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112 0113 I.J,,4C L AS I F I E 1) p P:-,3 c E su 'i c~ DA T F - - ~_ 7;1; 0"i 7 T I T L E - - S F L FC T I ON 0 F A B "'');k ENT SF'j'--, F L~."C 05 03, SJ 1.0 V i Y~l C ~~i% 1-104J AUTHOR-SELIVERSTOV, V.14, COUNTRY OF INFO--USSR PAIKL. KHIM. (LENINGRAD) 1970#:43(3)t 690-2 DATE PUBL ISHED ------- 70 SUBJECT, AREAS--CHEM IS TRY MtECH.., IND.v CIVIL AND MARI-01: ENGR ,TOPIC TAGS--ADSORPTIONt FREUNt 14YDROGEN 5ONDlNG/(U)Fs0:0N Z2 COOLING SYSTEM ~.'::FLV 107 (U)FREON 21 COOLING SYSTEM FLUID CbN*TR0L MARKING--NO RESTRICTIONS DOCUMENT CLASS--UNCLASSIFIED .P-R,OXY REELIFRAME--3004/2015 STEP C AccessION NO--AP0132216 UN C L AS'S I F I 'E't) 212 015 UNCLASS II F: I ED PAOCESSING OATE--27MOV70 .CIRC ACCESSfO,"I NO-AP01-32276 ABSTRACT/EXTRACr--IU) GP-0- A3STRACT. ~7HE eXPTL. DETD. SIGN OF THE DEVIATION FMM RAOULT'S L~AW FOR SOL14S. -OF FRMNS [N VARIOUS s(jLvt,%,rS is IN GENERAL PkEDICTED BY THE 'CLASSIFICATION OF SOL%,'--','.4TS AC-CORDING TO THEIR ABILITY TO FORM H BO,klf)S (R. EWELL,, 19,44). THUS IIEW SOLVENTS FOR FREON ABSORPTION IN COOLING SYSTEMS SHOULD BE SOUGHT Pil EWELL'S GROUPS III (MOLS. CONTG. ELECTRON 00NOR ATOMS) AND IV (.14CILS. CONTG. ACTIVE li). FOR SOLNS. OF FREON 21 OR 22, THE. EXTENT OF DEVIATION (PSI-PSI SUL EAL FROM RAOULTIS LAW DEPENDS ON THE DIELEC, CONST. (W OF TNE SOLVENT, tq.!TH VALUES FOR SOLVENTS ON 2 CUPVES H4111NG.MAX. AT APPI',If.)X. THE SAME VALUE OF D, IN A GRAPH OF 0 VS. PSI-PSI SUSIDEAL. F AC I L I ~T'(: LENINGRAO. JINST. VOD. TRANSP., LENINGRAOt USSR. UNCL A S S I F If, 1) USSR LWO 621.3-035.4 BELIVERSTOV, V. P., HEL'NIKOVj A. M., THOMENKO, M. I., Wid MIR, T. 1. j "On the Question of Constructing Chlorous-Cupri-klWeaium, Cu.-Tent Sources" Ivanovo, Khimiya I Rhimicheskaya Tekhnologiya, Vol 15, No it, 1972, pp 1754- 1756 Abstracts It is well known that the use of magneaium current sources with cmthodes coated with CuG11 is limited by their long parlod of aotivatior and by not allowing h4h current densities. This work attempts to improve t~e Obaracteristics of sources by changing their structure. The negative electrode was made of a magnesium alloy (FA-8)j CuCl consisted of not Ic-sa than 9,"-% of the basic component. In the new current source the perforation of the conductor Uas Increased for coated electro(les, and the position of the alectrode in the model was reversed. The period of activation Is reduced only :to the time needed for the impzvegnatlon of the diaphragm, Cathode potential has a sufficiently positive value, and the elements are characterized by a high and stable tension/ strain. A/h capacity increases by 18-20%# ~ One condition or the attainment of these favorable electric characteriatieG is the exclunion of conductive USSR SnaVERSTOVO V. P., et al., Xhimlya I khimicheskaya Teklinologiyal Vol 15, No 11, 1972, pp 1754-1756 inpurities from the active material. This variant of current sources allows a further improvement in the technological process of praparing current sources with CuM chloride and significant3y broadens tho sphere of their uses 2/2 USSR UDC 621-3-032.21 SR P., Ir-,,Lt*-'TI' V, A. M., PLYUSHIMIUA, V. S., T.TVFRST TMOMMROWI.-474~.%, K-UNIII, T. I. (Deceased), "IaDartment of Electrochemical Production Processes, Ivanovo.Institute of Chemical Technolor,-,y 3 "Fabrication of Brush-on-Type and Molded Copper Chloride Cathodes for Magnesium Power Sources'! Ivanovo$ Izvestiya vYsshil-h Uchebnylkh zavedeniv. T,hiniiya i Iddrlichesi-ayp- Eel'-dEnolorrlya, 'Vol 14, :~O 11, 197~P Abstract: A new technique described is for ris'A - ng copper chloride- base active mass for brush-on-ty-pe positive electrodes designed for use in magnesium. Dower sources as well as a method of fab- ricatinc, molded -oorous con-oor-chloride cathodes bused on the reduction Of CuC12,2H20 with a highly disperse dvy cop-per powder. The ex-oerimental. data indicate that the presence of chemical pure excess coDDer nowder acts favorably on the effic-len.