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112 '014. PkUCES$ING DATE--30OCT70 UNC LASS) F1601 T -TLE-CANAMYCIN TRLATMENT OF PERITONITIS -U- AUTHOR-( 02 I-FEDGROV, V.D., MAKSIMOV* V.10 ,~~'CEUNTRY OF INF&--USSR .`f,,;,a0_UkCL-KhIRURGIYAv 1970, Nk 6, PP 94-100 DATE PUBL ISHED---70 ,_!.-_S,UBJECT AREAS-BIOLOGICAL AND MEDICAL SCIENCES T "PIC TAGS-PERITONEUMP ANTISIOTICP DRUG TREATMENT/fOXANAMYCIN ANTIBIOTIC 0 MARKING-NO RESTRICTIONS DOCUMENT CLASS-UNCLASSIFIED PAOXY REELIFRAME--3002/L775 STEP NG--UR/0531/70/0001006/0094/0100 -AP0129143 ACCESSION NO UNCLA SS If'IED- Ilk 212 014 UNCLASSIFIED MOCESSING DATE--30OCT70 CIRC ACCESSION NO-AP0129143 ABSTRACT/EXTRACT--(U) GP-O- AOSTRACT. THE EXCRETORY AND ASSOilPTIVE CAPACITY OF THE PERlTOi4EUM IN RESPECT WITH CANAMYCIN WAS INVESTIGATED IN OVER 100 PATIENTS WITH DIFFERENT FORMS OF PERITONITIS. THE DATA VERIVED TESTIFY TO THE INALDEQUATE EFFECTIVENESS OF THE INTRAMU$CULAR RUUTE OF ANTIBIOTIC ADMINISTRATION, IN VIEW OF THE IMPOSSIBILITY TO CREATE 114 THE PERITUNEAL EXUDATE BACTERICIDAL CONCENTRATIONS. 'rHE LEVEL OF CANA14YCIN CONTENT IN THE ABDOMINAL CAVITY IN LOCAL PERITONITIS ACHIEVED 2, IN DIFFUSE, 4s IN GENERALIZED9 It MU G-ML. STUDIES OF- THE PERITONEAL A&SORPTIVE CAPACTIY ENABLED TO SU8STANTIATE DIFFERE14T oic-moo OF INTRAPERITONEAL INTRODUCTION OF CANAMYCIN AND TO CONSIDER THEM PREFERABLE IN COMPARISON W~TH INTRAMUSCULAR. INTRAPERITONEAL ADMINISTRATION OF 1-1.5 GM OF CANCMYCIN IS SUFFICIr-NT FOR THE TREATMENT OF LOCAL PERITONITIS, IN DIFFUSE PERITONITIS CONSTANT DRIP TRANSFUSION OF 2 GM OF CANAMYCIN IN 500 ML OF RINGERS'.SOLUT10h PRUVE-D TO BE EFFECTIVE. THE BEST RESULTS IN THE TREATMENT OF DIFFUSE- AND GENERALIZED SUPPURATIVE PERITUNITIS WERE ACHIEVED WITH MASSIVE IRRIGATION OF THE -AbOONINAL CAVITY WITH 5-6 LITERS OF FINGERVIS SCLUTI.GN W3TH 5-6 GM OF CANAMYCLN %ITHIN A PERIOD OF Z4 HOURS. ~ IN THIS METHOD THE ANTIBIOTIC kIDELY CCNTACTS THE INFLAMED PEkITGNEUM, THE PREPARATION IS CONSTANTLY PRESENT IN THE BLOOD SERUM AT A HIGH LEVEL 1 (OVER L5-20 HU G ML); IN THE FLUID OF THE ABOGMINAL CAVITY CANANYCIN WAS PRESENT IN 8ACrERIAL CONCENTRATIONS (200-500 MU G-ML). FACILITY:, GWITALONAYA ;KHLRURGICHESKAYA KLINIKA 11 MMI IMENJ Ni. I.. PRIOGOVA. m Zia '0 UNCLA5S-J-FIEili-_;',-; 55tNU VAlk -3UUL I I U REDUCTIUN OF 8vMETHYLv5r6 t7*8*TETRAHY0ROo 4 ~J-, ilt pA,h.DlCNo4iYLACETIC ACID AND I TS OtRIVATIVES ~-kk- t _HORN --(04)-GRlNENKG, G.S., P0P0VAv'YE.V..q MAKSIMOVt V.I.t ALEKSEYEVAS 0 .!~,.CCUNTRY OF, INFO-USSR -_--_OVRCE-Z*H. ORG. KHIM. 19709 6(4) 9 732-6 DATE'. PUBL I SliEl)--70 BIOLOGICAL AND MEDICAL SCIENCES t0 P I CTA(iS-Cl-EMICAL SYNTHES[St STEROID# ACETIC ACIDt CHEMICAL REDU~TION, ''.-,-AROMATIC KETONEv HYDROGENATION# 1SUMEKs CATALYST# PALLADIUM NTROL MARKING-NO RESTRICTIONS DUCUMENT,CLASS-UNCLASSIFIED ~'~,_PROXY REEL/FRAME-30OZ/0-Ft59 STEP NO--UR/0366/7010061004/073210736 :.~CIRC ACCESSIGN NG-AP0128029 UNGLAt si rm vEo' PROCESSING DATE--30OCT70 .__C-1RC ACCESSICN NO--AP0128029 A8STKACT/EXTRACT--(U) GP-0- ABSTRACT. THE REON. OF 8.M.ETHYL , 5,6,7, 8, TETRAHYL)RO t 1, 5 v I NDANO ION t4 p YLACETI ACID (1) IN 14EOH OVER PD-CACO SU83 CATALYST GAVE ISOMERIC MIXTS. CDNr(;. 1:1 MIST. OF ANTItClStd,METHYLHEXAHYDRO,1,5,INDANDlCNt4,YALACETIC ACLD %111) AND ITS :SYNsCiStANALOG IIIA). WHEN THE REDN. WAS CARRIED OUT 114 ACOH CoNrG. P0,13ASO SUB4 BESIDES 11 AND IIA ALSO ABOUT THE SAML-IAMT. OF ANTI,TRAhS,II ISOMER 110) WAS FORMED. THE AEON. Of ET I ESTER WIFH NABH SUB4 GAVE 1,HYDROXY DERIV. (111) OF 1. - THE HYDROGI!NATION OF III IN MEQH CONTG. PD,c CATALYST LAVE 1:1:2w5 MISTo OF ItHYDRGX'f ANALOG OF IIBq 11HYDROXY ANALOG OF Ile AND 1wHYDROXY ANALOG OF IIAv THE OXIDN* OF 1,HYDROXY ANALOG OF IIB GAVE 118, THE SYNTHESIS OF ANTItiTRANSaBiCYCLIC SYSTEMS (SUCH.-AS 1181 IS OF INTEREST IN -THE. JOTAL SYNTHESIS OF STEROIDS. FACILITY: VSES. NAUCHot ISSLED*. KH1-Ms-FARM INST. Ili. ORI)ZHUNIKIDZEi MOSCOW# USSR* UNCLASSIFiEp- 008 UNCILASSUIED PROOESSING, DATE--30OCT?O ,_T.ITLE--19,N0RSTEROl0S* PREPARATION OF 5:ALPHAtHALOP6 bETAIL91 ACETATES.-U- ,_,,_AUT,H0R-(04.)-SAMS0N0VAr N.V.9 MOROZOVA tL LS. vLUR I v F. A. 9 14AKS I MUV v VI . :!COUNTRY OF INFO--USSR ."SOURCE--K HIM.-FARM. ZH. 19709 4('219 5-LO PUBLISHED ------- 70 AREAS--CHEMISTRY .-JOPIC TAGS--CHEMICAL SYNTHESISt AGETATE# CATALYST ~,-CONTROL MARKING--NO RESTRICTIONS 'DOCUMENT CLASS--UNCLASSIFIED ~PRUXY REEL/FRAME--1998/0490 STEP NO--UR/0450/7i))004/1)02/OOC)5/0010 -CiRC ACCESSION NG--AP0121164 1/2 oos~ UNCLASSIFIED PROCI~SStltu' 0ATE---3a0Cl70 "CIRC ACCESSION NO--AP0121164 .,ABSTRACT/EXTRACT--(U) GP-0- ABSTRACT, I WERE CONVERTM INr0 11. THUSI I 'D IN 30 ML C --~G It 1~6 G PB(OAC) SUB4, AND 0.23-0.26 G IODINE W&S REFLUXE SUB6 H SUBb WITH IRRAON. (100-500 W LAMP) 45-60.MIN TO GIVE A PROUUCT .188.190DEGREES IN IS LAkGEk THAN:80PERCENT YIEL09 bl*ST YIELDS (90PERCENT) WERE OBTAINED WHEN CCL SUB4 WAS USED INSVEAD OF C SUB6 H SUB6. THE REACTION COULD BE DONE WITHUUT ANY IRRADIATION IN CCL SU34 ~.--tRATIO i-cCL SU84 EQUALS 1:100) THE YIELDS BEING 7GRI.-RCENT. WHEN ..-ALP14AtALPHA PRIHEv AZOBISISOBUTYRONITRILE WAS USED As A CATALYsr, YIELUS 01z tl WERE 70PERCENT. FACILITY: VSES* NAUCH'*-ISSLED. ~-KHIM--FARM. INST. IM. ORDZHONIKIDIE.p MOSCOWv.USSR. UNCLAS SIFlE0- 1/2 008 UNCLASSIFIED PROCESS IING DATE--30OCT70 -TlTLE-SYNTHESIS OF 19 NORSTEROIDS. IV- SYNTHESIS OF~PLUS OR ~MINUS*LBvETHYLiDEtAtGON,9,10,ENE,5,rl7tbLGNE -U- -.~.'.~AUlrHOR-(03)-FEDOROVA, O-I-v GRINENKOr G.~m* MAKSINOV9 Veto COUNTRY OF INFO--USSR SCURCE--ZH. O8SHCI,. KHlM. 19701 4013) 9 69OL-3 ,.,.--DATE PUBLISHEG-70 .~~.,SUSJECT AREAS-BIOLOGICAL AND MEDICAL SCIENCES ,,,:,,TOPIC TAGS-STEROLt ORGANIC SYNTHESI.So KE1014E, POLYNUCLEAR HYDROCARBON ::%-CCNTRCL MARKING---NO RESTRICTIONS DOCUMENT CLASS--UNCLASSIFIED PROXY REEL/FRAME--2000/0930 CIRC ACCESSIGN NC--AP01245011 __ - --il .TF-;Fi _~i STEP NO--UR/0079/70,(o,,tO)00.1/0690/ot.,91. 212 008 UNCLASSIFIED PROCESSING DATE--30OCT70 CIRC ACCESSICN NO--AP0124591 ASSTRACT/EXTRACT-(U) GP-0- ABSTRACT. 2vETHYLpI,3,,-CYCLaPENTANE0I0NE AND ACCH:Ch SUB2 IN 14EUH*DOH REFLUXED 5 HR:GAVE 2tETHYLYZ,GXGBUTYLCYCLOPENTANE,1,3,01014E, B SUSO T~HES 5 126-301)i-GIEES, WHICH WITH P,MEC SUB6 H SUB4 SO SU83 H IN REFLUXING C SU,1)6 P. SUB6 4 HR WITH REMOVAL OF H SUB2 0 GAVE S,ETHYLt5,6t7p8oTETR.hHYDRO[140ANrlp5tClGNE (1), M. 87-8.50EGREESt imKICH WITH PYRROLIDINE IN MLOH U14DER N IN 45 MIN GAVE 5 *PYRROL IDYL v8 PETHYL 92 #6 t7p8l f ETRAffYORO t Iv INDANONL- III)i DfCOMP0. 57-80EGREES. I IN MEPH HEATED 0.5 HR AT 70DEGREES WITH HE SU82 E-T(;OKl COOLED9 TREATED WITH lv3tDICHLORO%2t8UTENEt HEATEO 1. hRr AND TREATEO WITH H SUB2 0 GAVE 60PERCENT BoETHYL#4#(3tCHLORU#2,BUTENYL),5#6p7p8t.TETRAHYI)t~UIPIDANttp5tDlUNEP AN UIL, PURIFIED ON SILICA GEL; SIMILAR REACTION 141T11 11 GAVE A 75PERCENT YIELD. THE CRUDE ALKYLATE IN ACOH WAS TREATED AT AIEGATJYE300EGREES WITH CONCD. H SUB2 SO SUD4 AND KEPT 20 MIN* FINALLY AT ROOM 7EMPo, TO YIELD OILY 8tETHYL#4,(3#OXOBUTYLIPSP6*TvSTETRA.HYDROI140ANi~li5v DIGNE, WHICH WAS HYDROGENATED OVER PD,C IN MEOH 12 HR TO:$OME BiETHYL*4t%'3*CXGBUTYL)HYDRINDAN*1*SPBIGNE AND IlIr SEPO. CHROMATOGRhOHICALLY. THE CRUDE HYDROGENATION PRODUCT HEATED WITH PvMEC SU86 H SU84 SO SUa3 H IN ACOH 2 HR GAVE':SIMILAit TO 30PERCENT IV, M. L13-14DEGREES: HYDROGENATION OF B,METHYL.4.13,CXCBUTYL),5,,6,,7,8,TEIrRAHYC)ROINDAN,L95POlONE AS ABOVE GAVE A 3:7 MIXT* OF 9ALPHAv AND 9BETA ISOMERS OF HEXADV.DR0 DERIV. FACILITY: VSES. NAUCH. ISSLED. XHIM* FARM., INST* 101a ORDZHONIKIDZEr MOSCOW# USSR* 7`5 11-10. THER.-MYNA111C AMLV,-Z: 07 9%'ILIBRIUH IN THE ' v-H-CL bTSM by C._-.~-AlLpov. V-L-Hakaizov. "~ r~' P Iu 'i I tk#tnk. Russian, 12-17 June, 1972 p 201 0-- ziur b--&%.x Zr M6 thei rnamic calcutstiou'- me composition of the 149 ;hzas-max d4twel" for -raricus, zexperstur&e and CEIN ratios in the timpyt flux for the 4qjilibrium two hass XYMCM comprising solid gtruaftIU2 and the gas phoev. it was domonatrated that in the temperature range of 700-850'C most frequently U-4 to grow "Itaxial layers of Saxissolux; from t1ho $t0 phese, the .in '.U1,hrA4;w particlea at* Njt Octi, CoMLS1 GOUT. The swranalas Y1434 was defined as a twectios; of the temperature 04 the proemats aW Uo to position of,the input vapor-gas nlxtuw*." The "editions of latradn"Uo 99 this growth procass vt the #pJLtAstW Go Loyani were recomeminmied. USSR UDC 612-27.3 MARSIMOVA, I. A, PAICSIMOV. V. B. and FM"YAN, 1j. A. I i)erz.1ctment of Eedical 0 lor, W Blophysicsf lnstitut~'of r;jmlcO. 1"hysics, Acade.11Y of Scievver- U"R, ~t ca "Quantitative Assessment of the Kinetics of Free Radicals in Organs of Animals Exposed to Hypoxia!' Leningrad, Fiziologicheskiy Zhurnal SSSR Imeni. I. h. Soohenavi Vol 58, No 5, 1972, pp 773-7?8 Abstracti Data available on the concentration of free radicals in t1he organs of anivals exposed to hypoxia (equivalent to an altitude of.6,000 m) for various periodr, were uzed to establish an emlArical equation representing the concentration of any radical in any organ as a fumtion of tirc. Glurvet: plotted on the basis of values cadculatod by -that equid-Jori Un.tisfactorIly L.-Oincide with curvefi plotted on thp basis of the origirw.L exrox-irl-.ental datal including a good agreement of point of inter", pti()n uJI,J) thre coordinates -,s well as of rimima and rtinima, The error oLf calculation is ;fljout 2;~'. The eauation has coefficients which are identical for all orCara for the g1ven degree of hypoxia, az well as coefficients which assune IL diffit-rent. vadlua for each particular organ. It is concluded that mince the value of thoce coefficients significantly depends on the jaethod of processing the 1/2 uslan PIAKSIHOVA, 1. A. t et al., Fiziologicheskly Zhurnal SSSRI ir-eni 1. M. Sechenov, Vol 58, No 5, 1972# pp 773-778 experimental data, this method should be standaxdlzed and then, after further investigations, the equation r1aybe expwided to be applicable to any-degree of hypoxia or hyperoxia. USSR UDC 620.179.16 YLAKSIMOV, V,N. "Flaw Detector With Random Principle Of Change Of Time Response'- Tr. %Iganrog. radiotekhn. in-te (.1orks Of Taganrog. Radio E'nFineering Institute), 1971, No 25, pp 141-145 (from RZh:Elektr3nik!~.~e ~e r~ai~_nerjt,~Le' No 1, Jan 72, Abstract No 1A630) Translation: The Drincioles of construction are considi,.-red of an i.,n-)roved system of time response control ("MC) for a-atomatic che,-king o'&' large-scale products. A block diagram is given of a flaw dotector with a ---MC syatern which makes it possible to establish any principle of chunge of the tire responce of a flaw detector, among which are those where the amplitude of the -~ulaee on the screen of the cathode-ray tube of the flaw detector dependa only on the magnitude of the defects exposed, but not on the depth of their occirence. ill. L.K. CC LEEm OPTlMIZAnON OF THE MINUAL CWTOSITION OF A WRIENT MEDIUM r FOR HTDROM=WWAS jArticle, Xcvalls _&V~ ~.. A 9%t. inal Russian. Val 84-95. US --trod Z -October - 111691 The prospects for the future uss of Hydragocam-nes for atmospheric btaregamerstion in closed LIft support slatems and as a protein source in man's that necessitate a thorough study of bacteria of ~ this'Sanus (Jenkins; Mattoon; Dralk). In developing a method for the continuous cultivation at bacteria for lcaa-!unctionios systems it is important to clarify the conoumptlan of nutrients in the culture and to datermims the conditions tar recircu- 11tion of the nutrient sodium. The growth and davalopmant Of Uydro&&noft- in wall known. are dependent on the cultivation conditions. avail- on", as &bili ty of Zee components. and composition of ainaraLs in the nutrient solution. The Schlegel madium recommended by 1. Vs. Ved4nina can scarcely be CGn8idWTGd optimum for the autotrophic cultivation of bacteria, if for no other reason than that it is overloa6ed with ph"phates. The limited possibilities of autatrophic cultivation of Hydroganam- on" make it difficult to optimize the mudium coarposition by the method of alternate rhcngior, of each co:nponomt in tha medium while maintaining the other factors constantt such as is a common practice in ulcrobtalory, In seeking the Optimum TG1AZ!Qa&hiPA Of the most Important mineral ingred- ients in a nutrient medium for the cultivation of Hydro&enomanan 2-1 we 1% used the method of mathematical planning of experimentst the steep saeant method (V. V. Nallmov, ani H. A. Chernova), In optimizing the mineral composition of the nutriozt sodium for HydroStnozonas we. pursued three obje6tives, , clarification a'. the possi- bility of increasinS culture, a precise balancing of the mineral cacpo"atml of tha, madium. obtaining approximate computations of the 4qb4m- Al ti.