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USSR UDO 621.-,14.61 (086.8) PRIKHC-.D'KO, A. YA., DAMOV, F.D., LASAREKV, !.A., EV, -S %N Y,~Yz MI.S., ATLZX -DROV, I.V.,.S, IFO, V.I. 0 Multiphase Rectifier Using Contralled [Semic nductuor] Root-e-are' USSR Author's Certificate No 2622:29, filed 29 Nov 66, published 29 June 70 (from RZ1h--:-;11a1ktron_i1es_ i yeye pri= neniye, No 2, February 1971,,~Abstract No 23576P) Translation: A circuit is proPosed for control of a 3-ph!ise bridge semicontrolled recti ier vypryazmitcl I]. The control circuit contains an,auxiliary brid_" non- con*rolled rectifier, a relaxation oacillator for triple 4requmoy using a dynistor, auxiliary thyristors, and 3 output pulDe transformers. The relaxation oroillator supplies pu!3~~o to tho gates of the auxiliary thyristom Dio anodeu of theua thyriators ara connactod with tho primury windings of tho pulse trunaformera. The aecond tomminals of those windings ara switched In to phasos of the voltage for inhorenT, 1rsobstvenn:pr] needs, from which is also supplied the noncontrolled bridge rectifier of the relaxation oscillator. Thal cathodes of the auxiliary thyristors are Connectea 5. cn Po3n' and are connected across a~residtor to the nega- tive temainfl of the aonoontrolled 3-phase ractifier. The oacandary windings of the puloe tr~nsformoro are connactea wl-~h -the zates of the,,po-werthyriators. 1 Ill. L.R. DRIFT MOMSTS I*,' or CYROSCOPIC. IN5ML2lMNTl Ale- 'by Yu -A, (j4 -.1in anq_~. 'j. lloy "Ch Moscow Higher Tcelinical T 5ho-31 i=ni E. Wwn; Leningrad, Ir ves tlya VV_ r,si-n, No 7_1972. %,uVmitt-i 26 October 1972, PP 7~:,-Tm Que.t16.41 Calnec.tod -i th moments of Otre-s in rutgnatic &usp-risjons caused hy goomutric im- precisiotia in the manurarture of th~ 1,~,tor ~ i arr- o"roined. The moments at' stress arp ana- tyzod for a rotor of arbitrory forat. Salin-tic bUsplynx:ions used to compittely Qxcxud~ m"thall i - cat coslt6ct in tile. support* of precision pyroscooic, in3tauserta must itave ptiattalty smatl drift m-mt7nts. Onty it% that cztso 's'v give i substantial. improvemen.t.An t1to %jtk*j-jtT of 7- can. 41l'?Ir u ' n6d Liu: o4iti~. -iastrumPot. - Zkricriola A ilivestigations havr shown that the drift mc~-.nts of magnetic suiponsions huVo two corpon- entos 1) womcnts du~ to lirrur. in tba for" or the rotor occur- rirg during manufacture juxi 2) so-ralloo hysteresis mio~enls, cauiod Ity the promence or a hystorosis loop in the matmr~at or the ..rot.r. I he present level, or deveLopment of' tocitnolony porwits iii most casee red.1cinr those two componenti to the aUuwable Limit. flowevers the requirements for the tochnolnry of nwinu- facturi at' magnetic suspeiisiont, unumLly prove to be higli. ~.t" no the task arisft3 of' working out rational eotiuirement~ ror massufacturing tvchrjoloey which can be rtadily fulrillocl, an tiv on" hand. and permit obtaining the necessary proci-jion of th~ in,*trumcv~t, on the othei~, In this articLe art investioutian is made of Lite momentd caused by geometric errors in the manufacture of a cyLiudrical. rotorv such as occur for exampl.a. in floating gyroscopic in- struments. Let us el.almine, for examples a quadrupaLe mannetic suspension (see the bibliography) (Figure 1) under the CoLlow- ing assumptions. IN) 7 WSSR UDC 531-383 Q90=_,__YU A PESTUNOT A. YU.1, (Kiev Polytechnic Institute) "Concenftng the Astatic Gyxo:scope Systenz:Uc.Drift Xbout a Gimbal Outer Frame Axis in the Presence of Angular Base oscill&tion, Leningrad, Izvestiya Vysrhikh Uchi~bnykh Zavedeniyj Priborostroyeniye, Vol 14, No 9, 1971, pp 83-88 Abstract: Systematical d-rif t of an astatio EyrozcQpo about a gimb-al outer frame axis in the presence of random and hax-monic angWAr ba.*e oscillations about three reetwigular coord'Ir-ate axis Iss considered. Simple formul~L'3 for determining the systematic drift< LC>of an astaticaroscope in the presence of the ba-se correlated angular oscillations arA vlbzations about three rectangplar axis axe derived,, Their analysis shwrs tN%t in the design axA tests of an astatic gyroucopes the method of equivalent harmonic oscil- lations, consisting of substitutin.S a N-xmonic process, of the same rate Z' for the randon process can be wed, when the pre- dolant frequencies of --andon process resolution spec:tq~ axe far off the orroscope natural vibrations frequemcies.. The haxmonic, ascillations 1/2 -7=7-,777777 7-777 USSR CSOKIKI YU. A., and PESTUNCV# A. TU., Izvestlya Vysshikh UchebnykhZavedeniy, Pxiborostroyeniye, Vol 14, No 9, 1,971s pp 8.3-88 frequency is selected equal to apredominant i-andom process frequency. In transition to equivalent harmonic oscillations in the care of correlated base oscillations about the t'-,xee rectangular axes the~phase dirft between components is equal to VX and the variation freqUency or a reciprocal correlated function, arA is the displacement of the recilsocal co-rivlated function with resDect to ordinate axi 2/2 024 UNCL AS sir-iE6 PRO)CESS~ING DATE--jOOCTIO .'TITLE-MECHANISO AND KINETICS OF 150HEXENE DPAERIZAMN ON AN ALVIMINDS11_1 CATE CATALYST -U- 1~",AW--'TWR-I03)-0S0KIN, YU.G.j KRYUKOV, S.I.v FELDIBLYUMit I i.-ZCUNTRY OF INFG-USSR '.tcuRcE-zF. oRr.. KFim. 1970, 6(41, 69L-?3 :_'DATE PUBLISHED---70 ...SUBJECT AREAS-CHEMISTRY T 0 P I F_ TAGS--HEXENE# DIVERIZATI31N, CHEMICAL iKINETICS, ALWMINUM SILICATE, .':`.:~.~:kCTIVATICN ENERGY, CHEMICAL REACTAGN mEc.HANI.SM :CP TFCL .10,.AF_KP*G--h3 RESTRICTIONS "W -UNCLASSIFIED OCUMENT CLASS RECLIM~~ME-2000/1959 5 TE 11 ACCE SSIGN NO-AP0125548 SSIF160 OEM, 9-9.0 - 1 , I:..r N',~ DAT E- ~~,30C T70 .2: 024 UNCLASSIFIED p:1Gcl,.SSlf C I RC ACCESSICN N'J- APO 125546 ACT.JEXTRACT- (U1 CP-0- A3STRAcr. THE DIMERIZArNk, Of-: TH E iE RY -OY.NAM I C EQU I L . R I A T .CF H SUB.2 C:C.1qF_PR I I) IrH. ME .~0,32 c:ci~g_r "TV to if~ - i I I J IN THE PRESE NCE Of ALUMI NuS I L I CATE CA TALYS 15 1 ~, A 2W) OR ;~E_R REACTIGN wlfh 15.9 KCAL-ilGLE ALTIVATION BERGY. THE FUL111,11 ;~ G I S C-4 Ci~ I C C SU&12 ALKENES ARE FORPED: PRCME SUB2 CH SUB2 r-';CF 3 I SUB2.1PRo PRCHE :SUB2 CH SUB2 CME:(;.4ET, PRCME SUB2 Cl.l:C-MGPRv,PRCmC- SljdZ CHF.TCivl6:cH SU8121, AND PtZ(;ME SU82 CET;C:A.E SUiJZ. THE DINERIZATION MECHANISM JNVOLVES THE ADONS OF ME SUBZ C PRIME POSITIVE PR TO I UK 11; 1 'AEACTS AWPUT 5 fill"'ES .,-,-AS FA;T AS.[[ IN THIS ADON. REACTION* FACILITYz YAROSLAV* TE KMI GL INST., YAROSLAVL$ USSR* UDC 543-77 FMROVAJI M. N., OWODRSYAYA, K. S*$ PONY and MSTOUSOVA, T. I. Fazovyy Khimicheskiy Analiz Rud,Che rodulctA)v ikh Pererabotki :Wk ov (Phase Chemical,Analysis of s- Of wit~as E~A 'Pr,6~v.,cts of Their -Treatment)- 7fiedra". Publi louse -ftsc 1~ 197~ -1 160 ppl Owl ? Translation-.of Foreword Annotation: 'Me further develcTm-nt of ferrous metallurgy requires an ever increasing amount of high-quality ores. Therefore, the dressing of ores for -metallurgical treatmut is of gmsat ir,-*rtance. More sophisticated technological sche=.s of ore benefication for assWdng complete and complex extraction of valuable ore components should be developed in the caning years. Tn order to correctly envaluate the industrial prope.-ties of ores being processed, a thorough and detailed study of thleir compositions is required, ezpecial'-t,,r, a deter-mination c,',* the quantitative ratio of different mineral forms of elements composiikg them. Phase analysis, which along with other methods has found wide application in various branches of science and technology, is of importance in the of minerals.. The-phase analysis method for non-ferroiis and trace alaments in the motit highly, dovelopcd,(Dolivo-Dobro,,rollokiy,,, Klimeako 191i'7; F#J.ppovat 1964; Khristoforov, 1964, 1965). The I-Iterature regarding the v.,thodu of phase analysis of cres of ferrous metals is represented:only by,& few Journal aMcles and several manuscripts. 93 !JSSR FEDOROVAJ. M. N., et al., Fazovyy Mimicheskiy Analiz, Rud Chernykh Metallovi Produktov ikh Pererabotki, "Nedra". Publishing House, 19720 i6o:PP The methods of phase analysis for iron, manganese, and chromium ores that are mentioned in the monograph of V. V. Dolivo-Dobrovol'o.Niy and Yu. V. Klinanlko have.not been developed verj far. Presently,they do not Satisny the high stand- exds set up by concentration plants vith respect to the elemental comosition of ferrous ores. it" should be noted that neither the domastic nor the foreign literature provides sufficiently complete manuals for the phase analysis of ferrous ores. Thus, it was thought expedient to generalizia the vorks done in this field. The present vork. systematizes the experience accrimlated by many scientific research institutes (Uralmekhanobr, Ysekhanobr, Mekhanobrcli-orreat) and tested at industrial plants in the Ural, Kazakhstan, Central, and Sa.'Ahern regions of the USSSR for many years. Most of the methods presented vere d4veloped, tested, and Perfected by the authors of this book.: The book describes the methods of phase analysis of different t,,mes of Iron, manganese, titanium, and chromium ores, as well as boneficiation products erAp--Uetized -roducts pi-erared from iron concentrates. . In som cases a detailed description is given of Individual methods. . lbis mterial can be use- ful for the evaluation of the ore analysis results, and in IndivIdual cases, 216 'USSR FEDOROVA, M. No, et al., Fazovyy Khimicheskiy Ar4liz Ihid Chernykh Metallov i Produktot, ikh Pererabotki, "Nedra" POlishin'g House, 1972 , i6o pp vhere data are available for comparison, it can be of help in selecting a more rational direction for future studies. . The authors will gratefully accept any comments regarding the application of methods given in Ithis book to various ores, suggestions regarding modifica- tions, -improvements, and simplification of these methods, and reports of the development of new methods at various laboratories. The authors thank Senior Scientist F. K. SOLOMONOVA for valuable comments and for the mineralogical analysis of ores during the development of the phase analysis methods. The authors are also grateful to Candidmte of Technical Sciences No No IWLENITSKIY, 1B. To KARAPETYXI, Doctor of Technical Sciencer. V. V. DOLIVO-DORROVOL'SKIY, Doctor of Chemical Sciences N. A. FILIPPOVA, and senior scientists R. S. MINERY A. G. LYASHENKO, 1. G. G=V=.AYA and F. YE. MERLIKA vho gave us much valuable advice in examining the nanuse-Tipt and grate- fully helped us in the preparation of the manuscript for p4blication. Translation of Table of Contents. Page Forewoe. Problems and methods of phase analysis Cha er I. Phase analysis of iron ores 3/Vt 94 M. USSR FEDOROVAI M. N., et al., Fazovyy Ehimicheskiy Analiz Rad Chernyl&i M&tallov i Produktov ikh Pererabotki, "Nedra" Publishing House., 1972'p .160:pp Iron.mirberals and ores 19 A brief-review of methods of phase analysis of i-ron o res 23 Determination of ore and silicato iron 24 Determination of magnetite, 36 Determination of the magnetite ehemical~compositlon 50 Datermination of iron hydroxides 53 Determination of siderite 55 Determination of Hematite 59 Determination of the sulfur mineral forms 60 Determination of cobalt and nickel f a in iron ores' Orm 63 Determination of the forms of pliosphorus' 65 Determination of bi- and trivalent iron in products with Ligh concentration of sulfide-s~ 66 Chapter II. Phase analysis of pelletized productq prepared from Iron ore concentrates of different compositions 69 -Formtion of minerals in the charge durizE; pellctizing~,proceBa and and firing of pelleta 70 Synthesis of minerals present in the pelletized product,s 72 4/6 M-M, I.i.. -USSR 4EDOROVA, M. N., et al., Fazovyy Xhimicheskiy Analiz 11ad Chernykh Metalloy i Troduktov'ikh Pererabotki, "Nedra" Publishing House, 1972 )LO p~ Determination of calcium and iron oxide forms in pelletiEed -products prepared from ore concentrates of a sithple composition 73 Phase analysis of highly-basic agglomerates 78 Determination of mineral forms in pelletized products prepared from -'dre concentrates of complex Composition 80 -III.