-ly of power sources, The cell volitarse is increased by -15-50 mv and the activation period is decreased. The factors responsible for the 112 UIQiR SELIV~ERS-101-1, V. P. , et al, Izvestiva vyslshi'~ iichebn7T!:h ,:a.vedeniy. --- h - - laimiv:7. i 1,]-nimiche~sIzaya teI-M6`lo;:-,i~-a PP improved cell ch2racteristics, other than the higher conductivity of the active mr~ss, is the much higher disnersion of the co-over chloride produced by the dry met-hod. rj'.7he latter aspect is the basis for ma-in7 of molded nositive Dorous electrodes, The porosity of the finished electrodes is rated at- nercant, against -15.7 Dercent, in factory-mr~de molded electrodes with r7ranh- ite, The load T)otential is about the same in both; the cell volta,gze, however, is considerabl'Y higher and more stable with time. The efficiency of conDer chloi~ide is 95 percent. effective utilization of the P-nodic material is increased by 'percent. The nicicui) w/hr capacity it discharge to 1.2 v is incrieased by Iributin- factor is t-he lower solubility of 20 aercent. A cont. COT)Der chloride on the electrode in the Presence of higher porosit-1-y as well as 'the higher concentration of chloride.ions in the electrolyte causing anode activation. 2/2 WO 577 WSW, H. N. I VIOXWGH, V. 0. VAUNA, I. P., ~C lg~,!F.STOVAI L. A.# BORODINA# V. M., and ROWWA, L. L., Institute of MAcrobioloiWO Academy of'sciences USSR, and Botanical Institute Izeni. V. L. Komaroy, Academy of Sciences USSR "The Mechanism of the Antimircobal Action of Biologically Active Iodine Compounds" Moscow, Izvestiya Akadenii Nauk SSSRt Seriya Biologichaskaya, 11o 6; NOVIDOC 71, pp 819-829 Abstracts Bacteriological, phase-contr-dst, fluorescenc,-p, and electron microscope investigations revealed that the antinicroba.1, activit"Y of iodine ~coapounds is due to the poeitive monovalent iodide ion (.'*) arW not to nole- cular iodine (1 2)# The most active substances, such as 1od1na-pota-,siu;t iodide and it:3 compound uith polyvinyl alcohol (iodinol), as vell as oxidized hydrolodic acid and its compound with Dolyvinyl ao.-ohol, readily penetrate yeast and bancterial cells and by combining with oxidizAnC5 themitochond-tia, intracellular polysaccharides, and sembrane-lipoproteins, suppress and eventually completely inhibit the respiration of the cells. 43 J12 025 UNCLASSIFIED TITLE--SONIE DATA ON' THF 001CYST SHEATH FORMATION SPOROZOAo EIMERLIMAE -U- C OUNT R YOF INFO--USSR $QURCE-_TSIT0LGGIYA 12(2).* 238-742t 1970 -DATE PUBL.ISHED -------- 70 !",.SUBJECT AREAS--BIOLOGICAL AND MEDICAL SCIENCES Pil"CICEESSING ~)ATE-27NOV'70 1WEPIERIA TENELLA T OP I CTAGS--SPOROZOA, ELH,-TRf)N MICROSCOPYt ANATOMY9 1510LOGIC RHRf.)DUCTION C.CNTROL MARKING--N0 RESTRICTIONS -00CUMENT.CLASS--UNCLASSIFIED -PR.OXY REEL/FRAME--3006/0507 STEP 'qg--UR/905?,/701012/002/0238/0242 ~CIRC ACCGSSION NO--AP0134275 ;N L A 1 mom mom%= 2/2 025 UlNcLaSSI FIED P",0CFS..,rNG OATE-271NOV70 -CIRC ACCESSIO'N NO--AP013-t275 ECT, .A-8STkACT/EXTRACT--(U) GP-0- A,3,STR~CT. BY F RON ~MICROSCOPY, STEPS OF THE FORNATIt SHEATHS W-ERE FOLLOalf- 'IN OF COCYST 'D I N E. TE-NELLA. 1"HE: OUTER LAYER OF THE SHEA TH 15 PRODUGED tIT THE EXPENSCE: OP THE T-GRANULAR STPUCTURES THAT ARE P;~UDUCTS OF REORGANIZATION or- 'nHE "LABYRYNTHII BODIES -DURING THE 11ACROGAMETE GROVITH* THE "DARK" BODIES ARE ALSO I,.14VQLVED IN THE FORMATIO114 OF THE OUTER LAYER OF THE SHEATH. THE NOJER LAYER WHOSE ~PROGRESSIVE FORMATION *dAS NOT ALLOWED iN DETAIL IS LIKELY TO APPEA-~ A-r THE-EXPENSE OF THE f-LABYVY?,,lTH-l BODIES AND THEIR CON'PLEXES, THEIR ULTRASTRUCTURE WAS SIMILAR-TO THAT OF BODIES II,.lIjGLvFD IN TdE OUTER LfYER FORMATION. THE RESULTING SHEATH A.AOUND THE 00CYS1 COiNSISTS OF 2 LAY~RS: THE OUTER AND INNEq ONES ARE SEPARATED: FROM EACH OTHER BY AN ELECrRo~l DENSE SPACE ANID BY 5 NIZEMBRANES LI-1,11TING 'THESE LAYFIR~S. FACILITY: LAB. MICROSCLIP. INST. CYTOL. ACAD. SCI., USSRi LENIN'GRAOI USSR. UNCLASSIFIED Fort USSR UDC 539. VOROB