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USSR UDC 531.787 VARDANYAN, V. R., STEPANIYAN,.A. A., MAINYAN, S. Z. 0GANESYM, 11. G., and 3 GAMBARYAN, A. A. . .... . "New Combination Sensor for Registration of the Piessure Shock Waves in Air" Hauch.,Tr. Yerevan. PolitekhA. In to [Scientifiq j~orks of the Yerevan Poly- t-echnic_~Jn&titutel 1972, Vol 361j -No:!+$ p; I,,- pl? J-52-158 (from Referativnyy zhurnal, _11o 10, Oct 72. 32. Metrologiya i lzmeritel'naya Teklinika. Single Issue. Abstract No 10.32.714) Translation: A new combination altitude sensor is descrii)ed. It has a movable electrode (membrane) and an immovablt electrode,located parallel to it. The capacitance originates bf,,tween the upper movable membrane, on which acts the shock wave, and the plare i'Mmolvable electrode, the gal) between w1iich comprises fractions of a millimeter. Five illustr4tions, five bibliographical references. 172 Pharmacology and Toxicology 'USSR UDC 75.24 PARONMAIN, G. M., AKOPYAU4, L. G., and institute of Firle Organic Chemistry, AcadepW of Sciences Armenian $~;R, Yerevan I'Mutagaiiie Effect of Some New Chemical Compo=ds. 1. Study of the Mutagenic Effect of Nitro-en ~Iustards on Escherichia cGli P6 Moscow, Genetika, No 4. 19?1, pp 113-117, Abstract: Study of the mutaganic effect of 22 new nitrogen mustards, 2-(4)- alkoV-5-bromo(chloro)-benzyl-bis-(13 -chloroethyl)amines and bis-( chloro- ethyl)amides of 2-alkoxY-5-brotrobenzoic acid,, shoj~qd a distinct rett-ionship between their Piutagenic activity and chemical, struo'ture. Ev(;a -imor charges, e.g. 0 lengthening of the alkoxy ra4:~oa-l from propyl to aiVl,. marke~lly affected thexmtagenic activity of the, ooznpound~s. , !The '~l most ilhictivtj Wer(j substanc6s with methyl and~ethyl radicals FiVe of-,th joove& to b3 more active than he compo%mdt 0 elln rd 0 No .11 nitr ta ; the most pateht~wa6 e,th XY-5-rbro' be'zyl,-bis-( -chloro- .1 ne. There derivative's Anduced 6,ver- Z.00 ir~vertants cc-apared with the c n tro o L USSR UDG 5?0-858.75(A2).06 RITOVAt V. V.j SCHASTNYY, E. 1.9 011103YAN 0,&- T. ,C'MEBOTARS7, V. V. MOISEYEV, M11 MO, V P., LARIONOV, A. S.t BYKOVSKIY, W. ., WOLOVA, I.r. N. . arA I NICHEN YE.,N., Institute of Virology imeni D. I., Ivanovskijr, USSR Academy o.L teal f Eed Selences,416scow "Stucly of Influenza A2 Virus StraJ-ns Isolated During the 1963-1969 Epidemic from Children in Moscow and in the Noscow Regiod' MOSC-=t VOProsY Virusologii, V 'o 3 MAY/Jun 3.971, pp 291-196 Abstxactt Since 1957, theye have been five influenzm epidemics in the USSR caused by the A2 virust in 1957, 1959, 1962, 1965 ud 1968-1969. The last one .,As produced by a newly formed vari-ant of the vii~tzs and began in July J4 Hong-vKongp subsequently spread over Japany and bit the countries of South- east Asia and the US. In fail 1968 there vas a -zharp rise in the influenra inciCence in England and in other countries of Certnil Eur*pe. In Decen'mr, individual A2 and B influenza foci were xeported in the Soyjlet- Union in organized children's collectives (child care centerso~ echools, etc), and Ly the middle Of Janua-rj in a---q cities of the USSR, th~ Anciiience of influenza surpassed the zean seasonal rate by a factor of fivet~ From 350 sick children 141 strains of.the flu virus were isolated from naso &arymgeal washings. 1/2 USSR RITOVA, V. V., et al.9 Yoprosy Virusol-ogii, 110 3, llay/Jun 71# pp 291-296 DiaZnosis was confirmed serologica.11y. All str-ans had hiqh receptor activity and were antigenically identical. Neutralization tests s6wed that. the 1969 flu virus is not a new serotype, A structutal study showed that the virus consisted. of spherical (diameter 2000-3500R) alld fiUform, (diuleter of the nucleus 700-900R, leneth to several microns) atructvres. Sera from guinea pigs and horses inhibited. hemagglutination of:Iha mirly segarated stmins. The effect of sera was not completely removed after heatin.,- to 57 C for 30 minutes and processing with KI04; but was removed by treatment with cholera vibrios. Only two strains were Inhibit-or-resistant, all remaining straLis were inIhibitor-sensitive. The isolated strains weraxe'-Ally adaptable to white mice and from the second or third passage prod%lced U'ath and lung lesions in-test animals. Also, in zice, the st na exhibited toxic pro rties. De The immunological responses n ConValeacents and in,inununloed animals were hj'gh. 2 7 H R MMB N -13 ueneica cz,7 USSR UDC 03-104 MOVSESYAN, S. N., GALUKYAN, M. G. , and QGANg5YAN-_L,.&, Yerevan State University 'lPreliminary Data on the Mutagenic Effect of Some New Chemical Compounds" Yerevan, Biologicheskiy Zhurnal Armenii, No 5, 1973, pp 39-44 Abstract: Laboratory and field experiments with Rudbeclda speciosa and Rudbeckia triloba treated with ethylenimine,:its derivative preparation 496, and a nitrogen mustard derivative preparation 190 revealed that the new ccnpounds have the same mutagenic effects as.ethylenimitie: lagging of individual chromosomes, incompleteness of the chromosome set at the poles, and formation of micronuclei in the dyads and tetrads.~ In the meta- and anaphases, some of the chromosomes (lid not form at the equat-or or poles but remained apart from the division figure. And they conti.-wed to remain in the cytoplasm in the telophase. These lagging chromosomes formed in the micronuclei (from 1 to 3 or more in a microspore) andp'ersisted for a long tj Th yo mononuclear pollen Ime ey were present in the later stages.s un;g rains formed. No correlation was observed beLveen the concentration of the 9 chemical compounds and their mutagenic effect. 024 UNCLASSIFIED llitOCESSING 0ATE-30CICT70 XJRC ACCESSICN NO-AP0125464 .,AaSTRACT/EXTRACT-(U) GV-0- ABSTRACT. THE-PAPEIR PRESENJS IHE RESULTS OF ~,.__q.TESTS OF DIFFEkENT PREPARATIONS AS INTERFERON STIMULArriRS IN MICE. SYNTHETIC UCUBLE STAANDED CGMPLEX CF PULYADENYLIC~AND POLYURIDILIC ACIDS ..,-.-EPOLY-AU), GOUBLE STRANDED REPLICATIVE FORM OF RNIA OF IlEASLES VIRUS, ~GAMMA -GLOBULINS -OF HUMAN AND HORSE ORIGIN WERE FOND TU BE ACTIVE E E ' JT ANDUCERS ON lNTERFEKGN IN MICE. THE PREPAkATIONS UNDER STJOY W R ~r FOR THE ANIMAL-S. THESE INTERFERUN INDUCERS SHOhEo ANTIVIPAL ~.:ACTIVYTY IN MICE AGAIP45T VIRUS OF- MURINE HEPATITIS PROVIDE) THE PREPARATION hAS INOCULATED BEFORE THE.I:NFECTIO14. F,NCILITY: TITUT VIRUSULOGII NS IMENI 0. 1. 1 VANOVSKOGO AMN SSSR, MOSKVA. I 112, 022 UNCLASSIFIED PROCESSING PPATIE--30OCT70 ~Tz"ITLE-LXPE!, IMEN:r ON THE BEAM EXTRAcTioti,bY AN ELEcTROSTATIC U;_ZFLEcTo,.R R m THE J 1 9NA 2METke ISOCHAQN~IUS CYCLOTRON -U- AUTHOR-105.1-ShELAY'EVt I.A.v ALFEYEVP V.S.s KOILOV, S*I., NIKOLAYEV.# V.H., R.TS. C 5 S R SOURCE-LAB. OF NUCLEAR REACTIONS). 1970a 12P. DEP. CFSTI E~~P.IUBLISJIIEC- -~70 SUBJECT AREAS-PHYSICS 'TAP IC TAGS-IGN BEA14t CYCLOTROj%t ELECTROSTATICS .-.CONTROL MARKING-NO RESTRICTIONS ~DOCUMENT CLASS-UNCLASSIFIED ,PROXY REEL/FIRAME-3002/0139 STEP NO--URIOOGO17010001000100L210012 CIRC-ACCESSI 01 NO--AT OZ 27763 ~/2 022 UNCLASSIFIED PROCESSING DATE--30OCT70 .CIRC ACCESSION NO-ATC1127763 ;-ABSTRACTIEXTRACT-(U) GP-0- ABSTRACT. EXTRACTION Or THE ION BEAM FRGM -THE -JINR 2 METER I SGGH'ONOUS CYCLOTRON BY A SYSTEM 1 COMB IN ING AN A DEFLECTOR AND FOCUSING MAGNETIC CHAN'NEL IS DESCRIBED. K NUCLEAR RESEARCH, DUaNA USSR. FACILITY: JOINr IN~T. FG 14 111 -11 rr I USSR UX 536-46:662 .61 ZIFTONT., V. L., D"MOV, V. K., and OGAMSYAIT,__~. KE. "Self-Ignition .1 Combustion Cutoff in a Stagnation Zote 1)irinr- Flow About a Two-Dimensional Protaction or Indentation by a Supersonic 11,tel-Mixture Streaid' Mosccrw, Goreniye i Vzryv--Sbox,nil: (Combustion and Explo,:,ion--Collection of' Works), Nauka, l972, pp 386-391 (from Referativn~vy Zhurnal--Aviatsiorinyye i Raketnyye Dvigateli, No 2, 1973, Abstract 110 2.34,23- ~Iesuj-,a) Translation: On the basis of the beat rnec1Lqn1*vi and a 1:,us-dincurde flow rodel are discussed the critical conditions of combustion cutr.)ff iii a stacnat~Wra zone formed duringr the flow of a Ate]. mixture abovt a 1)rojection irid an in'lent--tion. The critical conditions of self -ignition wre investigat-_,d on the basis of heat rx-echanisr. and the chain neelmnisn. The experimental reElUlts of an inVO--ti- gation of nmass exchange in such sta.~~nation zones Pre -Presented for streams, vith a Yeah number of 2-5- Comparisons of the calculated vo~L%ure ifith an O:qparinenta-l one are presented, together vith examples of calculations of crit-ical for hydrocarbon-air and hydrogen-air mixtures. figures, 9 refer- conditions i 3 ences. .~_A USSR UDC: 51:621. 391 OGANESYANL.S.....Sh., YAGDZHYAN, V. G., TAIRYAN, V. I. "Weight Spectra of Some Classes of Cyclic Codesil Moscow, Vesovyye spektry nekotorykh klassov tsiklicheskikh kodov. Nauch. sovet po ko -.'eksn. probl. "Kibernetika" AN MP -SSSR (Cf. English above. Scientific:Council on,the Complex Problem of Cybernetics, Acad'my of Sciences of the USSR), 1972 32 pp, bibl., of 8 titles (manuscript dep sited in VINHI, No 5372-73 from E Jan 73) (from R7.h-Kiboernetika, No 5, May 73, abstract No SVS8dl DEP by the authors) Translation: Up to the present attempts have been made to find cyclic representatives for arbitrary cyclic codes over GF(q) where (n,q)= 1 (q is -the poweT of the simple number p). In this paper formulas are presented for expressing not only cyclic representatives, but also at the same tire fOTMu'las are presented for representatives (so-called p,-nary repre- sentatives) which unite cyclic representatives in accordance with identical weights by means of the~operation of involution 1/2 Ussh 0GARESYAN, S. Sh. et al., Xlesovyye spektry nekotorykh klassov tsiklicheskikh kodov, 1972, No,5372-73 Dep. of p for arbitrary cyclic codes over GF(q) when (n,p) = 1. On the basis of these results and coupling equations stemming from the NfacWilliams relation for weight spectra of orthogonal ideals (codes), weight spectra are found for saine classes of cyclic codes. 2/2 I Ir j[IIII:IfI'If fit" 0 jjJi111 USSR UDC 621-.382.27 N N, AIZUTCEMAN, AVAKIYANTS, G. M., Acad. Sci. Armenian SSR, ADAWA. 