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USSR BAYBAKOVA, 0. V., and MOLODYKR, L. V., All Union Institute of Plant Breeding -imeni N. I. Vavilov "Susceptibility to Powdery Mildew of Varieties of Peas" Moscow, Selektsiya i Semenovodstvo, Vol 36, ~No 6, Nov/Dec 71, pp 75-715 Abstract: Powdery mildew caused by Erysiphe communis is the irost common disease of peas in Leningradskaya Oblast'. Dry and hot weather favors the development of the disease. Forty varieties of peas were subjected to tests to determine the susceptibility to powdery taildew. Methods recommended by the All Union Institute of Plant Protection were applied in egitimating the degree of infection. Slow-ripening varieties were.more susceptible to infection than rapidly ripening varieties or those with a medium rate of.ripening, because their ripening coincided with the time of mass development, of the disease. Of the forty varieties tested, three showed a low susceptibility to powdery mildenw, 10 a medium susceptibility, and 27 a high susceptibility. The varieties with a low susceptibility (degree of infection of the.plants an the basis of the plant area affected, 20-25%) were Afganivtanskiy, Perchak, and Sbirobana kinusaja, and those with a medium suaceptibility (degree of infection 25-50%) Chicara, Pobeditel', Signal, Superperfection, Da Beira, __Olho preto, Acclimatized Round-Seeded, Ambrosiana, Nano Taccola, and Ehgl. abel. WOMMOMM r USSR UPC 5183517-944).12 OSIPOV, V. M., GONCHAROV, V. I., MWDMO V. A., and CHOVIOV, V. N. "Approximation of Complex Transfer Interpolatiore' Dokl. Yubileyn. nuach.-tekhn. konferentaii Fak. avtomat, sistem. Tomsk. politekhn. in-t (Reports of the Anniversary Scientific-Technical Conference of the Faculty of System Automation of the Tomak Polytechnic Institute), Tomsk, 1970, pp 263-268 (from Referativayy Zhurnal. -- Hatematika, No 8, Aug 71, Abstract No EB775 by I. Shelikhova) Translationi In analog computer iwiestigations of automatic control systems of processes with distributed parameters, complex transfer functions must be approximted by fractionally rational expressions. A nethodof firilin- the coefficients of such aDproximating expressions by intarpolatio-nis presented for the case of processes with distributed: Wrameters that have monotonic or near-monotonic transfer characterlsticsp which an approximated by expGnents with a high degree of acm.=cy. The increase, Ln approxi,nation acc=acy is due to the increase in the order of the app:coximting expression. Re6ults of apyroxizating trainsfor functions of the Ua r-Ompownt axe discussed. UWR UDC 547.26 1118 BLRAUW'V, V. I., SAZONOVA. Z. Ya., WIDDYKH, Zh. V. Kazan Veterinary Institute imeni N. S. Bauman 05ynthesis of Halogenated Phosphorylatel Acetals of Chloral and Bromal" Leningrad, Zhurnal Obshchei Khimii, Vol 40, No 6, Jun 70, pp 1260-12062 Abstract: Biologically highly active esters were obtained from the reac- tion of halogen-substituted heniacetals of:chloral and bri3mal itith dipropyl chlorophosphite. I were prepared by mixing 0.1 g-moln af hemiacotal and 0.1 g-mole triethylamine in diethyl ether,.coolin the mixture, and adding drop- wise.d#ropyl chlorophosphite. Physical dAta for many such conpounds are given in tabular form. Tranu.La-Lian: R uevice is prapQ5ea ior equa.Lizing Lne currenTa ol Iwo parallel-connected tr&nsistors operating in the switching mode. The device contains a current-equalizing reactor with-two windings rhich are can- nected to one of the poles of th;-, poWer gupply. To imppve accuracy in equalizing the currents through the transistors with similtaneous elimi- ings in the current- nationof electrical losses, the free ends'ofthe vincL -equalizing reactor are connected in opposition and tied'to the emitters of the transistors. 