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USSR UDC: 621.771.3--868.1
SEVERDENRO,.V.- P., Academician, Belorussian Academy of Sciences,
-4M-UBGVTCT'-',_ .-V_." and KONYSHEV, L. K.
"Computing Operating Stresses in Drag With Supe--position of Longi-
tudinal Ultrasonic Oscillations"
Minsk, Doklady Akademii nauk BSSR, Vol. 14, No. 9, 10,70, pp 812-
Abstract: The two methods most used for computing drag stresses in
tubes and other devices with continuous circular profile are the
method of characteristics and the method of averaged values. Us-
ing the latter, the authors find an expression for these stresses
with longitudinal ultrasonic oscillations applied -to the deforma-
tion focus. They begin their analysis by considering a small ele-
ment of the surface of a solid consisting of two tubes of different
diameter connected by a conical section. -From this, they derive
the equation of its equilibrium by assuming that the force of fr-*:c-
tion is proportional to the normal pressure. By using -Lohe curve
... ..........
S,EVERDENKO.,,_1Y,~_P,.f- et al., Doklady Akademii nauk BSSR, Val 14, No 9, 1970)
PP-6 -_615
of the Yield point for the tube rretal plotted as a function of the a=,litude
of the ultrasonic oscillations, the drag stresses may be co=uted for partic-
ular cases through the equations derived. The authors are connected Vith t;.---e
Physics-Teehnical Institute, Belorussian Academy of Sciences.
'PAR fl
111;3 fill ufmi
Acoustical and Ultrasonic
USSR UDC 621.771
SEVERDENKO, V. P., Academician, STEPANENKO, A. V., SYCHEV, Ye. G., Beloruss-;an
'PO-lytechnical- -Institute
"Effect of Ultrasound on Plastic Deformation in a Vacuum"
Minsk, Doklady Akademii nauk BSSR, No. 3, Mar 71, pp 217-219
Abstract: Studies showed that the application-of ultrasonic oscillations 'La-ci-
litates the Drocess of deformation in a vacuum and makes it nossible to avoid
adhesion of the metal being treated to the instrument. It 'is pointed out that
high-temperature treatment of refractory metals and alloys is ordinarilv accom-
panied by an intense interaction with gases, thus lowe-ving t.-heir p1astic proper-
tiesl makin- deformation difficult, worsening physicochemical properties and
considerably lowering the percent of yield of suitable metal. it is therefore
recommended that heating, plastic deformation, and cooling of refractory materials
be carried out in a vacuum; however, in such treatment there are practically no
oxide films on contact surfaces and this situation lea(as to an increase in the
coefficient of friction, a rise in specific pressures, and adhesion of the de-
formed metal to the instrument. To carry out hot defor~,,~ation in a vacuum with
M :5111i I , K
SEVERDENKO, V. P., et al, Doklady Akademi-, nauk BSSR, 116. -3,--Mar 71, pp 217-2 - -----
the application of ultrasonic oscillations was recommended by ~.cademician
Severdenko in 1969 and an installation described here was developed to study the
characteristics of this process. It consists of a sealed chamber into which is
introduced through opposite windows a resonance waveguide with a harmner fastened
at its end and a dye. Ultrasonic oscillations in the waveguide and hammer are
excited by a magnetostriction converter. The metal to be deformed is drawn
between the hammer and the dye. The wire is pressed to the ha",mer with a force
P acting on the dye. The wire was heated with an electric current. The force
of drawing T of the heated wire was measured as a function of the loading force
P with and without the application of ultrasonic oscillations in a vacuum ana in
air. The results showed that under deformation by the ordinary method in a
vacuum the drawing force is greater than in air by a factor of 1.7-1.8 ai-id this
is attributed to an increase in the forces of contact fr-iction and the appear-
ance of adhesion. Under deformation with the application of ultrasonic ascilla-
tions the drawing fovcp_)~3 were practically the name in a vacutim and in, but
they were considerably less in magnitude than under deformatir...'n without ultra-
sonics. Adhesion of the deformed metal to the instrument was absent in this
UDC 621.~9
r"""Tbeoretical Study of the Stress-Deformation State in the Bending of an Ell-iDtical
Minsk, Izvestiya Akademii nauk BSSR, Seriya fiziko-tekhnicbeskikh nauk, -No.
1971, pp 9-1.5
Abstract: A theoretical solution is presented for the problem, of determining
stresses and deformations in bending an elliptical plate under sheet stamping.
It is noted that Drevious studles to determine stress-deformation state under
bending consldere~ elastic bending of a freely suspended or rigidly embedded plate
with wall bends under the action of a given load, and that such solutions cannot
be applied to ntreqs-de Format, 1011 State in slamping sinnQ the bc-T-,~-s
in tht. the
the elaz;tic and elastic-plastic stae,,e, and In ;tampill'i th(! sh~lpr-- oF IIhi-.
