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uDc: 621-317-7811.023((j88. 8) USSR PETLYAK'i.W, Ye. I. ?IA Device for Measuring the Energy of an Isolated SHFTulse" 'USSR Author's Certificate No 2-60692, filed 25 May 68, pi~blished 7 11~3~v 70 from Klh-RadioLekhnika, NO 111, Nov 70, Abstract No IIA293 P) Transla.4--on: 7his Author's Cert;licate introauces a ael"Ice for neasUrin, the ene--Ezr of an isolated SHF please, The device contai-tis a si:-~ction of wave- gvd de -- a p ,lass Jacket with liquid adsorbent. . As a disringulshing, feature of the pat tent, this adsorbent is coupled to EL glazs measil-rezent, tube. &-I ad- vartage of the proposed device is the it requires no proliminary calibration and car be used for making measurements in sCbsolute energy or power units. USSR UDO 621. 7,78.1:621. ~,91.,'522 ILIINSKIY, YU.A., PETNIKOVA. Y.U. 'On The Noise Of In-_Prar,~d Radiation Detoctors With Freqtwn(.y Convorl3ion" Kvantovaya ele;ktronikn (;:~iantum Electronics), Mosco-o, lic. %1.1), pp _1221 1 ;_1 6 Abstract: A nromisinla, n,!ethod for detection c-0 infrared cowri,;rsicn. of the frequency of th.L3 r-.:aialjon %,iituh the aid of' a nof, line,;i~- cr,.,rstal. If the frequency of pam-, ing s end tho signall f I requency Lher, it 123 r030iblO z U U I'My -Ijj , + which lj.r-~s in tho to obtain the Tuin or difTerence of~ the frou r- J_ ible or n6ar inf*mred biirid. N".3 region of sensitivity of detectorl of tho~visi n-roblem ethe senmitivity of ouch a dotection meLhod in Tho r.-~-nni- tivity in dotoruinod by tha cow.,~,-rolon -factor .,.trd thp, noii-lo of tlw dovic-c. Two, preaent thiper studiog an! eval,.mtes tho principEil nolso jin frcqu,~nt-y .,c noiae off' pnrum-trir lln)unt~s-_,imce. C.-n 1) Thermal. 2) Bao-k-rounA. and p., bvsia of the thoarem and aquaticitfi ol Lhe, Piel'i An lullG cryutal, exprz.,t3:3 ions aro obtainod for tho powur of' tho owlF,"d by thtl P.2 fluctuationn or the medium and baclklproun4 ra~ivt_ion. lhi- i o -3 C. ~~ 011~11; ; 1-~ (I w-ith the noine restxlt_inr~ irora the prccecs oe It 'in Of3toblin",~1of! tWlt in tho lul"ir A.rPrill-nd brund Vre noi,,,-o (~.O oocenre vredwrinni,on, anv; th(~ =IddI13 ,jnei for bnndo th-rintil. and rp 11=11,11 2=0111 PROCESSING 0ATE,-27iNOV70 112 012 VNICLASSIFIE-0 _T.ITLE--WCKEL iNITRATE PRODUCTION -IJ- ..A.UTH0l-(05)-PETRAC KARLO SERGUNKINY V1 V4P. v SHERSHN-:V, N. G. CHE SKAYAP L.A. NTRY OF-INFO--USSR U .~.ioup,CE__U.S.S.R. 264,380 1. ,REFr=RGNCE--OTKRYTIYAt IZJBRET.v PROM. OB~RAZTSY, TOVAJINYE. ZNAKI NR 1970 0( 'AT EPUBLISHED--03MAR70 :-.SUBJECT AREAS--CHEMISTRY TOPIC TAGS--Cl-tFf4ICAL- PATENT, NICKEL COMPOUND, NITRATE, CRYSTALLILATION MARKINIG-NO RESTRICTIOINS .'60*CUMENT CLASS--U."4CLASSIFIED ~:PPOXY REEL/FRAf-iE--3001/lft50 STEP NO--Ufi/048'317(~1000/000/0000/0000 CIRC ACCESSION tNO--AA0126981 UNC LA -1 F 1 E 0 ~~2/2 012 UNCLASS I F [ED 111ROCESSIiNG 0ATE-27NOV70 :GJRC.ACCESSIf3N NO--AA0126981 -ABSTRACT/EXTRACT--(U) GP-0- USTRACT.1 NI NITRATE IS PREP0. WITHOUT THE TORMAT-ION OF AN NH SUB4 NO SW33 BYPRODUCT BY DISSOLVUNG METALLIC I'll IN HNO SUB3 CONTG. 700-1000 G-L. PIHNO SUB3) SUB2. Wi SUF32 0 IN THE PRESENCE OF 20-70 G-L. NH SUf34-t%O SU53 IN THE FORM OF~A 40THER LIQUOR OBTAINED AFTER EVAPN. AND CRYSTN, OF.~Nl-NITRATEII~, UNC LASSI FlED_ USSR PFTRAK,,L. V. t'Program for Approximate Realization of the Best Even Approximation of a Function" Programmy optimiz. Priblizheniye Funktsiy. Vyp. 3 [Optimization Programs Approximation of Functions. No 3 -- Collection of Works], Sverdlovsk, 1972, pp 3-10 (Translated from Referativ-nyy Zhurnal - Kibe-rnetika, No 8, 1973, Abstract No 8 V654) Translation: This program is designed to solve the problem of best approxi- mation of functions of several variables by "generalized" polynomials such as as n F n= Yaii(X) in arbitrary set G of points X=fxljx 23 -'s XiI in I-dimensional space: n En=minmax f(X)- Y a F XEG i=l n where ~i(X), i=1.2, n, is a certain linearly independent system of func- Uons. l D MIN I I MI. w. 3-1 mu M11:1111,111411H M W USSR IVAKOMOf A. G.; OVCHINNIKOV, V. A. Ej G GULYM, N. V. (Kiev) OAutomatic Control of Complex Plants with Prediction O~tiwdzation by the Self- Organization FrInciple" Kiev Avtomatika; July-August 1973, pp 39-52. 'Abstract: In control with prediction optimization each solution is evaluated from the standpoint of its effect on predicting the future. In this article the problem of the synthesis of optimal control was solved in discrete time. A plant (hydroelectric power station) for which optimal control may be found by means of both dynamic programming and the self- organization principle (selection) was taken as the first example. TUs made it possible to determine the dependence of the error of theiexaat solution on the choice of degree of freedom. For F *;~;- 90 both methods prc',ved to aive close results. In contrast to dynamic programming, the self -organization method is applicable to more complex plants with a greater amount of delaying independent variables and to optimization in a sliding~ interval of thm prediction. A com- plex stochastic plant for which dynamic programming cannot be applied waa taken as the second example. 1/2 16 JPRS 55818 27 April. -1972 A MTHOD DY MATHENATICAL 4=ZLLNG OF COMPLEX ECOLOGICAL SYSTEMS [Article by 0, R. JX!;~hnenlxo. Yu V X a M Tod d an "a_ur.6tS2ke: Kirv~ Tu V; Avtomatika, UkrAimiaF' prob'l-M Statemvnt for 11,4elLng of the'Water Ecolo'zical- S14t Automatic control-comp-iter cantors will be created in the near future which will be coupled by means of telametering systems with sensors operating as control elements of conditlona in water reser"Lts. Since voter reservoirs will be objects of automatic control the modeling vf ibe ecologi- cal sysrem of wdter reservoirs becomes increasingly necessary, An attempt is made 'below to apply to this purpose a now approach of zn heuristic self-organization wherainRte&4 a! di!farential equations partickilar use 14 madt. of nonlinear equationa of higher power In finite difEttences (a dc.-Icription"). Thin approach is wore adequate for stm~slation of problem,i of cccpLicated proremiev. and it is cmpable of pcoducinjL not ontv qualitative but accurate estimatos of variables. McAlels which were constructed until presLnt are 8pplic4blb only to a qualitative I.nvestigation of processes,as it. is stated by the authors of theme odels. For example, in (21 where the best determined model ham been described one can read! "Invostigatt" 'results of the created model of the voter eco- systern may be considered only from the qualitative standpuLnt, more wvr~. In necLsnary In order to obtain valid qualitative dsta." In contrast to this the authors of the present paper claim that their mathematical model produces -'%in addition to qualitative also valid quantitsti4e estimAt96. Accuracy of Somalarim Complicated Objects Reguiras Measured Complexity of Machemallcal Dooorlptlon There in adefinIte inconsistency bstw0,*n.Lh*.C0ftrplsXity at mathemsti- c-il simulation and the,slmplici~y of the,apparat4o utiltiod for.this purpose. present the simulation was performed either by determined methods (based 'ation, for -example, linear a us- 'on investigation of simple 4"Earantial equ q tions of conyactLvo dLff4sion), or sutLstical methods of ordinary re reastan USSR 14) ~112 024 uNcLASSIPIE~' ROC!ESSING DATE--30OCT70 P TITLE--ON THE INVESTIGATION OF T',40 NEW~QUICK ACTING DEYELOPERSO PHENIOUNE AND METHYLPHENIDONE, USED IN SPECTRUM ANALYSIS -IJ- ,._,AU.THOR-(03)-9lMITkOVr G.v PETRAKIEVt A.r GAGOVP V4' COUNTRY OF INFO--USSR .'~~.SOURCE-MASHINOSTROENE, 1970, VOL 19, R 31 PP 126-128 -23 DATE PUBLISHED ------- 70 AREAS--METHODS AND EQUIPMENTr PHYSICS T OP I CTAGS -SPECTRUM ANALYSIS, PHOTOGRAPHIC PROCESSING, ORGA-NIC AZO COMPOUNDo PHOTOGRAPHIC CHEMICAL,;. HYDROQUINONE ,-,X CN T R 0 LMARKING--NO RESTRICTIONS I~TDOCUMENT CLASS--UNCLASSIFIED --1998/0495 STEP NO--BU/900217-'v'/C)19/0031012t)/(,'lL'8 ~PROXY REELIFkAME ~-CIRC ACCESSION N0-00121169 UNCLASSIFIED 212 024 UNCLASsi r-ibi ORCCESSING DATE-30OCT70 CIRC ACCESSION NO--AP0121169 .~-ABSTRACT/EXTRACT--(U) GP-0- ABSTRACT. THE DEVELCIIING, CAPACITIES OF TWO TYPES OF DEVELOPERSt BASED ON PHENIDONE OR METHYLPHENIDONE AND HYDRUQUINONEi HAVE 8EEN STUDIED, THE RATIO BErWEEN THE COMPONENTS HAS BEEN SELECTEO IN SUCH A MANNER THAT THE OEVELOPEAS AkE QUICK ACTING, COMPARED WITH THOSE THAT AkE BkDADLY USED IN PHOTOGRAPHIC PRACTICE. WHEN USED FOR.THE PURPOSES OF SPECTRUM ANALYSIS, THEY PROVIDE GREATER ..DENSITY OF THE BLACKENING OF THE SPECTRUM LINES.,~ FACILITY: FIZICHESKI FAKULTET NA SOFSYSKIYA UNLVfRSITET.. UNCLASSIFIED USSR UDd 669.2951 0'20,1r2.2 PETRAKOVj A. F., IMOREV, A. I.* PETROVj L. 11. ,and HUBLEV,: YA. A. "Resistance of Titanium Alloys to Repeated Static L o, Lds, Hoscow, Metallovedeniye i Termichaskaya Obrabotha I'llete'llov, 'No 4, Apr 73, pp 46-5o Abstracti The effect of depth and hardness of the Gai~--satiwated layer pro- duced during, heatirg,, fox quenc-hin.- and v,,ginig incs stud.Sed with xespect to the resistance of VT6S a-rid VT14- titaniun alloys to releated. static loads under uniaxial and biaxial tension. It vas fmid that the lias-oaturated layer (0.1 m deep) on the surface of these alloys somewhat reeucez alloy strangth and sharply loiters ductility. Ponoval of thd [,=-zatunated layer by etching to a depih of 0.1. rua for VT6S alloy and 0.5 num for VT14 Incraased the service life of camples by 3-4 times undpr re-peatel static, loads. A study of the rupture, kinetics on swiiples of VTOS durin,~ ropoated Static loadn showed that the gar,-;,~aturated laycr mainly DXfects th'a imber of cyc.Ics vritil the development of fatigue cracks, In that thoz~e crac%a develop 111t 4 fix-st load cycles. 