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USSR UDC 681.142 'YY, V. A. NEKRASOV, M. 11., GIKAV '.Problem of Inductive Behavior of Superhigh Frequency Transistors" pp 74-76 Kiev, POluRrovodnikovava tekhnika i mikrs-elcktronatka, No 6, 1971, Abstract: A study was made of the inductive nature of the behavior of the input impedance of a high-frequency transistor with variation of the feed con- ditions and the signal frequency. The possibility of controlling the active and reactive parts of the input impedance by means of the emitter current and the external base resistance is demonstrated experimentally. Curves are p:~e- sented illustrating these conclusions, Doth the activya and reactive Components of.the input impedance of the transisLor,element increime with an increase in the instrument multiplier ia the~base circuit in accordance with the formula z + 0 + j rb'O e rb 2 2 I +N/ I + (6)1WCd Wa where w is the operating frequency, w is the limiting frequency of the ampli- fication coefficient with respect to current in a circuit with a common base,, 112 USSR NEKRASOV, M. M., Poluprovodnikovgya tekhnika i mikraelektronika No 6, 1971, pp 74-76 and a is the lo-a-frequency value of the current amplification coefficient; 0 reis the emitter resistance and rb is the high frequcncy base resistance. The investigated transistor element provided for adjustment of the inductance --twice on variation of the emitter current from 0 to 14 milliamps. Adjustment of the inductance by varying the instrument.multiplier,in the base circuit is most effective. 2/2 USSR UDC 621-382.012 OSADCHUX., V. S "Induction Characteristics of Sonie Semiconductor Deviceo" Kiev, Poluproyodnikovaya.tekhnika, i imkroele1ct:ronjka, No. 5, 1971, Abstract: A general discussion is given of transistors which can be used as inductive components of-integrated'circu-its. The first device so considered is a transistor in a COMBLOn base circnit in which the out-put is short-circuited for alterii-n.ting clirr(int. 10juch a. circuit is inductive with a maxi-mur. Q of unity. Curves arz- .t--iven for the inductance, Q, and active and reactive components, of the input impedv-nce for tran3iotors of the type Pl.,`-37.11 as -LUnctic)ns of L-re 'or, the freauencir. Similar ctu-vos are -,)lotted for the a high-E-requency device opcr,,:~tiriC in the. hundred.-I, of met-,ahortz -for the `-15, TTIT-8., -'7A tre.1-As'Istors Like curves are alloo giVen It is concluded chat a-1 thougla trazisiators: can e used as p2:-ect-ica' inductances in P- broad frequency range, they aire a--.ibject 11-o tc--.:~era- ture instability of Q values wid, to a much lesser extei--', te--.rera- u ture instability of inductaxce. The author is connected ~he Kiev Pulytechnical Institute. -JJ, USSR UDC 681.142 I-TEKRASOV, 1-1. 1.1. , OSA and GIKAVYT, V. A. "Inductive Behavior of U12 Transistors" Kiev, PoluRrovodnikovaya te.&~nika i mikroelelctroni'za, 11"o. 6, 1971, PP 74-76 Abstract: ExDeriments are described to investigate the inductive characteristics of uhf transistors connected in a common base cir- the eauiDment for the exteriELerits is cuit. The block diagram of 6 rculted 1"or al- shown, in which the iransistor ouipul is short-ci-, 1 ternating current through a capacitor. In a preliminary mathe- matical analysis, a forraula for the input impedance of 'Uhe trans- Sistor is derived, and it is shown that one of the terms in the formula indicates an inductive comnonent. This conclusion is con- firmed by the experimental data, in v?hich the effect of ~Uhe dis- tributed impedances of the inuut leads .--qd the t-ransistor casinr7 are taken into account. OuTves plotted Afol, the active and reac- tive components as flanctionn of the-base resiotance.indicate t--"1 a t the most effective me.~,ns of tuning the iziduct4u-lce is by chang-inE the external resistanco of the base.circuit. ~The authors are as- Sociated with the Xiev Polytechnical lnstitute~ . M USSR UDC 621.37/39+631.004 HEKRASOV, X. Me, LAVRINENKO, V. V., OSADCRUK, V. S., KVITKA, N. A., KOVAL'CHUK, Be He "Low-Frequency Dielectric Transformersil Kiev, Poluprovodnikovaya tekhnika i mikroelektronika, No 6, 19710 pp 69-70 Abstract- A study is made of the problems of creating low-frequency dielectric transformers. Several versions of the designs of such transformers are investi- gated, and data are presented forlindividual specimens. Conclusions are drawn regarding the prospects of utili2ation of low-frequency dielectric transformers. In the transformers, the transformation coefficient depends to a significant extent on the magnitude of the Input signal. With a load of 106 ohms and an input voltage of 0.1 volts, it reaches values on the order of 20 for one of the investigated transformers manufactured on the basis of the type TSTS-23 ceramic. A formula is presented showing that the basic parameters affecting the reson- ance frequency of piezotransformers of rhe flexible type are the length and thickness of the plates. The parameters of several deslogns of piezotransformers and their operating frequencies are a table. UDC 621 31. 004 USSR .37/39+6.11 T VOj,'T-'N:--,O, V. V. 03- CHIPI~ V. S., KOVITT V-k L - , and KOYALIC-EUX, B. H. "Low-Frequency Dielectric Transformers" Kiev, Poluprovodnikovaya--'6-eL-hnika i mil-,roelelctronika, No. 6, 1971, pp 69-70 Abstra=. This short informative~article amounts to ~~n introductory treatment of the development of -piezoelectric transformers with, an operatin,~ frequency of 50 and 406 Hz, of the type -V7idely use(" in technolo,-y. A schematic diaEram of piezoelectric turansformeis of the bending type is Bhorim and explained; it consists of two die-lec- tric plates glued together ,,ith &Poxy resin, ond coni-lected through copper.or silver electrodes to the external circuit. The theory o-- opera-'Cion of -t-.he transformer is explained in qvalitative terms, and a formula for the fundom-ental frequency of tli(.-,, bending oscill"Itions, is given in terms of the Youn-'s modulws, the denzity, the thick- ness, and the lenjth of the second -- i.e., the output or 1-jeandiniZ -- plate of the transformer. Curves are plottod. for i;he tra~nsformer characteristic as a function.of the bending mlaFriitude; they indicate that the transfornation characteristic depends~essentially on the 1/2 USSR NEKRASOV, M. M., et al., Poluprovodnikovava telklinika i mik-roellektronika, No 6, 1971, pp 69-70 input signal amplitude and the applied voltage. The~data was taken for transformer type No 3, made from ceramics. of the TsTS-23 brand. The authors are with the Kiev Polytechnical Institute. 01- N W.' Code::~R 0475 Ace. r.: PRLWAY SOURCE: Vracliebaoye Delo, 1970, Nr 1, pp )o;L -1,0S- Pi ON THE THLRAPEUTIC EFFICIENCY OF ELEUTHEROCOCCUS rQdbomudrov, -V.Ye.; Basamjgin~.,,L.Ya.; Bj.kezina, V.G.:, -Mukhina, M.S. -. Mikhavlova, T. I S 1 V-44, (Donetsk) hid oVskiy, Ye.F.; Aondarenko, 6 A. 1?-om.Lqv A. ~.Lq h O~A C-leutlicrococ abnormal' pulmonary ventilation, fivours nornializalion CUS Improves of the arterial pressure, positively influences cardiac rhythin and His bundle conduction. It proved rather efficient in the treatment of palients with initial StaUes Of vibration disease. It is promising in the treatment of dironic lead; intoxication. the preparation favour3 more rapid acclimatization of pn'eumqconiosi3 involived miners. It i3 concluded that eleutherococcu3 may 4a~ rccommended for, the complex treatment of paUents with some protessigni. 1 4isciiscsand more rapid ace.11 mMization of patients to. sanatorium conditions. 19681507 USSR UDC 612-791.ol4.1482 Q MNOV D. P.6t YERSHOV, E. B., XLYKOV, 0. V., and MKOVA, V. A. "Kinetics of Dose Distribution in Skin Radioactive Substances" .Yoscow, Y--ditsinskaya Radiologiya, No 5. 1971, pp, 44-50 Abstract: Solutions of tritium oxide) Sr89, p,239 nitrates, and other radio- active substances were awlied to the bac ks of 8-veelz-old pigs (whose skin is morphologically and physiologically almost identical to human skin) in order to study the kinetics of penetration of the absorbed doses. The distribution of activity was investigated by the method of layer-by-layer radiametry of horizontal sections 15 to 20/-im thick. The substances remained on the skin from I hour to 2 (lays. Data were also obtained on the kinetics of elimination of the isotopes from the skin after a single 6-hour exposure. A correlation was observed between the absorbed doses in.the basal layer,that were formed by the thin surface contamination and the thick-layer source created in the skin by penetration of the isotopes through the,horny layer. 3.9 USSR OSANOV D PANOVA, V. P., and AREF'YEVA, Z. S., Editorial Board of --;rizicheskov Kh E-3 ~~ F imii (Journal of Physical Chemistry) of the Academy of Sciences USSR "Experimental Basis of Age Parameters for a Mathematical Model of the Metabolism of Radioactive Strontium" Eksperimental'nove obosnovaniv vozr!lstn kh arar~et~.O-v matematichcskay above), Moscow, modeli metabolizMa radioaktivnogo stront-iva (c'. Lit 1970, 18 pp, ill, bibliography with lotitles (No 2883-70 Dep) (from RZh-Biolo~ichesk~jva Khi-niva. No 8. 25 Apr 71, AbstraCt No 8F1310 Dep by authors) Translation: The work presents the results of an ex0erimental investigation of the rate of elimination of radioactive strortium from dog organism as a function of age. Discharge functions are determined for five age groups. A method is given for the interpolation of the discharge fvnctions for any age. The authors consider one Df the poulbilities of using the results of this work in calculating doses for people of differenL agea. -025 UNCLASSIFIED~ OROCI=SSING DATE-160CT70 ITLE-4-ANALOGS OF COCCIDINE -U-~ ,UTHOR-(03)-PISKOV9 V-8.9 OSANOVAI L*Ko~,t KOBLOVAv t,Ao 0UNTRY-_OF INFO--USSR l)URcE-.-.ZH* ORG. KHIM. 1970v 6(31t 64. VE PUBLISHED ------- 70 SUBJECT AREAS--BIOLOGICAL AND MEDICAL SCIENCES9 CHEMISTRY .ID~P~ I C-TAGS--ORGANIC NITROGEN COMPOUND# BENZENE DERIVATIVEr AMIOE, ~TOXICITYP BIRD VETERINARY MEDICINE 011TRUL MARKING--.NO RESTRICTIONS 0C.UMENT CLASS--UNCLASSIFIEf) R.CAY.REEL/FRAME--1990/0552 STEP i'40--UP./03,li6/70/006~001/055910564 IRC ACCESSIUN NO--AP0108767 UNCLASS IF IED 2/2 025 UNCLAS Sl F I ED PROCE55ING DATE-160CT70 -IRC ACCESSION NO--AP0108767 ABSTRACT/EXTRACT-(U) GP-0- ABSTRACT. THE FOLLOWING 6-1R, SUBSTITUTED) -3,5-D[NITRO.6ENZAMI0ES.(l) WERE PREPO.