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WSR 77- 77777 MAKARA, A. M., et al., Avtomaticheskaya Svarka, No 3, yar 73, pp 1-4 of heat-affected zone ruptures during electroslagwelding is reduced after the steels have been remelted. 4 tables, 2 bibliographic referi~nces- 2/2 :J, i: Ii IA -'-USSR UDC; 6,21,791,011 ')SE G. N., DZYKVICH, 1, Ya,, MAKARA, A4 I M" MDZI Ii. A., and SARZHEVSKIYo V. A. gh-Temperature Chemical Inhomogeneity In'tbe Weld-Affected Zone" -iya Ob Dee 70k pp 114- Oicow, Fizika-i Khi~ rabotki,,Haterial ~119 Abstract., An analysis is presented of regularities in the derrelopr-,ent of high-temperature chemical microinhomogeneitiaij on beatin)!; spevimens of heat- resistant steels. The heating vas carried out in velding thermal cycles to temperatures observed in the ifeld-affected zone of realxelds., The stetis involved were 3QKhGGVA, h2Kh2GSML4, 28Kh3MM~and othors, The arecimeps measured 5 x 5 mm. The magnitude of the ch-=ipal InhcnitJ1IreneI.ty forned on high-temperature heating of rolled steels.. thij, inhonoraneity of the weld-affected zone of real welda sppear to be compaxable to that of m dandritic inhomogeneity which generally develops in the crys4allizatior, of velds and ingots of a similar composition, The fortantion of a chm-aical inhomogeneity along the grain boundarito:on higb-temparntura btating of steelse .9nd the redistribotion nnd' !the chang ,ea vil teic ahape of Llic nontne Lal 1 Ic 1/2 GORDAN', G. N., et al, Fizika i Khimiya Obrabotki MaterikLlovt mo 6, Nov-Dec 70, pp 114-119 inclusions have an adverse effect on the piro;erties of the wEild-affected area adjoining the veld promoting the Sencration and pnlpagation of micro cracks. USSR Z-!., "A, S. V. Mani Ye. 0. and Kiev, AVLO~:"L-- C'-"'~skaya svaz-1-Z, No 10 Ocl. 70, AD s z: r aZ :~',:Ltal rim"'; Sea:ns ma~'a Vesse S C I G US S, "* Q c s t e n c., a50-6 d j. are -:,m~a. T: Vz:rlous del-1-11ica -1 1-lics ;;iE:I, elcmo;-Il's reduccillj-.-, L',i--- .-.oL4 cooling cL: u-,o --ndi v~riiou,,- involvir s a 0 1 u Or J'2 fu:-' maje up all Z: L .L' ~ , " 3 ---~~6ucc zh-- Zas azid - 1) a1- 51 "' and usin ~ Iud mrl in L017 a . "; - g j J z C.: n of Ll' 1*iCl; 0 S A table ivc e V l 1 : ,1 ~ - . ,, I~ al.: Z:s tkCrC iS a Si2CQ-11~1: tilble 1),;: Liie ,: us e o -,OG2 'is oi' t wc~ Idin wire Sv- CrO, LLI Photo -rzi 1e Wald IJ - - - - . l g . p , ~-l ne i-c: auchors pro,- ~IiSV a. 1.1 LI'le Me.Lill Of L.-ie- Wo-lc, 6"~ rOC~MICUC.1; WILL ~le USSR (YI "J, 1 U I I k M -,Go' I S. V. '11, 1" Z. V. C -'n'- ~;-i I; Ce IMelll Ye. 0 PaL011, Kiev, AvtomaLic~,:!sl-va Svarka, No 7, Jju- 713, 31-1-42 AbscracL: The pza~scnc sLudy 6isct~,.5,--cs 01. "A', of the p*,*ocoss and OU,41it' the heat di6Lr-~'but~ion ir, -~Ud. a cion of d-112 the immediate: of Wale tion ac nip~ur~-. Lind i2~ i-,-- M P21--, G'.?~? '-C5 poo.- by h,!~!L iS '11u-ratcd Iz. 4-igur,2. 11 C L .7 J with two wlres iin fl",.ed posl'tioa at: chQ appears to be welding. The co-'-L: it: ions wh i ch arise aL ~ "is .-,o 4~v,: are avo r "o I i! -,: c crystallization of the metal pool, w1hich :)ro.iIOZes higher rasi.SL.-,IICC- --Q "'I-L cracks. The use of 'iller Wire WI curr,-It raises the LhOUr 1/2 INLUVAM, A. I ot al, AvLoaaticheskava Svarka, No 7. Jul 71), 39- welds to'hoc cracking. FiZures in the ori--,inal article layers indicative oZ" changes in the sihave to match zhe chicknais of the 7%aLai to be welded. 2/2 USSR UDC 612.826.4:616.831.4 MAKARCHENKO, A. P. "Role of the Hypothalamus in Regulating Autonomic and Cortical Functions" -585 Kiev, Fiziologichniy Zhurnal, No 5, 1973, pp 579 Translation of abstract: Thc- article summarizes the results of the author's studies and those of a group of scientists that he headed in recent years. The experimental data obtained on changes in the EEG avid cortical neuranal activity following electrostimulation and action of drugs on structures of the rabbit posterior hypothalam-us indicate that the Latter is functionally and neurochemically heterogeneous. Different kinds of changes were observed in the background activity of the visual cortex neurons in response to Pos terior hypothalamic and reticular actions. Information was also obtained concerning the role of the various structures of the posterior hypothalamus in the neurochem-lcal mechanism of its influence on the thermostability of serum proteins. Differences were detected in the naturo of the fnfluonCe-3 Of tha hippocampus and reticular formation on the functionlag of the hypcthalamic- pituitary neurosecratory system. Bpsed on clinical-phys-iological and b4-v- chemical studies an patients with the autonomic vascular dieacephalic syadrome, the author conjectures that the sympathetic and parasympathetic tendency of 1/2 MAKARGHENKO, A. F., Fiziologichniy Zhurnal, No 5, 1973, pp 579-585 the autonomic reactions depends on the tone of the neuroliumoral systems (sympatheticoadrenal and hypothalamicpituitary-adrenal). In line with this assumption, he distinguishes two forms of the syndrome, hypotonic and hypertaaic, and suggests differentiated therapy. 2/2 USSR Uir, 59J--185-5:V(7-3T:599.423 and KOITSTANTIMV, A- I lening-ind. Univorsity f the IlCharacteristics of Evoked Potentials J4 the Colliculus InfOrior o L-quinuizi Du:Ting B'-)q)oGuM to -linolophys ferrum Developing Horseshoe Bat M ultrasound!' Leningrad) Zhurnal EvolyutSiODDOY Biokhimii i FiziOlOg~ii-, No 67 1972, pp 6i2_616 Abstract: The first high-threshold low-aMPlitude evoked potentials were recorded in 7-day-old R. ferrum-equillum, and 2 to 3 days later the frequency threshold curves ranged from 10 to 50 kJIz- At age 12 to 16 days the band of d widened to 60 to 70 IdIz- BY (LIv, :)I the audiogrram was frequencies perceive indistinguishable from that recorded in the colliculus infziriar of adult animals. Tbc development of the echolocation oyatem liraceeito irore quickly and is completed sooner in horseshoe bats -than in other fo=; o:C the VerNxtilionillae, a phenomenon consistent with other aspects of their devrelopmCnt. The ;x-triod of embryonal development is much longer than in other bats, but the late birth of young R. ferrum-equinurs is compensated by more raj?Id postnatal growth. After 1 month they are able to fly and catch insects,a stage not reached by, eoge) Myotis oxygnathus until 2 months after birth. uIr. 632-B-015.1 'Ye D - f 0 Academy 7AATUI VS 'Ititute of Stractures aev Cortical Ins 0 SSR) and- tbalavic aces in flypo Scie A tivit'v is sterase C ts 11pcetylciloline 610gical Agen 3? VP Actio-a Of ?harma . ecordec ize Yo, 5, Vo Y rat bTI, n ezed I Tnonthy ,vity , 4 O'Lls 3ofer 01061ya, t rE 't, ar j~jev, terase jMOt.Yjo&- in y'aile ar'd. I cortcy-) taa3-ejaus '.11olines, lectrovAtric Wtor -.or 11VO AcetY toms tpd e and. &ntel.3 of ACI_~, jkbStrac the au the sensory tbal-amu ~ cer by t III ths) Pes OsteriOr a. 24 mOn .. .6,M13're ts a ously tivity in the (6 12 1 an in5ecterj Gu.a~ jkCIO so ass-ame t1lin 15 neing 14 Ivels are Vith 06ava the Po ~ter-jor iNctiv, tical dosc Of of tisp%le I b4.VP0CWq7IA5 to tkop 0. is ShIfte per gram 'edjfitIrj:b%Itcf~ An rIt-nic tivity I Ir activity ac ti 'jaMj:D 4 Ile rease iu of VO the allteTior 'hyrfo '. it ion of eel dose aalL70W 11 and Co. the vit-.4- d Pca cUtaneous t., acttviotY forr. 11,te a c ti Viny Sairting te 'reclaces 'thoug), good SHOIJ variations caoral War" i methOdy dL,_tect tocheMica ble to Tne cell Or Graphite USSR MC 661.665-2-002-3039-431-1 VIRGIL'YEVj YU. S-9 KUROIMMN, YE. I., MANARCHMON and PEYAWK, T. K., Moscow "Dependence of the Strength Properties of Graphite On the Processing Temperature" Kiev, Pmblemy Prochnosti, No Ilp Nov 73p pp 43-116 Abstracts The article deals with tho change of some mtrength properties of three carbon materials in relation to the processing temperature. The first two tested materialsp GM and Mg are based on J(WPS petroleum coke. GM was baked at 13000C, and KPC was unb;Lked. The third material, ER, is a composition of natural graphite with semicofte. The charge compositions of the first two materLas are sizilar with respect to coarseness, but the structural features of KPGo oving to the use of unbakma cokop predetermined its higher strength characteristics In comparifson to (11M, it study was =Ao of the temperatu--e relationships, in the region of processing teraperatures of 1300-30000 0, of the strength chax:acteristicss compression strength, the modulus of elasticity# and the hardnisoo of mrbon matorialal ard the Mlation- ship of these characteristics to the crystalline struoture. Decreased values of the indicated parameters were notod as the procassing teaperaturen, rose, A relationship was established betweon the strength ani the diameter of the USSR VIRCIL'YEV, YU. S., at al., Froblemy Prochnosti; No 11# Nov 73, pp 43-46 region of coherent dispersion wItbin the processUg-tom-p*rature interval of 0C, and an evaluation was ouLde of the effect of tho internal unit surface of the pores on the temperatures 'below 20000C. Three figureso two tables, sixteen references. 2/2 USSR MAKARCIIUK, M. M. "One Method of Adjustment of Nonlinear Unstable Systems" Kibernet. i Vychisl. Tekhji. Riesp. 4czhved. Sb. [Cybornctic,.~ and CoinpDter Technology. Republic Interdepartmental Collection], 197.1, JNo 16, jp 30-35 (Translated from Referativnyy Zhurnal 1,1hernetika-, No 4. 1973, Abstract No 4V325, by the author). Translation: For a broad class of nonlinvar unstAle sy-stems, a cerLain method of adjustment of the output signal de%ilynod it) bri~nlg it to tile desircd form is studied. The adjustment is performed using a device, the. nonlinear, unstable in the general case operator of which can be roprosented in the for,,:- of an expansion of a system of orthonormal i zed funcl.,ionals into a scries. L 13 NOV7 0 1/Z 019 UNC Ass IF P R 0 CS S P0 A TE TITLE--CAARYING CAPACITY OF S PHEA I CAL SHELLS dI TH ~A A-WiDi REINFOkCED HOLE _U_ AUTHOR-~,44ARZNKOV, A.Gi. COUNTRY OF 1,%FO--USSk SGURCE--PROBLEMY PROCHNOSTI, VOL. 2, APR 1970o P. 59-63 DATE PUBLISHED ------- 70 SUBJECT AREAS--PHYSICS# '-IECH., IND.,, CIVIL ANO MARINE 1,:NGR At ILI TY, STRESS .TOPIC TAGS--SPHERIC_,.5i-iELL STRUCTURE, SHELL STRUCTLfRE sr 6 LOAD, LOAU TEST CCNTROL MARKING--NO RESTRICTIONS 00CwqENT CLASS--U.,NCLASSIFIED PROXY REEL/FRAME-2000/0143 STEP NO--lJR /3663/70/002/00j/0G5,)/004)3 CIRC ACCESSION fl4j__Apo[;'l3915 .-M - ,1...