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e0 A ff;tNG 'DATE--04D1:1_,r(j 028, UNCLASSIFI Po c r: ,',T-ITLE--S TEEL MAKING PRACTICE IN THE OXYGEN CONVERTER S HOP. OF Tlif ENAKIEVKA [CAL WORKS -U- ,~AUTHO_R-MARLNIN, A.V* :c()UNTRY OF INFO--USSR :'SOURC E-* S T AL 1970v 30(31# 221-5 G TE PUBLISHEO - ----- 70 SUBJECT AREAS--MECH.9 IND*p CIVIL ANO MARINE ENGRt MATERIALS. TOPIC TAGS--,STEEL PRODUCTiONP REFINING FURNACE# GAS JE;Til. OXYGENt STEEL :,SCRAPir PROOUCTION EFFICIENCY ~..CONTROL MARKING--NO RESTRICTIONS OOCUMENT CLASS--UNCLASSIFIE0 .,,PROXY REcUL/FRAME--3007/1271 STEP CIRC ACCESSION NO--APOL36677 UNCLASStFTEO 2/2 IPROC SINI, DATE-04DEC7,19 d 028 UNCLASSIFIED CIRC ACCESSION NO--AP0136677 ~..ABSTRACT/EXTRACT--[U) GP-0- ABSTRACT. MAJOR EQUIPMENT OF THE PLANT STARTED IN 1968 BY USING 100-30 TON VESSELSi 1111 itHiCtO WASI'E HEAT BOILERS -WERE REPLACED WITH GAS COOLING EQUIPMENT, IS l)ESCRT0,r.:0. VHIE PLANr Rlims ON BASIC IRON BY USING CONVENTIONAL PRACTICE" U14001. JTS IXINDM03lt STATISTICALLY DETO. YIELD W CAN BE GIVEN AS 14PERCFNT VQUAI~S 90.43 PLUS 3,35 St PLUS 6.10 C MINUS 0.67 MN PLUS 0.14 Q MINUS 0.215~ I'AU HINLIS 00063 (~T-1000) WHERE 0 IS THE PERCENTAGE OF SCRAP USED, TAU# TIMIE --0. TOP MN HEAT* AND T TEMP, THE MAX. YIELD IS OBTAINED WIT) 59 0-613 f9 I AND 2opE-q(;ENT SCRAP, TAROOLOMITE LINING AVV'o 360. ULOWS. 60 UNCLASS11 USSR B. Engineer# and BOLOTOV B. YE. Candidate-of Technical Sciences "A Stand for Monitoring the Vibration Chuacteristics; of lUltmailent' Radial Ball Bearings- Moscow, I2vestlya Vysshikh Uchebnykh Zavedenlyo Nashinoatiroyenftye, pp 40-42 *1 laboratory raea Abstracts The SUP-3 , suring stand war, designed for ?~bop an, monitorIn- of the vibration characterisitca of "ultxwilaant" ndial ball bearings' with an inner di=eter of 10 to 60 mm. The inner race of, the bewring travels at 1500 rpm, the zoximum value of the radJA1 load Is 50 4*5,P Tbe UnOllatIC system of the SKVP-3 stand differs from the presently knot0i tyj)qi5 by virtue of a -erence genezutors, so tim-.t it (ioes not have an ainimal number of vibration-interf inte=ediate stock$ a belt drive# or a clutch. The experslUlentri showed tbat 1) the level of the spectral components of the vibration Pxteribrence of stand SKVF-3 is 8 to 10 decibels lower that of a stand of the Fourth State Bearing Plant, therefore when the vibration chaxacteriBtics vere monitored on stand SkW-3 bearing 309 satisfied the require-zents specified Im technical specifica- tions 447?-E for low-noise ball beaelngs with the "310' lplexj -.,hereas the bearing received an index of "Sh2" on the stand of the Fooxth State Bearing Flantj Z) the SKYF-3 stand has a "minlmal!' level Of VItMa"on 1,aterference, 1/2 "COMM Ussr, MRIMN, V. B., and BOLOTOV, B. YE, Isvestiya Uchebnykh 2pmedeniy, Nashino- stroyeniye, pp 40-42 since the vibration acceleration of the rotating mandrel (without- the boaxing) does not exceed 26 decibels at a freq:uency of 50 liz, with a succeeding rive by 4 decibels for each octave. It follovs that stand SW&-3 prov:blas for high monitoring accuracy of the vibration ch=ctaristics of ant1friotion beariW, aVA therefore its introduction at boaring plaants can con3llorattly tna--3a~se!tha Tercentage yield of serviceable radial ball bearings with an index of ,sb6,, anci ':higher. :Two figures, 7 references- ............... . ......... U 33.' USSR DC1 -5 91.2:621.039.6 KONOVALOV, V. G-., 4A OSIPOV, V. A. "Study of tl~e Characteristics of a Beam-Plasma DischargeYith an An t i - cathode" Fiz. plazmv i probl. upravl. termoyader. sinteza. Resp. iiezhved. sb. (Plasma Physics and Problems of the Controlled Thermnnl-~_Par Fusion. Republic Interdepartmental Collection), 102, No. 3, pp, P,3-30 (from RZh-Fizika, No 11, Nov 72, Abstract No 11G282) Translation: A bea-m-plasma discharge with an anticathodo in a magnetic trap with mirrors is investigated. 71te discharge occurs in a tacde with a developed high-frequency beam-centrifugal instability. ):t is shown that the frequency characteristics of the oscillations thatweremeasured experi.- mentally coincide with the theoretical characteristics. A nonlinear interaction between the longitudinal electron waves and waves of the. high- frequency bea-m-centrifugal instability is observed. The plasnia-bear". syster. -occurring in this mode is characterized by heating of t;he io~i ccmponent of the plasna. Heating of the ion component was rerlorded with three dif- ferent analyzers. It was shown that the most probable value oil ion energy was 1-1.8 kev Lri the range of discharge currents and maj.xietic flelAs st-udied. ........... PR-0C!N ING' 01ATE-2TNO1170 I/Z, 026 UMC L A SS; I FT E D "'TATILE-INFLUENCE OF THE SURFACE OF THE POLYAERI( PHASE~~ i4ilN TH,(t RATE OF BULK ~FULYMERIZATION OF VINYL CHLORIDE -U- UTJ4r3R-(04)-MARINlN, V.G.t BORTt D.No, KALININ,.~A.I.j 104GUlt V*A* OF [&NFQ--USSR SGEDIN., SER. 13. 19709 12(5)o 391-5~ 16-ATE-P UBLISHEO AREAS-CHEMISTRY apic TAGS-CHEMICAL REACTION RATE, VINYL CHLORIDE, -s URFACE PROPERTY ZZONTROL MAkKING-M) RESTRICTIOINS .00CU'llENT CLASS-U."ICLASSfFIED aiROX Y REEL/FRAME-3006/1229 -STEP -r(RC ACCESSfCAl NO- - A Pt4 9 n3 '1/2 026 Ji.N' A 'i S I F fo PITOCE S!.,', [ N's Dik T E-- 2 -01 10117 0 A'~'tIRC ACCESSION NO-AP0134903 ABSTRACT/EXTRACT-M GP-0- ABSTRACT. THE COINCN. nf: MG`W-'4tf? Sv-101-LENI CHLORIDE) PARTICLES IS CONST. OURING !.41)LK PULYAi'l. THE PQLYMN. RATE 64) MCgr-EASES WITH 11C.^,!~EASING: SURFACE ARCA (AP. A VS W RFLATIONS ARE LINEAR ONLY AT HIGM W VAI.UFS* UNC L A S S I F r F: 0 j USSR mc 576,858.25,o93,5 ZASUMM4, G. D., and MARDMU, V* P, Inntitute Of Polio!,Tfelit,is and Viruz Encephalitides, AcadeW-dVl,~dc'al Sciencea MSSR, Gmcow,: '"Conditions for the Fox-mation of Sza.U-Plaque Phenotypes of ClXkungunya virus, hoscow, VoProsy Viruzologii, No 11 Jan/Feb 71j pp 56-61 Abstracti Variations in plaque size of larGo-plaqua and sma-11--plaque mutants of Chikunounya vir-as in ceU ciLltitres fron chick enbryos 'itere situdied umber the effect of a nunber of factom. An atteivot bras =de to deturmine why a=ll plaques forming in of 5 mUnt culturem canmot, lyll tra=formed into larger flaquo.'s, It 11a"j fonrA, tht~re 141 a wnsidarabler d-UPfe-rence in the repl~oductlall cyclo or all-~111 alv-i larf."a plaq%103. DW1,74111N.,11coll In tho fol-na.- tion of artU plaques of hemd1tary and nonhexvditaxy mil;u wo wtv prlwxlly due to an uncreased virus yield arA secondarily to longt1lening of the re- producti-t-6 cycle. 47-loreovar, the foxmation~ of snall pLaquies in old cells was connected with sen3itivity of the virus to Interferpit. Also, high cell concentrations led to the form"ation of sriall-plaque~. pheeriOtypo ~Ohik=gvinya. virm. - This is different from Sindbis viru.-:; , ancitber M:6up A~Lrbovirus, 24 - USSR SASUKH114A, G. D., and MARININA, V. P.# Voprosy Viruaolog~Jlp NO I , Janpeb ?1, PP Virus clones isolated from small plagues of nonhereditary naturo had a longer reproductive cycle than these isolated from large plaqttes.~ It uas established that the plaque size of the S+ and S- mutants varied with the conposition of the growth nediumi host cellsl cell concentration and incubation tem- Perature. 2/2 _4 USSR UDC 619:616.9-022.7+ 636.2-+-636-3+ 63U1.+ 636.52/.58 SELIVANOV, A. V.; MUMMA V. V RYZHICOVA, L P. "Comparative Study of the Immunity and V.-accinal, Reaction of Cattle Immunized I.-lith Vaccine from Brucalla Strain No 19 by Aorosol and Subcutincous Mrethodslf V sb. Sb. nsuchn. r,-,bot. Sib. n.-i-vet. in-t (Siberian Scientific Research Veterinary Inztltute -- 001:1 ec";1,011 6f Scientific Works) , No 17, 1970, pp 22-28 (fron RZh-~8.1 ZhivotnovQdstvo i Voter-inari- ya, No 4, Apr 71, Abstract I .4.5P) -.630) Translation: The level of i1maunity in aninals,vaccinated via aerosol 6=16 mon-ths after (upon DiTection in the conjunctiva with two and twenty tine.9 the infet.',-tive dose of virulent Brucella) was not lower than in imaunized sub- cutaneousl-y with strain No 19 in a dose of 60 bill;on colls. Tests were conducted in an infection during t7ho noxntr-l duration and develonrient of brucallo3i.s. Aerosol im,=Iza-tlon of canl;t'Le with strain 19 vacciric is hax-vaess: anal produoO3 ShIfts -Jn orrrans and tissues rich in lymphoid elementc indicatInG, an activo irwita-io- logical process. USSR UDC 621.313:621.3-019.3-001.4 HalawmJ41 I Candidate of Technical Science, OSIFOVX~ ff, V. T. Engineer, ah~d REZTSOVA, M. V... Engineer ItStandardization of Accelerated Methods of Testing Electric Machines for Reliabi-1- ity Moscow, El-ektrotekhnika, No 6, June 1971, p 60 Abstrget: The A-11-Union Scientiflle-n%esearch, Planning-Desippi and Technological Institute of Crane and Traction Electrical Equipment developed a state standard which defines unified, accelerated methods for testing the reliabLlity of crane, asynchronous electric motors for genera industrial ard natqllurgical use. Sta- tistical data gathered by the institute show that 90% of motor failures are caused by winding damage. The accelerated testizk7,-innethods developad tool: ton years of testing using inore than 150 UT(K) type electric motors. The, rnsUting test cycle consists of a 11~ day period. The test data serven as the basis of G057-16709-71 ."Crane, Asynchronous Electri.- Motors (General Industrial =6 J~etallurelcal)." 11e tests conducted according to the new standard make it possible to detennine, for CX=Ple,, failure-free operation of electric motors within 2-4 mon'ths after the be- ginning of testing. Earlier it took 1.5-2 years of continuous te;sting to obtain the required results. GOST-16709-75 went into effevt as of I JuIv 1971. The quantitative indices of reliability of GOST-135-70 for cranii and jaetallurgical 4 USSR MAFMIOCHKIN, V. P. et al., Elektrotekhnik , No 6, June 1971, p 60 alternating current motors vjill be brought into compliance with G0,13T-16709-71. No new test equipment will be necessary at the manufacturiLr, plants sl.nce existing, test equipment can do the job* VTork on setting up unified staildar~iized methods for Aesting the reliability of electric machines is continuing*, 32- USSR HOOOV. B. LIVOV~, K. MO, SM01MOV, S. I., KAYUSIM11p L. P., B., Institute of Biophysics,, Academy of S~Lences USSR, Pushchirto Moscow Gblrst) "On the Possibility of Using Iminoxyl Radicals to Detecl~ Unpalred Electroas in Biological Systems" Moscow, Biofizika, Vol 16, Ho 1, 1971o pp, 337-340 Abstract: The interaction of iminoxyl radicals with asdno actds and proteins in the excited state and with mitochondria (in vhich wetive trL4nsport of el*ctrons occursj is studied. It is notad that stable Iminoxyl radicals are widely used as spin labels to analyze conformation chanp,_:es in mcromolecules, and that it is also considered possible to use them to wtudy ealectron trans- for in biological8yatems. The breakdown of the radicaU waa observe! in sol- utions of tryptophan, tyrosine, and cystelne. A typical kinatic curve for the photochemical reaction of the radicals with protein showt; thtt the rat-a of breakdown of the radicals in water is considerably lower than the rate of breakdown in the presence of protein; the reaction does not proceed in the dark&, It is hypothesized that the radicals interact vith a photoindaced "aramagnetic state of protein and that the breakdown of the radicals occurs 1/2 7~ 77 --7-r-T777777-7-7 -7 USSR YARINOV, B. S., Ot al., Biofizika, Vol 16, NO 1p 1971, PP 337-340 as a result of electron transfer to the radical from phati;)axcitad 'Paranaf;=etic centers of protein. It is shown that it is possible touve the radice-'s to detect and analyze paramaEnetic states of protein having a shor,~ lifetime, as a result of which the concentration of unpaired proteins in a sample is slight (less than 1.10-10 spin). Electron transfer was sbovn iath the aid of ther.adical in an aqueous solution in a dye-protein system and t:ae feasibility of ueing the radicals to study oxidation-reduction proceases in nitochond-ria ime demonstrated. 