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MR.: UDC 681.3 YELISEYEV., V. G., PIVOVAROV, A. N. "Study of Tabular Method in Solution of Certain Problews of Residual Class Notation" Probl. Tekhn. Elektrodinamiki, [Problems of Engineering Electrodynamics-- Collection of Works], No. 24, Kiev, Nauk. Dumka Press, 1970, pp 178-180, (Translated from Referativnyy Zhurnal Kibernetika, No 5, 1971, Abstract No. 5V607, by the authors). Translation: Problems are studied for decoding the states of a system for coding pulses, represented by counters with numbers of positions which are mutually simple in pairs. Due to the possibility of performing arithmetic operations digit by digit and the absence of number carrying, parallel ring counters have significantly higher speed than series binary and decimal counters. A table of mutually simple basis is presented for decoding of the states of parallel ring counters and the method of its composition is described. USSR UDC 621.9.048.4:669.018.25 MUKHANOV, I. I.) FILIMONENKO, V. N. and PIVOVAROV, B. Kh., Novosibirsk Electrical Engineering Institute "Physical and Mechanical Condition of the gurface Layer of Hard Alloy Products After Electric Spark Treatment", Kiev, Fiziko-Khimicheskaya 4ekha,uika Materialov, Vol 6, No 6, 1970, pp 3-6 Abstract: Results are presented from a study of the physical and mechanical state of the surface layer of hard alloy products made of alloys in group WC after treatment by electric spark tools operating in the RC generator mode. A metallographic study of the surface layer after electric spark treatment showed that there was a fused1ayer present,~which arises even whsn there are no cracks on the surface.i The fused laTer is divided into two zones. The upper zone has a finely dispersed strutture, resulting from rapid cooling of the fused alloy. The lower zone ohan unmelted grains of tungsten carbide. USSR UDC 632.105 jIYqYaQI-L--A-, and SAKODYNSKIY, K. 1. "Identificaf-ion of Certain Chloro- and Phosphoorgartic Pesticides on the Basis of Retention Time" V sb. Novyye Sorbenty Dlya Khromatografii (Collection of Works on New Sorbets for Chromatography), Vyp 16, Moscow, 1971, pp 115-118 (from Referativnyy Zhurnal -- Khimiya, Svodnyy Tom (I, L-S), No 1(11), 1973, Abstract No IN444 by I. A. Revel'skiy) Translation: The relative retention time of pesticides on sarbents was used for,the identification of pesticides in multicamponent taixtures with the electron capture detector. Data are presented on the retention time of 23 chloro- and phosphoorganic pesticides with respect to aldrin. Glass columns containing the follming sorbents were used: 3% methyl silicone SE-30; 3% fluorine silicone QF-1 and 3% methyl silicone SE-30; 3% fluorine silicone QF-I; 3% diethylene glycol succinate DEgS on chromosoxb W containing silane. USSR UDC 632.95 PIVOVAROV, G. A. "Requirements for the Gas Chromatographic Apparatus Used for the Analysis of Residual Amounts of Pesticides" V sb. Problemy Analiticheskoy Khimii Collection of Works of Analytical Chemistry), Vol 2, Moscmi, Nauka, 1972, pp 104-110 (from Referativnyy Zhurnal -- Khimiya, Svodnyy Tom (1, L-S) No l(II), 1973, Abstract No 111441 by T. A. Belyayeva) Translation: The use of thermionic and electron-catching detectors having a radioisotope source and capable of functioning at 250-300% should be considered in design of the gas chromatographic apparatus. In order to produce a complete analysis of complex mixtures, such as pesticide residues and their metabolites in biological material, it is necessary to have a detecting system functioning alone with the chromatographic equipment. After passing the column and separator, the sample should be supplied to two detec- tors the signals from which are recorded 'on the same chromatogram by a two- channel recorder. The flame ionization detector is more suitable for use in a general evaluation of background and for detection of.accompanied impurities. The analysis procedures requires recording of the column system 1/2 -Ii ;I I!I] hill USSR PIVOVAROV, G. A., Problemy Analiticheskoy Khimii, Vol 2, Moscow, Nauka, 1972, pp 104-110 temperature up to 300%, and of detecting system up to 350'C with an accuracy of + 0.1"C. The chromatographic unit should be equipped with an additional device for the introduction of,solid samples. A completely glass column system and absorbent trap should also be available. USISR uDc 632-95 SAKODYNSKIY, K. I., PIVOVAROV G. A. "Identification of Organochloride and Organophosphorus Pesticides by Relative Betention Times" Tr. 2-go Vses. soveshch. po issled. ostatkov pestitsidov profilzikt. znizry_-z- neniya ird nroduktov pitaniya, korriov i-vnesh. sredv, (Works of tile Second All- Union Conference on the Investigation of Pesticide Residues and Preventive Contamination of Food Products, Fooder and Environment), Tallin, 1971, pp 12u- 323 (from RZh--KhimiYa, No 32, Jun 72, Abstract No 3211420). Translation; Data are presented on the relative retention times (with respect to aldrin) obtained for 23 org ,amochlorine and organophosphorus pesticides by means of a chromatograph with an electron capture detector in the following columns: 1) nonpolar with 3~ methylsilicone.(SE-30) in silanized chromosorb S W; 2) mixed (1:1) with 3% fluorosilicone (QF-1) and w~.thyl silicone ( B-30) in the same carrier; 3) polar idth 31 fluorosilicone (QF.;.I) in the same carrier; 4) polar with 3% diethyleneglycol succinate and the sane carrier (temperature 1800). USSR LIDC 632.95 PIVOVAROV, G. A. "Characterization of Some Operational Paraametevz of Gas Cbro matopgiaphy Apparatus in Analysis of Organophosphorus and Drgaaiocblox~Lne Pesticides" Tr. 2-go Vses. soveshch. po, issled. ontatPov pestitsidov 1. profilakt. za_zryazneniya ivA prodi):Ktay pitanlya, kormov i vnosh. smdty (Tx-ansacticns o.-" the Second All-Union Conference or. the 15tV4 of Pesticide Residues and Pre- vention of Their Contamination of, Food Products# Fodder and the External Enviromaent), Tallinn, 1971, pp 89-92 (from Mh-Hhimiya, 110 13, 10 Jul 72, Abstract No 1311442 by T. A. Belyayeva), Translationi The article deecribes results of a stw~y of the comyxiraid,;e sensitivity of three detectors, viz. electron cL%p-tu_"jv thenidonic taid fla--ne ionization# to 30 organochlorirse and or&-Lnophowphorw pesticider, and their ainimud detectable concentrations. The theridonic detector per-dt3 selective determination of picogran. qwantities of origallophoophor.'r, pllsticidcs' th-e electron Cap-Lure deb3ctor picogram concent3rations of or,-ar,:)phosphorua and organochlorine coswourris. The sonsitivi-Ly of the flame ionization detcctor Is within a "6-amma~ or tenths of a llganima!. 1/4'. UD 0, 632.95 PIVOVAROV~ G. A., and NOVIKOVA, K F "Determination of Residual q-uantitios of Metaphos in llraiucto of Ve'c'etable Origin and, Water by Gas-Liquid Chro;nato&rapIV Method" Tr. 2-go Vses. soyeshch. po issled. ostatkov pestitcidov i proftlakt. zagryazneniya imi produktov pitaniyap Kormov I vnesh, sredy (Transaction of the Second All-Union Conference on the Study of Pesticide Residues and Frovertion of Their Contamination of Food Products, Fodder and thia Extirnal Enviro-Ument)p Tallinn, 19?1, PP 85-83 (from RZh-Khijaiya, No 13, 10 Jul 72, Abstract No 131'1476 by T. A. Belyayeva) Translationt One-hundred millititers of acotono are poured over a 50 9 vegotable samploo shaken for 15 min. and the extract In filtered. The operation is rupoated twice. The extract is bollod doiai to a volume of 15-20 ml, passed through an 144 porous filter, stirred with a double volume of dIF-,- tilled vater wid 20 ml hexane for 1-1.5 miii, The acet=--~JIMOUS S0lUtj0.rj is extracted with 4 x 20 ml hexana. The. extnocts are wribined, dried over Na2S04j passed through an N1 porous filterg boilod down, an(i 5 ml of t43gwie added to the residue. Five microliters of the nolu:Lioi are Introduced into 1/2 67 ME TMM USSI~ PIVOYAROV, G. A., et al., Tr. 2-go Vses. soveshch. po isslod.. ostatkov pastitsidov i profilakt. vagryamerdya imi produktov pitaniyal kormov i vnesh. aredy-, Tallinn, 1971, pp 85-88 the evaporator of the chromatograph. The GIP, method is used vith an electron- capture and thex-intionic detector. Colwms axe identical, with .5;-! mzetbyl- silicone on chronosorb W (100-120 nesh), temperature 1700. Caxrler ga* Sensitivity of zethod for vep.Wble 6ample 0.02 mg/k.6, xOr water 0.01 Mg/l. 2/2 USSR UDC 621.762.001:669.27 TRETIYAKOV, V. I., P-MYaOX, LJK~h., NOVIKOVA, M. B., LIDER, V. Ya., NOVIKOVA, T. A., VRZHESHCH) Ye., Ya., and KARASEV, G. F. !'Influence of Surface Layer on Plates of Titanium-Tungsten Hard Alloys on Wear Resistance During Cutting" Sb. tr. Vses. n.-i. i proyektn. in-t tugoplavk. met. i tverd. splavov [Collected Works of All-Union Scientific Research and Planning Institute -for Refractory Metals and Hard Alloys], No. 10, 1970i pp. 55-60 (Translated from Referativnyy Zhurnal-Metallurgiya, No, 2, 1971, Abstract No. 2 G413 by the authors) Translation: Results are described from determination of the resistance factor to cutting of specimens of titanium-tungsten hard alloys, when layers of altered composition and structure are formed on the cutting edges with certain sintering modes. It is established that the presence of surface layers on the cutting edges of.the cutting plates increases their wear resistance during cutting by an average of 1_6 times. 2 figures; 2 tables; 3 biblia. WIS. q 33 USSR UDC 616-072-85 PIVOVAR A., Candidate of Medical Sciences "The Dynamics of Sensomotor Reactions and Tremors During Repeated Measurements" Moscow, Voyenno-meditsinsk~y zhurnal, No 10, 1972, pp 63-67 Abstract: The methods of measuring seneorimotor, static tremors, and dynamic tremors are often used by psychographologists to de- termine the neurodynamic characteristic and the motor reactions of us in determining states of fatigue and activity military specialist under various living conditions. The purpose of this paper is to show the course of variations and characteristics of the exercise of sensorimotor reactions and tremors in people of the same age, sex, profession, and life styles, using a stable method, the same instruments, and the same experimenters. The measurements were conducted using 72 young, healtt.,V males (students) of whom 59 were kept in the same DIace tgrou A)while the other 13 were observed under ambulatory conditions Igroup B) both for the period of one month. Details of the experimental method and instruments are given together with the measurementresu.1-ts. ftrves are plotted for the dynamics of simple and selective reactions. 