1P short-tima bdaxii-d ctraz~s of VT14 tho pxesunce of the ga:5-satumt-ed layel- ~as little effect on the st-rexigth but severely worsens the nature of fracture. The service life of Tr14 unAer bWi,-l iitreur, with the gas-satizated layer 13 two o_-dors loon than witbout the layer, Ono table, four figm-'Ga' 46 USSR ux: 62i.397:621.396.6i(oH.8) FETRAKOV, A.,V., GOROKHOV, V. P., KLEVALIN.1 V. A. "A Method of Measuring the Stability of'a Television Transmitting Tube Haster" USSR Author's Certificate No 283333, filed 28 jun 68, published 3 Dec 70 (from RZh-Radiotekhnika, No 6, Jun 71,,Abptract No 6G177 P) Translation: A method is proposed.for measuring the stability of the raster ofla television transmitting tube,by transmitting a test-pattern image on the target of the tube and measuring the paravp-ters of the video signal. To simplify the equipment.when measuring the stability of the raster with respect to lines, 'the image of the test pattern is projected in the television transmitting tube in the form of vertical lines, and the difference in the number of video pulses in the saiw_~ line at different times is measured. A modification of this method of measurewnt is also proposed vhich is distinguished by the fact that the equipment Is implified when frame stability of the raster is measured by projeciAng an image on the targeet of the TV transmitting tube in the'form of triangles in contrast- colors, t." centers of the altitudes being,located at, the boundaries of the raster, and measuring the difference in the lengths of video pulses in the sawe lines at different times, UDO: 6i8.89:3113-13111911 PETRAKOV., B. D. Moscow, Psikhicheskaya Zabolevayemostl v Nekotorykh Stranakh v XX Veke (Mental Disease Rates in Certain Countries in the Twentieth Century) Meditsina Press, 1972, 300 pp. Translation of Annotation: This monograph discus s contemporary, pressing problems of social hygiene and social psychiatryi analyzes the status of the mental health of the world population in -the first half andimiddle of the twentieth century. Particular attention is given to determination of the social "genesis" and class contrasts in the development and propagation of mental diseases in capitalist countries,- as well as the regularities of the propagation of these diseases in the developing countries. Ilie author has noted certain tendencies in the propagation of mental diseases and regularities in the accumulation.of mental, patients in society.between 1900 and 1970. The work is the result of man), years' labor by the author, performed during scientific trips abroad and employment in the Department of Sanitary and Epidemiological Statistics of the World Health Orgai.iization. - -------- - --- --- USSR Petrakov, B. D., Moscow, Psikiiicheskaya,ZabolevayeiiiostI vNekotorvkh 'Stranakh v XX Veke, Meditsina. Press, 1972, 300 pp. The book is designed for specialists in the area. of social hygiene, public health organizers, psychiatrists and neuropathologists, psychologists and sociologists. 'nie work includes 19 figures and 80 tables. From the Editor The book you hold in your band comes from the pen of a speciali5t in the area of social hygiene and organization of public health, who worked for several years in the Department of Statistics of the World Health OrganiZa- tion (IIHO). The author has given his attention to one of the most complex problems in medical statistics, psychiatry and social h.),gicne -- the propa- gation of nervous and mental diseasos, resulting from 41 combination of social, economic, genetic, medical-geographic and otheT factors. The cmi!- plexity of this problem lies not only in,the specific peculiarities of nervous and mental diseases and the factors which cause them, but also in the absence of any standardized, gene-rally accepted criteria for defining the concept of what"'mental disease'!or methods of studying the propagation of these diseases. These and other factors(the absence or inaccessibility of 2/8 107 USSR Petrakov, B. D., Moscow, Psikhicheskaya Zabolevayemost' Y Nekotorykh Stranakh v XX Veke, Meditsina. Press, 1972, 300 pp. the necessary statistical materials, etc.) have resulted in a paucity of summarizing works an the theme which Professor B. D.4etrakov has selected for his monograph in the world medical literature. His study of the literature, his great personal experience, related to his familiarity with the statistical services and psychiat:ric institutions of many countries of the world and, finally,. his objective training in the area of the theory of social hygiene and statistics. have alloi-;ed the author to write a book which can help the reader to understand tho propagation of neuro-psychological diseases abroad. However, B. D. Petrakov has not limited his work to purely statistical aspects: he has critiemlly analyzed existing methods of study of the propagation of this group of Mieascs, touching upon the area of complex theoretical problems, Alffle revuling the idealistic and metaphysical origins of bourgeois psychiatry, the,uuthur turns the atten- tion of the reader to the rational positions of social psychiatrists, dis- cussing them from the scientific and social: hygienic, standpoints. Analysis of the methodological principles of social psychiatry has allowed the author to conclude that mental hygiene, in the.hands of progressive scientists in 3/8 USSR Petrakov, B. D. Moscow, Psikhicheskayal Zabolevayemost' v Nekotorykli Stranakh v XX Veke, Meditsina Press, 1972, 300 pp. the West is essentially an applications of scientific. social hygiene to psychiatry. It is this approach whichjustifies the concept of "social psychiatry." The author studies the significance of various natural and social factors in the genesis and propagation of neuropsychological diseases from the standpoing of Marxist social hygione, He is far from,direct affirmation O.F the primary and immediate effects of the social and e(:onojpdc condition,,; iL this analysis. Emphasizing the significance of many Lnfluonccs in the con.- ditions of collective life of people on the development and propagation of this group of diseases, lie turns his attention to the~_-igniflcance of genetic and biological mechanisms, which receive the. influence of factors from the social modium, 77hus, neuropsychological diseases are seen as a function of the bio-social complex. The author studies many other problems from these standpoints, including such debatable questions as the epidemiology of non- epidemic diseases, evaluation of the social heterogeneity of nervous and mental diseases, etc. Broadly illustrating the concept of the sharp differ- ences between the level of mental health in various social strata of the 4/8 103 3 USSR Petrakov,, B. D., Moscow, Psikhicheskaya Zabolevayemottl v Nekotorykh Stranakh v XX Veke, Meditsina Press, 1072, 300 pp. population of the capitalist countries with specific examples, the author thereby proves the advantages of the socialist system over the capitalist system. It is not by chance, as is emphasized in the conclusions, that the extent of neuropsychological diseases in the economically capitalist countries is significantly higher than in the USSR and other socialist.states and, furthermore, does not have such sharp fluctuations, dependent on social- economic conditions, material position, race, etc. Of course, in a monograph dedicated to such,a complex theme, the reader will,probably find certain shortcomings,and debatable statelaents, particu- larly in the fj *rst section of the work. However, we.are sure that the book will be very interesting to specialists. Professor Ya, P. Lisitsyn Table of Contents 7. From the Editor 3 Introduction 5 Statement of the Problem. Significance of the Problem 5 s 14 ?urpo es -of 'the Investigation 5/81, 77~ USSR Petrakov, B. D., Moscow, Psikhicheskaya Zabolovayemost' v Nekotorykh Stranakh v XX Veke, Meditsina Press., 19.72,' 300 pp. Section 1. Certain Methodological Problems of Statistics and Epidemiology of Mental Diseases. Reflection of Social Problems of Psychiatry in the Activity of WO Statistical Evaluation Chapter 1. Methodology and Methods of of the Mental Health of a Population!!. General Problems of the Methodology of Statistical Evaluation of the Mental Health of a Population Clinical-Nosological Trend. Nomenclature and Classification of Diseases in Modern Psychiatry Scientific Trends and Means for Application of Electronic Computers in Epidemiological and.Stat,istical Studies in -Psychiatry Chapter II. The Role of Epidemiology,and the Appliciatioii of Epidemiological Methods to the Study olf.Mental Disordcrs -Chapter 1,11. Reflection of Certain Pressing Problaini; of Modern Mental Hygiene in the Activity of the IV rld I'lealth01,,ani zation 6/8 16 16 23 42 47 57 log ... . ........... .. USSR Petrakov, B. D., Moscow, Psikhicheskaya Zabolevayemost' v Nekotorykh Stranakh v XX Veke, Meditsina Press, 1972, 300 pp. Section 2. Social-Hygienic and Epidemiological Study of Mental Disease Rates in Capitalist Countries Chapter IV. Modeyn Trends i Diseases and h.the Spread of Mental . ' Hospitalization of the Mentally 111 70 Nervous-Mental Disorders in the Contemporary Picture of World Pathology 70 Propagation of Mental Diseases in the Economically Developed Capitalist Countries 77 Materials for a Description of the Level of Mental Disease in the Developing Countries 99 General Trends in Hospitalized Mented Disease Rates in the -Economically Developed Capitali'st Countries, 107 Hospitalized Mental Diseaselates in the Developing Countries 135 The Structure and Level of blental Disease Rates,iis a Function of Age and Sex 138 Modern Trends in the Spread of Schizophrenia., Al--cliolism and Drug Addiction Indications for 111ospitalitation 149 ff j! USSR Petrakov, B. D., Moscow, Psikbicheskaya Zabolevayenost' v Nekotorykh Stranak-h v XX Veke, Meditsina Press, 1972,~300 pp. Chapter V. Some Regularities of the,Development and Spread of Mental Diseases among Various Social a d Professional Groups of n the Population During Economic Crises and Wars 172 Mental Diseases among Various Social.and Professional Groups in a Population 172 Mental Diseases During Economic Crises and Wars 207 Segregation and the Mental Health of the Non-white Popolation in the USA 232 Chapter VI, Social-Hygienic Aspects of the ProbleiA of Suicides and their Interrelationship to Me~ntal'Disorders 248 Conclusions 268 Bibliography 288 8/8 110 Acc. Nr Abstracting, Servi Re I. Code f CHEMICAL ABST.q. 4/,e Ofio '6 Aimte Differential thermal analysis study or phenol-for- maidehyde novolaks hardening with hexamethyleneLetramine. Kurachenkov, VA., lletrjkol~~.Y,. Al., I.,mrAiq. L. 1k. INaugh.- Is-sTeRT Tn--,t -Mai-t-St at. =CI w -Sj . - :5~ ' I r, ofcom. novolak H 1970, 12(21, 127-9 (Rus-0. deni e resin K-18 coritg. 100/c heiamethvIenetetrainine proceeds differ- ently at atm. and high pribssure. DTA sho%%-, that the Ist stage process, which at atm. pressure occurs- at 120-60' does not (KcUr under pressure ~! 30)-4001) kglcm-. The DTA v urvei have a 2nd exothermic peak at 2.30-601 corresponding to the 2nd mrige hard- eningat whirb reol-tvve res-iris are formed. CPJR REEL/MME 19840945 -7 USSR UDC 621.317.361 P&TRAKOVA. V IENOV IRTEGOV, YU. N., ISKANDAROV, F.t V, P" A A., PURL WHIN, G. F., and ZYXOV, A. A. "A Device for Determining and Recording the Spectral Characteristics of Complex 'Signals" USSR Author's Certif 93~ icate . _kk~gAl_X ~2LI8, filed 20 Jan 71, published 7 Mar ?3 from RZh Avtomatika Telemekhanika I Vychislita-11nan Tekhnika, No 11. Nov 73, abstract No 11 A43?P3 Translation: A device is proposed for determining and recording the spectral characteristics of complex signals , containing an input ~ appatutus, a group of band-pass. filters, a filter interrogation. unit, a recording unit with electrodes. and,a. paper tape transport unit. To improve the accuracy, the output of the filter interrogmtion unit is connected through an analog-code converter and recirculator In series, one of the inputs of which is connected to the control unit*, i the,amplitude gradation decoder is connected to the inputs of an arbitrary symbol synthesizer,. In this approach, the control inputs of the synthesiver are connected to the s of a vertical symbol scanning unit.. The second lnput~of -this unit is ut M I QTrwIM.1110 77 --7777-71-!