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I - I - I ~. . I I . 1: 1, lvr~ ;. . , 1 .1 .1, 1 tb l1,-7, I I . .! Ifl,;l, ;I f A[ ~!,l 2p USSR UDC 620.198:621.78S.S3 KALICIIAK, T. N., POK124URSKI I., POBEREZfINYY, Ya. L., ALEKSEYENKO, M. F. -WeM Institute of Physics. and Mec' MEL INIKOVA, N.- N., eW of Sciences hanics, LI.vov; Moscow. "Imfluence, of Galvanic and Nonmetallic Coatings on Endurance of Martensitic Stainless Steel" Kiev, Fiziko-khimicheskaya Mekhanika Materialov, Vol 8, No 4, 1972, pp 12-15. Abstract: This work describes a study of the influence of galvanic (nickel- cadmium) and polymer coatings on the strength of type lKhl2N2TxIF stainless ntool under cyclical loading at various temperatuTes and in the presence of corrosive media. before the coatings were ipplied, the sl-)ccimews were heat treated by hardening from 1,020*C and tempering at 660'C (3 hour,,), as well. as low temperature annealing at 72SOC (3;hours). Metallographic studies showed that application of the nickel-cadmium coating to the surface formed an even, thin layer with a total thickness.of 9 to 15 p, the cadmium layer being 2 to 3 U thick. The nickel-cadmium coating has a- negative influence on the endurance limit in air, but more than.doubles the corrosion fatigue resistance in 3% NaCl. Nickel-cadmium coatings protect steel. well from the effects of high temperatures. The polymercoating, about 0.1 mm thick, had 1/2 q USSR UDC 620. 198:621.785.53 KALICHAK, T. N., POKIMURSKIY, V. I., et.,al., Kiev, Fiziko-khimicheskaya .-Mekhanika, Materialov, Vol 8, No 4, 1972, pp 12-15. no influence on the endurance of the steel in air, but more than tripled the corrosion fatigue resistance in 3% NaCI. The effect was maximum with high loading amplitudes and fewer cycles.(up to 107). Corrosive damage -to the metal beneath the polymer coating'i~as found to result primarily from damage to the polymer coatin g caused:by- the loading stress, allowing the.corrosive medium to penetrate through the coating to thesteel. 2/2 104 620.108j621-793.3 Y"Mo Go V.1 DALISOV, V. B.,, RWIN, S. I., ~J. ZAMIKHOVS.KIY, V. P.,,Academy, of Sciences Ukrainian SSR, Physi,comechanical Institute Baduzance of Chemically Nickel-Pixted AlWainum Alloy, P16-1 Moscow, &ishchita, Meta,11ov, Vol 8, No 3, May-Jun 7?,, pp 364-367 Abstracts The article describes results of a study of the effect of chemical nickel-Plating on the fatigue.and corrosion-fatigue strength of D16, an alu- Min= alloy widely used in industry (0.*percent Mn, 4.6 percent Cu, 0.87 percent Si, 0. 56 percent Fe, I percent 14g). Specimens wore nickel-plated In an a.1kaline. solution of the composition (g/1)s NiC12 21, NaHZPOZ 24, Rao 2C(Co2H)2(OH)C3,'i4 45t NOH 50, N1f4C1 3 .0'at a temperature 'of 75-800. Fatigue tests showed that the endunneo of aluminurt alloy D161with a nickel layer of-about 0,045 (nickel-plating for.three hours itithout subsequent heat treatment) is no less than that of the alloy without a coating, despite the presence of residual tonsile.stresses. Heat treatment of cheTiically nickel- plated specimens at 2400 for one hour significantly incroased their fatigue 3.1/2 USSIA KARpEW, G V., et alt, Zashchita Metallovp Vol 8, No 3t MaY-Jun 72, PP 364- 307 strength. The endurance limit of specimens Ath a coating atout 0.008-0.010 mm thick (nickel-plating for 0-5 hour) increased 45 percr:nt compared to un- coated specimens and specimens nickel-plated without subsequent heat treat- the coat-ing thicknes~sin 0. 00-0. 045 . mm led to a fur- ment., An increase in ther rise in the endurance limit to almost 70 percent, 1he effect of a rise In endurance declines somewhat with a. further increase in the-coating thick- ness:to 0.070-0-075 mm (nickel-plating for five hours). In the case of the simultaneous action of cyclic strains and a corrosive medium (3~percent aqueous solution of sodium chlorldo), chemically deposited nickel is not an effective means of protection against coXXosion-fiLtigue failure of aluminum alloy M& -0/2 _19-7 7777777~ 7-77777- USSR UDC. 620.178-38 KAR~ENKO, G. V., P and KALICWIK, T. N., Physicomechanical Institute, Academy of Sciences, Ukrainian SSR "A Procedure for Testing 1,1aterials-for Strength af Slevatod Tepm,-ratures and Wi th Periodic Wetting by a Liquid Corrosivei Medium" ka "o 10, 1971,~ PP L"? -3245 lbscov., Zavods ya, Laboratoriya, H 43 Abstract: For evaluating the fatigue strangth of blade matterie.1 of special' pover installations (boiler units),, a new'procedure has bean daveloped for the fatiGue.testing of heatad samples periodically wettinG by sprinkling with a c -rosive inedium (water, sta water, ate.); the conditions of su,:~ I a 0 ol h teLts r similar to those encotmt/ared in oparation. The article dercribes a method gue testing of materials, with the simultaneous and a machine for the fatij, action of elevated temperatures.(up to 40000, variabla stressea) and periodic Natting of the sarTles by a corro-sive medi"M. The temperature tluctuations during ~~hese tests under conditions of elevated temperatu-r!-s comprised + 5oc, tha:periodicity of the cycle vas 1-5 millutes ~the corrosive Mdium 'War distilled water. Tests results are presented for si.=Tlea of steels, lKH12rV1W,F and IM312112"NBA. 2 figurer), 1 table. 6. reference!G. USSK. UDC 620.198.539.431.621 KARPENKO, G. V, ?PRDIURSKIY, V. I., -DALISOV, V. B., and ZAMIKROVSKIY, V. S., tute of Phvsics an demy of Sciences Ukrainian SSR Inati d Matehma!Tcs, Aca VIiyaniye Diffuzionnykh Pokrytiy na Procbnost' StaVnykh IzdelLv (The Effect oLDIffusion Coating on the Strength: of, Steel Parts), Kiev, "Naukova Dumka," 19.7X,- 166 pp Ti~auslation of Annotation: This monographstudies the effect of electro- pl-Ating and diffusion coating on the short-term static and fatigue strength ofbteel articles in the air and in some working media. The role of residual examined and a new classification is proposed for Them. The possibility of healing such defects as cracks.through diffusion metallization and--the restoration of the continuity and strength of defective parts is shown. Some methods of intensifying the processes of diffusion saturation are pre- sented. This.':~cn.-ograph is intended for metal scientists, process engineers, and designers in the machine building industry, and.for instructors at higher educational institutions. 1/3 j USSR KARPENKO, G. V., et al., "Naukova Dumka, 1971, 166 pp Table of Contents: Page Foreword 3 ts of Residual Stresses and Their Classification :Basic -Concep 5 .~Some:`Data on the Effect of Electroplating on the Mechanical Properties of Parts 10 Cementation 16 Nitriding. 24 Nitrogen Case Hardening and Cyaniding 33 Sulfurization and Sulfocyaniding 38 Borating - 45 Siliconizing 72 Chrome Plating 75 Calorizing 113 Vanadium Plating 133 Copper-Plating 135 Zin'c Coating 139 -Eliminating Defects of the Open-Crack Type;on Steel Articles by the Method of Diffusion Coating 143 2/3 I" CUNTROL RARKING-INO RESTRICTIONS 00CUMENT CLASS-UNCLASS IF IFD STEP NO--UR/034i,9/70/006/002/0099/0100 REEL/FRA14E--3002/1831 I C ACCESS DDN MG---A.Pol 29 -11-99 DATE--040EC70 THE STRENGTH ZAMIKH()VSKYj SjGURCE-FIZ.-KH,[M. MEKHAN. MAT.# 19709-6.02kv j8-21 DATE:~PUBLJSHED ------- 70 AREAS-MATERIALS j- IC-TAGS -WEAR RESISTANCEt COPPER ALLOYj BORIOEI CARFION STEEL IMPACT STRENGTH, FATIGUE STRENGTH ONTROL MARKING-NO RESTRICTIONS c CLASS-UNCLASSIFIED ~_,'PROXY REEL/ FRAME-300 3/02 13 STEP NO--UR/0369/70/006/002/0018/0021 CIRC ACCESSION N 0 - - A P 0 12 9 4 6 9 UNCLAWFIED PROCESSING DATE--160CT70 OF DIFFUSE COATINGS ON CERTAIN PHYSICOMECHANICAL PROPERTIES METALS,_U_ '.---'~.--.AUTHOR-~-POKHMURSKIY9 V.I. OV INFO--USSR '~-;~MRCE-AKADEMIIA NAUK UKRAINS,IKOI RSRj VISNIKP VOL. 34p MAR. 1970, P. 7~62 i.~-,:nATE'*P.U8L ISHED---MAR70 SUBJECT AREAS--MATERIALS-,-MECH., IND.t CIVIL AND MARI,NE ENGR JI.I.T.OPIC TXGS~-STEEL CORROSIONt CORROSION RESISTANCEt STEEL PROPERTY# =cHANICAL PRUPERTYt CAR80N~StEEL'ICARBIbEt,METAL SURFACEI BORON ',~i";--_'tARBIDE, MANGANESE COMPOUNOp CHROMl:UM CARBIDE, VANADIUM-COMPOUND :_~CDNTROL HARKING--NO RESTRICTIONS DOCUMENT CLASS--UNCLASSIFIED -~P.ROXY REEL/FRAME--1995/0859 STEP NO--UR10655/70/034/000/0057/0062 _:CIRC ACCESSION NO--AP0116369 --UNC LAS 030 UNCLASSIFIED PROCESSING DATE--160CT70 '--tIRC -ACCESSION NQ--AP0116369 ".'ABSTRACT/EXTRACT--(U) GP-0- ABSTRACT. THEORETICAL AND EXPERIMENTAL STUDY EFFECTS UF A GROUP OF DIFFUSE COATINGS ON THE STRENGTH AND CORROSION RESISTANCE OF STEELS. THE STRUCTURE, TH ICKNESS ANO PURITY OF DIFFUSE LAYERS,FORMED IN STEEL SURiFACES WHE~'4 ~THIS TEC14NIQUE IS APPLIED ARE DISCUSSED AS FACTORS VARYING THE EFFECTS :;COAT ING, THE STUDY COVERS A TOTAL OF 60 MODIFICATIONS OF DIFFUSE N WITH BOPON, MANGANESEr:CHROMIUM, VANADIUM AND SURFACE SATURATIO1 1-::~_-_,CARBIDES 1,N 20 TYPES OF STEEL. IT IS POINTED OUT THAr DIFFUSE SURFACE A T-'jL ON.. W -I T HALUMINUM, ZINCt CHROMIUMP'BORON AND SOME OTHER ELEMENTS PPRECIABLY INCREASE THE,CORROSION:RESISTANCE OF CARBUN STEELS IN Ir SI-ORGANIC AND INORGANIC. AGRESSIVE MEDIA. w UNCLASSIFIED 034~ -U N C L A S S I F I.E DPROCESSING DATE--IISEP70 V--'TJ -E--'E.FFECT Or- SMALL OUANTITIES~OF ALLOYING- ELEMENTS ON THE STRUCTURE TRENGTH OF MEDIUM CARBON BORATED STEEL: -U- R, PROTSIKt V_4'G*,f ZAMIKHOVSKt-Y*.. ~,V.Sbv PO.KHMURSKIyj V.I.- 1-~~ NTRY OF INF&--USSR ,-VOUACE-FIZ. KHIM. 5(6) 661-5 MEKHu MATER. 1970, PUBLISHED ------- TO j~-. S.UBJECT AREAS-MATERIALS IAGS--MEf)IU14 CARBON STEEL, CREEP, I MPAC T. STRENGTH, PLASTICITY# BORONIZINGip NICKEL CONTAINING ALLOY-, SILICON Col"TAINING ALLOY# _,ANGANESE~CUNTAINING ALLOY, CHROMIUM CONTAINING ALLDYt CARBIDE CONTAINING ALLOY C ON T R 9L MARKING-NO RESTRICTIONS _,OOCUMENT CLASS--UNCLASSIFIED ..PROXY REEL/FRAME--1988/0626 CTRC ACCESSION NO--AP0105605 UNCLAS STEP NO--UR/0369/70/005/006/0661/0665 FIED 2/2' 034 UNCLASSIFIED PROCESSING DATE--11SEP70 .40--AP0105605 ACCESSION -Ck STRACT/EXTRACT--(.U) GP-0- ABSTRACT. THE TITLE STUDY WAS CARRIED OUT -~'WITH -STEEL -45- TO VHICH ONE OF THE FOLLOWING ELEMENTS 41 A%4D 2 WT. PERCENT) WAS~ ADDEO: SI, MN, NIv-AND CR.: 2THE BORONIZING WAS CARR.I~D OUT 'BY POWDER CONTACT METHOD IN A MIXT. OF B CARBIDE AND BORAX FOR 6 HR AT ~.950DEGREES_I~THE*PRESENCE OF ALL ALLOYING INGREDIENTS DECREASED THE -THICKNESS. OF THE SOkONIZED DIFFUSION'LAYER, (WITH St AND MN 20-30PERCENT -,AND ~WITH r.,R,,-AND NI IS S IMILIAR JO IOPERCENT) .'MICROHARDNESS DID NOT -CHANGE-,,Ar J~PERCENT LEVEL, WHILE AT 2PERCENT THERE WAS SOME DECREASE o p (10-ZOPERCENT1 . -'TENSIL.E STRt-NGTH AND- ULTIMATE.,CREcP- PuINT INC EASED 15-30PERCENT, WHILE PLASTIC.ITY INDICES'(INCLUOrING IMPACT STRENGTH) AND VARIOUSLY~ t 1G.