~BY STO, REACTIONS (R GIVEN): NHMEv NME SU62, NET SUB2, CL4~ OTHER SY14THF-SIZED COCCIDINE ANALOGS WERE ~4, AMINO 3, 5 OINITROBENZAMIDEP 5 11 SU13STITUTED 2, (~ DllNITROBhNZl.i%tllDE (R 15 H OR CONH SUd2), Ne N MINUS R PRLMEI Dr--ikm. oF-~j (1' iEoUALS MF), (R EQUALS ME RPIMEZ OR ET), 2 MINUSR,3 MINtISR PRIMElt 6 MINUSR --PRIME2 TRISUBSTITUTED 5 NITROBENZAMIDE S (Ro R PR[141~1, P, GIVEN): H, NO H; NH SUB21 NO RSUaZl H; H, CL, Cf), 2 NETHYL 5 NETRO 13ETA PICOLINAMIDEr AND 3 ACETAMIDO 5 NITROBE,NZONITR,ILEo THE TOXICITY OF THESE COMPDS. ON CHICKENS DOES NOT EXCEED THE TOXICETY Or- t (R EQUALS .Hl; HOWEVER NONE HAS BETTER rQCL~DOSTAT'!I,C ACTIVITY'THAN,l (R EQUALS H). f-4CILITY: GOS, NAUCH.- "-.-KONTR. INS.T.. VEr. 9 VNCLASSIFIEO JPRI 51al;, S01-0 UDCi 616-AD06-092.16 TRANSFORMATION OF X NORMAL 6IFFERENTEAliD CELL OF THE ADULT ORGANISK INDUM:D BY FUSION OF THIS CELL WITH ANOTHER NORMAL ChU.OF THE SAKE OW.WISX 31"T WITH DIFFEREXr ORGANIC OR TISSULARSPECTFICITY (Arricle by-L-.h Mekler 0 3 Dries. -11.~, akevith. In 0 titute. of 1t.r of Vactnik,AkA-leMi-l-~*11it2insk-ikh Navk 10"sian, No 4, April 1971. pp 75-8OT--- The central position of the theory of oncogennaLs expounded by oni, of the prooont,authars (L.B. Haklar, 19681 1969, 1970) stjitas that a normal cell bo4comes naltznant, t.e. acquirsa the ability of anomalous growth and repro- duction, invasionj.,metastasest and progression only when, by virtue of some causes or other (L.B. Mekler, 1968. 1969. 1970) on its surface appear orsa"- pacifte or t1saue-specific aatirns inherent to cells of other ttir-Ag or : rjta~s of the same organism. Accordin4 to thLa theory, such a change in antigenic topography of a normal tell surface is sufficient. on the one hand, to remove this cell from the control of adjacent similar normal calls, and, on the other hand, to render it capable of effecting specific contacts with adJacent or distant cells of another tissue or organ. Thie must result In loss by the altered,ceLl of sensitivity to contnct inhibition and &cc'~Lsitlon of the capacity to invade and metastasize precisely the tissues or organs whose specific antigens this call acquired. 7hla approach to interpretation of the causes of transformation of a normal cell into a malignant one is basically different from the convantlett:,I :Views of the cause of this phenomenon which. consider appearance go the autt of the transformed cells of antigen ign to the Organism induced by agents such " viruses or chemical cariconagens (L.A.' Zil'ber, Koprm^ki et :,I,.) to be the basis of malignant transformation of, the cell (teferring fl rat ot all to malitnant transformation induced by viruses or carcino&enic che-ivAl 9 ubs tantes). Although the 1iterature describes a number, of factors indirectly. cw- firming the abo4a theoryt there is no question buts that direct -avidance to needed to tnot Its validl". Uj USSR BUFSHTEMI, A. I.; 0S-,=1r'=.*.YU. S "Absorplklion of Radiation HioJulated Simultaneously -with. Resmot to Phase and Impl-itude" Uningrad., Optika i Spektroskopiya; October:, 1970; pp 7 T2 ABSTFUICT: The absorption of racU, --tIon of an wide b-p-n-tiral caimossition studied. Ti-"- radiation spect-run vras;, broadened by a mmdrvi ni-,4111.1tion of !-,he pba*e and amplitude. In the region of weak inberaction the pr obabij. lit-' of u3,ba absorption ii found by the uawU, fomrala-in pi~rt tiai th(~pry,~ in a abm rr, field coincidence with por-LurbA-Im theory izi U(,Wrod wLLy x" tho onrL,~ of Lbe linos,, idiaroaa in tho oen~or of thio speatplia the probal:ALIJ:by~'.U; to,tho aquare root ot the pmmr. The calculations weria juule on ~ha'basi~- of a forced relaxation theory the authors, Q39 N\AY 11q)- A M-MOD FOR CMTRC1L1,l'NG 111L HUM.%N '~PEMZQA Onennlyxand V, 1). Aor,.)nov: k4ov. M.%-r, [Article 1'.tiki i ~khl USS-a 7. Th4 -..roblez, of objective Control of tne fit.t'! ot th" P'r'itcr b'~C~wcl =to and eforw urgent in connection with the IncrejAino compic.1tv -1 to- aponsibility oi hiff fu..t$OjW. 'n~ -i lot C.Mrollin . Zn' ~R _kh~ me z,uvo ""Ucturvg in the Ualt of lai~cca ',ft.rafterIzing th r. f.n,~Elo"I- aj,tc of tii, orking or,:aa. $a the Yotcz. or~ "f Via twut important ut tj~tj~r indic4d is vilt t1crttical activ- try of the brain (tbw encephalogram). The petatio.1-pocultarity of thiq pffr*;W~tvr iq ita Kc4tinticil nat.ra, Accompanied by an ellnerstial Instability, Tht UAP ~f the general principlus of anal~eif% of complex systhms, developed by "tatistical dynamtr-if. !.y ~ trusting clactroencephaloStams (LEG) permits rim of. 04 kao.-a "thde of InventifiAting Etr and Clin devinlorl-,t of n.v .nd f tn*v methods of their Analysis, one flues mothod_descrtbed in-III propo,loa the use of a faRt-actirfa in the li- CAMPUPIr ontral. system of the Issulan o"rator. Thin cannot,41wtyz be done even In Affperlmentsl PrdCtICO~ ittol4jee. the owthod of rro onalysis from moment correlation functions d"*cribea by the ;kuthots cox,plicatcs coz- prohension. of the phyaOlogiqul basin at the phenomena that are tAXI*& %place. The prPstulturper proposes a now method for currtnt statistical analysis of,EEG fr the numerical charActeristirs of the onergr spactr= to permit the detection of fine changes In the apfictral makeup of the ED% %Un "thod to based an the possibility of dexcrA~,tos evory discrIbatilm of Its mamoutd. The following era used in the proceast the first absolute moment or the avitrale frequency of the energy spectruz fe, Wr JO)'d., 50 - N USSPI UDC.51:155.001.57-612.82 OSENNIY, A. S., RONMTOVJ1 V. D. I'One Method of Testing a Human Operator" Kibernet. i Vychisl. Tekhn. Resp. Nfezhved.~Sb. [Cybernetics and Computer Engi- neering, Republic Interdepartmental Collection], No 7, 1970, pp 50-53, (Trans- lated from Referativnyy Zhurnal, Kibernetika,No 6, 1971, Abstract No 6 V660 by the authors). Translation: A method is suggested for objective testing of the status of a human operator on the basis of statistical parameters of the clectrical activity of the brain. The method is based on the possibility of describing any distri- bution of its moments. The stu(Iies showed:the high information content of the simplest first moments of the distribution of the -mean power of electrical acti- vity of the brain with respect to frequency components. USSR UDC 621.822-72 OSEPYAN, L. S., SIPENKOV, 1. YE. "Determining the Angular Rigidity of a Cylindrical Gas Suspension Device" Trudy Leningradskogo Politekhnicheskogo Instituta, Aer6term6dinamika (Works of the Leningrad Polytechnical Institute, Aerathermodynamics) , No 313, 1970, pp, 110-116 Translation: This article contains a study of a radial air suspension device.with two blowiag lines to which a misalignment. moment is applied. The pressure dist-ribution in the lubricating -layer is found by the pertur- bation method. The'relative misalignment angle is taken as the small Parameter. On the basis of the solution obtained, a f6ormula is presented for calculating the angular aerodynamic rigidity of thesuspension device which is valid with accuracy to second-order. small vzl6nns. It is demon- strated that if a misalignment moment and a radial load causing relatively small angular and linear displacements act, on: the 1 suspension. device simaltaneously, then with accuracy. to seconcl_~o.rder small values, the linear displacements have no effect on the angular rigidity of the suspen- sion device, and the angular displacements, on the linea:r rigidity. 1/2 USSR OSEPYt et al., Trudy Lenin radskogo-Politeklmicheskooo Instituta, amika (Works of the Laningrad.Polytechnical Institute, 0 Aerothermodynamics) , No 313, 1970, pp 110-116 The results of calculating the angular (and., by the way, the linear) ~rigidities are presented for various values of physical and geometric parameters of the suspension device. There are 4 illusitrations and a ~4-entry bibliography. 2/2 67 Bowman 11.313.52 USSR VDC: 6, 2: 538.4 BONDARCHUK, A. P., GARBUZOV, V. N., ZASLAV$KIY, B. I., ZZ)FRED11".0 Yu. S. KHARRINA, Ye. I., YANTOVSKIY, Ye. I. "An Open-Cycle MHD Electric Power Plant Based on Natural Gas With Chemical ''Regeneration of Exhaust-Gas Heat"' Teplotekhn. Probl. Pryamogo Preobrazovaniya Energii Zli-eat Engineering Problem of the Direct Conversion of F-nergy -- Collection of Uorkr,7, No Kiev, Nauk. Dumka Press, 1973, pp 10-19 (Translated from Referativnyy Zhurna-I Turbostroye-n- iye, No 11, 1973, Abstract 110 1-1-49-153) Translation: Results are presented from analysis of various factors: muffnetic induction B, quantity of additive, end effects and air heating temperature on the thermodynamic effectiveness )?,t of an,MD electric Dower plant (MIDEIPP) with a frame channel of the IM generator and a steam turbine and thermochemical processing of the fuel (water conversion) using natural:qas as~tho fuel. Cal- culations of the MM pawcir plant are presentod for a consumption of combustion products of 2000 k9/sec using two types of M,~,rpatic system 114S); nonsupercon- ducting and superconducting. For the nonsupercanducting J-ZI T? of the MMEPP changes within limits of 50-49% and 51-52% as D is changed from 5 to 1/2 USSR BONDARCMM, A. P., et al., Teplotekhn. Probl. Pryamogo F-reobrazovaniya Energii, No 4, 1973$ pp 10-19 6.5 T at air temperatures of 1100 and 15000K respectively. For a superconduct- ing MS with B--6 T with a power plant capacity of 2500 INNI, P?,t increases by 3.5-6.5% as air temperature is increased from 1100 to 15001K. It is established that the presence of end sectors causes an increase in total. length of the ~TD generator and an increase in losses to cooling, reducing In4ection of K C03 with 1 wt. % K decreases 7 by 1.5%. 'Problems of water conversion of 2 ?st methane are studied. It is concluded that the MID power plant discussed is quite promising. 5 Figures; 13 Biblio. Refs. M. 1. Osipov 2/2 56:JPR~ ~000% SCP 11 CCIMBM%.TIOH MRAMETRIC RCSQ.MNCF 14 A CXROPMM.", AM. I$ITALLED W A WfiMM PASr emos nn, 9- 6. 