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USSR UDG: 517.9 XARKUSf A. S. a-nd ~C-=SA, 1. V. "Full Set of Roots of the Operator Equation Corresponding to a Pollnomial. Operator Family" Moscow, Izvestiya Akademii Nauk CSSR -- Seriya FAtentatichliakayn, Vol 37, No 5, 1973, pp 1108-1131 Abstraett This paper concernn the quadratic operator famll,,, L(7t) =-A2, + 'AB + C sstudied in an earlier paper (M. G. Kreyn, ot al.p 0 nakotoryl:h matematicheskikh printsipakh lineynoy tooriA demfirovannylh kalai,--aniy kont"i-ii- umov -- Some Mathematical Principles of the Linear Theory of Dtiml.-ed Gonti-nul= Oscillations -- published in the Tr. mezhdunaroc1ncga simpoziwma pa prineneiiiyu teorii funktsiy kompleksnego peremennogo v mokhanAe sploohnoy sreay (Tranr~ac- tions of the International Symposium on the Applicatiop ol* tho Theory of Func- tions of a Cc=lex Variable to the Mechanics of a Solid Madium) 1114auka," Moscov, vol. 2, 1965, pp 283-322). Usider some 11mitatlans os 14he coeffIcients of the family L(;A), there exist roots of the equation L(Z) = 0, w.~.'Iere L(Z) :-- n+An-lZ n-l+...+A_,Z+AO, having certain characteristics. Unlikii ths, method of the earlier paper, the present one does not !Lntroduce dett!rrd'nntionv of the full set of roots. It considers the problem of the mutual placeinerit of the 1/2 USSR MARKUS, A. S. and PFRMSA, I. V., Izvestiya Akademii Nauk SSSR -- Seriya I;Atera Matematicheskaya, vol 37, No 5, 1973, pp 1108-1131 spectra of L(?t) and the spectra of the roots ZlP Z21"":~fj 'of L~Z)=C. The function of the Vandermonde operator in inveotigating the connection between the multiple completeness of the characteristio and joint vector4i of L(A) on the one hand, and the completeness of the syritem of root tnictorv of the operators Zl, Z2,---, Z on the other, is exp3ained. Some examp~Les are givfin. The authors express theYr gratitude to I. A. Felldman for his ccivnents. 2/2 USSR UDC 581.19-.632.954 j=R714TNRKT Institute of Plant Physioloj~,,y, ~,cademy bf Sciences Ukrainian SSR, Kiev "Biochemical Effects of Herbicides in Complex Application" Kiev, Fiziologiya i-Blo!rhimiya Kulpturnylch Rasten! , Vol 3, No 4. 19?1, FP -339-349 Abstract: In a comprehensive study, the biochemi~!al effects of rierblei es which are usurlly applied Jointly were investigated. Derivatives of triazines inhibit Dhotoreduction of cytotzhr'one G, NAD, MADP, and phosnhorylation. mince they also deloress AT? and NADP-112 formation, rer-eneration of C02 aoceptors tuid formation of phosDhorated esters of sugars and carboh7drates 113 inhibited as well. ADplication of triazines jointl-y with 2,1~,-D na,-,nifies carbo- hydrate depletion in plants and causes their death. Similar an.-lyses of the effects of other herbicide comple:~es itre presented, The results indicate that it is indispensable to know the bio- chemical effects of each herbicide seperately and in conjunction with other comrounds, in order to be abla to mnlre proper oualitatii,e selections and prepare the mixtures in proper proportions. 72- oit UNCLASSI~,*'i~!;, Tj1L'lE:-_TESTlNG SEMERON ON CABBAGE PLANTINGS' --U- AUTHOR-(03)-MEREZHINSK[Yi YU.G-, PON014AREVs 0,5-,t COUNTRY OF INFO--USSR ,,,~SOURCE-KHIM. SEL. KHOZ. 1970t 8(l), 50-2 DATE PUBLISHED ------- 70 ~SVNJ~ OATE--IGSEP70 ZINKOY[CH, A.M. ,.SUBJECT AREAS--BIOLOGICAL AND MEDICAL SCIENCES, AGRtcuLrURE TOPIC TAGS--HERBICIDEt AGRICULTURE CROP# SQM tYPE/MSEMERON HERBICIDE CCUTRi-IL qA;zKlfC--40 eZESTRICTIONS 9OCUMENT CLASS--UNCLASSIF(ED --19, Moscow, 1970, pp 52-53 (from RZh-36. MeditsLuskaya Geografiya, No I., Jan 71, Ab- stract No 1.36.67) characteristics of the population biology, wirpliology, anig physiology of ticks within various geographic conditions. 2/2 USSR urc 66q.,Tl,:5j6-2:669-973 ZLOBIMEV) G. M., KOZIMM, V. V., HOMVP B, A., and IqKMMVI.CH, V. I., Kha Ikov University "Heat Conductivity of Aluminum Alloys at Low Tezpers:tuxes" Moscow, Metallovedeniye, No 5, 1971, P 64 Abstract: The heat conductivity of the ADIO ATI, AY8, AINP) A?,Ir?,, D16, and AW-6 structural aluminum alloys was investigated at temp!ratures of 10-30()~-X by measuring the conductivity up to the temperature of Uq~uid nitrogen in 5- IOOK intervals and then in 15-200K intervals. %!he renultm are tabulated and shovu in graphs of the temperature-dependent coefficient. of thenital conduc. tivity. One figure, one table, four bibliographIc referemces. ! MCI- ..; -.g _T_ P --lbOCT70 UNCLASStfUl): it0d(t~SING~:OATE FLITLE-THE ROLE,OF GEOGRAPHICAL ENVIROIN14ENT ~IN PREVALENC E OF IVATOMYCOS ES IN THE IRKUTSK REGION -U- 4UTHOR-(02)-TARTAKOVSKAYA, L.M., MERKACHEV, I.T. t0UNTRY OF INFO--USSR SOURCE--VESTNIK DERMATOLOGII I VENEROLOGIlt 1970s Nk 4v PP 311-42 DATE PUBLISHED ------- 70 tu'BJtCT AREAS--BIOLOGICAL AND MEDICAL SCIENCES TOPIC TAGS--SKIN DISEASE, MYCOS[St FUNGAL OIS.:EASE# EPIUhMIOLOGY CONTROL MARKING--NO RESTRicrIONS DOCUMENT CLASS--UNCLASSIFiED ~.PRUXY REEL/FRAME--1990/0563 STEP NU--Uli/0206/~0/0040/0(J'~/0038/0042 ,-IRC ACCESSION NO--AP0108778 ______UNC LA 5 S I !C_J~: 2/2' 022 UNCLASSIFIED PRIDCE~SING DATE-160CT70 ."IRC ACCESSION NO--AP0108778 SSTRACT/EXTRACT--(U) GP-0- ABSTRACT. IN THE COURSE OF INVE511GATION'S OF THE EPIDEMIOLOGY OF MYCOTIC DISEA5ES GAEATER ATTEN1101%) IS GIVEN TO FACTORS OF NATURE* THE ANALYSIS WHICH WAS GAPRIED OUT succi-i-srs r"Ai r~iE EP[Di:l JGJ') AL INCIDENCE OF DERMATOMYCOSES DEPENDS NOT UNLY UP014 ( 1 QlC FEATURES OF THE CAUSATIVE AGENT BUT UPON NATURAL RESERVOIRS U 11"IFE010N AS WELL. THE STRUCTURE OF THE SOIL PLAYS A CERTAIN ROLE IN THE EPIDEMIOLOGICAL CHAIN. NOT THE LEAST LMPURIANIT IN (lCCl)'R'R ENCL OF DEKVATOMYZIO-SES AQE CLIMATIC AND SOCIAL FACTORSv SETTLED WAYS OF LIFE ANO DENSITY OF THE POPULATIONt AS WELL AS THE PEGR~E OF LAND CU1.1 IVAT 1011'. EXAMINING THE SOIL FOR THE VRESENCE GF KERATOPHILSo THlf: AUTHORS FOUND THEM TO BE ISOLATED FROM THE SOIL IN THE MAJORITY OF 114STiZICTS OF Tlik .REGION, BEING FOUND MORE FREQUENTLY IN MORE DENSELY POJIIJLA,rr-!D AREAS -11 Pi 1 44 IN AREAS WITH LESS POPULATION. THE PREDUMINANT DERMATOPHYTE IN TRICHOPHYTON TERRESTRE CLOSE IN ITS MORPHOLOGICAL PRJPj::JlTIES TO ,~::TRICHOPHYTQN GYPSEUM. FACILITY: IKKUTSK[Y GK~WN(JY KUZ14PW ,'--.VEfiER0LUGICHESKIY DISPANSER AND SEKTOR MEOITSINSKOY GLOGRAF11 LNSTlruTA. SIBIRI I DALINEGO VOSTOKA SIBIRSK OTDo AN SSSR. UNCLASS IF IED `77 U USSR UDC: 62-1.397 ZEIZNSKIY, V. A., DVORKIN, S. A. "Interference in a Television Channel due to Nonlinear Distortionji of the Television Signal Subcarrier" Sb. Nwachn. tr. TsNII svyazi (Collection of Scientific Workii or tlie Central Scientific Research Institute of Continunications), 1970, vYp,. i, pp 1;4-49 (from RZh-Radiotekhnika, No 11, Nov 70, Abstract Vo 11G68) Translation: It is shown that the magmitude of nonlineci:r :L titer feren ce in the form of the second and third harmonles of the carrier frequeacy depends to a considerable extent on the brightness of individiLal sei,,-biona of the -TV image. The corresponding relationahips are given In the form -ol' equatiow; and graphs. Some recommendations are given on eyaluating t1jill given t)q)e of interference. US VDC 621.384.664 ~,- ) CuBPIYE'~.-%O, GALYAYEV, 1.1. A., COLOVI---A, N. I., GRACHEV. 11. 1. _C R! DA70V 17. 1 K. I., YE.-M-LiKO, Ye. V., Z.-V'OL'SKIY, V. N., A., KOTOV, V. I., KUZNETSOV, V. S., E. A., 'MYZI.MKOV, K. P., PUDIUGIN, V. IL., PRILEPIN, A. A., SELEZNEV, B. A., KfIODYREV, Yu. S., and CHEPECIN, V. N. "Proton Beam 1,.Ii#lb an Ir.-)ulse of Up to 70 Cevj'f; Elastically -Dispersed Inside, .1 Target" Leningrad, Zhurnal Tvkhnichcskov Fizit-i, Vol 42, No 7, 1972, pp 1437-1445 Abstract- Ilis yjc~per e.1scusw5 Lhe operatiomi of a ch,~n~nol bU,L.It: intO Lha French liquid-h-Ydrogca "IrzbtAlc chamlher for the accelcra-p)r of I:h4, Insti,tute- of 11JEh-Energy Physics (IHE). The function of the chanw!). is co, forri pul-L! beams of pi and h mosozi3, and antiprotons, in a broad rani.;--~ of tudes undal: the actiun of a Hrli-frequelv-y sepnratur. ^1111:! swcondn'ry pzlrl.