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Cie UNCLASSIFIED:; PROCESSM6 DATE--ZONOVIO ITLE-PYRIUAZINES. 1. SYNTHESIS AND NUCLFCOPHILIC SUBSTITUTI N r 3 -U- -4 J- NU Y LTHO-k- CC K.YU*# SADUVA N:K.v KASYANOVA, YE.F., SEMINA, NTRY .(;F I N F,C--,L S S P. Cf-lKl l~i.'C-ETERGTSJKL. SOEDIN. 1970t 13). p412-14 "~_6ATE -PUBLISHED---70 L- BJE C TAREAS--CHEMISTPY PC I C-TAGS--ORGANIC SYNTHESIS, HETEROCYCL14C NITROGEN:COMPOUN01, EXCHANGE THIONYL CHLORIDEs AMINEy. ORGANIC, AZINE COMPOUND ~w ..,_GQ~TRCL.MAkKING--NQ RESTRICTIONS b-CCUM ENT CLASS-UNCLASSIFIED REEL/F.-IRAME-300110226 STEP NO--URfCqQ9/701000/00310412/0414 CIkC -ACCESSIICN- NQ--AP0126011 HINC LA I E f) - MiM ~1711 213 010 UNCLASSIFIED PROCESSING DATE-20NOV70 CIRC ACCESSICN NO--AP0126011 ~,-ABSTRACTIEXTRACT-(U) GP-0- ABSTRACT. TO ASOLN. Cf- 15 ML SOCL SU82 IN ~20 VL ANHYL CHCL SUB3 WAS ADDED A SGLN. OF 12 G I (it EQUALS Oil) IN 60 ML 'ANHYI).* CHCL SU33 AND THE WHOLE STLRRE0 2 MR Td YIELO 61:11ERCENT I.Hr-L (R EQUALS CL) (II.HCL), M. 121-1.50EGREES IETOAC). TH.TS (3-3 G) IN 30 ML MEOH, WAS ADDED ORCPWISE TO MEONA (FROM 1.84, G NAJ IN 30 MIL ANHYO. MEO.4, AND THE VHGLE STIRRED 30 MIN AT ROUM TEAP.. AND REFLUXED 4-5 HR To YIELD ~36PEKEINJ I IR EQUALS OME), 13 SU811 IIA-150EGREE59. 1) PkIMEZO 1.0978 N PRIME20 SU80 1.5C77; PICRATE M. 87-80EGREES (AW. ETOH).. SIMILARLY WAS OBTAINED 55PtRCEINT I (R EQUALS OET) v 0 SU87! 108-90EGRLESS, 0 PRIME20 1.0543, N.PRIME20 SUBD 1.4990; PICRATE 103-4DEGR,EES 1AQ. ETOHJ. ro AN EMULSION OF C.69 G NA 1N 2 ML PHME WAS ACDED OROPWLSE AT 45-50DEGREES 3.3 G:PHSII, STIRRING CUNTINUED 4 HRv 1:1 (FROM 3.3G If.HCLJ IN PHME ADDED, AND THE WHOLE HEATEU Z HR ON A SGILING WATER BATH TO YIELD 96PERCENT I (R EQUALS SPH)t Mo 54-5-50LGREES (PETROLEUM ETHER); PICRATC 112-13DEC-REES [ETCH). A MIXT. OF 2A5 G II.HCL.AND 1.2 G (H SUBZ NOSC52,CS IN 300 ML ANHYD. ME SU132 CUlWAS REFLUXED 10 HR ro YIELD I (R EOUALS SCt:NHINH SUa2.2HCL)j 14c 1874*80EGREES (DECOMPN.) JME-XANE~ IMECH1. THIS (2.5 G) HEATED 1, MR 014 A BOILING WATER BATH WITH SATO. K,SUB2 CO SUB3 SOLN. GAVE 94PERC~NT I IR EQUALS SHI. -3/3 010 1,NCLASSI F I ED PRGESS I NG DATE 20NOV70 CIAC ACCESSICN NO--AP0126011 AND THE APPROPRIATE AMINE REIFLUXEG 3 liq IN ETHER, C SUdb H SU66 OR IN THCE fillINE GAVE THE FGLLQ~iING I :IRO B.P. , MM,- A.P.-V..P. DIPICRAYE, ANO PERCENT YIELD GIVEN)-.' NE SUBT2, 12,*-5DE6RL-E5-,6, MINUSir 145.5-6DEGREES tETOH)y 87; NJORPHIDLINO, 130-11,LGREES-1, 56-TGEGREES, 169-700EGREES (ETOH)t:,65; I PYRROLfOINYLP il.56EGkEES-1.5, 51-2LESREES, 148-91)EGREES (ETOH), 96. 1-0 A SOLN. OF -i.Z5-,`G riACN, IN 5 1111- H SU62 0 ON A WATER BATH WAS AN)ED :3o3 G [I.HCL IN -H* REFLUXED I HR TU YIELD 46PERCfNT I (R EQUALS 20 ML ETi, AND,TFE WHULE CN) 90-10EGREES (C SUc36 H SIUB6) ; HGL SALT M. 1. -30L-GR ES (ETCJAC) THI-S~ll G) IN 15 ML 10PERCENT HCL HEATED 5 HR 'AT 690EGREES GAVE I IR EQUALS H)s -191-20EGREE-5 -(ME: SUB~ C01, ~FACILITY41. MOSK* GOS, UNIV: IM*'. LCMCNOSOVA MOSCOW'; USSR. UATE-090CT70 3 020 UNCLASSIFZED~ ROd: P UthE-F IRS T TESTS OF ELECTROCHEMICAL SEISMIC DETECTORS -U- AUTHUR-1 04)-GALPLR IN, YE. 1. GRAFOV, 13. M. LU.KQVETS, P.D.t NOVITSKIY, M.A. r ~,OUNTRY OF INFO-USSR .s OU RC E- M 0 SC 0 WI ZVESTIYA AKADEMI INAUK SSSR, FILIKA ZEMLli NO 2v 1970t pp 1 8 7 J)ATE PUBLISHED -7o AREAS-EARTH SCIENCES AND OCEANOGRAPHY IC TAGS-SEISMOLOGIC.INSTRUMENT, OSCILLATION, ELECTROCHEMICAL PROPERTY, OREHOLE9 SEISMIC SUUNDINGir SEISMICi,REFLECTIONi SEISMIL REFRACTION MAKKING-NO RESTRICTIONS .DOCUMENT CLASS-UNCLASSIFIEU ...-OROXY REEL/FRAME--1991/0729 STEP NU--UR/0387/*TO/Ot)0/002/0081/0037 CIRC ACCESSICN NO-AP0110456 lJ)'iC;LASSlFIE0 IED PROCESSING DATE-090CT70 020 UNCLASSIF -CIRC ACCESSION NO-- A P 0 110 4 5 b .,AdSTRACT/EXTRACT--(U) GP-J- ABSTRACT. SINCE THE SPR ING OF 19o5 THE OF PHYSICS UF THE EARTH AND INSTITUTE OF ELECTROCHEMISTRY HAVE ~,:-ENGAGED IN JOINT EXPERIMENTAL WORK FOR EVALUATING THE POSSIBILITIES OF USING ELECTROLHEMICAL CONVERTERS FOR RE,GI.STERING SEIS.~-i[C USICLLATIO.NS. _1T IS EMPHASIZED THAT ONLY THE FIRST STE.PS IN THIS DIRECTION HAVE BEEN ~TAKEN,.ALTHOUGH-THE POSSIBILITIES:ARE CLEAR. THE FLECTROCHEMICAL SEISMIC DETECTUR HAS A SOLID HOUSING WHICH HOLDS A SENSING ELEMENT, CONSTITUTING AN ELECTROCHEIMICAL CONVERTER. IT CONSISTS OF A CYLINDRICAL PLASTIC CONTAINER TO hHOSE OPPOSITE SIDES ELASIrIC MEMBRANES ARE ATTACHED. WITHIN THE SENSOR THERE IS A PARTETION WITH AN OPENING WHICH DIVIDES.IT INTO TWU CHAMBERS. THE SENSOR IS FILLED WITH AN ELECTROLYTE ..WHICH TOGETHER WITH THE MEMBRANE AND THE CHANNEL FORMS A MECHANICAL GSI;_f_LLAT0kY- SYSTEM- PLATINUM GRID' ELECTRODES' ARE'I'NSER-TED IN THE ~-CHANNEL. T14E ELECTRODES TOGETHER WITH:'THE.ELECTRfJLYTE CONSTITUTE A~ REDOX SYSTEM. THE ELECTROCHEMICAL SEISMIC DETECTOR USED IN THE EXPERI-MENTS IS A CYLINDER 40 MM IN LENGTH AND 30 jyjrl IN UIAMETER AND WEIGHS AbOUT 70 G. THE SENSOR IS PARAMETRIC. IN THE AbSENCE OF A USEFUL SIGNAL A D-C CURRENT FLOWS THROUGH.IT. WITH THE APPEARANCE OF FORCED (35CILLATIONS THE SENSOR HOUSINGTOGETHER WITH THE ELECTRODES .,JSCIL-LATES RELATIVE To THE FLUID IN THE;CHANNEL AND A YARIABLE COMPONENT, WHOSE FREQUENCY IS EQUAL TO :THE:FREQUENCY OF THE FORCED -,,.,,,.OSCILLATIONS* AND WHOSE AMPLITUDE IS PROPORTIONAL.T0 THE AMPLITUDE OF -THE.FORCED OSCILLATIONS, APPEARS IN THE SENSOR CIRCUIT. 3 l_j 020 UNCLASSIFIED PROCESSING DATE--090CT70 c_ II& ACCESSION NO--AP0110456 A-BSTRACT/EXTRACT--FIELD EXPERIMENTS ARE DESCRIBED (REGESTERING NEARBY MPACTS , USE IN THE REFLEC[C-U WAVES# REFRACTED WAVES AND DEEP SEISMIC -,SuUNDING hf-THODS, REGISTERING EAKTHQuAKCS). IT WAS ~:OUND THAT IN ALL CASES WHEN RfGISTEKING C"Xi'LOSIONS AT DIFFERENT DISTmiC ES AND WHEN REGISIERING EARTHQUAKES THE ELECTROCHEMICAL SEISMIC QETECTO;~S HAD A GREATER RESPONSE THAT THE ELECTkUDYNAHIC.INSfRUMENTS. THE FREQUENCY CHARACTERISTIC OF THE TESTED ELECTROCHEMICAL DETECTORS IS CLOSE TO rHE ..,.:-~CHARACTERISTIC OF AN ELECTROOYNAMIC DEFECTOR WITH A CHARACTERISTIC 'FREJUENCY. OF I CPS. THE SMALL SIZE AND-WEIGHT OF T.NE ELECTROCHEMICAL ~~SEISMIC,OETECTUR AFFURU GREAT PUSSIBILITIES FOR INCItEASING RESPONSE OF IN ~THE EtqTlRfz- APPARATUS AND CHANGING OBSERVATIONAL TECHNIQUES. ~PARTLCULAR, THERE CAN BE AN INCkEASE IN' INSTRUMENT, RESPONSE 3Y LW-l!ERING DEER BOREHOLES. IT IS CLEAR THAT ELECTROC,ril-_pl I CAL UL-'Tf:-GTt)kS IN -USEO EXTENSIVELY IN SEISMIC OBSERVATIONS, BUT ONLY ':..THE-FUTURE WILL BE 'o ~.",-AFTERA4ANY PROBLEMS AkiL SOLVED. 1^4STITUTF OF PHYSICS M I S F RY. THE.EARTH. FACILITY: I N S T I T. U. T EOF ELECTPUCHE SSIFIEU ' - -1 ~i-' -~'; ~1 10 -. 1. .; A: 3' UNC L: F 0 PROCESS~I~G DATE--IISEP70 A~Sf it _u_ T:I-tL E' -ELEtTROCKE'41 CAL SEISMIC. ECEIVER 7"----AUTH /IAv OR NO TSKIY, M.Ast SIROTINSKIY* YUfV. IL COUNTRY .'IN'FD--USSR "6-RCE-MOS COW, PRIRODA, NO. 1, 1970, P. tl: 8 ;`~".'DATE PUBLISHED------_-70 _,'w'-S,U8JECT AREAS--EARTH SCIENCES AND OCEANOGRAPHY FLECTROLYTFY CAPILL&RY#, CATHODEs AN00E, EARTHQUAKE, :' _V 18PATI.ON, ELECTROCHEMICAL EFFECT, SFUSMOLOGIC INSTRUME1,1T 'G--NV ,~CONTROL MARKIN RESTRICTIONS .,_~:DGCUMENT CLASS--UNCLASSIFIED ~PROXY-REEUFRAME-1987/1435 STEP NO--UR/0026/70/0001001/0118/0113 CIRC ACCESSION-ND--AP0104744 UNCLASSIFIED '212 023 UNCLASSIFIED~' PROCESSINII DATE--11SEP17C .:,.,CIRC ACCESSION NO---AP0104744 '~''ABSTRACT/EXTRACT-kU) GP-0- ABSTRACT. THE INSTITUTE OF ELECTROCHEMISTRY THE USSR ACADLIMY.OF SCIENCES-P IN.CONJUNCTION WITH THE INSTITUTE OF THE PHYSICS OF THE EARTH, HAS DEVELOPED, A MINIATURE: ELECTR9CHEMICAL ~SEISMIC REC-EIVER (BASED ON THE-SOLION PRINCIPLE) WHICH 14AS H1f3H SENS ITIVITY IN THE INFRALOW FREQUENCIES. THE RECEIVER IS A SMALL HOLLOW CYLINDER OI*VIDED IN TWO BY A WALL HAVING A CAPILLARY BETWFEN THE TWO .,HALVES. THE~.ENDS OF THE RECEIVER ARE FITTED WITH ELASTIC 74EMIBRANES To SEAL AN ECECTROLYTE WITHIN THE CYLINDER. THERE ARE TWO.PLATINUM ELECTRODES~.lM9UNT*ED- l-ON'.TliE-JNNEk WALLS OF THE CAPILLARY. THE ELECTROLYTE -_,USED IS AN AQUEOUS SOLUTION OF IODINE AND POTASSIUM IODIDE. THE UNIT IS -..,POWERED BY A 0.5-VOLT D.C. SOURCE. WHEN A SEISMIC EVENT OSCILLATES THE MEMBRANES, THE ELECTROLYTE MOVES IN THE CAPILLARY,ANO AFFECTS THe_'PARAMETERS IN THE AN13DE AND CATHODE. THE:RESULTANT CUR-RENT "FLUCTUATIONSREPRESENT THE OUTPUT:SIGNAL.FROM THE RECEIVER. DISTANT .~:':EARTHOUAKES IN THE TIEN SHAN AREAHAVE~BEEN RECORDED USING THIS RECEIVERI, AND THE RE-CORDS WERE IDENTICAL TO THOSE FROM A CcNVENTION-AL :--SETSMfC,RECORDERo ONE STATEU ADVANTAGE:OF THIS UNIT IS ITS ABILITY TO VERTICAL AND HORIZONTAL !-VIBRATION COMPONENTS WITHOUT THE NEED FOR READJUSTMENT. UNCLASSIFIED Ace. Nr.: 000458W Ref. Code: 4 -22e ~Electrochemical Seismic Detector The Institute of ElectrochemLstry, in collaboration with the 1=1--- tute%of Physics of the Earth, has developed aminiaturized electrochemical 0 ;(Mmmary: lectrochemical Seismic 11 Detector,'.'. by ~Loy-:Ltp-~~y and Yu. V. Girotinpkiy; Moscow, Priroda,-Noo 1, 1970, seismic detector with a high response in the range of suboonic frequencies. it is designed~to react to random tremors in alwide range of low frequen- cies..~,This seismic detector is an inertialinstrument with a -fluid seismic mass which employs an electrochemical method for converting the relative oscillations of the fluid and housing into an electric output signal. The detector is designed in the following way. A hollow cylindrical body of fluoroplastic, is divided by a partition arranged perpendicular to the aXis of rotation into two chambers to whose end walls are attached elastic membrane* of a chemically stable rubber. The partition has a through opening connecting both chambers. and within it, parallel: to the plane of the parvition, there.are two electrodes made of a platiar= grid. The internal cavity.of the housing Is filled with an electrolyte: an aqueous solution of iodine and potassium i'odine. 14hen a d-C voltage of about 0.5 V is applied across the electrodes of thetseismic detector ail electric APOO'45868 current appears in the circuitt e tte iodine moilacules are at the cathod reduced to negatively charged iodide ions and a reverse process occurs at the plate. Since the surface of the cathode and the iodine concentration are small,~r than the surface of the plate and the concentration of iodide ut is exe_rted by ?rocesses ionts,_.the main resistance to the electric curre transpiring near the cathode. Before tbe-v61tage is applied the iodine concentration at the surface of the ~athiode and in zbe ellectrolvte volume is th e same, Trhr~ electric evirrent leads cc an ir.