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018 UNCLASSIFIED D4jE---3oocl*r7C --CIRG ACCESSION NO-AP0127345 ~"-ASSTRACT/EXTRACT--(U) GP-0-- ABSTRACT, PATIENTS WIM AMY11MOSIS '1~1 PARTICULAR NEPHROSIS) SHOWED SIGNIFICANr CHANGES 0 F 13L(l)0k'-' C-COAC31ULATI FHROMBOPHILIA. THE oi -EVIDENCING PPEDISPOSITICN TC DUE VKOJ~ RESSilE TC THIROMBOSIS 114CREASE WITH THE ADVANCE OF THE DISEASE -DEPRESS ION OF THE ANTI CGAGULAT ION SYSTEM. FACILI-TY: :QYEVSK0GQ 'INSTITUTA,USOVERSHENSTVOVANIYA VRACHEY.. UNCLASSIFIED USSR, SHCHUKIN, V. N., MIaQW"JrAY6._j, c~., "Solution of the Problem of Prospective Branch Planning Using Several Opti- mality C-riteriall Optimiz. Planov Razv. i Razmeshch. Otrasley Prom-sti [Optimization of Plans for Development and Placement of BTanches of Industxy -- Collection of Works], Novosibirsk, 1971, pp 59-56 (Translated from Referativnyy Zhurnal, Kibernetika, No 2, 1972, Abstract No 2 V505 by M. Kazakova). Translation: A multi-criterion problem of branch planning is studied. First, probLlems with particular criteria are solved. Then, by coTnq anrin--Y the optimal -values of goal functions with values produced for the optima oi the remaining criteria, the so-called "loss" and "gain" arising upon deviation from the op- timum are calculated. When the permissible relationship between gain foi, one criterion and loss for another are established by the expert method, an acceptable solution of the problem can be found. "iJ2 0-05 UNCLASSIFIEO PROCeSSING DATE-30OCT70 U.S.S.R. IS A SEA POWER -U-:~ -AUTHOR-MIR040 CCUNTRY.OF INFO-USSR -KRASNAYA ZVELVA: AUGUST 4p 1970v P 4m COL&4-7 ,7.,SOURC E Xl__~ ATE PUBLISHED-04AUG70 SUBJECT AREAS-MECH., IND., CIVIL AND MARINE ENGR 40PIC, TAGS--ME.RCHANT'-MARINE STATUSt MERCHANT VESSEL VATAI SHIPBUILD[NG R AND 0 ~.,~'CCNTROL MARKING-NO RESTRICTIONS CLASS-UNCLASSIFIED PROXY REEL/FRAME-2000/0503 STEP NO--UR/9008170/00~0/000/00f)4/0004 CIRC ACCiESSION NO-ANG124208 2/2 005 UNCLASSIFIED PROCESSING DATE--30OCT'rO C IRC ACCESSION NO-AN0124208 .:_A6STRACT/EXTRACT--(U) GP-0- ABSTRACT. IN THIS INTERVIEW T. B. GUZH~._NKOi --MINISTER OF THE MERCHANT MARINEP U.S.S.R.9 GAVE AN AC:CGUNT OF GAINS 'ATTAINED BY THE SOVIET MERCHANT. MARINE. ACCORDING TO GUZhENK0, 80 _N5TRLlC.TEr-! vuRiNG THE PERCENT OF THE SOVIET MERCHANT FLEET-HAVE BEEN Cl. I' L LAST~-DECADE. IN 1970, THE TUTAL, TONNAGE OF THE 1,:jl-:VIET flE-R'-HA,'q F EET -WILL REACH 13-,000r000 TONS. MORE TPAN 70 PERCEN*r GF THE SOV'_~7T --iESSEI'S ARE CAPABLE OF SPEEDS HIGHER THAN 14 KNOTS. IN THE OPINION Of THEE MINISTER, IT WILL BE ECONOMICALLY FEASIBLE TO INCqr:Al',E s'HE CARU 0 CAPACITY OF NEW SOVIET TANKERS