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-.212- 021 UNCLASS I F I ED' PR0,C E S S M G0,A T E--- 20t 7 0 C_ IJR CACCESSIC-N NLI-AT0133576 -ABS TRAC~I/EXTRACT--(U) GP-0- ABSTRACT. T H. ERESPI--.-ZAIGR~Y A-,-,llVi'rY OF ._-jS0LATEU NUCLEI OF RAT LIVER CELLS, WAS TABULATED W11TH ANIJ NITHOUT ADJUD CYTGCHR0j'!E C, NADH, AND AUP AS WE"LL AS iGLUrAilAfEt S1_lC(l*LflAF[-, A~Nfl C114 P R I M E NEEG A T I V ETHE' :RESULTS THAT OXIDATIVE~ S'(Sl'Em~ :;RE PRESt'.111- IN THL CELLS OF LIVER STiWCTURE AN10 SPECIFICALLY IN l_HE,f-,iUcLi-:f OF THi~:SL- I - 'EL! S A~iD 1 S T CELLS Sb Tl-.'-AT NUCLEAR OX[DATfON PZlGC.FEDS IN VAklaUS C -LIMITED TC LY,`4PHjIDAL TISSUES fj~IILY. THE NUCLEAR ilbilk::~RANE A:~iD NUCL--l i~ SE ACTIVELY USE NADH AS rHt: SUBSTRA,rt-.; A L.i,55 fNlFl'#'SlVL- ST I PULA f I CN IrF I~E S PR, A rN 6Y til AU'll' '-' WID~ 4 f'Ot IS I IJI--- 14, A k"IL E -1 K il Ef,~ SE OF T H IS EFFECT BY ADDED NAO INJITEG. THIS INDLCATES THAT 1r. (lXl~,lzl_:0 14AIN BY ~l AN SulbSEQUENT OIEHYi~ROGE-:01111'1 OF N'Aoil. THE A6SENLE OF A PRONOUNCIED EFFECT. OF ADDED 5UCCl,,'.`ATl:_: Cti 0 SUB? U~?FAKE AGREED '61T;l Tl-,.*'r'_ LACK CF SUCCINArE 90:YLRUGENASi':~ IN Tli[i i'jJCLt:l'JR _STRUCLI'l-IkES UF 1HESE CELLS- AUL)ED ADP DID NOT SrlMULATE RLSPAIRATIO.N. RENCE i.XCGENCUS ADP EVIULfiTLY OIL) NOT PLAY A ROLE A.5, PHUSPHATE ACGEPTOP FACILITY: INST.~ bIOL. RA~_V. MOSCOWs USSR, i,._JN TFESE SYSTEMS. USSR two 533.69.o48 MONAMOV, X. X. "On One Analytical Solution of the Pz*blez of a Thin Airfoil Streamlined by a Hypersonic Gas Floiel Xazan't Aviatsionnaya Tekhnikal No 4p 1972P pp 14-20 Abstracti An analytical solution has been found for the straamlining of a thin tapered airfoil moving at very high opeeds in-a pulsating wave, when the exponent of its equation of motion equals 315, and the xztIo of hea.t capacities of the air Cp/Cv is 1.4. A dIfferential equation for tim autosimilar novement of the.gas man obtained eiid solved by analogy.mith a we4e. Using the entropy funotion, the coofficient of Meaure was caloulatad, The nohiUon was aub- sequently uaed to conatruct mathazatical xo"Is of flowarour4 vaxIoun mmlif,"ad airloi3a. Ecological and Environmental Problems USSR ffoUlMOV, V., Correspondent "The Influence of Electric Fields on Marine Life" Moscow, Izvestiya, 5 Aug 73, p, 4 Translation: Near Gelendzhik, an experiment has been performed involving geophysicists, biologists, ichthyologists and chemists. Its purpose was to determine the influence of electric fields on inhabitants of the sea. The success of the experiment would determine whether the approval could be given for electrical prospecting of the sea floor., Since evening, Vek.1lov had worried whether there would be fish. In the morning, he woke us before daylight and took us to the port. A light wind blew over the restless sea, but Gelendzhik Bay was empty, "Nothing," Edward said. "The boys, promised that there would be fish. The question is, alive or deadf" i rotasov. "Hopefully nice, fat "We still need some 14 e ones," sa d P ones, mullet, flounder or mackeral. That would suit me. Hc4r is Krylov doing? Ushina, how is she..." It was hot over the bay: not in the fishing season. Vekilov, of course, was not worrying for nothing. All night, his boys from the Admiral Nakhimov 1/5 7 77" 7 USSR HOMAKROV, V., Izvestiya, 5 Aug 73, p 4 research ship had gone from one group of fishermen to another, helping theTTI to pull in their nets -- as empty as the hole in a donut. Just before da%,m, they had a little luck. Now, fish were flopping in the canvas bins on the deck. The cabin of the ship showed comolete indifference: it was not in- tended for the ear. Now, I believe, its time to tell,you why Doctor of Biological Sciences Protasov came to Gelendzhik. On the way south in our slow AN-24 airplane, Vladimir Rustamovich told me: "Understand, the problem of conserving the environment is not the concern of biologists alone. Representatives of all professions which contact nature in any way must also be concerned. We are flying to see geophysicists. These people will be actively interfering with t~e life of the seas and oceans. "This is the problem," Protasov, continuad. "While we search the deeps for useful minerals, we may threaten the ichthyofauna, the fish and other animals in the sea. Like doctors studying a patient, these prospectors of 'the sea 'tap' on the crust of the earth:with explosions. Several methods of seismic prospecting which fatal for marine life nave had to be abandoned. Of those still used, I believe-the pneumatic methods to be the least harmful to marine fauna. Its effect can be compared to the effect of USSR MONAKHOV, V., Izvestiya, 5 Aug 73, p 4 opening a champagne bottle: compressed air under high pressure fires out into the water and special instruments record the waves reflected from the sea floor... But can we find still safer methods for the ithabitants of the sea? Geophysicists are working together with biologists to find them. An inter- departmental commission on efficient utilization of geophysical methods for prospecting in bodies of water has been set up. It includes -representatives of two union ministries -- geology and fishing -- as well as the Academy of Sciences, USSR..." Protasov, who knows fish as well as anyone else In the country, was named to this commission, His journey to!Gelendzbik wai3 a sort of inspection. ."Yuzhmorgeo" Union of the Ministry~of Gedlogy~ USSR, hail suggested that elec- tric fields be used to prospect for useful minerals. The Admiral Nakhimov sailed out into the sea. 01i board the ship were geophysicists, biologists, iclithyologist6 and biochemists -- workers from the laboratory for protection of ichthyofauna of "Ifu6morgeo." "I never thought "d have to make a serious sttidy of biolog!r," states the laboratory leader, E. Vekilov$ Oil: am it geophysicia,tf; by prof e!isfon. But now I don't know what to call myself, Judge for yoursalf: my dissertation, I = just completing, is entitled 'A Study of the,. Effects of Physical -Fields-on: USSR MONAKHOVP V., Izvestiya, 5 Aug 73, p 4 Along the walls of this laboratory are rows of aquariums filled with fish and wrapped with wires. Before performing experiments at sea, the in- fluence of electric current on fish was studied here., "Let us begin." Protasov says. The sailors began to trail a cable into the sea.: At the end of the cable is one electrode. The second electrode Is lowered overboard. The electrical pulses sent from the ship to the bottom of the sea will help the geophysicists to understand the geological structure of the crust. But for now it is important to know how the "population" of the sea acts during the experiment. Fish have been carefully placed in containers and also lowered into the water. The currentl ... The pen of a strip chart recorder draws the curve. From the ship, ire can see clearly that the fish jumped once, then became quiet once more. "Bring the fish in closer," Velikov commands. 116 makes rapid entries in his journal. Looking over his shoulder, I read: "In the region of action of the electrodes -- up to 2 meters -- large fish experience the influence of the electric field (Aba, it seems it was not ~15 chance that Protasov wanted big, fat fishl) ... And a pulse of direct 7. 7.'~ USSR MONAKHOV, V., Izvestiya, 5 Aug 73, p 4 current acts on such commercial fish types of the Black Sea as mullet, anchovy and haddock within a range of 1 1/2 meters..." Weli," Protasov says, when the experiment is completed, "you can use your method without harm to the marine life. I will report this to the commission..." returned to the bay in the eveni We ng, having be~een out to sea all day, without a swim. 5/5 UIZSR UDC: 517.94.532 ANTONTSEV, S. R., "On Some Nonstationary Problems'With Unknown Boundaries eb. Nekotor. probl. mat. i mekh. (Some Problems of Mathematics and Mechan- ics-collection of works), L;ninCrad, "Hauka", 1970, PP 75-87 (from RZh- -Matematika, No 5, May 71, Abstract No 5B49'2) Translation: Proof is given of the existence of generalized solutions of a class of boundary value problemswith a free boundary for a quasilinear system of differential equations consisting of a parabolic equation and an eMptical system of first-order equations. The parabolic equation de3cribes nonhowgelwous liquid or the either the temperature field of a filtering distribution of 3aturation of one of the phasas of' is, lionhomosrericous liquid in nonhomogeneous ground. In the intellmr-diate stage,,a of t1he invv!-~tigatiorl a study is made of the properties of quasiconformal mappings which depend on a real parameter, proof is given of the unique solvability of a mixed boun- dary value problem with four singular points for quas.ilinear elliDtical systems of equations, and the solvability of the first botuidavy value prot-dem is established for a quasilineox,paraboli(!-~equation in noricylindrical regions with a non-smooth boundary. Authors' resumfi. 4 41900442-Gr UR 0482 Soviet Invent ions Illustrated, Section II Electrical, Derwen'r., F243046 OUTPUT VOLTAG2,0F A THYU~TOR CONVERVER is continuously'!varied whtije,equaL load.Vbbarlng by the thyristorswis ensured. ~ The phase''of gim~i:ng pulse for a thyristor depends not Onlylpf the refarence: voltage (U d"ut Of' the load ~,oltage as viAl. Con- sequently,ft9e relationship b~etweoii the firihg angle of the thyristor and the control. voltage to th,* drivOr (1) iV- is made to depend on the deviation between -~he reference Voltage (Uzad) and,the time iititegral of supply voltage for the duration of thyristor': conductlon Q), This solution ensures uniform loqd-s6ring' in both half cycles. 29.6.66 as 1086914124-7. M.l. KoLKER 6 JU..V~WNAKHOV. VIECTROTHERMAL ZQ~IPMYF RESMST-00-9.69) Bul 16/ 5.5-69. Class 21d AUTHORS: &Iker, M. il-~ Uon Yu. V espvmznyy-Nauchno-IsRLeAov4tel. skiv InStitut 142-1 1937707.85 %I; M-im wim. sm 19770786 ~i7 -~_1/2 014 UNCLASSIFIEb' PROCESSING DATE--lbOCT70 -.TlTLE--STYRENE COPOLYMERS -U- !.,.AUTHOR-(05)-PETROV, G.N., RAPPOPORT, L.YA.,..SAVlNSKlY, P.A., PONAKHOVA, MOLDTKDVI,: R.V. __",C-OUNTRY OF INFO--US!;R 26_1;,877 ,'-.,REfERENCE--0TKRYTIYA, IZUBRET.v'PROM, OBRALTSYt TOV.ARNYE ZNAKI 1970, PUBLISHED--10FE:B70 .