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UDC 620.17i669.14.018.44 VA, N. K. and,ZEMSKAYA, T. V,, Central Scientific NAILEUKay- S B., BURO & T. Research Institute of Ferrous Metal-Lurgy imen ~ P. Baedin (Ts,14IIChEK1ET) "Anisotropy of the Mechanical Properties of Nickel-Base High-Temperature Alloys" Moscow, Metallovedeniye i termicheskaya obrabotka metallov, Ito 1, 1972, pp 70-71 Abstract: This study concerns the effect of temperature on Lhe anisotropy of the mechanical properties of high-temporature alloys (with various degrees of alloying) including 1(hN70HVTYuB (E1598), EIB:!6, EI929, EP109 as well as on various smelting methods such as open inductton vacuum-arc and double vacuum-arc remelting. Two factorseare shown to affect the anisotropy of the mechanical properties: the chemical iiiltomogizeity and its related differences in the degree of stretigthenkng of cartain. areas along and between the axes; nonuniform distribution of InsoluOle inclusions the liquation products. The most resistant in the nickel-base alloys are tungsten liquation. inclusions causing nonuniform decay in the fibrous 112 U 3T R MASLENKOV, S. B., et al, Metallovedeniye i termicheskaya obrabotka metallov, No 1, 1972, pp 70-71 structure following hot remelting of castings, At room tempCTature the anisotropy of the mechanical properties i~:related basically to the non- uniform distribution of the strengthening phase. At solubil:Lty temperatures the anisotropy in plasticity is determineds'primarily by:the wwunt and dis- tribution of nonmetallic inclusions. To reduce the anisotropy of the mechanical properties of the nickel-base woul4l be necessary to refine them with respect to nonmetallic inclusions by double vacuum remelting. (2 illustrations, I table, 2 bibliographic references). 2/2 JPRS 55985 4 May 1972 UDC ANIGOTROPY OF THE MECHANICAL PROPERTIES or HEAT-R1'qTS-.A):- ALLOYS ON A NiCYLL BAsr. L X:- 6 [Articl; hy.0,;j,414" N A. burova T~ V ens k4i we. Scienti is nstifute 0; Pe-rraiis Hetnllov, RusslaA. To -1, . 1,72. A 70-7 11, A sharply expressed dendritic. heteropeneity Is develnn~ during crys.,tallization in kedt-reiistant, alloys on..a. nickel bast (I). In the. refining process. the elements of the dendrl~ti~ structure' and The nonmetallic "clusions are drawn in th. di-~ roction of the deformation, forming a filamentary structre J ~-: - - tt is characterized by a. chemical and structural hetercr~n-:- ity. The difference In the chemical comnoultic- of the &-?F- ments corresponding to tile axes and Interapon and the dlff~r- ent degree of rtrongthenitig doriiig AlspersiL,i;, hartlenitir .1r, conjunction with the line arrangement of the Inmaluhle lnciu-i Zions.conclntrated in the interaxen produce an nnisotropy !n he chan cal properties of the deforned metal. In determining the means for decreasing the -Ani-natr I nfluenc--, in the properties it follows to difrerentiate the deformation capacity of the metal or the Periodic chr.6~ ic I :icroheteragensity and of the heterogeneous distri!)utinn of 1 6 lnclu:ion; The first tyno of hrteropenei-~ antil: ohoolubld ;ar nt degree of alloyinp of the c b x I ini by th dl s axial and interaxial volumes an well no by their structural i tots. The beat reai3tanco of such a hoteroreneity, is re~m- tively low and may be lowered by high-tomptrature hoatinp ant mechanical refining of the allay. Decreasing the second 1,yrt of heterogeneity requires using optimal smeltinp procedures which will, ensure the required derree of refining. 60r*~nding,, on th4i composition of the. alloy mind the tests temperature the relative influence of the struct*tir%l and hemic USSR 11 0 7T! USSR WC 669.24.017 11A= BUROVA, X. N., and ZE]ASKAYA, T. 11, #j "I ntracrys tal line Liquation in Ingots of Heat-Resistant Nickel-Base AlION's Pro- duced by Vacuum Arc Remelting" Spetsialln),ye Stali i Splavy [Special Steels and Alloy!i--Collection of Worksl ji No 77, Metallurgiya Press, 1970, pp 49-55 Translation; The method of local X-ra~ spectral analy!its is. used to svAy the liquation microirregularity in ingots of heat--resistant alloys types, I:PIU';;), H929, E1826,and E159S, produced by vacuunt arc remeltiog. lbe dirr_~ctjori of liquation and intcnsitv of segregation of the basic convoneirts of the alloys are determined. Nicbium and, the elements havLng L high degree- of chemical affinity to nickel, are most strongly liqua:Led. Tlif-, alloying clements can be placed in the following series in~6rdeT of incro4is,injl tendency Lo liqua- tion. in nickel-based alloys: aluminum, cobalt, chromiLul, tunl-Isten, molybdenium, titanium, niobium. The intensity of segregation of alloying elements increases in the direction toward the axis of the ingot, sharply increasing upon transilion frorl the ::(.,Ile I of columnar crystallization to the cquil~brjum crystntlization zone. 41 tables. ........... USSR UDC 669.18.D01.5i669.14.015,853 KOZLOVA, N. N., LYAPUNOV, A. I., and MIYAMIA, V. A. "Oxidation Resistance of Steels in the System Fe-Cr-Ni-A:L as a Function of Rela- tionship of Alloying Elements" SpetsialInr/e Stali i Splavy (Special Steels and Alloys-Collection of Works], No 77, Metallurgiya Press, 1970, pp 27-32 Translation: Allovs in the system I-e-Cr-Ni-Al were stud5ed i.r. -the 1000-1-2sOoC : L - ing temperature interval. The Principal rCPUlarities of the in- I ience of allo" elements oil the oxidation resistance of, tftc~ al loys wcro e,.rtah I i:Owd, and Lhc de- pendence of oxidation resistance and phase, composition a" sc-de on tile relation- ships of alloying elements~ was demonstrated. 