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7 Z_ UD .2 8039.4.0n D4B1f11'rLViENT OF MARTENSITE-AGED 001411!X_9K~T STCrL BY PRECIPITATION OF TITANIUM CARBONITRIDES (.'~rt ic 1 C by g g 1,. ina Hostosol Izveseiva A 1,L)- j7. 1972i. 3igned to press 3 vecanher 1910, np stee"a on a base of re a 10% Ill. Co-Ho, doped with titaniun, can he en1wittled by lilo~i coolLtir. rrom,1200-12Sa4 ar a result of' the precipitation of Ti(C110 lattice!% aloijr, the bound- arles of the orir-inal aur-tentio Friiin 11). The sharp drop in pla",ticity and -ductility Is unually accompanied by transition to Intvrc~rvaknll!to fracture. RouFh latticer: are dt--cted In the structure of the larre forrinr-, and ptinchinga or 00ONIBKOMST steel alont'. the toundarivs of the Im the dirnction nuatenive grains, and al:jo dvin.-n of the hot plastic de!ornatlon of the Ti(C,N) clus- ter. The forginro and putichtripm hod a large Frain ofl,-2fonjh;,,.,i4cale, Th a ACtion,of a or in in t~. tran3ravleartzie%'*i,,tcionbterI ht di on r tions (in the zone of fracturing of the nunchinea) after quenchinp from 8201 and arinr at ORO* com- priuan a total of 2-10;. Triple recrytitallization at 025-975* [23 reduced the Frain -size of the steel, btit did not.raise the plasticity to the rtiquIrad values. , An inveotiltationwas inade an the temper- ature ranpe of precipitation of the TI(C,10 lat- tices in the 000111OKWIST steel, their embrJtTIJnj,, Influence, and also the conditions of altering the structures having the lattices. The investigation was mado on at the Vlao-1 trostal 1. Plant in opal, arc rurnacas w1th a woirht %it, to 5 T~ and aubnoquent vacuum-are ameltiur. irk cl-yst.allizarn up t1o 600 tee S -0% UBC :669415'24*25'28,539.4.011 BELYAKOV, L. N., NIROL'SKAYA, V. L. RgYAKINA1 0. K. and SICHKOVt V. V.0 M oscov M "Babrittle=ent of Precipitation-Hardening Nfartensitic Steel" Moscow, Izvesti.-ra "-ademii nauk SSSR, Metally, Z;o 1, Jan-Feb 720 PP 159-165 Abstract: This study concerns the temperature range conducive to the segregation of Ti(C, X) particles in the form of networks along the austenite grain boundaries in 00018K9145T steel, the embrittling effect of such networks or, the steel,as well as the conditions for correcting structures having such networks. On slow cooling from 1200-12500C the coarse-grained precipitation-hardened martensitiC steel becomes brittle due to the separa- tion of Ti(C, N) networks within the 760-10000C range. It is shovn that brittleness may be elizinated by rapid cooling in water or oil, The structure and mechanical properties of Steels with networks and Ti(C, 10 segregations may be corrected by quenchingtbe steel from 12-00-12500C (after homogenizing for more than I hr) an&triple recrystallization at 900-975'C 1'oo reduce the grain si2e. Tbe formation of carbonitride networks May be inhibited by lovering the end temperature of hot plia3tic deformation in order to preclude further recrystallization. (h illustrations, 3 tables, 6 bibliographic references). UINC* LASS I FIED' PKOPHYLAXIS, T A I v,E NT k-F CCMe. I NFL I NJUR I E S -U- AbTH0R--KLV/U,.~, I.YE. CCUNTRY Cf INUC-USSR '111'0C~-SSING DAfE--20NG'V70 SUM~;[CAI- TALTfCS It, TfiF ZHUM-NAL, NO 3p 1970, pl, 19-21 OATE P U!~L 1 S~ E- 0-- 7 C -.-:',S,UbJL-CT AFEAS-610LOGICAL AND MEDICAL SCIENCES TGP IC, TAGS--,',!ILITARY MECICINF, JNJURYt 31AIN, RA13LAIT -CC,4TRCL 141APKING-N RESTRICTIONS 0 UM E fx I C L i, S SU 11,11 f, L A IS S 1 F I E D --3G0 tjf'03 9 7 --UR 0 17 7/ 70 /,a')' 003 0019/ 00i I P.ROIXY RELL/I KA6;E STEP Nil) CIRC ACCESS. NO-AP0134161 F Ir (I 1. C4 5 IF I ED PROICESSING 0ATE-20NOV70 P G 1 1 7 6 T MA b S T R A T DIE PC 1 b 1 L A Y LiF THE IJSF OF EFFECTIVE Or' WHICH THE MECHAIANJC,'~L At"iD (-I" Itxfl.F,,RTANCE, pR4Sj-j'ljfS NF,;i TASNS TO THE 111 t I T P. Y M E 0 1 C AL fl V I Ct: IT IS NIJ ACCiDENT Tk'AF SIOL ~5Y SIDE ivilTfi THE f-LRTF,L R bf--VELGPMLl.T OF THE PR(,JBLE,J. OF 8URIAS MOAL -iJ.RC ATFF,,irlot-4 1S GIVE N YL, r- CM A I NEI 1) IN j UP I E 5 1 eupNs COMINE-0 WITH ,:ECHA:ifGAL rfifii.,iA (v. A . K;'~ LG. S h 1 N s 19 16 M . L EK L L"'A I S h I' V t 19 513 ; V . V . V LA j( 14', 19 5V ; I , L. e,~RU P KC r 196 ~3 AN U 0, F HFR S f 10 s f u Dy .JAI E 5 T I GIN, s I f i v ~i r T,'J, Eli T f)F '0 COMbil"El'i 1,14jui.IES "'iL, h, VE U, U C I I.- EXPERPAIENI'S 1jN 12 RABBITS wEIGHING 2.5-3.5 K6. U P i C L A S S 1 1 E 0 AM112,511 M Kim USSR UDC 621.372.81.09 ALTSHULER, YU. G., KATS, L. I..~_EYZIN_, R,_M. "Experimental Study of Millimeter-Band Electromagnetic Wave Propagation in a Wave Guide Filled with n-InSb in a Magnetic Field" Kiev, Izvestiya vuzov SSSR, Radioelektronika, Vol XV, No 8, 1972, pp 938-944 Abstract: An experimental study was madL-of the millimeter-band electromag- netic wave propagation through a wavegLdde with an n-InSb plate in a constluit magnetic field. There are defined laws on the application of the investi,-,ated effects for purposes of measuring the parameters of seraiconductor materials. As a result of the small values of WcT, the method of cyr-lotron resonance obviously has limited application in the given band. The method-. based on the Faradav effect and especially the investigation of helicon waves are much more efficient. The results of measurements in different orientations of the mag- netic fields indicate the effectiveness of the larter with respect to the ampli- tude and phase of the transmitted microwave signal. The i-~axinmni attenuation drop in the case of a longitudinal magnetic field at the temperature of liquid nitrogen with a plate thickness of 600 microns is 30 decibels on variation of the magnetic field from 0 to 5 kiloersteds. In a transverse magnetic field the maximum attenuation drops for a plate t1iickness of 250 microns is 17.5 1/2 84 - USSR AL'TSIIULER, YU. G., et al., Izvestiya vUzov SSSR, Radioelektronika, Vol xl:, No 81 1972, pp 938-944 decibels. The phase of the transmitted signal varies in this case from -133 degrees on variation of H from 0 tu 15 kiloersteds. rn the case of propagation through a waveguide with an n-InSb plate arranged along the 1XIS of the wave guide in a transverse inagnetic field, nonreciprocal transmission of the millimeter-band radiation is observed with maximum decoupling of 14 decibels. Thus, it is possible to build different types of control devices (atteuuators, phase converters, gyrators) in the millimeter band with pararnte- ters which are acceptable in practice on the basis of magnetically active plasma effects in semiconductors. 2/2 USSR ---ALIT,'-;MJLE-I,, YLT. G., et all., izvestiya Vuzov SGIR, 11,adioelektronika, Vol XV) "o 8 lYT*2, P--,,) 932-937 an attenuator can be obtained with attenuation on the or-do~: of 10-15 docile]:-, for HO = 1,000 oersteds and variation of vo from 0 to 2-1.00 r,-,/sec of the phase shifter and that the polarization plane can I e rotated within the limits of rl(13 for H 500 oersteds and v0 from 0 to 2'10 sec. . ...... ... UNCLASSIFIED PROCESSING DATE--20NOV70 ;~.~ :112 017 .~J-ITLE-SUDIUM IODICE,CESIUM IODIDEALU14INUM IODIDE$ POTASSIUM IUDIOE,CESLUM IOUIDE,ALUMINUM 1.001,0E, AND RUBIDEUM IODIOEPCESIUM __.-AUTti0R-(03)-ARKHIPOV, REVIINAt T.v MIKHEYEVA, V.I. ~`.CCUNTRY OF ltl,'FO-USSR 0 15 (3 0-4 SOURCE-Zh. NEORG. KHItl- 197 DATE FUBLISF-EC ------- 70 ;.SUBJECT AREAS--CHEMISTRY TAGS-PHASE DIAGRAM, SOLID SOLUTION, IODIDE# SODIUM cliMPOU-ND, CESIUM -COMPOUNDP ALUMINUM CUPPOUND, RU.BIDIUM COMPOUND, EUTEGTIC MIXTURE, CHEMICAL MIXTURE MARKING-NO RESTRICTIONS DOCUMENT CLASS-UNCLASSIFIED PROXY REEL/FRAME-1994/1717 STEP NG--UR/0078/70/015/00'i/0820/0624 CIRC ACGESSICN NO--APOL15546 212 017 UNCLASSIFIED~ PROCESSING DATE--20NOV70 ACCESSICN NO--AP0115546 GP-0- ABSTRACT. TRIANGLE PHASE DIMGRANS OF Al-CSI-ALI SU83 SYSTEMS (NHERE 1-1 EQUALS NAt Kv OR Rl*,) SPLIT iNTO 4 SECICNDARY TRIANGULAR PHASE DIAGRAMS. ThE SECTIDNS NAI.ALJ StJ83-CSl-;`lflLI SU83 (~%HERE N EQUALS I Ok 2) AND NAL-CSI.ALI SU63 APPEAR AS QUAS161NARY SYSTEMS FG-RivING LIMITED SULID SOLNS. ANO EACH HAVING ONE EUTECTICt I.E. AT 165 A140 SIMILAR TO -43 hu-LE PERCENT CSI.ALI SUB3t 150 Vil) SIMILAR T*O k 8 MOLE PE"',-ENT 46 MCLE PERCENT CSI.2ALl SU33, ANU 2400EGREES AND SWILAt T~l N#441, kESF- PHASE DIAGRAMS GF SYSTEMS OF CSL.ALl SUa3 WITH KI.ALI SU33 AND RBI.ALI SU83 ARE CONSTRUCTED. THEY FORIA EUTECTI-CS, AT 175DEGREES AND SIVILAR TO 59 VCLE PERCENT KI.ALI SUB3 AND SIMILAR TO 195DEGREES AND SIVILAR TO 75 MOLE PERCENT RBI-ALI SUB3,, RESP. THE SYSTEM OF R81.ALl SU83 HAS Llt-11TED SOLID SOLY. AT BOTH CONCENTRATIONAL EXTREMES. EUTECTICS OF THE rERINAKY SYSTEM NAI-CSI-ALI SUB3 ARE (M.P., MOLE PERCENT NAI, AND POLE PERCENT LSI GIVEIN): 115DEGREES, 23.5, 5.5; 145DEGREES, 22*0v-Zl.C;.160DEGREES, 31.0, 21.0; AND 235DEGREES, 2.0, 53.0. Mi IT -fifflr, LLUffliff"TIM MINI H119-U1919 R0101911 9H 'ESSfNG 0AT*,7--L3N0V70 UNC LASSI F I LO DECCmPOSITION OF CHLURAUS, T ATE S, WA C.S P _P-ERCHLtjKATESv AND eEi~I'JOATES OF :-'Ur3l0Ws-`ip A&N", CESIUM -U- -(03) Srj, I NA N. IRFVZ T V A UTHO k~, -9REUSOV, O.N., KA -F INFO--USSR LIN T R Y(J ...-~~,,.SGURCE-ZH. NEORG. KHIM. 19709 15(3) 612-14 -,':-.I)rATE'. PUBLISHED---70 SUBj ECT AREAS -CH EM IST RY JOPIC -TAGS-THERMAL DECOMIPOSITION, RUSIDIUM ClomPOUND, POTASSIUM COMPOUNDt BROMATEi COMPOUNDr CHLORATE, PERCHLORATE, IOUATE NTROL MARKING-NO RESTRICTIONS DOCUME'T CLASS-UN 'P NO _18/70/015/003/0612/0614 -PROXY REEL/FRAME-1994/1872,-,., ST --UR/00 _CfKC ACCESSICN Pl0--AP0115e`,91 u f, L A 5F 1:1:: 1-11 - 2/2 '0 18 UNC L A'S S I r- I M. PROCESSING DATE-13NOV70 _CIRC ACCESSION NO--AP0115691 ABSTRACT/EXTRACT--(U) GP_ 0- ABSTRACT. THERMAL DECUIMPN. OF M (M EQUALS K, RB, AND cs) CHLORATES, BROMATES, IODATES, PrERCHLORATES, ANID PEIRIODATES WERE STUDIED BY DTAt THERMOGRAV.11ETRY, AND BY EVOLVE-D GAS DETECTION. THESE COMPOS. DECOMPO. WHEN MELTED, AND THEIR THERiMAL STABILITY INCREASED IN-THE ORDER: MIO SU84 SMALLER THAN.-MOR0 SUB3 SMALLER THAN MCLO SUB3 -,SMALLER THAN MIU SUB3 SMALLER THAN' iMCIO:SUB *4* WI*T.H~ THE -EXCEPTION OF PERCHLORATES AND IODATES,..ALL THESE COMPDS. ..EVOLVED. GREAT ENERGY DURING THE.INITIAL CLEAVAGE OF 0,' W141CH MADE THEM EXPLOSIVE, --u2 012 UNCLASSIFIED !'I PROCESSING DATE--30OCT70 ~TITLE-LACTIC ACID BACTeRIA CULTURES:IN THE PRODUCTION OF SAUSAGE -U- ;~AUTHOR-REY,, M. ~-CJGUNTRY OF INFO--USSR -SOURCE-MYAS. IND* S'SR 19701 41(1)p 37-9 ,-DATE PUBL I SHED------ 70 .--'SUBJECT AREAS--BIOLOGICAL AND MEDICAL SCIENCES .TOPIC TAGS--LACTIC ACIDt STREPTOCOCCUSt BACTERIAt FOOD INDUSTkY itONTROL MARKING-NO RESTRICTIONS ,DOCUMENT CLASS--UNCLASSIFIED .