2/2 USSR NAPEATANOV, N. D., M_A-R-INOV Yul. P., VENKOV, P. G. "Method for Machine Recognition of Biological Informatioll't Avtomatiz. nauch. issled. na osnove primeneniya ETSVM jAutomation of Scientific Research by the Use of Digital Computers -- Cpjlecj:ion of ferativnyy Works], Novosibirsk, 1971, pp 380-384 (Translated from RIC~ Zhurnal - Kibernetika, No 8, 1973, Abstract No 8 V697)bv the !iuthors) Translation: A method is suggested for rocognition of repeating biological signals, based on the principle of agreement between tlio input signal and a set of standard signal patterns, ond a criterion is miggested for esti- mation of the accuracy of recognition. 93 112 025 U.N'C L ASS I F I Ell) S S EN 0 A r 12 1 V7 01 VOI,ULATt~L) IZE0 RC USCILLAI'Uil~~ -IJ- 1) A NJ V ,,ALTHGR-(C3)--X.;~AIM;V, YU.P., PRI F CCUNTRY OF I:iFG--USSR 'HN I KA VuL e."jv NO !s 0-10, PP 7 .SCUACE-,'~CS(.C~,, RAGIcrEv", CATE PUbLISHEt -------- 70 ~SU:3JECr AREAS--t-LECTRONICS AND ELECTRICAL ENGit. 311ZED C I' CIJI TV"L R TOPIC TAGS-ELECTRONIC OSCILLATOR, TRAiNSIS'ITR T AMPE E CHARACTEklStIC, ELEU-TkIC INVERTER I K I I" L -MAIG --NO P. E 5 TT~ IT I ON S (,Li;SS--UNCLASSli-IE0 PW3AY STEP TV [--A C .CE' It r-T T-F I 212 025 U N C L A S S t F I ED 1) R CJ 1: 5 1 1 DA FL-20NOV70 .CIRC ACCLSSICiN N~]-AP013qO02 ABSTRACT/EXIR-'(:T--(LJ) GP-0- ABSTRACT AN FXpiERIMEr4T,%Lj cw-xKi~,iL; of rHE THLCRETICAL EXPRESSICt ''S YGO" THU AMP I- I TIJDL- A N D PHASLE PRZ:(Zt-l:&('lCY CHARACTEi'lif ICS OF A 1-:11AOLD Phi,Si~ fNVEKTrNG 3P,11)GE Cki.-I~IIEU GOT. THE 1INVESUGAIEL' '1klAN11ST11'1l&,1 I~G UICI LLAN-11 1111.011PURA'11i'S lwl') Hll 1013 1 1Y111 RC PHASL liNVERTERS. T i- i E F U T i ON S OF THE i OUR STLIKS A:C AS -LLC~kS: T F L F f R S T T R A 15 T 0:-~ w I I i i C 0 N '-! ON IFTEK- ANO COW-ROLLF0 F C NEGATIVE FELUBACK FlJf.'~ AS ME SE TI N 0 AN u r H C H I 1~ 0 BRIDGE TYPE PHASE 1 PIVERTER S I F .,TR4NSI5TOkS FUNLT!Jt'4 AS 3 ~ 1\1N0 NIL OUP TH TR AN 5 1 S T OR F I;tjC T 11 CINS Ai El IT F 11 111- 11. Gli'L THE LAIJEN HELPS 7 L) ll E DUC E INTERACTIUN L3Er.,%L--N STA(, 1* R A'i ~~ I T L -ES CE S 'RS CiNi- Ai"10 TR-4EE. THIS T I A &L[-"~i 14 1' -0 A S TO PROVE: OSC I LLATCA WAS BU IL T vi 1 -1- J f %L. I" All I THE PL")SIL,[L[TY GF APPLI I LIU E C uffi~l PL. 64 'S A r 1 1 N A N t" Ll AD,'111 li'lid I.CJA 'ED -1 11:11 T 11-K 0 t. 1. E I I E I THER A dR I L; CL- S . TI-E OSCILLM'~'.~ 'kAN' C (- RESISTANCE' rYPL OR C-11,AFIVE TYPI: THE ADVAN-TAGES uF THIS FM RC I-SCII-LAFGR ARE: 1. 1'--, .i - -17 A Sh'NGLE El-1,:.,'111C-NT. THAIN kOUPLRCC~Nf . 2 . Fi, ACHIf VL (-JNTkOL IS 'D 3. f-FEGUENCY DkIFT DEPENDS Ci INPE' ~kl~ECTLON Of RE~1!')!WkS i!dNID CAPACITORS OF T fl~' I.NVL-RFER~ X'W 15 f,-~AFHEA SMAL.L. 4. AM G,OES NOT EXCLEG 1.5PERLEINT FC.-- FPEQUEN1',.Y OEVIATIO.14 OF 5 . I i i r-- POSSI'L',ILITY OF USING THEe-MAL NONLINL-fk ELDIENTS wITIi SHO 10 1`11-111- CONSTANTS TO sum'RI/F THE GUTPIA Vil-L fAGE. USSR, UDCs 621.:~,?3.421.15 MARINOV, YU. Ps, ANGELOV, A. I., PRODANOY, 1. F. ##Ff4quency-Modulated Transistorized RC-Oscillator" Moscow, Radiotekhnika, Vol 25, No 21, IM, pp 69-74 Abstract: An experimental checking of the theoreti-al expressions for the amplitude and phase-frequency characteristics of a loaded I., -inver-ting bridge was carried outs The inven;tigga'~'.ad transi - phase s torized RC-oscillator incorporates two bridge-typo RC-phase inver- ters, The functions of the fou- transistors are as follows; -I- ansistor with common emit,-;, -er and controlled nel-ative first .r back functions as an amplifier, 'the second and th* thi~,,d transis- ad. the I'oi~rth tran- -type pha, tors function as bridge se inverters, a sistor lu -Uons as an emitter follawer;~ the lat tine hPIps to re-duce nc interaction. between stages of trwisistors one an&I throv., This oscillator was built without a nonlinoar inertia ~plemoflt, so ai~. to prove the possibility of amplitude.compenslatiOrL in MI oE~cill;i%tor 1/2 .17 USSR MARINOV, YU. P., e-'-,- al, Radiotekhni.ka, Vol 25,, 'No 2, 19n, pp 69-74 with loaded bridges. The oscililator frequoncy ew-i be controlled with either a resistance-type or capacitive-tvpe transducer. The fundamiental advantages of thds -aret 1. Frequency deviation is more thar. 100 percent, 2. Frequency control is achieved by a singla- e lement- ,3- Freqi4ency drift de.. pends on impertection of reo--,-z~tors -:md ce wpacitors~of the phase inverters and is rather small. 4, The parasitic 41~14 di)e.,3 no-. ex- ceed 1,5 percent for frequency devialtion,of 10) Pil',~:rce,%t5 ssibility of using, thermal-nonlinea;'r element's with short time o P constant to stabilize the output voltage. 2/2 UNCLASSIFI~Ef) PkOC OS'4 NG DAT E-- I iS"EP 70 ,.Y.tTLE--MIGRATION AND VAPORIZATION OF YTTERBIUM AND "EOWMIUM ON TUNGSTEN UtHOR-(02)-MARINOVA, TS*S.t ZUBENKO-i YU.V* ouNTRY oF INFO--USSR bUkCE-FIZ. TVERD. TELA 19701 1212) 520-4 ~DATE PUBLISHED------70 ..',S-UBJECT AREAS--CHEMISTRY -'TOPIC TAGS--YTTERBIUMi VAPORIZATIONY TUNGSTENP DESORPTION, THERMAL EFFECT, FIELD E'MISSION MICROSCOPE9 METAL COATING CONTROL MARKING--NO RESTRICTIONS :DOCUMENT CLASS--UNCLASSIFIED ,-,PROXY REEL/FRAME--1984/01-42 STEP tiO--UR/0181/70/~312/C)02/0520/0524 CIRC ACCESSInN 110--AP0054938 UNCLASSIFIED MINT- 212 029 CLAS UN SIFIED PROC .)S ING s$FP70 ~CIRC ACCESSION NO--AP0054938 ABSTRACT/EXTRACT--(U) GP-0- ABSTRACT. IN A FIELD EMISI LON MICROSCOPE, SURFACE MIGRATION WAS STUDIED OF Y8 AND NO ATOMS ON '1~ 414D THERMAL DESORPTION, HE ACTIVATIfIN ENERGY OF MIGRATION OF V8 IN THE- DIREJ1 jN FROM THE (Oll't FACE TO ( 100)v 014 EQUALS 0.45 ' PLUS QIK: MINUS 0.05 EVP AND OVER THE FACE (1211, QM EQUALS 0.70 PLUS OR MINUS O.Oi5 EV. FOR NO, THE 14 ACTIV4TION ENERGY FOR MIGRATION IN THE DIRECTION FOM ( 10 1.) TO ( 10 0) , I EQUALS 0.75.PLUS OR MINUS 0.05 EVt ANO OVER THE FACE (11j), QK.EQUALS, 0*65 PLUS OR MINUS 0.05 EV. T"E HEAT OF DESORPTION OF EVv FROM W QD ,.EQUALS 2.2 EV, AND THE Pi 'EEXPIDNENTIAL FACTORr c rQUALS 5 rrf*S. lo PRIME13 SEC NEGATIVE PR[ME1. FOR NO AT THE INITIAL.!SrAGr- OF OESGRPTION -~,CF A MONAT. LAYERY QD EQUALS 3.3 EV AND C EQUALS:2 TPMES 10 PRIME12 SEC ''.~.~-.NEGATIVE-PRIMEI* AND FOR DESUPPTION OF A RAREFIED LAVER* WD EQUALS 4.5EV :ANO~C:EQUALS 7 TIMES 10 PRIME13 SEC 'NEGATIVE; PRIMEI.;~ UNCLASSIM.",I) USSR N ZUBEEMKO, Yu. V,. RI k "Adsorption and Work function of YCterbium and Neudymit.~-n Layl-Prs a-.i Tungstenif No 2, 197C), pp 516-.519 Leningrad, Fizika Tverdogo Tela, Vol 12, N Jsonpt'on anal. Abstract: This paper describes experimencs for determining 'j:he a. J. electron P-mission from tun.-sten monocry~--Ials with i3puttering ytterbiu-m and neodymium, atoms on their surfaces, the loxperivA--n tat ion being, done. by an elect---on C, exted that up until now only metal film strucj:,.~res WE "th alkali gun. It is ass wtals have been investigated in this respect mid the electr:(r.-adflorption char- acteristics of the metals in tho third group of'the periodialtable have been ~studied. The experinenta'11 procedure is described.! Thia neadiniaum and ytterbitim were vaporized by a spotcial device, a tungsten ba.~ket degap's4?a in -advance. In front of each ',41-.S Placed a diaphrag7. and a 7movablei ~,ate zo cover -che molecular clusters of the 1:140 C.1eMOMt.s. rho vaporizers wore, then heated to incandescence. The pressure-, in the experinental aquipment dixt'ing t1te vaporL- zation of tii--a nezal and absorption on the tuagaten was ni) morij than 1.1c)-9 loril iud into a, sharp I)o:Lnt, and tho pon-eiiiiiLM, was nun Kg. The cuno,~,iLc,-n w a USSR M ARIN 'OVA, Ts. S., ZUBENKO, Yu. V., -Fizilta tverdogo Tela, Vol 11, No 2, 1970, pp 516-519 ur al -mly distributed on its surface as a re!iult of migr a;*,:4on t: a tc!.~,,peralure in which Lite vaporization can be neglected. A curia is, g;(.ven Fibr(wing tile work function as a function of Lite sputtering time a[ the nead3imium .!aId ytterb-um on the tungsten surface. Emission photographs of the adsorption. of the tWO metals on the tungsten are also given. !~!j USSR UDC: 533-9.o8:621-373.,530.145.6 ~A.~ULKIN, P. S., SOLTITSEV, G. S., GINZBURG,~V. M. "Singullarities of Diagnosing a Superhigh-Frequency Plailma by the HO, Mode irL a Circular Waveguide" V sb. VoDr. fiz. nizkotemreraturn. nlazgL (Problems of Low-Tt--irme rat ure Plasma Pbysics-collection of works) , Mlirlsk, "NaUka i tel&-n. 1970., -.jD 75-78 (fron RZh-Radiotekhr-ika, No 1 Jan 71, Abstract No ID131) [No abstract] Magnetobydrodynainics USSR MARIS, N. A- 000NOW "Soviet Nuclear Physics Installation Described" Bucharest, Racheta Cutezatorilor, Vol II, No 2, Feb 70, pp 10, 1L Abstract: The Soviet Tokamak installation ui3(!s a torroidah, "trap" as a sy6tem for isolating the plasma. The secret of this trap lies in auperLmposing the field obtained in the torroidal coil on the field formiLd frctn the electric c urrent which circulates in the plasma chapnel. The Lnside. of the. installation in which the plasma is created is a chamber with two walls, one Vn the made of thick copper plate, the other on the inside made og very fine stainless steel. The two strata are separated from one another by ci~ramic elaments, and the torroidal coil is mounted on the outer wal.l. For the Takam;~or,-3 installation, the power for this coil is provided by a 75,000-Rilowatt giinerator. The studies which were made during the experiments with thii Toktum-,k install4i- tion are especially complex and vast. Let me mention just a few of them. The torroidal magnetic field was measured -with the aid of magntitic si;punders. Hedio- interferometers studied the plasma profile variaticn. and tbe plasma density, while USSR MARIS, N., Racheta Cutezatorilor, Vol 11, No 2, Feb 70, pp 10, 11 very rapid photographic equipment took pictures of its uppq~r strn4a. One of the fundamental purposes of the tests was measuring the teiliperature of the ions and electrons in the plasma, a temperature oh-which the volume of the energy reserve in the plasma depends. The measurements indicate the upper parameters; these upper par-pmeters fare- shadow the conditions for the much anticipated achievement,;,lof controlled fusion. Thus, the duration of existence of the plasna:is 12-15 milliseconds, while the density of the particles is 3-5.1013 per cubic centimeter.:' The temperature of the electrons in a magnetic field of 35,000 gauss is 1-2-107 degrees Kelvin and the temperature of the ions is 4-5-106 da8reeo Ulvin. T-10 Confirms Hopes The opinions of scientists in regard to future possibilititi for achieving con- trolled nuclear fusion are especially contradictory. SomepeopLe forecast this achievement in the next five years and others. in the next .50 yeaL,tl. Soviet scientists recently announced the construction of a new model of the Tokamak installation, the T-10, greatly improved over its predecessors. The USSR MAIS, N., Racheta Cutezatorilor, Vol II, No 2, Feb 70, 10, 11 -14 Tokamak diagram: 1) Internal chamber, 2) External chAunber; 3) ('.,jil which creates the longitudinal magnetic field; 4) Primary tranofonner oo;Ll; 5) Iron coreo Colored ring represents path of jet plasma. ----------- - Raw" JPRS 55306 29 February 1972 STRESS IN FUGHT Translation of Runnian-lanquage book by V L Mar sb~chuk 1. 