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ijI1 Ili -,i 11111; [fill I r HU "Will USSR Piskulov, Ye. A., Shimbirev, P. N., Sobkin, B. L., [Tr.] Mosk. Aviats. In-ta, 1972, No 249, pp 130-136. this 11gorithm, the process of formation of. tile CLF is made som,~!Vfhat simpler than in the article mentioned above. Concerning CLF, see the booR of S. A. Ginzburg and Yu. Ya, Lyubarskiy, FunktsionalInyye Prcobrazovateli Tsifrovym Predstavleniyem InformatsR [FLUICtional Converters with Analog- Digital Representation of Information) in them series "AutouLation Library," No 481, Energiya Press, Moscow, 1973. 5 biblio. refs. T.. LUI "U"WA -1/2 025 UNCLASSIFIED. PROCESSING DATE--ZTNOV70 WELLING OF HIGH TEMPEqATUftE'OXIDt FUEL -U- -T-ITLE S ~~',~,WJTHOR-(03)-LEBEDEV# E.G., KUZMIN, V.I., PISKUNv~ A*Sa' --USSR OUNTRY OF INFO N-it!_-'$'bURCE-AT. ENERG. 1970t 18(4) r351-2, '-'_~:~~'nATE PUBL I SHED------ 70 .-,-SUBJECT AREAS--PHYSICS, NUCLEAR SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY -TOPIC TAGS--NUCLEAR FISSIONt URANIUM OXIDEt PLUTONIUMi SWELL, NUCLEAR FUEL ELEMENT ~CGNTROL MARKING--NO RESTRICTIONS ---DOCUMENT CLASS--UNCLASSIFIED PROXY REEL/FRAf4E--3008/059Z STEP NO--UR/0089/70/028/004/0351/0352 C IRC ACCESSION NO--AP0137677 0CLAS S_ [FIE Z/ 2 025 UN~LASSIFIEG PROCESSING DATE--27NOV70 ACCESSION NO--AP0137677 ABSTRACT/EXTRACT--(Ul GP-0- ABSTRACT. THE ESTN. OF 'THE CONTRIBUTION OF :VARIOUS TYPES OF FISSION FRAGMENTS IN UO. SU62 AND PUIJ SU$2 WITH FUEL ELEMENT SURFACE TEMP. AT 800-1300DEGREEIS TO THE TOTAL VOL. CHANGE AT BURN UP TO 9.2PERCENT REVEALED THAT THE MAX.,CONTRIBUTION OF SOLID, EACH IPERCENT OF -,FISSION FRAGMENTS WAS 0.4PERCENT OF THE VOL. PER -:.BURNUP, JHE MAIN CONTRIBUTION TO THE.TOTAL VOL. CHANGE BEING THAT OF THE .:GASEOUS FISSION.FRAGMENTS. UNC LASS I FICO- 112 016 UNCLASSIFIED PROCESSING DATE--30OCT70 TITLE--EFFECT OF QUENCHING FROM ROLLING HEAT ON THE MECHANICAL AND TECHNOLOGICAL PROPERTIES OF STRUCTURAL.STEELS -U- V.T., ULEYNIKOVv N. P*v KAPLIYY N.I.s IVASHCHENKOI V*M* t' STYCHMM, L.P. ~'-~'COUNTRY OF INFO--USSR ;'~~SQURCE-STALI 1970# 30(2)t 161-3 -.1."DATE - PUBLISHED ------- 70 '-~-~SUBJECT AREAS--MATERIALS T-b F I CTAGS--STRUCTVRAL STEELP STEEL QUENCHING, MECHANICAL PROPERTY, MANGANESE STEEL, SILICON STEELl -STEEL TWERING CONTROL MARKING--NO RGSTRICTIONS CUMENT CLASS--UNCLASSIFIE0 OXY REEL/FKAME--1994/1867 STEP NU--UR/0133/701030/002/0161/0163 C. I RCI ACCESSION NO--AP0115686 UNCLASSIFIED -'2/2 016 UNCLASSIFIED PkOCESS LNG DATE--30OCT70 :'C-IRC ACCESSION NO--AP0115686 --.'ABSTRACT/EXTRACT--(U) GP-0- ABSTRACT. STEEL BAR:S (14-12 81M DIAM.) CONTG. C. 0.16 -0.35, MN 0.48-1.35, AND 51 TRACE-1.05PERCENT:WERE~QUEtICHED IN WATER FROM THE ROLLING HEAT FOR 10-14 SEC AND TEMPERED BY RESIDUAL HEAT. THE TREATMENT GENERALLY IMPROVED MECH' PROPERTIES AS COMPARED WITH THOSE OF THE HOT ROLLED STOCK* ;ACILITY: 03NETS. POLITEKH. ,.:LINST., DONETSK, USSR. USSR UDC 582.263.095.3 PISKUNKOVA N. F. , PINMENOVA, H. N. , and BAKLAS-HOVA, T. G., Biology Faculty, os.cow State University its ome Data on the Role of Photosynthesis in~the Utilization of Acetate and Pyruvate by Scenedesmus quadricauda'l. Moscow, Wkrobiologiya, Vol 40, No 3, May/Jun 71, pp 386-388 Abstract: Diuron added to algae cultures exposed to light reduces the in- corporation of C14 from bicarbonate by 90% and that from acetate and pyruvate by 80%, thus bringing it down to the level obserVed in darkness without diuron. This indicates that when the second photosystem is inhibited, algae cells are unable to assimilate M2 formed through okidation of ace- .tate and pyruvate. The presence of acetate~and pyruvate in the culture medium increases the concentration of chlorophyll in the algae by 40%, but does not increase the concentration of proteins-and carbohydrates. It is concluded.that Scenedesmus quadricauda develops mainly on the basis of photoautotrophic growth. USSR UDC: 577.4 KOMV, Yu. N. t PISMOT.- S.- and SERGEYEV, S. N. "Problems of Constructing Algorithms for Generalized Substitutions Vith Context Separation" Novosibirsk, V sb. Irychisl. sisteLnZ (Computer Systems--collection P -1 --Katematika, No 8, of works) No 47, 1971f Il'j 30 (from RZh. 1972, Abstract No 8V4"A 1 Translation: The investigation of algorithms of generalized sub- stitution is continued (see RZhMat, l972, 5V318). Generalized substitutions are considered as representations defined in a set of cellular sets. An investigation is made of the problems of constructing more complex algorithms:from simple data: the compo- sition and conditional branching of algorithms of gencralJzed sub- stitutions. Computers: Applicatfons~ ra=dn USSR urc 8.74 KOP14EVY YU. H.2 S. V., and SERGEYEV S. N. jp-i Progranming Language for Problems of Processing Axbitrary-Alphabet Words" V sb. jEhisl. sisteMv (Computational Systems -- Collection of 14"orks), vyp* 41, Novosibirsk, 1971, pp 913--U2 (1'rom RM-Matematika, NO 5, MaY 72, Abstract No 5V506 by V. MIMI%V) Translation: The article describes the basic features of -Lhe JP-l algoritlu:iic progranming language, intended for corverting arbitrary-alphabet words. As far as the. carrier is concerned., the language is oriented towards rachines with "inite automata; homogeneous structure and towards homgeneous networks of I iterative networks, computer nedia, etc. Single-symbol names have been adopted in the language in order to make interpretation and syntax-checkint i qple and g r, L fast. language operators are the following: reset statement, concUtional statement, read stater-ent, transcribe statement, clear statement, end state- ment. Nu_-rous exa--ples are given of the working of these operators. It is noted that in order to check the basic properties and perfonnance of the prin- cip,-,l aids of the language, a ratheimtical model was co"tructed for realiz-a- tion of the language by a honogeneous chain of autorata. Mis model takes the ES 1, form of a proCram in 11. '-6 codes and is the interpreter of the JP-1 language. USSR UDC: 8.74 KORNEV, Yu. N. PISKUN SERGEYEV S. X. "The. %TP-I Language for Programming Problems of Word Processing in an Arbi- trary AlphabetIf V sb. Vychisl. sistemy (Computer Systems--collection of works), vyp. 41, Novosibirsk, 1971, pp, 98-11-0 (from RM-Kibernetika No 5-, May 7:2, Abstract No 5v5o6) Translation: Me paper describes the principal features of the JP-I algo- rithmic programming language for word transformation in an arbitrary alpha- bet. With respect to the medium, the language is oriented for computers with homogeneous structure and for homogeneous networks of finite automata., iteration networks, computer media, etc. Gingle-symbol nouns are used in the language to make interpretation and syntactic check quick and simple. The operators of the language are: substitution operator $-condition oper- ator, read operator, rewrite operator, clear operator and, 'end operator. Numerous examples are given of the operation of these operators-. It is noted that a mathematical model of, realization. of the language by a homo- geneoim chain of automata has been constructed for cbecking the principal properties and vorking out the basic media of the language. This modeel takes the form of a program in BEM-6 codes, and is an interpreter of the JP-1 language. V. W 46 USSR 681.322.06.01 V., SERGEYEV, S. N., SIDRISTYY, B. A. "Language for Describing the OI)erating Algorithms of Digital Computers" Vychisl. sistemv (Computation Systems), Vyp. 34, Novosibirsk, Nauka Press. 1969, pp 5-18 Tfrom RZh-Avtomatika, Telemeklianika i Vychislitall naya Tekhnika, No 3, Mar 70, Abstract No 3B38) Translation: This article contains a study of part of the complete language of description of digital computers ( "j, - language), C3 which.includes means of describing the algorith'ms of operation of the units of digital computers in order to paln and design them. An effort is made to discuss the structure of the language more clearly than was done in preceding descriptibns of,it. D. rrograaming amer- riarnemarpqat. riacuint~ '.Lneur Y USSR KORNEV, Yu. N. ,PJSKUNOV, S. V., SERGEYEV, S. N. "Wicroprogrammed Homogeneous Processor Oriented to Linear Algebra Problems" Sb. Tr. In-t Mat. Sib. Otd. AN SSSR [Collected Works of Institute of Mathe- matics, Siberian Division, Academy of Sciences, USSR], 1972, No 6(23), pp 34-.64 (Translated from Referativnyy Zhurnal Kibernctika, No 4, 1973, Abstract No 4V612, by the authors). Translation: Thelogical plan of a processor for solution of linear algebra problems is described. The plan of the processor is a practical example of construction of a homogeneous computer device which operates algorithms of -generalized permutation. The operation of the processor is illustrated on the example of ail algorithm for solution of a problem of linear programming. Analysis of the example showed the.effectiveness of generalized permutation algorithms as an algorithmic language: the programs prodoced axe short and Tather effective (as to number of cycles), reqWring almost no restructul-ing of files. USSR UDC 8. A KORNEV, YU. N.,PISKUNO S. V. SERGEYEVI so No "u-I Language (Complete Description)" V sb. Vychis sisterry (Computation Systems -.collection of works), vyp. 47, Novosibirsk, 1971, pp 131-159 (from RZh-Kibernetika. No 9. Sep 72, Abstract No 9V593) Translation: The IP-I language is a programming,language designed for word conversion in an arbitrary alphabet. respect to the carrier, the laneunge is oriented toward computers with homogeneous structure and homogeneous networks of finite automata: iter- ative circuits, computation media, and,so on. The dynamic structure of the program is characteriqtic of the language. The belonging of a word in the program to one syntactic formation or another (and, consequently, its interpretation) is determined by what subword of the program is being examined by the executive program at the given point in time, and it depends an the states of the program at the preceding points in time. Just as in COMT, SN 'OBOL, (SNOBOL-3), in IP-I the basic means of word transformation is the substitut.ion operation'. USSR UDC: S77.4 KORNEV, Yu. N., SERGEYEV, S. N. "Problems of Constructing Algorithms of Generalized Substi- tutions With an Isolated Context" V sb. Vychisl. sistemy (Computer Systems--collection of works), vyp. 47, Novosibirsk, 1971, pp 117-1.30 (from RZh-Kibernetika, No 8, Aug 72, Abstract No 8V431) Translatio n: The paper continues further investigation of algorithm f generalized substitutions (see RZhMat 1972, SV318). Generalized substitutions aretreated as mappings defined on a set of cellular.sets. An. investigation is made into questions of constructing-more complex algorithms from given simple ones: compositions and conditional-branchings of algorithms of generalized substitutions. USSR B 0 0 K 3 5 5 -%rYA X. K. PAFOK, V. A. FISMXV F. G. YURE4 UDC 62c.7.621.h3.O:LO.7.OCh(0"1..14) DVT NAGARY V MYAKTMMM IGATLYAM (Scale Formations In Jet Engines), Moscow, "Transport"s 1971~ 112 rp3 illus, biblio, 2,OCO copies Irinted Considers the forration of scale and its influence on the reliability) efficiency and service life of aviation jet enp-nes. Soviet and foreign raterials are generalized for the rroperties of scalep conditions necessary for its forna-tion the influence of various factors on it-s Xcrination. Also cons;dt-rs the formation of scale in relation to the use of fuels of various chenacal comr-ositions and fractions, and of various additives. General methods are given for estimating the scale-fomation effects of aviation fuels and oils, and fractical suggestions are made for reducing scale fornation in aviation engines. Charter 1. General lnfonnat4le-n on Scale Formation . . . . . . . . 