-Ic%r(!_-_'sIi-wTit rn: the space Q I ~LIIZ; 1-~i j!'- L fusioa of ic-l'--e -5:rox the Volume. 1he f low of elecu~Qi t(~ t~o Lhe Ca 1.11 ode, _Y caused by the oscillation of.the seismic detector housing, the movement: of.iodine to the cathode and thereby exerts an eifect on the current responsible for its oscillations. These current oscillations are the electric output signal af: the detector when seis~nic phenoiiiieua are registered. Field tests have shmin that during the registry of distant earthquakes in the Northern Tien Shan the records of the output- signal of the electrochemical seismic detector are identical to the records of stan- dard seismic detectors. The miniature size of the:nL-,7 seismic detector is an-Important advantage. when registering seismic phenomena in deep bare- holes. The same instrumaut can bemused for.investigating both the verti- :Cal and horizontal components of oscillations. 1:9780874 /",5 4Z- so: legs 1JU UDC WiI.ztI89.(,.00l.4 STANIPARDUKrInN 01: CONCEPT',. 11Y.FINIT11FIN. ANn TCRMS IN 'ME THFORY M7 HEASURTNT, 17MTRIMMMS (Article by Doctor of Technical sownces rvor;issor Direc- T_ tor at. the Srientitti; Res"arch Inutituto of AutnWtfo`-L1_`a_ncT vintrumunt-linkIng of- kh4 Ukkingrzi: ardor of- Lenin Polyteclitito lnmttt~utu -iment Ma 1, Rellnin; Moscow, Pribnry i Sistemy UI)r4vIeniva, Russian, Nt 4. April 1471, pp 12-133 The question raised by Professor Yu. 1. lnrlsn in [11 tins actually acquired oiceptiloml importAnce. Professor Yu.; 1. Inrinh In cnmp Ittely right In noting that the accolunitad dovolopmunt, tinv being dritio, of a large number of. standards without sufficient consultation with landitir scl. of ;:he 2xi-sti S-scWtititic literature ant tars and without attentive 3tody , n can britii seiiiiiiii'liarm instead WOO expected benefit. It would appear that,tho Antroduct Lou.- Into statti-i;tandari~ Isla positions. especially whork this retatas-to the basic concepts of the theory, of any branch of engineer Ing.. Is only legs I re Inforcepainit of compre- hensively, substantiated concepts established as the result of m2ny years of labor of scientists. Such positions and concepts must be borrowed Cr ~m ths.*Xtsttag,sci4nettic.Literaturat from,courzas of the corresponding disciplines of the V11Z, and from sclontific.articlos, and tint worked nut onsii only in the compilation of a stnnddt;d.or solved by agreement of repro- sentativas of the "interested" ministries. However the Introduction Into the stondards of Impromptu or vo tarlst solutions In the area of theory tines serious domolta In tlia act,111111111 of scientific and practical workers at the antirO branaki, And the 0~11M, I" of voluntarlso, the unollowablllty of which Professor Yu. 1. lorish polnl.:~ out in (11, for from exhaust such omissions In standards pulillshmd In raciin~ Thus, for example, Is the situation with,rospect to narinal series In the area of Instrument-making., It Is generally known thAt the most economical series Is a gisometric progressionj that isq a Aeries with a constant ratio of all 0djacent numbers. That low was undorstnod even by the scientists of antiquity. The Crack astronomer Hlpparch~us (of the seen d 2 024 UNCLASSIFIED, PROCESSIN3 DATE-_11SEP70 '.TJTL E-_-EQUI VAL ENT THREE ELEMEMT ELECTRIC CIRCU THE ELECTRODE' JNTERFACE ._U_ zAUTHOR4---!GNUSINp. N.P.1, NOVITSKIYjr S.P. C0UNTRY, OFJNFO --USSR R CE--.ELEKTROKHIMIYA 1970p 613)p 299-306 44TE PUBLISHED ------- 70 :S.UB,JEC,T-AREAS--PHYSICS* ELECTRONICS AND ELECTRICAL ENGR. -fri P CTAGS--MATHEMATIC MODELt.FLECTRIC CURRENTv ELECTRONIC CP CUIT9 ELECTRODE, ELECTRIC IMPEDANCE ELECTRIC: CAPACITANCE' .CONTROL MARKING--NO RESTRICTIONS DOCUMENT CLASS--UNCLASSIFIED ,,PROXY REEL/FRAMF--1988/0247 STEP NO--UR/03t)4/70/006/J/)3/02Q9/03,)6 CIRC ACCESSION NO--AP0105321 7 USSR uDc: (621.313-322-81:537-312.621001.24 NOVITS BORZOV, G. G., GLEBOV, i. A., GNIEDIN, L. P. , DO1jrOVSK WV 'KIY, V. G., SHAFMARIN, V. IT., Leningrad 1113roblems in the Development of Ifigh-Power Turbogenerators With Super- conductive Field Windingsil Moscow, Izv. Ali BSSR: Energetika i Transports No 11, Jul/Aug 72, pp 21-28 Abstract: The authors point out the advantages of cryogenic turbo- generators over conventional units. Elements of construction of high powered cryogenic turbagenerators axe described, and the results of model tests are presented. The analvois shows that usiiig superconductors in the field windings increases the unit power of turbogenerators ty all order of magnitude. The results or experimental studies confirm the feasibility of a synchronous machine with rotating cryostat that has low liquid heli= evaporability and provides torque transfer. The realiza- tion of hie.11-power cryc6cnic turhogenerators must wait for CL great deal of~:research -on- development of new niatcrl:a~ls, structural! and refrigeration unita, and automatic ronitoring and control nystems. USSR uDo 621. ;~12-62 KCKHANOVSKIY, S.M., NOVITSKIY, V.G., SFIAKHTARIN, V.N. "Test Of Planning And Creation Of Superconducting SOIenGids" V ab. Vopr. Primeneniva averlhnizIt. temperatur v (ProblemB Of The Use Of' Ultralow Temperatureo in Electrical Engineeri%-Collection Cf Worl~ a) Leninzrad, "Nsuka," 1971, Pp 74-90 (from RZh:Elektrrtekhnike i energetika, No 6, June 1972, Abstract No 6B69) Translationi An account, is given of a method of calculotion and designing, and the,results of a test of superconducting solenoids with R magnetic field inten- sity from 10 to 70 k-oarsted for physical experimente. The interior diameter and the magnetic field intensity at the geometrical center of the superconducting solenoids ware taVen as the initiel data. Calculated curves are presented of the dependence of the nassee of the sunerconducting materislt3 of the superconductIn.c. solenoids an the current density in the super conductor. Also presented are various configurations of the superconducting solenoids -aith an increased uni- formity of the magnetic field attained becLiuse of the exclusion of a part of the turns afthe winding. The distinctive features of the technoloEy of the producluicn solenoids ere describe& and the princcip5l data on ~10 coMIDleted of.suDerconducting superconducting solenoids are Presented. 1~ ill. 2 tab. It ref.Ye.V.Granovvk-iy. 1/1 USSR UDC: :537.,'~12.62538-31-001.24 -fl- SHAKHTARIN, V. N., Leningrad IiElectrodynamic Forces and Mechanical Stresses in Superconducting Magnetic ems Syst Moscow, Izv. AN SSSR:Energetika i Transport No 4, Jul/Aug 72, PP 50-55 Abstract: A method is proposed for calculating mechanical stresses in a U superconducting solenoid as a cylindrically-anisotropic body in the presence of a radial body force N,,hich depends on the radius. The method accounts for the elastic constants of the material of the winding and the banding. Formulas are presented for calculating the moduli of elasticity and the Poisson ratios of a ribbon solenoid whose winding is made up of a superconductor, a stabilizing material and insulatioii. Expressions are also.given for determining the electrodynamic.forces between two circulitr coils for various relative positions. A:stricter solution of the problem of finding mechanical stresses in a winding should take account of the axial component of the electrodytamic force acting on the conductors of the 'winding. USSR UDC 669.1.8,658.562 N, E. Yu., NOVITSKIY, V. K.:, ROMANOV,.P. A., SOBOLEV, V. V., KOPPISH(I ............ SOBOLEV., Yu. V. "Smelting of Steel for the Rotors of Large Turbine Generators" Moscow, Stall, No 2, Feb 73, pp, 116-117. Abstract: Large ingots for the manufacture of powerful turbine generator rotors can be produced by mixing of acid open-hearth steel in the required quantities with basic electric steel in an evacuated ingot mold. The study of the mechanical properties of the metal~taken from various parts of the -resulting ingot, contaminated with nonmetallic inclusions, segregations of the basic elements, macrostructures, etc., has shown that this type of 7 mixed ingot satisfies all the basic quality requirements. 1/1 USSR UDC 577.3 STREKOVA, V. Yu., and TARAKANOVA, G. A. Effect of a Constant Magnetic Field an Plant Growth" Vl-iyaniye Magnitnykh Poley na Biologicheskiye Ob"yekty, pp 69-88 Abstract: As a result of many years of research, the authors have concluded that the effect of a magnetic field on plants may manifest itself as a result Of the effect on the genetic apparatus (either directly on the-code or on information transfer), or as a result of direct interference in roetabolism or,as:coordinated mechanisms related to orientation in space and time. The latter is especially likely in fields of tbe:order of the,earth's and less, which can be explained not only by resonance effects, but also by the particu- lar:sensitivity of the transitional structural :ntatns of Organfc gels to ex- influences. In intense fields with strong gradient, it is difficult le out. any of the above mechanisms. to-sing 95 uDc 681.327.2 N6VOKAYDATSKM, A. V. q "A Data Transcriber" Moscow, Otkrytiya, Izobreteniya, Prcmyshlennyye,Gbraztsy, Tovarnyye Znaki, -No*29, Oct 1972, Author's Certificate No 358244, Class G_filed 18 Sep 70, published 29 Sep 72, p 120 Translation: This Author's Certificate introduces a data transcriber con taining registers whose inputs are connected to the outputs of recording and readout AUD gates. The device also contains AND and OR logic circuits. As ~a distinguishing feature of the patent~l the~speed and reliability of the transcriber are improved by including an interlock device~in each register ad output connected to the first in- e in the form of a flip-flop wit m puts of the recording and readout AND gates, of the respective register. The second inputs of the AND gates are connected to the Enes for recording and readout control. The second output of tbe.flip-flop is connected to the.first inputs of the recording and readout gates, the second inputs of these gates being connected to the control.lines of a unit which controls recordIng, readout,and reset. The outputs of AND gates for recording, 1/2 An b'z a UNC LAS SI FA ED PROCESSING DATE--230CT70 -ITLE -SITESANITIATEO BY LASER BEAMS -U- ~ --VISIBLE CRACK FORMATION T AUTHOR-(Oft)-AGRANATi M.Bot NOVKOVP YU.I., YAP.POLSKLYI P,Av N.-P yuDIN, -"COUNTRY OF INFO--USSR 12 (31., 924m-7 RCE..FIZIO rVERD. TELA 1970f ..