91 a LL. Nai)r;Nhe;Foa1i V rpj,;-.e. 11.-64~ and t ki -61(rfieC-t7cFpteSr.; T*Igus Publishing Rouse, mcsccw,j 6,000 copies, 116 pages. CONTENTS P A C'-" ........................... ............................... ...................... I...... ..................... CHAPTER 1: The Essenco of Stress ................................... CHAPTER 21 Psychophysiological Foundations of Stress ................. 26 CHAPTER 3t Methods of Studying and Predicting Stress ................. 37 CHAPTER 4: Preventing and Ways of Overcoming Stress .................. 61 CHAPTER 5t Special Physical Drill To Overcome Stress ................. 80 ........................................................... 87 APPENXIIX: List of Exercise* To Overcome,Stress ...................... all, 11 U$Sit.~ Cl j M' 42-1. fL4.61 3 SR .0,' Y.F., A F T RTECV, "Thyristor -onverter For Irvestigation By Zne-Yeth,= Cf ::UIC :1-isit.-n Cf ~:e 1 tA nd -ion Of Electrode '-a Tvaporst terial" Sb. rauchn. tr. Ferm. oolit2vhn. .-n-'-a (C'ollection 0.1 Scienl.!,fic Cf Tr.L- Farx- sPiy PolytechnicHl InEtitjteT _f�7.;_0,No 76, op 7'-79 (Frcm orim~meniye, !'o 6, j~;ns, 1970, Abstract 1'.,o 651,511) j n 4 1e nrorosed for invt3s*Ig..::it-cr cf Transla"on: ; -,Va 'r-titunt.roGus te . ani for date r=ln3tior, of the coefficlente of =f~itllnc ani of electrc-!e mat'~-rl.ql dl-jrin~ ara. weldinE. -he imit consists o' a contrri.led rnctif'ier, !. con- trol eystem, an electronic timing reloy, und o device for im-oobili,,zatinn of U,,e. * 21~eclmenq and ror atrikinc of the arc. The ructlfiu-r , u b~il~t ")I circ,jit based on 'AMT-2-150 thyriatore. The control e ys-'e-z vmsistii c~ -n el,-.ctron switch based on a transietor and a 7-Fhase rectifier e_li; e tr~.nsforv,, re. .3 ill. 2 ref. A.-,. Uas USSR UDC' 576,85(478) CHASHCHINA, 1. 11., CIIERUNSkAYA, S. I., LWKITS, K. U., KOPNES, #-WVa, "BEL-Y-t"EVA, N. S., CIIEBVI, Ye. D., KOTSEFAN, A. S., D-013MISKINA, S. V., GURC1110GLUYANTS, L. V., and IM-MRAYLOVA, A. A., Molda-vian Scient:ific PesearcJi institute of Hyglene and Epidemiology and Kishinev Sauitaty Eptdemiological Station "Fermentation Reaction Types and Colicinogenic Properties, of SlCtigella Sonnei Circulating in the City of Kishinev, and Dat~--rmining Thqii: Seni;itivity to Antibiotics" Kishinev, Zdravookhraneniye, No 5, Sep/Oct 7.1, pp 7-9 Ab5tract: The Shigella sonnoi scrain accounted for 97.9-90 purc;ent of the ca-ges of dv ente-c ~ s y- ~n Kisbinev in 1968-70. The obJect of this i3tudy was to Wet-itify the types of fermentation reactions of Shigella sonnei Jsolate-.'l In J.968-70 (4,507 cultures), and to study their colicinogeate properties. lind sensitivicy to antibiotics. Shigella bacilli isolated from vicUm-s iii 1969 were foulid to be primarily fermentation type 11 (71.4 percent), in 1969~-70, type I bacilli vredominated (66.4-94.1 percent); ShIgella type III was z7wst f requelitly iso- ~lated from the healthy. The results of sttidies on. colicIn prc~-'uction shcwed 42 were inactive with. respect to N, CO that, of 922 cultures, 3 U K-12 and E. coli B and 76 cultures were colicin type K-12; 4, c6licit type 1/2 Among the K-12 type cultures, 54 percent were fermentation. typo T; 44.8 percent were type 11; and 1.2 percent were type III. The culturos iso1ated in 1969 e-dhibited a gradual decrease of stra:ins sensitive to levamyceLmn, and a gr(7,4ing number of strains sensitive to neomycin and monomycin. ...... .. ..... USSR UM 6i.6.93r:576.3 I~IARTTS A -Aj, S- 1-~ N. S. CHEBLI Ye. D., -IM13-S~X., A. S., YORNES, q. B. S. V., I I It GURMOGWYANITS, L. V., and VEMMOVA, A. A., Mloldaviar. In-svitute of Hygiene and EpiderdoloU, and Kishinev San-itm%,r Zpiaen--'~ oloGical Station IfE nzymitic 'I~rpes of Sonnei Dysentery Pathorrens Circullit' 4n K ~Kuev" ir Kishinev, Mravoolzhraneniye, No jime 19T), pp ";8-44) Abstract: Me mv.-Iber of Sh. Sonw~-.:! s'krr.ILn" "sulated in, ~:T.'Ihinev in 1`168 '4"V: th,j.n four timis "reater 'Cirn, in P, 59. 1.,--!iy heali;hy -1kndJ:dAim-,Is carriere of r (1 0 thcoe bacteria. A 'otal o' 1 14 cultv. , (:tt. jn~rj 4 deteri"Ine tdieir morpholo,ricri-l, poptolytic, anti~,pnic, athf~r -ttroncr ties, including ability to I-mmll to 'ids. Pauhq"'Imn into .X~ L t;'I 4 t % o I J. I. three emyratle typem. I hours of incubation at 37'C, but do not froxn4jaL xqlosa for v.- wi,!e4; type !I -- ma'ItAz-er, fermnt rha=nsp- .rit-h a delay (after three to fo-or. or (.,a nat f'Cr- nt either rha;Lnose or xylose; typq cultures fe:Lment botii. wu;~:ars vidiin the firBt 24 hours. Of the 1,714 CILIt=,-,s irmestigated, balon~je(' to t,,~pe II, 21.% to type I, and to type Ill. .lie tezts are fair~,Jr ea.-:,,) and can le pper- formed in routine clinical. laboratories. --30OCT70 ~'VZ 027' UNCLASSI,FIED PROC'IES S I NG DATE ~,TITLE-CHRCMATOGRAPHIC DETERNKNATION OF. THE $PECIFIC $kJRF,14(,E OF COKE -ACCORD ING TO THE THERMAL DESORPTION OF ARGON _u_ 7lAU`-THOR-(03)-SKLYARt H.G.r BASKINAt YEVBot -MARIYC -COUNTRY OF INFO--USSR l.SOURCE--KOKS KHIM. 1970, (3), 21-3 PUaLISHED ------- 70 ,.lD'ATE ,-40AJECT.,AREAS--CHEMISTRY JOPIC TAGS--COKE, CHROMATOGRAPHYP ARGONP KRYPTON, NITPOGENt LOW _~.,_,_.'_,`l.E_M?ERATURE EFFECT, POROSITY -CONTROL MARKING--NO RESTRICTIONS ,,DOCUMENT CLASS--UNCLASSIFIED STEP NO--UP,/0068/70j'000/t)0110021/0023 -PROXY REEL/FRAME--1997/0522 C IRC ACCESSION NO--APOIL9441 -.~~-,2/2 027 UNCLASSIFIED PROCESSING DATE-30OCTIO 'CIRC ACCESSION NO--AP0119441 ABSTRACT/EXTRACT--(U) GP-0- ABSTRACT. MEASUREMENTS OF COIKE SURFACES BY SENZENE AOSORPTION ARE LOWER THAN BY KR 13ECAUSE S(14E ~)F THE COKE PiRES ARE INACCESSIBLE TO THE LARGE BENZENE MOLS. THE AR ATOM IS SMALLERr WITH A SOLID MONOLAYER SURFACE OF 15.4 ANGSTROM PR[KC2; IT PROVIDES A MORE EXACT SURFACE MEASUREMENT THAN N AS DErD. CHROMA l'OGi;'APH IC ALLY AND STATISTICALLY. A DETECTOR WAS USED FOR DETG. THERINAL CONU. AmO AN AUTOMATIC RECORDING POTENTIOMETER FOR CHROMATOGRAPH ~(TSVI'T). AT MINUS 195DEGREESt THE AR WAS ADSORBED BY THE C;OKEp Tkie COKE SAMPLE 4AS THEN HEATED TO ROOM TEMF., TWE Ak DESORBED AND THE POTENT1014EI-ER RECORDED ~A CHANGE IN THE MIXT. COMPN. AS A DESORPTION PEAKO THE PEAK OURATIUN WAS S1,41LAR TO 1 MIN AT A RATE OF GAS FLOW OF 60ML-)41N, THE ADSORPTION DESORPTION CYCLE CONTINUED FOR S1141LAR TO 10 M1114. EXPRE!iSIONS ARE SUBMITTED FOR THE INTERNAL SP. SURFACE# IN TERMS OF 14ATERIAL QUANTIrY ADSORBED BY THE MONOMOL, LAYERP AND FOR iCALCtJ. OF THIS QOANTITY. METHODS ARE ALSO GIVEN FOR DETG, THE VOL* OF THE AUSI~RBEO AR AND THE PEAK SURFAC~S. THESE OETNS. WERE SIMPLER, _cHURrER AND M(IRE SENSITIVE ~-THAN BY FORMER METHODS. THE SURFACE VALUESLUEPENDED, MORI: ON THE COKING PROCESS* E. G.9 HEATING RATE AND FINAL TEMPor THAN ON POROSITY. THE SURFACES VARIED FROM 0.62 M PRIME2-G FOR: 11.268DEGREESt WITH, A 51.3PERCENT POROSITY TO 1.00 FOR 13T20EGREES,, WITH A 52.61PERCENT POR0S!lTYr RESP. UNCLASSIFIE.0 -:140040704-- im o482 Soviet Inventions Illustrated,. Section.I Owbemical, Derwent 240946 IRON SMELTTFG ~N A GAS-FIkED Ct:F(jWk blo-wa it with"reviously thermally cracka-d drocorkns p during melting so as to promote a3s1milat:1.on by; the iron of the carbon involved. This gas is,~thenully cracked by passing it round in condaits lot int4,y the cupola lining and thus emerges as a heateii. mix of carbon black and Saneotis hy(lrogen. This Ls sul4able for continuous carb~trising of the iron in the cupola. 1.2.66 ai 10527002.2-2. GRACHUN.A.,et. al,,(19-8.69) LIP Bul 13/1.4.69, Class 31a. Int.Cl.B 22b. AUTHORS: Grachev, V. A-; Cbernyy, A. A.; Kati7enbiikh.? -_M and Kur aM . lr'W) 35 - 0 3 1 Acc. Abstracting Servicet, Ref. Code 03676 CHEMICAL ABST. f- 69077j Determination of coal-tar naptithat6! irriptirities by using gas-liquid chromatography Nfa I.; Allur,eva ; ZfJensLava, 1. A. lirm-m- 0. A~ 33 11111%,1). Die st donary pllw~e Wm hizeillk bri6,* INZ-600 (0,2.5-0.i[) 11MI KT,-611S) C-Olltg. pol j "Ii dly It'll 4 ldipafe) Used ill -1-6 mal X 21-4 In C-Allmliq lit 1.2)i!~jltloll, &.ptnidilig ori carrier gas and rnak-c. of ~hronwwgrapli. YjI...1ophinolle was ,Ui, I T, ii pre- the itittriml statidard. A clifomikt~,)grajti tv; '13 ev vas St!p. 5entvd, and au anal. with , 111doll. with Ow iallw t~olummat a hig'h~r t~ inp. J~V~ .12,1j'.~ acemaph- thene as standard. By extrapkilati(m of dig- lrz.1)3. inapure naphthatent-s, t1le 11J.P. Of L11C PJ:Tf- O)JI11)(1-wati fil,,iltid tc, bv SOA* Olaf 11,;1ollisell PRAMT', 7~-;7-7 j USSR UDC 632.4.01/.09 and VESELOVSKIY, V. it., Hosccrr State RUBIN,, B. A., DIAE"OVA,. University "Effect of Different Strains of the Fungus :rusarium oxysporun vasinfectum on the Ultraweak Luminescence of Cotton Roots Moscow, Sel'skokhozyaystvennaya Biologiya, No 5, 1971, pp 719-723 t strain (No.61) of a monosporour, culture of Fusarium Abstract: The avirulen oxysporum vasinfectum po%t~rt~ises more noticeable ultraweak lumlnescLnce than do virulent strains (Nos 15 and 54) of the. same futigus. 11te intensity of luminescence of an aqueous extract frota the mycelium of thlo 61 it; five greater than that of mycelium from either of the pathogeld.c st-rains. How- ever, the normal ultraweak luminescence of- cotton roots Is stimulated only by treating them vith aqueaus extracts from the pathogenflc stra:lnri. Th- degree of stimulation of luminescence generally varies -vkh the concentrzi- 2 tion of the extract. This effect of the virulent straim.; is rej,,arded --s a manifestation of the influence of the pathogens cn thehost plalit's metabo- lism. USSR WC: 621.384-633.6 YESIN, S. K., KOVAJENIKO, V. I., and "Modernization of the Local Orbit Perturbation wlystem for Uniform Bxtraction of Particles" Moscow, Pribory i Tekhnika Eksperimenta, No 4, :1.973, pp 20-22 Abstract: The subject of this paper is the methad of local orbital perturbation, now being used in the Yerevan syncthrotron for obtain- ing gamma beams. A beam of slowed gamma quanta is obtained by mov- ing the be=- of accelerated electrona to can intorior target in the rectilinear synchrotron Cap. '&;'he local orbit porturbation is ac- complished by applying a pulee of abmi-i3inuooidaI shaipe, f orned by thyristor resonant circuits, through a set of au,xilimry coil wind- ings of the ring electromagnet. A diagram of the pul8e-forming circuit and the method used for its.power s4pplyl 'from the resailant circuit of the accelcrator in given.