~Cle!. are generaLcd on the irl-;ide of gi tartct pla,--ed in the plirb of a 1,roton bt.;!:1 diverted fron rhe acceh!rator vith ou cnt~rf~y of 70 (4-v.' us1w," -.1 f-.!;t system for ainin- the pratcn ZC thC I-ItlCt, (V in tile channel, the revillired nunl)ar of pi-,rLIcIvz pi-sit,.g Lh-Cupfli '110 can be provided. The optical t;v~,tertL of tile cIllillnel J."'; dwocribud with Cle 1/2 USSR C.A.LYAYEV, _11. A., et al., Zhurnal Tekhnichc6ji2Z FLz~kf, Vol 4.1, No 7, 1972, pp 1437-1445 aid of diagrams of two possible variants, the beam airAnly system P-11", tile particle dosage for the bubble chainber are. alne explainotl. The thank R. 1-1. Suly-,yev, P. F. Yeirolov, A. 121. Mciseyvv, M. I. Solov'yev, 1. A. Danil'chenlto, Ye. A. Parshin, V. 11. Folesnik, A. LY. Alayev, D. Rudko, and V. It. Gorshkov for their assistznce. 2/,) USSA uDc 62.1.7i)1:621-791-74iC,(~g.-ii,c'l.,i/.8:o6l-3 SOKOLOVSKIY S. A. (Cand. of 'llechn. Sciences), and g A~ja",,JL. (Engineer) "Sixth Republic (1.11oldavian SSH) Scientific and Technical Confemnce on Advanced Yethods for Welding and Cutting of Wtmla" Moscov, Svarochnoye proizvodztvo, No 6, Juriia 72, p. 60 Abstract: The conference was held 1-2 December 11)(). In Xin~enrlv~ It WaD attended by 100 experts--scientistu and pmkuction personr.,21 01! Moldavia as well as by guests from other republics. Tht., of the con- ference was the introduction of alvanced mathads for velclfaj~ a~fld clitting of r metals to the participants and promotion of there mwthodfl In tale ir:i~ll 'try. The topics of the reports included: 'Ilia PreE:ent State axW Vroo-,,~ai,,tu Cor thr~ Development of Welding in 14oldavian SSR (A. M. Nlerldier).. (*,.~-aniio -tit rist ic 8 &3~A Potentials of Microplasna Welding of Metals of Em.11 Thickness ~1~. I. Shnayder), Mechanized Weldim,~ Methods for the Assembly !~r_d Fabi~:Leation of' Building Structures (N. A. ShL mzv), Plasiia-Arc Cutting (Siwjera~ 14eports).? Friction Welding of Tractor Assemblicus (Yu. 1. Iftritonovii , A-mlicnUon of Anti- corrosive Coating to Backingo and Decorative Coatings in C'onstrucition 02. A. Shumov), laser and Its Applicatioria (Ye. M. Zauostin). nim rervolutions USSR SOKOLOVSKIY,, S. A. and YEMIERP A. 14., 13var2ichnuye proizvocistvo, No 6, June 72, p. 60 emphaoized the need for training techniciaw and establigiliIng, it researcb and production welding laboratory for greater wbilization ofladvanced experiLace in metal velding and cutting. 2/2 USSR MC 666.91j~ DA)aWVg V. 1. , Engineer (Khoroshevskly Reinforced Conente Parts Plant DSK-1), MRIalf, A. P. , Candidate of Technical Sciencen (Moscow Oxxter of Uuo Red Banner of labor Engineering and Construction Institwto imeni, V. V. Kuybysinev), and FAMINSMY, 0. I.j Engineer (Glavmosstroy) "Technology of Figh-Strength Gypsus Plaster Fartm" Moscow# Stroitollnyye Materialyp No 1, Jan 74,, pp 14-15 Abstracts Rev technology has been proposed for the single-atep production of gypsum and gypsum plwter parts frox dihydi**urj gypoun, The ail-thod involvas intensive dehydration during beating of the dihydrous gypsim powilex whereup*n the chemically bonded water remains In the main in tho forsi of a4disture and then, as a result of cooling, entem into tho roiLetion of Ithe polyhydrate hydration. With this method it Is possible to produce pliwtor with filler with a compressive strength up to 600 kgf/ca2 at a bulk deitsity of 2200 kg/O. Ms new method ellmina-te a number of intermedi4to processes iuid yields a better product than obtained from currently used prod.uction procesises, A figure shows the production schematic for manufactuxv of 6heet rock. Thme figiarts, 1A USSR UDC 67S.746.22.00-405.8 NEKHOROSHEV, A. V. , Doctor of Technical Sciences h1plaq A. 1). , Candidate of Technical Sciences, GSYDANS, 1. U., PUCi-[KOV :-~jr "0 - ' ~t , relar!; "Styropore Concrete in Remote Regions and the Arctic" Moscow, StroitelInye Materialy, No 1, Jan. 1973, pp, 18-2(ji. Abstract: The conditions of construction In tile Axctic requirv the develop- ment of insulating structural materials. Ne such materLal is st)-ropore concrete, developed by "Arktikstroy" Trust. This concrej:e is made with all artificial filler made of expanded polystyrene bead!;. 1:1,,perier~c.e has shown that the production of styropore concrete products,does not require additional capital investment or tile constrLiction of special I)Iants. Styro- pore concrete has certain technological and economic adv;hn-tagen over other light concretes made with porous filliars: the lighrne!;4; of tho polyst),rt,,ne beads allows the density of the concrate to bo varied iqldaly; tho poly- stMne beads have minim= wateT absorption; the raw matexill expanslqn into beads can be economically transported over long, dist4inces; the heat conductivity on the material is very low. 15 S UDC U M 621.372-85 GOLOVANOV, V. A., KRASNOV, YE. S., RM ~,W, R. I.., OSNOVDIA,, 0. 0., POLYAK, N. Lt., PROKOPENKO,, V. G.,, and ERLIKH, E. *Adhesives for the Ferrites of Super-High Frequency Instruments" Elektron. tekhnika. Nauch.-tekhn. ab. Ferrit. t.ekhn. (Electrt-mics Technology. Scientific-Technical Collection of Articles. Ferrit~e' Technoli.,)gy), 1971, vyp.4 (31),, pp, 111-114 (from M-Radioteklinika, No 11j, NOV 72, Abstractv 110 11 B154) Translation: The authors study prcblems associated with the selection of an ad- hesive for mounting ferrite inserts in high pomer level, suptw-high frequency in- struments. Test results are also presented for various viorking WnrjitiOns. Ori- ginal article: one table and three bibliographic entries. Resumso Devices USSR UDC 62l.'3.049.7 GOLOVAIIOV, V. A., YBREMICfMWA, K. A., KRASNOV, Ye. S., IQW"11. E. _ , OSNOVIITA, G. C., POLYAX, N. N., And ERLIKEI, I. "Adhesive with Epoxy Base" ~Tshlennyye ob-raz~-sj, tovnr yze Moscow, Otkrytiya, izobreteniya, prom znaki, ITO. 33, 1971, p 200 Abstract: This adhesive is designed to improve th(.:~ of ferrite UHF devices in the face of lov mid hiCh pcverf~d sif-,;nais as well as temperature variations. A recipe for Its maxiufacture is given. USSR UDC 621-372.a32.$ G. P. MERKIN. E. I., CHEVYKAIDV "Analysis of a Single-Plane Four-Armed Circulator" Elektron- tekhnika. 11auch.-tekhn. sb. Ferr~:t. tekhn. (Electronic Tech- nology. Scientific and Technical Collection. Ferrite Technolq;y), 1971, vyp. 1(28), pp 101-108 (from M-Radiote"nike, flo 12. Dec 71, Abstract No 12B211) Translation: A single-plane transresonance circulatcr bikied on a four- -armed strip hook-up is considered. In the center of tbo hool-up are tvo ferrite discs, and in the center of each disc axe brass rods. Torrmlas and graphs are given for approximate calculation of the geometric dimen- sions of the circulator. Five illustratiwis, bibliograpl-ky of five titles. Resume. USSR UDC 621.3?Z4832.43(0$B.8) HERIaN, E. I., MILEVSKIY* H. P., and RUBINI A. YE. "A Resonant Ferrite Isolatoe IUSSR Author's Certificate No 281579, filed 78 Fab 69y p0lished 30 ]%ov TO (froz Wh-Radiotekhnika, No 6, Jun ?1t *Abs,.'Mct No 6BI86 P) Translationt The proposed resonant ferrite isolator contains a strip line with polarizing loops. To reduce direct lomsesp the cenlz!ml Conductor of the line at the point of connection of the loops in We with open holes. 1/1 USSR MERKIN, E. I. TO!777-- 'Small High Power Level Wave Guide Rectifier" IJDC 621.372.832.43 Elektron. tekhnika. Nauchno-tekhn. ab. Forrit. taklin. 013gictrODIc Fngineering, Scientific and Technical Collection. Ferrite Engineerlny,) , ".'o 3 (25) , pp 52- 56 (from RZh-Radiotekhnlka, No 4, Apr 71, Abstract No 0167) Translation; The parameters of the rectifier and its strt;;ctural features are presented. USSR ux,ooi.57 MMN. j..=Ij and CHERBOTAYEVe V. V. r.