1973. nubmittod Uminar 2~68 Ya. R~,asl (sic te )i,-r 1972,.pp #j1_891 te (StC) Sc A atu4y was ma4a of the problem ai the *Tat~ilLty of the t~n- disturb" W;ion of the suspension rings 'of a gycopea4ul-um in- stalled an a moving Platform, It Is demoftstratC4 that, in the came where the (requency of the verrtc4 cactIlatleas at the platform coincides with the sum of vh* frequencies 4f t1i. n&tiltal 4sc~I&tiona of the frames of the instrument. Intense Oac,lrAtto Uj ~of'tlie rings of the &Lzbal crew. Q- in 'a SIVOXCQDJC rendUlUU Ubjeh I I r jnsWIQd aft a =Vint An Is kn"n pl*tformg can arise at twits the froquoic~y of the oAtij4al oscillations of the gimbal suspension, rln&* [11~ 1~ar lj# Show that SIVUS With the simple p4rcoatric resonance, com4~inatjon Wometr" xasoaiaca is' also Siodsible. Lot the platform on which the instrument is inetall*d (see the figure) move tranulstlonally in the direction of the C~ axis with the acceleration where the values of r1 and r 2era the frequencies of the natural oscillations of the gimbal rings, and c in a small parameter. Assuming that the rotor tOtAte$ With S Constant anrular velocity w oad iissitini; to establish the conditions under which the undisturbed movenout of the Gyropendalum (Y 0 - 0) to stable,, let Us communicate to 6* rings at the gimbal soma small dLoplacemunts defined by the onjiles y and J5. .016 UNCL AS S I F I ED PROCESSING DATE--23QCT7f 1/2 .,..~-TITLE-EXRERIMENTAL STUDY OF SOME MANIFESTATIONS CONSEQUE:NT TO BIOLOGICAL 'ACTION, OF THE VITAMIN A -U- ~,,:-~AUTHOR~-(03)-VEDROVAt I.Not ANISOVA* A.A.r OSETROVA, S.YA* COUNTRY OF INFO--USSR SOURCE"-VOPROSY PITANIYAr 1970, NR 3? PP 37-40 DATE PUBLISHED - ----- 70 .,~:,,~`SUBJECT AREAS--BIOLOGICAL AND- MEDICAL SCIENCES TOPIC TAGS--VITAMIN OEFICIENCYt SKIN PHYSIOLOGY, HISTOLOGY, DIET CONTROL MARKING--NO RESTRICTIONS DOCUMENT CLASS--UNCLASSIFIED PROXY REEL/FRAME--1997/2052 STEP ~10--UR/021t4/70/000/003/0037/0040 -AP0120695 -1wri-A-S-5 I F I E 0 212 016 UNCLASSIFIED PROCESSING DATE--230CT7 CIRC ACCESSION NO--AP0120695 ABSTRACT/EXTPACT--(U) GP-0- ABSTRACT.. THE EFFECT OF DIFFEPEt-4T VITAMIN A DOSES ON THE STRUCTURE OF THE EPITHELIAL TISSUE ELEMENTS BY COMPARISON WITH THE DYNAMICS OF THE VITAMIN I CONTENT IN THE LIVER AND BLOOD WAS STUDIED IN TESTS SET UP ON YOUNG RATS DIVIDED INTO 4 GROUPS KEPT OKI A VITAMIN A DEFICIENT DIET WITH DAILY ADDITION OF VITAMIN A IN AMOUNTS OF 20t 40 AND 80 MUG TO DIFFERENT GROUPS OF ANIMALS. 11"I THE AUTHORS' INVESTIGATIONS 20 MUG OF VITAM.A PROVED TO~8E Tl~IEMTNIMAL DIUPNAL DOSAGE ENSURING NORMAL HISTOLOGICAL STRUCTURE OF THE SKIN AND OF THE ORGANS UNDER STUDY. THE DOSE OF 80 MUG WAS FOUND TOPRODUCE CHANGES IN THE STRUCTURE OF THE EPIDERMIS FINDING THElk EXPRESSION 1% THE INH113[TION 0 HORNIFICATLON PROCESSESt WITHOUT BEING ATTENOED BY ANY EXTERNAL SIGNS TYPICAL OF-A HYPERVITAMINGSLS. FACILITY:: KLINfKA KOZHNYKH I VENERICHESKIK14 BOLEZNEY IL MOSKOVSKOGO-MET)ITSI;NSKOGO INSTITUTA IM. N. I PIROGOVA Af4D.L-ABORATORIYA-PROFILAKT.ICHESKOCO DEYSTVIYA VITAMINJV N-I INSTrTUTA VITAMINOLOGII MINISTERSTVA~.ZDRAVOOKHRANENKYA SSSR. UNC-LASS 1 F TE 0 Ele6t~~otnd ti ;-1?aV6,'Prdpog8!tibn gne .c. USSR ..uDc: 621.,371.3"42-3:551.4'0'3,7:538~.3 NEDEMYAYEV, A. M., PRMIOV, V. P., OSETROVA, T. A.' "Determination of the Geometric Chardeteristics of the Sux'ace of the Sea S4 From.the _gnal Reflected by the-Surface" Tr. Plosk. energ. in-ta Works of the Moscow Pover Engineering Institute), 1972, vyp. 110, pp 80-83 (from RZh-Radiotekhnika, No 8, Aug 72, Abstract No 8G50) Translation: The paper is an exposition of a theory of scattering of e1cc- tromagnetic waves froia a complex rough surface -which is a sizperpOS4tOn of two kinds of unevenness -- large waver:; and the ripples covering them, r1b, theory is based on the Kirchhoff approximation in combination -vith ner- turbation theory, which makes it more acew-ate tham the theory based on the Kirchhoff approximation alone. The latitter givts satisfactory results for incidence close to normal when the effect ofthe fine structure of the wave can be disregarded.. Bibliography of threil! titles. 11. S". PROCESSING DATE-30OCT70 2% -U- ITLE. LUBRICANT OSlEYKO CHAMIN, I.A., -AUTHOR- (05 I-PASEHrN 1K iM.Sov KAMINSKIYv N.A01 ~PETRJVSKIY* A.Ai CGUNT.RY OF, INFO--USSR SOURCE-U.SeS.R. 2b69987 ~.-REFL-RENCE-OTKRYTIYAt IZOBRET.s PROM.' GBRAZTSY#juVARNYE ISHEC-01APR70 ~:',SUBJECT AREAS-LMATERIALS TOPIC TAGS-CH E14 I CAL-PA TENT p SURFACTANTi METALWORKING HOT,WORKINGt VEGETABLE OIL:r ESTEW .,::-.CCNTROL MARKING-NO RESTRICTIONS. :-DOCUMENT CLASS-UNCLASSIFIED !-PROXY.REELIFRAHE-3003/1805 STEP NO--UR/0492/70/000/000/0000/0000 .CIRC ACCESSION NG--AA0130638 ZNAKI 19709 LUBRICANTI COLD 020 UNCLAS_SIFIt,0' 0;R*cCEtSING 0ATE-30OCTIO 'T FAT IN THE METALLURGICAL ITLE--USE OF HYDROGENATED CORIANDER TY~,OIL "DUSTRY -U- .'AUTHUR--USEYKOv.N.I* ~.COUNTkV OF INFO--USSR ,.,-,Sa.UqCE--MASLO-ZHIR. PROM. 1970, 36(3),, 39-41 P-Al T EPUBLISHED ------- 70 !z.SUBJECT AREAS--MATERIALSY MECH.t IND.# CIVIL AND MARINE ENGR .~10_PIC TAGS--METALLURGIC INQUSTRYv METAL LUBRICANT, HYDROGENATIO"49 COLD ,-,AOLLING, STEELf(UJPKSl PALM OIL .:_CC]NT,ROL MARKING--NO RESTRICTIONS !`.bacumu'r CLASS--UNCLASSIFIED ..'~PROXY.REEL/FRAME-1998/0925 STEP NO--UR/9085/70/036/003/0039/0041 .CIRC ACCESSION NO--AP0121527 212 020 UNCLASSIFIED. PROCE SING DATE-30OCTIC ACCESSION NO-AP0121527 ~ABSTRACT/EXTRACT--(U) GP-0- ABSTRACT, THE FATTY ACID COMPN. OF THE LUBRICANT KORIANDR, BASEO UN CORIANDER FATTY OIL, WAS EXAMO. A~10 THE LUBRICATING PROPERTIES OF THE CORIANDER FATTY Oft# OF ITS HYDROGENATEr AND OF PALM KERNEL OIL WERE 0ETOo ANOCOMPARED, IHE EFFECTIVENESS OF ANY TECHNOL. FATTY LUBTICANT (SUCH AS KORIANDR, IPKS-lv AND IMPORTE0 PALM KERNEL OIL) USED FOR RAPID COLD ROLLING.DF THIN !JEEL SHEETS, oEPENDS ON XHE COMPN. AND CONSTITUTION OF ITS FATTY ACIDS. A SHIFT OF THE GOUBLE BONVFROR THE 9, 10 POSITICIN.(OLEIC ACID), TO THE16, 7 POSIT[cji (PETROSELINIC ACID) AND A CHANGE OF THEtIS (OLEIC) TO-THE TRANS FORM AELAIDIC) INCREASES THE LUBRICATING PROPERTIES OF THE CO.4PDS.:EXAMD. XHE~DOMESTIC KORIANDR-2 (HYDROGENATED CORIANOER.OIL) WAS A GOOD -SUBSTITUTE FOR PALM KERNEL OIL* FACILITYt K IEV. TEKHNOL, INST. PISHCH. PROM., KIEVr USSR, _F USSR uDc:. 621.3.o4g.75 SERCHUGOVA, A. G., OSHARIN, V. I., FILIPIYEVA, ff. I., ORLOVA, L, N. "A Method of Making Printed-Circuit Boa~rdslv Moscow, Otkrytiya, izobreteniya, promyshlennyye obraztsy, tovarnyye znaki, No 5, Feb 71, Author's Certificate.No 293312, Division H, filed 31 Mar 69, published 15 Jan 71, p 182 Translation. This Author's Certificate introduces a method of making printed-circuit boards with metallized holes by a poqitive combined method. As a distinguishing feature of the patent,. the quality and reliability of -the boards is improved and cost is reduced by electrophoresis polymer coating of the printed-circuit drawing formed by chemical and gahranic copper plating. This polymer coating is stripped off afters removal of the,pbotoresist and etching of the copper foil, -V z -4 ra ~tl S I- C., v sI " 'F -ec Slrz-h'~!Z:ic Slag on the Quz~-, L- L A" loysil 70, pp 909-911 Sr-I N o 0, Oct co'W' '-as (]eveloved, for Abzstracc: layer ot liquid syntheti---- ii,~icess~~rl duri-ni-, ca-stiwz' 3 7 'D U (I e I S 1, 6 N, 6 , 253 5 a I c > r- o M120N'80, E.L'602, T 1, ingots order to el'sure good qu--I.ity r,--- surfac,- ai-,d I.r. into -h- lc pe-cicrat-on or 7) 1" C., ingo t d !i'y! L' ia tc S J; c- ~:i- at eNtreme hei hzs of the 1--yer o Liou slag consump t ion Z: rcm. 17- 2-0 c o 8- 10 k-Z' f, a 1 0, col-'.~ iC."! I:-- quality of t~rie micros--ructura and S-urfz~ce. Tine. opti-mal" hi u i g'! IC' f z-1,1 c-I i~'. r zai:i' f casLing. is directly -proporzional co tac c - FA -94 m I mi m rjum- I m I ' mm g. M-0 Pa. n 0 PROCESSING OATE--18SEP70 031 UNCLASSIFIED TTTL E--S I L I C AT ELINED CAST IRONPIPES -U,-- I.YA*p MILLER, S.N., KVARNBERG* A.F.9 0- H U H R OF ~INFO4-- SSRO ~Y JNFO U A ~~.~SDURCE-. GER. 11558,346 OAT E PUBL-ISHED--02JAN70 .:SUBJECT AREAS--MATERIALS TOPIC TAGS--CAST IRONi SILICATEt $AND# OREY SLAGr CONCRErE, PROTECTIVE PIPE, CHEMICAL COMPO.SITIONt ;METAL COATI.NGY PROTECTIVE COATINGv ~~CHEMICAL PATENTo MATERIAL HANDLING EQUIPMENT 'CONTROL MARKING--Nri RESTRICTIONS DOCUMENT CLASS--UNCLASSIFIED ~'PROXY REEL/FRAME-1985/0928 STEP NO--GY/0000~70/000/000/0000/0000 C I k C, ACCESSION N0--AA0I0l?34_, -W. LA A L u -2/2 031 UNCLASSIFIED PROCESSING DATE--18SEP70 4 IRC ACCESSION NO--AA0101Z34 ::,.ABSTRACTIEXTRACT--(U) GP-0- ABSTRACT. THE TUBES 14H I CH ARE USEFUL E.G. FOR THE TRANSPORT OF ABRADING MATERIAL (CONCRETei: SLAG, SAND, ORES) CONSISTS OF A CAST IRON SHEATHING AND AN INNER LINING OBTAINED BY APPLYING A SILICATE MELT CONTG, E,G. SIO SUB2 40-1, CAO 45-7, AL SUB2 SUB3 5-7v MGO 5-6t MNO 0.259 FEO 0.479~ S :0.56PERCENTi THE'SILtCATE- EXTENDING OVER THE WHOLE 'LENGTH Of THE TUOE AND BEING TAPERED -~THE ENDS OF THE TUBE AT AN ANGLE OF 5-20.DEGREES*,*. 0 AT L'k' c r-r- -L:cf-- '551F71 USSR uac 621.363.82 DUN, L. M., 0SHCHEPKOV, P. K., KARADMALI, R. M.. ROMN, J. S. "Electron Image Converter" ~USSR Author's Certificate N'o 243096, filed 8Aug 67, PublislN-d 16 Sept 69 (from RZh--Elek' tronika i yeye 2rirzeneniye, No 7, JulY 1970, Ab:>tractN 2 'o 7A 70~) Translation: An electron image converter is proposed which contains an jnpal window made of a glass-mietal disk with anisotropic electrical. conductivity, an electron gun, a system for electron beam scanning, a collactor and a unit Lblok] for the channels of electron multipliers located before the collector. The channels of the electron multipliers are located in conoentric rows coa>dal Vith the. cylindrical surface of the container: [ballon] and their ends t-wrned to the input window are truncated at.a. 450 angle-to the axi5 of the device. N.S. USSR 0 Honored Scientists and Technician, RSFSR, Director H K Scientific Research Institute of Introscopy "The Nontransparent Becomes Transparent" Moscow, Golos Rodiny, No 9, Jan 70, p Abstract: Having seated the patient in a comfortable c1hair, the physician clicks a knob on the control panel in, a setting similar to that of the Roentgen apparatus, turns the C-ocusing piece and we see a human heart- on the screen. One more turn of the 11%andle, r-nd the an- terior wall of the heart melts away and we see in the greenisla light of the biointroscope the contracting ventricles and auricles of a living heart. Today we can photograph the liviil- fetus within the womb by the introscopic method. The quality of.many substances can be determined by this nondestructive method, and objective in.-,Eorma- tion can be obtained by looking within. How important it is to de- tect flaws in highly complex mechanisms, on which human safety de- pends. 