~ An explanation: io Oven of unifcrm as well as slow extraction of particles ~or the purpoov of improving efficiency in the use of the synchrotrpn. :Photogi-aphs of the Bemi-sinusoidal pulse and of the gamma beam Oulse are pr6duced. I Sjriy The authors thank DI. DII. Vilkov and N. A. Zapol for their heip 1/2 rM USSR UDJ 621.r-2:559.23 ~UMAA-.ANy-A.B., KUROV, G.A. "Concerning Thermal RP'Lects Originating In The Proceoo 0_' GroviinE Filrim In A 'Vacuum" po probl. mikro.--laktron. Vlosk -ir-t elqktrcin,, tel:hn. (Coll!3atic)-i Cf Scie&,,ific Works On Problems Cf Mlicroulectrcni,~s. 11~ouccw Lnvtitute Of Electronics Technology), 1971 , T ssue; 7, pp 19-2r, (from 11,Q,h:F,).e,:tronikv i yeve Rrimenaniye, No 6, June 11072, Abstruct No 6A60) Translation: An evaluation is w-de of the chanae of of a filra an exposure to heat flux from an evaporator, no appl-~ed to.-I.'rio :irt~v:th e, FjT_,-,t-,n,- 1 0 ial films or germaniun. at a rate on tho order of' 20-~O Z'oec"t,,ith a 111100 0 pitaydal !CC0_15C~3 temperature of the subotrate, 31irat-0.16uncounly, e, L 1 9 thick. wore prepared by vacuum evuparation, with tho iridi-:;ated vonlitioni t)4 -ro"i'l. Tho reaulto cf a computation vierb compared witj~i tests ehowed, in th!~ proccuo cf of the f_Jlm at, a ature and low rat-ev, of' dfposition, t1io chiinge of t,i!j 1.1,0i".- inF, film le rlight. Apparnn-1.1y, th,;, atoad5xiotio (n' tlv~- rol;1-mi 1)1,';1J.,lor. is of Vital Laportant.10) u GKmiL,o, 0V which can (iddl to a. ure and to a chango of t~o prop=_rti,.~i of epitriixial filt'n'll raspfict -to tKic'- ness. 16 ref. Ye.G. IN 77 USSR UDC 577.1:615.7/9 S PINIGIN, M. A., WMCA YAN HURUPOVA, V. S. !'Adaptation to Different Types of Exposure to Chemical Substances (Constant, Intermittent)" V sb. Farmakol. Khimoterapevt. Sredstva. Toksikol. Frobl. tc;ksikol. (Pharmacology. Chemotherapeutic Agents. . Toxicology. Problenm of Toxicology--Collection of Works), Val 5 (Advances in Sciences and Technology. AU-Union Institute of Scientific and Techmical Lnformation, USSR Academy of Sciences, Moscow, 1973, pp 120-128 (from RZh-Biologicheskaya KbLimiya, No 17, Sep 73, Abstract No 17 F1898 by the autbar) 'Translation: A graphic method is proposed for evaluating the process of adaptation to continuous and intermittent inhalation of aniliae (Mt-Hb- forming substance). 1/1 USSR UDC 621-36 GRODKO, V. A. and B. K. "Thermodynamics of Systems for Direct Thermal to Electrical Energy Conversion, Part 211 Moscow, IzvestiVa Akademmii Nauk SSSR-7nergetika. i tra_"iport, No. 3, 1971, pp 107-116 Abstract: In the first installment of this series, published in this same journal (No. 4, 1970) the assumption was made t1lat a system for direct conversion of thermal into el,ectrical energy is a combination of two electrodes, one "hot," the other "cold." The bounds of these electrodes are points of maximmm aM. ininim= ~lec- -ot- trical potential. This second of the series-cf articles is dev 1-d to an examination of the gvneralized thermodynamic cycle and the derivation of the volt-ampere equatiow ol" the system. The authors find that these equations, expressed in terms of I.-he, tempera-.ure and potential,are valid whether or not the abse,.qce c~f the simulta- neous variation in temperature and potential in -the branches Of -rhe system is assumed. An examination of -the relationship between -the the different thermal-emf conversion coefficients found by ~;,aricus researchers leads to the opinion that the ooeff;Lcielt is limited by cases in which both branchos of the diroct conversion _eyst~t:m I'llow!-!wmaq,H USSR GRODKO, V. A., et al, Izvestiya Akademii ITauk ~S.SSR-----nergetika i transport, lNo. 3, 1971, pp 107-116- are formed by an electron gas with the distribution functions of a single type of electron. Two diagrams of th* ideal cycle of the system are given. L/2 025 UNCLASSIFIED ~TITLE-THE MUTAGENIC EFFECT OF VIRUSES. REPORT .MONKEY HEMORRHAGIC FEVER -U- A,UTHOR-.(05)-MARKAR O.S.t SHEVTSOVA, Z - V 14.G, v-ABDi;Q ~M V UPCOUNTRY OF INFO--USSR ~~SOURCE-GENETIKAt 19701 NR It PP 144-1.50 DATE PUBLISHED ------- 70 SUBJECT AREAS--BIOLOGICAL AND MEDICAL SCI'ENCES ~':TOPIC TAGS-- HEMORRHAGIC FEVERt VIRUSt MUTAGENr M ITOSIS, CHROMOSOME MARKING--NO RESTRICTIONS ~DPCUMENT CLASS--UNCLASSIFIED PRnCESSING DATE--04DEC70 If. CYTOGENETiC STUDY OF KUKS010 r Mq:I - v MACHAVAR I ANI MONKEet 8010E MARROWt PROXY REEL/FRAME--3007/1371 STEP 140--UR /04'r3/ 1'0/000 o'00 1/0 144/0 1 54D CIR C --A CCES54OWN0 AP0136729 t !'~ n 21Z 025 UNCLASSIFIED P14,0CESSING DATE--040Er70 CIRC ACCESSION NO--AP0136729 ABSTRACT/EXTRACT--(U) GP-0- ABS TRAV CYTOGEW:TIC STUOT OF MONOEY HEMORRHAGIC FEVER SHOWED A DECREASE INAITUTI(~" AGUEVITY AND AN INCREASE IN THE NUMBER OF DYING CELLS ANG CELLS WITH PATHOLOGJCAL CHANGES IN [INFECTED MONKEY BONE MARROW. EXPERIMENTAL MONKEY, 1-11:-:14011RHAGIC FEVER WAS ACCOMPANIED BY AN INCREASE IN THE LEVEL OF CHROMOST.114E .43FRRATIONS fill .BONE MARROW CELLS AND IN CULTURES OF PERIPHERAL BO)OV C1&1jKOCYTE5,, INJECTION OF CONCENTRATED VIRUS CONTAINING MATER1,41. PRODUCE0 A HIGHER YIELD OF CHROMOSOME ABERRATIONS THAN INJECTION OF I~VkTIVC MATERIAL. HEMORRHAGIC FEVER VIRUS INDUGEG CHROMOSOME REA1RA',AN(t,i;-,-?1EtqT:5 OF THE CHROMATIC TYPEY ANALOGOUS TO THOSE 013SERVED IN CONTROL CELLS DURING SPONTANEOUS MUTATION. THE 06SERVED INCREASE IN THE LEV~El. OF CHROMOSOME --ABERRATIONS IN MONKEY BONE MARROW CELLS DUE TO THf 111RU~S INDICArES THE REAL:VALUE OF THIS VIRUS IN INTENSIFYING THE MUTATMN Pr-,CICESS IN SOMATIC TISSUES OF SENSITIVE TYPES. TWENTY MACACA RHESUS MONKrYI; WERE INFECTED WITH HEMORRHAGIC FEVER VIRUS PASSAGEU 21-2(t TIMFS 111 MONKEYS. 14ONKEYS -Y~ 4 1 M L 4 UN WERE INFECTED WITH BRAIN MATERIAL FROM SICK M014KE ~, I. A, 0 - TS IN A TITC-R- OF LO PRIME3 ML ( 10 LETHAL 00SESY OR WITH MATERIA1. CONSISTING OF '100-LETHAL DOSES. THE INCUBATION PERIOD OF THE DISEASE,VARIED FROM 2-6 DAYS, FACILITY: INSTITUT EKSPEOMENTACINOY, PAT(ILOGII I TERAP11* SSSRt SUKHUMI. UNCLASSIFLE0 USSIR IJD-" 575. 576, 6 5S 'M I V. x1n.'sol/A I., LWA-I'~.!' RK cpar iant:al Rathola~-Yy and Thorapy. A Institute of Im M. V.? -;ademy of: Medical Sciences USSR, SuIctilaml. "Tile Muta-crenic Effect of Viruaerj .'11:. ("Vtopnet';Lc Si:,j-dy of Mo(i't1-':':r 0 Hemmorrnagic Fever- lkloscow, Genetika, Vol 6, No 1, 1970, pp 144--1..50 Abstract: The cytogentic 2ffccts of moillees? 'f-evcr were stud---'ed on experimental"Ly infecte~t 'Xacaca ravszs decrease -Lii mitol.-ic az-t2.v:LI:y ana, an -Lncrejase iii the ~)er of and pathologically altored cell.- in the bone marrov of! Lnfe-ct-ed cals ~,as oosarved. T*na nucaber of chrono,,iomc abjerrati,,xis ia boiiv, tz~x- rou cells and in paripharal- blood leukocytes in increaGed. Tile aberration. yield produced by concentrated v-i:r1~i;-cnn1.aiairg m--tiarial was higher than l.-hat produce)d by the initial mate'r-".al. 11,44. of on. monkey hemorrhagic Ali~ver induced primarily aberrafl.L. -3 of t1i a chr a- tid type, which were similar to those tliat occurc,jtd irl i.-orirrol animals as a result of spontaneous Mutation. va-laki and then reducing, tetrarAydroisoquinoiim .4~~ synthesized. By reacting phenylisopmpylazine with Indamones and reducing the ketinines that formedl, aminoindans IV were obtained., Hydrachlorides of conpoumls IIw III,, and IV were effective as coronary dilidants ~(table). The formUs and properties of coxpowA I and of the hydrochl~~dea of II and III &re Usted in tables. phii-WOU Owd' 0%I6blo& USSR ~.UDC 541.6q+,,Ut?-534 XNMGMg A. Lop (DECWED)o Awl ALEMAMAI(t R. A., KHORERYAN, G. A., BAIAUNt R. S., and AR KV .0 MM. "Z. 90 Institute,of Fine Organic Chealstry imeni A. L. Madzboyan# Academy of:Sciolices Axmw4an SSH, Yerevan "Derivatives of Arylalkylamines. 11. Constitution and P]Wsiol*g;ical Activity of Some Substituted Arylalkylamines, and Their Derivatives" Yerevan, ArRyanskiy Mizicheskly Zhurnal# Vol 24s No 8j 19W, P.P 703-713 Abstracti Bu condensing the chlorides of substituted pheiVlacetic, diphenyl- ~t %rj+h -nhf4nVI.. Xnjj nhAnnivvismi-ranvIaminia., Abstracti Condensation of 5,7-dlmethoxy-I,Z,3,4-tetrailyd=lsjC~lu=O.Line w2tn diphenylacetic- and dipheykylp-ropionic acyl.ohloridem gave! xespOotive amidus -- N42-diphenylacetamido)- and 1,,-(2-diphen;lpropionyL-wldo)-43,7-diretboxy-I 2, 394-tatrahydroisoquinoline, m.p. 133-134 arA 145-146 reispecttvely. These products were ve-duced with UAlH4 to tertiary -mines and ooavert~ad to hydro- lpropyl~-6,7-dimathoxy- chloridest N-( A -diphenyleth,~l)- and 11-( Y -dipheny, -ig2t3$4-tetrahydi-oisoquinoline, melting at 173-17 and V19-180 respectively. Vh&n 1-phenyl- or I-p-methoxyphenylwdnomethyloyclobexanc~ vas imed in above condensation, the products were 1-(amtamidonatlWl)-l-phei3ylcy*lohe:cane and 3g4-dinethyloxyphenylethylamide of diphenylproplonic aeldw Cycdization of these asides followed by LiAI.H4 reduction yields respective tie tWWdzoisoquinoIInes. 1/2 MC 5"117s.835,542-953 MMHOYAN, AL. (DECWED) R MMMOSYARr T. H., SOLOPaNk, L. P. . and RUWHYAII, Z. Nu"t* oblklne Organic Cliwdstxy, Academy of Sciences ArnSSR, Yerevan "Isoquinollne Derivatives. VI. "'Opthesis and Pharmucolq;lcal Properties of ), L rl 0 '1 n"A Thalv- Nit=g6ji COVounds WSR tjDc 541.69+542.91+547.233 S.p AVAXYILNg 0. M., WWROYAN, A. L., (DECEASED), Hc-- and TSATINYAN, A. S. , Institut?egoaftne' "Ortza-z '..e-mistpy imoni A. L. Kndzoyan, Acad,.my of Sciences Armenian SSR, kyerevan) "Arylalkylamine Derivatives. III. Synthesis and Pluarjuacological Properties of N-(3r3~-Diarylpropyl)-N-Aryl(diphenyl)alkylamines" Yerevan# Armyanskiy Xhimicheskiy Zhurnal, Vo, 24# No qj 1-9711 :PP 791-797 Abstracti Condensation of veratrole with methyl ester of cirauLmic acid in nitrobenzene and in presence of aluminum chloride gave the methyl ester of 3-(3,41-aJmetho-j-,--r,-.-,y-L)-a,-,~lici-,ylpropionic acid, WtAch could easily be saponified to the free acid, and fInally converted to acyl ibloride by treatment with thionyl chloride. Condensation of this atcyl Chloride with homoveratrylaiLinet phonylisopropylaaine and diphenylamimobut-iine gave re5pective amddes, for example homoveratrylanide of 3-(3'j4'-d1metk)oxypbenyl)-3- phenylpropionic acid, which could be reduced to the res:pective secondary anines using LlAlH4 in ether. Tested in an assay on raVa spormiduct these &mines showed sympatolytic and some of them even adzenalytle ictivity. USSR 1J-LC 541 - 69+547 -754 Institute of Fine SOLOMITITA, L. P., and MAMHYAN, E. $.)I Organic Chemistry Dreni A. L. Mr-fthoyan, Acad. Sc, Armenian SSR (Yeravn.n) "Synthesis and Investigation of Pharimiceutical Propemtii-~i; of I-Diphenylall-L..