-Phase analysis of titanium.ores, Chapter minerals and ores 84 Determination of the mineral forms of titanium ~86 Study of the forms-of iron, titanium vanadiiw, and of other elements it titanium-magnetita'and ilmenIte-magnetite types of Ores 97 Determination.of grain sizes of titanonagnetite 100 Chapter-IV. Phase analysis of ranganesia ores:in-products of their treatment Manganese ores and minerals. 103 Reviev of methoft of phase analysis of m4nganese ores 105 Dete=ination of mineral forms of vangane~e in caxbona ~,e and mixed-ores 110 5/6 95- USSR FEDOROVA, M. N., et al., Fazovyy Khimichesk:Ly Analiz Rud Chernykb Metallov i Produk+,ov ikh Pererabotki, "Nedxa" Publishiho House, ~1972 16o pp Analysis of oxide ores .03. 121 Analysis of.firing products 123 Determiration of phosphorus forms. in manganese ores 324 ~Dete*rmination of chemical and nolecular,composition of carbonate manganese complexes 134 Chap-her Y. Phase analysis of chromium!ores 140 er.-VI. Determination of free.and,bound:silieic acid chapt 146 Methods of determining quartz 147 Determination of opal 153 Determination of sizes of quartz particles 154 -References 155 616 i H 11 ~ I ...... ..... .. . .. . ............. ................. ...... ACC. Xr Ref. Code:( ?R1%,L%RY S.01111CE: Antibiotilki, 16 9 7 0 Vol 15 XrZ PPAViPAO COMPARATIVE I~VALUATION OF CERTAIN METHODS FOR PRJMART SCREENING OF ANTITUMOR ANTI BIOTICS..114 VITRO:! S. M. Rudagg, V. A. Semenow 4,V qAj~inr, S. At. Navashb: -Kitional-InstifuLe IoL kritibiotics,-Moscow Sensitivity levels of 3 in vitro tests (a mutant-of Staphylococcus UV-3, antidehydrase activity of mouse tumor cells, cytotoxic effect in tussue culture) were studied compara. tively, using 120 culture fluids. of actinomyettes. The cylotoxic test 'was the most sensilf- ve- The culture fluids selected according to this test in most cases inbibited at high dilut[- ons the' development of mouse experimental tum&s. - Antitumor aefivity was most of teil observed among actinomycetes belonging to series helvolus, chromogenes, griseus, laverf- d0ae-roseus. R E E L .98204,12 UNCLASS I F-IEO USM UDC: 621,791,011: 620.192.4-001.2:669-015.34:669.721 RYAZANTSEV., V. -I., Candidate of Technical Sciences,, SKIMIOU, YE. I.j, Engineer, and OSOKINA T N Engineer 7he Effect of Alloying and the Purit of the Magnesium A-Uoy of the 14g-Zn-Zr- Y Rare~Earth Metal System on the Tendency Tovards.Hot Crack Formation!' Xbacov,, Svarochnoye -Proizvodstvo,, go 5., May 73~ pp 28-30 Abstract.- The-authors show that alloys of the Mg-Zn-2r-v.,.re earth metal systu"i 'with a content of 1.0-1.6 percent Zn, 0,04-0,1 percent Zr, 0.16-0.3 percent rare earth metal and with an adrdxture of Fel Cu,, Sil Ni,,Al in quantities of 0.01-0.03 percent have a low resistance to hot:craelc forNition (critical defor- mation rate of 0.5-0.75rn/rrinute). This significantly livits the possibility of their use in complexly shaped welded structuxes,. Varying the Zn. content from 1.0 to 16 percent in the basic metal and introducing 11n. do not have a significant effect, on the rate of critical deformation during welding. Resistance to hot crack formation can be significantly increased by reducing Ce content 2-3 tires and the admirture (Fe, Ni, Cuq Sil and A3.) 2-4 times. The critical rate of defor- mation under these conditions is increased 2,,5-3,5 timesand reaches 1.8-1.9 M/minute. Weld-ing us~sg UDC 621.791,052:678-1:669.017,1,74 RYAMNITSRT, V. r., PUGAWEV, A. I., S'~'ITUNOVAv Ye. I, J~LYABWN`, A. A J .,KUDISHINA, T. A., and slum Alloy" "Chemical Microheterogeneity of Welded Joints of VNIMS Magne' Moscow, Svarochnoye Proizvodstvo No 10, Oct 72, pp 8-10. Abstract: The mechanism of formation of microchemical heterogeneity of WW8 alloy welded joints through the cross section is studied as a functioa -aposition of the welding wire. -in that the of the chemical ca It is shot degree of micTochemical hezcrogeneity and the nature of its~ placement have a decisive influence on the hot shortness of theJoint i-notal. Microchcm-i- cal heterogeneity in the fusion zone and in the iiear-scam zone arises as a result of diffusion rcdistribution of elements from the sem into the surro -"or 5-8 wire) and from the surr(rundifig zonc~ into the unding zone (Ce seam (Zn for type 5-7 wire), as ivell as diffusion enrichnent of incited boundaries with such elements as Ce and impoverishment of the gra-in areas near the boundary in these elcirrurits. It is 6stablished that welding is perfoiined with wires in the systert '!g-Al-Zn--k1n, the distribution of' alloying elements in the fusion zone is such that~ no chan.-e in the compo- sition of the wire can cause a reducticn in hot shortncss (A 0.'-'j mm/miii)- 1/2 USSR 621.791.754 RYAZANTSEV, V. I., OSOKINA, T. N., All-Union Scientific-Research institute of Aviation Materials "Argon-are Welding of Dissimilar Deformable Magnesium Alloys" Kiev, &vtomaticheskayr, Svarka, No 11, Nov 72, pp 41-44 Abstract: This work presents a study of the possibility of welding dissimilar deformable magnesium alloys in the following. combinations -, kAID8 with with VMD3 and VINID8 with MA12, using.'various wire Compositions. The specimens used were standard manufactured.sheets 2 = thick. The sheets were t annealed at 260% for I hour, then welded with a ADSV-2 automatic weld- s T machine at 15 m/hr. The combinations least prone to crack formation were those involving a single magnesitm_zinc~-RBI~ system: VINID8 with IWZ and WN with MAT2. WIDS and M2-1 were. more Inclined to,waTd crack formation. ne total corrosion resistance of welded joints vaxied in the same sequence. USSR U~DC 621-791.042:669-721-5 RYAZANTSEV., V. 1. , SMIRNOVA., M. and Q"Q"1MN=1 A11-Union Scientific Research Institute of Aviation Materials "Effect of Filler Ifire Coml,3 Osition on the MIC.rochemical Ifet,ro, neity and So Properties Of Magnesium Alloy Joints" , _e ge Kiev, Av-tomaticheska-va Svark NO 10J Oct 72, PP 9-12 Abstract: A study was made of the chemical heterogeneity of macnesium alloy Weld joints where alloying was accomplished~ussing magresium-base filler wir-es with an average COMPOsition of the alloying elements of 1.5% Zn, 7% Al, and 0-3% Yfn and the base Iretal containing a . On Of 1-3% Zn, 0.03" n wreraU P ,e COMPPsiti Zri and 0.22% misciunetal. Prior to welding, the alloy sheet was annealed at 2600C for one hour. Weldirka, was done u6inG an ADSV-2-autonatic unit with an IPK- 350 power source with four different threshold energy values. MicroheteroCeneity vas studied using local x-ray sPectral analysis on an MAR-1 unit. When using fillers of the Ma_-Zn-Zr-Ce mischue-tal system, the micrachemical heterogene'ty in the fusion zone emerges as a result of I diffUsion redjatribution of cerium2from the seam into the heat-affected --one; when using fi llatrs of the the microche=ical heter,)Eeneity emergesas a result of,diffusion penetration Of Zinc from the beat-affected zone.into .1/2 the seam. From the action of the 01-9 1.791- UI)c Zvi mosco" 0so -B and Vol B. Go je. wravovl ovp~% 5 ort s e 53- gical uieans .1. 2t yeb gletallur eciiically -a 110 is lie Sos of the 'at Wal e ts ogetallurSic al a 5V this yal a"101 1 -a- 'MatiChesiv 0i ttle 15 AI of NVto collsiaere- 4-n Mag . ~e ts of , ,',LS ste-1 roble~ 'With C ,0.,je I-Je 1hoe terk Cort- i t1le I mel t8 were s t Lat%t t* 4 to dea s:ai Zirke re t alloys p- eattEl strac use t ZiTte I - 0 J.U xb be d wi h ,, j.UTrr j-lrst class cbaage 4.1 ra Of .... carL ,Ole eral %nag the V atiOu 0'a d s ev Oj the r ,pa by 0 t r1 eau e taag p an 'ect that tb , CO the deC starICA at c1: a hp -ai, oat he tests -jr. T %ID3 5 ti , ttat ill of J;be th rimenta .velop thp-sp, t re to de led -1-11 ith, t, olrtoin as ld imvrolt, "e, t'MC tu that . th irs V. ;" it. wel It 'Was ass%V wou Uter- of . tue, S, Coul alloys CTyqt the orae 4U1M tevtt. Into nes- the .10se'veld to lap- -Ince may, ors ii I is auth zirconiun. of the VaCks by the t,,-,, r esistancia reache4 r r_oT1_ that did -no , 4 that the 55% %T 'Id ULetal, an ddition 0 e the a d by USSR RYAZANTSEV, V. I., et al., Avtomaticheskaya Svarka, No 10, Oct 72, pp 9-12 thermal welding cycle there is observed in the heat-affected zone -- independent of filler wire composition -- diff fusion enrichment of the fusion boundaries by cerium and a decrease of its content in the boundary sections of the grain, as well as decomposition of the solid solution in the grain body, being accomanied by precipitation of phases rich with zinc. Uicrachemi=l heterogeneity for zinc amounted to approximately 1000%. The impact streiigth, of weld joints made using fillers with cerium mischmetal vras 2-3 times lest and the bend angle 15-20% less than when using fillers of the V~-Al-Zn-Mmsystem for an almost identical strength. figures., 2,tables.,:22 bibliograf)bic references. 2/2 446 USSR UDC 621-791-011. 0 001 5:6.69-721 4- 6'9.5 ANTONOV, YEE. G., EnIgineer, 1"00?OV, 3., Engineer, YAKU31HINI, B. F., Candidate of Technical 3ciencps, OSQKIk4A, T. N -'ngineer, h` ine er HIKOLAYLVA, V. 3,; Techniclant MUL I illk 'SM.&NOVA, YE. I., Engineer, SE?AGIN,' B. V.j Agineer, and BABANHANIOVA, I. S., Engineer "Effect of Rare-eartii Elements on the Weldability of' Magnesium- Zinc and Magnesium-Zinc-'4irconiiLm Alloys" Ito s c ow, SvaroChnoye Proizvod.stvo, N a. 12, Dec,70, pi) 6-8 Abstract: The effect of soTe rare-earth metals cii tne weldabil- ity of na;;nesium-zinc and P,4ki,,rasium-zinc-ziroonluzn alloys vias studied in experimental melts. Sheets of thoi alloys, 2 inm thick, rill PrOM 'lat were obtained by roll.