10 Chapter 11. Role of Various Factors in the I-rocess of Scale Formation. . . 19 Chapter III. Scale Fom-ations in Jet Yngines . . . . 4 a a a 1 0 4 a 4 0 & 37 ClzjAer IV. Hethods of Est-ITzaa-ting the ScaleFormation Factors of rnaels 53 Cbapter V. Estirating the Scale Fonnation Factor of Fuels by the FI-Yu (I al ok4isk=ov-1urcnya) hethod . . . . . . . . 67 Chapter VI. Scale -Formati on IrcTerties of Soviet and Foreign Fuels 64 Chapter VII. Means and 1-lethods of Reducing Scale Formation in Engines and the Removal of Scale From Engines . . . . . . . . . . . . 91 IIJ 1.11.11i !!Jk, L USSR UDC 621-3.o35.2 PEREVEMWISEV, V. P., ZOUKIN, P. I., PISKUNOV, V. A., and BEREM, 1. A. "Construction Graphit-es With a MetpIlic Bond" Moscow, Tsvetnyye Metally, No 10, Oct 70, pp 45-146 Abstract: Three new experLae-ntal construction graphites, V-2S. V-2, and LG-1, were produced recently by thermomiechanical processing of a mixture consisting coke and additions of carbide forming metals such as si.~icon and zirconium. 0 f The metallic additions, which serve as a bond, at the same time substantially affect the ouality (heat and electric conductivity, strength) of the graphite obtained. The process is accomplished in a single 3-hour operation. The size Of the billets deDends on the electric and mechanical power of the press and also on the mold strength. The basic physicormechanical properties of the graphites are presented in a table. Act. Nr Abstracting Service: Ref. Code: INTERNAT. ROSPACE ABST. IU13666"S" AE r AIO-22472 Dynamics of a carbon4opwit formation in gas barbine *n9ines (0 dinarnike formirovaniis narray **tellakh). I n P, G~ - turenia. Kh[Ois i 7 TekhnologAa rOPjjV j Uastlj_ Vo 15, no ~J'L 19 0 p. 47-49. In Russian. Study of the properiffes bf thermal'insulatfon due to carbon deposits on fire tubes, formed during the operation of a gas turbine, using different fuels. Special-attention is given to -the fuels 7.11 and T-5 specified by GOST 10227-62- It A found that the carbon deposits form at a very high rate, and exhibit a 10%N thermal conductivity. As a result. their =urrerKe an the walls of the fire tubes essentially affects the thermal state these tubes. ZA A4LS A REEL/FRAME 19781243 USSR UDC 539.3/.5 A., KEVSKIY, V. A., DUDIN, V. F. 50va, YU "On the Question of the Breakdown of Concrete Under Cyclic Shock Loads" Tr. Groznen. neft. .,n-t (Works of Groznenskiy Petroleum Institute), 1971, Collection 33, pp 216-T17 (from M-Mekhaniki, No 12, Dec 71, Abstract No 12V1615) Translation: The authors emphasize that analysis of rheological models of concrete and their equations describing cases of shock effects leads one to conclude that L the inelastic properties of concrete have a considerable effect on the behavior of concrete under shock in addition to the elastic properties ordinarily taken into account. Experimental data are presented and discussed concerning a study of the effect of inelastic propex-ties characterized by the coefficient of internal friction on the strength properties and the process of breakdown of concretes under shock loads. Samples of concrete with ditn(---n- s ions 7 x 7 x 7 cm having the same static strength.but differing in the type and strength (600 and 1200 kg/cmZ) of the coarse filler were investigated. The samples were made with two flows of cement. The-coefficient of internal 1/2 -,ill -Ld, ~-j [I r 5 1 q J i i z ,I I_I m i! I ri I II FUM PISKUNOV, YU. A., et al, Tr. Groznen. neft. in-t-, 1971, Collection 33, pp 216-217 friction was determined with the IKVT-2 device by transm.5tting longitudinal oscillations to the sample. The pulsed loads were supplied an a standard pile drive- by applying a series of shocks up to breakdown. The experiments showed that the work necessary for breakdown of the sanples rises with an increase in the coefficient of internal friction. The work of breakdown also rises with an increase in the expenditure of cement per m3 of concrete with a fixed coeffi- cient of internal friction. The authors indicate t-hat for the breakdown of concrete with a stronger coarse filler under shock effects but with a lower coefficient of internal friction, less work is expended than in the case of concrete with a less strong filler (crushed stone or gravel) but with a greater coefficient of internal friction. It is thus more favorable with the same static strength of the concrete for structures subject to the action of shock loads to use concrete with a higher coefficient of internal friction, since greater work is required for the breakdown of -this concrete. It is noted.that one can increase the inelasticity of the concrete through selection of the-components and not by using a higher mark of cement. A. I. Platov. 2/2 -7 USSR UDC-621.039.538:539.125.5 VASILTYEV, G. A., MELKIN, A. P., YEGOROV, Yu. A., ORLOV, Yu. V., ?MKRAT'YEV, Yu. V., PISKUNOV 'Space-Energy Distribution of Reactor Neutrons in Metal Hydrides" V sb. Vopr. fiz. zashchity reaktorov (Problems in Reactor Safety Physics Collection of Works), No.-5, Moscow, Atomizdaf., 1972, pp 91-105 (from RZh-50. Yadernyye reaktory, No 5, May 72, Abstract No 5.50.58) Translatiun: Current designs of the shielding of nuclear reactors include hydrogen-containing materials, the presence of which in the shield makes it possible to shorten the size of the shielding and reduce the contribution to the power of the dose from neutrons of intermediate energies. Various hydrogen-containing materials are used In thel shield: water, polyethylene, paraffini concretes with an increased concentration of hydrogen such as Serpentinite concrete, etc. Metal hydrides may also be included iv- such materials. Metal hydrides have a high nuclear density of hydrogen, in some cases exceeding the nuclear density of hydrogen water. In studying the passage of neutrons through metal hydrides,one can show the perturbing ------- -- - ~J 7- SS U R VASILYEV, G. A., et al, Vopr. f iz. zashchity.reaktorov,'No. 5, Moscow, -105 Atomizdat, 1972, pp 91 effect of the metal nuclei on the form of the attenuation function or the form of the energy distribution of neutrons, and he can also shaq the role of the metal in the accumulation of moderating neutrons.' The problem of the pas- sage of neutrons through lithium, magnesium, f titanium, and zirconium hydrides was investigated. The experiments were coAducted on a water cooled water moderated research reactor. 8 ill., 8 tables, 37 ref. 212 USSR UDC 669. PIINAREYA, V. A., ANTONTSEVA, A. Z., FATEYEVA, Z. T. Mau~ "Glass Enamel Facilitates Autoclave Sulfuric Acid Leaching of High-Silica. Alumina- containi ng Materials" Nauch. tr. Kazakhsk. Politekhn. In-t. [Scient-ific Writings of Kazak-h Poly- technical Institute]. Alma-Ata, 1971, pp 566-569, (Txanslated from Refera- tivnyy Zhurnal, Metallurgiya, No 5, 1972, Abstract No 5 G233 by G. Svodtseva). Translation: A study was made of the process of sulfuric acid leaching of high-silica, alumina-containing materials in autoclavos covered with Onmicl. These autoclavcs showed advantages over lead-covored autoclave-;; they arc more compact and lighter, and withstand high temperatures (up to 500*) ; the solutions and sediments produced were pure, without Fe.admixtures from the autoclaves; they are safer to use. A technology is described for coating of laboratory autoclaves with glass: onamel and its compositions. Two coats: of enamel are used: a base coat and the cover enamel. The ersimels are baked at 900*. '41 Tables; 5 Biblio. Refs. ,A Electrochemistry USSR UDC 541.13 PIS'MEN, L. M., KUCHANOV, S. I., VOL'FKOVICH, Yu. M., GORYACHEV, R. G., and BOGOTSKIY, V. S., Institute of Electrochemistry, Academy of Sciences USSR, Moscow "Large Scale Macrokinetics of a Hydrogen-Oxygen Fuel Cell With a Capillary Membrane" Moscow, Elektrokhimiya, Vol 9, No 9, Sep 73, pp 1262-1271 Abstract: Mass exchange calculations are reported for a hydrogen-oxygen fuel cell with a capillary membrane, considering the dif fusion of ions and water in the liquid state, diffusion of gasses and vapor, filtration stream of the solution, convectional stream of the gasseaus mixture, ion migration, etot chiametry and microkinetics of the anode a'nd cathode reactions. The func- tions of the cell in respect to the basic construction aod regimen para- meters have been calculated.. USSR uDc: 621.317-757.3 ZAVFJr_An-YY, V. V., PIVN04YIPSiaY, V. A., K140RUNZHIY, V. A., Khar'kov Poly- technical Institute imeni V. I.__T-e-n1m--_, "Concerning a Method of Spectral Analysis of Isolated Radio Signals" Leningrad, Izvestiya VUZov, Priborostroyeniye.