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USSR UDC 681.326.75 SOLONIMM, V. A. , P. 1. NGSOV_I_ YE DROZDGV, "Device for Monitoring the Elements of Automatic Control, Sys tems" USSR Author's Certificate No 304587, filed 12 Jan 7G, published 7 Jul 71 (from RZh--Avtomatika, Teler,~ekhanika ivychislitel'naya tekhnil~a, No 4, Apr 72, Abstract No 4A550P) Translation: A device is proposed for m=Ltoring the elements of automatif c control systems. The device is redundant with respect to an odd number of elements. It contains a level selector connected to thn~outputs of the moni- tored elawnta and copparison circuits, the. first inputs 6f which are connected to tha outputs of the corresponding monitored eletnenLs and the- second inputs of which are connected to the output of the;level selector. To increase the monitoring reliability, each comparison circuit is executed, for example, from a magnetic amplifier and it is encompassed:by a positive 1cedback circuit con- taining.a circuit with a variable magnitude of the dead zone the control input of.which is connected to the output of tbe~level selector. USSR UDO 621.382.2 KASATKIN, A.I., SENKINA, 0.1., NOSOV, YU.P. nConcerning Statistical Regularity Of Distribution With Respect To Principal Electrical Parameters Of Germanium Diodes With Gold Bonds" Elektror..tekhnika. Nsuch.-tekhn.9b. Poluprovodn.pribory (Electronics TechnoloQr. Scientific-Technical Collection. Semiconductor Devices), 1972, Issue 4(68), pp 126-1~O (f rcm RZh.Elektronika i yeye primenemiye~, No 11, Nov 1972, Abstract No 11B169) Translation:. The paper carries out a study and a comparison of the statistical regularities which describe the distribution with respect to the parameters of semiconductors with gold bands, and of point semiconductor diodes. Sure ary. USSR UDC: 621-396.6-181.48 NOSOV,-,YU. R.- "Conplex Miniaturization of Electronic Radio Devices" Elektron. prom-st'. Rauch.-tekhn. sb. (The Electronics Industry. Scien- tific and Technical Collection), 1972, No 1, pp 112-116 (from R"'h-Radio- tekhnika, No 8, Aug T2, Abstract No 8V238) Tran lation; The article reviews the results of a contest for the best paper on complex miniaturization of electronic radio devices conducted in 1971 by the Central and Moscow Boards of the Scientific and Technical Society of Radio Engineering and Telecommunications imeni A. S. Popov. Resum6. Transformation and St=cture USSR UDO 539-89 UTS K AR, A. R., GM!AH, V. X., andNOSQVA# G,-!,, Institute of Physical Metallurgy and Metal Physics, Central Scientific Research'Institute Of Ferrous MetaIlurgy imeni A. P. Bardin "Alpha-0mega-Transformation in Titanium and,Zieconium from Shook Waves" Moscow, Doklady Akademii Nauk SSSR, Vol 213, No 1, Nov-Der. 73, pp 81-83 Abstracto Experiments were conducted to check out the possibility that an alpha-omega-txvxLsformation takes place in titanium and zirconium and the omega- phase is preserved after impact of a plane shock wave. Tests wore made using titanium and zirconium iodide which were subjected to shock waves of varying amplitude by placing the samples in an ampule uhich was dotonated with an explosive charge from a firing pin in the ampule. Pressure magnitude was determined by experimental measurement of the masis voloci-~y u of the ampule surfawg directly adjoining the samplet using known D-u rollationahips for the ampule material (steel KhIBIXOT), A amall amount of omega-phase 0was noted in titaniun after exposure to a 350-kbar pressure shock wave at 293 K. At this pressure the residual te=pexature exceedz the amega~alpha-transformation temperature. To decrease the residual temperature of the anpule with the sample, the ampule was cooled with liquid nitrogen to 1200 X where, after a test, the sample contained 60-70% omega-phase ithen subjected to the same shock-wave pressure of 350 kbar. The same.effect was noted when zirconium was tested by the same method with approximately 80% omega-phase beIng produced. The con- clusion was made that the omega"phase is formed at 200-30D X from a shock- wave front of appro.-Jmately 5-microsecond duration in titanium and zirconium and the transformatioa has an athermal martensite nature. Two figures, 19 bibliographic references. Z/ 2, 46 'USSR uDc 60"9.24-548.313.3 539.4 flubuvft U. 1. and ivuiTju~uvA, Au. A. 1_nsLitute or i%ieta-L ~jaience ana t~ny;:Ics Scientific Research Institute of Ferrous Metallurgy imr!ni I. P.: Bardin "The Effect of Ordering in an N'3Mh tdloy on Critical Shear Stresses" Sverdlovsk,, Fi--ika Metallov i Metalloveden-iye, Vol 35,'N0 3, 1973., FP 542-546 Abstract: The effect of ordering (S) prod-aced by a low-tempei!ature isethermal tempering (at 4ocPc for 25-300 hours) of KiPh samples (single crystals) on critical shear stresses ( -t-c) which appear insamples subjected to mechanical tests at -196 to +4000C was studied. All-samples were deformed at a rate from 0.2 to 20 mm/min during mechanical tests. 'Values of -rc,gradually increased from 0.2 to 0.8 kg/mm2 low- degree of for samples with a f ordering, S=0.13 to 0-5) and it remained almost without any changea up to S=0.90 v.;t room tempera- ture. An electron microscope study showed that singular dislocations domina-te in a sample with S=0.22, but paired dislocations were dondnant, in samples, vith S=0.90. The antiphase boundary energy was the only strengthening mechanicin in the N13Mn alloy with S1=0.4 in the presence of singular dislocations. lahen the ordering of the alloy was much higher, the deformation waa produced by a paired dislocation. The temperature dependence of Irc was simllax to ULLt bbser-ved. i-n metals with a face-centered cubic Lattice. The activation energy of 143Mn alloys with 5=0.22 and 1011 Tc Was - 0.8 eV, it was higher for samplez, with S=`0-90- USSR UDC 536.k2h-.1:539.89:546.8 and F ZILIBERSETEYD, V. A., IlQqQ (Z,,,T OTRIN, E. I., Insti tute of Metal Science. and Physics of'Metals, Central Scientific Resetu,ch Imstitute of, Ferrous Metallurgy imeni I. P. Bardin "Alpha - bmega Transformation in Titanium and Zirconitmi" Sverdlovsk, Fizika Metallov i Metallovedeniye, Vol 35, fro 3, i973, PP 584-589 Abstract:' An attempt was made to determine the positions of the thermodynaruic equilibrium of the a - andto phases in Ti and Zr. Titanium and zirconium iodides were studied by the following methods: electricall resistance, x-ray diffraction amlysis of phases, dilatometry, and shear strength. The electri- cal resistance (given in arbitrary units) pf Ti and Zr as a function of pressure (up to 90 kba-r) at room temperature with a constantly chimiginepressure by 3 khar/min increased constantly when the pressure was decreased to - 10 -kbar. The breaking point for the electrical resistance increase due to cL-tj trans- formation for Ti -iras a pressure of 63 kbar. A sharp decrease In the electrical resistance for Zr took place at 38 -kbar. No signiiicant changes in the electrical resistance of both metals were obs4~rved durinit the second cycle of compression. This indicated that the phase transformation iras:absent. A sharp increase in the electrical resistance of samples at 2500C was a good USSR ZILIMIRSETTEMI.? V. A., et al, Sverdlovsk, Fizika Metallov i Metallovedeniye, Vol 35, No 3, 1973, PP 584-589 sign that the OL- w trans- rmation took mperiture. Samples 10 place at this te slibjecteft to pressure at room temperature also. showed the presence of the ci- -tj transformation. The x-ray diffraction analysis of these samples indicated that they consisted almost entirely-of oi ph:ase at 100 kbar pressure. Only a scant amount. of (Xphase was present in them. The x-ray diffraction analysis data were used for calculating -the lattice parameters for both metals (Paxa- meters are given). Dilatoerams z3hoved that an W - 0L transfoniiation in zir- conium took place at 2050C and continued to 2550C. Data o.n I;hc shear strength of Ti sanplen indicated the presence, of CX 7W and 0 - M tranifforrvations at 20 kbar preoGure. Thio meatis that appearance of the W Phase in Ti at room temperature and proonure of > 20 kbar ir, thermodynamically posaible. Tempera- ture pressure diagrams were platted for both metals an tc ftuis of' obtained data, 2/2 USSR UDC 669.24 539.4 NOSOVA, G. I., and POLYNKOVA, N. A., Institute of I-fetal Science and Physics ~'~Mett' Isof the Central Scientific Research Institute of Ferrous Metallurgy imeni I. P. Bardin "Investigation of the Temperature Dependence of.HardeningCharacteristics of Single Crystals of Nimonic Aging Alloy" Sverdlovsk, Fizika Metallov i Nfetallovedeniye, Vol 34, No 2, Aug 72, pp '638-643 Abstract; An experimental investigation was made of the temperature de- PendenCe TC Of the magnitude of critical shearing stresses of the Nimonic aging alloy and of the strain hardening characteristics of this alloy with various sized particles of the ordered precipitation phasLa (1~1-phase) and different volumetric. shares of the.particles. The effect,,, e tempera of th ture of investigations and the crystallographic orientation of flat samples of the alloy containing (in at%) 72.2 Ni, 22.5 Cr, 3.2 Ti, and 1.6 Al on the strain hardening characteristir-s were investigated. The experimental results are shown in diagrams of strain hardening curves, the correlation of measured and calculated Al data, and the temperature dependence of reduced hardening coefficients of Nimonic. The share of primary and 1/2 - - ,- - 74 - ---------- M~m USSR UDC: 669.2h:5h8,31363 jOJOVA, G. I. and POLYAKOVA, N. A., Institute of Metal. Studies and Physics of.Metals; Central Scientific Research Institute imeni 1. P. Bardin (TsNIICh14) "Effect.of Ordering on the Critical Shearing Stresses in the M Cr Alloys" 2 Sverdlovsk, Fizika metallov i metallovedeniye, Vol 32, No 4, Oct 71, Pp 825-830 Abstract: The nature of the motion of dislocations in an ordered alloy determines their behavior in the atress field,and governc the course of dislocation reactions affecting the principal mechanis=q of plastic deformation which, in turn, results in property changes. A more accurate definition of the effect of ordering on the~properties of alloys necessitates the study of the mechanical properties of single crystals, in ordered alloys along with a study of their structure, This study concerns the effect of ordering on the magnitude of critical shearing stresses of single crystals in the Ni2Cr alloy. It is shcrdn that an increase in the power of the order of magnitude increases the shearing stresses of the alloy as high as 2.5 1/2 W11 -11 r r I iv. c-,i i i USSR XOSOVAs G. I., et al, Fizika metallov :L metallovedeniye., Vol 326 mo 4, Oct 71, Pp 825-830 times those of a disordered solid solution. The ordering reveals the slight dependence of shearing stresses on orientation. Analysis of the experimental data gives rise to the conclusion that the deformation,of the experimental alloy at all stages of ordering is.accomp'lished through the motion of single dislocations. (3 illustrations, 12 bibliographic referi.