UP TO 100000-150POOO TONS, ',;Hll.;H IS TWICE THE CAPACITY OF THE "SOFIYAa CLASS TANKEPS . CURRENTLY THE SOVIET MERCHANT FLEET IS GETTING SPECIALIZED CHIPS OF 'I)i1t: "ZVENIGOROD" CLASS, CAPABLE OF CARRYING 23r000 TONS OF CARG09 AND 36,000 TON VESSELS OF THE "BALrIKA" CLASS. THE LAITER ARE CAPABLE OF SAILING J.2p000 MILES WITHOUT REFUELING. IN THE 60, St A SERIES OF HtGH.SPEED VESSELS OF THE "LENINSKIY KOMSOMOL" CLASS, POWERED BY STEAM TURBINES, WAS ADDED TO THE FLEET. CURRENTLY A NEW SERIES Of THE "KAPrTAN KLISHNARENKU" CLASSi ADAPTED FOR THE ARCTIC SEAS, ARE BEING BUILT. THEIR CARGO CAPACITY !S PARTY HAS SET THE ALMOST DOUBLE THAT UF THE LIBERTY SHIPS* THE FOLLOWING GOALS FOR THE SOVIET MERCHANT MARINE. TO INCREASE DURING THE FIVE YEAR PLAN THE VOLUME OF THE MERCHANT MARINE CAROO TURNUVEk BY T14E FACTOR OF 1.8, AND THE TOTAL TONNAGE,13f: THE,FLEE( BY APPROXIMArELY 1.5 TIMES. OUR114G THE FIRST 4 YEARS OF THE FJVE- YEAR PLANt 3 AILLION TONS OF SHIPPING WERE CONSTRUCTEDo AND THE MERCHANT MARINI' FREIGHT TURNOVER WAS BOOSTED 55 PERCENT* USSR uDc 621-371-3:621-391-883.6 MIRONOV, A. A. "On the Problem of Determining the Probability of Detection of a Target by a Secondary Radar" Izv. Leningr. elektrotekhn. in-ta (Nevs of the Leningrad Electrical En- gineering Institute), 19T1,-~ ~P- 98,,Pp 58-6o (from RZh-Radiotekhnika, No 12, Dec Tl, Abstract No 12G11) Tran lation: Expressions are derived for the probability of suppression of-a group of response signals for any number of interrogating stations in the zone of reception of the responder. Bibliography of tvo titles. N. S. 49 009 ROCESSING OATE--23OCT70 UkCLIS~ Fit 0 3 _l-"_%E--14EMOPROTEINS. SYNTHESIS OF,~ TWO PEPTIDE FRAG"ENTS OF CYTOCHROME C ;..'_AUTHOR-(05)-YEVSTIGNEYEVAt R.P.9 141RONOV9 A*Fit VASILYEVAs G.A.v .5KIBENKOP L.V. 9 NIKITINA, T-.Se GF .. INFO--USSR 661RCE-ZH. OSSHCH. KHM 1970t 4f;( 3) t6 6 I.t6 j-' fVAT E PUBLISHED - - ---- 70. S UB J EC TAREAS-BIOLOGICAL AND 61 E D I CAL SCIENCES, CHEM I S TRY P_IC- TAGS -B'10LOGIC PIGMENTt IRON COMP.OUNDt PEPTIOE, CHEMICAL SYNTHESIS CONTROL MARKING--NO RESTRICTIONS, 1~_.-'._DOCUMENT CLASS"UNCLASSIHED '-`.-PROXY REEL/FRAME--1998/0398 STEP NU--UR/0079/70/0/,*0/003/0661/0666 CIRC ACCESSIGN NG--AP0121079 UK LA S I F IED ~7~,-!`-413 009 'J ~Sl F PROCESSING nATE--230CT70 CLA ED -ClkC AtCESSION NO--AP0121079 ABSTRACT/EXTRACT--(U) GP-0- AUS'TRACT. BOC EQUALS TERTt BUO SUB' CvZ EQUALS PHCH SUB2 0 SUBZ C THROUGHOUT. 8OC,LsALA ANU N,HYDROXVP SUC(;INIMIDE-:(HGSU) TREATED IN DIOXANE WITH DICYCLOHEXYLCARBOOTIMIDE 12 HR GAVE 74PERCENT 6OCiLiALArOSUs M. 158*3-59DEGREES; SIMILAKLY WAS PREPD. 