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USSR UDC: 51:155.001.57:681.3.o6 PROTASOV, K. T., SERYRT, A. P. "Determination of Informational Characteristics from the Condition of Minimum Risk in the Problem of Pattern Recognition" V sb. Obnaruzh. i rasVoznavanlye. Planir. eksperimentov (Detection and Recognition. Planning of Expe ri ments-collect ion of works), Moscow, "Nauka", 1970, pp 3-10 (from RZh-Kibernetika, No 1, Jan TI, Abstract No iv650) Translation: The authors formulate the extremim problem of finding the vector f"imation which recognizes membership to one of two patterns effec- tively and with minimum risk. In the final form, consideration is given to search for the informational characteristic u in the class of 'Linear flune- tions u- h#xB in the case of an ideal observer and a normal law of distri- bution of probabilities for patterns Al and A2. Then =2,3, n"Aq-Ots-ar;~ a.l., 02 are the averages and standard deviations of the normal laws of dis- a tribution. An example is given of calculations for compa3-ison of methods PROTASOV, K T., SERY-KH, A. P., Obnarush. i raspoznavanive. Planir. eksperi- mentoy, Moscow, Na~ t'-,~Pp 3:16 based on maximim information and on minimum risk as a function of the rela- tive weight of errors of the first and second k-Ind. Note: The article does not give the explicit depenbnce of cZ on crii and a3i. 212 23- USSP uDc: 621.391-B22 BANM) V. L., SERMI IT T "On the Probability Distribution of Noise at the Output of an FT4 Demodulator With Band Separation" V sb. VoDr. eicktrosviazi (Problew of Electrical Corimimi c ations-collect, ion of work7sT, Kiev, "Tekhnika", 1970, pp 87-90 (from RM-Radiote-khnika, No 12 Dec 70, Abstract No 12A66) Translation: The authors deteimine the probability density. or noise at tdie output of a demodulator with band separation. This demo(hilator is used for optimum reception of a wide-band analog FM aikqial in the presence of high level additive jitter. It is assumed that a combination of the unmodulated carrier sigrial and normal noise is applied to the Input r.)f the demodulator 'with band senaration. The analysis ia done for the case of d(!modiagtor operation in the thre-Mvild. region. It is shown that the probability density differs f-n-mr, normal in tii.3 case. A similar method may be used to find the probability density of noiL;e at the output~of a dewlidulal;or with band sepa- ration in the case of coherent reception. Two illustrations, bibliography of seven titles. N. S. USSR uDc: 621.391.822 BANKET, V. L.,.LER SHCHERBAKOV, A. I. "On the Probability Distribution of 'aoise at the Output of aReceiver of FM Signals" thods -fe V sb. Metody parekhowitoychivogo priycma Chli 1. FM 'Me or Intei rence- -Free.F14 and P14 fleception--colleetion.of works), Moscow, "Sov. radio", 197 0 pp 71-79 (from RZh-Radiotekhnika, No 12, N~c TO, Abstract. No 12A6T) j Translation: S. 0. Rice's model for noise in FM receivers is used as the basis for finding the probability distribation of noise at th,2 output of the low-frequency filter in a standard demodulator in the caae of oxi unmodulated carrier. It is shown that irl the care of operation in -tile threshold vicinity band below, the noise probability density differs appreciably fl-om normal. f The limits of applicability of the resultant eypresBionr, for p:robability density are determined. Resum'C'. c USSR GRITSYNA, V. V., KIYAN, T. S., KOVAL A. G., FOGEL', Ya. M. S?EJ~PJ~_ S. , Khar I kov State University imeni W. Gor kiy "Concerning the Mechanism of Luminescence of Polymer FIlms Which Arises as They are Being Formed Under Ion-Beam Bombardment of Solids" Moscow, Zhurnal Eksperimentallnoy i Teoreticheskoy Fiz-f-ki, Vol 64, No 1, Jan T3, pp 20T-216 Abstract: On the basis of experimental results, the airthors suggest a new mechanism for luminescence of polymer films forming on a solid as a result of ion-beam dissociation of hydrocarbon molecules adsorbed on the surface of a bombaxded target. It is shown that luminescence of atoms and molecules of helium and neon which arises during b=-Dardment of metal + targets by ions of He or Ne+ is emitted by particles of the corresponding gas located inside hollow sPherolites formed during grouth of the film under bombardment. 'The influence of the film temperature on the intensity of the emitted luminescence as well as the change in the natuxe and in- tensity of Airninescence when there is a change in bombEu,ding beams is explained on the basis of the proposed mechanism of luminescence of poly- mer films. A mechanism Is also proposed for luminescence of polymer films -USSR PGRITSYNA, V. V. et al., ZhETF, Vol 64, No 1, Jan 73, 207-216 formed on the surface of dielectric targets by ion-beam bombaxftent. It Is assumed that luminescence in this case arises as a result of the exci- tation of gas which has accumulated in the cavities between the substrate and the polymer film where it is peeling off. 75 U S SRI ABRATIENKOV, A. D., QT-PYUOI~: A. L., M11RTYNTW, I. S1_11,-Z'~"` YA. M. , Physicotec _!C-ai Academy o_F Sc ien,,es "Formation cf Islets From Copper Atoms Diffusing Cvi:a, a Molybdenum Surfacc" Leningrad, lizika_ Tverdogo Tela, No. 12, Dec 71, pf, 3496-3500. Abstract: The results of a direct study o-f the:! formation of islet,'.