- ~ "An An&lysis of the Conditions of Similitule In the Simulatiom of Under- ground Structures" Moscow, Ornovaniya, Fundamenty i MePhwiika Gruntov, No 1, 1971, pp 25-2? Abstracti The article deals with deternizuttion of Via s1ritilitude criteria necessary for the simulation for various taidergound strtwturcq p and cm analysis of the degree of influence of some parameters o:.V the "Jacketin8 rock" system upon the stressed state of that isystem. A mathod -'s proposed for correcting the results of simulation on the tesis. oT graplu; of relation- ships of the value of the load to the valuet of this or tRiat Iii-ratmoter of the model$ these graphs being constructed on the basis oT = anz-aytical solutionp on an electronic coaputerg of tho problem of tho diotribution of ontact pressures upon the excavation auppwLsv Throe flj~uresr 3 biblio- gmphic entries, USSR UDC 615.819. GOLUBENTSEV, D. A., MORDUKROVIC11, V. V., anid TITOV, A. V. "The Effect of Ionizing Radiation on the Excretion of Radioprovactors in Racal Urine" Moscow, Farmakologiya i Toksikologiya, Vol X., No 5, Sep-U(,,t 70, pp 607-610 Abstract: Administration of sulfur containirij; radioproceci.ars such as 6- mercaptoethylamine (HEA), cystamine, or cystophos in aptiwl do'geii to non- irradiated rats produces a sharp rise of non-protein thiol;v in the urine due to excretion of MF.A. When cystamine -is administered, the innount of M-,A ex- creted in urine is twice as low as when HEA itself is unado Adit.daistratton of sulfur containing protectors in combinatilnwith oerotolifn lgsiers con- siderably the excretion of non-proteia thiola in urine. A, irho1q. body irrad- iation of rats at a dose of 700 r (LD 100/30) 5-10 mW aftior administration of the radioprotector results in a drastic 4rop of the excreticni of W.A. This indicates a change in metabolism due to the off-act of radintion. USSR I UPC: 621."582.2 DAVYDOV, Yu. T. and Dnin"81ITNY "Measuring the lNultiplication Facto:c and. the o:` thu Cur- 0, %, - JIt. 11*"I] Through the Active 1"Ic-L-ion of an Avalumchrz! IJ.~-h cum,Q." leningrad, Pi---ika i tekbinil!.a poluvro-vod.aj.hov, No .1.0, ','~';')72, 2073 Abs`ract: In the of o-nidwil v 0 11:7; photodiodos, it is impor-U!.n-t to know tha vJu,,:: od' tering tht mult 1-lication I-A-I'ver and, -Lhe mu-1-An- Thin br-Lef co7~i-xnic-i tdon d-i t h e thesp two nuantititi..,:-- `Llh,:.~ li"itra th"'A thu the cuurd nin.- nnl- orr Crl L i., MU-1tiplicat-ion f,,---ctnr cl-o, C,.rd sl~ow thr"t tK't'- e.;f i I ~, j..-, current can be rud.,a,,~!-d b- u1nim, a r,,.O.,nod o )ticl:d uir,v;r], f " I '' ; , .1 )- --0 ration, and Cu"111A, o:. -H.... Operatill'? area, for the The Of w;uch ments on silicor, with worl-i-ng ai-en WrImV Yu. T. an.,! G. V., vlvikft i lo .Y7 2, 13P 2 microno with a liCht spot of ~)O A-and OL of 100 11scc) are presented. Under t-heje con,,lition.,i, the em-Or diue! to the I-illg current is less than 10,~L. 2 A,., USSR MERKITE, R. Yu. "Rule Describing Distribution of Syllables in Words in Dictioi-,aries" Lit. Mat. Sb. [Lithuanian Mathematics Collection], 1972, Vol :12, No 4, 125-131 (Translated from Reforativnyy Zhurnal Kibernetika, No 4, 1973, Abstract No 4V748, by the author). Translation: In this work, based on StUdies of distribution of S~Ilables ill words from dictionaries (without repctiti,)ns), a model i:s established Of the formation of words of syllables. 'rwo stivies are differv~itiated in the forma- tion of words (formation of roots and for;,aaticin of words by alitachinent of affixes, prefixes, suffixes, endings) to :boots. T'his di%,isiorl is possible ill synthetic luiguages; in analytic languages, word foiTnation will folloli the rule describing the formatior. of roots. ','his word sets forth the hypeLhesis that the formation of roots from syllables is described 1)), a ~~-Z~cmletric rule, while the attachment of syllables together with affixes iiii; doicribed by a binomial rule; the formation of woitls of !;yllablos follol~s a lule Which i; A combination of the geovietric and binomial rules. Ulculation:l madc for Lithuanian, German and Italian confirm the correctness of tho modc~l. USSR UDC 5aril-21 KERME, of Sciences Institute of Physics and Hathomatics, 4cader -TRYuiiiian SM "A law Describing the Distribution of Syl:Lables in DlotlonarX Words" Villnyus, Utovskiy Matematicheskiy Sbornik, Vol 12, No It, 1972, PP 125-131 Abstractt The purpose of the article is to find a law to de.9cribe the forra- tion of words from syllables. The number of oylleblos in a word r-,Ln be re- garded as a random variable Z taking the values k, Ic-1, 2, ..., K, where K is the number of syllables in the longent word (theniwiber of syllabler, in a word equals the nmibor of vowels or diphthonV, In thiiii iorvI). IAA tho:~o be a sample of 11 words. This sample aEui lx) used to cal(:ulata tho t~anpling distribution of the random variable Zo The problem is, twir-1 the i5ampling distribution of syllables in words, to find a theoreticiia distribution su0i as would be close to the distribu+Aon of the random vaxiable 23. The law de- scribing the distribution of syllables in the words of texts irmst censider the numerous repetitions of vords; tharafore, the word forumticn law can be found more rationally by studying the diutrilxtion of sjrllablot~ in dictionary words. 1/2 USSR HEM=, R. YU., lAtovskiy Matemati&.eskiy Sbornik, Vol !2, 10 4, 1972, pp 125-131 It is shown that the distribution of syllables in word_ roots is botter described by a geomatric law than by Poisson's lawr and -tile 1.7,ijonetric law is EL rather emet model of the forration of word rootz from uyllilblco, while the distribution of syllables i:n tho words is a. conpositior. oi~ Sexietric azd binorial laws. Calculations for TAthuanian, ]Mglish, Ctrnmn.,iind Italian con- firm the correctness of the model, uhich reflects the noryhological strue, ture of languages and does not require complicated calcijlatioiis, so that it can be used in language typology. ,Arttc,.a Iv rent ... or (m_-ccv); 9-,P. I an . W~ A . 1971 U-AtrY f44--.t,_7 ~;I-.- Emrnl- f-. t".' ~iiiv_ in 1- @at il. -at!? 19~ 1. 212.4 ~111.i- '17.1 ~t Ell- -t4rT 1- 194, :i2ta. in- 1913 tht tt."titit" 8'3'i percent. *~d in 1951 93.6 pertent (tbe dectinp at We tt~ was Ju. to Ih- still -1-1- 1.-1 Of if)-'. I V. rCant in IJJ~0. 11A.4 "ro-~t J~ 11#4-, -1 1-4.4 I-,,-r J. 111;0. 1h. is. fit .*a due to n4t-4 -ncro~t, I.e- a hizh~r mumbez of births than Of d":hs. In 11010~ nial'o 44.1 P'r-ot I.. ~1.') P--'it .( C- 1) ~'.' i, VQMIIaCt~, ':';R urban Po;-!,it!- ---Ltut" 19 Porcent in 1413 D1. 33 r- can t I. Ili 41) 134 r. - z I t- hl 17 4 C_, 7 1. 19711 121; 1. absolute fipu-*: :~~pje. The Ti-- In air. ind masts rf urban popular'= in the L'!~5p Wrim the re"utt "t oue-qful "Ildtog socialism in our cyintry wt relatted pl~ or wtto rxv;nct to *xo vtr1o:t--_ fr~ P-0 yt.r~ at -j-.- co..ritu-.44 11.1 Fr'qn- Cf -m, 1USSR -'_'u*3t1= lcr~r'llrijc I') r1it 191,; rz-ia 141. the P-11) Imor-01 j stmui -P-4t it~yt-f r.4.9 '- ~t'it. 410 11wilvi&JAIIA 50 or =.-v yttsto of a;~e ~--r v., ",.P. I~r-ir , of wht~h 6.2- percent vvm ~U ~f older. I'he 1951 ce",j- data 7~j 4r~ of a dectina in 7ercrntazo, of ywjq~ar pe,~-Pl* and (14. in '~4- of ti- ".Axrly In !!,e pt,pt'lAtIen of th. ~rq. Thus. 30.46 percent -r, in the 11-15 't'-P. ',I P.rc.nt I. th. 716-41? year grvu;-. And 19.6 p.rr-t in the 50 r older otroup, iftEludtng 9.4. percent 60 or more years of age 141. mcording to the ON census. 30.9 pprcrnt of V- USSIL po;ulatturt Was 0-15 yearm of mize. 48.5;--ot 16-41 Y.Ars oi,i, an-I 2(;.