1/2 USSR OSHCHEPNOVI P. K., et al., Moscow, Golos Rodiny, lelo 9, Jan 70, p2 Physically, transparency and nontransparenc-y are relative terms. Ordinarily we see because the light is refl,cc~ed fromLthe image 'f allinr- on our eye. in in-troscopy sQrface of the object, the C3 the rays are reflected from the various levels of the opaque medium. At first introSCODes worked in t4einfrared range. Now, with the universal transformer - unicoR - magnetic rays, radio waves, and all sorts of waves enable us to look through,the ppaque. 2/2 "6ii" US.SR UDC 619:616.9.022.7 +636.2 +636.3-1-636.4+ 636-52/.58 OSHCHEPKOV. V. G. "Duration and Intensity of Immunity in Swine Vaccinated With a Vaccine from Strain Br. suis No 6111 V sb. Sb. nauchn. rabot. Sib. n.-i. vet. in-t (Siberian Scientific Research Veterinary Institute -- Collectio f Scientific I.-Iorks), No 17, 1970, PP 73-76 (from HZhw~Zhivotnovodstvo i Veterinariya, No 3, Mar 71, Abstraot No 3.38-5973 Translation: A rapid, pronounced inmunobiological arrangement of the orgranism tal-Kes place in swine vaccinated with a vaccine from strain Br. suis No 61, as indicated by the production of agglutinins and cormlement-fix-ing antibodieo, a sharD rise in phagocytic activity of leucocytes,.and the emergence of Lin allergic reaction to intracutaneous ac1ministration of Brucella- hydrol7sate. Vaccinated swine are resistant to a.-tificial infection with a virulent Brucella cult".ure for nine months (the observation period). Resistance de-oanded on the amount of stimulant introduced into the organism. 1/1 Q T C L IV ~Q I che 1 ib -I s11 C, Ika'-- C. :1:~, z t of Claronzc-,`~ , i I un Q v Q C! r L iL! M Q- !7 . t Sr --a.- has no ~hc~ Lhe n,7 0 i;n on CIL~~ tc L mIL c r ca s 0- s L,~ n C,.:- the -)ss sccticrl of a-rld the c r o 11. e. c! ; c1 c s t dc~ zus L L!~ 7er il Q tile znatal az zo--- --i USSR UDD 531-01 OSIZUK11VA "Procision(fthe Calculation of Some Parameters of a Two-CoaDonent Pedulum- Type Gyrocompass" Sbornt Nauch, Tr. Pern. Politekhn. In-t (Collection of Scientific Voens of the Peral Po3lytechnic Institute), No 99, 1971-t pp, 120-125 (from ReforatimW Zhurnall Mekhanikat Xo2 Fab 72o Abstract No 2A111 by I. V. Novozhilov) Translationt In the article are not down the LineiLrized procession equations of a two-componont pendulum-type gyrocompass. Conuideration is given to a cane in which darping is abizent, arAlthe bame is motinnless with respect to the Earth. It is shown teat disregarding crome te2:ms In the equations of notion beings about small orroza in computation of the ftequencies a-nd ampli- tucle of the natural oucMations of the system. Abstracter's note. The conclusing.razark concernin15 resonance phenomena does not procede from the content of the a.rticle,.since auch situations axe not dealt with in the wo,2* U7 T, 11, 1 US SR DC 7. Ji- 0SHCHERL", "On thic of. c t: r.~: 0 S CG Jun 701 16 6 a 3.-s Cl- Is MlLd~~ 0- and he c rc a:` surzace za-lisior: oz s-2vcm Ellielt:-In" c L: - -C values Tere c----culacedi from i~~ 0 - surface zcllsion of se=.4 conduccol- rv 5 Is wnu rj.,: zemperL,~LiyEs ri~lated to ai~d c,,, coiipcrazure, Z=aaan The c tu"a43n8 are in :;ood 1"it"I 13 C 8 Dia e r ca:-~ Z v I i a t -f., El I F:, ID 1, 032 :P11WCE~]SING DATE-30OCT70 UNCLASSIFIED --.T-LTLE--SURFACE TENSION OF CRYSTALS OF NON METALS -U-, ___-AUTHOR-OSHCHERIN, B.N. CIOUNTRY-OF INFO-USSR ,_iS'OURCE-7_H. FIZ. KHIM. 1970, 44(2), 547-8 ,DATE PUBLISHED----70 ...SUBJECT AREAS-PHYSICS TAGS-SURFACE-TEINSiCN, CRYSTAL SURFACE, SEMICCNOUrTCR PROFERTY, MICROHARDNESSI INDIUM ANTIMONIDEr SPECIFIC HEAT, rHERMAL EXPANSION, ~'_"~~'~:MELTING POINT RESTRICTIONS -OCCUMENT CLASS-UNCLASSIFIED -PROXY REEL/FRAM1--2000/lt43 STEP NO--UR/0076/70/0+,~/0021054,710548 _C_I_RC__Ar.-L!~SjG~l;' NL--AP-0124798 212 032 UNCLASSIFIED PROCESSING DATE-300CY70 ACCESSICN NG--AP0124798 CXTRACT-(U) GP-0- ABSTRACT. ENSIf ABS TRACT/ THE SURFACE T' JN OF FREE GIBBS SURFACE SIGMA SUB(HKL) FOK SEMICONDUCTORS IS LINEARLY DEPENDENT ON 141CROhARONESS. THE VALUE OF SIGMA SUBEHKL) FOR ENS8 ALLOY Air THE M.P. IS 1.9 TIMES LESS THAN IN THE CRYSTAL. .,A RELAT[GN HAS BEEN GIVEIN ...... RELATING SIGMA SUB(HKLI TO THE-SP,. THERMA, CAPACLIYt 0,-v GOEFF. OF VOL- EXPANSION, AND MOL. OR AT. WT. OF THE~SEHICONDUCTORS. FACILITY= TEKHNOL. INST. IM.0 LENSOVETAv LENINGRAD# USSR. . I :: I ` 'A hnmi N IT PT wr ~nTrITErri- np. r=m_j. m iiu w7,ir , I I-, i Tym. h. im rivT-p-,, mmmumi;- NUT! war-1111wim- all &W hug -12 L A ss! Frto'" ROCEqS I NG DATE--27NOV70 OZI u lqt IT L E- -ENT V44LPY OF AC T IVA T I ON GF.CAR8GN SELF DIFFUSION lAl CU131C CARBIDES ~~C OIUN T P YOF INFO--USSR -_,SOtJRCE--FIZ. METAL METALLOVED. 1970, 2912)i 300-It -'DATE PUBLISHEO ------- 70 :.".SUBJECT AREAS--;-AATERIALS THAL TOPIC TAGS--c'Ni _PY, CARBIDE, METAL DIFFUSION, SODIUM CHLORIDE ,ro.%rpOL MARKfNG--NG RESTRICTIONS 01"'UMENT CLASS-UNCLAS!~IFIED PEEL/FRAME--3001/0,393 STE P t4f~.1--UR/0126/i'O/OZ9/01)2/030,",)/i)304 RC ACCESSION NO--AP012.6148 11IN C LA '-f f -5, _IFD 7 2/2 021 UMCL ASS IF I ED" PROCESSING 0ATE-27NOV70 r1KC ACCESSION f4O--AP 0 126146 ASSTRACT/EXTRACT--(U) Gf)-0- ABASTRAcr. rHE ENEPGY FAUORS 1.4-c-'(F C01,11,1DEIRE0 RUCrURAL Al. A CA NO I E SIN CAR310ES FOR THE SELF DIFFUSION OF C ALONG THE ST WITH A NACL STRUCTURE IN WHICH THE ACTIVATION ENTHALPY (E SI-18A) FOR Tlip- -E DIFFUSION OF AIN 1014 OR AN ATOM IS CONSIOERED AS THE WORK cXR T D. A 1,.4 S r FORCES WHICH ENSURE THE STABILITY OF THE LATTICE. ; THE VALUES OF SU34 'S, HE VL ES JF ARE TABULATED FOR ALKALI HALIDES AND ROP CUBIG , :L~110E THE CHARACTERISTIC TEMPERATURES WERE CALCO, FOR THE CARB'IDES AND TABULATED. FACILITY: LENINGRAD- TEKHNOL,.,:,INSr. IM. LENSOVETA? USSR. UN C L AS S I F 1 E f) .12~ 022 UNCLASSIFIED PROCESSING DATE--160CT70 ,,_T:ITLE--ENERGY OF ACTIVATION OF SELF:DIFFUSLON IN THE LIQUID STATE -U- .--,AUTHOR OSHCHERIN, B.N. -COUNTRY. OF~ INFO--USSR OU R E"ZHO C FIZ.,KHIM. 1970, 44(l), 187 8 ~~:,DATE PUBLISHED ----- -70 .-SUBJECT AREAS--PHYSICS OPIC TAGS--FLUID DIFFUSIONv ACTIVATrOkENERGYP MELTING:POINT9 CRYSTAL j LATTICE-STRUCTURE, CALCULATION NTRUL MARKING--NO RESTRICTIONS DOCUMENT CLASS--UNCLASSIFIEO PROXY REELIFRAME--1988/0054 STEP NO--UR/0076170/0(#4/001/0167/0188 t I Li CT7 2-12 022 UNCL AS'Sl f IED PRUCESSING DATE-160" .LIRC ACCESSION NO--AP0105153 Al3STkACT/EXTkACT--(Ul GP-0- ABSTRACT. THE ACTIVATION ENERGY OF SELF DIFFUSION IN THE CRYSTAL AND IN THE MELT IN THE VIC[41TY (IF THE M.P. IS CONNECTEO WITH THE TEMP. OF MELTING AND W.ITH THE COMPACTNESS OF THE AN 0IN THE MELT. THE EQUATION IiAS VERIFIED ON LATTIC.E. 1?,4 THE CRYSTAL AANY COMPOS. WITH SIMPLE AND COMPLEX COMP. FACILITY: INST* IM. LENSOVETA,~LENINGRAQI USSR. OkOCESISING DATE--30OCT70 -1/2 UNCLASSI FIeD ...:,J1TLE--ENTHALPY OF ACTIVATION OF HYDROGEN DIFFUSION IN MFTALS -U- GUNTRY OF INFO--U SIR S _SOURCE--F.1Zo METAL. METALLOVED.. 1970. 29111)v 184-6 :::~O_ATE PUBL ISHED ------- 70 AREAS--MATERIALSt PHYSICS r.: TOPIC TAGS--EiNTHALPY, HYDROGENt GAS CONTAINING METAL, METAL CONTAINING __GAS, IRON ALLOY, TUNGSTEN ALLOY, CHROMIUM.ALLOY,.vANADIUM ALLOYI TA14TALUM ALLOY, ZIRCONIUM ALLOY, HAFNIUM ALLOY, NICKEL ALLOYP MOLYBDENUM ALLGY, REFRACTORY 14ETALv GAS DIFFUSION. 1141IONTROL MARKING--NO RESTR[CTIONS 0OCUMENT CLASS--UNCLASSIFIED .'-P-ROXY REEL/FRAME--1998/0940 STEP NO--UR/0126/70/029/001/0184/0186 CIRC ACCESSION NO--AP0121542 7, 30OCT70 2/2 041 UNCLASSIFIED PROCESSUNG DATE MC ACCESSION NO--AP0121542 "-:ABST.RACT/EXTRACT--(U) GP-0- ABSTRACT, THE ENTHALPY AE SUBA PRIMEH) OF ACTIVATION IS CALCD. FOR THE DIFFUSION :OF H INTO ALPHA-fEt GAMMA-FEP ql, --CU, AG,.-PD, THr BETA-TI, BETA-ZRP BETA~HFr CR -MOr Wip V.: N3, TAP Sl AND -GEO'- THE RESULTS ARE TABULATED. FACILITY-* LENINGRAD? TEKHNOL. ~-INST 11. LENSOVETAt LENINGRAD# USSR. IT UN L'AtSIF I F'6~ ,,",-112 022 C l)f'()CE55l'4r. DATE--020CT70 T OA 1 8 ,T.jTLE--P(jLAkIZATI0N MEASUREMENTS CF HE :14E A D0 FTHE C04EY Hjq q6 C _U_ :~4UTHGk--CSHEROV, R.S. _JCGUNTRY CF INFO--USSR NAUK TADZHIKSKOI SSRj OOKLAOY, VbL 1.3. NO. 1 1970, P '...l)ATE PUBLISHED-----70 U3 J E C TAPL-AS--ASTRONOtoYASTROPHYSICS TOP I CTAGS--COMET, LIGHT SCATTERING, ASTROGRAPH, LIGHT POLARIZATION z;~CUNTRGL MAPKING--ND RESTRICTIONS CLASS--UNCLASSIFIED ;"~WGXY RFCL/FKAl4E--19d9/2015 STEP tio--UR/0425/70/t~)L3/001/0015/01')Id P_ -CCESS WN _l%0--AT0 lf)q341 `~t 1- F I f.- D- ------ PqOCESSING DATE-020CT70 2/2 022 UNCLASSIFIED CIRC ACCESSION NO-AT0108341 'ABSTI~ACT/ExTRACT--(U) GP-0- ABSTRACT. DESCRIPTION OF THE RESULTS OBTAINED BY POLARIZATION MEASUREMENTS OF THE- HEAG. OF TH EZOMET HINDA IZA :1'968C,.USING A TRIPLE POLARI TION ASTROGRAPH. IT IS FOUND THAT THE ULAR I Z AT I GN GF LJGHT JN THE HEAD OF THIS COMET CORRESPONDS T3 THE LIGHT -,..SCATTERING ON,DUST PARTICLES WHICH IN CERTAIN PARTS OF THE HEAD EXqI9IT -PREF ERRED OR.IENTAT M,. -A. a LrOSR uDc! 621.372.854 GAYNMTOV, Kh. N., "Effect of Reflections on the Parameters of a Ferrite Band-81imination Filter" Tr. Urallskoao Rolitekhn. in -ta (Works of the Ural Poly-technical Institute), 1970, sb. 1831 pp 43-51 (from RZh-Radiotekhnika, No. 6, Jun 70, Abstract No 6B105) Translation: The authors consider a band-elimination filter in the form of a wave- guide section with a spherical element out from a.ferrite single crystal magnetized to saturation. Formulas are derived which definethe principal parameters of the filter in the case of mismatched temperature and load. Consideration is given to its use as.a frequency discriminator in the AFC system of SH,F oscillators or in a y titles. frequenay measurement system. Six illustrations, bibllograpk S. USSR me 669.17 GRn?MVj V. N., I.GSHKOVO YU. YA., ZEEIMOVO V. I ani CBMMEROVI S. P., Institute of Yetal Pirdsics, Ac4eiV of So,iences "The Ch,axacterlstics of FAgh-Speed Austenization of JE3~utectoid Steels" Kiev, Hetallofizikaj ANo 31, 1970s pp 1?1-126' Translations The characteristics of the process of 2ormtlon of austenite in annealedg hardenedo and. hiShly tcqpered- carbon afAiels o:~ a hypoeutectol,d composition in a beatlmg rate interv&l1tom 20 to 7000 degLeez per second were studied by overall investigation zethcds. It ist shown -that the tenp-ara- ture conditions of austenitA for-mation in high-spoed. ',heating depend on the initial struct=21 state. When steel with an annealed structure is heated at a rate of siore than 500 de&Tees per second, the trtLwfoxmtion occurs according to a two-stage patternp when first. tle peaxUte arA then the fexrite~ steel componants are transformed. into austealte. 