- in diffusion of copper over molybdenum using optical anil eler-tron mi.croscoDes are presented. The theory of the formation Of Islets from atoms diffusing over the surface of a substrate was developer] by A. D. Ah-ramen! et -1. Accord- ing to this theory, based an the assumption that stirface eleffcct.,. in the sub- strate are the locus for the formation of nuclei of islets, the .-I-iffun-inj material is distribull-c-1 (:)-.-er the surface of the substrate In three zones if the diffusion times are su-"ficiently large. In zone III, which is furthiest from the source of the diffusin- material, there occurs ordy diffusion hv atomic jumps from one adsorption point on the surface of the substrate to another. in this zone the concentration o-f dif::fusing ma-'erial is still tco low for the formation of nuclei of islets to occu_- at de.- ects in the substrate surface. in zone 11, w`ere the concentra+-1cri oF rater`al ;s Lk L 1/2 USSR ABRAKENKOV, A. D. , et a!, Fizika Werjogo Tela, No. 12, De-- 71, pp 340-6-3500 islets from diffusing atoms are generated at defects in t'~-Ie substrate s-.,-,,.,face, and the dimensions of these islets increase with the course of time. In zone I, which lies next to the boundary of the source o-LF diffusing -material, th-e- dimension of the islets reaches a maximum value which does not change 1,111--h the further passage of time. The general conclusions of the theory of the formation of islets of diffusing material on a substrate surface were ver-ified, and data were obtained on the formation of copper islets cn rnolyMlenum 'l.h.,'--h agree quantitatively wlth the results of theoretical calculations. The allee- ment between experiiziental, and theoretical values of the --~ze of the islets was good despite certain assumptions made in the calculations. The direct measurement of the average diameter of the islets gave a value of cm. while a theoretical calculation yielded the value 3-101-6 cm. 212 84 1/2 028 UNCLASSIFito 4ROGESSING ~,,TITLE---RADIOACTIVE COLLOIDAL SOLUTIONS FOR~BETATHERAPY -U- AUTHOR- (03 I-M [KHEYEV, N.B., GRACHEVAt W*N.v CCUNTRY OF INFO--USSR ~,.S0U&(;E--~4i:L)fTSF'JSKAYA RADIOLUGIYAt 1970s VOL 15 t INF :6, PP 7(t-78 ,J)ATE PUBLISHED ------- 70 SUBJECT AREAS--BIOLOGICAL AND MEDICAL SCIENCESt NUCLEAR SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY TOPIC TAGS--YT,rktUM,.8ETA RADIATION~ COLLO10t ISOTOPEs YTTREUM COMPOUND, PHOSPHORUS ISOTOPEt RADIATION BIJLOGIC'TISSUE EFFECT .CCNTR4-JL MARKIING-IND RESTRICTIONS DOCUPIP-4T CLASS--UNC.LASSIFIED PROXY KEEL/FkA~-IE-3002/1514 S TE: 1) !40--UR/0241 CIAC ACCESSION N13--AP0128909 -~S 212 028 UNCLASSIFIED PROCESSING DATE--13NOV70 C I RC A CC ES 5 1 ODIN A P 0 12 8 909 ABS!'RACT/EXTRACT--(U) GP-0- ABSTl'-lAGT. THE AUTHORS IHAVE ELA131DRATED METHCD.S OF OBTAINING RADNACrIVE. CGLLOIDAL S~)LUTIOIN-S OF YTTRIU,4 SILICATE WITH Y PRPIL-90 CIRCON10i'l PHOSPHATE dITH P PRIME321~ PHOSPHATE WITH P PRIME32. SPFCIAL ATTENTION IS' PAJO TO THE ST-1-alLITY OF COLLOIDAL SDLUTIO~lc. THE AUTHORS, CONDUC7ED 1310LF~GJCAL TRIAi..5 i-Az TIHE 111REPAkATION-S OBTAINIEO 1WHICH DEMDNSTkPTL THAT MEY SATISFY THE Rl:LjUl-~Em[-i,)TS To PREPARATIC,"IS FOR. li";TRATISSULAR BETATHERAPYs FACILITY: INSTITUT BIOFIZIKI MZ SSSR. UNG L A S 5IFIED USSR UDC: 8.74 BELONOZHKO, P. A., BOYIKO, Ye. I., DUPLISHCHVI, A. M,, QM_YY Ye. A., edi- .4~ torial staff of "Avtomatika i Vychisl. Tekhnika" AN LatvSSP "A Device for Solving Difference Equations" Riga, Ustroystvo dlya resbeniya rannostnykb uravneniy (cf. English abovell, 1972, 13 pp, ill. bibl. of 2 titles (manuscript deposited in VINITI, No 5197-72 Dep. from 8 Dee 72) (from RZb-Kibernetika, No 7, Jul 73, abstract No 7V586 Dep. by the authors) Translation: An analog-digital complex cap be used to study digital auto- matic control systems most completely. However, such a system is an extremely complicated technical device which is not always accessible to the Iresearcher. The paper describes a device which ha.9 been developed and technically realized to be used jointly with an analor!, computer to silru- late the oDeration of a digital filter described by a linear difference equation. The device incorporates step switches and can be used jointly vith the 11~02P-9 analog computer to solve linear difference equations. At- tachment to the given type of model and the order of the equations to be solved are not unique. 45 USSR UW 621.382.23 LIBEWWKI, L.8* SHPIM, V,A., YAWBEN', L.M. [I"emberx. Scientif ic-Technicaqq"Oqc~O_Y~io Engineering, Electronics, And Com-yaunications imeni A.S. Pop-073 #semiconductor Diodes For Control Cf Microwave Power(I Radiotekhtil-a, Vol 27, No 5, 140Y 1972, pp y-P-4 Ahfftractt The paper discusses the thermal and electrical eff"te in switching and limiter diodes at high and low levels. of microwave power, the eyetem ae parameters of the diodes, and the methods for their measureaent. The principal statements of the theory of devices for control of micTowava power are discusBod. Planning of one- and miltichannel regulator units based on ewItching end limiter davicea Is described. 