THE LENGHT OF THE WETTED SIDE OF THE CONE, CAN BE REPLACED BY RUO i WHERE U SUB9. IS THE RATE OF WETTING AT THETA EQUALS 0 AND GAMMA IS THE TIFE GETWEE.N A RISING BUBBLE AND THE FORMING OF THE NEXT BUBBLE. ON THE BAIS OF THIS RELATION, WITH INCREASE IN HEATING ASSOCDv WITH A DECREASE OF GAMMA, P SUBO INCREASED, WHEREAS R ANO THETA REMAINED CONT. THUS WAS 4CONFIRMED WITH ETOH AND C SUB6 H SUB6 ON SURFACES WITH DIFFERNT CONES AS EVAPN. CENTERS. WHENTHETA IS SMALLER THAN BETAt THE SLOPE OF THE EVAPN. CURVE IS HIGHER. USSR UD-t 621.0301.5-0-11.11- BEREZOVSKIY, V. V. , Y-U. A. , GFI:DIN, L._ S. SiMAQ--Yu. B. 'eans of a Laser" "Flaw Detection on a Fuel Eler.,ent Model by 1,, V sb. Vonr. t-~-jlofi z. vadern. realftorov (Froble:nS in the T-hermanl Physics of Nuclea'. 'leactorS --~3 llec~ On of worPs, *-'os c Atcmi zdat WO (Ir m .1071, PP 93-10 o 9, Sep 71, Abstract 1:1o QUIH) Translati~~n: The -i-i-cuss the uz-lc~ f an infrai,ed vith a -,~wrelens-74-h f 10. ii. T'he narexieters a~' 1~ser focuc-in:- c-n L, fairl- area .001 t~--us I'-c- rc--c- 11 j 0 C ~., lution of A la~.-2r bean with C-f 6-~ 1-1 in, the c(Dn- he c 1 d, T, tinuous mode was uS,*.-,-I, to 'etect fl~zvs (pit J of tI-e fL"--! -,-,I nucla-,,:- clcmunts). -7"p'. -'. ni- ;r1 r0rmof a s-not 0, -0 arbitrary shape wi*--~. a =:~cerltr;I`Ced heat, s~;urcc~ a~. 7! ~, e perature of thc- caEAI whvpi the lacer bee:n hits a re~,7,icn w, C- r e there is pe-21ing. A pic'uno &~-Lerjqines t'he te!=.erature rize. it is folzid 1/2 USSR BEIREIMIMITY, IV. V.) et Vorr. teplofiz. vadern. rt?ak~-Orov, "Wr. 3, Mloscov, Ato=izdat, 1971, -r-D 93-100 that an increase in the rate o--:' beam disolacement enta-ils an increase in the required power of the source, a rise in maxi!n= wre severc requirements for the timic lag of the temppt~~ra-,;ure T'icku') Emission fro-n a laser -.,it'- a --ower of 1 ki-11 vals focused ty a I'ield ol. W/cm 1) on an _rea 0-~, ~-,--3 r=2. Three illustrat'.c.-is, tvo tables, bibliography of five tizlr--s. A. M. Bovshovs'~--Jzy. 2/2 - - 7~ : Masers and Lasers USSR UDC 621.039.5,001.4 BEREZOVSKIY, V. V., BYKOVSKIY, YU. A., GRIDIN, V. A., Kot-,OP,:,-:v, L. S., SHELAGIN, YU. N. "Laser Detection of Defects in a Fuel Element 'LIodeill Vopr. teplof--;z. v-ndz!rr,. ren.,~torcv -- V sb. (Probl-,--s of Therrio- '~ucle Aeactors -- Collection of Woriks), vyp. 3 --fosccu, 'to,-zda P -r u hysical t 71, tbstra Li Press, 1971, pp 93-100 (fro-i lio 9, SeD Ct 0 gul8s) Translation: lftili::atioa of o CO 2-N 2-He gas infrared laser with a wave len gth of 10.6 microns is eliscussed. The parameters of the laser radiation pe--itted focusi-n- of it on -= su~zficicntly arep (- 0.001 z:--:l2) and, at the sanme time, iticreasial., til--z rof"oltaJi.on oE che chernal dcvices. A 6 -4att la-ser -rwas L-ed to dazccl- (hole- in thu Jacket, cxfoliati~on of thc fvc-l- Exfoliation in thie forn of a c-oot. of a-.6itrarv shj-n- QitAh a concencrated i~oat source is invcsti.:7alled. Moen tile laser bem-a hits the am-"OlliaLion region, tne j raturc risLs j- t acket tcmpe . Ibe rise in teriperatura, is recordled by a scn,.L;or. - is established that with an incraase in tile beam dis'place=ienc rate, tile neccs- sary power supply Increases, the rnaximi.Ln temperature increases, and the require- ments on tne inerzia or . the te,-.ineratura sensor increases. Focusing one kilowatt USSR BEIREZOVSKIY, V. V. , et al. , Vo-pr. teplofiz. vadern. reaktorov, vyp. 3, Moscow, Atomizdat Press, 19711 pp 93-100 5 2 3 of laser radiation created a field of 3-10 watts/co ovor an area of 2-10 There are 3 illustrations, 2 tables and a 5-entry bibliography. 2/1 ~__02 016 UNCLASSIFIED: PROCESSING DATE--230CT70 --:.TITLE--DIALKYLPHOSPHORUS COMPOUNDS. 111. SYNTHESIS AND REACTIONS OF ~_.'..__DIALKYLPHOSPHINIC ACID CHLORIDE -U- ~'~AUTHOR-(03)-IVIN* S.Z., SHELAKOVAi-I.D_p-PR.OMONENK0Vt V.K. ,,COUNTRY OF INFO--USSR ". 'SOURCE--ZH. OBSHCH* KHIM. 19701 40(31t 561-Z .._-bATE PUBLISHED ------- 70 .:.SUBJECT AREAS--CHEMISTRY TOPIC TAGS--ORGANIC SYNTHESISt ORGAT41C PHOSPHORUS COMPOUNDp EMIN.Er. TRIETHYLAMINE :.:C.ONTROL MARKING--NO RESTRICTIONS ..DOCUMENT CLASS--UNCLASSIFIED ..PROXY REELIFRAMCE-2000/0869 STEP t'40-UR/0079/70/040[aG3/05611%356e'- CIRC ACCESSION NO--AP0124532 2/2 016 UNCLASSrF[ED PROCESS LNG OATE`--Z3OCT70 ACCESSION NO-AP0124532 ABSTRACT/EXTRACT--(U) GP-0- ABSTRACT. TO 4~3 G EPfYLENP4rNEr 10.1 G Er SUB3 Ni AND 30 ML C SUB6 H SUB6 WAS ADDED SLOWLY LZ.8 G ME SUB2 PSCL IN C SU86 H SUB6 AT NEGATIVE5DEGREES TO G[VEr AFTER 2 HR Ar 4G-50DEGREES? 79PERCENT ME SU52 PSR (k EwiU4LS AZrR[DrNO)t B SUB2 '14-50EGREESP 0 PRIME20 1.0827, N PRIME20 SUBD L.5330; DI-ET ANALOGr PREPD. SIMILARLY9 70PERCENT, B-SU30.06 71-2DEGREES,, 1.04-06, 1.4700. ME SLIB2 PSCL AND UAN SU83 IN ME,SUB2 CO IN I HR AT 60DE-GRE-ES GAVE 80PiCENT ME SIJB2 P(S)u SUB3, M. 67DEGREES1, WHICH (4.05 G) IN L SUB6 H SUB-6 TREATED SLOWLY WLTH 4.98 G P(OET) SU-B3 REACTED WITH HEAT EVOLUTION ANDYiELDED N. AT 50DEGQEES; AFTER 2 HR IT GAVE 6TPERCENT ME SUB2 PIS)N:PIOETY SkJ53r B SUBO.008 100DEGREESP 1) PIME20 1.1100t N PRIMEZO SUBD 1.4850; TRIYISOPPR ANALOG, 75PERCENT, 6 SUBO-008 99-101DEGREESr 19-05L.Lv, 1..4710; ALSO PKEPD. WA-S.ME SUB2.P(SIN:PME(OPR) SUB?v. 60PER.CEP4Tr B.SUBU.0013 L05DEGREESr- 1.0592, 1.4930. &t~ L# M USSR ux 616-981-513-022-38-039:616.3-003.1 PIVGVAROV, Yu. P., 51DORE-110, G. i., TKACHRIKO, A. V., GQj,'D3E-?,:i, Ye. 3.. AKII.;OV, A. A., VOLZOVA, R. S., and SHEEL V, Chair o! General nygienr,, .AOVA Second Moscow Medical Institute imerf 14. 3-rogov "Bacillus cereus as an Agent of Food Poisonin.g in Man" Moscow, Voprosy Pitaniya, 110 3. 1970, PP Z5-25 Abstract: During an investigation of food poisonings treated in several clirics and hospitals in Xoscow, I-Ioscow Obla-st, and Rovenlkovskiy.Payon, i",uganskaya Oblast (Ukraine) since 1967, it was found that two general outbreaks, four famil-ial --ut- breaks, and 29 isolated cases involving a total of over 150 persons were oa,.,sed by Bacillus cereus. The microorganism was isolated in large quant-Itics fc'Z-on t:io ia- testinal contents, vomited material. and suspected food products (saucatge, 0,16t and potato soup, stowed cabbage, boiled zaeaL, sarii-nos, c~Lnned du,-,~ and! bac-C). Most of the cases were reportai in the summer and fall. course -,.as ganoraliy milk and brief. After an incubation period of 10 to 105 hours, ;ometii-,.esO4 -,o 6 hours, symptoms appeared - stomach pains, nausea, diarrhea. The symptoms sub- sided in 11 to 16 hours, less commonly in Z4 to 48 hours. About 2fi of the cases followed a more severe and longer (3 to 5 days) oourse. W W .P Ld ~T I *t 1-11, i;''I USSR UDO 621.~72-826 (Member, Scientif ic-Technical Society Of Radio En~gineoring, Electronics, And Oornminication, imeni A.S. Fopov] "Analysis of Dielectric Resonator Interzetion With a Rectangular Waveguide" Radiotekhnikap Vol 27, No 4, Apr 1972, pp 61-69 Abstract: General exproesions for the co6firiciants of Ldamatch, transmission., and absorption are obtained by an analysis of the eqiaivelent circuits of three types of niorowavo quadripoles with dielectric resonatoxa: 1) A dielectric ros- onator with natched transmission line; 2) 1. dielectric resonator in a short- circuited tranemiesion line; and ~) A dioleetrie resonator ar, the coupling alemont of two tranamianion linos. With the aid of nn eilactronic oozuutor tnblea wero compiled for d6tormining the resonance freqtxanciop of the principal oscillation modee in thooo resonators. Exparimontal chav,*13 Of thO oal01Aat0d rolationo olitaintid for tho coupling paramotors wore oondmvtod with diolartric reconatoro proparod trom a coramio baood on rutilo (C -t 4~5). The revultv, 0.", tho oxparimento are prevontod. It is poccibla 'with the toohnique duseribod to con- duct an analysis of the intaraction of a dialootrio resonator with other typas of miorminve traneiifision lines and metal onvity reaomtorve 4 tab. 5 ill. 6 ref. Received, 12 Doc 1~69; after revision, 18 May 1971. '122 USSR uDc 621-372-54.o6i KOVBASA, A. P.1 "Application of Circuit Theory to the Design of Micrc.--wave Devices With Ferrites and Dielectrics" Avtomatiz. proyektir. v elektron. Resp. mezhved. nauch.-Ile?hn. sb. (De- sign Automation in Electronics. Republic Interde-oartmental Scientific and Technical Collection), vyp. 2, Kiev, "Tekhnika", 1970, pp 132-142 Abstract: Equivalent circuits are set = and the parameters of ferrites and dielectrics are calculated. In analyzing the equivalent circuits of microwave two-terminal pair networks with ferrites and dielectrics, expressions are derived for the coefficients of reflection, transmission and absorption of these two-terminal pairs. Your tables, four illus- trations, bibliography of five titles. USS. uDc: 621.317-335.3 BOKRINSKIY, A. A., STIMM-DVI If. G "Using Dielectric Cavities to Measure the Parameters of Dielectrics on Superhigh Frequencies" DAL Vses. n-n-uch.,io-trz?hn. ft~rcrtsi -no ralioteki-n. (Pe- ports of the All-Union Scientific and 'Technical Confer~--Pce on R,;d -i Ing Measurerents. Vol. 10 , i1ovosibirzk,, 1970, pp 83-64 1lika, no 1, Jan '11, Abstract No IA3701 Translation: A rethod is proposed which is based on me 11:rInf- as the param- eters of a resonatc)r made from the dielectric tb be s-tudie(I. qlhe reasure- nent- element. is -- systen made u-) of the dielectric resonator ruld a trtu-is- mission line. The osciliatox:~ zodc which is fund =enta., fcu~ t'n.-- Eiven dielectric resc-nator is best to lase -for When a cyl-indrical dielectric is used, special tables are used for compu- tations where the 7,Irnduct ol: i the reso-ni-nce frequency of the , e-rectric resonator bv the souare rr,~-t :~f i is given c~? a a-!-' the geometric dlzensiozir-: of "lit? cavity. q-10 los!3 I-M1,5ent. is With respect to the riatural Q of t1le dielectric resonator .4iich In deterruned . ............ .. USSR BO='Sh-CY, A. S=t 1AYOV G. N. Dolkl. Vses. nauchii -t--' konfere--,~S,ii vo radiotelchm. i7zere-niy=.. T. 1, 1970, pp 63-34 from the measured 0 and the coupling factor. Vne proposed mnthod was used ermitt rutile- for measuring the p ttivi~y and loss tangent of various types o~ based rdcrowave cci--mics. E. L. 12 034- UNCLASSIFIEO Pll(:)CESS:114G DATE-27NO'170 TITLE--PHYSICOCHEMICAL PRINCIPLES IN T14C PRODUCT [ON OF SEMIMAINUFAcrupEs -FROM BAKED ALUMINUM POWEAS -U- AUTHOR-(02)-SHE AMOVY V.A., LITVINTSEVr A.I. .,COUNTRY OF INFO--USSR SOURCE-PHYSICOCHEIMICAL PRUNCIPLES IN THE PRODUCTION OF SEMEMANUFACTRUES FROM BAKED ALUMINU-3 POWDERS (FIZU-1-Mil.MCHESKIYE 05NOVY i)RoIZVODSTVA DATE PUBL [SHED ------- 70 SUBJECT AREAS--,4ECH.j IND., CIVIL AND MAR.INE ENGR, MATERIALS TOPIC TAGS-PHYSICAL CHEMisrRy PROPERTY, -POWDER METALLURGY, INDUSTRIAL PRODUCTION, ALUMINUM POW01-R, CHEMICAL REAMON KIN~,Tics. mF-rAL DF-Citrr,!M(-~ ..CONTROL flARKING--NO RESTRICTIONS .00CUMENT CLASS--UN?CLASSIFIED PROXY REEL/FRAME--3003/1711 STEP NO--UR!0000/70/000/00(1/0001/0277 CIRC ACCESSION UNC LA S S 1 F-I ED 212 034 UNCLASSIFIED PROCESSING DATE--27NOV70 CIRC ACCESSION NO--AM0130575 ABSTRACT/EXTRACT--(U) GP-0- ABSTRACT. TABLE OF CONTENT~: INTROOUCTION 7. CHAPTER 1. CFRTAINl ELEMENTS OF POWDER METALLURGY 9. 11. METHODS OF PRODUCTION, STkUCTURE AND PHYSICOCHEMICAL PROPEATIES OF ALUMINUM POWSER 42. Ill. GAS CONTENT OF ALUMINUM POWDERS 65. IV. WAYS TO SATURATE ALUMINA)IM POWDEIRS 1,41TH GAS IN THE PROCESS 13F PRODUCTION 31. V. DEGASING OF ALUiMIfiU%M POWOERS 88. VI.: KINFTICS OF~~ DEGASING OF ALU,-iINJH POWDERS 113. VII. STqUCTURAL CHANGE-S'IN ALUMINUM 1"O'dDERS IN ANNEALING 126* VIII. PRINCIPLES OF THE THFR(lY AND IMETHODS rl:0 CASrING SEMTkMA,NlU,'--ACTURES FROIM FSIABLE .1,1ATERIALS 147. IX. METHODS OP GJBT'A(~-VIENT OF COMPACT SAP (?) BRIQUETS 156* X. aAKING OF POWDE-R MATERIALS I, C S L F R f)t~j (APP-L."--AqLE TO SAP) 171. X1. TREATMENT OF BLAI SAP WOTH PRESSURE 192. X I THERMAL AND MECHANICAL WOR"KING OF SEiAflANUFACTURES 226. XIII. PROPERTIES OF SAP SEMIMANUFACTURES 23.5- XIV. THE USE OF SAP SE"11MANUFACTURES TiN INDUSTRY 258. XV. -r')Eq5PFCTlVF5 FOR THE ~DEZVELOPMEINT OF PRODUCTION AND LISE OF SEA11MANUFACTURES FROM "I(IFERIALS OF THE SAP TYPE 268. LITERATURE 1172. THE BOCK IS DESIGNED FOR TECHNICAL ENGINEERS OF VARIGUS BRANCHES OF INDUSTRY SPEC IALIZ IiNG IN WORRKIN'G METALS WITH PRESSURE AND POWDER !4ETALLURGY. UNCLASSIFIr-0 USSR UDC: 621-373:535 KOF111YEMKO) L. S., KRAWSOV, 11. V.) and SULAM, A. N. "Some Characteristics of a Continuous, Solid-State 11ing Laser" Leningrad, Optika i Spektroskopiya, No 4, October 19,73, pp 775-776 Abstract: This brief cor-riunication gives the results of experiments performed to obtain the characteristics of a solid-state ring laser. It is shown that under specific conditions, there is an instability in the t-wo counter waves. The laser used in the experiments contained a YAG-neodymium cryo-tal and oper- ated at a wavelength of 1.06/4 , with an oscillation threshold of 500 w, and at 1.3,q, with an oscillation threshold of 1200 w. The laser resonator was formed-by three mirrors with radii of curvature of 5000 zm, 2000 mm, and infinity and reflection factors of about 99% at the oscillation wavelen,gth. A garnet crystal with a diameter of five rrun and a length of 50 mm, With plane- Para!lel te=*nations, was the active element, and the resonator was 117 cm 1 _,org. The type of oscillation was investigated as a function of the coupling coefficient of the counter waves. Oscillograms of the laser output are given. 