7 V. M. BARSEGYAN, R, _S. and OC1V4ESYXN, S. V, I'Some Studies of Zinc-Doped Silicon Diodes as Optron-PaiT Elements" -Yerevan, Doklady Akademii Nauk Armyanskoy SSR, Vol 57, No 3, 1973, pp 152-1S7 Abstract: This article describes an investigation of the light-sensi- tivity of the -time characteristics of the diode structures described in the title in order to determl-ne the possibility of using theill as photoreceptors in opt-ron pairs. The volt-ampere characteristics were 4n a couple. with a I i --ht- em.1 tting;diode over a broad v-.inge of measurnd -y thrixi-hout temperatures. The diodcs retained their light sensitivit. + 3 0 " C. In contrast to the entire range of tempera tures, from -196' to many other devices, these diodes can be switched both ftv;m the low-con- ~ductivity to the high-conductivity state and from tile biflb-conductivity to the low-conductivity state simply by changing the level of illumln'?- tion. USSR UDC 543.545:546.65:539.173.8 GVOZDEV, B. A., CRTITCHENKO, Z. G., MAKAROVA, T. P., (ALd[j2LAaj..,YTs~., an(i STEPANOV A. V. "Use olf the Electromigration Method in Studyi the Yields of Certain Rare- (12C, U(2 HNe, f) and U(40Ar, 0" Earth Elements in.theReactions U Leningrad, Radiokhimiya, Vol X'IIT -429 No 3, i971~ pp 421 portant 1) in Abstract. Fission react-Lons of the nuclei of heavy iow are im the.theoretical treatment of the fission of strongly excited nuclei, and 2) in the practical synthesis of new elements and isotopes. g/cm2 was irradiated for several hours with the A thick target (e,,20 m U308) inner beam of the 300 cm. cyclotron of the Laboratory of,Nuclear Physics, United institute of Nuclear Research, with 12C, 22Ne or 40Ar (energies of -110, 190 and 350 Mev, respectively); after which the irradiated target was dissolved in M0.3, mid addition of a carrier of -50-100 ug La3+, the La and rare earth fluorides were precipitated. The latter was.transformed into hydroxides in 7.5 N HC1, the resulting solution was pasred through a coluri filled with the anion exchanger Dauex-l in Cl--for-n to remove tetravalent 1/2 ----------- USSR GVOZDEV, B. A., et al.,. Radiokhimiya, Vol XIII, No 3, 1971, pp 421-429 elements captured by LaF3. Thle filtrate, containing all the rare earths and the tetravelent actinides, was heated to dryness, then separated by the electromigration method, with use of ordinary electrophoretic. equipment. Relative yields of La, Ce, Fr, Nd, Pm, Sm, Eu and Gd isotopes, resulting -from uranium fission by C, Ne and Ar ions, were measuTed. Tabular data accompany the paper. 2/2 I l ylsl Ill t.A1-iLl i1'- UD~,' 546.'02.-66.091 4GA~KESYAN,t Yu. Ts. PENIONZHKEVICR, Yu. E., SHMSUTDINOV A. Q., and HALISEVA, "P06sibilities of Obtaining Isotopes in Fission Reactionit" Moscow, Atomnaya energiya, Vol 29, No 4t Oct 70, pp 264-M Abstract: This paper investigates the principles of the formation of various -4sotopes in nuclear fission by heavy ions. The following reactions are stud- led: U238(C;12,f). U238(Ne2o,f); U238(NC~22,f); U238(A-r4o~f). They were coin- pared, In the experimental Nork., with nuclear fission rellctiotull by high-energy proz-,ons and spallation reactions. The experiments were (landucLed wlth tile internal beam of a 310-cm ineavy ion cyclotron in the Nuclear lbs-actions Lab- oratory and with the extracted proton beam in the eynchrocyclotron of the joint Institute of Nuclear Research Laboratory for Wucle4tr Problems. Uranium and bismuth targets were irradiated with C11, Ne20, Ne22 and Ar40 ions in a 12 , and 8uA for Ar4h. Gamma radiation beam of 80-100pA for C , 30vA for Ne22 spectra were also measured using.rvo Ge(Li) spectrometerpi. An extenaiie table.of the isotopes obtained and the cross sectiom of,their lormation in h -ion reactions is given. The authors~thank G. N. IPLFROV hs well as eavr 1jenser assistants for their participation. IN THE COMMITTEE FOR INVENTIONS A.ND DISCOI;ERIES UNDER THE COUNCIL OP M1141STERS USSR tAnnouncement; 14ascow, "'Itnill 1 4.,.1% 5SSP, Russian, Vol~ 42, No ll._November 1972, P, 011'!i,1131135~i tra rotio-ing scientific. 4is. covarmuzz YU_XS !PQjJ14YAN. YIL~'L. _408ANOV. _)Lt!- A. LAZA14EV Caec;loslovak citizen J. ZYARA, V. 2. 7- A- F)AV1"1F,__T7 G. DENW. AND 'JU. P. KHARITON OV, "~ELEMSN,r NO. 105 OF MENDELE;YFV-S PERr4DPZC STo-=H-, Formolation, of the discovery- Experi=entally astabLished -mp evinualy unknown phenomenon or formation of a chemical was t1i r _eLn.=*mt~with the-ordinal number tO5. Ar. isatome of that elemer. with s, half~lif: T 2 seconds was obtained during the ir- radiation o am ril~am,with neon nuclei. Priority of..discovery,-- LB Febr-4ary 1970. Ccrtiticate No. LL4. Application No. 0T-7896. Them deita c6tajr~ed by the alit thors of tile discovev/ are of great scientific' importance* as they show a divergence of the enneri-nuntally..determined radioactive prvperties or element No. 105 from. th,% previously predicte-d theoretica*Lty on the ba3is of known ~ )mi-empirical caws and require revision or the latter. The. new exoa~imental data relatisig to the synthesis of element Na...1.05 islicato ;A real possibiLity or th" detection of heavier c-nem-lical- %~;;martx 4n nuclear reactions, for example, No. ~96., aqd permit ouch more confidently predicting the proper. ti es or those elements. 1"PLEON'SKITY, V. Y'. wla.",r SILr-,Ijp V. P. (Tebeew Physics Institute,, LWR Acadew of Se Emces 17bree-Dirensional Vector a-eld SeLf-Fccu.,ib-ing M%veguides" Moscow, Zhurnal Eksperimentallnoy i Teor~ticheskoy August, 1972., pp 532-9 QMMrrL It iz; shmm that if aveomt. id n, idle f o the real vcl.,tor w. are of an, elactramagnetic field. the ecimtions of nonliiie:ir le-" 'a ---1 d - -)n, - ' h new self-focussing ,,';ive,1U- .3 soluti. q. This.openr, up J',Iva of 0 (rkist~nce of IT.! V13L In viiiich the 'X and field ztjrenrg~ths are of the srunn order of Jug ;nituc*n. Ls pnrtiumiln%r c!!!',r2s lie set of zelf-foc"'ISCLng waws~-,~ides uld-ch is chparact~s~i7ed 1~y em unus-iial t-ypea of s' Z.--Ure c' `hn eltic'r-'eal field incb-~-S polariz-1- I TY -ly -ry - e 0 r v iou studied. For a p1nno 'geomet -a (palitat analys-I.-I of th n. n] -rev _ fi(, .It(_ u s elimtrod,,,mamics ~,mv-tluions -,delrls a cla-si ":~tjojj ~S QT vec'o~ of S,' on! f ooussing wavegizides. It s shum that under ce, -31-ticns ir a r USSR YELLIONSKIY, V. M., et al., Zhurnal Eksperimantal'noy i Teorcticheskoy Fiziki; August, 1972; pp 532-9 medium a necular o of nhenomo,,on aris vis snntial S-Lv-~%ti'- o" es the electrcnagnetic field into "nearly" -,,;elf -foo,josing reicn!,- of TE- and T-Y- mode fields. Characterictically.. t~,o space, of the 'Incarly" solf- focussin- field node it due to ronlin-ear interaction at field stron,- hs. The article lnclu&!~ 13 vowations, and 5f hore, aro 7 rcFin:-a,,m;!s. 2/2 USSR UDC 681.2 NURDINOV, S. K11. ,OGMNEZOV--Y.~,- "Device for Alphanumric Representation of Data in an Automated Voice Command Recognition System" Tr. Gor'kov. i)olitekhn. in-ta 'Works of the Corlkiy Poll Institute), ~971, Vol 27, No 11, T)p 34-86 (from POirAvOmatika TiOem(flithanika i cllislitel'- aga tekhnika, No 41 A-pr 72, Astract No. 4A463) translation: The display ut -tit reproduces alplianwwric data on a caLhode ray tube screen wjing synchroacuss voltages with respect to the xectaligular coordi- nate ayaas. Tht;-re are 2 illustrations and a 2-entry biblio-rapliy. USSR uDc: 621.396.6-181.48 OGANEZOV., R. Xh. "conditions of Delivery of Crystals With Finished StructLLres for Hybrid Microcircuits" Elektromprom-st'. Nauch.-tekhn. sb. (The Electronics Industry. Scien- tific and Technical Collection), 1972, No-1, pp 104-:LO5 (from R"h-Radio- -tekhnika, No 8, Aug T2, Abstract No W63) Transletion: The paper present -s basic conditions for the delivery of plates and crystals with semiconductor triode structures, mnd indicates the particulars of transportation of these teady-madelarticles, Res=4. lilt USSR UDC 621,396~6-181.5 BYLOV~ K. V., GLAZKOV, YU. B., OCANE"OV, R 1U1, , STOVIIA, V. 1. WwLOV, V. P. , STRAKHOV, V. S. "Utilization of 2T603 Crystals to Create Medium Power Vilm 4,ybrid Circuits" Elektron. teklinika. Nauch.-tekhn. sb. Polupr)vodn. ibory, (Ele,~tronic Engineer- Pr ing. Scientific and Technical Collection. Semiconductor Devices), 1970, vyp. 6 (56), pp 118-120 (from RZh-Radiotekhnika, No 10, Oct 71, s~bstract 'No 1OV189) Translation: The structural desiro -a power ~n of a casele3s version of a mediLL semiconductor triode based on the series semiconducror-triode type 2T603 of n1p structLire t is described. flarsults -ire present(~u from measuring thQ therrual resistance whLn mounting the senic-onductor trio&-- on the bacLin-S of tile micr-3- circuit by two ra-e-thods - soldering (with indirect pulrue heat4rig) and micra- welding. It is demonstrated that the most effective njimns ~,[ mponting the t t -r a' semiconductor triode on the backing in solder. 'he c;. f,e hi in resistance drops significantly an increasing the tharm;tl conductivity of tile -ack ing material. There are 2 Illustrations and 1 table. USSR ux 666.11-.62-1'431 147 141133 t 3-2 128 KOS TATITAII., K. A., S.10?I!,aYLjLYt.-Tj 13. S.) 'E' 0!J'3llEZCiTA R. S. 11RE kilrPSYMN., V. I., BELOv., 11. 1., and UJI. I VONTOV VI. V. UM Author's Certifiuiu! Ilk,.) 3166157, Filed 29 Jall 7~, shcd 16) L -iya (fxcr, cn~ya Uurazts- ~"3vz'-l'r'YYL' No 7, Yar (a) 73, Cln'r~l 140 162035411,-9-33) 'T- L Trans "Pion: A gi-ess sicL.' C 0, B2.0 and KO, d-'I-- tinvished by the. fac4L,l that in order to decrease tllE! specti,,~-' cibsol-Iltion in the ultraviole %I rClTiOll it cGnt.0,Lns th2 above commonents 'i'1 the follold-.1- Wantill 5- ties, -v.,ei&qt ~: Sio-:) 67-76, C~AO 1-5-1.2, ZaO 1-4, P1,120 7-15) AIL) 03 0'.) 