~T- r --r USSR IRTICOV, YU. N., eat al., USSR Author's Certificate No 363930 k1 G 01 r 23/18 supplied with a signal from a cycle pulse generator. The control inputs of the synthesizer are also connected to the.outputs of a horizontal symbol scanning unit, the input of which is connected through an electrode counter (whose input is supplied with a signal from the cycle .,pulse gener4or) to the inputs of the control unit. The control inputs of the synthesizer are.',also connected in parallel through the inputs ofan "AND" gate-to the decoderof the addresses of electrodes connected to the recording unit. One illustration. 2/2 22 FEMININE W1,1111111, i USSR YAKOVLEV, G. M., CHERNYKH, N. L., and PETRAKOVSKAYA, Ye. A., Tomsk Medical Institute AlOn the Question of Registering Changes in Blood Quantity and the Possibility of Determining Overall Blood Volume in an Organism by Yeans~of Measuring Electrical Resistance of the Human Body", Moscow, Doklady Akademii Nauk SSSR, Vol ~01, No 2, 1971, pp 510-512 Abstract: Experiments were conducted in an effort to correct and refine claims made by other investigators that blood loss from a region and the entire volume of blood in circulation can be calculated from a recorded change in the electrical resistance of tissue. The present authors, dis- covering an error in previous mathematical formulas, showed that calculation of the entire volume of blood in circulation was no longer possible on the basis of existing theories. Then, uslng~corrected equations and comparing those values with results from empirical studies, the authors found that change in electrical resistance was an accurate gauge of blood loss from regions of limited extent. However, because the neasured value of electri- cal resistance in tissue was not udform throughout the body,, the present method for determining blood loss in the whole organism was unsatisfactory. USSR UDC: 62-1-372.852.5 E. M., Institufe of Physics imeni A. V. SMOKOTIN, Kirenskiy, Siber n Department,. Academy of Sciences of the USSR 'TA Converter Which Changes Acoustic Oscillations to Electric Waveforms" Moscow, Otkrv-tiya, izobreteni:,ra, Promyshlennyve Obraztsy Tovarn e Zn--ki, No 10, Apr -(2, Author's Cettificate No 332529, division H, filed 1 Jul 70, published 14 Mar 72, pp 213-214 Translation: This Author's Certificate introduces a converter -which changes acoustic oscillations to electric wave-fornLi. The device contains an acou-stic line, a transducer element, and a circuit for reco-rding the change in the electromagnetic parameters of the transducer element. The electromagnetic parameters of the transducer element depend on the acoustic oiteillations propagating in it. As a distinguishing feature of the patent, conversion losses are reduced by making the trensducer element in the fom of a single-crystal ferrite specimen fastened at the end of the acoustic line, and by connecting a microwave oscillator, detectizig headi short circuiting device and micro,,,ave resonator to the arms of a double waveguide T-bridge in the registration circuit. The part of the acoustic line with the ferrite specimen is introduced Into the microwave resc.1nator. USSR PETRAKOVISKIY, G- A., PETROV, A. S., TABARIN, V. A. ............ ... "Study of an Yttrium Garaet as an Element of a Reactive Mlodulation Amplifier" Izvestiya Akademii Nauk SSSR, Seriya Fizicheskaya, Vol 34,'No 6, 1970, pp 1,194- 1,196 Abstract: A linear analysis is made of a ferrite-based reiictive modulation amplifier by a simultaneous solution of the Maxwell and the Landau-Lifshits equations using the Krylov-Bogolyubov method, An experimental investigation was also made of an experimental model of a reactive modulation video ampli- fier based on a yttrium garnet. Stable amplification of not less than 30 db was obtained in the band from 1.5 to 4.5 megahertz. Investigation of the noise spectrum of the ferrite confirmed the low-noise factor of the ferrite lifier. amp USSR no 621.~82.002 (088.8) KOMAREV-, G.V., KRACHKOVSKIY, 0.1., LEYBOVICH, A. SH. OnkNIV J.54S -TRAKOVSKIY, YA.SH., SIDOIL9Z'40, L.D., LEVAK G E OV, V.P., n ~'K V. P IF 601assifier Of Semiconductor Devices" USSR Author's Certificate No 296180, filed 14 July 1569, published 18 '!,aY 1971 (from M-Elektronika i yeye Primenenive, Vo 3, March ~1972, Abstract No 5B357) Translation: The classifier of semiconductor dev;cea (principally transIstora) contains a unit [uze1j for connection of a device to the measuring oqu4pment the msasuring equipment, logical equipmant, mechanism for murking th-, Polarity, and a unit for allocation of the neasurod devices into a container; it has a rotuting tube connected with an electric motor. With the object of increauing the speed of' operation and the efficiency of the classifier, the unit for connection, n%de in the form of a revolving reversible ~Livk, oupporting two Mocks [kolcdlal for the devices, diametrically located.und connacted by a flexible braid jzhgut] with the measuring, device, and tire withir-i-winE, dovicen, mounted on the nxie of thn blocs"*a, is partially arrawred inside a g,,ziding hopper, connected with the rewntirg. tuba of the f or allcc3tion, rand under thedick of the unit for cRnnaction, in a groove of the !fAtOMl OUI'f,'kCO Of t~O hoppor, the mechanism for marking tho polarity is located. USSR UDC 53: 371. 3 PETRASH, F. T. "Determining the Type of Conductivity of Semiconductors" Uch. zap. Checheno-Ingushsk. gos. ped. in-t (Scientific Notes of Checheno-In- gush.State Pedagogical Institute), 1970, No 29, pp 33-34 (from RZh-Fizika, No 1, Jan 71, Abstract No IA73) Translation: The thermal probe method is proposed for determining the type of conductivity of semiconductors in middle school. A diagram of the electric cir- cuit for determining the type of conductivity by this method is presented and advice is given on carrying out practical work. S. U. Gonchar~enko. 39 Ml t; 01M�RVERTOW, MAMPROMM-MM MR-61MR-MI. M USSR UDC 62l.373:535(206.3) ISAYEV, A. A., KAZARYAN, M. A., PETRAS.H~, G. G. "A Copper-Vapor Pulsed Laser With Repeti. tion Rate of 10 kHz" Leningrad, Optika i Spektroskopiya, Vol 35, No 3, Sep 73, pp 528-531 Abstract: Emission and superemittance were obtained in copper vapor br using alundum tubes 70 cm long and 0.8 cm in diameter. The copper was applied in pieces over the length of the dischar-e tube. Pulsed discharge- was excited by a capacitor through a thyratron. The resonator was made up of a dielectric mirror with 2-meter radi,Ls of curvature and a flat glass substrate. The laser produced emission on lines of 5106 and 5782 The average emission power at a pulse repetition rate Qf 10 kHz war, 2.4 w, I tage across which corresponds to a peak enission powex of 48 lai for vol the.capacitor of 20 kv (pulse duration was 5 ns). An appreciable part cf the power was concentrated in the green line. The specific peak power in V".9 case is 1. 4 kw/cc, whi eh is a record for all gas-dlscharge lasers with atomic and ionic transitions. 64 Moat Null Ht Rif, I "MIN I ~ M~,fifi T 1/2 023 UNCLASSIFIED PROCESSING OATE--23OCT70 LINES OF PULSED GENERATION AND SUPERLUMINANCE OWING TO NE(3,4 TRANSITIONS IN THE VISIBLE SPECTRAL REGION -U- .f,AUTH0R-.(02)-KASLINt V.M., PETRASH, G.G. ~_"COUNTRY OF INFO--USSR ~~':SOURCE-ZH. PRIKL. SPEKTROSK. 1970, 12 (3), 540-2 ~~,D AT EPUBLISHED ------- 70 SUBJE CT ~AREAS-PHYSICS TAGS--LU,4[NESCENCE, NEON, PULSE GENERATOR, SPECTRUM INTROL MARKING--N0 RESTRICTIONS C C --DOCUMENT CLASS--UNCLASSIFIED -PROXY REEL/FRAME--1997/0328 STEP NO--UR/036a/70/012/003/0540/0542 CIRC ACCESSION NO--AP0119315 UNCLASS IF IED_ 2/2 023 UNCLASS[FIED PROCESSING DATE--21OCT70 ACCESSION NO--AP0119315 '..~'ABSTRACT/EXTRACT--(U) GP-0- ABSTRACT. TWO NEW LINZ$ OF PULSED GENERATION ,WITH WAVELENGTHS OF 6506.52 AND 6304.77 ANGSTROM ARE OBSO. IN MIXTS. OF NE WITH SF SUB6 (VOL. RATIO SF SUB6-NE EQUALS 2-9) AT A TOTAL PRESSURE OF 0.012 TORR. THE LINES ARE ASCRIBED TO 2 RHU SU88 YIELDS IS SU'-34+ AND 12 RHO SUB6 YIELDS IS SUB4 ME TRANSITIONS IN THE VISIBLE SPECTRAL REGIO'.\j' ma THE PULSED GENERATION IS CHARACTERIZED BY AN AN01-1ALOUS TORDIDAL SECTION OF LASER BEAM AND A DURATION OF EQUIVALENT 40 NSEC. AFTER REMOVING SF ~SUB6 ONLY WELL KNOWN LINE AT 6143*06 ANGSTROM (2 RHO SU66 YIELDS LS SU35 NE TRANSITION) IS OBSD. THE MECHANISN:OF THE'SF SU.36 EFFECT IS EXPLAINED BY SELECTIVE BREAKDOWN OF IS SLI84 LEVEL. SUPERLUMINANCE ON THE LINE WITH A WAVELENGTH OF 6506.52 ANGSTROM IS ALSO REPORTED. USSR Uro 621.3'18.~~ 55 rl--. 1 CA) KASLIN, V.M., KUNIKOVA, Z.F., FETRASH, G. G. 'Generation In Infrared Roo' on At MoleculDr Hydroj~en Li vv_io Wit 11 Act Gas Cooling" Kviantovayna elektronika (Quantum Electronics), 1410sc-ow, 1,'0 j,p 101-103 Abstract: The experl-wertnI results aro renorted 0,1111,luel Tanar,:Lion E"'; -L"le 142 molecular electron -transition 2!~ lr.iCurvos are u1no,.-in oi' tht: it averege total power of gencration it a q nfutiction of the ita,:; priisovre p e,,,:th varicrue voltal-eo tit the capacitor a nd gas tomporetare-, FArd 1000 K. A COL,- parison of the experimental resulta -,,,ith tLe rnvultn On in N2 grid CO dincussad in ear) ior paparo by the &uthoru;a'1j(-,,wz tilot thi!~ of garieraticn in the infrarad regicaut i12 electron ~it into tho general laws inhGrent ir pulue f,-aq la.,~err, at molecul1rr region where generation exi,,!te is deucribnd by a parmmeitEr sj".,)orc V is a voltage ucrof3f] a tube, 1-1 i3 L~10 mar, density, an~ Vr, J.o a con,,t-nI value, When the :,Tas wag cooled down i~ record ipeak power of L.". k"d for ~,Icli a lasor cc-aid be achieved. re'. Received b~r.editors, 27 M~)Tch 1,972. USSR UW, 62l.W8-'7-'25 ISA-YEV, I~AZARYPN, M.A., PET-RAS11, G.G. OLead Vapor Pulsed La,;6r High Pop-1, Arid Averp-Ee Povici,e" Kvantovaya ele~-tronika (Q7,zartum '!~Uectroziics), Moaccw, NO 5(11),1972, 100 Abstract: Previvuri ex-terimon".9 ronducted by the authors th"It b., on lead, copper, EoJd, and man~aneiie valmrii can operatc! ut P- lar,~-,,~ roi.etiticn frequency of T,- Ives wh.lch reac."~ 2 and a8~;wrc I-, ~ r powero (order o-f a hvindred Nratt o 1. cm Thcf~vi rcimlt.v werf, obt,,:i nt-Al ii, i t I I P -PaJI active volijv:e, llrof-u~-'o of' v~'iil!