-Lag on a "Duo" - labo.ratory ingots cast in metal molds, Before rolling the iji6ot5 were neat- ed to 380-4000 C (11 inLermediate neats, 2-3 passes). Shrinkage was 15-25 percent. After r*11ing,the sheets Vere, annealed at 2600 G for an hour. Tne filler wire was made! of the same mate- The results indicate tnat rare-earth etaLs (neodymium, 1/2 USSR ANTONOV, YE. G., et al., Svarochnoye Proizvodstvo, No 12, Dec 70, pp 6-8 lanthanum, misciimetal) at the ra te of up to 0.6 percent, by weight affect the hot-shortness of -the Qtudied~alloys in different v;ays during welding. The most probable -reason. for thiz is the varying effect of rare-earth metals on the plasticity of t'.,le studied al- loys in the region of the lower limit of the britrle temperature range, as well as the varying effect on the r~uagnitude of rhe lat- ter. . The weld cracking resi5tance of tne alloys can be increased by alloy additions of lanthanum and.cerium mischmetal and the use of filler wire (2 percent Zn, 0.45 percent Zr, 3.44 percent cerium chmetal, the rest 14,g). C 7 USSR "-.2 1. 53 J, Doc PROKil PROKEOROV, C":.'n(Iid-!I-u 0 C I k~ i c a IC I "Distribut.-Lon of I'last -7c Dufonnzcian in We Icis" 40'scow' Svarocilnoye Proiz-vod'itvo' No L; 7 0 , pp II -2 Abstrac~- IS L r! LAIC '.0"1 0 If as L' i c Ion in their tcchr'oIoL'icaI"- PropcrLic-S I'l-I -,~~rvic,3. oil: plasuic de L E-1 reflc-ced on a macroscop-ic an~; nacroscopic distribut:-ion field 0~` plastic Ln v-.~ri-cais --2z:I-*iIs. Intc-nal defommation ir, dlie iweid-affectc,:' zot~c in o a L% 01.1 iz" c ':~'c L-1- pl'-'tes is n- cc-.1-positc function c,~' dhe` r c-a LL!a~:* ternal de"armaLion values incroL"u the w4dt:h -.u ID~;C' disp-lace-mcat bands occur in zhc L'age ~;I. (1u.-, Z.o comipre~55--Ivc suresses. o! ~i~ fo rma- an, 'o t) LaL i i~! ~7 nj i, d r - ies, (intar-ranular slin' and Z110-- graia-~;; ~~ropa Da frcm the fusion Zcna urwarL- tl-.L 1-arcn:: f 1, C. r'-14~s r e, g~'a microrelief is observed oni, i L USSR 669 -71-053.4(o88.8) BA EMNOV, A. YE., GMCHUKHIN, N. V OSQKnU- V. K PALTHIKOVA, A. I., PALICHIKOVA, T. A., TARASOVO 1. A.., CHALIK, A. D., CHERINGV$ V. Ye "method of Obtaining Cryolite" USSR Author's Certificate No .312834 f.iled 3 Mar 70, published 15 Oct 71 .(from RZh-Me Ila 4(4 9P) tallurgiya, No 4,, Apr 72,' Abstract ;117 Translation: The procedure for obtaining cryolite by roasting the slurry at 700-&)O0 formed as a result of wet removal of the gaties in alunilnum production is distinguished by the fact that in order to improve the quality of the product, the roasted slurry is sulojected to water treatment at 35-400 with a L:S ratio of 5-10: 1 vith subsequent leaehing o~zt, o; -the preckpitate, by a 2-10% solution of HF at 55-750 with a L:S ratio of 3"19,1. An example is presented. 60 USSR UDC 613 6 Kirgiz Republic Council of Trade Unions (B. Saliyeva, Chairman) ".The Incidence of Toxoplasmosis Among Workers in the Meat and Dairy Industry in the Kirgiz SSR" Frunze, Sovetskoye Zdravookhraneniye Kirgizii, No 5, Sep/Oct 71, pp 30-34 Abstract: The incidence of toxoplasmosis is higher among workers in the meat and dairy industry than in the general population of the Kir,aiz SSR. Allergy skin (intradermal) tests for Toxoplasma were made on 323 female and 143 male workers between the ages of 17 and 60. Positive reactions occurred in 24.6 percent. It was found that workers in meat cambiner had a higher overall incidence of infection than in dairy combines,,with the highest incidence occurring among workers in slaughterhouses and primary processing shops. This is attributed to cuts sustained while handling diseased cattle and,freshly slaughtered meat. No definite relationshiV has yet been estab- lished between incidence of infection and sex, although some authors main- tain that there is a higher incidence among women. Toxoplasma. infection does seem to increase with age (most vic.tims.were 30-.45 years old) and tenure. USSR UDC 669.71.053.4 KACHANOVSKAYA, I. S., SIRAYEV, N. S., 0,SOVIK, V. I. "Developments of Requirements for Phase-and Granulometric Composition of Alumina for Electrolysis of Aluminum" Tr. Vses. N-i. i Proyektn. In-ta. Alyumin., Magn. i Elektrodn. prom-sti [Works of All-Union Scientific Research and Planning Institute of the Aluminum, Magne- sium and Electrode Industry], 1970, No.31, pp. 37-44.~ (Translated from Refera- tivnyy Zhurnal Metallurgiya, No. 5, 1971, Abstract No. 5 G144 by the authors). Translation: Requirements are formulated for A1203 fOi, electrolysis of Al. Although inferior to domestic grades.of A1203 in its uration properties, the A12G3 Of the --ecommended composition does not powder, pours vell, is more easily washed to remove Na20,and.causes no.difficulties upon dissolution in the :ryolite. Its electrolysis allows the consumption of F salts and A1203 to be reduced and improve the conditions of labor in elect-ro- lysis buildings. 2 figs; I table. pg 5 (t 3 Tt-1. RADIAL DIMMTEOW OF THI AMMIE IN SZLICOR CIMSTALS CRWH IN AN AsytffwnLc Tflowz. rx= (Alt%cZ& hT 4. 1. oe"oUly,- V- H. Neymark. Z. S.- Fal'kevith, 1. A. Sakharov, III Simpoximm po 7voriiiiiiii-Cista i KrI a .. I.A, "I p rv.d4nL I F. 791 An #xptrimental study was made of tht radial distribution of phosphorus T sUlatura in vilt"n el"ptle, 4r7stala itron In lm asTamtetr1r, thermal field. i=rCa&s,-jv# the Say7c!!ttry of the tharaw.I. field. --a at tin. 16~ ~vlim*ply -Wor*Q; tba, radjol a phompharus -i An anAlysts man performed of the cbmarvid rNammea&S. and it was establigh4w that It.1p.connected with.thm "Apitinx efface, at the'trystal. Us, function was obtained Ultio relates tKe.rat* at of:thactlotal to ths. magnitude of the any"Retry of the thereat fiftu. The oelectiqu of the growth Pdrammeters'ot the Crylt&l 'to OCCOC&CCO ViCk tb& PQT"t* exthimiam-bf, the exbihition at tlis;sflact of it fievat lowfovessaut, of the,~ JjAi~jj the ad"AtQjU. 73 VITI-4. EXIMIAL SHAME OF Mr. DISLOCATION AND DISLOCATIONLESS SINGU "TSTALS DUAIMC CROWTH FROH A HELT lArttele bY V. E. Bmvzs M. 1. Oqo"kJy, X. 11. Ncy~xrk. E. S. ral'kewichv Zap- rozh*ye-. NovoitbirimV.-III 1;1 A at. i Siftteta Polurr"Yod- A theoretical 4n*lvsis to =ad* of the effect of the growth conditions on the shape of dislocation and d1plocationless single c"otale. It to dcrom- atrated' that 91~m J:1 loc ationieffs cr"Wv Be- u=dar identical r.LodItions ansut 44-x~-h- ex-ra-talt-stilh Ali- locarium. These in tkie- jadjal te- "hsn vmr&tuts gradient. relations obtained vors a"clmont;tlly arovIng Single, si 1.1re" r1risrals. USSR UDC 621.315.592(038.8) KISEIXV, A. M., LEME3011-OV, I. I., NAROYCHIK, S. S., NIKOLAYEV, A. A. 91 SELIVANOV, P. YA., SHKLY.-,U%TSKIY., V. K. "Procedure for Automatic Regulation of the, Process of: Noncrucible. Zone Mfelting" USSR Author's Certificate No 276016, Filed 24 Ifay 63, Published 6 OcL 70 (from R7.1t-Netallurgi-ia, ~~G 4, Apr 71, Abstract No 4G430) -e5,LCLation of the process Timnslation: A procedure is introduced for automatic, 3. of noncrucj",la Zonna ncltin~ by keepin- the inrat die-mater constant by r"Cans 'fect of the projection of -of a sigrAl received as -- result of measurin,,, the ef the zone on a Dhotoreceiver for controlling the ingot daanater. To imrove tly on the crystal- accuracy of -rc,-,ulaticn;, a.proftle of the ZO.11,3 located direcu lizatioa front is i)rojected on the p]aotoreceiver for:~cOntrOiling the diameter w of the ingot, by means of a crystallization-front tradkin,-:system. I z acs UNCLASSIFIEP., PRUCE53ING DATE--20NOVtO ''TITLE--AMPERCMETRIC TITRATIGN OF THAL, L I U.M U'S I NG UNITHIOL -U- UTH - (03 J-51JNGINA, -SKA G.A., OSPANDVo KH. K. K1 fAYGOR01) YAT V.YA- CCUNTRY OF liNFO-LSSR ~_~SbURCE-Zh. ANAL. KhIll. 1970, Z5(131, 482-4 .'.:DATE PUBL I SHED------ 70 ':'SU3JECT AREAS--CHEMISTkY j --"-TOPIC TAGS-AMPERECIMETRIC TITRATIONY TPALLIUMP THWL* CHEMICAL REDUCTION CCN.TRCL 14ARKING--NO RESTRICTIONS oocumfNr CLASS-UNCLASSIFIFf) ~~PkCjXY kH71WfkA?*--300?,ilj2G STE P NO-1-UR /0075 -10 /W'5 /003/0482! 04 84 CIRC ACICE~SILN f0.17- -APO I 4"JJ53 212 009 UNCLASSIFIED PRGCESSING UATE-20NOV70 CIRC ACCESS I GN %U--AP0128553 A3STRACT/EXTRACT--fU) GP-01- A5STPACT. THE iNn_-iu.(.TION OF TLIIII) AND 'ITHICL WAS STUDIED BY AMPEROMETRIC:TURN. TL(1111 IS TL(l) WITH, UN I- REDLCED TC TLIIJ WITH U~NITHIOL. THE MOLAR RATIOlL(TIll-UNITIOL AT THE END PCINT IS 1:1. TFE EFFECT OF SOLN. ACIDITY A~41) VARIOUS AD,'IfXTS. OF TL LETN. v.AS EXAMC. Z.N, CO,, Bit AND CU 00 INOT INTERFER~E IN THE DETN. OF TL; TE AINU SE DO. THE SENSITIVITY OF THE DETN. IS I NUG TL PER ML. DISSOLVE 0.5-2.0 G SAMPLE IN 15 14L HCL AND EVAP. JO 0;--~YNESSo TE AND SE VOLATIZE AS CHLORIDES. ADD 10 ML HNO SU83 AND I:VAP.: AGAIN, AOD 10 MI. 1:1 H SUBe' 50 SUB4 ANO EVAP. TO SO S053 FUMES.: 111L. WITH H SUB2 0 TO 25 ADUN . OF J, FEV DROPS OF KMN0 ML AND OXIDIZE TL(I) TO THIII) bY THE SU84. FILTER AND DIL. TO 50 ML WITH H SU82 0. ALIQUOT WITH 214 SU82 SG SU64 TO 25 ML AND TITRATE WITH 0. 0 0 3 MU:;t UN I TH I OL PUTENTICMETRA'CALLY AT PLUS 1-0 V. KAZ- STATE UNIV.v F A C I Ll T Y ALMA-ATA, LSSR. USSR UDC 51 2UAN~Ov S. "Simplex-Sectioning Method for the Linear Integral Pta,blem" V sb. Materia Nauch. itag. godich. konf. prof.-prevodavat. sostava, posvyats. V s~yezdu YPSS. Kazakhsk. un-t (Materials of the Suwmmary, Annual Scientific Conference of the Professorial and Teaching~~S,taff Devoted to the 24th Congress 9f,the CP5U of the Kazakh University), Alma-Ata, 1971.~ pp 188-189 (from.RZh- Kibernetika, No 9, Sep 72, Abstract No 9V497) Translation: A sectioning algorithm is proposed for ~qolving the problem of integral linear programming. In the algorithm both the direct and reciprocal simplex method is used which makes it similarto the Clover approach .(RZh- Matematika, 1969, 0401). No grounds are presented f6r convergence of the -algorithm. 38 - USSR UDC 522- 8.2421 ELLE01, L.P., O.IjT4gd,,Q,,L4,, and ORLOVA, YE.M. ,!Some Results of Gravimetric-Astronomical Leveling in LBSR" Moscow, Geodeziya i Kartografiya, No 6, 197P, PP 4-8 Abstract: The gravimetric-astranamical leveling methcd, de'4eloped by R.S. Molodenszkiy in the thirties, bas found a wide aj)plicalion in t1he USSIR. Tn comparison with the astronomical leveling, by this me"",nod, u4iin- a systurra of polygons w-Ith 2,000-4,000 km I')erimeters and by gjven qiaasigeoid height, tile distance between astronomical points can be essentia.1-y inpreased. The deter- mination of errors of the increment of quasigeoid heigjits is analyzed. A .comparison of gravime-~ric and geodetic-astTonomical plv-nb line deviations showed for the most uart of' the USSR territor,,,r errort! of t0'.5 and of up to -~'112 in mount--neous re.