-Vol 16, No 1, 1973, pp 94-96 Abstract: A method is described for forming the spectral density of iso- lated radio signals by using a device for preprocessing the signal. This signal processor provides for storage of the signal, reproduction, and -eps. It is shovn frequency displacement of duplicates of the signal by st that the frequency band of a spectrum aiialyzer can be expanded by a factor of 11 +1 -when 11 circulations are made in the procesE;or. In a spectrizi ana- lyzer with 30-50 filters, a coefficient of panoramism of 900-1500- can be achieved by using preproces3ing. .1-35 A USSA UDC 621-317-757 PISIMENETSKIT, V. A. and KHORWHIYp V. A. "Combination System for the Frequency Analysis of Radio Signals" Tr. Zaaanroa. radiotekhn. in-ta (Works of the Taganrog Radio-Ikgineering Institute)., 1972., vn.28; pp 65-73 (from RMRadiotekhaika. No U, Nov 72, Abstract No 11 A285) Translation: The authors describe combination type block-diagrams of spectral aTmlyzers in which the number of frequency channel selections reaches several hundred thousand. The authors consider the circuits of spectra analyzers with increased duration of the remembered realization.of the signal and spectra arLalyzer circuits rith widened bands of the analyzed frequencies. A aignif icant improvement is shown in the metrological characteristics of the unit used forfrequency analy- sis during utilization of known spectra analyzers* This is due to the preliminary processing of the signal with the aid of the. following: 1) prelijainary time cox- pression, 2) summation of instantaneous apectra, and 3) storage of signals. The possibility is indicated of realizing practically any value parameters for systems cf Xormation with respect to the fixed values cf theparameters of the utilized analyzers. A.K.- M USSR uDc. 621,317.757 X"'WMTS~jj V. A., MORLMMY, V. A., "Order of Lenin" Polytechnical Iastltute izwni V 1. Lenin, Kharlkov "A.Spectrum Analyzer for Narrow-Band Radio.Signals" Moscov, Otkrytiya, Izobreteniya, Prornyshlennyye Obraztsy-, Tovarnyye Znaki, No 32, Nov 71, Author's Certificate No 318881, Division G, filed 15 Jan 70, published 28 Oct 71, p 130 Translation: This Author's Certificate introduces: 1. A narrow-band radio signal spectrum analyzer which contains an input filter, delay-line re- circulator, reference signal generator and display unit. As a distinguish- ing feature of the patent, provision in made for expandinr, the analyzable frequency band-when using a common delay line and recirculator amplifiers, and also for relaxing the stability requirements of the.delay line parwn- eters with respect to tirne. A multichannel input si&,na-I frequency con- verter is connected betifeen the input filter and the adder inputs, and a multichannel recirculator frequency converter is connected betveen the second recirculator amplifier and the other adder inputs through a group filter. The outputs of this second converter are connected through de- 1/2 USSR FISIMENETSKIY, V. A., 1910RUITZITIY, V. A., Soviet Patent Uo 318881 tectors and a commutator to the adder. In addition, an auxiliary output of the second recirculator cuaplifier is connected to the input of a circuit for controlling the frequency of the reference oscillator and the signal level. The outputs of the control circuitare connected respectively to the controlling input of the reference frequency oscillator, and to the controlling input of the second recirculator amplifier. 2. A modification of this spectrum analyzer distinguished by the fact that a detector to the input of a video signal generator is connected to the input of the automatic control circuit through the input filter and a compensating delay line, and throug7h an integrating cireuit to the input of a conparison de- vice whose second input is connected through a second detector to the output of the ref"erence signal oscillator, while the output- cf this cir- cuit. is connected to the OUtDUt of the signal level control chEmnel, In addition, one output of the video signal generator is connected to the input of a modulator whose second input is,connected to t he output of the reference signall oscillator, while the modulator output is connected through a filter to an auxiliary adder input. The second output of the video pulse generator is connected to the output of the automatic frequency control channel of the reference oscillator. 2/2 'T Elei~ii6chiidsiir- Y' USSR UDC 66.054.1:546.791 VLASOV, V. G., PIS'MENK0,I V. T., ULYASHEV, S. P., SHALAGINOV, V. N., and BEKETOV, A. R. "Electroconductivity of Uranium a-Dioxide Modified With Admixtures of MgO, SrO, and Nb205" Leningrad, Zhurnal Prikladnoy Khimii, Vol 46, No 1, Jan 73, pp 36-40 Abstract: Specific electroconductivity expressed as a function of tempera- ture for the pure uranium B-dioxide as well as one with admixtures of MgO, SrO, and Nb205 show three discrete segments: low temperature straight line segment of contaminated conductivity, the middle segmeat: of proper conduc- tivity and a high temperature segment with probably complete conductivity. Presence of impurities alters not only the absolute values of electro- conductivity of uranium $-dioxide, but also the transition temperatures of the above three segments.. This is due to concentration changes and -mobility of basic current carriers. Thelexperimentally established functions of electrocanductivity are explained by the defects generated by the admixtures when they are dissolvedIn the lattice Of U409- USSR UDC 632.95 PIS 1MENNAYA,_.M,__Y_., KLISENKO, M. A. IfThin-Layer Chromatography of Residual Quantities of New Organophosphorus Pesticides" Probl. analit. khimii (Problems of Analytic Chemistry -- Collection of Works], Vol 2, Moscow, Nauka Press, 1972, Pp 111-115 (Translated from Referativnyy Zhurnal Khimiya, No 24(11), 1972, Abstract No,24N584, by T. A. Belyayeva) Translation: Optimal conditions are found for chromatography for the pesti- cides khlorofos, rogor, kil'bal', sayfos, trikhlormetafos-3, fenkapton, taidial, fazalon, karbofos, butifos, ftalofos. The adsorbent is type KSK or ShSK silica gel, the mobile solvent Is CHC1,, the developer is bromophinol reagent. The conditions were used for anal Jsis of residual quantities of Y insecticides in air, water and vegetable products. The preparations were extracted from the specimens analyzed with ether, n-hexanL-, CUC13. Adsorption chromatography on columns with A1203, MgO ' silica gel, bentonite and freezing were tested as methods for removal of waxes from the extracts, The most satisfactory results were produced by freezing the waxes from an acetone solution (-70') or a water-acetone solution: (0). The sensitivity of the determination is 5-10 ~g preparation in a specimen or 0.1-0.2 mg/kg. JPAS 60' 244 10 Octo4er 1973 NUCLZAR PUMPING IN MLECULhft rAS LMM f JArticle by kt. Andrlyakhin' V. V. Vagilltscm, S. $-Ankaill nixov na VY.- tV_-4-Ur._M ;;vv ~F f-ho-r-no-iii6iW of Nuclear Physics 6f MO;.'O'w !natW'T6ivorsity imeni M. V. Lomnosev, Koz=w, Cksperiment n%jjeyeti~heak Fr=_=113~j, ft"Id=, ',0I lqutrlal A tQ 13 (21). 972_ a e Y , PP 1635-1644) The mechanism of the populating of vibrational levels of alectrana produced during the ionization of a gas by the produ4:ts of nuclear reactione or by a beam of charged particles in examinad. It in demonstrated, that the made. whAch contains the lowest-excited level of,a.%Olscul*'-Ls highly populated by a diffuee stream of electrons, arising in the energy space due to the large neqat4va gradienz Ln the distribu- tion of electrons by efiergies at the excitation threshold a this level. Criteria for'socompligbing population imv"lon during nuclear pumping are established and it in shown. that mixtures ta"d'oln CO do not satisfy these criteria. 2 11 USSR L) USSR UDC 632.95 BEMNATSKAYA, L. S. , "Analysis of Hicroamounts of Some Derivatives of Plithalimide and Urea by Re- laction with o-Tolidine After Thin-Iayer Chromatography" Tr. 2-po Vses. soveshed. kov pestitsidov i profilikt. za,-;ryaz- _po isslad. ostat neniva imi produktov pitaniya, kornav i vnvsh. sredy (i~loxl~s of thc SLcond All- Vaion. Conference on the Investigation of Pesticide Residues and Preventive Contamination of Food Products , Feeds and rmvironment) ~ Tallin, 1971, pp 131-132 (from RZh-Khirdya, 1"No 120 Jun 72, Abstract No 121'506) Translation: in analyzing herbane, it is extraeted from water with CHCl 31 from soil and the Droducts of plant origin with hexane, and it is'analyzed, chrora- tographically on a plate with silica gel KSK in the CHCl acetone system (8:1). It is irradiated for 20-30 minutes Vith ultraviolet light and placed in a chamber with C12 vapor where it is processed by an o-tolidine solution. 7hin- layer chromatography of phthalophos, phthalane, captane: and other derivatives of phthalimi&e is carried out in the C6116-acetone system (9:1); chromatogra hic 5:1)- analysis of derivatives of urea is. carried. out in the MeOff + CHC.13 system 48 .~1/2 020 UNCLASSIFIED, PROCESSING DATE--30OCT70 -.,TITLE--u,Er,ur_TltlN OF A MGFE SUa2 0 SUB4,iMGV SU82 0 SSU-34 SOLIO SOLUTION -U- A!JTH0R-(04)-PISMENSKAYAv G.M., BALAKIREVI V.F., POPOV, G.P., CHUFAROV, :-~,COUNTRY OF INFO--USSR VYSSH. UCHEi3o ZAVEDvv CHERN'. MET. 1970v 1313)t 9-12 [-!:,DATE PUBLISHED -------- 70 U 13J E C TAREAS--CHEMISTKY, MATERIALS L~TGPIC TAGS--IRON OXIDE* MAGNESIUM COMPOUNDw VANADATEt VANADIUM COtliPOUNDI METAL REDUCTIONt SOLID SOLUTIONt X RAY DIFFRACTIONs HYUROGEN ~_CCNTROL MARKING--NO RESTRICHONS OOCUMENT CLASS--UNCLASSIFIED "'VPROXY REEL/FRAME--1998/0722 STEP NO--UR/0148/7O/Ot3/003/0009/0013 CIRC ACCESSION NO--AT0121361 UNC-L AS S I-F I Fo ~~',:212 020 UNCLASSIFIED, PROCESSING DATE--30OCT70 :'~IRC ACCESSION NO--AT0121381 48STkACT/.EXTRACT--(U) GP-O- ABSTRACT. KEDN. BY H OF THE tA',;V SUBO.25 FE S-Udl.75 0 SU34 SOLID SOLN. CBTAINED FROM THE OXIDES WAS sruou:O BY X RAY DIFFRACTION AT 1000DEGREES. THE PLOT.OF.THE. PARTIAL EQUIL6 0 SU62 PRESSURE VS. THE PERCE14T REDN. SHOWED 2 BRANCHES CilkRESPONDING TO SPINEL 10 OXIDE PHASES AT SMALLER THAN OR EQUAI TO 33'.4PERCENT OF REDN.t AND A N TO MGV SU82 0 SU84t FEf AND MG SUBX FE SUBI-X 0 PHASES AT HIGHER STAGES OF, REDN4~ THE AMT. OF FE SU53 0 SUB4t FORMED AS AN INTERMEDIATE PHASE IN THE 15T REGIONs: WAS MAX AT 14PERCENT REDN. Fe,CILITY: VOLGOGRAD. ~--:POLITEKHe INST., VOLGOGRAD, USSR., 1-N -I i AT T-' T--f T, 025 UNCLI ~SlFttol POCE5SING DATE-11SIPT~0 I T L F - - A NIN V E S T f G A T 1 ON OF PERTURBING FORCES AND E)ISTPuBUTIlm OF -~~!-",NONSTATIONARY PPESSuRc:s ovER THE PROFILF~ IN TURME sfaLGE-s -u- _'~,~AUTHOR-SAMOYLOVICH, G.S.v PISMINT I.N., YABLGKDVp'L*D. i _,..if_OUNTRY OF INFO--USSR 11--l~SDURCE--MOSCOWe TEPLOENERGETIKAr NR 3-1 1970, PP 79-82 ':~~OATE PUBLISHED ------- 70 ~._`,SUBJECT AREAS--MECH., UNO., ZIVIL AND MARINE ENGR, EN~RGY CONVERSION (NON-PROPULSIVE) -OPIC.:TAGS--TURBINE BLADE, VIBRATION ~,CDNTROL MARKING--NO RESTRICTIONS _..~J)OCUMENT CLASS--UNCLASSTFIFD ..PROXY REEL/FRAME-1987/1417 STEP '4LI--UR/0096/70/0001003/00791(*1092 CIRC ACCESSION ND--AP0104731 Ul"IC A S-S I F-I F 0 2 /2 025 UNCLASSIFIE0 PROCESSINO^ DATE--II-SEP7*0 ACCESS ION, &10--AP0104731 ~m-ASSTRACT/EXTAACT--kU) -GP-0- ABSTRACT. EXPERIMENTAL DATA ARE QUOTED CONCERNINGs 01STRIBUTION OF N-01STATIONARY PRESSURES ON WoRKIN'S, VANES OF A TURBINE STAGE AT SUBSONIC VELDCITIES.