- w CLASSI FIED PROCESSING DATE--L3r4UV70 2/2 019 U 1% CIRC ACCESSION NO--AP0123915 ABSTRACT;EXTR'A'CT--(U) GP-0- A6STRACT, EXAMINATION LIF A STRUCTURE CONSISTING OF SPHERICAL SHELL WITH A CENTRAL HOLE RLINFORCED 6-Y A TOROIDAL FLANGE AND SU!3JECTE0 TO INTF-Will~1- PfESSlJj;J:-:. A. METHOD IS DEVELOPED FOR OETRMINING THE STRENGTH. MAR45IN iV"IG LoAu. THIS METHOD IS OASED ON AN ANALYSIS OF THE STRESSSTAMN S)TATE DURMI; ELASTOPLASTIC DEFORMAHONS AND LIN THE, THLORY OF.-L.Itill EQUILIBRIUM. FACILITY: - AKAUEml[A NAUK UKRAINSKOI SSRr INSTITUT ME.KHANIKI, KIEVp UKRAINIAN SSR. USSR HAKARENKOV, S. V. "Joint Minimization of Boolean Functions in the Class of Reticular DNF Using a Frequency Matrix of Relationships" Ekon.-mat. Motody i Programmir. Plan.-ekon, Zadach, [Mathematical Economics Methods and Programming of Planning and Economic Problem -- Collection of Works) , Moscow, 1972, pp 40-48 (Translated from Refera- tivnyy Zhurnal, Kibenietika, No 1, 1973, Abstract No I V627 by S. Pol)ov). Translation: A method is suggested for joint minimization of m Boolean functions, each of which depends or, it varlablo!F.. Th.,.! inothod is basc~d on reduction of the SyS4-0111 of functions to one depeodunt ort ji+jIog,)III[ variables, and uses such concepts as the derivative on a mograpb and frequency matrix of relationships. A4 A4110407287'O A 82 Soviet Inventions Illustrated, Seetion I Chemical, Dervent, 242337 IM24,MULD inc.~essas the thickness of the E;nd'br rim and makas 4t from ate-eL- w4th L higher yield limit in, order to, Pm4ent cleatallces forming between it an4 tha *uld'body.' - Thi jl.%&nd is also crimped in order to prlev!enit plastic skrain occurring, In each mould the!r dius ottheicj~imp is of the band is selected, 0 that ln':4/~ 1 C ~-thus for any one materia I use$ or ;4XAa '; therel will be maxi-1- pressure between it andIts wuid.~~ As the mould in tel~med, the bond'deforms simply~l)y straightening out. t% Ctimpli. rimp~ gradm~tlly ,Thit P. becomes less curved and,tbure.,4is a~ rise!An tho stress in the band, presout4 ~atwpan this *n4;the would also rising. 21.12.66 as 1120047/22-2. al(~~.9.69) Bul 15/25.4.69. C1&4s.jlb2. Int.Cl'.B 22d. 19750381 A&DOW28 AUTHORS: Abramov, V. V.; Nikolayev,__O. B.; bla .~fiko,~A. K.; and Simkov, A. I. 19750382 ZA 112 c 11, UNCLASSIFIED pl,%DrESSING DATE--11DEC70 :T.1 TLE-UEOTHE RVAL ZCNALITY OF THE i:CMPOSIT-1tiN OF EASTERN CISCAUCASUS ?El[,GLLUMS -U- .-AUThUA-f02)-.'-'.AKARENK0, F.A.v SEhGLYENKOP S,I. .-.;,.rCui,.TRY OF I-NfC--USSR r;UiNL'--D0KL. AKAD. NAUK SSSR 1970# 19341), 188-91 A T EPUbLISHEL:-----70 SU6JECT AREAS--EA4'1h SCIENCES ANO OCEANDI.) -RAPHYt MATERIALS ;-jGPIC TA(jS--~3TATICTICAL ANALYSISt PETkULEUM UEPUSIT, TEMPERIJURE REASMEMENT, GEOLOGY 'rkCL MAkKING-NO RESTRICTICN5 .JUCUMENT CL;-SS--UNCLASSIFIED -~~PkJXY FICHI Nf,,----FL)7C./605060/F03 srEP NO--UR/0020/70/11:)3/OOL/0188/cl9I 212 014 UNCLASSIFIED C,,ATL---IIDEC7-) CIRC ACCESSION NO-AT014441.2 ABSTRACT/EXTRACT-M GP-0- AbSTkACT. STATISTICAL ANALS. OF THE REGIONAL TEMP. VAKIATICNS IN PLYROLEUM OF MESOLUM PLI0CZ-,',-l:- FUM,IATIONS IN EASTERN CISCAUCASUS ARE STUUIED, BASEU ON HISTOGRAMSo A GDUD GbRRELATION IS FOUND BETbEEN SP. Gk.t STD. UEVIAFICNe AND TEMP. OF P 1: T R ri L E U M 5HIGH N S TEMP9 HYL)kUCARBONS LXIST IN THE MESUZQIG FORMAT-10, UF THE CARPATHIANS, AS CC ALSO DISTINCT GEOTHERMAL ZONES4 i rI I-c T rc_- T r_- Conferences UDC: S69.27/29(047) "High-Temperature Materials Using Rare-Earth Metals" Moscow, Tsvetnyye Metallyl No 10, Oct 739 pp 78-79 Abstract: A session was held at the lnstitw~e of Materials Study of the "High- Temperature Materials Using Rare-Earth Metals" section of the Scientific Counc:LL on the Problem "The Use of Rare-Earth Metals in the %tional Economy" of the GK SM S= on Science and Technology (State Connittee of the Council of Ministers of the USSR on Science and Technology) during June 1973 in Kiev. The following riubject areas were discussed: work on the refractory compounds *t rare-earth metals by the organizations of Tashkent, Alma-Ata# Donetakp and Dnepropetrovijk; neutrollographic studies of the crystalline structure and lattice dynanxics oftbe carbides of tran- sition metals, studies involving the interaction of atomic particles with solid surfacesq studies involving the processes of growing refract=7 rare-earth metal single-crystals and the production of tungstenless hard alloys; work on the pro- duction of catalyst carriers and catalysts based on ojqlgen and oxygen-free re- fractorr.y compounds for technology; study of the chemical properties of the refrac- tory compounds of rare-earth metals; prospects for developing work on the borides of rare-earth metals; the development and introduction qf teclinology for the pro- duction of compounds of titanium with carbong boron, and silicon utilizing the 1/2 USSEL MAKUUMI G. N. Tsvetnyye Metally2 No 10, Oct 73,t pp 78--19 initial products of electrolytic titanium; means for applying protective coatings by the diffusion deposition and detonation processes. A meetizig is planned for the first quarter of 1974 in Moscow at the VDNKft (Exhibition. of Achievements of the National Economy of the USSR) for the consumers of refractory -compounds, VDC 620.1?8 DZHF_MELI,NnKIYj V. V., XON ICHEIMO, 14, S., BORISE41WOO V. A,, and IAKARUIKO, G.H. "Identers for Measuring the Hardness of Ylaterials at High Temperatures" V sb. Tugoplavk. karbidy (Tbe Refractory Carbides -. Collection of Wozwls), Kiev, "Nauk. Dumka," 1970, pp 233-236 (from RZh rietallurgiya, No 3, Ear 71, Abstract No 31916 by authors) Translationt The article Investigates the possibility of using hot-pressed specimens of boron caeUde and titaniun dibaride as material for an indenter for measuring the hardness of tungsten carbide at high ten-pez-atsixes. It is shown that an indenter made of titaniun, diboride flaLtens at 1770 0 K due to the decline in TiB 2 haxdness at this temperature. An incierater nade of boron carbide can be used repeatedly to measure the Ima-cbies;.r, of tunr,,sten cax- bide up to 21700 K uithouL traces'of chanUal interaction bDtifeen the material of spocimen and Indenter,, and w1thout ~ailuiv of the Iattq-r, Thxx-e illuantra- t1ons. Bibliography with eight titles, Z~xw~'I~ol: 1JA Jill 31 ijUm Abstract: In June of 1972, a meeting of the section on "high temperature materials using rare metals" was held in Leningrad at the Institute of Silicate Chemistry, Academy of Sciences, USSR, under the chairaianship of G. V. Samsonov. The section is a part of the Scientific Council of tho Problem "Application of Rare Metals in the National Economy," of the USSR Council of Ministers State Committee on Science and Technology. Th,- meeting heard reports on the results of familiarization of the section with work in the or~,,anizations of Sverdlovsk, Pyshma, Novosibirsk, Tomsk in the area of refractory raxe metal compounds and high temperature materials based on them. lbe Urals Scientific Center is working on areas of application of rare metals aud th4.,d.r refractory coa.pcunds. 7be Siberian Affiliate of the Academy of Scifnco is Itud)-ijig rare and Don- fa-irous metals for the creation of catalyst carriers and tha production of borides. New dielectric materials are being,, produced from rare earth elt!mc-nts and work on the plasma chemical synthesis of refractory compound powders has USSR Makarenko, G. N., Moscow, Tsvetnyye Metally, No 12, Doe 72, pp $1. been started. A report was read on the production of refractory compound crystals by precipitation from the vapor-gas phase. 'Another was read on the production of refractory compound single crystals frdin solutions in metal melts. 2/2 USSR UDC 5191.111141 ~,~MK ~..,-First lbscow Medical Tnstitute im--n4l 1. 111, `x"chenov 17he Mechanism of Multiplication Formation of Induce(I Core Potentia]s to Light Stimulation" lbscow, Doklady Akademii Nauk ISSSR, Vol 213, No 2, 1973, 1~.) 492-4~~5 Abstract: The dependence of 'the multiplication phencmenon cr, cha~-, in the functional state of the large hemisphere cores elicited b.N- calcium chloride, cooling, polarization with constant cin-ent or stryclinine was inveszt-"~.-E-tLel'. It was found that reversible functional shutdown of the viziial rt-E:.Ion ufinr cooling or calcium chloride lead to a decrease in th~i qitantity of oscillations in both the cortex and v-.;ib3orticn1 structurev of the. 5nsi- lateral hemispbere to their complete disappearance. The o-~her showed only a lowering of the effect. The waplitude o.C the firit lc.Lo oscillation was also lowered. Anode polarization ctrLised a depress*-,,:ji C'F the repeating slow oscillations cortically and subcortically in th-1 ix.-,ih1ter*1 hemisphere, while cat-hode polarizntion caused an incrense. Strychn4--e vef_,_Ic- ened the phenomenon on.1y at the point of applicatlon. Thcve ~-esullts said; to show that transmis::ion of Mlimuli through the cert,,,bral vortex i.-,- ,:i 1/2 USSR MI&ARMO, G. P., Doklady Mcademii Na4k SSSR, Vol 213, No 21 1973, pp 1~92-- 495 necessary condition for the formation of repeating rhythmical oscillations in res onse to light in many subcortical formationig, and that the deridrites p of the surface layer are responsible for th-s phenorenon., 2/2 -1/2 026 UNC L AS S I P I E 0 PROCESSING DAYE--30OCT70 T-ITLE--CHEMICAL PREVENTION OF THE IMMEDIATE, ANO DELAYE0 EFFECTS OF -IRRADIATION BY HIGH ENERGY PROTONS IN A WIUE OOSE RANGE -U- AUTHOR (03)-YAK.*40NENKOY S.Pot SUSLIKOVp V.I.r MAKARENKOo I.G. F,:,COUNTRY OF INFO--USSR ~::SOURCE--RADIOSIOLOGIYA 1970o 10(1)s 83-8- ~DATE PUBLISHED ------- 70 SUBJECT AREAS--BIOLOGICAL AND MEDICAL SCIENCES 1OPIC TAGS--ANTIRADIATION DRUG, ARINE DERIVATIVEP BIOLOGIC EFFECT# RACIATION DOSAGE ;.CONTROL MARKING--NO RESTRICTIONS _~OOCUMENT CLASS--UNCLASSIFIED -:PROXY REEL/FRAME--1998/0459 CIRC ACCESSION NO--AP0121133 I I A C PROT014 RADIATION STEP NO--UR/0205170/OLG/001/0083/0088 q lipoll inlyll milujimul illso 1 llimpoil -1 104 -oil 1 -1p 2/2 026 UNCLAtSIFIED OROCESSING DATE--30OCT70 ACCESSION NO--AP0121133 i ABSTRACT/EXTRACT--(U) GP-0- ABSTRACT. THE PROTECTIVE EFFECT OF MEXAMINE (1) WAS STUDIED ON IMMEDIATE ANO DELAYED CONS E61IJr,: NC ES OF IRRADN. Wirli HIGH ENERGY PROTONS. MICE (23-26 G) RECEIVED ( 101.) 1o-5 MG I PER ANIMAL 3-5 MIN PRIOR TO THE IRRADN. THE PROT-ON ENERGY WAS 600 MEV, WITH DOSES ----OF 600-1300 RAOSv THE COEFF. OF PROTECTION AFTEI~. 