-50PERCE.NT; . WITH* NI THE IMPACT ,~-_'-~r~'-;~."STRENGTH OR-CREASED TO ONE SEVEN. THE INCREASE OF ALLOYING LEVEL FROM 1 T02PERCENT.VTA~CENTUATED THE-DECREASE'OF.PLASTICITY INDICES.- _~A -!,,L Z: L L -J -4 uoc 621.785.53:620.194.8 P110TS1K, V. n-, 7-,V,!1KH0VSKIYP V. S an(] t Ut~ ~ainiaq Academy of .?hysico Mechanics of he Institute of es, L'vov cienc S Ef f ect- of Alloying Elements on the Cyclical Durability of Medium-Carbonized Steel.After Boronizin';91 "hiaicheskaya Mekhanika Mateiralov, Vol 6, o 5 , ie Ki v, Fizi 70 .191 1 pp 18 21 ac t: To obtain the proper steels for their expc~rimt-ntal Ab s tr~ recoarch, the authors used. each of the following, elertients: silicon manganese, nickel, and chromiam These wereaddecl to the extent of one or two percent to medium,-carbon'i,:.-2AL steel (type 45 alloy) - TKc-- baron was dii~EUnad by, the con tanct rr,-t~-.od I L In a s pow?lorncl n, ixture of boron carbide and bor--7v~ -Oor si,- hov cF, a it -a -I c~-; ---ra;:ure of 9500 G. :The structi;re of thr., dir-fuse':]', 4- layers and Lhe mechanical-characteris'tics of the,steals b(--face and after the boronization process as*well az; thb MeLho-1-i lf'or inveztigatin,,T, the cyclic d-3rabilizy of the ip~ 11'Pr pai-t- andl in the corrosive medium were described -in an ear 1/2 61 Ma g~ .1 . I It It t I I Z TJSSTZ iko-"hi-tic' askaya hanika 'Haterialov, K v. G. et al. piz - Vol 6, No 5, 1970, pp 18-21 ~Z. by the authors for this samie joull-nal "'INIo 6, 1969). The results -;n- eltnuents in the of the experiments showed that the'al-i-oy- rn,~dium-carbonized steels in the one.or two-perc-L-nt concentra- tion affected the durability of the steels in differ(!nt ways, in -air and in the corrosive medium, before as well as of ter, boronizing. Afterboronization, the durability limit in all steels- treated with the above7named elem eats increa-sed. The grea'~est effect on t1ne durability was observed f: o r:the steel 6 w'h- -,ch silicon in the amount of 1% was added t I I[ ml I ~ ~Lq' ~ , , ~ t , . - - I J !I if-- u - , 1 111- I - 1 11 .1 1 H 11 i , . I I - -N - L ~~ "~v ~, 1 ~- 1V---- --- --- - --- --- - ---- - -- --- - - - --- " L 'r ilvd:: 'I. I i~_ljqi! I Acc. Nr: k1 ;0; Ref Code: UR 0216 A P 0 047224"' PRn4ARY SOURCE: Izvestiya Akademii Nauk SSSR, Seriya Biologicheakayai 19709 Nr 19: pp N. IV, ZHDAYOVA, V. D.* POKIYOD EIV K 0- -SOME SPECIES EPR SPECTRA AND' RADIOIZESISTANCE OF OF THE*~DEMATIACEAE FAMILI D. K. Zabolotni Institute 01 ~!icrobiolqgy_ gnd Virology, Academy ci~_Sclenp im ;Qkr$LR Analysis of EPR spectra in fungi of the Dmatiaceae farnili has shown that the concentration of paramagnetic particles in this case is at leasL bv 3-4 orders higher than in the fungi lacking this pigment, this amounting to 1017-101-1 pp/g. A simbatic dependance. 4of radioresistance of 7 species (9 strains) of darkcoloured hyphomycetes tin the, concentration of pp was found, The, radioresistance of the Samples increased parallel: to the increment of the amount of p. particles. 4~ REEL/FRAME 19790726 USSR uDc 621-791-03 QQ01M. J~. K.,, et al. Jith Powder Rod!' Velding &arka poroshkovoy provolokoy [Translation Above ),"Naukova Durrka "Kiev, 1972,221 pp Translation of Foreword: Are velding is a basic process in the production of metal structures. 7he mechanization of thi,s.process is one of the basic direc- -Uons in the growth in the welding industry. In the post-war years in the Soviet.Union, mechanizied welding using a flux was rapidly expamded. The abso~ lute increase in the nxuDber of applications, of flux weldimg occurred at this point, and now this portion of the process of welding operations has, to a large extent, been stabilized. This is relatedito the rapid growth of welding uAing carbon dioxide. The high productivIty., simplicityj and economics are the distinctive features of carbon dioxide welding. However, the increased splattering of the electrode metal, the inconvenient form of the junctions, and their unsatisfactory flakiness resulted:. in the necessi VY of developing fiew electrode materials. The application o f powder rods was an effective solution., Welding both using a flux and in protective environments is used now, 1/5 MOM ~_____M USSR FOKHODNYA, I. K., et al., Svarka poroshkovoy provolokoy, "Naukova Dumka", 1972., 221 pp. principally in working,conditions. At the same time, millions of tons of welded structures are made and assembled areas and in field conditions. Here, however, manual welding is dominated by plated electrodes for the mecha- nization of the welding.process. Self-protecting powder rods a great increase in welding productivity over welding using the plated electrodes and provide a high-quality joint. The v6lume of production of the powder rods has increased overall and the areas of its~application have expanded. From 1965 to 1972the output of powder r-ods in the USSR has increased 5 times. In the current five year plan, the development of the welding industry from 1971 to 1975 provides for a tripling of theloutput of the~powder rods for dif- ferent purposes. Studies:on the composition of powder rods used in the welding process and -the development of industrial technology fortheir production have been studied by the authors in detail over the last 15 years at the Institute of Electric Welding imeni Ye. 0. Paton, Academy of Sciences UkrSSR. These studies received recognition both at home and abroad.!. Firms in sev6ral capitalist countries acquired licenses for the povder rods,developed at the Institute of Electric Welding and supervised their production. The United States, England, V5 65 3 i Mal" )aSSR POKHODNYA, 1. K., et al., Svarka poroshkovoy provolokoy, "Naukova Dumka", 1972,-221 pp. Germany and France use these rods for welding critical structures. ~Results of the study of the welding process using powder rods and experi- ments on its application occur in,the periodical literature and in different books. The present monograph is the first attempt to generalize the results of the authors and other investigators. The first three chapters of the book acquaint the reader with the processes occurring during the heating and fusion of the powder rods. Based on experimental material, processes are considered for the reduction of the metal and also logical ways to construct reliable gas and slag protection providing the optimum welding technology characteristics. -The content of the following chapters dealsvith applications~ In these the -characteristics of industrial brands of powder rods are given. The basic technological processes of welding are presented together with the technical- economic efficiency of the application of powder rods to different branches of industry. Table of Contents: Preface Chapter I. Processes Occurring During the Heating and Melting or Powder Rods 315 7 USSR POEWDNYA, 1. K .p Et al., Svarka poroshko4oy provolokoy, "Naukova Dumkalf, ~.19721-9 221 pp 1. General Information 7 2. Development of the Processes in Three Phases During Beating Features of the'Relting and Transfer of Metal 29 4. Heat Capacity.of Drops ofAhe Electrode'Metal 40 Chapter II. - The Interaction of Metals With Gases 47 5. Nitrogen in the Jffdtal of-'.the. Weld 47 6. The Behavior of Hydrogen During Welding Vsing Powder Rods 72 Chapter III Porosity of Welds Made Using Powder'Rods 82 7. Conditions for the froductibnf mid Growth of Pores in Welds 82 8. The Porosity of Welds Made,Using Powder Rods 89 9. Methods for Preventing.Porosity in Weld.9-and Retention of the Properties ofl.Povdei Rod 95 Chapter IV. Fused Povder Rods and Their Production 100 10. Self-Protecting Poijd6r Roddf 100 11. Powder Rods for~Welding In Carbon Dioxide Gas 116 4/3 12. The production of Powder Rods. 129 66 USSR POKHODNYA., I. K., et al., Svarka poroshkovoy provolokoy, "Naukova Dumka", 1972,,,221 pp Chapter V. Instrumentation and.Technology,for Welding 138 13. Instrumentation for%Fqvder..-Rod Welding I 138 14. Technology,f6r Self-Prote ing Rod, Welding 147 15. Technology for Welding.Under'a Carbon Dioxide Atmosphere 159 16. Special Cases for-Ahe Application of Powder Rods 168 Chapter VI. Experiments on the Application 'of,Powder Rods 180 17. Welding With Powder Rods,in Factory Gon(Utions 180 18. Welding With Powder Rods During~Gonstract,ion Work 186 19. Economic Efficiency 193 20. Welding With Powder Rods Abroad 199 Literature 215 5/5 r USSR uDc: 621.793.o42.4 Electric Welding imeni Ye. 0. P ton, Academy of POKHODIM I.K. Institute o -a sees Man SSR " D -I nt of Research in the Metallurgy of Welding and the Technology of ev opme Electrode Production in 'he USSR", Kiev Avtoma-ticheskaya Svarka, No 5, MaY 70, pp 18-24 Abstract: A review is presented of literature on the development of' re:~earch in welding metallurgy and the technology of electrode production in the TOSSR. Tile review comprises the theoretical fundamentals of electrode creation, investiga- tions of electrode production procedures, designs and development of equipment-') f and structure of the production and basic characteristics o.L new electrodes. Electrodes with different types of coatings are discussed, and their characteris- ties are described. Results of the comprehensive investigation of problems of welding special steels and alloys have resulted in the development of new elec- trodes (the ETI-7.. OZL-18, OZL-qA, DM-10, NIAT-7, NIAT-8, Ts'-f-22, TsT-28, and others) ensuring a built-up metal -with high heat and oxidation resistance. For surfacing of the working parts of excavators, -the OW-1, V&i-6., and k3iaa-45 electrodea developed. Service life of these machines hao indreased. 