-'D 4 EPUBLISHED ------- 70 :..:,SUBJECT AREAS--IMATERfALSt PHYSICS TOPIC TAGS--LASER BEAM LESIONo CRACK~PRUPAGATION, POULYMETHYDIETHACRYLATE ~,:~-CONTRGL MARKrNG--NO RESTRICTIONS ~_.,UOCUMENT CLASS"-UNCLASSIFIED 'Pk 'OXY REEL/FRAlE--1997/I723 STEP NG--Ulk/0181/70/012/003/09Z4/0927 ACCESSION NO--AP0120435 UNCLASSIF15.0 Ref. Code V R 01145'? -Tarasove Z N - lUggidkin.."Ji. A -*I-A AMosk. lnst.75MI in. ~ ei Va,:Mo$COW, MR. . chnol. im. bonionoso -LLibb vy-Okomal. Utuis)_~ Butadiene-st ne rubw ~qeaim , 4ier- A 1970'.1- (1), bj.;~ Wr (Uroprene 1500) (1) -was Vulcan' ized with diethS,Jeni g0col di. methacrylate (11), triethylent glycol dimkh~C late (III), butyl. ene glycol dimetbacrylate,"and decazn~th~16ne I Aiinkliacry. late in the presence of dic-mixyl p~roxi8e'(11 at 130 aAd 155,34. The reactivity of dimethacrylates (conkg. rid IV) to initiate cross. linking was inversely. Pr0o;tional to cbitiri h:and he~ibility. The . amt. of dimethacrylate.: added, to 1'.'was -70-80%.. Thi reactivities of ethylene glycol dimethaerylate, 11~ aiid ift-iis well as the no. of the crosslinks-forined M~wing vulcanizatioli were essentially identical. The tensile stridgth:of I vulcan.iz~tes WAS unaffected by the chain length of the crosalinkingagent. Across- linking mechanism was discumed. CKJR ~J ,REEL/MAM 19800597 USSR UDC 539.374 -S. V., baASIKOV, K. I., VERETENNIKOV, L., FERPER, F. A., POLYAK, S. M., UIAANSKIY, YA. S., USIKOV., M. F, EF G. N. "Effect of an Impact of a Part of a Mlatrix Under Impulse Distortion" Vsb. Vysokoskorostn. deformatsa~Za (High-Speed Deformation -- Collection of Idorks), Moscow, "Nauka", 1971, pp 108-109 (from RZh-Mekhanika, No 3, Mar 72, Abstract No 3V653) Translation: The structure ana mechanical properties of nickel, nichrome (NKh7) and KblBNIOT steel after hydraulic impulse stamping with impact and witb- ourt impact of the parts of the matrix were investigated. It was established that, collision OCCUT's .111 a closed matrix and. the central tone of the pn-t unde-r- act. 'flie impact of a part of Aickness 2 m causes goes the atrongest imp< strengthening of the material in the middle of the thickness of the part and weakening in the zone of a depth up to 0.3 rmn frcAn the si(k! of- -the nurface o~- the part contacting the matrix which is connected with nobuniform Plastic defor~:Ia- -tion in the impact process. The weaYening :effect is supported:by results of studying parts of thickness 0.3 imi that havd first undergone collision with the matrix. Authors abstract. USSR UDC 621.224-22:532.5 MIMYLOV, I. Ye., and NOVODEREZHKIN-,.,-R-.A. "Pressu re Losses in the Supply Line of a Hydraulic Turbine" Sb. Tr. Mosk. Inzh.-Stroit. In-t [Collection:of Works. Moscow Construction Engineering Institute], 1971, No 91, pp 141-150 (from Referativnyy Zhurnal, No 10, Oct 72. 49. Turbostroyeniye. Single Issue. Abstract No 10.49-204) Translation: The investigation of energy losses in the individual members of the flow line of a hydraulic turbine makes possible a more well-founded evaluation of the potential effect of individual members on the energy in- dices of the hydraulic turbine, a determination of the locations and sources of increased energy losses, and the indication of ways of their reduction. Carried out experimental investigations showed that total losses in the helical chamber, tile stator, and the guiding dev*ice vary from 1.5 to 5% of total pressure; that is to say, they amount to 30% of all energy losses in the.flow line of the hydraulic turbine. Besides, the shape of the helical chamber and also the mutual position of theistator columns and stator blades affect essentially the flow uniformity before the rotor, from which depend the energy losses in the rotor and.the suction tube of the- hydraulic turbine. Two illustrations, one table, three bibliographic references. 1/1 USSR- UDC 621-224.001.5:621.3.043 .,NOVODEREZHKIN, R. A. the Flow in the Stator Region of Hydroturbines" Tr. Vses. proyek-tno-izyskat. i NII Gidroprovekt (Works of the Gidroproyekt -Union Planning, Surveying and Scientific~Research Institute), 1970, 1l A -.collection 19, pp 119-127 (from RZh-El ektrotekhnika i Energeti No 4, Apr 71, Abstract-No 4 D112) Translation: Analvsis of the formula for determining the direction of flow formed by the spiral chamber indicates a difference of the calculated angles characterizing this direction from those determined experimentally. More precise definition of the formula which will,permit dete-.mination of the angles with.greater accuracy is proposed on the basis.of the experimental data. There are 3 illustrations and a 3-entry bibliography. USSR uDc 62 3i6. 6 NOV P SIW~TISTFOV, V. M., TOMASEPOL'SKIY, N. F., DUBOVA, S., KISILEV, V. r. "A Wvice for Protecting the Front Surface of Optical Systeant. Moscow, Otkrytiya, izobre~eniya, ProrWshlvnryje Obraztsy, Tovariiyyc Znaki, Yo.6. Feb 72, Author's Certificate No 328411, DiVLcion G, filed 20 Aug 69, publi-shed 2 Feb 72, -D 143 Translation: Th-v AuthorIq U 'ertificate inti~oducos a dev.1cp fov proteet- ing the front oT o D-1C. i c al sy.~3tems from Atmospheric colitenflu-'r-1412. 111;e dcv-ce contains a fitt-_-ng which rates with the mount of the optictLI system, ard has.a-joint for feeding in conTressed gas. As a distinguishing feature for feeding of the patent, in order to preserve image quality, the unil in-gas is made in the form of a gas-collecting chanber with guide Olean- to a blender nozzle. nels, which goes inL. 4 Sb. rabot no kh1m, istochnikam taka. Yses n.-n- akkumulyator. in-t (Collec- tion of Works on the Chemical Source of Current. All-Union Scientific Study Institute for Storage Batteries)# VyP 7e, --;19?21 pp 48-54 (from Referativny-y Zhurnal -- Xhimiya, Ho 8(11), 1973, Abstract No 8L228 by V., S. Levinson) Translationt The factors were considered which Influenced the change In the temperature of the electrolyte during the formation of the electrode in lead batterlest the depth of the bottom space of :the forming tardtt the arched assembly of the electrode. In order to avoid a significant increaze in the temperature of the electrolyte during the process of the formation of the electrodej for example, of the types 2STA, for D to a first approximation 0.8-2 aftps/decimeteP, it was necessary to use a tank having a deep bottom spacep approximately 260 mm. The transfer to a double assembly for a balance of the amount of positive charge on the electrode in the formed grid was accompanied by an increase in both the temperature of the electrolyte and the voltage and by an extension of the process of fornationg The application of the double assembly is necessary during the formation of thin electrodes an& traps having an Increased electrical conductivity, ------- --- USSR UDC: 616- 6.882-092-9-036.61-008.921.1 03 BULANOVA, 0. N., MKS, 1. 0., and NOVODERZ1UMA,..j.. S., Laboratory of Experimen- 'tal Physiology for -%animation of TFe rg pmj Academy of Medical Sciences USSR, Moscow- -"Dynamics of the Acid-Base Equilibrium An the Restorative Period After Circula- tory Arrest Induced by Asphyzia" Moscow, Patologicheskaya Fiziologiya i1ksperimentallnaya Terapiya, Vol 1h, No 6, ~XavAa_- 70, Pp 13-16 Abstract: After 2~~ and 6 min of clinical death induced in 24 dogs by nechanical asphyxia, reanimation was initiated with cardiac massage, injection of epine- phrine, and forcing a small amount of blood into an artery. In some ocperiments, aii equal amovmt of blood was suctioned ft*om the right heart and artificial Yvs-pi- ration was conducted. The dy-nam-ics of pH, pCO 2) and total cvganic ac-L was traced for 24 -hours and the results compared ifLth those cbta:hied in earlier ex- periments in which death was caused by bleeding. - Significant differences in -these indices were observed only during the agonal stage and first fm4 ndnutes of the post -reanimat ion perlod. Thereafter, uncompensated alkalasis Prd seccnd- ary kWpoxia developed, regardicns of the mmor of dcath. 'Dr'w s-ir ~-T_,-,rd_1z_ -L-1 USSR BULANDVAj 0. N., et al, Patologicheskaya Fiziologiya i Ek-speriment-alInaya Terapiya, Vol 14, No 6, Nov/Dec 70, pp 13-16 which blood was suctioned from the right heart revived after 6 mi-n of clinical death, uhile none of the six other animals in ihich this procedure was not carried out survived. All of the animals exposed to anoxia for 12 min. 7 sec survived, but when the period of exposure was attended to 13 idn, 42 sec all of the animals died. Even the relatively small time difference (1 min, 35 sec) was apparently sufficient to.determine the possibility of restoration of functions. 2/2 -77 USSR UDC 616-001.8-036.882-036.BZ-O7i6l6.831-088-07 NOVODERZIMNA I S., Laboratory of Experimental Physiology of Resuscitation "Restoration of Vital Functions in Dogs After,Minical Death From Asphyxia in Re3ation to the Resuscitative tHeasures Used and Course of the Initial Stages'of the Restorative Period!'