-y aff minerals,,w"A res,arvar, must be matured, and chae ng the *ffl loncl 130 ;1/2-. 029 UNCLASSIFIED PROCESSING DATE--30OCT70 TITLE-UTI.LIZATION OF BIGGENIC ELEMENTS BY A PHYFOPLANCTON COMMUNITY ~OEPENDING ON THEIR CONCENTRATION IN THE AQUATIC ENVIlkONMENT AND AUTHOR-(03)-FEDGROV, V.D.t BELAYAt T.I.v MAKSIMOV# V.N. UNTRY OF INFO-USSR .~,:-.SOUHCE-IZVESTIYA AKADEMIl NAUK SSSRv SERIYA 31OLOGICHESKAYAt 19700 NR 39 -PP 398-414. DATE PUBLLSHED----70 ,~,SUSJECT AREAS-BIOLOGICAL AND MEDICAL SCIENCES TAGS-PHYTOPLANKTON, METABOLISM, BIOECOLOGY, PHOSPHORUS, IRON 4-.CCNTROL MARKINrr-NO RESTRICTIONS DOCUMENT CLASS-UNCLASSIFIED --3001/1379 STEP NO--UR/0216/70/OCO/003/0398/0414 PROXY REEL/FRAME '~2/2' OZ9 UNCLASSIFIED PRUCESSING DATE--30OCT70 CIRC ACCESSICN NU--AP0126922 ABSTRACT/EXTRACT-(U) GP-0- ABSTRACT. SEASONAL CHANGES OF THE CHARACTER OF CORRELATIGN BETWEEN THE PRODUCTION OF PHYTOPLAINCTON AND UTILIZATION OF BIGGENIC ELEMENTS UNDER VARYING ILLUMINATICN CGNDITIONS WERE STUOIED WITH THE APPLICATION OF THE METHOD OF PLANNED ADDITION. THE ANALYSIS OF THE OBTAINED REGRESSIONS SHOWED THAT UTILIZATION Of BIOGENIC ELEMENTS*BY A BIUMA55 UNIT OF A PHYTOPLANCTON CC-MMUNITY INCREASED DEPENDING ON THE INCREMENT Of THE CONCENTRATION OF THESE ELEMENTS 14N THE SURROUNDING MEDIA, AN INCREASE OF PHOSPHORUS CONCENTRATION CAUSES A DECREASE OF NITROGEN CCNSUMPTION, WHEREAS NO REVERSE ACTION IS OBSERVED. AN INCREASE OF A CONCENTRATION OF PHOSPHORUS AND IRON CAUSE A RESPECTIVE RECIPROCAL CONSUIMPTION OF EACH ELEMENT. A DUUGLE ILLUMINATION INCREASE LEADS TO A DECREASED CONSUMPTION OF ALL THE THREE ELEMENTS. THE LA,r'(ER EFFECT REGARDING NITROGEN AND PHOSPHORU$ CONSUMPTION BCCOMES STRONGER WHEN THE CONCENTRATICN5 OF PHOSPHORUS AND IRON ARE INCP~EASED RESPECTIVELY. FACILI'fY: H. V.~LOMONUSOV STATE UNIVERSITY, MOSCOW. USSR -ODC: 581.1 "V% E "YM V.N., State University im. -M.V. Lomonosov EDOROV, V.D., BEIAYA, T.I., F "Utilization of Biogenic Elements by Phytoplankton Community Depending or, Their tions." Concentration in W ter and T11ii-mination Condi Moscow, Izvestiya Akademii Nauk SSSR, Seriya Biologicheskayn, No KaY/Jun 70, pp 398-414 P-1 F Abstract: Seasonal changes suggesting a correlation bet;-;-eea zhe odtjctio~l of phytoplankton and the utilizaLion of biogenic elements under vz1,-ry;-11-- illumination conditions were studied using the method of planned acdition~- Analysis of the obtained regression equations showed that u-nilization of bio- genic elements by biomass units of a phytoplankton ccamuni-,.y increase-s with increase in the concentration of these elements in the medium. An increase in phosphorus concentration causes a decrease in nitrogren (, I "onouripl ion, whilit the reverse does not occur. Increases in the concentration of phoophorus and iron cause a mutual increase in consumption of both eli-alent. Two-fold increase in illumination leads to decreased consumption of all three elemen-LO, This effect is intensified with respect to nitrogen and photiphorus consump-tion when the concentrations of phosphorus and iron are increased res.pQctively. 1/1 USSR U1)C 576.8 ~MIMGVAI E. A. and PAKSTM Biological md Geoll;raphic Scientific Research Institute of Irkutsk State University "Vertical Distribution of Microbial Plankton in Southern Baikal ia 1969" Moscow, Mikrobiologiya, No 5, 1972, pp 896-go2 Abstract: The microbial abundance varies with the seasoms and is largely the same as that found in the open waters of Baikal. C-hangeri. are due to the pres- enee or phytoplankton, water temperature, currents, and quantitative develop- ment and species composition of the zooplankton that feeds on bacteria. 'J3ae first of two peaks occurs in April (768,000 cells/ml in the 0 to 50 ml layer), the second in August or September (2,219,0001ml). The blomase is also highest in September (2.43 mg/liter). Tbe lowest abundance is fmind in the winter (16o,000/ml in the 0 to 75 m layer and 77,000/ml in the 3ayers below). The biomass is generally proportional to the aliundstuce. 1ha mierdUal plankton was dominated throughout 1969 by coccoid forms 1.2 to 1.2 iu diameter. USSR UEC 539-67 ZUEEKHIN, V. P.,, NOVOKRESHCIMNOV, P. D., POPOV,, V. I.,, and WSaaa..V-p- "On the Problem of LAetal Internal- Friction Yeehanism in the Process of Plastic Deformation" Sb. "Vnutrenneye treniye v metallicheskikb materialakh":(Internal Friction in Metallic Materials), Moscow, Izd-va "Hauka," 1970, pP 73-76 Abstract: Results are presented of a study of the natuxe of internal friction in nickel and NTsn-2-5 alloy, measured in the process of their plastic deforma- tion at various temperatures. nges in Q-1 It is shown that a certain relationship is observed betwien cha and creeping stages. Problems related to the onset and propagation of cracks are discussed on the basis of general dislocations# 3 flgarea$ 6 rafererices. :0 USSR UM 621.396.69:621-319.4086.8) BELYAKHIN,'I. K., "A Device for Installing the Leads in a Capacitor Section Dul-ing Winding" USSR Author's Certificate No 268549, filed 15 Nov 68, ridblishea 4 Aug '0 (from RZh-Radio'Lekhnika, No 1, Jan Tl, AbIstract No 111296 P) Translation: As a distinguishing feature~of the device covered by this patent, the design provides for asynchronous placing of the leads in the section with any controlled spacing between leads, The device is equipped with two pairs of tongs. A lever of the first pair of tc-ngs is Connected directly to the drive me-charism and also has a specialbf chaped grcove cut into it which accommodates a roller on a spring-retiirn rod 'Which couples this lever to a lever on the second.pair of tongo connected to the rod by an.adjustable hinge joint. Vi bDO V 253-333 Muc- si:":OV3--V. S., Kiev institutq of Civil jIvintion Engineers "To the Problem of Friction Drag of Bodies of Revolution of Cylindrical Sh?.Pe" Kiev, Gidromekhanika, No 19, 1971, pp 71-76 Abstract A r7r.-vactric solution of the T)roblem of of bodies of revolution oil cylindrical shape by laz-iinar and tur- bu.1ent floris o--:' an inco-1-oressibla limiid. i:-~ -orprented. L;~Iie ro-m- tional resis'-Pnce co- tion. is used for the czalculation of the fric b efficient mith reference to the effect of croqs cr..m-..,..ture and for plotting )hs from -ahich the frictiowil cient can be determined for la-minarp turbulcntj anCt niixcd flovi cond-itions. Two illustr., 206 formu.1as,, tvio biblio. refs. 1/1 Kazan', Izvestiya Vysshilch Uchebnykh Zavedeniy -- Aviatsionnaya Tekhnika, 110 1, 1971, pp 113-120 Abstract: An approximate method of calculating the initial and basic secLions of a turbulent radial-slot senibounded jet is discussed. The calculation tecl- nique is based on using the integral boundary layer relations. A study is made of the turbulent isothermal jet of constant density enUtted fra-M an anlwlar source of finite dimensions and spreading over the stirface of a flat shield. As a result of the calculacions relations ire obtained iehich define the basic parameters of the jet in the initial and basic sections ns a finiction of the initial conditions. The calculated and experinental data are COM.Dared. The comparison is satisfactory. USSR UDC 511:1S5.001.57:01.3.06 MAKSIMOY V. BONGARD, M. M. 'IA Program Teaching Classification of GeometIric Object4;" Tr. Mczhdunar. Simpoziyuma po Teklin. I Itiol. Prohl. upr,, 1963. Raspoz- navaniye Obrazov. Adaptivn. Sistemr J]Vorks of Diternatyonal S)MpoSlum on Technical and Riological Control Problems, 1968. Pattern Recognition. Adaptive Systems), Moscow, Nauka Press, 1971, pp 128-155, (Translated frum I Referativnvy Zhurnal, Kibernetika, No 10, 1971, Abstract No 10 V83~ by V. Mikheyev). Translation: The ability of man to find a classification principle (division rule) for certain geometric objects on the basis of enremply sparse lealning material is modeled. The language of the progrw descxibing, [tie division rule consists of terms sirular to the language used by wm in solving the same problems. The sequence of selection of division, rules in the progra,-.1 is also similar to the "human." ne program is designed for the solution of problems in which =n uses unly llgeometi,-icll terms for the description of the division rules, such as figure, line, contour, area, Izngth~ slope, angle, subset, etc. The input objects for the program are fliat blaciz and Olite pic- tures fixed in a 45-64 rzatTix. For teaching, a set of pictures is input to the machine, divided into two classes. -The maximum size of a Set is 8 + 3 ires to for;oAlte Mw_ USSR UDC:51-.155.001.57:681.3.06 MAKSIMOV, V. V., B(INGARD, M. M., Tr. Mezhdunar. Simpazriyuma po Tekhn- i Biol. Probl. upr., 1968. Raspoznavani)N-- Obrazov. Adaptivn.~ Sistelmy, Moscow, Nauka Press, 1971, vp 128-13S. rules dividing pictures of one class from pictures of the other. The se- quence of operation of the program is i1flustrated usirg a specific example. 2P2 18 Nov*cinber 1971 UDC 536. 24:532. 546 SOME FEATURES OF HEAT TRANSFER 1% POROUS MEDIA A i ticle by ye. %. Mak 6 imov and M. V. St ra. dam skiy (Lnz;titutc of Cn~ineeriniz Thermr4j~L_,L;T' i,rxe. Inzhoncrno- ltussLar, Vol 20, No 4, signed to press 14 April 1970, The ar~%IysL3 equationt; for the zcmpvr&Lure of a con!ant MA flowing in a htated wall and tize Wall LeMperature bhowri t~~at the dcpen- dcnee of hcztt transicz. invide the porcu w%th con3tant wall Aconjetry nviv %~Ai doacrll~ed by tKe :~Iationbh!p Nu ~ I(Pe). Tht experimental study carried out when plz~rour, material war; cooled with air, nitrogvr, Iiiiaid ethyl ilcahol and t74,nrform,,r oil with no phaac transitiorr cwl. firrm; a-misfactorilv the results obtained from the analysis of differ- ential eq,tatio-.15. For calculatl-:~-% a' hczt tr--..zfcr bct%vczn a porous wall and a coolant infid.) th.1 pores. it t& ritcessa.ry, in knew the=gnitudes.of the ~:Isldc the pores and tbvir 4q)enrience on Lh. conditiona under which the procc-4 recurs. In. t-he therc, are a number of wor;~fi C references i- 5 and ;r. whiz- th~- of hee~t i. an.f~r bet, a porous rnitttrrial and th(_- air it -art! Together wi-h tnit, in cociin; systems ot~ncr c,~olan*s Vran4tl num~_czs diffrorcnt from one are ubed. Thc-re are no wo-ks !I. ;Ij4- litcruture e.- L%t invebLi4zzltion of the quaizaitativC reiz.Licn.4h.,p4 e-i 6,lt-rm-l n-t tr===fcr rneta!z C:'u-,;; thrir runling b-;- iluzrds havi-.;; zr~.. c:.=. ota th, 6a~.12' U., of th" ..Iut ")II "i a of ~~ por-- -a;l and ~ C-A~n,. it .Va. -;-A, t~r I~cclcz numbcr. Nz exFormrr.-ta: ccrl.;rme.,ittoi, of concl~--i I Us S R e -USSR UDC 616.61-002.151 GRINSHPUN, 0. Ya., Col Med Serv, Candidate of Hedical Sciences; VASIKOVY. V. G., Lt Col Med Serv; Lt Col Med '44IM99i Ye- V Sorv;: ANDRONOV, A. S., Capt Mod Ser,v; PIANIViVZO 170wM, I.; KHOMENXO,.L. M.; TSEY, A. L. Sme~Clinical.Data on Hemorrhagic Nephrosoneph:ritia" Mbscow,.Voyenno-Meditsinskil Zhurnal, No 8, Sep 71, pp 50-51 Abstract-: Observation of 17 cases of hemorrhagic nophrosone- phritis MNN) sporadically occurring in the Transcappathian Region.revealed a typical progress of this disease through three stages. In the first stggo, lasting 2-1~ days, body tem- perature rapidly rose to 38-40 C, the patients~complained abou". headache, muscles and joints, and genoral weakness: they were photophobic, hnd cutaneous hyperemia in the face and upper.