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112 033 UNCLA$StFIED PROCESSING DATE-30OCT70 JITLE-LOW TEMPERATURE PliUTOLUMINESCENCE OF SINGLE CRY5TAL5 OF THE 6111 MODIFICATION OF ALPHA SILICON CARBIDE~_U- .AUTHOR-(021-LLSITSAj MaP.9 ROXANENKO* V.,F. XGUNTRY OF fNFO--USSR .SOURCE-VISN. AKAO. NAUK UKR. RSR 1970, (2)v 65-9 rDATE PUBL ISHED----70 -PHYSICS :UdjECT~ AREAS ;~':tOPIC TAGS-PHOTOLUMINESCENCE, SILICON CARBIDEt SINGLE CRYSTAL PROPERTY9 .- ._LOW TEMPERATURE PROPERTY, CRYSTAL IMPURITY* NITRUGENY ALUMINUM# LUMINESCENCE SPECTRUM :_CC-NT?,CL 14ARKING-NO RESTRICTIGNS :DOCUMENT CLASS-UNCLASSIFIED ~-PROXY REELIFRAME--2000/1159 STEP NO--UR/0655/?0/000/002/0065/0069 ZIRC ACCESSILN NU--AP0124814 UNCLASSIFIEO 212 033 UNCLASSIF-LED PROCESSING OATE-300CT70 CIRC ACCESSION NG--AP0124814 .,ABSTRACTIE-XTRACT--(U) GP-0- ABSTRACT. CkYSTALS OF HEXAGUNAL ALPHA SIC OF THE N TYPE DOPED wITH N (N SUBD EQUALS 5 TIMES 10 PRI,',IE16 MINUS 5 TIMES 10 PRIME18 CM PRIME NEGATIVE3) A140 UF NE PiTYPE D'OPE-0 WITH AL (,,q SUBA EQUALS 5 TIMES 10 PRIME17 MINUS 4 TIMES 10 PRIME18I) WERE STUDIE0 AT L014 TEMPS. IN THE PHOTOLUMINESCENCE AND AFTER6LOW (OB51). AFTER 10 PRIME NEGATIVE3 SEC) SPECTRA OF THE P,CRYSTALSt AND THE MAX* USUALLY 03SOo AT 2.78r 2.73, 2.67l 2.63, 2.561 2.52, AND 2.40 EV SHIFTED TOWARD LOWER VALUES AND DECREASED IN INTENSITY AND THOSE AT 2,7$:, 2.67, AND 2..56 EV DISAFFEARZED WITH LOWERED INTENSITY OF THE EXCITING LIGHri OR ENHANCED -TEMP-. GREATER THAN 40DEGREESK. MECHANIisM5'FOR'THE SPECtRAL BEHAVIOR ARE DISCUSSED. UNCLASSIFIED "'71/2 026 UNCLASSIFIED MCESSING DAI*E--30OCT70 W,-.T_ITLE--LO4.TEMPERATURE PHOTOLUMINESCENCE OF ALPHA SIC.v6H,SlNGLE CRYSIALS _U_ ~:~AUTHQR-(05)-LISITSAv M.P.t KRASNOVir YU*S*t RDMANENKOt VsFor REIFMAN, M.B.1 "-`--..::SERGEYEV, O.T. i;'COUNTRY OF INFO--USSR OURCE--OPT. SPEKTROSK. 19701 28(3)9 492-7 ATE PUBLISHED--- '..:~.SUBJECT AREAS-PHYSICS ,:TOPIC TAGS--PHOTOLUMINESCENCEl LUMINESCENCEt. SILICON, SINGLE CRYSTAL :."r-MYROL. MARKINIGG--NO RESTRICTIONS CLASS--UNCLASSIFIED --:PROXY REEL/FRA14E--199810921 STEP NO--UR/0051/70/OZB/303/0491/04,97 CIRC ACCESSION NO--AP0121523 !1NICLASSIFTED 2/2 026 UNCLASSIFIED PROCESSING GATEI--30OCT70 .qCIRC ACCESSION NO--AP0121523 'ABSTRACT/EXTRACT--(U) GP-0- ABSTRACT. THE LOW TEMP. (20DEGREFSK) -PHOTOLUKINESCENCE OF THE ALPHA SIC 16H) SINGLE CRYSTALS 4LLOVE0 WITH N SSION BANDC. AND AL IS CHARACTERIZED BY THE PRESENCE OF TWO SERIES OF EMI.i CORRESPONDING TO THE RECOMBINATION IN THE DONOR ACCl---PTOR PAlille THE :NEUTRAL N ATOM DOES NOT ACT AS THE CENTER OF THE RADIATIVE RECOMBINATION IN SUCH CRYSTALS. UNCLASSIFIED USSSR uDc: 621-3T4-5088.8) MADYAR P. M. ROMANKIKO ."I. -IVAIIOV, V. P. "A Rectangular Pulse Shaper" USSR Author's Certificate DTo 272361, filed23 Feb 68, puhlished 9 Sep 70 .(froni RZ-h-Radiotekhnika, No 2, Feb 71, Abstract No 2G325 P) Translation: This Author's Certificate introduces a square pul-se shaper based on thy.-istors. One of these is the main thyr-istor which is con-nected in series with the load. The other is a quenching thyristor with a shaping line connected to its anode. To extend the range of the output prf and increase efficiency, the cathode of the main thyristor is connected through a semiconductor diode to a matching resistor and to the cathode of the quenching thyristar whose anode is connected to an auxiliary power supply through a choke ani a third thyristor. T11-4. "MAX, A34D CMUSIOR SUPEIMLINO Of ~A M&T AM ITS- RELATION TID THE CROM 1110CESSE3 (ArCU14 by XkUq!?a, K. ~ V, OxtaninA. V. 3~.-.Iomanenko. V,-S-..Fheyfttff. 1:1- ziz;~=Ium P~ przt..&~- tMatz i Sint'. ~ , tikmmom"~ 'K-9 Stallov I Plen.k Ku.stan' 12-17 June,. 19)7-.p 281 Directional crystoll1lation to accompanied by the accutganca of a tempars- di*nt and * concentration gradient In front of the growth front. The of both gradient@ Le connacted with the growth rats at the crystal and the sagaltudo of the external temperature gradient In the device. At high comentratlars of the admixture. the exceeding of a critical value of the growth rate leads to tbo =cur,,t*nc* of diffusion or concentration supercooling at the molt in the crystal. ;n the: Solid phiso'conc~riation Inhomogunistime ore ob served to this coo*. It was demonstrated pi"Loualy (I) that t-he value of fk evo4atlally. -dvp*nd.*.ou-tho date are presented an the gtuwth~af the crystals of the blesuth-antimooy system confiriaing these calc4latione. fummver. for low concectratioris of the admixture, the usual theory of 41fluoian supercooling Riven an inevease In the value of the critical growth rate. in this paper It was demonstrated Met In this come it is meceemary . sider two now factorat diffusion supercooling which occurs an crystal- to " litation of complex cm~ndi as a romult at 4awlati6n:of the componition from staichlametry (in ,this case the excess couponnot plays the role of the odatsture) and ths ccrutronce of thermal supercooling of the nelt. It occurs an a rte-nlt of the fact ihat at increased growth rates. the amount of hait which mot be rtn*Yed,Jtrv in the melt On occurrence.of this ftEfact, structural 4erorts appear. is the growing solid phase. , The theoretical prirciplas of thim offPci awv* dw#oloped. They permit calculation of the S"Uttudc of the critical growth rate toi the offect of thermal supercooling. A comparison van made with the experiment. It cautirsed the corToctasse of the calculations. DIBLIOCIMUT 1. G. V. 1IkLtIa&. V. 9. Romminamiko. TOM tZrpeasion Unknown), Val A. No 6, n't, .. . ........ . 023 UNCL ASS IF I ED']; PROUSS[NG DATi.--13NOV70 TO THE STUOY OF DUHRING'HERPETIFO-RM OERMATIT15 -U- -AUTHOR-ROMAAEN N C QU~ NTRY OF IiNFG--USSA K L I N I CI E 5 K A Y AMEDI TS INA, 1970, VO' ;46 pNR 3p~ PP 111-11i, DATE PUBLISHED ------- 70 ~SUBJECT AREAS--B IOLOIG I CAL AND MEDICAL SCIENCES "S TOP I CTAG --DERMATITIS~, CHEMOTHERAPY, CORTICOSTEROIDt SYNGROME -CONTROL IMARKING-NO, RESTRICTIONS DOMMIENT CLASS-UNCLASSIFIED 'PROXY REEL/FRAME-3004/0516 STEP NO--UR/0497/70/C~t+8/(jO3/Cllll/Oll4 CIRC ACCFSSION INk-AP0131139 2/Z 023 Ui,.C L AS S I F I ED pi~-'-JcEss ING 1"IATE-13NO1,17C ~CIRC ACCESSION NO-AP0131139 'ABSTRACTI-EXTRAcr-m) Gil-0- A435TRim. UN D ER STU!)Y ',jif:i,,E LT4 FIATIF~WS SUFFER ING FROM UUH:-~ ING' S HEi~P~T IFOPA D E i0l, A T I]IS. 1,1 i i~', F CENT) F E S t i~ F. 4, s WERE 14ALCS 159.7PER E PREVALENTLY UND R TH - AG JF +0 Y :A (70. 1PEqCENT) IN 24.11)FRCE.4,47T OF PATIENTS THERE PATilu-LOGIC"'iL CHANGES IN THE GASTkOINTESTINAL TkACTt HELAINTH[C (~WASJUNt RHEU.I.ATISM, ET. ERUPTION W'AS USUALLY PULYMORPHOUS (60,3PERCFr4l'), RARELY AGAINST THE ER Y THEil ATOUS BAC K GO, OUl"40 TJ I I- R E W E -R E SE E N GRO UPE D VE S I C UL A E0 . I P F PC (-:-4T OR BULLAE ( 19.6PE-r~CENT) THE ilUCOUS MEMBRANES ARE kARFLY AFFECTE-0 (9,67PERCENT) AND IN NOT A 'SEVERE FORM. ~ EOSINUPHILIA HAS A 01-CISIVE IMPORTAiNCE; JADA.SSrjHtq'S TE:sr YfC'"-LJ NE-GATIVE RESULTS OUT 00-~:S NOT EXCLUOE THE DIAGNOSIS OF HERPETIF04M, UER.MATITiS.: ACAWHOLYTIC CELLS ARL AOSciNT. A TEMPORARY EFFECT FROM DIAMINUDIPHENYLSULFONti: IS SIG,'4IfICANrLY -ilcIiER T!-1AN THAT FROM CLIRTICOSTER010S. THE Pil"EPARATION IS WELL TOLEAATED BY PATIENTS A' I I,,-IE ;-JD MAY BE Pi~ESCRIBED FOR A LONG ::~AC 11. TY: DONETSKOGO MEDITSINSKUGO INSTITUTA [14 Ai. M.; *(;OR KOG,"' . u L L L f- I 035 -112 , UNCL?~SSIFTED PROCr-SSING DAI!'E--I$SEP70 ITLE--COMPARATIVE EVALUATION OF THE CONTENT OF CERTArh TRACE ELEMENTS IN THE BLOOD OF PATIENTS WITH PEMPHIGUS -U-. .'AUTHOR-00-~ORSUYEV, N.A., ROMANENKO* V N ZAKHAROVP I.YA.v SOROKAs V.P.. --tOUNTRY OF iNFO--USSR URCE-VESTNIK DERMATOLOGII I VENEROLOGI.Ij 1970s NR 3v PP 25-28 so ~j6ATE PUBIL ISHED ------- 70 SUBJECT AREAS--BIOLOGICAL AND MEDICAL SCIENCES -flTOPIC TAGS--TRACE ELEMENT, BLOOD CkEMISTRY, DERMATITIS, SILICONt ALUMINUM# ITANtUM 7,03NTPOL MARKING--NO RESTRICTIONS~ 'DOCUMENT CLASS--UNCLASSIFIED .__PRCXY REEL/FRA4E--1985/1489 STEP NO--U9/0206170/OPOIO()3/0025/()')-7P .CIRC ACCESSION NC--AP0101573 __UNC LA_&S_f Fl_E_D__ 03.5 UNCLASST.FIED PROCESSING DATE-13SEP70 CIRC ACCESSION NO--AP0101573 ~~ABSTrA.CT/EXTRACT--[U) GP-O- ABSTRACT. THE CONTENT OF SILICON, ALUMINIU~4 ANjD TITANIUM WAS DETERMINED BY ME4NS OF SPECTROCHEMICAL ANALYSIS IN THE WHOLE BLOOD OF 42 PATIENTS WITH PEMPHIGUS ACANTHOLYT[CUS AND (IF 31 P-ATIENTS.WITH DERMATITIS HERPETIFORMIS DUHRING. THESE TRACE !:-:LEME,,IITS PARTICIPATE ACTIVELY IN CONSTRUCTION OF EPITHELIAL AND CONNECTIVE TISSUE STRUCTURES OF THE SKIN, AND THEIR CONCENTRATION IN THE BLOOD IS CLOSELY CONNECTED WITH MORPHOLOGICAL CHANGES IN THE SKIN* IN THE BLOOD OF N M NIUMI -PLATIENTS WUH DERMATITIS HERPETIFORMIS OUHRING THE CONTEr OF ALUIT TITANIUM AND ESPECIALLY SILICON IS REDUCE0, SINCE THESE TRACE ELEMENTS ARE UTILIZED IN LARGE AMOUNTS FOR REHABILITATION OF TRANSITORY .::DLSORGANIZATION OF CONNECTIVE TISSUE STRUCTURES IN PATIENTS WITH ;PEMPHIGUS ACANTHOLYTICUS THE CONTENT OF tHE.SE TRA'C'E-, ELEMENT-S, ESPECIALLY .''OF.SILICON.- IS MARKEDLY INCREASED WHICH IS EXPLAINED BY THEIR INCREASED .,.RELEASE DURING DEGENERATION OF THE EPIDERMIS, IN PERPHIGUS .-ACANTHOLYTICUS THE INTERCELLULAR CEMENTING MATERIAL IS DISSOLVED, AND -MAY: POSSIBLY BE ONE OF THE IMPORTANT COMPONEN7S OF THE LATTER. UNCLAS-3fFIED USSR UDC 553.98:551.247:!i5O.837-622.241(574.1~'/13) MISHCI-FENIC CO, G. DF~IENVYZ' 'A, I. G. , ITILENCHIK, A. M . 0 F 2 POGREBrNSKIY, S. A., ROAANrNKO, V. P. , and FOXENKC) ~ K. Y,,. Trust for 5peciaJ. Geophysical Geology, USSR "Electrometric Pesearch on the Border Zone of tile Pre-Caspian Depression by the Method of Telluric Currents" Moscow, Neftenazovaya Ceolooiya i Geofizil-a, N'o 5, 1972, pp 36-42 Abstract: The article swi-i;i:arizes the results- of research in the depression by the method of telluric currents. This riethod was used for mapping the elcme_nLs of the salt tectonics in this territory tile basiis of the acute difference betueen the specific resistence of the salt --lid that of the sediments of the persalt complex. The results, claassil~'Icd according to the regions of the investigated territory and the character of the re- lation with the cross-section, dre briefly set forth. An inalysis of the. nature of the telluric anomalies is given. 4 figures. 79 USSR ROMANRM, YU. A., VASIL'YEV, V. P., SIDORCHUX, V. G., and SIPOROV, V. N., Ob-criE -Scientaic Research Institute of Geologyq Geophysics and Kineral Raw materials "Information Reader" USSR Authorst Certificate No 356663, Cl, G o6k glo2, filed 7 Apr 70, pub- 31shed. 23 Oct 72 (from Otkrytiyal, Izobreteniya, Promyshlennyye Obraztsy, TovarnYYG znakit No 32t 1972t P-145) Abstractt The device contains, situated on the principal optical a:ds, an objective, a, reflecting plates, a Benitransparent mirror and a mask optically coupled therewith, a converging Ions and a recoiver, con- nected through the control unit to the cathode-ray tube output, To increase tho operating speed of the devicet the reflecting surfaces of a prita are arranged at a 450 angle to the direction of the main b3U and perpendiculaX to the principal optical axis, parallel to which and at a 450 angle to the direction of the line beam trace, at a distance which is a multiple of the length of the picture line, are mounted reflecting plattis for the light of USSR BOKANWO, YU* As$ et a].