74 Infoxinat n 60, USSR (.a2-327-02 BUROVTKOV, I. I., YOLOGIN A. 1. "A D*rect-Access Memory" xo 6, Moscow, Otkrytiya, Izobreteniya, Promyshlennyye Crbraztdy, Tovarnyye Zmaki, 1970, PP 37-38, patent ITO 262181, filed 16 Ded 08 Alostract; This Author's Certificate introduces a direct-acqetis memory which can- tains a stack of acctumilative matrices, a monitoring unit ami a conLrol unit. Connected to the matrix stack are the address and numIo-r cha~nneis of th,_- memory. As a di6tinguishing feature of the patent, provision is made for detection i,,T)d correction of malfunctions. The monitoring unit containo a eaeckln~, re~,rister, a cadence pulse generator, a memory cell address counter, a twilfunction c~)onilrate selector, a unit which shapes a malfunction coordinate selector interrogation signal, a gating signal shaper, e4d a reset siGmal blocking unit. Connected to the input of the malfunction coordinate selector are the output's of the unit which shapes the selector interrogation signal and the outprtts of the nueber re;-:is- ter for the memory number channel and the cheeking register. 7he corresponding inputs of the checking register am connected to the ou'Alp-itn of channels which are coupled to the readout amplifiers of tbe memory nulzber claannal and to the 4 gating signal channel. The inputs of the reset signal blocIting unit are connected to the output of the control unit and to the;output of the malfunction coordineve selector. The output of the cadence pulse generator is conjaecte~L to the gate OZ3 UNCLASSIFI-ED PROCE;SSING~OATE-23OCT70 T-1-tLE-ON THE CLASSIFICATION OF SILICOTUBERCULOSIS!-U- UT_HOR-(05)-taLg~jkROV, K.P.t RASHEVSKAYA# A.M*p KONCHALOVSKAYA# N.M61 KALITEYEVSKAYA, T.N. '03UNTRY OF INFO--USSR SOURCE-G'GIYENA TRUDA I PROFESSIONALINYYE ZABOLEVANIYAt 1970# NR 4t pp AT PUBL tSHED-----70 :UBJECT AREAS--BIOLOGICAL AND MEDICAL SCIENCES ~.T~PPI-C TAGS--TUBERCULOSISt SILICAi RADICIGRAPHYI NECROSIS tlon.TROL MARKING--tiO RESTRICTIONS ,OOCUMENT CLASS--UNCLASSfFlEb .0-ROXY REEL/FRAME--1983/1736 STEP NO---UR/0391/70/000/004/0049/0052 CIRC ACCESSION NO--AP0054578 UNC LASS ITI-E W2 023 UNCLASstr-lEb PROC~SSING DATe---23UCT70 ~6 RC ACCESSION NO--AP0054578' :ABSTRA'-T/EXTRACT--(U) GP-0- ABSTRACT. A CLINICO ROENTGENnLOGICAL CLASSIFICATION OF SILICOTUBERCULOSIS WHICH FOR A NUMEIER Oc YEARS HAS IS _~BEEN USED AT-THE CLINIC OF THE INSTITUTE~OF INDUSTRIAL HYGIENE AND -RED FOR DISCUSSION. OCCUPATIONAL DISEASES OF THE AMS OF THE USSRv IS OFF[i ilNCT GROUPS. THE THE AUTHORS SUBDIVIDE SILICOTUBERCULOSIS INTO 2 DIS ,:,-FIRST INCLUDES SILICOTUBERCULOSIS W14ERE THE FORM OF TU6ERCULOSIS CAN BE CONDITIONALLY-SPECIFIED AGAINST THE BACKGROUND OF: SILICOSIS. TO THE 20 GROUP IS REFERRED THE PROCESS IN WH[CH DEFINITION OF THE TUBERCULOSIS FORM AND, AT TIMESt THE STAGE OF SILICOSIS TOO APPEARS TO 4E IMPOSSIBLE. THE FOLLOWING FROMS OF THE DISEASE ARE SET APART WITH REFERENC.E TO THE 20 GROUP: SILICOTUBERCULOUS BRONCH ADENITISt MICRO ANO RACRONODULAR AND ALSO MASSIVE SILICOTUBERCULOSIS. MOREOVERr IT IS SUGGEST:ED THAT THE -E - 'I 'N'AN0 POS-1-T-IVE PRE'SENCE~OF TUf3 CA-38SEfS-DEGEN-Ek-AT aEciLLOSCOPY.13E POINTED UP SEPARATELY# ALONQ:WITH THE ABOVE MENTIONED .-,:CONDITIONS* UNC L A S S I F I f USSR UDC: 621.762:669.018.25(088.8) NOLOKHOV, I. F., STRAKHOV, N. S., CHEPURKIN, Yu. N., KARINKIN, P. M., TUNEV, I., G. "Method of Manufacture of Metal Ceramic Products" USSR Author's Certificate Number 360151, Filed 24/02/71, Published 15/01/73 (Translated from Referativnyy Zhurnal Metal.lurgiya, No 8,,1973, Abstract No 8G440P, by S. Krivonosova). Translation: In order to increase the wear resistance (by 1.5-6 times) of hard alloy products, they are annealed after sintering in a medium of quartz sand at 800-9000, then normalized at 900-950*. The method has been tested under production conditions, provides for an increase in wear resistance of hard.alloy tools working under conditions of vibration during cutting of channels and drilling of ZhSBK alloy.. ......... ...... .......... Hyd:~aullb; arA