6-8 times. Many mehine-building plants are successfuly u6ing the 1,21-601,11 OZI-2, and MI-1 ~1/2 =5 USSR FOKHODNYA. I.K.1 Avtomaticheskaya Svarka, ITO 5,1 Mra-Y 70, pp 18-24 electrodes for due surfacing. For the velding of cast iron, 10VICh-1, OZCh-1, and TsCh-3A electrodes, 'with cores of nonferrous metals and high-alloy steel-, have been developed. The development of new electrodes for special steels has contributed to a substantial expansion of the areas of welding and surfacing application, and has resulted in the creation of uaique -welded,structures for.operation under extremely complex conditions. Greater zervide life and wear resistance of machines mechanisms have also resulted. However, the absence of specialized produc- tion of:.certain brands of electrodes~has seriously hampered -their adoption. Ftirther improvement in the technology of prodticIng such electrodes is,imperative. 2/2 USS D -222 1 R -U C.:~536.46~ +6.62. POMUL--P- -E., MAL I TSEV, V. M. , LOGGACHEV,: V. S., SELEZNEV, V. A., Moscow "Combustion of Aluminum Particles in the Flame of a Condensed System" Fizika Goreniya i Vzryva, No 1, Mar 71, pp 51-57. ABSTRAM, This work presents a study of the process of combustion of aluminum particles in a flame of type N ballistite,powder and a model mixture of ammonium perchlorate with organic fuel. The study of the process of combustion of metal particles was performed in a constant pressure bomb with quartz windows, in which a vacuum or the necessary inert gas (nitrogen, argon) pressure was created. The metal particles were introduced to the composition of the fuels 4 during the manufacturing process. A photographic method.was used to study the ~processes occurring on the surface of combustion, and specimens were taken to study the dimensions of the metal particles through the height of the flame. It was established that as ballistite powder burns, the metal particles adhere to the thermostable decomposition products. of the nitrocellulose, later merging near the surface of the charge. lncreasing~the percentage of metal in the fuel causes an increase in particle diameter. Aluminum particles accumulate and 1/2 k1i I I., v':11 I k lk~ 1-ii, USSR UDC 536.46 + 662.222.1 POKHUL, P. F., MAL-TSEV, V. M.3 LOGACHEV, V. S., SELEZNEV, V. A., Fizika Go-keniya i Vzryva, No 1, Mar 71,'pp Sl_S7. aglomerate on the surface of combustion of the charge. fn the initial stage of combustion, oxidation of the metal occurs on its surface, with 4 to 6% of the heat realized due to combustion of the metal liberated in this manner in the reaction layer. Combustion of aluminjim particles in the flame occurs through intermediate products with.the formation of lower oxides. The tempera- ~ture of-the combustion zone of aluminum particles is 400-6000 higher than the temperature of the remainder.of the flamei 31 T_7:~ FIR 1 1v7MT-l' UNCLASSIFIED PRCCESSING DATE--17JUL70 3 1 TIL E--M A S SSPIECTRUETRIC INVESTICATICN-S CV. C ANU NEUMAL COMPOSITICN IMOSPHERE EY FEANS CF PP 12, RIO .-:..OF- TFE UPPEP ~,A C KETS -u- POLOSKCV, S.M., FC*HUhlKCVt A.A., TESLENKC, V.P., RRCXY-REEL/FRA14E--1977/0162 STEP NC--UR/CC5C/7C/000/00"3/CC72/0082 I ACC~SSICN NIC-APOC43756 USSR UDC 621-791-75 FROLOVO V. V., FLORINSKAYA, T. YA. ,ZWWMKt YU. A., and POKHVAUIISKIY, D. YE.0 Moscow, Leningrad 'Hydrogen Distribution in the Heat-Affected.Zone of an Alpha-Titanium Alloy with-Consideration of the Therml DiffusWilhenomenon" Moscow, Fizika i Xhisiya Obrabotka haterialov,,No 4# Jul-Aug 73, pp, 134-137 Abstracti The problem of the heterogeneous distribution of hydrogen in the w1d joint of an alpha-titanium alloy was examined where the distribution was formed as a result of the phenomenon of thermal diffusion. The reason for the heterogeneity of hydrogen distribution was believed to be the establish- =nt of isosteric pressure gradients~due to.the temperature relationship of the. solubility coefficient k in the metal, which results in pressure drops and a new hydrogen distribution in the weld joint beat-affected zone. Pipe of the,alpha-titanium alloy was.welded to check the theoretical data with a hydrogen content in the alloy of 0.02% and in the welding rod -- 0.902%. After welding, the hydrogen content was determined and plotted against the distance from the end of the pipe.~ It was found that there axe two sections with an increased content of hydrogen, above that of the Uitial pipe. The first section is found close to fusion line (2 am from 1/2 USSR UDC 533.652/.661.013 MIKHAYLOV, F. A., VIKTOROV B. V., PO XSKIY~ V. L. "Invariant Adaptive System forLonaitudinal Stabilization of Aircraft" sb. Teoriya invariantn. i teoniLya chuvsvit. avtomat. sistem. Ch. 1 (The Theory.of Invariance an"' The Theory of the Sensitivity of Automatic Systems. -Part I- Collection of Works), Kiev, 1971,.pp 320-335 (from RZh-mekhanika, No 9, Sep 71, Abstpact No 9B279) Translation: The possibility of constructing an autopilot on the principle of compensation of-perturbing effects which would maintain with high accuracy a constant angle of pitch of the aircraft under the action of vertical gusts of wind is discussed. Since an aircraft statistically neutral w1th respect to the angle of attack cannc-t undergo ang-alar accelerations with changes in the angle of attack under the action of gusts, this problem is solved by itaitation of such neutrality through the control system. It is assumed that a signal is supplied :to the input of the autopilot drive, the~qomponents of iihich are proportional to the angle of pitch, the angular rate of pitch and acceleration with respect to the vertical axis of the a-ircraft. In total the system~takes on invariance with respect to the angle of pitch-to the action ozE a vertical wind under the condition 1/2 USSR MIKHAYLOV, F. A., et al, Teoriya invariann. i teoriya chuysvit. avtomat. sistam. Ch.1, Kiev, 1971, pp 320-3335 of continuous tuning of the coafficient~for a vertical acceleration signal which achieved with adaption chains. ~Two possible designs of the adaption chain are discussed and the effect of a~continuous change of the parameters of this chain on the accuracy of maintaining the angle of pitch is evaluated. Also evaluated are the effects of the drive parameters and the Dresence of addi- ,tional components in the structure of the accelerometer signal when it is not installed at the cen-cer of gravity of the aircraft. Modeling of both adaption designs showed their suitability for application. However, in those cases when the dynamics of the adaption chain were insufficiently~"slmr" as compared with the dynamics of the basic circuit, autoo6cillations were obsepved in the model- G. S. Aronin. 2/2 USSR UDC 536.24:532.54 KRONIH, 1. V., P041VALO.Y. XUa- Yl,*- VOSKRESENSKIY, K. D. "Problem of Studyini- Critical Thermal Fluxes in the Case of Forced Movement of Water' Vopr. teplafiz. yadern. reaktorov. y1p. 3 (Problems of Themophysical Nuclear Reactors. vyp, 3--collection, Moscow,~Atomizdat Press, 1971, pp, 32-38 (from RZh-Mekhanika, No 11, Nov 71, Abstract No 11B668) .Translation: Distilled water was boiled in a copper tube with an inside dia- meter of 5 mm and 83mn long. The experiments were performed at pressures of 1.5 and 30 bars with underheating of the liquid close to zero in the range of mass velocities V1 from 40 to 20,000 1-g/m2-sec. A Iva-inertia oscillograph P was used in the experiments to measure theflow rate through the operating channel, the vapor content at its exit, and the wall temperature of the channel. It was established that in thermal fluxes close to critical, high fre- quency (-10 hertz) pulsations of the vapor content develop in the channel at the exit and corresponding pulsations develop in the wate'r flow rate through the channel. At 11 < 2-103 kg/m2-sec, the mass flow rate during the pulsations P reaches practically zero values. Choking the flow before the working channel reached 5-7 absolute atmospheres, and the ordinarily used electron devices of 1/2 USSR UONIN, 1. V., et al., Vopr. teplofiz* yadern. reaktorov. vyp. 3, Moscow, Atomizdat Press, 1971, pp 32-38 -the EPID type with WM-6 and the standard manometers failed to record any pulsa- tions. The noted phenomenon is most clearly exhibited at low pressures and low turned out to be nonmonotonic. In the velocities. The dependence of q on 11 cr P range of low velocities q W0.5 and q can be appreciably smaller than in cr P cr a large volume. In the medium velocity range the dependence on the velocity is strongest i and at high velocities (a pressure of 30 bars) a region cr P I is observed where the increase in velocity by more than an order either has no effect or weakly reduces q * The nature of the oscillograms obtained permits cr the conclusion that in these three regions the mechanism of occurrence of the crises differs qualitatively. The bibliography has 14 entries. 2/2 28 014 UNCLASSIFIED~ PROCESSING DATE--13NOV70 C.IRC-ACCESSION NO-AP0115759 ABSTRACT/EXTRACT--(U) GP-0- ABSTRACT. FLUXED ANO NONFLUXED PLAIN AND :-DOUBLE'.LAYER PELLETS A,',.'D SAMPLES OP SINTER,~BoTH EXOrL. AN[-) COM., FRom MANYSMET, JAPANESE, AND AUSTRIAN SOURCES, WERE 14rATED.TSDTHERMALLY AT 600-120CC-EGREES IN .41 CO, AND CO-CO SUBZ~N,MIXT., OR WERE HEATED BY ~-GRADUALLY INCREASING THE TEMP. FROM 300-iTO 1200DEGREES IN 4 HR AND _PER I ODI CALLY CHANGING THE GAS COMPN.- TREATED SAMPLES WERE rESTED FOR VOL:#~AND STRENGTH CHANGES,. MICRO~AND MACROSTRUCTURE. VARIATIONS, AND FOR ~:_'-POROSITY. THE RESULTS ARE DESCRIBED AND.PRESENTED tN DIAGRAMS. REDN. WITH-H AND CO LOWERS THE STRENIGTH OF ALL'MATERIALS TESTED.. THE CRUSHING -_~STRENIGTH AND ABRASION RESISTANCE OF PELLETS.ARE, HOWEVERt:LOWER THAN PELLE-rs.SHOWS A GREATEP, INCREASE. A T'HOSE OF SINTERv, WHILE THE VOL-OF :.,MAX.-VOL. INCREASE AND STRENGTH DROP OCCUR~WHEN HEMATITE BEGINS TO !~~-,,TRANSFGRM INTO MAGNETITE. THE VOL,~ INCREASE O[3SD. GEIPENDS LARGELY ON ~.'__TH_E. STRUCTURE AND STRESS OF SAMPLESs.RATHLR THAN ON C.~PPTN. A 1.5 FOLD --,:.--,.