~ THE PERTUR BING,,FORCES CAUSING VIBRATIONS Of VANES WERE DETERMINED. UNCLASSIFIED -9x ij u liffil 11 USSR UDQ 0"21. ~~`82.002 PM- W -R, R.I., G.'UP, A.K., KOUCV, V. F., PIS VR-~ 1' V.11., FEDCRaRaO, A.I. %ss Spectro=atric Determination Of Impurity Profile Of Boron In lon-Doped Single Crystals U Silicon" V eb. Radiate. fiz. nemet.kristallov. (Radiations -Y'hyaics U llon=atallic Cryetals-Collection Of Vorke), Vol 3, Part 2, Kiev, 'Nauk.d,'xmka," 1971, pp 147 .5-148 (fromm RZh---~Iektronika i yeye primemaniya, No 10, October 19-11, Abstract No 101~4,'_3) Trsnslation-i The impurity profile of atoms of boron in-planted in mono- crystalline silicon with vcrioua orientations was data=Ariad by the mothod of secondary ion-ionic omicoion. The scheme of the =so *pectrometio arrange- ment is preeented, as well so typical imp4rlty profileo of 1)urium in 61 7 ref. I.M. U N 112 035 CLASS IF I ED PROCESSING OATE-27NOV70 _.TlTLE--PR9FlLE OF THE OISTR13UTION OF 30-100 KEV 1143RON EONS PENETRATING INTO SILICON -U- ~.AUTHOR--PISTRYAKP V.14. --USSR CCUNTRY OF INFO SOURCE--FIZIKA TVERDOGO TELA, APR. 1970t 12i 1.,+), 1281-1203 ATE PUBLISHED ------- 70 5UBJECT AREAS--PHYSICS --[ON BOMBARDMENT? TOPIC TAGS L3 0 R 0 N1 ON BEAM DOPING,. CRYSTALLINE SILICON, ION E MISSIONP CRYSTAL ORIENTATION, 10k DISTRfBuTION, SkCONDARY EMISSION i-,'~CONTROL MARKING--NO RESTRICTIONS ",_.~_::DOCUMENT- CLASS-UNCLASS IF IED PROXY REEL/FRAME--3002/1795 STEP CIRC ACCESSION NO--AP0129163 777= ........ ... 035 UNCLASSI FIEO PROCESSING DATE-27NOV70 CIRC ACCESSION 'qrj--AP0129163 -ABSTPACT/EXTPJkCT--(U) GP-0- ABSTRACT. THE DISTRIBUTIOIN OF B IONS (INITIALLY HAVING ENERGIES OF 30-100 KEV) AFTER PENETRATuIG INTO 10'~l DOPED Sl CRYSTALS WAS STUDIED& IN VIEW OF THE DIFFICULTIES OF THE TRADITIONAL LAYER BY LAYER ANALYSIS OF.THIS MATERIAL, THE B ION PROFILE WAS DETERMINED BY A TECHINIQUE BASED ON SECONDARY 10AI 10-11 Elt-11ISSION. THE HAD SHARP M-AX. LYING AT OEPTHS'OF 0.3-0.4~111U M FOR THE 1111) LPLANE AND 0.3-0.3 MU M FOR THE (110) PLANE, THE P-;.:,FCISE POSITION DEPENDING ON THE INCIDENT ENERGY. MOST OF THE PARYICLES PENETRATED MORE -DEEPLY THAN INTO AMORPHOUS MATERIAL, PRESUMA6LY AS A RESULT OF -CHANNELLING. _L,k_~ L' ICU USSR I'M A. K., KOZLOV V F.) GAM M-) R. 1.~ FEDOMEMM, A. I., F Ya. M.,, Physico-Technical Institute,,,: AcddeiAy of Sciences, Ulcr SSSR., Kar kov. "Distribution Profile of 30 and 100 KEV Boron Ions Intersticed in Sillcon~' Leningrad, Fizika Tv-erdogo Tela, Vol 22, TTo 4j April 1970, pp 1281-1283 Abstract: Monocrystalline specinans of n-type silicon with (111) and (110) crystallographic orientations were investigated after alloying t-tith ions of boron vith eniargies of 30 and 100 kev in an accelerating ul#t with rtass separations. Determination of the distribution orofile of the boron iont; intersticed in Silicon during ion alloying was perfonred by a method of secondary~ion-ionic erindssion on pecinm ; f ion-alloyed a mass--spectrometric device. Laminar sputteriix3 of the r, w 0 silicon (speed of sputtering - O.OC)15 micron/see) was produced bv a bcam of P~rj._ mary ions with energies of 14 kev and a current density of, 0.1 rae secondary ious Bil isolated by the magnetic omalyzer vere M_giste:~ed by an ion counter. The distribution profiles have satisfactorily narrow in-d-na ezbedded at depths of 0-3 micron (30 kev) and 0.43 micron (100 k0r) fo:r the (111) plane, airi 0-33 micron (30 ko-v) and 0.49 micron (100 kov) for the (11-0) The t1iffer- ence in the depths of the raxl= of the distribution profile or the impurity at 1/2 USSR -PISTRYAY,; V. M. at al, Fizilm 'T'verdogo Tel Ap3-il. 1970., a, V o 1 12, No -OP 1231-1283 the same energies of the incident ions., but different crystallogranhic orientat.-Lons of the targets, is explained by the better conditions of of thte incident particles in ci-ystals vith (111) orientations as co"jared.~~ith. t1hose of "ril) orientations. The authors thawk I. G. Gverdtsital and A. 'I. G-'Aldrzishvil. -for the 6 specimens submitted and for useful discussions. 1 fig. re.L. ecei ad by editors 19 December 1969. 2/2 FUT It I ~E M~ ~71--T'~M oui-rul-ogy ;~urTeyjxg i~: V~ 111UPPIng USSR UDC'533.27 FABRY, L. P., "Calculation of Static Characteristics of Pneumatic Choke Convertors of Physical and.Chemical Parameters of.Gases Kontrollno-iznerit. Tekhnika. Resp. Mezhved. Nauch.-Tekhn. sb. [Testing and Measuring Equipment, Republic Interdepartmental Scientific and Techni- cal Collection], 1971, No 11, pp 129-135, (Translated from Referativnyy Zhurnal, Metrologiya. i lzmeritellnaya Teklinika, No 7, 1972, Abstract No 7.32.685). Translation; A method is studied for designing pneumatic turbulent- laminar, laminar-turbulent and turbulent choke convertor-receivers for measurement of the physical and chemical parameters of gases. The tabulated function T, ED X-1 is calculated by computer for various values of x with an interval of 0.05. 1 Table; 3 Biblio. Refs. MM7 USSR KARTASHEN, K. B., PITUNMCIL PLATONOV, V. V., R-MTOV, V. D., FILIMONOVA, YE. A. "Detection of Fast Electrons in Plasmoid Injection into a Transverse MaFretic Field" Moscow, Pis'ma v Zhurnal r -ksperimentallnoy i Teoreticlneskoy Fiziki, Vol. 15, Uo. 1, 5 Jan 72, pp 7-9 Abstract; Fast electrons observed in the injection of aplasmoid into a trans- verse magnetic field are described. The experiments were conducted on the INYeS device described by Golovin, et al, at the IV International Conference on Plasma Physics and Thermonuclear Research at Madison in June 1971. It 'is noted that when a plasmoid enters a transverse magnetic field,there should occur a redistribution of energy between the ion and electron components, as has been discussed theoretical7y by many authors using a one-dimcrisional model of an equilibriuni boundary layer between tbe plasma and the riagnetic field. In this model the plasma flow incident on the magnetic field- is reflected as a whole from rhe "magnetic wall" and acceleration of electrons and slowing down of ions occurs in the transition layer formed due to separation of -thf:-! -1/3 USSR KARTASHEV, K. B., et al, Pisma v Zhurnal Eksperimentallnoy i Teoret-icheskoy Fiziki, Vol. 15, No. 1, 5 Jan 72, pp 7-9 charges. Upon injection of the plasmoid in-to the magnetic field there was recorded x-radiation with an energy of the order of the ene~:,gy of the incident protons. The radiation was recorded by a scintillation detector from the central region of the trap. Oscillograms of the x-radiation are shown for different magnetic field strengths. The intensity of the radiation increased with an increase in the field strength from 1 to 2.5 b-ce. In the absence of a magnetic field the radiation was never observed. A first narrow radiation peak on the time scale corresponds to the tixne of input of the plasmoid into the magnetic field. A second, wider peak arises si-multaneously with the beginning of radiation of the spectral line of copper Cul,-- i.e., at the tine of entry of the plasmoid into the trap from the plasma gun -- for a plasmoid. moving with a velocity of 3-106 cm/sec and containin*g a large number of im- purities. Electromagnetic radiation in the range 4.6-0.8 cm was recorded simultaneously with the x-radiationi as in the case of radintion, it- -t-ras never observed in the absence of a transverse magnetic field;and its intensity increaSed with an increase in -the field strength. The intensive radiation in the range of characterintic pl.asma frequencies and theliv ha=onic~-, in,,Jicatos 2/3 I 111M. USSR KARMASHLV, K. B.,, et al., Pisl=a v Zhurnal ElksperJnfental'noy i Teoreticheshoy Fiziki, Vol- 15, 1-110 1, 5 Jan -12, PP 7-9 the existence of a plasma with a bigh level of oscillations in the trap. A second pulse of x-radiation indicates the presence of high-energy electrons held in the trap. The study indicates that a considenlAble number of electrons acquire energy and are captured in the trap upon tile entry of a fast plas- moid into a transverse magnetic field. The authors conclude that it remains unclear as to what serves as the target for the slowing down of fast electrons responsible for the appearance of the first x-radiazion peak- and that the experimental results cannot be fully explained within -the framework of the aforementioned one-d im(!nsional model. 2/2 3/3 _d - - ----------- VSSK UDC:666.764.32:621.78.062.2 ow PITA-K. N V. and ANSINIOVA, T. A.,UkraJnlan Scientific Research Insti- i_u_T"e_to-rRefractories: "Mechanism of Rupture of Mullite-Corundum Lining Products Exposed to Different Mediall Moscow, Ogneupory, No 1, 1974, pp 35-38 Abstract: Mullite-corundum products containing 80% A1203, 18% Si02, porosity 17%, apparent density 2.67 g/cm3, compressive strength over 900 k5/cm2, temperature of-beginning of deformation under load of 2 kg/cm 1670* C were tested in a variable oxidizing-reducing medium in an industrial installation consisting of two shafts approximately 10 m high and 3.6 m in diameter filled,with the liner. The installation operates by the countercurrent principle with the liner heated in an oxidizing medium to 1500* C for 20 minutes, followed by pyrolysis with natural gas at 1200-1500* C for 20 minutes. Under these conditions, the mul lite- corundum refractory breaks down as a result of reduction of the silica of the mullite to silicon monoxide during the period of pyrolysis and partial oxidation of SiO to SiO2 during the heating period. Repeated changes in the gas medium cause a significant increase in porosity and volume of the products due to softening of their structure under the influence of cristobalite formed between the grains upon oxida- tion of gaseous SiO during the transition from pyrolysis to heating, USSR UDd 666.764,32.041.9 ANTONOV, S. A., FITAKj N. V. 1 and MKOVA, Z. D., Mcrainian 19ciontific Research Instituter-Of-MMatory Materials 'R 'edi "Sintering of a J-11ullite-Corundum Briquette in Oxidizing and educing h -1" Hoscow, OgneurorYs No 3, 19?3v pp 24-27 Abstractt Investigstion rezuIts are presented of the sintering of a mu.U.ite.- corundum briquette in oxidizIng and reducing zedla, Crude technical GA85 alumina and PLKO I-aalin were used as initVa materials for specimens 20 mn in dl meter and 24 rLm high, subjacted to heat tzc-atment with 2 hrs aging at 200-1700'C at 100-2000C intervals. The weight loss, chamge in volume, water absorption, and coimrr~-cslve strength, determined aster each ex,--riment in ~both meditt am diecussed. An intenaive sintering was found to procced in the 1400_1600 C temperature interval. Tho sinterlyjS rate at in a reducing medium than in 4n oxidizing meditun, duo to -tile foriratlon of a significant amount of liquid pha-se. At tomperatures highor th:-Ln 14000C, the SiO2 reduction process increases and volatile silicon notioxide 6evelop'n, which provents a ainterinF , of the briquette. lelvo figures, one table, four bibliographic refc--,enceu. 