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ss- dV~S IN$ MOV70 UNCLA IFIE R C_ DATE -FOR N I til ILE "-f-ITLE -USE- r) FGAS L I t~U I DCHqUMA TOGRAMY,;~ THE' ~ANALYS fS: Or A 0 1 p il ~'~'"AND HEXAMETHYLENED I AM INE 06TAINED-FROM AJI.PIC ACID -ti- AU THOR-W4.)-USOVA, E.P., 111TI-NA, L.I., MIL YUKOVA, YU.F. , LNIVIENS"AyAr A.Pe COUNTRY OF. Ij'4FQ--USSR `kCE--ZH. ANAL. KHIM. 1970, 25(3), 57 1~-5 _50U ED ------- 70 _PATE PU;3LISH '"SUBJECT AREA S-CHEM IS TRY TOPIC TAGS--GAS CHkGMAT0GR4PHYt ADIPONIrRILEt HEXAMETHYLENE01 AMI r4E, ADIPIC G Atli I COXIDE ,;BE"LENEy PYRIOINE AC I D, CYCLOPENTANEt KETONEP CYANIDEP-ORV: :-,CONTROL MARKLNG--NO RESTRICTIONS DOCUMENT CLASS--UNCLASSIFIED PROXY REEL/FKAME--3005/0003 S TE PNCI--UR/0075/70/()25/GO3/U57L/()575 RC ACC-ISSION :-W--AP0132303 ASS I I-JEO Alk :7 77 7-7. /2 012 ATE-13NOV70 2 UNC L A S ril F I E-0 PROC E S S I NGD ACC ESS I ON N(3--AP0 132303 .A8STkACT/EXTRACT--(U) GP-0- ABSTRACT. GAS LIQ. CHROYATOG. WAS USED TO ANALYLE ADIPOINITRILE ANO HEXAtAFT~ HYLENEDIAMINE OBTAINED FROM ADiPIC ACID. OPTIMU14 CONDITIONS HAVE BEEN FOUIND FOR THi: QUANT. DETN. OF ~.CYCLGPENTAINEr CYCLO PENT YL I DENEC YC LQ PENT ANUM F? 21CYANOCYCLOPENFANGME? .81PHENYL, DEPHEINYL OXIDE, TRIS( TRUIETHYLENE )BENZENE, -IICYANO,2,AP41~NIJCYCLOPE14TE,'4E. 3t4t5pf),tBIS(TRI14ETfiYLENEit2t 7 U40PYR ID INE r 3, 4# 5 1 6t Li I S( TR I METHYLENE) 12 r BUTYLPYR I DINE7 DELTA A, NOVALERAMIDE IN ADIPONITRILE. THE MUST UNIVERSAL STATIONARY PHASE _CYAj ,,WAS 20PIERCENT POLYETHYLEN~ GLYCOL 0 NCELITE IN A 2 COLUMN. LESS W T N0L.ATfLE.CGj4PDSo WEkE SEP0. 014 A 1,M C 0 L UMNiI H 5PERCENr POLYETHYLENE ~GLYCQL ON CELITE AT 190DEGRFES. FACILITY; -RES. DES. STATE SCI. :._JNST.* NITROGEN IND, ORG. SYN. PROO., MOSCOW USSIR lltdrLASSIFIED Abstractinj ervic Acc. Nr: cHEMICAL WRST.' 10 1032531 Magnetic Propertlei of rare-forth: elvaev L. hi SAA. Mitjn_A_LW_P-. B 'rT-,RR Krss T temp. dependence of th' usc e gnetic s sured for compds. of.the: nj0i~ i.. i Eu, Gd, Tb, Dy. HO, M, ~ b. and 10 kOe at 1 by T~' maxpetic compensati a. Curvis ark q93OK, C4n'* 6 molar susceptibility it e con temp.. and effective magnetic 6totneat measured are tabulated- The 4eWitim '21 dependence wire disc 1 M ussed. Thi meatioutd as a possible cause o( ihe dev'u at lower temps. UFRAME *t~~ tts, . ITS-&-.- T was' inta- pti here R- i T~a, Pr; 1fd, in magilepe fields (if 7 a balance~imith eloctro- town. The vahies, of t., pararn~gnetie,Curie al~d- frbiji the i~alues ~ from 114eirity of the effect oj,~~st. fields is lou frowo;W Cutie law q iv. BuiJan jVC* Equipment/Machinery USSR UDC 621.311.21-.621.3.076.7 engineer, and NEYSHTADI , I. S., TsNIIKA (Tsentral'nyy nauchno- isledovatel'sikiy institute kompleksuoy avtomatizatsii--Central Scientific~ Research Institute of Complex Automation) "Noacontact Automatic Operator for Optimization of the Number and Composition of 9perating Components of Hydroelectric'Power Plants," Elektricheskiye stantsii$ No 1, Jan 72,' pp 31-34 Abstract; The paper discusses a noncoritact automatic operator for components of hydroelectric power plants. The operator was developed at the Cential Scientific-Research Institute of Complex Automation and which can operate both in a generating regime and in a regime of a synchronous compensator. The device is made on the base of URAL-10 standard semiconductor logic elements. It is concluded that the non-contact automatic operators possess a number of advantages in comparisonwith electromechanical automatic operators in.use at the present time, notably the effective tuning out of frequent start-ups and stops and automatic selection of the sequence. It is advisable to use the automatic operator described at hydroelectric power plants of average pcwer where the equipment of the control machines is economically unsound. 5 fig. 8 ref. MtESSING 0ATE-16OC110 5 UNCLASSIFIED jcjlT-LE-;--A COMPARATIVE ASSESSMENT OF.SOME MATERIALS EMPLOYED FOR THE -~~-,'~'PROTECT I ON OF SILICATE FILLINGS, FROM THE.11) S LV NG -FFE T 0 -THE RAL us 0 1 ti c' F a t _4liTHOR-(02_)-MTTl;qA, V.I., PYRYEVAr R.A. -_,--_C'OUNTRY OF INFO--US:SR -l-$0URCE--STGMAT0L0GIYA, 1970, VOL'49, NR 3,,PP .62-64 DATE, PUBLISHED ----- - 70 ~5~.-SUBJECT AREAS-BICLOGICAL AND MEDIcAL-SCIENCES TAGS-SILICATE# DENTAL MATERIALr CELLULOID,. SHELLACt LACQUER '~_CGNTROL sMARKING-NO RESTRICTIONS ~,DOCUMENT CLASS-UNCLASSIFIED PR OXY REEL/r-RAME-1998/0216 STEP NO--UR/0511/70/049fOO3/0062/0064 CIRC ACCESS161"i NG--AP0120914 CLASSIFIED NCLASSIFIED PROC~SSING DATE--160CT70 /Z 015 U, -'!-CIRC ACCESSION NO--AP0120914 l*ABSTRACT/EXTRACT--(U) GP-0- ABSTRACT. SUMMARY. UNDER STUDY wAS THE !NFLUENCE OF SOME ISOLATING MATERIALS ON THE SOLUBILITY AND MECHANICAL OF IkS AP E T RESISTANCE SILICIN AND SILIDONT CEMENTS. THE AUTHO RIV D A T fE ~~--,--CONCLUSION THAT FOR THE MAXIMAL REDUCTION OF THE SOLUBILITY OF: THE CEMENT IT IS NECESSARY TO iSOLATE THE FILLING FROM '401STURE FOR NOT LE5S THAN THREE HOURS, AND SILIDONT CEMENT, NOT LESS THAN I)INE HOUR. i:-,:-',.FOR THE PROTECTION OF FILLINGS ONE MAY E14PLOY WAXt VASELINE A14D SHELLAC L;- C..IELLULOID LACOUER. FACILIFY: OToEL,TERAPEVTICHESKOY ST&HATOLOGII I.LABORATORIYA MATERIALOVEDEN[YA,DDESSKOGO N-1 INSTI:TUTA STUvAT()L. UNCLASSI FIED Acc. Nr: Ref. Code: 0"571 AP004118f- PRIMARY SOURCE: Stomatologiya, 1970, Vol 49, Nr A SOM17 INDIC17S br- THE PROPERT[ES 017 DENTAL CEMENTS r ;,~~ve,%va R. A. I V. C 1~-j if Was (lie itirluence of t"u.)erntur---. humidity and time off. the volum,c. hardnc.,~;, rcsistime to compression, viscosity af;(j A~Aritio.-l i dk..].al amenis.-silicin and silidont. REEL/FRAME 191790676 USSR ux: 621.397.7 SUSHCHENKO, V. P., SEN'IVSKIY, 1. 1. , MUKEIV~YI---A- Device for Facsimile Recording on Electrochemical Paper" I erm 'loscow, Otkrytiya, Izobreteniya, Promyshl yye Obraztsy, Tcivarnyye Maki, No 31, Nov 71, Author's Certificate No 318175, Division H, filed 30Deco9, published 190ct7l, P 214 Translation: This Author's Certificate introduces a desvice for facsimile recording on electrochemical paper. The devic4~ contains a scanning drum, a writing element pressed against paper, a spool for the paper roll, take-up rollers, and a heater. As a distinguishing feature of the patent, blurring of the image in reduced by locating the heater in an enclosed chamber with a horseshoe cross section which directs the heat rays throuch a slot in the chamber wall onto the paper in the region of contact with the writing element. 87 USSR UDC 621-735-32.016.3-.621.882-31 Candidate of Technical Sciences, IMLIKOV, V. Pej BOGODISTO V. A., Scientific Research Institute of Technology of the Hiotor-Vehicle Industry, Kremenchug Motor-Vehicle Plant "A New Process for Producing Parts Such as aConnecting Nut by the kriethod of Cold Heading" Moscow, Avtomobilinaya FroMshlenn No 12, Dee 70, pp 29-31 Abstract: In the USSR and outside of it, a constantly increasing number of parts of complex configuration is being produced by the cold heading method, Among suah parts is an air-line connect- ing nut, which is a typical representative of an entire group of parts that are used for connocting pipelines of various purposes# The process of producing such a connecting nut by the cold head- kg method is described in detail. The conoluslon Is drawn that considerable savings of metal are mada possiblo by. the emplo~zent of this process. 2 tables, 6 figures, 2 bibliographic antrios. 45 USSR UDC,666.1.053.525 MITKIN,_V. M. and SHCHAVELEV, 0. S., Candidate of Sciences "Thermooptical Characteristics of Optical Types of Glass" Leningrad, Optiko-Mekbanicbeskaya Promyshlennost', No 9, Sop 73, pp 26-29 Abstract: Calculated values are presented of the thermooptical constants of industrial and experimental types of optical glass. It is shown experimen.- tally that there is a relation between induced optical distortions and the value of a combination of thermooptical constants, and not with the value of the known constant W. Ways are indicated for the development of types of glass that are suitable for use in optical devices employed under conditions ~of unstable temperature fields. 4 figures. 10 references. 78 USSR UDC: 621-375.82 VAITMCOV, 11. P. ,IIITKINI V.- I ISBIVBRYAKOV V. A., SOKO~ D. V.j and STARIKOV, A. "Mono~ulbe lasers Using Neodymium Glass With Diffraction Diver1rence of Radiation" Moscow, V sb. Kvant. elektronika (Quantum Blectr nics--coll-ection of works) "Sov. radlio," 1"o 1(13), 1973, PP 85!,-89 (from No 7, 1973, Abstract No 7D985) Translation: An investiCation is made of a niuiber of r.,ionopulso lasers usin- neodymium glass -~.-ith various optical resonato- con- fieurations for the purpose of determininCr, the optiz=il 'variant of the master oscillator i-i a power laser device with inteiise ness. The basic physical requirements for deoigning a stnble mcrio- pulse oscillator with diffraction angular divergence of the radia- tion are formulated. Bibliography of 12. Authors' abstract 1/1 USSR UDC 621.378.3; 535.89 140, A. A., Doctor of Sciences, SOMS, L. N., STEPANOV, A. I., Candidate of Sciences, SHCHAVELEVI 0. S. , Candidate of Sciences lion Thermo-Optical Constants of Activated Glass" Leningrad, OPtiko-mekhanicheskaya promyshlennost', No. 9, Sep 71, pp 42-45 Abstract: A simple method is described for determining the thermo-optical con- stants of glass and the possibilities of obtaining glasses with small thermo- optical constants is discussed. it is noted that optical ptLmping of the active elewnt of a laser is accompanied by heating of the IaSer and the formation of tesperature gradients in the transverse cross section which cause stresses- and double refraction, so that optical distortions arise in the element. Although r4my methods have been described for overcoming the hannful effects of distor- tims caused by these effects on the generation process, it is suggested that a more radical method would be the development o-F nrateria-'s Ln which therral dis- tortions would be sufficient small. Three constants ar6 discussed -, At, the thermo-optical constant ordinarily applied in optics; P and Q, con_-,tantss charac- terizing the distortion averaged for two polarizations, and the double 1/2 MAY, A. A., et al, Optik-o-mekhanicheskaya promyshlennost' , No. 9, Sep 71, pp 42-45 A table is given showing the values of P, 0 and W for the following types of ghiss: KGSS3, KGSS7, LGS24-5, LGS28-2, LGS36, KGSS56 and B'GISS1621. It is noted that for laser applications one should use a glass with zero or fairly small values of the constants W, P and Q. Studies showed that the thermo-optical constant W of the glass changes consider-ably