-.LOWER SWELLING ON H REDN. IS CAUSED BY.THE.D.IFFERENT REDN. MECHANISM JNVOLVED. FACILITY: MOSK. INST. STALI SPLAVOY, MOSCOW, USSR. UNCLASSIFIEO USSR UDC 576.858.?3.095-383:576-858-097-51:616.155.3-008.13 MARCHEI&O, V. I., and POK HLVAt. L 11. Institute of Epidemiology and Micro- Q S_ biology imeni N. F. Gamaleya, USSR Academy of Medical Sciences, 14oscow uInvestigation of Interaction Between Interferon, Antibodies, and Leukocytes in In-VItro Experiments" Moscow, Yoprosy Virusologii, No 4, Jul/Aug 71, Pp 456-459 Abstract: Mutual effects,of the presence of interferon and antibodies in plasma on the production of antibodies or interferon by immune and noniiwmune :Leukocytes and on the total immunological titers against a number of viruses grown in chick fibroblasts were studied using chicken, mouse, and rabbit anti- sera and human and chicken loukocytes. Newcastle disease virus (IIDV) anti- bodies present in homologous (chicken) antiserum in a concentration ZO times smaller than that in heterologous (rabbit) antiserum completely inhibited in- terferon production in chicken leukocyte suspensions. Hutually enhancing anti- vriral effects of interferon and antibodies against HDV-and influenza A/WSN virus were regularly observed only when the antisera were hontologous to the tissue cultures in whi,~~h the total antiviral effect was being determined. Chicken leukocytes washed from antiserum and immune to NOV and Chikunguaya -immune virus produced as much interferon an nonimmu'rie white blood calls. 14DV louk cytes added to a culture of infected chick fibroblasts partly inhibited 0 FrL-,o f/ 2, 1 UNtLASsf PROCESSING DATE TjTLE--STf,MULAT[ON OF INTERFEROGENES.IS ifN PRODUCING CELLS 5Y THEIR _~73_ETREATMENT WITH INITERFERON ;;.U- .,.,,_:-AUTHOR-(05? SOLOVYEV, V.D., MARCHENKOv V.I.v DYUYSALIYEVA, R.Go, BABAYANTS, -A;A.-i L2EPXSHF,.VAr L~No~ C 60"RTI ry- ~DF INF --U559-_ ~~:,,SOURCE-VOPROSY VIRUSOLOGIlt 1970t NR 2t Pp 150-155 DATE PUBLISHED ------- 70 SUBJECT AREAS--BIOLOGICAL AND MEDICAL SCIENCES. -_:rOPIC TAGS--INTERFERON# LEUKOCYTEv MUSCLE TISSUEr NEWCASTLE DISEASE VIRUS %'CNTRGL MARKING--NO RESTRICTIONS O-)CUME11T CLASS--UNCLASS]FfED 'PROXY REEL/FRAME--1990/0745 STEP NG--UR/0402/70/000/002/01501015*-~:0 CIAC ACCESSION NO--AP0108951 NG L A SF I 2/2 021 O.NcWSIFiED PROCESSING DATE-18SEP70 C IRC ~ACCESSION NO--AP0108951 '~~ABATRACT/EXTRACT--[U) GP-0- ABSTRACT. PRETREATMENT WITH INTERFEP.01,1 OF HUMAN AND CfiICKEN LEUKOCYTES# FIBROBLASTS OF SKIN MUSCLE TISSUE OF HUMAN ANIO CfftCK EM13RYOo HUMAN AMNIQN AND CHURIO ALLANTOIC I*1111RANE OF CHICK E-43RYO RESULTS IN STIMULATION AND EARLIER START OF SUBSEQUENT INT_-DF~RON PRODUCTION IN THESE TISSUES. TREATMENT OF TISSUES SUPPORTING MULTIPLICATION OF THE VIqUS INDUCER (NEWCASTLE DISEASE VIRUS) WITH LARGE OGSES OF INTERFERON CAUSED INHI-01-TIONICF'INTERFEROGENESIS IN THEM, WHILE SMALL-DOSES RESULTED IN STIMULATION OF*:.INTERFEROGENESI.S. CELLS NOT SUPPORTING VIRUS MULTIPLICATION RESPONDED BY STIMULATION OF,INTERFERON PiT WITH BOTH'LARGE AND SMALL.DOSES OF INTERFERON. PRODUCTION TO TREATME, THE-STIMULATING EFFECT REACHED MAXIMUMIAT 2 HOURS AND DISAPPEARED AT 24 .~HOURS. THE-PROCESS OF STIMULATION AND:'INHIBITION OF INTERFERON AND .PRODUCT'ION IS-SPECIES SPECIFIC,* ENHANCEMENT OF INTERFEROGENESIS WAS -'ALS-O-OBSEAVED AFTER PRETREATMENT OF THE.TISSUES WITH SMALL DOSES OF THE VIRUS JNDUCER. UNCLASSIFIED USSR UDC 576.858.095-333 SOLOVIYEV, V. D., W-CRENKO, V. I., MYSAMYEVA, R. G., BABAYAHI*S,J~. A., and _FO Institute of Epidemiology band 1, K=S X=Toya. TaMe-my of Medical Sciences USSR, 146scow "Stimulation of Interferon Formation in Producing Cells by Pretroating thom with Interferon" Moscow, Voprosy Virusologii, No 2, Mar/Apr 7b. pp 150-15-,) Abstract: Pretreating human and chicken leukocytes, fibroblasts of skin muscle tissue of human and chick embryos, human amnion and chorioallantoic membrane of Chick embryo with interferon results:in stlimalation of sub:;equent interferon pro- duction in these tissues. Tissues supportin9.MU1tip'1iCLtion of tho viru4;- iriducer (Newcastle disease virus) treated with large doses of in-urforon zj~_Lowcd inhibited interferon formation while thoso treate.-I with small dosus exhib-ited stimulated interferon formation... Either large or smill doscs ot intorfaroa stimalated interferon production of cells not suppox-ving virus multiplic:,tion. The 5tulmdating eftect reached a maximum after 2 hours, and diszppeared after 2?, ri process of interfeiron production Is hours. - The sti-nilation and inhibitio. species-specific. Stimulation of interferon formation it.-As also observed aft'a.- pretreatment of the tissues with small doses of the virus induoor. 37 USSR UDC 513.68 *.POKORNYYY YU. V. "'Evaluation of.the Second Eigenvalues for Several CLasses of Positive Operators" Moscow, Matematicheskiye Zamatki, Vol'9, No 1, Jan 71, pp 27-33 Abstract: The uniform additive operator A, which is positive ..for K, is investigated in Banach space.E, which is.partially ordered with the aid of the cone K. It is suggested that the cone K is reproducible in E-and thatthe operator A has in K an eigenvector u0: Auo =~Ou 0 :The following theorem is proved. Theorem. Let the uniform additive,operator.A have a non- zero eigenvector uo K: Au b40 and for a certain 1 0 AK C_ KU0 Then any other eigenvalue of of the operator A will satisfy the inequality 1/2 16 vll~ ~ 11 L,.-112 009 UNCLASSIFIED PROCESSING DATE--230CT70 DETERMINATION OF (MU PRIME NEGATIVEr NU) REACTION ON ALUMINUM 27t SILICON 28, AND VANADIUM 51 NUCLEI -U- UTHOR (05)-BUNATYAN, G.G.,, YEVSEYEV, V*Sot NIKITYUK, L.N.v POKURVSKLYP ~V -0 N* RYBAKOV, V.N. OUNTRY,OF INFO--USSR OURCE--YAD. FIZ. 1970, 11(4)t T95-9 %:DATE PUBLISHED ------- 70 _--',.SUBJECT AREAS--NUCLEAR SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY, PHYSICS -`T6PIC`TAGS--PROBA8ILITY, ALUMINUM ISOTOPEP SILICON ~ISOTOPEY VANADIUM ISDTDRE NUCLEUS ,',-~'CONTROL MARKING--NO RESTRICTIONS CLASS--UNCLASSIFIEO PROXY REEL/FRAME--2000/1027 STEP NO--UR/0367/70/011/004/0795/0799 CIRC ACCESSION NO--AP0124686 lair, waii . I . .. 1. .. I 777- 009 UNCLASSIFIED PROCESSING DATE--230CT70 ZIR.C. ACCESSION NO--AP0124686 ~ABSTRACT/EXTRACT--(U) GP-0- ABSTRACT. THE ACTIVATION METHOD WAS USED TO HEASURE-RELATIVE PROBABILITIES OF THE MU PRIME NEGATIVE, NU) REACTION ON PRIME27 AL# PRIHE28 Sli AND PRIME5.1 V:NUCLEI. THE PROBABILITY W OF THE PROCESS (MU PRIME NEGATIVE, NU) WAS CALCD. THE RESP. RESULTS WERE 10 ~PLUS OR MINUS 19 28 PLUS OR MINUS 4t AND 10 PLUS OR MINUS 1PERCENT. EXPTL. DATA WERE COMPARED TO THEORETICAL VALUES WHICH WERE CALCD. ON THE BASIS.OF THE THEORY OF FINITE FERMI SYSTEMS. DISCREPANCIES BETWEEN THE EXPTL-AND THEORETICAL VALUES.ARE DISCUSSED. THE THEORETICAL VALUES OF ~W(MU PRIME NEGAT-IVEr NU) ARE.DETD. BY::THE.CAPTURE FROM A SMALL No. OF ENERGY LEVELS OF THE PRODUCT NUCLEUS -'D I SCRETE SPECTRUM. THUSv SMALL R.PROBABILITY AS WELL AS THE POSITION OF ERRORS IN THE DETN. OF TRANSFE THE:NUCLEUS SIGNIFICANTLY AFFECT THE,;THEORETICAL VALUES OF W(MU PRIME `~.-AEGATIVEt' NUV, f`ACTLITY-** '0,Wl*EDM' INST'*'-YAD* I'SSLED.v MOSCOWl ;USSRs' U S "--R UDC: 62li396.677.7:536.231.16 'NDUK A KOV, V. P. and P 01MA S B "Highly -efficient, Radiation- System for a Tuo-Re-flector Lntennal' Tr. 1 ire.-lio (Transact io-.,*Is of -ch-1 Elcientific ;',es~-e.rch Institute of 2, pp 67-95 (from RZh-R'qdiot--':dnnika, Hadio) 1970 Narch 71, Abstract No. 33,581 Translation: Tlie peculiaritlies of, designinLT, reflector pio-files for a s-..ecified directic~,-al diagram of tlle rcdiator and --ol- Uni- form, f0d.eld distribution in the fLmdarnental reflector aDerture are considereJ. Alml USSR UDCI 629.78:621.398 KHODAREV, Yu. K., YEVDOKIMOV, V. P., POKPAS, V. M. "Statistical Analysis of Information from.Long Range Space Vehicles" Apparatura dlya Kosmich. Issled. [Equipment for Space Studies Collection of Works], Moscow, Nauka Press, 1972, pp 239-245, (Translated from Refera- tivnyy Zhurnal, Raketostroyeniye- No 9, 1972, Abstract No 9.41.227, from the Resume). Translation: The statistical characteristics of telemetry information from the "Zond-l" and "Venera-411 space probes are analyzed. The distribution of the number of active channels is calculated usina an excess of the channel value above a certain threshold generated by a zero-order predictor as a criterion for channol activity, The distributions are calculated for various values of predictor threshold and for several periods of intc17rogation of the spacecraft sensors. Data are produced on slight changet in.the mean num- bar of active channels during communications sessions at widely differing flight times. The distribution of relativeactivity of channel groups is calculated. The statistical characteristics studied are used to determine -the compression factor for two compression systems. 6 Figures; -2 Tables; 2 Riblio. Refs. gg USSR UDC t002.513.5 "One Method of Establishing Paradigmatie,Relationships in the Construction of Information Retrieval Thesauri (Prelitinary Report)" Moscow, Nauchno-Tekhuiaheskaya.Informatsiya, Seriya 2, No. 3, 1971, pp 30-32 Abstract: In the construction of an information retrieval thesaurus it is nec- essary to determine specifically which words in natural language should be asso- ciated with each other. Various methods,:.including psychological methods, exist for this work, but all the more effective methods are extremely cuidbersome if all of natural language is used as the field from which descriptors and synonyms are selected. The experiments of the author indicate that a simpler approach can be.taken. A number of words selected at random from bibliographic descrip- tions of technical words on metallurgy were looked a large number of tech- nical dictionaries, encyclopedias, etc..,: and only thoso words which occurred in the-definitions in these various sources.were accepted as the word field to which the more precise methods of thesaurus construction were applied. The auth- or states that this method results in a significant decrease in labor expendit- ures without reducing quality of conntractioin of a theitaurun. Hil-311116will. 