-trunk, and some developed dry noises in their lung3. An iineorract d1jagnosin wna made In all canes, partly bacau e th 2 diseaBe Ls very rare in Trnnsaarpat'hira., In tkjai necond strige, 1:sating:ka-8 days, clinical signs charaoteristie of 1134N developed ~.77 USSR: GRIN5HPU'1'T* O..Ya., et al, V21enno-MedltsinskLy huLnal, No 8, Sbly- 71, - Pp 50-51 ih--all.patients, and the proper diagnosis was established in all. Ohly~four patients had hemorrhagic conjuctivR or nosebleed. All suffered from gastrointestinal disorders and from oliguria (down day) with hematuria and proteini,'u,ia. The third a-tage-.--convaleseence -- began on the 9th - 11th day with the onset-of-diuresis, which soon reached 6-8 litors per day. Hemorrhages, vomiting, fever, and other discoiiffort subsided, an&-the.patients regained ap, etite and thirst, In the initial days: of. polyuria, concentration of gamma globi;tlins in the proteir. fraction increased to 27.9%, while plasma potlassium decreased t~D-- 9 3-rngl/'O~ and plasma calciinn to 6.8 mg%. The patients lost 5-8 kg-.Qy--weight. The stage of convalescence las'iced 2-3 weeks. TIm:-treatment-was symptomatit, and all patient;s recovered without cmWlicationB 2/2. USSR uDc 621.791.05,62M93.a3 4~date of TechnIcal Soiencest Institute oe Meta MWIM10 Murgy A. A. Baykov, and ONOPIMEMO,.L. H., Engineerp LANGER, It. A., Cand1date of Technical Sciences, and BLASHCRUK, V. YS., and GORBANI, V. A., Engineers, institute of Electric Welding imeni Ye. 0. Paton, Academy of Sciences Ukrainian SSR "Corrosion Resistance of AM and AX2 Alloys Weld Joints in Hydrochloric Acid" Kievy Avtomaticheskaya Svarkag No 2# Feb 74p. pp 23-24 Abstracti Compositions of alloysp possessing satisfacton, propeitles with an oxygen content of 0.25-0-35 wt%, were selected on the basle oftomplex atudies of the corrosion resistance of titanium-base alloys and their wald joints in hydrochloric acid. Specificallyt alloys of the system Ti-2.~5%- V (M), and Ti-2.5% V-)% Al (AM) I alloy AK~ having the higher oxygen contont, ware tested in 5, 10t 20, and 30% HCl at 50 C where it was found that, -the aorrosion rate of AN2 is higher than AKI due to the presence of aluniniui# but In comparimon with titanium alloy VT6, AK2 has better corrosion remistance. Wold Joints of the alloys stuclied had corrosion propertiestidentical to the baze rietal. Two figures# two tablesl four bibliographic references, 1A USSR UDC 612s159-9055/059(049-3) 1-USIMOY, YU. A. "Mil itary Psycholog'y" 1--loscow, Voyenno-Eeditsinskly Zhurnal, No 8, 1973, Pp 91-93 Abstracti The article reviews a collective work (teNtbook) Voy-ennaya Psiko- loglya (Military PsycholoCj), edited by V. V. Shelyag, A. D. Glotochkin, and X. K. Platonov. Though written prir-artly for studnets in milltaxy- political schools, it contains niaterial of specific interest to.madical students and military physicians. ',,he first of five sections outlimea the hiatoxy of Soviet military psychology. The second and largest section diiscribos the psychological processes, states, and traits of the individual with pn-tl- cular reference to arny life. The third section deals vitAl. the general traits, tenperament, character, and capabilities of the individual Soviet soldier. Group psychology, psychology of allitary discilAine, and psychological structure of behavioral acts aro discussed In the fourth sectlon" The fifth section presents a psychological anaysis of routine and combat activities of indlvidu~l soldiers and groups, with emphasis on the impoxt of such ;zodexn battle afactors as shock wave, penetxating x-adlation, antt radloactive contamina- tion. The major shortcomings of the book under review are unevenness and 1/2 HIM" USSR YAKSI?IOYO YU. A.# Yoyenno-Meditsimskiy Zhurnall Ho 8, 19?3, VP 91-93 repetitiousness (due to the many authors of the various chapters) and failuxe to take cognizance of recent advancem in nourephyeiology, 2/2 USSR U D C620-10/4,196 ZOTOVA, L. M., BLASHCHUK, V. YE., MESIMOV, A. mid VAVILOVA, V. V., -2. Institute of Metallurgy imeni. A. A. Baykov, Academy of Sciences USSR "Stress Corrosion of Titanium Alloy AK-1 and AK-2 Weld JToints" Moscow, Zashchita Metallov, Vol 9, No 6, 1973, pp 707-709 Abstract: The tendency of titanium alloys AK-1 and AK4 to suffer stress corrosion cracking was investigated along with the same study into the stress corrosion cracking of weld joints made from these alloys. talays AK-1 and AK-2 and their weld Joints possess good stability in chloride salta. No cracks or Met llo1r a ic st dies surface cracking were observed in visual inspection. a r ph U revealed no cracks in the samples for saturated CaC12 and Mg%, but in saturated N? "4C1 the camples suffered corrosion failures in the beat-affected zone of the welded alloys. Thus, the investigated alloys and weld joints do not undergo surface cracking in 10% 11C1, but alloy IX-2 and Its weld joints do suffer stress corrosion after 600 hours in the gaseous pha~ue of 99% HNO,. Consequently, alloying titanium with vanadium aignifiew;tly jnproves itri" resistance to corrosion cracking~ 2 tables, 3.biblJogriiphic xeferences. ----- --- --- ---- ---- USRR UDC 669.29.669.017 KORNILOV, I. I. VAVILOVA, V. V: SAM mnd LYASHCBMIKO, A* B. Institute of Metallurgy imeni A ov "On the Nature of Solid Solutions of Titanium-Vanadimm-Oxygen and Titanium- Vanadium-Aluminum-Oxygen Systems" Sverdlovsk, Fizika Matallov i Hetallovedeniyop Vol 33p No 4, Apr 720 PP 881-884 t3l Abstracti Investigation was made of the oxygen effect on th. ebange in strength of the interatomic bond in the lattice of o( -solid solutions of titaniun-vanadiura and titanium-vanadium-aluminun systwis in -L~e region of existing binaxy and tertiary solicl solutions bazed on j2('_tJAaaiUz1, Titinitv. al.loys with 2.5% V and up to 0.5% varyirig oxygen contorit and titanium alloys with 2.Y% V, N Al, and up to 0.5% tit % varying oxygeil content were investi- gated. Values of the Debue temperature gLnd of the memn square atomic obift were calculated from meanured data of the modulum of i4autAcity, Functiona of the oxygen-dapendence of the 4odulus of alasticity and the shear ibodulu[3 show that the Introduction of oxygen into the t1tanituii allcjyoj guaxanteos increased moduli of alaoticity and shears increased Debue t4baperature. and decreased mean square atomic shift from:the equilibrlilm conation in 1/2 USSR KORNIWV, I. I., et al., Fizika Metallov i Metallovedign1ye, Vol 33, No 4. Apr 72, PP 881-8& lattice points of t< -titanium, The introduction of UP to-0-5 vt% oxygen into titanium alloys with vanadium and aluminum xi'sulta inincreased bonding forces of ternax7 and tetrad c>(-salid solutions. Tho rate of the drop of the modulus of elasticity decreases with rising testperat=* in alloys with high oxygen content. Three Illustratioasq two tableso four bibliographic references. USSR UDC 539.4 QKSIML Yu. A., KORMLOV, 1. 1. VOYNrTSKIY, A. G., BL~SHCIIIJK, V. Yc. Z.AGRE-BENYUK, S. D., Moscow, Kiev "blechanical Properties of Alloys of Titanitw with Vanai.buir and Al-u'linum as Functions of Oxygen Content" Problemy Prochnosti, No 11, 1971, pp 54-55. ABs,rRACT: 'Me possibilities are studied for production of a-ltoys of titaniun with high contents of oxygen, but retaining high mechanical propertic.". It is, shown that the addition of vanadium and aluminum priAtice:; (:)xygen-Contain- ing alloy with the required mechanical propetties. GUREVICH, S. M., KORNILOV, 1. 1., BLASHCHUK, V. YE., VAVILOVA, V. V., and MAKSIMOV, YT-T. A., Institute of Metallurgy imeni A. A. Bsykov "Mechanical Properties of Welded Joints of Vtanium Alloys With an Increased Oxygen Content" Moscow, Metallovedeniye i Termicheskaya Obrabotka Metallov, No 3, 1971, pp 39-41 Abstract: A study was made of the effect: of oxygen on the weld- ability of Ti-V-0 and Ti-V-Al-0 alloys. Results are i)resented from estimating the mechanical properties of the welded joints at room temperature. Alloys of 8 compositions were manufactured for the investigation. Data from the chemical. and gas analysis of tAe initial alloys, the results of the effect of oxygen on the mechanical properties of titanium alloys with 2.51C V and 2.5y. V + 2% Al at room temperature, and the results of gas analysis of the weld metal were tabulated. From the data iz is concluded that the mechanical properties, including impact toughness of the 1/2 USSR GUREVICH, S. M., et al., Metallovedeniye i Termictieskaya Obrabotka Metallov, No 3, 1971, pp.39-41 base metal and the welds of alloys with an oxygen coatent up to 0.3%, remain high. With 0.50/10 0 in alloys od rbw 'ri-V-0 system the impact toughness of the weld is the same as that of the base metal. In alloys of the Ti-V-Al-0 system.with 0.~P:-,O 0, the plasticity drops sharply as a result of the occurrence of a second phase in the structure. Somemicrostr%~IcturaL charac-teris- ties of one of the alloys are presented. Pr6liminary conclusions are drawn that alloys of the Ti-V-0 syste-m with 2.59'0 V, and the Ti-V-Al-0 system with a.5% V, and the 3-3~575. Al system are less. sensitive to oxygen and be welded with an oxygen content up to 0.3% in the base metal. 2/2 wejxung! USSR uDc 621-791-856-1,011:546.821 GUREVICHY S. M., Doctor of Technical Sciences, BLASHCHMC, V. Ye., Engineer, ZAGMENIM, S. D., EnIgineer, KORTMOV, I. I., Doctor of' Technical Sciences, 11 -Bois -r GLAZOVA, V. V., Candidate of CheiicdI -hce~, and MUZINIOV, Yu. A., 4ngineL "Weldability of Titan-ate Alloys with Increased Content of Oxygen" Kiev, Avtomaticheskaya Svarka, 110 5, May 71, PP 72-73 Abstract: The weldability of al.lors of the systems titanium-vauadiwn ani titanium-vanadium-alurdn,= with 0.25,0.35Vt of 0 pea-ts by weiglit was irriesti- gated at the Electric Welding Institute izeni Ye. 0. Paton an,d the Institute of Metallurgy imenzi A. A. Baykov, in order to determine the possLbllity of incr,,as- ing the oxyGen concentration in weldable titaniura alloys and 1;~Pz conditions under which welded joints with SELtisfactory properties, even with an increas-:!d 0 coritent, can be produced. A demonstrated comparison at' mchomical properties of welded joints of the investigated alloys and alloys of the sY.r;t:.,n, titaniw-r- molybdenurna-zirconium shows that only the alloys with vanarlium yoEsess hiEji endurance and plasticity at increased 0 concentration. PrelindrLary experi- m,-,nts proved the possibility- of using titanium with a ralsed 0 concentration for producing satisfactorily weldable titanium alloys. One figure, one table. Nome USCA L 2 6- CL uDc: 621.396.6-017.7 USSR OKSMAN, A. L., MAKSIMOV Yu. B., CHERNYSIIFNKO, A. A. "An Algorithm for Correcting the Arrangement of Radio Electronic Elements in a Device to Optimize Thermal Conditions" Pribory i sistemy avtomatiki. Resp. mezhved. nauchn.-tekhn. sb. (Devices and Systems for Automation. Republic Interdepartmental Scientific and Technical Collection), 1970, vYP. 14, pp 133-137 (from RM-Radiotekhnika, No 5, MaY 7lj Abstract No 5V228) Translation: The authors discuss construction of a pin-Pose function for finding the optimum arrangement of the elements in electronic -radio equipment on an instrument panel based on heat conditions. T'he graddent m(---Lhod is used to minimize the resultant purpose function (overall estimate of overheating w of the.circuit.) A computer check of the proposed algorithm showed satis- factory results. The algorithm for correctingthe arranp mcnt of the ele- ments in the device may be one of the elements in the solution of the complex problem of constructing electronic modules. Three illustrations, bibliog- rapby of five titles. Resume'. 