with the composition of the glass. Its values can be much less than zero, 0 and negative. The constant P should be higbly dependent on the composition of the glasses and Its value can var-i from -1 to +1 to the fifth power, so that the majority of compositions of industrial glasses and neodymium glasses should be characterized by values of P consider- ably less than zero. The constant Q depends on the composition of the glass to a considerably less dep?ee than P. In the majority of silicate and phosphate glasses the constant Q is sm&U and does not exceed Oil-10-5 deg-1. It is con- cluded that it is possible in principle to obtain glasses with small values of the thermo-optical constants W, P and Q. -31 546.45-311:[532.6+542.31 YELYUTIN, V. P., MITIN, V. So, and ANISIMOV, YU. So, Moscow In- stitute of Steel and Alloys ITSurface Tension and Density of Al 203- BeO Melts" Moscow, Izvestiya Akademij Nauk SSSR, Neorganicheskiye Materi- aly, No 9, Sep 73, pp 15B5-1587. Abstract: Researchers today are paying considerable attention to the study of the properties of liquid oxides of aluminum and ber- yllium because of the expanding use of powders- from these metals and their alloys in solid rocket fuels. One of the main factors in this research is the determination of density and surface ten- sion of oxides in the liquid state. The authors of this article established the concentration dependence of surface tension and density of liquid A1203-Beo melts. They measured the surface tension and density of pure aluminum ox4de and meltu of A1203 as a function of temperature. The values of surface tension of pure A1203 were found to be lower than-that found previously. The val- ue of the density of liquid aluminum oxide, equal to 3.03 g/CM3, at the melting point is found to be in good agreenent with pro- vious datalbut the temperature coefficient of the density is some- what higher. The article contains 2 figures, I table, and 4 bib- liographic references. Acc. Nr: Abstracting Service: Ref. Code: Acc~. CHEMICAL ABST. 1,--7.6 1_1_&326 spectrA of complexes of platiinum(11) with hYdroxylamitie and o-methy1hydroxylamine. . ItiLinara, . D-; __1vannikQ3%, V ;. Varshavskii~ YU. S.; . 1. (USSR). Zh- Neorg. Kkitn. 1970, 15(2), 572-4 ~Russ)i Redn. Of K,jPtCj,j by NH20H or NffaMfe gave I Pt(-'TF120H`,)4jClj (1) and fPt(,NHtOMe),IC12 (U), resp '[Pt(L,)J C1% (M) (L = ND20D or ND201%1e) were. prepd. analogously. 1r. spiectra of 1, 11, 111, and [PtL 41INC41 (L' - Nli-.Oli or IND:01[) are tabulated and their absorption bands are assigned. The study rv~veals that acidity of NJitOfl complexes is correlated with Oll and not with MI., group. HMIR lnstruirentatiori~ &tid: Equipmen~ USSR UDC 620.171.251.1 NOVIKOV, N. V., ALEKSYUK, M. M., VO'n,'ITSKIY, A. G., XOVAL'CHM, D. I., HITLIKI! N, M. D., and ZARUS1,11, L. I., Kiev chanical Tests of Structural Materials Over a Broad Range of Low Temperatures" Kiev, Problemy Prochnosti, No 4, Ap-, 711,: Pp 20-26 Abstract: Methods and equipment for mechanical testing at low te=peratures used at the Institute of Problems of Strength of the Aca6emy of Sciences Ukrainian SSR are described. The equipment is used to study the te-r-erat":re dependence of the mechanical prcperties of steels. alur.1nu-n. and titaniu= alloys. EqulpmeDt illustrated includes a device for mnainte-na-nce of ter-Pera- tures from 0 to -196'C, multiposition clar-ps for circular and flat specimens, the Ill.-30 tensile testing device, allowing loads of up to 30 tons to be applied at tecparatures dot~~n to -269*K, a miniature semlconciuctor therr-o-zeter, the SZF-1 tensile testing machine, equipped with a chaz6er for testing at don to -269*C, and an electromechanical tensometer for measurement of linear and angular displacements. Wate'r'i tieitmeat USSR UDC 542.48.003.1 DYKHNO, A. Yu., KEGAMYAN, Yu. Sh., MALYSHEVA, A. E., and SENDEROVICH, A. E. "Technological and Economical Comparison of Two Multipurpose TETs [Heat and Electric Power Stations] for Distillation of Sea Wat6r" Moscow, Vodosnabzheniye i Sanitarnaya Tekhnika, No 1, 1972, pp 2-5 Abstract: Results of performance, maintenance cost, reliability, and the cost of distilled water for two types of distillation plants (A and B) are analyzed. Plant A is equipped with separate zones for water boiling and uses seed crystals for reducing the formation of low-temperature boiler scale, consisting mainly of calcium carbonate and magaesium hydroxide. Plant B operates by the open cycle principle with the feeding of vapor generators with demineralized sea water. Both plants produce electrical energy, steam, and distilled water. The cost of distilled water is 59 and 86 kopeks/ton, water for plants A and B, respectively, with an electrical energy consumption of 66 kopeks/kwattlhour. W~ timell t USSR UDC 628.16.094.9 MIRKIS, I. M., DYKHNO, A. Yu., KIKHAYLOV, I. P., MITLITSKIY, G. A., and KEGAMYAN, Yu. Sh. "Removal of Calcium From Caspian Sea Water by Ion Exchange" Moscow, Vodosnabzheniye i Sanitarnaya Tekhnika, No 10, 1972, pp 1-5 Abstract: Three types of sediments form during evaporation of sea water: calcium carbonate, magnesium hydroxide and calcium sulfate. The first two precipitate due to the presence of carbonate and bicarbonate ions whose content is rather low in comparison to other sediment-forming ions. Pilot plant studies were carried out with Caspian Sea water in an attempt to develop preventive measures against formation of sediment in the evaporators, by means of the decomposition of carbonates formed with acid, followed by removal oil the calcium with the ion exchange technique. Scrubbed water was used for the regeneration of cation exchange resin. It was shown that it is possible to carry out a long-lasting cyclic process. The technology of such a process was developed. Effective exchange capacity of sulfonated coal and cation exchange resin KU-2 was determined. USSR UDC 621.373-:538.569.4 ABLYAZOV, V. S., BASHAMITOV, A. Ye., GORDLIK, A. G., GOR-DOIT Z. I., IIThrIK KALASENIKOr, V. V., KUTUZA, B. G., I ~FRMOVt A. V., and FROLOV, Yu. A. "Absorption and Radiation of the Atmosphere in the 0.5-10 cm Range Moscow, V sb. X Vses. konf. po rasprostr. radiovoln. Tezisy dokI. (Tenth All-Unionbonference on the Propaeation of Radio 7.17-ves; Report These s--collect ion. of works) "ffauka," 1972, I)p 3-7 (from RZh--Radiotekhnil-:a, No 10, 1972, Abstract 14to 101-309) Translation: The method and the results of measurin6; the absor!~tion and radiation of the atmosuhere for waves of 0.5-10 cm and, in p~,r- ticular, in the absorption bands of oxygen and iiater van-por, are L, J C given. The measurements i-.rere made for the purpose of iLivest-,atinn- the propagration of uhf waves under various meteorolo'Eic.-I condi- tions, iiffiich i-.ere recorded simultaneously .-.-ith the radio measure- ments. Curves are given of 'he attenuation and radio brielitness temperature for raiii clouds. Two illustrations, biblioeraphy of five.! 1,11. S. 1/1 'USSR UDC 621-317-799:538-569.4 AKVILONOVA, A. B., GOREL=, A. K., FALASHN=OV V. V. , lial-10VA, FI a- q 0 1 KUTUZA B. G. , hVzMARSKAYA N. F. M~T. L.-Z!. _PU2Ar% 07, A. , and FROLOV, Yu. A. ONeasuring the Full Absorption in a Cloudless Atmosphere in the 0055-0.59 Ranse" Moscow, V sb. X Vses. konf. no rasprostr. radiovoln. Tezisy dokl. (Tenth All-Union Conference on the Propagation of Radio Waves; Report Theses--collection of ;-rorks) :_1111auka, 11 1972, (from RZh-Radiotekhnika, No 10, 1972, Abstract 110 101-422YP B-11 Translation: '"Experimental data is given on the full absorption o-f radio waves in a cloudless atmosphere in the 0.55-0.59 cu, range, vith simultaneous recording of vertical profiles for temperature, --pressure, and humidity at.the observation point. Resume 60 AA0040521.- 0482 Sovie-111- Inventions Illustrated$ Section I Chemical, Derwent 236964 M M-MhTIC REST~ ANCE WELDOG C involved attacking the. electrode holders. (10) to the spring loided slide iails ~ (11Y,~! operating in guides.mounted in the levers (12), which carry clamping die (13). The link ends are brought together by slides (6), the clampin$ press- ure depending on springs (7),strength- The, electrodes are brought into position by operation of levers (12) fro'd cams (14), through levers (15) and concentric splined shafts (16), one of ithich is hollow. Switch (17),1switches-lon the weloin .9 current, upsetting takes plai-e, And the cuk*ant In switched off by swi tch~ (19) Fuimher movep4lnt, of levers (12) bring4ies (13) into cont&O ~vith the link, and silmiltaneously,retract the elfblctrodeu by means of pushrods (20)., -The electrode liqldert (22) are rotated to parmit passaie of the diet; (13). to the link. Retraction, of the Ievers (12) is by springs (23). The machine welldji ilternate Ji7oks, 19750032 Hashillostroyeniya FrIffl, 01 IM, fiffl.., i-ild "Ift, MIMM"W91i i li MN il, i i i 0H #1 4 i M hNIMINAN-001, i I h1l i ilid M 111, I I Ire "tn.. USSR UDC 621.375.82 KIDYAROV, B. I., KRIVOSHCHEKOV G. V., MITNITSK-EY, P. L., SAMARIN, V. I., STROGANOV, V. I., TARASOV, V. M. "Dispersion of Wave Synchrony irk a LII03 Crystal" V sb. Nelineyn. protsessy v optike (Nonlinear Processes in Optics--collection of works), Vyp. 2, Novosibirsk, 1972, pp 399-407 (from RZh-Pizika, No 12, Dec 72, Abstract No 12D858) Translation: A study is made of the dependence of the nonlinear character- istics of M103 On the frequency in order to discover new possibilities of applying this crystal for cascade laser emission frequency -multipliers. The L1103 crystals in the hexagonal version were grown from an aqueous solution containing 10% HI03 with respect to U103. The nonlinear characteristics of the crystal were investigated by means of a glass Nd-laser with a broad generation spectrum of 0.008 X. An experiimental check was made of the Ln- tensity of the excited second harmonic as a function of the wavelength of the radiation propagated along the direction of synchrony. A study was also made of the dependence of the intensity of the second harmonic an the pumping beam deflection from the direction of synchrony. When determining the mag- nitude of dOc/d,~ additional possibilities for a nonlinear frequency dig- criminator were discovered. The bibliography has 7 entries. ME XI-1. STUIYY OF THE CRYSTALLIZATION LAWS OF SCMICONOLICtOR SUBSTARCES I I- Artlclo by P.-I-Xidyarcv, -1-L. mtott-5,1,f, L. 1. Aleksandrov, , Novosibirak, t1l. St~rzfo. 1'n PrPt.'r.'sam KrIstall" I t'lerialti M144tAM, 17-17 JUne I'liZ, p 1.41 A 0t4t(XtLCAk OtUdy WOO ~11C Of the Initial ot&&* of t"stallization of lqt"Iceuductars: lithium and ta:lori~ i~dmtv frrn Me melt sad Aloo lltl~ Los i9oAt*! trm Air attOr--un -e*- -1--c tcatcd =at th4lis. 1. 