80PERCENT BQC,O,BENZYL;L,SER,OSU (1) M. 104-50EGREES. N,ZvLoGLN IN DMF WAS TREATED WITH PYRIDINE AND ET SUBZ Np FOLLOWED 13Y PIVALOYL CHLORIDE AT MINUS 15DEGREES, FOLLOWED IN 15 MIN BY S 8ENZYL,L, CYSTEINE ME ESTER,HCL AND ET SUB3 N, AND THE MIXT. HELD 12 HK, FINALLY AT ODEGREES, TO YIELD 86PEf,"ICENT NtZpLrGLNtSvBENZYLiLpCY590ME (11), M. 194-209DEGREE.S. SIMILARLY WAS PREPD. 82PERCENT t3ENZYL,ESTr-R ANALOG, 14. N,ZtLtALAI,OSU AND II.HBR WITH NiMETHYLMORPHOLINE IN DMF GAVE IN!5 HR 85PERCENT NtZtLvALAtLvGLNtSv8ENZYLtLv CYSPOME (111), M. SIMILARLY WAS PREPD. 8.5PERCENT -N'rL,GLNtScBENZYLPLPCYSPOCH SU02 PHt Ma -30EGREES. NIBOCILvAL 152 TREATING III WITH 36PERCENT HBR IN ACOH 0.5 HRP~FOLLOWED BY THE ~P*NITROPHENYL ESTER OF NPZvXvBENZYLflLtCYS IN DMF iN THE PRESE14CE OF :N,f4ETHYL-MORPHOLINE, GAVE IN 12 HR, 82-5PERCENT NwZt-SiBENZYLiLiCYS,LiAL.4tLtGLN#StBENZYL'rL#CYSP DflEt M. 218-19,5DEGREESe SIMILARLY WAS PREPD. 94PEPCENT BENZYL ESTER ANALOG, M. 205-6*5UEGRFESt --WHICH WITH N SUB2 H SUB4 IN ETOH,DI0XANE GAVE THE HYOKAZIDE, M. 2a4-6DEGREESv WHICH TREATED WITH HCLr FOLLUWED $Y NANO SUB2, THEN IN 5 ~.-MINJIY 13ENZYL ESTER OF N PRIMEIMtfiENZYL#LvHI5TIDINE AND ET SUB3 N, GAVE 4N 2 DAYS'SOPERCENT NiZiS,BENZYL,LtCY$rL,ALA,LoGLNI.S*BENIYL,LoCYS,N SENZYLtLHIS,OCli SUBZ.PH# M. 188-9.50EGREES. UINCLASSITFIFf) UNCt. A'~~Sl FM ~PROCESSTXNG DATE--230CT70 009 10--AP ,,,C4QX ACCESS IONN 0121079 -i&BSTKACT/EXTRACT--l AND LiGLNIS 9 i)ENZYLtL,CYSvOME.H8R WITH 1"4-'~N,METHYLMORPP.QLINE IN Dmr- 12 HR SOPERCENT 'NiBOCtOtBEN&'YLtLi-SEPtLtGLNtSpOENZYL,LPCY.StO~lEt Mm 131.5-3.50EGREES, .~WHOSE HCL SALT TRFATED WITH THE.:NITROPHENYL ESTER OF CYSTEINE IN DMF WITH N,METHYLMORPHOLINEt GAVE 114 12 HR 88PERCENT N,ZS,BENZYL,L,CYS,D,BEPJZYLPLPSElirLtGLN#SPBENZYLPL,CYSP OME, M. 192.5-4.5DEGREES. THIS SUSPENDED IN DIOXANE,ETOH AND TREATED WITH N S.UB2 H SUB4 1 DAY GAVE THE HYDRAZIDE-t Ma 200-2DE-GREES, '~M[Ctl hi[Tli HCL AND NANO SUB2 GAVE THE AlIDE, WHICH TREAT60 IN SITU wIrH 14 PRIME[% BENZYLHISTIOINE BENZYL ESTER AND ET SUB3 N IN ETOAC 2 DAYS GAVE Nill'S,BENZYL',LCYStOtBENZYLiLtSERtLPGLNFStBENZYLiLiCYSPN PRIMEIM, .1-BENZVLvHIS,OCH SUB2 PHr M. 184-4DEGRE-ES,. .1-FACILITYz MOSK. INST. TONKOI MIM. TEKHNOL. Im. 'LOMMOSOYAt~ MUSC W. USSR. USSR UDG 5211-787-9131-087-92 KS00P-M-MV, '-.YE., PAPWIVA, T.T., Sr-,nnov, I.I., RAPA TSKAYA ., 1.7. "TansotranEducars ~3ased On Silicon-gpinell~ V ab. Pribory tochnoy me' i +ekhno:L. priborost, (Devices Of' -'r5cis-ion Mechanics Ane Technology Of Instrum-exit Construction-Colle ell ion Of 7,1*orkz) pp (Prom RZIhIEle',etroni!