~__SUBJECT AREAS--MATERIALS 1-TOPIC TAGS--STYRENE, COPOLYMERv POLYMER CROS,$LlNK!NGo ACRYLATE, ETHYL -7ZARBAMATEv CHEMICAL PATENT "'CONTROL MARKING--NO RESTRICTIONS -OOCUMFNT CLASS--UNCLASSIFIED ~~PROXY REEL/FRAME--1995/1082 STEP NO--UR/0482/'71)100(J/000/000010000 ,CIRC ACCESSION NO--A,A0116548 400-0-04 2:/2 014 UNCL4SSIFIE6 PROCESSING DATE--160CT70 CIRC ACCESSION NO--AA0116548 '-"~--.A8STRACT/EXTRACT--(U) GP-0- ABSTRACT. THE TITLE COPOLYAERS ARE PREPO. BY H COPOLYMG.~ STYRENE W ITH A CROSSL I NK MG AGENT (POLYMENE URET ANE _:~,__.'DIACRYLATE) IN. THE PRESENCE OF A HARDEf,4E-R. Ace. Nr* R4 code: fif0044593 1~ PRLMARY SOURCE; Klinicheskaya Meditsina, 1970, Vol 48, Nr py 7 THE PRIMARY RESULTS OF CONTINUOUS. (ANNUAL) PROPHYLAXIS OF 1ZHEUMATISM RELAPSES MADULTor L N. Alikhattow, 61. A'~IUQukhkq. T. A Tar-ase'l? 0 W, S u:m m a r: v Tile muthms com n, it to papor the rmlk of continuou.; 21f.-y~:-fir-Impt, prop hyla xis of rhetunatism rpiap-~C-s !,1 180 ptient!-!- %whu the .~Ct;~" fi, tile pwc('~S. ThQ paticrits were siibjrct to intr~wuj,;cular (14 flit, r'--nv 0) U nlibiotic b-cillin ina dole (if 1,FX;0X (111) or of newpon in a dow of 1,00.0TJ Unii-;'(710 oncf'! ewry bir mw1k-,;. In 5~qmim; aill ;m~um'-f M flents were given pe'r as 2 cm oi aspirin daily for a periM of out! month.,ul:ir pro- phyraaxlis the numbe- of rheumatism rdapse.,; decrvased by JO timrs, w,ilh a shmp rktjr:ion of the imidenceof tonsillitis, influenza and uppr wipiraliiry wiv: nf)((!d.1 norma- lizationof the astreptolysin-0 titer and a Nignificant declinir of laboralary indicr!-~ of the rlwu- ts affected w1fli a:conlinuous-- urr~nt [otin of the di-wau!, sutic procm activity in patien REEL/M -KE I& 137712619 mm mammmummm 0 10 UN CLASSIFIED PROCESSING DATE--230CT70 IN A MIXTUqE OF HYDROLYZATE AND _lITLE--POSSIBLE CULTIVATION OF FOOD YEASTS ESIOUAL LIQUOR FROM ALCOHOL FERMENTATICK,-u- "`::T.01)R-((32)-MONAKHOVA, N.I., SEMUSHINA.T.N. _--ft'OONTRY OF INFO--USSR -,~ISOURCE-.GIDROLIZ. LESOKHIMq PROM. 1970, 23(1)9 3-5 ~AT EPUBL ISHED-----'70 CT AREAS--BIOLOGICAL AND MEDICAL SCIENCES --YEAST, ALCOHOL# FERMENTATION ,,-TOPIC TAGS MARKING--NO RESTRICTIONS ~DOCUMENT CLASS--UNCLASSIFIED TROXY REEL/FRAME--L996/0481 STEP NO--UR/0328170/023/001/0003/0005 CIRC ACCESSION N(]--AP0117717 F 11E D 2/2 010 UNCLASSIFIED PROCESSING DATE--230CT70 RC ACCESSION NO-AP0117717 'ABSTRACT/EXTRACT--(%J) GP-0- ABSTRACT. IN MOST HYDROLYSIS PLANTS, FEED YEASTS ARE GROWN EITHER IN OIL. HYDROLYZATE OR IN THE RESIDUAL LIQUOR FROM ALC. FERMENTATIONs SOME PLANTSv (E*G* THE VOLGOGRAD PLANT)# USE A MIXT, OF THE 2 SUBSTRATES AND THIS METHOD ALWAYS GIVES LOWER YIELDS OF -YEAST. THE BASIC UIFFERENCE BETWEEN THE HYDROLYZATES AND RESIDUAL LIQUIR IS THEIR SUGAR COMPN.: HYDROLYZATES CONTAIN M&INLY HEXOSES (GLUCOSE, MANNOSE1. AND GALACTOSE IN SOFTWOOD HYDROLYZATES)t PENTOSES CONSTITUTING SIMILAR TO 25PERCENT OF THE:TOTAL SUGARS. THE RESIDUAL LIJUOR CONTAINS MAINLY XYLOSEt A SMALL 'AMT. OF ARABINOSEY AND TRACES OR NO HEXOSES* WHEN THE 2 SUBSTRATES ARE MIXED IN A I TO L RATIO, THE 'RATIO OF HEXOSES TO PENTOSES IS 1 TO 0,7. CANDIDA 14AS GROWN UNDER STO. CONDITIONS IN CONTINUOUS CULTURES ON A HYDROLYZATE, ON LIQUOR, AND ON MIXTS. OF THE 2 IN VARIOUS PROPORTIONS, AT EQUAL INITIAL CONC. OF SUGARS, GROWTH WAS. LOWER WHEN YEAST WAS GROWN IN MIXED SUBSTRATES THAN WITH EITHER THE HyDqOLYZATE OR REStOUAL.LIUUDR, IN 7H~ MIXED GROWTH OCCURRED IN 2 STAGES:W11H A CON5tDERAIDLE LAG BETWEEN ~THE.STAGES* t USSR urc 616.9..681. lie TER-KOAPETYAN, A. Z., TEPLYAKOV, B. Ya.., DROZDDVA, A. A*, ?AONJMOVA;I S. I., and RJBANOVA, F. G., Central Scientific Research Institute of*-~piiwm"IM6 -'&~ilstry Of Health, USSR, and Belorussian Scientific Research Imatititte of:RWemlology and Microbiology "Centralized Processing of Materials on Wectious Diseases" Minsk, Zdravookhreneniye Belorussii, Yo, 6, 1970, pp 66-67 Abstract: The oreanization of data requires centralized ~roceauing of properly classified info=ation which may be suitable for mchine procesoing. For this pur- pose, a new chart was prepared by the Central Institute o:(' Epidiendology, designed for epidemiological studies and provided vith a separate itheet containing 18 points considered essential for centralized processing. At the ueminmTs attlanded by a,11 epidemiologists, their aides, xid all ot4erp working vItIvInfectIOUB diseases, the various difficulties concerning the particular.items ill the new chart were resolved. Putting these new charts through the Minisk-22 computer proved aecurate, reliable, and time-saving. USSR UDC: 574-94 MONAKHOVA, T. Ye., PROSKURMINA, N. F., TOLKACHEEV, 0. N.11 KOB&OV, V. S., FERELISON, M. Ye., All Union Scientific Research Institute of Medicinal Plants "Alkaloids of Sophora Alopecuroides. 3-ot-Hydroxysophoridine" Tashkent, Khimiya. Prirodnykh Soyedineniy, No 1t 1973, pp 59-64 Abstract: In a continuation of research an the alkaloids of Scphora alopecu- roides, preparations were made from the aerial part of the plant in the fruit- bearing stage. The sum of the alkaloids obtained by the conventional dichloro- ethano method (2.5%) was divided into fractions of strong and V-eak bases. The following alkaloids were distine-gaished in the fraction of weak bases by extraction with various solvents combinadvith aluninw4 PYide chromatography: sophoridine, cytisine and three bases Gl5F2O2()2 (IV), and C131118N202(III)p Clft4N202 (VI). The fraction of strong bases yielded sophoridine, cytisine an baptifolLne (V). This is the first time that the alkaloids cytisine and baptifoline have been isolated from this plant. Infrared and mass spectroscopy suggest the structure of 3M-hydroxysophoridine for base..IV. USSR BOBROVNIK, 1. 1., GORBUNOV, K. I., KLOCHAN V. I., MONASTYREV., V. K., POPLAV- SKIY, N. N. !'Geoseismic Logging Procedure" USSR Author s Certificate No 370567 (from Otkrytiya, Izohreteniya, Prom shlen- nyye obraztsv. Tovarnvve znaki (Discoveries, Inventions, Industrial Models, Trademarks), No 1.1, 1973, page 144) Translation: The geoseismic logging procedure by reducing multichannel reflectec! wave recordings to ona generalized track with utilization of mutual correlation functions, track selertion by the threshol.d values of- thL similarity coof f i- dents and summation with preliminary input of kinematic and static corrections act that in order to increane Clie y v is distinguished by the f, 1111it of 1"I e correlation and determine the relations of the dynamic vave with physical-lithologic section parameters, two-halfperiod detection of the digital analog of the surmogram, sliding integration with the time interval which is a multiple of the oscillation halfperiod and normalivation of the recordings with respect to intensity of the excitation center and the amplifl- cation coefficients of the recording clianne"Lare used successively with sub- sequent conversion of the energograms by the law of formation of a sequence of partial sums of the theories. USSR UDC 576-858-033-35:570-353 BLYU.,2C.0, V. N., and IMONASTIREVA A.,- Institute of 7irolagy imeni D. I. Ivanovskiy, USSR AcadijjT-drTW3.,ca.1 Scien~ept Moscow OKethodology for the Study of Pathological Mitoses in Cell Wtures Infected With Viruses" Moscow, Voprosy Virusologii, No 4, jul/Aug ?1, PP 475-IP78 Abstract: Investigations of mitotic disorders caused by various viruses should be performed on tissue cultures with a minimum percentage of spontaneously V P 1 e developing abnormal mitoses, such as cultures of the RES 1i e (1-9, E D in (0-5"), and diploid hizaan cel Is (2-10'6).- To ensure thoroughtiess, the investi- gation may proci3ed according to the following classific.,ation: A. Pathologic Prophase: 1. premature separation of chromatin; 2. disorganitation of spireme; and 3. pulverization of chromosomes. B. Pathologic Mij 'taphase: 1. remaining of single chromosomes or chromosome fragmts in inetaphase; 2. foraiation of three groups (multigroup metaphase); :). colchicine-like (C-) 1-aet-aphase with disorderly arrangement of excessively short akyl thick chromoso'nes; 4. C-zrx-ta- phase with several chromosome groups; 5. ~ C-metaphase wita chromoso-me adhesion; .,.. unchaaged chromosomes; 6. pulverization of chronosomes; 7. dispersion a. mu.11- tiband metaphase; 9. open metaphase; 10. monocentric motaphase; and 11. combined 1/2 BLY114KIN, V. N., et al, Voprosy Virusologii, No 4, jul/lug 71, pp 475-478 disorders. C. Pathologic Anaphase: 1. rema:Ln:Ing of viryle cb-romosomes in anaphase; 2. or of chromosome fragments; 3. chromosome bridges; 4. chromatin bridges; 5- irregular separatiori of chromosomes; 6. multiband anaphase; and 7. combined disorders. D. Pathologic Telophase: 1. irregular telophase; 2. presence of bridges; 3. multiband telophase; 4. formation of micronuclei; 5. nuclear pyknosis; and 6. combined disordors. A multiband phase in which chromosomes fron a triangle, cross, or various stars but are located on one plane (equal distance from polar body) disti4guished from a multi- groupphase in which separate groups of chromosomes arg! located on different planes (unequal distance from polar body)..~ 2/2 E r, d a i:' -018.15-092.9-02:576.858.75 (Sit -L6 -1 INS" 7nCtil:ute L. 4, and 3111C Zu., BLY, n4 T-N d; 3ciences USEZ, 01 e MCI; Aca, demy of Me %#V..ito~ic Chan,---res in Cultures ((;Lonr-- 1) lafected wit- Sendai Vi-us" 1,40scow-, 3yullerenl 7.1kSperime"tallnoy 3iologii i L, 1970, PP with S)LIV:~L_ V'_ i, S Z: r;! I Abstract: :17,13 cultures (clone I) inlfek.. 960) exhibited, peculiar quantitative affel qualitatilil,e mitotic c'L-iai~ges. Within two boars of infection, mitoti'c detivity ini~veased i trar -ic aN.A.. wave o pa -to n. iuclear synthesis of virLis-specif loryi-cal nitoses appeared af-'ter 4-f, holirs., T;he -e 2everely damage -and cc ioles wex ~ d and roany of the ceLls calltaincd r OlogicaL m S Ile micronuclei. These path itose a inter as an manifestation olf the cytopathic effect of Sellaai v~.rus oa the ci,;'llular System under Study. 7 Nr. Ref Codi,: UR 0219 ces AP0031143 en' Eksperimental'noy,BiDlogii i PRIMARY SOURCE: Byullet Meditainy, 19709 V01 69g Nr 1 pp AUTOTIC CHANCES OF RES CULTURES (CLONE 1) INFE-CFED T SENDAI VIRUS HE 11. M. Blyumkli , L. A. Alona.