36 - 7z- USSR 1JDC 550,822.7 PHOVAROV, V. D., All-Union Petroleum Scientific Research Institute for "A Health Evaluation of Labor Conditions in Drilling Oil Wells at Sea,, Giglyenicheskaya otsenka usloviy truda pri burenii neftlranyl'.h sliva-zhin na --- more (cf. English ebove), Baku, !9?2, 6 pp, 4 biblioqraphic citations (manuscript deposited in MICEZIG, No 29, 8 Dee 1972) (RZh-GCo1o1e;iya, No 4, 197,3. Abstract iio 4 L12) Translation: Questions of labor health An drilling pet-roleum wells tinder sea conditions of the Azerbaydzhnn SSR are explained. The specific characteris- tics of drilling at sea which distinguish it from similar- operptions on 1,%nd and superimpo5c certain characterintics on the orr ,Pnixii,tion iind conduct. of drilling operptions Pre shown, An analyuis is given of the parpmAers of pro,!uc- tion factors -Rhich can influence the worker's condition in offshore drilling teams, including the important role of the unfavorable treather and minro- climatic conditions, the illuminetion of the work place. and the noise and Nribra- tion of the drilline equipment. In addition the labor of workers -in offshorc drilling requires higher phy-ical and nervous-emotionp.1, loads than di-y land drillir4g. On the basis of the studier. and observations. made, practical sv: tions and recoimmendations leading to healthier conditions of labor in o I ffshore d Ming are made. '911 'I F [ED PROCESSING DATE--27NOV70 1/2 020 UNCLASS TITLE-MECHANISM GOVERNING THE FORMATION OF !~AINIT,: El STRUCTURE IN HYPEREUTECTOtO STEELS -U- AUT.H0R-(03).-LEVCHENKQ, A.A., P""Agav, V.M., TANANKO, I.A. C OUN TRY OF INFO--USSR METALLOV I METALLOVEUFNIE:, FEB. 1970, 29i (2), 329-33,1s, DATE PUBLISHED ------- 70 AREAS--MATERIALS TOPIC TA(.,S--STF-EL MICROSTRUCTUREp BAUNITE, HIGH CARHON STEEL, CARBIDE :PHASE, ELECTRON MICROSCOPY, ALLOY PHASE I'RANSFORMA,riom, HYPEREWECTOID STEEL CONTROL MARKING--P.10 RESTRicrIONS DOCUMENT CLASS--UiNICLASSIFIED PROXY REEL/FRAME--3003/0339 STEP ~40--(Jlt/0126/'10/029/002/0321)/0334 _1 I PC A C C E -S s 10," i`40--APO t1l 571 UplL__;.l _.A L v I L Li .!I! Mki W1,6W, 1 lis' 6616,0141 ~li 1 'ki Rk 14116 Will 4 Ap In, 1 a ;aiim -2-1,2 0*20 lJNCL ASS I FIED PROCESSING DATE-27NOV70 CIRC ACCESSION NO--AP0129571 r 3AI TE ABSTRACT/EXTRACT--(U) GP-0- ABSTRAI-T. THE FOR114TION Of- THE m STRUCTURE IN HIGH C STFELS BY ISOTHERMAL QUEi"ICHINS AT 300-500DEGREESC AND THE RESULTS WERE CORRELATED WAS STUDIED IN AN ELECTRON NICROSCOPtl WIT11- X RAY DIFFRACTION OA,rA. THE.CARRIOE PHASE PAECIPITATING IN THE INITIAL STAGES OF THE TRANSFORMATION HAD AN 4CICULAR FORM AND RESULTED IN THE DEVELOPMENT OF RELIEF ON THE POLISHED SURFACE OF THE MICROSCETION* THE AUSTENITE DECOMPOSITION PRODUCTS OBTAINED IN THE TEMP.~.RANGE INDICATED CONSTITUT.ED A FERRITE-CARBIDE MIXTURE WITH A CLEAR PREFERRED ORIENTATION OF THE CARBIDE PARTICLES.: F__ USSR UDC 681.327+621.367:61.004.14 AP1%11__Xt T ZHANDAROV, M. Ye., and "A Method for Decreasing False Information Fed Into a Computer From a Television Transmitting Tube" LenIngrad, Elementy Tsifrovykh Sistem Upravleniya, "Nauka," 1971, pp 44-50 Abstract: Highly sensitive television tubes are in wide usage today for analyzing the light fields carrying information concerning the state of a unit. However, a fluctuating noise also exists at the output of the tele- vision transmitting tube in addition ro~the signals carryin.- the desired information at low levels of illumination of the unit's light field. This fluctuating noise results in errors in the operation of the registering circuit (the threshold device which reacts to the instantaneous value of the signal). These false signals complicate the processing of the real information and increase the number of computations required. With a low signal-to-noise ratio in the channel for.converting the light signal into an electrical signal it is simply impossible to analyze the information with the aid of a digital computer. The authors conclude that the automatic identification of a unit with a television transmitting tubc -and a computer 1/2 USS'R MUNDAROV, M. Ye, and PIVOV.AROV, V. T., Elemenly Tsifrovykh Sislem Uprav- leniya, "Nauka," 1971, pp 44~50 can be done using the method of logical comparison of the data and that the amount of false information created by the fluctuating noise and registered in the memory block of.the computer can be substantially re- duced. The article contains 3 illustrations and 2 bibliographic entries. 2/2 66i"611WAR '11!1 6i!WEHNIIAi USSR. UDC 537.31' .3:540.18'683. PIVOVAIROV V. Ya. and TVACHEIII, V. D. -"Energy Spectrum oil Radiation Damages in Expita- C 4 j _1. M-Tvpa Callium Phos,)hide." V sb. Radilats. fix. williaL. kristallov (Radiation Phy.Mxs (,[ Nonmetalllc Crystals -- Collection of Works), Vol 3, Part 2, Kieli, "Nauk. dinika," 1971 pp 3-10 (from RZIi--rIektronika i eve primenenive, No 10, October 1971, Abstract No 10B54) Translation: 'no energy spectrum ie inveotiirated of Jocol lavAa in n-type gallium phosphide Introduced by fast reactnr n-2,,,ti-c-no. 1~zirjnl- ti,,o ti,_!~3 of irradiation, tile temperature of L'ho spoolmona did n0j; t3yl,(-;Ld WO thc- apecimens wore irra-3iuto~d by an integral i'low of' 2. 10"C.,` 'ila 0~,Oc 1'~ t , of ohotoconductiVity E-id truarz-aission t-.rere plotted al roari tezveraturo Prid 50 and the temparature dependence or electrical conductivity in I'na interval 80 - ',4000 K. After irradi~itioii, renistunce in mll tlie increaoc!:!, bat the type of conduct-i'lity remained. Vie rolative chazzi-ve of roul.9tunce dej,~_nded on the initial concentrution of free electrons. Aft-.r Irr-diation -a atrcn~ in- creave saaB ob,_,orved of abnorption in the regior of enervieu fro.-I 0.7 - 0.9 ov up to 2.3 ev, ralld witil, bN'l < 0-7 3v aboorption ill the cryO,-als de- creanod, viiicii io canrx,:ti:d witil. a docrooio of' fivi conconti-.ati(in of el(!ct- rona. A m-iparixor) of Ulu aneirry apeatm-4 of t1le 1!~Voh ill irl'adiijted, and, TIC:1- irradiatod eryot!Als t;hc),,.jc-d t~iat in irr._4diuted materijl th,~ nnerry Fjr)*,~C_~,r-_!;:, 0. 1/2 I ins in] USSR PIMIAROV, V. Ya. , and Tl',ACIIEV, V. D., Radiats. riem.--it. kri., t,1110%, (Radiation Physics of Non-metallic Ci-Iistals -- Collection of Works) , Vol 3, Part 2, Kiev, "Nauk. dumlca," 1971, pp 3-10 (fron, RZr- I Y Ye -El,-It-roni -,a i e primeneniye, No 10, October 1971, Abstract No IOB54) the defectu is conniderably richer. Photoconductivity after irradiation is principally increased in the region ot energies< 2 ov which is accounted Eor by the increase, of concentration of imperfections of the lattice which gives a deen energy level in the forbidden band. 4 ref. I.I. 2/2 j~AiL 110 j~ UDC 629.7.056.24-01;1 STK,"V,.i lcrl. I ay rl ?.,.Dlc To L. Pil-~varv L i r Zr~ , of W.~r forns of of ,.V'!cr t-.o u Jt'Vr,1-.v Of :hjra,~.-vrjr.-tcr tbetrccc!~pr A E vr. t ter, su-ppr,~rj~a of eollos fron ntructur-l alercats f lie &Lrctraft. ltjt%~._ Dra no on) rtfr,,nz, (11 pn-~r-~ter, of It it. cv~t to L!;, 41.'r..lar rct~-ALI~n -;-~ L.1511r.1til lwilka,- On a nurliato 15 A 0,aract*vl5tic ftnturt. or u4o- Jt-..~~tlg.-,rnd awon-'Our rcc.rg Is that - - - - extei -rfaccz, -6 ~ ic~~tz of they oerste ~4 s!,,-21s !.c- . d,d mt. the ran~~a. t t1w I Ouch (dw tltrwjutt!t:,; *r tite v- -r valw.-ttv ~ or tac AtrC7aft CM the 4frtCtl-~%s) Z-- 4:iffer0l%L. --q gir"'jal ~:t tLe niter ir.~Ut cat r i~% info rzation S.~,ouz t*,,e pv~er clc;tzib~tion of Ow zcl,- ~Atl, TO- mp-ct t a rani, 4and If.-r oll ~vctlowj ~r ti,,o jgj.,,q,ti:4 ittrfnc- ll, is a -i0t or r1s, =ff"t !!L to the ~rnrj-.n a- r3 ~alvcloaivj 1.0 O'lo cleirent of,t40 1~cjtv~ LiVatr On Llia FCliCinl.:.,tlLT: Gf U 10 ~$I:l Of tb--' c.1411~.tiollap.?;tCra of qntt-sjja (ranrc ot in tt;;. ~.L;~CLL'it of th'! lor."'! vcrtica' (xltln~tvr). Taereforp,, L' v priu~ry prc~'!-,-, ~nvn 4~urlt,suinr. t= accurccv of these r-.~iit bn cc irl.ecrad to be Ux of t1w lnttl:31 dintrihu tLvy 1~ IAVIIN:t-l~ I,f 0.., qi-ai durt-;;-. In 0it, reccivtr. 1:1 t'lls pzpor, ti%c of tac of Ccl,v leL hr~ --lLCr rl*MW to thQ fmr t-,r^ Of aziVular vhcre t:.o rang-L, inforrntion is QY.Lrlcted fro.- th.- pha-r.a of thu cor-rl"d ql;~- nAl DlntJ3clllaIlY' With rP~,pvcc to firq-nzy. Foir-,ulne ir~ dcriwd for cativa-inr the sy:;tervatic nnd fluctuation meavurerwnt crror,. 125 0 Cr USSR uDc 621-396.96:629.7-054,842 PIVOVAROV, Yu. L. "Statistical Analysis of Errors of an FM Radio Altimeter With Phase Reading" ~Tr. Mosk. aviats. in-ta (Works of Moscow Aviation institute), 1971, vyp. 20T, PP 120-133 (from RZh-Radiotekhnika, No 12, Dec 71, Abstract No 12G69) Translation- An investigation is made of distribution of the power of an echo signal from an extended surface in FM radio altimeter signal param- etere during signal procesEing. Systematic and fluctuation errors in range measurement are determined. Six illustrationsi biblingraphy of five titles. Resumg. 1/2 606 UNCLASS1 FIEO PROCESSING DATE--13NOV70 -TITLE-THE POPULATION Of SOCIALLST COUNTRIES OF EUROPE OUTSIDE THE SOVET UNION*-STRUCTURAL GEOGRAPHIC SHIFT.S,,tU- AUTHOR-Uy.,p YU.Le _YARPVt -~COUNTRY OF INFC- CGMMUNIST WORLO ~SOURCE-THE POPULATION OF SOCIALIST COUNTRIES-OFEUROPE OUTSIDE THE SOVIET UN ION.. STRUCTURAL GEOGRAPHIC SHIFTS. SOTSIALISTICHESKIKH .:DATE PUBL ISHED--70 SUBJECT AREAS BEHAVIORAL AND SOCIAL SCIENCES TOP IC TAGS-DEMOGRAPHY, ECONOMIC' GEOGRAPHYP POLITICAL G 0 E GRAPHY RESTRICTIONS CGN TROL. ~,~,~:~~DOCUMENT CLASS-UNCLASSIFIED PROXY REEL/FRAME--l 1988/0422 STEP NG--UR/0000170/000/000/0001/OL?3 C ACCESSION NO--AMO 105444, I R UNCLASS-IFI-ED 777777-7-7- 2/2 006 UNCWSI FIED PROCESSING DATE--13NOV70 CIRC ACCESSION NO--AM0105444 ABSTPACIIEXTRACT--(U) GP-O- ABSTRACT. ON THE BASIS OF SUMMARIZED RESULTS OF:.THE LATEST NATIONAL CENSUS AND OTHER NEW MATERIALS THIS MONOGRAGH INVEStIGATES THE PROCESSES THE CHANGES INTHE NUMI.IERr STRUCTURE AND DISTRIBUTION OF THE POPULATION OF THE,GERMAN DEMOCRATI.C REPUBL[Cl POLAND,~ CZECHO-SLOVAKIA, HUNGARYt ROUMANIAt 80LGARlY AND JUGO-SLAVIA DETAIL IS ANALYZED THE PRESENT URBA A 'AFTER THE SECOND WORLD WAR. 1, N N ND RURAL SETTLEMENT IN THESE SOCIALIST COUNTRIESP ESPECIALLY THE PROCESSES OF CITIES AND OF URBAN.IZATION, DEVELOPMENT OF AGLOMERATIONS AND NETWORK IN THE FUNCTIONAL STRUCTURE. OF INHABHEL) ;LACES. ~:THE CHANGES p ~-.112 021 UNCLASSIFIED PROCESSING DATE--230CT70 ...