YEV, A. A. GRACHEV, V T., KONDUROV, I. A., NIKITIV, A. M., and __1of f fi- SELIVESTROV, D. M., Physicotechnicel Institute imeni F* "The Formation of Light Nuclei in the Thermal-Neutron Induced Fission 'Reaction of Uranium Isotopes" Moscow, Problemy Fiziki Elementarnykh Chastits i Atomnago Yadra [(Problems of the Physics of Elementary Particles and the Atomic Nucleus)], Atomizdat, Vol 2, No 4, 1972, pp 939-958 Abstract: Consideration is given to the results of an experimental study of light nuclei produced in the process of thermal-neutron induced ternary fission of U235 and U233. The experimental installation is described. Instead of using semi condu ctor-detector AE - E telescopes for identification of the particles, a mass spectrometer was used for simultaneous measurement of the follo,,zing particle parameters; BP, v, E, AE/Ax, Data on the yield and energy spectra of hydrogen, helium, lithium, and beryllium isotopes are presented. The yields of all the isotopes:were measured:with respect to the yield of the alpha-particles. These results are compared with the theoretical data and with data obtained from fission under the action of fast protons. 12 figures, 6 tables, 32 references. USSR UDC 50.217 ALEKSANDROV, Yu. S., KOVSHELt, M. N., SELIVOKHIN 0. S SOROKIN, A. V. 'IS)qithesis of Statistically Optimal Automatic Systems" Nelineyn. i Optimalln. Sistemy [Nonlinear and Optimal Systens Collectior of Works], Moscow, Naulca Press, 19"71, pp 104-119, (Transl',ited from Referativnyy Zhurnal, Kibernetika, No 10, 1971, Abstract No 10 V127). NO ABSTRACT. 3 ------- Pulp' N USSR uDc 658.383.4:687 SELIVO,'71 S. G., Institute of Biophysics "The Physiological Basis for the Efficient Design of Combination Suits ~hde of Both Porous and Nonporous Materials Moscow, Gigiyena Truda i Professiomllnyye Zabolevanlya, NO 5, 1970, PP 15-19 Abstract: In most persons, 50% of perspiration is excreted from the trunk, the middle and lower regions of the back in particular, irith 30:,~4 of the total perspira- tion coming from Michaelis' rhomboid. of suits with porous materials cover- ing five different portions of the back, showed that heat exchange at an aribient temperature of 33-350C and relative humidity o*4 25% Is most efficient when air- and vapor-permeable cloth covers Michaelis' rhom1boid. Disruption of the beat balance and functional shifts are not as marked as when eq~aivalent areas of less tense perspiration are covered. At an ambient.temperatau-1-- of 21' C when i n radiation and convection are mostly responsible for heat emission, this relation- SUP betureen the location of porous cloth and the degree o.f disruption of the heat balance is not observed. A. UNC LASISIFIED 'PROCESSING OATE--160CT70- TITLE--PHYSIOLOGICAL ~~ACKGROUNOS FOR RATIONAL DESIGNING (if COMBINED SUITS (MADE OF AIR TIGHT AND IMPERMEAbLE FABRICS) -U- AUTHOR--SELIVON, S.G. ,~,.-.COUNTRY OF INFO--USSk SOURCE--GIGIYENA TRUDA I PROFESSIONAL'INYYE ZABOLEVANIYA, 1970, NR 5, PP 15-19 _~.:DATE PUBLISHED ------- 70 1-SUBJECT AREAS--MILITARY SCIENCES CJOPIC TAGS--HEAT TRANSFER, IMPERMEABLE PROTECTIVE CLOTHIMG, HOMEOSTASIS "!CONTROL MARKING--NO RESTRICTIONS 1'~',_DOCUMENT CLASS--UNCLASSIFIED REEL/FRAMF--1995/0411 STEP NO--UR/0391/70/000/005/0015iOOl9 CIRC ACCESSION NO--AP0116081 UNCLASSTFIED ~2/2 031 UNCLASSIFIED PROCESSING DATL--160CT70 CIRC ACCESSION NO--AP0116061 ABSTRACT/EXTPACT--(U) GP--O- ABSTRj~c'r HEAT TRANISr:ER BY EVAPORATION IN THE REGION OF THE BODY TRUNK AND LIMBS WAS STUDIIED IN' rHE EXAMINED PRESENTING DIFFERENT TOPOGRAPHY OF HIDROSIS IN ORDER TO APPRAISE THE PART IT PLAYS IN PRESERVING THE TEMPERATURE HOMEOSTASIS IN MAN AND TO CREATE ON THIS BASIS A MORE RATIONAL.DESIGN OF COMBINED SUITS MADE OF AIR TIGHT ANU 1IMPERMEABLE MATERIALS. WHILE DOING WORK WITH THE COMBINED SUIT ON AT AN ENVIRONMENTAL TEMPERATURE OF PLUS 33DEGREES MINUS PLUS 35DEGREE.S, WHEN EVAPORATION IS TH E ONLY WASY OF HEAT TRANSFER, THE .,EXTENT OF THE THERMAL BALANCE DISRUPTION