hi6umatie USSR VDC 532.546.013.21 KORNIL'TSEV, YU. A., MOWKOVICH YU. M. "Electromodeling of Plane-Radial Problems in the Filtration of Newtonian Fluids" V sb. Probl. gidrodinamiki i rats. razrabotki neft. mestorozhd (Problems of the Hydrodynamics and Rational Developments of Petroleum Deposits -- Collection of Works), Kazan', Kazan' Institute, 1971, pp 44-50 (from RM-Mekhanika, No 12, Dec 71, Abstract No 12B1568) Translation: The non-steady-state plane-radial filtration of fluids exhibiting aninertial sh-ift gradient is discussed. The electrical. analog for filtration rate and for the equation which the pressure p(r, t) satisfies is described and the corresponding similarity criteria are derived. Solved on the analog elec- trical, model are problems with the initial condition p(r, 0) = p0, boundary conditions P(rc, 0 = pc < p0 and either p(R, 0 = po or, 3p/,)r = a for 2, R under the following boundary cor- an&also problems without initial condL ditions: p(rc, t) = (p0 - pc) cos wt and either p(R , 0 = po or 3pl;r tables. The fo!~ r.= R. Solutions are represented En the form of gra~phs andL -filtration of Newtonian and non-Newtonian~fluids is coVared.~ E. V. Skvortsov. 1/1 USSR UDC: 519.2 Z.MWSTV0V. V. S. On a Differential Game With Random Perturbations" Vestn. Mosk. un-ta. Mat., mekh. (Moscow University Herald. Mathematics, Mechanics), 1972, No 6, PP 58-63 (from RZh-Kibernetika, No. 5, May 73, abstract No 5V108 by the author) Translation: A differential two-person game with zero sum is considered: (0(0)- We, r Ix.. we, U. 01M to X. W, U. V) dl + F (X (T)Wx (0) r,., tv (0) 41 (2) fo, r1, xERII. a!ERI. uERF. vCRI. M-I.! is: the conditional mathematical where q: expectation. Strategies are constructed by the players in the form U=U(t,x,v), v=v(t,x,v). ~17he f"unctions f,:U, Y. are piecordise-continu- ous with respect to t and satisfy the Lipshits condition,vith respect to xt w, us v to equal degree, the scalar functions w and F are continuous; 1/2 USSR 1iDLOSTVOV, V. S., Vestn. Mosk. un-ta, Mat., mekh., 1972, No 6, pp 58-63 W(t) is a purely discontinuous bounded Markov process vitb stepwise rea- lizations. The strategies are called optimum if they yield a saddle point in functional (2) on the strength of system (1). Sufficient con- ditions of optimality of strategies are derived:on the basis ofthe method of optimum Lyapunov functions as proposed by N. N. Krascrskiy for stochastic control problems. These conditions give an e=licit, form of optiminn strategies for linear games with square-law payoff. In this case the additive perturbation appearing in the equations of motion is as- sumed to be a scalar, homogeneous Markov process with a finite number of states. Finding the optimum strategies in linear games requires solving differential equations, one of which is a matrix equation~of the Riccati type.. k pursuit and evasion game on a strai&t line is considered by way of example. 2/2 USSR UDC 669i245.018.44' ADIER, YU. P., DOLZRANSKIY, YU. M., KOLOST9VA, 1. 1 , andt SIVILEVA, L. I., Institute for Improving the Qualifications of the Ministry of the Chemical Industry USSR, All-Union Institute of Aviation Haterialm "Statistical Study of the mechanical Properties in the AT-Zn-NE;7Cu System Using Projected-Experiment Methods" Ordzhonikidzeg IVUZ9 Tsvetnaya Hetallurgiyat No 59A973, PP 135-139 Abstracte The study related the mechanical properties of the Al-Zn-ivg-Cu system to the composition of the melt, conta-tning the following weight % of metalst Zn, 7.5 ~nd 8.51 me, 2.5 an& 3.5t Cu, L5 ancl 2-3 an-i Zr, 0.13%. This resulted in 8 alloys for the first stage. The alloys prepaxed during the second stage had the following compositionst Zn, 8.0 and 9.5%1 14g, 1.5 and .2e5%; Cu# 1,0 and 2.0%; Zrt 0 and 0*13%j Cog 0 and 0.2%; ; Hms 0.. and L).