5., BaO 0.5-5, Y,20 2-12 uni furthermore SnO 0.2-2.0. USSR tw 612.82 STEFANMOVI B. D., and 0GATEIS R471~YANI A. Laboratory of the NeiLrophysiologi cal Basis for Compensation of Central Nervous.System Functions,.Institute of Higher Nervous Act tivIty and Neurophysiology, Academy of Sciences USSR "Compensati an and Restozution of Functions Disturbed by Lesions of the Central ancl.Peripheral Nervous System" Leningrad,. Fiziologicheskiy Zhurnal SSSR-imeni 1. M. Sechenov, Vol 59, No 5, ~1973, pp 681-667 Abstract: The rrost important results of research. concerning compensation and restoration of disturbed nervous functions., which was ct5nducteci during the past 10 years under the general direction of Prof. E. A. Asrutyan, Academician of the Academy of Sciences Armenian SSR and Corresponding. Henber, of the Academy of Sciences USSR are suroarized. During World War II, Asr6,~'.yan trivestigated trau- matic shock in wounded soldiers and, on -the basis of his concept of the pro- tective and healing role of certain types of central inhibition predominating in the presence of organic lesions inthe nervous system', developed new methods of treating and preventing trauratic shock. By snalyzing ex-perimental results and clinical post-shock observations, Asratyan established his mst important theory of t7nz crucial role played by the cerebral cca-tex in restoran- tion of motor functions, erThasizing that this is not the result of autornatic 112 USSR STERUMOV, B. D., and OGANMYAN, A. A., Fiziologicheskiy Zhurnal SSSR imeni I. M. Sechenov, Vol 59: No 5, 1973, PP 681-687 shifts todkir,- place in the nervous system but tIrLt it is a process requirinj, training and determiration by which duplicating mechanisms are utilized and grackially developed to the point that they begin to serve as the anatomic and physiological basis for reelabo~mtion of previously maltered conditioned reflexes.. Although fine motor movements are rever regainzad, the overaLl raotur recovery can be so significant that it warrants the con~cept of a relatively -high,, though not absolute, flexibility ofthe,central~n~ervous system. 2/2 48 USSR KLIKINOV., A. M. JqGMDY,~Q,~& "Automatic Input and Processing of Patterns Formed b-r Flows of Lines" Opoznavaniye i Opisaniye Liniy [Recognition and Desciiption of Lines -- Collection of Works], Moscow, Nauka Press, 1972, pp 1,39-154 (Translated ~from Referativnyy Zhurnal, Kibernetika, No 3, Moscow,' 1973 Abstract ~No 3 V715 by the authors). Translation: Algorithms and apparatus are described, developed for digital computer input of patterns represented as flows. ofJines. The reading device used is a pi-ogram-controlled,digital scanner. A class of patterns is studied, the angular description of which is a harmonic 1unction of coordinates, USSR uDc: 621-396.670-9.lj -G. M., OGAMOVA, L. A., WrEW, IVANOVA, N. S., BOGDPDOV, A. A., MESROPOV, F. K., YEGOROV, Ye. M. "A Fiberglass-Reinforced Polarization Material" M oscov, Otkj2jiya. izobr,~teniya, Promysblennyvt0 No 30i, Oct 71, Authorl~, (ertificate No 317137, Division. 11, filed 30 Sep 64, publi,,-hed 7 Oct 71, p 193 Translation- This Author's Certificate introduces a fiberglass-reinforced polarization material based on textolite for antenna retlectors. As a distinguishing feature of the patent, the'veight of the'reflector is reduced by adding to the &lass-textolite reinforcement a layer of metal- lized glass fabric which contains metallized glass filanients in one of the directions of its structure Ovarp or weft). The glass~fllaments consist of elementary glass fibers coated with a l4yer.of metal 61W_imum or zinc) securely bonded to the glass fiber s4rface. USSR U_1nC 632.95 0G.VYAN. E. A. Mlitorial Board of Biol. Zh Armeni fiiological journal of "Herbicidal Activity of Trichotecin" b 0Gerbitsidnoy Ak-uivp-os' j Trikliotetsina (cf. English a ove), Yerevan, 1970, 7 pp, ill., bibliography: 6 entries (from RZ.Ii-Khimiya, No 12, 25 Jun 70, Ab-straect _'Jo 12 N1082 Dep, Author's Abstract) Translation: Trichotecin (I), an antifungal antibiotic, exhdbits herbicidal activity for sprouting seedz and shoots of monostylus dodder parasitizLq- grape- I D Ooo vines and other perennials in concentrat ions of 0.00001 0.1%, 1/10,000, VICA and also as 1 and 2% duzts. 63 MSSR UDC: 51 OGANM, R. A., BONDER, 0. V., IGNAM TKO, N. V. 1111ree Programs for Solving an Intersectoral Dynaz--,:,c Model" 29 USSR UDC 51 N, 11 OGANYM "Estimate,of the Progressiveness of Control" Probl. Narodnokhoz. Optimuma., f1he Problem of tile Economic Optimura-Collection of Works No 3, Part 1, Novosibirsk, 1970, pp 100-116, (TT1111313tCd fyo-D Referativnyy Zhurnal Kibernetika, No 5, 1971, Abstract No. W503, from the Introduction). Translation: This work is dedicated to mathematical analyses of the economic formulas of V. A. Trapeznikov (kZ[Mat. 1969, 6V317). USSR uDc. 681-325 OGANYAN, R. V. 'A'Device for Connecting Communications Lines to Two Digital Computers" Moscow, Otkrytiya, Izobreteniya, Promyshlennyye Obraztsy, Totrarryye Znaki, No.48, Dee 73, Author's Certificate No 4092211,.Division G, filed 30 Jul 70, published 30 Nov 73, p 116 Translation: This Author's Certificate introduces a device for connecting -computers. The device contains a con- commmications lines to two digital trol module connected to the input and output lines of the unit. Also included is a-synchronization module. Connected to the,input of the syn- chronization module are the corresponding input lines oP the device. The outmrbs of the synchronization nodule are connected to the inputs of six AND gates. The outputs of the second, third,and fiPth M gates are con- nected to the control module, while,the outputs of the first, fourth.,and sixth P-Trjj gates are connected through two OR. gates to the output lines of the device. As a distinguishing feature of the patent, the fx4nctional possibilities of the device are expanded by adding two eoupliag flip-flops. Theone-output terminal of 'the first coupling flip-flop is connected to the 41 7- -USSR OGANTPN, R. V., USSR Author's Certificate No 409224 ........ . .... . t/ 2 014 UNCLASSIFIED PkkESSING DATE-- 31uiV701 TI.TLE--SEMISYNTHETIC PENICILLINS M~THGXY AND DIALKOXYPHENYLBENZYLPENICILLINS -U- AUTHOR-051-MMOZHOYANP A.Lot TSINKER* MoGer MKRTCHYANI E.S.s TERV%?"HARY_~N-) ...YU.Z.-, OGANYAN, SH.G. COUNTRY SSR SCUACE--Ki4f.M.-FAIR.M. ZH. 1970t' 4(3)t 5-10 DATE PUBL [SHED ------- 70 -BIOLOGICAL AND MEUICAL SCIENCES SUBJECT AREAS TOPIC TAGS--PENICILLIN, kiENZENE DERIVATIVE9 CHLORIDE, BACTERICIDE, MGLECULAR STRUCTURE CONTROL MARKING--NO RESTRICTIONS DOCUMEINT CLASS--UNCLASSIFIED PROXY REEL/FRAME--2000/1357 STEP -~CIRC_'ACCESS ION NO-APO',25005 UNC LASS I F I FO 2 2 0 14 UNCLIASSI FIED:.,~' PROCESSING DATE-7111NOV70 Clll~C ACCESSION NO-AP0125005 ABSTRACT/EXTRACT--(U) GP-0- A8STRACT. M. ON 0 .1 N DDISUBSTITUTED 3EMZC'(L CHLORIDES 10.02 ;iDLE) 'eiEPE TREATED WITH 0.02 4,)LE: ACTO !It TO YIELD 10 11 (k PKIME1 EQUALS H Uk Or A, Ott' P-O~E; R vl'l%ll-'E2 E-7UALS fit OR P-ALKOXY; N EQUALS 0). CONDENSAT10i'TOF I ~ITK MONJ A,1,10 9. 11 (it PAME1 l::QJALS D[SUBSTITUTE0 PHENACYL CHLORIDES GAVh cd, m, u"A P-,%IEO;, R PRIME2 EQUALS H 0,R P-ALKOXY; M EQUALS 1)*.. AN A"JIbACTERIAL ACTIVIrY SPECTRU14 OF 11 IS GIVEN. FA~;ILITY: 1115T. TONK. CKG. KHM.r EREVANP USSR* UNCLASSIFIEC USSR ux 616-981-1~52-022-39-036-23-(>78.7(479) CHERCM, NKOI I I.., OGANYAN Ye. F.,--YLR1D121, Ye. V., 11TAYDEN, P. Ye., MNELIYANOV, P. F., GOIUMV, P. D., FILD50-NIOVA, Yu. A., GONCHAROV, A. I., LAMIMS, X. F., BABAY9VY M. R.31 ANANYAN, Ye. L., and KMGULYAN, E. K., Scientific Research Antiplagae Institute of the Caucasus and Transcaucasus, and Antip2ague Statiors, Az,-%fDaydzhan:BSR and Armenian SSR- "Exroerience in Serologicall Wtection of Plague in Rodent Nest Substrate and In Predatory Bird Pellets Under Field Conditions in Nat7,n-al Foci of the Caucasus" MOSCOW Zhurnal 14ikrobiologii, Epidemiologii, I Im=cbiologii, No 3) 1973, PP .15-20 Abstract: Use of the antibody neutralization reaction ~(ANR) employing plague antigenic erythrocyte diagnosticum vms studied as a serological alternatIve to detection of plague by bacteriological analysis, for vMch it Is not always possible to gather test material in the field. The study was based on the e-roerimental finding that plague Fl antigen persists in the envirozment long after an eplzootic has subsided. In the first phase, t1tree axeas in the Caucasus in which e-Dizoatics had been registered previously studied in 1969-1971. Samples of rodent nest substrate were found~to contain F1 antigen by the ANR, whereas bacteriological methods were genemlly unouccesliful. WISH. USSR CHERCHENKO., I. I... et al., 72rarnal Mikrobiologii, Epidemiologii, i LMM.1nobio- -10gii, No 3, 1973, PP 15-20 indicating the usefuLness of this method for retrospective analysL-:- In the second phase an area in which epizootics had not been recorded previoasly was studied in 19'70-1971. While the AM revealed the presence of' Fl antigen 4.n rodent nest substrate, bacteriological Analysis did not' produce such evidence until 4 months later. This result indicated that the imethod is also preferen- tial for early detection of plague epizootics. In the kinal phase pellets regurgitated by predatory birds feeding on plague-carrying, rodents were sub- jected ... o the AUR. Once again F1 antigen was detected in are-as -~rlthout pre- Vious epizoortic history up to 2 monthr, prior to detectipil by bacterial analysis. As a control pellets from an area known tombe free of plague for ho years vas subjected to the ANR and the results were negative. nius the POR is shown to be a suitable and preferential method ford retrospective -and early field detec- tion of natural plague foci. 2/2 10 7777, S,95 .36:576., -5 -078 .7+576 717 5 'JDC C'16. ir-2 39: 595 *775 - 11 X T IJCIS'.R --; 1u Ar ve F. GAIW'd1l -1tian-C "`~P-' 1g0, T 01 __-_ 63_'idt OV A- I-j, sciel tip- station, a _ne Sue TT~_nscauras the caucas Tnstitute Of uSSR istry o-o I-Tevi-t-h JL f '4 fo): min , I ~ ox, rieds 0 40 ogical Exa-dnations it'E.,me-lence i__s ii -'lo 1, 1~173, 1) nrarmn.,-)ML010~1 raclogi i al j.,.i-K~robD:)loF fle".0 til j"old -71-XeCuoll of "211 lirv UfLZ Lit 1~ '~,i rcsulttrr, Of U, the test 4, O.OQ2~ rue nit, tiSSUC ot, -11-ne fO-- V~lc en -?,01n can lie lc gen PI -an-tib -iulmlt the flo .11B, =,,-i ion days;- '21-3- - 1 , 'jes :tTl till-, J.0- 23 =at L test -Lie. n-thre-cy, Y'l of Ise "C' :UO7 field vice anii their -zjOcj detacted- antiLten -1 r~irjj So-ro LWR AD Zhu CITM ~HEMIW, 1. 