~TITLE-BAC. CEREUS, AS A CAUSATIVE AGENT.OF FOOD POI 0QNGS IN MAN -U- YU.P., SIDJIUNKC, G.I.v TKACHENKQ, A.V., GOLDBERG, 07 1 YE-S.t AKITOVA.M. COUNTRY OF INFO--USSR _-j~.SOURCE--VOPROSY PITANIYAj 1970v NR 31 PP 25-28 ,~,':~,_DATE PUBLISHED ------- 70 :~.SUBJECT AREAS--BIOLOGICAL AND MEDICAL SCIENCES --TOPIC TAGS--FOGO CONTAMINATIONP BACILLUS.v 'POISON _--CONTROL RESTRICTIONS ,.-,.DOCUMENT CLASS-UNCLASSIFIED PROXY REEL/FRAME--1999/1164 STEP NO--UR/0244/70/000/003/0025fOO28 CTRC ACCESSION NO--AP01?3141 ".pu 2/2 021 UNCLASSIFIED PROCESSING DATE--230CT7O ...CIRC ACCESSION NO--AP0123141 ABSTRACT/EXTRACT--(U) GP-0- ABSTRACT* IN RECENT YEARS FOOD POISONINGS CAUSED BY BAC. CEREUS HAVE BEEN AN OBJECT OF LARGE SCALE STUDIES IN A NUMBER (IF COUNTRIES. SINCE Iq67 THE QUESTION AS TO THE ETIOLOGICAL ROLE OF BAC. CEREUS IN T H CAUSATION OF POISONINGS IN THIS COUNTRY HAS BEEN STUDIED AT THE CHAIR OF GENERAL HYGIENE OF THE 2D ?40SCOW'tAEDICAL INSTITUTE IN' COOPERATION WITH MICROmbLOGICAL LABORATORI-S OF THE SANITARY EPIDEMIC STATIONS OF THE MOSCOW . D LOGANSK REGIONS. TWO MAJOR, 4 FAMILIAL OUTBREAKS AND 29 ISOLATED CASES OF THIS AFFECTION WERE REGISTERED IN THE PAST PERIOD. IN THE CASES UNDE4 REVIEW A DISTINCT SEASONAL NATURE A14D A GREAT VARIETY IN THE CLINICAL COtSE COULD BE DISCERNED AMONG CAUSES (SUPPORTED BY BACTERIOLOGICAL ANALYGES) RESPONSIBLE FOR THE POISONINGS WERE PRODUCTS OF BOTH ANIMAL AND, VEGETABLE ORYGIN. BACKGROUNDS.OF CRITERIA FOR DIAGNOSING THE AFFECTIONS UNDER 01 CUSION ARE OFFERED. FACILITY: KAFEDRA OBSHCHEY GIGIYENY 11 MOSKOVSKOGO MEDITSINSKOGO INSTITUTA Ili. No 1. PIROGOVA. i if a "V-11111 I ks- I imlkj! 1,11ir3q.1 mi, k f';; i wt;~ USSR UDC Y I., TKA.~ &,Ko, V., ye. 3., CH U AIM of General iyg~ena, .3DV, A. i~. UI-r.OVA, 2t. 3., ard S:4EIAKQVA i, VV. Chair Second Moscow Piedical institute iment Ii. I. Pirogov F od Poisoning La Za.-VI "Bacillus cereus as an 'gent of 1-0 Xoscow, Voprosy ?4-tardya, I'io 3, 1970, PP 255-25 Abstract: During an investiryation of foold poisoningz. treated in several Clinics and hox)itals in a'%oscoT-., 41-:OsCow Oblast, and Raven' 4ovs~iy Rayon, Luiranskaya jbiast (Ukraine) since 1967, it was found that two eneral outbreaks, fo~~r fard."'al out- breaks, and 29 isolated cases involving a total of over 150 paar~;ons -were ca-~sea by Bacillus coreus. The microor:?anism was isolated in large (,~Lsntxties from the Ll- testinal. contents. voxited material, and suspected food pr*-`4uutIz ~s~ausage, 6~C-G and, potato soup, uzeuad cabuage, boil(.A meat, saxii-nes, (b-,ek and bjef). Ziost of the cases were reported in the sizraier and fa2 I. Thi! couzrse was gencrally milk and brief. After an j-qcubation period o.V 10 to 16 ~Zlo~irs, 4 tQ 0 hours, symptomis appeared - rtk-.-azh pains, nau:5ea, diarrheia.. The suo- sided in 11 to 16 hours, less coxTo-ily in 24 to 4,3 ~-.ours. Abou--~ 2;k,- of cases fQll(7,red a more severe and Ionger (3 to 5 days) course. USSR UDC 61r).Bg-bW.46-053-2~085,356:5T7.164.1 ISMACHEV, V. V., EU2[4MM4 33INYAN, Ye. V.., _q. N., KUNAGANOVAj T. G., SEW KWZiUSHKMj, N* A., and 14DKMKIY, V. B,., Medico-Biological Faculty,, Second Moscow Medical Institute imeni No 1. Pirogcnr and Department of Higher Nervous Activity Institute of Hygiene of Children and Adolescents, Ministry of Health USSR "Orotic and Folic Acids and Vitamin B,2, in the Treatment of Childxen with Memory Disorders Moscow, Sovetskaya Meditsina, Vol 33, No 7, Jul 70, PP 78-82 Abstract: Since the genetic apparatus contained-in all cella preserves not only phylogenetic but also ontogenetic inforration, and since nacleopToteins and nucleic acids are essential constituents of the memory meclumism, a study was undertaken in which the cofactors and precursors of proteino and nucla-ic acido -- orotic acid, folic acid, and vitamin B1, -- were administered to a group of children with diaturbed memory* The results indintedthat even though ohort-term~mamory) attention, and certain other mental functions were not affected,, loag-tevii memary improved vignif- Icantly. Positive results can be obtained only: If trwatwit is bogun, earl,)rp be-rore marked organic changes develop in tha centraInervous oystom. END - -1/2 029 Uqr PROCESSING DATE CLASSI FTEP~ , --020CT70 ~::J71TLE-TR EAT M ENT OF THE SURFACE OF TIT 414 JUM ALLOYS~-U- ~"A:LlTH3R-(04)-3ATPAK(lV# V.P., PIVOV AROVA,~L.N., VASKAN, L A., YEGORUIVA, T.M. DUN T RY OF ]NFO--USSR _'.`~-SOUFCE--U.S.S.R. 261,091 -'::;~REFE9.E-NC,E-OTKRYTIYA, lZ3r3RET.q PROM* 0BRAZTSYj TOVAqNYE ZW~f 19701 ,,"ATE ~PUBLISH[0-06JAN70 BJECT- AREAS-MATERIALS '~.,,TOPIL TAGS-TITANIUM ALLOYt METALLURGIC PATENTffl NITRIC ACIDt HYDROFLUORIC ~,AC I D eSUkFACE AREAt HYDROGENATION -CONTROL MARKING--NO RESTRICTIONS f-I.-.90CUMENT CLASS-UNCLASSIFIED ZPROXY REELIFRAME--1990/1788 STEP NO--UR/0482/70/000/000/0000/0000 Cl I RC ACCESSION NO--AA0109749 UNCLASSIFIED I ~; W., -:1,1 A 11! -m A 11, lit I I , 7! - , I. I . . I 11z.. ~ ; - ~ , " .IV- I1 2 033- UNCLASSIFIED CESSIM~ DATE -13NOV70 PRO ELECTRON COLL'ISION FREQUENCY IN AUlWkAL IONOSPHERE -U- A UTHCsR-(02)-USIPCV, N.K., PI 11 VA, N~B. ,CGUNTRY OF INFJ--USSR- GEnMAGNIETIVIIAERONOMIYA, VOL X, NO 3, 1970t PP 551-552 .'---,.DATE PUBLISHED ------- 70 SUBJECT AREAS-:ATMOSPHERIC SCIENCES TOPIC TAGS--AUk0RAj-ICN0SPHFRE, ELECTROWCOLLISION, t7LECTRON) TE.MPE-RATURE, ELECTRON CONCENTRATIONP CLECTROMAGNETIC~ WAVE SCATTE-luNG -CCNTAGL -NO RESTRICTIONS 'OOCU, MENT CLASS-UNCLASSIFIED PROXY REEL/FRAME--3005/1926 STEP NO,--UR/0203/70/olt)/003/0551/0552 NO-AP013.3775 13 --13NOV70 2/2 033 UNCL ASS I Ff ED PROCESSING DATE C ACCESSION NO-AP0133775 CIP ~'~_-,ABSTRACT/EXTRACT--(Ul GP-0- ABSTRACT. SiNCE THE ALTITUOES OF THE ~.._ELECTRZN CCNCENTRATI0,N MAXIMAJIF SPORAOIC FORMAT I ONS CHANGE FAOM CASE TO CASE IN THE RANGE FROM 110 TO 140 KM, THE RESULTS OF 08SERVATIO'NiS OF ~SPGRAOIC FORMATIONS OVER A QUITE LONG~ PERIOD MAKE: Ir POSSIBLE TO DETERMINE THE ALTITUDINAL VARIATION OF.THE EFFECTIVE COLLISILT-4 FREQUENCY ~FDk THE E REGION IN THE AUR.Oi~AL MNOSPHERE. FIG, I SHJWS THE MEAN -1 FREQUENCIES FOR,TIKSI FCR SEPTEMBER -VALUES OF THE EFFECTIVE COLLISIOt NOVEMBER 1967, THESE ARE COkiPARED WITH DATA FOR 'THE MIJDLc LATITUDE IONOSPHE;~E. THERE IS A UFNE,'~AL TENDENCY IN THE AlJkO~~-4L IONJSPHERE FOR A 'DISPLACEMENT IN THE 01RECTION UF HIGH V SUBEFF VALUES 1114 C,3~,!PARISON ,lITH THE MIDDLE LATITUDES. IT IS MUST NATURAL. TO RELATE THIS Cf.-% U ST N E TO THE PKESENCE FO ELECTmGl~, HE-ATING, BEING A RESULT OF INJECTION ;.)F FLUXES CHARGED PA:,~MCLES, THERE IS SOME P OSSIBIL[TY OF MCREASING THE EFFECTIVE COLLISIIk4 FRE~)IJENCY DUE THE SCATTEPING GS A',11 ELECT.403AAGNEETIC MOG~NEITIES, WHO.SE PR;zS=,,.icr- 0 WAVE ON ELECT-ON CJ.NCENTmATIL)(l INHO, CHARACTERISTIC FGR THE AURORAL IGNOSPHFRE. HOWEVER, AS l,"JOICATED BY THE MICROSTRUCTURE OF THE AURORAL IONOSPHERE, TME SPORADIC 101' IZATION ACCOMPANYING QUIESCENT AURUs-,AL FUr~,'IS IS CHAAACTEkI?_L-'u BY THE PkESENCE OF SMALL SCALE INHOMOGENEITIES WHOSE EFFECT CA14NOT BE VERY SIGNIFICANT. ~.~..'ALL THE DATA INDICATE THAT ELECTRON HEATING EXERTS AN EFFECT ON THE DETERMINED COLLISIO-44 FRE4UFNCIE..l* FACILITY. kAiMELECTRONICS INSTITUTE- FACILITY: INSTITUTE OF SPACE PHYSICS RESEARCH AND ...AERONOMIYAI YAKUTSK Af`+ILIATE SIBERIAN DEPARTMENT ACADE14Y OF SCIENCES. UNC L A S S I F I F 1) 027 UNCLASSIFIED lkOCESSING OATE-;-ZONOV70 TLTLE--STKUCTURE AND PARAMETERS OF, SPORADIC F (IRMA r LIONS IN THE. AURURAL -IGNCSPHEkU' -U- N.K., PIVCVARCJVAt N.B., CHIRYAYEVt AiG. vmow_p""_ "'-CUNTRY LF INFO--LSSR ~~SCURCE--YGSCCW, GECMAGNETUM I AERONJMIYA, VOL Xt NO 3, 19701 PP 553-554 PUBL ISHE(;-----70 _~03JECT AREAS--ATMOSPHEkIC SCIENCES JOPIC TAGS--IONOSPHERE, AURORAt E LAYERt ELECTRON DEINSITY CC:ATRGL MARKING--NO RESTRICTIONS "OC-CUMEt%T.CLASS--UNCLASSIFLED -~PaOXY REEL/FRAMIE-300510534 STEP NO--UR/02,L)3170)'010,1(103/0553/0554 CIRC.ACCESSICN NO--AP0132724 UNQ LASS I:P tEff 213 027 UNCLASSIFIED PROCESSING DATE--20NOV70 CIRC ACCESSICN 1N(J--AP01327Z4 T/EXTRA- T--(U) GP-0- .48STRACT THE AUTHORS DESCRIBE THE RESULTS ASSTRAC, A OF SPEC ~L 10fNGSPHERIC MEASUREMENTS MADE DURING THE NiCiliTTIMIE IN WINTER 11965-1967) 'IT TIKSI STATION. - THE OBJECT OF STUDY WAS SPOIN'ADIC FORMATICNIS ASSOCIATED WITH QUIESCENT AURORAL FORMS (E SUBS OF TYPES A AND, K J THE ELECTRON CONCENITRATION LAYER IS CHARACTERIZED BY iHREE PARAMETERS: N SUBMAX IS THE PJAXIMUM ELECTRON (7.JNi_1f:hTRAT10,1,J1' L 5u;vA.AX IS THE ALTITUJE eF THE MAXIMUM ELECTROIN CONCE,,irRATION, A IS THE HALF THICKiNESS OF THE LAYLIK. FREQUENTLY THERE IS A TRANS!f'IU1N' OF SPURAGIC F'CRVATIONS GF GNE TYPE TG ANOTHER. SUCH TRANSI I It'.0i'S', CAUSED ilY A CHANGE 'MPANIFEL) BY A IN THE COKA""ESPONDING PARAMETERS UF ELKYRON FLUXE-S, Al`~E AC(~U- CHANGE 11-4 THE ALTITU'u"E OF THE MAXIMUM ~LEUIRUN CljhCENTEATIUN, IN Most CASES AN INCkEASE IN THE ALTITUtIC UP THE ELECT;--.bN GONCENTRATIUN MAXIMUM E Tff_'~S~ Cj1;t%GES IS RELATILLI TU AN 1V)CkEASf- IN HALF THICKNESS OF Thfi LAYC'At. - ARE OUITE S[,Ljvt A,'%Jl; EVIOLNTLY REFLECT Clf-04GES It-, r!rl: r4ND PITCH Ai`.'(;L.E r)isruwur,.jts. 1`1 i k #~) I - ')ULrf0 ALOISTRY 01; VEN'11CAL SOLINOIN6 ji I 0U.,SIOLE TO uBTAIN :SIGNALS AL.SLJ fAKES It Scmi: 1W(JK1'1A(J(J1N UN WE MICRUS'TRLCTURE CF SKRADIC IN THE AUR011*-1,AL 11CNE. fHE MOST 114PCKTANT CHARACTERISTICS OF MICROSTRUCrURE OF THE, IGNUSPHERE AS A TRANSLUCENT TURBID ML-DIUM IS THE :DEGREE OF TURBY.D1 ry PKIME2 EQUALS SUBC PRIME2 -SIGMA SU6S S PR11~4+2, 4HERE E SUBO ~IS THE AMPLITUDE OF THE MIRRfik ~,EFLECTEG SIGNAL COMPONENT7. E SUBS IS THE AMPLITUDE OF THE CURRESPGNUING CCMPONENT GF THESPECTRUKOF SCATTERED WAVES, A,'NED ALSO THE UISTRIBLTION FUNCTION OF THE REFLECTEG~ SIGNAL AMPLITUDE 3/3 027 UNCLASSIFIED---: P410CESSING DATE--20NOV70 ~--IRC ACCESSICN NU--AP0132724 -:t2STRACT/EXTRACT--Tl-,E ULTA PARAMETER IS DETERMINED VaOM EXPERIMENTAL DATA. u6TAINEu t4,LM 65 SaRIES Oi VULSCD REGiSTRY OF THE AMPL-ITUI)E OF REFLECTED SIGNALS FGk TYPES A AND R. IT WAS FOUND THAT IN 4)OPERCENr OF THE CASES 3ETA GREATER THAN 1; FOR SPORADIC FOPMATIUNS OF TYPE A bETA IS APRkuXIMATLLY EQUAL TO 2, WHEREAS FOK,,SPORADIC FLIRAATIGNIS OF fYPE R Thb%E IS 4 PgEDGMINANCE OF 6ETA GREATER THAN 2. THE RESULTS IN61CATE AN I,vTEiN'kEL4TlCNSHIP cJET'~,iEEN THE 14ACPOPARAMETERS.OF SPIORAVIC F-ORMATIONS OF THE E REGIG.