~, 'u~in; percent were ~*r :o*At4 oJ Inc. . , :1.S ;trtent t51 over 60 vear~ The process of "a&inj~" of the copulation. i.e. the r4ne in percentalle of ole.r people poodo a oumbtr of new problems to pubItc health services dealing with dvwlc;twnt of g.runtology and geriatrics, aul with ortanListion of cadical core !or the elderly and aged. 14 C_ 0-- USSR MERKOV, A.,&. UDC 911.3:616-006.5 "Method Problems in the SLudy of the Epidqmiology of Xid,ignant Tumors. [Fundam ntal Aspects)" V sb. Epidemiol. zlokachestven. opukholei (Epidemiologylof Malignant Tumors -- collection of works), Alma-ata, Nauka," 1970, pp 3--7 (from RZh-Meditsinskaya Geografiya, No 3, Mar 71, Abstract 'No 3.36.196) Translation: The correctness of the use of the te-rm "epldemlology" for the study of the social and hygienic aspects of cancer 1;9 subl;tanriated. Fundamental sanitary statistical data of opidemiologic*1 study of malig- nant tumors are presented. 112 021 UNCLASS[FrEo PR0Cl'-_':5SltiS DATE-27:101170 TtTLE--TtiE PROBLEM OF A HEALTH STATfS,TJCS STUDY OF L0,\l0il'_-V[lY -u- AUTHOR--MERKOV, A.M. ~J! COUNTRY OF INFO--USSR SOURCE--MOSCOW, SGVETSK'1Y1- ZORAVOOKHRANE-41YEr ROSSIAN, P10 5, 1970, SUBMITrEn 24 iNOVEMBEk 19699 PP 17-22 .-)ATE PUBLISHED ------- 70 SUBJECT AREAS--810LOGICAL AND MEDICAL SCIENCES TOPIC TAGS--STATIsrics, PUBLIC HEALTH, GERIJNrOLOGY %IONTROL MARKING--NO RESTRICTIONS 'OOCUMENT CLASS--UNCLASSIFIEO PROXY REEL/FRAME-3005/0103 STEP CIRC ACCl.:_SSlnN N0--AP(11328LL F 2/2 021 UNCL ASS i F[C-0 PROCIESSh'W; DIJE-27NOV70 CIRC ACCESSION NO-AP0132811. ABSTRACTIEXTRACT-W) GP-0- A ,'?, S f I'% A C IINI I'LiRES I' I,%) A HFilil-TH STAT[STIC StUDY OF LONGEVITY I% OUR ('JNTKY HAS AROUSE0 i~Y THE 'iJBSTANI_[At_ SOCIOECONOMIC SHIFTS SINCE rIlL GREAT 'ICTCHFIZ SOCIALIST 14,EY6L.Or It IN TURN HAVE CAUSED A CHANGE 11 rHv- PRI)CESSES OF NAIUXIlt P1 pli L, IT 10% GROWTH AND IN THE A(;F- SEX COM-POSITIiIN 0~ THE P')PULATI.Otll, rFif~ SIMULTANEOUS RFDIJCTff~;'q OF THF BIRTH RATE AN10 nEATH Wtit QR0iJGHF A SUBSTANTIAL INCREASE IN THE AVI:~~AGE LENGFI-I 01: (.If-(: 1F TWE 1,~IvIET POPULATION AND AN INCREASE IN irs composiriON OF TIHE. $Hil:ZE I.:IP THE ELDERLY AND THE AGE11. IT IS '7)l.JFf:ICI1:NT io cvrt., SUCH FIGI ,'RES AS TH~SE- Cfild' ~:)F It-IF IN 1897 PERSONS OVER 60 YE(ARS Of: A6E_ CONSTiTUTE0 COUNTRY'S POPULATION9 WHILE THUSE- OVER 70 YEARS OF A611 r li 97 D 2.56PERCENT, 131JT IN 1959 W-14 LIVEP " 60 Yf_ARS OF AG~: GON511TUTIP1 I I P 1:. 11, C fN I S (XINSHTUTI-1) Oit' AI,L OF ALL MALF-So MEIN OVER 10 Yf:A~" OF MALES, WHILF THESE F IGUki:S FOR WUMFN vi-. IR, I.: 11,.4 ANO f: ti., r kFSPECrIVELY. THERE 15 ND 001JU THAT IT INE PREiFNT '11ME rHE A`_5SOLUrc NUMBER OF THE ELDERLY ANO AGEO AN10 THEIR SHARE IN H1111,1- ')U%fiET POPULATION ARE CONTINUING I(] RASEr AiND Tfir- 19?0 POPULILFION 1,-.ENSUS HILL 03VICUSLY SH01.4 A14 INC!'EASE IN r)ll:~ SHAt; ,E Ti_') AT ''41 THE 1959 CENSUS LED 1*0 A LAitGE- ~H__ HFALl"I'l STATIV(04 1~; _ 11) 1' 4 L OF-L-NGEVITY W111CH Wqj. ! IAI'% ON EE M U S I A S S U14 E T f !,I T T I I!) S i J') it I L L. J I T I A r i; A $T ! L % NUMB E R . W F I) I F R I- F 0 H E C 0 1 S I () 1: 1 f 1', 1: j) I j:'tlj T c) r L. t,,,r I I'l jt~ rI I Ii METiWL)!CAI. PA013LEMS 01' II'..s%L.Tif slrttrivricm. !;TUOY OF L_(lfllGfVllY. I ~, _ "I f I Acc. Nr: Ref. Coda: 1JB. 0241 MC034714 PRIMARY SOURCE: Meditsinskaya Radiologiya, 197,01, Vol.. 15 0 Nr 2. pp,~-/4 THE CLINICAL PICTURE AND DIAGNOSIS 01: RADIATION 114JURY OF THE SPINAL CORD IN WE TREATMENT OF-MAIAGNAN'I' TUMORS A. V. Koztoua,,V .4. Merkova 0101 Summar The article describes ten cascs of radiitirm injkiry of the :Ipinal cord after irradiation of turnors oi 1,11w laryrm, tomils, and luill,.. la 5 patients there was "electric paresthe~ia'% del;kuloping s(!veral monthl, Oter radiunv therapy, without objective svil tom 1.11 lipinai plitliglogy. In savil-11 !"ea~'rs in imio! 1;~- tient Were appeared a focal Nection of Itie spitial cord with a Mom-111 progrfessinir symptomatics. In five patients with cancer of tho Iaty11g0nl'.aT5'n,.K 11ragnissing affemoff 11 four of them. the R)CUS of spinal of the spinal cord resulted in a lethal outcorne. I affection wal first revealed 3..- .6 segments below the irradilited level and czil~ gradually there appeared symptoms of afk.-ction of Irl-adiattcl ulgarients a[ t1w s011,11 REEL/FWIE 0 AP0034714 cord. An analysis has demcristrated that in contrast to melastflic affe-:1ion, ra(fia*,ic,n injury develops more slowly with 9,adual spread ol the process lengrthwiae and cro~-i- wise in the spinal cord; for niAaitases More characleristic is e0rame,irallary !ocaF- zation, whereas radiation injury always runs a coiirse of an inlou-nedullary proces!i. The prevention of late radiation injuries consists in the choic" o1 cond;'tions af irra- diation of malignant tumors, in which tht~ spinal cord is cxcludet~l irom the Zone large doses. 1 0 USSR WC 539.3:534.1 XWOVICH. M. "Computer Study of the Reliability of Orthotropic Shells Under the Action of a Random Dynamic Load by the Stochastic Modeling Method" V sb. Prohl. nadezhnnsti v strait. provektir. (Problems, of Reliability in Structural Design -- Collection ofWorks),*~verdlovsk, 1972, Vp 137-142 (from RZh-Mekhanika, No 3, Har 73, Abstract No 3V213) Translation: An orthotropic hallow shell of positLve Gaussian curvature is approximated by a system with one degree of freedom. The equation for the vibratigas was m-ideled on a computer. A raudom external actiQn is produced with a'~hite noise generator and a shaping filter. The withor did not com- struct the reliability function as it depends on the meart-squ4xe value of the load, however, he did establish the applicability of the concept of rare peaks widely used in theoretical studias. Of considcrable interest is a study of the distribution of the bending coo-rdinates. It t4ras out that this distribution is practically insensitive to the level of the acting static and dynamic components of the load and is not ceml:ared even under a zero vallue of the static component of the load, V. A.;Pail'mov.. 1A USSR UDC 669.29505.018.29,669.018.2 NEYIWK, B. YEE., KCRYTINA, S. F., NOMILk, E. F., and 41PAQ1,11-'4814's, I. "Experimental Study of the Physical Properties of Alloys Ba.-jod on Type VT-5 and VF8 Titanium" V. sb. Teplofiz. Svoystva tverd. veshchestv. M. Nauka (,n-.erwpiiy-..icai Properties of Solid Haterials -- Collection of Works), Moscow, "I;auka," 1971, PP 71-80 (from Referatinvyy Zburnal -- KetallurgiVay No 6, Jun 71, Abstract Ho 61663) Translation of Abstracti Experimental studies ifere can.-led out, on the physical properties of two Ti alloyss VT-5 and V7k--8. 'The Iwo iartles studied weret norrual mcdulus of elasticity (~y dy-namic ilathaZ Internal friction by attenuation of free vibrations of the saxplon, hout conductivity, electrical resistance, Lorentz ANwiber (by the method of kd'ao6wt-Dei.~nel horst), linear coefficient of expansion (in a vacuw dalmtowter), density and heat capacity in the tenneraturD range of 20-8000. (Two Allustratioms, one table, 5 bibliographic entrieu). USSR VD10 632.95 OSATSKIY, L. G.0 MERKULOV, A. A.j JMAVTS0Vj YR. YZ,, "Herbicide" IJSSR Author's Certificate No 21J~11, fIled4 Aug 6'1'1 pi0lished 25 Feb 70 (Trom RM-Khinija, No" lb,- 25 SOP 70, AbskxacL No 16N713 P, by L. ShelestenkoT- ,, resins (ire usad as liorkiloides ill Translation: Acidic fumignting controlling quarantined wood plants. Acidic fumi,gabinq. rosins int) a resinous black liquid, with 4211.0& g/cm.3, rea#ly naluble in. water. The composition is as fo lows: 40% siall'urIc ao,id -- 8-10% and sulfoacide -- 40-50%. 4 P 1;2 626 UNCLAS'siftEL ROl tsS146 10, E__ INOV70 TITLE--SYNTHESIS AND SOME PROPERTIES OF i~YDR0GALLOCAllldtllNMS OF POTASS'IUM -U- .1 AUTHOR-(05)-TCMILOV, N.P.v SERGERv A.Sow VORSINAI',I.A,,l P0110SH[NAi .4ERKULOVk, A.G. ccDVr9Y-tlr-iNFQ-USSR f Y~ SGIJRCE-IZVESTIYA SIBIRSKOGO OTOCLERIYA AKAOEMII NAUK $SSR,j NQ 4v SLIZITYA KHIMICHESKIKH NAUK, 19701 NR Zp PP 87-115 OATE PUBLISHED- 70 SUBJECT AREAS-CHEMISTRY TOPIC TAGS-CARBONAIE,.SODIUM COMPOUNOt POTASSIUM COMPOUND-i X RAY ANALYSIS, IR SPECTRUM CONTROL-MARKING-NO RESTRICTIONS DOCUMENT CLAS$-UNCLASSIFIED PROXY REEL/FRAME-1993/0584 STEP NO--UR/0289/TOIfDC-OIQCIG/Ooi371~dl'j~li.