'UN .16"W1041.1111,616 W "41"1G1Aii61!,4-W& USSR, LJDC 629.7.036.3-752 GLEYZER, A I., "Design and Calculation of a Corrugated Damper for Quenching Rotor Vibrations" Tr. KILybyshev aviats. in-t (Works.of Kuybyshev Aviation Institute), 1970, No. 45, pp, 313-320 Hrom RZh-Aviatsionnyye i-raketriyye dvigateli, No 4, Apr 72, Abstract No 14.34.70) Translation: A corrugated damper for quenching rotor vibrations is a further- development of laminated dampers of smooth strips and is distinguished from the latter by a considerably higher bearing.capacity, stability in characteristics and use for directed change over wide limits. The higher effectiveness of cop- rugated dampers as compared with ordinary.dampers is supported by the results of comparative tests where with a corrugated damper one could achieve a reduc- tion in rotor vibrations of more than a;factor of 1. 5. A computational method Is proposed for determining the rigidity and the damping force of a corrugated for calculatincr rotor vibrations. ~damper, i.e., the basic parameters ne cessary 6 ill., 3 ref. Resume. 1/ 2 014 U,'JCLMSjFjEj): 2ROCES~ING DATE--20NOV70 I TLr=-Au I PA Li-'Et-:YUE -U- -11 SH I AUTHUR- (04 J-i-'C.;RGV.SKAYA I YE M FNYAYLb A,,T RYZHANKOVA, A.A., NA LS '.ZCUNTRY~ UF IhFrj--LiSSR 266#76L EP E-1, TM-,Y T 1 YA J. IL; j W(C T yPkii W3RA ZT-S Y, TUVARINYF MAKI 1970, JL IS[-.El-'--ClAPR7G ~'-J) A~E, PUL ~-SU3JECJ ARE'AS-CHEIM, IST PY t'---TtP I CTAGS--(.~EIACAL PAfENTj CHCMICAL SYNTHESIS, CY('LCHF.XHNE, OXIDATIONi UIC.4RbGX-YLJC :ACID, ALUEHYDE, TERTIARY AM IN E ,AL I PfIA T I cMINE .--~tCwiT?.CL MASKING-.1,40 RF 5 Trl ICTICANS -- -DOCUMENT CLAS5--UNCLASSIFICI) -RCJXY KFEL/l --UR/O-(ti3;-,'/70/00 000/0000 ~STFP NO 01~)0010 1. lip.I I CIRC ACCESSION NO--AP0119644 L -- ff: L ; " - -- - - - - , - izq.lwsW, - --Ml - - -.11- .. . - - midsl Ag~~iw LASS11FIED PROCEISSING DATE--230CT7( 2/2 007 UNC CIRC ACCESSION NO-AP0119644 ABSTRACTIEXTRACT--(U) GP-0- ABSTRACT,, PHENOL (AFTER DISTN. AND DRYING) WAS PURIFIEG.BY CONTACT WITH THE KU 2.RESEN (ACTIVATEO BY CONTACT WITH 10PERCENT HCLt AND DRIED), AT 75-IOOUEGREES AND FLOW RATE I VOL.-HR TO ALPHA METHYLSTYRENE1 AND ME SUB2 PHCOH QUANT. REMOVE MESITYL OXIDE, (INITIAL-CONCNS. WERE 0.00t 0,00451'AND OoO63 WT. PERCENTi RESP.)p WH I. LE THE ~CONCN. OF BZME REMAINED CONST, [0,.9 WT:, PERCENT). -PURIFICATION BY CONTACT WITH AN:ALUMtNO IL - CA L. 5 AT TA Y T WAS LESS 1~ cl EFFECT-IVE.. 003 UNCLASS I FLED PROCESSING-DATE --TITLE--PHENOL PURIF ICATION -U- .-AUTHOR-(05)-MENYAYLO, A.T., GUROVICH, R.E., VOLKOVA, T.S61 YAKOVLEVA, ;_-'_Z~A KOT',-POKROVSKA-YA, I.YC. :'COUN TRY -,.S,OURCE--UeS*SwR. 265tI.04 _:4~P.EFlE~RENCE--OTKRYTIYAt IZJBRET*v PROM* ~OBRAZTSYt TOVARNYE ZNAKI 1970t "DATE PUBLISHED--09MAR70 ~-.SUBJECT AREAS-CHEMISTRY ~,:T0PlC'.-TAGS--PHEN0Li CHEMICAL PATENTtJON EXCHANGE RESINr CHEMICAL ,:~,~,----.-.PURIF[CATI,GN/(UJKU2 ION EXCHANGE,. RESIN 1C,ONTROL MARKING-NO RESTRICTIONS CLA S S-UNC LA S S I F I ED ,PROXY,REEL/FRAME--3007/I758 STEP NG--UR/04132/70/000/000/0000/0000 C '0 - A 0 6 9 98 USSR UDC*576-851.-48-095-138:576-851,315 F. ROVSKAYA M. P. EPSIrMYN-LITVAK, R. V., VIL I SHATNTSICCAYA F. L. RAKH1MOVA, N.G. POSPELOVA, Y-.-' V-., K(JDRYAVTSz-V, N~ G., SILIVERSTOVAJ, T. N.; KALININA, A. M., and SYADUK; V. F., Moscow Institute of Epidemiology and Moscow Mmicipal Sanitary Epidemiological Station "In vitro Antagonistic Activity of E. coli (Strain M-17) and B. bifidLLT.. sit (Strain 1) Against El Tor Cholera Vibrio Moscow.9 Zhurnal Mikrobiologii, Epidemiologii i Imiqunobiologii, No 10, 1972, PP 54-59 Abstract: The antagonistic activity of E. coli (strain M-17) and B. bifidurn (strain 1) against 11 El Tor cholera vibrio strains .(Inaba serotype 6 and Ogawra serotype 5) was studied in mixed cultures in vitro. Daring the first 6 hours of combined cultivation of E. coli and a cholera vibrio strain both microbial species grew, but the number of live vibrios began to decrease after 21; hours and after 48 hours almost all were dead. B bifidum had a similar inhibiting effect' on vibrio -rowth. in the presence of both antagonistic strains, all the vibrios died vithin 413 hours without reproducing in the initial period of cultivation. It is suggested that the antapnistic activit7( of the two strains under study might be duplicated in an intestinal biocenosis and that a prepara- tion made from these microorganisms (a combination of colibacterin and 1/2 ~, ~ ~-, - ~ -,.! -~ : 7 - - , ~~ t ~:t t ;;. ! I . I - 1: :H,11: 'H IT.. 1-1 IT! U,110~ -, wF. q- I. 4WITIP Tk FTU~371:Jl' I . . i,.,, . I impi . ,timmurd I t- I n I I -- ---- ---- - - -- - - - Ll USSR UDC 911.3:616.34(575.1) SHATROV, I. I., L2R6OVSKAYA_ KRASKTNA, N. A., BRAYNINA, R. A., I., SXVORTSOV, V. V., XILESW ~Vo A., BUNIIN, K. V., NIKIFOROV, ELKIN, I. V. N., POKIROVSKIY, V. I., and STARSHINOVA., V. S.. "Current Status of Typhoid" V sb. Materialy XV Vses. svezda epidemiologiv, mikrobiologov i infektsion- istov, Tezisv Dokl. Ch. I (Proceedings of the 15th All Union Cenference of Epidemiologists, Microbiologists, and.Infectious Disease Specialists, Theses Reports, Part I - coll.ection of works), Moscow, 1970, pp 262-269 (from 'RZh-Meditsinskaya Geograf~va, No 3 Mar 71, Abstract No 3.36.258) Translation: During the last seven yearn, the ivcidence of typhoid has deercasod each year by 6-7% on the average In this country. Maximum drops were observed in the Belorussian SSR, Kazakh SSR, Litbuanian SSR, Latvian SSR, Armenian SSR, and Estonian SSR; minimum drops were found in the Uzbek SSR and Kirghiz SSR. During the last two years, theincidence of typhoid :was 10% higher among rural residents than among urban residents. In con- parison with 1964, a drop in incidence of approximately 402 was observed; in rural locations, the drop was 23%. The leading significance of the water factor in transfer and distribution of the agent of typhoid is 1/2 USSR SHATROV, I. I., ell al., Materialy XV Vses. syezda eridemiologiv, mikro- biologov i infektsionistov, Tezisy Dokl. Ch. 1 (Proceedings of the 15th All Union Conference of Epidemiologists,~~ficrobiolog:*Lsts, and Infectious blsease:Specialists, Theses..Repc'?rts., Pa.rt:l -- collection of works), Xoscow, 1970, pp-262-269 (from RZh-Meditsinskaya Geografiya,~No 3~ Mar 71, AbsLract No 3.36.258) confirmed. Of decisive importance particularly in recent years, is the -nutritional (milk) factor of typhoid transfer and distribution. 2/2 lil lcj~l h! ml ;'t -;" I- .Z4 AS 51 Flltd~ PROCESSING DATE--18SEP70 71/2 030 UNCL ~'T-ITLE-METHICILLIN PENETRATION THROUGH HEMATO ENCEPHALIC-BARRIER -U- '~AUTHOR-(02)-POK N.YA., KUTERNITSKAVA, M.F. A:mr__~ '-COUNTRY OF INFO--USSR -,.SOURCE--ANTIBIOTIKI, 1970, VAL 151, NR-4t' PP 351-55 -.i)AT'F-. PUBL IS HED--! ------- 70. .-,.SUBJECT AREAS--BIOLOGICAL AND MEDICAL SCIENCES M._ilAGS_-ANTIBIOTICt BLOOD CHEMI:STRYI:PEDIATRICS, STAPHYLOCOCCUS, c EREBROSPINAL FLUID, MENINGITIS ;'C~CNTROL MARKING--NO RESTRICTIONS -,-;DOCUMENT CLASS--UNCLASSIFIE0 ,,PROXY REEL/.FRAME--1981/0751 STEP NO--UR/0297/70/015/004/0351/0355 ACCESSION' NO--AP0052197 ~-:2/2 030 UNCLASSIFIED PROCESSING DATE-18SEP70 -- ~C-l RC ACCESSION-NO-AP0052197 ~'-ABSTRACT/EXTRACT--(U) GP-0- ABSTRACT. METHICILLIN ADMINISTEREO ~-'~~-INTRAMUSCULARLY IN A DOSE OF 200 TO 300 MG--KG A DAY PROVIDED THE ORUG BLOOD LEVELS MUCH HIGHER THAN THE,THERAPEUTIC ONES. THE AiNFIBIG)TIC BLOOD LEVELS WERE DIRECTLY PROPORTIONALlTO THE DOSE ANJ THE RATE OF THI- DRUG- ADMINISTRATION. THE HIGHEST LEVELS wr--RE REGISTERED-IN 2 HOURS. .:_:~!~.METHICILLIN WAS PRESENT IN THE SPINAL FLUID OF MOST CHILDREN TREATED WITH THE ANTIBIOTIC ONLY AFTER REPCATED ..ADMINISTRATIONS. ITS NEC-SSARY : ~.I ~ I cc CONCENTRATION GRADUALLY DECREASEUt BUT RETAIN[~D FOR 3 HOURS, THE HIGHER ..WERE THE ANTIBIOTIC BLOOD LEVELS9;THE HIGHER WAS THE CONCENTRATION IN THE SPINAL FLUID. ..METHICILLIN MAY.BE RECOMMENDED FOR THE TREATMENT OF ~-.~PURULENT.MENIINGITIS CAUSED BY PENICILLINASE:PRODUCING STRAINS OF INTERVAL.BETWEEN ,,...~,-.~~,TAPHYLC)COC~-C,1,1-1. IN. Df)SES. OF ZOO TO, 30.0~ MG. KG; A DAY.~ ~~ T14E T 0 NOT::EXCEED 3 TO 4 HOURS. H DMtNISTRATIONS SHOUL ltam- "L-j4331f-At:u pk~.. SYM 05 No!qql Mc- 612.015.31-.5?7.t7.0491-047.4+1613.27,577.17.0491-074 bETMtkimm kimbilOmns IN -MMMI FWD RATW,,AND. XXCRETA. USING THE En-BAC- Z. ~ PU [Article. by :t___jjR23Aj=d. Taras _I Moscow Koamicheskayim 41111AR Val 3, WO: It J UAUr' an Existing methods, for the direct spacrvozvaph~c. and, atomic. absorp t ton of mL~6roelen~nts tn biol6gical-,Objects are not always'satlifac. "tori~ Inmirtirularo tho'content of many alcroelements. (nickel k..vansdiumt, molybdenum_ ~Obstlt. ..t1n),in the,humm Vati.= aPd..e3,,Tqt&js sit,th6 limit of ..~ansLilVtty:og thevLoimothods. : A pvalimina~ry- coviceiatrition. o~j ttit sample. lead to- a' qLaUltanious: LodrvAse in the in1tdrfsri4;effpct1t9m othor iUh3t4t1Ci1. 1116 letter makesAt: necessary to iso'lats:trac"Ma: 'of elements in an, analysis of different biolorical 4&=p;t$11:': + Ap plijoble7to lap' ect ra ..methods to best, to hava~a ZVouO.isolstion the tvacaa of '410mants. , This can,L dcas aticcasifully uaipa. the reagent haximathyleni dithiocarbamttiats,of hix&:oathyl"a_ammcn1um (IWA) (it. it. t;.~J_ kova, et 41,), in contrast to he ezi Cartsiveli Used v6dium'disthyl dithiocar. baminate this cemples, former to quite stable in acidic madta. (A. 1. ausav, a al.). Wxtu s,.; dif-4-iznt ~rha&azta .(A. M. zahko, at al.) Ota U664 in Lhe - total, Isolation,and conventratLon: of metals, in !a number of cases. In ar~o-v~ increasj~ t~a, stio, itlv"ese. -6uextroction., one can also use a mixture of orjA41c'4tIuiots,hAv1vj &:diffoxtit nature (P. hi:TulyUpA.:c~ a In ti a; .u.