-ions, A new szimDlificd caic-alation method of, geoid increments described by one of the aut-hors (Ostach, O.M., Re' ratfvnr Sbornik Central Scientific Research Institute. Aerial Surve~dng and Carto-rapLy No 6, 1970) is indicated. The mean square errors of qyasigeoid heights at various network points of the polygon, relative to the ir-ftial points and with accounting for and other errors, did adt exceed t2 m for the most part of the USSR territory and 16 m in the most. distunt regions. The quasigeoid heights were interpolated inside each polyg-on by ineans of Gravirnetric heights electronically comp-ated by initegration in the 1,0DO-2,000 I= zone. The aftscd errors bY this. additioral operation did not exceed t--1-5 tri. One illlustr. flvc fonai-IfiL;. t.-jetY,,~,:n bfl-,JA,o- r f~z. :,CNTROL MARKINt-'--MO PESTRICTIONS ~~90CUKENT CLASS-UNCLASSIFIED RE EL /FR AM F-- /06 36 STEP __t'2/2. 021 UNCL ASSI FI ED PROCESSINS DATP--ll5c_P70 ~ACCESSTON NO--AP0107233 -ADSTR-ACT:/EX TRACT--( U I GP-0- ARSTRACT A STUDY 14AS MUDE OF THE C-ONPOS LT ION,. OEP FNiDENCE OF THE MOSSti;UER EFFECT IN THE FES SU3'1 PLUS X ..-.SYSTEM TN* THE: RANGE 0 SMALLER, THAN OR EQUAL TO 0.135 AT R90M .--.:-,TEMPERATURE.. THE OBSERVED CHANGES OF THE MOSSSAUER PAPAmr:TERS ARE ATTR-TOUTED TO~PHASE TRANSITIONS AND RELATED TO THE VARIATION OF THE -.-CEINCENTRATIMth'OF IRON VACANCIES WIT14 COMPOSITION. THE MEASU%ED VALUP OF THE- ..QUADRUPOLE SPLITTI. q 14 NG IS -IN GOOD AGREEMENT WITH fliE PREOICTin~ F 0 HE 1 NP --RR Eo T _POfNT COARGE MODEL. THE PRESENCE.-OF FE' PRIKE3 COULD NOT BE *NY.0W!-,,RYATt9N IN.'THE STUDIED RANGE OF CONCENTRAT-J(P4. T'iE Ot3sERVED FNFLUENCE nF TRO'll V4CANCIES INDICATES A STRONG SUPEP'--XCH IGE WAICH CAN BE~:HELD ~-OR THE FERROM,11.'~GNETIC 30IND SPIN'~ 1-4 THE C PIANES~ - A 5110~T RANGE ORDER OF VACANCIES IS SUGGESTED FOR HE THE OBSERVED COMPOSITION'.DE-PENDENCE OF THE PHASE _t~: NATIO.N. Of -TRANS.t-T I 014S 0 LJNC L A S USSR UDC 669.71.0153.24 OSTANIN, YU. _D-. , KISELEV, V. P. ,DRESVIN, S:. V., PARMOMENKO, A. S. "Study of the Power Characteristics of a Plasmatron and Determination of Certain Parameters of the Argon Plasma Arall Tr. Vses. N-i. i Proyektn. rn-ta. Alyumin., Magn. i Elektrodn. Prom-sti [Viorks of All-Union Scientific Research and Planning Institute of the Aluminum, Magnesium and Electrode Industry], 1970, no. 71, pp 2017207. (Translated from Reforativnyy Zhurnal Metallurgiya, No. S, 1971, Abstract No. 5 G129 by the authors). Translation: The energetic characteristics of a plasmatron suggested for the perform- ance of technological processes involved in thermal methods of the production and re- fining of Al are studied. The basic parameters of the argon plasma arc are deter- mined: arc temperature 11,000-14,000'Ki-fieat flux (1.29-3,62)-1o4 W/CM2. 5 figs; Itable. i i1 Hi 1111 1 59-303 L. - V ?.- ItI-4. TH9112" AMD DIFFUSION SUPERCOOLING OF A MELT A.10 ITS RELATION TO THE GRWTH PROCESSES [Artiel* by C. V- 31.kitins. X..V,.Q~t4ntM, V--jit-9021,406". V--it-"Rytets. Do T1rOtftacn!E-"-~- ?a I UmT~ilt~!I-Umkh IS is t Planok. Burialan. IZ p Directional cryvtollinattoo is accccz;taniad by tL-- eccqrr"tr4p of a tempers- a Lh ~tl ftarttw. he matnitwk-ot bath gradients in canntcta-d , th,th 8~~, ~Sto or the crystal ;~lce.- ' At hit the magnitude of the, external teciptratur irre4i 1~ the dk *ad a "t th concantratlare of the admixture, the excee,11 & of a C--LT-LC&l value at th'k gr*vth rate A40o JA tht.laccurrtnco or, 4tiftAsion or cancenteation guparcooltrza of tist malt It. the crystal. In th-v solid PI-so c6ndontratvm 'Inha. werdatiev arr vl~- served to this coos. It man demonstrated previouatr fl) tlt tits value of fk "atutlally, dep"4*..*q the concautration. data ate.prosonted an tb* grjwtl. of the crystals of the for IWj ConcentTittiowt Of the, abAmixture. ~ths maual th"ry at At Stan &it increase in the Valutt at the critical groth ra,ta-- In thia.papax.-it. man donoriettsted that lAi'this 'came it to aectsoary to consider t~ n~ ftetarat diffust an *up 4r Occurs: on, crystal- i Itantion of tomplwx compounds as a result of 4evtotion of the compaitttion ftam :tOlchliteatry (Inthie coos the excess component pLSjKa the role at. the admixture.) od.the occarrance 'of tharw4l supercooling of tits **It. It Occurs on a result of th*.Itct that %V Inctammad grawth rates, the swe"oti of heat which must be r"ONS4 dotp, in the alit incr *sake :a6siply. , On orcattaftwer this effect, uctural derowto appear to 'he growing **14d pha"~ The tUs"atical. principles I this effec# #to developed. lh*7 PormLt calcolatfam, of the magoitude of the critical growthiets for the effect of thermal supercooling. A cb"arlaon vat made with the expariatot, it coutirstad the cctrrut~waa of the c4tuttlatigns. BIBLIOGRAPHY 1. a. V. ftkltin~, V. it. Romenanka. TOW Iftitandlax Voknown). ftj 4. me 6, $39, 1970. MC 547.26'R8+547-1926 A GAZIZOV9 X. B. v SULTANOVA o D. B, I RAZIMOVI A 1,05TAMA p L. P. j wid GALYAUTDINOVAt A. A. "Interaction of the Dichlorides of TrIvalont Phoapho)= with Acetic Anhydride in the Presence of q-Chloroethers" Leningrad,, Zhurna Obshchey Xhimlip Vol XMIX (CV),,~No 1P 19739 p ?13 Abstracti Dialkylahloro phouphites react with the anhyda*ldes of carboXylic acid (I) with the formation of C~ -ketophosphonic astern (M. B. Gazizov, at al. # ZhOlCh, No 39, 2600, 1969), Tho coup-ounds (1) and the dichlorldes of trivalent, phosphorus ~Il) react slowly vith;each other at room temperature and more Intensely at 50 with the formation Of Polper P=duats- However, In the presence of C~-chloroethers (111) at 300 for 10 houxsp tho compounds (I) and (II) form the corre~apowling acid chlorides (IV) and anhydZidea M of C;k-alkoxyethyl phosphonia 4nd pboophonous acldu.~: 0 C1 0 IV v 1/2 TV, I -,I I .: -- . If ~,i ... Ilml i~% ...i_ I .; . . 1 1. 1 7 --7-~77 -7i-71-.- USSR UDC 5k7.26,i13 + 547,292.6 GAZIZOII, 14. 13., -SULTANOVA, D. B., RAZWOV, A. I.,,.YELTIIrr1OVA, G. N., 'and ~OSTANINA,, L. P., Kazan' Cheirtical.-Technological Institute L-ceni S. M. Kirov ."Reaction of Ary1dichlorophosphines With Acetic Acid,Acylals" Leningrad, Zhurnal Olushchey Rhi-mil, Vol J42 (104), No,q, SeP 72, pp 2112--2113 Abstract: Ary1dichlorophosphines react -with equirmhar quant-itics of aceLic: acid at 500 yieldiw, C/,-alkax3,ethylarklphozpli:Lnir. acid clilorides. The Y-jelds. of these products can be improved by iming excess chlorophov.,phine or running the reaction in presence equimolar quantlt~ fc;< -chloroether. 0 -------- --- USSR UDC 547.26'118 + 547.292.6 GAZIZOV, M. B., SULTANOVA, D. B., RAZIRMOV, A. SRAKIROV, I. Kh., ZYKOVA, T. V., and SALAYCHUTDINOV, R. A., Kakan' Cherraical-Technologi- cal Institute Imeni S. M. Kirov~, "Reaction of Dialkyl Chlorophosphites With Acetic Acid Acylals" Leningrad, Zhurnal Obshchey Kbimii, V01 42 (104), No 12, Dec 72, pp 2634- 2638 Abstract: It was shown that alpha-chloroethers formed in the reaction of dialkyl chlorophosphites with acetic acid acylals undergD secondary reactions with dialkyl chlorophosphites forming ester-acid chlorides of a-alkoxyethyl- phosphonic acids. It was.shown by IR.spectroscopy that the ester-acid chlorides of a-alkox,ye thy lphosphonic acids exist in two conformations re- sulting from different-orieratation of~the polar bonds P:O and C-0: conformation A with parallel (cis) or;nearly parallel (gauche) orientation of P:O and C-0, and the conformation B with the antiparallel trans orien- tation of these bonds. Purification methods were pzoDosed for a-chloro- ethers and dialkyl chlorophosphites b~ treatment with cateehol chloro- phosphite and with acetyl chloride respectively to remove the acetal and trialkyl phosphite impurities. .17,7 USSR UC 547.26 2926 GAZIZOV, M. B.0 SuLnuomv D. B., paun"r t", I., f Institute of Chemical Technology DrLani 8,. H.. Klro "Reaction of Alkyl Dichlorophosphites with Acetic Acid A cy),,L! 8 Leaingrad, Zhurnal ObshohqvfYhimiij, Vol 42(1()4)t flo 71 .tv.1 721 p 1647 Abstracti It was found that carboxylic acid acylals (1) ro~art with dichlorophosphites (11) to eivo Q' -aUo tbylphoapho;dda aeld. estor cKloinbdev, xye at Ot"Lon the aucyl dic."110ro- and the coxTesporiding pyrophosphor. es, In this rea proportieec phomphites show electrophilic 'USSR UDC 547.26'118 + 547.222 and CA-ZIVOV, M. B., SULTANOVA, D. B.,1 RAZUM-OV, A. I. ~p ni M. Kirov RUSSALKINA,A. M., Kazan' Chemico-Technological Instit.u "Reaction of Monochlorophosphites with:a-Haloethers"~ Leningrad, Zhurnal Obshchey Kbimif, Vol 41f No 11, Nov 1971, pp 2,575-2,576 Abstract: Dialkylchlorophosphines react with a-haloethers in a manner analogous to the first stage of the Arbuzov reaction. In this study the authors reacted such halides with equimolar amounts of dialkyl chlorophos- phites, obtaining the corresponding a-alkoxyethylphoi~phonate ester chlorides. 'The reaction was analogous to the Arbuzov reaction. The structure of these products was verified from derivative neutral esters, infrared and paramag- Inetic resonance data, and elemental analysis for Phosphorus and chlorine. Physical constants and structural form~,ilas:are given.. UDC547-261118+547.29126 GAZIZOV, M. B., SULTAIJOVA, D. B.1 0 ZTKOVA, T. V. , SALAIMUTIDINOV, R. A. , FUZU14OV, A. Mst-itute of Chemical Technology imeni S. 14.+Kirov: "Reaction of Monochlorophosphites With Acylals of Acetic Acid" Leningrad, Zhurnal Obshcheyj[himii, Vol 41, No 10, 1971, pp 2167- 2171 Abstract: The mechanism of the reactions of arorratic chloro- phos-ohites with ~DC-all~-oxyalkyl acetates was studied by physico- chemical anal-ysis of Uhe high-boiling fraction of the reaction products. Heating- o-phenylene- or~o-benzoylene chlorophosphites with c~,-ethox-jethyl acetate at 500 gave c4--ethoxyethylbhos~honates which were identified by their IR, ES. R, and 111.13 spectra. Analor5ous reactions of the cited cyclic chloronhos-ohites with o(-chloroethyl ether or diethyl acetaI gave the same products with a phosphonate structure. Thus, the cited reactions proceed by a stepwide mech- anism leading to forn-Rtion of phosbhonato,and not a phosphite structure. The reaction mechanism.involving an intercyclic 1/2 47 U-8,'SR N GAZIZOVY M. B., et al, Zhurnal Ob$hclhey 1[hir,11, Vol 41, No 10, 2167-2171 1971, D- '-o ysis of the ESR spectrma of electron transfer is outlined. Anal- one of the products, 2-(Qe',-etho.-cyothyl)-zj4-dioxobenzo-1,3,2- dioxaphosphorene, revealed the existence of two stable confox-ma- tional isomers of the co.-mound, which differ ir orientation of methyl protons in relation to the benzene ring and the oxygen of the carbonyl. The ESR spectra of the two compounds are shown and their physical constants are tabulated. 