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MUG DATE--02OCT70 NR 2, PP 15.5-164 JECT AREAS-BIOLOGICAL AND MEDICAL SCIENCES Ito F., I C: TAG.S--MUSCULOSKELETAL SYSTEMv MUSCLE. PHYSIOLOGYt DOG'j MYOCAROLUM, ~JEP !~C)7-UR/0300/7t)/Ott2/OO2/0.15'5/()Iu~- -1 f- A f- F S,5 I f~ N NO-AP0106281 -A 15~ ---t E W-1CL -S- TF -0-- 1-2/2 01.8 UNCLASSIFIED PROCFSSING 0ATE--020CT70 GIRC ACCESSION NO--AP0106Z91 ~ABSTRACT/EXTRACT--(U) - ABSTRACT. I T15 ESTABLISHEP THAT OESAMINASE GP-0 POSSE-SSING EXCEPTIONALLY HIGH ACTIVITY IN MUSCLES OF VERTEBRATES IS CONNE.G-T-ED WITH MYOSIN AND DOES NOT-RELEASE FROM IT EVEN BY MULTIPLY- REPRECIPITATIONS. WITH ADDITION iO MYOS-IN OF' THE DOGS YlY1):ARL)IU.%lt WHICH ES NOT POSSESS THE DESAMINASE ACTIVITY4.THE PREPARATfG,%J-')F THE PURIFIED DESAMINASE OF THE SKELETAL.MUSC,LES THE RES[STANY C014PLI-X IS T14E ULTRAVIOLET SPECTRU14 OF MYOS;IN ---ABSORPTION JS Clk4G&D. MYJS.IN -BINDING DESAMINASE PRESERVES IT FROM THEi THERMAL INACTIVATION AND ~~-~J.NACTIVATING EFFECT OF ULTRAVIOLET:RAYS. DESAMINASE IS FOUND IN ALL THE SUBCELLULAR ELEMENTS OF MUSCULAR FIBRILS~HAVING ESPECIALLY HIGH ACTIVITY IN MICROSOMESO THE DATA CONCERNING'THE STUDY OF KINETICS OF AMP DESAMINATION POINT TO ITS COOPERATIVE INTERACTION IN MICROSOMES WITH AIMP AMINOHYDROLASE. THE SARCOLEMIC' MEMBRANE POS-SESSES THE DESAMINASE -4CTIVITY WHICH PRESERVES AF-TFR ITS TREATMENT,-WITH PHOSPHCLIPASE C AS WCLL- (iY TRI TQN ~ X- 100.' A ClINCLUS 14RN MAY 8~ DRAWN, THAT MANIFE.STAT I ON 'of: Tfir: OFSAM-INASE ACTIV IT.Y IN *TH~. SARCOLEMIC t4EMBRANF 03ES inr 'Dr-PEllo DN THF PRESENCE OF-Pll0SPH0LlPl0S*,BY MEANS OF DETFRGENIS1 TRIT01 X-100, D,t,.SdXYCH0(ATG AND DUDEL; ILSULPHATE T,HE..SARf_O4_EMIC MEMBRANE IS SEPARATED BY--. TWC7 Fl%iXTIONS AND THE DESAMINASI:1::AC.TI,!V;ITY:, IS~STULIJFD IN THEM. tli-_~l eL_l_t4SlfJ ED - - 7 _7777777 :-:::7: :7; _Y USSR UDC 51.621,~91 ~'WCHTFORUK, E. 1. meal lization of Disjunction and Conjunctic-111 in Certain Monotonic Bases" Kibernetiki [Problems of Cybernetics Collection of Works), No. 23, I'Moscow., Nauka Press, 1970, pp 291-293 (Translated from Referativnyy Zhurnal -Kibernetika,~No. 4, April, 1971, Abstract No. 41V469 by 13. Blo,khina). ...4Jranslation : This note is dedicated to the production of nonlinear lower esti- _.-mates.of the complexity of realization of'Boolean functions., , It is proven that An.certain monotonic bases, disjunction and conjunction of n arguments is re- ..Alized witka complexity an the order of nc, where the constant c can be arbi- high. More precisely, the realizations~of functions P.=X,VXJV ... VXn ..... by superpositions in~the base consist- of one monotonic function are studied, where 1>2, ::'_:m>2. Each of these bases gene-rates all monotonic functions except foi- constants _~4_and I It is noted that in base 01,m, 0, 11,'the functions Dn and Kn are _-realiz;~ with complexity on the order of n. Complexity of a superposition means the number of base elements in it while LO m(flireprosents the minifftum number 1/2 USSR UDC: 519.1 RECE[IPORUK, E. I. "Concerning the Topological Principles of Self-Correction. II. Chapter IV. Self-Correction in Contact 11-Circuits Moscow, Probl. kibernetiki--sbornik (Problems of Cybernetics--collection of vyp. 26, "Nauka", 1973, pp 5-9-26 (fr works am. Mh-btatematika, No 9, Sep 73: abstract No 9V461 by 0. Lupanov) Translation: The article is the conclusion of the author's work (RZhY;at, :L969,.12V365). It is shown that self-correcting contact ff-circuits can be synthesized for Boolean functions of n variables to correct a openings and b closings of contacts (loga=o(log n), logb=o(logn)), whose complexity is asymptotically no greater than i.~ e.,~s asymptotically equal to the Shannon function without the requirement of self-correction. An anal- ogous.result (among other things) was established by the author of the -It l6gi 112 ff logn )117 article under the conditions a-o, o or b-0, a-a b, log log a (R71ftt, 1969, 12V365). USSR uDc 621.396.967 Optimum Registration Unite for 1iadars" Radiotekhnika. Resp. mezhved. naicjr_.-'.z.-khn. sb. (Radio Engineering. Re- L public Interdepartmental Scienti aAd Technical Collection), 197' VYP- 16, pp 33-41 (From R7,h-Radi,)-~,.-.1-,1,,-iika, No 11, Nov 71, Abstract No 11G43) Translation: The paper analy-,-.:-., design procedures and optimality cri- teria for meteor radars. TL_- and operational properties of discrete deteri.-.-~: .,-. inertial and inertialess registers are analyzed, and recommcnd).L.'.,~ Lre made for. using theM. Estimates are given for the interference rev,-.6taace of a combination system:for inhib- ree il2u; rations bibliograpby of eigh- iting.prolonged radio echoes. Th, st.. teen titles. Resume'. ~P OtE Ft -SS ING DATE--OqOC*F70 :OZI mc SIF ED I'ME-7-~01RECTED GROWTH OF THIN SULFAJk~ FILMS -U- 'ITAILO, ~A-A.. 031-PALATNIXt L*S*t NA5OKAr M-N.r NECH .OF- LNFO--USSR w, IV ll_V. AKAO. NAUX SSSR, NEORG. MATEk. 1970,,-6(3)'f 409-13 -,-4.OAT,~El_ PUBL I SHED -70 E C TAREAS--CHEMISTRYt MATERIALS .77. ~~Ff-.-TOPJG:TAGS-SULFUR, POLYSTYRENE'RESINr CRYSTAL STRUCTURE? MECHANICAL J.~ N 14TROL MARKING--NO RESTRICTIONS ,...-.JXJCUMENT CLASS~-UNCLASSIFIED STEP NO--UR/0363/70/006/003/0409/0413 CIRC ACCESSION NO--APOL15741 LINCLASSIFIEO Z/3 021 PROCESSING DATE--090CT70 UNCLASSIFIED ACCESSION NO-AP0115741 q_-,-AdS,TRACT/EXTRACT--(U) GP-0- ABSTRACT. A METHOD IS PRUPOSED FOR THE -PREPN. OF THIN CONDENSED CUMPACT TH114 F I LMS OF S ON A POLYSTYRENE SUBSTRATE WITH A SEED ENHANCING HIGH MECH. STRENGTH QF THE FILM AT ROOM JEMP'. OF CONDENSATION. THE INFLUENCE OF. THE CON.C.N. OF THE S SEED vq THE :,PQLYSTYRENE- FILM SU13STRATE ON THE PORMATJON (IF THE ST'RucrURE OF CONDENSED S THIN FILMS WAS STUDIED. THE: MICROSTRUCTURE OF THE VACUUM CONDri__NSATE APPLIED AT ROOM TEMP. TO THE POLYSTYRENE_;SUbSTRATE W!TH THE .'SEE -0 TUR14ED WAS-VERY SENSITIVE TO THE INITIAL CONCN. OF THE SEED. BELOW ~'-A CERTAIN CRiT. CONCN. OF THE SEED (C SUBK-PRIMES IS SMALLER THAN 15.131, THE MICROSERUCTURE OF THE VACUUM CONDENSATE NO LONGER DEPENDS ON THE C -.,-,.'PRIMES. AT C PRIMES IS SMALLER THAN C SUBK PRIMES THE S CONDENSATE HAS -A..GLOBULAR-STRUCTURE. VACUUM. CONDENSATES OF S PREPO. ON A POLYSTYRE NE TRATIE'AT C -PR-fHES- EQUAL-S: L5~~-8: 2'8t;.5 `HAVE' X CO'ARSE- CRYST. STR-UC-TURC-. SUBS ..THE,.CRYST. SEEDS AT C PRIMES,IS SMALLER THAN:15.8 AAE FLAT SINGLE CRYSTALS. THE THIN FILM PRE-PD. BY VACUUM DEPOS.ITION ON A THIN SUBSTRATE .-CAN BE RELATIVELY EASILY REMOVED FROM THE GLASS~ PLAIELET BY IM4ERSING IT -IN'DISTO. WATER. THE OPTIMUM CdNCN. oF~S IN THE POLYSTYRENE FILM -UBSTRATE WAS C PRIMES EQUALS 15.BPERGENTY AT WHICH CRYSTo SEEDS 14EASURING IS SIMILIAR TO 0.1 MU IN SIZE;EMERGEt AWWHICH HAVE A STRONG ORIENTATION EFFECT ON THE GROWTH OF S TIAIN,FILMS DUAING,VACUUM -~ONOENSATION. IN CONTRAST TO SIMILAR FILMS -PREPD. OY OTHER METHODS, THE ::FILMS~PREPO.:BY THE DIRECTkO GRUWTH METHOD DESCRIBEO HEREIN HAVE GOOD ~'.MECH._STRENGTH RELATIVE TO VIBRATION.BOTH ALONG THE.FILM AND IN THE PERPENDICULAR DIRECTiON. UlPiC L A S S I F I-E D 89 LA ~~S_l F I E 0 USSR 546.22:539.238 PALATITIKY L.S.1 NABORKA,, M.N., ITAYLO Kharkov Polytechnical Institute st~~AY~ A ~*A imeni V.I. Lenin t er an Kharkov, Ministry of i r and Seconda Specialized Educat--on USSR The Directed Growth of Thin Sulfur Films" M-scow, bleorganicheskiye Materialy, Vol, 6, Ito '4, 1970, pp 4o9-413 Abstract: A method is suggested for reducing the critical thickness z~nd con- densing of thin sulfur films from vapor directly to crystal-. ..,line film at room temperature. The substrates consisted of thin polystyrene films containing sulfur seeds. The microstructure of the vactaun condensate applied to the polystyrene seeded substrate was found to be highly sensitive to The film, at thicknesses up to 201j, prod ced by the initial seed concentration. U Orienting substrate was concentration on a thin (about 0.1p) stTengthening and comparatively easily removed from plates by submersion in distilled water. The method provides high mechanical film:strength with room temperature condensation. Ilie optimal sulfur concentration in the polystyrene substrate :layer was,found to ba 15.8%, which produced seed crystals about O.lp in diameter USSR Msco w, Neorganicheskiye Materialy, Vol 6, No 3,. 1970, ]~p 409-413 having strong orienting influence on the growth of the sulfur films during -the course of vacuum condensation. Consequently, the nechanism of formation of the vacuum condensate can be changing the concentration of seeds in the polystyrene substrate, as by changing the substrate temperature. Intro- duction of the seeds to the substrate causes an effect equivalent to decreasing the substrate temperature by several.dozens of degrees. Vibration tests at 3. to 12 g ( showed the filmsto be comparatively strong in resistance vibration both along the film and perpendicular to it. No ruptures or cracks t o were:observed in the film after the test. 2/2 jg,Se'j~.vjce: Gp~ R Abstractij 74 ef. Code; 1`54926 INTERNAT. AEROSPACE AjBST. 01:r1 pi in thW~Nnu A70-2MI In"M i.9-8fitisawi v 91F a condensed carbon Mdl B. T. 60 Wnkikk plenkakh, kor4sn*GVW and A.' A. Palatnik, A. S. Usamfienko,! Nechitai (Kh Politek nia;mkii lnstltut,~ , Khark2 ~ni-~~SR Fizika Twerdogo: TOM, vol. 12, Feb-- 1970- p.- 492498. 24 refs. In: fts:sian. ';;.1 .6d Ehk"ndiffractiorl$iudyqf*bc6~filhi~ tain byWngan electron beam technioue: involv n In ion an unheated substrate. It is found that thefilm consists of aggreglptes of -ociented and ant. s~atteriit nonoriented. wher g regibris b*ed by disoriented carbor. aggregatis, :Both iorienW ano n6nloei4nted el ack coherent scattering region%, er0* formed by parall p ed ge,6phite lankes. Large interlattice. disances In ;the*ss blocks indiole on dtaracteristic to graphiteimpilrrnants In the mutualvriwus Wine of the parallel lattices. Thie- impirment Ii du .16 06 inseklon of parbon atoms between the lattices ~r4,~or!"Uon-qf disordaied, Wangly supersaturated solid solu%ions. Z.W. REELIFAME 19840130 USSR, UDG 21-7 5. 