33 o 12 L,MCLASSIPI'Eb 'PR(JC0SSfNG,' 0ATE--20.N',)V70 TITLE--PACt,i;l,G C.C."PCI)INU HiA THE HEARTInS UF HEATING FUiO~ACES -U- ~AUTHOP.-(02)-PITAK, (\.V.t ANS1,MOVAP T.A. '-~ZOUNTRY UF INFO--USSR SGUFCE-0Gi%LUFGRY 19701 35(5)t 32-6 L [S~ ------7C -DATE PUL ',~!',SUBJECT AKL-AS--~',tATERIALS, 114E~;I-., I ;ND CIVIL AND MAf~~INE ENGR ~TOPIC TAGS-- INOLST~-, IAL f-IJ,~:,4CEY CORUNDUM, kEFRACTORY AAT~~RIAL, P.LiC-SPHORIC AC I & MA 9 k, REE 5 fI t, I [UNS POCUMENJ CLASS--UNCLASSIFIEO PkJXY STEP 03 0 03,6 CIRC Mi CSSICN UNC LASS IF It 11 2 UNCLASS I FIEL) P~,--) CES "s IN 6 DAT E-- 20P,117,V7 C' I C C I a 'A8STRALl/EXT'r.ACT--(Ul G-1.1-C- f, 7"" 5 T k A C T 6Y USE OF S(MTEEPED G()~~UMDUN~ A~;O S' ~y i [] 1, K E DGUT -OR ELEL. CE11, ~d -~E T THE WiCy, P CG~- P D . 8ASE0 UN CkTHUFhfjSP'-lJx1C ACID, !i.1-11CH Am- ECO, VENUE - R -L) FOR T14E FILLINC., OF THE -iACE S f: 5 PR~Pll/. f aGrTGeS C.~ f-EATINC THE SARPLES AND TH, ARTICLE THESE PACKI:~%Gj CCIMPUS. 4~Y PRLSS1,NG AND 6 Y : P Pq E U M Cl R A 1*- 1.9 f NIG M ~ CC HA RA C T E R I Z E D 'BY (-f(.IID F-kCFE TIES. FAC IL ITY-* UKR. NAUCH. ISSUD. INST 0GMEUPCR.p "O-ARKICV, USSR. UNI-LASS IF-LED M, ~-P- pin"mm. Refro~atory Materials us UDG c4.6Z34211-546.71~921)1541-123.2 GAVRISH, A. H., ZOZ, YE. L, ANSIMOVA, T. A. N. V., and KARYAKIN, L. I., Ukrainian Scientific Research. Irstitute o?W&I'lls"'laterials "Processes Taking Place in the Al 0 -NiO System During.11eating in Oxidizing and Reducing Med.IWI 3 Moscow, Izvestiya Akademii Nauk SSSR, Reorganicheakiya Haterialy, Vol 8. No 6t, Jun 72, pp 111r',5-1177 Abstract% An Investigation was made of the change of phase composition of the carrier during beating in oxidizing and reducing nedia in the presence of a nickel catalyst. The specimens we=e prepaxed f=om the principal components of the carrier, electrocorundum (with 98..89 A120 3t grain size < 50'1,~ technical alumina (98.6% A1.0 grain sise < 50_,4r ), eu%d nickel nitrate 3 (HIN03)2-611_20). The corundum and alumina specimens haja addAtIons of It 10, 25, and 50% nickel nitrate, With an increasing concentxation of nickel nitrate, there are only weak lines of spinel at 1400OC; at I", the spinel t 12000C, and at 2 develops a it devellops at 900 0. According to findings of other authors, the development of spinel kaw observed at 7000C and up to 15000C. The behavior of corundum and alumina specirens In the process of USSR GAVRISH, A. H., et al., Izvestiya Akademii Hauk SSSR, Reorganicheskiye Materialy, Val St No 60 Jun 7Z, pp 1175-1177. temperature Increase UP to 15000C and during holding in air is discussed and compared with data of otber authors. One table, eight bibliographic references. ~iVJCTaSonjC:t .4 UDC: 541.113 PiTkYEVSKAYA,-L. L. and.BILEVICH, A. V. "Velocity of Ultrasonic Propagation in Compressed Methane', Moscow, Doklady Akademii nauk SSSR, vol 204, No 6, 1972, PP 1346- 1348 Abstract: In earlier papers, the authors measured the velocity of ultrasonic waves in monatomic He and Ar, in N2, and in C02, In the present paper, they describe the results of experiments they performed in the measurement of ultrasonic propagation thrau(~,h the multiatomic gas of methane. This gap, was chosen because it is Imown that there are large accumulations of it in the depths of the earth and because the data derived from such experimentation can be useful for geochemical comp#iations. Tha-particular speci- mens used were obtained from the Experimental Plant for Reduction of~Natural Gas and had a purity of 99.95~-'- Velocity measurements were.made by the pulse method at pressures of 4.5 kbar in a tem- perature intei-val of 25-2000 C, and in.the frequency range of 0.1 to 4 EHz. No variation of the velocity with variations iii fre- quency was detected, but curves are given for the velocity as a function of pressure at various temperatures, for the computed thermal capacity as a function of the density at- various 112 OF 911 z- In, " "I ~il_ USSR UDC: 541-113 PITAYBEVSKAYA, L. L., et al, Doklady Akademii !Lqj~c SWOR, vol 204, No 6, 1972, pp 1346-1348 temperatures, and for the adiabatic compressibility as a function of the density at various temperatures,iii the 25-2000 C range. Members of the M. V. Lomonosov Moscow State University, the au- thors express their gratitude to Academician L. F. Vereshchagin for.his assistance. 2/2 L/2 017 PAGICESSING DATE--')?N,-, UNCLASSI FIED '3V7 0 TlTLE--ELECT.R0,'4AGNETIC WAVE ECHO IN A PLASMA -U- ,,.:.,~4.-UTHOR-(02)-KEMOKLIOZEr M.P.v PITAYEVSKI,YtLP o .,'0UNTRY OF LfNFO--USSR ~,l-',,5.QURCE-ZHURNAL EKSPERIMENTALINOYITEOPETICHESKOY FIZIKII 1970, VOL 58, 5, PP 1853-1856 ~~'~..-)ATE PUBLISHED ------- 70 11 .-SUBJECT AREAS--PHYSICS ~-TCPIC TAGS--ELCTROMAGNETIC WAVE REFLECTION, ECHOt PLASM OSCILLATION, PERTURBATION THEORY .~C NTROL MARKING--NO RESTRICTIONS ~c :qOCUMENT,CLASS--UNCLASSIFIED P ROXY: REEL/FRAME-3002/0014 STEP NO--IJR/0056/70/0581(',105/it)53/1056 11 R CAccEss 10N NO--AP0127664 UNLLASS IFIED mil now 2/2 017 UNCLASSIFIED PROCESSING DATE--27NOV70 CIRC ACCESSION NO-AP0127664 Y.A8STRACT/EXTRACT--(U) GP-0- ABSTRACT. AN EFFECT OF THE SPATILA PLASMA ECHO TYPE FOR TRANSVERSE ELECTROMNGNETIC IWAVES IN rHE ABSENCE OF AN -EXTERNAL MAGNETIC FIELD IS CONSIDERED IN THE THIRD ORDER OF PERTUR13ATION THEORY. THE.WAVE FREQUENCY IS ASSUMF0 LOWE THAN THE LANGMUIR PLA.SIMA FREQUENCY AND THE EFFECT LEADS TO NONLINER PENETRATION OF THE WAVES INTO THE PLASMA. THE AMPLITUDE INCREASES WITH GROWTH OF THE DISTANCE BETWEEN -THE GRIDS PRODUCING.THE FIELD. FAC,I L I TY: INSTUTUT FIZICHESKIKH PROBLEM, AN SSSR, D UDC: 51 PUGACHEV, V. F., YARTYNOV, G. V., MEDHITSKIY, V. G., PITELIN, A. K. "Multistage Optimization With Specific Forms of Local Criterion" Ekonomika i mat. metody, 1973, 9, No 2, pp 204-217 (from RZh-K-ibernetika, No 7, Jul 73, abstract No 7V534-fauthors' introduct-icn]) tistage o-ptimizaticn Translation: In RZhMat, 1973,-lV737 a scheme of mul.~ vi oc cr er n o genera M s consi ere si g speci W, corresponding modifications of the general scheme can be made, compu- tational experiments can be formulated, a comparative analysis can be made, and conclusions of a mathematicalland economic nature can be drawn. The paper deals with just this class of problems. USSR PITERBARG, V. 1. "Concerning the Work of V. Pikands, "Probability of Intersecticn for a Stable Gaussian Process" Vestn. Mask. Un-ta. Mat., Mekh. [Moscow University Herald, Mathematics, Mechanics], 1972, No 5, pp 25-30 ITTansl,ated from Referativnvy Zhunial, Kibernetika, No 1, 1973, Abstract No I V148 by the author). Translation: Suppose the correlation function of r(t) of a Gaussian stable process x(t) is such that I - r(t) changes properly to zero with nonzero exponent a. It is said that at point top a -exit beyond level u has occurred, if x(t u where t4(t - T, t N(T, U, t) i.1, thC 0 0' 0 number of T-exits bevond the level u in sector [0, t). Suppose ~(S) is I r ((p (s)) r (((p (s))CtX such that fim Then 11m Suppose S I-r(l(p(s)) (A Int inf Then jim Yf- IVIN (c, mmax Y(t)>Slds where and Y(t) is a Gaussian process. 7 10.7-1 1/2 USSR PITERBARG, V. I., Vestn. Mosk. Un-ta. Mat., Mekh., 1972, No 5, pp 25-30. MY Cov (Y (ts), Y Q.-)) =--III+ lim r(t) log t=b, < If, furthermore, either or then for any lim P (N (T, u. A(u)=kj---~ ki In the work of Pikands (MMat, 1970, 12V95) in the proof of similar theorems for r(t)=i-cjjja +ocW11), (-0- an error is made (lem ma 2.8). An essential alteration of the proof of the theo-rem of Pikands is presented. 2/2 -n Svordlovsl-, SSSR Ju 1 le t OV 4'. 1 1 p AbstZ.:;ct: Tho D,~:ob-c~ rc:s at r7,-, 3 y -wi~-il tha 4!C!Cjr%t Cf descr!bcd for a LEMperature j,'~-e2jvd-, r C, 're discussL_c a, '1c, of 1780-~~.Oo~ T S 1 C, -.,:s Feast to 'e L-"e va'JaL."ol-, at: racrys,Lall F ~~_..1/2 024 UNCLASSIFIED PROCES'SING DATE-30OCT70 TITLE-DETERMINATION OF THE COMPOSITION.OF,YhREE CUPPONENT COPOLIrMERS ~-..-CONTAINING HALO SUBSTITUTED STYRENEr STYRENE.,: ANv::DIENE -Ij- AUTHOR-( 031-GORSHKOVAl' I.A.9 PITERKINp B.D.w OOKUK114 A~.F. GUNTRY -OF INFO-USSR .-SOURCE--IZV. VYSSH. UCHEB. ZAVEDov KHIM.~KHIM. TEKHNOL. 1970, 13(l), 106-9 DATE PUBLISHED-70 --.`SUBJECT AREAS-CHEMISTRY ',~~TOPIC TAGS-COPOLYMERv STYRENE,, DIEN6v BUTADIENEY FLUORINATED ORGANIC COMPOUND I SOPRENE UV SPEC TRUM CCNTROL MARKIhG-NO RESTRICTIONS ~,,DOCUMENT CLASS-UNICLASSIFIED PROXY REELIFRAME-2000/0976 STEP N()---UR/OL53/70/0.13/~)Ol/OiO6/0109 C I PC, ACCESSIGN NO-AP01,24635- UNCLASSIFIED 024 UNCLASSIFIED PROCESSING DATE-30OCT70 CIRC ACCESSION NO-AP0124635 ABSTRACT/EXTRACT-(U) GP-0- ABSTRACT. 7'Hr: COMM. OF SEVERAL TERNARY ---,.,--C0MPQLYMERSv E.G.# STYRENE i I) r SUTADI ENE -ALPhAtBETA,,BETA,TRIFLUORriSTtRENE U111 1) 1, 1 SURENE I I I , AL,PHA,BIETAIDIFLUOROtBETA,CHLOROSTYRENE*'I~tllt A140 PtPtiF-NYL~iALPHA,BETA,BETAPTRIFLUOROSTYRENEtltllv WAS DETD- BY UV SPECTROSCOPY AT 240-80 NM* THE ANAL. WAS RAPID AND:ACLURATE. ~.',FAcILLTY: LENINGRAD. POLITEKH. INST. IMV KALININA, LEN14GRAD. USSR. UNCLASSIFIED USSR UDC 535-37 t 539-196 ARISTOV, A. V., BAXHSHIY-VV, N. G., KUZIN, V. -A., and PITERSKAYAo "Effect of Orientational intermolecular Relaxation on 5timulated Emission Spectra of Organic Phosphors"' Leningradt Optika i Spektroskopiya, Vol )0, No 1, Jan 71, pp 143- 147 Abstract: The article suggests a method for a controlled de- crease in the mean time spent by molecules in an excited state (tf),by intensification of stimulated radiative deactivation of excited molecules in a generation mode The value of t f is a direct functional of the pump level. This opens up the possi- bility of reducing the lifetime of excited molecules by intensi- fication of radiative transitions, which differs fundamentally from the method of increasing the probability of radiationless deactivation, and opens up new avenues for the Interpretation of 1/3 U S S.R ARISTOV, A. V., et al., Optika i Spektroskopiya, Vol 30, No 19 Jan 71, pp 143-147 certain spectroscopic and generational pnenomena as well as for obtaining new information on the properties of molecules and molecular systems. The new method was,used by the authors to study the relationship between the position of the generation spectrum maximum and the extent to which the pump poiier of' the second harmonic of a neodymium giant' pulse exceeds the thresh- old power in glycerol solutions of 3-dimeth~lamino-6-monomethyl- amino-N-methylphthalimide in a -65 to -- 35 C temperature range. The results confirm the fact that.orientational intemolecular relaxation in relaxation times commensurable with the mean time spent by phosphor molecules in an excited state~has the same, effect on the character of luminescence spectravariation both in a spontaneous and in a atimulated regime. In a subsequent article the authors 2/3 88 USSR ARISTOV, A. V., et-al., Optika i Spektroskopiya, Vol 30, No 1, -Jan 71, PP 143-147 intend to consider the effect of translational intermolecular r6e- laxation on generation spectra* The authors thank V. I. SHIROKOV and T. V. VESELOVA for fluorometric. measurements of 7- f (mean lifetimd of molecules in excited. singlet state in a spontaneous emission mod6 3/3 USSR UDC 8.74 KANEVETS, G. YE., PITERTSEV, A. G., KHUSNULLIN, M. KH. "Complex Optimization of Heat Exchange Equipment" Kompleksnaya optimizatsiya teploobmennykh apparatov (cf. English above), Re- public Library of Algorithms and Programs, Kiev, 1972, 259 pp, ill., 75 k (from RZh-Kibernetika, No 12, Dec 72, Abstract No IZV511X) Translation: The structure, equations and programs suitable for performing any optimizing calculations in practice for industrial heat exchangers including calculations with respect to optimal replacement of obsolete equipment are presented. 