-111~eva,:A. G, Bukrillskay SNOW_ D. 1. Ivanovsky In titute of Virusology, Apademy of Medical Sciences of !he y Serni ~-u8, straiii IN- o. 961). In this cel- RES cultures (clone 1) -ere infected bo ai lular system the virus muRiplied with develoiinient ai cytopathic changes: syrn, a mation and destruction of a cellular layer, At early stages of i.~if.2ction a considerablt! number of cells appeared containing micronticlei. Increase of mitotic activity after in- fection is replazed by its depression as infection~develop.i. Inereasi! of padological mita. ses in infected cultures is possibly one of early manifestations tof a cytapathic action of Sendai virus. 1U, EL FWIE a- cpq I -C."L USSR UDC 678.742.2-137.46.22:66.018.86 TERTERY10, R. A., LESHCHENKO, S. S., LIVSIIITS, ~S. D., f3OTj.OS V P., ITSIKS&NI, L. B., MONASTYRSKIY, V. N , KkRIIOV, V. L., SOBOLEVA, N. S., -IIAL-TSEVA, A. P., and ISKIL%KOV, L. I. "Radiation Stability of Ethylene and Styrene Copolymers" Moscow, Plasticheskiye Massy, 7, 1973, pp 3-5 Abstract: A study was made of the continuous statistical copolymerization of ethylene monomers (E) with styrene (S) under conditions similar to tiose under which low density polyethylene is produced and also of the behavior of L + S polymers in an ionizing radiation. field. The results of. copulymctrizc~tion studied -- grams of copolynier/hr concentration of S in the polyner, density, and others -- are griven as a function of Gtyren(?. concentration and pressure at 200*C. An increase in the concentration of S in -lite reaction mixture leads to a decrease in the copolymer yield, in its characteristic viccosity, in its melting temperature, and its crystallinity, and to an increase in the densitv. The ~refivnce of S moncoers in the polyethylene, chains and the chemical bonds between them and the methylene groups. signIficantly increatzL the resistance of the material to a-radiation damage. The gases evolved during the radiation of various types of polymers were determined. vu ASS I F i rJ IG DATE--02,')CT70 ~2 015 P R C F S S I k -TLE--SYNTHESIS DF BASED r,],N P,r_l_.ES3L -U- f 4LKYLSALICYLATE ADDITIVES T ;)mjr;q1YEV!,, N.A., KAZ-IKDv, AUTH 4-(05)-lC),.NASTYR5KlYt V..N.r TSVETk3VP RY t.F INFO--USSR T A S L 1970 r 1501t 17-19 TEKHNJL. TOPL. P UVL I S H E 0------ 7 0 SUBJECT 'AREAS EMISTRY9 MATERIALS M FRAUTIONt CHEMICAL I CTAGS--SALICYLATE, ALKYLATION, C R E 51) LP E T R 0 L HJ _YNTHESISt ANTIOXIDANT ADDITTVE9 DETFqGENT AD ITIVE ~;*ARKI%G-VO R~SrAICTIG`4S :DQCUfliCNT CLASS--UNCLASSIFIED PROXY STEP L-t-A Sf, 111 PR-aCESSING DATE-021CT70% -2/2 015 01,14CLASSIFIEW c iRc i,.c c t s s itu, -m ~4n- Ap o 112 45 A B'S T P -,KT R _,kc r-- ( u i, c. P- A;. S T N'A CT T HE A 0 0 IT 11&S ,TYP~-,JJNG IiIG~J C T,1L 0 ANT11 Y10ANTP AND 4:-JISCAtING PR~ P E I ~ r I C S TD Ul I L SR FP _8Y':ALr~YLATING P,CRESOL '.KITH A'J OLFFIN F,~ACTIUN i3i. 240-_1;MD1_*G4EES1 BY WAX CRACKING, YIELDING o3.6,PERCFNT AL KY1 P, t; P E i DL T~AE S CARBOXYLATFO TO UhTAIN THF A KYL:SALICYL IL C ACITC), WHICH W1',S -;LATTER WA .-TPEATFD WITH CAfOH) SU32 TO GIVE THE A0,01TIVE. Uik."C L A SS I F I E D Ace. 00045173 90892f Con r ene with isob (Russ).-q"r'Z studied in a 400-9m) kg/c the 11 content ve low-mol- a g (from in m.p was inversely content was 4 propaied. Th and the term MOL-wt. copol 15,50()) and pre--sure. Incr strenp tensile. Mers. tinuous utyleup. 6_poly1nn~ m-. wt. 0 e ination, yrnerf eased h. MMMM ma. Abstracilrig'Sery c CHEMICAL ABST copolytherization ipUethyl- Ra'f. Code -LI R of q/ high-pressuire L) aring G L--u. & P-;,Tert=an R_ 'A , I . t N_ (1j-.5SR). flact., Mmsy t$70. (1), 5-7 of ethvIene (,J)'with i~bbutvlene,(O) was, confinuous-flo'w'~ tubular; ieadkir at- 2W2!P* and High-niul.-Yil. pmdii~s were obtnineil when was 1.5 mole 7,; a further ii~crease in It wtitent copolymem,acconipanied'by a sudden~oecline~ 100 to 0*). The tensile 4renOb of 141 coplilymers: proportional to 11 contefit~ dMinin~ to 0 v~hev 11: mole %, A fidical ciipoly~m. triechanigm was copolymn. involved chkiin transfer (via ift Mols.) thu:j leaOing to' tht.' forniatioh of low- (500-- The Mol. 'wt. ~ of the cc the conolymti. rate v%~ e e rtinal ~to the presstue had a ra le t * on ~ the d., v .2c fa 0 reak. d of the elongation at b ii~ m p T-Wcogly. A~I( R J REELORAME *01LI. tft*& if 000 if 7 7717 T: W.CLASSI F[EiJ 1 J;1(jv7(j STA OVA SCULAA 5 Y S I h CHACN, I C li!r ITE C F THE C,~ D I' -1!*-,'C, -U- -:19ZI-MUNWEENKOVA, GLfjrJVAv K.V UP OR COW4TRY U F I f- 3 - - U S S R ~UR~CE--KLMICHFS,~AYA- I EL-.I I r 5 1 NA 1-370, VOL 6 v NK 3 1 OP: 6 0- 614 I)AT~~ P Ud L I S HE D-- - 1-1, s) I C At S L I E N C E S -5 u Bi ,z-c r.~r-DA.S-d I ~)LOG I CAL ';ULF! L, P'll I sflli% C4;'U I 'WASCUL AR SYSTF0, LHOD f-TO-4 I AGS~-CAKBJ-l -01 N -CGNTRUL 1ARKING-NO kESTkICTIONS -DOCUMENT CLASS-UNCLA SS I F 1 EJ 'PROXY RE EL /FRAFIE-30C 1/0'? ~I-t S PC" PNi.)-:~-IJil/0497/70~fj4-j/003/f)~,160/i)064 CIRC k ~c,i 9. 028 UNCLASStFIE'D PRbi ss PIlG E-- L 3NOV7 0 ~.CIRC 4 CC E S S I QN1 P.1 D - - A P 0 12 6- 3 2 T ~A,65 T;~ AC T/ EX T K AC, (U) CP- 0 - A6 S T A C.'r T h 1~; AIR T I CL E_- lli"%LS ~i[TH A 0Er,%ILc-D C. L I N 1 C, A L EXA!41NATI~~A ~11F ~31 PATIENTS lNV(;LVI.NG THE- U~,; I- HY, L r T -3 - - -~j I ~,,w R p H -kilt PH L t~9~ - _'_ . y _j p " CA-R.) f I* j . 05C L L P, u L Y. y. Th E: C C 1 1 "T IGNS IN THE N~;JG_ ITY GF 1:1 AT 1 iJ'i I S CAP'li-'P. L)1~41JLF[CiE WITH p S ON 1 F P. C, C H 4 R A C T Z E D BY F kl!4C T I (, N'pl L (_,HANf7,E:3, i:,f: TWE E I-, V C; US SYSTEEi4p IN' THE FORN 'LJF VL:;-_ET4.rlVC- A!40 Vil'SCULAR, :JYSFlVJCTfLjN, TH17 ~: ASMENLIVE-GETAFIVE SYNOR"ii-, IN A NUMLIE;Z OF ChSiES "rjiE~,E SEEN jRGAf-.IC -CHA'GES IN THE F _m'-! C F AMONG THE PATIP-ATS, DEPiENDItNIG UPGI;~ T~,F STATF--. (IF fi[GtiER VEGETA'HVE 'Ns 01- THE N E. OUT _rlV`_JUS SYSTEil, THE SItNGLEJ -PERSUNS WITI,' OF THt HYPC-Tri.~LXAIC DIENCEPHALU PEGION. REGIST.,AT'UN OF A ISE-0 AA OF THF titAXPIAL 11Y 33PEi~f__-NTl :,TfiE ARTERU'L P"EcSORE 15CLI C I INCRE TRUf* LATE',~~AL BY 45PtAC!_-,lJt MEDIAN DYNAMIC 4Y 42PERCHIT AND P J BY 3 ~j V T ;*'F CASES. -R t: V C*-~ kAEASlJk[.,Kci'-JS t-~'t-VLALED AN E~4STA;iILITY OF Tflj ARTE-1,1AL PR z~ S S U,, E. '14 1 TH _~ TENOENCT TO ITY P T C.N6 I V E: -12 3 P E;~ C r- T ) il -- H Y P L- R T `~'f t f) I V E 143 P F -~C 14 T -1, EA. C I I JN S Ch, A 'I G 1: Ttli- -l"ARr N AR.:- I]+ ijit"USE UYSTP.i~-PHIC i4r�U RA~IELY A ST ~ C CH4~%ACTE)-. WITH AN P !I;) UC T I ON L*4i: Td- C %iTRACTILE t7 F IL U t (1: 1-1 YP I- ii. I ~i`~ ~ I V E Nl!~P i' lj;~ I i~ 1: U L ~', I JR y -DYSTGAiA ANO CHA%GES Oi: I'lic- MYOCAR, I UM AS' ~A RULEt IJ H) E V PATIENTS -WITH SIGNS OF OIENCEPHALIC PA,rFICILOGY, ONE COULO THINK OF THE RELAT[ON OF THESE SHIFTS si[TH FUNCTIONAL 0 15 tUP. BANC I: OF THE -flY POTHAI. AM US _UN C 13 ~;O V 7 ro ,w- .513.' 2 k3 UNC A s S 11F I EG f) AT E I Q~c Acc ESS 1113%, .1 i,-j - - P- P 0 12 6 3 22 .-~JBSTe A G T/lEX Ti A C T-THE ABJVL T I G A I'l G 1. 5H A V E: 5H;lfili THAT IN U. CA DISULF1 P I'l I SWJ l,"IG A L;)!,I,G WITH A L TmA T I U tv SI.& THE C HR "NI C I' U4 'tiERVOUS SYSTE"Ir A Ni'liT LESS LI-LINIKA1. ECULAi-~ I TY I s 0 F Gt*~,EAT LA0,[L(TY OP D-iC A P TE R [ AL PHESStME AITH A PX%'*Vl.[ 0Cltl -jUj-(.'JRY OYSTONIA HYP ERTE;45 I V :ACTI,-NS. THt- 0EV--:L0P.-ENT! OF cl 0 T H E;o~ AND HYPEPTC.NSIV~ 'kSCULAr~. 015I-ASt: A'AIAST THE 5ACKG, U,,7 U S 1.'iG IS, APPARF-11TLY, ASSOCIATE:b ~~Jfli TH... EFF~:CT OF ,~Y M P T 0.'. F i~() I Si~ F f tlF -FE ZED TO CHA-NGES OF THE 14 A R T OF) T L E A 0 To R 6 L'; N' I I A _ . THE PC- -k~c CAi T SI) I -CARDJAC 1)ECO-MPENSATION Uk Pc:;~SISTENT- C 'i R.'L N A RY I IN S U FTCH-iNCY, IN -*tL-AS'* 1:11' TH~: :-IRKING LA 0,NE 01: THE 'CAUSES OF DEr,;- "luii"i.~ 0 F CASES THEY ARL CAPACITY 1 IN PA T I ENT S F AC I L I rY IN S T iro T 6 9 G f Y (';-4V TkIJUA I PAbf:ZA3j:)LEVAP-JlY, AMIN SSSR , --',OSKVA. t. 3 raffiffil-11-11 -millpatrims IT. 'T1.919 m1mmiHil"S H1211111 NMI! film --- ------------------- 02 UNCLASSrFIE ---o-160CT70 ___11/2~ 6 PROCESS1114G DATE ITLE-ON THE INITIAL FORMS GF CHRONIC CARBOWDISULFIDE POISONING -U- UTH0R-(05)-,41LK0Vw L.YE*v MONAYENKOVA9 44M..r 8VALKOj N.K.s GLOTOVAi K.V., !~'_z ~VERETIINSKAYA, A.G*- .-.'COUNTRY OF INFO--USSR ~'~,":-SOURCE-GIGIYENA TRUDA 1 PROFESSIONALINYYE ZA13ULEVANlYAr 1970t NR 5t PP ,"'-'DATE PUBLISHED------70 F,`SUBJECT AREAS--BIOLOGICAL AND MEDICAL SCIENCES "'IrOPIC TAGS--POISON, CARBON DISULFIDE, INDUSTRIAL HYGIENE MARKING--NO RESTRICTIONS CLASS--UNCLASSIFIEO ~.PROXY REEL/FRAME--1995/0450 STEP NU--UR/0391/7(1/00k)1005/1)028/0032 CIRC ACCESSION NO--AP0116116 UK L A S-S I F I 2/2 026 UNCLASSIFIED PROCESSING DATE--lbOCT7C --"CIRC ACCESSION NO--4f'0116116 -.ABSTRACT1EXTRACT--(Uf, GP-0- ABSTRACT. AN EXAMMATION' OF 4ORKERS FXP'3sEo TO THE EFFECT OF CARBON UISULFIDE IN CONCENTRAT IONS 0,F -10-60 MG-M PRIME3 --DISCLOSED THE PRESENCE OF THE INITIAL F:ORMS OF CHaON11C CAR3[)~,4 DISJLi--IPjEz POISONING IN THE SHAPE OF VEGETATIVE VA SCULAR DYSFUNCTION (N(.')T INFREQUENTLY WITH HYPERTENSIVE REACTIONS) AND OF THE ASIHE40 VEGETAFIVE -NS OF 81LOL( PRINOU CE SYNOKOIME, OFTEN APPEARING IN CONJUNCTION WITH Sllj I Cl !", ND -URITISP COMMONLY DEVELOPING IN PE,,~SONS WIFFi -VEGETATIVE SENSITIVE PlJLYNl- LONG SERViCE RECORDS. IN THE INITIAL FORMS OF POISONIN,; A NJMBER. OF NONSPECIFIC CHANGES IN rNDIV[DUAL 610CI(EMICAL 15LOOLl ANOtURINE [NDFXES I -FlATIVE VASCULAR OYSFUNCTION OF A WERE ELICITED, WHEREBY IN CASES OF: VE(.- DECLINE OF THE PSEUDO CHOLINESTERASE ACTIVITY ANO A FALL OF THE BLUeD CATF CHLORIDE CONCENTRATION, ALONG i4lfll AN ELEVATEL ,(k:jl.AMINES EXCRETION IWITH NORPINEPHRINE BEING C&MMONLY RESPONS113LE FOR 11) OCCURRED MUCH MORE OFTEN THAN IN THE ASTHENIC FORM OF POISONING. PERSONS EXPOSED TO ~CARIION DISULFIDE CONCENTRATION NOT SURPASSING 'THE MAXIMIJSl PERMISSIBLE 'LEVEL (10 MG-M PRIME3) ALSO DEMONSTRATE lNlTIAL FOPIRS OF CHRONIC CARBON DISULFIDE POISONINGv ALTHOUGH IN FEWER:CASeS. THIS MAKc.S IT NECESSARY TO LOWER THE FIXED MAXIMUM PERMISSIBLE CONCENTRATION LEVEL OF CARBON ;~..'DISULFJDE IN CONSIDERATION OF THE INHALATION ANO COTANEOUS ROUTS OF ITS -:~~:INGRESS~lNTO THE ORGANISM. FACILITY: INSTITUT GIGIYENY TRUDA I AMN SSSR. UNCLAS'SIFIED-- AP 049027 Re'. Code: 1C C. Nr: '~'RL%A:-,Y SOURCE. Vestnik Otori o ring 0 Nr n Z, a`i, pp NASAL POLYPOSIS AS AN AUTOU01IM-1- DISEA,5E G. N. PopMa, A. M. Mo V. N. Tav~asev] (MOSCOW) ..mayenkay i -suni'mary Pie auillors studied nasal polypo:5is from lbe viewpeint F the possibikly of rurmrin-q 'v it to luloi-mmone discasc-, In ,h(' pallent's F~~ruql tile Col-ilcilt v, aut(xl! lies "a prqpared polyp intiger, wis iiivc-svigrated. Tilic iollowinq tcdruques IV-zre AnlIP,o)-ed: la'tcx- i:.,;c,--nt "i", P355ive hemagglulmation and tho immanofluor re-letiolls, lhe JuVivis ll~i~eij It I prilivp1o, of vmlsrziiluvi,~ c;rnpJpjTijcj,l of the 5tivz-- "lie scruni was e~)Amusli,,L! b,,,, imlual tissm, vwh~-on ilml t,)Qrl thi! i h rolvp an-gen occjrred- 'Im, 7c~' Cticills rif a -;4 -,J~!