112 022 UNCLASSIFIED Pl'-.0CESSl-NG 04lTC----3U0CT_70 TITLE-EXPERIMENT ON T~~ 86AM EXTRACTION bY AN' ELECTROSTATIL DEFLECTU~:z FROM THE JlhR 2 METRE ISOCHROt JUS CYCLUTkON -U- NC AUTHOR-(G5)-SHELAYEV, I.A., ALFEYEV, V.S., KOZLOV, S.I., NIKOLAYEV, V.A.. COUNTRY OF INFO-USSR _.-SOURCE-LAB. OF NUCLEAR REACTIONSi. 1970. 121P. OEPI CFSTK DATE PUBI-ISHED---70 _SUBJECT AREAS-PHYSICS TOPIC TAGS-ION BEAMo CYCLUTRUNt ELECTROWATICS '_~-,.MTROL MARAING-NO RESTRICTIONS ~EIOCUMENT CLASS-UNCLASSIFIED PROXY REEL/FRAME--3002/0139 STEP NO--UR/0000170/0001000/0012/0012 CIRC ACCESSION NO--AT0127763 -Fl n- 022 UNCLASSIFIED PROCESSING DATE-30JOCT70 C IIRC ACCESSION NO-AT0127763 ABSTRACT/EXTRACT-(U) GP-0- AbSTRACT. E XTRA C I I UN U FF H ~_ JON filt-AM FROM THE JINR 2 METER I SUCHRONOUS CYCLOTRON BY A SYSTEM COM3 IN JING AN -ELECTROSTATIC DEFLECTOR AND FOCUSING MAGNE TIC CHANNEL IS DESCRIBED. FACILITY: JOINT INST. FOR NUCLEAR RESEARCH, OWMA USSR.. r J_' 91,111 04TE---30G(:T? 0 112 031 UNCLASSIFIED 9aOCESSIJ G PARAMETERS OF THE 2 METER JINR I SOCHRONJUS: CYCLOTRON -U-- ,~:AUTtiGR-(03)-SFELA -.A., KCZLOVt,S.I., KLENINs S.A. _CGUNTRY Of INFO--US SR ,~4-SOURCE-JINP P9 5033 LAB.__.dF t4UCLEAR REACTIONS. 1970. 18P. DEP. CFSTI DATE PUBLISHED---70 4.SUBJECT AREAS-PHYSICS NTP _TOPIC TAGS--ORBIT PAKAMETER, CYCLOTilCUt MAGNETIC FIELD MEASUREME BETATRON, OSCILLATION/(U)BESM DIGITAL:COMPUTER CCNTROL MARKING-NO RESTRICTIONS ~~OGCUMENT CLASS-UNCLASSIFIED ~PROXY REEL/FRAME-3002/0165 STEP NO--UR/0000/70/000/000/0018/0018 CIPC ACCLSISHN NO-AT0127789 I IN GA SS I F 11"' D 212 031 UNCLASSIFIED PROCESSING DATE--30OCT70 ~:CIRC ACCESSION NO-AT0127789 AgSTRACT/EXTRACT-(U) GP-0- ABSTRACT. THE SCHEME OF I'HE CALCULATION 017 THE ORblT PARAMETERS AND PHASE GRAPHS, ADOPTED BY PROCESSING THE DATA OF THEE MAGNETIC FIELD IIEASUk~EMENTS OF THE 2 METqE ISGCHRGNt)US CYCLOTRON, IS DESCRIBED. THE RESULTS OF THIS CALCULATION PERFORMED BY USE OF THE BESM It COMPUfER AkE PEESEiNTEO. IT IS SHOWN THAT THE VALUES OF THE NU SUBR, NU SUEZ BETATRCiN OSCILLATION FREQUENCES, OBTAINED A.(""("RDING TO'H ~APPROXIMATE ANALYTICAL FORMULAEv AGREE WELL WIrH THE [~'.ESULTS OF NUMERICAL INTEGRATION. FACILITY: JOINT IN,%T,. FOR NUCLEAR RESEARCH, OUBNA USSR. PEER 112 026 UNCLASSIFIED 040CESSING DATE--230CT70 TITLE--CHARACTERISTICS OF A LIGHT TON SOURCE FOR THE U-200 CYCLOTRON -U- AUTHOR-(02)-SHELAX-V, I-A.t SOLOVEVA, Gems '-.~-C OUNTRY GF INFO--RUMANIAI USSR, -SOURCE--REV ROUMAINE PHYS.p VOL. 150 NO.~ 1 r P 2.7- 34, 1,97.0 ~DATE PUBLISHED ------- 70 SUBJECT AREAS--PHYSICS JOPIC TAGS--ION SOURCEr ION CURRENTt GAS DISCHARGE, VOLT AMPERE CHARACTERISTIC, LIGHT NUCLEUS, CYCLOTRON/(U)U200 CYCLOTRON CONTROL MARKING--NO RESTRICTIONS DOCUMENT CLASS--UNCLASSIFIED PROXY REELIFRAME--l')98/1738 STEP NO--RU/0032/701015/OOL/0027/0034 CIRC ACCESSION NO--AP0122068 UP'4C L AS SF ! E D ~212 026 UNCLASSIFIED PROCESSING DATE--230CT7C CARC ACCESSION J\JQ-- APO 122068 -XTRACT--(U) GP-O- ABSTRACT. THE DEPENDENCES OF THE ION CORRENT ABSTRACT/t: ON THE GAS YIELD, CURRENT ANU VOLTAGE OF.THE DISCHARGE AND THE VOLTAGE OF THE DEES WERE INVESTIGATED. RESULTS ARE DISCUSSED. -UNC L"% 5 $1 F I E 0 Thin Films USSR UDC 543-70 GANIOPOL-SKI-f, V. I., SIWIJIOVA, V. S., FdIkWOVER, M. Z., [Lnd institute of Solid State Physics and Semiconductors, Academy of Sciences Belorussian SSR, and Ural State University imeni A. M. Gorlky, Sverdlovsk, Ydnistry of Higher and Secondary Specialized Wucation RBFSR "Extraction Photometric Analysis of Thin Magnetic Films Fe-Co-Ni by Means of B-Mereaptoquinolinell Moscow, Zhurnal Analiticheskoy Khimii, Vol 25, No 5, May 70, pp 982-986 w -in f erroTvagnetic films Fe-Co-Nli. is described. Abstractz A method of xialysis of' th The method is based on the followina: 1) the thl-ooxinate t5tabiJity increases in the series Fe-Ni-Co, the differepce iii this stability being especially marked between iron and nickel on one hand, and cobalt on the other; 2) the absorption spectra of the above thioaxinates have wide, intensive bands in the visual region suitable for analytical purposes. The absorption bands of iron. thiooxinate 450 mu) and cobalt thiooxinate (?v max= I max~470 mF) are p.-actically a-uperimpos- able) while each of them individ'aall , when paired with tho absrj.Ttion band of y nickel thiooxinate ~50 mp) can be resolved spectrophotometrically. 1"hese max 1/2 USSR GANOPOLIS=, V. I., et al, Zhurnal Analiticheskoy Khimii, Vol 25, No 5, May 70, pp 982-986 properties permit the analysis of two-comp9nent mixtures of thiooxinates (Fe-Ni and Co-%Ni) to be carried out without separating the components. It also sinpli- fies analysis of the Fe-Co-Ni system; the prolonged method of rsequential reex- tracting of iron and nicke" is aboided by separating Fe mixt -Ni -ure from Co, Which is left behind. USSR UDC 621.373.326:038.8 YERMOLAYEV, B. A. SHELIMID11 .-YU1, VOTINOV, 11. P. "Interaction of a Ruby with Ionizing Radiation" Tr. Leningr. politeklin. in-ta (Works of the Leningrad polytechnic Institute), No 325, 1971, pp 78-80 (fron, M-Radiotckhnika), No 1, 1972, Abstract ITO 1D325) Translation: A rose ruby (0.05 percent Cr 203 in burden) was irradiated by Ca 60 y-rays (a dosage of 10 8 roentgen,,;) and therinal neutrons (10 16_10 17 neutrons/cm2 at room temperature, and single crystals of corundLIM (and ruby) were irradiated by x-rays (1U4 rventgens) at tbe_liquid nitropen Ievel.; The irradipted crystals acquired an orange tint. Two additional absorption bandt; with centers at 370 and 460 nm appeared in the optical. spectrum, the Cr3l' content docreased by 11- 18 percent, and the nonunifornity of the. intracrystalline fielO increased bv 30-40 percent. It it; confirmed that the induced coloring is connected witil a change in the valence state of the chromium and the formation of centers of color in the matrix defects. There is I illustration and a 7-entry biblioor-aphy. 110 unp UDC 77 VEPRIK, YA. M., TRUKHIN, M. I., SHELEKHIN, YU. L. "Electron Centers in Microcrystals of Silver Bromide of a Photoemulsion Sensitized by Amines" ............ V sb. ?4ezhdunar. kongm-ss 2o fotogr. nauke, M~skva, 1970,'Priroda fotogr. chuvstvitellnosti (International Congress on Photographic Science, Moscow, 1970, Nature of Photographic Sensitivity -- Collection of Works), no place of publication given, Vneshtorgizdat, no year given, pp 131-134 (from RZh-Fizika, No 12(l), Dec 70, Abstract No 12D1368) Translation: The existence of two types of centers, stabie and photon-induced electron-excess, was observed by the EPR method in microcrystals of the Ya2 nuclear photographic emulsion at 770K. The stable centerr:, were observed inde- pendent of the exposure; g = 1.96 for these.. The other cmnters were induced by light and g = 2.0036 for these. The magnitude of the signal of centers of the second type depends on the illumination temperatine (maximum at -400C and dis- appearance upon heating, to +2000 and correlates with -the temp",atur4 change in 1/2 USSR VEEFRIK, YA. M., et al, Miezhdunar. kongess 2o fotogr. nat&e, ffoskva, 1970, Priroda fotogr. chuvstvitellnosti, no place of publication given, Vnesbtorglz- dat, no year given, pp 131-134 iiiht sensitivity. Neither photoinduction of centers of the second type nor heating of the exposed samples have an effect on the signal From stable centers. It follows from a comparison with EPR of free Ag atoms in AgHal and alkali-halide crystals that centers of the second type are not Ag atcms. The hypothesis that' dependence of the signal on temperature reports in the dependence of the mobility of interstitiall Ag ions was tested in experiments with -the introduction of dif- ferent amines into the emulsion. Their introduction sharply increased the sig- nal of centers of the second type al: th~ temperature max.fmum, probably due to recombination of photoelectrons with Ag ions from dissociated Ag-amines of the complexes,since differences in the intensification of the signal upon the introduction of different amines correlates with differences in the instability constants of Ag-complexes of the amines. Also possible is a contribution to the signal from photoredVion in the transfer of an electron from the coordinated amine to a central Ag ion in photoexcitation of the complex. 10 references. A. L. Kartuzhanskiy. 2/2 I-If 71 -Ml Higher Algebra and Geo mtry and Topology USSR. UDC; 512-972 AKIVIS, M. A. and SHELE02VL A. Mo J. "Calculation of Curvature and Torsion Tensors of a Kiltidimensional Three- Sheet and the Associator of the Local Quasigroup Associated With It" Moscow- Sibirskiy Matematicheskiy Zhurnal, Academy of Sciences SSR, Siberian Department, Vol .12, No 5, Sep/()Ct 71, PP 953-960 Abstract: A relationship is established between two methods of assigning a three-sheet Wr on a differentiable manifold X2 : using three systems of wholly integrable Pfaff equations, and using flnite equations. The invariants of the sheet assigned ty the finite equations are computed. The formules obtained are used in computing tensors of~curvature and torsion of a th-ree- sheet W generated by a local analytic quasigroup Qr- The relationship betweenrthe associator of this quasigroup and the curvature tensor of the three-sheet Wr is found. This relationship is used to obtain the necessary conditions for closure of the fiGuras of Rodemeister and Bolya and hexagonal- ity on the sheet W expressed in terms of the curvature tensor of the sheet. USSR UDO, 632.4:582.285.2:581.17 1 LESOVOY, M. P.Y SIJF~MHOVA, L. N., and KONMUTYUK, 0. K., Ukrainian Scientific --t-'Fir-61 t' r, Kiev Research lnstitut5~ or Plant o ec lo "Chemical Composition of Germinating Uredospores of Puccinia triticina F--ces Differing in Virulence" Leningrad, Ydkologiya i Fitopatologiya, Vol 7, No 5, 1973, pp 437-440 Abstract- The chemical composition of the germinating ureclospores of two races of Puccinia tritleina (race 77 -- aggressive, and race 52 -- less aggressive) were determined at 220 to 240 on a suEceptible wheat strain Erythrosper.mum-15. Analysis of the results showee, that total nitrogen contlent and free a.-dno scid concentraticii wpui significantly grcater in r-sce 52 .uredonpores. Poroxidave activ.1ty wu dotected only in ret;tinf-1, iporlls. In race 77 peroxidase activity was three-fold laso ths-n-in the less virulent race 52. The relationship with respect to catalase vas reverEea.. PCIA and DNA phosphorus content in race 77 was much greater than in race 52. On germ, nation the content of each of the above mentioned chemical entities decrels?s; the decrease 4n protein nit ogen and free amino acids iras less pronounced in race 77 than in race 52. 1A 8-4 USSR UDG 535.231..4.07:535.89 BAYUNOVI V. I., WIMOV, 11. 1., OGURTSOVA, 11. 21.1 Ce,,- 0 0 Iejidat f Technical Sciences, POD."19SIHENSIM, L V.,, Candidate of Technical Sciences, SMIRNIOV, V. L., SIIEUIjII-IAP_v* M4 "An InStallatiOD for the Mleasuir'emlefit, of High Brightness Tempora- tures" Leningrad, Optiko-Melffianicheakaya Promyshlonnostt,, No 12, Dee 70, pp 24-27 Abstract: An installation for the measurement of brij;htnoss temperatures in the range of 6,000-100,000 0 K, v, time ro- Holution of up '11-0 3 x 10-8 aocondn, is described, This izi tho IF-68 in2tallation, de_(!~,,nod and (tonotruated by I. V. Bolotnil.:ov and 1. V. Poy.04won. Datormination of tho tompovaturo in barod UI)DA quacenlive comparinon of the brightnenB ot the invostigation and that of Standard EV_1~5, tho maucurv.-iiant being: conduotod Sin-,aitanoou_uly III tulo 1-ravolongth 111torvals, i1golatod by intorforence filt ters, fro--4 a speotral range of 220-1,00 nanoraeters. 3 figuren, 3 bibliographic entries. 