531blAograplus entriest 3 illu trations., 1A lklli ; i:,,;I- lr h d- USSR uDc 669.o17.3 GRIDNEV V. N. OSTIMADEROV, S. P. and SMINOV, A. Mq Institute of Mbtal J A jr Physics, Academy--or- Sciences.Mr- SSR "Features of Austenite Formation Daring'Rapid Heating of Gold-lWorked Steel KvK-42 (42mP-k-,Gsm)ll Kiev, 14etall.ofizika, No 40, 1972, pp 37-452 Abstract: The effect of rapid heating ratea (up to 3()00'0/.gvc) on the ten'Fera- conditions for the alpha-ga---ia transformation is lrawzi (UP to 7-'.~) red,,,.ction) KVK-42 steel of the martenzite class was studied. it -was E-hovn that with an increased degree of defornation there occurs a lowering of -1he critical -poirt- -t' a-unon the effect of lo-wer- in comparison with tie point for annealed stpel, wher ing is greater the higher the degree of deformation and ~eatinF raate. A temmer- ature-tire diagram vas plotted for austenite fon-,atiorA in the oiven steel 'or conditions o-P continuous heating in thevinterral of hesatirf7, rates from 50 to 27000/see. 7de obtained data are discussed from the viewpoInt of t'~e effect of structural defects on the kinetics of austenite foi-nation. 6 fi6ur--s, 5 bib- liographic references. W- USSR uDc 669,017.3 GRIDIEV), V. if., IVASISHIN, 0. M., and OSHKADEROV, S. Fl.., Institute of Metal Physics, Acade-my of Sciences Ukr SSR "Austenite's Inheritance of the Al -Pbase Defect Structure in the Er-T)id Heating pha of U9 Steel" Kiev., Matallofizika, 'No 39, 1972, pp 69-75 Abstract: 'rhe conditions of raDid annealing (10000/see) of U9 de-Cormed steel (0-W,.), done prior to deformation in the tempered, nornalized, and annealed states, were studied by dilato:retric and theimial analy ses, vhich irade it pos- sible to obtain structures with different interplate cl-stances. Pemoval. of the effects of prior plastic deforn, ation proceeda in three ~ stepa : in the teirm.,! rature interval of the alpha-phase, in the alpha-grarma-phase t-_--&nsfot mat ion, and in the gannia-phase. The degree of prior deformation in "he studied limits has onl,,r a quantitative ef fect, and does not change the Tie-rall picture of anner-ling During rapid heating the austenite inherits a defect strtcture of the deformed alpha-phase, whereupon the increased defectiveness of austenite is preserved almost to its recrjstallization te~Rperwture~. 5 fi,,'4rcs) 7 biblio- graphic references. USSR UDC 547.666 ROTBERG, Yu. T., CHEPUKA, L. Ya., and.LS4EEA, V. P., Latvian State University imeni P. Stuchka "Condensation of Dicarboxylic Acid Anhydrides With Compounds Containing Active Methylene Groups. XII. Direct Syn.thesis~of Halogen-Substituted 2-Phenyl-1.3- --indandiones" Riga, Izvestiya Akademii Nauk Latviiskii SSR, Seriya Khimicheskaya, No 4, 1970, pp 471-474 Abstract: Condensation of 3-bromo-, 4-broino-, 3-iodo-, or 4-iodophthalic an- hydrides with p-bromo- or (p-l.odophenyl)acetic acids in acetic anhydride and triethylamine yielded the corresponding dihalo derivatives of 2-phenyl-1, 3- -indandione in good yields. Analogously, 3-bromo- or 4--broamphtlialic anhydrides condensed with (m-bromophenyl)acetic acid yielded 4.bra(ao-2-(in--brotoophenyl)-1,3- -Indandione and 5-br=o-2-(m-bromophenyl)-1,3-indandiona, reapectively. A mix- ture of 5-bromo-2-(o-bromophenyl)-1,3-indandione nnd 5-(or 6-)-bromo-3-(o-bromo- benzylidenephthalide) was obtained irom the condensatioa of 4-bromoplithalic. anhydride with (o-bramophenyl)acetic acid. Some 14 dihalo-2-phenyl-1,3-in- were prepared. All compounds WeTe brominate&to the 2-bromo deriva- tives by dibromodioxane. The infrared spectre. of theIatter vare recorded in the 1500-1800 cm7l region. USSR UDC 547.584+547.314-F547. 78 Q.S=YA, V. P. and KALVINSH, I. Ya., Latvian State Vniveraity Imeni P. Stu= "Condensation of Dicarboxylic Acid Anhydrides With Compounds Containing Active Methylene Groups. XII. Condensation of Phth~lic Anhydride With 2-Thiothiazolidone-4 and Thiazolidene-2,4-dione" Riga, Izvestiya Akademii Nauk Latviiski SSRJ Seriya Zhimicheskaya, No 4, 1970, pp 475-478 Abstract: Condensation of phthalic anhydride with 2-tiliono-thlazolidone-4 and with 3-phenyl-2-thiono-thiazalididone-4 yields 5-phthalylidene-2-thiono- -thiazolidonone-4. These compounds are formed also J.n acetic anhydride in the presence of sodium acetate. Work up of 5-plitalyJ;ident-2-thionothiazo- lidonone-4 with concentrated sulfuric acid yields 5-phthalylidene-thiazoll.- dene-2,4-dione which could be obtained'also from the~condensation of phthalic Lth thiazolidene-2,4-dione.' The structu"! of the compounds was anhydride v.. confirmed by infrared-and ultraviolet sipectial analydiia. 30 USSR bDC 547,665 ROTBERG, Yu. T., and QSMUYA Latvian State Uriv6rsity imeni F. Stuchka "Condensation of Dicarboxylic Acid Anhydrides With Compo%tnds Containing Ac- tive Methylene Groups. XI. Some 2-Pheny,1-1,3-indandiotie Derivatives Coll- taining Nitro Groups" Riga, Izvestiya Akademii Nauk Latviiskoi SSR, Seriya Khimicheskaya, No 4, 1970, pp 464-470 Abstract: A systematic study of using substituted phenylacetir- acids for the direct synthesis of 2-phenyl-1,3-indandiones was tindertaken. Condensation of (o-nl-trophenyl)acetic acid with phthalic anhydride yielded 2-(o-nitrophenyl)- -1,3-indandione in 31.5% yield. When 3-nitro- and 4-nitrophthalic anhydrides were used instead of phthalic anhydride, 4-nitro-2-(o-nitropliet-Lyl)-l.3-ind- anti-fone and 5-nitra-2-to-nitraphenyl)-1,3--indandione were obtained in higher yields. Condensation of 3-nitro- and 4-nitrophthalic anhydrides with Ono-nitro- phenyl)acetic acid in acetic anhydride and triethylamia4- proceeded quite smoothly. intensely red crjscala of 4-nitra-2-(m-.nitrol)ltenyl)-1,3-indancilone and 5-nitro-2-(ra-nitrophenyl)-1,3-i.ndandiotie vere obtaimad. The infrared spectra of the compounds were recorded itt the absorptiom region of carbojrjl groups. The diketone otructure of the com.1youndo could hie esCatillshed. 112- -4FiTF 1/2 013 UNILLA-S S I F I ED PACCES'SKNG OATE--30OCT*fO ITLE-DETERMINATLON OF SELENIUM AIND TELLURIUM ACC0?,DI'.NG 70 LON 14tUBILITY U_ UTH0R-(03)-KCl%'STANTIN0Vt B.P.9 QSHURKOVAr O.V..j CHEBOTAPEVA, N.Y. CCUNTRY (;F INFO-USSR Sbi AL E-- zH. PRIKL. KHIM. (LENINGRAU) 19709 43!3)t 5-44-d.""of 1; AT EPUfjL ISHEC--70 ]SUBJECT AREAS-CHEMISTRY IMPIC TAGS-SELENIUM* TELLURIUMt IUNv M97AL CHEMICAL ANALYSIS V11TRCL MARKING-NO RESTRICTIONS OCCUMENT CLASS-UNCLAMFIED POXY REEL/FRAME-1.999/1061. SrEP t4O--UR/0080/TU/043/003/0544/0548 ZIAC ACCESSICN NO--AP0123054 -A Xs-S4 1~ H- t 2/2 013 AjNCLA*SSlFIi0 P410CESSING OATE-30OCT70 -GIRC ACCESSION NO-AP0123054 AaSTRACT/EXTRACT--(U) mGP-0-- A3STRACT. THE CONDITICNS OF THE IONS SERN. ACCORDING TO T+iE ION MOBILITY ARE 01,SCUSSED. THE-EXPI'L. APP. CIONSISTS OF-Two ELECTROLYTIC VESSUS FITTED WITH P-T ELECTKC-DES.AN0 JOINED 6V A HORIZGNTAL CAPILLARY BRICGE- ULENGTH 1'8-25 CHe CAP'l LLARY: BORE 0,1-0.3 HH). ThE SAMPLE IS ELECTROLYZEU IN THE CAPILLARY EIRLOGE FUR 4.fiR AT I MA* THE LGINIPLETE SEPlY, OF SEQ SU63 PRIAE2NE(WIVE AND TEO SU53~ PRIK2NEGATIVE IONS WAS ATTAINED BY USING 4N KCL AS A54OLYTE AND 1.8N NA SAL ICYLATE PLUS -0.07N NA014 CATHOLYTE*~ !.TIJE SW, SUB3 PRI.ME2NEGArIVE AND TEU~ SU83~PRtMUNEGATIVE ARE DETjP. 8_Y,OIVISIQNS Oli -SHAGOW PICTURES". FACILITY: +lLe-TEKH,* INST 1M. lOFF LENINORAJo USSRe USSR UDC .1541.049 546.791.6 CUREVICH, A. M., POLOZHENSKAYA, L. P.p 0 amd SOUITSEVAj L. F. "Reactionz of Uranyl 11alonate Complexes with Hydto&.a Peroxide. II. Study of the.Equilibria in the Syatem'ut -1~ Leningrad, Radiokhimiya, Vol 13, No 5pl. 1971, pp 688-692 Abstracts Results are reported on the study of t -he xaactlon of uranyl nalonate complexes with hydrogen peroxide employing the mothods of light absorption and pH-metxy. On the baks of the results of calculations, the following re-action is proposed as representative.for the range~,of molar ratios selecteds P. fUO,(Mal), _j + 2 H202 f (UO2) -7' + 0~ + 2 Mal with the equilibrium constant of (3-3 M) 10-1"5. The complete formation of the complex ion f(UOZ)Z(00)2(Ya1)2 *314 concentration of _7 with it W~ uranium occurs at the pH range of 6 7, The stabIlity constant of the diyoroxod1malonatodiyranyl ion was determined to to In the pH range 2-7.5 partial displacement of thelmalonate groups takas place with the -2)- formation of f(UO2)2 ('0) (Mal)x -7 f(UO2)2(OO) (14')X type 1/2 USSR UDC 543.251:546.799.3 GUREVICH, A. M., POLOZHENSKAYA, L. P., OSICHEVA. N. P., and SOLNTSEVA, L. F. "Electrochemical Method of Isolating Neptunium From an Alkaline Peroxide Medium!' Leningrad, Radiokhimiya, Vol XIII, No 2, 1971, pp 239-245 Abstract: In connection with the urgency of the problem of separation and pur-Ification of transuranium elements and the difficuliies of analyzing salt solutions containing micro amounts of transuranium elements, the possibility of separating these elements both jointly with uraniurt and in pure form (without a carrier) from alkaline peroxide media was studied on the example of 237Np. The experimental procedure using the electrochemical method, and the data cbtained are discussed. The applicability ofithe method to analysis of salt solutions of neptunium was demonstrated in a broad neptunium concen- tration range. The yield of neptunium, introduced in the amount of 50-100 micrograms, reaches 99-100 percent, and its total losses var Iy from 0.5 to I ercent under the following optintim conditions: p1l -1 14.0 (U02 ~ 5.6-10 M(1-2 milligrams 2, sl~i t;lme t 60 mintites, in 75 int), current detuAty ;t 1.0 railliam;/cm electral),. 1/2 USSR GUREVICH, A. M., et al.. Radiokhi-miya, Vol XIII, No 2, 1971, pp 239-245 temperature 95-100'. Data indicating the effect of the amount of carrier introduced into the experiment on the neptunium yield,show that with a de- crease in carrier concentration below the indicated limit, the neptunium lbsses begin to increase in connection increase in the effect of the solubility factor of the uranium and neptunium compounds when washing the ffect of salts on the 237Np yield participates with water. The data on the e with uranium as the carrier show that the acetate andinitrate ions (both separately and jointly in a concentration up to 2M); the oxalate ion (up to 0.5111) have almost no effect on the-23.7Np yield (97-94) percent) with total lbsse; varying within the limits from 1. to 3 percent,.; 2/2 USSR UDC 576.^58.o83.1:061-3(it7)"1971" OSIDZE D F., Candidate of Biological Sciences, and STEPANNA, L. G.;F `Fan=~of Medicall Sciences "Interinstitute Symposium on the Use of Diploid Cell,,, in Virology" Ibscow, Voprosy Virusologii, No 4, Jul/Aug,72, pp 507-508 Abstract: Sponsored by the Moscow Scientific Research Institute of Vinis Pren- arations, the symposium vas held 16-XITOV 71 in Ibscow. 