@. USSR Authors"cartificate No~356663 the beams of each line, perpendiLular to the principal optical axia are mount- ad reflecting surfaces for the displacement of the line beamsp and at a dis- tance and at an angle determined by the constancy of the beam trace length for each line axv situated reflecting surfaces for flybeck. USSR UD(,,: 68i.327 VASIL YEV, V. P., XF-WO. Yn. A. MNIN, D. I. "A,Step-by-Step Graph Plotter" USSR Author's Certificate No 267216, filed 29 Sep 67, published 27 Nov 70 (from PM-Avtomatika, Telenekbanika i Vychislitel'naya Tekhnika, No 10, Oct 71, AbstractYf~ 16B460 P) Translation: The invention is in the class of devices for automatically cut- lining maps, graphs,and drawings with the aid of a digital computer. Step-by~ -step graph plotters are known which contain devices for self-contained play- back of a magnetic recording (for instrince, a stnndard digital conputer mar-.- netic tape store); a two-coordinate drafting device -with ,:.tep-by-Gte.) JjUlsti drive and pen module; and also it control device including a reception regis- ter, command decoder, graph address setter,, address flip-,Plop, rmid actuating, flip-flop. However, these devices axe not very productivit, and as a rule do not permit repeated readout from the same zone of the magnetic tape. To rl!- duce the machine time spent on recording and to enable dra,,ring of long and- complicated graphs by recording the commands for the graph plotter on mag- 1/4 :L USSR VASILIYEV, V. P. et al., Soviet Patent No 267216 netic tape without spaces and in a definite order with subsequent re-DeEted readout. of each zone, the device contains; a synchaopulse counter whose input is connected to the output of a pulse-potential switch, %rhile the controlling input is connected to the zero-output terminal of the actuatins, flip-flop, and the pulse input is connected to the synchropulse output of the self-contained device for playback of the magnetic recording; a commutating flip-flop wh-ose counting out-put is connected to the zero-output terminal of the actuating flip6-flop; a pass counter whose input is connected to "lie one-output terminal of the commutating flip-flop; a code coincidence circuit irith the in-outs con- nected pairwise to the outputs of the synchropulse counter and the pass counter, while the output is connected to the comm-and decoder; and a last pass coincidence counter whose inputs are connected to the corresponding outputs of the pass counter, while the output is connected to the inp-ut of a total reset kipp oscillator. The device also has a magrietic tape reverse e. d 'he module which contains a kipp, oscillator with the input copnect to 1, one-output terminal of the actuating flip-flop, first and cecond rwitche.,; -cillator and with their pulse inputs connected to the outputi3 of the Mlip or-, their controlling inputs connected to the outputs of the commutating flip- 2/4 -flop; first and second flip-flops whose opposite inputs are interconnected and tied to the outputs of the first and second switches, while the outputs of the flip-flops are connected to the inputs of first and second wplifiers whose outputs are connected to the corresponding inputs of the tape direction commutator in the self-contained playback device. To cut down drawing tire by readout of information from the magneti6 tape during both forward and reverse travel, the device contains a readout gating commutator whose input is connected to the output of the commutating flip-flop, -ithile the ci-mmutator output is connected to a gating element in the self-contained playback de- vice. To Provide reliable actuation of readout vithin a zone and to syn- chronize readout with the motion of the magnetic tape, the, graph plotter con- tains a third and a fourth switch with their pulse inputs connected to the outputs of the commends for the beginning and end of the :!one in the commarld detoder, and their controlling inputs connected to the outputs of a recog- nition flip-flop. The outputs of the switches are intem)nnected an(. tied :.,e con- to the pulse inputs of a count,swi'cb and a:synchronizing -witck who. trolling Inputs are connected to the outputs of the kipp oscillator ; the 3/4 USSR VASILIYEV, V. P. et al., Soviet Patent No 267916 output of the synchronizing switch is connected to the ".reset" inpull of the synchropulse counter.)T he graph plotter also contains a ancaling circuit whose Input is connected to the output of the count switch, while the outDut is connected to the counting input of the actuating flip-flop; a fifth switch whose pulse input is connected to the zbro-output terminal of the ac-tuating flip-flop, while its controlling input is connected to tlie one-output teraii-ral of the kipp oscillator and its output is connected to the counting :input of the recognition flip-flop. To find a given graph from among severa'. graphs recorded on magnetic tape, the plotter contains a sixth switch whOSC con- trolling input is connected to the one-output terminal of' a search I'lip-flop, the latter also being connected to the inhibit input of a code compcxison circuit, while the output of the sixth switch is connectc-d to the input of the total reset kipp oscillator. The device also contains a kipp oscillator vhose-input is connected to the zero-output terminal of the actuatirg flip- -flop,while the one-output terminal is connected to the pulse input of the sixth switch, and the zero-output terminal is connected to the inhibit- input of the code coincidence circuit. Five illustrations. h/4 USSR MC 661.143 GUGEL, B. M., KUZI&rSOV, V. B.1 and RqpM0-INIM,-Z.. G., "CRT Screens with Cascade Excitation$ High Resolution aad Increased Durability" Sb. nauch. tr. VNII lyuminoforov I osobo chist. veshcheditv (Collecfed Scientific Works of the All-Urilon Scientific Research Itstitute of Phospbors and Extra Puxe Substmices), 1971* vyp 6, pp 61-?0 (from M-Khimiyaj No 17, Oct 72# Abstract No 17L171) USSR UDC 678.5:626.173 I- G- and IV-k-;OV, V. A., Central Scientific Research Listitute oT-Building Structu;:es imeni Kucherenko "Influence of the Dimensions of the Specimens 'Upon Strength and Deformability During the Compression of Honeycomb Boards" Moscow, Zavodskaya Laboratoriya, No 5, 1972, pp 603-606 Abstract: The character of the influence of the dimensions of a specimen, namely the cross-section area and the height, upon the ultimate strength and the modulus of elasticity during the compression of fabric- and paper-base ljoneycomb boards, is established. An empirical equation is proposed, which makets it possible satisfactorily to approximate the experimental data, and to compiare results obtal-ed during the testing of specimens of different dimen- .!-e also obtained sions. It is pointed out that: analagous relationships wili. witli the stretching of honeycomb boards. 3 figures. 2 tables, 3 references. Abstracts The changes in transitory tensile strength ( 0-tr) of gLLsstextolite are analyzed as functions- of the duration of an actior. and of the =gnitude of the applied static stretching rension (4rt). A textollte prepared from a modified phenolic resin VFB-1 and fiberglass TIwas used as the test object. It has been established that during the action of long lasting static tensions which do not exceed the longitudinal strength of the materlal, the phenolic glasstextolite undergoes a strengthening process. The strength- ening effect is due to the development of relaxation, orientational processes In the material. The degree of such strengthening depends on the dtixation of the action and the magnitude of the load applied, Maximum strenSthening is observed when a tension is applied which corresponds to 0.3 of the transitory strength of the glasatextolite. ,A USSR uDc 678.01-53/.54 FOOMMM, I. G. Fiziko-Mekhanicheskiye Svoystva Penistykh Plastmass (Physicomerhanical Properties of Solid Foam Plastics), Moscow, 1970., 127 PP Abstract: A short description is given of the technological characteristics of the preparation and processing of various types of so.Ud foam plastics. Their physico-chemical and physicomehaniesl properties &Te reviewed tedking into a .account the effects of temperature, moisture, and time factors. Vneir rela- -tionship to other properties is pointed out,,attention i&given to the statis- timl treatment of the resu.]:4;a-".)f physico-mechanical experiments carried out vith these materials, and spk.,al features of the uti3dzation of fmn plastics as construction materials for laminated construction are discussed. The book is intended for specialists of various induztrial branches working in the area of production, processing, and application of foam plastics as well as for workers in the related design and research orApnizations. j 4 Table of Contents Foreword 3 Introduction 4 1/3 USSR ROMANERKOVY 17. G.., Fiziko-Mekhanie1wskiye Svoystva. Penlistykh Flastmass, 1970 Chapter 1. Prepaxation of Foam Plastics Methods of preparation 7 Conditions for the fonnation and stability of porous stzuctums 10 ILachnological characteristics of the production of foam plastics 13 Technological prope:ties 25 Chapter II. Physico-Cherdeal Properties of Fo= Plastics Structural properties, apparent density 32 2bernophysIcal properties 39 51 Chemical stdbility,, corrosive activity 56 Mectroinsulating properties 60 Acoustical properties 63 Flammability 6k 2/3 USSR MMANEMV, I. G., Fiz:U,.o-Mekbanicheskiye Svoyst~,a Penistykh Plastmass, :Lq-(G Mapter M. Physico-Meebanical Properties of Foam Plastics Characteristics of mechanical properties 65 Mechanical characteristics 71 Iffect, of temperature on mechanical characteristics 80 Iffect of surroundings of mechanical properties 87 Durability, viscosity 90 Adhesive properties 99 Chapter.W. Constructional Proqierties of Foam Plastics Specificity of the determination of physico-mechanical properties 101 Statistical evaluation of the variability~of physico-rechanical :cbamcteristics 106 Specificities of the utilization of foam plastics In laminated constructions 112 BIbliography 124 3/3 112 .325 UNCLASSIFIEd PROCESSING 0ATE--02DCT70 TITLE--EVALUATICIN OF THF EXTENT OF OFFORMIATION OF RIGIO CLLLJLAP PLASTIcS AU,Tlt,QR-. (0 2) -RIG MANE NKOV I.G.t KOZLOVY KoY. ,_"~,CGUNTRY CF I.NFO--USSR -.'SOURC E--f-11EKH. 1970, 6(l), POLIM. 