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16/ Acc. Ref Cod;L - S -C 4, ions "Micasuremenz; of Low-Enera- Ions," by Yq. 1. Gal'perir, A. ;Iuy ;i. D. lv=ov 1. N. Ka~cDinskiy, T. M. Mulyarchik, H. 3. 1. Kl-zanov, A Shuysk ya; Moscow, 1---.slc!dovan1ya, Val Vill, Nal, 11970, pp 120-126) ilhis is part a sectionalized article "Stud,,, of Geoactiv~ C a-d PhotoeleeLrcas on tile Satellite "smos-261'," 1~;-uledowmLya, Vol Vill, N'o 1. 'L!)7(). po 104-1:161 The Ri?-801 low-enerey ion spectrometer, is described; 4~1 was Lsed 6~.celljjte for masuring the range ).64-~ tra2 wita mognetic PrOtOctiorr of the ring c ol i.., r o - the currents of secondary elecitrons and photQelCctrc;ii r"ie collector. e ion flux it; mwdulat6d by a voltage in thlt, foz-m -ectam,ular wave. wich a frequency of 300 CPS and voltage amplitude6 ~f aa6 2 W over thresi,old voltages from:0,04 to 6 1,V. T~-L electric eleczric current of the central collector and the Positive current aE the rinf, collector are measured. This paper givas the first results of raa!;jj-.e- menaz~ on the "Kosmos-261-1 satellite. In regio-as close cc the auror.11 ,-ad -t. i~- commion to register fluxes of ions with energies of several kcY, at- Reel/Frane P- M0042569 t ining lo7 ions -cm-2-sec-lkeV-l. After midnight these particles are a si S tuated in the northern hemisphere near the 6uthern boundary of the region of injection of electrons in the form of, a "'hydrogen arc." In addition, in the southern and northern polar c4a in. the region of in- -80* ions were,iegistered,6imultancousAy with soft varixit latitudes 70 electrons in the so-called "second" or "soft" auroral zone. The ion eneragy spectra in the northern hemisphere (nighttime. altitude about 220 km) and in,the southern hemisphere (daytime, altitude about 600 km) areidifferent. in the northern auroral zone the spectrum has a..pronounced maximum in the region 1.5-2 keV, whereas In the southern auroral zone and in the south pole cap the spectrum in the region 0.04-8 keV.!s rather flat (without taking Into account the charge exchange of protons during paaaaZe through the atmospbere). The pitch-jangle distribution' sually has a mazimum near 70% The authors given an example of anlon intensity burst In the law atitudes over the USSR at L Z 2. 13760550 A20042569 aj S 1o7 ions-cm-2 t nin -see-lkeV-1.. After midnight these particles are situated in the northern hemisphere near the southern boundary of the region of injection of electrons in.the form of a "hydrogen arc." In addition,in the southern and northern polar caps in the region of i;,- variant latitudes 70-80* ions were registered simultaneously with soft electrons in the so-called "second" or "soft" auroral zone. '.he ion eneray spectra in the northern hemisphere (itighttime altitude about 220 kn) and In the southern hemisphere (daytime.' altitude about 600 km) are different. In the northern auroral zone the spectrum has a pronounced maximum in the region 1.5-2 keV, whereas in the southern auroral zone and in the sOuLh pole cap the spectrum in the region-0.04-8 keV is rather flat (wtthovt taking into account the charge exchan e of protons'during passage through e atmosphere). The pitch-' t ually has a maximum near th angle distribu ion us 7W The authors givenan exam 1e of.aa ionAntensity burst in the low p latitudes over the USSR at L 2. :137GO550 i1pilizi, :101-11~ Lqua, 7 AP0042565 taining 107 ions.cm72-sec-lkeV-1. After midnight-these particles are situated in the northern hemisphere near the southern boundar7 of the region of injection of electrons in the form of a "hydrogen trc." Ia additicn, in the southern and northern polar caps in the region of ir,- variant latitudes 70-80' ions were registered:6imultarcously w;ith soft: electrons ill the so-called "second" or "soft" auroral zope. The ion energy spectra In the northern hemisphere (nighttlma,.altitude about 22o km) and in the southern hemisphere (daytime, "titudd about 600 kra) are.diffatent. In the northern auroral zone the spectrum has ~,a, pronounced maxinum in the region 1.5-2 keV, whereas in the so Iuthern auroral-zone and in the south pole cap the spectrum in the region 0.04wo8 keV is rather flat (Withiouz taking into account the charge exchange of protons during passage through the atmosphere). The pitch-angle distribution usually has a maximum near The authors given an example of an Ion intensity burst in the low 70 latitudes over the USSR at L 2. 13760550 0042569 A P taining lo7 After midnight these particles are ituated in the northern hemisphere near the southern boundary of the 6 region of injection of electrons in the form of a "hydrogen arc." In addition, in the southern and northern polar paps in the region of in- variantlatitudea 70-80' ions were.registered:simultaneously with soft electrons in the so-called "second" or "soft"~.aur oral zone. The ion energy spectra in the northern hemisphere (nighttime. altitude about 220 kra) and in the southern hamisphere (daytime, altitude about 600 km) aredifferant. In the northern auroral zone the spectrum has 4' pronounced ma),Ithum in the region 1.5-2 keV, whereas in the southern auroral zone and in the south pole cap the spectrum in the region.0.04-8 keV is rather flat (without taking into account the of protons during passage throui;h the atmosphere). The pitch-'angle distribution usually has a maximum near 70*. The authors given an example of an ion intensity burst in~the lrw latitudes over the USSR at L 2. 137G0550 nlq.] 112Tlig Lnvmf~~ -.1 -i T-. Ap0042569 taining 107 ions-car2-sec-1keV-1. After midnight-these par-citles a:c situated in the northern hemisphere near the southern boundary of t1he region of injection of electrons in the form.of a "hydroger, arc." !a addition, in the southern and northern polarcaps in the regian of in- variant latitudes 70-30' ions were registered simultaneously with soft the ao-called "second" or "soft" auroral zone. Zha ion ene-gy spectra t%e northern hemisphere (nishttime~ altitude about 220 km) azT in the jouthern hemisphere (dAytime, altitude about 600 km) axii diffe-.ent. In-the northern auraral zone tho spectrum bau a pronounced maxiaum in the region 1.5-2 kcV, whereas In the southern auroral zone and In the souLh pole cap the the region 0.04-8 keV ialrather flat (vithout taking into account the charge exch ange of protons during passage through ..the atmosphere). The pitch-jangle distribution usually has a maximum riear 70% The authors given an example of an ion intensity burst im the lq..r latitudes over the USSR at L Z 2.. 1!) 7 0 HUM lid 02 021 UNCLASS'l FI ED 7-~' PROCESSING DATE--30OCTTO :'.r.lTLE--A.NION RADICALS OF NITROAROMATIC COMP'OUNDS CONTAINING A DIFLUOROMETHYLENE GRUUP -U-~ ENGV9:YE*Aot K.A ,40THOR- Olt)-POL ZAKOVA# VaMay AFANASYEVP YU.N.t SYRKiN, .,XGUkTRY OF -INF'O--USSR ~YSPURCE-M STRUKT- KHIM, 1970 -1191v 142-5-: ATE'PUBLISHED -----70 ~,SWBJECT AREAS--CHEMISTRY I .~,,:TOPIC TAGS--FREE RADICALt ORGANIC NITRO COMPOUND, FLUORINATED ORGANIC METHYLENE _~;CONTROL MARKING-NO RESTRICTIONS ~:POCUMENT CLASS--UNCLASSIFIEO . -..PROXY REEL[FRAME--1997/0731 STEP NO--UR/0192170/011/001/0142fOl45 ~CIRC ACCESSION NO--AP0119638 UNCLASSIFIED ;.1 ;; t*~'Fiii!Ri.~;m6,im,;iiiilliiii*-'!' i i hiiii,69. NQ 6~1 r-V2 '021 UNCLASSI FIED PROCESSING DATE--30OCT70 'CIRC ACCESSION NO--AP0119638 ':-A9STRACT/6XTRACT--(U) GP-0- ABSTRACT. THG UNPAIRED ELECTRON OF F SU32 C(NO SUt32 SUB2 TIMES NEGATIVE PRIME (CA 69 IS TO 82L88D) WAS DELOCALIZED ~.~.~-'-OVER THE WHOLE MOL. IN ANALOGS OF, I IN:WHICH THE CF SUB2 AND NO SU82 ':'.-;MOIETIES ARE SEPO. BY AN AROMATIC RING THE UNPAIRED ELECTRON IS .~::':.'LOCALIZED.IN NITRO AROMATIC MOIETY ONLY. DATA OF POLAROGRAPHIC AND EPR -:AINALS. FOP THE ANION RADICALS OF F SUB2~C(C SU136 H SUB4 NO SUB2-P) SU,32, ';..--.~-PHCF SUB2 C~SU86 H SUB4 NEGATIVE NO SUB2~P, AND HCF SUB2 C SUB6 H SUB4 -NO-~SU82-P ARE DISCUSSED. FACILITY: MOSK. INST. TONKOI KHIM. TEKHNOLo IM. LOMONOSOVA, MOSCOWt USSR6 I USSR SOFRONOV, B. M., VIKHAMAN, A. A. KARASIK, 0. A., OBR4ZI and POLENOVA, 1. M., Institute of Experimental Medicine, A c a7 `er~,144et~i~c a I S c i c n c e sUSSR, Leningrad "Modern Aspects of Nonspecific and Specific Suppression of Immunological Reactivity," pp 75-88 Abstract: Various way5 and nicans of suppressing inrinunogenesis are discussed in the article. Of the many nethods studied, the most important are surgical methods -- extirpation of such 1MMUnocompetent organs as the splleen~ thynus, and some groups 7. of lymph nodes; physical methods -- application of radiation; chemical-methods -- administration af -cher,-,ical preparations; and biological methods -- based on the action of antisera against antigens in lymph tissue. Investigations established, however, that removal of immunoconpetent organs from young anicials tends 01 to hinder the further development :of the lymph system -- the main sourco of lymphocytes, and causes dysfunction of the lymph system.and prolonged suppression of the immunological reactivity of the organism. Thymectomy and blursectomy in adult animals 1/2 W IT 71 _-OW-WW"" 2- USSR SOFRONOV, B. N.0 et al., "Hodern Aspects of I'lonspecific and Specific Suppression of Immunological Reactivity," pp 75-88 tend to weaken considerably the immunological system of the organism, and retard the regenerative process of imnunological reactivity. The application of ionizing radiation and chenical preparations, while suppressing immunogenesis, tends to inter- fore also with the development and.:functions of vitally impor- tant proteins and nucleic acids. The most promising nethod is the application of antilymphocyte iera. Tile use of these sera is based on the prel-iiise that antilymph antibodies while affect- ing lymph cells will not disturb the fuhction!; of non-lymphatic tissue cells. There are, however,.'sonic well-grounded apprehen- sions With respect to the utilization of antilymphocyte sera b -ocause of their possible toxic properties and content of im- purities. Work done an those.problems by Soviet and foreign authors is discussed. 2/2 ikk - JPRS 58681 6 April 1973 UDC (669.24'65:548.5-(54-1654-b2O.l8) 'Ay's ItAtull."IM FRMI TIM LLq1,Wj S16TE MMSE CIMI~MTVIN OF Ni-;. At., [Article tri A, F. Polesyn, L. r, Slipchrnka, DnepropetravAk State Univerotty, V-ih[kh UH,,!hnvWi Rugaidn, tio 1, 1772, autnirted ?_SVrt,_4,r 1971, ;)p The Ni-Sn system Is Important for mnaly-4is or the formation of s-r-,=*,-r,: durinZ,r%pi-I cooliny. of -1t% for several reasons., The comrnents of th,: given syst-m differ auh3tantially In Ovctrin strticturc und ther;c:ter of bond forcei. 11ho presence of several Intermetliate phasus in the system (I) Is evidence of an Inbomogencous concentration dependence of reaction ottwctn the componTnts. , ctrtAln 1441ttis a I.e. t U-Ni, Hi Sn. C. h4ve varlabit~, compusition. which I, one or the conditions of expansion of the rqrW,3 of their existence during hardening from the IIquiJ stato 12. 