-PROXY REEL/FRAME--1998/05Z6 STEP NO--UR/9086170/(~41/OOL/0037/0039 CIRC ACCESSION NO--AP0121200 Lo 2/2 012 UNCLASSIFIED: PROCESSING DATE-3013C.T70 ~:CIRC ACCESSION NO---AP0121200 ABSTRACT/EXTRACT--(U) GP-0- ABSTRACT. THE ADDN. OF STREPTOCOCCUS 01ACETILACTIS OR LACTOBACILLUS PLANTARUM OR THEIR MEXTS. DURING THE PRODUCTION OF NEVSKAYA SAUSAGES IMPROVED TASTE AND FLAVOR. LACTIC, ACID (1) FORMED DECREASED PH AND PREVE14TED THE GROWTH OF UNDESIRABLE MICROORGANISMS. THE AMT. OF I INCREASED DURING THE FIRST 15 HR OF RIPENING TO APPROX. 3.7 MEQUIV. THEN IT BEGAN TO DECREA-SE AND DROPPED TO APPROX---2..5 MEQUIV DURING THE NEXT' 30 HR. THE DECRE'ASE WAS ACCOMPANIED:BY AN' INTENSIVE FORMATION OF PYRUVIC ACID III), PARTLY BY OXIDN. OF 1. THE LEVELS OF BUTYRIC ACID.AND PROPICNIC ACIO WERE SMALLER THAN 1PERCENT OF THE TOTAL AMT. OF.ACIDS IAS COMPARED WITH 3 AND 6PERCENT, RESP., IN THE CONTROL. THE CONTENT OF Il WAS 22-3PERCENT OF THE TOTAL ACIDS. 'FACILITY: MOSK. TEKHNOL, INST.-MYAS. MOLOCH. PROM-i MOSCOW# USSR. '41- L il a ,r- I r- W44;i, 0_07 UNCLASSiFlEdl; PROCESSINS DATE-11SEP70 -V-lT(E--_StREW FEEDER FOR FREE FLDWING'MATE;~`AAL -U- .,,AUTHOR-G.AVRILIN., A.V., FRAYMANY. R-:,t REYBAKHt M-5-t POLYAKs L.G. ~_-COUNTRY- OF INFO--USSR ,,~SQURCE-KHIM. PROM. W~5%,OW) 1970, 46(l) 60-3 '.:.'DATE PUBLISHED ------- 70 _rSUBJECT AREAS--MECH.t IND.t 'IVIL AND MARINE ENGR ,~'~TCPIC TAGS-14ATERIAL HANOLINGt FEED MECHANm CONTROL MAPKTNG--N,') RFSTRICTIONS .90CUMFNT CLASS--U14CLASSIFIED iOROXY REEL/FRAM~--1988/1337 STEP '40--I)R/0064/701~',46/()OL/0060/~)363 CTPC ACCESSTON NO--AP01061.14 fj r IL f:_ T_ m r. .212i, 007 UNCLASSIFIED PR' OC E S S 1 NG 0 ATE-11SEP70 -CIRC ACCESSION NO--AP0106114 BSTRACT/EXTRACT-W) L GP-0- ABSTRACT. A GRAV ITY SCREW FEEDER FOR THERMALLY UNSTABL~E, FINELY DIVIDED SOLIDS IS DISCRT.",P); ITS '441 N COMPONENT -IS A ROTATING SPIRAL CHANNEL, AND ITSACCURACY IS li'll MOST CASES PILUS OR -MINUS 1PERCENT, IINDEPENDENTLY OF THE DIPECTrON OF ROTATION. A t- Ej USSR UDC 59:616.986.7:591.522(470.111) YARASEVA, Ye. V., KOKOVIN, 1. L., and 1~~UK, Ye..A., Institute of Epidemiology and Microbiology, Academy of Medical Sciences USSR "Natural Foci of Leptospirosis in the Far North (From Data Obtained in the Yamalo-Nenets National Area)" Moscow, Zoologicheskiy Zhurnal, Vol 51, No 3, 1972, pp, 467-468 Abstract: The field work was carried out in July and August, 1969, by t7oo groups working simultaneously: one in the region of Seyakba, the other in a boat along a course up along the Seyakha river, through lake Khento up to lake Yambuto. All of the material obtained underwent a bacteriological examination in the field laboratory and a blood serum agglutination reaction and was placed with known strains in the permanent laboratory. A total of 541 specimens of rodents were obtained from the central part of Yamal (Beyakha) region: 426 Lemmus obensis, 38 Dicrostonyx torquatus, 78 Microtus gregalis, and three Clethrionomys glareolus from near Salekhard. Fifty- three birds, mainly from the orders Anseriformes and Charadriiformes, and 14 pigeons were also examined. Foci of leptospirosis were absent from the valley of the Seyakhi river (70* N latitude). L. grippotyphosa were found in the blood serum from three vole& further south, near Salekhard 1/2 1-4 USSR uDc: 619:616.986.7'036.2:636 SOLOSHEPIKO, I. Z., PETROV, Ye. ~1., SITIOROMOT, V. V., F~RCQ7 E~ W C K, Ye. L Ltute of Epidemiology and lia-crobiolog-j- ime "N. F,-'Ga and ODDLOIIJKOVIL., L. K., -Inst-L ni- maloyal Academy- of ScienceS USSR, -and Ibscow Tecluiological Institute r-f 14aat and Dairy IndustrT nPrOblems of Leptospirosis Epizoo-tiology" Moscow, Veterinariya, No 12, Dee 70, pp hi-43 Ibstract: Cattle, hogs, liorses, and zheep in several reff-irino 011 the Soviietu I M-i'm were .30jected -Ix) sercloeical studies (microagglitti-nation), cu2turing kidt-ley --us- pensions, and nicroScouic cxamanation of urine, with subsc-quent infection of' guire-~ pigs. lpaptospixa tarassovi and mmona iiere. 2?ents :Iii hogs. ~1-;.e possibi I ity '04 infection in -the Ulyanovzk region by L. grippotyphosa is not excluded. Cattle sppear to be ii-ifect-ed by L. pmona, hebdomadis, and tarassovi. Antibojies for -11 -1h - . LI - - t.-Tassovi, icte-ehaanmrz agiae, and aur,-I-ralis wea-re nost froclucntly observed in the blood sera of 7"he L. b---Ut-.,i Exoup was found i-ji thr~,, -)~-ra of I-licep and goats. Antibody litvi-s in z0.). ceralogical groupo imre low. Acuk jjifoctionn did not cmist among toot USSR UDC 632.95 LOZINSKIY, M. 0., PROTOPOPOVA, G. V., DZYUBAN, A. D., REYDALOVA, L. I., KUKOTA, S. N., PEL'KOS, P. S. "Pesticidal Properties of a-arylhydrazono-a-oxocarboethoxybutyryl-X- triphenyl (or trimethylol)-phosphanium Bromides" Fiziol. aktivn. veshchastva.. Resp. mezhved. ab. (Physiologically Active -Substances. Republic Interdepartmental Collection), 1972, vyp. 4, pp 33-34 (from RZh-Khimiya, No 2 (11), Feb 73, Abstract No 2N468) Translation: The synthesis and insecticidal properties of compounds with the following for-,,iula are described. [R3PCH2COC(=NNHC6H4R')COOC2H5]Br(l) (R Ph, CH20H; R' = H, Cl, alkyl). A solution of 0.02 moles of.Ph P in 10 ml of C6H6 is added to a solution of 0.02 moles of BrCH2COC(COOC2H 5) 14'1VHC6'4 H R) in 10- 15 ml Of C06, it is mixed at ~j20* for 10 to 12 hours, the precipitate is separated, washed with C6H6 and crystallized from the mixture Of C6H6 and acetone to obtain I (R', the melting point in *C are presented) R = Ph: H(Ia), 144; 7r-Me (Ib), 143; -,r-Me (1c), 146; ir-Cl (1d), 167-8; IT-COOLMe (Ie), 177-8; w-N02, 135-6; 2-Mfe-5-N02, 146. By a reaction in dimethylformamide, I (R = CH20H) is obtained (R' and the melting point in *C are presented): w-CL, 141-2; 2-Me-5-~I()2, 140. The Ia-e In a concentration of 0.1% have 60 to 100% activity with respect to greenbug (Toxoptera gratalnum). The I has law activity Pb~ticidei'st~ USSR UDC 632.95 PROTOPOPOVA, G. V., DZYUBAY, A. D., RrYDALOVA,,-.L.__I. GOLIK G. A., and SHOKOL, V. A. "Insecticidal and Acariasicidal Properties of the Esters of Phosphazo- methylphosphonic Acid" Fiziol. aktivn. veshchestva. Resp. mezhved. sb. (Physiological Effects of Compounds, Republic Interscience Symposium), Vyp 4, 1972, pp 11-13 (from Referativnyy Zhurnal -- Khimiya, No 4(11), 1973, Mstract No 4N603 by T. A. Belyayeva) Translation: The esters Eof phosphazomethylphosphonic acid under laboratory conditions demonstrate inciecticidal and acariasicidal. properties of a contact and systemic nature. Of the compounds studied, 1%e11(O)(0Et)N=P(0isVPr)3 compound I) showed the strongest contact effect -- SK50 = 1.78 in 3 days for rice wee,.-!Is and 0.39 -41or 8zain aphids. Contact insecticidal activity was increased by using iso-Pr in the trialkoxyphosphazo group. Comp. I in a 0.05% concentration results in 96%'mortality of the mite Tetranychus urtical on the second dav. -Lid USSR UDC 632.95 FROTOPOPOVA, G. V., REYDALOVA L. I., DZMAN, A. D., ICLYAVKD, L. I., DOROSEI- MMO, V. V., MIKHAYLYtf NKO, SHOKOL, V. A., DBF*~ACH, G. 1. "Insecticidal Activity of Esters of bis-(3-arylcarbamido) phosphoric and thiophosphoric Acids" Fiziol. aktiva. veshchestva. Resp. mezhved. sb. (Physiologically Active Materials. Republic Interdepartmental,Collec,tion),, 1972, vyp. 4, pp 9-11 (from RZH-Khimiya, No 5 (11), 1973, Abstract No 5N579) Translation: A study was made of the insecticidal activity of esters with the formula ROP-(X)(NRCONHR')2 (I) (X = 0 or S; R = alkyl, aryl; R' = Ph, C6114SCN--v, a-pyridyl) for rice weevils, housefly larvae and imago and ~T. greenbugs. The I containing the SCH-group have the highest insecticidal activity, and among them the activity rises on going from the -methyl to the propyl aad isopropyl radicals. 0i t"Cl 91 UDC 61-%.835.35 IIYPFRBARtC CIMXMF-R 10(SIVIAR-l' I-e- LArticlo by ~. A. Glukhov, F. R. ChernyaWhovskiy, Id f thu A.11Z~T-oli i`e"iontM7F-iTe-se9-r-ah 1nnFt11tA-+- 4.1 ~11-7 H. trums n t Manufacturing, Moscow; Moscow, Hoditsin .414i)yA Tekhmika, Ru-sion, No 3. 1971, pp 36-4o] A Targe nu=!~cr Of experimental end clinical investi- gntions durine t1i, la!5t decade have demonstrated the ruture poAs,J,!:iilJtie6 fo:r applying tho therapeutic method or hyper- baric oxygenution in various fields of medicinc~ Th.) morhod providas the requ.4red canditlons for it rapid and effectivu increase in tlv~ part.-,11 pre-saure of physically diliit;od oxy- gen vnd an incroase,I iltres5 Gradient and diffusion rate or Oxygen between the blood ond hypoxic tissues. There is nc:~ in opinion lit U1,, ,pncial literature rueardioi(, the adviSztbility of applying hyperbirie oxyeenn- ,lorlel axy(-n deficiencies or tAun in casas of A-~iito ajj~j x-c-t, cJ1J`t'or.!vtL origin, crvtnin inz'cctioii~ proce~4.q4)ii iind other '~fi (1'~ t'ut-j"-- -1d C.ftditicn. 01, their o'PI'lieatiOrt, hyp~rbSric chnmbers are used Vor therat- pevitic 4ttid surCical pPocodures its well as for radiation therapy, One-person ihrapf-utir, 0%ambi--rs rule out Lhe simul- ranpotis protience af modical per4orinal and patiant~ and thAn fLICLOr 11111itS th~ ocolit, of theritpeutic and reanim~tlon moa3urem hiri.rqr Ityporbaric oxyCenation. Largo pru,-urv ch~tmbvrs -`~sijpied Lo include medical poroorine-I and to permit roanitea-Zon procedures broaden the possibjlititl.~ Of treatment when t,~JO SCriOuS1106s Of tht,- COnditLon retlitires tlkt~ !W--:ivv of ph'--rician or nurse (ror ox~xmjil.' duritig the po~t.vp'-rativ' pv-:.~-J Tho def-It"O'llity or it phyNiciall's "'I 11i-Y ISO he C a, d y t tim?, to d., Ine tnd f rth ,, proc,,s.-q clin- 'or civtaln wull its tu chuck - 5 020 UNCLASSIFIED- PR'CESSING DATE--13NOV70 'ELY TATLE-THE DEVELOPMENT OF AFJkENE-~GIC APPARATUS OF THE HEART IN MATU.' AND IMMATUPELY BORN ANIMALS -U- ~AUTHOIR-(02)-GCVYRIN. V.4. REYDLERt RtMI: :,:.CCUNITRY OF I-*llF0--USSR -SOURCE-ZHURINAL EVULYUTSICINNOY 8 1 OKH 1,4111FIZIOLOGI f, 1970s VOL 6, NR 2, pp 198-203 ]-:0.ATE PU3LISHE0 ------- 70 SUBJECT AREAS-61OLOGICAL AND MEDICAL SCIENCES I CTAGS--HEAi~T IMUSCLE, CATECHOLAMIlli- ~~GU[NEA PIGi RAT, RA3BIT, E,43RYOLOGYt SYMPATHETIC NERVOUS-SYSTEM NORADRENALIN CGNTROL ARK!-.NG--NO PESTRICTIONS -DL ICUMENr CLASS--U;NlCLASSIF Ir-O 'PROXY REEL/FRAME-3005/0368 s,rE P140--UR 03 8 5/7?)/ 006 1002 019 8 10203 CIRC ACCESSION' NO-AP0132597 2/2 020 UNCLASSIFIED PROCESSING DATE--L3NFJV70. CIRC ACCESSION NO-AP013259-1 A~ D[ ES HAVE BEEN MA[ E ON THE ;ST"AC.T/EXTRACT--(U) CP-0- ABSTi-.A'T STU L) E N T Cl* CATECHULA7 fi\.ES IN DISTRI-BUTIGN OF AD'~ENERGIC FIBLI S A.,,. 0 TH;: COPiT, T 4 tHE CARDIAC' MUSCLE GF MATURELY (GUINEA PIGI AND I' IMATURELY GORN (RAT, AT -F PC -iTAL R4351TJ ANIMALS VAP I (JU STAG S GF EMBi YGNIC A w: STN' t DE V E LO P,"I zPl T.