. Moscow, patologicheskaya Fiziologlya i Eksperimentallnaya Terapiya, No 2, -53 1971t Pp 50 Abstracta Experiments on dogs showed that success in resuscitation and restoration of neurolqz4c functions after clinical death 0 to 6 nin) caused by asphyxia is larGely dependent on the procedures followed during the first few-ninutes of the rostorative period# Various groups of azimals received different doses of epinephrine and axtificial-respiration azd in some blood was drawn frow the right heart. The best results were achleved by prompt injection of large doses of epinephrine (0.1 mglkg) of a lil,000 solution), xaintenance of arterial pressure at a high level (200 mm) PzpIrition of blood from.the right heartp and employing artificial respiration until breathing became.normal (judged by the disappearance of phase activity In the accesaory respiratory muscles). Almost all the dogs died'who receivbd low doses of epinephrine and from whose right heart no blood was drawn. USSR UDO 66 241784t669.25'78402 .612 3 YU* V# Ip PEFZVFMAYWI, Ve Mg vand NOV I-G. No "Surface Properties of Ni-C and Co-C MpIts" -a M Moscowp Izvestly kademii Hauk SSSRO Matallyp No 2p Mar-Apr- 72t pp 87-90 Abstracts Surface tension and density of Ni-C and Co-C malts wezv deter- sd nod by the "large droV' xethod. Eleatrolytic nickel and cabalto previously rewlted in a vacuum with an electron beam, were placed or BOO Oups which containod a graphite aubstrate. Carbon from the s=~ Vith the raolten. nickel or cobalt to form a hypereutectic concentzmtIon. from iffideh ld be the equilibrium concentration of carbon along the liquidus line cov calculated in the 1310-16000C interval. Polytheras of the investigated zolts showed that carbon sipificantly lowers the surface tension of both Co-O and Nio-C! malts. This loxering of auzface tension for ratals of the iron group.,was attributed to the mol--,~cular- statistiesl. theory of adsorption. The following ratios imra, extxaOted from platted datat 3?013.3# 32~/3.6p 341/2.89 where tim first nimber is the W-pitude of surface tonsion lowering (dynea/cm,) and the aecond n=ber is the percent of carbon Introduced into the nel-t for Fop Cop airA Nip reaptctively. One figurep 11 bibliographic reference-so USSR VINOKUROV, V. G., ZASTELA, V. V.., KOSTELYANSKIY, V. M., NOVOKHATNIY, A. A. ---------------- "Ilse of Minicomputers as Centers for Processing of Data ofRemote Automatic Queueing Systems" Vycbisl- Sistemy [Computer Systems Collection of Works], No 51, Novosibirsk, :1972,.pp 146-156 (Translated ft-om Referativnyy Zhurnal Kibernetika, No 6, 1973, Abstract No 6V601, by the authors). Translation: Methods of utilization of minicomputers in remote ;automatic queueing systems (RAQS) are studied. The range of jobs performed by these systems is defined. The expediency is demonstrated of using minicomputers at various levels of RAQS hierarchy, including at the level of the data process- ing,center. In the last case, the data processing center uses a system of Minicomputersin place of one or a few large computers. The structure of the data processing center of an airline ticket reservation system is presented. -75 USSR Mt: 691.3:656.072. ZffOZHIKASHVILI, V. A., MITSKEVICH -Asj 4EU!~TII~Y, A. A.~ SILAYEV, V. N, -"The. 'Sirena' Time-Sharing Queueing System" Moscow, Pribory i Sistemy Upravleniya, No 9, Sep 70, pp 1-4 Abstract: A generalized analysis is presented of the requirements placed on remote automatic queueing systems, systems with large numbers of widely separated information sources (and consumers), a widely branched network of information transmission, and centers for storage and.proc.essing of information. Study of currently available series-produced equipment for use in such systems has indi- cated that the available equipment does not satisfy the requirements of such a system, particularly as concerns input-output and information transmission de- Vices with sufficient reliability, devices for concentration of information flow, -and devices for interconnection of channels and.machines. Th.erefore, a new series of devices has been developed, including a cathode-ray tube info=aation terminal and display unit with a universal information keyboard; an information editor, a device for storage of info mation I root the keyboard or infornation arriv Memory ing from the information processing center; and a device for:parallel printing of documents on standard blanks. This equipment plus equipmd.-nt already available 1/2 USSR UDC 615'-355:577-155-2).615-281.8 -Z., YEIrOHOV and URBAKEI, V. Yu., Institu-, F. I.1 Le of Virology imeni D.. I. Ivanovskiy, Academy of ~5edical Sciences USSR, Moscov ."Antiviral Action of Ribonuclease" I-Ioscow, Voprosy Viruc,-ulogii, No 1, 1973, PP 13-16 Abstract: Chick embryo fibroblast cultures vere tested for viral infectio,Us- ness and hemagglutinating activity and for interferon 24 hrrars after infection 5-10 plaque-forming units/cell of Venezualan equine encephalorryelitis vin-,s- There was approximately linear direct correlation betireen the dose of -Pan- creatic ribonuclease added to the ciLLture and the suppression of infroctio-,s- ness., hemaggliatinatitng activity, and interferon production, with sii, suppression occurring at dose-, as low as 0.25 mg/ml. Statistiev.1 treat"Iment dicated that the degree of suppression of all three of experimental data in, indexes can be determined on the basis of information on just onc of the indexes. The results support the suggestion' that RITA-ase irdiibits viral activilty and interferon production by cupprersing cellular protein syntuh(!si- It is concluded the. pancreatic MIA-ase is an effective virus-controllinr~ cor.- pound, especially when administered torgetherwith interferon. Z' ~YSSSR UDC 615-281-8:576-858-098-396-332 A S. and -YERShOV, F. I., Institute of Virology imeni D. I. Ivancrvskiy,, Academy of Medical Sciences, USSR "Inhibition of the Multiplication of RNA-Containing Viruses in a Tissue Culture With Combined Use of an Inducer,of.Interferon:Production and a Ribonuclease" Moscow, Antibiotiki, No 7, 1973, Vol 18, pp 629-633 Abstract: The fact that complexes of polynucleotides can stirrjulate the produc- tion of interferon leads to consideration of,the possible therapeutic and pro- phylactic use of such preparations. Further, it has recently been established that nucleases have a definite antiviral effect. In the current investigation, the combined itsed of ribonuclease (an active inhibitor of the re-production of RNA-contairLine virtses) and polyIC (a complex of synthetic polyn-Lialeotides of polyinosinic and polyc,,rtidylic acids, one of the most active and least toxic of the synthetic interferonogens) was tested with prinary trypoinized cultures.of chick embi-jo fibroblasts. Previous investiGation has showed that complexes located on the outer part of cell surfaces are sensitive to the action of pancreatic ribonuclease. Thus it is possible that the antivirus effect of polyIG manifests itself as the preparation passes from the outer cell surface into the interior of the cell. 9he initial ribonuclease-sensitive phase was 1/2 USSR NOVOKhATSKIY A. S. and YERShOV F. I., Antibiotiki, No 7, 1973, Vol 18, PP 9- 60- 6!qq determined; it varies depend:Lnt7, on type of cell, species of virus, and other factors. Successful combination of the nuclease and the interferonosen is possible only upon conclusion of this phase. The combined application is based on:the principle that the antiviral state developed by the use of the polyIC is maintained when the preparation is not actually present (at least on the cell surface). It is concluded that a combination of'-the official pancreatic ribo- -nuclease and an interferonouen is possible in principle, and further investi- gation is required for the extent of animal application. 2/2 14 U USSR W 576.80.a5 Institu' XOVOMTSMv A* S, C eof Virology imeni D. I. Ivanovskiy, Academy of tic omparative Studies of Thermal Inactivation of Hemagglutination and Infectivity of Venezuelan Equine Encephalomyelitis Virus", Moscow, Voprosy Virusologii, No 2, 1973, pp 163-167 Abstract: Studies were conducted an the thermal inactivation of Venezuelan equine encephalomyelitis (VEE) virus hemagglutinating and infectious properties. Prior to experimentation, the M virus had been,passed 28 t5jres in chick embryo fibroblasts. The viral suspensions were prepared in medi~im 199 with 21% heated bovine serum, heated, and immediately:titrated for infectious (IA) and hemagglutinating (HA) activities. Inactivation of HA in the range of 500 to 6 0 . temnerature. Inactivation rate OC proceeded at a rate proportional to the constants for 1A were determined for the 4-600C range. In the 50-600C range "uperimposable. the Arrhenius plots for the inactivation of TA and IM were Eyring's equation was employed to calculate tbe,enthalpy and entropy of activation of the thennal inactivation of Mand R.. . The enthal-py of activa- tion for the inactivation of HA and IA of thq:native VHE virus were, respectively, 68i95 kcal/mole and 75.8 kcal/mole, while-thecorrerponding, valitea for the 1/2 USSR NOVORRATEMY, A. S., Vdprosy Virusologii, No 2, 1973, pp 163-16T entropy of activation were 152-27 e- U. and 162.8 e. u. For a thernostable strain of the M virus the enthalpy of activation for the inactivation of HA ancl~IA came to, respectively, 112.2 kcal/mole and 101.9 kcal/mole, and the corresponding entropies of activation were 271-5 a- it- and. 241-W --. u. Evaluation of the Arrhenius plots showed that In the 33-360 range dissociation of HA and 1A inactivation would be possible, since inactivation of ITA would proceed at a rate not less than 10-fold lower than that for IA inactivation. At 360, the logarithm of the rate constant of inactivation (1aZ kin) was -4.43 for IA and -5.6 for the.inactivationof HA. Since difference in the -log kin Was.even greater for tha thermostable VEE virus the latter is more suitable for the preparation of noninfectious hemagglutinins. 2/2 IM S UDC 576.858.25.083.3 U SR. NOVOKHAZElY. A. S. and YERSHOV, F. 1. , Institute of Virology imeni D. I. Ivanovskiy, Academy of 'I'ledical Sciences USSR, Moscow "Factors Determining the Degree of Virus Production. Reporc I. The Influence of Multiple Infection on the Production of.Venezuelan Equine.Encephalomyelitis V. rus, Moscow, Voprosy Virusologii, No 3, May/June 70*, pp.265-269 Abstract: Venezuelan equine encephalomyelitis: virus was cultured on chick embryo fibroblasts in monolayer stationary culture, in suspension, and in roller culture, with single.infection or multiple,.infecLion. The greatest virus yields were obtained in roller cultures.-The smallest yields were ob- :tained.-from multiply infected cultures. This Fas.attributed to the presence at r eroa. i e f Microbiology.; SR S U and YERSHOV, F. I., Institute of Virology imeni D. I. Academy of Medical Sciences USSR., Moscow "Thermal Inactivation of Viruses. Report IV. Factors Determining the Dynamics and Rate of the Process of.1nactivation.of Venezue-lan Equine Encephalomyelitis (VEE) Virus)" Moscow, Voprosy Virusologii, No 2, Marc/Apr:71, pp 143-150 Abstract: The effect of a number-of biological, physical and chemical fac- tors on the course of Lite process of loss of infectious activity at various temperatures was studied on a model of Vene7utelan equine oncepbalomyelitis (VEE) virus. Virus populations obtained onlieLa and MASHA cells were less' resistant to heating than virus populations:obtained on trypsinized chick ryos and RES cultures. Ullracentrifugation decreased the thermostability of VEE virus and increased its sensitivity to the thermostabilizing effect of 12.5% magnesium sulfate. Lowering the pH of the virus-containing sus- pension from 9.0 to 7.0 somewhat delayed thermal inactivation of VEE virus according to the nucleic type, and wider pishifts sharply accelerated dying off of the virus. In all cases changes in the duration and dynamics of the PROXY- FICFE NG --- ~FD7.0405015/FC2 STEP i'40--UR/0601/70/L,25/001/0031/0035 A P(, -1-CESS -!',! $4, i U_ -_ __14_fM33- 212- 027 UNCLASSIFIED PROCESSING DATE-IIDEC70 --Z-1 R,C ACCESSICN NJ--AP0140633 '~~-ABSTRACWEXIRACT--(U) GP-0- ABSTRACT. IN AN ATTEMPT TU CLASS IFY I.NF L AM PiAT U RY DISEASES OF THE OPTIC NERVE- IT IS POINTED OUT THAT THE .