-I Substituted l,2,1,4-Tetxnrhydro- -carbolines and Their 1):!rirwLives Yerevan, Arnyanskiy nindcheskiy Zhunial, Vol 25, No 8, 1972, pp G33-62 rrz) Abstract: Tryptamines condensed vith diphenylacetic ac-,;'d anci L~ipl)enyi- pionic acid chlorides yield amides which can be corriertt,:1. to c(-.?rrezponii-.n- secondar-y amines by lithiun al-aminunt hydride re(Iuction. cyclization of these amirics with PlvD~T'hcrrus ox-yehlo:ride '-),Le1ds Club- stituted tetra-hydro- ~3-car'bolineo which ',then conclennad -1th formalin-~ ylcld and ho 1 ra /0 -Cm~t)01- 511-ben 6)aze, 718,1.3,131.), .1),", 15- )yd Inas. Mat of tlulcu compouti-la oxhibitod U USSR ALIKhANY8111, A. I. BEELYaNOV, E. S., IORI)rfalft N. P, UPER-yalLt-IL _Z11, and ShI)ChLYaROV, K. K. "A Study of Transition Radiation in Plastic Foam" Moscow, Pislma v Zhurnal Eksperimentallnoy i Teoreticheskoy Tlziki, Vol 17, No 9, 5 may 73, pp 453 - 4,56 Abstract: Recent studies have indicated the -,reat utill-ty ol' transition radiation in those hiEh-energy regions, where traditional me0ods of particle Identification encounter great difficulties. However, there is still a lack of systematic studies of radiation spectra in porous 'rhe nuthorB used the Yerevan electron accelerator to study radiation in Vie frPquency band 13 - 130 kev. Electrons with enerries of I - 3.75 Gov toare used to pr(>iuce photons detected by a scintillation couftter with & !1'?.l i~lrystal 2 centimeters thick and 7 centimetera in diam-eter, behind a beryllitan ealt vindow 100 microns t1dek. Differential radiation spectra and,curvei relating the total number of phatons per electron to the characterlstlos of the plastic we~we obtained# -6-5 ------ ----- USSR UM None ALDWIPYAN, A. I., P-ZLY,,Y_YV E. S., GARIBMT, G. M. LORMIN, M. P., MAMCAIRYAUTI 11~ 7,h. and S,1D7_,FL'LA.ROV K. K. Separation of Ultra -11i 61.-E,iergy ltrticl~~.s by tho Radiption T'ransition __-'Lhoil ~bscov, Pislma v Zhurnal H1=qrir,Cntal1roLe i Teoretichaskov YJ ziki vol 1"; tio 6, 20 September 19'12, PP 315-3-18 Abstract: Detectors of transiticri radi,-A-on in the c - r,,:-, yfr,:,1~juency range are widely used fcr ic-itifyinG hi:- cosmic rays and in .large accelerators. This l0ttea, --:_JVO.'; sults of ex,~erir2erts conductr,~d on trznsitional radiation in foam P.1astic of 0.0,1? g/cIn" densit" uith Clectron ean-r~-J_C-s of 1-4.5 Gov, where it- was shown -that the use of the stxeam~"_" method -.,;ith P. foa! rl-Lstic radintlor -ermittoo the sc;Vu-ticil 03, partic-te'-, in th:a rarige of r 2/.':'02>10:~ -"-i-h !Ach - L- u Z~ 11 - - -1. bility. T" I i -_ equi,,-.:,_~n1*1 used for t1ae measure:ponluo wns th~e as 'ha' described in an. c-rlier article 1'. Al'.1-han'van, et iil, i_*u:a , .5 , :11,17 0,1 p 2 6 7o d ii u d tu o p e rz, i t o b - serv:~tion Gf Lhe -,;rku_,ry elcctlron trac2-,, thu2 biisiii,- the nrcr-e- durel The qi2csticn o.-f the i.,,ossibility of separatilir- proto"ns, _-rd 1) 1 -1 11 J-9' ;S C A*) I I than!; A. Ts. Ajntuni for hi~,, u,,uN1 coi'Tibnts. 112 020 UNCLNSST'FIED PROCES'StING DAT~_--230CT70 TITLE--CHEMICAL COMPOSITION AND STRUCTURE OF HYDROCAR30oll COMPONENTS OF PROTECTIVE WAXES -U- AUTHOR-(02)-MARKARYAN, R.A.v KAZAKOVAt L.P. iCOUNTRY OF INFO--USSR SOURCE--NEFTEPERERAB. NEFrEKHIM. (MOSCOW) 1 970t (31p 14-17 VAlt PUBLISHED ------- 70 SUBJECT AREAS--CHEMISTRYt MATERIALS TOPIC TAGS--PROTECTIVE COATINGt 141AXt PllYS[CAL CHEMI$1-itl PRO;)ERTY, HYDR,OCARRONt CHEMICAL COMPUSITIUN/(U)Z~ .1 WAX, (UM WAYj (U)PARAFFIN 8 V -WAX t-."CCNTROL MARKING--NO RESTRICTIONS CLASS--UNCLASSIFIED ~~PROXY REEL/FRAME--1996/1516 STEP NO--UR/0318/70/00(j'~/003/0014/0017 _CIRC ACCESSION NO--AP0113503 I A- ce. 1--c-t ILIN UNCLASSIFIeD PROICESSiNG DATE--230CT70 2/2 020 CIRC ACCESSION NO--AP0118503 ABSTkACT/EXT.RACT--(U) GP-0- ABSTRACT. IANTILOXi WAXES ZV I AND Mf ANC PARAFFIN R, APPARENTLY FQUIV. IN NNTIaZONANT ACTlYITYt WERE SEP0. BY FRACTIONAL CRYSTN. INTO 10 FRACTIONS WHICH WERE FU-~UHE-R SEPD. ON THE BASIS OF UREA COMPLEXING AND WERE CHARACTERIZED A$ TO M,P., N I ME 70 SUBDj AND SYMMETRY FACTOR. IMPORTED WAXESi ANT'It..':jX Yl-'-:LDiNG ipO. I AND 34olPERCENT OF FRACTIONS M. 15 LESS THAN OR EQUAL TO 45 aND 55-650~GREES AND WAX M YIELDING 24.0 AND 38.0PERCENT OF FRACTIONS 11. 45-50 ANO 50-5DEG:ZE;-:S CONSISTED MAINLY OF N AND ISOPARAFFINIC HYDRUCAR3ONSt W.14EREAS UOIMESTIC WAXES ZV I HAVING, A NEARLY EVEN 161,P. O[STRIBUrION AND PARAFFIN B, *YIECDING 22.5 AND 33.5PE-kCE-NT FRACTIONS M. 45-50 AND 50-5DEGREES CONSISTED MAINLY OF NAPHTHENIC HYDRUI:,P~30NS HAVING BRANCHED SIDE CHAINS AND PARAFFINIC HYDROCARBONS (SIMILAR TO 851'eRCENT N PAR-AFF,INS), RESP. FACILITY. AINKHGP IM. GUBKINA, MOSCOI.-It USSR. I Mir I A r L-1 -I-r_ I =rl V' ~ I.. t- -.J.. A ~ & " ~ 112 i721 1 .1, C, 11 r 1~13CEIS'N(v ar 02 C C. T 7 r) TITLE-THEPIOG.-UPHIC STij,)Y .~F SOL 11) IfYn;~f,)CARBOIS Qf~ PRJULTIVE .4AYFS i~AZAKJVAt (*P* :C OUN IY '-,F INFO--USSR S' UW HI 1-' . T t A. H,11101 . Ti~-," L~ASEL: 19 71), 15(l) 28-3 P DATE f Ur L ISHE 7 0 SUBJECII AREAS-MATERIA~S TOPI: Ts'%.r3S--PPOTECTIVE CJATING, WAXv OZONEl RUW3FR# MOTIP VLHICLE TIRF REST ~~l CTlf-',NS DOCU"',EXT CLASS--UPICLASSIF IFD PROXY t'. L/f RArAL-1492/1516 CU7,C *CCi:f--,5TL.N N'-'--APOli2510 u G t. -s[ I V P ING )A]-t--02q(:T70 2112 021 UNCLASSIFIED iiRnc Els GIRC ALCLSSI.)N NO-AP0112510 ABSTRACI/EXTRACT-M GP-1- A ti,S T 1',.:% C TTHE w,%X~S, uSr-) VoR TIJES AND kUBEER IECH. -Ark'11CLES AGAINST (MON'l CRACKP.,,;v WE.-IF Ci:lf-'PLEX MIXTS. OF VARIOUS MOL. wT. HYDKQCARB~qINS, M. 49.!i--75f)iEl';,,REES, JIL G 94 5-99 ~0, S PLLRAI NA P HTH Eill I C F RA G I I I N AR 3AA T.1 C-5 0 .0. 5-1. 5y HYDROCARBONS RFACTING WITH GAROAMIDE 30~iVPE[:~CENT. -CHARACTER1571CS OF THE WAXES ARE TABULATED.. USSR UW 613 - 693 and SINELINIKOY, I. A. "The Etiology and Prophylaxis of Vestibular Disorders ip Flight Personnel" Moscow, Voyenno-Meditaluskly Zhurmal, No 22, Dee 73, I~P~56-59 Abstract: Three methods for training fliight personnel it-~ing a complex afferent system to increase the stability of the vestibular anal~jrsors to acceleration are. described. The first, or active, rsethod involves gj,mrastic exercises which include tilting the head while rotating the body vith open eyes. nie second, mixed active-passive, method uses a rotattint; chair vith tho Subject tilting his head during rotation vith closed eyes. 7he third, passlve, m-~thod employs appar- atus which both rotates and tilts, such as mvlDgs and cii-lindars. Slaccer~s of the training io determined by the disappaaraixq P4, weakaatn~j of vestibular-vegetative reactions such as rocking sensation, flush, perspimtioxt and musea. USSR UDC 616.281:612.273 SIDEVNIKOV, I. A., MAP SARXAN,_1,,_S., and, PAVLOV, G. I. "Usefulness of Certain Hemodpiamic Parameters in Detecting Vestibular and Autonomic Disorders Under Ordinary Conditions and Duria$, Hypoxia" Moscow, Izvestiya Akademii Nauk SSSR, Serlya Hiologichevokaya, No 3, 1973, pp 364-373 Abstract: The effect of motion sickness Induced by continuous cumulation of Coriolis acceleration on various hemodynamic parameters was studied in 60 human subjects of varying vestibular stability under ariLinary and hypoxic (02 10.5%) conditions. The vestibular and autonomic di;Wrders resulting from motion sickness increased blocd pressure and peripberal vascular re- sistance, but decreased the systolic and minute volumes.. However, these changes were observed in all the subject.9, reprdless of the degree of vestibular stability, suggesting that the cardiovascula17 system Call readily adapt to vestibular stimulation. ~Thus, the use of hemadynamic parameters is only, of limited value in detectIng latent vestibular insueficiency. USSR UDC 611.851616-073-71611.84 MARKOYAN, S. S.p Candidate of Medical Sciences$ and SIXEL1,1KOVt I. A., "Method for Determining the Rate of the Slow and Rapid Phases of Nystaemus on Blectronystagmograms" Kiev. Zhurnal Ushnykh Nosovykh i Corlovykh Bolemiey, hJu 2, ltar/Apr 71 pp 90-106 Abstracti The proposed methotd for determining the phaze velocity of nystagmus reduces to one tenth of Its original value the time ani woxi required to evaluate the extremely important mystagmia reaction of! the vestibula apparatus test subjects, A simple fornulas vW3 used for cLaoulating tho an,- 3 _,ular pha e velocity in degrees second of the nystagmic impulse frbn ths velocity of movement of the paper used to record nystagmus (In mm/iAncond.), the an&14 of inclination with respect to the horizontal axis of the zlou.(or fast) phase of mystagmus in degrees, the tangent of the neaeured ailgle C,:f inclination with respoct to the horizontal axis of the plmaea of V* nyat.&Pdc impulse, =xi the calibration wave of the anglo of deviation ofithe qiks in degrees. Extensive tables of calculated values for vaxious waum of the 1%s1L q=tity axe given and the possible anglar. of inclination of tho nystagrus phasen USSR MMRYAHj S. S. j Zhurnal Ushnykh Nosovykh i Gorlovykb Boloiney, No 21 XarlApr 71# pp 90-106 (from 10 to 890) are presented for various Yelocitles of paper advancement during the recording of nystagmograns. A sUiple ruler itas designed by the authors for measurenent of the angles of inolination. The authorz propose their simplified nothod for deterrdning nystagama pl=im In clinical as well as in scientific research work in the field of e1jictror4stagmograliby. 2/2 USSR UDC 616.281-008-07:617. 761409.24 J., and SIDEL'NIXOV, 1. A., Hoscow MA ._%"ULJ5..S "Determination of the Reactivity of the Vestibular Analysor from Nystagmus Da&' Kiev, Zhurnal Ushnykh, Nosovyk.h, i Gorlovykh Bolezrtey, Ila 4, Jul/Aug 70, pp 24-29 Abstract: Experiments wlth.J~130 human subjects showed tlial: the reactivity of the vestibular analysor can be dcterWined -not only from One dwration of nys- tagmus, but also from the rate of the slov phase, the amplitude,, and the frequency. The rate of the slow phase of nyfitagmus provi)ked fi,/ stop sti.,111111 the most significant indicator. It increas;.-d with intem0fic4tion of the stop stimuli at a rotation speed of 15, 30, 60, 900 and 18.0'hivc. Changeo in the rate of the slow phase correlated with values of 0.1te stop atimulus up to 180*/sec. Two types of curves showing the- react1vity of the vestibular analysor with respect to the duration of nystagmus were itatermined, reflecting differences in the subjects' vestibular stability (high &nd lcw). Nystagmus lasting 18 to 28 sec provoked by stop stimuli of 15 to 600/sec Is an Indica- tion of vestibular-autonomic stability, while more prolotiged nystagmus is an indication of low stability. USSR une 611-85:523 SILEL NIKOV., I. A., PAVLOV~ G. I., DROZDOM, N. T., and SMEPANOVI V. K. "Effect of Vestibular Stimilation During Knoxia on Saae Physiological Reactions" Moscow, Izvestiya Akade7di Nauk SSSR,, Seriya Biologicheskaya No 1, 197le PP 33-36 Abstract: main purpose of the study vas to deterrid~me whL-ther -.icderate hypoxia can be used to detect latent vestibulo-autonorde instability in air- plane pilots and On the assummtion that tolerance for cm,~alative Coriolis accelerations 1,9~stlng at lea6t 2' minuter, is a 'Food criterion of vcsti- biLlar functioll, ~!IJP flubject"; vore. Q1Xj)O[IC(t tO 11)'rN:)XirL. vitixz-r by remaln- ing in a precs.Lre c1hw.Jjc~, tit ari VaItitu(:Ic" oj" WX) Y1 o"! bre-athillf" rt ,,~Wxjo~lo mix- tum vith a low ccmtent FAI'd thWl iii a t;-,j4m,,J_rd c.