1/1 .......... USSR UDC 536.46 MAKSIMOV, YU. M.. MAKSIMOV, E. I., Moscow "Combustion Laws for Condensed Systems in a Mass Force Field at Moderate Pres- sure-sit Novosibirsk, Fizika goreniya i vzryva, Vol 8, No 4, 1972, pp 517-523 Abstract: A study was made of the combustion of some substances with different combustion mechanisms: pyroxyline, polyvinyl nitrate, hewgene, octo-ene and ammonium perchlorate under G-loads to 900 g and pressures to 70 technical at- mospheres at a temperature of the material~of 20* C. Provision was made for holding the investigated specimens in two positions: whexe the mass force acted from the direction of the reaction products toward Lhe combustion frcnt (a+) and in the opposite direction (a_). The combustion rate was deterriined by photographing the process on a moving streak camera film. The setup was described in detail previously (E. I, Haka~mov, et a., PGV, Vol 7, No 2, 197, 1971]. With an increase in the G-load the combustion rate can l.ncr,.:-ase (:)oly- vinyl nitrate, pyroxyline at pressuros above 10 technical atmoilpheres), decr..:,ase (hexogene below 25 technical atmospharen) and not depend on tho G-joad (arxionium perchlorate, octogene, hexogene at 50 technical atiaospharem and pyroxyline up to 10 technical atmospheres). For hexogreve, octogune and ammonium perchlorate 1/2 ........... ..... ........ USSR MAKSIMOV, YU. M., et al., Fizika goreniya i vzryva, Vol 8, No 4, 1.972, pp 517- 523 there is a combustion limit with respect to G-load depending on the presstire. Some of the obtained laws can be explained on the basis of the existing con- cept5 of the combustion mechanism. For example, the incril.,ase in the comburtion rate of polyvinyl nitrate and pyroxyline above 10 technical atmospheres can be explained by the compression of the disperse zone wiLich iii the lead zone. The invariability of the combustion rate of octogene and hexogene at 50 technical atmospheres and pyroxiline is explained by the fact Chat the lead stage is in the gas phase. In explaining the combustion limits with respect to G-loads conclusions presented by E. I. Haksimov, at. al. [Dokl. AN SSSR. Vol 157, No 12, 412, 1964] can be used which are based on the fact that: riTiZi a~ increase in the G-load the variables entering into the stability:criteria according to Zel'- dovich vary. 2/2 73 L15SR UDC:621.9.025174:669.018.95 MIRONOV, V. A. and MAKSIMOV, YU, M. "Manufacture of Complex-Shaped Metal-Ceramic Parts by Magnetic Impulse Pressing" Moscow, Stanki i Instrument, No 9, Sep 73, pp 34-35 Abstract: The method of magnetic impulse pressing allows a significant expansion of the variety of parts made of metal powde~rs. Pressing is performed on magnetic impulse devices. By changing the capacitance of the battery of condensers and the voltage applied, the magnetic field pulse pressure in such a device can be'varied. The working tool is a multiple-turn solenoid, Shape formation is achieved by means of a thin- wall electrically conductive envelope die which is deformed by the forces arising upon interaction of the magnetic fields of the inductor and the vortex currents induced in the envelope. Copper and aluminum are the best materials for these envelopes, due to theiT high condtictivity. Further work is continuing, designed to increase the life of inductors, improve devices and mechanize pouring of the powder ipto the nolds. 1/1 -- - --- ------------- USSR uDc 669.o46-5 MAKSDIOV.,YU. M. AKINFIYLT, V. 1., DUNETS, A. M., and PROG0110-1, V. V. "Intensification of Metal Desulfuration by Blowing With Dust-Like Lira in an Oxygen Streard' Moscow, V sb. "Sovremennyye problemy kachestva stali" (YlSiS) (Collection of Works. Modern Proble of Steel QualityY(Moscow Institute of Steel and AUoys) Zzd-vo "Metallurgiya," No 61, 1970, pp 130-132 Translation of Abstract: Data on test heats with separation of limestone from the charge are given, during which the metal desulfuration process ran successfully In the case of a high rate of lime feeding into the bath. D&ta are presented on determining the relation between the rates of metal desul- furation and CaO feeding by the method of correlation analywis. Test results on the possibility of controlling the correlation.of dgisulfuxation and (~ecar- burization rates by varying the CaO concentration in the oxy-Cen stream are presented. I figure, 2 references. 1/1 USSR UDO 058.5-681-14-523.8 MA IOVA IIJ. P., Candidate of Scono-mic Sciences, L I and -v. V. mn7rnTel" nComputer-Aided Mechanization of Technical and Economic Planning" Moscow, Mekn*anizatsiya i Avtomatizatsiya Proizvodstva, INo 10, 1970, Pp 42-44 Abstract: The article describes the experience of the Frezer Plant in introducing a computer into producciw2 control. An a n'!I I - ysis, from the standpoint of computer storage, !,speed of respotise of its arithmetic unit, Lnd its logical capabilitii~~.i indicited. thiat a computer could be uacd to help moclaanize tectiall-cal and econamic c~ll- culations for the followin4 sucti04s Of tt;e 4- i'b r, i c, 1, ,J ndu4trial and financial plan: the production plan, labor and walre plan, zind production cost plan. 1""echaniZation o~ the individual tecanic'.31 and economic calculaLioris ent;~,d,led cerl;ain diITAJculI,i(23 In the z~-I- goritlvpniza-~ion of exizting manual metriods for ci*~Icul4tling techni- cal and ecoac;mia indices, as well as adaptiug.t~4e sl~aridArd business of the plant to the conditions oi computer util,~zatlon, -~-nd crea;4!ng an efficient technical and eGL'nomic data-processing sy=tem- It 'was 1/2 'USSR MAK31t,'OV, YU. P., and KVARTaL'M.';VA, V. V. Me kh `nizatsiya i Avto.,natizatsiya Proizvodstva, No 10, 1970, pp " 2'-44 found that the solution of these questions took over 80 percent of the time to create and introduce the mechanized systein. The complexity of solving tnese questions lies in tne need to program a larl:-e number of so-called auxiliary supporz, i.,alculaticns, as well as organizing support services fer calcul.;,lAons and coordinat- ing the programming of calculations. The Frezi.'-r Plant has a -,er.- work schedule to coordinate the prog.raftL-aing and introUiuction of computer-aided technical and economic calcuitations. ? r o g ra.T. m i.- costs are minimized by standardizing algorithin;,i fox, the solution of a certain range of problems; standardizing prograin blocksi or- ganizing an efficient data-recording, reading,and storaire sy'9r'e:n (using magnetic tape);and developing a sysre= for efficiently or- ganizing tne solution of a complex of technical. and economic cal- culat ions, with allowance made for tne optim= workload of com- puter units and the minimum total solution titme. A 'detailed de- scription is included of the data-recording, readingand storage system. 2/2 74 HM-1. m0miglumm ...... -A USSR ux 629 7 - 0 IV, - 1 KOPTLEV, V. I., ALEKSA.SHIN, L. V., PECKOPTE'VA V. Ye., STEEENIUS, K. A. "A Device for Determining the AnGle of Attack of a ]4oclc.!l i zi P- Wind. Turniel" Moscow, Otkrytiya, Izobretenlya, PronWohlenny-ye Obrazt,--y, To,rarn,;ye 7ra4i, No 2, Jan 72, Author's Certiftic;~.te No 3211536, Division G, filed 1 Ir-,a- 66, published 23 Dec 72, P 133 Translation: q1iis Autho 's Certlficvtc introduecs a r.'e-vic- for d-' mining the angle of attack of a model in a wind timnel. The device ccr.- tains a meebanisn for setting tnGles of attack, a model holdil!r, and r(2- cording equipment. Tlie angle-setting. mechmif-im is moun".(.O in tLe vorking section of the wind tunnel. As a di-qtinC~uisqhinl-, featur!-- of thin pa."u-nt, the unit is desig ~d 41or im~provo-d xn-(icision in det;c-rm-;n:in- thc anj-'It.- o';.f 'n C attack in any plane. Fastened to t1he vealc of tl,--! worh:;ng, secti.011 Of the wind tunnel are the roles of a perma;--ant ~~ic! ti~ picl-JI) c1l responds tc a chiange in Vic ,.xitjl positim) of th#L Corm;.1-tint is installed in the cr in thi-i holdor clos!C. to !1c., wri"Irj. 112 2 /21 USSR Authors' Certificate No 250996, Filed 16 January 1967, Published 30 Jan- uary 1970 (Translated from Referativnyy Zhurnal Avtoniatika,, Telemekhanika i Vychislitel'naya Tekhnika, No 10, 1970, Abstract No 10BLUP, by N. V.) Translationt The decoder suggested differs from known decaderti in that key and parallel circuits consisting of series-ca=ected resistors 4md diodes are included between the power supply and the points of connect,tion of the resis- tors and output buses of the decoder. This increases the Opeed of operatforn of the decoder. One illustration. Acc. Nr Abst kA 7. 00102300'CHEMIC,,No:~: qpathai;truicturefannationarmitheratomeebtinicAI iiig Service: A'BST P- Ref. Code: 1111987h characteristka of or Xf.,I-i6- A Q ('vA- U V~ P RNR, Ser. At970, 32(~)~-S". Properties of typical -A -N= Invagisateo charzi4eristic of t.4 polymei const. of the j"Iymeo iiie disi i.W.~ Vopats. AA T.FmW. - Thermoi ho - 95s tZeVETt Oishid. REEL/ FRMIE OL-h. anj rbeol. Bu suathic- conditional jfq~i at (8: Phys. 0.Elinor W USSR UI)c 576.8 Y-AKSDIOVA., E. A. and MAKSIMOV, V. N.., Biological and Gerj&Tuphic iScientific Research Institute of Irkutsk State University "Vertical Distribution of Microbial Plankton in Southern ~aikal in 1969u Moscow, Mikrobiologiya, No 5, 1972, pp 896-go2 Abstract: The microbial abundance varies with the seasons and iii. largely the same as that found in the open waters of Bedkal. Changes are due, to the pres- ence or phytoplankton, water temperature, cuiTents, and quantitative develop- ment and species composition of the zooplankton, that feedt; on bacteria. The first of two pea", occurs in April (768,0W cells/ml in the 0 to 50 ml laYer), the second in August or September (2,219,000AL1.). The bioiuiss in also highest in Septenber (2.43 mg/liter). 'rhe loweat abundance is Voi=L iii the winter (160,000/m1 in the 0 to 75 M layer and 77,000/ml in the lmyers below). The bioinass is generally proportional to the abundance. %Tic microbial plankton vas dcm-inated throughout 1969 by coccoid forms 1.2 to 1.2 P in dianmter. 1/1 019 PROICESSfNG OATE--30OCT70 UKLASSiFIED~' -'_T,,ifLE--CULT[VATION OF PLANTS IN CLOSED SIOLOGICAL CYCLES WITH THE USE OF XERAMS IT -U- -AUTHOR-(03)-TSVETKOVA# I.V.t ZAMOTAv V.Por MA E.V. .'COUNTRY OF INFO--USSR alOLOGIIA I MEDITSINA, VOL 4v JAN. FEB. 19701 P. ll~- 15 ,.~DATE PUBLISHED ------- 70 SUBJECT AREAS--BIOLOGICAL AND MEDICAL SCIENCE$ TAGS--CLOSED ECOLOGY SYSTEHt HYDR0POhl,CSi PLANT GHEMISTRY ,~-CONTROL MARKING--NO RESTRICTIONS ~~OOCUAENT CLASS-UNCLASSIFIED ~PROXY REEL/FRAME--1997/0066 STEP NO--UR/0453/70/1:)04/000/0011/0()15 ~CIRC ACCESSION NO--AP0119062 UNCLASSIFIED lilm i Itho it m 111 Alml '2/2' 019 UNCLASSIFIED PROCE-SSIliG DATE-300070 ~CERC ACCESSION NO--AP0119062 ,ABSTRACT/EXTRACT--(U) GP-0- ABSTRACT&. DESCRIPTION OF EXPERIMENTS IN -PLANT GROWING BY THE HYOROPONIC t4ETHOI) USING A PGROUS ALU.410FERRISILICATE AS THE SOLID SUBSTRATE. IT IS FOUND THAT SUBSTANTIAt CHANGES OCCUR IN THE CHEMICAL COMPOSITION OF THIS MATERIAL AFTER IT HAS BEEN USED FoLIR -TIMES REPEATEDLY IN BIOLOGICAL CYCLES. IT IS FURTHER FOOND THAr IT UNDERGOES A DECOMPOSITION INVOLVING THE SEPARATIC14 OF ELEMENTS INCLUDING -.ALUMINUM INTO THE NUTRIENT SOLUTION WHEN,ir IS USED REPEATEDLY FOR A LONG PERIOD OF TIME. THIS REDUCES THE YIELD.OF,THE PLANTS AND CHANGES .-ADVERSELY THE CHEMICAL COMPOSITION OF THEIR GREEN MASS..' UNCLASSIFIED Micrbbi6lo& USSR UDC 576-311-1. ."IMOU, A and RUNOVA, V. F., BiDchemistry Laboratory, State Control Institutes dical Biological Preparations imeni. L. A. Tarascvich, Minis- try of Healr1i USSR "Kinetics of the Reaction of Anthrax Allergen and Nitrous Acid" Moscow, Biokhimiya, No 5, 1971, pp 965-169 Abstract: Treatment of anthrax allergen with nitro"- acid resulted in the diazotization of tyrosine and tlyptophan and deanLination of free NEI 2 grouPs' The rate of both reactions varied with the concentration i>f 1010 2* 0. 