--a i yaL~ prImenenive,oeb 72, J,- Abs,4,ract N"o 2B---82) 0 2ensotra baoad on Si-ipinel Translati %i*. mducers ftenzopreobrazovatoll] were ,)rod,.M~d by build-up on upinel warers (ground, poLished, and anne2led in 1.3 + a flow at a 1"COO mmperqturo) of a monocrystolline layer of 5i by pyrol,'.- 2 sio of the spinel. the aid of photolithora-)hy, t(maoregistorE -~:ere ;)ro- dured on the. -~tr~icture prepurod, the o,.jt1eI,-3 to ..,hich were prod~iced by ti--ormo- comm)ression, --he T ;)roduoed had the characteristicm 4~z, ohm; .1 x 0-4 resistivitir, 0.01 ohn.cmm; Itemperature coefficient of resistiInce, 9 0 0- ; coe',ei'icient, of te-P:3o~ensitivity (au a function a:' cryutello-c:raphic orientat2-on) 9:;. 1 :11-1. 2 tab. 2 ref. V.B. USSR UDC 539.3 TFLAPEZIN, I.I., ZAS-LAVSKJY, B.V., LOPOVOK, B.N. and A. 1. "Calculation of Local Stability of Three-Layer Corrugated Panel at Normal and Elevated Temperatures" Moscow, Prochnost' i Ustoychivost' Tonkostennykh Aviatsionnykh -Z66 Konstruktsiy, 1971, pp 250 Abstract: The subject panel consipts of two skin plates with a idal corrugated plate. located between the two and plug 0 welded,to them. Tht: local stability is calculated by the formula G ~K E 1/2 USSR TRAPEZIN, I. I., et al., Pxochnost'. iUstoychivost' Tonkostennykh Aviatsionnykh Konstruktsiy, 1971,*pp 250-266 where Is Kcritical buckling stress Y- coefficient,of endifixity given ou figures 8 and 9 plasticity coefficieixt- plate thickness unsupported length of the plate Experimental values of:buckling stress versw, fo r temperatures 20 to 5000C are shown on graphs. Tables of theoretical and experimental values of buckling stress for different panel dimensions are also~' presented. 212 98 USSR UDC 669.721.48(088.8) BIRYUKOV, L. V., NIUHO-V. -A. M., SERGEYEV, V. V., POLYAKOV, Yu. A., and ZABOYEV, Yu. I. "Method of Processing Wastes" USSR Author's Certificate No 273441, Filed 13/08/66, Published 7/09170 (Translated from Referativnyy Zhurnal~Metallurgiya, No 2, 1971, Abstract No 2 G1190 P) Translation: A method is suggested for processing wastes from the produc- tion of Mg to carnallite and Cl,-including absorption of hydrogen chloride by water, absorption of chlorine by lAme producing 11C1 and CaC12, decom- position of the calcium chloride by the hydrochloric. acidv producing con- centrated C12 and a CaC12 solution, addition of MgO and cafbonization, separation of the M9C12 solution produced from the CaCO addition of R" spent electrolyte, and evaporation and dehydration of e solution to separate the carnallite. To increase the extraction of concentrated C12, the chlorinated CaO is decomposed at pH 2-3 at a residual pressure in the apparatus of 10-20 mm A!S, while the spent electrolyte is introduced into the MgC12 solution in meltod form by spraying. 