1.77.7 7,- Rel:. Code: UDC 621-316.761.2 MEL1K-SHAKH4'TA'ZJAPO'q, A. M. PITERvAKOV,__V.V. SMAYN, I.L. nUse of the Scanning, Con-vert--Ion PrIncIple In Const:rmetin's Alternating Current Compensators" K voprosu o primenenli 'prIntsina razvertyvayuvhcher!:c, pre- obrazovan~vyra r,-,! postroyenil komponsatorov (of. English above), Lenbigrad, Zavedinly, Friborostro !nilte, 1970,' No 1,' pp 1,;-~-19: t- Translationt The article exa,-A,nes thp use of scannInp coirrerslor, methods In alternating current automatic contxol systems. The possibli-l'. by Is demonstrated of Increasir-F the speed of r;sDonse for a low carrier frequency of the slx_rnal,beln~-, measured. Re'el/Frame USSR UW,. 546-iS5~:66)..:630 SHVETSOV-SHIE I, N. I. and. PITIMPI, M., R., "Synthesis of Monochloro-, MIoaoa_U-ylamidoL-,. and Monoalkoxy-_oeiitaaii,,idocyclotri- phosphazines" Leningrad, Zhurnal Obshchey Khimii, Vol 41, No- 51 MELY 1971, PP 1025-10028 Abstract: In the search for new pesticides among the-cyclotriphosphazines, mnochlompentaamidocyclotriphospliazine and the monoalkylamido- and 1ponoa3-koxy- pentaamido- derivatives were formed by successive.substit"ations on a base of hexachlor-ocyclotriphosphazine uEsimg amides, of dissimi3zr al1mlinity. One group of these compolinda, 2-ranoalh-ylamido-2,4~4,6-tetro>w(li-~-diretliylamido)- 6-chlorocyclatriphosphazines, farm the corresponding alkoxy dierivatives when treated with various alcoholates.. 16* Tiz, TITLE--CONDITIONS FOR SO[L ;,,;14 SUB2 DURING THE TREATMENT ,,,,AUTHOR-(02)-BATYGIN, N.F.v -COUNTRY OF INFO--USSR PROCESSING CATE--30OCT7j UNCLASSIFIEW:` 'D VARIATIONS IN NUTRITION OF PLANTS IN M SUBI AN OF BARLEY StEDS WITH GAMMA RAYS AND SOME PITlRIMOVAv:M9.:A:. SOU.ACE---GENETIKA 19701 6(2)t 34-9 ,-DATE PUBLISHED ------- 70 i,.SUBJECT AREAS-AGRICULTURE, BIOLOGICAL AND MEDICAL SCIENCES ,,,TOPIC TAGS--PLANT PHYSIOLOGY, ,-.-IRRADIATIONt MUTAGENt PLANT NUTRITIONs CEREAL MUTATION CROPi SOIL$ GAMMA M4 T R 0 LMARKING--140 RESTRICTIONS 'DOCUMENT CLASS--UNCLASSIFIED .,-PROXY REEL/FRAME--1998/0639 STEP NO--UR/0473/70/006/002/0034/0039 CIRC ACCESSION NO--AP0121306 UNC LA S.S.If I E 1). 2 016 UNCLASSIFIED PROCESSING DATE--30OCT70 ACCESSION NO--AP0121306 .-:ABSTRACT/EXTRACT--(U) GP-0- ABSTRACT. BARLEY SEEDS WERE TREATED WITH MUTAGENS OR IRRADIATEO WITH GAMMA RAYS AND GROWN ON A FIELD FERTILIZED WITH N PLUS P PLUS K (50t 651 AND 62 OR 250-3007 190, iAND 185 KG-HAr RESP.). AND MORPHOL. MUTATIONS WERE CHLOROPHYLLv PHYSI0Lwr,STERILEi COUNTED IN PLANTS OF 2 GENERATIONS.' THE VIABILITY OF THE SEEDS AND THE NO. OF STERILE PLANTS WERE LESS UNDER.EXCESSIVE NUTRITION. -EXCESSIVE NUTRITION ATTENUATED THE EFFECT OF CHEM. MUTAGENS AND GAMMA IRRADIATION Ig-THE YEAR OF TREATMENT AND DECREASE THE NO. OF MUTATIONS IN THE -.-,,,-.,SUBSEQUENT GENERATION. FACILITY-- AGROPHYS. RES. INST.r LENINGRAD, USSR. 14C-L-A S S F 1/2 013 UNCLASSIFIED PROCESSING DATE--04DEC70 TITLE--RAPID AMPEROMETRIC DETERMINATION OF PALLA01UN IN PALLADIUM PLATING :BATHS -U- z. ~_~AUTHOR-(04)-ARISHKEVICHt A.M., PITSYKr O.Imv ZAMORSKAYA, T.V.t USATENK01 "'YU. I . ---COUNTRY OF INFO--USSR "SOURCE-ZAVOO. LAB. 1970, 36(3)t 265-7 2Z,DATE PUBLISHED------70 AREAS--MATERIALS, CHEMISTRY TOPIC TAGS--PALLADIUM, METAL CHEMICAL ANALYSIS, AMPEROMETRIC TITRATION -.CONTROL MARKING--NO RESTRICTIONS :00CUMENT CLASS--UNCLASSIFIED 1PROXY REEL/FRAME--3008/1215 STEP NO--UR/0032170/0361003/0265/0267 RC-4CCf-S-cl-L'ON-~10---AP0138230-- fmir C_; p I E-TI ------ - 2/2 013 UNCLASSIFIED PROCESSING DATE--04DEC70 .C'lRC ACCESSION NO--AP0138230 ABSTRACT/EXTRACT--(U) GP-0- ABSTRACT. WITH A SOLN. OF -,.3vMETHYLDIMERCAPTOTHIOPYRONE (It IN 094-A ALKALI AS REAGENT AND GRAPHITE -.-INDICATOR ANODE, 20 MUG TO lo5 MG OF PO WERE TITRATED IN ACID MEDIUM (FROM PH 4 TO ZON H SUB2 SO SUB4 OF ION HCL) AT V (VS. SCE). THE MOLAR RATIO IS SHOWN ON 141CROFICHEP' AMPEROMETRIC,RESULTS WERE -:::COMPAREO WITH GRAVIMETRIC DIMP-THYLGLY(IXIME VALUES THE PREPN. OF I IS 17,~-:ZESICRIBEDo FACILITY: DNEPROPETROVSK. KHI;I.-TEKHNOL. INST., ONEPROPETROVSKv USSRo 17 1- A 1:'xS I E f)- iESE UDC: 5 1 KORBUI!, A. A., OVSIYEVICH, B. L., OGANESYAN, L. A., PIT Lenin- grad Department of the Central Mathematical. Economic"S"Triatitute, AcadeuV of Sciences of the USSR "Concerning V. V. Kolbin's Survey 'Stochastic Programming" Po povodu 61bzora V. V. Kolbina "Stokhasticheskoye proartammirowmiye" (Cf. English above), Leningrad, 1971, 12 pp, J.11. (No 11000-72 Dep,) (from RZh- -Kibernetika, No 6, Jun 72, Abstract No 6V443 Dep.) Translation: It is shown that V. V. Kolbin's survey "Stochastic Program- ming" (Rzh-mat, ig7o, 6V529) is mostly plagiarized from Zellnier's papers (G. Zellmer, "On Formulating Problems in1inear Stochastic Optinization", Math. imd Wirtsch., Band 6, Berlin, 19059, pp 11-44; Wiss. Z. Hoclisch. Ocko- nomie, Berlin, 1968, No 2, pp i63-i6q; No 4). The numerous inuccuracies and ~.errors of the survey are analyzed. - In particular, mention is riade of gross er-rors in lemma 1.1, in the corollary, of.lemma 1.2, it lemmw 5.1, 5.2 and 5. 4, and In theorerw 5.1, 6. 1 and 8. 1. Autbors abstrf-~:ct. PROCESSI'4G DATE--020CT70 025 T.ITLL-THERMOPHYSICAL PkUPERTIES OF UNPLASTICIZED POLY(VINYL CHL)`llL) PVKHS-5 -U- ,--4UT.-4'JR-(03)-CliERN06Y[-SKIYP 1.1.t PIVENI~A.N., GRECHANAYA, N.A. -IU% -TRY OF INFO--USSR CL s0um C E--K HI M. PROM. UKR. 19709 11) 27-9 '-'DATE: PUeLISHE0------70 --SUEJECT AKE.4S--CHFMISTRYi MA TERIALS ~'.TGPIC TAGS--HEAr CONDUCTIVITY, SPECIFIC;HFAT, ENTHALPYi POLYVINYL "'..'CHLORIOE, LEA0 COMPOUND, TEMPERATUR& DEPENDENCEI:POLYMER PHYSICAL i)ROPERTY '~:~~CC.%T'-CL MARKING-NO RESTRICTIONS 1) UC U r0f N TCLASS-UNGLASSIFIED SUP al FIED 212 025 UNd'ASSf PROCESSINS DATE--029CT70 CIRC ACCESSV NO--AP0112505 ABSTRACI/EXTRACT--(LI) GP-0- At3STkACT. THE CHANGES OF IHFAT CONI). CJ.L-FF. (LAMSOA), TFMP. TRANSFFq COEFF. (A)p D., SP. HEAT (C SURP) AND ENTHALPY WITH TEAP. I-N 0-200DEGREES INTERVAL WERF DETO. FOR THE UNPLASTICIZEr) P0LY(VINYL CHLORIDE) (1) CONTG. PBCO SU83 5, PS STEAIZATF 3, 4,14D STE-4RIN 0.5 PARTS IN 100 PARTS 1. THE RESULTS ARE PRESENTEO IN GRAPHS. THE INCREASE IN-THE DETN. PRESSURE FROM,5 TIMES 10 PRIME5 TO 50 TIMES 10 P;%IMF5 N-f! PRIMEZ INCREASED LAMBDA BY]6r'ERCENTv!A BY 5-bPERCENT, D. BY 2-3PERCENT, AND C SUBP BY 2-3PERCENT WITHOUT AL,rERING THE :HARACTER JF THE PROPERr-Y TEMP. DEPENDANCCE.~ I r- r n 77? F17-FT, 9g USSR UDC 621-317-77 MISYURA, V. A., PUYZY,L. A., SURKOV, ft. K., SOMOVI V. G.1 KARATEYEV, N. G.-, ZAGVQZD---1)rIN~ B. V. I NABOU, A. 1-1. t LITVIVEMKO, 0. A., and YAPANII-11 I. I. "Systems'of Phase and Doppler Measurements in a 1-lobile Radio Ionosphere Complex" Moscow, V sb. X Vses. konf. po rasprostr. radiovoln. Tezisy_ dok-1. Sekts. 3 (Tenth A:11-Union' Conference on the Propagption of Radio Waves; Report Theses; Section 3--collection of works) "Naul~a, 1972, PP 109-113 (from RZh--Radiotekhnika,No 10, 1972, Abstract 110 1OA426j Translation: A device for phase probing and a systen, for recordin- the Faraday and Doppler effects in artificial oarth satellite sig- nals and rockets, including a series of multichannel receiver aid recorder devices operating at two, three, and four coherent fre- quencies. (20, 40; 24, 48, 144; 20, 50, OJO, 180; 150 and 400 tMz, and others), are described. 'The difference betwreen the phase probing system and those now known is the separation of the Liea- sured phase differences with a heterodyne frequency and consequent narrow-band filtration. Resume 'hT i II C: r 7 it; F It I -?Vq; I fil"tP I if 1H 11.4 tT; -11, 1 ~11 V IIm-II USSR UDC 621-317.08 ITISYURA, V. A. A., LITVIITE 1TXO, 0. A., SOMOV, V. G., HABOY&I A. M., SURKOV, A. X., and KARATEYEV, N. G . 