56 NI .1 40%) whilo nitrous acid quickly inactivated (witbin 5 min) the allerj,,en (b, sharply decreasing the concentration of the phenol, indolii, and I(IL2 grou I Ps. Treatment of the allergen with 0.11 H 11,02 inactivated thit! all-artlen more slowly (40% within 48 hours) and gradually decreased the toncentration of the above-mentioned groups. rhe, rate of the deamination reaction was highcr than the rate of diazotizarion of tyrosine. Since the rate of inactivation of the allergen was equal to that of the diazotization of tyroslue, there would appear to be a relationship beween the specific act,JviLy of the anthrax allergen and the phenol groups. Thaphenolgroup~; I.nay bil the 1/2 USSR MAKSIMOVA, G. A., and RLINOVA, V. F., Biokhimiya, No 5, 1971, p1) 965-969 determinant of the allergen or may perform a structural function by creating a definite conformation in the region of the determinant. The amno and ihdole groups are an insignificant factor in the allergen's activity. USSR UDC 576.311.1 AAXSTMQgA fA- and RUNOVA, V. F., Laboratory of Biochemistry, State 'Control Institute of Medical Biological Preparations imeiii L. A. "A.'arasevich, Ministry of Health USSR, Moscow "Investigation of the Kinetics of Reaction Between Anthrax Allergen and Nitrous Anid" Moscow, Biokhimiya, Vol 36, No 5, 1971, pp 965-969 Abstract: When nitrous acid is added to a solution of anthrax allergen and the mixture is kept in an ice bath under constant stirring, two reactions take place: diazotization of tyrosine and tryptophan anti deatni.nation of free NR2groups. Ilie rate of both reactions depends on the concentration of nitrous acid. With a final 0.56 14 nitrous acid in tho Tnixt-ure, the al- lergen is inactivated 40% during the first 5 minutes and, at the same til,*, the concentration of phenol, indole, and amino groups markedly decreases. With a final 0.11 M nitrous acid in the mixture, it tales 48 hours for the allergen to be 40% inactivated, and the concentration of the above-nentioned groups decreases less rapidly. Since the rate of allergtmi inactivation is the same as the rate of tyrosine diazotization, it was coiicludi!d that the toxicity of anthrax allergen is determined by phenal. groups, whije indolt-! and amino groups are of no signLficanca. IL USSR UDC 576-851-511-097-207 and RUNOVA) V. F.) Control Institute for Biomedical fttpamti on slikrii Tarasevich "N-Acetylation of Antbxax Allergen" Moscov, Zhurnal Mikrobiologii.. Kpidemiologii i I-manobiologii, No 8, 197.1, P 144 Abstract: The N~2 groups of anthrax allergen were blocIted and the relation- ship of these groups to the biological activity of the preparation was studied. N-acetylation vas carried out vith acetic anhydride. The actiyity of the modified allergen var, fo=- d in bioassays on guintia pisgris to be virtually the same as that of crude and control allorgens. Since~the specific activity of anthrax vaccine did not change after acetylation, although about 70% of the W12 groups were blocked and about 40%.of the indole groupt Vere modified, it vas concluded that the activity of the allergen.vus rot attributable to the amino or indole groups. 1/1 USSR UDC 576.851.511. MAKSTMOZA fi".# and RUNOVA, V. F., State Control Enstitute of Nedical Bio- I-og-kcal Preparations imeni Tarasevich "Effect of Formaldehyde on the Activity of,Anthrax Allergen" Moscow, Zhurnal Mikrobiologii, Epidemiologii i Immunobiol-ogii, Val 10, Oct 70, pp, 59-62 Abstract: The anthrax allergen is a protein-polynaccharidii-nu(.,Iein complex containing 80-86 percent protein. The protein fraction xvpresents the active component. Formaldehyde, which reduces the activity of tkie alLergen, Liter- acts with amino, phenol, and indola groups of the atlergen protein, forming methyl bridges between them. The present study was condacted to establish which of these groups represent the active component of the anthraic allergen. The method described previously by Takeya and Hifuchi wag used, in which the anthrax allergen was allowed to interact with 1.5 percent and N percent formaldehyde solutions at pH 9.1. The activity of all samples decreased about 50 percent, regardless of the formaldehyde concentration, Tyrosine and tryptophan concentrations were reduced-30 percent and-70 percent, re- spectively; the concentration of free amino groupe decreased irtth increaiiing formaldehyde concentration. After the samples were heated to 100*C for 30 1/2 USSR MAKST-MVA, G. A., and RUNOVA, V. F., Zhurnal Hikrobiolo$1,1, Epidemiologii I Immunobiologii, Vol 10, Oct 70, pp 59-62 minutes, the biological activity of the allergen was completely restored. At the same time, the concentration of phenol groups retu:rned to normal while that of amino groups and tryptophan remained 50-60 purcertt below the Initial level. On the basis of these ressults, it was copalude4 that the activity of the anthrax allergen was asisociated with th4 t)henol $roups, while the amino and indole groups were apparently of no a!Lgniftcance in this activity. 2/2 53% . - T, ~(~ ~ ', :-, Z/ ~./, / -T, ULIC: ACTIVATION OF DIU SMUX= I% L-tITHROID CELLS UF 7r!-E SPLEEN th In LrM1,CTI-~r PHASE CY THE [Articla hv G.F. Mkni Sucon.: Icf.cow in tiLUts C alan. No 11, 1971, Pr .67-?jj It is a knn%ra 14cL that spleni-I cells Are suhloct to trans!cr~-Atl. -,la prolifertition under the influence of antiszdnic st-i=alation Qo.4r+hsIj ,d WhIta). Ilouever, until ".cently the kinetics of this process had net 1.,een sufficiently invvstigatod. 4cat autoradiorraphic works dc-,1 Ing %:Jth the rots ~,r tt_~j djvjstc~. j, 1 I.MmUdLEY have bean performed an rmdtla using tnalared cell zvszeas, In vitf-I cultures of lymphold cells (Dutton and Misholl) or t,yr"hocyte itm.-Iturza, (Capalbo at al.). The cellular "events", that-unfold-im res;z=*--:a gen in the "closed system" of diffusion ch=btrs ha~,~ been Invetrip&ted detail by Capalbe and Makinodrn. it wAs shcwn in these works that culti-id lympaoid calls respond to antigen by a rise La the talt inlex And attatic ~!vq ficiGnt. The authors a"ume that the time of geeritzon of cells is shortened under the influence of anziRsn',4 ftlnulatiee. But is needed in Interpreting the data mentioned above Ln viov of the artificial nature of the Ismoclogical. myorams cb-on by the researchers. When invontl&ating cell division in the carminal centers of ly-.phatic tissue In the course or in vivo immunogenesi's, 5hoolry. Nossalo And Makela, An well as Has,na demonstrated proliferntion of Iarpiv pyroninop:~.--*Ic cellz; which Incorporated H3-thymidine intensively under the influence of Antigen. On the other hand, V.P. Cusev, aho used a tr4-.iun labell in uLtro, discovered that in the spleen of imunized mice M;A svnthesis to acti~at--d first in the small lymphocytes which the authors distinguished in a special group of pyroninophilit lymphocytaid cells. In this connection it seemed interesting to investigate the kinetict, of proliferatiw processes in a heterogeneouspopulation of ljm;~boid tells ,I the apleen throughout the inductive phase of the primary immuiaological rerlvoero- 99 !zs USSR CDC 539-89 ALEKSANDROV, V. I., KAMINSKIY, A. A., MAKSIZOVA, G. V., PROKhOROV, A. M. (Academician), SARKISOV, S. E., SOBOLI, A. A,j,TATARINrsEY, V. Y,,, Physical Institute Imeni P. N. Lebedev, and Institute.of Crystallwlraphy imeni A. Y. ShUBHIKOV, Academy of Sciences of the USSR, Moscow "A Study of Stimulated Emission by ffd3+ Ions in Crystals at the 4F3/2-1'4 113/2 Transition" Moscow, Doklady Akademii Nauk SSSR, Vol 211, No 3, 21 Jul 73, pp 567 - 570 Abstracti The prevallin,-:, transition for neodymium Is 4F3/2 -"4111/2 (about 4 ition to I is of both practical and theoretical interest. but the trans 13/2 L. The authors studied doped crystals of Ca? 2 -YF3, Ca2Y5F19, Ca5 (P04)3 F, Z rO 2-Y2030 and HfO 2-Y203* Samples were tested at 770K and 3000K. laser action was otserved at three frequencies near 1.35 microns In yttrofluorite, at ~wo points in tysonite, and at several locations in fluorapatite with a go argle between the optical and geometric axes. Analysis of the low-temperature sptctra showed that In all observations their lines were insensitivo to concentrationo 1/2 The cubic cryatals of ZrO 2-Y203 and HfO 2-Y 0 with Nd 3 1. ions nshowed very 2/2 UNCLASSIFIED PRO O.S.S1W OATE--18SEPTO 023 -CENTP S I -U- OPTICAL ND PRIME3 POSITIVE R N CALCIUM TUNGSTATE iJTROR-(02)-MAKSImOVAp G.V., SOBOL9 A*A. _tOUNYRY OF INFO--USSR ,-SOURCE--IZV.o AKAD* NAUK SSSRr NEORG. MATER* 19701 6( )v 307-13 7!,0ATE PUBLISHEO ------- 70 ,..SUSJECT AREAS--PHYSICS, CHEMISTRY ,''TOPIC TAGS--OPTIC PROPERTY# NEGUYMINUM COMPOUNOt LUMINESCENCE, ABSORPTION* -:-_~CRYSTAL STRUCTURE, CALCIUM COMPOUNDt TUNGSTEN COMPOUND CC%Tlt')L MAqKING--NO RESTRICTIONS DOCUMENT CLASS--UNCLASSIFIEO 6~t I~PROXY RFEL/FRAME--1988/0544 STEP NO--UR/0363/701006/002/030710313 CIRC ACCESSION NO--AP01055?9 UNCLASSIFIE0 --18SEP 70 ~~--2/2 023 UNCLASSIFIED~ PROCESSING DATE CIRC ACCESSION NO--AP0105529 ~'ABSTRACT/EXTRACT--(U) GP-0- ABSTRACT. THE CAWO SU04 MINUS ND PRIME3 POSITIVE CRYST41-S TO BE STUDIED WERE GROWN BY THE CZOCHP.ALSKI MErHOO. THE NO PRIME3 POSITIVE IONS FORM IN CAWO SU84 SEVERAL TYPES OF opriCAL CENTERS. SEPD* OUT WERE THE SPECTRA FOR THE R-CENTE-9 OF NO PRIME3 POSITIVE, WHICH IS ASSOCO. WITH THE FORMATION OF NO PRIME3 POSITIVE MINUS NO PRIME3 POSITIVE PAIRS, THE POSITION OF THE COMPONENTS OF THE PRIME4 F SUBTHREEHALVESt PRAIME4 I SUUELEVEN-~HALVES LEVELS FOR THIS IN SAMPLES WITH' NY GIVEN TYPE .,CENTER WAS DETO. THE R-LINES ARE 08SD*' A OF COMPENSATION OF THE EXCESS CHARGE OVTHE NO PRIMr3 POSITJVE ION. TWO ND PRIME3 POSITIVE MINUS V SUBCA (M-CENTERS) CENTER-5 WERE FOUNDt WHICH ARE MOST:NOTICEABLE IN SAMPLES WITHOUT COMPENSATION BY ACONLe IMPURITIES, THE OPTICAL NO PRIME3 POSITIVE MINUS V SUBCA CENTERS ARE PRESENT ALSO IN THE CAWO SU84 MINUS NO PRIMES POSITIVE AINUS NA ~PRIMEPOSITIVE CRYSTALS; HOWEVERt AT A LARGE CONCN. OF NO PRIME 3POSITIVE BAND NA PRIMEPOSITIVE THERE IS OBSO. A BROADENING OF THE ABSORPTION A14D THE LUMINESCENCE SPECTRA IN CAWO SU34 MINUS NO PRIME3 POSITIVE MINUS NA PRIMEPOSITIVE CRYSTALS. THE TWO SIMPLEsr ~io PRIME3 POSITIVE MINUS NB P$ZIME5 POSITIVE CENTERS (THE N-CENTEiRSV WERE DETD. IN THE CAwO SUB4 MINUS NO PRIME3P OS!TIVE MINUS P48 PRIME5 POSITIVE SAMPLES. AN AVERAGED FOR THE SPLITTING OF THE LEVELS PRIME4 F SUBTHREE-NALVESP -~PRIME4 I SUBNINE-HALVESt PRIME4 I SUBELEVEN-HALVES WAS CONSTRUCTED FOR JHE N-CENTERSe UNCLASSIFIE UNCLASStpleb_ ~PROrCSSINrp'OATE--l$SEP70 4TLE-70PTICAL NO PRIME3 POSITIVE CENTERS IN CALCIUM TOUGSTArE -U- "OR-(02)-MAKSIMOVA, G.V., S080Lv A4,A, OUN T R Y 0 FINFO--USSR Ak9 ;':_S0URCE--lZV* AKAD, NAUK SSSRP NEORG, MATER. 