~ CIAC ACCESSICN NU--AP0113475 L24CLASSTF I ED :.2/29 026 UNCLASSU D PROCESSING DATE-13NOV70 CIRC ACCESSION NO--AP0113475 ABSTRACT/EXTRACT--(U) GP-0- ABSTRACT. HY]ROCALLOCARtIGNATES OF SCDIU~'l -,d) POTASS.IUM NA SUB2 O.GA SU62 0 SUB3. 2 CJ SU82-4H SV$2 0 AND ;~ Scu.12, U.GA SUB2 0 SUB3.2CO SUB2.314 SU82 0 WERE PRhPARF-D FRON THL, MIXTURE OF GALLATES AND BICARBONATES OF $ODIUM AND RESPECTIVELY. THE PHYSICO CHEMICAL CHARACTC-RISTIC$ Cli~ SUCH AS THE REFRACTIGN OF LIGHT, SPESIFIC GRAVITY, 001ENT13NS olc CELILS, WERE DETERMINED. THE PROCESS OF THERMAL UECOMPOSIT90,11 OF S001u:-1 '%`1 POTASSIUM MYOROGALLOCARBONATES WAS STUDIED UNDER STAVIC AND CONDITIGNS OF HEATING AND UNDER HIGH TEMPERATURE X RAY ANALYSIS, Scll.'-: PECULIARITIES Of IR SPECTRA OF OBTAINED COMPOUNDS WEiIE ALSO DISCUSSaO. FACILITY: INSTITUT FIZIKO-KHTHICHESKIKH OSNOV f;ERE9A8GrKf MINERALONOGO SYRIYA SO AN SSSRv NOVOSIBIRSK* UNCLASSIFIED L9 USSR UDC:629.78.015:533.1 MERKULOV, A. P., OGORODNIKOV, N. N., TOLSTONOGOV, A. 11. "Filling of ifigh-Pressure Containers with Chilled Gas" Tr. Kuybyshev. Aviats. An-t [Worhs of Kuybyshev Avlaticin InstiAtitel, 1973, No 56, pp 24-3S (Translated from Referativri), Zhurnal Itaketo-stro),vniye, No 10, 1973, Abstract No 10.41.81 from the reswnc) Translation: Conditions are defined, providing relative iwthel-lnicity of the process of filling of a high-pressure container with gas. Basc%] oil the energy balance equatiOll for a Ikody of voriable mass considor~jig extef- nal heat exchange of the system and the influence of' the temperawre choke effect in the feed line, analytic expressions are producedq for the chanoc. in temperature of tile gas the container. The nagtive of clizinge of the temperature of the I'luid in tile contalner beLag filk!d durini, the initial period of filling is established. The tOMPO-11tUrC of tho in - coming gas for which its temperiture in the containCT TC1,94011S IM"ltic-111N, unchanged is calculated. A method is presented for calcutation of the tbennal load oil the refrigeratiOZI Unit in which tile feed ~.!&s is ily chilled. Craphs of the cha%ge in tomperature of thv wo-6,injl '11ji"I ir. USSR MERKULOV, A. P., OGOROVNIKOV, N. N., TOLSTONOCOV, A. P., 1'r. Kuybvshev. Aviats. In-t, 1973, No 56, pp 24-35 the container as a functiun of velocity of entering gas .1,1111 its temporaturr... are ihown. Calculations and experimental curves of tlic c~mnpe in te.-!ipera- ture of the gas with rapid filling of the high-pres-mre v.1mitainel. with chilled gas are presented. 6 Figures; I Table; 7 Biblia. 2/2 USSR UDC 547.341 KORMACHEV, V. V., MERKULOV., &, V., and KUMITIN, V. A., Chuvasb State University imeni I. N. Ul'yanov ~ "Reaction of Phosphorus Pentachloride With Alkadienes" Leningrad, Zhurnal Obshchey Khimii, Vol 43 (105), No 10, Oct 73, pp 2157-2159 Abstract: The reaction of phosphorus pentitchloride with :!,4-hq'.x,qdiene was investigated. The addition products of phosphorus pentaclilori4e with buta- diene, isoprene, and 416,4-hexadiene were decomposed with a solution of whit-e phosphorus in phosphorus trichloride yielding 4-chloro-2-tklkenyldichloro- phosphines. These products were reacted with alcohols anil mercaptans in presence of triethylimine,to yield dialkoxy- (dialkyldithi,,q) 4-chloro-2- alkenylphosphouites. -2A USSR- UDC 621.791-753. 9 TKAGHEV, V. N. , Doctor of Technical Sciences, "D7DIN, I. YE., Engineer, KAGAINT, I. L., Engineer, IQ_T_m hilml.11h.w, SnI!,tineer, Rostov Scientific Research InstithRo 747 nery-Manufacturing Technology "Welding in Carbon Dioxide With Sv-08 Wire Coatsid With Aluminxim A 1 loy" 14-oseow, SvarochnoZe Proizvpdstvo, No 3, Mar 72, pp 20-.22 Abstract: Results aro presented of an exper:hnental Investigation Yn__w_eTcT1-ng low-carbon steels in carbon dioxide irith Sv-08 wire, 1.6 mm in diameter, coated with altutinum alloy of the composition (in %): 0.52 Hn, 8.18 Si, 1.81 Cu, 0.45 Mg, and O.PL~ Zn. TI.Io welding process with alitized low-curbon wire Lu carbon dioxide is characterized by high stability of are burning. The -netal transfer within the 90 2 cuvrent dennity rayl-,;4i was found -170 A/= -3. to be large. The microstructure of the beaded ri-otal is shown. The mechanical proporties and hardness distribution lit vields by one- and mwlti-operation-we I ding art) discussed by re~'arence to 1/2 'USSR TKACHEVj V. N., et al, SVarochnoZe Proizvodatvo, 110 3, Mar 72, pp 20-22 tabulated data and diagrams. The mechanical properties of the welded-on metal were found to be identical to properties of thO metal beaded with Sv-080S and Sv-08GRS virea. 2 illustrationz, 2 tables, 3 bibliographic references~ 21^ 53 NOW. P14M.11 ~;j USSR UDC: 53h.2 KERM=V, L. G., ROKELIN, S. I. "Diffraction of Lamb Waves by a Crac.k in ez Elastic Platet" Tr. Taganrog radiotekhn. in-ta (Works of Taganrog Radio 1:rgineerirg Insti- tute), 19T3, vyp. 34, pp 3-11 (from Mh-Fiziks, No 5, May 73, abstract No 5Zh564 by A. Kolomiytsev) TranslAtion. The authors solve problems on the diffractior of Lamb waves by a finite crack of arbitrary length 21 wid by an asyminctri.rM.3,y locatedi semi-iafinite crack. The crack is located on an unboundod plate of thickness 2h. The shift PotentieLls of the Lamb waves diffracted by the crack are determined. The spectrum of permis-siblii -wave r=bers ;., leads to two infinite systems of algebraic equations reltitive -t-.Cj the un- knowns X'r+(ki) and Yj+(k,,,) associated vith the transfor-inti.nts of the stres!-'es on a seAion. It is established that the resultant syste-ris are quasiregu~ar under the condition It is found how XI+(ki) and Y4+(k() are related to the coefficients of transmissJon and refleJion. For dlfffrac!tion of Lwnb waves by an asymmetric 'crack, a ;ystem of functional e.Titi.ticns is fc,,-zn(,' relative to the transfunnants of stresses and shift discoi-ftinialties an a !Iec- tion. It is found that the corresponding scalar problezai hav,~ a solution if the shear modulus and some potentiUt are nsaumd to be Vlentictilly equal to z ro Acountics VSSR -KOVALENOK, R. V., 29" G. "Cozimuting Phonon Absorption of Ultrasodic lellavei~ in',Alkvl-i- Haliae Crystals" Leningrad, Fizilca Tverdogo TelA, Vol 14., No 2, 1972., I)P 340-3" Abstract: The absorution of ultrasonic waves in dielectric crys- tals is basically determined by phanon-phonon interactions. On the basis of the assumlotion that the-contribution of the 1)honons to the nonrelaxation. elasticity modulus is determined by the change in energy of the thermal phonons due to the chanrge in the limited Debye frequency in the dofovmation field of ultra- sonic wave, the value of Ac, equal to the diffevence between the nonrelaxation and relaxation elastil,.ity Piodulij was c~oriputed. Because experimental research. in allIcali halide arystiils has sho;.m that tho temperature dopendence of :he abzqorptlan fa(,tors of the crystals cannot be sntisfaotorily described by a.n eclutation derived from that value of .6c, the authors of the present pa-per re-coripate the latzer in the quasi-harmonic approximation tiqder the asstzrm- tion that the number of phonons in cinch type of oscillation before 1/2 - USSR KOVALENOK, R. V. et al, Pi--ika Tverdogo Tela,Vol 14, 110 2, 1972, pp .340-344 relaxation remains unchanged and that, the change in internal energy is caused only by the change in frequency of the phonon oscillations. The results of the nww computatiori Dire com*nrad with those yielded by the experiments, and a igood agroe-ment between the two is observed. Tables of the Lwo !bets of results are given. 212 35 USSR VDC 669.71.43 MERKULOV, L. G., YAKOVLEV, L. A., rUSEVA, YE. K., LkZAREV, G. I., MAPAYEV, S, YE, "New Methad of Ultrasonic Control of the Purity of Alwminmn. Iw,,ot,9 Purified by Zone Melting" Tr. Vses. n.