~Iive 1wmlQjf1ll- aill vz'-Zn'v~ flnji;on demans-rated the prmn,e of julovitibndivi I in fUlluent dilution,si I riaction of g.,11 1 !1.1 Or'. I. id~'I'tltlan C-f I -- 9-1 : K 'rVactio-1 of pssivp 11tvagglUlinalion 1 1000). In control iera autoanfibodies were practicalily absent. zL/- R t 19800808 .... . .... ... I.I.-M.-i 111.1-11MINNOWWW"A""W"M AP0049027 Apart from the blood serl;m the polyp fluid ura3 also sub;ecUH tD si!,ologic;fl anal)si~' Autoantibodies to polyp antigen were reveaft:d In titers oi' I :W,-1 :&'Q- In 2 out OF 10 patients the witowitibody titer in the polyp fluid i~atkedry si4;-passed the tMer ol icU- bodies in & blood serum. By means of the lmmifholluor~scent, rn&~d in the polypJawe wt, antigim-antilbody complex was, revealed. The dynamics of autoantibody accumulation was studied tit diverst Pefiods of th;e disease-during relapse of polNposis and during t2he Ni,;.M frl!e of polyps. Thert was noted a definite relation between the antibody fite~rs and stage or the diseasel! - intelisi- fication during relapses 01 P01 ~clirie of autoantibody, titers during 'he pari~d YpGSJS and & ea. n free. of polyps. The data derived make It. p"sible; to slaW thfit aute~immune r c io s play a definite role in the pathQgeriests of I :p "44 olypo sis. 198,00801.9 all USSR IPC 621,374i5j XARINSKIY, S. S., KONAROV, V. G.; Au.:. GPLIKOV, M. I. ROMMOV, L'. N., KOMAROVA, 1. S., KRISTINNA, L.' I.: "An Iniegrated Ultrasonic Single-.Cryatal Delay Line" Moscow, Otkry-tiya, izobreteniya, pronyshlemyye obraztsy, tovarmyye znaki, No 15, May 71, Author's Certificate NO,302808, Division H, filed 22 Sep 69, published 28 Apr 71 Translation: This Author's Certificate introduces P-n integrated.ultrasonic single-crystall delay line for surface waves. The deyice contains a Diezo- electric single-crystal acoustic line Yath a slot on one end which is filled with an absorber. The device also contains lattice-t~me tvo-phase receiving and transmitting converters. As a dist'Inguishing feature of the patent, the delay time is locating the convertero on the upT..ier and lower surfaces of the. acoustic line, and by rounding -the other.end of the line with a radius of at least ten ultrasonic resonance wavelengths. M "A f E-- I 3NOV7 0 NCLASSIFI 112 020 Ur (XE:SSI4G 1, -RITIZATION OF T E TL E - - S F_ L E C T 1 ON OF THE TYPE OF I i,4 ROE-- I N G, F UR NAC EFfll~ FEr, -BAR I U,'4 -FER R I T EPOWDERS -U- AUTHOR- L.YA.. COUNTRY OF INFO-USSR _~--SOIJRCE-Pi].~~OSH. MET. 1970, 10(2)4t 90-103: "D AT EPUBLISHED ------- 70 .:--SUBJECT AREAS-1-MATERIALS, MECH.i INO., CEVIC A14D (AARENE E~JGR JOPIC TAGS--FERRITEr BARIUM COMPGUN0, SINTERING FURNACEt MAGNErIC PROPERTY# CERAMIC TECHNOLOGY 'CONTROL MARKING-NO, RESTR.ICTIONS DOCUMENT CLASS-UNCLASS IF Ii ED PR0XY.RE:EL/FRAME--1999/1097 STEP N 0 -1) Rli 2 2 6 17 00 i 00 0 20 i) 9 80 10 3 CIRC ACCESSION N 0-A P 0 12 3 0 a 9 4- wz 020 UNCLASSIP-186 Pi6C.;:S~NNG DATE-13NOV70 -C-IRC ACCESSION "lli-AP01230,39 A.BSTRACT/EXTRACT-0J) GP-0- ABSTRACT. THE POSSIbILIrY OF USING A ROTARY ~FURNACE FOR FERIRITIZATIG~4 OF BA FERRITE PCj',,L)Ek.S WAS lPll/E-sTIl';ATf:u, AS AS THE EFFFF-Cr OF THE TEMP. ANO THE T IM WFLL c - 0 F FE~kRITIZATfON GN THEIR MAGNETIC PROPERTIES. T HE FOLLOWING PARAMETLRS WERic' INYESTIGATED: CI)E C RESIDUAL INDUCTION, IVE FORCE RELATIVE TO INDUCTION, MAX. :-1AGNf:-TIC ENERGY, AND SATN. MAGNETIZATfGN. INVESTIGATED WERI-= PI-jilDFRS PREPD. FROM CO-NVENT[ONAL. CERA'jAIC TECrINJLOGY AS WELL AS BY THE ('GePfi~. lit"ITHODf fl[TH A MULE RATIO OF FlAfl:FE SUB2 3 SU63 EQUALS TK, i%-IIAGNETIC PRCPEkTIES OF BA FERRITE POWDERS FERRITIZED 1,14 THE ROTARY FUR '),ACE DO NCIT GIFFER F40M THE PARAMETERS OF PiNDERS FERR I T I Z ED I IN THE tiP,NEL. K I LN ANNEAL ING FURNACE. 140WEVER, THE PONDER FROM THE ROT~AkY FUPi4i~(;E Is McirkE ..HOMGGENEOUSv BECAUSE IN THE, PROCESS OF THERMAL TkEAT'-!ENT IT IS WELL -Mf XED. THE CUNSUiMPTIlJN OF ELEC. ENERGY PER UNIT OF PR;DDUCTICN FC.R\ THE ROTA:~Y FUkWACF IS APPkG'X. ONE HALF THAT FOL,,, THE TIPil"EL N E A L I N G F UR N A C E . FACM ry. VSES. IJAUCH.-IS'SLED. JJMST. RPAKTIV. XHIM. w SCHIST. MATER. OLYA ELEKTPON. TEKH.t.USSR UNCLASS[Fli' 4--lam- in FA~ Ace. Nr: Abstracting Service; ?\ Ref. Code: PP0049303- CHMICAL ABST"6'17. 94054c Effect of thtrma IMAUrterit * 6 esties of bakurn ferrite. ppvvde, L ~ 'Eftects ~,Ot' iind ccoling rater., tiunperature, and tim, e of Niiitiiktian~ 'J.1 a Inag- 0 nOtic Properties of barium ferrite", jw*ders. L. Ye. d9 Arses. NauchAssled: rhst.' Rmkth, Khim. CbiifV'I. i NTHFer. e onetsk Met. on. FoOSIX-MV4.-i forl 8Z~-S (Russ) apf tog rcp~wklersigmfi i . - r Impro 'Ves ib magnetic prop6ties.' them ferritlzatipl% temp, ; thiis case should 3 GO,, tua 41S.Comparta with the powder cooled with tho umac' ring ~wtjok cycles of We 'ferritl;* flon, the residual induction the r6v~induction f~ a the .,an wax. magnetic energy: Ist'incr and;t1lin after th 41th eTcle decrease. The magnet r6v~i forced dear' ' s matio- f f~xditzatio~ tonically with increasin f heaault ferikization of the'poiv hejhinAayer, ir holding time at the gi C 1- i znc~reasing; the hqgding 'tilne during ferritization to 4 hr eased the ferritizatiort temp.! bj,, 30-400. REEL/FPAHE 191501120 USSR YA All Jyn~ ionstientific Research InStitUtk3rof Ro~.gents and '%;,ItrsL-ura 4C --L- Chemical Substances for Electronic Technology,: Donetsk. "Effect of Thermil Treatmont of the Magnetic Properties of Barium Forrite Powders" Kiev, Acadezqy of Sciences Ukr SSR, Poroshkovay:a MetaUurglya, iio 1, Jan 70, pp Abstract: A study was rAdo of the effect of heating and cool:Ln.;i, races, tenpera- tixro, ferritization time, and repeated forritization on the nagn-atic prop(trtitjs of barium forrite po-aders. Bari= ferrita.pgwdors, OI)tjLj,MedI J)y t~o techn~q,,ia of 'Oint procipitation in tho form, o4' carboriatoa w1rh , njo1sr ratio BaolftzO~ 1/5.6, were used in tho invor,'~:Igation. 'fto j~iqrrlt,),zat.ion 4'vt con. ductod av IZZOIC 4.,n a KO-10-type fur-nace witli as ~()O rate ovor 5 houm Tho coobjig, was ione in ths furiiaco. Jha rax-ulta of mrj7a~31;xe- of --agne-tic parameters, vrith rw5pact to ho"It3lig, ayll~ 4~001!ngl raLe. are are- sented in a table. Four ferritization cycles, woro con' II.-Ij$jr the jatro Cot,,_ ditions In order to evaluate the eftect of repeated ferrit'.ization on rcagnat4c properties. In orler, to determine the effeot or temperatUre ard tize of j~: tISSR :~t.7R 83-86 'ONDV 'A., Fc-roshkovaya Metallurglya, No 1, Jan 70, ferritization, the latter was conducted in a thin layer 2,5-30 am high with and Yrithout air quench-big. Air quenching,; significantly.inmraVod tile magnotic pro- perties of the pouders. To obtain the optizal, nagnati'a pximanaters, a higher ferritization tenTerature (30 to 400C more) Is necessary than w-ith cooling dona in the furnace. 'Uith repeated ferritization cyoles, the riisidual. induction B, the coercive force at intuction t~ H., and the msxinaim magni~tic eiier~~Y- (.5 at first increased and then decrbased afters the fourth cy4:le. The coercivu isinf; number force at magnetization jH, decreased monotonically with an ino-ve, ' 0~ err-~tization am a ferritizations. Two hours was shown.;to be sufficient for!- thimlayer. Orig. art. has: 5 figures, 3 tablim, and 10 peferances. USSR UDC 629.12;532 A. ir GULTYEV, YU. M. , bi ttDisturbing Forces During Pitching of a Ship: on a SandbaO Sudostr. i sudorcmont. Nauch.-tekhn. sb. (Shipbuilding and Ship Repair. Scientific and Technical Collection), 1970, vyp, 3, pp 129-142(from. R7.h- Hekhanika, No 1 1, Hov 71, Abstract No 1113390) Translation: An approximate procedure is presented for calculating the disturb- ing forces during pitching of ships in a-liquid of finite depth. The procedure was obtained an the basis of solving the hydrodynamic problem of forces acting on a stationary trie-xial ellipsoid floating on the surface of an ideal liquid of finite depth. Uhen solving this problem, the velocity potential is repre sented by the sum of the onconing wave potential and the potential of the dis- turbed (diffracted) movement of the liouid. When calculating the disturbin-- forces, the Haskind conclusion was used that there is no need to solve the diffraction problem but it is suffici8nt to determine the velocity potential of the disturbed movement of the liquid for forced oscillations of the body on quiet water. Tile calculation was performed on a digital computer for 24 ellip- soids with different halfaxis ratios by the approximate formulas obtained for the dimensionless coefficients of the disturbing force andttbe disturbing moment. Examples of the graphical dependence of these coefficientii oil the 1/2 USSR GULIYEVV YU. it., et al., Sudostr. i sudoremont, Nauch.-tekhn. sb., 1970, vyp. 3, pp 129-142 relative wavelength and the relative draft are presented. The possibility of practical utilization of the results of the theoretical study was checked by comparing the results of the calculations by the formulas obtained with the data obtained experimentally on 9 models of series 60 ships with different ratios of the primary dimensions. The experimental studid!s denonstrated that for ordinary maritime transport ships the geometric chara-~teristics of tile hull and the depth of the water have no significdnt effect on the dimensionless co- effir-ients, of the disturbing forces. This fact permits application of the approximate formulas obtained to the practical calculations of disturbing forces. Comparison of the calculation results by thtse formulas wtth tIX. experimental data demonstrates entirely satinfactory coftdidence. 