('h Ptall. real,,, aver:;fro, ~T tubea o- tm -ation vierc lird.tcd. In conn h~ thin it v.10 impor! unt to joctAor. 'U whether or not a c1)n.,!4.dcrzzb1c- o', ~~ho active volumv: io vc)~-ojb'lo w1fl1(',-1, 10 v"Crl' ti lond a decreas,3 of the opecific pcv-,~,r cT generation ' In t)- A laser was choson ar tho ret-,01T111cil objCOL be~;I-mor; worl-, ii 4"t.?l ~j-~ viorlcing tezipc-;rature (900--lCOOP C~ is noL too 11'r1i. were uced in thc f;xperia-r-rfts. 11tri. tubes which have tin ln' W" 1.1i U Le i1r, lirlni~11'tr W. cm, a lenirth of thc ~ctivo part of 60 cm, a volta !tt ti md.'.n- ol' ;i pulse transformer ot' 17 kv, B pre-ssura of the noon bvTfer c.", 1; tor, ~Ini 1, recurrence frequericv of 2.1, 1-."-!z, the nlaximm' average at 0-729C) ri-crrn a!&-ounted to 0.~ hmtL. A of" a line with 1/2 USSR ISAYEV, A.A., e-lu el, Kvantovaya elektronB:n, sccolri, Nn 5k p 1 00 apecific peek power of '15 W/Clat~' were obtained. Thc ;~4 hi crcccdD by nx)re an order of magnitude the value (2 kw) obtained carlicir, tlic mime, ]azer. I fig. 4 ref. Peceived by aditorn, 10 Apr 1972- USSR UDC 621.373.326 KASLIN, V. It., IUIYAZEVS 1. 11., TETM 0. G. "Pulse Generation in the First rositive~,Ni.irogen Band System with Cooling of the Working Gas" V sb. Kva-nt. elektronika (Quantuia Electronics --collection of works), Moscow, No 5, 1, pp 44-52 '(from ItZh- Rail iotekhn ika, No'l, 1972, Abstract 1D343Y Translation: A study was made of the laser characteristics in the first posi- tive nitrogen system with cooling of the-working gas. It was demonstratcd that in this laser there is a significant increase in amplification an coolin,o, the gas. The studies permitted S4gn-fiCant improvement of the power, the generation pulse energy and the efficiency of the system. SuperlLiminous emittaoce condi- tions were obtained in this system for the first time. , it was found that the optimal conditions of existence of generation are uniquely determined by the parameter y - E/N (where E is the electric field intensity in the discharge tube, N is the working gas density). A record Senaration power for the &iven laser of 55 kilowatts was achieved. The signiftcant role played by the build- up rate of the pFoton av.11aliclie ill pulse Imiers was dencirstrated e7perimentafly. A nw phenomenon in malecular spcctroncopy was discovered., Inver6lon of alter- nation of the intensitico fn the violecular spectra of stinulated radiation. There are 4 illustrations and a 12-entry bibliorraphy. USSR UDC: 535.89 G., Physics Institute imeni P. N. Lebedev, Academy of Sciences of th_e_U9ST___ "Gas-Discharge Pulse Lasers" Moscow,.Uspekhi Fizicheskikh Naulk, Val 105, No h, Dec ?1, pp 645-676 Abstract: This is a survey article which sysU-natizes the on the current state-of-the-art and trospects for Nture develoijmcnL of gas- -discharge pulse lasers. The topics covered.include the limiting charac- teristics of lasers in this class, gas discharge lasers lased on atomic transitions, transitions in ions, -electron transitd;on in*ro.'Lecules, a comparison of lasers based on tran*itions in atoms anti in molecules, the prospects for pushing gas-discliarge pulse lasor eviiT.sion Into the short-wave region of the spectrum, increasing particle concentration in the active medium, and methods of converting to a continuous collision laser. Six figures, six tables, bibliography of 130 titles. USSR UDC: 621.37 3-530.145.6 ANOKH114, A. V., MARKOVA, S. V., PETRASH, G.. "Pulse Emission on Vibrational Transitions of CO During Coaling of the Gas" Kratk. soobshch. po fiz. (Brief Reports on Physics), 1970,2~jo 8, pp 15-21 (from M-Radioteklinika, No 12, Dee 70, Abstract No 12D215) Translation: To study emission on vibrational transitions in M- in the -old nitrogen. hj',hie em1.;:;sion wv-, pulse mode, the gni wng cooled by using c atudlock in a Cf) dinchurgearidCri-lbi, LYj-rlz and nt1Arttr(!j3.- 1~'mj..,T:ilorl on a Co-He mixture was utudied in greatent detail. Emission ill the CO dis- charge had considerably less power and a completely specific nattare an corl- pared with emission in the mixtures. It is shown that thir~presehce of He considerably improves emission on CO transitions. The most * characteristic feature of emission on CO-He is the abrupt increase in emission power in the afterglow. It is assumed that the formation of an inversion~on CO t to the transitions can be explained by a relaxation :meclianism with, respec vibrational levels of an anharmonic oscillator. A, K. USSR UDC 530.3s534.1 P9TRASHEN-t G. 1.t and KHINENq R. F. "Coiace=ting Conditions of the Application, of Mngineering Equntions of Oscilla- tions of Nonide&13,v Elastic Plates" Leningrad, Vopr. Dinamich, Tdoxii raspostro Seymich. Voln Stvmik (Questions of the Dynamic Theory of Seismic Wave Propagation -- Collection of WorL-B)' Kanka,:Wo It, 19?10 pp 48-56 (fron Refena-tivzW Zhurna 1, klekhtnika, No 2 p Feb ?2, Abstract No 2V232 by Yu. X. Konenkor)- TMalationt An investigation to made of refinod equationa of thin elastic plates, Imtead of the squaxas of the tiunisvoree volocIty and the lonj~itudingl velocity of propagation, integral operatora idth roupsol; to ttno with a difference kernal which characterIze the losses, are introduced Into tba e=ct equations of action of the layer, Approximate differsabial aqmitiona are presentedt which correspond to expansion of the operatol- with respect to thick- ness# and the linitations upon the.influence pamuetezs a1v InAlcated, in such a mum r that the dizeference between the exact soliLtion tuad the approximate 30lUtlov. be smaller th~ui a proassigned value. LIZ 016 UNCLASS I Flea PAOCESSING DATE--20NOV70 :T1TLE--L1S_SDCI,ATI:_-,N CONSTANTS AND STATE OF~QUINOLINAZO 11' IN SOLUTIONS -U- ,.~AUTHGR-(03)-2ASARG1N, N.N., KADOMTSEVA, P~-TRAS'HENI V.1 . 'TRY OF INFO-USSR ~.':SGURCE-ZH. ANAL. KhIM. L970, 34-1), ATE- ~PUDLISHEC----70 ;-.5-03JELT AREAS-CHEMISTPY TAGS-QUINOLINE, AZO CUMPOUNDt ICNIZATION,.PRGTON, HETEROCYCLIC 1% 1 T RUG E NLGMPGUND,.D1S5GCIAf10,N1 CONSTANTP SULFCNIG~ 'AC 11) -"CONTROL MARK I NG--NG RESFRICTIONS ...PCCUMENT CLASS--UNCLASSIFIED ,PROXY REEL/FIIAME-3002/1176 S TE PNU-JUK~100 75/70 /025 /T 0 L /0034ioM :~,C 19C. ACCESSIC14 NO-AP0123600 UNCLASSIFIC0 ------------ 212 016 UNCLASSIFIED M)CESSING DATE-- 20,NOV 7 0 ~C IRC ACCESSICN.NO--AP0128600 -ABSTRACT/EXTRACT--(U) GP-0- ABSTRACT, THE IONIZATHIN CONStS. OF ~'~-QUINOLINAZG R (1) AS Ati ANAL i REAGENT WERE DErD. GRAPHICALLY AND BY CALCN.-FRUA SPECTROPHOTOMETRIC DATA. THE ACID BASE, 1131,iZAITON OF I IS REPRESENTED BY: RH SLJf35 kIME-2 POSITIVE TN EQUILIBRIUM,RH SUU3 PRImEo PLUS 2H (UNE PROTGN OF THE AZO GROUP ANG THE SULFO Gw SPLITS OFF), RH AOUP SU83 PRIMED YIELDS Rh PRIMEG" NEGATIVE PLUS~21i PRIMEIPU-SITIVE (ONE PROTON SPLITS OFF FROM THE HETEROCYCLIC N AND THE SULFO GROUP); Wi PRIME2 NEGATIVE IN EQUILIBRIUM R PRIME3 NEGATIVE PLUS H PRglvi--' POSITIVE IDNE PROTCIN OF.-ThE.CH GROUP SPLITSOFF). THE PROIONIZAT[OW CONSTS. OF HETERUCYCLIC N AND THL DISSCCN. CONISTS. OF THE HYDRQXYL lGltOUP WE4 PK SU8NH PRIME POSITIVE EQUALS 1.48 AND PK!SUBOH EQUAL3 11.49 IN AQ, SOLNS. SMITH IGNIC STRENGTH OF 0.1 (KCL) At 200E&EES. f HE ~PK $081 AND PK SU82 VALUES DET0. GRAPHICALLY ARE 1.50 AN D. I V.43 ,RESP.~ FACILITY: NG,VCCF.ERKASSK PCLYTECH. INSTo, NUVOCHEWISSKI USSR. WiX L ASS I F I F 0 11W fill -1/2 013 UNCLASSIF'IED ~PROCESSING DATE--090CT70 TITLE-SPECTROPHOTOMETRIC STUDY Of THE',REACTION OF CUBALT WITH QUINOLINAZO R -U- AlUtHOR-(03)-BASAjA.GIN* N.N., KAUZ)MTSEVA, A.V., PETl'?,ASHENv V.I. COUNTRY UF INF0--USSR ~.':SQURCE-ZH. ANAL. KHIM. 1970, 25(2) 205-93 PUBL ISHED----70 ~.',S,UBJECT AREAS-CHEMISTRY ,-TPPIC.TAGS--SPECTIIOPHOI-OMETRIC ANALYSIS$ COBALT, COMPLEX COMPOUND, 'TER( MAGNETIC SUSCEPTIBILITY, PRUTONY.ft JCYCLIC, NITROGEN COMPJUND C ONTk rj7-- 14ARKING-NO RESTRICTIONS Of JCUMENT CLASS- UNCLASSIFIED PROXY REbL/URAME-1993/0918 STEP NO--Ui~/0075/7(1/025/(JO2/0285/0293 ,_C_IRC ACCLSSION NO-AP0113753 UNCLASSIFIED ?-/2 013 UNCWS I r- I Eli PPWGESSING DATE-090CT-70 GIRC ACCESS10i'll' NO-AP011-3753 ~'-AdSTRACT/EXTRAL-T-W) 0-0- ABSTRACT. CO FORMS A Y[GLET COMPLEX WITH QUIN'C)LI14AZO R(l-(8,QUINOLYLAZO)s2,~ HYDRUXYw3-i 6,NA?HrH.ALElNE VISULFONIC ACID) IN THE PH RANGE 0.3-14 WITH MAX. A8SOkBANCE AT 5?0 N-,4 AND MOLAR A3501APTIVITY 3.02 TIMES 10 PRINE/t* MAX.. ABSOA.&A-NCE OF THE REAGENT IS AT 490 Nti. AT 20 PLUS OR MINUS IDEGREES IMU EQUALS.0.3 TO 0.1, THE EQUIL. C016T.. UF THE REACTIUN IS 2.2 TIMES 10: PRIMElt AND, THE 114STABILITY LAGNST. OF THE COMPLEX IS 8.3 TIMES 10 PRIME NEGATIVE51. THE COMPLEX DOES INOT DESINTEGRATE AFTER AJJUSrlNG FROM PH 1.5 TO &N H SUb? SO SU84 (HCL). MAGNETIC SUSCEPTIBILITY DATA SHOWED TKAT CIt) EXISTS IN THE COMPLEX IN ITS TRIVALENT STATE. SIX PkOTONS ARE LIBERATED IN REACTIONS IN AN ACID MEDIUM. THREE OF TREM SPLIT OFF THE OH CYROUPS AND 3 OTHERS SPLIT OFF THE PRUTONIZED ATOMS FOR THE HEPLEROCYCLIC N 01: THE REAGENT MOLS. FACILI'TY*- NUV0CfiE'AK:ASSK'P0U TECH. 11M.,. N0V0CHIiP%KASSKv USSR. Rill S.M., IffififfiEr !7.7 kcc r Abstracting Service: lei Code: ~003421S- CHEMICAL ABST. U R 71216x Extraction of molybdonum'(W) and rhpnlum(VTI) from inorganic acid solutions bv- te~rd hina, L. M.Aminis. Anak G -- a. N ra Azrinsk N ocherka-ssk. Politekil.. list.; --as-s Neorg. Khtns. 1970i 15(1),: Wc-OU (Auss). Afr)(X, 1) Asia e(VI) were extd. by PlijVje s&ns. of diectidmethylarnine (1) ~r trioctyl- amine (11) from HCI, HN-Ovi or HiSO4 sollis IhtI:,dcgrce~*C extn. decreased wkh acids in Ole orda- %S04 > FICI;;,!> HIqQl- For I the max. extra ctabilky.wasob~;itled-, 8&-901,',-aip112A- 2.6 in HNOs and 9747c, at PH 2."';0 ill. H28Q4 sollisi H is! a better extg. agent than I. ~IMJR J REEL/FRAME 197108712 USSR UDC V. P., PBTRASHENKO A KUKRAR Aj. 2- .j ,.jA SOWDUSHENKOV, S. h.~,ns~ttut6 of Academy of Sciences Ukrainian SSR 546 185:541,651.2 ZIDWROVA, 1. If., IIJIMARI, A. A., Organic Chemietry~ Kiev, "Basicity of Phosphazo Compounds. 