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USSR UDC 621.396.6-181.5 NIKITIN, NAZAPOV, G. V., SO., CIV, A. V., KOMEIMIKOV, -A. P., Sf A. JOV .,A.,- V. G., SAFONOV, V. A., SETIEGIN, V. P., BASHARIN, "Development of Equipment for Assembling Integrated Circuits by Welding with Pulsed Indirect Heatina and Ultrasound" Elektron. teklinika. Nauchno-tek-lin. -;b. Mikroelektronika (Electronic J.'ngincer- 2 ing. Scientific and Technical Collection. '1-LicroclccL:roiiics), 1970, vyp. 3 Q4). pp 70-76 (from RZh-r\adiotc!;hnika, No 4, Apr 71, Abstract No 41128i) Translation: A study was viade of the advantages of -welding by pulsed indirect heatin,,, and ultrasonic welding vhen asseiribling microcircmits. The technier-1. characteristics of the developed equipmant and the strueLlaral design. of tile operating tool are presented. The results of experiiLent~l op-exation of the devices are discussed. C170 1/2 02e, UNCLASSIFIED PROCESSING uATE-3-001- TITLf---lNTLVFER,Et~CE FREL OPERATION OF AN OPTIMAL 6INARY RECEIVER FOR DISCREIE SIGNALS UNDER COINDITIUNS Of NONIVEAL. SVINCHRUiNIZATIOfv; -U- AUTIiC~A~,-(G2)-SVIRIDE,\,'K'ki, S.S., SERE(ilNt Yove CICUNTRY OF INFG-USSR -3--JhCL--N,(jSLLv~, RAUICTEKH0,1KA, ti-u kp 1970, PP 18-23 --'-JATE PubLISHED-------70 SUSJr'CT AREAS-NAVIGATION TOPIC TAGS-SIGINAL k~ECEPTIGN, PULSE SIGNAL, SIGNAL INTEMFERENCE, INTERFERENCE lo-MUNITY ~'-zccNTRCL MARKING-NO RESTRICTIONS ~:,~~OJCUMENT CLASS-UNCLASSIFIED PROXY R EE LF RA M E-- 199 912 8 5 STEP NO--UR/0108/7('.)/(jC)O.IOCI;-'1001810023 c 1KC AICCCSSI~~N Nu--AP012~244 UNLLASSI~IED 2/2 029 UNCLASSIFIED PkGCESSING DATE--30OCT70 I,lIkL AC-L"ESSICN Nd--APOlz3244 Ali~iTRACT/EXTRACT-(U) (-;P-C- ABSTRACT. THE AUTHORS STUDY OPTIMAL RECEPT-IGN OF RECTANGULAR PULSE AND PSEUDURANUUM SEQUENCE TYPE DISCAETE .SlGi*.A,LS UNDER CONDITILNS OF NGNIOEAL SYNCHkONIZATION. kFLATIONSHIPS ARE OBTAINED FOR THE AVERAGE PROdABILITY.OF ERROR AND FOk THE OPTIMAL THRESHOLD. 'UNCLASSIFIEO TlTLZ--MG0lF [CATION OF CONVECTIVE CLOUDS -U- AUTHUR-(()3)-GAYVUR0NSKlYr I.I.i ZATSEPINA, L.P., SEREGII'll, YU.A. :,:~C.OUNTRY OF INFO-USSR ILVESTIYA AKAJEMIZ NAUK.SSSR, FIZIKA ATMOSFERY I OKEANA, VOL VIt NO 3, 19701 PP 252-Z58 'DATE PUBL ISHED--70 ---SUBJECT AREAS-ATMOSPHERIC SCIFNCES ,~..TUPIC TAGS-CUMULUS CLOUOt AEROSOLs WEATHER MUDIFICATIONt CLOUD SEEDIINGs THUNDERSTURM ~CGNTROL MARKING-140 RESTRICTIONS ,:-DOCUMENT CLASS-W41CLASSIFIED REEL/FRAME-1991/07,15 STEP NU--UR/0362/70/006/OC)3/0252/i~258 -CIkG ACCESSION NO-AP0110449 A C 7,r 1 1: 2/3 014 UNCLASSIFIED PROCESSING DATE--090CT70 CllC ACCESSION 140-AP0110449 ABSTRACT/EXTRACT-(U) GP-0- ABSTRACT. THIS PAPER GIVES THE RESULTS OF EXPERIMENTS FOK MG01FICATION OF WELL DEVELOPED CUMULUS CLOUDS 8Y AEROSOLS OF INSOLUBLE