-ziceB), 2/2 ('40 UNC LAS S C F I E0 PROCESSING OATE-20NOV70 Z~ "TITLE- EFFECT OF HARDENING PHASE -REGIC&DIMENSIONS, ANO ;b!!UsTRli3U'fION ON -'C-kl.TILAL STRESSES'IN NICKEL ALUMINUWAND NIMGNI,C ALLOY.'s -U- ~--,A0THQR~-(c2)-TXAVINAr N.T., N G. I,,' ['~'~"CCUNTPY FiF INFG--USSR --~-SdURLE. FIZ. MkTALMETALLOVED. 1970t 29(3)io 564-8 ..K:DAT E-.,- PUBL I SHE'D-----70 SUBJECT AREAS-MATERIALSi PHYSICS TO.Pl I CTA,GS--NIMONIC ALLOY, METAL SING,L,E CRYSTALr METALORGIC RESEARCli _GILIT.Yt~.NICKEL ALLOY, ALUMINUM CONTAINING ' LLOY, Ck' STAL 01SLOCATIONt A v ~'HEAR STRESS1 METAL HARGENINGi ALLOY.: PHASL~.'TRANSFORM'Al ION C C N TR 0 LMARK I NG-NO RESTRICTIONS :~:.~'DIGCUMENT CLASS--UNCLASSIFIEO :~-PRGXY REEL/FRAME--30OL/0335 STEP NO--UR/0126170/029/003/0564/0568 CIAC ACCESSICN NG--AP0126091 iCLASSIFIE0 UNCLASSIFIED PROCESSING DATE--ZQNOV7C ~2Z2 040 I RC ACCESSICIN NO--AP0126091 ABSTRACTIEATRACra--tU) GP-0- ABSTRACT. SINGLE CRYSTALS OF NIIAL (12.5, L4. 0 t AND 19.0 AT. PERCENT AL) AND N I MONI C ALLOY (CR i!0 .6-z T1 3.2, AND -D A, I-C T 'AL~1.6 Ar. PERCEiNT), tNERE STUUIE i TC THE TITLE EFFE EN WHICH THE GAMYA PRI~.E PHASE WAS Tl-.E HARDENING PHASE. : AFTER AN SHARP INCREASE IN SHEAR STkESS TAU SUBS CHANGES~DURING THE L'IEr, -1,PN. IN AG[NGr j -1AROENI' G TAU SUBS 4AS CGNST. IN A FAIRLY WIDE RANGE OF SIZES 01 THE 1 11 :PH A5E FORNATIGNS; E.G. IN NltAL ALLOYS :THE HARDENING PHASL FOR.11AT lOiNS ~~JNCREASED FROM 160 TO 5C0-600 ANGSTRCIP, AND THE NIMcNIC ALLOY FRO,"i JN Tu-' .800 ANGSTFC?-tir vjHILE THE VALUES OF TAU SUBS CONSr. ~THESE EFFECTS ARE EXPLAINED BY MOVE14ENT OF PAIRED DISLOCATIONS AS FOLLCWS: GURING THF INITIAL- STAGES Of: DECGMPN. GURING AGLN-G3 NOT ONLY THE SIZE OF FORMATIONS 6UT ALSO THEIR VOL. FRACTION AND DEGREE OF ORDERING UNUERGC CHANGES. AS THE RESULT,:THE TOTAL L,ENGTIA OF THE -ANTIPHASIC BOUNEARIES AND THEIR ENERGY INCREASED SHARPLY, AS DIL) THE RESISTANCE TG DISLOCATION MOVEMENT AND 7HE.TAU SUBS. DURING SUBSEQUENr J`OR 2-3 HR AT 750DEGREESt THE ENEKGY!OF THE ANTIPHASIC BOUNDARIES ~:-REACHEG- ECUIL. VALUES, A140 WITH FURTHER AGING THE TOTAL LENGTH OF THE 4~.TIPHASIC'EJGUNGARIES ALONG DISLOCATION LJNES ANU THElk WIDTki DID NOT HA -GEt--: THUS THE TAU SUBS WERE CONST'. ANGES* OF 1% IN FAIRLY WIDE It SIZE I : , :FACILITY" TSNIICHM IM. ~434AMES -L-F JGAMMA 'PRIME PHASE:FORMAT!ICNS. A DINA i. MOSCOW USSR,# R UNCLASSIFIED uss T_ sciantific 5 IN T anc. eyl _ c:'a U re_,rous -LS air cha or. Srr raczeriS7 C'S uu~a strllc - remsaraLU s at cy OL tal 'Dv. T SSSi au e7. DD ~ju L.1 i7 L C - l a va,-- .Ious s pu G r 0 t: als s OZ ent` z L i The L.I. CS - at f ! "al & the ~~arc axis L __' , an, 0 - ~., L TIC, were CS L-le L -'aara( 3 2 . nd S tru v i r_~ 0 n i Ca--.1 1 rh ia n U,~,YeStjO71S O ' o n .! CZ a s - iP~ oalle: Abstrac n ACC. Nr: INT IR 0 -9. E S E AB IV004 00- rA70.MI95 Effeet'd I th tm n 9 structure 'kf garnma Prime-pha" an th* critical Owar Omses of aging nick"Nav PHOYS NOW uporiadkuvannia u strukt4ri-fazi vidilanniat ria,bifAni *01muchi naptuahennis stidiuchikh's0'"iv na nikel*ovii o*anovl, 0-Issledovate T.- Travinat and C%%LUgj~!eTsenttaI'nyj auchn "'*ii Institut Cherno w I MetallurO. Mostv, USSR). Ukraim'kii'FixivInd Zhurnal, vol. 15. Jan. 1970, pt. 129:431.6 refs. In Ukrainian,t Summary of . P-xperimenial data, on the effect of, a qami)~a t 'Ut type on the critid 4 PnmeL-Phase with an ordered, struc ur6. of Ni shear stresses of single crystals of aging Ni-Al alloys and nimcinic.; n L cogformity with 1 Various. ISIOCationi; models of ~ 4no aw v strengthening,'the theoieticaf estimates ara,made of the criti4W she~x stresses for different, siructural states.0t the investillated 0114YO. dit the bas!s of the experimentally measpred and calculated valvAi of u:e ditical shear stresses it Is roncluded that jhe~ energy and lengt1i of th- amiphase boundaries arising as a result of.crossing by dislocations oi gamma prime-phase ordved precipitatis plays a decisivey.pIqlin dwi, strengthening of these alloys. JAuthor) A 1978 016 AW ~J USSR NOSOVA) N. Sukachev Laboratory of Biogeocenology "A Conference on Current Problems in Diogeocenology and Results of the Activity of Biogeocenological Stations" Sverdlovsk, Ek-ologiya, No 31 1973, pp I(Y7-109 Abstract: Among the subjects discussed in the papers read at the above con- ference (held from November 30 to December 3, 1971 in Lenijigzad) wo-ro: role -of microorganisms in the breakdown of minerals and in soil formation (T. V. Aristovskaya), migration of sub5tanCeS in biogeocenoses (1-1. S. Gilyarov), nd hiL effect, of biological factors a. man activi ty on the clii. - te (I Budykoj relations betureen biogeoceaoses (N. V. Dylis), need tt,-o stanJardizo concepts eksandrova), and i_roosed and terms in the study of the biospherc (Y. D. Al 'ty oi coinnmmri~tics standardization of terms relating to prijrinj productiv.L U. G. Gortins'Xiy et- al.). Snrvey reports were also presented on the S-1Ca'.-us of biocenologica-l,resear-ch on tundras (B. A. Tilkhomirov), fo,.C3L $- I. Plyavchenko), meadows (T. A. F;abotnov) te Rabotr bogs (111 s ppes (T. .1. Uov and X. S. Khodashova) and deserts (11. T. Nechayev 1A DISPOSAL OF RADIOACTIVE WASTES JPRS 50764 17 April 1973 Collection of papers sponsored by the State Committee for the Use of Atomic Energy of the USSR, 1972, Moscow CONTENTS PAGE Technical and vconoelc A.Pact.4 ot 11andl n Liquid Waste it wit.9i lritrrm~dlat4 and nigh, Ltyele of . oactIvity . (V. 1. Spit"Yn. vt 01~) .................................... I Study of the Possibility of Using Bituminization for Proceenthk Highly A,!Ltve Wastes .................................. 14 (x-part..a- Uf the -Hot1w.4% of. Solidification and Tank Storage for IILKhly Activm LiquId ~fute" From.the, Procenalng of Spent fuel lle~tv of Water-Cooled Water-Moderoted Power Rear-tars (L. G. Axamayeva, CL *I.) .................................. 36 941ftatifit Prerequisites for Mirying Highly hetive Liquid Wastes in, Deco Ceolcocal . Fermat tone (v. r. Spicayn, at &I,) ..... 14 ............. I............ 47 6*vqlop~nt of Methods for Prftvaiin the Wastes From Hexalluorld* lachnivelogy for Burial Krylove, et .................... ............... [I USSR KI 2! TECIMICAL A14D ECO40MIC A9PECTS OF HANDLING LlqtllD UAZTZ WITU INTERNXI)LATE A_'~D HIGH LEVELS OF RADIOACTIVM LPapor by, X yn...A_ A_Hh,,,DjkeY1,h, V. D, Pal!_~kova and N. A. Rakuy, Stato CotTi-m--ittee for' ~W~'Uac a_Xtamic Enerilj~o ~o%M IAF,,4 ~pubtcatl~.. SM-1631 10, Vienna. Russian. pri I Z01 In this paper prob1cma of handling wastes of high and intermediate level# of radioncti~ity. obtAined In the regcnera. tion of TVZL (fue.1 elements) of the VVER (water-cooled water - made rated po-er reactor) type are considered. Sarno data are given with respect to the cheirocal and radiachcrai. cat compositions of the wastes. ror h%ghly active wastes It Is nd"mable to extract the strantitim, cesium. and possibly laotopos.- Far the rernalnia part of the waste. the following ways of rendering them harmless are consid- ered: 1) holding them in special depositories for a pro- longed parliad.of time. necessary far reduttion.of the gene ralactivity, of the fission products contained in the wastel Z) wolidific*tion of hiltbly Active wastes by one of the wall-known methods lested in experimental plants; ink of highly active wastes in geological 3) bur, , water-bearing stra" similar to underground burial of wastes of Intermediate activity as developed In the Soviet Union. Since In this case the concentration at flest~n pro- ducts in the mail@ and th% gas and beat liberation associated with this as a result of the radiation processes present* the greatest hazard. the basic attention In underground burial of highly active wastes in devoted to the preparation of the wastes for burial. The preparation lies either in separatin& - I - the precipitating vubstancr~ Irmo 11tv waste, or by convertitLi; 0-ni into compt cx compounds which are stable In the conditions of the geological bed. In the paper certain calculated technical and cconttmic data on the situragr of liquid highly active wastes are given. also concerning underground burial of wastes of high and inter- medintr levels of activity. And also a comparison of three methods with other methods of the storage and processing of radluactive wastes is inade. In the processing of used nuclear fuel, more than ninety-nivir pri-ret,1 or the radioactive isotopes orriving at a radiochcmizal plant err cotwectrated in liquid wastes. In the. U557R liquid waolos with a specific activity of more than I c%tri~ per liter are, C-1;14xd n%gnI*j active waitt", kj-Fo with.frcrn. I to 1, a. ln'~ "~Jrj- :7 per liter ;ire waste. of intrritstdiato i~tivxtv. thu3e.%Yk1h I Y, 10 Ood arc wasics with a low leyel of activity. The rreateot Potential hatard pretiented by wastes with A high level of Activity. At the present titne in I 1'~e entire wurld, With the exception of Ching, inore than 300 thottuund,cul-.1A, metcru of concentrated highly active wa9tes have been accumulated t1j. Naturally, normal operatioti of n plant for regeneration of nuclear fuel de- prods upon the succe"oful solution of the problern of handling highly aciive WaRtca. The use of water-coolt:d water -moderated reactors to provided Ina canpiderable pert of the program for the developme"t of aturnic power enizin- cering in the USSIL. In this paper certain basic principles with respect to rendering wastes (rum the regeneration of VVER TVEL hartriless are con- sidered, and the basic attention is devoted to w3stes with a high level of activity, C~a# or rne(huds of proqexxing and burial of waotep of An inter- mediate level of Activity. only those which may partially be used Also for highly active wn.1cs are R&vre, Nuclear fuel of reactors of the VVER type is sintercd uranium dia.,uee. enriched with uraolum-235 up to 3. 1%. The average life of the fuel if about three calendar years, and the depth of burn-up reaches 30, 000 rnegawait - dynen per ton [21. The holding of used VVEFL TVEL before regencrativn at a radlocho.-mical plant may vary--from half a year to three years dclierdiric upon tho necessity of the fastest return of uranium to the fuel cycle. II,)w. ever. we, should consider that A longer holding will lead to a decrease in o' the general activity of the TYEL and, consequently, the technological scher of the regeneration plant may be simplified. Abstracti A Directive was Issued by the Presidium of the Academy of Sciences USSR for a general session of its division of chemico-technological and biological sciences in January 1971. General Problens of Biogeocenoloa were discussed. LAVREMO stressed the need for studying the fluxes of energy and matter in biogeocenosos and the metabolic processes, incluling those of solar radiation and Its distrIbution in the atructund parts of 1Ao",oc(bnosetj* SeUARTIZ, S. B. called attention to the importancri of the sLudy of the popula- tion structure of blogeocenoues in order to impmva their -Productivity and their stability. nCILIPOROVICH, A. A. discussed- the Importance oe the photo- s5mthetic activity of the cenoses in relation to both their high productivity and their resistance. AMSTOVSKAYA, T. V. and NIKITIN, D. 1. reported on the important role that the blorass of n1croorganims plays in soil. They recompended study of re-latdonshipa between aicroorganisms and high species of plants as well as relationships between nicroflora and microfauna. fe r'llity. a detailed E~ t.