4 KARPEY L. S. KO, R. A. lysis of the Stability of a Cascade Transistor Ampl'fier Usinc, a Computer" _p014 tekhn. in-t Tr. Uralskogo a (Works of the Urals Polytech nical InsE:.I.c,jte) 1970 collection 182~ pp 156-i61 (from TL7,h-Radiot:ekhnika, No 8, Aug 70, Absc:ract No BD56) Translation; The stability of a transistor cascade amplifier is analyzed on the basis of the IXy uist number. The results, are presented in ithe form permitting q use of a digital computer for the calculations. The flow diaarata of the calcu- a -2 tion program used by the authors on the Razdan digWil computer is pro- I sented. The bibliography has seven entries. USSR. uDc: 519.24 Nz__AV_I_N. A,. 110n One Class of Adaptive Control Systemsit ~V sb. Zadachi statist. optimizatsii (Problems of Statistical Optimization -collection of works), Riga "Zinatne" 1971,,pp 121-130 (frbm RM-Kiber~ netika, No 12, Dee 71, Abstract No 12V4~6) TranslatIon: A method is outlined for constructing adaptive control systems under conditions of indeterminacyas applied to discrete processes of regulation in re&l time. A component part of the method vas an itera- tive procedure of stochastic ap roximation. A. control,algorithm is pro- Tosed. Author's abstract. 012 UNCLASSiFIED, PROCESSING DATE-09OCT70 MIC CONGENITAL ORTHOPAEDIC PROBLEMS IN THE STUDY OF SYSTE _01SEASE S-U- o4)-VOLKOV IM.V.j MEYERSQNw YEoM.~ NECHVULODOleAl P.L., YUKINA, OUNTRY OF INFO-USSR ~ho:'.,:SOURCE-ORTOPEOIYA, TRAVMATOLOGIYA IPR0ThZIkQVANIYEo-1970v NR 4, PP 8-14 -"'-'DA E-* PUBL ISHED--70 T ----;Bl OLOG I CAL AND MEDICAL _,508JECT AREAS SCI NCES GS-80NE DISEASE, HEREDITARY DISEASE, LESIONo DIAGNOSTIC MEDICINE --NO RESTRICTIONS CONTROL MARKING DOCUMENT CLASS-UNCLASSIFIED ~-P.ROXY.-REEL/FRAME---1990/0593 STEP NU--UR/9115/701000/00410008/001-'j __C_IRC__ ACCESSION NO-AP0108808-- 17: -7, -112 012 UNCLASSfFIED PROCESSING DATE--090CT70 ACCESSION NJ--APOlOb8O8 ABS.TRACT/EXTRACT--(U) GP-0- ABSTRACT. THE INHERITEU SYSTERIC 13ONE DISEASES, BELONG TO HEREDITARY AFFECTIONS' OF THE: CONNECT IVE TISSUE W ITI-f '14ARKED:SKELETAL AND EXTRASKELETAL LESIONSY AND CONSTITUTE A LARGE GROUP --OF-, DISEASES 'WITH A. WIDE RANGE OF CLINICAL MANIFESTATIONSo. A NUMBER OF CLINICAL SIMILAR SYSTEMIC BONE DISEASESARE THE.AESULT OF MUTATIONS IN ~VARIOUS LOCUSES AND REPRESENT GEliocriplES.. THE (XPRELATION A14U 4NTERUEPENOENCE BETWEEN THE CLINICO ROE.NTGEN,OLOGLCv.LABORATURY AND ~GENETIC METHODS Of INVESTIGATION IN HEREDITARY SYSTEMIC BONE DISEASES IS -.DISCUSSED. - THE GENIC MUTATIONS ARE CONS.I,DEAED AS TFIE CAUSE OF DEVELOPMENT OF SPORADIC CASES OF THESE 01 1SEASES-9 ANCI THEIMPORTANCE IS ..STRESSED,,DP,THE. KINDRED AND STUDY OF ISOLATES IN THE ELUCIDATION OF THE RECESSI VE-~'. FUND OFHEREDITARY RUTAGILITY, -THE ROLE,qF DIAGNOSIS OF -AND JHE EFFACED FORMS..OF- DISEASES. IN. YHE l'STUDY OF T14E ~A ,~_.:_'~-PENETR 8FI-1-TY AND EXPRESSIVITY OF~'GENES. 45 DISCUSSEDO , _4 . . FACILITY: _:~~j'_"-TSENTRALONOGO INSTITUTA TRAVMATOLOGII I ORTOPEDII. 1'i L. A.3 a F VA E 0 USSR IMC 620-179-132 GORBUNOV, V. I., B. I., AIMRS)n-W, 14, D., DMIrAVICH, A..KH., GIZATULiX1q_G. G., ZABRODSXIYI V. A.:0 ezd OPOICIN,, V. I. j Scientific Research Institnte of Electron Introscolry of the Toask Po4technic institute 'imeni S. M. Kirov of Checking Aluninum Articles Using Inver" Scattered 1y Svexdlovsk, Defektoskopiya, No 5t oat p; 43-46 Ab3traCt 1 The theoretical premise of the method of checking. welded closing joints of aluminum structures 3 mm thick using inversely tscattered x-rays Is considered. A description Is given of the detectL)q hoad of the defecto- scope.: The experimental data which characterize the limitations of the albed-3defectoseope are presented-L The effective sensitivity for GXP031ng imperfections of the cavity type is 0,5 =3-* Further increase of sensitivity can-be attained by increasing the capacity of the tube., Five illustrations. USSR, SIMONOV, V. D., __M, ,KOGAN,L M., ANTONOV, L. T., BUMAKIN, H. M. "The Problem of Industrial Production of Mucochloric Acid" Dokl. Neftikhim. Sektsii. Ehshkir. Resp. Pravl. Vses. Khim. 0-va im. D. I. a Mendeleyeva, [Works of Petrochemical Section, Vashkir Republic Administrtion of All-Union Chemical Society imeni D. I. Mendeleyev], Vol 6, 1971, pp 334-338. (Translated from Referativnyy Murnal Khimiya,.No 4 Moscow, 1972, Abstract No AN683 by T. A. Belyeva). Translation: A continuous technological process has been developed for the production of mucochloric acid by the reaction of oxidative chlorination of furfural (1) with the o3timal parameters: molar C12:1=5.6:1, specific producti- vity of reactor 80 kg/n, -hr, volumetric ratio of.1 to circulating solution: 0.1-0.15, temperature 95-100' (maintained by heat of reaction), yield 80-82%. For:fine dispersion, the C12 is.passed throkigh.teflon bubblers with 1 mm diameter apertures. A diagram of the process7,1s presented, USSPI NE E SIMOWV, V. D., IVANOV, A. V., GAZIZOV, R. T.,~ V. N1. KHRENOVA, N N. "Method of Producing Octachlorocyclopentenell USSR Author's Certificate No 303312, filed 6/01/69, published 28/06/71. Na 4, Moscow, 1972, Abstract No (Tr~abslated from Referativnyy Zhurnal KhimiyA3 ~4NSW by T. A. Belyaeva). Translation: Octachlorocyclopentene (I), intermediate pruduct.for synthesis of,.-pesticides, is produced by chlorination of hexachlora'cyclopentadiene (II) r octachloropentadiene in a medium of chloros lfonic acid (IIQ at a tempera- 0 u ture of 40-45*. C12 gas is passed through'a mixture of 8.1.9 g II and 140.g -hr r III for 5 at 40-45*, gas temperatu e about 20* (2.3 1/hr). It is then cooled 10. filtered, the precipitate is' washed, with: water,, dried in air, producing j p. ~7-8*. III is returned to the process. -16 USSR UDC 0' .988-73 022-39-598.4 'V KAMNOV, Ye. K., NIKOLOV, 7. V., NEDELCHEVA, S. B., FATP A7:STW-', -A -Yhqj~.--~L- i?nvYri,-PvA .. - I OV, I. G., LEVA, M. G., DENCHEII, St. I., and TUPL' 'i' Vanc :EF Logy. Institute for Specialization, and lid ad Training of s:LC3.ans,-.Republ--;C Antiepidemic Station.'and. Zoological Institute and Auseum -the~Bulgarian Acaderrjj of Sciences,.Sofi~t f Bulgaria o ffAquatic and Sviamp Birds Carriers of Agents of Infectious Diseases. Com- munication I: Ornithosisil Hoscow, Voprosy Virusologii, No 4, Jul/Aug~71 PP 437-441 'des alon7 one J.LiDor t3 Abs'ract: Since Bulr-aria tant fli-ht route of migrant aquatic an-4 swavqp fowrl, a serological investigation i-,ras performed on 350 "Jild birds caught alono, bu.1garia1z; 131ack, Sca 511iore =d Danub-u R--*i,.?---%,. Specifto ,Lnti- bodies against ornithosif. t,,cro -found in specLrens belongerix[r. to the oi-ders Ardiifornes, Pcdicipidifor.:.,es, Lariformes,,Rallifornos, and Charadri:Lforxes. Ili somee areas dcnsely popuLated by vild ducks, antibodic.,; agai.=t ornithosis virus vere foxLnd in 21.81-1 of wild ducks, 2'11 44-7p' of done-stic dr,.cks in neigh- boring, farms, and in ;:4. of people. Thean fi-ndin,-,s zuport . Pr-v ou ly F the 1 5 i7xatJ aquat-1c, and. awamp ibin's pliy -an L- ort--nt adv nced hypotherlis at A role iii tile epidc:idology ornithosis in natural foci and in th-c transmission of this dise". 54-ic owl E-- to dov-.e "- f -4 'o hu-ians. USSR UDC 0-16-988-73-022-39:598.4 KAMIOV, Ye. K., NIKOLOV, Z. V., NEDELCHEVA: S. B MTEVA-STOYEVA, Yel. V., N St. I., ani, TURILMV, I. G., EDELCHEVA, N. F., FASKAIVA, M. G., 1rQH7V Chair of Epidemiology, Institute for Speciali.zation and Advanced Trainin, of Physicians, Republic Antiepidemic Station, and Zoologicall Institute and Museum 3.a of the Bulgarian Acadeqr of Sciences$ Sofia,,Bfagar "Aquatic and Swamp Birds Carriers of Agents of Infectious Diseases. Com- munication 1: Ornithosis" Moscow, Voprosy 'Virusologii, No 4, Jul/Aug 71, ~p 437-441 Abstract: Since Bulgaria lies along one ikoartant flight route of migrant aquatic and swamp fowl, a serological investigation was performed on 350 wild birds caught along Bulgaria's Black Sea shore and Danube River. Specific anti- bodies against ornithosis were found in specimens belonging to the orders Ardilformas, Podicipidiformas, Lariformes, 'Ralliformes, aw.1 Charadr-Jiformes. I n some areas dense.1y populated by wild ducks, antibodioi against ornithosis Virus were found in Zl.&-~ of 'wild ducks, in 44.7~ of domestic ducks on neigh- boring farms, and in 54. of people. Thesa findings support the previously advanced hypothesis that migrating aquatic.and swamp biMs pl; 0 ant ay an imp rt role in the - epidemiology ornit-hosis. in natural foci, and in the transmission of this disease to domestic fowl and to humans. USSR UD C535.37:621.375.8 BOL'SHOV, M. A., GUZEYEV, I. D., ZYBIN, ~A. V., KOLOSHNIKOV, V. G., MAYOROV, 1. A., NEDLERV. V., MAUNDEL SHTAM, S. L., TIMOFEYEV, Ye. F., and FILINMINOV, "Determining Small Na Concentrations b7 the Fluorescence Resonance Method Using Tunable, Pulsed Dye Lasers" -..Minsk, Zhurnal Prikladnoy Spektroskopii, Novdmber 1973, pp ;821-824 Abstract: The subject of this article involves the method of fluorescence resonance In the use of tunable radiation dyc lasers for detecting sriall concentrations of elements. Experiments designed to demonstratc~ thO DOSS1- of this method in the saturation mode of resolianee transition with Naas the element to be detected are described. For the excitaticn of the -)f th Na vapor a rhodamine laser i e 6Zh type., pumped by the sc-cond harmonic radiation of a neodymium laser, was employed., The dur at~on of tl-.e nulses was 2-10 sec, their power was 10 the widtll of the fluorcscg-llce 14ne I X, and the tunable ran,-,o 560r,-6200 was an inter,,,al of 20-.I~ 5ec bet"ieco sc ill otl,4, U!ieji 1Z "r,"M of th(% equipme nL is givea, to,,wlhor wl,,At ciir-,fp. lor tlt!C Of t.;P2 iPR~tl: 026 UNCLASSl;FtEV`:'l PROCE$SlNrk DATE--30OCT70 AND THERMOUYNAMICS OF: ARGON 'DI.SSOLUTI:ON 114 A~JUEOUS .,,ETHYLENE GLYCOL SOLUTIONS AT 25-700EGREES', U- ~`.'~AUT_HOR_(0Z)-KRESTOVv G.A.v Nja~.LLQL, _B*YE. 2..*.C(IUNTRY OF-INFO--USSR -'~SOURCE-IZV. VYSSH. UCHEB. ZAVED.t KHIM.. KHEM. JEKHNOL. 1970, 13(l), 17-20 ~~'-D'ATE P UB L I S HE D------- 70 ECT AREAS.--r-HEMISTRY, T-0 P I C: TAGS--'3JLlJBILITY, THER'MODYNAM11CS, AkGb.'J, ETHYLENE, GLYCOL, ENTROPY J.jif,~PX~ -REEL/ FRAME-- 1995/ 15 72 STEP NO--UR/0153170/0~13/00110017/0020 [~CRC AC NO--AT0116980 ___UN C' L As S I F I E 0 626 ONCUA~SSFFI*M` PROCESSING DATE---300C170 p. JRC 'ACCESSION NO--AT0116980 c t 'A .1 BS TRACT/EXTRACT--[U) GP-0- ABSTRACT. THE~OSTWALD SOLY. COEFF. 