DEPENDS LARGELY ON THE SITES WHERE PARTS OF THE SUIT MAUE OF AIR AND VAPOUR PE RMEABLE FABRICS ARE LOGATED. IN THE EVENT OF THEIR LYING.OVER THE ARrAS WITH THE MOST INTENSIVE PERSPIRATION THE DERANGEMENT OF THERMAL BALANCE' ANO FUNCTIONAL SHIFTS.IN THE ORGANISM ARE LES5 SIGNIFICANT THAN h'HENT THE AREAS OF EQUAL SIZE LIE ABOVE THE ZONES WITH LESS MARKED I-11DROSIS. WITH THE ENVIRONMENTAL TEMPERATURE OF POSITIVE21DEGREE-S, WHEN HEAT TRANSFER PROCEEDS MAINLY THROUGH RAO[ATION AP40 C.ONVECTIONj NO SUCH DEPE,10ANCE OF THE THERMAL IMBALANCE ON T14E LOCATION Of THE Alk I'IGHT 1-Af~klC SECTIONS -COULD BE OBSERVED. AT THE SAME TIME, 4 CLEARCUT RLLATICN 8ETWEEN THE OEGREE OF THERMIAL IMBALANCE AND THE OVERALL SURFACE AREA OF THE SUIT MADE OF AN Alk TIGHT FABAIC WAS NOTED., DISTURBANCE' li'C'RE T14E S-MALLERV THE GREATFR WAS THE AIRTIGHT FABRIC AREA OF THE SUIT. FACILITY: INSTITUT BIUFIZIKI. UNCLASSIFIED USSR IT KhRLIkZINSKIY, A. ZICIROU 1'~ V A., KOSTYCIEV, G. I., YO S ."Reliability Research on D40S Transistors" Moscow, Mikroelektronika, No. 1, 1971, PP 141-154 UDC 'Vone and &SEIJ 0%7 , Abstract: The reliability of integrated circuit,3 u.--in,- 1.16' `Gran- sistors io discussed. Experimental investi,-,ation hats sho,.-ai that- the -practical reliablity of such integrated circuito is -less than. predicted, and is inferior to that of circuil.-Is usine-, bi-,olar transistors. The purpose of this papar is t-o find the types of breakdoi-,m in these circuits and to, determine I;he ova-.1itative i-n- dices of 1,10S transistor reliability, for tvraru,.U-tor;~ 7"a6e by the planar technique idth char&,e --tabilization in Uie 0,,,-j.(Ie throu, C711 the use of P2()r,' 'A description of the preraration oj`.' the tr,,in.Ati- tors under test i3 given. ~diq typqf3 of te:~t were: .111 the swi t Chin,c), otate, at ;~%n ambicnt temperature 61" 1000 C; -J-o-r ther=11 "fatioue," in -.Jlich the specimens, %,rere tested :L-i the switching stuate with Cyclical elockIri-cal loadini., 11 b ie n) temperature of 900 C; ,-Tith inverse bias apj-4Lied to t,he D-n junc- tions between the diffusion regions of the dra;in, the souTce, and the substrate, and for a groiLqded -ate, with a temperature o-J" 1001) C. The res,,Llts of the tests ai-e Cdven fairly stat;ictic2l 112 USSR KARMUZINSI'JY, A. N. , e t al, Nikroelektroni'k-a, No. 1, 1973-, PP 141-154 treatment, and photographs of transistor bre,-at:doi~,,ns are sho-,rn. The authors concluded that the folloi-iing must be dc~ne to Lncrc-ase the reliability of the transistors: a visual qiiality checif of transistors with oxide and metallization defec,,,s; check of- tran- sistuoro whose leakage currents amount to tenths or units of a microampere; preiiminaa-y aging. it i;as also found that the most widespread of catastrophic breakdovi-n is pinctura of -Lhc- oxide under the gate at t1he boundary-of the drain region. 2/2 148 Molecular Biblou USSR DESHCHERFVS=, V.T.~ ZHAE=i1S!aY, A.M., SELIKOV, YE.YE., SIDORLMO, N.P., and SMOL', S.E., Institute of Biophysics,'MaMm-i-of Scier-ces.USSR "Oscillating Biological Processes on.the Molecular Level" Moscow, Biofizik,-,, Voll5, Uo 2) 1970Y pp 225-234 Abstract: One inLportant task of modern biophysics io to investiEnte corldi- tions under which oscillations may occur on various level:;. Same oscilla- tions represent a nomal functional state of a system (n~p.:)cardial fibers), while other oscillations repre3ent an abnormZ11 (pathologi.,_'al) zitate. oscll- lating processes have -been investigated in oingle-enzyme, multi-enzyme, and model catalytic oystew, in calloidal syi3temul. and in a syatem with a strLct structural organization: striated muocle. A. catalytic reaction is a repet;.