1., et al --nal 1-Ultrobiolodii Epidemiologii i Rummobiologii, No -',, 1973, P 137 bacteriological metho"I cultures of plabue patlioj,' (m in only 21 se-mrles. In m-w-ner :1.971, positive results -w-ere obtained by the aei-cio~-,icctl inethod. in 24~ of san.-o-es of fleas cololected from gophers in the C~:mcasin-n Mo%mtains. Subsequently, the bact,.~.riologicai mthod used in October 19'11. yielded positive ren-ults for the firs" time in. that region. Ume faster rm-1-1 meoro vensitive -Ye t patho ys o lague a gen se~~ ical method. is reco mmaendc(l for territorial mu 11 2/2 USSR SO DMAPARIME, If- N., MAMENS, L. A., YMORM, V. D. , and OGAREIIKO, li. 5, , Al- I Umon 1-itiplague Institute "Mikrobll (Director: prof Ir.-T7.11ML55-rayev) , Saratov. "The Problem of Pathogenetic Therapy of Intoxication Caused bY Endotoxins of holera and KI-Tor Vibrion" C -floscow, Patologicheskaya Fizioloaiya i Dsperimen tal nayn Terapiya, x 5, Sep/Oct 73, pp 75-78 Abstract: A study of respiration ol mutochondria of the livvr, hp-irt, 1-ic'neys "IC pros- and mna-11 intestine of labovatory animals in a Warburg arlitus J-11 epee -cf mdate, succinate md -ketoglutarntL- de-monutrated Umt inhibl't'lon -a 7~' 1 caused bv endotoxin of cholcra(5trnins No 5016-B limbe 4ind ANO .14(~ Gova - Tor vibricti(atralmi T-4 Irmbn mid No 57,3 Ocava) vaq alfirdnatvd cnly by nn elevation of the cmicentration of molate, At the'lleight of 'Kilo lll;~;oa.,.to mitc.]- chondria of anirj-,ls affectrA with endotmin o/idi2ed, tvilate much thwi the intact aninals. Aarainistration-of malaite to C57BI ImIce Infectnd -with e.nd&-mcins was accozpanfed by an imarnase in,'Uhe interticiliates of the Krel~l cycle in tissues, producing a the'rApoutic effect. lt~kjas been concluded that .1/2 44 i 77T 71ME stIN I 11-t ......... TMITIM 4INIT-314 MM!"M idiv Po4er, uDc: 621,.433.3-44 OGAFO)V- - A. - Gw, BERSHACHVSKIY V.:~ A169ATKi 1. A. i~:OLISJIEVSKIY, G. P. "A Fuel Feed Control System" Moscow, Otkrytiya, Izobreteniya, Promyshlennyye Obraztijy, Tovarnyye Znaki, NO Mar 73, Author's Certificate No 36Y279, DivisionT, f iled 5 f4ay 69, p0lished 23 Jan 73, p 98 Tr--n lation: This Author's Certificate introduces a fuel feed control system for a free-piston engine operating.on a gas-liquid cycle. The system contains a pump ff'or metering liquid fuel and feeding it to the atomizer, a control mechanism, and a gas-feed valve with a regulator for metering the gas.entering from the main line. As a dis-,Lnguishing feature of the patent, the liquid fuel consumption is reduced, an(.1 the pickup of the engine is i=roved by making the regulator in the form of a cylindrical slide valve and sleeve having openings for delivery of gas to the feed valve. The sleeve is movable with respect, to the housing is fitted with tension members with.locking r1evicu's, one of which is kinematically coupled to the fuel.pump rack, while the other is kinemat- Acally coupled to the control mechanism. The patent: e~lso covers 11 modi- 1/2 ni 71 Nr.: AP0100761 Ref .Code; U go USSR UW: 621.73.621..8P2.5 A. _1 And OGARKOV.,B. I., "Investigation of PressiLre Dist.r1bution in a Slide Bearing: by the Photoelasticity I'lethod" Moscow, KuzneRhno-Shtam-oY chnoye:Pr No~. 2, 1970, t, vo oizvod~tvo pp 25-28 Abstract; The authors of this article clarify:the character of 7he distributien ot contact preasir.-es :along the peripheries of flat -bearings for two limiting cases. ::In the firc4t~ they cD.&9ider a shaft-and sleeve made of fluoroeth~.164e rlesiia~ or amido 'U'.-Iastics with various, ."illers, laminate&-woodl plas'~tcs, and ~ vres8ed wood;r materials in which the ratio of normal elasticity modulf is -eGuai to unity. In the second, the.ratio of the moduli of the shal"i and sleeve matlerialus was equal to 6000. In boTh Cases, a p3iar_f zation-optical methcd for investigaving stresses was used~. bearing specimens werz~ made of epoxy resins typle _~D6-_'T. Two discs, Reel/Irrame 5 7777 Mr.: AP0100761 one of steel St-3, the other.of U6-M, were used as snaft oodels. The polarization-optical jper- method of ~avestigatinj.--, he oz mits finding, -Crom the interference~ band pattern, t-.e family: of isoclines, and the o7otical =..-stant, of the aria-ce'rial c2 zhe madu_'~S' the differanCe in norml s~4rei~ses and the tangential. stresses. The,forraulas -for calculatting these :quantitieg ar:a s:i ven. A te c-, is, also nresent-ed of these stresses, normal and -t~-.angenti!-I, points of the inner bearinE surface. The resi;C'ts o 1, the investi_ gation. le-cid to the followi_vLg, conclusions: the, re-al c~iarectar of the contact Drz~ssure distribution i n t1ae bearin.p's dif -.Cel"S sub- St cm the cha acter of the Dressura distributicn antially fr airs; t! e j aterials named -ibcre shaft ,~nzj r. h Ue e of- the M s1 ebearing eaixe in the :?jag~,imum,pres,!,ures 4d s leads to an inor ing on the ccoatact i~urfaces asrin and sha,"'t. of b __AEELjr-KAME Dili VSSR UDC 616-022.32-022.16 o,3ARKOV. V. I., and GAPOCHKO, K. G,, Military Medical Academy imeni Kirov, Leningrad "Retention and Primary Distribution of Microbial Aerosols in an Organism" Moscow, Zhurnal Mikrobiologii, Epidemiologii i Immunobiologii, No 7, 1973, pp 43-46 Abstract: Studies have shown that the effectiveni--ss wiOn which microbial aerosols enter human and animal organ-isms depends on the size, weight, con- centration, and charge of the particles,.as.well as the rate and depth of respiration. In general, particles greater tha 25-50 p enter as far as the nasopharynx, those that are 25-50 11 in size enter the trachea, those between 25 P reach the bronchi, those in the 3-10 prange reach the broach- ioles, and those that are 1-3 )1 in diameter may find t Iheir way into the alveoli. The aerosols come in contact with the body and enter it: through the conjunctiva, the respiratory tree, and the gastrointestinal tract. Al- though about 100% of the particles in the 1-2 prange enter the bronchioles and the alveoli, only 40-502 are retained; the rest are exhaled. Studies with 32p labeled brucella aerosols have shown that considerable species differences exist in the facility with which aerosols Onter,the Rings 1/2 USSR -OGARKOV, V. I., and GAPOCHYO, K. G., Zhurnal Hikrobiologii, Epidemiologii i Tmunobiologii, No 7, 1973, pp 43-46 (about 5% in guinea pigs and more than 20% in rhesus monkeys). Other studies have also shown that dry aerosols are less efficient than liquid monodisperse aerosols in entering the lower reaches of the respiratory tree. In addition, studies in sheep with live and killed Brucella vaccine aerosols have shown that -morel live: than killed organisms reach the lungs, but that inactivation -t WL -J-4e- orgar sms is -pper. f7the rsspiratory~tract greater: im-~ e:p -parto than in the lungi,. 2/2 - - - - - - - - - - - USSR OGARYSHEV, V. F. IlMixed Strategies in one Generalization of the Problem of Gross" Zh. Vychisl. Mat. i Mat. Fiz. [Journal of Computer Mathematics and Mathematical Physics), 1973, Vol 13, No 1, pp S9-70 (Translated from-Referativnyy Zhurnal Kibernotika, No 6, 1973, Abstract No 6V483, by I. Fokin). Translation: A problem of optimal distribution of resources by two sides among several participants is studied when there are preliminarity distributed in the sectors. Ilie results of the author confronting JAIre optimal Tesources strategies of player 11 ()ZZhMat, .1.971, IOV666) are used for the study o~ optimal strategies of player 1. . Necessary and sufficiOut conditions of optinality of a mixed strategy of players I 'Ire p-resented, a probabilistic amXutie of pure strategies, concentrating alA. resources, of player I in one re studied. of:the-sectors. Various cases.of.the relationships of parameters a written for the:value of the game. An exp-ression is USSR UDC 518.9.,: OGARYSIIIEV, V. F. ----------- "Generalization of the Gross Problem" Kibernetiku. -- na ZIazhbu Koinmunizmu. T. 6 [Cybernetics in the Service of Communism, Vol 6 -- Collection of lfbrks], Moscow, EneT'giya, Press, 1971, PP 1264-283, (Translated from Referatiy-gWy Zhu:rmal, Kibernetika, No 10, 1971, Abstract go 10 V666 by I. Fokin). Tran5lation. Two sides distribute their available resources X and Y between -wpoints, selecting the vectors x (X~,, andy= (Y,., .-., V ) such In n) that x. > 0, y. > 0 (i I, n)., 2: x y Y. The sides have X, liminary distribution of ~do#ional rie-,`du-c;Z~s Al A.2 A performed pre n and Bij B B The winnings of playe.r I are 23 ... 2 n' N7 Mu faix;: pj (x' -(-I Y;) Y) where x! x. + A., y! + B W, ~.O (i 1, n). 1 1 3 1 1, Pi >1i The problems of determination o f max n F(x, y), min mQx F(x, y) arid the x strategies-realizine them are solved. Then the optimal strategies of the si:t , - -1d nlavers f~or the tTajj,(1~-,, W-lion-ar-921--faiL 11 W.-IM-MR, M; NOW M., UNCLAS lEb: Pk0t#SS ING ':DAT'E-- L8 S EP70 -0 SIF :E AMJINO~~ACU S13Y LOCAL ;o 'Tj~E~-~,OKPARATIVE STUDY OF THE, FORMATION OF FRI _'-TKRKOPHILI'C9 LACTIC AClD BACTERU-.~-U- ~,~'THORI-~_-l 031 1 MUSAEYVv -SH._f4.v MADRAKHIMOV9 YU19 c --USSR WNTRY OF INFO -SOURCE-PRIKL. BIOKHIM. MIKROBIOL. 1970, :6(L) 103-6, w6ATE PUBLISHED ----- -70 i,l,',SU8JECT AREAS--BIOLOGICAL AND MEDLCAL SCM-NCES ~JOPIC TAGS--AMINO ACIOt LACTIC ACID, BACTERIA, CIONTROL MARKING--NO RESTRICTIONS CLASS--UNCLASSIFIED STEP NO--UR/0411/70/006/001/0103/0106 -PROXY REEL/FRAME--1985/0359 CIRC ACCESSION NC--AP0100846 UNCLASSIFIED 12/2 010 UNCLASSIFIED. PROCESSING DAtE--18SEP70 ~-'CfRC- ACCE,SSIION NO--AP0100646 ::ABSTRACT/EXTR-ACT--(U) GP-0- ABSTRACT. EXPTS, WERE PERFORMED CIN FREE AMINO AC-IDS ACCUMULATION IN CASEIN MEOlUM:8Y THE THERMOPHILIC LACTIC LACTIOBACILLUS) THERMOPHILUS 172t L. OULG4RICUS 176, AND 5T,R(EPTOCOC-CUS) THERMOPHILUS 6 AND 132. INCUSATTUN WAS AT 4-50EGREES ",FOR 24v~- -40 96, AND 168 HR. ALL-INVESTIOATED BACTERIA ACCUMULATED 16 REe~AMINO ACIOSo ' THE AMT. AND. PROPORTTON-OF JHESE, AMINO ACIDS VARIED, vEP-.ENDl.NG-,VX'THE TIME OF CULTIVATION, SPECiESt. AND:'STRAItN OF THE UNCLASSOIED ~,flslmltvjlm IMF N .J 'N -- :xIj USSR UM,511 KHAIROV, A. A. .110~e:Method of Construction of Diophantipe Equations Having 9 Finite Number of-Rational Points" Tr. Kirg. Un-ta. Ser. Matem. n. [Works of Kirgiz Univer5ity. Mathematics 5ciences Series], No. 7, 197 0, pp. 202-205 (Translated from Referat Zhurnal Matematika, No. 12, 1970, Abstract No. 12AI01 by 0. Fomenkc) Translation: An,approach is presented which can be'used to constrLict es with a finite number curv of rational poi ts. As, an 6xample, a hyper- n .