4 figureq;' 2 tables; 22 biblio. refs. IT? Nickel USSR BUROVA, N. N., and MASLENKOV, S. B_.j Moscow "Intracrystalline Liquation in Nickel Alloys, Alloyed Virith Niobium" Moscow, Izvestiya Akadendi Nlauk SSSR, Motally, No It Jall 71, pit 91-93 Abstract: T11iS WOTY flie, quantitative charactoristics of intracrystal line liquation in binary (Ni-Nd), trinary (Ni-Cr-Nd.) an", complex-alloy compounds based on type KhN77TYu nickef.,' in whfch a portion of the titanium is replaced ulith niobium, and tyoc K101SOMMu an alloy with a high content of niobium, whicli is hardened during aging by separation of the Ni3Nb phase. In alloys based on nickel, the niobium is found to have a sharply expressed tendericy to liquation. The heterogeneity of the distributio-a of niobium is reitiforceii in the presence of chromium. An increase in the,content of nkibium fit nickel- chromium alloys causes a change in the direction of liVation of the chromitm. The elements included in the composition of the heat- 1/2 USSR BUROVA, N. N., and ~MLENKOV, S. B., Izvestiya Akadejuii Nauk SSSR, Mrtally, No 1, Jan 71, pp 91-93 i resistant alloys studied can be placed in the following arder of increasing tendency toward liquation: aluminwo, cilromilml, iron, molybdenum, tungsten, titanium, niobium. 2/2 -43 L'Att F t e0', PFt4-dESSlhG DATE~-13NUVIU -VtLE--~H t :T AUSTE C,J T EA REATMENT OF N TI 1,E,A kfS[STANT STEELS JINU ALLOYS -U- AU. f4OP-(02)-,NAZAROV*'YE'.G.v 14ASLENIMP, S.S. `~QU.%'TRY'OF INFO-USSR 12 )111 ,:-.SOURC-E-~-~METALLGVED. TERM. 13BRAB. METAL.~ 1970, (3: [SHED----70 ~'-SVBJECT. AREAS-114ATERIALS ".TOP I CTAGS--STEEL FEAT, TREATMENT, AUSTENITIC, STEELP W-AT lklisi srANT STEEL, _~ALLQY 'PHASE COMPOSITION, DISPERSION HARPENINCt BlBLf'QGlRAPllY "CONTROL,MARKING-NO RESTRICTIONS '.DOCUMENT CLASS-UNCLASSIFfED :'PROXY REEL/FRAME--1989/1933 :STEP NU--UP./OLL'9/70~roOo?of,,-~/OoIZIoolqi :CIRC ACCESSIEN NO-AP0108267..'' I JNr, t- A S S T. FI F--!):' 025 UNC LA Plidd:.3 ::CARC ACCESSION NO-AP0108267 :.A5STRACTiEXTRACT--(U) GP-0- ABSTRINC1% A REVIE14 COVERING $TRONGLY ,.,~,`-14EDIUMv ANDWEAKLY DISPERSED HARDEN.-IN5 ALLOYS. !ITCH 10P I (' 5 GOVER DOOBLE QUENCHING* DISPERSION AGING, LAVES.PHASE5r BORWE PffjASESj STRESS REMOVAL, NEW DEVELOPMENTS, AND DETRIMENTAL 0 H.A S r.-S Imb-A.MFIED A USSR IV UDC 669. V,., 0113.,iD.:5: G01i . 1-2, NAZAROV, YE. G., 14 ~-T- Ce.1tral Resea:~ch Institute of Ferrous Metallurg y 'u'ure of Heat -Ras is tant A'l lalrs "The Present and k U Moscow, Xletallovedeni,~ra, 111o r: 10.3 70, Pp 16-26 Abstract: A brief revic-w is given of devolon-.Twill t SI.- r-, a z - alloys dul,ing the lait 10 rosistant of metallic matue-rials Ls governad b,,y the Polloi-iing.- the solid solution with dio3olut-lor. of ,~ -1lo-j-4-nj; a~ J.n and on Zoparation of occondary an,_ from it; the grain size of the solid o '31)th hardening and softening; st-ability of the at; tezweratu.-es; resistance to scaling and Cf the first is conotalpt, while tl-o ctbcj:11Z 3.LIC. lactors, and depend on tomporature, a-!nd t1w viediiii-%. sion of the service importane'l., J,o at,~x* od resistance of alloy., to gas corrosion at hij~,rl oxidation at this stage controls the of tho allo7j. 113 .......... :~7 i7 IIf 4 USSR -,0, p p!6 - 213 '10 V Y E. G o t a I IvI e t a 2 1 o v e ZIA ZA 0 iit, Steals and alloys with carbide stre*n,,rthr;n'j.r,:; arf-;: h6at ro - sistant t1han alloys s-ren.-I;.-Loned witn carbides and chromium carbides have a hish ter-.-o ~.'_-a t lire, (11500C and higher) and the prosenec, of si~zno O:L" a DY Makes Possible hiL,';h.-tenparattira L.~vvor~ pha-,(.,j o-re, thermally stable and have an exten6ed inc%ffat4J.1.-)n -p*riod of ifoz"7141- tion. Compared to intermietallide YI-nhaso-s, th-e 'iep2 effect of the Laves phases is lower, ezen:taJA-.j-c, hr_.a--m.3i_ztant iron-, i-.on-ni c Ice!-, nicl,:el-, and and, '-L7_11)y'- are briefly reviewed, thoir m.-Lir, desc:sibed, and do,li,-nation.- 'in C- article provide an iron.- 1:.nd iron_:.~Iic:i and alloys and n..olcel-, and cobalt-baoo i,rj,cu,-!1bt zarit~. c_~~;t- al-loyo-6. The 'brand namos, conpositions, oriiims, searrior, 1j."o, and toi-,mcra- tures: are al3o given. Refract"or-baza alloyz ,t].th cubic latticos, .;i.'c'h as vanadi=.- and ud'~*.n- thiiir bt~.sic doccribod, ine 1 ~ C., . . -, 1p, cI-I n I - -- ttwG s New -rendo ti-o elei,,ients, and tomporf. 2/3 145 USSR ITAZkROV, YEE. G. et a!., M,et al I ova deniye., N,c; Apr 70, pp 23 of heat-resistant alloys bolh 3n tne [J;5~)t and a r. .:j analyzed. High-chironiur. nicke-I alloy;3 are 11.101:0C.. li-enearch Japanese austenitic steels and alloys is di3eu.:;s-od,. Q fp L _-u '"a Z - interest is the solubility of ruthenium in and -he `_i melting te=erature (15506c) of -Nli-~Ru. Plat is o alloyo and radioactive elements as additions bo alloys ave mentioned. Particulax referenco is made to alloys containing technetiwa (melting termqerature 217000) obtaiijod --ii nuclca.- reactors. 3/3 USSR uDc 62o.l86.a:669.i4.oi8.44 VERZINA: V. K., GEVELINPp N. N., and XTROVII., N. N., Central Scientific Research Institute of Ferrous Mletallurgy i "Segregation Y-icroheterogeneity in 4no_oN3G8MFB (E1481) Heat Re sistantY Electroslag-Remelted Steel" Mlosccnr, Metallovedeniye, No 9, Sep 72, PP 70-72 Abstract: A comparative analysis was made of intracrystallim seCreiration in ingots of a 13-8-8 austenitic steel (EI481) produced by epen-arc r;elting fol- lowed by electro-slag remelting. 7he composition of this. rerne-Ited steel -was (in %): 0-39 C, o.41 si, 13.4 Cr, 8.2 Mn, i 8.ola, 1.4 V, 1-3 Mo, and 0.45 11b. The degree of dendritic heterogeneity vas evaluated by tbe coefficient of segregation K., which is the ratio of maxinnun concentration of an elem,!!nt to the minimtin concentration of the element in a. dendritir. cell. The steel was made at the Elektrostall Plant in a VO-ton electrical, farnnee. The resultin-, electroslag rer-alted in:-ot vaig~,_ed -~P_00 k1;,,. It wa* famid thiLL E1481 steel, alloyed with strong carbide-fon-Inr and carbon experiences inter- ., elene-riLs axial serrregation of the basic congionerits, lb? segntgul;ton is determined by the nati--re of the inacroatnictu~re, and the m3xitrizit heterogeneity was the same for both the open-arc and electroulag xalb.:id, steel. 1 figni-re, 1 table,__5 bibliographic reAfe~enceso 6 February 1973 UDC 669.14.018."'6 TIN Ali AH ALUYVIUr nrJif.?rr IN 11FAY-REMITAUr A2.111r,~ (Artitle by Ye. C. =7-. 5, D. Masiankov, T.P;IIChE4,LHLt' Sjcr.-.jfjC Reiyaro:h t.. tit'ste of 1 34e-tal lov, Pus-jjan, 7, 9-,2 I Pp 111,kel-hase allan, NyAi, TI),-rljM ore used oxtenvivqly as refr_-t.