30 DAYS RANGED BETWEEN 0o6 AND IoO OVER THE DOSE INTERVAL OF 1300 TO 700 RAD. MODERATION OF THE OELAYED CONSEQUENCES OF THE IRRADN#-WAS MANIFESTE0 TO A LESSER -EXTENT. FOR 600-900 R THE. COEFFs OF iPROTECTION 1j'AS 01.19 AND 0 WHEN MEASURED AFTER 30 AND 490 DAYSt RESPe. FA(:ILIUY. INSTo EKSP. i KLIN. ONKOL.t MOSCOWs USSR* L-A SS If 2/2 024 UNCLASSIFIED PROCESI)MG )ATE--04DEC70 CIRC ACCESSION NO--AP0133673 :ASSTRACT/EXTRACT--(U) GP-0- ABSTRACT. PRESENTS THE RESULTS Of MEASUREMENTS OF THE VOLUME OF ARGON~ IN THE MELTING REGION AT 291.61 294.2v-AND 322DEGREESK, IT IS FOUND THAT DELI'A V SUBM -V SUBS, WHERE .,~,DELTA V SUBM IS THE CHANGE IN VOLUME OF~ MELTING AIND V ~WBS IS THE VOLU:XE SOLID ARGON AT T14E MELTING POINT* TENDS TO ZERO, WfiFill THE MELTING TEMPERATURE INCREASES. FACILITY1, USSR ACAD* SCle A-c., Nr Abstracting Service: _70 Ref. Code 'AP0053898 CHEHICAL'ABST'* -74 R 0 3,?j6 A ,I 11500e EUgh-ternperature Meldng of argon. sti4iov S IL& 1. - I , 'r I A ov~ bM4.; g"a-1kartaka.-J., 10 Ivanov; Fedost --TrAit. Zh~- - r KiristaI12&r. osmyr. ss'ma asp. 76 is. are-vot. (V) Isotherms oi R-TWTOTMIL-22-6: (Russ). F Ar were exptl. dttd. irk a: pitzorneter filled at 20M attli at 291.6, 294.2, and 3923*K. Chanxesin V (AV) and eniriipy (4-5) on nvIting decrease with increase in the''tnp- (T.); &T oiirokhes a cockst. value of ~2-13 eal/degree. twit ITI&A V raltows tllg law AV (y 411d Is On coast$.). Karel A. fllav*ty USSR UDC 621.391.823 L. A., SHTUMAN, V. V. MAKA "suppression of Radio In'~erference Created by the 'Electrical Yquipment of hotor Vehicles Interfering with Operation of Mobile Radio Uni6" Vopr. ekspluat. ustroysty svyazi i telemekhan. v energo-sistemakh (Problents of Operating Communications and Telemechanics Devices in POWer Systems) , vyp. 10, Moscow, Energiya Press, 1970, pp 134-139 (from RZh-Radi0tekhTiiRa, No 8, Aug 70, Abstract No BA333) Translation: This article contains an investigation of the causes of occurrence of interference from an operating motor vehicle engine xespect to tile radio unit installed in it for use by the flield operative and repair brigades In the power systems. The basic courses of radio interference are the ignitior, system and the electrical equipment of the batt-ety charging circuit. Tile interference can be caused by additional sources: the water-temperature, oil-pressure and other gauges operating an the principle of current breaking, the electric starter, windshield wiper and heater motors, light switches, the rpm Ladicator breaker, poor electrical contacts and various cut-off switches. The Level of tile radio interference field in the 0.15-400 megahertz range (maximum in the 30-150 mega- hiertz band) at a distance of 10 meters varies within tKe limits of 20-2,000 USSR HAKARENVO, L. A., SHTURHAN, V. V., Vopr. eksej~at. uqroyst'r svyazi I telerliekhan. v ener&osistemakh (Problems of Operating Communications and Telemechanics Devices in Power Systems), vyp. 10, Moscow, Energiya Press, 1970, pp 134-139 (from RZh- Radiotekhnika, No 8, Aug 70, Abstract No SA333) microvolts. In the case of application of nolse suppression devices, the Inter- ference level does not exceed 20 microvolts throughout the entire frequency range. Measures promoting interference suppression are indicated. 2/2 :41 DATIE--27NOV70 -UNCL~ASSU *OC:dMNG_ TITLE--ULTRA SHORT WAVE RADIO COmmuNICATION AS AN AID TO POWER SITUATION q OPERATION -U- '':~AUTHOR-102)-BELOUSt B.P.t MAKARENKOr LOA* COUNTRY OF INFO--USSR 'u. SOURCE--ELEKT. STANTS I I (USSR) VOL. 4 'Lt NOo 3, Po 25-7 11970) -.DATE PU13LISHEO ------- 70 SUBJECT AREAS--NAVIGATION ~.TOPIC TAGS--RADIO COMMUNICATION SYSTEM, ELECTRIC POWER TRANSMISSION CONTROL MARKING--NO RESTRICTIONS OCCU.-RENT CLASS--UNCLASSIFLE0 -PROXY REEL/FRAME--300710492 STEP N 0- - U R0 10 1700110 0 3 10 0 ? 50 0 2 7 ACCESSION NO--AP0135955 212 015 UNCLASSI FlIM PROCESSING DATE--Z7NOV70 CIRC ACCESSION NO--AP0135955 ABSTRACT/EXTRACT--(U) GP-0- ABSTRACT, RESULTS ARl:: GIVEN OF fEsrs CARRIED OUT WITH ULTRA SHORT WAVE RADIO COMMUNICATION IN THE KDNAKOVSK STATE REGIONAL P014ER STATION. THIS TYPE OF'COMMUNICATON IMS INTRODUCED AS PART OF A SCIENTIFIC APPROACH TO THE ORGANIZATIO~j OF OPER4TIONS IN THE POWER STATIONt AND IT HAS BOTH IMPROVED AND EXTENDED 'THE SUPERMORY FUNCTION. UNCLASSIFIED --------- - ..... . .. .... ..... ...... ... ... . . ...... U-S*SR- UDC: 621.002.3 HAKARENKOY M. I. Vice-Chairman of the Zaporozhskoye Oblast' Directorate of the Scientif-i~_-Kn-d-TeRcMi Cal Society of the Machinery Industry, and FELIDIA1,11, D. I. Member of the Polymer Section Vlith the Oblast Directorate of the Scientific and Technical Society of the Machinery Industry "The AF-3T Antifriction Material" Moscow, Mashinostroitell, No 2, Feb 73, p 38 Abstract: The Zaporozhskoye Oblast' Directorate of the ScLentific and Technical Society of the Machinery Industry and the Zaporozhskiy Plarin-ing-DesiT, enl Technological Institute conducted a republic seminar in 19'tO on the sil,biect "Machine Parts Made From the New Antifriction Carboniferous Material-," wrich took into consideration the major significance of uning new antifriction carbon.-L- ferous materials in all of the branches of indu,-;.try, agrici;lture, and transport,. The new materials were developed by the members of the Sciantiric and Technical Society of the Machinery Industry of the city o~~ Zaporozhlye on a voluntary basis. Within the recommendations of the republic seminar, Particular zr~tention was Faid to the anti-friction material consisting of the AF-3T polymer composition. In addition to laboratory bench testsY the AF-3T pol37.,er compositicn has been used for a long time on enterprises. Bearings ma.-,Ie from this matevial, 11sed in the friction assemblies of pressure chambers, werp tested for 800 hours 1/3 70 YSSR MAKARENKO, M. I., et al, Mashinostroitell, No 2, Feb 73, P 38 (500 hours at +155'C and 300 at -650C) and showed insignificant wear. Positive results were obtained from using the new material for the bearings of roll-table type annealing furnaces at the 8GPZ (Eighth State. Bearing Fliant) in Yharlkov. Wear resistance was significantly increased and the cost of sleeves was reduced by a factor of three. High efficiency czin be achieved by using the AF-3T material in thrust bearings instead of balls and separators. Parts made from the AF_3T material preserve their physic-o-mechaniral properties and geometric parameters independent of the time of their manufacture or storage conditions. 7hey can be used from -70 to +2500C without lubrication, in river and sea water, in solvents, in steam, and in a series of acids. Dvrin:7 the tenting and introduction of these parts, design and technological. recommen- dations were developed whose fulfilment can ensure the successful operation of mechanisms and machines. The Physic o-Me chAni cal. Properties of Parts Plade From the AF-3T Material Breaking point, kg/cn2- compression .................I....... I..# .............. 4.$.Jboo-16OO bending ......................... ........................... 600-9oo .2/3 USSR MAKARENKO, M. I., et al, Mashinostroitell, No 21 Feb 73~ P 38 2 Brinell hardness,kg/m....... ...... ...... h8-54 Specific 73-1.78 Coefficient of linear expansion ......................... :17-3-9.10-6 The AF-3T polymer composition differs in its high supporting, capacity of antifriction products, the lowest possible cost, and the high technological quality of mass production finished products from other similar carboniferous antifriction materials of the AO, AG, AMS, and GS-TAF type. Pip mass production of finished products can be organiied at any enterpri m. ~rith insignificant expenditures. Thn use of parts made from the AF-3T poly-mer composition will make it pousible to solve such problemn as interchangeability, standardization, and the unification of the dimensions of parts. 3/3 - 71 USSR IJDC 5'+7.913:633.88 N. G., Central Siberian Botanical Garden, Siberian 11ranch, Academay of es USIM "Antimicrobial Activity of Essential Oils of Some 'kHt-tdicinal Plants" Novosibirsk, Izvestiva Sibirskogo Otdeleniya AkademiL Nau'4 SSSII,, Seriya llialo- gicheskikh Nauk, Vol 1, No 5, Apr 70, pp 85-89 Abstract: The antimicrobial properties of 15 samples of essential oils from medicinal plants in the collection of the Central Siberian Botanical Garden were tested with respect to several baccerial strains. It was found that the antimicrobial activity of these essential oils varies from 1/2.5 thousand to 1/25 thousand and appears in different ways, depending on the type of plant and the test microbe. The essential oils of Libanoris coi-,densaxion and other plants are given special =ntion. ~,7:''1/2 016 UNICLAS Sl ED PRQ~ESSING I)ATE--30OCT70 -TITLE--MILD DUCT CARCIN04A IN HEIN -U-~ AUTHOR-103)-NIVINSKAYA, M.M.1 SVYATUKH[NAI OaVol ~4AKARENKU~ NoP., CGUNTRY OF INFO-USSR SOURCE--KhIRURGIYA* 19709 NR 5, PP 35-38 DATE PUSLISHED-70 SUaJECT AREAS-BIOLOGICAL AND MEDICAL SCIENCES TOPIC TAGS-CARCINOMAv GLANDs SURGERY _CCNTROL MARKING-NO RESTRICTIONS DOCUMENT CLASS-UNCLASSIFIED PROXY REEL/FRAME-3003/OL31 STEP NG--UR/0531/10/000/005/0035/1)038 CIRC ACCESSICN NC4---AP0129387 ______--UtJC L A-S-STF I 212 016 UNCLASSIFIED PROCESSING OATE--3k)OCr7O CIRC ACCESSICN NO-AP0129387 A5STRACT/EXTRACT-(U) GP-0- ABSTRACT. THE P4PeX IS CONCERNED WITH STUDIES OF 57 MALE PATIENTS SUFFERING FROM MILK QUCT CAkCINOMA. THEIR AGE RANGED FRCM 20 TO 77 YEARS. THE MEAN AGE C014PRISED 56o4 YEARSo N13TE WAS MADE OF THE ALMOST SIMILAR TUMOR LOCALIZATION IN THE RIGHT AND LEFT MILK DUCTS (RESPECTIVELY 28 TO Z9 FATIENTS)o UPON HISTOLOGICAL INVESTIGATICN CANCER WAS COMMONLY OF,GLANDURAL SrAUCTURE. AN ANALYSIS OF THE REMOTE RESULTS (FROM 5 AND MORE YEARsj THE AUTHORS CONCLUDE THAT THE RESULTS OF SURGICAL AND COMBINED TREATMENT DO NOT DIFFER ESSENTIAILY. FACILITY: INSTITUT EKSPERIMENTALONOY KLINICHESKOY ONKOLCGII# MOSCOW, JPRS 56046 23 January 1973 LMCt 615.014. 7 z66.047. 5 r==1r-TYZ Of A C114VA:0111 rjRrrR !~CVFT.07M ST TnE MIMI AU,r r-Iff OF Mr-'t-tS 4;;A 5 ( v Lim and pit& 7 runt hotce,'. thurnal, 9=21aft, No? 11. 