-~~GPTIC NERVE, ThE CHIASA AND THE OPTIC PATH ARE UNLY FRAGMENTS OF THE WHITE'SUBSTANCE, AND, THEREFORE, THE INFLAmMATURY iu[SEASES ARE CALL.Eo ENCEPHA,LITIS. IWATROPHY OF THE OPTIC NERVE, THE PROCESS.OF NERVE FIBER tUSS IS NDT RESTRICTED TO THE OPTIC NERVE9; B,UT INVOLVES THE CHIAS14 AND -THEM OPTIC PATH. .:THI,S UNFORTUNATELY :SUGGE;&T '-1W N011 EXPRESSEO !N THE UIAGNOSES AND CLASS I FICATIGN&. jALILJ:TY: V. P. FILATOV ODESSA RES. INST. EYE DIS, T I SSVE~ THER . ~~o 6 SA USSR* c- c L UNCL ASS! ~tEb PROCESSING DATE--IISEP70 /2, olz -I:- C-I WC ACCESSION NO--AP0103732 GP-0- ABSTRACT. OPTIMAL CONOITIONS FOR PROD'JCTION OSTRACT/EXTRACT si OF INTERFERON INDUCED BY GROUP A ARBOVI RUSES (VEE AND SINDBIS V)QUSES) TRYPSINIZED CHICK EMBRYO FtBROBLAST CULTIJPES2-USING DIFFERENT METHODS,OF CULTIVATION tROLLEP SUSPENSl0NS:,;M0N,_)LAYER STATIONARY-CULTURES) WERE STUDIED. THE MOST IMPORTANT FACTORS DETERMINING THE LEVELS OF INTERFERON PRODUCTION WERE FOUND TO BE THE VIABILITY AND CONCENTRATION'OF THE CELLS.(CALCULATED PER I ML FlF THE MEDIUM). THE MULTIPLICITY OF INFECTION IS IMPORTANT WHEN SUSOCNISIONS -Ja '~,'---AP EUS!ED AND JS OPTIMALLY 1 10. PFU-CELL., I 114CREASING or-, IN19CUBATION --'T-E M PEROURE EN.HANC~S PRODUCTION OF INTERFEROlt IN6UCE!D BY~SINDBIS V1 RUS. -UNCLASSIFIF I tDr, 5 7 "S S 5 G ~Cl OVC;K: S, -f F or ed ~ ~ca - Y ivicili D Of o:- Ci tlac 2ro&iction L 'Means 0~- indu L no 1 !971), V()r)-,Os.,r vilcusolo~r -iop cor _1 Coo,_ S Abstract: -P t 1 C) Q S alacecl hy mc ~~Wcvc rd if C,! CLIJ. W-Ini n under i Ica! corv~,-itionz~; e 0 t dcilti cells and drete-rmirzed ma"in w C, e -,,ere Ls a distinCtjrCLatiCns-,i,) n the 1 'cation .Ccious and ""Cria t- nan L -l en r o f i n t erf!ero nLormed, especiaLly wh tinq the Ure. incrcancd th", Incubation temperat Eleva -"%O I te..-ilperavares-4 el'Oi' t` t:,~_, -rs r e a C! ed .,-! L.1, L C- r I ...Ple, at C !U50/mil, :3ut at '70 C thev did not exceed 400 !Uqo/ail This "DO so 1/2 3 J-ii YMSHOV, et al., ;Moscow, Voprosy Virusolo--'T 'Vb 1, 1970, pp 34-37 y n he case of SindlAs vlrwi, -JZor i n I-Ine casc! o--- IWI~ns true Onl V -T- virus, !'nter-feron production steadily (Lecreased as, t:hc e:.n! r,,.: t i i re ?le of, the di rose, an e.,,:am -i-ererces t'at ez~, interferor,- nduca-n- caDac-:Lty o viruses w-ithi" the, 13 -~Mc --r-.-0 -L, UNCLASSUPTE0 PROCEtSINb IDATE-11SEPTO.- ITLE"VIRUS INDUCED SYNTHESES ON PREFORMED SUBCELLULAR CULTURES -U- -':,4~UTH0R--ZHDANOVj V.M., YERSHOV, F.I., URYAYEV, L.V., NOVOKHATSKIY, A.S. 0FJNFO--USSR _'-.~..SOURCE--VOPROSY VIRUSOLOGII, 1970, NR 1, P.P.38-416 PUBL ISHED------ 70 ii~-!MJECT AREAS-,BIOLOGICAL AND MEDICAL SCIENCES TAGS PROTEIN SYNTHESIS, TISSUE CULTURE, EASTERN EQUINE ENCEPHALITIS VENEZUELAN EQUINE ENCEP.4ALITIS VIRUS --CONTROL. MARK ING--NO RESTRICTIONS CLASS--UNCLASSIFIED STEP NI--UR/0402/70/000/0~1/0011/0046 CIRC ACCESSION NO-AP0103733 PROCESSING'DATE-11SEP70 212~ 013 UNCLASSIFIED' .,..-r,IRC ACCESSION NO--AP0103733 ABSTRACTIEXTRACT-1U) GP-.0- ABSTRACT. IN THE STUDY, SYNTHESIS OF :INA AND PRLOTEIN WAS.114VEStIGATED IN MITOCHONDRIAL MICROSOMAL F-PACTIO-4 DERIVED CHICK. EMBRYO FIBROBLASTS INFECTED WITH EEE VIRUS. M THIS FR4CT113N REPLICATIVE :COMPLEX OF THE VIRUS WAS FOUND BAND, TmERF DCCUR,111ED INTENISIVE SYNTHESIS OF CELLULAR AND VIRUS SPECIFIC RNA AND PROTEINS. PRODUCTS OF SYNTHESIS INCLUDED RIBONUCLEDPROTEINS DIFFERING FROM EACH OTHER IN :-SEDIMENTATION AND DENSITY CHARACTERISTICS. ONE OF RIBONUCLEOPROTEINS 'HAD -SEDIMINTATION CONSTANT 1-60 S AND. DENSITY OF 1.43G-rMPRIME3 WHICH COARES POND ED'10'PARAMETERS- -OF RIBONUCLS-DPROTEINS.DF. VEE VIRUS VIRIONS. UNCLASS-1-FIED UNCLASS[FIED PROCESSING OArE--30OCT70 016 --~TXTLE-;7-THE. FACTORS, DETERMINING THE REPRODUCTION OF THE: VIRUS 11 POR E IT I THE INFLUENCE OF THE INFECTION MULTIPLICITY ON THE REPROiULTION OF A.S.s YERSHOV:1 F*10' --USSR PN.TRY OF I NFO- -RCE--VOPROSY VIRUSOLOGII, NR 3, PP 265-26Y _::4 PU 1970. 6.ATE~: PUBL ISHED---70 SUBJECT AREAS-BIOLOGICAL AND MEDICAL SCIENCES ~_~lopuc TAGS--VENEZUELAN EQUINE ENCEPHALITIS*VIRUS* INTERFERONt CULTURE ;-CCNTREL MARKING-NO RESTRICTIONS -00CURENT CLASS-UNCLASSIFIED -OROXY REEL/FRAME-2000/1746 STEP NU--UR/0402/70/0('0/003/0265/0269 -r,!-Rf-- All-' C AL-55 I C N' NO--APO 1 ~_53 64 rj~ f' Nu_ '~2/2 016 UjNCL ASS IFI ED PROCESSING DATE-30OCT70 -'r-IRC ACCESSIGN NO--AP0125364 "ABSTRACT/EXTRACT-M GP-0- ABSTRACT. PRESENT PAPER THE INFLUENCE IN TIA E JHE IfiFFERENT CONDITION OF THE CULTIVAT-10N AND THE KULTLPLiciry OF -THEM, INFECT IOL N ON THE REPORDUCTION OF THE VE14ELUELAN EQUINE ~'-.~ENCEPHALOMYELITIS VIRUS WERE INVESTIGATED. THE VARIOUS TYPES OF ~-,CULTURES NERE USED: MONOLAYER STATIONAL C,ULTURESt ROLLER CULfURES AND ...~--suspEhsir-N OF THE CELLS. THE HIGHEST VIRUS YIELD WAS ObTAINED IN THE -ULTI LICITY OF THE ROLLER CULTURES. IT 14AS SHOWN THAT IF THE LESS M p -INFECTION HAVE BEEN USEOP 'THE THEN THE VIRUS YEALD WAS HIGHER. --MECHANISM DETERMINING THIS FENOMEN AND THE POSSIBLE ROLE 01: THE ~~-.--lNbCULATED-AND NEULY FORMED INTERFERON ARE ;DISCUSSED. FACILITY: VLRUSOLOGII IMENI D. 1. IVANOVSKOGO ANN SSSR' MOSKVA. ~IWSR UDC 73 ITOVOKHATSXIY I A and VELYTJITAINOVr V. F., Donets Pbyslco-Technical tute of Sciences Ukrainian BSR Determining the Crystalline Grain Sizes in Sitals" Moscow, Zavodskaya Laboratoriya, No 10, Oct 7Z, pp 1216-1217 Abstraett The m3thod of sra-all-angle scattering of polarized light is used to determine the crystalline grain sizes in bitals made from acid sligs. An Lr-,-56 gas laser with a wavelength of 0.6328 microns is~used as the polarized light source. The size of crystalline grains, dispersed in the glass-like base of the investigated sitals, amounted t0.1-5 microns 0-9 computed with the aid of tblu,metbod, One figurel one-bibliographic refexence. 021 UNCLASSIFVED PkGCt5~51NG-DATE-04DEC70 -ACCESSION NO--AP0126161 '','~48STRACT/EXTRACT--fU) GP-0- ABSTRACT. IN ORDER TO INCREASE SIGINIFICANTLY -,:,-THE SENSITIVITY AND THE ACCURACY OF THE - VOL UMTER IC ME THOD OUR I NG THE -STUDY -OF THE TITLE PROBLEMp A RINGLIKE SLIT WAS EMPLOYED FOR THE ".%---ATTENUATION OF THE CONVECTION EN THE MELT ENSfEA0 OF A CAPILLARY, FORMED ~AY~.2t COAXIALLY LOCATED CORUNDUM TEST T U-19 E S, THEREBY MAKING~IT POSSIBLE BETWEEN THE -.,To- WORK WITH LARGE MASSES OF THE LiQ. METALS19. THE DISTANCE .-TEST "TUBES WAS 1.5- '2. 5 MA. PRIOR TO ENTERING THE- TEST TUBE,S, THE N USED PURIFIED OF -0 AND MOISTURE. THE INTERNAL TESTI-VOE SERYED -RE THERMOCOUPLE, THE SIMULTANEOUSLY ALSO FOR INSTALLATION OF~ A, :W 44ETALLIC-:MELT. WAS FORMED FROM CAREFULLY PURIFIED ELECTROLYTIC FE WITH ~~-THE_ -,-TOTAL-, IMPURITY CONTENT OF LESS THAN 00:1 Wt. PERCFf~,T. tYPICAL TESTS -:.-'WERE PERFORMEO,AT 1600 AND 1650DEGREES# THE DIFFUSION COEFFS. FOR N IN FE WERE CALCD* THE ACTIVATION ENERGY. OF N DIFFUSION WAS ~,"KCAL-MOLE. . THE TEMP. DEPENDENCE OF THE Av'ErAGr:D DIFFUSION COEFFS. VIAS -,DETD. THE DIFFUSION MOBILITY OF N IN MOLTE.N:,FE IS ISII.~,NIFICANTLY LESS :-,~ .'THAN T14AT FOR THE. REMAINING GASES. THE DIFFUSION COEFF. FOR N WAS 5.5 10 PRIME NEGATIVE5 AT 1600DEGREES AND 6.3 TIMES 10 PRIME NEGAVIVE5 AT 1700DEGREES. THE DIFFUSION COEFFS. QF H AND 0 AT 10 PRIME NEGATIVE3 AND I..U TIMES 10 PRImE ARE 1.32 TIMES "-'NEGATIVE4,CM PRIME2 -SEC, RE.SP. ON THE. THER HANDt TH~= DIFFUSION COEFF, ~FOR- N- IS SIMILA .-R-- 1 ORDER OF-'AAGNITUDE LARGERJHAN THE~SELF DIFFUSION COFFF# OF: FE, THE~ LATTER 13E ING 1. 7 :TIMES 10 PRI14E NEGATIVE6 CM Pill ME2-SEC AT 1620DEGREES. UNCLASSIFIED 1/2" 024 UNCLASS IfIED PROCESSING DATE--160CT70 C-JRC -ACCESSION NO--AT0116599 :..:ABSTRA,CT/EXTRACT--(U) GP-0- ABSTRACT. THE SENSITIVITY AND THE ACCURACY :,,-'OF._THE VOLUMETRIC METHOD USED IN THE STUDY OF.H DEFFUSION IN MOLTEN FE WERE INCREASED BY THE SUBSTITUTION OF A RING GAP FOR THE CAPILLARY. THE ~ANNULAR SPACE WAS FORMED BY 2 CONCENTRIC TUBES. AT 1560-1650DEGREES, -THE WIDTH OF THE GAP FILLED WITH MOLTEN FE DID NOT AFFECT THE DIFFUSION :C0EFF.,*0-SUBH. INCREASED LINEARLY THE AMT, OF H ABSORBEDt V,SU8H, WITH TAU PRIMEGNE HALF, WHERE TAU IS TIME.; EXPTL. D SUBH EQUALS 5.21 TIVA N KCAL PER MOLE, T E 0 SUBH is LARGERJHA~ 1) suaN AND~O SUBO. ~_-f'DIFFUSION IS AN ADDITIVE CHARACTERISTIC DUE TO THE EXISTENCE IN THE fE, CLUSTERS, PSI SUBCL, AND DISURDERED9 PSI SUBDISi REGIONS, WHERE PSI -.SU13CL PLUS PSI SU13DIS EQUALS I.' :0 EJUALS PSI SU13CL D SUBCL --us Psi SuBals o SUBDIS. FACILITY: DONETSK. FIZ.-TEKH. LNST.p L DONETSK 9 IJSSR. UNCLASSIFIED Abs Ref. Code: INTERNAT-AEROSPACE ABST. 0 L4 (f) C) a 0 A70-24271 Effect of n lic. indusions an the viscosity of'metallic melts (VIiianie nemetallichaskikh vidiucheniii na viazkost' metalliche3kikh rasplayov). W 1. 1Arkharo , G. S. Ershov. I A. Novokh d k M.,Kovalenko 4Akadeffliia-Nauk Ukrainskoi S"!-FiMiko-Tekhnicheskii Institut, Donetsk- Ukrainskii Nauchno- Klj~rko SS�). ~Oikademh'z N. a-u'k- - SSM,75oiia~~,,,W.- 1'90, Jan. 111, :1970, p. 366-368. 6 refs. In. Russian. Study of the kinematic viscosity oU molten steel of a single composition containing -various amounts of nonmetallic oxide (mainly corundum) intluslons in the temperature range frcm, 1600 t6 -1825 C, The viscosity Values were.deiermined by the me~ihod of I torsional vibrations of a crucible containing liquid.metal in. an inert atmosphere. It is found thAt the viscosity of liquid steel increases substantially with an increase in the,q uantity of corundum dispersed in it. This relative increm in Viscosity, due to the prewnce of nonmetallic inclusions decreases with An-increase in temperanire. A.B.K. REXL/FRAME 19800013 4".