- CAT EC HULA,14 LNES WERE DETERMINED BY THE' (IF CULER AND FLOD I NG ( 16 ADRENEkGIC F16ERS q1"RE REVEALED AFTER FALK A~0) HILLARP _C~JT-~,JTC`L A'D 61CCHEMICAL. DATA NDICATE IHAT ELEMENTS OF THE 11.3) ii I S rn I " SYAPATHET1C, NERVOUS SYSTIE,'4 APPEAiR, IN THE HEAR'T OF THE fktfl,~~',ALS S10-11-11-E-0 DUPING THE SEU)ND HALF D;~ GESTATION, ORIGIN-ALLY 'r)-jEy AizE Itc: ATi PA "D ONLY LATEr~ ON, IN T'ri;: VENTkICLFS, 1401-ADRENALIN 'WAS FOUND IN RABBIT'S CAROIAC NuSCLE fji,i Thi: 14TH DAY OF 'EMB'K ~JGEI,41--S[S , wHEN ADRENEqGIC FIBEi~.S l,FPF iNd-T YET RrEVEALE0, TO ]HE END OF l.")ESIATION, THE -COINITENT OF IN T-iE HEA4T OF THE GLlINEAj'[G AHOJINTS TO 50PERCEAT AN'D ]HAT 01: THE RABBIT, TO 20PERCEINT OF 1"HE LEVEL OBSERVE'D IN THE ADRENERGICAPPARAWS IN THE GUINE-A PIG ADULT. ANIMALS* FOR1,14TiON OF IS ACCOMPLISHED TO THE END JF THE 1ST WEEK GF POSTNATAL LIFEt WHEREAS IN -6TH WEEKS. FACILKTY: lliSTITUTE OF THE.RABBIT, ONLY To THE 5 li ILO(~Y AND BIUCHEMISTRYj USSR ACA01-MY OF SCIENCESI EVOLUTIONARY Ri YSIC. LENINGRAD* ii-411 L AS f E 1) USSR UDC: 51 REYD14M, R. M. "On One Problem of Minimizing the Cost of an Operational Monitoring System!' V sb. Operativn. uor. proiz-vom (Operational Control of Production- collection of works), Moscow, "Nauka", 1971o pp 13-24 (from RZ-b-Kiber- netika No 4, Apr 72, Abstract No 4V458) Translation: A set of given territorially distributed objects each having a number of nonitorable outputs is considered together with the set of locations for possible installation of centralized monitoring facilities. The problem is formulated within the framework of discrete progrwmine,; the method-of "branches and boundaries" is used for the solution. Au- thor's abstract. USSR uDc 620.103.4 MMYAKAYEV, L. 14.1 DIUMNI111, G. it., DALISOV, V. B., lpl~-;OYIXIOEIM, L. A. MMOROVA, T. 1". , and R17,YFER1 A- A# I Moscou Aviation Institute ir ni Sergo OrdzhonJJJ1Ld_-o "Corrosion Resi6tance ol Diffusicn Chrore Plated Steel In Cer "-n Ye~iiums" Moscowt Zashchita Yetallov, Vol 9, No 11 Jan-Feb 73, pp 66-70 Abstracti A study ucz no-de of the corrosion behavior, of cinvome plated C-tools iii a series of indurtlrj~l agr;:c-_sive modim. Specimen-_ k)--;, carbon steels (brands 35 and 45) and of OKh?11T5T aus-t-lenitic-ferritic olass --teel wero chromated acco-.,:din,g to a technolo._gy developcd by the Ch,.Ur of Aviation Sci('nce of Eetals of 1`-.'o:3cmr Avlatlon Irstitute; their diffusion layer was X-X--y- analyzed and its thichnesr. zrd microhardness iae,~._-uxcd. Corrosion res-istanco curves of bm- id 45 oteel befo-ra emiz! after dif4ft:-,_-on p1ating at 1100 lor 10 hr-, show thau L1 L diffunion chro,-.atlng protects brand 45 steel corzzc~~ian in a 15?11 solution of tart-aric acid and, in a 3,;v' nolution of table Salt, but does not raliably 1-=,toct it, a conc.~,,nt=.tcd freon salution uidell, u0t-d in refriE;eratLng plants at orcrating conditions of 100 C; and 6.0 at. "Iesvilts of corrosion testc-, w-,der industrial conditions of up to tuo years duration q of brand 35 steel -and U'J1217i5T steel, chi7xv-01cd and not ch-rol,,tated, az~, chown. The corrosion mte of 'u-mrd 35 steel --ubjected to the action of an af,Erosslve 1/2 USSR HULYAKAYEV, L. 11-1., et al.t Zashchita Metallov, Vol 9, No Ip Jan-Feb 73, pp 66-70 medium for up to 0572 hrs with a diffusion coating is ten lower than without a ccating and approzimately equal to the corrooion rate of CICI~21 1;5T stainless steel in this medium., The usd of a chrozatod diffusion coa-",jn~ to increase the corrosion resistance of OM-21il5T proved to b-- of little effect. Two figures, two tablest five bibliographic references. 2/2 AW A . ......... USSR UDC 669. AKSEL'RUD, G. A., ABRAMOV, V. YA., SDIENISHIN, YE. It., REYRIAN, E. D., SAWVOY, G. T. "Kinetics of Extraction of Alkali from Sodium Ferrite" Tr. Wes. n.-i. i proyektn. in-ta alyumin., Ma n. i elektrodn. r)rom-sti (Works of the All-Union Scientific lZese4rch and Planning and Design Institute of Aluminum, Magnesium and Electrode Industry), 1970, No 70, pp 82-84 (from RZh-Metallurgiya, No 4, Apr 71, Abstract.No 4G143) Translation: A study was made of the kinetics of extractiua Na 0 under various 2 temperature conditions during decomposition of sodium ferrite by water as applied to leaching bauxite cakes. The limiting stage of the given process is established, and values of the diffusion coefficients are determined. There is 1 table. 87 Z Z-1, ~, USSR UDC 669. AKSEL'RUD, G. A., ABRX-IOV, V. YA., REYFLAN, E. D., SEMENISHIN, YE. M. , G=~ITS- KAY A, N. A. "Extraction of Sodium Aluminate in Capillary Models" Tr. Vses. n.-i. i nroyektn. in-ta alyumia., magn. i elektrodn. prom-sti (Works of the All-Union Scientific Research and Planning and Design Institute of Aluminum, Magnesium and Electrode Industry), 1970, No 70, pp 85-90 (from RZh-Metallurgiva, No 4, Apr 71, Abstract Yo 4G142) Translation: Results are presented from a study of the process of extracting sodium aluminate by solutions of various concentration at temperatures of 60, 75,and 95'. The values of the diffusion coefficient of sodium aluminate are calculated on the basis of processing the experimental data. An explanation is presented for the nature of variation of the magnitudes of the diffusion coefficients based on the Na O-Al 0-11 0 system. There are 3 illustrations and I table. 2 2 3 2 ~kNVA 4 USSR UDC. 669.295.046.43 REYFM~kli, E. D., ILIICHEV, V. A., ZOTIKOVA, A. N., LIVIN, 1. B. "Mathematical Model of the Process of Chlorination of 11itanium-Containing Materials in a Fluidized Bed" Tr. Vses. N-i. i Proyektn. In-ta. Alyumin., Niagn. i Elektrodn. Prom-sti [Works of All-Union Scientific Research and Planning Institute of the Aluminum, Magne- sium and Electrode Industry], 1970, No. 72,.pp. 196-200. (TransJated from Refer- ativnyy Zhurnal Metallurgiya, No. 5, 1971, Abstract No. 5 C212 by the authors). Translation: Problems of mathematical modeling of processes of chlorination in a fluidized bed are presented. A mathematical model of the process is suggested for two basic technological modes. The ade4uacy of this model for processes occurring in actual apparatus in the mode of complete assimilation of Cl is demonstrated. The model developed allows automatic control systems to be develop- ed for the process of chlorination of materials containing Ti in a fluidized bed. Ifigs. 2 USSR UDC 669. AKSEL'RUD, G. A., ABR&NIOV, V. YA., REYFIMY, E. D., Sv~-WISHIN, YE. M., DUDKG, T. A. "Mathematical Model of the Diffusion Counter Flow Process of Leaching Alumina- Containins Cakes" Tr. Vses. n.-i. i proyelctn. in-ta alyumin., magn. i clektrodn. prom-sti Works of the All-Union Scientific Researcli and Planning and Design Institute of Aluminum, Magnesium and Electrode Industry), 1970, No 70, pp 96-102 (from RZJv-Me talluFEiLa o AG137) No 4, Apr 71, Abstract N Translation: A mathematical model. of the diffusion counter-fimi process of leaching large-fraction cakes is proposed. A method and inn example of cal- culating the diffusion counter-flow process of leaching bauxite cak-ea in a percolation unit are presented. There are 3 illustrationg and I table. USSR UDC 669. AKSEL'RUD, G. A., ABM-IOV, V. YA., DU`DKO, T. A., MYFIMN., E. D., SE',1U-:Z,1ISHI1T, YE. H. "Kinetics of Leaching Bauxite Cakes" Tr. Vses. n.-i. i provektn. in-ta alyumin., magn. i elektrodn. prom-sti (Porks of the All-Union Scientific Research and Planning. and Design Institute of Aluminum, Magnesium and Electrode Industry), 1970, No 70, pp 91-95 (from M-Metallurgiva, No 4, Apr 71, Abstract No 4C140) Translation: The kinetics of extracting sodium aluminate from various frac- tions of bauxite cakes in the 45-95* temperature range are investigated. 'rhe diffusion coefficients of sodium aluminate are determined, and their dependence an the temperature variation is found. The characteristics of the mechanism of leaching of the cakes are established. The values of the diffusion co- efficient found in this study can be used when calculating counterflow processes and equipment. There are 3 illustrations and I table. F OWN H -A i 1 X-9 09TAINVA. SINGLE SILICON CARBIDE CRYSTALS IN THE CUBIC VERSION (6-SIC) AND ~, E STUDY OF TIMIR STRUCTURE lArtir.14 by Rc7fMnn, H. ?.. rrokor,yeva, V. G. foin. L, A, 7!1140-y.. L-,N ShvRol'kava. M cov, 11-ollbl,.k. III 51,p I- I sint'r. Atallov I Plenok. 9 7s, R.::' an, "-1, 1. 77 A t.dy wna the r -t3-tftit1= si=;:'= bide cryntala by thermal reductinn of tqt'va"r-w mixtuxe. ualalt ttthyL tr- chloromilane-toluene (Vatto C;Si ~ 1). Dy using the 04 radioisotope, the participation of an addition2l car- U.I.-Contmining compound Introduted Into the vere"am rituture tit the reaction I formation Of the 0-ailicon carbide vas de~-*notroted. r%e optimal cond.tttatia for -.YowtAt of pj$aty st"ItIt trwatals. utth dt"n- *ion* of the mirror surface reaching 4 om' In individual comes vere de- flned Do the basis of the #town cryntala, thle patut-co-titatt and diffuse light diodes and also barrier- I wyer pho toetemants war* manufacturto. X-ray diffraction and alottron dIffraction studios -ore used to demor, r to the theoretical possibility of Obtaining perfect C17stals by the Indt- a et:d. Lvothod. USSR UDC E537.226+537.3~l-]-.331:[~,37i,rl?5-1 So'~rl? T" , "Determining Certa;ll of 11-Type Silicon Carb " lde C t l J a s rys Sth. nauch. tr. 7ech. Wor"m Of: "'!'Cscow :!;", _. _ 2, u;-r; : " __ vening Divi-slo-.0, 1971, pp 23-36 P7h 'o 12 Dec 7131 illlalra t N , i , , o Transl&tio-jj: T IL: 0-- the ~.Il C`f-~~-t =nd ei~- trical CQ7','l-,'IC~'_"v.'~_-v varied at rccm -CO from 270 1-o IJ- -L: as de-termin valul.: valuc!-~ 1- 20-251 . p on 1/2 026 UNCLASSIFIED' PROCESSING DATE--30OCT70 TITLE--LO4 TEMPERATURE PHOTOLUMINESCENCE OF ALPHA SIC,bli,SINGLE CRYSTALS -U- AUTHOR-(05)-LISITSA, M.P*t KRASNOV, YU,,S,., ROMANENKOt V.):.~ vk E:4- Pl A N v m . B . SERGEYEV, O.T. ,_-COUNTRY OF INFO--USSR -,.SOURCE--OPT. SPEKTROSK. 1970t 28(3), 492-7 ZATE PUBLISHED ------- 70 -~.~.,~SUBJECT AREAS-PHYSICS !TOPIC TAGS--PHOTOLUMINESCENCE, LUMINESCENCEt SILICONt SINGLE CRYSTAL -CONTROL MARKING--N0 RESTRICTIONS .DOCUMENT CLASS--UNCLASSIFIEO ~PROXY REEL/FRAME--1998/0921 SIEP NO--UR/0051/70/028/003/0491/0497 CIRC ACCESSION NO--APOIZ1523 2/2 026 UNCLASSIFIED PROCESSING GATE--30OCT70 .CIRC ACCESSION NQ--AP0121523 ABSTRACT/EXTRACT--(U) GP-0- ABSTRACT. THE LOW TEMP. (20DEGREESK) PHOTOLUMINESCENCE OF THE ALPHA SIC 16H) SINGLE CRYSTALS ALLOYED WITH N AND AL IS CHARACTERIZED BY THE PRESENCE OF TWO SERIES OF EMISSION BANDS CORRESPONDING TO THE RECOMBINATION IN THE DONOR ACCEPTOR PAIR. THE NEUTRAL N ATOM DOES NOT ACT AS THE CEMTEk OF THE RADIATIVE RECOMSINATION IN SUCH CRYSTALS, I 1/2 014 UNCLASSIPIE~D PROCE SSING DArE--160CT70 TITLE-COk~,ELATION BETWEEN THE DENSITY OF ELECTROLYTE SOLUTIONS AND THEIR MOLAR CONCENTRATION -U- AUTHOR--REYKHARL)Tt A.A. or Jl# ",COUNTRY OF INFO--USSR :.,SOURCE-ZH. FIZ. KHIM. 1970l 4412) 437-9 "DATE PUBLISHED ------- 70 SUBJECT AREAS--CHEMISTRY TOPIC TAGS--ELECTROLYTE, SPECIFIC DENSITY? PARAMETERy SOLVENT, SOLUTION :KINETICS ~CONTROL MARKING--NO RESTRICTIONS DOCUMENT CLASS--UNCLASSIFIED ~PROXY REEL/FRA#ME--1995/1283 STEP NQ--UR/0076/70/04'f/00210437/0439 :.CIRC ACCESSION NO-00116745 UNCLASSIFIED PROCESSING DATE-160CT70 014 UNCLASSIFIED~~ CIRC ACCESSION NO--AP0116745 ~~.