177 PUBL ISHEL)-----70 ',_.:.SfJl3JECT AREAS--MATERIALS JOPIC TAGS--CUMPRESSIVE STRESSt PLASTIC DEFORMATION, POLYSTYRENE RESIN, FOAM PLASTIC ~GNTROL MARKING--NO RESTRICTIONS '.00CUMFNT CLASS_Ut4rLAS.SIFIE0 REEL/FRAME-1969/0808 STEP NU--UR/0374170/'~)06/GDI/0177/0177 ''CIRC ACCESSION NG--AP0107350 UNCLASS IFIE..O 2/2 025 UNCLASSIFIED PROCESSING DATE-0201CIT70 CIRC ACCCSSIGN NO-AP0107350 ABSTRACT/EXTRACT--(U) GP-0- AgSTRACT. THE STRESS STRAIN DIAGRAM OF RIGID CELLULAR PLASTICS (1) WAS DISCUSSED. A STRUCTU:~AL MJOELi ESSENTALLY A HEXAGONAL PRISM COMPOSED OF RECTILINEAR VERTIC4L AND DIAGANAL qcDS, 15 PRUPOSED FOR THE DESCRIPTION OF DEFORMAB I L I TY COMPRESSION OF 14. T 14 E MODEL PROPOSED LED TO THE DERIVATION OF EQUATIONS'USED FOR CALCN. OF THE MECH..CONSTS.'OF It E.G. POLYSTYRENE PSR FGAM. THE CALCO. CO~,qSTS- WERE IN GOOD-AGREEMENT WITH THE EXPTL. RESULTS, UNCLASSIFIEO muw~--~ffi 0-010''Aimem, USSR MC 331.875.4.676 Rol I , Engineer (Head of the Main Computer Center of the Ministry of the Cellulose-Paper Industry of the USSR) and KOSAJW # V. P. , Candidate of the Econonic Sciences (Moscow Financial Inatitute) "Acquisition and Transmissiorof Information in an Branched Automatic Control Systeme, bloscow, 11ekhanizatalya. i Aytomatizatstya Proizvodstva, No It , 1973, pp 26-27 Abstracts A description is given of a branched automatic control system for improving the administrutive system in the Ministry of Cellulose-Paper Industry, USSR. The technical basis of the system 141 the Wn Computer Center, which is equipped with the Binsk-32 computerl three combinations of Abhanum-aric punched c!i~Lt_a_1?R_ computersl and devices ofor the reception, transmission, and storage of Information. A list of the functional eub- systems in the overall equipment is given, together with a description of how they are used for admini%trative purposes. -Technical and econondc advantages of the systen are discussed. Also discussed Is a special "Control" device assexbly# which improves the quality of digital Wonation reception from telograph comunication lines, USSR UDC 518 z 517.0,48 LYUDMR 1CH, 1. V., Docent, GWI)T '11(1"' r". V. YStudent, ROIIA~V# m. Postgraduate Student, LIvoV Univerai yj 5`i%IKOVA, T. G.',""'Enjifieer, LIvov Kinescope Plant 'Wumerical Method for Computer-Aided Calculation of Electrostatic Flold and Electron Trajectories of Focusing Blectron-Optical Systems" Kiev, Vychislitellnaya I Prikladnaya Matematika, No 17, 1972, PP 51-62 Abstractc The article gives algorithrus and describes a method for determir.- Ing the electrostatic field and electron trajectories for electron-optical systems of complex configuration by.the nonlinear parameter method. The Dirichlet problem in an axisymmetric space with slits is reduced by means of the potential of a simple layer to a Fredholm integral equation of the first kind, which is solved by the collocation method. The density is sought in the form of the sum of rational functions with nonlinear parameters, General routines for a Minsk-22 computer are compiled according to the algorithms, and their block diagrams are shown, An example is given of calculating the density, potential,and trajectories of a parallel and a conical beam of elec- trons. 39 USSR UDC 537.533.3+537.534.3~.621.38.032.269 PRUSOV, I. A., and RMANIV, L. Ye. --iiiting the Fie "On the Problere. of-At ic-~ ld of Axisymmetric 'Llfagnetic Lenses" Tear, el.ektrotekhnika. Resp. mezhved. nauchno-telchn. sb. (Theoretical Elec- trical Engineering, Republic Interdepartmental Scientific-Technical Collec- tion), 1970, No 9, pp 101-104 (from M-Fizika, No 12(l), Dec 70, Abstract No 12Zh681) Translation: A method is proposed for calculating the field of axisymmetric armored magnetic lenses which is based an reducing the givea problem to the problem of determl.ning the scalar magnetic potential. The case it; considered lu which p (p is the magnetic permeability of the magnet). It is shown that at P the solution of the boundary value problem iE based. on repre-r- senting- the scalar field f by the potential of a simple layer of several. sources of the field, the hnsities of which are assumed to be given. on a certain surface S' located a small distance h from the surface of tha magnet. The problem reduces to an integral Fredholm, equation of the first order which is solved by the method of collocations. Authors abstract. -49 fi~Mfis~ limisi 11WHIMIR Mir"11111 WHIM USSR UDC 620.10.536.48 0 N KUTSYN, M. A., and ZIMA, Yu# V., Llvov Institute of Physico 0 C; Meclh!!~ics.Ag emy of Sciences UkrSSR. "Cold Brittleness of High-Strength Hardened Steels" Kiev, Problemy Prochnosti, No 8, Aug 70, pp 52-57 Abstract: An investigation was made of the cold brittleness of high-carbon, chrome-silicon 40KhS, 60KhS, and 9KhS steels. Their mechanical properties were investigated on the basis of the results of short-time torsional and tensile tests at temperatures up to 770 K. The torsional strength and yield point were determined from shear stress diagramR based on the theory of elastic-plastie torsion of a round rod. The conditional yield point wan computed from the value of raoidual otromaj equal to 0.3116%, Otich curre- sponds to 0.2% at tension. Au- accurate elactron-fractographic analysis of fracture surfaces showed that specific drops an yield curves which were observed with low-temperature tempered steels, are related primarily to changes in the meclimism of plastic deformation of high-carbonisteel miar- tensite from slip to twinning. 1/2 USSR ROMANIV, 0. N._, et al, Problemy Prochnosti, No 8, Aug 70, pp 52-57 A number of tongue-shaped diggings and crests on cleaved surfaces, attesting to the appearance of twins on the fracture surface, were observed ou the fractograms. It is concluded that the twinning processes contribute to an increase in steel plasticity in the range-of low-temperature brittle failure, and at the same time, they contribute to a substantial reduction of plasticity during ductile failure. The mechanical properties of the steels considered are presented in graphs. USSR UDC 621.789:669-15"24"26 ROMANIV, 0. N. DYAKIV, 1. R., and KMYAK, N. L., Institute of Physics -ainian.SSR, Llvov 40anlesl, 90emy of Sciences, Ma "Influence of Heat and M-ecbanical Treatment on Rupture Work of Yedium-Alloy BteL Kiev, Fiziko-Mximicheskaya Yokhanika Yaterialov, No 2, 1971, pp 24-27 Abstract: Earlier studies have indicated the primary iafluence of hiC-h- temperature heat and mechanical treatment on'the brittle strength of mchine building steels. Tuis article studies the question of the criteria of the favorable influence of this treatment on the crack propagation resistance of these steels. The studies were performed using chrome-oilicon and chrow- nickel steels. A comparative estimate was made of the vork of rupture of bar gecimens with stress concentrators and with tatigue cracks formed at the mouths of the concentrators under impact loading. The --eistance to crack propagation was found to increase ortly if the temperature at vhich -the tests were performed was below the upper threshold of cold brittleness of the specimens. The optimal degree of compression during hirji-temperatare heat aud mechanical treatment depends not only on the chemical composition rmd treatment mode of the steel, but also on the conditions of subsequent mechanical testing. A the test conditions becorm more. rigid) the Influence decreszes. -LASS I FlIE13 PROCE~SING DAT~7-27NAVTO 112 031 N -4E HARACTERISTICS OF CRACK PROPAQAT101"I IN ~4(JENCHGO CPW-0,4[0,4, T-1 TLE--S0f CL STEELS DURING DELAYED FAILURE -u- C j 0 .114 DUDINv YU*V' AUTHOR- (03) -R OMAALV 1. V*A.l Z 1.14A, tOUNTRY OF INFO--USSR SOURCE--FIZ. KHIM. MEKHAN. MAT., 1970, 61 1) 1 Z5-311 DATE PUBLISHED ------- 70 SU13JECT AREAS-14ATERIALS ,-,~'-._'--T0P[C-TAGS--ELECTRQN MICROSCOPY, CHROMIUM.: STEELP QUENCHING CONTROL P.ARKING--NO RESTRICTIONS DOCUMENT CLASS--UNCLA-SSfFlE0 CRACK PROPAGATIONO STEEL ':_~PRUXY REEL/FRAME-3003/0158 STEP NO--UR/0369/?0/006/001/0025/0030 CIRC ACCESSION NO--APOIZ9414 UN, C LA S II 'D 2/2 031 UNCL A S'S I F I Eo PROCES$ING OATE-27NOV70 CIRC ACCESSION NO--AP0129414 ABSTRACT/Ex,rRACT--(U) GP-0- ABSTRACT. THE PROPAGATION OF DELAYED FAILURE CRACKS IN QUENCHED CR STEELS 'WITH A RELATIVELY HIGH C CONTENT WAS STUDIED. THE GROWTH OF THE DELAYED FAILURE CRACKS WAS SENSITIVE TO THE FORM AND NATURE OF THE HEAT TREATMENT APPLIED TO THESE MATERIALSP ~REACTING IN DIFFERENT WAYS? FOR EXAMPLEf TO HIGH TEMP. THER110MECHANICAL TREATMENT AND THE PRESENCE OF AN ACTIVE MEDIUM. T14E MECHANISMS ACT[NG AT- TWO KEY STAGES OF THE PROCESS (INITIAL CRACK GROWTH AND ULTIMATE FAILURE OR COLLAPSE) ARE DISCUSSES ON THE 'BASIS OF ELECTRON MICROSCOPE EXAMINATION. 112 012 UNCLAS'SIFIEO:-, PRUCES91NG DATE--27NOV70 TITLE--DOUBLE IRON FREE TOROIDAL BETA SPECTROMETER FOR THE INIVESTIGATION OF SHORT LIVED ACTIVITIES -U- J.A.: KLYUCHAREV, A.P,.p SKAKUNI 05)-RAKIVNENKO, YU.N., ROMANIY, :~"._YE~A., YATSENKOt G.I. COUNTRY. OF INFO--USSR FIZ. 1H. (RUSS. ED.) 1970t r5l Z 578-82 PUBLISHED ------- 70 SUBJECT AREAS--PHYSICS TOPIC TAGS--BETA SPECTROMETERt PARTICLE ACCELERATION, CESIUM ISOTOPE ",-CONTROL MARKING--NO RESTRICTIONS DOCUMENT CLASS--UNCLASSIFIED _~,PROXY REEL/FRAME--3008/0588 STEP NO--UR/0185/70/015fOO4/0578/0582 c CESSION NO--AP0137673 UNCLASS IF IED 2 1 ROCESStNG DATE--27NOV70 2" 0 2 UNCLASSIFIED p ..CIRC ACCESSION NO--AP0137673 ABSTRACT/EXTRACT--(U) GP-Q- ABSTRACT. A BETA SPECTROMETER IS OESCRIBE0 FOR USE IN STUDYING SHORT LIVEDACTIVITIES WHICH ARE FORMED FROM THE INTERACTION OF ACCELERATED PARTICLES WITH VARIOUS TARGETS. EACH LENS OF THE SPECTROMETER CONTAINS 100 COILS PREPD. FROM A PROFILED k.U TUBEt THE SHAPE OF THEIR OPERATING SEGMENTS BEING DESIGNED SO THAT 2-1-14-EV E CAN BE FOCUSSED. THE APP. CAN MEASURE DOUBLE AND TRIPLE COINCIDENCES. THE TARGET 1S CHANGED BY MEANS OF A VACUUM VALVE WITHOUT DESTROYING THE VACUUM IN THE APP. THE APP. WAS TESTED BY USING 10-MM PRI14EI37 CS SOURCES. FOR THESE SOURCES THE APRAMETERS OF THE iAPP. WERE DETD* TO BE ~AS FOUOWS: TRANSMISSION OF I LENS 16PERCENT OF 4 PIT RESOLN, 1.0PERCEINT. FACILITY: FIZ.-TEKH. INST., KHARKOVt USSR. UNCLASSIFIED USSR UDC 621.396.6.013 ROWAM- VICH A. H. RUYJ=, 0. D. , TOLPADIOV, YU. A. Omatrix Recorder of Galvanic Couplings" USSR Author's Certificate No 291205, filed 30 Jun 69, published 10 Jun 71 (from RM-Avtowtatilza, Telewhhanika i vychis lite 1'naya tekhnika_, No 4, Apr 72, Ab- stract, No 4A529P) Translation: A matrix recorder of galvanic couplings is proposed which con- tains coordinate switching units and two triode matrices. There are 3 illus- trations. USSR UDC 51.621.391 LUPANOVA, R. I., ROMANKEVICH, A. M. m "Realization of k-Valued Functic~,,~, -Valued Elements" Yestn. Kiev. Politekhn. In-ta Ser. Avtomatiki i Elektrunpriborostr [Herald of Kiev Polytechnical Institute. Automation and Electrical Instrument Build- 4 ing Seri=], No 8, 1971, pp 39-41 (Translated'from Referativnyy 7hurnal, Kibernetika, No 10, 1971, Abstract No 10 V629). NO ABSTRACT. USSR uDc 681.326-34 BUBNOV, A. I., ROMANKEVICH, A. M., PUPUCAS, 0. D., TOLPAXIOV, Yu. A., Kiev Electronic CompUNWISRMntrolling .1-fachine Plant "A Device for Troubleshooting an Electrical Installation" Moscov, Otkrytiya, izobreteniya, promyshlewnyye obraztsy, tovarnyye znaki, 1970, No 36, Soviet Patent go 28842o, class h2, filed 14 Feb 69, published 3 Dee 70, P 156 Translation: This Author's Certificate introduce.5 a det,,ice for trouble- shooting an electrical installation. The device contains reg--sters, input, output and control modules, -- comparison circuit, logic elements, a pulse generator and a device for registration of electrical. connections. As a distinguishing feature of the patent, the. device is simplified and speed is increased by connecting the output of the input n:)dulc to the input of gne register, and through a coincidence circuit to the Iii-out of the other register. The second input of the coincidence circuit is connected to the output of the control mdule, and the outputs of the registers are connected to the inputs of the device for registration of e-b-,ctrice-I connections, the comparison circuit and the output mdule. The outputs. of the output mdule are connected to the inputs of the input and contral modules. 