2/2 J J A40043411 UR 0482 Ai Soviet Inventions Illustrated, Section It Electrical, Derwent, 241509 STA~JLIEED PIC. SWLY where each phase is .4),:through a sup lied to the ricti;fier brid$e p 0 w choke (1) and a saturable tra6zC rmer 43) : ~th a A:boosting cir ctAit coti- tuned (2) primary winding. sisting of a transformer (6),4nd-,;ajnplLfier (7) contributes to.the D.C. output... The Amount of boost is determi ned-by a measuring bridge cone ected across the control coil of tb' applif-I r. stabUitron a 4 b ifto (10)':acts!AP a is one arm of a norl-Itn"r T component of compariaon. Al.LT (L9-9i69) Bul. 14/ 5.0.68. as l2l5203124-7;Jj,MONG 18.4.69. Class 21c, 2Xd1__fiiCTrr.M5f., )1 0 19761709 M,,~- I J,.t - ".1 r ~:Iz A!, t m-; ip~: 51 "6043411 e%A AlHAWliflifis i hldwlifi ftwih mill m 7::,-T~ 77~ N stractirig servi:~ c. - r:, Ab P"'A W-48823 CHEMICAL ABST. A ~' Nev meibod fo: )Zr oWdehyde acefth. !Zina, 0. A.; Berezh~ ru-R-.-1.'onkOi,Kh -ERR im. Te n WE. Ansin. 1970, (gi),j 2,64RO-substauted)-411-dl. Rt in ~-v4h COS P gave (A03, coindensation I with.Wc V Faye. JRO)ICHCH,CH - CR( Larly, I reacted with CRT -CHCHICH: CHCH(OR)CU hydrolysis of 11 with HC1 in lovVins., XCH: CHCH: CHCF Ho PhNH,, '1q, 1,2,3,44eti PhNlhfe. Similarly M witt, CRICRI:CR-CH:X*Cl- (R! ftN11; H, H, H. 1,2,3,441 i. 6f 'Cbde C 4C;*' Nwbd M NMe- H, H, H, p-=~HXH,4 vl~jj~,g H H, O-MeC41i-.N-H: H,~ H, H;!PhNS .9 U, NH; W,11,H,.1,2,3,41~tetrab~droq W 3; quinolino. 1~ydro Vp tetra Nn"0i hTe or The znC11; simi- 'The lij! fol-, Wen): 1~ H, ELH: H, H, M-i r/2 01,9- UNCL ASSl F I EW PROCESSING DATE--230CT70 _,.P...TJ-TLE--EXTRACT ION AND PHOTOMETRIC DETERMINATION OF THALLIUM USIMG VICTORIA :4R -U- -.AUTHOR-(02)-KISHtP.P., MONICH, YE.YE. .1.0UNTRY OF, INFO--USSR Oji -ZH. ANAL. KHIM. 1970, -6 _RCE 25(2), 272 -%,I)ATE PUBL ISHED ------- 70 ~;!'__SUBJECT AREAS--CHEMISTRY .JOPIC TAGS--CHEMICAL ANALYSIS, THALLIUM, PHOTOMETRIC ANALYSIS, ALKALI .."._:-'KETAL/(U)4R BLUE VICTORA CHEMICAL REAGENT ~"'CONTROL MARKING--NO RESTRICTIONS :DOCUMENT CLASS-UNCLASSIFIE0 REELIFRAME-1994/1.920 STEP NO--UR/0075/70/,,925/r)02/0272/0276 ~CIRC ACCESSION NO--AP0115734 UNCLASSIFIED 2' 019 UNCLASSI F4ED PROCESSING DATE-230CT70 ,-CIRC ACCESSION NO--AP0.115734 ...--ABSTRACT/ EXTRACT- ( U) GP-0- ABSTRACT. TLCL SUB4 PRIME NEGATIVE FORMS A 'COLORED: 1*.l -COMP0, WITH VICTORIA BLUE 4R WHICH IS WELL EXT o i3Y C SUB6 H SUB6 AND ITS HOMOLOGS, BY CHCL SUB3t PHRR, ANISOLEV AND PPOPYL BENZOATE -98PERCENT OF THE COMPLEX IS EXTO. BY A ~FROM H SUBZ SO SU34 SOLNS.; 95 SINGLE EXTN. THE MOLAR ABSORPTIVITY OF THE TERNARY COMPLEX (C SUB6 H SUB6) IS 6.2 TIMES 10 PRIME4 AND 8.5 TIMES 10 PRIME4 &T 556 AND 608 NM, RES.P. THE EFFECT OF THE AQ. PHASE ACIDITY, NACL CONGN.t REAGENT CONCN., ~RATIO OF PHASE Vf?,L.v AND CONTACT TIME ON THE.EXT,4* OF THE TL COMPLEX WAS STUDIED. MAX. ABSORBANCE IS OBTAINED IN 6-9N ti SUB2 SO SUB41 10 PRIME NEGATIVE4 MU REAGENT CONCN. WITH 40 SEC CONTACT TIME. BEER'S LAW IS -OBEYED IN THE RANGE 0.1-10 MUG TL-ML* THE REAGENT WAS USED TO DET. TL IlN.METALLIC CDP COSP AND CDSO SUB4. LARGE A04TS, OF ALK. EARTHSv ALKALI METALSt MG(II)o ZN(II)j DC(II), CUM), SCO(II)i MN(11~)# NT(Ilh AL(III)i CR UI I I )f FE( I I I) r B I( I I I) t P01 ID o AH( 11114 WIVI) t 141,1 If)# 150 FOLD AMTS OF. SNI IV) t140 FOLD AMTS. GA(III)i 15 FOLD WIMP $0 FOLL) IN,(lII)q 25 FOLD SB(III)o MO(V), AND V(VJ DO NOT INTERFEPE IN THE UFT11, OF 20 MUG -TL ;AU(III), SB(V)? HG(II)v TRIIIIII, PT(IVlj I PRIME'NEGArivEt SCN PRIME NEG4TIVE 00. THE SENSITIVITY OF THE UETN.. IS 0.1 MUG TL-ML9 AND THE UZHGOROD STATE TERROR IS PLUS OR MINUS 6.2PERCENT. FACILITY:. ~~'UNIV., LIZHGOROD* USSR. UNCLASSIFIED U S S R, IK C. i Ij. ~j ve" -c C, Crere-.o z, tal lu I, ca- a., .10~_a StLl:e. `-Ja~,ot -L:al 'TAntleorrosion Prorectica of Sceel sheel:s" I-loscow .1 allurg, ~',o 9, Sep 70, pp study %,7as of s Abstract: _CS r, f 1. 14-:~ZII:___,CzI~~- of sheez: steel usins in,iiibi*Lor oiis. n 5 L Li,, U,:~ C.! a z oi c mplaints loogc~d by consuu,.;:~rs T b, eLFri:~2r 111,1VE Sh' cold- and hoc-rroile-' st(2',21 for the dEvelop-,ent of L' and galvwaized steel usivi~l inlulbiLor kIr_uSLr,;_!I C.,j ING-2o and INC-ZO41 d-171" !Ulurlr -Sa...Dles of 08 R-, t-rO_-:e-I w-lith oil -ont:,; D D --ah 1~~ C ntfac '01 F b --r o rE -0 cc! 0- 'as S ~:L, d, ZLY's u -1 -r~; SO r E: `,~ur-; at 'O'C' follolrir:,'- hold:Ln!" i,r. a`~ ping in water fo Y IC U11:5 rUl)"ZIUL~" Usu was iadl- o::~ j)vir. r1osion ProtecticJ711. fhe ouLcome of ti,e L;IC:,I Cil'.. ~~L was a s an -orrosion lubricanzs comprising oi-2-20 L` Idditi~le.S Cf -3 2/2 - I 1~ - ............ pii rss i ~f.-: DA 0 ddL T E 0,2.1 UNCLASSUPIED .`-,-T-ITLE--THE ATMOSPHERIC BOUNDARY L.AYER, --U- ~~;UTHQR_MON I N A. S. :f:~:'c-dU_l4TRY OF INFO--USSR OU;ZCE--IN: ANNUAL REVIEW OF FLUID MECHANICS. VOLUME 2. (ATO 34661 L7-12) -PALO ALTO, CALIF., ANNUAL REVIEWSr INC-#' 197.0v Ps 245-2509 89 REFS ISHED ------- 70 ~_OATE PUBL SPHERIC SCIENCES, EART14 SCtE-NCeS AINO OCEANOGItAPHY __SUBJECT AREAS--ATMO T 0 P I C TAGS--ATMOSPHERIC BOUNDARY LAYERP ATMOSPHER[C MOITEL v SURFACE -,-P,,_--_!~:8OUNDARY LAYERt OCEAN SURFACE TEMPERATUROo 'AIR SEA IINTERFACE ONTROL 4ARKING--NO RESTRICTIONS DOCUMENT CLASS-UNCLASSIFIED .._,~.PROXY 'REEL/FRAME--3009/0217 Sl*EP 140--US/0000/70/000/000/0;!25/0250 'ZORC ACCESSION NO--AT0139073 UNCLASSIFIE0 77777 W7 --27NOV70 2/2 021 UNCLASSIFIED PROCESSING DAY E --AT0139073 tARC ACCESSION NO ABSTRACT/EXTRACT--(U) GP-0- ABSTRACT. DEVELOPMENT OP A MIDDEL OF THE ATMOSPHERIC BOUNDARY LAYER, AN6 DISCUSSION OF THE STRUCTURE OF THIS LAYER. THE AIR SURFACE INTERACTION IN THE DYNAMIC. SUBLAYER OF THE SURFACE LAYER I-S CONSIDERED, NOTING THE SPECIFIC CHARACTr:R OF THE SEA ~:SURFACE AND THE HEAT AND HUMIDITY EXCHANGE, SIMILAI(IrY THEORY IS APPLIED TO AN ANALYSIS OF THE WIND, TEMPERATURE-, AND. IJUM:IDIYY PROFILES OF THE SURFACE LAYER AND TO AN ANALYSIS OF THE SrArjSTIC',AL PARAMETERS OF 'TURBULENT FLUCTUATIONS OF VELOCITY, TEMPERATURE, ANJ~ fiUKII)ITY IN THE SURFACE tAYER. A SIMILARI'TY THEORY IS DEVELOPED FOP't ANALYZING THE -DYNAMICS OF THE ENT IRE ATMOSPHERIC~ BOUNDARY. LAYER, FACILITY: ~-A -KADEMIIA-NAUK SSSR, INSTITUT OKEANOLOGIll MOSCOW? VsSR.' UNCLASS[FtEO [,,` VOL 10p NR 2, PP 240-248 --.,~-SpURCE--GKEAN0LOGIYAt 19701 1-1~,~~D-ATEPUBLISHED------70 'FL/FRAME--1990/1284 STEP NQ--UR/0213170/0101002/0240/024-8 ~~PRUXY RE CIRC ACCESSION NO-AP0109368 UNCLASSIFIED 018 UNCLASSIFIED PROCESSING DATE-020CT70 '_:CIRC ACCESSION NO--AP0109368 --.ABSTRACT/ EXTRACT- (U I GP-0- ABSTRACT. A REVIEW OF THE MODERN STATF OF - -KNOWLEDGE OF THE.SEA TURBULENCE IS GIVEN. A NUMRt-R OF PROBLE%6 AWAITING THEIR SOLUT,lI.ON ARE DETERMINEDo GENERATING MECHANISMS OF THE E14ERGY SOURCE.ANDITHE PROPERTIES OF SYMMETRY OF THE SMALL,SCALE TURBULENCE ARE SYSTEMIZED. THE ROLE OF WAVE MOTIONS IN THE OCEAN~DYNAMICS IS DISCUSSED AND METHODS ARE SHOWN FOR SEPARATiNG WAVE AND TUP610LENT MOTIONS. A -.THREE LAYER STRUCTURE OF THE OCEAN (MIXED INTERNAL~AND BJTTGM LAYERS) IS CLH SUGGESTED9 THE TURBULENCE REGIME BEING OIFFERENT~114 EA OF THE LAYERS. .INTERMITTENCE IS AN IMPORTANT FEATURE OF TURBULENcr.- INJHE INTERNAL -LAYER. THE ROLE OF DENSITY STRATIFICATION IN THE.nrEAN AND ITS DYNAMIC ~EFFE,Cl ON, TURBULENCE ARE ANALYZE-U*IN DETAIL. A JUINT OF THE 'IN THE F OR M A,'T 10 OF A Fl. E 1. --,~TURBOLENT AND MOLECULAR PROCESSESIRESULTS- 4 4 -THE OCEANIC FIELDS. FACILITY; INSTITUT OKEANOLOGII STRUCTURE OF: _14. PlW, P. SHIRSHOVA AN SSSR. ,.7fle ii i -i UAl t--ZUNUV I U UNCLAS~11;~.ob tlTLE_CN Cf,.-~RELATICN Cl- CLUUNNESS. WITH-:TrcMPERArui~E :AND HQMIOITY -U- :.'4'LTh0R-(03)-VGYOVA, K.V., KCLESN-'IKOVA, V.N., PON IN, P S . ~'CCUNTRY 6F -USSR INFO -.!~"'soui%cE-METeGACL(jGIYA I GIORGLOGIYA,, 19701 N R5s, PP 53-5a ISHEL-----70 :~:,..SUBJECT AREAS--ATMOSPHERIC SCIENCES TA(~S -CLIMATE, ATMOSPHERIC TEMPERATURE* ATMOSPHE-RIL HUMIDITYv ATMGSPhEl~IC LLOUD ~CCNTRCL MARKING--,NU RESTRICTIONS -~':LPOCUME N. TCLASS--UNCI-ASSIFIED .-..-PRG,XY~REE,L/r'RA,'4E--3CO5/0090 -STEP NG--UR/005 D/ 70/0001005,M53/0058 CIRC ACCE~S[Ch NC-i~P0132383 'N~_ Lj' S[ED U tSSIF1 212 .013 Pl~Q~.ESSiMG DArE-- UNCLA 20NOV70 CIRC ACCESSICN NO-AP0132383 ABSTkACTlEXTr'%ACT--(U) GP--O- ABSTRACT. I MPO k r ANC E(IF STUDYMG CLUMATE ::'CORRELATIGNS IS EXPLAIiNED. INFORIMATION, ON CLIRA!iLATION OF CLOUDINESS Julls OF T JE WITH MMPEKATURE AIND HUMIDITY FOR DIFFERE, T LIMATIC RE1, SOVIET UNILN IS GIVEN. THE COINCLUS ICN IS hAOE. CIN THE INEGESS.1 rY OF -UNTING SUCH CORRELATIONS WHEN COMPUTING NON LENEAR -LlfjAT;E -ACCC -':CllARACT ER 15 T I CS. FACILITY:. INSTJTVT OKEANGLOGI t AN SSSR. NC L A SC -0, W 15 -51 El c 1/3 010 U114CL AS SI F 1 EQ. P R:LD C E SING DAT E-- L 31,10V70 T- ITL E--DF-",S I TY STRATIFICATION IN, THE 01C E A 14 -U- -3)-'40141N, -A.S.r NEYMAN, V.G. , FIL~USHKENV 'AUT.40R-(O C OUNTRY OF lNFO--USSkr PACIFIC OCEAN VCLI~ 191 N' 0Ot [9101 PP SOURC E~-,'Q SCOW, 0OKLADY AKADEM11 S S:SR 127,7-1279 ;DATE PU113L 70 SUBJECT AREA5---:EA9TH scIENCES ANO OCEANGGRAPHY TO-P I C. TAGS--OCEAN DEPTH, FLUID DENSITY MEASUREMENT1 ~OCEAN TEMPERATURE, ~OCEAN BUTTOMP SALINITY ~~'c- ON T R 0 LMAPKING-NO RFSTRir-TIONS DOCUMENT GLAS S-UiliCLA SS I F I ED PROXY REi:L/FAAME--3005/Ll58 STE'fl tqo---!JR/kii)20~10/19L/00(j/iZTT/12~t9 CIRC ACCLSSIGN NO-AT01.331H1 met MMM 7"r7- 7!wl 2/3 010 UNCLASSI Ff ED Pl~QCESS I PIG OATE--13NOV7G C IRC ACCESSION NO--AT0133161 mABSTRACT/EXTRACT-1U) GP-0- Aa S T It A U. AN Mq ALYS I S%";F N( 0 STRATIFICATION CURVES ~4AS MADE (N IS THE FREI'-4'UENCY OF lNiEkTIAL OS(~ I LL &r IONS , Z I S OE~P.Tli) USING DATA FROM 40 HY13ROIL&GIGAL 'STATIOI~S NORTHERN HALF OF THE- PACIFIC OCEAN. THE NI Z ) CURVES FUR, THE UPPER, 4~-YE-p. OF THE OCEA"I HAVE" A CLIMPLEX AND SEVERAL EXFKE,'14At BUI IN THE VARIED SHAPE, OFTEN WITH ItiTERNAL LAYERS OF THE OCEINAI AT DEPTHS OF 500-5,0610 Mt THGY ARE WELL DESCRIBED 3Y A SIMPLE LAY aF DISTANCE FRO14 THE SURI* "'- N(Z) EQUAL.S W E EQUALS CONSTo (3) THAT [St THE FRL-QUENO N IS INVEItSELY PROPORTIONAL TO DEPTH Z. THE LAW GIVEN A3,111VE IS UNIVERSAL IN THE, !1-E:NCE- rHAT THE- IS 4PPRO.KPIATELY TH" SARL FOR, DIFFERENT~ STATIONS (IT tS 4 CONSTANT 4 CUNGRUENT M-SEC) FIGUPF 2 IN T14E TEXT SHOnS N(Z) VALUE$ FOR TH~:. 40 STAT IOi4S IN THE NEAR BOTTUM LAYER OF :THE* OCEAN 131-~:LGW :THE REG-'Oill (IF APPLICA13ILITY OF THE ABOVE- LA*.4 THE N( I i CURVES THEIR 'Jill I VE~RSAL SHAPE. 