23 reports were presented in 3 sessions. The Ist session-dealt with the problems of obtaininj, culturing, and controlin-r, diploid cells, and their Iwonerties: 0. G. Andzhapariaze et al., K. 1. Kokovickhina et al., V. E. Marnayeva et al, 0. 14. Ageyeva and Yu. Z. Gendon (Properties and uses of diploid human embryo cells); 0. G. Andzhapari-dize et al.P S. D. Nitavskaya and A. V. Zhillevich, A. A. TKY,,dnrakov et al., -and others (properties and uses of diploic animal embryo cells, chiefly catl4le). The 2nd session dealt with the interactiorl betwqten dj,plwid cells and VirLIses: 0. G. Andzhaj;arid_,c et ul. (effect of Physical, chemdc-al, mrill biological rac- tors on Genetic ap aratus of diploid huxmwelnbr-yo cells), Tu. Z. Gendon et al (interaction betv7een human embryo cells and,poliomyelitis virus), 0. G. Andzhaparidze- et al (sensitivity of animal embryo cellos to measles, smallpox, and other diseases)) G. I. Kozinets et 'al (use of hivr4tr. lrnphoctes in v--;ro!oE- ical research), and others. Transformations in diploid cells induced by som, 1/2 USSR OSIDZEJ, D. F., Voprosy Virusologii, No: 4, JuIlAus 72, pp 5W-508 viruses and rmterial from leukemia patients were discussed. in the 3rd sessioit: 0. G. Andzhaparidze et al (transformations of hwnan eir-.bryo cells caused by agents from hemocytob "Ptosis.patients:and the use off. such cult'll-es in stud-ying 'human leukemia), L. I. Vagayeva et al (interaction of, wousi- sarcoma virus and cov embryo cells). The participants fo=alized the de-finition of d-iploid cell strains and established the usabiUty criteria for diPloid cells in the produc- tion of vaccines. 2/2 34 VeterlnAry k~ed.. -a ne USSR UDC 619:616.988.73-036.2:636.5 _SYURIN, V. N-,, OSIDZE, N. G., CHISTOVA, Z. Ya., and RObIN, Yu. V., Moscow Veterinary Academy 'IThe Epizootiological Potential of Fowl Influenza Virus" Moscow, Veterinariya, No 8, Aug 72, pp 41-43 Many reports have appeared in recent years on the isolation of antigenically different variants of fowl influenza viruses, both pathogenic and weakly pathogenic, and not only from chickens, but from ducks, turkeys, geese, quail, pheasants, seagulls and other species. At the same time it was reported that a large number of isolated influenza strains varied not only with respect to antigenic properties, but also with respect to pathogenicity for birds of various ages. Bakos and Dinter In 1949 were the first to report the presence of fowl in- fluenza virus with antigenic variants in such strains. They succeeded in isolating in Bavaria an antiganic variant otchIcken influenza virus (strain N) which possessed a strong pathogenicity for chicks but was-apathogenic for adult fowl. Ten years later a similar (chick) strain of influonza virus was isolated in Scotland and was called, in accordance with intemational class- ification, A/chicken/Scotland/59. USSR SYURIN, V. N., et al., Veterinariya, No 8, Aug 72, pp 41-43 In the Soviet Union an analogous strain was isolated in 1967 at one of the poultry farms during an outbreak which was characterized by a rapid course, infection of the respiratory organs.and of.the gastrointestinal tract and a high degree of fatality. The isolated strain was thoro0ghly.studied and designated by us according to the nomenclature of the VQ,Z at that time as Influenza virus type A A/chicken/USSR/314/67. In the 1966-1970 period in a number of countries a number of influenza virus strains were found which differed from each other by alarge number of indexes (A. L. Kornilova, 1960; Ye. M. Kozhevniko'v, A. A. Babrovi 1961; N. G. Osidze, V. N. Syurin, 1970; P. F. Tsimokh, 1966; Dinter, 1964; Frano et al., 1958). It became necessary to reclassify all of :the isolated fM"l strains. The following classification of fowl influenza etiologic agents was proposed by the Council on the Classification of Influenza Virus~'.s of the VOZ in 1971 (Table). 2/11 A3 A/duck/England/56 A4 A/duck/czechos~lovakia/56 A5 A!Cuxrassow/SbUth Africa/61 A6 A/turkey/b~assaichusetts/65 A7 A/duck/Ukrainell/63 A8 A!turkey/Ontario/6118/68 *Notation. The fowl influenza virus strain A/chicken/USSR/314/67 which we isolated in 1967 belongs to theserotype A5, the straJ.nA/chJ.cVen/USSR/3l5/70, isolated in 1970 -- to the serotype A6. Ouring an.ep1200tiC Of fOIW1 influenza in 1970-1972, 13 strains were isolated belonged to serotype A6 with strain A/chicken/USSR/315/70 This classification can hardly be considered complete. Mnieyer, in the practical (diagnostic) sense, by using this table and havingithe diagnostic 13/11 USSR SYURIN, V. N., et al., Veterinariya, No 8, Aug 72, pp 41-43 tools prepared from the standard strains it becomes easier to make one's way through,the chaos of isolated virus strains that are growing in number with each year. Changes in the antigenic structure of fowl influenza virus strains under natural conditions occur continually, frequently in the absence of con- crete antigenic differences, so that the classification of fowl influenza viruses into types that are different from influenza.viruseg shared by men and horses, is impossible. Clinically, fowl influenza can appear in various forms. Classical fowl plague, whose etiologic agent is also related to influenza virus, is characterized by a short incubation period, elevated temperature, depression, cessation of ovulation, infection of respiratory organs asad of the gastrointestinal tract, diarrhea, acute r-yanosis of tha comb and lobes, and a Mgh fatality rate within 24-40 hours. The death rate in these cases reaches 80;100%. And in very acute cases it is not always possible to record.the enumerated symptams of the disease. At the present time recordings are being made of-enzootic outbreaks of diseases whose etiologic agents are related to fowl influenza.virus but which are less severe. Symptoms are limited to depress'ion,,reduced egg yield, infection of the respiratory or gastrointestinal tract (diarrhea) with subsequent recovery 4/11 73 USSR SYURIN, V. H., et al., Veterinariya, No.8, Aug 72, pp 41-43 in two to three weeks (Lang et al., 1965; McQueen et al., 1968, Rogerts, 1964). Death of infected fowl may not exceed 5-10%~ Upon section of the killed sick bird one finds catarrhal infections of the mucous membranes of the respiratory pathways, catarrhal-hemorrhagic enteritis and nephritis. Influenza virus in similar cases can be comparatively easily isolated from many sick birds at the site of infection. However, in this case there is the difficulty of precisely reproducing experimental infections that.are identical to the natural picture of the disease. Similar situations have been reportedby many investigators. Thus, Roberts (1964) could not reproduce duck influen-za with the strain A/duck/England/62, and proposed that in addition to the virus, specific stress factors are essential for the development of infection, In the experimental .L "nfection of turkeys by the strain A/turkey/14isconsin/66, supercooling of the bird was an obligatory condition for repToducing,the disease. In addition, success of an experimental reproduction of the disease often depends on the bird's age, In 1970 at some poultry farms in Moscow Oblast, enzootic outbreaks of fowl disease were recorded almost simultaneously in populations iamune to pseudo- peat. Outbreaks were highly contagious. The illness primarily affected 5111 USSR SYURIN, V. N., et al., Veterinariya, No 8, Aug 72, pp 41-43 egg-laying hens, and there were outbreaks of the disease among young hens also. Sick fowl were depressed, refused to eat; the egg yield was reduced and diarrhea was the primary clinical symptom. Although the death rate ainong infected fowl did not exceed 2-5%, forced slaughter of infected fowl reached 30%. The clini- cal course of the disease was from 12-20 days. Changes noted in dead and sacrificed fowl were in the form of catarthal-hemorrhagic enteritis, Ovaritis, and nephritis. In the majority of cases the bird recovered after two to three weeks of illness and its productivity was-restored. Fowl at one of the farms where the pathogen and its corresponding antibody were isolated were examined. The outbreak initially occurred among 180-day old chickens vaccinated against pseudopest with the La Sots and BI vaccines. After 10 days it spread to several young.fowl. Psaudopest as well:as bacterial in- fections and intoxications were excluded4l Section of the dead and sacrificed fowl in the agony state disclosed catarrhal-hemorrhagic. entiritis, ovaritis, and nephritis. Hemagglutinating agents were isolated from the brain, internal organs and intestine of fowl on the third day of the disease. In vubs2quent studies, 6/11 74 I H 1, USSR SYURIN, V. N., et al., Veterinariya, No 8, Aug 7 2, p p41-43 all of the isolated material was identical. Virus was isolated by infecting chick embryos in the allantoic cavity and in the.chorio allantois membrane as well a3 in chick embryo kidney.tissue.. Hemagglutinating activity with respect to chick erythrocytes in.t:iters of 1-8-1:64 was found on the first passage. The virus multiplied during the first five passages, causing death and hemorrhagic diathesis. Its pathogenecity for the embryos decreased with an increase in the number of passages, and the n=ber of dead fbwl with clear symptoms of hemorrhagic diathesis began to fall. However, the hemagglutinating activity of the virus increased by the eighth passage (titer 1:512-1:1024). The isolated strain agglutinated arithrocytes of sheep and horses alsot The strain was examined in the hemagglutination reaction with specific sera against pseudopest, classical fowl plague and various 'Lowl influenza strains, and human influenza virus. The isolated:strain was arjt~genically different from the fowl influenza virus variant. In a complementifixation reaction with a rat type antiserum against human influenza type A, the strain shmied a ci-lear relationship in its S antigen to the human type A Influeuza virus, and 7/11 t USSR SYUIRIN, V. N., et al., Veterinariya, No 8, Aug 72, pp 41-43 in the neutralization and hemagglutination inhibition reaction, it resembled American turkey influenza strain A/turkey/Wisconsin/66~ This strain was provisionally designated A/chicken/USSR/315/70. Subsequently, the isolated