212 VELLER, V. A., Candidate of Technical Sciences, VF.RMAQ.TEN, A. M.1 candidate of Technical Sciences, GOMAN, G. M., Engineer, OSTANINA, V' A -,OEngineer IfFatigue Strength Increase of Rolled Shafts by Polymer Coating" Moscow, Vestnik Mashinostroyeniya No 1, 1970~ pp 13-15 Abstract: Experimental,data are presented on fatigue tests conducted on carbon steel shafts from 30 to 165 mm in diameter with a press fit, in order to evaluate the increasie in the fatigue limit produced by surface rolling and by application of a poly- mer coating. The results show that the fatipe strength inereases 1.5-2.times, and ttrat the effectiveness of rolling increases with shaft diameter. The surface strengthening by.rolling is being currently applied to propeller shafts on all ahips-in construction. Reel/Frame WflWWW'il go AP0046866 The effect of rolling on prevention of crack formation is being substantially smaller than on.tensile strength. The forma- tion of surface defects due to fretting-corrosion at the location of press-fits was observed on the ordinary and-rolled samples. A polymer coating of the surface at the-location of a press fit is one of the very effective procedure for lowering corrosion. A combination of rolling with polymer coating is highly recommended for reducing the intensity of fretting-corrosion. The metallographic study of samples at the location of a press fit shows, that at the same streas levelo, the application of a polymer coating substantially delays theformation of sur- face defects, caused by the fretting.corrosion,: -and by the same way, increases the durability of the part. The efficiency ejf polymer coating is tentatively explained by separation of con- tact surfaces, by protection of metallic surfaces from air action; by.reduction of the stress along the edges of a press-fitted bushing. 19790183 Con It is concluded that 1) the fatigue strength at the loca- tion of press fits increases L.5-2 times, by usin,-- the surface rolling; and 2) the use of polymer coatings on rolled shafts at the location of press fits ensures an increase in fatigue strength and durability, and at first,the decrease in,Cretting corrosion intensity.. original article has l1igure and~2 tables. Otc 19790184 USSR UDC 681.332.65 OSTANKOV,_, B. L. "Code Converter" USSR Author's Certificate No 275522, Filed 3/02/69, Published 15/10/70 (Translated from Referativnyy Zhurnal AvItomatikaj Tel6mekhanika i Vychislitelvnaya Tekhaika, No 5, 1971, Abstract No 5B225P) e. Translation: There are well-known devIces for conversion of binary code to BCD and back, containing-shift registers consisting of static flip-flops and logic circuits. The device suggested differs in that the outputs of the flip-flops of the tetrad included in the static riqgister are connected to the potential inputs of 4 groups of 5 tubes, the pqIse outputs of which are:connecte-d to the inputs of the flip-flops of the same tetrad. This allows the reliability to be increased,ldecreases the conversion time, and simplifies the device. 1 fig. 026 UNCLASSIFfED PROCESSING 0ATE--z3ucrto .:,..jlTLE--ACTIVITY,AND PHASE COMPOSITION OF A CHROMIUM. CALCIUM NICKEL PHOSPHATE CATALYST -U- ,_.rAUTHOR-(05)-IVASHINAt V.S.t BUYANOV, R.A.j CSTANKOVI A.A.# OLENKOVAt P KOTELNIKOVt G*R* "'COUNTRY OF INFO--USSR -,-SOURCE-KINET. KATAL. 1970, 11(l), 160 5 DATE PUBLISHED ------- 70 _~lSUBJECT AREAS--CHEMISTRY ~__TOPIC TAGS--CATALYST ACTIVITY, CATALYTIC DEHYDROGENATION? 8UTENEt ~~BUTAOIENEv NICKEL, X RAY OIFFRACTION:STUDY, THERMAL ANALYSISs CHROMIUMt PHOSPHATEt CALCIUM CONTROL iMARKI.NG--NO RES,RICTIONS 1:700CUMENT CLASS--UNCLASSIFIED :,PROXY REEL/FRAME--1997/0528 STEP NU--UR/0195/70/011/001/0160/OL65 I R CACCESSION NO--AP0119447 2/2 026 UNCLASSIFtED PROCESSING DATE-230CT70 CIRC ACCESSION NO--AP0119441 'ABSTRACT/EXTR4CT--(U) GP-0- ABSTRACT. THE TITLE CATALYST W4S STUDICD BY USING. X RAY DIFFRACTIONt D*T*A* , AND UIFFERENTI.AL THERMOGRAPHY. T-HE CATALYST REPRESENTS A I PHASE SYSTEM.OF NI Pklj4E2 POSITIVE AND CH PRIMEZ POSITIVE SOLID SOLNS. IN A LATTICE OF CA PHOSPHATE~ THIS SOLN. FORMS ON :THE CATALYTIC ACTIVITY OF THE CATALYST HEATING-DURING CATALYST PREPN. IN THE DEHYDROGENATION OF DUTENES TO.BUTADIENE DE,I)FNf)S ON THE NI CATION CONCN. IN THE LATTICE OF THE CATALYSTk : CA PHOSP)iATE SERVES AS THE CATAL.Y CARRIER AND THE CA-Ca COMPN. IS CATALYTICA,LLY.INACTIVE. 4 NU j, -AS:-S-ffJED-- --- --- --- - - -- USSR UDC: 616.28-008.1-057-02:613.644 OSTUIKOVICH, Y.YE., Doctor of Medical Sciences, PONOMIDEVA, N.I. Candidate GY -R~Ucai Sciences. Clinic of the Institute of Idbor Hygiene and Occupation-al Diseases, A11621 SSSR, Moscow "The State of Hearing and Its EvaluationAn Workers Exposed -to Intense Industrial- Noise and Vibrations" Moscow, lainicheskaya Meditsina, No 3, 1970, PP 79-83 Abstract: Audiological examination of 3,000 workers erigaged in various noise- producing occupations showed that the clinical picture of hearing impairmout is characterized by the same type of curve of audioraetric data, regarcUess of the condition of the ear or of the noise parameters, or combined noise and local vibrations. The acuity of' speech and hearinfl -aas detexmiined by the degree of hearing impaiment with the speech-frequoicy region, and by alteration of auditory sensitivity to high-frequency tow:.s. The resulting complex of indices made it possibleto distinguish five degrt!es of hearing impairment. USSR UDC 621.365.82 DORONIN, V. G., and OSTAP-IhENK0. Ye. P, "Necessary and Sufficient Conditions for the Formation of an Inversion In Gas lasers" Tr Ryazan. Hadiotekhn, in-ta (Proceedings of the Ryazanl Radiotechnical In;titute, No 37, PP 14-27, RZh-FizIka, No 9, Sep 73, Abstract No 9D7t6 Translationi The conditions for the formation of a population inversion in a gas laser are examined with the aid of radiation in other chazinels of oscillation. The possibility of creating an Inversion by optical piimping with oscillation or external radiation corresponding to transition* in these channels is demonstrated, Conditions are found under vhich additional gaz has a positive effect on obtaining an Inversion in a gas laser. P.Sh. zwm 9MITM RM USSR UDC 621-365.82 DORONIN) V. G., and OSTAPGhERKOV Ye. P. "The interaction of Modes In a Gas Laserls Tr. Ryazan, Radiotekhn. in-ta (Proceedings of the Ryez-an' Radiotechnical Institute, No 37, 1972, pp 11-18 RZh-Fizika, No 9, Sep 73, Abstract No GD713 Translation: The interaction of axial modes of a gas laser is studied on the basis of the solution of the kinetic-equation, takingInto account the move- ment of atoms and their elastic collisi6n. Conditional tire found for the existence of -various numbers of oscillatinamodes, and the 6ffect of pressure and the coefficient of loss on their studied.. P. Sh. 7' USSR UDC 621.373:535 LEONVYEV, V. C., and SEDOV, G. Si "Optimal Generating Conditions for a Heliurr-Neon Axial-TEM,ci-Mode Laser" Leningrad, Optika i Spektroskopiya, Vol ~2,.No 4, April 72, pp 795-797 Abstract: The authors undertook to study optimal conditions for the excitation. of a helium-neon axial-made laser with a, laser wavelength of 0.63 micron, as well find their relation to the parameter of resonator nonconfocality. The results indicate that the optimal excitation conditions differ fr-,-.u those for a multimode laser. The maximum total mixture pressure and puni-ing currei-t d to a multimode condition, the! minimum to an ~ axial-node lastir vi th correspon a strongly conf ocal resonatm: (L/R 0. 1), 1 :The optimal excitation conditions :are related to the configuration of the resonator radiation field. 71 0 USSR UDC: 621.373:530.3,45- OSTAPCIMTKO Ye. P., STEPANOV, V. A. T'Emission Spectrum o~ Gas Lasers and Time Coherence Elektron. tekhnika. Nauchno-tekhn. sb. Gazorazr-jadn. orfoo_7f, -Technology. Scieriti~-_c and Technical Collection. Gas-Dischargo DevIces) , 1970, vyp. 2(18), pp 16-19 (from.RM-Radiotekhnika, No I-L, Nov 70, gostract No iiD267) Translation: ki expression is derived for the function of ccihereacz- of ernission from gas lasers operating In the state of pure 1;.ran-sverse modes with aimult&neous- emis3ion of severtO. lines. A brief antLlysio -s giver. of time coherence for a simplified model of emisaian,~and are, .'pointed-out for using the coherence function to derive ~biformtrc,~'.on on the spectrum of generated frequencies. USSR ALYAKISHEV, S. A., BORISOVSKIY, S. P., IMELERRIN, G. B..,, GSTArMIENKO, YE. P. Effect of the Discharge Parameters in Ne2O on the Magnitude of Laser Beam Absorption" -tekhn. sb. Ga~orazryadn. Elektron. telchnika. Nauchno pribory (Electronic Engineering. Scientific and Technical Collection. Ga,s,Discharge Devices), 1970, vyp. 1 (17), pp 27-36 (from M-Radiotekhnika, No',9, Sep 70, Abstract No 9D381) Translation: The energy absorption of a laser bea-m in the positive colunin of glow discharge of Ne 0 with,various di6charge paramerers is measured for the central frequency of the absorption line 2 ( \ - 0.63128 P4-3"',! microns). The correspondence between the.values of radiaLion energy absorption in the discharge gap anti the absorptiop alrmS ita axiH per unit length of discharge considering the divergeace and nature of energy distribution in the transverse cross section of- the laser beam and also the nature of distribution of absorption with respect to the radius of the discharge gap is established. I IhI 1, 11 1 rLFT1M-AN.%IVRR6AAY OF SW.'IE' rMLIC FSA-TH IN MMGF5!.-.f K~'A%' jr~rttclei by A.L. 0.iki~,qnk'a, Chair of S*clal H?sienc and li-.altll r-) Organ ixnt essor A.L. Orzapen),o), Vlidivicitto"; ':-Idifal -11) 3natltute, Moscow, vetakoc q"ao;44'. X~7 11 Apri g2' p. II a day of 25 Octo~44&r 1922 etarkra the c"picto llbt-tliricn cf rruorlye from foreign interventionists, the end of t:= Clu*l ;:at i I czLmtry, In the 50 years of Soviet pcver, r-lmor'ye Lar '~vdn t-~n from a backward province of taartrt Pwr-"a Into a fl.,urichiag dr~,n ,ith a well-devoloped industry and agriculture. YAjor strldx3.h~ve !,een =dc -in davalopment, of culture =d science. Public aducatio&' =8 ;Xblic "health. Btfore the revolutics publizL hralth iii tht -Far t4s, -Eev~5 --p albwar tiian*in ta-rop4run Rumnin. This vfts duv~ to its rzvac Ludustvint and cultural centers of the "uetry, the low ltvc-L cf dwo-glov- ment. of local economy, the lacV. of zeristvo. And other cai Ve;a publichoalth was split up and under men,; jurizd%ctiarvA, trIvatic ;raCt'.z:.' L and magic htalluz flourished. Tn 1913 ther,; were 0.1+ 1U iphyr3fcianw a,.t: ma-,aral hundred other roedical vcrkers on the torrlcor~* aC it~d-u, Prilmorakly'Xruy 111. In the citlew end villaSoa Cbere ucro. ~) T-ovrltal~ with a tot4l capocfty of 1t288 beds** and eight ftldi)bor tant~~.-m During the years of the First World War, us veil as tl.,-!t fivv-7ci~r struEgle aeainst the Miita CUdrd and foreign Intervencioi, t*zQ ptt"'Illz health service of Primor'ya underwent a sharp JLcline. ri~at uyezd wad district rural hospitals w~xe cloatid, there were no druj;s, apd in revcn existing hospitals there was a shortage of permonnal. :h~ tt-ld,;het: centers were inactive [3). The young Soviet government of Primar'ye vas.faceT w-Itn. tbia tG6, of creating a new State aystem of public health based on Che tnciplct; deftnc6 iu tha- ?arty program adopted At the 8th Congre%3 of R;Josian Coutaunlot Party (of Bolsbeviks) in 1919. drlv 69 - USSR UDC 621.375.4:621.375.121 ZOLOTAREV, T. V., OSTAPENKO, G. S., PETROV, L. N., UDOVIK, A. P., ARAKCHEYEVA, I. A. "Problem of the Effect of the Capacitances of an Integrated Transistor on the Pass Band" Bb. tr. Voronezh. politekhn. in-ta (Collected Works of Voronezh Polytechnic Institute), 19069, vyp. 2, pp 104-110.