50,AET14ES N DECPt:ASES THERE WITH DEPTH MORE RARIOLY THAN INDICATED. BY THE LAW (FOR EXAMPLEv IN STAGNANT BASI...1.5 i4i'm EICITTOM CONVECTION CREATEO BY A GEOTHERMAL HEAT FLUX) OR 51,)MET I MIPS NIORE SLOWLY (FOR EXAMPLE, WHFNI THERE AkE CGLD WATERS OF ANTAKI'ic 0R.GIN IN THE NEAR aorTOi4 LAYER). INSTEAD ThE 0EPTH` Z GNE CA.N, USEE HE16HT i~60VF THE ~iOTTOM H EQUALS H-Z (H IS TOTAL OCEAN DEPTH),: IN THE (',AS(-- OF SrABLE STRATI~:ICATION FOP' LAkGE H TYPICAL SCALES OF TUR8lJLPIT 1~14HOMOGENEITIES ARE OF TIIC- OROER OF L E~QUALS U PRP-IE]l (GN-PI PRiME' NEGATIVE-1 , ;OiERE M EQUALS 3AR P PRI14E W PkVIE IS THE VERTICAL: TUP-81JLENT FLUX Of: MASS (1,4 IS -UAT 1e N' THE L I NE THE VERTICAL VELOC I TY, THE PRIME 0ENOTES FL UC I 0ENOTES STATIST!CA1. AVERAGING~- ii 11 4, C, L All 53 S II E 0 ---------- --- pmgm,mi "idgm- --ju I wl~~ 1. 1 r4 3/3 OLO UNCL.A.S S I F I ED P!!',GCESS ING DATE-13NOV70 C IRC ACCESSION i"40--AT0133181 VELOCITY GRADIENT: S 114UL E 1' U-SiNULET H r- 0 RLAR.GE H ASYMPTOTICALLY APPAIJACHES THE OR- Ed Qr- U-IL FOR LAI:~(;E I BUT THE T E.M P c R ANO S 4L U-11 TY G'~ADf ENTS (OETERMI NI NG T1 E -IF DE14:31TY GR 110 1 ENT) MUST UNCREASE WITH HE-161AT AS I-ALPHA 0i) j,~wHERE t%Li-HS ~$ THE RATfO OF E THE EXCHANGE C-JEFFICIENTS FOR HEU (APED SALT) AND~ FOP, MOME111rUm. THE TRANSetj~ZT OF ENHOMOGENEITIES OF 'rHlr- D1,AENSIUN L WITH THF VELUC[TY H :SINULET U-SINUILET H CREATE NULEr u-5 INULET H-L. _'S A LOCAL FRE-QUENCY H Sl I THE RFSONANCE COINDIT10:4, ACCOR~)llqi; TO IONG, 15 N LQUAL.S H S INULET -SINULET 11i OVE' L (E.,JALS AH; A 2.0 U t% UALS I OVER L ~',ULTI: U UVER S I NUL Ef H SIMILAR Tn U OVER L PPIOIU), EINSJRING THE PROPAGAT-ir )N WAVES IN T14E ENTIkE THICKiNESS OF THE OCEAN (THIS (~iONDITEQN CORRESPONDS TO 0 (H) SIMILAK TO H PRINE NEGATVVI;i2). CHF_CxlNfl,'OF FHE LAW OF D[STANCE FROM THE f3aTToN ~, EQUALS AH REVEALE:6 THAT IT IS S~ITISFACTOA0LY IATISFIED FOR OF THE MEfjricj.'vr_-u HYDkOLOGICAU STATIONS AV OEPTHS BELOil 'l-2 KM. THE RESONANCE CONDITION IS NOT UNII/rERSAL.. THE GrASTAN7 A FOR PIFFERENT STATIONS 15 DIFFERENT ( IT VARIES Ill T~iE RAINGE 11-9) TIMES 10 1118[ME NEGATIVE7 M PRI.AE NEGATIVEL TIMES SEC PRIME -NEGATIVE114. BY LA4S (3) AND (5) ONE 03TAINS A F%qQALS,eJ_Z(H-Z)* THIS VALUE IS ALMIOST CONSTANT (THERE IS LITTLE DEPENUENCE ON Z) IN THE ;LAYF-k NEAR THE MAXIMUM OF TH~ FUNCT 101"'i Z(H-Z THUS, IN 1-HE 114100LE LAYER~ ;S OF OCCAN BUTH ( 3) AND (5) j%',AY BE APPLICABLE- FAC' 1 L UTY: I NSTITUTE OF OCEANOLOGY. zo: -jrRS S91110!5r Sce -113 ~ I- L::~C 621.396.629%523.164 PAPAMSTERS OF THE RT-22 IMA0 RADIOTI:LIESCOPE ANTC,-NA AT WAVELE4,;THS 01' 3 AND 1.35 CENTIME-,rRS le-~j r':7:2:'~ -7 (Article by_L_Z_.BakLxak1i4 M.1- V.A. Efinov. L.R. Xpjan, V.Tj_ Kostenko, J.C_ IG, !' Lhe I iHZitc.' Of SPIC'Q RQSe-514~11 C' ignit On. 'i n . 0 n 'MOSCO-4, 17 t i a V S-hl' 'i r=y i972, pp A two-rtfl.:ctor nntcnnn cyr:-Zam in the 3-Cehtimpter w;,ve 'band wns dnviAloped in 1968 in order to !=;:rove the-Ki:1,0 ~Crjrne- on Astrophysical Observatoryl RT-22 ri,dicttiescopeLIJ and. to provide maXimum senrzixivity.~ it waz tuned- and Its b:j-tic elec- trical p_=r=.a%crP.HT 3-.34 cerfUrneters were det-oxmine'd. . In do- VnIopinig tbe~illum xnatink sy' 'tm of, the xrACls-RT-22. th- -~ter- experlance -of, Imeni P. N. -the. USSR Aoadf^y-of was oonnidered and ce rtz- In Chang . pa-.aneters were Introdiiceds es In Its systen the d ameter of the secondary reflector ~-00. millimp tars, nnd the E;yntcm*g secondary focus waa~ ch 0*,emi as ZU0 millInOte-S from the vert" 0 f the Paraboloid wlTh 4 wle- to Insuring mini- mul losren in the.millimeter wavaband. T!irso c1rci;maUna-=s limited the longitudintil, dimension of the irradiator in the 3- centimeter Wave band. The two-reflectcr irrodlator.hns a com- 1;nrntivply rmnll joiieltudinal dimension, whicti Is why it was choacn~. 1U.Mime was tried out on an 3Lna'~ozlcal D~tonna. the F1 4RT- 2 2 , and gave sr4tisfactory, re;uits- The rudiation patterns of the two-reflector Irradiritor In the E and M planes ;.%nd the cross-pcl~rizztion charucteris- tic at the )4 centimeter wavclengt~ are shown In flf;ure 1. The Irradi--tor's dispersion coefficien%. computed Per the radjAtLon. pattern. does not exceed,3 - 0.2. Preliminary tuning of the nnternn ms done on the sun, final tuning on radio sources of small. artgular size. A radiom- ter with a parametric amplifier was used In tuning at the 23 - a parties USSR TJDC 669.295.5,018.29 669.018. 9 NEYMARK, B. YE., KORYTINA, S. F.t 0-IMNA. and U-MCCULIEV, A. N. "Experimental Study of the Physical Properties of Alloys Based on Type VT-.5 and VF8 Titanium" V. sb. Teplofiz. Svoystva tyerd. veshchestv. M. llauka~(Thernophysical Promerties of Solid Materials -- Collection of Works),, Moscow, "&Nauka," 1971, pp 71-80 (from Referatinvyy Zhurnal Metallurgiyal vo 6, Jun 719 Abstract No 61663) Translation of Abstracti Experimental studies were ca=ied out on the physical properties of two Ti alloy.,;j VT-5 and VT-8. The -,xo-Derties studied woret normal modulus of ele,aticity (by c1ynamic metiod)) internal friction by attenuation of froe vibrationa of tho sampl-e-j# beat conduct-,LvIty, electrical resintance, Lorentz Numbor (try the mothrid of' Javilriz-Delzoel, horst), linear coefficient of expansion (in a vacutum delatomoler), density and:tw-at capacity in the temperature rangii of.20-*8000 (Two Illustrations, one.table, 5 bibliographic entries). USSR uDc (6,~~1-357io35.4:621-79.C(271-669.,,4(t)88.B) ZUBATOVA, L. S., MIOROZ, I. I., and MOMA, M. A., Experimental Scientif ic Research Institute of bletal-Cuttino YA8Ti3Tn`es-,-- "Electrolyte fcr Electro-Abrasive Grinding of Steels, Reat-Resistant, and Mgnetic Alloys USSR Author's Certificate No 3229246, Filed 2 Nhr 70, Published PO Mnr 72 (from Referativnyy Zhurnal -- n:Uiii-ira, Svodnyy Tom, No 23(11), 19'1'2, Abstract No 23D2-36P by A. D. Davydov-) of steels Translation: The Na2C03electrolyte for electro-abrasive frindinc, beat-resistant and iragnetic alloys differs from other, electrolyte by the pres- ence of ammonitLm bifluoride. The presence of the latt(tlx izibibits the foT-iation of sludge in the electrolyte and increases the finisIling quality of the treated surface, Ilia electrolyte components are: taken in the ~'ollowimgf flitounts (11,): .Ha2C03lP'_l)'1 1_nlj~P,111' 0-5-1,0, and water. 'uDc: 621.9.047 USSR VOIKOV, Yu. S." 0 M.-A., ROZ, I~ I.., Moscov "Concerning the Question of Titanium Machinabllityll Kishinev, Elektronnaya Obrabotka. Materialov, No 305) 1972, pp il-14 Abstract: Some particulars in the electrochemical machiniq, of titanium were studied by a comprehensive method including theoretice-11 anal~ysis of the physical and mechanical properties of metal and solutiou and experi- mental verification of the theoretical results, The theoretical studies showed that the fluorine anion F- has -the greatest activating cap,,,.Lcity of the halogens, follmred by I-, Br-,and Cl-, the mcst pronlising being I- and Br-. It is concluded from the resulto of the experimental studies that with respect to productivity, stability of electrochemical mtchining, and surface quality of finished parts, the investigated ions can be ex- ranged in the following conditional series: C10~> Br-~> 1-> F-> Cl-. USSR UDC 539.4.42 KAKHOVSKIY, N. I., YUSHCHENKO, K. A..,, MONRo G G SOX.Ok-HA, A. M., and I -1=44 - - 5 KVASNEVSKIY, 0. G., Kiev, Institute orlffe-ctr QViUrng- imeni Ye. 0. Paton, e Academy of Sciences UkrSSR "'Fundamentals of Alloying Steel and Weld Metal for Structures Operating 'Continuously at Low Temperatures Kiev, Problemy Prochnosti, No 8, Aug 70, pp 119-125 Abstract: Results are presented of a series of izt~estij;atioas for determining the mechanical properties of Cr-Ni-N and,Cr-Ni-Hn-N ste6ts f(yr the purpose of establishing optimal quantities of allaying elements for obtaining auste-nite- stable steals under conditions of long-duration operatilin at. low temperatures (to - 100*e). The results show that a 15Z NA content Ita Cr-Ili-N mid Cr-Ni-Hn-N steals is sufficient for complete ousterdta stability, The fiffect of allaying metals an the mechanical properties of steals and weld netalo is shmm in grap-ha. cha i4l. ir USSR UDC 5:39.4.015 YUSHCHENKO, K. A., STARTSEV, V. I., IVICHEV, V. Ya., MN'K0, G.-G., LIVSHITS, L. A., KAPLAN, L. I., STEPANOV, G. A., and GR,UDZINSKIY, B. V., Kiev, Institute of Electric Welding imeniYe. 0. Paton~ Academy of Sciences,.UkrSSR "Low-Temperature Properties of Austenitic Steels" Kiev, Problemy Prochnosti, No 10, Oct 70, pp 113-115 Abstract: A study was made of the mechanical properties of scme steels of industrial melts destined for use at temperatures down to -2690C. A low carbon content was characteristic for the. investigated steels, and some were also alloyed with nitrogen. The 21-46-8-N type ttable-austenitic steel had the best strength properties and smallest reduction in plas- ticity and toughness at reduced temperatufm M'MIMM! HER M 111111 HIM M ffill WHI 0", NOW= USSR UDO 5,39-411.5 YUSHCHEITKOO K. A., KARTOVSKIY, N. 1. VAS'W'Slayl 0. G. I SOLOKIIA, A. M., (Kiev), Institute of Electric alding imeni Ye. 0. Paton "The Influence of Second-Phase Separations an the Enbrittlement of High-Alloy Austenitic Steels at.L.ow Tempsr~~turms" Kiev, Problenly Prochnosti, go 8, 1970, pp 99-103 A12stract., In tbo artiole are presented results of research oarrf-e-dout writh the 91m of ascertaining the. influence of nitrogen alloying upon the toradenay of scme.alistenitic 3tealn, used in cryogenics,, toward brittlq'da4truotioo. figures I stable, 7 bibliographic entries, 73. 01T. USSR UDC 621,774:539.41.014.$ MONOSHKOV, A. N., LUPIN, V. A., KM-POVA, V. I., NIKULUX, Yu. N., Urals ~SZ'Ien.-tl ~M -89VIrch Institute for.the Pipe 'Industry, Chelyabinsk "Estimation of Limiting Pressure in Wrapped Pipes with'Axial Loads" Moscow, Stroitellstvo Truboprovodov, No .2, Feb. 1973, pp 10-12. Abstract: Wrapping of large diameter pipes significantly iucreases their resistance to large ruptures and in many cases allows it redtiction in metal consumption. This article presents a method for estimation of the maximum pressure in wrapped pipes loaded with both internal prx.