1972, its 53-57,1 Th. .11-1 ~1..x Tv.nif~r of tjj~ A,-1-y ,r -To-- ct~ti uouv t us& or it j7eFsa 7 cl"imz phjr:~n~rltkioat chamicaL TtLa mothad con- sists in havinp the invii-t-rrantilation and Orrirg-in a falling &1%.t T tUidizkd be-1 43,* a%s.o.pU::hv,,1 in a jitsel, pp.rtitua. Tl~is 9., --WAX019 th-,, proce" ce"tiou~s and also-41k-m- it; ac4riall.1hic losses 0 or ".tyrial to a atinie,,,m. 1-proving the quality of oAtput ac- cslqratini; the proco-os of Cranolation and drying by tens ;r times, roCsicirse productir:srs ar,~An and C",ating nvrmxl conditions for the rin th- hnni. .1 that u;)ti,!,m jtyjnj~ en,-,~jitinnn Gr. W A,v4Qtoqj_ r Lh. suqUiprant h,ss besr, an made which h4ts zn4s,rssotje indus t riul. tests at tilt Chpmical Pbarr4te-itical Plant "Zdartjv'y,! Trudy4ishchim,%va" in Khar'ko-. The figuro presents 4 OCht-01tiC diagram Or this dryinp a ppa r4 t u,4. it convists or a Kranulator (2). 41ryinp rh.,Mbstr, (I). air h-"tor (5), blo--r (4), cYclone (3]. bucUsst chain and a c-ne- trr)t pan"l. The drying chamt~er %* a vArticat isipa hoo mm in dia- Z,,..t-rrn_h an exrandQd sepuratmr soction. The Y,trticaj p;irt of h d , str is 1500 met high. In the lower part is a p"rforatstd 4;riJ ofi which the Material bsLing driod is Ctuidiz-d. rtl the s,,p.rator part or the dryer Is a granulators which Is a cylinder with is perforated bottom. The diameter of the Openings can bg sdaptod, depending of the required granulomotric composition of the Material. being dried. In the riven case the olivning diameter Is 2 man. Scrow btadva aerve its a triturator. On the Lower midst It USSA 01 . ..... . .. ..... 1/2 031~ UNCL ASSI F [ED Pi?,0CESSING, DATE--27NOV70. TITLE--lSPk9VEMc.NT i)F TECH%j4UE-& Or- ANEStHESIA 114 IKANSPtEURAL OPERAVIONS FOR CANCER OF THI: ESOPHAGUS -U- ,..AUTHOR-(02)-MAKARElJKO, T.P.p RASSTR[GIN* N*N. NTRY OF. INFO--USSR I e 'SOURCE--KH[RURGIAY!, 19709 NR 5, PP 14-20 OATE PUBL ISHED ------ ~70 SUBJECT AREAS-BIOLOGICAL AND MEDICAL SOENCES ropIC TAGS--SUPGERN',-ANESTHESIA, CANCERt. DIGESTIVE SYSTEM DISEASEV HYPOTHERMIA, ARTIFICIAL RESPIRATION, PNEUMON[At CIIAUICIY41SCULAR SYSTEM, 1,00t NITROGEN WIDE ~.PONTROL MARKING--NC RESTRICTIONS DOCUMENT CLASS-UNCLASSIFIED PROXY REEL/FRAME--3008/0054 STEP NO--UR/0531/7'0/00(3/00510OL4/0020 CIRC -ACCESSION -NG--AP0137244 2/2 034 UNCLASSIFIED PROCESSING DATE--27NOV70 CIRC ACCESSION NO--AP0137244 ABSTRACT/EXTRACT--(U) GP-0- ABSTRACT. THE AUTHORS REPORT 0"4 Joao OPERATIONS ON THE ESOPHAGUS PERFORMED FOR CANCER ~IURING THE PERIOD BETWEEN 1945-1969 UNDER DIFFERENT TYPES OF ANESTHESIA: LOCAL 4NESTHESIA WITH A ONE HALF PERCENT NOVOCAIN SOLUTIONt 600, HYPOTHiERMIA, 135, ENDOTRACHEAL COMBINED ANESTHESIA WITH ARTIFICIAL YENT11-ATION OF I'HE LUNGS, 365. AN ANALYSIS OF THESE OBSERVATIONS MADE IT POSSIBLE TO CONCLUDE THAT, NOTWITHSTANDING THE ACHLEVFMEN-rs IN 14001:~;N ANESTHESIOLOGY AND REANIMATOLOGYi RADICAL OPERAT19NS FOR ESOPHAGr;IkL CAINCIE.R ARE OFTEN ATTENDED IN THE POSTOPCPATIVE PERIOD BY SEVERE COMPLIC111IONS. THE MAIN OF THEM ARE: ACUTE CARDIOVASCULAR INSUFFICIENCYrJ)IFFERENT FORMS OF GAS EXCHANGE (HYPOXIA, HYPERCAFNIA), MANIFESTED BY A SYMPrOM COMPLEX OF RESPIRATORY INSUFFICIENCY9 TIAROMBOEMBOLIC CCIMPLICATIOPJ~j;: OBSTIwCTIVE AND HYPOVENTILATION ATELECTASISt PNEUMONIA~ FOR THE PREVE-t,TION AND TREATMENT OF THE REFERRED TO COMPLICATIONS T *HE AUTHORS HAVE ELABORATED A COMPLEX OF MEASURES: SEPARATE INTUBATION OF THE BRONCHI, WHICH ~-;:,NABLGS TO INSTITUTE ANI'-STHESIA WITH CONTROLLED COLLAPSC Cll:: TH~ LLING ON THE SICIE OF THE OPERATIVE APPROAClit NE IN'STM)TON OF ANALl"iE51(' CURATivE ANESTHESIA WITH NITROUS OXIDE IN THE POSTOPERATIVE PFRiol), MICROTRACHEOSTOMY FOR THE STIMULATION OF COUGH AOD IMPROVEMENT OF T~iE DRAINAGE FUNCTION OF THE TR ACHE 09RONCHI A TREEr SXNATiwi rHERAPEwric BRONCHOSl."OPY F'OR THE ELIMINATION OF 0135TRUCTIVE ATI:LUCTASIS. T 11 E EMPLOYMENT OF THESE MEASURES MAOE IT POSSIBLE TO RI:OUCE THE NUMBER OF COMPLICATIONS IN THE POSTOPERATIVE PERIOD IN PATIENTS WHO HAVE SOSTAINED RAOICAL OPERATIONS FOR CANCER OF THE ESOPHAGUS. FAC[LITYt KAFEDRA KHRUGII TSIU, MOSCOW. UNCL ASSIF 112 058 j66- "P=ESSING DATE--04GEC70 TJTLE--INTEGRAL AND PEAK EMISSION EVOKED FROM TUNG$l'EN BY RUBY LASER RADIATION -U- AUTHOR-(04)-ARIFOV, U.A., KAZANSKIYi VaV.p LUGOVSKUY, Y.B., MAKARENKO, V.A, COUNTRY OF INFO--USSR NAUK UZBEKSKOI SSR, IZVESTIIAll lSkRIIA iFIZIKO-MATEMATICHESKIKH NAUKt VOL. 141 NO. 2, 1910, P. 81-84 DATE PUBLISHED-----70 ...SUBJECT AREAS--PHYSICS TAGS--TUNGSTENP RUBY LASERr EMISSION SPECTRUIS11 HEAT CONDUCTION :';CONTROL MARKING--NO RESTRICTIONS DOCUMENT CLASS--UPICLASSIFIEO ,PROXY REEL/FRAME--200011249 STEP NO---IJR/0166/71)/01-4/()02/0081/0084 CIRC ACCESSION NO--AP0124got 2/2 058 UNCLASSIFIED PROCESSING DArl:-040EC70 CIRC ACCESSION NO--AP0124901 ABSTRACT/EX TRACT- I U) GP-0- ABSTRACT., EXPERIMENYAL STIT')OY OF THE EiMISSION CURRENTS EVOKED FROM TUNGSTEN TARGETS IN VACUUM UNDER THE ACTIQN OF FOCUSED RAOIATION FROM A RU6Y LASER OPERATING IN THE FREE RUNNING MODE. FOR TIME INTERVALS SIGNIFICANTLY EXCEEDING rHE DURATION OF THE LASER EMISSION PEAK BUT SHOR71ER THAN THE PULSE DURATIONt TH(: TOTAL ACTION OF A LARGE NUMBER OF PEAKS SHOULD CAUSE INT.IEGRAL HEATING 01: THE TARGET SIMILAR TO THAT WHICH WOULO OCCUR IF THE SPArIAL DIST-Art',UTION OF INTENSITY IN EACH PEAK WOULD COINCIDE WITH THE DISTRI$UTION FOR TH -E ENTIRE PULSE. IN THIS CASE, THE TARGEr SHOULD EXHIBIT INTEGRAL EMISSION IN ADDITION TO THE PEAK EMISSION C4ARACTERISTICS. THE INTEGRAL EMISSION SHOULD CORRESPOND TO THE SOLUTION OF THE HEAT CONOUCTION EQUATION AND 15 OBSERVED IN THE FORM OF A CONTINUOUS PULSE WITH A~DURA*rION COMPARABLE TO THE LASER PULSE DURATIONs PREVIOUS STUDIES WITH:NICKEL TARGETS YIELDEU NO INTEGRAL EMISSION BEFORE TARGET VAPORIZATION, TUNGSTEN TARGErs WERE USED IN.THE PRESENT CASE, EMISS[ON CURRENTS ARE SHOWN TOGETHER WITH THE LASER PULSES IN REPRODUCED OSCILLOGRAMSO BAND IT IS DEMONSIRATED THAT THE INTEGRAL EMISSION CAN BE SATUSFAGTORlLY.0FSCR.I0E0 IN THE FRAMEWORK OF THIE HEAT CONDUCTION THEORY A.PID THE RECHAROSON EQUATION. FACILITY: AKADEMIIA NAUK UZBEKSKOI SSRp INSTITUT kLEKTRONIK[t TASHKENT, UZBEK SSR. UNCLASS-IFIED- ^A USSR UDC 62'. 38 ARIFOV, U. A., KAZAN3KIY, V. V., LUGOVSKOY, V. B.,' and 14.1*%KARE,~~K.O, V. A.0 Institute of Electronics$ Academy.of Sciences Uzbek "Integral and Spike Emission From Tungsten Produced by Ruby Laser Radi- ation" -matema- Tashkent, Izvestiya AkadLmii Nauk Uzbekskoy M, Seriya Fiziko ticheskikh Nauk, No 2. 1970, pp 81-84 Abstract: The article describes an experiment undertaken to detect integral emission from a tungsten target irradiated by the focused light of a ruby laser. Oscillograms of the emissioa currents are shown, tracing the character of the change in the emission wirh a growth in the power density. At fir.3t oaly spike eaission can be seen, corresponding to the maximum laser intensity; then fntegral emi3sion can be seen along with the spike emisaion; then the integral emiasion becomes more pronouncedq and a characteristic 4ihift in its maximtxn relative to the maximum radia-~ion intensity cam be ~oeen. Target tem- 1/2 USSR ARIFOV, U. A., et al., Izvestiya Akademii Nauk: Uzbjikskoy SSR, Seriya Fiziko-matematicheskikh.Nauk,. No 21.1970, PP 61-84 perature variation curves are also shoein, one of the curves being con- structed according to the integral emission current from the Richard- son equation, the other curve calculated fromm solution of tile heat- conduction equation according to t~e form of t4e la,,3er pulse. A qualitative study of the resultant oscillograms indicates a decrease in the contribution of spike emissioa with an increase in the initial target temperature. The results indicate that integral emission is satisfactorily described within the. limits of heat conduction theory and the Richardson equation, 2/2 USSR UDC 669.N5.015.3:543.42 GRIKIT, I. A., GALUSHKO, Ye. G., MAKARENKO, V. S., and PETRUWK0, M. N. "Spectrographic Determination of Controlled and Uncontrolled Impurities in Metallic Titanium" Moscow, Metallurgiya i Khimiya Titana. (Institut Titana), Metallurgiya. Publishing House, Vol 6, 1970, pp 160-165 Translation: A description is given of an analysis of a sample of metallic titanium in the forged state using the ISP-30 or ISP-28 spectrographs. The spectrum is excited by an alternating current arc of twa amperes (DG-2). Me time of preliminary sintering is five seconds to establish the iron, silicon, vanadium, chromium, tip, manganese, copper, nA.ckel, aluminum, and zirconium, and 80 seconds to determine the molybdenum and tungsten. The analytic interval is 1.5 mm. Graduated charts were constructed on the coordinates (Delta S, I& C) according to the three-stage method. The method ensures testing within a range of the concentrations that follcrw: 0.01-0.2% Fe; 0,002-0.17. Si; 0.002-0.2% V, 0.04-0.2% CT; 0.003-0,15' Sn; 0.005-0.15% ~hi; 0.0009-0.25% Cu; 0.01-04~7. Ni; 0.004-0.2% Al; 0.003-0.171" Zr; 0.006-0.18% Mo; and 0.02-0.1% W. The reproducibility of results from analysis according to this method is characterized by a variation 1/2 USSR GRIKIT, I. A., et al. , Metallurgiya i Khimiya Titana (Institut Titana) Metallurgiya Publishing House, Vol 6, 1970, pp 160-165 coefficient of 10-20% depending on the element being tested and its con- centration. It was established that the mass of the siaecity--n has a considerable influence on the results of spectral analysis. For the purpose of eliminating the possibility of distorting the reliults of spectral analysis, it is essential that the specimens of metallic ti- tanium being analyzed correspond in mass and structure to the standard test pieces. Four illustrations, two tables, and five bibliographic entries. USSR UDC 154.2+577.17 NWRENKO, Yu. A., and FROLOV, Ye. P., Laboratory of Developawntal Physiology, Institute of Pediatrics, Academy of Medical Sciences, ItSSR, Moscow "The Level of Blood Mediator Components in Rabbits in Emotional States of Differing Biological Character" I Leningrad, Fiziologicheskiy Zhurnal SSSR Imeni 1. M. Sechenov, Vol 59, No 9, Sep 73, pp 1397-1402 Abstract: The blood level of the catecholamines, acetylcholine, serotonin and leukocytes was studied in 30 adult, alert rabbits during positive and negative stimulation for 30 minutes. The positive auto-stimulation was by means of electrodes inserted In the hypothalmic lateral nucleus, while -nega- tive avoidance stimulation used electrodes in the medial group of hypothalamic nuclei. An increase in the catecholamine concentration and smaller decreases in the amounts of acetylcholine and leukocytes were typical observations for the negative emotional state. During posit1ve emotloas an ~,ncrcase in acetyl- choline concentration and the. number of laukocytes, and a decrease in sero- tonin level were noted. In both cases a reverse aftereffecL was also neen, The authors conclude that the positive state is not sinply the opposite of the negative, or, stress, state, but the activation of an independent -mechanism. USSR uDc: 681.333 FBWRK0, Yu. M. , MAKAFENK0 Yu. A. IIA Device for Modeling the Process of Serving Passene;e:t-s in Ticket Offices" Moscow, Otkrytiya, izobretenlya, promysb4lennyye obraztsy, tovarnyye znaki, No 5, Feb 71, Author's Certificate No 293254, Division (3, filed 25 Mar 68, published 15 Jan V, p 167 Translation: This Author's Certificate introduc!