(from RM-Radiotekhnika, NO 5, May 72, Abstract No 5D109) Translation: A study is made of the effect of the capacitances of the junc- tions and substrates of an integrated transistor on the pass band of the high frequency active elements. It is demonstrated that the capacitance of the emitter junction and also the capacitance of the substrate must be cal- culated by the relation for sharp junctions. It is recommended that transis- tors with minimal p-n-junctions be the optiinal transistors for wide band integrated amplifiers or dielectric insulation of the components be used in place of them, which sharply reduces the stray capacitances. There are 2 illustrations and a 2-entry bibliography. . ...... . .... US SR UDC 621.375. OSTAPENKO, G. S., ZOLOTNREV, T. V., PETROV, L. N., UDOVIK, A. N., ARAKCHEYEVA, T. 'A, _f0_ROP0V, A. D. '"Instability Coefficients of the Feed Parameters e Transistors of Mono- lithic Differential Amplifiers" j Sb. tr. Voronezh. politekhn. in-ta (Collected Works of the Voronezh Polytechnic Institute), 1969 vyp. 21 PP 127-135 (from JIM-Radiotekh-nika, 110 51 Y1aY 72, Abstract No 5~) Translation: A study is made of the parameters of monolithic transistors as a function of the parameters of their feed conditions. For the differ~~ntial amplifier in the monolithic execution, relations are derived by means of which it is possible to define the instability~coefficient of the feed parameters. It is demonstrated that these parameters are depicted Wat conveniently in the form of linear graphs. On the basis:of the qualitative analysis of the instabilities, conditions were discovered under which the instability coeffi- cient is minimal. There are 3 illustrations and a 4-entry bibliography. USSR UDc 621-375-018-756 ARANCIMYE-VA, 1. A. , M-;IIIIA , L. P., YERM-MIN, S. A. ,NIKISHII, T T 1, PETROV, L. N. , !---2Xe.EV, A. 'I. , UDMQA,~" A. P.' -PlLfier" "A Differential A.- Moscow, Othn-tiya, Izo ret,2ni,-, Obra7-,tsy, Tovarnpye No 4, Fe~7~i~-,' Author's Certificate No 3267,04, D,-.'visic,jn H, filed 19 Jan -(0, published 19 Jan 72, 208 Translation: This Author's Ci~rti.ficate introduces a differential amnpli- fier vhich conta4~w: tizo two turplificp-tion stag-es dynamic load Lnd a source of dircct currcrit.. As a feature of the -natcnt -Lhe v=lificat-rin ftctor is lncreas~.,d and the ther=-I co.-Lpensation is arprc-.-c-:d by ba~inF, 'the c~yznardc !cad on a reverse conductivitty, transistor, c-Tid by conn-c-eting- iri each bi,tuxh of the wnplifier a transistor o-f' the cond--c:tivity as that of the 1--,~-pli4lication starve, and a diode bilased in the fori:ard direction. 'Un-s of the earpli- fication stage -i sconnected to the MCI' source and. to the emdtter of the t, -;1viI-Y. '17he base of 'Us trans;stor is transistor vft-, +-.E- sa=e condvc~ connected through a diode to t,-,P- cent-ortap of the sulpply sv..L-ce, and the collector is connected to the base of' the dvn,-,P-Jc load tran,-,istor. USSR UTPC 621-372 .54 0STAPERK0 KQZLOV, G. R. and "Analysis of RC-Filter Null Netw rks 0 Kiev, ;zvestiy4 VUZ--lRadioelektronika, vol. 14, No. 7, 1971, PP 802-808 Abstract: This paper is part of the continuing search for an in circuit component- to act as an inductance. '-;'wo Peneral- ized circuits of null R-C filters with selectivity characteristics and the graphs representing their respective topological pictures M -0actor and the in- are considered. From the latter, the t nsfer L put and output admittances are determined. 'Or-king into accauuit the nature of the those circuits, the authors aria- lyze four .111-0 filter networks with similar structures. The para- meters of these circuits are given in tabular form, and it is shown that two of them are beat used for tuning, devices of lower frequ,;!n- cy than the other two. The authors conclude that asymmetrical fil- ters are preferable in that they offer the beat matching of input and output impedances for the proper resistor pad capacitor dis- tribution law. USSR UDC: 621.396.6-181.5 ZOLOTAREV, T. V. ,-.G PETROV, L. N1. , UDOVIK, A. P., ARAKC-HEYEVA, I. A., NIKISHIN, 0 "T_ 1. ahd ALBOBHKO, A. G. "Effect of Distributed Capacitance and Geometric Dimensions of Monolithic Circuit Resistors on Their Frequency Characteristics" Kiev, Izvestiya VUZ--Radioelektronika, Vol. 13, .11o. 10, pp 1272-1275 Abstract: This brief communication deals with pal-asitic effects in integrated circuits manufactured by the-planar-epitaxial process, with the elements separated by p-n junctions. The resistors in such a circuit are ineerted by diffusion methods,, anit are thus es- pecially subject to paraaiticelements including a diatributed transistor and distributed capacitances of p-n jUnctions. As proof, the cross section of an integrated circuit with its diffu- siun resistor is shown, and with it the orquivali-,~rrh cil,cuit. From this circuit, the authora conclude that the frequenc% ef.-fftct of the resistor is inversely proportional to the width of the resistor -- at least up to the practical limit of resistor width, which is about 10 /.4 ii-omograme are shown which can be used for determining the geometric dimensions and limiting frequency of the monolithic resistors from the known resistance values, or the. reverse. A plot of the frequency characteristics of two monolithio resistors is also given. 112 037 UNCLASSIFIED PROCESS ING DATE--04DEC70 jITLE--CHEMICAL POTENTIAL OF A SOLID 13ODY UNDER CONDjITIONS OF NONHYDROSTATIC PRESSURE AND PHA-SE EQUILIBRIUMS -0--i ~AUTHOR_-OSTAPENKOr G.T. COUNTRY OF INFO-W~'sr :S,OURCE--GEOKHIMIYA 1970, (5), 575-67 DATE PUBLISHED ------- 70 -SUBJECT AREAS--EARTH SCIENCES AND OCEANOGRAPHYt MECHO~v IND.? CIVIL AND MARINE :ENGR ,:T,OPIC TAGS--MINERALt HIGH PRESSURE EFFECT# SOLID STA'rE. PHASE EQUIL18RIUMt MATERIAL DEFORMATION, ELASTIC DEFORMATION,:CHEMICAL REACTION MARKING--NO RESTRICTIONS ~DOCUMENT CLASS--UNCLASSIF'IED PROXY REEL/FRAME--3007/0459 STEP NO--URiOO07/7(,)/000/005/0575/0587 -C:-TRC ACCE-S-SION- 2/2 037 UNCL ASS I FIE0 PROCESSING DATE--04DEC70 C-IRC ACCESSION NO--AP0135922 ABSTRACT/EXTRACT--(U) GP-0- ABSTRACT. EXPRESSION OF THe CHEM. POTENTIAL --OF WELASTICALLY DEFORMED SOLID BODY OEPENDS ON THE CONDITION WHETHER JHE MASS EXCHANGE OCCURS AUTONOMOUSLY ON SOME SURFACE OF THE SOLID BODY :OR SIMULTANEOUSLY AND IN PROPORTION OWALL OF ITS.ISURFACES. FOR THE FIST OFTHESE CASES A FUNCTION IS PROPOSED ANALOGO US TO GIBBS, FREE ENERGY. CONDITIONS OF THE DEFORMED SOLID BODY. EQurL. wirH THE FLUID, AS WELL AS POLYMORPHIC TRANSITIONS ARE BRIEFLY CONSIDCRED. UNDER -CONDITIONS OF AN NOAQUILATERAL -COMPRESSION THE TEljlP. OF POLYMORPHIC TRANSITION IS DETD. BY THE VALUE OF THE MAX: ONE Or 3 PRESSURES. FACILITY! ALL UNION SCI. RES.. INST. Ml ER. RAW HATER. ;S'(N. USSR. WWR UDC 5~9-385 CRIMRGp N. M., and CS.T~_Klqj 1. L., Physicotechnical Institute of Low Temperatures, Academy of Sciences'IMNSRI Khax'kov "Fatigue Failure of a Two-Phase Titanium JLUoy in Yacuum!' Kiev, Miko-KhAmichoskaya Mekhanika Ivalterialov, Vol 9, No 1, 19?3, pp 25-28 Abstracts A study was made ky electron-microscopy an(L electron fractionz~~l photography o- the characteristics of failuro at cycliv torsion in air and in vacuiLm f (i - 5-4) - 10-7 mm H Lty of a two-phase high-atrength titanium alloy. The results of testing rolled and. unrolled epecimens are discussed by reference to photographs of their surfaces with slip lines after cyclic loading and microfractional photoic~mnz of thedx failure fiearthi5. The 1)'.iantic defozMation of complex-alloyed titruilum alloys with 04 + ) ItrUO'=m it) f ol)rid to be accomplished only by means of sliding, Two ligures, one table, nine bibliographic references. Tite.6 um. USSR UDC 669.295:620.163.4 and LYUBARSKIY, J. M.,,Pbysicotechnical GRINIBERG, N. M., OSTAPEITKO,, Institute of Low lia cures of the Academy of Sciences UkrSSR "Topography of Fatigue Failure of a Two-Phase Titanium Alloy" Moscow, Metallovedeniye i Termicheskaya Obrabotka Maiallov, No 8, 1972, pp, 45-48 Abstract: An experimental investigation was made of some characteristics of fatigue failure of a titanium alloy with a f:wo-phase a +~ structure, alloyed with Al, Mo, V, Cr, and Fe, at temperatures from -140 to +150'C. Unlike the deformation of the single-phase alloy, the plastic delformation of the two- phase ct+ B -titanium alloy by cyclic loading takes place as the result of slipping without Vwinning. The propagation of macrocracks by cyclic twis-ting proceeds in three stages: initial stratification on gliding planes by the action of nerval stresses, intermediate zone stratification together with significant plastic deformation by the action of shearing stresses, and the final stage of quasi-brittle failure from normal stresses. With increasing temperature from -140 to +1500C, the inter-mediate zonr-- decreases and the area of the zone of final failure increases proportionally. The character of micro-failure in the zones does not change. The initial stages of the 1/2 USSR UDC 533.69 LAPYGIM. V. I., and OSTAPEN10 N. A., Moscow "Streamlining of the Leeward Side of.a Conical Wing by a Super- sonic Gas Flow" Moscow, Izvestiya Akademii Naulk USSR, Mekhanika Zhidkosti i Gaza, ffo 1, Jan-Feb 73, pp 112-121 Abstract: The streamlinLng of -4#j*he leertard side of conical wing by a sapersonic gas flow is investigated on a series of differei3tly the lore s acti go, ivith a view to detorm, ine 0 nq edged trianr-,ular ,vinr (I _L u -nacture. Cho on, the wing and -the qualitative ch.,nages in the flow st investigalion includos flo, a rit q,,rPwtric,,j.'L st-emol.ining the wing ahon its fore edges are suDer.,~onic ands t1ioreToro, the flow on windy-tard and lee-.vard sides o~- the wing coil be determlined inde- pendently. It in hitherto not clear which oneof possible 'Llo-;, tuy- ular , i n,- pes is realized on the leeriard side of a pl,ma~ tri3,nr U. - The introduction of the cross-sectioncil V-angle com-Olicates th~ tiLsk by possible development of cpasl.itativeay nr,-"/ n-wa conditions. lp USSR IAPYGIN, V. I.g and OSTAPENKO, N. All Izvostiya Akademil Nauk USSEj Mekhanika ZhIdkoeti I Gaza, No I Jan-Feb 73, pp 112-421 ns apnlied a previously described method For their deteinin ition 1,11, (V.I.Lapygin, ibid.:1971, No 3). The transition from shocked com- pression flovi to widemressure flow and characteristic conditions of widerDressure waves are discussed:by reference to diagrams. The flowing off Doint at increasing wing angle of attack zias found to.leave the wing surface and to move-into the flow along the sym- vourteen figures, four fo* lasq eleven bibliographic metry axis r rMu references. 