31. rho structure of eapidly cryitAllizing 41joys bnilcally In. the rant- of impositions corr-sponding to the two-phase states in equIllbrium. Is analyed III this article. alloys wert madq from electrolytic nickel and spectrally pure tin. er-1q,4ttin-s tir the corrnspontlIng coa;vosl,tion. wtighing 25 R, were malted In a high-fr-,q-jency furnace In a vacuum. Since -eight losses were it, the coapos"I" ur the &I IQ" was practically the samo pis the theorctical. Thin, i4pidly ciy%talliiing flim were oht;ilned by shooting SM11 droplet$ of the motit (6.S g) onto the Inner surface of. a copper cylirejer, rotating at 4.MO qo., Films with a thickness to 10 YkIcron -ore used for Ov Invc-ttigatlon. X-rayi were taken In filtered EuK.-tml.%%lon In x-ray diffraction chamber and VRS lexp3nsion unknownl. The periods of the i-Nk. 0 and W lign (LT) phaios -ere computed according to the lines srrangr-4 I" the interval of anAles from 43 to 72*. Taylor's graphic Interpolation method (41 was used to exclude errors., In Alloys 1. 2 and 3 (Table 1), during hardening from the srotten statev tin saturated nickel base solid solution rr"talkites first. The "IV I at t ico p~r I ~1 i or L,Lt 4%t4h le "-~Vl i d SOlUt i Oil I i c an the A t ra i glit I!nc of tile -jer-d-ce ot period on cnmjn)-3 it ton af t h, a I h,y ( V i go r~ I ) . V ... m,l 1-y extr-%~,Imting the corresponding dependence for alloys hardened In the soild state (',I. This indicates expansion of the range of ex Ist Lilco or the solid solution a?W iko j,i,llcatc% the colneidrnec f the compusi- tion of the vo.445t,ilik- *oid %olution and the initial alloys The tilaximm concentration of Sn which we c3tnbliilied in (a-Ni)-solid solution is 16.8% atomic (alley 3), which is significantly higher than the mixim~ equilibrium solubility (10.4% at(mic) of Sn in ?41 [1, 51 . Since the Interval from 16.8 to 19.2% Sn was not inveitirnted, the maximum sgturation of CL-solid Solution with tin may be somewhat higher than 16.8%. Table 1. Phzza Coz7asition of Rapidly Crysta)li" Films and Lattice Periods of Phases T 10,4 SM'.. A) a WVJ 2 14 3.11196 6.1 4 111.2 7) 'r-l, 4 V1 1251 2.11,111 8) rAtAW lUT1 11-111 N; - - 1110) 6) 1- 4,475 4,270 2,61's C.-fl. N"Sn toy) 5.57 9ot..r 7J)' 10 o.. N1.1n (11r) trial. s.ioi , oxi - .1,145 ~CIPM 4,19 4 7113 21615 74.1 M 17, 1, 6) 0,001 425210,0112 Of*., 7-k (m) .010 u., 7 24.4 10.., ( I 45.8m %4jSn.,(UT) ' I 1 41132 z 5.23 J ll)CeAm NfSe (OT) - 9 ..a 4 iris A. 02 4*.rA25 k1sa 10 5,133 I I ,2,4.11 12) 12 ".73 XFY- I ,N-i-bor of alloy 9. Annealed at 730* for 10 mill 2. Atomic % 10. El Ctype NIAS, DOZ) 3Phae'coopositlon 4: Lattice perlods, 11. Traces of NI Sn (11T) S. (type Al) 12. Tracus of 6 6. Traces of [BT-irr (high temperature),. -(tho%lbic) HT-LT (low temperature)] A. Traces of $1 3Sn (Ift)(FelAl type) The range of a-solid solution Is expanded to 12% Sn in 161 by hardening froia the w)lten state. The difference between our data and the 2 -TIDLAOCPAIP"IC OAT A N", WIcy rT-.;T,-... IIIIASI: COMIN)SITION 1W AI.I.OYS' 11ARDINIII FROM '1111r. U Airi I19 -.N- If 1.19VID, STATR 1. Joint PubliCaLion" Rescorch Service It)00 North Clebt good Arlington, Virginin 22201 As Above IC MTSTlY.A. VC', TSIJLr-:AYA .4FTALLU?.ClYA, No-3, 1972 The report colitattitt &it an&IyAtm of the structuro of rapidly cryAtallizinR alloys b4sically In the r=ge of coc*osittons corram pending to Lite two-phase states in equilibrit,st&. USSR Haterial Metallurgy and metallography Ni-Sn alloys T-. IT.. CU'All I kNA.-P JIF ed u"1 Imit bLlity Sold by NTIS Sprl &field. VirRinia 22151 n ......... TIIIII FOKhI MAY sw nrrm~mx n GFANG~. III THE BALLISTOCARDIO-GRA;! OF HEAU-IfY Airl) SICK FtIRSWNZ; -P 1.1 t M-1XV: U.17SU 7s M 3 - .111r, AT PI , Rl. rt h /~ !Cosn- lwi4iell 10. cc Biologj NaOlclna iusMfCn_,_1~71, Yp 33~-33?7 The broathinr, of oxygen at oxco--s intvapulmonary p~-tta- now antronchod,in tho medical tion of fli-,ht personnol an an effective mothadoloGical pro- coduro for evaluating the phyz_'oloFic. capabilitiou of the pul- monary hoort both in clinically. hoalthy poruo= and ift Lnd-1- viduals with initial and Intent patholorle. phonoriona in the con- dition of the caroiovazqcAsr*.~Yston. Thia paper rivus the- rost-Ita of LnvaDtigationa of 16:1 porsonx, of which.24)wj ro healthy, 27 had hvnortonia in 'the first staGo (phas A , 69 had initial aympt~6s of myocardial dystroph7 of metabolic. oriZin, and 41 had nourocirculator-,- dystonia of the hypertensive typo. zjX KL 0-1 IL -1/2 013 UNCLASS1 FIED PROCESSING OATF_--04OEC70 lJTLP'--H SAT STABLE POL I SH ING ABRASIVE CILOTkS -U-. AUTHOR-(05)-.POPENKOVA, Z.N., ZAYTSEVA, M.A., KOGAN, L.A., DREBENTSOVA', A# I .'POLESHCHUK1. I.Pj OUNTRY 0 1 N F 0 ~-- ~rSOURCE-U.S.S.R. 265,752 I~T() 0ERENC.E--OTKRYTlYA, IZJBRET., PRON. OBRAZTSY, TOVARNYE ZNAKI 19701 ZATE-PUBLISHED-09MAR70 ~~Sl UBJECT AREAS--MATERIALS :TJOPIC TAGS--ABRASIVEt CORUNDUM, LATEX, PATENT* POLYMER BINDER/(U)SKS30 `STYR ENE RUBBERv (U)SVKH7 SYNTHET;IC RUBBER,- (U)FM3 RESIN .tONTROL MARKING--NO RESTRICTIONS DOCUMENT CLASS--UNCLASSIFIED REEL/r'RAME--3007/1761 STEP NO--UR/0482/70/000/000/0000/0000 CIRC ACC-ESS10,".' t4n--AA0137001 2/2"--- 013 UNCLASSIFIED PROCESSING DATE--04DEC70 '-CI:R.C ACt_-_:SSIO'N NO--AA0137001 --(U) GP-0- ABSTPACT. HEAT STABLE ABRASIVE POLISHING A.BSTRACIVEXTRACT _i~,:CLOTH.CONSISTS OF AFIBER BASE FINISHED WITH SKS-30 AND SVKH-I LATEXES .-IN A lzl RATIO. ABRASIVE MATERIAL CONSISTING OF WHITE "t-11CROPOWDER" AND ,.,.:--'CR ELECTROCORUNDUM WITH A COARSE FRACTION CONTENT OF SMALLER THAN OR -.EQUAL,TO JPERCENT I S APPL I ED TO THE BASE. : SYNTHETIC RESIN FM-3 141TH A 140-5 SEC IS.USED AS A BINDER.. LOWERED STICKINESS OF ~31 =TI 1j.1 I M .11.jl ~11 1 USSR 1JDC 576-851-553-097-29-083-3 PREGER, S. M., ALI BITSKAYA, N. B., and POMESHCHUK, L. N., Tomsk Institute of Vaccines and Sera "Change in Cobalt, Iron, and Copper Levels in Culture 112dium. During Toxin Forma- tion by A and B Botulism Af;ent" Moscov, Zhurnal Mik-robiologii, Epidemiologii, i Lmmnobiologii, No 2, 1973, p 139 Abstract: Concentrations of metallic ions in Gluzinan brath, used industrially in producing A and B botulism antigens, were determined prior to and up to 7 agent, and 21 days after 2-week storage of 7- days after seeding with botulism day cultures at 4-50C. Iron, copper, and cobalt concentrations decreaseci significantly during the 7 days after seeding. Cold storage had no effect on iron and copper concentrations. Experiments indicated that cobalt- is utilized in vitamin 13~2 synthesis pax-ticularly intensively during, toxin formation. Reduction of metallic ion concentrations vas accompanied by increase's in toxicity and rate of witigen formation. These results indicate that irons cojy_per, and cobalt are necessary in maintaining nonnal vital processes of botulism agents. 1/1 USSR UDC 632.95 POLESHCHUK, V. D., LATYSHEV, V. I., KAMENNOV, N. A., DREMOVA, V. P., SMIRNOVA, S.; N.1-STOLBOV, D. N. "Repellent.Activity of Diethylamide and Dibutylamide of Valerie Acid with Re- spect to Various Types of Ticks" Sb. nauch. tr. Mosk. NII vaktsii i syvorotok (Collection of Scientific Works of Moscow Scientific Research Institute of Vaccines and Serums)x No 22, 1972, pp 209-211 (from RZh-Khimiya, No,15, Aug 72, Abstract No 15N504) Translation: According to field and laboratory tests, diethylamide and dibutyla- mide of valeric acid have high repellency with respect to the Hyalomma plumbeum plumbeum tick which carries.hemorrhagic Crimean fever. The tissue treated with ~these repellents calculated at 7 gram /m2 r remained repellent for 5 days. For Alectrolobius tholorani papillipes these materials were not repellent. The five-day repellency of tissue for Ixodes persulcatus Licks, Dermacentor pictus and D. marginatus was achieved from a dibutylamide dose of 55-65 g/m2. The DETA had no repellency with respect to N. p.:plumbeum, A. th. papillipes and D. marginatus, but tissue treated with-DETA calculated at 40-50 g/m2 remained repellent for 20 days for I. persulcatus an&D. pictus. Microbiology U55R mr, 616.981-55) -21(416) 14 - N. I., NOVIKOV, P. L., and LININUOI/A. G. D., Chair of few- DOLBIK, Infectious Diseases,,14insk Medical Institute.' and Mia3k Municipal Hospital for 'ectious Diseases :,,"Clinical and Epidemiological Data on Botulism in Belorussia" %joscow, Sovetskaya Hedit5ina, Vol 33, No 7, Jul 70, PP 137-139 ..Abstract: During the last 4 years, 30 Persons suffering from botulism have been treated at the Minsk Muiiicipal Hospital; 26 of these patients had become ill aftGr ingestion of domeztically prepared mushrocims. All of: the cases were caused by Type B Clostridium botulinus. The most pronounced SYMPtDmz were ophthalmic and pharyngeal paresis, with ensuing disturbed vision and sovfjro dryness of the mouth. Gastrointestinal disorders developed in 17 cases. Cardiac complications were observed in patients suffering from the moderate and severe forms of the disease. No significant hematological changes were found. , Administration of ~aatibotulinas sera and penicillin was effective.. To prevent botulism, mushrooms must,bo thoroughly oleanal to remove soil particles. They should Uso be properly sterilized. For marinated stocks, adequate amounts of preservatives must be added ITI. ..-:-4~T~. USSA uDc: 621. 3:L6.9 33. 1 LISIN, V. 11. WUEQ~64~..A. "A Three-Electrode Discharger" Moscow, Otkr,,rtiya, Izobreteniya, Promyshlonnnre Obra--tsy,._To-yarn1 c ZnaR-i -d No 7, Mar 72, Author's Ce2:tif-* Leate No 329613, Division H, file Oct 70, published 9 Feb 72, Tj 212 Translation! Thir Authors Certificate introduces a three-clec-L-rod.0 dis- charger which contains a cylindrical housing, filled. wi The housing is nade of an insulation !raterir~L ar.01 accoirinodates two elec- tro,des fastened on reta.1 flanges, :--nd mi ignition. e entrode in t1 forr& of a natal ring surrounding one of the electrodes and fastoned to the insulatiOD housing. As a distinguis-bing feature of the patent, synch-roni- zation accuracy and operating stabillty are improved by nlr-d-Ang the insu- lation housing from two cyli r-ders with equal permitti vity~ touching where 4S the:ignition electrode fastened. 1/2 11 NI -~ ~ i, ~,~ ~i, ~ --w ~- -,- -1 ;-, . I - l I I -~ 4..J. . .1 : im Al i U;! M-."' . mi N'lliall"ll 'M 91 I I Ii 11 ! I : 11 1 1 1 - I t c e 617,0 Ref Code: Abstra6ting Servi k6c 14r. ABST.~ LLR OS710 AF00431 INT'ERNAT.,. AEROSPACE 0i Aa (A70-23786 Phw diagram of.rapidly crysUllized At-Cu-Mn alloys IDiagiramma sostoianii bystrq;zq1tristallizovannyloth splavov X-Cu-Mtv). P i and V~ V, Xyvaleniko- Akadenihil Nauk SSSR; Irves fla" 0 an.-Feb. 1970, p.~ 173-177. 11 ~refs. In Russian. Study of -the'struclure of rapidly crystallized alloys of the A]-Cu-hln system, showing. t ,hatahigh rate of cooling of the melt during crystallization leads to th(~, formation of ternary solid: solutions -supersaturated ith- man ganesepnd copper I Cisla.