=i*4, V4r4Gv*r. olckal romg Inteme-zl1ida cowpoumdx *imilax xe is%* with silicon. tin, beryllium. ate. It has b--en established that the stress-rupture strongth of stcts and alloys can be ircreasad with odditives of these elementrs 11-31. A nimcnic type alley'. containing Ti Q I-lot S., bag be. &v#1QPtd_ Lr_fc-_azWn about the affect or atcroadditi-ves of fr'pPerti" of rwfractory alloys is e~ftrewislj sparse &M tbe principle of their beneficial action on the prcpeTtie2 of alloys has not been tstoblished. no effect of tin on the P.Opeltias Lod structure of njck* alloy of the type Mkl?tr tEI4351 is distassed in this artlelt. Test alloys were melted in # vacuum induction furnace frois pure charge watttials (Table 1). ro The alloys contained 0.02-0.17% SI, 0.002-0.OOSI 5 and up to 0.01% B. The test specimens were made by extrusion' at l.DO0-I.QZZ,*C. !Japanese Patent Xo. 2606~ c1. 1012S, 12 April 19S8. ZAtruxion wao carried out under the supervision of G. 1, Tzrww~nkm. (I - USSR J, USSR UDC 669.245'26:539.4.015/019 ABRAMOV, I. V., GOLOVANFIM0, S. A., HASLMOV, S. B,,~ and ABM4OV, 0. V., Moscow "Dispersion Hardening of Nichrome Using Oxide Particles" Moscow, Izvestiya Akademii Nauk SSSR, Metally, No 6, Nov-Dac 72, pp 227-230 Abstract: Nichrome obtained by metallurgical melting methods and dispersion- hardened, using zirconium dioxide (Zr02) and alumirtum,oxide (A1203) particles, is studied. At identical levels of strength, the Indices of ductility of the produced composition material are more than a unit hill-her tham analog char- acteristics of the same material productqd by the inutlidd of tpcwder metallurgy. High-temperature stress-rupture strength of dispersion-harde-ned nichrome is considerably higher than that of common nickel baso allolls and pwdar nickel hardened by the same oxides. The electroamicroscopic investigations of deformed nichrome, strengthened by finely dispersed; particles, show high stability Of Zr02 inclusions at temperature 1200*C. 4 USSR UDC 621.78:539.219.3 NOVIKOV, B. A., K=NOVA, I. Yu., SHCHERBEDINSKIY, G. V., GOLOVANENKO, S. A., and MASLENKOV, S. B., Moscow "Carbon Redistribution and Diffusion in Bimetals" Moscow, Fizika i Khimiya Obrabotki Haterialov, No 5, Sep-Oct T2, pp 83-87 Abstract: Using C14 and methods of autoradiography and radiome-tric layer analysis the redistribution of carbon in St. 3+OKhl3 bimetal was studied for two variants: without an intermediate layer and with an intermediate nickel layer. It was shown that carbon passes from the carbon steel into the stain- less steel both in the process of manufacture and during all slbsequent annealings. The presence of a nickel i-nte=ediate layer inhibits the pas- sage of carbon from steel St. 3 to OKIM and strongly varies the nature of carbon redistribution in the contact zone. j al cladding 14tyers for lang-time For the purpose of selecting the best bimet, service at elevated te=Deratures the temperature ralatfwshipq of diffusion coefficients were determined for carbon in C,Kh!3 ferrite~steel and E1943 (0023N-M[30T), E1628(0Kh231A'28,',12T), and E1432 (OKhl7.%1l31-13T) allstenitic steels. Comparison of the data on these steels showed that up to 700% 1/2 USSR NOVIKOV, B. A., et al., Fizika i Khimiya Obrabotki MaterIalovo No 5, Sep-Oct 72, pp 83-87 carbon penetrates E1432 steel to the greatest extent and P1943 steel to the least extent, while about 700*C carbon penetrates OKhl3 I;teel the greatest and E1943 steel the least. 3 figures, I table., 2 bibliographic references. /2 105 SUDOM11.110* USSR ~DC 669.14.018.M20.17t620.186 NIKMROVAt YE. A., and MASLENKOVi S, B.j TsNUCherAet (0antral Scientific Research Institute of Forrouri NdUMWa imeni 1. P. UtiLin) "The Structure and Properties of Nickel-Bass Alloys" Moscowp Metallovedeniye i Termicheakaya Obx-abotka Meta.Upvp Ka i's 1973, pp, 47-52 Abstracti A study was made of the effect of heat treatzont, on tho structura and properties of noir 1;65M20V15 and W55142DY25 corrosion-wasisittuit alloya re86rved for work in 30%-hydrochlorid acid and 70;6-sulf ux*1c a.aid at up to 90~ C in the capacity of wear-rasistant materials. The hihidneso and strength of those nonmagnetic alloys, is the oaxe as of tool.materl.also the muizmm hardness obtained on N55M2OV25 alloy being IWO 53- In hudenfid conditions K65112%15 alloy has the structure of k-adlid solution with it face-centar*d cubic lattice and 109120V25 alloy has th-3 structuxe of v( + j"!-solid solution. The high hardness of these materiala after aging is obtalned at the expenr"e of falling out of the tetragonal 211j,01o, W)-phase and thoi %0 ciirbide. TI-te advantageous effects of the present cf-phwic an Mb base in tile R551-22OV25 alloy# in contrast to the V65M20V15 alloy#, a" indlcat~Aj; Tha Ili 4(1101 W) 1/2 I" VON P- wo ~W. W-i USSR NIBOROVAO YE. A.s and WLENKOVI S, B., Metallovedenlya i Termicheskaya Obrabotk!L Hetallov, -No 2# 1973, pp 47-51 phase favors a retention of high hardness up to 6000C at ishort-Urn and Ion&- term (up to tOOO hrs) tests. Optimum haxdnesso strangtboi,und pliasticity properties resulted on N55M20V25 alloy in the overaged staLe. Five figures, three tables. 212 27 USSR UDC 620.186.,69.24'25 GEVELING, N. N., and MASLENKOV, S. B., Central Scientific Research Institute of Ferrous Metallurgy--_~-*11- 'IStructure and Composition of Phases in the Crystallization of Eutectic Ni-Cr Alloys" Moscow, Me tal love deniye i Termicheskaya-0brabotka 'Netallov, No 1, Jan 73, pp 29-35 Abstract: The compositions of phases in eutectic Ni-Cr alloys was investi- gated for the purpose of a syi;tc.,matic quantitative aaa-Disis a[ distribution of components in the phases in conjunction with the morlphological featur-es of structures and tile phase diagran features. It was found that in both hypocutectic and hypereutectic 11-Ti-Cr alloy4j, close to eutectic in composi- tion, nucleation of primary dendrites of the alphn-phast! ( in chromium) can be observed primarily in the volume of the me-It, Oyaveniely, the phase (ric-11 in nickel) iu nucleated on the surface of die c(x)1[ng ingoL and, as an e.