-elliptical carve with this p Toperty is conatructed. USSR MC:S53.992.2(575.15) AKRAMKHODZHAYEV, A. M., ERGASHEV, K. A., AKMEDOV, Kh A., OGAY, V. F., B ZARBAYEV, E. G., AZ "Evaluation of Prospects for Oil and Gas.Content of E~stern Portion of Fergana. Depression in the Light of New Datal~ Tashkent, Uzbekskiy Geologicheskiy Zhurnal, No. 6, 1970, pp. IS-19 Abstract: In spite of the significant number of prospecting operations which have been conducted over the past decade in the Fergana depression, the prospects for oil and gas finds in:the eastern portion of this depres- sion have not Yet been properly evaluated. This aTti~le presents a des- cription of the SuzaRskaya structure, whichhas been~a judged promising. Based on the description presented, it1s concluded that the fontiation of in this region has the overwhelming majority of oil.and gas depos.L occurred primarily due to migration of hydrocarbons from oil and gas con- ~ducting suites into collectors within formations, as,well as due to lateral 1/2 - 3.00 - - 7- USSR UDC: 8. 74 "Program for Realizing a Multistage Procedurefor Selecting the Essential Characteristics of a Process" Tomsk., Kibernetika i vuz--sbornik (Cybernetics and Higher Edu- cation--collection of works), vyp. 5,, 1972, pp 125-132 (from RZh-Kibernetika, No S, May 73, abstract No SV787 by the author) Translation: The paper describes a program for realizing a multistage-procedure for'selecting the essential character- istics. of. a process in "MIR-l". computer langu age. ~A brief description of the multistage procedute is.glyen. _61 I-M, NOW USSR SILICH, V. A., OGAY. 1- "Program for Processing Statistical Data Using the IMethod of Primary Components" Kibernetika i vuz. [Cybernetics and the University Collection of Works), Towk, Tomsk University Press, No 4, 1971, pp 174-183, (Translated from Referativnyy Zhurnal, Kibernetika, No 2, 1972, Abstract: No 2 V718 by the author's). Iq Translation: A program is described for realization of the ethod of nents in ALPHA-language and MIR-1 computer language. pr~~Tycompo ........... 777777 USSR UDC $4-7-245-118-07 T KAWISUY, A. B., 0GAMMM, E. P. POMMUZ-Vt V. V.,~~CoLuBTSOB, ~g. A.P and IGNA-10VICH, Yq-.K. $#A Method of Making Organyl Wosylyl Phosphines Moscow, Otkrytiya, Izobrateniya, Promyshlennyye Obramtsy, Tovarny,"fe Znaki, Ho22, Aug 72, Author's Certificate No 34516?, Div 0, filed:)i Jul ?Or published 14 Jul 72l P 97 Translations This Author's Cert1ficais introduces a wthod of making organyl hilyl,phosphines by reacting hydrogen-containing haloBilanes uith chloro- pbospblneu In an organic Bolvent with subsequent isolation of the goal product by conventional mmetheids. -As a distinguishing feature of the patent, the.process is simpl-ified by using organyl chlorophosp'hines-ar. the chloro- ~phosphlnes, ancl carrying out the process In ~the preesenco of a hj,&, .0ten ..chloride acceptor such as triethylaAine. Lo,' USSR UDC 678-84 KAMENSKIY, A. B., OCAYMIUM- F. PONOMAREV, V. V.,.md GOLUBTSOV, S. A. "A Method of Synthesizing Organophosphorus Compounds" Moscow, Otkrytiya, Izobreteniya, Promyshlennyye Obraztsy, Tovarnyy.e Znaki, No-36,1971, Author's Certificate No 322346, Division C, filed 31 Jul 70, published 30 Nov 71, p 55 Translation: This Author's Certificate introduces: 1. A method of synthe- sizing o-rLanophosphorus compounds by interacting trichlorosilance with organophosphines. As a distinguishing feature of the-patent, compounds containin;-the P-P bond in the main chain are synthesized"-ng organyl- dichlorophosphines as the organophosphinesp and carryin ;out the reaction in the presence of a tertiary amine in an organic 8olvept. 2. A modift- catian of this method distinguished by the famthat the tertiary 4m-ine is taken in quantities from catalytic to equimolecular. 7 ASSI FIED -230CT70 NCL ~tESSING OATE U "j-4TIE --;-ME--C-HANISM OF THE THERMAL DECOMPOS'(11ON OF, TEPTBUTYL HY , PER XI E oRO C) 0 -U- N I K I S H I N --..A0THQR-(03 I-GG- YU.Nof PALAWYER,i.A., G. U0 .."e'etimiky, OF INFO--USSR ;Moo, -:-tbokc E-- I zv *~AKAD. NAUK SSSR, SER KHIM*: 1970p (3) t; 592-6 ":6ATE PUBLISHED ------- 70 ~.,,,.,,SUBJECT AREAS--CHEMISTRY Opic-TAGS-REACTION DINETICSi THERMAL DECOMPOSITON, HYDROPEROXIDEt -ACI:i) ESTERr MALONIC- ESTER4 C:HL0ROBENZEtlE. CONTROL MARKING-NO RESTRICTIONS ,;..-DOCUMENT-CLASS--UNCLASStFtED REEL/FRAME--2000/0732 STEP ND--UR/0062/'70/0001003/0592/0596 C111C ACCESSION Nt)--AP012~402 UNCLASSIFIED 212 008 UNCLASSI FIE6 PIOCESSING DATE-230CT70 :^-IRC ACCESSION NO--AP0124402* Z ABSTPACT/EXTRACT--(U) GP-0- ABSTRACT. KINETIC CUkVffS WERE SHOWN FOR THE .-TITLE REACTION IN MEDIA SELECTED FROM: PHCLp ME CAPROATFj 01 ET AND THEIR COMBINATIONS. THE REACTION RUN AT 130DEGREES PROCEIEUED BY ACYLATION OF THE PEROXIDE BY THE ESTER PRESENT AND ,H0MOLYSIS OF THE RESULTING PERESTEk ME SUB3 COOCOC, SU65 H SU811, WHICH WAS PREPD. FROM CAPROYL CHLORIDE AND RO SUD2 fit IN 42PFRCENT YIELD; 8 SUBO.05 29DEGREESt N PRIKE20 SUBD lo42L01 D PIME-2G 0.9075. IN ME CAPROATE ME SUB3 CUOH GAVE RATE CONSTSOF DECOMPN. T14AT CHANGED FROM -THE INITIAL VALU.E OF 4.25 TIMES 10 PRIME NEGATIVE5;SEC PRIME NEGATIVEI TO 1.9 TIMES -10 PRIME NEGATIVE4 SEC PR.IME..NEGATIVE:l AFrER SOME 30 MIN OF ~REACTi(]N; IN DI ET MALONATE THE RATE CONST* ~iAS 6 TIME~ 10 PRIME SEC PRIME NEGATIVEI AND LACKED A PERIOD OF AUTOACCELGRATIONIr :,~~PJROSABLY LlWrNG- TO RAP,ID---ESTA,Btl,&HMENT..,or-..TiiE srATt-JNARY CONC.N. OF THE PER ESTER FACILITY: -INSTO ORG. KHIM. IM, 2ELINSKOGOv MOSCOW USSR*~ 17; UNCLASSIFIED 2 '009 UNCL ASS IF t M, PRQCESSING DATE-160070 --TITLE--PASTE FOR POLISHING COATINGS-U- UtHOR-(03)-~C-Rl INS, R.s OGILETS# M Vtt SHIN.Tr AwAv COUNTRY OF INFO--USSR -SOURCE--U.S.S.R. 264,574 ~~,AEFERENCE_.OTKRYTIYA,j IZOBRET.1 PROM. OBRAZTSY,..TOVARlNYE ZNAKI 1970t ~~ATE -PUBLISHED--03MAR70 -~,.~SUBJECT -AREAS--MATERIALS '~-'i"TOPIC TAGS--PATENT, WAXt PASTEP ETHYLENE,GLYCOL, ETHER ~.,,CONTROL MARKING--NO RESTRICTIONS '_~-DOCUMENT CLAS,S--UNCLASSIFIED OXY RE,EL/FRAME--1995/1085 STEP NU--UR/0482/70/000/000/0000/0000 ,~CIRC ACCESSION NO--AA0116551 UNCLASSIFIED 009 --160CT70 UNCLAS PROCESSING DATE ~ClRC ACCES.SION NO--AA0116551 ..'._A8STRACT/EXTRACT--(U) GP-0- ABSTRACT. THE TITLE PASTE HAS THE FOLLOWING 'COMPN.,. AEROSIL 4-10f MIXT* OF POLYETHYLENE GLYCOL ETHERS OF; HIGHER q.:_'_i_FATTY ALCS. 4-7t BLEACHED MONTAN WAX 3-13v PARAFFUN; 3-7, GERESIN 1-3t 'APINDLE OIL 1-4, PROTECTIVE LUBRICANT (CONSISTING OF 75PERCENT NITRATED "41L 1- '5PERCENT OXIDIZED PETROLATUMv 5PERCENT AL COMPO. AND 5PERCENIT 1-3t~_ TECH. PH SUB2 0, 0.5-1p WHITE, SPIRITS- 30-8p ANO H SU62 0 .41*:.5PERCENT. FACILtTY.-~' SPEC,I:AL,CONSTRUCITION BUREAU OF ION OF THE NATIONAL ECONOMY :,LATV UAN 5.*S.Ro-L UNCLASSIHED 'USSR UDC 620.193.1:669. jJ5 TOMASHOV, N. D., ANOSHKIN, N. F. 140ROZNIKOVA, S. V. (r, AYA.L E. I.. JUJSKOL,, YU. S., and CHMOVA, G. P., Institute of Physical Chemistry, Ac'ademy of. Sciences USSR InInvestigation ot the Effect of Falladium an the.Fmgineerine, Mechanical and ~Gorrosion Properties of Titanium Alloys ~OT4 and VT1411 Ybscow, Za6hchita Metallov, Vol 9 No 6, 1973, pp 672-475 Abstract: The possibility of increasing the corrosion resistance of titanium alloys M4 and VT14 by means of alloying with 0.2% Fd ~,as st .udied. The alloys were pra4uce&in a vacuun-are furnace with the palladium added in the form of powder.I Struicture of OT4 and OT4+0.2% Fd ias the alph,-solid solution, and VT14 and VT14+0.2' Pd--fine grains of the alpha- and alpha"-phases inside a beta-matrix. Strength properties of the:titanium allots were improved somewhat vith the addition of palladium while ductility was lowered. The add tion of .2.VR Pd significantly lowered the oxidation tendency ofthe aLloys at 600 and 800cIC) and especially at 10000C. 3 figures,, 4 tables, bibliographic refer- ences. Nr.* #0040450 ROL: Code: LA. o 4 IZ JP R;S -9 UDC OL,375~:4.523.8 us Lv:P N i.1 Kk_j_G,5R_ pYE, and qSLS&IY mt.A . A "Transis Amplifier for a:Tracking Systetall torizid Moscow,.Otkrytiya, izobreteniya, promyshlennyye obrattay, tovarnyVe -,znaki, No 1, 1970, p .51. Author Certificate No 258389. 'Abstract: An author certificate has been granted for a transi- .-Storized amplifier for-a tracking system. The amplifiix is made Ifier: summator arid a two half- itt the form of a preliminary ampl- .~pvriod amplifier-demodulator with a negative outp6t current feed- ity, ill contains a cur -back. To simplify and to increase reliabil reattrans-former in the feedback circ)Ait,two win4ings of the `,trans-4 -amer are connected in series with the demodulator transi- ~stors'..vhile the third wiriding (step-up) is connected to the pre- 'Uminary amplifier input. Real/Frame wyv USSR UIDC:612L.375,4~.523 4~8 ..VALAYEV N. I., KRIGER, YE. G. and Yj A ~;k. storized Amplifier for a Tr a a~l LI system's; Transi Moscow, Otkrytiya, izobreteniya, prolnys~tennyye 'cibra;Rtsy, tovar"yye znaki, No 1, 1970, p 51 Au thor Certificate NoJ258399. Abstract: An author certificate has been 8~rantad for a tran~5i- storized amplifier for a tracking system. Ihe:i4mplifier is made in the form of a preliminary amplifier supnmator:land a two half- period amplifier-demodulator with a negative output current feed- back., To simplify and to increase reliability,;,it contains a cur- rent transformer in the feedback circuit, two windings of the :transformer are connected,ir. series with the demodulator transi- nhected to the pre stors, While the third winding (atep-'a is en p liminary.Amplifier input. ;:, - 1 1 , ! . SOURCE-USSR 264f6E7 uj)c:l 576.851-45-D)7.2-07 USSR i.s., and M. , Institute of L.N., ',s USS Epidemioic&y and Mcrobiolomr imeni Gamale-Ya, Academy of Medical Science R, ''~.