*ad a .1mixture o M reasonts 4nd.8"Rychinolina (cK :wall' ' i i.Wiolyintq,' chloroform -&6d,,iioimYl . ,,as a m xture (14obutyl) alcohol.1 In Oarficktna the method. -we stadied, the ~ affect of th4 satins of res- tempiratuts.' and lnorj'anic,liiia O!vthi,44zra# of extraction of mi Icro- 'f' ton, of. 6adlina pH,-~ 'The Imitt" ~oikin medium w aliemants. &$+.A unct~ a &a 4n+OLL, ficial Ition We Usti' minturii 106 3-ti#, As weli,as ritiQ.3tl., Tho 9v .I I it-' - ~l I M- 6flug 024 ONCLASSI FIE-6 PROCESSrNG D4TE--18S6P70 ...TifLE-4~ -VACUUM ARC D.I SCHARGE- WITH A H IGH COMB US T I OPI VOLTAGE -U--% ,.A.UTH9R-(02)-KLYAPPELD, B.N., POK,ROVSKAYA'SOBOLEV.4, A.S. X~ X~ "COUNTRY OF.INFO--U,SSR s h OURCE--~-ZHUr,IAL TEKH,'qICHESK',Jl -FlZIKIt VO'L. 40t JAN. 1970v P. 235-2131 ,!5 ,76ATE, PUAL ISHED ---- J AN 7 0, BJECT -AREAS-PHYSICS ,T01PIC TAf;S--VACUUM ARC, AK DISCHARGE9 LUM-NESCENCE 4ARXINIG-140- RESTRICTIONS ~J)CCUME%T CLASS-UNCLASSIFIE-11) e-;:r-L/FR4,%;F--1979/1615 STEP NO--UR/0057/7O/O4O/f)DO/D26u/'-!-?10 Cj~;C "i r' C;-SS I n,,' '1111--Ar,(V!4,70~ 7 024 UNCLASSIFIED PROCESSING DATE-165cP70 I-1c I VZC A C C,- E S S I G NN3--AP0047937 ABSTRACT/EXTRACT--(U) GP-0- ABSTRACT. STUDY OF THE DISCHARGE STAGES -PRECEDING TOTAL BPEAKDOWN C F A. -VACUUM 01-SCHARGE GAP IN THE PRESENCE OF LARGE.ADDITIONAL RESISTANCES IN THE CURRENT CIRCUIT (FROM 1000 TO 1,000,000 OHMS). CURRENT AND VOLTAGE~.OSCILLOGRAMS SHOWED THE EXISTENCE OF- A SHORT TERM -APC DISCHARGE WITH A COMBUSTION VOLTAGE . OF SEVERAL K I LOVOLTS, AT- A CURRENT INTENSITY OF 1.3 ANGSTROMS. - BY PHOTOGRAPHING THE ',LU,f4-NESCElliCE-IN.THE DISCHARGE GAPv IT WAS REVEALED THAT A SPOT ~:-CHARACTERLSTIC OF- THE ARC AND. SURPOUINDED.. BY A- LESS BR-IGHT LUMINESCENCE PRESENT, AT THE CATHODFi WHILE-A LUMINESCENT REGION FILLING A C0klSV)ERA3-LE-.P09TI0N (IF The GAP, IS PRESENT AT THE ANODE. BET',%EE!~l TriF 'ESCENCES AT- THE CATH0QE AND THE ANIODE IS A DARKER SPA I V Ci iHl -THE. G4S AND VAPOR r."I 'SITY I S EXTR W, C A L C IJ L A T I 0IN EMELY LG AN APPROXIMATE OF- THE THICKNESS OF THE DOURLP, LAYEP eETWEEN 7THE PLASMAS AT THE CAT.H_ E GIVES V,'~LUES CLOSE TO THE~THICKNESS~CF T.HE 0 K SP4CE. ANJ TH~, AN THE HIGH VALUE-CIF THF, C&,,~BCISTIUN 'THIS GIVES-RISE TO THE ASSUMPTION THAT _VOLTAGE OF.'iAN ARC DISCHAR IS.CAUSED BY A LARGE POTFNTIAL DIFFFtcNCE ~OCCM, INC, D-kVTHE DOUBLE LAYERo. -7-t"k c V011 UDC. 617401.17+616-001.36-056.31- 07 -616-008.911 DATA PERTAINING IQ THE ISOENrM CHARACTERISTICS OF BURN SICKNMS AND ANApHy- tACTIC SHOCK (Article by A.A. kriamskiy, K.A. Korovnikcm. Institute of Nutrition, USSR Acade--y B~`~cs ffc`reTM,*W-8c0WMos C-. Vestnik Akademii Meditatnekikh- Nauk SSSR, Russian. No 11. 1971, pp 51-581 To date the biochemical mechanisms of onset of shock states have not been iAvestiRAted enough. Most investigations puVlishod on this subject deal with processes of energy metabolism, Including assay of a number of metabolites. in the blood and tissues in the presence of different types of shock. ronsi dora~ly less attention is given to the chaTac ter"tics of difforent'enzymati aystecs (1.R. Petrov; P.A. Tigranyan. Yu.Yu. Keyerir at al.; Migona at al;. Brown; A.A. Pokro"kiy at al., 1969a, b). To date there has:becn no comprehensive information in the literature ab u; the change in isoenzyme spectra in the presence of 4iff .arent Meg of .h k Yet it can be assumed that ~ evzymological investigations, caper ally dealing with tissular is oanFyme systams, will be significant in gaining under- standing about the mechanism of onset of metabolic changes typically associated with sLack. Acrording to the conceptions.-ue are developing, the.presence; .of genetirally d'ere=!.nrd: sets of Isoenzymes In the -organism is believed to be the result of prolonged molecular evol tion of p roteins directed toward functi 'nol differen- u L a tiation of enzymatic systems existing in the organism which are isg nous with regard to substrate specificity (A.A. Pokrovskiy and X.A. Koravnikov. 1969-1971). At prasento CurLctionally different isdernzymes have been found in lactate dehydrogenase,*m&l.ate dehydrogenase, haxokinare, creatine phosphokine-la, and others (Dawson at al.; Swanson; Kaplan; Katzen at &l.1 A.A. Pokrovskiy and K.A. Xorovn1kovv 1169, and others). For this reason it is logical to assume that in One prea,encle cf-differcnt srnos:aasbciated wiZh'StTQ55 reactions and'scvare charges in organ and system functions., there may be selective changes in activity of different isoanzymes, indicative of their metabolic dissimilarity. EvIdantly. it would be particularly. promising to investigate the adranals in this light; their- functional, activity-should -.increased markedly in-the pres- ence of streas (V.K. Kulagin. Weichselbdum et al.; Timmer; G.L. Shraybera; R.I. Alekseyeva at al.. and others). - 72 p:% ABSTRACTS OF Alwans rUBLISHED IN 71115 ISSUE 1Ab6tV:Ct;. Moscow, Vestnik AkAdemll Maditainskikh Nauk SSSR, Rumilan, No 2 11972. 9 "Medicamological Investigations Dealing with the Us% of Estvogens as Growth StICallottag Agents.., by A P It ki olirovs_y, M.P. Heitarino q.1t Vavilt a. ayalantseva, An 4% r* mult of medico biological examination of most products obtained from bull calves stimulated with diethylstilbestrol, it was shown that the recommended method of using thin hormone does not rule out the possibility of retention in nubproducts of meat of residual quantities of Oils agent. Warn feeding laboratory animals an experimental meat there was le4nifeet4ti 'on of some adverse ottecte on their development and change in sex gland function. On the basis of the data obtained and the literature, with due congideration of worldwide experience in using diethylatilbestrni to fatttn various species of aaimnle, the Authors conclude that it Is IU4,6axible to use this preparation in animal breeding. There are eight tables, one Illustration; bibliography liat4 118 items. "Experience with Vitamin E iupplament.for Bicycle Racers and Skiers", by Y o Q. Yefremov, p 52. A srudy was made of thaeffect of different intensities of physical stress an vitamin E availability In the organism-ot cyclists and Rklers . duri.g winter 4art meats. An a result of the study It was found that 1.5-2 and especially 3-4-hour training induces a considerable. decline in vitamin X content in the blood serum of the athletes. Additional Intake of this vita=in In demos of 50-150 mg for cyclluts who trained for 1.5-2 hours and 200-300 ma for skiers vho. trained for 3;4,hours,ralse*~the blood-sirtan itamIn Z level and results in greater f teiency of tha Athletes. Two illustrations; bibliography lists nine items. 149 -A True Ancrumactomy Technique in Surgery for P"tic Ulcers$" by 6Z1. ~Pantavj4y, A.A. SrInb , T.I. Laktionova, p 72. A "thed it dtztriht!d for pinpotntinr. the boundaries of the antral rtion of the stomach during surgical interventicns using 2% solution of ::C,z red dye as tin indicator on the gastric cutosa. The riethod has been veloped experimentally and used in clinical practice on 30 patients with 3denal and gastric ulcers; this revealed that it is simple, safe, and rrute performance of a true antrumectomy, in other words, it permits the rformance of a functionally substantiated sparing operation on the stomach. a precision of the method was confirmed by histological examinations. Tw illustro t IonsI one table: bibliography lists 24 Items. - END - .657 Ot 1847-W UDC: MEDICORIOLOGICAL INVESTIGATIONS DEALING W1nI TNE USE OF W.TROGENS AS GROWTP [Article by A.A. VokrO 'KIX, ILL _N"terln, G.P. Wl~illna Ry. Rit"n, emy M. tTjq Yn' -50,11 uTe. of -N-itritron, cie=eu, Moscow, moscov, VedtAlk'Akndeutli Maditsin-.5kikh Niu~ S55R. WAHslan, .No 2, 1972, In the last few years there has been Intensive discussion In the erature of the desirability of using.various growth stimilants sperial lit an fum animalo (K.I. Parulin and Yu.N. Sham.berov, 1966. Yu.P. Fomichav. 1967; Shamberev. 1970). among, uu-ah biont Imulants. Home attention in beinr given to "ex hormones and odpecially. tbe oynthkic analogues of Propooalg made in this area ~re bmt;ed on expqrj ental. investiptions conducted In the 19406 which r m androgens kind v~troj;ens (Koch klan, 1435, 1146~ Klbright, 4942; rovs.,4 01h t Kr u6kot~pqir. 1953) bave a definite anabolic effect. It was ahown that whLn uuing the sa~ number of fodder unita, admiois- tTation of endrogena and estrogens leads to a reliable increase in weight. incremont related mAinly to accumulation of protein zubatances for andrueem; and with increaued mototure And faL Content In Limsu". W addition, for the nature of stimulation of blovynthmt1c PTOCs,4500 In thid case Is determinc(; 71:" by cpectes-relateil distinctions. In 010 early 19500, the rezeaich foundation of lowa Colloge receivmd a patent for ti!sing diethy!s,tilbentrol, a tynthetic estrojon analogim, to fattan bull calvos, And soon ofter this their Ktillgestimi was 6411CLI.unad by the Food-and,lirup; Administration. This method cDnslatod or. adding 10 mr, dietbylstilb6atrol dallyto tho jnLmaL's fodder. In 1955. thq pw-~%cticn wam t" V) I ion of A ~iethylotllbentr%tl pill. also Adopted Lit aubvitaneoun implantat It must be noted that sin increased weight gain Ito obtainod when usimi" this hormone only it a specitic,fodder coopoattiou Lis utiods in porticular 'P"IIC V rOrel 1, .1"al' His Voll ns proportion of protoln to other Thus, It wao"Ot9d that with an 11 p rcent protein tontorit in the diot there van. a"Marktil':unabolic, affect. with 8 percent 'and. twre (12%) diotbylatilbestru-Z -did not have :a beAeficlal cffu4t on, we Ight, gain. (Snapp: And neum~, 1962). ?hv p A In oau 7 CLj UDC: 616.36-0B9.873-0710.16,36-003. 93-02:615.277.4:582.1325.123 IQ-'CWISX OF ACTION OF APHLATOXIN IMCENtRATED ItYPERTROPULC LIVER PO~LOWIN.G PARTIAL IMPAUCTO.W (Article by N.V. I,AHIMAV A.1, ~hcLerba"Wit X.A,_h*r0%'q1btQV, S,H-Avanov , Infiv.1tuto of Nutrtttoin' USSR of q;aLCaj -v~ V4#c4w. Veotnik Akadamll mc-Attalnskluh " sclonroG. %.'Luk SSSR. Ruruira. So 1. 1972. pp 4'S-561 Present, cca-ceptiona about the mechanism of action of. aphlatoxins (a Zroup of hllj~ay tax.1c Moteholitta of Dome voec iev6f abold ~unguw) arie roitlaic,twe. in "ver&L swvveys (WoZan, 1968; Hoe A.A. raiiavivij. N.V. LA6hneva at LI.. 1972) and ewD~erlwnral nyttelne (Clifford and Rees. 1967; Kint and tlltlv~l.on) . To dAtd exte .rokve factual material ha,s been accu- MU14t*d which *Yfagiastm that one at -%. with4alams of toxic action of aphla- toxins (necroung.nic loilion to rhot 7.iver. on the one hand, and marked hapato- cArritioB.nic arr..4z. 4n kh4 oth4r! z--nala t. 0f interaction between aphluoxins and ltver call UNt. (Clifford and Ues, 1969). it was shown that aphlatoxin, like ne-inomycin 0, formn co=plcx~s with the DNA tnelecula through attactment tc adanl." and =!