-,&rii-. '11'.1a results o.V Wic tcst vestillm-Lar itiotabiIIIy (4~,h In Ph~,(, w' th,.! nonfliers, IPI,,~ of the Clii.,Iit school ccmdirl.atuss, rmd, thi.. 1.,Iior:~. Othor effects of the acti,)n ul' hypoxia and CorkA..ii;;, W-CC14111-4tintIC a T!IFLrkc,I occrervne in tiv., c.~-.rdiax output, I.ri t1iij idni,it-o vr>Iu.,.,.e of respiration, imil diminic-Iied viuual neulty in thu aunsitlve USSR U 1), C621. 6-- 181. KRIKOROV, V.G., KRASOV, X , A YE 'Preparation And Study Of Tne Qu a I i ty Of Tlhin,-Fih~ Capavitora Paced On Oxides Of Rare-Earth Elementall E16ktron. takhriL m. ab. U -r-r .'It E. ohs r. tr, i i!; n da rti 7Zlo c brcni c 3 k rz ThchnoloU. Scianti~ic-,~3 nicai Collection. 4Ldministr,atiar, UP And S, ch No Sor ization), 1971, Issue 1(7), PP 75~-83 t 1971, 0 qv310,) Abstract N Translation: The preparation is considored of thin die),ectri,-, ~-nd capa.citcrz based on oxides of rp-re-earth elerentj by the method of ~vavor,.Uon ifi~h electron bombardment and by un uluctron beam in a vacv-wm. '17h* rLsiilts exe nrazented of a study of the quolity of th thin-film capicitprs pr9purad. 51wi-Mlary. 10 USSR UDC 615*2li547.665 MAMVA E. -11, A. K,g and GERHMp S. K.# InsUtute of Organic ARC 1y2n2t2:hEsfij-'Academy of Sciences LatvianSSOR, Riga, "Synthesis and Physiological Activity of 2,20-DL%mino-P.,21-(phenylene)-bis- -indanediones-10" Moscowl Xhimiko-Fazmatsefticheakly Zhurnall Vol 7P No 3# May 73# PP 30-33 Abstracti It has been shown thkub 2,21-dibromo-2g2'-(p~-pherkylane)-bia- -irhianedlones-1#3 react via nucleophilic halogen excluut6p with primary and secondary amines in anhydrous dioxime or ether to y1e14 . 2pl!'-diaminc- -2,21-(p-phenylene)-bia-indanecUones-1,3. A series of derivatives vas prepared, all compounds showing sone tranquilIzing action ; amino--m-pheny- lene-bia-indanediones exhibited higher af.,tivity than tba p-phenylene homo- logs, Compounds with the dimethylamino group in their~istruct-ure were more active than comparables d-lothylamino derivatives. A transition from p- -phanylene to m-phenylene derivatives resulted in disappearanes of the anal- gesic activity. USSR '.&:A'YBYSHEV 0. A., -5 214 and YUREMOV AViation Institute Ni6kelll "Superplasticity in Technica.1 MOSCOW, Izvesti-~ Vysshikli Uchebnykh Zavedeniy, Chernaya Mletallur- giYaq 140 71 1973, pp 119-121 Abatract: A study was made of the T)lasti-city deT)et-xden~ce of NP-2 brand nickel in a wide range of temperatures -inc! deformation rates, on the initial structure. A diversity in the initial structure aas attained at the ex-pense of producing nickel %,jith eosentia-111,r dif- ferent grain sizes The notable difference ir. the character of the change of actual s;resoes in the dejf-ormation.prowss de-:~eadin_ ' .L G on the initi-il condition is demonstrated. The creation of a suuerfine grained structure in nickel (d=4,Ar_) consideraloly oh-_jiCes its strenE;th and plasticity indices. If the plasticity of large U _L _brained nickel de-oonds little on the 6eformation rate, -hen-on fine grained nickel, a! 8000C and F, =5 -1o-3, c-1 deformations ra`.tes, a clearly ea_~- pressed plasticity maximum o---:' 16004 is observed. Probably, this can be exolalned by the fact that the structure of technical nickel undergoes considerable changes in the deformatioa process due to the high groviing rate of the grain- %which impedes tu;'ae obtaini-nC 0 'L a higher plast-icity. Three figures, 'Live bibli*graphic-references. 60 - Instrumentation and Equip:6ent USSR UDC 620-1?2-251-05 YAYBYSFLEVp 09 A.# IIAMLOV, A. A., and GOHDI-rENKO, YE. C., Ufa Aviation Institute "Device for Determining Metal Ductility Over a Wide Riunge of Deformation Rate-- and Temperatures" Moscow, Uvodskaya Iabora.toriya, Vol 39, 110 7. jul 73, pp 880-681 Abstracti A new device is described which makes It posuible to determine the dynamic ductility of metals by tensile testing in a wi~lo range of deformation rates and temperatures. Design of this device providejal heating rates from 15 to 500- C/sec with or without subsequent laothermiLl sD4ik1ngP M titanium alloy was tested on this new device anti on an PIR-0,4-1 tenzila testing nachine at deformation rates of 1-103 and 1,10-1sec-1, reapectlyely, and at tenreratures of 650, 900, 9,rO and 10000 C. In upset testing of VT9 ailloy In the selected range of defornation rates, the effect of rate on, ductility vaB not rerqaled~ Macrocracks were not detected even at the highest defovuxtit~n ra:L35. Results achieved with this new device showed the+, the ductility, of aji alloy is highly dependent on deformation rate and temperature, One f1preq two bibliographic references. USSR ULX:! 620-1-1'2-251-2-05 KAYBYSHEV, 0. A., arid. MARMLO~r A.,A,.,,,,.Pfa Aviation Insti-b-ate "Unit for Testing Ultraductile Materials" Moscow, Zavodskaya L-aboratoriya, Vol 39, No 6, JI-11, 7,9., I~P 753-755 Abstract: The autho,.s developed a miachine, the NP-05-1, for IkestinG the iLltra- ductility of riaterials over a wide interval Of def03,1m.-Iion rates and termpara- tures. With this iikachine the defo:mration rate cart be varied. fro--.L 0.25 to 200 mn,/irdn, and by addirL; the reduc:Lng gear from '111 deforriation rate can be reduced to 0-005 lmi/iidn. Tozparature call be Inr;Antained vit'i an '40C u-0 to 500'~'C and *3 OC 41 rom 500 to 100iPC. A diagram illl.,Ltratcs accuracy ol the functioping of the M2-05-1 Imit- 2 figrares, 5 'bijIio,;;:-aj?I-,Ic mferences 1/2 022 U.NCLASS(FIE'D ll'K'OCE5!;lNG DATE-040ECTO :TITLE--QUALITY OF STAINLESSi LOW CARBON STEEL -U-. AUTHOR-( 05)-KASYANOV, A.G., GUREVIGHt Ytl.G.i MARKELIVi k-l.t SIDOROV, N.V.v GERASIMOV, YU,V. ~..COUNTRY OF INFO--USSR tOURCE--MOSCOW, METALLURG.o NO 5p KAY 76p PP 17-19. :DATE PUBLISHED ---- NAY70 SUBJECT AREAS--MATERIALS, MECH.7 IND., CIVIL AND MASIN~ ENGR TOPIC TAGS--LOW CARBON STEELe STAINLESS STEEL, METAftURGIC PLAN'ro -ING,: HIGH QUA41rY -MECHANICAL PROPERTY, ARGON SCAVENGINGo VACUUM MEI-11 -:27 :STE-ELt: ARC FURNACE, FERROUS LIQUID ME'rAL, iNimcnON FURNACE, STEEL IMPURITY CONTROL MARKING--NO RESTRiCTIONS UCCUMENT CLASS--U-14CLA SS I P I ED ,.PROXY REEL/FRAME--300710409 Is It, p .C[RC -ACCESSION NO--AP0135881. UINIC L AS SSIFIEU LL THE MECHANICAL CHAR ALT ER I ~il ICS UJ;- THE !b I tt-L ~),A I A.')It' I rLl Al.t- 14 -11, qEQUIREMENTS A COMPARISON OF THE MECHANIC~l Cl ii!.RAcrt'u.[5TICS OF THIS STEEL MADE BY THE THREE PROCESSES DISCUSSEDt METALLIC ARGON SCAVENGINGr AND VACUUM INDUCTIUNt IS AL$O PRESEW l!:0. FAC 11. 1 T Y: CHELYABINSK POLYTECHNICAL INSTITUTE* FACI 4. 1 T Y: ZLATOUS METALLURGICAL PLANT. UNCL A SS 10: 1 ED uss-31 J.- c''iH V. m.- S 1!,~ 1.) v N c: POLY.'l-wmv, Yu. V. L,~71:,i D_-:vA.. v. Ins'i'ule and lial, u ous Motaniiua-, oal ls. n "Qual-11- Stainles!~,, Low-Ca::-bon St I'letallimc Tto Ma- 7- Ib_~tract: A ztaM,1e_f-s, low,'--car-Inon Mctallur,7, -Leal P-',c,.Y.-t is uoioribc~d, '..ho co:t-b-lon u 0 'Irld 1111t~ f arna c 01, with arpon. I; sim-ilar me~kal r1a -Zt.~ the impurities in -G1-.c ty-pos of ;-.-~tcel, t,,,o imethods -- ~~ho use of r,,~~Iu-al clactiodas a'nd An an~alyzis of' th_- of a quzLritit!~.tivQl! ties t-hat t1o z*-e hl".- c],. contamination along the transverse :~.xis 0.f, s-";eZ~1 i3 less than that alom- the lo::4-7 _itudizcl ax` 112 70 UNCLASSIFIED PROCESSING DATE--04DEC 2/2 022 -C-10.,C ACCESSION No--AP0135881 ACT. A STAINLES$~ LOW CARBON ~JEEL ~C. CT--(U) Gp-0- ABSTR 1~ 1 V~ - rLir- rA()nA TTqqR A, G C,- 2 characte istics of achanical A eolriparisson made by the tllrea -0~~Ocasses discuswd d argon Scavenging, and vacuum induction 13L 1-00 USSR UDC 669.018.45-15:539.214 KAYBYSHEV, 0. A., MAMYEV, L. V,, GUSEWA, S. P., and 1.0-HKELOV, A. A., Ufa Aviation Institute "Relation Between the Structure and Properties of E1929 aloy" Mosco%-7, IVUZ. Chernaya Metallurgiya, No 5, 1972, pp .125-:128 Abstract: An investigation is made of the effect wbich sLructure cbtained by various kinds of heat treatment has on the properties of EI929 heat re- sistant alloy. Open nnd vacuum-arc melts vere studi~t.-d. The cheinical conT)--- sition of both melts correoponded to technical specIfications. T1,.e harden- ing y'-phase was analyzed: the anount of y-phaoe, rie!an grii-in -,.-.ze amd lattice parameter were determined. The structvre an!1 proj;crties of the alloys are ccn-pared. Tine high-temperatitrc strength -of' the alloy can be attributed to grain size, vbile the ductility is a finiction of the distri- bution and degree of dispersion of the,hardening y'-phase. V MA IFIVINfill ApIflufflill UK: 612.017.1,014.462 '+11 FIC t) MSES C~ CA:'~'L% RAIS IN Mrr. AFTER 2-4-YEAR upost'RE 1~~N.-TOCIMX'ICAL ANALY12S) tl~ j=1cle by 1.7. ronotanttnVVd. A.S. q ~M.Abln 'J.4. UrllkOV, Ve SC I h rz-t~t~t ~rzadl.~tlon the currilarrive dosage of whtch, according to J cc,:,! :Lonstitute ~0-100ron. Irven~Ern equIvaleril man! over &.one- ,,-ir fliv a-ute recurTvnt ght a~ expo,,ur~ to oolar corpuacular arlaSAPe Of 5-51n re= per burst (V-^.. flob~.ov et Pl.-. Sthae!rr) are fact ors that crqCjnu--j- ~TV%c%!~-, at~rjnz ptolonged apace flights. 1%.& pragn-tts f c: iri'hi C.ndit-lan-u. I-T' Z_~gq conditious dnd *ubetantiatlon of Izvolt; of par- -Ifisible ex-,~~turc of c_aa=on3ut* d*rIPjt prolvns~d space flt-ht-3 constitutes a prot,,n. mf c:nsat Gf radiation sickneari ufter expo=ura -a rn.4- t-~17 izzz -"Z ~r Imolzing radiation hive been mtudled in n,-)merc-j3 investi- '~!-rc are -ny u,,)rk,; dealing with im=unalazical ra==I~Aty =4-r such ~Lutn J.: V.1r. Troit~Hy et al.. and ar_hcrr-~. TOL Cb.0 in In the nrgantbn rvf~.raljle to ex; .. uure to i-all dol-cs ot tzniz~n, radiation have not been InveAtIpa.-ed sufficiently. ttiat 4-'; after fract1c,6.0 or contEnuoub [;:nit nnt ir: -aticnn so,u-,; r,.R. gaui~n; E.K. 0zhikicize), !n trtr 7~.-nz. 6-& of specific Ittmunity wi-A antlyg.d a unlq- complex chronic export-rit. A 14-~, zrour. of '.,,y." !~No been cor.,Anuotu~ly rnpaned to gn:=ma rn~fi (cobalt tor -v-r~: yo6c~ , ror Oic 14rat Lhrua vearn of the "parizautt the =:L=lz sur6i ns catile be nref;ent for ttii, crew or a ap,,eecrift ~hr zrth to M.;ra 4nd Plovid-1 thf. rricli.tion It ol, iYu.G. 29 - 7C =c 612.Lu.2.oi4.h,,,P PL)ME Z: IC-AL71Y AYD C~MYXA= MF1JUW-M DW~~ by A. V. and A 4 A MirrkajoV nD4=-=' NO April IT?, PP Z-.!-;?3, sutcdtt~ct-fo-r publication 10 June 19-1.1] Ab2t-'4et: Paper E-1vea experimnt&L eatn whieh-heIV to jAvuitittre tte 2ev~l e- which tbt erytb=cy*~e It-v'cl cf h^&W7 !