=d that during rapid crystaill2ation, of thi me'It the formation of a4emary phase T-All2Mn2Cu, in theAl-Cu-Mri s~stern is iiappresseqk Phase diagramsof supersaturated ternary sofid solutions are. plotted ~or two cooling rates 11000- and 10 ,000 deq?sec)~ A nonequilibriu&, phase diagram of rapidly. cryvallizedsiloys is*!w plotted. showinq~lj broad region of a hornogetwoui alpha soli& solution, tv4o-phase qlpha + theta and alpha + A16Mn regiom, and, a ~Iernary alpha h:ta + A16Mn rogion, AAK REEL/FRAME 1977014160 ;.a A I. Probability Theory~and Mathematica'l Stiftistics A. Probability Theory USSR LONIONOSOV, M. V., POLESSKIY, V..P. "The Maximum Probability of Connectedness" Probl. Peredachi Inform. [Problems of Information Transmission], 1972, Vol 8, No 4, pp 68-73 (Translated from Referativn)-y Zhurnal Kibernetika, No 4, 1973, Abstract No 4V9, by V. Prelov). Translation: Suppose G is a full graph with n points. Let us assume that each rib u of this graph, regardless of the others is eliminated with proba- xu. It is proven that in the case when Rx f- > 0 is fixed, the U probability of connectedness of the graph produced after this operation of rib -elimination is maximal if tll ribs of 101 graph G are eliminated with identical probability XU ~I/C2 n, I if !11 if 94~mq ~ A! - 1,z, i ~. tvm n, r.;RTr, rq-~ i 1 --- USSR UDC 669.24571+669-2115'87 1:536.421.4 qmd GUI)MEMO, V. N., Dnepropetrovsk State University, Chair of.Physics of Metals "Phase Composition of Ni-Al and Ni-Ga Alloys Obtained Fl,-on the IMolten State by Hardening" Ordzhonikidze, Tsvetnaya Mletallurgiya, 110 2, 1973: PP 143-148 Abstract: A study was made of the structures 0:1C rapidly crystallized a-Iloys of Ni-Al and Ni-Ga systems, possessing similar structurp-1 diagrvias. The initial materials of these alloyr, were electrolytic Ili, -A90/ Al, and Go. of 99-9&% purity. - The rapid crystallization of the alloy Pli-21 a-4111l Gives rise to the formation of a Ili-base U-solid solution with the con~position of the initial liquid. The rapidly cryst-~dlized layer Ni-22at~rja a sin--le-pliase structure of OC-solid solution of Ca in Ni. The existen2e of a hi~ji-teiimera- ture 6-phase with In (A6) type lattice in the 31.2-38.2 at'I'DA]. concentra-tion interval was verified. A netastable phase with rhor'bic lattice develops with rapid crystallization o'L.Ni-Al and Ni-Ga alloys containing 30-35 at,~',-41, or 30-35 aepGa- '11he metastable phase 5~ "n developz both by cr,,~stallization with lamination of the melt and also without change of the composition, the composition of the alloy corresponds to the ho-moi.,eneity range of tlie phase. Four figures, one table, fourteen biblio.-raphic rt-Xerances. UDC 539.21;536-42 USSR zov~,_=!, -m, v! V., 1, and ,d H" i~ .I "Effect of Crystallization Conditions on the Kinetics of Disin- tegration of Supersaturated Solid Solutions" V Sb. Kristallizatsiya i faz. i)revrashchgnj~ya (Crystallization and Phase Transf ormiations-collo ction o1 works) Hinsk, "Illauk-a _J Tekhn.' 164-171 (from. ~Zh-Fizilka, 111'o 9, 1971, Abstract 1971Y pp No. 9E366) Translation: An x-ray investigation was made of 11-he effect of the temvera ture of the temrerinig -,,.rocess from the fluid statc, and the cooling, r,~ o t h. c coi:iposition and the kinetics of disintegration oY t-he solid solutions of tho followi-n[g -;tlloy,;: 3-5~,' '-:xi, 3c,' 1) All 3-il., Izi; 2) Al, 3.15- 17; 3) Al, 2.81j5 Cr; I) 1 7 A 5 C 1 2~6 -1; 5) Al, 3cl' , Cr, Z L'; 6) Al, Cu, 141n; ) 1 , u , Cr. Quickly crystallized films were obtained by the Duvetus method. The comrositioii of zh~_, solid.solution was determincd roent~reno- graphical 1 in crystallization on co per and steel subsl ates of y - id solu`ions vrith the coivi)osi'--;on o-.' alloys 1 4, auDerzaturated Sol J/2- A USSR K0VA=-N'KC, V. V. et al, Kris tall izat s iya i faz. Drevrashche-ni-va, Milisk, Nauh -a i Tekhn." 197-1, pp 164-171 the orioinal fluid were formed inderendent of the temper-in_:- 'Gem- perature (830-9800 C). However, th-e-ir temperature stability de- pends.on the crystallization conditions: a reduction in the cooling rate and the tem7jering temperature leads to an increase in the temperature at the beginning of the clisinteeration and an increase in the.commencement tim-e and duration time of the disinteCration. In the crystallization of the alloys 6 and 7, the 1-:rL and Or are completely fixed in the solid solution, while the Cu content de- pends on the crystp 'llization.conditions. The low-temperature tem- pering is accelerated with a reduction in the melting point and an increase in the thermal conductivity pf the substrate. 1.,,'ith an 'he aih 3 increase in U nealing tem-cerature to `500 C (alloy 6) the disintegration of the solid solution- is acceleral'-.ed irith an in- create in the tempering temperature of the melt. Author's abstract. 2/2 -_777 4 '020 -12 UNCLASSIFIED'_ PROCESSING DATE-30OCT70 -JITLE-COMPOSITION OF SOLID SOLUTIONS OF ALUMINUM MANGANESE IRONt ALUMINUM COLBALT, AND ALUMINUM,MANGANE:SE NICKEL ALLOYS AFTER RAPID ~UTHOR7(0Z)-POLESYA, A.F., STEPINA, A.10 OF.INFO--USSR. V.U.7_.. TSVETNAYA MET., 1970, (1), 117-120 ~,'DATE PUBL ISH,E D-----70 '~SUBJECT AREAS-MATERIALS -C TAGS-SOLID SOLUTIONt NICKEL ALLOYs ALUMINUM ALLOY, MANGANESE ALLOYr -IRON ALLCYr CCBALT ALLOYt METAL CRYSTALLIZATION, SOLUBILITY _QNtROL MARRING-NO RESTRICTIONS ~~66MENT_CLASS-UNCLASSIFIED tPROXY REEILIFRAME--2000/1555 STEP NO--UR/0149/70/000/001/0117/0120 -CIRC ACCESSICN NO-AFIC125181 UNCLASSIFIF-0--- --3cOCr7o o' z UNCLASSIFIED PROCES P SING DATE ACCESSION NQ--AP0125181 ,ABSTRACT/EXTRACT-IUJ GP-0- ABSTRACT. THE EFFECT OF MN ON THE SOLUBILITY FE, CO, AND N-I IN AL ALLOYS WAS STUDIED. THUS 13Y COOLING THE MELT AT PERCENT CO OR NI MAY 10 PRIME6 DEGC-SEC 0.5 WT. PEPCENT FE OR 0.15 WT. ;-BE FIXED IN THE CGRKESPONDING BINARY ALLOYS; IN THE PRESENCE OF 1 WT. PERCENT ]AN, HOWEVER, THE NONEQUILIBRIU14 SOLUBJLITY OF FEv, COt AND NI IS BY 50PERCENT. ON RAPIDLY COOLING TERNARY ALLOYS CONTG. 3-4 PERCENT RN TOGETHER WITH FE CO, OR NI, SUPERSATURATED SOLID :-SOLUTIONS DIFFERING FUNDAMENTALLY IN COMPOSITION FROM THE ORIGINAL MELT NS TAKES PLACE ,7~'ARE-FORMED* JHE DECOMPOSITION OF AL-ME-FE SOLID SOLUTIO 4W:TW 1) STAGES4 THE FE SEPARATING FIRST AND LAITER THE.MN. USSR UDC 5416.621:75,77:620.161 POLESYA, A..F-., and STEPINA, A. I., Dnepropetrovsk State University _xz~1 "Kinetics of Decomposition of Supersaturated Binary and Triaary Solid Solutions of Aluminum With Cr and Mo Produced by Hardening of Alloys From the Liquid State" No 5, 1970, pp 028-935 Moscow, Fizika Metallov i Metallovedeniye, Vol 30 Abstract: A study was made of the kinetics of the decomposition of metastable binary and trinary solid solutions Al--Cr, Al-Mo,,and Al-Cr-Dlo produced by solidification of melts. It is depionstrated~that the.binary solid solutions Al-Mo containing up to 4 wt.% not decompose at up to:6000C. During the process of decomposition of the Al-Cr and Al-Cr-Mo solid solutions at 4750, chromium is separated from them, a -3 g well as sane molybdenum in the alloy Al wt.%.Cr-4 wt.% No. At 600 and 625 , molybdenum is separated from the binary and trinary solid solutions-in two stages-, the beginning of separation being Z_ accompanied anomalo s increase in electrical resistance. Spheric segre- :gations.measuring 80-100 ~ in diameter are detected In the second stage of the decomposition in the area of the anomaloua increase in electrical.resistance by~electron microscope techniques. USSR UDC 669.71 XAJX~UAO.A,~J.q and STEPINA9 A. I., Dnepropetrovsk State University, Department of:Metal Physics "Structure of Quickly Crystallized Films of Aluminum Alloys$$ Ordzhonikidze, Izvestiya Vysshikh Uchebnykh Zavedeniy Tsvetnaya Metallurgiya, N0.5, 1970, pp 122-125 Abstract: A study was made of the structure of quickly crystallized film across its thickness in order to clarify certain features of the crystalli- zation mechanism of alloys at large deviations from the equilibrium state. Films 0.4-0.2 mm thick were obtained by the Duwez method. . The chemical composition of the films is given in a table.- quickly crystallized films 0.1-M mm thick of aluminum alloys with large amounts of Ma, Gr, and W, obtained by the Duwez method, were shown to be heterogeneous across their thickness, so that the microstructure of a selected section cannot be char- acteristic of the entire film. The gradualIncrease in grain size and the enlargement of boundaries with increasing distance from the contact surface, points to the substantial role in the formation of saturated solid solutions of alloys, of the relationship between the transposition speed of the growing grain face and the diffusion mobility of atoms of the alloying zwtal in the 1/2 Ll 2/2 BE R M. M. a, In 7, AFFT USSR UDC [621.362:538.41.06 POIAZ G. AMM-s. Ps "Cycle and Thermal Schematics of Magnetohydrodynamic Devices without Heat Re- 'generation" Novyye skhemy i tsikly v teDloener%zetike V sb. (New Schematics and Cycles in ~Thermal Power Engineering - Collection of Uorks), Sverdlovsk, 1971, pp 135-145 (from RZh-Elektrotekhaika i energetika, No 7, Jul 71, Abstract No 7A90) Translation: The schematic of an open cycle magnetohydrodynamic device the basic part of which is the disc magnetohydrodynamic generator in a nonequilib- rium plas= of combustion products without an alkaline additive is described. Nonuniform ionization is insured by high expansion in the channel -up to 0.001 bars. Here, the Hall numbers>> 1, and in spite of the large inelasticity parameter, the electron theory is found quite high by laminar theory. If we-consider that the internal efficiency of,this generator is high, the cycle efficiency with an upper temperature of 2,100* K will reach 50%. The method of starting a supersonic channel under accelerator conditions is investigated. There are 4 illustrations. [High Temperature Institute of the USSR Academy of Sciences] I 111i"W"MMiM I I llliil 4~119Q ".111M, N-gau -M. A UW6 W. USSR UDC: 681.128 KIYASHEV, A. I., Engineer, PIVTSAYEV, I. I., Engineer, POLE- TAYEV B K Engineer, SHAROV, V.