4 dig- crete serlan of Le"eraturea and ;nncVritxAtLo=Aor which tl~& lb*jjntjjOx Of cryetallization of the mvpqrcoolcd melts smA the supercooled solutions to mo9t probable. The h4L6ht of the poakA of the ;mcleation rate at the crystal- lizattan centers decrease% with an Increase la, muttethenttnZ 4ind duration of holding in the QUPQr4OAtQd state, and their rovition does not depend on the pfalieduaty trentment at. the velt. The ostatan-te a( such a discrnte serift* of temperatures to detected stthe present t1me for the (allowing substances which rvii Ltt% different vottatien oE the chansics 1, bond., tyr- =%Icond-cLot- savilcooducter' (TeY. %rOtcvnduc:tor-mbit&I_(Ge. in, Sb), memicanduckor-lon melt (LLIO3), "G.taL-Up'tal (*IS. Sa), dislattvic-lon awlt (LIMO Ths-valtivill time-dintribmition function Cor this imptatence ;at the first metallization center (f) at the paid,* of the nucleation rate to subjected to the expunential law of the nonuniform batch (1) a%4 at 1th* winitsm it has a ftorn gonural form connected with the presence of prolonged nomptotionary crys- tallization poil*49 Mt. Jt- -t--r PS capt re). where a0 Is the total numb"T of samples for ths oumbar of test* on ono ~&spir. a In the ubbe r of momples crystallized by the ties t. Th: Indicated relations (1) and (2) war* Also obp*rVod when ptudyIng the trystalliastion of tin welts'ana th" obviously have a general "Cure. USSR UDC 669.71.472(088.8) 'BALDOVSKIY, L.'A., VOLODCHENKO, V. 0., GRECHUMIIN, N. V., MIT and RABINOVICH B. V.~ L~~]T V "Device for Sampling Melted Electrolyte" USSR Author's Certificate No 271105, Filed 29/11/68, Published 19/08J70 (Translated from Referativnyy Zhurnal-Metallurgiya, No 2, 1971, Abstract No 2 G145 P) Translation: A device for sampling a melted electrolyte, including a spring-mounted perforated cup with a support rod, is presented. To in- crease the effectiveness of its operation the outer surface of the cup is wrapped with paper and contains a concentrically mounted cylinder, equipped with cells mounted on.a. spiral and fastened to the supporting rod by a quick-change joint such as a wedge. RI BIOLOGY: Agriculture USSR uDc 6i4-449-5T:615-285-71:576-895-77+595-771 KRIVTSOVA, Ye. N., WMI 2KAW& KOZIN. N. P., TDIOFEYEVA, L. V., 0 _-K., YERMISHEV, Yu. V., PWTNIKOVA, A. S. TUUJPOVA, A. M., VINOGRADSKAYA, and RYAZANTSEVp V. A., Institute of Medical Parasitology and Tropical Medicine imeni Ye. 1. Martsinovskiy,, Ministry of Health USSR, arA Institute, of Agri- cultural and Specialized Application of.Civil Aviation "Testing of Some Organophosphorus Compounds and Carbamtes against Larvae of Aedes Mosquitoes (Culicidae) in Experiments with Aerial Spraying" Moscow, Meditsinskaya. Parazitologiya i Parazitarnyye Boleznl, Vol 39, No 5, sep/Oct 70, pp 599-603 Abstract: The use of organophosphorue compounds and carbamates against mosquito larvae was tested in the Yakut ASSR, in the area of the villages of Novi, Aikhal, and Miray, and the Udachnaya deposits. Water reservoirs were treated by aerial spraying from an Aff-2 plane. The following pesticides were tested: bytex, methylaitrophoB., trolen, sevine) and dipterex; DDT was uued as the reference. Comparatively uniform martjhy territorloa with occasional for- eats and bushes were selected. Bytex vao shrm to be especially effective as a larvicide, a dooe of 40 g/hectare be sufficient. Methylnitrophos 1/2 USSR RIVTSOVAO Ye. N., et al., Meditsinskaya Parazitologiya i Parazitarnyye Bolezni, V01 39, NO 5, Se~/Oct 70, PP 599-603 required a 100 gtaectare dose to be effective; trolen in dooes 40 and 80 g/hectare reduced the density of mosquito-larvae only inzignificantly. Dipterex and sev:Ln proved ineffective as lexvicides., being significantly inferior to ~DDT, The effect of mosquito larvae eradication with organophosphorus compounds 7-14 daYs- lasts for 2/2 I OF Ii I ULC 615 USSR 0 5-235-7-OS5.639 TIROFDAMI, M. G. anU"p-, 7,W -$C!dJCL' Parasitolo,~-,-jr m. IIIStitUi,2 OfI I and Tro-nical Vedicine irneni Murtsinovskiy, Minlwtry of Health USSR, "Effect on Pqua-tic Orj~anis-ms of Granulated DIYQ Applied for -L-le Control of lblsquitoes Moscow, Meditsinskaya Parazitolo~~iya i Parazitarnyye -D)lQzni, Vol 41, NO 5, SCP-Oct 72, PP 62o-622 Abstract. Tien percent :-ranid.ated IDW in tbe sumount Of 5 I~g/ha 'Usted from L airctuft ~,as used on an basis for the cont'-'t-j! o-f 1~r. Liz ci tltoil--s in the vicinity of the tox-ni of !~irnrj in the Yakut AESH. A ritudy vurried out on three bcdier, of vatt.'u- with areas in the ran,gc from 4-r- to 9.0 sq. fn. ani! a depth Of 0-3-1-5 m S1110wed that tthe lai-vae of Aedes r2osquitoe5 were extermin:l-tcd completely in 24 lirs. The DD11 acc!;x-ulated in the bottom !--illin- the da 11-,~ dis- C.aironomidae that in-habited the Bolton layer. The Ccpf-~J,,a (I tributed throw,.hout the thicIciess of the wnter did not di-mintish in mo~)er, but in the case of Copcj)oIa even tncreank!d In comparlr~on u1ik the arour"', present ir, bodies of vater not treated vith DFM DUT was not present --ither irt the upper layers of water or in tho water vegetation. USSR =-911.3.616.9.576.895.~771(-571.56) TIMFEYEVA, L. V., MMOF&NOV.,. A._X., VINOCR"SKAXA, 0. N. , RASNITSYN, S. F., PETRUCHUK, 0. Ye.., HYAZANTSE.V,,', V.. A., ahd YERNISHEV, ~ru. V. "Organizational Principles ixrthe- Struggle Against Blood-Suckting Kidges and Aedes MosquItoes om the, Basis: of'Their Biological Characteristics" V sb. Materialy Nauchn.. konferentsii, posvyashch. 50-latiyu-In-ta Wed. parazital. :L tropich. med.,, 1970 (Proceedings on the Conference Ccmmemorat- ing the 50th Anniversary of the.~ Institute of Medical Parasitology- and Tropical Medicine 19L70 - collection of works), Moscow, 1970, pp 50-51 (from RZh-36. I%editsj-nakaya.Geog?rafiya, No 1, Jan 71, Abstract No 1.36.75) [No abstractl USSR UD9 621.~82(047-1) ZHDANOV, V.I., AKSRTOV, A.I., BORISOV, V.i,., ~L.Vt "New Semiconductor Derices For Radioelectronic e Apparat~sl Elektron. te-khnika-.-Nauch.-takhn. eb. Poluprovodn. pribory (Electronics Tech- nalo Scientific-Technical Collection. $emiconductor Devicee), 1970, Issue 2-(59r,*Pp 11-2.0 (from RZh--Elektronika i yeyep xm~nRn~Zs, No 10, October 1571, Abstract No 1OB9) Translation; The paper considers the principal characteristics and diroctirns In.the development of contemporary discrete semiconductor devices for rudio- olectronics apparatus for wide-scale application. In the development of power transistors, three principal directions are indicated: (1) Creation of a trane- istor for increasing tho power with a high critical frequency of amplification of the current and small interelectrodo ospacitances applicable to hiLh-Crequency and microwave teclmiques; (2) Development~of a transistor with a large amount of production of the maxim= current of the collector at the permisE4ible collector voltage with large power dissipation and a critical fre(~uency of amplification up to 20 MHz, broadening use in amplifier and switching circuits; and (5) Creation of high-voltage transistors necessary for the final stage of the horizontal sweep of television and a number of other circuits- 7 ill- Vs-K-1 722TT- WARWC,. AA 0040677~ 'WR 0482 NO v ' Soviet Inventions Illustrated, Section I Chemical, Derve nt Z41581 SREET STEEL WELD4V MACHINEewith continuous weld Ueformation *here to improve the vdld quality of thin gauge sheet s"el, a drum type welding machine was equipped with a semi-cylinarical trough 9 of a small diameter with a slot for the welding electrode 4. During welding, the steel sheets pass round the troqgh 9: the material expands under the heat.and the edges of the sheets are bent downwards which ensure& good contact of the welded scam with the backing support, 8.8.66 so 1096074/25-27. A.V, alia(8.9.69) Bul 14118.6.69. Class 2lh.'lntXl.B 23k. 15750281 sun= 19750282 OPEN Main AUTHORS: Petrov, A. V.; Slavin, G. A.; Leonov,,V. D..- Kuleshov, __X,2.4.Zhukov, F.'; ShoroKhov~ V. an KltroTanov; 19750#283 USSR UDC: 539-3 B. P. "Plane Contact Problem for an Elastic Body With the Effect of the Surface Layer" Izv. Tomsk. mlitekhr. in-ta. (News of Tomsk Polytechnicml Inatitute), 1970, 157, pp 24-25 (from RM-11-e~-anika, No 7, Jul:71, Abstract No 7V35) Translation: The paper presents the results of calculIations of the con- tact stress p(x) and dimensions (2a) of the contact a-rea for the plane Hertz problem with regard to the surface sturcture of the ccatacting bodies according to I. Ya. Shtayermcm (Contact Problem of Elasticity Theory, Gos- dat, 1949), according to wbi ch tekhteor,-z the problem is formulated as an integral equation a kP (X) + 0p (i) In dt =01-UX) Mis equation is reduced by the author to a Prandtl equation and solved numerically. G. Ya. Popov. 1L'*~t~-,.~~'ll~,l~'ift,tiilli.lil",:~i!i It] I FM IM M1111111-111 H1 R 1,10111 USSR UDc 621. 396'. C. CO 2-76 Z!ITROFA:~IOV, G. T. "A Method for Hlermetically Sealing thfi.- Shafts: of Control I r. ro Exit" V sb. Obrmen opytom v radioprork-fshlennosti (axperience Pool'Ing, in the ~-Iectronics -Ii di Industry-collection. of works), Vyp. 6, Moscow, 1970, p 79 (fron K oteirhnika, No 10 Oct 70, Abstract No lOV259) on: The author proposes using rubber rings of cii*cul--rzr zec-"Lr-ri e(OST Translati 9833-61) as the Sealing eler-ent for shafts at points This of Con- atruction for a shaCt seal may also be used for prevonting leakii (luring horizontal displacement of a shaft, Resumd. 112 017 T-ITLE--PHOTONFUTRON CROSS .:,-AUTHOR-f04)-ANTROPOVv G.P :V.S. '-.-.~COUNTRY OF [NFO--USSR p 0 UNCL ASSI FtO ROCESSING OATE--23OCT7 "ECTIONS FOR THALLIUM 20-1, AND THALLIUM 205 -0- p I Vv I.YE., PROKOFYEV, A.[., RUSSKIKH, /2~0' SO,URCE--IZV. AKAD. NAUK SSSRt 19 34( 11: 116-21- SER. F 11 )ATEPUBLISHED ------- 70 :-.-S.UBJECT AREAS--PHYSICS, NUCLEAR SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY JOPIC TAGS--PHOTONEUTRON, EXCITATION CROSS SECTIONt THAL1,10 ISOTOPE, PROXY REEL/FRAME-1988/0209 STEP NU--UR/0048/7!)