- tive cyclic proceso: each enzyme molecule fomw a complex -,t-ith the Substrate, induces a reaction, and returns to its initial state. So'lutiont, of actomy- csin ditsplay configurational oscillations involving revemible Ghifts in the ATPase activity in the absence of the ATP, which arre-z"'s these oscilla- tions. Nu.1ti-enzyme syaterzw "In cello involve hundreds of biochemical reac- tions and various control mechanisms, which regulate the rixtirity of enzymes, '.he speed of their synthesis and destruction~ the permeability of biological membranes, and so on. These mechanisms c3n also disrupt itie equilibrium "1 11, 1 --1 --1115 1- ,II - - ` W USSR DEESHCBEREVSKEY., V. I., et al, Biofizika, Vol 15, No 2, 19'T0, pp 225-234 of biochemicadl systems and cause fluctuations in the co.-acentratior, of reacting substances. Liquid-phase models of enzymatic reactions yield reproducible results and are used to investigate the spatial synchronization of oscilla- tions. A specific situation arises in mechanical chemistry: the enzymatic breakdown of ATP changes the mechanical state of the muscle, which in turn affects 'he s U U peed of this reaction. Further studies of oscil-lating processes may contribute to our understanding, of the following phenomena: the mecbanism. of enzymatic catalysis; the nature of control mechanismr, in wLlti-enzyme systems; the molecular kinetic basis of bioi-ogical moti'l'ity, and the cause of morphological organization in initially homogeneous systems. USSR PEREDERNIN, L. V. , KOAPOV, A. YA. and SELYALUN I Silrerian Retallur- gical Institute "Investigation of the Properties of a Graphitized Steel" Novokuznetsk, IVUZ-,Chernaya kletallurgiya, No 6, 1971, PP 151-154 Abstracti The properties of graphitized Fe-C alloys depend on the structure of the meta3lic matrix and the graphite phase. I'AxIMcmtion has a considerable effect on the phase parazacters and changes both the mechanical anti casting properties. A steel (0.9-1.~% C, 0.9-2.5,9 Si, 0-3-0.6,19 Xnt 0,043,1~5, P (max), . '4 Cr (!, was nAlted In a_n, imduction fuxnace with 0.04 S (max), and 0 03; .ax) ) - an acid lining, heated to 1590-1620 0C, end upr~n tapping treated with 75% ferrosilicon (up to 5%), silicocalcium grade KaSiO (0.3;1.' max), silicocalcit= with magnesium grade FTsM1--5 (0-4% max)IforrosilicocaleliL,.~+rja-.gnesiuri pxade FSKM (1.2% rax) and alurainum (0,15% max) As well as with the above-mentioned alloys in combination with aluminuia and ferroallicon. The complex nodification of graphitlezed steel with alloys having globularizing (1~g, Ce, Ca) and graphitizing ($i, Al) elerments makes it po*sible to sborten the heat treatment time, and Increase both the mechanical 88 USSR PEREDENERNIN, L. V., et al.O.N.M-C.hern~ya Xetailurgi~,a, iio~6p ig7i, ~PP: 151"154. and casting properties. The investigated steel had the best properties when modified with alloys FS194 (0.6% min) or FTsII-5 (2%, min) -k 0.3% Si75 0 and heated by normalizing at 980 C and annealed at 760 C Four figures, ore table. five bibliographic references. i/2 016 UNCLASSIFIED PROCESSING DATE--230CT7C TITLE--PROCUCTION OF COiMPACT GRAPHITE IN G10PtilTEZED STEEL W"ITH GRANIULAR PEARLITE -U- AUTHOR-103)-PEREDeRNIN, L.V., SeLYANINj I.F., KHRAPOV, A.YA. COUNTRY OF. INFO--USSR SOURCEl--IZV. VYSSli. UCHEB. ZAVED, CHERN. ME-~. 19TO, 13(2), 129-33 DATE PUBL. ISHED ------- 70 SUBJECT AREAS--PlATFRIALS TOPIC TAGS--GRAPHITIC STEEL,, GRAPHITIZATION, METAL 14ELT'ING REST.RICTIONS C0NTROL MARKING CLASS--UNCLASSIFIF0 1) 1 '1903 REE-L/FRAME--1997/1393 STEP p~,QXy .CIRC ACCESSION W-ATOt'-10186 UNCLASSIFIED ------- ... .. ... ... 2/2 016 UNCLASSIFIED PROCESSING DATE--230CT7C CIRC -ACCESSION NO--AT012018b 'ABSTRACT/cXTRACT--(U) GP-0- ABSTRACT. THE 0PTI!4UA CHEM. CO'4P%. AMID HEAT T R E A TIM EN TCONDITONS fiE--kE 'A'ORKED OUT T,9 03TAINIL THE STRUCTURE ~ ~RVIJL R G F A PFARLITE WITH FINE, COMPACT, AND UNIFORMLY 0IST11.1BUTED GRAPHITE I'kll C L U S I (I NS SEVEN MELTINGS OF STEEL WERE :~~ADE: (C (S(1310TAL) C (SUBGRAPHITEi) St 1.01-2.47, 11IN 0.45-,).51, P 0.027-0.045' AND S 0.012-0.028 WT. PFRCENT). SPECIMENS WERE CAST INTO GRFEN SAND CLAY ylJLDS. THE OPTIMUM HOAT TREATMEN-T CoNDITIONS ~41:RF- HEATING To 1000DEG,~EES IN 2 AND ONE HALF HR, NORMALIZING FGk I AND 0",iF- HALF ki.R AT 950-1050DEGREES, COGLING TO ROOM TEMP., AND ANNEALING FOR 2 ANO ONE HALF HR AT 750-60DEGREC-S. A CONITENT ()F St LARGER THAN7 1.51).