- 7 USSR NOSOVA, L. M., and F.AL'TSEVA, N. B., Izvestiya Akademii Nauk, SSSR, Seriya Biologicheskaya, No 6, Nov/bec 71, PP 938-9~O the soil to determine the optimal dosage of fertilizers must, be completed. CYLIS, N. V. stated that knowledge of the structural and ft-lictional organi- zation of the blogeocenosis system is indispensable in ordor to forecast performance during different types of human Intervention. :TYURYUICANOV, A. N. advocated systems analysis and mathematical experimentation for dealing with biogeocenosis, especially iihen man-made:biogencenosis are created. This is particularly important In view of the changes that take place In our planet's bioaphere, other streszed the. need for further rimearch on bio- geocenosis and their processes to promote a ractional utilitation of natural resources and an increase in their productivity. TIKEOMIROV, B. A. pointed out that fact that there are just five stations at the praitont time condicting biogeocenotic research in the tundra area. VWDUYAKOV, L. R. reported research done on forest biogeocenoses, on controlling their development, on exchange between the components of forest blogeocenosis, on the impact of the forest on the. surrounding environment, on the methods used in controlling the nuabeer of living organisms, and on the biological measures of controlling the harmful fauna in Eastern Siberia and Ikutiya, FAAVCHEMO, K. 1. discussed a Plan to reclaim 17 to 18 million hectares or r~irshland and develop it into agricul- tural- and wooded USSR XOSOVA, L. M.j and MAL-TSEVA, N. B., Izvestiya, Akademii Hauk, SSSR, Seriya ~Biologicheskaya, Ro 6, Nov/Dec 71, PP 938-940: geocenological investigation of narshes conducted at speclUizeii stations. VINBERG, G. G. talked about specific differences between waier and land 'biogeocenosis. KARSPEILOV, 14. M. stressed the.importance of using methods of blogeocenology to develop means to inerease:biological productivity of reservoirs and for the biological purification of water. Basing its decision of these reports, the section of Chemical Technological arA Biological 'Sciences assigned different tasks in the field of biogeocenology to its various branch institutes across the nation,l.according to their respective fields of activity. It was reco=ended. to all these instikAttes to hire mat t research on mmthematical aodeling hematics specialists to help them conduc- of biogeocenosis systems or their units, and also to conduct research on biogeocenological processes. The nunber of'biogeocenologir-al stations is also to be increased across the country in the period 1971,to 1975. Instruc- tions,were given to the departments of biogreocenology of the Botanic Institute, the Laboratory of Forestry, the Institute of Forestry and Tinbox of Vorthern Regionsi and the Institute of Plant and Ardpial Ecology of tile Ural Conter. Preparation of raterial for maps of the biageocanological Cover of tile USSR should be started. The map dill be on a 11250jO00 scale.~ For this reason completion of the 1/250,000 vegetation mapsiof the USSR is itrgently recommended so they can serve as a basis for the biogeocehological maps. It was also 3/4 USSR UDC 577.386:002.704.31 WOSOVA, L. M. "Current Tasks of Biogeocenology and Accomplishments of the Biogeocenological Stations" Moscow, Zhurnal Obshchey Biologii, No 4, 1972, pp 514-519 Abstract: An all-union conference was held in Leningrad in December 1971 to discuss the subjects indicated in thetitle of the article. The directors of the various field stations reported on the results of the recent work carried out under their supervision and other.scientists presented!reviev papers on the status of biogeocenological investigations of tundras (B. A, Tikhomirov), forests (N. V. Dylis), swamps (N. 1. P'yavch.enko), meadows (T. A. Rabotnov), steppes (T. A. Rabotnov and K. S. Khcdashova), and deserts (N. T. Nechayeva). The various stations came into being largely in random fashion with the result that some parts of the country are underrepresented or have no stations at all (Far North, forest zone of Siberia, steppe and in part desert zones). Besides urging corrective action in this respect, the conference agreed on the need to standardize the usage of a number of te-rmq such ar, "biOSphf"Te," "biogeocenosis," and "ecosystem." The conference urged continued elaboral,on of the general theory of biogeocenology in addition to intensified study for practical purposes 1/2 a- - --- ~-- -,- - - -- - - - - - -- - - I - ~UNCCOSI PROCESSING: DATE-30OCT70 PFTL-E-~--_EFFECT OF RADIAL AND LINEAR COMPRESSION ON SCME OROPERTIES OF HIGH CRIMPED YARN_-U- ku'tk&k-7,(05)-SMIRN0V, -L.S., ZAGOROONYAYAW S.S.t PQZDNIKINA* L.A.9 TSYBENKO, NOSOV ;QURC,E-LEGKA PROM. 1970t 11) 19-22 )ATE-'PUBLISHED-70 iOBJECT AREAS-MATERIALS TAGS7--~CAPRONE, BREAKING STRENGTHV ,opt ELONGATIONt COMPRESSIVE TRESSM, Ul GGFROW CAPRONE YARN ;tNTROL MARKING-NO RESTRICTIONS 10CUMENT CLASS-UNCLASSIFIED R0XY'REEL/FRAl4E--2000/C88O STEP NO-UR/0%8/701000/00110019/0022 IRC ACCESSION NO-AP0124543 '77777~ -30OCT70 Z': 020 UNCLASSIFIED PROCESSING DATE 'JKC~ACCESSICN NO--AP0124543 49STRACT./-EXTRACT-(U) GP-0- ABSTRACT. THE INFLUENCE WAS STUDIED OF THE -ITLE C014PRESSICNSv CCCURRING DURING THE YARN PIANUF., UPON; TfIE- T :~PROPERTIES OF THE HIGH 13ULK CRIMPED GOFRON't MADE FROM A SMOOTH KAPRON YARN (10 TEX) CCMPRISING 12-39 ELEMENTAL FIBERS. THE C014PRESSION FIBER DEFECTS AND CHANGES WERE CLASSIFIED1 CHARACTERIZED, AND ''.01SCUSSED. WITH AN INCREASE OF BOTH COMPRESSIONS THE LENGTH OF THE -DEFECTIVE FIBER PART INCREASED AND ITS TOTAL MOL. ORIENTATION DECREASED. ,,~-THE. DEPENDENCE OF THE BREAKING STRENGTH OF. A DEFECTIVE FIBER ON ITS -ELONGATION WAS DETD* THE BREAKING STRENGTH -INCREASED WITHIINCREASING -RADIAL AND.LINEAR.COMPRESSIONS* AND THE BREAKING ELONGATION F OFRO !'N_-'ttdNTG--;' DEFECTIVE +IBERS)s AS COMPARED WITH: THAT OF THE PARENT YARNI NCREASED-*BY Z.6PERCENT. USSR Me 612-013-069-015.3 GAYMKAYA 11. S. YE. A# BEIMKAYA R. A., and XMIaNA L. H., "Pletabolism in Rat Tissues During Prolonged Artificial Hypobiosis" Moscowl Byulleten' Eksperimentallnoy Biologii I kkk1itsiny, No 4v 1971# P -P 53-55 Translationi Prolongation of artificial hypobiosis in ratz from 24 to 29 hours by combining premedication. with external chilling did not result in significant shifts in caxbohydrate-phosphorus metabol-'sn, in the brain, but intensified conformational changes in brain proteins. The glycogen content of the Uver and muscles during 24 to 29 hours of hypobiosis was very low, .29 hours of hypobiosist sone of the but hyperglycenia persisted, After animals exhibited a shaxp decrease In the-content of noneaterified fatty acids in the blood. Mortality among nonhibernating homoiothermic animalm in a state of artUpicial hypolviosis (maintenance of lowered vital activity against a back.- ground of hypothermia) is known to increase~,when this state iszxistained for:nore than one day. There are indications that death of animals is re- -bolic =ocesses in lated to the develorment of noncoordimtion of the meta the tissuas (14, 22)* j/4 78 - C.UMKAYA, H. S., et al. Byulleten' Eksperinentallnoy Biologii i Meditsiny lio 4, 1971. PP 53-55 Metabolic chaWs In the tissues of rats Icept in a state of hypobiosis for up to one day were investigated by us in earlier studies (3, 5, 9, 11). The p=Wse of this work was to att4y metabolic 'shifts in the brainp liver, w1scles# and blood of rats when the- ztate of hypobiosis Is lengthened from 24 to 29 hours. Procedure Experiments were performed on male rats weighing 150 to 250 g. Arti- ofe ev's method ficial hypobiosis was induced by Tim y 81 12). After injec- tion of a IyUS mixture and tubacurarine, the rats were placed in 0a ventilated chamber at -10 C where their body temperature dropped to.10 to 20 C. The were then transferred to a-chamber where.the.temp 16 to _qature was C and their body temperature was maintained at 18 to 22 C for 24 to ?_9 hours. After the animals were docaTAtateds the electrophoretic motility of soluble proteins (7) in brain tissues and their ultraviolet absorption spectra (13) were deterAnc4, Blood sugar. was determined by. the IL, edoxr.-Jensen ware also deter- method; ketone bodies (2) and nonesterif ied: :fatty ad& (19~ m1ned. Other studies wm conducted in tissues aftex thq were frozen in liquid nitrogen. Total amide groupa:af proteins total content of AV and,ADP (frmm readily hydrolyzable phosphorus)g content of creatine 2/4 USSR GAYEVSXAYA# H. S.j et al.# ByulIeten"Eksperimentallnoy Biologii i kleditsiny No 49 1971. PP 53-55 phosphate (1)t inorganic phosphorus (21), glucose (10), glycogen (18), and 2actic acid (15) were deterrdned in brain tisaue, Glycogen -,Ias;detexzined the liver aryi muscles (4) and the content.:of glueose,(10) and of lipids n i (16) vas determined in the liver, Results Prolongation of the period of hypobiosis from 24 to 29 hours did not ce any significant shifts in =bohydrate-phosphorus;metabolism in the Trodu brain. Such shifts as occurred indicated that conformational chazges in bman proteins intensified as hypobiosis continued. Howeverp the insignift- cance of the shifts noted both in caxboh~txAte-phosphorus metabolism and in brain proteins suggest that they could haxdly have been a major factor in the death of animals with the given duration of hypoblosis. Extension of hypobiosis from 24 to 29 hours did not produce signifi- cant shifts in the amount of glucose or glycogen in the Uver. There was a slight but significant decrease in the amount of lipids. The glycogen con- tent of the muscles after 29 of hypobiosis renained'as low as after 24 hours. 3/4 79 'iz jT.-Il7 C-&YEVSKAYAl X. S., at al., Byunetezil Eksperimentallnoy Biologii I ~!editsiny No 4, 1971t pp 53-55 HyperLdycemia persisted after the period of hypobiosis wam lengthened. It could have been caused either by glyconeogenesis or by the very low Utilimtion of glucose by the tissues, which chAnged after chilling to the p=ferential utilization of fat, as is the case,in supercooling and hiberna- tion (17, 20) - Other investigators - (22) detected hypoglycemia ifben they 6 tried to prolong hypobiosis in rats, but we did not. After '49 hours of hypo- liosis# the blood content of ketone bodies remained high# a phenomenon con- sistent with the idea of preferentia2 utilization of -fat during hypothermia. The content of nonestexified fatty acids In blood plasma. after 29 hours was little different from that. found at the: end of 24 1wurs of bypabiosis in ?.Zats but was sharply lower in 3. These particular -mts:-were in the most serious conditions res-oiration iias: 1nfxeqt~entp barely perceptible, and muscle fme waz vex~r weak. Thus, of the indices of metabolism studied, only the insufficiency of nonesterified fatty acids in the blood could, 'us directly related to the deafli of the rats following the prolongation off ihypobiosis for more than one &A 'S NCLAS IF PROCESSING DATE--30OCT70 07 u .