~s a dta-vice for Modeling- the process of serving passengers in ticket offIces. The device contairs coun- ters, diodes, flip-flops, OR and NOT circuits, gerieratars, n fWictional converter and a decoder. As a distinguishing feature of the patent, the functional possibilities of the device are extended by adding a rcmdam number generator. The output of the random number generator is connected to the input of the first counter, the outputs of this cou:ntex being connected through interrogation diodes to the inp4ts of readineso flij)-flops vhose outputs are connected through sampling diodes to the inputs of the first OR circuit. The outDut of this OR circuit is connected to the control input of the time generator. The second input of the tiv., generetor is connected to the output of the functional convertin-, while th-e outpa-. or the ti-ne gene- rator is connected to the inputs of feedback diodes whai3c ontput3 are con- 3wed to the inputs of counters of the number or refarrals of the ticket office to the dispatcher and to the reset inputs of the corresponding flip- -flops. The second inputs of the feedback diodes and sm-apling, diodes are connected to the corresponding outputs of the interroomition decoder. The- inputs of the decoder are connected to the outputs of the second counter, vhose input is connected in turn $through: a diode to thil! inpmt of a pulse generator. The second input of the above-mentioned diode is connectkL throue, a NOT circuit to the output of the first OR circuit. The outPuts of the first counter are connected in addition to the: inputs of the respwise diode, vhose output is connected to the input of the control I'lip-Tiop and through the second OR circuit to the reset input of the first aountr-r. The second input of this OR circuit is connected to the reset input of 'the control flip-floD. The outputs of the control flip-flop are connected to the inputs of the interrogation and response diodes, 2/2 Lee. Nr.: "W0029502.- Ref. Code; UR 0391 PRIMARY SOURCE: Gigiyena Truda i Professional'uyye Zabolevaniya, 1970, Nr 1, Rp jl-.;i WORK CONDITIONS AND THE STATE OF HEAtTH OF WORKERS aNGAGED IN HOT VULCANIZATIGN, OF, FOOTAVEAR RUBBER A. Volkova, LYZ Milkov, A L2ekhouq, L, M. Malgar, Yu. L S um m ary Hot vulcanization (cure) of rubber with divinyl-styrent raw rubber serving as a base is attended by the formation of a complex steam and gas m5xture. In this process permanent constituents are styrene fumes, whose content in the req)1ratiall zone c4Dlnpr[- ses 2-40 Mg/M3, Into the atmosphere there are also released diviny), butyricaerosol, formaldehyde, acrolein, carbon monoxide, sulfudioxide, ammonia, inathyl zicohul, aromatic amines. Heat-producing microclimate is an adverse factor as well. The worlwrs demonsita- ted functional shifts In the state of the nervous system, alterations In the upper res iralo- xy tract, peripheral blood and teguments. Medico-prophylaotic measures are propo=. REEL/FRAME Fri Inim, air"IF' I USSR UD~ 539.) GUZ I A. i N,14RMOV, A G "The Supporting Capacity of Spherical Shells With a Ci:rcular Reinforced Aperture" Froblevj Frochnosti, No 4, April 1970, PP 59-63 Abstract: The article deals with determination of -the supporzing capacity of a spherical shell in the zone of stress concentration which, as a rule is the starting point of destruction. Tito shelf is Icaded by an iriternal pressure F. By supporting capacity is meant the value of the pressure at. which. the structure attains a limit state corresponding to the start of dentrucVI.M. It wal; fourA that in verification calculations o4l suc4 *hpll *'OructjjrQ;5 apd in of the strength-reserve coefficient, satiafactory agromme-nL uith. Oxporimental results may be obtained when the "rength cri!~arion it; bused Jn. accordance With the theory of shape-alteration energy. t> DeformaL on rLrength theories yield greater scattering, even within the ldmi~s of a narrau of dostructive pressures. In determining the supporting capacity of the stvucr-ure~;, the best coincidonce with ex,)urim"intal results ,~ro ObfiAinL4 JJ1 tijQ C,-1.jiO Of strength thoory. Tlio introduction of ul.~imatej duXoniAt:Lor. ijiro.1,;;ity aa a strength critorior in s-ach a case yields results u`htich. practlc.,~Ily coinaido vith ro3ults obtained oa tho of tl~o USSR GORBATOVA, V. A., MAKARENKOV, S. V. "Forbidden Configurations in Joint Minimization of a System of Boolean FuncLions in the Class of Lattice Disjunctive Normal Forms" V sb. Ekon.-mat. metod7 i progranmir. pla .-ekon. zadach (Mathematical Ecouomic Methods and Programming Economic Planning Problems-collection of ivorks), Mos- cow, 1972, pp 34-39 (from RZh-Ki-bernetika, No 12, Dec-72, Abstract No 12V272) No abstract Moscow) ra, [111 Vol. 11 11 ly 0, 110 1,)-. 3'74-3-IC, -Abstra c t rarli.- C r~~ a cold fix- C boll. ar 411 e( Q ILA thr~, OZ" cas ana 0 where 77 /C 0 0 112 008 UNCILASSfFItb JITLE--FORMS OF PERIODIC TABLES -ti- 6~: AUTHOR-MAKAREN A*Ao COUNTRY Of INFO-USSR SHK. 1970v 25(1)v 7-9 ..,DATE PUBLISHErj----70 :SUBJECT AREAS-CHEMISiRY 't(]PIC TAGS-PERIODIC SYSTEM, BIBLIOGRAPHY "_,-C_GNTRCL MARKING-NO RESTRICTIGNS 700CUMENT CLASS-UNCLASSIFIED RL-EL/FRAME--2000/1558 iliiUCESSING DArL--30OCT70 PROXY STEP NC--UR/050917D/4)251001/0007/1)009 CLRC ACCESSICN NC--AP0125184 - ------- ---- --- ~.~,212 008 VNCLAS$lFIED PROCESSING OATE--30OCT7C ~.CIRC ACCESSION NO--APO125184 ABSTRACT/EXTRACT--(U) GP-0- ABSTRACT. DIFFERENT FORMS OF THE PERIODIC OF ELEMENTS HAVE BEEN DEVISEO. AS ANY OF THEM CA4 NOT FULLY EXPRESS UE WHOLE CCMPLEXITY OF THE PERIODIC LAW OF:~ ELEmENrS, A IFS.HORT FORM" IS PROPGSED FOR DESCRIPTION OF THL MOST GENERAL CHEM. ANALOGIES, AND A "LONG FORM" (THOMSEN FORM) FOR DESCRIPTION OF MORE CHARACTERISTIC .9ROPERTIES CF DIF'ERENT GROUPS AND PERIODS. 112 017 UNCLASSIHED PROCESSING UATE--30O_,-T7C TITLE-PELOIDIN IN THE CUMPLEX TREATMENT OF CHRONIC NON SPECIFIC PROSTATITIS -U- B.G.9 BELTSP YE.A.t MAKAAETSi K.S4 CCUNTRY OF INFC-USSR SOURCE-VkACHEBNUYE OELO, 1970w NR 6t PP 115-117 DATE PUbLISHED---70 SUBJECT AREAS-BIOLOGICAL AND 14EDICAL SCIENCES - :TOPIC TAGS-GLANDt REPRODUCTIVE SYSTEMY ANTIBIOTIC fGNTROL MARKING-NO RESTRICTIONS DCCUMENT CLASS-UNCLASSIFIED PROXY REEL/FRAME-3002/1743 STEP NO--UR/0475/70/000/00610115/0117 CIRC ACCESSICN NO-AP0129111 212 017 UNCLASSIFIED PROCESSING DATE--30OCT70 CIRC ACCESSION NU--AP0129111 ABSTRACT/EXTRACT--(U) GP-0- ABSTRACT. PELOLDIN WAS COMBINED WITH ANTIBIOTICS IN THE TREATMENT OF 103 PATIENTS SUFFERING OF CHRONIC NON SPECIf-IC PROSTATITIS. PELOIDIN WAS USED IN THE fORM UF MICROENEMAS 50 MLv 40DEGREESCt 10-12 PER COURSE), RECOVERY WAS SEEN IN r9.6PERCENTP IMPROVEMENT IN 16.5PERCENTt FAILURE IN 3.9PERCENT. CONTROL STUDIES IN PATIENTS NCT RECEIVING PELUIOIN SHOWED THAT INCLUSION OF PELOIDIN IN THE COMPLEX TREATMENT OF CHRONIC NON SPECIFIC PRUSTATITIS HAS MAJOR ADVANTAGES. FACILITY: UROLUGICHESKOYE UTDELENIYE PERYOY GORCDSKOY KLINICHESKOY BOLINIFSY. FACILIVY: ;PULIKLINICHESKOYE OTOELENIYE ZHELELNODUROZHNOY KLINICHESKOY BOLONITSY. .f-u USSR UDO 537.511i~46.28 QH_ A-- RAYNES, L.YU., 5HIBKO, L.S. "Effect Of Pile Radiation On High-Resists ace Silicon" V ab. Radiateion. fiz. nemet. kristallov (Radiation Physics Of Nonmetal Orystala--Gollection Of Works), Minsk, Nauka. i taVhn.p 1970p pp 18-21 (from RZh--Elektronika i yeye primeneniyap No 1, January 1971.p Abstract No IB30) Translation: The affect is investigated of pile radiation on high-resistance P-typ#3 Si It is shown that with comparatively small douee of fast neutrons ( "_., 101~ n/cm2)' defects are formed in high resistanam 51 vh1ah giveo rise to the appearance in the forbidden band of.the energy lovels 8 + 0.27t So + 40 and EP + 0#42 e.v. It ie shown that defsats~~Or thiNivacancy type, a complex of primary defect Impurity, snd an accumulstion of defects are respeatively responsible for these levels* 7 ref. Sumwry. 101 us SIN, UDC 619:616.988.43-084.47 ANTORYUK, V. P., KRUGLIKOV, B. k., BAR13ASHOV, V. P.,. BAF,1K-kTOj.7S-. F., Insiitut'L, and ! G.. State Scientific Control of Veterinary Preparations "Significance of Specific Prophylaxis of Foot-and-Mouth Disease" Moscow, Veterinariya, No 9, 1971, pp 46-48 Abstract: Experience gained in the USSR and other countries proved that Ination and revaccination (when used tog-ather with OL'--er planned regular vace- veterinary iallitatl'oll r."OLISU17CS) play an important role Jn th~i control (if foot-and-111ouLh ai~.ea!~O partictil-nrly since tht, ir;munizitq, accivity of the vaccine has been enhaac(~d by the addItion of fapanla. 111anned 1*:'A') vaccination wa~; begua in the USSR in 19,14, when 12.6 m:L.11ion head of cattli- in zones of cp-..,oot!c outbreaks of the disaase were initnunived. ~,.Oro thali 132 million aninals were vaccinated in 1969. As a resijlt, thi! disease and its foci have been al=ost completely eradicated in the RSFSR, Ukraine, Belorussia, and -oldavia. Vaccinat;.cn and revaccination are of pLrticular importance in the republics of Central Asia, Traascaucz!ius, "~)rz:hern Caucasus, and somc oblasts of Kaza'Nuitan, Vhere the system of Ions; cattle drives aad the possible i~-dxfng of large misses of aniiials ria";.-cs them 112 USSR ANTCNYUK, V. P., et al. , Veterinariya, No 9, 1971, pp 46-48 particularly susceptible to epizootic outbreaks. An analysis of available data on immunization in Lhe republics of Uzbekistan, Kirgizia, and Tadzhik- istan reveals that vaccination there is conducted in an irre-gular and haphazard manner, with the result that large number of anirials remain unvaccinated. It is important that a plan for the vaccination and revac- cination of cattle durine, February-March, and again in Aufust-Seepterrber, and of smaller animals during the months of NoveH)er-Dacember, and again in April and November of the next year be adopted. Planned and complete immunization must be re-arded as an important component in C.he measures for tba eradication of MD. 2/2 67 USSR UDC: 51.621-391 MAKAREVICH j,.V.