-N 11"i THE AU,~QRAL.ICJNUSPHERE~ AND THEIR RINE STRUCTURE. FOR EA;,PPLE, 1-.ITH A DECREASE IN ALTITUDE OF THE ECECTRON GG-NGENTRATION MAXIMUM ThE li4TERNt%L STRUCTURE OF SPORADIC FORMATIONS BELOMES MORE COMPLEX. FACILITY: RADIGELECTRONNS INST111UTE, LENINGRAD t~IVISION, INSTIrUTE CF TERRESTRIAL MAGNETISM* IONUSPHEkE, AND RADIO WAVE PhEiPAGATIUN. FACILITYZ 114STITUTE OF SPACE:PHYSICS RESEARCH AND A[-RCi\CMYv YAKUTSK AFFILIATr- ACADEMY OF:SCIENCES U$$Ry SIBERIAN DEPARTMENT. Plant Pathology USSR UDC 582.285.22:632.952 ... _11,,, and RUBIN, B. A., All-Union Research Institute for Chemical PIVOVAROVA,,T, 41 Pfa_riVT~iection, ~bscow, and the Department of Plant F~ysiology, Mloscow State University Me Effects of Some Chemical Compounds with Fungicidal Properties on Puccinia graminis Fers." Leningrad, Mdkologiya i Fitopatologiya, Vol 7, No 5. 1973, pp 440-446 Abstract: Investigations were conducted on the effect,- of o.-Oxyphenyl- semicarbazide (nwiied fenzalin by tin) and N-(6-chloro-bonzoxazolLnone)- acrylamide (narned akrizalon). Fenzalin inhibited vheat rust due to Puccinia graminis by 99'2, and akrizalon was 0.6% effective in inhibiting, wheat ru.-t due to this agent on susceptible wheat strain FFG-599. The effects of fenzalin were primarily due to inhibition of infectious structure formation, through lysis of the gro,,rth tubules and other changes. The funticidal effects of akrizalon were largely due to toxic effects.on the uredospores on contact. -7- USSR UDC 51.801 YE. P. "Some Characteristic Features of the Spread of Like Hembers of a Sentence in Syntactic Construction with Like Members of the Russian Language" V sb. Mat. i inform. probl. prognazir. i upr. naulcov ('111athe-matical and Infor- mation Problems of Forecasting and Control of.Science -- collection of works), Kiev, 1971, pp 289-301 (from RZh-Kibemetika, No 9, Sep 72, Abstract No 9V703) Translation: A study was made of the examples of syntactic constructionswith like members in connection with analysis of~grammatical organization. The classification of such constructions is presented in the process of applying them in stylistically well-organized texts, and some laws of the syntax of the language are isolated, 91 111 0 Z' 5 UNCLASSIFIED PROCESSENG DATE--20NOV70 T:lTLE--VERTICAL F.LECTRIC FIELDS IN THE HYVROGEN ARC REGION:-U- A~"ThUK-P I VGYAROV V.Gs I----------- _~-":CCUNTRY CF INFO--USSR ,7 qgG RCE-GEOMAGNETIZM I A [At VOL. lot NO. it 19T0, P. 101-106 U ERUNJt4l -~DATE PlkLISHED ----- - 70 -'.~,~SUBJECT AREAS-ATMOSPHERIC SCIENCES UPIC TiAGS--PRGTONP' ELECTRIC FIELI)t UPPER ATMOSPHERE, IONOSPHERE, POLAR ~'AREA CCNTROL MARKING--NO RESTRICTIONS DOCUMENT CLASS-WNICLASSIFIED PROXY RFEL/FKAME--L')d6/lC68 STEP NO-UR/0203170/0,~40/001/01OL/0106 2/.Z 025 UNCLASSIFIED PROCESSING DATE--20NOV70 -CIRC ACCESSICN NO--AP0102998 At3STRACT/EXTkACT--(U) GP-0- ABSTRACTo ANALYSIS OF THE EFFECTS ARISSNG FROM THE INTERACTION BETWEEN A PROTON FLUX AND THE AT140SPHERE AT HEIGHTS RANGING FRCM 100 TO 1000 KM. CALCULATIONS ARE PERFMAED FOR A UNIDIRECTIONAL MULTIENERGY FLUX Qf~ A WIDTH GRFATER THAN LOD KM. IT IS C14N t3E CREATED By SHOWN THAT THE ELECTRIC FIELDS IN THE POLAR.10NOSPHERL -PARTICLE. FLUXES ENTERING THE IGNUSPHERE~~ ESTIMATE!i :OF THE VERTICAL -ELECTRIC FIELOS ARE OdTAINEUv ANO THE SPACE CHARGE. DISTR[BUTION RESPONSIBLE FOR A VERTICAL MAGNETIC FIELC 15 DETERMINED. IT IS SHOWN :p THAT THE PRESENCE OF A VERTICAL E LECTRIC: FIELD IN A.' HYDROGEN ARC GAN ~'LEAD TO THE FOLLOWING EFFECTS., AN ELECTRIC FIELD DIRECIED UPWARD CAN -CAUSE:A DRIf FT OF THE IGN COMPONENT WHICH IN TURNrtCAN DISPLACE ;~~"__:~ATMC'SPHE.RtC CC14PCNE,*4TS FROM THE LOWER LEVELS OF THE E AND F LAYERS To -H~ I GHTS .6F~MURE THAN 1000 KK A PLUX: OF :$LOW ELECTRONS 15 CAPABLE OF -)~.EATING THE:'I0*NOSPHEREv: BECAUSE: O0:,TtiE:FINITE CUNDUCTIV:IfY OF THE 1ONGSPHERE U N' C L A S S I F I E 0 -----Wmwmm man USSR MAKHMWO, V. I., et a-1., Avtomaticheskaya Svarka, No 7(2114), Jul 73, pp 24-29 ,on the location of the elas-Ill-o-plastic deformation center, but aiso on the direction ofthe tangential stress vector i-q each s c ion. I e -L The torsional deformation,,3 are essentially affected by the u Ij ki linear enerTy and the dire ction. and order of seam welding. By the discuss- sed, calculation methods, the degree - Of torsional s 11rai-n c-an be ra- ted. Seven-figures, eleven fornulas's six bibliographic references. 2/2 UDC 621.791-011 USSR or of Technical sciences IdAKMEIF,~O, v. Do et E:Lectric. Yielding, InstiitutO Engineer, and SH-6MIRA, ve III* . Eng neer, SR L - Sciences IPrrS Meni Ye. 0. Paton of the AcademY 0 "Calculation of Bending-Torsional Deformation in 'delding Rods Of Thin-*i'halled Open Sections" Kievt Avtoma,,Uichcska-ya, Svarkaj No 7(244), Jul 73, pp 24-29 d for the rated estimate of ben- Abstrac V: An ~111C;OritllTnf geste ing longit-Ljdjr.~?_j sca_ms 0 ding-torsion,11 deformations in weld __1 thin-vialled linear rods of open sectiony is based on ordinary IIY- Potheses of the technic:?~1 theory 0,r-thin-vio.led rods generalized for the case of elasto-Plastic strain under non-iootheimic con- ) ng, d of sequOntiCil traci ditions. Application is made of 'he metho, o -plastic deformations on varlous lengthwise sectionr of elasto f ,, -Der- the rod in the heating process 0 -,,elding !nd, in tem- ,ture leve 'ical model are ana- qthemat -ions delliermining the n- u e -1 ling. lain cor. ts of cp -2,nr ..1culations of a striP 310 type 0 lyzed. INTumerical rOsul ce to diar alike bending, lor- profile are.discussed by re-feren U ds deDend not On-IY of -hin_;ralled open section ro sional deformations 67 - USSR UDC: 681.128 KIYASHEV, A. I., Engineer, PIVTS Engineer, POLE- ngineer; TAYEV, B. K., Engineer, SHA E "A Resonance Level Indicator for Measuring the Level of the Interface Between Two Media" Moscow, Pribory i Sistemy Upravleniya, No 1, Jan 72, pp 46-48 Abstract: The paper describes a resonance level indicator for measuring the level of the interface between a "light" dielectric liquid and a "heavy" electrically conductive liquid. The instrument is based on a TCsonance method of measurement developed at the Institute of Control Problems, Academy of Sciences of the USSR. The device is designed for use with a dielectric liquid having a permittivity of 1.8-2.5 and a con- ductive liquid with conductivity:of more than 2 mho/m. The pickup is a section of nonhomogeneous long line shorted at the end with a resonance frequency which changes in proportion with the level of the liquid interface. The,pickup, parameters are calculated and a block diagram of the level indicator is 1/-2 VSSk_ UDC: 621.387.41 ANTSInROV, V. V., PIVTSOV, V. S., UGOZHkYL W, V. D and FOLIN, IlSome Problems in the Dynamics of Soli,d-State Laser Oscillation" Novosibirsk, Aytometriya, No 5, 1972, pp 98-105 Abstract: An explanation is given of the uncontrolled, unattenu- ~ated.pulsations of a solid-state laser, and an expression is ob- tained for the coefficient of amolification as a. function of the C the thermal and mode number. This is followed by a discussion o-L, mechanical perturbations in the active solid-state rod for which a resonator i,.,ith plane mirrors is much noro. critical tl~an one with spherical mirrors. The authors present the renultL; of c,~x- ane mirrorti, periments they performed vith a ruby:laser havinC plc m1which occill--tion in TEMOOq modes obtained wit-h the use of two diaphragms 1.4 mm in diameter an:both sides of an active rod -ir measuring 7 mm in diameter by 120 = long with sapj_-hire teir alo, in a resonator more than 150 cm long:. Oscillogr;~-_ris of the kine- tics of the laser radiation are shown together with the radiation spectra. The results obtained in these experiments are compared 77~ JTSSY~ 'UDC; 621-387.41 ANTSInROV, V. V., et al, Avtoaietriva, NO 5t 1972, pp 98-105 with those of other experimenters. Authors of the present arti- le. express their gratitude to A. S. Kuchlyanov and A. V. Gayner for their assistance. USSR UDC: 621-381.41 ANTSIFEROV, V. V., DDRZHI, N. 1-1. , V. S., UGOZ1YYEV, V. D. , :FOLIN, K. G. "Selection and Retuning Ruby Laser Frequencies in the Giant 1`ulse Mode Novosibirsk, A.vtometriya, IiTo 5, 1972, pp 94-97 Abstract: Results are given of an experimental invbstiaation of three-mirror and four-mirror variants in a superregenerative laser amplifier using an industrial ruby crystal with sapphire termina- tions, 12 or 18 cm long and 7 mm. in diameter. In a second laser, also part of the experimental apparatus, the active element was also a ruby crystal with a sapphire envelope 12 cm long and a dia- ter of 7 or 9 mm. The basic idea of the apparatus j_~; that the m e radiation of the first laser is applied to the second to produce a giant pulse. Hadiation under this ayotem was recorde& Taith a photoelement type FEK-15, a type 12-7 oscillograp1j,.and a Pcibry- Nrot standard with a limited resolution of 2-10--~~ A. A diagram 1-cilllograr of 'he of the apparatus is given, together with an a: I L, giant pulse and an interferogram of the combined spectra of the two lasers. It is noted that the possibility of controlliiig the - 35 - Optici& Spectr6sc6py USSR UDC 621-373 535] 1 5148-0 ANTSIFEROV, V. V.-, A=0_Vj__VL ~S- UGOZHAYEV, V. D., emd FOLIN, K. G. "Nonspiking Generation of Ruby Lassr With Frequency Selection and Tuning" Leningrad, Optika i Spektroskopiya, Vol 32, No 6, Jun 72, PP 1159-1162 Abstracti The authors, report that they axe the first to obtain a partially regular node, stable over a wide pumping range and close to sIngle-frequency, for the generation of a ruby laser with a frequency which is practically constant throughout the lasing time (-10-3 see.) and with frequency tuning. The stable and reproducible mode is obtained by the compensated phase modula- tion method, with the use of series-produced ruby rods 120 mm long and 7 mm in diameter and a geometric cavIty length Of L 3?