-INFLUENCE OF THE SOLUBILM:O~~:TABLETED SUBSTANCES ON THE IVENESS, OF THE DISINTEGRAXING.ABLLITY OF STARCH -U- UT-HOR-(04)-SHTEYNGART, M.V., OSIPOVA, I.Dw, ~2&UjAroyAr S*Aov BORZUNOV, NTRYOF INFO--USSR (MOSCOW) 1970p 19(1)t 17-~-20 AT EPUBLISHED ------- 70 ",-.SUBJECT AREAS--BIOLOGICAL AND MEDICAL SCIENCES OPIC TAGS--DRUG INDUSTRY? STARCH,.SOLUBILITYt AQUEOUS SOLUTION NTROL MARKING--NO RESTRICTIONS CLASS--UNCLASSIFIED '~,..PROXY REEL/FRAME--1997/0171 STEP NO--UR/0466/70/019/001/0017/0020 ~"CIRC ACCESSION NC--AP0119167 I 11"r I A C, CZ r P r P _W, 007 UNCLASSIFIED PROCE.~SING DATE-30OCT10 NO--AP0119167 SSTPLACT/EX TRACT-- (U I GP-0- ABSTRACT. IN COMPARATIVE INVESTIGATIONS 1T SHOWN THAT TABLETS PREPO. FR Q,%l VARIOUS ORUGS WITHSTARCH SfiOw 'DIFFERENT DISINTEGRATION RATES, WHEN: IAMERSED IN WAT,Ek. TABLETS IWITH INSOL. DRUGS DISINTEGRATE WELL AND QUICKLY. 44A I E DRUGS F 0 R. M SOI -,'MORE 01, 14 DIMI-NI G IRABLE TABLETS WITH STARCH, APPARENTLY BECAUSE (F T S li I "'i SORPTION CAPACITY OF STARCH. TABLETS OF STARCH WITH SUBSTANCES CAUSING GLUEING OF STARCH (1001DIES, CHLORIDES, BROINIOES, BENLOATES), :OISINTEGRATE POORLY. TO FORM TABLETS FROWWATER SOL. AND STARCli GLUEENG SUBSTANCES, NO STARCH SHOULD BE USED. FACILITY." KHARIKOV. KHIM. FARM. INST. I HARKOVP USSR4 USSR UDc 6a 1. 165:6-7- 1. 928 - 1 - 001 - 5 "On the Question of the Construction of a Water-Draining Davice in Turbine Stagespr Ieningrad,.Tr. Leningr. politekhn. in-ta (Transactions of the Leningrad P-0 e n. Vn Polytechnic Institute) No 323, 1972, 1 54-57-(from R fer ti yy Zhurnal 1972, abstra Turbostroyeniye, Ho 7, ct No 7-49-27) Translation: Results of an experiment on the possibility of peripheral water recovery in the experimental PT LPI with model stages are presented. (7he average diameter of the pimm unit was 594.8 mm, that of the working wheel, 595-2 ma)- It is demonstrated that the use of a chtoiber with an inclined partition 2 ure) raise the effectiveness of water recovery approxi- (see fig mately tw(? times : - ~ - --I ~j PROCE S INGl;GAT[---20NoV70 050 UNCL ASS IF I E0 ON Tti cli i~GE IN;W I MODES -U- E FEC T C FOXYGEN E A `THQR_NC-SC'VSiIY# I.G. oqx-T RY 0 FI N.FO-USSR F IZ L K(.~ KHIMICHESKAIA MEKH4NIKA: MATERIALGV VGL 6r NO. 2, 1970t P. ,-.'-DATE' PUbL ISHEL)----70 SUdJECT AREAS--CHEMISTRY, MATERIALS TAGS--W EAR RESISTANCE, BIBLIOGRAPHY, OXYGEN, ARGON, GAS GIFFUSION, T`--HETAL~FIRICTICN, METAL 0EFORMATICNg, ALLOY DESIGNATIONo MEDLUM CARBON ME01UM CLARBON STEEL, MARKING-NO RESTRICTIONS t~'DUCUMENT CLASS-UNCLASSIFIED ~:~WOXY REEL/fRAME-300110061 STEP NU--t)R/C369/70/OiC6/002/0068/00";l tjii~ LA S'- I V -2/2 050 UNCLASSIFIED PROCESSING DATE-20NOV7C ~,CIRCI ACCESSICIN N'(j--AP0l?_5696 -~AISSTRACT/EXTRACT--(U) GP-0- ABSTRACT. STUDY GF T HE EFFECT OF GASEOUS MEDIA ON THE WEAR DURINIG GLIDING FF41CTION OF NARMALIZ-~:D SAMPLES OF THE T - TESFS WERE CARRIED OUT !N AIR, ~CHENICALLY PUPE TEEL GRADE. HL -CT I NG ARGCN,, OXYGEN, AND VACUUM. IT, IS. FCUND THAT,. THE. bASK FACTOR AFFE THE wEAR MOLE AND WEAR MECHANISM IS .THE RAOCCESS OF UAYCENI~ I)IFFUSIO"4 INTO -'-THE METAL LAYER- SUBJECTED TO DE FORMAT ICN. ~'DURING FRIOLON.' ~FAC I L UT Y: KIEVSKOE VYSSHEE INNZmEN~R.NO AVIATSIONNOE voENjqOE ,,-'.,_.~~_UCHILIShCl-:Et KIEV UKRAIhIAN SSR. UNCLASS[FtED -.7 us sit DC 6 26 19 7 GRIGOVYEVA, G. M., POPOV, K. V. , and Ye. S. , InstiLULa o--' P~:troleumi nd.Coal Chct,,iical Synthesis, Angarsl- a 11S t 4 pecifics of Forma ~on and Development of Cracks During Rupttira of. Hyd-co3,~!nated iron" Sverdlovsk, Fizikla Metallov i Metallovedeniye, Vol 30, NO 3, Sep 70, pp 637-639 Abstract: Technical iron was studied in the annealed state. Speciirens 4 Tnmm in diameter were hydrogenaLed electrolytically to a content of 3 m1/100 g, then tested at -196 to +200 C at a rate of extension.of 6.10-4 sec-1. jp~-~ter rLj, )ture, the structure of the nietal near the rupture surfaces was studied. The spocif Les 'ECate-1 Lh L Of UIL enated ivon ila' I-ructure and IticaLion of cracke.; in the hydrog uader the temperature-rate condl-Lions i)f for-wation of re-versibLe hvdrog~!n eim.- -orn brittlement, the rL ation of the principal crack occurs by formation. of a ~ed. crack,-, their development, and subso-quenc combin--.iLion large nutibcr of se Upon viscous rupture Of the bridges between theta. This :16 coilfirmed by frac- aphic analysis. togr USSR we 669.2-953539.214 P '?MOVSXIY N. Z., SHAKHANOVA, G. V., BRUNj H. YA., andj.1OTa.N A..B. L I AU-Union Institute of Light Metals .1.,. "On the Influence of the -Phase on the Plasticity of Two-Phase Titanium Anoyset Syerdlovskt Fizika Meta-11ov i Metallovedeniye, Vol 33, No 4, Apr 72, pp 887-890 Abstracts The influence of the -phase on the microstructuml defozmation of titanium alloys was investigated on hot-rolled bars of VT9 alloys possessing a gmined and lamellar o(-phase and an initial fine fibrous structure, very similar to the structure of the previously (Ibid,# Vol 30, 1970, p 1047) investigated VTZ-1 alloy. The sults of mechanical Investigations of both alloysg containing 15~-20% of r~ -phase in the annealed statep are discussed by reference to tabulated data and nicrostructural defoxmation pictures of the VT9 alloy. The sharply decreased plasticity of theNT9 alloy in com- parison with the V7*Z-1 alloy explains tho:observed plasticity decrease by other authors of two-phase titanium alloys with laxenar-type structure with increased content of stabilizors. The presence of the' -phase increases 1/2 iv..iiili,l; ..1 -, ii didi 11 i 1,,i.:~qI-I 1,-JIql 4zi q i..~j j 1~ ~ ?_,i I y! ,i 1 ! i: ,- , -- - - . 'IF 1.1 i~k mil 2/2 -USSR UDC 537-525.1 VASILENKO, L. 3., LISITSYN, V. N., NOTXI"&. C E~ BO Tt! YH, V, and U P. 1 3 Disintegration of the 2 P and 2 P Levels':of He in a Glow Discharge" Leningrad, Optika i Spektroskopiya, Vol 28, No 6, Jun 70, pp 1085-1093 Abstract: The article describes results of a study of the cross-sec- 1 3 e 2 P and 2 P levels of helium in a -tions for the disintegration of th --rge by atomic collisions. Irle dc discha The purpose was to ascertain t" sfer from.singlet levels to triplet over which excitation tran :levels occurs. The study was based on the method of selective optical 3 t was fou and 2 P of He have a excitation. I nd that the levels 2 P cross-sect4on for disintegration by interatomic collisions of < 10-16 sq cme A study of the magnitude and sigi for the modularion of the population of a number of levels, resulting from. selective optical ex- citation of the level 2 ?0 indicates ~he following general pattern for the excitation of helium levels: :-USSR GERASIMOV, F. IM., et al., Optika i Spektroskopiy.,, Vol 2", "o 6, Jun 70P op 1196-1203 adifferential. During tests of the ruling engine about 40 diffrac tion gratings were irade with 600, 300,and 200 lines/rim. In mos. cases the gratlngs,when studied by the: interference method, displayed straight:interference fringes and gave high-quality spectral lines the spectral unit* in OT USSR uDc: 621.397.61(o88.8) BOTKIN, L. R. , 1=1 LM, L. V. _7A Device for Shaping and Monitoring a Code Confoination of Radio Pulses" USSR Author's Certificate No 275120, filed 21 Nov 67, published Nov 70 Afrom. RZh-Radiotekbnika, No 6, Jun 71, Abstract No 6D306 P) Translation: A device is proposed for shaping and monitoring a code com- bi.nation of radio pulses. The device contains high-frequency oscillators, adders, a detector, and an oscUloscopc display. To simp4fy the process and the circuit when monitoring appreciably different amplitudes of the radio pulses in the code combination, the above-mentioned adders are grouped in such a way that radio pulses of similar amplitude are sent to the inputs of each of them. The outputs of the addersiare'connected to the- inputs ol a multiple-input balancing modulewhich is connected,at the output directly to,the network comprising the.detector and-the oscilloscope display. One of the outputs of the balancing module on which the code combination of the-required form appears is connected to the.load. V. P., 621.391.14 USI;R UDC: NO TMIN L . 11. and Z7.':-~TROV, V Ye. e Complex Spectra of Pulse Signals" Analyzing th U Moscow, Radiotekhnika, Vol. 25, No. 11, 1970, pp 25-28 bstrac-: A method of analyzing complex spectra is given in th-s U A rticle which is not ~3ubject to the defects of simultaneous and a successive analytical methods. In this method, th-z, b--~sic o-oena4- tion for determining the components of the amplitude and phase spectra of t-he oignall involves summation of the v-E!ctors 1-1 c ,,,hich 'the innut, signal is transformed. ljhe:authors of~'Jller two variants 0.1 apparatus for realizing Lhe spectrum analysis w-tH osc-ilojraphs g circu"ar zcarining% The block diagrams of both Petups are usin J. given together with illustraziva diagran3 of th(~- type: of figure these systems yield and their interz~ietation. lilluch less work is Inco basic involved in the methods suCigested oy.the article.s.-C computations are automated, and the arduousness of point-by-point lotting is avoided. Tlae authors assert that the method and its ~p variants may be used in the solution.of practical problems in the various-branches of electronics. JSSR m)c 61 (47o) (ool) '11112 G. A., GT.`O'CEVPY,I 1". L., G!" E 11 SEITSKOVA, A. P., AKSYUK, A. F H-, HIS S V, L., PAL MDV, Yu. P., 'TIE 13 ii.) im=, Yc and YtI.& W, G. G. Coping With Current Health Proble.-,--is in the I tS TFS R 17 knsco .1 ur) Gigiyena i Sanitariya, 110 12, 1972, P 8 -16 ract ~oble,;:s were a rajor concern of' the co- -.-vnist lea~icrs a-P' Abst - T-1cal'.11, P.- the revolution who s-,riftiy or3aniE.;~d aganci(--s and ccivice.,; dcal with, epidemb~o and famines. As these control, her,01h officials c became involvecl- in city planning., desirn and bulldin!, of et h -trializal-ion Ied the -,1111101-itiC3 L),r the to increasini-I temf)o of ind:o- tudy atmos-Pberic pollix'Clion vnd the disposal of municipal -and inCatsvItrIal sewa,-'e. ter pollution and suitable me a' water rasourc,:!s wo-re r,jlor int~.-rcots 'by W all 41 the 1940's. Fol-loving, the war, indur~trial hygiene an''- oCC,.,TI%tio-,q.,.,I cUfearcs with food -poison-ini, becam- the cent-2r of aLtention. DI alcjir th- research was focured on Vic created by th-,- o;" ture the of posticide:3 in "11c;: er-fCcts 0a- ItIll. ~r,- - tion, nicrouaves, and oths~r tochnolarical ure nf)',., ui), sound, ra-dia study. Much s'rcs- is placc(i on pr,,~,rcntivu with ).