1111obi-le Radio Ionosphere Complex for Investigating the Ionosphere and Radio Wave Propagation". Moscow, V sb. X Vses. konf. po rasprostr. radiovoln. Tezisy dolcl. Sekts.,3 (Tenth All-Union Confere~de on the Propagation of Radio Ulaves; Report Theses; Section 3--gollection of i-.,orks) "Nauka, 1972, pp 104-108 (from RZh--Fadiotekhnika, No 10, 1972, Abstract No 10A427) Translation: A mobile radio ionosphere complex, developed in the 0~ Khar1kov University for complex investigations f the ionosphere and the proparation of radio waves by the method of vertical prob- img and the method of single-frequency curid multifroquoncy diffelen- tial Doppler and Faraday effects in satellite -and rocket signals, is described. The mobility of the complex permits, in addition to conducting independent measurements, combilatior. measurements with devices for noncoherent scattering and with experiments using geo- physical and meteorological rockets, as well as various shortwave ranges and the like. Resume OWN USSR UDC 612-58%W-8-015 MEN'. L, 11 It'. V., laboratoxy of General Physiology, Institute of Cytology and Genetics, Siberian Department of the Academy of Sciences of the WSi, Novosibirsk "Volmme Changes in the Cytoplasm of 4:-Curons from Different Regions of the Central Hervous System DurlnF., and After Hypotherniz." LeningrrAj Tsitologiyas Vol 15l No 7l Jul 73p pp 82M32 Abstracti N. V. Piven's results show the extrame cca1L-,-- of rat's rroduces a reduction of cytoplasmic volume in neurons in the ceieberal cortex Vvile the volume of neurons in the subcortical formations do not charv-e. During subsequent natural warming, the volume of neurons of the different sections of the central nervous system change in various diversities. After 16 hours of natural warming the volume of all studied types of reurons Increased and the MIA content in the neurons aluo suzraased the content of the control levels. The dynamics of the change of cellualr volumo of nouro,glia have their own unique characteristics considerably distirct from the dynamics of volume changes in r4urons. USSR tj-Dc 6:LP.826+612.58 PIVEIP, H. V., and PEVZIER, L. Z., Iaboratory of Functional Neuxochemistry, -TTffItUfe-o-f'PhysioloMr ireni I. P.. Pavlov, Academy of Sciences USSR, I-eningrad "The Effect of Acute Hypothermia on PJfA Concentration in Neurons and Neuroglia of the Hypothalamic Supraoptic Nucleus" Leningrad, Fiziologicheskiy Zhurnal SSSR imeni 1. M. Sechenov, Vol 59, No 2, 1973) pp 237-241 Abstract: By means of cytospectrophotometry, the neuronal IIINA concentration was estimated in three regions of the brain of vhite rats cooled for 1 hr at an ambient temperature of 0-10C until their body temperature fell to 240C, and during subsequent spontaneous recovery. The results indicate that during hypo- ~thermia, cytoplasmic RNA concentration does not change significantly in the neurons of the hypothalamic supraoptic nucleus, decre."es in the neuroCIia of that nucleus, and increases in the neurons of the inferior colliculi. During recovery, supraoptic neuronal MIA decreases at the 2d hr, rapidly increases, returns to norral at the 7th hr, an('- increases again to 3% al)ove no--wii at the 17tb hr. HIM concentration in supraoptic neuroj-,lia remains reduced, while that in the inferior colliculi rives IWP at the 7th hr and then falls again, but is still 6(YA alwa nonrkil Rt tIiQ 17#1 hr. ConsideftnV, the filet that the balance is a Puiction of' synthesis and deaty--action aiO, that, the flecre-Lory 1/2 USSR PIVENIJ- N. V. and PEWNER., L. Z.,, Fiziologicheskiy Zhurnal SSSR imeni I. M. Sechena;r,, Vol 59, No 2, 1973, PP 237-241 suprao-ptic neurons are active periodically, it is suggested that the cbanf,-es are determined not only by hypothermia but also by the. cellular metabolic rate. The residual increase in RNA concentration may represent adaptation to cold. 2/2 USSR UDC 612,822.1+612,622.4 PIYENI 11 Labomtory of General Physiologyr Institute of Cytology and Genetiasl Siberian Departzient of the Academy of Sciences UUSR, Novosibirsk "RNA Content in Cortical Neurons in Relation to Chanpe in Their Function During Recovery from Hypothersie Leningrad, Fiziologichaskly Zhurna-l SSSR, Vol 58, no 4., 19,72, PP 493-497 Abstracti In rats cooled to a body temperatlum of 249C# RM concentration and the volune of cytoplasm decrease In cortical rteux"rs of the second layer in frontal association azeas. During Spontaneous recovery from hypotheniia at a room temperature of 220 C, the cytopla-sm volunme ircraw3e:s in proportion to the increasIng bady 1' exa1wrature. 11owevar MIA cwicentziltion falls even more at a body t&nperature of 3P C (38 Mlzlb~ and cojitiniwa to fall at 350 (1.3 hr). During a transient fall in body temperutuM, to 340 when tho xuts fall asleep, (6 hra), WM concentration begins to r1aa and finally excoeds the norral level vhen body temparatuie returns, to nonial (16 hrz). It is concluded that during the initia stage: of racoverr RM ixtilitation Oxceeds utilization creating an BRA reserve and raising the nerim cells9 resistance to Stress. IA AA0047091-" UR 0482 -Soviet Inventions Illustrated, Se 'ction II Electrical, Dervent, f24106'1-AERODYN MDEL can C CMUCTE fAISTICS OF A be determined in.4 iKnd..tunnel whe.41 the model (1) has holes (2) perte~rating to:fts internal cavity (3). Coloured water (5) under pressure (6) is forced into.the cavity,(3).through the pipe (4). 30.10.67 as 1193436/40-2i.. G.A,CHEREK)MN et al. (12-9.69.) Bul 1311.4.69. Class 42k. Int.C1.G 01m. AUTHORS: Cheremukh.ift, G. A Ya. Kuz'min S.- K. Pivkin Y~ 19790575 ZT '27 - . ! _,,7; 4Z - --.I : -,. . -3 nlv^ . 17- AA0044817- UR 0 482 Soviet Inventions Illustrated, Se~tion 11 E.1ectrical, Denvent, 243224 SURFACE ZUSSURE OU AN AE.R0VY,'q0,m1Cjq)DEL in a wind eiinnel is complicated tor asceirtaLn, and the moderate accuracy obtained limtts'the usefulness of various methods. Theproposa.1 improves accuracy by providing date of higheer quality, and also reduces the cost of experinent. The essence of the method is to fill the cavity inside the model with for example, a (coloured) liquid; on the application of some level of internal pressure the liquid arrives through seepage channels at the surface beitig studied. By this means the pressure exerted over a surface can be ascertained." 30.10.67 as 1193437/40-23.G.A.CREREMIMIN tit al. (18,9.6-9) But 16/5.5.69. Class 42k. Int.Cl.G 01m. AUTHORS: Cheremukhin, G. A.; Pivkln, Ye. Ya.;.Kuz'iain, S. K. A4~6. USSR PETROVA, L. T., PIVKINA, N. N. "Large Block Programming Language" Sb. tr. In-t mat. Sib. otd. AN SSSR [Collected Works of Institute of Mathe- matics, Siberian Division, Acad. Sci. USSR), 1972, No 7(24), pp 71-104 (Translated from Referativnyy Zhurnal - Kibernetika, No 8, 1973, Abstract No 8 V602 by the authors) Translation: A specialized programming language is described, designed for mathematical-economic problems with block data structure. The language has a large-block structure, special organization of files into "trees" and a system of indirect references to information already accumulated; certain means for associative information retrieval are included;,it is possible to access individual elements of reference information concerning files; statis- tical and dynamic distribution of memory are allowed, The syntax of the language is described in the form of Becus formula5. An example of inscrip- tion of a lincar-programming algorithm for problems with hicrarchaical matrix structure is presented. 1/1 T ice't Ah sitti6ilhg!': Seriv A66: 'Nk' Ref. Code *A9048802' CHEKI CAL T. W/?00 91523y %nthesis of the vinyl ether of diacetone alcohol r (4 hydroxy-4-methyll-2-pentafione, dirnethYlacetonylcarbinul). PiNDE84R X, (USSR). A, Priki. Khim, (Leningrad) 1970, 43(l), 92W-10 I t'ss). NIeX(OCH:CH,)CH2CQIMe (1), b. 134', n,-O' 1.506. was obtained in 92% Aeld by heatini 80 g CaC,, 93 Me,C(OHICH2COMe, I,-- I& and 14 g KO 6 )0 ml, C6F H in 400 ml H2 in an autoclave 4-5 hr at 150-8(V/20-5 atm. I had high adhesion to metals. glass. and some plastics. 1, polymd. on Cu toil at 130-50' or 180-200* to give a strong coating witK exceptional flex- ural strength. The polymer (VEI),S) bad good thermal stability, moisture resistance, and resistance to cheins. VEDS was useful qs a dielec. and as an electronic anticorrosive lacquer. DBJR dl - REEL/FRME 19800565 USSR uDc: 661.143 _PIVNEVA1 S. P.J KRONGAUZ, V. G.,, PAN KOVAI L. T., GUGEL B. M. "Formation of (Zn-Cd)S Solid Solutions During Sintering" Sb. Nauch. tr. VNII lyuninoforov i osobo chist. veshchestv (Collected Scientific Woeks of the All-Union Scientific Research Institute of Phosl)hurs and Very Pure Substances), 1971, vyp..6, PP 36-41 (from Wh-Ehi EIM, No 15, .,Aug 72, Abstract No 15Li84) Translation: The high sensitivity of the imthod of diffusion reflection spectra to analysis of the composition and degree of homogeneity in the ZnS-CdS system is used for studying the peculiarities of the for-mation of a solid solution as a function of vrepamtive conditions and the quality oll, the raw material. The authors reveal the degree to which the rate of sintering, is affected by the quality of the initial zinc- and cadnditm sulfides., treatment of ZnS with various "washing agents" (NH40H, NH4Cl and K010, conditions of heating the charge, and the gas atmosphere (vacuum, hydrogen, arfron., hydrol-en sulfide). Existing methods for.charge preparation and eq~iprrent for calcining do not ensure complete reproducibilityof the product even in the presence of fluxes. 27 ,F P WPM 0?1W USSR I= 661.l43.o46.1vl. ZAPLESM, N. N., 121Z=A and PODKOLZINA, T. M. "Growth of Zinc-Sulfide PhosDhor Grains Durin-- Firing" Bb. nauch. tr. Vj,1Ij lyuminaforov i osobo chist. veshchestv 'Collection of Scientific Works of All-Union Scientific Research Institute for Phosphors and Ultrapure Substances), 19?1, vyp. 6, pp'42-49 (English sumary) (from RZh-Khimiya No 14, 25 Jul 72,- 'Abstract No 14L131 ~Vom SIMLTAry) Translation: A detailed electron-microscapic investigation vas made of the growth process of zinc-sulfide phosphor grains during firing. Industrial US of a brand "for phosphors" was taken as starting raw material to make the phosphor. The charge was fired at 9500- Firing time varied from 1 minute to 4 hours. Pv [expansion unknown) of the luminescent raterials was studied by means of carbon copies shaded with platinum. Itwas shown that the processes of particle enlargement of the initial ZnB and grain forration of the lumines- cent material take ~Dlace in accordance with the basic principles of the physics of sintering. W7 0 112 U16 UNCIASSIFIF9 Pj~!'JCES S '~-G I)' T1 3Nr_ TI TL E --A LIC ~'J'HOL AT CE- CAT4LYZU) GECrjNJUvA ruit-i o FES TA r4901 ~:,Ni3S A.A.-. RIHEV11KOV11 V il. r PlWaTSK"Y K. K. C(2U-.,4TRY OF INFn_--USSR SOURCE--Klil-ki. PRIR. SOEDIN. 1970t 6( 11:1 138-9 f DATE PU8L ISHED-------70 ANO MEDIC SCIENCES, CHEMISTRY SUBJECT AREAS-910LIOGICAL AL TOPIC TAGS-- ANDROGEN I ALCOHOLYSISt CHROMATOGRAPHY CONTROL MARKING--NO RESTRICTIONS, DOCUMENT CLASS IICLASSIFIEO PROXY RFU/FRAlAE--3004/0552 STEP NU--UR/0393/7OfOOO/QQ'i./013(3/0139 CIRC ACCESSICN N10--Ar'0131175 Elm 2/2 016 UN CLASSIFIED PROCESSING DATE-- 13,*,IOV70 CIRC ACCESSIUNI %'O--AP0131175 ABSTRACT/EXTRACT--M) GP-0- I A,% D I 1 6 Y ABSTRACT. DECONJUGATION OF T&~T-BUGK UA TERT-3UCH (0.9M, 16 HR, 2()0EG;sEFS*) wAs 03so. FR&A ME CRUDE PMMUCTSi III Or\ IV WERE 0 [IT A IE DBY CHR47111ATO!3. ON Sto SU132 (82PERCENT); IV IS RAPIOLY 0MIZED TO It FFIGM, Wi.41CHVI :,JAS OBTA[iklEL) -LIC ACTIVITY im THE (59PERCENT) 6Y CHROMATOG. UN AL SUL~2 0 : SUB3 A H A 13;-! THE IiYO.R,,')XY DIKETONt-S (VI) AND IiiYO OXY HERSCH8ERGER JEST (1953) Of- c; R -KETONES (VII) WAS Ft-UN,'U TO BE 20PERCENT. OF THE ANAW'ILIC. ANJ ANGROGEil EFFECT OF TESTOSTERONE PROPI,ONATE. FACILITY: INST. EKSP. ENOOKIRINOL. KHUM. GORMONOV-, MOSC04, iUSSR. USSR uDc 669,14,018.821 EELWHOV, I. N., KLYUYEV, 14. H., PRYANISHIIIKOV, I. S.,JIVOBAROVA, L. 1.2 and SHCHECLOVA, R. I., Elektrostal' Plant "Properties of Steels Alloyed with an Excess of Nltrogen!' Moscow, Stall, No 6, Aug 73, pp 749-732 Abstracti The properties of Some standard steels were investigated in which nitrogen was added in amounts which exceeded the theoretical limits of its solubility under ordinary conditions. The specific steels studied weret EP222 (Xh2lG?AN5)1 EP618 (hh25LN12AR) i EP731 (OWKh19G1U7AP2), E1835 (MR116WAR), and EP310 (1Kb1511;5AN2). The chemical composition of these steels is given. It was shown that in the process of.plasna-arc remelting from the gas phase a greater saturation of the metal with nitrogen is achieved than under conditions of using nitrided forToalloys. Steel from ingots weighing 400 kg had satisfactory propertlee-, especially increamed strength with accep- table ductility. The quantitative effect of nitrogen was investigated and its mechaniom ref ined, Four figuxes, two t4bjea, 1. 