-ception, on the- 7T,:--_4=ar_v dendrites uf the. alnha-phaso. Crystal-Liza- tion of the eutectic in alloys rich wlth chromiLIM., in vollpa:rl.son with t1te eutectic composition, occurs only after the forizatilon of che jpuriiia-phase ring around the primary dendrites of the alpha-pivise. primary 1/2 MW =owl EMEME"M ~L-_ A_ :_T USSR GEVELING, N. N., and IlIkSLENKOV, S. B., Metallovedeniye i. Termicheskaya Obrabotka Metallov, No 1, Jan 73, pp 29-35 crystals of the alpha- and gamma-phases are characterived by a higher degree of supersaturation of the second component than Lhe phases solidifying in the composition of cutectic colonies. Relative supLkrsatliration in com- parison with equilibrium values for primary and eutect:1.0- Cry-131als of the alpha-phase is higher than for gamma-phase cryctals. 'rile nacure and in- tensity of precipitation in the solid phases of eutecdc alloys have been associated with crystallization forra and the correspon0ing ~iupersaturatlon of the second component. The most intense precipitation occurs in the dendrites and primary crystals. At the ~pame time precipitation is strongly retarded in the crystals of phases which form eutectii-- colonies due to the low supersaturation. 3 figures, 1 table, 10 bibliographic references. 2/2 USSR UDC:669.1,017 4ZaE.NKO.V "The Relationship of Dendritic Liquation to the Type of State Diagrams" Spetsial'nyye Stali i Splavy [Special Steels and Alloys--Collection of Wor'?, No 77, Metallurgiya Press, 1970, pp 7-11 Translation: The relationship between tho,degree of den4ritic liquation and the COM[114M. U IlO)'S, OSt ai) I i sile'l b, type of state diagram of hinai,y, trinary,and raore the author, is presented. ft is demonstrated that signi.ficant. liquation is ob-' served only in alloys in which strong chemical interacti.oh of Ole components occurs in the liquid. Liquation and rcdistribution of carbon are related to the distribution of the elements influencing its activity. 2 figures; 2 tables; biblio. refs. 1A ~60 00 UNCLASSIFIED PRCCC-,ti'SIN6 DATE--30OCT70 ~TLTLE-VARIATION IN THE MUCTURE OF COPPER NICKEL CCNVI-':RYER MATTES WIT14 v _...~,~ZOULING CONDITirms -u- OTHOR-023-MASLEN1 N., TRAVNICHEK, R.N. ~i~T ..................... -USSR '.CCUNTRY CF INFO ,-SOURCE-IZVEST. V.U.Z., TSVETNAYA MET.t 1970j (W& 31-3 :DATE PUBLISHED-----70 AKEAS-MATERIALS, MECH., IND.1 CIVIL AND 14ARIN~, ENGR TOPIC TAGS-SULFIDE MAITEt COPPERt NICKEL* SMELTING FUitANCE,j ORE BENEFICIATIONt EXTRACTIVE METALLURGY ~CLNTRCL MARKING-NO RESTRICTIONS 'DUUMENT CLASS-UNCLASSIFIE0 'PROXY REEL/FRAME--2000/1550 STEP NO--UR/0149/70/iO~00/0(31/0031/0034 CESSICN Nb--AP0125170 :7 ~3 777777 ;`.2f2, 013 UNCLASSIFIED PROCES$ING DATE-30CICT70 t'IRC ACCESSICN NO---AP0125176 ,.43STPACT/EXTRACT-(U) GP-0- ABSTRACT. YHE EFFECT OF COOLING CONDITIONS N _Gti THE STRUCTURE OF CU-NI CONVERTER MATTES 14AS STIJDIEI),. INCREASI (-, THE -,::-'PERIOD OF COOLING CAUSED THE PRODUCTION OF A CUAkSER s~rRUCVJRE, REDUCING PiE PgGPCRTIGN OF SEGREGATIGN IN THE FINE MATTE. AN OPTIMUM STRUCTURE OBTAINED BY COOLING OVER 6-8 DAYS. ANY SHORTENING OF THIS PERIUD TNIS EFFECT BEING GREATE FO THE CJJ EFFECT ON QUALITYt R a ~HAV._A HARMFUL ~:AND TFE N1 CONCENTRATE. lEo PR C ~s FS ING bATE_-160CT70 UNCLASSIFItO TLE--MAGNETUOPTICAL METHOD FORSTUDYING PHdtPHORIC ACIDS -U- AIJTHOR-105)-BORISOV, V.H-v MASLENNIKO ja*0 SAMOYLOVv Y.A.s GUBAREVAP V04 KONANYKHINA# L*N. c,L 6tm T R YOF INFO--USSR URCE--KHIM. PROM, MOSCOW 1970, 46(3e, 190-1 PUBLISHED ------- 70 'SUBJECT AREAS--CHEMISTRY -TOPIC TAGS--PHOSPHORIC ACIDo MAGNETOOPTIC EFFECT -,ONTROL (4ARKING--NO RESTRICTIONS r 000MENT CLASS--UNCLASSIFIE0 'PROXY REEL/FRA.4E--1996/0886 STEP NO--Ukl/00641?0t(lfi6/01,)',1/0190/0191 CIRC ACCESSION NQ--AP0118055 UNCLASSIFIED 2/2., olz UNCLASSIFIE0 PROC6 S~IS ING' 0ArE--I6GCT?0 CIRC ACCESSION NO--AP0118055 "ABSTRACT/_EXTRACT--(U) GP-0- ABSTRACT. THE CHANGE IN Vl,:ROEr,,; CONST. DELTA DELTA OF AW. POLY PHOSPHOR I C ACID SUNS. WAS TRACED tAS A Fut4crlu.N 'LTA .-OF P SU6Z 0 SUB5 CONCN.1 AT 35DEGREES ANO:A IWAVELENGTI-1 OF 500 NM; il~ -CREASED T fj -DELTA INCREASED FROA 10 TIMES 10 PRIME NE~ATIVE5 ANU THEN :f)f. 25 TIMES 10 PRIME NEGATIVE5 MIN-CM SEC WHEN THE P SUB"e' 0 SU85 CONCN. WAS .~_~:,ANCREASED FROM 10 TO 40 TO 70 WT. PERCENT j! RESP.p ANO~ INCREASED _._.,.C0NTINUOUSLY AT HIGHER P SUB2 0 SU85 CONCNS.. UNCLASSIFIED 77r 7- r 7- 771777 ubb 547.-4 USSR N., ZACUDAYEVAiv 'P'~ As IIMIN j B I. and -IMRIMENKO, 1. S. Lev'*Lngrad Technical Institute meni Lensovet- "Synthesis of Ester A(;ii Chlorides,, Mixed Eaters and Amidoesters of 1,3-Dienylphosphonic Acii.sll Leningrad, Zhurnal rj)-)shchey_KhimiI, Vol 41 U03), No 2, Feb 71, PP 330-335 Abstract. The reartion of acid dichlorides with primai-j or second-a-- a-1- coho-Is in presence of tertiary ba-sen leads to z -eplacement of CI atoms with formation rf esters of acid chlorides-,: vii-xied; esters and ester ari- des 1,3-dienylplixsphonic acids. At fDllowing co=o4xiiis t-.1i3re sy-1- 20 thesized fomiula, bi.p./mm, d4 , and n beitiq; reported '~H211 CH' (CH)) r,011.5, 1.1441, 1. Cl-'=GHCH-CH- 881 50~r CHP(O) (CC2115)G1, _I. 108-1100/2, 1.1622-, 1#51?2- CH CIi=CIiCH=CH"j1(0 I (GC3H'?-iS0)Clt 1.n67, 1-5002; CY2=CIiCH=C~"T(01('ZT 5)t!(C21f 10i)-11113.5, I.G214, j 1-4852; C-q2=CIIC(CI!3)=C,41P(O).(C'Ct!3)c'~21i~I 85-i--B 0/1, i.o674, 1.48)2; ISO C H 91-9,10/20 u; CH2=CHC(Cz'3)=rHP(0)( ~;~3))- - 7, I.OE46, 1.485~ CH2=CI(C-(CIfj)=C.HP(0) (C ri )~1-940/1, 1.0221:, 1.4028 (C2115 ? 0 ~ P (Ccf'~)-iso-Gc 1 '34 860/31 i OP19 , 1.479j7; ) /1, 1.0667:1 1796. 75 USSR UM 539-67 NNIKOV E. M., PESIN, M. S., and ARTYEMENKO, A. G., LEVO, Yu. X., soft. POSTNIKOV., V. S. "14echanism of Energy Absorption in Diffusion Shape Variation of Impurities in Binary AUoys" Sb- "Vnutrenneye treniye v neta-Uichesk:Lkh materialakh" (Internal Friction in Metallic Materials), Moscow, Izd-vo "Nauka," 1970, TIP 159~-163 a 4-h n Abstract: A short description and an experimental verificatio by ~ e i ternal friction rmthod of the energy absorption mechanism Jxi dfffusiori shape mriation of Impurities in binary n1loys are presented. Alloys of Cd-Ge, Zn-Ge, and Bi-Ag eutectic systems were used as impurity-containing alloys. Peaks related to diMision, orcurring along the impurities boundaries as a result of the oaset of an inhonc-geneous stress state during neasuremanto, were obtained on iaterwil friction amplitude-dependence curves. The results obtained confirm the~theory of thelmpurlties diffusion shape variat-ion mechanism developed earlier4' 2 figuxes, references. 