2/2 USSR UDC 533.011.35 GONOR, A. L. 'and OSTAPXNK-.- A., "Hypersonic Flow About Wings With:. aMach System of Shock Wai,es" Moscow, Izvestiya Kkademii Nauk, SSSR, Mekhanika Zhid~osti A. Gaza, No 3, 1972, pp 104-116 Abstract: A method is proposed for the calculation of hypersonic flow about a V-wing vith a short-wave configuration of the Hach type, based upon use of the authors' theory of two approximations. By means of this theory it is pos- sible to calculate the flow about:a V--wing by a streaawith a finite Mach number if this number is sufficiently great. It is shmin that in the sense of optimal fineness,.a V-wing is superior in a class oi equivalent wings, and that the superiority of the fineness of. a V--wing,. in comparison with an equivalent flat triangular wing, - increases as the value of the Parameter T V/S3/2 is increased. 10 figures.. 5;references. Ewmp 1/2 0 510 UNCLAS S I FIED~ kOCES~ING DATE--04DEC70 :~JlTLE-HYPERSONIC FLO4 AROUND A DELTA WING OF FINITE THICKNESS -U- --:,A,YTHOR-(0Z)-GONORv A.L.t OSTAPENKOI N9A.1 -L-1-COUNTRY OF INFO --USSR ;__~SOURCE-AKADEMIIA NAUK SSSR# IZVESTIIAt MEKHANIKA ZHIDKOSTI I GALA, ~,~,!`~'MAY-JUNE 1970t Pe 46-55 AT EPUBLISHED --- 70 ~L:,SUBJECT AREAS-PHYSICS .-:.T,OP,IC TAGS-HYPERSONIC FLOWP DELTA WINGP SUP"ERSONIC AERODYNAMICS, SHOCK -WAVE ANALYSIS ..CONTROL MARKING--NO RESTRICTIONS .DOCUMENT CLASS--UNCLASSIFIED .,PROXY FICHE NO ---- FD70/605009/312 STEP NO--UR/0421/70JOOO/'%)00/0046/0055 .c_lRC -ACCFSS [ON Nl)--AP0140049 UA t 11'CLA'Si-LIH-i"LL) 2/2 050 UNCLASSIFIED PROCESSING DATE--040EC70 -CIRC ACCESSION NO--AP0140049 GENERALIZATION OF A METHOOt ~:ABSTRACT/EXTRACT--(U) GP-0- ABSTRACT. PREVIOUSLY DEVELOPED BY GONOR (1970) FOR CALCULATING HYPERSONIC FLOW AROUND THIN DELTA WINGS WITH SUPERSONIC LEADING EDGES, TO APPLY TO THE CASE OF DELTA WINGS OF FINITE THICKNESS~,WHERE THE PLOW ~HAS A QUALITATIVELY DIFFERENT STRUCTURE. IT'IS SHOWN THAT THE EFFECT OF WING WHICH IS NO 03INGER COINCIDENT .THICKNESS LEADS TO A NEW FLOW RUNOFF LINE s WITH THE SYMMETRY PLANE AS IN THE CASE~OF SLENDER WINGS,. SPECIFIC CALCULATIONS ARE PERFORMED FOR HYPERSONIC FLOW AROUND WINGS WITH A RHOMBOID CROSS SECTION. SHOCK:WAVE SEPARATION CURVES ARE ILLUSTRATED ~'S GOVERN[ NG THE WING ::FOR--DIFFERENT VALUES OF INTERNAL TfP.ANGLr- -THICKNESS.: ~lk:. Al -1 -C, ED 026 UNCLASSIFIED PPOCtSSING DATC--30OCT70 -..TITLE--LOCAL EXCITON STATES IN A NAPHTHALENE CRYSTAL CO.NTAINING !MPURITIES -AUTHUR-102.1-OSTAPENKO, N.I., SHPAK, M.T. Wow .,-,,CG,UNTRY OF INFO--USSR -.~~,-SQURCE--IZV. AKAD. NAUK SSSR* SER. FIZ. 1910, 34(3i. 552-6 DATE PUBL ISHED---70 SUBJECT ARE-AS-CHEMISTRYP PHYSICS -JOP IC TAGS--EXCITONt ABSOkPTION SPEcrRUM, ~~UMINESCEMCE ~PECTRUMv -NAPIITHALENEt SINGLE CRYSTALt JNDUXEs FURAN# SULFURt CHEMICAL PURITY ..,-.~CCNTROL MIARKING-NO RESTRICTIONS DOCUMENT CLASS-UNCLASSIFIED 'L/FRAME-2000/2022 PROXY R 11 E STEP NO-UR/ 004 8 7%, /034 100 3/0 5 5;?/ 05 56 CIRC ACCESSION hlO--AP0 1256 10 UNC LAS S I F I E 0 ~:~12 026 UNCLASSIFIED PRAGICESSING 0ATE--300CT7G CIRC ACCESSIGN NO-AP0125610 ABS,TRACT/EXTRACT--(U) GP-0- ABSTRACT* THE ABSORPTION AND LUMINESCENCE :~.SPECTRA IN POLARIZED LIGHT WERE SrUDED OF NAPHTHALENE SINGLE CRYSTALS CUNTG. INDOLE, THIANAPHTHENE, OR BENZOFURANy AT.4,.2p 20.41 AND ~%770EGREESK. .EXCITON SERIES IN THE 5PKTRA-ARE DMUSSED, I. E. 'rHEIR ~'VAR [AT [GN WITH TEMP. AND IMPURITYi CONCN ISMALLEVIHAWOR EQUAL TO -10PERCENT). FACILITY: INS.T. Fll:,:KIF=V, USSR. U, N C 1, A -S F-LE D- USSR UDC 616-001.34-07:616.831-005-073.73 OSTAPENKOT 0. and PYATAKOVICH, F. A., Regional Clinical Hospital No 1; t1a~g5jrc-H-1-Th-stitute, Kemerovo "The State of Cerebral Hemodynamics in Patients With Vibration Sickness According to Rhenoencephallographic Data" -53 Moscow, Gigiyena Truda i Professial'nyye Zabolevaniya, No 2, 1972, pp 52 Abstract: The visual and quantitative analysis of data collected from pa- tients with first, second, and clinical state of the disease Indicated that all of them suffered with asymmetry of the cerebral hemispheres. This was evident from difference A the REG of the right and left carotid arteries, as well as from the time-related quantitative REG indicators of both hemi5pheres. All patients showed a decreased rheographic index, increased u interval, and a decreased inclination angle of the ascending section of.the curve (Vmax.) in comparison with control group (healthy individuals). DiarortIons iii the con- figuration of REG curves indicated a decreasc,4n the tonias of intracerebral vessels at the bases of both carotid arteries. A decrease of the rheographic index Indicated that the volumetric flucti-tations in the blood flow decreased. Changes related to the tonus of brain vessels were most visible within the F-4 region of rheoencephalograph, which reflect the blood supply of the brain 1/2 USSR OSTAPEIMO, 0. 1., and PYATAKOVICR, F. A.~, Gigiyena Truda iProfessial'nyye Zabolevaniya, No 2,1972, pp 52-53 front artery. This was manifested by frequent localized headaches in majority of patients. In about 40% of patients a decrease in 6e tonus of the vertebro- basilar system was observed. According to REG data structural changes in the 4 blood vessel walls occurred as a result of work with vibrating mining machinery for many years (3-21 years). 2/2 67 USSR UDC 510 OSTAPE HKO. S. V. .'General Systems Theory and C~berbetiCa Filos. probl. suchasn. mrodozn. M1zhvid. nauk. zb. (Philosophical Prablens in Modern Natural Science. Interdepartmental Collection of Scientific Woeks), 1971, v-yp. 24, pp 61-66 (Ukrainian; Buisian summary) (from KZh-blatematika, No 2., Feb 72, Abstract No 2A10 from authorli; suirmary) Translatiou: Cybernetics, unlike specific scient:es, st.)diea only th.-.).se func- tions of different systems which involve tho ability -to -~torc, process, an& perceive information. It is very important for cybernetics to itnderstand what a system is, how it5 description can be ~formalized, iftit. p,,irposes can be achieved by converting it to a new state. lfhat gener-al systems theory (GST) studies is the theory of any and all systems which are abstracted from their natu-re. GST undertakes to devise a mathemitical lo ic,appa2,atus for the study of any formations which represent systemb.and solves related methodological problems. To the extent that this is true, GSTI can be regarded as the theoretical basis of cybernetics. CSO: 1863-W END . ............. . USSR UDC: 533.697 GOLUBKOV, A. G., KOVIENKO, B. SOLOTCHIN, A. V., In- stitute of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics Siberian Department of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR, Novosibirsk "Concerning the Interaction Between an Underexpanded S"upersonic Jet and a Flat Bounded Obstacle" Novosibirsk, Izvestiya Sibirskogo Otdelqniya Akademii Nauk SSSR, Seriya Tekhnicheskikh Nauk, No 13(2o8), vyp. 3, Oct 1972, PP 52-58 Abstract; The autbors study certain kinds of interaction botween a sjper- sonic underexpanded jet and a flat bounded obstacle as a function of the gasdynamic parameters of the jet and the, geometric characteristics of the jet-obstacle system. The conditions for transition fr?)ni stat-ionary to non- stationar-f flow around the obstacle are experimentally determined. The effect of the obstacle on displacement of the central e--on-pression shoex is anal~,zed. Computer processing of experimental data by the method of least squares shows that the dimensions and location of zonets of self-oscillations ceaze, depending on the Mach number of t%L6 gas f low in the outlet section of the nozzle. USSR um &1-396. 4 (o88. 8) POLISHCHUK, Ya. L., TIKHOMIROV, Ye. V., OSTAPENKO. V. A.i, DAVIDKIKO, V. 1. "A Device for Eliminating and Introducing Commmications Channels" USSR Author's Certificate No 259188, Filed 19 Aug, 68, Pul.~Iished 28 A r 70 ("rom PM-Radiotekhnika, No 10, Oct 70, Abstract No IOD416 P),: Translation: This Author's Certificate introduces a device foi- eliminating and. adding IF communicat ions channels in radio relay systemri. The device confains an I v a= lifier, a frequency and pulse-position modulator, a frequency-m-odulated oscil- lator and a synchronization module. To reduce:transient interferences If],= channel a channel when -Dulse-Dosition relative FM is used with elimination of tlae nonsta- t -' on a cesoes which arise at the beginning and end of the temporaril.,, a-'-ded inter- r pro Val, keyirif--~ sitages are connected respectively between thfi IF rdower ari,plifier, the `,ar~;r and the !F viiplifie-r. The contral circuils of kcy4 np- 7t1, c- Lre 14 c ~. 1 ~ .. - __1 - connected to t'ne outuuts of' the _-rnchronizi ug module pf_-:~Iestal ;-'s-Z, P, and the rhase AFC ci_-c-uit connect(:d b--a-tween the, IF amtdif;Li.~r and the outiuts of the =dule and FM oscillator is matched by a,~~tuaticn t:o tir- no-'cls P_ little ;4reater than the duration o.' the leading and trp_~Iing fronts of tlie block-ing pedess--al ou I s e s. . V, P. 1 A USSR UDC 621.396.4 (088. 8) POLISHCRUK, YA. L., VASSER, V. F., OSTAPENKO.': V. A. "Service Channel for an FIM Radio Relay Com~munications Line" USSR Author's Certificate No 25318G. Piled.15 Jul 68, Ptiblished 24 Feb 70 (f roa RZh-Radiotekl No 9, Sep.70, Abstract No 9D3111P) Translation: This author's certificate introduces a serv-Lce channel for an relay line containing a frequency detector, a pilot signal receiver, a pilot signal generator, a service channol modulator and a demodulator. In order to improve the frequency characteristic and decri!ase the cross noise, an assembly containing series-connecced selectors of die. piloL signal sliape and a pilot signal harmunic separator is connected to Ehe bafl.c channel on the service channel side with simultaneoiasimplificatiop of the equipment between the pilot sipal geuerator, the modulator-and the demodulator of the service cliannel. ill; i.1.0 frlfj;-~p UT-[ -H jfrF 9: UNCLASMIM 1/2 00 ~VROCESStNr, DA:rE--?ONOV70 MAKING -U- j ITLE NVtR I EK STEEL P.P.r CSTAPEvNK(Jp-.V.D.p STAKHMEVIGH, V.L.v GVDZDC-Vp A.I., PERESVETU'Vt S.ills ~-'---CCUUTRY Gr- 1NFC--USSR SGUkCE--U.S.S.R. 20,t)23 Uji3t-U-T.f PR(M. (ARAusy, roVARvNYE /-NAKI 1970, DATE -PLC-L-1SF.EG--1CFE8YC Ar,1i-.4S--MATE:RiALS PAIE-fi-qr, STEEL MANUFA:CTURE PROCES:S, SPONI-CIE it',101N, ...'CONTRCL HAFKING--NO RESTRIMONS -DUCUMEAT CLA~ '--bi"CLASS 1 F `:D j t I ROXY P 3 CO 41 -.'j 24 --LJR/041A 70YOOC JGC,,j/ 0000/0000 CIRC it C C F SiN J A A C 13 212 c 1~ 2 0 Nir 7 0 ONC L AS Sl F I ED PROCEESSING DATE 0 C IRC ACCE!