-ABSTRACT/EXTRACT--(U) GP-0- ABSTRACT. THE CONCEPT OF THE REPLACEMENT '0' REPLACED BY I COEFF. (K SUBR) DEFINED AS THE N - OF MOLES OF SOLVENr ..MOLE OF SOLUTE IN THE FORMATION OF SOLNS. IS INTRODUCED, EQUATIONS ARE THE D. D. TO K SUBR AND OTHER SOLN, ~DERIVED FORITHE RELATION OF NGRADr USSR- -PARAMETERS. FACILITY: GOS. INST. PRIKL. KHIM., LENIj -IF-[ ED -71,2.2101:53 UDC 678.ol:678 029.-5:669:678 KAMMI, M. M., YAMIVATI, V. P., IETR4, A. YA.,: SOBOLVVS-KIY CH. A.) ~YA-j DZENIS, 1-1. YA-~ MAGIS, I. ZH-, and K. Netal-loplastics Based on Modified Polyethylene" lbscow, Plasticheskiye Yassy, Rlo 10, 1972, PP 31-33 MhLERS L. Abstract: The technological process of the production of metalloplastics is based on therm. 1 contact [plating) betveen a pretreated metal base and a filyz of modified polyethylene. Optiral ranges of the inportant -parar-eters influenc- ing the properties of met-alloplastics are as fallows: teMT)er--`%-1ure of themal contact -- 200-250OC; duration of the contact -- 30-60 sec; filler contcnt -- 8-10 vol-~. The surface of the netal base is cleaned, p-reheated aml -passed ied polyethvlene through a set of rollers Vnere the initial contact with modif Occurs 4 is made. Final bonding n an induction heatin.~; chancer. Me I- erial obtained -- the unil-a-veral off bil-ate-ral retalloplastic -- shows higr1h anticor- rosive properties. it can rne processed by sevei-al methods such as bendinn- foldirg, or die at=,.ping- Surfaces can be Joined toget-l-,er by welding or foldiv,r ds. This mteriall is Jdeally~sui an,d other metho ted f,.Yr prc,luction of equi-,.ment -ould resistant to chemical agents, such as storage or sedirtmt.;- ~an tan!,~- It c -or production of special pipe lines, ventilation syqter's, etc. D1.1v to bq used 1/2 69 USSPI MNIN M. M., et al., Plasticheskiye Massy, No 10, 1972, PP 31-33 the ability of produicin'- colored surface coatings, it could also be used in automobile, airplane or ship buildiji-- industry as vell as for construction of U furniture or specialized equiprent. A USSR UDC 532,591.001-5 NIMYLOvA, N. A., ("andidate of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, Engineer "Experimental Investigation of the Transformation of Sing16 Wave on Obstacles" Moscow, Gidratekhnicheskoye Stroitellstvo, No 11, November 1970, PP 35-38 Abstract: In the article am presented the results of an experimental laboratory investigation of the interaction of single waves irith trapezoidal obstAclea having different tilopes of the head surface. The pwTooe of the research vas to study the transformation of single waves when approaching the obstacle and vhen pouring over it. The results ray be iised for natural conditions in calculating the volume of water pouring aver the obstacle and the height of the -layer that is pouring over; formulas for provisional calcu- lations are presented. 6 fi&res, 1 table,, 3 bibliographic exitries. 1/1 112 Oil U114CLASSI FIED PROCESSING.DATE--04DEC70 TITLE-TRI, AND HEXASUBSTITUTED BENZENES -U- AUTHOR-1021-REYKHSFELD, V.O., LEYN, B.I. COUNTRY OF INFO--USSR 264089 ".:-'-REFERENCE--OTKRYTIYAt IZOORET., PROM, OBRAITSY, TOVARNYE ZNAKI 1970# _~_:~OATE PUBLISHED--03MAR70 SUBJECT AREAS-CHEMISTRY ,.,-.TOPIC TAGS--BENZENE DERIVATIVEP ACETYLENE HYDROCARBONP CHEMICAL-PATENT, CHEMICAL SYNTHESIS ~CONTROL MARKING-t-40 RESTRICTIONS DOCUMENT CLASS-UNCLASSIFIED PROXY REEL/FRAME--3007/0843 srEV NU--URI'0482/7!1)/00(3/,300/0000/0000 CfRC ACCESSION NO--AA0136277 'm m"ol -m ". rm 'ffl""tmVVH' m M.- at A n"m n. 'm PROCESSING DATE--04DEC70 212 Oll UINCLASS I FI ED Ll CIRC ACCESSION N0--AAOt36277 ABSTRACT/EXTRACT-W) GP-0- ABSTRACT. THE T[TLE COMPDS. ARE PREPD. BY 0 ~: M .C Y C L 0 T R I A- E 111 Z AT 10 IONOt AND 015UBSTITUTED ACETYLENESo RESP., BY REFLUXING 1 NA SOLVENT OVER 1-30 EQUIVS~.: BISKROTYLNICKUHALIOES)o FACILITY.- LENINGRAOSKIY TEKHNOLOGICHESKEY l,'14STIT:UT [M. LENSOVErA. UNCLASSI F IEO 112 022 UNCLAS SIFIED PROCESSING DATE--230CT70 TITLE--KINETICS OF ETHYL ACRYLATE TRANSESTERIFICATICN BY ALLYL AND ISOAMYL .-ALCOHOLS ON KU-2-8 CATION EXCHANGER -U- AUTHOR-(03)-FILIPPOV, N.A.j YAVSHIT$t G.P.9 REYKIiSFELO, V.O. C. DUN TRY OF INFO~-USSR :SOURCE--ZH. PRIKL. KHIM. ILENtNraAD) 1970, 43(2)9 467-70 -,DATE PUBLISHED - ----- 70 AREAS--CHEMISTRY ~JOPIC TAGS-- ESTER I FIC AT ION, ACRYLATEo ALCOHOL, CATION EXCH4NGE RESIN, DEHYDRATION, ACTIVATION CNERGY, DIELECTRIC CONSTANT, REACTION KINFTICS :..~CONTROL MARKfNG--NO RESTRICTIONS DOCUMENT CLASS--UNCLASSIFIED ~~.PROXY REEL/FRAME--1995/1421 ACCESSION-NO--AP0116868 STEP NO--UR/0030/70/0431002/0467/0470 UNCLASS IFTED --230CT70 212 022 -UNCLASSIFIED PROCESSING DATE CIRC ACCESSION NQ--AP0116868 ABSTRACTI-EXTRACT-M GP-0- ABSTRACT. EFFECT OF TEMP. AND QUANTITY OF CATION EXCHANGER ON THE RATE OF TRANSESTERIFICA110N 13F ET ACRYLATE (1) BY ALLYL (1-1) AND ISOAMYL (111) ALCS. AND ON THE RATE OF DEHYDRATION OF I IWAS STUDIED AT 60-900EGREES. RATE CONSTS. WERE CALCD. THE ACTIVATION ENERGIES OF THE DEHYDRATION OF It AND OF TRANSESTERIFICATION OF I BY 11, AND OF TRANSESTERIFICATION OF I BY III WERE 241 15.2, 14.6 KCAL-MOLE, RESP. RATE CONSTS. INCREASED LINEArKLY,WITH QUANTITY OF THE CATION EXCHANGER. LINEAR DEPENDENCE WAS FOUND BETWEEN LOGARITHM OF - -.~LIHIT'SORPTION OF THE ALCS* BY CATION'EXCHANGER AND DIELEC. CONSTS. OF THE ALCS. RELATION IS CONSIDERED BETWEEN DIELEC, CONST.s LIMIT SORPTION, AND REACTION ACTIVITY OF THE,STUDIED ALCS. FACILITY: LENINGRAD, TEKHNOL.._lNS_T. IM, LENDSOVETA, LENINGRAD,, -USSR. 1/Z 009 UNCLASSIHED" PROCESSING DATE--30OCT70 TITLE-HUMOGENEOUS CATALYTIC HYoROSILYL.ATION IN THE PRESENCE OF PLATINUM -U- STYRENECOMPLEXES, ~AUTHOR-103)-REYKHSFELD, V.0., ASTRAKHANOVt M.I.v XAGANv YE.G. ,-CGUNTRY OF INF(3--USSR SOURCE-ZH. OBSHCH. KHIM. 19Mt 40(3) 9 169e--- DATE PUBLISHED--70 AREAS-CHEMISTRY JOKE TAGS-PLATINUA.COMPLEXv ORGANOSILICON COMPOUNUP STYRENEv CHLORINE9 METHYLENE .__.CCNTROL MARKING-NO RESTRICTIONS ~.DOCUMENT CLASS-UNCLASSIFIED ~~:PROXY-REEL/FRAME-200010883 STEP NO--UR/0079/70/040/003/0699/0699 CIRC ACCESSICN NO-AP0124546 UNCLASSIFIED I affm a I I WAR 0lwmgiw a - N__ mull lull Mo. I I PIP I ~ MIT RR I IT"I _11 I m 212 ~009 UNCLASSIr-,IED PROCESSING DATE--30OCT70 CIRC ACCESSION NO-AP0124546 ABSTRACTIEXTRACT-(U) GP-0- ABSTRACT. REACTION Of" PHCIA:Cfi SUS2 AND ITS PYCLP PYO SU82 N9 PtME, 2,4%ME SUB2, OR PvME0 DERIVS. IN THE FORM OF PT COMPLEXES OF TYPE (ZPTCL SUB21 suBz wiTH MESIH&L SU82 IN PHSICL SUB3 AS SOL VENT WAS STUDIED. THE PRESENCE OF ANY SuBS,rjroENr IN THE STYRENE COMPGNENT INCREASED THE RATE OF REACTION IN THE ORDER H, P*CL, Zlzt,ME SU82v PfME, P,MEO IN THE SERIES OF LIGANDS. THE RATE Of HYDR05ILYLATION CAN-BE RELATED TO HAMMET CONSTSo OF THESE SUBSTITLIENTS, BY A U SHAPED CURVE WITH A MIN. AT THE STYRENE COMPLEX. THE INCREASE OF REACTION RATE OF PHCH:CH SUB2 WITH MESINCL SUBZ WITH INCREASING STABILITY OF THE PT COMPLEX WITH THE INDICATED OLEFINS IS AN ARGUMENT IN FAVOR OF THIS REACTION RAKING A HOMOGENEOUS CATALYTIC RGUTE ON PT CATALYSTS IN WHICH A PT OLEFIN COMPLEX ACTS AS THE INTERMEDIATE. USSR UDC 599.32:591.5 _REYMQV___ and KARABEKOV, M., Complex Institute of Natural Sciences, Kara- Kalpak Branch, Academy of Sciences, Uzbek SSR "Morphological and Physiological Characteristics of the House Mouse and Short-Tailed Bandicoot Rat Under Different Ecological Conditions in the .Amu-Dar'ya Delta" Tashkent, Uzbekskiy Biologicheskiy Zhurnal, No 4, 1971, pp 46-48 Abstract: House mice (Mus musculus) and short-tailed bandicoot rats (Nesokia Indica) of natural and synanthropic populations are very much alike in the lower reaches of the Amu-Dar'ya. Both are found in great numbers in reed beds, tamarisk thickets, near ponds and irrigation ditches, sometimes in alfalfa fields, in orchards, and (the mice in particular) in human dwellings, warehouses, and other enclosed places. The relative weight of the internal organs of the mice and rats living under natural conditions lit greater than that of the synanthropic animals and the cardiac, hepatic, and renal indexes are higher. 41 USSR UDC: 51:621.391 "On the Problem of Stability of an Optimum Basis" Ufa, Mat. metody v ekon. issled.--sbornik (Mathematical Methods in Economics Research--collection of works), 1971, pp 57-59 (from RZh-Kibernetika, No 10, Oct 72,, abstract No IDV508) [No abstract] USSR we 62q.78,io5.o76.6 LOY "Concerning the Optimal Transfers, with Respect to Performancep of the 'Point With Variable Mass From an Elliptical Orbit to a.Parabolic Orbit" UCh. Zap. Tsentr, Aero-Gidrodinamich. In-ta (Scientific hotes of the Central Aerohydrbdynamic Institute), Vol 2. Vo 3p 1971, pp 110-116 (from Referativyy Zhurnal, Raketostroyniye, No 12j Dee 71, Abstract No 12.41.97) Translationt The article deals with the optimal passaVs, with respect to perfon=ce speed, of a point with variable mass under the influence of a con- stant controlling force from orbits of given energy to a parabolic orbit in a Newtonian gravItational field. The direction of the controlling force is selected as guidance, and by means of the principle of the r4aximum, the for- Rulated optinization problem is reduced to a second-onior boundary-value pro- blem, which is solved on an electronic digital computer. It Is shown thai to each extremal solution of the transfer from an initial circular orbit, there correspond two extrez-al solultions of transfer from an initial elliptical oehit, the functional in one of the solutions changing monotonously as the initial eccentricity is increased, and there is an optimal value of the initial eccentricity. In the appendix is presented a genexal method of obtaining two 1/2 USSR UDC 621.375.4 BROVCHENKO, Ye. N., REYNBOT, A. Ye., DOVZIIENKO, V. N. "An Active Low-Frequency RC-Filtexil Kiev, Izvestiya V`UZov Radiotekhuika Vol 15, No 1, Jan 72, pp 130-132 Abstract: An active low-frequer-ey RC-filter is described which realizes a fourth-order transfer function by using identical lov--Q elements. The frequency response of the filter approximates a fourth-order Butter-vorth function Vnich has a maximum Q at the poles of 1.31. The filter can be used in the frequency band up to 20 kHz. : Honuniformity of the frequency response in the passband of the filter is no greater th*.n 3 dB, attenua- tion when tuned an octave off from the cutoff frequency is at. least 20 dB, input impedance is at least 20 kQ, output impedance is no nop,- than 500 .12, and thn maydinwn ii1put rijiptij. Js 2V. 