__._ "on a General Approach to the Structural Theoxnj of Px6babilistic Au~~on~ ata!' V sb. Veroyatnostn. avtomatZ i ikh primeneniye (Probabilistic Automata - vlt~ 11 and Their Use--collection of works), Riga, Zinatne 0 1.972, pp 55-59 (from,RM-Kibernetika, jNo 9, Sep 71, Abstract No 9V415) Translation: The paper discusses the possibility of constructing a general structural theoxy of probabilistic automata -~n tex= of which the problem of completeness can be formulated as we-11 as -the problem of complexity of networks, etc. Autho:r*s abstract. 24 USSR uDc 6i6.988.25-L)'-12.394.42-008-93~9-15 MAKAREVICH, N. Laboratory of Blocherucal and Biophysical Research Methods, )Um ovsk Scientific Research Institute of Epidemiology and Microbiology, arxi Clinic of Nervous Diseases, Khabarovsk Medical Institute "Indexes of Lipid Metabolism in Patients With Tickborne Encephalitis" Moscow, Zhurnal Nevropatologii i Psikh:Latrii imeni S. S. Korsakova, Vol 71, No 7. 1971. pp 1.011-1,014 Abstract: The lipid metabolism of 19) patients with tickborne encephalitis was studied. The shifts in lipid metabolism reflected the form and stage of development of the disease. In the acute stage hyperlipidomia accompanied by a drop in the alkaline reserve of the blood plasma and acetonuria. was oo- served. These changras were most pronounced in patients with disturbances of respiration and cardiovascular activity. As the disomue progreased, there was an increase in the cholesterol level, reflecting a loolon of tile central ner- vous system, specifically of the hypothalamus, and a eb-op In the excretion of 17-ketosteroids in tile urine. In severe cases of tickivorne encephalitis, tne content of beta-lipoproteins in the serum increased, reaching a mean level of 60, while the con-tent of alpha-lipoproteins deoreascia corre:;Dondingly. Similar shifts in the content of lipoprotoins were observed in discase5 of the 1/2 USSR YAUREVICF, N. I., Zhurnal Nevropatologii i Psikhiatrii imeni S. S. Korsakova, Vol 71, No 7, 1971, pp 1.011-1,014 liver, the cardiovascular system, and the kidneys: one may conclude ihat the dyslipoproteinemia in patients with tickborne encepIttlitis is du,-, to Clisturbei funtioning of these organs. The hyperbetalipoproteinemia vas often -Accompaniazi by elevated blood sugar level. Shifts in lipid metabolism were Wre pronounced in patients with focal lesions of the nervous systovi.Lhan Ln those with the meningeal foria of the disease. As the condition of the patients improved, lipid metabolism tended to return to normal. Stulies of lipid wtabolism :Ln patlents with tickborne encephalitis make it possiblo to determino the severity of the disease and to arrive at some conclusions pertaining to its pathogenesis. 2/2 64 REEL/FRAME Acc. Nr:.. - Abstracting Service: Ref. Co4e: 00049840- CHEMICAL ABST.~O-,?t .JJR O-Y& 101360i Graft copelymem of pelva~Tvlonitrlle writh rnethyl r acrYlate studied by an infrared spectioscopic inethad. Pen'km-a M 'P lj~jrjkdn, A. A.- WSW. 1. ~ipehtrvsk_ 1970, 1~(J),' -A (RU-5ST-n~e gra, ing of ac- rvionit rile- 2-a in ino-4-1 viny 1s1ijf6nyl.)nn isole cnix4yrner (1) with Me meth3crviate (11) was SWdied by ir spect"copy. Compari- son of the spectra of I and 141 graft copolymers ct--)ntT.- 15 and 30% 11 indicated that the increase in incorporation of It in the initial stage of grafting occurs mainly via an incrcase in th& no. of grafting centers. Chain growth and branchinK ,)Cjcur mainly in subsequent etages. DBJR J 'fir, USSR UDC 5.76.295'04-2-i576.852,-~'. I., BLAGODARNYYI YA. A. p Professor, k;JKAFXV1,C[jjja-., Candidate of Redical: Sciences, and BLEM4AN, 1. H.# Heaeaxy-h Institute- of- Tuberculosis, wA Central Institute of Ttberculosis, Jilrdstxy of- Health- WSR "Isolation of Atypical Mycobacteria. From.SpantW1eousl!Y,1nfectod Argas-pv=icus Mites" Moscow, Problemy Tuberkulezav No 6, 1971s pp 74-75 Abstracti Twenty-four ~~rcobactoriun strains wem is,.,lated- fi-om argasid Mites taken from chickens on Southern Kazakbstwi poultry farns infected vrith tuber- culosis, Sixteen of the strains were identified as. typical Dtycobacteriur- avium, while the other eight were regarded. as atypiml- The morphology of the cultures was variable, the :dcroorganiams rampd~ from short acid- resistant coccoid forms to graziular Rycobactaxia.. All, fkte adturea wete resistant to streptomycin, isoniazid, and tibon., Cnly-one OX ther atypical. strains was pathogenic for Guinea pig .,s. 11one of the e1jj,,ht strains: iced p_=dj any symptoms of the disease In rabbita or mice. Intratwaticular inoculation of guinea pigs previously sensitized with horse serum rusultat-1 In-. infection. A USSR UDC 681.332.64 MAXAjjVTrH1 D,.IL, BAYEV, B. M., PUDZENKOV, N. A., and F'YOCHINKO, 0. K., Taganrog Radio Engineering Institute "A Computing Device" Moscov, Gtkrvtiya, izobreteniya, promyshlennyye obra'atsy, tovarnyye znaki, No 3, Jan 71, Author's Certificate No 291216, Division G, filed 7 Apr 69, published 6 Jan 71, pp 123-124 Translation: This Author's Certificate introduces a computing device for a digital integrator. The device contains a memory de-vice, integration modules, a multiplier, adders, a remainder register, rectiMers,and sh*.i)er,,. As a distinguishing feature of the patent, the device is simplified and speed is increased by connecting the outputs of the memory device to the inputs of the multipliers and parallel integration modules. Somu outputs of the inte- gration modules are connected to inputs of the memory device, while the other outputs of these modules are connected to the inputs o~,* the mi,'Itipliers. The outputs of the multipliers are connected to the inputs of the non-auantum increment adder, and the output of this adder is connected to the inputs of the increwnt shaper and a rectifier. The second inputu of t~e shaper Euld rectifier are connected to the outputs of the control da!vice. The output of the rectifier is connected to the input of the remainder ri-_~pjster, and 1/2 USSR MAKAREVICH, 0. B., et al., Otkrytiya, izobreteniya, promyshlennyye obraztsy, tovarnyye znaki, No 3, Jan 71, Author's Certificate No 291216, Division G, filed 7 Apr 69, published 6 Jan 71, pp 123-124 the other input of the register is connected to the output of the Mmory device. The output of the remainder register is connected to the second input of the adder which combines the partial sum vith the sum of the non- -quantum increments. USSR UDC 681.332. 6 KUTOVOY, A. S., MKAREVIC11, 0 B -, TAGANROG WM0 ENGINEF-11UG Institute "A Device for Isolating the Extremum Value of a Function" Moscow, Otkrytiya, Izobretneiya, Promyshlennye Obraztsy, Tovarnyye Znaki, No 9, 1970, p 137, Patent No 264814, filed 21 May 68 Abstract: This Author's Certificate introduces a device for iso- lating the extremum value of a function represented as a stream of multidigit increments. The device consists of adders, rectifiers, an increment accumulation unit, a control signal unit, and memory elements. As a distinguishing feature of the patent, the operational precision of the device is improved by connecting the input blis to the input of tile delay unit and the first input: of the adder. 'tile second input of the adder is connected to the output of the memory element, and the adder output is connected to the Liput of the in- crement accumulator. The first output of the incre-mont accumula- tor is connected to the input of the control signal unit, while- the second output is connected to the first input Of the correction rectifier unit. Tile second input of the correction rectifier unit 1/2 USSR KUTOVOY' A. S.31 et al., Moscow, Otkrytiya, Imobretneiya, Promush- lennyye Obraztsy, Tovarnyye Znaki, No 9, 1970, p 1.37, Patemt No 264814, filed 21 May 68 is connected to the first output of the control sEgmal unit, and the output of this rectifier unit is connected to the first input of the correction adder. The second output of the signal control unit is connected to the first input of the rectiEier unit for input increments. The second input of this rectifter unit is con- nected to the output of the delay unit, while,the output of the rectifier unit is connected to the second input of the correction adder. The output of the correction adder is connected through a sign inverter to the input of the!memory element. 2/2 27- - 19 112 0;!o UNCLASS I FI ED PROCESSING DATE--04DEC70 .TITLE--CLOUD BRIGHTNE"St REVIEW OF A COMPLEX STUOY'i-u- AUTHOR-104)-ROZENBERGt G.V., ILICHI G.K.t MAKAREyji',Ht $6A., MULLAMAA, YUR* COUNTRY OF INFO--USSR ~SOURCE-AKADEMIIA NAUK SSSR, IZVEST IA.!-FlZ.IKA ATkd"SFERY I OKEANA, VOL. 6, MAY 1970v P. 445-467 a-Y PUBLISHED----MAY70 ,S.USJECT AREAS--ATMOSPHERIC SCIENCES TOPIC TAGS--LIGHT SCATTERINGt OPTIC BRIGHTNESS, ATMOSPHERIC CLOUD I.CONTROL MARKING--NO RESTRICTIONS ~:'DOCUMENT CLASS--UNCLASSIFIED FICHE NO ---- FD70/605011/F06 STEP NO-~-t)R/03~,o2/70/006/000/04t#5/046'7 C I R%C ACCESSION NO--AP0140230 UNCLASSIFIED 212 020 UNCLASSIFIED Pr-10CESSENG OAT;-:--04DEC70 .CIRC ACCESSION NO--AP0140230 ABSTRACT/EXTRACT--(U) GP-0- ABSTRACT. DISCUSSION (IF bil: PROPERTIES OF SOME VERY GENERAL ASYMPTOTIC FORMULASt FOR THE BRIGHTNESS OF THICK LAYERS OF LIGHT SCATTERING MEDIAt WHOSE CORRECTNESS WAS OEMONSTRArED BY PREVIOUS EXPERIMENTS. THE FORMULAS ARE USED (N CALCULATING THE CLOUD BRIGHTNESS AS A FUNCTION OF CLOUD PARAMETERSP ILLWiINATIONt AND CONDITIONS OF THE UNDERLYING SURFACE. AN ANALYSIS OF EXTENSIVE EXPERIMENTAL OATA ANO CALCULATIONS INDICATE T14E EX'[STENCE OF A RELATION BETWEEN THE MACROOPTICAL PARAMETERS OF CLOUDS ANO ~HEIA MICROSTRUCTURE. A METHOD IS PROPOSED FOR DETERMINING THE EFFECTS OF TH~ SPATIAL STRUCTURE OF CLOUDS ON THEIR BRIGHTNESS CHARACTERISTICS AS A FUNCTION OF THE DIMENSIONS OF THE VISUAL FIELD. FACILITY: AKADEM11A NAUK SSSRv INSTITUT FIZIKI ATMOSFERYt MOSCOWt USSRa FACILITYt. AKAOEMILA NAUK BELORUSSKOI SSR9 INSTITUT FILIKIP MINSKv,(IELORUSSIAN SSR; AKADEMIIA NAUK ESTONSK01 SSRt INSTITUT FIZIKI I ASTRON0141tv TARTUt ESTONIAN SSR, TISSR UDC 535.361 ZECE, E. P., KiOSEV, I. L., MAKAREVTCII, S.