-eqi;..:!nt O-asG el -!CK lqps of the popul'ation' pa,.ticularly chilu'rcn and T-ic USSR UDC 614.3/.4.07:311.17 NOTKIN, Ye. L., and IVAKINA, V. N. F "Improving the Statistical Reports of S ani tary-Ep idemio logical Stations" Moscow, Zdravookhraneaiye Rossiyskoy Federatsif, No 10, 1971, pp 15-18 Abstract: Sanitary-epidemiological stations are the advaace posts of pro- phylactic medicine. Their function is to carry out general health and epi:demic-control measures to prevent disease and improve sanitary conditions in industry, agriculture, and daily life. For many years (1954 to 1970) their work- was evaluated from form 36 (report of'the activity of sanitary- epidemiological/disinfection stations) x-hiich remained unchange& during this time. The main shortcoming of this report form was that it did not provide for the inclusion of information useful in assessing the effectiveness and quality of these health agencies. Dissatisfaction with this state of affairs led the USSR Ministry of Health to appoint a special commission to revise form 36 and correct its inadequacies. The commission completed its task at the end of 1970 and the draft of a proposed fom, somewhat ~ shortened and modified, was approved by the Central. Statistical Administration and put into affect shortly thereafter by' the USSR Ministry of Health. The new elements introduced into f orm 36 by the commission are analyzed. USSIk UDC:621.762.4.04 ZHIVOV, L. T., SKORNYAKOV, YU. N. and A,, Zaporozhye Plachine Building Institute imeni V. YA. ChubAY1 ."study of the'Process of Hot Extrusion of.Sintered Materials" Kiev, Poroshkovaya Metallurgiya, No 2, Feb 74, pp 23-28 Abstract: The fact that not only dimensions but also volume change when porous sintered materials-are deformed.makes the nature of shape change and force mode somewhat different-in comparison to the deforma- tion of monolithic metals and alloys. Thi.s article studies the process of even.deformation of a porous cylindrical briquette compacted in a container.. The theory of plastic flow is.used to analyze the process of compacting of the porous material. As a second phas'etof the process of hot extrusion, the ejection of the compacted material through the extrusion aperture is studied. The study establishes the relationship between the degree of deformation during extrusion and the Tesidual porosity of the extruded piece. USSR VOLKOV, A. S., GUMIN, A. A., IV~MTKOV, G. V., NOVAK, 1. 1., Physico- technical Institute iraeni A. F. Ioffe, USSR Academy of Sciences, Leningrad "Quantum Yield of the Photoconductive Effect in Germanium" Leningrad, Fizika Tverdogo Tela, Vol 15, No 9, Sep 73, pp. 2796-2797 Abstract: To explain the contradictions in previous expi_rimental data on -the-quantum yield of the photoconductive effect in germaniun, the authors investigate the spectrum for this seniconductor at room temperature in the photon energy region of 1-1.9 ev. The results show that within limits of.experimental error of �3% the quantum yield of the photocorductive e,'- feet -of germanixua in this ener&r region remains constants The, authors thank A. N. Imenkov, D. N. Nasledov,.A. A. Rogachevand B. V. Tsarenkov f t imefital results. or aking part in discussion of the eyper 14 - ------- ~~'Jlz 041 UNCLASSIFIED PAUCESSING DArE--090CT70 .-,~,,T.l-TLE--CONF0RMATlONAL TRANSITIUNS DMING THE DEFORMATION OF ORIEITED '-~-~~!."_--POLYETHYLENE FIBERS -U- ~~biHUR --- :102)-GAFUROV, U-G.r NUVAKt 1410 INFO--USSR ~~.JCOUNTRY OF POLIM. -2 SOURCE MEKH. 1970, 6(l), 170 0 TE%'PUBLI-SHED - ------- "70 5 U 6 J E C T AREA-S--MATERIALS 'JOP IC-.TAGS--ELASTIC DEFORMATIONt PULYETHYLENE, SYNTHEM Fla(:Rl IR ............. --s ECTRumt ISOMER CONTROL MARIKING-NO RESTRICTIONS "'D OCUMENT CLASS-UNCLASSIFIED ~~"PRUXY RELUFRAME-1992/0344 STEP t4O--UR/0374/70/006/001/0170/0172 No-- A Po 111538 -Clk(, ACLESSION 'LL 1 0-41 UNCL ASS IF I ED PROCESSING 0ATE--09OCT70 CIRC ALLESSION NO-AP011-1538 ,AJ3STRALT/EXTRACT--(UJ G?-O- ABSTkACT.. CHANGES IN THE CONTENT OF CUILED 150MERS DURING ELASTIC DEFORMATION.13F ORIENTED LaW.PiESSURE POLYETHYLENE ti). FIBERS WERE STUDIED BY IR SPECTROSCOPY AT 1200-400 CIA PRIME NEGAT:IVE1. ABSORPTION BAND MAX. Air 1270, 1305, 1350, AND 1379 CV, PR [,ME NEGATIVEI INDICATED A LINEAR DECREASE IN THE CONTENT~OF ALL COICED ~GAUCHFASOMERS IN THE AMORPHOUS REGION. OF 1'. THE RELATIVE CONTENT OF ~GAULHE AND TRANS CONFOR14ATIONS WAS E-V "LUATED AS A FUNCTION OF TEMP. AND UEFORMATION.FROM STATISTICAL roNSLUERATIONS. THE DATA AGREED WITH THE RESU LTS OF EARLIER STUDIES. USSR UDC [537.226+537.311.331:[537+53---1 GUBKIN, A. N., NOVAK, M. M. "Electric Fields of Electrets. of Var-lous Dielectrics" Tr. Mosk. in-ta elektron. mashinos-_r. (Works of Moscow institute of Electronic Machine Building), 1970, Na. 6, pp 96-107 (from RZh Fizi~,a, No 12, Dec 71, Abstract No 12Ye!154) Translation: External electric fields of disc electrets of nine materials with different physicochemical and structural properties are investigated. A simple model of an electret is proposed on the basis of which the axial electric field is calculated and the results are compared.with experimental results. A rela- tionship -was observed between the external field of the elect-ret and the dielec- tric permeability of the material. It was shown that one can obtain fainly stable electric -fields uD to _1 kv/cm2 at the surface of the sample with 'the -aid of:electrets in the fcr-,a o-F a disc. Conclusions are made concerning the pos- sibi-lity. of the practical application of electrets as electric field sources. 15 ref. Resume. 77 USSR uDc; 669,546.77 B OjAK-, V OVINA, I., BEDOVIK, S. S. and RALITSEV, V. F., All-Union Research, Design and Technological Institute of the Pipe Induisitry "Photometric Determination of Molybdenum in Nickel-Base Alloys in the Form of a kolybdenum-Unithiol Complex" Moscow, Zavodskaya laboratoriya, Vol 37, N010, 1971, PP 1170-1171 Abstract; Discussed is the use of unithiol as a reagent for the photometric determination of molybdenum in steals without the separation of accompany- ing elements. The optimal conditions for the complex fonw%tion are: 0.5 n. hydrochloric acid, maximum light absorption ~ 345 nm, color intensifies -esence of with time and maximum color is achieved after 5 mins. The pi Fe(II), Cr(III), Ni and Co in ratios (to molybdenum) of 1:80, 1:40, 1:40 and 1:10, respectively, will not interfere with the analysis. 114aximum optical densit.7 of the solution is achieved a:fter prolonged standing. 7he reaction rate increases with temperature. An excess of the reagent promotes intensifi- I/L qI NOVAK YE Chair of Pharmacology, Kuban' Medical Instituteinieni Red -Army., Krasnodar "Effect of Chlorpromazine (Aminarine) on Blood Coagulation" Moscow, Farmakologiya i Toksikologiya, No 6, 1972, pp 717-720 Abstract: Subcutaneous in.jection of dogs with chlorpror..is7.ine (10 accelerated blood coagulation, plasma recalcification tirrFe-, and reaction tima without altering the maximum amplitude of.the thromboalastogr-am, increasing lasma tolerance for heparin,.or decreasing the antithromloopla3tin and fib--ino- p lytIc activity of the blood and the arnotint of factor VIII. The chnn_res were most proncranced 60 to 120 min after the administration Of c1110ITrOlrazine followed a period of hypocoagiLlution.(5 to 10. min after adminintration of the 'The two-phase action did not occur, after intrarnitxular injection of drug h1orpromazine. The initial phase of chlorprornazine action is averibed to hezro.1- ysis of red blood cells. 43 -0 UNC L kt~t r- mo PRO0ESStNG DATE-04DEC70 ACCESSION NO--AP0126082 ._ABSTRACT/EXTRACT--(U) GP-0- ABSTRACT* VACUUM ANNEALING AT SMALLER THAN ~OR EQUAL TO 1050DEGREES INITIALLY LOWERED THE H,PERMEABILITYP AND AFTERWARDS INCREASED IT', MORE THAN COULD. BE ~ ACCOUNTED FOR FROM GRAIN .-SlZE INCREASE. A REPEATED ANNEALING IN VACUUM WITH ~GRAIN FRAGME"'iTATION ~.,CAUSED THE H PERMEABILITY TO INCREASE BY:A FACTOR OF. 3-4~MORE THAN IN THE SAME STEEL. AFTER THE IST ANNEALING. AFTER ANNEALING AT ,900-10500EGREESt THE ETCH ABILITY OF THE STEEL [S.M 011sECT RELATION TO -..:THE H-PERMEABILITY; HOWEVER AFTER ANNEAL'ING.AT 1100DEGREES THE RATE OF -ETCHING AND THE H PERMEABILITY INCREASED~ SHAR.PLY MORE THAN THE GRAIN ~~SIZE'~I.NCREASE. FACILITY: LEN IGRAD-.~ T E -K HN 0 CIN~T. IM. ~_LENSOVETA*-.LENINGRAD, USSR. UNCLASSIFIED USSR UOC 621-355--8-035-2 NOVAXOVS)dY. A. M., and VROBYSHEVSXIYI V. H. "Longetivity and Reasons for Failure.of tho Truck Iron-Nickel Batteries" Sb. rabot no khim. istochnikam toka. Vaes, n.-n akkumulyator. in-t (collection of Wonk on the Chemical Source of ft=ent. AU-Union Scientfic Study Institute for Storage Batteries)- VYP 7o 19?2v pp 135-160 (from Referativn~ry Shunua MAMI.Va# No 8(11), 19?3g Abstract YO OL238), Trmslations A study was made of the reasons for the failure of systems In Hi-Fe tatteries used in trucks# It waz shown that the basic reason for the loss of pover.from-the batteries were the foUowings the passivity of the Iron alectrodel the formation of surface. short circultingi. wA the poisoning of the electrode by harmful impurities. 1/1 UDO 621. USSR TEPLIESKAYAg T. K.t KOCWNVAr Yo Is# and "The Influence of Aluminum Dissolved In an AUcali Electrolyte on the Behavior of a Powdered Iron Electrode" Sb. rabot no khim. istoohnikam tokas Voss, ns-n akkumulyator, In-t (Collec- tion of Works on the Chemical Source of Current, All-Union Scientific Study Institute for Storage Batterises) V 79 1972p pp 149-155 (from Referativnyy Shurnal KhWya, No 8(117, 19-n. Abstract Ho 8L239 by V. S. Levinson) Translationj A study was made of the influence of aluminum dissolved in 5 11 KOH in concentration of 0.5 to 20, grams/1 on the behavior during charging and.diacharging of poviered iron electrodes and on the nature and propertism of the product foxmed. The poisoning of the electrode by aluainum caused a strong inhibition on the process of the cathode. reduction of Fe(oli) to 40tallio iron, Most harmful was the presence-in the electxolyte 0 small quantities of aluninum (0.5 YO 1 .0 grams/1)p insufficlent,for tho foxxation Of the nixed iron-aluminuis bydrates.and theroforo strongly interfering with reduction of Fe(OH)2 during the dio'charge of ~the Olsc~s'~ 1A 111111 JIM LISSR UDC: 621.39T.02:535.67 HOVAKOVSKIY S. V. "Development of Television Reception Technology" V sb. Televilzion. tekhnika (Television Technology--collection of works), .7 (from'RM-Radiotekhhik~L No 6, Jun 71, Mscow, Svyazel", 1971 pp 327-362 5 Abstract No 6G230) Translation: The paper reports.figures-which characterize the state of the~Soviet TV reception netvork, and the output of equipment, kinescopes and radio tubes. The problems of normalization, standardization and uni- scussed. Tables are given for the fication of television receivers are,di parameters of nev monochrome and color television sets. Ten tubles. N. S. W0043319 UR 0482 Soviet Inventions lllustrated,.Sec~ion 11.Eiectrical, Derwent, ~NEL ~12LITUD94FREQUENCY CORRECTJON F242957 T.V. PLA. Synch-konizing pulses_~of frequencies e.g.,' fl --shown -.2 Mcp, f2 - 3 McP, f3 .