-:and Tzstitute of Biophysics, Academy of Sciences USSR "Determination of the Locali7,ation ofAntigens in F. tularetsis Uoing ferritin- -oe S e tudi 6" Labelled Antibodives: Electron-Microsco- MOSCOW., Zhurnal Mikrobiologii, Epidewdologii i InmunabiologU. No 2, 19'TO, pp 51-55 Abstract: Localization of Vi and O-antigenic Qmplexes in tullarouip- b~.Cteriz~. Vas studied using ferritin-labeled anlLibodies. Vi antigen IrL a virulent strain and 0 antigen in an a7iralent strain were found in the outer, mucou.,:,, CKpzule-like sheath of the bacterial cell, and not on the surface of the cell wall. The'Vi antigen was localized in, the ranss off the sheath, nLLd the 0 antigen pn its ~surllace. ature and: azmmt of Vi,and 0 an'tigenir. The n legi b~r oxided ~to tbe visual tpicture of Vi anc~ -vtal -the ferritin method corrqop re 0 agglutination in tul-a-~-da bacteria.: 17 W'' Acc. Nr., tf~OM43864 Ref Codia: UR 0016 PRIMARY SOURCE: Zhurnal Mikrobiologii, Ep~4emiologii,, J Immunobiologill 1970, Nr 21-i ELECTRON MICROSCOPIC STUDIES OFANTIGENS LOCALIZATION IN F. TULARENSIS WITi-I THE AID OF FERRITIN-LASELED ANTIBOMES Kats. L, ''.; 11L~,scberyakova, I. S.; Uavevets~-,aya. It. M. M .* A studv was made of localization of Vi- and 0-antilgenic wmpleKes in the virulent (S), vaccine (SR) and avirulent (R) strairs of F. tularensis with the aid of ferri 6 n- labeled anti- bodies. Vi. and O-y-g)obulins were marked %vith ferrifin by Siuger's rliethod J19,59). Vi- and 0-y-globulins were prepared from antisera obtained in immunization of rtbbits with the S- and R-cultum of F. tularensis, respectively. Eimtran miooscopic studk's Nvere carried out on intact microbial cells. Considerable arnpunt of Vi-antigea of the virulent str3in proved to localize along the whole ffickness of the capsule-like coat, and 0-antigen - on its Sur- face. In avirulent strain 0-antigen also localized along the whole capsule-like 4-oat- The prob- lern an localization of ferritia-labeled antibodies, in other baqteria, and also AM the structu- M of bacterial cells serving as.the antigen-cartlers Is dlicussed REELIFRAME 4V 19770288 Z--;A!4 U NCL ASSI FIE6 PRXESS~ING DATE--160CT70 I-TLE--A NONLINEAR REALIZATION AND BREAKING OF SU(3):l SYMMETRY -u.- -i~-AUTHOR---~-OGIEVETSKIYV V. '~ttOUN T R YOF INFO--USSR f~."SOURCE-INP-68lt PP 29-45 ,!-.-,,"6ATE_ PUBLISHED ------ 70 ~L._.T:(lpIC-TAGS--PARTICLE SYMMETRY, NONLINEAR EQUATION, SCATTERING AMPLITUDE CLA5S--UNGLASSIF iED [7-PROXY REEL/FRAME-1903/1755 STEP ND--UR/0000/70/0001000/~')029/,0045 ~t.,CTAC ACCESSION NO--AT0054593 _'__U NI-C-LA-ic S-1 F-1 E 1) CLA STFIE,.O~--- OCESSYNG "-160CT70 DAT7- ~v_elk ACCESSION NO--AT0054593 U) GP-0- ABSTRACT. IT is SHOWN THAT THE NONL I NEAR METHOD IS VERY I CONVENIENT FUR THE TREATMENT OF SY9,MErRY BREAKING. THE SIMPLEST NPiLINEAR REALIZATION OF SUM IS ANALOGOUS TO THA*r OF SU(2) ~:.,TJMES SUM. ALL FEATURES OF NONLINEAR REALIZATIONS ARE EASILY SEENt -AND A GENERAL IZATION TO SL)(3) TIMES SUM 15 EVIDENT. ALSO THE PROBLEA R J 'R OF THE DERIVATION OF MASS FORMULAS WITfi THE ADDITIONAL E, Ull EMENT OF A HIGH ENERGY BEHAVIOR OF SCATTERIN G ~ AMPL'I TUDE S15 OISCUSSED. 'FACILITY: JOINT INST. FOR NUCLEAR RESEARCH, DUSNA USSR. _UN C LA 5-c-[ F_' L. f--- li USSR upc 62i.I.654621.438.ola MWIMIN G. A.J. PEMMKIY, Ye. N., PAKSHIN, A. V., and OZEROV, V. 1. "Lwestigation of the Efficiency of Steam-Gas Plants With Different Modes of Discharging Gases Into the Boiler". 4. Tr. Bev.-Zap. Zaoch. Politeklin. In-ta (Works of the Noi-thwesuern Correspond- ence Polytechnic 1nstitutel, No,19, 1972~ PP:36-40 (fr6m Referativnyy Zhurnal, ao~ io,:Oct.7P_,. 49. Turbos+--c-~niy6. Sinjglei.lssuei. Abstract No 10.4~-28) Translation: The suggested method simplifies the analysis of therrral effic- iency of steam-gas pl&.nts (Srj'P) with discharginG under conditions of uartial loads. The efficiency reduction an load red-action of SGP becomes I-ass intensive vith incx~ease of the gas teemperatum t before the gas~,turbine, but at t3 0 3 i 1200 C the load reduction effects an efficiency increase of.SC.P. The shieldinf7 of the combustion chan~ber of tile gas stage by steam supex4heatin,g beat surfaces increases the efficiency of SGP and increases ittlic nom the the load of SGP. Two illustr., six biblio. UNCLASSIFJEOI.;.~ CES.S:ING LATE-13HOV70 LE:_.w_ELE-CTqCAlr_ ASPECTS IF THE i-Hu"TODUAIEPHATIGN4 Of* BASES AND H EI FZ UEONATIVES -U- V. t 0GLOBLINt -'AUTt4'~R-(,~)4)-zRLJ~'.',LYAK, YU.A., D AN I L 0V V.I. KUPRIYEV[Cf A v W OF 11111F473--ussp ,S-0WZCE--TE0K- K S P. 1-310, b( 1 33-~9 PUBLISHED ------- 7,) %~SUBJECT AR;_-A5--CliEt-tlSTRY, PHYSICS i31 GILOGICAL AND MEOICAL, SC 1ENCES _31i'*~~ILAT KIN, PYMAIDINE, EXCITED STATE' JjkAC:ILl DiYM11NE T AG.S" .`:pHoTQ-F.FECT :..FREE RADICALP ONA 'It --NO RESTR ICTIONS ~:tb N_ T k 0 L W%RKING 00C U -M J C LA S S --UN C LAS S I F I ED 09OXY REFL/FRAiiF_--,3002/1114 STEP N0--VRi03 79/ TO 100o.1 (30 1 /00 3 3/0039 UNCLASSIF 1 :0: 25 PiWCESSING LJAT[--L3NijV70 C-I-RC ACCESSION 31,0-AP0123541 '---"A:B~~TRAC;T/EXT,R-AC-f--(U) (,P--J- 4,3 S T NS. WERE MADE ACT. CALC! PIN -lC- L04EST EXCITE U TRIVU-J- iT SUH) ",Nn SPNGILEr IS' SU6 11 - STATES OF Tii~-: TITLE GW I P 0 S . (UR A C I L 6, -'iF THYL OR AC I L , THIM I N E RA T i c ~ AC 10 t 5 t A t4d U R A C I L CYTOS!"Et 5,0z-THYLCYT-,js[--=, 2tTHlGTHY.'-!TNE:o ISOr-YTG5I%E, 5,:~LTP:IURACEL, AND 6,AZATHYMINE) BY SCF Cl (CUNFIGUAAT1,31-4 I NTE lkt CT I 0,;,v I METHODS N ESP. CONCERNS THE C SIJ35 G -6 EXC UA T IQ. SUE BOhL) 144i T SUal ANU S SU51 'L OCAL I Z.1 1) -1-3N JHIS 361NL). IN -,..GESTATES., TRIPLET EXCITA) ficl BEI,`~G E ~i T I R -Tlilc, T: SUBI STATEI THIS 3--DN-D IS Vl~RY -&Ax,&~Eo ANI),~ NJUS, THE C3NDITIONS ~'FO E)ViERIZATLON Alj,'E FAVG;,~AlLt~ LN THE, T SUBI *r~iA-N IN THE S SUBI -rSTAT A ELA r ICIN IS PROPOS ED 6ET-WEEI- THE DE~ik~f. C~, LOC4LILATIG-N OF -,~~Tkl,PLET EXCI rATEU14 UF C SU65 C 51*1W BONO AND TAE BASE OF !~-PHGT0GImEfUZ-ATI0f4. P AP TL. DATA CG lCEkNI,%G:, FORMA rl OW OF: TH'fi,~INE FREE --'~'-AADICALS lN UNA ARE EXPLAU,,ED. IFACJ L I TY r. -4 S T .FIZ. KHIM. U-I ~~Ak ri r -All KIEVi USSR. ti Dt" USE Of GAS C;4,RGMATOGPAPJIY IN PETROCI.iEMISTRY [Article by Doctor o ical Sciences vy~ Gl~~-Pprezklrl'1- Moscow, .-Veat'llk Akadimll Na.L r,,,,;,M,. 6, june-Wj~' pp 129- 131) t - I Increaise of the effectiveness of scientific invest go- till, end_9;rj,qth of the produq:tIvity one rate of'chemilcal pro- cesses used 16 ihduztr-~~-are sticulated tp a consjdorable drq~ee by the successful: development. of neW physiciz-6hhnlcal Method-S of rondatting scientific, experiments and. coixtrallLpq production. 6ne r,,ucK'rntth,3d! is gss~ chrolmatpgraphy. , Many quantitative decer- minations prevl*o'usily-,'abn~ldered pract~L~Ily impoazible :are per- form. e4 Oy. means of gas'chromatography 10) - them cziinie- of"'Minutps' .5 ld-An some easew c-van of scconds,_:_The method. has high rei5alu- -nd sensitivity-,- 15. 'anTmokes it poc3ible to effectivuly control technological procnsdeg~ The scientific counci", for Patrachemistry. and Chro"ato- graphy, the"Iftatitute of Petrachemtcal_ Syntliesis Imenj A. V. Topchiyev Cf the- AS USSR.and the Scientific and Tech,noloqic-31 Council 40 r the ministry of. Petrache~.,Plcal lndutiEry USSR conduct-dons-8 rpbrubry tba-sirst All-Union Con- ~of 7r fernce on th- U~1` jas Chroinat*qrAphy, in Petrorhemiatry, Par- tictpating in it were over. 200 persons rtlpresentlnq over 90 ~tlentiflc research organL14t1ons, eviterprires, ~ F)Pqt:ti&I derign office-,% antl VUZ. ThIr'ty-f6ur reports were.heard. 41 In his Introductory, speech the. Cha man of the Scieritific Council for Chromatography of the AS USSRIT. V. Chmutov noted the ever. inc rea ning importance of gas chro-matogra-pTi-y-17 ttie anu- lysis of complex mixturea In petroletus refining ond petrochemls- tryt In studying the tlietmodynamirs of absorption and adsorp- tLon and the processes of chemisorption and catalysis, and in determining the diffusive charactertstIca of. gases and liquids and nth er physJ cochemical characteristics. 179 d General questions f the ~ppll,~atinn ,f -.4ar ctirc.mfitJ graphy In tne pttrol,_um refinin!j ,rid ind-,ttry w~r- e,,amlncC4 i;-. tb~ f9pt~ch ~f tnp ctrr,lity chi, i _~i tho rech- nologicnI Adminintration of the Plinintry, Yu. N. li~yenkcir$chen. to the most promisin4 dir+.~cti n .511 Ethic u~4 -nt ---f gaz. ch:-cmat-jra-?hy. Th,~ main attertion, I. the opirs;.1n, of the z,qy~rter, ;h~u~d be ql-.-en to theri--etiral and mpr1led invP.-t:IaatiQn:i directPJ to- ward thq olab-ration of akeUvids uf Imurc-.111a ~s,,j id"ritil I cation of chromatographic zonest the acceleration, of rhromatc:graphir analysiz and the improvPment or methods of analyzing mixtures. The survey of publicettiun~ an kh,? qivimn thcm-o ritc-1 by tt,c rcporter showed Vial: gas chro-ratcgrzphy has bpc~mt- - . tjje ly5is or organic compounig In L111lytical Ch~rqlstry. 1:jrh Interect qr er,,"ud h-i, ttio revorL of A. A. -Wi- kllolli-- -L ~L in which trx rol- f o,J,,orPtion ar,177 41i~kh-_,Jz of tne,.r qkiantiLa~_ive wczm-chiractetlzed. P ' b" blina --avlt or. the question, urqent for petro- chemistry, lo 11_~~ pro- zeduces. Sbe suZztan tiated the need ior their very rapid stan- dardization, painting out the roorces of errors of experimen- tars connected with the lac),. of a rolution of that probLiem. The de~,alopment of highly scrisittye methods of an ly a zLnq mixtures Is especially Import,int in the investigation of mono- nit-rz andothPL high-purity sulDrkanres. N-w vo, stable In Lr-mcentrations oE 10-5 - IO-Z% can be -determined by means of qds chromatograph-y ~bz _j_.Ajekseyeva and Yt, Ye. _K,~.,zucheXa)_ The same method permits onal~7.-Iri4'-i'ompoxin-fTs-w.EEH- a b_u_:L_11nq'polnt of oily to 7000C (N. S. Hikitina, 'r. A. Zakurpa ze. Ye. Myzak). Of,, t inctive fp~tljres of the inveztlqation of oxygen. rontainIng cviopct,%d:; werp exbm)ned by f.;-r cl,,omatography As u:;ed more and more an a meth,d of ;ao~cmitic cintroL of the composition of tcc),ncluqLcal streams. In the report of_AY, AnUimov et al It was rer~;,rltcd that now at lejt :--~ of the ~~Mal'nt;k~_er of industrial analyzers con- sii~t of aut-matic chromatogr,3pha; in 196~-1971 th~ total uovintj - rom Lhe application of Industrial chromatogrz;phs, in the opinion of the authors, amounted to at least 60 million rubles in the premence of capital ex'pendlture3 Qf hot more than 9 million rubles. 