~rad'~.,ec: do-z= is after a ptvziml lotul. After =)jille for 2.~ m.niAten on r trPadrr4:a at a. n-eed of 5,;r k4 tA~~ ccgr, re3e~-zr-n into ILI= bizolatream 2,5*0.9% c-C' the rnd rislas of thr, total ntmb-er of callft air:~Ulnt- tT4_ In the Mic =zst dintinct index zhovine tbe utate Ift the Which P. Liven PILYZL-l L.~td. C-,1 the b.~i. a'& In I li~ " -ttm ture aW Lhv I r owr f indingr tite m;thors tnmt -T, ~mtlirocyte in tr.'a lum RIC, S -. -T, :-j -cn t i wtr~ lrrar:,&t~i in total d-i~ ~f J'10, =1 rud for Z'Ii, 42 &nd 51 mor.-Jir. regpoc- nd the "V c" I their in t"Xt-~'n It"loy !11 Liiff~)"mrl 11 Int-ratory ani- m carrc:jz,!,L:,-ne~, of thcz~ 1-rirv-~trr-, (Crcnkfte, et &I._ fkme tl- in c~ntri.,!~ L~~ qr"jikUoc fo;'= &L ,11 or I'c-rn. ~n !mIF;nM,~unt cP.U r~nerv- et hl.redAtdo wid I.. Yft. Yevgcnlycva poInt nut durllng light And I-riel' th-, im i=r.,h-~ in thc con- m'.-1 thc T."X4'.2" of er%~hrocyt~i duc to =~re-ft--v ~-' ttr-, bi,,,a rrum it:: =n-! art- nznz-. in 1.h~ ~ry'~~irrqlritnr. 1r iiio if an In- -In '-.e ,cnt~nt ." -A:n*,cvtc~;. w-,rk IL clmmct-rlz~.l 17 an .~~rr'lze ~n '-L.~ n'~nv'r Of In b1col. However, ZWNS -65e-~7 Apt,, 11VIZZI VDC 612.014.e,82.4 ArrER 3-YEAR CMeIA IRRADIATIM. ~!F IttvS (Articls b? T G Get Mv. H. A. hnrkelov V. 1, Pn pv In- __SRv na 'd V. A. Kor-kovl Honcw, anlts- Y., 12~-- - - at, KDsmicheekaya Biolonlya I. Meditaind, Ru;`s`1-n-n-,-VoI 6. rdLrzitted for publ%cat%on 25 Harch 19711 Abstract. *his.pap-pr ou"orlica the remultz of a year.. radiabiologUal experiment on dcjts. In several cx- perimental series,chronic irradiation wtrh varied dome r" tea (11 t6'150 red per year) and chrcnit irradiation :-7 combined -with- -&-cut-e exposures (total dux#5 of IQ0 rj-J per year) ware applied. Clinical hqmatvjng1caI. ~Ji"Lc~ logical and cytological examinations damonstrateJ that the animal.4 maintained 4 satisfactory clinical condition nd exhibited no serious organic r441atl-~f* danex . H,-- ve decrease in their componil4tnry ",tent jalit Los find a their reactivity were n--ced. A lack of adequate Information In the literature on the btnlogtcal *effects induced by co"tant exposure to loniting rrdiation in th" dotes pos- t%,Vible during prolonged space flighti rervvd as a basis for conducting a spe- I experiment on a large number of dogs. The scientific program for the W-41spertment, the Irradiation conditions and the results obtained one and twv years after beginning this experiment have been published earlier (Yu. G. Grigor'yev, at al., 1968, 1970). This paper gives materials obtained after three years of irradiation t>of the experirental animals. Data on the rnarber af antatols, doset and itradi- ,ation conditions are given in Table 1. hiter three years of the experiment the condition of the Animals. luatad from the results of systematic examinationss(in pect1on!,,,utemp:r;- ova nts of body weight, pulse nd Morat rat 5 ture messurevent, messureme remains satisfactory. The incidence of disease to the irradlatv,4 groups (conjunctiVltis, dyspepsia, etc.) was low and did not exceed the correspond- U j Lug incidence in the gtoup of control aniouls. rr.1 UDC 617-MI.2C-Ocj2,9-085-649.1-015.25-07.- LWFECT OF AMYTEThAVM. AND ATP Olt H!14C1,0jEi;jS IN DOGS DMjjjG RUEATEM MO_qj?xS AakIN-ET A PACKMAOUND Or MUM,= I P,~rjyj,-Tolj by-v~ ai4 T. Ye.. !;,i rReVE -4L, -ab--jtt--d C. r; iq AbAract; This puper eutzarizea tl,e re-ultu of twz-year of 4-ed. 71-,w _~.-pz reecird A e~~v t,,f IP-n, 5 rfO!,,e~r, vhtr~.t the th ird U-. ;L control. The 30 Irradlatel kt,gs were m1miniatcred radio- pr,Avctlv~ ilrug2: =.d AT.". Hriw~or~.I,-tlc pfirfi- =Zera higher ctfibility in respcmec to the drugr. We ct=alcz Z,-.c ;jr tli--tip-tic-prolinyinctic memmurcs under 1;=cc Thl~ ~taidy -,f . --mplx exprrIzent cnrr%ed tk--! With 2;10 4--9Z 4--h -.~rr -zo nrcmc loW-leVel r4dictlup (Yu. G. Tnis hrticl~ Rlve.~ tl;~ re.:~ultrs of two y,??Lrv of observationo CA three dcg- in th-v. ...Id ~,--,d Er-P. ~3) d,Eq Oiltjded t" "1-'-.L ~o~o- Y- 4- ~ m dorm of raLl.,yemr w!". m~tl:tlrr-l nt:%ae prolonged execLLIre2 al-latir-T zc-F'r rita-,&6 ulth ~ hn-ind do" threr t4,mr.-, n ycar. Ae tctal radlutlon do; a r~arir4; the twa years un-, 1',"I ra4. 14- ;,Iilr,J trvt,uj~ whs & Itialeelcal ccantrol. A,i tintirnilittion arug-~ we Bled umytetruvite and adenoalne triF414p'l-hato (Aw). These. r~ a-g~ capm)lc c-f inre--ing the olAtUrnl 1,ody rrilor~61stunce 0 ftr-1 lnt~t~~ifying procts~e5 of po!;t-Adl,It!cr. mcovery (0. 1. nelool;ovt~ Jmd H. V. T1. =i,; V. 13. ~rp-.ozy1r. UrA Ye. 1. ll~i 11-ki-I r, -.I I 1-d 7"~C: a 0, ncla-~ vnLi h~ -1. 1- t;a- , wv- l.:i.%1 "in I -I -t to 0 1 "G I'l I I I'l, ir, tvc,-wTk each rnf.l.i,~. ATP .0m ('0 SSTW or EftrAGWO=4S is =a. E~ W MW MMrATM IN D= 9M. ZATM ColmrTion A=WAMrW PWWBGW SPAqVL1OH7 AO- 41- (Article b t, L_'.Vmashiw A~ V_ llvaniz and Nottov, Un- eekayn _7a,~ , A 1;TSV,-VOl+ mitten :c1r Publication .10 June 1970J Abstract' This paper Oven the results of studies, Of dir. ferent aspects of &~TythrorgleaLn (lifetime of red blQo4 cells, bone marrow production) of dogs exp*eed to COW g- Irradistion for 2.5 years, Two-year trradl- stlons,with a dose oX b.Y 9"sures of k:? red tj=Qe times a Y*Url L i~~orttoc`l " hal-f-life Qr erfthrocytem. 11owever, tho db"sp processes were repaLred, its eould be iladged from the absence of wieaia_Incxc=t In bone marrcu erythrol4 aleccatS, and !CCelarAtlot; of bone murov red blood cell -,,reduction, Repair can te attri- buted to activated ery-ttweld hentopolesis. The charqc3 pr,A"cad by chronic Irradiation alone were or a siziiftr nattare, but less dirtiwkct. This paper given the. results or a study or the LIfetime or iryVI-Vt1t, -a the bone marrow production or erythrocytes, and some otber c1laracteriaticz oryttvopoleals Lfi dogs subjected for 2.5 years tn 1' -irradlation from & Co courts. This work was part or complex investigations of the blologicAl efrezi of prolonged Irradiation, In done intensity and duration GiaLklatting the rudi6. tion conditions in a chit, cabin during prolonged space flight IYU. G. GrIgo. yev, at al.). Material and Research Methods In the experimentsve used 30 common male dop age's two iur t~ma ye The animmIA were brolmn drAm Into three groups: tha,12 aoss in the 11rat groulp,.SpAitst a~' background of persistent (22 hours a day) chronic f -Irr d. tion with a dos* intensity of 62.5 rOA/.-sar, wove subjected tacb row Xv.-A a to re~ested radintion, in a dose of 42 rad. The total mean absorbed U.%sue d 28 . . ..... ... UNC L AS':S I F I E !PROCIESS(NG 0AfE--t3NOV70 TITLE--DYNAMICS OF GRANULOCYTIC RESERVE CHANGE IN YHE 00til: HARROW OF ANIMALS EXPOSE0 To CHPON[C GAMMA IRRADIATION -U-1 AUTHOR-(02)-ZUBENKOVAt E.S., 11ARI~.ELOVr B.A* COUNTRY OF INFO--USSR SOURCE--MOSCOW, KOSMICHESKAYA BIOLOGIYA I M E 0"T T Shi A ,HUSSIAN, VOL 4, NO t, JANUARY FEBRUARY 1970, SUBMITTED FOR, PUbLICATION 6 JhNUARY 1969, PP 3-6 DATE PUBLISHED-----70 SUBJECT AREAS--BIOLCGICAL AND MEDICAL SCIENCES TOPIC TAGS-BGNE MARROWP GAMMA IRRADIA~rlolq, RADIAT10N aELLULAR EFFECT, SPACE R-ADIATION HAZARDo CANCERt PYROGENt; SOLAR :Fj.ARF_v SOLAR CORPUSCULAR RADIATIONt TEST CONTROL MAR~KIN --NO R E S TR I C T I'ON S' DOCUMENT CLASS--UNCLASSIFIED PROXY REEL/FRAME--1986/1363 srFP:NO-.-UR/045~3,1',1)9/0,01't/001/00t)3/0006 CIRC ACCESSION NO--AP0103606 UNCLA$SIFIEOI -77 r PRMESS~' 111G DATE- 212 046 UNC ASS, -1E I -13NOV70 CIRC ACCESSICN NG--AP0103606 ABSTRACT/EXTRACT-W) GP--O- ABS TRACT. OUR I N G, PROLONGED SPACE FLIGHTS 'XPOSED. IONIZING RAOIATION LS ONE OF THE FACTORS TO WHICH 1-1 AN IS F "N TO 14HICH COSMOU'AUTS ACCORDING TO B08KGV, ET AL., THE GALAC'ric RADIATIO ARE suaJECTED CONTINUeUSLY DURING THE ENTIRE FLIGHT IS:APPROXIMATELY 70-100 REM PER YEAR OF FLIGHT )%N0 SOLAR: CORPUSCULNII RhDIATION IN THE FLARE. EVALUATION OF TKE SPACESHIP SHIELDEO COMPARTMENTS [S 5-50 REM PE DEGREE OF OAMAGE TO BLOOD FORMING TISSUE (DURING IRRADIATION OR MALIGNANT DISEASES) FRO11-1 THE MAGNITUDE OF THE GRANULOCYTIC RESERVE IS -XTENSIVELY BOTH IN OUR COUNTRY ANID ABROAD. DURIJiG RECENT YEARS A USED r TEST WITH PYROGENAL IS BEING USED EXTENSIVELY FOR CHARACTERIZING THE 'CTIGNAL AND EXPERWENTAL W RK FUN STATE OF LEUK093ESIS IN CLINICAL cl (RAUDSLPP; KELLER AND HEILMEYER; flEL!.'lAPJ AND FINK~. WEi MSEU A PYROGENAL TEST FOR MAKING A MORE DETAILED ~TLJDY OF THE STAIE OF LE()KOPOESIS DuRING CHRONIC GAMMA IRRADIATION. ~112 032 UNCLASSIFIED PROCES4ING OATE--30OCT70 TITLE--DYNAMICS OF CHANGES IN THE NARROW GRANULOCYTE RESERVE OF ANIMALS .'.:.EXPOSED TO CHRONIC GAMMA RADIATION -U- --AUlTH0R-(0Z)-ZU8ENKOVA# E.S.o M 'tLE~cvj GpA& :,-CGUNTRY OF INFO-USSR BIULOGIIA I MEDITSINAv VOL, 4s JAN.-FEB. 1970t Pe ATE:PUBLISHED ------- 70 .J SUBJECT AREAS--BIOLOGICAL AND MEDICAL SCIENCES TOPIC TAGS--GAMMA IRJkADIATIONt RAUIATION dIOLOGIC EFFKT~ RAOIATION LEUKOPOIESIS, PYROGEN :,,,CGNTROL MARKING-NO RESTRICTIONS DOCUMENT CLASS--UNCLASSIFIED '~PROXY REEL/FRAME--1997/0052 STEP NU--(JR/0453/70/00-'t/L)OO/0003/00t)6 tRC ACCESSION NO--AP0119048 c UNCLASS, IFIIEP.- z2- 032 UNCLASSIFi~[) PROCESSING DATE--30OCT70 CIRC ACCESSION NO--APOll'3G48 ABSTRACT/EXTRACT--(U) GP-0- ABSTRACT. STUDY OF WtItIATIONS IN THE MARkOw GRANULOCYTE RESERVE OF 55 DOGS EXPOSEQ TO 25 TO t!25 R(-.A PER YEAR OUSES OF GAMMA RADIATION OVER A PERIOD OF 1.5 YEARt WlrH Or, wi[TiIJUT INSTRAMUSCULAR INJECTIONS OF A PYROGENIC AGENT. A CERTAIN DEPRESSION OF LEUKOPQIESIS ESTABLISHED BETWEEN' rHE'6 ND 14T" i-JONTHS OF I-H EXPERIPiENT IN DOGS EXPOSED TO 225 REM PER YEAk RADIATIO14 00$ES iAS FOLLOWED BY A GRADUAL RESORATION OF THE MARROW GaANUL.OCYTE RESE7RVE. AS A RESULTi THE LEUKOCYTE REACTION OF THE DOGSzT0 THE~PYROGEPJLC AGENT WAS NORMALIZED BY THE 16 TO 18TH MONTHS OF THE EXPERIMENT. UNCLASSIFIED USSR I Dc 53? .37 ~%rIK-1:T.1-11V G . I. IL IT. A., and IWItOV, V. A. "Deflactiona of B11113tic Paralle h, piped Viidrj:r Autton 0,," Ittl Own I,IeiC, 'i to, Kiev, Priklandnaya Mekhanika, Vol 7, No -12, 19~11, pp ~2-40 Abstract: The obiect of the I%ripar is to compare U'U!rnat~-a r-athods of f:e"-ttn:- up boundary eqiiations. Me very I'Onj rlralielepijed has cone vertical ftime finad Lma Is to its oi~m weight. no Z-asis of coordinates colncit~:cs -,dthi this face. tLe X-asis is normal to it and lays in the bottom face. 'Zhi~ SK crorps-Section ic- covered by a grid. Finite difference equations in rmtrix form are -writt,-m for the nodal points of this Grid. Alternates 1 and 2. Iffic darivata-. of the stressi1w with xvspact to ain.- tance along. the face are used as bounrhtY7 conditior.7s. Alternate .1. Unilateral difference ecrLiations are used nomzI to thn faces, central differences along the faces. The general solutions of the differema cq%int-iona are eiveri. Thiq are expanded in ~-eries. solatious of the deflections titresc-i--s fO.T the thIC'- the nu m-rical ternnt,,~ nthods 4Lre 3 G"Otted lin,-~3) i1; the gir- ]..A Ruca DATE-20NOV70 T'tTLE---t-Ff LCT F E. S t-- t,, I -N, f- k- I SOUIZ Ytlil:$ ICA I' BRA IN -U- A TIHO k -C 3 5 f RY K C VY 0N il 41 1 ..M. C C UNT R YLF 1INFC-USSR SCURCE-OUKL. AKAO. NAUK SSSR 1970, 191(3), 726-8 TE PULISHED--70 SU$JLCT ARCAS--bfCLCGjCtL A,*-,,t) MELDICAL SCIENCES TOPIC TAGS-ALKALGICit VY(JCX.WIUMt XlDNf:Y, LAC I-ATE IN CCNT~CL t-:Af~KfNC.