'The tranofer fwicti.on itj glvcri along., with the coordinates of' its poleBi A schc=tIc circuit of one possible realization of the filter is preeented incorporating three 1,P15A tran- sistors and a D810 diode. The sequence to be followed in tunimg the filter is described. One figure, bibliography of one title. USSR tTDC 523.16L YESEPKINA, N. A., PETRUN'KIII, V. Yu., SOBOLEVA, N. S., and REYNER, A. V. "Polarization Observations in an kitenna of Variabla Profile" Gor'kiy, Izvestiva.VUZ-Radi-offtika, Vol 14, No 8, 1971, Tip 11.49-1159 Abstract: A method is considered for eliminating parasitic polarization in antennas of variable profile through the use of a -rid of curved wires. A description is also given of experiments performed at the Large Radiotele- scope of the Pulkova Observatory to verify the effectiveness of the new design and the conclusions -reached by the authors. Equations ara d,~rived for determining the shape of the grid wires on the ba:iis of an earlier piper written by the first author named above (Radiotelchnika i elektronika, 6, No 12, 1961, page 1947). To design the arid~, the authors use the _f syn- thesis method, in uhich the antenna is assumed to be excited by a plane wave with constant polarization. This Permits determination of the field polarization at a given surface close to the focal plane. 'I"ie grid -uhich would permit the synthesis of the field distribution found by this method is then chosen. Me authors thank- G. IM. Tinioleyeva for her Inssistance, consisting of observation of solar circular polarizatiou with the grid. The authors are connected with the Chief Astronomical Observatory. 4062 uR o482 Soviet Inventions Illustrated, Section I Chentical, Derwent, '4 234642 FIASTIC c2g~ZNM MSS MWOULD comprises a split"caue 1'with'a.,ronner ind a de.- 4N mountable shaped cavity 2 maA4 of rubber with a slit,3. The cavity, is taken out from the carqass when the poured plastic is so.lidified, and is opened up along the:sllt. AUTHORS: Beylin, A. M.; Reynsb A. M.; Bondar', M. Yu.-; Ripman, D. akunin, V. W:-,P'41Fand Gqlavkov, G. V. 1.9750185 REYMK, G,.I. "Program-for Expansion of Fields of Meteorological Elements into Series Using a System of Generalized Spherical Functions" Tr. GI. Geofiz. Observ. [Works.of Main Geophysical Observatory], No 289, 1971, pp 39-46, (Translated from Referativnyy Zhurnal, Kibernetika, No 3, -1972, Abstract No 3 V552 by the author). Translation: An algorithm and program are presented for expansion of me- teorological fields with respect to a system of generalized spherical func- tions. The Fourier coefficients are calculated using the Simpson formula. Programs for restoration are presenzed for the known spectrum for scalar and vector fields on a hemisphere and for the earth, The programs can be used: 1) for hydrodynamic prediction of weather; 2) in mathematical models of the general circulation of the atmosphere; 3) for spectral analysis of vector fields of the wind and tensor fields.of turbulent stresses. UOC% 614.23:616/616 'y J~,Nr= IN SOME ASPEt,'Y% Of THE, WORK DONE BY A HEAD SPECIALIST AT AN O?LAST OF PUBLIC IMMMI f-C-1 Mr-u.c .., 6 [Articlo. by h,rF..R-_3,sh Honored PhySiCiAn of Ka:nhh SSR* Fast Kazakhstan Oblair naps If,: fle.1ti, (he3dod by L.K. DotijAnka) , Ust'-Kanena- s-,orak; M4%c:r4, Sovetsknya Runstay'. No 5, 1971, submitted 16 Septtmbar 1970. pp 11-131 More than 20 ya~,rs have parsed since the institute of Head Specialist* was organize-3 in public health agencies. In view of the specialization of services And consilderablu growth of the nclt~uor~ of therapeutic And prophy- lartic, inbtitutlznA th4~ir operntion has Altered ransidera1zly. Under such circuriAutncrl; the for=s tiad mathad.4 of admint4tracton effocted Ly chief 6pecialiorok c,)L;ld not help hut also berome altorc- In uddition to the chief surgeon of the oblast departmenc of public' health, there appeared a cancl&.rAble numher of so-called non-staff head upeclalS*tn in various surgical fields. Hownver, their role in adminiqtr4- tion of the uvrvi~e renalned noEligible. More aftert they enwrtod, in the role ~~r coauituit~. Tt~ Idck of caardiant4tar, of tiAeir i4etivities ilid not h.~Ip thv~~ r-elve --h- upon vn,,m. A, the ..I-, Z!- axpan,lon Of the 1-.,,Lw-rk .! otirsical insti- Ell-iOnZ dZ0F oot port~i! the Chief StlrF~C-OR t(I ViStt all Of Lhom. In in j~,c qttunt for m,)re rationAl -.e3-.n of odministering the ~urglcal ~rrv:cc, %~i~ rgnni=cd a surgical counLil at 010 Oblast def-rtMent at pu-blit health vh=c fkmetion vas to investigate th. Incidence of surgical pathology In tho oblasr, tn w3pervise the Activities of all surgical fn~LiLutlorn. to investig,tii the czusci; of postoperative cunplioariuns and de'lti-, ani to scliti."- to retluce them, to develop recommendations for further clevllopirent (of the service, 'the deciqlons Adopt,d by the council -v-, art, npprov,-d by the h-:d of the nhl;tst department of publ!c health. Their inDlemer.catic-n is man;~.,,t~~vy for all p,tMic health A"6 rherapo,,ti~ in!1LILUt1,,% fi,iminintrat.r. in the oblast.. All of the non-;.,ff heat) ourgicnI etO -r. included in the USSR MILYUKOV, Ye. M., REYSHAKHRIT A. TOLSTOY, M. N. "Liquation Nature of Activator Segregation in Glasses" Leningrad, Fizika Tverdogo Tela, Vol 12, No 2, 1970, pp 525-527 Abstract: There is no data on liquation which -may cause c-Ilianges in the structure of aLkali-germanate glasses appearing with variations in the spectroscopic char- acteristics of neodymium due to changes in the state of the glass. This paper obtains this data by making and studying electron microscope photographs which had been spectroscopically investigated in an earlier article. The photomicro- graphs show that for small alkali metal content, the nature of the nonuniformities is typical of glasses willich have undergone microliquation. Five such photo-micro- graphs are reproduced, each for a different composition of Na20 and Ge02. The results shAq that the conclusions drawn in an earlier pape17 co-auLhored by two of the writers of the present article (Reyshakhrit and Tolatoy, ZhPS, Vol 12, lo 3, % 1970) are valid; the conclusions of the earlier article were obtained on the basis of spectroscopic researcies. In this paper, the a~-Ltho-,,s conclude chat the division of thc glarja into phaNes undar Lhe ~iierejliquatl.oti coaditiona 1/2 47 USSR MILYL,11COV, Ye. M., et al., Fizika Tverdogo Tela, Vol 12, No 2, 19710, pp 525-527 is accompanied by activator segregation, which can 'we expresscd by changes in its spectroscopic characteristics. They note.also that the conce-Dt o' micro-hetero- geneity in the glass structure may explain'the formation of multitypical lumi nescence centerswithin the limits of the nonuniform widening of the spectral lines. 212 slow Acc. N-: Abstracting Service: Ref . Code: .PO049912: CH- 611-ICAL AB .ST. "P, 0, Fi 103299v Liquatiokpature Olactiva-t-~t segregation in glasses. jvfjIA,-ukoy. E. ~%T.; Relsbakhrit. . ..L.; To sum IM. N. (!USSR). Fiz Trerd.-TtTa 199W-R*ar-L'iffa-77(Russ). " in the study of electron mmmscopk'~hotograohs of alkali germanate, glasses of vanable con.tpn., ~ activated. ~with Nd, inicr"liquation was inferred. Sepn, into 2 phases increases as the content of alkali oxide decreases, independentlyof the nature of the latter. At the satue time, the fraction of the strongly alk. glass phase decreases. The phase sepn. under the conditions of micro- Equation leads to segregation of the activator. A. Libackyj .4 R9EL/FMIE 19801848 USSR uDc 621-317-725 GORELIKOV, N. I., M. Ya. FIGUROVSKIY, Ye. A., TSETENS, V. P. "Use Of Resistive Circuit Elements in High-Speed Automatic Digital Voltmeters" V sb. Mikroprovod i pribory soprotivl. (Micro,,rire and Resistance Devices --collectioii of works), vYP. 7, Kishinev, 1971, Pp 160-164 (frorr, -Badiotekhnika, No 8, Aug 71, Abstract No BA299) Translaticn; The 811thors cotsider the use of serially produced -sis- tive circuit ci-,!ments in the digitod-axialog convertcril of automatic digital voJtiTietf-_-r,-,, relations betijeen soirc c";'iaxacter- istici; of' such voltnieters of the bal.anced type aid thrt parar-eters of' individual elements of' the converters are die~aussed. RZcornmendations are pre5ented relative to 'the use of given elements. A. K. 57 and U D:~ 6 T. que lerrite _qcy Rex, -ar the tural z129-11neer-i 'hn so. -1970, --1 Z,, k 26), -Abstr~., 7. c t lorl e_ fr 17, -~z 3Z,17i Tn:u~ t 3, -;,.-a r c' L I On 71, ch of Ulf'. Les at Is ezali.-L-Zled. e 'Acc. Nr: Abstracting Service: Ref. Code: )W034209 CHEMICAL ABST. 7 40 71274q Stability of complexes of zinc and cadmium with Re athanalamirtes in aqueous solutions. ' I JLotask-alava, N7. 1. (Kiev- Z~. Neon-, Khl-L.- 17 N " 119 0, 1 tiou. of Zn(I 1) and Cd(l 1) with l-lOC2H*AXlj- (L1, (HOC01102SH j,'), and (110C,140aN' V') vva, studitcl by plf-potentionletry coust. (pK3) of Zrt cmnp~e-u~.% were in aq. -,olxts. -lie i 2.62, 2.38, an(] -2.56 and of Cd eomple-ies 2-67, 2.46, and 3.15 for L, L'. and L" coulpNxi-4, rehp. It is asquniptl th'Ut the irl- Ve3tigated ligands coordinate Via,() along with 1he coordination via ;N atom, Tile rltetal-O bond IX-comes stronlrer in One order of ligand: < L' < JJIMJR REEL/FRAME 19710862 CoatIngs USSR 1JDC 678.742s678.0103 XOMMIN, A. V., KOPIDLEV, A. and A GUDIMOV, M. H-j Allw-Union Institute of Aviation Wteriu~lb- "Effect of the Adhesion Properties of a.Polymer on the Formation and Gas Pe=eability of Metallized Polywr Film" Kiev, Fiziko-Xhiaicheskaya Viekbanika Yaterialov, Vol 9, No 6, 1973, pp 33-55 Abstractt A study was made of the gas permeabi.-lity of metal coated polymer films, and the relationship of pa permeability to the magnitude of adhesion of the zetal layer to the polymer filz was established. Aluminum coatings were deposited on inert polymers PTFE (polytetrafluoraethylene) and (polye- thylene) PE and polar polymers+F1 (polyimide) mad (polyethyloneteraphthalate) PETF where it was noted that the coefficient of gas permeability of the aluminum coating was on the order of 1-3 times greater for the inert poly- mers# which leads to the conclusion that inert rolymers are more porous* The greatest aluminum coating adhesion strength was noted on the polar poly- Mers /%43,0 -'-gf/cm2 for PETF and 20,7 kgf/cm for PI), The lom adhesive strength of aluminum coatings on PTF..',' and rE polymers is due to the ease with which the metal atoms can aigrate to the substrate surface and form coarse 1/2 USSR XORYMaN. A. V., et al.f Fiziko-Rhimicheakaya Mekhanika Materialov, Vol 9j No 6s 1971, PP 53-55 crystal structures with increased porosity. The adhesive strength of Al films on inert polymers can be increased by modifying (chemically) the sur- face layer on PTFE with a ecdium-naphthalene complex and FE - with a chromium mixture to wake the surface of these polymera1unctionally adhesively active. Two tables,,seven bibliogrkphie references, Acc. NA: Abstracting Service: P0049799 CHEMICAL ABST.J`76 Ref. Code: I01513n Determining the gas permeability of rubber goods. I qa7iev, G. .. Barkn,, A. S.; Sotnikov,,~.