-A 'Tin FIJI W. 141 H 14 "~4 11 1,4 ,,.A USSR UDC 539.2+539.171+669-154 NOVORIDUSKITY, N.A., LAWYANOV, V. I., ARKHAROV, V. I., AcademiC4an of 'he _UkrSSR Academy of Sciences, VELYUKHANOV, V. P., Donetsk Physicotechnical Institute,.UkrSSR Acadeqr of Sciences "The Two-Isotherm Method in Diffractometry~of Melts" Moscow, Doklady Akademii Nauk SSSR, Vol 211, No 1 Aug 73, pp 814-817 Abstract: A "tvo-isotherm" method based on Fourier analysis is rrorosed for interpreting the diffraction patterns of melts with regard to the specific characteristics of their micrinonhoinogencities. The procedlire shows the partial diffraction effects of structural components, in principle,is applicable to multicamponent melts consisting of several types of clusters and a general disordered zone, and can be extended to analysis of the diffraction patterns of molten salts, oxides,and so forth, USSR UDC 621.791.756.01lt546,821 VICH, S. M., BLASRCHUK, V. Ye. NOVO6jM,,.X-L~--1. ,and LEBEDEV, V. K., URE G Institute of Electric Welding imeni Ye. 0. Paton "Local Thermal Processing of Welded Vessels:Made of AT3 Titanium Alloy" Kiev, Avtomaticheskaya Svarka, No 2, Feb 71, pp 12-14 Abstract: A study was made of the possibilities for removing the residual stresses in the weld seams of AT3 vessels and in the area near:the seams by local thermal processing. Because there were no available data on the re- sidual stresses in the AT3 alloy, the nature and amount,of these stresses in welded joints of thick sections of the metal had to be studied through experimentation, which was done on approximately square specimens of the alloy. Preliminary work, consisting,of heating the:specimen to 600-650*C for two hours, then cooling, was to determine~the extent to which the residual stresses in the welded seam~and its surroundings were removed and whether local heating could reduce the longitudinalresidual stresses. The latter received special attention since cracks in titanium alloy welds -res" ual st-~esses were mea- are usually at right angles to the seam. The id sured with DK-20 tensometers. It is con1cuded that local thermal treatment 1/2 i USSR DDC 681.32,001 UHOV, V. S. rnv,.qKlx _Y,__ V, A. G., and KRANKOV, Ye. S. FILATO A. Connector for a Printed-Circuit Board" USSR Author's Certificate No 294269, filed :17 Apr 69, published 17 Mar 71 (frovi RZh-Avtomatika, Telemekhanika i Vychislitel'naya Tekhnika, No 10, Oct 71 Abstract No 10B147 P) Trans-lation: The invention pertains to inspection facilities, specifically to devices for checking disconnected circuits on solid-state circuit boards. There are well-known devices designed for,inspection of the output contacts of circuit boards which are made in the form of metal strips arranged in a parallel raw with a definite spacing about the perimeter of the board. However, such devices are cumbersome and do not allow contact with the work- ing areas of the solid-state circuit which are located on the flat surface of the board. The purpose of this invention Is to improve the operational reliabiUty. of the connector for printed-circult boards. To this end, the contact-holders in the proposed connector are made in the form of- L-shaped strips fastened on round pins, and the.housing has openings which accom- date the contact elements made in'the form of multiple-leaf springs. Two M o illustrations. Z USSR uDc. 621.3.o49.75 UMDV, V. S., NOVOKOVSKIY OV, A. G., KRANKOV, Ye. S. "A Connector r a Printed Circuit Board" Mosco"j, Otkrytiya, izobreteniya, proqrshlennyye obraztsy, tovarnyye znaki No-6,,Feb 71, Author's Certificate No -294269., Division H, filed 17 Apr 69, published 26-Jan 71, P 180 Translation: This Author's Certificate introduf!es a connector for a printed circuit board. The device contains a dielecteic housing Vnich accommodates contact holders with contacts between which the printed circuit board is inserted. As a distinguishing feature of the patent, the operational re liability of the connector is improved by making the contact holders in tle form of L-sh~Lped strips fastened to circular pins and fitting the housing Vith apertures which hold the contabt:elements made in the form of multiple- -,leaf springs. 1/2 USSR UMDV, V. t al., USSR Author's Certificate No 294269 S. e 4~ Ell FIN t 2/2 - -- - :1 G3- - MR wc 678.664-48.87ot 3 5 !MYUCHKOVg F. A.9 ARSTI-10VAl A. H.1 and "Now Semirigid Foam Polyurethane Moscow, Plasticheskiye Nassy, No 4, 1972, pp 24-26 Abstract: A new semirigid foam polyurethane is described which is based on activated ordinary polyester, triethanalamine and polyisocyanate, A study was made of the rigidity of the foam polyurethane as a function of the water content in the compound, the foam factorli the anount of croms-linking aGent -o testing it. and. the time from obtaining a specimen of foam polyurethane, 4. The rigidity of the specimens of semirigid foam polyurethan increases during the first month, and by the end-of the beoond monthitho rigidity is 1._15-2.5 times greater than that of the initial specimen.~ Thereafter the rigidity remains constant. With an increase in the foam'. factor, the rigidity increases noticeably. An increase in the amount of cross-linking agent leads to an increase in rigidity. With an inexease in the amount of mss~linking agent the system becomes more active since the triethanolamine Is simUtaneously a cata.2yst of the chemical reactions with the participation of the isocyanate groups. USSR UDC. 532.721.69 MALTSEV, G. V., MARTYNOVA, N. K., and 492;~ ~KE~QLENOV P. D. "Influence of Mercury an Strength of Copper Subject to Ultra- sonic Vibrations" Kiev, Fiziko-Khimicheskaya Mekhanika Materialov, Vol 7, No 5, 1971, pp 29-32 Abstract: Tensile tests of amal ainated copper specimens subject to ultrasonic vibrations were conducted. The specimens were of I nim diameter. The coating of mercury was 0. 001 rnrn thick. One end of the specimen was connected to a vibrator operating at 22'and 17. 5 kilohertz frequency. The other end was subject to a static load. The grain size was .-varied by varyLng the annealing temperature. USSR MAWTSEV, G. V., et al, Fiziko-Khimicheskaya iviekhanika Materialov, Vol No 5, 1971. PP 29-32 On Fig. I the tensile strength is plotted versus the square of the vibratory stress. The tensile strength of copper specimens without mercury is affected little by the vibratory stress. The tensile stress of amalgamated specimens is lower than of the nstant for small values specimens without mercury, -it remains co of'vibrdtory stress, then decreases linearly with the square of the vibratory stress. Curves for six.different grain sizes are given, the strength decreases with the size of grain. The explanation of these results is that the vibratory stress destroys the intermetallic bond b er and rilercury and etween.copp makes it possible for the liquid.mercury to penetrate into the cracks between the grain of copper. 2/2 74 77-7- -77-7 7 "MONO UDC 539-67 ZUEEKHIN,, V. P., HOME P. D.J POPOVY V. I., and MAKSIMON, V. P. A02ESHC "On:the-Problem of Metal Internal Friction Yechanism:in the Process of Plastic Deformation" Sb. "Vnutrenneye treniye v retallicheskikh materialakb" (Internal Friction in Metallic Materials), Moscow, Izd-vo "Nauka," 19702 PP 73-76 Abstract: Results are presented of a study of the nature of internal friction in nickel and NTsm-2-5 alloY, measured in the process of their plastic deforma- tion at various temperatures. It is shovn that a certain relationshipJa observed between changes in Q-1 and,cireeping stages. Problems related to the onset d propagation of cracks are discussed on the-.,basis-of general dislocatlonB. .3 figures.: 8.referencies. T Yzi:fl USSR uDc 621-378-325 BYKOV, V. P., ITAKHITOV, N. G., NOVQIKRESHOFFPQ-V1-Y----K. IS119,001r, N. V. "Effect of Resonator Matching on the Power'of Solid-Stat,e Lasers" Moscow, Kyantovaya Elektronika, No 2, 1971, pp 53-56 Abstract: Conditions are determined for matching of tbe varioliz sections of the optical cavity of a solid-state laser in which the active element is a nonhomogeneous dielectric, and an e.Terimental study is ztadc of the effect which such matching has on emission power. It is shown that greater enerated in the matched than in,the unmatched mode,. other things power is g being equal. The authors thank V. G. Dmitriyev for assistance with the work. USSR uDc 614..> AR SIDOZOVA, L. N., RUZMV, Kh. R., QXQ2E~HCHENOVA, F. A., and AYD. ALMV, . ...... .... K. A..~ Ministry of Health Kirgiz SSR "From the Fight Against Malaria and Steps Taken to Prevell'. the Disease From Entering Kirgizia" Frunze, Sovetskoye Zdrarookhraneniye Kirgizii, No 6, 1972, pp 29-32 Abstract: The Soviet Central Asian republic of Kirgizia h,:.Id long been an endemic focus of malaria. In 1933, for example, it accounted for 3%,, of all cases of infectious diseases with a morbidity rate of 1.0,00 per 10,000 -Popula- tion. The rate began to decline after World War Twro becaure of systeuztic efforts to eradicate the dinease and by 1959 not a single local. case was recorded throughout the republic. To prevent the importation of malaria, all p-?r5o-ns arriving from parts of the Soviet Union where it is still prevalent as well as visitors from Africa and Asia are registered and carefully examined. A2.1 persons w th a history of the disease are checked from time to tim,,!. O-her steps i 3 to 5 kin from inlhabit,~d include the drainage of swamps within a radius o1 -,ater in-fested localities, int action of ga:~busla and grE;ss carp into of U with mosquito larvae., and continuoias monitoring of cha--ges in the mosquito popitlation to determine whether active control measure,. na-,y be required. USSR uDc: 621-386.6-181.48 V. A. SADCHIKOV, P. L, NOVOKRESHCRENOVA, 0. Ye.~, MAKARO "Strength.of-Contact Joints in Hybrid Thin-Film Circuits" Elektron. prom-st'. Neuch.-tekhn. sb. (Electronics Industry. Scientific and Technical Collection), 1972,-ff-o1, pp A-66 (from Rzki-Radiotekhnika, NO,8, Aug 72, Abstract No 8V275) Translation: The effect of the welding process on the pbysicomechanical (strength) properties of contact Joints in',hybrid microcircuits is con- sidered. The causes of development of defective Joints are determined. ReSUM6. 416 USSR UDO: 621.396.69:621-316.8 KOVOKSH'01~qy.,_~ I "Ultrasonic Cleansing of Variable Wire Resistor Parts~and Cir- cuits" V-sb. U:Lltrazvuk. metody intensfik. tekhnol. protsessov (Ultra- sonicMethods of Accelerating Technological Proceoses7moscow In- stitute of Steel and Alloys, 60, Moscow,'1970, pp-230-233 (from RZh-Radiotekhnika, No. 3, I-larch 71 AbBtract No. 3V445) Translation: Experimental investigation of ultrasonic cleaning of the parts and circuits of variable wire resistors showed that in the cleaning process, mechanical connections,' greasy films, and flux left over from the soldering,procedure.were completely eliminated. It was established that after the cleaning., the con- tact resistance of the contact-resistive element oliding pair was reduced 3-5 times, and there was no shift in the windings of the resistance wire. It was also found that, due to cavitation ef- fects, the quality of soldered the resistance elements .