=o zrcu~;:. tio that the rentose-phoophat. SFOoPs Icada to impairnolnt of th.(- tran~,cription p=occ~z Cl.aiarr~ =-- FTayzsinct) . :..e, to Impatrt-nt of 12'-' i-NA lh. of this diutorbaacc is inhibition ot DNA- and RNA- Ynt" 16. polyrar~~e syi,thv.,.fs which, in tu-_ ju Associated with rapid and visible Guppr,.-t;u1rn ol* and !tha. zynthumim. TI- lotter i& domonatrabla in in tho C"o of a hyperrropiiic liver (DeRec"-Ja et 41., 1~65. 1S66) Soze 4-tho-.5 C~b-rved In"Ur-7 to the ribooDmal syutum, contsiriting of br~akd,~n of poly~6=s an, ciiiavg* -4n tbotr profile (Pong, and Wognn, 1468). ;-'or ti,,s re"on ore would have e~;-cta-d aphlataxin to suppress pror--ir. 11%la w4a catifir.;red in -~n vitro oxpertmrints (Snith; Cllffor~ and 1961) . YeE in vivo e),;,vr1tr~::t6 f,jjl.~d to deronutrate distinct changes in incor;oratllrn ~jl in tho ML'A livor proteins iollowing ad='r-'s,Tation c' apt,latoxin (Sh=k and Vosan). In oddition. it was polsible to G--Zr-trat~ linducc-d '~Iuckin& of hormonal ,n(l nuVstrato induction of ;Q= anzyzub 0;z~"an all", rxildd--; Pung itnd Wogan, 1966) - 73. - -UNCLASSIFIED~- PROCESSING DATE-160CT70 1/2 017 ~~_TITLE-DETERMINATION OF 'THE ACTIVTTY OF~PHENYLALANIWE HYDROXYLASE IN THE 7 HEPATIC TISSUE -U- j__~AUTHOR-(05)_9a&&Q US4~HEVAp N.T.,j MILOVAv G.N.j YERMOLAYEVI 314CLOVp A.S.- M.V.7 YER. --USSR ,,-.,r.OUNTRY OF INFO EK SPER I MENTAL" NOY 131OLOGII I MEDITSINY11 1970, VOL 69, N R 5 PP :122-124 ~:'.DATE PUBL-ISHED - ----- 70 ,~-----SUBJECT, AREAS--BIOLOGICAL AND MEDICAL'SCIENCES ,~JOPIC-TAGS LIVER, ENZYME ACTIVITYp BIOPSYi PHENYLACANINE RESTRICTIONS DOCUMENT CLASS--U.NCLASSIFIED REEL/FRAME--1998/0207 S f E P NO--UR/0"19/70/069/005/012210124 ACCESSION NO--AP0120905 2/2 017 UNCLASSIFIED~ PROCESSING DATG--160CT70 :eA"' IRC ACC E S S I 0i\i NO--AP0120905 ~ABST-RACTI/EXTRACT--(U) GP-0- ABSTRACT. THE AUTHORS HAVE ELABOkATED A MICROMETHOD OF DETERMINING THE ACTIVITY OF PHENYLALANINEt4rHYDROXYLASE ~OF THE LIVER WHICH ENABLES TO EVALUATE THE ENZYmAric ACTIVITY 1,14 SEVERAL MILLIGRAMS OF TISSUE OBT&INED 0UR,ING.BIOP5Y,- THE ENZYMATIC ACTIVITY WAS DETERMINED IN THE HEPATIC TISSUE OF DIFFERENT ANI MA L 5 ADULT PERSOlis Af4D -iI7 ~,-CHILDKEN SUFFERIsNIG FROM PHENYLPYKUVIC~ 0LIGOPHRENIk. FACILITY: ~,~-,-",~:'INSTITUTE OF tllUTRITION OF THE ACADEMY. OF -MEIJICAL Sr-IENr.ES UF THE USSR, :MOSCOW. -COURCE--BIOKHIMIYA 19701 35(1)v 159 66 ATE'.P,UBL ISHED ------- 70 ~-SUIIJECT.AREAS-810LOGICAI. ANO-MEDICAL SC I-ENC E S ,-,TOP.IC TAGS--MALNUTRITION9 LIVER# ~KIONEY,, ADRENAL GLAND, 6RAINt HEARTt 'z--~.-,,:ENZYlklE ACTIVITY, DEHYDROGENAS~l:,'ELLCTROPHORESISt ISOEINLYME X-ONTROL MARKING--NO RESTRICTIONS OPCOMENT CLASS--UNCLASSIFIED .',P XY-REEL/FRAME. -1996/0035 STEP NO--UR/0218/70/035/OOi/Oi59/0166 ".CIRC ACCESSION 1~,10--AP0117361 UNCLASSIFIED _~`~`V2 024 UNCLASS1 FIED ;PROdESSING DATE-16JOCT70 R C ACCESSION NO--AP0117861 ,A8STP.ACT/EXTRACT--(U) GP-0- ABSTRACT. LIVERr KIDNEY., ADRENALS, AND OTHER TISSUES WERE ANALYZED FOR~ GLUCOSE,6, PHOSPHATE IDEHYDROGENASE (1) AND 6,PHOSPHOGLUCONATE DEHYDROGENASE (11) ACTIVITIES AFTER MALE RATS WERE STARVED FOR 44-8 AND 92-120 HRo I ELECTt~CPHORETIC WERE MORE HETEROGENEOUS AND SPECIFIC FOR TISSUES THAN 11. :PATTERNS S.TARVATION DECREASED BOTH I AND 1.1 TOTAL.ACTIVITIES~ AS WELL AS A TIES OF ALL ISOENZYMES, BUT IN THE~ADRENALS " C T I V I ENZYMIC ACTIVITIES -S 5 1 ISOENZYMES OCCUkRED AS A RULE, BUT NCREASED. IN INTACT ADRENAL ~':~A TER STAqVAT.ION FOR. 44-8 AND 92"L20 HR- NEW I ANO 2 NEW It SlUENZYMES PEARED. FACILITY: I N ST.. FO-3Di;MOSCWv USSR. A P $S,IF JED USSR UDC 577-174.5 Poimovsxly A. A., KJSM-WTOVA$ 0. D.JW SHATEPdUKOVA, I. S., HIRZOYEV, B. 1-1. and LASMOVA,, N. V., Chair of Biochemistry, Second Moscow Medical;Institute imenj Pirogov and Scientific Research Institute of Civ vi ti A. A a on "Data on the Functional State of the Adrenal Cortex during Experimental -Insomnia in Rats" Kiev, Ukrainskiy Biol,,himicheskiy Zhurnal, Vol 42, 110 31 1970) PP 353-356 Abstract: Experimental insomnia was evoked in rats by placing them in a slowly rotating drum. During the first day, more than a threefold increase in 11- hydroxycorticosteroid. content WaSLobserved in blood plasma and cholesterol in the adrenals was lowered by 50% and total lipids by 20~-! On the fourth day the content of 11-hydroxycorticoateroids dropped by 33% in compar-ison to the origi- while cholesterol. and total- lipida were deprezaed 78% and 50%, respectively.. The content of ascorbic acid in adrenal tissue decreased mainly at the expense of its*reduced form, while in the blood s(~rum the concentration increased, particularly that, of dehydroascorbic acid. Animals evidently sue- cumb- in experimintal !aisornia because cd~ inoufficient synthesis of steroid hormones by the adrenals, which it turn may,be the result, of a breakdown in cholesterol synthesis and a low level of the reduced form of ascorbic acid. 4tica USSR UDC: 621.80:681-142-35 IGNATIYEV, H. B., KUIAKOV, F. M., and POKROVSKIY A 14 "Prospects of Desipming and Usinglianipulators Controlled from Computers" Moscow, Mlelchanlka mashin No. 27-28, .1971, pp 45-55 Abstract,: The manipulator5 of the title refer particularly to auto- matic devices, with or without a human operator, for undersea ex- -plorati-ons, where the use o JE ahuman being is particularly danger- ous.if not imDossible. The'design of such man-ipulators is connected with the realization of unusually complex control algorithms which can be performed only by computers.. The basic factors determininc- the technical-economic efficiency of computer-controlled or ran- cortrolled manipulators are considered, under the assumption that the manipulagor operates in a particular mediwn of specified vari- ability depending on cbanging conditions. Such psychological fac- tors as exhaustibility, error proneness, and I iraited workinE ac- curacy, are not taken into account, The basic stages in the process of automatic manipulator design are discusi;ed, and the block dia- 1/2 -7 T, USSR POKROVSKIY, A. N., Institute of Physiology, Siberian Division of the USSR Academy of Sciences, Novosibirsk "Mathematical Model-of Impulse Generation by the Tonic Type of Neuron" Moscow, Biofizika, No 4, 1973, pp 700-706 Abstract: To calculate the intensity of impulse generation by a neuron or group of neurons, the author proposes using instead of the Monte Carlo method a.special case of Palm's formula: t (t', t)/.4 (t')dt' 1; (t', t) F (t/t'), where /A(t) is the intensity of a solitary random spike train, 0(t,, t) is Palm's.function, and F (t/t') is the functio 'n of distribution of moments t at the end of the interval that started at moment t'. The nature and se- quence of the computations is illustrated by two versions of a model of tonic neurons that can be used for a numerical analysis of the transformation ..of signals in neuronal circuits. USSR POKROVSKIY, A. N., Institute of Automatics and Electrometry, Siberian - K Departmenit-,-70atremy of Sciences USSR, Novosibirsk "The Problem of the Mechanism of the Generation of Electric Potentials in Nerve Tissue 10 M s cow, Biofizika, Vol 15, No 5, Sep/Oct 70, pp 881-887 Abstract: A mathematical model is proposed for the mechanism of the de- velopment of the overall dendrite potential in a neuron structure. The model makes it possible to account for the anisotropy.of the structure and the presence of fibers with various diameters. Dendrite fibers are re- placed by arbitrarily arranged cylinders of infinite length. The time constant of the membrane, the length ofjinear sections of the dendrites, and the effects of branching are not taken into account. On the basis of the model proposed, an operator nucleus for the transformation of impulses into potential distribution is found.. As an example nonuniform stimula- tion of a uniform isotropic.structure is considered. USSR UDC 517.92 KRASNOSEL'SKIY, M. A. anQ0.1MOYS~IY A. V. liVibration-Resistant Differential Equations With aContinuous Right-Hand Side" Moscow, Trudy Moskovskogo Matematicheskogo Obshchestva (Works of the Moscow Mathematical Society), Vol 27, 1972, pp 93-112 Abstract: There is isolated and studied the class of vibration-resistant differential equations x(t) = Wu(t), where x(t) is a vector function repre- senting the state of an element, u(t) is a scalar function representing control, W is an operator. Operator W is naturally determined for all con- tinuous control functions. In an earlier article ("Vibration-Res is tan t Differential Equations," Doklady Akademii Nauk SSSR, Vol 195, No 3, 1970, Pp 544-547), the authors announced a series of theorems dealing with vibration-resistant differential equations, both with continuous right- hand sides and with discontinuous ones. In the present article are presented complete proofs of the statements, from the above-cited article, pertaining to equations with continuous right-hand sides, and a number of new facts is established. 10 references.' 6 USSR uDc 591-5:599-32.3 SMIRVOV, V. S.; PAVLENKO, T, A.; V Institute of Plant and Animal Eeolo 1, ff t ~iee I Ural Scien ic Anter,! Academy of gy.