SUdSTANCES. THE GREATEST EFFECT WAS 03TAINED WHEt-l USING HYDROPHILIC PAR11CLES. 1-110ST Or-, THE EXPERIMENTS ~IEKE MADE IN INDIVIDUAL CLOUDS OR I'N MASSES OF DEVELOPING AIR.4',IASS AND IRONTAL CONVECTIVE GLGUDS IN THE STAGES CB AND CB CAPIL. THE VERTICAL THICKNESS DF THE CLGUi)S SUBJECTED TO MODIFICATION VARIED FROM 5 TO 10 KM. Q THE TOPS OF THESE CLOUDS ATTAINED 7t000-12,000 M 14HE-RE THE AIR TEMPERA7URE WAS -20--58DEGREESC. THE REAGENT USED WAS A COARSE DISPERSE AEROSOL OF PURTLAND CEMENI WHOSE SPECIFIC SURFACE WAS, 4000 CM PRIME2-G. THE EXPERIMENTS CONTINER. EACH UNIT. HELD ABOUT 10 KG OF REAGEN T. THE CONTROL PANEL WAS ARRANGED SO THAT BETWIF.EN. 10 ANID. 400 KG OF REAGENT COULD BE DUMPED AT ONE TIME. A POSITIVE RESULT 14AS OBTAINED FROM THE SEEDING OF 5~- OF 55 THUNDERSTORM CLOUDS WITH GREAT VERTICAL DEVELOPMENT. AFTEk SEEDING THE CLOUDS CCEASEU FURTHER DEVELOPMENT AND THE [OPS GRADUALLY BLGAN TO SETTLE. THEN THE CLOUD ACQUIRED A FIBROUS STRUc"rlJRE AND BEGAN To 61: STRAS I-IFIED INTO SMALL PARTS wfllCH,EVAl)l)RATEL) WI IHOUI THE FALL!N6 Of SIGiNIFICANT PRECIPITATION. THE CLOUD WAS DISSIPATED WITHIN 7 TO 20 MINUTES. THE CRYSTALLINE PART OF THE CLOUD PERSI$TED FN THE FORM OF A LAYER AND THE ANVIL REQUIRED SEVERAL HOURS FOR DISAPPEARANCE. 01RU-1 (.0;4VARISON 'OF RESULTS (k MODIFYING SUCH CLUUDS bITli INSOLU6LE SUbal'ANCES AND CRYSTALLIZING REAGENTS '(AGI OR SOLID CCJ SU112) SH04S THAT THE PRUCE55 OF CLOUD DESTkUCTJON OCCURS. 14DRE kAPIDLY WITH THE INTROGUCTION Of AN AEROSOL Of INSOLUBLE REAGENTS. UNC LA SS I F I E D 3/3. ' 014 UNCLASSIFIED PROCESSING DAfc---090CT70 ~~:CLRC, ACCESSION NL)--AP01104-'#9 :..A3STRACTJEXTRACT--THE EFFECTIVENESS OF THE LATTER IN THE DESTRUCTION OF CLOUDS 15 ALSU CONFIRMED BY RADAR 041SERVATIONS. AFTER SEEDING THERE WAS AN APPRECIALBE DECREASE AND THEiN DISAPPEARANCE OF RA010 ECHOES. FACILtry: CENTRAL AEROLOGICAL CBSERVATURY. viNCLASS tf I EU PROCESSING DATE-20NOV70 A C Y R EJ I R L M EN T S T I rL[--PLS I LT Y jF LC~,F R I NG THE SYNCH.RCIN I ZAT 10A ACCUR FLR LFf IYAL RLUPT1014 !jF CISCRETE S"I'UNALS -U- ALTki0.R-(G2)-SLREuIj%, YU.V. p SVI.MDENKO, S.S. CCuNTRY CF It%FL--USSR VOL. 25t APR. 1970P P. LOL-103 DATE PUi~LISHFD---APR70 'rJUN, COMMUiNICA A TCPIC TAGS-SIGNAL RECE~ TION SIGNALt AWiR SIGNAL, SIGNAL AtiALYSIS CCiTRCI- kSTxICTIONS 0 C- It'.' U M L f, r C L A 5i iN C L A S IS 11' 11 PROXY kLL-L/f*kAME--3U0G/C3C9 STEP CIRC ACCESSICN NO-AP013i113 'j.NCL ASS If I E ........... m 212 UNCL ASS IFIED ;PkOCESSLING DATE-20)NOV70 C C L C C [9c ACCESS Ic i LD CT AUSIKA . , T;' A-' r-- ').ri( 'C fGli-VELUPIENT of A IiET~Iol) OF Lt, Ell Lb ti E R ll~ G -1 ilt- S 1'i%' I t7~~UJRL'M:NrS IN THE OPTIMAL T lc~ SHCR r DuRA (IN L -'RGE BAS E S I GN AL S FOR lu., f c- Pur~.IIUSES. THE (-:ETfiGJ DEVELLWED UN THE BAS[S Lit-T,L I'L OF THL RESULTS OF A~-,, P,"'ALYSIS OF AN GPTII,'~AL RECEIVER, OF DISCRETE SIGNIALS ro,~ T I N u PERf OPERATING 5YNCHP.U-..'4-,ZATIUN CUNDITIGINS, USSR UDC 621.391.14 SVIRIDENKO, S. S., SEREGIN, YU. V. "Oucput Voltage Determinacion in Pseudo-Faaqdom Signal Correlation Processing" ,.