97 UDC 621,711-753.9 U.NGER, N. A., Cwidldato of Techaiicva Sciences, 0N'OP1UY1,'N790, L. 111., lEngi-nef-r, BIASHCHUK, V. YEE., Entfbicor, GOT11Y'AN1,L_V It., Engineer, E'lectric Volding, li,,stit-u-te imeni Ye, 0. Paton of the Acadeny of Sciences UhzSSR, ISLYBY, M. 1-1., Fn~;Incvr, All-Union Scientific Research Invtituto of the Hydrolysis Irdustry, L-2ningrad, and SHEIS111, , Swi&k 1-facidiiery Mhnufacturo Plant I.I. V. Frunze LOIL-G. IL "Corrosion Resistance of Uelded Joints of AT3 Alloy in Sulfuric Acid" Kiev, Artomaticheskaya Svarka, No 1(2501, Jan 74, pp 67-68 AUstracti An experimental study w-15 ruade of the corrosJon resistance P-nd the change of rech-anica-1 protvixties of AT3 ititanium O.loy and its C-o-pounds In 0.6-1.2;'~ concentrated sulfuric acid at 180 and 200 V C. The recults of electrochemical investigation in. O.O,;~2 H2~01~ at 00' C chow th, uto. ot p r.3.tically uelded op---cimens behaxe analogously to the Iwo iietal ruid active zone. Nanu~'Ily itelded spciizens have an active zone of pLnodic, dissolution; in their -pssive zone the curi-ant density is 2, 10-2~-Lq/C.M21 which is less th.M J.11 the base retal (4-1 072r ,w L A/cl.12) . Testis conducted trith up-vple srecimans revealcid thl-.t tYe base metal corrodes after 44 weldings at a rate of 0.014 mnhoarj autc.,~.Ucally 1/2 717.. ......... USSR LOGER; 11. A. et, al. Avtomtieheskaya Svarkar 110 1(251-) pp 67-68 Joa 74 welded joint co=odos at'a rate of 0.016 mm/yeart anl a. miually vrelded joint. coxrodes at a rate of 0.013 m/yeaz. Two figuxes, one table, two bibliographlo references. /2 USSR UDG 621.791.052t620,193t669.295 BIASHCOX, V. YEE., Engineer, GUREVICHr S. H. I Doctor of Technical Sciences, SHMNMV, G.__M.# Engineer, Electric Welding Institute Imni Ye. 0. Paton; TKACHENKO, N. N.# Candidate of Technical Sciences# VABILENKO, 1. 1., Candidate of Technical Sciences# LISKMCH# I. YU., Engineer, ZAFIYOVSKLY, YU. M.# Engineer# ISAYEVA, H. M., Engineerp and MLEKHOV, R. K., Mngineer, Physico- mechanical Institute of the Academy of Sciences Ukr5SH I'The Tendency of AT3 Titanium Alloy Welded Joints to Mech-anical Corrosion Failume" Moscowq Svarochnoye ProizvocLgtvo, No 1(471)s Jan 74, pp 39-140 Abstracti A study was made of tho tendency of AT3 titanium alloy and '51ts welded joints to breakdomi at increased temperature and pressure in a 0.6;-,' solution of Y04, as applicable to the working conditiomi of hydrolytic appazatus. Soec-Imens of AT3 alloy were cut from 24-mm-thick hot-rolled sheat. The failure of welded joints took place at streBser, exceeding the yield limit of the alloy. The conditional limits of the cor-rosion-fatigue strength in axial load with symmetric tension and compression of AT3 alloy and its manually veldecl joints are close. Automatically welded joints showr in comparison-with AT3 alloy, 5? USSR BIASHCHUX, V. YE., et al., Svaxochnoye ProizVodstvo, No 1(471)t Jan 74p pp 39-40 some decrease in strength at stresses exceeding the conditional limit of corrosion-fatigue strength. The AT3 alloy and its welded joints show practi- cally the same durability at cyclic torsion. AT3 alloy is recommended for tha production of welded experimental hydrolytic appamtuss Four figures, one tablej eight bibliographic references.. /2 USSR uir 621,791.oil..669,295 GURMCH, S- M., Doctor of Technical Sciences, and 1-1. and ZMHCHM.. V. YE.., Engineers "Weldability of Titanium Alloy MH Moscow.. Svarochnoye ProizvodstvO., NO 11, 1973, pp 20-21 Abstract: The we'-dability of titanium alloy AT3, with a complex composition, vas studied and compared to unalloyed titanium VT1-0. Composition of VT3 was (in ~): 2-5 Al, 0.4 Fe, 0-17 Si, 0-3 Cr, 0.1 02, 0.004 and 0.016 Samples 24 mm thick were submerged-are welded vith a 10 M diameter ttmgsten electrode. Mechanical tests showed that the impact strerjrth and elongation at normal and low teiVeratures change very little for either material while for AT3 there is a significant lowering of relative reductiot in area at low teMDer- atures (-196 C) with a rise in threshold energy. This wam a result of increased oxygen content in the seam metal. "Ehus., the studies shouvd that the ductility and Impact strength of the seam and heat-affect zone metal of the joint, pro- duced by weldiug AT3 changes very little for different values of threshold energy, and are analogous to the changes in technical titanium VTI-O- 3 figures, 2 tablesi 7 bibliographic references. USSR UDC 621.?91.7,54:669.295 GLUVICILI, S. H., Docit;or of Technical Sciences, and SHEMIiKOV. G. 1-1. 1 Saigineer "ihnual Argon-Axe Welding of Tlt~uiium Without Bevelling" 1,11oscow, Svarochnoye Froizvodstvol Ho 2 (460), Feb 73l pp 21-22 Abstracti A technoloO.%- of mwiual axgon-arc welding of Utanlu;.i was developed by which high-quality butt-welded joints up to 10 = tUck can be produced. The effects of the gap between edges, of the irelding conditior-s, and of the position of the electrode on the seam development were Investig-a"k...Cd oil VTJ-O titaniun speciiens butt-welded vith lanthatium.-tungaten electrode in an arg -oil atmosphere. Characteristic de-pondences of the optlmwn 8ap bat~.een weld"a-ble ed,ges, the optimum diamQtor of w,21ding wire, and of the 1,cldliig clarront are shm.. Welded joints of 5-6-mli-thick n_-tal uele found to Lv almo3t as stronL- as the initial metal. Some decrease in atrength takes, place. at thIcImes-ses up to 10 mn , in which case equal atrength can be attaineO, by iherea-ging the size of weld sowis. Th-,%-e figures, one table, two biblicr- ,;.aph' c references. ,r - F1 do USSR UDC 621.791,754-546.821 GUREVICH, S. M., BLASHCHUK, V. Ye., Ye. 0. Paton Electric Welding Institute, LUK'YANEMKO, V. M., SHELENROV, G. M., Suma Machine Building Plant "Welding of Chemical Apparatus of AT3 Titanium Alloy" Kiev, Avtomaticheskaya Svarka, No 11, Nov 72, pp 45-48 Abstract: This work studies the weldability and develops a production technology for welding of chemical apparatus of AT3 titanium alloy. The alloy studied had the following cbemical composition: 2.5% Al, 0.41% Fe, 0.17% Si, 0.3% Cr, 0.1% 0, 0.004% 11,-0.016% N. Ilie butt joint$ were pro- duced by argon-are welding with a tungsten electrode by.manual welding with X-shaped placement of edges and automatic welding with an infurible elec- trode. The welding technology developed was used in the production of hy- drolytic apparatus with capacities of 6-50 m3, wall %thickness 10-24 mm. The use of AT3 alloy allows interior volume to be increasedby IS-35% over lined steel apparatus, increasing interior volume utilization factor from 74'. to 95%. ,- 9,-) CS 5 -` 6 * 7 --f KIV-13. STODY OF TIIV, CHARACTLRISTIC FLAULILS OV CAYSTALLIZ.VrIM (%V *jICROL);,-,pS or Till. l1axt " TtAr SURFACE OF AUILILVITAKtId. LAVi.1,5 [Article Isy R. 11. ErIjij), T.- Vendrar'SOva. V. A. SI1~IrnVh)-cvIc!~. I.eninFT.11', t461:t"ijLj-jk , it i S477ozium V rot, r.vam It -7- - -; -Y4 12 hur-Va'o , 12 - 17 .7~;, Data are prCsentvd from a statistical ainalvpli of the frvIt-cir of en- countering prmth defects caused by C"Stallitation of mictodrons Est the cieIt on thr. ourfilcv of initoe"ItnXIAl oklicrn lavere ~Awtnlard hv tisc s-thod of re- Jucinp. tlu: silicon tetrachloride bv livOrefen. 11ho growth condittinn of Vie autoepitaxial layer-a pro.nting the form~ittcni of 1xicr-Irops of t-ie twit were elmulal;od. Silicon plates filo.ved with tron, sold gold contal."Inr c-taninatiorl by metal, grapilite. dust. and tracts of w.a"Unr alutten. en the "rface were tord no sobotrate in tile extierluientm. It was de"timtrated that tile fomttien of m1credrops of the mcIt is favored by the presents of suet, adctixturei as Ircit. 9.34, oxyren, antismitiv nail ethers_~!%o aoulj-r~ uf wnWk can be the crystal Itself (above all, the coltanin ation of tilt pr"-n surface) and tj:i, CrVOLAI)IRfition medlun. 1he mveticat of the of tl%,- -WIt ViLh res- pect to the morphological charActeristics of the defects for~d coriesposids to the directtrino of predominant Frowth 112~ and builduo of the staKrn 4110~. It won notrd that tilt crystallization of microdreps of the arit con be acco=q wiled by Q'ttur effect of the ndadxturcs from tile surrt)~vidlnr. regions of, the rr~#- Ithed" t$ an Call nerve as a c4nsc of the formation of growth defects of the follow- I"%typ, 1 p1n,ead-111a olevAtiono, Ic,,t,d u a, , 1, f e K o" s p)~r m1dal 0ppearani-, , and complex twind -- trirvratildn. reciirdiriA tilt Mrr.-.- lorical chArecLeristica of tile relief connected ulth the presents, of the liouiJ Phone ca tile growth urface uC (lit, erymtal and w Its back !klJc -- tilt, NanJvC,.h layer -- petiole judgmenc of the conditions nf the prPwth process of the autocrt- tAxial silicon layers. In this paper the possible sechs,aimels of crystallizing "~~Icrodrops of tile YxIt are discussed, and the different teclinolopical awthods 'Not lowering the probability of their occurrence are proposed. 210 USSR uDc 621.165-52147+57) SIMMEPEN'.7 S. V. ------------ "Substantiation for the Use of Electrical Sensors and a Differentiator to :Emprove the Control System of the KtLTGZ K-300-240 Turbine" Tr. Ncrvocherkas. politekhn. in-ta (Works of the Novocherkasck Polyteclindc Institute), Vol 258, 1972, mo 74-80 (fram Referativnyy Zhurnal --TeploenerL,;e- tika, No 1973, Abstract 110 3529 by D. K. Fedotov) Translation: The flaws in the hydronlechanical angular-rate sensor Lind t1i,:3 system for switching, on the electrohydraulic attachmen-t in the water control system used in KhTGZ [hharlkov Tufoogenerator Plant) K-300-240 tur'Oines rake It impossible to use them for frequency control and can lea(l to t1urbiue accidents. The author proposes that an electrical impulse (;enerated by rotor acceleration be used for frequency control, arter which it It; converteei into a hydra-i'llic impulze and uced ta control. the steam acWdssion i-iieribers. For these purpo-,es he proposes the use of the DM-042 tacho~~cnerA-or, avgnad.ed by an el,-,ctrical eircuit and nctwork:-: that forr, a differentiatin_rr effect. 1he J-(.~alization of' thle effect as a h--d: L I j -,-a:,fLic effect is accomplished by using a KhTr2 velocity regulator. Vnen the process involved in a complete load drop was jrodcled on an M-8 electronic cxqntter, it was discovered that the rotation frequency 1/2 SHEIEPENly S. V., Tr. Novocherkas. politekhn. in-ta, Vol 256, 1972, PP 74-80 error was 155 rPm, of vhich 150 'Pn, were static deviation. (3 illustrations; 4 biblioG. ref.) USSR IL UDG 621.383.89 TITOV, YU. A., SHELEPETS V. I., OKSYLTTICH, N. B. "Codoscope Type Cathode Ray Tube" loscow. Otkrytiva, Izobreteniya, Promyshlennyve Obraztsv, Tovlrnyye Znaki, No 16, 8 May 70, p 57, Patent No 270102, Yiled 20 Doc 67 Translation: This Author's Certificate introduces a codoscope type cathode ray tuIbe containing recording and reproducing projectors, address plates, a control assembly, a potential carrier assembly and a I=inescent output screen. The tube is distinguished by the fact that in order to insure high speed of recording the parallel binary code and to decrease the amplitude of the control signals, the control assembly comprises a system of parallel deflecting plates separated by dielectric and arranged perpendicular to the plane of the beam in direct proximity to the potential carrier. Power# Engine, Turbine I PWap USSR UDC 621.165-531.6 SHMEPEN't S. V. "Basis for the Use of an Electric sensor and DifferentiaA%or to Improve the System for Control of the R-300-240 Turbine Produced at.the Rbax-kov Turbo- generator Plant" Mr. Novocherkas. Politekhn. In-ta (Works of the Povocherlmsk Politschnical Institute) , No 258, 1972, PP 74-80 (from ReftxativnYY ZhUnial -- Turbost-roye- n4e, No It 1973, Abstract Vo 1.49.42) Translationt A system of control by means of an electric sensor and a differentiator is discussed. A magnetic intensifier an4 an electrohydxaulic cOnvOrter were used for converting the electric pulse Into a hydraulic pulse. A governor produced by the Khartkoy Turbogenerator plant was used as the hydraulic part. The tim Of the tramient process with total load cutoff, wauu-red on the 1,.'n--$ analog computer, was 4 seconds. Thequality of the transient process was high, approaching periodicity. USSR uDc: 621.3-15.82 BIRYUKOV, A. S., SHELEPIN, L. A. "Kinetics of Physical Processes in Electrogasdynamic Lasers" Moscow, Kinetika -fizicheskikh protsessov v elektrogazodinamicheskikh lazera?h. Fiz. in-t- AN SSSR (cf. English. above. Physics Institute of the Soviet Academy of Sciences), Preprint No 130, 1972, 21 pp, ill., mimeo. (from RZh-Fizika, No 8, Aug 73, abstract No 8Dlo69 K Ere's=63) Translation, An investigation is made into relaxation processe-s in electro- gaadynamic lasers using gasdynclaic flows and electronic excitwilion of the working gas. Basic relations tire found for the inversior. inaximum a3 a function of the parameters of the symtem. The puper demant3tratc!; th(, (.'-f- fectiveneas of electrogandynamic lasers with supersonic gas, flow velocities and their advantages over gasdyramic and transverse-dischaz,ge,fla!i--Duripea lasers with low pumping speeds. A simple theory is given for gas-puziped lasers with transverse excitation. The possibilities of using atomic gases as the working -fluid in electrogesdynamia lasers are discussed. Biblic.