-can, be controlled (poorly soldered joints are destroyed under the action of intense tiltrasonic radiation). Two illustrations. N.-: B. TIN 'CL ASS I FIE is s I f'; c- o ATE 11 oc-c'u' N a U '~-'_4!TLE--AUTLMATLU_ CCNTROL SYSTEMS -u- YU. C LUNT RY OF INFO--USSR JULY 239 19701 P 3t CCLS L-Z ~~_DATE FUf)L ISHEO-23JUL70 ECT,AREAS -~-~EHAVIGRAL AND SUCIAL SCIENCES, MEGH., IND. -IVIL AND -MAR INE ENGR TGPlG TAGS-~--AUTOIVATIC. CONTROL SYSTEMt LABOR, PRODUCTIVITY, It'-)USTRIAL PERSCNNEL MANAGEMENTs MACHINERY.MANUFACTURING *"LAMT, FIVE MANAGEMENT :'-""_::VEAK PLAN, INDUSTRIAL ORGANIZATIONt ~:INDUSTRIAL Pikuoucrl(Mlf alDUSTRIAL -A CILITY CRGANIZATIONY INDUSTRIAL PLANiNIN6zr FACILITY ::Vk0Dl,iCT 1ON AP_AClTYr*.GATA. RETRIEVALt DESIGN- SUREAU0 k4SEARCH FACI L 1 T'I CNTRCL MAkING-NO RESIRICTIGNS _DCC:UMENT CLASS-UNCLASSIF[F.0 ':..~~.P,RUXY REEL/FFAME-~-2000/0501 STEP CIRC A C C F. S S I C NIN'O AN 0 12 2 0 7 UiN 4 S 5 1. F-1 E 0 ai: UNCLASSIFIED PROCE.&S [NO DATE-1 L01-`C701 ~.;~":C*IRC. ACLESSICN NO-AN0124207 .~,...ABSTRACT/EXTRACT-tU) (;P-0- ABSTRACT. IN A PRESS INTERVItj-, K. N. ':1'r'.'.~!4ZUDNEVt MINISTER OF N J~D N 0 INSTRU14ENT CENSTRUCTIONt AUT014ATI (I;A CO T L SYSTEMS HAS STATED THAT THF MAIN 1-11ISSION *OF HIS MINISTRY IS TO AUVAiNCE, AS POSSIBLE, THE INDUSTRIAL GqGANIZATION AND PiW'1_GEMENT. A :90.4,PERCENT INCREASE IN THE PRODUCTION VOLUME, AND 53 11.':)ii;ENr INCREASE IMILABOR PRODUCITIVITY RUDNEV ATTRIBUTED TO THE FACT THAT THE MAIN OF THE MINILSTKY DEALT WITH TI.S PLANTS ON THE PRINCIPLE OF.SELF SUPPORTING ECONOMY. AS OF TODAY, THE tNUUSTRIAL 1-U,'-IPLEXES OF THE ~,IMINISTRY EMPL13Y EIGHT MMPUTERIZED MANAC.EMENT SYSTEMS. BY THE END OF. 1970~; THIS NUMER WILL GO UP TO THIRTEtN *: -SINCE 1966, It-IL MINISTRY HAS7~ BEEN USING A SUBSYSTEM OF OPERATION ;PLANNING. AC-cowlY ING, 7.-Wr BECGMI:NG GISTICSt SELLINC-i AND FINANCING ARE AqS6 SUBJE&Y OF "'AUTCMATICN. A SYSTEM FUR AUTOMATED INFORMATION SEARL11 FOR RESEARCH AND PLANNING ORGANLZATIONS v AND PLANTS ~ QF~ THE :MI NfIq I kV IS BEING INI T I AT ED 13Y THE ENU OF THIS FIVE YEAR PLANI 186 PLItNTS 01:: THE -_-INIDSUTAY~ WILL HAVE THEIR 14ACHINE COMPUTATION STATIONS'AND BUREAUS. .CURRENTLY THE ORGANIZATIONS OF THE MINISTRY ARE WORKING ON AdOUT 100 AUTGMATMCCNTROL SYSTEMS FOP. LARGE PLANTS GUTSIGE OF,THE 141,14 Is TRY. AADW THEM ARE. THE GOR,KIY AND 141NSK AUTomw3ILE PLANTs, THE IZHORA PLANT I-EAV,Y MACHINE CONSTRUCT I ON , THE PAVLCDAR- TRACT6R PLANT, ETC. UNCLASSIFIED USSR uDc 669-71-053.4 NOVOLODSKAYA, A. A., AVDFfEVA, T. I. "Conditions of Formation of Cancrinite-Like Sodium Hydroalumosilicates in Alumina Production Solutions and Their Physical-Chemical Characteristics" Sb. tr. Vses. mezhvuz. nauch. konferentsii T)o teorii protsessov tsvetn, metal -ic Conference I 7ii.(Cgllected Works of the All-Union Interuniversity Scientif on,the Theory of.Processes in Nonferrous Metailui gy), Alma-Ata, 1971, pp h3l- ~439.(from. RM-Metallurgiya, Ho 7, Jul 1971.Abstract No 7G201) Translation: In low-module aluminate solutions containing Na2CO3 or Na 2s04 along with ailica, the formation of hydrocancrinite aluminate in possible during the crystallization of the aluminum silicate residut for 1;5 hollrEi at 1:15* in a sulfate-containing solutionand for:72 hours at P20' in a carbonate- ataining solution. The cancrinite-like sodium hydroalumosilicate can be c o distinguished from the sodalite-like hydroalumosilicate by-means of crystal- tical..and thermal analyses and also infrared spectroBcopy. There are 7 OP illustrations and a 10-entry bibliograp 1/1 ALUM 'i II UAL:' I1 1; USSR uDc: 681-327.6 ad "Order of Lenin" Poly- UY2EASHENN __G__N. POTAPEKIN, V. K., Leningr technical Institute imeni M. I. Kalinin "A Buffer Memory Device" Moscow, Otkrytiya, Izobreteniya, Prorqshlennyye Obraztsy, Tovarnyye Znaki, No.20, Jul 72, Author's Certificate No 34330.0v Division G, filed 15 Sep 69, published 22 Jun 72, 1) 174 Translation: This Author's Certificate introduces a buffer memory device ich contains switches with their,first inputs connected:together and ~vh tied to storage flip-flops while their outputs are connected to shift register cells. The device also contains recording and readout lines A s a distinguishing feature of the patent,the reliability of the device is improved by adding a reversible counter of its inputs con- nected to the readout bus and the other tothe recording bus, while the outputs of the counter cells are connected to the secondinputs of the switches. 12 UDC: 519.1 USSR BALASHOV, 0. M.. NOVORUSSKIYJ V~ V4 "Concerning Conditions of Invariance of an Open System for Control of a Probabil-istic Finite Automaton" Irkutsk, Nekotoryye vopr. optimiz. i upr. v sistemekb energetiki--sbornik .(Some Problems of Optimization and Control in Power Engineering Systems- collection of works), 1972, pp 4-10 (from RZho.-Matematika, Ito 9, Sep 73, abstract No 9V440 by A. Muchnik) Translation: For the finite probabilistic automaton 421 defined by the input alphabet X (x.. -xy-1) and the output alphabet Y-jYs,---,YK-j) Vith the set of states and the set KN of square M x M matrices itp (ajyr1atxjW- where the element p(ajyj1ajx,) is equea to the probability that the finite probabilistic automaton will go to state a after receiving symbol xj in state ai, giving symbol yZ at the outputl he authors define the inverse finite probabilistic automaton 9,,-' (generally speaking,nonuniquely) in the following way: erl induces the probabilistic mapping oD:Q~.P, where Q and P ; of output and input words~ of: automaton ~! respectively and each solution from the set jpj-qD(qj)). being an argument of the probabilistic 1/3 USSR EALASHOV, 0. M., NOVORUSSKIY, V. V., Nekoto-n7e vopr. optimiz. i upr. v sistemakh energetiki, 1972, pp 4-10 inapping 4p.P-Q, produced by finite probabilistic automaton ;It. gives the set Of solutions jqj necessarily incorporating word qj such that aj = qi RI-I is given by the set KU of matrices~ jjq(bjx,,,bjyjjj. Each matrix a(s,Z) is constructed on the ba3is of matrix p(l,s) for the pair (yZ,x.) of autom- aton.9j. The nonzero elements of matrix q(s 1) vhich designate the proba- bilities of transitions q(bjxs1biYj-- are dete;;; the sane indices i, j as the nonzero elements p(ajy,jujxs) of matrix p(l,s) of automaton '21'. But the.values of these probabilities must be determined from supplementary "nonzero" conditions on the inverse finite probabilistic automaton (of the t e of minimization of some functional on a set of words or the like). yp A control system scheme (of the "open principle") is considered which is superposition ot an inverse finite probabilistic automaton QI-I and a finite probabilistic automaton Two problems are solvea relative to this scheme. The first problem consists in finding the probability of appearance of a signal sequence y*(t) at the output of the circuit if a sequence *(t) =y*(t) has been sent to the input. The second (dual) problem is to Z 2/3 USSR BALASHOV, 0. M., NOVORUSSKIY, V..V., Nekotoiyye vopr. optimiz. i upr. v rgetiki, 1972, pp 4-10, sistemalch ene determine the class of controlling words z*(t) in relation to Ubich the -system is invariant*. i. e.,it retains them at the output with a probability of no worse than p. Two methods are proposed for solving the first problem, one of which saves time but uses a large memory$ and the other saves the c memory volumebut requires a large.number of operations. A cording to the,authors, solution of the..second~-problem,ds based on solution of the problem. first 3/3 USSR BALASHOV, 0. M. and NOVORUSSKIY, V. V. "Conditions of Invariance of a Closed Control System for a Probabilistic Finite Automaton!' Nekotoryye Vopr. Optimiz. i Upr. v Sistemakb Energetiki [Some Problems of Optimization and Control in Power Systems- Collection of Works], Irkutsk, 1972, pp 4-10 (Translated from Ref-erativnyy Zhurnal Kibernetika, No.9, 1973, Abstract No 9V440) Translation: For a finite probabilistic automaton!t'~(FPA), defined in input alphabet X = fx ouput:alphabet Y = {y01 ... I y 0' -' 'N-1 K-1 with set of states A = [a., ... I aM-1 ), by set KN of quadratic MxM matrices 11p(a y /a.x )11, where element p(a,y /a.x is equal to the probability that the FPA, receiving input symbol x. while in state a. will be con- verted to aj, producing output symbol y,, the reverse finite probabilistic automaton (RFPA)~(-l is defined (generally unambiguously) as follows: induces the probabilistic mapping O:Q+P, where Q and P are the sets of output and input words of automaton W respectively, where each solu- tion from set [pi = 0(qi)1, being an arugment of the probabilistic map- 1/3 USSR BALASHOV, 0. M. and NOVORUSSKIY, V. V., Nekotoryye Vopr. Optimiz i .7-- Upr. v Sistemakh Energetiki, Irkutsk, 1972, pp 4-10 ping O:P-+Q, produced by FPASU, yields the set of solutions {qj ~(pj)j in which word qj such that qj q. must:be found. is fixed by the set KN of matrices jjq(b x /b,y,,)Il. Each s matrix q(s,2) is constructed on the basis of matrix pQ,s) for the pair x of automaton % where the nonzero elements of matrix q(sj), ( Y1 s 'representing the probability of transitionsq(b xs/b yj), are defined by the same subscripts i and j as the nonzero elements p(ajyl/aixs) of matrix p(?,s) of automaton %. The value's of these probabilities must be determined from the supplementary "goall"conditions of the RFPA (such as minimization of a certain functional in a set of words, etc.). The plan of a control system ("open principle") which is a superposition of RFPAW-1 and FPA 6)Jis studied. Two problems are solved concerning this system. The first problem consists in determination of the probability of appeara nce at the output of the system of a'sequence of signals y*(t), if.the sequence z*(t) y*(t) appears at.the-input of the systcm. The 2/3 fI T USSR BALASHOV, 0. M, and NOVORUSSMIY, V. V., Nekotoryya Vopr. Optimiz i Upr. v Sistemakh Energetiki, Irgutsk, 1972i~ pp 4~10 second, double problem consists in determination of the class of control Words z*(t), in -relation to which the system is invariant, that is re- tains then, at the output with probability no worse than p. Two methods are-suggestedfor solving the fiTSt problem;.one of which saves solution time while-using much memory, while