=RCEINT DID NOT GIVE PEARLITE IN THE STlkUCTUAEj WHILE IN ORDEk TO UBTAINI GRANULAR PEARLITE, THE SIC, AND MN SHOULD BE WITHIN TjiE L141TS, 0.9-1.5PERCENT, 1.0-1.51 AND 0.454-0.65PERCENT RESP. AT C CONCNS4 LAA(;[.--R THAN I.5PERCEPJT,' THE GRAPHITE INCLUSIONS LOST THEIR comp"cr FORM. FACILITY: SIB. MET. INST., NOVOKUZNETSK, USSR. rM trap USSR uw: 6,69am. PEREDERNIN, L. V.1 GELYAM j 1. F., and MIRAPOV, A. YE. "The Problem of Producing Compact Graphite in Graphitized Steel with Grainy Pearlite" Izv. VUZ.11 Chernaya Yietallurgiya, No 2, 1970p PP 129-133 Abstract: Charges of rail steel were smlted in a 60-kg induction furnace in an attempt to produce graphitized steel with a structure consisting cf grainy pearlite with fine, compact, evenly distributed graphite inclusions. This st:ruc- ture was produced with contents of 1.0-11.5% C, o.9-.L.5%-si, ana o.45-o.65% Mn -with a beat-treatmeat mode consisting of heating, to l(Y)OQ over two wn(l one-half hours, holding at 10000 for one and one-half' houro, cooling to islxm t-jinperature. over on~5- half hour, annealing at 770C~C for thTv3f-- hours?rind Fradual coolirig to 4000 followed by quenching to room temperature. HiFher contenta of silicon do not facilitate the formation of the pearlite structure (the more silicon, the wore ferrite was present). Increasing %the carbon content results in it more compact form of the sepamted graphite. The influence of silicon on the rate of gnm~hite sinter growth results frem its action on the energetic position oiO the conductivity electrons in the lattice of the ((X)-iron,~ in vhich this elem--nt Is dissol,,red. 111-9 EFFECT OF GROWTH CO":TJOM 0*4 THE A~0 MECKARICAl PROPMUS OF Sl~CLZ DMIUM ANTIMMIDE CRYSTALS lArticle by T. G. Dubots, L. r. Ycianak~~-, V. Y. I., Sel'aftimA. HosZowl'Havolls,trek-, tnt ~pfj~A~n_p!~~ Russian, 12-17 June. 197'.. r and thA atudy - tods of the Affect of ItItS a Cxoth~AI ~vm' 1,14 danalty of 6tchol4*119108. Thc latrett or tim to~tqlnur 00 the dislocatio" 4IxtT%wtizn In the lona.11-f purifl*d indlum antiroonide to demonstrated. A study was Bade, of the 0(lert of the growth dvraztlon to the naturm, of the dio tributtan of the *tchlng figures In slaSle lrdiva isetkaoutdo crystals obtained by the C"chralski method. The etching canditfous Vat* polvatted f*r dl*t"mTltg the dislatstLoas In the (211). (311), (100). (U0) piwas*. An estimt* was mada of the-incLinatl4mof. C" w1wis arti"de crystals toward brittle, cwtv" or track farvation hy tba. felb~vv vast wetbad. 112 029 UNCL ASS[ F I ED PROCESSING DATE--13NOV70 TITLE--RE-GQRj)lNG OF ULTkAW;,--AK Lum.114OUS FLUXES I NIHE 200-850 MMU R&~~;ON -U- AUTHOR- (13) -P ERTSEV, A.N't? PODOLNYY, E.I.t SELYANINOVf YU.YE. COUNTRY OF INFO--USSR ;-SOURCE--lH. PRIKL. SPEKTROSK. 1970, 120), 523-? DATE PU3LISHED ------- 70 SUBJECT AREAS-'-PHYS ICS TOPIC TAGS--LUMINESCENCE SPECTRUM# OPTIC SPECTROMETER, Plit.)T 0,11IJ L T I P L I E R TUBE, PULSE ANALYZER, RECEIVER' SENS I T I.V,l TY tONTROL MARKING--NO RESTRICTIONS DOCUMENT CLASS--UINCLASSIFIED PROXY REEL/FRAME--1996/1491 S r[ 1.1 '40--(JP./03bf3/i'0/012ifQO"/0523/052 C119C ACCESSION' ?410-00118473 L-NCLASSMED 2/2 029 UNCLASSIFIED PROCESSING DATE--13NOV70 CIRC ACCESSION NG--AP0118473 A8STkACl/EXTR4CT--(Ul GP-0- ABSTRACT. ~THE METHODS ARE DISCUSSED OF 4 1 N. MEASURING ULTRAWEAK LUMINOUS FLUXES BY USING PHOTUNULTIPLI'ERS; A NO. OF PHorGELECTRONS (N) DETECTABLE BY THE INDIVIDUAL TECHNIQUE ARE QUANT. ESTD. THE METHOD OF DISCRETElRECORDING OF P.+aTONS WITH UIFFERENTIAL PULSE HEIGHT DISC& IMINATIONS IS BY FAP Tft~: MOST EFFECTIVE TECHNIJ)UE TO MEASURE ULTRAWEAK LUMINDUS'FLUXESt fit aEllfll. GIVEN BY THE RELATION N E.