'USSR UDC: 621.373.431 SMAKOV, F. M." 1%=LEN1U0v Q. "A Master Ult-ralow-Frequency Oscillator", Moscow Otkrytiya, izo7oreteniya, PromyshlenAyye Obrazttjy, Talm:rriZp nak .7 ye Z I, 'No 4, 1970, P 31, patent, No 2601676, filed i9 j= 68 Abstract: ThiG Author's Certificate Introduces a njistin, ult.-mClaw 1'requency ocil- lator based on a two-pentoode push-pull circuit. As a fL'at-i-na Of the patent, the frequency range is extended and operatulng stwlb-11ity and relia:bil- ity are improved by connecting a self-heating diode inthe OAte circuit of each pentode, the cathode of this diode belng.~ cormacted to tbe pllite of the pentode, wbile the anode is connected to the load,resistor of t1w sami., pentode. 1/2 USSR SmAKOV, P. M., IMASLEMID-MV, G. B., C)tkxlr-,.:Ly.-i, Izolbrete~tdya, Promafshleanrjv Gbraztsy, Tovarnyye Zn-q-ki, No 4, 1970, P 31, patent No :;)606-, 6., filed 19 Jun G3 2/2 USSR UDC 621.646.2 IV, G. P KRASIL'NIKOV, 0. V., TARAKANOV, Ya. V., and SOKOLOV, A. D., chnol6j=aacTScientific Research Institute of Planning, Ministry of the Motor Vehicle Industry of the USSR "A Progra-ed Control Device" Moscow, Otkrytiya, izobreteniya, promyshlennyye obraztsy, tovarnyye znaki, No 22, Aug 71, Author's Certificate No 309355, Division G, filed 1 Sep 69, -published 9 July 71, p 186 Translation: This Author's Certificate introduces a program:mei concrol device for test stands. The device contains a program cycle input controller, a comparison module, a parameter data unit, and a parameter regulator. A-s a distinguishing feature of the patent, the design is simplified by making the comparison module in the focm of ci disc w1th opert Plato moutited on the axle of the parameter data unit. Each pair of slats is displaced by an angle corresponding to the predeteralued value~of the parame-ter. '11te disc is located between supply and reception nozzles, the first: being connected in pairs to the outputs of the program cycle input controller,,vhile the second are connected to the parameter regulator6 1/2 ~7- 7 71 USSR MASLENNIKOV, G. P., et al., Otkrytiya, izobreteniya, prouryslilennyye obraztsy, tovamyye znaki, No 22, Aug 71, Author's Certificate No 309355, Division G, filed I Sep 69, published 9 July 71, p 186 USSR UDC 547.241 LAVRENVYEEV, A. N., MASLENNIKOV, I. G., and SOCHILIN. Ye. G., Leningrad Technological Institute imeni Lensovet "Synthesis of Tris(heptafluorapr6pyl)phosphine and Mixed Tertiary Phosphines" Leningrad, Zhurnal Obstichey Khimli, Vol 43 (105), No 12, Dec 73, pp 2663-2665 Abstract: Tris(heptafluoropropyl)phosphine, b.p. 142" has been obtained from bis(heptafluoropropyl)iodophosphine and heptaflubroiadopropane in presence of metallic antimony. Analogously trifluorainethylbis(heptafluoro- propyl)phospliine, b.p. 112-113*.and bia(trifluoromethyl)heptafluoropropyl- phosphine, b.p. 67-6-8* and some mixed tertiary phosphates vere obtained. 50 A"t I ~ " Ilk AA'0047845"a UR 0482 Soviet--;nventions Illustrated, Section III Mechanical and General, Derwent., 241837--' IN!RTa COUPLING. con.sistLng of a driving shaftl4rith a disc,2 and drLven~shaft l xn ordei to provide with cruciform disc 4. simplicity of designi the driving disc has inertia triangles 6 uhich can rotate,on axes 5- Whad the driving shaft begins to r4?t4ts, the t#41ngles turn under the effect of effort P-4nd the coupling is id, since the tranamiosion.of the driving rig shaft's effort is made through the flxpo contact between the edges of thaltriougle and t~a cruoLform disc. As the revolutions increase that* is am " applEed increase in centrifugal force F, which to to the mass centre of each triangle. FWces F and P create moments M, and H2 round &xes S. and when moment t!l facresso withithe-revolutions to e:KteAd 142 the triangles start to turn.clockwise on their axes, and the tran=LssLoh of effort is then through the pointa of contact between the triangles and the cruciform arms . At eatabltshedrevs. the triangles will occupy a positton where lit m M2 "i-.'t .11 Ift -79l,,(y7-- I T J - - "hp . .............. .. USSR 0 .3 .3't62:L.315.6-L+621-311-~,-92]"" URYVSKIY, Yu. I., SYNOROVm, V. F.,.CHURIK'OV, A. A., POPOV) V. A. KONONOV, V. I., LAVRENT'YEV, K. A., MASLENNIKOV, P. N. "EUipsometric Method of Checking Dielectric and Semiconductor Films" Elektron. prom-st'. Nauch.-tekhn. sb. (The Electronics Industry. Scien- tific and Technical Collection), 1972, No 2,~ pp 82-83 (from Uh-.Radiotekh- nika, No 12, Dec 72,, abstract No 32A393 by A. K.) I Translation: The ellipsometric inspection method is d1stina;-,1ishLd by high information capacity and resolution: it. enables simultaneous measurement of the thickness and index of refraction of the film cn a substrate during production vith accuracy of up to I nm and 0.05 respective],v. Tbe method is based on determining the change in parameters of polarized light re- ,flected from the surface being studied. USSR UDC 621.315.592.3 RUDNEV, V. V., -fASLENN'1KOV, P. N. , NAZAROV, V. A., ZOLOTAIREVA, R. V., ANTROPOV, V. "Ion Implantation -- New Method of Alloying Samiconditctors" Elektron. tekhnika. Nauchno-tekhn. sb, MataLaIX (Electronic Engineering. Scientific and Technical Collection. Materials),.19*~O, vv'D. 5, pp 14~-149 (from M-Metalluraiva, No 4, Apr 71, Astract Wo 40483) Translation: Results are presented of stukrin-a ion alloying of seminonductors on the basis of materials published in Soviet and for2ign literature. Tae basic areas of application of ion bewps in the technological process for manu- facturing sendconductor instruments are investi6ated. The erfect of panatra- tion of the ions into amorphous aud crystaiiiiie substTates is iescribed in detail. The effect of the energy of the incident ionis, t1m atwidc mnss of the substrate, and its CrYritallinitY,~and OilientatiOr, On-t6O mapitade of the ion -path in the solid state is. Jnvai;ti;pted[.: A i pro4edurq Tor +UO-alalating the mean Ion path Is presented. 