-150 cm, To smooth transient spiking, a KS-14 filter is placed in the cavity to provide weak negative, passive feedback. The Fabry-Ferot otalon:is used for frequency selection and tuning. The half-intensity tridth of the integral spectrum does not ex- 0 0, ceed 0.003 A, and the tuning is in the 5-A range. The generation mode is stably reproduced over a wide -pumping range- ~ (up to fourAimes ~, above the 1/2 USSR ANTSIFEROV, V. V-p et al., Optika I Spektroskopiya, VO 132, No Jun 72, pp 2159-il6z threshold). Half-Intensity divergence does not exceed 3-5' (diffraction divergence 1.81). Thus, the authors obtained a nonspikibg ruby laser with close-to-diffraction divergence and a spectral width whith, is comparable to a He-He laser but considerably exceeds it in the tuning range ana the possible spectral radiation density value. The authors thank G. V. KRIVOSHCHEICOV for his Interest In the work and A. S. KUCH'YANOV and N. M. DERZHI for.;their assistance in the experiment, 2/2 USSR UDC: 577.4 ffCoding of Input States in a Microprogrammed Antomaton" Avtomaty i Upr. [Automata and Control--Coll,ection of Works], Moscow, Nauka Press, 1972, pp 3-16 (Translated from Referativnyy Zhurnal Kibernetika, No 11, 1972, Abstract No 11V332) Translation: A method is suggested for coding the input states of -a micro- programmed automaton, allowing the number of terms in the logic sys-'Cem of the algorithm of functioning of the microprogrammed automaton to be minimized. 1/1 USSR UDC 577.4 PIYL', Ye. 1. "Coding of Input States in a Microprogrammed Automaton" V sb. Avtomaty I upr. (Automata and Control -- Collection of Works), Moscow, 'Wauka", 1972, pp 3-16.(from RZh4fatematika, No 11, Nov 72, Abstract No 11V332) Translation: A method Is proposed for coding the input states of a micro- progra, ed automaton which minimizes the ntmber of tems in the logical design of the algorithm in accordance with which the microprogr.-:.Med autom-a- ton will function. 101,17,mmm "17HOMPT FINTRIMIROMMIM11MI UNCLASSIFIEP PRi)CESS:lf4G DATE--04DEC70 :OT'HER LATTME DEFECTS IN Z114C ITLE- INTERACTION OF COLOR CENTERS WITW SULFIDE PHOSPHORS -U- LTTHOR '(02). PIYR_ REBANEt'Ko COUNTRY OF INFO--USSR OURC Er-- E E S T INSV TEAD. AKAD. TOIM.t FUUS., MAT. 1976, lq(l), 75-83 -_:b~kTE PUBL I SHED------ 70 __~SUBJECT AREAS--PHYSICS PI C, TAGS--ZINC SULFIDE, CRYSTAL PHOSPHOR* LUMINESCENCE QUENCHING# :tOPPERT IRON, NICKEL, COBALT, IMPURITY LEVEL CG14TROL MARKING--NO RESTRICTIONS ,.-DOCUMENT CLASS--UNCLASSIFIED RF.EL/FRAME--1996/1694 STEP,NO--UR/0453/'rQ/01--)/001/0075/0083 CIRC ACCESSION NO--AP0116672 `9 C 1 -0 _U~ -ASSIFIE ~:WZ '024 UNCLASSIFIECD~ PROCESSING DATE--040EC70 ACCESSION NO--AP0118672 BSTRACT/EXTRACT--(U) GP-0- ABSTRACT. THE RELAXATION T114E MAX. OF THE ~5400 -STROM. THE EA EXCITATION ABSORPTION (EA) OF LNS PHOSPHORS IS AT . ANG AND THE RESPECTIVE RELAXATION TIMES INCREASE UPON AOtlIX:. OF CUP FEV N[ ICE QUENCHING OF CONG.,I. F OR CO. THE IR LUMINESCEN AS A FUNCTION 0 CU AND -~~-FE_WAS DETD. THE INTERACTION OF, THE COLOR, CENTERS, 'IS CONSIDERED TO HAVE ::AMINLY AN ELECTRON HOLE CHARACTER.~ TUNNELLING, MECHANISM IS POSSIBLE. FACILITY: TARTU. GOS, UNIV.j TARTU, USSR* L! -5 F 1 ED USSR UDC 535-343.2 PIYR. K. Yu., REBADE, K.-S, K. Iton the Nature of Edge Absorption of ZnS and Sn02" Minsk, Zhurnal-Prikladnoy Spektroskopii, vol 15, 110 5, Nov 71, pp 837-842 Abstract: The absorption spectra of films of SnO2 and ZnS, as well as the ZnS-SnO2 system, were measured in the 3.1-5.2 eV region. The edge of the absorption spectrum for SnO~ corresponding to direct transitions is located at about 4.4 eV, while the edge of the absorption spectrum corre- sponding to indirect transitions lies at 3.4-3.6 eV. The typical biLinp on the long-wave decline of the absorption spectrum for ZnS films at Eo = 3.8-3.9 eV is ccm-pared. with direct. transitions r I 5-rl . On the long- -wave side, E0 overlaps with the absorption of various lattice defects, while on the short-vave side of the band,.Eo reflects absorDtion due to various direct and indirect transitions. The abscrption spectrun of the ZnS-SnG2 system is determined chiefly by ZnS absorption. Four figures, bibliography of twerty-two titles. ~ff muff USSR UDC: 518.5:68i.3.o6 Pirm, M. V. "Standard Program for Solving a System of Linear Algebraic Equations up to the 200-th Order by the Method of Optimum Eliminations. In M-20 and M-220 Computer Codes" V sb. Mat. obespechenlye avtomatizir. sistem proyektir. elektro- i radio- tekhn. ustroystv (Software for Automating Systems for Design of Electronic and Radio Equipment), vyp. 3, Kiev, 1,07o, pp 149-171 (from-Kh-Kibernetika, No 11, Nov 71, Abstract No liv847) Translation: The author describes a flowchart of a standard program and instructions for its use. A program of a checking and debugging example in M-20 computer codes is given. The flowchart of a standard program for solving algebraic equations of up to 200-tb order on the M-20 digital car.- puter is given as well as the corresponding program in M-20 computer codes. ........... .. .... USSR UDC: 621.396.677-497 PIYUK, L. A. "Short-Wave Log Periodic Antenna" Moscow, Radiotekhnika, Vol. 2-1, No. 11, 1970, pp 98-100 Abatract: Because of the deficiencies of rhombic and other types of antenna in radio communication lines, the ~author proposes and describes an antenna design which satiafies th6 stability require- meats for radio communication over distances of two to three kilo- meters. The geometric dimensions of the antenna were chosen for a particular frequency range, with special simplicity of construction. It consists of two identical sections -- a dia- gram of one of which is shown -- conqected in parallel. The au- thor describes the method which led to his design, and gives the result.,, of experiments for plottin the antenna's directional dia- ongly unidirectional gram.~ This diagram shows the antennai-to be str ..with a minimum angle of about 400 4n.the horl;d~ontal plane at, a' fre- quency of 16.5 MHz. fifi0044641 UR 0482 Soviet Inventions Illustrated-, Section II Electrical, Derwen."t, 1238214 QULITY CHECK RIC FOR ADRE41VE .101NTS!has a rotatlng,Ueush c yLinder, wift a thLn line of bristles arranged is 4. sp, ral~' wii 'equal to L 0i a pitch the length of the cylitider,. ~ The 'AandWich stTip to: be tested is pulled by roUets'under the brubb. A_' defective bond leads to rise of the sonic: vibrations in the 8 klfz~ rangi., This is pic"d up by a microphone with filters*d cath9de fotlowern, amplified-andoperate$ an oleatromagnatic-.ta4rker for the defective Opot.. 1.8.67 as ll76930/29-33.A,A.P1ZFUR1N et All-10SCOW TIMBER INST. (3.7,.69) Bul 9120.2.69. Class 42k. Int.Cl.C 01 n. Kaynov, Ye. S.; AUTHOR: A.; Polish6huk, A. N.; Moskovskiy LesDtekhnicheskiy Institut /4Z 19771343 AA0044641 -~'~.4/2 017 UNCLASI~l PRb(;ESSING DATE--13NOV70 :.-TITLE--EFFECT OF CITRIC ACID 014 THE,RESYNTHESIS OF RA6bIT MUSCLE AI)ENI,\,E NUCLEUTIDES -U- AUTHOR-(02)-KOMISSAR~NK0, S.V., PKHAKA0ZEv G.A. COUNTRY OF INFO--USSR `SOURCE--DOP0V. AKAD. NAUK UDR. RSR, SER.:6 :1970t 32(?-), 171-3 DATE PUBLISHED - ----- 70 :-:SUBJECT AREAS--BIOLOGICAL AND MEDICAL SCI ENCES T 0 P I CTAGS--RABB[Ti-Y-USCLE PHYSIOLOGY9 HEART MIUSC L EA 6 ENO 5 1 N E TRIPHOSPHATE --NQ RESTRICTIONS .CCNTPOL MA RK I NG c DOCUMENT CLA5S--UNCLASSiIFIE0 -:PROXY REEL/FRAME--3005/l!-t65 STEP NO--Uii/0442/F~)/032/002/OLIL/0173 ---CIRC, 4C('_~ESSION NCj--AT0133570 t. A C C 212 Oi7 UNCLASSIFIED PROCESSING OATE--13NOV70 :C'IRC ACCESSION NO--AT0133570 A B S TR A C T / E X TR A C T- - ( U )GP-0- ABSTRACT. I.V. INJECTION 01: CITRIC AC[D (10 NGE AOEN I HE NUCLEGITIOES COI-IFENT fiq K B I MU~G (f) 010 NOT CHA A B T HEART AND SKELETAL MUSCLES BUT INCREASED INC~ORPORATIGN OF GLYCI;NE,ltC PRIME14 INTO ADP OF SKELETALp AND ATPP AOPI: AND AMP OF HEART MUSCL,c. IN VITRO I -LEOTIOES OF (4 MU MOLES) INCSEASED SP. ;RADIOACTIVITY OF ADENINE NUC DIAPHRAGM MUSCLE. FACILITY: IiNS T .810KH11M., KIEV. USSR. t -A 1; USSR UDC 621-373.826:621-306 Yu A. and OITTIKOITA, N. M. MAIRTOV M - V j_7 "Experimental Investigation into the Intensity Fluctuations of Warrow, Light Beams in Precipitationif Moscour, V sb. X Vses. honf. -Po rasprostr. radiovoln. Tezisy do',-1. (Tenth All-Union Conference on the.Propagation of ILadio T,:aves; Report Theses--collection 'Tau)ca," 1972, pp 165-31-69 (from RM"-Radioteklinika, 110 10, 1972, Abstract No 10J)393) Translation: A report is Given of the results of measuri-ng the fluctuations of light be,=s in snoidalls for the pixrpose of inves- tigating the dependence of the light fluctuations on the para- meters of the receiver system as well as the OT~tiCal width and microstructure off the precipitation. It is establiBhed that the nature of the lielit fluctuations is determined by the st-atist-ic-al processes in aerosol Olispersion. The. signal fluctua-tiono ar~ In - terpreted ao the screening effect of the light becri by the dis- Parsion Oyatem. Tliree il-lustvitiono, biblioCra,)hy of three. It. L. 79 'USSR UDC 551-521.3-593-52 ZUYEV, V. YE., KABANC)V,'Y,. V., andop.XUAIA=, YU. A., lnstitu~e of Atmos- pheric Optics, Siberian Department o f the:Academy of Sciences USSR "Equipment and Procedure for Measuring Spectral Transmittance of Atmosphere in 0.48-12 Micron Range With Average Resolution" Tomsk, Izvestiya Vysshikh Uchebnykh Zavedeniy nzika, Ito 5, 1972, pp 42-46 Abstracti The article describes measuring equipment and procedure for a con- prehensive study of atmospheric transmittance In the visible and infrared regions of the spectrum on extended ground-routes, for the pu.