1/1 2; USSR UDC: 681.142 KORNEEYCHUK, V. 1. , R0?4kqKZV1C1L--A;,--M. , TARASENYO, V. P. , Kiev Polytechnical Institute imeni tWTT1itfeth Auniniversary of the Great October Socialist Revolution "A Device for Shaping Carry Signals in Addition" Moscow, Otkrytiya, izobreteniya, promyshlennyye obraztsy, tovarnyye zrmki~ No 5, Feb 71, Author's Certificate No 293240, Division G, filed 23 Jar. 70, published 15 Jan 71, pp 163-164 Translation: This Author's Certificate introduces a device for sh'aping carx7 signals in addition. The device contains AND and OR cii-cuitn, a logic cir- cuit based on a magnetic core,, a flip-flop anti a refererre As a distinguishing featuM of the patent, the device in Simplified wid zpecd is increased by connecting one of the inputs of the device to an input of the OR,circuit, and connecting the second input of the device to the other input of the OR circuit and to the inplat of the first AMD circuit. The out- put of the OR circuit is connected to the readout winding of the core, the record winding of the care being connected to the reset terminal of the flip-flop and to the first output of the reference pulse oscillator, Ile second and third outputs of the oscillator are connected to the inputs of thp second and third AND circuits respectively. The output winding of the 1/2 _KORVEYCHUK, V. I. et al., USSR Author's Certificate No 293240 core is connected to the set termiial of the flir-flo-p through the first AND circuit. The one-output and zero-output terminals of the flil-flop are connected through the second and third _411D circuits to the inputs of another OR circuit and the output of this OR circuit is connected to the output of the device. f 4 Oil UNC LA S S I F OR&ESStNG DATE--230CT70 ITLE-ISYNTHESIS OF COMB INATIVE-SCHeIMES or- SUK.MA-.-I()N AINo MULTIPLICATION ~,~ANMULTICIPHERED STRUCTURAL ALPHABET -U- %UTHOR-(02)-KORNEYCHUK, V.I., RUMANKEVICHt A*Ms O,UNTRY OF INFO--USSR WURCE--AVTOMATIKA I TELEMEKHANIIKA, 1970f NR 21 PP 171-174 )ATE PUBLISHED--------70 SUBJECT AREAS--MATHEMATICAL SCIENCES# ELECTRONICS ANO ELECTRICAL ENGR. TOP-TC TAGS--AUTOMATIC CONTROLo MATHEMATIC CONTROL THEORY 'CONTROL MARKI.NG--NO RESTRICTIONS 'DOCUMENT CLASS-UNCLASSIFIED :PROXY REEL/FRAME--1983/1965 STEP NO--UR/0103/70/000/002/0171/0174 CtRC ACCESSION NO--AP0054763 UNCLASStFIE0 212 013 UNCLASSIFIED PROCESSING DATE--230CT70 ,CIRC ACCESSION NO-AP0054763 ,A,BSTRACT/EXTRACT--(U) GP-0- ABSTRACT. A METHOD OF THE SYNTHESIS IN THE K CIPHERED STRUCTURAL ALPHABET OF THE SCHEMES REALIZING TviE OPERATIONS OF SUMMATION AND MULTIPLICATION BY THE K MODULUS IS SUGGESTED. UNCLASSIFIED USSR A. M., VERBICF;,'-,SIWj_Tj, K. G., and OPMOPIRIDU.,Z. A. "Ibdification of t1he Differential Ba_"LUS'U-C)OSCillOLrRp_q Of t12C 17,Xt3:'eP-Ii'u-iOSr' Tbilisi, Soobshcheniya Almdemii Nakih Cruzinskoy SSR. Vol 68, 1 i'0 3, IX! c 72, p - 772 Translation of Russian Albstract: Scheiratic viirin_r, dia-rri,axis, of the modi-fied ballistooscilloLraph of extrand-ties are presented. Several curves of the differential of th.-~, eztremiticG obtu.-ined rm differe.'t indiviaue-Is (atnete, patient) are uiven. The mcd:Mcatjons Jntroc~jice,' j-~to the dcsign o.C t1he ballistooscii1ograph )m,,re tnansfo~~,ii-.ed it in"o a sensing device, irith a cranio-caudally directed functiono. Thi::; r-I-evicc- T;~;_'-.~_,z it possible to .-record a as Irel' as 'S'O balli stooscillo~7mms of extret-Itiet; vitJiout ch,"f,-,in(.;; the pooltilon o',.' -11 i-;tAunt-.. Tais War~ il;"'Po~miblc to do betore irith any knum Of qhe M.0dified -inst-n-urant is appl:hc;~~ble for the exmiimcrdon of L~~dl well as in sportG mcdiciiie. C-.Ili-~,es obtain.;~il vith ihe 1.."Cxid.fted. graph of a wiUlic-A any t2chn..)lo;'jcuI The clln~;.cai tr:st_in'-~ of the de-vica in:I-.v;ateL itr, suit~~Q i.). in tice. Cur,.rer. reconjud with it tihowecl th(~ reabilit-ation s,:Lgris In the funct-f-ou o differe I al extrui ties aftex surgory. n.i A ft USSR UDO 66.067 PRMW-YAKONOV, 1. 0., and ROWKOV, P. G. "An Adaptive System of Automatic Regalation of Continuous Absorption" Ivanovo, Khimiya i Khimicheekaya Tekhnologlya, Vol 15, NO 11, 1972, pp 1756-1758 Abstract: Here a countercurrent column adsorber of continuous action and a system of automatic regulation are considered together as an adaptive system. The adsorber consists of a column of indented plates, with the gas entering at the bottom of the column and the sorbent at the top, The regulatory mechanism depends upon 2 paraetetersi (1) the number of plates, and (2) the hydraulic resistance of the fluidized layer. The first changes by discrete steps, the second continuously. This adaptive system for the automatic regulation of a continuous adeorption process can be used in the automation of adsorption "stems. Adsorption UDO 66.071~?i ASTAKHOV* V. A., DUBININ, M. M., WHAROVAp L. P., and,pq~~Nxoyt F. G*o Belorussian Technological Institute imeni 0. X. Kirovat ,InsiftaU~"bf-Phyaical Chemistry, Academy of Sciences MR, and JAningrad Techtological Institute imeni Lensoveta "Calculation of the adsorption Equilibrius on Chemically and Structurally Different Adsorbente" Moscov, Tooreticheakiye Osnovy XhImIcheskoy Tekhnologli , Vol 6, No 3, 19?2, PP 373-379 Abstracts A statistical method is discussed for the analysis of adsorptlon isotherms relative to choosing the most accurate distribution function for ep"ineering calculations. Equations for the Poissone Gaussian, and the Veibul L traftslit~rated7 distrubution curves are given feqc;. 11 2. and 3 respective127 and the mathematical implications of each considered, The voibul equatione seem to be the simpliest, the most general and the most amenable to engineoring Applications, USSR ASTMOV, V. A., et al.p Teoreticheskiya Oanavy Xhimicheskoy Tekhnologliv Vol 6, No.3, 1972, pp 373-379 exp 0 2 F (j~ erf exp (2) Y, 2 (C~ exp f '3 (3) Xon B.-ictange U73H, UDC 54-1-163-12+541-67 MOISEYEVA, 17. P.., SMAVSKII, V. G. and ROMMVIO M a.., Institute of Colloidal and Water Chemistry "Magnetochendcal Study of Amino Acetate Ion-Exchange Resins -with Ions of Transition Metals" Leningra(k. Zhurnal Obshchey Khirrdi, Vol 41, No 52 may iq7i, pp 943-947 Abstract: The synthetic ion-exchange resins 1QTJt-1 and -2j, the cationic resin KU-2, and their low-rolecular analogues, aniline diacetic acid and phenyl glycerin were studied. The nagnetic suaceptibility and effective =Vnetic C02+1 V1, moment were determined for the resins using the ions Ca,~8-1'1 Ci~-'+) !12+, Ni2+, Fe3+, and Cr3+. The rofnilts showed that the KhKA series formed coori- nation bonds between the resin and metal, while the bonding of the 19J-2 resin was ionic in character. Conclusions concerning the 3-dimensional structure of the resin-metal comi3lex were based on the magnitude of the magnetic noment. Finally, the capacity of the cholating ion-exchange resin to form different complexes was shown to be dependent on the nature of the ionite and the metal ion. This appears to be characteristic for the low-roleclOar com- plexes as well. V. N. TOLMACEEV and N. S. PlVbMNKO collaterated in this work. USSR UDC 551.4,631&551.464.38 RO~ANkQTWWOjJ" , Institute of Oceanology imeni P. P, Firshovi Academy of Sciences L135B, Vladivostok ."Relationship Between Suspended Organic Matter, Bottom Sediments, Benthos, and Biolo-ical Productivity" Moscow, Doklady Akadamil Nauk SSSR, Ho 5, 1971, pp 1199-1202 Abstx-actt Recent oceanological research in the southeastern Pacific indicates that there is a genetic relationship between hydrological and hydrochenical characteristics, primaiy production$ net plankton, organic matter in the water and in bottom sediments, microflora, and benthos. The principal natural factor responsible is the cold Peruvian current which drives together the coastal wators- and brln-gs the abyssal waters enriched with blogenic elements into the phatic zone. In the regions where the upuelling of cold itatei-., is most pronounced, tha surface wates exhibit the maxiNum phytoplankton production, content of suspended carbohydrates, and heterotrophic microorganisms. These Lmyers are also marked by the 2owest pH values and oxygen concentration and by a very high content of biogenic eleinnents, USSR UDC 619:616.988.43:614.44 Chief Veterinary Physician, Karachayevo-Cherkasskaya -Autonomous UbIaSt "Measures Taken in a Foot-and-Moutb Disease Focus" Moscow, Veterinariya, No 9, 1971, pp 50-51 Abstract: An act.Lznt is given of measures taken to eradicate an outbreak of foot-and-mouth diZ-ase (FIID) in Kavkazskiy Sovkhoz and Technical School, Karach ayevo-Cherk ass kaya Autonomous Oblast, Stavropol' Kray. The sovkhoz normally has 4,600 head of cattle, 3,000 hogs, and 10,000 sheep. The out- break occurred in January 1971; in the course of 10 days 512 animals, one- third of the total in the section, were affected by the disease. The pathogen was I`ND virus type A, variant A22. From the beginning of the out- break, prompt measures were taken to control and arrest the spread of the disease. All noninfected animals were immediately vaccinated, and older stock was aiven double doses of the vaccine. The sectionwas completely sealed off by a strict quarantIne enforced 24 hours, a daY. Special veterl- nary personnel were assigned to the section. All access to the gectiori, except for authorized personnel, was halted. The schools were closed, and all construction was suspended. Communication with the section was conducted 1/2 USSR ROMAN'K0, G. K., Veterinariya, No 9, 1971, pp 50-51 by telephone. Stray dogs, cats, and other animals were killed. Personnel clothing and footwear were regularly disinfected in a steam-formalin chamber; all premises, equipment, and areas were disinfected with a 3% solution of sodium hydroxide. Within 19 days from the outbreak of the disease, no animals with symptoms of the disease were found in the section, and w--thin 31 days the quarantine was removed. 