- 4,Mcp:. as -in fil'. 2 are injected. Amplitu es of-the:pulsea.must be e-qua L. In the colour TX.. these~pul-ses~are injected along the sub~carrier frequency, (fo). : :SliK'hal Al' is paasod to the Correcting system (0' i ta outpkAt is passed by~'strob t* fl:~: f2, fu:wbere burst3 of the resonant circuits. frequencies are separated.:,Syn'chronizing-pul,s~s are separated by (4) and;pAssed to the comparato s~ its -wh outpur produces erralr~si&"L Ach 1.9 -applied 6J the correct in& spttem~ 1).,and ~to tMe.'signal (11tiOrLioii recording sybLew (6), 22.2.68 as 1221483/26-9.~IC46; 1,(17.9.691 Bul 16/ 5.5.69. Class 21*l. Int~CLH 04n~ Ila- 197G1532 USSR UDC 620.193.01 KMMMOVAt YE. G., SOKOLOV, A. A.t ZOLOryMaN, YE. H., Scientific-Research Physico-Memical Institute4ne Ta. MLrpov "Tho-Influenoe of Oxidation-Reduction System on the Rate of Dissolution of Passive Titaniue Moscow, Zashchita Metallov, No 4, 1972, pp 409-414. Abstract: Data are presented and discussed on changes in the dissolution rate of passive titanium, Votentiostatically polarized in dilute sulfuric acid upon intro- duction of the Fe2 /Fe 3+ redox system to the acid, and also upon intTcduction of Ti3l ions. The radiometric method is used to show that when titanium is maintained -passive state, the introduction of F 2, ion rease in the anode a s causes only an inc in the external anode current, while the introduction of TO+ ions causes a 1WItaneous inhibition of dissolution of th s e~titanium, explained by the anode deposition of Ti02 from the solution. 212 OZ5 UNCL ASS[ PIED PRCCES~SING DATE--040EC70 -I R--C ACCESS10,11 NO-AP0138066 AaSTkACTl/EXTRACT--'Ul GP-0-- ABSTRACT. A STUDY WAS MADI: ON THE FUNCTIONAL ZONNE CTIG.N OF BOTH IMPEDANCE COMPONENTS OF;PASSIVE TI~WITH rHE MEASURING POITENTIAL AND THE FREQUENCY OF THE ALTERNATING EAF. tHE PASSIVE Ti FILM OF. SUB2 So SUB4 FORMED DIRECTLY .WAS POTENTIOSTATICALLY IN A SOLN. '!N NA PLUS 0.1N H SUB2 SO SUB4 AFTER THE CLEANED AND DEGREASED ELECTROOE 14AS AT SUBJECTED TO CHEM. PAS51VATIDN IN 50PERCENT HIND SU8.3. EACH 14EASURING POTENTIAL BOTH IMPEDANCE COMPONENrS WERE DETOS AT SEVERAL FIXED FREQUENCIES 0.3-10 KHZ. EQUATIONS DERIVEO FOR THE ACTIVE- COMPONENT AND ITSIOVERALL FUNCTIONAL CONNECTION ORIMPEDANCE WITH FREQUENCY AND MEASURING POTENTIALSt THE RECIPROCAL:CELL,CAPACITY-i AND THE.TAN DELTA - -SHOW THAT ALL THE FACTS 013TAiNED IN,THE EXIPTS. RELATE~TO THE LOCKING --'-L-AYE,R 'IN. THE OVERALL PASSIVE FILM AND ~ARE~ EVIDENTLY:DLIIE- TO SOME SPECIFIC FACILITY: NAUCH.-ISSLED. HARACTERISTIC:MATERIAL IN THAT LAYERS INST. IM. KARPOVAt MOSCOW, USSR* UNC LAS S I F I ED --230CT70 021 UNCLASSIFIED PROCESSING DATE .731TLE--POTENTIOSTATIC PASSIVATION OF ZIRCONIUM IN SULFATE SOLUTIONS -U- THOR-(02)-BONDAREVA, T.Pot NOVAROVSKIYP VeM. A ft'OUNTRY OF INFO"USSR K~SOURCE-ZASHCH. METAL. 1970, 6(2), 207-9 J74PAT EPUBL.IS,HED ------- 70 ECT AREAS--CHEMISTRY, MATEKIALS., TAGS--ZIRCONIUM ALLOYi SULFATEt:METAL:PASSIVATION# DIELECTRIC METAL ELECTRODE, SHEET METALY METAL CLEANING MARKING--NO RESTRICTIONS .':_WCUMENT CLASS--UNCLASSIFIED REEL/FRAME--1996/1909 STEP NO--UR/0365/70/005/002/0207/0209 CIRC ACCESSION NO--AP0118871 _-UNIC L-A-S S 1-F- I-F-- PROCESSING DATE--23eCT70 021 UNCL AS SI F I ED CjRC` ACCESSION NO-AP01.1887L :~_--ABSTRACT/EXTRACT-(U) GP-0- ABSTRACT* ZR ELECTRODES MAOF OF ROLLED ZR ~SHEETS WERE MECH6 AND CHEM, AND THE4 STUDIED !IN Oil ANO 15N H CLEANED 50 SUB/t. SOLNS. POLARIZATION WAS EFFECTED POT&NT10STATICALLY AND THE CURRENT WAS AUTOMATICALLY RECORDED. BY GOING FROM A INITIAL POTENTIAL OF 0.0 OR 0.3 V MAINTAINED FOR SOME TIME TO MORE POS. POTENTIALSw SUCH AS 0.5, 0.7, OR 1.0 Vt THE EXTERNAL ANODIC CURRENT INCREASED.AND THEN DIMINISHED GRADUALLY WITH TIME. THE INCREASED AMT. Of ANOGIC CURRENT I\FLOWING THROUGH THE ELECTRODE IS EXPRESSED BY THE 1. EQUALS > PLUS (B-TAU)t WHICH IN ITS INTEGRAL FORM EXPRESSES -1 _..~__,:THE:LOGARITHMIC LAW OF THIS INCREASE ITAU IS TIME).~ THE INCREASE OF -,RECIPROCAL OF THEELECTRODE CAPACITANCE 1-C, WHICH IS~ PROPORTIONAL TO ED'--fN THE FORMATION, OF THE PASSIVATLNG FILM, IS ALSO -THE CURRENT CONSUM _SUBJECT TO SAME TYPE OF LAW. THE AMT. OF:CURRENT (QF) CONSUMED IN THE FORMATION OF THIS FILM IS OBTAINED QF EQUALS EPSILON EPSILON SUBO SIGMA '-SUB2.PRIME2 F-Vt WHERE EPSILON IS THE DIELEC. CONST. OF THE FILM? ~.~:.'-~EPSILON SUBOEQUALS 8.85 TIMES 10 PRIMENEGATIVE8 MUF-CM AND IS THE CONST, OF A VACUUMi SIGMA IS:THE COEFFo OF ROUGHNESS OF THE ..ELECTRODE, AND V IS THE MOLAR VOL. OF THE,SUBSTANCE OF THE FILM WHICH IN THE CASE OF ZRO SUB2 15 21.7 CM PRIME3-MOLE. LITERATURE VALUES FOR THE CO E F F. OF ROUGHNESS OF ZR ARE GIVEN AS L.1-1.3 A140 F014 THE DIELEC. 'CbNST. OF2RO SUB2 AS 20-27. FACir1T1Y- NAUCH.-ISSLED. :FIZ*--;KHIM. INST. IM. KARPOVA, MOSCOW9 USSR, A S S_F 1% 1 N'Cr L t. 5a, USSR UDC620-193-01 XOSSYY G. G., and XOLOTM=,, YA. M "Excess Oxygen in an Oxide Film on Passive Titanium" MX)SCOW, Zashchita Metallov, Vol 6, No 3, MaY-Jun 70, PP 317-320 'Abstract: The stationary rate of potentiostatic solution of passive titaniLLT, is appreciably higher than the mean solution rate of its pas4ivating oxide observed after cessation of polarization. This article contains a discucsion of additional infor,--ation about the properties of the passivating film on titanium obtained as a result of more detailed observations of the process of spontaneous activation of a d-energized electrode in the presence of HF. The experiments were performed in solutions of three normal HU + xHF on a rotating (n = 1,500 rpm) disk electrode made of VT-l titanium at 400. The potentials.everywhere were given with respect to a saturated callomel comparison electrode at room-temperatzire. Me oxygen was not removed from the solution. The experimental data provide t% banis for propon- ing that the oxidizing properties of passive titanium are connected with the presence of an oxide film on its surface-As the oxide film becomes thicker, tile process of which begins after cessation of polarization.. layers of it closer and closer to the metal come into contact vith the ejectrolyU. Tho grodual reduction in potential accompanying this process is explained,by a drop in the concentration 1/2 h USSR KOSSYY) G. G., et a! Zashchita Yetallov, Vol No 3, MaY-Jun 70, PP 317-320 of excess oxygen in the direction from the outer surface of the oxide to its interface with the metal. It is shown that within the framwork of the concepts of the adsorption nature could be explained by the gradual restora- of inertness, the smoth potential drop tion of oxygen adsorbed in a single layer whose bond energy and reduction potential 'uted by the -vary with the degree of filling. However, this,proposition is ret experimental data. The forced short-term potential bias of the electrode in the -negative direction which should cause partial reduction of the oxygen, contrary to expectations, does not accelerate but inhibits activation. The sooner the catho"e 'pulse is applied after cessation of polarization, the greater the amount of elec- ~tricity it carries through the electrode and the greater the inhibition of activa- -tiona 2/2 USSR uDe 62o-193-01 IDVCRAMMO, V. I., and NOVAKOVSKIY V. M. Sone Characteristics of the Barrier layeron Passive Titanium!' m;oscowjp Zashchita Yetallov, Vol 6. No 3, May-Jun 70, pp 320-3224 ~Abstract: An investigation was made of the functional relations between both 4, zi components of the impedance of passive titanium to the measurenen~ potential azd the alternating emf frequency. The investigated~film was formad potentiostaticaily directly in the working solution (two normal NE12SO41 + 0-1 n'zr~ H2S134) 'a t'wo hours with a potential of 2 volts after the cleaned and degreased electrode was to tvo-hour chemical passivation in 50~ distilled nitric acid. For each ~measurement potential both impedance components (in a series circuit) were deter- Ch .mined for several fixed frequencies from 0-3 to .10 irilohertz. 7 e active comporn- ents of the cell.impedance and the inverse capacitance of the cell corresponding, to the reactive measurement components are expressed mathematically in terms of frequency. Tabulated data are presented which demonstrate the independence of the loss angle tangent vith respect to the measurement.potential. The s3i, ificance of. the erVirical laws found is discussed in te=,s of the following: I the total 'thickness of the oxide film on the titanium surface can be considered practically identical for all measurements; nevertheless, with a drop in the measurement 1/2 USSR OVCHARENKO, V. I., and NOVAKOVS.KIY, V. M. potential the iwferse capacitance and active component of the electrode impedance (at constant frequency) decrease by one and the same power law, vanishing on extrapolation to one and the samepotential vo(-~Ol volt) -where the latter does -not depend on the measuremint frequency even though the frequency has different effects on the-angular coefficients in the equations for R and 11C; 2) the signifi- cant dependence of the values of C found and, especially, R on the measurement frequency, clearly demonstrate that the true equivalent electrode circuit is VCI-f far from simple series inclusion of constant capacitances and resistances; 3) the and Iff with respect to the mnasurerrent frequency independence of the ratio of found with a constant frequency indicates that the apparent product W is basically determined by certain specific characteristics of the-mubstance in the barrier layer which under the given conditions of formation of the fi, change little with IM respect to its thickness. It is pointed out that a deeper study of the frequency characteristics of both components of the impedance of the passive electrode and discovery of the mechanisms of these relations can be an important means of obtain- ng filmD an :ing information about the properties and structure.of passivatl d layers. 2/2 5 1%-,,: DATE --07 CC T7 0 DURCE--ZASCH4 METAL. 1970, 6(2)t 201-3 AJE -PUBL I SHF-D------70 JBJECT ARFAS--ELECTRUNICS AND ELECTRICAL.ENGR. J'P-IC,..TAGS--METAL ELECTROUF, TITANIUMs, ELECTRICAL CONOUCTIVITY PEE L/f,-RAME-- 199211804 STEP NO--UR/0365/70/006/002/0201/C)2,1)3 AC ACCESSION NO-AP(III2790 th-lU ASS IF I ED 016 UNCLASSI FIED PROCESSING !)ATE--020CT70 '~i;CrIK'AC-CESSION NC--AP0112790 ~~`~~A3STRACWEXTRACT--(U) GP-0- ABSTRAST. THE C.D. VARIATIDNS AND THE -CA0'ACI-TAP;-E- WEPE STUDIED OF A PASSI VE TI ELECTRODE WITH I%TEr,.lITTENT .111"ll POTE'llYTIAL UN A SULIN. OF 2N NA SU82 SO SU84 PLUS.O.LU H SUA? 'SD:SUB4 AT ROOM TEMP. THE RESULTS UNDICATED: THAT THE SfmIC:5;1l;,)UCToR '~.