1Fq--FM' F-i'mirmi; USSR UDO 621.382.002 GAYSINSKIY,V.B., GALICHINTEETSKIY, L.P., GRIGORIYEV, A.N.,.KPSfiKIN, V.M., KULIK, 0 V'--1' : TN., NIKOLAYCHUK, L.I., PIVOYA.R, L I., RAYSKIN, E.K., SYSOYE , A., FAYNER,M.SH. lIon Implantation Of Single Crystals Of Cadmium Sulfidal V eb. Monokristally i tekhnika (Single Crystals And Technoloar-Collection Of Works), Issue 6, Kharkov, 1972, 1 Rp 109-112 (from RM:Rlektronika i__yeye primen- enly,e, No 11, Noy 1972, Abstract No 11B459) Translation: The effect was studied of the dose and energy of irradiation by lithium ions in the temperature range from minus 70 to plus 180c) C on the con- ductivity of cadmium sulfide. A. divergence is found between the theoretically calculated value of the depth of penetration of lithium ions and the experime al results. These divergences are accountedifor by the marked differences of the structures of.the surface layer and the voluma ofthe crystal. Vfith the aid of .ion implantation piezosemicond-actor transducers were produced based on a high- .resistance layer in CdS. Summarr. 1/1 "PAOCES'SING -DATE-13NOW70 I ~!oz? ON A 14E MIS PASSING THKrjlJG,4 ",fT* TL E~- CT'RON EMUSSLOWFOR -FAST:, LV-PRT FINE CAqtiON FILMS -U- ,,.~-AUTHQR~ 9 A.S.t PIVOVARt L.I. CUNTRY' OF INFU--USSR 1___~:_S0W.CE--UA,&AY IN. FIZ. LH, (USSR)t VOL. 15p NO 5t 0. 739--41 (MAY 19TO) .--"DATE PUBLISHED----MAY70 SUBJECT ARICAS--PHYSICS `:JOPIC T AG S - -L E C f R 0 N_EN IS S ION~ ION BUMBAROMENT, LITHIUMi POLYCkYSTALL[NE ~F I LIA, CAP30N, ANGULAR DISTRI3UTION 'ZONTROL RESTRICTIONS 00CUMVIT CL~SS-UNCLASSTFIEO PROXY ~ELL/FAAME-3005/1.809 STEP ~t-;',J--Ul~/0113-r,/70/(315/005/0*13~)/0741 CIRC ACCESSION Ni)--AP,0133714 TT -I - "171_~13161affi_ 4 if Acc. Nr: d tY%% 378444" Ref. Code: UR 0056 PRIMARY SOURCE: Zhurnal Eksperimental'noy i TeDretidlheskoy Miki, 19700 Vol 58, Nr 1, pp ~117- 03 COLL18IONS OF: PAST Li, N a _AND, K ATOMS AND IONS WITH 'ALKALI METAL AND NOBLE dAS ATWIF(20 1555 keV-). Pivovar, L. I.; Nikolaychuk, L. I. The cross sections for electron loss and the equilibrium charge distribution In Li+, Na+ and K+ ion beams traversing Na or K vapor or He, +Na and Ar gases are measured. The cross sections for electron loss by fast Li, Na and K atoms tire determined on basis of data on equilibrium charge distributions and the data from paper (0]. The cross stecti. ons for electron capture by doubly, charged. L04, Naz+ and K2+ ions are presented. The largest values of the ionization cross sections of fae. atoms are observed in collisons bet- ween Identical alkali metal atoms.: REEL/FMME 1-9730833 USSR UDC: 621-316 GORDIYENKO, A. G., GUBERNATOROV, 0.1., PIVOVA.R, V. T., and 1133road.-B~Lnd Nuclear Magnetometer With Limited Accuracy of Mag- netic Field Intensity- Measurement" Leningrad, Priborostroven~ye, No.2, 1972, pp 21-25 Abstract: The broad-band magnetometer, whi-ch uses the phenomenon of nuclear magnetic resonance as its basic operating principle, is widely used in modern particle accelerators and in nuclear- magnetic mid electron-paramagnetic resonance spectroscopes for measuring the intensity of the magaetiefield. This article de- scribes a highly sensitive nuclear magnetomelver with proton sen- sors and a self-oscillator in the fom of a &igital frequency synthesizer with automatic phase-frequency control and a highly stable reference oscillator. The device has been desigmed for oontinuous measurement of magnetic field intonsities ranging flom. 1.2 to 6.5 kiloersteds. Block diagram of the self-oscillator, which has a frequency range of 5-~-28 111z tunable with minimum steps of 10 Hz in five channels, is given and its operation described. The authors are connected with the Kharkov Institute of Radio En- gineering. j H M M 1,q P W M 46g; --m a aidwu. mn M _F, 1, USSR uDc 621-396.62:621-396-97 GUBEMATOROV, 0. 1. , P1VO-VAIR, V. T.i PIV:)VAR. R. IM. , ORDIYENKO, A. G. TSYBUL'KO, V. I. "A Medium-Band Radio Receiver With Digital Frequency Synthesizer" Radiotekhnika. ResD. mezhved. nauch.-teklin. sb. (Badio Engineering. Republic interdepartmental Scientific and Technical Collection), 1971, vyp. 12, pp 16-21 (from RZh-Radiote"nika, 110 7, jul 71, Abstract No 7D1l) Translation: 111he paper describes a tramsistorized socket-powered relay receiver with fixed tuning and double frequency conversion designed for huntless and adjustment-free reception ol' one hwidred radio stationz in the mediun-wave band. Rapid and accurate tuning of 'the receiver is achieved by using a digital frequency ayrthP!3i-7cr as the heterodyne. Tuning precision Is ensured by the high vtabillty of' the! heterodyne-, which is determined by the stability of a quartz-crfstEd reference oscillator. Resume. USSR UDc 621.373 GUBERNP ATOROV, 0. V. , PIVOVAR, F. M., PIVOVAR, V. T., GORDIYENK0, A. G. "Code Control of a Digital Frequency 'Synthesizer" Pribory i sistemy avtomatiki. Pesp. nauchno-tekhn. ib. (Devices and Systems for Automation. Renubjic Interdepartmental Scientific and Technical Collec-~ion), 1970, vy-p. 13, pp 102-105 (from RZh-9adiotekhnika. -',,,'o 10, Oct 70, Abstract rzo 10D398) Translation: The article des crib e. s the control circuit for a digital frequency syn- thesizer which oDerates in the 30 !fIz range wit1h.-discrete irtervals of 50 Con- trol is by five-digilt parallel binary code. A block d:_iRIrrraw. of EL frequency divider is eiven with division coefficient variable from 38 to 62 uned nrograir=e.d !3ettinc of this coefficient. The maxiT.,vum fr-~qwncy of *the di,,rider is 3.5 Miz. Ar adtantare of the described digital synthesizer con"rol circuit iis absenci! of the rec',,anical inertia of switches which would increase the ti-e for switchirvgr of the synthe~-iz,_,r charnels. One illustration, bMiagraphy of three tit'les. Resum'2, U19SR UDC: 621-316 GORDIYENKO, A. G., GUBERNATOROV5 0. 1., 1 and P1VOVARP R. mo Broad-Band Nuclear 1-Tagnetometer 'With Limited AcciLracy of 14ag- netic; Field Intensity Measurement' Leningrad, Priboi-ostrojen~Ze, No 2, 1972, pp 21-25 Abstract: The broad-band magnetometer, which us es the phenomenon of nuclear magnetic resonance as its basic operating principle, is widely used in modern particle accelerators nuclear- magnetic and electron-paramagnetio-resonance spectroscopes for measuring the intensity of the magnetic field. This article de- scribes a highly sensitive nuclear wagnetometer with proton sen- sors and a self-oscillator in the form of a digital frequency synthesizer with automatic phase-frequency control and a highly stable reference oscillator. The device has been designed for continuous measurement of magnetic field intensities ranging f3.Dm 1.2 to 6.5 kiloersteds. Block diagram of the self-oaci-llator, which has a frequency range of 5-28 MHz tunable wit'n minimum steps of 10 Hz in five chennelB, is given and its operation described. The authors are connected with the Rharkov Institute of Radio En- gineering. USSR uDc 621-396.62:621-396.97 GUBEMATOROV, 0. 1. , YIN V. T. , FIVOVPIR, T% 14. , COR'HY-H-111KO , A. G. , TSYBULIKO, V. I. "A Medium-Dand Radio Receiver With Digital Frequency Synthesizer" Radiotekhnika. ResD. me.,hved. nauch.-tekhri. sb. (Fladio Engineering. Republic Interdepartmental Scientific and Technice.1 Collection), 1971, vyp. 12, pp 16-21 (from RZh-Radiotekhnika, No 7, Jul 71, Abstract No 7D11) Translation: The paper describes a transistorized soc."Ket-pow.- red relay receiver with fixed tuning and double frequeticy convers-ion design--:-,.(I for huntless and adjuntment-free recej)tion of onu hundred radio stations in the nediini-wave band. Rapid and accurate twiingr Of the receivc:r IS achieved by using a digital frequency synthesizer as the heterodyne. Tuning precision is ensured by the high stability of the heterodyne, which is determined by the stability of a quartz-crystal reference oscillator. Resume. USSR UDC :6-21.373 Topoj, 0. v. PIVOI/kR, ~R. M., PIVOVAR, V. T., GORDTYE-, 0, A. G. GUBER:.Ip "Code Control of a Digital Frequency Synthesizer" Pribory i sistemy airtonatiki. Resp. mezhved. nauchno-tekhn. ,,b. (Devces and Systems for Automation. Re-alfolie Iitf--rejeDartmental Scientific and -J~~,chnilcal Collection), 1970, v-yp. 13, -op 102-105 (fron. No 10, Oct 70, Abstract *.%,o _10398) Translation: The article descr.;b~!s the co!~tral c-~rcuit for P. digital frequency syn- thesizer which oi;,erates in the 30 11:1z rang,-, vith discret.,~ intc-rvals of 50, kllz. Con- trol is by five-digit parallel billar~,r code. A block dimoram of' a frequency divider is given with division coefficient var-lable from 33 to 62 and iDrogram_med t_-_-,~ting of this coefficient. The maxim= frequency of the divider 3.5 ~,_'Hz. An ad-,rP_nt;_Ce of the described dicital syntLesizer control cireuit is abilnmce of' thf:! mf,chanical inertia ci-,&nmels. of SwItcher; which would increaze the time for switching u -~--ree titles. Res , One illustration, bibliography afl' U-11e 67 USSR UDC: 621.374.322:62-71:2.6 YELISEYEV, V. G., Ply -A,.--N., AMOV, V. F. "IStabilization of the Load of a Binary-D--cimal Counter" Mekhaniz. i Avtojpatiz. 11pr. Nauch-Proizv. Sb. IMechanization and Automation of Control, Scientific-Production Collection], No 5, 1971, pp47-50 from Referativnyy Zhurnal Aytomatika. Telemekhanika i Vychislitel Inaya Teklinika, No 3, 1972, Abstract No 3 A365 from the~resume) -buts of a counter connected Translation: The distribution of load between the out to the inputs of a decoder is analyzed. Using a binary-decimal counter as an example, the authors show the influence of the sequence of code states of aistri- bution of load and the possibility of improvement of the evenness of distribu- tion of load by optimization of.the comections between the counter and decoder, considering the code cbaracterls-tics of eaeb state (number). written in the counter, 2 figures; 2 references.