~.; Faustava D ry - R4 _2~ (Hi 0g. WIS Kauvh* Rezina 1 1, A~ cNron~it used to det. the permeability t a N, H, and CO, at polychlom- prene (1). natural rubber (11), orIcontainers made of I or 11 bond- ed with adheqive SV-1. The method is suggested for testing the quality of bonded joints between plastics, CPJR USSR uDc.- 621.372.632.8+966.8) YEFMOV, A. T., REYTI-MI! E. Ya. "A Wide-Band Circulator" USSR Author's Certificate No 251031, filed 17 May 68,, published 3 Feb 70 (from RM-Padiotekhriika, No 7, Jul 70, Abstract No 7B167 P; T 5 The proposed circulator based on a strip-tqe Y-Split cor"Gains a Tran lation: magnetic system, a ferrite disc and a disc made of an electrically conductive rial located on opposite sides of the central conductor of the split, "he mate. working frequency range is expanded by making the electrically conduct-4ve disc with a diameter which varies 'with height. One Ulluotration. II0,,iUVtf. USSR UDC 621.762 FEDORCIMNIKO, I. M., OMIEV, R. K., KOLOMOYETS, G. G. V. I"(. REYTSES, V. B., KAZ.A-.:%TSEV-"%, N. A., and KUM, Ir. P. "The Effect of Aluminum and Molybdenum on the Properties of Sintered Titanium at Room and Elevated Tem-,)eratures" Moscaw, Metallurgiva i Khimiya Titana (rnstitut Titana) , Metallurgiya Molishin.- ilouse, Vol 6, 1970, Pp 11-1-11-6 Translation: Results are given fro-m research on the m.,achainical properties of the alloys titanium-alumi-iiLm., tit anium-nolyb denum, and triple allcys at roam. temperature and at tormeratures raised to 300*C. The anovs were obtained bv mechanical 7:)Iendinr, of Dc~-iders. After compacting and sintering ?one time, the alloys studied had a tensile strength up to 80 gigacalorieslln-- and alonr,,,ation per unit length of 5-15%'. Alloy- ing zluzin=i --nd increia-Ges tF;e heat resistance of sintc!red titanium ;E01--loys, tine sliort-tenm strength at 300% increaset-, by -nore thz~i t-w-o times. Une stress-rupture strength increases signif-ica2f--'Iy durIng alloyin-. Four illustraLiens, one table, and four bi-bliographic encrios. USSR UDC: 021.375.9:53S BEREZOVSKIY, V. V. , MOVSKIY, Yu, A. "JONCHAROV, M. 1 "Coefficients of Nonlinear Polarization of Proustite and Tel- lurium" oscow, K-krantovaya Elektronih Sbornll: State-% No 2 (3) 1. 97 2 M Pp 105-107 Abstract: Is'leasurements are made of the c-ffective cocf-ficients of nonlinear polarization d.-, sin a M+ d22 COS 01,1 With J)UMJ)ill~,' Propagation in the positive crystallogr~,pluc quaOlrarit, and -t! e coefficient of noplinear polarization of ard to the width of the pumping spectrum (10.6 Pi j m p i - p 9 J_ L was done by a CO, laset, in single-mode with Q-si~itch- ing. The authors duink S. S, Shalytt: and 1. T. j_'Zjrtj,;I ' . r Itoyjl 1,0 furn ishirg t-lic: high-quality tellurium specimens. Bibliography of twelve titles. 1 7:e I I . ..... t 0:~;.L ~711 71 "1 t1,-- V r V A ) . C A I I ,"a a ra S wt~, th rall 1972 6- P. Shi ShoV. Xo-(Iow, I Oa J, e6 r 20 k. I To LLLIJ, tioll). T., tilte -f* in-16j "'. N. 1~6 1400 capiQ44, 72 k. Vii : 1"ophica I Problome in Sov, t. t Ho"Cow, 19 V. llol*;Cunshtl~yn. 197;~'. J)6 pat-,en with Z70U -111:,, rn rn - oof... lw~ w"r I I A. L ari c4A I V Lc t k, L'Y a r t1w S ov i e t i"In I of rlilitilry 11i.tory. 1,17t, goa w i t 1% i L 2 0 , Co 0 2 3 k USSR VINOKUROV, V. G., DI'MITRIYEV, Yu. K., YEVREINOV, E. V.,,KQaTXjY ~-' Y~V -'M., LEKHNOVA, G. M., MIRENKOV, N. N., KHOROSHEVSKIY, V. G. "A Homogeneous Computer System of Minicomputers" Vychisl. Sistemy [Computer Systems -- Collection of Works], No 51, Novosibirsk, 1972, pp 127-145 (Translated from Referativnyy Zhurnal Kibernetika, No 6, 1973, Abstract No 6V600, by the authors).: Translation: The expediency is demonstrated of constructing homogeneous com- stem, th puter systems (11CS) of minicomputers. A two-dimensional computer sy e MINIMAKS is described. The elementary machines of this system are based oil ASVT-M modules. The composition of typicaI'HCS software is presented. 20 biblio. refs. USSR UDC 681.142.4 MARGULIS, D. S., RE OV_V__V_ and SAVVOV, V. I. "Series of Videoterminal Devices for Third-Generation Computers" Kiev, Fekhanizatsiya i Avtomatizatsiya Upravleniya, No 4, 1971, pp 50-53 Abstract: This article is concerned with using the latest technical achieve- ments to develop terminal devices and to carry out lengthy investigations of their design and use. The graphic data-display station consists of the following modular assemblies: a graphic catlho~e-ray display and an input block and information editor. This cathode-ray display is designed to con- vert coded messages from the computer into a visual equivalent in the form of points, segments of lines, circles or arcs, and symbols on the disolay screen. A system of information words is used to code the information. The authors graphically depict the mode of points and define the use of the two information words employed for this purpose. The vector mode is also shown graphically and described, the first pair of coordinates referring to the initial- point. The first word has a content Similar to the first word of the point mode, differing in that the operational characteristic is coded as 010. The fixed increment made permits the authors to reproduce arbitrary 112 curves and to approximate them by a broken line with fixed intervals and a Umited number of directions. The symbol mode permits reproduction of alphanumeric and symbolic information, beginning from an arbitrary point of the frame. The circle mode permits the.reproduction of circles and arcs. The authors list in detail the composition of the vacuum-tube graphic display and group of possible editing operations. The article contains three figures. 2/2 23 73cc 'd, F,.aI . 1 I , - - .0 -wa g pt . " N ~ R -A . ~ C..- 1 0 xil- Ua .- ~ - V P ~ f~r_ il ti . , , , , 2 1. C gr 9 - .G 3~g - " 1; M.3 t t Y, _q LN ;-U N, USSR KOBRIN, M. M., REZCHIKOV A. S., ROYTSHTEYN, M. M. "Increasing the Fatigue Strength of Welded Elements in Prestressed Guy Structures" III Mezfidunar. Konf. Po Predvarit. Napryazh. Metal. Konstruktsiyam., T. 3, 'Third International Conference on Prestressed Metal Structures, Volume 3 L Collection of Works], pp 130-140. (Translated from Referativnyy Zhurnal Mekhanika, No 1, 1972, Abstract No IVII78 by Ya. M. Ayzenberg). Translation: A description is presented of typical fo-rins of hending of mechani- cal Guy parts. Changes are suggested in the design of equipnent in order to increase the endurance and reliability under cyclical operating loads. [Zesults are presented from experimental tests of the effectiveness of structures sug- gested and technological MeZiSLIMS performed at the Central Scientific Pascarch Institute of Structural Parts imeni V. A. Kucherenko. It is concluded that consideration of the actual operating conditions of structures during planning by shifting of welded scams to the least stressed areas, as well as strain hardening and working of somms can increase the reliability of mechanical Parts in prestressed Quy structures significantly. The method suggested art., rccommended also for increasing the reliability of other types of prestressed Structures. now -1/2 007 UNCLASSIFIEU PROCESSING DATE-090CT70 'TITLE--ECONOMIC ENCOURAGEMENT OF STANDARDIZATIUN IN SITUATION PRODUCED BY .-ECONDMIX REFORM -U- .AUTHOR-RELCHIKOV, V.I. :'r'COUNTRY OF INFO---USSR UUIRCE-STANDARTY I KACHESTVU, 1970t NR 3, PP 51-53 -DATE PUB L I SHE D--- 7 0 SUBJECT.AREAS--BEHAVIORAL ANO SOCIAL SCIENCES ,-TOPIC TAGS-INDUSTRIAL STANDAROP ECONOMIC SYSTEM -.,,CCN,TROL MARKING-NO RESTRICTIONS %.J ~~VOCUMENT CLASS-UNCLASSlFIED ~.PRUXY REEL/fRAME--1986/1.744 STEP NO-"UR/0422/70/000/003/0051/0053 CIRC ACCESSION NO--AP0103508 r_ UNCLASSIFIED .1-212 007 UNCLASSIFIED PROCESSING DATE--090CT70 .CJRC ACCESSION NO--AP0103508 ABSTRACT/EXTRACT-W) GP-0- ABSTRACT. THE ARTICLE DISCUSSES THEORETICAL -AND-PRACTICAL PROBLEMS OF ECONOMIC -ENCOURAGEMENT OF WPkKS IN STANDARDIZATION. SOME OF THE.QUESTIONS~RAISED ARE DISPUTABLE, BUT THEY ARE AIMED AT ENSURING AN EVER MURE IMPORTANT ROLE UF JrzCONUMI,C STIMULI IN THE PROCESS,L)F INCREASING THE-EFFICIENCY-OF STANDARDIZATION. UNCLASSIF MIMEMEMMEEM mom= USSR Ux, 546-763'171.1:538-22 T AYVAZOV M. I., DOMASHNEV, 1. A., GUROV, S. V., and PZZg k V~ InstItute- of New Chemical Problems., Academy.of Sciences USSR "Blectrophysical and Magnetic Properties of Chromium Nitride" 143scow, Neorganicheskiye ALterialy, Vol 9, No 4, Apr 73, pp 6oo-6o3 Abstract: The electric conductivity, thermal emf, Hall effect, magnetic resistance, and magnetic susceptibility of CrN over a NrIde temperature inter- val were investigated. it was found that CrH is a more ionic compound than nitrides of titanium and varadium. Amplification of the ionicity percentage in M-X interactions leads to realization of the system of spin-polarization electron states. A phase transition was observed at 2900K to CrN which 0:0,8 was associated with the trigonal distortion of the crystal lattice 3 figures, 10 bibliographic references. ........ ... 112. 020 UNCLASSIFIE;D PROCESSING DATE--04DEC70 TITLE-!-NATURE OF NON STOICHIOMETRIC DEFECTS lN TITANIUM NITRIDE PHASES OF VARIABLE COMPOSITION -U- (04)-AYVAZOV, M.I., OOMASHNEVt I.A., ~A,RKISVANI A.G.t REZCH(KOVA, T*V. -1-COUNTRY OF INFO--USSR .,..SOURCE-IZVEST. AKAO. NAUK SSSR, NEORG. HATERIALYP APR. 19701 6s (4)p 745 749 DATE PUBLISHED---APR70 :,:SUBJECT AREAS--MATERIALS TOPIC TAGS--CRYSTAL -LATTICE DEFECT, TITANIUM COMPOUND, NITRIDE, ELECTRIC PROPERTY, METAL OXIDE ..-.:CONTROL MARKING--NO RESTRICTIONS ~DOCUMENT CLASS--UNCLASSIFIED PROXY REELIFRAME--300311449 STEP NO--IJR/0363/701006/004/074510749 CIRC ACCESSION NO--AP0130382 UNGLASS l_FVF_lf 2/2 on UNCL A-SS I f TEO PikOCESSING DATE--04DEC7O ACCESSION NO--AP0130382 .