-..ZHARACTEPISTICS OF THE BULK TIO.:SUB2 COULD NOT BE USED AS A GUIDE IN DEVALUATING THE ELEC. FIELOS EXISTING:IN PAS:SIVATING FI.L.MS OF Tf. AT VERY LC;W ANODE POTENTIALS, WHEN THE THlCK-Nl&SS,:QF THE SEALA\IT LAYER VAN.1 SHINGLY S,MALLi CAPACITATI.VE MEASUREMENTS ARE INCAPABLE j,!c----"4-,--'F-'LT,HER- M C-ONFIRMING OR REFUTINr;~ THE EXISTE.NCE- OF;A PASSIVATING FILM OF L ---WHTCH-THUS ACTS LIKE A'CONDUCTOR. UNCLASSIFIED 'USSR uDc 62o.193-01 and KOVAKOVS V. M., Scientific Research Physicochemical BOt)AREVA T. P. Institute imeni L. Ya. ]2!j;6v___ "Regularities of Potentiostatic Passivation of Zirconium in Sulfuric Acid Solutions" Moscow, Zashchita MetaUov, Vol 6, No 2, Mar-Apr 70, pp 207-209 Abstract: A study was made of the potentiostatic conditions of pasuivation permitting constancy of the motive power of the:process and equivalent (in this respect) to oxidation with the pressure of the oxidizing component in the gan phase being constant. 7he selected potential region eliminated the.possibility d -. rconium ~of anodic separation of molecular oxygen.~ The experiment involve i "iodide"'Ifoil cleaned with fine emery paper and,tteated with a mixture of 70%, ni ric and 40% hydrofluoric acids and doublydistilled waterat a 9,:1:10 ratio for 10 seconds followed by rinsing in boiling- doubly distilled water. 0.1 and ~,15 '1 112S04 solutions served as working electrolytes. The polarization was produced by a P3B potentiostat and the electrode impedance wan measured With a phaze-zensitive FV-1 voltmeter. The diagram of the experimental unit Is given In the original article, The results of the experiment mV bo regarded ai additional proof that the logarithmic law reflepts the significant charante ri n ties ~of the potentiostatic growth of passive films on bEarier-layer metals. This, of course$ does not exclude some possible devlation$ dne to dinsolut-lon processes, rearrangement.of changen In the electrophy 'propt sical -rties of the film, etc. -22 c: 681. 327-12 USSR UD NOVATMEYM,le. V. BUCHIK, M. I., Central Scientific Research Lazboratory "A Device for Graphic Data Input Into Analog Computers" JIoscow, Otkrvtiya, Izebreteniya, Promyshlennrje Obraztsy, TovarninTe Zn_-'~-,i, No 29, 1970, Soviet Patent No 28!906, Class 42, filed 7 Oct 68, p 133 Abstract: This Authorts Certificate introduces a device for graphic data input into analog computers. The device contains a pulse oscillator connected to a thyratron pulse shaper-distributer. Connected to the outputs of the,shaper-distributer are linear potentiom~eters which are cor-nected operational- amplifiers and sump n A a dis- n. g.azT~lifier s i --possibillif feature of : the patent -he :fun*ct j5hra', ',jes of -the device are extended by connecting thb linear potentio~m*-Aers- L, a pe)t arr'ay which is~ -contact with jumpers fasteried to the reverse side of the graphic input me um di 4, "0040657 UR 01182 Soviet Inventions Illustrated, Section.1 Chemical, Dervent, AL017 Tpxp-'~~ TRWHENT ZADE OF ~MRACr- ,,OF OBJE51S CRY ALLOYS, involving heatitig, qu hing and tempering is characterized in that in order to -b. increase the ultimate'bending, 10-30% the.refractory alloys are subjected to ultr~tsonic treatment during the tempering stage. The-proposed method is especially effective in the treatment of objects made of refractory allo;s containing.6% and y more by weight of'cobalt. 16.9.66 4a 1114589/22-1. K.K. ROMAMM et al. (16.8.69) Bul 13/1.4.69, Class 40bp 40d. C 22c, C22 f. 'avrilov, AUTHORS: Romanenko, N. K.; P0 Odin JekseXev,.G----1-' G ---T---(;-.,-Kartashey' Yu. G. avd N y :4 AW50246 DOR UDO: 621.378.385 ITOVGORODOV, M. Z., SVIRIDOIT, G., ISOBOIMT, 11. N. and USIRTARTS, P. e T11 Energy of the Electrons in a CO Lpser DischaaCe" Leningrad, Zhurnal tehlinicheskoy fizilzi, ITO 10, 197", pi 2190-21,97 Abstract: To imder-stand and opti-mize the opoi-ation, of CO one must lemo,..r the characteristics of -the pia-ma electron component , particulavly paramieters like the f lill ct-ron concen- tration and the electron unergy diotribution. With thi:3 uL;Sert,;ion the authors pronent the results of their mearmremetit-s of tj'~e dis- tribution function of eluct)= ener-ios ill CO- '2--*:f2 L; C I Yr c of. the discharEe current, vvid chaamnel. AI - moacurzamant method, JLnvolving the oecond derivative of the pla-,Lia probe cvurr~~jl_t with resnect to the voltare by the so-called. second-har,-.-.Onic meth- od, is b-sically the same as th.-:~tt uped in an ear_lit~2, -O-,rSOrOdOV, e4- a! , TEETj' U j., C-C-7, 11, 1971t p .500) j~ata i':, iven for the Cc-(0~2-Hr_ C Ombi,_mn-t. ion ir, tho o Ir 1 0 and 1:0.1:30, curves for the electi-on enerL~y ted, alld t-he ef-fects ol' addin,- Xc to the mixture cire d:L,~~cussed. I t- is noted t1lat cCJLIpUt,-.-U(,j-u,- of 11113 di's4ri-butio?l ill,,! U I-PS S R UDC: 621- 378,385 I.TOVGOPODGV, M. Z., et al, Zhurnal t1 eklinichies!:oy f i-i 1ci 10 1972, pp 21 90-2197 f ormulla for el-astic collisions give -ra-isleading resuts an eXac "I solution of the hrinetic eau-Ition -,,--L th the corroction o--P -.11 sible nrocesses taken into account is Dece!.3sary. 2/2 A~J USSR NOVGORODOV, M. Z., OCHKIN, V. N., SOBOLEV, 3. N. (Lobedev Pffy-FI-ed Institute USSR Academy of Sciences, Moscow) "Measurements of the Oscillatory Temperaturas in C02 Lasers" Ler-,ingrad, Journal of Technical.Lhy, ~iqs, June 1970, DD 1268- 1275 min4ng the Abstract: The authors suggest a method for daten oscillaEory levels Of 1'2, C02, andCO molecules in their ground electron states by measuring the relative intensities of the electron oscillation bands (0.2) 2t of nitrogen. A comparison of the distribution functions of the nitrogen molecules with respect to the oscillation levees in the ground state XFE',', and in the electron-excited state C n made. The depende-ce of the oscillatory temperatures of the ground state in the dis- charge in various mixtures of CO N He on the discharge 21 and current and gas pressure is found. variations in the band in- tensity as a function of these same: parameters are determined. UDC: (121-378-385 USSR V M 7-, SVIRIDOV, 1,. G. , and SOBOLBVI 11". IT. ItElectric'al Characteristics of a CO Laser Discharge Plasma" Leningrad, Zhurnal telchnicheskoy fiziki, vol 42, No 7, 1972, _PP 1471-1478 Abstract: The experiments described in this-paper are aimed at measuring the electronic concentration in the plaom- of a c--r- bon,monoxide laser discharge and. inVestigatimg the characteristics of.the plasma. It is assumed that, asin the 002 laser, the pro- ceso providing the pumping to the oscillatory level of CO i_- 2- basically electronic shook. This hypothesis can.only be verified if the coneentlra'ions and distribution functions ol -Iie electron energy are knoi-m. The experiments -v;ere conducted by the microwave method using cylindrical resonators, iirith the discharge realized 'with d-c current in auartz tubes of 3.4 or 2.0 cm. diameter. A descript-ion of the experimental proo6dure is giveii, ani the experi- mental results are wesent-ed in the form of curves for -the electron concentration as a f'"''etion of "the dischi~rge cura~entu int CO and He in various mLxture proportions. The electron conccnitraticn is a direct linear function of the discharge current density, alid a table of the proportionality con5tant for various combinations of 1/2 USSR UDC: 621-378-385 NIMORODOV, M. Z. , et al, Zhurnal telkJinicheSkoy f iZil[i, vol 42, Wo 7, 1972, pp 1471-1478 00 and He is presented. Curves are'also given for the electric field intensity as a function of-the discharge,current with mix- turds Of CO + 02 + Hle and CO + 112. The authors, members of the Lebedev Physics Institute atIloscow,lexpress their gratitude to V. Ya. Cherkasov and 0. 1. Baranova.for their assistance with the-experiments, and to A. A. Mikaberidze for assisting with the computations. 2/2 .11,41: 1 0 -, .,!i m Ifff ME SIBRIM C-q Abstracting S~' i -lef, Code. Acc. Nr:. -1) RO 34 6 APM48822- CHEMI'CALI MST,, 90127k Proplowylation. Of 2-methoxygaphffialme. zernz-H. auct-L.- P4 Nov NA YU Cllkyje~54ut. 1970, 132-6 (Russ). , Heatin# 2-ruetboxynaphtbalene 1) I. - 'I . -4 , '- . FA with 113 equiv. (E-tCO W -and approx. ~ 2: x 110 followed by fractien'ation.gave, 80% $ttbmei Contg. 95%Q I-Pro- pion7l deriv. M) of I and 5rlr. &PropiqnylAeriv.~ (IU)~ oO L The reaction of I with PrCl ih the pmsence 6f lreC4 give Set' 1'etoll" (compn. not given)- In both cases; besid6 II and MOW land j3-naphthol were thin la3i~er chromawg. and, nv sptt~- CPJR REELFRAME JL9800585 Pharzaeolo :hhd ~~~logy 8Y USSR UDC 577-133 NOYCORODSKAYAs A. N., ROZE31GART# V. Ll ancl:SHCHERBAK# I,' G,, Chair of Bio- Institute imani Akad. 1. P. Pavlov, Leningrad "Invivo Inhibition of Cholinesteraso Activity by the Or6-anophosphorus Com- pound. LG-63n Moscow, BiokUrAYa, No It 1971P PP 72-80 Abstracts The inhibitory effect of ira-63 (0-ethyl-5-hoxy rzatk~lthiophos- phonate) on cholinesterase aetimity was studied in variovs tissues (small intentine, nyocardium, skeletal nusclet braint blood hemalyzatep gastric wall, lung, kidney, liver).of rats injected intraperitoneally or inti-onuscularly with different doses of the compound. A sublethal dose (5 mg/ltg) n3xkedly ex Z inhibited the enzyme in all the tissues studied CO t the kidneys regardless of the mode of administration.. A much smaller dose ~0.25 mg/lq-5)p on the other handq altered the distribution of LG-63 considexably and the more of administration ims a najor factor. For exaziple, cholinesterase activity in the liver and gast-ric wall was inW-Xted more by intraperitoneal injection of W-63 than by Intramuscular injectlon. The h1ghast cancentxations of W-63 woro invariably found in tho livert whereas no significut amounts could be deteoted in the kidneys. The latterphenopenon auggeats that either the -m-mol.1111 % 1112 11 : I ~: i ? , I I i f ;i - i fi J:; - -CA - 1; ;- i - -.. UNCL ASS.1 I E PROCESSING DATE-090CT70 UTLE-THE STABILITY OF WELUED. PIPE CONNECT IONS OF HE-Ar ING SURFACES IN THE -U- OF ACID RINSES BY A AAMGNIUM MONOCITiOTE AND TRILON 0 .'ALUTH0R---:(03)-ANTIKAYNi P.A.9 NOVI#Iyu;.O.v TARATliTA, V_A. 7, RY OF INFO-.-USSR ~_-SOURCE7 LENINGRAD, ENERGOMASHINOSTROYENIYL-t NQ 3v 1970, PP 31-31t DATE- PUBLISHED- ;.'."SUBJECT AREAS-MECH.9 IND., CIVIL AND MARINE ENGRt MATERIALS _.~~TOPIC TAGS-PIPE WELDING, STEAM BOILER, METAL CLEANIN!~i HYORQCHLURIC ACID, RESEARCH FACILIrY, ALLJY DESIGNATION, STAINLLSS srEa, LOW ALLJY STEu, CAKBON STEEL# COMPLEX COMPOUND, THERMAL.STABILITY, IILTALLOGRAPHY/W)ST20 CARSON.STEEL, (UIIZKHIFIF LOW ALLUY STEEL# (U)KffldNl2T STAINLESS STEEL CONTROL FiARKING--NO RESTRICTIONS DGCUilEN TCLASS-UNCLASSIFIED ~--PRUXY-REEL/FRAi*4E--1993/0879 STEP NL~--UR/0114/70/0001003/0031/0034 CIRC ACCESSICN NCj--AP0113727 ------ UNC LA c- -F LE -ASSIFIED: 33 UNCL PROCESS!ING DATE C.