- raphy of 14 titles. 32 USSR uDc: 621.375.82 GORDIYETS, B. F. , OSIPOV, A. 1. , ShELEP N.,.. L.- A-.-- "Oscillatory Relaxation in Gases, and the Molecular Laser (Part IP Moscow, Kolebatel'ntya relaksatsiya v gazakh i molekulyarnyye lazery (Ch. I). Fiz. in-t AN SSSR. Optich. labor. (cf. English above, Physics Institute of the Soviet Acaderny of Sciences. Optics Lab-oratory), prep:rint No 135, 1972, 76 pp, ill., mimeo. (from RZh-Fizika, No 8, Aug 73, abstract No 8D9815 Ere'sum'el) Translation: The article is a state-of-the-art survey of the theory of oscilla- tory relaxation in gases and its application to the theory of molecular lasers. A brief presentation is made of the procedure for calculating the probabilities of vibrational transitions in collisions, ard the formulan which ar(~ used in practical computation.- are presented, The authors discusx relaxation of diatomic and polyatonic molecules modeled by harmonic oscillators. A detailed analysis is made of oscillatory relaxation in a system of harmonic oscillators. Quasistationary distributions of the populations of vibrational levels which arise under appreciably nonequilibrium conditions are considered both in a single-component molecular system -and in gas mixtures. Relaxation in the pres- ence of sources of vibrationally excited molecules is discussed, and the Mechanisms of operation of lasers based on vibrational-rotational transitions are examined. Bibliography of 106 titles. ~j 30 Jan% arN- 19;4 COUPLINC, OF TNE UPI'CR AND LOVER ATMOSPHERE Sr INHUXAM PADIATI'j'M AND TIM POSSIBILITY,0r, TOPECASTIN6 PRESS= VARIATIONS AT ,q SrA LEVEL j) lt;V'r5u" -1 - (Artlc~~ by 11. F. Gordly4l!~XALL~ ~11111 %,ti InSlitute e, Scent I .N. TeU-cZ-pv of t1e U5SR Aca";4yo ACOW, Rkladv Hu"I Akadomij tent Vol 212, No 2~ 14M, submitted It Decem"r 1972, 'Qj In references 11-5) it to demonstrated with high statistical reltAbll- try that the geofflagnetic disturbances caused by Intrusion of corpusewAr flunca from the un to the upper atmosphere of the Earth have airnt(icant effect on the weather forming processeav changing, In particulzr) tho atno4beric preasure at the Earth's surface. The ptirpose of this paper to to tndl~carm one of the possible meehantsm of energy transfer from the upper atmoapbera.down-ard Into the stratosphere and troposphere and to demonstrate in what way small disturbances here caus~'d by the release of this energy can lead to significant (with a rate to z4veral willibare per day) variation of the pvt:ssure at son level with different sign of this variation in different parts of the Earth. As in known 16-81, In the upper atmosphere at altit.Jea of z 1 120 km there iv very Intense Infrared ra4iation giving an energy flux of I. downward 2 10 - I - 10 ergo/(Pec-cm ) for ganwagnatically quiet conditions. During the Avomagoetic disturbances thin flux at high latitudes can Increase AignifIcantly. - reaching values of 1 102 %.o 103 crgul(sec-ca2) for strong Sto"Snetic 0 i storms (Kp ~ 5-7). An analysis of the various possible machanisua of this radiation 181 ahown that obviously the most significant radiation to the radiation an a zesult of vIbrAtional-rotAtion&I transitions in thr NO wlt-- Was and Ne tons (along with CO, N,4N,5' and so on) caused by exotharaLic. reactions N..+0_N0,+N. 0-+N,-NO'+ USSR Ej JVRS 61096 .10 janytry 19;4 1~j COUP1,MG OF TIM UPPER AND LOWER ATMQ.PHf1H- W; I-MRARED RADIATION AND TIM POMBILITY. Or FORMASTIW PRESSURE VAREATIONS, AT SEA LEVEL j3V INP .6 OVAQUETIC DI5TV4AANCCS CA"( le by 0. [ArtLc F. (;ordtyt'tl;, IC tar M. L. mysica last truta I-ent P. N- TA69ay ~f rl. U5SP,-Aca4e, a Mosco., D,,~~ Ahaderil II;zsuk'SSSR,ftuveLan. Val 212. t1o 2. 1973, submitted 11 D.cemhQr W2, In references (1-51 It to demonstrated with high statistical zellabil- Ity that the geomagnetic disturbances caused by intrusion of corponcular fluxes from the sun to the % ipper atuosphere o! the Earth havo slgnlti~ot effect on the weathtr forming processes, cheating. in particular, the atcowberic presoure at the Barth's ourfacm. 1-7 The purpose of this paper In to Indicate tme of the possible tanchoalans of energy transfer from the opper stnosphpre downxard Into the stratosphere and tropuxfhere and to. demonstrate In what way small disturbances here caused by the relese. of this energy can lead to significant twLth a rate to several .11111ro per day) variation of the pressure at sea level with different sign of this variation in different parts of the Earth, As to known 16-81. in the upper aroosphere, at attitudes of z .1 120 ka there to very Intense infrared radiation giving an *nvrgy flux of I driw%vard 2 0 10 10 ergat(aec-cm ) for goonagnatically quiet conditions. 13hiring the &"a gestic disturbances this, flux at high ltttit~d* ) ncrea" sig"ificastly' reaching Values at 1 102 to 103 argsl(sac~cftz) iorcantroinr goonagnatic ocatiax (KP ~~ 5-7)f An analysis of the various possible isechanisms of this radiation (8) shoin that obviously the incot significant radiation I* the radiation as a result of vibrational-rotatIonat tratsaitioza til the NO solL- cults and he Lan* (along with CO, H 14Nis, and *a on) caused by onothermIc reactions + N. N+O,-NO+O, M..+O-NO-+M. 0'+ USSR - ~T '43 VI, 30 Jailytry 19;4 COUPLM (IF TIM V'f?Fft AND LOWER ATMOSPHEREBY INTRARdl MMATiON PMSSURE VARIAHIM AT ANO THE Pft~ LBILITY 0? rORFCASTIN sr; UVkL J)URIN~-GAOMAGNETIC DJ5iY3r.%1KCLS fArticle by krdl-ets,4i. Ldl~_,-, L. 11h ~~z- Innrltute _L.P. r 1mvni P. N, [~"dov ~f tto USSR_A4Csdz=y t4 izle~cvs, MkI 11 Akademl I h~uk .551t, r=z.14n. Val 212p No 2, 1973, submitted 11 O~ecr=ber 1972, L In reference- 11-51 it is demonstrate,l with high statistical ratiabLi- try that tbe Stomagnetle tfizzorbancto couned by intrusion of ccrpu*~ular flux" from the sun to the upper atmosphere of the rArt~ havo, *tgnLfteAnt affect on the weather forming processes. changing. In pa~titvlar. the otxw"h*rIc pressure at the Earth's ourface, The pu~pooe,of whiz paper in to Indicate one of the possible Mer'banlams of energy transfer from the upper- atmosphere dw-rawar4- into the'str4tcaphere and troposphere and to demonstrate in what way amall disturbances here caused by the release of this energy con load to significant (vith x tat& to several millibars per day) variation of the pressure at sea level with difteront alptn of thin variation :in different parts of the Earth. - As is known (6-81. in the upper atmosphere at altitudes of z ~b 120 km there is very Intense infrared radiation giving an energy flux of I a downward 10 - I - 10 ovEsAlac-cm 2) for geomagnetically quiet conditions. During the geomagnetic diotorhances this fluxat high latitudes can Increase significantly. reoching value* at 1 0 - 102 to IG3 ergsj(8et,cm2) for strong seomagustic storms (K p~t 5-7). An analysis of the various posoLbLe sechantsma of this radiation 181 shown that obviously the moot aignAftcant radiation is the radiation as a result of vibrotional-rotational transitions in the NO mole- cold* and Re tons (along with CO. N 14R and so on) caused by exothermic reactions 15, N+o,_N0+C), N.;+0-N0'+M 0. + N, -No- + .N. - I - (I - USSR - El 'AdA ZS February 1974 Xjs%--_~- ALMRITIN OF OPERATOR AMVITIES IN PRWESS OF TARGET CWSIFICATION ON RADAR,SCOPE (Article by A. Kh. MIZdv , 11. F_ A. Ulanov, Moscow, VcPr-5--rST1r-i t. 10-sx-an.-M 4 . W3-.__pp Trff"-T4 The purpose or this Investigation Is to develop a mathematical model (algorithm) Of operator artivitics in thc classification of objects which he sees on the radar scope. The operator accooplishes classificutlen on the basis Of Information obtained frm the radar scope fit the form.of brightnesses, sizes and relative rates.of =oVv=;ent_ a( the blips produced It' the objects to be classified. . Using ithis information and a priori data -b if the torgettFi the operator makes, it decision concern- Ing the correspondence of each given blip to'a certain class of target. The need to develop ; vothod by which to find-the m~merical probabilities of correct aril erroneous classification of targets according to their blips an the radar scope hasincreased In rec"t tisia. The urgency of solving this type of problems Is underscored, for example, by B. P. Lomov, et &I Is). Existing views tI. 21 toward a moJel of operator activities In the proc,!Ss of classification of Objects whichho t;etatts on the basis of the parameters of the blips on a cathode-ray tube (CRT`) presume that when blips appear that correspond to various targets the operator will classify th"s by compAring each parameter of the (bitightnesq. for example) with some "reference" attribute of the givcn parameter. which Is Iftaturized during the troininS process. As a result of such comparison the operator relates blips with $rester brightness than the refertnte value to one class, and blips with less brightness to another, Classification Is done in like manner on the basis of other parareters of the blips. Such a model is valid It. the cast whest the operator classifies 0 single target ur group of targets for which neither the relationship of the paraftot*rs of the blips nor the presence or absence among then of certain classes of targets is known ahead of tfiss. 14ovever there Is another smaller Class of problems for uhich the operator has $'priori Information about the presence of certain classes of targets In the detected group and luiaws the relatimOiilt of the ;uirmnrrcr~ or tile bli;,5 that corresS-9nd to the vartaus, cla5ses at targets. In thl~ ca~(). a., I ,own by polling a larro numlser (about 50) of operaturi. nan classiflen ulvjects by comparing the parameter5 of their blips. It was d1scoverttl by pulling a greup of operitors that clas.9ifica- so is d-in in parallel with respect To all blips n1mi with resp.c t tn their parameters as long a, the valume of infomation in one prosontotion does not exceed the operator's cap;0)ilJLIc% tv process It. In the latter case tile opvrator besin-.s to analyze nrA all tile blips, but only those which are located on an lndiviC~sal part of the CRT scope. 11cre the 'Istroball part of tile CRT will contvin only 0- number of blips that the operator call onalyze in t-ne presentation [Is 6). Wring the time or one presentation the operator C10%51ficS With some probability all tile detected wips or a part or then, citiipr correctly or crionuously, or classifier the U_rgo,-F. according to the principle.of eq=l JV~-Inlbillt)'. 111 each ensuing Cycle a ob5VTVAtlOn tile opcritorls decisign cuncuroing the membershill of a Siv4~n tcLrRct to a certain class is corrected. Consequently tile probability of correct classification increases, The model of the result of tile operator's actions it% such a situation is satisfattorily approximated by the Bayos formula [9, 101. in tire general case the operator classifier, tarrtts according to the set of paramettrs or their blipo. in this case, obviously, the model of his attioni wilt be similar to the one described by t.. U. FlAortint (8). The essence of the problem consixt~ here in the fact that the probabili t I" of c I ification are determined by the rercrence parameter of the blip%, i.e.. the parameter that has the greatest Information, and the other auxiliary parameters were determined only at the time of classification. No -111 limit the total number of classified objects go that the amount of information that I& perceived by the operator in one presevita- tion will not exceed the limiting volume. which lie is capable UE processing during the tine of one presentation. t the operator knous I,Lforchand what classes of targetsNer"cl . he relationships are between the pararletcro Of blips produced by torgoto of the given classes. We will assume that the probabilities of correct and erronaout CIOSSUICUtiOn Of tile targets are determined by the 3am'rofarence para- meter of blips (brightness, for example). No will lialit the rumbar of classes of targets to be analyzed to VWV; Class A and class Y. 2 C-q) 2S F bruary 1974 ALGORITIM OF OPERATOR ACTIVITIES IN PROCESS OF TAAGET CLASSIFICATION ON KAM SCOPI! (Article by A. Kh. T, M. SZ70 YJ 1. N. kh,-torvanl. Moscow, Ycoe*-;7-T--FM-1- 4! r. 1114.141T - e eATI, RussiM, ai IqT3, PP 15p! 4U. The purpose of this Inve-stigatiort is to develop a nathemitic4l ftoJel (algorithm) of operator activities in the classification of objects wNich he sees an the radar scope. The operator Accomplishes classification on the basis of information obtained from the radar 3COP4 in the fOrlt C( brightnesses, sizes and relative rates of movement of ;he blips pr64=49d by the objects to he elas5lfla& Using this inflortiation and a rriari 4*tA, about the characEtr of the targets, the operator makes a decision cmievra. its$ the correspondence of each. given blip to a certain class air taq-1, The need to develop a methodby, which to fiful the numerical probabilit"s of correct and orronaou~-% classification of targets according to %hicit blips an the radar scope has itivreased in recent tiote. The urgQni:y of solving this type of probleas Is underscored, for example, by B. P. Loatorva. et AI 15). Existing views JI, 21 toward a model of operator activities in t.