1t in concluded that use or awitching and limiter diodes in microweve technoloEnj makes it possiblb to rciuce thd dimencions and weight of apparatus, to increase its speed of response,, to radiiec the power with re- spect tc control goals, and to increase the reliability. 15 fig. 22 ref. Rece)v- ad ) Jan 1972. 1/1 PROCESSING U "tE--13NGV70 1/?- 043 UNCLASSIFItid MULTIPLICATION MQUE OF'OSCILLATI Oil IN GALLIUM ARSENIDE AMPLES -U- AUTHOR- (03) -SHELUOKO, N.A., P%YKOV'l V.V.v CGUNTRY OF INFO--USSR ~_,SGURCF_--RADIOTEKHNIKA I ELEKTRONIKA, VOL., 15, APR.IL970, P. 859,860 'DATE PUBLISHED ------- 70 SUBJECT AREAS"PHYSICS iTOPIC TAGS--FREQUEACY MULTIPLICATION, MICROWAVE OSCILLATOR, FREQLIENCY STABILITY, GALLIUM ARSENIDEt ELECTRON UENSITYt HARMONIC OSCILLATION CONTROL -MA-RK[NG--Ni0 RESTRICTIONS 'T CLASS--UNCLASSIFIEU DOCUMEN ~PROXY REEL/FRAME--1996/1472 s,rup NO--UR/0109/,rO!015/000$'0851)/0860 CIRC ACCESSION' NO--AP0118ft6l JiNr S5_1 F 2/2 043 UNCLASSIFIED PROCESSING DATE--13N'QV70 CIRC ACCESSION N13-AP0118461 ABSTRACT/EXTRACT--(U) GP-0- ABSTRACT. DESCRIPTION OF A MICROWAVE OSCILLATOR ARRANGEMENT EN WHICH IT 15 POSSIBLE 70- AT,rAIN A TRANSITION TO EMISSION AT THE SECON02 THIRO, AND FOURTH HARKINICS 41TH PG'it'ER' LEVELS COMPARABLE TO THAT AT THE FUNDA.MENTAL FR[-,"le'UE-.ry (0.5 TO 1 GKZ). EXPERIMENTS WERE CONDUCTFO WITH GALLIUM, ARSFNIL)E SAMPLES FqCH 100 TO 200, M11CRONS IN LENGTH AND WITH AN ELECTRON CONCENIRATION OF A50UT 10 TO THE 15TH POWER PER CU C;4. A MOVING PISTON-ARRANGE-11ENT 13 USED FOR TUNLNGi AND SPECTROGRAMS OF FUNDAMENTAL A NO HARMONIC EMISSIONS ARE SHOwN FOR ILLUSTRATION. ASS IF: IED U N C USSR UDC 533.6.013.42 KARGAUDAS, V. I., SETKAUSK-,kS, V. A., YAKUBAUSXJkS, V. V. "Experimental Studies of the Forms of Free Oscillations of a Plane Deep Gate" V sb. Dinamika 5,~idrotekhn, sooruzh. (Dynamics of Hydraulic Engineering Equip- nent -- Collection of Works), Moscow, 1972, pp 116-117 (from RZI-x-Mekhanilla, No 3, Mar 73, Abstract No 3V409) Translation: Two geometrically similar models of a giate are Investigated, one of which is made from polystyrene and the other from plastic. In study- ing both models there were observed several frequencies different from. the basic natural frequencies of the model. It is proposed that these frequencies correspond to the resonances of individual parts of models of the gate. R. A. Shipov. USSR UDC 541.49: 547-11118: 546-711: 546.8111131 GINZBURGI$ A. G.,ISETKINA, V. N., and KURSANOV, D. N., Institute of Hetero-Organic Co~mpoundi~-,-A-65~~d&dt~-of Sciences USSR OThe Reaction of ~langaneselr-Cyclopentadienylphospliine Complexes With Tin (IV) Chloridet' Moscowj Izvestiya Akademii Nauk SSSR, Scriya Khimicheskaya, No 2, 19731 pp 481 Abstract.-,Tr-C511 5'N"'(CO)2 L M was found to react with SnCl4in CH2C12 to form the inclusion complex C f15Mn(CO)2L*2SnC'4 (11), where L=PPh3 , AsPh 3' P('-C3H7) , and P~C611103' Compound II appears as a yellow or brown substance which is stable in an ar-on atmos- phere or in scaled ampules. In solutions containing 0 or N atoms (water, alcohols, acetone, ether, MeCK), 11 breaks down inatantly to regenerate T. Compound 11 is insoluble in Apolar solvents (ben- zene, M 4' C"C'3' CS2)1 "Oak-ly soluble '11 ~'"021 and more soluble in PhNO The latter solution conducts electricity. Durin- the 2' formation of II the stretch frequencies of CO increase by 70-100 cm which indicates decreased electron density on the Mn atom. USSR UDC 541.49 KHATAIM, A. I., GINZBURG, A. G., NEFEDOVA, M. N., SETKINA, V. N., and KURSANOV, D. N. "Cyclopentadienylmanganesedicarbonyltriphenylphosphines Substituted in the Cyclopentadienyl Ring" Leningrad, Zhurnal Obshchey Khimii, Vol 42(104), No 12, Dec 72, pp 2665-2667 Abstract: Carbonyl ligands in complex transition metal compounds can be easily replaced by FPh3 group upon irradiation with UV lig~ht. This method was used to synthesize derivatives Of CP1Mn(C0)2PPh3,.where CP = C5H5, con- taining Et, PhCH2, MeS, Cl, Br, I, and COOMe substituents in the Cp ring, from the respective derivatives of CpMn(CO)3. The new products are yellow crystalline compounds with high melting points. In the solid state they are stable in air, dissolve easily in CC14, CHC13, and CS2. The structure of these products was con-firmed by PMR.and IR spectroscopical analysis. 