-I. i nrovektn. in-ta alYLIVIin.,,2i (in. I ron-sti 4. (Works of the All-Union Scientific Neseard:i and Planning itind fnstitutc of Alwintra, Magne3ium and Electrode Industry), 1970, 'No TI, pp 123-134 (from, RZh-Metallureiva, 'No 4, Apr 71, Abstract No 4G176) Translation: The ttlLrasonic method (if controlling the vurity of aluniniun is based on the effect of dislocation absorption. of the ulLnIttioniv. vibrations in crystalline materials. t1ractical implementat ion of this -ji-rocctlure is realIzed as applied to the vroble,,,I of ftnding the buutidary of' tho -jiure pal.-t (if LIIC! aluminum ingots obtained by zone rinIting. Comparison of the diici iroi-it ultra- sonic raeasurefwncs and the mathod of residual electrical tesist.-Ince dt-monstrated good correspondence of the results. Application of the uttxascjn~c viethod of finding the boundary of the pure part of the ingots perrliij:ted the -iield of Al type A999 to be Increased by 3'6 on the average under Rfant (Ionditions. -111c. 1/2 USSR MBIWLOV, L. G., et. al., Tr. V.-es. n!--A. i proyektn. in-ta aj- elektrod.n. prom-sti, 1970, 140 71, -pp 12d-134 pz-ocedure develoFed was used during- the process of develonfra.,, till! ootirlal technological process for zone purification of I-arge alwjilwm ilt-ots weighing, up to 70 kg. High sensitivicyv simplicityzAnd reliahilil:Nf of tLe ult-rx3oil-Ic method permit it to be recormanded as aa e);press riethod of induvtriaL control- of aluminum purified by zone malting. There are 3 illw4trittions. 2/2 USSR VOC 669.11.43(089.8) HERKULOV, L. G., YAYOVLEV, L. A., and GUSIEVA, Ye. K. "Ultrasonic Device for Determination of Pure Metal BountLary in Ingots" USSR Author's Certificate No 265527, Filed 28/09/67, Published 10/07/70, (Translated from Referativnyy Zhurnal-Metallurgiya, No :!, 197.1, Abstract No 2 G162 P) Translation: An ultrasonic device is suggested for det4irmination of the boundary of pure metal in ingots, for example of Al, produced by zone melting. The device contains a syTLchronlzer, an exciter pulse generator, a radiating and receiving head, a matching stage, 4in aj:t.enuator, a high- frequency amplifier, a cathode ray tube, a scan geverator, anti a para- phase amplifier. To increase the accuracy of deterninations, the device is equipped with a switch and ca*librating acoustical chiminel collsisting of a specimen of pure Me and an acoustically eoupUd um),maped pLezoplate connected to a second output of the gener4tor and one ta;rminal. of a switch, the common terminal of which to cowwcted to the tzatching atage. 1 figure. 3 ~ '~A/z 026 UNCLASSI FIE0 PROCE5,1ONG DATE-230070 j.'ITLE--SCATTERING OF ELASTIC MODES IN A PLATE WITH A TWO 0IMEN$t0NAL T OF SURFACE IRREGULARITIES -U- AUTHOR-102)-MERKULOVt L-G-, FIRSOVt I*Po A COUNTRY OF INFO--USSR C SOURCE--MOSCOW, AKUSTICHESKIY 1HURNALt VOL 16w NO lo 197139 PP 100-115 OATE PUBLISHED ------- 70 .0 SUBJECT AREAS--PHYSICS TOPIC TAGS-FLAT PLATE, VIBRATION PROPAGATIONt FOURIER l'P.A.N5l*0RM# ACOUSTIC SCATTERINGt SURFACE ROUGHNESSi CALCULATION CONTROL MARKING--NO RESTRICTIONS DOCUMENT CLASS--UNCLASSIFIEO I'PROXY REEL/FRAME--1988/1897 STEP NO--(IR/001to/fO/0'1.6/OOt/OLtO/OLL5 .[CIRC ACCESSION NO--AP0106558 CLASSIFIFO -UNCLASSIFIED PRGCESS2N(; DATE--230CT70 2/2 026 L CIRC ACCESSION NO--AP0106558 ABSTRACT/EXTRACT--(U) GP-0- ABSTRACTo THE FOURIER IN11GRAL TRANSFORMATION METHOD WAS USED TO SOLVE THE PROBLEM C151 THE PASSAGE OF ELASTIC MODES ACROSS A SECTION (IF A PLATE IN THE FORM OF '.N INFINIfE BAND WITH TWO DIMENSIONAL DISTRIBUTION OF SURFACE IRREGULARITIES. THE DEPTHS OF THE IRREGULARITIES ANO THE ANGLES OF INCLINIJION THEY FOtOiEO ARE ASSUMGD TO BE SMALLt WHICH MAKES [T POSSIBLE 'ro U '4FINI-i THE PROdLEM TO THE FIRST APPROXIMATION wHEN I-I'NOLNG TIJE POTEraiitt.s OF THE SCATTERE*0 WAVES. A TOTAL CALCULATIGN WAS MADE FOR THE CASE OF I'liC INCIOENCE OF A SYMMETRICAL LAMB WAVE. THE SCATTEREO FIf:LD IS REPREI;INTEO its, THE SUM OF THE LAMB AND SHEAR MODES (PROPAGATED AT UIFFEI~ENT ANI,"A:ES w.11-H IRESPECT TO THE ANGLE (IF INCIDENCE), 14HOSE SYMMETRY IS DETERNINEV flY fllf: SYMMET~,Y OF THE SURFACE I.RREGULARITIES. $'ACILI,TY:. LENINWIAD E?LI:CTRICAL ENGINEERING INSTITUTE IMENI V, I* IJLNYANOV LENIN. 1FACILITYt TAGANROG RADIOTECHNICAL INSTITUTE. USSR UIX 534,121.1 MERKULOV, L. G. and FIRSOV, 1. P., Leningrad Electrical Wnginq!ering lnstitute Ullyanov (Lenin) and Taganrog, HadLotechnical, InsLI4tute "Scattering of Elastic Modes in a Plate with a Two-Dimeni;ional DistribuLkon of Surface irregularities" Moscow, Akusticheskiy Zhurnal, Vol L6, No 1, 1970, pp 110-115 ,Abstract. Tile Fourier integral transformation motho(l -ivas sjued to solvtl the problem of the passage of elastic modes acrotis a itucticv, of a plau" in the form of an infinite band vith two-dimensional 41istribvtion of surface irregularities. The depths of tile irrejularitieq lind Lfit? anples of inclination they formed are assumed to be small, olhich inikes it poffflibLe to confine the problem to the first approximation wfistn firoHng the potentials of the scattered waveu. A total calculation was mods! for the cisse of tile incidence of a symmetrical Lamb wave, The scattero.-d fielsi is repreve-Ited as the suin of the Lamb and shear modes (propaSixted ot dilkerent angles with respect to the angle of incideace), whose aymmetry go devernined by the 6yaumqry of the ourface Irregularitiee. USSR INYC 539.3:534.1 ACAPOV, V. I., KUDINOV, A. N., MENCULOV, L. 1. "Study of the Stability of Reinforce4 Shells Under the Effect of Nontinifor-ming Gentle Pressure" V sb. Haterialy z-y Nauch. konf. Torisk. un-ta r.o i-,iat. J nq:kh. Vyp. 2 (1,11atel-i-all; of the Third Scientific Conferenca of Tomsk University fo:t.- Matilruiclics and Engineering. Vyp. 2--collection of works), Tomsk, T0143k. UlliVel:S4LY, 1473, p 107 (from M-1-fekhanika, No 6, Jun 73, Abstract No 61125!i) Translation: An abstract is given of a paper in ,L situdy Vas im'de of circular cylindrical uhn.1-Is reinforced with framing and lundvdo uader eyt~xnal pressure vhich Is not uniforin with reopect to the circli~. Thi! nbell wris as structurally orthotropic. The eccentricity of arrangom(- fit- fir Ow taken into account. lt was proposed that Lite 1.4hell raitf---f-Lal Cal, be bvyon(~ Ole elastic limit. Di this case the problem was solved an the bai;is of thu ttLuory of small elastic-plastic deformatinris. 'Fite initial -sratiit of th'.-! w3f; considered monentless. The Solution was compared with tho expi!j.-ir-cnt in wi~~`ch tests were run on 50 shells na(le of steels 3, lK1il8:19 aM duraltimin T]-. i effect of the nature of p.acement of the frarres on the .31:ahillty 1(11;,, prcAZ1:SS and the ma.-nitude of the critical pressure was est,-~nated. USSR LTDC 539. 374 ALEKHIN, V - P SHORSHOROV, M - Kh GIJSEV, 0. V. , and NENKITLOY, V. P - "Method of Studying Surface Plastic Deformation of SingLe Crya't~a-,Iln the Area of Brittle Rupture" Honokristally Tugoplavkikh i Redkikh Metallov [Single Ceystaliq of Refr4ctory ard Rare Metals -- Collection of Works], Nauka Press, 1971, pp 165-171 Translation: A method is saggested for studying the spetcifics of the delor- mation of nurface layers in comparison to volumetric deforration of brittle crystain by heatIng thi;tn In t1w die t1iroul-h an fmiert vif a plate materfnl, and calculation formulavi are pretienteA for dt 1: OIT, IIIAL [ U14 lif and Lan- gential stresses in the contact zone. The me0iod of pholo(dalw",ftity 1!1 w;1-4.1 to show the advantages of this method in comparison witlti detti-ritiltiation at microhardness. Experiments are performed on the loading of ii and Mo crv- stals through aluminum and lead inserts, and the depO of the layer involved in plastic deformation is determiins.,A. sharply decreasing With lecreasinq temperature from 550 to -196*C. 5 Figures; 14 Bibliographic Mferences. USSR UDC S4-4. 084. 8 SOKOLIN, G. F., LULOVA. N. I., LIPAVSKIY, V. N., =LIOV "Selection of Evaporator Temperature During Dosing of Liqyid .9amples in ali Industrial Chromatograph" Avtomatiz. i Kontrollnoizmerit. Pribory. Natich.