~* process of classification of objects which he detects on the basis of thir. paranoters of the blips on a cathode-ray tube (ClIT) presume tl~at when blips appj)t.r th;it correspond to varloos targtt% stir operator will clitsstry them by cog,paring cs6v harameter of the bil ~.A for exampla) with 3=o "rofer,ncoll i tribute of the give ' - -'r rhich is montoti;ed during the training priress. As a reivilt 0~', ~s;rison the operator relates blips with greater brightness than the rafareoce value to one blips with less brJghtneAs to anoth,7~. ".ossification Is dot* in it manner on the gaols of other paramete'.r.,j. blips. Such a model is vdlid In the case when the operator classifies a single target or group of targets for which neither the relationship of the parawters of the blips nor the presence J;' t~. ~tncf among then of certain classes of targets Is itnown ahead of tUw,, Hwever there is another Astaller class of -prolvas for which the operator has a priori Information about the presence of certain classes of tulgats in t:h* detected zrvup aril Uoows the rrltwtlt~nship of the parameters of the blip3 that corremNixi to the varinio clarow: oF targ~tq. lit thin ca,e, it, ihown by polling a large number (about 50) of operators, stan CIAj3if1P5 Qlij0tLs by comparing tho parimetcrs of their blipr. It was disciavvred by polling a i1roup of operators that CIRIt7tiflia- Ion is done in parallel with respect to all blips -d 5-cessively with respect to their parameters as long a% the volume of Information In one rrr3e ntatlon does not exceed the operator's to process It. t lit the Letter case the optrator brgin7, to analyze not all the blips, but only thole which are located olk an individual part of xbl~ CRT r-cope. Here the "strobo" part of the CRT tail ccei";n o"Ir the n"Illier of blips tlu*t-thr oTxrrator can analy7e in one preStntation (3. 61. Iturina the time of one presentation the operit-or clazs.,fia~ with some probability all -)to ileterted bilpe, or ti part.or them. zithof correctly ont! erronamotalyt =r cia;;51firs the tarjet.~ according to the principle or e"l probalziLity, lit c-ach ensuing cycle of obscrit4tito the cparatorts decision concerning the membership of a given target to It certain cless is corrected. consequantly the probability of correct classification Increases. The model of the r"ult orf the operatorli actions in such a situation is satisfactorily opproxistated by the dayes formula 19, 10). In the general cgi the operator clasnifles targets according to the set or pa"'aizeters of :1101 rblips. In this case. obviously, the model .3 of his actions will be similar to the one de-scritied hy L. B. Ulanov (81., The es-sence of the problem consists here in the fact that the probabilities of classification are determined by the reference parameter of the blips~ i,e.. the parameter that has the greatest Information, and the Other U.'" iliary Parameters were determined only at the time of classification. he viil limit the total number of classified objccts~aa that the amount of information that is perceived by the Operator It% one presents- tio" will not exceed the limiting volume, which he is capable of processing during the time of one prerentistion. Nr will assume that the operator Xn"s beforeltsnd what :Iasses of targets are seen and what the relationships are between the parameters of blips prc-Auccd by Largets of the giv%.,t% classes. . We will assume that the probabilities of correct and erroneous la I t:rXif cation of the targets are determined by the 3arai reference pax&- fte of blips (brightnotts, for example), We will limit the number of classes of targets to be artalylod to two, class X and cl*5s Y. ............ PIC fr, JPAS 61303 25 February 1914 _A_ all- lu,__1 ALMRITIM OF OPERATOR ACTIVITM Ili PROCESS Of TARGET CLASSIFICATION ON UADAR SCOM jArticlo by A. ~11. Gil*4- umtoryao- =GW,* Vap 4.1.41 0717 pp ~T4 1120 purpose or this investigation 11, to 4ivvlop a mathemitical model (algorithm) of operator at ivilles in the cla ification of objoctr whidi t ss hc ser% on the radar scope. The operator accomplishes classification on the basis of Information obtained from thr T*dar, scope in the form of birigh tnes f. as, sitr5aral relative rates of =ovmcnz of the blips produred by the iobject5. to be clasrifird. Using this information and a priori date, about the character of the targets, the operator makes a decision concern- In& thL- torrespondqnce of each jilven blipjois certain class of tArget. The need to develop a method by, whith to find the numarical probabilities of correct and erroneous classification of targets according to their blips on the vadar stops has Increased in recent time, The urgency of SWV In this type of problm% Is underscored, for examplv~ by D. I,, Lowvj et a, 15). Existing views [1, 21 toward a stoJel of operator activiti.i; in tho process of classification of objacts which he detects an the ba%iio of the paramaters of the blips an a cathodo-ray tube (CRT) presume that when bilps appear that correspond to v4riou% t~gats thc Operator will rlatstry the* by c=paring cach parameter of tl%,t Wips (brightness, for oxaftplaj with swe "reference" attribute of the given parameter, uhich Is memorized during the training proccis. As a result of such compmrison the uporator relates blips with greater brightness than the reference value to one class, and blips with loss brightness to another. Classification Is done In like MAnner on the basis of other parameters of the blips. Such is model is valid In the case when the operator classifies a 511,81L. target or group of taigets for which neither the relationship of thp parssraters of the blips nor the presence or absence among them of certain classes of targets is known Ahead of time. flovever there is another smaller C1430 Of Problem$ for which the operator has I priori Information &bout the presence of certain classes of targets in the It USSR F) 04 detected group and knows the rclationnbi:, of tho parameters of the blips t1,atcorrespoi,d to thAl varinits clai~rn ol' t.%rpet5. In thin case, as shown by pollirg a large timbe., (obout ,i)) of pointers, man clar,3ifie, objects by corparing the parameters of their t-lip,. It was discovertd by polling a gr~tp of operator!, that Cla%Nifica- tian is d"a In parallel, with respect tn all blips and soccossively with respect to their paralmatirg at long As thc voltime of infortnation In one presentation does not exceed t7le operator'5 capabilitic% to proeo~s it. In the latter case the operator btgins to arinlyze not all the bliis. but *air those which are located an an indlvisil4al pazz OF thr CRT scope. Here the "strobe" part of the Clt*r will contain only the nL=b4r of blips that Vic'uperaror can atialy--c in presentation 13, 61. During the time of one presentation the operator* clossMes with some probability all the detected blips or a part of t4tis. allher , . , correctly or erroticuuxl I,' or classificz- t!je tarilats acrar4lnc to tile principle of equal prol,ability. In each ensuing c,-clo of obzcrvation the , ;`"is derIS'on c or, 'e"llo, 1a eob-er,1,1p of A given t=get to a ror certain class is corrected, Consequently the probability of correct classification Incream,,. The nodal of the result of the olirrazor.'s actions In such a situation is t4tinfoctorily approximated by the Sayes formula [11, 10]. It, the general case the opcratur. cla%riCles tarrct4 According to the set of partumoters of their blip:,. In this case, oliviatisly, the model of his actions will be similAr to the one described by L. S. Pilunov (81. Tile essence of the problem quinsigts here in the fact that the probabilities of classification Art determined by the reference P.Ars"iter of the blips. L.c., the parameter that has the greatest inforelation, and the other Auxiliary pak-anniteri were determined only at the time of classification. We will limit the toUl number of classified olijacti so that the naount of information that Is perceived by the operator in me presents- tion will riot exceed tile limiting valume, which fit Is callable o9 proce3zing during the time of one firr%entation. We will assume that the oparntor knows beforehand what claiwnts of targets Aire seen and what the rolationships Are between the parancters of blips produced by targets of tile jiven classes. fAt will assume that the probabilities af correct slid erroneous classification of the targets are determined by the so" reference Ws- motor of blips (brightness, for example). we will li.Alt the milialbor of classes of targets to be arzolleitaill to two. class Land class Y. USSR Mc 62t.365.82 BIRYuXaV, A. S., 51h ?I[. L_ A. -The Kin&-ics ov, __,-,ys1ca1 Pr fe 11 ccesses in Gas Dynamic Lasers. rhe Ef ct of I ozzle Share on Inversion. High-Temperature Lasers- Pre- Ac titL ~rtnt No Phys al insl te of the Academy of sciences o tl USSR, 19 Moscow, 1973, 53 P?, illustrated, Kh-Fizika, No 9, SeD 1973, Abstract -No 9D763 Translation: The effect of the shape Of a Supersonic nozzzlo on the para,-.-ieters of a -as dynartic CO2laser is analyzed. It Is shovn that each of the elements characterizing th,e nozzle (the half-width of the critical cross-section, the angle of opening, the lezv-rth and shape of the e"ansion portion, the nature of the transition from subsonic flow to woersonic, etc.) has -- s--ecific effect on the kinetics of oscillatory relaxation and the des~ree of pa"~ulation inversion. Also examined are cases of hit-Ili (uD to approximately 40000K) initial temperatures, considering changes in the state and gas dynamic parameters as a result of chenical -reactions. it is established that equilibrium reactions do not lead to additional disequilibrium. Such disequilibrium can be obtained in the combustion of carbon-containing mixtures. Thirty-two bibliog--aphic citations, Abstract by the author. D~SR UDC: S 12). 85 3 SMORODINSKIY, Ya. A.~Aggr'ryigm.16Hw Joint Institute of Nuclear Research, Du scs nst, tute imeni P. X. a Lebedev, Academy of Sciences of the. USSR "Clebsch-Gordan Coefficients froin Various Standpo-ints" Moscow, Uspekhi Fizicheskikh Nauk, Vol. 106, No 1, Jaii 72, pp 3-45 Abstract: Recent years have seen the development of a gener- C, alized theory of angular noments. Nei,:,Yesults have appre- placo of Clobsch-Gordan coi:!rfici,~nts in ciably chang'-O the I both physical an,,1 Mathematical ~zipplicatioii:~. Thi:;. reviews ti..,o aspects of the theory of Clebsch-Gordan coeffi- cients which has arisen as an applied branch of group theory. FiTst, a study is made of the relation between Clel).sch-Gordon coefficients and combInatorial theory, the calculus of finite -jal fUjjCtiojj5' CoMpj^X 1jjOqjV~j-t:, differences, spe( p rj')j e(.-, t 4 Ve and raultidimensional geometry, topolocgy, inultiple iztcgi'als, branches of mathematics. Tri these areas, and various other 1/2 USSR SMORODINSKIY, Ya. A., SHELEPIN, L. A., UspeRbi Fizicheskikh Nauk, No 1, Jan 72, pp 3-45 the Clebsch-Gordan coefficients Play the part of a new uni- versal calculus which goes considerably beyond the primary framework of the theory of angular moments. Secondly, now applications are considered for the Clebsch-Gordan coefficients in physics. Wifli the aid of the generalized theory of anoular moments, which is an adequate tool f6r studying various physi- cal systems (atoms, molecules, nuclei, hadrons, radiation) a study is made of the interrelationships between physical symmetries. As an example, it is shown how this theory can be applied to elementary particle symmetries. A supplement to the article aives a brief.summarv of the results on the theory of Clebsch-Gordan coefficients of compact groups. Seven figures, bibliography of 168 titles. 2/2 Lasers -and MasOrs USSR T GORDIYETS, B. F.; OSIPGV A. I.; ffELELThe L.