~ A., Engineer "A Resonance Level Indicator for Measuring the Level of the Interface Between Two Media" Moscow, Pribory i Sistemy Upravleniya, No 1, Jan 72, pp 46-48 Abstract: The paper describes a resonance level indicator for measuring the level of the interface between a "light" dielectric liquid and a "heavy" electrically conductive liquid. The instrument is based on a resonance method of measurement developed at the Institut 'e of Control Problems,iAcadeiny of -Sciences of the USSR. The device is designed for use with a dielectric liquid having a permittivity of 1.8-2.5 and a con- ductive liquid with conductivity of more than 2 mho/m. The pickUpLis a section of nonhomogeneous long line shorted at the end with a resonance frequency which changes in proportion with the level of the liquidLinterface. The pickup parameters are calculated and a block diagram of the level,ind-icator is 1/2 U.BSR UDC 543.422+543.424+546-183 PAT.VTjyO7 1 TOKMAN, L A. and BUERPLLOVA,, G.: A., Institute of Chemical,.Acadery of Sciences Kazakh SSR, PJm-Ata "Vibrational Spectra of Trimetaphosphates in MI 4-MII(FOi)2 Systems" PO Alma-Ata, Ueriya Ichimi skaya, Ro 5, sept-oct 71, pp 6-11 Abstract. Earlier research on monovalent alkaUne metal, MIMTIP309 (MI~ MII--.d:Lvaleix0 compounds indicate the ekistence of various forms of trimeta- phosphate anions. This study concerns the variations of the vibrational spec- trum of - the, anion as a function of its conformab i I i ty. The experiment in- volved MIP03-M'I(N3)2 binary systems. Paper chromatography confirmed the presence of (2309) cycles in the metkDhosphates Na4Ca(P309)2, ha4Sr(P30q)2, Nm4Ba(P3O9)2, KCaP3()9, CsCaP309 and CsSrP309. Interpretation of the IR spec- tra of-these metaphosphates presented in curves in the original article in- dicatea that the form of the anion in Na4Ca(P L )2 and Na4Sr(P30-)2 trimeta- 9) _~e phosphates is similar to that of anhydrous sov& trimetaphos-Dha J. The existence of non-plane ~309anions with and C3v`type symeti"j in C-CaP309 CsSrPj0q trimetaphosphaUs is suggested. The stretching vibration frequenc- of the trimetaphosphates are identified and the classification of P02 and POP groups by symmetry type for various P 0 configurations _Ls presented in tables. (2 illustrations, 3 tables, 8 biblio9. references) QL~T~Tiljl wrym M_ h-L-m-, !J 'ONTROL-14ARKING-NO RESTRICTIONS .J)OtUMENT CLASS--UNCLASSIFIED ~P ROXY~REEL/FRAME-1986/1739 -'.CIRC ACCESSION NO-AP0103503 UNCLAS STEP NC~--UR/0239/701056/001/0064/0069 .F 2- 022 UNCLASSIFIED PROCESSING DATE--090CT70 C-1 R CACCESSION ND--AP0103503 ABSTRACT/EXTRACT-(U) GP-0- ABSTRACT. IMIDAZOLE AT 9M M-L. INCREASED THE ,~-:-_,~-:AMPLITUDE-:DF-PUTENTIALS IN THE END PLATES OF-FROG SARTORIUS NERVE MUSCLE : ~'~PREP Ni:-AND INCREASED THE FREQUENCY-BUT DID:NOT:CHANGE THE AMPLITUDE OF ,:!_,~~M~JNIATURE-.l POTENTIALS EXCEPT FOR SOME "GIGANTIC" POTENTIALSO IMIDAZOLE DID NDT-~AFFECT THE TEMPORARY PARAMETERS OF:END PLATE POTENTIALS BUT --,.INCREASED 'THE AMPLITUDE DURING PROSERINE 13LOCKING OF ACETYLF-HOLINESTERASE AND THE QUANTUM COMPN4 OF END. PLATE P13TE74TIALS. Jl* EFFECT OF IMIDAZOLE- UN THE AIMPLITUM OF'ENU PLATEPOTENTIALS WAS -R&A-INED ~IN. THE PRESENCE OF EXCBS CA PRIME:2POSITIVE EN THE MEDIUM. SEEMS TO ACT DIRECTLY ON THE MEC*HANI.SMS OF TRANSPORT AND QUANTums. FROM THE PRESYNAPTIC ENDINGS OF NERVE --IMP LSE u s UNCLAS-S IFI ED Plant Pathology USSR bD C632 BEEME R, E. Doy =,NUIWOV, 1. D. FUSHIKURTEVA, I - D. ,PO =-AYEVAI V. F., SHILIIA, S. G., and YASAKOVA, E. I., Institute of Botany, i~Z~m _Sldtftces Turkmen SSR "The Hature and Biosynthesis of the Toxin of'Fusarium Wilt Pathogen, the klechanirsa of Its Action, and Its Possible Transfornation In the Cotton Plant!' Moscow, Izvestiya Akademii 11auk SOR, Seriya Biologicheakaya, No Sep/ Oct 71, PP 749-754 Abstracti Analysis of purified extracts of Fuzarium oxysportui fe vasinfectum culture liquid confirmed that -the toxin of fosarium milt of the fine- fibored cotton plant is fu=ic acid.. Tho severity of wilL depends mainly on the rate of production of fusaric acid by tha*pathogen. Blosynthe&IS of this toxin appears to proceed through formation of tr~rptophtn and 13 inhibited by substances participating in transrethylation, auch as cobalt or methionino. Platt resistance is wigmented In the presence of cobaltv vitamin F, and pyridino alkaloids, and is considerably t-he presence of thiamine. The viechanism of action of fucaric acid probably involves competition between the product of its decarboxylation, 3-n-butylpyridine, and dehydro-enase co- factors. Immunity may be due to detoxification of fusaric acid throu-h its transformation Into methy .1 ar-aide I ; N UD C 582 `788 USSR 'TAYEVA %1. F., Institut Botany, Academy of Sciences, Turkmen SSR "Effect of Cobalt on Fusarium Wilt of Cotton" Ashkhabad, izvestiya Akademii Nauk Turkmenskoy SSR, No 3, pp 73-74 Abstract: Cobalt chloride added to infested so i1 at the rate of L-2 mg/kg of soil markedly limited the irjury to wilt. Cobalt chloride delayed the onset of the disease by over two weeks. The first s)rmptoms appeared by May 29-june 6, as compared with My 13 in controls, and by September 13, 46.2% of the experimental plants survived, as,compared with 13.6%.of the con- trols.. A total of 144 cultures of Fusarium okysporum were isolated from 4 soil samples, whereas only 55 cultures were isolated from soil treated with I mg of,cobalt. The result of cobalt treatment is:ascribed to the antagonism to Fusarium oxysporum of microorganisms whose multiplication is intensified by the trare element. -Z/,z 0 12 UNCL ASSIFIE0,: PROCESSING DATE--30OCT7C .-I 'ACCESSION NO- AT0124372 -(Ul GP-0- ABSTRACT RACT/EXTRACT DEAMINATION OF PRIMEL4 C IN HCL AT: ODEGREES WITH I MOLE NANO SUBZ WAS~.FOLLOWED BY RADIOTRACING-OF THE PRODUCTS FORMED FROM THE AMINE "'.,"PREP00 EITHER VIA N PRLME-14 CCH SU02-GH TREATMENT WITH LIALH SU84r OR IIWTH -PCL SUB5. THE 1ST METHOD RESULTED IN SO-ME 3-4PERCENt MORE REARRANGED PRODUCT IN THE-DEAMINATION REACTION THAN FOUND IN THE ---PRQDUCTS.'.FRCM-TjiE 2ND METHOD OF SYNTHESIS. IT WAS SHOWN THAT CONVERSION CHr,SUBZ NH- SUB2 ~.WITH SOCL,~SUB2 TO CICH SU62 CH SUB2 NH SUB2 S, JN.~9PERCENT MIGRATION-OF THt NH "SUBZ~GROUP, SO THAT THE PRIME14 STAG APPEARS- TO- THAT- EXTEINT- IN: THE. esitfbwADJACENT TO THE CL ATOM. 2--ALTkN'ATELGENERAL SCHEMES;OFz.REACTIOk-,:'WERE SUGGESTED.: -HOSK, Gas. UNIV. IM. L0M0N0SOVAv'~MOSC0Wv OSSR. uiva-Aooirs zu 5VCTION V f'-1 r t ~ iT tLI of phatq~yn C.S- 0 SEPT `Ix (U) During thin 'quarterly reporting period four new articles we ri locnted from the institute of Photosynthesis at Pushchloo, On the baslu ~,~ these articles, it was possibla to identify Live new personalities with the institute. Thus,! permonalitles, the subjects of the articles, anJ tlv-! datz~ are given b0owl all- Lio)ov rkerosvtkcsi~ Ging. V. X. effect of i~~.ioation 1970 K~ItqeLaov, V. F. phosphoryLation 19M02) Lebadeva, A. 1. phosphorylation Pol syn. V.. S, Plant ptsment 197001) Shvedova. T. A. chlorophyll 1971 USSR UDC 629.7.036.2 POLEVICHEK, Ye. P., ZHDANOV, V. V. "Calculation of the Pressure in the Combustion Chamber of a Pulsating Jet Engine During the Process of Filling" Samoletostr. i Tekhn- Vozd. Flota. Resp. Mezhved. Temat. Nauch.-Tekhn. sb. (Aircraft Construction and Air Industry Technology. Republic Interdepartmen- tal Thematic Scientific and Technical Collection), No 28, 1972, pp 10-15, (Translated from Referativnyy Zhurnal, Aviatsioynnye i Raketnye Dvigateli, No 8, 1972, Abstract No 8.34.79, from the Resume). Translation: The process of filling of the combustion chamber of a pulsating jet engine is studied, and the laws of thermodynamics are used as a basis to,produce an equation for calculation of the pressure in the chamber as it is filled with fresh working fluid. An approcimate formula convenient for calculation is produced, allowing the desired pressure to be determined with good accuracy. Results of calculations using the precise and approximate formulas are compared. Results of experimental cold blowring of air through a model chamber are presented and compared with the calculated results. 3 Figures; 3 Biblio. Refs. 32 USSR UDC: 621.375.024088.8) POLMEK Yu. A., GASPAROV, R. G., MALOLETNEVi A .V. TIA Reversible Half-Wave DC Amplifier" ~USSR Authorts Certificate No 259165, filed 5 ~Mqy 68, published 23 Apr 70 (from RZh-Radiotekhnika, No 11, Nov 70, Abstract No IID139 P) Translation: This Author's Certificate introduces a reversible half-wave DC amplifier which contains two diodes connected in parallel opposition, and a choke. To simplify the control circuit and maintain linearity ot the output -characteristic when it passes through zero, connected in parallel with the ~load is a network made up of a resistor and the controlling winding of the choke.- The working winding of the connectedthrough a diode to the controlling electrode of a controlled rectifier, And half-wave pulse dura- i -modulator is connected to the input of a::second rectifier. ..t on IT m91 17 III-11. h; ~USSR' UDC 621.-l4.58(C8e.8) POLE VIK YT-J A., GASPARC7, R.r,,, MCIN, V.S. 'on" Device For A'-C Voltar-e PsEjlat. ~USSR Author's Certificate Yo 2615%, filed 19 Jun 68, publiohed 2" Y8Y 70 (from -1 P RM-Elcktronika i y2ye yKim n1ye, No 12, December 1970, Ibstract No 123r 8 Translation: For simplificition and an increase of efficiency, a series network ftiepocin,,3 T is connected into the diagonal of an u-c rectifying bridge. The network consists of a choke coil tind the primary winding of a pulae transformer, the secondury winding of which Is connected into the control circuit of a thyristor. The network forms a control pulse for the thyristor in theinegative hdlf-cycle of the feed voltage, which assures equality of the conduction both half-cyclaB and absence of d-c components in the.load. 1 ill. A. Tarasov. UDC 536-252 USSR IORKOVSKIY, B. M. and POIEVIKOV V. K Institute of Heat and Mass Exchange, Academy of Sciences., Mrorussian SSR 1-Unsk "Influe ture and Heat Exchange During nce of the Prandtl Number Upon Strac -Natural Convection" Minsk, Inzhenerno-Fizicheskiy Zhurnal, Vol 24, No 5, May 1973, pp 842-849 -estirration is made of the spectrum of therm convective strue- Abstract: An inv g .0 ..tures within a wide range of Prandtl parameters. Consideration is given to the tvo-dimensional steady convective motion of a viscous incompressible fluid within a.square region bounded by hard., imperraeable walls. An empirical for- mula is obta:Lnedj which makes it possible to find, for arbitrary Prandtl num- bers,'-regions of values of the Rayleigh criterion in which heat exchange and the temperature fields can be described only by the Raylei0i number. The co!2- elusion is arrived at., that for any fixed Prandtl number Pri there exists such a critical Rayleigh number Ra*(Prl) that within the range of Pr > Prj, subject to the condition of Ra /_ Pa*, heat exchange and the temperature distribution can be described by the Rayleigh parameter-alone. :Consequently:for sirall. values of Fr. heat exchange and the temperature distribution are functions of Ra only within a very narrow region of small values 6f the Phyleigh paraTteter. Within 1/2 , . I IF7"-T, i, ~. 11 M ! ~-, 4. ~ -.1 !" -11 -ajoin ri J1111 - 1,11-----" - m -i, i aami la~ Irgir : wiQ411dim"Ami I ~~, I ii ;I ~ I It 1; 1 1 1 . I !77- 7 NRO105428 Ref. Code. 000- qoes v 9 q-:? 7 Aut tic Yezhelometer "Auto-matic ffephelometer,l' by ji.Z.,ft jqyitskjj,,,and Ye. N. ~,9iad rina;.Eeningrad, Trudy Glavnoy GeorizichEISICOX Observatorii, No 40, 15,69., PP /Vr,ow.