212 69 USSR KATS, L. T. "Using the P, o-celect L.~- Elektron. nical Collectioni, 1970, sex. 111 (19), ;'n 157-139 (from Oct 70, ilbstract i~o IOD-333) Translation: Experiments are deserdbed an measurIng the 0 of a laser b. a photoe-lectrom y uz;in- MFLetic receiver. Thtse PossibiliLy of Utilizing the photoelectroma~netic effect in *fields to deteimine the s-.)ectral corm-csition of modul,,eted laser us- L -L tration, one table, bibliography of four title$. N. VL4_ UNCLASSIFIt '741P0 lstm DATE-30OCT70 TITLE-INNIBITIGN OF THE CYTOKINLN INDUCED PROTEIN SYNTHESIS IN ISOLATED CHLGRUPLASTS TREATED WITH ACTINOMYCIN 0 -U- AUTHUR-102)-KULAYEVA, U*N.t ROMANKOl YE.G* OF INFO--USSR SCURCE-TSITF-LG-GLYA 19709 12(2), 251-3 DATE P USL I SH E 0---- 7 0 .'.'SUBJECT APEAS-BIOLOGICAL AND MEDICAL SCIENCES JGPIC TAGS-PROTEIN.-SYNTHESISt CHLOROPLAST9, ANTIBIOTICy LEUCINEt CARBON ISOTOPEv RNAt TAGGED ATOM/(UIOLIVOMYCIN ANTIBIOTICr (U)ACTIPIOMYCIN 0 ANTIBIOTIC 1'.','~CCNTRGL MARKING-NO RESTRICTIONS '. _DOCUMENT CLASS--UNCLASSIFIED ~.PROXY REEL/F-RAME-3002/0420 STEP NO~--UR/9053/7OfOi2/002/C)2511OZ53 ~..CIRC ACCESSICN NG--AP0127991 UNCLASSIFIED u14 UNCLASSIFIED PROCESSING DATE--30OCT70 CIRC ACCESSION Nfj--AP01279,91 AbSTRACT/ EXTRACT- (U) GP-0- ABSTRACT. 6-BENZYLAMINOPURI-NE (0.1 MG-1.) ADDED TO ISOLATED CHLOROPLASTS OF NICGTIANA RUSTICA ITCBACCO) LEA~::S CON SlOtRABLYSTIMULATED THE INCORPORATION OF LEUCINE- PKIMI'E4 C INTO PROTEIN OF ISOLATED CHLOROPLASTS. ACTINOMYCIN D (1-33 MG -1.) AND LILIVOMYCIN t8 MG-1.) COMPLETELY INHIBITED THIS STIMULATION. THE RESULTS OBTAINEC SUGGEST THAT -_YTOKININ MAY AFFECT PROTEIN SYNTHESIS VIA THE ACTION CN RNA SYNTHESIS. FACILITY: LAB. SU8ST4NCC MOVCMENTt INST. PLANT PHYSIOL.r MOSCUWv USSR. UNCLASSIFIEO USSR Utc: 581-174 .41, YE.G., Laboratory of Translaca-tion of Substance KWAYEVA,O.N. and ROMWN-p ana Laboratory of ii~O-O~ynl-thesis Institute of Plant Physiology, Academy of Sciences USSR "Inhibition of Cy-tokinin-Induced Stimulation of Protein Synthesis in Isolated Chloroplasts Treated With Actinomycin D" -Leningrad, Tsitologiye., go 2, 1970, pp 251-253 Abstract: Addition of 6-benzylaminopurine (0~1 mg/1) to a susp?nsion of isolated chloroplasts from Nicotians r-astica leaves markedly stimulated the incorporation of c14-leucine into chloroplasts protein. A specific inhibitor of RNA synthesis, actinomycin D, introduced into the medium in concentrations ranging from 0.1 to 33 mg/l, effectively neutralized the effect of 6-'17,enzy- laminopurine. This suggests that since cytokinin stimulates protein synthesis in isolated chloroplasts by activating RNA synthesis, the inhibition of protein synthesis by actinomycin D takes place at the same level. Another antibiotic, olivomycin (8 mgAl), had the saw action. It did not affect pivtein synth--sis in chloroplasts in the absence of cytokinin, but completely inhibited the process in its presence. 1/1 .1/2 023 UNCl'_ ASS IF I ED PROCESSIN", DATlc--18SEP70 TITLE-COMPUTER DESIGN OF [ON EXCHANdE PROCESSES -IJ- ~-AUTHOR-(041-VOLZHINSKIY, A,I.v SMIRNOVt N.N., kD-MANKOVv P.G., VIKTOKOV, V.K. COUNTRY OF INFO--USSR -SOURCE--TEOR. OSN. KlilM. TEKHNOL. 19701 4(1)t 118-22 :DATG PUBLISHED ------- 70 ;.$Ul3J ECT AREAS--CHEMISTRY TAGS--CHEMICAL REACTION KINETICSw MAGNESIUMi CALCIUMt ION EXCHANGE# SORPT19Nt COMPUTER APPLICATIONt MODEL, ION EXCHANGE RESIN -"CONTPOL MAKKING--NO 4FSTkICTIO145 %..:~OOCUMENT CLASS--UNCLASSIFIED .~.PROXY REEL/FRAME--1987/1085 STEP NO--UR/045,5/7011)0(t/001/011810122 :CIRC ACCESSION NO--AP010,4483 UNCLASSIF IED 2/2 023 UNCL ASS IFIED PROCESSING DATE-13SEP70 -CIRC ACCESSION NO--AP0104483 .ABSTRACT/EXTRACT--(U) GP-0- ABSTRACT. THE SORPTION K114ETICS OF MG PRIME2 POSITIVE OR CA PRIME2 POSITIVE TONS BY A SINGLE aEAO OF CATION EXCHANGE RESIN WERE TREATED BY A. I. VOLZHINSKII (1969) ANJ) TH~ BEHAVIOR OF A COLUMN (IF RESIN ONLY ONE BE-AD UEEP IS SIMILAR. THE TREAT14ENT IS EXTENDED TO CALC. THE ELUTION CURVE FOR A COLUMN PACKED WlrH THE RESIN, BY NUMERICAL INTEGRATION OF THE EQUATION DOWN THE COLU4N. T14E WAY IN WHICH A COMPUTER PROGRAM W AS WRITTEN TO PERFOPM THE INTEGRATION, APPROX, BY ITERATIVE SUMMATION, IS SHOWN IN A FLOW DIAGRAM. COMPARISON WITH EXPT* SHOWS A SMALL DISCREPANCY AT HIGH LEVELS OF SORPTION OF MG AND CA# WHICH IS EXPLAINED BY INTERNAL RESISTANCE TO OIFFUSION' AN IMPROVED VERSION OF THE KINETIC EQUATEOff FOR THE ELEMENTARY LAYER OF RESIN IS SUGGESTED, I 77 UDC. 533.6.011.72 USSR DOROMIN, G. S., STUPIUKOV, V. P., I'XOV. V. V. r DEMENKIY, V. Ya., ZASIAVSKIY, B. I. , and S. wCompression of Plexiglass Cylinders by Glancing Detonation 'Waves" Leningrad, Zhurnal tekhnicheskoy fiziki, No 5, 1973, pp 1059-1064 Abstract: This article pertains to the physical-chemical investi- Zation of materials, subject to dynamic compression, which are kept- In cylindrical containers under glancing detonation waves. Research of this type is now being intensively piwsued, The pur- pose of this paper is to investiCate the irreeular reflectica of shock waves in plexiglass cylinders under compression by glancing I suggested in an earlier article G. A. Ada- detonations,by a method durov, et al, Piz. gor. vzr_vva, Vol 3, 1410 2, p, 281, 1967). This methodI propo3ed using, as a model of the cylinder, cyl- Inders* observed by high-speed photography to investi,,i:ate lu-~Ie pic- ture of the air flow through the fine, sc i-vit ilia 11, ing Caps between the plzites composing the cylinders. A description is given of the L the experiments and, briefly, of the ex- explosive material used in k. - - perimental equipment. Results of the experiments are given. in the forin of curves of the change in velocity of the shock waves z.,rid 112 USSR UDC: 533.6.011.72 DOROITIN, G. S., et al, Zhurnal tekhnicheskqy fiziki, 110 5, 1973, PP 1059-1064 the relative dimensions of the main shock %rave as functions of the cylInder length. A description of the picture of the phenomenon Is given together with an explanation of the results as shown by the curves. &,t,41 lg-leo ~jktpanov, S. S., Ye. V. Dulcrov, E. M. Moroz, L._ V. Luk ins. and V. V. Raman'- ~~oy. Effect of cx~_t*sion% on materials. Shnck conivrexsion of rare earth metal fl-riglc5. FGiV, no. Z. 11371. 266-269. Results of a study of shock compression of let, raro earth metal (REM) fluorides and y1trium, fluor.-do arc prooentcd. It is shcrwz that the grentsal physical chztracteristice change occurs using 30-30 g haxorene charfiqs, -ith the exception of CcF' 3 and PrF 3. for w hic h the most significant changes occur using 100-1$0 g charges. Alt the shoch- comprox" materials dinplayed optical anisotropy, since the initial materials were finely dispersed and therefore were pseudolsot, topic. The new phase is normally Inhomogerrous, and the properties change occurs (or accumulates) in different grains with var ying Intensity; th4 .Vla%4k a the effect is maximal only-in a small number of crystalline parattes. Table I shows refractivity indices of the new phase*; a V t4 S 1.51 16 7 1..%1 7 1 2 .... 1.6Z %*Q 21.0 l : fo 5 1W ?2.0 ba i 160 :to 6:4. 1 3? 13 W *7: 1 0 :45 13:1 1 F4 or 7:44 Ir, al 11.2 1.36 4.10 Ace. INr: hfM47373- Ref. Code: P.UMRY SOURCE: Vestnik K-nirurgii imenj 1. 1. Grelma, Vol 104, Ur pp THE EFFECT OF VARIOUS METHODS OF PREMEDICATION ON SOME NEURO-ENDOCRINOUS REACTIONS W SURGICAL PATIFNTS By V. A. Leosk V -41a and Af. P. V. A A In 166 surgical patients the effect of varlauo con, bimi lions 0i pi-i!P11ratio"I& w.~Ifl for prcmedication has been sludl~d. Tio., data obtained enable(t the 4111'hors to r,"'Ovi- mend the authors a more wide use of r-hohnolytics of central action, III a comp'ex .3( premedication agents. RM/FRAM Q 13790895 AV0032787- L4 A qo AUTHOR-- ORR PONDENT TITLE.- STEPS INTO SPACE IE PAPER--- SOVETSKAYA KIRG171YA us MARCH 27, 137rj., P 3. COLS 2-6 ABSTRACT-- IN THIS INTERVIEW __M, _-T _ZKU~t~RA,VOV HERO OF TME SOCIALIST LABDOR. CHRONICLES THf EVENTS THAT TO TYE: LALljrH.'N~.- OF THE FIRST SOVIEt SATELLITE. THE FOREFATHER OF ALL SOVIET SPAcE, RESEARCH ORGANIZATIONS WAS THE SOCIETY FOR TLE STUDY OF lN`F_RPLA'N'__ L ___J_AR)L TRAVEL FOR'MED iN 1924. ITS FIR~il' CRK-1-f"I'All WAS /STIEL-I-N-GO"OD HEALTH/. _X, E, J5.10L~OV V.-P, V~TCHINKUl.' TBANDER STLI Eta -ACADEMY9 WERL AMONG IT::~ MEMBERS. THE GDL_/THE GAS DYNAMICS LABORATORY/ IN LENIN',MAD) AND If Ko I I ku ;,m I N P 1. MIINAYEV AND Vi P, YUKOV AR" CREDITED WITH LAYING THE FOUNDATIONS OF THZSOVIZT ROCKET MOTOR DESIGN. JL9701130 AN0032787 GIRD GROUP FOR THE S1114Y OF REA r-1 -IA-21 QVI, IN MOSM41 HEADED Y S. P. KOROLEV LAUNCHED THE FIRST LIQUID-yUELED ROCKETS. ONE OF ~l GINVED ~ TIRNONRAVOV, WAS LAUNCHED AUGUST 17 1,933, A,,,4D THE OTHEA, DESIGNED BY TSANDER., WAS LAUNCHED IN NOVEMBER OF THE SAME YEAR. ON FEBRUARY 2S 1940J A ROCKET-PROPULSED PLAiNE TjolITH AN "RDA-150- MOTOR DESIGNTD BY KOAOLE~ WAS TESTED. THIS IS ATTRIBUTED TO TFE RNII iTHE RJEA~TIONi RFSEAhCH INIST TUTE/ ESTABLISHED IN 193.3, THE INSTITUTE ALSO DEVELOPED "KATYUSHAR ROCKET LAUNCHERS. I,_.:l,_KLEYMFN0V, THE INSTITUTE S FIRST HEAD AND 18g A ARTLM V Tj;f RE ASSOCIATEh WITH THE INLTITUTEI 1/2 010 UNCLASSI FIED, PROCESSING DATE--18SEP70 -_-;TITLE--EFFECT OF RARE EARTH METALS ON THE FLAKE SENSITIVITY OF ALLOY STEEL _u_ A.P., SKLYUYEVt PaVat SOKOLOV# V*YE.i ROMANOV, A.A., ..FRIOMAN, A.YA. ~~:' :-'.',C,OUNTRY` OF INFO--USSR 9OURC E-- I ZV AKAD, NAUK SSSRt METAL. 1970v My 245 ,,:.,DATE. PUBLISHED ------- 70 ~~SUBJECT AREAS-MATERIALS ..:,TOPIU.TAGS--RARE EARTH METAL, NONMETALLIC INCLUSION, STEEL FLAKE ONTROL MARKING--NO RESTRICTIONS c _-00CUMENT CLA$S--Uf4CLASSIFIED PROXY REEL/FRAME--11)81/045,9 --STE. P- -?_ql)--UR/0370/ 7 GID00 100 til('? 4 ~i/`, 7 4 CIRC~ ACCESSIONtNO--AP0050475 UNCLASSIFIED --2/2 010 UNCLASSIFIED PROCESSING DATE--18SEP70 tIRC ACCESSJON NO--AP0050475 .ABSTRACT,/EXTRACT--(U) GP-0- ABSTRACT. THE ADON, Or 0.2-0.3PCRCE4mT RARE EARTH ME-TALS.-,REDUCED THE TENDENCY TO FLAKE FORMATION TO 215, WHILE IMPROVING THE DEGREE OF FINENESS OF NONMETALLIC INGLUSIONSo USSR UDC 536.422 VASIL'YEV, 1. N., TRELIN, Yu. S., and ROMKOV, A. A. "Experimental Data on the Speed of Sound in Saturated and Superheated Cesium Vapor Up to 1280*K" Moscow, Teplefizika Vysokikh Temperatur, Akademiya Nauk SSSR, Vol 9, No 1, Jan-Feb 1971, pp 59-66 Abstract: The following method of measuring the speed of sound in cesium vapor was used. 20 gram of distilled liquid cesium wa-% introduced into the vapor generator of the measuring chamber, Absence of 1jas in this chamber was checked ultrasonically. The vapor temperature was measuTed by thermo- couples. The vapor pressure was determined by measuring the vapor tempera- ture, close to the liquid surface. The speed of sound was measured acousti- cally by the method described in an article by the same authors in the same journal, No 6, 1969. p 7. The experimental data were correlated by the least squares method. An analytical expression of the speed of sound as a function of temperature and pressure has been worked out. 7. USSR VASIL'YEV, I. N., et al., Teplofizika Vysokikh Temperatur, Akademiya Nauk SSSR, Vol 9, No 1, Jan-Peb 1971, pp 59-66 The experimental and correlated data for different pressures and temperatures are presented in tables and graphs in the range of temperatures from 825 to 1280*K, pressures from 0.25 to 10.2 atmospheres. The speeds of sound were also calculated from the equation of state for a mixture of mono-atomic and biatomic vapor. The agreement with them experi- mental data is within 2%. 