37 USSR UDC 541.127t546.11,OZs547-1'13'118 YAKWHINt F. S. t )aSLYAKOVA, N. V. , KUSOOV, D. 11. , and SUMSHTM, A. P. ",~-CO*Mmieal Institute imeni L. YA. Kaxpovt and Institute of Metallorganic Coapoundep Acadozy of Sciences USSR "Kinetic Isotope Effect of Hydrogen Exchange in Cyclopentadienylzanganeset- ricarbonyl and Cyclopentadie.VlmanganesedicarbonyltriphonyI phosphine" Moscow, Izvestiya Akdemii Hauk SSSR, Seriya hChimioheakayat No 21 Feb 72, pp 316-322 Abstracts Experimental results a:m repwted on the dt~Ujrainwtion of the kinetic isotope effect (KIE) of hydrogen oxchange in cyclopentttd-ionylianganesetri- carbonyl (CHr) and eyelopontadianylrAnganesedi=boyAyl-Lriphew1 phosphine (GIMP). In many reactions GMT behaves like benzene. IntrotLuction of an alkyl group lowers the exchange rate of hydrogens Date=inutions of JaB of bydrogen exchange with acids woro carriod out urvior slailax condAtons for cur, 60P, benzene detivatives and ferrocene# and it itas shown that- both in the CMT and ChD? it occurs by the eajw mechanism as in czze of exozittic compounds. On the other band# hydrogen Inotope exchange if AIC cataly-zed by basic agents has EL Imotophilic nechanisz, analogously to forroconeg, the slowest atop being the br6aking of the C-H bond by the baeo, M-1 I "'M I MI IN, USSR UDC 541 - 49 +661-718-1 + 546-711 SE 02XJNA"--rr~~. GINZ8URG, A. G., KISLYAKOVA, IN. 11. 'and KURSANOV, D.' N. Of Eiement~Organic Compounds, Acad. Scs USSR Quantitative BE'valuation of the Effect of Triphenylphosphine and Triph.enyl PhospUlte Ligands in i-i-Cyclopentadienyldicarbonylphosphinic Complexes of ;:4,iianganese" Moscow, Izvest-iya Akademii Nauk SSSH, Seriya Khimicheskaya, No 2, Feb 71, pp 434-435 Abstract. Tertiary phosphines and phosphites are stron1ger donors than the carbonyl groups in transition metal-complexe.,i.. When one of the carbonyl groups of cycloppntadienylmanganesetricarbony1 (CP,.:T) was replaced with _f;h3 or P(C'Pll) the rate of acid hydroEen exchange was increased 200C- and 70-fol3 respectively. Such an exchange leads to a higher electron density, increased rate of electrophilic reactions in the cyclopentadienyl rings i-t-bonded to the transition metal. Han,- met's equation holds for the acid hydrogen exchange of Ckl~~T. UDC 541-515 + 541.49 + 541.124 + 546.11 GINSE-Ultz, A. G., SETKINA, V. N., and KURSANDV, D. N.,. institute of Element- Organic Compound's-,;ffdd.-~n. U33R Offfect of a Radical bound to a Phosphorus Atom in the C~H41n(CO)2PR Complexes an the Rate of hydrogen Exchan.-e in the Ring and on the vreqvericy of Carbonyl Stretching Vibrations" Moscow, Akademii Nauk SSSR, Seriya Khimicheslcaya, No 1, Jan 1, PP 177-1?9 Co n Abstract: Hydrogen exchange reaction beVween CF-jCOOD ard CrHwil' ( dichloroethane at Z5' was sLuiied. The reaction-~Ifas fownd to-'depend on tne radical attache-d to phonphorus. The rate of hydraGen e'x0hange in the cycle- pentadienyl ring, increasos with a transition from triph(My4haspaingl to trialkylphosphingl substituents. In the series R = OC6'151 C6Hr,, Ctf3C6ii5/,c region, the tranwiission of q~uartz. glaso is uni-nnort.,"it and the refraction wid absorption indices vicire approximated by aimple algabraic functions. The reflection coefficients of the 112 USSIC M', A. A. and SETTAROVA, Z. S.,'Teplofizika Vysolcikh Teziiperatur, Vol 30, No 2, Mar-Apr 72, pp 279-284 layer boundaries for a- and p-polarization componentc- were cal- culated from Presnel formulas considering P. strong absorption band of valence Si-O-Si oscillations. The results showed a strong dependence of the spectral blackness degree on temperature in "lie regions of translucence and high absorption. Deviations from the Lambert law of absorption are most e:~-.pressed by low optica-1- thicl.- ness. By wave lengths over 5,v- I the Lambert law is satisfied anY- where for angles of 0-55 deg., except in the 7-114,Lresion. The same regularity is observed for the integral blaclkhless degree. In proportion to the temperature increase from 700 to 1100 OKY the inlegral blackness degree of a one cm thick, quartz ~,,laas (brand KV) decreases from 0.74 to 0.55. Co parative results of KV and KI quartz glasses in the 2.5-3,(k region -we presented. Six illustr., six formulas, one table, thirteen biblio. refs. 2/2 30 - USSR UDC 533.9.004.12:546.217 KOVAL'SKAYA, G. A. , SOKOLOVA, 1. A., Novosibirsk I Ollie 1-modyn ami c Properties of Air at 12,00 0-25,000*K and 0.1-100 atni Consider- ing the Reduction in Ionization Potential" Zhurnal Prikladnoy Mehhaniki i Tekhnichoskoy Fiziki, No 1, 1972, pp 15-2*-'. Abstract: The composition of air is calculated for pressirres of 0.1, 1, 10 and 100 atn and temperatures of 12,000-25,000'K, considering Coulomb interactions, resultinr in a significant increase in the! electron conpon~'nt in comparison with an earlier work. Physically justified analytic expres- sions are selected, describing the composition produced and thermodynamic properties with satisfactory accuracy. T'he approximations produced are convenient for the solution of applied problems, since they require no iterations. Oft, Ace. Nr.: AdOlO45.51- Fef. Code: pt TITLE-- WEEK DAYS IN.SPACE NEWSPAPER-- I2VESTIYA, JUNE 71 1970, P 11 COLS 2-3 ABSTRACT--- THE FIFTH WORKING DAY OF NIKOLAYEV AND SEVAST-YAtjOV LASTED 16 HOURS AND ENDED AT 5 HOURS ~10SCOW llf~ PVTO t THE HUMIDITY IN VARIOUS AREAS OF THE SHIPIS QUARTERS WAS DETEIRMINEED, DURING THE 6mTH