10 PRIME3 :-GAMMA OF AR IN H SUBZ 0 DECREASES FROM 30 AT 25DEGREES TO 19 AT -:700EGg EES. FOR SOLNS. CONTG- 0.25 MOLE FRACTION (CH SU6Z 01i) SU62 IN H :I...SUB2 0, 10 PRIME3.GAMMA IS Z7 ESSENTIALLY INDFPENDENT:OF T MP. AT HIGHER CONGNS. OF GLYCOL, THE SOLY. OF AR INCREASES vJT.4 TEMP., I.E., 0.6 MOLF FRACTION GLYCOL FR12M 10. PRIMED GAMMA EQUALS 28 AT 250EGREES ~JO.37 AT 70DEGREES. THERMODYNAMIC DATA.ARE CALCO. FR.014 THE SOLY. TEAP. RELATIONSHLPS. DELTAF SUBSOLIN. SHOWS LITTLE VARIATIO14 WITH CONCN. OF (CH 5U02 OH) SU52 AND 15 SIMILAR TO 4000 CAL-MOLE AT 25DEGREES AND 4700 CAL-MOLE AT 70DEGREES. DELTASDEGREES AT 70DEGr~EES DECREASES FROM 5700 CAL-MOLE IN H SUB2 0 TO 3500 CAL-MOLE IN H SUB2 0 CONTG. 0.,7 MOLE -.FRACTION GLYCOL. ABOVE A 0.15 MOLE FRACTION GLYCOL,,DELTAIIDEGREES :SUBSOLN. SHOWS LITTLE EFFECT OF TEMP* AND.INLREASES FKGM MINUS 500 CAL-MOLE AT.O.15 MOLE FRACTION TO 1000 CAL-MOLE AT 0.7 MOLE FRACTION. -.-IN:-THE SAME RANGE, CELTASOEGREES SUBSOLN. INCREASES FROM MINUS 15 TO 10: ENTROPY UNITS. FACILITY.,. UVANGV. KHIM.-TEKHNOL* INSTot VANOVO v USSR- USSR NEDEL"KO. S. A. "Deterministic Models of Certain Probabilistic Automata" priboryi sistemy avtomatiki. Resp. mezhved., temat. nauch:~-tekhr. sb. [Automation Devices and Systems. Republic Interdepartmental Thematic Scientific and Technical Collection], 1973,, No 27, pp 70-73 (Translated from-Referativnyy Zhurnal Kibernetika, No 8, 1973, Abstract No 8 V400 by the author) Translation: The possibility is studied of extending methods of synthesis of probabilistid automata to deterministic-automata. The models suggested in this work use a shift register with The results pro- duced in the work can be be applied. in practice in the solution of problems of mathematical physics by the Monte Carlo method. SSR -2 uDc 62i. 7~ .3 'V --:KOV B. V. Mr- SfiB -I coc)rjinatlve T , ~016ee:-- 7- Ij 4, Uz L~ . ftcad,2ny of PH- j A. F. loffe , , Sciences t1r, eU, S SR :2n, iCl L 7P C- G-a-1-1al-L,= 1101 Klo 9, Sen 71, PP 1695-1699 -o fred i-,nd jrrec!n: 1. wi th ar, S - Sh a- C. aC--~ 4-1 r i~pituxj,.-A. gall" P11M Struc-luln-'s The 21(-.Ctr4,. -d s ti c,~i i U' ramraet,:.,rs of the,,~c- dt--vices are pre ~~'M I-, is t--,at tile of r 4--D tjjOSe Of LI L s -uscd on other ma r i a Is . USSR uDc t 621.371:538.c69.4 x" NEDIRVAYEV, A. M. , C-PUDINSYLAYA, G. P., BOG014OLOVA, Ye. V.. M-A~% Measuring the Absorption of Ultrashert Waves by Urees Tr, Mosk. energ. in-ta (Works of Moscow Power Engineering Institute), 1972, Vyp. 119, pp 167-170 (from EZb-Radiotahnika, No 12,:Dec '(2, abstract Flo 12A301 by N. S.) -de of the freTaency dependence of Translation: An investigation was ma absorption of ultrashort waves with normna incidence on the tips of The measurements were made by usin.- various arrangements of felled trees a special cell to simulate forests of various df~nsit-*cz;. "I-je i!iealsure- ments showed that trees (birch vand spi-tice) are etisenUall-y opcolie to deci- meter waves; attenuation rises irith an increaseAn working, freqiiency, and lie season. (due to is higher for conifers. Attenuation also depends on t variations in the moisture content of the wood and the thicknesq of -the treetops). One illustration. n c roma t Ele t 0 P o9a io USSR uDc: 621-371.332-3:551.463-7:538.3 XEDELYAYEV. ]~,-M., PPAKHOVI V. P., OSETIROVA, T. A. "Determination of the Geometric Characteristics of the Surface of the Sea From the Signal Reflected by the Surface". %Y. Mosk. energ. in-ta (Works of the Moscow Power E~.girieering Institute), 1972, vyp. 110, pp 80-83 (from RM-Radiotekhnika, No 8,~Aug 72, Abstract ~No.8G50) Translation: The paper is an exposition of a theory of scattering of elec- tromagnetie waves from a coml-lex rough surface wb-ich in a sul),~:vpositior- of Vwu hinh of uncyc-mcm 7.-.- lnTr-.r-. vavva anil the rimle-Ar COV~-rinfl: thom- Mo theory is based on the Kirchhoff approximation in combination with per- turbation theory, which makes it more accurate than the theory:based on the Kirchhoff approximation alone. The latter gives satisfactory results for incidence close to normal when the effect.of the fiae structure of the wave can be disregarded. Bibliography of three titles. ~N. S. 6i. "A. 6 A USSR UDC 621.315.$92 GUSLIKOVO V. X., YEIMEL'YANEKKOO 0. V.0 NASLEDOV$ D. N., EOGLO, D. D., and "Effect of a Magnetic Field on the Ionization Energy of Small Donor Impurities Ih GaAs and InF' Leningrad, Fielka, i Tekhnika Poluprovodnikov, No 9, Sep 73, PP 1785-1789 Abstracti An analysis Is made of the ionization energy of small donors as a function of the magnetic field interwity in the area of f4iUrly weak fields, using as specimens pure GaAs and InP crystals. As described in earlier arUcles published in the -journal noted above (V. F. Dvo~yankin et al, 5, 1971p p 1882), experiments along this line bAve already been conducted. In the present paper, the analysis noted above is made by considering the Hall coefficient as a function of the temperature under various magnetic field intensities. A table of the parameters for-n-G&As and n-InP, together with curves of the Ha3_1 coefficient, as functions of the temperature, for the various types of specimen listed In the table is giver., Curves am also plotted for the Mal coefficient and the resistivity as functions of the magnetic field 0 intensity in GaAs at 4.5 K and for the change in ionization energy of small donor impurities as a function of the.. magnetic field intensity. In this last curveq the thecretical results are compared'with the data found by the authors of the present article and others. -J! UDC 621.315.592 I)VORYANKIN, V. F., YF1!ZL'YAM'11,O, 0. V.. NASUDOV,,D. 11.1 -TELEGIli, A. A. "Electric Properties of n-GaAs'Epitaxial Layers" Leningrad, Fizika i Teklinika Poluprovodniliov, Vol 5, No 10, October 1971, pp 1882-1887 Abstract: A study was made of the Hall effect, electrical conductivity and mobility in n-GaAs epica.-cial layers in the temperature ranpe (if 2.5-295 K. The layers were obtained by the mathod of gas epitaxy on a semiinsulating sub- strate made of galliwi) arsenide alloved with chromium, and they had an elec- tron concentration of 5.7-1014-4.9-1b15 CE27,3 and a current carrier mobility of 7,500-8,000 CM2/volt-see atT=2.,j5* K. The mavAmuta mobility in Lhe investi- gated layers was 104,000 CM2/volt-sec. In the n-GaAs epitaxial layers widi 15 CM-3 n > 10 at low E!.catterin:; of the neutral atoms of the au- e dapendence of -mixture becomes significant. From analysis of the temporatur the Hall factor, the donor concentration ii , the acceptdr concentration IN 9 d a and the ionization energy of tine small donor admixture E were determined. In d 1/2 USSR DVORYANKIN, V. F., et al., Fizika I Tekhnika Poluprovodnikov, Vol 5, No 10, October 1971, pp 1382-18.37 la yers with a concentration of n 10 15 cu;-3 a deep admixture level was de- tected with E Z 0.1 electron volts. The concentration of the admixtures deep giving a deep admixture level decreases with an increase in the purity of the layers. In the purest test piece (n = 5.7-1014 cm-3) no deep level was de- tected. The ionization energy of small donor admixtures decreases witii an -increase in their concentration z Is jjl/3. d In order to perform a more detaile d analysis, measurcmeatt; of E in cry- d stals with a different degree of a dmixture ccmpensation are necessary. In addition, the possible dependence- of r, on temperature -must be considered and d studied to which variations in the number of Admixture ions In the crystal and variation of the screening effect of the current carriers can lead. 2/2 ------- VAT ~L - ----- sot L -- - ------ ------------- ---------- OF RESSFARCH IN -.HE CIM!,%UCAL IM3THY At 2. rcce=t m*4 ting, the- Bo-me. of Dirtotoro or th, chamic i zoatintry Into thl r-%%t-?r cof V~plvmnntiap the Covernzeni plan for ociettif1c work ard use of sciezc" and tt-chmelo6y, achlave"at.3 in the vhemL!:a.1 izl~z r4, a"a e&'~Au - - 'Me mz,-rl an thAs, =%ttor'wau preneme umin~L chie or th~ i5cien'ce ana uctn-jiou Bmnch or ii,7 axird. .11mr rklivemmw of the flold, in d-vrnlo;'!~tnt of Gainitifis mzd~ technologic&I pror~mza nrA Uvied ;eriow; In Om 1rpl*trnmt%tiqn of the r1cm for introducing tev techmovizy Into I-iw;try. rGr the ;mzt 7,,az of the eurr~.nt. 5 y-mra, tonALirmhle ork lian ~tta by reumarch workera, exper1ront&I conatroators, pi%nm1r,7 or6*Lm1'zs-Is-v5, and enterprimea of thQ Chnnionl t.i,mtry rnird on :lylng toak-. problems und intrclua-Inj, zelerce aro mthtevzzAmt~ into intwitry. In 1971.1917, in onterpriava of the chemi~:rll Inaurtry Tburd, rw.,n *-w tq- . - - a- prolacts r=' articles wer- introduced, er,-.clall y 1*11",e proiu-ticn vto discontimM on 04out 1,10 ~ba "C pr,);!icta wert-jnprovcd. (Ion of new techm li'~ t3 inpr(vement of techr-iml-ecot,ordc Indmes n mi4ii-qj of the vms'.miz3l livul of production, Thus tim qw)l in -'~IM to 6,1'2 rdllion rubles an against 193 IdUllcin in 1771 Fhv taterial con%=;ption per ruble of merchsndlzed produ-.-t "a dear;zral ani,paderI 2.1 rercent.. t4t%lem--im. of technological proareati in thia,field contributed to 03tablLchit:43 of ~ efficient technological processes and mthods for Produt-ing rev themiTal -roducts and articles. The development of P. process phosphoric sold from KaratQu pbot;rhorite3 was a, for Makirg Concermted step Ir. tht ;rola-tivi of valtip3~-,tse fertilinerv With 'I hi6h riitritive-5-t-n- con-tr. N~~, H~h-mylu,_-tivity s~hTrri for Mtkit!-, acill P-.1 tLn=n1tin zit=t~ wcr~.- =;tt-rcd and a nunier C, rt~ly ~Lnl de~elop%.enl, or vw! te-Itnolooy for naUr.; eh-=ile_'-~ for vl~nt nrvtt-~ticn At thC POIDt3l.11 ch~-=Ical ccw_1,trn, 'le first indiitrial nqnipcerlt t,a% In t~~lar rcazt;nrz, ani a. t~" Crxz_1=_1 -Mvrt, ~44 ,wt~ an i~~. r .;t-riles -tm c,7irpleted nad niv stadi- . PITte t~s wez- .7.3d. on c0=;1 x scl-zzj~ f ;,aftf~ir.4.Xor d1spo=1, of utLate umtora from at the Fervnr~ayak ("'Mrst. of IbLy") chemical plant, ennurind a rLo3sl c;jr1l. 1c.34 ;trt of the Math 71vo-Tear Plan, m-vLh~As vere uiaterej ;~or wny ntv hi&.ly ccccentrmttC rool aJdjtVvQ: anti fertilizers proper-Lile3j chemical menns of protecting z1A;2ti;1 ct-v!