the othersaves memory while re- iri -solution of the s cond problem, the authors u ng many'.operations. -the e q affirm, i~ based on the solution of the fiirst problem. A. Muchnik Simulations USSR UDC 8.74 NOVORUSSKM-1111.1 a Initerslon in Control Problems" (Mathematical 14odeling and the V sb. Mat. modelir. i teariya elektr. tsepe Theory of Electric Circuits -- Collection of Works), vyp. 8, Kiev, "Nauk. 11hitnilm 1971, pp 26-42 (f rom RZh-Mhtewqtika, ITO 5, Yhy 72, Abstract No 5V576 by~ V. MMEYEV) ses the prin- Translation: The article describes a plant control mthod which us ciple of data inversion accomplished by means of an inverne mathematical logic model of the plant. Here the aggregate of control actionq is reEardea as a certain alphabet X, given on a set of values of independent variables (arn-U- Mento); the alyiregate of plant reactions as alphabet Y, givon on a set of Villues of dependent variables (nuictions); and the plant itself ar, daUi conv(!r- 'ter CS .1 which realizes the mappingr of elements of the first. alp4r:-bet into the second y =~7(x)(y-_-Y, x(X). By- an inverse mathematical lc[;ic model 0' a con- trolled plant is ---nt the relation x 'which effectS the rr-apping of 11 VO th eLaments of alphabet Y int alphabet X. Sbe essence of 4 e Inverse-operators method is shown from the vicvpoint of the Invertibility of ca-ase-and-effect networks and the possibility of using it for.the control of plants which 112 UDC: 8.74 NOVORUSSKIY, V. V. V sb. Mat. modelir. i teoriya elektr. tsepey (Miathematical Modeling and Electric Circuit Theory--collection of works), vyp. 8i Kiev, "Nauk. dunika", 3-971, pp 26-42 (from RZh-Kiber-netika, No 5.1 May 72, Abstract No 511576) Translation: The paper described a method of controlling an object by using the principle of inverse data processing implemented by means of an inverse mathematical logic model of the object. In this regard the aggregate of controlling actions is treated as a certain alphabet X given on a set of independent variables (argumenta); the set of responses of the object is treated as an alphabet Y given on a set of dependent variables (functions); and the object itself is treated as a data converter 6 which realizes mapping of the elements of the first alphabet into the second Y = 6W (yc- Y, XE X). An inverse mathematical logic model of a controlled object is imderstood to mean the relation x = 6-1 (y) which maps the elements of alphabet Y into alphabet X. The essence of the method of in-verse oper- ators is demonstrated from the standpoint of reversibi3iity of cause-and- -effect networks, and it is shown that it can be used:to control oblects L vhich realize an automaton operator. The nature of the limitations with 1/2 61 USSR -NOVORUSSM, V. V., Mat. modelir. i teoWa elektr. tsepey, TYP. Kiev, "Nauk. dwAa", 1972, pp 26-42 regard to use of the method of inverse operators for synthesizing invariant .control systems is discussed. A relation is foimd between the properties of control systems synthesized by the method of inverse operators described by continuous real functions, and automatom functions. V. MIkheyev. 212 USSR UDC 621 .791 .011 :6211 .9-419 NOVOS S., and SHORSHOROV,, M. Kh.) Institute of Metallurgy imeni S. B ay ~ko v "Liquid Wedge-Like Probe for Investigating the Interaction of Iron and Molten Aluminum" Kiev, Avtomaticheskaya Svarka, No 9, Sep 70~ pp 4-7 Abstract: A liquid wedge-like probe was developed which makes possible easy and fast determination of the conditions for obtaininga good quality fusion (without intemetallides) through the interaction of solid and liquid phases of heter2geneous materials.. An experimentalj vea-y lour density installation (5 x 107MA Hg) for determining the admissible time of contact as a function of temperature between a sample and molten aluminum is described. The experi- mental procedure, installation, and liquid-wedge-lilce probe are described and a schematic diagram of the probe is included. After cooling, the wedge-like probe is disassembled, and the samples obtained are cut and-investigated by locat x-ray spectral analysis. The typical concentration cmves and those il- lustrating the development rate of heterodiffusion in the contact zone along the length of wedge build-up, are presented in graphs for the case of inter- action between Armco iron and aluminum. 1/2 USSR UDC 627 ~j 'Novost W, V. S. "A A-c oZ Ti tzmil= and Niob I- t:,rill rgon- Kiev, SkrarlLa7 No 10, Oc~-- 70, pp 68-69 Abst--r-act: Tliis s:lort larcil cle is devoted to research inLc-~ c',11~2. of welding Litaniumm and iii-abium., a use oE v,?xy p~;re argon, for preserving t"Ce sawil. Ti~(! proc~!Ss is 0 -C the 4ntP-rIs--;,- an' nature of - rbuleat liqu'd flow- tliEi 'u the caierrv mW nressure of the arc-, zine of source from zhe -6eaam. 'fne rLlSOZjV(_-jj WaS dolIC T J1 Z_I,- CC) 0. 4110 C~jj C~ja-:7aCt 4b i; the efifect: oE ~::i, seam con.[:if-.Ur,,LLjojj 0- the joi-i1c. Allwis x.-rica a cl=-Lium basc (r-ypL,!: ',JTI--!, 'e use6l. -,),IQ m. Ch iln,i Ca niobium basv. (lkl~ 1, \r,,12, 11~42A) wL L; :teristics 0i: WC-lds made by Liris raethod i s gliven along 1A.-ch graphs o- he alloys used. the depth a~,~ Lngle of bendipg as furict.. as of, t. USSR UDC 621.285.62x KORNILOV, S.A., LOMAKIN, G.V., LC53 V,, V.L,,:NGVOSELETS, V.I. wz. "Investigation Of Fluctuations In Mixer Klystrons" Elektron. tekhniks. Nauchno-tekhn. ab. Elektron. SVCh (Electronics Technology, Scientific-Technical Collection. Microwave Electronics), 1970, No 6, pp 40-50 (from RZh--Elektronika i yeye primeneniye, No 10, October 1970, Abstract No 10A150) Translation: Theoretical and experimental investigations of fluctuations in mixer klyetrons caused by the noise of an elsotron beam show that with a small modulation index of the beam (m ~-.6 0.1) It4a possible by a reasonable tuaing, of the resonant cavities (the first two resonant cavities are tuned to tho frequency of the input aignal-and the.remainder to the frequency of tho biased signal) to reduce the level ~of~tbe phase fluctuations in'of the epeutrum by approximately 10 db. Summary. USSR UDC 621.372.85(088.8) SOKOLOV, V. V., ARTEMYEV, S. M., NOVOSELETS, V. 1. "Frequency Tuning Device" USSR Author's Certificate No 259203, Filed 11 Oct 66, Published 17 Apr 70 (from RZh-Radiotekhnika, No 9, Sep 70, Abstract No 9B154P) Translation: The proposed frequency tuniftg device for vacuum volunietric resonators of superhigh frequency electronic devices contains a rod con- nected to a flexible resonator tuning element, for exauiple, a diaphragni and an adjustment screw used for axial displacement of the rod. In order to improve the vibration resistance of the device, a smooth bushing with an inside thread encompassing the lower part of the two-step screw and attached inside the removable sectional housing is used. The upper part of the screw is turned into the auxiliary bushing equipped with a flange which is installed on the housing,of the device. There are two illustra- tions. 1/2 009 UNCLASSIFIED PROCESSING DATE--230CT70 T-ITLE--DrETERMINATION OF GLYCOLS BY,GAS LIQUID CHROMATOGRAPHY -U- :--A,UTHOR-(04)-NOVOSELOVY A.Ist AFANASYEV#,AM-9 KAL-YAZIN, YE.P., ZAKHAROV, NTRY OF INFO--USSR Ou. -,50URCE--ZH. ANAL. KHIM. 1970p 25(2), 386-8. ~DATE PUBLISHED ------- TO ': :SUBJECT AREAS--CHEMISTRY 'TOPIC TAGS--GLYCOL, CHROMATOGRAPHIC ANALYSISt PROPANE, ETHANE, __.,,.BUTANE/(U)PEG600 CHRONIATOGRAPH PACKINGP (U)PE6?000 CHROMATOGRAPH ~PACKLNGq (U)INZ660 CHROMATOGRAPH PACKING, (U)TNDS14 CHROMATOGRAPH PACKING, (U)SPHEROCAROMI CHROMATGGRAPH,PACKt (U)STERCHAMOL CHROMATOGRAPH -,PACKING C-ONTROL MARKING--NO RESTRICTIONS :,-DOCUMENT CLASS--UNCLASSIFIED REEL/FRAME--1993/0687. STEP NO--UR/0075170/0251002/03B6/0388 CIRC ACCESSION NO--AP0113558 -212 009 UNCLASSIFIEO PROCESSING DATE--230CT70 CJPC ACCESSION ND--AP0113558 GP-0- ABSTRACT, ATECHNIQUE FOR THE GAS CHROMATOGRAPHIC DETN. OF ETHANEr 1, 2 PROPANE, 20 BUTANE(RACEMATE)-i 2s 3 BUTANE (ME-SO FORM)-, 1,3 BUTANE-, 1r4 BUTANEDIOL AND DIETHYLENE GLYCOL IN OILD. SOLNS. OF ALCS. OR H SUS2 0 ALCSS. MIXTS.,fS SUGGESTED. SOME CORRELATION OF THE RESPONSE IN A FLAME IONIZATION DETECTOR WITH THE STRUCTURE OF GLYCOL MOLS. IS OBSERVED, THE SEPN.:WAS. CARRIED OUT ON A 2 M LONG COLUMN FILLED WITH 12- 15PERCENT POLY tETHYLENE GLYCOL) PEG 600 QR.PEG 2000 ON -INZ 600 TND SMr SPHERUCHROM 1-r OR STERCHAMOLP AT A COLUAN 105-306EGREES, -WITH N CARRIER GAS AT 80-7100DEGREES ML- MIN. FACILITY-: MOSCOW STATE. UNIV., MOSC:OWv USSR. USSR UDC 621.782.2 DOWXEVSYIY, D.S., LIBOV, L.D.t LITVINOV, V.L., V.11, NOWS-LOV A.m'.' -RAVICH, Y.N., TKAGn; V, V.D., WHINS N*A. gEffect Of Radiation On Gallium Phoephide P-11 Junctions" T ab. Radiate. fiz. n-~met. kristallov. T.5. Gh.2. (Radiation Fkkysica Of Non- -i v, 'N' ik.du- metallic Crystals. Vol. 3, Part 2-Collection & 'Norks), k, a al. MIM 1971, pp 50-55 (from RZh-Elaktronika i,',,:aye r nR iye, No 12, Doc 1971, Abstract No 12B5~4) Tranalationt The p--n Junctions were obtained by the m!jthod of liquid epitwxy itith n-W. The apitaxial p-region was doped with Op and Za. Irradiation was done wi-IR r!!actor n-xatrona and also electrons with, 28 ~"Ov enorgy at tempcratures 0 ~abovo 50 C. lfho currcrit-voltaSo characteriotics and the elo otrolumminia scent apoctra wera inveatigatod at roozn and n1troien tamparatires. After irradiation, 4.1-o current-voltkai;o alara C AorioLics in ahi'tod to 'he the P raard branch o- U region of s=allcr voltnges (the lifloti-me of minority carriers is decreased) and subsequently with an i=raaae of the flux -- to the side of the larger voltagea (incrense oi- tho reeistivity of the initial =terial). After irradiation thoo intensity of all the-spactral bands of ale atrolumine a conc5 ari decreased. The 112 USSR DOIMNEVSKIY, D. S. , et al., Radiats. fiz. nemet. kristallov, T.3. ai. 2. (Radiation Physics Of Lionmetallic Crystals. Vol. 3, Part 2-Collection Of Works) , Kiev, "Nauk. du-,m,-a." 1971, on 50-53 (from Uh-Flektronika i yeve primeneniye, N'o 12, Dee 1971, Abstract No 12B534) intensity of the red band with a flux decraaeed approxiwatoly 1.5 times more slowly that the green. 7he spectral composition of the radiation changed after irradiation. 7-o -recolts nresented Indicate that tha chan,,,-c of the alectricel and optical ch.-aractoriatica of GaP p-n~junctionu after irradiation 1mve the 6=9 A. u v now ill. I charaotar as in the case of GaAs p-n no" lo tab. 4 ref. I.M. 2/2