-ABSTRACT/EXTRACT--(U) GP-0- ABSTRACT. THE NATURE OF THE NON STOICH101METRIC DEFECTS OCCURRING IN TIN SUBX PHASE OF VARIABLE COMPOSITON (X EQUALS 0-6-0s96) WAS STUDIED AND CORRELATED lilTH C09RESPONOING CHANGES IN THE ELECTRO PHYSICAL PROl'-'~-~RTIE.St AS WELL AS WITH ANALOGOUS CHANGES TAKING PLACE Iti OXIDE PIIA-5ES C THE NON STOICHIOMETRIC DEFECTS TENDED TO CHANGE THE EFFECTIVE 1145SES OF THE CARRIERS IN THESE COMPOUNDS; LOCAL CARRIER CONCEMATIONS ALSO DEVELOPED AND ANOMALOUS ENERGY GAPS APPEARED. UNCLASSIFIED 112 027 UNCLASSIFI~0 PROCESSING DATE-30OCTTO TITLE-AUTOIMMUNE REACTIONS IN SL)r4E OCCUPATIONAL DERMATUSES AND THEIR DYNAMICS, DURING PYROGENAL THERAPY -U-,. R AUTHs- -(02)-GETMANETS* I.YA.,.4UjUNAiiL*D* ~.CCVNTRY OF INFO-USSR OL 48, NR 31 PP '96-99 SCURCE-KLINICHESKAYA MEDITSINA, 1970, V DATE PUBL ISHEO---70 -:,:,SUBJECT AREAS-BIOLOGICAL AND MEDICAL-SCIENCES TOP I CTAGS-PYRCGENt-INDUSTRIAL HYGIENEt DERMATUSIS, UMMUNITY, ANTIbOVY, ,.TEST, ERYTHROCYTE MAR-KING-ND RESTRICTIONS DOCUMENT CLASS-UNCLASSIFIED PROXY REEL/FkAME-3002/1687 STEP NG--U.R/0497/-tCl/04P-/()0310096/0099 CIRC ACCESSION N-%-A-AP0129057 UNC LA S S.1 F T E 0 zn 027 UNCLASSIFIED PROCESSING DATE--30OCT70 ~CIRC ACCESSIGN NO--AP0129057 ABSTRACTIEXTRACT--(U) GP-0- ABSTRACT. OUT OF 166 PATIENTS 'WITH OCCUPAITIUNAL ECZEMA, ALLERGIC 0ERMATOSIS, TOXIDERMLA, AINIG URTICARI~, A?14D IN 55 HEALTHY dLOG0 DONORS THE AUTHORS DETERMINED THE C-REACTIVE PROTEIiN, ANTI ERYTHROPOIETIC ANTIBODIES IN ACCORD.IiNCE WITH TRYPs[NfZE0 ERYTHROCYTES, DIRECT AND INDIRECT COOMBS' TEST AND ANrIDERMAL ANTIBODIES AFTER BOYDEN'S PASSIVE HEMAGGLUTINATION REACfION. C-REACTIVE PR13TEINS AND THE REFERRED TO AUTOANTIbODIES WERE REVEALED itv A PART OF CASES WITH OCCUPATIONAL VERMATOSIS AND RARELY OR ABSENT IN DONORS. THERE WERE NOTED -DIFFERENCES IN THE FREQUENCY OF AUT011,1111UNE PlEACITIONS IN PATIENT') WITH ECZEMA AND DERMAYITIS. ALTERATIONS IN THE PROCESS OF PYROGENAL THERAPY WERE STUDIED IN 50 PATIEWS SUFFERING FROM G-CCUPATIONAL ECZEMA. ALONG WITH NORMALIZATION OF THE SKIN PATHOLOGICAL PROCESS IN THE -MAJORITY OF PATIENTS THERE TAKES PLACE A NEGATIVATION OR REDUCTION OF THE. TITER OF AUTOIMMUNE REACTIONS* FACILETY: KHARIKOVSKLY NAUCHNO-ISSLED.,INST. GIGIYENY TRUOA V PRUFLASOLEVANlYll & (JINCLASC 112 015 UNCLASSIFIED PROCEtSING DATE--13NOV70 ItTLE--AN ATCMIC ABSORPTION METHOD fOR THE -RMINATION OF GOLD IN OETC ELECTROLYTES!-U- AUTHOR-(02)-SASGV,.V.N., REZEPINAr V.A.~ .1-CCUNTRY OF INFC--USSR .:-,SDURCE-IZVESTIYA SISIRSKGGO OTOELENTYAIAKADEM[I NAUK SSSR, NO 4v SERIYA _KHIMICHESKIKH NAUKv 1970t NR 2, PP 107-110 z1-1.~.ZATE.'PUBL ISHEO-70 AREAS--CHEMISTRYP MATERIALS TOPIC TAGS--GOLD, CHEMICAL ABSORPTION* ELECTROLYTE# CHEMICAL ANALYSIS CONTROL MARKING-NO RESTRICTIONS "-DOCUMENT CLASS-UNCLASSIFIED PROXY REEL/FRAME--1993/0586 STEP NO--UR/0289/*70/000/r)00/0107/OltO CIRC ACCESSION NO-AP0113477 -Uf-- _q___ TE 2/2 015 UNCLASSIFIED PROCESSING DATE--13NOV70 C'IRC ACCESSION NG--AP0113477 ABSTRACT/EXTRACT--(U) GP-0- ABSTRACT. THE INTERFERENCE OF NH SUB4 CNS, (N-H SUB2) SUB2 CNS, NAOHr CUCI SUB2 ,HCt AND H SUB2 SO SUR4 HAS BEEN INVESTIGATED IN THE ABSORPTION OF THE. ANALYTICAL LINE AU-2428 ANGSTROM. ATOMIC ABSORPTICN METHOD 15 SUGUSTED FOP, THE DETERMINING 01: GOLD IN ELECTROLYTES OF THE DIFFERENT CHEMICAL COMPOSITION. THE SENSITIVITY OF THE METHOD IS ABOUT 1 MU G-ML, THE VARIATION COEFFICICNT IS A80UT 1-4PERCENT. FACILITY: INSTITUT~ f-fliKO-KHIMICHE-SKIKH OSNOV PERERABOTKI MINERALINOGO SYRIYA SO AN.SSSRj NOVOSIBIRSK. USSR UDC 615.372.576.851.553 DRACHENNIKOV, V. I. , GOLSHMID, V. K. _0V. F. F., and CIIENTSOVA, 0. 1., State Control Institute imeni Tarasev'144P ato"N.W8 -ov I c; 11 an"Ovols1cowIInstitute of Vaccines and Sera imeni Mechnik "Immunochemical and Biological Characteristics of Botulinus Type A Toxoids. Moscow, Zhurnal Mikrobiologii, Epidemiologii i Immumobialogii, No 10, 1971, PP 12-18 Abstract: DEAE-cellulose chromatography revealed that the specific antigen of botulinus type A toxoids is heterogeneous in pliysicachemical properties. Separation of the toxoids on DEALI-cellulose yielded a -fraction containing over 50 percent of the total antigenic activity and frese from nucleic acids and pigments. Its specific activity was.almost double that of the ariginai preparation. No relationship was found between the charge of the specific molecules of the toxoids and their molecular weight. Purification of the toxoids on DEAE-cellulose resulted in removal of the ballast substances with no impairment of the immunogenic properties of the active fraction. USSR UDC :576.858,25-083-35 RMEPOVA, A. I. , KUZ ' 1411U, S. V. ,MMKOVA, K. S., and UNMMV, S. S., Moscow -7SEfentifio gesdarch Institute of Virus Prepaxationsq and Institute of Biophysical Academy of Sciences USSR "Propagation of Some Arboviruses in New Transplanted Lines of House Fibro- blasts' Moscow, Voprosy Virusologii, No 6, Nov/Dee 71, PP 704-707 Abstracti Embryonic fibroblast's of mice constitute a useful culture mecLium for hemagglutinating arboviruses. Thouglh no formation of hertagglutinins occurs in the parent cells# in successive fibroblast linus heaaCglutinins are produced in ample amounts by the follo~dng encophalonyelitis arbovirus straInat WEE, Sindbis, Semliki Forest, &nd:Ch1kunm-iya (group 1Q, and tickborre, Japanese, West Nile, St. Louisp Ntay, Buri'yamvarao ai-~l Omsk hemorrh&gia fever (group B). Theee hemagglutinin prolwations can be used to test the toxicity of the various arbovirus,straine and to identify the arbovirus antibodies which were recently detected in human serum throughout the USSR. 37 A! - TECHNICAL MANSLATION'. FST-,RT-23-143q-?j ENGLISH TITLE% Method of Datev~ini!ag the Thermo electrical Quality Factor of the Thermobattery. FOREIGN TITLEt Sposob opredale-niva Termoelectrichaskay Wbrotnouri AUTHOR. 1. A. Rezf,,Oll SOURCE., ComiLtee of P4tents and Inventions 3t tile council oi ~tintstara Of, USSR. Translated for FSTC by Leo Kenner As-sociates, Redwood City, Ca~ NO-1 ICE The epntertr3 of thki I bli,-arlon h4ve bccu tran*I,"~cj as prej..,jrj in titt oyihinal gelt, No 2-cr-apt h.s brm mad'4 IQ 'ertis, 1kr accuracy of any stage"Ient conraincJ herein, This Ifantlanon is 1,001.,hca ith a mi*nimum of ropy editijig anij graphics prgpAratioft In ncdet t. ek~,.Iit~ the ~( Intlm~at;oii, TL~ri-e%ts far additional copies fif this da",nwnt %houl.i 1w to Di,parti-nr A, National Technical Information Service. SFI-irt.4firld, vjrgmi~ 22151. App"voi fof public telem; dist6hution unlimited, 0M USSR LTDC 613,68(98) Ye. P., MAiSEVICH, L. M., and.REZINA, Yu. I., Institute of Water Transport Hygiene, USSR Ministry of Health,~Moscow "Current Problems in the Work Hygiene of Seamen Under Arctic Conditions and Some Ways of Solving Them" Moscow, Gigiyena i Sanitariya, No 7, 1973, pp 12-16 Abstract: A variety of factors are stressful and a threat to the health of seamen and officers on ice breakers and merchant ships plying Arctic waters. These include insufficient ultra-violet light (due to cloudiness, frequent fogs, and cold which keeps the men indoors much of the time), constant higil noise and vibration levels, excessive heat and inadequate ventilation in some work areas, high-frequency ani ultrahigh-frequency electromagnetic fields produced by radionavigation apparatus, need for constant alertness to avoid colliding with other ships in a cowvoy or hitting an iceberg, and dis- ruption of circadiaa rhythms because of changing work shifts. Rearranging work and rest routines, installation of air conditioning equipment, redesign of portions of the ship's interior, and shortening the duration of cruises are some of the measures recommended to improve the situation. 1/1 USSR UDC 911-3:616.931-452(470.45) PAVIENKO, Z. S. and IM "History of Mimi ation of Plague Enzootics in the Volgi-ad Region" V ab. Probl. osobo o-Dasn. infektsiy (Problems of Especially Dangerous In-fec- tions -- collection of WorksT,' Saratov, No 4(14), 1970, pp 213-21~4 (frc-- Rn- Yleditsinskaya Geq6rafin, NO 3, Idar 71.. Abstract NO 3-36.117) Translation: The history of study of the plague in the northwestern Caspian region is presented. Resu-Its of work of the antiplague service in the eradication of natural foci am reported. The last -plague epizootic was recorded in 1934 in the Kotellnikovskiy rayon. Sanitation of the fo~:--.Is beca-.- possible because of ploving virgin soils, the establishment of water- resarvoirs, the development of irrigation farming, aud other methods. 112 027 UNCLASSIFIE.0 PROCESSrNG OATE--18SEP70 TITLE--EXPERICNCES IN JEJUNOGASTROPLASTY -U- iUTHOR-(03)-ZAKHAROV, YE.I.v REZNtCHENKO, A.[., BELOUS, G.01 'COUNTRY OF INFO--USSR .SOURCE--KHTRURGIYAi, 19701 NR 3v PP 46-52 AATE PUBLISHED ------- 70 .'.-$.UBJECT AREAS--BIOLOGICAL AND MEDICAL SCIENCES tOPIC TAGS--STOMACH, JEJUNUM, DIGESTIVE SYSTEM DISEASE, TUMORp SURGERY C~. NTROL MARKING--NO RESTRICTIONS ~.'60CUMENT CLASS--UNCLASSIFIED -;PROXY REELIFRAIIE--1983/1174 STEP tlO--UR/0531/70/0001003/0048/0052 CIRC ACCESSION NO--AP0054073 UNCLASSfFIE0 ungm , ".11MIRT 2/2 027 UNCLASSIFf ED PROCESSING L)ATE--LBSEP70 CIRC ACCESSION NO--AP0054073 .ABSTRACT/EXTRACT--(U) GP-0- ABSTRACT. THE ISSUE SUMMARIZES THE RESULTS OF 1811 OPERATIONS FOR GASTRODUDDENAL ULCERS, TUMORS AND DISEASES OF THE OPFRATEO STOMACH, IN 576 CASES WITH JEJUNOGASTROPLASTY. PRIMARY JEJUNOG4STROPLASTY WAS PERFORMED IN 221 PATIENTS WITH GASTRODUODENAL ULCERS AND IN 168 PATIENTS WITH 13ENIGN AND MALIGNANT TUMORS OF THE STOMACH. RECONSTRUCTIVE JEJU)NOGASTROPLASTY WAS PERFORMED IN 125 PATIENTS WITH THE DUMPING SYNDROME AND IN 62 PATIENTS WITH PEPTIC ULCERS. AN ANALYSIS OF THE IMMEDIArE AND REMOTE RESULTS DEMONSTRATES THAT JEJUNOGASTROPLASTY DOES NOT INVOLVE AN. INCREASED FREQUE"'4CY OF JMMEDIATE COMPLICATIONS AND LETHALITYJN COMPARISON WITH BILLROTH 2 OPERATION, THUS ENABLING IN THE FUNCTIONAL RESPECT TO ATTAIN MORE FAVORABLE RESULTS. UNCLASSIFIED 11.i Wil,g~ Vitt, !;Vr Ali ici "r tho ~,,..,vd it,,, nt,,~,t ~.l 1~-t-; I,iv -'. i~!Y !. -, N. S. A,w~, '.. 1'v-, 3. Lj p Pie nitters nr tlv~ tlhysical wear of Luildillp ant' very vi-tal,.Div irrAcle's nuthorr. cort:,:ctly note that it is nec*6-ry to ar..,lyae ant 1, Ian 5pccifiv ways to clininatp. inccrpIttonvss r~ ro-n; a-,d work at thr, vArloun orTcr of buLldine., and maincent-n:e. fer a furdazw,-tal, in nstruction owi nnintenanco of indlazt-Ul lvildirps 5;%.! az-zactv-,-3. t"o n - ralpF)V, tht! ;uallty QF materialls, Items, inll corzt.-.4ction ele- ts t1clivrro~i ro. catirtructEont b - inprovint; Che joinfra of' the ior~nt:!5 ot asslembl,,,d _"iroft-cui constructiont,. Tnisilr. Lheix r.-.i.)1~ili-_. ~prt-~nrily ro.,-~:stance conciote to c~?rroaicn ;in-l rrducling rctal and work c=sV;aption in r.11r.. 4~o:kl c - the dvvalop:,,.~nt of rc!,-.forcud concretc i:on5trUOtJO7:S hirbor corrozion reNintnncL tlirourh th%~ ms~ of sp~cj,xl iddittvt~ to t~o concretto and the "a of p(,1ymcr Concrete deNnillnS oit the cxtcr~'.al mt!lui nnl! the maintenance conditions of the Oonstructicn TlOirntr and xtructureso d - the Oelivery of efflo'lent fillcr and so CoWl to cc=:;kvucticn by, Indu&;try. Tkeducln,- voir,tfitc, tlu~ 'S"Oplopnent of lo-zl~-llle iltructiat-al. cwr- structionf. and a finulariental 1Wpro%,c;-.enc 'it tho zainten3tice cf builang's and stnictuTes, is nentionod rly tile article's alat!,ozr, ze';lTc- iw!it$ a vital :kiv? urront nitional economy ~,roblrn w1=0 d~cli,_ion ntust be thrauCh the joint eCfartn of zpecinll-.