_=iC,.1 rv;arz of tk-tttr 4U&UtY, pdlY=x.=tmrIa", arA other ;rot=tat. - Coanaditlits of every-JAy cht-mist-ry vere.made available in a widetr sxznr1__&;rt and - bet-r 4=11-ty. W!th twee 5=2!3-'P-Ll C=pIttiOn or mloy Laaks of the State plan for 1- zcV2nt1=-. renmrth work %n-1 uze or t. Ite achio.--cwnta in "Ilence aul tac, logy, ir the --hemlemi .1r,:Ustrr In this ptriod, th4 organization ani uniortaXing, r' all A.U-ttitr, arms zoy=azot C.11trz-a'a Comi4mij, Zoyar.Lhlor fChlorlne ana-coyupmin-rato 11-ritte.- L ;moto not In the Tirst half Of 1973, the plaa for.naw t_-c::=j;ues or. t~-_- Ycskrv=en;;)v, Gorlevski ard Sho4tUm.2sk 1b,-CUI fi=Z, th,) Y,;1`,y-.hTv3k c~.q.-_L-A M-n-ttiry, r1zhr.) Itig-Ilak plastic,& '?atc-Y, 17-7,10,37? chii'_1111 Mtro R--tory, Gutwl~k_,k sulfur combice, e'1V!i=i1 ~='tErv?, ftrrl the 1frsh7U,.h1w. firm wan not imple-tom-ed. or cxp-rizrntal a.%I ;-' ',it P22,-,t -;,,xirment for tnating nr ;rot,~zt* nal aotLlnir~; data for rcalv-up to larg~-tvnnagi A- thn :~.j:ac~j arr1r4tnt d1rcli.or 'or cni-uTc-l Injustri-s r F ~1, -1,4 the asnintmat director or c:rAr fgtut,, 1,wtit-Ate of the Y- Lr..u3-.rY7 A. 19/Alv~m~r the amaintact chief c' P",I the All-Uninn As3o-L%tion of thi 7r.11raW -Mran--~ry dcP~rtr.,jnt__E A. Kteh~-- ,At""' the chl-f of the All-Union fis3ociation Sortirlehinrot( Z. M-ri 1!rtztnr 0: it'll I -ientific Reviarch lnGtitutc 'n Fit n' tack part in thc ditcui*lon of V. R. ZirAL repor OY L4 zAt,~ in tht confere. Mnister of the ctiamical Induatry -ice, Lil,'~/-' KOC~A prtip"ned U%t the ranag-ir of the association take wmagurls *=21rmte thl dolly in It:Vloranting thie plar for new techniqjas in l5rj3.i Ile ftl~o walled the attention of the tcinsger of the All-Uttion aosociation to tht ract that, &3 soon as possible, the matter or readiness to undertake and c.-gwdzt ths implPtentati on of thils plan in'IYf4-lqT5 should to eranjred. X-6. EXPERtMhI4TAL,STVPV OF T119 DISTRIDUTICS OF THE Al-1111CRIUS IN KILTILASERED FILM STRUCTURES OF GALLIUM, ARSENIDE CROWN BY THE METHOD OF LIQUID LPITAXY [ArtLtle by A. A. "bin. A. A. ZakLt~arov. 1. V. KaaWeva. N. K. N*dev. .X-H-rxiga ~akV. Liningrid,-N~vosibirsk, III Simpozium po rotsr.F.- p.,tg i qj"tra pnIuFr nt;..-kh Kri.%*11" i 1912' p~ "01 i3el This paper covitains a discussion of the resul to of an of rho admixture distribution in film structures of G&AA C1 the n -"-I. n vi~, r-0-1 ty" i"d othem grem from, the, reltl"~ lu tie.." usta;: forced cmlin= and using a temperature gradient. The candltions. of, epitaxial grouth of tae film arc Lh. folloW11142 the **turat.toa temperature ul the oolution-molt in 800- t..VQO'.C,_ the coollrivr#te~ to 1-115 -deklialn. the,tcrrgreturr stradient to 2-10 des/=. Tini gvr=nium and --tnc were us ,ed zz the allminx adrizturwt. *The di"trtb6tion of. the'admixtures In the stvIucturvi obtain rd v"1nvestir,.- by the-krawn. .6nde methzda sud alsa,ustur. the..che=Lcal dcrzr~ tion procedure. ~dnveloped'Jor':Aslllua Ar-fttuldt- *,--The-.zrsm=cti,.dewrLiLtraEcd. the,- depending on the c 'onAttiono and the growthropimes, sharp transiti.ons of the admixture concentration. art obtained betweaft the layers and &too structures with. intermediate high-jagistance and lov-rwaistance layers. , It was dtoca~red that.whem using.the te"erature gradkent.mthad, a more uol form, dis tributlem of: the AdmUtUres Its. obtalned,wit4 the layers. The measurement results ih.tatnad by diffemat vanthods atrav quite well with sAchother. -.USSR UDC: 621-398 DMITRIYEV, V. F., Candidate of Technical Sciences, and KOLICHIK A.:.D., IMILIKO, A.-Y., Engineers "Experie -ion of the TN-100 noes in the Installation and Operat Remote Control System" Moscow, Pribory_i Sistemy Uprav1eniy;Ek1 No 91 1973v pp 19-21 Abstract: Details of the installation and operation of the new re- mote control system TM-100, designed by the Ts,14-LIK-k (State All- 'Union Central Scientific Research Institute of Complex Automation) and 141PIllef tekhimavtomat (Scientific Research and I- n 'lanni g Insti- tute.for Complex Automation of Production Processes in the Petro leum and Chemical Industries) in 1966, The system prototype i-.,as built in 1968 by the ZTA (Plant for Remote Control 1~quipment), undenient interdepartmental testing, and was put.into production. This equipment provides the answer of these principal taChnical problems: a duplex method for transmitting signals in a communication channel using standard telegraphic cha"el-forming equipment; a combination of highly message rol of safeguards and synchronous operation independent of noise; ccnstant cont. communications channels and such system.devices as output remote control units .1/2 USSR DMITRIYEV, V. F., et al., Pribory i Sistemy,Upravleniya, No 9, 1973, pp 19-21 with no false command outputs; economy in reproducing information through the use of memory systems; and automatic.self-modifying programs for corumand output in an emergency situation. Photographs of the system control desk and the receiver-transmitter UPP-KP assembly.are produced, and a summary of the results obtained from installation is given,~together with mome relevant technical ape~cificaticns. 2/2 1.5 USSR UDC 614.833 ti -Kiev,.VzryvooT)asnos Metallicheskikh Poroshkov,(Explasion ders), "Kaulcova, Dumfca,' Hazard of Meta1J1c Pow _I971, IkO PP Translation of Poreword: In the production and.-oroeessing of powNra, particularly atal powders,: gas can~develop with a solid phase ofvigorously.oxidizing substances with-:..heat separation capable of.igniti":and exploding under Specific conditions. In the Soviet!economy.a great deal of production is linked in one way or another withthe production or..reprdoessing of fire or explosion danger powders. The relative significance of powder metallurgy enterprises is on the-inorease. Of.particular danger is a.large group of metal powders characterized by low ignition temperature, high calorific power, and developmont of high explosf~on pressures (dust of aluminum, megnesium, zirconiuzu, titaniu:jm, iron, various alloys based on them, etc.. The self-ignition of, industrial aterials alone causes a yearly materjalloss of tons of million M rubles. It should be noted that a tehdoney to an increased number of::fires has been observed. Many enterprises are producing new 1/7 28 77777 USSR NEDIN, V. V. , Vzryvoo-oasnost Metallicheskilch Poroshlcov., Naukova DumkaT,-" 1971, 150 P materials without appropriate safet-,v* measures. Other enterprises, however, take unn6cessary safety measures, which results in con- iderably increased product-on costs- In order to develop a s L safe technology for the production and use of powders, it is necessary to have exhausiive data on spontaneous ignition and explosion properties. The determination of these characteristics involves serious methodological difficulties. Tho known methods have basic deficiencies, This makes it difficult to use them in practice. Moreover, additionaldifficulties arise due to the lack of an exact terminology. 'The literature gives information on the.exulosive characteristics of powders of predominantly organic origin, There are much less,data on metal powders, and these data are over many different periodicals. "'he book of M. G. Godzhello, "Vsryvy Promyshlennykh ?yley i 1kh 'Preduprezhde- was published in 1952. The works of 1. V Ryabov, S. 1. Taubkin, and M. N. the gap in the literature. Kalganova do not fill For-these reasons, the authors decided to write this monograph, in which the methods of rating fire- and explosion-danger powdors 2/7 USSR pasnost, Metallichoskikh Poroshkov, NEDIN, V. V.:) Vzryvoo ova Dumka_,1_T97r' 140 pp I!Nauk are critically analyzed and investigation results are reported. It is very irroortant to have data on:the physico-chemical properties of powders and gas-suspended-particles affecting their activity (dispersibility, concentration of particles,. specific surface, oxidation degree). Therefore, paAicular attention in the book-vms giver. to methods of investigating these properties and'determining the rapidly changing in time concentration of particles suspended in gas. The authors thank t1leir colleagues ms of Material Science of the at-the Institute of the ProbI6 Academy of Sciences UkrSSR who participated in bbe investigations. Translation of Table of Contents: rd Forowo 3 Chapter 1. General information on burning of metal powders Ln a gas medium ........... 5 oxidation mechanism Sparking and flare-up 7 3/7 29 US S R REEDIN, V. V., VzryvooDasnost' -Metallicheskild~ Poroshkov, Naukova Dumka, " TT7a_,_1W_PP Ignition ......... . . . . . . . . . . . . -Ignition energy ................ The warn-up time of the particle up to its, ignition (induction period) Ignition mechanism of.metal particles Theoretical investigation of ignition Burning .................... . Burning mechanism ............. Convection of burning and transition oonditions of burning into detonation.,,.,,. Chapter 2. Some information on physical propertles-of metal -oowdars and their investigation method Chemical composition of powders .... Brief information on physical properties of powders and gas dispersion systems 0 Dispersion composition Lof: powders Investigation methods of powder.San,d the solid phase of ga-s dispersion systems ......... 4/7 9 io 12 13 16 18 21 24 25 27 39 45 -777777 .1 USSA NEDIN, V. V. VzryvooDasnost, Metallichoskikh Poroshkov, aNaukova Dum-ka, 1971" 345 Pp Taking samples of the solid phase from gasAlspersion 'systems I..* ......... #too*@ Od OL4~.~040-0.0.10i- 0... 0.0.0 46 Determination of the concentration of-'partl:oles suspended in gas 52 Determination of the dispersion composition .......... 56 Determination of the spOo if io aurf;~ce -of powders 67 Characteristics of'.the explosiveness: of metal Chapter 3, powders and methods of their.investigation .... 72 Ignition sources i.. *ie~. 44 1. ........... 72 Investigation methods of the pyrjo horic capacity of P powder . .... .... .. .... 