-TAhn. Sti. [Autoination and Testing and Measurement Devices. Scientific-Tachnical 0:01ection], 1972, No 12. pp 22-24 (Translated from Referativnyy Zhurnal Met'rologiya i lzmeritellnaya Tekhni~za, No 12, 1972, Abstract No, 1)), V. S. K.). Translation: The most commonly used liquid sample dosinjr devices in indus- trial chromatographs are those in which the specimen is wvapor;tted in a stream of carrier gas fed into the coluimi, and the bcginnin~- of uvapor;,.tioll coincides with the beginning of analysis. ReFults ore pxosented froin z~!xpvr- imental studies of the influenco of tivaporfit, or ternporLittm,f) oil thu eff-cctive- ness of separation and the hoij1hi; of' Ileaks (If (tiff 1I1iXtV1l'U-; with boiling points of 135 Lo 1,150 C. It j-4 dvmonstratei~ that 1.11:3 !;electlorl of the optimal evaporator temperature allowF, the effoctiijones!5 of the collm,11 to be increased significaxitly; the evaporator temperaturi!- should be I.-S-2 times the mean boiling point of the components of the MilitUrc.; if the optin-1 evaporator temperature causes thermal destruction of the spccjvie~n, dusing 112 USSR Sokolin, G. F., Lulova, N. I., Lipavskiy, V. N,, Nlerkulov, V. D., Avtomatiz. i Kontrollnoiziacrit. Pribory. Nauch.-Tekhn. Sb-, 10 12, pp 22-24. devices with preliminary evaporation of the specimen should W.- tised; the accuracy of maintenance of the optimal evaporator temperpture should be 0.5 to 1* C. 2 figures, 5 biblio. refs. 212 133 USSR UDC: 6i4 .118" 32411 tymi BARBIHOV, V.A., Lt Col Med Serv and V, V.F., Maj Mel Serv "Wintertime Disinfection in the Field" Moscow, Voyenno-Meditsins-My 7!iurn~a~ No 2, 1970, pp 6'3-6)4- Abstract: The d-isinfec-11-lor. of Ifirg,e bulky objects Presents some difficultiea, eapecially in t1w win,f~x, 11)-, method is unsuitable for large areao i~nd the disi life i.* ti (III of )i1-):,-qA,TJ`---, um,rds, etc. requires the constun-ption of large amourita of t-Y~!;. tions of disiiifectants freeze, and the addition of salt paovs problems. The use of disinfectants in powdered faim 1.5 in windy weather. To overcome the disadvant,~Iges of ZILe exiutirijr~ !in apparatus consiuting of a oteam boiler and pistal-type device to') atr"miz,~ and spray aqueou23 uolutlonu of dininfectantis io prop-x;ri!d. Phe the disinfectant from freezing, and by warming the Cviect-i treid.e-:1, reducfio the time of expoaure required. USSR MERKULOV, V. I. UDC: 538.4 "Motion of a Sphere in a Conducting Liquid Under the Action of Crossed Electric and Magnetic Fields" Riga, Magnitnaya Gidrodinamika, No 1, 1973, pp 38-42 Abstract: In this theoretical paper a solution it; giwal for the forces moving a sphere in a weakly conducLive liquid diie to crossed electric and magnetic multipoles. It also investigates the possibility o~ setting up forces beyond the limits of the boundary.layer that wovld counterbalance the friction forces and avert the interruption of flow for a thick body. The conductivity of the medium is proposed small cnouph. i3o that thL prrihIezri cim be solved in the irductionless approximation. Both tho nagueLic aLd electric fields are assumed potential, and the motion of the liquid is assumed eddyless and specified by some potential tuaction of the thTee dimensions. The analysis begins with the equation for the rurrent dennity caused by the electric and magnetic potential fields, aod thi. force field resulting from the inLeracLfon of the current doenoity w:11h L~ie magii-.1tic field. Conaideration is g1van to the appl:fcatlon of iiiii--h a !iyarcrri 11:3 11 marine engine. Ussi JTDJ 30. 4. Oll KOTOVI P. 1. 2 LMEDEVI V. I,% Lnd I -U~W.ILQV. "o-SCOVI Aviation leclinoloi- 4 _,ical Institu"o "The Creep of VT-14 Tit,-_-Aium A."Lloy Undei~ Lovi-OpyA.e lojd tionoll Kiev, Problorv Frochnost-i, I'lo 5, Vay 73, pr 5 .1 -57 T Abotrict: The ac.,,mnuirttion proc-e,.7,3 of creep ii-Ik-_-,J.n and tl~ic fai- lure coadition3 of VT.-IA inw,!Itl, -,wtcd nt .1 alloy "fore C-1 (,_10, load in the 2.5-J~O T! creep cle 'orm7ition 0,Ll 1.0 ftr!,:tP'"mmIIU*in,T Lim'ier conditions, lo,.-?cr2 tile (ICI~Ormabilj.,V'y of ti,,~e a:12.0j' quent cyclic load-. lit'i incrcn:An::r a (2 11;re 1::1 6- tho tl-r; until failiiro decreaseo the ch-aw e o the ponds on oc='rC/t- -::!icra 'Cc Tm,.~ 'CS arl-. tho of .s cyclic nnd otatic loads. A". dif-crent T I,av~~:!:; :,-.-id m valuc,3, the crce-) c,:tn `rwn --m influcrice on the Citirabili ty, 31th -A6-n~'I'-%~I!.:7):I'.Le-n.-. -1. 0: i, - -,'uollcy, Vie ef'ect Off O:,(CIJL(,jf;,,r ::jn ni+udo of ,),I+J! :,,t(! crocin Ie,`cw.-!:LUori. C W USSR UDC: 620.172 MERKULOV, V. N., KOTOV, P. I., LEBEDEV, V. M., Moscow "Short-term Creep of OT4 Alloy" Kiev, Problemy Prochnosti, No 11, Nov 72, pp 57-59. Abstract: This work studies the short-term creep of OT4 titanium sheet alloy as delivered by the manufacturer at temDeratures of 400-500 and 0000 and a", rather high stresses, amounting to 55-130% of the tensile strvngth. In the 400-600*C temperature range, the short-term creep of 01A alloy Ls accompanicd by significant hardening. The ternporavire level at which harOlening disappears with short torm creep is about 640*C. In the 4100-600 tonpenilt%ire lf:;vel, the short term creep of OV alloy can bov satisfactorily described by an equation based on the hypothesis of hardening when the hardening ineasure is the inclined creep deformation. USSR UDC 620.172 KOTOV, P. 1. LEI-TDEV, V. M. , MERMI I-K.-A. I Koscm~r "Creep of TitZInILLm Alloys Under Variable Loads" Problemy Prodmosti, No 3, 1972, pp 45-49. Abstract: The creel) of titaidum alloy.,i NIT-14 and vr-2,o js s-mijc(i ii, oil- 300-400 C temperatLWC ranee with variO)Ic loads, It i-~ th---t with a stopped loadii)g mode, tho acclvau Lit i oil Of ex,~qi, (Jvfo~mal-iovl'; occtll*t; SIOIA'Cr th,111 tll(-' CIICIII~ItCd 1-atc, while with a smocithly Jvcr(!!t~,1nj: 1(md, tile predictions of the theory of hardc--iing av.- sall~117;1~(:,Lorily uccunite. In tile case of alternating loads and rests, the clas-tic. aftttv t~ff(-(:t appear,; rather clearly during rest periods. Of "IM USSR MERKULOV. Ye. 1. VANNIKOV, A. V., MIPRALYLOY, 1. D. "Investigation of Hole Mobility in Polydiphenylacetylent Films" Leningrad, Fizika Tverdogo Tela, Vol 1.3, No 9, SeP 71, pp 26,(S)-2682 Abstract: The authors study the drift mobility cf ~clas in fil-ris of P-Cly- diphenylacetylene precipitated from a benzene solution end In f-iL--s cf modified polydiphenylacetylene made by repeated high-tt!~nrerature subli- mation (up to 5000C) of polydiphenylacetylene on a heat:.ed (to 2500C) sub- strate with gold or aluminum electrode at a pressure o~' 10-9 um Hg. The. specimens were made in the form or sandwich cells. FiIn tblckneos was 1-10 u, and the working area of the electrode was 0.1 i.IM2. Mobility wai3 determined by measuring the transit time Tt of nonecuillbrNta carriers excited by a low-energy (3-10 keV) electron pulse With u dtu,aticn of 0.2-1 us. To prevent secondary effects, the time constnn-. of the specimen was chosen to keeD the resistance and capacitance greater tball T.;.. It is shown that the low mobility of charge carriers in polyi~lrhenylac~tyiene (2-10-4 CM2/V-s) is due to the presence of a large n=!1;ar of ti=all traps. 1/2 USSR MERKULOV, Ye. 1. et al., Fizika Tverdj)go Telik, VC1 13, No 9, Sep 71, pp 2679-2682 The mobility in sublimated polydiphenylacetylene, vherq~ there is an, ap- preciable reduction in the number of -;raps, is 0.3 =2p.s. rt is shC,_wjj that the band concept can be applied to stud~r of the mpticn of charge coxriers in organic polymer semiconductors. Two figitrwa, tdbliography of five titles. 