AND 66TH REVOLUTIONS THE DE~GRFF_ OF ACCURACY OF THE ONE-AXIS ORIiNTATION WAS DETERMIbED 6NDER THE CONDITIONS OF PASSIVE ROLLING FLIGHT /BARBEQUE MADE U.S. TlRMINOL&-jY/, AT THE END OF THE WORKING DAY NIKOLAYEV ORIENTED THE SHIP IN SUCH A WAY THAT THE PLANES OF Th SOLAR BATTERIES BECAME INCLINED 70 DEGREES TO THE SUN* AFTER THAT THE TRIP WAS ORIENTED IN A CHOSEN DIRECTION BY APPLYING. A ROLL RATE OF THREE DEGREES PER SECOND REELMME .......... USSR SEVAST'YANOV, B. A. "Limit Rule of Poisson in a System of Sums of Indepe-ndent Handom Quantities" Teoriya Veroyatnostey i Eye Primeneniya [Tbeory of Probabilitics and its Applications], 1972, Vol 17, No 4, pp 733-738 (Translated from Refe-rativnyy Zhurnal Kibernetika, No 4, 1973, Abstract No 4V53, by V. Chistyak-ov). Translation: In many combinatorial probabilistic 1)roblems, integer random quantitites are produced, idUch can be represented as a sum of certain indicatork C = al + q2+ + n where r, takes on values of 0 and I and, generally the valijos .11-0 k independent of each other. Ibis work formulates rathc-r genernI conditions, under which the limit rule foi- where rl is the Poisson rule. 'Ibis 1/2 USSR Sevast'yanov, B. A., Teoriya Vcroyatnostey i Eye Primenoniya, 1972, Vol 17, No 4, pp 733-738. general result is applied to particular cases related to a polynonlial system. It is proven that the number of nonappearing results and the nuiliber of.,pairs of tests with sufficiently sildlar results in tile sense of a cer- tain metrics fixed in the set of results can verge on the Poisson rule. 2/2 MEN 11 ffll WIR"', RN'THIM111. USSR 5~Aga&OL B. A. "Branching Processes" Vetyyashchiesya Protsessy [English Version Above], Mos~--ow, Nauka Press, 1971, 436 pages, CTranslated from Referativ-nyy Zhurnal, Kibornetika, No 3, 1972, Abstract No 3 V165K). NO ABSTRACf. ;-Lz 1/2 045 UNCLASSI FILL) PROCESSING 0ATE--09OCT70 -TAITLE-OPTICAL ORIENTATION OF PRIME65 R6 AND PRIME87 Ra ATOMS BY LIGHT OF THE 0 SU8Z LINE ANO RELAXATLON IN THE~PRIML2 P SUUTHREE HALVES STATE DUE :AUlHOR-(04)-ZtiITN1KGVt R.A., KULESHOVt P.P-s OKUNEVICHt A.I., SEVAS]YANCiV, 8.N. ~.COUNTRY OF INFO-USSR EKSPERIMENTAL-sNOY I TEORETICHESKOY FIZIKI, 1970, VOL 58, Nk 3, PP 831-842 DATE -PUBLISHED---70 -SUBJECT AREAS-PHYSICS JOPIC TAGS--OPTIC PUMPINGt RU8I0IU:4# INERT GASt GAS PRIE$SUREP AUTATiNG 14AGNETIC FIELOp ELECTRON ENERGY LEVEL, HYPERFINC vitucruRE, EXCITED ELECTRON STATE ;.CONTROL MARKING-NO RESTRICTIONS CLASS-UNCLASSIFIED 'PRUXY REEL/FRAME--1971/0006 STEP NG--UR/005la/70/05B/003/0831/0842 -CIRC ACCESSIUN NO--AP0043606 UNCLASS IFIE 0 2/2 045 UNCLASSIFIED PROCESSING DATE--090CT70 --.C.IRC ACCESSION NO-AP0043606 ' A!3STRACT/ExrRACT-(U) GP-0- ABSTRACT. THE DEPENOENCE OF OPTICAL PUMPING SIGNALS OF RB ATOMS UN THE PRESSURE-OF THE NUBLE GASES HEr NE, ARI KR ANU XE IS INVESTIGATED. BY APPLYING A ROTAUNG MAGNETIC FIELD FOR SAPARATELY .013SERVING THE RESUNANCE SIGNALS FRUM TWO HYPkRFINE SIRUCTURE SUBLEVELS (IF THE 118 ATOM GROUND STATE ONE CAN FlIND THE CHARACHERISTIC PRESSURE OF THE INERT GASt P SUBO PRIMEt AT WHICH THE SIGNAL OF THE HYPERFINE STRUCTURE SUBLEVEL WLTH A LARGE PHI VALUE (PHI IS THE TOATL M.OMENTUM) VANISHES, THE VALUES OF P SUBG PRIME 03TAINED ARE EMPLOYED FOR CALCULkTIM T11E CROSS SECTIONS FOR DISORIENTATION IN THE PRIME2 P -SUSTHREE HAI-Vl:S EXCITED STATE OF THE RB ATOMS DUE,TO COLLISIONS WITH GAS A-TIJ;4S. ~ll~e 0i9 UNC.LoASSIF'I~H PROCESSING 0ArF--_?7.%i9V70 TITLE--MIXTURE FOR INOCULATING IRON MELTS -U- AUTHOR-103)-GOROUNOV, A.I., SEV NOV, N. S. ISilBUROV, V.P. COU,NTRY OF INFO--USSR *m-ft.%k S00RCE--U.S*S.R. 265t133 REFERENCE--OTKRYTIYA, HOBRET., PRom. bBRAZTSY, TLIVARNYE ZNAKI 1970, DATE PUBLISHED--09MAR70 SUBJE:CT AREAS--MATERIALS TOPIC TAGS--INOCULATICtit IRON9 LIQUID METALt CARBON, CALCIUM, MErALLURGIC PATENT MARKING--N0 RESTRICTIONS DOCUMENT CLASS--UNCLASSIFIED ~PROXY REEL/FPAMF--3003/t059 S TE' PP10--Uk /04H2) /70/000/1000/0000 /0003 CIRC ACCESSION NO--AA0I.30094 L 5, 1 fI I D, 212 019 UNCLASSIFI ED PROCESSING DATE--27NOV70 CIRC ACCESS10i'll PIO--AAC130094 ABSTRACT/EXTRACT--(U) GP-0- ABSTRACT. A MIXT4 FOR. INOCULATI"JG FE,C MELTSt THAT RAISES THE DEGREE OF CA ASSIMILATION AND REMOVES THE PYROEFFECT, CONTAIN'S CA INTRODUCED IN THE FORM OP A METAL AND FLUORSPAR IN A 1:2 RATIO. FACILITY: 0,14SK POLYTECHNIC INSTITUTE. UNUASS-1-FIED TITLE-- /CAPTION/ NEWSPAPER-- SOVETSKAYA ROSSIYA$ JUNE 21 1970, P 39 COLS 1-4 -ABST-RACT-- -A PHOTOGRAPH -SHOW-s.~- Ux!LL&-uv AND V&_ SEVAST,.YANOV AT THE INSTRUMENT PANEL OF A SPACE SHIP SIMULATOR,.,,_.. 