75 Gloving temparature 77 Temperature of self-heating and spontaneous,ignition 78 Ignition temperature 79 Hininnim i nition ener 81 g gy ~General information on investigation m6thod6 of the explosiveness of ~5/7 30 USSR V. V., VZrYV00pasnostr 116tallicheskikh Poroshkov, --1-971, 140 kova Dumka--IT Pp : Deviess of the Institute,of the Problems of 1-faterial Science of the Academy of Saiences.VkrSSR f or the .-investigation of characteristics of-,the:explosiveness of, powders Desoription of devices, -Construction selection of:theatomi er and atomization conditions ........ 91 Investigation oil' the concentration distribution in the model-of the explosion chamber w.'. ...... ooo.* ....... 95 selection of the igniter ......... 98 -investigation of the effect,of initial gas.pressure on the explosion parameters. 101 Pressure developed by 104 Lower.concentration limitlof ex~losiveness:w 109 fze ......... Upper concentration limit: xp n ' Minimum temperature and ignition~energies.of atomized powders ..... *o ....... foe 117 6/7 121 123 127 128 132 Acc . Nr. Abstracting Se e *.~_ Ref. Code B T -70 0 5K6 0 2 ALI A AP004883 CHEMIC S 9W28x Conciscolpie study of dendrite structureii in a thin film oUpoly(oxymethylene) dlaeetate.; . MiWilov.. M.;. Necikov, vsoh 1970, 2J( !f(A E. (USSR). V amot. Soedin.,S~r. 13' Conoscopic studies W,dendritic and'ovoi' structures bbtairi6d in b thin layer of fused title Olymer sho%~td that a resal,vid difTrac- tion t ern.could he obtained froft, th~in with a W4114611imited, entirely fine, ana ~veakly ihteni~e li~bt biam which converged at a short distance, from the object. Tbe'reliitive position iif the ititer- ference maxima is due'not, to diffraic6on. d the; sym. cl~sposed, ap- prox. identical scattering elements of -which the spherulites con- 'Fe) s 51fit, but to diffraction of the-diffe~entIin form and !~i catter- ing elements which at first. *giance, appeared to be chaotically ar- ranged. DBJR J REEL/,FRAME 1:9800,599 USSR ITEDLER, V Symposium on Spectral Analysis of Low Lovel and Trace Elements" "Moscow, Zhurna-1 Analitichesk9l Khimii, Vol 25, No 4, Apr 70, pp 806- 807, -Abstract: The symposium was hled in October 1969 in Tbilisi and covered the following topics: Current,status of standards for speo- tral.analysis of traces and low conoentrat4ons of elements (ABASHIDZEs N. F., and GRUDINKINA, N. P.). Metrologic problems in the area of industrial control of the composition of pure compounda (ALDLA.HITT, I.~P -O,ZAKHAROVA, E. N., et al).. Criteria for accuracy,,reproduci- ~-c Iiiy and sensitivity of analysis of high purity materials (ARAKEL'YAN, N. A., and BELYAYEV, YU. 1~.,:et al). Method of periodic scanning of the spectrum as a means of detecting weak lines (ABRP-&TSON, .-I.. S.,.ARAKEL'YAIT, N. A., et al).~ Mass.spoctroscopic methods for sis of pure substances (GLAVIN' G G.., and KORMILITSYN, D. 11.). analy 125 Wo :USSR NEDLER, V. Zhurnal Analitichask2Z Kbimii.,. Vol 25v No L~, Apr 70s pp 806 607 The use of atomic absorption method in:analysis of.pure materials d etermination of microimpurities (BRITSKE, M. R., KATSKOV, an d D. A., et al) Spectrochemical determination of impurities in a materials (KARABASII, A.. G., ZAIMARIYA, N.: F., at al). Active- Ur P tion.methods of analysis of pure ateridls;:(YAXOVL9V, YU. V.). m ..-.Contemporary spectroanalytieal instrumentation foranalysis of --pure substances (STARTSEV, G. P.). A series of papers was concerned'with spoctrochemical analysis, h as: concentration of impurities by extractiono or b7 extrac- sue tion of their bases (BARANOVA, L. L., at al; BELORUKOVA, S. N., at al; ZHIVOPISTSEV, V. P., at al; 1COLEENKO, L. I., et,al; YUDELEVICH, G., at al, GONCHAROVA, N. N., at al);.by coprecipitabion (DVORTS- MAN A. G., at al; USTDIOVA, A. M., etal); by ion exchange chromato- Emaphy (11COMAROVSKIY, A. G., at al; OTMAKHOVA, Z. N., et al), or -,'Airactad crystallization (ZOLOTOVITSKAYA, E. S,). The papors of _...,MAYBORODA~ 1. K., at al,, LARIKAP L. K.,~ at al, W_J~LOV,.N. A., at a1v 2/3 .1 1 AII I;. 4A 11,11 _'1USSR MWLER' V., Zhurnal Analitiehesk9y Khimii, Vol 25, No 4, Apr 70, 806-807 P p KMASOVA, N. B.~ et al, and ROGINSKAYA, L. K., et al, were concerned yis * At omic with increased absolute sensitivit'y of spectral anal a absorption analysis was covered by GONOH~ROVA, N. W., et al, and YUDELEVICH, I. G., et al. BLUDOV, V.-D., et al, and AWONOV, A. V., et 61, discussed lumineseentanalysis. Possibilities of using an atamic-fluoreseent method with impulse~evaporation of the sample ~wa s the subject of GUMEV, I. D, et,al, and KARYAKIN, A. V., et al. A novel method for preparation of standards for spectral analysis was discussed by KUZIM-PSOV, YYU.. N., et al,. photoelectric spectroscopy of ~residual impurities in semiconductors ---by LIFSHITS, T. M., prin- ciples of various.stages of spectral analysis __ by ZAKILARIYA, N. F., -and methods for determination of the observation range and criteria ~-bY. KLBERSHTEDT, '10. 1. 313 120' _14 7 USSR NEDLIN, G. M., Physicotechnical Institute imeni A. F. loffe, USSR Academy -of Sciences, Leningrad On the Theory of Exchange Interaction" Leningrad, Fizika Tverdogo Tela, Vol 13, No,10, Oct 73, pp 3048-3052 Abstract: It is shown. that when examining i,ndirect exchange interaction between magnetic ions a and b through a noniagaetic ion 0 it is necessary to account-for the exchange interaction between a magnetic,ion (to which 0 -ferr d): and.the ion pair Ob. This e ne of the electrons of ion 0 is tra= interaction is of the same order as the.inte'ratomic exchange interaction ~betveen ions.0 and b. USSR Brucellosis Departme t, Kazakh Scientific Research Institute NEDLIN, G. V. n OV!, 0~~Pathology "Dynamics of~S-Reactive Proteins and'Organic,Aiitoantibodies During Two Different Methods of Treating Brucellosis" Alma-Ata, Zdravookhraneniye Kazakhstana, No 7, 1971, pp 28-30 Abstract: Serum titers of S-reactive proteins.(SRP) and of autoantibodies (tested on antigens obtained from the brain,,liver, spleen, and.connective tissue of healthy young men who had died inaccidents) were determined on f brucellosis patients. A total of. 34 patients received symp- two gfoups 0 r without antibiotics, and 43 patients were treated tomatic treatment with o with specific antigens (vaccine or brucellin). After the.symptonatic treat- ment,both SRP and autoantibodies were found in fewer patients and in smaller concentrations, while after the specific,treatment, a large number of patients had a,higher titer of both factors. Since the presence of SRP as well as of autoantibodies in the serum is indicative of intensified, destructive tissue inflammation, it is recommended that.-regular SRP and autoantibody tests be run.on patients receiving the specific.treatment against brucellosis6,which should be replaced with the symptomatic treatment if necersary).. USSR S. ...NEDOREZOV, S. (Physics-Engineering Institute of Low Temperaturea, Ukrainian Mal nces, Khar'kov) `Spatial Quantization in Semiconductor Films" Leningrad, Fizika Tverdogo Tela, August 1970, pp 2269-2276 Abstract. An analysis is made of the spatial quantization of the energy spectrum in semiconductor films with degenerate.bands. It :is shown that electron states arise as the result of spatial quantization in the valence bands of germanium and silicon. The upper subband (nearest the border of the valence band), to- gether with the points of the minimum and maximum, has saddle:points, which logarithmic,singularities in th density-states. The method suggestcd cause e for determining the dimensionally quantized energy levels (subbands).from the own band structure of a solid sample is Applicable to semicbnductor films Vith- a thickness -L a (a is the interatomic distance). USSR UDC 6171-001.1'/-092.'9-085.38-07;616.36-008-072.7 MOSHIVINA, R. V., Pathophysiological Lziboratory (Professor N. A. Fedorov, ot Medical Sciences, USSR, Chief) of the Central Insti- tute of.Hematology and Blood Transfusion (Professor A. Ye. Kiselev, Direc- :tor) "The Effect of Immunohemotherapy on the Function of the.Reticuloendothelial System in t1he Liver in Burns" Moscow, Patologicheskaya Fiziologiya i Eksperimental'naya Terapiya, No 3, 1971, pp 59-61 Abstract: Because of the vital role of the RES of the liver in immunization reactions in burns, tests were carried out of the effect',of immt;notherapy onits function in dogs during the acute stage of burn sickness. Three series of experiments (20 dogs each). were performed: sexies one -- control animals with thermal trauma; series two -dogs.with similar trauma, treated with burn convalescent serum; series three -.-~dogs treattid with serum of intact dogs. Twenty to twenty-five microcoulomb radioactive colloidal gold solution -- A.U198 -- was injected intraverk6usly into each animal. Blood was-taken from the femoral vein every 5 minutes for 30-45 minutes until minimal constant gold level was reached. A standard burn of 15-20 percent 1/2 USSR IVEDOSHIMA, R. V., Patologicheshaya Fiziologiya i Eksperimental'naya Terapiya, No 3, 1971, pp 59-61 total body surface was applied for 15-17 seconds to a depth of third degree burns by means of electrical apparatus. Active reconvalescent serum with 1:16 and 1:32 antitoxin titers were taken from blood of dogs 1-3 months after bum. Immunization and normal sera were administered to animals in doses of 10-15 milliliters per kilogram starting 4 hours.after the burn for 5-7 days. Depression of ingestive capacity of hepatic RES function was noted with marked slowing down of AU198 ingestion from the blood, demon- strating diminished phagocytic activity of hepatic cells and probably due 0 day to slowing down of the blood flow and subsequt~ntly -- to entry into the bloodstream of.decomposition products from the focus of the disease. The ingestive function was restored an the:7th day of i=iuno- therapy, whereas in dogs treated with normal serum it was restored an the l3iffi. to 15th day. 212 -M Bmm Ottilies USSR LWI 617-001.17-07#616.42-008.6-07 hophysiology laboratory# Central Institute of Hema- tology and Blood Transfusion "Change in Uptake Function of the Reticuloendothelial System After Burns" Moscow, Patologicheskaya Fiziologlya, i EksperimentalInap Terapiya, Ho 2, PP 91-92 Abstracti Fifteen to 20% of the body surface of dogs was burned shortly before they were given Au198 