___ (Lebedev Phynics Tnstitute, USSR Academy of Sciences5 "Kinetics of Nonresonance Vibrational Exchange and Molecular Lasers" Moscow Zhurnal Eksperimentallnoy i Tooreticheskoy Fiziki;,JanUarY, 1971; Pp 102-13 ABSTRACT: The authors studied the kinctics of nonrezqonance vibrational ex- change in molecular systems under conditions in which equilbrium urith respect to the ribrational degrees of freedom becomes established more rapidly than transition of energy to trannIational dogroes of froodaii. Di,7tributioiis of .y (taking into account two-quarrWia transitior4s) were the vibrational energ 3 found for a binary rd.),ture of harmonic oacillatorB and a ono-ccuiponent sy-stem of an1harzorde oscillators. The distributions depend subatantially an the re- lation betueen the vibrational auanta. A nwber.of applications of nonreso- -nance-mmhange in molecular lasern vere inve.stigated. Poijoibilities for "ampli- .1/3 046 UNCLASSIFIED PROCESSINC-DATE-23NOV70 TITLE-14ECHANISMS GF INFRARED RJADIATICN OF THE UPPER, ATMCSPHERE -U- AUTH R-(03)-GGRDIYETS, E,.F., M-RKQVt M.Nor SHELEPINF L.A4 u ..... . ..... CCUNTRY LF INFO--LSSR 5CJRCL--MC3CGAt KC5MICiiE5.,,lYE ISSLEDOVANIYA, VOL V11.1, NO .3" 1970, PP 437-448 DATE PU6LISHEi;---7C --ATMOSPHEk[C SCIENCES .-SUFJJECT ARtAr-, -TOPIC TAGS--UPPE-R ATMUSPHEk.E, IR RADIATILNt 1) 1 AT 014 1 CM a L E- UL- ~.-:cr_f%TRCL MARKING-NO RESTRICTIONS CLASS-UNCLASSIFIEL STEP NO---UR/029317O/QCb/tJ0.3/043 1/0446 ~'.-__PRUXY PEEL/f-?At"E-3005/C510 CIAC ICCESSICIN NO-AP0132712 UNLLAIS~IFIED 2/3 UNCLASSIFIED PRCCESSING DATE--20NGV7G CIRL ACLESSICN NO--A?01327lz -.-~.AESTR ACT/ EXTRACT- (U) GP-0- ABSTRACT. A STUDY WAS MADE OF THE CSCILLATCRY RELAXATIUN OF DIATOMIC MOLECULES IN Ti~.L UPPER ATMOSPHERE AND A JOIIJ ALLC6ANCE WAS riADE FOR THE EFFLCT O~ PHJTCELECTRONS AND ELECTRIC FIELDS CN ELECTRCIN ANi'; IGN TEMPERATURE. A STUDY vAS MADE OF DIFFERENT IIEChANISMS (THERMAL, ELECTRCN, CHEMICAL) RESPONSIBLE FGk IR RADIArION. IT AAS FCUNO THAT IN TrilE UPPER ATMOSPHEREp ~jHOSE CHrARACIERISTICS ARE VESCkIbEU BY AVERAGE-1), STANDAkU PARAMETERS IN THE ABSENCE OF GEOMAGNETIC 31STLRBANCES (KP EQUALS THERE BARE EMITTING LAYEIRS AT SCtIE ALTiTUDES I,N THE RAi%GE 100-500 KA. AN FSHMATE OF THE THICKNIFSS AND INTENSITY OF THE Ee'.ISSICN UF THESE LAYERS SP-OwS rFAT IN THE CASE OF ExcirAFION OF M5LECULES BY ELECFRJN lr~PACT IN AN ELECTRIC FIELD AND 0Ul_,l'NG CHEM111-AL AEALTICI,6 TFAE THICKNESIS IS ABOUT 10 KM ANU fHE INTENSITY OF THE Et-115510N 1% THE REGICN OF THE POTATIGNAL V18RATIONAL BANDS 01' THE m0l.ECULEl NO., iN PRIME14it N PiNPIE15 ANO OTHER$ (3-8 :MICRONS) CAN ATTAIN lo PklVLNEFjATlVL5 -10PRIl-ENEGATIVE4 ERG-(;M PRIME3 TIME$ SEC. THE A6REEMENT OF THESE VALUES wlTlri THE EXPERIMENTAL DATA OF 04 INUMBER OF ROCKET ANC SATELLITE i,.EASUREMENTS INDICATES THAT ELECTkIC FIELDS AND CHEPICAL KEACTICNS IN THE UPPER ATMOSPHERE ARE THi-- PAINCIPAL FACTORS nrilCh LEAU TL THE GENtr~AT16,% OF IR RADIATION. IN THE FUTURE IT IS -NECESSAlkY TIC STUDY ThESE PRUCESSGS FURTHER AND STUDY SUCH.IiAPORTANT CASES AS THE bEHAVIOR [jF TNE UPPER ATFOSPHERE DURI;~G GEOmAGN,ETIC STORMS -1 FLUXES IN LAYERS AT ALTITUDES o m allEK THE OBSEkVED EMISSIC;i 300-50 K. ARE CONSIDERAF-LY ENHANitEE IiN INTENSITY (UP TO 10,PRIMCNEGATIVE-3 ERG-CM PRI,";C-3 TIteES SEC). 046 UNCLASSIFIED PROCESSING DATE---ZONOV70 CIRC ACCESSIC'-i i%~~,--AP013?712 46STRAICT/ 1EXTR ACT-- IT il~'-IULD 1,E INTERESTV.iG TO FORMULATE EXPERIMENTS FOR -JETER~,INU,o THE 0EPE%0E,,.--"L OF RADIATION INTENSITY ON TfiE SPi:ciFtC, sTATr= OF ThE U?PE;'-~' AUMOSPHEi~E, A,,.ALYSIS Or- THE: SPECTRill- COMPOSITICN OF THE RAGIATICN, UETAILED I GAT tUN OF THE CORRELATIO!,14 BETWEEN ENERGY FIELOS ANO THE INTENSITY IN DIFFEkENT SPECTRAL REGIONS, AS WELL AS THE VERTICAL PbSITIGN 0~ TviE EMITTING LAYERS. USSR uw 61P.84+612.822-3 E.BLW_Pt_Yu. Ye., Laboratory of the Physiolor,,- of Vision, Institute of Fbysioloa imeni I. P. Pavlov, Academy of Sciences USSR, Leningrad "'The Effect of Image Size on the Parameters of Evoked Potentials in the Striate Cortex in the Cat" Uningrad, Fiziologicheskiy Zhurnal SWR ineni I. M. Sechemov, Vol 59, No 5, 197% PP 688-695 Abstract: Biopotentials were recorded in occipital cortex area 17 in irniobil- Ized cats 'with gaze fixed on one point of a screen on which drawings of parallel lines formincr arills were projected at the rate of one picture per sec. Impulse activity (1A) and averaged evoked potentials (ARP) were analyzed in correlation with the overall size of the grills ani'the orientation of the parallel lines. The results, judged by AEP negative waves which were synchro- nous with IP peaks~ indicated that successive presentation of identical 3rilis projected one above and the other below the gAze fixation -noint induced responses of the same ragnitude in the projection area of the fovea centralis. A grill with an overa-11 size twice as large as thu preceding grills induced a bigger response. A large grill with the parallel lines running in one direc- tion in the upper half and in the other in the lower half induced a response 112 61 -jzSR SHELEPIN, Yu. Ye., Fiziologicheskiy Zhurnal SSSR imeni 1. 11. Sechenov, Vol 59, No 5,, 19113, PP 688-695 of the same magnitude as one uniformlarge grill. It is concluded that ALP negative wave reflects the number of activated receptive fields regardless of the types of neurons involved. 2/2 USSR UDO: 621-375.82 HEYDA11, V. F., MIXWL'BVS__,JY, V. S., SE11-1, M. F., and S113LEPO, A. P. "Oscillations in Ionized Selenium" Moscow, V ab. Kyant. elektronika (Quantum Electronics--collection of works) "Sov. radio," ffo 1~13)y 1973) PP 75-78 (from No 7, 1973, Abstract Ho 7D1015) Translation: The characteristics of oscillations in seleniun ion transitions are investiEated in pulsel - continuous operation. It is established tha-tina pulsed.discharge, the upper energy level population may orieinate in electronic excitation from the base state of the atom as well as the recharge of the helium ions with neutral selenium atoms. in continuous operiition, the depend- ence of the generated poirer on the discharge conditions is deter- mined, the plasma parameters are measured, and thi: pw-,ipin,-- velociUy of the upper levels of the laser transitions by tl-.te rochargJn,,- and electronic excitation processes is calculated. Comparison of the computed pumpinp_ velocity with the measured velocity that in continuous operation the principal contribution to the of the population inversion at the energy levels of the selenium ion is made by the recharging. Authors' abstract H. FF USSR UDC 621,762.2t669.22 AGA17, I- H --m L CHIZKY, S. P. Sh!TAY.-,.)7_Rn_, A.y MUSIN, E. 1. S. EST A YE DMITRUM10, V, YEE. and D. I. Eathod of Produclnr- Silvc_- Gr,-qttles" USSR Ae.1, rs' Cox-tificate ,67o7g, 01. 40b, 1/04; 31 b3t 9/001 (B 22f), filed o 27 A-Dr 67, pu7clisho', 16 Jul 70 om RZ11-l" tallurci-,'a, No 3, 14ax '?I, Abstract ho 3a4Olr'P by 3, Krivonsove.) Tramrlationi An P-1loy up to "'0' Ag, the rest Al, is rolled into strip arx" trCated in nX.,01. In ordr-r to produce with up to 0.5,L; -"-.he initdn-1 alloy ii! rolled into StrIp up to 0.5-5 x in thick- Al cont-Ont, ness, and before alk-all t-reatr,wit, is hcated to 51;Z-5kf3, hald for 1.5 hr in an inerl, almosphore until a solid solutioncC Ag In Al forins, a,.rid is hardened. USSR uDc 621-385.o32.;24 FALALEYEVA) Z. S. "Method of Evaluation of Durability of Multi--Cross Piece Grid of Mblybdenitm Wire" V sb. Plastich. deformatsiya tugo2lavk. met. i spets._ sj)lavov (Plastic Flow of Ref-rac - _ry Metals and 5pecial Alloys- -Collection of Works),, Noscow, "llauka, 1970, pp 22-25 (from RZh--Elektronika i yeye* primeneniye, 110 7, July 1970, Abstract NO 7A9B) Translation: Multi-cross piece grids of the "stockinf;" type for electron tubes are produced from small-diameter molybdenum wire, direct determination of the durabil- ity characteristics of which in very difficult. It addition, in the procesn of manufacture of the grid croon piece and winding of the wir,,o, various technological operations (heat treatment, deposition of coating, and soldering) are undergone, which effect the character of the finished grids. In order to evaluate the qual- ity of grids of the "stocking" type, a method is proposed for checking them on a micromachine by bending between two mandrels. A description is given of the behavior of the grid during the recommended test method, and the character of the deformation of the individual components for construction of the grid ic gr lyzed. Formulas are derived for determining the breaking force relative to one cross piece of the load corresponding to the start of breakdown of the grid and uhich is recorded at the testing machine. In the Novosibirsk Electrovacuum Institute, 1/2 YJSSR FALALEyEVA, z. S., SH=T, A. YE, Plastich. deformtsiya t Oplavk. met. i Uets. Rlavov, 1970, PP 22-25 (from RZh--Elektronika~ i yeye primen niye, No 7, JulY 1976, Abstract No 7A98) tests were conducted by the proposed method of finished grids of the "stocking" type, the results of which conformed well with the results of tests on the dura bility during stretching of individual wires. 1 ill. 2 ref. Summary. 2/2 'USSR GOLEGO 3~ N. L. $ 4W~,E~ UDC:1 629.7~8.dO2' "On the Part Played by Solid Lubricant Coatings in the Formation of Pro- cesses Accompanying Contact Vibration Displacements in a Vacuum" Sb. nauch. tr. Kiyev. in-t inzh. graz7nd. - aviatsii (Collected Scientific Woeks of the Kiev Institute of Civil Aviation Engineers), 1970, v:(P. 3) pp 39-43 (from M-Raketostroyeniye, No 7, jul. 71, Abstract No 7.4i.226) Translation: The pacer deals vith problems in the use of solid lubricant coatings containing molybdenum disulfide, TIS2, V'Se2, VR~2, graphite and other materials with a lari-inar structure for reducing friction and cutting down the damage to contacting surfaces when parts operate in a vaculmi. In addition to materialn with a landnar structure, polymer nwterials -- polyfluoroethy-lene, textolite, polyethylene, polyamides, etc. -- are used as solid lubricants. The corn-paratively low sliding rates and the resultant lov friction texperature of polymer coatings mean that these materials can be used for reducing friction and cutting down the danal g(~ to contacting surfaces operating in a deep vacuum in the presence of vibration displace- 1/2 CIOLEGO, N. L., SHMEST, B. P., Sb. nauch. tr. KiXev. in-t inz1i. grazhd. aviatsiiI, 1970, vyp. 3, pp 39-43 ments. This research ww devoted to the investigation of danageability of friction surfaces covered with solid laminar and poiym~!r materials u-nder conditions of contact Vibration displacement. Polyfluorethylene coatings .16s on friction pra- were chosen for studying the effect of polymer coatis cesses accompanying vibration displacements in a vacuum. 'Yhese coatings were tested with a di-sDlacement of 500 p and a frequency of 60 Hz in a ,7acuum. of 10 3M M- -5 mm Hg i the pressure range of 10-150 kg/c ". The studies showed that when polyfluoroethylene coatings are used on the contacting specimens, a thin, easily sliding protec-tive layer is formed from the coating naterial, which prevents accidental sticking, destruction or change of the structure of the coating or the contacting surface of steel speci- mens. In the study of a molybdenum disulfide coating " it ~,tas found that this coating ensures optimum characteristic.- of the DTOCCSSF-Is in the sur- face layers of the materials without seizing or dostruction imder vacuum and vibration displacement conditions throughout.the entire pressure rurige. The microhardness ot a molybdenum disulfide layer does not Phange after testing, and is in the range Hp = 1'10-190 kg/cm2. Tbus the described coatings can provide excellent working capacity of machIne eleir-ents und,~r deep vacuum conditions. Two illustrationu, one table, bibliography of eight titles. T. A. Ye. 2/2 - 101 - USSR UDC 669.285'27:620.17 PAVLOV, I. M., rALALEYEVA, Z. S., MAKUNIN2 M. S., and SHELEST, G. Ye., Institute of Metallurgy, Academy of Sciences USSR "Effect of Tungsten on Structure and Properties of Electron-Beam-Melted Molybdenurd' Vliyaniye vol'frama na strukturu i svoystva molibdena e.1ektrannoluchevoy plavki (cf. English above), Mosccnq, 1971, 13 pp, ill, bibliography with 12 0 titles, No 3334-71 Dep (from M-Metallurgi-ga, No 1, Jan 72, Abstract No 11779 DEP by authors) Translation of Abstract. The authors investigated vacuum-melted Mo with 0.7-10% 14. Ingots were processed by extrusion through an eyelet. The microhardness of as-cast and as-deformed alloys was determined. The mechani- cal properties of alloys (short-term fracture) were dvLerllilnecl at 500, 600, 700, and 1000*. The dlnimum raicroliardness for cast alloys is obtained with 0.7-2.0% W. To judge by uticroliardness, all melts after extrusion were more homogeneous than as-cast. Softening of tho investigated alloys occurs in the 700-1000' range. The optimum combination, of strengt1i and plastic prop- erties at room temperature is observed in the alloy with 2% 14. Three illustrations. Bibliography with 12 titles. 1/1 USSR MOLCHAN, V. A., 3BELM.- V.