61 MOO TTT 17 '1 r X., KO1TDMT' V. P., ZEYSKOV, 0 A., ONMTI=, A. B., MASIYM1j=,,,,P )OV DATTILOV, 0. M., and Zffi V. V, "Apparatus for the Electrochemical Treatment of Sm,%11 %ameter Holes" USSR Author's Certificate No 284879, Filed 25 Jun 68, Publiglied 6 Mar 72 (fr,im Referativnyy Zhurnal -- Yhimiya, 140 21(11), 1972, Abstxact 11o 211,21881-3 by A. D. Davydov) Translation: The new patented apparatus e,,ontains it. taWt for olectrolyte, t-"1'2 power marce, and a cathode in the shape of a thin rod, It is suitable for the treatment of small diameter holes in items made of low.-NaGn,,itic alloys 1;ach Vs VK6.1 VIC8, and VK15- It differs from other similar appitz-atus by the presence of a magnetic lens (in a shape of the shielded coil), vit~i the cathofte-instru-j2nt placed within its field. The catho&~- is rmde of parainittl=tic raterial., in order to prevent the conccnti-ation of nagnetic power l1lies Ui it. UP Uch. zan. Azerb. in-t ne.fti I khimii (Scientific Nateii of the Azerbaydzhan Institute of Petroleum and Chemistry), 1970, ser. 9, No 1, pp 29-32 (from RZh-Radiotekhnika, No 2, Feb 71,.Abstract No 2A277) Translation: The authors describe a noize gererazor a1e-,--1xz-,ed for labaratoi-y studies of the interference resistance of reception etLixipm,--n-,~ In a hydraulic communications channel. designed for transmitting deptli paril-,eters during turbodrill well boring. The generator is de~signed for a noise frequency of 0.8-5 Hz. The basic elements of the generator cire-uit Lre a step switch and a multivibrator vitb a prf of 10 Hz which contro1v openation of th,~ step switch. Four illustrations, bibliography oftvo~titlas, N. S. USSR IjDG 547.261tj.8 KRYSOv, V. V., KOV V P SSRGBYI~IA V. P. "Synthesis and Some Physical and Chemical Properti,~a of Sao-13,,Ayl Fe=xy- die-thyl Phosphate" Leningrad# Zhurnal Otahchey YjAmli, voi 42(1&), no 71 jui 72, p 1649 Abstracti The soliuiri salt of s(itc-butyl hf(I-raperoxide rIm.r;LcJ itith dl:~-thyi chloropboaphate to give sec-butyl j.caroxy4iothyl p2lic2pho.1-.4-1, C2H. The compourA is canily Wrolyzad. Therza-I in li-nanouio at C gives a high yield of aotbyl ethyl,katone wict djothyphouphoric acid. the first being less stable at roort temperaturit, tilan tne secona. In n-nonane solution (1) decomposes quite rapUtly &L 90'0, while (II) Just begins to decompo~ie at 1300, Yielding a afl-ries of compou-nd:3- This thermal decomponition, Is woll -deacribed, bjr a k1mobic equation of the zero order with regard to the poroxide, Chikriging the specific surface of Vie vessel has no offeat on the raj. it of decomposition, Inoressins the whiab points out the homogeneity of the proce4qm. 1/2 USSR UDQ 54, 741613.113 -151M, If. G., I Gortki State MASLE SERGE YEVA, V. P. Sb Uxiiversit- imeni N, I. Lobuohevakiy, Gorkiyj 141nistry of Higher and Secondary Specialized Education RSF3R "Decomposition of Some Phosphorus-QQntaining Piproxides in n-Nonane" Leningrad, Zhurnal Obshchoa: Rhimii_, Vol 40, No ~9, Sep 70, pp 2019-2u-1 Abstract: Di.-tert-butyl,,oerc,x,,vothylpb8spho,nate (I) and tort-butyl- ------- fTTI .~.2 1 1.10AA v.70 I mAl USSR HASLEITHIKOV, V. P. , at al, 'Zhtwnal Obighchey Khbill Val 1~0, No 9, Sep 70, pp 2019-2021 initial concentration of the peroxidos increaija,"] tho reaction rate. However, the decomposition products have an efl'6at on the reaction rate and activation energy of the procO33. It Im prt)pooed that dooomposition of U) and (II) occura by a bomol-ji,tic arid. a heteroly- tio mechanism oonoMrrently7 2/2 USSR U~DQ ~51,tjr.261116 MASUNNIKOV, V. P., SERqMVA, V. P. "Synthesis and Some Properties of tort-But3,lpei~(i,xnhoiiylothoi.1- phosphonatell Leningrad, Zhurnal Obshchey_KhimU,,Vo1 1~0, No 0 Alag 70, p 1~3,06 m 20 Abstract: tert-ButylparoxyphenyletlioxyphoiipaotiiiLl;e 3. 052t nl~ lopr2rwas obtained from the reaction of sodiw~a salt Of terL.- butylhydroperoxide and phenylethoxy0h1orophouphpnate. Ref. Code: AbstractingServica: Acc. Nr: CHMICAL AB:ST-. 0005-3427- 44 0 o;~l I I OS97u Decomposition of tris(tert- Lityl paroxy)boron to r hydrocarbons. Q Eben, G. P.; AL-LALQU MW-L- Mv -him ';or'], Its. TAliv. im. 1'. A~ Qsattch,lssled. Insti K 110bac vskogo. Gorki; LISSR), Zh_.ObShr7F.7U1-11 1970,40(1 he 1;31-t) (Russ). Kinevc data were,* presented Nr. pyr;Oyais of j the tO~-90" itwxval. (MeaC01),13 (I) in nonane and in mmiene it The reaction producti Wer4 Hs]36j, 4MeaCOH, C04, and tsters of 14,130~. In cumene the latter ~eaers: wem not foitned, but they amounted to some. OAB mole'inlmoniane aAer pyt~olysis it 160*. The product distribution was, tabulated for the, Various itemps.; while CH4 was a minor. product,MeaCOH ii-as the inain decompn. product. Area,ctiorisc~he'meivaipr~posedi Ada.oftb~prjncl- pal rtaction products to the mixt. did. not affect the rate of con- version of I but addti. of (MejqO)~ did aceeltrate 4be reaction, as expected. The iffectiVe rate cionst. could be calqd. for the over- all reaction on the basis of Ist order kinOics. Tbe activation energy for the reaction. in nonane is 18.4 kc-A/mol(!. G. M. Xosolapoff J REEL/FPME 19830452 r tomsz Synthesis and thermal decomposition of dibutoxy- cumylperoxyboron in a-tionane., G~rhprf - -G.-P ; KhodaLev G F 1070-- MCI 40(l), 245 ':and Na02C Ph ~gave uO)r B0-CNlejPh, 04 0.975, rtV 1,4797, wji~ch is-hy(ILOI~2ed b.