~ts in tile vari~ur, fields vr Me Ourrunt arid future rariods or Indu-,trial .v e_,:- ,Ctort".d by Wereavinrt r~itcr, of technicil r-tton, rack o,;1y It taelv.1- Iual but tbrouebout tlio ~ntlro Cicni~ni tuduntry trancli xtd in.other brznc!ico of the natinnal econo.-iy, TIrrefforep Vic v.Ar to "110cwts'lilly rairr t~!c lp".1 of industrial ihould bo Chn cran:ALIon to the runittrucclon or t,,_-iJdinrS aria stt-ucturds which calt be eArily and rivic'ily tranzforreii -,~ .1 xefult 0' Lzrr~11*7z~.As In tile Lechnolcgical proctscer and basic ~quir=orit. Pic data from miny years or exreviercc In rl~c opvr~tlott of 1,41%1- dull brililchr!o of procluctio.4 and major cv..'bUlen I,- tic-It- t';,-,t "c'! built structural ol(nienta functioned on open plztfor~.z as vell z:7 i, ~.I- Close(i 1101.10iririi ror 20 years iind morq. And at the ~, usent: 1~% Oe rcchnolq~icnl rcheratics of msv rruduc~lvn brrarcio, re int thiv buildinro an-1 ctructnro.& can tio r,!dcs1Gicd or parti. Oy ut( ~cr t%e ore;vni %ition of ne~: product ion branclics 10; USSR UDC 8. 74 L,, STEPANOVV V. P. AL Queueing Problem" V sb. Sistemn. modelirovaniye (Systems Simulation collection of works), vyp. -57 (from RZh-Kibernetika, No 9, Sep 72, Abstract 2, Novosibirsk, 1971, pp 51 No 9V621) Translation: A study was made of the operation of a system for two-step ser- vicing of a given set of requests during a fixed time interval (0, TI. The requests have a pair of numbers T and 0 giving the beginnings of the times of primary and secondary servicing. Inside the interval [0, T] there can be in- tervals during which the servicing of the requests is completely or partially forbidden. Certain restrictions presented below are imposed on tile queue of requests. IC is necessary to organize the servicing of the requests for which it is possible to place the maximum number of them in the interval [0, T3. A procedure is proposed in the pperfor arrangement of the requests vihich is obviously close to optimal. The results of solving a specific problem describing the operation of tile dispatcher.service of an airport are presented. USSR BONDAR, A. A. REZNIK A M "Analog Model of a Neuron Net with Distributed Memory" Probl. Bioniki. Resp. Mezhved, Temat. Nauch.-TelUm. Sb. [Problems of Bionics. Republic interdepartmental Iliematic Scientific and Technical Collection], 1972, No 9, pp 97-105 (Translated from Referativnyy Zhurnal Kibernotika, No 4, 1973, Abstract No 4V725, by the authors~). Translation: Me operation of a neuron network with Tandom organization is analyzed. A model is suggested for learning in neuron networks of analyzers. 14,biblio. refs. 115 - Titanimt USSR UDC 669-295-31 RMNIMINKO, V,_A,, MEIIYAYWVA# G. A. j KARYAZIN, 1. A. KMU11,OV, F. B., VOROBEYCMXt A. I., and HIPHICHI H. Aso MOSCOW "Phase Transformations In the Process of oxidation of High-Titanium Sli4e' Moscow, Izvestiya Akademii Nauk SSSR, Metallyj No 5, 19739 pp, 118-54 Abstracti The crystallo-optical method was used In a study of the processes taking place :in the oxidation of a solid solution of anosovite, the principal phase of high-titanium slags. During the oxidation of high-titanium slags, crystallo-chemical transformations occur, during heating, in the anosovite latticet 'below 4000C, oxidation reaotion3 take place In titanium of lowest valencies in Ti4t with TiO -separation in fo= of an indapendent phasel above 0 2+ * 3~ 500 C, Fe oxidizes to Fe arA the products of the rear,,tion form with a part of free rutile a solid solution on the base of pseudobrookite (Fe203#Tio,) lattice. The phase transfox=tions in the ease of maximiim oxidation of anoso- vite by the oxygen of air and water vapom at 7000C and litgher temperatures show a similar charactero the reactions take place topochemically with the final formation of rutile and the solid solution on the base of pseudobrookite lattice. Three figures, three.tableol i9 bibliographic Werencea. 1A USSR UDC 539-374 ROYTYMN, A. B., KUDRICHEI:10, G. P., and T. A. 'REZNDq1DrKO (Zaporozlye) "Increasing the Corrosion Resistance of Parts Made of Alloys 2Khl5N3?4-Sh and IMM by Magnetization" Kiev, Problemy Prochnosti, No Sep; 73, pp 82-85 Abstract: Results are presented of tests conducted on specimens made of alloy M15N3M-Sh and blader, of the eighth and tenth stages of a gas-turbine compressor, made of steel 1Kh17N2 and preii-minarily magnetized, on corrosion resistance and fatigue strength. Magnetization of the r3E)ecLmens and blades was conducted in a magnetic field of 350-400 oersted to the 1-ilrdt value. On the basis of the obtained results, conclusions were drmm concorning thre positive influence of magnetization upon the corrosion resistance of the indicated alloys, confirmed by statistical analysis. 3 figures. 5 tables, 3 references. 1A Titanium USSR UDC 669-295'28.3 4MUaQW_Oj V. A. NOYNOV, S. G. , MAWOV, S. B. , IYANOV, 1. N. and ORWVA, K. V., Moscow "Study of the Process of Alloy Formation by the Joint MVeslothermal Reduction of Titanium and Molybdenum Chlorides" Moscow* Izvestlya Akademil Nauk SSSR Hetally, No 10 JanAeb 74, pp 27-30 Abstracti Results are preeented from studying -the formation of alloys by the joint reduction of titanium. and molybdenum chlorides and subsequent vacuum separation of the reaction masses. The phase composition of the reduction products was a mixture of alpha-titaniun and two body-centered cubic, titanium- and molybdenum-base solid solutions and it was determ-ined thpt the alpha- titanium is formed directly In the reduction procems and not ditring the Yacuum ceparation0process at 650 to 10000 G, Extended soaking af the reaction xasues A 800-850 C aftor reduction did not change phaze com ipoaition of the produced metal. Evidently, particles of the solutiono and alpha-Ti In the reaction mas were separated from each other by sublayarr. which hindered diffusion equalization of the concentrations After complete vacuum separation at 10000C it me established that the main phase constituent is the b.c.c-solid solution which contains about 35% No in the titanium, One figurs, two tables, one bibliographic xvforences. uDd 669-295.31 aJINIOV, F. oL-,EyC A. MAYAZIPT, 1. A., FM-I-U,CKEI.,'KO, V. A., KIL6 B R HIK I., and GORDEUMK, III. A. p Roscow -SNYAYLOYA, G. A. , IaFRIICH, ~ It', A "Oxidation of Eigh-Titanium Slag, on Heating in Atriosph-exes of' Air aild Wator Vapors Moscow, Izvestiya Afmdemii Nauk SSSR# I'Leta.Uy, IID 2, N:LI-APr 73, PP 3?-413 Abstracti An expeerimenW study was made of the oxiclation of hiGh-Ulzimium rious fractional compositJono and contabilyZ 10-12;-' FC-0 Oil hea slag of va tirz~ up to 10000C in a-ir and in water vapor at-mospheres. The oy-id-ation do-per'dences of titanim- 51af; on the ty-po of the o7idizing m3di-,,.m (OXY60:1 Of --ir, watc:o vapor) and the temperature attd size of slag comain-a-Lion Oxe &.scucsed by =ferencce to diagi-aras. The oxid,,Aion m, te ol' slag in air wan, foi-,nd to I-X" con- sideiably higher (twice as high at 700-C) tl-,aji in water vapors. urder conditions of crru)Iete oxidation at temperatures fron 0 toA-000 0C, tfto. highest. oxidatlon dejnie in attained at 200(C, yield.1r.C.- lu b~Dt!i ruedia prodicf-n of similar chemical compook(Lion. Oa haatLng I~p to '~OOQCJ, IZ,hc oxidation procoss of cLig procce~- in Uto stag"esF the f~-Z-,st -Ir. deteraj-nca a selective oxidation of titallium of lower valencies 400'C'I and the zecond stage borins at temj,--ratures ovor .9,000C and ozi Intensive oxidl-a- tion of blvalen~ iron. Throe fi!Tun--j one table, ton. b1iblior-:raphic r0fol-anciii. USSR UDC 669.018.45.4 REZNICd=O, V. A., Moscow "Investigations on Metallurgy, Chemistry, and Electrochemistry of High- Melting Metals" Moscow, Akademiya Nauk SSSR. Izvestiya. Metally, No 6, Nov-Dec 72, pp Abstract: A state-of-the-art discussion is presented of the technology of production of high-melting metals; tungsten, molybdenum, rhenium, niobium, and titanium. s,are expressed rep-ardi;1Z thej~~t~urq trends of the production technolo in the Soviet Union. 41 -W USSR UDC 669.295.472 REMICREN A., MALIKOV, F. B. A~, "Electrode Potential of Titanium in a Soditm Chloride Melt" Elektrodnyy patentsial titana v rasplave khloristogo ratriya (Electrode Poten- tial of Titanium in a Sodium Chloride Melt), t!~LtalluUy stitute Qf he U R - g 5S Acgde= of Science$ ILOA-COW 1, 14 pp, ill., 9-entry bibliography, No 3665- 7lDep. (from RZh-~letalltirLi~yr-a--;-Tjq--4,-ApL7_2, Abstract No 4G217DEP) Translation: A study was made of the Ti and Ti2l' and T13+ T ion equilibrilun in a WaC1 melt by the equilibrium potential method. The electrode was made of Ti iodide, and a chloride electrode was the comparison elc-ctrode. The total Ti concentration in the n--lt was 0.14; 0-31; 0.11-61 Euid 0.63%. fte measurclwnts were taken in tile 950-1,1000 range. Accw~tling 11"o the data obtained, the propor- tion of Ti2"~ ions iri vithin the limits of 0.89_0~)7. With a decrease in tempera- ture and dilution of the melt, the proportion of T12+ ions increases. The temperature dependence of the standard electrode potentials is as follows: EO 3x -2,180 + 3-70-10-4 T and Eo -2-390 + 5-25'10-4 T. TiTi Ti/Ti? 45 USSR TjDc 669.295.549.6 LIOVA, G.A., KA-RYAZIPT, I.A., and VOROBEYCHIK, 1. REZNICHEN-KO., V.A.~ I-ENYAY "E ffect of Titanium Dioxide an Structure and Technological-Chemical Proper-l'i"es of High-Titanium Slags" Moscow, Izvestiyaa Akadeniii lqauk SSSR, Metally, No 5, Sep/Oct TI pp 49-54 Abstract: The degree of exposure of slags in sulfuric arid was studied by mixing 100-gram specimens of slag in sulfuric acid ~89%) in a 1:1.9 ratio. Decomposition occljxred with continuous heating (in the .1.90-21011 range) ---Pd vith stirring. After decomposition, the melt i-raz erposc-d for 2 hours a-, _20~, then cooled and leached with vater (6 hours at 75-800). High-U-itanium si~.- obtained in the smelting of Irshinskiye ilmenite concentrates in 6re-.---__ztinS- electric furnaces were investigated. Mineralogical studies of specimens of high-titanium slags showed that the principal dominant phase Is anosovite. Data showed that the pnasencp in sl&S of excess tizpaniun dioxide as rutile strongly effects the degree of expos-are of hiFlh-titanium slags in sulfuric acid. it .,ras found that high-titanium sicae, can 'ba in rra-k-u-, pigment titanium dioxide by the sulfuric acid nr~thcd if the a=oovitc- io stoichiometric in composition, and if excess tit-Lniwa dioxide is man-_ai-d in a Emall amount or is completely absent. In smelting titani-Lm-, slags ~or tae pigment industry, slag with constant chemical composition must be sau6l_,t fc_-, 1/2 USSR REMICEETIC-0 V. A.,, et al, Moscow, Izvestiya Akademii SSSR, No 5, Sep/Oct 71, pp 49-54 where the principal components of the slag (Ti02, Ti203, TiO, FeO, MV3, and A1203) must be entirely present as part of the anosovite without permitting crystal I ization of rutile. Mm MIRMWwa