-pose of sep- t arating radiation attenuation in o individual con-Donents. The apparatus for measuring the spectral atmcspheric transmittance inclu~ns a radiation source and a receiving and recoriing device, situated at oppo,.rdte ends of the Zleas- uring route, whose length is 3500 m. The-receiving and recording system consists of a telescope and a spectrometric and a photoelectric channel mounted on a common rotating device. A special cam is used to open the slits, making it possible to automate the-process of recording the spectnm by means of the equipment described and obtain a direct atmospheric transmis- 1/2 7 USSR ZUYEV, V. YE., et al., Izvestiya Vysshikh Uchebnykh Zavedeniy Fizika, No 5, 19729 pp 42-46 sion curve in relative units. Pxocessing of the experimental data is simpli- fied. The eq~iipment described was used in the summer -and fall of 1970 for systematic measurements of spectral atmospheric t-.ansmittance in haze of varying density. A large number of atmospheric transmission spectra were ob- tained, with the optimum time for recording the complote spectrum from 0.48 to 12 microns equal to 25 min. or several times less tJhan with the usual procedure. The measurement.results will be described in a separate article, 2/2 IG --02r-CT70 113 021 UNCL ASS IF tED PkUCESS1% D AT F --SPLCTRAL -ICY -CIPITATIIIN FOR I NFR.44 ED WNVES -U- PITLE TR ANS P Ak. EN C' FPRE M-V.t PKHALAGOVY MA. (-F 1,-jFO--USSR IZVESTIYA AKAGE.'All NAUK SSSR, FIZIKA ATMCISFERY I UKEV'44, '~~,VGLS -VI ,NO. 2,, 1970, PP. 213-217 ~'ATE PU6LISHED ------ 70 :SUBJECT AREAS-ATMOSPHEi~IC SCIENCFS# PHYSICS ---~:'JUPIC TAGS--R.AIN9 SNOWi SPEC TROME TE Rip SPECTRUMI, ATMOSPHERIC :~RADIATION SOURCEq PHOTOMETEk/(UIIKS21! SPECTROMETER TPANSPArENCY, CONTROL VARKING--NO RESTRICTIO14S _DOCUMENT CLASS--UNCLASSIFIED STEP NU--IJR/0362/70/005/002/0(11310~17 (:CtS-SIGN NQ--AP0ll.)tl92 LA -1.3 t I,.D 2/3' 021 UNCLASSIFIED PROCESSING 0ATE--020CT70 6-IRC ACCESSION NO-AP0 110892 ABSTRACT/EXTRACT--(U) GP-0- ABSTRACT. THE RESULTS OF MEASUREMENTS JF SPECTRAL TRANSPARENCY OF RAIN AND SNOW IN THE RAINGE OF WAVELENGTHS 1-10 MU ARE PRESENTED AND THE AUTHORS, COMPARE THE COLLECTED EXPERIMENT4L DATA W-ITH-CCtAPUTED VALUES USING SINGLE SCATTERING FOR4ULAS. THE MEASUkE-MENTS,WERE MADE ALONG A PATH 3 5 KM IN LENGTH. THE RADIATION 7 SOURCE WAS.' ALAMP PLACED IN THE FOCUS;OF A PARABOLIC 4IRROR 900 MM 114 DIAMIETFR AND,WITH A FOCAL LENGTH OF 640 MM. THE RECEIVING SYSTEM CONSI.STED -OF A HORIZONTAL TELESCOPE WITH AN ENTRANCE DIAMETER OF 720 MM 'AND AN' EQUIVALENT FOCAL LENGTH OF,10 M., THE SOURCE RADIATION WAS FOCUSED Ok~,THE ENTRANCE SLIT OF AN IKS-21 SPECTROMETER. IN THE ENTIRE INVESTIGATtD-,:RANGE THE DISPERSING SYSTEM WAS A NAC1 PRISM ENSURING A SPECTRAL RESOLUTION OF 0.04-0 MU. THE MEASUREMENTS WERE ACCOMPANIED BY THE SIMULTANtOUS' REGISTRY OF, THE, DYNA,M,I,CS-- OF~ TRAN&PLARENCY OF PRECIPITATION BY A PHOTOMETER. THE ONLY:MEASUREMENTS PROr-ESSED WERE THOSE FOR STEADY AND PERSISTENT PREC[PITATION. THE AEASURED COEFFICIENT OF-ATTENUATIGN BY LARGE PARTICLES TAU (LAmrDA) IS RELATED TO THE TRUE (THEORETICAL) TAU SUBUPSILON:VALUE AS FOI-LlWS: TAU (LAMBOAl EQUAL KIZ); Z SUBO) TAU SUB0. HERE K'(Z'. Z SUB01 IS A COMI'LEX FUNCTION OF Z ANa Z SU60, WHERE Z-SU80 EQUAL RHO PSI AND Z EQUAL,RHO D SUBENT-L; PSI IS THE ANGLE OF VIEW OF THE RECEIVING SYSTEM,' 0 SUBENT IS THE ENTPANCE-DIAAETER OF THE RECEIVING SYSTEM; L.IS rliE DISTANCE BFTWEFN THE.SCURCE AND THE RADIATION RECEIVER. THE FACTOR K(Z;Z SUBO) VARIES FROM I TO 2, DECREASING WITH AN INCREASE IN Z. 121 p!~cICESS Ij^ nATE-"02rlCT70 3~/ 3 UNCLA F I EV ~-,STRACT/EXTRACT--THE AlVJVC EXPRFSSION SH13WS THAT FOR F I X FIL.- FOR FIXFO -.0 J1 ~IST~V~'F-S AND DIAMETFRS 1) OF THE RECEIVINtG SYSTE-.~ THE "IEAS, - ED S.LAIrli.1t,,~G COEFi~.ICIENT PKECIVITATION 4"!IJST CHAM'!F WITF t-AVELC%GTl(. -AL DEPE~' ijL-'I'E 3F T~IE P THE i%L''Ljl.TS OF ACTUAL ',lFASUREMEtJS OF 1HE SPECT'n ATTEr.UATFUN CUFFFICIENTS FOR WAVELFNGMS FRO4 I TO 10 MU 1 N PmECIPITATION AGREE UlJALITATIVLLY WITH COMPUTATIUNS VY THE ABDVF UA U LA FACILITY: PHY51CAL TE-CHMICAL INSTITUTE. SIBERIAN 026 UNCLASStF:l PROCESSING BATE--IBSEP70 TITLE--EUROPIUM (1) CENTERS IN POTASSIUMJODIDE -U- ~AOTHOR-04)-VARENKOt G.D.t AVDONINP V*Por iAZUBOVICH, S.G.. PLACHENOV, B , T, ,.,C_cUNTRY,,OF INFO--USSR OURCE"OPT. SPEKTROSK. 1970v 28(2)? 284-8 PUBLISHED ------- 70 ~SUBJECT AREAS--MATERIALSt PHYSICS OPIC TAGS --SINGLE CRYSTAL, LUMINESCENCEO:EUROPIUM, CRYSTAL LATTICE :_STRUCTURE, BETA IRRADIATION, POTASSIUMADDIDE :.CP,NTROL MARKING--Nn RESTRICTIONS ~-_DOCUMENT CLASS--UNCLASSIFIED STEP NO--UR/0051/70/0281002/0284/t]288 CIRC ACCESSION NO--AP0054884 1:2/2 026 UNCLASSIFIE0 PkOCESSING DATE--18SEP70 C'71RC ACCESSION NO--AP0054884 ABSTRACT/EXTRACT--(U) GP-0- ABSTRACT. ~LURINESCENCE OF KI SINGLE CRYSTALS CONTG. EUI SUB3 WAS INVESTIGATED, THESE CRYSTALS F.):HIBIT A 'WEAK BAND AT ~490 N14, IN ADDN. TO THE MAIN BAND AT -t28v WHEN THE CONCN. OF Eu DOES NOT EXCEED 10 PRIME NEGATIVE4 MOLE PERCENT. CONVERSION OF I BANO INTO ANOTHER WAS INVESTIGATED AS A FUNCTION OF THE CONCN. OF THE F CENTERS, TEMP., AND BETA IRRADN. POLARIZArION CHARACTERISTICS OF THE LU41NC-:SCENCC- WAS ALSO DETD. THE 480 NM LUMINESCENCE IS DUE TO THE PRESENCE OF EU(I) I-N TH-ELATTICE AND-IS ASSOCO. WITH POINT DEFECTSi PROBABLY ANIONIC '-.,.:.:--VACANCIES* POLARILATION STUOIES.INDICATE THAT DEFECTS ARE IN THE ~_-DIRECTION OF THE C SUB4 CRYST. :AXIS., 77 USSR UDC 541.183 PIACFMNOV, T. LEZIN, Yu. S., BARANOV, Ye. I., SEBALLO, A. A., KVASHA, V.I., and SHIRYAYEV, A. N. "Adsorption Dynamics of Mixtures in Moving Layers of Adsorbents" Leningrad, Zhurnal Prikladnoy Khimii, Vol 46, No 12, Dec 73, pp, 2782-2784 Abstract: Continuous adsorption processes are used to purify various sub- stances from impurities. To achieve optimal results, methods must be developed to calculate the concentration.distribution in the solid and gas phases along the adsorption column, the rate of movement of the solid phase, and the distance at which the concentration of the recovered material should be the greatest. A theoretical:treatment of an equilibrium situation is given, in which the concEntrations do not change with time. The data cal- culated from the formula derived agree well with experimental results obtained, using a binary mixture of n-octane,and benzene vapors on a column filled with SKT-2 charcoal. 5- - USSR UDC 661-183.123 PIAMNOV, T. Gift CURIYANOVo V. V.* SEVRYECOVs L. B., and MUWIN, G. A. "Porous Structure and Molecular-Sis" Properties of Activated Hydrocarbon Adsorbents From Industrial Furyl Resin Flo-2 Leningrad, Zhurnal Prikladnoy Xhialip Vol 44t No lip Nov ?1v pp 2498-2503 Abstracti Conditions prevailing during activation of aiLrbon obtained by carbonization of thermosetting fury-1 resin, using optimal quantity of an acid catalyst, were studied in respect to their effect on the porous structure arA adsorptive properties of the material. Carbon activation was performed by C02 in a stationary phase at temperatures of 700-8500. It has been shown that such activation up to 440% charring leads to development of ntcroporous structure only# producing adsorbents with high dynamic activity towards benzene vapors. Lowering the activation temperature results In a more um1form development of the xicroporous structure due to predominant opening of the pore volumes of the solecular dimnsions of the starting charcoaL. Hydroea:vbon adsorbents activated.ulth C02 to low charring at temperatures up to 8000 show highly selaeuve molecular sieve properties. 1/1 UNCLASSIFIED Pf-!CCESS IN6 i Af E-- I I L)Ek~7- ~~-TITLE-CGNTI~,iUUUS NERMAL L)ESoKPTICj.N C. FHYI)KGCARijj;qS "N 1-r6VIi,'G LAY--kS LSOLITES -U- -!~_ALTHu&-(04J-VLACliEj\CV, I.Got KLUINv V.I.t SEE!ALLOi A. A. v: Stil.~YAYEVI A..N* NTRY :LF I.-14'FC--USSR ::~-.SuUk,E--Zln. P-ML. KVIM. (LENINGRAO) 1970, 43(5), L047-51 _;:..~QAIE PUbLISHED----70 ~S~ BJECT AREAS--tFEMISTRY ~_:-TOPIC TAGS--QESL)RPTIGN* CAkBGN ONXIOEt 'BENZENE, E- C' L I TE 0 C T ANE fiYOKCARKIN T A k Kh G -rj R E S TI C T 1 OIN S .:~.DDWMENT CLASS--UNCLASSIFIED ~PPOXY A E LF R A M E- - 3 0 0 8 115 ) 0' )S T E P NO- -UR 006 0 1 TL) 10 -4 3C5 13% f10 5 1 2/2 015 UNCLASSIFIE0 PEQCES~,ING CATE-L, ~CIAC ACCiSSICN NG--AP0133501 A6STRACT/EXTRACT-(U) GP-Q- ABSTRACT DfSORPTION OY CO SUil" OF ISC~--!(--TANEC AND C SUB6 H SUi36 014 NAX ZEOLITE AND OF N-OCTANE Gil~ CA4 Zl'-.)Llrt':' ~jvi,14~~ E s CONTIfiUOUSLY THROUGH ADSOR.11TION ANI) 0E5ClRVTlCt4 Cf-'LUMNS (F Tfil- AA t- D I A M WAS STUVIE0. AT 0.5-2.5 L.-MIN, CO SLI3Z INPUT RATE HAI) ALMUST NJ' EFFL-CT ~GN THE DIUREF OF OE5GPPTIUN* AT SIRILAR TO 3000EGJkEES.AlN0 CONCNS. CF 15.t), Mat MW 9.1 tl(j, RESP.p liYOKOCARBON-L. AIR FLOWIN't-i vau T-HE D~SGKPTICN COLUMN, UYNAMIC ACTIVITY UF ;THE ZEl-JLITk-.S WAS 100.3, 11-101 ANO UE5URPTICIN elAS QUAW., AND 85pc-Rc~tqr OF, m6 oEsukticu hY0RCCAR6GNS WAS CONDENSABLE. 3 UNCLASSIFIED PRO~ESSNG OATE--LBSEP70 T-ITLE--CHANGES IN THF POROUS STRUCTLWE ANO GAS PERMEABILITY OF POROUS .,~GLASS IN RELATION TO HEAT TREATMENT CONDITIONS ._.q4UTHOR-(03)-MASHKOVSKIYt I&K.r BELOTSERKOVSKtY, G.M.,,XU~Hp _&.1UNTRY OF INFO--USSR PRIKL. KHIM. (LENINGRAG) 1970, 43(l) 87-92 0iT E PUBLISHED - ----- 70 ,'SUBJECT AREAS--MATERIALS 4_,bPlC TAGS--POROSITYP GLASS STRUC'ruftEr PERMF-AI31LITY MEASUREMENT, PLATE -GLASS* 'TROL M ~CC", IARKING-NO RESTRICTIONS L:'00CUP ENT CL4SS--UNCLASSIFIED :,:PROXY REEL/FRAME--1937/0335 STEP NO--UR/0080170/043/001/0087/0092 GIRC Ar-CESSION NO--AP0103990 I INC L A S S I F I F 0 I JE PRdCESSING DATE--18SEP70 2' 013 UNCL4SS F 0 ~~.CIRC ACCESSIOIN NO-AP01039SO :-ABSTRACT/EXTRACT--IU) GP-0- ABSTRACT. IT IS POSSIBLE TO CHANGE THE ~..__~.POROUS STRUCTURE OF GLASS PLATE AND ITS GAS PERMEABILITY OVER VERY WIDE :LIMITS BY VARYING THE HEAT JREATING TEMP. AND TREATMENT DURATION; E.G. 4~,_:~HEAT TREATMENT AT 550 TO 680DEGREES FOR'40 MIN INCREASES THE GAS -PERMEABILITY BY 7 FOLD. _JEQ 2~ -01.8 fITLE--RE-SISTANCE (IF THE T.~.CDNCENTRAT:EW~AQUEOUS SOLS 4UTAOR_l_BELOTSERKOVSKIY, LffkY'O~ INFO--USSR RC E- Z H. PRIKL. KHTM. ~._DATE PUBLISHED - ----- 70 UNCLASSIFIED PROCESSING OATE--llSr--P70 POROUS STRUCTURE OF SILICA GELS PREPARED FqoM OF SILICIC ACID TO THERMAL TREATMENT -U-: G.M.9 DOBRUSKIN1. V.KH.# KIRFYEVAf G.YE., (LENINGRAD) 1970t 43(2)t 445-7 SUBJECT AREAS--CHEMISTRY ~,-TOPIC- -TAGS.--SIL ICA GEL, ISOTHER14i GAS ADSORPTIONt VAPOR SrATE, SOLUTION ~CONCENTRATTON, AQUEOUS SOLUTIONP-8ENZENEP POROSITYv THERMAL EFFECT, AtACUUM, CHAR ER ,.,CO4TROL.MARKING--N0 RESTRICTIONS -DOCUMENT CLASS--UNCLASSIFIED ~,-PROXY REEL/FRAME--1983/0920 STEP NO--UR/0080/7O/Oq3tf)02/0445/04zf7 CIRC ACCESSION Ni)--AP0053844 ols UNCLASSIFIED PROCESSING DATE-11SE-070 .1tIRC ACCESSION NO-AP0053844 .~.