~ ruois- ture at extraordinary rate. Pytolys& of it In rl Ime gave 750,7c, PhMe-COH, 20% AcPh, 20% 044,'96% 4!stets 61: H3BQj, and 4.5%. dinanyl. Hydrolysis of the mixi. g-ave mupyl ab~. Indi. catin3 the presence, in the decompn. products of burate 'esters, oft'nesol%,entrad,calcoxnl)onent. Evidently in thiiattack ol the peroxide by the nonyl radical a displacemem. occuri at the i!LuljYl- oxygrouping. The reaction is free radical. G-WRosohipoff F 1wh f r-: 9 Z8 1;;~ USSR UDC 547-26,118 MAMENNIKOVL-V. P., SEMEYEVA,, V. P., and SHUSWMV, V. A. (deceased), Gor1ki 9Eit-eUniv-eiR::EY--Then.i N. I. Lobachevskiy "Decomposition of Organophosphoric Peroxide Compouxids" Moscov, Doklady Akademii Nduk SSSR, Vol 209, 'to 5, Apr '73, PP 1109-1112 Abstract: The aim of this study has been the investigation of the effect of organic fragment connected to the phosphorus atom and of the radicals on the peroxide link oxygen on the reactivity of phosphorus caiitaining peroxides. It has been established that during Vie thermal decormosition of organophosphoric peroxides the primary reactions appear to be the homob~tic split of the peroxide bond and rearrangement of the starting raterial :Wto the isoma!ric product. The rate of the conversion of organophosphoric p9roxides In. n-nomar-e is independent of. the type of radical connected to the phosphorun atoa. Th(~ Use of solvents with high dielectric permeability or those specific&Uy reactimg with the sub- strate results in a breakdown of, the peroxide via a rearrangomr-nt. USSR UDC: 621.375.132 MASLEWTIKOV, V. V. "Low-Frequency Selective RC Amplifiers Using Fleld-Effect Tran- sistors" Moscow, ":,I.ektrosvynzl, I.To. 12, 1970, pp 42-44 Abstract: The advanta~% of RC selective circuits is Vae small snace they occupy, especiaily -in th,:,~ form a." interrtted I -, .1 . c1rouitry. T~e author proposes sucl-, atn aamplifiur, with twe air- Cuits in a direct 717riplification Istrip and a series feedback circuit for current cCj41:;irj.ti.III7I of transistors with p-n junctions. IM this Qircal.t maiii., ur) of iden- tical, balanced amplifiers in cascade, *.he juni:!tio.,1 capacitances together with ,,-he inverse feedback; circuit prot-Ide -the selecti-i-e amplitude-frequency characteristic. Yield-effr!ct transistors ane used because their amplification f,10-tors chango., on.1y slightly in the +200C to 700 C range, and because their low dm:ln currents re- of' the~circuit and table A, schematic a ~,.__..sult in low power demands. 112 USSR MASIMiMOV, V. V., Elektrosyyaj-, no 12, 19TO, pr, 42 -44 of its parameters for the two temperature extremen, are piesexitedp and design formilAs are given. During the tuning procedure, done by vurying one of the differentiating circuit capacitances., the Q and rt, somiarae ampLif ication. are practically constant. USSR um 621.375-13~' MASIMINIKOV, V. V. "Transistorized Selective RC Amplifiers With El~!ctron,;(., Frequency Contro!" V sb. T)olunrovodn. -oriboz7 v tekhn. elektrosvya-.i (Senicoaductor Devices in Technical Electrical Conmi uA cations I-calleed worki fibscow, "SijYaz"', 1970, pp 22-34 (from RM-Radiolteldnikr., 11, I lo L, Jaai 71, Abstract No lDll) Translation: I.Fhe author con-..-3iders the circuit of ath--ee-stag-e selective amplifier vith two and three Integrating circuits in the forwari cation channel and a f re quen cy- in depen dent serie!s-ccnnected rieg--tive fecd- back circuit. Conditions are presented for independelice or the frequercy of the wzplifier with respect to trar.,zistcIr para-leters. Rc-su-lr,3 are given from temperature testa of twi auqfl.ifier with rescumce frequericy control by means of two or three varactors. Bit,lfogtjaphy Of 14 titie-r,. '~iloc~SSING DATE--230CT70 `4f2~: 020 UNCLASSIFl(FD' OF HIGH VOLTAGE PORCELAIN WITH GLALE -U- AUTHOR-(02)-14ASLENNIKOVAt G.N., KOCKETKOVAr N*F. COUNTRY OF INFO--USSR ~.:SOURCE-IZV. AKAD. NAUK SSSRP NEORG. MATER. 1970p 6(3)v 542-6 -DATE PUBLISHED ------- 70 ~SUBJECT AREAS--MATERIALS* PHYSICS TOPIC T.AGS--PORCELAINt THERMAL EXPANSIONt SPECIALIZED COATINGo HIGH VOLTAGE LINE CONTROL MARKING--NO RESTRICTIONS DOCUMENT CLASS--UNCLASSIFIED PROXY REEL/FRAME--1997/0632 STEP NO--UR/i)363170/0-)ei/003/05!t'cl/0"46 CIRC ACCESSION NC,--AP0119544 UiNG L A S-S- f i:-.T f_ D- [000-1- 2/2 0~0 UNCLiSSI F IED 0140C E S I ING OATE-230CM .CIRC ACCESSION NO--AP0119544 ~A3STRACT/EXTRACT--(U) GP-0- ABSTRACT. THE INFLUENCE 01: THE INTERACTION THERAAL 3ETWFEN GLAZE AND HIGH VOLTAGE PORCELAIN ON THE CHA IG 1- 114 THE EXPANSION COEFF. OF THE INTERMEDIARY GLAZE LAYER WAS INVESTIGATED. THIS REACTION CAN BE CONSIOEREO AS BEING A REACTION OF' THE D[SSOLN, OF THE SOLID PHASE OF PORCELAIN IN THE Llij.'PHASE OF THE" GLAIF. IT IS THUS SHOWN THAT DURING THE FIRING OF PORCELAIN ARTICLES THE PORCELAIN INTERACTS WITH THE GLAZE THEREBY FORMING AN lNTE:l*-Pl)FofARY LAYERP BEING A GLAZE WHICH HAS ASSIMILATED UP TO 40-5PERCEN'T POt'~1CELA.1bi (1320DEGREES). -AS A RESULT.OF THIS, THE CHEM. COMPN. OF rHE GLAtE CUit%TING CHANGES, AnO CONSEQUENTLY ALSO ITS THERMAL EXPANSION COEFF., THEREBY EXERTING AN EFFECT ON THE MECH. STRENGTH VALUE OF THE GLAZED SAMPLES. THE THERMAL FXPANSION COEFF. OF THE INTERM6014RY LAYER DECRI.-ASES AS COMPARrD TO THE THERMAL EXPANSUOIN CGEFF. OF PORCELAIN, dHIC[ft-14HA11CES, INCREASED MECH. STRENGTH OF GLAZED PROCELAIN ARTICLES AS COMPARE-0 TO THE NONGLAZED ONES. WHEN SELECTING THE GLAZES FOR INTERACTION NITH HIGH VOLTAGE PORCELAIN ONE MUST TAKE INTO CONSIOERATION THE 'ROLE OF THF INYERqEDIARY LAYER, THE CHEM. AND THE PHASE COMPN. OF WHICH QIFFER FROM THE CHEM. AND THE PHASE CE GLAZE COATING. CO14PN4 OF TH FACILITV: MOSK. INLH.-EKON. INST. IM. ORDZHONIKIDZE, IMOSCOWl USSR,. A7 P`61 U h d8i USSR W C 54.-,.422 MASIVMX0VAj 1. S., and SHEMYAKINO V. N. "The Metal Complexes of a-Aminophenylarsonle Acid" Moscow, Zhurnal Fizicheskoy Dimilt Vol 46, Vyp 4, 1972, pp 1004-1005 Abstracti Complexes of o-aminophenylarsonic acid (HL) were prepared from CuB COC121 '"121 CuCl2 F21 cu(no 3,21 CUS04, Cu(aaetata),, Encl., CdCl2 OdBr2t and CdI2. Although the ligand may coordiruite irlth the central atom through either of two groups, analysis of the IR apeofta in the N.-H vibration range (about 3200 to 3450 cm!").) indicates that K Is Vun bonA donor. Other parameters measured were the H-11 bond lengt1i - i.01 Al, the U-N-H bond angle 1130, the overlap interval 1. 