/034/")01/011610121 CIRC ACCESSION NO--AP0105285 UNCLASSIFrED -2/2 017 UNCLASSIFIED. PROCESStnIG DATE-230CT70 CI-RC ACCESSION NO--AP0105285 .,~~ABSTRACTIEXTRACT--(Ul GP-0- ABSTRAcr, THE YIELOS OF THE N FPOM THE REACTIONS (GAMMA, N) AND (GAIVA, 2N) IIN.PKIME203 TL AND PRIMEZ03 YL NUCLEI WERE MEASUqED AT E: PRIMEMAX. SUBGA14MA EQUALS 7-20 MEV. THE EXPTL. DETO. VALUFS WERE USED TO CALC. THE CROSS SECTIONS OF T~iESE THE CALCN. WAS CARRIFD OUT ON A CM4PUTER HY THE PENFOLD METHOU WITH A 0.5 MEV STEP, THE RESULTS ARE f)LoTrED AND ~..DISCUSSED. UNC LAS S I F I E D -1/2 033 UNCL ASS I FIED PAOCESSING DATE--040EC70 REGISTRATION OF COBALT~57 GAMMA QUANTA -U- ,..:AUTHOR-(03)-MlTROFANOV, K.P., PLOTNIKOVAt MoV.t ROKHLOVi N.I* --USSR OF INFO -.SOURCE-PRLS. TEKH. EKSP. 197t~m, 75-6 PUBLISHED ------- 70 ;I:~,SUBJECT AREAS--PHYSIC-",# NUCLEAR SCIENCE~ANDJECHNOLOGY TAGS--QUANTUM RESONANCE PHENCMENON9 COBALT ISOTOPEv GAMMA QUANTUMI ABSORPTION SPECTRUMv GAMMA COUNTER. -,~~.:CONTROL MARKING--NO RESTRICTIONS ___.rDOCUMGNT CLASS--UNCLASSIFIED PROXY REE-L/FRAME--3007/1063 STEP NO--UR/0120/70/000/00210075/0076 CIRC ACCESSION NO--AP0136483 ___Utit -A 94JUL _~ lFiED UNCLA$SIFIED PROCESSING DATE--040EC70 2/2 033 ClRC ACCESSION NO--AP0136483 : ABSTRACT/EXTRACT--(U) GP-0- ABSTRACT* PARAMETERS ARE GIVEN OF A ..,RESONANCE COUNTER FOR REGISTRATION OF PRIME57 CO GAMMA;QUANTA WITHOUT RECOILe THE ABSORPTION SPECTRUM:OF THE COUNTER I$ A SINGLE LINE. THE 'COUNTER IS COVERED WITH 70PERCENT FE PLUS 20PERCENT NFPLUS IOPERCENT CR9 THE REGISTRATION EFFICIENCY FOR RESONANCE WIMA QUANTA EQUALS SIMILAR TO 15PERCENT, THEIR COUNT EXCEEDS;THE NOISE LEVEL TENFOLD- TH.* MOSCQWr USSR. FACILITY: NAUCH.-ISSLED. INST..YADO, ........... ...... .... ....... ...... USSR UDC 553.98:551.247:550.837.622.241(574.12/13) A-NISHCHENKO, C. I\., DEMENVYEVA, 1. G., VILENCHIK, A. POGREBINSKIY, S. A., RO. NIENK0, V. P., and FOILKEM RA~ '0, 1'. Trust for Special Geophysical Operations, Ministry of Geology, USSR "Electrometric Research on the Border Zone. of the Pre-Caspian Depression by the Method of Telluric Currents" Moscow, Neftegazovaya Geologiya i Geofizi~a, No 5, 1972, pp 36-42 a Abstract: The article sumi)iarizes the results of research in the pre-Caspian depression by the inethod of telluric currents. This method was used for mappIng the elements of the salt tectonics in this territorv on. the bas:1-- Y of the acute difference between the specific resiatence of th,--- salt 3nd tbat of the sediments of Lbe persalt complex. The results, classf-lied according. to the regions of the investigated territory and the cluiracter of the re- lation with the cross-section, are briefly 'set forth. An. analy,,;Is of the nature of the telluric anomalies is: givm 4 figures. NCLA5$lr-l b PR'CFSS:IIIG [)ArE- 112~ OtO u ki -27NOV70 ITLE--ALKYL OR PHENYLALKYL SULFONATE ESTERS -U- UTHOR-(03)-KOSTYUGHENKO, V.M,t M(TROFANOV,A4.G., GERSHENOVICH, A.]. C.GUNTRY OF INFO--USSR 1V 218,882 qE-FERENCE--OTKR.YT[YA, IZOORET., PROM. 089AZTSY, TOVAANYE MAKI 1970, ."-DATE PUBLISHED--10FEB70 -,.,SU-BJECT AREAS--CHEMISTRY TOPIC TAGS--CHEMICAL PATENT, SULFONIC ACLOt ESTERP ALKYL RADICAL, PHENOL, Es Z NZENE DERIVATIVE, CHEMICAL SYNTHESIS CONTROL 14AFZKING--NO RESTRICTIONS DOCUMENT CLASS--UNCLASSIFIED PR()XY,REEL/FRAME--3006/159? STEP NO--UR/0482/70/000/000/0000/0000 CIRC ACCESSION NO--AA0135238 -IT _U 212 010 UNCLASSIFIED PROCESSING DATE--27NOV70 CIRC ACCESSION NG--AA0135238 m~ABSTRACT/EXTRACT-(U) GP-0- ABSTRACT. THE TITLE COMPDS. ARE PREPD. BY :,TREATING NtPARAFFIN SULFONYL CHLORIDES CONTG. C SU4Q -C SUB4 WITH 4LCS. CONTG. C SUB8 -C SUB16 OR WITH ALKYLPHENOLS CONTG.~C SU88 IN TliE SIDE CHAIN. THE REACTION IS CARRIED OUT IN THE PRESENCE OF NH SUB3 AT THAN 50DEGREES. FACILITY: VOLGOGRADSKIY NAUCHNO-ISSLEDOVATELISKIY INSTITUT NEFTYANOY I. GAZUVOY PROMYSHLENNOSTI. UNCLAS:Sl EO~': 023 Ft PRdt.ESSTNG DATE--11SEPTO TITLE~;~-INDUSTRTAL 'EXPERIENCE FOR.-OATAININO ELECTRODE COKE FROM VACUUM- RESIDUE -OF MANGYSHLAK PETRULEU4 -U- ~~AUTHOR ZMIYEVSKlYt-P.K.v TIMOFEYEVr. A*A.t Hl,TROFANOV,, M.Glt' DEREKHr P.A.t --A~`V,lAARTJR0SO.V_ V.G- 7~ COUNTRY OF-: iNFO--ZSSR OU NEFTEPERERAB. NEFTEKHIM. (MOSCOW)l 19709 (1) 5-8 _RC,E S 6A TE-P.Q13L ISHED ----- - 70 EARTH SCIENCES AND OCEANOGRAPHYr PROPULSION AND +UELS .TQP_-rC-,---TAGS--PETROLEUM PRODUCT# CRUDE OILv ELECTRODE# COKE# PETROLEUM Df~TJLLATIONt VACUUM DISTILLATIONv KEROSINew PETROL,FUM DESALTING, `,_~CHEHICALI COMPOSITtON, SULFUR#: VAN DIUM,; GASOLINE ;:_"CONTft_0L MARKING--NO RESTRICTIONS REEL/FRAME--1980/1140 STEP '40--UR/0318/7010001()QI/0,305fGOO3 :CIRC ACCESSION NO--AP0107629 1 7 '212, 023, UNCLASSIFIED PROCESSING DATE--lISFP7n C I-RC- ~'A CC ESS 1 ON ND--AP0107629 GP-0- ABSTRACT. RESIDUE, DISTGs 10PERCENT S'~ALLER .'__THAN.OR EQU 4 T9 SOO DEGREES, 0 PRIME20.0.926i ASH 0.06, S O.Z6, V A ~ 6.001-TiNT 0.0,02v COKE 8.09 TAR 26t ASPHALTENES 1.75o OIL 70, HARD _-PARAFFINS 17 WT. PERCENT, YIELDED, BY DELAYED COKINfp, ELECTRODE CDKF --CONTG.-7PERC8NT VOLATILE MATTER. GOOD RESULTS WERF OBTAINED WHEN THE -CRUDE PETROLWM WAS DESALTED TO 10-15 MG.' AND THE RESIDUE CONTAINED MAX. -45 MG NACLrL.j YIELDING GAS 9PERCENTi GASOLINE 8~. SMiLLER THAN OR ,''ZQUAL OOMGREES 1Ow'KEROAINEv GAS OIL,'.AND.FUEL:62t COKE 161 -EUKTRODE CQKE -6.;5- WT PERCENT,.,, THE.-LATT.ER CONTAINED S 0.6 ;".,-.--'ANf) _.V ~~00'001.4--~O.0022PERCENT. UNCLASSIFIED fannv coke ovens, Ifitro V-: L (Yuj4og, &2ksokhim. Yasini3vka, 4VU94 .7MIM& 1970,~ (1), 16-19, (Russ). Vapor and gas injectio .n ~ into' furnace.~ chambers bad- it OimiIar effect on. the smokeless cwji~g of coke ov Por pildt-plant and i.ndustriaI circtilar ccike: ovens uSiIItc6WtTrSo;n the Bachatskoe n of. tJ 6 smokOew,6harging meth6d was open-cut mine, adoptio I studied. in detail. The compn. of the gases in the vicinitkof the ovens was detd. withoutand withsmokelcss-~charjlng. Coas in- jection compared with vapor iojecli6n~ gave higher service life of the injecting device, a smaller amt. of ammonia water and lower costs, although a higher loss in the circulating C04-Oven Ld6pjion of ot, 7; gas was observed. After I rM the dust content in the air decreased (6m 179.3-to 15.4-38.9 nIg/m3 n and the CO content from. 92.8-447 to 8.3-18,9 mg/t q J. Brzeziii ski J REEL/FRAME 19750682 USSR UDC 537-525-1 KAGAN, YU. M., and !%TRC~ N. X. ~ANLVJ- "Energy Spectrum of Electrons in a Striated Column of a Glow Discharge in Hydrogen' Leningrad, Zhurnal Tekhnicheskoy Fiziki, Vol 41,, Issue 10, Oct 71, pp 2o65-2op Abstract: Investigations were conducted on the striated form of a discharge in hydrogen at various pressures and densities. r1he striated structure of the discharge column was controlled by means of a metal dinphragm located in the vicinity of the cathode. The diaphragm, not connected externally, could be positioned with the help of a magnet. Measurements of electron energy were made by mans of tha current flowing through a probe located between the diaphragm and the anode. This current was modulated by means of an a.c. potential,,.and the harmonica of the probe current corresponding to the modulating frequency vas then used to determine the second derivative of the probe current.with reapect 'to the probe voltage. The required distribution function was then determined from the derivative. Electron density was found by integrating the energy distribution function. 1/2 USSR MAN., YU. M. and MMOFANOV, N. K., Zhurnal Tekhnichaskay Fiziki, Vol 41, Issue 10, Oct 71, pp 2065-2072 Results were presented in the form of series of curves for different discrete values of pressures and discharge currents. It was observed that high-energy electrons were concentrated in the vicinity of tha cathode and that they lost their energy gradually through inelastic collisionn and scattering (drift) towards the walls of the tube as they moved throupgh the region of lover potential gradients. Isotropy of electron velocities wus not observed In the present experiments; on the contrary, a considerable man-uniformity of the positive column was noted, with fast-particle groups present everywhere. A special probe was used for detecting and measttring the radial component of electron velocities. Caution was recomended for this type of measurement, particuls 1y if a spherical probe was to be used, since the probe distorts the shape of the electric field in its vicinity and the assumption of the spherical character of the field components is no longer justified$ 2/2 A till ill- 101111 !ii Will lilUl M111111 till MR MI; I -77 USSR UDC 621.'58-2.2 UM 'C 'IMQFAUQY--Q-Y, ORESID. N, P.T., SEKEN -V, V.A., "Active Elements Based Cn Chalcogenide Glasses (Short Coar-munication) Elektron.tekhniPa. Nsuch-tcl:hn-sb- .4i~roelel'tranika (E100tronice- Teehnolcgy. Scientific--Technic,~il Collection. ~-'icroelectronics'), 1971, Ro PP '*'--~7 (from RM.Elektronil,-a i yey~ r.~=~naqj. e, No 21 Feb 72, "ibstruct, 1,,*o 2,165) ___L ~y Translation: ?he s,-.,itchinE pammeters are considered of bead eleLzents based mmoEition of on glasses with a different te=nerature of ooftening, in 11he cc.- vhIch Go, So; ia, 51, and Go entor. VA, '7U- --- ~T USSR UDC 678-06-419-B-677-52)-1.05 VOLKOV, R. A., KOVAIEV, V. A., and "Flow Line for Fabrication of Fiberglass Lifeboats" Moscow, Plasticheskiye Massy, No 61 1971, PP 17-20 Abstract: The article describes a pilot line for the constant flow producv--tn fiberglass lifeboats. Despite the difficulties encountered in the adjustment o f and introduction of the complex of equipment the result was a siLmiTicannt- increase in labor productivity, as well as improved sanitary ar-4 bydienic con- ditions for the workers. The flow line in designed for thl.- production of 1500 boats a year. The line makes provision for the production of single-layer and sandvich-type boats. The sandwich-type boats colzsiat of an exterior and interior fibert,,rlass shell, with the space between the shel)s filled with poly- urethane foam. The line han two parallel flows for naking the exterior (aid interior shells. The followi.Nj qperatjor)a are performd aL secli).eritially arrangeed specialized work, places- preparation of forming oq~Lipvdvt; fabricmtion of the exterior and interior ~,~I shells; hydrovemoval of tdie sbells; testing of the exterior shell for watertightness by.filling vith water; filling the space between the shells with polyurethane foam; installInf.--, of deck covers; assembling of machinery and equipment; testing of the boat; elintination of 1/2 USSR VOLKOV,, R. A., et al., Piasticheskiye massy, No 6, 1971, pp 17-20 minor defects found during the tests and painting of the boat; outfittimg of the boat. The flov line Includes polymerization cbambers equipped with indivIdual ventilation and heating devices, a special device for the preparation and pour- ing of PFU-3S polyurethane foam, transport equipment (transfer-bar and inter- mittent conveyers), special equipment for making the exterior and interior shells of the boat hulls, and a traffic control panelo I . The following are used to inake the shells: polymethane misin ,\TS-609-21 (STU (Sovnarkhoz Technical Specifications) 30-14366-65) glass cloths ASTT(b) C -0 (MRTU (laterreuublic Technical. Specifications] 6P~36_62), TzbS-0-56-0 (6;U 6-11-62-67) a~d glass gauze.SE-0-1 (mm 6-n-6447). 