~UALS (2N S03T-T) Prk[MEONE IHALF WHEk N ~-'--UST DENOTES AV. NO. OF THERMOELECTRONS FRO,',l PHOTOCATHODE-SEC ANG T T!,ME GR RECOROING. A j -S FUNDA --('TAL MODERNIZED VARIANT OF THE- TECHNI~~ E IS,OESCRIBEO AND 17 -1 Z- 4 OPERATING CHARACTERISTICS ARE PRESENIEDi THE ELECTRONIC DEVICE TOGETHER WITH AN OPTICAL SPECTRC/lETER PROVEO TO BE EFFICIENT FOR STUDYING 310t PHOTO, AND RADIOLUMINESCENCE IN rHE 20a-850 M MU Sl*-1ECTRAl. REGION. UNCLASS IF IEP USSR UDC 669. SELYANSKAYA, N. P., GULYAYEV, A. P, "Laws of Hardening of Binary Alloys Based an Tantalu;n" Doll. XXX Nauchno-tellin. konferentsii. Mosk. ia-t 1-hi-m. mashinostr. T. 2. vyp. (Reports of the Thirtieth Scientific and Technical.Conference of Moscow Institute of Chemical Machine-Building,. Vol 2. No 1) , Moscow, 1970, pp 112- 114 (from RZh-Metallurgiva, No 4, Apr 71, Abstract No 41785), Translation: k1b, V, Ti, Zr, Moand W, which were added in the .1-mount of 5, 10, 20, 30, 40,and 50 atomic Z were used as the alloyint, elements. The greatest hardening is caused in Ta by Mo, W,and V, and t-hen by Zr and Ti. ,Nb does not harden Ta in practice. The alloys contaiaing, Ti and Nb have good Workability in the entire concenLration range. The limiting No content (the strongest hardener) is less then 30 atomic Z, Alloys cotiLaining 30 and 40 atomic % jMo were ruptured on deformation. The limit of satisfactory deforma- bility of alloys with W lies at the content of 20 atomic % W. USSR ux: 621.375:621.117 PONOMAREV, A. N. SETYATITSKIY,, V. G. "A Voltae-, Amplifier Which is Adaptive to a Range of Variation in the Input Signpi Dokl. Vses. nauchno-te_'&.,n. kon.-:'-__--_ntsii ro radiotekhn. i=mereniv=. T. 3 ports of the All-Union Scientific and Technical Conference on Fadio Engineer- ing Measurements. Vol. 3), Novozibirsk, 1970, rp 122-1~3 (from R-Zh-Radictekb- nika, No 1, Jan 71, Abstract No !A410) Translation: in devices for registrations of signals w1hich vary in arpl-;- tude over a wide d~yxiaric range, the use of logarithmic arqplif'iers is limited by the high error in gain on the lower section of the d,~rnamic characteri sti c of the a -lifier. An automatic device is proposed for istepped control of amplification by changing the depth of the negative fee(foack wlich encorr, passes the amplifier. A block diagrari of the device is: given and its opera- tion Is explained. One illu-stration. E. L.. USSR UDC 621.357:621.79.027 _)T44, F. V., IVANOV, gL "Intensification of the Process of Electrochemical Machining by Introducing Ultrasonic Vibrations" V sb. Novoye. v elektrofiz. i elektrolthin. obrabotke Tzwterialov (What's New in t L Electrophysical and Electrochemical Treatment of ifaterials -- collectio-.1 of works), Leningrad, Mashinostroyeniye Press, 1972, pp 23-25 (from Uh-Khiniya, No 12,,Jun 72, Abstract No 12001) Translation: It was demonstrated that the com-unication of ultrasonic vibra- tions to the anode significantly increases the efficiency of the process of electrochemical dimensional machining and lowers the po~~Mr consumption. 24 USSR UDC 62t.165.251:534.1.001.5 RUNOV, B. T., DON, E. A., MEYEROVICH, L. B., and KOVAL', G. S. "Vibration Condition of Bloc-Type Tufbo-Units "Kotelln. i turb;-n. ustanovki energ. blokov" (Boggier and Turbine Installations of Power Units) Mo�cow "Energi.,va", 1971, pp 192-201 (from RefPr:;itivnyy Zhurnal-Turbostroyeniye, NO 10, Oct 71, Abstract 10.49.4-6) Abstract: It is suggestpd, on the bnsis of data fron, vibration studies carried out by the All-Union Inst tute of Heat Engineerir-"5~ im. F. E. Dzerzhinskiy. on more than 120 slurbo-units with evaltition of vibration parameters, to usp the effective vali,,e of vibratirn sT)epd as a criterim for evaluating the state of vibration of a turbo-unit. In accordance with de)relo 'nzed GOST project, evaluation of vibration should be made by the large!~t mepsured value of the effective vibration speed of a bearing in,accordance with the fol- lowing scales excellent - no-?"