* Sciences USSR, Institute of,Ecolog'y and Parasitology, Academy of Sciences, Uzbek SSR ~'!A Method for Analysis of Age Structure in the Small Five-Toed Jerboa Allactaga Elater (Licht Moscow, Ekologiya, No 4, 1971, pp~88-89 Abstract- A special method for age analysis, especially adapted to the small rodent Allactaga elater was developed, since exist- ing techniques for analy4ing bone:and tooth st ure or length true b. of tooth roots were not-suitable for this spec'ies.l. A modifica- tion of standard methods for determining age:by the degree of wear on tooth crowns was chosen, ;~nd a method of graphic analysis 1960) was used which di&,not require aninal tagging and. recap ture for exact age sa=les. Since considerable differences in degree and manner of Ml' M22 M 3 wear (interior or exterior side) were observed in various USSR SMIRNOV, V. S., at al. Ekologiy -89 No. 1971, pp 88 nninals, a mean "age index" was developed, representing a total of* six different measurements: the total height for the crowns of all three molars on one of tWmandibular bones, measured on both the inside and on the outside. Since in the aging process the animal's tooth crowns.wear down, this index should decline Ln proportion to age. DistrDbution groupings from-population analyses taken on IIT/68, IK/68. and V/69 showed that this species in the region investi- gated (Ferganda valley) had two distinct reproductive periods, the,spring and.fall, and that the life span of Alactaga elater corresponds to the general &pan for small murine rodents. 2/2 212- 019 UNCLASSI FIED- PROCESSING DATE--30OCT70 CIRC ACCESSICN NO-AP0129145 ABSTRACT/EXTRACT-(U) GP-0- ABSTRACT. THE ARTICLE ANALYZES 127 OPERAT-IONS PERFORMED FOR COARCTATION OF THE AORTA~LN CHILDRENI AGED FROM 2 MCNTHS TO 15 YEARS. FEATURES~PFCULIAR TO THE CLINICAL COURSE OF COARCTATION AND PROBLEMS OF DIAGpNUSIS IN NURSLINGS ARE DESCRIBED. IN'THE CLINICAL COURSE OF AORTIC COARCTATION IN CHILDREN THREE PERIODS ARE SINGLED OUT: 1(1) CRITICALt (2) PERIOD OF ADAPTATION AND (3) PERIOD UF COMPENSATICN, THIS REQUIRING THE CORRECT CHOICE OF THE MODE OF ~THERAPY. THE.AUTHORS HAVE ELAbORATED:THE INDICATIONS TO THE OPERATION OF-RESECTION UF AORTIC COARCTATION INCHILDREN WHICH ARE DIFFERENT IN EACH AGE GROUP AND.SHOULD TAKE INTO CONSIDERATION-THE PATIENT'S AGEt SEVERITY OF THE STATEv POSSIBILITY OFSUBSEQUENT GROWTH OF THE AIN-ASTOMOSIS, ETC. THE TECHNIQUE OF DIFFERENT TYPES OF OPERATIONS AND CHOICE OF THE METHOD DEPENDING UPON ANATOMICAL CONDITIONS AND PATIENT'S -AGE ARE DESCRI13ED IN DETAIL. ~THE TOTAL-MOR.TALITY COMPPESED 7.9PERCENT OF CASES. WIT14 ACCUMULATION OF THE SURGICAL EXPERIENCE AND AFTER THE ELABORATION OF PRINCIPLES OF POSTOPERATIVE MANAGEMENT OF PATIENTS FROM '1967 OUT OF 49 OPERATIONS, INCLUDING 10. IN EARLY CHILDHOOD1 THERE WAS NOT A-SINGLE LETHAL GUTCOME* FACILITY:~~ INSTIM1. SERDECHNO SOSUDlSTOY_KHlRURGIl IMENI A. N. BAKULEVA'"MOSKVA*~ UNCLASSIFIED AREAS--ELECTRONICS AND ELFCTRICAL ENGR-.- METHODS AND EQUIPMENT TAGS--NONDESTRUCTIVE.TESTy COBALTt ISOTOPE, CATHODE RAY TUBE, PHY S I C S. LABORATORY INSTRUMENT, STEEL/(U)FEU6 PHOTOELECTRIC mULTInlEq C CNT R 0 LMARKING-NO RESTRICTIONS ~.._OOCUMENT ~ C LA 5 3-UNC L A 5 S I F I ED REEUFRA~ME-1985/0124 STEP NiD--U,1/0381/70/000/01)1/0130/3132 ACCESSION ND--AP0100660 SIFtED, PROCESSING DATE--ISSEP70 032 UNCLAS _...'c4Rc.AccEss,i9t4 NO--AP0100660 GP-0- ABSTRACT. THE AUTHORS ASSERT THAT INDUSTRY RECENTLY BEEN MAKING INTENSIVE USE Or- OEFECTOSCCIPES wlrH SC'INTILLATION:JRADIATION SENSORS WHICH CAN PROVIDE A SENSIT[VfTY FOR STEEL OF UP~ TO 0.2 TO 0.5PERCENT.UNOER IRRAOIATION BY THE CO-60 ISOTOPF. HOWEVERP WITH SUCH EQUIPMENT' IT IS DIFFICULT TO INTEqPRET THE CONTROL RESULT AND RECOGNILE THE NATURE OF-THE DEFECT. CONSEQUENTLY, THIS ~METHOD SUFFERS IN COMPARISON WITH THAT OF RADIOGRAPHY. 4TEMPTS HAVE -BEEN MAOE TO CORRECT THIS DEFECT, 13UT HAVE FAILErj To GIVE THE SAME HIGH 'SENS[-TIVITY DUE TO POOR INDICATOR'EQUIPMENT. THIS PAPER GIVES THE FIRST -RESULTS OBTAINED IN TESTS OF A DEFECTOSCOPE CONTAINING A SCANNED .w.,:RADIATION SENSOR AND A.CATHODE RA)l TUBEAS INDICATOR. THE RESULTS SHOW 1HAT THE SYSTEM TESTED I S A- SUPE'R,-IOR- INSTRUMENT- WITH BE-7TER SENSITIVITY RESOLUTION THAN THE OTHERS. A BLOCK,DIAGRAM OF-THE EXPERIMENTAL 'EOUIPMENT:IS GIVEN* -IN WHICH THE. RADIATION SOURCE IS CS 137, AND THE EC, TOR IS &'.-CRYSTAL MEASURING 20 BY: 301MM AND A P~iOTQELECTRIC _2.MULTIPLIER,FEU-16. UNCLAS SlIFTE0 Acc. Nr: PP0044700- Ref Code: PRDMARY SOURCE: Klinichedkay Meditsina, 1970, Val 48, oo Nr Y I r7~ THE CLINICAL PICTURE AND.DIAGNOSIS OF ANGINA ABDOMINALIS V. Pokr a. 1. Bragin, 1. 1. Rushanov, L. S. Zingernzan qyskiy., S u m m-., r y Aniong 281 paticnts wiffi obstructive lesiom of the abdoinhill aorl.vand its branches theauthars reveiled 47 per-ons with occlaMons of tl!e visceral vc-i'sels; of this number In 20 ca- svi thq occilred '15 tile rcult of nonsficcific nortoar(critis and in 27 - of athcrowicrosis; only in 24 patients thcre were clinical manifestitions of the di.-ea.,e. As a rule, the cli nical picture of angi na abdomi nalls ocr, u7red I ii a f fccl io it o f two or three branches; only in imlated lesion of the splanchnic artery there vivre definite clinical mani. Jcstatlons~ Routine clinical examination enables in-most casc~t to suspect the true nature of iagnosls:-is established during X-ray investigation (preferably tile patholog y and the final di serial) in th~. dorsoventral and lateral pro ectlons~ REEL/FRAME -13771435 Vol 104, SURGICAL TREATMENT OF~,ANGINA ABOOMINALIS B. f. Bragin, V. S~Rab,dnikncl and D. M. Tsireshkin A. V. Pokrov The paper deals %vith (he.problems of diagnosis and surgical treatment of the ab- dominal iqchemic syndrome, The authors have observed 24 pa-fients with angina abdo- minilis in investigation of 281 patients with: atherrqclerofic )~-clusion of the abdominal arrta -and its bratiches. Eight patiefits with angina abdominiflis were operated upon with -one lethal issue. It is considered that: 1) the established diagnosis of anpina abdomina- fis is an indication to surgical. therapy; 2) the approach - niedian laparotomy in extrava- .a Icompression of the celiac artery, left-sided thoracolaparotomy in all other cases, 3) an end-to end distal anastomosis In reconstructive operations seems to be more ra- tional, it is more advant2geous hemodyna mica I 1y; 4) recognitiatt and surgical treatment of angina abdominalis in due course eliminating. ischernia enabled to avoid lethal intesti- nal infarction. K 7---, ~T' Ace.- Nr Ref Code: UR 0246 jM29114 _PR Y SOURCE: Zhurnal Nev IMAR ropa ogii i Psikhiatrii, 1970, Vol 70, Nr 1 P THE NEUROLOGICAL SYMPTOMATOLOGY OF ATHEROSCLEROTIC ANEURYSMS OF THE ABDOMINAL AORTA WITH LERICBE'S SYNDROME N. K. Bogolepou A. V. Pokrovkt N. P. Barinov The report deals with an analysis of neurological disorders in 13 patients with atheroscle- s-otic aneurysms o f the abdomi nal aorta a nd with the sy ndrome o i Leriche. T he fol low i ng neuro- logical syndromes could be elicited In this form of pathology: 1) vegetative-trophic; 2) ra- diculo-neuritic; 3) syndromes of spinal insufficiency - transitory and stable. The clinical lumbarplex sand its separate bran- picture as a rule was charaxterized by changes of the sacrof U -ches, changed vegetative innervation and affection of the spinal marrow. An analysis of neuro- logical changes in this form Of Dathology as the.authors assume, gives a-supplementary cri- teria for early diagnosis, for the localization of the pathological process and t.he determination of the stage in the course of the disease. REEL/FRAM 19680,625 USSR UDC 53.07/.08+53.001.5 GORBUNOV, V. I., Y"RQ"XLY,..A. V., TEMNIK, A. K. ."Several Ways of Raising the Sensitivity of-the Scintillation Method of Betatron Defectoscopy Izv. Tomsk. politekhn. in-ta (News of TomBk Polytechnical Institute), 1970, Vol. 184, pp 136-139 (from RZh-Fizika, No*l, Jan 71, Abstract No 1A430) Translation: Fluctuation phenomena in the electric circuits in the detection- recording section of a betatron defectoscope are analyzed on the basis of pro- bability theory and mathematical.statistics. It is Bhown that the most promising way of raising the signal-to-noise ratio in.betatron defectoscopy with scintilla- tion counters is the application of'camb~ haped filtere In the recording circuits, K. B' USSR DYSSA, 0. F., EPISHIN, V. V., OOKROYZLjji,~.-G-,_ SEMEN) UK, A. L. "Use of the Method of Maximum Likelihood for Processing of Measurement Results", Otbor i Peredacha Inform. Resp. Mezhved. sb. lCollection and Processing of Information, Republic Interdepartmental Collection], No 29, 1971, pp 33-37, (Translated from Referativnyy Zhurnal, Kibernetika, No 3, 1972, Abstract No 3 V127 by,the author's). Translation; It is demonstrated that with a known form of di.9tribution of the quantity measured, the optimal Qstimato. of.unknown arametcrs is pro- vided by the method of maximum likelihood, using which the precise estimates of unknown-parameters are determined and the position of the true and approx- mate regression curves are represented graphically within fixed confidence areas. FEE CON - =11--i! SUBJECTAREAS-CHEMISTRY F-TOPIC TAGS--X RAY ANALYSIS, CRYSTAL LATTICE STRUCTURE, SCANDIUM, TITANIUM, ;_':O'XYGENr PHASE ANALYSIS 7CONTROL MARKING-NO RESTRICTIONS CLASS-UNCLASSIFIED REEL/FRAME--1998/2065 STEP NG--UR/(3020/70/190/005/11'L.7/il2O -C I RC ACCESSION NO--ATO!22294 UNCLASS1FIED I - 'j ~-~2/2 ~ 033 0 Po~OCE5~51NG DATE--30OCT70 ~'ClRC ACCESSION NO--AT0122294 .--ABSTRACT/EXTRACT--(U) GP-0- ABSTRACT. PART OF TMF SC TI 0 SYSTEIR WAS -:~-~.STUDIEG BY X RAY PHASE ANAL., AND MORE ACCURATE DATA WERt--- OBRAIINED ON THE. COMPN. OF THE COMPDS. FOUND EARLIER ( 1610,~ 196i6, lt)81 10761. THE COMPN. 15 GIVEN BY THE C. SUSZ: TI FORMULA S 0 SUB59 AND ITS iNOUCED X RAY -DIFFRACTION DIAGRAM AND THE CELL PARAMETERS AkE (;I:VEN. T e Q I 14 PHASE E U L WERE STUDIED AT 1250 AND 15000EGREES--~IN THE REGION RICH IN Tit (5C SUBIMINUSX TI SUBX)TIO SUB5,.WHICH IS ISOSTRUCTUAL,WITH SC SUBZ TIO SU85, IS FORMED. IT IS MONOCLINIC WITH BETA IS CONGRUENT TO 90DEGREES. AS.-THE SC CONCN. IS INCREASED-BE7A APPROACHES 90DEGREES MORE CLOSELY, AND FOR X EQUALS 0.82-0.83 BETA EQUALS.90DEGREES. AT i250DEGREES THE AEGION.OF HOMOGENEITY OF THIS PHASE OCCURS AT X EQUALS 0.94-0.18, BUT AT 1500DEGREES IT.NARROWS.TO X EQUALS 0.94-0.63. A NO. OF NEW PHASES WERE FOUND IN THE~SYSTEMY AND THEIR LATTICE PARAMETERS.AND REGION OF --.-EXLSTANCE ARE TABULATEG. SC.A3EHAVES. LIKE;. AL A14D -FE. FACILITY: ~~.MQSK :GOS.,.UNIVG IM. LOMONIOSOVAO MOSCOW1 US~R. UNCLASSIFIED USSR UDC 534.S22.2+534.83 POKROVSKIY, B. V., YUDIN, YE. YA, "Hydrodynamic Noise and Vibration of Centrifugal Pumps" Nauchn. tr. NII stroit. fiz. Gosstroya SSSR (Scie-n--i-fic Wc-2:~