2/2 67 - 1/2 015 UNCLASSIFIED, PROCESSING WE-20NOV70 'X TP -f CF COPP ERklkjLYilDE,'AUP. URES FROM TITLE-IM"WiEVENT IN THE CLM.PLL ~EATMEI% THL K)"IL't,-AKYR DEPOSIT -U- AUTti0R-Ml.'TkCFAN0Vv S.I. _~ctUNTRY'.Us: INFO--LSSR _-SCURC E-- I ST VLTAL. 1970, 43(5)1p 36-40 :i)ATE FUEL lShLi~-----70 AREAS--EARTH SCIE%CES AND OCEANOGRAPHY ~~:'_!TOP I CTAGS-COPPER, GRE, MCLYBDENUM., oxioATibN,, FLOTAtl(;N 1, CENTROLMARKING-NG RESTRICTIONS C(.k-S5--UNCLASSlj7fEL) .',~P~POXY,REEL/fk.4fiE--3C,04/1914 STEP NO--UR/0136/701043/005/0036/0040 _f 0 .'.c, I R C, ACCE1,5101. N1)--Af'013jl wo'LASS IFIED 2/2 0115 UNCLASSIFIED Pli-CCEbSING DATE-20NOV7C .~.CIR(; ACCESSICN N'C,--APQ13Z176 1~~'ABSTPACT/EXTRACT--(U) Gfl-0- ABSTRACT. ThE INDUSTRIAL 'OkE. 1-1"~EATMENT PLANT WAS REOWLr To ALLOW THe TREAPlENt' OF 3 KINDS OF IJAE: CJXIO[ZE~J, ,JIX~jl L -, SUL F I DE !'LL S 10P ~RC ~ NT OX I U I ZS LI) t AND SULF I OE ilRf-- S. THE L;Asic ELEME,~rs Or- Ti-.L PEGUILT PLANT wEAE: FL(JATLCN WITH SUt3.SEqUENT CLASSIFICAT[ON TO S SLL(vLS eMN! SANDSt FLCTATION Of THE SLIPIC-St ANO Gk I&ul~,G OF INTERPE'Ni4rE PROCUCTS. SLiMES ElitRICPEU, IN CU AND MIJ clut Go To mF rcu-mci -R DIRECTLY -i" AFTER ONE A00iNit. FLOIATION. sillius iqERf GROUNO CiANIL. ELTHE Li -u u. wAND FLuj%.rL- %uER STRONGLY ALK. COMUITKNS (TG OLPRCSS~PYRITC-). THE EXT%. 6F CU. k0, ANIO i%J ~,A*S INCREASED 27.1-16, ANU 76-80PERCENT, RESP., TO 77.17, -'#7.b7, AND 73.6PEt~CE,'%.T, P.F-SP. THE. 0ECFEASF CF MINUS 74 MU PARTICLLS BY 5PEACENT W--C;,EASLu THE CU EXTN. BY ',P~:RGEWp WHILE THF :PRGDLr-Y I VI TY hAS INCRE:ASLI) UY 5-6PEACENT. UNCLASSIFIED PROCESSING DATE--20NOV70 TITLE-FEANS FOR INCREASING THE OPERATIONAL EFFICIENCY OF THE IMEKHAwm FLOYATION MACHINE -U- Ai~THOR-WRCFANGVI S.I. '-w-C-LUNTRY GF, INF13--USSR -TSVET. METAL. i'j 7 C1~ 3$'t) 86-8; CURC E 0 ATE PUBL IShEC-----70 '.-SU~iJECT AREAS--,'4ECH.v IND., CIVIL ANU MARINE ENGR, EARTH SCI-NCES ANO -CEANCGRAPHY U TkGS--AIRI FLGTATII,U-,N;, PRODUCT11N EFFICIENCY., ORE 6ENIFICATION EQU I P PC- NT aROL.14ARKING-NO RESTRICTIONS ~.--,,J13CUMENT CLASS-UNCLASSIFIED KOXY REEL/FRAME--3004/1905 STEP NCi~-IUR/OL36/70/043/004/(1086/01)88 lCtItC. ~ACCESSICN NO-AP0132161 U L 15 5 E F t E, D'. 2/2 ~O 14 UNCLASSIFIV PIWCESSING DATE--20NOV70 ACCESSICt"i Nlj--Al3013?-167 bSTRACT/EXTRACT--IUJ GP-0- ABSTRACT. THI S "IACHINE, SHOULD 3E FITTFU WITH A 4 BLADE IMPELLE, CHA,,ibEr% St -ULU BE MG, - E E R AM) NE I C, 'Jlff 0 To GIVE 2 SID 0 FROTH DISCHARGE. LT IS ALSO AL)VANTAGEUU5 TD INCREASE THE VOL. OF THE CHAMBER. THLSv INCkEASING THE CHAMBEk VOL. AT THE EXPENSE OF ITS DEPTH REDUCES ThE FLOTATION RATE BUT INCREASES iHE AIR,BUBBLE LOAD, I.E. 'INCREASES TFE CCEFF. CF ~Ik UTiLIZArICNo THE CRI'T. CHAMaER (jEprH IS 1 UNC LA S 5 1 F I E 1) 'USSR UDC 615-214-32-099 U C! RUNOVA, M. P.* ULIYANOVAI 0. V.s and POMWYEVAj R. P., e Institute Cologyp USSR Arademy~of Ifedical Scienceep Moscow "Evaluation of the Toxicity of Fluoracisine" Moscowg Farmakologlya I Toksikologlyag No 5p Vol XXXIVs SeP-Oot 711 PP 540-542 Abstracts Fluoracisine (hydrochlorlde 10 --diethylaminopropionil)-2- trifluoromethylphenotbiasine) in an antidepressant sihose possible tuadesirable side-effeaLs is of medical interest. Heart action, respiration$ liver function and blood sugar were tested in groups of dogs administered 2,5 mg/kg fluorarAsine dmily for 30-45 days follovied by an increase to 5.0 zg/.kg for the next 25-,35 days. A group of rate was also tested. No effect on the cardiovascular system or liver w" observed. However, skin lesions and a tendency to weight loss# as well as Increa-sed excitability, were produced, It Is concluded that long-term administration of fluoracisine in effective dosages produces little or no toxic effect.~ USSR UDC 621.3S7.1.035(OM8) NOVOSELOV, V. A., NELIDOV, V. B., R(IRANQ& ARCHAKOV, V. P., EPELIFELID, F. I., SOLOVEY, L. F., PETROVSKII, P. P. "Device for Distribution of Amalgams" USSR Author's Certificate No 295736, filed 30/09/69, published 8/04/71. (Translated from Referativnyy Zhurnal Khimiya, No 4, Moscow, 1972, Abstract No 41,245 from the resume). Translation: A device is patented for distribution of amalgam in scrubber separators, consisting of a perforated grid with a circular tip, separating the upper plarte of the grid into central and peripheral zones with apertures for distribution of the amalgam and output of hydrogen, differing in that in order to improve the flow of amalgam,,climinate wear of the fitting and prevent hydraulic shock, the apertures in the peripheraJ zone are made in the form of slits covered with a screen, while the apertures for passage of amalgam are located at the points of intersection of slots made oil the lower plane of the grid and forming projections, preventing Wockage of tile aper- tures; with granules of the packing. 8 -4-A'i" - Y 1. SIIOCX WAVrr A4V MPLOSIOINS IN CItSFS IS-1yev, V. K. . B. N' K%Indril~ov. Nr. P. Karobey"J.1tayt V., V., Ntitrofan.ov. R. 1. Soloukhin, and hi. Ye. ToFcNIz!!~. Ar?,rnrch on explot-ion pa!o dynamics and reaclitil,, aynt"Ift. F'CiV' r=. 2, 1971. 311-317. The Third International Collcvqwiam an explosion gas dynamics and I-eacting systems took plaz* -*-- September IZ-17. 1971 in Marsai!laa, France, Basic topics of theoretical and e"erimentat resoarch reported on were in the field of unsteady dynamic gas flow. accompaiiied by physicochernical transformation* of the mediom; gas- dynamic aepccia of detonation; and problems of the physics and chemistry of rocket-fuel combuntion and wor),Lnj processes In-wngines. The colloquium also doalt-with the gas, dynamics of evplosions in space. The conference was divided into seven sactionsi. aj space phenomena, h) vortex flow. c) exptadlon gas dynamics, d) detonation. a) shock waves. 1) gas-liquid systems, and g) reacting systems. V. P. Xorobeyniko~ gave A gos-dynamic description of the mation " explosion of meteorite& on the,banin of the suppolsed explosion pattern of the Turiguaskly meteorite, A session on twisted flows included a joint report I)y four U.S. delegates and V. P. Korebeynikov an the influence of ho4t conduction and viscosity an wave propagation from a powerful explosion. A. A. Vasil'yov, To P. Gavrilen~to, and M. Ye. Topchiran described planned experimental research an the position of the Chapman-Jousuct plane in a multifrant detonation wave in gas. V. P. Korobrynikov. G. 0. (*,hernyy. J, at &to prevented a theoretical analysis and an example of a numerical USSR UDC 621.)15,592;546.28 OH&TYRKINA, N.A., KAPACHEIITSEVA, Z.V., MITROPANOV, V.7., DEDEGKAYEV, T.T., BELOV, N.A., ERLIKH, R.N., VASYUTINA, "Carbon Insertion In Epitaxial Layers Of Silicon And Effect W Grovth Oonditicno On Their Formation" Elektronatekhnika. &%uch.-txjkhn.Bb. Poluprovodnq~ibqry, (Electronics Technology. 6 eientific-Technical Collection. Semiconductor Devices), 1971, Issue 1(1;8),pp 47-50 (from RZh;Elektronik.a i yeye yrimeneniyq, No 9, Sept 1972, Abstract No 9B79) Translation: A study is made of the defectiveness of epitaxial layers of Si connected with a high carbon content. It is shown that in the initial state ~epitsxial layers grown by hydrogen reduction of tetrachlorated,silicon have a microuniformity characteristic of the presence of finely-divided insertions off the second phase. In the process of.heat treBtment at 11500 C in an oxygen at- mosphere, a decrease takes place of the density of microdofecto end an increase of separation of the second phase containing carbon and oxygen. The results are presented of teats of preparation of epitaxial layera with'a reduced carbon con- f. a nt .6 r of . Summa ry. USSR UDC 532.593+662.215.1 VASIL'YEV, A. A., GAVRILENKO, T. P., MITJR-O-FANM V. V., SUBBOTIN, V. A., and TOPCHIYAN, M. Ye. "The Position of the Point of Transition Through Sonic Velocity Behind a Detonation Front" Novosibirsk, Fizika Goreniya i Vzryva, No 1, 1972, pp 98-104 Abstract: An attempt is made to determine experimental'.1y thr'. posicion of tile Chapman-Jouguet s~irface bebind the front of a detonatioti occurring in a pipe. In pipes filled with various gas mixtures, the interaction of it detonation wave with a thin plate, situated along the pipe axis, is studied at various pressures to determine the position of the Chapman-Jougqet point. 2 figures. I table. 9 references. 36 USSR UM 528.514 NEVEROV, L. A., KORTEV, N. V., LARIONOVA, T. A. M~T~OFANOV V 4 4~.44 MjJASEIXjsKjY, A. K. , POPOV, YU. V., Candidate.o~ 3c ences, RYZHENKO, B. V. "The New KDG-3 Phototaohymeter With Semiconductor 4mission Source" Leningrad, Optiko-mekhanicheskajE Promyshlenngsti, 110 9, SeP 70t m35-39 Abstract., The authors describe the operating rinciple, optical system, construction and test,results of the fIrst serially produced phase phototachymeter with gallium arsenide diode as the emission source. The instrument can be ueod to measure dis- tances of up to 2 ka with an error of no more than 1.5 mm over its entire range. Measurement time is 10-15 minuteii, The instrument is equipped with thermostatic control and can b0j used at tempora- tures from -50 to +500G. Power consumption is~luo more than 5 watts, 1/2 064 UNCLASSIFIED PROCESSING DATE-30OCT70 ~:.:TITLE-SPIN DETONATION NATURE OF THE TANGENTIAL HIGH FREQUENCY VIBRATIONS IN LIQUID ROCKET ENGINE COMBUSTION CHAMBERS -U- ~'AUTHOR-(04)-ARKOVY OsF.* VOYTSEKHOVSKIY, B*V.p MITROFANOV# V.V.r ...-.-.Ti)PCHIIAN, COUNTRY OF INFO--USSR -PMTF ZHURNAL PRIKLADNOI MEKHANIKI I TEKHNICHESKOI FIZIKII -JAN.