~ssure and axial forces which change in direct proportion. to the pressure. Calculations are performed for thin wall pipes, thO %Tapping of which accepts only circum- ferential. forces. The axes of the primary stresses and deformations are assimed to coincide with the geometric axes, of the pip,th.. Analysis shows .:that as the axial compressive force& incr~ease, the effectiveness of wrapping 04-: increases significantly. 1/1 Z USSR UDC 621.791.053.620.172.24-620.172.25 and ANISIMOVS Yu. L', Chelyabi~sk, Chelyabinsk BAKSH, 0. A., Polytechnical Institute "Low-Temperature Effect on the Efficiencyof Welded Jointb Under Static Tension" Kiev, Problemy Prcchnesti, No 8, Aug,70, pp 74-79 Abstract: An outline is given for a procedure for the theoretical evaluation of-the ductility and brittleness of welded Joints of compact cross section with a smooth interlayer, which are subjected to static tension. Mechanical inhomageneity and temperature (up to 78* K) aro taktn into account. The plastic properties and type of failure, In relation to othrvice-, temperature, were investigated under certain wisuipptions, Tests simplem wt,re made of 45Kh and StIO steels, welded by friction. Tests were conductod. on an W-5 test machine at temperatures of -20, -78, -100,,-150, -170, awl -196*C, with a deformation rate of 1.1 x 10-3 see. The results show that with decreasing T n .1erlsymr X d with a reduction in the relative thicla~ees. of the 1121 he yield a point and abort-time strength increase. 1/2 'USSR UDC 620.178.2 '1UN, A. G., and MONOSIHKOV, A.. N., Chelymbinsko Ctelyablask BAKSHI, 0. A., M Polytechnical_ Institute "A Method of Evaluating the Reliability of Katorial o and Welded Joinl:s, operating at Low 'Temperatures" Kiev, Problemy Prochnosti, No 8, Aug TO, pp 70-73 Abstract: A method for evaluating the resistance of materials and welded joints to brittle fracture is presented. The method is based on tensometric recording of the process of impact flexure:of samplos, vith subsequent pro- cessing of the stress-time oscillogram, for determining Che enargy of crack formation and propagation, the average speed of crack &-oloalopment, the impact stretigth, and the breaking point of a sample. A speciaUy designed sample with three notches was used for comparative evaluatiou of the properties of characteristic sections of materials and welded joints.. & procedure is out- lined for determining the elastic energy of a sample-naebine oystem ffor any time instant of sample deformations right up to the fmution of a critical crack in it. Oscillograms of imiact f lexu:re of staindard and n4tched samples with a soft interlayer are presented. VOs din USSR UDC 00.178,,2 Chelyabihsk Polytechnical BAKSHI, 0. A., KUKIN, A. G., and IVOSHKOV, A. -Institute "Effect of the Mechanical Inhomogeneity.,of Welded Join'ts on'Their Resis- tivity to Brittle Failures Under Lcv-Temperatum Condi~tlons" Kiev, Problemy Prochnosti, No 10, Oct 70, pp 106-108 Abstract: The effect of the mechartical inhomogeneity of welded joints at low temperatures on the indices of the specific energy of c:rack formation and propagation, impact toughness, and breaking force,was iavestigated. It is demonstrated that a mechanical inhomogeneity significatitly affects the breaking parameters to be deter-Tmined. , The incorrilictnese -of estimating mechanical.4nhDmogeneities of jointsfrpm results of, impact bending tests of standard specimens, is subs tantiAtted. 1,,2 027 UNCLAS,~]'FIEV~ R C E S S f ilW, 0A f E - - 2 V,-Al V 7 0 -.-,T,I-TLE--METHOD 0 FDETERMINING BR IN ELL HAP DNE S--z NUIM BE R S:~ oY H ic K 1-0 AD I -NG -Ji- '-'AUTHOR- (0 2) -MONOSHKOVAN. VLAS0Vj.R A COUNTRY OF f NFO--US SA -SOURCE--ZAV00, LAB.v 19701 36t (2), 225-2'27, -~:~:-OATE PUBLISHED ------- 70 SUBJECT AREAS-MATERIALSt METHODS AND EQUIPMENT TOPIC -JAGS-HARDNESS, IMPACT STRESSP ME-TALLUf'-.GIC r EST I N GMACH I tj E ,1, Ai 6 0,',1 -STEEL CONTROL MARKING-NO RESTRICTIONS 00CUMENT CLASS-UNCLASSIFIE0 PROXY REEL/FRAME-3003/0304 STi-::P ND!.--URIOO'12170103A,10021022510227 CIRC ACCESSInt, NO-V0129536 uW, LA ii f F I ~E 712 027 UNCL AS;f F [ED PROCESS ING DATE-27NOV70 I RC ACCESSION NO-AP0129536 ARSTRACT/EXTRACT-0j) GP-0- ABSTRAcr. AN 114PROVED METHOD OF oETEp-llINlr4G THE BRIINELL HAkONF:SS NUMBERS OF METALS AND OTHER tr,,ATERXALS IN A SHOCK LOADING PROCESS IS DESCRIBFDo THIS f,iE:Tt-l('D IS 8A$E-0 011 THF 0~10ZD TECHNIQUE (NON DESTRUCTIVE DETERMINATION.OF THE PAI]PERTIES OF METALS, 11METALLURGIYA1, 1965) AND RELIES ONTH:E RELATIONS~JIP BETWEEN THE DE-PTH AND Dlko- OF THE IMPRESSION MADE IN THE; HARDNESS T~STER. EXAMPLES ARE 'GIVEN FOR SEVERAL C AND ALLOY STEELS. USSIR ZUB M0110jol. Ya. A., V. I., Institute of Radio EngineerIng and Elec- tronics, Acai;!;~T of Sciences of the~USSA, Moscow "On the Mechanism of Limitation of the Ainplitude of Spin Waves in a Strong- ly Energized Ferromagnetic" Leningrad, Fizika Tverdogo Tela, -2771; Vel 13, No.9, Sep 71, pp 2773 Abstract: The authors take issue with someof the basic asstunptions of a previous paper -- "New Mechanism of Limitation of the Amplitude of Spin Waves in the Case of Parallel Pumping", V. Ye. Zakharoir et ,.l. , Fizika Tverdogo Tela, Vol 11, lo6q, p 2o!17. In particular, the authors contend I that the stability of a spin wave group was erroneousl:r defined. Speoif- ically, the error consisted in appt~nding the hypothesir, of "externallf stability to the Lyapunov stability condition. Tibi,~ ar~surption is refflated, thus negating the validity of the proposed mechanism in the steady state. -he ca The action of this mechanism of spin wev ;e. P-niplitude Ifinitation in e of unstable nonlinear resonance has been previously studied. 1_n~e figure, bibliograuby of eight titles. USSR UDC: 621-384-639 ABROSIMOV, N. K., ALMAZOV, D. G., DMITRIYEEV, S. P., -v KAMMER, D. M. , KULIKOV, A. V. , IMIRCINOV, Yu. T. , KIEJETE, V, G. F. , RYABOV, G. A. , =UOV, N. N. , S19D.U~!AJ1OV,. V. I. , KOMAR, Ye. 0. IU-LY- I J2 -IY, B. V., SHEV, I. F., IJJRI, 41 A--, FEBEGUD, V.:I., ROZHDES-..'M, ISK --SEBEDENKO, Ye. V., Physicotechnical Institute iraeni A. F. ROYFE, I. M. Ioffe, Academy of Sciences of the USSR, Leningrad, Scii~ntific A'IeseEixch Institute of Electrophysical Equipm-ent.imeni.D. V. Yefrenov, Leningrad "The Leningrad Synchrocyclotron for a Proton Energy of I GeV" Leningrad, Zhurnal Tekhnicheskoy Fiziki, Vol 41, No 9, SeP 71, DD 2769-1775 Abstract: The paper describes the synchrocyclotron at- the Piiyricotechnical Inztitute i=eni A. F. I--ffe of the Academy of Sciences of th-:,, USS111 for a. proton energy of I GeV. Proton beam paraiwters an wells as the characteristics of' the main ayntvms ot the accalorutor nro prouented. The bewii chrinnals are described,, and the layout of the accelar-ator building ia given, The InstalIA- tion Ims been In ruccesrful operation Iiince 19'r0, Shre,li tablozy tvO M- bibliography of tu ve titles. USF-SR UDC 621.039-623 K-L E; K S I N, V. F., BIRYUKOV 0. V., GLORGIMSM, A. V~, V"~71YI"W"Kly L- KH-, KUMAR, YF,- G LUGINOV A. S., PIALYU_V, 1. P.,' .110' A* V., ROZHD6ST~9;NSXI.Y, B- V*, SA KSAG~ I, Lill, ~IOPKQVIGHI the late Ke D., SUKULOVO YU4 ~t., SUPI~UNWZKOV V. It., TOLOK, V.. T., GHURAKOV, G. F,p and.,SHABk;LINIXOV, Lq~ A. VIThe Bxperimental Thermonuclear Device :'Uragant" ~Ioscow, Atomnaya Energiya, Vol 28. No 1, Jan 70, pp~22-28 AbsDract: An urgent task of stellarator research is a dofinitiye clucidat.-Lon of the reasons for anornalous diffusion in a ztollrator, as well as the effect of the &hear and magnetic wall on the confine- menD of a hot and dense plasma. T~Iese,questions will be 3,~udied on the "Uragan" stellarator. Construction of the "Uragan" stellararor was begun at the suggestIon of Io V. MiCHATOV and ~,ompleted -n 1967- The.physical substantiation and tethnical as.5ignnent of developing and constructing the compl" were ~ eveloped at.. the Physicotechnical d 1/3 ~MIMVMI I ~Orall H R. USSR ALEKSIN, V. F., et al., Atomnaya Enargiya, Vol 28, No 1, Jan 70, pp 22-28 Institute of the Academy of Sciences Ukrainian SSR under the direc- tion of K. D. SINELINIKOV, who took an active part in the solution 0 f theoretical and technical questions., :Organizations Laking in the development of the project and the construction of the :;omplex included the Scientific Research Institute of Electrophysical ,','quip- ment imeni D. V. Yefremov, the Blektrosila Electrical Zngineerinr, Com- bine', the Kharlkov Polytechnic Institute imeni V. I.. Lenin, the 6lec- tromechanical Plant and NIIElektroapparat CScieAtific Research Inati- tute of Electrical Equipment] in Martkov. A considerable amount o;C Work.on the development, manufacture,and adju3tment Of the Gy3t0M3 and components of the "Uragan" was done: at.:the Aysicotechnical In- atitute of the Academy of Sciences Ukrainian 55B. The principal feature of the "Uragan" is high ahear(of the ~Qrder of 0,02 and 0-1) at a high lflvel.of magnetic field streagth -ALEKSIN, V, F., et al., Atomnaya Energiya, Vol 28, No 1, Jan 70, pp 22-28 Ho (35 and 10 k06 respectively). The stellarator is in the shape of a racetrack and uses a high-shear triplex he4lical field. The vacuum chamber of the trap consists of two semi-tori with aq. average radius R = 1100 mm and two rectilinear sectorst each 1723 = lonj-. The in- ternal diameter of the chamber is 200 mm. On the outside of the chamber on the toroidal sectors are two helical windings and longitu- dinal magnetic field coils, distributed evenly along the device. -e maximum strength of the magnetic field Is 10 koe under steady-~,-;tate conditions and 35 koe under pulsed conditions# Three windings are used,- vizty longitudinal magnetic field, , helical, and transvorse magni~;!;- ic field. All metallic elements are made of low-magaot. steel M18M. The toroidal sectoro of he ~icuum cliambe!:* and part of t1he rectilinear sectors are made of alloy B?-425. stainless nonmagnetia The -article given a detailed description of, the, windings, cooling ays temp electric power supply systam,yacuum systemand,plasm,4 dibi-gaostic and beating system. 3/3 USSR 7 ADO, YU. 141., ZHU"VLEV, A. A., LOGUNOW, A' A'ol MYAE1 NAUi.-iOV, ".nnAA A. V. Yk;., ROCOZIN3MY, V. Z., SHUKrYLO, I- A-, BUM, S# N., K0,MAR, YE. G., M"'1YShhV, 1. F., V., 1*"~Nusz S? '4(J/ 0AKOVA' F. m., .0 #'.'