21 W NO q, USSR UDC; 681.327 ,.DUNYASHEV K. A., YEROFEYEV, V. M., KRUZ&, B. V., MIRONOV, A.. M., NOS.KOV, V. 1. "Semipermanent Memory" USSR-Autbeir's Certificate No 245840, Filed 1,Mar 68, Publishf!d 30 Oct 69 (from -:.-~RZh-Avtomatika, Telemeknanika i -vychj:s1itelnaYa tekhnika, No. 9, Sep 70, Abstract N0,9B410 Translation: This Author's Certificate introduces a device containing plates with excitation and read lines and metal.punch cards placed between the excita- tion and read plates arranged on them. In order to improve the operating reli- ability and technological structure the read plates conta-:1n grooves executed in the planes opposite to the operating planes in whicli the read lines are laid executed, for example, iu the form of insulated wires i~.omnon to all the read ~plates- Insulating films are glued-to the operating surfaces of the excitation plates. There are seven illustrations. . ............ 1/2 010 UNCLASSI F I ED' ~PROCESSING OATE--040EC70 'Till T L E- FIURTHER GENETIC MAPPING OF THE: THYMINE LOCUS OF ESCIiERICHIA COLI V.YA.t SUKHODOLE~TS* VoV.9 kIROA%3Vt A.So tl- GUNTRY (IF INFO--USSR IPA ':SOURCE--GENETIKA 1970* 6(2)t 1,39-47 El..*PuaLISHED ------- 70 T AREAS--BIOLOGICAL I c~ Ic AND, MEO AL; fa Es _16_011C~j GS"ESCHERICHIA COLI* #:64CTtRIA mdrATION, GEM , THYMINE, MUTAGEN Al, BACTER1AL, GENETICS: --3003/1137 STEP,:Ng--UR/0473/70/006/00;!/0139/0147 .:REEL/FRAME -'.CI'RC ACCESSION NO--AP0130165 DIN 2/2 010 UNCLASSI FtE0 PROCMING OATE--04DEC70 ;:'CIRC ACCESSION NO--AP0130165 --ABSTRACT/EXTRACT--(U) GP-0- ABSTRACT. TREATMENT OF E., COLI HFR H WITH HNO SUB2 AND AMINOPTERIN YIELDED 95 THY MUTANTS. RECOM311"JATION STUDIES OF -THE COUPLED THY AND CYS GENE$ SHOWED THAT THE PROPER SEQUENCE IS THY',CYSHIS AND NOT CYS#THEYpKS AS HAD BEEN THOUGHT EARLIER. THE THYMINE LOCUS WAS MAPPED BY CONJUGATIONAL 3 FACTOR CROSSES AND A 21ST NEW SITE WAS,ESTABLISHED IN THE~ G E N E FACILITY: INST. GENET. ~-..MICROORG.j MOSCOW r USSR. IINCI -A-' UX: 513-BB:513-B3 and SARYMSAKW, T. A., Academician of the Uzbek Academ.,f of 19ciences ace The Norm Concept of a Linear Operator in Local Convex Sp Moscow, Doklady Akademii Nauk SSSR vol 204, No 1, .1 May 1972, PP 38-41 Abstract; A real or complex vectbr~ space B is defined as b~-ing -f ield R4. :where normalized over the half I RA =J1 R q-.,& q is the direct product of ji samples of real straight lines R in Tikhonov topology, if the given mapping 11-A.