4 -089 -UNCLASSIFI TlTLl:--SP.LLLH bY CUSAUNAUT StVASTYANOV --U- AUTH9R--5EVASTvANGV v -0-11wN -_;'C CUNTP --USSR I- aolw~:) Y` OF INFO PROCESSING DAT1-30OCT70 SL.UkC[-F6IS DAILY REPORTt SOVIET UNIONr 14 JULY 1970, VGiL 111, Nk 135, PP D6-D7 DATE P U8 L I SHE 0---- 7 0 SUSJECT AREAS--NAVIGATION, SPACE TECHNOLOGY, BIOLOGICAL A14D FIEDICAL SCIENCES TOPIC TAGS-STELLAR-SENSOR, VESTIBULAR APPARATUS, MANUAL, SPACECRAFT CONTROL, ANALOG COMPUTER, SPACEBURNE COMPUTERt SPACECRAFT NAVEGATION, -TELLITE, ''..GYRCS[OPE SYSTEM, LIFE SUPPORT SYSTEM MANEUVERABLE SA WE I GHT LE.S.SNESS, COSMONAUT CCNTRGL.' MARKING-NO RESTRICTIONS ~,'DCCUMENT CLASS-Ut-11CLASSIFIED :PROXY REEL/FRAME-3003/0618 STEP ND---US/0000/70/003/135/0006/0007 CIRC ACCESSIGN NC--AP0129801 UNCLASSIFIED ------------------ 2/4 089 UNCLASSIFIED P90CESSING DATE--30UCT7C CIRC ACCESSION Ni)-AP0129801 #44BSTk4CT/EXTRACT--(U) GP-0- ABSTRACT. DEAR COMRADES, LADIES AND GEN' TLEME N -IT IS 14Y DUTY AS FLIGHT ENGINEER TO RE-PORT ON THE FUNCTIONING OF ON BOARD SYSTEMS. THIS REPORT WILL BE VERY BRIEF: ALL SYSTEMS AND EQUIPMENT OF THE SHIP FUNCTIONED NORMALLY- I WILLv THEREFORE, DWELL ICN OTHER POINTS. A NEW, AUTOMArKC STELLAR ATTITUDE SENSOR, DESIGNED TO INSURE A RELIABLE AND PRECISE ORIENTATION OF THE SPACECRAFT AGAINST THE BACKGROUND OF INTERFERENCE OF STRONG LIGHT, WAS TESTED IN FLIGHT. THE INSTRUMENT WAS RUN IN AND ADJUSTED AND ITS CHARACTERISTICS CONVENIENTLY SELECTED. A VISUAL, OPTICAL ELECTRONIC INSTRUMENT CESIGNED TO INSURE MANUAL POSITIONING 13F THE SHIP IN FLIGHT OVER THE DARK SIDE OF THE EARTH WAS ALSO TESTED. PRELIMINARY RESULTS OF THE TECHNICAL EXPLRJME14TS CONFIRM FULLY WITH THOSE EXPECTED. WE APE CONFIDENT THAT THE SOYUZ TYPE SPACECRAFT IS SUITABLE FOR EVEN LONGER SPACE FLIGHTS. WE CARRIED GUY EXPERIMENT5.1.)ESIGNED TO STIJUY THE FUNCTIONING OF THE VESTIBULAR APPARATUS, EXTERNAL BREATHING, ARTERIAL PRESSURE DYNAMICS, SENSITIVITY 01; SKIN TO PAIN, CONTRAST SENSITIVITY OF THE EYEP AND EFFECTS OF EXTERNAL FACTORS ON THE EYESIGHT, MUSCULAR STRENGTH GF ARMSt AND MUSCLE AND JOINT SENSITIVITY. THE OBJECT OF THESE EXPERIMENTS WAS NOT JUST TO OBSERVE THE COSMONAUT'S STATE OF HEALTH, BUT MAINLY TO GAIN A DEEPER INSIGHT INTO:THE CAPABILITIES OF MAN AND OF ANATCMICAL ORGANS FOR NORMAL FUNCTIONING DURING A LONG SPACE FLIGHT. TO OBTAIN THE NECESSARY DATA FOR DESIGNING OPTIMUM LIFE SUPP13RT SYSTEMS AND ALSO FOR UETERMINING SCIENTIFICALLY 5GUND DIET ARRANGEMENTS AND WATER COMSAJAPTION, ENERGY LOSSES BY THE COSMONAUTS DURING THE FLIGHT WERE ESTIMATED. -10 r Willip'l Ww" molsa offimm. rium 3/4 089 UNC L A S S I F I E 1) PROcr-SSING DATE-30OCT70 ~C I k I-- ACCES-SIC,% %C~--AP0j29tj0I ~.Ac_-5TPixZ:T/EXTRACT--AT VAkIOUS STAGES Of THE FLIGHT. WE CARFIED OUT EXPERIMENTS CESIGNED TO STUDY THE TRANSIENT PROCESSES OF THE SHIP'S PA%UAL CC%T!4GL. THESE ExPERImENTS wERF CONCUCTED BY USING AN ANALOG C614PUTER 6N BOARD THE SHIP TO SIMULATE VARIOUS DYNAMIC CONTROL REGIMENTS -WHICH MAKE IT POSSIBLE TO DETERMINE THE TRANSFER FUNCTION OF MAN AS THE MAIN ELEMENT IN A CONTROL SYSTEM. EXPERIMENTS INTENDED 10 UEVELOPE THE OF INCEPENDENT ORBITAL NAVIGATION CONTINUED. WE DETERMINED THE PERIOD OF MEASUREMENTS hITH REFERENCE TO STARS AND SELECTED POINTS ON TFE EARTH. THESE MEASUREMENTS WERE USED To DETERMINE ALL THE 'ELEMENTS CF Ti-.E SHIPS ORBIT AND "',*ALCULATE ORBITAL CORRECTIONS. !iAIVIGATION TECHNIQUE WITH THE AID QF COMPUTERS UN BOARD THE SPACESHIP WAS FURTHER DEVELOPED. IT CAN BE USED FOR CONTROL OUPLICATION ANU FOR RAISING RELIABILITY OF THE SHIP'S CUNTROL IN FLIGHT. A SERIES OF EXPERIMENTS, ASSOCIATED WITH STUDYING STRUCTURAL ASPECTS OF THE 11P DUE TO THE EFFECT SPACESHIP, WAS CARRIED OuT DEFORMATIONS OF THE. S1 OF SPACE VACUUM ANO.GNE Sl~ED HEATING BY THE SUN WERE MEASURED. THE SHIP'S INERTIAL CHARACTERISTICS -AERE DETERMINED WITH GREATER ACCURACY; MOMENTS OF INERTIA AND THE POSITION OF THE MAIN AXIS OF 'INERTIA WERE DETERMINED. THE ACCURACY OF GYROSCOPIC DEVICES (?FOR MEASURING THE) ATTITUDE AND STABILIZATION SYSTE14S WAS DETERMINED BY USING OPTICAL INSTTUMENTS. THE INATUREt DYNAMICS, AND BRILLANCE PERAMETERS OF LUMINESCENT PARTICLES WERE FURTHER STUDIED AND NEW TYPE PORTHOLESI DESIGNED TO INSURE RELIABLE FUNCTIONING OF SENSIFIVE OPTICAL SYSTEMS THROUGHOUT THE FLIGHTs WERE TESTED. UINCLAS9.11FIED' 4/4 089 UNCLASSIFIE 1) PROCESSING DATE-30OCT70 CIRC. ACCESSIGN NO--AP0129801 AaSTRACT/EXTRACT-THE EFFECT OF AERODYNAMIC AND GRAVITATIONAL DISTUR31NG MOMENTS ON THE DYNAMIC CHARACTERI-STICS AND MAN-EUVERA61LITY OF THE SHIP WAS ASSESSED. WE CARRIED OUT A THOROUGH TESTING OF LIFE SUPPORT SYSTEMS AND OBTAINED VALUABLE INFORPATION9 OUR OBSERVATIONS SHOW THAT COSMONAUTS ADAPT THEMSELVE5 VERY QUICKLY TO THE STAIF OF WEIGHTLESSNESSt AND WE EXPERIENCED NO ILLUSCRY SENSATIONS. DURING THE FIRST 2 OR 3 DAYS OF ThE FLIGhT, HOWEVER, THERE WERE SYMPTOMS OF RUSHING BLOOD AND CERTAIN SENSATIONS OF DISCOMFORT., LATER, THESE SENSATIONS COMPLETELY DISAPPEARED. (PASSAGE INDISTINCT) WE SLEPT SOUNDLY AND HAD THE SAME KINDS OF DREAMS AS BACK ON EARTH. DURING THE FIAST DAY OR TWO WIGHTLESSNESS AFFECTED OUR MOVEMENTS* BUT AFTER 3 DAYSi WHEN WE HAD ADAPTED OURSELVES TO THIS STATE THE MOVEMENTS BECAME EASY AND LIGHTt CONFIDENT AND PRECISE. THE ACT OF MOVING FROM ONE WPIPARTMENT TO THE OTHER WAS ALMOST AUTEMATIC. UNCLASSIFIEG OWN UDC 621.313.592:546.19'681 KOVTONYUK, N. F., KUR.BATOV, L. N., NOMIN, V. V., ORLOVI,-Y,-,,I,%, RYABENKO, Ye. A., I ~ ~ -. RASKIN, A. A., ROSTLITOVA, R. P., SOLOV"YEV, A. A., SEV ~VG