%, I Fe, 0.1,and 0.2%, The mechanical properties amasured were the stran6th 6~--S in k and the relative extension at the rupture p6int 4f , In. %). Sets of equations of the form d or dr-ii - A + BXb t CXO AN4niri)re se t up and the coefficients A H analyzed in matrix torn, The X is tho concentration 1/2 USSR UDC B.74 AYNEERGi V. D., KONOVODCHENKO, I. G., 0S RUMANTSEVA, G. D., AM Liliwvv- SABSOVICA, L. L. 11E xpansion of the Library of Standard Procedures of the TA.-Ill Translator" Tr. TsNI1 stroit. konstruktsiy (Works of the Scientific Rt~search Institute of (from:RZh-Kibernetikaj No 9, Sep 72, Structural Parts), 1971, vyp. 20, pp, 5-7 AbIstract No 9V616) Translation: A list of developed standard procedures of the TA-L14 translator is presented for: 1) formation of matrices and algebraic operations on them; 2) printout of files using the,alphanumeric printer; 3) exchange of filea in ready-access memory with the. external memory of the,compurer. It is noted that reference to all the developed procedures iei made tising, the standard procedure operator pN(q It q29 -"v qn ) where N idi the library number of the standard procedure, and ql, q2p 4-0 q n are its actcal parameters in place of which the identifiers of the variables and files, the nuambers and arithmetic expressions can be substituted. All of these described proceJures are formulated as standard programs in the IS-2 system, :ahd tha TA-111 transllator is used without auxiliary shaping subprograms. They are written on the magnetic tape of the translator library and find broad application, increasing the volume of the ready-acces and external memories used, facllitatlzig the prograr.- ming process in ALGOL and reducing the solution tine of die problems. USSR urc 615-371:576-858.251-,)3Ml6-988-25-CC)2-3:5.1~2-()~15-3i'l-03""-~i'l~ LUB011) A. V., IKOZ17W., L. B.j F01MM(W B. A. and I%J-rrVA N. A.y Tyum.Qn' i3cirm- of' IIZR,":r6F6f"EPect--Ion Tatholofi- i fatrj of' Health tific Research Institute y, ill 1, n RSFSR, and Antiencephalitis Division, Ministry of Health "Live Vaccine Against Tick-&)rne Encephalitis. Anticenic Potency" Moscow, Voprosy Virusologii, No 6., 14ov/rx.,c 72, PP 703-705. q Abstract: Live vaccine and inactiva~ad formolvaccina a,-glimst tick-borne encephalitis vere tested oil SOO individumis to in :L-Lrum-enicity and to Oeriva vaccination -raCC).- aC ciiia,~,glutinating witlbodiofi in and aritil"CAlus in h G, With one vacciiiation nchodulc production of zim~ antibodius wan greater -rith live thmn uith inactivated cine. Ibe bus' -accin,,~~tian vac schedule for live vaccine was 2 injections (1 rill', 5-5-6-7 lil T4c~) 3-5 moll-thr, - . :2. . I Ll to 1 year apart. A pronomiced booeer eff ct was noted wder). iriLivicIluals had atp t-'c 2-3 previous vaccinations by inactiv, ad vaccine. Thus me of live I k-bol encephalitis vaccine is i-3co.-mended in foci in Ywhich the, llam,;!,ation harl under- gone immunization by foi=lvaccine. USSR UDC: 537-312.6!2 KADYKOVA, G. V., IMOT.ILOIT, B. V-., PROKOS11111, A. 1'. ,SUIGEME-V, I . F. , FEWTOV, L. N. "Properties of 35BT Cuperconductive Pi-loy" Moscow, Sverkliprovodyashchiye aplavy i s0zVedin.--sborn-iK (SupercondL:ctive Alloys and 13cm-poilnds-collection of works), 'Tauka" , 19'[2, T---, l6o-i66 (frcm RM-Radioteklmika, No 12, Dee 72, abstract No le?D558 Translation: The structure electri cal resistance and. exTans c-n of 35RT suDerconduct've alloy containing titanivin -and, Ojimll edelitives. c-f zirconium in addition to 35% niobiiua- were; studied in the state after ccli deformation, annealing, and also dur-ing, heating. A me--diviri cu---rent del, sity 4. = I - 3.05 A/cm2 in a transve., se wagne-tic fi eld of 30,000 lli/cm reached after cold dpformatioa aznd annealing at h50cC for homrs. gationn of a-pbase with trariLver:~(., dimenf3ioris of mr;olut, A ure (J).~ 1~1-r"!~ in the structure of thu! alloy in I-11ilt; i0lute, On Cho 1"'111) oilvvo' rj spec=eens in the state after cold deformation arid after ann~!t-J.In'. flt U 200-3000C, a peak is observ-i~-d due to the pesencc of w-rthaze J.n the structure. Your illustrhtions, b-I!