11" Leningradp Zhurnal Obshchey Xhimii, Vol 40, No 8, Aufl, 70, pp1696-1691 Abstract: m-Triphenylphosphazobenzoic acid and its nothyl eater, Relting at 199-2010 and 126-1270, reapectively, Irare aynLhosized by adding triphonylphosphine to a hot solution oT the parent acid or eater in benzene and collecting the product precip:Ltated from the cooled mixture* The p-triphenylphosphazobenzoic Ataid was obtained analogously with reversed addition of the reagent3; the produot melted at 241-2430C. To obtain triphonylphosphazo-p- trifluoromethylsulfonylbenzone, m.p. 157-1-5V, trlpheAylphosphlne was added to the benzene solution of P-triflUoromt)t-hylsulfony-larido- benzene. A solution of p-tr-ifluoramethyloulfon7irAitiline in dil'ate hydroahlorio acid was diazotizedp and~a solution of sodium azide -1/2 'USSR KUMARl, V. P., et al, Zhurnal Obahchoy Hhimii Vol 40, No 8, Aug 70p.pp 1696-1699 -trifluoromethylaii.Ifonyla7idobenzene,. Vas added radualll,, yielding p mop. 53-55 Other compounds were obtained by ]mown methods. ~Their pK values for basic and acidic1onization were determined. It was found that the substituents on the phonyl ring show prin- cipally an inductive.effect on the reactive center of the tri- anylphosphazoarenes. The m-triphenylphosphazo, ~ h 3roup is a greater p electron donor than the m-dimethylamino group, and the p-triphonyl- phosphazo group is a slightly lesser electron donor than the p-Wzethylamino group. In 93% aloohol,the m. and,:p.triphenyl- -phosphazobonzoio aoida exist to aConolderable dogivee me internal .$alto# -2/2 01111~= USSR UDC 547.558.1+546.185 ZHKUROVA, 1. N., YURCHENIKO, R. I., KUKHAR', V. P., PETRLSHENIKO, A. and KIRSANOV, A. V., Institute of Organic Chemistry, SSR "Protonation of Triphenylphosphazoazobenzenes" nicheskoy Khimii, Vol 7, No 5, May 71, pp 1027-1031 Leningrad, Zhurnal Orga Abstract: 4-Triphenylphosphazoazobenzenes (I) are protonated in alcoholic solution of IN HCl principally at the tr'iphenylphosphazo group. When the st!--ength of hydrochloric acid is increased to the level of 3-6 N, the tautomeric equilibrium is shifted slightly towards the azo group salts. The differences in absorption maxima of (I) spectra taken in neutral and acid media ON HC1) correlate with the a- constants of Ithe 4'-position substituents. In comparisoi, to 4-anino- and 4-dimethylaminoazobenzenes, the 4-triphenylpbosphazoazobeiizenes are more basic by about 5-6 pKa units. Although accurate comparisons were not possible, the basicity constants of (1) type c. compounds correlate with the ao. and o- constants of the substi- tuents on the 4-position. 14 '71" UDC 547.491.8 KUKHARI, V. P., BUKOVSKII, M. I., KASHEVA, T. N., PA1RV`;UK, V. S., FSTRASHENKO, SOLODUSHEIM-11 S. N., Institute of Grganlc'M&Astry, HEiTi~C~ OXrainian SZ-:i 11?hosphazo-1,3,5-triazines, IV" Leningrad, Zhurnal Obshchei Kh1mii, vol 4o, No 6, Jun 70, 1V-6-1229 bstract: 2-Azido-4, 6 -dimetho:qj (phenoxy) -1, 3, 5-tria zinc s easily react with tertiar7 phosphines ani trialkyl phosphites to form 2-phosphazo-4,'-dimethoxy Cphenoxy)-1.3,5-triazines. The reaction is exothornic and is comDletcd within mJLn. Triphanyl phosphite reacts less rapidly. Tertiary phosphines r eact easily with azides of dia-,,dnotriazines to form 2-phosphazo-4,6-diamino- -.1,3,5-triazines. The phosphazo compounds are colorless crystals vihich readily dissolve in alcohol, acetone, methanol, but which arc- insoluble in water and hexane. They are hydrolyzed in boilijg water or :Ui L~' hydrochloric cid. The basicities of the coi- ounds 'were deterained in hitroiuet~ ane and n recalculated to tho corresponding-; values in vater. A.11 these comDounds were round to be weak bases. Presence of amino or alkylamino grovps in the mole- Cule raises the basicity by 3-4 units. USSR UDC: 6 81.3.06:51 L. and YAP140IONKO A. M. PETRASHEV KI)[,, "Solving Systems of Nonlinear Algebraic Equations by the Method of Variation of Parameters" Kiev, V sb. Mashiny dlya inzh. raschetov (Machines for Engineering Computations--collection of works) 1973, pp 13-19 (from Rz'.h-- Avtomatika, telemekhanika i vychislitellnaya tekhnika, No 12, 1973, Abstract No 12B98) Translattion: A program is given for solving a system of n nonlinear aj~jbraic_tq4ations fj(yj,...jyn) = O.with theInitial conditions 1,nj by the method o variation of parameters. Programs are presented for solving two control examples. X. V. 23 LIZ 009 UNCLASSIFIED PROCESSING 0ATE--30OCT70 TITLE--EFFECT OF DIPOLAR SOLVATING AGENTS ON THE EXTRACTION OF ALKALOIDS BY CHLOROFORM -U- AUTHOR-1031-PETRASHKEVICtiv S.F.t,STAROSINETSt G.L.1 RAKHMANKO, YE.Pio COUNTRY UF INFO--USSR AKAD. NA UK BELA US..SSRf SER. KHIM*~NAVUK 1970, Iv 20-3 v (u ~~_DATE PUBLISHED-------70 ~'-'~SUBJECT AREAS--BIOLOGICAL AND MEDICAL SCIENCES OPIC TAGS--SOLVENT-EXTRACTIONt ALKALOID9 CHLOROFORM m ARKING--NO RESTRICTIONS ~z'._QOCUMENT CLASS--UNCLASSIFIED PROXY REELiFRAME--1994/0110 STEP NO--UR10419/70)'CIOO/001/0020/0023 CIRC ACCESSION NU--APOLL4506 UNCLASS.,IFI.ED! -------- ---- '~~-2/2 009 UNCLASSIFIED' PROCESSING DATE--30OCT7C CIRC ACCESSION NO-AP0114506 -ABSTRACT/EXTRACT--(U) GP-0- ABSTRACT. ~THE EFFECT UF 01POLAR SOLVATING AGENTS-(PHENOL, M AND PtCRESOLP PtCHLOROCRESOL, Of-BROMOCRESOL, 0 AND PYDIBRUMOPVIENOLt AND BUTANOL) ON THE EXTN. OF.ALKALOIDS (HYDROCHLORIDES OF DIONINE, QUININEs DIMEDROL, SALSOLIDINE, AND NOVOCAINE AND PLATYPHYLLINE BITARTRATE) BY CHCL SUB3 'FROM AQ. SOLNS. CONTG. UNIVERSAL BUFFER (PH 3) WAS STUDIED AT 20 PLUS OK~MINUS.ZDEGREESr VOL. PHASE RATIO I TO It THE ALKALOID CONCN. 5 TIMES 10.NEGATlVE PRI14E4 EOUIV., AND THE SOLVATING AGENT CONCN. 0.1 '-2.~ MOLE,L. AT A CONST. ANION CONCN, IN THE AQ. PHASE, THE LOG Or- THE ALKALOID DISTRIBUTION COEFF. IS A LINEAR FUNCTION OF THE LOG OF THE SOLVATING AGENTCONCN.. THE VALUE OF THE 'EXTN. CONST. IS DETO. BY THE ABILITY OF THESOLVATENG AGEINIT MOL. To ACT -AS A PROTON DONOR AND BY THE.RATIO OF THE HYURUPHOalC AND POLAR GRaUPS, IN THE ORG. CATION. THE EFFECTIVE SULVATION NO. FOR THE 5AME IONIC PAIR .-INCREASES WITH DECKEASING PK OF, THE ~ SOLVATING. AGENT. FACILITY: -':~:SELORUSS. -GOS, UNIV. IM. LENINA, MINSKi: USSR. UNCLASSIFIED 1/2 033 UNCLASSIFIED PAOCESSENG OATE--04UEC70 TITLE--USE OF GAS LASERS TO MEASURE THE FREQUENCY CHARACTERISTICS OF -U- PHOTODETECTORS AUTHOR__(02)-YEPIFAj%OVt V.P., PETRASHKOt G.A. .,-COUNTRY OF INFO--USSR VOL~b~ 15, t'SOURCE--RADIOTEKHNIKA I ELEKTRONIKAj JUNE 1470, P. 1317, 1318 ""~-:"OATE PUaLtSHED----JUN70 SUBJECT AREAS--PFIYSICS ~_TOPIC TAGS--HELIUM NEON LASER, SINGLE MODE LASER* PHOTOMULTIPLIER TUBEP AUTOMATIC FREQUENCY CONTROL li,:,CONTROLMARKING--N0 RESTRICTIONS DOCUMENT CLASS--UNCLASSIFIED t.PROXY REEL/FRAME--3007/1020 STEP NO--UR/0109/7010151000/1317/1318 CrRC ACCESSION N13--APO 136447 UNCLASS I F I ED 2/2 033 UNCLASSIFIED PROCESSING DATE--04DEC70 CIRC ACCESSION NO--AP0136447 ABSTRACT/EXTRACT--(U) GP-0- ABSTRACT. MEASUREMENT OF THE FREQUENCY RESPONSE OF PHOTOMULTIPLIERS USING BEAT FREQUENCY LIG'HT SIGNALS FROM TWO MIXED SINGLE MODE LASERS. TWO HE-NE LASERS WITH SLIGPHTLY DIFFERENT -NEON ISOTOPE COMPOSITIONS 14ERE USEDP RESULTING Ili A 300-MHZ DIFFERENCE IN NATURAL EMISSION FREQUENCIES,. AUTOMAFIC FREQUENCY CONTROL WAS USED TO ENSURE PLUS OR MINUS 50-KHZ1ACCURACY OVER:A TUNABLE BEAT FREQUENCY RANGE FROM 10 TO 1200 MHZ. THE FREQUENCY RESPONSE OF,TW0 PHOTOMULTIPLIERS WAS MEASURED WITH THE SYSTkM# AND THE RESULTS ARE GIVEN IN A GRAPH. UNCLASSIFIED I "119 UNCLASSIFIED PROCESSING DATE--11SEP'70 OF FORMALDEHYDE AND HYDROGEN PEROXIDE IN ACID SOLUTIONS _u_ G.N., ZHIGUNOV, I.S.t KORBLEVA, G.N.-I PETRAYEV, E.P., _.,._KOROLEVAv G.N. OF 'tNFO--USSR ~;:~,.SCURCE-VESTSI AKAD. NAVUK BELARUS. SSR9-SER. KHIM. NAVUK 19701 (1)# ~---rbATE,PUBLISHED ------- 70 UBJECT AREAS--CHEMISTRY REACTION MECHANISMv CHEMICAL DECOMPOSITIOM, CHEMICAL REACTION KINETICS, FORMALDEHYDE# HYDROGEN PEROXIDE C(jNTIROL.MARKING--NO RESTRICTIONS -'-.'--'DOCUMENT CLASS--UNCLASSIFIED PROXY REEL/FRAME--1987/1075 STEP k4O--IJR/0419/701000/001/0119/0121 ACCESSION NO--APOlOA473 2/2--_ -qlg UNCLASSIFIED PROCESSINS DATE--11SEP',O :CJRC ACCESSION NO--AP0104473 -,.ABSTRACT/EXTRACT--tU) GP-0- ABSTRACT. DECOMPN. OF CH SUB2 0 IN AQ. H SUB2-0 SUB2 WAS fST ORDER IN RESPECT TO BOTH REACTANTS IN THE TEMP. INTERVAL 20--60DEGREESi WHILE THE DECORPN. OF H 8UB2 0 SU82 IS ZERO ORDER IN RESPECT-TO CH SUB2 0, AN02ND ORDER IN RESPECT TO H SU62 0 SU82 IN THE 20-40DEGREES INTERVAL, BUT 1ST 6RDER AT 60DEGREES. THUS, THE REACTION INVOLVES THE DXIDN. OF CH SUB2 0 BY I MOLE H SUB2 0 SU32 FORM H -0 AND HCO SUB2 H, AND 'OF 2H SUB2 0 SUB? TO YIELD 2H SUB2 0 SUB2 DECOMPN. 4N010 AS S114ULTANFOUS REACTIONS. THE,ZERO ORDER IN RESPECT TO CH SUB2 0 INDICATES 'AW lNTER4EDI.ATE.CO:MPLEx FoRmATION-J.N.-WHICH CH SUB2 0-0 PROBABLY.-UNDERGO A IN PERFORM C REARRANGEMENT.THAT.'.RESULTS'PRDBABLY I ACID, WHICH THEN DECOMPS. TO EITHER HCO SUB2 H OR CO SUB2 PLUS H SUB2 0. K I NET I CDAT-A ON THE REACTION:WERE TABUL:ATED. lw -271NJOV70 1h 023 UNCLASSI FIED PROCESSING DATE .T.ITLE--RE.SONANCE INTEGRALS OF THE OF URANIUM't PLUTONIUM# AND FISSION AMERIGIUM. ISOTOPES -U- .',AUTHOR-.(05)-PETqAZH K.A.t BAK, N.A.* PETROV,, YU.GL.g ROMANOV, YU.P., SHLYA.MINv _`:.XOUNTRY~ OF INFO--USSR -",.;S RCE--AT9 ENERGo 19701 29(CTJv 359-60 E PUBLISHED ------- 70 .,~~SUBJECT AREAS--PHYSICS, NUCLEAR SCIENCE ANO TECH14OLOGY ,_'JOPIC TAGS--NUrLEAR FISSION, NUCLEAR RESONANCE,. INTEGRAL FUNCTION, UR A, IJIUM, PLUTONIUM, AMERICIUM, FISSION. CROSS SECTION MARKING--NO RESTRICTIONS -:DQCUMENT CLASS--UNCLASSIFIED 'PROXY kEEL/FRAME--3007/1066 STEP NO--UR/0089/70/0281000/0359/0360 C I RC J~ Crl E 5_1 S I ON AP 0 131) 41) 21.1-1 2/2 023 UNCLASSIF'IE'D PROCESSING DATE--27NOV70 C ERC ACCESSION NO-AP01.36486 -ACT/EXTRACT--(U) GP-0- ABSI Gp. 'ASSTP -RACT. THE FISSIO' RESONANC.F_ I-NYE ALS -WERE DETD. TO BE PRIME233 U F350 PLUS OR MINUS 90t PRLME-239 PU 330 PLUS OR MMUS 30, PRIME241 PU 550 PLUS OR MINUS 40p Al~Q PRIME241 AM 21 PLUS OR. M IN US 2 BARNS. -THE FISSION RESONANCE INt.EGRAI, FOP., PRIME235 U IdAS TAKEN A S274PLUS OR MINUS 11 IN THE 'ULCINS IF USSR UDC: 62-507 YAMAYTIS, E. A: and F. 