strain was studied for pathogenic and antigenic properties. For the purpose of experimentally reproducing the infection, 19 180-day old chickens were infected with this various methods: feeding a virus-containing suspension of.the Internal organs of sick fowl; administration of a viral suspension from the second passage intratracheally, intramuscularly, intrabursally and orally. Healthy fmrl were placed with each infected group of birds for the purpose of infection. No precise clinical manifestations of the disease were notedi The experimental group was killed after 15 days. Antihemagglutinins against the homologous strain A/315/70 in titers of 1:10-1:320 were found in theblood serum of infected fowl as well as in those infected by contact. Section:of 12 birds showed catarrhal-hemor- rhagic enteritis and nephritis in 10 birds. in order to study the immunobiological relationship bettween strain A/315/70 a pd the etiologic agent of Newcastle di.sease,(strain T) and classical fowl 75 USSR SYURIN, V. N., et al., Veterinariya, No 8, Aug 720 pp 41-43 plague (strain P5), four 21-day old chicks, immunized,against Newcastle disease, were infected with strain A/315/70 in a dose of 106 EID50/0.2 in- tramuscularly and were placed next to two'birds for contact. Four more fowl were infected with a highly virulent Newcastle disease virus (strain T). All of them became ill in three days and perished with the pathoanatomical changes characteristic of this infection. No clinical signs of the disease were noted in birds infected by the virus A/chicken/USSR/315/70. The birds were killed after 17 days. Upon sectioning, catarrhal-hemorrhagic enteritis was found in two of the.infected birds and one in which infection was caused by contact. The antibody titers against the virus A/315/70 in infected fowl and those infected by contact ranged within the limits 1:40-1:160. A virus identical to strain A/315/70 was reisolated from two of the killed birds (infected and contact) witli the most acute catarrhal-hemorrhagic enteritis. At the same time 49-day-old birds, vacin- nated against Newcastle disease aged 20 and 33 days, and having an antibody titer (hemagglutination inhibition reaction) against Newcastle disease virus within the range of 1:40 to 1:320, were infected with virus A/315/70 or Newcastle disease virua and injected with~a vaccine of atrain P5 of classical 9/11 WEFUMMMMATMIT93FM 11L I I I : I USSR SYURIN, V. N., et al., Veterinariya, No 8, Aug 72, pp 41-43. plague virus, and then also infected with virus A/315/70 intratracheally in the same dose. A slight depression was noted from the second to f if th day in fowl infected only with A/31-5170 virus. After 14 days one of them perished with enteritis symptoms: A virus was isolated from its organs that was identical to strain A/315/70, and the antibody titers in the remaining birds against strain A/315/70 were 1:160-1:640. Characteristic pathological-anatom-i- cal changes were noted in one chick. A virus identical to A/315/70 was re- isolated from two vaccinated birds by strain P5 (antibody titers 1:80-1:320) and infected by virus A/315/70 after 10 days. An antigenic and immunobiological connection between the isolated strain of f a-wl inf I uenza A/315/70, Newcastle disease virus and the virus of classical fowl plague was not de ustramL The isolated virus turned out to be a new antigenic variant of fowl influenza. An epizootic potential is indicated for ftw1influenza;viruses, which are little known to practicing physicians'and scientific associates. 10/11 76 USSR SYMN, V. N., et al., Veterinariya, No 8, Aug 72, pp 41-43 Abstract: The article cites a modern classification of the.pathogens of fowl strain A/chicken/USSR/315/70, which turned out to be a new antigenic variant of fowl influenza virus. No antigenic or immuniobiological conuection was found between the isolated strain,~Newcastle disease virus and the virus of 'classical fowl plague. -The data.indicate the epizootiological potential of fowl influenza virus. PROCESSING DATE-20"OV70 1/2 037 -JITLE-METH00 CF MEi6UREAENT OF THE TJTAL IMIAGNETEC VISCOSITY' IN DIA AND PARA MAGNETS -U- V.B*t BRANOTj N.B.i USIKAt N.11 INFO-USSR .,~_.,_SOURCE-VESTNIK MOSKCVSKOGO UNIV. FIZ. ~ASTR.ON. IUSSR)t VOL. 11, NO. 11 P. 791-2 (IS7C) .,.;~OATE. PUBL IShEC---70 S IJ 8 J E C TAREAS-'PHYSICSt METhODS AND EGUIPMENT TOP I CTAGS-.14AGNETIC-VISCUSITY, MAGNETIC FIELD, DAMPING MUMENT9 OSCILLATIGN, PENOULUMI PfhVULUM-.J4ECHANlCSv PENOUL(Ill MO.TIONY QUARTZ, 111 T MEASUREME1 RELAXATION PROCESS -tCh TROL: PARK I NG--NO RESTRICTIONS DGCUMENT LLASS-UNCLASSIFIED REELIVkAME-113913/1685 .CIRC ACUSSICIN N0--Afl6l,?.1015 STEP N[J---UR/0188/7i)JOIL/001/0091/0092 212 037 WNC L AS S I F I E U PROCESSING DATE-20NOV70 C I R CACCESSION N0--APO12Z015 _Ai3&TkAr_lJEXTRACT--(U) GP-0- ABSTRACT. T F, EMAGIN~ET IC VISCOSITY 15 MEASURE0 IN TERMS LIF THE CAMP ING uF QSCI LLAT I CNS OF A PENDULUM PLACEO IN A ::MAGNETIC FIELD. THE IMEASURING INSTRUMENT,IS DESGRIEIED )~ND SalmE RESULTS -BARE- -QUOTED IN RELAXATION TIMES AND MAGNETIC VISCOSITY UF QUARTZ SPECIMENS. U?4C LASS I F, I E U sis '6 UNCL FIM 0 i~bCESS NG DAT E-~- 18 S EP 7 0 ,,,T_ITLE--E9'PEKIME%TAL STUDY OF THE INTEGRAL. -mhGNElIC,VkSCOSlTY 01ELECTRICS _U_ UTHOR-(03) BRAGINSKIYY B.V'*v BRANDT, N aBov OSIKAt V.0, 1 . --USSR NTRY OF I!qFO SOW~CF--FIZ* TVERD. TELA 19709 12(2) 35 1 6 DATE PUBLISHED ------- 70 AREAS--PHYSICS JOPIC TAG3--klAGA--Tjr VISCOISITYp DIEL~CTRICSs PEMDULUP, !'ECH,:-,llCS, Q!J-~T~, TEFLON, FEI~ROMAGNJETISM jTRrL MARKING-NO PESTRICTIONS :_C, 0 :4)r,TCijf!c-,',,T UASS--U,4;CLASSlFl_=Z) T-ROXY FL I F,~A-ll F-- I ~"io /0094 STFP Cli-C ;^,Cr:_:SSfS'. U!qk'(_ASSjc:jF0 2/2 036 UNCL 4SSII FT,ED-. OROCE'S~1`41~-, r)ATE-19SEP70 tIRC-ACCESSION NU--AP0048386 GP-0- ABS TRACT. A 4ETHOD WAS OFVEL(IPED FOR MEASURING MAGNETIC VISCOSITY OF DIELECS., BASED CIN USE OF A ST~ZON`l ~iECH. SYSTEM (TWISTING PENDULUM). TOE DEPENDENCES OBTAINED OF THE MECH. RELAXAT104 TIME ON THE INTENSITY OF THE MAGN~TIC FIELD I-OR QUARTZf CORUNDUM, AND TEFLON ARE GIVEN. FOR MOLTEN QUARTZ, f4EASUREMEN'T'S WERE THAI OR CARRIED OUT AT 10-1200DEGREESK AIND IN fOlAGINETIC FIELDS SIAALLE;~ 4 ~EQUAL TO 23 KOE. ANOMALOUSLY LONG RELAXATION TIM,FS WERE J850. IN THE INVESTIGATED -SUBSTANCES. THIS !IS APPARENTLY RFLA-tE-D TO THE PRESE"ICE IN THE.SPECIMENS OF SMALL FERROMAGNETIC IMPURITIES IN THEIFORM OF DnmAINS. -METHOO,USED ALLOWS ONE TO OBSERVE 'THE, FERROMAGNETIC IMPURITIES IN AlTS. "Fl' 10 P;~IME NEGATIVE8 OF THE SPECIMEN VOL. YSSIR UDC: 535-373.2 0SIK0.1 V. V..1 PROKHOROV, A. M._, and SHCHERBAKOV, I. A. "Transmission of Excitation Energy Among Three-Valent Ions of Rare Earth Elements in Ion Crystals" Cq Moscov, Izvestiya. Akademii Nauk SSSR--Se,riya Fizicheskaya, No 4, 1, 3, PP 768-771 Abstract: Results are given of an Investigation into the interaction effective- ness of Nd3+ ions as a function of the temperature. While there are various ideas in the literature regarding the tempersture. effe-et on enert,-y transirds- nions among TR3+ ions in crystals and glasses., 'the authors of the present paper have chosen as the subjects of their investigation CaF2 with the paired -Nd3+, and -14d3+. In the investigation of the M-centers of Nd3+-Nd3+, YA103 1aF3 first pair, involving a single ion system, the migraticin proceso of donor ions was excluded and the act of cross relaxation was directly obsei-,red. For the interaction probability on temrera- the second crystal, the dependence ol V ture is determined by the increase in probabilaty of =1tiphonon txansitions vith acoustical excitation and by the difference in probability of electron- phonon int-eraction transitions from basic arid excitation Stark cor.Tonents. third crystal is treated in somewhat the vame way as the CaFp. It to USSR wki~~ - t'llmll p!ffilml I I. ~. 1~ ~!II er as 9.& 14~sers L USSR UDC: 535.343+535-371 VORON'KC, Yu.-K., OSIKO, V. V., PROKHOROV, A. M., SlICHMAKOV, I. A. "Some Questions of Spectroscopy of Laser Crystals With Ionic Structure" Moscov, Trudy Ordena Lenina Fizicheskogo Instituta imeni P. N. Lebedev Akademii Nauk SSSR. Spektroskopiya Lazernykh Kristallov s'Ionnoy Strlak- turoy, Vol 60, 1972, pp 3-30, Abstract: The paper analyzes the basic spectroscopic characteristics of ionic laser crystals (structure of absorption and luninescence spectra, quantum yield, kinetics of intracenter relaxation, processes of excitation energy transfer) which have a direct influence on emission parameters. The authors discuss the effect ~ which the distributioti of impurity ions of rare-earth elements with respect to centers of diffe2,ent structure has on these characteristics. Methods are outlined for analyzing the complex Stark structure of the absorption and luminescence sr,7ectra of trivalent rare-earth ions. 1/1 USSR AT KBANDROV, V. I., VOROS-KO, YU. X., MnMU.SVICH, V. G., PROKHOROV A. M., Academician, . WAR11 IMSEV, V. M. 0 UDOVEWC'W.ZV-. -V;.~L'*dand .1 . . J, F=, G. F., Physics Institute imeni P. N.. Lebedev, U85R Academy of Sciences,. Moscow "Spectroscopic Properties and Generation of Nd3* in Crystals of ZnO2 and HfO2" Doklady Akademii Nauk SSSR, Vol 199, No 61, lgrtl, PP 1282-1283 3+ Abstract-. The spectroscopic properties of Nd are Imovn in various crystals and glasses. Materialz such as crystals of V 0. :and silicate glasses activated with neadymium. have been widely useat asers. 'The authors of this article first describe the spectroscopic properties aad generation of Nd3+ in cubic crystals of Z--O, and HfO2. These materials have a fluorite type crystal lattice in uhich the HP ions replaje the tetravalent ions of zirconium or hafnium. In addition to the HP the crystals contained impuri- ties of CaO or V20 3 for the purpose of stabilizing th(~, cubic structure of the ZrC~ and Hf(~2. The authors describe the e4eriment wad give I figure and 1 table to illustrate the results, The figure graphically showa the optical spectra of fffc~-NO+ crystalbj including the spectrum of absorption, the 1/2 9T 7. TORM"KO, YiL-.. K-.V SXW;,*, A. K-, and ;.'sHCHERLAKOV, I. A., rbrystcs Institute- imen:L F.. N.. Lebedev, Academy of :96iotces USSR 'Sbay of tlie: Mechanismr oE an- Elementary Act-- of: Excf tation Energy Transfer Between Rare Earth-. Ibnr.-. in. Crystals" Mascovi Zhurnal Eksperimental'uoy i Teoreticheskdy-Fitiki, Vol 60, No 3, Har 71, Pp 9.43L-914-. Abstract: The: v!