MVYAGIN, A. M., SHALLTMOV, B. Z., and SHAITLOV, Yu. Kh. "Some Problems of a Technological Formulation of the Process of Obtaining Epitaxial Films of Gallium Arsenide by the Gas Phase Method" V sb. Protsessy rosta kristallov i Dlenok Dolunrovodn. (Procedures for the Growth of Semiconductor Crvstals and.Films -- Collection of Works), Novosibirsk, 1970, pp 341-350 (from RM-Elektronika i yeXe primenenj.)Le, "To 7, July 1971, Abstract No 7BI30) Translation:- I "he er)itaxial films of GaAs obtained were produced by the gas phase method with the use of AsFx, Ga- and HGIL. GaAs -wafers cerved as substrates. The surface of a wafer was sub"ect-;dp to cbemical-mechanical processing and etchir,-, wi-11-h R2SO4: H202: H20 in the ratio 31 1: 1. Synthesis of thu GaAs was conducted in a reaction apparatus which was thoroughly scavenFed by R? and etched by BG1 at 9'r--00 C for ~O minutes. ~ftler ccoling, the Ga was loaded into the char-ber. -Me chamber was heated to a temperat-uro of for activation of the Ga surfaco. Af'er redu(;tion of the te=e.-aloure to ICO--'L,10 C, the GaAs substrote was intrcduced into the re- action zone. ~Xter heating the Ga area and the GaAs area, etching of the GaS was performed by H01 gas in a stream of AoH3 and "2 0 Yhe films ware dorod by Se. 112 i5st KOVTONYUK, N. F., et al., Protsessy rosta kristallov i pleack poluprovodn. (Procedures for the Growth of Seud-conductor Crystal-, amd Films -- Collection of Works), Novosibirsk, 1970, pp 341-350~(from RZh-Elektronika i yeye primeneniye, No 7, July 1971, Abstract No 7B130) beat specinens of film had n-type conductivity and a mobility of 4QgO__5.000 CM /V.sec. Films dopF d by Se bad a concentration of loI7__ jol at/cm) and a-mobility of 2000 cm /vovec. 8 ref. V.B. 2/2 56 - 'W --~7771!',,771171- fL--7 --l 77 USSR UDC 666.1.031.22:536.24 SEVAST-YkINOV R I. Candidate of Technical Sciences, BESPALOV, VO P. PROTSENT11-0, L. Ld. , . Engineer, State Scienti- fie Research Institute of Glass "The Influence of the Altar in the Svielling Point on the Heat Exchange and the 11otion of Glass Mass in the Boiling Basin o--,' the Furnace" Moscow. Steklo i Keramika, No 2,~ 1973, pp 4-5 Abstract: The ex-oodiency of mounting zan altar in the zone o f the swelling point of a glass-making furnace olf shoet r-la~~s -is analyzed on a physic-al analor qqd by examining, the B-M system of the factory "Proletafty". On t1he basis of model tests n-nd measurements of tem-ir)erature P~eid heat i-luxes in the KlFroletariyll furnace, the influence of diff"crent fo-rms of the- nltar on hydrod~-n--Tr~ic properties of the plas., nas --cre ;7icter- 1; _, -C S .; - 41 mined. The type Of f?n P.1t.-r without coolip.1-1 ic- considerecl to b-2 the best. The heiF-'!Itlj of the altar has not, to exceed the thic't- lios3 of the return flu7 of the ~aass mass, or not to e~,.cecd 2/3 of the b---in do-oth. 2ouv figurcri, foiar biblio,-,,,ra-wbic refPronce.,;, 27 - on-III USSR uDc 612.419 GOLANT. M. B., AWMNKO, V. G., and VILEEMKAYA, R. L., Institute of Experimental and Clinical Oncology, Acaejemy of 1,~.-dical Sciences USSR, and Scientific Renearch Institute of the Hinistry of the Electronics Industry "Effect of Microwaves on Change in the1fumber of Bone-Yarrow Cells Caused by Antineoplastic Chemotherapeutic Agents" Moscow, Biologicheskiye Nauki, xo 6, 1971, pp 58-59 Translation: Experiments were performed on mice to study the effect of the antineoplastic agents sarcolysin lphenylalanine mustard) and chrysomallin [antibiotic 2703 - derived fror. Actinomyces fluorescens and containing '.) acti- nomycins] combined with microwave radiation on bone marrow. The radiation was found to weaken the effect of the compounds. In an earlier work we investigatedIncreased resiotance to ionizing radiation following exposure of bone marrow to microwaves (1]. We showed that preliminarf microwave irradiation weakens. the effect of x-irradiation. When the order of the actions was reversed, the effect of xwirradiation was inten- sified. In both cases we used microwaves -with a wavelength of 7.1 = and x-rays at doses of 700, 1,400, and 2,100 r. We were unable to achieve a 1/4 USSR SEVASTIYANOVA iologicheskiye Nauki, L. A.1 et &I., B No 6, 1971, PP 58-59 similar effect in an ultrahigh-frequency field with wavelengths of 5.8, 6.5, and 7.8 mm (2]. This article presents data on the effect of microwaves combined with antineoplastic, chemotherapeutic agents on the number of bone-marrow cells. -al animals were 120 male mice (C The experiment 57 Bl XCBA)PI weighinG 2q to 30 9- The animals were exposed to whole-body irradiation in a microwave field with the following pararkters: wavelength 7.1 mm, magnetic field strength 2.5 mv/cm2, duration of expos-ure I hour. The millimeter range microwave generator has already been described [1,21. The first group consisted of animals that had not been exposed to microwaves and antineoplastic agents (control). The second included animals exposed to microwaves and given chrygomallin. The third received only chrysomallin. The fourth