~A. "Characteristics of the Light Field in Weakly Absorbent Pledia" Minsk, Zhurnal Prikladnoy Spektroskopii, Vol. 12, No 6, 1970, pli 1137-1139 Abstract: This short mathematical article deals with formulan developed by G. V. Rozenberg for the brightness coefficient, the diffuse reflection, and the con- ductance of light in weakly absorbent layers of large optical thickness. A]- though the determination of the parameters of the equation can be done experi- mentally or through the proper computations, the authors assert that there is no need for determining all these parameterz experimentally. They then proceed to work out equations through which the parameters can be found. The two sources they cite of information on the Rozenberg equations are a paper written by Rozenberg for the collection SEektrookopiya,svetorasseiva!rushciitkh sred (Tile Spectroscopy of Light-Dispersive Media), Minsk, 1963, p 5. and a -paper written by A. P. Ivanov and G. K. Wich for the journal named above (2, 356, 1965). 1/1 ,_~'7 A)~o:am;j'e, UMMMOLL MDY OF AN AC LIOVITHIC;TAL CM:XCTION hAMINE [MmAract at a Paper by 1u. A. oalinvy. Y!, U. Un6arz 1~_ft77 TO, 5MID.L, ;-" tr .tnavt., S. R. TgoitakLy at 't:t6,. irodynmlc rohraTenco, pp 116744ff' "de rignatIc _~ch.meln bUL1.x%-zvT6tg~d a. Vo rep and-ilto a 1117type ztcp~p tranxturn" "trure 1). The zhonnrls were executed from V618110T st.*1 0.5 rv, thlo'.. th-7have a coftst.-% cress *Actlom with o,.Wd. dt-enstans of 16.6 - 6.6 m2 and &a tctivo length at 250 ", Thay are #lerttricully connected to esrh~ot~cr And zx~ V~e acz:tlorwal priftar7 turn at the (WIA011fts. chi 'lateral faces) . Tho flow of metal in each pair of chartn4s to oppoolso. TN machLm has vlecrrlcal insulation vkA.1% therrial stability to 600*C. nessurLng tutus for deter"aAm L!w vAx*M1A& flouts and feweral, ther"Caujacs. DeptMIng on the operating mode In the =*wrtiront, vartma svtt4hlngs of the wAndingo= -sr* realized-, 2) In the PUPP *do the Wteittation winding end the outFut viudiwkR of the tg&n&t*VStr Were full ("PR A COMMkOt GM9rZ7 SkMtt*; 2) to the %aporatAr *am Lod"endently ef, ths 0W.Ltetinat. U'r excitation winding, was fad fro* an outaidd source, and the transformer wizang was connect to the us#ful load. 3) In %h- genevoter moda with v..If-excitactes of the windt-A. the capacitance and the useful Joa4 were Inclu4ed xcc~raln# to the schmo In Figure The studies var* madt an a s6dLun loop with a "i~n temperature of 300- W 1C. the c haracterio tic' features of the coalux:tJou machines of this type SiA. to particular$ the characteristic fastures of the parallel "Isalic toupling of pairs of channeis I%&dinX to spurious curcentA through the bnmt* Loops of circuit from the sizo-varLable maxnetic field ~0 mated. 58 - USSR UDC 538.4 ;7 BAKANC-P.1, Yu. A., DRWIK, L. M., LEVIN, M. N. jKWAREVICIf It K S. R, RESHFfIKO, L. M., STRIZHAK, V. Ye. TOMC11, I. M., YANTOVSKIY, Ye. 1. "Experimental Study of Liquid-Metal Induction Machine in Pump Mode" 7-ye Soveshch. po Magnit. Gidrodinamike. T. I [Seventh Conference on 14agne- tic Hydrodynamics, Vol 1], Riga, Zinatnye Press, 1972, pp 20-23, (Trans- lated from Referativnyy Zhurnal, Mekhanika, No 11, 1972, Abstract No 11 R43 by V. V. Blagov). Translation; The operation of a liquid-metal induction machine in tile pump mode was studied in a potassium circuit with a working pressure of up to 60 kg/cm2. The working characteristics of the machIne are presented for a temperature of 500*. The experimental results allowed the relationship of the dimensionless criterion H = APV sl/aU2 to the velocity ratio V/VS = 1 - S to be established (where VS is the synchronous speed of the rotating field, It is the velocity of the metal, AP is the pressure drop developed, S Is the slipping, 0 is the conductivity, U is the applied voltage). As thp temperature changes fro,-Ll 1/2 USSR UDC 538.4 BAYANOV, Yu. A., DRONNIK, L. M., LEVIN, M. N., MAKAREUM, V. K., RESHETOKO, L. M., STRIMAK, V..Ye., TOW01, 1. M.; TROITSKIY, S. R., YANTOVSKIY, Ye. 1. , 7-ye Soveshch. po Magnit. Gidrodinamike. T. 1, Riga, Zinatnye Press, 1972, pp 20-23. 280 to 5000 and the voltage varies from 90 to 150 v, the dependence of R on Y/Vs on the applied voltage and where T = 500* and AU = ISO v is about 37 kg/cm2 the efficiency.of the machine is about 24% under these conditions. Wiere T = 300% these figures are 42 and 30% respectively. The total operating time of the machine was 120 hou:rs. is universal. The maximum head is produced at small flow rates, depends 2/2 ------ - T11 L/2 006 UNCLASSI-FtED pROCESSIVIG DATE--30OCT70 _~.'JITLE-DETERMINATION OF BIURET IN COMPLEXiFERTILIZERS -U- .'-AUTHOR-(0Z)-MAKAREVICf,j V.M.s KOYANDERt APYE, 4TRY OF INFO--USSR CCU- !:_'-,'~SOURCE--AGROKHlMIYA, 1970, ~1139-43 `A)ATE PUBLISHED ------- 70 SUBJECT AREAS--AGRICULTUREt CHEMISTRY :..'TOPIC TAGS--URCA DERIVATIVEv COMPLEX FERTILUERt CHEMICAL ANALYSIS .''CONTROL MARKING--NO RESTRICTIONS DOCUMENT CLASS--UNCLASSIFIEO PROXY REEL/FRAME--1995/04ft4 STEP IRC ACCESSION NO-AP0116110 1-11 Is ~sl ,-I u 11 '212 006 UNCLASSIFIED PROCESS INi, OATE--30OCT70 CIRC ACCESSION NO--AP0116110 AlBSTRACT'/EXTRACT--(U) GP-0- ABSTRACT, THE COMMONLY USED METHOD FOR DETN. OF SIURET BY REACTION WIT14 CU SALTs IN ALK* SOLNS, LAN NOT BE USED FOR ANAL. aF COMPLEX FERTILIZERS CONTG. LARGE AMOUNTS OF NH SU154 PRIME PQSITIVEv CA PRIME2 POSITIVE MG PRIME2 POSITIVEw K PRIME POSIIIVE, FE PRIME3 POSITIVEl NO SUB3 PRIME NEGATIVEt SO SUB4 PRIME2 NEGATIVE, PC) SUB4 PRIME3 NEGATIVE# AND CL PRIME NEGATIVE, THEREFOREt A METHOO WAS DEVELOPED FOR DETN. OF BIURET ON THE BASIS OF THE FU101ATION OF A YELLOW COMPLEX WITH NI. THE SAMPLE OF FERTILIZER (10 G) WAS 01$SOLVED IN DISTD. WATER AND MADE UP TO 500 ML, THE: SOLN. WAS TiliOROUGHLY MIXED AND FILTEREDt AND 15 ML OF FILTRATE WAS TRANSFERRED 14NTO A 50 4L VOLUMETRIC FLASKs THEN 5 ML OF ALK. NITAKTRATE REAGENT (I TO I SOLUS. OF 1.36 G NISO SUB4. 7H SUB2 0,500 ML AND 133 G NAOH PLUS 137 G NA-K TARTRATE,500 ML OF H SU82 0) AND 5 ML 10PERCENT (SATD.) NA SU64 fl SUB2 0 SU137 WERE ADDED AND THE FLASK WAS KEPT FOR 30 MINiIN A WATER BATH AT 72-750EGREES. -AFTER COOLING TO ROOM TEMP. AND DILG. WITH DISTD. WATEPP THE ABSORBANCE WAS DETO. AT 265 M MU. THE CONTENT OF 8IURET WAS RI~Af) FROM STANDA14RD 'CURVES, FACILITY: NAUCH-ISSLED. INST. UDOBRfNSEKT0FUNGITlS# MOscowt USSR, UNCLASSIFI~D "LAS sl p1, JATE--~OMOV7C E.0 4 ' I - I': ". Ss ITLE--V-Et) I IL, A LNAKCSIS ~-,ffti t% i 'r u Js'~ X IE1 NOURN Slil,A'('.K -U-- ALTHGR--?-I.AKARE'VJCFt V.T. GcViTAY LF INFO-USSR i f S lkii~l YZHURNALt NG 3o 1970s N' 22-21f DATE PUbL lSHEt;-----7G SUBJEC T AREAS--81CLCGEL#*4L ANU MEDICAL SCIENCES TCPJC TA(iS--I!Ukj'4, TRAUMATIC SHOCKI PAINt NERYOUS SYST'K."Ill NfTRf;fjL-.-'j QX[I)E' oar, N' RCCSfS A C C N T"i U L m AK I N G -N J R F S TR ir t PRUAY SI'EP ---------- '12 0 R G C, UNCLASS I I~IED d5S lhi~ DATC-20NOV70 R A U t,`0- i-, L: S F RA C T 4 -0 CK -,EV~~,.SlilLE Sf4TL.: AuST. f EX I !,'A C f ii NO CP ~-LIMINAT-- If [;~ L 't C'M P L V); 0 FA,"! I I ;W M -N br. API'LfCAT16N Of M -0 I L Y I'tj'.i AR. THE lifAKENING G-F hlINP,)t. GK I THE V,41-tk Ul- VA:11CUS 1`kl~4 :~LLILVING AGEi,.rS U E 1: CM 114 t 0Pi~fillAkILY oY UHL AifLITY TO PAEVFNT 71-it (31!j,i:LT .'JI PAI"IFUL IMPULSES FkLM THE PLALL UF CAMAGE TO VITALLY CEl*fERS 6F THE NEPVu"[jS S~STLV;. THE LIT'l-RATURE C(JiTAINI; THE REPLIAT$ CJ: A P.RP,i6ER OF AUTFURS (F. P. VOYTSL-~-~ii)VSKIYt 1.968; 6. IT. BILYN'Si0Yt 191;6; L. -01: . , L N.-I k C i) i I S GINZ6UkG, 19671 ANU t3tiLKS) ~,lh THE APPLICAI ION OF ') 'E: i-, F I C I` WITV NlTiiuUS GXIDE [.',, L)L,R~N SHOCK. 'k~E HAVEE sruout.) THE' E!,~!-EGF GF DEL"JEk NARCOSIS i-ITH NITRGUS 6XIOL (FIRST LEVEL ~ UF THE SUkG I ""A L Sl I N~ EXPE-i~P4ENTS AIND IN THL CLINIC. ITS oL-Pni wxs juoao -,,)N TiA,-z uAsis oF CLIP41LAL At-it' JATA, THE evFRE SET UP 'RCNT SI:X AM; ~.IEIGH'. ilt"i ~O W.&FUIGRELU ouLS 61- ulift. SHOCK WAS ABOUT VN 24 AMMALS ~,ITH 30fLING V~ATE.R* li,i 8. BY FLA.,,,E t~%Jo ll,~ EIGHT GlY LUMI.NUUS Ef-FELT FGRTY i)LkCf-'jNT JF THE BUOY SURFACE ~~AS SlJi~JFCTED Tu IN ALL CASES A T~40 PHASE PIGFURE OF SHOCK I-IVE SEPiES CbAGUCTED. D UDC 577.4 MAKAREVSKIY, A. Ya. "On Realizing Control Devices With Storage in Homogeneous Media" Moscow, Abstraktn. i struktur. teoriya releyn. ustroystv--.sbornik (Abstract and Structural Theory of Relay Devices-collection of works), "llauka", 1972, pp 79-88 (from RZh-Matematika, No 1, Jan 73, abstract No 111616 by the author) Translation: A method is proposed for realizing devices with memory in hamo- geneous media. Embedded directly in the medium is specification of the con- ditions of operation of the device, bypassing the stages of coding of states, and realization of the functions of e:Kcitation in the hornoi!,,encour, medium. In this connection the problem of uetting up the, mothod of. embe~I(Ung is solved simultaneously vith the problem of selecting the cell of the homo- geneous medium. The memory of the cell is Used not only for adjusting the homogeneous medium. but also in the process of operation oP the device. USSR RAKAREVSKIY, A. Ya. "The Realization of Control Devices with Memory in Ifomogencous Abstraktn. i Struktur. Teoriya Releyn. Ustroistv. [Abstract and Struc- tural Theory of Relay Devices -- Collection. of WoAs] , Mo:icow, Nauka Press, 1972, pp 79-88 (Translated from Referativnyy Zhurnal, Kibernetika,* No 1, 1973, Abstract No 3 V616 by the author). Translation: A method is suggested for realization of devices with memory in homogeneous media, in which the assignment of the operating conditions of the device is made directly in the medium, bypassing the stages of coding of states and realization of excitation functions in -thod of the homogeneous medium, the problems of creation of the mi. embedding and selection of the cells of the homogeneous systLm boing solved simultaneously. Ilic memory of a cell is used not only for ad- ustment of the homogeneous medium, but also in the process of operation I of the device. 