- higher than 1.8 mri/Gec, good - not higher than 2.8 mm/sec, satisfactory - not hiehe- tl-ian 4-5 mm/sec. 14 figures, 1 table. - USSR UUUTIN# G. YA. Kazakh State Pedagogical Xnstitute ixeni Abay, Alma-Ata "On Light Absorption in Paramagnetic Crystals" Leningrad, Fizika, Tvexdogo Tela, Vol 15f Vyp 11 Jan 73# pp 22-28 Abstracts The article considers the effect of ion-phonon. inta:raction in the presence of low-lying paramagnetic Ion energy levels on light atsorption by tbo Impurity paramagnetic center in a crystal. It is ehom th&t in the case of a single-phonon light absorption spectrum resonance peaks appear at the edges of the phonon spectrum with a width equal to the iridth of the ion electron transition, the distance between the peaks and the principal light absorption line being equal tothe zagnitude of the ion-level splitting, M USSR UDC 53-07/.08+53-001.5 SELYLITTIN, R. P. AlPreliminary Processing of Spectra" Tr. Soyuzn. NII -priborostr. (Works of the Union Scientific Research Insti- tute of Instrument Building),, 1971t N~jrp- 16, pp 3-8 (fr,;m RM-Fizika, No 4, Apr 72, Abstract No 4A574) Transla' Lion: The author considers various methods of prelirdziaz~.r process- ing of spectra obtained on multichannel analytors: sma,:,,thing, detcrinining the position of peaks, their enerpen, correction of srp~.,cLra, and approxi- xate evaluation of iiq-;u:rity concentrations in a mixture-. The results of such processing using the Vansk-22 computer are presented. Resume. Vi USSR UDG: 681.32.001 SELYUTIN V. A., ULYBIN, B. N. "Approximation Methods of Solving the Arrangement Proble" Skaisiavimo technik-a. Vychisl. telklinika. T. 1 (Computer )-engineering, Vol 1), Kaunas, 1970, pp 269-274 (from Rzh-Avtomatika, Telemekha-.1.ika i vychislitel!- naya tekhnika, No 9, Sep 70, Abstract No 9B!99) Translation: The efficiency of various algorithms for solving arrangement problems is evaluated, A special algorithm of the sequeniJal type is proposed ,ihich leads, on the average, to entaller valueb of the critarial function by comparison with known sequential algorithms.. The bibliography has five entries. USSR U1)C 621.317.726;62l.384.2 1ELYUT111 V. P. 'Nean Pulse Amplitude Meter" Moscow, .Pribory i Tekhnika Ek-sperimenta, No 6, 1971, pi) 96-98 Abstract: A simple meter which operates by the direct rectification M-ethod [M. I. Gryaznov, lzmereriye impultsnvkh napaAzheniv, Soviet Radio Press, 1969) is proposed for monitoring the parameters of semiconductor detectors of nuclear particles. The meter permits measurement of -the mean pulse amplitude with an accuracy of -0.5 percent by including a controllable swiLch In the dischar,ge circuit of the integrating capacitance. The operation of the neter is discussed, and an error analysis is presented for it. Sources of c-rror include 1) statis- tical voltage fluctuations; 2) instability of the clock circuit; 3) the return currents of the rectifier diodes lead to loss of charge by the reservoir capa- citance in the intervals between pulses. In ireasuring t1he efficiency of charge accumulation in semiconductor detectors, 61w optimal frequency load with a time constant of I microsecond was n 100 puls'es/second. 83 Acc. Nr: Abstracting Service: Ref. Code: J9rOO4OOO5 CHEMICAL ABST. ?0 79%6n Studying the life of a metal-P*Iymer pair in slidini- f fliction bearings Kricbevski~i,_.V&; Lel'cbuk' I- K. 91L., na.- D R'. =Wssy 191" tRuss Twe (USS 0. ~ (1), 68 r ing parameters were studied of steel ~sbafl -bearing syat-tms. Bearinp were made of solid cast nylon 6. (1),07. Ittel,coate-&with I of -by spraying or by dipping into'hot fluidiked 1. The C1 bearing temp. W and frictio al moment with time, the lom; of I b~ attrition, and the changes of the friction cot6ff. with the work- abilitv criterium q(t)vS1H(t)R1. Jq(t) is the dynamic viscosity V is the li3near shaftLVelOCity, a~ is thi Oepn- be~Ve4 iFi shaft anA the bearing, H(t) is the hardness-temp, funaibri of the bbaring isur- face, R is theshaft radius. and ( i3 the bearii-ig !ength JL. U, Lell- chuk. et at., 1-%8)j are shown in.graphs.' ~The 16is of I by~~Itri- tion occurs rapidly when the workaSility criteriluril