-ABSTRACVEXTRACT--(U) GP-0- ABSTRACT. THE ADSORPTION QUALITY OF 2 RIANOS OF SILICA GEL WHICH WERE HEATED TO 200, 550t AND 750DEGRSES WAS TESTED BY TAKING THE ADSORPTION ISOTHERMS OF C SUB6 H SUB6 VAPOR AT 20DEGREES ~_`~,AND OF ~N AT MINOS 196DEGREES BY MEANS :OF A QUARTZ~~COIL~IN A VACUUM CHAMBER EQUIPPED WITH A BALANCE. THE QUALITY OF THE GEL AT ELEVATED -TEMPS. AND.ITS RESULTING POROUS STRUCTURE DEPE14D MAINLY ON THE AMT'. OF RESIDUAL 4LKALIES IN SILICA GEL FROM THE MA.Nur-ACTURiNG PROC.ESS. w H EN THE~.ALKALIES WERE WASHED WITH HCL AND H- SUB2 0, THE POROSITY AFTER H%:AT WAS BEST;*~THE RESULTS OBTAINED-WERE VERIFIED BY MEASUREMENTS OF-Do AND OF SP. SURFACE. Acc. Nr - Abstr"'ing Service: Ref. Code: dP0049842 ,,DIICAL ABST.-,Ar- 1~ 101339j Porous strurture of nonactivuted carbon adsorbents from industrial, types of phenoltfortnaldehyd-p Tres, n s, AIQV. T-G."Seyryuzov 1. B.; Pulerevic'h, M. Ya.; Karel'zi; Va Trad. 'lekhnM.'Inst. nijigrad. 11 Zh. ~rzhl- hh1m. Menzngmd). 1970 TtTF -T bonization of a~resol-type phenol-RCHO' resin and a phenol- PhNH_-HCHO resin at 400-1000'under N gave- C adsorbents ving extremely low pore vols.~ind radii in the ralige 2.9-1260,000 The adsorbents allowed CoHr, mols. to pass, I)ut not NfeOH mols. A musi4erable expansiono.0 6e pore structbre in the range of 2.9-280,000 A-was'obad. when the PhOH-HCHO mole ratio was reduced to 0.95: 1. CKJR J IML REEL/FRAME 1:9801767 USSR IMSHIMIK, V. K., AFA-NAS'YEV, A. M., GOL'DANSKIY, V. I., M-- F., PLACHINDA, A. S., SUZDALEV, I. P., Institute of Chemical Physics, USSR Academy of Sciences es by Us- ng .'.'Invest isat lon of the Dynamic and Static bistortions of Complex Gamma-Resonance Spectroscopy" Leningrad, F-izika Tverdoc-c Tela, Vol 15, No 9, Sep 735 PP 2656-2u'6o scony is used to study dilute parp.=!- Abstract: Gwrma-resonwee spectro netics -- a frozer. aqueous Of Fe"113 (()-i I'l ',~'OCII and lici) and a hydrated iron-conta-4--=r, sulforesin L". a ter-perature of 90'K in an external maCnr--+.--c field of 450 oersteds. A coninuter was used to separate three relaxaticn tires To, corres-pording to the. irramers doublets, -Z Sz �5/2, �3/2, �1/2, and also to determine the parm-neter I dvs cribi ng dettarture of the cr,.stall fleld frnm the axially sviTIRe tri-2. An lil~toml-.-)t is to relate the qu,,~---ntit-y to static distortior of the c=!:)--, ~-x. From t""e fact that the thrce times iare related through t,..-o parrrui-.-~rs PI an(I P2,lt "S t! 1,~-. it Ip 11f v'ril"iI1 .1 f Iz iI USSR IMSHE1,71M.1 V. K. et al., Fizika, Tverdogo Tela, Vol 15, No 9, Sep 73, pp 2656-266o phenomenon. It is also shown that the relation betveer P, and P2 gives information on the anisotropy of cscillati-ons of the ligands in the carplex. The authors thank Yu. F. Kru Lo _pyahskiy r valuable advice and comments. 2/2 --ISSEP70 1/2 030 UNCLASSIFIED 'PROCESSING DATE T:ITLE--PRESSURE BETWEEN TWO DIFFERENT ANISOTROPIC HALF PLANES WITH -~.RECTILINEAR SLITS ALONG THE LINE OF JOINT -U- .."~AUTHOR-PLAKHATNYYt P.I. COUNTRY OF tNFO--USSR AN UKRSSRv PRIKLADNAYA MEKHANIKA, VOL 6p NR 1, 1970, PP 62-68 f) ATE PUBLISHED ------- TO 'SUBJECT AREAS--PHYSICS 4~-TOPIC TAGS--STRESS ANALYSIS, ROCK, PRESSURE DISTRIBUTION, ELASTICITY pf THEORY. ;,,C4?!%TROL MARKING--iNO kESTRICTIONS ~_IOCUMENT CLASS--ONCLASSIFIED .PROXY REEL/FRAME--1986/1184 STEP NO--UR/0198170/006/001/0062/0068 CIRC ACCESSION NU--AP0103088 212 OCESSTNG DATE--18SEP70 030 UNCLASSIFIED PR C UZC ACCESSION NO--APOL03088 ARSTRACT/EXTRACT--(U) GP-0- ABSTRACT. THE INTERACTION BETWEEN TWO ANISOTROPIC HALF PLANES WITH DIFFERENT ELASTIC CONSTANTS IS ANALYZED. THE STRESS THERE ARE SLITS ALONG THE INTERFACE OF THE HALF PLANES, AND DISTRIBUTION IN THEM IS DETERMINED BY THE GIVEN STRESSES ON THE EDGES OF SLITS AND AT INFINITY. BY USING N.l. MUSKHELISHVILI'S FORMULAS WHICH DESCRIBE THE STRESS STRAIN STATE IN EACH HALF PLANE 114 TERMS OF GENERALIZED rOMPLEX VARIABLES, FOUR AUXILIARY STREE STRAIN FUNCTIONS ARE D.ERIVED WHICH SATISFY IDENTICALLY THE: BOUNDARY CONDITIONS ON THE INTERFACE UNDER ARBITAARY CONDITIONS ON THE SLITS EDGES. FOUR LINEAR C9NJUGATION PROBLEMS ARE DEDUCED FROM THESE FUNCTIONS AND ARE SOLVED, AND FROM FOUR EQUATIONS THUS OBTAINED THE BASIC STRESS AND STRAIN FUNCTI.ONS ARE DETERMINED. EXAMPLES OF DETERMINING THE STRESS DISTRIBUTION ON THE INTERFACE OF TWO DIFFERENT ROCKS ARE GIVEN? AND EXPRESSIONS FOR STRESSES AT THE ENDS OF SLITS AND BET14EEN THE SLITS ARE DERIVED. I . USSR UDC: 669.295.004.2 MOKINA, Ye. P., PLAKHINA, L. N., TASYBAYEVA, N. B. "Use of Industrially Contaminanted Waste Water in Recycle Water Supply of the Ust'-Kamenogorsk Titanium-Magnesium Combine" Tr. N.-I. i Proyekt. In-t po Obogashch. Rud. Tsvet. Met. "Kazmekhanobr" [Works of "Kazmekhanobr" Scientific Research and Planning Institute for Dressing of Nonferrous Metal Ores], 1972, Collection 9, pp 150-154 (Translated from Referativnyy Zhurnal Nietallurgiya, No 1973, Abstract No 8G216, by the authors). Translation: Conditions of formation of the industrial wastes of a combine are studied. A plan is suggested for utili-zation of waste waters in a recycled water supply. The plan calls for two versions of recycling of water: a) with purification of all waste waters in existing purification structures; b) recycling of water with utilization of valuable components and complete puri- fication of waste waters in additional equipment. It is suggested that measures be taken to prevent possible accumulation of salts in the recycled water supply system. 2 figures. 80-- tj PLAKHOTISHIN, A. M. "Approximate Method of Solution of Certain Distributiog Type Problems" Ekon.-mat. Metody i Prograriimir. Plan.-ekon. Zadach. [Mathematical Econo- mic Methods and Prograi~=ing of Planning and Economic Problems -- Collec- tion of Works), Moscow, 1972, pp 236-239 (Translated from Referativnyy Zhurnal, Kibernetika, No 1, 1973,.Abstract No I V717 bY Yu. Finkel'shetyn). Translation: Suppose there are m suppliers of a certain product (a is i the capacity of the i-th supplier, i = 1, ...' m) and n consumers (b is the demand of the j-th consu;ner). Suppose C(i, j) is the cost of trans- portation. of one wift of production from supplier i to constimer j , K(i, j) is the loss factor during transportation from supplier i to consumer j (i.e., in order to deliver a* unit of production to consumer j, K(i., j) units must be shipped from supplier i; the expenditurets on transportation are calculated per Lmit of production delivered to the consumer). We must satisfy all consumers with the minimum expenditure, with each con- sumer associated with only one supplier. The following inathematical model is-produced: 1/2 it I I I: it PLAKHOTISHIN, A. M., Ekon.-inat. Metody i Programmir. Plan.-cl'-'on. 7-adach, Moscow, 1972, pp 236-239. V Fit x U. 1) bit I= 1. - -n, (2) K (i. j) x (i. i 1, - - (3) j-1 x V. DE110, bi) (4) Other significant interpretations of thig &iscrctc distribiiied problem Iro also possible. In order to solve problon, (l)-(4), nit 2pproximate algoriLlim is suggested, based on step-by-step solutioil of the transport problem in a network which does not change from step to step. 2/2 6o 7 USSR UBC: 539.214462o.i75 IMAMVp Ao A., K071M. 0. Dot KOLNIOGOROVp V. Lot XMVBIMvp, R. Pot and ~LWIIMINp, V. So "Plasticity of Metals with Sign-Ghanging Deformation" Izv. VUZ., Chernaya Yietallurglya, No 6, 19700 pp 83-86 Abstract., Experimental investigations and analytical Metbods wara uscd to e.3tub- lish the wegularity of the growth of plasticity of a niambor of t~j)es of and nonferrous alloys ander alternating deformation (tvist:big) irith and pulsating cycles. The value of the Coffin factor uns deterrJmad, and tl.,2 method of determining constant C in Coffin's formUs. vas clarified. Data obtained on the plasticity of steal and nonferrous lalloya,urith altera' WULS d'2fO:-,U- tion vhich am be used for the calculation of cracking under cyclical loadin,~!,- One Mustmtion; six biblio. Was p -1/2 017 UNCLASSIFIEO' ROCESSING DATE--040EC70 ~TITLE-80RON ACETATES -U- ~AUTHQR (02)-RYSS, I.Gsi PLAKHOTNIK# V*N. I'COUNTRY OF INFO--USSR -,~OURCE--.UKR. KHIM. ZH. 19701 36(5)l 423-6: ISHED ------- 70 ~SUBJECT AREAS--CHEMISTRY "TO PIC TAGS-.-ORGANOBORON COMPOUNDt ACETATEt MELT-TNG POINT,!THERMAL ~,~.QECOMPUSITION TROL.MARKING--NO RESTRICTIONS .DOCUMENT CLASS--UNCLASSIFIEO PROXY FICHE NO ---- FD70/605019/Bl?_ STr;P NG--UP,/0073/7DfO36/00---,/Olf-231()42o ACCESSION NO--AP0140912 J -SSENG DATE--04Dz:.C70 .2/2 00 UNCLASSIFIED PROCE :CIRC, ACCESSION NO--AP0140912 ; BSTRACT/EXTRACT--(U) GP-0- ABSTRACT. SLOW ADDN. OF 0.443 IAOLE H SUB3 80 A .-,~~-.SUB3 TO 14 MG ZNCL SUB2 IN 1.33 MOLES AC SUB2 0 AT. 'TEMPS. AT 45DEGREES, AND 55-60DEGREES GAVE 94PERCENT B(OAC) SUB3, M. 122-40EGRIEES . RAPID "ADDN. OF H SUB3 BO SU83 TO AC SUB2 Op. ALLOWING THE TEMP. TO RISE ABOVE 100DEGREESt GAVE 90PERCENT B SUBZ QLOAC) SU64v M. 150-21)EI.,REES. V, ( OA -..:,.SUB3 WAS:HEATED SEVERAL HR AT 110DEGREES WITHOUT DECOMPN.r BUT ABOVE ITS q- M'.-P. IT DECOMPD* TO B SUB2 O(OAC) SU84. FACILITY: ~DNE.PROPETROVSK. INST. INZH. ZHELEZNGDOROZHo TRANSPL.:V, DNEPROPETROVSK# USSR, USSR UDO 548452 LYUBOV, B. YA., and PLAKHOTNIX.I. T.j Moscow Institute of Electronic Engineer- ing "Impurity Distribution in an Epitaxial,Film Calculated as a Function of the Iaw.of Variation of Its Thickness With'Time" Moscowg Yxistallografi- HO 5PZeP-Oct 71, iPP 989-993 ya, Vol 16, Abstract: A method for solving the diffusion equation for a region whose boundaries vary in a given manner with.time is used by the authors to calcu- late the concentration profiles of an impurity coming Into a film from the substrate. The growth rate variable for the film thicimess is represented by a second-degree polynomial. it is shown that by varying the law for the film thickness growth rate as a function of the growth time, It is possible to Obrivin practically homogeneous distributions Of4mpurities diffusing into the filza from the substrate. Vi USSR uDc: 621.396.69:621.314.2(o88.8) NEKRASOV, M. M. , UVRINENKO, V. V. PLAEVO Nj.,,Y,.