-FEB. 1970, P. 155-157 PUBLISH-ED --SUBJECT AREAS--ORDNANCE# PROPULSION AND FUELS TAGS--COMBUSTION INSTABILITYt COMBUSTION CHAMBER, ROCKET ENGINEj I QU 10 PROPELLANTo SPINNING DETONATION `_,~CNTROL MARKING--NO RESTRICTIONS %_'DOCUMENT CLASS--UNCLASSIFIED ~'_"PROXY REEL/FRAME--1996/1549 STEP NO--UR/0207/70/000/000/0155/0157 --AP0118532 ACCESSION NO UNCLASSIFIED 064 UNCLASSIFIED PROCESSING DATE--30OCT70 CIRC ACCESSION NO-AP0118532 ABSTRACT/EXTRACT--(U) GP-0- ABSTRACT, COMPARISON OF THE MAIN FEATURES OF A HLGH FREQUENCY INSTABILITY OBSERVED IN THE COMBUSFION CHAMBERS OF ROCKET ENGINES WITH THE FEATURES OF A SPIN DETONATION. IT IS SHOWN THAT THE CONDITIONS CREATED NEAR~THE ATOMILERS OF A LIQUID ROCKET ENGINE ARE THE SAME AS THOSE.OCCURR%ING:BEHIND THE LEADING EOGE IN A SPIN DETONATIUN. IT IS CONCLUDED THAT THE OBSERVED HIGH FREQUENCY INSTABILIT1 IS A SPIN DETONATION UNDER.THE SPECIFIC CONDITIONS OF A LIw-UID.ROCKET ENGINE COMBUSTION CHAMPE9*-:METHUDS OF PREVENTING THIS -INSTABILITY FROM OCCURRING ARE CONSIDERED. UNCLASSIFIED OSSA UDC 539.374 GREMOV, V. A MANZHELEY, V. I, , 111YOLAYIEV, V. P. TITOVA, N. S., SHOYKHET, G. Ya, "Experimental Study of the Strength of Thin-Walled Rectangular Tube Under Cyclic Axial Loading in the Elastic-Plastic Region" V sb. Dinamika splosh. sredy. Vyp. 8 (Dynamics of a Continuous Medium. No* 8 -- Collection of Works), Novcsibirsk, 1971, pp 144-151 (from RZh- Mekhanika, No 8, Aug 72, Abstract No BV361) Translation: The strength of a tube with a transverse cross secticn in the form of a rectangular trapezoid welded at the ends to fixed rigid parts under a cyclic temperature effect was studied. Experiments were made on. the object itself and on models, reduced tubes of rectangular cross section. The tube was subjected to a variable load and cooling up to given teampera- tures. The models were deformed without changing the tenpETature, cGm,- pression was achieved up to a given deformation, and strotching was achieved up to a given value of the axial force. The material fca, the tube and the models was ?11811110T steel. Test results based on 100 cycles are discussed. Stability losses In the walls and limited growth of deformation under the first cycles are noted. The test ended with the formation of cracks in some cases. D. A. Gokl-delld. t 013 UNC L AS S I F I ED, Pk13:CESSEWG DATE--ZONCIV70 TITLE--GRLUP THEGRETICAL iMETHOU FOP, DETERMINING PE RMITTED TERMS U~ THE ELECTRONIC SrATES OF PULYATUMIC MGLECULES TAKING A0.(1UNr OF SPIN ORBIT AUTHGR~l 05 )-MEN', A.N.,, CliEkEPANGV, V.I., FARSEROVs 0.!3.t OITROFANUVO 0-YA.9 CtiuFARcVr G.I. CF 1*~FC-USSR SGURCE-INT. J. QUANTUM ChEM. 1970v 4(l), 109--19 DATE PUbL I SHED-- 70 j- SUBJECT AREAS-PHYSICS# CHEMISTRY TG.PI CTAGS-44OLECUL-AR STRUCTUREP SPIN OR81T COUPLING EXCITED ELECTRON -'.CCNTRCL MARKING-NO RESTRICTIONS OCCUMENT CLASS-UNCLASSIFIED ~',~_--PROXY REEL/FRAME--1984/0649 STEP NO-US/0000/701004/001/0109/0119 GIRC ACLESSIGN NO--AP0055352 UNCLASSIFIE0 USSR UDC; 621.396.6:621.315.3(Oa8.8) W TM FAN 0 V, Y e. V. "A Flexible Connector" USSR Author's Certificate No 259210, filed 18 jun 68, pL;blished 28 Apr 70 .(from RM-Radiotekhnika, No 12, Dee 70, Abstract No 12V416 P) Translation: This Author's Certificate introduces a flexible connector designed fo'r electrical connection of computer modules. To improve relia- bility, the element is made in the form of:a dielectric tape. This tape is fitted with lugs and with holes made in the lugs and in the gkns between them which accommodate the connecting -wires. Two illustrations. Ye. M. 00 1/2 012 UNCLASSIFIED PROCESSING-DATE--040EC70 "...TITLE--DETERMINATION OF SULFURIC 4CID Cb.NC.ENTRATIOk-U- AUTHOR-(04)-KONOVALOV* VOA.t LOLENKOt I-Z-v KUMFANOVt YU-A-p KHLYNINv COUNTRY.OF INFO--USSR -,-.SOURCE--U.S.S.R. 265044 .KEFERENCE~-0TKRYTlYAj-- IZ38RET., PROM.; OBRAZTSY, TOVARNYE ZNAKI 1970, AT Et PUBLISHED--09MAR70 :'-:SUBJECT AREAS--CHEMISTRY .,-.::T P I C. TAGS-CHFMICAL PATENT, SULFURIC ACIDI ELECTR-KAL CONDUCTIVITY, AEASUREMENT, IONIZATION CONSTANT AQUEOUS -SOLUTION, SULFATE, SODIUM I I NC C OMPOUND ,!"_C0NTROL:MARKING--NO RESTRICTIONS .,-DOCUMENT CLASS--UNCLASSIFIED __,~:PROXY REE.L/FRAME--3004/0834 STEP NO--UR/0482/70/00oi0oo/oooo/0000 ClAt ACCESSION NO--AA0131427 *=lug UNCLASSIFIED 2/2 012 UNCLASSIFI~EO PROCESSING DATE--04DEC70 CIRC ACCESSION NO--AA0131427 ABSTRACT/EXTRACT--(U) GP-0- ABSTRACT. H SUB2 SO SUB4 (:CNCN. IS DETO. IN A TERNARY SOLN. BY MEASURING THE ELEC. COND. OF THE SOLN. TO RE14OVE THE EFFECT ON THE MEASUREMENT OF 7-1,0PERCENT ZNSO SUR4- ANO NA SUB2 SO SUB4 CONTAINED IN H SUB2 SO SU84,* THE ELEC.~COND. FOR A SOLN. DILD. IN A RATIO~. FACILITY: RYAZAN RADIOT,ECHNICAL INSTITUTE. Ur% 112 012 UNCL ASS I FIED Pl',,QCESSING DATE--040EC70 '--T.TTLE--AUTOMATIC CONIROL AND REGULATIOWOF THE CONCE.-NITRATION OF SULFURIC ACID AND ZINC SULF/TE IN PRECIPITATING AND PLASTICILING BATHS -U- :,,.,--,AUTHOR-(03)-MITROFANC.V, YU*A.p LOLEWOt ll*Zot KONOVALOVt Y.As --USSR ....,.COUNTRY OF INFO `-SOURCE--KHIM. VOLOKNA 19701 (3)t 53-4 :..`.'_OATE, PUBL ISHED ------- 70 SUBJECT AREAS--CHEMISTRY TOPIC TAGS-AUTOMATIC CHEMICAL PROCESS CONTROLt SULFURIC ACIDr RAYONv ZINC :'J'COMPOUNDY SULFATEt ELECTRIC CONDUCTIVITYv TEXTILE ENGINEERING CONTROL MARKING--NO RESTRICTIONS CLASS--UNCLASSIFIED PROXY FICHE NO ---- FD70/605OL2/CO9 STEP NO--UR/0183/*rO/0001003/0053/(1054 CLE-!zSl0N' %'t --APQlzt, 27c~ 2/2 012 UNCLASSIFIED PROCESSING DATF--040EC70 CIRC ACCESSION NO--AP01402'15 ABSTRACT/EXTRACT--(U) GP-0- ABSTRACT, THE ELEC. COND. OF THE COAGULATING AND PLASTICIZING BATHS, USED IN THE MANUF. OF RAYON FIBERSt DEPENDS PREDOMINANTLY ON THE CONCN. OF H SUB2. SO SUB4; THE CHANGES OF INSO SU34 AND NA SUB2 SO SUB4 CUNCNS. HAVE NEGLIGIBLE EFFECTS. AN AUTOMATIC RECORDING CONTROLLING DEVICE IS OESCRIOEG WHICH CONTINUALLY GETS. THE COND.p H SUB2 SO SU64 CONCN.j AND ADJUSTS ITS FEEI) IN THE 0-50 G PER 1. RANGE WITH PLUS OR MINUS 1.2 G PER I.:ACCURACY.; THE- GONCN. OF ZNSO SUB4 IS DETD..PERIODICALLY BY COLORIMETRY WITH TR-ILON 11, CHROME DARK BLUE --DYE, AND A BUFFER MIXT. FACILITY: BALAK0,VSKII KCMB.t USSR& i/2 020 UNCLASSIFIEDI~l PROtESSING DATE--160CT70 1TLE--INDIVIDUAL AND COMBINED INFLUENCE,OF RADIATION AND INHIBITORS OF ~"','PRQTEIN AND DNA SYNTHESIS ON THE-CELLS QF:CREPIS CAPILLARIS -U- JJTHOR-(02)-MITROFANOVi YU.A.v KUTOMINAv l*F* OUNTRY OF INFO--USSR OURCE--GENETIKA; 6: NO. 31 18-29(MAR 19,70) ATE PUBLISHED ---- MAR70 b. UBJECT AREAS--BIOLOGIC-AL AND MEDICAL SCItNCES UP IC.TAGS--PLANT PHYSIOLOGYp RADIATION 8IOLOGtC EFFECT, CHROMOSOME, ..NITOSISi DNA :1 t0NTROL MARKIING--NO RESTRICTIONS DOCUMENT CLASS--UNCLASSIFIED PROXY REEL/FRAME--1996/0667 STEP NO--UR/0473/70/006tOO3/00li3/0029 CIRC ACCESSION NO--AP0117892 2/2 OZO UNCLASSIFIEd PROCESSING OATE--160CT70 tIRC ACCESSION NO--AP0117692 ABS,TRACT/EXTRACT--[U) GP-0- ABSTRACT. MOD I F I C-AT 1 ON OF CHROMICISOME ANO ERRATIONS WAS FOUND TO APPEAR IN THE DIFFERE14T PHASES OF THE CHROMATID AB" 141TOTIC CYCLE. THE FORMER WERE MODIFIED IN G SUBI AiNO St viHILE THE LATTER IN S AND G SUB2. IT IS APPARENTLY CONNECTED WITH THE P.RUDUCTIOf~ Q OF THE CHROMOSOME ABERRATIONS IN THE S.PHASE (POSSIdLY JUST ~3EFiRE THE DNA SYNTHESIS IN A CHROMUSOME) AND THE CHROMATID ABERRATIUNS, IN G SUB2 (PROBABLY JUST BEFORE THE MITOSIS). FUDR INDUCED 440DIFICATION OF THE RADIATION EFFECT WAS FOLLOWED BY CHROMOSOME FRAGMENTATION, 'OHICH ACCOUNTED FOR THE CHANGES IN THE ABERRATIONS SPECTRUM. A VERY 'APPRECIABLE EFFECT WAS NOTED FOR THE CHROMATID ABERkATIONS ~jHEREAS FOR JHE CHkOMOSOMES IT WAS LESS PRONOUNCED,. THE AUTAGENIC ANO MODIFYING EFFECT OF FUDR WAS IN ACCORDANCE dITH THE RATE OF DNA SYNTHESIS IN THE Cr ELL. THE STRONGEST FUDR EFFECT WAS NOTED ONLY WHEN THE FOLLOWING THREE -EVENTS WERE SYNCHRONIZED: IRRADIATION, DPIA SYNTHESIS IN THE CELLr :'_:.jNCORPORATION OF AN INHIBITOR. IN THIS~GASE ONE COULD OBSERVE THE EXTRA FUDR EFFECT ON THE RADIATION INDUCEU ClikOMOSOME DAMAGES. P YR 0)%lYC 11.4 -CONSIDERABLY INCREASED THE CHROMOSOME ABERRATIO19 NUMBER IN IRRADIATED .-CELLS9 BUT FAILED TO CHAP4GE THEIR SPECTRUM. THE STRONGEST ACTIVITY OF .'THE CHEM.ICAL WAS NOTED FOR THE CELLS IN G'SUal AND.G SUB2. IT WAS LESS ACTIVE-IN THE S PHASIE. FACILITY: INST. OF GENERAL GENETICSt MOSCOW. UN C L A St-S-1 F I USSR UDC 8.74 GAVRILOV, YU. A., DOLGAY.OVSKIY, V. YU., "Study of the Characteristics of a Time-Sharing Computer System by the method of Programmed Simulation" V sb. Sistemn. modelirovani (Systems Simulation -- collection of works), Vyp- 2, Novosibirsk, 1971, pp 71-96 (from RZh-Kibernetika, No 9, Sep 72, Abstract No 9V625) Translation: A hypothetical single-processor time sharing computer system the composition, structure and functioning algorithms of which were selected on .the basis of analyzing existing foreign systems was used as the object of in- vestigation the results of which are presented in this paper. The technical parameters of almost all the devices entering.into the hypothetical time-shar- ing computer system are taken equal to theparameters of the corresponding Soviet series-manufactured devices. 72 ES R UDC 8. 74 GAVRILOV, YU. A., "Program Simulation of the AIST-0 Computer System!' V sb. Sistemn. modelirovanive (Systems Simulation collection of works), vyp. 2. Novosibirsk, 1971, pp 111-137 (from RZh-Kibernetika, No 9, Sep 72, Abstract No 9V626) Translation: A comprehensive description of the printiples of construction, structure and functioning of the program model of the AIST-0 computer system developed at the computation center of the Siberian Department of the USSR Academy of Sciences is presented. The program model is structurally a set of processes programmed in the form of ALCOL-60 procedures. The relation of the processes to each other is insured in terms of global variables and files. The model processes represent the physical devices entering into the AIST-0 system and the indexes of the system together with the control panels. Certain global files of the model depict the queues of the requests existing in one form or another in a real system. The requests in the model represent the signabs which are exchanged between the various devices of the AIST-0 system during its operation, the mathematical Interrupt characteris tics, the numbers of the panels and the processes. The requirerents of varioutj typer, going. from certain processes to others are represented by various codes by the values of wbich the type of request and the set and nature of operations are defined USSR GAVRILOV, YU. A., et al. , Sis temn. modelirovanive, v_yp. 2, Novosibirsk, 1971, Pp 111-137 which must be performed in order to service the given requests. The process algorlthms of the model are described, and some results of simulation of the AIST-0 system are presented. 11-~ ..... UDC 8.74 GURYANOVI A. I., MITRO )v YU. 1. "Simulation of Time-Sharing Computer Systems by Queueing System Networks" V sbo Sistemn. modelirovaniye (Systems Simulation collection of works), vyp. 2, Novosibirsk, 1971, pp 97-109 (from RZh-Kibernetika, No 9, Sep 72, Abstract No 9V627) Translation: The possibility of simulating time-sharivg cotqputation systems by closed Unear networks of queueinst systems is analy2ed. A study was made of the time-sharing systems in which a constant nunber2of users work each of which can generate the next command f rom the control panel only after output of the results of execution of its preceding command to the panel. 