1/1 USSR "Realization of Finite Automata in Homogeneous bledia" Vychisl. Sistemy lComputer Systems -- Collection of Works], Novosibirsk, No 41, 1971, pp 32-51, (Translated from Referativnyy Zhurnal, Kibernetika, No 3, 1972, Ahstract No 3 V335 by S. Marchenkov). Translation: Let us represent by H(p, q, r) a set of initial automata with r states, with input alphabet EP = fa 1j ...' aP and output alphabet E q = fall ... a a 1. Autonaton A is called universal if for any p, q, r there q are numbers T, T and coding F of alphabets I. and F such that for any auto- p q maton B411 (p, q, r) it is possible to construct cellular automaton N over A, realizing auto-maton B with coding F, extension T andshift -r. The triplet W = (F, T, T) is called the coding method. The compexity of cellular auto- maton qtover A is the number of examples of automaton A used in construction of automaton The Shannon function L (p, q, r) is introduced in the A, 11 ordinary manner. It is proven that there is a universal automaton A with 9 states and coding method If such that =mRil,mme. anom momw flim num weru-siffEMMMOM USSR Ya., Vychisl. Sistemy, Novosibirsk, No 41, 1971, 32-51 AAKAREVSKIN, A. L w (p. q. r).:~ pr Idg qr A and for any universal automaton A and coding method W L.4. w (P. q. r) ~: pr I 9g qr. 2/2 -------- -- ---- -------- ------- --------------- USSR UDC 533.916 ZHIZHIMOV, L. A.,QMMR6aAewP.- "Resonance Extinction of Electromagnetic Waves by Plasma Objects in a Rarefied Plasma" Tr. Kirg. un-ta. Ser. fiz. n. (Works of Kirgiz University. Physical Sciences Series), 1972, No. 1, pp 81-82 (from RZh-Fizika) No 11, Nov 72, Abstract No 11G213) Translation: Formulas are obtained for the cross section for scattering and absorption of electromagnetic waves by plasma formations in a medium With finite conductivity. V. A. Abramov. 1/1 Moscow, Radiotekhnika, Vol 25, No 9, 1970, pp 108-109 Abstract: This conference, celebrating the centennial of L.-min's b-irth and the 75th anniversary of the invention of radio by A. S. Popov, was held in June 1970 in Moscow. Scientists of such countries as Hungary, East Gemnany, Poland, China, Czechoslovakia, Bulgaria, tile United States, England, Canada, France, West Germany, Finland, and Sweden participated. Reports :were read in the three-day plenary sessions by Academiaan A. L. Minn; on the work of the USSR Acadew of Sciences in the creation of proton ai::celerlitors, by Academician V. V. Parin on progress in medical electronics, by Corresponding Member of the Academy B. F. Lomov on the improwment of efficiency and relia- bility of control systems for machines, by Academician V. M, Glushkov an control system design for enterprises and industries, by V. P. Ui3hakov, I. M. Vitenberg, B. V. Anisimov, B. A,. Vo.'ynskiy, and others on the probleris of tile development and introduction of electronic computers into pg'oduct-Lon. The modem state of electrical and postal. communication. was reported ol. by A. A. Rapokhin, S. A. Adzhemov, 0. N. Ivanova, 0. K. Maka-rov, M. 1. Krivosheyev, 1/2 USSR MAKARKIN, N. T., Radiotekhnika, Vol 25, No 9, 1970, pp 108-109 S. V. Novakovskiy, and N. I. Chistyakov. Reports were giveli by SoAet and foreign specialists on television, antennas, quantum electronics, and the like. Other names and details are given. priko /-2 021 U IN C L A S S I F 1 E 0C SSING OATE--27'4OV7O CROSS OIME~~ IZATION. I. ELECTRGCHEM[CAL. SYNTHES IS OF I*IiE METHYL ESTER OF OMEGAt CYANO VALE PIC ACID "U- !."-AUTHOR-(02)-MAKAROCHKINA, S.M., TOMILOVs A4P, ~.COUNTRY OF INFO--USSR SOUR CE--ZH. OBSHCH. KHIM. 1970, 1001(3)v 676-80 ,,~IDATE PUBLISHED ------- 70 ~_'SUBJECT AREAS--CHEMISTRY TOPIC TAGS--DIMERIZAlIONl, ELECTROLYSIS, ADIPATE, NITRILE, GRAPHITE EL~CTROUF, TIN, LEA0, CATHODE, CARBOXYLIC ACID ESTER.4 ORGANIC sy,%rHESIS ~_CONTRGL MARKING--NO RESTRICTIONS :~DOCUMENT CLASS--UNCLASSIF[EI) PROXY REEL/FRAME--3006/081il STEP NO--UR/0079/70/("(fQ/O,')3/0676/04)80 C 1RC ACCE'~_S10,'I N0---AP0131i'-"31 Ll 2n 021 UNCL ASS I FIE D 1311 OCES 5 UNG DATE-2 rNOV70 CIRC ACCESSIGN NO-AP0134551 ABSTRACT/EXTRACT--(U) GP-0- ABSTR,~C! I N THE ELECT~PIIXYSIS OF 150 ML ELECTROLYTE CONTG. N K SUR2 HP0 SUB-ftr 65 ML CH AND 17.7 '41- GH SUB2:CHrO SU82 IlEt RUN AT 28DEGkEES AND 0.06 A-CH PRfllE2 C.D. (THIS GAVE THE BEST YIELD OF THE NC(CH SUB2) SUlift CC) SLJ32 RE), 41- PH. 7-10 NO APPRECIABLE YIELD CHANGE WA5 EFFFICrE.1) 8Y,flH CHANGES. SIMILAR ELECTROLYSES AT 6-80EGREGS WITH INDICATE0 CATHODE- MArERIALS GWE THE FOLLOAING CURRENT 6FFIC[ENCIES (PERCENT), RESP., 01: ~'M-ME ADIPATEP ~ICKH SU02) SU34 CO SUB2 ME,, AINO (CH SIJB2) SU(3-*t (CNI SU82: GRAPHITE 2.3t 50.4, 15.45; SN 4.6p 31, 0: P6 7.5, 25.5, 2.1; CD 4.'(?, 22.,'5, 0; Fit", 10i 71.3, 1.57' AL 1.3t 1.0, 0; fif, Or Or MIN05s YIE:L0S i;)t: THE IST 2 PRODUCTS G~CLINED SHARPLY WHEN THE TEMP. ViAS RAISED lktlJVE wuFGREf-,~. EVIDENTLY THE REACTION INVOLVES ADON, OF 2 ELECTRONSift) CH SUt32:CflCo SUB2 ME TO FORM CH SUB2,CHCO SUB2 ME WHICH WITH THF !,[TRILL YIELDS RR Q T Oh S . NC#CHCH SU82 CH SUB2tCHCO SU112 ME WHICH THEN.PICKS Ul) 2 UNC L M. T USSR LTDC 616-022.6 HUKHAMEMANOV, Sh. A., GLANTS, S. A., MAKARON' D. I., and KATS, A. S. fV "Hemodialysis in Hemorrhagic Fever With a Renal Syndrome" Kazan', Kazanskiy Meditsinskiy Zhurnal, No 6, 1971, pp 64-64, Abstract: Of 16 hemorrhagic fever patients admitted to the kid-ney centers in Kazan' and Chelyabinsk in fair condition with acute renal insufficiency azotemia, acidosis, hyperhydration, neurologic and cardiovascular disturbances, and (in three cases) meningoencaphalitic syriptoms, six reuponded to the stan- dard therapy and regained normal kidney function, The other 10 received as part of the therapy venovenous hemodialysialwith an artificial kidney I to 5 times. Azotemia decreased miarkedly, the composition of. the plasma salts returned to normal, and kidney function was.complerely reiitored in 2 to 12 days. The three patients with the! meningoencephalit-ic syi:!drome died, decpita the initial effectiveness of hemodialysis and elimination of uremic poisoning. N USSR UDC 621.43 ZLOTIN, G. N. and PRIKHODIKO, M. S., Candidates of Technical Science, and MAKAROV, A. A., Graduate Student, Volgograd Polytechnical Institute "Production of Inert Gases from Engine Exhaust Gases" Izvestiya Vysshikh Uchebnykh Zavedeniy, Mashinostroyeniye, No 11, 1971, pp ABSTRACT: This article presents experimental data from (.tudies of a method of producing inert gas media from diesel exhaust gas, Plus several calcula- tion dependences characteristic for the method and a comparison of calculated and experimental data. The method is based on direct burning of liquid fuel in a stream of diesel exhaust gases. The operating procfss involves two stage combustion of the fuel. The first stage is evaporation of the fuel in a four chamber, followed by flame burning of the gaseous products as they mix with a highly vortexed stream of diesel,exhaust gase,-t;. Ilie study showed the genuine possibility of production of an inert gas medium by this method. 7he calculation method developed produces results allowing it to be used for further study of the process. 50 Superalloy USSR UDC 62L9.015.74i669.018.25404.6 XUAROVp A. D., MUMN, V. S. , and VORONIN, N. V. "Llard-Alloy Tool Wear the Cutting of Heat-Resistant Alloys" Moscowp Starki i Instrument, No 21 Feb 74 pp 26-28 Abstracti Results of investigating the microstructurep nicrohardness, and chemical composition of the tool material (alloy VY.6M) In the zone of chamber wear on the tra.12-ing surface are presented using as an examplo the F'0220 Ni-Cr-Co alloy. These studies showed that distribution of cobalt from the alloy being machine and tungsten from the cutting tool vary with cutting speed and time of contact of the tool against the machined paxt due to diffusion fron adhesion contact. Low-speed cutting causes tool wear due to the forces of adhesion which tear and carry particles off from the hard alloy that were weakened by fatigue phenomena, Here the zone of greatest wear was located at some distance from the cutting edge. Eigh-speed cutting also causes tool wear due to mutual. difl'usion dissolution of the tool and machined materials. The lowering of tool wear Intensity uIth Increased cutting speed up to an optimum value v0can be explained by the decrease of 1/2 USSR MAKAROV, A. D.g et al., Stanki I Instrumentp No 21 Feb 74j pp 26-28 adhesion and fatigue phenomena, and the Increased intensity of wear at V -> v was caused by the amplification of mutual diffusion dissolving of the tooY and zachine materials., Six figureap aeven bibliographic references. 2/2 ~j L P, Z. 1% U SUCTION V st;U1:00C, ACOOSrA" I; ekne, Intititute at 1'1~toaynthr!Sis. 1'UShz1vIn0 j7k V7 lip. it cr I p t ion 4j Durfug this quarterly reporting ~-rlod, one now article was (U) 1 'attd frOta the Inut"tute of PhotogYnth,4iS IQ ?~hChiao. On the basis of tz-.1. 3c ~1'970 article on plan, growt1i. it was pou%oible to associate three new persons with Va, aa-l TQ. 7. 7'ror.". To the present time It has not been possible to identify very zany p.r.,)ns L-- tftft inctitut9l t~nwever, the ca=letr 14atiz; =f =z~ff t-- date is given below: Akulovi,_Yg_ A. Prakborav4. L. Gavriloya. V. A. sadovntkava, X. D. C S L _j~!bvdev. A. _J. Sidoxov. A. N. MAkzrov, A. D. Stakhov, L. F. 14. Stolovitakly. Tu. M. ve N- -rO V-t I ~VT- - 010"anis nikova C. D. Popovo., N. a. 'revati4nelev, V. R I IN 11"".1 AQ%Z1C'1C7n USSR UDC 629.78.002 MAKAROV, A. D.E SHEVNIN, G. A. "Study of Certain Characteristics of Workability in the Precision Turning of the A19 Aluminum Alloy" Tr. Ufim. aviats. in-ta (Works of the Ufimskiy Aviation Institute), 1972, No. 29, pp 26-31 (from RZh-41. RaketostroyeniyP., No 11, Nov 72, -Abstract No 11.41.198) Translation: Certain features of the workability of the A19 aluminum alloy are shown. The dependence of contact temperature, the degree (if penetration of the cutting instrument, the roughness of the worVed ourface, and the cost of the working on the cutting rate for a fast-cutting and. a hard-alloy cut was investigated. The nature of the abrasion for the differc-at cuts investipated is shown. It was established that there is a close Inter:relationship between the characteristics of the cutting process investigated, 3 ill., I table, 3 ref. Resume. IrWoiim~Ltion Thbory USSR UDO 553.9-08 zlmacv, A.I., Y07ERE,'1740, P-T-, GOLCSNYAK,, V.L. "Automation Of Analysis Of Experimental Data In Investigat; Ions Or Plasma Phy8ice" Vestn. Kharikov. volitelthn. in-ta (Bulletin Of Kharikov PalytechnIcal Instituto), 1970, No 50(98), ;p 53-~_6_Tf_rom RZK,;--S-lsktronika i Xeye 2,jtRcn 0 January 1971,Abstract No I.A236) .Tranalationt. A system is described which is Intended for automation of the an- alysis of the signals of diagnostic data unite [AaT141i1( jroacoried on a -ehoto- graphic film in experiments of plasma phyeice. This uystsm, conotructed oil the base of the 'Dnepr' controller, inoludee a speoially developed device for Intra- duction into the machine of graphic inforkation. ill. 3 ~raf. Summary.