--I.IJ..Oj,;rapby of 14 Ilitlan. USSR ijDC 537.312.62 WICHEV, A. I., MOLOTILOV, B. V., SUVOROV, V. A., FEDOTOV, L. N., SHIRY&YEV, YU.. P. "Properties of Superconducting Materials" M tr. TsNI1 chern. metal-lurgii (Collected Works of the Central Scientific scitute of Ferrous hetallurgy) 1971, vyp. 78~, pp 108-L10 (from Kesearen In RZh-Radiotekhnika, No 6, Jun 72, Abstract No 6D450) Translation: In recent years the Central Scientific Research Institute of Ferrous Metallurgy has developed and mastered the production of the following superconducting materials: 65BT, wire (ChMTU 1-29-66); 5OBT, wire (ChMTU/ /TsNIIChM 1458-67); 35BT, wire.(ChMTU/TsN'1IMf 1489-69); 70B, tape 1,ChHTU/ /TsNIIChM 1491-69); SKM, compositional material (ChMTU/TsNIIC1dM 1487-69). In this.survey a study is made of the technological and the physical-mechanical properties of the indicated materials, andxecommendations are made with re- spect to their application. ~A, UIS b-C 669-1:539-3 4 SSR -7 AFAMALSI)ITV, S. V., and MOLOTMOV, B. V.3, institute of Precision Alloys, Central Research IntTTMML'Arrous 14etallurgy irxni 1. Barliri, ani .:Leningrad Steel Rolling Mill "Plastic Deformation of Fe-3% Si Single Crystals under Stres Sverdlovsk, Fizika Metrallov i 114etallovedeniye, Vol 29, illo 4, Apr 701 !)P 890-892 Abstract: Ar. experijn4ntal study was made of slip in single cryst t~ of Fe-3%;; Si. ~Sjngle cr(staIG with an orientation of (110) [0011 and mlni=; slons-, of the (110) plane to. the plane of the sheet from which the riaxp les were cut (2-30), vi!re cut Into sampler, measuring 0 - 5 x 13 x 120 mm at different angle s I a 1 (0 4- a 900) to r s ction [ 001) - The spu7mles were strained by elon.1;ation at two differenr, ate d1re (4 x lo-3 and 4 x 1o-5 sec-1) to the yield point. The ch-rux3e:,in the active syztems of slip (for traces of slip in two mutually perpendicular planes) and the yiel(i poi-.%t -1 changing orientat-loa of 'the samples were =alyzed. in A coaparizon of experimental values for the angles, form*.-d. by olip traces, ho, co-m3e e onf e with calculated angles for the c.~, a slip byatei-iis d -1 not c -W t c a Z=C with any of the inspected ayGtems; the e;qp4rLmental datu were, clozar to tile _M-Bulto -for the system ~hki~ 4 m than for planes of =iram UaLgetltial r3r-_ot;P but still with no conformanc:e. 112 AFAILTAWYEV, S. V., and 1,10LOTILOV, B. V., Fizika Metallov i. M~allovedeniye, Nol 29, No 4, Apr 70, pp 890-892 ThUSY slip in the Fe-3% Si alloy can be characterized by the follo,,ring features: xcept, -Whe -Slip has a non-crystallographic character in all pl,,ILes e. ~1101 plane. .2. Change in yield point can be clocely described by the principle of critical shear stresses for the slip system , iliol -, in 3- She planer, of slip are close to the planes of maxinam tangential stress but not coincident with them. SUp is asymmetrical for relatively positive and negative angle 2/2 Mr 'I= MEW 11MINIMIRMEMIN "It i)MlnligillEolillm Offfliff, 1101W. am IM PRO CESSING DATE--230CT70 1/2 039 UNCL A~Sl F I Ff)' C_,`J ITLE--EFFECT OF PLASTIC DEFORMATION ANL) RECOVERY 0,111 THE MAGNETIC ~`,_PREPERTIES OF TRANSF01-ZMER STEEL CRYSTALS -U- 0 5) -BRAS HEVAN G.A., VEKSLER, A.Z.~, DRUZHININ, V.V., MOLOTILOV, t' NOVIKOVt V.Fv _:~.cetre,p-- I NFG--USSR SOURCE-- I ZV. AKAD. NA,_v-. cl;SR, SER. FIl. L9 34, 70, PUBLISHED ------- 70 .-'SUBJECT AREAS--MATERIALSt MECH.v IND*t CIVIL AND MARINE ENGR OP I CTAGS--PLASTIC DEFORMATION, TRANSFORMER STEELt 14ETAL CRYSTALv SHEET -ION9 CRYSTAl.; METALt, MAGNETIC ~ PROPERTY# MAG14ETOSTRICT DISLUCATIONr ALLOY :..~~CQMPOSITION,* METAL kOLLINGt SILICON STEELy, HYDROGEN Mt%RKfNG--N0 RESTRICTIONS DOCUMENT CLASS--UNCLASSIFIED STEP tlO--UR/00!