1970, 6(2)o 307-13 ::DATE PUSL ISHED-----70 ECT AREAS--PHYSICS. CHEMISTRY TAGS--'PT'C PROPERTYe NEGOYMINUM COMPOW109 LUMM.SCENCE, ABSORPTION, STRUCTURE* CALCIUM COMPOUND* TUNGSTEN COMP(jUjqO I ~CCNTROL MARKING--NO RESTRICTIONS CLASS--iWiCLASSIFIF0 ~.AOXY RFEL/FRAME--11788/0544 STEP NO--UR/0363/70/()06/004P/0307/0313 _C[RC ACCESSION W1-00105529 UNCLASSIFIE0 i Nil i 023-- UNCLASSIFlr-- PROCtSSINI; DATE--ISSEP70 iCIRC ACCESSION NO--AP0105529 IABSTRACT/EXTRACT--(U) GP-0- ABSTRACT. THE CAW0 SU34 MINUS NO PRIMEJ POSITIVE CRYSTALS TO BE STUDIED WE~%E GROWN BY THE CUICHPALSKI METHOD. IONS FORM IN CAWO SUB4 SEVERAL TYPES OF OPTICAL THE NO PRIME3 POSIrIVE CENTERS. SEPOo OUT WERE THE SPECTRA FOR THE R-CENTEM OF NO PAIME3 POSITIVE, WHICH IS'ASSOCO. WITH THE FORMATJON OF NO.PRIME3 POSITIYE MINUS NO PRIME3 POSITIVE PAIRS, THE POSITION OF THE COMPONENTS OF THE PRIME4 F SUBT14REEHALVES, PRIME4 I SUBELEVEN-HALVES LEVELS FOR THIS CENTER WAS METO. THE R-LINES ARE O8SD* IN SAMPLES WETH ANY GIVEN TYPE ,OF COMPENSATION OF THE EXCESS CHAqGE OF THE.ND PRIME3 POSJTJVE ION. TWO ND PRIME3 POSITIVE MINUS V SUBCA (M-CENTERS)'-CENTER:5 WERfl!FOUND? WHICH ARE MOST NOTICEABLE IN SAMPLES WITHOUT COMPENSATION BY A0DNL- IMPURITIES. THE OPTICAL ND PRIME3 POSITIVE MINU5 V SUBCA CENTERS ARE PRESENT ALSO IN THE CAWO SU84 MINUS NU PRI'ME'l POSIT'tVE MINUS NA PRIMEPOSITIVE CRYSTALS; HOWEVERt AT A LARGE CONCN. OF NO PRIME 3POS[TFVE AND NA PRIM.EPOSITIVE THERE IS ORS0. A BROADENING OF THE A13SORPTION A140 THE LUMINESCENCE SPECTRA IN CAWO SU'34 MINUS NO POSITIVE MINUS NA PRIMEPOSITIVE CRYSTALS, THE TWO SIMPLEST NO PRIME-3 POSITIVE HINU.S NB PlZtME5 PosrTIVE CENTERS (THE N-CENTERS3 WERE DETO. rPl THE CAWO SUS4 HINUS NO PAIME3P OSITIVE MINUS NB PRIME5 ~POSITIVE SAMPLES. AN AVE-RAGED -HALVE$s SCHEMATIC FOR THE SPLITTING OF THE LEVELS PRIME4 F S108THREE :,:PRIME4 I SUBNINE-HALVESv PRIME4 I SUSELEVEN-HALVES WAS CONSTRUCTED FOR THE N-CENTERS. UNCLASSIFIED USSR UVC 612-2?3 MWIm0&&,_;-t-4V MAKSIEW, V. 1q., and FIRUZY&N, L. A., Delpia-t-nent OfA Eedical Bfo-p-R.,-ra~ics, Institute of Chemical Physics, Academy of Scilences USSR, Lcscait "Quantitative Assessment of the Kinetics of Free Radicals In Organs of Animals Exposed to HypoxW Leningrad, Flziologichesldy Zhurnal SSS R Imeni I. F.. Sechanov, Vol 58 No 5, 1972, pp 773-776 Abstractt Data available on the conccntration of f-ree mdica1s in the orl,-,-rs of anL-als ex-,,csed to hypoxia (equivalent to vz altitude Q.4' 6,0~0 n,) for various periods were u~3ed to establish an :expirici.1 equation -ical in any argzul as a full~:t3.0.n 01, ti-e. cu-rVt2s the concentration of any rac, plotted on the ba-,5is of valuea calculated by that equation sati8factorily ibis of the original exporlme 1 1, t-, coincide with curves plotted on the b nta, C. t including a good agreenent of point of interception witki the coordinates az, well as of maxima, and zinima, The error pf calculation is atout The. equation has coefficienta which are Identical for all ov-gans for tho givel, digree of hypoxia, as well as coefficients which arssime:a difft.,irent vaavd. for each particu-1ax organ. It is eoncludbd that since the valme ef the-se Coe~-flcients significantly depends on, them method of prwesslng the USSR MAYWHOVA, I. A., et al., Fiziologicheskiy Zhurnal SSSR imeni 1. PI. Secbenovt Vol 58, No 5. 1972, pp 773-778 experimental data, this method should be stEuidardited aj-.d then, after further investigations, the equation may be expandied to'be ap~lllcable to any degree of hypoxia or . hyperoxia. 2/2 -7 7 IF %4c-c. Nn Ref. Code: UR 0216 47228". AMO 'L Na ~ PRIMARY SOURCE: Izvestiya Akad L Na SSSRp Seriya 1970. Biologicheska~ 9~ 19701 Nr 1~ ppY3 17 Piruzyan, L. K,4p_laja, 'Ye., Ya.; ilaksimova A~* RqieAfiql~d L.A_- A. CHANGES IN THE CONTENTS OF FRWRAPICALS (fit) IN THE ORGANS OF MICE UNDER CONDITIONS;0F HVP0- AND HYPEROXY Insfitute of Chemical PhLsics A6dejny EL Scivn~w V$SR Experimental data are discussed bearing on the kinetics of changl!s in the Lontents- of free radicals in mice organs under conditions of hvpeToxv bind hypoxy. In the case- of hyperoxy the character of changes -ire similir in the liver, tile heort, the brain, the fangs and the muscles. A tendency towards 0 increase V the free radicals contents in observed after 48 hours which is thereaiter followed by a decrease after 72 halirs. A fairly well expressed increase of free-radical activily is observed in all tile organs ex2- mined after 96 hours. REELIJUII~ 19791D730 An increase of the exposure time of hy oxy is followed by a monotonous zhuracter- P of changes off free radicals concentration in the liver, the brain and the lungs of the expe- rimental animals.- During the first 25 hours an increase of free radicals activity is noted whiO is later followed by a decreasegoing below control figures. 2 However free radicals WrIcentration changes rates are unequal in different organs- J I 197 "17 910 7 3: 1 . ...... ... USSR UDC 591.1:616-006 PIRUZYAN, L. A,, KAPLAN, Ye. Ya., I. A., and ROZENFELID, 2M. A., Institute of Chemical Physics "Changes in the Content of Free Radicals in Mouse Organs During Hypoxia and Hyperoxiall Moscow, Izvestiya Akademii Nauk SSSR, Seriya Biologichesltaya, No 1, 1970, pp 93-99 Abstract: Experiments on mice showed that during hYpero-:-;la chan-es in free radical activity are tile same in tile iiver, heart, brain, lungli, and The content of free radicals increases ori the 2ad day, de-creases on the 3rd day, and increases markedly on the 4th day in all the or&ans. During hypoxia, changes in tile concentration of free radicals are also 01C SaTrij! in liver, spleen, brain, and lungs. Free radical concentration Encreasei; on tile firsc day and after that decreases below control values, Hourevor, the rate of cnange varies from organ to organ. For c-4ample, tn. the lungs and spleen the free radical level falls below controls on the 3rd day and conftnues to fell there- after, whereas in the brain and liver this pattern is not observed until the 4th day. It was suggested that changes occurring in free radical activity as a result of hypoxia and hyperoxia may be one of the fpi-~cors responsible for the impairment of certain physiological systems and motaboll-c processes associated with these states. 1 /1 1.21 Ace. Nr: Af 0044#597"" PRIWY SOURCE: Klinicheikaya Keditaina, I 9700 Val 48, Nr pp RADIO(SaFOPE RENOGRAPHY IN, PATIEWS 5LljTEA41)*- FROM AT" E ROSCLv. ROSIS, S u in,m a r Y The Mimi employed radioiotopc rcmrraphy for the sludy of Hhc fw2liolm) !Jat~ rJ lite kidneys in paljenEi Milt gener.11 embk(I lo ental)IN1,11 different dislurbancc:~, m(mtly of'the secretory funclian of renal Wbifles. iii-a mark-A tilt of which depended upon the severily of the disease. 1?adioisotope mrsogriphy ir, condiicive to the recognition of clinically undetectable functional disturbances of lite ki&ys in Pa- tients affected with general afficrosclemiis. RE a F2 2t ~ff USSR MC 615-012.6t616.932 A-1- and AGAPOVA, H. S., Hosoce State University "Effect of Cultivation Conditions on the Accumulation of Orgiuiie Matter in a VAKUum. Used to Grow Chlorella, vulgaris Strain LARG-11' Moscow, Biologichaskiye Paukil No 8p 1971, pp 98-1o Abstracti The various factors that alon algal developnent in a nutrient xedium - low intensity of light, high pH. nitrate nitrogen, w-U! -increasing concentration oz- salts, - increa-sed the ano=t of extxacellulax compounds in Tamiya's medium on which the 1AIRG-1 strain of Chlorella vulgaris B was grOW11. A high osmotic pressure is known to inhibit algal development and Photosynthesis. The experiments with 0. vulearis showed that the higher the osnotic pressure of the medium, the more intensively organic matter is released into the nedlum. A change in osmotic pressure gradually reduced the zaiount of extracellular substances released in the course of cUtivation. An orpmotic pressure of C. vulgaxis D, strain IARG-11 cells of 14-75 atmo as in other freshwater algae, does not change with the conx-ontration of the medium. .......... 7-im USSR UDC 56Z.2'3.095.4 _~k% ., MEESSFIKO, G. I., and LEBEDEYA, Ye. K., Chair PLMENOVA, M. N., MAKSDOW of Hicrobiology,*MM /aaculty, Moscow State Univor3ity Lmeni 44. V. -Lomonosov "Dynamics of Quantitative Changes In "racollular Organiq SubsLances During Prolonged Cultivation of Chlorella sp. KII Moscow, Hikrobiologiya, Vol 39, No 2. Mar/Apr 70, pp 274,-~2`,'!) Abstract: Cultivation of Chloralla sp. K in a rotary ferviantatioll Apparatus with direct return of the medium was accompanied by accumulation in t.ha nc;hliun of organic substances constituting extracel-lular products of i'.Algaa motabolism. Juring 38 days of cultivation, the content of organic substances in the mediwa increased from ))).) to 1465.) mg1l. The substances oonsisted of polysac W-bar ides, N- containing compounds, keto acids, and volatile organic acids. A)uring the ~~3 days of cultivation, the content of carbohydrates in the inediumi was iqproximato.~-f )O~ organic substances. varying from 26 to 42A with approxilwItOlY 50,ij N-containing compounds, varying between 21.9 and 6~.4~ and passJJ4,,- throt;gh a =jor maxim= (63.4%) on the 30th day; about the saino amount of keta aaiiiv- (Ijb)j and of volatile acids. Maxima in the content of W-containing aiabstances and of USSR MI-WEI HaffiRMUMUL TMI PIMOVA, 2.11. N., et al, Rikrobiologiya, Vol 38, No 2, Har/Apr 7Q, Pp 274-2~19 volatile acids coincided with maxima in Chlorolla reproduotion, whilo decveases in the content of there substances were accompanied by intensi-LnB propagation of bacteria. An equilibrium was established betw"n the vital prot:asses of Chlorella and those of the accompanying microflora,-whicli 4tilii.,ed producLs or Chlorella metabolism (amino acids and volatile organic acids), I~hus preventing an ase, products toga level at wkich they would have increase in the amount of th, interfered with the propagation of Chlorell*. 2/2 IM 172 022 UNCLASSIFIED 090CES$ING DATE--18SEP70 ~TITLE-THE DYNAMICS OF QUANTITATIvE CHANGES IN INTRACELLULAR ORGANIC DURING LONG TERM GROWTH OF CHLORELLA SP, K. -u- .AuTHDR-(0&)-PIMEN0VA, M.N.9 MAKSIMOVA, I.V., MELESHKD, G.T., LESEDEVA, 'COUNTRY OF INFO--USSR :_S0URr_E--,mIKROBIOLOGIYA, 1970, VOL 39, NR2, P1 74-2*e9 P 2 ".-P.ATE PUBLISHED ------- 70 _,:suaJECT AREAS--BIOLOGICAL ANO MEDICAL SC(lCNCFS TOPIC TAGS--CfILORELLAt CULTURE MEOIUM, SACCHARIDEt NITkOGI-N COMPOUND 'CCNTROL MARKING--NO REST41CTIONS DOCUMENT CLASS--UNCLAS51FIED ~PROXY REEL/FRAME--1933/1410 STEP 140--UR/0220/70.1039/002/0274/k)279 CIPC ACCESSION 1403-00054213 Fj R "~J'C E S 1. DATC-18SEP70 2/2 022 UNCL A$ S IF IF D - CtRC ACCESSION NO-AP0054273 ABSTRACT/EXTRACT--IU) GP-0- ABSTRACT. LONG T E R.'A COLTIV,4,TIO'N OF CHLoRELLA SP. K IN THE FERMENTER OF A ROTATION TYPE WITH A DIRECT RETURN OF T14E MEDIUM WAS ACCOMPANIED BY THE ACCUMULATION (IF INTRKELt.ULAR ORGANIC SUBSTANCES. ENRICHMEINT OF T'HE MEDIUM WITH METABG:LK PRODUCIS OF THE ALGAE WAS THE MOST INTENSIVE DURING THE FIRST TWO 14EEKS OF THE EXPERIMENT. POLYSACCMAR106S AND NITROGEN COMPOUNDS PRt-'-VAILCD AMONG SUBSTANCES ACCUMULATED IN THE MEDIUM. ORGANIC ACJq)S WERE NOT ACCUMULATED IN THE MEDIU4 UNDER THESE CONDITIONS Ol~ GRO14THi SINCE THEY WERE THE SUBSTRATEAPOR GROWTH OF tHE AG'COM ,PANYING; 1111CROFLORA, -------- ------- USSR MKSIMOVA, 1. V., et al., Mikrobiologiya, Vol 41, No 1, Jan/Feb 72, pp 59-63 The C02 produced was estimated using gas analyzer type OA 5501. The total amount of keto acids was estinilated Using calorimetric measurement in the form of 2,4-dinitrophenylhydrazine. The total amount of free amino acids in the medium was tested using colorimet~ric estimation of alpha-Z-Hnino nitrogen. The accumulation of various groups of organic compounds was associated with various stages in the life cycle of the Chlorella cells. The coacentration of poly- saccharides increased sharply only during reproduction of the algae. The concentration of free amino acids in the medium. increatied during the growth and transformation of the cells up to the beginning of the appearance of aplanospores. The concentration decreased during the transitioa of the algae to reproduction and during dark incubation. The ctmcentration of keto acids in the medium increased both during growth and transformation and during the production of aplanospores from*the parent cells in light. The keto acids are consumed in darkness. 2/2 w USSR UDO 5;~7- ~12.62 MKSIMIOVA, K.P. "Analytical Relationehips For Determining The Opt-imum Dimenaions Cf A Super- conducting Solenoid" V ob. Vopr. primeneniya averklinizi- temperatur v elektrctel,hn. (PrCb1CMQ Of lph,-~ Use Of Ultralow TemFeratures In Mectricul Engineerinjr.-Collection C'-,' ldorka)) Leningrad, "Nauka,u 1971, pp 90-94 (from RM ElektrotoHliniks i en~LrjT,~~k&,Io 6, J=i 1972, Abstract No 6B70) Translation: Analytical relationships are derived f or determining the dimensic-.:E of an optimum solenoid, i.e., a solenoid with geormctrical dlicension.- by which a specified mngnetic fiold is assured with a expanditure cf C-upeTQ,~r.--"jct1JLn,,-- material. With the aid of an electronic digA&I coml)-utor, the depon`ence~~ Of t~.- extent of the euperconductinF vdindj.n!~ of an optivnAm ijolpr:oid on the lenq;th, ir- tern-al radius, narnotic field intenrity ot tho gowetriclil cantor, current and the space factor of' the wlndin~.r aro calquIato(I (ind prellentf-~~d. 3 ill. 2 ref. Ye.B. Granovokiy. SO.