~, KI--aASHCHEVSKIY, V. A., Kiev:Polytechnical Institute "A Method of Making Multilayered Piezoelectric Transformersil USSR Author's Certificate No 264497, filed 26 Jul 68, published 12 Jun 70 (from RZh-Radiotekhnika, No 12, Dee 70, Abstract No 12V387 P) Translation: A method is proposed for making multilayered piezoelectric transformers. The procedure is based on making the excitation sections from separate plates with subseauent acoustic,joining of the sections. -10 in- crease the trnasformation ratio, useful power and maximum permissible stresse3, the. plates of the excitation secti n are made from an un,-.ainealed piezoelectric material by pouring the slip onto the subt;tratfl-, and acoustic 0 Joining of the sections iu done simultaneously with bra;dng c-f the elec- trodes by pressing the sections in bundles at, the ceramIc siritering tem- Perat-ture. USSR UDC 539.319 PLAKHOTNYY, P. 1. (LIvov) essure Between Two Different Anisotropic Half-Planes with Rectilinear Slits Along the Line of Joint" Kiev, AN UkrSSR, Prikladnaya Mekhaalka, Vol 6, No 1, 1970, pp 62-68 Abstract: The interaction between two anisotropic half-planes with different elastic constants is analyzed., There are slits along the interface of the half-planes, and the stress distribution in them is determined by the given stresses on the edges of slits and at infinity. By using N. I. Muskhelishvili's formulas:whic-h describe the sLress-strain state in each half-plane in terms of generalized complex variables, four auxiliary stress-strain functions are derived which satisfy identically the boundary conditions on the interface under arbitrary conditions on the slits edges. Four linear-conjugation problems are deduced from these functions and are solved, and from four equations thus obtained the basic stress and strain functions are determined. Examples of determining the ntrena dintribution on the interface aE two dEfferent rocke are given, and expresniona for sLroaaes at tho ends~laf olits and betweell the. Olita art, derived. Orig. art. has: 15 formulas and 8 references., ; H 1"7 - 4; 71 V I R WHIMEHIFIT11 hur.-mi-4imi IM7 r611, rr,-Ti '17,1, r-i,rj I! 7 USSR UDC: 548.5 TSEYTLIN, M. N., PIAMIOV, C F. ILOBACIEV, A. .11., POPOLITOV, V. 1.9 SIMOITOV, rN. A. , and BE LOV, N.~ V. "Investigating Crystallization in the Hydrothermal System of _T Ge 92 -3b203RF_H 2011 Noscow, KristalloErafiya, vol 18, No 4, 1973, pp 836-839 Abstract: An investigation is conductedIntothe crystallization con- ditions in the Ge02-Ob2O3-IT-1120 system by the hydrothermal method. The purpose of this Investieqtion-is two-fold: first, to fill in the gaps of knowledge concerning the interaction chemistry of germa- nium dioxide and antimony trioxide in the presence of a solution at high temperatures and pressures; second, to obtain all possible t a 3 sing1wrystals with no analogs in nature because of 'heir poteUi - value as objects of study with regard to structure and physical characteristics. The exneriments were conducted with a charge consisting of Ge02 and Sb203 C 0 P P e r 1 i n e d autoclaves with periodic action. The results of the examination of the crystallization in the system are p given individually for each temperature Jum-) in the riange ~of 400-550o C, the jumpo being, made in 20-450 interv'als. Photographs of the crystals are shown, 1/2 21 Z711 I__.. -"P.- _j-_- ~ , " --.---.--I --- ... I...... ~. .... . - .. . V USSR UDC 53.07/.Oa+53.001..5 LYUBIN V, M., PL OV S A. FEDOROVA, G. A., TSUKEMM, V. G. Experimental Vidicon Sensitive to Soft X4adiation" Elektron. tekbnika. Nauchno-tekhn. sb. Elektronnoluch..i fotoelektr. pribory (Electronic Engineering. Scientific-Technical Collection. Electron Ray and Photoelectric Devices), 1970, No 1(15),.pp 3-7 (from RM-Fizika, No 1, Jan 71, Abstract No 1A323) Translation: The characteristics of an experimental x-ray vidicon with a Be window and a target of vitreous material.T12SP.-AS2"3 sensitive to soft x-radiation in the region 5-30 kev are described. Authors abstract.,, USSR PLAKPIOVA ~L._.G., Candidate of Medical Sciences "Comparative Toxicity of Herbicides and Prevention of Poisoning" Tashkent, ffeditsinskiy Zhurnal Uzbekistana, No 8, 1971, pp 30-33 Abstract: A brief description is given of four newly developed herbicides: M kotoran - 1,3-trifluoromethylpheny'~-NN-dimethylurea, C1ORllON2F3, (ii) treflan (trifluoralin) - 2,6-dinitro-NN-dipropyl, ala-trifluoropara-toluidine (iii) linurou-3 (3,4-dichlorophenyl) - 1-methoxy-l-methylurea (iv) erbon-2 .(2,4,5 trichlorophenoxy ethyl 2,2-dichloropropiodate. A-Ithough low in toxi- city (except kotoran which is moderately toxic), they have cumulative effects and after prolonged exposure may cause chronic poisonings They also act an the skin and mucous membranes.,, Among the precautions recommended for those handUn the herbicides are the wearing of special work clothes, use of masks, and regular medical checkups. USSR VDC. 539.2.01 DA_ N aLa M. Q "Disjunction of Two.-Time Green' Functions and a Graphic Technique" Rastsepleniye dvukhvremennykh funktsiy Grina i diagrammnsiva, teklinika. Ob"- yedin. in-t yadern. iss-led. Labor. teoretich. fiz.,No P4_~919 ~Cf. English above. Joint Institute of Nuclear 'Research. Laboratory of Theoretical Physics. No Ph-4919), (Preprint), Dubna, ig7o, 14 pp iil,(from RZh-Fizika, No 9, SeD 70, Abstract No 9Ye3ll) Translation; Tbe author discusses a disjunction procedure in the method of equations of motion for Two.-time Green 'temperature functions, It is pro- posed that the accuracy of disjunction be evaluated on the basis of graphic analysis of the disjoined Dyson equation for a causal Green function.The discussion is based on the example of an anharmonic lattice with regard to anharmonic terms of all orders. --13NOV70 t.tlnl-t~. 039 UNtL PROCESSING OATE ASSI FI OF SrATE FOR FERROMAGNETrC CRYSTAL -ki- A.UT14OR-(02)-KONWENT, H., PLAKIDA, N.M. .Wft, _-'C'0UNTRY OF INFO--USSR I MATEMATICHESKAYA. FI.ZIKAt.1970i YOL 3v NR It PP J35-L42 DATE PUBLISHED ------- 70 S'UBJECT AREAS--PHY S IC S -TOPIC TAGS--EQUATION-OF STATE, FERROMAGNETIC,MATERIAL'v PllbNON INTEPACTION, -:.7CRYSTAL PROPERTY, SPIN SYSTEM,,CRYSTAL LATTICE ENERGY9 CRYSTAL LATTICE -NIBRATION -CONTROL-MARKING--NO RESTRICTIONS -DOCUMENT CLASS--L)N'rLASSIF [ED .--PROXY REEL/FRAME--3003/1032 S'lEP NU--Ulk/0646/7(.)/0031001/0135/0142 -C IR(;. ACCESS ILIN ANG--AP 0.130067 i T _1~' 1- 1 tEK-3 f- I 032 UNCLASSIFIED!! PROtESS[NG DATC--L3NOV70 ~C-IRC ACCESSION NL-)--AP0130067 ABSTRACT/EXTRACT-113) GP-0- ABSTRACT. THE EQUATION OF srATE FOR A ANHARMCINIC CRYSTAL IS DERIVED IN THE WEAK COUPLING ~-:-APPROX I tMAT ION BETWEEN PHONON ANG SPIN SUBSYSTEMS. ~ THE PHO,*,10?4 FREQUENCY 'TION iilTH THE ACCOUNT OF THE IN THE PSEUDOHARMONIC APPROXIMA MAGNETIZATION OF THE CRYSTAL AND THE ENERGIES OF SP1;N EXCII'ATIONS IN THE RA N00,'-t PHASE APPROXIMATION d[TH THE, ACCOUNT OF THE THERMAL mOTIONS OF ATOMS ARE OBTAINED1. THE RELATION BETWEEN JHE SECHAHICAL, THERMAL AND HE CRYSTAL IS DISCUSSEO. FACILITY: MAGNETIC PROPERT(ES OF T1 IN'STITUT YAD*ERNYKI-I I S SLEDOVAN I Y Ji LrA DJ 112 0 2t UNCLASSIFIED Pit.GCESSRNG DATE--20-NOV70 _~TITLE--THE(_iY Of ANHAkt-liJl.,IC r-pysrAL-% 111. THREE 011i[INSIG314AL LATTICE -U- .::AUTHOR-(02)-PLAKICAv N.X.p SlKLOSf CCUNTRY OF INFG--USSR SOURCE- PH~SICA STATLS SULIDI 1970, VCL 39, NR 1p P.P M-180 DATE PUbLISHEC-----70 AREAS--PHYSICS TOPIC TAGS--SFELL STRUCTURE STABILITY* CRYSTAL LATTICE DISLOCATION, PRESSURE EFFECT MARKING--NO RESTRICTIONS DOCUMENT CLASS--UNCLASSIFIED PROXY REEL/FRAME--1992/1.438 STEP tJO--GE/0030/70/039/001/0171/0180 CIRC ACCESSICN NC --APO I i ~,i 3-2 F 11 E 2/2 026 UNCLASSIFIED PkUCESSINIG 0ATE-20NOV70 C IRC ACCESSICN NO--AP0112432 ,A BSTR AC TIE XTi~ACT--( U) GP-0- AB STKi,,CT. THE P ROPERT I ES OF THE F.c.c. LATTICE 61TH CENTRAL NEAREST NEIGHBOUR INTERACTION ARE INVESTI~ATELA' ON THE 13ASIS OF THE DYNAMICAL THEORY OF THE ANHARMONIc CRYSTAL DEVELOPEO IN W. IT 15 SHOWN TFAT IN THE CASE OF CONSTANT C-XTERNAL PRESSURE THE LATTICE E;E--CCYES UNSTABLE AT SUFFICIENTLY HIGH ZER6 POINT ENERGY OR TEMPEKATUgE. THE BEHAVIOUR OF THE PHYSICAL QUANTITIES.11N THE VICINITY OF THE UNSTA31LITY POINT IS INVESTIGATED. FACILITY: JOINT JNSTITUTE FGR NUCLEAR RESEARCH, LABORATORY 13F THEORETICAL PHYSICS, moscow. F! AS Acc N Abstracting Service: Ref . Code: ;001029(;(; CHDIICAL ABST.~ r 114m9w Combi4ation of low-temperature steaming and selective flotation of copper-molybdenum concentrates. Plaksa, N.-EL (USSR). Tsiii. Md4l..1970, 43(l), 7"" (RussfPVVAY-. series o! flotation expts, were performed : one at.roorn tamp. (18- 20*), and the other. with a pribeated slurry. Exin.ofMoandthe residual concn. are higher durmig,the flotation 6f the preheated slurry than in expts. at roora.temp. At incrn~.-ed ternp. of the slurry, the decompri. of Na2$ slows down. At >60*, even the oxidn. of Na~05 slows down, with the formation of sulfites. The conens. of Oland COx dissolved in the slurry have a definite effect on the decompn. rate. An important role in the descgibed pro- cess is also played by the ~voludm of gases 'dissolved in the slurry. Under the condition' ~of selective flo6tion of Cu-Mo cones. on the hydrophobic surface of the molybdenitz-, there pro- ceeds selective sepn. of a large. no of microbubble s (c6ntg. air). Intensified evolution of. gases from the liq. ph: , which takes ase place during heating, brings about increased extn. of molybdenite with increased temp. of the slurry. With increased temp. of the water, its ion prodact sharolk inicrews, Th~- degrge of hy- drolysis of the salis present ~in,the hot sluM, thereby also in- creases. Increasing the tern . of the NatS soln..' !rom 20 to 90' P increg the degree of its hydrolysis by-120~;' As the. temp. is REEL/FRAME 19861032 USSR UDC; 51;62.1.391 PLAKSIN9 V. A. "Grarh-Malytic Method of Combination Synthesis of Relay-Contacit Devices" V sb..Teor. kibernetika. Vyp. I (Theoretical Cybernetics--;collection of Works, No 1), Ki v, 1970, D 63-81 (from RZh-~Kibexnetika No 1, Jan 71, Abstract No lV375) Translation: The problem of combination synthesis of relay-contact devices is defined as follows. The functions of excitation of them relay device are given in disjunctive normal form, and it is required to construct the con- tact circuit which would satisfy the given functions of excitation for all outputs, where the number of elements which make up the circuit should be minimized. A graph-analytic method of synthesis is proposed. This method is comprised of 1) representing the excitation functions in the form of an incidence matrix, 2) platting a graph from this zatrix, an4 3) eliminating false cycles. G. Blokbina.