_c==er_han1sm of the interaction~-of-Aqpurity ions in crystals with one another and with the crystal lattice matrix is investigated. The variation with temperature of. the probability of excitar-ion energy transfer between rare-earth ions was studiqd using doubly activated fluorite to ex- clude- the effect of- ennev,~y milgration along donor ions.1 It iG shown that the txzm-,fer proces . var-i-es di-rectly with temperature, evem in the case of the absence of-spectraL resonance of electron transitiong of the donor and ac- cepter. I:t-- ija- conabaded- that the results- iudir-ate..that -the probability of excitatioTr ene=gy- tr=s-faar in One absence- of ~ ovemlappitig of Zonor and ac- ceptar spe=a-i_-~ determined by the density of-.-phonon iitates in the frequency xvgian carreaponding: M the. Stokes resonance; detuning.;. The mechanism of temperat=e- activatiow. is: associated with the.- popplatioa of the phonoa state 1/2 vim imur Mi 0 a ILE Mr-3fllrf W -440 On, ~M il i-'(2 .033 UNLLASSIF[ED 0(; E SSING DATE--20td(jV70 ,.TITLE-INCkGANIC LASER hATERIALS WITH IONIC 'SPRIJC E S -,U- TUR A.A., OSIKO, V.Vs 'CCUNTRY (;F 1NFf,--LSSq 'SCJ9CE--.AKiAL'jF-PIIA NAUK IZVESTHA, NFORGANICHESKIE M, 6t AfLiMALY, VOL LAPR 1970 1:1. 629-636 .,DATE PUb-L ISVE G ------ 70 ~su&JCCT AkLAS-PHYSICS JGPIC TAIGS--iHYSTAL LASF!~r LASI ACTIV,E 11AURIAL, I 1~ -NIC CRYSI'ALf CRYSTAL ':-G Ro,,_ E I_Ur URIDEY L'XiDE, GARMETt RUBY, L FENTA JU !!-AF~ t 0-NO j I T GjN 5 MCUMENT CLJ"~,3- --UNCLASS11 I- fEt) PiO-AXY s'rEP C I R 1-C E S S I i'N 2i2 033 UACLASSIFIED Fl;~OCESSING DATE--2'l'NOV7C .CIRC ACGESSIL:J N-'--O--AP013145,~ ~.J5TRACT/E,\,RACF-(U) 6f--0- j S I 7~J%C T 1-1, 111 Ew 0 F M:CEi',l'r Llle~~ATURE lN`GAGAi%lC 1-1 AT R. I A L S C ON T I N I iNG NPM,.~ (.I~YSTALLIN~: ''I T S rk[jr- I I R Lo A t'l C. H E T J P I C AiRt THL: PHYSICS OF SU f,3 STATL LASFj-i~ N1 N" L I NE A R AC[lVA1*01' Cl-ItYSTAI.Sy, ACTIVE AEL-li"., SGLID AINO LNE-i-,~GY TRM;S~-EK 1,; LASER I-Pff~ Pk6FE~iTIES OF A LAPi~E I " N I C-- L A ',LS F- R i~. A T L -:-( 1 A AN D C f u E -s F- 0 K p R E P AR I vi G T N F-),l J L) 0 x i L s i-.U 0 Y C 1,, Y S T L S G',4 9 N E C. R Y S I- A L S MID -X Gb"iPLU';m _,I~ Ci"'jTtjL Q i k, ~ A A E. i"ISU, FACILITY*. A K A 1)'E R SPECIFILALLY. VIIIA INAU;~ SS~R, I NIS T I T (J K I S I A L L Cj r%7 R A F I I 0551t, FAII~ I L I'vY A K 1,, 0 E 14 1 1 A "diA U K ~SSSKI F I Z I C i- E SK f I I NIS I f f 0 T MOSCO-w US.SR ;,f i"(; L ~A I F 1 1) -LIZ 019 UNCLASSIFIED PROCESSING DATE--30OCT70 TLTLE--ACTION OF ELECTROPHILIC AGENTS GN VOLYFLUOR0 ARO'MATIC COMPUUNDS. 1-11. SUBSTITUTICN AND ADDITION REACTIONS OURINGJHE ACTION OF AUTHOR-(04)-SHTEYNGARTS* V.D., OSINA, O.U~-,.KOSTINA, N.G., YAK03SON, G.G. COUNTRY OF INFO-USSR .SOURCE--ZH.-ORG. KHIM. 1970, 6t4),. 633-40 DATE PUB.L ISHED----70 .$UBJECT APEAS-CHEM ISTRY T-UPIC TAGS-FLUORINATED URGANIC COMPOUNDu NAPHTHALENE, NITRATION, EXCHANGE RE ACTION, ORGANIC NITRO CUMPOUNDI. NAPHTHOQUINONE C-LNTRCL MARKING-NO RESTRICTIONS O~CUMENT CLASS-UNCLASSIFIED PROXY REE.L/FRAME--2000/2089 STEP NO--UR/0366/70/006r'GO4/0833/0340 C-11RC ACCESSICN NO--AP0125676 UNCLA S S I F I E f) -il~ 019 UNC-L ASS I F I ED PROCESSING DATE--300CF70 C-ILRC, ACCESSION N& AP0125676 ABSTRACT/EXTRACT-1U) GP-0- AOSTRACT. THE REACTION OF 2fffHEPTAFLUGRCNAPHTHALEN'c (1) WITh OLEUMP H50 SU53 CLt (Cl-CH SUB2) S!-:q,2 I IN HSO SUB3 CL SOLN., OR C SUB6 F SUa5 CH SUB2 CL I tv HSO SUB3 (;L .,.GAVE SOLELY 2,(R SUBSTITUTED) I DERIVS. (11) (R EQUALS 50 SUB3 H, 50 ~TSU-82 CLP CH SUB2 CLe OR CH SUB2,C SUB6 F S.U65). THE REON. OF I[ (R CH SUB2 CL) WITH ZN-HCL GAVE It (R EQUALS ME1. HOWEVER, THE ~:NITRAJION OF I GAVE ~~~.4#NI,TROP3,415t6,7t8ttiEXAFLUCROolrOXOrlt4tDIH~'DRO;Nj~PI-11'!AALEt'~C- (IM. THE OF III WITH ZN-HCL GAVE. :3-i.415r6v7,8,HEXAFLUORQ*IIHYDROXYNAPHTHALEt-4E WHICH WAS CONVERTED WIT14 CH ~;---SUBZ N. SUB2 -To ITS 14F ETHER. HEATING III AT BODEGRCES GAVE ~6,,7., 8,,PENTAFLUORD 11 4 , NAP HTHCI,QU IN.GNE FAC I L ITY: ,..,NOVOSIBIRSK. INST. ORG. KHIM.v NOVOSIDIRSKt USSR. L - s s 11 D U li E-A Acc. Nr: Ref. Code: UR 0056 00038040- PRIMARY SOURCE; Zhu'rnal Eksperimental'noy i Teoreticheskoy Fiziki, 19701 Vol, 58, Nr 1, PP lego-169 MOTION OF A CURRENTI COLUMN IN A.MAGNETIC FIELD I N SEMICONDUCTORS WITH AN-~.q;, LIKE VOLT-AMPEI~E~ CHARACTERTSTIG. Z din, A~ ~K. vez The electrical properties of~.qemiconductorswith an SAike volt-ampere ebaracteristic in crossed magnetic and electric fields are considered. 'Mie 7uniform current distribution in electric fields corresponding to a negative differential resistance is unstable. It is shown that under these conditions and for a certain sample geonlein., a :Folitary current density wave (current column) is formed which moves with a constant velocity in a direction perpendiculir to the electric and in gnotic fiialds.,11to wave is for a cri- a ven total current pasiiing through the 4ample.Jhis phenoinerion leads to oscillitions of thO ekctrie field in the outer eircuit. Variation of the Tult-awpcrie cliaraclaristic of the sample due to movement, of tho current colurrin is cojisulered. Estimates of the co- lunin. velocity are made for vjrious ruechan!Fais of forniatiba of the S-like volt-ampere characteristic. REEL/FK KE 19731082 6W USSR VENGEROV, A. A., OSINGVSKIY, L. Ye. "Estimating the Statistical Sensitivity of Systems with Variable Structure Tr. IV Vses. Soveshch. po Avtomat. upr., 1968. Teoriya Avtomat. upr. [Works of Fourth All-Uhion Conference on Automatic ColitTol, 1968. The Theory of Automatic Control], Moscow, Nauka.Press, 1972, pl) 88-93, Dis- cussion 137-144 (Tritnslated~ from Reforativn)-f Zhurnal~ Kibarnetika., No 3, Moscow, 1973, Abstract No 3 V276 by the.authors). Translation: A system is studied with variable structure, containing ran- dom parameters and under the influence of random perturbations. Analysis -L- of the sensitivity of the system is represented as a visk in transfO17M, tion of random functions by random operators making up the yariable sti-lic- tural plan of the system studied. The methods of analysis of statistical. sensitivity of systems with, variable structure develolied are! used as a basis for stochastic modeling of the corresponding sen5itivity equations. USSR UDC 532,1694:669.o46-542 1CMtOGLAZ5 M. A., HAYIE K V. L. and PEFE LOMA V. A., I I QUIUM I -Taistitute of Metal Physics, Academy of &!5e1nh*esMUb1E4rbbS!1 and Institute of Foundry Problems, Academy of Sciences Ukr SSR Kiev, Yietallofizika, No 39, 1.972, pp 26-37 Abstract: A drop of liquid with a low boiling point in a fused metal is surrounded by a gas layer of theirvapors, owing to vapDriZation. A liquid- gas inclusion is fortred. The mechanisms of beat exchant?-e between the metal and inclusion are discussed. It is shown that the basic mechanism of heat tran r through the gas layer can be determined by the~iturbulence which occurs near the boiling drop. Pounaax7 conditions for the surface problem of thernzI .-ratu s around the conductivity ;ere formulated. The distribution of temp, M rapidly moving inclusion, having the shape of,.an arbitrotry rotating rimure, at these boundary conditions was determined. ~ The case of a r3phere and a strongly flattened ellipsoid were investigated in more detail, b Ithe efl'ect of the surface- active film on the wtement of an inclusionand heat exchange is discussed. 4 fif D usion of impurity atoms from the fused inetal to an,inclusion and the chemi- cal reactions at the inclusion-metal interface was examined. The results obtained were used for investigating the interaction of a drop of liquid oxygen vith.molten Fe-C alloys. 6 bibliographic references. 53 L ux 6i2.l--o6:6i2.865/.867 _VAKATr-,YAN, A. 0., MU=, Yu. I., LYSM, G. G., M10 H A EERKACHI V. S., KAPS-Mr, A. P., KOVAMEVA, A. I., ST.VTMU,1r5KkYA, TS. D.J OSINSKAM& L..S.,, and-PARLYUK, A. F. Kiev Institute of Industrial Blygiene and ~d~s;as es nEffect of Mental Worl: Accomnanied by Nevrous and Emotiorml Stress of Vexyin_- .~Degrees on 'the Cardiovascular Systee' Moscov, Kardiolcgiya, No 3, 1973., 'PP 50-56 Abstract: . In addition to making a statistical analysis of 1,535 cases of myocarxdis~l infarction az=ng Kiev worke-rs, the authors ran. physialog.-iml s"'lulies on engiryears, t~pesatters, =.thenaticians, , ar-a neuros-argea.". 'rhey found that the effects of m-entall vork on the cardiovascular system vary ieth the degree of ner=as tension e-11a some other factors.. The rmi-Afestations ranGe from inc-i..- "unctionall disturbances of regulation "to savere Iiatthology. ", deratte ten- ientt -0 - - sion elevates blood pressure, the increase in systolic and ddastolic prass-a-zes being related. Great tension, however., tends to disr4-pt the relationsililp probably because the centers regulating vascula~r tomm becom-~4- uncoordinated. Intense nervous and enotional strain increas(!s the heazt beat as 1rel I as the sloV' waves arx-mg the periodic constituents of the corrcIlation function of ,ONIM=1- widws Wdhanical'arid.Optical ZJSSR UDC 6P_0.1q3-5:/62l-793.6;66q.l4/ eramy V . D. GORIMIOV N. S., IAVRENKO N. A.A LITVINOVAw, V.- YE., -and V11IM I (All-Union Sci Res, Design;and Technological Thstitute of the Pipe Industry, Dnepropetrovsk) "Effect of Diffusion Chromium Plating aud Heat Treatment on the Corrosion Resistance of Chromium Plated Steel in Hot Sulfurous Ga$es" KieV',Fiz1Jw-Miimicheskaya MeY-hanika Materialor, Vol 9, Bo 2; .1973, PP 17-19 Abstract: Me effect of chromium plating temperature, carbon content in the steel, cooling rate and heat treatment on the corrosion resiatance of a contact- diffusion chromium coating in thQ gases of an in,"I=trial: tubul.aT heat exchanger used in the production of elementary sulf\xr was invesil;iGnted. Steels 10, 20, 45, armco i-ron and steel.L95 with -titanium (oa4p' C and 0.74~, Ti) imre used in this study. Chromium plating was done at 1100 Vand 11500 C for six hours in a vacuum of 0.01-0.001 rm, Fig. Samples were placed inside a tube in a flov of ~Tas containing almist 41It by volwme) sul-xur (sulfur dioxide, ydxwan sulfide, sulfur vaporr, and sulfur-orCania compounds). Gas te mexti,ture lias kept at. 270- 2900C and test time -zas 12,240 hours, $a."lers of steels- n25T, 11,181,'10T and St- 3 (not plated) were also tested for ccrqyaris: "-~Iee,l 10 + 'Rl after pla tinc at 1150oG and steel 10, annealed or no=alized after plating, had the least 1/2 2/2 -_=- -__- - --- I -, - - - - 56 - - - ~- ---- 1 - 7 - : -