-TPR5 SS100 'h ~ ~Zt 11 92.232+576.652.2q (HydroganumoriaL):629-78 T.Dy Or TW "pECT Or yLIGIrr FACTORS Ot, THZ ZOM-8 AUTOMATIC STATION ON A CULT= Or YEASTS AID ALCAL BACTERIA " J - f, At~' 1 C'109~ I & A _iArttcle L, A- S11 t Wy., ,L. M~,hLa- ~kl Tt. A -i r. An F . -w-, X;ra2av 'd V. Trearge2z; Y4 OII P ! tzon Ityastan, Vol 5, Vo 6, 1971. aubmiLLed for public R pp Abstract: This "per si.d. the rolults of fit'idying the ya;ir,t: Candid& Etopi,!alis Sf-4 and the bacterium llydro- r-nv=rras gerrTophis .1-t wrilcti-werk abb&rd the SUCOM4ttC Z-ond-1 Airing its Inner Flight. The survivai of yKast cclis during flifitit "J Chu phyttolcigicol and bio- ~4~"tcxxl properricz of their ~utmxcquent jiakeratlaft3 is- main" uncliangad. The survival of bacteria decreased by 5 pcrcc-;t in comparison wLth thr control. Subscquanr ranerAtIODA of bacteria teuJad to d-maso their pr~Juc- zivicy auring autotrophLc cultivation. the level remain- ina ~irhin th" ltmittq of prod-tictivity vartationa undcr laboratory canditions. Bacterial r&dLosensitivity did .C,t barge after the fliRhC. tt-,O tiOlOgiCall =xpcri=ut3 carrlcd out earlier aboard govi*t and Avwrican 3paccohLps and artificial (~zrth Aiate.11LE66 mieroorganisais mars used CL for tha =at port as iro4vatori for the hiole-g-tcal. dozimatry of cose-c ra- -; rilkov. et &1., 1962, H. at 41. ; G. P. Partenov wrl A. A. Lakin: N. N. Mukov-Verathnikov, et al - , 1968). During the period 20-22 October the Zznd-ll automatic ~tatlon, which 0 fl~ aruu~ the coon on 24 O~taLor. corriet a culture of the yeast Cnndida 3 trapicalis SK-4 and & culture of llydrogenoino"s carropha, Z-1. 'Mr. 481-AL,314 Of "auto anJ llydr%~.-~nas a, ObjOCLS for invescig- rv -I ..=T.; atc;arj ;.L. 14. 111.t.Eed bY the n.ed for scuaying the toleran a to spacuflight faitors of microotgekniams prum~sing as hialogicaL objects for USSR UDC: 8.74 ZOZULEVICH, D. X. and A~ T. "Performing Operations With,Three;.-Dimensional, Piecewise-Specifted Objects on An Electronic Computer" YZchisl. tekhn. v mashinostr. Nauch.=1ek-lin. sIL. (Computer Tech- niques in Machine Design, Scientific-Technical Coliection) Dec. No 8, 1972, Abstract No 1970,)pp 75-84 (from RZh--l-latematika, I 8V652 Translation: Methods are considered for analyzing the incidence eometric ob- of a point on the surface or in the interior of a (,, ject specified by the totality of the oriented facets and edges. With the help of incidence procedurea, the metric problem of com- puting the dimensions of the object in a specifted direction is solved. KU the procedures are programmed in.the FORTRAN language. Authors' abstract USSR UDC: 8 VA L ZOZULEVICH, D. M., "KSJM G. "Computer Execution of Certain Operations With Three-Dimen- sional Pieceivise-Specified Objects." Yxchisl. tekhn. v mashinostr. Nauch.-tekhn. sb. (Computer Technology in Machine Building. ScientiFic ainTe,;:hnical Collection), 1970, Dec, pp 75-84 (from RZh-Kibernetika, No 8, Aug 72, Abstract No 8V652) Translation: Methods are considered for analyzing the inci- dence oT a-point of the surface or interior of a geometric object specified by a set of oriented faces and edges. Inci- dence procedures are also used for solving the metric problem -_ computing the overall dimensions of the object in a given direction. Programming of all procedures is done in the FORTRAN lahguage. Authors' abstract.. USSR uDe 615.849.1.015-25 ALEKSEYEVA, G. N.0 YEWTSOV, A. V., KOLMOVAO M. B. I ?fAgjVQ.VA . RUSANOV, A. K.# Leningrad Chestical-Phamaceuticea iazla'~~ie "Hadioprotective Properties of 1,2-Dithiclium Derivatim" Moscow$ Khimiko-Farmataevticheakiy Zhurnal, xo 7p 19720 pp 2-3-27 Abetracti Study of 6 i,2-dithiolium salts and proctucts of thdAr reduction with dithiomalonylamides, which release sulfur an hydrolysis, showed that only those containing amino groups in positions 3 and 5 have significant radioprotective action in mice irradiated with 700 r, Hathylation of the amino group decreased toxicity while slightly intentsifyiAg the protective effect, However, the compounds were all leas effie4clous than aminiethyl- thiuronium (AM) which served ara the control, The minimum effoctive dose was 300 mg/kg. Boosting the dose enbanced the radioproteptive effect but increased the toxicity at the same times, causing convulsions and some deaths. 112 0 15 LINCL AS S I F I M TITLE--595 DIAMIN0,1,2,01THI-OLIUM SALTS -U- AU7H0fj-(03)-KC'LFS0VAq M.O., MAKilMOVAl IL.Int GOUNT~Y ~f: INFO--USSR (W.G. KHI~4. 11970t H31 610-14 DATE f'UllL ISHED------70 -~;~.-SWQFCT I F~SSI'4G DAT~--1120CT?0 YELTSOV, A.V. AREAS--CHEMISTRY9 '31OLGIGICAL AND MEDICAL .~:JOPIC 7AGS--A?'AINE DERIVATIVE, THIGLv PEUHLdRATE, CONTRIl 'AAkKIPJG--N0 RESTRICTIO'NS DGM-0ENT CLASS--UNCLASSIFIED PROXY PIFL/FRAi~E-1992/1326 SCIENCES IWAPHit JNE STEP CIRC ACCESSION N-0--AP0112420 UNCLASS IFIH --j-7-77 UNUASS'l FIOD 'q---AP0112420 ,.16S TRACT/ EXT R ACT--(U) CP-0- 4~15TRACT. THE REACTION Or- 3*5s'IIA,'tl-'4C,*1*2tDlTHIOLIU,,I PERCHLORATE (1) WITH 1,3,1)1,'-AET6-YLBENZIMILIAZI)LIP4C (11) GAVE H SU132 NC(:,,;)C-i S02 (:S)N-i '~Ua2 ANU Iv3,DlMETHYL6F14ZIMIDdLLt N Otl, IUli PERCHLORATE (III). ~1'11L(~RLY, -rHE REACTIONS CF I DERIVS* ii[TH If GAVE III ANP RC("S) C-q SLJ62 E(:SJR 1).ZfvEL (VI) (r~, R PRIMF1 GIVE"')* NH SUIB2v NHMEv NHME; M.DRP-11'ljLJ,Q,-lq MDAPLif-t-1%0; MC,'?Pl,LLI,%C,, NMF SUL2. THF ELECTROPHILIC 13RCPCATIj*-.5 11P I A-tF '-I-r)SF V.1 THOSE OF TROPYLIUM; E.G. THE REACTION OF IV (R, E.,V,)ALS 11 P~TNIFI E:,IU14LS MORPH~XIN01 WITH TROPYLIUM PERCHLORATE GAVE THE A%IAL,3'lj OF 1. USSR uDc 612.89 YAKCMVj, ff. N., KRASNOVA, A. F., MWOVA, R. I., amd 1,WM3]-VJVA,.L, V,., Leningrad Institute of Physical Culture 1 "Effect of Sympatholytin on Metabolism it Resting and Working Yuscler. in Relation to the Degree of Meir Adaptation to Increasecl Activity" Uningrad, Fiziologicheskiy Zhurnal SSSR,! No 4) 1973, pp 584-589 Abstract: In rats systematic exercise (swimming) increased mascle ~;lyco,~er, creatine phosphate, cytochrome oxidase activity and intensity of reSDiration and phosphorylation in muscle cell mitochondria, especially in the first ronth of training. Injection of 10 mglkg of sympatholytin [N.(-2-chloroethyl) dibenzylamine hydrochloride] had no effect of glycogen, i~reatlntu. phosphate, and creatine kinase activity in resting rziscles, but reduced;the intensity of cytochrome oxidase and mitochandrial respiration and phodiphonylation. Daring the first month of adaptation to increased activity, syMvathol;rtin caused greater disruption of the oxidative processes in trained anirrals than in the eantrols. However, the disturbances diminished consider6bly by the und of the third month of adaptation. 'The experimental reisults s-.1ioV that ener_r-,( metabolirmn In miscles (both working and reiting) is controlled by the symrathetic nor-rous system and that the degre-e of control steadily diminishes in the course of adaptation to increased activity. USSR UD? 577-15:6io-7,44 X) L CHAGOVETS N. R. and MAMD.M. ire Leningrad Institute of Physical C,,Llul "The ATP-Phosphoci-eatine-trensfera,,e System of the Skeletal N%iscles Dui-inj bbrk. and Rest" Kiev, Wtrains'Riy 13iolihinichniy ZhUrnal, -No 6-, 19722, PY) 744-ND, Abstract: Brief intense musculpir activity of rats prolucas marked etang in the content of the substrates of the creatinekinase syst-z,~-2- Besides a con- siderable consurption of phosphocreatine, there is a shxcp ducrease in t I le phosphocreatine/creatine ratio Creator than the decreamL, -in the lViTIA71- ratio. ilovever, no signif icant cha. , u - 10=0z~ n,,es take pla(~e in ATT-phos-* tine-trn-nof erace activity. After 30 rdnutes' rest, the phosphocrea-Line content in the nut.,cle i-,, restored or rises slig"i'ly above the ori;-inal level. ai-ic- phonphocr~_--Itinf.~/ creatine ratio is aliiost 5,0'~) above, the preactivity w0x~-i vhdlu t1ho ratio is close to the bancline. After 60 minutes, rost thQ content is 4Crp' above thQ original le-'rel., rLhuo cont-,Tbuting to the tion. phase after e-xertion_ At this time the direct. rerains intense, 4- e irj,1 WheyLar th ,J.~rect reaction teiids to laco:,mj lnhiLlteti. USSR UDC 612.744 KRASNOVA, A. F., LENKOVA, R. I., LESFSEVICH, L. 0., UMMOVA, L. V., CHAGOVETS, N. R., and YAKOVLEV, N. H., Sector of Institute of Physical Training, Leningrad "Characteristics of Energy Metabolism in Muscular Actilrity in Relation to the Degree of Adaptation of the Activity" Leningrad, Fiziologicheskiy Zhurnal SSSR imeni 1. H. Se-chenova, Vol 58, No 1, Jan 72, pp 114-121 Abstract: A study conducted on more than 250 athletes of various degree of experience and training indicated that with increasing adaptation of the or- ganism to intensive muscular activity there was an increase in the level of sugar and lactate in the blood at which reinforced mobi4ization. and utillza- tion of fatty acids in connection with muscular effort could take place, As a result a more effective supply of the working muscles twith energy sources was ensured and the ATP balance was disturbed to a lesser extont. This constituted a factor that increased the working capacity6 47 USSR UDC 621.396.69:621.319.4 MAKSIMOVA, M. F. , TKACIIENKO, L. 14., MUMMA, N. V. ............... .................... "Accelerated Method of Selecting Paper Capacitors with Improved Reliability" Elektron. tekhnika. Nauchno-teklin. s~. Uy3r. I-achestvam i standardiz, (Elec- tronic Engineering. Scientific and Technical Collection. Quality Control and Standardization), 1970, vyp. 3, pp 78-79 (from Uh4adiotekhnika, No 4, Apr 71, Abstract No 4V422) Translation, The expediency of single checking of paper capacitors at in- creased DC voltage is demonstrated in an experiment at.the Eptiilon Plant. Semiconductorf 'a~nd Tranalsto6 USSR UDC 621.382.2 VYATKIN, A. P., MAKSDIOVA, N. K., PEKARSKIY, "YE. N. "Gallium Arsenide Schottky Barrier Pulse Diodes" Kiev, Izvestiya Vysshikh UchebnyI;hZavedcniy, Radioelektronika, Vol XIV, No 6, 1971, pp, 703-705 Abstract: Results are presented from a study of Sebottk barrier diodes. The diodes were manufactured by electrochemical deposition of nickle on monocrystal- line galliun arsenide with a charge carrier concentration of no = (3-5) x 1016 (M-3. Diodes with a diameter of the rectifying contacts of 10 microns were ob- tained by means of photolithography. The diodes were asiiemblod in cermet cases with a capacitance of 0.12-0-18 picofarads. The volt-ampere characteristics and volt-capacitance characteristics of the diodes are plotted, The frequency dependence of the barrier capacitance is plotted for different junction biases. The differential resistance of the pulse diode and the parameters T b and Q11 are plotted as functions of tie forurard current. The studies tlemonstrated that the capacitance of the diodes does not depend on frequency in the frequency range from 465 kilohertz to 45 megahertz, the differential resistance of the diodes de- Mases with an increase in the forward current and reaches saturation at VYATKIN, A. P., et al., Izvestiya Vysshikh UchebnyI(hZavedeniy, Radioelektronika, Vol XIV, No 6, 1971, pp 703-705 currents of 5-10 milliamps. The speed of,the diodes waz~r estimated by measuring the recovery time of Lhe inverse resistance T and the Owitcldng charge Q. The b recovery time of the developed gallium arsenide Schottky barrier pulse diodes does not exceed 0.3-0.5 nanoseconds. TheAata again confirm the conclusion that the current is carried bv the basic charge carriers in diodes of the investisa- ted type and the speed oi the diodes is determined by their structural parameters. 2/2 119 P1 USSR UDC; 621-376.234 VILISOV A. A., VYATKII 'IT, A. P., MKSIMOVA, K., M11OSERDOV.AP L. I., and PEEKARSKIY, Ye. N. "Sensitivity of Gallium Arsenide Detector Diod-es" Kiev, Izvestiya ITUZ Radioelektronika, vol. 14, 11o. 5, 1971, pp 585-587 Abstract: This brief communication offers the results of research of the behavior of point contact and Schottky 1,arrier diodes of electronic GaAs. In their exDerimt~nts, the authors ineasured the sensitivity of the diodes in the three-ceatimete- wavelength ran-e at a power level of 10,~411' under short-circuit conditions.