~Ioscow, Radiote-k-h-nika, Vol 25, No 9, 19701, pp 1-3 Abstract: Pseudo-raadom signals are ordinarily received by nicans of a matcbed filter. The two methods usually used for determininl~- the 'iilter output Volt- age u1nen the input signal is distorted by the line system involve mathematical difficulties, often to the point where recourse to an electronic computer is necessary. The first of these methods uses the Fourier intlegral, while the second is based on the use of the Duhamal integral. The author of this arti- ., the Duhamel integral, which avoids the cle proposes a new method, also using difficulties in either of the two earlier methods. To demuns t rate how his solution is applied, he uses the example of the output voltage of a filter natched with an und4ist-orced m-sequence of 31 elementary signals of tile form if, before tile filter, the ,qo,.,4nl:, the output signal signal -is put throu.:r*q a linear system. A graph S' as found by t"he method of the article and the signal plotted from the auto- correlation function of the undistorted signal for the va-sequence shows good correlaLion between the two. USSR UDC 621-396.677 SEMINA, A. R. ffMothod for Calculating the Near Field of a Vibrator Located Hear an Ideal Con- ducting Planeff Tr- Unsk. eneM, In-ta (Works of the Moscow Power Engineering Institute), 1972, v7P.119, PP 3-15-127 (from RZh-Radiotekhnika, No 11j, Nov 72j Abstract No 11 BQ Translation.: The method anploy-ed in the given viork differs from the traditional method in that the integral equation is not comprised vith respect to the current in the antenna, but with respect to the normal ccmponent of the electric vector whasa value is determined by the electric strength of the =-iitter. It is assumed that the vibrator is a body of revolution of arbitrary fonn -with an axis which is parallel to the metallic plane. Original article., five bibliographic entries. N*S* Um UDC 621.396.677 ZAYTM., A. S., SMIWINA,, A. R., and KHODATAYEV, IU. V. "Exper-imntal Study of the Near Field of Wire Antennas" Tr. Uosk.. energ. in-ta (Works of the Hoscow Power Englneerixvg Th-Aitute), 1972, vyp.119,, pp 128-135 (from Kh-Radiotel~chnika, No 11, Nov 72, Abstract 110 11 B5) Translation: The authors study tho near field of vibratior typo And gamum type, folded dipole antennas. The method of direct. field measurement ard the mettiod of modulatexi reemisai-on vere use