180 - XSSR MAKEDODNi Ya. Kh., MALCM71 Kh. A. ate- =AX.M N. It.,, .Vztek~ Scientifie search Mistitute Of IL-MELtOlOgY and La~rge Amounts of DDnor Plasm tbropgh~Musaapher~sis". Tashken It, Madit-simkiy 721rurtal Uzbekistana, XO'.6.,` 19TO,P5~ Trunslation., Me effects of repeated plasmapheresis on the donorn ori;anism were studied. Over the course of two years, 80 perwna aged 20 to 50, iffio had been donors for one. to 20 years or more, were examined. Because; plastic bafl,s and a special centri.P.We were not available, 500-nil1li-liter flaq%p made of domestic glass 'S -y underwent chet4iea nni 'pbynical processing, of the N -2 brand were used; the sterilization., and centriN-,ation at. 1,500-3,000,rpm without cooling. ftLcroscopic examination of the blood after centrifugation revealed that no d4tmage ,ms dane to the formed elements. The donors were examined in the umial mannor; in addition, their liver functions were tested aml the concentration ot~olasma Proteins and "Asks urith blood were 4i~ailibratel on a balance their fractions was measured. The f. and centrifuged for 20 minutes at, 1,1100 rpm.i Tbe plasma wis drwm off,, anti the foraed* elements were reinfused into. the donors. _0n the a~vkage R50 ml of plasma ~,---`vere-~dbtained fTom Wo ml of blood per dw=4 Most plasnai~donors displayed ~ smll ons in-their hemtolngfcall.lzdiceis,.~.-put.';thooe,ve y ieseeintiall within the 1,2 f 'I IMMIMM MEN= -1/2 014 UNCLASSIFIED OCESSING DATE--230CT70 -:_TfTLE--CO-%(PLFXES OF AETALS WITH SLIME NITROGEN CONTALNING LIGANDS. XVI 11 -.-:COMPLEXES :OF ZINC W ITH 1, 5, DIRENI IM [OALULYLSOPMAZANS -0- R.1., BEDNYAGINA~ ~N.*Pt GARNOVSKlYt A.D. ~';C'OUNTRY OF INFO_-USSR ORSHCH. KHIM. 19701 40(2)v 367-72 VATE PUBL ISHE0------- 70 ~_U:"~j Ec' TAR'EAS-CHEMISTRY JOPICTAGS--METAL COMPLEX COMPOUNDt ZINC~CWPLFX, BEWIMIDAZOLEo _.'~HETEAOCYCL I C, NITROGEN COMPOUND# POLYNUCLEAR HYORUChpuml, MOI.ECULAR TRUCTUREvDIP()LE MOMENTt ABSURPTIONSPECTRU", K ~,,,~ONTROL MARKING--NO RESTRICTIONS PROXY CIRC ENT CLASS--UNCLASSIFIED REEL/FRAME--1995/1394 STEP NO--UR/0079/70/040/002/0367/0372 ACCESSION NO--AP0116842 U NIC LA S S1: ( E 1) 014 UNCLASSIFIED PRDCESSI~ '2 NG (IATE--23OCT70 Cl R-C ACCESSION NO-AP0116842 GP-0- ABSTRACT. MIXING APPROPRIATE 3,ALKYLFORRAZAINS WITH ZN CHLORIDE OR ACETATE-GAVE COMPLEXES I (R AND R PRIME1 SHOWN, RE.Sll.): PHCH SU132v ME, A. 280-5DEGREES; SAME WITH ADDED ME SU32 CO OF CRYSTN., M. 280-50EGREES; :ME, ME, M. 295-SOEGREES; ETv MEt J4. .290-30EGREFS; PHCH SU82v PRv M. -.~293-6DEGREES; AND 11 PHCH SU52i ME, M. 178-80DEGREiES; SAME WITH ADDED ZN(0H) SUB2, M. 210-15fi-EGREES; Rt:ACTION OF THE FORINAZANS WITH ZNJOAC) SUB 2 IN ME Sti~ Z CO GAVE I I t PficH'SU82t MEt M. 180-20EGREFS; MONOHYDRATE OF I[v ETT ME, M~. 188-90DEGREES. ABSORPTION SPECTRA ARE GIVEN. T14E .DIPOLE MOM.EINTS~ANO THE SPECTROSCOPIC DATA -INDICATE[) THAT COMPLEXES OF :TYPE I dHlCH.HAVE LOW SOLY. IN NONPOLAR SOLVENTSt HAVE rHE STRUCTURE -SHOWN; THE CO-114PLEXES OF TYPE- 11 WITO DIPOLE MOMEWS OF 11.5-2 1) ARE THUS SHOWN TO.B.E TRUE CHELATES WITH TETRAHEOR.AL'STRUCTUR E TYPICAL OF ZN PRIME POSITIVE COMPLEXES. THUS, AZOLYLFORMtZANS MAY~ C-ORM 61TH METALS _~_EITHER CHELATES OR MOL. COMPLEXES.WITH.DATIVE BONDS MAINLY AT THE ERG- N. ATQMS, OR CYANINES WITH ZNCL SUB2. FACILITY: URAL. _,_,-..-..P0LITEKHA: INST.t SVEROLOVSK9. USSR* JUNC-L A S s i F_ i_E~_ N~ USSR AKHKAKOV, S. A., KOMGL,, A. I., XAJ(S1MO V, S. A. and ~92a.6 jVj. YE., F013- cow State University Ameni M. V. Lommosov ftDispe= Lan of Resonant HonllmGar Susceptibility in Potassium Vape rs &SCOW, Pia"ma v Zhuxnal Eksperimentallnoy L Teoretichmakoy.nziklj, Vol 15, No 20 Pab 72, pp 186-191 Abstractt The article describes results of an experimemtal study of the dis- P=sion of nonlinear swceptibillty of potas-elum vapors near the tmnsitions 4SVZ - 03/2 (VOI - 13043 cm-11) am4 4S1/2 -01/2 U985 cm- 71be we -of a frequency-tunablehigh-pover pulsoparwb6ti. ght oacillator. ar, Ac JA, the soune fbrthe observation of self-Podulation, soli~-focutjing,mid self- defocusing effects made It possible for the first timo to trace the disper- ar susceptlbiUty Im the e4utire fre- Sion of tha mdulus cuid sign of nonline (IUCMCY r*azga V I -V '>I/ -,'> -V 021 V < V 02 -Me strong effect of 01 01, nonlinearity saturation and group velocitly dispersions'~' was prono-imeed in the experiments. Lubricar.tis "a on UDC 621.'???.2i621.8q2_ KOPENKO, I. V MEF V_A4 Z ~H. 11.0 and PRIIELSLER, V. B. "Action of Molybdenum Disulffide-Baze Lubricants DurInSiRydrostatic Extruslon" Foscow, Kuznechno-Shtampovochnoye Proizvodrtvo, No 10,,Oct ?3, PP 12-15 Abstracti Investigation of jibs -base lubricants was conducted fox, the bydro- 2 static extrusion of steels U8, ShXh15, R6113, and R18, and titanium alloy VT,9. Data are presented In this artiale for steel Shn15 since the mecbanism of the action(f solid kloS27base lubricants was identical for a. 1:1 tho mate;~Ials studied, Extrusion was done at roon, temp ra- foS -base, tFormoreactive film- e ture using a I-1 forming substance -- phenolformald6hyde resin, and a 1-JoS -base thexmoplastic 2 aulnitance polyvinyl acetate mAn. For comparleon, lubricat%t VVIINP-?_'12, con- aisting~ of 140S2 and minural oil# w.,w also studied. The workIng f1vid used was "IMustriallnoye-12" oil. Studies showed that the prop.~rties of the fili.- -forming substances have a subistantial effect on lubricmting action. Extru- sion pressure is not lowered usi"_ , Tzltfp-2.:~'e but is lowered using the poly- vinyl acetate resin. In both cas"s scratches were found on tho extruded sur- faces. In the hydrostatic extrusion of hazd-to-deform materitUs with lar_!p im-1 a ~IMWA- Ili USSR KARPENKO, 1. V., et al., Kuznechno-Sh+,anpoYochnqye Proizvcdstvo, No io, oct 73, PP.12-15 degrees oZ deformation in the contact zone of the blank material with the die, any liquid or solid lubricant is squeezed out. The degiee of deformation has limits depending on type of lubricant. For inatance p in thsi extriLsion of a blank, using a solid lubricant with the PVA resin, the~lubrlcant Is not fsqueaz:i.L' out of the contact zone e,. reductions of 30 and 50,',5 (at 30';! reduct.ion the pressure was reduced by 33;-,:', and at, 50,c,' - by ?%). A reduction a.: 66,9 was not P-iaible -~vith 011HP-232 because, evidently, the pressure increased so much that the lubricant was squeezed from the,contact zone. The solid lubricant, 11019.-phenolformaldehyde resin, po:wesses higher strength properties aiia is not squeezed out at the con-tact pressures which form for a 66%. d.pgree of reduction. Thus, the=L-reactive resins provide the best lubricating properties for hydro- static extrusion at high degrees of reduction because they provide a sepxating film. Two figures, three tables, four bibliographic ence-38 2/2 26 MPFRFFRR RIM Iifliff ...... I I FIII 11 al I i I ffiffiffil- Ii 1/2 0 2 5 UNCLASSIFEEU PRiXESSING DATE-20NOV70 -0 LUBRECANT" ON THE OF THL M.DLY6DEWM, GJSU~FlDf- 6 A S E SfEEL -U-- P G tE X T i-. k, S I -C PRCCESS OF TKE,:SH4H15 I.V.t KATSOVy K B~f t OGN E TOVA t I ?.H.k. 1, KHRUNIP't R.A. CCLNTr%Y LF INFG-LSSR ,m:7 ~%JUPC-E-.F.111KC=KHIMICHESKAIA MEKHANIKA, MATERIALOV,~ G L 6, NO. Zi 19701 P. 116~ .,::DATF PUBL ISHEC---70 A REAS--MATERIALSt MECli*v INO., CIVIL ANO MAMINE 1. PIGR J SVOJECT: -1-ANT Mqj> I C TAGS-HYL)RUSTATIC EXTRUSION, METAL ;LUOR ~:MOLYWXNUM OISULFIDEs BliAkING STEEL# WBLIUGRAPHYMU)Sfjklil~ HALL HARIWSHEL "TRCL.*AFKING--NO RESTRICTIONS OCCUMENT CLASS_-UNCLASSIFIED ~'..'PROXY REEL/FRAME -3001/0072 STEP Ntl---UR/0'169/70/006/002iUll5tCll6 6- RC ACCESSiCN NU--AP0125907 vli 711 CIL ~_s J ~_ll - ,,- i --uN.", ~, S-S~ I I.-I F USSR uw 615.849.19-015:6i2.46 OGNEV B. V. 'VISME VSKlY. A. A.J1 Jr., TROMKIY, R. A., POLONSnY, A. K.., -iO~, ~E~-'O-, Z2417hDIA, 11. 1., FASSIN, V. Yu., and CERMSOV, A. V. Institute of Surgery imeni A. V.'Vishnevskiy, Academy of,~M-edical Sciencea USSR., Moscow "Investigation of the Action alf Gas Laser Rays on the Kidney Under Experimental Conditions" M-ascov., Urologiya i Nefrologiya, No 2, Mar/Apr 73., pp 33-36 Abstract: Lap4rotomy was perfonned under local anesthes'4a in rabbits, and tiie left kidney was transected vith a focused impulsed noodrrdva litser fievam, The transection was bloocUeas, and renal temperature rose to 42-103C fol- a brief period. Penicillin vao applAud in the abdominal area, and tho ki(Ln(!y arol the abdown were closed with i3utttres. During the uncompliaa~ed pastaporative month., the animls were sacrifteed at intervals. 1rKstal-,.)9.ica1 exaniir-ntion of renal tissue taken 1 hr after surgery reve&te--l a wedge-sImped crater on the surface, 216,/-kwide and 90// deep, froir, which ~;racks extended up to 110/'(deep into the renal cortex. Me crater was covered with a hamogeneaus, foav 5, coagulate. Thu lesion was surrounded by a thin layer of necrotic t,.ssue. in 1 day,.the edges of the fibrous capsule were peeled off 500/efrom the center of the crater - The necrotic zone la s 360 14 'wide and 300 /1 deep, end it was 1/2 USSR MMV) B. V., et al.,, Urologiya i Nefroloeiya, NO 2,' mmr/Apr 73, PP 33-36 suxrounded by an infiltrated layer separating it from healthy tissue. On Subsequent days, the necrotic. zone enlarged to a ir=imum. of 9CO11, but no hemorrhages or suppurative inflammation developed. On the 10th day, the sur- face of the lesion was covered Nrith a thin connective tipsue capsule which gradually grew thicker. Nev capillaries formL-1 in the parenchyma. On the 20th day, the lesion ,ms filled with sear tissue whose thickness d-biiinished to about 100 // on the 30th day. The right kidney was treve at' pathology throughout the experimental period. Thus, transection of tha:kidne,,j- with laser is bloodless and causes strictly local morphological changes, lewing zurrounding tissue intact. Organization of sear tissue is not completed in 2/2 USSR UDC 6.1.5. 