0.6474, and the add;ltiomal positive charge on the N - from 0.38 to 0.65 with most of tha values atound'0.44. IA USSR uDc 612.58 ISAAKYANI L. A., MS.,ENMIKOVA, L. S. , OL I DMINSKAYA, It. P. , and TRUBITISM11A., G. A. Group for the Studi of e ysiblogy of Bioadaptation, Institute of Physiol- ogy imeni I. P. Pavlov, USSR Academy of Sciencesj LeMingrad "On Certain Changes in Oxygen Metabolism in the Milud Organism. and Tissues During Cold Adaptation" Leningrad, Fiziologicleskiy Zhurnal SSSR imeni 1. M. Sechemova, Vol 59, No 11, Nov 73. DD 1.742-1.71-9 Abstract: White rats and golden hamsters were subjected to intermittent adaptation to 40C. Control animals were maintained at 221C. In vivo arA in vitro studies demonstrated that oxygen constmption iras gVeRter in cole- adapted animals, an umill as in their organs and tis,#:ues. However, incrensed oxygen consumption was not accompanied in the a,:InDtr,!d aniiuqls by increascd contractile function ot the rmseles. Muocle bioeiei,tric aotivity in cold- adapted animals was lower than i.n control aiii;raals. The cmloriF., !enic. effect of noropinephrine was greater and long'u. in ada:,pted animaLs th-an in (,ontrol!;; a possible explanation of this affect, was diiaoi~.Aation of oxidat ive phas.- phorylation in the adapted animals. 1A 63 7 Nr: Absitr~~ ctifi S'"rv te, Ct4e.* e POO S 5,5923 CHEMICAL --I 116345g Infrared, spectra:of comalexos of nuathyWdve and ethylamine WiLb cupric cmorid0i. K~novabLvj - Shmvixt'in, V~ N. he ir a rptjoij max.~ of 2q-H shifted to lower ir.;luenciegoii ' fdinatiolo.cif.'t\.qeNiii~rEtNH2 to CuCh. CuClt.2jN1cNH3.2 ind Cu,cl2i2,YtNH3.#'.'Hc1 (1) j~tp-,.a,14 CuCt at Sl!! avidl,11A ca-1, resp. had F(CuN-) at 580 When I wis prepd, i4-ak-. inst"d -in a4..Qlc- ~Obm. a "Itkong new (not yet assigutd) Wnd appeared.ut 22d cia 1134JR 19'- USSR A14ZON, Z, V., ot al, Institute of Nuclear Physics, Academy of Scioncers, Kataklh SSSR, Alm-Ata; BrOZOK1, G.. at al. Central Research Intititutiij of Physica, j3uda- pest; DAjK;J"1-.AV, N.. at al, High-Energy I-3L-jratory, JQint Ihstitute P.1 Nuclear Research, Du*vna; BABETISKIY, Ya. , at al, Laboratory of High-[~nargy Physics, In- stitute of Nuclear Res, lish Academy of Soienalls, Kntkow; 1114"11, aarch, Po ppi N-L, TRETIYAKOVA, 1-1. 1., CHERNYAVSM, H. M., Physi(is- Intstitul I. TMbedev of the Academy of Sciences, USS.Rt KjDscow; ALE-Ha"EYEVA, i. I., Scientific Research Institute of Juclear Physics, Moscow State Uilivers.,Lty. Hoscowl CdIXIEV, Kh., TODOROV, P. T., Institute of Nuclear Physics, At:4idemy of Scioacer, of tile People's Republic of Bulgaria, 3ofia; TUDENDORZ11, D." SHAROI, D., CHADRAI, V.. Institute of Physics and Mathemitics of the Acadezqy- of Sciences, Mongol People's Republia, Ulan-Bator); AZDMV,,3. A., at al,, Institut4i Of INalear PIWFI.cs Academy of Sciences, Uzbek S5R, Tashkent "Coherent. Generation of Particles by, 11mMosoris With Homemta of 45 and 60 Giga- electron-Volts/sea on the Basis of ?hot6emulsioa.Nuc14!:V Moscow, Izve5t-.,,ya Akademii Nauk SSR. Seriya Fizicheska,,ya, No 9, 1970, PF 1933- Abstract: in the present report are prosentod lhtR canaern!injr the coherent 31 generation ofl-1-masons by TI---masons at-4.5 and 60 g4,volectron-volts/see, obtained by means of nuclear photoemulsion by the laboratories ;al-.' a number of institutes of the Soviet Union and countries of the Soviet bloc. The "aint study was organ- ized by the Photoemulsion Committee of the Joint Institute of Nuclear Research. The preliminary results of this pvoject were presentod, at the International. Con- ference on Elementary Particles in Lwid in June 1969 aAd at the International Conference on Cosmic Rays in Budapest in August 1969. ~ The I)ath value of the coherent generation of three and five chargod part4xlos is obtained from the distribution of charged particles and the angular o1w.rianterksLios of secondar) particles on the basis of multiplicity. Comparisoa of! the path value with tile corresponding values at lower " higher enargies sho&~s a docrease of the run (and, consequently, an increase of the coherent particlo-goteration cross section) as the energy increases. 5 figures, llibibliographic Mtrios 2/2 "Asymptotic Behavior, Given t of Solution of Ca;uchy Probler.1 for a Hyperbolic System Describing Motion of a Rotating FIvid" Minsk, Differentsial'Ryye bvi-avneniya, Vol 8, No 1, Jan 72, TrP 85-96 Abstracti The following linear system describing tho motion of a rotating compressible fluid (acoustic system) is consideredt OU Iri, wl -1 grad PF (x, i), a..LP USSR MASLENNIKOVA, V. N., Differentsialinyye Uravneniya, Vol 81 No 1, Jan 72: pp 85~-96 in the region I X E E,3, t where Volt) (0# 09 w )p const, [01 W] is the vector product, CIL const is the compressibility factor. System (1) is symmetric hyperkolic according to ticle the author Friedrichs with multiple characteristics in a previoxxs ar obtained an explicit solution of the Cauchy problem V (X, I)!I:.'O::z- LO W. P (T. IY(~-.W for system (1) and noncoarcive evaluations in L for tads oolution. At the same time, it was shown that there can be lio, It JerciYe" evalutionc im L, ; '1'. 12. evaluations of the type 2/4 44 USSR MASLENHIKOVA, V. N., Differentsiallnyye Uravnerdya, Vol 81 No 1, Jan 72# pp 85i.96 given p 2. The present article gives complete :proof ol* a theorem on the rate of decrease in the solution of problem (2) Tor the homogeneous system du (u, col -j - grad P CA -OP + (IiVV = 0 given t The theorem states that the! SolutiOn decroases in t as 0/1) 3/4 EISSR MASLEHNIKOVA, V. N., Differentsiallnyyo Uravneniya, Vol 8~ No I., Jail 72, pp 85~-96 for any x belonging to an arbitrary compact. A comiarison is made of the cor- responding asymptotic behavior for the systen considered and for a syster, with- out compressibility. 141- is sho" that it is the sWw, arA the dominant terms are determined by the lowest toxmis CU, W] in vyrstein (1) rather than by one of the leading terms This is apparently due to the presence of. multiple characteristics in the system. 4/4 - - ------ -- US SR UDC 621.378 BORISEVICII, 11. A., KALOSHA, 1. 1., I-JAVRUSHIN, V. F., 11ASIZVNIKOVA, V P TOLKACHEV, V. A. "Generation Capacity of Isomer 1,4-Dipyrazolenylbenzeilles" Minsk, Zhurnal Frikladnay 0-pektroskopii, No, 1, Jan 72, pp 45-48 Abstract: A large group of the 1,4-dipyrazolenylhenzenes o*F the stri--ture 1,4-di(iz'-Rni-m'-tn'-Rm,-A2-pyrazolenyl-7