-IRC ACCESSION N'G--AP0113727 ...A6srRACT/EXTF%ACT--(U) GP-0- ABSTRACT. IN THE: USSR 4-N-) ABROAD, FOR rHE: REMOVAL: UF DEPOSITS FORHE'U ou THE HEATING SURFACES OF BUILERS, SOLUTIONS- UF COMPLES FORMING REAGENTS ARE USED. -DATA UPON THE EFFECT OF THESE SOLUTIONS, IN PARTICULAR AMMONIUM MONOCITkATE AND TRILO,,14 8, UPON THE STABILITY OF THE WELUEU PIPE J011NITS UF HEATING SURFACES ARE PRACTICALLY A6SENT. IT IS MERELY KNOWN lHAT wHEN CHEMICAL CLEA14INGS ARE CARRIED OUT PRIOR TO 'THE START Of OPEkAlIONS, THERE ARE PRACTICALLY NO SPECIFIC L)IFFILULTIL-S CONNECTED WITH IMPAIRMENT OF T14E DENSE FY AT THE IdELDING ~SITES~ . NEVERTHELESS, AS HAS BEEN SHOWN BY STUDIES OF THE ALL UNION INSTITUTE OF HEAT ENGINEERING IMENI F. E. DZERZHINSKIY, WHEN THE PIPES ARE RINSED BY A WEAK SOLUTION OF INHIBITED HYDROCHLORIC ACID THE WELDED -SEAMS ARE T-HE MOST VULNERABLE POINTS OF THE WATER AIND STEAM C.HANNEL. IN THIS CONNEC-TION, A STUDY WAS CARRIED OUT AT THE MOSCOW BRANCH OF THE CENTRAL SCLENTIFIC RESEARCHt PLANNING ADD DESIGN BOILER AND TURBINE INST17UTEt WHICH HAS MADE Ir POSSIBLE TO CLEAR UP THE' QUES[ION CONCEkN ING THE BEHAVIOR OF WELDED PIPE CONINEcriot.;s w4mi CONDITIONS OF ~_.-'.-RePEATLD CLEANING OF BOILERS WITH THE USE OF CUMPLE'S FV M NG REAGENTS. IN THE INVESTIGATION WERE X RAY!, MICRUSTRUCTURE, AND METALLOGRAPHLC TESTS. AS A RESULT OF THE WOIRK PERFORMED, IT MAY BE CONSIDERED AS ESTABLISHED THAT WELDED JOINTS OF STEELS 20, 12KHIMF AND -_:.,KHl18Nl2-T, MADE BY CONTACT, ELECTRIC ARCij,-ANU GAS WELDINGr DO NOT IMPOSE ANY. RESTRICTIONS ON THE CONDUCT OF OPERATIONAL- CHEAICAL, CLEANINGS OF THE .-!.UNIFLOW BOILERS WITH THE USE,OF COMPLEX.FORMING REAGE14TS (AMMONIUM --MONOCITRATEiMIXED WITH TRILON 8). UNC, I AS S-1 F f F D Agriculture USSIR UDC 632.4:582.235.1 BABCIFTK, I. V.? Director of the Plant P_,-otection Administration, Ministry of Agriculture Ukrainian SSR and NOVICHENKO, L. G., Senior Agronomist n L Co troll'no Smut in the Ukraine" loscow, Zashchita Plasterdy, No 1, 1970, pp 11-12 Abstract: Measures used to control covered smut of barley and wheat in the Ukraine in 1969 are described. A 0.3-1.2% incidence of covered smut was reported in the area, with an insignificant dearee 0 1~7 of damage on farms in six oblasts, and complete.absence :if the disease in two oblasts. Twd other oblasts had ray3nr, without any sign of diaease. The majority of f4rms in the Ukraine have switched to seed treatmqnt with vuspensions and. moistening g. it: is noted that the kolkhozes and sovhozes; must be better equipped w:th all-purpose machinery to improve covered smut control. Meazwres are now being taken for broader introduction of thermal decontamination at farms of scientific research institutes and experimental stations equipping the kolkhozes and sovhozes with high-quality seed to improve controlo 1/2 2/2 BABCHIJK, I. V., et al., Moscow, Zashchita Rasteniy, ",To 1, 1970, pp 11-12 of loose smut. This led to reduction in development of the disease in 1969, although more radical measures are required. The 40 instal- lations in the republic for decontaminating seeds with respect to loose smut are inadequate. In view of the fact that the All-Union Corn Institute has been most.successful in controllinc, smut, the Ukrainian SSR Ministry of Aggriculture.held a three-day seminar on smut at.this institute in 1969. Special recommendations were pre- pared for heat treatment of seeds, which will be~published in early 1970. 2/2 . .......... USSR UDC 669-35'20-'296:621-78 REVINAy N. I.t W-VIKOVI NIKOLAYEV, A. K, I and ROZENBERG, V. M., State Scientific Research and Planning Institute of Alloys and Nonferrous' Metal Processing "Investigation of the Properties of Low IMOYS Of Cu Cr Zr ~Systemll Ordzhonikidze, Izvestiya Vysshik-h Uchebnyk-h Zavedeniy, T.svetnaya Metallurgiya, No 6,~ 1973', PP 106-110 Abstract: A study was made of the properties of alloys of the Cu - Cr - Zr system with different correlation of alloying com- ponents at their total content of 0o4 mass%. Test results on wire (1-5 mm in diam.) and thin-plate (0.15 mm thick) specimens -are discussed by reference to.diagrams showing the change of mechanical properties after different treatments, the annealing effect at different temperatures, and the testing temperature effect on strength and plasticilty. .4nomalous property changes at Cr and Zr concentrations corresponding to the formation of ZrCr2 were not observed. The highest stren;crtheain- after strain- 1/2 USSR RMNA, N. I., et al-i Izvestlya Vysshikh Uchebnykh m8tallurgiya, No 6, 1973# pp 106-110 Zayedenjyp Tsvetnaya -hardening and aging was attained in Cu Cr alloys with up to 0-1 wt4/ Zr. The ultimate strength of Cu alloY with 0.33 % Cr and 0:07 % Zrt after strain-hardening and aging, was 60 kg/nm,2 at not less than 90 % of Cu electroconductivity. The plasticity of ternary alloys remained high in the whole temperature interval oftests. Four figures., one tablef.six bibliogTaphic references. 2/2 USSR UDC[537-226+537-311-331:15374-5351 YEWUVA, 11. A., KAYDMIOV, V. I., NOVICZ!~.A. I., wid NTIROMECEYj A. B. "Apparatus for High-cw',Deed Measuretent oP The-nn3electric P re-meters of Con'ductor Materials in 150-5000 K Tern, eratire~ D Tr. loenin~,,r. __po" iteldin. in-t (worKs of Lcnin,.-rad Polyttecht-c 1.111stitute), 1971, Abstract 110 DI NO'325, pp 10-16 (fron RZI,-Fizil-za No 1, Jail 7-2 a469 by authors) Translation: Tqe appa-.atus is intended for sir~-.ultaneous determination of specific electrical and thermal conductivity and the coefficient of tlaeri-iio- electrolMotive -force in an wide temperature ran-to. Changon havt.- been rade in the construction of Vne device, as commared with the "X I calorii%eter, whAch -LniLTxm of the influence of 13ara.,Atic heat exchanz-e permit reduction to the rL and. contact therra-1 resistauces. An evaluation of the enrors shows that. in the determination of the tbermoelectric coefficient of the P."~tcrial_ stu,lied the error connected vith the accliracy of the measurement,, thermoca-iple cali- ~exceed 4-,ri;,. oration, and geo-netry of the Bariples does'not `7 USSR UDC 6 .12-17-799:/., -7~1 1 - YERASOVA,. N.A., LAYDANOV, V. I., CY101EGY-A.18, YuRc'..-aly, A.B. "Equipment For High-Speed ',eorurement Of the ~Tharmoelectric Parameters Cf Semiconductor Z-1terials In The Temperature Range 150-5cc)o i.. It Tr. Leningr. polite,~hn. in-t Of The Len'-narad '.-:~olytechnical Institute'), 1971, 'No 125, pp 10-16 (from RZh:Ele'Atroniks i yeye primenenlya No 2, Feb 72, Abstract No 237 7) Translation: The equipment, in which a normal regime of the second kini is usei, is intended for sL=jltencous determinution of the thermal con&uctivity, the upecific electrical conductance, and the coafficient of thermo-eirt over a wide range of temperature. The error in dotermining the thermoelectric coefficient does not exceed 4-5 percent. 2 ill. 4 ref. 5-amory.. (INC LA:s;SI-FJ-ED LE--04 AS!-~l NG OF SUSPENSION P 0 L Y MR S:.I.?4 'A RO TOIR PULSATION' A0PARATUS -0- 't 05)-MAYOROV, B.Ao rGAR VA, G.L., SVICHARt L.!*- P DERKOr P.P., av CHKOV, A.N.. M-KY LIF~ ~,--USSR U.RC.'E-,-PLAST. MASSY 1970, (3)v 59-60 _'PUSL IS.HED ------- 70 AREAS--MATERIALSo MECH., IND.r CIVIL AND MARINE,ENGR P I_C~ :JAGS--POLYVINYL ACETAL RESIN, CELLULOSE RESIN, CHEMICAL SUSPENSION, UFACTURING METHOD QN-TROL MARKING--NO RESTRICTIONS k6MENT CLASS--UNCLASSIFIED R0XY:_kEEL/FR4ME--1997/0579 STC-P NO-UR/OL911TO/0,~)OfGG3tOO59/0060 IRC ACCESSION NO--A110119497 _-UNIC LASS IT HD 2"/~ 2- 009 ~UNCLASSIFIEO PROCESSMG DATE-Z30CT70 JRC ACCESSION NO--AP0119497 ,BSTRACT/EXTRACT--(U) GP-0- ABSTRACT, THE WASHING PROCESS OF K)LY(VINYL AND EIT CELLULOSE IN A ROTOR PULSATJON APP. 'WAS STUDrED ANAL* To ~~DET . THE OPTIMUM NO. OF WASHING ~y CYLCES UNDER MANUFG. CONDITIONS. THE ,-,WASHING WAS EFFICIENT, REOUIRED LESSER AIMTS. OF WASHfNG AGENTSV AND ~'-'-OULD: BE- USED AS A CONTINUOUS~ PROCESS- USSR UDC 533.915 -NOVICHKOV, D. N. and GLEBOV, V. V. NOMIA" mental Investigation of Nonstationary Processes in an Unbalanced Plasma of Mixed Cesium and Argon't Moscow, Teplofizika Vysokikh Temperatur, Vol 8, No 4, 1970, pp 695-706 Abstract. The authors present a system of equations describing the behavior of a plasma, and they state that although an analytical solution cannot be directly obtained, a type of solution is available if certain assumptions are made. Host researchers have made the assumption that in.this system of equations the time derivatives for practically all the states can be neglected, since the concem.- tration in those states varies in only a quasi-stationary way. The path taken by the remainder of this type of solution depends on the atomic model the theorizer adopts. The authors examine a number of these models and describe experiments they have performed to aid in determining the ptoper choice of del. The specific aim of the experiments is to determine the inechanism of o m ionization development. A stationary discharge In the argon and cesium mixture is used as the. preliminary -ionization source. Further details or O)a exper~- mental equipment and procedure are given. Gratitude Is expressed to K. N. Ul' yanovo 1/1 047054 7 UR 0482 rical, Derwent, Soviet Inventions Illustrated, Section II-Elect 241555 NDUCTIVITY GFIGAS in magneto- ELEg!!4~AL CO hydrodj~mic genaristfts is increased. rpas heated to 1GOOOK Is admittid,to anAonisation cham- ber where voltage signals are applied to -he ion- ised. particles-to accelerate the electr~pns which result in further ionisation. The voltagq Is rtm- oved when netreaches 1017 - 1013 /4!n3. Th-ts in: 10-7 10-8 see. Lang pulses'.- A pinch developed then passes through a magnatic1ield by which an eaf that is proportional to themagnetic field and speed of-g" Is*induCed In tbe,plasma. The inEerval,betveen ionising pulsests:4etermined e to a by the development:tim P eh. ~15,7..~4. as L~GRANOVSKI ,D.N-NOVICHKOV. 912030/26-25. V Lenin Electrotechnical.-Inistit4teIT23.9"M"T Bul.14/18.4.69.~~Ciass 21 .'Int.Cl. H05h.' 9 Vsesoyuz7~~_Ordena Lenina Elektrotekhnicheskiy Institut im. V. 1. Lenina '6" W 4'.' I HH. Ill It 1.1 1 1'. USSR UDC 669.15-018-44 KOVICHKOV, P. V., POSTNIKOV, V. S., and RYASKOV, S. At "A Study of Ways of Increasing the Low-Temperature Relaxation Stability of Steels of the Austenitic Class" V sb. Strukturn. i razmerr. stabiliz. met. i detaley mashin (Structural ard Dimensional Stabilization of Metals and Machine Parts -- Collection of Works), Moscow, 1970, pp 82-91 (from M-Hetallurgiyaj NO 31 Mar 710 Abstract lio 31616 by V. Olenicbeva) Translationi A study was made of the relaxation stability and low-temperature creep of Khl2NZTZ (EP452) and Khl2h22T3MR (E169611) austenitic steels with intermetallide strengthening which were,subjected to thermomechanical tivat- ment (TNT), as well as austenitic. steel with carbide strengthening Khl8i,;10T after deformation and aging. The elastic aftereffect nethod was used to obtair numerical criteria characterizing relaxailoa stability. The optimum relaxation stability was shown by the following treatment regimest fo= sieel FUT-452 -- two- time Tn, (hardeaing +1.5% deformation X 10 hr X 6500 + 1.5% defo=iation X 10 hr X 650'1 for steel E1696 1-1 -- three-time UNIT (harderdUg +1.5,15 deformation X 10 hr X 650' +1.5% deformation X 10 hr X 650 +1.0% deformation X 10 hr x 6500); for steel M81110T - strain agina (hardening 4-152,q. deformation +6000 X 1 hr). Four illustrations. Bibliography ifith 26 titles. Five tables.