'umber of Me ry EDments in the Cyclic Model of a "Reducing the N MO 0 Discrete Device" Riga,,Avtomatika i yychislitelIna a 5Lekhnika, No 1, 1972, PP 1-5 'Abstract: A cyclic model of a discrete device is here defined a8 afinite automaton in which all signals and elements have certain characteristics and whose structure is of a particular type. The type of stnicture demanded is reproduced in the article in diagram form. The characteristios of the signals ejad elements are: a change in any signal may occur during a non-zero time intarval; the operation time of the elements is limited but greater than zero; the moments of reaction to changes~ in any sigmal of the various elements may not coincide in time. Under the essumplbion that the operating conditions are specified by a normal, table of trangj-- tions and that the code for the inner states is givem, the author-,I solve the problem of reducing the number of mertory elements in the model without errors arising from disagreements between output and intermediate signals. An example of the applioation of the proce- dii-re recommended by the authors is given. USSR UDC: 519.1 PETRENKO A. F.,, FRITSNOVICH, G. F. Synthesis of Asynchronous Finite Automata With Regard to Reducing the Number of Filters" Avtomatika i vychisl. tekhn. (Automation and Computer Tech- nology), 1972, No 6, pp 19-22 (from RZh-Kibernetika, No 5, May 73, abstract No SV548 by the authors) Translation: The paper deals with the possibtlities of re- ducing the total number of filters necessary for eliminating dangerous competitions in synthesising asynchronous finite automata given by normal tables of.transitions. USSR UDC 577.4 YkRYOS, V. V., and PETRENKO, A. F. "A Coding for the State of an Asynchronous.Automaton Which can be Achieved on the Basis of a Model with Two-stage Memory" V sb, Teoriya Konech Avtomatov i YeYe Pril. (Theory of Finite Automata and its Applications--collection of works), first edition, Riga Zinatne, 1973, PP 35-46 (from RZh Matematika, No It, Nov 73, Abstract No 11 V528) Translation: The functioning of an asynchronous automaton with 2-st&a*e memory is determined by the following functions of.transitions and outputi x W if PW X(t-O' x(t-2)] x(t) KP(t),x(t-t)'X(t-2)] Here p(t), X(t),and X(t) are the input state, internal state, and output state of the automaton at moment t, respectively., The work sWaests a method of designing the minimum lerZth code of internal states to eliminate danverous competition among intermediate variables in an asynchronous automaton vith 2-stage memory. It is shown that the length of such a code is not greater than the length of the code for a classical model of an asynchronous automaton. tin -4 USSR UDC: 8. Jill' E-L.'SON, V. R... PETRE1NK0,-.,&.,,,.T, It "Minimizing the Number of Operators in an Algorithm Schemie -em of n- Riga, Vopr. sinteza konechn. avtomatov--sbornik (Prob-L S thesizing Finite Automata-.-collection of virorks) "Zinatne", 197/2, Hbei pp 33-39 (from RZh-1, -netilza, No 10, Oct 72, abstract No '101T624 [authors' r6SLIT,16)) TranFlation: The papoi- deals with the problon of mi.niriiizing the number of operators in nn aloorithiii f 1 owc lin rt- The concep-, of incompatibility of operitors and Vic graph of operator inco- patibility are introduced. The problevi of minii:lizi-flry flu'.. 1111MIL.C.,11 of Operators -is reduced to colo ring d10.vCv1j.(-e4~ of the gl-nph of operator lncomp,~tihillty, L7 11/2 ozi UNCLkSSIFtE0. 1~:PROCESSMG DATE--090CT70 ..T:lTLE-KINETlCS OF THE DECARBUR-IZATION OF TRANSFORMER STEEL IN MOISTENED NITRUGEN HYDROGEN MIXTURES -U- `.AUTHOR-(04)-T0MILl,%r I.A., BORISENKOt VOG., PETREPIKO, A.G., SHVARTSMAN' v 0 0~~ -COUNTRY OF INFO--USSR UURCE-.-LV. AKAO. NAUz"% SSSK, SER. F I Z-1910, 34121, 3V~-32_ PATE PUBLISHED-----70 UBJECT AREAS-MATERIALS TAGS-TRANSFORMER STEELt NUTROGEN, HYDRE)GEN,.COLD ROLLING, SILICON METAL.DECARBURIZATION -:_~CWRGL MARKING~--NO RESTRICTIONS --.DOCUMENT CLASS-UNCLASSIFIED I-PROXY RELL/FRAME--1995/0178 STEP NO--UR/0048170/034/00210329/0332 :__CIRC ACCESSIGN NU--AP0115862 UNCLASS IFIED 2 2*~ ozi UNCLASSIHIED: PROCESSING DATE-~-090CT7T C IRC. ACCESSION N3-AP0115882 'AJSTRAC T/ EXTRACT- (U) GP-0- .46STRACT. TESTS WERE MA-_)E 0.1-4 THE CHANGE OF C CONCN. AFTER TEMPERING THE SAMPLES OF COLD ROLLED STLEL DEPENDING.GN THE TIME AND CHEM. COMPN. OF THE GAS.' THE 11NIrIAL C CONTENT IN STEEL WAS 0.045PERCENT* THE GAS STREAM FLOW RATE WAS SIMILAR 1*0 4 M PER MIN. THE C CONCN. WAS DETD. BY CHEM. METHODS. DURING EXPTS. A CONST. CONCN. OF H SUB2 (15PERCENT) WAS MALNTAINEOt CHANGINGipi HOWEVER, THE RAI-10 RHO U8H2-RHO SUSH20 FROM 10 TO 1.5. THE RATE OF DECARbURILATION INCREASED S WITH INCREASE.0F MOISTURE CONTENT IN~THE:MIXT. THE REACTTON RATE WAS LGJW.COMPARED TO THE RATE OF DIFFUSION. FACILITY: INST. :METALLOVED.~ FIZ. METAL., MOSCOW, USSRO~ EM '0CESSING DATE--IRSEP70 li'/2 io5o UNCLASSI FIED': p "T-ITLE--BEHAVIOR OF HEAT RESISTANT ELECTRIC INSULATI:NG COATINGS DURING THE '..~,_.EXTENSION AND BENDING OF TRANSFORMER STEEL -U- AV'THOR-(04)-KUDRYAVTSEVr V.V.t PETRENKO A ANDREYEV, V.L.t BORISENKO, ti V . G . tOUNTRY OF INFO--USSR SPORCE--IZV. AKAD. NAUK SSSRI SER. FIZS~1970v 34(2)t 310-16 DATE PUBLISHED - ----- 70 iLl-B J E C TAREAS--MATERIALS FJOPIC TAGS--HEAT RESISTANT MATERIAL, TRANSFORMER STr=EL, PROTECTIVE T .;-',CDAT.ING, ELECTRIC 1NSULATIONv- PHUSPHA: Ei.MAGNESlUim COMPOUNDI BENOING :STRENGTH/(U)KARLIT PROT9CTIVE COATING; MARKING--f4i) RE.STRICTIONS ~,IVCUMENT CLASS--UNCLASSIFIED RE.EL/FRAME--1988/0556 STEP NO--UR/0048/70/0,31,/002/0310/0316 CIRC ACCESSION 4t)--AP0105541 Fr~- I UNCLASSIFIED PROCESSING DATE--18SEP70 212 050 -C. IRC ~ACCESSION NO--APO 105541 GP-0- ABSTRACT. AT THE STRAIGHTENING ANNEALING -8500EGREES), ING PHOSPHATE TEMPERATURE OF COILED TRANSFORMER STEEL (700 __-_-COATING APPLIED ON AN INTERMEDIATE MG151LICATF SUBSTRATE (2 LAYER 1COATING) DOES NOT UNDERGO VISIBLE.FALLURES AT 2-OPERCENT EXTENSION. COATING OF THE "KARLIT" TYPE ACQUIRES SUFFIC,IENT,:ELAS'r[CITY ONLY AT 900DEGREES-AND DOES NOT FAIL AT 6PERCENT DEFORMATION. MG PHOSPHATE COATINGi WITHOUT AN !NTERMEDIATE COATING DOES NOT ENSURE SUFFICIENT PROTECTION OF THF STEEL AGAINST.OXIDN.' AT-700-8500EGREP-S WITHOUT A PROTECTIVE-ATM. AND FAILS AT A RELATIVE.ELONGATION OF 2-9PERCENT AND 700-.8000EGREES. IN BENDING, VISIBLEDETERIORAT10IN OF THE COATING ON THE INSIDE SURFACE OF THE BENDING~SPECIMEN STARTS EARLIER IN ALL CASES, FOR 'GREATER.RADI OF CURVATURE. THE STABILITY OF THE COATING DEPENDS, TO A S-OF THiE M'ETALt THI'CKNESS AND NATURE OF ..GREAT DEGREEt ON THE PROPERTIE COATING, AND A NO. OF OTHER FACTORS.: THE 2 LAYER COATING ON METAL WITH LARGEz-ANO MEDIUM GRAIN AS WELL~AS ON METAL W.ITHCLASS~ 10 CLEAN SURFACE 010 NOTSEP. ON THE EXTERNAL SIDE OF THE BENDING~SPECIMENS DOWN TO MIN. RADII OF BEND -TESTS OF 5 AND 10 :MM* t m-t _1 a Ala~o~ 0! us USSR TOMILIN, I. A., BORTLSENKO, V. G.3 %;A500-0-k G. ar"A Institute of Metallography and Pbysics of Metals, Ins-,__4tute oZIF Precision Alloys, Central Scientific Research institute of~Ferrous Metaliurgy imeni I. P. Bardin "Study of Decarbonization Kinetics of Transformer Steel in Moist Nitrogan-Hydro- gen Media" Moscow, izvestlya Akademii NlaWk SSSR, Seriya 1~izjxheskaya, Val. 34, No. 2, Feb 70, pp 329-332 Abstract-. Factors determining the rate of decarbonization of -trans -f'ormer steel annealed in moist nitrogen-hydrogen media tm~ough the reactionr:~ C + H20 (gas) CO (gas) +,H2 (gas) (1) C + 2H2 (gas) CH4 (gas" (2) were studied. Decarbonization kinetics were determined as a fiLiction of the hydrogen and water vapor content at 8000C. The decarbonizat-Ton reaction took 'ts place in a raixed diffusion-kinetic ni~de. The reaction rate in these l7ml is described by a diffusion equation with third-order boundlary conditions. The de- carbcnization rate was detemined by the Biot number, w~hich Mcreases as the water vaDor content in the gas increases, and it was found that the process goes USSR TOMILIN, L A., et al, Izvestiya Akadenii nauk SSSR, Seriya zEizicheskaya, Vol. 34, No. 2, Feb 70, pp 329-332 into the diffusion region for 8-10% H20~bY v0lumle. Since the Biot number -In- creases wj- or fth the water vap concentration and is independent of hydrogen con- tent, carbon oxidation through reaction,(I) is ii~reverslble and the rate of the process is not slowed by increasing the;concentration of hy(~rogen, which is a reaction product. Card 2/2 "'.1 i~ mill! 1 1~1 USSR UDC 621.372.061 SIGORSKIY, V. P., Doctor of Technical Sciences,,XF -'KO, A. I., Doctor of V~'*M&il Sciences, Technical Sciences, DENBNOVETSKIY, S. V,,,.Candidate OrT c TSURIN, 0. F., Candidate of Technical Sciences, KOLE~NIK,;A. A. "Experimental System for Operator-BESM-3M Computer Interaction" Kiev, Mekhanizatsiya i Avtomatizatsiya Upravleniya, No 1, Jan/Feb 72, pp 24a-26 Abstract: A brief description of an experimental model for a system for the graphical interaction between an operator and the BESM-M computer is given. The model was developed at Kiev,Polytechnical Institute and is currently being tested at the Scientific Research Institute of Automated Systems for Planning and Control in Construction (Kiev). The de3ignation and characteristics of units in the experimental model are described, ~including a block diagram of the system and a diagram of the structure of words used. in constructing graphical information. Tho controlling ward switches on individual units of the machine such as the light pencil and the rotation unit. The control word can also give an image recorded in the memory of the machine to which a 21-32 bit word corresponds and can also organize a ring structure for the construction of complex images. 1/2 r.- I I I:IF i I i 1. R-Ur `r;l I 1111111, 1111119 11 i I 11-1; F TZ I I USSR SIGORSKIY, V. P., et al., Mekhanizatsiya i Avtomatizatsiya Upravleniya, No 1, Jan/Feb 72, pp 24-26 If the image is recorded by a method invariant to the position on the screen of the indicator device in the data bank to which the transfer in processing the controlling word is made, multiplication of a given image without additional losses is possible and the given structural data bank can be represented as a symbol in the,character generator. An image is regenerated by periodic interrogation of-themagnetic memory of the BESM-3M with a frequency of 33 Hz. The raw data for images is stored in 1000 locations of the working storage.! Digital portions-of the operation ried out or, logical elements of the MIR-1 complex. are car 2/2 USSR UDC 681.327.12 BUDWAK, A. A., OSMOLMICTY, Y11. F. --A.. I., SAKUN, V. A., FESECHKO, 11. A., Kiav "Order of Lenin!-!. Polytechnical Institute imeni the. F2* Etieth Anniversary of the October Revolut:L6n IIA-.Colbr-Recognition Dev'cdl MoIscow, O-Lkrytiya, lzobreteniya, Promyshlennyye Gbraztsy, Tovarnyye Znaki, No 4, 1970, p 103, patent No 260983, filed 17 Nov 67 -i color-reco, ition Abstract: 1his Author's Gertificate introduces . p J. To 219923. A La distinguishing fe t r of the device based on patent h s a u a - pat Ient, the speed of the device is increased.and its overall size is educed by making the radiation photoreceiver in the Po"a oil aa electro- r t2 Magnetic electron stream commutation system jqith Lthree sections in the photocathode of the photomultiplier, Thiz oystem consIsts off three electromagnets with opticql filters, be-Lurnaarl the-ir poles. The-se electromagnets are connected through bidirectiQnal switohec to a ring commutator which alteraates the direction of the Inap,*.tic f-luxes in ator corilll~ clactroinnagne-ja. Thi-, tha rafexence phase of the voltage to a pha-,3e Ii Hlu- A If I[ . . . . . . . USSR ux: 681-327-11 DE11B.NOVETSIKlY S. V. LES: IN F. I'EDVEDENKO, B. I., SIGORSKIY, V. P., TSM-1191C, B. A. Pr"TE~JrQ A, I Kiev "Order of Lenin" FolytechnicaJ Irstitute imcni the FiftrEW-Ariffiversary of the Great Octoler -Socialist Revolution "A Device for 14apping Information" Moscow, Otkrytiya, Izobretleniya, ProLVshlennyye Obra:ttsy, Tovarnyye Znaki, No 10, Apr 72, Authcrls Certificate No 332455, Division G, filed 22 May 70, published 14 I-ar 72, P 193 Translation: Tnio Author's Certificate introduces a device for information. The device contains a cathode ray tube -with deflecting systcr, and anplifiers. As a distin-uisbing feature of the pa:Wnt, the clarity end contrast of the reproatuction axe inproved by adding a e_leflectln~~ micra- coil, Placed in the throat of the CRT mid; connected through a nhaper ampli- fier to the output of the video amplifier. USSR UDC 681.327.12 DENBNOVETSKIY, S. V., ZABOROVSKIY, YU. A., PETRENKO A. I., SKRYNSKIY, ?I. YA. "Method of Reading Two-Dimensional Graphs USSR Author's Certificate No 310274, filed 12 May 69, published 3 Sep 71 (f rom RZh -Avtomatika, Telemekhanika i Inaya tekhnika, No 4, Apr 72, Abstract No 4A525P) Translation: A procedure is proposed for reading two-dim-nsional granlis by swinging the beam in a circular trajectory. In order to increase the relia- bility when reading the graphs With internal and external loops, the tilm in- terval of the tracking resolution is Conerated An each cirvular scanning cycla. ThiB inter%ml is centered aymie-trically, with respect (-.o tho reading direction, and on coincidence of the middle of the time interyal of the resolution with the direction of reading, the center of the circular scan 6f the beam is advanced along the reading direction by one step. There are 2 illustnations. Mifm"_ -LaiuzmwLI Pu xpeo-17 USSR uDc 681. 