'rhe com- usands of the users are interpreted as requests, and the commands entering into the composition. of the time-sharing systems of the device are interpreted as queueing systems. The users together with the control panels are also con- sidered as the queueing system with identical instruments. In this queueing system each instrument reflects one of the users, and the servicing of the request by the instru=ant reflects the output to the user panel of the results of execution of the current command, consideration by the user of Uiese results and furtlier actions and input by the user of the next command froa the con- trol panel. The models of two single-processor time-i;haritig systems are de-, scribed: the CDSS and the hypothetical one. It is noted that u.4en constructing 1/2 USSR GUR'YANOV, A. I., et al., Siste=i. modelirovaniZe, vyp. 2, Novosibirsk, 1971, pp 97-109 the given models in the form of queueing system networks all the real distri- butions defining the time sharing systems, the users and the problems solved in the timf--sharing system were approximated with respect to the first Moments by the expcaential distributions. A comparison of the results of an analytical ~simxlatiou with the results of progr d simulation for which the actual dis- tributimis vere used and with the results of gathering experimental data was made. 2/2 74 024 UNCLASSIFEE-Di PROCESSING DATE--04DEC70 THE LABORATORY'-U-: TITLE--ASTROSPECTRA It, ,-.AUTHOR-MITROFANOVA, L.A. --,COUNTRY OF INFO--USSR ~,-'SOURCE-PRIRODA, NO. 5, 1970v P, 31-38 (YATE PUBL I SHED----- 70 ~~_SUBJECT AREAS--ASTRONOMYIASTROPHYSICS, PHYSICS TOPIC TAGS-PLANETARY ATMOSPHEREt ABSORPTION SPECTRU149 SIMULATION tMTROUL MARK I N.%G--NO RESTRICTIONS 7~ -DOCUMENT CLASS--UNCLASSIFIED PROXY FICHE NO----FD70/60501I/F03 STEP NO--UR/0026/70/000/005/0031/0033 CIRC ACCESSION NO--AP0140225 UNC LASS IF 1u':0 21Z 024 UNCLASSIFIF0 PROCESSING DATE--040EC7C ~C I P.C ACCESSION NO-AP0140225 .ABSTRACT/EXTRACT--(U) GP-O- ABSTRACT. REVIEW OF TEC.HNIQUES FOR STUDYING THE ABSORPTION SPECTRA OF PLANETARY ATMOSPHERES BY SIMULATION IN ABSORPTION TUBES. THE OPTICAL SYSTEM OF AN ABSORPTION TUBE PROPOSED BY WHITE IN 1942 IS DESCRIBED IN DETAIL. ~ALSO DISCUSSED IS THE ABSORPTION TUBE OF THE PULKOVO 03SERVATORY. PUBLISHED STUDIES OF PLANETARY ATMOSPHERES USING THIS TECHNIQUE ARE SURVEYED, THE IMPORTANCE OF FUTURE GROUND SIMULATION STUDIES OF PLANETARY ABSORPTION :SPECTRA IS STRESSCOv PRODUCTIVE ADVANCED ROCKETOBSERVATEONS OF PLANETARY ATMOSPHERES MAY BE. FACILITY: GLAVNALA ASTRONOMICHESKAIA OBSERVATORIIAP PULKOVO* USSR* UNCLASSIFIED !-/2 017 UNCLASSIFIED PROCESSING DATE--04DEC70 ~I'TLE-RARE EARTH HYDROXYNITRILOTRIACETATES IN AN AQUEOUS SOLUTION -U- ,,-AUTHOR-(,05)-VARLAMOVAf G*L.t J41TROFANOVA# N.D.p MARTYNENKO, L.I., AMOV, Nolov VARL ---COUNTRY OF INFO--USSR SOURCE--ZHs NEORG. KHIM. 1970, 15(5), 1239-43 -DATE PUBLISHED ------- 70 AREAS--CHEMISTRY --TOPIC TAGS--RARE EARTH COMPOUNDi ACETATE# COMPLEX COMPOUNDt LANTHANUM COMPOUNDv CESIUM COMPOUND* YTTkIU(4'COMPOUNDY IONI!C BONOINGo POTENTIOMETRIC TITRATION CONTROL MARKING--NO RESTRICTIONS DOCUMENT CLASS--UNCLASSIFIEO PROXY REEL/FRAME--3008/0947 STEP:NO--UR/0078170/015/005/1239/1243 CIRC ACCESSION NO--AP0137975 UNCLASSIFIED -' ~ ~:!7"77-77-14~~,!!, 77 '777 2/2 017 UNCLASSI FI ED PROCESSING DATE--04DEC70 C-IRC ACCESSION NO--AP0137975 :ABSTRACT/EXTRACT--(U) GP-0- ABSTRACT. ~COMPN. AND STABILITY CONSTS. (K) --OF 14YOROXYN'ITRILOTRIACETATE COMPLEXES:OF IONS OF THE LA TO LU RARE EARTH -ELEMENT'S AS WELL AS Y AND CS WERE DETO* DY POTENTLOMETRIC TITRN. AT _-~_:.~:.---ZODEGREES AND IONIC STRENGTH OF 002. ;THE VALUE O'FL K(TIMES 10 PRI14E WEGATIVE5) RANGES FROM 1.17 FOR LA-.TO::73*94 FOR Cu. FACILITY: MOSK. GOS. UNIV* IM. LOMONOSOVAr MOSCOW91USSR* USSR UDC 621.3 032-35 N. VI. TIM0.4'YMV, Yu. P., FRID.HAIT, KUTUKGvt L. V. M11TRO hl~QVJ S. A., and BH~Lvf.Eirko, V. V. "Using luminophores to Investigate the Heat; in 'Electronic Circuits" Moscow, FriborNr i Melchnika- Eksperimenta, No. 3, 1971, Dp 147-149 Abstract: ,~lthouc:h infrared radiometry has been used ifor invcasti- gatia- thermal situations in electronic circuits, its r--sults are not reliable. The Pur-pose of this pz~,per is to re~3earch ILurther the recently applied luminophores -for investigating terlperatule fields in electronic circuitry in printed circuit and interrated circuit form, a method free -from rany o,~ the deficiencies Inthe use of infrared observ--tions. -he exiie.-imerits desc.-JLbed in this paper used as lwriinophores 5~,-thick coatings, of Zr.S, OdS + phors, w i emit visille rad.-ation w.her. Al;, and Ni crysta*1 phos. h i exe it e d'uy ultraviolet The inV.,wiity c,:.' th:Li visible ra- diation drops sharply with small incrt~ases in tempe-rature. Yilso used were nichrome resistance films covered with a protective layer of SiG. "'con!- ot' er resul"ca they obtnined, tho authors find that this method is convenient I"or dir~_,ct vis%Lsl -7.-_-s-t-s a--d ch:?c_ks of operatin,-_ interrated circuits. Curves of -the ZnS, Cd3' + ~Ag, Ni luminophore sensitivity as a function of the temptrature arta given. The authors are in the Woscow Physical Institute, Academy of ~cien- ces, USSR. USSR UDC: 632.952:634.13 -rden Nikitskiy State Botanical Ca ."Effectiveness of Some Fungicides Against Pear Rust" Moscow Khimiya v Sel'skom Kliozyaystva, no 11, Nov 7U, pp 34-35 Abstract: Pear rust, a plant disease, affecting the ahove-ground t 'la r ts o f the plant, has been most injurious in cartam areas oi the Crimea. Described here are Lcsr-s involving polycarbacin i!xLiva cupprociq UTZ activ!-- in,,,rcL.1icnt:;) --,jrljdC (50", act've ill,,; rc~*! I!Ilii 5 e i b 0 an d C. -r a, ii,*:La C t,I karpen Fl-~65. Kanpen ffii6~ iced a jlroteati-~' The test was ren-oduced fou:~ tjtloi by sprayim,;. T I I f C S ti,. or Of t 1 leaves. was ass-ai;-~ed prior to eLLcii spraylm,- . P.11 t2sttld cmipoundo, cally polycarbacin, were found to be superior to. -th-e Bordec.1o: n-ixtu-l which served as the control priemiratioxi. It Ims thern-forc sumpentod that T7DJ,~- carbacin, cupu~acin, karpvn and haxi.:dde *be Civcn p.-olerr!rce '41-0 Vae Por- deaux mixt-ire which is fairly elaborate to pmpazv and fmquon'tly thf-, plant. 2 012 Rb ESSING DATE-L-30OCT70 UNCLASSIF1 P c ED '_~jlTLE--SYNTHES I SAND SOME REACTIONS OF 01 -BUTYLPEROXY) ETHYL (ALPHA, (TERT -ETHOXY) THALLIUM -U- THOR-(04)-RAZUVAYEV, G.A.t MITROFANOVA.v *1 DODONOVt A.A., MOLKOVAr --No a L ~-~C UNTRY OF INFO--USSR M 1970t (2)v 465-6 AKAO. NAUK SSSRr SER* KHI PUBLISHED ------ 70 ~.-SUBJECTAREAS-CHEMISTRY .~~,~;JQPIC TAGS---CHEMICAL-SYNTHESISt ALKOXIDEP THALLIU14 COMPGUND, PEROXIDE, CHEMICAL DECOMPOSITION CCNTROL MARKING-NO RESTRICTIONS ~~OOCUMENT CLASS--UNCLASSIFEEO .'~.~PROXY REELIFRAME-1997/0841 STEP NO-1-UR/0062/70/000/002/0~65/0466 CIAC ACCESSION NG--AP0119745 UNCLASSIFIE0 2/2 012 U.NCLAIS.SIFIED PilOCESSING DATE--30OCT70 .:CIRC ACCESSION NU--AP0119745 -,-,,---ABSTRACT/EXTRACT--(U) GP-0- AdSTRACT. ADDING 1.39 G PIE SUB3 COOCHMEOH IN ET SUB2 0T0 3.03 G ET SUB3 TI AT 5DEGREES GAVE C SU62 H SUB60 AND AFTER 15~MlNt THE MIXT. WAS COOLED TO MINUS 75DEGREES,TO PPT. 50-5PERCENT ET SUBZ TIOCHMEOQCME SUB39 M. IODEGREES, THIS IN DEGASSED C SUG6 H SUB6 HEATEO-24 HR AT 50DEGREES GAVE ET SUB2 TIOAC AND~ME SUB3 COH. SIMILARLY IN-CUMENE THE PEROXIDE DECOMPO. AT ROOM TEMP. 1.1 2.5 DAYS TO YIELD tT 0 SU82:T.IOACv ME SUB3 COH, OICUMYL, AND, ET SUBZ TIOH; A LOW YIEL OF ACH WAS.DETECTED ALSO. REACTI-ONS WITH ISOjPR3R AND ME SUB3 CBR IN C SUB6 H SUB&GAVE ET SUB2 TIOAC ANDA4E SUB3 COH. fACILITY: LABo STABIL. PULIM.t GORKIt USSR* UM-1~S 51 F I E 1) Orgaaometallic'Comjt~ USSR UDC 542-91 1- 541-459 4- 547.214 ZUBAYEV, G. A.9 14I;OiQF r V,, DODDNOVj V. A., and MOLIKOVA, L. N., Laboratory of olymer Stab ilizationt Acadomy of Sciences USSR "Synthesis and Some Reactions of Diet hylthalliumethoxy-O~-peroxy- tert. -but yl" Moscow, Izvestiya Akademii Nauk SSSRj Seriya Khimicheskaya, No 2, Feb 70t pp 465-466. Abstract: The interaction of triethylthallium with a-hydroly-tert.- butyl peroxide gives diethylthalliumethoxy-CX-peroxy-tert.-butyl. The latter is an organometallic peroxide compound which decomposes on heating in benzene, cumene, isopropyl bromide and tert, -butyl bromide with cleavage of the oxygen -oxygen: bond to give diethylthallium ace- tate and tert.-butyl alcohol6 USSR UM 621.396.6.017.72(088.8) VORON321, G. I., KUZNETSOV, I. D., MITROKHIN, V. M., MURAVYEV, V. P., ZAKHABOV, V. S. "A Device for Cooling Radio Electronic Equipment" USSR Author's Certificate No 26844o, filed 18 Oct 68, published 21 Aug 70 (from RZh-Radiotekhnika, No 6. Jun 71, Abstract No &P-92 P) Translation: A device is proposed for cooling electrDnic radio equipment. The device contains a closed loop filled with a coolaxit such as polynethyl siloxane. Connected in series in the loop are a pump and an air-liquid radiator with air collector. To improve the operating efficiency of the device, an evaporator is placed in seriesvith the radiator and connected by tubing through a solenoid valve to a coolant-filled vessel. The evapora- tor is equipped with an ejector pump which is connected to a compressor through an air line with remote-control valve. Connected in the main air line of the air collector is a second remote-control valve. The ccntrol windings of the solenoid valve and the-remote-control valves are connected to a control.=odule which is connected in turn to temperature pickups in the closed loop and the air collector., 'f4/2 012 UNCLASS1 FIED; PROCESSING DATE--160CT70 ,T,,'ITLE--POSITRON DECAY OF GOLD-194 AND IRIDIUM-188 -U-!~ Ol ,l,_UTHQk-(03)-AGEYEV# V.A.v MITROKH i(CH# N,~F.P.FEUKTISTOV, A.I. -,,~CUNTRY OF INFO--USSR E.- I AV AKAD, NAUK SSSk, SER. FIZ. 1970v 3411)t 201-3 DATE PUBLISHED ------- 70 ,-.-SUBJECT AREAS--NUCLEAR SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY __TQPIC TAGS--GOLD ISOTOPE# IRIDIUM ISDTOP~t COINCIDENCE CQUNTINGt DECAY SCHEME, POSITRON,'BETA SPECTRUM- 'CONTROL MARKING--NO RESTRICTIONS .,.DOCUMENT CLASS--UNCLASSIFIED --1988/0276 ,,PROXY REEL/FRAME STEP NO--UR/0048/70/034/001/0201/0203 CIRC ACCESSION ND--AP0105350 UNCLASSIFIED UNCLASSIFIED PROCESSING 0ATE--160CT70 ,7CIRC ACCESSION NO--AP0105350 ',4BSTRACT/EXTRACT--(U) GP-0- ABSTRACT. THE DECAY OF PRIME194 AU (39 Ho), -AND PkIMEI88 IR 141 HR) WAS STUDIED WITH A 4 PI BETA PRIME 'POSITIVE-GAMMA COINCIDENCE SPECTROMETER. THE BETTA PRIME POSITIVE OF BOTH ISOTOPES CONS15TS OF 2 COMPONENTS, THEIR UPPER ENERGY .