2/2 USSR UDC: 62l.3T,6.23 An Amplitude Discriminator" USSR Author's Certificate 11o 265970, filed I Apr 68, published I Jul 70 (from RZIi-Radioteklinika, No 1.2, Dee 70, Abitract lit) 1206 11) Trwnslatiotl: An amplitude dlficr.iminfxtor J.s proposed Whic-11 in b,Ised on a c-!r coupling The discrird.nator contains a stor!ige flip-flop with emitt capacitor which is connected in parallel with the input. To reduce tem- perature instability of the discrimination level and increase the input impedance, a normally open switch which is closed during signal arrival is connected in parallel with the storage capacitor. USSR uDc: 621.373.351.1088.8) BEZLEPKIN, V. I. , W",kIYmA" "A Slave Multivibrator" USSR Author's Certificate No 261454, filed 22 Aug 68, publ2shed 22 Maz, 70 (from RZh-Eadiotekhnika, No 11, Nov 70, Abstract No 11G193 P) Translation: This Autnor's Certificate introduces a slave multjxibra-~or cui` based an two transistors with a cormon resistor in the emitter cii To increase the power of the output pulse, a circuit which ecnsists or a storage capacitor and a resistor shunted by a:semiconductor diode is con- nected between the normally open transistor and the power o;upply. now USSR UDC 62.1-31-5-592 _& , I ZQMNOVx__A. I ovosibirsk State Univorsity, 1~ovos- Minrs-E-r-y6f higher and Secondary Specialized 'E'diucat-io.n. Institute of Semiconductor Physics., Novosibirsk, Department, Academy of Sciences USSR "Thermal e.m.f. of Thin Semiconductor Films ConsiderinE, ment of Electrons by Phonons" Leningrad, Fizika i Teldinika Poluprovodnikov, Vol 11., ~,vo '-";70 pp 901~-907 Absract: Nondee-enerate dimens-orially quan"'zod' fUm wa5 investigated. Assuming mirror refloition of illil from the boundary and their scattering on ~phonon-~~' the magnitude of the differential therzial e.=..f. of the fi:-!n~ i-.a!, calculated considering entrairzaent ol' the al-ectrons by the -phonons. Filling of ono film level is assur,,iea. Unde~r def-~'-or" U - fi~, L.~ . - conditions phonon entrainment ma- kes a sign ant c.Dnt:,i' u i on to the magnitude of tho thermal o0m.f. 'vj'nen the filn. is crm:r. on a substrate with the sox-aa elastic constantn, phononz ir. the film are considered the same as in the mass o;V tha aample. The 1/2 USSR ROMANOV, A. A., Fizilca i 'Pekhnika Polu-provoc-~ijilla 5, 1970, Dp 904-907 -he charge carriers is co=idcred cu,- Ira`: spectrum of t - 1. 1 1 1 G - C 'a r~ CL isotropic. A weak electric, field and termerat-ra VT are applied along the x-axiz, and, the z-.a,;,L-5C J.2 transverse to tho film, In = ko = 1. In th-:) antrairmient it is neae;5sary to zolvo the, sysi;cm af lkiinot-ic tions for none qui 1 ibrium distribution funct`4.ons of elect"ro.ns and phonons. However, with L9-k,,f.4Licj.Ont1y 07.i,,rtvon concent;r;-w~ion in the sample (n,-, lo-L5 cTa-3), the'effe'et o'L'tht~ n("nequil"' brium state of alectrons on the none q-,.z i I ibri= s tiv~,e of phono.ns can be neglected, and the systczi~of equations spli-.s -into a pair of independent equations. 2/2 ]h R! :112 033 PAOCESSING DjiTE--llSEP70 UNCLASSIFIED T-ITLE--THE USE OF HYPOTHERMIA IN TREATMENT OF ACUTE PANCREArITIS -U- ~AUTHOR-ROMANO`Vr A.I. 7 OPNTRY OF INFO--USSR .-..SCURCE"-VESTNIK KHIRURGII THENT 1. 1. GkiEKOVA, 1970t VOL 104, R 3 P 43-45 ,~.DATE PUBI, I SHED------ 70 ,!~,SUBJECT AREAS--BIOLOGICAL AND MEDICAL SCIENCES '~.-TOPICJAGS-HYPOTHERMIA, PANCREAS, PROPHYLAXIS ,~-CONTPOL MARKING--NO RESTRICTIONS DOCUMENT CLASS--UNCLASSIFIED ',~PROXY REEL/FRAf4E--1986/,0647 STEP NO--UR 10539/70/1 Ott/))"/ 004 3/0045 -,CIRC ACCESSION ND--AP0102633 UNCLASSIFIF0 2/2 033 UNCLASSIFIED PROCESSING QATE-11SER70 ~CIRC ACCESSION,NO--AP01OZ633 -ABSTRACTIEXTRACT-tp) GP-0- ABSTRACT. THE RESULTS OF USING HYPOTHEPMIA IN TREATMENT OF ACUTE PANCREATITIS IN 34 PATIFNTS AND.rN 5 PATIE114TS o4mi OTHER FOR14S OF THIS AFFECTION ARE REPORTED. IN ACUTE PANCREATITIS HYPOTHERMIA PROVED TO BE AN EFFECTIVE.METHOD OF TOEATMENT. UNICLASSIFIED 0123 - WSR UDC 621-76Z.2(088.6) FATMOV, G. M., ROPMOV, A. I., BAIMOV, H. H., BWORIN', N. I., KHROINE11KO, M., Noril'sk Kining and Metallurgi- S. t GIDECHAROV,"'Ir. SAGUMOV p T. cal Combine imeni A. I. Zavenyagin "Blectrolyzer for Making Metal Powder" WSR Authors' Certificate Ito 267080P C1. 40cp 1/02; 40c, 51009 (ill 22d)o filed 21 Feb 67 pub-Ushed 23 Jan 70 (from RZh-Retallurglyal Ro 3, Mar ?1, Abstract NO 3G405P3 Translations The electrolyzer --ontains a bathl anode,-,, disk cathodes fastened cn a shaft, cux--ent supply unit, and drive mechanism. In oy-der to decrease power consumption and increase dependability of electrolyzer operation, the drive mechanism is supplied wlth,a toothed rack, which on&-ages with the Gear that is fixed on the uhaft itith the cathodes and Jinparts to the cathodes a reciprocating motion along the path of a pendulum. The ccntact at the ppint of the our-rent supply to tho-shaft by the cathodes Is imda to be fixed. One illustration. I ~ik J~: ~4. AMA -USSR VYSOTSKIY, D. A., PETROV, M. D., REKOV, A. 1. SEPP, V. A. , SEREBRE,'-I'ITKOVA, V. Ye. , SMIRNOVA, L, G .ORTEPOVA, 0. 1., Institute of High Temperatures of the Academy of Sciences USSF "Test Results on Installations and Electrode Materials in a Plasma Jet" Moscow, Teplofizika vysokikh temperatur, No. 3, May/Jun 72, pp 635-639 Abstract: The characteristics of electrodes of silicen carbide ~.ith additives of alloying metals (Ho, Ti, Ci,), interelectrode Lnsuial---ors of refractory concretes based on high-alumina VC-B and A.F11 concretes and magnesian RB concrete and mcdule insulation walls of IM ccricrete were investigated in a model of an 141D generator. The maxinum elec-=.ode temperature during the experiments reached 23000K, tbe interelectrode insulators reached 210001,' and the installation walls reached 17C100K. The electrode samples were prepared by pressing a mixture d SiC powlers and the appropriate alloying additive (Mo, Ti, Cr) with organic binding and subsequent heat treatnent at a temperature of 21000C for 10-15 m1n. The experimental device in which the materials were tested consisted of the followin- 6ements: a plasmatror, producing an air flow with a 112 USSR VYSOTSKIY, D. A., et al, Teplofizika vysokikh temperatur, No. 3, May/Jun 72, pp 635-639 temperature of 30000K, a mixing chamber where an easily ionized additive was introduced into the air flow in the form of potassium or 1,2CO3 vapors, a nozzle, the MHD generator chaiinel, and a system for evacuat- ing the gas flow. The flow rate in the channel was approxi:Tnately 500 m/sec. The advantages of a sectional structure for the channel are shoim and it was established that the current density is determined by the conductivity of the films fran the interaction products CE the electrode and additive materials, independent of the type of alkali additive (potassium or potash vapor) at the temperature of its conden- sation on the electrode surface. At an electrode temperature otF less than 9001K in supplying K-vapors and of 12000K in supplying "2'03 2 powder, the current density remains constant at 0.2 a/cm . At these temperatures the current density is evidently determined by the conduc- tivity of the liquid film of the interaction products of- the additive material, the working gas, and the electrode and of their emission properties. With an increase in. electrode temperature above 900 -1200cX the emission properties of the electrode material d1rectly bq-,in to play a basic role. 2/2 USSR UDC 621.384.32 OVSYANNIKOV, V. A. and-RIO.IWOV, A,. M., Candidate of Sciences "Methods of Converting the Three-Dimensional Spectra of Brightness Fields" Optiko-mekhanicheskaya Promyshlennost', No 11, Nov 72, pp 20-22. Abstract: The problem of conversion of the three-dimensional spectra of an optical background produced using one measurement apparatus for another measurement apparatus with different optical-electronic unit characteristics is studied. This problem is solved for* two models of background spectra: isotropic and separable. The solution produced is correct for the case of negligibly low noise levels of the measurement apparatus. The results of this work may be useful for processing of data on three-dimensional frequency fluctuations of an optical background produced by one-dimensional scanning. The background models studied allow thetwo dimensional energy spectrum to be restored on the basis of three dimensional frequencies from the known one dimensional spectrum. 1/1 _nform4lon Theory- USSR UDC 681.327.12 SMOLYANSKIY, B. Ye., VASIL'YEV, N. G., and ROMANOV-, A. M. min "Graph Reader" USSR Authors' Certificate No 298939, C1. G 06 k 11/00, filed 21 Jan 69, pub- Ushed 26 Apr 71 (from RZh-Avtomatika, Teletnekhanika i Vy(%isliL(~Vn,..~ya Tekhnika, No 1, Jan 72, Abstract No I.A456F)i Translation; A graph reader is proposed. To increase accuracy in reading the graphic recording of several processes, the reading-spot aeflection oscilla- tors through amplitude comparators are coupled with the outputs of the phase demodulators of the two adjacent channels, while the search sweep ose-illators of all channels are series- connected, one of them being coupled with the unit for indicating the simultaneous presence of:second harmonics of the reading channels. One illustration. USSR UDC 539.3 ROMANO.VA. GADENIN, M. M., Moscow "Study of Process of Deformation with Low-Cycle Loading" Problemy Prochnosti, No 11, 1971, pp 10-1S. ABSTPjlCT: The changes in true stresses and defortnations are studied during cyclical, quasistatic rupture of softening, hardening and stabilizing materials, It is demonstrated that the true deformations and stresses itay differ Con- siderably from the conditional stresses usually used to perform calculations. It is established that the intensity and duration of ha:rdening, softening and stabilization are determined, on the one hand, by the plastic properties of the material, and on the other hand, by the loading conditions. The intensity of hardening depends on the value of the fraction (a b -G0.2 Vo bj while the type of material (hardening, softening or stabilizing) dopends Ott the ratio of even elongation corresponding to a to the total static elongation. b A USSR UDC B. 74 VASILENKOV V. A., PIRUMOV, R. N., "Some Problems of Training Pattern Recogniti6n Machines" V sb. Avtomat- upr._i vvchisl. tekhn. (Automatic Control and Computer Engineer- ing -- collection of works), Vyp. 10, Moscow, Mashinostroyeniye Press, 1972, pp 74-103 (from RZh-Kibernetika, No 9, Sep 72, Abstract Nj 9V661) Translation: A study was made of the problems of training automata to recog- nize complex three-dimensional figures by their tiro-dimensional projections. Special attention was given to the procedure fo-L! learninre recognition in the presence of noise. Studies were made of various principles of data processin.