- Moscow -rativnyy Zhurnal,.Geofizi-ka, 10647 Refe Svadnyy Tom, 'Mro, 10 1970, A new autowatic nephelometer developed at the Main GeoLh-,rsi6al__QbserY_a- tory is described. The authors give the theoretical basis,.functional elec- tric diagram and instrument desing. The instrument is designed fox, Tneazur- Jng atmospheric transparency in an unlimited range of ebange, in an open' volum and at any time of day and does not require a long measoring bate or -the construction of large'supports ior setting-up the instrument. '-Bihllo- SrAj*Y_ -of Refilarame. 19880402," IItJ I P!:. ~ L I J-1,4;-, 1. USSR um 621-375.4 POMOY, 0. Z., SKUBACIMIVSK-AYA, T. ."On Determining the Current in the Load in Calculating Circuilts Based on Thyristors" Tr. Mosk. aviats. in-ta (1-Iorks of the Moscow Aviation Institute), 1970, vyp~ 220, pp 8-11 (from RZh-Radiotekhnika, No 5, May 71, Abstract 110 5D142) Translation: An amplifier circuit based on thyristors is considered for the case of a sinusoidal voltage supply; symmetric control of the thyristors is assumed., An expression is derived for-calculating the shape of the current in a complex load. Two illustrations, bibliography of one title. N. S. 71.:~ -.;Z J.-il 11AIf 111 USSR UDC 539.385 TERNYAK, N. I., V. A. C h Q"Y fo Low-Cycle Strength of Steel Under Repeated Elastic-Plastic. Def -.mation in Plane Stressed State Cond;tions" Sb. nauch. tr. Kiyev. in-t inzh. grazhd. aviatsii (Collection of Scientific Works of the Kiev Institute of Civil Aviation Engineers), 1971, No. 1, W63-72 (from RZh-Mekhanika, No 12, Dec 71, Abstract No 12V1475) Translation: An experimental study of low-cycle strength of thin-walled tubular samples under axial tension-compression and internal pressure was conducted. Samples of IKhl8NIOT steel were tested under relationships of longitudinal and transverse stresses of 0, 0.5, 1.G, 1.75i 3.0 on a base of 0.5.104 cycles with a frequency of 25 cycles per minute. Metasures were taken to ensure an approximately proportional the stress component. Values of the limiting static deformations are given and the kinetic.-; of cyclic deformations under, low-cyclic loading were traced as a function of: the relationship of the stresses. A considerable change was noted in the shape of,the samples and the region of quasi-static, fatligue and the transitlon character off: the fracture is shown, and the effect of distortion on the character of the load diagram L 1/2 6EMIYAK, N. I., POLEVOY, V. A., sb. nauch. tr, in-t:inzb. prazhd '-avlatsii, 1971, No. 1, DP 63-72 and the form of the rupture is analyzed. Longevity curves under low-cyclic loading are constructed and limiting state curves are shown in longitudinal and transverse stress coordinates in terms of the number of cvcles to break- down. It is noted that it Is impossible to obtain a single curve for low- cyclic breakdown when the data is expressed in terms of the intensities of the stresses. 13 ref., A. P. Gusenkov. 2/2 70 USSR UDC 620.17 CHERNYAK, K. I., "Device foIr Testing Pipe Samples under Conditions of Repeated Proportional sure" Loading under an Axial Force and Internal Press Sb. nauch. tr. Kiev. in-t inzh. grazhd. aviatsii (Collection of Scientific Works of.the Kiev Institute of Civil Aviation,Engineers), 1971, vyp. 1, pp 107- 114 (from RZh4ffekhanika, No 11, Nov 71, Abstract Ho llVl2lO) Translation: A description is presented of a hydraulic and electric schematic of.a. device providing for proportional loading:of pipe.samples with respect to main areas (static and cyclic load4 g with a frequency of up to 25 cycles two in 2 minute), axial loading to 1.5 tons, and an internal pressure up to 500 kg/cm -perk Clamping of the sample is used in the device.i.The deformation diagrams were recorded by electronic potentiometers. The bibliography has 11 entries. 1/1 JIJH1'... -.:!.1 LILi USSR UDC 621-382.11:621.382-345.029.62 NIKOLA-MMY, 1. F. POLEVOY V. V. SOROKIN, Ye. P. ."On the Parameters of a Substitution Circuit for Microwave Power Tran- sistors at High Injection Levels" Poscow, Polurrovodnikoy~rye PriborX i ikh Primeneniye, No 24, Izd-vo "Sovet- skoye Radio", 19-1 pp, 42--,i1 Abstract: The authors consider a simplified physical equivalent circuit for a high-frequency drift-type power transistor in a coz--on-ema-.ter connection. The parameters of the circuit are found by measuring the abso- lute values of the input impedance, current. gain, slope of the transfer characteristic, time constant of the collector circuit, output impedance of-Ahe transistor and capacitance of the collector circuit, and the fre- quency dependences of these quantities. It is pointed out. that the in- ductances of the base, emitter and collectorcircuits and,parasitic reac- tIve elements of the measurement circuits have an appreciable effect on dcterrd-nation of t!7;e paran-eters :of planar power transistors at high inJection levels. Fight figures, bibliography of two titles. I . . : , , c .4i'Id* 1! 1. U~Wi 7DIPlo I'll s- 'i . - ; ill 11 i, mulmn 3, W -L 1 1 j, 1 :~ ~ 1'11~ RI -'Tr I U. -, ; ~Imi 1 ifillAr X'TFZ ~Jl USSR UDC 632.934:633.31 WLEYAHJJJKOVA, V. N., Read of the Laboratory for Studying Food Crop Pests, :and -STEP Vi.Y. Aa,"Head of the Cbemicotoxicologi'cal Laboratory of the Central 'Asian Plant Protection Institute '"Granulated Phosphamide (Rogor) to Control Alfalfa Sho -t Pests" 0 Moscow, Zashchita Rasteuiy, No 12, 1971, pp 17-18 Abstract: A procedure was developed at the Central Asian Plant Protection -Institute for controlling sitona and aphids which are harmful to alfalfa -shoots.: Ten-systemic preparations were tested including phosphamide, in- trathlon, siphos, keelval, and so on, of.which:the most effective was h de. The method of preparing the compound, granulating it and osphami p applying it is described. Chemical and.biOlogical studies of, the stability of.the granulated phosphamide demonstrated that.the amount of- phosphamide e-granules after 9 months of storage droplinsignificantly, and field in. th testing-showed that the stored granules.ware only 2 percent inferior to :gra 121.09 prepared iTmediately before application. The toxicity of the phosphamide stored in the plants lasted 40 to 45 days, but no residual h hamide was detected during the harvest period. p OSP USSR UDC 539.6.01:536.24, SKIY OR, V. V. and POLEZHAYEV1, Yu. V. G "He-at and Mass Exchange on the Surface of Fiberglass-Reinforced Graphite Materials in a High-Temperature Gas Stream" q Moscmr, Izvestiya Akademii Nauk SSSR, blekhanika Zhidkcsti i Gaza, No 6, Nov-Dec 722 pp 71-87 Abstract: The mutual influence of evaporation and combustion during the de- struction of fiberglass-reinforced graphite materials in a hypersonic gas stream is dealt with. It is shown that fiberglass-reinforced plastics have three regimes of destruction (ablation) when acted upon by a high-temperature airstream. In the first regime, at low rates of destruction, S002, SiO, and C02 predominate among the components containing carbon and silicon in the composition of the gas in the boundary layer. In the second regime, at moderate rates.of destruction (ablation), only SiO, COi, and CO are signifi- Cwt a=ng the components of the abova-mentioned type. lit, tile tilird regime, at hi& rates of ablation-, thae cocponents containing the above-mentioned elements are restricted to SiO, CO, and Si., The features of the first regime are common to all fiberglass-reinforced plastics. and virtually do not depend upon their elementary composition. 1/2 USSR GORSKIY, V. V. and POLEZRAYEV?, Yu. V., Izvestiya Akademii Nauk SSSR, Makhan-i-ka. Zhidkosti i Gaza, No 6, Nov-Dee 72, pp 71-87 In the second regime of destruction, the presence of free carbon in the boundary layer brings about a sharp intensification of the evaporation of S102, and the dependence of the ablation rate upon the temperature of the heated surface, starting with some specific-relationship of the mainstream parameters, becomes ambiguous. The third regime of destruction takes place only in fiberglass-reinforced plastics, the carbon content of which exceeds by 252 the content of glass, by weight. The thermal effect of the physicochemical interaction of the material. with the Tnnin tream is studied, and the relationship of the parameters of coating ablation~to.the destruction schemes is discussed. The in-fluence of the composition of the material upon the basic,processes of its destruction is established, 7 figures, 3 tables 8 references.. 2/2 "WoXY REEL/FRAME--1997/0048 STEP NO--UR/0450/701004/002/0059/0061 CMC ACCESSION NO-AP0119044 .- - - 1 77" 027 UNCLASSIFIED.- PROCESSING DATE--230CT70 212 CIRC ACCESSION NO--AP0119044 GP-0- ABSTRACI. PHARMACOL., CLIN.: AND CHEM. ~CHARACTERISTICS OF THE TITLE COMP:). (DI-HCL SALT OF 2t(4,METHYLillPIPERAZINYL)tlOIMETHYL#3t4tDIAZAPHENOXAZINE) (1), ARE GIVEN. I IS A LO-'li TOXIC COMPDo, LD SUB50 VALUES FOR MICE BEING 64, 3901 ND PHARMACOL. AND 700 MG-KG (1.V., S.C.v AND ORALv.RESP.)!i A* EFFECTS RESEMBLING THOSE OF TRICYCLIC ANTIDEPRESSANTS. I DID NOT SHOW CHOLINOLYTIC ACTIVITY AND WAS LESS TOXICJHAN IMIZINE. IN CLINICAL TESTSt.INITIAL DOSES WERE 25-50 MG-24: HR, MEDIUM 150-2001 AND MAX. 500-600,MG-~-24 HR. A THERAPEUTIC-EFFECT WA& OBSD. AFTER I WEEK AND INVOLVED TIMIDO ANALEPTIC AND SEDATIVE ACTION. I GAVE COLOR REACTIONS ~WITH CITRIC ACID IN AC SUB2 0 (VIOLET COLOR WHEN HEATED)p AND FORMED AN ORANGE,PPT. WITH TROPAEOLIN OOO-Ps THE FOLLOWING PROCEDURE WAS RECOMM-EN-DED-FOR QUANT. DETN. OF 1: DISSOLVE 0.1-0.15-G SAMPLE IN 1-1.5 ML HCO SUB2 Hl ADD 30'ML AC SUB2 Ov AND.TITRATE WITH 0.1M HCLO SUB4 USING CRYSTAL VIOLET AS INDICATOR; I MLO.IM HCLO SUB4 CORRESPONDS 0.0-1851- G 1. FACILITY: VSES. NAUCH.-ISSLED. KHIM.-FARM- iusr_ ORDZHONIK.IDZEt MOSCOWl USSR.. 1 Ull USSR UDC 5112-91:547-1'LI8 JARM(N B. A. POLEZHAYEVA N. A., and V12TOGRADOVA, V. S., Chemical Institute imeni A. M. 1u ov, zah tath University Imeni V. I. Ullyanov-Lenin "Structure of the Products Obtained in the Reaction of Trimethyl- Phosphite With N-Acetyltrichloroacetaldimine" -micher May 73, Mscow, Izvestiya Akademii Nauk SSSR, Seriya KhJ kaya, No 5, TP lia2-Lu6 Abstract: Several products are obtained from the reaction of N-acetyltrichloro- acetaldimine (ATD] with trim-ethyl phosphite, de 9ending on the reaction condi- tions. When the reaction is carried out at -13 , two crystal-line products are obtained: dimethyl ester of 0(-(N-acetyl)-amino- P /3-trichloroothylphos- phonic acid (1), m- P- 150-5-1510, and the dimethyl ester of (X -(N-acetyl) aie-no-,B,)O-dichloravinylp~nosphonic acid (II), M.P. 98-990. The same reaction carried out without cooling is exothermic, the temperature of the reaction mixture rising to W-450, and it yields the phosphonate (1) plus an addition -to 2 moles ATD- The melting point of product of 1 mole of trimethyl phosphite this addition product is 153-5-1540- With cooling to -400 the reaction pro- ducts are (1). (11)., and an inseparable mixture of several licluid products. UDC 542-91:547-1'118 ARHI=., B. A., IMIC111, YU. V. and -mical Institute A., Che rov, Kazan' State University RaeniV. Imeni A. M. Butle I. Ullyancri-Lenin "Reaction of Benzylidenephenylsulfonylacetophenone With Tnimethyl Phosphite and triti(Diiwth-fla--dno)pliouphine" Yzscov, Izvestiya Akademii Nauk SSSR, Seriya Rhimicheskaya., No 5, May 73, pp 1107-1112 Abstract: Benzylidenephenylsulfonylacetophenone (1) reacts with trimethyl phosphite (800, C6ff6), yielding 2~2)2-trimethoXY-3,5-diphenyi-4-phenyLsulfonyl- 1,2-oxaphospholene-4 (II). At high temperatures (1600) tvo processes take place concurrently: isomerization of the phosphorane (II) with formation of the dimethyl ester of 1,3-diphenyl-2-phenyl-mLlfonyl-3-retlaoxypropene-2-phospho- nic acid, and decomposition of the phosphorane (II) to yield the starting materials, accompanied by breaking of.the P-C bond. Reaction of the phospho- rane (II) with proton donor reagents leads to an opening of the phosphorane ring at the P-0 bond, yielding the dimethyl ester of 1-phenyl-2-benzoyl-2-phenyl- sulfonylethanephosphanic acid. (I) reacts with tris(dimethylamino)-phosphine Yielding a 1:1 additioa product with a P-C bond and a bipolar structure. 