- E---o-R +6, knourn as the nom over R4, satisfies the follOvIing condItiolis: OX9 = 0 if and only if x = 0; 111-xg = [Al. llx~Ail, where ~E R' and is a scalar; 1% + yjK_ RX11 + Ilyll. In a second definition, the linear operator A: E--F has 'he norm HAO: RA o-R'" which can be determined from the equation 1A 11(a) BUDIIAti, Wjkl*e~e aER+A. Exaniples are given ~a the use of these definitions,,and four theorema, involving them are stated and proved. The authors are associated with the ~-V,~~ I. Unin State University of Tashkeiitll 7J~ T- AAOO 434' tin UR 0482 Soviet Inventions III trated, Section I Chemical, Derwent, ~UA r228264- I MtZ pachine for exazination, cut4v WfLog e cr~za4s that of t~rr have been subjected~ to' 1~cjkllsesi damage, rionsists of o~ i4tich 4~c6rp'6ratii' the wi)-rm a body secti lb~~ upper end of Sear (I), ngt;(?.) Once 'Cr ev C the screw coUnecte with :the VaOiir (4) orv. which the levers (5).,~4re:h1nge,;4aountPd them leverh also having th6,,rocker-arm:s,(6),cortnectedi The,table (7) fIts on top ottlie carrL sl~cond er, A net of levers -(B) are conneqteCto (5) in such a vay th&t. as they move iUoy.a~ guided * the Olots.*a special fixing device-As-used.: A ratchet vh*el (10) tc=Inates Aisvers - (8) 'bn each side, and these In turn support t~* gripper*: 4(11)'~*icb~'can be held in any position by the ~pAvls (12).'' The tyre is loaded Into the mcbina,,, hal.d: by~ the grippart, and has the cover (13) put ov*~Jt,.- The tyri-Is ftee to rotate. during ~tbe insoactton, and, tbeck the ~ f Wag Is done byxxii4-as tha'4401e (71)o : ROpolrs:are then LO::a carried out v tcuraly hold. 19761759 M., 1111 -1111 1 *11, ffill M, 11 P.-N Offil M1 I WIN,IrI A, 1411M. t-1 1, q-i .41 AA004 .3434 1.6.67. an 116037'1/23-5,,,KMNOV, B.A. -and others Tyre ind. Equipmeat Res. & D"Lgn lmst~ (3.6.69) Bul. 3118.10.68.: Class '390 lat. CL. R 29h.. ~j AUTHORS: Mironay. B, A,- Torgovtsev. G. G.;; Sal'niko-V, A.M.; Belyayevskiy, V. V. Vsesoyuznyy Nauchno - 1"Ied6vatellskii.t. KcastruktorskiX Institut p0 Oborudovanz=yu Zllv~ inn2l Promirshlennosti -197617GI USSR UDC 669.71.053.24 -TIYEV, L. I., KUDINOV, B. KISELEV, V. A., 114.1RON V I. LEON "Influence of Composition and Cooling Rate of Alumin'un-Calcium Slag on Its Friability" 'i1. An SSSR [Works of Institute of etallurgy, Tr. In-ta Metallurgii. Urallsk. F N! Urals, Affiliate, Academy of Sciences, USSR], 1970, 'No. 22, pp. 34-40. (Translated from Referativnyy Zhurnal Metallurgiya, No. 5, 1971, Abstract No. S G128 by S. Krivonosova). Traps]'ation: The friability of ~,;lags (III) improve,, with decreasing cooling rate and as the compositions of the 111 nova awry from the boundaries of the area of primary crystal lization of (CaO),o-SiO? and worsens with increasing i-Irodulus. The nost promising are III with uSi-mAulus