~ A., ASTAKHOV, V. I. "Some Problems of Automation of Composition of a Class Schedule in a Univer- sity Using the Minsk-22 Computer, with Kiev Institute of PetrochemistTy as an Example" Mekhaniz. Ucheta i Vychisl. Rabot. Mezhved. Nauch. sb. [Mechanization of Accounting and Calculation Work, Interdepartmental Scientific Collection), No 13, 1971, pp 105-111, (Translated from Referativnyy Zhurnal, Kibernetika, Nu.2, 1972, Abstract No 2 V726 by the author's). Translation: An actual problem of introduction of a method of automation of the process of composition of a class schedule for the Kiev Institute of Petrochemistry is studied, with the task of assuring timely scheduling. A mathematical formulation of the problem of composition of a semester schedule is presented for the statement.used in most universities. USSR UDC 632.9544631,461 BEZUGLOV, V. C., NINMO, A. X., and 3 -A YE. P., Scientific Research Institute of the Agriculture of Centnil Regions of Yon-Chernozem Zone "The Effect of Dicambap Tordon 22Kv and Lumetone on the Weeds and Soil Micro- flora!' Moscow, Kbimiya v Sellskom Khozyaystva, Vol 11, No It (tzl), 1973, Pp 54-56 Abstracti The effect of herbicides on the soil microflora depends to a large extent on the quantity of rainfall prior to the Introduction of the agentos. With excessive rainfall (150% of the normal fallout) the herbicides stimulated development of microorganisms, while with min defficiency -- 80% of the normal level -- they depressed them somewhat as shown by a decxwased n%vuber of micro- organisms requiring mineral nitrogen, nitrificaton and danitrificators, In a very dry year (1971) tordon 22K (0,07 kg per hectare) ims the most active agent against most of thephysiological microorganisms; It weakened the nitri- fication activity of the soil and development of bacteria. participating in phosphorus mineralization. Dicamba (0.12 kg per hectare) appeared to be non- toxic to most of soil microorganismat but regardleas of climatic conditiow !Zhibited somewhat the nitrification process. Jt the lumptone treated soll (4.0 kg per hectare) after theharvest of barleyp the numWr of fungi was f7yered slightly. 26 UDC: [621 .---'2.4+(-2:1 .32-~.~ 11'29.64 URGAYEV, A., SHELIKHOV G. M. 7~ "Accounting for the Ef-fect I,-,7hich the Cover on the Rods of a Liid er-,.Yne Delay System has on its Dispersion Properties" V sb. VoDr. elektron. te'~hniki ( Prnblemz of Electronic o,' Prom p, No 6, Jun 70, Abstract works,, Saratov, 1970, pp '[44"79 (1 Kh ~adiotekhnik_ Transiatilon: '-Tie auti-lors cons;'. dc~ the, in the dispersic-:, cf a :7 0 Iaddrr-type delzKr zy ciii wit, doubbe ntruj).~i in the -U,:: ,:';en thi. z,ocl f the oystera are onAc- ~-(J it-. recUuigular covc:t-4; urlod W 6 x; - . I of edectron interactiozi and to improve hela dissipution. The or use of an eouiva-lent circuit in the forr, of a cascade-connected -WO :-,~t I PLr netuork corresponding to he strap section, and a s4nFIe-I~!r_-j.naI D, spondilng to the conductivity of the resonator. Relationslaips are derived for calculating a Ladder-type systera with a cover. A procedure is desc--ribed for ex- u ar. elect I llu I - perimental verification with the aid of vrolytic bath. Three strazicns, one table, bibli-ography of eight titles. N. S. PHASE DIAGRAMS OF SEMICONDUCTOR SYSTE:!Z ? J (Symposium In lioscvw) [Articlr, by Doctor of Chemical SCicnccz and Candidate of Chpnicol Sciencq';~V# ~Q-11 nik Ak=!Cni'k SSSR, rZu!5:.1an, V,of -'Z, 7o 1, January pp 91-93J Th,jFirth Symr~!tilfo, ,,itPh sy:;tPM's, v yanizvc lo ntly W1 n tn,~, f. N41w Ch'.M C-.~, Problemp. or the AS L155R. wa~ held u:1 11 i in the Institute of Metallurqy im-,ni A. A. Baykov. Partic~vatinq in the work of the zy-tnposiuni wtore about 100 personts from 30 ,:ci- entific organizati.~ns of many cities of the Soviet Union. Forty- five reports were presented, devoted tc: !=vz%t1&a1i0t% , of F-T-7 diagrams and Cluestion ,s in the study ~of the natiare of crystal latticc defects and their Influence on the properties of Lerai- conductor compounds. The symposium demonstrated U%e growing interest of srLen- t1sts in the phy:;ics and rh~-,mir~try of 'ductur c-owpourids, as on the nolution of thosr, Problem.---, will to 4Mreat extent depend the abtalnJnq o~ mtPria)s with norqetic-. prcjpt~rticn necensairy 1-nith f-,r ?rartical U:,e );;I-uctor instrumentn arid for fruitful scit~ntl~ic 1n thp reportz considerable attenti--n was givrr. to thu -Amplex q-ueztion of determination of ,:'iQ extcrit of rc7:ion; of homcgcncity of zQ-_14-conducLor 10lich ~4111tl.It be dotcc- by orcinary melhodo of onalyticAl chrm_`ntry un-! motallcqraph- ',. Most studied semdconductor compounr__-, with a norrc-.., cc7ion homo,3ancity, ,he jnvestjc:,,)Ucn uzuz,11_,j in c->ntWrto3 1~y tenan hod o' llirozeri equilibria", which to dct,.,!rmjnatjrn the concentration of- current rarri-~.,rr in samnIc-i br~_%:qht into Ulibrium at high temzeri~turc5 and coolled, at the *bm~_, rato to However, the methoQ of "frozen equilibriS" m temperature. 130 _j USSR NOVIKOVA, S. I. , HFT1T1ffiVL_aU-'XVA' , ABRIKOSOV, R. Eli. , YEVSEYEV, B. A. , Institute of Metallurgy imeni.A. A. Baykov, MosCM7 "Investigation of the Phase Transition of Germanium Telluride" Leningrad, Fizika Tyerdogo Tela, Vol 13, No 9, Sep 71, pp 2764-2766 Abstract: The article is a continuation of previous work (Novikova et investi al., Fizika Tverdogo Tela, Vol 12, 1970, p 3623) in the gation of germanium telluride in the region of the transition fro= the low-temperature rhombohedral lattice (a-GeTe) to the face-centered cubic type (8-GeTe). The measurements were made on a higb-temperature quartt dilatometer with a sensitivity to elongation of 10-6 cm, Measurements im the phase tran- sition region were made every 0.10C with temperature variatioll of no more than 0.030C. An irregularly shaped specimen was studied. parallel and per- pendicular to axis 11113. A single crystal grovn frcm a 50:50 (atomic) melt of germanium and tellurium was used as the specimen. Curves for the variation with temperature of the 11,near coefficient of thenm- 1 expansion show that the phase transition takes place at 6205OK when thetamperature Is 1/2 USSR NOV S. I., et al., Fizika Tverdogo Tela, Vol 13, No 9, SeP 71, pp 2764- 2766 increased and at 6190K as the temperature falls. In contrast to the pre- viously studied specimen, the results of this work shcrwed a negative coef- ficient throughout the entire temperature~range, vith a more gradual increase in absolute value near the transition point instead of an abrapt change from positive to negative values. Measurements of the variation with temper- ature of the relative change in volume showed that this parameter at the phase transition is extremely sensitive to specimen camposition. In the first specimen (studied in the previous paper with 50.6 atomic percent tellurium) transition takes place with an increase in volume, whila in the second speci- men (50 atomic percent tellurium) the volume decreases nt the transition point. This indicates that there should be a composition somewhere between these two specimens where there is no change in volume at the transition point. 'These results are used to explain some discrepancies in.the literature. Two figures, bibliography of four titles. 2/2 USSR SrHELKOV, -0, A., Deputy Chairman, Executive Committee, MoscQw City Council of Yor hers Opities "The Noise Level Will be Reduced" Xos~zow, Zdorov'Ye, No 7, Jul 70. pp 1-2 Translation: "I ar, a citizen of r'loscow, and live on Sadovoye Circle. It is very noisy. is there any hope that there will be loss roarin.g and crashing in the city? 'Mhat is bein-S done in the Moscow City Council of Workers' Deputies about J L this711 1. Petryayev.' Tile edL ors receive many similar lettors. We turn(-d to Boris Alekseyovich Shelklov, deputy chairman of the oxecutivo comnittee of the Moscow City Council of Workers' Deputies, who headed the city coninission orl noise control, and ask-ed him to answer certain questions which especially agitate read- ers of our magazine. Tho quGstions and answers are given below. h'hat steps are being taken to reduce the noise made by city transport? The Moscow city committee of the party and the executive committee of the Moscow Council attach groat im- portancG to the problem of reducing noise in the city, for it relates directly to proservin,T people's health and itiprovirG their living conditions. in particui-Lar, steps are being taken to roduce the noise made by transport. in recent yeara, the main route4; of the capital havo baeA rebuilt and transprt bypas3es have been 1/6 1 ~i ~! 1: 1, i: ; 1 ~ i! 010: i 11 !:!!!! i 111: 11111 !!! 170-11! i 1, 111 ~ id li 1!1."11 li",iI ; 1111 IN E10-1 IN IIMI!ii~41!1 4 USSR MIIELKOV, B.A., Zdorov'Ye, No 7, Jul 70, PP 1-2 constructed. On Sadovoye Circle, on Mir, Lenin, Kutuzov, Komsomol, and Leningrad Prospects, and on the Entuziastov, Warsaw, and other highways, and elsewhere, traffic lilahts create a "green wave," At the Serpukhov Gato, transport movements are subject to automated remote con"Irol. All of this ensures even vehicle traffic, spares drivers from frequent stopping and starting, of enginos, ani, in the last analysis, will aid in rurit-.her reducing noise.. In the cent-ral part of the city, ~n the last 2 yearG alono, 7 han of trolley lines, havo been takon up. Noise is con- siderably reducad by the fact that 90~ of the rails have welded joisits. Throughout the city, an improved network designj which roducez the noisu that. accompanies trolleys and ztroetcars, has now been introduced. Old cars and vehicles are gradually bein,r; repliced by now ones, with improvoci noise characteristics. The executive cowmnittaG of the 'Moscow Council has obligated enterprises and organiza- tions which, havo m eano of transport not to allow vehicles which are technically Lault Ly on the roadu and to direct serious attention tt; el~j-dxjating the increased noise which they create. Appropriato training of enginoorDig-technical personnel is beginning at rotor vehicle pools, fleets, depots, and at -auto repair shops. Railroad tranrport-. troublos tho citizons of Moscow a groat doal. In the coming yoara it iu V) rilroull"o a rvw;1.Lmx4n amount of transit citkrgo flow to tho Great Circle of Lho ~iozcow iiailroad Contor, which passes arouni the odge of the city, 2/6 USSR SiELKOV, B. A,., Zdorov'yo, No 7. jul 70, PP 1-2 Wit-hin. 3 years, the cargo stations located near large resi4entiil areas will be equipped wdth two-,,.*ay radio corinunicat.-Ion with shunting locomotives, arki diesel cranes will be replaced by low-noise electric ones. This nodorniza-Lion is already underway. In the cor-Lbij- years, those citizens of Moscow who live or, main lines will hear less of the irritating click of railroad car Vneals; tJhe length of joj-nt- less track will increase. What does the commission considor most important for further reducin.- noise in the city7 In November of last year, the executive com- Mittea of the j4oscow Councii- pas-.(xi a resolution "On klea-suras to Reduce Noise Levels in the City of k1loscow." It defines tho main direct:1,ons in which the attack on noise in Lhcj capital is now unfolding, in concrete and dqitailud terms. iioscow urban plafal0r.,; hal~tj boun a~`kod to Work out, ill tho CaMiM.'r ;:!';, exporinotital design3 of noise-protection dioeices on tho m-.tia routun- Whiell havo o3pocially in- tansive tranr~port traffic. Designs iyrill also be worked out'. to onsare a reduction in the noise which is croated Dy variou3 t~pea of' equipment., installed in residon- tial buildings, stores, municipal-domestic enterprises, arn.- public catering enter- The Xosco*w noise nap, which will give a alear and precise picture of the noise bac1q-;rourtd of the city, is beiN-, completed. Planning organizations have been assigned to work out measures to limit penetration of noise from subway lines and open substations of the Moscow Power System into residential buildings. The )/6 USSR SHELIKOV, B. A., Zdorov'ye, No 7, jul 70, pp 1-2 executive co,(Daitteo of t1io %ioscow Council has asked the State CormLittee on Stand- ards, Mleasures, and Aeasuring Instruments of tho Council of ~Iinisters USSR to include permissible noise levels for various types of equipment, means of trans- port, and doz-aestic device,5 in the All-Union State Standards. Miile planning quiet Lor tomorrow, we are not isolating ourselves from today's affairs. Let us look at night delivery of products to stores. in those places where stores occupy the first floors of residential buildix4s, a dilenma inevitab4 arises between the desire for quiet and the necessity of an uninterrupted si4~ply of fresh bread. rd-Lk, and other goods. Nembers of the commission reviewed this entire set' of mutually relatud problairvs. Unfortunately, at the present time it is not possible to fully stop n1ght, dolivory of produrna. Dut tr,~.ido orgsani7,ationz *,d,ll deliver an incroas- Ing volu;ao of goods) in contiOnors, w1thout nalay paoMng, Although this j_i only half a measure, it %iiii alleviate the situation somewhat. 