- during input and output from the trained automaton. It was demonstrated that the best results have been achieved as a result of the differentiating transfor- mation of the brightness function of the image scannin,- row and the transition to description of input situations in the space of the properties realized in the process of feeding the images to the digital computer. On the basis of the results obtained by the authorsv defined practical recommendations are made, The bibliography has 16 entries, 1/7 UDC: 518.5:681-3.o6 NDICHINOV, V. K. , ROMANOV, A. N. "Ptoblems of Using a Normative Base in Calculating the Requirements of a~Sdctor for Material Resources" Vsb~,TIaoriya i praktika mashin. obrab. ekon. inform. (Theory andFrac- ticein Computer Processing of Economic Data-.-collectioid of works), Ndscov, 1971, pp lh2-159 (from Rzh-Kiber'netika, No 9, Sep 71, Abstract [No - abstract] 62 LIM 11F USSR UDC 8.74 VASILENKO, V. A., PIRUI MOV, R. N. ROMANOV, A. N. "On Certain Proble- in Teaching a Machine to Recognize Images" V sb. Avtomat. upr. i yychisl. tekhn. (Automatic Control and Computer Tech- nology -- Collection of Works), No. 10, Moscow, "Hashinostroyeniye", 1972, pp, 74-103 (from RZh4fatematika, No 9, Sep 72, Abstract NTo 9V661) Translation: The article discusses problems of teaching an automaton to recognize complex three-dimensional figures on the basis of their plane projections. Particular attention is given to a technique for teaching recognition in the presence of noise. Various principles for the processing of isoinformation during its input and output from the learning automaton are investigated. it is shown that the best results are achieved through differentiating conversion of the function for the clarity of the line of separation of the image and the transition to the description of input situa- tians in the space of properties that is achieved during input of images into the computer. Certain practical recommendations are made on the basis of results obtained by the authors. 16 ref. Authors abstract. USSR UDC 543.544.2-.546.791:551.464 RYABININ, A. I., ROMANOV. A.-S., DOROSHENKO, G. A., and LAZAREVA, Ye. A. "Sorption Method for Isolating Uranium and Other Valuable Metals From Sea Water" Leningrad, Radiokhimiya, Vol 15, No 6. 1973, pp 884-885 Abstract: Experimental results are reported on extraction of uranium and other elements out of sea water using a specially prepared exchange resin. The resin was obtained by saturating granules of AN-2F anion exchange resin with highly dispersed titanium hydroxide. Sea water was passed through a column packed with this material; 46% of the uranium present in sea water was extracted in one passage. This material separated also Cu, Co, Zn, Ag, In, Tl, Cd, and Hg. Traces of Ni, V, Mo, Pb and Mn were identified spec- trophotometrically. 66 008. UNCLASSIFIED PR0CES5TNrp,04TE--27N0V70 TLE--EXTRACTfON OF NOBLE METALS AND ACCOMPANYING IMPURITIES FROM POLYMETALLIC GRES -U- -_-:~A_UTH9R_t0Z)-ROMANOV, A.S.r ANISIMOV, S.M. C.CUNTRY OF INFO--USSR :~--,SGURCE-IZVEST. V.U.Z. TSVE flA~~ MET., 1970t (219 93-96 ------- 70 04T= PUBLISHED J5J AREAS--EARTH SCIENCES AND OCEANOGRAPHYs MATERIALS C T T OP I CTAGS--FLOTATI0,14 REAGE,"Ji GGLOt ORE BENFFICATION, PLPIiINIAM, SILVER _-C'iT?GL K' RFSfRICTIONS CLASS--UNCLASSIFIED PRIOXY REEL/FRAME--3003/1491 STEP N.0--k)R/0149/70/0(j'0/0()2/00')3/0096 ~!',C Ai.CESS[Otll ~ I N C L A SS I F I E: 0 UNCLASSf FIED PROCESSING DA,rE--27NOV70 CIRC ACCESSION NO--AT0130et2O A&STR4CT/EXTRAClT--fU) GP-0- ABSTRACT. AETHODS OF E-XTRAC,rmG INOBLE METALS A~10 ACCOMPANYING TRACE ELEMFINTS FROM POLYMETALLIC CRES ,%1-',E DESCRIBEO AND DISCUSSED. THE BEST METHODS ARE THOSE:BAS~D ON GRAVITAFLONAL AND FLCTATIONAL 8ENEFICIATION. 0i IMPORTANT FACTOR 11,; THE PROCESS AS A WHOLE IS THE PRELIMINARY EXTRACTION OF COARSE AU IN THE INITIAL STAGES -OF.ORE PROCESSING. A OIS40VANTAGE OF DIRECT SELECTIVE FLOTATIoN Is THE NECESSITY OF CRUSHING THE ORE FINELY. A.'Z-C, I . ~: __11~ __Itew~ - ~__ I Automatic-, contro ZYS USSR UDC 629.1.018.4 Candidate of Technical Sciences, ROM-ANOV, A. V., Engineer I?Microwave Level Indicators for Liquids and Particulates" Moscow, Mekhanizatsiya i Avtomatizati;iya Proizvodstva, No 10, 1972, pp 17-18 Abstract: New types of microwave signal units are described which utilize the capacity of liquid or particulate media to reflect or absorb electro- magnetic radiation. The amplitude and phase component of the electromagnetic field are altered by the presence of the medium in the measurement 2one. The proposed level indicators comprise an oscillator, a waveguide line, an ac- tuating circuit.,and a power supply. The open end of the waveguide serves as the radiator. Schematics are given and described for three remote level indicators based on this principle. The proposed units are simple and re- liable, and direct contact vith dangerous substances if; not reauired. The measurement accuracy is within tO.3 cm of the exact level- for liquids and particulates with permittivity of 1.5 or higher and loss tangent of 0.05 or greater on a wavelength of 3.2 cm. Power consumption is 15 V. 1/1 Abstracting Servi Ref. Code Acc. N r *Apb 0 Z )-.5 - 642- CHMICAL ABST., 112014a Determination of. the composition or copolymers conttining hydrogen. and wide-line nuclear mag. netic resonance. Romanov..B. S. (USSRi. V~vwhomol * 64ordin.. Ser. B 1970, 12(2r 52-5 tRN). The title method- was used to det.- the monomer unit: ratios in the copolymers. HC:CH.-CF.,:CF,,. HX:CH._CF,.CFCI, M:CHt-CF.,'F:CFI,. 'Fdl. -Mi eiid. error was -~-2%_ These dets. and CF2:CH2-CFt:(. were also performed by using the high resolution NMR method: the error in this case Wa3 :5 1%. CPJR - REEL/FRAMIE 19840944 all Reiction Ki"ti8e. USSR UDC 536.46 and KIUYKIN, B. I., Institute of Chemical Physics, USSR Academy of Sciences, Moscow "Flame Propagation through Particle Suspension in a Gas" Moscow, Doklady Akademii Nauk SSSR, Vol 201, No 1, Nov-Dec 1971, pp 144-147 Abstract: In the case of a combination of particles or fuel droplets suspended in a gaseous mixture containing an oxidizer, if the particles are small enough they will burn with kinetic heating and the combustion of the suspension will be close to that of a homogeneous system; while the heating zone will be much wider than the reaction zone, the velocity of the front will depend exponen- tially an the temperature, etc. But a quite different front structure is possible. Various formulas for use in assessing the parameters of flame propagation are -adduced,with consideration of several possible controlling conditions. 1/1 .7 bi8 UNCLASSIFIE01 !7'~7 PROCESSING DATE--18SEP70 ."-.TITLE--LENINGRADIS PRODUCTION ASSOCIATIONS DISCUSSED -U- AUTHOR- lw_ lam Pat G-- r ~.COUNTRY OF INFO--USSR -"SbURCE-MOSCOW KOMMUNIST NO 3v SIGNED TO PRESS 16 FEB 70 PP 80-91 L :-:DATE PUBLISHED--16FE870 ~'.SUBJECT AREAS--BEHAVfGRAL AND SOCIAL SCIENCES TOPIC TAGS--INDUSTRIAL ASSOCIATION9 INDUSTRIAL MANAGEMENTp R ANO D FACILITY MAN'AGEMENTv MINISTERIAL CONTROLt GOVERNMENT DECENTRALIZATION, R AND D PLANNING ORGANIZATION, POLITICAL STRUCTURE, INDUSTRIAL AUTOmATION, R-AND 0 EFFECTtVENESSi HEAD INSTITUTE, REGIONAL ECONOMIC PLANNING, R AND D ORGANIZATION STRUCTURE, R AND 0 PLANNINGt DESIGN BUREAU, PRODUCTION CCNTROL '44RKING--NO RESTRICTIONS 00COMENT CLASS--UNCLASSIFIED PROXY RFEL/FRAME--1985/0024 STEP NO--UR/9041/70/000/003/0080/0091 CIRC ACCESSION NO--AN0100608 I F f ro 217 -.018 UNCLASSiFIED PROCESSING DATE--IBSE?70 ~CIRC ACCESSION NO--AN0100608 ING, ESS AND 13STRACT/EXTRACT--(U) GP-0- ABSTRACT. DECISIONS OF THE Cf. r1l OF THE CPSU CENTRAL COMMITTEE DECEMBER (1969) PLENUM ENVISAGE ACCELER4TING TECHNICAL IMPROVEMENT IN SOCIALIST PUBLIC PRODUCTION. THIS IS OF PARTICULARLY GREAT SIGNIFICANCE FOR THE LARGEST SCIENTIFIC AND INDUSTRIAL CENTERSt WHERE MACHINESP INSTRUMENTSt AN") EQUIPmENT FO; MANY OF.THE COUNTRY'S ENTERPRISES ARE DEVELOPED AND PRODUCED, AND WHERE ONE MIGHT SAY THe FOUNDATIONS OF SCIENTIFIC TECHNICAL PROGRESS ARE LAID. ONE SUCH CENTER IS LENINGRAD AND LENINGRAD OBLAST. PRECISION MACHI-114E BUILDINGY POWER ENGINEERING, SHIPBUILDING, AND THE RADIO TECHNICAL AND INSTRUMENT BUILDING INDUSTRIES HAVE UNDERGONE HIGH OEVELOPMENT HERE, SUFFICE IT TO SAY THAT TODAY PEOPLE IN LENINGRAD PkODUCE ADRE THAN ONE 'D HALF OF THE STEAM AND HYDRAULIC TURBINES MANUFACTURE IN-THE COUNTRY, MORE THAN HALF THE HYDRAULIC GENERATORSP 30 PERCENT OF THE LARGE ELECTRLCAL-14ACHINES, ALMOST ONE THIRD OF THE POLYGRAPHIC FQUIP-'iF?I)Tt AND MANY FLECTROVACUUM INSTRUMENTS. A CGNSIDERAOLE PART OF THE SHIPS BUILT IN THE SOVIET UNION EACH YEAR ARE LAUNCHED-FROM THE SLIPWAYS OF OUR SHIPBUILCJNG PLANTS. RECENT TIMES HAVE SEEN THE COMMISSIONING OF MAJOR ENTERPR(,';~ES FOR REFINING PETROLEUM, PROOKING FERTILIZERS AND CEMENTS A-NO MANY OTHERS. APPROXIMATELY 400 SCIENTIFIC- RESEARCH AND PLANNING INSTITUTES, SCIENTIFIC ORGANIZATIONS, AND DESIGN BUREAUS, IN WHICH ARE OCCUPIED OVER 13000 DOCTORS AIND CANDIDATES OF scim-cES AND TENS OF THOUSANDS,0F HIGHLY OUALIFIED ENGINEERS AND TECHNICIANS, FUNCTION IN LENINGRAD AND LENINGRAD OBLAST, IN MA14Y BRANCHES OF SCIENCE AND PROCUCT,ION THE PEOPLE OF LENINGRAD ARE# AS THEY SAYo THE INITIATORS. :.-3/7 018 UNCLASSIFtED PROCESSING UATE-18SEP70 11 -CiRC ACCESSION NO--AN0100608 ..ABSTRACT/EXTRACT--THE MACHINES, INSTRUMENTS, AND MECHANISMS DEVELOPED BY ~UNTRY AND TO MANY THEM ARE SENT TO PRACTICALLY EVERY REGION IN OUR C0 FOREIGN COUNTRIES. IT IS THUS CLEAR THAT THE DEVELOPING SCIENCE AND PRODUCTION AND ACCELERATING THE RATES OF TECHNICAL PROGRESS ARE THE SUBJECT OF PARTICULAR CONCERN FOR THE LENINGRAD PARTY ORGANIZATION. THE PARTY ORGANIZATIONS ESTABLIS14ED CONTROL OVER THF CREATION AND FUNCTIONING OF SECTIONS AND BUREAUS AND SHOPS AND SECTORS OF AUTOMATION AND MECHANIZATION AT ALL MAJOR ENTERPRISES, AND OVER THE FULFILLMENT OF THE TECHNICAL PROGRESS PLANS. PREVIOUSLY EXISTING DESIGN AND TECHNOLOGICAL SERVICES DEVELOPING MECHANIZATION EQUIPMENT AND MEANS WERE REINFORCED, AND THEIR LABORATORY AND EXPERIMENTAL BASE KAS STRENGTHENED. THIS HAS HELPED INCREASE THE RATES AND EXPAND THE FRONT OF PRODUCTION AUTOMATION AND MECHANIZATION, THE EXPERIENCE OF THE WORK OF THE AMALGAMATED ENTERPRISES AND SPECIALIZED.PRODUCTION FACILITIES GAVE THE LENINGRAD WORKERS THE OPPORruNlry TO EXPAND AND DEEPEN SPECIALIZATION. AS AN EXPERIMENTs NINE PRODUCTION ASSOCIATIONS WERE CREATED SOME YEARS AGO WHICH COMPRISED 49 uv[-APRISES AND 14 SCIE11TIFIC RESEARCH AND PLANNING AND DESIGN ORGANIZATIONS. THE.SG ASSOCIATIONS U14BRACED THE LEADING SRANCHES OF L[NtNG-ZAU INDUSTRY AND WEgE FORMED (IN THE BASIS ulf- THE H0140GENEITY OF THE OUTPUT AN5 THE COMMUNITY qF THE APPLIED TECHNOLOGY AROUND THE LARGEST ENTERPRISES POSSESSING A HfGq PqoDucriorq AND SCIENTIFIC AND TECHNICAL POTENTIALAND QUALIFIED CADRES. 