-V. A., WDOPIYANOV, Fe A., MIMIN A- 01,1- STOLOVI As IAGJ MZ 2 V4 F., 1AINTS1 A. L-, RUBCHINSKIY, S. M.,, UVAHOV,~ Ve All Cu'riNfa, B. M., au'lazuN, V. B.1 ??UK0?':nV1 A. I.# and TEMIKIN, S. .'ItSome Results of the Overall Adjustment and Start-up of the 70-Gev Proton Synchrotron of the Institute of High-energy ?hysic-s" Moscow, AtoImnaya Energiya, Vol 28, No 2 ~eb 70, PP 132-138 Abstract: The physical part of the plan for the 70-Gey prorion *yn- chrotron was executed by the Institute of Theoretical and Experimental Physics. The electromagnet with feed system; the vacuum chamber,and the injection devices were developed at the Scientific Research Insti- tute of Blectrophysical Apparatus imeni D. V. Yefremov. The radio- electronic systems for acceleration ~ proc,ess control:and generation of 1/4 USSR ADO 13 YU. M-g et al.j Atomnaya Energiyat Vol 28, No 2, Feb 70, PP 132- the accelerating field, as well as the radiotechnical and beam observation systemswere developed by the RadioLechmical insti- tute of the Academy of Science3 USSR. 'ITyazhpromelektroproyektI' CState Planning Institute for the Planning of Electrioal Equip~ment y Industr~,3 designed the general -purpose electrote-'ehnical de-- for Heav- vices and cable connections. The plan for the constructian complex in- of the accelerator was developed by the State All-Union ?I-n intx stitute. The construction of the accelerator was the genaral supervision of the State Committee for the Use of ittoinic bnergy USSR. The adjustment of individual systems and the overall adjustment and start-up of the accelerator were carried out by the institute of High-energy Physics and the developers of the accelerator systemz. The basic beam work was done by the Institute of High-energry ?hIfsics with the participation of the Radiotachnical Institute. The con- struction of the accelerator was begun. in 1960, and all the basic consta-uction and assembly work was compl'eted at the b'eginning of 2/4 USSR ADO, YU. M., et al'., Atomnaya Energiya, Vol 28, No 2, Feb 70, r)p 132- 138 196?. At the initial stage of construction, before the formarion o.", the institute of High-energy Physics in.1963, the wot-k was coordinated by the Institute of Theoretical and Experimental Physics. The linear accelerator injector was started on 28 Jul' 1967, the operation of the individual systems was adjusted by September 1967, 'and t~ e physical start-up of the accelerator was accomplished on.14,October. A description is given of the work done Lo adjust -cne annular electromagnet (including the electrornat_,met cooling and feed sy::iLen,31, the injection system (consisting of matching channel and inject."on de vice), the vacuum system, the radioelectronic system (includin't, the accelerating field generation system, the acceleration process control -a beaia ob- system and the radiotechnical measurement system), and th servation system (which provides for beam observatioii in the first Fevolution an(i (luring acceleration). In the physical start-up of the accelerator the main efforts were directed towards obtaining acceler- ated protons of the planned anergyp andithe problem of obt;aining high 3/4 7- USSR A DO, YU. Met et ale, Atomnaya Energiyap Vol 28, No 2, Feb 70o PP 132- 138 intensity of the accelerated proton was~not raised. The article gives a listing of the principal parameters of the proton synchrotrons as we'll as a schedule of the individual stages of the start-up of the accelerator.'.~ Photographs includo a view.of the part of the ring the beam injection araa~and a general view ofthe hall of ignitron rectifierso 4/4 5 7 -~ H,, 13 Novcw1)--,r -7-' CILTWATM WiD =PMUMITM DATA TiT, M-N.".1A)i1~1-* r OF am:imunnoss wlaH jL -IN r!L.* -AIM: OF 35-300 GlGAa-6,T'-('1'i-iQLTS [Proprin' of irtllclo by N. 1. Doynikov, IN. A. limioszon, D. V. i:ozzlklait~vori&;;.i~r, Yu. P. Sivkay (doccatod), A. M. stolov,-Zr7t. 17.77FUM cliqv, Zcjqntllrl,~ inntitut, or Bltmtroph7sical A;rparatus- !=n! 1). V. in.-razX.. ~tzt~ E-c-i-ttan -~zr r-f or n4 r 0 51' -hrnrror.11 rz~ an TIA Gre 15--*30r GeV, Russian, 1r,7V W-44',Aon d4ta and coooldemt-lont arr glv=n an Uht sLr%:ctton of synchrotrons with rotating suporconiuctitir QloctrorA6,.nets ~dth steady-state ( fixed) risldz. ass uell as the -rosultz of ex-poe-4antal Invertigations of. models of the~~clsw3nt2 of the accelorstori in reforencia Lrt, V the possibUity of the development or protron rschrntrona' on the basis of' suWc6n&uct,4nt oUCtrot4j~nwts-with a al.44dy- state fiali us!-, considered, with those do ices rotating v.7nchronnimly relative to an. oquilibriwi orbit.. Such A system zzk ma it poasibla ta c!,A- "fo 4wertge.fiell in the orbit whon~ the vupc=nd=tir4- urindinpr, &r-) by diren-P, emrr6nt. In this ua:;* It Is no lanr,-2r rmes I a& havo a 6)tdi*1.z%iqn zvatwo for -t'14 zaa~natio fiald 16sa4s lit -alturnating curimnt in the superconductors. arc vxcludwl. th,) dasign af thi.windijq;,% Ar.1 oryoutat. Ix:putv are dpare&~6d. and the capacity at! tbo retf'r-1-uralcrs and liquoliars is reduced. Among the mnbor of tho most important. ;~rcblo=s to be aclvod 1-i the dcnalopsiont of such rynahrotrona Is providion for stability ot riotion of the particles near the sqallibrium orbits of dzuLID cw-~ature aml ;n*ocizo nynchrotron rotation or tha vporconductirW, eloccro- Pul;',r.ts. a,;)robl#=s of the dynamic3 or the vArticlas arc corialdorfA belic-... ar-d alao problems asstclatod with the accomplUshtent of cyiieh:~)rcuz n.'t-atign of the electromagnets. On the basis of this consideration, two varlattiozjs or the basic parw-asters of possible accelerators for An energy of tons or hundreds of girgaelectron-volts are given. tn' . .... ..... ~1;1- USSR UDC 632-95 GOLYSHIN, I. H., MM. V._1. I KUMNAO I.. P. IIVANOVA jS. N. 9 I-EVNIKOV, N. H. tKHUSMMINOVAO F. I., SHV=a[-SHIWV5KIYt N. 1. SAMYSIMINA M. A., and BOLONINA, YE. I. "An Antiseptic" USSR Author's Certificate No 355008v Div B, filed i1 Jaz 719 published 13 Nov 72 (from M-WRiyat No 14, 25 Jul M abstxact No 1411616 P by T. A. Bolyayeva) Translations It is proposed that 4,5,6-trichlorobenzoxazollmono,-Z (1) be used as an antiseptic for noimistaUic naterials, an& at the aame time is a bactericide# which considerably ext6nds the sphere oUits act-ion. Compound I is used in a 2-2.5% concentratio;j to control moldq wood-rotting and uood- discoloring fungi* USSR uD C612-95 r'A V 4 VOLODYOVICII, S. D., A1J7RBf1VA, YR. I., GOLYS ILI 11, 11. IL, V G. 1. PRONCIMNY1.0, T. S., USHANOVJ1. G.1 kbumusov, I., E. A. ard SKALZRINA, T. P. nBroeaw, V sb. Xhim. smdstVa zashchi-ty rast. (Chemical Plant -- coil of worku), vyp 1, Moscow, 1970, p~ 116429 (froia M-RhIMV1, 110 1.3, 10 Jul ?2, Abstmet No, 13N50t by T. A. Belyayeva) Translatiom The preparation brolatan (1) Is beingg tested as a soil fwiggicide and antil~eptic.'for nonmetallftc zmiaturiaJ.z. I ia as effective as carbathion in tbe, coritrol of M, elon f us-u.ri,-~l Wk.1t. I in a conceptration of 0.8 p2rcent is equivalcat t. JJI,'Crlt in. um 0.6. percent con- centration with respect to hibernating formx. of t-b3 caiguatiy~- agerit of apple scab and bromi spot. 1 is active in the: contxvl of cotton mot rot and uilt at a consunption rate of 100-100 kj&/ha. UNCLA--S :FIEO~ --230CT70 t RR CESSING DATE 026 T'IT.LE--ION IZAT ION OF MOTT EXCvroqs i _-N PUALLEL ELECTIZIC AND STRONG MAGN ET IC F I ELDSL _U_ '_:_AUTHOR,-(02)_MON0ZON, B.S., PEVZNERv M.Bo OFANFO-_USSR ,-~.~SQURCE-FIZ., TEKH. POLUPROV. 1970, 4(3),~466-71 PUBL-ISHED ------- 70 SUBJECT AREAS--PHYSICS TOP IC TAGS--IOkNILATIONt EXCITONr:ELE'L.TRIC FIELDo STRONG MAGNETIC FIELD ;.-CalTROL, MARK ING--NO RESTRICTIONS. DOCUMENT CLASS--UNCLASSIFIED :.:-,PAOXY REEL/FRAME--1997/1715 STEP NO--UR/04491'10!00rt/003,/0466/0471 ClAc ACCESSION NO--AP0120427 U h,i- LA rS 1 r. I E 0 2112 026 UNCLASSIFIto PRIOCESSING DATE--23OCT70 ..CIRC ACCESSION NO--AP0120427 9ST-lACT/EXTfZACT--(Ul GP-0- ABSTRACT, THE INFLUENCE IS STUDIED OF PARALLEL ELEC. AND MAGNETIC FIELOS ON THE LOWEST COULOMB STATE, IN EQUALS 0. A STRGING IMAGINETIC FIELD IS CONSIDERED, I.E.v THE WliOLE CC;UL,"lA3 SERIES (INCLUDING N EQUALS 0) SHOULD BE NARROWER THAN THE IINTEPVAL BETWEEN NEIGHBORING LANDAU LEVELS; THE ELEC. FIELD IS LOW IN CO-MPARISON WITH THE COULUI-18 FIELD. THE WAVE FUNCTION 15 CALCD. AND THE SHIFT IN THE 2140 APPROXN. OF THE PERTURBATION THEORY, AS.14ELL AS THE PROBABILITY OF IGNIZAT'ION OF THE COULOMB STATES (N EQUALS 0, to 2t) IN THE ELEC. FIELDt IS GIVEN. THE INFLUENCE IS DISCUSSED OF THE ELEC. FIEL ON THE INTENSITYi SHIFT, AND WIDTH OF EXCITON PEAKS IN T~1:1: MA(;NET03PTICAL ~ABSORPTIaN SPECTRUM. THE FORMULAS DERIVED MAKE IT POSSIBLE TO TAKE ANTO ACCOUNT A WEAK SCREENING EFFECT OF_IMPURITIES ON THE EXCITON LEVELS FACILITY: LENINGRAD. GOSO-, UNIV. tM. ZHDANOVAt LENINGRADt.USSR. UNCLASSIFIED 1/2 0, 14 UNCL ASS IF I EDi~ PRor.EsslNG DATE-ILDEC70 T I TLE-i~tG I UNA L I Z AT I GIN OF HERLtICIDES 1 114~ CONS OF i;Dt A.-i I CAL ~:,,CG,'APCSITIL!l Of- WEEDS -U- ,AUT"ZlF.__,MCr,S~vIL s___YA. tCLIXTRY OF INFli--USSR KHIMIYA V SELIS4UM KHOZYAYSTVCP VOL ap NR 4 (Td)y APR 70, pp 51-55 DATE PU&LISHE0---,APR70 SU6JECT AkEAS-81OLCGICAL AND MEUICAL SCIENCES TPP I CTAGS--HERbIC IDEs 'PLANT PHYSIMOGY,. iCILIOATIC COAO)ITION CCliTt,C,L MAFZKING--NO RESTRICTIONS CLASS-UNCLA,SSIF TED ~-PRaXY FICHE NC-----FU:70/605014/rL0 STEP NO-UR/039417(liJoc0i'004)'005110055 -CIRC ACC~ SS ILN - NO--AP0 14,03480 UNGLASS I F IEV PROCESSING DATE-11DEC70 212 014 CIRC ACCkSSICN NO--AP0140480 ABSTRACT/EXTRACT--(L) GP-0- AB ST RACT. THE AUTHOR $TUDIEC THE SENSITIVITY 'OF WEEUS TOWARD HERBICIDES UNf)ER DIFFERENT SOIL Ck.fMATE. (;0j%jQITI0RS IN ORDER TO DISTP16LTE VARIOUS AGENTS BY REGIONS. IT11AS OETERMINED THAT 30TANILAL CCMPUSITION OF THE WECOS HAS TO BE TAKEN,lNT02CCNSIDEKATION wITHIN 1NDIVIUUAL SOIL CLIMATE REGICN541 EXAMPLE$ (IF THIE DIFFERENT 2. 4 -RESPC-I*%SE OF WEEDS TO VARIOUS TYPES OF HERBICIDES (4 -Up 2i4-,4KL, :1)NOK) ARE REPCRTED AND NECOMMENDATICt-IS ARE MADE ,FOR THE 1. ITHUlNIAN REPUBLIC. IT WAS FOUNJ THAT THE HERBIGIVES SHOULD;OE SPRAYEO~EARLY IN THE SPRING. FACILITY: VASESK BRANCH CJF.THE LITHUANI:AN SCIENTIFIC RESEARCH INSTITUTE OF AGRICULTURE 1- rA 7 T USSR 632. 954 + -532. 3~ ar 'I TE, YA. vitJ-cesk Braj,.ch of the Uthu, da Institute of Agriculture Regional izat ion of Herbicides With C~ilsideration