1/1 USSR uDc 615-216-5-015-45 FIMTKO, V. P. POLGAR A. A. and SMIRNOVA, V. S., Department of Pharmacology, Faculties of Publ'ic Health, 1st .Moscow Medical Institute imeni and the labox I.. M. Sechenov ratory ofInfectious Pathophysiology of the Nervous System, Institute of Normal and Pathologic Physiology, Academy of Medical Sciences USSR "Microelectrophysiologic Investigations on the Mechanisms of Action and Localizations of a Number of New Curariform Drugs" Moscow, Farmakologiya i Toksikolcgiya, Vol 36, No 2, 1973, pp 2o6-209 Abstract: The mechanisms of action of several new eurariforni drugs anatru- Xoniura (I), cyclobutoniim, (II), decadonium.(M), and diadonium (M were investigated by reans of nicroelect-rode recordings of rvat phrenic nerve- diaphragm preparations. The studies were conducted with nale AuGust rats, vith the nerve-diaphraoii preparations kept at roorn tenTerature in Tyrode's solution saturated with a mixture of oxygen and carbon dioxide (carbogen). The diameters of the tips of the microelectrodes, which were filled with 2.5 M KCl, were 0-5/.1- Control values for the nexabrane potentials and the end plate potentials were obtained by adding ditiline, decamet"honitmi, or D- tubocurarine to the bath. The results showed t1hat the addition of I to a 1/2 T-14 USSR PIMMj V. F., et al., Farviskologiya I Toksikologiya, Vol 36., iio 2, 1973, '0:20-P-oq concentration of 6 x lo-8 14, 11 (1 .25 x10-7 M), 111 (1-2 x 10-7 14), or IV (1.4 x lo-7 M) did not lower the membrane potential and, thus, did not depollarize the postsynaptic membrane. rMey did decrease the amplitude of the end-plate potentials, indicating their effect on -.-he choline receptors at, the end plate. The show that these new curariform drugs exert their inhibition of the neur=uscular junction by affecting the~lreceptors on the end. plate in such a manner that they cannot react with acetylcholine. 2/2 Physiology USSR UDC 612.816. NIYAKOV, 0. M., D'YAKONOVA, M. V.~ OLG A KRYZHANOVSKIY, G. N., POZD, F a. ectW 10 us )9-VY 0 in and SHIRNOVA, V. S., Laboratory of the Pathological Physioldg IntoxIcations, and Electron Microscopy Group,:'Instituto of Normal and Patho- 091C Phy cal Scien: al siology, Academy of Medi ces USSR mpairment of Neurosecretion in the Myoneural Junctions of Muscle Poisoned With Tetanus Toxin" Moscow, Byulleten' Eksperimental'noy. Biologiii Meditsiny, No 12, 1971, pp 27-31 Abstract: Elect rophysiological and elect ron-micros cop i c study was conducted of the nreuromuscular synapses in the, rat diaphragm locally poisoned with tetanus toxin (2-105 mLD). Injection-.of the toxin resulted in a progressive decrease in the amplitude of the respiratory. burst in the poisoned diaphragm, but it had no effect on the actual nature of the respiratory electrical ac tivity. The animals died in 7 to 9 hours with symptoms of paralysis of the respiratory muscles. A comparison of the histograms for intact neuromuscular preparations isolated from the diaphragm.with those for preparations isolated 3 to 3-1/2 hours after injection of the toxin revealed a sharp decrease in the level of spontaneous synapric activity in the poisoned muscles, an indication 1/2 USSR KRYZHANOVSKIY, G. N., et al., Byulleten' Eksperimentallnoy Blologii i Meditsiny, No 12, 1971, pp 27-31 of impairment of the neurosecretory apparatus. Injection of inactivated toxin-did not impair neurosecretion. Electron-microscopic examination showed that the neuromuscular synapse in the :poisoned muscle retained its Structure. Changes were noted only in -the axon terminal in the form of 7, swelling of the mitochondria and, increased number of synaptic vesicles. There -were no changes in the subsynaptic structures. 2/2 USSR UDC 612.826.4.018 POZDNYAKOV, 0. If., and LGAR. A.. 'Electron Microscopy Group, Laboratory of.the.Pathological Physiology of Infectious Intoxications- Institute of Normal and Pathological Physiology, Academy 'of Medical Sciences, USSR "Ultrastructural Variations of the Neurosecretory Apparatus of the Neuromus- cular Synapse During Its Functio n Moscow, Byulleten' Eksperimental'noy Biologii i Ifeditsiny, No 3, 1972, pp 112-116 Abstract: A study was made of the neuromuscular synapses of the diaphragm muscles of albino rats weighing 100 to 120 grams. The muscle was frozen at rest and with short-term (I and 10 seconds) rhythmic (50 hertz) stimulation. It was fixed in formaldehyde and osmium tetrachloride. Themethod retained the basic structural features of the.rieuromuscular synapse. This made it possible to detect certain features of the localization of the synaptic vesicles: uniform distribution along the axon terminal in the state of rest and.reduced number and redistribution of the vesicles in the Dresence of stimulation. Vesicles were also encountered:in the synaptle cleft. 7 USSR uDc 616-74-ol8.83-02:576-851-551-097.29 A A SMIMOVA, V. S. d IMMAN9 S G. N., FaZDNYAKOV, 0. M., X=M an I KIY Electron Microscopy Group, L~&oratory of Fathophysiology of Infectious Intoxi- c ions, Institute of Normal and Pathol gical Physiology of the Academy of at 0 Me dical Sciences USSR, Moscow 'Change in the Ultrastructure of the 1-feuroniuscular Junction Under the Action of Tetanus Toxin" Moscow, Byulleten' Eksperimentallnoy Biologii i Meditsiny, Vol 74, No 7, 1972, PP 113-ll6 Abstract: Changes in the ultraotructure of the neuromuscular 11imction of the rat diaphmgm were stuclied 3-5 hours afte:r intram=;tilar injection of, 2,jo5 DLN of tetanus toxin. Tbe general relationship of structures rernzined intact, and changes were noted rainly in the axon terminal, the most irnrked of which was an increase in the number of presynaptic vesicles, most of which appeared nonzal., The number of riatrix density of mitochondria in axon tem. inal.s was increased. Some injury and degeneration of'the presynaptic term-inals was noted. ested that the observed changes are consistent ii-ith damage to 'he axon ItAs sugg membrane leading to a decreased release of neurotransm itter with accu=u'Lation -in the axon terminal. ORMATIC-N OF A*PGLYCONJUGATED,PDLYMER'DURING: THElHERMAL C'Cl OSITIGN OF POLYACENAPHTHYLENE .-U- _1 U,THOR~-(05)' MARKEVICH, L.N.v BEYLIN l.v TETERINAv M.P., KARPACHEVA, -B. A. Z2 P-CLGOPLOSK, l_'CUN_T_RY.'(Jr-- N ItGURCE-DOKL. AKAD. INAUK SSSR 1970, 191.f2j': m3625 VATE`PUBLISHE-0-70 "SUBJECT AREAS-CHEMISTRY 'JOPIC TAGS-CONJUGATED POLYMER, THERMAL DECO.MPOSITION, NAPHTHALENEt PHTHENE POLYMER STRUCTURE, CHEMICAL KINETICSr PYROLYSIS '404TROL MARKlnr,-NO RESTRICTIONS. '.DOCUMENT CLASS--UNCLASSIFIED 'P.RGXY REELIFRAME--2000/1092 STEP NO-UR/0020/70/191/002/0362/0365 -AT0124749 ZIRC ACCE5SION NO UNCLASSIFIEO 022 PROCE$SING;4DATE-30OCT70 UNCLASSIFfED ~Cl&P--~-ACiCESSICN NO--AT0124749 .Al3STRACT./EXTRACT--(U) GP-O- ABSTRACT. THE THERMAL DECOMPN. OF -~.-PGLYACENAPHTJ-i'YLENE (1) IN PHCL AND IN BULK STARTS AT 180DEGREES AND 335-.45DEGREES, RESP. THE PRODUCTS CONTAIN ACENAPHTHENE, ACENAPHTYLENE -11t) A CONJUGATED POLYMER, BUT NO H. ON THE BASIS OFIR AND EPR THE POLYMER WAS ASSIGNED STRUCTURE III (till EQUALS 5-7). THE :,FORMATICN OF III INVOLVES THE SPLITTING OFFOF 11 FROM I AND THE REDN. C)p -1 L _kITH 1. THE KINETICS OF t MOL~ WT'. :DECREASE DURING THE PYROLYSIS ~ZiscussED. FACILITY: INST. NEFTEKHIM. SIN. IM. TOPCHIEVAs StOWs USSR. UNCLASSIFIED ~7 il. 06043314 UR 0482 Soviet Inventions Illustrated, Section Il Electrical,, Derwent, 470 43049 STATIC DIRECT VOLTAGE CONY _gRTER is made more ' - reliablt-'At.miur;~;:iniC~ivol tageat termiAal (13) and m9ximum load (i4):-the.-irijg;ering of thyriptor (4);- coincides with that of:thyristdr'(9) similarly I cide; with that of the triggering of thyristor-13) coin thy-ristor (8). A54.result.the current delivered by transformer (12) can flow.~unimpeded ~hrou h bridge,(10). 9 As load (14) is reduced or the stipoly:Voluge is increased the triggering; of :.thyristors ~'(B, 9) lags the triggering-.:of thyristors~(3,4).- As azresult the bridge current flows during,a part of the .pOriod only by which a constant voltageis maintained acrbss.the load. Triggering pulses are developed by'driver (1) and phase shift between the triggeri of the,, two groups is P9 caused by phase-shifting network (6) and voltage sensor 5.9.66 as 1100128126-9. VA~ POLIAKOV (2 .9.69) Bul 16/ 5,5.69. Class ild2. Int. 1,WG1523 0 ---I OX ~-j Cf MEMO !!!!! 