---NC; EEL/ FkAME-3003/ Iq 67 srEP PROXY k Cl.RC ACGESSI~At,, NIO-A1013041o 212 020 ATO 13 0 L U 4 C L A S SF I E. t) Pl;',0,CESSfiNlQ DATE--?,)I',OV70 C18C ACCESSMI N U A5STk.ACT/EXIRACT--(U) (-;fl-o- 4. r T . ESEMNE CAT~ -~-~) Tlll-- Al t.~)b PER K(; CLLIJol,'j ACTIVITY OF I-li(;TAr;:. u-H,eL);o.(;GENASE (LC+) ILC I.I.L.27), LJI- -i'LL' NfUl Sll~'i"IFIL'ANTLY U~.ViGli IH~-: LOH SNIGIRUM I V;' T d I- InE '~YCC A~~UI UN Ar4 1: K 101-;~-- Y S .E:~, f N tF LG ILY I I P.L ~0:-AS ED ACT 1V 1 T Y L-F LACT AT I- Ct-)-,Y L;~UG ENAS E I S IW T 1-1 [-. 411 A I N T I S S U E 4L.Y -Y 1. :1 R E P R C S S 1 N G 6 E,-~ E A A N 0 1 if: ~i S IG [ 0 5 Y NI i F- S I ~i 6 F T H r- M PRU ~j A L 'POLYPLPTICES. FAG I L I I*Y 1 j G -,'-I EA KA IJ V kOVA, ~LENINGHAQ, LSSR. 2 018i UNCLAS PROMSING DATE OCT70 sl F CHANGES IN THE ACTIVITY OF LACTATEDEHYDROGENASE OF THE BL300 SERUM BAND UR I 11E IN ACUTE RENAL INSUFFICIENCY -U--~ ~~-AUTHOR-(03)-TSERINGERt T.8.r MARKELOV, I F4 ORELI S.G: .,-'.COUNTRY OF -INFO--USSR ~~SOUIRCE-TERAPEVTICHESKIY ARKHIVt 1970P VOL'42v NR 3t P10 77-80 DATE PUBLISHED - ----- 70 SUBJECT AREAS--BIOLOGICAL AND MEDICAL SCIENCES ~-TOPIC TAGS--LACTATE DEHYDROGENASE, BLOOD SERUM, URKNEt RENAL FAILURE REST.:ZICTILNS LfUCUMENT CLASS--UNCLASSIFIE0 PROXY 1CCL/fRAME--198GIC819 STEP CIRC ACCESSION NO--AP0102'180 UNCLASSIFIFD W 2/2 018 UNCLAssmEd PPaCESONG !)ArE`--0?PCT7C "CIRC ACCESSION NO--AP0102780 GP-0- ABSTRACT. A TorAL DF Set. pAjj(EjS Wil*H ArJTE RENAL INSUFFICIENCY OF VARIOUS ETIOLOGY WERE EXA.111N.ED. TOTAL ACTIVITY OF LACrATEDE-HYDROGENASE AND ACTIVITY OF ISOENZY~iES (IF LAC TAT EDeHYDROGENASE IN THE BLOOD PLASMA DURING O"LIGOANORIA ~AS DErERmINEO iN 39 PATIENTS. ISOENZYMES OF I-ACTX,-rEL)E,,4~DF(I.IGE,'IASL-: OF THF BLOOD PLASIMA AND URINE DURING RESTOJR~TIGN Of THE 9.CrfkL FLJN:T[3"1 WERE STUDIED IN 15 PATIENTS. AN INCREASi:. OF THE LAI' R Al"TfVlTv IN J!ETEDEHYD ATE THE BLOOD AND URING MAINLY AT T~JE EXPE~ICE OF RAPID MOVING ISOENZYMES WAS NOTED. THE TOTAL ACTIVITY OF LOG OF THE BLOOD WAS NOT CHARACTERfZED BY THE EXTENT OF THE RENAL TISSUE 11JURY. ALL FIVE ISUENZYMES OF LOG WERE REVEALED IN-THE URINE. WITH RESTORATION OF THE RENJ.U. FUN'.*TION T0_- ACTIVITY OF ISOENZYMES IN THE BLOOD AND URINE BECAMt NORICALIZED. THE DYNAMIC OESZRVATlON OVER THE CHANGE IN THE ACTFVITY-~OF LDG MADE It' ~POSS18LE TO'JUDGE UPON THE RE'STORATION OF tHE AENAL,FurNcrro,-4. USSR UDC 536.24.01 MAMLOVA, L. P., NIMICHINOV, I. V., ana SHMIDBTRVA, L. P. "Cooling the Heated 11'e-ion Formed in the Breakdown of Air Under laBer Radiation" Moscow, Zhurnal Prikladnoy mkhaniki i Tekhniche6koy Fiziki, No 2, 1973, pp 54-63 Abstract: As a result of the high concentration of enorgy at the point of air breakdown under laser radiatioa, t-ho air at that point my reach a temperature and pressure of the same order --s those in the fireball of a nuelLear explot3ion at the motnent the heat wave forms the shook wave, according to tha authors' calcu]-a- tions. In this paper, they describe a iinidirrerslonal. method for computing, the cooline of 'he breakdo,,,nn poin 4. a:bj usinj- numerical methods, oolve the problem of whethor a chn-zige 1~a t h eoptical thielmess of the fireball loads to a Ovarp chanCi-,,, in the optical phenomena and a change in the Froportion of the radiated enerr, ~t the same time, they de-t-ermine 1-he intensity i-ItA. fliz: off the radiated enorgy froti the fireball -- i.e., they doteaulne the characteristicn of -the Doer ex I plasiqa no the ornrce of' Optiel".1 and ultraviolot ewiL;aic%.q. Por thO Cf the problem, 1/2 MAXOMOVA, L. F., et alp Zb.Li,rnc-Ll Frikladncy Kekhtaniki i Tekhni- che-skov Fizil-A, Ho 2, 1973, pp 54-63 they assume that the radiation has only a sliehteffect on the pressure. 1/3 033 UNCLASSIFIM PT401CESSING DATE--20NOV70 TITLE 'SELECTING ThE TYPE UF NOISE IMMUNE, DEVICE FOR ACOU$TIC ECHO RANGING ~OEVICES -U- AUTHOR-MARKELOV, V.A. -CCLNTRY GF INI-C--USSR SOURCE-MGSCOW, lZMERITELINAYA TEKHNrKA, NO 2v IcJ?Op' OP 58-60 ..-.~DATE PUBLISHED------70 SU3-J[(;T AREAS-PHYSICS, vE:lii0DS AND EQUIPMENT i,,TGPIC TAGS-EC110 RANGING, INJUSTRIAL 011-IENSION CONTROL!r ACI)LISrIc WAVE 'RROK 141HIMUATION PROPAGATION, ACOUSTIC NuISFr PULSE SIGNAL, f. CCNTRrl- MARKING-NO RESTRICTIONS C~ASS--UNCLASSIF(ED PRUXY kEFL/FRA,'4E--1993/l543 STEP .-:CIRC ACCESSiCN NO--AP0114141 2/3 033 UNCLASSIFIED Pk0(::-E.SSXNG DAIE--,,~0111%'IV70 CIRC ACCESSI~jN NG--AP0114141 ABSTRACT/ EXTRACT-( U) GP-0- Ab s rRAC,r I PWUS TR I AL ACQUWYC PULSE TIP-: ECHO RANGIt.;G rEVICES ARE AFf-ECTE-0 by THREE TYPES 0 F, N 0 1 Sit::: THE FIRST TYPF CONSTITUTES A CHAOTIC !1EQUEN-CE OF 3HORT PASES1, Tilli. ANPLATUDE OF WHICH IS CC.,XPENSURABLE WITH THE AMPLITUDE 01- THIE. U:31~:,--UL S:16NAL. T i i SECOND TYPE IS PEVERBLRATION NIJISE~ TiiESE TWO TYPL$ OF NU~ISE: ARI: ADDITIVE. IN ADDITICN, UNDL-Ft INDUSTRIAL i'YPE ECHO RANGI.'-v'G OEVICES ARE AFFECT-E-0 BY MUL71PLICATIVE N31!~Elp 100--REIR THE DULAI'LO BY A RANDOM PRI:)~:,ESS; WITH A ~'JJJRMAL LSEFUL SIGNAL IS AMPLITUDE MOL N LUW OF DISIRIBUTION. THE IMENWry OF -1HE-1SE NUISE$, DEPENDS UPON THE DEGREE LF INFOMCGENEITY Of- THE kZ-FLECTING SURFAGE Atli;:) irjk.. T~iE mEDIUm THRGUGH WHICH THE USEFUL SIGNAL PROPAGATES. THE Pk1'.J-;jLEM OF INCREASENIG THE NGISE IMI'AUNITY OF SUCH At"I UMENT IS REOUCEDJU NIECTIaN AND E 0 F I H 7 MEASUKEMENT OF THE LAG T11,1i E USEFUL SIGNAL AGild-USU THE BACe"tCROUND 'OF ALVITIVE_ PULSE NOISE Ai'~W ht L I I P L I C A T I \1 f h 0 1 S. E 190 1 E IS11C U L 0 A 1. S 0 t'~ E ;UE TO 1% GMUCEN~ITY 04- JI-11-1 ~hf:011)1 ALONG WE TAKEN OF Tf-U FACT THAI i Nri I PRMIJAGATIEL'I PArli OF fli, SCOND )JE TO UNEVENNIE'Sfill:S OF; UH~ REFLLCT11hc, 0 SURFACLt TF1_ CUORDINAIL i)1- lifl. 111C.N41, IN 1W."111A100 15 A RAND(A-1 VAL UE t, I TH A NORMAL [) I S I i~ I d U 1'.i L A 4 . ON 1HL. lid~S:iii. uF A11L AATERIAL. PRESENTED 1N THfS ARTICLEr HAS ;3EE.", DEVELUPEW,li 51111GLF CHANNEL NOISE 111PUNIZATIGN DEVICE FO11( a(TH AN1 INoLJ5TRIA1., AEVIEL METER FOR FRIABLE MArERIALS. AWLSTIC L;~!:,!_ METERS WITH THE NUIS1 11MMUNIZATIUN! DEVICE HAS BEEN TESTEU FOR TWREE YEARS UN VARIOUS UNITS OF EQUIPPENT IN VARIOUS bkANLHES OF INDUSTRY. UNCLASSIFIED-- olmowmammm moon I --20NOV70 1/3 033 UNCLAS S I F I ED PRO(ESSING UATE ~.CIR-C ACCESSICN NG--AP0114141 ABSTRACT/ EXT K ACT-T~--E NUISE J;-'.,-iUl,iIZA'rlGN DEVICE IS A HIGHI..'l EFFECTIVE MEANS OF INCREASING THE RELIA61LIfY ANU GENERAL APPLICAGALITY OF ACULSTIC.' ECK! RANGING DEVICES UNOEFI. INGUSTRIAL CONQuicigs. TWS# FOR ~EXAMPLE# CNLY UUE TO U'-,-)L- bF THE NOESE P-)MU#%.(.ZAT.l()NrCjE"ICj' HAS It HECG.4E POSSibLE TO SOLVE Tlit ;>,wol.EM OF AUTOMATIC 11EASUREh lg;NT 01~- TfiE CHARGE I:N CALCINING SHt-FT FURNACES, AND IN. HOPPERS I~JjTfl VARIOUS MATERIALS, BY RATHER SIMPLE TECHNICAL MEANS. T ASSIFH ri U U AA0047072~ Tee UR 0482 Soviet Inventions Illustrated, Sectioa,I1 Electrical, Derwent, rising; a sounding 241041 ULTRASRNIC LbVXL GAUGE -romP pulse generator synchroniser a~d output matching amplifierj, combined in one vplvq:.,(I).' The generator uses an electronic, couplinglwith load circuit. Part of the pentode (screewand control grids and cathode) is used as the main oscillator. oscillations generated in this Valve part modulate the valve electron stream., and:thus the anode current. Thus the anode, grld~and cathode.constitvto the output amplifier. The oscillations are collected from the load choke (2) and applied through the capacitor (3) to the sounding-transducer., The pulse modulation is.producO by an RC circuit (4,5) whose time constant dat~tmi~ots t~e pulse repetition frequency, and the capacitance (4) the sounding pulse width. The pulse-repetition frequency is synchronisad with. that of the:maivis by the capacitor (6). The reflected plaes is received by a receiving itrans&icer andIs :amplified in a two-stage h.f. amplifier. -7072 WG4 MIS 77~~ - M . -6- 1 11 1! - I ~ ~-- . !7 r Further items arei triggeir-dizoodulittor (P); matching amplifier (8); ix:miter~ '(q~~ (11) vhich eliminates the*effe~t6.of fluatU44"ne an the Instrument readir4s; ttatfs"itors amplifiar-117);-nonlin so COMMOaqvAJO); di,04 detectors (19,20), dezutling t4:00;4chroilLsO44 cLreuits of the demodalstor,pM 11trimir. j Tht-~ ii detect the M-pulses dalivir$4.~y~phe ganet4t,lir. 21.12.62 at 809586/26-lb., Tag= qMS- --"A.A. Butt TRY RKS.INST. (18.8.69) #ul l3jj.,4.69. CISSS~ 421n, 1nt.C1.G Olf. OSnOvr1Oy Bauch-go- rissledovatei'skiy 3:nstitUt' 19790536 Radar USSR UDC 534,,88 g534-83 MARKELOV "Selecting the Type of Interference-Killing Devit.,e for Sonic Echo Ranging Instruments" Moscow, Izmerltellnaya Tekhnikao No 2, February A.970, pp 58-60 Translation% This article is devoted to mathematicaL analysis of the problem of improving the interference-killinji,1 felLtures of aonic echo ranging instruments -- detection end measurq!ment of 'lie rielay tiTtie of the u::1,eful. sirnal Lj-,Ainst a background; w(' addlAive pul',je and multiplicative noise. It is not6d that a,,, a rosult of' inKamo- geneities of the reflecting surface the coordinate-! of the useful signal during a period is a random voLriable withi~a nixrinal distri- 'in' *it),, bution law. With simultaneous provence of the Ott. aud inter, ference in the received signal in a ratio to anVipulse contained 1/3 USSR 1114ARKELOV, Vo A.p Izmeritellnaya Tekhnika, No 2, February 1970P pp 58-60 in the elementary time intervalAT. , two mutually exclusive hypothe- ses can be assumeds H, is a usefal sioial -oulse ;and H2 is an inter- ference pulse. Bayes 'Lormulas are usod to ~xpreo;5 tKe aposteriori probabilil-Aes of the hypotheses H, and 112 for thia n-th selected value in the sampl ing Ax is the ~ o bs ervatioli ini,e rval mad e up ofn adjacent periods). The optimal interference-killing device is calculated from these formulaso 0 -the basis of the formulas and data prei;e-ntad -in this n ~L paper, a single-channel interferance~ killing dev!Lce bas been dp- veloped for an. industrial content (or I ,I) fov bulk alteli gap flowina, 7 material. Sonic level. gar,;e4p with ~,..ho i3-te-rTerence killing device have been teat-ed, for Oirw% yeara VJ71J7.J.oU.1;J FJqJJJ.p_ Mot;nt in diffor8nt brancheu of imiduotry. :It ie n0tcd that the interfarence-kLllinf.,; dovlco I.r.5 a highly Of 4-m- proving reliability and univoroolAtylof wnic ij1)Jiiej rwall,al.rig 2/3 2B USSR MARICELOV, V. A., IzR,eriteltnaya Tekbnika, No 2#, February 1970" pp 58-60 instrumnenlu"s =Jer industrial coridit-lons. Only hy u:-J Lng Such a possit,,~e to solve the problem of 1~-utx.-,atic n ai device was sur I*lg bins w of the charge Ievel in shaft Iirne kilns and in ith various materials by quite simple.technical,means. 3/3,