2/2 /Z 013 ":.CL'S!i FIED JTLE--S"L3d I LIT Y D I A GKA'i ~Ok A 'I A SIJ112' H SWi Y L) IS 0 D[ UN, SALT OF EDTA-k'-pii-H SUB2 G TERNARY SYSTEM Ar 250E&~EES -U- UT.ti0it-(03)-J'-lEP.KULUVAr K.S.9 DUMBROVSKAYAP N*Sov BRUYLE,t YE,S. CUNTRY OF INFO--USSR m ;OURCE--ZH. PRIKL. K11114. (LENINGRAD) 1970t 43(4)v 081-5 WE PUBLISHED ------- 70 ~USJECT AkEAS--CHE.'4tSTRY rOPtC TAk;S--S0LU3tLlTYt METAL COMPLEX COMPOUNDy SODIUM COY.PWN0, PorAsstu COMPOUND, HYOROXIOEf YTTRIUM COMPOUNO m :MTRUL AARAING--tJO RESTRLCTIONS IOCUMENT CLASS--U.N(;LASSIF(1:0 'ROXY kEEL/FRAIME-3004/2017 STEP Nl)--UR/OOaO/7011:)4J/004/Oi331/Odd5 IRC ACCESSION NO-AP013.1278 V, , L- L -A S, F I i.' f 212 0 11 UNCLASSIFIED PROC5tSIM,~, IJATE--13,14OV70 :1KC ACCESSION NO-AP013227d %SST~,A~T/EXTRACT--(U) G?-O- ABST`t~ACT. Tt4E SOLY. CURVE OF YHE TLR-1-.jkRY SYS7'E.11 CC'N'SISTE6 CF 2 BRANCIILS. GF THE SE Tlie isr ct',p.~,F-s1)0,1uEo TO TliE CqYSI'I'. GF ANHYOo NA SUJQ iq StJiJ2 Y. THE 2NO ifl"IANCH 'Jf- TH~-: CURVE APPEAAED 41TH AN INICkEASE 11N THE KOH Ci..',~T&NT ANU C0!*',X,'.-sP0N:.)ED TU THE CRYSIN. OF 2KOH.NA SUB2 H SU32 Y. THIS SolAt) PHASE '-Wit Z5 NA SU;32 1i SW32 Y 75 WT. PERCENT . A THI.KNGkAPHIC ANML. 01: THE S4Lr N SU32 H SU32 Yo2tf S1JBZ 0 HAO EFFLGfS AT 10-et, 192s ANO 2430E-~K~ES. THE IST 2 ViERE CAOSED 6Y THE LOSS OF 2 ML;LS. OF H SU32 0 -AND 4T 2430EGREES THE CGIVU. 0EG(f,iS TO 0ECOMP. THE 1:11'A CURVE Oil ANHYO: NA: SU3Z H SU02 Y SHOwEJ E-NUOTHERMIC iJE,:tKS AT 81 ANI; AND AT 350DEGIEES T14E COMP0. BLGINS TO THE DTA CUkV!: FI)k ZKG)4..%IA SU112 H SU82 Y IS VERY CD,",PLEX A14D 15 AS YET NOT NOT RESOLVED. M Ioff IfIffilffflim-piwimmmmomm, X00=u0cor 4 lug! USSR UOC 62 1.)15. 592 v669.7V7.054. ,WVULOVA, N. A.& KUKUSHKIN, N. A., S.HlFJIOV, V. A.# MOMIN, V. V., And W,. ALEOEMA, I. P. ftInvestigation of the Temperature Field During Zone Roarya.tallii,,ation of and Tellurium" V sb. Teplo- i massoperenos v tverd. teljLkh zhidkosLyak6 Lkh Aicat anj Mais t ax-i _ Exchange in Solids, Liquids, ard Gase3--Ooltso ion Or WOI-160-, Akrmk, i,970, pp 2)7-244 (from RZh-Metallur&jja, No 8, Aug 70, Abirtract No Translation: Experimental data on beat oxchango at the front 01' cry -,iQfl in the process of zonal rofining of Cd aid 11.a its according Z.0 t,-o criteria of similarity of convactivd heat. exchange, Wk-ing Into cini.31it!ra~.1on Stefan's condition at the bowidary of phcse separation. Aifuxly~,~Ls of tne Criturial equation shows that the coefficient of hoat-oxchat%e doeraim3es vith an int:reaso in the relative length of the molten zono. Spontaneous fIUQtU.0,iDIII; 0: tempura- ture were observed during registration of' the tomporaturiD along tho entirtk iengtn of the molten zone of the ingot. The large3t flucttLktiorw werip o4sorvud i:1 tho middle of the molten zone, where mWirum aitiplitUdo for Q~ tinka 1,20 aT. a frejl.~uncy of 6-8 periods per minute. At the aaw Wxw no rluc4uatlalnia %im-o obsurved 1,r, 1/2 USSR REMULUVA, N. A., ot al, Topla- i mas~U,arenos y tva Ld.- !i4jjjkh.L.A"ik.Osty.6(h i gazakh, Minsk, 1970, PP 237-2 narrow zones 2.5-10-2 m. To fluctuation3 appeared in tho narrotior zonas. On this basis, it is assumed that the souroe or fluctuationo is thin turbulent nature of the convective motion. N. DEKENKOV USSR 11DC 4, MERKULOVA, 0. S., SOKOLOVA, Ye. V., anti FILARETOV, A, A. (Revl_ew,!~rs) Rezul'taty Issledovaniy po Morfologii, Neyroendokrinalogli, Utyrofiziologii, Povedenlyu i Patologii Nervnoy Sistwmy (Results of Irtvestiga~Lous Into the Morphclogy, Ileuroendocrinology, Neurop'.7tysiology, Behavior and Pathology of the Nervous System) by Lislishak, K. (Efttor), Buda-pest, 1972 Leningrad, Fiziologicheskiy Zhurnal SSSR Imeni 1. M. Si!(,I)enov-, Vol 59, NO 9, Sep 73, pp 1451-1452 Abstract: The collection contains articles about prasycapric Influencet; on the formation of postsynaptic utructures on. the brain dondritii!s, the bin4fug of H3-estradiol to the brain and uterus, and the decreaija in electrical ac- tivity of subcortical formation neurone on habituation to net.* conditions or on adding ACEII and corticosceroids. The revicurers question thet hormone dosage level of the latter. Additional articles discusii the dependence of elicited potentials in the auditory ccre an t1te stimulua frequency, the influence of the hippocampus an the mesuencephalic strut:xures, the correla- tion between cortical electrical actiN-ity and stimulati*n of the thalamnul; nucleus, the refractory period in the reinforcement of lateral hypothalamus, structures and the influence of disturbances in cervical lyntphiltic flCV on 4JSSR UM: 534.2 )CR1WWVA$ V. M.J, PAVLOV, V. S. *--~V~tion o~fAbso~tion of Sound in Sorie Rocks up to 1*00C an a Function -of on,=peraturell Tr. ThgL-airog. radiatek1in. in-ta (Works of Taganrog Radlo r3nijincering Institute), 1973, VYP- 34, PP 131-145 (from Wh-Fiz.-Ika, No 5, May 73, abstract No 5Zh566 by V. 1. Uchastkin) Translation: A torsional pendul= on a frequency of abo~tt one hertz is uced to study the internal friction (with accuracy of temperature cont':,^Gl within �10C) in grani-te-gneisn, metwcorphic shale, and quartzite as a Awction of temperature. It is noted that specimens nade in the fo"-, of pi-ismatic barr, vere washed and dried in a vacuum at 800C before testiiig~, The paper :,ivev the content of impiLritics in quartz and obsidian checked ).-,.v a c1matral method. It is shown that with heating above 1000C internal friction clecrounus, re-peated measurement showing a depresuion in the initial level. It is noted t1vit for quartzite heated to 4000C the intenial friction showed almost no c&CL--;;e in the repeat cycle of measureia.-nts. Obsidian shoirs a broad tempen-ature mayim--- Of internal friction which ia independent of the cycle of mas,axitvints. It if: pointed out that the irreversible changre of internal frittion with terweratu'.-a iu crystalline rocks is due to release of the liquid phau,.,~ fraln the poreE; alICL USSR MMLOVA, M. V., PAVLOV, V. S., Tr. Thganrog. rudiotekbri. in-ta, 1973, vyp- 34, PP 131-145 microcracks during heating. It in fourd that the residuml iaternal friction after heating of specimens to 300-4WOC my be due to pmeessas of ntructuml or dislocational relaxation under shear strains. It in ohown that the imwUnLn, of internal friction in obsidian is cekuaecl by difAision losses - with the principal contribution from ions of sUali earth elementt;, e.-,I)eeially sodiiin. 2/2 VSSR Acoustics UDC: 53h.2 IMERKULOVA, V. M., TSAPLEV, V. 114. "Measuring Velocities and Internal Friction Accompanying r,angitwtinal and Torsional Vibrations in a Mediwii.With Microcracks" Tr. Taganrog. rad-iotekhn. in-ta (Worles of Taganrog Radio linginen'!ring insti- tute) , 1973, vyp. 311, pp 146-155 (from RZh-Fizika, No 5, Kv. 73, abstract NO 5Zh567 by V. I. Uchastkin) Translation: Phase velocities and internal friction for the 1cr-mitudinal and torsional modes were mear;ured by the method of resonaxice osi-.Mations of a composite vibrator on ultraporcelain rods on a frequoncy of 36 kilz under compressive loads of up to 1400 kg/am, It was foun(!j that; mtero- cracks which can be observed vitiually by applying methylerie, dye weree de- veloped when the specimens were tempered. After tenperiiq:, the phase velocity in the material decreases, vhils! there is an inci-ease :1n internal friction. Additional acaustic mboarptial is cauned 1)y olv.,,ax streisceu on the boundary between the crack and the viscoun filler anti tx1ro by diffrac- tion scattering; of saand f.-o= the adiVs of the crack. By usin;,r the well- known results of diffraction of a norval Umb wave oix tho ed,e of a semi- infinite crack in an elastic plate, the authara evaluated the inuan square 1/2, USSR WROLOVAY V- M-, TISAPLEV, V. M., Tr. Ta,ganrog. radioteklin. In_ia, 1973, vyp. 34, pp 146-155 distance between crack channels. The fact that loading does not affect the parameters of torsional vibrations it; attributed to the radIal orien- tation of the cracks -- elastic displacement norntal to a bmmd=y does not excite viscous waves. 2/2