1 11 1 It 11 1 j USSR UDC 576.852.23-097-29 DALT-N, X., V., I atid ILI.NITS, UGW-OV, V. N., FISH, 1% G., ZQLaA a Ye. A., Moscow Institute.of Vaccines and Sera im-ant Xechnikov, and Sofia Institute of Epidemiology and hicrobiology "Het-ero-eneity of a Specific Toxin in a Filtrate of CorynebacLarium diphtheriaell Moscour, ul Zhurnal Ilikrobiologii. Epidemialo-ii i Immunobiologiio No 7, J 70 p P Abstract: In an earlier study. the authors showed that toxin in filtrates of Corynabacterium A. diph-thoriao strain PW-8 may consist no' only of proteins with a sedir-qntation rato o' about 43, '-ut also of larr ,or conponents, In the present work, . the molocull:ir corzrosi~,;ion of-toxic filtratos from Lho W'o-i-sonaeo and Eassa- chusetts varieties are cokpared and the corxosition of filtrates obtained at dif- ferent times o' culturing- is analyzed C. diphtheriae Strain grownn in stab j -culture produced two types of specific toxin in:the f %I iltrates- macromolecular, with a sedimentation rate of about 6 to 11S; and low-molecular, with a sedimen- tation rate of about 4-53 and possessing greater toxicity and antibinding activity (attributod -,o proteolysis of the wleculas of specific toxin during culturing). The macromolocular toxin appeared in the filtrates within a ferw hours after the start of growth and persisted throughout (36 hours). It ir. tentatively identified a3 Ehrlich's %Oxon." USSR UDC 550.837.73 0., POLILIMPOV, A. H. -BULGAKOV, YU. I., VELIK12N, A. B., GRIGOR'YEV, G4 "Device for Inductive Geoelectric Exploration by the Transient Process 11-riethod" No 16 Moscow, Otkrytiya, Izcbreteniya, Fromyshiennyye Obraztsyj Tovarnyyg, ~naki., 8 may 70, p 61, Patent No 270122, Filed 2 liar 63 Translation* This Author s Certificateintroduces a device for inductive geo- electric exploration by the transient process method. The aevice comprises a generator and measuring assembly contAining a receiving loop, a corziutator, an amplifier and a recorder. It is distinguished by the fact that in order to improve the sensitivity and resistance to low-frequency noise Vnen measuring steady-state low voltages, a leld index and two.or several synchronous filters connected with it are connected to the output of the pulse amplifier in the measuring assembly. USSR UDC 669-71-472(088-8) ROLIKARPOV, A. P. 77. IfC -V urrent Lead-In Pin for an Aluminum Electrolyzer wi, n Upper Current Lead-In USSR Author's Certificate No 275419 Filed 14 Aug 68, Published 2 Oct 70 (from RM-Metallurgiya, No 4, Apr 71) Abstract-No 4G158P) Translation: The lead-in pin coiTgrises asteel pin and an Al-rod. In order to simplify the design and lower the consumption of materials and electric power, the steel pin has holes in whinh:cylindrical aluminum trunnions are ressed with radial grooves and a square stem is rigidly connected to the Al- p do There are 4 illustrations. UF~_TFFFM. T USSR VDC 61qi6I6.088.75-084.47s636-5 LkGUTKIN A il Mr: Ir V V 1 T ., , . . ., l., ., 1, LIT T'~ ",3111, P, B. ,Z.!-,ri J; G.A. IlAerdsol IWILccina,~-lon C. A-^ 4 Al ("f ratlltrY "."lillst ll-l Olisc~,~:e r~ lion ls 0' di~ C ont On t 1-1~:- p:,^O~tuct pro- c"~AI-C J c, an IL (,% 1, r-'ay-old, y CK-C,:s i d, liva trznoo- .0 OXI 11C, 7 of "L in- 4jon 12 to III. diz, 1A USSR UDC 621.382. -KIN, E RARYAYINA, N.V., POLIKAFFOV, E.D.., KHEN -A P-MI-ew Nloise Characteristics Of Planar Transistor Investigation Of The e V ab.. Poluprovodn. Pribory i ikh DrimenenUe (semiconductor Devices And Their Application-Collection Of 'dorks), Issue 24, 'N' scow, "," 1970, Do -~58 (from R7h---E1ektroni1ka i yeye No 4, April 1971, Abstract No primeneniye, 4 34) P23 rans lts are nresented of an exverimental investigation of the T lation: The resu sle characteristics of planer transistors, and a comparison is made with the -ransistors producedwithout using, planar technology. noise characteristics of t -6:iil,.l ref. Puthor's abstract. 78-- USSR CRYULEN -YAN DUSHAUSKENE-DUZH, N.-R. F., MAR ENE, E. -D. F., h IISHKEME, V. B., SHCHULIYENE R. 1., and POLIKARPOVO-G. G. "The Uptake of Radionuclides by Soma Fresh-Water Hydrobionts" Vilvnyus, Tr, AN LitSSR (Proceedings of the Academy of Sciences Lithuanian ~.SSR), B, No 3 (59), 1972, pp 201-212 (from Referativnyy Zhurnal-Biologi- cheskaya Khimiya, No 5, 1973, Abstract No.5F1532) Translation: As a result of investigations,conducted under natural con- ditions in 1967-1968 (10 fresh water ponds in the Lithuanian SSR) it was OSr and h4b did established that the accumulation coefficients (AC) for 9 not differ in fishes and molluscs, while in the case of plants the AC for 210pb was an order of magnitude less than.that for 90Sr, A definite cor- relation was found to prevail between the-concentrations of 90Sr and 210M The AC for 90Sr and 210pb were found to depend on the ash content of the hydroblonts. The highest AC for 90Sr, 137cs, 144Ce, and 106Ru were observed in~_the case of the phytoplankton:and in the silt. Of the various radio nuclides, 144Ce had the highest AC in the,hydrobionts, and 137Cs in the silt. The AC of 90Sr was relatiVely low In the hydrobionts and silt. The 1/2 USSR DUSHAUSKENE-DUZH, N.-R.F., et al., Tr. AN LitSSR, B, No 3 (59), 1972, pp 201- 212 137CS, 144Ce 106Ru ill the silt from the aquatic intense accumulation of and -environment serves to decrease the uptake of these radionuclides by chirono- mid larva. :The chironomid larva assimilate'radionucleotides in the follow- ing quantities from a radioactive meal- -90Sr 10% 137Cs 9%, 144Ce .11% and 106Ru - 6%. Year old carps assimilate 10% of the total quantity U4 of. Ce in a radioactive meal (chironomids), which pass throuph their gas- trointestinal tract. The uptake of 90Sr,-l37r_a, 144Ce, and 106Ru by zebra mussels and chironomid larvae* of 90Sr into~the organisms~of pond snails, and of.144Ce by the year old carps occurs primarily from the aqueous envir- CmMent, and in smaller quantities from the food. It was shown that fishes belonging to different trophic. levels (carps and predatory fishes) accumulate 90Sr~to the same extent. Analogous findings.held for 21()Pb. The AC for each :O'f~these radionuclides does not.depend on, the type of nutrition of the fish. 2/2 USSR UDC 551-482-2051-311.21 'As A. V.t and YEGOROV, V. N., IVANOV, V. N., TOKAFO, ~FILIFFOVf Ii Asp institute of Biology.of the Southern Seas, Academy of Sciences UkSSR a-Oil Fields as an Ecological Nichol' Moscow$ Prizoda, Vo ti, Mi, Pp 75-78 Abstracts Observations are made on the for, behavior, dietribution and composition of oil "aggregates" collected from the szalace and nea.-Laurface asoaxch vessol layers of the Central Atlantic during the 1970 cruise of the i Akademik Vernadskiy. Five aize groups were distinguishedi ranging from those under I ma to 8 iam in diameter, the latter being the most n=9rous, Miny are overgroun with periphyton, blue-green algae, diatoms, and cn-wtaceans. By moving freely over the water in response to wave and idnd, -these oil aggre- gates can serve as indicators of currents and processes of horizontal mixing of the surface layers. Experiments on.the capacity of the &Zgregates to concentmte cer-lun, ruthenium, and mine from seawater showed then to be excellent adsorbents of these elements. This fact, plus the presence of bio- genous elements an the surface of the aggregates and maximutil expasuie to li6ht and oxygen create favorable conditions for the-development 6f paripbyton. 1/2 ~ i ~, I 1N!j! ~'! p1pi ki-,!, I,J Ball 1 l,11-41! li"L-" ~--i . - ~ -2 - -7 -- I z it - - '..- 4 -1 Aiiii'-.i6"N~Hil I 1"u-11 I Egm a ul; m -I r, I :-m, , - ~ "I - .. 17 , . - I - - USSR UDC 621.039.8 C. G. Corresponding Member Academy of Sciences UkSSR, Institute POLIKARPOV, of Bi-ology of the Southern Seas, Academy of.Sciences; UkSSR R dioecology of Hydrobionts" a Moscow, Priroda, No 10, 1971, pp 47-55 Abstract: Radiobiology of aquatic organisms, a discipline allied to radio- biology, hydrobiology, and biogeochemistry, is concerned with the interaction between hydrobionts (their populations and,communities) and,radioactive ele- ments in water. It investigates the accumulation, exchange, and distribution of -radionuclides (atoms with radioactive nuclei) in hydrobiological systems and the effects of ionizing radiation on their structure, functions, and productivity. Its objective is to elaborate a theory of the effect of ex- ternal and especially internal ionizing radiation on populations and communi- ties.of organisms. Its practical aim is to be able to provide a scientific basis for predicting radiation levels in the hydrobiosphere in order to substantiate recommendations to ensure radiation safety. The author illus- trates the above aspects of radioecology with'examples from.the literature and his'own research, J'r i H 11 11 so; rotwea F'Ptess DICE .57 COLF-ed 31 Aug 71 62. USSR UDC 001.89,002.5 "Methods or Ordering Information Byatems Used.. In Scientific, Planning*.. Moscow. Rauthno-Tokhftla -'Zorly-f.. :tgo-zi, IMT 00"5-7 Abstract: no ordeOng and Improvement of Information systems requires thv folutlon of technical, and ortanitstio"S 1problems., An 1xPort4tA roln to playdd by or, effielent. classification of doctMwintd.. bz,Ld on. the dlvlol-n ar.trA lnf3r~tloft Into a1vouintAky Zvorops znd the -fortwatiors of matrices or eltmonLary In- romatlon.requiroa roe ovociric-con%rox pro,o;cax*.' The basis for the alsoattleetion of the vloxontory information must be the generality of the semantic content MM its offset on the control System. Swvoral inthodl of oleasifi*stlepor.inrormation are suggo4W. Mcumento can be-,divided, according to ths 44fft a of thoil, qompl*xIty, Into oriektattoost. notivatto nai'. and Instructional groupsi in grouns mflacting the eurrent. neer-futUre#,or long-term prOspe " or devvlo~ment. or In groups booed on the contrediations ,in the .development Proo:.. (competitors. o*ntro-mcosurtz, ' -te'). r The latter IS. OSF4olatly Important In e*s* of'silitary 04kqpSont projects. or In Studies Involving foreign gehlovirments in SPOSUIS tedhoolosr. Thaso or.Ln. ciplev of organitation otal*oontiry,-Larormation to'alrNrtnt I t2 U33R MEKAPPOT, 1,. RaWm-Tokh"chaskays, Inr4mattt". at r L." 1'. No 2. 19TI. PV 5-7 Wormstion w7stans sni UtIl Wok# It rpossible for specialists to work on several vith a wivLom ~zpondlturw of labor. 3ub- information systems.simultandously sequently. they will provide the basis for estAkbIlOdng a 9tats-wids unified in. formation systea. USSR UDC: 629.7.036.3:533.697.4.001.4 SHCHUKIN, V. K., POLIKARPOV, P. A., F1 LIN, V., A., JaIALATOV, A. A., YAKSHIN. A. P. I'Vinrquence of Entry Conditions on Heat Exchange in Nozzles" Tr- Kaz. Aviats. In-ta [Works of Kazakh Aviation Institute], 1972, No 151, 3-10 (Translated from Referativnyy Zhurnal Aviatsionnyye i Raketnyye P P Dvigateli, No 5, 1973, Abstract No 5.34.59). Translation: A description is presented of an experimental installation for the study of unstable convective heat exchange in nozzles. Results are pre- sented from an experimental study of the local heat transfer in a nozzle when a heat insulatcd pipe with a diameter equal to the Oput diallicter of the nozzle and a relative length 1/d :-- 1, 2, 5,. 10 or 15 is coniiected to its input, or when a cylindrical sleeve 5"s placed at the output of the nozzle with various central aperture diameters. 3 figures, JO biblio. refs. 33 M -~--7j; FV 1; 711 TMT UM 9 v~,. ~-Mri M T ITIM~. -A I USSR uDc - 621-372.41 GERASIMOV, Ye. V., GRIGOR'YEV, L. V., POLIKARPOV, P. I. , SACHKOITA, G. A. IlNomograms for Engineering Calculati6K' o_?_th~_eEquivalent Inductance of Quartz Resonators With Lens-Shaped AT-Secti6n Piezoelectric Elementsil Elektron. tekhnika. Naueh,tekhn. sb. Radiokom-conent-jr (Electronic Tech- nology. Scientific and Technical Collection;.'-Radio Co=onents), 1970, vyp. 59 pp 3-11 (from RZh-Radiotekhnika, No 6, Jun 71, Abstract,No 6V445) Translation: For engineering calculation of equivalence and electrode diameter of AT-section lens-type piezoelectric elements, nomograms were used-which were plotted on the basis of a formula giving the least diver- gence between theoretical and experimental data. Resume'., U&SR uDc: 621-391-19 KATYs, G. P., ZOTOV, V. D., VINOGRADOW, Ye- P., "Order of Lenin" Institute of Control Problen&--W-tomation and Ppamote Control), Academy of Sciences of the USSR~ "An Image Converter" Moscow, Otkrytiya, Izobreteniya, Promyshlennyye Obraztsy, Tovarnyye Znaki, o 36~ Dec 71, Author's Certificate No 322781,.Division G, filed 19 J.