Intravenously. The uptake of the xadioisotope by the ratiouloondotheli HES) waschmrpl inhibited fnia the first day, 4 system (I y Clearance of Au19 from the blood was two to three t1me:; slower than norm-al. This inhibition continued with soze fluctuations until &,Y 23 rXier the burn was inflicted when RES activity returned to noxml. The louered KI-) activity was accompanied by general depression of the animalst ano:vexial and dovelop- ment otweak granulationn with copious suppurative cUscharges from the wound. -Thust a blockade of tho RES, an evidenced ~y the increace(I timo Of AU198 ULP- take froa1ha blood# is one of the palhological changes,tilat ariso in tho body after a burn. TJSSA D., LYTJ A XSHCHIKOV TLIY A. M., 1,=SPASOV, A. V SHFrNDLII' A. YE. "Possibilities of Using Gas T~xbinez and Magnetagas-Dynaraic Gei~ez-ato_-s at Ato.,Tdc- E-ElecIzic Power Plants with High-Temperaturre, Gas-COO'led Reactors" -Moscow, Te-plofizika Vysokikh Temperatur, 1101 8, No 2, I'larch-A-pril 1970, ~PP 379 -393 This article describes an investigation of the possibil't-es of atomdc- Abstract; I electric power plants with Gas turbines and magnetogas-dynamic. generators, usin,~; _,ns of 1,200-meE;awatt power units. Altlaa-.4-'h - er as examples prelirdii-ary desift pow be built in the near future, e)- them for Lo L units, of this type ,rill no select'on this study has pen7iitted not only evaluation of the technical "iararu_1,b!!rs of the z~ Jr basic economic inde xes. The artici i on a report plants but also the.L e larJer the presented at. the meeting of Ithe mgnctogas-dym. 7~ic generator g~roup Inteirnational Atomic Agency in Paris, Jamuarj 1970. The article contains disciissions of the thermal circuit and basic elements -electric power plants with gas-cooled, reactors and c,"osecL Unas turbines, of atomic -mosition of these plants, design pr -0- the equipment co. inciples f z plasm =Gnetogas- dynamic generators for electric power plants, the thermal circuit of atomic- -metohydrodynamic electric power plants,with steam tur5bine~tomprebsor drive, and n 3ialg USSR 60= -plo: N MI12,101 COV, D., et al., TL Cizika Vysokikh Temperatur, Vo i0 2, Kirch-April 1970, PP 379-3103 00 'c-magnet-.)hydrocly-i,--iniic-electric povar plzint 2 000 the layout of an atomi ,reactor- and ras " turbine. Economic indexes sho,4ng the cost of elleatvic power ".d. specific calculatted expenditures of atomic -electric power plannts witla gas tur- bines and magnetorfas-dynamic generators based on:the 1980-196,R price level are ~tabulated. The ta7bulated data shows that atomic poiier plants with gas-cooled an p on s n,7 reactors have better over-all technical and.:economic indexes t,'. 1 t usi organ -lectric power is ic fuel. The specific annual expenditures of the atordc,L 2-3 times lower. The specific capital investments in equipment are ap roxL-ratel, P y same for steam power plants using orgmnic fuel and for it8mic-electlric power plants with gas turbines at 8500C or for magnetagas-dyn=ic fj-,enerators at 1,7000C. -It is concluded that even the simplest atomic-electric powerplants with gas tur- bines at temperetures of 85000 cannot beput into 6peration in less than ten or fifteen years. 2/2 YraVICAL TRANSLATION Iq 4 1r, FSTC-HT-23- 1093-71 MOLISH TITLEi 0, the Possibilities of Using Gas Turbine Iti%tallations SZ- ;kvid kingnetohydrodynamic Generators at Atomic Powcr Stations with fligh Temperature Gas Cooled Reactors rOREIGN TITLEt 0 Yomozhnostyakh 11spoll2wrani)-a Gazoturbiwjyj~h Ust=~-;o~ iaHGT3-Concrntorvv na ALS I V,oLotc-peraturn)"mi G zookhlazhdayeryrii Roaktoraml 9. B. 11-illiorshchikov, A. M. Lyullka, A. Nodospasov and A. Yo. Sheyndlin OURCEs Toplofixilct, Vysokikh Tep,poTatur, Vol. 8, No. 2,. 1970 Gn k"IP-03 I'll's NOT LEIRODUCIDIE'' Tranolttad for YSTC by Lao Kanner Asioristeg i%5OTICE The tontenti of this publication Jj'ave been tfins4ted at prczented in the ariginil tcxz. No attempt has been made to Verify the accur.1cy of any ttatement cusnAhind h-Tria, This tranilation is publi%6d with a tnimmurn of copy editini; atid graphics preparation in or6cr to expcdkc flic di~aesniiiatiov% of information. Mcqucits for addit:av%~l cupies of thil doemocni Ahauhl be Addres.-ccl to Department A. NA601W Techn1ral 140froation Scr~i~c, Sprin&fic1d,VitVinia 22151.Appro~c,J for public rcleam; dintilution unlitnited. This translation wao accompliohad from A x0rox manuscript. 'rhc &rarhics Warr. 110L reproducible. An attempt to obtain the ari6lnal graphles ~rlelded negative rectults. Thus. this docurtent vas published as is, in order to maka it available on a timely basis. gr, :f -038 UNCL4.SSIFIECi ,,WTifftl~_EFFECT OF IONIZED OSCILLATIONS ON.CURRENT 00 VE COLUMN -U- SITT ~-~,,,.:Atftfiok---N4[)IJSPASOVy A*Vo 'OUNTRY OF:INFO--USSR C P,0CE'ssiblo", INTERCHANGE Z-z-_,-,'-_S0URcE__lHURNAL EKSPERIMENTALINOYITEORETICHESKOY -'4 PP :L310-1317 ilR Al'-DATE PUBLISHED ------- 70 ~f_." SUBJECT AREAS--PHYSICS FIZIK[t OATE--23OCT70 INSTABILITY 1.970v VOL 58t `~-JQPIC TAGS--GAS DISCIIARGE TUBEt PLASMA INSTABILITY9 TUR13ULENT PLASMA, ION 3a-`i~-"'j)E,NSIT,Y* STRONG MAGNETIC FIELUt ELECTRON: Ii-Nr-K(;Yl PLASMA DENSITY, S,rR I BUT 101.4 FUNCTION ~IC ONTR 0 LMARKING--NO RESTRICTIONS ~CIOCUMENT CLASS--UNCLASSIFIFO ~~,ORO XY REEL/FRAME--1988/1490 STEP NO--UR/0056f7O/O58/004/1310/L317 CIRC ACCESSION NG--AP0106246 ITNP L AS S I F IF 1) 2 038 UNCLASSIFIED PROCESSING DATE--23JCT70 2 1 ~--CIIZC ~ACCESS I OIN IND-AP0106246 Tk;%CT/EXTRACT--(U) GP-0- ABSTRACT. CURRENT INTERCHANGE INSTABILITY OF '-A G-AS: DISCHARGE POSITIVE COLUMN IS CON.SIDERED THEGRET-ICALLY BY TAKING LN, TO ACCOUNT VARIATION OF THE NUMBER OF 1OP41LATIONS PF,'Z PLASMA ELECTRON. RESULTS AGREE WITH THE MAIN EXPEkIMENTAL FACTS PERTAINING TO .,,.,T,URBt)LENT. COLUMNS IN STRONG MAGNETIC FIELDS. IT IS S"HOWN THAT IN CONDITI.0-NS WHEN THE ELECTRON ENERGY DISTR,IB.UT.ION FUNCTION DEPENDS ON THE ,,.-PAL.SMA, CONCENTRATION THE STABIL-ITY OF~ THE', POS:ITIVE CGLUMN DECREASES. UNCLASS 11,11-1 FIH! 11 1, HA - - - - - - - - - - - as AP0037716 US 0000 PRMARY SOURCE: FBIS Daily Report,.SovietA. ion, 6 Marcit 1970, Vol III, Nr 45, p D 1 USSR -MODEL OF UNSTABLE PLASMA-4as a Werth SS_ D, seo:varies; by Sallet scientists Yuri -_Ivanov, Boris Kadom~jev, Art"11a v.:and Solornon Ryukin oulke it pos,3ible to simulate indstii~y unstable p1at:ma';of:thiriuonuale'a'r proce.s4es. Today, trie Soviet -entered this discovery in its regi5ter. Experimenting with s&mples of germanium semiconductor, the'authors discovered a phenomenon called screw-type plaama,instability and explained it. A possibility appeartd to substitute huge and very expensive installations, simulating pla=ma of thermonuclear syrr-,e3is by 3imple samples of tkie aemioondoctor and to te5t on them different methods of d=pening of plasma instability. 7rhe discovery also made It possible to design a 5erieB of original.in3trtzenta in which the instability Is,used for the generation and Intensification of electric o3cJllfttions. (Moscow TABS International English 2135 GMT 3 Mar 70 L), 1-97306:95 055 UNCLASSIFIED :PROCESSING OATE--27NGV70 ,~rl-TLE-POSSIBILITIES FOR USING GAS TURBINE, ASSEMBLIES BAND ,.-f--.~,-.,MAGNETOHYDRoDy~NAmic, GENERATORS IN A ~NUCLEAR~:POWER STATION WITH HIGH "-AUTf.ibR-(04-) -MILL IONSHCHIKOVt M.D. v, LYULKAt, !AiNst NEDOSPASOVt AoVot ,--,S 4 YNDUN A.YEs --!:'0U4TRY'OF--INFO~--USSR .`_'_S(_jURCE--TOPLOf:IZf- VYS. TEMP. 19701.8(2), TE BLISHED - ----- 70 Pu 9 JECT~ AR E A -P HY S I C S, NUCLEAR SCIENCE ANID TECHNOLOGY 0 1 C 'rAGS--GAS TURBINE, MAGNETOHYDRODYNA141CS NUCLEAR POWER PLANT, MHD GAS COOLED NUCLEAR RtACT0RifV)3000MW REACTOR,: --NO RESTRICTIONS MARKING DOCUMENT,CLASS--UNCLASSIFIEO 'DROXY REEL/FRAME--3008/0589 STEP N,O--UR/0294/70/008/002/0379/0393 An m r 5r-r-F~SION NO--AP0137674 -70 2/2 055 UNCLASSIFIED PAOCESSING DATE--27.NOV -CIRC ACCESSION NO--AP013T674 A3STRACT/EXTRACT--(U) GP-0- ABSTRACT. THERMODYNAMrC EFFECIENCIES JECONOMICS) AND REDUCED LEVELS OF THER'MAL POLLUTEON ATTAINA3LE IN HE GAS CiJOLEO REACTORS COUPLED TO GAS TURBINE~S OR MAGNETOHYDROOYNAMIC MD) NERATORS ARE DISCUSSED. GAS TURBIN G E, E DESIGNSt THEIR COUPLING TO .1200-HW.REACTORSj THEIR OPERATION AT 8"0r 95011 AND 12000EGREESi AND 1HEIR EFFICIENCIES OF 46.2-54.5PERCENT..;ARE COMPAPED AN-0 ARE DISCUSSED IN RELATIO-A JO COUNTERFLOW AND CROSS ~FLOW REGENERATOII..CHA;kACTERA,~',ICS. THE CHARACTERISTICS ANIll r=PFICIENCIP-S OF CARBIDE FUELED 3000-MW REACTORS COUPLGO TO MHO GENERATOR5 OPERATING ON AR-(;$ OR H~-CS MIXTS. AT GAS CJUTLET.TEMPS* OF 1733-1973DEGREESK AND REACTOR PRESSURES OF 5-50 ATIM ~AaE 01-SCUSSED. AN EFFICIENCY or- 57-:9PERCENT WAS CALCD. FOR A 3000-MW MHD COUPLED REACTOR OPERATING AT'A GAS TE14P, OF 2273DEGREESK AT A .-,:',~HGAT.:RECOVERY OF 90-3PERCENT; INCREASING1 THE INLET PRESSURE FROM 30 To 60 ATM REDUCED CAPITAL INVESTMENITS~ BY ;SIMILAR. TO' ;?SPER:CENT AND THE COST PEP, KW-HR BY SIMILAR TO 11PERCENTs 21 2~ 036 UNCLASSI FLED PROCESS I NG DATE-13NOV70 ACCESSION Nrj--AP 0 133 361 ~~:ABSTRACMEXTRACT--(U) GP-0- ABSTRACT. VELOCITY OF THE MOVEMENT OF THE lGiNflZATIOIN' FRONT WAS MEASURED FOR AN AR P-LASVj% CAR PRESSURE 100 TORRI CS PRESSURE 5.5 1-1,'-IES 10 PRIMENEGATIVE2 TORA I I N A PULSED, DISCHARGE TUBE, SIMULTANEOUSLY PARALLEL MIS P Ak A L L E L. TO) AND T(J: THE 44AGNET IC, F f ELD. THE PERPENDICULAR (V IS PERPEENDICULAR TO) * MOVEMENT OF THE PLASMA 6OUNDARY WAS CONSIUEREU Ari~DIFF:ERENT MUTUAL ELEC. AND- MAGNETIC FJELD ORIENTATIONS.: -THE VELOCITI WAS AEA.SUKEO PHOTOGkAPHICALLY. AT SMALL MAGNETIC FfEtDSI~ THL.~VELDCITY V 1.5 .~~_.:PERPENLIICULAR TO OF THE FRO.XT Di:CREASES WITH THE~ ANCREASE OF T~IE PRODUCT 04EGA.SUBETAU E, ELECTkON CYCLOTRGN FKIE,,~UENCY 4ND:iMEAK FkeE FLIGHT TIME. THE APPEARANCE OF THE IONIZATION INSTABILITY MANIFESTS ITSELF WITH A STEPWISE UNCREASE OF V IS PEi~',PENDICULAR. THIS VALUE OF v IS PERPENDICULAR UEPEr-,IDS ON THE SIGN. OF THE MAGKETIC'FIFL:0. THE VELOCITY !ANISi)TRi,)pY CAN BE FXPLAINED BY ADDNL, 'HEAT RELEASF, BYS~IORT CIRCUITED HALL CURRENTS, NEAR THL MOVING P L ASRA f3uUNUAAY. K.GTS' (JF V IS PARALLEL 'AND V SUBI ARE SHOWN. FACILITY: :INST. AT'$ ENEAG. IM. KURCHATOVA, MOSCOW, USSR. .... ...... ml "Ifff I "Iffl, rilliff MITILIM IMM11 ml r USSR u rp, 616-9.93.162-()22.,jg-c64.47-036.8 SEMGM-1, P. G., Mr-IMU-014, R. I., 140SIMOVSKIY, Sh. D., T J. A , KELLINA, 0. 