327-12 DE"NOVETSKIY, S. V.,'ZABOROVSK-IY, Yu. A., PEUOIKO A I SKEYNSKIY, H.iYa., Kiev Polytechnical Institute "A Method of Reading out Two-Dirrvensional Graphs" Moscow, Otkrv-tiya, izobreteniya, pronrjshlennyye obrp-ztsy, tovarny-je znaki, No 23, Aug 71, Author's Certificate No 310274, Division G, filed 12 May 69, published 26 Jul 71, P 158 Translation: This Author's Certificate introduces a device for reading out two-dimensional graphs by turning a beam in a circular trajectox7. As a distinguishing feature of the patent, in order to improve relia- bility in reading out graphs with inside- and outside loops, the time interval of tracking resolution is isolated on each i-ycle of the cir- cular scan, this interval. is symmetrically centered relative to the direction of readout, and the center of circular beam scaning is moved one step in the direction of readout when the middle of the time resolu- tion interval coincides with the readout direction. USSR uDe 621.372.o.61 SIGORSKIY, V. P., PETRENKO I., SLIPCEOIKO, V. G. ,_A. "Algorithm and Program for Setting up Equations of State for a Circuit With Optimurn Subdivision of. Mutually Defined Branches of the Circuit Graph" Avtomatiz. proyektir. v elektron. Resp.*mezhved. nauch.-tekhn. sb. (De- sign Automation in Electronics. Republic Interdepsa,tmental Scientific and Technical Collection), vy-_o. 2, Kiev, "Tekhnika!', 1970, PP 52-68 Abstract: The authors consider a universal algorithm for setting up equations of state for an electronic circuit wing a mixed coordinate basis. The algorithm io suitable for analyzing lin,,-ur and nonlinear continuous and discrete cIrcuits with dependent sources. The progrEun enables de:~-ivation of an equation of state in the form of a system of first-order differential equations. One:table, four illustrations, bibliography of four titles. 21 - uDc 621.372.0.61 USSR A. SIGORSKIYI V. P., 1~~O 1. WWWMW .1' Ele tronic Circuit511 "Theoretical Principles of Mathematical Modeling c C Av-tomatiz. proyektir. v elektron. ResI2. mezhved. nauch.-tekhn. sb. (De- sign Automation in Electronics. Republic Interdepartmental Scientific and Technical Collection), vyp.. 2, Kiev, "Tekhnika'l :, 1970, Pp 3-11 Abstract: Procedures are outlined for deriving circuit equations on the basis of component and topological equations in various systems of coordinates. Equations in a nonhomogeneous coordinate basis with the minimum possible number of variables are derived on the basis of phenom- ena of degeneration of coordinates. Problems involved in the derivation of equations of state in normal fom:axe considered. Bibliography of 23 title$. 14 USSR UDC 621.372.061 MNWAOA~ SLIPCHENKO, V. G. 1- ~. "Program for Com-oiling the rquations of; State of Electronic Circuits" Avtomatiz. proyektir. v elektronite. Resp. mezlived. natichno-tekhn. sb. (Auto- mation of Design in Electronics. Republic Interdepartmental Scientific and Technical Collection), 1970, vyp. 1, pp 116-123 (from RM-Radiotekhnika, No 4, Apr 71, Abstract No 4A108) Translation: A program for co=-_Pil~ti6nof the equations of state of electronic circuits executed on a digital computer is described. 'ne application of the method of.variable states using a mixed coordinate base is explained by its universality and suitability for 'analysis~of linear and nonlinear analog and digital circuits and systems both in theifield of,electronics and in the field of automatic control. There are 4 illustrations, I table and an 11-entry bilAiography. USSR UDC 681.327 OAMELIV, V. if. , OKHOTIN, S. 11. , ROMNOV, V., V. , Engineers, PETREMM"t.-I-4 Doctor of Technical Sciences, FESECHKO, V. A., Candidate of Technical Sciences "All-Purpose Graphical Data Input Device' for a Digital:Computer" 'To 2, February 1971, pp 6-7 Moscow, Pribory i Sisten-V Uprayieniva, Abstract: A graphical data conversion device designed for convertin-, graphical documents to code has been developed at 'the ikll-Union Scientific Research xploration (leophysics jointly with the Detpartment of Teclhnic~ I Institute of F Electronics of Kiev Polytechnical Institute. Its technical parareters ttake it possible to read a variety of pralphical data includfnp-aingle curves, families of curves,and various sets of outlines. A block diagran of the device, its operating time diagram, data allocation in irernory and ba-sic technical specifica- tions of the device are presented. it is pointed out that in contrast to the Luch and Graf Jkgraphical data input devices based on the sante principle of color recognition, the present design achieves parallel color recornition so that it can read six colors simultaneously -- black, red, blue, green, yellow, and one other arbitrary color. The bisic unitsof the device are an electro- tieChanical scanner with an optical aystem and tape drive, a video pulse shaper, 44 URN USSR UDC'6k. 3 SIGOASKIY, V. P., PETRENKO, A. 1. "Algorithms for Analysis of Electronic Circuits" Algoritmy Analiza Elaktronnykh Skhem, [English Version Above], Kiev, Tekhnika Press, 1970, 394 pages, (Translated from Referativnyy Zhurnal Kibernetil-a, No 5, 1971, Abstract No. 5V601 K, unsigned). Translation: Algorithms for analysis of linear and non-linear electronic circuits, both transistor and tube type, are presented. The principles of matrix-topological description of circuits are studied, as well as models of electronic components for small and large signals, algorithms for formation of equations of state of circuits in normal form and C~AkLllation of circuit functions, analysis of circuit functions in the frequency-time area and solution of equations of state in general form or,b), numerical methods, algo- rithms for estimating the semsitivity and stability of circuits to changes of individual components, determination of tolerances ahd tuning (optimiza- tion). of circuits. USS ~~9 4 PETRENKO, A,.J...,Kiev "Method of Determining Load-Bearing Capacity of Gas Turbine Blades Under Conditions of.Thermal Cycling and Vibration" Kiev, Problemy Prochnosti, No 5, May, 1971, pp 65-69. Abstract: The method of integral equations is used to establish the dependence between the amplitude of forced oscillations of the end.cross section of a blade and the vibration bending stresses in various cross sections of the blade, con- sidering changes in modulus of clasticity.and bending angle through the height of the blade. A mathematical elyerimental.model is produced on the basis of the conception of the multifactor.experiment for the specific case in question. USSR UDC 621.373.544(088,8) PETRFANKO, B. I., KORNEYEVA, T. V. "Dynamic Trigger" USSR Author s Certificate No 250987, Filed 27 Oct 66, Published 30 Jan 70 (from RZh-Radioteklinika, No 9, Si5770, Abstract No MTV) Translation: This author's certificate introduces a dynamic trigger executed according to the circuit of a transistorized blocking generator included by a circuit with a common emitter containing a-time delay capacitor, a semi- conductor diode for feeding control pulses and a decoupling resistance-ca- pacitance circuit in the collector circuit. In order to obtain static output and use the capacitor of the resistance-capacitance circuit as a storage element, the.capacitor is connected via a clamping diode to an auxiliary power supply. ti 2 012 (ACLASS I F-10 OkOCF-�SING DATE*-09OCT70 NG TENDENCYr AND DEGREE OF DISPERSION OF ,,T,lTLE--HYGRQSCOPIC NATUREr CAKIt AMMONIUM SULFATE -U- -AUTHOR-(03)-PETRENKOt D.S., STUCHKOVt G*S.s NELIPAt O.G. __,COUNTRY. OF INFO-USSR PROM. UKR. 1970, (1), P 13 'VATE~ PUBLISHED--70 SUBJECT AREAS-CHEMISTRY .-TOPIC-TAGS-AMMONIUM SULFATEr CRYSTAL STRUCTURE# HYGROSCOPIC WATER* PROTECTIVE PACKAGINGs WATERPROOF PACKAGING MATERIAL ,CONTROL MARKING-NO RESTRICTIONS ~~40CUMENT CLASS-UNCLASSIFIED ,~PA.0XY.REEL/FRAML--1990/1459 STEP NO--UR/0436/-101000/001/0013/0013 _CIRC ACCESSION NO--AP0109519 21Z 012 UNCLASSIFIED PROCESSING DATE--09OCT70 J. -,CIRC ACCESSION NO--AP0109519 ABSTRACT/EXTRAO- (U) GP-0- ABSTRACT. THE RELATION OF THE CAKING TENDENCYTO THEDEGREE OF DISPERSION OF (NH SU84) SU32 SO SUB4 WAS DETD. THE GRANULAR FORM IS PREFERRED TO THE CRYST. THE CAKING TENDENCY INCREASES.WITH THE FINENESS OF tNH SUB4) SUB2 SO SUB4. WHEN STORED FOR 33-63 DAYS IN MOISTURE PROOF SACKS YHE'DISPERSIVITY Of: (NH SU134) SUt32 SO SUB4 WAS NOT-IMPAIRED. SINCE THE AGROPHYS. PROPERTIES OF (14H SUB4) SUB2 SO SUB4 DEPEND SO MUCH ON THE MOISTURE. CONTENft IT IS RECOMMENDED THAr THE MOISTURE--CUNTENT SHALL NOT EXCEED 0.3PERCENT AND THE AMT. OF FREE ACID SHOULD BE BELOW 0.04PERCENT.:. A HIGHER AMT. OF ACID ENHANCES THE PROPERTY OF INH SUB4) -SUBZ SO SUB4 CONSIDERABLY AND MAKES IT ..'.--.MURE.-DlFf-lrl~LT TO HANDLE. 41 Acc. 1jr: Abstracting Service: Ref. Code: ff~0040958 CHEMICAL ABST. 14 006 80828a Drlirg and,handling mmonitun sulfate lit a vibrating -9 ' I Bartoshevich, V fluidized bed. Iletrenk D t__%; 1. Kiev- dial G. .1URT97 Woks Kholt. 1; NI[KhP 1970, (1)_44-6 (Russ). The effectived~ss of. u ttg the vibratitig fluidized-bed technique in dryi:nj (frot~t 3-4% to 0.1% huntidity)O (NH02SO4 (I) was iuvcstigated by rneans of ~ah expt], app. havi~ng a pnodue- tivityofGOkgj'IjrI. The app. I's described in detail. ThLcoji- struction of the app permits variation of vaxiou~ mech. and technological parameters, e.g., duration of the process' intensity of vibrating fluidizationi etc. The oplimal dynanuilc parameters -ere detd. This technique greitly improves the ~-.oeff. of heat transfer and accelerat6s the Orocess 1,6 times. The drying proms described- can:be easily modeled and autuniated. 