~S ICN A' A 0 L3 2 1)9 A-3sritiAcT. s,r F E t- IS MELT.Fk) BY USING CHARGES C, FS,'4kLLLb fhAN 30PERLEN] H E A T 'j R EijR I QUE TS' AND SMALLF-P. ~THAN L;R EQU~AL TO -E -40PFRGENT SM-16 F L' FAG I I.. I TY GQSlj1;ARSTVEj4.14YY O,RDYEKT,'~,O-I,LYSvATELIS;,,!Y I T,)R,I:uKA.ZVED(jLHNY,Y INS'EITYT GIPKJTt)RFRAZVEDKA. r_;~ A, Ku kr- '.')b I lillu U A I t-e_- -I ui, It U Tt'F7~,I)ET '..Wli-RATING CHARACTEIN' I ST ERMINATION OF THE ICS OF THE PILOT A R lf~ G SOF HYDRO-TUR,111NES -U- ~VTlj0R-(05)-KVITN1TSKIYj YE.I., POLTAVSKIYV YU.09'1 PRIKHOOKO, 0.8.1 TOT)WROV, A.Do IOSTAPENKOt V.Vs -'FRY OF-INFO N 0 CURCE--LFNINGRAD, ENERGOMASHINQSTRUYENIYE~ NO. 2o 19TOt PP 10-11 'AT.E-.PUBL ISHED ------- 70 VB~ E-C TAREAS--MECH., IND., CJVIL AND MARINE ENGR ~WIC TAG.S--HYDJ'%lAULIC EQUIPMENT, SLIDE BFARINGi 8 1 BL I OIGRAPHY ;CNTROL MARKING--NO RESTRICTIONS KENT CLASS--UNCLASSIFIED Y REEL/FRAMIP--1997/1640 STEP '41.)--UR/0114170/000/002/0010/t)OlI ACCESSION NO--AP0120394 UNC L A 5 S' I F I E D.---- 41121,-- -012 UNCLASSIFIED; PRDCFSSINiG OATE--23i.)CT70 ".llf~.6C- ACCESSION NO--AP0120394 ~BSTPACWEXTRACT--(U) GP-0- ABSTRACT THE THEORETICAL FUNIDAMENFALS FOR HYDRODYNX4,1C MULTIPLE CAUSHING SLIDE BEARMGS A~%E !-.IVESTIGATED FO:k THE CASE OF TI-42-IR STATIC LCAD, SIMILAR BEARINGS USED AS -I-JUIDE SUPP'Ji-JS ::OF. HYD4AULIC UNITS. CONCRETE RESULTS ARE PRESENJEO FOR THE DESIGIN OF JHE PILOT BEARING OF A tiYDROTU!~BINEt WHfCH 'IS .NsrALLED AT THE MAIN POWER STATION OF THE VAKHSHSKIY CASCADE. USSR UDC: 621.373:530~-145.6 BYKOVSKIY, V. F., GORELIK, A. V., KUIIXCVA, T.,A -K=-1ISTROV, V. S. OSTAPE-11M.- Ye. P. ,and SHEVCHENKO, Yu. N. "Exciting Ion Lasers Uith an A-C Current of Industrial Frequency" -lin. nribory Elektron. tekh-nika. Mauchno-tek c3b. Gazorarryadn (Electronic .,_`ngineering, 8cientific-Te'clinical Collection, Gas Discharg*e Devices) 1970, No4 3(19) pp!28-32 Urom RZh- Radiotekhnika, No. 3, March 71, Abstract No. 3D251)- Translation: The possibility of exciting ionic lasers with an a-c current of industrial frequency is.demonstrated. The peculiari- ties of their operation in single- and triple-phase excitation are investigated. Author's abstract 95 T7 USSR UDC 669. 1 h,:620. 178.7 FICH, P. M., and'GO OSTAPMO, Zh. V.., YOSIzaa RYUCIECO, I G "Oft the Impact Strength of 20K Carbon Sheet Steel" Dnepropetrovsk, IMetallurgicheskaya i Gornorudnaya Promyshlennost', No 5, Sep- Oct 70, PP 35-37 Abstract: An :Lnvestigation -was made to deterraire the causes -for tl~e scattering of impact strength values observed on certain hot-volied. 15-20 rur, steel sheets. The results of X-ray and chemical investigations showed tLatu 'the scattering is related to the macrocherriical inhomogeneity of the staal,~ a-nd 111,9o to the lique- faction of carbon, manganese, and silicon.: It is shown that -in ixicrease in carlian, manganese, and silicon reduces the: impact strength. 7 USSR UDC S77.475. (285) P., and GIGI-NYAK, YU G.- (Byeloruss"an "tate University imenilv. I-Lenin) ...'ItSeasonal Changes in Caloric Value of. Lake Plankton" Minsk, Doklady Akademiyi Nauk BSSR, VoL 14, rZo 1, jan 70, pp 77-79 Abs five Bye11-orussian fresh water lakes was tract: Plankton from 4. collected every month during all seasons~ of the yezir. Comparat:ive tests were performed on plankton obtained during the wai.-m season and those obta.Lned durinff cold season. It was concluded -that the caloric value of plankton, measured by dry weight is 10-501~ higrher in wi n re r. iThe lipid content in the summer averages 9.33'.~; in winter tine lipid content of plankton, is as high as 46"0 (in one instance - Diaptomus graciloides it was 51';*). From these data it iG e,;ridert that the accutau- lation of lipids by plankton during the cold season accounts for their,increased caloric value in winter months. USSR UDC: 621.375.4(088.8) NISHKOV, V. L., OSTAPETS. V. N. "A Cascode Ampllifier~' WSR Author's Certificate No 282435, filed 3 Apr 69, publisbed 11 Dec 70 (from RZh-Padiotel-hnika, No 6, Jun 71, Abstract No 6DI23 P) Translation: A cascode amplifier is proposed which contains tvo triode tubes, the grid of the first being connected to the input signal source, while the plate of the second is connected through a loa~l resistor to a terminal of the supply source. To extend the dynamic range, the cathode of the second tricde is connected to the collector of an NPIT transistor U whose base is connected to the centertap of a resistor Olvider connected between a terminal of the power supply and the plate of the first triode. The plate of the first triode is connected to the grid of the second triode and to the emitter of the above-mentioneditransistor..: USSR UDC 546.65 + 547.26,118 N. A-, and TMOMOVA. N.: G., Leningrad Chemical-Pharv-,ace-utical IhSZ3.tute, Chair of Inorganic Chemistry, "Deal4lation of Dialkylphosphorous Acids" Ivanovo, Khiziya iKhimicheskaya Tekhnologiya, Vol 15, 140 3, 19?2, pp 455-456 Abstract: Kinetics of the dealkylation roaction, of ditd.lVlphosphorous acids in presence of rare earth salts was studied. The deallWlatloll process is affected by te.Verature and th stmeture of the other groLp 1-adicals. At 12CP in 10 Ddn one other group ic; complotely -.;plit off An in dipropylphcv,-,phito - to tho o'dont of 13()Pp and in woo of dlbutylphu,~,phitt~ only by li!1-60h. To increase -tdio yield of neodinimu mDzioalkylphosphites, thi.; eVeriments were carried out at 120-1600# F-Lte constar~ts a.,d activation energies of the dealkylution reaction wero determJzed. at 50,: QID, and 1200C. 119 1 -MM USSR UDG7 546.65+ jjjjjKF.ACR-N--A-, and TIKHOPEROVA, N. G., Lenirgrad:Chemical-Pliarmaccutical Instizute,:Chair of Inorganic Chemistry t-Reaction, of Neodinium Chloride With Dialkylphosphorous Acids" Ivanovo, Khimdya i klimichoskaya Tekhnojogiya, Vol 15, No 3 1972, pp 384-,-,86 Abstract: A study was carried out on the corVlex fornmtion of dialkylphos- phorous acids (DPA) with rara earth eleviants (RES). It vras astabli sheaL that at 200C an equilibrium is reached in the system DPA:NdG] in 90-95 minutes with a molar ratio 4.-1. Infra.-nd spectra of MCI, sorVons in DPA wore studied. On the basi5 of tho absonce of charact(IStie! 4LD~cjrption hqand.-, of DPA in saturatod solutions of MCI 3 in )XIA and tho -,hV.t of civarauteristic A~p=o froquoncy tovirds lower vavelongth the authors jiropo,,;ad, that a co.Tplex has formed in the saturated solution with. the formula L(Ru)?P(o) 14'1-' '13- UDC 546.65+547.Z6'118 TDUQMiIDVA,, N., E., OSUPICEUCH., It.. A', Leningrad Chemico-Pharmacautical Lmt�tute es: ofAUre EArth Elemen's" "Synthesis-of Mlonoalkyl Phosphit Laninggra&,, Zhurnal ObshcheiL Khimil, Vol 40, No 6, Jun 70, p 1422- Abstractr It was found. that-- dialkyl:.. phosphites are deall~ylated by lanthanum and cerium chlorides. The products are crystalline substanceti whicii are poorly soluble in water and organic.solvents. On heatW:, to 4800 no decom- position or-melting is observed.. WscellAteous USSR UDC 51.80 YEVSEYEV., A. I., Osk and VOLKOVA, D. "Study of the Informational Capability of Bound Groups in the Russian Language" Tr. Mosk. energ. in-ta. (Works of Moscaw Po-,,ter Engineering Institute), 19"(2, vYP- 82, PFE24-133 (fron Mh-Matemtika, No 5, Yay 72,,Abstmct No 5V591) Tmnsl.--tion: it is suggested that the p1honeme alphabet of thip Russian language be divided into seven sound groups according to t1ne mode of phoneme formation and that in order to reco,,7,nize a lijaited set of words an alphabQt of sound groups be introduced in place of the phoneme alphabet. The authors consider the possibility of unniSbiguous traraition (decoding) from writing in an alphabet of ",ven sound' groups to orainqry -vord-w-ritinZ, USSR UDC' 51:801 YEVSEYEVS A. I., os VOIKOVA, W. D, "A study of the Information Content of Groups of Bounds in the Russian Language" ner&. in-ta Engineering Institute), Tr. Mosk. e (Worka of the MoscowPower 4 I -RZh Abstract ,972,-VYP. 82, pp 124-133 (frori ~-Kibernetika, No~ 5. MUY' 72 No 5V591) Translation: It is proposed that the alphabet of phonemet5 of the Russian -ith language be broken down into seven gro-aps of sounds In accordance -w the means of producing the phonemes, and that the sound-gmup alphabet be used in place of the phoneme alphabet for recognition of a limited set of vords. 'The authors consider the possibility of a one-t%)-one transition (de- coding) from a recording in the alphabet of,seven groups of sounds to the conventional recording of vords for a fairly extensive vocabulary and pre- sent quantitative estimates of the information content of ithe groups of Bounds.. 63 USSR UDC 616.28-008.1-057:616--036.866 PST~~~W~YC.~ Doctor of Medical Sciences, and MOMAREVA, N. I., Candi- d:~~e of Medical Sciences, Institute of Laborilygiene and Occupational Diseases, Academy of Medical Sciences USSR, Moscow g 4 "The Condition of Hearin _n Riveters and De,termination',of Their Fitness for Work" Kiev, Zhurnal Ushnykh, Nosovykh i Gorlov-ykh aolezney, No 5, Sep/Oct 70, pp 24-28 Abstract: A study was made of hearing in $39 riveters with up to 30 years an the job and who were exposed to noise levels of 100 to 110 db. Changes in auditory sensitivity were directly related to the length of service, i.e., to the amount of exposure to noise., Hearing was normal In 68% of the subjects who had worked less than 5 years but in only,7% of those with 16 to 20 years on the job. Six degrees of hearing ability were determined, ranging from normal to severe impairment (advanced cochlear neuritiS)4 MOSt Of those SUf- fering no more than mild impairment can continue to work, provided they are regularly examined. if cochlear neuritis with moderate irtfpairment of hear- ing is noted during the first 5 years of work or in younkD persons after 5 to 10 years, transfer to other jobs is required. Those auf"Auring from moderate 1/2 -- I - ~Jlt USSR uDc 6j2.859-76_oo6:6i3.6h4 __Q_SV.PKOVICH. V. Ye., and K011W, I. M., Institute of Work, 11~ygiene and Occupa- tional 'DiseLses, fli!~derw of Medical Sciences USSR, Moscm, and. Department -of Propathology, Ykinicipal Clinical Hospital No 5, Minsk "The Effect of Prolonged Industrial Noise and Vibration on the Vestibular Analysor" Moscow, Vestnik Otorinolaringologii, Ho 2, Mir/Apr 73, PP 13-16 Abstract; ElectronysteTnography was used to investigate postrotational (Barany chair, 10 rotations per 20 sec) and postcaloric (perfusinr, the external audi- o tory meatus with 100 ml of water at 10 C for 10 see) nystmgmus in 32 smiths -posed to high daily exposed to p!ilned noise of 1-10 db., 23 weavers -ro-gularly ex frequency noise of 100 db and to general vibration, and 111. contxol subjects. Statistical- analysis of the records showed that though the latent period was unchanged, the duration of the nystagmus and the speed of the slow phase were significantly reduced in smiths and weavers. Similarly, the an471itude was con- siderably du-0mished in. b-oth grolaps, especially in weavers in whon a marked reduction in the freauency was also observed. Thus, the datta, indicated that rolonged, intensive industrial noise depresses the excitability of the vestib- p Jar The injury is magnified by the combined action of noise and r ~atus. ;r t) aSyga 1)