1., SHUYKINA, E. Ye., SEMILYEV V. P.j, DO-Milu-IIIIA, N. N., TRMPB~ '14. A., UGYOV,,.;N. Ye., LOSIKOV~ 1. If., 1. 1., -SUCHErMAKOV, V. A., 'YAR1.ViMW.EDOV;. r~A.JQ.Institute of Medical.Parasitology and Tropical Medicine and NEDOS~r=,A iMak-ye r sincvskiy, 1,1inistry of Health USSR, Moscow ItResults of Mass Vaccinations against Zoonatic. Cut-anevxs Leisimaniasis" YAOGCOV) Meditsinska Parazitologiya i Parazitarnyye Bolezni, Vol 39, Ito 5, ya Sep/Oct 76, PP 541-551 Abstract: Preventive mass vaccinations with a vi2 ulent strain of Leisar,.Lnia tropica major were found to give reliable:DrGtection aga-inst.cutaneous lelsh- 'he degree of =aniasls. On1v virulent strains can be used for v~Lccinmtion, Y inoculation with such strains is almst, IW,.i vie inccuLntive process hp:,,ring, as a rule, a favorable effect. The raxiui~n size of theyaccination lesion does not exQeed 2 cm in diameter in 3/4 of the subjects vaccinated. In practically all cases, the process does not last more th-an 5-6 montha. Morbidity c-Lcurred in Cho group vaccinated with the low-virulence ijtrain) anong.t2iose Vithaut ~lesions, and ariong those whose lesions wLire leas than'0-5 cm in diame-ter. Elm F7.T7777 -7- 777 USSR SEWJIYEVY P. G., et al., Yeditsinskaya Parazitolo6iya i Parazitarnrfe Bolezni, V01 39, NO 5, Sep/Oct 70, pp 541-551 Secondary pyococcal. infections represented the only complicationa obeel-led; allergic exanthem was noted occussionally. In order to prevent local and general allergic reactions after vaccination' it is necessar~r to exclude per- sons who have had cutaneous leishmaniasis. If past disease camnot be re-vealed. by means of anamnesis or medical examination., the intracutawous leislupanin test is recomrended. 'The leiml of the virulence in inoculative strains should be periodically tested, since inBignificantAnitial virulence or its weakening during culturing make a given strain unfit for preparation of inoculum. 2/2 jj,; USSR UDC 621.317.799 NEDOSTUP, L. A., YAVICH, A. A. "Automation of ContrDl for Long-Term Testing of Equipment" -n v radio-irom-sti (Exchazige, of Experience in the R-dLo industry), Obmda opyto. 4 ow, 1970, pp 77-19 (fron RZh-Radiotekhnika,,No 9,5ep 70, Ab- vyp. 5, Mosc stract No 9A133) Translation: on the basis of the operating experience o f one of the eater- Prises, the advantages of using automatic:~control devicos whe-n nerforming .1ong-range reliabiiii-.y tests on electronic measurizzig eq6tipment are dernon- .,.strated.: Mr 6teeis: USSR tbc 66,?.l5'24206-iq4 KACHALKIN,, G. S. &,ad KACIfALKINI V. G., Gcu-lkiy Auto- ~~:160bile Plant; Gor#f#W*WqhtnA.,stituie~ "Cast High-Temperature Steelz With'Re(lucecl Nickel Contents" Moscow, Metallovedeniye i termicheskaya Dbrabotka met-- l1ov, 11o 6, 1972, 57-58 Abstract: Die objective of this study was Kh24Nl2-SL loti-nickel steel as a replacement for Khl&,J25S2 and Kh181116 steels in accessories.and reinforce- r raetal included mento for beat 'reating fuma-ces.. Tile requirenents on: the nei scale, acid,, iear,and. hiF;h temperature resistance under the-vinal cycles of 20,-:kOOOOC. The mechanizal. propel.-ties of., the test spee-imens of the new steel were found to be those of the other Zteels. Microstruc- (J- tural examinations of the steel. eXter repeated anneals. for 5000 lir sh vied structural changes similar to tl;,iose in other,steelB. Tlie overall test-results of Kh2l;11121.1 steel eover.the entire set of:properties showed -from. those of the other steels in cur:eent use. little or no differences ..The present output of ca,~tings from the -new steel- amounts to no less than 80% of the total output of high temperatuire castings. 9rhe replacement of 1/2 . .......... wSR, UDC: 681.84 N EODKIN N. G., OVSHILSKrY N. G., SF--VLYAKU-V, YU.A IM-a: AI 1ZUQLZ,&_S. A-., BORODKINA, M. S.., USPF.NSKIY Y. I., S:Ofitr-TOV V. I., Kiev State University imeni T. G. Shevchenko and the:All-Union Scientific Research Institute of the Chemical and Photographic Industry "A Photothermopolymerization Data Recording Method" YO scow, Otkrytiya, Izobreteniya, ProvVshlennyye OI)raztsy, Tovarnyye Zaaki, 110 3, 1970,, p 48, patent No 259961, filed 25 Jan 67 Abstract: This Author's Certificate Introduces a photatheraopolymerization data, recording method based on the cross-linking:response of po),rr.--rn when they are expose(I to indiation such as 3ight. As a distinguishing feature of this =thcd., the resolving power of the recording is improved and permanent recordings are made~byconverting the latent image to a three-dimensional relief with subsequent fixation through the process of-heating the,carrier raterial to its softening nature and then cooling it. tem~ei UNCLASSI FIED PROCPESSING DATE--27NOV70 ING THORON# RADON-22-09,E:XHALATION _U ~.APTHOR-03)-STYRO, B.v NEOVECKAITEP T. :SENKO:v EoE# 4 OUNTRY -OF INFO--USSR '3bu 61 RC E.-- JGEOPHYS. RES. 1970, 75(IOIP E PUBLISHED ------- 70 rSUBJECT AREAS--NUCLEAR SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGYv ATMOSPHERIC SCIENCES GPIC TAGS--RADON ISOTOPE, NUCLEAR EMULS[ONt RAO I DAC T'Vi T YMEA5UREM;::NTv T SEASONAJ.. VARIATLONj GaOUND ONIZATION CHAMBER, NATURAL RADIOACTIVITY, URVEY ONTROL HARKING-NO RESTRICTIONS ~~_DOCUMENT CLASS--UNCLASSIFIED 75~PROXY REEL/FRAME--3007/1059 STEP NO--US/0000/70/075/016/3635/3638 -C-TRIC --- ACr-E--5-S-I-LIN-tiU---AP-01--36-479 __x UNCLASS IF JED ---- 7. Acc.. Nr Abstracting Service: Ref. Code IQ~ CHEMICAL ABST.41 r I03S80k Struchtre of clectrm~~bj~~'hwaiuo*,rmcoispec, triL in diamond crystals, N6djvjjW ilD (USSR). Opt. SpeNroxk. _17f Vj-'Wff(t)~! k" ~(R were - run, nescence sp~ of na~iral: diam qtijVt*K~; Vie interpretation of 2 sy W~ 4t 14: lovi! backgX=nd narrc ved. 94C61 in the ranges 4152 and 5032) kii '6nicr, vibia. tional spectrum- in the 4152 A reg, d to interaction on 0 of -the center %ith phonons of di t-vi aii~~ branches. fleren The fairly well resolved sharp lines In'the' 1u -' e 6ce spectra of-diamonds are:given by -the'dhim&er of: the ction idetg. the distribution 6fthe.vibmtionil frc44ency satris. The spectra are sfi4cted by the, interactions W~xeh'tA Ackti~nta(*ii4 Q ]OW, or.. olocali VAiations h of". PCs and e! #Y 49691 are to th!ft quasi C t ation Utcqueh Only w . intemctious occur between c d phbaons in diamond crystals, 6V4 REELIFRAME: .19801903 USSR UDC 621-791.763.1:669.24 LUGIN,.V. P.5 Candidate of Technical Sciences., and NEDZVETSKIY, G. V., Bryansk ~histltute of Transport Machine,Building "Spot Welding Nickel to Kovar" Svarochnoye Proizvodstvo, No 6 Jun 73, pp 17-18 Moscow Abstract: The authors show that J tis possible to weld 2an thick kovar to 0.5rn thick nickel on the TO-7 capacitor type spot welding machine with the aid of a lovi-inertia compression mechanism. Welding at a capacitor battery capacitance of.28 microfarads and a force at the electrodes of 28kg~producas the sLron,rrest velded joint with respect to rupture. Rupture strength is significantly increased by-increasing the rigidity of the.w6lding regime, Le.,,by reducing the transfor- mation factor of the welding transformer, 64 USSR. MOROZ-,O.,- VQKIY V. "k-Dr-eam of a Million Watts" Kdscow., Literaturnaya Gazeta, 24 Mar 71, P 11 Ab'stract: A popular account is presented of the xenon lamp and it's'-potential use in plant breeding and crop growing, especially brithe northernmost regions -of the- Soviet Union, where climatic fActors. are host -ile to agriculture.. Experi=Tnts have shown, for exaMle, that-early wheat varieties ripen 50:t0 70 days sooner under-xenon lamps than in the field and late varieties mature :70-to 80 days sooner. No special: equipment is needed for this p~irpose. VIhile the technical feasibility of,"indoor agricul- turel has apparently been daimonst'ratedthe costs,of electricity and..*other economic factors iwriaina formidablIe barrier. 59ar'71~ ~T. S R-( 0, rl'44.,~ "-C.41L It AT S" IA' r)y ,i. .4 7"t f 6V1;:-1'-'[i1YA WT'IM R! Y'Ov Am v C.1 V TL AND !~A I N E Fhi~P C- I ji L L' i 1:1 U T L Ar - L C I C. N: C. C T I -.~S P,&COM EN T' t LA S -ij-,3CLA S S I F I E D XY F L If R a M 1, 2 12 ~i -4 T F V, W_j - - UR 0) Of M Y; ~;,,O' /4"o' 0I'lu f 1 7 1 %4 7 K 7, ~Ir _T~ USSR UDG 771.531, BOGDANOV, L. M., GRECHKO, M. K. , DONSKAYA, S. A. , KISLITSY11, V. K. , and NEFEDGHEMCOV V. 11. Shestins-Uy BrIllich. Gozniik)drifotc_ Proyekt.Shostinskiy Chemical Combine a Processingit A New X-Rav Film for Rapid Mschir ~bscow, Zhurnal Nauchnoy Prikladony Fotografii, Vol 18, 110 4, 1973, Pp ~307 Abstract: The Shostinskiy branch of the Gos Ini'ltljlilnlfot~~prcyckt and the. Slic,_~4L..- 'd'Zly Chenicad Combine cOMPleted in 10,72 the'devclopn,,,nt of a neir mcaic3l. X-r':'y film the IM-1 Itillit which, in diritincilion from the X-oraY film, in suitable ftr rapid machine PrOcesning. Tl-.c this new film are similar to those of the -Irast GOM.Ml SLIPLrvidox H'_)ent- ell -ray. The ennulsion layer of the C: X . M-1 H1,11i fiL'q is thinne'r ti, 'I Film/x the RM-1 film, and of -111-he M-IT film that is being produced in series fol, tropical use; tile M."'Ision 3--yer of tile new MITI i"C; capable Of tile Fevere tempe-rature cond.-tions c) 1:,~Icldne Pro- cessing, each of the operations ef devejapil,.rt, fixing, an,d dryinj'-, reguire 45 Seconds. The 111-P, "DLI YMS beuri testod fc:r With entirel-Y result.,%,' tLrd is noir boilig P]'OdD'('~ '.In r!TAQ.5. 2 tablez. 2 if, 44, T'4 FJ W, Zrz~-A ~--. 15PGFE-11; 7yum MEW ............ 022 UNCLASSIFIED. PROCES:SING. DATE--27NOV70 ..-rl-TLE--MEASURING THORON, RADON-220i E XNALAT ION -U- UTH(jR-(03)-STYRO, B., NEDVECKAITEi T.t SENKOe E.E. --USSR _G''~OWNTRY OF, INFO T~SOuRC,E__j .GEOPHYS. RES. 1970v 75(18lt 43AL ~_'QATE PUBLISHEO ------- 70 ~~$U6JECT AREAS--NUCLEAR SCIENCE AND 'rECHNOLOGY, ATMOSPHERIc. S.C.IENCES ~JOPIC TAGS--RADON ISOTOPE, NUCLEAR. EMULSION* RADIOACTIV[lY MEASUREMEN't ,-'_:-"jOPlTZATION CHAP13ER, NATURAL RADIOACTIVITY1 ~SEASONAL VARIATIONv GROUND -,CONTROL MARKING--NO RESTRICTIONS .