1. HaIdtic A L REEL/ MME M. rINIMIUMERMONIMIMM Oi6 UNCL ASS I F t td 'PROCESSING DATE--04DEC70 TITLE--ORDERING OF THE NICKEL,IRON,COBALT ALLOYS IN tHE GAMMA REGION -U- .~,-AUTHOR-(04)-GOMANKOV, V.I., PUZEYt I*Mor MALTSEVv E.I., PETRENKO E.D. 7-.-CGUf4TPY OF INFO--USSR METALLOV I METALLOVEDENIE#~ 'FEB. 1970, 29, ;12), 429-431 ,~--'_,QATE PUBL I SHED ---- FEB70 SUBJECT AREAS--MATERIALS TAGS--ORDERE0 ALLOYs ALLOY PHASE COMPOSITION, NEUTRON DIFFRAcTION, CONTAINING ALLOYt IRON NICKEL ALLOYr ALLOY;COMPOSITION 'CONTROL HARK I NG--NO RESTRICTIONS CLASS--UNCLASSIFIED ~'~.i_PROXY REE-L/FRAME--3003/0345 5TEP NO--I)R/0126170/029/002/0429/0431 CIRC ACCESSION NO--APO!29577 '16 UNC L A S SE PROCESSING DATE-04DEC70 CIRC ACCESSION NO--AP0129577 ABSTRACT/EXTRACT--(U) GP-0- ABSTRACT. THE CHARACTER ISTICS OF THE BORDERING PROCESS IN ALLOYS IN THE GAMMA REGION OF THE. NI-FE-Ca SYS-rEM WERE STUDIED BY NEUTRON DIFFRACTION, WITH SPECTAL REF. TO THE SPECIFIC PART PLAYED BY CO IN THIS PROCESS. THE ORDERING G11_4,RAG~TERISTICS ARE LARGELY DETERMINED BY THE DEVELOPMENT OF A SUPERSTRUCTORE OF THE NJ SU!33 :,FE' TYPE; THE ADDITION OF CO TENOS~TO DISRUPT THES; $OPERSTRUCrUqE BECAUSE :.mTHEREIIS A STRONGER INTERACTION BETWEEN,THE FE AN D.-CO THAN BETWEEN THE ~FE -AND. NI, -UN' LASS I_E_H~Q . ..... . .......... C 17 S P~~ C.6 s N G UA T E I 1 7 0 :112 U k C LA S 5 1 F I E u 5 !1 f L' A 1% 'P AR Al 1(,'i UF '111ETA~ S A LS E--USE L-F ALTL - ATING Cuim*.:'qT -OUR UN6. THE RE I Iff - L C L E C T- C hA I LA L II S SO L U T I Gi,-i U FE C KLi;l! 11YOMJ~,HLU !C ;%C1., iL'R~- C 3 YA ZANOV A I P U R E NKO., G .0 00MANOVA, E.G T C CUNT R YCF-I.\FU--USSR UhcE--ZF. PRIKL. KHIM. (LENINGRAD) 19 TC et3t 4) 8 3. 8-4 2 DATE PL13L ISHED------70 ~SUBJECT AREAS-CHEMISTRY, MATERIALS J0 P I CTA(~S--INCRGANIC- SALT, CHEMICAL SYNTHESISt ELECTRIC FIELO EFFECT, f-,IY,DRGCHLUKIC ACID, SULU61LtTY, CHEM(CAL.: REACTION ;RfATE, OXALIC ACID, 0-LORIDE, ALTERNAT ING CURRENT. RAR~,ING--1110 RESTRICTIO14S ~00CUMIENT CLASS-UNCLASSIHED -EL/1-RAME--3004/0967 STEP ~:~.OROXY KC IM, A C C ES I G.-.' N' U - - A 110 13 12 77 212 017 UNCLAS S I F I ED I)PUCESIS("', 0ATE-ILLIEC70 ACCESSICN N6-- "PO I) I j52 Ul GP-0- AESTRACI. THE Ul S E J F A. C.. 5 0 1 iZ --A8STP,ACT/EXTP,ACT--, DISSUVING N! UMAE~K N,C) OR N, I I IN HCL :VIAS STUDIED AS A. FUINICTION.01- A'-11) CONCIN. AND c THF SCIL. ;-)F- iNICL D. THE 0P-rlIMU,'-', AC11r; r.(,NCN. UAS .4- t44 SUI32- 4;EGREASEU AS THE AC' ' 1) CONCN.. INCREAS~-D. UA AL C AC*11) INCIlEASED THE RATE UF GISSGUN. (AT HU Ct3ilvGli. OF dY CON.VEl."I'lt 'G NICL SUB?- TO INI A .c 6 -, - SS Cz S -~GXALATE AND HCL. DURING L C,OMPLETE CYCLEt 4 !:LECTKIDD P 9 0C f. CAN - QCC UP 2 ANODIC AND 2 CATHDDI'-. , POP, DISSOLN.:FO OCCURV THE, THAN THr- -NCY a F T HE ANUCIC DISSOUll.: PROCESS:::MUS! BE "r','EA c :-EFHCIEf\CY OF THE CATHOWC DEPOSITICN. PROCESS. -JILL uNk A~s rt 112 OtG- I PROCPSSING 0ATE--o?lXT70 11-TLE-SYNTHESIS OF 3,5,1,)ICkLC;~,IACENAPH-ti]E,4E- -U- -AUTli,:)k-t,a2)-P~Ti.'E.\IKL;, (,.i 1) S A G.H EN QV. G U 71 T R YAC, F,, INFCI--USSR C C ~'-':SDURC E-- Z H. 590-2 ORG. KHV',. 1970, 6(3) 0ATE PUbLISHED ------- 70 UBJECT AREAS-CHEMISTRY T U P I C' TAGS-CHFMICAL SYNTHESIS* CHLORINATED AROMATIC C~)MPOJI110, DIAZOTIZATIDI49 OXIDATION, NAPHTNENEt BROMINATED ORGANK COMPOUND ~_,CQNTROL 'KARKING-NO RESTPICTIONS 00CUMENT CLASS-UNCLASSIFIED -PkUXY REEL/FRAMF--1992/1403 STEP NO--UR/0366/70/006/003/0540/0592 CIRC ACCESSION NO-AP0112403 UNC L A SS I V I F. f) 71.-212 010 UNCLASSIFIEO PROCESSING DATE--020CT70 ~-r URC ACCESSION ND--AP0112403 :ABSTRACT/EXTRACT--(U) GD-O- ABSTRACT. NITRATION OF 5tCHLDROACENAPHTHENE (I-) i;AVE ITS 3vNITRO-DFRIV.w WHICH WAS REDUCED TO THE 3fAli[NO DERIV DIAZOTIZATION OF THISr FOLL04ED BY REACTION WITH ZNCL SUB2' IN DIL. ~CL SOLN. GAVE THE TITLE COMPD. (1), OXION. OFI WITH CRO SU33-AC SU12 0 -GAVE 2,4tDIGHLORONAPHT401C ANHYDRIDF (11). CATALYTIC VAPOR PHASE 3XION. OF I WITH.A-IR AT 4aODEGREES GAVE 3,r),!)tCHLOROACENAI>HTHYI-ENEp WHICH WAS '.,,:,-,0XIL.)lZED WITH CRO,SUB3-AC SU32 0T3 Ito CHLORINATED TO THE lt2,DI-CL V. OF ILE, AND.BROMINATED TO. THE 1*2*01-BR D.ER.IV. OF 111. USSR :UDC:669-017,:537+535 MMINIKOV, N. A., PAKCHAVIN, L. M., and AAo Kiev State University "Study of Recovery Processes in a Ni-20% Cr Alloy" Kiev, ?4etallofizika, No 40, 1972, PP 78-84 Abstract: The effect of various defects on close ordering processes was studied. An investigation of the relationship of residual electrical resist- ance to quench temperature after isochronous annealinir, of the alloys was conducted after the latter were subjected to various treatm~ents. The blocks of coherent scattering, microdistortions, and dynamic and static distortions of the alloy were rreasured. It was shown that the residual electrical resist- ance depends essentially on the initiaLstate of the alloy. In the temperature region of -196 to -900C, recovery is accompanied by it drop of electrical resist- ance which at a higher temperature varies by gro,,rth. 1he results obtained are explained by migration of the different defects leading to close ordering. 5 figures, 21 bibliographic references. =!NNW=" Byelorussian SM LIDC 621 73.043 SEVERDENKOO, V. P., PWRENKO, V. V., and _PLTRENKO, Ss I. *On the Dimensions of Mosaic Units in. Steel Types 20 and Khl8NIOT after Ultrasonic Working" Minsk, Vestal Akademil Navuk BSSR, Series on Physical-Technical Sciences, No 2, 19730 pp 14 - 16 Abstracts The authors deformed samples of No 20 low-carbon steel and Kh18N1OT stainless steel with dimensions of 6 x 9 millimeters In a 5-ton press, both without the application of ultrasonics and with ultrasonice at a natural resonant frequency of 19 kilohertz and inten' sities of 50, 650, ana 700 watts per square centimeter. X-ray methods were then used to determine the dimensions of mosaic units in the centers of the sampleso As expetted, the dimensions of these units decreased with increasing deformation. However, the decreases were less as greater amounts of ultrasonic energy were applied. There was alao a significant decrease in the crystal lattice defects-of the alloys subjected to ultrasonic energy, which the authors believe reflects the fact that the groups of atoms moving in the deformation process have linear dimensions smaller than the dinensions of the mosaic units, so that there is less slastieldeformation of volume elements when obstructions are encountered. .1A 68 USSR UDC 5148.4 SWEIWKO, V. P. r GURSKIYI L. I. land MEMMO S~wl "examination of a Polycrystal Aluminum Surface Deformed by Ultrasound" Ydnsk, Doklady Akademil Nauk BSSR, Vol 15v No 4, 19711 pp 312-31 < Abstracti This article is a study of the deformation of the surface of samples of polycrustal aluainum in the region of maximum cyclic stress following exposure to ultrasound. The SaMDleS were subjected to repeatted cycles of 60 seconds of exposure to ultrasound oscillations plus 120 seconds of rest until they broke ( approximately 2.2 x 107 cycles). AIA-'Cer observing the development of slip i~.nds with the aid of an optical microscope, the authors conjecture that the formation and expansion. of the band.8 results from re-Deated cross clipping of screw dislocations. Suboequent amral.natioll of the namples with an electron microscope revealed the, atap-by~-step nature of the distribu- tion of dislocations , which confirms the conjecture. . The authors conclude that exposure to individial xdcrovolumes, of: polyczystal aluminum to cyclic stress from ultrasound frequencies causes plasti.6 defoi-matioh of the aluminum. USSR UDC 548.4 SEVERDENKO, V. P., Academician, Academy of Sciences BSSR, GURSKIY, L. I., and PETRENKO. S. I. RIM ange in the Dislocation Structure of Hetal Acted on by Ultrasound" Minsk, Doklady Akademii Nauk BSSR, Vol 14, No 12, 1970, pp 1OB2-1085 Abstract: Although there are numerous papers concerned with the influence of ultrasound an the physico-mechanical propirties of mi~tals and alloys, there are very few concerned with.the effect of ultrasound from the kilo- hertz frequency range on the dislocation structure of ne.tals. Available data-are mainly concerned with studying changes in the dislocation structure of metals. This article seeks to correct this by looking at the inPluenc.e of intense ultrasound on the dislocation structure and shift in grain boundaries in sample-a of polycrystalline aluninum. Two figures are given for vinual presentatim 1/2 77,777 777 USSR SEVERDENKO, V. P., et al., Doklady Akademii Nauk BSSR, Vol 14, No 12, 1970, pp 1082-1085 It is found that certain changes in the dislocation structure of Al indicate that the ultrasonic energy is absorbed on the crystal lattice defects, out- wardly manifested by heating of the sample. The studies here also show that as a result of absorption of ultrasonic energy, the dislocation structure undergoes substantial restructuring, leading to a decrease in energy:of the system,, and the process of self-diffusion is accelerated and accompa ied by disappearance or shift n in the grain boundaries. 2/2 112 037 UINCL ASS IF I El) P I)CFS51%4S DATE--021CT70 TITLE-- INHIbI T IGN OF AARTLNSITIC TRANSFORMATION IN STEEL KH19NIOT 1) Wz I N G ~_PLASTIC DEFORMATION WITH SUPERIMPOSED.UL.TKASUNIC VIRKATIONS, -t)- .-AuTHUR-031-SEVERDENK0, V.P.v PETRENKOt V*V.t ?FTREl4t(0, S.t. I !~6QRTRY UF INFO--USSR --DDKL. AKAD. NAUK dELORUSS. SSR 1970, 14(2)t 02-4 PIJ&L I SHEI)-----7 0 SbBJECT AREAS--MECH., IN0.9 CIVIL AND MARINE ENGRt MATERIALS J'UPIC TAGS--PLASTIC DEFOR.MATION, STAINLESS STEELp ULTRASONIC VIBRATION, OESIGNATION, MARTENSITIL TRANSFORMA'TIONs METALLOGRAP4Y, 4-11G,14ETIC -SAFURATION, FE-RREIMAGNETISM/(U)KH18NIOT STAINLESS ST4'-E-L ',C,0NTR0L:f4ARKlNG-P,ll0 RESTRICTIONS OMENT CLASS--UNCLASSIFIED D OC ~,~'PROXY REELIFRAME--1990/0224 STEP Nl)--Ult/0250/7o/014/00~/012210124 ,CIRC ACCESSION NO--AT0108548 UNCLASSIFIED 9- jig ztz 037 UNCLASSIFIED PROCESSING 0ATE-02OCT70 ,to4kC, ACCESSION INIO-ATO108548 ,"ABSTRACT/EXTRACY--(U) GP-0- ASSTRACT. IN SAMPLES OF STEEL KHlRNIOT -DEFORMED WITH -SUPERIMPOSED ULTRASONIC VIBRATION, THE M~~GNFTTC SATN. CURVE IS ALMOST INDEPENOENT (IF THE DEGREE OF~STRAIN ~041CH PRnvES* THE ARSENCE OF THE FORMATION OF LARGE AMTS. OF FERRDM~~GMETIC ALPHA-PHASE IN _._,.,jHE DEFORMED STEEL. THIS IS EXPLAINEDIBY HIGHER T~-MPS. IN THE DEFORMATION-WITH SUPERIMPOSED ULTRASOUND. AT THESE. TEMPS. T E H -MARTENSITIC TRANSFORMATION 15 SUPPRESSED. THIS W-S CONFIRMED BY THE METALLL-'GkAPHIC EXAMN. OF POLISHED SAMPLES. DEFORME0,WITH AND RITHOUT ULTRASONIC VIBRATIONS. UNCLASSIFIED