4/7 018 UNCLASSIFIED PRncEssING DATE--L8SEP70 'C'IRC ACCESSION NU--AN0100608 ABSTRACT/EXTRACT--THE UNCLUSION OF MAJOR SCIENTIFIC A11110 TECHNICAL ATIONS IN THE ASSOCIATIONS, THEIR ORGANIC LINK WITH PRODUCTION9 AND CONSEQUENTLY THE INCREASED RESPONSIBILITY FOR THE TECHNICAL STANGARD AND QUALITY OF PRODUCTION AND FOR THE EFFICIENCY OF PRODU%"*TION HAVE PERMirTED A CONSIDERABLE REDUCTION 114 THE TIME TAKEN FOR DEVISING AND ASSIMILATING NEW ARTICLES AND AN INCREASE IN THE VOLUME OF SCIENTIFIC, RESEARCH, EXRERIMENTALt AND DESIGN WORK. THE TECHNICAL ISTANDARD AND QUALITY OF.ARTICLES HAVE CONSIDERABLY RISEN IN ALL ASSOCLATIONS, AND EXPORT SUPPLIES 14AVE INCREASED SHARPLY. THE OBKOM BUREAU RECENTLY EXAMINED THE QUESTION OF THE ROLE OF A LENINGRAD INS7[TurE IN RAISING THE TECHNICAL LEVEL OF PRODUCTION AND LABOR PRODUCTIVITY IN THE ENTERPRIS-ES OF.-THE RADIO INDUSTRY.. IT TURNE-0 OUT THAT, OESPITE THE INSTfTUTEfS GREAT WORK, ITS INFLUENCE THERE WAS EXTREMELY SMALL. THUSv IN RECENT YEARS THE INSTITUTE HAS DEVELOPED UPWARDS OF 200 TYPES OF MODEL TECHNOLOGICAL EQUIPMENT AND MEANS OP MECHANIZATION, WHILE ONLY .INDIVIDUALi ISOLATED MODELS ARE IN USE IN THE.ENTERPRISES, ANO THERE IS NO QUESTION OF THE COMPLEXITY OF INTRODUCING THEM. THIS IS EXPLAINED BY THE FACT THAT THERE WERE NO FACILITIES FOR THE SERIES MANUFACTURE OF THE EQUIPMENT PROPOSED BY THE INSTITUTE. A SIMILAR SITUATION EXISTS IN THE WORK OF THE LEADING INSTITUTES OF A NUMBER OF OTHER MINISTRIES. THE CBKOM BUREAU-.CAME r0 THE CONCLUSION THAT-THE CREATION Oj~ SCIENTIFIC, PROnUCTION AND TECHNOLOGICAL ASSOCIATIONS MAY BE THE SOLUTIOil TO T141S PROBLE149 SUCH AN ASSOCIATION HAS NOW BEEN ORGANIZED IN LENINGRAD BY THE USSR MINISTRY OF SHIPBUILDING INDUSTRY. 111,41-4 a""; k-tt-11 5/7 018 UNCLASSIFIC-6 PROCESSING DATE--18SEP70 ACCESSION NO--AN0100608 c,A5STRACT/EXTP.ACT--IT COMPRISES THE SCIENTIFIC RIESEARCH INSTITUTE OF THE TECHNOLOGY OF SHIPBUILDING WITH EXPERIMENTAL PRODUCTION, AND THREE SERIES PRODUCT113N PLANTS LOCATED IN THE CITY AND THE OBLAST WHICH ARE REORGANILING PRODUCTION FOR THE OUTPUT OF MEANS OF MECHANIZATION ANO AUTOMATION FOR THE SHIPBUILDING ENTERPRISES. IN THE ELECTRONICS iNDUSTRY THE SCIENTIFIC AND PRODUCTION POSITRON ASSO%-lfATION WILL OBVIOUSLY BE ABLE TO CONSIDERABLY ACCELERATE THE COMPLEX MECHANIZATION AND AUTOMATION OF PRODUCTION. IT COMPRISES A LEADING INSTITUTF-t THE DEVELOPER OF RADIO PARTS, TWO PLANTS INTENDED FOR THE CGIMPLEX ASSIMILATION OF SERIES PRODUCTION AS WELL AS NEW TECHNOLOGICAL EQUIPMENT, IN ADDITION TO A NUMBER OF OTHER ENTERPRISES 'AND ORGANIZATIONS. THUS A SINGLE PqOICESS 1,S PEING CREATED, THE 0FVf-;-GPRE- OF THE NEW ARTICLE, THE EQUIPMENT AND TECHNULOGY NEClESSARY FOR ITS OUTPUTt AND THE GRGANIZArION OF THE SERIFS OUTPUT OF THE ARTICLE. IT SHOULD ALSO BE MENTIONED THATt UNDER THE CONDITIONS OF tHf: ~CONONNC REFORM AND THE CENTRALIZED BqANCH CONTROL OF INDUSrQY, PRODUCTION AND SCIENTIFIC PRUOUCTICON ASSOCIATIJNS ARE PROVIDING THE POSSIBILIrY FUR rHE MOST HARMONIOUS COMBINATION OF THE ECONOMIC AINO AlDr4l[NISTRATIVE '~ETHWY)s OF THE LEADERSHIP OF ENTERPR!3ES, AND AqE CREATING FAV31ZA13LE C&IJ)[TIONS FOR THE WORK, OF THE CENTcAL ECONOMIC ORGANS. THERF IS A REDUCTION IN 'if 'E`JE,~v WHILE TIIE NUMBER OF P?,r)JECTS S, JJFCT TJ cowROL F;40M THE C . MINISTRIES, DEPARTMENTS, AND PLANNING ORGANS ARE BEING RELEASED FRO'14 THE Sr)LUTICN Or- MANY SHORT TERM QUESTIONSw AND CAN OCCUPY THEilSELVES 'i.jRE WITH THE MAIN DIRECTIONS OF THE DEVELOPMENT OF ri-ii: BRANCHES "IF Tilt: NATIONAL ECONOMYs UNCLASSIFIED 6/7 01.8 UNCLASSIFIE0 PROCESSING DATE--18SEP70 ~CJRC ACCESSION NO-AN0100608 ABSTRACT/GXTRACT--l SHOULD LIKE TO STRESS PARTICULARLY THAT THE LOCALITIES -E NOT CREATING A.NY ADD[TTOINAL MANAGERIAL LINKS: THE LFADERSHIP 01~ R I f A ENTERPRISES CONTAINED WITHIN THIS OR THAT ASSOCIATION IS PERFORMFO THROUG14 THE ADMINISTRATION AND APPARATUS OF ITS HEAO ENrFRPR(!)E- 'THE PXRTY OBLAST, CITY, AND RAYON COMMITTEES HAVE ENLISTED PPACTICALLY ALL ENTERPRISE AND BRANCH INSTITUTES FOR THE COMPILATION OF A CONSOL(OATED SPECIALIZATION PLAN FOR LENINGRAD fNDIJ$I*RY. THE GENERAL C913RDINATION OF THE WORK AND THE METHODLOGICAL LEADERSHIP HAVE BEEN ENTilUSTED To THE SCIENTIFIC RESEARCH INSTITUTE FOP, MACHINE BUILDING TECHNOLO,',;Y, AND THE BRANCH DRAFTING INSTITUTES WILL OETERMINE THE PROSPECTS FOR THE DEVELOPMENT OF EVERY BRANCH OF LENINGRAD INDUSTRY FOR 1.971-1975 AND FOR 'TAKING The REAL CONOITIONS A NUMBER OF BRANCHES UP TO 19801, INTO ACCOUNT AND OPPORTUNITIES, WORK FORCE RESOURCES, AND CAPACITIES OF CONSTRUCTION ORGANIZATIONS. GREAT BEWILDERMENT IS CAUSED BY THE POSITION TAKEN BY A NUMBER OF MINISTRIES IN CONNECTION WITH.THE JOINING OF SCIENTIFIC RESEARCH AND, DESIGN ORGANIZATION A-40 PLANTS INTO ASSOCIATIONS AND CREATING SCIENTIFIC TECHNICAL PRODUCTION ASSOCIAft0ris. Hf:RE EVf---RYTmflG SEEMS TO BE AS CLEAR AS CAN BE: FHL EFFECTIVENESS AND GREAT ADVANTAGES OF ORGANIC TIES BETWEEN SCIENCE AND PROOUCTION AND THE CONCEiNTRAT[ON WITHIN THE FRAMEWORK OF A SINGLE PRODUCTION AND FCONOMIC CJIMPLEX OF RELATED ENTERPRISES AND ORGANHATIONS HAWBEEN PROVED BY FXPERIENcE; THERE ARE PARTY AND STATE INSTRUCTIO.NS ON THIS SC0RFs BUT SOMETIMES NOTHING IS DONE ABOUT IT6 UNCLASSIFIED 1/7 018 UNCLASSIFIED PROCESSING DATE--18SCP70 --ClRC ACCESSION NO-AN01.00608 :!ABSTRACT/EXTRACT--FOR YEARS, enR EXAMPLE, WE HAVE FAILED To CONVINCE THE USSR MINISTRY OF THE MACHINE TOOL AND TOOL BUILDING INDUSTRY TO TRANSFER TO THE SVERDLOV ASSOCIATION AN INDIVIDUAL MACHINE TOOL BUILDING DESIGN BUREAU WHICH WAS ONCE UNDER ONE OF THE PLANTS OF THE PRESENT ASSOCIATION. THIS IS LIMITING THE POSSIBILITIES OF THE LENINGRAD ENTERPRISES IN IMPROVING THE STANDARD AND QUALITY OF THE MACHINE TOOLS ,BEING MANUFACTURED. IT OFTEN HAPPENS THAT MINISTRIES 4GREE r0 CREATE ASSOCIATED ORGANIZATIONS ArqD FIRMSt BUT ONLY FORMALLY. IN ACTUAL FACT NOTHING CHANGES: EACH ORGANIZATION KEEPS ITS OWN CURRENT ACCOU.NT AND ITS PREVIOUS COMPLEX OF CONTROL SERVICESP AND THEIR. PLANNING AND SUPPLY ARE CARRIED OUT SEPARATELY. IN FORMULATfNG AND MAKING ANY DECISIONSt THE MINISTRIES AND PLANNING ORGANS STILL PLACE THE R'ESPONSIB[LITY FOR --THEtP FULFILLMENT ON THF INDIVIDUAL PLAMTS BELONGING TO THE ASSOCIATIONSt THEREBY, AS IT WEREt DISCOUNTING THE VERY EXISTENCF OF THE ASSOCIATIONS, ALTHOUGH IT IS UNOERSTANDABLE THAT UNDER THE CONO[r[0,145 OF THE ASSOCIATION THESE ENTERPRISES IN PRACTICE CANNOT RESOLVE THE MANY TASKS,SET BEFORE THEM INDEPENDENTLY AS ISOLATED PRODUCTION FACILITIES. UNDOUBTEDLY SUCH ACTIONS DO NOTHING BUT DISCREDIT T14E NE'd FoR*4S OF ORGANIZING SCIENCE AND PRODUCTION. UNCLASSIFIED hAjo 011125- m AUTHOR-- ROIM A NO S ~c ETAR LENINGRAD F~EqTO'L CF T ~AR -THE COMMUNI PARTY TITLE-- TODAY AND TOMORROW OF THE ASO NEWSPAPER--- EKONOMICHESSKAYA GAZETAJ JANUAFY, 19170, MR 11 P 4 ABSTRACT- THE ARTICLE OUTLINES THE ROLE OF THE LENINGIRAD F I G IA FARTY COMMITTE-E IN PROMOTING THE USE OF ZLECTI~O'N__-- COM~LJTL~-S A~~:,) AUTOMATED MANAGYMENT SYSTEMS /AMS/ IN THE LENINGRAD OBLAST. DURI,1,4 THE 6o S MACHIr'!E' COMPUTATI%4 STATIONS AND TRAINI-"!~i c_:":7_'-xS WERE ESTABLISAF-D" AT THE IZHORA PLANT, OPTICAL_'A;7_r,~'AiN.1 CAL, NKRASNOGVARDiYETS", "SKOIROKHOV AND "ELEKTRCSILA~l C"PPORAT_10`~S? 'A!:D SOME OTHER PLANTS. IN 1964 HIAEVER THERE WEF,,E flipLT 0~17 EL-E!"T ' Q)-'I r- COMPUTER OURAL-40 m iNE ENGINE'ERING tYPE COMPUTiRs' -URAL-111, AtJ71) "I R-11-HriR DATZD -ALCULATING MACHINES 11, THE ENTIRE SOVNARKHO Z. DURING THE SAME YEAR A SpErIALIZED cORFOR -ftTION "LE~JELEKTRCINMASH". WAS ESTABLISHE6. IT lj.~S RESPOrI513LE FOR DEVELOPMENT AND INTRODUcTION OF com?RTEFENSIVE 11UTOiNATZED PLANNIlt-:C A;N__ MANAGEMENT SYSTEMS AT THE SOVNARKHOZ PLANTS AND INSTITUTIC-1114S. SPECIALISTS FROM THE POLYTECHNIC INSTITUTE, Tll'~' , 19 15 ro; 2 0: 1 1. -3 AN0011125 INSTITUTE., THE INSTITUTE OF PRECISION mF_,cHAljics AND OPTICSS, -KE LENINGRAD UNIVERSITY At',lD THE ACADEMY OF SCIZINCES CON S C F~ T ~:- 7 TO IMPLEMENT Th'IS PROI RAM AT THE PLANTS. ScHOOLS T WERE ESTABLISHED AT SOME LENINGRAD INSTIlLITIONS "'W LEAF'~:11%1: , G",j P I IT 1 TODAY, THE LEmINGRAD AND THE LE~,,INGRAD OBLAST HAVE 3 r CENTERS, 91 STATIONS AND Ica BUREAUS OF MArHfL,E CALCULATICNf-S. INSTITUTIONS OPERATE HUNDREDS OF ELECTRO., IC RS AND T:ioLr,:: r_ 14 " j)_ -i.. OF CALCULATORS. ThIRTY SHlFi'UlLr)lNG R'LBlI0't.L;'r-'R()%,y-,7S K LE CT~ I C u:; C. c' ~N; E: HEAVY MACHINE CONSTRUCTION , TRANSPORf E Q U I F -~'; Z 't 411' Il S r P~; ,"T TION AND ENERGETICS MACHIkERY PLANTS ARE ABOUT TO S-d!TCA TO AUTO- MATH PRODUCTION MANNAGE,"IENT SYSTEMSt PLANS CAL'L FOR THE ESTASLIS-i- MENT OF THREE CENTERS IN LENINGRAD FOR THE D'E'VELOPiNENT OF AUTO."IAT"irl SYSTEMS OF INDUSTRIAL MANTAGEMENT. LEADING DRGANIZATION15 AND 5,'-'Ar'ly3 COMPUTATION CENTERS ARE BEING ORGANIZED IN THE LEAIDING INDUISTFIES THE REGICN. 1'.~jC)RjJjGE T~ THE ARTICLE ALSO 011S THAT DESPITE THE ACIJT7--* ..I~ r --, N 4. COMPUTERS, THE "MINSK-01-11 T~PE OF A COMPUTER IS MSED ON THE AVF.R- ,,.4 .1 ACE ONLY 9 HOURS A DAY, SEVENTY-EIGHT PEIRCENT OF TlflS Tf,,.,,w rc, Spv~,-, C T ON tNGINEERINC AND RESEARCH PROBLEMS, 12 -)pj ")-'F E(7 FORMATION PROCESSING, AND ONLY 4 PERCENT ON PRODUCTWN PLANNING 19562014 USSR UDC 54.6-791.4 VDOVENKO, V. M., R and SOLINTSEVA, L. V . "Heat of Formation of UOF(OH),0.5 H20" Leningrad, Radiokhimiya. Vol 12, No 5, 1970. pp 764-766 Abstract: In continuation of their work, the authc.~-s deterndmed ''-he epthalpy of formation of UOF(0h)-Q#5 B20 to be t,5,0 Kcalfiiole, Tii following values were found for thip, reaction UO~m(01H)-0.5 H20.= UOF(ON) + 0.5 H20 (A ti = 5.19 Kca ole A' = 1 46 Kcal/mole , and 43= 12 14E) The heat of formation of 6OFTOH) was found to be -340.8 t 5-6 Kb!~Vmole- USSR VDOV-z-z"K0, V. ?.-I RO":xxV.__G. A., KALIININ, G. V, wnd SOLYISEVA. L. V. "Synthesis and Investigation of Some Physico-Chenvlcad Propi-rties of UOF(OH)OO-5 Y120" Leningrad, Radiokhimiya, Vol 12, No 5, 1970# pp 762-"64 Abstract: The compou-nd UGF(CI-0-0-5 F12G X"~ e d by adding fluorine ions at a ratio of III to U(111) oolutions in perciriloric acid. Upon addition of a base the color of tne solution chanl.--es from greenish-blue to brown and a fine crystalline black pi-vicipitate falls out at pH 1.8. The product contzains 79.?6~ o- uraxi",um, a-veeing wCll J with the proposed structure. The rmo,-,ravimetric an(1 in~_'.L1_a'r(_(1 Uni_"IySeS c rried out also supported the proposed structure .r,- duct a ;','c fdw abovo pri, This compound is insoluble in water,and dissolves easity in aqueous so- lutions of mineral acids forming a fluo.ride comple, UFJ-. When heated to 2500 it converts to UOF(OH),