were in,adiated and given sarcolysin. The fifth included animals that received only narcolysin. The chemotherapeutic agents were administered once intraperitoneally L-nedlately before irradiation: chrysomallin at the rate of 200 /~(g/kg and sarcolysin at the rate of 10 mg/kg. The number of nucleated cells (H) in the bone rarrow of the right femur was counted 1, 31 5 and 3.0 days after the erp,5riprntal action of the microwaves and compounds.or only of the compounas and in the control 2/4 USSR SEVAST'YANOVA,, L. A., et al.,.Biologicheskiye Nauki, No 6, 1971, PP 58-59 animals (NO). There was a changre in the NINO ratio with time after the administration of chrysomallin. It decreased after 24 hours to 0-7 and at-ter 3 days to 0.5 of the initial value. After 5 days the number of marrow cells increased, but the NIN ratio did not return to normal, constituting 0.7 of the Initial value. OT;;nty-four hours after the coinbined aettion of the microwaves and chrysorrallin, the ININO ratio decreased to 0.7 as was the case when chryso- mallin alone was used. After 3 days its value rose to 0.8 and after 5 days was normal, whereas after treatment with chrysomallin. alone, the N/Ifo ratio remained 0-7- There vas also a change in the N1 V ratio with time following the admin- istration of sarcolysin. After 24 houros the ratio decreased to 0.4 and after 3 days to 0.1 of the initial value. After 5 days the number of cells . increased; N1110 was 0.4. After 10 days the number of marrow cells returned to normal. HINO did not drop as abruptly after the combined action of the microwaves and sarcolysin. The lowest NIN after 3 daYs Wag 0-3 instead of 0.1. After 5 days it vas 0.6 of the inItiRl value, but aftar 10 day- the number of marrow cells returned to normal'. 3/4 Win HIM! ff-M-0 NO WIP USSR SEVA$T')MOVAY L. A., et al., Biologicheskiye Nauki, No 6, 1971, PP 58-59 'The results of the experiments show that under the influence of mici\3- waves with a wavelength of 7-1 mm combined with sarcolysin or chrysomallin, the number of bone-marrow cells does not decrease as sharply as when micro- waves are not used. Moreover, the rate of restoration of the cell count increases after the combined action. 4/4 23- USSR uDc 576.858. ZHD-A-NOV, V. M., BYKOVSKIY, A. F., ALITSHTEYN, A. D., LOLINSKIYa T. F.0 URfVA.YEV,, L. V., VOLK011A, M. L., YERSHOV, F. I., WIN, K. V., BEKWMIROV, T. A., IRLIN, 1. S., MILLER, G.~ G.,. ZAKHAROVA, L. G., PEREKREST, V. V., GEPASINA, S ' F., and SEL"'s Institute of Virology imeni D. I. Ivanovskiy, Academy o Medical Sciences USSR, and't-he Institute of Epidemiology and Microbiology, imeni.N. F. Gamaleya, Moscow "Detection of Oncornaviruses. in Continuous Tissue Cultures" Moscow, Voprosy Virusologii, No 4, 1973, pp 411-414 Abstract: Studies were conducted on a number of h=an and animal continuous tissue cultures maintained. in medium 199 containing 10% bovine serun to determine oncornaviruses. Formation of oncornavirures in the tissue cultures were folloved by the appearance of virtal particles,.In the cilture fluid labeled with 11-3-uridine, susceptibility of their syathe-qia to low actinoi mycin D concentrations, appearance of these particles following inhibition o A' nuclear material synthesis by bromodeo.-cyuridine o-r mitomycin, presence of reverse tran-scriptase in these particles, presence of 60-70 S R.U in these particles, and electron microscopy. Of the 26 human lines investigated 14 contained type B oncornavirus, and .4 lines type C virus. Eight of the 112 USSR -M.ANOV' V. M. e t al. Voprosy Virusologii, No 4, 1973, pp 411-414 14.animal lines studies also showed the presence of oncoraaviruses. The source of these viruses in the human., lines remains unclear, but the source may have been bovine serum or porcine trypsin used in the preparation of cell suspension. It is noteworthy that type B viruses were isolated in human cultures of epithelial origin, while type C viruses in human cultures of leukotic. or sarcomatous origin. 212 25 IT,7 USSR UDC 547-447.7 543.42 -OVA, T. K., Novosibirsk Insti 4- ute VOLODARS.=, L. B., SEVASTI YAN U U AcadePT73r cl.Ms USSR, Siberian DeDart- of Organic Chemistry.- Ment, and Novosibirs!~ State University "Synthesis and ProDerties of 0(-Hydroxylaminoketones" Laninarad, Zhurnal OrganichesLoy Xhimii, Vol- 7, No 8, 1971, pp 1687-10692 Abstract: in searching for.physiologically ective compounds, two %:~C-hydro--,:yl,--.mino ice tones were synthesized by acid hydrolysis of the oximido-group of c(-hydroxylaminoketone oximes. Stable r,)C-hydro:,-,la-- minoketone hydrochlorides -,.zere prepared by a selective N-alkyla- tion of sodium anti-benzaldehyde oxime with ~~(-haloi:~henones at 0-100 and subsequent acid hydrolysis of il-2-(l-Lryl'-l-o.%-Io)al'A'--I phenyl nitrones formed by allcylation. Free C7~-laydro,,ylar,,l-inoIr-eto~'IC bases with a secondary or ter-tiary r_~-carbon dinerize on stana-ir-S to alkyl- and aryl-substituted N,Ilt-dioxy-dihydrooyrazines(I). An analog of (I) is obtained by neutralizing a