~' The tuning of the detector section or a matched transformer produced a standing wave ratio less than or equal to 2 to 2.5, he diode:j tested had an electron concentration of from 1-10 - i to 1-1019 cm-3 for the point-contact, and a material of ri = 1-j_016 to 1.2-1017 cm-3 for the Ochottk4 barrier devices. The two types of diodes are compared with regard to their detector character- istics. Curves are given for the sensitivity of' both types as functions of the bias current and the frequency. The experiments showed that the sensitivity of the diodes could be si~,,nificantjy increased by applying pulsee of the proper chape, -WSR . uDc 613.6:612-766.1 HAVAKATIKYAN, A. 0.., MJNDIYEV.1 Yu. I., AKHRIMNKO., A- P-, VASILEUK01 Yu. I., SAVENK0, M. P., BUZUN011, V. A.;, TOWiSJOVSKAYA, L. I.., and DRMCH, V. S., Institute of Industrial Hygiene and Occupational Diseases, Kiev "Principles for quantitative Evaluation of the Difficulty and Strenuousness of Work on the Basis of Physiological Datp~' Moscow, Gigiyena Truda i Professionallnyye Zabolevaniya, No 7, 1971, PP 3-9 Abstract: A four-level classification of jobs by difficulty and stress is pro- posed on the basis of research conducted by the Instittrt;e and the literature data. The criteria used to treasure the amount of effort, involved ar, well as the changes therein during the course of the vorkday include energy consump- tion (ranging from under 150 kcal/hour for class 1 work, e.g., co",uter pro- grammlng, to 351 kcal/hour or more for class 4 work, e.g., steel casting), muscular, cardiovascular, central nervous, and endocrine functions. A table lists average values of several physiological functions in different kinds of work while another evaluates the difficulty and strenuovsness of different kinds of jobs (e.g., opemtion of office machines in classified as class 1 in difficulty and class 2 in strenuousness, lathework 2 and 2, steel castirL-, 1/2 M~ XSSR KAVAKATIKYAN, A. 0., et al., Gigiyena Truda i Professi,onal'ny-ye Zabolevaniya, No 7, 1971, PP 3-9 and 3). The article also discusses some of the theoretical and practical problems in establishing adequate criteria and in ApplyIng them to specific jobs, work conditions, and various groups! of people (e~g., adolescemts, females, elderly workers). 2/2 W;C 66~. 15.~13.245 mwELophEN'r or YmTE.Nsiric cmmsicN WRING DEMILRATION 12M 7.'J. PFLOPLKTIES OF TXIP 4MM [hrricin 13 171. '.S'. Zaq)rrh Itsk 1, 11. A, N Scien t .1 f I c Resq a rca Inm t .1 t'q% a J~y i.:'i 1'.-P azian. Mosco,w, F111kA =Zallv j &I", Val 34, Me. 5. PIZ, A study waA made of the Interrelation of =rtrnsitic con- version during deformation and the sr-ructare and wchanieal propertlest of trip steel havine Inclinstion toward =a formation of deformation martenriLd. Coe tffeCt of the %rPrzvoT,4 hardeninp and the test tempevature on the capacity tar conversion, the structure amd mathanical caor- acteristics 9t trip~sraol were izvQrt1Jtstad.. Tito tharazter- 13tic foAturve of the fine structure of this steel exrlain- Ing the causes of sevem Itax-Anatag during warm work aaceen- Inst of oustenite in the Strain haidLult1r, coefflaeat during rub5tquem. tensile testing are eascrlbez!. A 4rast deal of e:rporivental material accuc=ulatad to the so-,.jet :7--~ and abroad on the laws of martanattic conversio" iu var'.. Lict,. ., Wader vartauu condlttons haw p:ro_vJ44,d & scigotific b_-Ris for creating a ra~ 'Ir.35 of structlaral_st-ecl -- metastable auzzanitie complaxly alloyed str I ttrl:) steel In the EnCl1oh tertalnelogy) hardened by warm work har4enlag 1A h4ving high atrungth with very hipth pl,"ItIcIty. The latter is Insure.1 by thr Iar- tensitic conversion during plastic flo. (testing): the shear meci.Anierk ~,f the conversion ca7uses rul*xettiou of the peak atreases, and the for~.iticn the carbiAe nartemsir.* in thu vark hardened avorenite -- severe lozal hite-n- Inr prevQnting premature necking anti rupture. I'he extraordinary C=bi;%A-%vn of etrangth and :)InstlcLty which cannot be cbtained by other knoun meth_-dr. vf thermal and theratomecLanical treatment his in recent years at.-riczed t`tc attentLan of otany researchers to this new class of steel 11-61. The most complete and effizAent utilization of trip steel an a struc- tural material is possible only under the condition of sufficiently cccrrc- hensive Ptudy of the phase transformations, the structural changes and muchan- Ical behavior of the steel -- in connection with the role of such ciost j%:!- partant factors " the peculiarities of the cowposition (the position of the H', point , Elie it%clinatton tc~ntd c~rblde formation . Oic cariscitv for r-i: twirtt-nnitic converqlon . and so on) . the condi ti.nit of Inj tial hard- ki)%~ thrrmc~mrhtnical treattent (t,-twctatura, tl,~j-,ree of work hardenivig, ~o~ v!nr- vtrition divtnIlAlity. suhuvj%wiit mring. and so on) and, the te,titig cmditlots. (the temperaturo and rate conditions primarily). n.l,j article contst"s a diac"OL(ni of tna re'lults of rate st ;cr- toraxia u,i trip atmal of cotr7ositions, close to chose proxioried I,, j1j. urre madu of the peculiAritics of the %tructural state of the isiitial hardened aU,,tonitv, the interrelation between the kinetic picturv of t~-~ njr- tencite to conv4rolon and tho romatiort of Elie properties during testing and the peculiarItLe,# af the struettere of the fLii.11 converstc-c nrlsinv. us a rei,ult. of these tests, Lr.;,=rtc;avqA A "L-47 wan =do or two groutin of steel -- with 0.3 -4 0.3 parz~t c in which Elie ro.Astance zf t~~. .-tenitz z4 martertai-Ic v4riatian of the: knowo, for Its vary sharp etfkrt position of the tt and Md pOLAC4~ With SUMCiently StVitt t9Lantken c! tne, tompostt I. on *Ath f.*p.ct to the other alloyirir elczcnts (Cr, Si , mo, the mungamezu content varied in zhe atual with 0.3 parcount C from 1,4 to parcent, and in the steel with Q,~ percc=z C, from 1.4 to 5.4 pdacerit in order to COMPCn38te for the effect of the carbon or the rvotri= of the M ~ point. the nickel cont"t in the group of stools with 0.5 Vercm--z C 'duced. was Z. Table I Chemical coitpocitlon of the investigated steel. portent by weighz C mi, C, -Nj m. 51 0.12 1,40 9.30 ---0 4,0 2.0 U 37 1.13 V.14 : 0.33 2.15 13.10 T'Fn 41 7'V 7 TO AM ?'to 4:0 7.13 5 :5'3 1:25 '1 00 1 6 0 54 T.93 q:115 55 2:52 9: 21 SJO 4 '5 1:9 9 0 4:1 4.67 214 0:4s 5 ~5 0, V. 3 1.3 2S 5.AS 1 4) 3.60 4.24 The steal was made In a vacuum induction fumace. The ingots kr) were forged into ID x1D = bars -- billets under warm work hardening: ~il- late were subjected to water quenchIng from 1.150* C and work hardening ~-y telling at temperatures of T frovk + 20' to 650* with a different deGree of V reduction for partial reduction of about 10 percent. Samples were cut !rovi 19 USSR WO 669,141620*161 KIDINt I. N., LIZUROV, V. I.v WCUMOVAt 0. V. j and BOBODINJig YE, K. , hoscow Ltstituteof Steel and Alloys "Production of a Composite Material Based on the Fen-it,e-Hartensitic Stxucturt-i of Steel 20" Moscow, Isyestiya, Vyashikh Uchebnykh Zavedeniyo Chernaya Matallurgiya, No 1;, 1973t PP 134-137 Abstracti The possibility of prcducing natural coinposigv mat4rials based on the layered ferrite-nartensitic structure of steel 20 is tultalyzaii., The method consists in heating steel by direct current transmission (v-100 deg/see) up to 750-780 Oc (two-phase region), rollingt and haxdenijkij In rDllerae After guch processing# a low-temperature anneal Is carried out. At optimum processing conditions ( G -40-509, t a al-2.500C )g the tonsil stilongth 6' -155-160 kgIW and the elongation T.ID2-4% at 100% viscous fracture. In this caae, the structure consists of a fer=ltic matrix and sections of stnnna.lod izartensito (H - 530-550), oriented along the axis of rollIngo The dintasions and the forn of martansitic section are determined* as Is the Voluxis ULrt of the =xtengitat which equain LA5B%. Critical values a 6!, p vp and 1/h vare ....... ... .... . ..... Ilia USSR MIN, I. N. at al., Izvestiya Vysshikh, Uchobnykh Zavocleniy Chern"a XatLUurgiy,&, No 1, 1973, PP 04-137 calculatedi it is demonstrated that the produced materIal conforms to the requirements of composite materials. Your figureist one formulas seven bibliographic referencess 2/Z -'.1/2 025 UNCLASSIFIED" PAI]CES$LNG DATE--160CT70 v ;TITLE--EFFECT OF CARBOHYDRATES ON THE GROWTH4 DEVELOPMENT, AND !" -SPOROGENESIS OF VARIOUS STRAINS OF TRICHOTHECIUR ROSEUM -U- UTHOR-(02)-PALMOVAr N*Por MAKSIMOVA* R*Aw ebUNTRY OF INFO--USSR. ,-SOURCE--BIOL. NAUKI 1970, (2), 82-7 !DATE-PUBLISHEL) ------- 70 ,-~SUBJECT AREAS-BIOLOGICAL AND MED-ICAL-SCUNCES ~:TOPIC TAGS--FUNGUS, MICROORGANISM,.CONTINUOUS CULTURE., CULTURE MEDIUM, '_~CARBOHYURATE METABOLISM, ANTIBIOTIC tONTROL MARXING--NO RESTRICTIONS ~,;DOCUMENT CLASS--UNCLASSIFIED 'PRO,XY REELIFKAME--1996/0620 STEP NO--UR/0325r'70/000/002/0082/0087 -CIRC ACCESSION NO--AP0117846 UNCLASSIFIED --'-1/2 025 UNCLASSIFIED PROCESSING DATE--160CT7C ZIRC ACCESSION NO--AP0117846 ABSTRACT/EXTRACT--(U) GP-0- ABSTRACT. THE EFFECTS UF VARIOUS ;7 CARBOHYDRATES WERE STUDIED ON SPORE FORMATION AND rHE LIFE CYCLE OF 16 JWT i ,T. ROSEUM STRAINS DIVIDED INTO 4 MORPHOL. GROUPS ACCOROI~:G TO THE GRO 1~ CHARACTERISTICS ON AGAR NUTRIENT MEDIUM AND THE LEVEL (IF Ai'~TIBIOTIC FORMATION, STRAINS WERE ISOLATED FROM NATURAL SUBSTRATES AND OBTAINED DUkING NITROSOMETHYLUREA AND TRICHOTECHIN INDUCEO 01UTATIOrls" GLUCOSE WAS THE MOST FAVORABLE STIMULATOR OF GROWTH, UEVELLIPMENT, AND SPOROGENESIS FOR STRAINS IN ALL MOKPHOL, GROUPSP 010 FACILITATEJ INTENSIVE GROWTH OF CONIDIUM AND MYCELIUMt EARLY AND ABUNDANT Ft]i~MATION OF MACROCONIDIUM, AND ANTIBIOTIC ACTIVITY. SUCROSI'-, GLYCEROL, MANNITOL, 4,-:-AND STARCH PROLONGED THE VEGETATIVE GROWTH PHASE. RHAMNOSE STIMULATED DEVELOPMENT OF VEGETATIVE MYCELIA AND fNHIBITE.0 SPOROG-ENESIS, WHILE :.LACTOSE INHIBITED MYCELIAL GROWTH, MACROSPOROGENESKS, A,10 ANTIBlUTIC --fORMATION. FACILITY: LAB. ANTIBIOT.t ROSK. GOS. UNIV. IM. -;LOMONOSOVA, MOSCOW, USSR. UNCLASSIFI-ED Acc. Xr: fAI051957- Ref. Code PRI11,WZY SOURCE: Antibiotiki, 1970, Vol 15, DIr 3 P P .1 EFFECT OF VITAMINS ON GROWTH AND DEVELOPMENT OP VARIOUS STRAINS OF TRICHOTHECIUM ROSEUM LINK PRODUCING TRICHOTHECIN ksjW&-qj~a,&Va, A. A. Afeksei~--vA Antibiotic Laboratory of Soil BioloU Fault of Moscow StMe UnIversity, The effect of vitamins on growth and development of Various strains oi.,rrichotheciu in roseum, Link differing in their morphology and antibiotic production levels was studied. The strains were obtained by induction with certain chemical mutalferis and trichothecin. On Chapek media with ammonium sources of nitrogen the fungs gro-.;-th was shown to depend on the presence of water soluble vitamins in the nit.-dium. Slight vitamin dependance was observed in strains typical for that species. Increatied vitamin deficiency was observed in variants obtained after repeated treatment of the fungsl conidia with nitrosemethyl urea or ethylenimine and passages to media containing high. "nCentrations. of trichothecin. Addition of vitamins of usage of vitamin rich naAural friedia provided aufficient growth and increased the viability of strain3, POSRS$il~g a higber capacity for the antibiotic production, AtIdition of vitamins had no effect on vatlation usually obsemd in Trichothecium roseum Link. REZ6 0444 112 014 UNCLASSIFIED PROCESSPIG DATE-30OCT70 TITLE--PRODUCTION OF A NEW ANTIBIOTIC, CHALCIDIN BY 1411CRO',NIONOSPORA CHALCEA _U_ AUTHOR-(051-GAULEt G.F.i BRAZHNIKOVAP M.0.t SHORINj V.A.r MAKSIMOVA, T.S., -O.L. -,.CLKHCVATOVAS OUNTRY OF INFO-USSR :S..,URCE-ANTIBLOTIK19 1970s VOL t5t NR 6p PP 463-486 ATE PUBLISHED----70 SU13-JECT AREAS-BIOLOGICAL AND MEDICAL SCIENCES C.TAGS-STAPHYLOCOCCUS INFECTION* ANTIBIOTICt SOIL BACTERIOLOGY# USE/(U)CHALCIDIN ANTIBIOTIC CONTROf.. MARKING--NO RESTRICTIONS DOCUMENT CLASS--UNCLASSIFIED .PRQXY REEL/FRAME--2000/1830 STEP NO--UR/0297/71)/015100(;/O"t83/O486 CIRC ACCESSION NG--AP0125441 i ipor I A C CC f I"- f%