-lay 70, Published 30 Nov 71, p 163 Translation: This Author's Certificate introduces an image converter made in the form of a semiconductor Dlate to which me-tal ring electrodes and a central point electrode are applied for a radial field. As a distingilisb- _7 of the patent, conversion errors which result from rotation and change of image scale are eliminated by'using a sawtooth voltage source and by placing an additional electrode on the semiconductor plate inside the ring electrode. This auxiliary made from a ma7 terial with conductivity opposite to that of the semiconductor plate and- takes the form of one turn of an Archimedes ~spiral vith one end connecte& to the ring electrode and the other end connected through a load to the source of savtooth scamiing voltage. USSR uDc 621.383.8 ZOTOV, V. D. g2LIE6"QV .�,..P. , Moscow I'Semiconductor Converters Which Aralyze Optical Images" Moscow, Aytomatika i Telemekhanike, No 9, Sep 71, pp 165-169 -oxide-semicoviductor Aha-tract. The authors describe a device with a metal phot.oconversion matrix which can be used to distinguish .,ones vith a given illumination on an image. A description is alSo 64ven of a swiconductor photoconversion unit which reacts only to a given level of light intensity. These devices are theoretically analyzed. .:Formulas are derived waich can be used to select the semiconductor materials and the proper geometric dimensions of sensing surfaces in the devices when the requirements for operation are known. Four figures, bibliography of fow- titles. li'_~l;CNTROL MARKING--NO RESTRICTIONS .DOCUMENT CLASS-UNCLASSIFIED - 1 REEL/FRAME--1992/1623 STEP NO--UR/0456/70/004/002/0173/0174 _.CIRC ACCESSION ND--AP0112617 UNCLASSIFIED UNCLAS 'I ED~ PROCESSING DATE--30OCT70 041" --AP0112617 -.&IRC ACCESSION NO .-'ABSTRACt/EXTRACT--(U) GP-0- ABSTRACT. THE KINETICS WERE STUDIED OF POLYMN. OF STYRENE (1) (K LAURAT' (11) WAS USED AS THE c EMULS I F I ER) IRRADIATED WITH GAMMA RAYS. THE REACTION ACTIVATION ENERGY IS 707 KCAL-MOLE. THE FOLLOWING RELATIONS ARE OBEY;ED UPSILOJ IS 'JAL TO (C MINUS C APPROXIMATELY EQUAL TO I PRIMEO.5 IS APPROXIMATELY EQ, :SUBM),PRIME0.5 IS APPROXIMATELY EQUAL TO EXP(NEGATIVE 4600-RT) WHERE -UPSILON IS THE REACTION kATE, I IS.THE IRRAD.N. INTENSITY, C IS THE -CONCN. OF 11, AND.C SUBM IS THE CRIT* I CONCN. OF THE IMICELLE FORMATION. FACILITY: FIZ. KHIM. INST. ~IM. KARPOVAt IMOSCOWv USSR. 11 iA It it USSR UDC 546.651:542.61:547.558 RUSINA, M. N., POLIKARP01Y -Yu. M., YAROSHENKO, G. F., and TIMAKOVA, L. M. "Aminosubstituted Phosphine Oxides as Extractants of Rare Earth Elements" Leningrad, Zhurnal Obshchey Khimii, Vol 43(105), No 2, Feb 73, pp 238-242 Abstract: Synthesis of aminosubstituted phosphine oxides containing phosphoryl and amino groups in the molecule was carried out. Their ability to extract rare earth elements CREE] was studied. The structure of such reagents makes it possible to form chelate rings with metal salts, with both functional groups participating; this makes the complexes.very stable and selective. It was shown that substituting an octyl radical for an ethyl group increases the extractional capacity of the material, probably due to the increase in the basicity of the nitrogen atom and better solu- bility of the complex in the organic phase. a-Aininosubstituted phosphine oxide extracts the REE much better than a-auinosubstituted ones, due to a greater~strength of the six membered chelate.ring as compared to a five membered one. The coefficient of extraction:of REE by above reagents is about 0.1, while for the,Ca2+, Mg2+ A13+i Fe3+ and CrC4 they are less than .0.0l.. WW I N.i ij!-11 i .1, TJSSH UDG 66.095,25+ 661-716.1 -'POLIKAIZFOV- M., KULUMBETOVA., K.: ZH,,,,HErAfED1,,T. IA., I., Institute of Organo Ble'riental Compounctsj Moscow, eademy of~Scienees USSR, .:ItAlkylation of Tetraphenylsaothylenediphospliline Dioxide" Moscow, Izvestiya Akademii Nauk SSSR,_Seriy;x Rhimicheska a No 6, T ' 70, pp 1326-1329 un Abstract: Alkylation of the potassium salt of totraphanylmethylene- diphospRine dioxide (I) with alkyl- halides in b0iling xylene gave a series of tetrapbonyl-(R)-alky-lidenediphospbine dioxidea:(R deriva- tive and m.p. in OC are reported): G2Hq-~, 257-258- CkH -0 204-206; 06H 172-173; G12H25-, 116-116- a H OF. 217-21'6. ?n a similar ~.fasil;n (I) and CH2Br2 gave tatrai~ho6n;~~~ihyleneclipkiosphine dioxide its vinylidene homologuat mopm 197-1990; 1,6-dibromahexano and -(I) gave oxaphanylhoxameth*ylenetatraphoaphine tatroxide, m-P. 302- .'3040,,-while the p-*xylylantidibromide yielded octaphen l-'-xylylenate- 0 7 P ,frophoaphins tatrdxldq M,P# 324-3?5 # apd,105-dibrOmoponta ,ne gave 60. 1) nnylaya loboxyl i done d1phospil I -no' dioxfdo,'ra.p. d'7 NC A~-*S 1 CESS~ING bATE--090CT70 . ~ '' I U L 'TATI, -IT IFYING UNDERGROUND NUCLEAR BURSTS, -AGNITUDE METHOD FOR IUEt NI-TUDE METHOD FOR IDENTIFYING UNUERGROUND%NUCLEAR EXPLOSIONS -U- ~;AUTHUR-44041"PASECHNIKt I.P-r DASHKQVt:G POLIKARPUVAt L.A.t ,,~4-ZAMBUR SEVAI-N.G. T ~~CQUNTRY- 0 F I N F 0-- U S S R "S-0U RC.E--~ I NS I I T UT E OF PHYSICS OF THE EARTH: MOSC(JW* I~ZVESTIYA AKADEMII NAUK FIZIKA ZEMLI, NO. 1, 1970v PP.~28-36 0 A'~ bPUBLISHED- ---70 AREAS-EARTH SCIENCES AP40 OCEANOGRAPHY, ORDNANCE: 1-icl.,!. TAG S-- N UG L EAR WEAPON TEST, UNDERGROUND EXPLOSION, 5EISMIC WAVE TI ROPAGA ONI-SEISMIC PULSE, EARTHQUAKE, CONTA 0 L PARK I fcG--NO RESTRICTIONS ',I)OCUMENT CLASS-UNCLASSIFIEQ OXY- RE 1, Ll FR AIME-l- 19 7 7 04 96 5TEP NU--Uft/0387/70/0001001/002810036 .-CIRC ACCESSION NG--AP0044043 l'i"IC11- ASS I F IED --- ----------- - ~2'Jl~~ 617 UNCLA7S sr*FiEo opbCESSIING DATE--090CY70 ir_~JRC, ACCESSION NO--AP0044043 _A4'STRACT/EXTRAGT--[U) GP-0- ABSTRACT. A T PRIESENT SEISM-GLOGISTS KNOW rHAT ~%_:-fOR. EXPLUSIONS AND EARTHQUAKES THEPE fS A DJFFERENT NATURE UF THE -EXPERIMENTAL RELATIONSHIPS 6ETWEEN_MAGNITUDE~S M suDs, oErERmINED FROM RAYLEIGH SURFACE WAVFS, AND THE MAGNITUDES 1M SUBB DETERMINED FRUM BODY ~_,WAVESV PRiMARILY LONGITUDINAL P WAVES FOR SUB SURFACE EXPLOSIONS THE _,,..MEAN N-SUBS VALUES ARE 1.5-0.5 UNITS ZESS THAN FOR:FEARTHQUAKES WITH '-~~rGUAL MAGNITUDES M sum. rHis MAGNITUDE CRITERION CAN BE SUCCESSFULLY .-.USED IN DIFFERENTIATING THE RECORDS OF UNDERGROUND EXPLOSIONS AMONG THE _NU.MEROUS RECURDS OF~EAKTHQUAKES REGISTERED AT TELESEISMIC DISTANCES IN -THE.RANGE,FROM 30 TO 90DEGREES (FROM 3t5OO TO 10,0.00 KPI. LEADING SEISMOLOGISTS IN THE WESTERN,r-UUNTRIE5 FEEL THAT IT IS POSSIBLE TO CHECK THE OCCURRENCE OF UNDERGROUND NUCLEAR EXPLOSIONS WITHOUT FIELD IN.,.SPEC T IONS., HOWEVERv, THERE IS AM014G SEismotcGISTs -13EGINNING WITH WHICH AS TO THE :MINIt4um rHRESHOLO MAGNITUDE M SU13S NUCLEAR EXPLUSLUN5 CAN BE IDENTIFIED.: SOME AMERICAN --SE-ISMULOGISrS FEEL THAT THE MINIMUM M SUBS:AT:W ICH SU.H FXPL SIONS CAN IFUR PERIODS T EQUALS 20 SECv, MAGNIFICATION OF ABOUT 3,000) A POWERIOF 20-60 KILOTONS IN SOLID THE_~MAGNITUDE OF EXPLOSIONS WITH 0CK-.0F_JHE,.GRANITE TYPE (14 SUBSGREATER THAN~QR EQUAL TO 41. SOME. CANt._,BRj,TISH :AND CANADIAN: SEISMOLOGISTS. ACCEPT A LESSER POWER (m SUBS EQUALS -3 OR EVEN M SUBS EQUALS:2J# __1 PICLA-15-LF I : I ~_D a/,3 017 UNCLAS54FIED PROCESSING, DATE--09OCT70 IRC-ACCESSION NO-AP0044043 -c IN THE UNITED STATES, SWEDEN AND ELSEWHERE THE MAGNIFICATION OF LONG PERIOD StISMOGRAPHS FOR PERIODS T EQUALS 20 SEC HAS.BEEIN INCREASED TO 100,,000 A14D THEY HAVE BEEN PLACED IN UNOEaGROUND -CHAMBERS AND EMPLOY FILTEPS IN THE REGIGN OF PERIODS 3-10 SECONDS. THIS -INDICATES THAT A THkESHOL0 VALUE 1-1 SUBS EQUALS 2 FOR THE REGISTRY OF NCF SURFACE WAVES AT TELESEISMIC DISTA, -5 IS ALREADY ENTIRELY FEASIBLE. A N NS "41 TH A --~,~__VXLUE M SUBS EQUALS 2 IS OBSERVED FOR UINDE'RGROUIO EXPLOSIO .,POWER OF SEVERAL KILOTONS IN SOLID ROCK. THIS PAPER GIVESDATA ON T14E '-..:-RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN M SUBS AND 114 SUBB FOR: -UNDERGROUND NUCLEAR BURSTS AS _'..~.,_DETERMINED AT SEISMIC STATIONS IN THE USSR. THE AUTHORS COMPARE THESE RELATIONSHIPS WITH THOSE FOR EARTHQUAKES AND ANALYZE THE PossiBILITY OF ~,~.~~,.IDENTIFYING UNDERGROUND NUCLEAR BURSTS ON 'THE BASIS OF THE MAGNITUDE 'CR.ITERIUN* CUMPARISUN OF EXPRESSIONS OF THE FORM M EQUALS M(MP) FOR AND EARTHOUAKES OBTAINED FROM SOVIET SEISMIC DATA REVEALED THAT FOR.BURSTS WITH MP FkOM 4.2 TO 6.0 THE~M'VALUES ARE 1.05-0.5 UNIT(S) ,,Of_FiAGNITU0E LOWER GN THE 14 EQUALS,M(14P) GRAPHS THAN FOR LiuRTHOUAKES. UNUEAGRGUIND NUCLEAR BURSTS CAN BE DETECTCU FROM 5EISM11C RECORDS ON [HE SPOT INSPECTION, FACILITY: iiNsurUTE OF PHYSICS 41 T ',-,~-,'-OF..THE: EARTH* ~ov UDC: 632 USSR .95 KHARCHEIVD, V. G., KUPRVIETS, N. M., POLIKARPOVA., N. V., KRUPINA, T. I., and KLLWIKO, S. K., Saratov Polytechnic~~, "A Method for Preparing Tetrahydrothiochromyl or symm-Octahydrothioxanthenyl Chlorides" USSR-Author's Certificate No 2552~2, filed 19 mar 68, published 8 Apr 70 (from M-Khimiya, No 22, 25 Nov 70, Abstract No 22 N674 P by G. V. Kuznetsova) Translation: These substances, which can be used as physiologically active compounds, are obtained from the reaction of:semi- or:bicyclic 1,5-diketones with H2S and KC1 in an AcOH medi-am. A solution.of 13.4 9 of 1-phenyl-3-(n- -metho-~yphenyl)-3-(2-cyc2.ohexanorjyl)-propanone-1 in 45 ml of glacial AcOH is saturated with H S 0 hour) and then with a mixture of H S and H01 gas (I hours) J2 and H 2S 0 hour . 6 g (about 45%) of 2-phenyl-2-inercaptg-4-(n-methoxyphe~nyl)- -heptW Vdrothinchromene is filtered off from the reaction mass. The filtrate is diluted with 300 ml of dry ether, the sediment filtered off, -washed with e- ther and benzene, producing 3.3 9 (about 20%),hydrochloride of 2-phenyl-4- -(n-qaethoxyphenyl)-5.,6)7,8-tatrabydmthidohroqr1 chloride, 0 H C1 OS, melting 22 22 2 1/2 1 1111 A 11 111 U.WR KHARCHENKO, V. G., et al., USSR Author's Certificate No 250292, fi-led 19 Mar 68, 'published 8 Apr 70 (from RZh-kU1imiya, H6 22, 25 Nov 70, Abstract No 22 N67h P by G. V. Kumetsova) 0 0 point 111-4 perchlorate of chloride, G H 010 31 melting point 169-71 Symm- -Octahydrothioxanthenyl chloride (I), U H 01S, is prepared from methylenedicy- 221A7 'lar conditions, yle clohexanone under sim. 5G%, melting point 95-70 (chloroform- ether). The corresponding iodide, C H IS., is.obtained from the action of 45% point 153. ~2~67 HI in ether on I, melting a 9-Benzyl-symm-actahydrothioxanthene I obtained from the reaction of I with PhCHAC1, arield 41%, melting point S 107-9 . The hydrochloride of 9-methyl-symm--bctahydrothioxantheny1 chloride, G H C1 S is obtained under these conditions from ethylaiiedicyclohexanone W20 2 1 wLzh a yTeld of 4c%,, melting point 155-60 (chloroform-ether). It is converted by th action of HI into the corresponding iodide G14 H 19 IS, melting point 2/2