surface is known but not the loads acting on it. The problem is treated in th~.-
following order: --First elastic bending of a freely suspended ricrid plate is con-
sidered and then corrections are introduced into the solution obtained that tal~:e
into account chain or membrane stresses in the middle surface, and finally elastic-
SEVERDENYCO, V. P., RASKIN, L. S., Izvestiya Akademii Inauk BSSR, Seri~a fiziko-
tekhnicheskikh nauk, N'o. 2, 1971, pp 9-15
-plastic bending of plates under large bnnds is considered. An expression is
derived giving stTesses and deformations as a function of the bend and the d_;Tmen-
sions of a blank of a given shape, i.e., that is characterized by a constant
curvature in the directions of the axes of the ellipse. The formulas obtained
for determinin- comDonents of srresses and deformations are applicable for cases
of bending with fal ly large bends not exceeding, however, half the minor szm.-
axis of the ellipse. The problem vias solved consideze-ing, geometric and physical
J -
nonlinearities in using the common simplifying asswmptions sucla as incompressi-
bility of the material under plastic deformation. The reliability of the rela-
tionships obtained was checked by comparing their T=ticular solutions with
formulas known in the literature for the bending of circular plates and spherical
shells and also by comparing computed and experimental data on determining 5D i
in the bending of circular plates.
V 4 TIP11111,3111-11 "'11 dh "d, 71F M 1 -idi" -E-,M
PI'MMMUilM, _tEW'f ."T t .1. i1o; 4
"examination of a Polycrystal Aluminum Surface Deformed by Ultra-sound"
Kinskj Doklady Akademii Nauk BSSR, Vol 15, No 4, 1971, PP 312-315"
Abstracti This article is a study of the deformtion of the surface of samples
of -Dolycrust--l aluminum in the region of maximum, cyclic stress following
exposure to ultrasound. The samples uere subjected to repeated cycles oi,
60 seconds of exposure to ultrasound oscillations plus 120 seconds of rest
until they broke ( approximately 2.2 x. 107 cycles). After observing the
development of slip bands with the aid of an optical microscope, the authors
conjecture that the formation and expansion of the band-v results froM re'Deated
cross slipping of screw dislocations. Subsequent examination of the sami-ples
with an electron -mic-rozeope, revealed the step-by-step nature of the distribu-
tion of dislocations, which corfirms the conjecture. The au't-.hor,- conclude
that exposure to individual microvolumes of polycrystal aluminum to cyclic
stress from ultra-gourui frequencies causes, plastic defoniation of the a-luminum.
I /i
USSR UDC 539. 384:669-41
"Effect of Neutral Surface Curvature on the Bending Moment in
the Case of Pure Bending of Metal Bands"
Minsk, Vestsi Akedernii Navuk BSSR, Seryya Fizika-Teklinichnykh
Navuk, No 3, 1971, pp 9-12
Abstract: In the case of bending of wide flat bands the longitudinal
elongation of the fibers is accompanied by radial contraction. If
the latter is restricted it results in radial tension. The difference
between the two stresses is a function of the longitudinal strain,
which is proportional to the curvature. Therefore it is possible to
express the bending moment as a function of curvature. Equation
(6) gives the relation for both the elastic and plastic deformations.
The bending moment calculated by the above equption for a steel
band 100 min wide and 8 mm thick is shown on a graph as a function
of curvature.
USSR UDC 621.762:621.984.5
SqVERD and IOSIFOV, V. N., Physico Technical Institute, Academy
0 Sciences, Belorussian SSR
'IFressing of Briquettes of Aluminum Granulests
Kiev, Foroshkovaya Metallurgiya, No 12, Dec 70, pp 24-27
Abstract: Powder metallurgy, allowing the development of extremely high cool-
ing rates by spraying liquid metal droplets into water, can lead to a displace-
ment of the liquidus line in alloys, forming supersaturated solid solutions
with extremely high alloying element contents. These phenDmena were studied
by producing aluminum powder by pouring melted aluminum into a ceatrifuge and
allowing droplets to spray out of holes around the periphery of the centrifuge
basket into water. The aluminum powder thus produced was pressed into bri-
quettes in a special stamp. It was found that the size of the granules had
no significant influence on the density of the briquettes as a function of
pressing pressure. The density of the briquettes as a function of pregsure
follow the ordinary regularities observed in pressing powder materials. The
calculated pressing curves produced analytically and by graph analysis cor-
responded to the experimental curves with sufficient accuracy.
USSR UDC 621.961.01
and SHUSTER, Va. B., Physical Technical Institute, AcadevW
of Sciences, BSSR
"The Effect of Ultrasonic Vibrations on the Surface quality of Die-Cuts in Plastics"
Xinsk, Vestsi Akademii Navuk BSSR (News of the Academy of Sciences BSSR), No 3.
1970, pp, 87-89
Abstract: The problem of die-cutting and punching nonmetallic sheets, especially
plastics, is considered. Edges of apertures cut in plastics have nuch poorer
quality than simular cuts in metals because of the radically dIfferent physical
properties of plastics. Die-cutting of plastics passes t4rough three stages:
1) elastic deformation, 2) intense formation of initial fracture zones, and
3) a stage of brittle fracture. Punching has a plastic deformation that
consists of a bending proce.-s and a simultaneous crushinX. process batdeen the
faces of the punch and the matrix. The nature of the band determines the nature
of the surface of the punched aperture. The effect of-uItrasound of 19.6 Mz on
punching arA die-cutting was studied. The die was excitpd to an amplit%ido of 10
to 20 microns. A 10-mm.