849.3-9:061.3 OGNjX, B. Corresponding Member of the Academy of Medical Science, USSR, TROITSKIY, R. A., Doctor of Medical Sclence,:~and BEREZtNA, S. P., (Moscow) ymposia, on the Problems of Application;of Lasers in:Hedicine and Biology" Moscow, Khirurgiya, No 12, 1971, pp 118~119 Translation: At the present time, we have been given the possibility of em- ysics -- optical plo, ying and developing a promising achievement of quantum ph' enerators (lasers). Besides the medical aspect, thia laser is also quantina g important because the construction of lasers was first accomplished by the Soviet physicists N. G. Basov and A. M. Prokhorov, who were awarded the Len~n Prize in 1959 for their work. Later, in 1964, they were awardled the Nobel prize for work in this field along with the Amierican scientist-t Towns (Tauns). The most important properties of lasers, high coherence, monochromaticity of radiation, immense energy density, and the possibility of focusinE~, have at- tracted the attention of specialists in various scientific fields. In spite f a tompwratively short period since the~creatioXi of jasers, several exper-- ments. hav*, -been run an their.use ot biol~gy~4~',Ad medicine. As a result, we have succeeded in obtaining many valuable andlencouraging results not only under experimental conditions, but also -in actual therapy. 1/8 USSR O=V, B. V., et al., Khirurgiya, No 12, 1971, pp 118-119 Results of medical and biological studies with.lasers are presented in over 800 published works. Symposia, which took place in May 1971 in Kiev (All Union) and in Leningrad, were dedicated to:this, important-new field. Short abstracts of the proceedings are presented in,this article. Physicians, biologists and engineers shared in the work of.these symposia. A study oi thle use of lasers in biology conducted at the Kiev Institute of Oncalogy, dese-rves.atteat-ion. Specifically, the report of N. F. 6ainaley, et al., showed that irradiation with ultraviolet laser microwaves provided valuable data on the metabolism not only of normal cells, but also cells treated with 'various stains, antibiotics and vitamins.. The saw, authors, using local exposure of the mitochondria of cardiac muscle cells in,'rats, succeeded in lerating, retarding and even halting the reduction of cells. Ve may hope that-the results of-expanded, intensive ;supplamental Studies Will help the -study of the metabolism of living cells and vill in tile: future be used by CLInician Another important aspect of the biological significance of the problem, as described by V. M. Inyusbin et al., in their report, is the ability of laser 83 TJSSR OGINEV, B. V., et a!., Khirurgiya, No 12, 1971, pp 118-119 radiation to-cause a shift in the energy state of the cell, which leads to the stimulation of the redox process and which, in.the final analysis, will make possible acceleration or inhibition o's cieell growth.i We may assume that it%i.Till prove possible to control processes in living organisTas by means of Jaserrays., At this time this would apply on"y to. the very simplest structures; microbes, plant cells, etc. The data cited by the authors, shows the importance -of laser applications in genetics; which,: in principle,:icould provide regulation and, control of cellular processes. Furthermore, the first and most successful application of lasers in medicine was in,- phthalmology at the institute imeni F. P..Filatov. The reason for this was, on one hand, because the transparent medium of the eve is permeable 1~o the passage of the laser ray. However, on the other hand, it is difficult to imagine any other organ consisting of,tissues with:a higher range of can- ~trast. For this reason, after many experimental stu&6 by oculiNts, they were able to determine guidelines for the application of laqers ir. clinical (thezapautic) conditions, treatin~~ retinal detachment,:ocular neoplasms, and even to experimentally approach the crea~t~Loh of an art.1ficial pupil, all of which will bp- significant in therapeutic applicati=: he r4isults of work in 3/8 USSR OCNEV, B. V., et al., Khirurgiya, No 12, 1971, pp 118-119 this area were presented in the report of L. A. Vedmedeako, L. A. Linnik, G. G. Melikov, N. A. Puchkovskaya, L. S. Terent'yeva),.. The application of lasers in oncology is of special interest. In the reuorts of V. V. Gorodilova, I. G. Lagunova, I. R. Kazerev, V. Ye. Likhtenshteyn't R. Ye. Kavetskiy, B. V. OVev, S. D. Pletnev, et al., it was shown that pulsed and continuous laser rays were able to coagulate malignant tumors in humans and animals. In particulari encouraging results were obtained from the irradiation of experimentally-produced Harding-Passi tum-rs, the carcinoma RSM (Rous Sarcoma in mice), Brown-Pearce tumors, and also melanoma, skin cani,~rs, angiomas, fibromas and nevuses in man. .It was established that the tumol~and its metastasis must be fully irradiated, ~ and that Pigmented tumors sL*jw greater sensitivity to lasers.than unpigmented tumors. This clarifies and provides a scientific basis for the inittal results in erasing a tattoo, as obtained by A. A. Vishnevskiy,(the younger) of the Irstitute of Surgery inkeni A. V. Vishnevskiy. The valuable properties of laser therapy, in comparison to other methods of treating surface tuwrs, are the speed and painless nature of irradiation. It is usually conducted in one sitting, 4/8 - 84 USSR 06-IEV, B. V., et al., Khirurgiya, No 12, 1971, pp 118-119 without anesthesia, there is an absence of side effects and rapid healing of the irradiated site, usually not accompanied by infection (R. Ye. Kavetskiv). The reports of B. V. Ognev, et al., and R. A. Troitskiy, A. X. Polonskiy, B. H. Khromov were devoted to 6-e application of the continuous action laser rays as a "light. scalpel." Surgery without hemorrhage, such as dis- section and resection of the kidney, liver, intestine and amputation of limbs, is possible using the coagulating' property of laser rays. 'Chis is extremelyimportant. When B. M. Khromovi et al., compared operations per- formed with a scalpel, by thermocautery and with laser rays,~it was found that the surgical incisions frora the rays are replaced by connective tissue. The scar forms in 3-4 weeks depending on;the organ and~the nature of the tissue. At-the same time, in analogous operations performed with a scalpel and using thermocautery, much slower regeneration was observed. The scar from the operation with a scalpel is more tender than that from the lastr. A most promising application of laser rays will be in beurosurgery, where bloodless operations have future importance. Even today R. A. Trcitskov and A. K. Polonskiy have succeeded in stopping rather extensive hemorrhage of USSR OGNEV, B. V., et al., Khirurglya, No 12, 1971, pp 118-119 large vessels of rabbits with defocused laser rays. In addition, it was shown that surgery using lasers takes considerably longer than scalpel operations. This is e%plained by the still inadequate laser equipment. In connectiov with this problem, great interest was given to the report of the Enoinee-ring Academv, by~N. M Devvatkcv, V. P. Belyayev, 1. V. Kudravtsev, e~t al, , which discussed the prospects of creating new lasers for Another series of reDorts described the charactedstic effect: of lasers an different organs and tissues. It was established that.the destruci;ive effect of1aser radiation Is datormined by the biological make-up of the irradiated objects (B. V. Ognev, at al., and B. M. Kor=ov, ec al). The characteris tics of the effect of lasers on laryngeal cartilage, (A. Ye, Lapko), tooth pulp ~(E.~ Ye. Tarsis, et al.), liver (V. G. Pinchuk, et al.), spine and spinal cortex (A. A. Vishnevskiy, et al.) intestinal walls and lymph nodes (R. A. Troitskiy, A. K. Polouskiy), and skin (V. V. Byalik, P-L al.) were -determined. The reports of D. D. Kopytniy, L. Ya. Zazulevskiv provided experimental con- firmation of the stimulation of phagocytosis by local laser irradiation. 6/8 85 USSR OGNEV, B. V., et al., nirurgiva, No 12,,1971, pp 118-119 P. P. Chekurov showed the stimulating effect of laser xadiation on regeneration of.bone tissue. They also succeeded in adapting,lasers in clinics for treat- ment of polyarthritis, radiculitis and endarteritis obliterans. Of utmost importance to future development of medical and biological research is the problem of reliable protection of~healthy body parts.-- essecially the -eyes of the researcher. Principles of organization are being developed for laser laboratories, as well as for laseroperations, clothing, and safety glasses. The results obtained to date cannot be considered satisfactory. This is especially true since great importance is attached to the effecL of reflected laser rays (report of B. P. Koi~ichinskiy,-I. R. Lazarev, et al.). Experiments have shown dystrophic effects in the 17th sector of the cortex and other sections of the brains of rabbits and guinea pigs, after laser irradia- tion of theik eyes. This confirms the importance and complexity of the problem of ~protection from laser radiation, both diroct and refl.ected (A. A. Vishnevskiy, 1R. A. Troitskill, N. 1. TimokUna). In this re~;pect, darefore, it is M!CEISSary to examine the rapid development of laser technology. ~Alreiidy, ne~4 device,.:; have been developed, such as liquid lasers, which, undoubtedly, will be used 7/8 'USSR OGN.EV, B. V., et al., Khirurg4ya, No 12, 1971, pp 118-119 in biology and medicine since they combine the merits of solid ane. gas lasers. It must, however, be stressed that for medical and biological studies, there are few good lasers in spite of the great importance attached to work in this field. Questions on focusing, depth. of penetratiou of light in living tissue and absorption of laser radiation remain undecided. For this reason, the members of the symposia concluded that medical and biolpgical studies with lasers mi, t he conducted in cooperation with engineers this field. lit conclusion, we should note the fire orgAnization of the symposii in Kiev and in Leningrad. 86