+8/'70/034/002/0322/0328 PROXY REEL/FRAME-1997/1529 CIRC ACCESSION N10--AP0120310 ijNC k- Eil -A 5, LEI ~:,,2/2 039 UNCLASSIFIED, PROCESSING DATE--230CT7 CIRC ACCESSION NO--AP0120310 -.ABSTRACTIEXTRACT-M GP-0- ABSTRACT, LARGE CRYSTALS CUT OUT FROM TRANSFORMER METAL SHEET, 0.35 414 TFilCKf REFINED IN H (850DEGREES, 4 HR) -'AND UNDER VACUUM (1100DEGREES, 4 HR I STUDEEDo 4FTER REFINING, THE ~STEEL CONTAINED SI 2.9, C. 0.004t N 0.0059 AND S 0.003PERCENT. STUDIES OF THEIR MAGiNETIC, STRUCTUKE (BY. THE POWDER METHOD)* AS 14ELL AS OF DISLOCATION OS. WERE MADE AT THE SAKE SPOT OF THE SAMPLE. SP. CORE LOSSES, COERCIVE FORCE, H SUBC, AND MAGNETOSTRICTION PiERE MEASURE. ROLLING IN TKE (0011 DIRECTION PRODUCED A STRUCTURE WITH A P$,UCH LOviER DISLOCATION D. THAN ROLLING VN THE (110) DIRECTION 110iiEVER# WITH THAN H SUBC (110). THE -SMALL DEFORMATIONS H SUBC 10011 LARGE -.~SIMULTANEOUS ACTION OF STRESSES AND 01SLOCATION OS, LED TO A CHANGE IN DELTA ~H SttBC* A LINEAR CORRELATION-14AS NOiED BETWEEN H SUBC AND Sp. CORE.LOSSES, FACILITY: TSN I (CHN IM. GARDUNAt MOSCOW, USSR.. -ijAl C-C-4SS-VE LED---- 6ATE--090- UNCLASSI F P130C SING 'rT70 6~'-_SECLNDARY RECRYSTALLIZATIO14 IN COLD~KOLLED SILICUN STEEL ALLoYa) IN i~'.THE,-ANNEAL ING PROCESS -U- NASYEVt S.V.1 uAr"lYATINSKlY, V. P.; GORBACHtV, V.N.t "6ifiulK-r ( 0 5) A f Aj i.KRY.ZfJAN'fJVSKIY# V.V.t MOLUTILOV, B.V. _'puNiTRY'70F INFO--USSR XU RCEI-.IZV. AKAD. NAUK SSSR, SER. FIZ. 19?0~ M34(iZ) t276-80 TAT E_ PUBL ISHEV--70 x-UBJECT AREAS-MATERIALS, MECH.9 INU., CIVIL AND MARII~E ENGR _oF-IC''TAGS-SILICON STEELt METAL RECRYSTALLI'ZATIONi COLb ROLLING, STEEL, ALLOY COMPOSITIONt META,L: TEXTURE, HIGH QUALITY STEEL 1P.-MIXY. RELL/FRAME-I'~95/0190 STEP NO--UR/0048/70/0;14/JU2/027G/02~30 ON jN0--AP0115394 F 019 UNCLASSIFIED PROCESS I NG DArE--090CT70 IPC ACCESSIOV.* NU--AP0115894 fj5JRACT1EXTRi*iCT--IU) GP-C- AaSTRACT. THE PROCESS OF SECUNDAc.',Y RECPYSTN. IN -INSFOR' ER THE PRESE?~CE OF S I~AS STUDIED Q'14 COLD ROLLED, HIGH PURITY TR M, :~-7STEAEL SHLET ~.05, 0.081 ANID 0.10 MM THICK TO DET. THE EFFECIS OF THE P`k1vt-1F.Y STijUCTUPEf 1-11EAT Tt~,EAT,'-IENT GONDITIONS, ANO TH.L S CCL%TE'-JT 0,"J THEE FINAL PRGD~CT. THE STELL CONT'A'INEL). C- 0.007j, IMN 0.08,,. si -:>.05, 1-) 0.006, S 0.0025, N1 0.04, 0-01r CU 0.051 AL 0,01s AND ;i 0.0107PERCENT. THIN SHEET IN THE AININEALIN, POSSIBLE TO -ALLOYING 1HE PROCESS MADL. IT CONTROL THE SECCNOARY RECRYST14. Tilt: S)'kUCTURE A.1.10 TEXTURE (IF THE -SEC.014L)ARY MATRIX DEPENDED ON bo,r,4 THE INITIAL STRUCTURE AND THE AiMT. OF S INTRODUCED BY DIFFUSION. AT RELATIVELY LOvi S C011404S. THr'_- SECONDARY ~..RECRYSTN. DEVELOPED A RIBBED TEXTURE WHEREAS AT HIGHER S CONCP-1S. IT E'C R Y 5 TN ,RL.SULTEO IN AN ORIENTATION NEAR (111) (11.01. A PRF--LV41N4R'( a BOWING TO HEAT TREATMt:i',J1'" AND A' SWSEQUENT STAIJ-11-12ATIV14 OF, THE PRIMIARY -.:-~-MATRIX BROUGHT ABOUT THE FORMATION OF A MORE PERFECT TEXTURE IN SECONDARY RECRYSTN. FACILITY: TSNIICHM 114. OARDINA, MOSCOW ~USSR. 7-:- 036--- IPROCeSSING DATE--04DEC70 l'l UNCLASS.lFIF;0 Q "T'U'L IRON 3PERCENT :SILICON SINGLE CRYSTALS PLAST I C DEFORMAT ION OF ,.'...~_SUBJECTED TO TENSILE STRAIN -U-. -~~AUTHOR-102)-AFANASYEV, S.V., M .26quL.Qvv' a, ov. c NTRY OFINFO--USSR '_----S,OURCE_-FIZIKA.METALLOV I METALLOVEDENIE, APR. 1970, 2914), 890-892 _.'DATIE- PUBLISHED ------- 70 --PHYSICS ECT AREAS j-QP.I.C-.TAGS_PL ASTI CDEFORMATION, SINGLE CRYSTAL, STRAIlit STRESS ANALYSIS, 'IRON SILICON, CRYSTAL LATTICE STRUCTURE J-C.0~4TROL MARKING--NO RESTRICTIONS CLASS--UNCLASSIFIED 'PROXY REEL/FRAME--3003/0207 STEP NO--UR/OL26/70/029/00ti.,'0890/0892 C IRC ACCESSION NO--AP0129463 UNi. LASS I F I F~ NOVO 025 UNCL A S S II ED ~pikor-l!' S I NIG DA I'c LE-DETERM I NAT ION IC~ OENDONG~*OF CRYSTAL LAT*ricc, X liA'e 0 FTHE MONGTON TI IFFRACTION TOPOGRAPHY -U- -(02)-MAKAROVi V.P.9 Mo-LOTILOV, B.'J.:l -A.UTHOR "Fowl OUNT R Y OF INFO--USSR ..,:..__OURCE---ZAVOD, LAB., 1970t 36, (2) 187-18� -3 A ?U WL i -D - - 7 0 SUBJECT AREiAS--PHYSICS, MATERIALS '1'~:T,OPIC TAGS~-CqYSTAL LATTICE DEFORMATION, X~' R)"'i DIFFRACTION A N A LY CRYSTAL SURFACE, X RAY, .4EASVjlF,!i`NT C~ON T RQ LMARKD14G--f-10 PESTRICTIONS .