'Ahe executive caimittee of the ~Ioscow Council has demarded that night operation of compressors, excavators, and bulldozers at construction sites be restricted. Enterprises which use loud- speakers for production or other purposes must ensure that they cannot be heard beyond the service area. In recent years, a large number of ixilustrial enter- prises, work5hops, and rotor pools which created lxicmwad noisqj havo been moved out of tho rusidontial areas of. tho city. Work to roduce i-.oise.which disturbs 4/6 USSR SHET V, B. A., Zdorov'Ye, No 7, Jul 70, pp 1-2 LKO '4 residents of nearby buildings is now ujiderway at more than 100 plants and factor.- iez. A chock showed that such plants as the ropair-bearing plant in Dzerzhin- skiy Rayon, the Plant imeni Vladimir Illyich in iloskvoretakiy Myon, the iron Foundry imeni; Voykov in Leningrad Rayon, the Moscow Food Combine, and others can now live at peace with the citizens of Moscow. There arano more complaints. in carrying out the decision of the Noscow Council executive rommittee, the ~',ain Xosco,,; Housing Administration became seriously occupied with the problen. of noise within buildings. Each year, work to provide soundproofizig or to remove pvMping installations and other equipment located there is carried out in more than )00 buildings. Tile Liftromont Trust, using a noise-weasuring apparatus, repair:; and muffles olovators which still, for tile raost part, arouse entirely justifiable com- plaints. In the battle against noise, tile public. omployoos of housing operations oPLI'icos, and organs of '%-.he militia mu3t become more actively ijivolved. Miat pro- hib-itions have boon introducod to preserve quieL7 After Al p.n., singing or the P_Is-tinc of mi;c;icall injtrurwntz; or loud transistor radios are prohibited on the I street:; and in th~_, yards of r,:,.Adontial buildings. Iridioii, phonugraphG, aW, tapo rocorder3 c-,nro-.. bo zot or, ba.1conien or in open windows. 1*,'m.e Moscow Council moutive corzdttau has asked the oditorial offico of Motwvrt Radio and the Central Television Stuiio to remind listeners and viewers after 10 p.m. that the level of noise-producing devices must be lowered. Unfortunately, this request has not yet 5/6 Ii A 11;II.I,J~ USSR SHELKOV, B. A., Zdorov'Ye, No 7, Jul 70, pp 1-2 baen fulfilled. In recreational Parks radios should be t-tirned down so as not to carry to surrounding areas. The struggle against noise in the city is the com- mon work of all its residents, public organizations, and *,d_-ainistrative organs. From the editors: Over the course of sev3ral years, the journal ZdorovIye has systematically pWolishod aviterials raising problems of the struggle against domes- tic and industrial noise under the title, "Planned Silencoij." At the initiative of the editors, Councils of Ministers of the union republics have created authorita- tiva interdepartmental comni5sions which are charged with cooniinating all efforts in this diroction. The editors acquainted theimselvea with commission activity in the Azerbaydzhan SS)R, Kirgiz SSR, Tadzhik SSR, Turkmen SSR, arui Uzbek SSR, and our readers havo been informed of this in the pages of the magazine. In the future, we intend to continuo to inform our readers of progross in the attack on noise, to -xperiance in thia work, aryl :to reveal wtaknessos. relate the bost e. 616 -USSR UDC: 621.3.o18.12:621-375.4 SHELKOV, S. P. t l ude-Dependent Phase Displacements and Reduction of These Displacements in Transistorized Amplifiers" Tr. Tomskogo in-ta radioelektron. i elektron. tekhn..(Works of -the Tomsk Institute of Radio Electronics and Electronic Technology), 1970, 16, pp TI-76 (f om RZh- o Lr Radiotekhnika, No 7, Jul 70, Abstract No 7D104) Translation: The author considers the phase displacements which arise with rela- tively high input signals due to nonlinearity of transistors. In this regard, the high-frequencl parameters of transistors are analyzed as a function of the input signa.1 amplitude. It is shown that amplitude-dependent phase cUsplacements can be compensated in a common-emitter circuit. Bibliography of seyen titles. N. S. I all ii-M AM 1711;:, ; :1,11,1111N I ~1111 1E.11 1111 AIN;MA N! USSR uDc: 621.3-018-12:621.378:517.27 P. "Effect Which Scatter and Instability of the Parameters of Amplifier Elements Have on Phase-Frequency Characteristics" Tr. Tomskogo in-ta radioelektron, i elektron. tekhn. (Works of the Tor-sk institute of Radio Electronics and Electronic Technology), 1970, 16, PP 77-83 (from RZh- Radiotekhnika, No 7, Jul 70, Abstract No TD103) Translation: A probabilistic method of analysis is used to determine the parameters of amplifier elements which minimize the phase instability of the individual stages and of the amplifier as a whole. Bibliography of five titles. 14. S. LLS- T-~ USSR UDC 621.357.8:669.794(088.8) TEREKHOVA, V. F., KULAKOV, Yu. A., SAVITSKIY, Ye. M., ;Sj!"L ML.L.S- "Method of Electrolytic Polishing of Rare Earth Metals and Their Alloys" USSR Author' s Certificate No 305203, Filed 27/01/70, Published 13/07/71, Crranslated from Referativnyy Zhurnal, Khimiya, No 2, 1972, Abstract No 2 L248 P from the Resume). Translation: A method of electrolytic polishing of rare earth metals and their alloys in an electrolyte containing HNO3 and glycerin,.differing in that in order to improve the quality of polishing of yttrium and its alloys, oxalic acid is introduced to the electrolyte in the following ratio of coni- ponents, wtA: IIN03 -- 40-50, oxalic acid 20-40, glycerin remainder, and the process is conducted at 20*C and D 1.5-3 a/cm2 -27 - USSR UDC 546.641 SAVITSKIY, Ye. If., TEUKHOVA, V. F., and ~~QV _I "study of the Fine Structure of Yttrium Single Crystals" Monokristally Tugoplavkikh i Redkikh Metallov [Single Crystals of Refractory and Rare Metals -- Collection of Works], Nauka Press, 1971, pp 70-73 Translation: A method is developed for polishing and etching yttrium single crystals. The fine structure on the base plane, on the plane of the second- order prism, and on the intermediate planes is produced. Data of structural and X-ray analysis attest to a rather high degree of perfection of the single crystals produced in the laboratory. 4 Figures; 4 Bibliographic References. 1/1 Ace. Nn -.PRIMARY SOURCE:. YTiurnal Fakrobiologii, EpidemiOlOgii i Immunobiologli, 1970,.Nr, 1, pp,:;/ -a~r DYNAMICS OF DISCHARGE OF TYPHOID BACILLI IIN CHRONIC GIRRIERS IN DIFFERENT SEASONS OF THE YEAR AND ITS SIGNIFICANCE IN THE EPAIDE, AiIOLOGY OF THE DISEASE S, R~ Khomik, Ferdinalid G .1 Skirda S. ftaltua, N. S. Solavfjl 1. Pa. pova 1. P. Timoshki a, 941! ~~- ~-Pl ~flrO Apeykina, H. D. The feces of forty five carriers of typhoid bacillus were examined in dliferent seasons of the year. The greatest number of bacilli was discharged -from January to May (0.1 to 960 million per gm of feces were the number.of bacilli found1hroulhout. the ye3r). Therefore, the authors recommend examination o I carriers to be carried out ma 1y during,the first half of the year. Th4a was established no association between the seasonal distribution of the IneWnce of the d1wase and the Intenisity of bacterial discharge. D. ;V. REEL/ iE _21 USSR UDC: 621-317.73(088.P-) TIEHO,i-~IIROV, V. P. L_4VIINSOX~, B. A. J,-I3ELI-l,'V, I. B. -4. A. , and 1. A ... .. IlIkul-loimatic Devi-cc for 11,7eanurine tli:-. Input of a Long Line 11 teT)loenprf. !~,_-iboro J~Vt. sv, ("J'Cientific e- search in:3ti-uu-,,e of L_anuff:~cture, Author's C_--rltifficate 'U"J"J'Pi.) Clao-, ~jr, 4, 74, (~-`Ol r 27/04 270642, 21,06.68, kublication 20.05.70 (from I -a. 3, ::arch 71, ~'Lbstrct ~o- 3A3,3E;?) Trans la t i mn: An automn-tic device ii proposed for !fl--!,:tsurinLr the in- put rz;sis-6a:-ice a loriLl lin-~;, containing a UiLv'. oscill.-Uor, a rnodult.itor, a d-Aector, an amulifitr, a phas(j--:,en.~itive rectifi and -!. cc,,,murisal-in.- contro*]_iing, eleir:ient. Th.,- prol.:os--A m~_asuriinc, &-!icu ii,l-h t;i,_ -arpc)_,:-,~ ol' imvrovins-;~ accur:,cy 0. a parametric controllinC. C_emenl; is coli-ts,~ct,-A in s,~;ries with tim measund of thi_- J, ine. 1). 1/1 Ait_ ME-EFFECT OF CONTINUOUS NEUTRON IRRADIATIO,") ON THE Sfi'UCTU E Ai"10 ~-PRGPF,RTIES OF MAGNIETIC ALLOYS OF THE YUNUK 11RON NICKEL ALW-WHUM LUfHOR-iG5)-GRIN8LATt YU.N.v LYASHCHENKOt BoGst ROGOZYANOVj.A.YA.v ,.-SAKATUNOV I--- YU..S., SHELKOVNIKOVA, G.YE. Aj.U~TRY OF.INFO--Ussr,- OURCE-FIZIKA METALLOV I METALLOVEDENIE, FEB* 1970, 29, (2), 252-255 IATE PUBLISHED ---- FEB70 ,UBJECT AREAS--PHYSICS, MATERIALS OPIC-TAGS-NEUTRON IRRAOIATIONs PERMANENT MAGNET MATERIALi MAGNETIC -RESISTIVITY, ALLOY STRUCTURE, COBALT IRON ALLOY, IRON NICKEL PROPERTY, ALLOY, ALUMINUM CONTAINING ALLOY ,ONTROL MARKING--NO RESTRICTIONS dCUMENr CLASS--UNCLASSIFIED ROXY REEL/FRAME--3002/1676 STEP NO--UR/0126/70/029!002/0252/0255 IRC ACCESSION NO--AP0129046 I F7 .),"I L A SF- D -2/2 035 UNCLASSI FIM, PROCESSING DATE--04DEC70 I.IRL ACCESSION NO--AP0129046 kBSTRA6YlEXTRACT--(U) GP-0- ABSTRACT. THE EFFECT OF C011YINUOUS NEUTRON (10 PRIME21- N-CM PRIME2) AT TEMP. UP TO 630DEGIREESC ON CAST AND SINTERED ALLOYS OF THE YUNOK TYPE (FE,NI,AL AND FE,,.)I[,AL,CO) USED FOR PERMANENT MAGNETS WAS STUDIED. BECAUSE OF THE RADIATION, SPECIAL METHODS WERE REQUIRED FOR iMEASURING THE MAGNETIC PRO13ERTIES AP40 ELECTRICAL RESISTANCE AND FOR STUDYING THE MATERIAL IN THE OPTICAL AND ELECTRON MICROSCOPES. NO CHANGES IN THE STRUCTURE OP PkOPERTIES ATTRIBUTABLE TO THE IRRADIATION WERE OBSERVED; CHANGES OCCURRING A30VE ~:'--600DEGREESC WERE DUE SOLELY TO THE ORDINARY EFFECTS:OF HEAT TREAT14ENT. 13 I.. ~mi 1 L I I ~ Wo 1-l! 5, USSR UDC: 624.391,883.2 TrIf 0 -KAZOVSKIY, L. G. "Concerning the Invariance of Potential Interference Immunity With Respect to Type of Modulation for optical Communications Channels" V sb. Materialy Nauch.-tekhn. konf. Leningr. elektrotekhn. in-t svyaZI, Vyp. 1 t-1Te-_TE1entiTi_c___a_hd 'Pechnical Con- Terence of Leningrad Electrical Engineering Institute of Coin- munications-collection of works, No 1), Leningrad, 1971, pp 9S-99 (from RZIi-Radioteldinika, No 3, Mar 72, Abstract No 3A31) Translation: Potential interference immunity for quantum noise with various types of optical signal modulation is considerod. It is shown that in a binary channel, variation in the shape of the optical pulse emission envelope and the use of signals of equal energies with modulation of the non-energy parameters (polarization, frequency, phase) do not increa5c interference immunity over the simplest A~l case (telegraphy with a passive pause). Resum6. 1/1 1-12 025 UNCLASSIFIED FKuC[SSI%G DATF--020CT70 SPECTROSCOPIC STUDY OF I)EHYDRUCHLORINATEF; Pf)LY[VIIJYL CHLCRIDE) FIBERS AND FILMS AND THEIR MODIFICATIONS _U_ ~_INUTHOR-(05)-GRACHEV, V.I.v 6CZPR1JZYAN-WYKHt A*V.v SHELKONCVt N.G.0 -1FNY 'KIL, 0, I.B., KI,'ILENK0, YU.K. I COUNTRY OF. INFO--USSR ,.~I,S-OURCE--ZH. PKIKL. Ki-11m. (LENINGRAD) 19709 43(3) 633- -:0ATE PUBLISHED------70 SUijJECT AREAS--MATERIALSi CHEMISTRY ...TOPIC TAGS--IR SPECTRUMv POLYVINYL CHLORIOE FIBERv TEMPERATURE DEPENDENCE, ..CATALYST ACTIVITY9 CHL3RINATIOYo DEHYDROGENATION, RROMINATIOIN, TH13UREA, -POLYMER FILM _~.CONTROL MARKING--NO RESTRICTIONS DOCUMENT CLASS--UNCLASSIFIED PROXY REFL/FRAME--1992/0305 STEP r4O--UR/0080/70/343.1003/Ob33/0638 CIqc ACCESSION NU--AP0111499 I NIC-LASS-1-FIF-0 I JU:M': Pillfft UNCLASSIFIED PROCESSING DATE-I-02OCT73 CtRC ACCESSION NO--APO.111499 GP-0- ABSTRACT. THE EFFECTS OF MEDIUM, CATALYST, AND TEMP. OF DEHYDROCHLORINATION OF POLY(VINYL CHLORIDE) FIBERS AND FILMS ON THEIR IR SPECTRA WAS STUDIED. DEHYDROCHLORINATION INCREASES WITH TEMP. (110-150DEGRRES) AND TIME AS SHOWN BY INCREASED INTENSITY OF THE BANDS-AT IbBO-1720 AND 1605 CM PRIME NEGATIVEI (ONSATD. C-3 AND C-C BONDS), TEH BAND -INTENSITY AT 3028 CM PRIME NEGATl,VEl (END VINYL ~GROUPS) ALSO INCREASES WITH TEMP. THF PRESENCE OF A CATALYST INCREASES THE RATE, DIAZOAMINOBENZENE INCREAS ING THE RATE MORE THAN ALPHAINAPHTHYLAMINE. USING DIAZOAMINOBENZENEt ALPHA AND BETA UNSUBSTITUTED ALDEHYDE GROUPS ARE FORMED (ABSORPTION AT 1690 CM PRIME NEGATIVEI),,. DEHYDROCHLORINATION PROCEEDS MORE RAPIDLY IN AIZ THAN 1%1 VACUUM. AiLSO, THE TREATED PRODUCT WAS BROMINATED WITH 3PERCENT AQ. BR AT. BODEGRE-:E'S FOR 2' HR TO GIVE' BRCIICH.CHC'HB'R GROUPS. SUBSEQUENT TREATMENT 141TH THIOUREA AT 100-2DEGREES SHOWS THE PRESENCE aF THIOA'AfDE AND THIOURONIUM GROUPS1 WHICH ARE REMOVED BY TREATKENT WITH 2N NAOH9 IN THE-SPECTRUM6 UNCLASSIFIED