-LIMITS ARE 950 PLUS OR MINUS 30 AND 1210 PLUS OR MINUS 20 KEV FOR AU# 1030 PLUS OR MINUS 50 AND 1650 PLUS OR:MINUS 30 KE-V FOR IR. TtiE HIGHER ~:~11MITS WERE KNOWN FROM EARLIER PAPERS. FACILITY: KIEV4 GOS, IM* SHEVCHENKOt KIEV. USSR. 015 UNCLASSIFIED PROCESSING OATE--160CT7U _,rlTLE--P0SITRON DECAY OF GADOLINIUN-L46,~EUROPIUH-146v AND EUKOPIUM-148 :::AUTHOR-103)_AGEYEVp V.A., MITROKHO.VICH# N,F#p FEOKTISTOVP A.I. COUNTRY OF INFO--USSR f-SOURCE--IZV* AKAD* NAUK SSSR, SER. FIZ. 1970, 34(2), 397-9 i'DATE PUBLISHED ------- 70 AREAS--NUCLEAR SCIENCE AND TECHN!OLOGY ."TOPIC TAGS--BETA SPECTRUM, GAMMA SPECTRUMe RADIOACTIVE DECAY, POSITRON, ISOTOPE, EUROPIUM ISOTOPE, PARTICLE ANNIHILATION, NUCLEAR -RGY LEVEL '~'CONTROL MARKING--NO RESTRICTIONS DOCUMENT CLASS--UNCLASSIFIED REEL/ FRAME--- 1988/0279 STEP NIO--UR/0048/70/034/002/0397/0379 CIRC ACCESSION NO--AP0105353 UNC LASSI F 212 015 UNCLASSIFIED PROCESSING DATE--lbOCT70 :ZIRC ACCESSION #NO--AP0105353 ~ABSTRACT/EXTRACT--(U) GP-0- ABSTRACT. THE BETA PRIME POSITIVE SPECTRA ANO THE GAMMA RAY SPECTRA IN COINCIDENCE WITH ANNIHILATION RAOIATION WERE MEASURED WITH A 4 PI BETA PRIME POSITIVE GAMMA COINCLUENCE SPECTROMETER COMPRISING A 4 PI BETA DETECTOR (2 STILBENE CRYSTALS WITH 'PHOTOMULTIPLIERS) AND 3 GAMMA DETECTORS REGISTERING THE ANNIHILATION RADIATION AND GAMMA RAYS. PRIME146 EUP SEPU* RADIOCHEM. FROM THE GO FRACTION WITH ITS DAUGHTER PRODUCT PRIME146 EUt AND AN "OLU" SMAPLE OF THE EU FRACTION CO*NTG* PRIME148 EU, WERE USED AS SOURCES. THE MAX. ENERGY WAS 350 PLUS OR MINUS 30 KEVP INTENSITY 0.01 PLUS OR MINUS 0,02PERCENT PER DECAYi LOG FT EQUALS 7;.2 FOR PRIME146 GD. TWO COMPONENTS OF 940 PLUS OR MINUS 40 AND 540 PLUS OR MINUS 30 KEV (LEAOING ''TO THE LEVEL 1395 KEV) WERE FOUND FOR PRIMElltd EVv-THE INTENSITY OF THE KEV COMPONENT WAS 0.06 PLUS OR MINUS 0.02PERCENT# dHICH LEAOS TO LOG -~.FT EQUALS 8.9. FACILITY: KIEV, GOSo UNIY* IM. SHEVCHENKO, KIEV, USSR. USSR UDC 612.8:797.215 SHAKHOVA, V. I., and MITRONOVA, 1. A., Department of Physiology of Higher Nervous Activity at the Institute of Physiology imeni 0. 0. Bogomolets, Academy of Sciences Ukrainian SSR, Kiev "Effect of Physical Load on the State of Human Higher Nervous Activity Under Conditions of Underwater Work" Kiev, Fiziolohichnyy Zhurnal, Vol 19, No 4, Jul/Aug 73, pp 541-542 Translation: Human underwater work results in nervous-emotional tension and is reflected by higher nervous activity. We studied eight amateur sportsmen 21-23 years old, all members of an underwater swimming team. The following methods were used: 1) determination of the mobility indexes of nerve processes and work capacity of the brain according to A. E. Xhil'chenkol; 2) correction test (Anfimov tables); 3) determination of the latent period of simple optical-motor reflex. During the experiment the subjects performed the following tasks: 1) lifting bar-bells on dry land for 3 min; 2) free swimming for 20 min; 1. Higher nervous activity, 1958, VIII, 6. 1/8 USSR SHAKHOVA V. I., and MITRONOVA, I. A., Fiziolohichnyy Zhurnal, Vol 19, No 4, P Jul/Aug 73, pp 541-542 3) free swimming under water equipped with aqua-lung at a depth of 5 m for 20 min; 4) bar-bell lifting under water; 5) underwater exercise with an expander at a depth of 5 m; 6) free swimming and:bar-bell lifting underwater at a depth of 14 m. The indexes were noted prior to and after the performance of each task, using all methods. It is known that any response of an organism to the influence of outer environment is individualistic, that it depends on the characteristics of the organism and most of all on the state and peculiarities of the nervous system. Considering this, prior to the analysis of experimental data, we report the properties of the nervous processes studied for their strenj,,th and mobility. 2/8 USSR SHAKHOVA, V. I., and MITRONOVA, 1. A., Fiziolohichnyy Zhurnal, Vol 19, No 4, Jul/Aug 73, pp 541-542 - Characteristics of the nervous 6rocesses studied for their strength and mobility No. Sub- Indexes of the mobility Force (work capacity) Estimate of jects of nervous processes of the nervous system the nervous according to Khil'chenko according to Khil'- system force (number of stimuli par chenko min) I signal II signal system system (Z errors) 1. K. 145 120 2% Strong 2. B. 170 130 3.5 Strong 3. M. 140 3.5 Strong 4. 1. 110 5. T. 160 125 5.5 Medium 6. A. 150 115 6,0 Medium 7o Z. 140 110 6.6 Medium S. S. 130 110 8.5 Weak Average latent period of optical motor reflex (in Psec) 195 188 131 190 191 188 163 191 USSR SHAKHOVA, V. I., and MITRONOVA, I. A., Fiziolohichnyy Zhurnal, Vol 19, No 4, Jul/Aug 73, pp 541-542 Experimental results have shown that the proposed tests did not have the same effect on the central nervous system of individual sportsmen. The execution of the first three quite simple tests, which were not heavily de- manding on the nervous system resulted in improved work of the subjects by all proposed methods. In a control test, using the Kh:Ll'chenko method, the number of errors dropped on the average from 15 to 12. The number of symbols reviewed according to the correction tah les increased on the average by 40 symbols per 4 min. The latent period of optical-motor:reflex was shortened on the average by 5 psec. Because the changes noted after the first three tasks in the subjects were all in the same direction, it was possible to carry out a statistical analysis of the summary data obtained in the experiments with the first three tasks. Treatment of the results obtained from the 1(hil'chenko method by the Student test showed a decrease in the number of errors in the performance following these tasks to be statistically valid with p< 0.01. The data obtained point out a positive effect of the first, second and third tasks on the state of the nervous system, A decrease in the number of errors committed during the work an the Khil'chenho apparatus -17 --- 7~ ~- USSR SHAKROVA, V. I., and MITRONOVA, I. A., Fiziolohichnyy Zhurnal, Vol 19, No 4, Jul/Aug 73, pp 541-542 and increased work productivity according to the correction method indicate an intensified tone of the cortex. The currently observed relative increase in the error reactions towards a differential stimulus (according to Millchenko method) and a shorter latent period of the optical-motor-reflex indicate an increased stimulation process. The third task, however, led to a less significant increase in the indexes of work capacity and mobility of the nerve processes. Inasmuch as in the first two tests these improvements may be explained by the positive effect of a moderate physical load, vith submersion these effects are counterbalanced by the negative.influence on the nervous system due to the depth effects (increased pressure, increased heat loss, hypoxia, etc.). Different results were obtained in performing the fourth, fifth and sixth tasks which were more complex both from the physical and psychological aspects. In this case individual differences among the subjects were quite noticeable. Sportsman K., with a strong nervous system and good mobility of nervous processes, showed improvements along all proposed tasks: a drop in error USSR SHAKHOVAS V. I., and MITRONOVA, I. A., Fiziolohichnyy Zhurnal, Val 19, No 4, Jul/Aug 73, pp 541-542 reactions according to the Khil'chenko method on the average by two errors (14 before -- 12 after the load), increased vork productivity according to the correction test on the average by 1Z symbols in 4 min, shortened latent period of motor reflex on the average by 12 psec. The subjects with an average nervous system activity (subjects T. and A.) showed in some cases poorer results by some methods. For example, the performance of subject T. by the correction method dropped from 1525 symbols before the test to 1470 after the test. The latent period of the motor reflex was shortened in one case by 70 usec, but prolonged in another by 12 Fsec. The work capacity according to the Khil'.chenko method Improved somewhat (ZO before the test and 18 after). In case of the subject A. the latent period of the motor reflex after the load became shorter in some cases (on the average by IO.psec) and in- creased considerably in others (by 74 psec); according to the Khil'chenko inethod, in some cases there was no change noticed (21 errors before and 21 after the test), in other cases improvements were noticed (19 errors before, 12 after the experiments). 6/8 . . . . . . . . . . . 7' 77'__-7~1 USSR SHAKHOVA, V. I., and MITRONOVA, 1. A., Fiziolohichnyy Zhurnal, Vol 19, No 4, Jul/Aug 73, pp 541-542 It should be noted that the instability of the reactions noticed with this subject was also noted in simplier experiments and they increased with increasing complexity). Subject S., with a weak nervous system, exhibited poorer results by all methods. According to the Khil'chenko method.the number of errors increased from 14 tc 17. The latent period increased on the average by 20 psec. -nle number of symbols scanned according to.the correction test dropped from 1535 to 1500. These results pointed out the role of the nervous system in the loads used. However, the physical development factor is just as important. Subject B., with unique characteristics of the nervous system but poorly developed physical condition, showed deterioration of all registered indexes after the fourth-and fifth tasks. The number of errors according to the Khil'chenko method increased from 7 to 11. The latent period of the motor reaction increased an the average from 170 to 213 microseconds, the work capacity according to the correction method became worse 1600 symbols with three 4 ndrffin dalu P mimm.l. . , Rim USSR SHAKHOVA, V. I., and MITIRONOVA, I. A., Fiziolohichnyy 4hurnal, Vol 19, No 4, Jul/Aug 73, pp 541-542 errors before the load, 1770 symbols with 10 errors after the load. The negative results obtained may obviously be explained by the poor physical state of subject B. The physical load, normal for other subjects, was too difficult for him, requiring considerable physical and,nervous stress. How- ever, submersion to 14 m. showed no significant changes in subject B. The work capacity according to the Khil'chenko and according to the correction method showed practically no changes (5 errors before the load, 5 after; 1800 symbols before the,load, 1800 after). The latent period of motor reaction became somewhat shorter (from 224 Fsec to 220 psec). Summarizing the results obtained we can conclude that the proposed tests showed no significant changes in the central nervous system of the examined subjects with strong balanced nervous systems and good physical development. Subjects with a weaker nervous system or ipoor physical development showed considerable changes. Therefore, for physical loads connected with underwater performance, obviously only balanced individuals with good physical development and strong nervous systems should be used. 8/8 Tt