-OCCUMENT CLASS--lV';CLASSlFlED PROXY P.Ell-L/FRAME--3003/0312 STEP PIO--UP/0032/70)036/002/0137/018') CIlZC ACCESSION NO--AP01295t4 'ASS _!l_0 pi~ 025 UNCLASSI FIED CICESSNMG 0ATE-27NOV70 ~:-~CIRC ACCESSION M rJ-- A P 0 12'-) 544 ~ABSTRACT/EXTRACT--(U) GP-0- ABSTRACT. A N IN PROV F-D M eTH 0 OP DE T ERM I tkE MNONOT0,111C BENIDING OF METALLIC LATTICE:Sr ~3.ASF-D D~l THE SCM~,.Z X RAY TOPOGRAPHICAL TECHNINUE, IS DESCRIBED. A s,r,, Ai, rii i,,rj c- is SFRErCHED OVER THE CRYSTAL AND THE IMAGES OF M I S `,illic Fowin BY X fZAY DIFFRACTIO'i CORRESPOND TO THE BEtqDING OF THE CRYSTAL, PL AN E S FoRMULA REPRF`iENTING OF THE HIRE 114AGE AND THE CURV~TIJRE T14E RELATIOINSHIP BETWEEN THE SHAPE QF THE L.ATTIGE IS DERIVED. THE FORMULA ENABLES A DISTINCTION TO B E 'AAO&BETWEEN THE ACTUAL BENDING OF 'THE PLAN:ES AND ASPERHIES ON THE CRYSTAL.SURFACE. j;~ L WNW itz 019 U14CLASSIFIEO PROCESSING DATE--230CT7, TtTLE--STRUCTURAL REASONS FOR THE PRODUCTION OF TPANSFORMER STEEL WITH CU31C -TEXTURE -U- "A', UTHOR-(03)-SOSNINr V.V.? MOLOTIL01V RVONENkOV, V.A. CHE ~PUNTRY OF,INFO--USSR ~,_SOURCE--lZV.,AkA,D. NAUK SSSRI SER. FIZ. 1970t 34(2)t 367-70 :DATE PUBL15HED ------- 70 SUBJECT AREAS--MATERIALS TOMC TAGS_-TRANSFORMER STEEL, METAL TEXfUREt ALLOY~ PHASE TRANSFGRMAT[ONj lRON ALLOyt SILICON ALLOYr HOT ROLLINGt:SOLID SOLUT(ON ~CDIITROL MARKING--NO RESTRICTIONS "-.DOCUMENT CLASS--UNCLASSIFIED PROXY REEL/FRAME--1997/1525 STEP NQ--UR/0048/70/t)34/002/0367/0370 CIRC ACCESSION 110--AP0120306 V~LC L AS S _TLF I E D 019 UNCLASSIFIEO PROCESSING 0ATE-230CT7 212 C. IR C. ACCESSION NO-AP0120306 ABSTRACTIEXTRACT--(U) GP-0- ABSTRACT. STRUCTURAL CiiANIIG!~:SA RE DISCUSSEOv QCCURR ING IN A FE-SI ALLOY WITH 3PEPCENT Sl WHEEN CAST 4ETAL WITH AN AX I AL (001) TEXTURE IS ANNEALED ANO HOT ROLLED. TIAE RESULTING TEXTURE, -WHICH SOULD BE (001) (130)v DEP ENOS ON, FACT (IRS L IKE THE L)EGI,'.EE OF .-JEXTURE DEVELOPMENT IN THE INGOT,'THE A14T*' OF ALLOYING ADONS. 1,14 ME -'S'JL 10 SOLN AND AN ABSENCE OF PHIA E. T A FOlAT N FACILITY: 5 R NS 0,1 [0 S TSMICH-4 114. BAqDINAr MOSCOWr USSR'* UNCLASSIFIED UN 3:AS I Fl ED' CESSNG DATE-;090CT70 PRO: C TRUCTURAL FEATURES OF JHE STABILA! S 4AITtUN OF PR:IMARY MATRIX FOR TRANSFORMERi.STEEL-U- AUrHOR--7(O2)-,4UL0TILUV, B.V., YANUVSKAYA* T4N.~ COUNTRY OF INFO--U5SR --17-V. AKAD. NAUK SSSR, SER FIZ. 1970s 3412)t 356-60 OP-RC El .:!,.:OA:TE PUB LISHED UBJECT AREAS-MATERIALS TP SULFADEr NITRIDE, TOPIC TAGS ANSFORMER STEELi NONMETALLIC INCLUSIONt RECKYSTALLIZATIONP ELECTRON MICRO,SCOR.Yr 14AGNEfOMETERY ELECTRUN jNTROL MARKING-NO RESTRICTIONS' OCCUMENT CLASS-$JNCLASSIFIED STEP NO--UR/00 '13 PROXY REEL/FRAME--1995/0182 48/70/034/002/(.')356/f_ -50 ~CIRC ACCESSION NO-AP0115886 UNCLASS IF IE:G ll~SSUN:G DATE-09OCT70 u 1%, c s -C I R.C ACCESSION NO--AP0115886 AiiSTKAr-Y/EXTRACT--(u) GP-0- Ai3STkACT.- NITRIDE OR SULFII)E I tqC Lu S I D.- APPEAR IING Iti TRANSFORMER STEELS ACCUROIN16,J0 THE ~IE'r,.ILLURGICAL TEcfi:40L. -JSE0l.PR0DUI,*E A STABILIZATION Of THL' FERROTE MATRIX' W.CESSARY FOR FHt: SEGGNDARY RL-Ck~IST~4, TO OCCUP, WITH THE ACCIJIMPANYING OF THE 1110) 1001.) TEXTURE. AN INVEST IGATIGN HAS BEEN CARi~,[t.D Oul-, 1.%VOLVING ELECTRON MICROSCOPY, ELECTRON 11ICROPROBE ANAL., AND MAGNETIDMETRIC ML THOUS , TO Di::r. THE STRUCTURE OF THE PR I "tAkY RECRYs,rki . MAI -~ I Y , A(40 Tj-Jc- INFLULNCE OF NONMETALLIC 14'4CLU-SIONS ON THE PlAfRl)( V-0"~,tPIAT16N A'A) THE -PROCESS.OF SECONDARY RECRYSTN. CUNTENTS~~& -Ni St ANO C, G*Alpil SIZE OF THE MATRlXv AS WELL AS CHARACTER, S.17-E ANO DISTRIBUTIoN OF INCLUSIoNS -Wii I C HPRODUCE OPTIMUM MATRIX CHARACTERISTICtS ARE GIVEN. ITY. FAC I.L. TAN11CHM IM. BAROINAr MOSCOWt., lissR. -SIAG DATE--090CT70 UNCLAS~S'VFIED P RbI S 62 TLE-EFFECT OF HIGH TEMPERATURE THERMAL TREATMENT ME[)IUM ON T1 AND MAGNETIC PROPERTIES OF TRANSFORMER STEEL -U- z---l-~,AUTIIDR--~105)-XAZADLHAN, L.B.o, MULIDTIL, SUKHANOVP L.F., FRANTSENYUK, 1. SHAPOVALOVs A.P. -~~i,-~~:.