-:DOCUMENT CLASS--UNCLASSIFIEO -P.ROX.Y:~R,EELIFRAM'P'--3007/1059 STEP NO--US/10000170/075/018/3635/3633 ~CIRC ACCESSION NO--AP0136479 -k~r i A C lr-M in diamond crystals. ,Nc Opt. Spek nescence spectra interpretation (if 2 Systems ofnarfo in the ranges 4152 aud 5032 A is g -um, in the 43 tional spectz A. regil of the center with phononi Pf difl :The fairly well resolved W=p lines of-diamonds are,gi*en by.the'chw the distribution of the vibrational fri are affected by theinterictions betki D 1 7 i: At 7. k. j- t 2~ eraction L REEL FWE 198 1903 -7-7- USSR UDC: 621 ~:6059.24 .791.763." LUGIN, V. P., Candidate of Technical Sciences, and NEDZVETEKIY, G. V. -Bryansk -Institute of Transpor-t Machine Building "Spot Welding Nickel to Kovar" ~Hoscow, .9-arochnoye Proizvodstvo, No 6, Ain 73, PP 17-16 Abstract- The authors show that it is possible to weld 2.r-,M thick kovar to 0.5-rrn t1d-ck nickel on the TEM-7 capacitor type spot welding machine with the aid of a low-inertia compression mechanism. Welding at a capacitor battery capacitance of 28 microfarads and a force at the electrodes of 28kg produces the strongest welded joint-with respect to rupture. Rupture strength is significantly increased by increasing the rigidity of the welding regime, ije., 1~y reducing the transfor- mation factor of the welding transformer. 64 77 1 USSR.-. MOROZ 0. V. SK "k-_Dteam of a Million Watts" Nbscow Literaturnaya Gazeta 24 Mar 71, P 11 Ab'stract: A popular account is presented of the xenon lamp and its.-potential use in plant breeding and crop growing, especially ii~:.the northernmost regions of the.Soviet. Union, where climatic f&ctors are hostile to agriculture. Bxperiln eiits have shown, for example, that early wheat varieties ripen 50 to 70 days sooner under.xenon lamps than in the field and late varieties m&tLu;e 70-to 80 days sooner. No special equipment is needed for this purpose. 1.4hile the technical feasibility of !'indoor agricul- ture'.' has apparently been demonstrated, the,c6sts.of electricity and.other economic factora,remain.a foriddablb barrier. 2 UDC 771-531-37-778-33 ~USSR ---IMDANOV, L. M GfEGFAO, M. K., DONSK'AYA, S A. ZITO Mal, V.- K1. and ITEF EDCH ENKOV - V., 1-1 Sho6,tinskiy Branch,, Gesnilkhimfoto- ekt. Shostins kiy.Chemical Confbine a ~"A New: X-Rky Film for Rapid Machine 11rocessin It Moscow, Diurnal Nauchnoy i Priklarlony Fotografii, Vol 18, NO 4, 1073, 'CC-- 3CY7 i1stract: The ShostinsMy brp-,,c',,, ef the r, .1-i fli- A b r 9!ff yCherdica_l Combine cemnitAcd _Ln 1972- the dcvolorrient of a nev 4 j Tj (j j f;+ 4 11 C,11 j f~ )~ '?-, scriv:~-Pr film$ the oluced which) _X~Tay film, is suit-able for rapid machlflcl Proces"~ing. Me ~this new fi-Irl are SiMil-nr to t"nose of the East Genimi Sup~,rviuox Mm/x-ray. The emulsion layer of the HIMI, M-1. i.~z thinlier tLlu-. th_-t 01 -he lt~ f (j the Ma-l f i1m, and of 4-IT filta that is being produced it-, scri( r tropical use; the emulnion layer of thud ncw film is enpable of vith,~'Landir.,7 nd ti -WOCCIr 111)r- I- - IT 1-C the severe 'emnerature co, *onn Of r.'.:1Chj.riC Sillrl'. AX Cessing, each 0~ the Operations, Cf dcvuloning, fixing, anq require 45 Th,-f iP.1-1 fi- lia.- bf-'eyl tested f or -e. -vith onti t !*",!L, f k,~ nwl k';i."wir "n "!H, 2 -evcL-, P.~OCPSSIT3 DATE--!12,~070 1)'I'L ASS I P It!) -TI L OF AUTC10BILE '4 IG T I J *i C LN DITIJ.14S BY jF ~JmilurLKs "u -14EFEDOV, A. F. --USSR GUNTRY INfD ~:SWUrl,C E-C ALCULAT I ON OF AJTOM:~61LC MOTION CUNDITIrINS BY --ji- Cl-IM)TERC REZHI,'4(-IV UVlZHEiNIYA.AVTJMJ3ILEY NA VYCH[SLITELINYKH MASHIVAKH) --SUBJE :CT AREAS--MECH., IND.t CIVIL AND BOAR I INE ENGR TOP GS LICATION, AUTOMJBILE., DIGITAL FAG -MONO"RAPH, CWWUTH~ dPP CUMPUTERt MUTIOk. 14ECHANICS Tleb~,,_TRIGL M ARK I NG-NO RESTRICTIGN5 .-.DCU,ME,,iT LASS--UNCLASSIFIED C xy~ t*EL/FRAML--1992/128jR STEP ND--UP,/Ot)(10170/000/0u'0/0001/rlt7I t-IRC ACCLESSIGil Ni)--AM0112334 UNCLASSIFIED -..~212 012 UNCLASSIFIED PRdCESSING DATE--020CT70 C ACCESSION NG--AM0112334 TRACT-I&KTRACT-W) GP-(]- ABSTRACT. TABLE OF CONTENTS' PREFACE 3. HAPTER F METHODS FoR cALCUALTION OF AUTOMOBILE MOTION b. 11 EQUATIONS OF MOTION OF AN AUTOROBILE AND THEIR 53LIJT1,11N 29- 111 Tfir- EFFECT Of:~ CERTAIN FACTOJIS~014 BASIC tlPi:q,-llT[N(; INDICES 3F AUTUMIlif-AILE PEPr-ORMANCE 55. IV OIGITAL CUMPUTE~tS FJ4 SIMJLATION JF .,~.~.bPERATING CONDITIONS IN AUTOMOBILE MOTION 82. V CALCULATIO'4 DF -.AUTL-.IiJ--ILE MOTION ON DIGITAL Cf]MPUtERS FOR-SOLUTIGIN OF PRIICTICAL BIBLIL APHY FOR TRACTION :PWfiLFMS 138. IGP 166. ANALYZED ARE METHODS ~CALCULATJON USED IN INVESTIGATION OF OPERATING PROPERTIES OF -,AU_TO,'At3B ILES,. EQUATIONS OF MOTION AND THE~ EFFECT UF VA?IOUS FACTORS 014 ~DPERAT ING. -I-NDICES OF AUTOMOBILES. MAIN ATTENTION I&GIVEN TO METHIOS FOR CALCULAT-IONS ON DIGITAL COMPUTERS& THE~1300K WAS WPITTFN FiR N TECHNIC-UANS,v- ASI WELL., AS COLLEe, TU E TS -:TIST&q ENGINEERS-, s ,F) v E UNCLASSIFIED USSR UDC 621.382 BELOV, AMCSAIIDIR SEROMMOH; GORDEYEVA, YALTINTINA LFANCIMA; Interchangeable 'Native And Foreign Semiconductor Devices' Vzaimozsme!p~a uvennyya I zarubezhnNrye -jolp r -,o,,Yye pril)ory yAmyycj otechest _k_j~yodni' I' PP (cf English above), os--ow, Izd. "Energiya," 1971. ill. 32 k. Abstract: Information Is presented In this handbook concerning native and foraign semiconductor devices, re coruendat ions, are madG wLth respect to a select -analogo. and the nomenclature'is cited of sFaimiconductor too of approximate andbook is devices.and interohangeable devices of;a num!)ar of couqt~ie3. The h. intended for a wide circle of readers occuplod, with electronion., Forword Chapter 1. General Information 4 Nomenclature of foreign semiconductor devices 4 1/3 'USSR BELOV, ALEKSt1TDR SERM -EVICH, et al., Vzaimozamanyayejjyye. otechestvennyye i zarubezhnyye poluprovodnikovyye.pri)ory, Moscow, Izd. "Eno-rgiya," 1971. 104 ill. 32 k. Graphic symbn1a of semiconductor devices (taken from Ameri-qn scientific-teohnicaL.literatu re Forai5i h6ndbook publications on semiconductor devices System of nomenclature of native, semiconductor devices 12 Interchangeability of native and koreign semiconductor dovices 14 Recommendations with respect to selbetion and uo;* of semiconductor de7ices 18 Chapter 2. Interchangeable Transistors Explanation of tables 21 Table9of intorchangeable native and foreign trunalstors 26 OfAsings foraign truaistera 76 1424 - - 3/3 SHGINFAERIW.`~. Acoustical and Ultrason a. USSR UDC.534.2 q NEFEDO L. M. V "Fluctuations in Path Time of a Ray in an Underwater Sv4nd Channel" Tr. Sakhalin. Kompleks. NII [Works of Sakhalin Combined: Scientific Research ~Institutel, No 28, 1972, pp 38-39,.(Translated from Referativnyy Zhurnal, Mekhanika, No 11, 1972, Abstract No 11 B289 by N. K. lVanov-Shits). Translation: There is a linear dependence between disperqion of signal path time over a ray and distance between source and receiver in a statis- tically homogeneous medium with no refraction. A model is studied of an medium). underwater sound channel with a random gradient ffluctuatin~ Formulas are produced for the time-fluctuations.: It is demonstrated that the -dispersion of path time of a signal,: in the mcdium~:!for the given model are of:the distance. proportional to the squ UNCLASSIFTEI)l PROCESSING DATE"11SEP70 ,--T-,I:TL,E--C,RYSTAL STRUCTURE OF A COMPLEX OF:GERMANIUM D.TCHLORIDE WITH 1.,.k~,.110)jtANE -U- V.1.9 50KIY, N.G., STRUCHKOV, YU.TL.9 NEFEDOV, O.M., -'-,~-'i-,~KOLESNIKOVw -S.P. COUNTRY OF-INFO',USSR U91CIE, I ZH. STRUKT. KHIM- 19709 11(119 71-4 :-.DATE ~RUBLISHED------70 ROXY REEL/FRAME--1987/-,0316 STFP NO--UR/0192/70/011/001/0071/0074 ACCESSION NO--AP0103971 UNCLASSIFIED 212 019 UNCLASSI FIO! PROCtESSING DATE--11SEP70 -CIRC ACCESSION NO-AP0103971 GP-0- ABSTRACT. THE CRYSTAL STRUCTURE OF THE .-COMPLEX OF ~GECL SUB2 WITH 114901GXANE, GECL SUR2 TIJ4ES C SU34 H SUBB 0 SUB2, IS DETO. BY MEANS OF 3 DIMENS104AL X RAY DATA. TH~ CRYSTALS ~.BELONG TO THE.MDNOCLINIC SYSTEM, A 7.591 B 11.7.29: C,j 8.85 hNGSTROMS), BFTA ~EQUALS 96.30EGREESt ZETA EQUALS 4, AND SPACE GROUP [S CC. THE CRYSTAL -,-YS,MAbE UP OFENDLESS CHAINS...-GECL SU82-OC SUB4 H:,SUBS 0), BETWEEN .WHICH ONLY-VAN.DER WAALS INTERACTION EXISTS. THE G't ATOM FORMS TWO (GE-CL DISTANCES~OF 2.25 AND 2.28 ~.:,NORMAL ELECTRON BONDS WITH ATOMS OF CL .-,-;-ANGSTPlOM,S,,f -CL--GE 'CL-ANGLE EQUALS 94.6DEGREES)' AND ITS VACANT THIRD -P*13RBITAL,JNTERACT5 WITH TWO ATOMS:OF 0 (GE-O -DISTAN E F 2 41 AND 2.48 c s 0 -?:ANGS TROM I UNCLASSIFIED USSR UDC 5034.2 APANASENK011, V. A., NEFEDOV, P. M., SHAMMOV, I. P. "Study of Fluctuations of Propagation Velocity of Sound in the Region of the Frontax Zone" Tr. Sakhalin. Kompleks. NII [Works of Sakhalin Combined Scientific Research Institute], No 28, 1972, pp 25-31, (Translated from Referativnyy Zhurnal, Makhanika, No 11, 1972, Abstract No 11 B290 by N. K. lvanov-Shlts) . Translation: The Sakhalin Institute has measured the propagation times of a pulse signal in the surface layer of the ocean. The time of arrival of the leading edges (rays traveling through the mass of the ocean) and trailin." edges (surface rays) of the signal were recorded. The fluctuations in travel time (At2) were calculated for these cases. It was shown,that for the lead- ing edge, this quantity is practically independent of distance, while there is a linear relationship for the trailing edge between At.,', and distance (up to 100 km). This agrees with the assumption made concerning thv path of the rays. An estimate is given for the mean horizontal hoterogeneity, equal to 4 km. Acc. Nr. -.,Abstracting Service: Ref Code n A .08167 CHUIICAL~- ABST. UR r 134782b Briquets for silicolcalcium production. C, N%; Niefedov, VeroWev. V. P.; Rytis, M-1~ A.: fn;~Y. A.-a. (Ural Institute- W -Metai ~Academy o~ 4&--iences, U,054 (U.; I.; LIC), up jan 117 17 XjTpl. 2.3 Feb lvbv; rrom ulkryfi~d, lrob~ef- Obiaztsji,,'Torarnye oca ctum produ Znakf~ 1970, 47(4), Briquets for ililic I Ction were made from lime 60~7-n and !acirhnniferotts reduOhg agint 30~40 %vt- 17,0 toreduce the lasses'OCSi and the, con""Ption of charge materials. msex J REWFRAME 029 UNCUSS I F lE0 PROCESSING ciA'rE 230CT70 T.LE--TliER,'-IAL OARDFNINUG OF C0*-lPl)_S!TIl)l'qS CONTAWNC, ~ "P -.-OLYC'AF-THYLPHili,4YISILOXAt-,,E) AND FINELY DISPEI