*(;OUNTRY UF'.-tNFG USSR AKAO. NAUK SSSR, SER. FLZ. 1970t. 34(2)o 262-6: D'AfE PUBLISHED--70 AREAS-MATERIALS -1C JAGS- -TRANSFORMER STEEL* MAGNETIC PROPERTY, RETAL. HEAT TREATMENTy HYDRUGEN CGINTRCL MARKING-t-W RESTRICTIONS CLASS-UNCLASSIFIED .-~'~-,-PRQXY REEL/FRAM1C--I;95/0L69 TEP CIRC ACCESSION NO-AP0115693 UNCLASSIFIED Mi... UNCLASSI"FIED oil PROCESSING DATE-09OCT70 C,IRC ACCESSION t4fj--APO 115893 AaSTRALT/EXTRACT-tU) GP-0- ABSTRACT. T 1-i EREFINING ABILITY OF THE PRorEmvE- HEDIA USED IN HIGH TEIIP,. THEKMAL TREATMEN'r WAS STUDIED AND ALSO THEIR EFFECT ON THE STRUCTURE AND MAGNETIC PROPERTIES OF TRANSFORMER STEEL. THE INvEs'rIGATED MEDIA WERE VACUUM 141 THE RAN'GE 10 PRINE NEGATI.VE3 MINUS 30 TiJRRv Hs H; AFTER PURGING ~lliq N:95PEACENT,H ~5PERCENT, AND N 95PERCENT-H 5PERCENT. FOR THE ACHIEVEMENT OF GOOD ~MAGNETIC PROPERTIES THE THERMAL TREATMEN~T SHOULd dE CARRIED OUT AT A .0RESSURE' SMALLER THAN 10 PRIME NEGAJIVEI TOAR. FAC I L I TY: :--TSNI ICHM JK. BARDINAr MUSCOWt USSR*: 'UNCLASSIFIED -N- UNCLASSUIED POCESSING DATE-090CT70 027, ATION OF STRUCTURE-DUkING ITHE ROLLING AND AN14EALING Of: CAST T_ITLE-~-FORM KYSTALS OF TRANSFORMLK STEEL -U-~-, !;:~:,;'.AUTHUR-!r(04)-MOL13TILUVt B.V., POTE14KINA, V.F SAMARtNA, N.M., ;".'_C'OUNT'RY_ OF INFO---AjSSR (JURC E_ I LV. AKAU.- NAUK SSSR, SER, FIZ. 1970t 34(2) 245-8 OATE PUBL ISHEG---70 .:..SUBJECT AREAS-MATERIALS# IND., CIVIL AND MAR114E ENGRI PHYSICS 'TE)PIC-, ~TAGS-TRANSFORMER STEELt ANNEALINGi METAL SINGLE CRYSTALP IRON liGs CP _,ALLOY-*'~C.OLD ROLLING, HOT RULLU YSTAL~DISLUCATIDNv mErAL TEXTURE, m..'.'CRYSTAL GROWING CCNTRUL KARKING-NO RESTRICTIONS DOCUMENT CLASS-UNCLASSIFIED -~:.PRQXY R'EELif-AAME--1995/Ul87 STEP iYU--UA/0048/'70/UJ4/DL)J;./0245/U248 ClkC ACCESSION N6--AP0115891 UNCLASSIFIED 212 OV UNCLASSIFIED PROCESSING DATE-09OCT370 Cl RC ACCi=SSION NU--AP0115891 --(U) GP-0- A65TRACT. SINSLE CRYSTALS .A65TRACT/EXTRACT ) OF SILICIDED FE WERE GROWN FROm THE MELT BY C10CHRALSKINS MET1400. SAMPLES FOR HOT AND CULD ROLLING WERE CUT FROM THE CRYSTALS. THESTUDY OF THE (110) (001) 'CRYSTALS AFTER COLD ROLLING wITH 5PERCENT DEFURP14TIAUjAl SHU"ED THAT THE PLASTIC STRAIN OCCURS BY TWINNING AND SLIP. AFTER at)PERCENT STRAIN BANDS WITH AN ELEVAfEU D[SLOCATION 0. APPEAR VISIBLY IN THE STRUCTURE. THE TEXTURE OF HOT RULLED CRYSTALS OEPENDS ON Tl-fl,: TkMP,. OF IROLLING AND THE- DFGREE OF DEFORMATION. BY SUITABLY CHOOSIM; THE ROLLING CONDITIONS THE INITIAL ORIENTATION OF THE SINGLE CRYSTALS CAN BE PRESERVED DURING HOT ROLLING. FACILITY: TSNIICHM IM# 8ARUINA#,)l0SCUw# USSR. UNCLASSIFIED mail 024b UNCLASS I FIEU. PROCESSING OAT.E--090CTTO T.1 ,'~_TLE-X RAY DIFFRACTION CONTRAST~X.N FIERRUMAGWETIC DOMAINS OF THE FE PLUS -3-5PERCENT -SL ALLOY -U- V.P., MOLOTILUV '_~_~:-COUNTRY OF INFO-USSR 19 ._.SlOURClE--lZV. AKAD. NAUK SSSR, SER. FIZi 70t 341239 361-6 __..~.:DATE PUBLISHED .SUBJECT AREAS-MATERIALS TOPIC TAGS-X RAY DIFFRACTIOris IRON ALLOY, SILICON STEELp FERROMAGNETIC OOMAIINq METAL SINGLE CRYSTAL, MErAL CRYSTALLIZATLONt CRYSTAL GROWING CONTROL MARKING--No RESTRICTIONS DOCUMENT CLASS-UNCLASSIFIED ~_:PROXY- REI:L/FRAME--1995/0200 STEP NO--VR/0048/70/034/002/0361/0366 CIRC ACCESSICN NO--AP0115904 UNGLASSIF IED --------- .212 026 UNCLASSIFIED PROCESSING DATE--090CT70 CIRC ACCESSIO.% fli'~j--AP01090,t ABSTRACT/EXTRACT--(U) GP-0- A8STRACT. SINGLE CRYSTALi OF THE ALLOY FE PLUS 3*5PLRCENTSI WERE GROWN FRCJM.A MELT WIT14 CRYSfNi. RATE 0.12 MM PER MIN ANU TEMP. GRADIENT IN SOLID PHASE 500EGREES PER CM. THE MAGNETIC SfRUCTURE WAS LXAMD, SIMULTANEOUSLY BY PO,iDER AND X RAY DII;FRALTIU.,q TOPOGRAPHIC TECHNIQUES. THE X RAY PHOTOGRAPHS'WERE rAKEN 13Y THE SENSITIVE SHULZ METHOD. THERE ARE 3i KINDS OF DiFFRACTIOlly CONTRAST: DYNAMIC (A) i k^'TI NC TIAL 18) , AND oi sciiiii EXTEiNS110,N OF A (:i